=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maikel | Du dum du dum du dum ... feel so lonesome ... | 12:38 |
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maikel | ... I could cry ... du dum du dum du dum ... | 12:39 |
maikel | Is "Ants" the pants? | 12:39 |
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crimsun | ... | 12:40 |
Jester45 | somone asked me a question along the lines of do you have a dedicated gaming room? | 12:44 |
Jester45 | becuase i told him how many computer i have just for games | 12:44 |
Jester45 | and i told him yes | 12:44 |
Jester45 | well hes my friend so hes been at my house | 12:44 |
Jester45 | and he asked? | 12:45 |
Jester45 | well... where i never found it | 12:45 |
Jester45 | and i said in my room | 12:45 |
Jester45 | it was funny ot me nad him because i have a bedromm thats 1/2 bed space and 1/2 computer space | 12:45 |
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whitehat | hello. i'm looking for a pcmci or usb thumb wireless for a toshiba satellite 4060xcdt. ideas? | 12:55 |
whitehat | for a xubuntu 6.10 linux | 12:55 |
=== Kasplatt [n=n@] has joined #xUbuntu | ||
Kasplatt | I just downloaded rar from rarsoft.com or something, and should I call the directory I untar it into ".rar" or just "rar" ? | 01:06 |
tonyyarusso | !rar | 01:08 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:08 |
Kasplatt | !info unrar-free | 01:09 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 01:09 |
Kasplatt | how do I get it ? | 01:09 |
tonyyarusso | !software | Kasplatt | 01:10 |
ubotu | Kasplatt: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline | 01:10 |
tonyyarusso | through synaptic | 01:10 |
Kasplatt | couldn't find it there. | 01:10 |
tonyyarusso | You probably haven't enabled universe yet | 01:10 |
Kasplatt | guess not | 01:11 |
Kasplatt | what is it and howdo I do it then ? | 01:11 |
tonyyarusso | !universe | 01:11 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 01:11 |
Kasplatt | tonyyarusso, can't I just install it manually ? | 01:11 |
tonyyarusso | Kasplatt: "can", yes, "should", don't know why you'd want to really | 01:12 |
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Kasplatt | tonyyarusso, what do I add to sources.list? | 01:14 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, what to add to sources.list to get universe ? | 01:14 |
tonyyarusso | Kasplatt: The deb line for universe, as explained in those links. use easysource to make it for you if you want | 01:14 |
Kasplatt | okay. | 01:14 |
Kasplatt | !easysource | 01:14 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:14 |
BFTD | Kasplatt google source-o-matic | 01:15 |
BFTD | add all the stuff | 01:15 |
BFTD | even the unsupported | 01:15 |
Kasplatt | I already edited it to get beryl... I don't want beryl to go away | 01:15 |
Kasplatt | okay, thanks | 01:15 |
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Kasplatt | is the feisty release good ? | 01:16 |
BFTD | yes | 01:16 |
Kasplatt | I thought edgy was the newest one | 01:16 |
BFTD | but if your OS is edgy | 01:16 |
BFTD | then go edgy | 01:16 |
BFTD | NOT feisty | 01:16 |
BFTD | not until feisty coems out | 01:16 |
BFTD | its gonna be sweet | 01:16 |
BFTD | :) | 01:16 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, idk, but is beryl in universe ? | 01:16 |
Kasplatt | and I also added AIGLX | 01:17 |
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BFTD | Kasplatt no, beryl is beryl | 01:17 |
BFTD | oh | 01:17 |
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Kasplatt | but all I really need to do is extract a .rar | 01:18 |
j1mc | hi maxamillion | 01:18 |
maxamillion | hello | 01:18 |
maxamillion | !unrar | Kasplatt | 01:18 |
BFTD | !file-roller | 01:18 |
ubotu | file-roller: an archive manager for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 680 kB, installed size 4952 kB | 01:18 |
ubotu | Kasplatt: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:18 |
Kasplatt | magic_ninja, no need | 01:19 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: or if you prefer GNU software .... | 01:19 |
Kasplatt | *maxamillion | 01:19 |
maxamillion | ? | 01:19 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ <--- beryl something is in there | 01:19 |
maxamillion | apparently i came in at the wrong part of that one | 01:19 |
Kasplatt | nonstandard | 01:19 |
BFTD | Kasplatt no duh, thats why I told you to do that. | 01:20 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, do what ? | 01:20 |
BFTD | Kasplatt I pointed you to source-o-matic so that you could use beryl | 01:20 |
Kasplatt | I should not make a new sources.list file ? | 01:21 |
Kasplatt | oh, okay... thanks | 01:21 |
Kasplatt | guess I misunderstood you | 01:21 |
maxamillion | what you shouldn't do is run beryl | 01:21 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, why not ? | 01:21 |
Kasplatt | I like it | 01:21 |
BFTD | maxamillion yeah | 01:22 |
BFTD | I'm cli all the way | 01:22 |
Kasplatt | why not ? | 01:22 |
j1mc | i read that beryl has some non-free software bits in it. | 01:22 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: its a waste of resources, waste of open source programmers concentration when they could be doing better things like adding hardware support, enhancing configuration tools, etc. | 01:23 |
maxamillion | everything about it annoys me | 01:23 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, so I just add the things I want and make a new sources.list file ? and it won't **** up my AIGLX ? | 01:23 |
j1mc | i don't have the link right now, but it came up in an ubuntu developer irc chat. | 01:23 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, okay. | 01:23 |
maxamillion | j1mc: well ... yeah, it has bindings to be able to use nvidia's AIGLX stuff | 01:23 |
Kasplatt | j1mc, I'm not gonna pay for it. | 01:23 |
Kasplatt | I don't use the nvidia part. | 01:23 |
j1mc | Kasplatt: the actual beryl software itself has non-free portions. | 01:24 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: don't get me wrong ... its fun, but it gets old and i do think that open source and linux in general has more important things to worry about then wobbly windows | 01:24 |
Kasplatt | what are backports projects ? | 01:24 |
BFTD | Kasplatt no, chances are it willm ess up you Xserver seeing that you're doing 2 at a time | 01:24 |
j1mc | Kasplatt backports are for when new software is "back ported" to an existing release. | 01:25 |
Kasplatt | I don't want that .. | 01:25 |
Kasplatt | j1mc, okay | 01:25 |
j1mc | for example, if they wnated to put firefox 2.0 in ubuntu dapper drake, they would have to do it via backports. | 01:25 |
Kasplatt | ah, okay. | 01:25 |
Kasplatt | But I want : rar, AIGLX, beryl, Wine (getting cedega tho). | 01:26 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, if it fu**s up my Xserver, what do I do then ? | 01:26 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: get to know the cli | 01:27 |
maxamillion | ;) | 01:27 |
Kasplatt | what is it like ? | 01:27 |
maxamillion | open a terminal window ... image that covers your whole monitor ... that's cli | 01:28 |
j1mc | :-) Kasplatt the cli is very furry and friendly and likes to be petted. | 01:28 |
Kasplatt | I like to play like... maybe Counter-Strike and then I get a message on MSN or something, then I just hold ALT+CTRL and flip over to MSN | 01:28 |
BFTD | haha | 01:28 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: you want to run windows | 01:28 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, sounds awful ? | 01:28 |
Kasplatt | no I do not | 01:28 |
maxamillion | uhmmm... counterstrike and MSN .... i am missing something here | 01:29 |
Kasplatt | not really... | 01:30 |
Kasplatt | well... that's not all I do on my computer ffs | 01:30 |
Kasplatt | BFTD, what happens if my Xserver messes up ? | 01:31 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: the issue with steam is that it won't run in a windowed mode under linux, so giving and removing focus to it is an interesting "hit or miss" situation, so the alt+tab thing might not work for you while in the middle of a CS game | 01:31 |
BFTD | Kasplatt its die's | 01:31 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: if you xserver gets messed up you have to fix it from the cli | 01:32 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, I don't minimize it ? | 01:32 |
Kasplatt | omg... cli = terminal... I've been there once... | 01:32 |
Kasplatt | I hate it | 01:32 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: you ever seen a minimize button on a counterstrike window? | 01:32 |
Kasplatt | no, but alt+tab miinimizes it normally | 01:32 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: on windows | 01:33 |
Kasplatt | yes | 01:33 |
maxamillion | windows != linux | 01:33 |
maxamillion | linux != windows | 01:33 |
Kasplatt | ... ? | 01:33 |
maxamillion | windows does not equal linux and linux does not equal windows | 01:33 |
Kasplatt | Windows is unstable, slow, runs like shit and crashes all the time. | 01:33 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, I know, and I'm trying to learn how to use Linux so I can get away from Windows | 01:34 |
BFTD | !language | 01:34 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:35 |
Kasplatt | tell me a good word instead of "poop" then ? | 01:35 |
Kasplatt | runs like .... ? | 01:35 |
Kasplatt | runs badly then. | 01:35 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: but i don't think you are understanding what i am trying to say ..... steam and cs are self contained, which is why on a windows machine you don't see the windows "close, minimize, maximize" buttons on them and because of that it is using a graphical library that (apparently) is windows specific and thus even when you are running it through virtualization (such as wine, crossover, or cedega) the window manager for the desktop environment yo | 01:37 |
maxamillion | virtualization software* | 01:37 |
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Kasplatt | Sorry, but I don't really understand that. My English isn't flawless. | 01:39 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: it would also require a little software development background to fully understand what i am saying | 01:39 |
Kasplatt | OS specific I guess. | 01:40 |
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maxamillion | uhmm... yeah, that's a good way to put it .... | 01:40 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: basically windows handles steam and counterstrike a certain way, and even though cedega might try to "copy cat" the way that happens ... it isn't perfect | 01:41 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, yes ? | 01:41 |
BFTD | where's jester? | 01:42 |
maxamillion | BFTD: no clue | 01:42 |
BFTD | pity | 01:42 |
maxamillion | why so? | 01:42 |
BFTD | I wonder what type of bot ubotu is | 01:43 |
maxamillion | i think its an eggdrop ... could be wrong though | 01:43 |
tonyyarusso | It's a supybot currently - possibly to change to a custom-written | 01:44 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, so lets say I use beryl as a window manager, and I run Counter-Strike. and then say, someone writes me a message in MSN (which I have running on another 'side' of the cube) and turn the cube around to go to the MSN and write back to the person who wrote to me, and then go back to playing. What is the problem with that ? Sorry for being thick, but I don't really get it. | 01:44 |
Kasplatt | Could that cause my Xserver to crash/mess up ? | 01:45 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: in theory that should work, but i don't know if beryl could handle alt+tab to minize counterstrike if you had msn on the same workspace | 01:45 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: could it? ... sure ... alot of things can, but something like that would just be a program crash and you can just restart the X server and everything would be fine | 01:46 |
Kasplatt | Okay. | 01:46 |
maxamillion | or atleast it should be fine ... i've never seen a program that crashes out X cause it to not be able to restart | 01:47 |
Kasplatt | But we actually started talking about AIGLX being on my sources.list. And that I "have" to make a new one through source-o-matic to get rar or unrar. And since AIGLX is not on the universe "package" I asked if it would run without problems. | 01:48 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, okay. | 01:48 |
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Kasplatt | BFTD, you said I should add everything ? | 01:48 |
maxamillion | i've never used sourceomatic | 01:48 |
BFTD | Kasplatt yes | 01:48 |
BFTD | bye all | 01:49 |
Kasplatt | Does everything appear on "Add/Remove Software" or I use apt-get ? | 01:49 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: if you would like a graphical program, use synaptic ... but no, not everything will show up in add/remove | 01:51 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, isn't synaptic and add/remove the same ? | 01:51 |
cellofellow | I used Source-o-Matic once upon a time. It messed me up. | 01:52 |
Kasplatt | cellofellow, okay, thanks :) | 01:52 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: no | 01:52 |
cellofellow | aptitude rocks | 01:53 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: yes ... yes it does | 01:53 |
maxamillion | :) | 01:53 |
=== maxamillion huggles aptitude | ||
maxamillion | w00t ... off work in 5 minutes | 01:53 |
Kasplatt | no I found out | 01:54 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, it does mess you up ? | 01:55 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: what? | 01:55 |
Kasplatt | sourceomatic messes you up ? | 01:55 |
Kasplatt | oh... aptitude | 01:55 |
maxamillion | i don't think sourceomatic messes you up ... i just have never used it, i edit my config files by hand ... i've been using linux since back when there was no synaptic and there was no beryl and you had to edit all your configuration files by hand | 01:56 |
Kasplatt | cellofellow, do you know an easy way to get rar to work ? | 01:56 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: install unrar | 01:56 |
maxamillion | it is that easy | 01:57 |
maxamillion | ok ... i'm off work | 01:57 |
cellofellow | !rar | 01:57 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:57 |
maxamillion | laters | 01:57 |
Kasplatt | unrar... okay, I will | 01:57 |
=== Kasplatt [n=n@] has joined #xUbuntu | ||
Kasplatt | !info unrar-free | 02:01 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 02:01 |
Kasplatt | where should I unpack it ? | 02:04 |
=== grazie_ [n=grazie@host86-139-111-219.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Kasplatt | omg.. it's just the source fr it | 02:06 |
Kasplatt | *for | 02:06 |
grazie | Kasplatt: what's the problemo? | 02:09 |
Kasplatt | rar | 02:09 |
Kasplatt | or unrar | 02:10 |
Kasplatt | I need to extract a library | 02:10 |
Kasplatt | *file | 02:11 |
=== tute666 [n=tute666@4-130-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Kasplatt | grazie, I need rar to extract a .rar file | 02:11 |
tute666 | apt-get install unrar | 02:11 |
grazie | Kasplatt: can't you do it in the same/similar way as you were doing .tar.gz earlier? | 02:12 |
Kasplatt | grazie, it says that rar and unrar are unknown commands | 02:13 |
tute666 | Kasplatt: sudo apt-get install unrar | 02:13 |
Qew | because you need to install it to use it, do what tute666 has said | 02:13 |
Kasplatt | tute666, that doesn't work | 02:13 |
Kasplatt | it doesn't work | 02:13 |
tute666 | Kasplatt: why? what exacltly does it say? | 02:13 |
tute666 | *exactly | 02:13 |
tute666 | "it doesn't work" isnt a helpful way of asking questions | 02:14 |
Kasplatt | E: Package unrar has no installation candidate | 02:14 |
tute666 | Kasplatt: sudo apt-get install rar ? | 02:14 |
Kasplatt | yes | 02:14 |
Kasplatt | oh wait | 02:14 |
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Kasplatt | same | 02:14 |
tute666 | !unrar | 02:15 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:15 |
Qew | wait, have you enabled the repository Multiverse? | 02:15 |
Qew | bah | 02:15 |
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tute666 | !info unrar-free | 02:15 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 02:15 |
Kasplatt | sorry | 02:15 |
Qew | wait, have you enabled the repository Multiverse? | 02:15 |
Qew | and Universe | 02:15 |
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=== grazie_ [n=grazie@host86-139-111-219.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
tute666 | Kasplatt: sudo apt-get install unrar-free. should do the trick | 02:16 |
maxamillion | tute666: i've been telling him that for roughly an hour now | 02:16 |
Kasplatt | thaanks dude ! | 02:16 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: do you just ignore me? | 02:16 |
tute666 | LOL | 02:17 |
Qew | heh | 02:17 |
tute666 | ROFL | 02:17 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, you didn't explain it as well as he did... sorry | 02:17 |
Eagle_101 | ok, I can't hear but others that can hear are going to be using this computer, any way to confirm that the sound driver is working? | 02:17 |
maxamillion | i told you to install either unrar or unrar-free | 02:17 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, sorry, I tried rar and unrar | 02:17 |
maxamillion | Eagle_101: uhmmm... not that i know of | 02:17 |
grazie | Eagle_101: noise coming out of speakers usually :) | 02:17 |
Eagle_101 | :S | 02:17 |
Eagle_101 | no way to confirm this vie any sort of command? | 02:18 |
Eagle_101 | lovely then I will just assume it works :P | 02:18 |
grazie | !sound | Eagle_101 | 02:18 |
ubotu | Eagle_101: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:18 |
maxamillion | Eagle_101: all you can confirm is that something is trying to communicate with the speakers, not that they actually function (atleast in my findings) | 02:18 |
=== _3oo3 [n=Royalty@nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Eagle_101 | mmm ok | 02:18 |
Eagle_101 | thanks | 02:19 |
=== comradec [n=comrade@c-71-58-80-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
comradec | does anyone know what file gdm uses to load the windows manager and startup programs | 02:19 |
comradec | it like refeses to acknowledge an xinit in my home dir | 02:19 |
_3oo3 | ? what's xubuntu?? | 02:20 |
Kasplatt | Xfce Ubuntu | 02:20 |
maxamillion | comradec: i answered that question 2 days ago | 02:21 |
comradec | it didnt work | 02:21 |
tute666 | maxamillion: a difficult question: how do i get a us-latin1 charmap to work with the special chars? | 02:21 |
maxamillion | comradec: the /usr/share/xsessions/ directory? ... the files in there control it | 02:21 |
maxamillion | tute666: you got my stumped on that one ;) | 02:21 |
_3oo3 | Kasplatt: im sorry that doesn't make any sense to me | 02:21 |
Kasplatt | what is the command to use unrar-free ? | 02:21 |
grazie | Eagle_101: a lot of media mplayers will report problem with sound. However, they will not report mixer channels being muted (always check mixer) | 02:21 |
=== zenrox [i=zenrox@pool-71-115-200-45.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
tute666 | maxamillion: :D gnome is much simple, it just uses the x11 thingy | 02:22 |
tute666 | Kasplatt: unrar e filename | 02:22 |
Eagle_101 | grazie, ok thanks, I would rather not be trying to fix sound if I possibly can >.> | 02:22 |
comradec | maxamillion: yea but it has to use something to select those and launch that file | 02:22 |
Kasplatt | tute666, thanks | 02:22 |
tute666 | or unrar x filename (with directories) | 02:22 |
maxamillion | tute666: xfce does too | 02:22 |
Kasplatt | _3oo3, me neither | 02:22 |
Kasplatt | tute666, guess that is better | 02:22 |
_3oo3 | well, so what is it | 02:22 |
comradec | I dont want to depend on gdm to choose what windows manager I want to launch | 02:22 |
tute666 | _3oo3: ubuntu with xfce as a desktop | 02:23 |
grazie | Eagle_101: media players like xmms and audacious have a visual graphic output too (v.good indication) | 02:23 |
Eagle_101 | mmm ok, I will try that :D | 02:23 |
tute666 | maxamillion: mh, not sure. i cant get composite chars to work. it just ignores me holding shift down | 02:23 |
tute666 | lets see is ubuntu-es knows someting about it | 02:24 |
Kasplatt | you could also take a big bass and put your hands to it to feel the sound... lol, | 02:24 |
Eagle_101 | grazie, looks like the commands like amixer ect are working ok | 02:24 |
_3oo3 | tute666: yeah someone said that earlier, but I don't know what that means | 02:24 |
tute666 | _3oo3: the graphical thingy changes slightly. apart from that, nothing | 02:25 |
Eagle_101 | Kasplatt, that would work :D just I don't want to wake the place up right now :P | 02:25 |
Kasplatt | Oh... hehe :P | 02:25 |
Eagle_101 | I heard loud sounds tend to wake folks up | 02:26 |
Kasplatt | It's a fact. | 02:26 |
Kasplatt | :P | 02:26 |
Kasplatt | where do cedega files go ? | 02:27 |
Kasplatt | Eagle_101, You don't hear anything at all ? | 02:27 |
Eagle_101 | Kasplatt, very little (has to be loud) | 02:27 |
Kasplatt | Eagle_101, Ah, yes :) | 02:27 |
Eagle_101 | and well I don't think "testing linux" is a good reason for waking folks up :P | 02:28 |
grazie | Eagle_101: I usually use alsamizer (in terminal) to check the channels. MM at the bottom of a channel indicates muting. Use 'sudo alsactl store' to save settings. | 02:28 |
Kasplatt | lol | 02:28 |
Eagle_101 | grazie, thanks | 02:28 |
grazie | alsamixer* | 02:29 |
Kasplatt | Eagle_101, that would let you find out at least. ppl come and tell you to turn it down = it works :P | 02:29 |
Eagle_101 | Kasplatt, yeah, but then they ask wtf am I playing loud music for :P | 02:29 |
Kasplatt | lol | 02:30 |
Kasplatt | :D | 02:30 |
Eagle_101 | lol, I don't play much music... so it would be rather odd :P | 02:30 |
Eagle_101 | ah yeah grazie one of them is mute | 02:30 |
Eagle_101 | :S | 02:30 |
grazie | master and pcm are usually the ones to look for, but sometimes there's others that can cause no sound to be output | 02:32 |
Eagle_101 | yeah master was mute :S | 02:32 |
grazie | so why you bothered anyway? | 02:32 |
_3oo3 | tute666: can you be more clear? | 02:33 |
Eagle_101 | grazie, so that others can use this computer | 02:33 |
grazie | ok | 02:33 |
Eagle_101 | and not be where is my sound :S | 02:33 |
=== j1mc [n=jim@adsl-75-21-78-129.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
tute666 | _3oo3: if im clearer, you wouldnt understand. the desktop enviroment is different. | 02:34 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, xfce is a different enviroment from KDE or GNOME | 02:35 |
Kasplatt | tute666, unrar command doesn't work | 02:35 |
Eagle_101 | http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce | 02:35 |
Eagle_101 | oops | 02:35 |
Eagle_101 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce | 02:36 |
tute666 | Kasplatt: rar? | 02:36 |
Eagle_101 | best way I can help you is to ask you to have a look see _3oo3 | 02:36 |
tute666 | unrar-free | 02:36 |
tute666 | one of those must work | 02:36 |
_3oo3 | dude I know what XFCE is, I don't know what UBUNTU is | 02:36 |
Kasplatt | I use that ? unrar-free x <file> <destination> ? | 02:36 |
Eagle_101 | oh | 02:36 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, ubuntu is the distro | 02:37 |
tute666 | one of those | 02:37 |
=== Eagle_101 grabs another link | ||
Kasplatt | tute666, it worked :D | 02:37 |
Eagle_101 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_distribution | 02:37 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, put it shortly there are many "types" of linux | 02:38 |
_3oo3 | well, im certainly not an idiot | 02:38 |
_3oo3 | all i hear is 'were a linux distro' | 02:38 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, not saying you are ;) | 02:38 |
Eagle_101 | ok, so you know what a distro is right? | 02:38 |
=== ComputerHermit [n=Computer@cpe-066-056-202-006.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
_3oo3 | i dont want the milk carton i want the diesel truck that's driving it, bud | 02:39 |
Eagle_101 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xubuntu | 02:40 |
Eagle_101 | do those help? | 02:40 |
Eagle_101 | those are the 3 primary ubuntu derivatives | 02:40 |
_3oo3 | *sigh* | 02:40 |
R[coding] ndom | sup? | 02:41 |
_3oo3 | it's just the x server | 02:41 |
=== R[coding] ndom is now known as R[a] ndom | ||
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, perhaps I'm not understanding your question? | 02:41 |
_3oo3 | i'm saying 'what is ubuntu' and youre telling me what windows manager it runs | 02:41 |
Eagle_101 | ok | 02:41 |
R[a] ndom | ubuntu is a debian derivative | 02:41 |
R[a] ndom | polished up to be nicer to the end user | 02:41 |
Eagle_101 | Ubuntu (IPA pronunciation: /u'buntu/) is a widely used Linux distribution predominantly targeted at personal computers. Based on Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu concentrates on usability, regular releases, ease of installation, and freedom from legal restrictions. Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical Ltd., a private company founded by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. | 02:42 |
Eagle_101 | there straight from wikipedia | 02:42 |
ComputerHermit | hey people I have a question in the fourm and its killing me on how to do this root fun that Iam haveing | 02:42 |
ComputerHermit | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=378029 | 02:42 |
ComputerHermit | if someone can help I'll realy be greatful | 02:42 |
R[a] ndom | wtf is with all the guitars? | 02:43 |
_3oo3 | what do they mean by 'free from legal restrictions', and that barely answers my question | 02:43 |
ComputerHermit | I play guitar | 02:43 |
ComputerHermit | I meat eddie van halen | 02:43 |
ComputerHermit | meet* | 02:43 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, you are asking us what is ubuntu? correct? | 02:43 |
ComputerHermit | lol damm | 02:43 |
_3oo3 | sure | 02:43 |
R[a] ndom | no not sure | 02:43 |
R[a] ndom | what do you want to know | 02:43 |
R[a] ndom | hes trying man | 02:44 |
_3oo3 | ok, first, is it daemon based or is it a mutant | 02:44 |
Sanctusorium | Hi | 02:44 |
ComputerHermit | how do I install xubuntu from source | 02:44 |
tonyyarusso | ComputerHermit: erm, why would you want to? | 02:44 |
_3oo3 | ok, for instance, let's use slackware as one comparison, and freeBSD as another, for a non-linux comparison | 02:44 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, that I honestly don't know, I'm new myself | 02:45 |
tute666 | tonyyarusso: speed. | 02:45 |
=== _3oo3 slaps his head | ||
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, this isn't really a dev channel, its mostly a help-the-noobs channel | 02:45 |
_3oo3 | yeah, but I ask it in the dev channel and they say its off-topic, go to the ubuntu support channels | 02:45 |
=== R[a] ndom slaps his head | ||
ComputerHermit | I think xubuntu is a bit better then kubuntu | 02:45 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, I think it is a mutant, but I don't know what the definition of a mutant is | 02:45 |
R[a] ndom | Eagle_101, dont try man, if you dont know | 02:45 |
ComputerHermit | so I'll have all then | 02:45 |
Eagle_101 | R[a] ndom, ok :D | 02:46 |
ComputerHermit | x k u ed | 02:46 |
=== Eagle_101 is hoping someone will know :P | ||
Kasplatt | can't get it to work | 02:46 |
ComputerHermit | what is it xfac | 02:46 |
_3oo3 | i mean, is there anyone in the world of ubuntu, from end user to developer, that can explain what it even is?! | 02:46 |
ComputerHermit | sometime like that | 02:46 |
j1mc | xubuntu is a mutant . . . it emerged from the swamps as a small, cute mouse . . . but it grew . . . | 02:46 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, I feel for you man.. can't you google for that kind of stuff? | 02:46 |
j1mc | _3oo3: it's an operating system. | 02:47 |
tute666 | lol | 02:47 |
ComputerHermit | R[a] ndom you dont like music and chicks and guitars | 02:47 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, and please at least acknowledge that what youre asking is not terribly important to most users. | 02:47 |
tonyyarusso | ComputerHermit: Well, I don't really know about doing the whole system from scratch, but: You could install a minimal system from the alternate CD, install build tools (build-essential, pbuilder, whatever else you like) and do the rest from there. | 02:47 |
_3oo3 | j1mc: wow dude, dont waste my time | 02:48 |
ComputerHermit | yea I used linux for a few years now I like deb | 02:48 |
ComputerHermit | this is my first time useing deb | 02:48 |
ComputerHermit | though | 02:48 |
tonyyarusso | ComputerHermit: Would take a while of course, but you must be used to that. pbuilder gives you the .deb, so you still have the package management goodness, but it's a deb compiled on your own system. | 02:48 |
ComputerHermit | :-\ | 02:48 |
ComputerHermit | mmmm I do the tz | 02:49 |
tonyyarusso | ComputerHermit: honestly though, I'm not convinced it would be worth it, personally | 02:49 |
tute666 | im using xfce compiled from source | 02:49 |
_3oo3 | I asked in the #ubuntu-meeting channel and alll I got was superficial 'we know but we have no desire to tell you' crap | 02:49 |
ComputerHermit | tonypepperoni | 02:49 |
j1mc | _3oo3: you asked what xubuntu is. it's a computer operating system. | 02:49 |
ComputerHermit | I here ya | 02:49 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, really? | 02:50 |
ComputerHermit | chill the fuck out | 02:50 |
_3oo3 | yeah i imagine they didn't know | 02:50 |
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R[a] ndom | _3oo3, well if theres anything I can tell you by looking at my install, id be glad to help | 02:50 |
R[a] ndom | otherwise I guess I suggest the livecd | 02:50 |
R[a] ndom | or asking the debian ppl, as its the same distro | 02:50 |
R[a] ndom | (give or take) | 02:51 |
Eagle_101 | though if you get a reply I would like to know myself :P | 02:51 |
tute666 | honestly mate. | 02:51 |
=== Eagle_101 googles | ||
tute666 | its an operating system, based on linux. what else do you want to know? | 02:51 |
_3oo3 | R[a] ndom: im thinking the debian people might be a little more informed about it, too | 02:51 |
R[a] ndom | tute666, please stop | 02:51 |
R[a] ndom | ok you too | 02:52 |
_3oo3 | thx for...uhh...yeah. thx. | 02:52 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, stop being such a tool | 02:52 |
Qew | _3oo3: what *exactly* is your question? | 02:52 |
R[a] ndom | excellent | 02:52 |
tute666 | R[a] ndom: fine fine. srry | 02:52 |
=== R[a] ndom sits back | ||
=== tute666 makes popcorn | ||
=== j1mc gets some cheetos | ||
_3oo3 | R[a] ndom: tool? lol wtf are you talking about? I research the tools I use...seems like you just installed them, huh? ;) | 02:52 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, thats what I'm talking about | 02:53 |
=== j1mc eats some cheetos | ||
=== grazie falls asleep | ||
Sanctusorium | <___< | 02:53 |
_3oo3 | R[a] ndom: exactly. | 02:53 |
R[a] ndom | then again, at this point, you're obviously a troll | 02:53 |
=== tute666 nods | ||
=== j1mc nods, then licks some of the cheese off of his fingers. | ||
_3oo3 | Qew: `my question was more like what exactly are the differences between ubuntu and other os's, like let's say debian and a BSD or unix system? | 02:54 |
=== j1mc continues eating cheetos | ||
Sanctusorium | How technical of an anwser are you looking for? | 02:54 |
=== j1mc eats more and more cheetos | ||
Eagle_101 | heck I can't even find the answer on google | 02:54 |
Eagle_101 | :S /me changes query from xubuntu to debian | 02:55 |
Qew | Sanctusorium: exactly... maybe Google would be a better waste of time | 02:55 |
_3oo3 | Sanctusorium: at this point I'll take what I can get...I'm not real impressed by the community for ubuntu so far | 02:55 |
tute666 | _3oo3: ubuntu is a debian system, with added user-friendlyness in the avatar of pretty much: GUI's for most common customization and setup/installation tasks | 02:55 |
_3oo3 | ok, so it's debian with a polished installer, is what I'm hearing | 02:55 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, hate to tell you I don't know this OS inside and out | 02:55 |
_3oo3 | Eagle_101: that's fine | 02:55 |
Eagle_101 | if you want people who know that, I would try somewhere like gentoo :S | 02:56 |
_3oo3 | haha gentoo | 02:56 |
Eagle_101 | as gentoo you have to build from source | 02:56 |
=== aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | I am a newb, so I cant tell you much. But the main difference is that Ubuntu is designed for userfriendliness | 02:56 |
_3oo3 | I got that...but I haevn't heard *why* | 02:56 |
Kasplatt | I can't get unrar-free to work properly | 02:56 |
_3oo3 | sorry I mean *how* | 02:56 |
Sanctusorium | Why/ how? | 02:57 |
Kasplatt | I got a passworded .rar file... howdo I do then ? | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | I wouldnt know, this is my first Linux distro. | 02:57 |
Kasplatt | -px ? | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | But from what I have gathered... | 02:57 |
Qew | Kasplatt: when it asks for the pass, put the correct pass in | 02:57 |
Kasplatt | unrar-free -px <file> <dest> ? | 02:57 |
tute666 | _3oo3: GUI's for most common installation/setup tasks. | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | Ubuntu relies LESS on the shell | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | And more on the GUI... | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | However... | 02:57 |
Eagle_101 | _3oo3, I guess I can say that installing xubuntu is about as easy as installing XP (minus the product key ;) ) | 02:57 |
Kasplatt | Qew, unrar-free -px <file> <dest> ? | 02:57 |
Sanctusorium | I could be compleatly wrong. | 02:57 |
_3oo3 | i also heard that alot of the CLI utilities are missing or changed drastically | 02:58 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Not really. | 02:58 |
R[a] ndom | _3oo3, compared to other flavours of linux? | 02:58 |
R[a] ndom | compared to bsd/UNIX, yeah theyre a bit different | 02:58 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Some are omitted by design, but they're available. | 02:58 |
_3oo3 | R[a] ndom: both linux and BSD systems | 02:58 |
R[a] ndom | but theyre a pretty standard linux set | 02:58 |
tute666 | O_o | 02:58 |
j1mc | /exit | 02:58 |
j1mc | /exit | 02:58 |
=== j1mc [n=jim@adsl-75-21-78-129.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
R[a] ndom | anything in specific? | 02:58 |
_3oo3 | yeah, what about hardware support comparisons | 02:59 |
_3oo3 | hotplug detection, etc. | 02:59 |
_3oo3 | wizards | 02:59 |
Eagle_101 | well it detects my USB stick alright | 02:59 |
_3oo3 | lol | 02:59 |
Eagle_101 | found my CD burner | 02:59 |
Eagle_101 | dunno about sound | 02:59 |
R[a] ndom | I suggest google once again, as this kind of stuff has surely been discussed | 02:59 |
Eagle_101 | I don't hear it >.> | 02:59 |
tute666 | _3oo3: ive only heard of a few cases of weird shit not working. | 03:00 |
Eagle_101 | but yeah google is your friend :P | 03:00 |
tonyyarusso | The only thing that isn't ootb here is a winmodem, which works with a non-free driver | 03:00 |
tute666 | i.e. laptop specific cards or similar | 03:00 |
Sanctusorium | If you REALLY want to find out the differences and nobody can tell you... | 03:00 |
Sanctusorium | I suggest you look at the source =b | 03:00 |
Sanctusorium | That will tell you about the inner workings | 03:01 |
Sanctusorium | Good luck though | 03:01 |
=== cycro [n=robert@CPE0040f4d45ca8-CM014130004988.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
_3oo3 | well to be honest, I was interested in exploring options with it, but due to the nature of the responses I got from both developers and users in the community, I think I will be better keeping my network using BSD systems. Thanks anyway, but I'm no longer inquiring about it. | 03:01 |
_3oo3 | It's a support thing. I don't feel like it's ready for serious application. | 03:02 |
_3oo3 | thx anyway | 03:02 |
=== _3oo3 [n=Royalty@nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu] has left #xubuntu [""I] | ||
Sanctusorium | Yep | 03:02 |
Sanctusorium | o.0; | 03:02 |
=== tonyyarusso puts down the troll-B-gone | ||
Sanctusorium | Sorry, but what an ass. | 03:02 |
posingaspopular | just do a /ignore man | 03:03 |
Sanctusorium | Meh, I only do that if they are insulting me personally. | 03:03 |
Eagle_101 | and I still can't get google to tell me if it is deamon based or not >.> | 03:03 |
Sanctusorium | Ok... | 03:03 |
Eagle_101 | I can see why he is frustrated >.< | 03:03 |
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
PuMpErNiCkLe | Is what daemon based? | 03:04 |
Eagle_101 | is this xubuntu deamon based | 03:04 |
tute666 | lol | 03:04 |
tonyyarusso | Guys, don't worry about him. He couldn't even comprehend the concept of #ubuntu-meeting; was just joining large the channels for major OSs and poking around. | 03:04 |
tute666 | daemon based. what a lot of bs | 03:04 |
R[a] ndom | yeah I knew a guy at school who was a hardcore BSD jerk | 03:05 |
R[a] ndom | not that bad, but still | 03:05 |
R[a] ndom | a year later, he was running XP | 03:05 |
R[a] ndom | ;) | 03:05 |
Eagle_101 | well it don't show up in google >.> one hit from distrowatch, no info | 03:05 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | There are daemons. Not sure what you mean by daemon based. | 03:05 |
Sanctusorium | <_< | 03:05 |
Sanctusorium | OH GOD! | 03:05 |
Sanctusorium | THE EVIL SOUND OF FAILING HDD | 03:05 |
Eagle_101 | blue smoke? | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | I heard actuator sounds <_< | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | No... more of them | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | ewwwwww | 03:06 |
=== Eagle_101 just watches for blue smoke, no smoke, all is well >.> | ||
Sanctusorium | *clank* | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | *clank* | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | Argh | 03:06 |
tute666 | Sanctusorium: backup. fast | 03:06 |
Sanctusorium | Dont got any importiant stuff on the linux drive | 03:07 |
Sanctusorium | Thank go | 03:07 |
Sanctusorium | *God | 03:07 |
Sanctusorium | All the importiant stuff is on the Windows drive.... Which isn't failing | 03:07 |
tute666 | sure? | 03:08 |
Kasplatt | 93 % of my HDD was games | 03:08 |
Kasplatt | *partition | 03:09 |
Sanctusorium | Yep, just started using Linux.... | 03:09 |
Sanctusorium | This HDD freaked out on me awhile back | 03:09 |
Sanctusorium | And failed all together | 03:09 |
Sanctusorium | I hit it <___< | 03:09 |
Sanctusorium | And booted back up, woked again | 03:09 |
Kasplatt | brb | 03:10 |
tute666 | the _hit things_ school of maintenance | 03:10 |
R[a] ndom | I had a brand new drive blow out blue smoke | 03:10 |
R[a] ndom | rebooted the computer, and its been fine for 3 years now | 03:10 |
Eagle_101 | heh | 03:10 |
tute666 | O_o | 03:10 |
R[a] ndom | lots of smoke too | 03:10 |
Eagle_101 | blue smoke !-= good | 03:10 |
Sanctusorium | <____< | 03:11 |
R[a] ndom | I'm not familiar with that equality | 03:11 |
Sanctusorium | Not | 03:11 |
Sanctusorium | Er... | 03:11 |
Sanctusorium | Didnt see the - | 03:11 |
R[a] ndom | heh | 03:11 |
Eagle_101 | sorry :P | 03:11 |
R[a] ndom | not less equal | 03:11 |
tute666 | not less than? | 03:11 |
R[a] ndom | that would be !< | 03:11 |
tute666 | true | 03:11 |
Sanctusorium | Hmmm | 03:11 |
Eagle_101 | != (with a hit of the - key as well) | 03:11 |
R[a] ndom | I se-e | 03:12 |
Sanctusorium | (!-=) = error? | 03:12 |
Eagle_101 | yeah I would hope >.< | 03:12 |
Sanctusorium | Oh | 03:12 |
Sanctusorium | Before I forget | 03:12 |
Sanctusorium | http://www.pastebin.ca/384416 | 03:12 |
Sanctusorium | Any one know why those are failing when I do a apt-get update? | 03:12 |
R[a] ndom | probably for the reasons given | 03:13 |
Sanctusorium | Welll | 03:13 |
Sanctusorium | How to fix? | 03:13 |
R[a] ndom | download the gpg key from the 3rd party sites | 03:13 |
R[a] ndom | remove the duplicate entries | 03:13 |
Sanctusorium | Easy as that? | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | yeah, the first source needs this: | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | wget http://seveas.imbrandon.com/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | the second one needs | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 6A423791 | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | sudo gpg --fingerprint 6A423791 | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | sudo gpg --armor --export 6A423791| sudo apt-key add - | 03:14 |
R[a] ndom | etc | 03:15 |
=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #xubuntu | ||
R[a] ndom | (I'm just googling these) | 03:15 |
Sanctusorium | <___< | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | jeff@Nevitas:~$ sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 6A423791 | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | Password: | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/jeff/.gnupg/gpg.conf' | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | gpg: keyserver communications error: general error | 03:16 |
Sanctusorium | gpg: keyserver receive failed: general error | 03:16 |
tute666 | theres kind of no point in the key if there lying around on google | 03:16 |
R[a] ndom | tute666, ? | 03:16 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | tute666: Key pairs. There's only the public key available. | 03:16 |
R[a] ndom | while its true that it would be more secure coming from a trusted keyserver, it is still decent security getting it from the sites themselves | 03:17 |
tute666 | i know. what's the point of a encypted connection if anybody can donwload the content? | 03:17 |
R[a] ndom | so you know who made it | 03:17 |
R[a] ndom | with that key, I cant make fake packages | 03:18 |
R[a] ndom | you'd need the private key | 03:18 |
Sanctusorium | ANy thing I can do about that error message? | 03:18 |
tute666 | mkay. that makes some sense | 03:18 |
R[a] ndom | read up on it, its a smart system | 03:18 |
=== Kasplatt [n=n@] has joined #xUbuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | Me? | 03:19 |
R[a] ndom | nope | 03:19 |
R[a] ndom | I just ignored you | 03:19 |
R[a] ndom | I'll look now | 03:19 |
Sanctusorium | ;.; | 03:19 |
Sanctusorium | Thanks ;D | 03:19 |
R[a] ndom | I got tonnes of hits, I'm going to have to say http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/ | 03:20 |
R[a] ndom | ah I should have attached the query to it. | 03:20 |
R[a] ndom | ah well :) | 03:20 |
maxamillion | !rtfm | 03:21 |
ubotu | Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 03:21 |
maxamillion | ... well, its close | 03:22 |
maxamillion | R[a] ndom: be nice | 03:22 |
R[a] ndom | not meant in a rude way at all, tho I do remember now the sits is a tad insulting | 03:22 |
Sanctusorium | I would love to google it, not sure what to google for though =b | 03:22 |
R[a] ndom | oh, copy/paste some of the error in | 03:22 |
maxamillion | ;) | 03:23 |
R[a] ndom | gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe a permissions | 03:23 |
R[a] ndom | I chose that | 03:23 |
R[a] ndom | oh weird | 03:25 |
Sanctusorium | <.< | 03:25 |
Sanctusorium | You cant do it in sudo | 03:25 |
Sanctusorium | btw | 03:26 |
Sanctusorium | what is rtfm? | 03:26 |
Sanctusorium | I got a guess ;b | 03:27 |
tonyyarusso | Sanctusorium: Read the fantabulous manual ;) | 03:27 |
Sanctusorium | And that was it... | 03:27 |
Sanctusorium | Almost | 03:27 |
tute666 | lol | 03:28 |
tonyyarusso | That's the docteam version | 03:28 |
=== T`2 is now known as T` | ||
Kasplatt | Can't I play Counter-Strike against Windows users ? | 03:37 |
s|k | are there any games I can get for xubuntu | 03:39 |
s|k | like solitary? | 03:39 |
s|k | :/ | 03:39 |
s|k | or hearts? | 03:39 |
tute666 | s|k: apt-cache search solitaire | 03:39 |
tute666 | s|k: apt-cache search hearts | 03:40 |
s|k | is there a game package? | 03:40 |
s|k | that I could install | 03:40 |
s|k | instead of like | 03:40 |
tute666 | mh... not sure if there is a metapackage | 03:40 |
s|k | finding them all one at a time | 03:40 |
s|k | hrm | 03:40 |
tute666 | lets see | 03:40 |
tute666 | for kde there is kdegames | 03:40 |
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s|k | yeah that's why I was asking if there was an xfce one | 03:40 |
tute666 | not probable. | 03:41 |
s|k | :( | 03:41 |
s|k | when I had xfce with slackware it had games | 03:41 |
s|k | :/ | 03:41 |
tute666 | yeah. pero there not xfce games | 03:41 |
tute666 | there just games | 03:41 |
s|k | oh | 03:41 |
s|k | I wonder how hard it is to make a metapackage | 03:42 |
s|k | it's possible with python right? | 03:42 |
s|k | I do python web development | 03:42 |
tute666 | dunno. i've no idea how .deb metapackages work | 03:42 |
tute666 | i imagine its just an empty package with dependencies | 03:42 |
s|k | I see | 03:43 |
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vidd | anyone know about the bcm43xx? | 05:03 |
Eagle_101 | !bcm43xx | 05:04 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:04 |
vidd | been there | 05:04 |
Eagle_101 | vidd, I would try looking there, I don't know much myself | 05:04 |
vidd | i went there first | 05:04 |
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vidd | *wave* cellofellow | 05:05 |
cellofellow | hi | 05:06 |
vidd | you ever mess around with wireless? | 05:06 |
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J-_ | what weather report tool does xubuntu use for looking up local weather/forecast? | 06:13 |
cellofellow | a panel applet | 06:15 |
J-_ | hmm yeah. would I be able to use that one in ubuntu instead of xubuntu? | 06:26 |
cellofellow | I believe Ubuntu has its own panel applet. | 06:27 |
J-_ | yeah it does, but I like the xubuntu one better =( | 06:27 |
cellofellow | dunno what to say. I use an adesklets widget for weather. | 06:29 |
J-_ | cool | 06:29 |
J-_ | adesklets any better than gdesklets? | 06:29 |
cellofellow | faster, lighter, less features and not QUITE as pretty. | 06:30 |
J-_ | ah i see | 06:30 |
cellofellow | and an xfce mode. | 06:30 |
J-_ | cool, thanks for the info =) | 06:30 |
cellofellow | (add --xfce4 to the command line for the xfce stuff.) | 06:30 |
cellofellow | ok | 06:30 |
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grumpymole | 6P | 07:40 |
grumpymole | sorry - ignore | 07:40 |
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Darkkish | so | 07:42 |
Darkkish | currently | 07:42 |
Darkkish | i'm using 98MB of memory | 07:42 |
Darkkish | out of 478 | 07:42 |
Darkkish | just before i restarted, I had no programs open | 07:43 |
Darkkish | yet i was using over 300MB | 07:43 |
Darkkish | any idea why? | 07:43 |
Darkkish | and is there a way to fix it? | 07:43 |
Darkkish | nvm | 07:55 |
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Guard] [an | hi, i'm using xubuntu on a laptop, is there some xfce equivalent to gnome-power-manager ? or is gnome-power-manager just fine ? | 09:14 |
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Kasplatt | how do I turn off Hook processes ? (trying to run Sldner on Wine) | 10:41 |
TheSheep | Hook? | 10:43 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: try on #wine maybe... | 10:43 |
Kasplatt | Yeah, it says hook process(es) running. Please shut off all antivirus and trojan scanners. or something | 10:44 |
Kasplatt | TheSheep, not a message from Wine, message from Sldner | 10:44 |
TheSheep | haha, anti-piracy protection gone wild :) | 10:44 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: they will know more on #wine than here, still | 10:45 |
Kasplatt | okay. | 10:45 |
Kasplatt | anti-piracy ? | 10:45 |
Kasplatt | I bought this game legally. | 10:45 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: sure, but the producers made sure it cannot be run on a modified windows | 10:46 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: and they detect wine as modified windows | 10:46 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: I have several such legally bought games | 10:46 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: had to download a crack for them %) | 10:46 |
Kasplatt | It works then ? | 10:46 |
TheSheep | only on one of them | 10:47 |
TheSheep | the rest is lost money | 10:47 |
Kasplatt | I don't mean installing, but launching it. | 10:47 |
Kasplatt | TheSheep, heh, yeah. Unless you use cedega(?) or VMware :P | 10:47 |
TheSheep | same with cedega | 10:47 |
TheSheep | hmm... vmware or qemu would be a solution | 10:48 |
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zzaza | hi all | 11:24 |
zzaza | Any one who has worked with xubuntu server for xterminal ot thin clients need some documenation about it | 11:28 |
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TheSheep | zzaza: what kind of documentation? | 11:41 |
zzaza | configuration of clients or xterminal | 11:43 |
TheSheep | zzaza: there are howtos in the official ubuntu docs... | 11:44 |
TheSheep | !ltsp | 11:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ltsp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:45 |
TheSheep | :/ | 11:45 |
TheSheep | http://www.edubuntu.org/ThinClientConfig | 11:46 |
zzaza | thanks | 11:47 |
TheSheep | zzaza: probably not exactly what you want :( | 11:48 |
TheSheep | zzaza: but there should be more on the tobic around there | 11:48 |
zzaza | any information is okay, cuz i have tried edubuntu as well as www.tlsp.org but i needed a fast desktop, and easy to configure thats why am choosing xubuntu with xfce | 11:51 |
TheSheep | zzaza: I think that TuxLabs are using modified edubuntu with xfce for desktops | 11:51 |
zzaza | My major need is the configuration of xterminal clients no need for the all desktop, major interest is the browser, acroread, abiword,gaim or kopete and the ability to connect a web camera | 11:53 |
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thirdalbum | Hi... is anyone else having the problem in Edgy where xfdesktop and xfce4-panel don't start on login? | 12:37 |
TheSheep | thirdalbum: yes, it happens if they crash and you save the session | 12:37 |
TheSheep | thirdalbum: to fix this, press alt+f2, type 'xfdesktop', press alt+f2, type 'xfce4-panel', then log out saving the sesssion | 12:38 |
thirdalbum | Hmm... because that's happening to me straight from the LIve CD | 12:38 |
TheSheep | now that *is* weird | 12:38 |
thirdalbum | I'm on PowerPC | 12:38 |
thirdalbum | It doesn't happen on my x86 machine | 12:38 |
thirdalbum | They start fine if I do it manually | 12:38 |
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thirdalbum | I don't know if there are any Xubuntu devs here who'd be interested, but I'm developing a PowerPC distro based on Xubuntu | 12:44 |
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meborc | hey guys... any comments on the new usplash? | 01:03 |
TheSheep | distorted on a wide screen monitor | 01:04 |
meborc | ahh... too bad... i have a really crappy lappy, and it looks good @ 1024x800 | 01:05 |
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TheSheep | I miss the short "log" text like it was displayed on 6.06 | 01:06 |
meborc | yeah... me too... as it takes a while to boot, it would be nice to read something :) | 01:07 |
meborc | maybe a rss feed of some newspaper :) | 01:07 |
TheSheep | the changelog of the most recent update ;) | 01:10 |
meborc | yeah... because, the options are really endless... even simple fortune cookie stuff or some nice quotes from books would be great | 01:11 |
TheSheep | actually, I'd like to have some feedback of what is happening | 01:12 |
TheSheep | I'm aware that "normal user" doesn't care | 01:12 |
TheSheep | and that I can enable the full-blown text kernel log | 01:13 |
TheSheep | but I liked the 6.06 way | 01:13 |
meborc | i agree that it was both informative and sleek by the looks... is there documentation why was it cropped? | 01:13 |
TheSheep | I don't know, but I can guess | 01:14 |
R[a] ndom | this is supposed to be really 'noob' friendly, and noobs might be scared by text flashing and stuff I guess | 01:17 |
R[a] ndom | vista shows a black screen with a bar when it boots :P | 01:17 |
meborc | haha... haven't tested vista yet... waitind for SP1 before even trying... way too buggy yet | 01:19 |
R[a] ndom | I dont care if its buggy or not, its useless anyway | 01:19 |
R[a] ndom | I just installed it so I can learn what theyve changed | 01:20 |
TheSheep | meborc: backup your linux partitions before your do | 01:20 |
R[a] ndom | as I'm going to have to support people who use it | 01:20 |
R[a] ndom | TheSheep, has it been trashing partitions? I havent heard of that happening since the betas.. and that was just the MBR | 01:20 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: trashing mbr and changing the partition order, at least | 01:21 |
meborc | hmm... i'll take that in mind... i probably will do a clean vista install and a clean ubuntu dual boot after... just to be safe :) ... and to have a superclean system | 01:21 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: which is enough to brak any linux installation | 01:22 |
R[a] ndom | changing partition order? | 01:24 |
R[a] ndom | I assume you mean just the partition tables, not actually moving around data | 01:24 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: yes, the order of partitions in the partition table | 01:25 |
R[a] ndom | I'd be surprised if this still happens in the release version.. | 01:25 |
R[a] ndom | linkage? | 01:25 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: so you should be good with a backup of just few first sectors of your disk ;) | 01:25 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: no linkage, just personal experiences | 01:25 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: Windows XP did the same, btw | 01:25 |
TheSheep | and 2k | 01:26 |
R[a] ndom | don't rule out a hardware issue then. | 01:26 |
R[a] ndom | cause thats not normal behaviour | 01:26 |
TheSheep | that's normal behavior of windows installers to rearrange the order of partitions if your partition table doesn't list them in the order they appear on the disk | 01:27 |
R[a] ndom | oh I see | 01:27 |
R[a] ndom | so why would that matter? | 01:27 |
TheSheep | I cannot imagine a hardware issue that would cause the same behaviour :) | 01:27 |
R[a] ndom | as long as the right one is bootable.. | 01:27 |
TheSheep | well, suppose you have "/dev/hda5" mounted as your /usr partition... | 01:28 |
R[a] ndom | ..yeah | 01:28 |
R[a] ndom | you'd have to change like 2 lines in your fstab | 01:28 |
TheSheep | or "/dev/hda7" as /boot and then separate "/dev/hda8" as / | 01:28 |
R[a] ndom | assuming your fstab is the old style | 01:28 |
R[a] ndom | that doesn't recognise actual disks | 01:28 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: yes, and you have to change them without a working linux | 01:28 |
R[a] ndom | UUID=2b5cb9e2-e8f4-42f5-bf92-8aa0f92b786f /home xfs defaults 0 2 | 01:29 |
R[a] ndom | mine uses UUIDs | 01:29 |
R[a] ndom | so it doesnt matter | 01:29 |
R[a] ndom | all edgy fstabs are like this | 01:29 |
TheSheep | plus, most users don't even know they have an fstab | 01:29 |
TheSheep | sure, that's a *workaround* for buggy windows installers | 01:29 |
R[a] ndom | .. | 01:29 |
TheSheep | plus, lotsa operating systems that don't have it | 01:30 |
TheSheep | bsd, solaris | 01:30 |
R[a] ndom | so the lesson is, keep your partition tables in order if you want to dual boot | 01:31 |
R[a] ndom | or learn how to use the fstab | 01:31 |
R[a] ndom | or use edgy, and your set anyway :P | 01:31 |
TheSheep | listen to your Microsoft Mistress XD | 01:31 |
R[a] ndom | oh I see | 01:32 |
R[a] ndom | at least you didn't spell it with a $ | 01:32 |
TheSheep | the lesson is, never trust a windows installer to not fuck up anything without even displaying a single warning | 01:32 |
R[a] ndom | never trust any installer | 01:32 |
TheSheep | true | 01:32 |
R[a] ndom | it isnt the windows installer that got my 300gb drive formatted | 01:33 |
R[a] ndom | it was ubuntu | 01:33 |
TheSheep | bugs happen | 01:33 |
R[a] ndom | as a combination of poor design and user error :P | 01:33 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: at least not without any warning | 01:33 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: the reordering happens in the "preparing for installation" phase, where you didn't even select the partition to install to | 01:33 |
TheSheep | and no information about it, of course | 01:34 |
R[a] ndom | yeah yeah, I'm not saying that they /should/ do it that way | 01:34 |
TheSheep | of course, there are distros with much worse "automated" installers | 01:34 |
R[a] ndom | I'm saying that they do, and it isnt that big of a deal to work around it | 01:34 |
TheSheep | the thing that aggravates me is that while in most installers it's a bug, I'm pretty sure it's "by design" in this case | 01:35 |
R[a] ndom | yeah, windows is probably designed assuming that the partitions are in order | 01:35 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: not Vista | 01:36 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: it will put the partition on which you installed it first :) | 01:36 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: at least it did when we tried it yesterday | 01:36 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: the partition was second in disk order | 01:37 |
meborc | then it is good i always have win partition as the 1. one :D | 01:37 |
R[a] ndom | yeah, thats what Ive always done | 01:38 |
R[a] ndom | simply because thats what windows needs to not shit itself. heh | 01:38 |
R[a] ndom | I didnt even think it would work otherwise | 01:38 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: well, it could just say "no, I won't isntall there, it's not the first partition" ;) | 01:39 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: btw, windows is the only modern OS where users need to know hwat disks and what partitions there are in their box | 01:39 |
R[a] ndom | every os needs you to know if you're dual booting, otherwise it would trash everything | 01:40 |
R[a] ndom | and windows doesnt need you to know if the disk is empty.. | 01:40 |
R[a] ndom | btw you have no idea how funny it is me playing defense for windows. heh | 01:41 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: but I'm not attacking... | 01:41 |
TheSheep | it would be so marvelous if there was a standard for multiboot :) | 01:42 |
R[a] ndom | "vista is the only modern os [that still] ..." "never trust a windows installer to not fuck up..." "[the UUID in the fstab is] a *workaround* for buggy windows installers" | 01:43 |
TheSheep | some kind of "boot table" on the disk | 01:43 |
R[a] ndom | yeah, I agree.. I really expected vista to play nice | 01:43 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: I don't say that is bad to make the user know his partition | 01:43 |
TheSheep | R[a] ndom: I just say it's uncommon | 01:44 |
TheSheep | there are workarounds for unix-related bugs in windows too | 01:44 |
TheSheep | mostly when it comes to networking, though | 01:45 |
R[a] ndom | anyway, I need to get ready or else I'm not going to school :) | 01:47 |
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Kasplatt | I can't get unrar-free to unrar anything. | 02:23 |
Kasplatt | it just tells me that it is skipping it | 02:23 |
Kasplatt | isn't there like a GUI for it ? | 02:23 |
R[a] ndom | unrar x thefile.rar? | 02:24 |
R[a] ndom | if not yeah there are guis, if you click on it in thunar one should open | 02:24 |
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R[school] ndom | (I'm gone now, if that doesnt work im sure someone else can help..) | 02:24 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: I think that the free version of unrar doesn't support all the rar algorithms | 02:25 |
Kasplatt | unrar-free -xp /home/user/Desktop/file.rar /home/user/Destktop/Folder/ | 02:25 |
Kasplatt | TheSheep, damn. Okay, it just says : Skipping filename | 02:25 |
Kasplatt | and does that to all the files | 02:26 |
Kasplatt | TheSheep, I guess I'll just have to get rar. the real one | 02:31 |
Kasplatt | it has a trial so I can use that. I just need to unpack one file | 02:31 |
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TheSheep | Kasplatt: I think there is the real rar in the repos too | 02:38 |
TheSheep | Kasplatt: in the multiverse | 02:38 |
TheSheep | !rar | 02:38 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:38 |
Kasplatt | TheSheep, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO%20Cedega%20CVS <-- gonna do that. | 02:39 |
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Kasplatt | how do I install the x-window-system-dev package(s) ? | 03:00 |
TheSheep | xserver-xorg-dev, I suppose | 03:03 |
TheSheep | or something like that | 03:03 |
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Kasplatt | apt-get xserver-xorg-dev ? | 03:04 |
meborc | you are missing "install" | 03:05 |
Kasplatt | yes. | 03:05 |
Kasplatt | is that the same as x-window-system-dev ? | 03:06 |
meborc | a good Q... i'm not sure :) | 03:07 |
meborc | it should be... in feisty | 03:07 |
Kasplatt | I got edgy | 03:08 |
meborc | wait | 03:09 |
meborc | one is windows system and one is server... | 03:09 |
Kasplatt | I need it for cedega | 03:09 |
meborc | i guess they are not the same afterall | 03:09 |
meborc | what are you trying to do? :p | 03:09 |
Kasplatt | cedega | 03:10 |
Kasplatt | CVS build | 03:10 |
Kasplatt | meborc, what to do thne ? | 03:11 |
Kasplatt | * then | 03:11 |
meborc | ahh... never tried that... | 03:11 |
meborc | have you tried to install it from apt? | 03:11 |
Kasplatt | I am already running AIGLX... but I don't know if that has anything to do with x-window-system-dev | 03:11 |
meborc | or what is the error message when you compile? | 03:12 |
Kasplatt | meborc, E: package x-window-system-dev was not found | 03:12 |
meborc | then do "sudo apt-get install x-window-system-dev" | 03:12 |
Kasplatt | meborc, or you can just help me get rar working :P | 03:13 |
meborc | it's a dev package... it should not interfere with your setup | 03:13 |
Kasplatt | meborc, I did. it didn't work | 03:13 |
meborc | should is a good word though | 03:13 |
meborc | hmm... | 03:13 |
Kasplatt | that is what gives me the E: package not found | 03:13 |
meborc | for rar try "sudo apt-get install rar unrar" | 03:13 |
meborc | oh... you have multiverse universe repos enabled? | 03:14 |
Kasplatt | nope | 03:14 |
Kasplatt | what do I put in sources.list to get it ? | 03:14 |
meborc | ok... do this: | 03:14 |
meborc | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:15 |
meborc | and delete the "#" mark from the lines with web addresses on them | 03:15 |
meborc | there should be 2-6 of them in total | 03:15 |
Kasplatt | all of them ? | 03:15 |
meborc | no | 03:15 |
meborc | only from the ones starting with deb | 03:15 |
meborc | or scr | 03:15 |
Kasplatt | then to apt-get install rar unrar ? | 03:16 |
meborc | then to sudo apt-get update | 03:16 |
Kasplatt | yes | 03:16 |
Kasplatt | I did | 03:16 |
meborc | and THEN sudo apt-get install rar unrar | 03:16 |
meborc | :) | 03:16 |
Kasplatt | think its working :) | 03:16 |
meborc | so you should have rar working | 03:17 |
Kasplatt | how long is the trial ? | 03:17 |
meborc | this is only rar... | 03:17 |
meborc | cadega is a different matter :) | 03:17 |
meborc | you tried to compile cvs and it gave you error about the x-window... | 03:18 |
meborc | try to install that package next | 03:18 |
meborc | and you should also install build-essential if you want to compile programs yourself... | 03:19 |
meborc | as it has some progz you need :) | 03:19 |
Kasplatt | meborc, thaaanks dude ! | 03:19 |
meborc | no prob | 03:20 |
Kasplatt | meborc, how do I open .rpm files or something ? | 03:20 |
meborc | well.. rpm files are ment for red hat package manager | 03:21 |
meborc | you should use deb | 03:21 |
meborc | you can convert rpm into deb | 03:21 |
Kasplatt | okay. | 03:21 |
Kasplatt | thx | 03:21 |
meborc | by using a command alien | 03:21 |
meborc | you have to install alien via apt-get first | 03:22 |
meborc | more info on how to install stuff from different sources and fileformats read this nice piece of work: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware | 03:23 |
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Kasplatt | meborc, if I want to extract something to like /etc/whateverwhatever.... how do I login as root ? | 03:25 |
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meborc | you dont need to... you just use "sudo" in front of the command | 03:26 |
meborc | and then type in your password | 03:26 |
Kasplatt | meborc, or can I just extract as whatever/.etc/ or whatever/.usr/ and xUbuntu will load it ? | 03:26 |
Kasplatt | meborc, I'm not using terminal | 03:26 |
meborc | are you using nautilus? | 03:26 |
meborc | Kasplatt | 03:27 |
Kasplatt | xArchiver I think | 03:27 |
meborc | ok... but you are in gnome? | 03:27 |
meborc | or kde? | 03:27 |
Kasplatt | meborc, I got a .deb file... nevermind | 03:27 |
Kasplatt | I think | 03:27 |
meborc | :) | 03:28 |
Kasplatt | meborc, xfce | 03:28 |
meborc | of course :D | 03:28 |
meborc | ok.. you can always open the terminal and type "sudo thunar" ... then you have root permissions in thunar | 03:28 |
Kasplatt | yes :) | 03:29 |
meborc | then you can use the option "extract here" via right-clik | 03:29 |
Kasplatt | okay, thanks :D | 03:29 |
meborc | and copy paste whatever to whereever | 03:29 |
meborc | :) | 03:29 |
meborc | just be safe.. with root permissions you can screw your box big time | 03:29 |
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Kasplatt | I know | 03:29 |
Kasplatt | I'm told about all that | 03:29 |
meborc | so you got a deb? | 03:30 |
Kasplatt | yes, I installed the package :D | 03:31 |
meborc | nice... | 03:31 |
meborc | xfce rocks | 03:31 |
meborc | i run feisty and i have no problems so far | 03:31 |
Kasplatt | yes :) this is the xUbuntu channel btw :P | 03:31 |
Kasplatt | meborc, NICE ! | 03:31 |
meborc | yeah... i keep forgetting that | 03:32 |
Kasplatt | lol | 03:32 |
meborc | ok... off to party... have fun | 03:32 |
Kasplatt | hehe, you too | 03:32 |
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SkippyX | Top o' the mornin' to one & all. | 03:35 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 04:24 |
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oops | I have a question, if someone could please help me out | 04:56 |
Eagle_PC | !ask | 04:56 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:56 |
meborc | go ahead | 04:56 |
oops | woah thanks :D | 04:57 |
oops | well, I'm kinda of a big linux newbie myself | 04:57 |
Eagle_PC | so am I :D | 04:57 |
Eagle_PC | shoot | 04:57 |
meborc | like all | 04:57 |
oops | nop, probably I'm more :\ because you see, I'm on a wireless network | 04:58 |
oops | and I saved Rutil (i have a ralink card) to a cd | 04:58 |
meborc | so what card do you have? | 04:58 |
oops | installed ubuntu, then wanted to connect to the internet | 04:58 |
oops | to change to xubuntu | 04:58 |
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oops | but inside the Rutil folder, there was these files, but I didn't managed to do anything with them x.x | 04:59 |
oops | I was hoping, point and click only config, but nope | 04:59 |
oops | so what I'm looking for is some kinda of guide to help me out with program installations that don't envolve exe. files | 05:00 |
oops | they have sh. files and etc | 05:00 |
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oops | I have a Ralink 2500 if I'm not mistaken | 05:00 |
Eagle_PC | !wireless | 05:01 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:01 |
Eagle_PC | you try that ;) | 05:01 |
meborc | try http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html | 05:02 |
meborc | also | 05:02 |
meborc | :) | 05:02 |
meborc | it has sourcefiles for some drivers... you will need to extract them and install | 05:02 |
oops | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 | 05:03 |
oops | found it x) | 05:03 |
oops | but I don't think this will make a diferrence | 05:03 |
meborc | check my link | 05:03 |
meborc | and then check this http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing.html to install from source code | 05:04 |
oops | I configured the through System->Administration->Networking, but it didn't work | 05:04 |
oops | oh great! | 05:04 |
meborc | you will still need the drivers i think... | 05:04 |
oops | how to install ANYTHING xD | 05:04 |
oops | I was looking for that | 05:04 |
oops | thanks ! | 05:04 |
meborc | no problem... i guess the files on the ralink homepage will help only on some specific chipsets... | 05:05 |
oops | I think I'll print this and start building some sort of Ubuntu library for all my needs o.o | 05:05 |
meborc | good luck oops | 05:06 |
oops | ty! | 05:07 |
meborc | btw - we all have said oops way too many times in the past before := | 05:07 |
oops | xD | 05:07 |
oops | I'll keep that in mind | 05:07 |
meborc | oops | 05:08 |
meborc | wait | 05:08 |
meborc | i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1409752#post1409752 | 05:08 |
meborc | it might be the best :) | 05:08 |
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meborc | ahh... maybe not... | 05:09 |
meborc | :D | 05:09 |
meborc | you probably have to try all the options :) | 05:09 |
oops | I'll just print everything | 05:10 |
oops | can't go wrong with. everything, I suppose ._. | 05:10 |
meborc | good... that means you got the printer working at least :D | 05:10 |
oops | yep x) | 05:10 |
meborc | i have canon 250i... no way getting it to work though | 05:11 |
maxamillion | Hp printers + linux = own | 05:11 |
meborc | right! | 05:11 |
meborc | ok... off to wash the dishes... damn... i need a cleaning lady :D | 05:11 |
meborc | cu | 05:11 |
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oops | I have a HP printer O.o | 05:19 |
oops | will there be any problems? | 05:19 |
maxamillion | oops: no, HP printers are fully supported "out of the box" with xubuntu (and majority of linux distros) because HP writes open source drivers for them | 05:20 |
maxamillion | well ... 95% of HP printers ... if you have a really old clunker it might not work | 05:20 |
maxamillion | but if it has a USB interface, i would be willing to bet that it will work | 05:21 |
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oops | nop I have a psc 1315 all in one | 05:21 |
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maxamillion | yeah ... that one should work | 05:22 |
ffxr | HI im lookking around for a dock type thing for xfce, but i dont wanna have to install a million depencies... has anybody got any ideas? | 05:23 |
maxamillion | ffxr: define "dock" | 05:23 |
rmd_ | ffxr, you can add launchers to an xfce4 panel | 05:24 |
rmd_ | if you're looking for "eye candy" you'll need a- or gdesklets | 05:24 |
rmd_ | not nett | 05:24 |
rmd_ | err | 05:24 |
rmd_ | not need, per se | 05:24 |
rmd_ | but they've got the "eye candy" | 05:25 |
ffxr | as in osx like dock.. something pretty.. for either for app switching or app launching.. | 05:25 |
rmd_ | adesklets = lower dependencies, almost none | 05:25 |
maxamillion | rmd_: i was thinking that ffxr was thinking something like the OS X .... there we go | 05:25 |
ffxr | yeah eye candy.. | 05:25 |
rmd_ | gdesklets = gnome dependencies | 05:25 |
ffxr | yeah.. dont fancy that gdesklets.. | 05:25 |
maxamillion | ffxr: probably best bet for a OS X like dock will be the one from e17 | 05:25 |
rmd_ | ffxr, why? | 05:25 |
rmd_ | maxamillion, enlightenment? | 05:25 |
ffxr | all the depencies... rmd_ Or is there that many> | 05:25 |
ffxr | maxamillion, whatr it that? | 05:26 |
maxamillion | ffxr: you might want to think about trying out DreamLinux (not to discourage you from Xubuntu, but DreamLinux has Xfce and a "dock") | 05:26 |
rmd_ | ffxr, *shrug* i use gdesklets for the launcher app and for the desktop clock. i noticed zero performance drop and the download, dependencies included, was not that great. | 05:26 |
maxamillion | ffxr: http://www.dreamlinux.com.br/english/index.html | 05:26 |
ffxr | oh.. maxamillion, i just set spent, the last couple of weeks setting up AMD64 xubuntu.. so m not reaslly ready to change just yet.. | 05:26 |
maxamillion | rmd_: yeah ... enlightenment17 | 05:26 |
maxamillion | ffxr: oh ok ... well lemme get you a tutorial on how to get it on Xubuntu then | 05:27 |
ffxr | thanks for the link tho.. ll have a look over it... | 05:27 |
rmd_ | i notice that dreamlinux screenshots make use of the xfce4 compositor | 05:28 |
ffxr | k rmd_ what other features does that gdesklets have ? i do like the look of it.. but that g at the front always put me off... | 05:28 |
maxamillion | ffxr: here is a screenshot of dreamlinux http://dreamlinux.incubadora.fapesp.br/portal/arquivos/desktop.jpg | 05:28 |
maxamillion | rmd_: yeah its running xfce4.4 and has "real" compositing | 05:29 |
rmd_ | ffxr, the best thing to do is just download the package and try it out. you can always autoremove the app and the dependencies later. i like that it has an extremely functional "shell" that you can use to browse desklets and manipulate them. gdesklets are more configurable and more interactive than adesklets. | 05:29 |
maxamillion | there isn't an e17 package | 05:29 |
=== maxamillion double checks that claim | ||
ffxr | maxamillion, yeah i like that dock.. so dreamlinux is built upon xfce.. so it should be relatively simple to get it on xubuntu.. | 05:30 |
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ffxr | i dont mind building from source | 05:30 |
rmd_ | maxamillion, yeah. i used it for a little bit to make things purdy, but then the performance decrease got to me, as well as the fact that vlc would stop displaying correctly if i brought another window to the front.. and a gazillion other annoyances. | 05:30 |
maxamillion | rmd_: i think the enlightenment package in the repos is e16 though | 05:30 |
maxamillion | ffxr: ok | 05:30 |
maxamillion | ffxr: http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com/2006/11/19/e17-on-ubuntu-a-brief-enlightenment/ | 05:30 |
ffxr | yeah ok thanks rmd_ ll might well come back to gdesklets.. i could never get them adesklets to work... | 05:31 |
rmd_ | ffxr, what you do mean you couldn't get them to work? | 05:31 |
ffxr | right max, ll have a look at that now.. thanks.. so that dock is called enlightenment | 05:31 |
maxamillion | ffxr: well, the dock is called engage ... its part of the enlightenment17 environment | 05:32 |
ffxr | i dunno rmd_ .. it was that long ago.. just remember them being a pain to config.. | 05:32 |
maxamillion | ffxr: but i don't know of any other way of getting engage without e17 | 05:32 |
rmd_ | ffxr, i'm not sure what you're talking about. i just ran the .pl, tested it, and registered it. | 05:32 |
ffxr | ok.. maxamillion.. thanks.. ll have a wonder round the enlightment site and that see what my options are... | 05:33 |
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ffxr | rmd_ not to worry.. u reckon gdesklets is better anyway..? dont know if i would be bothered with desklets anyway... i dont really see how fucntional they are.. | 05:35 |
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ffxr | is there quick access to RSS feeds with gdesklets? | 05:35 |
maxamillion | ffxr: don't bother with desklets ... i tried em' ... they look cool for a day or two and then get boring | 05:35 |
maxamillion | ffxr: yeah | 05:35 |
rmd_ | ffxr, for what it's worth i can't get the damn launcher to work right now in gdesklets. | 05:35 |
rmd_ | ffxr, yeah, there's like seventeen of them | 05:35 |
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ffxr | hahahh... right i see if i can get dock up.. first anyway... | 05:36 |
ffxr | thanks for the nudges fella.. appreciated : ) | 05:36 |
ffxr | fellas* ; ) | 05:37 |
oops | one question, do I need to be hooked via ethernet for this command? | 05:37 |
oops | sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 05:37 |
rmd_ | oops, you need to be connected to the internet, i believe | 05:38 |
oops | or when installing Rutil, it says: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 05:38 |
oops | to solve dependencies | 05:38 |
oops | again, I must be connected? | 05:38 |
maxamillion | oops: yes | 05:38 |
rmd_ | you need to be connected to solve dependencies, yes | 05:38 |
rmd_ | any time you use apt-get install, you need to be connected | 05:38 |
kalikiana | or you use the install cd ;) | 05:39 |
ffxr | its on the cd them packages | 05:39 |
kalikiana | synaptic has a way to add the cd to the sources | 05:39 |
oops | so in those to cases, essential linux-headers and libgtk2.0 I just need the live CD/install cd? | 05:41 |
rmd_ | okayokay | 05:42 |
rmd_ | yeah | 05:42 |
rmd_ | you can do it that way | 05:42 |
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oops | what do I have to type to get them then? apt-get? | 05:42 |
rmd_ | oops, only if the package is present on the cd | 05:42 |
oops | hum, how do I know that? ^^' | 05:42 |
rmd_ | oops, if you're trying to upgrade something, or install something not present on the cd, then you need to be connected | 05:42 |
maxamillion | ok ... i gotta run to class ... bbl | 05:42 |
oops | I'm trying to install Rutil, and it has those dependencies | 05:43 |
rmd_ | oops, you add the cd to your possible sources (using synaptic) and then you try to install it. if you're not connected and the cd is in, it's not on the cd. alternatively, there may be a list somewhere of all the packages on the cd. | 05:43 |
ffxr | im not sure libgtk2.0 is on the cd.. build-essential is definately on the alternate cd... | 05:43 |
oops | "if you're not connected and the cd is in, it's not on the cd" if im not connected to what? O.o the cd as possible source in synaptic? or internet? | 05:44 |
rmd_ | if you add the cd to your list of possible sources | 05:45 |
rmd_ | and try to install with the cd in place | 05:45 |
rmd_ | BUT you are not connected to the internet | 05:45 |
rmd_ | you will not be able to install anything that is NOT on the cd. i think i'm just making an ass of myself, overcomplicating the obvious | 05:45 |
oops | not, I kinda got this time xD | 05:46 |
oops | got it* | 05:46 |
oops | do you know if libgtk2.0 is in the cd? | 05:46 |
kalikiana | it is | 05:47 |
oops | ok thanks | 05:47 |
kalikiana | as xubuntu is 'based' on gtk ;) | 05:47 |
oops | so instead of using those two command lines, I just go to synaptic, use the CD as on of the sources, install those two dependencies | 05:47 |
oops | and go on with the Rutil installation | 05:47 |
oops | did I missed anything? | 05:48 |
kalikiana | no, that's it. | 05:48 |
kalikiana | of course you can still use either apt-get or synaptic. :) | 05:48 |
kalikiana | only I don't remember how to add the cd as a source via apt. | 05:49 |
oops | great! | 05:50 |
rmd_ | hmm | 05:50 |
ffxr | software sources -> third party -> add cdrom | 05:52 |
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ComputerHermit | how do I get xubuntu | 05:55 |
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ComputerHermit | from source | 05:55 |
ComputerHermit | apt-get? | 05:55 |
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R[school] ndom | the entire distro from source? | 05:57 |
R[school] ndom | why would you want to do a thing like that? | 05:57 |
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kalikiana | ComputerHermit, The only reasonable thing I could imagine would be to apt-get all the source files of the available packages and compiling them manually. However that still sounds strange. | 05:59 |
ComputerHermit | hahahah | 05:59 |
kalikiana | Seriously, consider Lunar Linux or Gentoo. | 05:59 |
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ComputerHermit | hahahah http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Lunar+Linux+or+Gentoo.&btnG=Google+Search | 06:02 |
R[a] ndom | they're search results | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | most searches give them | 06:06 |
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rmd_ | anyone else in here use conky? | 06:11 |
oops | hum, about ubuntu to xubuntu | 06:11 |
oops | http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu | 06:11 |
oops | I believed someone asked for this | 06:11 |
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oops-bath | bbl | 06:18 |
R[a] ndom | bubble bath! | 06:19 |
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Dame | Im trying to boot xubuntu on a pretty low computer, pentium 1 but i cant get into fluxbox. When I try to boot ubuntu it freezes at gnome logging screen but fluxbox cant get loaded. I get blank black screen. I tried safe graphic mode too, not working. What else can i try? | 06:38 |
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TheSheep | Dame: alt+f1 to get to console and then log in and start X server manually | 06:49 |
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followmath | What command I have to do to compile my kernel and check modules loaded? | 06:57 |
followmath | I have Xubuntu 6.06 dapper | 06:58 |
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Dame | TheSheep, im getting out of memory. 64mb ram arent enough to boot? | 07:00 |
TheSheep | Dame: no | 07:01 |
TheSheep | Dame: for normal operation you'd need at least 96MB | 07:01 |
TheSheep | Dame: for doing anything advanced, 128MB | 07:01 |
TheSheep | Dame: you can try making a larger swap partition, but it will still be slow | 07:02 |
ffxr | i like the look of this enlightenment.. looks like a bit of a bitch to setup tho. does it work with beryl & is it easy to uninstall, anyone? | 07:02 |
TheSheep | ffxr: try asking on #enlightenment :) | 07:03 |
ffxr | now theres an idea.. thanks TheSheep : ) | 07:04 |
Dame | TheSheep, how do i make larger swap before i install the actual system? | 07:04 |
TheSheep | Dame: install from the alternate cd | 07:04 |
TheSheep | Dame: it requires much less memory | 07:04 |
rmd_ | conky windows and xfce4 desktop windows do not play nice together | 07:05 |
slow-motion | bye | 07:13 |
magic_ninja | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 07:24 |
rmd_ | magic_ninja, it happensa | 07:25 |
magic_ninja | so i g2 reconfigure everything | 07:26 |
rmd_ | just run that command | 07:27 |
rmd_ | its all automatic | 07:27 |
rmd_ | and it wont mess up your settings | 07:27 |
rmd_ | just fix whatever happened when synaptic/dpkg was interrupted | 07:27 |
magic_ninja | ohh crap, i ran dpkg-reconfigure -a instead | 07:27 |
magic_ninja | lol | 07:27 |
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oops-bath | does anyone here worked with Rutil before? | 08:11 |
maxamillion | never heard of it | 08:12 |
maxamillion | what is it? | 08:12 |
BFTD | !rutil | 08:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rutil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:13 |
oops-bath | Rutil is the graphical driver program for Ralink wireless cards | 08:13 |
oops-bath | I'd just like to know if it's equal to the Windows version of the driver (that came with the card itself) | 08:14 |
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ffxr | hey maxamillion, does that enlightnenment work with beryl ok.. and see that script on that site... if i dont like, is it easy to remove e17 cleanly... | 08:48 |
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maxamillion | ffxr: technically you have to choose either enlightenment or beryl because they are both window managers, you might be able to pull of running engage (the dock app that is part of enlightenment) along with beryl | 08:49 |
maxamillion | but i don't know for sure | 08:50 |
tonyyarusso | Xubuntu seems to have the ability to do desktop icons in Feisty, but I seem to remember that was not always the case. Does it in Dapper, or is an add-on like IDesk necessary? | 08:52 |
maxamillion | tonyyarusso: dapper and edgy can do desktop icons | 08:52 |
tonyyarusso | maxamillion: Sweet, don't need to worry about that then. However, why is it that if I make a desktop icon in XFCE, and then switch back to Gnome, the icon is HUGE ? | 08:54 |
maxamillion | tonyyarusso: the way each one handles icons ... i don't know for sure | 08:55 |
tonyyarusso | k | 08:55 |
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=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-246-143.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #xubuntu | ||
assasukasse | hi everyone, is there someone that installed compiz on xubuntu herd5? | 09:27 |
assasukasse | yesterday i tried xubuntu on edgy, but compiz didn't work | 09:27 |
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Kasplatt | how do I get themes working properly ? when I change it it just changes some icons and the colors | 09:28 |
maxamillion | assasukasse: i ran beryl on edgy flawlessly but it got annoying so i uninstalled it | 09:28 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: you log out and log back in? ... it might just not be refreshing everything | 09:28 |
assasukasse | maxamillion: i find beryl extremely annoying that's why i choose compiz :D | 09:28 |
Kasplatt | okay. | 09:28 |
maxamillion | assasukasse: ah ... well i have no clue | 09:29 |
assasukasse | :) | 09:29 |
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Kasplatt | it still won't change extremely much :/ | 09:32 |
Kasplatt | just changes color and some icons | 09:32 |
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maxamillion | Kasplatt: hmmm... i really don't know what to tell you, i don't alter my themes much (barely ever) | 09:35 |
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Kasplatt | maxamillion, xubuntu ? | 09:35 |
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maxamillion | Kasplatt: yup | 09:36 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, screenie ? | 09:36 |
pleia2 | Kasplatt: what do you want to change? | 09:36 |
Kasplatt | allmost everything | 09:37 |
pleia2 | Kasplatt: changing borders on windows and stuff is not handled by themes much, that's under Settings > Window Manger > Style | 09:37 |
pleia2 | in XFCE there are "Themes" and "Styles" | 09:38 |
Kasplatt | pleia2, that doesn't change the panel bars or anyhting... just some buttons | 09:39 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: uploading screenie now ... just a moment | 09:39 |
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Kasplatt | maxamillion, kay, thanks :) | 09:40 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: http://www.swooh.com/~adam/workHDscreenshot.png <--that's my work machine (the one i am sitting at now) | 09:40 |
pleia2 | Kasplatt: you're at this screen, right? http://princessleia.com/temp/styles.jpg | 09:41 |
Kasplatt | pleia2, yes | 09:41 |
pleia2 | odd | 09:42 |
pleia2 | what version of xubuntu? | 09:42 |
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Kasplatt | pleia2, it changes the border of the "folders/frame" but it doesn't change the "panels" if you know what I mean | 09:43 |
Kasplatt | edgy | 09:43 |
pleia2 | ah | 09:44 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, I don't like the way that looks. :P | 09:46 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: to each their own | 09:47 |
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pleia2 | Kasplatt: I might just suggest working with more themes and styles, I think many of the default ones don't make the drastic changes you're looking for | 09:47 |
Kasplatt | exactly | 09:47 |
Kasplatt | pleia2, I've tried 2 downloaded ones... don't change alot | 09:48 |
Kasplatt | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM <--- want it to look something like that. | 09:49 |
Kasplatt | brb | 09:50 |
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jffmriii | hello al | 10:21 |
jffmriii | anyone here from ubuntu chicago | 10:22 |
maxamillion | not i | 10:22 |
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posingaspopular | jffmriii: yes | 10:46 |
posingaspopular | why arent you in #ubuntu-chicago? | 10:46 |
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posingaspopular | .... okay.... | 10:49 |
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=== Lord_Maynoth [n=lordmayn@h184.86.82.206.ip.alltel.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Lord_Maynoth | Does installing xubuntu-desktop add to your ram usage if you reboot? | 11:29 |
Lord_Maynoth | I've got plenty of hard drive space | 11:29 |
assasukasse | Lord_Maynoth: no of course | 11:32 |
Lord_Maynoth | oh thats awesome! | 11:32 |
Lord_Maynoth | so in theory | 11:32 |
Lord_Maynoth | I could install kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu also | 11:32 |
Lord_Maynoth | and it would just take extra hard drive space and not ram? | 11:33 |
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grazie | Lord_Maynoth: kde takes more resources than both gnome and xfce, so more ram would be needed | 11:36 |
tute666 | Lord_Maynoth: yes, you dont actually have both things running at the same time | 11:36 |
tute666 | xfce and kde are mutually exclusive in runtime | 11:36 |
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Lord_Maynoth | cool | 11:36 |
Lord_Maynoth | I was wondering how that worked | 11:37 |
grazie | Lord_Maynoth: I don't think it's sensible to install both gnome and kde myself | 11:37 |
Lord_Maynoth | why? | 11:37 |
tute666 | Lord_Maynoth: basically, the login screen runs the dektop you choose | 11:37 |
tute666 | grazie: ive got: xfce, fluxbox, ubuntu, enlightenment | 11:37 |
tute666 | plus gnome with enlightenment, gnome with xfwm | 11:38 |
Lord_Maynoth | I would like to install kde, xfce and gnome | 11:38 |
Lord_Maynoth | hehe | 11:38 |
tute666 | Lord_Maynoth: go batshit if you have the disk space | 11:38 |
tute666 | eventually you'll only use one or two | 11:38 |
Lord_Maynoth | hhahaha | 11:39 |
tute666 | plus, a few apps from some desktop specific packages are great | 11:39 |
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tute666 | k3b for burning, or amarok for music | 11:39 |
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Lord_Maynoth | I like nerolinux | 11:39 |
Lord_Maynoth | myself | 11:39 |
Lord_Maynoth | even though its closed source | 11:39 |
tute666 | never tried | 11:39 |
Lord_Maynoth | I will prolly go with k3b when it gets more stable | 11:39 |
Lord_Maynoth | it only makes coasters | 11:39 |
Lord_Maynoth | on my rig :C | 11:39 |
grazie | Lord_Maynoth: k3b ain't going to get any more stable than it already is...you have another problem | 11:41 |
tute666 | yup. the backend is failing, not k3b | 11:43 |
Lord_Maynoth | never had an issue on nero for windows | 11:43 |
Lord_Maynoth | or nerolinux | 11:43 |
Lord_Maynoth | me shrugs | 11:43 |
Lord_Maynoth | I am really having fun | 11:44 |
Lord_Maynoth | learning how to compile stuff | 11:44 |
Lord_Maynoth | I always hate running out of date software | 11:44 |
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Kasplatt | does VMware use a *lot* of the CPU ? | 11:46 |
Kasplatt | and what is the other one called ? | 11:46 |
Lord_Maynoth | I do something neat | 11:55 |
Lord_Maynoth | instead of VMware | 11:55 |
Kasplatt | what ? | 11:55 |
Lord_Maynoth | I built a older win2k box | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | 512mb ram | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | 1700+ | 11:56 |
Kasplatt | Lord_Maynoth, another PC ? | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | and I installed VNC (remote desktop) software | 11:56 |
Kasplatt | lol | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | hehe | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | it works | 11:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | over my lan its fast | 11:56 |
Kasplatt | okay, nice :P | 11:57 |
Lord_Maynoth | its a lot faster than vmware ever would be | 11:57 |
Lord_Maynoth | hehe | 11:57 |
Kasplatt | Lord_Maynoth, There is another one. What is it called ? not VMware but the other one | 11:58 |
Lord_Maynoth | do I need to install anything else besides xubuntu-desktop | 11:58 |
Lord_Maynoth | I can't remember | 11:58 |
Lord_Maynoth | I don't mess with it | 11:58 |
Lord_Maynoth | there is one built into the kernel | 11:58 |
Kasplatt | I installed xUbuntu ixxx (don't remember the numbers) | 11:58 |
Lord_Maynoth | | 11:58 |
=== rmd_ [n=jason@c-24-98-234-179.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
rmd_ | just so everyone knows | 12:00 |
rmd_ | if you use the "minimized applications" option for the xfce desktop | 12:00 |
rmd_ | AND you use conky | 12:00 |
rmd_ | you need to set it as a derivative or whatever | 12:00 |
rmd_ | override | 12:00 |
rmd_ | or, it will piss you off to no end for quite some time | 12:00 |
Lord_Maynoth | anyone here running xfce 4.4.0 | 12:01 |
Lord_Maynoth | how do you think it compares in functionality to the current version of gnome in edgy | 12:01 |
Jester45 | its called qemu | 12:01 |
Jester45 | and they both use more ram and cpu than the real thing | 12:02 |
rmd_ | Lord_Maynoth, besides being about a gazillion times fast? | 12:02 |
rmd_ | faster* | 12:02 |
Jester45 | Lord_Maynoth: you mixing DE there | 12:02 |
Lord_Maynoth | ? | 12:03 |
rmd_ | i need a timer app... | 12:03 |
rmd_ | sigh | 12:04 |
rmd_ | why are the only teatimer apps listed for kde or gnome? i know the devs have at least *heard* of gtk | 12:04 |
Jester45 | gnome uses gtk lots | 12:05 |
ffxr | ive just burnt a dvd with my dvd recorder, is their anything i need for me to have a look at it.. in ubuntu.. K3B is throwing out strange info's | 12:08 |
=== odat [n=house@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
odat | hi everyone | 12:09 |
odat | need some help | 12:09 |
odat | i was upgrading and the power went out | 12:10 |
Jester45 | ffxr: look at it? just put it in the drive | 12:10 |
odat | now when i try to start up even in recovery mode in hangs as soon as the console font loads | 12:10 |
Jester45 | odat: what were you upgrading | 12:10 |
odat | to feisty | 12:11 |
odat | i succesfully did it on two other machines | 12:11 |
odat | it seems something broke with the console font | 12:11 |
Jester45 | ok | 12:11 |
ffxr | jester45 aye it just sits there doing nathin.. doesnt mount afaik.. nathin.. | 12:11 |
Jester45 | ffxr: no icon on the screen? | 12:11 |
Jester45 | odat: looks like you did break somthing | 12:12 |
ffxr | nope Jester45 maybe its an incompatibilty of some type.. .. | 12:12 |
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Jester45 | ffxr: what did you burn? iso? dvd video? data? | 12:13 |
odat | how do i get around the console font loading | 12:13 |
odat | and or how do i get to the command line | 12:13 |
ffxr | jester45 a dvd recorder one that sits under a tv.. | 12:13 |
Jester45 | odat: when does it crash? | 12:13 |
Jester45 | ffxr: so video then | 12:13 |
ffxr | aye dvd video.. is it a codec m missing then.. Jester45 | 12:14 |
odat | Jester45, setting up console font and keymap | 12:14 |
Jester45 | it should show an icon unless its a blank drive | 12:14 |
Jester45 | ffxr: no codecs needed to look at the dvd now to play it you might need some | 12:15 |
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rmd_ | ffxr, which media player? | 12:15 |
j1m1 | brb | 12:15 |
Jester45 | odat: im not sure can you get to the gdm? | 12:15 |
Jester45 | hi | 12:15 |
odat | Jester45, nope | 12:15 |
ffxr | right.. right Jester45.. naw i can get any info out of it at all .. i tried opening it in gxine... | 12:15 |
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rmd_ | ffxr, install vlc | 12:15 |
Jester45 | rmd_: he cant even see the disc | 12:16 |
rmd_ | oh | 12:16 |
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rmd_ | it doesn't mount or something? | 12:16 |
Jester45 | rmd_: and mplayer is better | 12:16 |
ffxr | i have, just treid that.. it just sits there n all vlc i mean.. rmd_ | 12:16 |
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rmd_ | Jester45, vlc owns it to def | 12:16 |
Jester45 | no way vlc doesnt have anything over mplayer | 12:17 |
rmd_ | ffxr, did you install the css libs? | 12:17 |
Jester45 | its gui... lower quailty playback... | 12:17 |
ffxr | hmmm no.. what css this rmd_ | 12:17 |
rmd_ | lower quality my heiny | 12:17 |
=== cycro [n=robert@CPE0040f4d45ca8-CM014130004988.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cycro | hello | 12:17 |
Jester45 | hi | 12:17 |
ffxr | maybe my problem is my dvd recorder or my cheaop dvds.. | 12:17 |
cycro | can anybody help me setup printer sharing from xubnutu to xp? | 12:18 |
rmd_ | ffxr, it's probably | 12:18 |
odat | any hints? | 12:18 |
ffxr | samba odat | 12:18 |
cycro | im following this tutorial | 12:18 |
cycro | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP | 12:18 |
cycro | but im stuck | 12:18 |
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odat | ffxr, nope | 12:19 |
ffxr | haha sorry.. im lookin at this window wrong... | 12:19 |
Jester45 | ffxr: odat is having a problem of upgrading from edgy to fiest and a power failure stopped said proccess | 12:19 |
Jester45 | and now he cant boot | 12:19 |
ffxr | ahhh Jester45 i c.. ve enough of my own problems , tbh tbf | 12:20 |
ffxr | ; ) | 12:20 |
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ffxr | so wheres you problem with that howto cycro? | 12:21 |
SkippyX | Question: I just picked up a Dell Latitude cpi 300 XT (300 Mhz P2, 96 - soon to be 128 megs - RAM, 30 gig hdd). It's intended use is as an internet appliance (dial-up at home - broadband unattainable - wifi hotspots about in town). Can the lappy handle xubuntu? | 12:21 |
cycro | ffxr, its here: Also set which TCP port that the printer system will accept connections on. In Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) and Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) add this line under the Network Options part of the file (somewhere around line 420) | 12:22 |
cycro | my file has like 32 lines | 12:22 |
ffxr | do u have the Listen line? | 12:23 |
cycro | um | 12:23 |
cycro | # Only listen for connections from the local machine. | 12:24 |
cycro | Listen 631 | 12:24 |
cycro | Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock | 12:24 |
cycro | ok | 12:24 |
cycro | my main problem is that i cant connect from my windows box | 12:24 |
cycro | it says i need a user name and password | 12:24 |
cycro | but i never set one | 12:24 |
rmd_ | what's that package with the scary name for mp3 support and all that? | 12:25 |
ffxr | have you tried ur normal ubuntu password.. ? | 12:25 |
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