
=== gabe_ [n=gabe@194-247-226-106.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
gabe_is some one please able to tell me how to convert docbook in to html? :)12:36
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: i think i've looked at every single kubuntu doc.12:44
Admiral_ChicagoI sent my last patch. be back much later12:45
dsasgabe_: If you have the ubuntu-doc repository checked out there's an example in the Makefile.12:45
gabe_i tried it12:46
gabe_didn't work12:46
gabe_i'll just try again12:46
gabe_it says make sure12:48
gabe_docbook-xsl is installed - OK12:48
gabe_i get:12:49
gabe_:~/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu$ make dg12:49
gabe_make: *** No rule to make target `dg'. Stop.12:49
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gabe_dsas: am i getting it wrong?01:01
dsasgabe_: I don't know, never tried it myself. Let me play.01:01
gabe_i'm just reading what to do from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Repository01:02
dsasgabe_: You need "make website" I think, though that fails for me.01:03
dsashmm, yay, it is working now.01:04
gabe_ahh that web page is wrong then01:13
gabe_$ make website01:13
gabe_make: Nothing to be done for `website'.01:13
dsasgabe_: hmm, it didn't finish properly for me actually.01:18
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BurgundaviaI need somebody to pass the ownership of the wiki team too05:50
nixternalBurgundavia: are you taking a break now?05:53
nixternalI am willing to step up if you need me to05:53
Burgundavianixternal: trying to get rid of the ubuntu-doc bugmail05:53
BurgundaviaI gave it to Matthew East05:54
Burgundaviapretty much trying to clear out my inbox05:54
nixternalhehe, I hear you there05:54
Burgundaviaas I am simply not getting to most of my mail05:54
nixternalwell if you want pass it on over05:54
nixternalI am here all day long 99.9% of the time05:54
Burgundaviaalready passed to mdke05:54
nixternalthe other .1% I am sleeping in class :)05:54
Burgundavianow I need somebody to take most of my list admin stuff off my hands05:57
nixternalI can help you there if need be as well05:58
Burgundaviaah, ok05:59
nixternalwhat list?05:59
nixternaldon't give me ubuntu-bugs or something05:59
BurgundaviaI have -devel-discuss, -users, -directory, -doc, -ca and -news06:02
Burgundaviayou want -doc?06:02
nixternalwait, I have doc already I though06:02
Burgundaviayep, you already do06:03
BurgundaviaI am merely going to remove myself06:03
nixternalthat takes one off the list06:03
BurgundaviaI will probably post to -devel-discuss about it06:04
nixternalwhat is -directory?06:04
Burgundavialdap and other stuff06:05
BurgundaviaI don't mind -ca, -news or -directory06:05
nixternalheh, is directory really necessary seeing as only 10 emails have been exchanged since October?06:06
Burgundaviawell, it was active then06:06
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: ping06:16
Admiral_Chicagooh wait, i think you're afk...06:16
nixternalyo yo06:22
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3941 kubuntu/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Freddy's patches06:29
Admiral_Chicagoso were do I send patches for xubuntu06:30
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3942 kubuntu/system-settings/C/system-settings.xml: Bluetooth is a registered trademark06:30
Admiral_Chicagoalso, I have a "xref linkend="extra-repositories" command, not sure what to do06:30
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com06:30
Admiral_Chicagoi want to see what it directs users to when it is compiled06:30
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: make sure that in the root of your trunk/ checkout that you svn up prior to making changes06:30
nixternalI can't use your networking2.patch06:31
Admiral_Chicagoany particular reason?06:31
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Admiral_Chicagothere was a spelling fix and a sentence flow fix but its your call06:32
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mdkewow, philbull is rocking09:06
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3943 /trunk/ (22 files in 22 dirs): slight modification to get-pot.sh, refreshing pot templates09:20
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3944 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):09:23
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * changelog entry09:23
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * fixing broken link09:23
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3945 ubuntu/newtoubuntu/C/newtoubuntu.xml: bug 8915609:30
UbugtuMalone bug 89156 in ubuntu-docs "There is no mac-os-x.xml " [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8915609:30
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3946 debian/changelog: fixing email address09:32
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mdkebhuvan: it's string freeze now, so quite soon we need to get the server material in shape. I'd suggest that maybe sometime this weekend I'll branch the feisty material, and then you can remove the incomplete sections, and continue working on them in trunk09:42
mdke--> work09:48
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: lucius * r3947 xubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks.xml: patch from freddy02:34
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_ionThe Ubuntu Weekly News feed at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed seems to be outdated. It lists issue #28 as the newest one. Is this the correct place to report this?02:43
nixternal_ion: #ubuntu-fridge would be correct, but we already have it in queue there, but thanks for noticing03:06
nixternalI will update the Fridge shortly03:06
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somerville32So, can we start working on Feisty +1 documentation? ;] 03:32
jsgotangcoheh when feisty documentation gets branched03:37
somerville32Now that we are in string freeze, it seems logical to be to branch it.03:38
somerville32That way we can continue to work our butts off to improve documentation and have a seperate "stable" branch where we make the exception to the string freeze edits03:38
somerville32Then after the release, we just merge the feisty branch into the feisty+1 branch.03:39
jsgotangcoyeah but someone will have to take charge of translations as well03:39
jsgotangcowriting the actual docs is just half of the battle03:39
somerville32Right, translations will be on the feisty tag03:39
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3948 kubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs):03:45
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: Created Kubuntu System Documentation Index03:45
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: Updated Kubuntu Makefile to include above doc03:45
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: Updated systemdocs.desktop to point to valid location03:45
=== nixternal waits for more patches, hurry people so I can xml2po these badboys
jsgotangcoyou need a better whip if you want me to write again03:46
nixternalwell, I have warn out my welcome here :) so I am packing up and heading out to bigger and better things03:46
nixternallike Microsoft development!03:47
nixternalhahaha, j/k03:47
nixternalI am heading over and taking over a couple of KDE projects03:47
nixternalKOrganizer, Mailody, and a coupld of other small projects03:47
nixternalstarting out with docs, but I am working on coding patches as well03:47
nixternalwhy me?03:48
nixternalI have a daddy ;p03:48
nixternalyou my baby's daddy?03:48
nixternalthat was a stupid movie03:48
jsgotangcodid you see that entry in digg about this guy in stanford rapping about kill -903:48
nixternallol, no? was it recent? /me actually goes and reads digg for this one03:49
jsgotangco"you're a dial up connection, I'm a gigabit LAN"03:49
nixternalI am watching it03:49
nixternalunix commands rap03:49
=== somerville32 always reads "rape" instead of "rap".
nixternalheh, you need help03:51
=== somerville32 is getting some.
nixternalya, layin' in a hospital bed with a lappy and office03:51
nixternalDWORD to your moms!03:52
jsgotangcoI run gmake and gcc,03:52
jsgotangcoAnd I ain't never called malloc without calling free.03:52
nixternalctrl-x, ctrl-c, i will discard your f'n buffer03:53
nixternalI love the emacs plug there03:53
nixternalhahahah, my lyrics get stolen by sucker MCs, I gotta sign my rhymes in PGP03:55
jsgotangconerdcore can be funny sometimes03:56
nixternalmy god, I have to take his music to class03:56
nixternalmy c++ instructor and I are the only nix geeks03:56
nixternalthe rest of the kids in class our MySpace junkies03:56
jsgotangcoman maybe i should consider writing songs like this instead hahaha03:59
nixternalno doubt04:00
nixternalthere is money to be made04:00
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3949 ubuntu/musicvideophotos/C/musicvideophotos.xml: Change section ids so front page link not broken (no strings changed)07:02
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LaserJockdoh! I thought string freeze was today08:16
Admiral_Chicagoit was.08:16
LaserJockwho's doing the UWN these days?08:17
LaserJockissue 30 has some ... issues08:17
Admiral_Chicagoeveryone and anyone08:17
Admiral_ChicagoCorey and Cody didn't have much to do this one08:17
Admiral_ChicagoLaserJock: what issues? i haven't seen it but I give them fix08:18
LaserJockit says that Beryl and Compiz aren't being shipped in Feisty08:18
LaserJockCompiz is installed by default08:18
Admiral_Chicagowhoa. give me a sec08:18
LaserJockit's just not the default WM until you turn on the desktop-effects stuff08:19
LaserJockAlso it says that Ubucon *will* take place Feb 16th08:19
LaserJockit's written in a future tense when it really should have been a wrapup of what happened08:20
LaserJockI'm guessing that part was writen before Feb 16th08:20
Admiral_Chicagoremember that UWN is from a month ago08:20
LaserJockbut why is it just released now?08:21
Admiral_Chicagosomeone changed that section08:21
Admiral_ChicagoLaserJock: I wrote the section that you are talking about08:21
LaserJockit was just edited today and it is on the Fridge today08:21
Admiral_Chicagothe current version is *not* what I wrote08:21
Admiral_Chicagoi see all the feisty changes are everything I wrote08:22
=== Admiral_Chicago grumbles. I did a lot of work on this before I got wicked busy with midterms
LaserJockwell, it's been edited quite a bit in the last few days08:22
Admiral_Chicagoafter all the chatter on the ML, I expected it to be much better08:23
Admiral_Chicagothey *completely* took out my link from the TB decision.08:23
Admiral_ChicagoLaserJock: header now reads "No Composite installed by Default"08:27
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LaserJockAdmiral_Chicago: might want to let the fridge people know08:32
LaserJockAdmiral_Chicago: they've got it in their little intro08:32
Admiral_Chicagoi'll find the ML and let them know08:33
Admiral_Chicagodammit, i knew I should have been checking what they were doing on UWN08:33
Admiral_Chicagodo they have channel? i can't find a ML for them08:35
LaserJockfor fridge?08:35
LaserJockI thought they had a channel and ML08:35
Admiral_Chicagoi'll just msg Daniel.08:35
Admiral_Chicagoi dunno the channel. i couldn't find the list on the page.08:36
somerville32And the list is hidden08:40
somerville32However, I happen to know what it is08:40
Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: we need you back on UWN... :(08:40
somerville32You'll get me back when I get out of the hospital :D08:40
Admiral_Chicagodammit, okay i see what happens.08:40
Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: is there a way i could take it over until Corey isn't so busy with things like the book?08:41
somerville32This is an open source project - you don't really "need" to ask. If you see a need, fill it.08:41
somerville32If you start stepping on people's toes, they'll let you know ;] 08:41
Admiral_Chicagogah. i had my entire section which I wrote very carefully edited08:42
=== Admiral_Chicago goes to class.
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3950 ubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: bug reported on mailing list10:57
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mdkeah, praises10:58
=== mdke is back
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