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firecrotch | Okay, I have an install that's pretty much the default with Apache, PHP, mySQL... slight problem though... How do I get apache to handle perl scripts properly? | 03:39 |
firecrotch | Instead of the script executing, it wants me to download it | 03:40 |
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GNu_Joe | Where do the ubuntu-server devlopers hang out? | 04:28 |
lionel | here and on ubuntu-devel | 04:29 |
GNu_Joe | not here, no one ever talks about ubuntu-server | 04:31 |
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hyrax_ | heh. I just tried out ubuntu-server. To me it is a good base install for setting up a desktop where the defaults are not so "ubuntusized" | 04:34 |
hyrax_ | As a server install though, I saw X and alsa stuff being included in the base install. But man did not get installed. | 04:35 |
hyrax_ | Not sure why I'd want X and alsa on the type of servers I run. I guess I could trim back the base install some after the fact. | 04:36 |
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hyrax_ | that being said, my install of ubuntu-server was the first unbuntu flavor install that did not annoy me in any way. | 04:45 |
hyrax_ | and seems to be a solid basis for a GNU/Linux insall | 04:46 |
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ivoks | X isn't a part of ubuntu-server | 05:18 |
ivoks | oh, he left :/ | 05:19 |
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dballester | hi to all | 05:39 |
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dballester | where can i get info about canonical movements to put ubuntu in the enterprise world? Any roadmap or similar ? Thanks and regards | 05:41 |
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dballester | I'm trying to install ubuntu-server arch amd64/em64T into one Dell Poweredge 860 ( http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/pedge_860?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd ) by now is the second time that install cd ( 2 different burns ) claims that libiw28 packages is corrupt | 06:06 |
dballester | md5sum for the iso image is correct | 06:06 |
dballester | any tip ? | 06:06 |
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yomm | Is it possible to completely boot off a server ,and run the OS 100% native on the client ? So in other words a diskless ubuntu-box ...Can anyone point me in the right direction ? | 08:07 |
GNu_Joe | yomm, edubuntu has that function ( via the LTSP.org ) | 08:09 |
yomm | Gnu_Joe : I have a small spare box , and i Like to store several OS Images on | 08:09 |
yomm | the server , so I can select which one to boot .. Is that possible with Edubuntu/LTSP ? | 08:10 |
GNu_Joe | humm not sure | 08:10 |
yomm | Gnu_Joe : I was under the impression that ltsp was still also not 100% native on the client | 08:10 |
ivoks | boot client from server? | 08:10 |
ivoks | wihtout a disk? | 08:11 |
yomm | ivoks ; yes , but 100% native | 08:11 |
yomm | if that is possible :) | 08:11 |
GNu_Joe | ya LTSP runs on the server the client is just a terminal | 08:11 |
ivoks | 100% native? | 08:11 |
ivoks | it's normal linux | 08:12 |
GNu_Joe | He wants a BIS | 08:12 |
GNu_Joe | Boot Install Server | 08:12 |
yomm | ivoks : native in the sense that all aps & processes run on the client not the server | 08:12 |
ivoks | yomm: of course | 08:12 |
ivoks | yomm: you need dhcp server, tftpd-hpa and ethernet card | 08:12 |
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ivoks | i have cluster set up like that | 08:12 |
ivoks | all clients (60 of them) boot from network | 08:13 |
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-62-144.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
yomm | ivoks: so tftpd-pha is the package to look at ? | 08:13 |
ivoks | they have no disk, but all apps run on client | 08:13 |
yomm | ivoks , yes thats what I wwant | 08:13 |
ivoks | yomm: yes, it's trivial FTP which serves kernel to clients | 08:13 |
ivoks | once client grabs kernel, mounts / over NFS | 08:14 |
yomm | ivoks : does it support all OS ? | 08:14 |
ivoks | and that's all... | 08:14 |
ivoks | yomm: all OS? | 08:14 |
yomm | ivoks :would I be able to serve any OS that would run on the client itself ? | 08:15 |
GNu_Joe | yomm, http://www.schnozzle.org/~coldwell/diskless/ | 08:15 |
ivoks | yomm: if by any you mean redhat, ubuntu, debian, suse, then yes | 08:15 |
ivoks | if you want windows, you should talk to guys from redmond | 08:15 |
yomm | ivoks : and if by any I mean windows , OpenStep ,& Darwin ? | 08:16 |
ivoks | (i highly doubt that's dooable) | 08:16 |
yomm | lol , the concept seems simple , just serve a disk to a client .. but apparently not | 08:17 |
ivoks | it's not that simple | 08:17 |
yomm | :/ | 08:18 |
ivoks | your client has to get an IP, start portmap and nfs client | 08:18 |
ivoks | mount network share as / | 08:18 |
ivoks | pivot root from ram to mounted system | 08:18 |
ivoks | and then continue to boot | 08:18 |
yomm | ivoks : I see ! | 08:18 |
ivoks | that's called PXE boot | 08:19 |
ivoks | great way to install ubuntu on lots of computers :) | 08:19 |
yomm | ivoks : I heard of that | 08:19 |
ivoks | or to manage cluster and not worry about updates on clients | 08:19 |
yomm | ivoks , is tftpd also a pxe variant ? | 08:20 |
ivoks | yes | 08:20 |
yomm | Gnu_Joe : thanks for the link | 08:20 |
GNu_Joe | np | 08:20 |
yomm | ivoks : you too , thanks a lot for the information , I'll go fire up my vmware server & start experimenting with tftpd ,I'll probably bug you guys a lil' more later on :) | 08:22 |
ivoks | np; i'll give you my bank account :) | 08:22 |
yomm | lol | 08:22 |
yomm | i'll give you my money | 08:22 |
yomm | <------ as if he has any ! | 08:23 |
yomm | ;) | 08:23 |
yomm | ivoks : would this procedure approach what you described : http://reilly.homeip.net/folding/linux.html | 08:31 |
ivoks | there is more than one way to do it | 08:34 |
ivoks | you should use ubuntu kernel | 08:35 |
ivoks | http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install | 08:35 |
ivoks | this is about installint ubuntu over network | 08:35 |
yomm | ok thx | 08:36 |
yomm | lol I'm having soo much fun with Linux :) | 08:38 |
ivoks | heh | 08:41 |
ivoks | it's not point and click | 08:41 |
ivoks | but you can learn a lot | 08:41 |
yomm | the clicky path is not necessarily the better :) | 08:52 |
ivoks | i agree | 08:52 |
yomm | though we all like some eye-candy once in a while :) | 08:52 |
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=== AMSmith42 [n=user@p34n31.ruraltel.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
AMSmith42 | When I apt-get install kubuntu-desktop I get a 403 Forbidden. Where should I start? | 11:45 |
xenalise | a 403? O_o | 11:46 |
AMSmith42 | Yes. | 11:46 |
AMSmith42 | Just a sec. I'll get one of the messages... | 11:46 |
mralphab1t | have you been bad? | 11:46 |
AMSmith42 | All the time, yes. | 11:46 |
mralphab1t | heh | 11:46 |
=== mralphabet wonders when his nick changed | ||
AMSmith42 | "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main [etc] 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] " | 11:48 |
AMSmith42 | The "etc" is the package. It has it for all of them. | 11:49 |
xenalise | Hmm | 11:49 |
AMSmith42 | Indeed. | 11:50 |
mralphabet | have you changed anything in /etc/apt/sources.list? | 11:51 |
AMSmith42 | I just installed ubuntu-server and this was the first thing I tried to do. I also got an error during install regarding not being able to fetch some packages. | 11:51 |
AMSmith42 | And that I should "investigate this soon" or some-such. | 11:51 |
AMSmith42 | I have not edited sources.list | 11:52 |
mralphabet | did you do a sudo apt-get update? or sudo apt-get upgrade | 11:52 |
mralphabet | or is this from aptitude | 11:52 |
AMSmith42 | This is an apt-get and update does the same thing. | 11:52 |
AMSmith42 | I don't have any trouble from Kubuntu desktop doing the same sort of thing. | 11:53 |
AMSmith42 | I can opent the console and sudo apt-get all day long. | 11:54 |
mralphabet | and I don't have any trouble from an ubuntu server doing the same thing . . . I just did it no more then 5 mins ago | 11:54 |
mralphabet | that's an odd one | 11:54 |
AMSmith42 | Huh. | 11:54 |
AMSmith42 | Oh, well. | 11:54 |
AMSmith42 | For another day, I suppose. | 11:54 |
AMSmith42 | Thanks for your help. | 11:54 |
AMSmith42 | Have a good day. | 11:55 |
mralphabet | sorry we couldn't be more help | 11:55 |
xenalise | Oh one thing.... is your sources.list okay? | 11:58 |
xenalise | Maybe (I doubt it, but better safe then sorry) something could be wrong there? | 11:58 |
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