
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
goblinanyone from germany here?12:14
NixHexBluesKaj: yes, but not at a sacrafice of performance12:14
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cpk1goblin: you have an ati or nvidia?12:15
NixHexBluesKaj: also use the kubuntu satanic edition KDM/splash screen12:15
Schuenemann!de | goblin12:15
ubotugoblin: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:15
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ferret_0567I told you all that the X server would crash, and it did12:17
goblini have nvidia...12:17
ferret_0567Let me look up the bug...12:17
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BluesKajNixHex, major graphics card , then12:18
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ferret_0567btw, is there a way to make Konqueror faster for web browsing? It's slow12:18
NixHexBluesKaj: I have a Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB PCI-E x16 card12:18
nosrednaekimferret, yes, you have to disable IPv612:18
goblinbut i don't really know how to install the drivers XD windows was really easy but i'll try to install the drivers.........12:19
nosrednaekimther is a guide somewhere12:19
ferret_0567I don12:19
ferret_0567I don't even use IPv612:19
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ferret_0567I have IPv6 enabled though12:20
ferret_0567Heres the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/xorg-server/+bug/6174612:20
NixHexBluesKaj:Though I would like to get a Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS 320mb card...12:20
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ferret_0567No Ubugtu in here...12:21
Balsamic_Chickenanyone play oblivion, got a question here12:21
ferret_0567But there you go12:21
goblinwhat is ubugtu? (sorry i'm an linux noob, i have linux since 2 hours)12:21
ferret_0567This is the description: Xorg exits when it receives an ACPI button/lid event, (Confirmed, High)12:21
nosrednaekiminteresting... does't happen to me12:22
nosrednaekimdoesn;t mean it doesn't happen though12:22
ferret_0567It's just a computer program that is in the #ubuntu+1 channel plus other Ubuntu channels, it gives you a automatic description of a Ubuntu bug report12:22
ferret_0567I don't want to use the unofficial fix posted there.12:23
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ferret_0567X server does crash when it sees a certain event from acpid12:24
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ferret_0567Heres the bug at freedesktop.org: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=877612:25
goblinso i must disconnect, my girlfriend is waiting for me, gn8 all12:25
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nosrednaekimenjoy linux12:26
goblini will ;)12:26
ferret_0567Where is the option in Kopete to show only online buddies?12:26
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nosrednaekimI believe it is one of the buttons on the top toolbar12:26
ferret_0567I'm happy that you got Linux working, goblin12:26
ferret_0567Oh, that did it12:26
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BluesKajferret_0567, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:27
ferret_0567lol, it was right infront of my face, so close, I didn't even notice it12:27
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ferret_0567Do you use KTorrent with DHT and Skype without IPv6 successfully?12:27
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ferret_0567That's the only thing12:28
goblini've just wanted to know what linux is i have this fucking windows vista but i don't like it and after the installation of Ubuntu i'll change all my systems to Linux........ i love it..........12:28
nosrednaekimI think so...12:28
nosrednaekim!language | goblin12:29
ubotugoblin: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:29
LeeJunFangoblin: that language won't float around here, although we also mostly think the same about vista.12:29
ferret_0567Yeah, mostly wer think the same thing about Vista, but please, watch your language12:30
SchuenemannVista = Viruses Intruders Spyware Trojans Adware12:30
LeeJunFanI wonder if vmware is going to release their accelerated graphics support version for linux.12:30
nosrednaekimI hope they do... id didn't know they had that12:30
LeeJunFanI would love to be able to play Longbow2 w/o booting to XP.12:31
LeeJunFannosrednaekim: so far just for MAC, and it's beta.12:31
ferret_0567My friend said something similar, to that effect, what Vista really meant. Look at badvista.org12:31
goblinsorry i forgot to watch for my language...........so bye12:31
ferret_0567When I said "...what Vista really meant...", I meant the name12:31
ferret_0567But, there's what evil stuff Vista has in store for you at badvista.org12:32
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LeeJunFanI had to install the same piece of hardware on 2 vista machines, same driver exact same piece of hardware, worked on the e-machine, the HP choked on it.12:32
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ferret_0567ha! What about Ubuntu Linux, same hardware, same driver, different machines?12:33
LeeJunFanHad to start the installer, let it unpack the files, go find the temp dir it created and told vista to look there for the driver, and it was fine. How one vista works perfect, and the other doesn't find the drive I don't know.12:33
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ferret_0567Hey, a wallpaper for me and you: http://badvista.fsf.org/blog/what-vista-stands-for-as-wallpaper12:34
LeeJunFanVista is kind of neat because it's new, other than that it's rather boring, especially compared to beryl on Linux.12:34
ferret_0567yeah, nothing really special12:35
ferret_0567And Windows Sideshow, please, you know it's going to only work with Windows, atleast for a short while.12:35
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LeeJunFanIt's also that new stuff that makes it so annoying, they moved so much around that things you expect to find in the old place are not there any more. And there really wasn't a reason to change much of it, except that their goal of course was to give it the illusion of being something so different.12:36
Schuenemann"Requires Windows 98 or better" --> So I installed Linux12:36
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ferret_0567But, seriously, Linux needs something like Quartz Extreme12:36
LeeJunFanIt's more like a car where all the dashboard controls are now in the trunk, you have to get out and go look in the trunk to turn on the windshield wipers.12:36
hattalinux has more than enough gui toolkits12:36
LeeJunFanNo, what linux really has more than enough of is package managers.12:37
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hattaand text editors12:37
nosrednaekimand flame fests...12:37
hattawell actually, you can never have too many text editors12:37
Schuenemannand clever text editors12:37
Schuenemannnot stupid notepad and wordpad12:38
hattayeah, but I don't like my editor to be more clever than me12:38
hattathat's why I use vim and not emacs12:38
Schuenemannthat's why you have a lot12:38
tarnoldi just use kate12:38
tarnoldwhats the diff?12:38
nosrednaekimme too... kate rocks12:38
Schuenemannsyntax highlighting is nice12:38
Schuenemannsometimes I don't want to load a full IDE just to see a program file12:38
nosrednaekim*flamewar is about to begin*12:38
ferret_0567And, Vista has so many new features, and you can't remove whatever you want, and have only the features that M$ allows you to have for your particular Edition of Vista, so, Vista just makes your computer slow12:39
tarnoldso what is teh diff between kate and OO.owriter12:39
Schuenemannis that new? I can't remove IE, outlook and a whole bunch of crap on XP either12:39
hattaOO is a word processor, kate's a text editor12:39
NixHexerr. kcheckmail doesn't want to work12:39
jarnAnd OO.o writer takes forever to open.12:39
LeeJunFanOf course linux is also like a car where the graphics drivers are aftermarket superchargers with underdrive pulleys. You have to go to the store to get it, use get familiar with tools to install it, and then it doesn't perform as well as the windows gfx drivers. hehe.12:40
reldruhtarnold: OO.o also doesn't integrate very well with kde. You might look into kword instead of OO.o. They have a lot of the same functionality12:40
nosrednaekimno...in my experience, kword doesn't not handle .docs very well at all12:41
jarnreldruh: Can kword open Word files like OO.o can? I really do not like OO.o but I've been using it for that.12:41
nosrednaekimbut its getting beter12:41
LeeJunFandoes kword save to .doc yet?12:41
hattaabiword is nice12:41
jarnThen it's OO.o for me.12:41
=== jarn sighs.
nosrednaekimyeah..I don't like OO very much either12:41
hattaif you need interoperability with word try abiword12:42
hattaotherwise use LaTeX12:42
reldruhkword on my system gives me the option to save as a microsoft word document, and explicitly says that the extension is .doc...12:42
hattathat's what I do at least12:42
tarnoldearlier i opened kate cos it was quicker to laod but then i copied the text to writer so i could save as windows to take it to school12:42
nosrednaekimit does?what version are you using?12:42
reldruhI've never used it like that before so I can't speak to how good it is but the option very much appears to be there12:42
reldruh1.6.2, the newest one12:42
reldruhjust released a few weeks ago, I thnk12:42
nosrednaekimright..I'm still stuck in 1.512:43
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nosrednaekimis 1.6 in the repos yet?12:43
reldruhnosrednaekim: upgrade? It's just a matter of adding one line to sources.list12:43
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reldruhnosrednaekim: no, you have add a specific repo for it12:43
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nosrednaekim its that the kde one?12:43
Schuenemannhow do I upgrade to KDE 3.5.6?12:44
nosrednaekimI'll check into it12:44
nosrednaekimthe MOTD says its in the repos12:44
reldruhnosrednaekim: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-162 edgy main12:44
LeeJunFanor upgrade to feisty :)12:44
nosrednaekimnot yet!!12:44
LeeJunFanbah, woos.12:44
tarnoldwho uses the kontact suite or anyother organizer? i need to get way more organized12:44
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nosrednaekimI used it12:44
reldruhSchuenemann: add the line deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-256 edgy main to your /etc/apt/sources.list file12:45
nosrednaekimits pretty sweet especially with Kmail integration12:45
reldruhtarnold: I use it12:45
reldruhand yeah, kmail is great12:45
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Schuenemannreldruh, what is the 256?12:45
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jarnI like to add lists for specific programs in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:45
tarnoldcos i have yahoo mail12:45
jarnThat way I can maintain the base list.12:45
reldruhSchuenemann: sorry, that should have been 35612:45
reldruhSchuenemann: as in 3.5.612:45
Schuenemannhmmm no xx.ubuntu.com ... ?12:46
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reldruhSchuenemann: no, that's the right line. It's at kubuntu.org12:46
reldruhI _hate_ the error messages that make spits out. Sometimes I think they don't even count as error messages they're so useless12:47
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LeeJunFanreldruh: actually it's probably gcc spitting those out, make doesn't really do much by itself except call other programs.12:48
LeeJunFanor libtool12:48
reldruhLeeJunFan: whatever is spitting them out has the brunt of my ire directed at it right now. it's very frustrating12:48
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reldruhI really don't have any idea what stopped my build12:49
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ramzGhi all12:49
LeeJunFanreldruh: it can be confusing. Compiling really isn't fun for people who don't know the language they are compiling, and/or how the compiler works.12:49
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reldruhLeeJunFan: it certainly doesn't help12:51
ferret_0567Does Konqueror have a DNS cache?12:51
=== reldruh cools down
LeeJunFanreldruh: what are you compiling? if you pastebin the output I can try to see what's messing it up.12:51
ferret_0567Some website said it didn't, but that may be an old page, for an old Konqueror12:51
reldruhLeeJunFan: I'm building kdebase for kde4. It got to 2% before stopping12:51
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LeeJunFanreldruh: ugh, are you a developer? I wouldn't want to get into kde4 yet.12:52
nosrednaekimhaha besides kde4 doesn't even use make.. it uses Cmake12:53
LeeJunFannosrednaekim: doh, that's right.12:53
reldruhLeeJunFan: a very new and inexperienced one. I'm a computer science student and want to help out with the pim stuff for kde4, so I'm building it12:53
ferret_0567I'm going to reboot because I'm disabling IPv6, k?12:53
ferret_0567I'll be rebooting in a few min.12:53
excelsior|afkI got a problem earlier in the evening, my kernel froze. I suppose that was skype which make me froze, but i'm unsure if it's possible12:53
excelsior|afksomeone know something about that ?12:53
LeeJunFanreldruh: you should be able to do what you need if you isntall the kde4 packages Riddell has on kubuntu.org, with the dev packages, or better yet use his src packages to build from.12:53
reldruhnosrednaekim: it's true that it uses cmake to build, but that doesn't mean that make and make install don't have to be run12:54
nosrednaekimyeah I know... but its alot more different12:54
=== NixHex is listening to Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall
nosrednaekimexcelcior: it has to do with skype and sound12:54
ferret_0567Well...ath_pci caused a freeze for me, all I had to do was move the wireless card to the bottom PCMCIA Cardbus slot, and unplug the card at night12:54
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excelsior|afknosrednaekim: any hint to avoit that freeze ?12:55
reldruhLeeJunFan: I've tried those and had some issues with them. And I wanted to learn a bit more abou kde4 so I'm trying it on my own12:55
reldruhLeeJunFan: do you still want to look at my output?12:55
ferret_0567I had a soft-lockup, that was the exact type of freeze. I waited, and then it cleared itself up, but for only that one time12:55
Kr4t05Hey, I tried to manually install Java from Sun's website, and I now want to remove it and reinstall it via apt, how do I completely remove the Java I installed before? Delete the directory?12:55
nosrednaekimexcelcior, how long did you let it sit before hard powering off?12:55
ferret_0567I'm rebooting now12:56
excelsior|afkerr, maybe 5 minutes12:56
LeeJunFanreldruh: probably wouldn't help much, I'm pretty know-nothing when it comes to C++, I'm much more comfortable with C.12:56
excelsior|afkI don't know exactly12:56
ferret_0567I had to wait about 5 min.12:56
ferret_0567I would let it go for longer12:56
LeeJunFanreldruh: I gotta run out for a bit anyway.12:56
reldruhLeeJunFan: all right, thanks anyway12:56
ferret_0567bye for now12:56
Zaphar_workK3B burns DVD's at a max of 1.6x estimated speed even with 8x media on a drive capable of 16x dvd recording. Is this normal? It also bogs down the system.12:56
ferret_0567Definetly not12:57
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nosrednaekimexcelcior: it freezes everytime someone trys to message me on skype12:58
coreymon77Zaphar_work: that shouldnt happen12:58
nosrednaekimbut only for a minute at most12:58
Zaphar_workcoreymon77: is there something I can check to track down the problem?12:58
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loorisi'm using kubuntu edgy, and, well, konsole background transparency does not work. Transparency works in menus and in title bars, so it's not a driver problem. What could i do?12:58
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coreymon77Zaphar_work: i dont really know, all i know is that is not normal12:58
excelsior|afkI'm sure it was longer for me. I spent some time to find a sata wire to plug my new hard drive12:59
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nosrednaekimwell have you had any problems with it since?12:59
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coreymon77looris: what happens12:59
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levyI've installed Kubuntu but i did'n find the us international driver for the keyboard01:00
excelsior|afknot until that time, I even has been called and it worked well01:00
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looriscoreymon77: if i select a transparent theme, it is simply white on black, with no tint01:01
Zaphar_workcoreymon77: has anyone else reported this problem? I can't find anything on launchpad or google about it01:01
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nosrednaekimok..wel then don't worry about it01:01
Kr4t05Does anyone know how to remove Java when installed manually?01:01
Schuenemannreldruh, says signatures couldn't be verified01:01
Zaphar_workand system logs are reporting anything that looks related01:01
excelsior|afkI worry that it could produce again01:01
SchuenemannKr4t05, remove the installation directory01:01
reldruhSchuenemann: that's OK, tell it to keep going (that's what I did anyway)01:01
Kr4t05Schuenemann: That's it? No references I need to remove?01:02
coreymon77Zaphar_work: i dont really know01:02
SchuenemannKr4t05, what did you change?01:02
coreymon77looris: have you tried all the different transparent schemes?01:02
Zaphar_workhrmmm I wonder if there is a k3b channel :-)01:02
nosrednaekimI'm sure there is01:02
coreymon77ill check01:02
Zaphar_workyep there is01:03
Kr4t05Schuenemann: I made simlinks in my PATH to the binarys in my installation folder, that's it.01:03
SchuenemannKr4t05, I guess only the directory, environment variables (if you set) and maybe update-alternatives entries01:03
Zaphar_workbut it looks pretty much empty no help there01:03
Schuenemannwhy did you install it manually?01:03
Kr4t05Schuenemann: I was trying to patch Java 6 manually, so I could run Java apps in Beryl.01:04
Schuenemannis it JDK or JRE?01:04
Schuenemannyou can install java 6 from the repositories01:04
Kr4t05Eh, don't worry about that, I gave up and decided to use drop Frostwire in favor of Phex.01:04
Schuenemannwell, remove the directory and the links, then01:04
Kr4t05That's most of the reason why I was attempting it.01:04
ramzGgetting troubles with kubuntu and sonyericsson z710 - i cant use it as modem through USB ((01:04
ramzGcan anybody help?01:05
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ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle01:05
Kr4t05ramzG: Did you install bitpim?01:05
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looriscoreymon77: i had tried them all, now i've noticd you can edit them, and looks like they are simply badly configured: they are configured not to be transparent at all!! and if i try to edit them to enable transparency, that option is ignored01:05
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ramzGKr4t05: what is it? i'm newbee to linux ))) i use macos for 7 years - its very simple ((01:05
Kr4t05ubotu: info bitpim > ra01:06
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Kr4t05ubotu: info bitpim > ramzG01:06
coreymon77looris: ask somebody else, i realy do not know01:06
looriswhat a pity01:06
looriswell if somebody else knows what's happening, please let me know : )01:07
ramzGKr4t05: its not CDMA, it's GSM phone %/01:07
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Schuenemannreldruh, 80 MB download... I hope you know what you told me to do :D01:07
reldruhSchuenemann: you're not on dialup are you?01:07
Kr4t05ramzG: Did you check the forums? Their may be a howto.01:07
reldruhSchuenemann: you're upgrading the whole of kde, 80megs is a bargain01:07
Schuenemannreldruh, no... a crappy 600 Kbps01:08
ramzGKr4t05: i tried throuth bluetooth - succsesssfully once (((( after disconnecting i cant connect again (01:08
reldruhSchuenemann: dude, you really get 600kbps? I get 200 max01:08
Schuenemannbut I was talk about the changes that will make01:08
Schuenemannhopefully it won't mess everything01:08
reldruhoh, trust me it's worth it01:08
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LaNCeloT_RWhi ppl..  how do I install a .ktheme file ?01:08
LaNCeloT_RWi found a cool theme and want to install ir01:08
ferret_0567IPv6 seems disabled after doing that "Disable IPv6" guide, except:01:08
ferret_0567travis@ubuntulaptop:~$ ip a | grep inet601:08
ferret_0567inet6 ::1/128 scope host01:08
ferret_0567inet6 fe80::213:46ff:fea0:1d77/64 scope link01:08
Schuenemannreldruh, no, 600 Kbps...01:08
=== ramzG crying for his awful english ((((
Schuenemannreldruh, I get a max of 60 KBps01:09
reldruhI see01:09
reldruhit's worth it, I promise01:09
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ferret_0567ath0 has that inet6 addr...01:09
ferret_0567Hmm.,..as to why the DNS resolving process is still faster, I dunno01:10
ramzGKr4t05: afaik the trouble is that kubuntu cant see GSM modem through USB....01:10
ferret_0567There shouldn't be IPv6 addresses at all, I rebooted01:10
Schuenemannreldruh, how fast is yours? how many Mbps?01:10
ferret_0567Is that really still OK?01:10
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Kr4t05ramzG: Hrm... I hate to drop you like this, but I can't seem to find anything out.01:11
JoshooaHey, I have a Kubuntu DVD iso image, and when I go into K3b to burn it, it recognizes it as an ISO, but when I want to burn it, it says it's not a valid ISO Image01:11
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loorisoh, well, after the update and a restart it worked, maybe it was a bug that has been corrected01:13
LaNCeloT_RWhi ppl..  how do I install a .ktheme file ?01:13
LaNCeloT_RWi found a cool theme and want to install it01:13
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nosrednaekim"alt+f2" enter kcontrol and go to apearnaces and thems, then go to theme manager01:14
nosrednaekim^^^for lancelot01:14
JoshooaAnyway I can check to see if the iso image is valid? I've burnt it before and it didn't give me the error, it just failed burning it01:14
SchuenemannLaNCeloT_RW, which theme is it?01:14
LaNCeloT_RWSchuenemann, http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=464301:15
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ferret_0567How do I tell the atheros modules that I don't want IPv6 on it's interfaces?01:15
Schuenemannseems cool01:16
LaNCeloT_RWnosrednaekim, which is the extension of accepted themes by Kde?01:16
LaNCeloT_RWSchuenemann, yes... and I'd like to install it :-)01:16
nosrednaekimkthem I think01:16
LeeJunFanferret_0567: it shouldn't hurt to leave ipv6 on, I've never had to disable it on about the 100 kubuntu installs I've done.01:17
nosrednaekimmakes konqueror slow though01:17
nosrednaekimI think there is a fix just for konqueror though01:17
ferret_0567It makes Konqueror slow, and I said that I didn't want it in /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list01:17
ferret_0567It should NOT be on01:18
nosrednaekimI just use firefox... problem fixed01:18
ferret_0567I explictily stated that01:18
LeeJunFanferret_0567: yeah, you're right if it's off in modules it should be off systemwide.01:18
ferret_0567I know01:18
ferret_0567I changed it through there01:18
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ferret_0567With this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:20
nosrednaekimwell is webbrowsing any faster now?01:20
ferret_0567I think so...01:20
ferret_0567I think I should test more01:20
nosrednaekimwell then don't worry about it because you may want IPv6 sometime in the futoure01:20
ferret_0567Uh, no, it's not01:20
ferret_0567It's not faster on Google, amazingly, it's faster on other sites01:21
ferret_0567Some other sites01:21
ferret_0567like albinoblacksheep01:21
ramzGgot it01:21
nosrednaekimwell maybe google is using Ipv6?01:21
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LaNCeloT_RWnosrednaekim, the extension of themes are .kth01:23
ferret_0567I don't know what to make of it, that change might actually impact stability since the Atheros drivers *want* IPv601:23
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nosrednaekimoh... you got atheros working?01:23
nosrednaekimcongrats!! I never could01:24
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ferret_0567D-Link DWL-G650 PCMCIA Cardbus card with linux-restricted-modules, works like a charm01:24
SchuenemannLaNCeloT_RW, is it working?01:24
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ferret_0567I'm going to enable IPv6 again01:26
ferret_0567brb, too\01:26
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dsmithquestion: does linux require any sort of DST 207 update?01:27
dsmithDST 200701:27
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eigentardI've got kubuntu finally up and running, everything works well01:28
eigentardbut.... now what? :|01:28
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Schuenemannnow you remove windows01:28
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dsmitheigentard: congrats.. :)01:28
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nosrednaekimdsmith...I don't think so, not for the normal home user01:28
dsmitheigentard: now learn what other programs you can use, instead of windoze01:28
eigentardhow do I go about getting better accustomed to the konsole?01:29
DaniwanDoes anyone in here know how to auth a linux user from c/c++ code?01:29
dsmithnosrednaekim: hmmm, ok....01:29
dsmitheigentard: you just do01:29
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dsmithSchuenemann: would you prefer I say bILLY wArEZ?01:30
Schuenemannwhat does that mean? windoze01:30
dsmithWINDOZE= "wINDOWS"01:30
dsmithlinux = *nix01:30
Schuenemannbut why the doze?01:30
nosrednaekimcause its lazy01:31
Schuenemannahh :p01:31
nosrednaekimand stupid01:31
nosrednaekimthat too01:31
dsmithexactly, lazy lame OS01:31
eigentardso like01:32
eigentardare there any important programs or updates or anything I should get?01:32
Schuenemannwhat do you use your computer for?01:32
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dsmithsure, make sure kubuntu is up to date01:32
dsmithwhat version are you? dapper?? Edgy??01:33
LaNCeloT_RWSchuenemann, the theme i showed you? or .kth theme files?01:33
Schuenemannthat one01:33
dsmithahhh 6.10, make sure its updatd them01:33
eigentardhow can I make it so that I can view my NTFS partitions on linux?01:33
dsmith..updated then01:33
Schuenemannwasn't it automatically mounted?01:33
Schuenemanngo to /media01:34
BluesKaji have a  friend who installed ubuntu edgy , but wants to install KDE ..."sudo apt-get install kde" ?01:34
LaNCeloT_RWSchuenemann, man, i couldnt install that... because it has a .ktheme file and I dont know how to install it01:34
dsmithBluesKaj yes01:34
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BluesKajok , just wanna make sure01:34
dsmithyou still will have ubuntu though01:34
dsmithyou pick it when you first login01:34
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dsmithjust install kubuntu fresh01:35
dell190_i need to use a sudo command to mount mine01:35
LaNCeloT_RWactually, i'd like to install a 3D window manager... like beryl01:35
nosrednaekimBlueKaj... might be better to do "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"01:35
LaNCeloT_RWbut i could install it.. =/01:35
SchuenemannI upgraded to KDE 3.5.6, what happens to the KDE 3.5.5 packages I had?01:35
nosrednaekimlancelot: go to the ubuntu-effects channel for help with beryl01:35
LaNCeloT_RWmy Kubuntu is 64 Bits.. and I didnt found the correct packages01:35
LaNCeloT_RWnosrednaekim, i'll try01:36
dsmithBlueKaj: Sorry, nosrednaekim is correct I was wrong01:36
ferret_0567When you install kubuntu-desktop, make sure not to install kubuntu-artwork-usplash01:37
DaniwanAnyone in here a coder of kubuntu?01:37
ferret_0567That's if you were previously using Ubuntu or Kubuntu01:37
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dsmithoh ok01:37
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ferret_0567Because dsmith, if you install it, you will have Xubuntu/Ubuntu splash on startup, and Kubuntu splash on shutdown, or vice versa or other weird behavior.01:39
c0nv1ctlol wtf, stupid nickserv says someone else owns this nick01:39
ferret_0567If you want Kubuntu usplash, uninstall the other one.01:39
ferret_0567I have Ubuntu's with most of kubuntu-desktop installed01:40
nosrednaekimI did not have that probelm when I installed ubuntu-desktop01:40
BluesKajok , thx , i corrected my advice to my friend as well01:40
nosrednaekimI just told it to use Kdm01:40
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ferret_0567I don't have KDM, either, since KDE is fully compatible with GDM01:41
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ferret_0567If you want, you can use kdm01:42
ferret_0567If you want both GNOME and KDE, then gdm01:42
ferret_0567In other words, just use GDM for all desktop enviroments because it's very compatibile :D01:42
neoncodeIs it possible to Virtulise a copy of Win98 useing Linux?01:43
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nosrednaekimok, I use, Kdm with gnome...nothing breaks...01:43
ferret_0567VMWare, QEmu, Bochs, etc. VMWare is best.01:43
ferret_0567ok then01:43
neoncodeferret_0567: Thanks01:44
nosrednaekimunless you have a CPU with virtualization support in which case qemu with KVM is best01:44
neoncodeDidn't Fiesty have some kind of Virtulisation built in? And what about Xen?01:44
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nosrednaekimfiesty has KVM, with Qemu as a frontend01:44
ferret_0567Or Xen with CPU wirh virtualization support is also good01:44
nosrednaekimyeah..I heard that Xen got that too01:45
ferret_0567I would try KVM01:45
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ferret_0567Xen is a different Linux kernel with Xen hypervisor = different kernel modules needed, like for NVIDIA graphics01:45
neoncodeRIght. And The Core 2 Duo chips have virulisation support right?01:45
nosrednaekimas well as the AMD turion X2s01:46
nosrednaekimand AM2 desktop chips01:46
nosrednaekimI have a turion X201:46
neoncodeOk, thanks. I don't actualy have a core 2 right now but should be getting one soon so I'll try it then. Thank you everyone. =301:46
FizzbaneWhen I boot my windows i get an error NTLDR missing. to my knowledge that is the windows boot loader. How do I put NTLDR onto my windows hd without changing anything on my linux hd?01:47
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jarnUhh... In konqueror, it apparently is "unable to start the cookie handler service"01:49
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Schuenemannafter I install KDE 3.5.6, what happens to all the KDE 3.5.5 packages? do I have to remove them?01:50
ferret_0567Most likely, I believe01:50
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ferret_05673.5.6 is just a security update, right?01:50
ferret_0567If so, you don't need it01:51
nosrednaekimno there are some new features01:51
Schuenemannsecurity? I guess not01:51
loorismmmh i'm trying to set transparent windows, but it doesn't seem to work: they are simply not transparent at all01:51
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ubotuhotkeys: A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 141 kB, installed size 384 kB01:51
ferret_0567You need AIGLX, and NVIDIA01:51
loorisis it possible to do that, or not?01:52
nosrednaekimin kde? you need to composite extention in the xorg01:52
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ferret_0567Yes, on NVIDIA with Ubuntu 6.1001:52
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Number2How do I set directory permissions on a folder that I create, I want to make a folder and have it readable and writeable by the user group01:52
ferret_0567You need to get a upgraded NVIDIA driver, and enable AIGLX01:52
loorisoh, so it won't work with an ati? :/01:52
ferret_0567I don't think so01:53
looriswhat a pity01:53
ferret_0567It depends on the graphics card model and driver01:53
nosrednaekimlooris, you'll need XGL to do trnasparency with ATI01:53
mjunxwell, doesn't the open source radeon driver work with composite? for the cards it supports 3d with?01:53
ferret_0567There are two possible drivers for ATI and NVIDIA on Linux01:53
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Number2How do I set directory permissions on a folder that I create, I want to make a folder and have it readable and writeable by the user group01:53
ferret_0567I dunno01:54
ferret_0567Never used ATI01:54
loorisooh. well it's a very old card in a laptop, a ati rage mobility m3....01:54
nosrednaekimmjunx: yes it does01:54
ferret_0567ok, will it work guys?01:54
ferret_0567I dunno01:54
nosrednaekim#2: right click on it konqueror, properties, permissions01:54
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looriswell, so i'll try to install xserver-xgl and see what happens?01:54
nosrednaekimrage mobility? my rage 128 worked01:54
flacciddang hotkeys rox01:55
nosrednaekimits a bit harder than that01:55
ferret_0567And XGL has problems01:55
mjunxlooris, are you using edgy?01:55
loorismjunx: yes01:55
mjunxthen I thought you could just use stock xserver-xorg since that has composite01:55
ferret_0567XGL is just to see that cube spin. AIGLX is that for when you actually want to USE your computer.01:55
nosrednaekimno...thats not correct01:55
mjunxcompiz and beryl are the cube spin things, ferret01:56
loorismjunx: oh, so... i'm afraid i don't know what "composite" is, but i'll try to find out01:56
ferret_0567With some apps, XGL is not compatible01:56
mjunxxgl was originally a composite-enabled xserver01:56
ferret_0567I know that mjunx01:56
mjunxbut xorg has its own composite thing now, right?01:56
ferret_0567It's that XGL itself does not support some apps01:56
ferret_0567Like Audacious, I've hear01:56
ferret_0567...I've heard01:56
mjunxright, so you can try using xorg's01:56
ferret_0567AIGLX works fine01:57
nosrednaekimlooris, you might try looking up a totorial on getting composite in atis01:57
ferret_0567...with Audacious and otherds01:57
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ferret_0567I've used AIGLX before,  and I have the latest NVIDIA driver compatible with my card01:58
loorisnosrednaekim: well i'm searching google for this "composite"..01:58
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premier_hello.  Im trying to get my computer to hibernate.  One of the usb device prevents it from hiberanating, something about returing -16.  Can anyone help me?01:58
premier_I says the the usb device 5-1.4 is the source.  how can I figure out which usb device that is?  lsusb and lspci dont give that information01:58
mjunxif aiglx is the xorg composite extension, then I've used that on an i915GMA (or whatever the acronym is), and it worked fine with beryl (both emerald and aquamarine)01:58
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mjunxpremier_, have you tried unplugging and plugging in devices until it works? :P01:59
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looriswell looks like libxcomposite1 is already installed01:59
premier_mjunx: yeah, but it seems that every device can cause it02:00
ferret_0567That doesn't matter, you have to enable AIGLX02:00
mjunxlooris, composite is the extension you need to enable in xorg so that you can use beryl or compiz02:00
DuncanFAnyone know why my screensaver would preview and test fine, but when it goes into the actual screensaver is just displays a black screen?02:00
mjunxalthough, I have it enabled right now, but I'm just using kwin, so whatever >_>02:00
premier_mjunx: also, before when I hibernated and it failed, it delivered me back to my screen saver, but now it just sits there with a black screen.02:00
premier_mjunx: when I unplug everything it works02:01
mjunxhmm, my guess is some IRQ conflicts or something related to IRQs, so I don't really have any advice, sorry :/02:01
loorismjunx, ferret_0567: oh, pardon me if i don't know these programs, but in the last N years i've been using linux only on servers....02:01
mjunxlooris, that's alright, I learnt about composite only recently anyhow :)02:01
nosrednaekimdid you try restarting kde when you made your transparency changes?02:01
ferret_0567I know upgrading the NVIDIA drivers to the latest compatible with your card, and enabling AIGLX, which requires Composite, will work02:01
mjunxand composite is a concept, not a program :)02:02
ferret_0567I think that will work02:02
loorisnosrednaekim: yeah i have restarted it02:02
mjunxworked for me02:02
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loorisferret_0567: thanks i was already reading that site ;)02:03
JoshooaHey I need help02:03
ferret_0567Another page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLXOnEdgy?highlight=%28AIGLX%2902:03
JoshooaIt says my drive is 100% used, and 7.1/7.3GB are used, that's not 100%02:03
mjunx5% is reserved for root, Joshooa02:04
JoshooaAnd the only way I got booted up, somehow, is in Ubuntu, not Kubuntu, and i have no idea why02:04
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JoshooaBut that's still not 100% used02:04
mjunxsome programs write logs too, and that's hard to do when you don't have any space left ;p02:04
mjunxso they segfault02:04
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JoshooaAnd I couldn't delete anything or even read man before02:05
mjunxno, but it's at least 95% used, and you can't write anymore without root permissions02:05
premier_mjunx: I also tried to suspend a couple of times, but it cant get it to resume: it doesnt respond to my keyboard or anything, even the power button02:05
Joshooaand I did a reboot, and it would go into Kubuntu, and I would enter my name and pw, and it would start to log in, then go back to the login screen02:05
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mjunxyeah, I know that problem, man renders and caches the page, but if it has nowhere to store it...02:05
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JoshooaI have root permissions, and there is NOT that much stuff on the drive02:05
JoshooaI was 100% full and deleted a DVD image, 3.98 GB, and still 100% full02:05
mjunxtry a fsck then02:06
curtishello all.  Does anyone run Icecast?02:06
mjunxoh, yeah, definitely fsck it02:06
Joshooabut that was before the reboot, before it didn't go down to 7.1GB either02:06
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BluesKajis KDE or kubuntu-desktop in the default repos in ubuntu ?02:06
Joshooasmall font looks like you are saying something else02:06
mjunxBluesKaj, yeah02:06
nosrednaekimjooshua you have to delete the dvd image out of trash02:06
mjunxoh, did you rm it or use the gui?02:06
mjunxforgot about that nasty trash thing02:07
JoshooaIt may cause SEVERE filesystem damage if I do this02:07
Joshooanot severe, SEVERE02:07
JoshooaFirst I used the trash bin, then I couldn't empty the trash02:07
mjunxuh, you can't do fsck on a mounted drive02:07
Joshooathen I used rm02:07
DuncanFspeaking of the GUI, I can't seem to get any scripts to run from the GUI, have to do it through terminal, is there a simple way to do that?02:07
Joshooawell, it's my only Linux drive that has the problem02:07
mjunxwell, you can't fix the problems while it's mounted at least02:07
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easytigerDuncanF: what can't you do02:08
mjunxDuncanF, Alt-F202:08
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JoshooaAll I want to do is get my Kubuntu DVD burnt and reinstall everything anyway02:08
nosrednaekimyou need to go to /home/yourusername/.trash02:08
nosrednaekimand delete it02:08
Joshooabut I can't download it cause my disk is 100% full for some unknown reason02:08
Joshooanosrednaekim: Already did02:08
Joshooanosrednaekim: Nothing is in there02:08
looriswell, as far as i've read now, Rage cards are not supported at all, neither by aiglx nor by xgl :/02:08
loorisi suppose they are too old or too lame02:08
mjunxuh, I think the trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash/02:08
thoreauputicJoshooa: try sudo apt-get clean  to clean out any deb packages in the cache02:09
nosrednaekimwhat about /root/.trash02:09
JoshooaSee, I was like, 80% full, send the image to the trash bin, and some other smaller stuff, and then bam, 100% full, too fu ll to delete or empty trash02:09
nosrednaekimis it?02:09
DuncanFeasytiger, mjunx: It's a scrip with conditions for running a binary file, and I was trying to get it to run as a taskbar icon02:09
mjunxJoshooa, do "sudo du -sch /*" to see what's using space02:09
JoshooaI think that worked, but I didn't sudo cause I'm logged in as root for some readn02:09
mjunxDuncanF, well, that's a job for .desktop files!02:09
mjunxwell, once you find out which directories are taking up space, do du -sch on the directories in there and so on02:10
Joshooalib is biggest so far at 190M02:10
mjunxoh, don't delete anything in /bin, /sbin, /etc, or /lib02:10
mjunxbig no-no02:10
nosrednaekimJoshooa I found where trash is, its in /home/.Trash-002:10
thoreauputicJoshooa: don't start deleting system files :)02:10
Joshooanosrednaekim: The trash is already empty, I already did that02:11
mjunxI also found the trash in ~/.local/share/Trash/02:11
Joshooanosrednaekim: I don't know why it thinks it isn't02:11
nosrednaekimcheck the trash in /home/.Trash-o pls...02:11
mjunxalthough you might have one in /root/.trash/ or something02:11
JoshooaWell, Home is 4GB, Media is 116GB, proc is 642MB, and usr is 2.2GB02:12
nosrednaekimyou need root permissions to read /home/.Trash-002:12
JoshooaAnd my linux partition I am running is 8GB but I don't see that on there02:12
mjunxproc is 0 MB actually ;)02:12
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Neuerboah ich dreh durch02:12
JoshooaI'm logged in as root so that's covered there02:12
mjunxcheck how much space /root is using at least02:12
JoshooaBut, why didn't ubuntu ask me to log in?02:12
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JoshooaI logged in as Josh, in the terminal02:13
mjunxmight have something to do with no space available02:13
Joshooastarted ubuntu with startx02:13
Joshooaand now I'm root@josh02:13
JoshooaI never entered a pw in the terminal or anything to get into root02:13
Joshooabut when I came into ubuntu, even though I wanted kubuntu, and go to terminal, I'm root02:13
Joshooaanyway, th ought that was weird02:13
JoshooaBut I'm new so it may not be02:14
nosrednaekimwell check and see if there is anything in /home/.Trash-0 , because thats where it keeps everything that i emptied out of my personal trash02:14
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mjunxalso check if anything else like that exists via ls -A /home02:14
JoshooaNo such file or directory02:15
mjunxis /home mounted?02:15
Joshooamjunx: Doesn't it have to be?02:15
mjunxnot necessarily...02:15
Joshooamjunx: Everything i Have is on an 8GB partition, and installed there02:15
mjunxwhich is why root's home directory is in /root instead02:16
Joshooagood point02:16
Joshooawell I am in /home/josh right now02:16
JoshooaSo, yes?02:16
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mjunxwell, "ls -A /home" should work then02:16
jarnWhen I start a new X server, how do I run things in it?02:17
Joshooait just shows josh02:17
falconcelinahello all02:17
falconcelinacan anyone tell me how do i play .wmv files on ubuntu?02:17
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JoshooaIs Ubuntu more stable than Kubuntu, I heard that it was, and now I'm stating to wonder, even though they should be like the same02:17
nosrednaekimthey are about the same02:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:18
mjunxthere we go, falconcelina, ^02:18
=== mjunx feels proud for guessing the command
smoze_wow, huge update tonight02:18
JoshooaI thought they were, but now I don't know, also, I don't have a working Kubuntu DVD, but I have a working Ubuntu DVD02:18
mjunxbut, libxine-extracodecs should help (in multiverse I think)02:18
Joshooaand last time I installed Ubuntu, then did that sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or whatever, a lot of my programs messed up and wouldn't open anymore02:19
mjunxif you know enough already to know what I mean by that, you're golden; if not, read the restricted formats page and ask any questions you still have afterwards02:19
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JoshooaWhy can't I see the windows network in Ubuntu but I can in Kubuntu?02:19
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mzanfardinowhat is the application I would use to connect to a windows terminal server?02:20
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mjunxwhat exactly is a windows terminal server?02:21
mjunxdoes its protocol have a name?02:21
mjunxoh nevermind02:21
mjunxmzanfardino, krdc02:21
mjunxand rdesktop should be installed with that02:22
mjunxso, get both02:22
loorisargh, now firefox crashes if it loads my google personalized home page - odd it was wonking half an hour ago O_o02:23
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BluesKajgents , Im curious , what the difference between KDE and Kubuntu Desktop ?02:24
mjunxkde has a lot more packages02:25
mjunxkubuntu doesn't install all of them by default02:25
looriswell i'll go, thanks to everybody, bye!!02:25
BluesKajwell, i just checked in adept and I don't Kubuntu Desktop installed , altho I'm running KDE02:26
mjunxdo you have the "kde" package installed?02:26
Generic|Work|kubuntu-desktop is a dummy package with all the kde apps set as dependencies02:27
Generic|Work|it doesn't have to be installed for you to be running in kde02:27
premier_does linux/kubuntu have hybrid hard drive support?02:27
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BluesKajmy friend wants to upgrade from gnome to kde , he has ubuntu edgy installed ATM02:28
Generic|Work|premier_, I believe it should support it02:28
mzanfardinomjunx: hmm... I have both krde and rdesktop installed, but when I attempt to browse for my terminal server I don't see it in my list.  And if I attempt to force a connection, either by name or IP address, krde does nothing...02:28
premier_BluesKaj: I think you can do that by installing the kubuntu-desktop package02:28
Generic|Work|premier_, boot off a live disc and see if it detects the drive02:28
mjunxyou need to specify the port as well, mzanfardino02:28
mjunxso like someaddress.org:600102:29
Generic|Work|mzanfardino, rpd://foo02:29
premier_BluesKaj: I tried to do the oposite and it got screwed up, gnome crashed on boot02:29
BluesKajGeneric|Work|, what his best bet , installing KDE or Kubuntu Desktop?02:29
premier_Generic|Work|: I want to find out before I buy a hybrid hard drive02:29
JoshooaSo, is it difficult to install Ubuntu and Kubuntu and switch between them, and is that likely to cause conflicts like last time I upgraded to Kubuntu?02:29
Generic|Work|BluesKaj, kubuntu-desktop02:29
JoshooaAnd I mean just switch between Gnome and KDE, not actually two seperate installs02:29
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BluesKajright, ok , i'll tell him02:29
mjunxJoshooa, not difficult at all02:30
Generic|Work|premier_, I just did a quick search on support. It's in development, so it's not in the current ubuntu kernel02:30
mzanfardinomjunx: ah... ok, however, I don't know the port...02:30
BluesKajwill kubuntu run on an older pc , 600mhz with 256 ram ...60G HDD02:31
premier_I wonder if it will work by june-ish02:31
Generic|Work|Joshooa, nope, logout and select kde as your session manager02:31
mjunxmzanfardino, do nmap on the host maybe?02:31
Generic|Work|mzanfardino, in krdc, just type rdp://servername02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about specs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
Generic|Work|BluesKaj, it will, but i recommend running something less resource heavy02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requirements - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
mzanfardinoGeneric|Work|: brilliant!02:32
premier_I want my computer to have a white on black color scheme instead of a black on white, but every other internet application seems to want to match a white background with my default  system font color (white on white).  why?02:33
Generic|Work|mzanfardino, :)02:33
mjunx!help | Generic|Work|02:33
ubotuGeneric|Work|: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:33
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Generic|Work|quiet you!02:33
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mjunxif you want to [ab] use the bot, rtfm n00b hehe02:34
Generic|Work|hehe, sometimes it has useful stuff!02:34
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mjunxyeah, but when it gets spammed (like in #ubuntu *coughcough*)...02:34
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Generic|Work|I taught a helper yesterday how to use > with ubotu02:35
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AshexI should script that...02:35
mjunxI wonder how advanced that bot it02:37
BluesKajGeneric|Work|, he wants to run it as a music server controller for his Roku setup02:37
mjunxsure, I could install it myself and see hehe02:37
mjunxlet's see if it supports zsh syntax ;)02:37
AshexBluesKaj, so just as a file server or for streaming audio to the roku box?02:38
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mjunx!help |& me02:38
ubotu& me: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:38
mjunxhmm, guess not02:39
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Ashexah, I know this bought02:40
Ashextoo bad we have to register to play with ubotu02:40
jhutchins mjunx It's a pretty neat bot, if two people do the same query, or if you do two in rapid succession, it just says "see above".02:41
mjunxhmm, nice02:41
jhutchinsIf you want to play with it it's a good idea to just open a query window or /msg it.02:41
mjunxyeah, and you can install the bot yourself also02:41
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell02:42
mjunxdammit that's not what I meant02:42
mjunxer, sorry02:42
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:42
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jhutchinsJucato: Ought to have a throttle function that either pops that up or /ignores people.02:42
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Jucatonah. it's ok. kicking is better :)02:43
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scott_im having some problems getting my dell truemobile 1300 wireless adapter working, kubuntu doesnt seem to have the appropriate drivers and i cant seem to get NDISwrapper working for me02:49
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mjunxscott_, there's no native drivers for it?02:52
scott_not that seem to work02:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
reldruhscott_: what's the entry for it in lspci?02:53
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mjunxI don't think that's helpful lol02:55
scott_02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)02:55
mjunxoh, another broadcom :(02:56
scott_yea .... came from the factory :(02:56
mjunxin the long run, I suggest swapping out that wifi card for something that doesn't suck, but in the meantime, let's see if we can get it working02:56
NightBirdis there a way to make an extra desktop entry that basically the only difference is that it uses a different driver?02:56
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reldruhscott_: I've got a broadcom card. Don't let people scare you, it's really not _that_ terrible02:57
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reldruhscott_: ndiswrapper will work with it, but it's... temperamental02:57
bioflamemy updater will not run i keep getting "Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one."02:58
mjunxbioflame, then you've got another program using it02:58
nosrednaekimare you running another package management app?02:58
mjunxor it was killed while being used and wasn't cleaned up02:58
reldruhbioflame: did you stop adept or apt-get in the middle of an install?02:58
bioflamenot that i know of02:58
bioflameI have rebooted02:59
mjunxso, check to make sure apt-get, aptitude, dselect, adept, and synaptic aren't running02:59
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:59
bioflameoh there a list ok one sec02:59
mjunxsudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:00
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mjunxand what's with the french quotes? lol03:01
FizzbaneHey. Does anyone here know how to put the windows boot loader back on a hd using the recovery console on the XP disc?03:02
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jhutchinsFizzbane: Nope.03:03
stdinFizzbane: fixmbr (I think)03:03
jhutchinsfdisk /mbr works.03:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntldr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
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elijahhi everyone03:03
bioflame<ubotu>  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a   thanks all03:03
FizzbaneI hate windows -_-03:03
bioflamethat worked03:03
paxfixmbr can be used from recovery console.03:04
Fizzbanebut where is grub located?03:04
jhutchinsFizzbane: Same place.03:04
Fizzbaneisnt it on the MBR?03:04
jhutchinsFizzbane: You can't have both.03:04
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mjunxFizzbane, grub is in /boot mostly03:04
Fizzbanethen how do i dual boot windows and linux?03:04
nosrednaekimwhich is really the MBR03:05
jhutchinsWell, you can if you have some other method of selecting which OS is going to boot.03:05
mjunxa loader thinger is in the mbr03:05
mjunxcan grub even fit in the mbr?03:05
jhutchinsFizzbane: Usually you use a Linux bootloader, which will load either one.03:05
nosrednaekimI think so....along with a spash and all03:05
mjunxoh, Fizzbane, grub can boot windows sorta03:05
elijahhow will I install vlc media player in kubuntu?03:05
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stdinmjunx: yeah, the executable part of grub can03:05
FizzbaneI got grub to boot windows but i get the error "ntldr is missing"03:05
mjunxit'll boot ntldr03:05
mjunxoh, that's a windows problem then, isn't it?03:05
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs03:05
Fizzbaneso it doesnt really boot windows03:06
stdin!info vlc03:06
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB03:06
jhutchinsIf you really know the MS boot system, you can get the NT bootloader to boot linux.03:06
mjunxelijah, via adept03:06
Fizzbanei guess its a windows problem03:06
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:06
mjunxyar, that thing03:06
paxntldr have nothing to do with grub03:06
FizzbaneI dont know alot about the M$ boot system03:06
stdinelijah: you need to enable universe first, look at the link from ubotu03:06
mjunxntldr is windows' boot loader03:06
nosrednaekimI think Grub  chainloads mtldr03:06
mjunxit sucks for the most part03:06
mjunxgrub2 looks interesting...03:06
jhutchinsFizzbane: grub or lilo will let you pick Windows and hand you over to the windows boot process.03:07
elijahok stdin thanks03:07
paxif it's missing then it's ms's problem.03:07
Fizzbanei am missing the ntldr which is the windows boot loader03:07
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elijahwhat's the exact URL stdin?03:07
jhutchinsFizzbane: How did you loose it?03:07
FizzbaneI don't know03:07
stdinelijah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu tells you how to do it03:07
jhutchinsFizzbane: So when you pick windows it doesn't boot?03:08
Fizzbanei get the error "ntldr is missing"03:08
paxFizzbane - just google ntldr missing and fix it, have nothing to do with grub03:08
elijahthanks stdin03:08
jhutchinsFizzbane: Possibly you are not pointing at the correct device.03:09
mjunxntldr is beyond the scope of linux in any shape or form :)03:09
Fizzbaneso where does grub located? in the mbr or on the linux hd?03:09
stdinFizzbane: both03:09
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Fizzbaneso do not overwrite the mbr?03:09
cotyrotheryCan someone help me03:09
jhutchinsFizzbane: You can only have one bootloader in the MBR.03:09
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jhutchinsFizzbane: In order to load linux, you install a portion of grub, or lilo, to the mbr.03:10
cotyrotheryI Installed kubuntu but when my computer restarted it sayed i have no operating system03:10
Fizzbaneso your basicly saying do not overwrite the mbr?03:10
jhutchinsFizzbane: Both windows and linux have processes that take over from that small program in the MBR, which basically just tells the bios where to start loading code.03:10
jhutchinsFizzbane: Yes, you do overwrite the mbr.03:10
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nosrednaekimcotyrotehery: do you have plug and play OS enabled in your BIOS?03:10
cotyrotheryum i dont know03:11
cotyrotheryhow would i know03:11
jhutchinsFizzbane: If you use fixmbr or fdisk /mbr in Windows, you will write the Microsoft bootloader to it.03:11
nosrednaekimcheck in your BIOS03:11
jhutchinsIf you install grub or lilo, you will write their bootloader to the MBR.03:11
cotyrotherywere would i go to get into my bios03:11
Fizzbaneok I will try fixmbr03:12
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ubuntuhello world !03:12
jhutchinsFizzbane: You may have to do more than that, and when you do, you won't be able to boot linux without restoring grub.03:12
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Fizzbanehow do i restore grub then?03:12
nosrednaekimummmm its immediately after you run your computer on, you hit esc or f1 or del depending on your computer03:13
darkteengeekhey a guick question i am trying to use dcop to get the contents of klipper03:13
nosrednaekimit should say03:13
darkteengeekdoes anyone know how03:13
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jhutchinsFizzbane: It sounds like XP is not finding the second stage of the ntldr, which may just mean that the boot entry in grub is not pointing at the right device, or something else may be wrong with your XP installation.03:13
nosrednaekimin there some where there should be an option for plug and play os03:13
jhutchinsFizzbane: Restore grub using the recovery mode of the live CD.03:13
cotyrotherythanks i will try that03:14
chavodarkteengeek, dcop klipper klipper getClipboardContents03:14
cotyrotheryi will be back if it does not work03:14
Fizzbaneumm can you check my menu.lst and see if that is the problem?03:14
paxfixmbr and possibly fixboot from RC, then what jhutchins said.03:14
chavodarkteengeek, dcop has tab completion to03:14
jhutchins!mbr | Fizzbane03:14
ubotuFizzbane: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:14
paxFizzbane: again, no missing ntldr have nothing do to with linux or any other OS03:14
Fizzbanei knew that. I just dont want to lose grub03:15
jhutchinsFizzbane: It's probably easier to get your XP install fixed and set up to manage it's own boot, then fix grub.03:15
Fizzbaneid rather not reformat again03:15
jhutchinsFizzbane: No need to go that far.03:16
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Fizzbanecuz i dont want to do that again03:16
Fizzbanei will try fixmbr and fixboot03:17
Fizzbaneand see if that fixes the problem03:17
Fizzbanethank you.03:17
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ferret_0567Can somebody help me get my Evolution 2 mail imported into KMail? I tried kmailcvt, but it's not working, ir freezes and imports one message from Drafts and then freezes importing the rest of Drafts.03:18
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.03:18
FizzbaneIll be back if i mess up linux.03:18
Fizzbanethanks again03:18
ferret_0567ok, how do I get Sun Java to work in Konqueror03:19
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ferret_0567It works in Mozilla based browsers like Firefox and Epiphany03:20
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mjunxferret_0567, rescan for plugins in its configure03:21
nosrednaekimkonqueror uses the same drivers as firefox03:22
nosrednaekimso you should be able to install it from where it is in .mozzilla03:22
BluesKajis there an atomic clock utility like the one texas based one for windows03:22
mjunxBluesKaj, you mean for linux?03:23
nosrednaekimits called "ntp"03:23
mjunxbecause you can just sync with an ntp server (pool.ntp.org) which are all synced to atomic clocks03:23
ferret_0567Oh! aptitude reinstall sun-java6-plugin:03:24
ferret_0567E: I wasn't able to locate file for the sun-java6-plugin package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.03:24
ferret_0567<????> E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?03:24
ferret_0567'sudo aptitude reinstall sun-java6-plugin'...same thing03:26
ferret_0567apt-index-watcher is running03:26
BluesKajmjunx, my pc goes down at night so ntp isn't for me03:26
ferret_0567adept requires it03:26
mjunxBluesKaj, you can sync with it whenever...03:26
mjunxlike, during the day03:26
ferret_0567travis@ubuntulaptop:~$ killall apt-index-watcher03:26
ferret_0567apt-index-watcher(4158): Operation not permitted03:26
ferret_0567apt-index-watcher: no process killed03:26
nosrednaekimntp still works...esp when you reboot03:27
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ferret_0567evil apt-index-watcher!03:27
ferret_0567purging apt-index-watcher:03:30
ferret_0567broken packages:03:30
ferret_0567adept-common debtags03:30
ferret_0567Things depend on apt-index-watcher other than that:03:30
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Jucato!pasetbin | ferret_056703:30
_Daisuke_Ido_!pastebin | ferret_056703:30
ferret_0567That's going to be my only more than 4 lines of code post03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pasetbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
ubotuferret_0567: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:30
ferret_0567Thanks for that03:30
BluesKajmjunx, i wonder if ntp gonna change to daylight saving time sat nite ?03:30
Jucatobah I can't spell :P03:30
nosrednaekimBlues: good question03:30
BluesKajhere in north america03:31
_Daisuke_Ido_vmware = not bad03:31
Hasrat_USA_Daisuke_Ido_:  pastebin service is free?03:31
mjunxntp is in UTC03:31
JucatoHasrat_USA: yes03:31
mjunxyour computer calculates the proper time from that03:31
nosrednaekimoh well...03:31
_Daisuke_Ido_now to pray that i can play my non-wineworthy games03:31
_Daisuke_Ido_namely, the longest journey03:31
nosrednaekim_daisuke vmware won't work with anything requiring 3d accel03:32
_Daisuke_Ido_oldish games, and it works in software mode03:32
_Daisuke_Ido_i tend to shy away from recent games03:33
mshadeBluesKaj: ntp won't affect DST03:33
mshadentp is based on GMT03:33
mjunxhmm, if you have any dos games, you can run them in freedos03:33
mshadeyour machine needs to know how to translate GMT into your local time03:33
mjunxlibc calculates the proper time from timezone files03:33
mshadefor that, ntp won't help03:33
BluesKajso chrony will ?03:33
mjunxand if you have a version of libc released since the timezone change was ratified, you're set03:34
BluesKajwhen was that , ?  :)03:34
mshadeBluesKaj: /usr/sbin/zdump -v |grep 200703:34
mshade /usr/sbin/zdump -v /etc/localtime |grep 200703:35
nosrednaekimno such directory03:35
ferret_0567Why can't I lock the dpkg list directory, even as root, with apt-index-watcher stopped by it's /etc/init.d/ script?03:35
mshadetrailing / ?03:35
BluesKajno such dir here either03:35
mjunxhrtr, tun yhid03:35
mjunxhere, run this03:36
mshadezdump is in /usr/bin in ubuntu :)03:36
mjunxdate --date="Mar 25 15:00:00 UTC 2006"03:36
mjunxdate --date="Mar 25 15:00:00 UTC 2007"03:36
mjunxthe times should be an hour apart03:36
ferret_0567run ddate03:36
mshadezdump -v /etc/localtime |grep 200703:36
ferret_0567It's fun03:36
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mjunxwell, one year and an hour apart03:36
nosrednaekimloos good03:36
mshadethe zdump command above should output March 11 as the date instead of April03:36
mshadezdump -v /etc/localtime |grep 2007 :)03:37
mjunxI got my method from a dude on /.03:37
nosrednaekimyep march 11 here in 6:1003:37
mjunxit works perfectly03:37
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mshadenot saying your method is bad, mjunx :p03:38
cotyrotheryit did not have a plug in play in bios03:38
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mjunxit's the most straightforward method :)03:38
BluesKajoh cool , it sees it mar 11 and nov 4 as edt and est03:38
mshadenot if you want to know what day DST starts ;)03:38
nosrednaekimcotyrothery.... then what exactly is your error, and when do you get it?03:38
cotyrotheryit just says that i have no operating system03:39
BluesKajno worries03:39
cotyrotheryat boot03:39
elijahhi stdin03:39
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nosrednaekimwell, put in a live CD and reinstall03:39
cotyrotheryi have03:39
nosrednaekimyou must have messed up somewhere03:39
mshadecotyrothery: if you go into the config for your hard drives, you should be able to set 'Large' or 'AUTO'03:40
cotyrotherynope i just let it do its thing03:40
elijahI added this " deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main" on the repositories, but then the adept manager doesn't load anymore03:40
mshadecotyrothery: toggle it to one or the other03:40
elijahwhy is that?03:40
mshadecotyrothery: i'm talking about in the bios, i mean.03:40
cotyrotheryset to large or auto03:40
cotyrotherywhat will that do03:40
mshadeif it's auto, set to large -- if large, set to auto03:40
mshadeit changes the way the bios interacts with the drive03:40
stdinelijah: that's supposed to be for some commercial apps, you probably don't need it03:41
mshadei've had that issue with grub, but not lilo :)03:41
cotyrotherysee you in a few03:41
cotyrotheryit takes for ever to start up window03:41
elijahok then how will i remove it?03:41
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elijahto make adept running again/03:41
stdinelijah: just press Alt-F2, and enter "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove that line03:41
elijahi'll try this stdin thanks03:42
nosrednaekimcotyrothery, is windows still working on that comp?03:42
nosrednaekimI have to go... bye all'03:43
mshadelater, mike03:43
nosrednaekimhaha how'd you guess?03:43
mshadei read everything backwards.03:44
nosrednaekimhaha yeah bye03:44
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DaSkreechJucato: You got powers here? :)03:45
stdinhe's got "super cow powers"03:45
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ferret_0567try sudo apt-get moo03:46
ferret_0567or just apt-get moo03:46
stdinand aptitude moo03:46
DaSkreechWho was that masked Holestein cow?03:46
stdinaptitude -v moo03:46
ferret_0567There are no easter eggs in this program.03:47
stdinferret_0567: yeah, add a -v03:47
stdinferret_0567: then another03:47
stdinferret_0567: and another03:47
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ferret_0567travis@ubuntulaptop:~$ aptitude -vvvv moo03:47
ferret_0567Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away?03:47
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stdinkeep adding '-v'03:48
ferret_0567I won!03:48
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stdinferret_0567: 1 more -v03:49
elijahhi stdin, i tried it and it worked03:49
stdinelijah: great :)03:50
DaSkreechCan someone help with a chroot audio issue?03:50
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:50
elijahso now, what i need is to enable the universe/multiverse to install other applications like windows media player, right?03:50
DaSkreechelijah: blasphemy!03:51
stdinelijah: yeah, except you can't actually install windows media player, just the codecs03:51
DaSkreechelijah: Why would you WANT windows Media player?03:51
mjunxfor the eye candy lol03:51
ferret_0567multiverse is for propriatory stuff03:51
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ferret_0567Why would you WANT WMP?03:51
elijahbecause amarok and kaffeine cannot play my favorite videos03:52
ferret_0567try mplayer03:52
DaSkreechelijah: They probably can03:52
DaSkreechelijah: what videos03:52
ferret_0567There is a libxine-extracodecs03:52
mjunxget that03:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:52
Gh0st75hullo, adept seems to be working again now thankfully03:52
mjunxread read read^^^03:52
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Gh0st75anyone know the command line to install sun java 6 ?03:52
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.03:53
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mjunxapt-get install sun-java6-sdk03:53
Gh0st75sdk? ah that's what i was typing wrong then, thanks03:53
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cotyrotheryi did not find anything03:53
eeanis there an update-manager for Kubuntu?03:53
stdinGh0st75: you need edgy-backports, and you probably want the jre, no the sdk03:53
mjunxer, crap, it's jdk03:53
cotyrotherythat said i could change auto or larg03:53
ferret_0567You need to enable multiverse to get libxine-extracodecs03:54
Hasrat_USAhuh there is no need to install java6 jre03:54
elijahferret_0567, where can i get those extra codecs?03:54
Gh0st75i've enabled the backports, trying to install it again now, looks like tha command worked, i was using jdk, but left out the word install03:54
ferret_0567Did you register elijah?03:54
ferret_0567register for FreeNode, that is?03:55
elijahhow's that?03:55
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:55
mjunx!multiverse | elijah03:55
ubotuelijah: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:55
stdinferret_0567: why do you need him to register ?03:55
cotyrotheryI could not find the auto or larg in bios now what03:55
ferret_0567Private Messages would be most helpful, I believe03:56
stdinferret_0567: then set Unfiltered on03:56
navilonhow can i turn off the icons that show up next to menu items?03:56
cotyrotherySo am i going to be able to run kubuntu03:56
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stdinferret_0567: '/msg NickSetv set unfiltered on' lets unregistered users /msg you03:57
cotyrotheryI can not get kubuntu to boot it says there is no operating system when i boot03:57
stdinferret_0567: that's NickServ tho :P03:58
stdinnot Nicksetv03:58
mjunxcotyrothery, reinstall grub03:58
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mjunxask someone else in here how to do that if you don't know how because I don't remember how, sorry03:58
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mjunxor check grub-install's manpage or something03:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:58
mjunxor that^03:59
Complejadonde era el canal de espanol ?03:59
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mjunx#ubuntu-es probably03:59
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:59
Complejamjunx, thnks =*03:59
elijahferret_0567, stdin, can we chat now? privately ;)03:59
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cotyso what do i do04:00
ferret_0567elijah, are you receiving my messages?04:01
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ferret_0567I didn't even have to get the04:01
mjunxoh yeah, you need to register with ns to pm people04:01
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ferret_0567'set unfiltered on04:01
ferret_0567thing fixed04:01
cotyI cant get grub to work i guess04:01
elijahferret_0567 yuh i can rcve your messages04:01
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elijahi did reply04:02
ferret_0567In private messages?04:02
=== Compleja is Away : Ausente por ahora.
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ferret_0567I can't hear you.04:02
scott_sry i come from fedora.... how do you restart a service in ubuntu04:02
mjunxcoty, from a livecd?04:02
mjunxscott_, /etc/init.d/whatever restart04:02
cotyI can get live cd to work04:03
cotyit works fine04:03
ferret_0567/etc/init.d has scripts...you beat me to it04:03
scott_kk ty04:03
elijahi buzzed you again in private, did you see it?04:03
elijahcan you type somehting again?04:03
elijahin private04:03
ferret_0567I am using Kopete, why doesn't it work?04:03
cotyI am annoyed all i want to have is kubuntu installed04:04
elijahok testing, got it04:04
mjunxferret_0567, did you identify with ns?04:04
stdinferret_0567, elijah: just create a channel if you can't message04:04
cotywindows sux04:04
ferret_0567I did just identify04:04
DaSkreechcoty: What's the problem?04:04
jlaustillanyone in here have experience with kde and multiple keyboard layouts?04:04
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mngrifls: reading directory /home-thc/: Input/output error04:05
mngrif /home-thc is a nfs share04:05
cotyWhen i install kubuntu and it restarts it tells me i have no operating system04:05
mngrifdf shows it, mount shows it, but files don't show...04:05
mngrifany and all suggestions are appreciated04:05
elijahstdin, i was able to install vlc and div-x on ubuntu before04:06
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cotyDaSkreech can you help04:06
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BluesKaj Vive Le Linux Revolocion !.... I got a friend convinced Bill Gates is the antichrist !04:07
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DaSkreechcoty: How many hard drives do you have in the computer?04:07
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ferret_0567Sorry, Kopete crased04:07
cotyone is 15 GB04:08
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cotythe other is 3004:08
DaSkreechand you are sure you have the right one set to boot up?04:08
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cotyum i unplug the main one04:08
cotyand plug the main line into the second04:08
cotywouldn't that work04:08
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alejandroalgun hispano?04:09
ferret_0567elijah? You there?04:09
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:09
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ferret_0567Can you message me in private messages? anyway, brb04:09
elijahi'll try04:09
BluesKajgotta be registered04:10
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elijahbrb ferret04:11
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ferret_0567is it '/msg nickserv unfiltered on' to allow me to receive private messages from unregistered users?04:12
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BluesKajferret_0567, whynot just register yerself?04:13
ferret_0567I did04:13
JoshooaI need some help with my wireless card/network settings04:13
ferret_0567I'm identified04:13
BluesKajlet them resgiter , if their serious they will too04:13
JoshooaEverytime I start up, I need to do dhclient for my card to be seen, then enter the ESSID and Encryption, and then dhclient again to be recognized04:13
cotydaskreech are you there04:13
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DaSkreechcoty: I don't know :)04:14
DaSkreechyou are booting off the second one?04:14
montero61mm soy de habla espaola04:14
cotyyes i unplug the main line out of the main drive and plug it in the second one04:14
ferret_0567Install knetworkmanager for Kubuntu, or network-manager-gnome for Ubuntu, Joshooa04:14
ferret_0567That'll fix it :D04:15
Joshooanot if I can't get online to download it04:15
Joshooaand I don't want to do my reinstall and then have it not work and be stuck offline04:15
BluesKaj!es | montero6104:15
ubotumontero61: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:15
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JoshooaAnd is that not the same thing as the Networking under settings I take it?04:15
cotyso i guess there is no help for me to get kubuntu working?04:16
montero61muchas gracias04:16
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ferret_0567Err...download the package and all dependencies onto a USB Mass Storage device and plug it into the computer requested I guess04:16
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warewolf_Anyone able to help me troubleshoot installing the nvidia-glx driver on feisty herd 5?04:17
ferret_0567If you know how to get wireless working on the computer in question, connect to the network and then immediatly download one of those04:17
cotyHow can i get kubuntu to work i really want it04:17
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:17
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warewolf_coreymon77 - I know that... doesn't mean I can't ask for help installed the driver04:18
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cotyrotherySo should i reinstall kubuntu again04:18
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warewolf_coreymon77 I can get it running on herd 5 of ubuntu.. for not kubuntu.. which I find weird04:18
JoshooaIn a little bit, I am going to put in my Ubuntu DVD and reinstall, and I don't think it will work then, and I'll be networkless04:18
DaSkreechcotyrothery: whats the Main Line?04:18
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DaSkreech the Power?04:18
warewolf_DaSkreech A/C04:19
Joshooaand then even if I do eventually get it, it never saves my settings and i have to do it every time04:19
JoshooaBut if on the site it says my card works, why doesn't it work04:19
DaSkreechwarewolf_: sorry?04:19
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DaSkreechwarewolf_: sorry?04:20
warewolf_DaSkreech - Main Line - A/C power04:20
warewolf_DaSkreech - Main Line - A/C power04:20
cotyrotheryCan anyone help me get kubuntu running04:20
warewolf_worry, lagged04:20
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DaSkreechI don't think that will make it run from that drive04:20
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Wahts up?04:20
cotyrotherythe same04:20
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cotyrotheryI cant find anyone who know what i need to do04:21
DaSkreechWhat's happening?04:21
warewolf_Anyone got an idea why installing nvidia-glx causes the x session to sit at a blinking _?04:21
cotyrotheryI install kubuntu then restart the computer and it tells me there is no operating system04:22
DaSkreechyou are on the live CD now?04:22
cotyrotheryno should i be04:22
DaSkreechcotyrothery: what are you on now?04:22
cotyrotherylamb old windows xp04:23
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coreymon77cotyrothery: oh come on, atleast go on to the livecd04:23
warewolf_hehe =P04:24
coreymon77cotyrothery: dont insult the channel by talking in it on windoze :P04:24
cotyrotheryi cant help it04:24
cotyrotheryI am doing my best04:24
cotyrotheryto get kubuntu working04:24
cotyrotherybut it is a pain04:24
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Thats ok. Live Cd is where we can help you the most04:24
cotyrotheryall right04:25
cotyrotheryi will go to live cd04:25
cotyrotheryit might be awhile so dont disconnect04:25
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warewolf_DaSkreech: Fix my problem yet by chance? =P04:26
DaSkreechwarewolf_: I don't know what your problem is04:26
=== DaSkreech shoots warewolf_ with a silver EULA
DaSkreechThere you go04:26
warewolf_wtf? =P04:27
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warewolf_well, installing nvidia-glx works for me in ubuntu just fine... but in kubuntu I'm just sitting at a blinking cursor after restarting the x session04:28
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bewlhas anyone come across with the problem of Totem not showing video from wma, but playing sound?04:29
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wiseKidbewl:did you download the codecs?04:29
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neeededi encounter this problem04:29
bewlI did download the restricted formats04:29
DaSkreechwarewolf_: how did you install it in each?04:30
neeeded  kernel panic : not syncing; VFS; Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) after do dist-upgrade from 6.10 to 7.0404:30
bewlaccording to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:30
DaSkreechbewl: You need the w32codecs04:30
neeededany solutions04:30
bewlI wasnt able to get anything to play before that.04:30
wiseKidbewl: install all the codecs from add/remove04:30
bewlThanks :)04:30
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JoshooaWhy would my wireless card not show up with iwconfig, and then after doing dhclient, and failing, typing iwconfig shows it under ra0?04:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs04:31
neeeded!kernel panic : not syncing; VFS; Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)04:31
elijahferret, are you there?04:32
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ferret_0567Does anybody know if you can send a file to a Google Talk user from a Google Talk user successfully using Kopete?04:33
neeededdoes anyone here know how to fix this problem04:34
warewolf_DaSkreech: Synaptic download in ubuntu / Adept download in Kubuntu, sudo nvidia-xconfig in both04:34
neeeded  kernel panic : not syncing; VFS; Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)04:34
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DaSkreechwarewolf_: try dropping to a VT and running startx04:35
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warewolf_DaSkreech: Will try that next... got a pretty good sized update running at the moment04:36
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NixHexalright samba problem and neither #ubuntu+1 nor #samba is responding...windows machines are not able to access anything04:42
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ubuntuok im on live cd04:42
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NixHexit worked in herd 4...but not herd 5, anyone know of anything?04:42
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Welcome04:43
cotyrotheryi like this04:43
DaSkreechwhat partition did you install on?04:43
cotyrotheryI dont know04:43
cotyrotheryI just erased the whole drive04:43
BluesKajoh lordy04:43
cotyrotheryand installed04:43
=== BluesKaj bgins to nod off ...nite all
cotyrotheryI love being on kubuntu04:44
cotyrotherythis is great04:44
cotyrotheryeven though it is live cd04:44
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You plugged off the other drive?04:44
cotyrotherydo you mean unplugged04:45
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masei tried to install a gnome theme04:46
masenow my theme selector freezes04:46
maseand i get all kinds of theme errors on startup04:46
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cotyrotherydaskreeck are you still there04:47
neeededis there anybody facing kernel panic problem when dist-upgrade04:47
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech are you there04:51
greg have a questoin about xorg.conf and it's effect on my refresh rate04:51
mjunxwell ask it :)04:51
DaSkreechcotyrothery: What is on the drive on the system now?04:51
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cotyrotherywhat do you mean by that04:52
cotyrotheryon the drive on the system?04:52
gregi can't set my refresh rate higher than 56 Hz04:52
mjunxin system settings, greg?04:52
gregbut i'm quite sure xorg.conf is properly setup04:52
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mjunxwell, you can use gtf to generate a modeline to fix the refresh rate04:53
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech what do you mean04:53
DaSkreechcotyrothery: How many hard drives are there in the computer?04:53
gregone moment04:53
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cotyrotheryThe main one has 30 GB04:54
cotyrotheryand The Slave has 15 GB04:54
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ok which one are you installing on?04:54
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cotyrotheryThe Slave04:54
DaSkreechcan you mount it for me?04:54
gregshould i sudo gtf? or does it matter?04:54
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:54
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cotyrotheryWhat do you mean can i mount it for you04:55
gregi did "gtf h-1024 v-768 85"04:55
gregi paste the output in the "screen" section yes04:55
Gh0st75i just finished installing sun java 6 jdk, is there a command i have to run after that to enable it?04:56
Gh0st75i'm using swiftfox btw04:56
gregor the "screen" subsection?04:56
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mjunxno, the monitor section04:57
cotyrotheryDaSkreech what do you mean by mount04:57
gregk one moment, testing, i shall return04:58
DaSkreechcotyrothery: can you open a konsole?04:58
gregboth lines of the output, or only the first line?04:58
coreymon77cotyrothery: in order to acces any media, including hard drives, you have to mount them04:58
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Is that  a no? :)04:58
cotyrotherywhat is konsole04:58
coreymon77cotyrothery: terminal window?04:58
mjunxcotyrothery, you can see if they're mounted by going to /media in konqueror04:59
DaSkreechcotyrothery: press alt+space04:59
gregtesting, i shall return04:59
DaSkreechcotyrothery: type konsole04:59
DaSkreechcotyrothery: press enter04:59
cotyrotherywhat was that04:59
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.04:59
cotyrotherywell it is starting up04:59
mjunxthere's a program for os x like that, I forget what it's called04:59
mjunxyeah, there ya go04:59
cotyrotheryi think it is loading05:00
cotyrotheryim waiting05:00
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warewolf_woohoo.. NVIDIA working now!05:00
cotyrotheryum nothing is happingin05:00
mjunxwhat od you mean?05:01
cotyrotherywell i pushed alt+space05:01
cotyrotheryand a box poped up05:01
cotyrotheryand then disappeared05:01
coreymon77its called katapult05:01
deathnotewhy when i try to apt-get install build-essential05:01
deathnotei get05:01
deathnoteThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:01
deathnote  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or05:01
deathnote                            libc-dev05:01
deathnote                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed05:01
deathnoteE: Broken packages05:01
mjunxpress alt+space, then start typing05:01
coreymon77type alt+space05:02
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mjunxdeathnote, apt-get -f install05:02
coreymon77 them type konsole05:02
itazukitested no good05:02
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coreymon77and press enter05:02
deathnotemjunx: same05:02
cotyrotherynow i see05:02
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Whoot! :)05:02
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mjunxoh, deathnote, apt-get update, then try again05:02
itazukinow when i go to "System Settings" and then "Monitors and Display the module cannot be loaded05:02
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cotyrotheryi love kubuntu05:02
DaSkreechdeathnote: try apt-get update first05:03
itazukiand when i use krandrtray it's still 56Hz max05:03
coreymon77cotyrothery: yoou have just discovered the konsole05:03
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ok in konsole type mkdir test05:03
cotyrotherynow what05:03
itazukii pasted this in05:03
deathnotei did update grade and dist-upgrade05:03
coreymon77cotyrothery: you are now on your way to becoming a true linux genius05:03
deathnotedoing again05:03
itazukii won't paste it in05:03
itazukibut yeah, i put in the 2 lines outputted by gtf05:04
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cotyrotheryok did it05:04
cotyrotherynow what05:04
mjunxhmm, I think there's more to it than I was saying05:04
mjunxtry doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:04
cotyrotheryi cant wait to become a linux genius05:04
DaSkreechcotyrothery: going to teach you about tab completion :)05:04
cotyrotheryThis is great05:04
DaSkreechcotyrothery: type ls05:04
mjunxshould let you change the resolutions/refreshrates/etc05:04
DaSkreechyou should see the directory test05:04
cotyrotherythat means list right05:04
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Gh0st75anyone able to get java pages working in swiftfox using sun java 6?05:04
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Yes05:05
cotyrotheryi have desktop an05:05
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deathnoteit still doesn't work..05:05
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ok type sudo mount /dev/hd<tab><tab>05:05
mjunxokay now type "touch foo"05:05
cotyrotherywhich one05:05
mjunxuh, his thing05:05
mjunxI won't budge in on the tutoring lol05:05
DaSkreechWHich one?05:05
DaSkreechcotyrothery: It should give you a list of the /dev/hd devices05:06
mjunxso would ls /dev/hd*05:06
cotyrotheryit gave me an error05:06
cotyrotheryi typed05:06
DaSkreechcotyrothery: What error?05:06
cotyrotherysudo mount /dev/he<tab><tab>05:06
cotyrotherythat is what i typed05:07
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: the <tab> <tab> means perss tab twice :)05:07
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coreymon77cotyrothery: and did you press enter after that05:07
DaSkreechand it's hd05:07
coreymon77cause you shoouldnt05:07
cotyrotheryok that worked05:07
cotyrotherynow what05:07
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You got a list of drives?05:07
DaSkreechlike hda1 hda2 ?05:07
DaSkreechok do you have a set like hdb1 ?05:08
Gh0st75do i need to install anything other than sun-java6-jdk in order to view java pages in swiftfox?05:08
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mjunxnope, Gh0st7505:08
DaSkreechok continue typing b1 test05:08
mjunxoh wait yeah05:08
DaSkreechso you should have sudo mount /dev/hdb1 test05:08
_Daisuke_Ido_eventually i'll figure out why pcsx registers a button press on my gamepad as a few dozen button presses05:09
Gh0st75ah, that's what i was missin05:09
cotyrotherytype b1 test?05:09
DaSkreechcotyrothery: so you should have sudo mount /dev/hdb1 test05:09
cotyrotheryIt gave an error05:09
cotyrotherycommand not found05:09
DaSkreechcotyrothery: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 test05:09
cotyrotherydid it now what05:10
DaSkreechcotyrothery: worked?05:10
DaSkreechls test05:10
cotyrotheryok i have a list05:10
cotyrotherya big one05:10
deathnoteit still doesn't work! i stil can't install build-essential05:11
matrixis kbear no more in efty? and why is that?05:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: does it have bin etc and var ?05:11
Gh0st75mjunx: hmm, still can't view java sites05:11
deathnotebut i can install other packages05:11
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:11
mjunxGh0st75, restart your browser05:11
Gh0st75did that05:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You need the first link :)05:11
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Gh0st75and sun's java is set as the default, already verified that in terminal05:12
deathnotehow to fix this apt-get problem? my souces.list are ok05:12
mjunxyou using konqueror or firefox or what?05:12
Gh0st7532 bit version05:12
cotyrotheryit might take awhile for that to load05:13
mjunxer, what's swiftfox? lol05:13
cotyrotherywith it being live cd05:13
Gh0st75it's an optimized version of firefox05:13
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Gh0st75noticeably faster05:13
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mjunxwell, it's not too hard to compile it from source with -O3 and whatnot05:14
cotyrotheryok im on the site05:14
cotyrotherynow what should i look for05:15
deathnotewhy when i try to apt-get install build-essential i get errors?05:16
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cotyrotherywhat do i do now that im on that site05:16
mjunxI don't know, deathnote, sorry05:16
mjunxwhat site?05:17
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:17
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech what do i do now05:18
DaSkreechcotyrothery: have you read the site?05:18
cotyrotheryWorking on it05:18
Gh0st75hmm, looks like java is working for konqueror, just not for swiftfox05:19
cotyrotheryI dont understand it to wel05:19
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok poke me where you have problems05:19
cotyrotheryum all of it05:19
OlvidameBye all... nos vemos.05:20
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ha ha :)05:20
cotyrotheryIm so confused05:20
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Do you understand what the first subheadnig is saying?05:21
DaSkreechIt's asking if you would like linux setup so you can still boot into windows05:23
cotyrotheryi dont want to boot into window05:23
cotyrotheryWindows Sux05:23
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cotyrotheryim sick of it05:23
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mjunxheh you sound like my friend05:24
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: nevertheless :) we should keep that around in case :)05:24
cotyrotheryUm why?05:24
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cotyrotheryI dont plan on getting rid of it05:25
DaSkreechWindows? Well that's why you still need the option of booting into it05:25
cotyrotheryI will05:25
cotyrotheryim not going to install kubuntu on the same drive05:26
cotyrotheryso how will it affect it05:26
DaSkreechIt can05:26
DaSkreechin konsole  type sudo -i05:26
DaSkreechtype grub05:27
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cotyrotherywhich one05:27
cotyrotherysudo -i05:27
DaSkreechfirst one then the other05:27
itazukii did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:28
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itazukitesting...one moment please05:28
Gh0st75anyone else here use swiftfox?05:29
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Gh0st75i had this working before my most recent kubuntu reinstall, tho for the life of me i don't remember how05:29
cotyrotherynothing is coming up05:29
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DaSkreechfor grub?05:29
cotyrotherysudo -i05:30
NixHexGh0st75: I use swiftfox05:30
billhello. I am using gaim beta6...and just testing the invisible mode. if I were to give someone my aim screename can someone check if I am invisible or not?05:30
cotyrotheryi hit enter05:30
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cotyrotheryand i get nothing05:30
gregtested...no help05:30
Gh0st75NixHex: you have any trouble getting java to work?05:30
mjunxbill, sure05:30
NixHexGh0st75: 64bit os?05:30
DaSkreechcotyrothery: does your prompt have # in it now?05:30
Gh0st7564bit os but i chose the 32 bit install script from the swiftfox site05:30
billmjunx: amfibeus05:31
NixHexGh0st75: don't use the script, use the DEB05:31
cotyrotherywhat prompt05:31
DaSkreechcotyrothery: in konsole05:31
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billmjunx: I guess just add me to your buddylist05:31
DaSkreechthe thing before the cursor05:31
Gh0st75swiftfox insalled fine, just can't get java workin05:31
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mjunxbill, I don't see you online, so it seems to work05:31
billok how about now?05:31
cotyrotheryit get sudo -int(0)05:31
NixHexGh0st75: you need to link the the plugin to your mozilla plugin directories05:32
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Sorry. What?05:32
Gh0st75do you know the command for that?05:32
cotyrotherywhen i type sudo -i05:32
cotyrotheryi get05:32
Gh0st75google isn't turnin up much05:32
cotyrotherysudo -int(0)05:32
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: can you type sudo ls test05:33
DaSkreechIn konsole05:33
cotyrotheryi get nothing05:33
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DaSkreechtype pwd05:34
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NixHexGh0st75: yeah "sudo ln -s *path to plugin* *path of mozilla plugin folder*05:34
cotyrotheryi still get nothing05:34
mjunxmkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins/05:35
cotyrotherynot in konsole05:35
DaSkreechtype which pwd05:35
mjunxln -s path/to/whatever.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/05:35
cotyrotheryyour losing me05:35
cotyrotherywhat do you mean05:35
Gh0st75so there isn't a mozilla plugin dir by default?05:35
NixHexGh0st75: there are several05:35
DaSkreechtype which pwd05:36
DaSkreechexactly that05:36
mjunxisn't pwd a built-in command?05:36
mjunxoh, guess not05:36
mjunxshould be /bin/pwd05:36
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cotyrotheryi typed pwd05:36
mjunxtype "which pwd"05:36
mjunxhe said to do05:36
nonuda_stdin, hello how r u?05:36
cotyrotherywhat is pwd05:36
DaSkreechPrint working Directory05:37
DaSkreechit tells you where you are05:37
DaSkreechif it's not giving you an answer something is very very wrong05:37
NixHexGh0st75: what I did was have all the plugins in a single folder and then link that folder to the other directories05:37
cotyrotheryso i should type05:37
gregif you'd like to see my xorg.conf visit this link: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-545439-highlight-.html05:37
nonuda_stdin, t u there?05:38
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You said you did and it does not give you an answer?05:38
cotyrotherythat is right05:38
Gh0st75tryin to locate the paths there now05:38
cotyrotheryi type pwd05:38
cotyrotheryand i get nothing05:38
NixHexGh0st75: so the command I used was "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ~/.mozilla/"05:39
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cotyrotherywhat could be wrong05:39
NixHexGh0st75: you have one plugin fulder in your home directory and then 2-3 in the "/usr/lib/"05:39
DaSkreechcotyrothery: type which pwd05:39
mjunxNixHex, no sudo05:40
cotyrotherywhat do you mean which pwd05:40
cotyrotheryi typed "pwd05:40
cotyrotherythat is it05:40
mjunxcotyrothery, type "which pwd"05:40
mjunxit's an entire command05:40
mjunxwhich is a program05:40
cotyrotheryi still got nothing05:40
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mjunxpress ctrl-c05:41
mjunxthen try agian05:41
cotyrotherywhat is ctrl-c05:41
nonuda_stdin, i have installed kubuntu in my laptop hdd using another pc, and i have put it back to my laptop, but when i turn on the laptop and start kubuntu, it wont start normaly, it start in konsole mode..why? how do i start it normally?05:41
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mjunxkills the program you have running on the terminal05:41
cotyrotheryit did nothing05:41
cotyrotherydid you mean05:42
mjunxit should put you back into a $ prompt05:42
mjunxsame thing05:42
cotyrotheryim not on the prompt05:42
cotyrotheryHow stupid of me05:42
cotyrotheryim an idiot05:42
cotyrotheryok now what05:43
jarnKonqueror can't start the cookie handler service.05:43
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cotyrotheryI cant beleive that05:43
mjunxjarn, log out and back in then05:43
cotyrotheryi was pressing alt+space05:43
mjunxand make sure your packages are all updated05:43
jarnmjunx: No way to do it without logging out?05:43
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cotyrotheryand typeing it on katapult05:44
mjunxjarn, well, you could try "killall konqueror"05:44
mjunxand start again05:44
cotyrotheryWhat do i do now that i typed wich pwd05:44
mjunxwhat does it say?05:44
cotyrotheryis that what it is supposed to say05:45
mjunxokay, I don't know where he was going with it, so ask him again05:45
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cotyrotheryare you there DaSkreech05:46
DaSkreechcotyrothery: yeah05:46
DaSkreechcotyrothery: but pwd doesn't give you anything?05:46
cotyrotheryi was typing whcih pwd in the wrong place05:46
cotyrotheryya it gave me /bin/pwd05:46
neptunepinkIs there a way to turn the display upside down?05:46
DaSkreechDo you have A # IN YOUR prompt?05:47
Minatakuneptunepink: Lift monitor, rotate, place back on desk05:47
mjunxneptunepink, via xrandr, yeah05:47
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nonuda_my kubuntu start in konsole mode, how do i make it start normally?05:47
flaccidwhat is konsole mode?05:48
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mjunxprobably the tty1 prompt thing05:48
neptunepinkmjunx: thanks, Minataku: finger05:48
DaSkreechcotyrothery: try sudo -i again05:48
Dr_willisConsole Mode?05:48
cotyrotheryok now i do05:48
Minatakuneptunepink: Sorry, just a joke since I did't know05:48
Dr_willisyou mean no X.  the normal 'console' :)05:48
nonuda_i mean i'm in like in the dos environment05:48
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ok type grub05:49
Dr_willisnonuda_,  thats the 'console' not Konsole. :)05:49
nonuda_Oh i see05:49
cotyrotheryit says this could take a long time05:49
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mjunxno, it's terminal lol05:49
nonuda_Dr_Willis. then how do i fix it?05:49
mjunxwell, log in your name05:49
Dr_willisnonuda_,  try 'startx' and see if any error messages show up. When did it break?05:49
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mjunxthen type "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"05:49
Dr_willisyea.. login. :) then 'startx'05:49
cotyrotheryok now what05:50
Dr_willisim betting the X configs or drivers or somthing got messed.05:50
DaSkreechcotyrothery: type find /boot/grub/stage105:50
nonuda_ok..it start...hmm i told it will never been so easy...thanks..05:50
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:50
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cotyrotherydid it05:50
Minatakuneptunepink: Sorry >.<05:51
cotyrotherynow what05:51
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neptunepinkit's okay. ^_^05:51
Gh0st75thanks NixHex, looks like it's working now :)05:51
gregany other ideas regarding my refresh rate mjunx?05:51
mjunxoh, link me to your xorg.conf again05:51
nonuda_Dr_Willis, i was installing kubuntu in a different machine..05:51
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cotyrotherynow what do i do05:52
mjunxgreg, add the gtf output to the monitors section05:52
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech what do i do now05:53
nonuda_Dr_Willis, how to tell kubuntu to detect my laptop hardware and install its driver?05:53
DaSkreechWhat did it say?05:53
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cotyrotheryGNU GRUB  version 0.97  (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)05:54
gregearlier i did gtf h-1024 v-768 85 and added the 2 lines that outputted to the monitors section05:54
cotyrothery       [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.   For05:54
cotyrothery         the   first   word,  TAB  lists  possible  command05:54
cotyrothery         completions.  Anywhere else TAB lists the possible05:54
cotyrothery         completions of a device/filename. ] 05:54
cotyrotherygrub> find /boot/grub/stage105:54
cotyrothery (hd1,0)05:54
cotyrotheryThat is what it says05:54
gregwhen i did the monitor section under system settings could load the module05:54
NixHexGh0st75: good...trying to get samba working in feisty herd5...for some reason its not working even with no errors05:54
gregand krandrtray still gave a max refresh of 56Hz05:54
mjunxthen add the mode name it gives to the screens section (put before the "1024x768" bit)05:55
Gh0st75feisty sounds good from what i hear, lots of nice new features05:55
NixHexGh0st75: yeah its awesome..just right now some things have their issues05:55
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok look at step 5 on the site05:55
underzr0anybody here go to http://nexgenwars.com?05:55
mjunxman, I installed beagle a few days ago, and I swear, it's still not done indexing everything05:56
cotyrotheryso i type root (hd0,3)05:56
Gh0st75yeah, i'm waiting til it's stable before i take the plunge05:56
underzr0or places like: http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net ?05:56
DaSkreechcotyrothery: no you type root (what ever it spat back at you)05:56
Gh0st75this is my only OS now that i've scrapped Vista05:56
gregso before the line beginning with  Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" ?05:56
Gh0st75so i need it to be stable05:57
cotyrotheryok did it05:57
DaSkreechcotyrothery: move on to step 6 :)05:57
cotyrotherythsi is what i got05:57
cotyrotheryFilesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x8305:57
greg so before the line beginning with  'Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"' ?05:57
underzr0http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net and http://nexgenwars.com are good places05:58
NixHexGh0st75: yeah, vista is a joke, I'm sticking with winXP for my windows machines05:58
cotyrotheryalright did that05:58
mjunxno, greg, put "1280x800_60.00" or whatever before "1024x768"05:58
mjunxbut after Modes05:58
DaSkreechcotyrothery: 7 and 8 :)05:58
Dr_willisnonuda_, ?05:58
Gh0st75when i get my macbook later the spring, i'll be giving this desktop with kubuntu to my folks, and putting a kubuntu partition on the mac05:58
cotyrotheryso i need to restart05:59
nonuda_Dr_willis, how to make kubuntu detect my hardware and installed all over again?05:59
cotyrotherywhat will happen if i do restart05:59
Dr_willisnonuda_,  what did you do that made X stop working? you proberly just need to reconfogure your X server05:59
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mjunxoh, I found something greg05:59
mjunx!resolution | greg06:00
ubotugreg: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:00
gregdoes it all have to be on one line?06:00
mjunxbut check that article06:00
underzr0I'm totally telling the truth. http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net and http://nexgenwars.com are really good places06:00
NixHexGh0st75: good luck with that..I personally don't mind mac too much and its based of linux/unix...(don't remember specifics)06:00
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Yep06:00
cotyrotherywhat will happen when i restart06:00
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mjunxxnu is a bsd/mach hybrid06:01
underzr0People are ignoring me :'(06:01
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Hopefully it should work06:01
nonuda_Dr_willis, i was installing kubuntu using another pc..06:01
mjunxand darwin is made up of bsd userland (along with some gnu)06:01
cotyrotheryim restarting06:01
Dr_willisnonuda_,  'using' ?06:01
DaSkreechOtherwise I'll reqalk you through the setup06:01
Gh0st75yeah, i need something that "just works" without needing alot of time or tinkering, but will keep a boot of this on there for when i DO have time to tinker06:01
bonbonthejonunderzr0: you were shouting before, what is your problem06:01
bonbonthejonGh0st75: i think dealing with the mess with windows takes more time that linux06:02
nonuda_Dr_willis, yup, i take my hdd laptop and put it on another pc to install kubuntu, and now i put it back to my laptop..06:03
Gh0st75lol, i would have over a year uptime with xp, i'm on my 8th install of kubuntu in 6 months06:03
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bonbonthejonGh0st75: year uptime with XP? or do you mean a year of XP without reinstalling?06:04
Dr_willisnonuda_,  hmm... icky. :) heh.. I guess ya need to a dpkg-reconfigure xorg (or somtning) to get X set up right.06:04
Gh0st75a year uptime without needing to restart06:04
nonuda_how to do that?06:04
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Hasrat_USAum may be ubuntu/kubuntu isn't for you06:05
Gh0st75other than when i'd do windows updates, but never had to restart cause of problems06:05
mjunxwell, your max uptime in windows is basically 31 days or so06:05
Hasrat_USAhell my beryl's uptime is 4 months lol06:06
gansinhohello, I am using adept to do an ordinary upgrade when it announces that there is a dist upgrade to feisty and warning me that it is a "development snapshot" I have two questions about it, is it safe to just upgrade? if I upgrade, after the final release is launch I'll be able to download and install the stable versions without problem?06:06
mjunxbecause of patch tuesday and the "critical" updates06:06
underzr0http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net and http://nexgenwars.com are great places to sign up to :D06:06
bonbonthejon!feisty | gansinho06:06
ubotugansinho: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)06:06
mjunxgansinho, yeah, you'll be able to upgrade, and it's kinda stable06:06
Dr_willisnonuda_,  id have to say check the wiki/forums/docs - ive never had to reconfogure the sound server or X server that way06:06
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:06
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Gh0st75my reasons for switching are many, tho the fact that windows is so targetted and requires so much preventative maintenance.....it almost equals the time i spend tinkering in linux to get things working06:06
Hasrat_USAi wont upgrade to Feisty that quickly :P06:06
gansinhomjunx: it has the new KDE version?06:07
gansinhoKDE 4?06:07
mjunxgansinho, no, you gotta get that from kubuntu.org06:07
ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org06:07
bonbonthejongansinho: 3.5.6 is the most recent kde06:07
mjunxthere we go06:07
Hasrat_USAwhat is it that you're having problem with ghost?06:07
lupobuon giorno nn trovo i pacchetti x breyl su synaptic o adept come devo fare?06:07
gansinhothanks guys!06:07
bonbonthejon!it | lupo06:07
ubotulupo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:07
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Gh0st75in Kubuntu? nothing at the moment06:08
Hasrat_USAthen why are you saying that you are having to reinstall it often?06:08
Gh0st75pretty much everything i need to do on my desktop i'm able to get working06:08
Gh0st75well i've learned a bit each time i've reinstalled it06:08
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nonuda_Oh ok then...another question, in system setting-monitor & display tab hardware, graphics card using vesa, i was trying to change from vesa into ati rage mobile, but it always back use vesa..why?06:09
Gh0st75most of my problems have been no access to adept, java plugins, corrupted grub06:09
Hasrat_USAlol i learn some weird s*** every day06:09
underzr0http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net and http://nexgenwars.com are cool places :D06:09
Hasrat_USAcorrupted grub damn! i don't know how people confront or reproduce that problem06:09
gregyeah i've already checked that article, i just tried the thing at the bottom under the header "You use the "nvidia" driver (Binary drivers"06:10
gregbut it didn't help06:10
Gh0st75well the corrupted grub is more a fault of windows than linux, i've learned that if i want to use both, windows needs to go on first, then linux second06:10
underzr0http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net/forum/ is a good place to ask for a signature06:10
gregit made it worse cuz x didn't start06:10
Hasrat_USAyou installed/ran any eye-candy yet ghost?06:10
bonbonthejonGh0st75: do you now know that its better to instal windows first, then let linux figure stuff out06:10
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Gh0st75nope, haven't messed with desktop customization much yet, am curious about what can be done tho, particularly things like beryl06:11
bonbonthejonyeah, setting up eyecandy can lead to problems06:11
Gh0st75is there a way to make a "last known good" snapshot of my os so i can restore to that point if i fubar it?06:12
Gh0st75i've heard beryl is no walk in the park06:12
gregthe odd thing is that when i'm at the login screen for kde the refresh rate seems ok and then once i login it changes and gets to 56Hz06:12
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ubuntuit did not work06:12
gregthis happens to all users including root06:12
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bonbonthejonGh0st75: there is plenty of ways to customize standard kde, if you want stable06:12
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cotyrotheryI still get no operating system06:13
bonbonthejonGh0st75: I assume you mean like in windows? not that i know of06:13
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok does the installer ever ask you where you want grub?06:13
Hasrat_USA"yeah, setting up eyecandy can lead to problems" no it can't06:13
gregis xorg.conf the only file that affects your refresh rate?06:13
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Admiral_Chicagohello everyone.06:13
Gh0st75i notice when i boot into kubunto now i get two boot options, the second one appearing after the first major set of updates after the fresh install of edgy06:13
cotyrotheryok so you want me to reinstall06:13
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Hello. cotyrothery is havign grub issues06:14
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: apparently it doesn't exist after install06:14
Hasrat_USAghost beryl can change the way you think about OS. it can make you realize how seriously flawed windows Vista is06:14
bonbonthejonHasrat_USA: when i tried beryl and compiz, i couldnt get it to work, and I was stuck with a white screen, luckily i knew ways to get back06:14
bonbonthejonhi Admiral_Chicago06:14
gregi should mention that i added a beryl repo and ran updates when this happened06:14
Hasrat_USAbonbonthejon: define compiz. and what's your video card?06:14
Gh0st75oh i can believe that Hasrat, i saw a matrix desktop clip on youtoob, it looks like it has amazing potential06:14
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cotyrotheryI cant wait to get this working06:15
bonbonthejon!compiz | Hasrat_USA06:15
ubotuHasrat_USA: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:15
underzr0Yo! go here: http://ongata.nanotechcorp.net06:15
Hasrat_USAi'm on beryl right now. it's a roller coaster06:15
cotyrotherybare with me please06:15
nonuda_!x server06:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:15
Gh0st75i'm running an ati 9600 pro on this old thing06:15
bonbonthejonHasrat_USA: card is ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M06:16
Hasrat_USAduh ati06:16
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: Super Grub Disk?06:16
killerI just installed 6.10 and I still have the same problem that existed in 6.01, my computer clock is correct, but unbuntu is making a worthless assumption that I live in the past about 6 hours, the install never asked about UTC, how do I turn it off?06:16
cotyrotherywhat is super grub disk06:16
Hasrat_USArules for installing beryl if you have ati is so different than the rules you need to know if yours is a nvidia06:16
Gh0st75truthfully, i regret ever getting an ati card06:17
Hasrat_USAi'm not sure but i think i'm using beryl and xgl06:17
Admiral_Chicago#ubuntu-effets is a good channel for desktop help Hasrat_USA && Gh0st7506:17
bonbonthejonthe ati was built-in to my laptop, i have no contorl over that06:17
Gh0st75when i used to game on this box every game posted better driver updates and specs for nvidia cards06:17
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: its a cd that helps do a lot of grub work06:17
Hasrat_USAand i set the rendering platform to draw resources directly from my card06:17
cotyrotheryi dont have it06:17
Hasrat_USAlol okay admiral sorry06:17
cotyrotheryI have no idea what grub is06:18
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gregdoes anyone know if any other files besides xorg.conf affect refresh rate on monitor?06:18
cotyrotheryall im tring to do is to get kubuntu to work06:18
bonbonthejonunderzr0: stop repeating that, youve said that already06:18
underzr0Kubuntu is easy to get working06:18
Gh0st75anyhoo, eyecandy is an adventure for another day, 1:49 am here now and i have to work tomorrow06:18
cotyrotheryafter i install and restart it tells me i have no operating system06:18
Admiral_ChicagoHasrat_USA: just better resources06:18
Gh0st75night all, thanks again for all the help06:18
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: I think the issue may be that grub is not getting installed on the MBR06:18
underzr0your welcome06:19
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: your windows partition is on /dev/hda1 right?06:19
underzr0I need people to join my website :(06:19
underzr0anybody want to join it?06:20
Admiral_Chicagounderzr0: this isn't the place for it. this is a kubuntu support channel06:20
Admiral_Chicagoplease stop06:20
underzr0i'm done06:20
gregman my eyes hurt06:20
cotyrotherySo i do have the OS on my system06:20
underzr0sorry, i'm just pissed because no matter what i do i can't get a fucking person to join my site06:20
cotyrotheryit just does not know i have it06:20
cotyrotheryis that correct06:21
Admiral_Chicago!language | underzr006:21
ubotuunderzr0: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:21
Dr_willisjoin a web site?06:21
Dr_willisjuse what we need another forum :)06:21
DaSkreechcotyrothery: It's there . The BIOS doesn't know how to get to it06:22
underzr0ill shut up if you join :D06:22
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cotyrotheryso then we need to get that working06:22
gregdoes anyone know if any other files besides xorg.conf affect refresh rate on monitor?06:23
Admiral_Chicagogreg: nope06:23
Admiral_Chicagomaybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will help06:23
gregalready tried06:23
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:23
Admiral_Chicagoanything in there?06:23
gregchecked that too :P06:24
deathnote  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.4-1ubuntu12) but 2.4-1ubuntu12.1 is to be installed <-- what does it mean???????06:24
Admiral_Chicagoi'm not sure how to help then....06:24
deathnotemy apt-get06:24
deathnotei'm trying to apt-get install build-essential06:24
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: means that libc6-dev depends on a version lower than the one you have installed06:24
Admiral_Chicagomay be a compiling isse06:25
deathnotewhat can i do? apt-get remove libc6-dev ?06:25
cotyrotheryso how will i get bios to find kubuntu06:25
cotyrotheryat start up06:25
underzr0Somebody signed up with email fake at hotmail dot com06:25
deathnotebuilding other packages seems to be ok.. except for this06:25
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gregmy xorg.conf06:25
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: i'd unistall that, install build-essential, then reinstall it06:26
underzr0Well since somebody signed up, ill see ya'll later06:26
cotyrotheryso admiral_chicago do you know how to fix06:26
cotyrotherythis problem i have06:26
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Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: i'd install grub again. not sure how to help since I don't know your computer set up06:27
greghehhehehe, i signed up, but i won't validate :P06:27
deathnoteAdmiral_Chicago: uninstall libc6 ?06:27
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Admiral_Chicagogreg: composite?06:27
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: yea06:27
gregcomment it out?06:27
cotyrotheryso should i just completely reinstall06:28
Admiral_Chicagogreg: no i mean do you run it06:28
gregi have translucent windows and fade effects06:28
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: no, i'd download the super grub disk and burn it...not sure how you would do that06:28
deathnoteAdmiral_Chicago: i don't have libc-dev or libc6-dev installed06:28
gregbut nothing really profound06:28
gregthis problem...06:28
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cotyrotheryi dont have a burner06:28
deathnote  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or06:28
deathnote                            libc-dev06:28
deathnote                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed06:28
deathnoteE: Broken packages06:28
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: sudo apt-get build-dep build-essential...06:28
gregstarted happening yesterday after i considered useing beryl and added beryl repos06:28
deathnotei've done apt-get update and checked my sources.list06:28
gregand then adept updated...06:28
cotyrotheryI guess i should give up06:29
gregand now my refresh rate can't be set higher than 56Hz06:29
deathnoteE: Build-dependencies for build-essential could not be satisfied.06:29
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Wait06:29
DaSkreechLet me ask some questions06:29
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Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: there is a way to reinstall grub off the live Cd06:29
Admiral_Chicagogreg: ya, it's beryl06:29
Admiral_Chicagomaybe #ubuntu-effects06:29
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: If his MBR is on hd0 is it valid to have grub on hd1 ?06:29
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Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: if his windows one is on hd0, then no06:30
gregthank you06:30
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: that's what I thought06:30
cotyrotheryso then what does that mean06:31
NixHexI ask thee...whats the point of a support channel if the people that know what to do never pay attention to the channel or are never logged in06:31
DaSkreechhis find /boot/grub/stage1 returns (hd1,0)06:31
DaSkreechcotyrothery: It means you reopen console :)06:31
cotyrotheryso i need to open konsole06:31
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: sudo apt-get build-dep build-essential06:31
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Yup :)06:31
=== ubuntu raaaaaa
DaSkreechcotyrothery: What?06:32
Admiral_Chicagosorry, i posted that twice06:32
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: May I inquire waht for?06:32
cotyrotheryok im opeing konsole06:32
cotyrotheryalright it is open06:32
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: can you walk him through redoing his grub? I have to step out for 10 minutes06:32
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Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: np06:33
=== otateossian [n=otateoss@cpe-24-193-71-173.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
otateossianis anyone there06:34
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: You the man Admiral!06:34
otateossiani have a question06:34
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: hello06:34
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Listen to Admiral_Chicago :)06:34
cotyrotheryim ready06:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:34
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: wait a second...06:34
otateossiani have ubuntu on my dell and i want to use the wireless on it06:34
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech:: sudo apt-get build-dep build-essential06:34
otateossiani installed the ndiswrapper and found the driver from intel06:35
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: sudo apt-get build-dep build-essential06:35
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Huh?06:35
Admiral_Chicagowrong perso06:35
otateossianand i installed it and it says that it found the hardware06:35
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst06:35
Admiral_Chicago!paste > cotyrothery06:35
Admiral_Chicagothere will be a link in a private message, paste it in there06:35
otateossiani also installed this wireless assistant and it sees me network06:35
Admiral_Chicagookay. keep going.06:35
deathnoteAdmiral_Chicago: E: Build-dependencies for build-essential could not be satisfied.06:35
otateossiani cant seem to get on the damn network06:36
deathnoteis something wrong with my apt-get or what06:36
otateossiancan someone tell me if i am doing something wrong06:36
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: paste you /etc/apt/sources.list please06:36
Admiral_Chicago!paste > deathnote06:36
otateossianone sec06:36
cotyrotherywhat do you mean paste06:36
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: what does ndiswrapper -l tell you06:36
DaSkreechcotyrothery: you should have a text editor open06:36
DaSkreech!paste | cotyrothery06:36
ubotucotyrothery: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:36
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: check your private message.06:36
Admiral_Chicagoor that....06:36
DaSkreechcotyrothery: That website :)06:37
cotyrotheryi need to go to that iste06:37
NixHex!samba > NixHex06:37
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: checking now...06:37
otateossiandeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main06:37
otateossiandeb-src http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy main06:37
otateossian# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025)] / edgy main restricted06:37
otateossiandeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted06:37
otateossiandeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted06:37
deathnotewoooh don't paste here06:37
cotyrotheryok im going to the site now06:37
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cotyrotherywhat do i do when i get there06:38
otateossianhow can i paste it without getting disconnected06:38
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: i wanted you to past your ndiswrapper -l to me06:38
deathnoteotateossian: go to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste there..and paste us the link06:38
Admiral_Chicago!paste > otateossian06:38
Admiral_Chicagocheck your pm06:38
cotyrotherywhat pm am i checking06:39
cotyrotheryand were06:39
otateossianhow do i check my pm06:39
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9387/06:39
Admiral_Chicagoreplace everything with that06:39
Admiral_Chicagosudo apt-get update06:39
Admiral_Chicagosudo apt-get install build-essential06:39
cotyrotheryim at paste bin06:40
cotyrotherynow what06:40
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deathnotei mean trtying06:40
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: copy and paste things in there, name it, send me the link06:40
cotyrotherywhat do i paste in it06:40
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Admiral_Chicagocontrol and V06:41
flaccidi like shift + insert06:41
cotyrotheryi typed in the code you gave me06:42
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cotyrotherya few mins ago06:42
cotyrotheryit said device failed06:42
deathnotei get a couple of Failed to fetch http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release.gpg  Connection failed06:42
deathnoteErr http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Translation-en_SG06:43
deathnote  Connection failed06:43
deathnoteE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:43
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Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: give me the link I gave you earlier06:43
nonuda_why fonts and icons looks not smooth, its like that we use old graphics or win95 maybe?06:43
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: where did you paste them?06:43
cotyrotheryi think that is it06:44
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: sec.06:44
cotyrotherya box just poped up06:45
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cotyrotherymenu.lst kate is what it is called06:45
deathnoteafter doing apt-get update again and again06:45
otateossianso i am installing the build essentials06:45
deathnotenow the update is okay but instlal build-essential stll fail with same error hmm06:45
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: that...wasn't...for...you06:46
otateossianit finished06:46
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: the server is down06:46
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: i asked you to tell me the output of 'ndiswrapper -l' in a konsole06:46
cotyrotheryso what should i do now06:46
deathnotei've updated and install build-essential ..but still same error hmm06:47
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: still trying to figure it out06:47
deathnotebefore that i was installing aria06:47
cotyrotheryhow do i change the color of my name06:47
deathnotebut removed it already06:47
cotyrotheryand text06:47
cotyrotheryso it is not black06:47
otateossianit said driver present hardware present06:47
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: close konsole, alt + f2, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:47
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: the sg.archive.ubuntu.com06:48
Admiral_Chicagothat server is down06:48
cotyrotheryok i put that in06:48
otateossianthanks for the help sp far admiral06:48
deathnotecan i use other mirrors?06:48
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cotyrotherynow something called kate has come up06:49
Admiral_Chicagodeathnote: sure, change all the sg to us and sudo apt-get update06:49
otateossianso now what admiral06:49
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: right, copy and paste that text in the pastebin06:49
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: so...whats the issue06:49
Admiral_Chicagoright connecting06:49
Admiral_ChicagoWLanAssist says what?06:49
cotyrotheryok one sec06:49
Admiral_Chicagodoes it find / connect to the server06:50
Admiral_Chicagowait, otateossian you use intel chipset?06:50
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otateossianyes i use intel06:51
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otateossiani think it is 845 or something like that06:51
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Admiral_Chicagootateossian: paste the output of lspic06:51
otateossianpaste it where06:52
otateossianwhat command is that06:52
otateossianis that in the terminal06:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:52
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: looking now06:52
otateossianhow do i use the command06:53
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: dammit, i'm retarted, close all that and paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst06:54
cotyrotheryso do i need to restart konsole06:54
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: no.06:54
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: konsole should be closed, kate should be closed06:54
cotyrotherykate is open06:55
cotyrotheryso what should i do06:55
Admiral_Chicagoclose it06:55
otateossianhow do i use the lspic command06:55
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: in a konsole06:55
otateossiani typed lspic in a console and it said it doesnt recognise it06:56
cotyrotheryok what command to i put in06:56
flaccidi changed the filename of one of my classes. now with __autoload it still wants to load the old filename which is 1 char different. how is this possible?06:56
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: alt + f2, kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst06:56
flaccidoops wrong chan06:56
cotyrotherya window came up06:58
cotyrotherywith no text in it06:58
Admiral_Chicagodid you type it correctly+06:58
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: he's on a live Cd remember06:58
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Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: didn't know that?06:58
Admiral_Chicagoerr didn't know that...06:58
cotyrotheryya im on live cd06:59
rikanferalCan anyone here tell me, sans rhetoric, what the deal between Novell and Microsoft actually *means*?06:59
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: his Linux install is hdb1 his windows is hda106:59
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DaSkreechrikanferal: Nobody knows06:59
otateossianhere you go admiral06:59
otateossianhere is the link06:59
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krabbypantsit means dont use novell they are farts06:59
rikanferalDaSkreech: So it's one of those "wait and see" things?06:59
bumzomorning lovely pple of kubuntu07:00
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rikanferalWell, I got that much07:00
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bumzoi need help in mounting my external drive via  usb07:00
cotyrotheryso what do i do now amiral07:00
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ss_how can i check the kb/s bandwidth going through a network device at a moment in time?07:00
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DaSkreechbumzo: technically plugging it in should mount it07:00
nixhello everybody07:01
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: sorry I have to run. school and a test tomorrow07:01
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otateossiansoo what now07:01
cotyrotheryok so what do i do now07:01
otateossianany suggestions07:01
deathnoteis us.archive.ubuntu.com down?07:01
bumzoyes ... but i cant write ... i onlu have read rights07:01
DaSkreechcotyrothery: open konsole :)07:01
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Quick question07:01
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: shoot07:01
deathnotei'm stuck at the apt-get update07:01
Admiral_Chicagocan't stay long..07:01
cotyrotheryok konsole is open07:02
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: step 5 he should have root(hd0,1) ?07:02
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: type mkdir test07:02
Admiral_Chicagosorry say again DaSkreech07:02
stdindeathnote: it doesn't seem down, I just tried accessing it, and it worked07:02
otateossianadmiral any quick suggestions07:02
cotyrotheryok i did that now what07:03
DaSkreechwhen he is trying to fix this grub from the grub prompt07:03
Admiral_Chicagootateossian: look on teh wiki pages07:03
Admiral_Chicagothats the best I can help with..07:03
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DaSkreech he should have root(hd0,1) or setup (hd0,1) ?07:03
otateossianthank you for all the help07:03
otateossiani really appreciate it07:03
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Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: link again07:04
bumzowhen i try change to 'can view and modify contents'' ... i get the error mesage ''Could not change permissions for /media/sda1.''07:04
DaSkreechcotyrothery:  sudo mount /dev/hdb1 test07:04
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c0nv1ctcan anyone tell me how to remove an applet from kicker from the CLI?07:04
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:04
cotyrotheryok i did that07:05
yuriyc0nv1ct: i would imagine it's some dcop command but i don't know07:05
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: whatever 'find /boot/grub/stage1' says should be the root and install07:06
Admiral_Chicagogotta run07:06
Hasrat_USAa tip that i just discovered from my own experience and wrong-doing and want to share: if you want to play a 3d game, such as tux racer, please please please turn off Beryl and switch to KDE desktop manager first or else x can crash07:06
DaSkreechcotyrothery: alt+f2 -> kdesu kate ~/test/boot/grub/menu.lst07:06
bumzoanytbody pleeeease07:06
DaSkreechpastebin that07:06
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Byye :)07:07
c0nv1ctyuriy: well crap, cuz i cant get kicker started, it just crashes07:07
=== Admiral_Chicago AFK
DaSkreechbumzo: What File system does it have?07:07
yuriyc0nv1ct: oh. in that case07:07
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yuriyc0nv1ct: there should be a kickerrc file in ~/.kde/share/config07:07
Hasrat_USAwhat is kicker?07:07
yuriyor somewhere in there in .kde07:08
yuriyHasrat_USA: the panel07:08
stdinHasrat_USA: the panel with the Kmenu and taskbar etc on it07:08
yuriyc0nv1ct: you should be able to edit the file and remove the applet. or just delete it to go back to the default config07:08
c0nv1ctyuriy: ah thanks, i was looking in the wrong folder, worked perfect07:09
Hasrat_USAyuriy: panel...duh oh i haven't been using mocosoft winblows for 4 months but still i cant get used to KDE's terminologies07:09
DaSkreechcotyrothery: pastebin that file07:09
cotyrotheryi am07:09
cotyrotherylive cd is slow with the internet browser07:09
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deus17hi i have downloaded all the latest wine packages.... and put in my wow cd07:14
deus17and it looks ok.. but the text is just alots of []  boxes07:15
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NixHexyou don't have MS fonts installed07:15
deus17and i also wanna know where i can found grapich card settings for my geforce 6600 256mb pci-e graphich card.?07:15
NixHexjust a guess07:15
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deus17drivers i mean07:15
deus17how does i install MS fonts?07:16
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Hasrat_USAhow does you?07:16
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NixHexI think that card is new enough to use nvidia-glx07:16
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deus17i download the nvidia-glx now07:16
deus17does i need to do something else?07:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: 0.o07:16
deus17and how does i install ms-font?07:17
miltoshi ppl:-] 07:17
NixHex!nvidia | deus1707:17
ubotudeus17: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:17
DaSkreechNot sure what the dickens is going on07:17
miltospls help....07:17
NixHex!ask | miltos07:17
ubotumiltos: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:17
miltosI can't manage my accounts anymore!!!!!!!07:18
stdindeus17: Install "msttcorefonts" (from Multiverse)07:18
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NixHexstdin: thats the one I was looking for....guess thats why there multiple to help07:18
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: How many times ahve you installed kubuntu?07:19
deus17ok il try.. th07:19
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cotyrotheryi think07:19
cotyrotheryi tried to install ebuntu07:19
miltosWhenever I login to my accounts administration via system settings the required password for su administration is rejected by the system...07:19
cotyrotheryand got the same result07:19
stdinNixHex: I just /msg ubotu fonts, I knew it was in there07:19
NixHexstdin: yeah I was thinking of doing something like that...but didn't07:20
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intelikeywhat in the 'by word' is this...    /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh:               exec </dev/null07:20
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DaSkreechWhee :)07:20
DaSkreechmore help07:20
intelikeyexec </dev/null  ?07:21
DaSkreechintelikey: Ping07:21
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intelikeyping ?07:21
cotyrotheryDaSkreeck now what07:21
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DaSkreechintelikey: can I ask your opinion on a grub question07:22
intelikeyDaSkreech yeah  but what was the   <DaSkreech> intelikey: Ping   in referance to ?07:22
DaSkreechintelikey: I'm pinging you for a response :)07:22
DaSkreechYou are so not an IRC geek :)07:23
intelikeyoh.  ok.    it's just that i just asked about    exec </dev/null   and  saw that...07:23
DaSkreechintelikey: in any case cotyrothery has a problem in that he (assuming that cotyrothery is a he) is installing kubuntu but not getting a grub entry07:23
SolidSourcestdin: say, besides #samba is there any other samba channel?07:24
cotyrotheryYES im a he07:24
DaSkreechso when he reboots he gets no operating system found07:24
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stdinSolidSource: there are a few http://pastebin.ca/38727607:25
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intelikeyDaSkreech more likely (though there are other things that cause such)  grub not on the mbr or the disk addressing changed between the install and the boot.   bios's can rearange disks too.  so (hd0) may not be the boot hd.07:25
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DaSkreechintelikey: grub is telling him that stage one is on (hd 1,3)07:26
intelikeyDaSkreech in short check /boot/grub/devices.list first.07:26
DaSkreechintelikey: but look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9392/07:26
deus17when i put in a windows install cd of any software i tried a few... i see start picture and then everything else is black boxes.. no text and no possibility to press ok , install, setup, exit or anything i cant se the text boxes! why?07:26
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deus17i have downloade nvidiga-glx and msfonts07:27
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SolidSourcestdin: lol...most are empty07:28
deus17anyone knows whats wrong?07:28
stdinSolidSource: yeah, the ones with <<ACTIVE>> should have someone in them, but it could be 1 or 1000 :P07:28
intelikeyDaSkreech ok   and now where's his  /boot/grub/devices.list ?    and the output of   sudo fdisk -l07:29
SolidSourcestdin: yeah...only chanserv is in them...only ones with ppl are the technical and the plain one07:29
DaSkreechcotyrothery: that's you07:30
cotyrotherywhat do i do07:30
DaSkreechalt+f2 -> kdesu kate ~/test/boot/grub/devices.list07:30
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: pastebin that07:30
intelikeycotyrothery  pastebin the output of     cat /boot/grub/device.map  ;sudo fdisk -l07:30
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deus17does i need to reboot after installed msfonts and nvidia-glx ??07:31
DaSkreechJust follow intelikey :)07:31
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stdinSolidSource: well, according to http://us4.samba.org/samba/irc.html , those are the only 2 official channels anyway07:31
cotyrotherywhat do i do07:31
intelikeywell ~/test/boot*  if you are on the live CD and that's where it's mounted.07:31
cotyrotheryso what do i type in07:32
SolidSourcestdin: yeah, just they seem to be worthless07:32
intelikeycotyrothery  pastebin the output of     cat /boot/grub/device.map  ;sudo fdisk -l07:32
SolidSourcestdin: no one ever answers07:32
cotyrotherywere do i get that07:32
intelikeyin a konsole07:32
DaSkreechcotyrothery: type that in konsole07:32
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: it's cat ~/test/boot/grub/device.map btw07:34
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intelikeycotyrothery ok   grep hdb ~/test/boot/grub/device.map      for me please.07:37
intelikeyshould be one line of output you can put it here07:38
=== SolidSource jumps out window to only realize he lives on the first floor
cotyrothery(hd0)   /dev/hdb07:38
intelikeyk give me a sec.07:38
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intelikeycotyrothery ok do this in that konsole.    sudo chroot ~/test07:40
deus17when i put in a windows install cd of any software i tried a few... i see start picture and then everything else is black boxes.. no text and no possibility to press ok , install, setup, exit or anything i cant se the text boxes! why?07:40
deus17i have download the nvidia-glx and ms font packades.. maybe i need reboot after that? or do anything else??07:40
intelikeycotyrothery ok next do this in that konsole.    grub-install /dev/hdb07:40
akrus] 07:40
SolidSourcedeus17: yes you need to restart x-server07:41
SolidSourcedeus17: there is also a need for DLLs...but I don't know where to get those07:41
cotyrotheryit gives me this = Not found or not a block device.07:42
intelikeycotyrothery ls -l /dev/hdb07:42
cotyrotherydid you want me to put in grub-install07:42
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cotyrotheryor grub install07:42
cotyrotherywithout -07:42
cotyrotherywell it worked without it07:43
intelikeyi don't think so.  but if you say so.07:43
=== SolidSource goes to sleep.
=== weatherman [n=sebbar@p57B3D8E9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
cotyrotherydo you want me to show you what i got07:43
intelikeytry it like i typed it.07:43
cotyrotheryi did and it did not work07:43
intelikeyok show me.07:43
cotyrotheryor copy and past07:44
intelikeyno dont flood07:44
intelikeyuse the pastebin07:44
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intelikeycotyrothery a paste of one or two lines is fine in an irc channel but over three and you may find yourself outside the channel wonedring why you can't rejoin07:45
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bonbonthejonanyone got an up-to-date feisty and can double check something for me07:46
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crimsunuse #ubuntu+107:46
crimsunbonbonthejon: ^07:46
deus17SolidSource: Wich dlls ? do you know wich one?07:46
bonbonthejoncrimsun: ok07:46
stdinbonbonthejon: or #kubuntu-devel07:46
intelikeycotyrothery yes you typed   grub *   you need to exit that.07:46
miltosI can't login as administrator in order to change/add/delete/modify users accounts, any help?07:47
deus17SolidSource: And how to restart x-server? is it just to reboot computer or what? im pretty new at ubunut07:47
bonbonthejonmiltos: there is no "administrator" there is root07:47
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intelikeycotyrothery you can open a new tab and type in sudo killall grub07:47
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allen84usanyone knwo how to change kde theme?07:48
intelikeysudo killall grub07:48
miltosyes, bonbonthejon, I know, the root password is not accessible!07:48
bonbonthejondeus17: logout, then at the kdm screen, under options or something, there will be a restart x07:48
bonbonthejonmiltos: did you set one?07:48
stdin!theme | allen84us07:48
ubotuallen84us: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:48
stdin!changethemes | allen84us07:48
ubotuallen84us: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu07:48
allen84us10s guy07:48
cotyrotherywhat do you mean07:48
cotyrotheryopen a new tab07:48
cotyrotherywhat is sudo killall grub07:49
=== intelikey wonders why no one on the system team thought of adding "passwd -dl root" to /etc/rc.local ...
deus17okey thx.. but where does i know where to download dlls for my graphic card?? ^^07:49
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: in Konsole press ctrl+shift+N07:50
intelikeycotyrothery what you pastebin'd last is a "grub prompt"  you ran  grub    kill grub  and run  grub-install /dev/hdb07:50
DaSkreechintelikey: can't he just press Ctrl+D07:50
intelikeyDaSkreech will that kill grub ?07:51
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intelikeyi sujested ^C    or at least thought it really loud07:51
cotyrotheryhow do i run grub07:51
stdindon't you just type "quit" or "exit" it end the grub shell?07:51
DaSkreechYeah that's what i was thinking07:52
intelikeyDaSkreech raise your kids to listen next time  ;/07:52
miltosbonbonthejon, yes I set one which doesn't work...07:52
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You still have a grub > prompt ?07:52
bonbonthejonmiltos: ok, are you logged in as another user?07:52
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intelikeycotyrothery did you run     grub-install /dev/hdb    ?07:53
seven11kubuntu feisty channle is what07:53
cotyrotherydo you want me to past what i got07:53
DaSkreechcotyrothery: It's a normal prompt ?07:53
miltosyes, I logged in as the default user which I set up during installation.07:53
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)07:53
cotyrotherymkdir: cannot create directory `/boot/grub': Permission denied07:53
bonbonthejonmiltos: try "sudo passwd root" to set a new one07:53
DaSkreechcotyrothery: sudo grub-install /dev/hdb07:54
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cotyrotheryok it is doing something07:54
intelikeycotyrothery DaSkreech i think he has exited the chroot07:54
KaiHanariwhat are some good rgb web cam apps that are command line, to snap an image, and can do YUV, JPEG, or RGB w/ the option of BGR->RGB conversion07:55
DaSkreechcotyrothery: doh :)07:55
intelikeyi had him sudo chroot so he should have been root in there.07:55
cotyrotheryCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.07:55
DaSkreechintelikey: yeah I missed that07:55
DaSkreechcotyrothery: sudo chroot ~/test07:55
intelikeyoh well.   if yall ever get back to square one  or finished either   let me know.07:55
miltos<bonbthejon>I just tried sudo passwd root and nothing happend!?!?07:55
DaSkreechnow grub-install /dev/hdb07:56
cotyrothery"/dev/hdb: Not found or not a block device."07:56
intelikeymiltos    sudo echo boo07:56
DaSkreechintelikey: there we go07:57
intelikeymiltos if it says boo  then sudo is working if not it's not.07:57
bonbonthejonmiltos: what do you mean nothing happened07:57
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ls /dev/hdb07:57
cotyrotheryls: /dev/hdb: No such file or directory07:57
intelikeycotyrothery ok do this        cd /dev ;MAKEDEV hd07:57
miltos<bonbonthejon>, I got the reply 'miltos is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported'...07:58
intelikeycotyrothery ok do this        cd /dev &&MAKEDEV hd07:58
intelikeythe dir may not be there.07:58
cotyrotherywhich one do i do07:58
intelikeythe last   it's safe07:58
intelikeythat's why i changed ; to &&   to make it safe07:58
bonbonthejonmiltos: if you do "sudo nano test" does it let you in or block you07:58
cotyrothery"/sbin/MAKEDEV: warning: can't read /proc/devices"07:59
miltos<bonbonthejon>, nothing happens with "sudo nano test'...07:59
intelikeymiltos then you'll have to login as the first user you created on that system  or reboot to safemode08:00
intelikeycotyrothery that's a wrning not an error08:00
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cotyrotheryso what do i do08:01
intelikeyand yes i expected it.08:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:01
miltos<intelikey>, will the safemode load the kde enviroment...or do I have to use the console?08:01
intelikeycotyrothery did it finish yet ?08:01
intelikeymiltos console prolly08:01
intelikeythe MAKEDEV command it returned to the bash prompt ?08:01
intelikeycotyrothery ^08:01
intelikeycotyrothery    grub-install /dev/hdb08:02
miltos<intelikey>, and what should I type in order to correct the problem?08:02
cotyrotherya lot of stuff came u08:02
cotyrotherynow what08:03
intelikeymiltos  passwd     and set a pasword then type   exit    that will set a password for the root account08:03
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intelikeycotyrothery any  "ERROR:"  messages ?08:04
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miltos<intelikey>, ok and then i will login as what user?08:04
intelikeycotyrothery reboot and try it.08:04
cotyrotheryok see you in a few08:04
cotyrotheryhope to be running this on off the hard disk08:04
[StingRay] HI all, my sound card is not listed in lspci (obviously an irq problem as it worked in windows). Can I do something about it?08:04
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intelikeymiltos then it will switchto runlevel 2 and put you back where you are now   except there will be a root password so you can use the root account to fix your personal account08:05
miltos<intelikey>, it will switchto...i don't get you...explain...08:06
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scottyAlright, I just did something very very stupid08:07
intelikeymiltos when you exit  the root console  it will switch to runlevel 2  multiuser mode08:07
scottyI accidently resized my main panel clear down, and now it's off screen, so I can't bring it up to normal size08:07
intelikeywhere you are now.   if you could just issue   init 1   you wouldn't need to reboot to get to safe mode08:08
intelikeybut you have to be root to change runlevels08:08
intelikeyscotty alt+f2  type in    kcontrol    and configure the pannel.08:09
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scottyintellikey: I did that, but even if I resize it or move it to the size, it won't show up08:10
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:10
scotty*move it to the side08:10
intelikeyscotty does it not give you an option on "placement" ?   place it at the top then back at the bottom.... it will work.     size and placement are both options.08:11
=== justMatt [n=matt@ppp8-111.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
allen84ushow to i put my hdd shortcut in desktp?08:12
intelikeyscotty you can    alt+f2   killall kicker && kicker08:12
scottywhat will that do?08:12
intelikeyallen84us right click08:13
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intelikeypreferances   show device icons allen84us08:13
intelikeyscotty restarts kicker08:13
scottyintelikey: I'll try it08:14
AyabaraI have installed kubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu install. When I use kde, the fonts in apps like xchat, gnome and firefox are _much_ larger than iif I use gnome. Changing fonts in control center didn't help. I could adjust fonts in all the mentioned apps, but I have a feeling there should be a more "centralized" solution08:14
allen84usi tried08:14
allen84usbut nth appear08:14
intelikeyyou selected the box for the mounted partition ?08:15
scottyintelikey: YOU ARE GOD08:15
intelikeyno i'm not.08:15
intelikeyjust close kin08:15
intelikeybeen adopted.08:15
scottyThanks a bunch, man.08:15
intelikeyany time.08:15
elijahstdin are you there?08:15
stdinelijah: yeah, for now at least08:16
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allen84usi didi it08:16
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intelikeyallen84us one point of interest08:17
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otateossianhello out there08:17
intelikeya device icon on the desktop makes the device "busy"  so it can't be 'umounted'   just in case you have problems with that.08:17
otateossiancan someone help me08:17
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:18
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ubuntuit did not work08:18
=== ubuntu is now known as cotyrothery
otateossiani am trying to get wireless to work with ubuntu edgy 6.1008:18
cotyrotheryso i guess i cant run kubuntu on my computer08:18
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:19
intelikeycotyrothery you could use lilo to boot it.08:19
otateossiani am using a dell with a 3945 wireless card08:19
cotyrotherywhat is that08:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:19
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.08:19
cotyrotheryhow and were do i use it08:19
otateossiancan someone help me with that??08:19
intelikeylilo = the LInux LOader08:19
cotyrotherywere is it08:20
=== miltos [n=miltos@fdsl5.ionio.gr] has left #kubuntu [""]
intelikey!info lilo08:20
ubotulilo: LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.6.1-7ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 335 kB, installed size 1072 kB08:20
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cotyrotherywere do i get it08:20
=== nailz [n=nailz@cpc3-cani1-0-0-cust753.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeypackage manager08:20
cotyrotheryand were is that08:21
otateossiancan someone help me08:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:21
otateossiani did08:21
otateossiani am trying to get wireless to work with ubuntu edgy 6.1008:21
intelikey!wifi | otateossian08:21
ubotuotateossian: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:21
otateossiani am using a dell with a 3945 wireless card08:21
otateossiani read it08:21
otateossianit didnt work08:21
intelikeyotateossian best i can do for ya.08:21
cotyrotheryso were do i find package manager08:21
stdincotyrothery: Kmenu -> System -> Adept Manager (Mamage Packages)08:21
=== KonquerHer [n=lovloss@c-67-177-170-52.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== KonquerHer is now known as lovloss
DaSkreechcotyrothery: alt+space08:22
lovloss My girlfriend is trying to install kubuntu but it just sits there atg 76%08:22
cotyrotheryand what do i do once it is loaded08:22
lovlosswe tried other cds08:22
intelikeystdin actually he should pivot_root to the installed system first08:22
Hasrat_USAmy gf is beryl :)08:22
lovlossany suggestions?08:23
Lynourelovloss: Did you check the disk for errors before starting?08:23
lovlossLynoure: No, i suppose we could do that... but it seems to work fine. Does 76% normally atke long?08:24
cotyrotherySome times the computer freezes08:24
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allen84ushow to i set my swiftfo as default browser?08:24
lovlossi already burned her another and it wouldnt even boot up, I/O error08:24
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Lynourelovloss: In my opinion "just sits at 76%" assuming it's for a really long time, is not "seems to work just fine"08:24
CelestialDogtried burning at a slower speed?08:25
intelikeylovloss there is a noticable slow down at about that point.  but if it stops for any extended amount of time it's a problem08:25
allen84ushow to i set my swiftfo as default browser?08:25
allen84ushow to i set my swiftfox as default browser?08:25
Hasrat_USAprobably a problem with the dvd/cdrom drive08:25
Lynourelovloss: It always makes sense to check the cd. That's what that feature is there for08:25
lovlossOkay.... well i suppose we'll see. its scanning now08:25
intelikeyallen84us alternative08:25
allen84usya ?08:25
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cotyrotheryok adept is loaded08:26
cotyrotherynow what08:26
intelikeyallen84us   man update-alternatives08:26
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intelikeycotyrothery close it.08:26
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intelikeycotyrothery is the hdb1 mounted ?08:26
cotyrotheryI dont know08:27
miltos<intelikey>, i've did what you said and the problem remains...08:27
intelikeywhy ?   because you don't need it installed in the cd you need it installed in the on disk system08:27
cotyrotherythat makes sense08:27
cotyrotheryok so what do i do08:28
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intelikeycotyrothery and it wont autoconfigure  give me a few minutes to catch up.08:28
allen84usi still cant understand wat the manual page said08:28
fyrmedicwhat /dev would I find my GPS data stream on if it is plugged in to a usb?08:28
allen84usi'm still noob linux08:28
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intelikeymiltos sorry what was your issue ?08:29
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miltosI can't set the password for root in order to administrate my accounts in kubuntu08:29
intelikeymiltos oh yeah.   and in the failsafe mode you typed   passwd ?08:30
intelikeyand it did what >?08:30
miltospassword changed successfully08:30
intelikeymiltos   in a konsole   su -08:31
CelestialDogmiltos have you tried typing: sudo su ...enter your password and then type psswd to change root pass08:31
intelikeyand use the new password you set08:31
cotyrotheryso intelikey what should i do now08:31
intelikeyCelestialDog sudo is borked.08:31
intelikeycotyrothery ok mount the hdb1 partition08:31
CelestialDogthats how i did it ;) lol08:31
cotyrotheryhow do i mount it08:31
cotyrotherysorry i am so new to linux08:32
cotyrotherybut i love it08:32
intelikeysudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt08:32
miltosok I logged in as a root what next...08:32
intelikeyassuming /mnt is a dir08:32
bumzohow do u instal a .bin file08:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:32
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)08:32
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intelikeymiltos nano /etc/group08:33
cotyrotherymount: can't find /dev/hdb1/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab08:33
miltosok then what...08:33
intelikeycotyrothery      typo  yours.08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
=== bill [n=bill@h110.97.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
bumzowho in here has installed googleearth?08:34
intelikeymiltos add the user name that you wish to make admin on the end of the line that starts with    admin08:34
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:34
intelikeycotyrothery      sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt08:34
intelikeyMountainman: can't find /dev/hdb1/mnt<<< missing space.08:35
cotyrotherymount: can't find /dev/hdb1/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab08:35
intelikeyof course it cant.08:35
intelikeyif you ever type it correctly it will08:35
cotyrotherywhat do i type08:35
intelikeysudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt08:36
miltosi put 'root' at the end of the line, correct?08:36
intelikeymiltos no08:36
intelikeythe user account name.08:36
cotyrotheryok now what08:36
intelikeymiltos     miltos   maybe08:36
miltosok...i do the changes...08:36
intelikeycotyrothery   sudo chroot /mnt08:37
cotyrotheryalright i did that08:37
intelikeycotyrothery    apt-get install lilo08:37
cotyrotheryok it is doing something08:38
cotyrotheryit is downloading something08:38
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pD950FA96.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
cotyrotheryok now what should i do08:39
intelikeyis it installed ?08:39
cotyrotheryi dont know08:40
bumzook .. i have some big problems here08:40
intelikeydid it say setting up lilo ?08:40
intelikeyand it returned to the bash prompt ?08:40
cotyrotheryhere i will copy and past08:40
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cotyrotherywhat is the site again08:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:41
intelikeyit's in the channel topic08:41
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intelikeymiltos report ?08:41
intelikeycotyrothery      nano /etc/lilo08:42
intelikeycotyrothery      nano /etc/lilo.conf08:42
bumzoi cant acces my flash disk08:42
intelikeycan't access ?   splain08:43
miltosOk...I did the changes...08:43
intelikeymiltos ok you saved and exited the nano ?08:43
underdog5004so, anyone know how to install support for avi w/o automatix? the site is down and I'm pretty much hamstrung...08:44
bumzocan i install a .BIN file on kubuntu anyone?08:44
bumzocan i install a .BIN file on kubuntu anyone?08:44
intelikeymiltos su - miltos      assuming the username in question is miltos08:44
userundunderdog5004, what codec?  .avi is just a container08:44
hyper_chbumzo: just mount it08:44
cotyrotheryok what do i do once i have put in nano etc/lilo.conf08:44
underdog5004lol, I don't know... userund how can I tell?08:44
miltosok...now what?08:45
userundunderdog5004, run it in mplayer via command line.  i.e., mplayer file.avi08:45
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bumzomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,08:45
bumzomissing codepage or other error08:45
bumzoIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:45
bumzodmesg | tail or so08:45
bumzoPlease check that the device is plugged correctly.08:45
intelikeymiltos using  su -   it will treat it as a new login and add the new group.    sudo echo boo08:45
bumzothats the error message i get when i try mount my flash08:45
userundunderdog5004, nevermind, I'll just find the command for playback support...08:45
intelikeythat's su - username08:45
userund!codecs | underdog500408:45
ubotuunderdog5004: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:45
intelikeyof course.08:45
miltosi've got the respond 'boo'08:46
cotyrotheryintelikey what do i do now08:46
intelikeycotyrothery   http://pastebin.us/?dl=1651208:46
stdinbumzo: does "pmount /dev/asd1 USBDrive" work?08:46
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intelikeycotyrothery copy and paste that into your nano editor08:46
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bumzoon terminal? ... lemmi try08:46
intelikeynot the rul  the info on that page08:46
cotyrotherythe url08:46
intelikeynot the rul  the info on that page08:46
underdog5004userund, h/o, gotta install mplayer, lol08:47
stdinbumzo: and don't use sudo with iut08:47
userundunderdog5004, http://tinyurl.com/35m6g408:47
bumzobumzo@Bumzo:~$ pmount /dev/sda1 USBDrive08:47
intelikeycotyrothery save and exit nano when you have done that.08:47
bumzoWarning: device /dev/sda1 is already handled by /etc/fstab, supplied label is ignored08:47
bumzomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,08:47
bumzo       missing codepage or other error08:47
bumzo       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:47
bumzo       dmesg | tail  or so08:47
userund!paste | bumzo08:48
ubotubumzo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:48
intelikeycotyrothery    lilo08:48
bumzooops ...sorry abt the paste08:48
miltosit seems ok now, will I disable root now?08:48
stdinbumzo: 1st, use pastebin, don't flood, 2nd, why have you put the device in /etc/fstab?08:48
cotyrotheryit is loading something08:48
cotyrotherywhen i went to the url08:48
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bumzocos i installed ntfs-3g08:48
intelikeycotyrothery you want to view the page.08:49
stdinbumzo: ok, so it's a ntfs filesystem on the drive08:49
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stdinbumzo: what does the fstab line look like?08:49
miltos<intelikey>, it seems ok will I disable root from user's account now? or should I leave it enabled?08:50
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:50
bumzostdin how do i geta look att the fstab line??08:50
intelikeycopy and paste from it.    to   nano /etc/lilo.conf   file        don't just use the downloaded as text file it will have M$ markup that will cause problems.08:50
stdinbumzo: any way you want, cat, less, kate, etc...08:51
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cotyrotheryso i copy to nano etc/lilo.conf08:51
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intelikeymiltos you should be able to.  also you could just issue     sudo passwd -dl root08:51
bumzohow do i use kate?08:51
stdinbumzo: open Kate, from the Kmenu, and File -> Open -> /etc/fstab08:52
miltos"sudo passwd -dl root' will do what?08:52
cotyrotheryit will not let me copy it08:52
intelikeymiltos if sudo is working locking the root account is bubutu advice.    my personal advice is that if it's a home pc  set a good strong root password   you never know when you may want to use it.08:52
cotyrotherynevermind it copied08:52
intelikeymiltos "sudo passwd -dl root' will do what?  <<<  will lock the root account08:53
cotyrotheryso i copied it to the shell08:53
cotyrotherynow do i save it08:53
intelikey-d delete the password   -l lock the account08:53
miltosok I will lock it...08:53
cotyrotheryhow do i save it08:53
intelikeycotyrothery yes   ^x08:53
miltos<intelikey>, thanks for your help...08:53
bumzoam on kate ...how do i get to etc/fstab08:53
intelikeythe how is at the bottom of the exitor08:54
intelikeymiltos np08:54
stdinbumzo: like I said, File -> Open08:54
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stdinbumzo: then type in /etc/fatab08:54
cotyrotheryso i just exit08:54
stdinbumzo: then click "open"08:54
intelikeycotyrothery the nano editor  yes08:54
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cotyrotherywere is that symbole08:55
intelikeyit will ask about saving the changes08:55
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intelikeyit's the ctrl key08:55
cotyrotherythe up symbol08:55
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bumzoThe file file://%20/etc/fatab could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.08:55
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allen84usy my network DNS always reset when reboot?08:55
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allen84ushow to fix it ?08:55
cotyrotheryok it is asking me something else08:56
stdinbumzo: don't pit a space before the name08:56
intelikeycotyrothery  y08:56
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cotyrotheryFile Name to Write: /etc/lilo.conf08:56
intelikeycotyrothery enter08:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:56
intelikeycotyrothery  type    lilo08:56
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cotyrothery  [ Error writing /etc/lilo.conf: Permission denied ] 08:56
allen84usmy dns keep reseting after reboot08:57
allen84ushow to fx it ?08:57
intelikeydid you exit the chroot ?     or what happened there ?08:57
Thonolanhello i have installed beryl it works ,I have activate the cube desktop but it doesnt show me one cube i use edgy eft kubuntu08:57
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intelikeyi give up.08:57
cotyrothery WriteOut08:58
cotyrotheryRead File ^Y08:58
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cotyrotheryPrev Page08:58
stdinThonolan: you have to hold Ctrl-Alt, then either use the arrow keys, or click and drag08:58
cotyrotheryCut Text08:58
cotyrotheryCur Pos08:58
cotyrotheryTo Spell08:58
cotyrotheryUnCut Txt08:58
cotyrotheryNext Page08:59
cotyrotheryWhere Is08:59
intelikeyand each of those commands has a corisponding  ^?08:59
cotyrotheryGet Help08:59
Thonolanstdin nothing happens if i press this08:59
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=== intelikey thinks it's this kids first time in a text editor...
stdinThonolan: have you turned beryl on, from the beryl manager? the icon in the system tray?09:00
cotyrotheryme yes09:00
cotyrotherymy first time using linux09:00
Thonolanstdin yes09:00
stdinThonolan: do you see the effects then?09:01
Thonolanwindows minimize different09:01
Thonolanas from kde09:01
cotyrotherywhat do i do intelikey09:01
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intelikeycotyrothery save the text to ~/lilo.conf09:02
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intelikeyor some place... /tmp/lilo.conf  maybe09:02
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cotyrotheryi have no clue what to do09:04
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cotyrothery^G Get Help         ^T To Files         M-M Mac Format      M-P Prepend09:04
cotyrothery^C Cancel           M-D DOS Format      M-A Append          M-B Backup File09:04
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bentob0xmy colleague has ubuntu and got an upgrade on his vim this morning to version 7.0.164, is it a gnome-specific upgrade or will it take a while to reach KDE?09:05
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cotyrotherywhich one do i do09:05
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eXistenZbentob0x, I'm using KDE, got the same upgrade.09:06
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=== cotyrothery wonders were intelikey is
intelikeycotyrothery i'm going to cut this short.   the information form  http://pastebin.us/16513   needs to be in  /etc/lilo.conf  on the installed system  and you need to run   lilo   on the installed system  that's all there is to it.      anyone in here can help you do that.              again i mention  that in all those "^G Get Help         ^T To Files "  you have been mentioning.  the   ^ means hold down the ctrl key   and 09:07
=== dave [n=dave@121-72-229-195.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeygood luck with it.   i'll check on you later.09:08
allen84usi got 1 question09:08
bentob0xeXistenZ: do you have kubuntu distro or another one?09:08
c0nv1ctdoes anyone else have problems with kdesu?09:08
allen84usmy processor is sempron64 2800+09:08
eXistenZbentob0x, kubuntu09:08
allen84uswhich kernel more suit for me ?09:08
c0nv1ctallen84us: and who is me?09:09
c0nv1ctallen84us: i mean... define 'me'09:09
allen84uscant get u09:09
c0nv1ctallen84us: how can we know what kernel will suit you, if we dont know you09:09
allen84uswat do u mean ?09:09
c0nv1ctallen84us: you need to explain more09:10
allen84usmy processor is sempron64 2800+09:10
allen84ussudo apt-get install linux-68609:10
c0nv1ctallen84us: i'm not familiar with any problems with kernels and that CPU09:10
allen84ussudo apt-get install linux-k709:10
allen84usi not sure which correct kernel to pick09:11
c0nv1ctallen84us: which kernel was installed by default?09:11
cotyrotheryI QUIT09:11
cotyrotherythis is to much09:11
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allen84usdefault is 38609:12
allen84uswhich i'm using currently09:12
c0nv1cti'd just stick with that, unless you have a specific need for a different one09:12
wayne_norrisgood morning ^^09:12
cotyrotheryit is 3:11 am here09:13
allen84usbut i saw in ubuntu forum that ...pick correct kernel will boost ur system09:13
allen84usis ti true ?09:13
cotyrotheryI have been tring to get kubuntu working for 5 hours straight09:13
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allen84usany1 know more abt kernel /09:14
kjiijhi after installing ati following the !ati , fglrixinfo shows09:15
kjiijOpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.09:15
kjiijOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20060327 AGP 1x NO-TCL09:15
kjiijOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.3 Mesa 6.5.1)09:15
kjiijis itcorrect?09:15
c0nv1ctallen84us: according to the forums, the K7 kernel is what you want09:16
c0nv1ctallen84us: i dont think that is dual core, so u dont need the SMP one09:16
allen84usbut if install worng kernel09:16
allen84uswat basically will happen ?09:16
kjiijbut lspci shows 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY09:16
kjiijwhy is it mesa now?09:17
intelikeycotyrothery did you ever get that file saved ?09:17
c0nv1ctallen84us: just boot to an older kernel09:18
intelikeyor did you ever at least just exit nano ?09:18
cotyrotheryi gave up09:18
cotyrotheryi cant take any more09:18
allen84usthere got choice to select it b4 booting rite ?09:18
cotyrotheryit is 3:11 am here09:18
intelikeyok get some sleep.09:18
cotyrotheryi have been at it all day09:18
cotyrotheryand night09:18
intelikeyshouldn't start at 10pm installing a new os anyway09:19
allen84usi got 1 more question09:19
allen84usafter i installed kde n my ubuntu dapper09:19
allen84usmy dns always reseting after reboot09:19
allen84ushow to fix it?09:19
cotyrotherywhy not09:19
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:19
cotyrotheryi started this morning09:19
=== Swoop [n=swoop@cpe-024-074-043-009.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeycause "THIS"  happens.09:19
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cotyrotheryI first tried to install ebuntu all day09:20
cotyrotherythen i tried kubuntu09:20
cotyrotheryso about 12 hours09:20
cotyrotherynon stop09:20
cotyrotherytring to get it to work09:20
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cotyrotheryok i think im about to go09:22
hwhmm, I miss my initab =)09:22
cotyrotheryI'll go at this for another 12 hours tommorow09:22
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intelikeycotyrothery  alt+f2   and type in   kdesu kate /mnt/etc/lilo.conf     copy and paste the text in there09:22
hwWhat has happend to inittab on (k)ubuntu?09:23
intelikeyopen a new konsole and type in   sudo chroot /mnt lilo09:23
intelikeythen reboot  or shut down and go to bed.09:23
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cotyrotherygreat ides09:24
cotyrotheryi cant even type right09:24
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unZogood morning09:24
intelikeyyea i noticed that eariler.   missing spaces  removing dashes and adding spaces....   which all adds to your frustration...09:24
intelikeyand we get 'help desk burn-out'   because of it.09:25
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cotyrotherywill you be on later today09:25
luke_hey, does anyone know how to open KDM in a nested window?09:26
cotyrotherywhat time is it were you are09:26
intelikeysomeone will.09:26
intelikeyidk 1 something09:26
cotyrotherywell im going09:26
unZocan somebody help me please... i have installed kubunto dapper drake 2 times now and it wouldnt work... after the installation reboot the kernel said that he cannot find a few dirs :)09:26
luke_unZo: install Edgy, see if that works09:27
unZoedgy works09:27
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unZo@ luke_09:27
DaSkreechluke_: qemu or xnest09:27
DaSkreechintelikey: good night09:27
luke_unZo: you should use Edgy then, it is better than Dapper anyways09:28
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unZoluke_ but the official website sais that edgy is better 4 devellopers and so on and that dapper is reallly stable and better for linux beginners :)09:29
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luke_unZo: Dapper and Edgy are pretty much the same, except Edgy has later versions and is generally more up-to-date09:30
luke_unZo: it is just as user friendly believe me09:31
DaSkreechluke_: It's pritter09:31
luke_that is true :)09:31
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DaSkreechHi Jucato09:31
DaSkreechJucato: I so need to sleep09:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:32
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Jucatohi DaSkreech09:33
Jucatogo to sleep then09:33
luke_I have installed xnest, now what command would I use to launch KDM with it?09:33
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JucatoYou can't have 2 KDM's running, even w/ Xnest/Xephyr afaik09:33
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luke_Jucato: can I run GDM in a nested window then?09:34
Jucatoafaik, nope09:34
luke_Jucato, you can, I've done it, I just can't remember how I did it :p09:35
=== Jucato shrugs
Jucatoif you say so09:35
luke_jucato: it went something line gdm --xnest09:36
luke_short & sweet09:36
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c0nv1ctafter reinstalling kubuntu, my middle mouse button seems to be set as a shortcut to "paste" anyone know where these shortcuts are set?09:39
c0nv1ctit functions normally everywhere else, which is odd09:39
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ahvargashi anyone ther09:43
ahvargassomebody know how to add user09:43
ahvargaswithout the adduser command09:43
c0nv1ctin kcontrol09:43
ahvargasno with a script09:44
ahvargaslike tweakin /etc/shadow09:44
ahvargasand /etc/passwd09:44
c0nv1ctwithout using 'useradd' ?09:44
luke_why can't you just use adduser?09:44
intelikeyuseradd accepts an non-interactive commandline09:45
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ahvargasi want to run this script in java09:45
ahvargaswith System.exec("adduser")09:45
ahvargasbut it prompts for the passwd09:45
intelikeyso use useradd in place of adduser09:46
luke_Jucato: found it! the command is gdmXnest09:46
c0nv1ctahvargas: if you google a bit, you will find bash scripts for useradd, that might help09:46
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ahvargasok thanks09:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:47
ahvargasbut the really question  is09:47
ahvargashow do i pass09:47
ahvargasarguments to adduser09:48
ahvargaslike the password09:48
c0nv1ctwow, that pastebin server is mad slow for me09:49
ahvargasi read the man page09:49
c0nv1ctahvargas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9401/09:50
ahvargasbut only says something about    --disabled-passwor09:50
c0nv1ctthats a bash script for adding users, with easy syntax09:50
ahvargasi will check it09:50
c0nv1ctits just script.sh username password09:50
ahvargasthats what i need09:51
ahvargasyou rock09:51
intelikeyuseradd -p passwd username09:52
c0nv1ctwell, that script wont require a '-p' lol09:52
intelikeyc0nv1ct had nothing to do with your script.09:53
intelikeyyou reinvented the wheel09:53
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c0nv1cta wheel that requires 2 less characters to function09:54
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c0nv1ctand i didnt invent anything, someone else did and google found it09:54
=== _Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-157-102.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
ahvargasbut -p password09:55
ahvargasacoording to the manual09:55
ahvargasis encripted09:55
fignewis there a way to mark files as non-deleteable?09:55
ahvargaswho do i encrypt the passwd?09:55
c0nv1ctfignew: unwritable?09:55
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=== intelikey thinks adding ### chars in another inode "that doesnt replace the other wheel" is still more typing.
fignewc0nv1ct: I suppose, but chmod doesn't prevent the file from being deleted09:56
fignewhmm, I suppose I could change the owner09:56
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intelikeyfignew man chattr09:56
intelikeyyou can    chown root:root blah ;chmod 000 blah    and if blah is in a dir you own you can still   rm blah09:57
fignewthanks intelikey09:57
fignewI still want to be able to read it though ;)09:58
fignewthat will work though09:58
fignewchattr u09:59
intelikey+a is a normall  attribute09:59
intelikeyappend only.10:00
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intelikeyfor protected files that is.  ^10:00
fignewthomas@ambient:~/.sheep$ chattr +a mo10:01
fignewchattr: Operation not permitted while setting flags on mo10:01
c0nv1ctuse sudo10:01
fignewsame with sudo10:02
intelikeythat protects the data in them but leaves them writable   you can add to them but can't take away.10:02
fignewwell, no flags are working10:02
intelikeyroot only10:02
intelikeyif users could chattr it wouldn't be worth anything.10:02
fignewthomas@ambient:~/.sheep$ sudo chattr +u mo10:03
fignewchattr: Operation not supported while setting flags on m10:03
fignewcould it be because I'm using XFS?10:03
intelikeyfignew this is on a linux fs ?10:03
berIs there a place to follow the changes made to new packages/updates?10:03
fignewyes, XFS :)10:03
beradept-updater has updates available for me but often I have no clue what is actually changes/updated10:04
fignewso that's the problem, eh?10:04
fignewthat's silly10:04
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ber-- besides reading the debian security mailinglist, that is.10:04
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intelikeyfignew i'm not familear with xfs but i'd bet ya half of nothing, that that's the problem.10:05
fignewc0nv1ct: before too long you'll be typing your root PW in here10:05
fignewintelikey: That's ok, I still love it as an FS10:06
intelikeythere is a  lsattr command also10:06
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Frost^Hello. Can anyone help me a little regarding screen resolution and refresh rate? For some reason my KDE session uses a bad refresh rate, even though KDM uses the correct refresh rate10:06
c0nv1ctfignew: yeah, i gotta close some windows or use my desktops, too much crap10:06
Frost^I'm pretty clueless as to what causes it to change once I log in10:06
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intelikeyset it from kde's menu10:07
nonuda_i have a pcmcia modem, is kubuntu can automatically detect it?10:07
Frost^It doesn't let me choose the correct refresh rate10:07
c0nv1ctFrost^: in systemsettings, edit your monitor type10:08
Frost^and it doesn't let me choose "nvidia" as a driver, only "nv"10:08
c0nv1ctits probably your monitor settings thats getting in the way10:08
intelikeynonuda_ probably   but it's probably a winmodem and that's gona be a problem10:08
holewhat is the apt-get package for the kernel source tree10:08
Frost^But KDM is looking fine..10:08
c0nv1ctFrost^: go into systemsettings and select Monitor & Display10:08
c0nv1ctFrost^: then under the Hardware tab, configure your monitor10:09
Frost^It is configured.10:09
nonuda_its not a winmodem, btw i was succed installed a winmodem before (slamr)10:09
intelikey!nv | Frost^10:09
ubotuFrost^: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
Frost^The driver is installed, my X is running it, but it's not in KDE's list10:09
holeoh goodness i'10:09
holem having nvidia trouble tooo10:10
c0nv1ctintelikey: i was able to configure my resolutions without having to do anything with the default driver10:10
Frost^I had a dist-upgrade to feisty, by the way.10:10
intelikeyc0nv1ct responding to "doesn't let me choose "nvidia" as a driver, only "nv""10:11
intelikeyfeisty ?10:11
c0nv1ctintelikey: in systemsettings, it says nv regardless of whether or not you installed the true nvidia driver10:11
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)10:11
c0nv1ctFrost^: you can select a generic monitor with whatever resolution and refresh rate you want10:12
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c0nv1ctFrost^: that will force your desktop to use your preferred res10:12
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Frost^c0nv1ct: I'll give it a go. Thanks.10:14
KennethPber: Look in /var/log/dpkg.log10:14
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elijahhow will i install wine10:16
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c0nv1ctelijah: sudo apt-get install wine10:16
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holewill the nvidia drivers make a nvidia splash screen like in suse10:16
elijahok thanks10:17
compilerwriterAnybody try the Xnyth desktop?10:17
orange_how do i delete multiple files/folders in cmdline?10:17
c0nv1cthole: by default yes, but u can disable it10:17
holeno i like it10:17
holemakes me feel smart10:17
c0nv1ctorange_: entire folders recursively?10:17
orange_sudo rm /usr/lib/eclipse/*10:18
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c0nv1ctorange_: add -rf10:18
orange_it has sub directories so..10:18
c0nv1ctit will delete everything inside there10:18
Frost^c0nv1ct: It's a no go.10:18
holeeesh its a big file10:18
c0nv1ctFrost^: the resolution wasnt available in the slider?10:18
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orange_thanks c0nv1ct10:19
c0nv1ctFrost^: once you set the monitor, in the "Size" tab the resolution slider should allow you to go higher10:19
Frost^It was. I chose it and clicked apply. It then asks me to restart X server. I does so, and it doesn't work because the tool changes the driver in my xorg.conf to "nv" instead of "nvidia"10:19
Frost^I replace "nv" with "nvidia" manually, and restart X10:19
holewill konsole run on gnome?10:19
orange_c0nv1ct: there is a hidden file inside that didnt get erased10:19
Frost^And the refresh rate is still the same.10:19
holei want a transparent console10:20
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holeoop gunna try that nvidia driver now10:20
c0nv1ctFrost^: can you modify it using 'nvidia-settings' ?10:20
Noah0504Hey everyone.  I'm a Ubuntu Dapper user and I've been reading a lot about Kubuntu and KDE.  I messed around with Kubuntu a little, but I was wondering if some of you could tell me what you like most about Kubuntu.10:21
underdog5004Noah0504, there's a lot of configurability10:21
underdog5004I like it, cause it's easy to use, and applications are grouped very sensibly10:22
c0nv1ctFrost^: you may want to reinstall your nvidia drivers, if the fiesty upgrade used the driver it comes with10:22
orange_i flip'd a coin and just picked kubuntu - been so good - nvr tried ubuntu  - thou the difference isnt that great10:22
Frost^c0nv1ct: Hmm, I tried with nvidia-settings. Let me see now, brb10:22
Noah0504I see.10:22
c0nv1ctNoah0504: i just like all the apps for KDE, though they can be run in gnome10:22
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Noah0504Yeah, but the UIs don't always run perfectly I find.10:23
c0nv1ctNoah0504: i just noticed that i prefered QT versions of all the apps i used, so i just went full KDE10:23
orange_how do i list all the hidden files in cmdline and delete them10:23
c0nv1ctNoah0504: yeah, when running them in gnome, it can look weird10:23
noiesmoorange_, ls .* should list them10:24
c0nv1ctNoah0504: i never liked nautilus either10:24
Noah0504Hmm, I might have to give Kubuntu a week or so trial run...10:24
c0nv1ctorange_: ls -a shows hidden files, if thats what u are asking10:24
Noah0504I have a newer laptop, so it shouldn't matter, but is KDE pretty snappy and responsive?10:25
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Frost^Why the hell is kde so stubborn to change my refresh rate all the time10:25
c0nv1ctstill doesnt work?10:25
Frost^c0nv1ct: I guess it didn't work either.10:25
c0nv1ctFrost^: man, its probably your nvidia driver then10:26
c0nv1ctFrost^: i cant think of any other way to change your resolution10:26
Frost^I was able to change it using nvidia-settings10:26
c0nv1ctbut it didnt stick?10:26
Frost^but when I log in, it reverts back to the old refresh rate10:26
orange_Frost^: are you following a guide or is c0nv1ct guiding you during the whole install. I have a useful guide somewhere if u need10:27
c0nv1ctorange_: hes just trying to change his resolution right now10:27
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orange_fyi - if u go to system settings and change any thing in monitor & display - it will revert things back10:27
c0nv1ctorange_: that was the first thing we tried :P10:27
c0nv1ctFrost^: what if you remove every resolution from xorg.conf except the one you want?10:28
Frost^c0nv1ct: resolution is not the problem.10:28
orange_i kept using monitor & display - caused so much problems with res / refresh rates   etc10:28
Frost^It's the refresh rate10:28
c0nv1ctFrost^: the modes are listed with res and refresh10:29
Frost^Well, I'll try hacking xorg.conf then.10:29
c0nv1ctFrost^: back it up first :P10:29
c0nv1ctstating the obvious i know10:29
Frost^Taking risks is fun ;)10:30
orange_Frost^:  you added nv to restricted modules?10:30
Frost^Ah, not that I know of. What are restricted modules?10:30
c0nv1ctorange_: did you figure out how to delete all the hidden files?10:31
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c0nv1ctorange_: i just remembered10:32
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orange_c0nv1ct: i got done with the wildcard listing then manual erase10:32
orange_sudo nano -w /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common10:33
c0nv1ctorange_: that works, but u can do rm -rf .* to remove the hidden stuff all at once10:33
deathnotehi i'm making a script.. purpose is to copy file abc.xxx and abcxyz.xxx to ../destination ..but i only want 1 input eg: test abc.xxx   , then it will copy both abc.xxx and abcxyz.xxx10:33
deathnotei tried using $110:33
deathnotehow to add a xyz before the extension .xxx ?10:33
orange_scroll down to bottom and edit DISABLED_MODULES="" to DISABLED_MODULES=:10:33
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orange_to DISABLED_MODULES="nv"10:34
Frost^Hmm, what will it do?10:34
c0nv1ctit disables the old nv module10:34
c0nv1ctor else both the new nvidia module and nv will load at boot10:34
orange_prevent ubuntu's nvidia driver in the restricted modules from being loaded at boot10:35
Frost^[sweiss@raviv2 ~] $ sudo rmmod nv10:35
Frost^ERROR: Module nv does not exist in /proc/modules10:35
Frost^I guess it wasn't loaded anyway10:35
Frost^Anyway, time to see if my xorg.conf hacking worked.10:35
Frost^Brb, I hope/10:35
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orange_5 fresh installs and 5 times i installed those nvidia drivers down + dell wifi -- only thing im good at for now10:36
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c0nv1ctsometimes i dont understand bittorrent10:39
c0nv1ct1000 seeds, 100 peers, and i'm stalled with 2mb to go10:39
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elijahi tried "sudo apt-get install wine" but it says that "package is not available"10:41
orange_wat ya dling10:41
elijahwhy is that?10:41
c0nv1ctHinder's new album10:41
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orange_c0nv1ct: wats a good network monitor - similar to DUmeter10:42
c0nv1ctorange_: not sure, i havent used one in a long time10:43
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c0nv1ctelijah: you might need to enable the universe and/or multiverse repos10:43
elijahhow's that?10:44
c0nv1ctelijah: uncomment them in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:44
orange_elijah:  adapt - edit -> manage repositories10:44
c0nv1ctelijah: or that too10:45
c0nv1ctelijah: then refresh, or apt-get update10:45
elijahi'll try, thank you so much10:45
c0nv1ctis wine a restricted package? i dunno i always enable those repos10:45
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orange_i enable them all10:45
orange_now to make a nice lil java applet that will count 0 to infinity - see how high this pc can go10:46
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TheInfinityreally good idea :p10:47
TheInfinityendless loop? :p10:47
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c0nv1ctnot a loop, but endless right?10:47
orange_actionscript - i was able to get around 32k10:47
orange_endless yes10:47
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orange_anyone here know java?10:48
radahi, I just can't connect to wep secured wireless network from kubuntu ..10:48
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TheInfinityorange_: studied it 1 year additional to physics10:49
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c0nv1cti need to learn to program :\10:49
TheInfinitybuy a book10:50
orange_classes consist of methods and properties - yet we code in them10:50
c0nv1cti got some books, just never got started10:50
orange_it defeats the purpose - i feel like im using the wrong filetype10:50
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TheInfinityc0nv1ct: then you need just a little motivation ;p10:50
elijahhey convict, which ones am i going to uncomment in repositories?10:51
c0nv1cti'm not sure exactly where wine is10:51
orange_c0nv1ct: Go pick up flash - it makes learning coding fun since you can control pictures *much better then a constant black screen*10:51
c0nv1ctyou'd probably be fine uncommenting them all, i think theres 4 total10:51
TheInfinityorange_: flash is ... uaaaaahhhh ;)10:52
c0nv1ctorange_: i was just trying to learn flash before i installed ubuntu10:52
elijahis it really ssahe?10:52
c0nv1ctorange_: i got a nice video tutorial, lol10:52
orange_TheInfinity: i enjoy'd flash - its very similar to java10:52
eXistenZWhat might interfere with xmodmap in KDE?10:52
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TheInfinityif you like start from beginning - use scheme10:52
c0nv1ctelijah: yeah its safe, just dont install or upgrade any packages that you dont know what they are10:52
orange_I have all the tutorials from lynda.org + various others10:52
TheInfinityand then java or c++10:53
c0nv1ctyeah, lynda.com ones10:53
TheInfinityits a littly "dry" and boring10:53
TheInfinitybut you understand the basics10:53
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c0nv1cti just snagged the PS CS2, Dreamweaver and Flash ones10:53
orange_I first started with a book in C but that quickly got very very boring10:53
orange_went to school to learn java - it was so-so -- seeing how others write code etc - but the video tuts really help keep it interesting10:54
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TheInfinityi started with pascal in school, then delphi, then c++, then php, scheme, java, ... and soon i want to learn phyton *g*10:54
orange_write anything nice?10:55
c0nv1cti started to learn BASIC when i was 8, we had a TI "home computer" with a BASIC prompt10:55
TheInfinitysomething for a game project wich i cant publish in c++10:55
c0nv1ctbut thats as far as i ever got, lol10:55
radaanybody is connected via secured wireless?10:55
TheInfinityscheme and java was for uni10:55
TheInfinityi am connected via WPA210:56
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Frost^Hello again.10:56
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Frost^Adding that restricted module caused my "nvidia" module not to be loaded either.10:56
orange_does java have associative arrays?10:57
c0nv1ctFrost^: have you updated your nvidia driver lately?10:57
Frost^And my refresh rate is still lame. I don't understand where it's picking its settings from.10:57
c0nv1ctFrost^: like, since you dist-upgraded to feisty?10:57
Frost^c0nv1ct: I have. It was updated when I dist-upgraded.10:57
c0nv1ctFrost^: you didnt upgrade afterward?10:57
c0nv1ctFrost^: cuz Feisty installs an older driver10:58
radaTheInfinity: I don't know how to type WEP key. The settings are working from win but linux10:58
Frost^I dist-upgraded only yesterday10:58
TheInfinityyes java has as. arrays10:58
Frost^Well, basically, I did it today.10:58
c0nv1ctFrost^: Feisty uses an older version than 9746, and 9755 just came out10:58
Frost^apt says I have the latest version of it installed.10:58
TheInfinityi use knetworkmanager to manage my network connections10:58
c0nv1ctapt doesnt look on nvidia.com :P10:58
Frost^Hmm, do you think that is the cause?10:59
orange_TheInfinity: is that the one that makes that buzzing sound?10:59
radaTheInfinity: I use "wireless assistant"10:59
c0nv1ctFrost^:  probably, especially now that you disabled the 'nv' module10:59
TheInfinityif yes then it does not like my audigy 2 USB ;)10:59
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c0nv1ctFrost^: i think orange_ was assuming you installed newer drivers10:59
TheInfinityi never heard anything10:59
Frost^KDM uses the correct refresh rate. It only changes when my user logs in.10:59
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ekul`how do i get rid of the kubuntu loading screen?11:00
ekul`want the ubuntu one back :(11:00
orange_Frost^: my bad, thought you was going for newest11:01
Frost^I think it's more of a configuration issue than the actual driver,,11:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loading - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
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Frost^I can get the proper refresh rate when I use ctrl+alt++11:02
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e1meranyone knows where can i download the kernel-headers for 2.6.15-27-386 release?11:09
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orange_TheInfinity: still here?11:10
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crazy_busI insterted into my sources list the sourses listed on kubuntu.org for koffice 1.6.2 .  I also downloaded and loaded the key.  However I know get these errors.  Why is this? W: GPG error: http://www.mirrorservice.org edgy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A506E6D4DD4D5088 Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>11:12
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orange_can you help me with something-- trying to bring this whole thing into perspective11:14
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)11:15
orange_the purpose of class files are to provide methods + properties - that are reuseable - like the class math.round or the movieclip class11:15
TheInfinityperhaps ... but if you refer to programming itmay take some time because i didnt progrm for several month11:15
e1meranyone knows where can i download the kernel-headers for 2.6.15-27-386 release?11:15
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orange_classes are just external files - used in ______11:16
orange_fill in the blank - i dont know11:16
orange_I don't want to write class files - I want to just write code and call upon class files11:16
TheInfinityyou can also have many classes in one file ...(although this would be a bad programming style)11:16
orange_if they are needed11:16
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orange_what is 'this' called11:17
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TheInfinitywhen you use them you have an object11:17
TheInfinityif i understand your question right ;)11:18
orange_i dont even get it myself - its like blargblahbla -- i cant pinpoint what im trying to figure out. I just know its wrong to use class files - since they are designed to take in input and return a value by using a method or property11:19
orange_whats the parent of class files11:19
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orange_that about sums it up -- whose the parent of the class file - the one who calls the class files11:20
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:20
intelikeywhat will happen if you call killall5 from a script ?   will it kill the script ?11:20
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intelikeyi'm trying to keep this install of ubuntu as default as possable  but it starts all these things that i realy don't want to run....   so if i put   killall5 in an init script will it kill the script or will it go ahead and run whatever follows ?11:22
intelikeyguess i'll just have to test it and see...11:23
c0nv1ctwhy not just remove the init scripts you dont want?11:23
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intelikeysee part one ^ "i'm trying to keep this install of ubuntu as default as possable"11:24
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TheInfinityorange_: this depends on your settings which your start class is11:24
c0nv1ctkilling them isnt very 'default' either11:24
intelikeyi didn't say i wanted to run like a default ubuntu...11:25
c0nv1cti'd just make a backup of the init script dir, and then delete whatever i dont want running11:25
c0nv1ctthen i could revert to default easily11:25
intelikeyheh far from it.  but i'm trying to "not alter the files" anymore than absolutely nessecary11:25
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Frost^c0nv1ct and orange_: It seems the "Monitor & display" tool is lying.11:27
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Frost^I solved my problem. The tool offered me 2 refresh rates to pick from.11:27
Frost^one was 51 and 65.11:27
intelikeyit's not about reverting to default.   it's about being able to say... "let me look"   and actually seeing what others see...   i haven't done that in so long,  heh i can't even stand the defaults...11:27
Frost^Anyway, the 65 choice was actually lower than the 51 choice.11:27
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Frost^Choosing the 51 refresh rate I got my good refresh rate back, which is 75hz in reality.11:28
intelikeyheh.   i get 75 78 8511:28
c0nv1ctintelikey: i understand what you mean, and for that I use vmware11:28
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c0nv1ctintelikey: that way i can troubleshoot my parents XP easily when looking at XP in vmware11:28
Frost^Anyway, I can't believe I wasted so much time about this thing.11:29
c0nv1ctFrost^: atleast it works now :)11:29
Frost^And I hope installing fiesty wasn't that much of a mistake.11:29
intelikeyi fixed mothers windows problems.   i installed linux.11:29
c0nv1ctFrost^: that setting shows my refresh is set to 53, and i know my monitor is running at 60, so it does lie11:29
Frost^Yeah I guess. I just hope I won't encounter any more issues.11:29
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c0nv1ctintelikey: lol, i'm bringing my kubuntu live cd when i visit next time, i want them on linux11:30
Frost^Exactly. I wonder if that's a KDE or Kubuntu bug.11:30
Frost^Anyway, that's something to be fixed.11:30
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c0nv1ctmy dad is the quintessential emailing idiot, he opens anything he gets, and thinks Norton will keep him safe11:32
c0nv1ctif only he was on linux11:32
c0nv1ctall he does is read news and forward emails all day, no reason to not use linux11:33
intelikeyall the more reason too11:33
c0nv1cti just get tired of cleaning out all the viruses and spyware that he thinks Norton and Defender will take care of11:34
c0nv1ctbut hes too old and stubborn to deal with change, and owns too much M$ stock to switch11:35
ubuntuI'm sooooo dumb, gah had to re-install after I just installed11:37
orange_ubuntu:  dont be too hard on yourself11:37
ubuntuthey should have my picture under stoopid in the dictionary11:37
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c0nv1ctit happens all the time ubuntu, and its usually the simplest things that get forgotten11:38
intelikeyc0nv1ct you didn't write that script you posted eariler did you?11:38
c0nv1ctintelikey: no, found it on google11:38
Frost^Ok, I'm done restarting X for the day.11:38
orange_been sitting here for almost 14 hours now... getting linux fully configured... time to sleep before work11:38
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intelikeyheh. good...    we had a pretty good laugh over it.11:38
c0nv1cti dont even know if it would work11:38
Frost^Now I need to understand why KNetworkManager says I'm disconnected.11:38
c0nv1cti had network problems with feisty earlier, among other problems11:39
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c0nv1cti ran the apt-get update, and got debconf errors, then it crashed and wouldnt unlock the dir again11:40
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Frost^I can't stand apt.11:40
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ubuntuI want an open sourced VM ware clone, go make me one.... now11:40
c0nv1ctubuntu: why?11:40
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ubuntubecause i said so11:41
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Jucatoubuntu: http://www.virtualbox.org/ and try researching first11:42
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intelikeyJucato you seem to miss the point.   some people research by reading some by experiment some by asking you....11:43
ubuntucool, btw thats not like the first 10 results when you search linux virtual machine11:43
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c0nv1ctubuntu: but its the 4th when you search for "linux open source virtual machine"11:44
Frost^Hmm, is there really a free tool which can compete vmware in terms of performance?11:44
Frost^I'm curious.11:44
Jucatointelikey: sure. unless you consider "I want an open sourced VM ware clone, go make me one.... now" a question11:44
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ubuntuthanks for the info im out11:44
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c0nv1ctFrost^: vmware only costs a keygen download11:45
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intelikeydon't be too hard on him.   some people just can't help it.   :)11:45
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intelikeyoh it's time ot move data again...   well i'm gone until the transfer is over      see you next month or when ever...11:46
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Jucatoc0nv1ct: vmware player and server are legally free (as in beer)11:47
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman... please can someone tell me where i can download base-config?11:48
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crazy_buskrita 1.6.2 crashes when I try to create a new picture with watercolours.  Does anyone else have this problem?11:49
Skullerhey guys...how do i do a 'tracert' or traceroute in kubun?11:49
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeejust type trace and press tab11:49
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JucatoSkuller: install traceroute11:50
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SkullerJucato: how?11:51
Skullermeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: where?11:51
JucatoSkuller: from apt-get or Adept11:51
Jucato!info traceroute | Skuller11:51
ubotuskuller: traceroute: traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4a12-20 (edgy), package size 21 kB, installed size 104 kB11:51
Skulleroh cool11:52
Skullerthnx man11:52
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSkull console11:53
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeapt-get install traceroute if u dont have it11:53
smilehello world11:53
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeesudo apt-get install traceroute11:53
smilea help plz .. I wanna change my KDM to GDM11:53
Skullerok i installed traceroute....now what?11:54
smilei want start with GDM not KDM .... any help plz ?11:54
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeskuller traceroute ip/host11:54
Skullercool thnx man11:54
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeehey... someone can tell me a source to download a damn base-config?11:55
smilei want start with GDM not KDM .... any help plz ? !!!!!!!!!!!!11:55
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeei just hate it!!!!11:55
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeei cant ever find it11:55
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Jucatomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: apt-get source base-config?11:56
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoh yeah11:56
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeif it was that easy :)11:56
Jucatoit is that easy11:56
crazy_bussmile: does that link answer your question?11:56
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeemaybe with ur source list11:56
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeenot with mine11:56
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeive tried a several source lists, no one find it11:56
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeusually the debian sources have it11:57
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Jucatomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: enable the deb-src universe repository11:57
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premier_Im trying to configure japanese support on my computer and the keyboard layouts page it empty: there isnt a single keyboard layout11:57
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Skullerumm....i need to traceroute this ip exactly do i type in?...sori for being a noob11:57
smilecrazy_bus: thx thxtsooooooooooooo much11:58
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman... lol11:58
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSkuller: traceroute ip11:58
smilecrazy_bus: this works fine11:58
crazy_busno problem :)11:58
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSkuller: try tracepath or traceroute6 or tracepath611:58
Skullerlol...sorry...cool i finally worked11:59
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeewich command u used11:59
Skulleri was stupid to be expectin a gui to come up12:00
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dennis_can anyone tell me how to set an application as default for certain files?12:06
Skullerdennis_: if i am not wrong.....konquerer-->configure-->file associations12:08
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=== Skuller hates his minimum ping of 250+ on game servers....
dennis_@skuller, i'll have a look, thx12:09
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=== Skuller is away: Gone away for now.
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Jucato!away > Skuller12:12
=== Skuller is back.
SkullerJucato: ??12:13
Jucatoplease turn off your public /away message12:13
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SkullerJucato: how do i do that?12:13
Jucatowhat IRC program are you using?12:13
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines12:14
JucatoPress F2 -> Edit -> Identity Edit -> Away tab12:14
JucatoSkuller: ^^12:14
SkullerJucato: ok i wont set my status to away....12:14
JucatoSkuller: you can set your status to away. just turn of the public messages12:15
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bharanihey i just installed kubuntu desktop can any one xplain me wats new in this12:15
SkullerJucato: ok...its done...thanks for notifying12:16
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bharanican any one?12:16
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE12:16
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeetalking about it12:17
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeehow do i do to remove the kde12:17
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeapt-get remove kde --purge?12:17
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeor it has to be done in other way12:17
Jucatomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: as in remove kdeand leave just gnome?12:18
Jucato"as in remove kde and leave just gnome?"12:18
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeactually im using kubuntu, makes no difference on procedure?12:19
Jucatomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: could you please cut down on the 'eee" in your nick?12:19
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeesorry, im not registered, trying to avoid registered nicks, lol12:19
Jucatomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: not really. it does presume that you have gnome installed too12:19
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:20
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Jucatothat's better12:20
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fabriciohello, everyone12:23
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fabriciohello, jack_at_home12:24
jack_at_homefabricio: hi12:25
fabriciodo you want any type help?12:25
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)12:30
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fabricioubotu, do you know where i can find the version for free?12:32
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knoppix_hi all12:38
knoppix_I have a question.12:38
knoppix_My neighbor, a non-technical user, has a PPPoE Internet connection.12:38
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knoppix_Unfortunately the connection is sometimes unreliable and goes down.12:39
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knoppix_Is there a network status applet for KDE?12:39
knoppix_One that would show the status of ppp0 and allow connecting and disconnecting.12:39
knoppix_Basically a GUI frontend to pon, poff and ifconfig.12:40
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knoppix_In SUSE there is Kinternet.12:40
knoppix_Using ifconfig, pon and poff in the terminal is too troublesome for this user.12:41
maelcumRiddell: my nforce2 chipset makes the computer very unresponsive during hard disk i/o, and the "noapic" kernel argument fixes this. is it possible to include such quirks in the distribution?12:41
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fabriciodo you have tryied the slackware?12:41
knoppix_gpppon is a simple frontend to pon and poff, but it does not show the status of the connection.12:42
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fabriciobut, if you use two programs, to different things you want?12:44
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knoppix_That would be fine too.12:44
knoppix_I just need a way to show the status of ppp0 on the panel.12:44
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eMaXanyone knows how to configure name resolution so that "\\bla" shares are also found like through ping?12:46
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maelcumeMaX: if this is at all possible (i doubt it), you must edit /etc/resolv.conf to use the WINS service for name resolution.12:47
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xtavaresxhi. my Toshiba Satellite A100 has no idea that i have an intel 3945 wireless chip in it. Kubuntu 6.10. up to date. any suggestions? i dont want to use ndiswrapper, as i hear kubuntu supports this chiset natively.12:48
Hobbseextavaresx: install linux-restricted-modules12:49
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xtavaresxthank you hobbsee12:49
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xtavaresxi will try now12:49
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xtavaresxHobbsee, apt couldnt find linux-restricted modules. do i need to add to my sources list?12:51
Hobbseextavaresx: install linux-restricted-modules-generic sorry12:51
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xtavaresxthank you i will try now12:51
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Ayabarashould I choose gdm or kdm? does it matter when I'm past the login screen?12:52
xtavaresxapting now12:52
sneezehow can i set firefox as default browser?12:52
xtavaresxsneeze, firefox's preferences12:52
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xtavaresxedit>preferences then main tab then system defaults at the bottom12:53
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xtavaresxwhat do people think of dolphin replacing konqueror in kde4?12:53
Hobbseextavaresx: it's not, exactly12:53
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xtavaresxi dont know much about dolphin, is it any good?12:53
Hobbseewell, it's kde4, and that's crashing a lot, so...12:54
Hobbseehard to say yet12:54
lotusleafxtavaresx, I think #kubuntu-offtopic is better suited for discussion on that topic :)12:54
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xtavaresxdoes dolphin exist as a project now, or is it kde4 specific?12:54
xtavaresxits not off topic is it?12:55
xtavaresxok whatever12:55
lotusleafwell it's non-support ;)12:55
=== lotusleaf picks nit
xtavaresxthis channel specific for suport not discussion?12:55
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halfbloodprincedoes anyone here know of any good feed reader application other than akgregator?12:55
AyabaraI have installed kubuntu-desktop to try out kde for a while. all looks good, except that the fonts are much larger and bolder than they should be in apps like firefox, xchat and gaim. anyone got an idea what could cause this?12:55
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xtavaresxok i'll get back on topic. Hobbsee, that package is in now, now what?12:56
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Hobbseextavaresx: now reboot12:56
xtavaresxi have kwifi and wireless lan assistant ans they seem to me to be identical apps12:56
xtavaresxok see you soon!!!12:56
halfbloodprinceAyabara: you can change that12:56
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larson9999holy smokes! finally gave beryl a try.  i'm hooked.  i can't believe it.  i thought there was nothing wrong with the desktop as i'd come to know it12:57
Ayabarahalfbloodprince, without changing in every app? changing font in control center didn't do much about this12:57
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halfbloodprinceAyabara: Firefox, xchat and gaim are native GNOME applications, I'm guessing the problem occurs because of that12:58
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lotusleaflarsivi_, excellent now you can help people in #ubuntu-xgl and #beryl :)12:59
halfbloodprinceAyabara: Change the font for GNOME12:59
halfbloodprincein 'system settings'12:59
halfbloodprincethe font size12:59
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Ayabarahalfbloodprince, that did the trick. thanks a lot01:04
Ayabaranow I just gotta restart xchat so it will look better. or does anyone have a good tip for a kde irc app?01:05
lotusleaf!konversation | Ayabara01:05
ubotuayabara: konversation: user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 5027 kB, installed size 12988 kB01:05
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Ayabaralotusleaf, thanks01:06
lotusleafAyabara, yw :) And there are several others01:06
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halfbloodprinceKonversation rocks01:07
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halfbloodprinceAyabara: I can even help you out with getting your fonts to render like OS X renders them01:07
halfbloodprincelooks slick01:07
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Ayabarahalfbloodprince, keep talking :-D01:08
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meeehi there01:09
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meeeeeeeehow do i install the gnome human theme?01:09
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Jucatognome themes don't work in KDE01:10
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meeeeeeeeit should be the default theme, but id uninstalled kde01:10
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meeeeeeeei now, i just installed gnome, but it has no human theme on it01:11
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Tm_Tmeeeeeeee: Did you install ubuntu-desktop ?01:11
larson9999meeeeeeee: i have the same problem.  i just lived with out it01:11
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meeeeeeeeits my prefered01:12
meeeeeeeelol... i just uninstalled kde to use the gnome human theme, cant believe it01:13
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meeeeeeeeTm_T: no, didnt know i hve to... im doing it right now01:13
fuelmeeeeeeee: try searching for it through synaptic01:14
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meeeeeeeeive tried :P01:14
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meeeeeeeeeven my firefox is using this theme, but not my gnome... lol01:15
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meeeeeeeehow can i support dual core on linux? is it possible01:16
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meeeeeeeesorry, forget about it, already running it01:17
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meeeeeeeeTm_T:  thanks, the ubuntu-desktop worked :D01:19
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voicuisn't randomize() available any more?01:20
meeeeeeeelarson9999:  hey, if u want to install the human theme: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop   - worked for me01:20
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voicuor does it have a different name?01:20
voicubecause random() gives the same results each execution01:21
voicurandom() doesn't have a parameter01:21
voicuor so gcc says01:22
nysosymhi there does anyone knows, where i can get the oxygen icons for kde4?01:22
meeeeeeeejoking :D01:22
meeeeeeeeive tried to use it too01:22
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meeeeeeeeit repeats the results everytime u close and reopen it :P01:22
voicuthat's why i wanted a randomize() functions01:22
meeeeeeeei will consult my book01:22
voicubut i can't find it01:23
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meeeeeeeedid u try rand?01:24
voicurand who?01:24
meeeeeeeerand() % interval (example: 100) goes to 0-10001:25
meeeeeeeerand() % 10001:25
kaqqh what is "deb" and how can i install it? i need it to install beryl :p01:25
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meeeeeeeeu can use RAND_MAX to set the max number01:26
ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com01:26
meeeeeeeeno, sorry, forget the last phrase01:26
voicumeeeeeeeee: i did random() % max01:26
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meeeeeeeetry rand()01:27
voicuit's the same thing01:27
meeeeeeeeare you sure?01:27
voicui tried it just now01:27
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meeeeeeeeyes, i know01:28
voicuit's just there for older systems, i guess01:28
meeeeeeeerand is an abreviation01:28
meeeeeeeetry srand01:28
voicusrand-seed random?01:28
meeeeeeeesomething like it01:29
meeeeeeeeuse and unsigned seed01:30
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meeeeeeeesorry *an01:30
voicutime(0) gives the present moment?01:30
voicuhmm, works01:30
ciberparque_anyone know how to open a folder of photos?01:32
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meeeeeeeelol, kidding01:32
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ciberparque_no. i can't whit a double-click, cause de kubuntu want i choose a program to open the folder01:33
ciberparque_but, when i open the folder, for example, whit gimp, catn expose the photos01:34
ciberparque_cause the programs like gimp open just photos, and don't folder01:34
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voicuso you want to open an entire folder into gimp?01:35
phiscoyou can open a folder with konqueror, but konqueror ist normaly installed on kubuntu01:35
meeeeeeeetry the broswer01:36
meeeeeeeekonqueror is installed01:36
ciberparque_yes, i will try open the folder whit the konkeror01:36
phiscowhen you want to watch the folder with trumbs of the pictures, you can use gwenview01:36
voicudamn, don't try krita *.jpg <-- really bad01:37
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ciberparque_i can't find neither the konkeror, neither the gwenview01:37
ciberparque_oh, i'm sorrowing!01:38
fuelciberparque_: you mean konqueror ?01:38
phiscotry "alt"+"space" and type "konqueror"01:38
fuelor alt+f2 -> konqueror01:38
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phiscoyes thats a better idea :)01:39
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AyabaraI have a dual screen setup on my laptop. when I maximize windows on the secondary display they get maxmized behind my bottom panel. this does not happen on the primary display. any ideas?01:42
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knoppix_I found a tool that does exactly what I needed: RPPPPoEK (Roaring Penguin PPPoE Kontrol).01:43
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knoppix_It was easy to install from the source code.01:44
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV01:44
knoppix_Hopefully it gets packaged into Kubuntu.01:44
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meeeeeeeeciberparque_:  doesnt the digikam do this?01:48
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meeeeeeeeyaccin: can i watch catv on mythtv01:51
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meeeeeeeeis there any software that streams broadcast tv for linux?01:54
nosrednaekimfrom what?the internet?01:54
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meeeeeeeejust like Sattelite TV on PC or something01:55
nosrednaekimI don't know01:55
meeeeeeeethanks :)01:55
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nosrednaekimyour welcome...;)01:56
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meeeeeeeewwitv.com i mean01:56
meeeeeeeedo u know it? :)01:56
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meeeeeeeeits nice, take a try :) not much channels, but it may be worth01:57
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meeeeeeeedamn, i cant watch it because my soundcard isnt recognized on linux01:58
meeeeeeeei just hate the linux incompatibility01:59
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meeeeeeeeis there any command to see the kernel version?02:00
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nosrednaekimuname -r02:00
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meeeeeeeeoh yes, i knew it! thanks.02:01
meeeeeeeejust couldnt remember :/02:01
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ciberparque_hello, anyone knows how i can start and stop a slide presentation in the gwenview?02:04
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ciberparque_i think the "esc" button can stop the presentation, but certainly have another way02:05
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PhinnFortciberparque_: space?02:17
PhinnFortand you can probably set the shortcuts yourself02:17
_eMaX_hmm. kpowermanager says "switching to AC mode". Did anyone ever realize that a laptop is powered by "DC"...:)02:18
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PhinnFort_eMaX_: it's AC until the adapter02:20
PhinnFortand to distinguish between the DC power from the battery, and the AC power in your outlet, it's easier this way02:20
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livingdaylightguys, i'm in the kubuntu live cd02:29
livingdaylightQ: how do i get root priviliedge in terminal?02:30
stuffcorpsedoesn't sudo work?02:30
meeeeeeeesudo command02:30
livingdaylightand what do i give for password?02:31
meeeeeeeei guess u dont need to02:31
meeeeeeeecant remember02:31
meeeeeeeeor try sudo passwd root02:32
meeeeeeeei dont know if it works on livecd02:32
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animimotussorry I have a little bash error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9425/02:33
livingdaylightsudo -i alone gives #prompts thx guys02:33
Jucatolivingdaylight: in the live cd, there is not user password, therefore, no sudo password02:34
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animimotusthe first time the files moved but the second time I execute the script again and do an error: "mv: can't evaluate `/home/animimotus/temp/foo/*': No file or directory"02:35
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animimotus* error message retranslated in english :p02:36
meeeeeeeeu are comparing dir1 with dir1 to see if dir2 is empty?02:37
meeeeeeeeamd i dumb or what? lol02:38
meeeeeeeei couldnt understand that02:38
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meeeeeeeeoh no, sorry, my mystake02:38
ciberparque_mystake! wahahaha02:38
ciberparque_very funny!02:39
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animimotusciberparque_: like cyberparque ? :)02:39
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meeeeeeeeenglish isnt my language :D02:40
animimotusmeeeeeeee: I understand. It's not mine too02:41
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animimotusit doesn't matter02:41
ciberparque_english isn't too my language02:41
ciberparque_oh, god!02:41
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: cant u compare it to NULL?02:41
animimotusciberparque_: sorry, could we return to the little bash problem?02:41
ciberparque_nobody here really speaks english!02:41
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eilkerso so :D02:42
animimotusciberparque_: english is a fork from barbarian languages :p02:42
meeeeeeeeat least i noticed my mistake :D02:42
meeeeeeeeunlike you, sorry02:43
maelcumfor your amusement - i have seen a screenshot of a german version of an application where "left" was translated twice. in the end, it said "verweise", meaning "links". well, "links" means "left" in german xD02:43
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: did u try to compare the dir to NULL?02:43
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact I would to test the directory befor trying to move the file cause I recieve always a mail advice ^^02:45
animimotusfor the error02:45
meeeeeeeei think u must use else if02:45
meeeeeeeeafter closing the if02:45
meeeeeeeein the case of the folder isnt empty02:46
animimotusI try02:46
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meeeeeeeeelse if folder !='NULL'02:48
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meeeeeeeebla bla bla, something like that02:48
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: did u try that yet?02:48
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animimotusit return an another error02:48
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dhqcan anyone help me my mouse pad of my laptop is not working properly i think its ths the driver promblem02:50
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: : wich one02:50
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9427/02:54
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eilkersystem has freezing problem, i think it is cause of mouse, how can i check or solve this ?02:57
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: its wrong, i will try to help you, just a minute02:58
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ciberparque_i suggest you find a way of reduce the occuped memory of your laptop03:00
maelcumeilker: what is your chipset?03:02
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maelcumeilker: mainboard chipset, like "intel i815" or "nvidia nforce3".03:03
eilkermaelcum: intel 8245,03:03
eilkermaelcum: sorry, intel 82865,03:04
maelcumeilker: oh, you need to ask somebody else then :|03:04
maelcumeilker: some chipsets for amd cpus have freezing problems03:04
eilkermaelcum: i had no problem, this problem occures new, i use kubuntu since 6 months03:05
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: hey...03:07
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meeeeeeeetry this03:10
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9431/03:12
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eeanjust upgraded, there isn't an ipw3945 driver installed for Fiesty. any ideas/03:15
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: I have correct the little syntaxe error but the script return always an error03:17
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: sorry, ive paste a wrong code, see this one now http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9432/03:19
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AMSmith42Are the repositories normally marked "main restricted"?03:20
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: the same error03:20
meeeeeeeedamn... what it says? (in english please)03:21
Jucato!repositories | AMSmith4203:21
ubotuAMSmith42: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:21
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animimotus"mv: can't evaluate `/home/animimotus/temp/foo/*': No file or directory"03:21
meeeeeeeedid u tried *.* instead of *?03:22
AMSmith42I understand "main", what I don't understand is "restricted".03:22
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AMSmith42But I guess that's normal.03:23
animimotusmeeeeeeee: do you think it's the problem?03:23
JucatoAMSmith42: that page has a link that explains the 4 components/sections of a repository03:23
Jucatonamely, main, restricted, universe, and multiverse03:24
animimotusit's only a wilcard03:24
AMSmith42Yes, thank you.03:24
meeeeeeeeyes, its a simple code, and its complaining about the dir...03:24
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meeeeeeeeits the only thing i can imagine :/03:24
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JucatoAMSmith42: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components03:24
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waylandbillmeeeeeeee: you don't need *.*, the * takes care of that.03:25
animimotus"mv: can't evaluate `/home/animimotus/temp/foo/*.*': No file or directory"03:25
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eilkerjucato: hi, see this pls, kubuntu 6.10 , 2.6.17-11-386 my kernel, xserver 7.1.1, and i have intel i810 1:1.6.5 ,this may conflict ? i cant get login screen,(EE) module ABI major version (1) doesn't match the server's version (0),(EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module requirement mismatch, 0),(EE) No drivers available.Fatal server error:no screens found //but i even use aixgl, i have 3d beryl at the moment.03:26
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AMSmith42Jucato: Thank you. I'm just trying to figure out why I'm getting a 403 Forbidden when I apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.03:26
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: mv $dir1 $dir2; instead of mv $dir1/* $dir2;\03:26
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: mv $dir1 $dir2; instead of mv $dir1/* $dir2;03:26
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Jucatoeilker: sorry, I don't know much about intel video cards.. have you tried #beryl or #ubuntu-effects?03:26
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: I want to move the content of dir1, not the entiry directory03:27
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animimotus* entire03:28
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eilkerjucato: it is not cause of beryl, when i close beryl , i still  have it, btw, i have this problem in xp too, so is it hardware problem ? it was working normal since 6 months03:28
waylandbillmv -R dir1/* dir2/03:28
meeeeeeeeanimimotus:  okay, try cd $dir1 and then mv * $dir203:28
Jucatoeilker: I think it's more of about the intel driver version installed from beryl03:29
Jucatonothing's wrong w/ your hardware03:29
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eilker<Jucato> i got it, what about 7.04 ? do u suggest me to upgrade ? or i should wait some time ?03:30
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9436/03:30
JucatoI really don't know sorry03:30
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eilker i have three kernels (after upgrades), do i have chance to uninstall 2 of 3 ? i wanna keep only the newest one03:31
animimotus"mv: can't evaluate `*': No file or directory"03:32
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Jucatoeilker: you remove kernels like any other package. use apt-get or Adept. however, you probably want to leave at least one other working kernel as backup, just in case03:32
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: did u used the cd dir and then mv?03:33
animimotus  echo "move somethings to bar"; cd $dir1 ; mv * $dir2;03:33
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eilkerJucato>: what about grub menu ?03:33
Jucatoeilker: it will be updated automatically03:34
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: isnt it empty?03:34
eilkerJucato>i see thanx03:34
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: I try the two cases03:35
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact I ask myselft if for a bash script ~/ is the same that /home/theuser/03:36
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AMSmith42Can an incorrect time affect apt-get?03:37
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eilkerjucato: i am removing linux-image-2.6.15 , linux headers 2-.6.15 , is it ok ?03:38
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wulfmahnI switched to kpowersave for battery management. Guidance-power-manager keeps starting when I reboot though. Anyway I can stop it from starting? Or remove it?03:41
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: you can use $HOME/foo per example03:43
animimotusmeeeeeeee: true03:44
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: just a advice, all my dir had move to an another folder, the mv * is not a good idea if the variable is wrong ^^03:45
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animimotus* I have lost anything, sure03:45
animimotusall my home I would say03:46
Malphanimimotus: so why don't you just mv it back03:46
waylandbillcp and rm in two steps is safer.03:46
animimotussure I have made that03:47
waylandbillassuming enough space to do so03:47
animimotuswaylandbill: rm is dangerous too03:47
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waylandbilleverything involves risk of course.03:48
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animimotusthe good idea to debugging a script is perhaps to add a variable test ^^03:49
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BluesKajHowdy All :)03:50
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: u probably moved ur dir to another dir only03:50
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animimotusyes, the entire home to... wine-0.9.30         oO :p03:51
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dystopianrayhow can I get a list of every package I have installed, except the ones that came automatically with kubuntu?03:52
meeeeeeeedpkg -l03:52
meeeeeeeeoh, dunno03:52
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dystopianraythe automatically installed ones are supposed to be marked as 'auto' or something, right?03:52
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waylandbilldystopianray: /var/log/dpkg.log may help03:54
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pr0pheterm, can anyone tell me how to fix clamav..on startup and when i try to update it says "Update Process Failed! Did You Kill It Manually?"03:55
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tdnHow do I disable the pcspeaker completely? I have tried sudo modprobe -r pcspkr, but it does not help. I am using headphones and it is really loud when the pc speaker beeps in them. I get a shock each time.03:57
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dystopianraytdn: the pc speaker doesn't beep into headphones, it's a physical speaker inside your computer03:58
tdndystopianray, yeah. Normally. But not here. It is a laptop.03:59
dystopianraytdn: are you sure it's not just a standard kde sound notification?03:59
LeeJunFantdn: yeah, same with mine, you should be able to open the mixer and turn the volume down on the pcspeaker03:59
waylandbilltdn: what's making the pc speaker go off? it could be a notification03:59
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: man, that message is normal... it only happens when the dir is empty, right?04:00
LeeJunFantdn: it depends, kde will use a pcm wav sound for notifications unless it's been configured to beep the speaker instead.04:00
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tdnLeeJunFan, it has been configured to use the pc speaker in stead.04:01
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: the system will show that error any time you try to mv something taht doesnt exists04:01
tdndystopianray, yes. I am pretty sure.04:01
LeeJunFantdn: then turning down the speaker in the mixer should do it. That's what I had to do as well.04:01
tdnLeeJunFan, I can not turn the mixer volume down. I would like to be able to hear music.04:01
meeeeeeeeani: if the rest of the code is running okay, u shouldnt bother about that message04:01
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LeeJunFantdn: pcspeaker and pcm should be separate mixers04:01
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus:  if the rest of the code is running okay, u shouldnt bother about that message04:01
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LeeJunFanmusic would play pcm, while system beeps and such would be the pc speaker.04:02
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tdnLeeJunFan, not on a laptop.04:02
DaSkreechA big round of applause for anyone who can point out why my soundcard doesn't work in achroot environment04:02
LeeJunFantdn: it is on mine.04:02
AMSmith42What is the command to find the local IP address?04:02
tdnLeeJunFan, I think?!04:02
LeeJunFantdn: depends on the soundcard maybe then.04:02
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TimsenAMSmith42, ifconfig -a04:02
tdnLeeJunFan, in KMix there is no mixer named pc speaker or similar.04:03
AMSmith42Thank you.04:03
nuxilis ther any panel "docker" simelar to kxdocker ?04:03
animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact like a said, I would test if the directory is empty. And if it is, then the script should not try to move the file cause they are absent for this moment :) (it for a cron tab)04:03
nuxilthe pkg seems to be broken for edgy amd6404:03
LeeJunFantdn: hrm, in mine I do. I wonder if you need to modprobe pcspkr back in to get the mixer?04:04
tdnLeeJunFan, maybe.04:04
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tdnLeeJunFan, no. That did not work.04:05
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dystopianraywhy does 'administrator mode...' in the kde system settings fail most of the time?04:06
DaSkreechcan sudo run through pam?04:06
waylandbilltdn, did you restart kmix after modprobing back in?04:06
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DaSkreechgnomefreak: Hail!04:07
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tdnwaylandbill, no.04:07
tdnwaylandbill, yes. Now I did. No difference.04:07
coreyGood Morning everyone04:07
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waylandbillmight just be the sound card doesn't have a pc speaker mixer line04:07
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trapcodienhello all04:10
trapcodienest ce qu'il y a des francais ici ?04:10
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Jucato!fr | trapcodien04:11
ubotutrapcodien: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:11
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dystopianrayah, I see why it's not working, kdesu doesn't work if your sudo access hasn't expired from using sudo elsewhere04:12
waylandbilldystopianray: really? just did a sudo command and then kdesu kate and it worked as I expected.04:14
dystopianraywaylandbill: well i don't knwo about kdesu in general, but 'administrator mode' system settings wouldn't work without manually expiring my sudo access04:15
LeeJunFandystopianray: that was an old bug, but should have been fixed since dapper.04:15
dystopianrayI'm using edgy04:15
dystopianrayand I'm pretty sure I noticed it on fiesty herd5 too04:15
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: please, post another time and pass me the link, i will answer with another code... :)04:15
meeeeeeeeanimimotus: if this one cant help you, then i quit... :P04:16
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9444/ see if this one helps you04:16
animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact I try to adapt this page http://www.developpez.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-182414.html04:17
dystopianraywhat does apt-index-watcher do? does it automate apt-get update ?04:17
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flakewith wolf et, I can run et and hear the sound but there is also an annoying background buzz - but I don't hear it under kde multimedia - is there a fix for that?04:18
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ackbahrDo you know if there is a tool that displays the strength of WIFI signals around, but realtime?04:19
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org04:20
flakewhen I move a window around on the desktop I hear a bunch of clicks, think it's kde by default but the buzzing sounds like that04:20
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miltoshi ppl:-] 04:21
nuxil going crazy.. this is like the 5th time in 1/2 H i press shit + backspace04:21
nuxilfriking anoying04:21
nuxilhow do i get rid of that crap?04:21
dystopianraynuxil: you need to change your keymap04:21
nuxili tryed putting04:22
MorboI've never seen a keyboard with a "shit" key ;)04:22
nuxilxmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace04:22
nuxilMorbo, i just renamed it04:22
miltosi want to change the ugly default cursror of X11...and i can't04:22
animimotusmeeeeeeee: I have add a ls before the mv04:22
animimotusand comment the rest04:22
angasuleMorbo: it's only available if you have a proper chair :P04:23
MorboThat makes sense04:23
nuxildystopianray, how do i change the keymap ?04:23
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animimotusthe first time the files have been moved, the second time, the condition is always true : move somethings to bar04:23
ackbahrMorbo: I have a "shit" key, it's between Ctrl and Alt on the left side, it looks like a flag with a cross.... :)04:23
animimotusmeeeeeeee: but the dir is empty now04:24
dystopianraynuxil: you can change it in the keyboard settings of kcontrol04:24
MorboIf I had any artistic skills, I'd pant a penguin over it04:24
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wdg\join ubuntu-cn04:26
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animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact the dir could not be empty, it exist a .directory :)04:27
miltosany help?04:27
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flakewhen I drag the desktop window around, Ihear a bunch of clicks with every mouse movement - how can I turn that off?04:27
miltosi want to change the ugly default cursror of X11...and i can't, any help?04:27
nuxildystopianray, i dont think kcontrol fixes it,, its X related not DE RELATED04:27
animimotusmeeeeeeee: the cached file don't moved, sure (an it's what I want)04:27
dystopianraynuxil: kde can change your keymap04:28
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meeeeeeeeanimimotus:  it worked?04:28
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animimotus* hidden file04:28
animimotusmeeeeeeee: no04:28
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flakeis that on by default?  the speakers are usb powered and I'm hoping the usb mouse isn't somehow interferening with the speakers04:28
nuxildystopianray, where ? im in keyboard shortcuts04:28
animimotusmeeeeeeee: in fact the dir could not be empty, it exist a .directory :)04:28
nuxilcant see any thing there04:28
dystopianraynuxil: no, your keyboard layout04:28
meeeeeeeeso you have to add a line to see if itsnt a dir then if *.* != -d i think04:29
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maelcumflake: this is a common hardware problem, especially with but not limited to notebooks.04:31
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akrusdoes someone have Kopete compiled from SVN?04:37
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ForgeAusJucato you there?04:39
ForgeAushow dangerous is it to get pkgsrc for Kubuntu?04:39
ForgeAusBSD-enhance my Kubuntu!04:39
DaSkreechWhats new in Kopete in SVn?04:39
=== Jucato doesn't know pkgsrc
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ForgeAustheres tgz packages that are for BSD...04:40
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ForgeAusyou can get it for debian and install packages (rather than ports) from NetBSD04:40
ForgeAus(Interix uses them)04:40
Jucatosorry, no idea04:40
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Jucatobut it's definltey not a good idea to "mix and match" packages04:41
ForgeAustheres no Aros.deb for kubuntu04:41
flakemaelcum - this is a mid-tower case, should I get a non-usb powered external speakers?04:41
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ForgeAus(I don't think its a package either actually... I think that one is a port - .pbi)04:41
gwidionHi there.04:41
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gwidionI  am not on kubuntu right now -04:41
gwidionbut soem firends of mine, totally new to linux,04:42
gwidionaretrying to getti firefox running in a  default kubuntu install.04:42
compilerwriterLynoure you at your keyboard04:42
gwidionWhat should they do overthere?04:42
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chopinhow do i repackage an rpm for installing in ubuntu?04:42
JucatoForgeAus: it's not recommend to install packages built specifically for one distro to another. how much more installing packages from a completely different OS?04:43
Jucato!rpm | chopin04:43
ubotuchopin: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:43
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miltosi want to change the ugly default cursror of X11...and i can't, any help?04:43
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chopinah, thx Jucato04:44
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maelcumflake: i don't know... it could be "dirty" usb power (i.e. drawing windows causes ripples in power demand of the graphics hardware) and in that case, externally powered speakers would help, of course.04:44
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flakeguess i get what I pay for, $10 at wally world04:45
jhutchinsgwidion: I thought firefox was installed by default.  apt-get install mozilla-firefox.  Do NOT use the Mozilla installers.04:45
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gwidionso, what is the shortest path, forma  clean install, to get firefox running? (or maybe it is even isntalled, and they are not finding it?)04:46
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jhutchinsflake: You can install the lmsensors package and monitor your power levels.04:46
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB04:46
timsterHow can I monitor my fan speed and temperatures?04:46
maelcumflake: as gpu and usb power ultimately come from your psu, spikes in power demand can cause (small) voltage ripple everywhere.04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fanspeed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
ForgeAusBSD isn't so different its entirely POSIX compatible right?04:47
jhutchinsForgeAus: Dunno, try #bsd04:47
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gwidionjhutchins: thanks. I also thought t came installed.04:47
jhutchinsAs I recall there are at least three different falvors.04:48
ForgeAusalthough I guess Linux isn't entirely that04:48
jhutchinsflavors even.04:48
flakeI am running a nvidia GT6800  on a 350W psu04:48
flakebarely enough for new windoze games but overkill for linux :)04:48
timsterHow can I monitor my fan speed and temperatures?04:48
timsterFF doesnt come isntalled on 6.06 btw04:49
ForgeAusanyway why would they have a pkg srouce for debian if it wasn't compatible? (which I assume means Kubuntu compatible)04:49
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gwidionjhutchins: Eeek... " package not available"  . I am tellign then to edit the sources.list file, but wihtout knowing what is in there, I can't tell then the right lines to uncomment.04:49
maelcumflake: watts don't matter. there are good and bad psus with any wattage :). no really, just try other speakers from a friend / relative / whatever.04:49
flakeok, thanks04:49
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jhutchins!find firefox04:52
ubotuFound: mozilla-firefox-locale-ar, mozilla-firefox-locale-bg-bg, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-bd, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-in, mozilla-firefox-locale-ca (and 57 others)04:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:52
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eilkeri install superkaramba themes, it goes to /tmp/kde , so when i reboot , will i lose those themes ?04:52
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:52
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DaSkreechhi manchicken04:53
DaSkreech!windows rocking!04:53
DaSkreech!windows rocking04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows rocking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
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julle!mount iso04:54
ubotumount: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component main, is required. Version 2.12r-11ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 179 kB, installed size 400 kB04:54
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=== manchicken stabs DaSkreech
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:54
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:54
DaSkreechOy! You've killed me!. Chicken!!!04:55
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bewlI cant seem to get movies to play for the life of me04:56
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bewlive installed the codecs04:56
bewlw32, restricted, and free04:56
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DaSkreechbewl: What movie?04:57
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DaSkreechRiddell: http://jeremie.famille-corbier.net/blog/post:2104:58
akrusDaSkreech: i wanna check out ICQ Xstatus04:58
akrusDaSkreech: Changelog reports it's implemented now04:58
DaSkreechakrus: ah Right. I forgot about that04:58
manuel_Hola, soy nuevo y solo queria dar un saludo04:58
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DaSkreechakrus: Whats that do? :)04:58
JucatoDaSkreech: bad move :P04:58
akrusDaSkreech: it's Extra Status04:58
DaSkreech!es | manuel_04:58
ubotumanuel_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:58
akruslike sleeping/eating/love etc.04:58
DaSkreechJucato: eh?04:58
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RiddellDaSkreech: I know04:59
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akrusatm only ICQ/QIP/Miranda support this04:59
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akrusif it's really implemented then i can really say Kopete is the best messenger :)04:59
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DaSkreechakrus: Why is it that important? :)05:00
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akrusDaSkreech: it's very useful actually :(05:00
waylandbillok. I got a few packages that I need to keep at a specific version for a while. How can I force an apt-get upgrade to not touch them?05:00
akrusSIM/Gaim/Kopete do not support this :(05:00
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DaSkreechakrus: I'm not saying it's not It's been a while since I used ICQ pure. how do you use it?05:00
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akrusfor example05:01
akrusi'm online05:01
akrusand I'm sitting hear, surfing through the net05:01
gwidionis the nick completion bug on kopete-irc fixed?05:01
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akrusI'm setting xstatus to: 'Surfing the net'05:01
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akrusand everyone sees me online with this status & message05:01
DaSkreechWhat if you are webcamming05:01
DaSkreechcan you set it to webcamming?05:01
akrusthere're also 'angry', 'tired' etc.05:01
akrusI don't have a webcam :P05:01
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waylandbillpronning too. :-P05:02
akrusyou may type in any text05:02
DaSkreechHa ha  Fine how about In IRC?05:02
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DaSkreechAh ok cool05:02
waylandbillunless that is "surfing the net" ;)05:02
akrusand there're several default icons05:02
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akruslove is my favie :D05:02
DaSkreechakrus: So you want to install from source?05:02
akruswaylandbill: that was just an example :)05:02
akrusDaSkreech: already compiling :)05:02
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akrusremoved the .deb and compiling :305:03
akrusaccording to changelog this change is submitted 2007-01-0605:03
akrusbut KDE 3.5.6 was released after this date05:03
akrusso wanna try~05:03
akrusoh and i'm very missing ICQ file transfers05:03
akrusas well as the file transfer interface05:04
rysiek|plguys, I am trying to set-up Kubuntu 6.10 (got an ISO and burnt it today)05:04
akrusrysiek|pl: and? :)05:04
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rysiek|plakrus: workin' on it ;)05:04
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rysiek|plI keep getting this error in the installer: when I am selecting the mountpoints, I change a wee bit the defaults (select a different ext3 partition for /), click "Next" and get "Select a root filesystem" error05:05
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dhqcan anyone help me my mouse pad of my laptop is not working properly i think its ths the driver promblem05:06
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waylandbilldhq: do you have the synaptic driver in your xorg.conf?05:06
DrCurlis this the right place to ask about kubuntu feisty?05:07
dhqwaylandbill: but the mouse moves very slow and i cant click05:07
rysiek|plDrCurl: try #ubuntu+105:07
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akrusDrCurl: but you may try here05:07
waylandbilldhq. there is a place in kcontrol to change the settings05:07
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akrus#ubuntu+1 is always so quiet :D05:07
rysiek|plakrus: this is called "revered silence" ;)05:08
dhqwaylandbill: ok and05:08
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dhqwaylandbill: the touchpad is veryslow i cant move it fast at all05:08
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DrCurlI would like to know if accelerated desktop will be on click (desktop effects) away under kubuntu like it will be for ubuntu in feisty?05:09
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rysiek|plDrCurl: yes05:09
rysiek|plDrCurl: it *is* the same system, after all05:10
DaSkreechrysiek|pl: Not a sufficent answer for this question05:10
DrCurlyes! very nice!05:10
rysiek|plDrCurl: and the real problem with accellerated desktop are the drivers05:10
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waylandbilldhq: so up the acceleration in kcontrol05:10
DaSkreechIt is the DE that is the difference here :)05:10
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DrCurlrysiek, I have a supported chipset05:10
rysiek|plDaSkreech: in the context of beryl - well, yes, it *is* a sufficent answer :)05:11
rysiek|plDrCurl: in that case I am sure it will work05:11
DrCurlwhat about compiz?05:11
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dhqwaylandbill: where is the acceleration05:11
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rysiek|plDrCurl: beryl/compiz - whatever. the point is: the acceleration will be there05:12
Admiral_Chicagohello room05:12
rysiek|plDrCurl: so you will be able to use its goodies ;)05:12
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rysiek|plhello, Admiral_Chicago05:12
Dr_willisWee.. the "freespire' spinoff of ubuntu is now out.. in beta testing.. scary05:12
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waylandbilldhq: it's called sensitivity under touch pad. sorry05:13
Dr_williswonder if the freespire/linspire dudes will contribute to the ubuntu/kubuntu cause.05:13
rysiek|plDr_willis: what's so scary about it?05:13
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Dr_willisrysiek|pl,  the company for the most part.. and the fact (not sure if its stull true) that every user had 100% root privilages from the start...05:13
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Dr_willisgetting ready to test it in vmware.05:13
dhqwaylandbill: i dont have touchpad05:13
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:14
dhqwaylandbill: i dont have touchpad in kcontrol05:14
Dr_willisclick-and-run store - is a neat idea.. but well.. lets say.. 'lacking'05:14
brosiozhow could i play directly a file and not append it on my playlist with doubleclick with amarok?05:14
rysiek|plDr_willis: damn, why vmware? use qemu, luke! :] 05:14
Dr_willisIm bettting we will start seeing more freespire users in here now.05:14
waylandbilldhq: then you need to install the synaptics program for kde.05:14
dhqwaylandbill: how05:14
Dr_willisrysiek|pl,  how about 'VirtualBox'05:14
rysiek|plDr_willis: dunno, never used it... Is it FLOSS? :)05:15
Dr_willisrysiek|pl,  not totally sure. :) its free to use for personal use.05:15
Jucatothere's a GPL version of VirtualBox05:15
Dr_willisguess it is. :) heh05:15
=== Admiral_Chicago waves to Jucato
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Jucatobut the GPL version is not as full featured, I think05:15
Jucatohi Admiral_Chicago!05:15
Admiral_ChicagoXes is what i would use, because its free05:16
Dr_willisthese multi-licensing things get me confused after a bit.05:16
waylandbilldhq: apt-get install ksynaptics05:16
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DaSkreechcan I edit a torrent once in Ktorrent?05:16
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: how easy is it to setup? :)05:16
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  edit in what way?05:16
DaSkreechDr_willis: I want to point it to a new folder05:16
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ubotudekorator: KDE theme manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2fix1-1 (edgy), package size 75 kB, installed size 296 kB05:17
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  stop the torrent, change the download dir.. (move the data over perhaps)05:17
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: nothing advanced.05:17
Dr_willisthen restart the torrent.05:17
Dr_willisstop/remove the torrent i guess is what i mean.05:17
DaSkreechDr_willis: So remove the torrent then restart it?05:17
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  thats how ive done it befor.05:17
Dr_willisyou just want to move it all to a different dir eh?05:17
JucatoDaSkreech: File -> Import existing download05:17
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Dr_willisi got a whole HD just for 'torrents' :) /media/torrents05:18
DaSkreechJucato: Don't got that on mine05:18
=== Dr_willis looks
JucatoDaSkreech: Plugins: partfileimportplugin05:18
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coreymon77that had to be the easiest linux reinstall i have even done in my life05:19
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Dr_willisktorrents plugin feature is nice.05:19
Dr_willisexcept now i loaded a plugin and it locked up ktorrent...05:20
Dr_willisheh .05:20
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DaSkreechSo I have to find the torrent again?05:20
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Dr_willisthe .torrent fle you mean?05:21
Jucatothe .torrent file? definitely yes05:21
Dr_willisipfilter plugin seems to hang ktorrent.. or else its taking a LONG LONG time..05:21
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Admiral_Chicagoone thing I hate about this channel, i do a lot of /clears05:23
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Hasrat_In_Officei'm done05:23
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know how I can set Irssi to not show joins / parts.05:23
Dr_willisAdmiral_Chicago,  use the ' /ignore ' command05:23
Hasrat_In_Officei forgot to quit Konversation at home05:23
Dr_willis- /ignore PARTS #channel (or somthing like that)05:23
Dr_willisi amways get it backwards05:24
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis: thanks05:24
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ubuntuumm.... someone told me about nano.. and now I think vim can go to hell05:24
Dr_willisthe irssi site has some must read guides/docs. :) iu always have to go back there when ever i start using irssi again05:24
Hasrat_In_Officektorrent works like a charm05:24
Dr_willisubuntu,  yea.. sure.... your lack of experience is showing. :)05:24
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Hasrat_In_Officehey ububntu what's up05:25
ubuntuyea well I did take a class on linux05:25
ubuntuthe whole final was on vim05:25
Dr_willisubuntu,  neither have i05:25
waylandbillubuntu: vim is useful in a terminal where cursor keys are not functioning as expected.05:25
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eilkeri am looking for fantastic superkaramba themes, but  i cant find, those are normal in kde look, any other source ?05:26
ubuntuive had keys foobar in vim05:26
ubuntuso dont give me that05:26
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waylandbillh,j,k & l were foobar? hmm. I doubt that.05:27
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis: /ignore #kubuntu parts . also, irssi docs are way hard to read imho05:27
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=== Jucato hugs Konversation...
Hasrat_In_Officewhat does /ignore #kubuntu parts do?05:28
ubuntuis it just me or all the die hard Vim users... old and stuborn?05:28
ForgeAusignors a uyser parts on channel #Kubuntu?05:29
Hasrat_In_Officeyou mean whoever leaves the channel would get ignored?05:29
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: konversation is too much clicking...plus GUIs can't do screenn05:29
ForgeAusin mIRC at least theres an -r switch to unignore05:29
Admiral_ChicagoHasrat_In_Office: so I don't see who has joined or quit05:29
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Hasrat_In_Officeoh duh05:29
Admiral_Chicagoit shows up as a line right, i don't want to see it :)05:29
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: I rarely click in konvi... but true about the screen thing... but I don't use it anyway :)05:29
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ForgeAusKonversation probably has an /unignore or ignore -r also (or something similar)05:30
Gh0st75what are some other popular irc clients for nix? i just use konversation cause it was pre-loaded with kubuntu05:30
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Admiral_ChicagoJucato: plus I can have everything in one window if I like05:30
Hasrat_In_Officeghost x-chat05:30
Admiral_ChicagoGh0st75: irssi05:30
eilkerthe texts are so small when kubuntu starts the blue texts05:30
ubuntuumm shouldnt konversation be irc compatable? if so you could use standard irc commands05:30
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: konvi is not kvirc/ksirc. everything *is* in one window :D05:30
eilkerhow can i make it bigger ?05:30
Gh0st75yeah, in chans with fserves that require ports opened via dcc commands, they only seem to work with mirc05:31
ubuntueiker like you would in windows05:31
Jucatoubuntu: IRC commands are not really standard. some depend on the server, afaik05:31
ubuntuor osx05:31
eeanRiddell: you should really turn off the colored scrollbars by default05:31
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ubuntuthen you could ask the server05:32
Riddelleean: kwwii does the artwork05:32
ForgeAusthats true jucato05:32
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: i mean, I can one window for all the channel so the message i get in #kubuntu and #ubuntu-chicago are all in one window.05:32
ForgeAusdifferent ircd's have different setups05:32
Admiral_Chicagono tabs05:32
waylandbillwasn't looking for an editor flamewar. I use kate or kdevelop. was just explaining that vim has uses. if you don't agree then that's fine.05:32
ForgeAusbut there is a standard BASE of commands for clients and servers05:32
ubuntuyea but all of them have one command that shows a list of all commands05:32
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: oh... um... ok... that would confuse the hell out of me lol05:32
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: you're such a power user :P05:32
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Admiral_ChicagoJucato: i rarely use it, but there are times I just want to be in a few channels, not like now when I have 905:33
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eeanRiddell: ok. not online, I guess I'll find some official channel.05:33
eeanRiddell: outside of ipw3945d not being installed, Feisty has been working fine :)05:33
Admiral_Chicagoeean: #ubuntu-artwork maybe05:33
eilkerubuntu: what u mean ?05:33
Admiral_Chicagoi think thats the channel05:33
dhqwaylandbill: i installed ksynaptics now05:34
waylandbilldhq: did it make the pad work better?05:34
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: I'm in 12 channels :)05:34
dhqwaylandbill: nope still the same05:34
Riddelleean: great05:34
waylandbilldhq: even with higher sensitivity?05:34
Riddelleean: he's in #kubuntu-devel05:34
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ubuntuumm gee now I know why I cant mount my fat32 volumes... its not in the fstab05:35
dhqwaylandbill: i dont get any option should i reboot05:35
ubuntuall but two line05:35
dell190_do anyone know a free media player that will play MP3 without any extra packages???05:35
waylandbilldhq: does it show the touch pad entry in kcontrol?05:35
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Jucatodell190_: mplayer, xmms, vlc05:35
dhqwaylandbill: yes05:35
waylandbilldhq: if it does, does it show that it's using the loaded synaptics library?05:35
Jucatodell190_: btw, you only need one (yes, just one) package to play MP3's using xine-based players05:36
dhqwaylandbill: but it doesnt show any option05:36
ubuntuI have had previous linux boot cd's that could do this automatically05:36
dell190_every time i try do download packages it says they are broken05:36
waylandbilldhq: sounds like it isn't loaded. you may have to add the driver to xorg.conf05:36
dhqwaylandbill: how05:36
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Jucatodell190_: then there's a deeper problem than the codecs05:37
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dell190_do you know how to fix it?05:37
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Admiral_Chicagodell190_: what does the output tell you?05:38
Jucatodell190_: can you try using apt-get to install it?05:38
waylandbilldhq: give me a moment05:38
Jucatothen use pastebin to tell us the errors05:38
Jucato!pastebin | dell190_05:38
ubotudell190_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:38
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dhqwaylandbill: ok05:39
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JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: please turn off your public /away message. lol :P05:41
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ubuntuummm anyone know how to read a compaq diagnostics partition?05:41
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Dr_williswhy is it every 10 min. my wife has some idiotic thing for me to do...05:41
ubuntuthis is realy an acer05:41
ubuntuand I find this odd05:41
Dr_willisbut she cant come up with them all at the same time.....  its constantly.. NOW do thie.. 20 min later... do this... 5 min later.. now this...05:42
JucatoDr_willis: because you have a wife :)05:42
aotuserhow are you!!? people!!05:42
Dr_willisJucato,  shes smoking 2 packs a day.. so... who knows how much longer that will last.05:42
ubuntubesides I'd like to know what is in there05:42
dell190_in adept it just says under "requested" it says (BREAK) install05:43
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Dr_willisheh.. well my 'freespire alpha experiment' has shown 2 things.. #1 - freespire sort of sucks.. and #2 the bootsplas stuff  by default REALLY sucks - since i cent even see the error messages thats causing freespire in vmware to lock up05:43
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Dr_willisnever seen vmware lock up befor like that.05:43
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Dr_willisclick on the vmware machine. and the numlock/capslocl/scrolllock keys start flashing05:43
Jucatodell190_: I said "please use apt-get"05:44
waylandbilldhq: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9462/05:44
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Admiral_ChicagoJucato: you made me :( ...05:44
dell190_how do i use that ???05:44
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: aw... :(05:44
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: did it say i was AFK or was it just me saying that05:45
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: you were just saying that. I think05:45
Admiral_Chicagoi don't want that broadcasted on thore channels05:45
Jucato<Admiral_Chicago> AFk05:45
Admiral_Chicagoyea i wrote that in case people were looking for help05:45
Admiral_Chicagookay good. brb05:45
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Jucatodell190_: sudo apt-get install <name of package>05:45
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firemonkeyballzum ok... I guess Im being ignored05:46
dhqwaylandbill: any luck05:46
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waylandbilldhq: look up. I pastebin'd the synaptics driver section from my xorg.conf05:47
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dhqcan you repaste it i had a reboot so i dint recieve it05:48
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dell190_how do i use that pastebin thingy???05:50
waylandbilldhq: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9462/05:50
eilkerupgrade from dapper to edgy ,kUbuntu started displaying text messeages very  SMALL  during startup and shutdown. any help pls ?05:50
bonbonthejon!pastebin | dell190_05:50
ubotudell190_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:50
eilker*after upgrading from dapper to edgy ,kubuntu started displaying text messeages very  SMALL  during startup and shutdown. any help pls ?05:50
dhqwaylandbill: this same thing is happening to me   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/2941805:50
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nosrednaekimis it too small to read wilker?05:51
firemonkeyballzeeek kde is saying that my volume is a floppy05:51
eilkernosrednaekim: yess05:51
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nosrednaekimhmmm...I don't know, edgy doesn't even have text for me05:52
rysiek|plgtg, cu all05:52
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firemonkeyballzlast I checked there was a pdf05:52
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eilkernosrednaekim: let me solve your problem :)05:52
nosrednaekimhaha.... its not a problem...I don't mind05:52
lparryHey guys I am having problems with sudden slowdowns with Kubuntu + using native bcm_43xx driver crashes randomly in a set time05:53
eilkernosrednaekim: /boot/grub/menu.lst  ou remove any mention of quiet from the file. You should get the messages again next time you boot.05:53
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eilkernosrednaekim: /boot/grub/menu.lst   *you remove any mention of quiet from the file. You should get the messages again next time you boot.05:53
nosrednaekimoh I know how to do it....I just don't like the text05:53
eilkerinteresting :)05:53
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eilkeri want normal size texts05:54
nosrednaekimis there a font size setting?05:54
dell190_jucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9464/05:54
eilkeri couldnt see05:54
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eilkernosrednaekim: i still search05:54
waylandbillnosrednaekim: change the resolution with the vga switch.05:54
firemonkeyballzno dice05:54
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firemonkeyballzI cant mount a fat32 volume05:55
eilkerwaylandbill>: may be me :) where to change ?05:55
firemonkeyballzkde pops up and sais its a floppy05:55
Jucatodell190_: can you pastebin the contents of your sources.list file in /etc/apt/ ?05:55
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dell190_1 min05:55
eilkerwaylandbill>: "change the resolution with the vga switch" what do you mean ? 1024x768 at themoment05:56
waylandbilleilker: sounds like you already did.05:56
firemonkeyballzand it wasnt mounted in the first05:56
firemonkeyballzso wtf05:57
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eilkerwaylandbill>: but vga=791 at menu.lst file is it normal ?05:57
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waylandbilleilker: yes. that's a reasonable setting05:57
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firemonkeyballzis there some permissions set on the live cd that im not aware of ?05:58
eilkerwaylandbill>: so why texts are very small :D05:58
ackbahrHi all! Does someone know globulatio2?05:58
waylandbilleilker: yes. the text would be small with that setting.05:59
dell190_jucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9468/05:59
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eilkerwaylandbill>: it was readable when i was at dapper, how can make it bigger ?05:59
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Jucatoeilker: I don't think that can be set easily. it has to do w/ the USplash (Ubuntu Bootsplash) theme06:00
Jucatodell190_: wow! you have everything except universe and multiverse disabled...06:01
bomberjust installed edgy... hoping to get tv card working but no such luck06:01
eilkeris it my problem ? or all people text status are so small during start up ?06:01
Jucatoeilker: all of us06:02
dell190_i just installed it.....06:02
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Jucatodell190_: based on the pastebin numbering, uncomment lines 2, 9, 30, 34, and 3706:03
eilkerjucato: good to know :)06:03
firemonkeyballzwel crap my pants you all are rude...06:03
firemonkeyballzbeen asking questions06:03
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firemonkeyballzand no answer06:03
Jucatofiremonkeyballz: if no one has answered you, it just means that no one here knows the answer06:03
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Hasrat_In_Officethe answer of your question is no monkeyballz06:04
dell190_how di i uncomment?06:04
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Hasrat_In_Officeit's 12:04 PM in NYC and i'm at work06:04
firemonkeyballzwell why cant I mount a fat32 volume in live cd mode06:04
Jucatodell190_: remove the '#' at the beginning of the line06:04
Jucatodell190_: uncomment = enable (in Adept)06:04
Hasrat_In_Officewhich live CD?06:05
firemonkeyballzthink I may have figured it out06:05
firemonkeyballzhdb vs hda06:05
Hasrat_In_Officemy ubuntu liveCD can even mount NTFS partition automatically. i don't have to use the command line to mount it06:05
firemonkeyballzsmaks head06:05
firemonkeyballzyea well for some odd reasion06:05
Hasrat_In_Officefiremonkey open GParted and choose the drive you want to mount06:05
firemonkeyballzit wont on two of my machines06:06
Jucatodell190_: like how you enabled the universe repository. you probably used Adept. just right-click and select Enable06:06
Hasrat_In_Officeis there any error message you see when trying to mount it?06:06
firemonkeyballzjust saying it wasnt in my fstab06:06
JucatoHasrat_In_Office: Kubuntu Live CD doesn't have GParted. QtParted only06:06
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Jucato!repositories | dell190_06:07
ubotudell190_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:07
Jucatodell190_: you can follow that guide.06:07
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firemonkeyballznow for the moment of truth06:07
firemonkeyballzwipes head06:08
Hasrat_In_Officefor example i wanna download and install gyachi enhanced (which is not listed in any of the repositories). now how do i make sure it's not gonna crash my distro?06:08
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Hasrat_In_Officeit's recommended that users don't install any software that's not included in Ubuntu's repositories06:08
Jucatoyes. so if you want to install something outside the repositories, you should at least know the risks involved06:09
Jucatothat being said, most outside packages are fine06:09
Hasrat_In_Officei need gyachi enhanced to use it as a perfect replacement of Windows's yahoo messenger06:09
Hasrat_In_Officeis frostwire (limewire's alternative) okay?06:09
Jucatoif and only if the packages depend on the same versions installed already06:09
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Jucato!frostwire | Hasrat_In_Office06:09
ubotuHasrat_In_Office: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:09
Jucatothere's even a howto :)06:10
firemonkeyballzgeez now I know I realy cant06:10
Hasrat_In_Officeso you think its's safe?06:10
Jucatofrostwire? yeah06:10
firemonkeyballzthey didnt put /fat_files in the dev directory06:10
Hasrat_In_Officeso, official ubuntu developers made that how-to for frostwire06:10
Hasrat_In_Officethanks man :)06:10
Jucatonot sure about gyachi/gyache...06:10
JucatoHasrat_In_Office: er no... everything in help.ubuntu.com/community is user/community made docs06:10
firemonkeyballzand your not allowed06:11
JucatoHasrat_In_Office: official docs are in help.ubuntu.com06:11
firemonkeyballzdue to permissions06:11
Hasrat_In_Officeoh ok06:11
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firemonkeyballzhell I dont even know if I am on root access on the live cd06:12
firemonkeyballztho it seems not06:12
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waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: you are 'ubuntu' unless you sudo, then you are root06:14
firemonkeyballzyea I did that06:14
firemonkeyballzand it even said no06:14
CVirusfiremonkeyballz: what did you do ?06:15
firemonkeyballzubuntu@ubuntu:/dev$ mkdir /fat_files06:15
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waylandbillyou can "sudo mkdir /fat_files"06:16
CVirusfiremonkeyballz: the user ubuntu has the authority to create files or directories in his home directory only /home/ubuntu06:16
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firemonkeyballzso how would I go about logining in to root via live cd?06:17
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waylandbillsudo -s06:17
nosrednaekimyou can do " sudo passwd root"06:17
nosrednaekim and then "su and the password"06:17
waylandbillthat will give a root shell until you exit it06:17
SagaciousUm - ok. Kubuntu rebooted in command line mode. Any way to make it revert to original settings or undo what it just did?06:18
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firemonkeyballzsomething screwed in your config file06:18
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SagaciousIs it repairable?06:19
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waylandbillSagacious: /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell what went wrong.06:19
firemonkeyballzyey im in root06:19
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Hello06:19
cotyrotheryare you there06:19
firemonkeyballzno pw06:19
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cotyrotheryi spent yesterday 12 hours working on getting this running06:19
cotyrotherycan you beleive that06:20
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nosrednaekimis it working now?06:20
cotyrotherydaskreech are you on here like all the time06:20
firemonkeyballzoh geez the fstab has an error06:21
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firemonkeyballzand its not my fault06:21
cotyrotheryso i guess you are06:21
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firemonkeyballzbecause its on line one06:21
firemonkeyballzdum de dum dum dumb06:21
cotyrotheryYou must be addicted to helping people then daskreech06:21
Sagaciouswaylandbill I get permission denied error06:22
EvilIdlerWhat do I need to support the backlight on my bZerk keyboard?06:22
firemonkeyballzuhhh why would mount give an error for a blank line?06:22
cotyrotheryWell i guess today is another day for me to try and get kubuntu working on my computer06:23
firemonkeyballzwell for all I know there could be non printable chars06:23
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waylandbillSagacious: trying to view that file? hmm. look at it as root.06:23
DaSkreechJucato: Wanna help? :)06:23
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firemonkeyballzI am viewing it06:23
firemonkeyballzim in root06:23
nosrednaekimcotytrothery, what is your problem?06:23
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cotyrotheryI install kubuntu then my computer restarts and tells me i have no operating system06:24
firemonkeyballzgeez some people take me as a noob... buh the soon learn I pick up fast06:24
nosrednaekimcan you boot windows on the same computer?06:24
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firemonkeyballzgeez sleep is in definate order06:24
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cotyrotherywindows boots just fine06:25
firemonkeyballzwell drive is mounted06:25
nosrednaekimdoes it give you a menu of what to boot?06:25
firemonkeyballzjust got to see whats on it06:25
firemonkeyballzbefore I wipe06:25
cotyrotheryI have two disk06:25
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cotyrotheryone is 30 GB06:25
cotyrotherythe other is 15GB06:25
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DaSkreechnosrednaekim: His grub is messed up06:25
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slyfoxCan someone pelase help me fix this http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/7663/firefox1jp5.jpg06:25
Sagaciouswaylandbill - Same error as root too06:26
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nosrednaekimDaSkreech: thats what I figure, maybe a reinstall?06:26
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cotyrotherySo i need to reinstall06:26
nosrednaekimhave you tried reinstalling yet?06:27
nosrednaekimyeah.. do that06:27
cotyrotheryWell then i need to boot into live cd06:27
cotyrotheryi know06:27
cotyrotheryim not respecting this channel06:27
Hasrat_In_Officeslyfox associate your desired program with the protocol/file you're trying to open06:27
cotyrotheryby being on windows06:27
cotyrotheryim sorry06:27
nosrednaekimhaha thats fine06:27
cotyrotheryok shutting down06:27
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Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery right now i'm on windows XP06:28
frojndwhere can I change the language of open office?06:28
SagaciousI'm on Windows Vista06:28
cotyrotheryim about to be disconnected06:28
SagaciousTrying to fix Kubuntu which has randomly messed up06:28
cotyrotherycomputer is shuting down06:28
DaSkreechSagacious. Welcome to sanity :)06:29
cotyrotherygetting in my last words06:29
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery but....you see my other nick Hasrat_USA? that's on Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft with a fully functional and ultra-fast Beryl up and kicking ass :)06:29
DaSkreechSagacious: A live CD normally works best for that06:29
SagaciousCan it restore drivers?06:29
firemonkeyballzyes!! finally know what acer has put on that 4gb partition06:29
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ciberparque__where can i change the language of open office?06:30
nosrednaekimyeah... recovery06:30
SagaciousIs it any particular place?06:30
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DaSkreechSagacious: Live CDs can do near anything :)06:30
firemonkeyballzand model number information06:30
firemonkeyballzamong other things06:30
DaSkreechciberparque_: Options ?06:30
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firemonkeyballzso if I wanted to.... I could change the model number information just to fook with microsoft06:31
firemonkeyballzsince they intend to sell out their consumers06:31
SagaciousI have the Edgy Eft live CD, what's the method to recover lol06:32
firemonkeyballzu know if acer wanted this to be secret06:32
firemonkeyballzthey shouldnt have used fat3206:32
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1177677550.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechSagacious: What's the problem?06:33
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SagaciousSystem keeps booting in command line mode06:33
DaSkreechHi BluesKaj06:33
DaSkreechSagacious: You broke X?06:33
SagaciousQuite possibly?06:33
=== Sagacious doesn't know what X is lol
DaSkreechSagacious: Log on to here in command line mode06:33
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:34
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BluesKajDaSkreech, does this video player load in your browser ...FF won't load this site , altho i'v turned scripts back on etc , also have the newest flash player plugin06:34
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firemonkeyballzits the graphical API06:34
firemonkeyballzand whats known as the thing that runs x is the gui06:35
BluesKajDaSkreech, http://www.fastcompany.com/video/player.html06:35
firemonkeyballzaka kde or gnome06:35
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: fairly inaccurate but conveys the thought06:36
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firemonkeyballzwell isnt x windows a application interface?06:36
firemonkeyballzjust seems that way06:37
EvilIdlerX is a display server with a lowlevel API. On top of that, you write stuff that makes it easy to make GUIs, like Gnome (Gtk+), KDE (Qt) and so on06:37
firemonkeyballzok so im a quarter right06:38
EvilIdlerRight enough for most purposes :)06:38
firemonkeyballzjust havent had the right teachers06:38
firemonkeyballzif you think about it I spent last semester learning vim when I could have been learning linux06:39
firemonkeyballzcompletely fustrating06:39
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=== Sagacious waits for Kubuntu to react to the flashy white underscore on a black screen
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firemonkeyballzand now im stuck in a C++ class with a teacher whom claims to be only learning t06:40
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cotyrotheryis it normall to get excited everytime I start kubuntu06:40
EvilIdlerOK, I figured out setting backlights. Is there a program that does the opposite of xset to read the status of a LED?06:40
firemonkeyballzand he is the director of the department06:40
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nosrednaekimcotyrothery: yeppers06:40
cotyrotheryso should start the install06:41
firemonkeyballzso I've had to learn every bit and byte on my own accord06:41
cotyrotheryShould i start the install\06:41
firemonkeyballzleast for the missing pices06:41
Sagacioussudo restart was ineffective DaSkreech06:41
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Go to it06:42
cotyrotherythe install?06:42
DaSkreechSagacious: What did it do?06:42
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cotyrotheryok it is starting06:42
SagaciousKinda did something, made the splash appear, then I got a black screen with flashing type cursor06:43
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Well if you'd like a better understanding We can walk you through it06:43
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DaSkreechSagacious: what did you type?06:43
SagaciousOn the black screen?06:43
EvilIdlerWhere do the X programmers hang out? The hardcore hippies, that is, not the wimpy toolkit users :)06:43
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BluesKajok , who has a a browser that'll open this player ?  http://www.fastcompany.com/video/player.html06:45
cotyrotheryWould i be considered wimpy sense i am just now learing c++06:45
EvilIdlerWimpy is choosing the easy way ;06:45
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cotyrotheryok and what is the easy way06:45
SagaciousDaSkreech I kinda restarted the system - nothing changed.06:46
dell190i camt remember that dude's name that was helpin me.... but if your still here  THANKX ALOT !!!!06:46
frojndagain: how can I set my open office into my home languge?06:46
Jucatodell190: got libxine-extracodecs installed?06:46
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cotyrotherybecause i have not found an easy way with c++06:46
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EvilIdlerEasy is relative, of course :)06:46
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cotyrotherydo you programe06:46
firemonkeyballzdaskreech im just happy that google pops up with more walkthroughs06:46
dell190they are downloading now :D06:47
slyfoxHasrat_In_Office:  "associate your desired program with the protocol/file you're trying to open"  you mena via firefox file type association? When I go there I cannot add a new one, only delete old06:47
SagaciousI started to learn C++ recently. My first real language.06:47
DaSkreechSagacious: so You are on the command line now?06:47
SagaciousDaSkreech Yes06:47
cotyrotherywell i am planning on learing a buntch of langauges06:47
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firemonkeyballzsince 2000 it was a sob just to read some of the manuals06:47
DaSkreechBluesKaj: still loading06:47
cotyrotheryI want them all06:47
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: nano and gcc scare my classmates with Visual Studio06:47
BluesKajcotyrothery, if your worried about not knowing code to run kubuntu , don't worry about it. I know nothing of code lingo and kubuntu works just fine for me , most of the time :)06:48
EvilIdlerLearn the shell well, perhaps pick up Python or Ruby or some such, and C++ is always useful06:48
SagaciousVisual C++ Is fun. Til the compiler asplodes.06:48
firemonkeyballzuhh so you can only mount one fat32 drive at a time?06:48
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:48
=== Sagacious is waiting for more lessons on Kdevelop.
DaSkreechfrojnd: Tools -> Options -> Language06:48
cotyrotheryI use dev c++06:48
Jucatobefore I go to sleep...06:48
bonbonthejonJucato: :)06:48
troi compiled/installed my own kernel and now i get no boot-up information. the screen is just blank until X starts. I don't have splash or quiet in grub. any ideas?06:48
cotyrotherykubuntu comes with a c++ programde06:48
BluesKajyeah DaSkreech , it loads forever . Itdoesn't work in Konq or Opers either , only in FF in windows and IE06:48
troalt+f1 doesn't work06:48
firemonkeyballzhow would I go about mounting multiple fat32 volumes?06:49
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DaSkreechSagacious: can you grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:49
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: join me in #kubuntu-offtopic06:49
fdoving!fat | firemonkeyballz06:49
ubotufiremonkeyballz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:49
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Nope as many as you have inodes06:49
DaSkreechNight Jucato06:49
dell190jucato:  is that the only package i need to play MP3 with amarok?06:50
trois there a kernel config option that enables start-up messages on tty0 or whatever?06:50
Jucatodell190: yes06:50
bonbonthejonnicght Jucato06:50
Sagacious(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER06:50
dell190NIGHT JUCATO !!!!!06:50
Sagacious(EE) No devices detected06:50
firemonkeyballzthanx ubot06:51
DaSkreechSagacious: sounds like you broke X :)06:51
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firemonkeyballzsaves me everytime06:51
SagaciousAwesome fun06:51
xstDoes anyone know a way to view google calendars on the KDE desktop? Either through superkaramba or some other application?06:51
frojnd<DaSkreech> frojnd: Tools -> Options -> Language I done that but I can only change local language and than I restarted and nothing happed..06:51
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:51
fdovingtro, yeah, the 'splash' argument.06:51
DaSkreechSagacious: try ^^^ that URL06:51
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trofdoving: you mean in grub? i thought that was supposed to load the usplash theme, which i don't want06:52
cotyrotheryit takes forever for the install to load06:52
troi just need a basic terminal with all the boot messages06:52
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fdovingtro, yeah in grub. it's for the usplash theme, so.. that won't help you. do you use the 'silent' argument in grub?06:53
DaSkreechtro: take out splash from your grub ilne06:53
DaSkreechfdoving: I think it's quiet06:53
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fdovingDaSkreech: you're right.06:53
fdovingtro, i mean 'quiet' not silent.06:53
troDaSkreech, fdoving: i took out both06:53
troquiet and splash are both out06:53
fdovingtro,then it should spew out loads of messages.06:53
troit used to work with the ubuntu kernel, so that's why i'm wondering if it's a kernel config thing06:54
tro'cause all the info is still in /var/log/kern.log06:54
fdovingi haven't compiled a kernel in years.. don't know what the configs look like these days.06:54
troso it's saved, but not printed to the terminal06:54
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DaSkreechtro:Ever considered you are on the wrong terminal?06:55
troDaSkreech: i went through all of them06:56
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cotyrotheryit is taking forever06:56
DaSkreechI think that they turned up on F8 for me06:56
cotyrotherygetting the install to load06:56
firemonkeyballzk I guess its safe06:56
firemonkeyballznothing left to do06:56
DaSkreechcotyrothery: How far has it reached?06:56
troDaSkreech: tried F8 - another black screen06:56
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bonbonthejoncotyrothery: try using the alternative install cd, I have had problems with the live cd06:58
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FlosoftI am running feisty, and I have some problems with KMail / Kontact06:59
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FlosoftIt doesn't show my IMAP4 folder contents07:00
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Flosoftit simply stalls at the page: Retrieving Folder Contents07:00
DaSkreechFlosoft: #ubuntu+107:00
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cotyrotheryIt has not loaded the install box07:01
firemonkeyballzummm how do you exit the second comand line aka >07:01
cotyrotherymy computer is starting to freeze up on me07:01
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Alt+Space -> I -> Press <enter>07:01
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: download the alt. install cd, and try that, it should work07:01
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Ctrl=c normally works07:02
cotyrotheryit just loaded07:02
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firemonkeyballzwas doing cntrl z07:02
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Ahh not good :)07:02
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firemonkeyballzcrashed konker07:04
firemonkeyballzmedia viewer07:04
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SagaciousAnyone know the shortcut to go back a command window when in command mode?07:05
DaSkreechSagacious: huh?07:06
SagaciousAlt + F3 either made a new command window or cleared the previous one lol07:06
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manuel_hola, una pregunta de novato, que repositorio son necesarios tener activados para tener los programas normales?07:07
DaSkreechSagacious: Oh F[1-9] +Alt07:08
DaSkreech!es | manuel_07:08
bonbonthejon!es | manuel_07:08
ubotumanuel_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:08
manuel_y donde estoy?07:08
=== Defdef [i=Defdef@c-24-17-89-40.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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DefdefHello, I am installing Kubuntu and am at the livecd installation, and livecd will not allow me to use *any* mice (i have tried 4, usb and ps2) and though I can navigate around with arrows and tab, it will not allow me to use enter to progress. any suggestions?07:10
DaSkreechDefdef: Space bar?07:10
DefdefLOL, wow, your right, thank you.07:11
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coreymon77Defdef: your mouse should work07:11
Defdefi swore i had tried that07:11
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coreymon77Defdef: if its not qworking in a livecd07:11
Defdefcoretmon77: I know it should, it doesnt, none of my mice will work at all.07:11
coreymon77Defdef: it may not work in the real install07:11
coreymon77Defdef: what mice?07:12
Defdefi have tried two seperate usb microsoft opticals, a dell usb optical, a logitech usb optical07:12
Defdefthen tried each of them with ps2 adapters07:12
coreymon77Defdef: now that is rediculous07:12
slyfoxWHere is Calendar located ? the aplciaiton launcher ?07:12
coreymon77Defdef: i have a logitech usb optical07:13
Defdefya ive been plugging away at this all night last night07:13
coreymon77Defdef: there is something wrong07:13
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coreymon77Defdef: something is wrong with hardware detection07:13
Defdefya i would agree!07:13
coreymon77Defdef: have you tried having the logitech mouse plugged in when you first boot?07:14
SagaciousDaSkreech X auto-reconfig worked a charm07:14
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DaSkreechslyfox: click the time in kicker07:14
DaSkreechSagacious: Booya!07:14
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Defdefcoreymon77: yes, i have tried that with all the mice07:14
SagaciousOk now I'm starting to like Linux more07:14
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Fairly certain he didn't boot up without a mouse :)07:14
cotyrotherysorry my computer just is lagging07:14
cotyrotherylike crazy07:14
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Defdefcoreymon77: i should mention that last night for almost one whole hour the mouse DID in fact work. then just stopped working. i have since then tried the mouse swap dance07:15
coreymon77Defdef: okay then, did you download the cd or is it one of the shipped ones07:15
=== ubuntu__ is now known as firemonkeyballz
firemonkeyballzumm never do umount -a07:15
Defdefcoreymon77: downloaded. i have checked the cd, as well as tried using ubuntu instead of kubuntu07:15
cotyrotheryso if i disappear it is because my computer froze07:15
DaSkreechcotyrothery: that's ok I'm here all the time!!!! :-D07:15
firemonkeyballzI unmonted the console07:15
coreymon77Defdef: oaky then, edgy or dapper live?07:15
Defdefcoreymon77: edgy07:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You need more ram :)07:16
coreymon77Defdef: odd, have you installed yet?07:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: rm ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/*07:16
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coreymon77Defdef: i mean real install07:16
DaSkreechShould help speed you up07:16
SagaciousMy 1GB is really wasted on Kubuntu lol07:16
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Defdefcoreymon77: i am in the process of installing right now, previous installations have frozen at random points (i am blaming a bad dvd drive which i have now removed)07:17
Defdefcoreymon77: going through it with keyboard right now07:17
slyfoxDaSkreech: and then what?07:17
cotyrotheryya i need way more ram07:17
coreymon77Defdef: okay then, maybe its just the cd07:17
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coreymon77Defdef: oh, heres an idea07:18
Defdefcoreymon77: thats sure what i am hoping. i am *brand new* to linux, and to be honest after a full 24 hours of trying to get it installed im not terribly impressed, but the alure of something new and exciting has kept me interested07:18
coreymon77Defdef: when you plug in the logitech optical one07:18
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DaSkreechslyfox: Sorry?07:18
eilkerhow to create 3d wallpaper ? after it will be skydome07:18
eilkerso sorry wrong channel :)07:18
coreymon77Defdef: does it light up on the bottom, like it usually does07:18
slyfoxDaSkreech: you said "click the time in kicker"  and then what ?07:19
DaSkreechslyfox: the calendar doesn't come up?07:19
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Defdefcoreymon77: as a matter of fact, only the dell, and logitech mice light up. the two different microsoft mice do not. however, neither of the mice that light up respond to anyhting.07:19
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firemonkeyballzumm you know that diagnostic part... I could hide stuff in it07:19
DaSkreechcotyrothery: the alternate install may be better if you have such little RAM07:19
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coreymon77Defdef: but the logitech mouse does light up, the red opical light goes on correct?07:19
firemonkeyballzand windows wouldnt see it07:19
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Defdef coreymon77: yes07:20
coreymon77Defdef: okay, that is very good07:20
coreymon77Defdef: and btw, having these little mishaps and problems is part of what makes linux so fun07:20
Defdef coreymon77: (and yes i have tried silly things like a mouse pad)07:20
coreymon77Defdef: dont get discouraged, this happens many times to everyone07:20
coreymon77Defdef: including me07:20
=== Dr_willis walks in.
DaSkreechcoreymon77: You can't find your mouse?07:21
=== Sagacious is liking Kubuntu's ability to remember what I was doing when I logged off last time...
firemonkeyballzhell im a half noob to linux07:21
coreymon77DaSkreech: not that, but i have had my own problems07:21
coreymon77DaSkreech: many of them07:21
DaSkreechSagacious: It'll piss you off at some point in time07:21
Defdef coreymon77: haha, well, i work in IT support, so 8 hours of this every day just to come home is daunting, but i am dealing ok. i am still very interested in getting it working07:21
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DaSkreechSagacious: It is Kool though07:21
Dr_willisJust had to move a washer/dryer combo for the sister inlaw.. and of course.. she didnet bother to make sure it fit in the spot it was suppsoed to go in.. *women!*   Heh heh.07:21
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=== Sagacious watches laptop spack over Hibernating
Dr_willisComputers are good at making people mad.07:22
coreymon77Defdef: linux's advantages way overpower its occasional problems07:22
firemonkeyballzumm do I need to download ATI drivers before I install?07:22
SagaciousWell, I love Firefox 's ability to restore when it crashes...07:22
archangel_shalom folks07:22
coreymon77Defdef: if the logitech mouse lights up, that is a very good sign07:22
SagaciousSo my desktop and OS doing the same is relatively teh same.07:22
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  read the !ati factoid07:22
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  in short.. No.07:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:22
Defdef coreymon77:i am certainly hoping for that, i am really interested in using it. and yes, i agree about the lighting up, hoping it will work once i get the OS installed07:22
coreymon77Defdef: have the logitech mouse plugged in when you boot up after the install07:23
stephani have kubuntu 6.1007:23
coreymon77Defdef: that should work07:23
DaSkreech!ati | firemonkeyballz07:23
ubotufiremonkeyballz: please see above07:23
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Defdef coreymon77: ok07:23
stephanand i want to add the w32codec07:23
archangel_question   ...    my dvds play up to teblue rating screen. then stops07:23
SagaciousThe sad thing about Kubuntu Hibernation, is it would be quicker to shutdown and restart >.<07:23
coreymon77Defdef: and also, you said you work in IT support, right? so this should be normal for you07:23
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs07:23
DaSkreech!w2codecs | stephan07:23
archangel_it wont go to the menue07:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w2codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:23
Dr_willisI always get them from the severas repos07:23
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Doesn't mean you want to come home to it07:24
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Defdefhaha, it is, thats part of the problem. 8-10 hours a day is PLENTY!07:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about part - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:24
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stephanthx Dr_willis en DaSkreech07:24
coreymon77Defdef: just done give up07:24
Defdefcoreymon77: but im plugging away at it07:24
firemonkeyballz!partitioning for ubuntu07:24
Defdefcoreymon77: i am stubborn in my desire for new toys07:24
=== DaSkreech points Defdef to a PS3 :)
coreymon77Defdef: also, its worth it07:25
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coreymon77Defdef: to get away form the evil that is windoze, id do anything07:25
archangel_why is that?07:26
firemonkeyballzMicrloof sais I spy a file07:26
coreymon77Defdef: anyways, i have to go back to class now07:26
coreymon77Defdef: good luck07:26
firemonkeyballzthat I dont like07:26
stephanis Dennis "Seveas" Kaarsemaker dutch?07:26
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Defdefcoreymon77: haha, well one of my biggest concerns (and reasons for thinking about going back to windows) is i am a large gamer07:26
firemonkeyballzor I spy a user I dont like07:26
coreymon77Defdef: dont worry07:26
slyfoxHow do I make it so that when I opne a .ics calendar file it asks me to add it to my calendar? Because at the moment the only thing that happens is Korganizer opens and shows me my to do list. ?07:26
Defdefcoreymon77:  ok see ya corey, thanks for the help07:26
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coreymon77Defdef: wine, crossover, vmware and cedega are your friends for that07:26
coreymon77Defdef: and you can always dual boot07:27
Defdefcoreymon77:  true07:27
coreymon77Defdef: well cya07:27
coreymon77Defdef: good luck07:27
BluesKajDefdef, buy a gaming console ! :)07:27
Defdefcoreymon77:  bye!07:27
Defdefblueskaj: i have a wii and love it07:27
BluesKajpcs are for computer users07:27
Defdefblueskaj: and just beefed up my main gaming pc, this linux box is just for fun07:27
Defdefblueskaj:command and conquer 3 baby!07:28
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BluesKajgames...bah humbug ! :)07:28
Defdefblueskaj: oh man! your missin out. pc games > everything07:28
Dr_willisGames = for the weak.07:28
Dr_willisirc = better then games.07:28
firemonkeyballzdefdef Im moving to linux because of what mickeysoft decided to do07:28
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:29
hattagames rule07:29
BluesKajI do outdoor sports07:29
hattaespecially nethack07:29
firemonkeyballzI dont think they are going to limit it to vista07:29
Dr_willisI bought a pc game the other day.. it wouldent even run.. due to the cd-copy protection.07:29
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firemonkeyballzparticularlly becasue there have been strange updates that only add files07:29
Defdefdr_willis: haha ya, you can thank the RIAA for that07:29
BluesKajwell ,i used to til i got old and my knee started acting up, but i still go outside in the fresh air etc07:29
stephanE: could not find w32codecs07:30
Defdefdr_willis: just makes the art of piracy a little trickier for people like me07:30
firemonkeyballzwhat company made it?07:30
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firemonkeyballzor rather what kind of copy protection?07:30
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=== DaSkreech hugs Granpa BluesKaj :)
DaSkreech!codecs | stephan07:31
ubotustephan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:31
Hasrat_In_Officeokay i'm confused and want to ask a question. If I am able to run Beryl, which is a composite manager, then is it running on XGL? my video card is nvidia geforce 7300 LE 256 MB ultrabuffer07:31
firemonkeyballzbecause it may be easy to remove07:31
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: Possibly you could have it on AIGLX07:31
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  no idea.. i went to gamecopyworld.com and found a no cd crack. :)07:32
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firemonkeyballzwhat game?07:32
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  and now the game loads instantly - instead of trying lame cd protection.07:32
Dr_willisor somthing like that. was $6 in the bargin bin.07:32
firemonkeyballzoh geez Ive seen that on torrent07:32
Hasrat_In_OfficeDaSkreech okay but as far as i can remember, i never had to seperately install either AIGLX or XGL or anything to run Beryl.07:32
ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro07:32
mayer_any1 know of a solution to get lifechat zx-6000 headset work under linux?07:33
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: Probably AIGLX then07:33
Defdefman, everyone do yourselves a favor....this month, the 26th, go buy command and conquer 3. so good.07:33
Hasrat_In_Officehow could XGL or AGLX got into the system without letting me know?07:33
firemonkeyballzim not into war strats07:33
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  what cant you find on torrents. :)  heh07:33
Hasrat_In_Officehow was i able to run Beryl withoout installing XGL/AGLX first?07:33
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: It's an extenstion to X. it's pertty easy07:33
firemonkeyballzjust saying someone ripped it07:33
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  fact is i legally bought the game.. and had to 'illeagly' do somthing so i could play it. :)07:33
Defdefdr_willis: where do you get your torrens? i use piratebay07:33
Hasrat_In_Officei'm gonna type out the commands i used to install beryl hold on07:34
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  of course the game wont run under wine/cedega either.07:34
Dr_willisDefdef,  'torrentpond' :)07:34
DaSkreech!coc | Defdef07:34
ubotuDefdef: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:34
DaSkreech!coc | Dr_willis07:34
ubotuDr_willis: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:34
Dr_willisI did legally buy the game. :)07:34
firemonkeyballzso you legally own it07:35
Dr_willisand im sharing several linux iso torrents.. legally.07:35
DaSkreechThen you don't need to mention torrents caleld Piratebay :)07:35
firemonkeyballzyou can legally make backups07:35
Dr_willisi dident mention it. :)07:35
Defdefdr_willis: did i break a rule?07:35
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Not on Torrents you can't :)07:35
Dr_willisDefdef,  aparently - heh heh..07:35
DaSkreechDefdef: Piracy is not discussed here07:35
DaSkreechWe don't endorse it or support it07:35
DaSkreechWe will opensource it :)07:35
Defdefdr_willis:i thought if you legally owned a copy of the game, you can have as many copies as you like?07:35
firemonkeyballzdaskreech im not talking about piracy07:35
Dr_willisI have noticed that many disrto makers rely on torrents to disrtibute their isos.. and edgad.. that sucks when they ONLY  have them on torrents.07:36
Hasrat_In_Officesudo apt-get install beryl emerald emerald-themes07:36
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: I know it's just cerating an invinting area for it. Just want everyone to be aware of the COC07:36
firemonkeyballzdefdef techically depends on the licence agreement07:36
provolikIs there someone which uses vice (c64 emulator) for ubuntu?07:36
DaSkreechDr_willis: bandwith is expensive07:36
Dr_willisprovolik,  all the time.07:36
DaSkreechDefdef: Some games don't allow you to make any copies. Though most laws will allow you the leeway of one07:37
Dr_willisprovolik,  you proberly will have better luck using the source code to compile the latest. and you do need to get the 'rom' packages for it to work. if using the apt packages07:37
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firemonkeyballzprovolik only used windows vice07:37
provolikIt's working07:37
Dr_willisThe fact the games say 'you cant make a backup copy' is  in violation of some other laws... and this gets int o a VERY interesting legal argument..   of course..07:37
provolikbut I cannot configure as I want07:37
provolikI need some advice07:37
DaSkreechDr_willis: true and IANAL07:37
Dr_willisprovolik,  ok..07:38
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provolikfor example: I want to see a full screen view07:38
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  yep.. we were having a large discussion of this at work the other day. :) amazing the things the "RIAA" and MPAA come up with..07:38
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provolikis it possible?07:38
Dr_willisprovolik,  not sure.. may be a feature in the newer versions.07:38
Dr_willisprovolik,  theres like 2 menus one on right click, one on left click07:38
provolikyes I know07:38
DaSkreechDr_willis: I do know that EULA's break the law but you agreeing to the breach of law then arguing that you should at least keep the spoils garnered by that breach is tenuous at best07:39
Dr_willisprovolik,  and the newer versions have some gtk patch's for a slightly better interface.07:39
Hasrat_In_OfficeDaSkreech so do you think when i typed sudo apt-get install beryl etc etc the XGL or AGXL thingy was automatically installed?07:39
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provolikmaybe I think I will download the newee version07:39
Dr_willisDaSkreech, so its ok if i break the law if you sign a waver lettting me say..err.. murder you.. :)07:39
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: Good guess :)07:39
firemonkeyballzumm do you agree when  you bypass the continue button?07:39
BluesKajRIAA can see the end of it's influence and validity ...it's drowning but doesn't feel the water :)07:39
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  heh heh-- but WE dont want to get this argument going...07:39
dell190anyone know where i can get a program that will rip audio CD's and make them MP3???07:39
DaSkreechDr_willis: Yeah but you then can't get anythign I left you in my will07:40
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  i just want your dog!07:40
DaSkreechDr_willis: haha that just goes to show you don't know my dog :)07:40
provolikI have already 1.2007:40
Dr_willisI got a Pomerianian thats a regular beast!07:40
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DaSkreechMine has put three people in hospital07:40
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DaSkreech one for twoo weeks07:41
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albertowhere in konqueror is autostart?? I cant find it07:41
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.07:41
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cotyrotherysorry about that my computer froze07:41
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cotyrotheryare you still there07:41
firemonkeyballzIve noticed most eulas are centric on that checkbox that sais I read this and agree... what if you bypass it? say by enabling a button07:41
DaSkreechcotyrothery: yup07:41
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Hasrat_In_Officehe can also put you in hospital too DaSkreech. so be aware. just because you treat your dog like your slave and made him/her obey you doesn't necessarily mean someday he/she won't change his/her mind and go against your rules and tyranny07:41
cotyrotheryi have like 128 mb of ram07:42
DaSkreechcotyrothery: honestly. turn off loggin in Konversation07:42
DaSkreechIt'll flood you07:42
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: He loves me :)07:42
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Settings _> configure - > Logging _> Turn it off07:42
cotyrotherywhat will it do07:43
DaSkreechTurn off loggin07:43
firemonkeyballzyou wont recieve teh login and log off messages07:43
cotyrotherywere are settings07:43
DaSkreechit is dumping into your RAM and making it run slower07:43
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: at the top of Konversation07:43
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firemonkeyballzyey finally found adept07:44
Hasrat_In_Officeduh! it's true that it's bad that konversation has got logging enabled by default07:44
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Hasrat_In_Officei thought it was dumping the IRC texts into a .txt file, not the RAM07:44
firemonkeyballzdoes it matter if your running from ram?07:45
cotyrotheryi cant find it07:45
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DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: He's on a Live Cd07:45
Hasrat_In_Officeoh shiiiate :P07:45
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: at ext file IS RAM07:45
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Do you see the settings menu at the top of Konversation?07:45
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cotyrotherythere are four diffrent configures07:46
cotyrotheryin settings07:46
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DaSkreechsettings ->Configure Konversation _> logging07:46
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cotyrotheryok i did it07:46
DaSkreechdisable it07:46
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firemonkeyballzanyone use the OCR program?07:46
Hasrat_In_Officeoptical character recognition?07:46
DaSkreechcotyrothery: That should delay your demise07:47
firemonkeyballzcuz hp never did give us a decent copy07:47
cotyrotherywell i have only 128 mb of ram LOL07:47
cotyrotherycrapy computer07:47
DaSkreechcotyrothery: rm ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/*07:47
cotyrotheryin konsole?07:47
Hasrat_In_Officeno i don't. but once upon a time i needed to convert some texts from a book into electronic files and i think i paid someone to do that and he in fact used OCR07:47
DaSkreechcotyrothery: get some more if you can :)07:47
DaSkreechcotyrothery: No07:47
cotyrotheryI am going to buy a new computer07:47
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok listen to me before you act :)07:48
cotyrotheryi have 20 dollors saved up07:48
firemonkeyballzwell my07:48
DaSkreechcotyrothery: press alt+ctrl + f1 and it will bring you to a terminal07:48
firemonkeyballzis to get some decent voice fonts07:48
DaSkreech press alt+ctrl+F7 tp get back here07:48
albertowhy  GO - AUTOSTART is not in konqueror ?07:48
firemonkeyballzand convert my books into mp3s07:48
Hasrat_In_Officei'm gonna buy that famous hand-cranked 100 dollar laptop with linux built into it :)07:48
DaSkreechalberto: They took out the Go menu07:48
mayer_since there seems to be no solution to get lifechat zx-6000 work in linux, any1 got a good tip on a great headset with mic?07:48
Dr_willismayer_,  you are refering to a USB mic/headset?07:49
mayer_Dr_willis: yes07:49
archangel_I info on two things playing DVDs again and fixing the way my printer prints (print twards the bottom left corner)07:49
archangel_(need info, I mean)07:49
albertoDaSkreech: Why? :)07:49
Dr_willisarchangel_,  dvds used to work and now they dont?07:50
DaSkreechalberto: Good question. I guess it made life simpler07:50
archangel_yeah, they won go past the rating screen07:50
albertoI needed to go to autostart and put /home/name/.kde/autostart07:50
albertowith GO is easier...07:50
Dr_willisarchangel_,  what you playign them with?07:51
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archangel_fantastic 407:51
Dr_willisnot what DISK.. what program. :)07:51
Dr_willistry vlc, xine, mplayer, ect..07:51
archangel_lol, kaffine and totem07:51
archangel_totem needs plug ins, so that was easy07:52
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dell190i need a CD Ripper that will convert into MP3 files... any ideas????07:52
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archangel_but kaffine has played them before (not this particular disk though) and no wont07:53
rolandoany1 here has tried feisty fawn?07:53
rolandodell190: k3b07:53
dell190i thought that was for burning07:55
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albertoIf I install knetworkmanager you recommend me to took out lines from /etc/network/interfaces?07:57
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livingdaylightis it
archangel_dell190: kaudio Creator07:57
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dell190archangel: i tried that and i kept gettin errors07:58
archangel_did you try ripping as ogg files and then convert to mp3?07:58
DaSkreecharchangel_: Bad!!07:58
Dr_willisI like the 'grip' for my ripping needs..07:59
dell190i just tried ripping as MP3...07:59
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archangel_DaSkreech: really?07:59
DaSkreechconvert from Losyy to worse quality lossy?07:59
Dr_willisas a side note - i saw an artical the toehr day where the 'riaa - sort of said.. "We are not sure that converting your cd's to mp3's actually fall under 'fair use' "   (but i lost the url ) :(07:59
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archangel_yeah, good point I guess08:00
dell190where do i get the grip program???08:00
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archangel_but when your ripping Barry manalow, does it really matter?08:00
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DaSkreechDr_willis: When the Internation trade commision says that I'll care08:01
ubotugrip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number08:01
bmgshow can i change task bar colors (active, over ..)08:01
firemonkeyballzumm what is the best configuration for a linux partition?08:01
Dr_willisfiremonkeyballz,  depends on youyr needs.08:01
Dr_williswork time for me. byee08:01
firemonkeyballzumm 1 security08:01
firemonkeyballz2 ease of use08:01
hagabakaeveryone needs those08:02
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firemonkeyballzand im installing it to the second half of my drive08:02
archangel_can anyone give me some idea on my dvd play DISability?08:02
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jose__desde cadiz con quien hablo?08:03
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firemonkeyballzactually what I realy need dr_willis is how big should my swap be?08:03
firemonkeyballzif Im on a 35.07 gig partition08:03
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fdovingfiremonkeyballz: usually twice the size of your RAM.08:04
firemonkeyballz2 gigs?08:04
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fdovingyou can do with less. 1G is enought i guess.08:04
jose__hola algun08:04
unholyskornsup people08:04
jose__alguna mujer espaola?08:04
fdoving!es | jose__08:04
ubotujose__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:05
Hasrat_In_Officesup unholy aka ubuntu08:05
unholyskornhi hasrat! :)08:05
firemonkeyballzwhat da08:05
firemonkeyballzand this bot sais its not too smart08:05
archangel_whats the command to see how big your swap is?08:05
fdovingarchangel_: free.08:05
firemonkeyballzarchangel parted could do it08:05
archangel_ahhh yeah08:06
archangel_I think I over did it08:06
firemonkeyballzso 1 gig swap is safe for a 1gig of ram08:06
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fdovingfiremonkeyballz: yeah.08:06
archangel_I have 1 gig of ram and a 3 gig swap08:06
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cotyrotheryok that did not go so well08:07
firemonkeyballzthis wont change anything if I upgrade my ram?08:07
cotyrotherywhat happened08:07
fdovingarchangel_: but you don't ever use that.08:07
cotyrotheryDaSkreech are you there :)08:07
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fdovingfiremonkeyballz: no, i can't think of anything that would require more than 1G swap.08:07
cotyrotheryDaSkreech are you there08:08
fdovingif you ever find that your swap space is full, get more ram.08:08
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Live CD?08:08
cotyrotheryya im on live cde08:08
hatta anything that requires 1gig + physical memory of ram08:08
cotyrotherywhat happened08:08
cotyrotheryi got a black screen08:08
cotyrotherywhen i did that08:08
cotyrotherythen had to shut down08:09
hattaI tried to write a png graph of the entire gene ontology project data08:09
firemonkeyballzhatta I doubt any rendering progz in linux would08:09
fdovingif mem+1Gswap is filled you have a memleak somewhere.08:09
hattagraphviz needed more than a couple gigs for that08:09
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cotyrotheryso what do i do08:10
firemonkeyballzfdoving think im going to atleast use a 1gig and 512mb as a swp08:10
firemonkeyballzjust in case08:10
cotyrotheryI dont know how i can even run kubuntu08:10
cotyrotheryi only have 128 mb of ram08:10
cotyrotheryI cant run ubuntu though08:11
firemonkeyballzumm maybe damn small linux is for you?08:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Turn off Konversation Logging :)08:11
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cotyrotheryi did08:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: I told you to wait on me :) You ran off08:11
hatta128 isn't *that* bad08:11
archangel_if I have another HD, can I just hook it up and let will register like windows does?08:11
miltosi want to change the ugly default cursror of X11...and i can't, any help?08:11
cotyrothery128 is horrible08:11
cotyrotherylet me see you use it08:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You press Alt+ctrl+F1 to get to a terminal08:11
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hattaI wouldn't use kde with it08:11
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cotyrotheryit scared me08:12
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Alt+Ctrl+F7 to get back here08:12
frojndwhere can I find quotation in writer?08:12
firemonkeyballztechnically you can run DSL (damn small linux) in that space08:12
cotyrotheryWhat would you use08:12
DaSkreechcotyrothery: try it now :)08:12
hattabut fluxbox will work just fine with 12808:12
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cotyrotherydo you want me to hit alt+ctrl+f708:12
DaSkreechAlt+Ctrl+F1 Then ALt+Ctrl+F708:13
cotyrotheryso what happens once im at the black screen08:13
cotyrotheryhow will i get back08:13
cotyrotherywithout shutting down08:13
firemonkeyballzwhat else do I need to do to pre install08:13
firemonkeyballzsuch as the other things than swap08:13
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech: What do i do once im at the black screen? and how do i get back with out having to shut down?08:14
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firemonkeyballzcuz I dont know much about the volume formats availabe08:14
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Alt+Ctrl+F7 gets you back here08:15
cotyrotheryalright so you want me to go to it now08:15
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Yes08:16
cotyrotheryand do what08:16
rolandohow stable would you say feisty fawn is?08:16
rolandofinal release should be in just over a month08:16
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: rm ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/*08:16
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leafwdid anyone overcame the sleep/resume issues on a thinkpad T60 ?08:16
DaSkreechrolando: Run the latest Herd and you tell us08:16
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rolandoDaSkreech: thats what im thinking about08:17
rolandoi think ill give it a shot08:17
DaSkreechrolando: I meant the LIve CD :)08:17
rolandoyea that would be safer08:17
DaSkreechrolando:  :-D08:17
premier_hello, my printer isnt working.  The print jobs window says the a file I tried to print is "processesing".  Ive been able to print before, but yesterday is suddenly stopped working08:18
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Let me know when you are back08:18
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cotyrotheryim back08:18
cotyrotheryit said permision denied08:18
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firemonkeyballzhow should I format this second part? not sure what file system to use08:18
miltosi want to change the ugly default cursror of X11...and i can't, any help?08:19
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firemonkeyballzmitos at boot?08:19
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok forget it then08:20
fdovingmiltos: find 'mouse' somewhere in system settings.08:20
cotyrotherywhat was it08:20
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DaSkreechalt+space -> I -> <enter>08:20
DaSkreechcotyrothery: I was dumping the logs you have already08:20
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cotyrotheryok im starting up the install08:20
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firemonkeyballzcome on I wanna preformat the drive before install with qt parted08:21
firemonkeyballzbuh I dont know what file system to use08:21
nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: use ext308:22
firemonkeyballzhow secure is it?08:22
nixternaljust as secure as everything else08:22
firemonkeyballzlol tru08:22
cotyrotheryis there anything you want me to do at the install start up08:22
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firemonkeyballzkinda think of it.. since mac os 10 is part unix does this mean we will be seeing viruses float around our systems?08:23
nixternalwell mac os x has been part bsd for years, haven't seen anything yet08:23
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firemonkeyballzcurious are there any virus scanners ?08:24
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nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: yes, there are08:24
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cotyrotheryDaSkreech : What do you want me to do at the install start up08:24
firemonkeyballzany good ones?08:24
philiphello just finish installing kubuntu08:25
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nosrednaekimKApersky I believe makes one08:25
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Go through it.08:25
premier_philip: half the battle08:25
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nixternalfiremonkeyballz: no virus scanner is good :)  clamav is what is available for Linux08:25
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: let me know if it comes to a point you get stuck08:25
nixternalit scans your emails to make sure you don't infect Windows users really08:25
premier_firemonkeyballz: you shouldnt ever need a virus scanner unless your running a server or something08:26
cotyrotherywith linux you dont get viruses right08:26
cotyrotherybecuase most of them are for windows08:26
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cotyrotheryis this true08:26
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nixternalcotyrothery: they are there, but it is up to you to run sudo run_virus :)08:26
DaSkreechcotyrothery: That's a safe assumption but not 100% true08:26
premier_cotyrothery: yeah, only recently did they start making them for macs08:26
philipwhy do xandros OS have anti virus scanner?08:26
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: if you don't get one tell us and we'll call a newspaper08:26
philipi tried their 30days trial08:26
cotyrotheryI hate people that make viruses08:26
firemonkeyballzyes buh technically... every os will eventually see one virus in its age08:27
nixternalphilip: the scanner, scans your OUTGOING mail for viruses08:27
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Hasrat_In_Officeubuntu has anti-virus too08:27
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nixternalI have a ton of worms in my inbox that I get across the mailing lists. I could forward those to Windows users and ruin their day :)08:27
lipei need to mount a partition that contains the windows ... how can i make it, please ?!08:27
cotyrotherywhy do people make viruses in the first place08:27
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Hasrat_In_Officephilip their developers were paranoid08:27
premier_most linux viruses exsist to prove that you can make a virus for linux, and the security holes are patched almost immediately08:27
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philipHasrat_In_Office lol08:27
cotyrotherywell that is nice to know08:27
nixternalpremier_: true++08:27
DaSkreechcotyrothery: challenge08:28
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery to try out in real life the power of their coding skills08:28
DaSkreechcotyrothery: and more recently money08:28
BluesKaj!ntfs-3g | lipe08:28
firemonkeyballzyea I know why microsoft usually scratches their heads08:28
ubotulipe: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)08:28
cotyrotherywell they suck08:28
premier_does anybody use print in linux?   I cant get my printer to work... its just not responding-08:28
cotyrotheryand i hate everything about them08:28
firemonkeyballzcuz you have to go line by line to find the darn bug08:28
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery no they dont08:28
cotyrotheryyes they do08:28
DaSkreechcotyrothery: I know of two virii that existed in the wild08:28
troDaSkreech: wrt that black screen at start-up thing. there was a kernel config option for that08:28
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miltosfdowing, the mouse settings doensn't set the kde mouse as the default X11 cursor!, any other help?08:29
cotyrotherywho here once a virus08:29
cotyrotheryno one08:29
cotyrotheryso people who makes them suck08:29
firemonkeyballzdaskreech I had a copy of the virii toolkit at onepoint... just one problem... I had a severe ethical delema08:29
CarolloHi, i need some program like DDC Control, but it has to work with LG 1900J :/ any ideas?08:29
firemonkeyballzcouldnt do it08:29
cotyrotheryall they do is screw up your computer08:29
firemonkeyballznot all08:29
firemonkeyballzlatest is called a rootkit08:30
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firemonkeyballzthink  you know what that means since you've been here long enough08:30
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery tell me how norton, mcafee and other large anti-virus companies survive! because of hackers who write viruses for Windows platform, these companies are able to hire programmers to write anti-virus apps, sell em to dumb customers and ride shiny cars from home to work and vice versa in sillicon valley, california08:30
DaSkreechcotyrothery: One of them infected the machine found other machines that had the same flaw infected them then fixed the hole so nothign else could exploit it :)08:31
premier_oh, yeah, rootkits.  They'd do things like allow a remote website to install software under the users node08:31
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philipHasrat_In_Office you have a point08:31
DaSkreechcotyrothery: So you really wanted to catch that virus :)08:31
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premier_Hasrat_In_Office: Dont hate on the anti-virus people.  If people use windows, there's going to be virii. And if theres virii, theres nothing wrong with writing software to fix it08:32
cotyrotherywell  i still dont like them08:32
firemonkeyballzif anyof you need a copy of shmoo.iso lemme kno08:32
premier_The real problem is people using windows08:32
cotyrotherywhy would i wnat a virus08:32
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cotyrotheryi hate window08:32
cotyrotherywith all my heart08:32
firemonkeyballzhacker convention... and group whom made it08:33
firemonkeyballzcontains tools08:33
BluesKajHasrat_In_Office, some ppl claim (conspiracy theorists) that Norton etc write some of the viruses to keep themselves in business :)08:33
cotyrotheryWhat good is windows when you have linux08:33
firemonkeyballzand tor08:33
firemonkeyballzbasically its used for anon08:33
premier_BluesKaj: didnt they right a linux virus to try to market anti-virus to linux?08:33
Hasrat_In_Officei'm not hating the anti-virus people. I admit the programmers/hackers who work for Symantec are seriously highly skilled because as soon as a new virus comes out, they find it out somehow and either release a patch for it or integrate the patch into their regular signature updates08:33
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BluesKajpremier_, dunno, never heard that one08:34
premier_they didnt release it, they just wanted to prove they could08:34
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: How do you know they didn't release it ? ;-)08:34
DaSkreechpremier_: Yes they did08:34
cotyrotherywho here likes windows08:34
firemonkeyballztru most rootkits hide in windows08:34
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=== DaSkreech raises his hand
premier_cotyrothery: me! (jk lol)08:34
firemonkeyballzand oh so verry well08:34
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DaSkreech It allws me to know when the SUN has gone away and I can break out eh java :)08:35
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cotyrotheryWell i hat WINDOWS08:35
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premier_DaSkreech: there a-making thats open-source now! yea!08:35
declanhi, is anyone able to help with simplymepis here?08:35
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firemonkeyballzoh speaking of wich sun did make a personal computer that you had no controll over in the 90's08:35
cotyrotheryand there overly priced software08:35
premier_declan: I used it for a while08:35
DaSkreechcotyrothery: oh wait you mean the Operating System? Yeah I hate that08:35
firemonkeyballzoperated like a dumb terminal08:35
premier_declan: honestly I think kubuntu is better, or ubuntu.08:36
Hasrat_In_Officeit might also be possible, DaSkreech and premier_, that they themselves, with some additional assistance from MS, wrote some malicious scripts, advertised it in media as harmful and went on selling their apps touting that their apps would destroy the scripts in question. However, you do realize that if they really did anything like that, they would have had to do it with extreme caution08:36
DaSkreech Windows are cool though. And sometimes The Doors08:36
firemonkeyballznot talking about solaris08:36
cotyrotherywell microsoft08:36
cotyrotheryi hate microsoft08:36
firemonkeyballzand solaris is linux08:36
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: Not really :)08:36
cotyrotheryubuntu is the best linux out08:36
declanpremier: im trying out 6.5, its based on kubuntu now so should be very similar. having a problem with a wifi card that is supposed to be working out of box!08:36
premier_firemonkeyballz: solaris is unix, linux is unix, solaris is not linux08:36
DaSkreechNaw I have no beef with Microsoft as a technical company. They are pretty good in terms of vision and striving to reach there08:36
DaSkreech Business practices suck though08:37
cotyrotherySoftware price sux08:37
premier_declan, can you tell me more?08:37
firemonkeyballzdaskreech they sold us out!!08:37
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DaSkreechpremier_: linux is NOT UNIX08:37
nysosymis there a kde alternative for inkscape?08:37
cotyrotheryI dont want to spend 100 dollors on software08:37
firemonkeyballzdude I hate their buisness practices08:37
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DaSkreechnysosym: The KDE guys use Inkscape to make the KDE icons :)08:37
Hasrat_In_Officegnu = gnu's not unix08:37
declanpremier_: sure, thanks. I have a dlink dwl-g510 pci card. when i try iwconfig in terminal it lists no wifi cads08:37
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premier_DaSkreech: alright, technically no, but it is... what do they call it... a unix derivative08:38
cotyrotherydoes windows lose money to linux08:38
BluesKajand BSD is NOT LINUX ! :)08:38
DaSkreechpremier_: It's UNIX like08:38
cotyrotheryor because of linux08:38
premier_declan: can you do lspci?08:38
firemonkeyballzif microsoft could have their way... they would be a political power08:38
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery yes, a lot of money08:38
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DaSkreechBSD IS UNIX08:38
DaSkreechWow that feels like shouting  :)08:38
cotyrotheryi hope they go broke08:38
Hasrat_In_Officecotyrothery they have already started to lose money08:38
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nysosymDaSkreech: sure, but i wan't gnome files on my kde machine08:38
cotyrotherythat is great08:38
cotyrotheryare they tryiing to stop it08:39
DaSkreechnysosym: I guess you mean you don't08:39
cotyrotheryso they can get money back08:39
declanpremier_: lists as network controller, RALink RT2561/RT61 Rev B08:39
Hasrat_In_Officewith kde and beryl, i wouldn't want to spend a single dime on vista08:39
DaSkreechnysosym: ask in #kde what the closest thing is08:39
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cotyrotheryI love kde08:39
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premier_Hasrat_In_Office: are we sure that people arent just buying macs, or not buying new computers at all?08:39
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cotyrotheryi cant wait for it to be my main os08:39
DaSkreechnysosym: Oh tell me what they say08:39
unholyskorni got vista ultimate08:40
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cotyrotheryit sucks08:40
premier_unholy is right08:40
cotyrotheryit has all sorts of problems08:40
philipi hate mac you need to buy the mac os and computers grrrrr08:40
premier_unholyskorn: can you tell us what you think?08:40
qexanyone good at C?08:40
Alpha_Clusterguys MS bashing to #kubuntu-offtopic08:40
cotyrotherythe dumb install still has not loaded08:40
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unholyskornits ok08:41
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unholyskornlooks nice, runs ok08:41
unholyskornits just xp with a newer look and some new features08:41
BluesKajI see PC World magazine touting the wonders of the Vista Aero eye candy system ... the editorials are also saying that it's a fait accompli , so we'd better get used to Vista, cuz it's gonna rule whether we like it or not.08:41
premier_declan, I know you have to do lsmod and look to see if there is a driver for you wireless card, but after that I cant help you. Im fairly new myself08:41
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Hasrat_In_Officetruly speaking, if MS sends me a free copy of windows Vista with latest hardware and video cards to test their Aero thingy, i would decline the offer since 1. i don't have time for Vista for numerous reasons (it would take me a whole day to describe the bugs found after vista's official release) 2. speaking of 3d accelerated desktop, Beryl/Compwiz kicks arse and it would take MS some more 20 years of research and an08:41
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Hasrat_In_Officelmao Aero Eye candy system08:42
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unholyskorni cant even get beryl to work08:42
declanpremier_: no problem thanks. So is ralink my card or the driver it thinks is for my card?08:42
premier_unholyskorn: 3 new features?08:42
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unholyskornyah a couple08:42
firemonkeyballzso its just the ext3 and swap?08:42
cotyrotheryWell when i get kubuntu working i will be in heaven08:42
premier_declan: should be the card itself.  I dont know what lsmod would return if anything08:42
Hasrat_In_Officenobody is bashing MS. everyone is just telling the utmost truth08:42
cotyrotheryno more slowness08:42
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declanpremier_: thanks mate. appreciate it.08:43
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firemonkeyballzso its just the ext3 and swap?08:43
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Alpha_ClusterHasrat_In_Office: i know but it doesn;t belong in the support channel08:43
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BluesKajdunno i tried A Vista RC back in nov ...it din't recognize most of my hardware and my pc is less than a yr old08:44
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Hasrat_In_Officeby the way can i ask an important question to any operator in this room, if they are awake? i see that some people/IP Addresses have been banned. what did they actually do to get banned?08:44
Hasrat_In_Officealpha oh okay then :P08:44
cotyrotheryi guess flood08:44
qexanyone got c?08:44
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Hasrat_In_Officeno it can't be flood08:45
qexanyone good at c++?08:45
premier_yeah, I noticed at a best buy on a good, new laptop that vista said it was using 50% of the system resources with nothing running but the os... Im currently using 1% of processor and 10% of ram, with several programs running08:45
Alpha_ClusterIts just annoyhing when i come in here and see floods of MS stuff insead of support stuff08:45
cotyrotheryflooding will get you banned08:45
Alpha_Clusterqex: like what type of C++ stuff?08:45
firemonkeyballzqex like GCC?08:45
unholyskornyah my vista runs fine08:45
nysosymDaSkreech: the alternative is........................... inkscape ^^08:45
Hasrat_In_Officeg++ forever! :)08:45
Alpha_Clusterfiremonkeyballz: it woulg be g++08:45
unholyskornand my comp is rated 4.5 outta 5.9 on the rank08:45
BluesKajAlpha_Cluster, well , got a question ?08:45
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firemonkeyballzdid say C also08:46
Hasrat_In_Officeso alpha are you an op?08:46
Alpha_Clusterlol no08:46
firemonkeyballzqex if you have ubuntu you have all the tools you need08:46
Hasrat_In_Officeoh ok08:46
premier_guys maybe we should move to offtopic08:46
firemonkeyballzjust look it up08:46
Alpha_Clusterqex: you need to install build-essentials08:46
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firemonkeyballztechnically no08:46
firemonkeyballzI thought the were there08:47
Alpha_Clusterg++ is not installed by default08:47
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firemonkeyballzwhat about the C shell08:47
Hasrat_In_Officeg++ is installed by default in edgy08:47
DaSkreechnysosym: Ha ha :) yeah that's what I thought08:47
Alpha_Clusterno g++ is part of the build-essentials package08:47
DaSkreechcotyrothery: How far has it reached?08:47
cotyrotherywhen is the dumb install box going to come up08:48
bonbonthejonhow do I restart kicker08:48
cotyrotheryno were08:48
cotyrotherythe install box has not come up08:48
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premier_bonbonthejon: alt-f2 and type kicker08:48
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cotyrotheryso i have not started08:48
BluesKajDaSkreech, any firm date in April for the Fiesty release ?08:48
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bonbonthejonpremier_: its running now, I want to restart it, there is a dcop command08:48
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)08:48
premier_bonbonthejon: no clue08:49
qexalpha_cluster -> this is the problem with me c project08:49
qexline 7: syntax error near unexpected token `('08:49
qex line 7: `char *randstr(int);08:49
philipwhat's the difference between edgy and fiesty?08:49
DaSkreechThere is the schedule08:49
gioacchinoI have a question08:49
DaSkreechcotyrothery: that's worrying08:49
gioacchinohow to use sudo on a sh script ?08:49
DaSkreechcotyrothery: are you sure you don't want to try a alternate install?08:49
qexline 7: syntax error near unexpected token `('08:49
qexline 7: `char *randstr(int);08:49
BluesKajApril has 30 days...i wonder which day , that's all08:49
cotyrotherywhat is the alternate install08:49
DaSkreechcotyrothery:  a new CD08:50
Alpha_Clusterqex: wait you are using a pointer like a function...08:50
cotyrotherySo i need to use another cd08:50
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:50
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firemonkeyballzbuh when its public it would beta right?08:51
BluesKajahh, April 19th , then i'll wait til 21st or 22nd to install off the net08:51
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cotyrotheryShould i use another CD08:52
cotyrotheryis that what your saying08:52
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qexAlpha_Cluster -> Im not so good at c or english speak so please explain what you mean? :) can you change the code to me so it works or what do you mean?08:52
firemonkeyballzummm do I need to turn off lilo so windows can boot?08:53
unholyskorndo i have to restart linux and crap when i install updates and stuff?08:53
Alpha_Clusterqex: how are you using randstr? cause you have it set as a pointer and are using it as a function at the same time.08:53
Admiral_Chicagounholyskorn: of course no08:53
Alpha_Clusterqex: i would try and help more but i have to goto class.08:54
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cotyrotherydaskreech are you there08:54
DaSkreechcotyrothery: yes08:54
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You have a burner?08:55
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: :-( How much for a stick of RAM?08:56
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iamsam9895I know that guy!08:56
cotyrotheryi dont knwo i think 20 to 40 dollors08:56
iamsam9895You frequent the pspvault.com forums, don't you?08:56
jim__does anyone know of a good resource to learn command line programming08:56
cotyrotheryim him08:56
iamsam9895Yes, I know.08:56
iamsam9895Hence your name.08:57
cotyrotheryyou go to psp-vault08:57
cotyrotheryyou cought me08:57
iamsam9895So I did.08:57
maelcum_jim__ :gogle for "bash tutorial" and read more than one08:58
cotyrotherygetting hlep08:58
cotyrotheryi never get help08:58
cotyrotheryim the one always helping08:58
iamsam9895My ati card doesn't work with kubuntu.08:58
iamsam9895It's a ATiRADEON 920008:58
cotyrotheryDaSkreech are you there08:59
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Sorry someone came to the door08:59
iamsam9895I keep getting a  "XFree86-DRI" missing error.08:59
jim__thanks maelcum08:59
cotyrotheryyou just disappear most of the time08:59
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Hasrat_In_Officeis the room #ubuntu only for users with GNOME only?09:00
cotyrotheryoh ok09:00
DaSkreechcotyrothery: I'm at work coding09:00
DaSkreechcotyrothery: how did you get this Cd?09:00
cotyrotheryyour a coder09:00
DaSkreechHasrat_In_Office: Not really09:00
cotyrotheryfree ship it09:00
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Did it come with Two CDs?09:00
cotyrotheryi have a lot09:01
Hasrat_In_Officei love downloading and burning liveCDs from the net09:01
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firemonkeyballzany need to lable my part?09:01
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Oh :)09:01
DaSkreechcotyrothery: they come in a sleeve right?09:01
iamsam9895Will somebody help me get my ATiRADEON card to work with kubuntu?09:01
DaSkreech!ati | iamsam989509:01
ubotuiamsam9895: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:01
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Admiral_Chicago!ati | iamsam989509:02
DaSkreechI win09:02
iamsam9895Thank you Skreech!09:02
=== Admiral_Chicago runs
DaSkreechHey No head starts!!09:02
=== DaSkreech runs after the Admiral
unholyskornanyone good with beryl AND ATI?09:02
Skulleryea wait for me to start too09:02
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DaSkreechunholyskorn: ask in #ubuntu-effects09:03
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=== Skuller doesnt care about DaSkreech or Admiral_Chicago....he just grabs his thermal fusion jet boosted bike n jets it
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DaSkreechSkuller: Watch out for that...... tree09:04
SkullerDaSkreech: damn...u cudda told me b409:04
cotyrotheryi have over 5 cd's of kubuntu09:04
firemonkeyballzalright Im doing it09:04
firemonkeyballzgeez just so you can stop ignoring me09:05
firemonkeyballzjust have some reservations about fooking up my drive09:05
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cotyrotheryso is there away to fix my problem09:05
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Are all of them Live Cds?09:05
cotyrotheryi would think so09:05
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Are they all printed with Desktop Cd ?09:05
cotyrotherythey are what i got from kubuntu09:06
firemonkeyballzcd ver I belive was a09:06
firemonkeyballz600mb iso09:06
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: The Install still hasn't opened?09:06
iamsam9895Did you check the MD5's?09:06
firemonkeyballzand the DVD was 3.509:06
cotyrotheryit might be because im running irc09:07
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DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: What's the command for the ubiquity installer?09:07
cotyrotheryand it is lagging my computer09:07
DaSkreechcotyrothery: I hope not :)09:07
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Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: no idea...I rarely do installs09:07
cotyrotheryI wish this night mare would end09:08
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firemonkeyballzcotyrothery get Damn SMall Linux09:08
cotyrotheryAll i want is a working kubuntu os :(09:08
firemonkeyballzits just as good09:08
cotyrotheryi cant09:08
firemonkeyballzjust smaller09:08
Skullerhey guys how much space on my hdd does /media take?09:09
DaSkreechcotyrothery: The alternate install would work09:09
cotyrotheryeven if i wanted it09:09
cotyrotheryso i should use another disk09:09
cotyrotherybecause i dont have a burner09:09
firemonkeyballzdsl is 5mb09:09
DaSkreechcotyrothery: and none of yours are a non live install09:09
firemonkeyballztouch pad is sensitive in linux geez09:10
cotyrotheryhow would they be non live09:10
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DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Can you shut down syslogd09:10
DaSkreechcotyrothery: they have a text install09:10
cotyrotheryI thought they were all live cd09:10
firemonkeyballzdamn small linux can run in windows and boot off a thumb drive09:10
firemonkeyballzand install on to the hard drive09:10
Admiral_Chicagoi don't think so.09:10
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: no not all. They have the Alternate CDs09:10
cotyrotheryso how do i install without live cd09:11
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: I thought the Shipit policy was to send the recipent Both versions of the CD :-(09:11
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Or more memory.09:11
cotyrotherymy edubuntu installs without live cd09:11
cotyrotherybut it still does not work09:11
DaSkreechI could sit here and tweak your LIve Cd to use less memory so that you could get a better install experience09:11
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: no. they send Live CD.09:12
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Ah that sucks09:12
firemonkeyballzok have a 32.96 boot drive for linux and a 2.11gb swap... install?09:12
cotyrotheryi start up after installing it and the same thing no operating system09:12
firemonkeyballzok have a 32.96 boot drive for linux and a 2.11gb swap... install?09:12
cotyrotheryit is the same with all my ubuntu cds09:12
cotyrotheryi install then09:12
cotyrotheryand get a no operating system09:13
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You did one install for Edubeunt and one for Kubuntu?09:13
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firemonkeyballzam I here?09:13
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: there isn't an option on install to use lilo is there?09:13
Hasrat_In_Officefiremonkeyballz yes09:13
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Sure09:13
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: no. Grub is the default one09:13
firemonkeyballzsecond how do you disable lilo09:13
Admiral_Chicagofor simplicity sake09:13
BluesKajwhy such a lrge swap, 1Gig is plenty09:13
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Apparently his computer doesn't like grub09:13
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firemonkeyballzjust covering my ass09:14
DaSkreechor it won't install in the correct place09:14
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: You have a wide ass09:14
BluesKajwaay more than you need or will ever use09:14
waylandbillI join the channel and firemonkeyballz is covering his ass. What did i stumble into. :-)09:14
firemonkeyballzhow do I prevent the linux loader to write to the master boot09:14
Skullerwaylandbill: lol...u joined rong time...09:14
cotyrotheryim gonig to drop this computer out of an airplan09:14
BluesKajlarge swap partition . waylandbill09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:15
cotyrotheryif i dont get kubuntu working i may never be happyt09:15
waylandbillprobably not a bad idea when the default kernel config kills older processes when out of memory.09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootloader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok Drama Queen :)09:15
firemonkeyballzok buh I already have installed windows09:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Have anyone with Fast net and a CD burner?09:16
cotyrotheryim a he09:16
firemonkeyballzcan you tell grub not to load?09:16
BluesKajwhat is it with ppl having boot probs after installing Kubuntu lately ...I don't get it?09:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You'd have to do more acting than that to get Drama King!09:16
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Hasrat_In_Officeme either blue rofl09:16
firemonkeyballzIm just not ready to install yet09:16
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Guess wedo it the painful way09:17
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waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: running live CD?09:17
firemonkeyballzIm cautious09:17
DaSkreechcotyrothery: started lagging yet?09:17
waylandbilljump in the water's fine. :-D09:17
cotyrotherywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i just want kubuntu to work :(09:17
Hasrat_In_Officelmao it's rocket science, aint it firemonkey :P09:17
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Skulleri was just wondering guys....are there IRC channels for help like this for mzoft os's?09:17
cotyrotheryit is lagging bad09:18
firemonkeyballzwill grub write over windows' boot loader?09:18
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waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: just kidding. take all the time you need09:18
Skullerfiremonkeyballz: i dont think it will09:18
waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: it goes to the mbr, but will chainload windows.09:18
Skullerfiremonkeyballz: from the linux boot loader 'grub' u will be able to select09:18
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Skullerwindows...from there the windows loader will come09:19
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BluesKajwindows MBR should be recognized by Grub and install it in the Grub menu09:19
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Drama King :-P09:19
DaSkreechcotyrothery: Ok lets do a quick clean up09:19
firemonkeyballzbut windows wont recognize ubuntu?09:19
DaSkreechcotyrothery: You ok with jumping back and forth between the Terminal and the GUI09:19
parkerw207is this a linux distro for those windows pocket pc phones ?09:20
waylandbillI had dual boot to windows for a long time. finally I ditched windows except for a remote terminal session to a windows server. If you have windows installed, don't worry about it. You'll get grub just fine.09:20
Skullerfiremonkeyballz: in what ways?09:20
parkerw207i just bough one :p09:20
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firemonkeyballzin its boot menu09:20
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Skullerfiremonkeyballz: yes09:20
waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: you mean "boot.ini" menu? no09:20
Skullerfiremonkeyballz: no09:20
Skullerfiremonkeyballz: sorry about that.....09:20
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BluesKajwaylandbill, a remote terminal session to a windows server. What is that ?09:20
firemonkeyballzthanx wayland09:20
waylandbillbut if you have boot.ini options, they show up after selecting windows09:21
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waylandbillBluesKaj: same as xdmcp session. multiple desktops, but for windows.09:21
waylandbillmultiple desktop sessions I should say09:21
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waylandbillkrdc is the client for it. works nice actually.09:22
BluesKajbut you say you dumped windows , so connected to remote windows server from linux ?09:22
firemonkeyballzso say I already installed windows and grub pops up09:22
DaSkreechand now cotyrothery goes away and leaves me :)09:23
firemonkeyballzwhat do I need to do09:23
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waylandbillBluesKaj: dumped it from my laptop I meant.09:23
firemonkeyballzwhen installing09:23
waylandbillso no more dual boot09:23
adrian_wie komme ich in den ubuntu chat09:23
waylandbillfiremonkeyballz: the installer will walk you through the set up09:23
BluesKajIC , ok so you still had windows access across a LAN09:23
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waylandbillBluesKaj: exactly. across a lan.09:24
Skullerdoes samba come anywhere in thtis situation?09:24
waylandbillBluesKaj: I'm a man of too few words I guess. LOL!09:24
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BluesKajhmm, i have a windows network setup , but i don't have the nerve to dump windows from my pc entirely , altho wife's pc is running XP09:25
waylandbillSkuller: for a terminal session? no.09:25
adrian_how i come in the ubuntu channel09:25
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BluesKajoh how do you access from the terminal, waylandbill?09:26
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Skullerwaylandbill: so what are things that can be done with a terminal session when on LAN with windows?09:26
firemonkeyballzok in qtparted what does the active status mean09:26
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waylandbillSkuller, BluesKaj: you know vnc session? similar. You run using the remote's cpu and network connections. You operate as xdmcp though. Someone could use the system and you have a seperate session.09:27
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waylandbillso you aren't controlling their desktop, the server gives you a seperate one09:27
unholyskornwhat was the kubuntu channel for beryl support etc...?09:27
Skullerwaylandbill: sorry i asked...i am not so tech knowledged rite now...09:28
firemonkeyballzok in qtparted what does the active status mean09:28
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: That means that drive is bootable by the BIOS09:28
BluesKajsounds complicated , waylandbill ...had enuff trouble setting samba up :)09:28
adrian_on all: how i come in the ubuntu channel09:28
DaSkreechunholyskorn: #ubuntu-effects09:28
firemonkeyballzdaskeech thats why windows cant see that diag part09:28
waylandbillXP pro you can have a local user and a remote user. More than that you need special windows version.09:28
firemonkeyballzits above it09:28
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premier_how is linux's mactel support?09:29
BluesKajsamba works , i'll stick with that for the time beingm :)09:29
adrian_<DaSkreech> and a german ubuntu channel?09:29
waylandbillI'm taking off, if you ever want to know more about it, I'd be happy to explain it more.09:30
BluesKajstuff to do ..later gents09:30
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adrian_<DaSkreech> hallo?09:30
waylandbilltake it easy everyone. weekend's here everyone have a beer. ;-)09:30
Skullerwaylandbill: laterz man09:31
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firemonkeyballzdamn qtparted09:32
firemonkeyballzdidnt format the boot part09:32
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DaSkreechadrian_: you can be in multiple channels at the same time09:32
DaSkreechBye BluesKaj09:32
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provolikHow can I set personalized key for vice?09:34
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cotyrotherydumb computer froze again09:34
cotyrotheryso i had to shut down09:34
cotyrotheryand restart09:34
DaSkreechcotyrothery: ok09:35
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: Turn of logging :)09:35
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firemonkeyballzyey second pass did it09:35
DaSkreechcotyrothery: open Kons09:36
firemonkeyballzis there any util to check the integ of the file systems?09:37
cotyrotheryit is open09:37
firemonkeyballzor does qt do that?09:37
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unholyskornwhat was that channel again?09:38
unholyskornthe one for beryl support etc..09:38
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firemonkeyballzis there any util to check the integ of the file systems?09:39
firemonkeyballzor does qt do that?09:39
frojndwhat ftw means??09:39
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cotyrotheryso what do you want me to do in konsole09:41
abattoirfiremonkeyballz: fsck ?09:41
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unholyskornwhat was that damn channel lol09:41
abattoir!fsck | firemonkeyballz09:41
ubotufiremonkeyballz: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:41
firemonkeyballzok... another thing is it normal after you created a boot volume that 1.7 gigs shows up on it?09:42
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DaSkreechcotyrothery: type ubiq and press <tab><tab>09:43
DaSkreechunholyskorn: #ubuntu-effects09:43
DaSkreechfrojnd: For the win09:43
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Yes?09:44
firemonkeyballzok... another thing is it normal after you created a boot volume that 1.7 gigs shows up on it?09:44
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spiderkehi everybody09:45
DaSkreechcotyrothery: What did you get?09:46
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Sure ifi ti's mountable09:46
cotyrotheryi just got gta09:46
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DaSkreechThey stole your car?09:46
firemonkeyballzI didnt mount it yet09:47
firemonkeyballzjust starting the install now09:47
cotyrotheryi just got unpatched GTA09:48
cotyrotheryso i can downgrade my psp09:49
Skullerohh u mean on psp...damn...lol...liberty cities u mean?09:49
cotyrotheryim downgrading09:49
firemonkeyballzsilence isnt normal09:49
Skullerhmm..cool...i m big GTS:SA fan..09:50
firemonkeyballzwith this type of question09:50
cotyrotheryi have to let all my psp fan buds know09:50
cotyrotheryso i will be back09:50
herkHowdy, folks. I've got a weird problem.09:50
herkKaffiene will no longer start after working for about a month. KsCD will start and sisplay CDDB, but will never start playing.09:51
herkCan anyone point me to a solution?09:51
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DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: what are bugging on? :)09:53
firemonkeyballzim cautious09:54
DaSkreechcotyrothery: #pspdev09:54
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: I know I'm asking what you are buggin on now09:54
firemonkeyballzjust noticed 1.77gigs showed up after I parted09:54
DaSkreechherk: First solution for any app that doesn't work is to start it from Konsole to see the errors09:55
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herkOK, I'll try that.09:55
DaSkreechOn the partition you parted?09:55
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DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: I have no idea about the details. Why is this worrying?09:56
Skullerwhat is the partition utility for K?09:56
firemonkeyballzdata leaking09:57
firemonkeyballzskuller qtparted09:57
Skullerk thnx...09:57
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: As in data loss Or data growth?09:58
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firemonkeyballzdata that just appeared out of nowhere09:58
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DaSkreechisn't it free space?09:58
DaSkreechOhhh Lol09:58
DaSkreech I know what it is09:58
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_Daisuke_Ido_he's been contacted by aliens09:59
DaSkreechYeah you can get more space from a drive if you partition it09:59
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_Daisuke_Ido_congratulations, son09:59
firemonkeyballzit use to be a windows volume09:59
firemonkeyballzhelp any09:59
geert__Go Back to Bill if you like that so muth.10:00
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DaSkreechgeert__: Quiet10:01
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DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: No. It's ok. By using smaller partitions you can allocate more inodes and get more efficent clusters and tweak more space10:01
DaSkreechIt's just it gets multiplied the bigger the drive gets10:02
geert__oke Just anoied sorry10:02
SkullerDaSkreech: why do i have like 7mb of space remainin as 'unformatted space' wich i cant utilise?10:02
firemonkeyballzits a 33gb part10:02
DaSkreechSkuller: Normally it's 8 Mb10:02
DaSkreechYou get a Free 1 MB :)10:02
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DaSkreechDon't waste it!!!10:02
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DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Yeah. My First hard drive Upgrade was to a 70 MB drive10:03
Skulleris that the cache or sumthing?10:03
firemonkeyballzthis is an 80gb10:03
DaSkreechSkuller: I forget the reason. It's some IDE spec thing10:03
firemonkeyballzonly acer stole 4 gb10:03
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Your drive is huuuuuuge10:03
SkullerDaSkreech: hmm....ok..thanx fer da info10:03
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sinisterguyi need some help with beagle: it won't index my akregator stories or contacts or calendars/todos10:03
firemonkeyballzand parted in half after that10:04
DaSkreechso resizing the clusters can easily get you a few hundred MB extra slack10:04
firemonkeyballzdont realy care unless its a few gigs10:05
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firemonkeyballzukno why Im so cautious10:06
firemonkeyballzhas something to do with a ye old copy of redhat10:06
firemonkeyballzthink its version 510:07
ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle10:07
Malphbah on stupid slow connections I say10:07
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Thats fine10:07
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: So what are you buggin on now? :)10:07
firemonkeyballzjust splainin my self10:08
firemonkeyballzeven baught a linuxmall tshrt10:08
firemonkeyballzwith it10:08
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Well I'm going in about an hour so I'm just trying to get you to the point where you are ready to click install10:08
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firemonkeyballz8:08 mins10:10
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firemonkeyballzthikn you know whats going on10:10
firemonkeyballzI'll be back in 7 mins10:10
herkDaSkreech, I tried opening Kaffeine, and it will pause a second and just return to the prompt. I tried opening KsCD and it opens but isn't showing the CD. It returns the "normal" errors plus "Invalid reply from mediamanager."10:11
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DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: :)10:12
DaSkreechcotyrothery: gone?10:12
herkWhen I try to start Kaffeine from the menu, it will do the bouncing-ball Kaffeine symbol, but then will just quit.10:12
DaSkreechherk: try sudo kaffiene10:12
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herksudo kaffeine returns nothing.10:13
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arvidis there a good partition app to kde?10:15
Skullerarvid: qtparted?10:16
arvidSkuller: I'll try it10:16
bonbonthejonhow well supported are the intel wireless cards10:16
DaSkreechvery well I think10:16
bonbonthejonDaSkreech: i kknow the intel graphics cards are10:16
DaSkreechMy apologies10:17
DaSkreech that's waht I read10:17
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b0nnHi all, I want to install lame, but I cannot find it.  ie. I use apt-get install lame, and I get back "cannot find lame"10:19
firemonkeyballzk bout to restart10:20
firemonkeyballzdidnt ask me crap about grub10:20
bonbonthejonb0nn: use adept and search for it10:20
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB10:20
b0nnI have multiverse uncommented in my apt sources10:20
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bonbonthejonb0nn: have you done apt-get update yet10:21
b0nnbonbonthejon: I ran apt-cache search and there was no listing10:21
firemonkeyballzxing fingers10:21
DaSkreechb0nn: it's in multiverse10:21
firemonkeyballzif you dont see me in 3 mins10:21
firemonkeyballzsomethings up10:21
b0nnDaSkreech: b0nn> I have multiverse uncommented in my apt sources10:21
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: Ok10:21
DaSkreechb0nn: pastebin your sources please10:22
DaSkreech!paste | b0nn10:22
ubotub0nn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:22
DaSkreechit's at /etc/apt/sources.list10:22
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b0nnrep multi /etc/apt/sources.list10:22
b0nndeb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse10:22
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b0nndeb-src http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse10:22
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b0nnas Ive said twice, multiverse is uncommented in my sopurces10:23
DaSkreechb0nn: those aren't the ones you need uncommentd10:23
DaSkreechb0nn: that's edgy-backports10:23
b0nnah of course10:23
arviderr - say that one of my friends just realized he only made his root-partition 3GB big. can you do anyting besides reinstall?10:24
DaSkreechb0nn: look for a line a few lines above that that says deb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe10:24
DaSkreecharvid: resize with qtparted10:24
b0nnyes and append multiverse10:24
DaSkreechb0nn: Yep10:24
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arvidDaSkreech: kan you resize ext3? Isn't there some problems with it?10:25
b0nnbloody thing :)10:25
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DaSkreechb0nn: You should be good after that10:25
crazy_penguingood night to all10:25
herkDaScreech: kaudiocreator seems to be working fine - finds tracks and rips them.10:25
DaSkreecharvid: Honestly never tried :)10:25
arvidDaSkreech: i don't think it's "easy" just like fat and ntfs10:25
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nysosymwow, the new transition when i will logout is very nice! :)10:26
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DaSkreechnysosym: feisty?10:26
nysosymDaSkreech: yes10:26
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: WideButt! :)10:26
firemonkeyballzbesides a bit of a diff in the part I think it worked10:27
DaSkreechnysosym: Yeah very col10:27
slougihmm, anyone know why in feisty kde apps will not connect to any internet service after using the wireless assistant to connect to a network?10:27
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slougimore specifically, kio_http seems to break10:27
firemonkeyballzand on restart the shutdown was kinda buggy10:27
slougifirefox etc. work fine10:27
nysosymDaSkreech: but the dialoge is a little bit ugly... :-/10:27
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DaSkreechnysosym: It's version 0.110:27
firemonkeyballztho I still have work to do10:28
Tm_Tslougi: I think #ubuntu+1 will help more in Feisty issues.10:28
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nysosymDaSkreech: ahh ok :)10:28
slougiTm_T: right, thanks10:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:28
nysosymDaSkreech: i have installed kde 4 in feisty, how can i activate that, isn't listed in kdm :-/10:29
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DaSkreechnysosym: There are many steps before you will forget the Old one :)10:29
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firemonkeyballzI need ati 1100 xpress drivers10:29
DaSkreechnysosym: If you like you can join #kubuntu-devel and tell kwwii thanks for the logout and fade and Riddell thanks for the KDE4 packages :)10:29
sinisterguyi need some help, beagle isn't indexing my calendar or contact info in kde10:30
DaSkreechfiremonkeyballz: I think ATI just shipped a new set of drivers10:30
sinisterguyor my akgregator info10:30
firemonkeyballzdidnt see them10:30
DaSkreechsinisterguy: I think that may be a Beagle issue10:30
firemonkeyballzkeep getting directed towards amd10:30
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sinisterguyDaSkreech: i know its a beagle issue, i just need help solving it10:31
nysosymDaSkreech: ahh nice i know kwwii :)10:31
geert__Here Here Prase AMD10:31
DaSkreechsinisterguy: ask in #ubuntu as well. They would have more beagle knowledge10:31
frojndhow do I delete all the files that are in folder. I am in that folder??10:32
DaSkreechWe are strigi folks here :)10:32
frojndhow do I delete all the files that are in folder?? I am in that folder10:32
DaSkreechfrojnd: Ask that again10:32
DaSkreechrm *10:32
DaSkreechIt won't delete folders10:32
geert__Just select all end kick10:32
frojndthere are some foldres10:32
frojndin that folder that I am in..10:32
DaSkreechrm -rf ./*10:33
geert__Take a jump in10:33
geert__No Driver no derections10:33
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hyper_chanyone uses feisty and konversation?10:34
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geert__Lets all leave the ship.10:34
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frojndcan I open .bat file?10:34
frojndwith wine I can't couse it's not exe10:35
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hyper_chfrojnd: in konqueror browse to the .bat file, right click it and then select open with (if wine is shown) or select "run custom command" and type just "wine"10:37
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firemonkeyballzanyone know where I can find ati mobile x1100 drivers?10:38
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frojndhyper_ch: wine: could not load L"C:\\Program Files\\xampp\\apache_start.bat": Bad EXE format for10:39
nosrednaekimuse the proprietary fglrx driver10:39
nosrednaekimI also have a xpress110010:39
firemonkeyballzhow compatable is it?10:39
hyper_chfrojnd: well, then I don't know10:39
nosrednaekimvery!! suspend, and decent 3d accel10:40
Jontyfrojnd: wait, why are you trying to run it?10:40
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firemonkeyballzso open gl will work?10:40
frojndam to have php10:40
nosrednaekimare you on a laptop?10:41
hattawhy in gods name would you try to run apache under wine on linux?10:41
Jontyapache runs better using the native version10:41
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firemonkeyballzyea acer 5100-358310:41
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Jontythe windows version may even still be experimental, I haven't checked10:41
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frojndhow can I install apache on my kubuntu thab10:42
frojndwhich packages do I need to install10:42
nosrednaekimok, got an acer 5050 here, same as yours except with a 14.1 inch screen10:42
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Jontyfrojnd: sudo apt-get install apache?10:42
nosrednaekimare you running edgy?10:42
hattafrojnd, probably 'apache'10:42
hattaapt-cache search apache10:42
Jontyfrojnd: then sudo apt-get install php5 or php410:42
hattaand see which one makes sense10:42
nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: : dapper?10:43
firemonkeyballzkubuntu 6.0610:43
firemonkeyballzwont use edgy till its non beta10:43
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nosrednaekimedgy is not beta10:43
nosrednaekimfiesty is beta10:43
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes10:43
frojndjointy: now that I have installed those packages10:44
firemonkeyballzits said on the website its experimental10:44
frojndwhere is the folder to save my index.php10:44
frojndand how do I run server10:44
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Jontyconsult the apache docs10:44
nosrednaekimwell.... its not, it was relaesedlast fall10:44
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hyper_chfiremonkeyballz: feisty is "experimental"10:45
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firemonkeyballzwell im applying updates10:46
DaSkreechgnomefreak: Heil10:46
firemonkeyballzI may get it anyway10:46
herkDaScreech: I got help on the #kaffeine channel. Fix was to issue the command: killall -KILL kaffeine10:46
gnomefreakhi DaSkreech10:46
herkNow it works.10:46
DaSkreechherk: ash10:46
nosrednaekimwell... thats going to just get security updates for dapper10:46
nosrednaekimnothing wrong with dapper though10:46
hyper_chfrojnd: check whether apache is running:   ps aux | grep apache10:46
hyper_chfrojnd: and if so, the default folder is /var/www10:46
frojndroot      2673  0.0  0.4   4648  2120 pts/0    S    22:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache10:47
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frojndwww-data  2677  0.0  0.1   4648   960 pts/0    S    22:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache10:47
hyper_chfrojnd: and you can access it by http://localhost or
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frojndwhere should I save my php files10:48
frojndso If I wanna tst <?php> print 5+10; ?>10:48
firemonkeyballznosrednaekim do you have issues on shutdown?10:48
hyper_chfrojnd: in /var/www10:48
firemonkeyballzsystem has haulted once10:48
firemonkeyballzand recently it was displaying the shutdown sequence weird10:49
firemonkeyballzas if It were trying to show text mode and grapic mode10:49
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nosrednaekimhave you installed the fglrx drivers yet?10:50
firemonkeyballzwaiting for the updates to finish10:50
nosrednaekimyeah... they are worth it....10:50
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firemonkeyballzis there a kismet version for ubuntu?10:51
frojndhow do I make access rights to apache server10:52
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frojndchmod +7777 apache10:52
frojndchmod +777 apache10:52
firemonkeyballzthat looks right10:52
firemonkeyballzI think10:52
hyper_chfrojnd: what do you want to do?10:53
frojndwrite to folder /var/www10:53
frojndat the moment I don't have the permission10:53
firemonkeyballzmakes it pointless to use10:54
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hyper_chfrojnd: try to make the files was www-data.www.data10:54
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miltoshi ppl:-]  again10:55
miltoshow can i mount a cue, bin file???10:56
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frojndI can write if I sudo kate index.php10:56
firemonkeyballzscreech if your stil around I saw in grub two entries in for windows10:56
frojndbut than when I it askes me to save or open the file10:56
firemonkeyballzone xp and the other media center10:56
firemonkeyballzI use media center10:56
nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: its because there is a acer recovery partition10:56
nosrednaekimsame here10:56
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nosrednaekimand it looks to linux like a windows XP partition10:57
fdovingfrojnd: did you enable the php module in apache?10:57
firemonkeyballzyea im just gald I can see whats in it10:57
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firemonkeyballzif u realy wanted to... Im thinking you could hide things in it11:00
raindogI have created a second panel with a taskbar and a trash applet on it.  I have set it to autohide and to be tiny in size.  However, it neither hides or has reduced in size.  How can I get this working correctly.11:01
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raindogNever mind I found that I had to run "dcop kicker kicker restart" for some reason to get the changes to take.11:02
firemonkeyballznos have you got the keys to work?11:05
firemonkeyballzon the keyboard?11:05
frojnddoving: how can I enable php modul11:05
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fdovingfrojnd: in konsole, 'sudo a2enmod php5' if you have libapache2-mod-php5 installed. or 'sudo a2enmod php4' if you have libapache2-mod-php4 installed.11:06
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frojndfdoving: I onlly installed apache and php511:07
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firemonkeyballzfrojnd use php511:07
firemonkeyballzits backwards compatable11:07
fdovingfrojnd: then use the first command.11:08
nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: yes, all multimedia are working11:08
hyper_chfiremonkeyballz: not 100%... there are a few things that won't work on php5 anymore11:08
nosrednaekimand the email hotkey works too11:08
frojndit says that this modul is allready enabled11:08
firemonkeyballznatively nos?11:09
firemonkeyballzjust that euro cent is a pain11:09
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firemonkeyballzits known to crash things11:09
nosrednaekimhaha know what you mena11:09
nosrednaekimnot crash... but it got in my way11:09
firemonkeyballzactually crashed a few programs to see if it worked11:10
firemonkeyballzjust pressing it enough can11:10
nosrednaekimI think you can disble it somehow if you can get its keycode..I don't remember how though11:10
firemonkeyballzwell if you can do that then you can map it11:11
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coreymon77im having trouble reading a cdr11:11
coreymon77i mean11:11
coreymon77dvd r11:11
coreymon77i have a dvd rom drive11:11
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coreymon77can you guys help me11:13
frojndwhat else shoud I try to enable php modul11:14
nosrednaekimumm.... is it a video dvd?11:14
coreymon77burned data dvd r11:14
nosrednaekimdo is it not popping up a window to mount it?11:14
coreymon77its not the disk11:16
coreymon77the disk is fine11:16
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coreymon77it has been tested on other computers11:16
firemonkeyballzumm nos whats the command for 64 bit dapper11:16
nosrednaekimdoes your drive mount cds?11:17
fjuarezevery configure irda think pad in kubuntu11:17
coreymon77nosrednaekim: yes11:17
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nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: the command?11:18
coreymon77nosrednaekim: my drive is a cdrw-dvd rom combo11:18
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coreymon77nosrednaekim: why cant i mout it11:19
nosrednaekimI don;t know11:19
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firemonkeyballzcorey did you make it on another system?11:20
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: i didnt make it11:20
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: but i believe it was made on a windows computer11:20
firemonkeyballzwell someone formated it only for that drive11:20
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firemonkeyballzit was burnt in11:20
coreymon77it has worked on other comptuers11:20
coreymon77including a mac11:20
firemonkeyballzwell could be your dvd drive11:21
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: so that doesnt make sense11:21
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firemonkeyballzis it - or +11:21
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: how? its a dvd rom drive11:21
firemonkeyballzummm and the disk is?11:21
coreymon77the disk is +11:22
coreymon77i dont knwo about my drive11:22
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: hwo do i check11:23
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nosrednaekimfiremonkeyballz: I'm sorry..I can;t find any tutorials for 6.06 and ATI11:26
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: that doesnt tell me if my drive is + or -11:27
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: how do i find out11:27
firemonkeyballzumm there is a utility to check what it can read11:27
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: what utility is this11:27
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MukiEXI fubared the link KDE has to an application. e.g. it'll run from any terminal, but putting the same command into KDE's run box points to an executable that's no longer there. How can I fix this? Where's KDE's application-running data?11:28
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: and how do i get this utility?11:29
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firemonkeyballzlooking for it11:30
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: not apt?11:31
firemonkeyballzit is11:31
firemonkeyballzan app11:31
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: can i get it from apt11:31
xtavaresxhello. I have a problem, installing linux-restricted-modules-generic caused my X to break. i have an nvidia card.11:31
firemonkeyballzyou'll need wine11:31
premier_hello, im using an hp printer, and it loads some important stuff at boot, but if the printer isnt plugged in (usb) then the software isnt loaded.  Does anyone know how to load the software at run time?11:31
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: okay, which program is it, there are many on that page11:32
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: thats not a windows program11:34
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: its a dos program11:34
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: wine wont run it11:34
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: isnt there any other11:35
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: perhaps a linux program11:35
firemonkeyballzworks in linux11:35
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firemonkeyballzinfact there is one for linux11:35
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: thats good11:36
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: from apt?11:36
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: okay, what is it called?11:36
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: and how do i get it11:39
nosrednaekimhari: hi11:39
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harinew to kubuntu, trying to upgrade amarok using adept manager11:39
hariit shows up saying that upgrade available, but when i click to upgrade it says 'break'?11:40
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firemonkeyballzhow does 17mb become 50?11:40
coreymon77hari: that means that it will break dependencies if you upgrade11:40
firemonkeyballzfrom a compresed file?11:41
harier... ? what exactly does that mean :P11:41
nosrednaekimBlues: thanks alot...:-P11:41
coreymon77hari: programs depened on having other programs to work11:41
nosrednaekimharu: it means if you upgrade, it can break other packages11:42
coreymon77hari: in order for a program to work, all of its dependencies have to be there11:42
harioh ok... so esentially i want to be able to listen to mp3s etc, and default version doesn't work11:42
BluesKajsorry firemonkeyballz, i couldn't resist11:42
coreymon77hari: if one or more of a programs dependencies are not met11:42
coreymon77hari: that program will cease to work11:42
firemonkeyballzanyway need to reboot and verify drivers11:43
firemonkeyballzso I should have ATI drivers now11:43
hariso checked out web which said that newest version will play them11:43
coreymon77hari: which will cause other programs that depend on that program to stop working to11:43
firemonkeyballzno complaints from sudo11:43
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: and what is the linux utility called?11:43
nosrednaekimgood luck firemonkeyballz11:44
firemonkeyballzcorey dosbox?11:44
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: dont forget me11:44
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: oh11:44
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: no the linux utility11:44
nosrednaekimhARI: what functionality do you need out of the latest version of amarok?11:44
harium, ability to play mp3s? :)11:44
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: the linux utility that does what that program does11:45
firemonkeyballzwas a umm ok I'll reboot11:45
hariand streaming music from shoutcast?11:45
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firemonkeyballzwhen you figure out what your saying11:45
DaSkreech!mp3 | ari11:45
ubotuari: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:45
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DaSkreech!mp3 | hari11:45
ubotuhplease see above11:45
DaSkreech!mp3 | hari11:45
nosrednaekimoh, thats not a problem with amarok, but instead your xine engine11:45
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coreymon77firemonkeyballz: look,i dont want to have to use a dos utility to check what my drive can read11:46
nosrednaekimthank you DaSkreech11:46
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: isnt there a linux version that i can use?11:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about electronic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
coreymon77firemonkeyballz: all i want to know is what types of dvds my drive can read11:46
DaSkreechcoreymon77: whats the problem?11:46
haricoreymon77: how do i check out xine engine problem?11:46
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Look on the front of it11:46
nosrednaekimdo you have multiverse repositories installed hari?11:47
coreymon77DaSkreech: i just want to know what types of dvds (eg + and -) my drive can read11:47
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Normally written on the front of the Drive11:47
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firemonkeyballzummm before I do... go11:47
coreymon77DaSkreech: not on mine11:47
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firemonkeyballzoh nm blond moment11:48
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DaSkreechcoreymon77: who makes the drive?11:48
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ubotugeda: GNU EDA -- Electronics design software. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060123-1 (edgy), package size 86 kB, installed size 380 kB11:48
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:48
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harinosrednaekim: i think i do, i enabled 2 lines in repository manager11:48
hariand downloaded updates11:48
nosrednaekimok... good11:49
coreymon77DaSkreech: samsung11:49
nosrednaekimsearch for "xine-extracodecs"11:49
pabst__So, I have thhis laptop with Kubuntu 6.10 on it (Edgy), but, I can't figure out what kind of Wireless NIC or how to make it work... any quick and easy solutions?11:49
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Know the model number?11:49
harinosrednaekim: in adept?11:49
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nosrednaekimhari: yes11:49
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nosrednaekimpabst_: try "lspci"on the command line11:50
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coreymon77DaSkreech: i think its CDRW/DVD SM-308B11:50
SanctusoriumI got a bit of a problem..11:50
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coreymon77!ask | Sanctusorium11:50
ubotuSanctusorium: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:50
nosrednaekimhari I have to go.... others here are more knowledgble than me...11:50
pabst__nosrednaekim: awesome thanks, its a Broadcomm looks like BCM431811:50
hariok thanks nosrednaekim :)11:50
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SanctusoriumKubuntu seems to be reading my embedded audio instead of my PCI sound card.11:51
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SanctusoriumMy embedded aduio chip doesnt work...11:51
SanctusoriumHow could I change it to my PCI Soundblaster?11:51
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coreymon77Sanctusorium: first type 'asoundconf list' into a konsole window11:52
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Xanithhow can i mount my storage drive without it being in root permission only?11:52
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harii don't have xine-extracodecs, how do i install these?11:53
coreymon77Sanctusorium: what does it give you11:53
SanctusoriumNames of available sound cards:11:53
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DaSkreech!multiverse | hari11:53
ubotuhari: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:53
DaSkreech!mp3| hari11:53
ubotuhari: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:53
coreymon77Sanctusorium: okay11:53
coreymon77Sanctusorium: do you know which one is which11:54
coreymon77DaSkreech: anything about my drive?11:54
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SanctusoriumNope...  I am guessing that ICH5 is the embedded audio though11:54
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coreymon77okay then11:55
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firemonkeyballzyou kno... im still getting that disk error at boot11:55
coreymon77Sanctusorium: why would that be?11:55
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DaSkreechcoreymon77: Sirry what are you looking for?11:55
coreymon77DaSkreech: what types of dvds it can play11:56
coreymon77namely + or -11:56
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SanctusoriumThe chip is usually refered as to "Intel something something something"  and The ICH5 starts with I...  ITs just a guess really.11:56
coreymon77Sanctusorium: good point11:56
coreymon77Sanctusorium: so, try this11:56
coreymon77asoundconf set-default-card CA010611:57
DaSkreechhttp://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-97322.html coreymon77 there is a set of links here to the manuals11:57
SanctusoriumAlright...  Let my try some music..11:57
Xanithhow can i mount my storage drive without it being in root permission only?11:58
firemonkeyballzumm whats this? 03/09/2007 02:52:25 PMfmballz-inckernel[   44.922246]  hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff11:58
alberthi, i have a problem with dvd playback, it slows down my whole pc and runs bad11:58
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b0ng0Hi can anyone help me, I changed my login screen using KDM and I cant get the original back11:59
posingaspopularalbert: what program areyou using11:59
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albertposingaspopular: kaffeine or gxine11:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
SanctusoriumThanks alot Corymon11:59
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pabst__Any fast and easy ways to get a Broadcomm wireless nic to work with Kubuntu?12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about science - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
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firemonkeyballzdont pabst12:02
firemonkeyballzget your self a atheros12:02
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.12:02
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB12:03
albertposingaspopular: have you any solution?12:03
firemonkeyballzit sais its a express 20012:03
firemonkeyballznot an 110012:03
pabst__firemonkeyballz: wish i could :/ its a company laptop12:04
firemonkeyballzfrowns on your bos12:04
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pabst__so i gotta figure it out someway or another :/12:05
firemonkeyballzsomeone ping him12:05
MenaWhat is good a bout using Ext3 ????12:06
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firemonkeyballzless fragmenttaiiion12:06
firemonkeyballzas I recently read12:06
Menaand i am being to hate linux bec of the diffrence bettwen xp and linux in th (iso charachter)12:07
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Menaany answer here12:08
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ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux12:11
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firemonkeyballzwhere is nos?12:11
firemonkeyballzthere any leet in here12:11
firemonkeyballzneed help12:12
Menawhat is you problem ?12:12

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