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Ubuntu-Anon | So like, I get kicked by elkbuntu a few minutes ago, and I think to myself "Whoa dude!" | 09:24 |
elkbuntu | after the first ban in #ubuntu i would have thought you'd behave better. alas you didnt | 09:25 |
Ubuntu-Anon | But I was being offtopic | 09:25 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Oh wait... | 09:25 |
elkbuntu | you were trolling | 09:26 |
=== Ubuntu-Anon raises hand to call up a question upon the teacher in classroom | ||
Ubuntu-Anon | Your definition of trolling are VERY loose | 09:26 |
elkbuntu | the sexual harrassment regarding the CoC wasnt welcome | 09:26 |
Ubuntu-Anon | What makes you think it was harassement? | 09:27 |
elkbuntu | <Ubuntu-Anon> Damn, I was thinking about another CoC | 09:27 |
elkbuntu | <Ubuntu-Anon> I bet nix_chix0r_ wants some CoC | 09:27 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Read above | 09:27 |
elkbuntu | you targetted someone with a feminine nick, and made sexual inferences | 09:28 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I spoke to her in the previous channel as well as in private | 09:28 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Its called a joke, take particular interest in developing a sense of humor, it may help understand why its used with the member of opposite sex | 09:29 |
elkbuntu | regardless, it was a breach of the rules for the channel. we have youngsters who do not need to be corrupted | 09:29 |
Ubuntu-Anon | There isnt corruption as the reference was made and not a direct statement | 09:29 |
elkbuntu | kids are not dumb | 09:30 |
Ubuntu-Anon | By you attributing me to _sexual_ harassement made it more of a corruption than allowing the joke to blend in with the rest of the chatter | 09:30 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Exactly, they are not dumb | 09:30 |
Ubuntu-Anon | And thus you think that the above statement would make any difference in comparison to what the internet, tv, magazines, media, etc involves? | 09:30 |
elkbuntu | they will 'get' your joke, and that is a breach of the rule of being 'family friendly | 09:30 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Thats like asking to put the gun away in times of the war to "not teach kids about guns" | 09:30 |
elkbuntu | we have no control over those, but we have control over the channel | 09:31 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I doubt they will think its family friendly where anyone gets kicked for some obsene made up ideology, don't you agree? | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | we do not like your type of humor in there, and it will not be tolerated | 09:31 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Now you are starting to sound defensive only because you are agreeing that I'm right | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | you're not right. you trolled two channels, and made non-family-friendly inferences | 09:32 |
elkbuntu | you are not welcome | 09:32 |
nalioth | Ubuntu-Anon: chalk it up to whatever ideology you like, we don't like it here on this network. | 09:32 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I doubt the conversation involved you, but sure do please your ego and butt in | 09:32 |
elkbuntu | have a good life, Ubuntu-Anon | 09:33 |
Ubuntu-Anon | elkbuntu: Same to you | 09:33 |
elkbuntu | oh, i dont think you get it. we wont be talking anymore. you just gave cheek to a staffer | 09:33 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I thought we're done talking elkbuntu, perhaps I did misunderstand. | 09:38 |
elkbuntu | heh... try your luck if you wish | 09:39 |
Ubuntu-Anon | What else are you hoping to lecture me about elkbuntu? | 09:39 |
nalioth | Ubuntu-Anon: elkbuntu runs a crap client, if you'd like to get rid of him, type /quit elkbuntu | 09:40 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I hope its relating to Ubuntu as you've mastered discussing all but that | 09:40 |
Ubuntu-Anon | nalioth: Fantastic! Let me do so right now | 09:40 |
=== elkbuntu waits | ||
Ubuntu-Anon | bash: /quit: No such file or directory | 09:40 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Aww I think its broken | 09:40 |
nalioth | your cognitive function? | 09:41 |
elkbuntu | nalioth, i told you he wouldnt get it | 09:41 |
elkbuntu | you know... the lacking of certain organ function and all | 09:41 |
Ubuntu-Anon | elkbuntu: Who's ego are you stroking now, your own or nalioth? | 09:42 |
elkbuntu | who says im stroking anything? | 09:43 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Yet you talk about me misinterpreting things :) | 09:44 |
Ubuntu-Anon | I'll leave you to your job of enforcing the IRC drama off at this point | 09:44 |
Ubuntu-Anon | Please continue on with supporting your IRC reputation after I leave as that would be the best time to do so | 09:45 |
Ubuntu-Anon | nalioth: Cheers to you and "your network" | 09:45 |
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COLA | Hi, I want that my normal user have root rights..is there a possibilyti , that I have root rights with my normal user, but not in a shell, because I want to copy per drag and drop files in my root directory | 05:26 |
finalbeta | COLA: you should be in #ubuntu to ask questions, and your root user should just make that directory writable for the other users. Not give the other user root rights. | 05:28 |
COLA | thx^^ | 05:30 |
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wick2o | hello | 11:03 |
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