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FujitsuI saw that last night, LaserJock :)01:29
tsmitheoh dear01:29
=== tsmithe is embarassed
tsmithea song about "kill -9, no more cpu time"01:31
tsmithealthough incredibly catchy, is also incredibly nerdy :P01:31
=== ajmitch sees the request about putting mostly-broken software that won't be supported post-release into feisty
LaserJockwhere's that ajmitch ?01:32
=== RAOF boggles
Fujitsuajmitch: What's this?01:32
ajmitchLaserJock: kde4 thread on motu lisr01:32
FujitsuAh, yes.01:32
FujitsuWe need a special component, for which they take responsibility.01:33
FujitsuThat way we can disown it completely/01:33
ajmitch"ooh look, kde4 is out!"01:33
ajmitch"ZOMG its full of bugs!!!"01:33
FujitsuPrepare to drown in bugs!01:33
ajmitchas long as Riddell wants to take care of all the bugs :)01:34
FujitsuPresumably the MOTU Council has the power to destroy the idea if it is deemed evil enough01:34
=== ajmitch shrugs
Riddellthere are KDE 4 packages in edgy you know01:34
FujitsuIt'll be like Beryl, but worse.01:35
FujitsuRiddell: there are?01:35
ajmitchrather early snapshots01:36
ajmitchRiddell: what use will having kde4 stuff in feisty be?01:36
Riddellfor people to test KDE 4 stuff with01:37
ajmitchfrom what I understand, APIs aren't frozen, so people wanting to develop on KDE4 wouldn't be suited with packages01:37
Riddellthat's true01:37
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhi sistpoty 01:37
sistpotyhi ajmitch01:38
FujitsuHi sistpoty.01:38
sistpotyhi Fujitsu01:38
ajmitchRiddell: I remember those fun days of kde 1.9x :)01:38
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LaserJockseems like it'll be a big backports/SRU project01:39
ajmitchLaserJock: no, it'll just sit there & not get touched01:39
TheMusoSo. I am looking at updating drupal to 5, and removing any references to php4. However, the drupal source package produces a drupal-4.7 binary package. If I was to create a new drupal source package and make a drupal-5.0 package, that would disown the 4.7 package of source, just like the original drupal binary package no longer has a source package. Thoughts?01:39
LaserJockwe'll have users screaming bloody murder ;-)01:39
ajmitchfunny to think that jono used to be a kde developer :)01:39
ajmitchTheMuso: something like that, if I follow01:40
TheMusoajmitch: Well, I would have thought that wouldn't be the best idea.01:40
TheMusoHaving binary packages that don't have a source package to associate to.01:41
sistpotygrml... spamassassin... seems like it thinks I'm spamming ubuntu-motu *g*01:41
ajmitchTheMuso: that's impossible, iirc01:41
ajmitchsistpoty: well, yes :)01:41
ajmitchah, more MC mail :)01:41
LaserJockthere are quite a few binary packages without corresponding source01:41
Riddellajmitch: why is that funny?01:41
LaserJockalthough they must be somewhere01:42
ajmitchRiddell: funny, because I think I remember talking to him on irc all those years ago01:42
TheMusoLaserJock: Eeeew.01:42
geserLaserJock: aren't they dropped before release?01:42
LaserJockI don't think so01:42
ajmitchLaserJock: source will still be available 01:42
LaserJockwhen we ask for a package to be removed ubuntu-archive just removes the source package01:42
LaserJockthey don't remove the binaries too01:43
ajmitchthey remove the source package from that release01:43
TheMusoIts impossible to get the source for the drupal 4.5 binary package, as the only drupal source package is for the drupal-4.7 binary package.01:43
FujitsuThe corresponding source will not be removed until all binaries that reference it are removed, AFAIK.01:43
ajmitchFujitsu: depending on soyuz bugs, I guess :)01:43
FujitsuTrue, true.01:43
FujitsuDrescher seems to have been hungry this past week01:43
LaserJockhmm, I've seen it done with several Science packages01:43
ajmitchbut I'm sure I heard it had checks for all that01:43
LaserJockbinaries but no source01:43
LaserJockbut that was some time ago01:44
TheMusoSo my dilemma is, I don't want to do the same thing for the drupal-4.7 binary package.01:44
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LaserJockTheMuso: I don't understand the dilemma with drupal01:45
LaserJockwe have drupal-4.701:45
LaserJockyou want to update that to -5.001:45
LaserJockbut you want to keep drupal-4.7 binary package around?01:45
LaserJockor you're afraid that it will be01:45
TheMusoAffraid that it will be, with no source packag.01:46
LaserJockis -4.7 in edgy?01:46
TheMusodon't think so afaik. Let me check01:46
ajmitchTheMuso: it should get cleaned up, like obsolete library packages are01:47
sistpotywell, what do you all think about the general kde-uvf exceptoin?01:47
LaserJockyeah, I think -4.7 .debs should go away01:47
TheMusodrupal-4.7 is only in feisty01:47
Fujitsusistpoty: We were discussing it just before you arrived.01:47
ajmitchsistpoty: I'm not overly happy with it, but as Riddell pointed out, there's already kde4* packages in the archive (and in edgy)01:47
sistpotyFujitsu: ah... *g*01:48
sistpotyajmitch: well, I somehow have a bad feeling in my guts01:48
LaserJockRiddell: how many are there now? kde4base kde4libs01:48
TheMusoOk, on that note, I'll just update to 5, and name the package drupal-5.001:48
RiddellLaserJock: many more in NEW01:49
ajmitchsistpoty: I think that's a sign to drink more beer :)01:49
LaserJockTheMuso: btw, the source should always be available on LP :-)01:49
LaserJockyou just won't be able to apt-get source it01:49
=== Riddell beds
FujitsuNight, Riddell.01:50
ajmitchbye Riddell 01:50
sistpotycya Riddell01:50
TheMusoLaserJock: Yeah thats what I've seen.01:50
Toadstoolyay! let's put some more random experimental packages that everybody will want to try so that we get an even worse universe bugs SNR and a lot of angry users *evil grin*01:50
Toadstoolg'night Riddell 01:50
FujitsuToadstool: yup.01:50
ajmitchsistpoty: I guess your plan to get back to normal sleeping hours didn't quite work? ;)01:50
LaserJockToadstool: like we don't do that already ;-)01:50
Toadstoolhehe, true01:50
FujitsuIf the KDE people take responsibility for the bugs, it might be acceptable.01:51
ajmitchToadstool: if people know that these kde4 packages aren't releases, or even expected to work..01:51
sistpotyajmitch: no. but I'm still trying ;)01:51
TheMusoOk. So since the latest drupal release is 5.1, should I name the package 5.1, and then any security fixes afterwards just get patched?01:51
ajmitchsistpoty: as long as you can get up for the next MC meeting :)01:51
TheMusoI'm happy to maintain drupal.01:51
sistpotyajmitch: I'll manage... somehow ;)01:52
ajmitchsistpoty: simple, just stay up01:52
geserTheMuso: for the security fixes: yes, as patches01:52
pochuHappy Hug Day!!!01:52
pochusistpoty: what about updating the topic?01:53
TheMusogeser: Thanks.01:53
sistpotypochu: sure, feel free to do it ;)01:53
LaserJockwahoo SRU uploaded! \o/01:53
pochusistpoty: hehe, no topic lock?01:53
LaserJockonly took me like 2 days :-)01:53
sistpotycongrats LaserJock01:53
=== Fujitsu uploaded azureus this morning.
sistpotypochu: last time I tried, it worked. and I don't have any special rights in this channel ;)01:54
=== Fujitsu ponders how to best fix pymol for Edgy.
=== ajmitch feels rather tired
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:pochu] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Happy Universe Hug Day!! March 9th
pochudone :)01:54
pochuFeel free to improve it though :)01:54
Fujitsuajmitch: It's only like 13:55, isn't it?01:54
ToadstoolHug Day tomorrow, cool :)01:55
LaserJock"this debdiff looks funny" -> "hmm, building source for edgy from feisty is the problem" -> "how do I use schroot again?" -> "this thing needs r-base and python-dev-all just to build the source?" -> "wahooo! it works"01:55
LaserJockman I love packaging!01:55
LaserJockFujitsu: what's up with pymol again?01:56
LaserJockI see if floating by in my email01:56
FujitsuThe regexp for passing the Python version is dodgy.01:56
FujitsuIt should it into something like 2.4, but it doesn't work on Edgy's 2.4.4c4 (I think that's what it is).01:57
FujitsuIt gives 2.4.4 instead, which means it can't find the interpreter.01:57
FujitsuIt's fixed in Feisty with a migration to the new Python policy, but we obviously don't want to SRU that.01:57
LaserJockwell, I don't know, migration is usually pretty straightforward01:59
LaserJockit might be a little overkill for the particular bug01:59
FujitsuI'm considering just replacing the regexp with '2.4', because the default Edgy Python version is unlikely to change... But that's not a very nice fix.02:00
=== Fujitsu heads off to school.
LaserJockFujitsu: well, it would only be done once since the package has moved to the new python policy02:03
TheMusoTo depend on Ubuntu's default MTA, do I just depend on mail-tranfer-agent?02:04
TheMusotransfer even02:04
lifelesswell no02:06
lifelesswhat Ubuntu packages do is depend on postfix | mail-transfer-agent02:06
lifelesswhich tries for postfix first, which is the default.02:06
lifelessthere isn't a default-mail-transfer-agent AFAIK02:06
lifelessbut that might be a good idea02:07
geserTheMuso: do you need postfix or would any MTA do?02:07
TheMusolifeless: Thanks.02:07
TheMusogeser: I'm guessing that any will do.02:07
TheMusoActually pretty sure.02:07
TheMusoJust want to make sure the correct MTA related package(s) are depended upon.02:09
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pochuhappy hug day!!!!! :-)02:19
crimsunthe fact that the kubuntu team can't support the kde4 snaps via SRUs is troubling at best.02:21
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crimsunthe additional fact that they would be in a Canonical-hosted repository is even more troubling.02:22
ajmitchcrimsun: how is it different from what we currently have?02:23
crimsunI honestly don't see how having them uploaded to Feisty would help.02:23
Lathiatsounds like the majority of the software in ubuntu02:23
crimsunajmitch: I'm thinking of the ramifications of 18-month support02:23
Lathiatas long as it doesnt breka the real kde02:23
Lathiatcrimsun: what support? :)02:23
crimsunwell, we have to at least make an effort to...02:23
ajmitchcrimsun: we've never promised 18-month support for universe - it's often been supporting only the last release02:23
Lathiatajmitch: at best..02:24
crimsunthe killer for me is that there's no promise of ABI/API stability02:24
ajmitchcrimsun: ok, and there are kde4 packages in edgy (and feisty) right now02:24
zulwho broke what now?02:24
crimsunajmitch: IMO they should be removed from feisty.02:24
zuloh the kde stuff nevermind :)02:24
ajmitchzul: stuff noone uses02:24
ajmitchcrimsun: I'm not a big fan of having snapshot packages in a release02:25
crimsunI'd rather support jr delegating building to others, freeing him from supporting that infrastructure02:26
crimsunI would love to use apt* to install a kde4 snap, but triaging is going to creep02:27
crimsunand $deity knows kubuntu devs have better uses of their time than wading through bugs filed against older snaps02:28
=== ajmitch would rather use a repository that would be updated after release
LaserJockit does bring up the point of removing stuff from the repos before release02:28
ajmitchrather than 6 months of old code that was heavily in development02:28
ajmitchLaserJock: debian has it easy02:28
crimsunLaserJock: this touches back on the removing binaries discussion (brief albeit) in the motu meeting02:29
=== ajmitch checks NEW
ajmitchbeta.lp will get there eventually..02:29
ajmitchkde4edu, kde4games, kde4multimedia, kde4graphics, kde4toys, kde4admin, kde4pim are all sitting in NEW02:30
ajmitchah, the fun interactions between teams :)02:32
ajmitchsince this is really a request from the kubuntu council02:32
sistpotymaybe it would be better of before TB than before MC?02:33
=== ajmitch is just reading relevant stuff from #k-devel
crimsunfor me, ultimately it boils down to whether there are plans to keep kubuntu.org's repo of kde4 snaps updated02:33
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crimsunif there are, there's no sense in putting them into feisty02:34
ajmitchkubuntu people support kde packages anyway, so it wouldn't cause more work for us02:34
crimsunwe already sent the wrong message, IMO, by putting them in edgy02:34
sistpotyajmitch: I wouldn't be so sure about that, at least Riddell's mail states it differently02:35
ajmitchbut that's a result of them being uploaded by kubuntu people 02:35
ajmitch00:59 < Riddell> Hobbsee: for KDE stuff in universe I'm happy to overrule MOTU council unless they object02:35
=== TheMuso shakes his head at a rather messy rules files.
ajmitchsistpoty: the intent was for it to be a KC decision02:35
ajmitchsistpoty: how did you interpret it?02:36
crimsunok, the other slant is whether it would represent a regression from edgyg02:36
sistpotyajmitch: well, as in if MC will veto it, they won't do it?02:37
=== ajmitch can't see how it could be more broken
ajmitchsistpoty: as I understand it, yes02:37
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyhm... anyway I guess we should come to a decision soon... if MC would -1 on it, it could then still propagate to TB in a timely manner02:38
ajmitchsistpoty: I can't imagine them being happy with MC blocking it, since all the packages are already in NEW :)02:38
crimsunTBH, I think we need to call an MOTU vote instead of having MC decide, since MC is only a subset of the possible maintainers02:38
sistpotyajmitch: that's the tough thing about needing to decide, you can't always make everyone happy ;)02:38
ajmitchgetting recommendations from TB could be good02:39
bddebianHeya gang02:39
ajmitchsince it'd be MOTUs blocking the Kubuntu work02:39
sistpotycrimsun: I fear a MOTU vote might defer the issue for too long02:39
ajmitchto what extent do derivatives/sibling distros have control over their packages in the archives?02:39
sistpotyphew, no idea02:40
crimsunwell, I suppose that is the ultimate issue02:40
ajmitchhi bddebian 02:40
sistpotyhi bddebian02:40
sistpotycrimsun, ajmitch: ok if I call for MC voting now?02:41
bddebianWhat, voting to kick me out already? :-)02:41
crimsunsistpoty: I think we need to vote on a different issue (the one that ajmitch raised)02:41
sistpotybddebian: no, the timeout of your lp-membership will take care for that :P02:42
TheMusoOk. Drupal uses debconf to let one choose which apache to use. It defaults to apache. Are packages in Ubuntu using apache2 these days, or is apache still the default for packages that need a web server?02:43
ajmitchcrimsun: is it up to us to decide on that one?02:43
sistpotyhm... the way I see it is that we can make a decision, but TB can always ultimately overrule us02:43
ajmitchthe question is about what power TB has delegated02:44
ajmitchbddebian: expires: 2007-04-0602:44
ajmitchbddebian: better get working to convince the MC to keep you02:44
crimsunsistpoty: ok, sure, CFV is fine02:45
geserTheMuso: apache2 is in main and apache is in universe02:45
TheMusogeser: Right.02:45
ajmitchapache2 should be the default choice02:46
TheMusoOk thought as much.02:46
ajmitchnot sure how much longer apache 1.3 will be kept 02:46
bddebianajmitch: Bah, kick me out. :-)02:46
ajmitchI imagine there are still a few modules that will only work with 1.302:46
=== ajmitch wonders if people that are expiring should have to run the gauntlet again
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-24-0-153-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyajmitch: come on, you are looking forward to grilling bddebian, aren't you? :P02:49
ajmitchsistpoty: how about live packaging of some complex library?02:49
zulheh I think I have already expired02:49
ajmitchzul: no you were just kicked out02:50
zulajmitch: ahhh...02:50
bddebiansistpoty: Nah, I'll just quit and make ajmitch happy02:50
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchsilly bddebian 02:51
ajmitchhi thoreauputic 02:51
thoreauputichello :)02:51
ajmitchbddebian: that would be a silly thing to do02:51
thoreauputicjust lurking here - I'm no developer :)02:51
thoreauputicFeisty is looking pretty nice - congrats to all concerned :)02:52
bddebianthoreauputic: Don't worry, me either :-)02:52
thoreauputicheh :)02:52
sistpotyajmitch: I guess we'll need to make a MC decision to not let bddebian go ;)02:53
sistpotyas in membership will be prolonged until all universe bugs are fixed :P02:53
crimsunlifetime membership? woo!02:53
ajmitchjust like hotel california02:53
zulor the hair club for men02:54
ajmitchsistpoty: so what were you wanting to vote on? :)02:54
sistpotyajmitch: what did I miss/do wrong?02:56
ajmitchno idea, if you sent out a mail I'm still waiting for it02:57
sistpotyajmitch: I just moderated it :P02:58
ajmitchwill probably take a day or so to get here then02:58
ajmitchshouldn't be quite that long at the moment02:59
ajmitchbut it was a week or so ago02:59
ajmitchmail was delayed up to about 2 days02:59
sistpotyiirc 1 day was the maximum for me once... but currently it's almost instantly arriving :)03:00
zulpostal or email ajmitch?03:00
ajmitchzul: email03:00
ajmitchISP's virus & spam scanning couldn't handle it03:00
=== ajmitch got the moderation request from mailman :)
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ajmitchyay, a CFV03:03
ajmitchhow voting with 5 people & 3 options will work, I don't know03:03
sistpotyajmitch: right, option (3) was a dumb idea03:06
=== lukaswayne9 [n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunyou need a (4) ponies!03:11
sistpotyand the decision of MC on the issue is: unanimously (4): ponies :)03:12
=== Lathiat laughs
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHeya ho.03:13
bddebianThe dairy-o03:13
TheMusoor maybe not03:13
crimsunit's probably konvi sigsegv'ing03:14
bddebianAny of you glibc debugging experts? :-)03:14
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ajmitchbddebian: no we don't want to play with the hurd03:14
bddebianWho said anything about Hurd?03:15
=== bddebian bats eyes
TheMusoOh man. This is going to be fun. Now that drupal has a web install mechanism, it creates the db via a php script, once the user has filled out the necessary info.03:15
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoSO there is no plain text file with the db data in it any more.03:16
ajmitchTheMuso: that's not unusual :)03:16
TheMusoajmitch: I know.03:16
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TheMusoIts just working out how to do the same thing. I am thinking I'll have to use curl to post the data somehow, to get the appropriate db created.03:16
TheMusoUnless other packages use a better method.03:16
sistpotyTheMuso: or simply rip the script apart?03:17
TheMusosistpoty: That is a possibility, yes.03:17
TheMusoBut I thi/c03:19
TheMusoI might just do the latter.03:21
TheMusorip appart.03:21
sistpotyinteresting... s.th. is wrong with irclogs03:24
sistpotyubuntu-meeting-current seems to be ubuntu-motu-current03:24
ajmitchobviously -motu is more important & lively03:24
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TheMusoActually, just ripping the script apart is not right in this context. Drupal now supports prefixing its database table names with whatever you want, for easier multisite configuration.03:33
TheMusoSo just doing an sql import won't work, if thats what the user wants.03:33
sistpotyTheMuso: I guess you can just let the user configure drupal and explaining it within README.Debian for example03:34
sistpotyat least that's what I've seen how some php packages do it03:35
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TheMusoActually, yeah you're right.03:35
=== _MMA_ [n=mma@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoAll I'd have to do is tell them to run the web script to set the db etc up, giving them the db information they need.03:36
=== TheMuso ponders.
=== ajmitch wonders if he should vote yet on the kde decision
crimsunI'm pondering over a case of beer.03:39
=== sistpoty wonders if he should go to bed
=== bddebian contemplates his navel
ajmitchcrimsun: yeah, I'll have to wait until I get home before I can get into the beer03:39
=== ajmitch is feeling rather thirsty, too
=== sistpoty is out of beer
=== ajmitch bought some last night
lifelessI'm going to have bazaar beer tonight :)03:40
ajmitchhey lifeless :)03:40
=== ajmitch just has a box of speights in the kitchen
Hobbseeajmitch: where's this documented?03:40
ajmitchHobbsee: the beer?03:41
crimsunHobbsee: if referring to kde4, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-March/000029.html03:42
Hobbseeah yes03:43
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ajmitchjoy, more reviews of stuff like "linux mint"04:53
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AnAntHello, anyone knows what has changed from Edgy to Feisty regarding virtual console (keymap,translations,...) ?05:12
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=== sistpoty is off to bed... gn8 everyone
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animimotusI had a notification this morning for 3 updates, but keep seems to be unreachable08:48
animimotusI can't install it too http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9400/08:48
FujitsuTry running `sudo aptitude update' again.08:50
FujitsuOtherwise, it's probably just the French mirror being stupid, and you should try again in a couple of hours.08:51
TheMusoHave people seen the message on -motu about gstreamer-ffmpeg yet?08:51
FujitsuTheMuso: Nein.08:51
TheMusoYou'll probably get it very shortly.08:51
FujitsuAh, I did just now.08:51
FujitsuEverybody on the planet refers to the format as DivX.08:52
TheMusoThats what I thought.08:53
TheMusoI believe it would confuse people even more.08:54
FujitsuI don't regularly hear people talking about MPEG-4 ASP videos.08:55
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoMe neither.08:55
=== Riddell [i=jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuThe Wikipedia article states that DivX is a container format...08:57
FujitsuGah, confusion.08:58
Fujitsu(which will only be greatly enhanced by saying MPEG-4 ASP instead)08:58
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=== eXistenZ [n=existenz@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuWhile calling it DivX is wrong, that's what everybody knows it as... :-/09:00
FujitsuHis idea of "MPEG-4 ASP video (for example, encoded with DivX, Xvid or FFmpeg MPEG-4)" isn't too bad, I guess.09:02
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dholbachgood morning09:57
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehi dholbach 09:58
dholbachhey Hobbsee09:58
dholbachhey lfittl09:58
FujitsuHail dholbach.09:58
lfittlhey dholbach 09:59
dholbachhi Fujitsu :)09:59
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TheMusoHey all.10:07
Hobbseedholbach: it's universe hug day?10:10
dholbachYEAH :)10:11
FujitsuHobbsee: Most certainly.10:11
Hobbseeoh dear10:12
FujitsuUniverse hug day, without LP. Sounds like fun.10:13
TheMusoDoes indeed.10:13
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=== Fujitsu watches the LP over-downtime clock tick past 25%...
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FujitsuHi \sh.11:18
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@p54AA4DB4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoLP is back.11:24
lionelhum... not here11:25
dholbachHAPPY UNIVERSE HUG DAY! :-)11:26
lionelHappy Universe Hug Day dholbach :)11:27
dholbachthanks lionel - the same to you :)11:27
crimsunmm OOPS-433BD27111:30
crimsungreat way to start the day!11:30
crimsun.oO( or to end the day, depending on whether I get to sleep in the next 40 minutes )11:31
FujitsuWoo, beta's up and OOPSing!11:31
=== Fujitsu thinks that the new Postgres might not be happy.
=== Fujitsu notes the CSS is missing on this page that does work.
Fujitsu... and now the same page OOPSes.11:32
crimsund'oh, "Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance very very soon."11:32
lionelFujitsu: I have the CSS now (it was missing some click ago)11:32
crimsunand I was just about to click "Disable redirection..."11:32
FujitsuHey, I got a whole page without an OOPs.11:32
HobbseeFujitsu: you tempted fate11:32
lionelah no11:32
FujitsuSeems to be more stable now.11:33
FujitsuAfter 3 hours.11:33
FujitsuOr not.11:33
TheMusoYou guys using normal launchpad, or beta?11:34
crimsunI'm using normal now.11:34
crimsunyay for clicky "Disable redirection..."11:34
Hobbseewhere's that?11:34
Fujitsu... now a random one or two of the application buttons on the home are vanishing each reload.11:34
FujitsuHobbsee: on launchpad.net11:34
=== TheMuso has been working on a drupal 5.1 package all afternoon/evening, with a few breaks of course.
crimsunHobbsee: http://launchpad.net/11:35
Hobbseeoh, neat11:36
TheMusoWell I don't see why you all must use the beta.11:37
TheMusoI'd rather stick to the standard LP atm and have something thats usable.11:37
=== Hobbsee thinks each is about as usable as the other
Hobbseeexcluding oops' of course11:37
crimsunhey neat, Eugenia (of osnews fame) uses quodlibet11:38
crimsunsuch interesting things one discovers during triage11:38
FujitsuTheMuso: Beta is just as (or more) usable than normal, except for now.11:39
FujitsuTheMuso: it's also better to use beta now and give feedback, rather than just having an unusable beta when it replaces standard.11:39
TheMusoFujitsu: True.11:40
imbrandonmmmm sleep, its for the dead11:40
imbrandonmoins all11:40
TheMusoHeya imbrandon.11:41
imbrandonheya TheMuso 11:41
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dholbachso who's taking a look at universe bugs11:58
dholbachhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO mentions a few links that might help11:58
TheMusoOnce I get this drupal 5 package working, and an uvf filed, I will see how much time I have. If none/little, it will have to wait till I return on Sunday. :)11:59
lionelThis afternoon I'all have some time (and take some time). I hope that LP will be better :)11:59
=== ranf [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-175-127.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuIt's fixed! Yay!12:00
Fujitsudholbach: I killed of a few before LP went down.12:00
=== Fujitsu starts again now that LP is working.
dholbachI'm taking a look at bugs and will tag them as 'packaging' and 'bitesize'12:00
dholbachso we have a todo list for our new motu hopefuls12:01
FujitsuMost that I've looked at have already been fixed in syncs from Debian.12:01
dholbachor open an upstream task, so people can forward bugs upstream12:02
TheMusoHas anybody seen that guy from the mailing list, Cesare Tirabassi on IRC?12:02
=== Fujitsu thinks it'd be nice to have a tag to indicate bugs fixed in new upstream versions that aren't suitable until the opening of the next release.
siretartdoesn one have any obligations to join launchpad-beta-testers? are there any reasons not to join?12:04
Hobbseesiretart: only that you cant post screenshots12:04
siretartI think I can live with that12:04
FujitsuYou're meant to basically test it, complain about things that are bad, and not post screenshots.12:04
FujitsuSo it's a ticket to being blind, and an authorisation to complain at LP people. All good :P12:05
Hobbseeand being under no obligation to fix any of it12:06
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jonohi all12:06
jonojust to let you know, I have posted to some advice on growing the MOTU community to the list12:06
TheMusoFujitsu: I guess it wouldn't hurt me to join either.12:06
TheMusoGive the whole thing a good a11y workout.12:07
Hobbseeheya jono 12:07
jonohey :)12:07
FujitsuTheMuso: That's a very good idea.12:07
TheMusoFujitsu: Whats the team name?12:07
crimsunRE: wiki restructuring: I have a feeling people are going to have to sit down at the dev summit and do some work12:10
imbrandoncrimsun, yea i was just looking at that a bit ( and talking to jono about it )12:10
crimsunRE: blogging: what will differentiate it from hug days?12:10
imbrandonblogging makes the community look more "alive" to outsiders imho12:11
imbrandonohh jono is in here /me shuts up12:11
crimsuncertainly. OTOH, it also detracts from the time we have to actually fix stuff.12:11
crimsunwe've already discussed a monthly MOTU newsletter of sorts. Does that need to be made more frequent?12:12
imbrandoncrimsun, true , but you also have people ( like my self but not limited to me certainly ) that will be blogging anyhow , might as well blog about motu12:12
jonoblogging is essential12:13
jonohug days are opaque to non MOTUs12:13
Hobbseebut blogs are evil!12:13
=== Hobbsee is still meaning to blog
jonoif there is no outreach, you will limit how many people will join the community12:13
jonoHobbsee: heh, bullshit :)12:13
crimsunI notice that a couple of the MOTU applicants blog. Perhaps it would be useful for them to offer "inside views" of the process so that "hopefuls" have an idea.12:13
FujitsuHobbsee: Nooo, stay pure.12:13
jonoI amnot expecting everyone to blog, but a good proportion of MOTU should12:14
imbrandoncrimsun, +512:14
jonoits in the interests of the community12:14
crimsunI will say offhand that there are at least a couple people who will not blog simply because it's not benificial12:14
crimsunbeneficial, even12:14
FujitsuDo we really need a roadmap? We have our tasks fairly clearly set out already. Fix everything core-dev doesn't. The end.12:14
jonodepends on how you define beneficial12:14
crimsunbeneficial in the context of "attract more hopefuls"12:15
=== TheMuso will blog when he gets round to putting together his personal site.
jonoFujitsu: ok, but how does a new MOTU know which thing to fix?12:15
FujitsuBy looking at the new packaging and bitesize tags which dholbach is bestowing upon bugs, hopefully.12:15
crimsun[to note, how many core-dev blog regularly?] 12:16
jonocrimsun: not sure, but they need to too12:16
jonobut MOTU is in need of more people, so *some* outreach needs to happen12:16
Hobbseecrimsun: there are more motu's than those couple of people though12:16
imbrandonlooking at the rss feeds on planet 70% or better crimsun 12:16
crimsunthere are a lot of community members, which is great12:17
crimsun(I'm going to neatly sidestep the storm-in-a-teacup brewing over kde4 on motu@)12:19
Hobbseecrimsun: just start a co-storm about compiz being put into main, with so many bugs.12:20
Fujitsucrimsun: That does sound like a good idea.12:20
crimsunfrom my perspective, I would love to see three _involved_ MOTU sponsored for the upcoming UDS12:20
imbrandoncrimsun, i'm trying to side step that one too12:20
Hobbseecrimsun: who would they be?12:20
Hobbseewell, who would ask them, i guess12:21
FujitsuHobbsee: crimsun + 2 others, obviously.12:21
=== Hobbsee blerg.
crimsunI have prior commitments, so I can't make anything during April-May.12:21
imbrandoncrimsun, yea there definately needs to be more MOTU showing at UDS's12:21
imbrandon( of active MOTU's )12:21
lionelI am not a MOTU, but I may go to UDS (as it is not far away from home...)12:22
crimsunlionel: that would be swell12:22
TheMusoI'd love to go if I could get sponsored again/.12:22
crimsunin an ideal world, there would be at least two sponsored MOTU hopefuls, two new MOTU, and two veteran MOTU12:22
Hobbseecrimsun: yes, it'd definetly be a question of who's around.12:22
=== Fujitsu kicks LP.
=== lfittl will probably be at UDS, and would be happy to discuss MOTU stuff
=== dholbach high-fives lfittl
=== Hobbsee will be at UDS.
=== StevenK has no idea if he will be
imbrandonHobbsee, cool12:25
dholbachcrimsun: we shold talk to sabdfl about that :)12:25
StevenKI'd like to be.12:26
Hobbseedholbach: indeed.  you're staff, so you can do it :P12:26
crimsundholbach: honestly, 6 is a nice round number ;)12:26
crimsunthat's just my opinion, however, which is mostly warped12:27
Hobbseecrimsun: 7.2 is also a nice number.12:27
TheMusoHobbsee: lol12:27
StevenKSending .2 of a MOTU has moral side effects.12:27
crimsunI dunno, I like 1.7.2.git20070210-1 myself.12:28
TheMusoStevenK: What, for a .2 of a motu hopeful? Come on!12:28
StevenKWhich .2? :-P12:28
TheMusoThe .2 that they have achieved.12:28
StevenKSo their brain, eyes and hands?12:28
Hobbseeof course, it goes without saying that 42 would be the best number.12:29
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StevenKWhere do the menu icons for the Games sub menu exist?12:31
StevenKI have a newly upgraded Edgy box that shows no icons except for Mahjongg, and even that one looks wrong.12:32
imbrandon /usr/share/pixmaps ?12:32
dholbachwho else is looking for 'packaging' and 'bitesize' bugs?12:35
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crimsunI marked a couple, but I'm off to work presently12:36
crimsunI'll try and resume during lunch break12:37
dholbachok, just wanted to know which bugs you're looking at - I'm currently looking at new bugs - maybe I should mark old bugs first12:37
StevenKdholbach: Throw me one or two.12:37
dholbachStevenK: we're marking them for motu hopefuls12:38
StevenKI could be a MOTU hopeful.12:38
dholbachit's like "looking through bugs and adding them to a todo list for our newcomers"12:38
dholbachi'd appreciate it if people would help out with keeping the todo list up to date - we have a lot of people asking "where can i help out?" and we don't have simple answers for the12:39
StevenKimbrandon: What's wierd is the update-notifier icon doesn't appear in the panel either.12:39
imbrandonhum strange definately12:39
TheMusohmm. This drupal package will have to wait till SUnday.12:40
=== StevenK might beg seb128
TheMusoNeed to do some chores before heading to bed.12:40
=== Zic [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusommm. The kde stuff is getting a little firy.12:45
=== TheMuso keeps away.
StevenKHrm. seb128 says cache12:46
StevenKHow do I invalidate the icon cache?12:46
dholbacheither update it by running        update-gtk-icon-cache <directory>         or remove the .cache file there12:50
StevenKdholbach: Yup, found it, rebuilt the caches and the problem has gone away. Thanks, though. :-)12:54
StevenKActually, it's gtk-update-icon-cache12:55
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supervillainHello, I have a problem applying patch on non-cdbs packages, particularly gnome-pilot, It already has 2 patches, but my patch doesn't get applied, what seems to be the problem.01:04
Hobbseesupervillain: EPATCHERRORNEEDMOREINFO01:06
Hobbseesupervillain: EPATCHISWRONG01:06
Hobbseeapart from the second answer, none of us can tell you anything.01:07
Hobbseesupervillain: you'd have to pastebin the patch, and tell us what the patch system is, for a start01:07
supervillainHobbsee: The patch is just a simple .desktop patch created using $(diff -Nru gpilot-dir.old/subdir/desktopfile gpilot-dir.new/subdir/desktopfile > gpilot-dir.new/debian/patches/mypatch) nothing more.01:11
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supervillainHobbsee: but it doesn't seems to work when I build from the new directory.01:12
Fujitsusupervillain: make sure it is referenced in debian/patches/00list, if the package has such a file.01:13
StevenKI thought cdbs applied all patches?01:13
HobbseeStevenK: it does.  this is non-cdbs patches01:14
supervillainFujitsu: gnome-pilot doesn't have those files.01:14
Hobbseesupervillain: in the source dir, try patch -p1 --dry-run < debian/patches/mpatch and see the output01:14
Hobbseethe patch lines need to start with (the +++ and ----'s) source dir/foo/bar etc, not /tmp/foo/bling/bar/source/foo/bar, etc.01:15
TheMusoimbrandon: haha. That was somewhat rushed I believe.01:15
=== Hobbsee would expect that's the problem
supervillainok, brb01:15
imbrandonTheMuso, just a bit, i went back over it with a spellchecker and fixed the typos, should show back up in ~5 minutes01:16
=== TheMuso must get his site up, so I can join the blogosphere amongst other things.
imbrandoni really need to add a inline spellchecker to wordpress01:18
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imbrandonthere we go "fixed" version published hehe01:19
=== Zic [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonso is ubuntu-dev or motu the "official" team ( as far as LP is concerned ) , so i know what one to sync the accounts from, so far its been ubuntu-dev and ubuntu-core-dev , should this be motu and ubuntu-core-dev ?01:25
imbrandonumm that wasent really a yes/no question , hehe01:26
StevenKimbrandon: The group you are added to when you become a MOTU is ubuntu-dev01:27
imbrandonStevenK, right, thats how its been for ages, but dident that change reciently ?01:27
imbrandone.g. whenthe MC took over01:28
imbrandonor am i mistaken01:28
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@port166-123.ubs.maxnet.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuStevenK: You now get added to motu. motu is a member of ubuntu-dev, and all seperate memberships should be cancelled soonish.01:30
=== Sp4rKy [n=maxenced@ubuntu/member/sp4rky] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKThey can't leave LP alone. :-P01:31
=== pirast [n=martin@p508B26A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pirasthi, could anyone please upload asterisk? see bug 90814?01:40
UbugtuMalone bug 90814 in asterisk "[UPLOAD]  New Asterisk release 1.2.16" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9081401:40
Hobbseepirast: we're in UVF01:41
Hobbseehave you got an exception?01:42
TheMusoHobbsee: Read the desc.01:42
Hobbseeoh yep, i see01:42
pirastyeah :)01:42
Hobbseepirast: doing now01:42
pirasthobbsee, thanks01:42
TheMusoHow many acks does an UVF need?01:43
TheMusoI'm guessing two01:43
pirastTheMuso, yeah01:43
pirastthen they set the bug to confirmed ;-)01:43
pirastTheMuso, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Processes/UVF01:43
TheMusopirast: I know about it, but couldn't be bothered bringing that up now, especially since I'm about to head to bed.01:44
pirastTheMuso, ah, okay :)01:44
Hobbseebit mean to tell a vision impared person to read a webpage if you know the answer offhand, anyway :P01:45
=== ranf_ [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-142-098.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHobbsee: Excuse me?01:45
TheMusoReading a web page would not be a problem.01:45
HobbseeTheMuso: ie, it'd be nicer to give the answer, maybe.01:45
Hobbseeoh yes, forgot about your espeak stuff01:45
=== Hobbsee takes out brain, and thumps it on the table
TheMusoHobbsee: Thank you.01:46
Hobbseesoryr :(01:46
=== Hobbsee cant even manage to type her passphrase
Hobbseeoh ffs.01:46
lionelpirast: the last line in changelog should go in remaining change no ?01:46
HobbseeTheMuso: you upload it please.01:46
=== lionel was the former guy who merged asterisk
=== Hobbsee tries it one more time
Hobbseebah, wrong damned password01:47
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@port166-123.ubs.maxnet.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pirasthobbsee, yeah :(01:47
Hobbseewoo, got it!01:47
=== Hobbsee didnt realise her brain was *that* fried
TheMusoHobbsee: So I shouldn't pull out the keys and prepare to stamp approval?01:48
Hobbseenope, i eventually got it01:48
Hobbsee4th try01:48
TheMusook then01:48
Hobbseeie, fourth try of debsign -r01:48
Hobbsee(ie, 12th attempt of typing in passphrase)01:49
TheMusoYou really like debsign -r don't you.01:49
lionelpirast: hum... the debidff attached is wron for asterisk01:49
=== Hobbsee doesnt like uploading from here
TheMusoHobbsee: Why not?01:49
lionelall the former changelog entries are missing01:49
pirastlionel, it's against the asterisk in debian01:49
HobbseeTheMuso: upload speed is too slow01:49
TheMusoHobbsee: What is it? 128?01:50
lionelwe always keep the former Ubuntu changelog entries01:50
HobbseeTheMuso: yeah, think so01:50
FujitsuYes, that asterisk upload is clearly wrong.01:50
FujitsuYou must always keep previous entries.01:50
Hobbseeshould i can it?01:50
FujitsuHobbsee: Please. It breaks policy greatly.01:50
Hobbseebah, too late01:50
Hobbseeask an archive admin to remove it01:51
FujitsuIt is annoying to merge changes when the rationale or bug references are missing.01:51
Hobbseeor upload a fixed version01:51
TheMusoHobbsee: I think its bed time for you too.01:51
HobbseeTheMuso: quite likely, and i've got work in the morning01:51
pirastbug references are in there, aren't they?01:51
TheMusoUnfortunately I didn't even get to look at the debdiff.01:51
Fujitsupirast: Indeed, in this case they are.01:51
lionelpirast: here was the debdiff for the mergeof 1.2.14 http://librarian.launchpad.net/5909533/merge_asterisk-1.2.14%7Edfsg-4ubuntu1.diff01:52
TheMusoAnd on that note, I'm outa here.01:52
=== TheMuso checks email once more.
pirastlionel, ah ok01:54
lionelpirast: the best way to do your task it to fetch the merge realized by MoM01:54
lionelmost of the job is done by MoM :)01:55
pirastgreat :)01:55
pirastwhere can i found mom?01:55
=== dholbach_ [n=daniel@i59F74CEC.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKIn the kitchen01:55
Hobbseeit's out of date - it's not still running, iirc01:55
FujitsuHobbsee: How annoying. Why would it be turned off?01:56
TheMusoeither universe or multiverse01:56
StevenKBecause of UVF?01:56
lionelHobbsee: no, it is still running01:56
pirasthow shall i fix the problem?01:56
pirastjust make a debdiff against the asterisk now in ubuntu?01:56
lionelI don't know if the upload can be nuked...01:57
imbrandonno now since it was uploaded you will have to wait for it to be published and re-add the missing ubuntu entries01:57
Fujitsulionel: An archive admin can kill it in the next couple of minutes.01:57
TheMusonight all.01:57
FujitsuPublisher won't run until 5 past or so.01:57
imbrandonunless you catch an archive admin quickly01:57
Fujitsuimbrandon: pitti lurks in #ubuntu-devel at the moment.01:57
=== imbrandon slaps Hobbsee's hand
pirastwhy not just add the entries after it has been added?01:58
=== Hobbsee attacks imbrandon with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and chops him into tiny pieces
Hobbseeimbrandon: yes?01:58
lionelA MOTU could ask pitty so ? :)01:58
imbrandonuploading a debdiff without looking at it hehehe01:58
Fujitsupirast: It's messier than if we just replace it.01:58
Hobbseeimbrandon: meh.  ubuntu-uvf looked at it - 2 of them, and +1'd it.01:58
pirastFujitsu, okay.. will prepare a repaired debdiff then01:59
imbrandonthey just check weather the changes are approved ( even before thre is a debdiff in many cases )01:59
=== Hobbsee did glance at the diff, imbrandon
FujitsuThanks pirast. It keeps things easier to maintain.01:59
pirastsorry for the wrong package.. but i didn't know that this is required..01:59
imbrandonHobbsee, i know , i'm giving you shit01:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: i knwo.  and i'll cut you up into tiny pieces if you keep going.02:00
lionelpirast: no problem, we all learn with mistakes :)02:00
Fujitsupirast: Everybody makes mistakes sometimes :)02:00
=== Fujitsu now goes to bed.
imbrandongnight Fujitsu 02:00
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lionelnight Fujitsu02:00
imbrandonFujitsu, you dont go's to bed?02:00
=== imbrandon ducks
FujitsuNight imbrandon, lionel.02:01
=== Fujitsu drops some anvils on imbrandon's head.
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lionelpirast: you seem to have an interest with asterisk these days ? Right ? :)02:01
imbrandoni have astrisk's on my openwrt ;)02:02
pirastlionel, a little bit.. i have two asterisk servers running and i want that they have the latest and greates version with the feisty release ;)02:02
pirast(of the 1.2 tree ;))02:02
pirastif i only knew that mom existed ;-)02:03
lionelok, nice. I use to take care (a little bit) of them (as I have an asterisk at office and working with guys who are building VoIP servers with asterisk)02:03
StevenKasterisk 1.4 is out02:03
lionelStevenK: yes, but packages are not ready on Debian02:04
lioneland packaging Asterisk is not an easy task :-(02:04
StevenKProbably as fun as packaging RT02:04
lionelthere are on the pkg-voip SVN nevertheless02:04
StevenK(Which I've been doing for work the last few days)02:04
FujitsuStevenK: I inherited an RT setup on Gentoo at work. I can't imagine packaging it would be pleasant.02:05
imbrandonrt ?02:05
StevenKRequest Tracker02:05
imbrandonFujitsu, work?02:05
Fujitsuimbrandon: yes...02:05
pirastlionel, i also contacted the debian maintainer about the ubuntu changes, let's see if he incooperates the ubuntu changes.. so that we have no ubuntu* versions anymore02:05
imbrandonFujitsu, thought you were a youngin02:05
FujitsuI am!02:05
FujitsuI'm almost 16, though.02:05
lionelpirast: yes, I have seen02:05
lionelthat's a great idea02:06
StevenKRT is a big, hulking slow Perl web-app02:06
StevenKOh, add scary in there too02:06
lionelpirast: it has not always been welcome for other packages, but let's see02:07
StevenKOO abstraction layers 6 levels deep and other such fun things.02:07
FujitsuSlow!? What are you talking about? It's also very reliable. We /never/ have it randomly giving blank pages, or logging us out. Ever.02:07
StevenKFujitsu: Do you also have the bug of jumping back to the login screen on the first request after logging in?02:07
FujitsuYes, that one.02:08
imbrandonStevenK, got to be better than ansertrack ( what we use at work )02:08
pirastlionel, yeah, the debian maintainer does not want to apply a ASTSAFE patch for example, as he says that ASTSAFE is messy anyhow ;-)02:08
StevenKFujitsu: How about a messy Perl backtrace when trying to do a new search. But not all the time.02:08
FujitsuAlthough sometimes it'll work fine for a while, until you submit an update to a ticket, then it'll drop you back to the logon screen for every request.02:08
lionelpirast: but usefull !02:08
FujitsuI've seen that once or twice... More often when filing a new ticket, though.02:08
StevenK(When I say messy, I mean 3 pages)02:08
FujitsuOh, not that long.02:09
lionelmy asterisk crash sometimes, without safe... brrr :-(02:09
StevenKIt seems to loop and then get awful confused02:09
StevenKSince it we can't reproduce it reliably, we can't fix it. :-/02:09
FujitsuSometimes it'll throw a fit and return blank pages for everybody. An Apache restart fixes it.02:10
StevenKFujitsu: We had postgres and rt waiting for the other last week02:10
FujitsuOther times, the page will render blank in one particular session, but the HTML in the browser is fine... Happens in IE, Firefox, Epiphany...02:10
FujitsuRT is a strange creature.02:10
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StevenKAnd from the twisted minds who brought you RT, comes Jifty02:11
FujitsuAnd the stupid mod_perl caching thing makes Apache take literally 5 minutes to restart02:11
StevenKWeb framework wanky thing, like Rails, except like RT02:11
FujitsuThe worst kind.02:11
StevenKAnd with the same rabid fanboys that RT has.02:11
FujitsuGlad I didn't Google it.02:11
FujitsuI really don't see why Canonical uses RT...02:12
StevenKMy boss is one. :-(02:12
StevenKFujitsu: Suggest something better?02:12
FujitsuHe doesn't see how the technical maintenance side of it shocking.02:12
StevenKFujitsu: I mean Jifty fanboy, not RT fanboy. :-)02:12
FujitsuNo idea, unfortunately.02:12
StevenKMy boss has hacked on the code to know it sucks. :-)02:12
StevenK(I've switched back to RT)02:12
FujitsuAnyway, I really must head off to bed.02:12
StevenKFujitsu: Night.02:13
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alleeMhh, why does autobuilder complain about already existing Orig-maintainer field?  it's a 0ubuntu1 pkgs.  so I thought I have to add it. pkgmaintainermangler: Error: /build/buildd/libkexiv2-0.1.1/debian/libkexiv2-0-dbgsym/DEBIAN/control already contains an Original-Maintainer field; 02:29
alleeI've added: XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>02:30
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EtienneGmoin everybody02:31
alleehi EtienneG02:31
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geserallee: try asking pitti in #ubuntu-devel02:39
alleegeser: k, thx.02:39
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AstralJavadholbach_: Did you get email from me?02:52
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imbrandongawd i love QT http://zrusin.blogspot.com/2007/03/reflections.html03:01
imbrandonmoins allee 03:01
alleeimbrandon: hi03:01
zulimbrandon: meh..:)03:02
zulimbrandon: Im going to create a deriative called bastarduntu that has no eyecandy crack all cli03:03
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imbrandonzul, well i like eyecandy thats avail to all , like that is pure QT, not even KDE03:05
imbrandonso works on even 2d cards etc03:06
imbrandondoing alot with alittle is always cool03:06
imbrandondoing alot with alot is cool for about 5 secons till you need to do some work03:06
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bddebianHeya gang03:28
imbrandonheya bddebian 03:29
bddebianHi imbrandon03:30
geserHi bddebian03:31
_MMA_Hi guys. Do any of you know how the system sounds are set in Ubuntu. I dont mean by the user either. We're trying to set some more system sounds than Ubuntu does for Ubuntu Studio. We dont know if they just need to be named correctly and in the right spot or what. I thought Warty had more sounds set.03:32
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ScottKI have a patch to fix an AMD64 segfault in Bug #65952.  I'd appreciate it if someone in UUS would have a look.03:39
UbugtuMalone bug 65952 in libspf2 "segfaults on amd64 systems" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6595203:39
ScottKGood morning bddebian.03:39
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pochuHappy Hug Day!! :-)03:48
pochuI'm working in amule03:49
pochuand need an SpoNSoR!! :)03:49
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bddebianHeya geser, ScottK04:01
ScottKHow's it going?04:02
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ScottKNevermind.  Just noticed I forgot to update the maintainer to MOTU...04:19
bddebianScottK: Lame thanks.  You?04:19
ScottKWell I don't know that my condition even makes it all the way up to lame.04:20
dholbachAstralJava: checking04:22
AstralJavadholbach: Thanks! :)04:23
dholbachAstralJava: doesn't look like04:24
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AstralJavadholbach: Email address from janne.jokitalo@dnainternet.net04:30
dholbachcan you resend?04:30
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_MMA_Thanx for the help dholbach. ;)04:33
dholbach_MMA_: anytime04:33
dholbachit'd be nice if we could write some documentation on it together with kwwii and lizardking04:33
dholbachso it won't be that painful ever again04:33
_MMA_Oh totally.04:33
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dholbach(for people who don't know how to do it)04:33
_MMA_Im sure someone else will come along with the same questions.04:34
dholbachwe should maybe do a call on ubuntu-art@04:34
_MMA_I was wondering if there could actually create a app to set up this? Something to create a correct "whatever-look" package.04:35
_MMA_*if we04:35
lizardkingdholbach: about developing art?04:36
dholbachto derive from example-look should be easier now than it was some time ago04:36
lizardkingdholbach: I did not derive from example-look. I did it myselft :D04:37
_MMA_dholbach: Yeah. It seems pretty standard. Thats why I was thinking about a app. I know a python programmer that might do it.04:37
dholbach_MMA_: there's the auto artwork builder already04:38
_MMA_huh? :)04:38
_MMA_Oh wait.04:38
ScottKOK.  I've fixed up the patch for Bug #65952, so I think it's ready for a look by UUS if anyone is available.04:38
UbugtuMalone bug 65952 in libspf2 "segfaults on amd64 systems" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6595204:38
_MMA_I think you did mention that. :(04:38
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dholbachScottK: subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to it04:40
ScottKdholbach: I done.04:41
ScottKor it's done if I could type.04:41
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dholbachAstralJava: can you resend?04:43
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geserScottK: looking at it04:44
geserScottK: is it ok if I add the LP bug number to the changelog before uploading?04:47
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ScottKgeser: I thought "Corrects Malone bug#65952 (Closes Debian #392793)" covered that?04:47
UbugtuDebian bug 392793 in libspf2-2 "Bug#392793: segfault on amd64 systems" [Unknown,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/39279304:47
ScottKgeser: But certainly change it if it needs to be changed.  I don't mind04:48
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geserScottK: that covers it. I should read the changelog entry more carefully04:49
ScottKNo problem.04:49
ScottKI appreciate you taking time to look at it.04:50
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rmjbHello guys04:51
rmjbis there any discussion going on about Jono's email?04:51
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rmjbif there is going to be any discussion about the email, could it also be in email, or an email be made tot the list to summarise the discussion?04:53
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AstralJavadholbach: Just did. Hope it comes thru now.04:54
rmjbso those of us not on irc at the time can keep up with the progress...04:54
dholbachAstralJava: got marked as spam04:55
dholbachAstralJava: try running    ./autogen.sh && make dist04:56
dholbachdoes that work?04:56
AstralJavaAlright. Yeah, that worked, after installing automake1.904:57
dholbachnow you have a tarball04:57
dholbachuse that one04:57
dholbachrename it to  <project>_<version>.orig.tar.gz04:57
dholbachthen add the debian dir to it04:57
AstralJavaHmm... how do I do that?04:58
dholbachmv <project>-<version>.tar.gz ../<project>_<version>.orig.tar.gz; cd ..; tar xfz <project>_<version>.orig.tar.gz04:59
dholbachcp -r debian/ <project>-<version>04:59
dholbachcd <project>-<version>; debuild -S -sa04:59
AstralJavaOh, sorry I didn't think it thru.05:00
dholbachsorry it's a bit complicated05:00
dholbachbut the art builder does that for you05:00
dholbachbut it doesn't matter at this stage05:00
AstralJavaAlright, I'll try with that. Thanks a lot!05:01
AstralJavaOh, one more question, about sounds.05:01
dholbachthat's why it's easier to use python in the other packages05:01
AstralJavagnome apparently has those hardcorded, so you must use filenames already existing from ubuntu-sounds?05:01
AstralJavaDo I need to Conflict: that in debian/control?05:02
AstralJavaOr is there a better way?05:02
dholbachyeah - conflict05:03
AstralJavaOkay. Do you see a problem with that, I mean, removing ubuntu-sounds package?05:03
dholbachno, no problem05:04
AstralJavaCool. Thanks a lot for these! :)05:04
dholbachno problem :)05:04
geserScottK: uploaded05:06
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ScottKgeser: Thanks.05:09
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etankimbrandon: Nice blog post about the MOTU. It got me interested.05:13
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dholbachwhat do you think of having " * decide on a date of next universe hug day" as a fixed item in motu meetings?05:39
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dholbachmore bitesize and packaging bugs for the world!05:56
dholbachwould it make sense to have an 'upgrade' tag? where people request an upgrade and we can review the bugs?05:57
dholbachthere are millions of them in universe/multiverse05:57
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bddebiandholbach: I think so06:07
dholbachi wrote a mail to ubuntu-motu about it06:08
bddebianI just saw that :)06:09
=== dholbach updates MOTU/TODO
pirastlionel, ping06:10
pirastlionel, when you are back, could you please have a look at bug 90814 (the attached debdiff)? this should add the missing changelog entries, please reply if you have any concerns.06:11
UbugtuMalone bug 90814 in asterisk "[UPLOAD]  New Asterisk release 1.2.16" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9081406:11
bddebiandholbach: Another thing I noticed when going through the old bugs is that I'm not sure we have a strong policy on what we will fix for breezy-edgy06:12
dholbachit's relatively easy06:12
dholbachif it's fixed later, close the bug and ask people who want the fix to open a backport task if they have a minimal fix, they want to get through the SRU process06:13
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=== pochu looks for a Sponsor for Bug #87684 :-)
UbugtuMalone bug 87684 in amule "cpu 100%" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8768406:25
pochuhappy Hug Day!06:25
pochuanybody? :)06:30
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geserpochu: I'm on it06:32
=== pochu hugs geser :)
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Skorgu|WorkI'm trying to write a package that depends on syslog-ng and only syslog-ng, is there any way I can make apt uninstall any other syslog provider and install syslog-ng if this package is to be installed?06:36
pochuSkorgu|Work: maybe replaces: list of packages :)06:37
pochudunno :)06:38
geserSkorgu|Work: yes, depend on syslog-ng. it already conflicts with other syslog implementations06:38
=== dholbach hugs pochu
=== dholbach hugs geser
=== geser hugs dholbach
ToadstoolHug Day!06:38
lionelpirast: looking now :)06:38
=== pochu hugs back dholbach
dholbachyooohoooo Toadstool06:38
Toadstoolg'norning everybody06:38
=== dholbach hugs Toadstool too
bddebianHeya Toadstool06:38
pochuheya Toadstool06:38
Toadstool*morning even06:38
ScottKGood morning Toadstool06:38
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bddebianWhoa and sistpoty :)06:38
dholbachhey sistpoty06:38
pochuheya sistpoty06:38
dholbachsistpoty: happy hug day06:38
=== pochu hugs sistpoty ;)
sistpotyhi bddebian, dholbach, pochu06:38
Toadstoolhey sistpoty 06:39
sistpotyyay, happy hug day * ;)06:39
sistpotyhi Toadstool06:39
Toadstoolso how's the hug day going so far? :)06:39
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dholbachquite good06:39
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dholbachlook at the links from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO06:39
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dholbachwe categorized quite some of our work06:39
dholbachwo it will be easy for people to help out06:39
Skorgu|WorkI have Depends: ... syslog-ng  Replaces sysklogd, klogd and it still complains that syslog-ng is not going to be installed06:40
sistpotygood work everyone!06:40
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geserSkorgu|Work: what happens when you try to manually install syslog-ng?06:41
Skorgu|Workworks fine06:41
lionelpirast: looks good now. You should precise that debiff apply on current Ubuntu version06:41
lionelpirast: your precedent has not been nuked ?06:41
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Skorgu|Workit removes klogd, sysklogd, ubuntu-minimal06:41
Skorgu|WorkI added ubuntu-minimal to the Replaces:, no change06:42
lionelpirast: no, it was not :)06:42
=== Toadstool takes a few minutes to catch up on his email backlog and starts fixing bugs
Skorgu|Workdoes anyone know of an existing package that does this? I can just figure out how they did it06:44
geserSkorgu|Work: how does your complete Depends line look like?06:45
Skorgu|WorkDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, stunnel4, syslog-ng06:45
lionelSkorgu|Work: is universe activated ?06:45
dholbachcould somebody subscribe 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' to all the universe bugs with patches attacheD?06:45
Skorgu|Worklionel: yes06:46
bddebiandholbach: I'll give it a shot06:47
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pirastlionel, okay.. thanks and sorry for doing it the wrong way :)06:55
pirastcould anyone please apply the debdiff in 90814?06:56
geserpochu: uploaded06:56
=== pochu hugs geser again!
pochugeser: ty :)06:57
pirastbug 9081406:58
UbugtuMalone bug 90814 in asterisk "[UPLOAD]  New Asterisk release 1.2.16" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9081406:58
sistpotyhm... I'm still undecided about Lutin's motu application https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-March/000021.html07:00
=== sistpoty needs to meditate :)
sistpoty(and hope for good voices here in the channel to convince him one way or the other)07:00
dholbachi feel like i tagged 456754356543456543456 bugs07:01
sistpoty-ENUMTOOLARGE :P07:02
=== sistpoty tagged only one or two last night :(
dholbachi tagged at least 8007:03
sistpotyI guess I'll upload a few sponsoring requests now07:04
dholbachmaybe we should tag bugs as 'ftbfs' and 'unmetdeps'07:07
sistpotysounds like a good idea07:07
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dholbachok, we should link those bugs on MOTU/TODO, add the tags to MOTU/Bugs and BugSquad/Tags07:08
=== dholbach will take care of that
bddebianHmm, what about a bug on a package that has been removed from Debian and isn't fixed in upstream?07:09
sistpotybddebian: forward it to upstream?07:09
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bddebiansistpoty: There's already a bug upstream about it that's already 1.5 years old :-)07:10
sistpotybddebian: make a patch and send it to upstream? 07:10
bddebianNo thanks :)07:10
Skorgu|Workgeser: any ideas?07:11
bddebianLooks like a remove from archive candidate to me07:13
geserSkorgu|Work: sorry, I'm out of ideas07:13
Skorgu|Workok, thanks07:13
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Toadstoolnext time, remind to think twice before posting something in my "blog" :/07:17
lionelpirast: no pb07:19
lionelhappy to help :)07:20
bddebianHey Toadstool, remember to think twice before posting something in your "blog" ;-P07:20
pirastlionel, :)07:20
sistpotywow... bugs.debian.org has weird graphics now :)07:21
zulsistpoty: wha?07:25
sistpotyzul: e.g. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40624707:25
UbugtuDebian bug 406247 in mldonkey-server "Bug#406247: Urgent patch to solve upload problem" [Unknown,Closed]  07:25
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persiaI've just received some bug mail tagging bugs "bitesize packaging", where I don't agree.  How do I update this?  (42622 is actively being worked on, 44897 has licensing issues, and 28763 requires support from core-dev)?07:32
persiabddebian: Hi.  I'm still not here :)07:32
pochudholbach: ^07:33
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dholbachpochu: click on "edit description/tags" on the left side of the page07:35
=== dholbach checks the bugs again
pochupersia: ^07:35
persiadholbach: Thanks.  I'll update.07:35
dholbachwhat's the problems with 42622?07:35
dholbachit's quite old07:35
dholbachok, it was updated recently -- still the tag does not hurt07:36
persiadholbach: The main problem is that drscheme doesn't bootstrap very well.  There is usally at least one apparently random architecture that doesn't build (today it's AMD6).07:36
dholbachthe "desktop file" fix is easy to do though07:37
dholbachi mainly referred to that07:37
persiadholbach: OK.  I won't update.  What about the other two?07:37
dholbachyou can update if you feel strongly about it - i can live with that :)07:37
persiadholbach: Ah.  I understand (and agree), although it's done.07:37
dholbachpeople can even look at the bug and see what the 'bitesize' task is like - even if somebody else works on it07:37
dholbachor it's done already07:38
dholbachi agree - it might have been confusing to get that mail07:38
persiadholbach: it's just that many people have looked at the other two in the past, and one needs core-dev, and the other needs someone to talk to nvidia.07:38
dholbachi looked through ~800 bugs today - maybe I didn't check each and every one that closely07:38
dholbachit's ok if you remove the tags there07:39
persiadholbach: No worrkes.  That's why there are bug subscriptions?07:39
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dholbachthanks for checking again07:39
angasuleis this the right place to beg for updated packages for game-related stuff? Many libraries are lacking and would love if it were fixed07:39
persiaGood luck all!07:39
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angasuleguess not...07:42
lamegodholbach, I am Joao from Getdeb, I will be adding a link to the diffs for all the releases from now on07:43
dholbachlamego: thanks a lot07:44
=== dholbach goes for a walk - bbl
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etankthis may be a dumb question, but what is the best way to get started packaging? I want to help in any way that i can. 07:52
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources07:52
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etankwith so much to do though where is the best place to jump in?07:54
=== _MMA_ was just getting Glest from Getdeb. ;)
sistpotyetank: a good place would be e.g. to tackle bugs marked as bitesize (see wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO)07:56
etanksistpoty: thanks I will take a look at some of those.08:05
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pochuhappy hugggggggggg dayyyyyyyyyyyy!!08:16
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angasulecan someone tell me where to go to ask for game development libraries? if -devel and -motu aren't it, then I don't know where else to look08:17
Monk-eangasule, what do you mean? Allegro and SDL are in the repositories.08:20
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angasuleMonk-e: there is much more than that, HawkNL, OpenAL, OpenDE, maybe a collada library (I'm not sure if fcollada is FLOSS)08:23
angasuleOpenAL's and ODE's versions are pretty old, HawkNL isn't included at all08:24
Monk-eangasule, true true. I assumed you were talking about 2d development libs.08:25
angasulewell, there are 3D games now, like Doom and F-19 :P08:27
Monk-eoh no, sherlock is here. ;)08:28
angasulealso, man pages are usually lacking (the OpenGL manpages have to be manually installed)08:28
angasuleit'd be nice if games for ubuntu could be developed on ubuntu08:29
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lfittlangasule, feel free to participate in the motu games team, it is not extremly active right now, but that could easily change08:30
lfittlangasule, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Games08:31
=== sistpoty needs to do some things... bbl
=== davromaniak [n=cyril@AFontenayssB-152-1-11-86.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
angasuleI'm not sure where to list the old/missing libraries, they talk only about games, not the supporting libs08:38
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angasulein any case, I might be back later, have to go buy a new computer08:38
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AstralJavaDoes anyone have any idea why I can install package usplash-dev locally, but if it's a build-dependency in debian/control, I get an error "Package usplash-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package." and "This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: libusplash-dev"08:59
=== bureado [n=bureado@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bureadoGreetings and happy hug day :)09:01
bureadoI uploaded a package to REVU which was approved for unfreeze by motu-uvf, what's the process to follow now?09:01
dholbachhave a nice evening everybody! see you next week!09:01
AstralJavaYeah, you too! :)09:02
dholbachthanks AstralJava09:02
gnomefreakdoes people.ubuntu.com repos come with motu membership or main-devel?09:04
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dholbachgnomefreak: they're just for canonical employees09:04
dholbachthe name is misleading :-(09:05
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gnomefreakmight play wth falcon than09:05
gnomefreakty dholbach 09:05
geserAstralJava: do you really mean usplash-dev? because I can only find a libusplash-dev09:07
AstralJavageser: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9509/09:08
AstralJavaJust a few minutes ago.09:09
AstralJavaRight after, tried pbuilder.09:09
TheMusoHey MOTUs.09:09
AstralJavaAlright, they're different repos. Maybe swedish mirror isn't up-to-date.09:09
AstralJavaHey TheMuso09:09
=== TheMuso is not round for long, just checking email.
AstralJavaBye TheMuso09:09
TheMusoI'm not gone just yet.09:09
AstralJavaj/k :)09:10
TheMusoStill waiting for email to download09:10
geserAstralJava: try libusplash-dev09:11
geserAstralJava: * Add Conflicts and Replaces: usplash-dev on libusplash-dev. (from usplash (0.4-42))09:12
marcin_anthi guys09:12
AstralJavaYeah I changed it already, and it built+installed.09:12
AstralJavaWas just wondering how that coulda happened. :)09:12
marcin_antI would like to ask if is there any new java policy for ubuntu while sun's java is gpl'ed now09:13
gnomefreakwhat did we replace mozilla-acroread with for pdf files in ff?09:14
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EtienneGhey guys !09:18
EtienneGlooking for a core dev to sponsor bzr/bzrtools to feisty main, and bzr-gtk to feisty/universe09:19
EtienneGbeen trolling #ubuntu-devel, unsuccessfully09:19
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TheMusoLater guys.09:42
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pirastcould anyone please upload the debdiff in bug 90814? thanks!09:44
UbugtuMalone bug 90814 in asterisk "[UPLOAD]  New Asterisk release 1.2.16" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9081409:44
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AstralJavaIf a package has Conflicts: in debian/control, does apt-get try to resolve the issue, like aptitude does? I created a package with pbuilder, and dpkg won't install it straight away. I'm guessing it needs apt-get -f install. The point is, how hard it is for a user to install this package? The conflicting package is ubuntu-sounds. (the package I created is ubuntustudio-sounds)10:07
AstralJavaWhat about update-manager?10:07
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imbrandonAstralJava, when its in a repo its taken care of, streight form the command line from dpkg it isnt10:53
AstralJavaimbrandon: Okay good, that's what I was hoping for. :)10:55
AstralJavaThank you!10:55
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Toadstoolre: bug 77502, splashy 0.3.2 is built on all archs, I'd say this bug is a FixReleased, right?11:18
UbugtuMalone bug 77502 in splashy "FTBFS [Feisty]  in splashy (i386)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7750211:18
LaserJockhi everybody11:19
Toadstoolhey LaserJock 11:19
bddebianHeya LaserJock11:19
FujitsuHi LaserJock.11:20
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-84-120.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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FujitsuCan a core-dev please accept the Edgy task on bug #64016?11:27
UbugtuMalone bug 64016 in bluefish "Bluefish crashes when saving document" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6401611:27
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bddebianLater gang11:36
=== Seiya[work] [n=Seiya@pool-70-19-220-223.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmitheimbrandon, ping11:41
tsmithewait - that was silly11:41
tsmithejust wanted to say it seems you've taken jono's post to heart, and got blogging ;)11:41
=== Fujitsu wonders how UVF affects things like Debian bug #375237.
UbugtuDebian bug 375237 in bindgraph "Bug#375237: bindgraph: Should escape : in COMMENT?" [Important,Closed]  http://bugs.debian.org/37523711:42
FujitsuIt's not a new upstream version, as such, but it's got a new upstream version number (just an `a' tacked on the end).11:42
crimsunactually it counts as a new UV11:43
crimsunyou have my +1, however11:43
crimsunjust get a second and upload away ;)11:43
crimsunoh, it's a sync I guess11:44
FujitsuIt is a sync, yes.11:44
crimsun#64016 accepted for edgy11:45
FujitsuThanks crimsun.11:45
FujitsuShould I file a UVFe bug for this, or just poke somebody when they're around?11:46
crimsunI suppose you'd need a sync request anyhow, so it's best to go through the process11:46
FujitsuShall do.11:46
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greffHello. If any package maintainer / developer here has enough free time to manage a few new packages, then can he/she please look into adding pam_cups and pam_script into the Ubuntu repositories?11:47
greffAlso, would there be any chance for whatever comes after Feisty, to have apt-get source replaced by some sort of modified version of Gentoo's emerge?11:47
imbrandontsmithe, pong11:47
imbrandongreff, i doubt apt-get source can be replaced, but additions / seperate programs are always welcomed ( mostly )11:49
crimsungreff: 1) most maintainers/developers here are resource-starved. The process of getting things into Ubuntu proceeds much more quickly if you do some legwork yourself (namely, creating source packages and putting them on REVU; see the topic for REVU).11:49
imbrandonheya crimsun 11:49
crimsungreff: 2) as for apt* being replaced by something resembling emerge, I doubt it's even Feisty+2 material.11:49
crimsun'lo brandon11:50
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LaserJockhi crimsun and imbrandon 11:50
imbrandonheya LaserJock 11:50
crimsun'lo jordan11:50
crimsunnice, my audio card simply doesn't work under Windows XP, but it works fine under Linux 2.6.2011:51
FujitsuNice, crimsun.11:51
imbrandonhaha i have a usb audio stick thats that way11:51
imbrandonxp/vista device manager dont even see it11:51
imbrandonbut works flawless in linux11:52
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LaserJockcrimsun: my audio works better in Linux too I believe11:52
LaserJockin Windows it won't come back after hibernation11:52
LaserJockin Linux it seems to fair pretty well11:52
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imbrandonhum i should link-ify the "He-Man and the M.O.T.U" post , this is html you know . lol11:54
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imbrandonanyhow food , brb11:55
=== LaserJock hugs new SRU policy
FujitsuLaserJock: Yep, it's nice.11:57
LaserJockI finally got the SRU I did before Christmas done11:57
LaserJockand then Main one is "verification-done"11:58
LaserJocknot quite sure what all that means11:58
LaserJockbut it's progressing11:58
crimsunif it's verification done, we can upload it11:58
crimsunbug # ?11:58
crimsun(presuming the "main one" has passed the minimum aging period of a week)11:59
LaserJockhehe, it's from Dec.12:00
LaserJockbug #7502112:00
UbugtuMalone bug 75021 in python-imaging "SRU: python-imaging missing dependencies (edgy)" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7502112:00
LaserJockI'm not very good with SRU. I'm not very pushy12:00
LaserJockI want to do it once and be done with it12:01
LaserJockthat's what I get for being so disorganized12:01
LaserJockI keep forgetting a weekly meeting12:01
LaserJockeven though it's every Friday at 10:00am12:01
LaserJockyou'd think it wouldn't be hard after the first couple months12:01
crimsunLaserJock: generate a new debdiff with the appropriate -v, ping me, and I'll sponsor it12:02
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crimsunif you have time now to do it, we can get that done right now12:02
crimsunactually you can just generate a new debdiff against the current -proposed source package, and I'll handle the -v12:03
LaserJockk, makes sense since you need a new .changes anyway12:04
lfittlimbrandon, i would eventually be interested in adding an amd64 machine to the build network (server location is germany) as soon as it has a little more RAM, are you interested in integrating this with the existing stuff?12:04
imbrandonlfittl, sure12:06
greffcrimsun: Okay, thanks.12:06
imbrandonPM me when you have time and we can chat about it12:06
lfittlok, will do next week after the RAM upgrade, thanks12:06
imbrandonweekly meeting?12:08
imbrandonwow, guess i should read the -motu mail more12:08
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crimsunI feel like I need an administrative assistant just for Ubuntu ;)12:09
crimsuncommand not found12:11
imbrandoncrimsun, +112:11
imbrandon( about the admin assistant ) hehe12:11
Toadstoolimbrandon: oh btw, the community build machines are awesome! thank you so much :)12:12
_MMA_LaserJock: You around?12:12

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