=== dany_21 [n=dan@83-65-235-244.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | yuriy: I did when you first showed it to me | 12:20 |
Riddell | yuriy: I said it looks excellent | 12:20 |
yuriy | but then you said you'd proofread so i was confused | 12:21 |
yuriy | k thx | 12:21 |
jdong | Riddell: so, ya cool with new ktorrent? :D | 12:21 |
Riddell | jdong: meh | 12:24 |
jdong | Riddell: <buzzword> security fix </buzzword> | 12:24 |
Riddell | ktorrent is in main (did I see an e-mail on ubuntu-motu), if smone wants to try and persuade the releaseteam (== tfheen) then go ahead | 12:24 |
Riddell | havin only a security fix for current versions is a bad sign, if there's a problem it needs to be fixed in all supported versions | 12:25 |
jdong | Riddell: and he doesn't like the "meh backport" approach either :D | 12:26 |
Riddell | who? | 12:26 |
jdong | tfheen :( | 12:27 |
Riddell | I don't follow | 12:27 |
jdong | towrads fixing bugs that SRU/-security would have nightmares over | 12:27 |
Riddell | backporting new versio isn't an acceptable way to do security fixes on stable releases | 12:28 |
jdong | aye, but backporting a new version solely for providing a makeshift bugfix/security is total taboo now | 12:29 |
jdong | while we did manage to get away with it for some time | 12:29 |
Riddell | not in main I' sure | 12:30 |
=== Riddell on dodgey internet connection tonight | ||
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jdong | hehe backports doesn't distinguish between main and universe. We're not a segregated society :) | 12:33 |
jdong | we had a dream that ALL packages -- universe, multiverse, main, restricted -- will succeed, free to link to and grep each other | 12:34 |
Riddell | :) | 12:36 |
yuriy | i feel like i should be sending this to some other list if we want new people helping.. | 12:37 |
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Riddell | yuriy: where are you sending it? | 12:42 |
yuriy | so far -devel and -testers | 12:42 |
Riddell | yuriy: ubuntu-motu | 12:42 |
Riddell | yuriy: and I'll look at it then you can send it to -devel-announce | 12:42 |
yuriy | Riddell: motu? o_O wouldn't have thought of that | 12:43 |
Riddell | yuriy: ask dholbach where his bug day e-mails go | 12:44 |
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yuriy | Riddell: -users? the hug day emails do go out to ubuntu-users | 12:55 |
Riddell | do it | 12:56 |
yuriy | hmm for some reason i thought kubuntu-testers had an ml | 12:59 |
kwwii | so tomorrow is going to be the big decide on kdm ksplash and wallpaper day | 01:00 |
kwwii | I have a few pics to choose from...I'll let others pick which ones we use (to some extent :p) | 01:01 |
Riddell | hmm, i'm stuck on a mobile connection that costs 7UKP per MB | 01:03 |
Riddell | I may not be viewing many images :( | 01:03 |
Riddell | still, that means others can decide an I just upload on sunday | 01:03 |
Riddell | can we have naked dragons? | 01:04 |
nixternal | I walked in this channel at the wrong time | 01:05 |
=== yuriy wonders whether to write stop by #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-bugs | ||
Riddell | good question | 01:12 |
Riddell | go for both | 01:12 |
nixternal | Riddell: did you take a look at the docs package? | 01:13 |
nixternal | also the KTorrent package | 01:13 |
nixternal | and how much money can you send? | 01:13 |
Riddell | nixternal: no, I'm on a restricted internet connection this weekend | 01:14 |
nixternal | Riddell: groovy :) | 01:15 |
Riddell | ktorrent I'm still not too happy with | 01:15 |
nixternal | Riddell: well the docs package is done, and works, builds and what not | 01:15 |
nixternal | well our current KTorrent is supposedly a security risk | 01:15 |
Riddell | it will need to be fixed in all supported distros | 01:15 |
nixternal | yup | 01:15 |
Riddell | money? | 01:16 |
nixternal | I figured since I was asking questions, I might as well as that one too :) | 01:17 |
Riddell | on this connection each question you ask costs meabout 10p! | 01:17 |
nixternal | gahahaha | 01:17 |
nixternal | I will send you money then | 01:17 |
Riddell | ok, half a meg used tonight, that's about 4 quid | 01:18 |
Riddell | pricey for a few irc chats | 01:18 |
=== Riddell logs out | ||
nixternal | heh | 01:19 |
nixternal | later | 01:19 |
yuriy | night Riddell | 01:19 |
yuriy | i'm apparently not allowed to post to kubuntu-users. i guess i need to be subscribed | 01:24 |
=== yuriy just got ml bounces | ||
yuriy | *4 ml bounces | 01:24 |
nixternal | heh | 01:26 |
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manchicken | Any good adept bugs need fixing in a hurry? | 05:30 |
manchicken | Ooh! Who fixed the details dialog? | 05:31 |
nixternal | heh, I created a patch to fix translations for Edgy docs, and I forgot to build the damn translations in the Makefile :) | 05:44 |
nixternal | mhb: I am fixing that now, I will have a debdiff I will upload to that bug report and put it "Fix Comitted" :) | 05:44 |
manchicken | nixternal: I heard you went boom or something earlier? | 05:45 |
nixternal | heh, just a little | 05:45 |
manchicken | What's that all about? | 05:45 |
manchicken | Spontaneous human combustion is a fascinating subject. | 05:45 |
nixternal | yes, it is fun, you should try it sometime | 06:40 |
nixternal | Jucato: you ok? | 07:01 |
nixternal | ;p | 07:01 |
Jucato | nixternal: I dunno what's happening... why chanserv keeps on giving me ops.. | 07:02 |
nixternal | hahahahahahahaha | 07:02 |
Jucato | really strange... | 07:02 |
nixternal | ya it is | 07:02 |
Jucato | :D | 07:02 |
nixternal | did you catch on? | 07:02 |
Jucato | catch on? | 07:03 |
nixternal | ya, /msg chanserv op #kubuntu jucato | 07:03 |
nixternal | then run it with -jucato :) | 07:03 |
nixternal | I seen you as op earlier, and that is what started it | 07:03 |
nixternal | I wanted to see when you start to go nuts :) | 07:03 |
Jucato | lol | 07:04 |
nixternal | so yes, that was me playing tricks with your mind ;p | 07:04 |
Jucato | lol | 07:04 |
=== Jucato had to run off to stop his washing machine from overflowing... | ||
nixternal | lol | 07:06 |
Jucato | the whole chanserv affair made me forget that I had the water running.. @_@ | 07:06 |
nixternal | hahahaha | 07:07 |
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=== manchicken still needs to buy a washing machine. | ||
Jucato | O.o | 07:32 |
manchicken | We just moved into a house where we have hookups for a washer. | 07:32 |
Jucato | oh | 07:33 |
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danimo | Riddell: ping? | 10:41 |
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jeroenvrp | seems like my dead-keys are gone (using us keyboard layout) | 12:22 |
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toma | jeroenvrp: i ran into that as well | 12:35 |
toma | jeroenvrp: if you have a soultion let me know ;-) | 12:35 |
jeroenvrp | toma: great, so I' m not the only one | 12:35 |
jeroenvrp | ha | 12:35 |
jeroenvrp | I'm just a simple user :-) | 12:35 |
=== toma too | ||
jeroenvrp | thats why I tell it here and hopefullt the developers will wake up later on | 12:36 |
=== Jucato takes the plunge and starts upgrading... | ||
=== toma takes a coffee | ||
Jucato | :) | 12:41 |
=== larsivi|Zzz is now known as larsivi | ||
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mhb | jeroenvrp: well my dead keys are gone for quite some time | 01:31 |
jeroenvrp | yesterday I had dead keys | 01:31 |
jeroenvrp | today after updating not | 01:31 |
jeroenvrp | I am are talking about feisty off course | 01:32 |
larsivi | seems to work with norwegian setup | 01:32 |
mhb | larsivi: truth is, only some of the dead keys disappeared for me | 01:35 |
jeroenvrp | larsivi: here in the netherlands 99% of users use an us-layout | 01:35 |
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larsivi | mhb: well, I haven't tried all - I usually don't need them | 01:44 |
=== mhb pokes Jucato | ||
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Jucato | mhb: pong? | 04:43 |
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Tm_T | Hmmhmmhmm. | 04:54 |
Tm_T | http://wwwu.uni-klu.ac.at/agebhard/WUSB54GC/99-ralink.patch <- I'm trying if this helps with my wlan issue | 04:55 |
Tm_T | Patch to network-manager IIRC | 04:55 |
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Tm_T | I just add patch to debian/patches and then wrap it up to package? | 05:00 |
Jucato | will the dist-upgrade tool automatically change your repos from edgy to feisty? | 05:10 |
fdoving | Jucato: yes. | 05:11 |
Jucato | hm... | 05:11 |
Jucato | The following packages have unmet dependencies: kdelibs: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu7~edgy1) but 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1~edgy1 is installed. | 05:11 |
Jucato | I'm getting that error... :( | 05:11 |
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nixternal | you know what I hate, waiting 2 hours for the Edgy translated docs pkg to build, only to come to the end and crash out on a stupid firefox translation issue. this time, I am putting that up top in rules, so if it crashes I will know asap and not 2 hours later :) | 05:47 |
Jucato | ugh!!! why is kdelibs being held back... :( | 05:51 |
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mhb | Jucato: still around? | 06:41 |
Jucato | mhb: yes | 06:42 |
Jucato | mhb: what can I do for you? :) | 06:44 |
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mhb | Jucato: I vaguely remember that somebody wanted to post about the testing of the new dist-upgrade tool on some forums, perhaps it wasnt you | 06:53 |
=== mhb has to check the logs | ||
Jucato | mhb: it was me. I was telling yuriy that if ever the time comes for massive dist-upgrade testing arrives, I'll copy his e-mail announcement and post it on the forums. | 06:54 |
Jucato | (kubuntuforums) | 06:54 |
Jucato | but since he has account there already, I think he's going to do it himself | 06:55 |
mhb | what yuriys email? the one about the kubuntu-desktop bugs week? | 06:55 |
Jucato | hm... lol sorry, not yuriy. it was you :) | 06:56 |
=== Jucato got things mixed up at 1:55 AM | ||
mhb | Jucato: no problem | 06:57 |
mhb | Jucato: Jonathan told me today that the dist-upgrade tool is ready for wider testing | 06:58 |
mhb | the 1 bug is that you have to close adept manually | 06:59 |
Jucato | mhb: that's sort of my problem right now... kdelibs is being held back | 06:59 |
Jucato | when/how are you supposed to close adept manually? and how are you supposed to runthe dist-upgrade tool then? | 07:00 |
mhb | Jucato: okay ... I will be happy if you post the message on some forums once it works for you | 07:01 |
Jucato | mhb: sure. I'll try fixing this tomorrow | 07:01 |
mhb | Jucato: check the wiki page about it or the logs today (I didnt have the opportunity to test it yet as I am not at home) | 07:02 |
Jucato | ah ok. will do | 07:03 |
mhb | Jucato: thanks so much | 07:04 |
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fdoving | is the new adept in edgy already? | 09:33 |
fdoving | users in #kubuntu reports that they are told a new release is available. | 09:33 |
fdoving | looks like he enabled -proposed. nevermind. | 09:55 |
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