=== iamsam9895 [n=iamsam98@c-24-22-124-230.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
iamsam9895 | Bah! Most of the people in #ubuntu are useless. | 12:14 |
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iamsam9895 | Anybody know why X isn't using the screen sync rates that I set in my xorg.conf? | 12:15 |
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iamsam9895 | Hello, anybody there? | 12:17 |
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chris___ | Hello? | 12:17 |
chris___ | Anyone here? | 12:17 |
Tm_T | We are here if mostly silent at night. | 12:17 |
iamsam9895 | Not really chris, I tried that. | 12:17 |
chris___ | :/ | 12:18 |
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chris___ | Is WINE in the respitories up to date? | 12:18 |
Tm_T | Oh boy... | 12:18 |
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coreymon77 | DaSkreech: are you still there | 12:19 |
Tm_T | chris___: Most of the time IIRC. | 12:19 |
chris___ | so WINE is at the latest version when I did apt-get install wine | 12:19 |
chris___ | since I've heard that WINE in the resp is an older version. | 12:19 |
Tm_T | I assume so, but no idea, you're in 6.06? | 12:19 |
chris___ | yes. | 12:19 |
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Tm_T | Oh boy, then you do have old version. | 12:20 |
chris___ | :( | 12:20 |
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chris___ | is it safe to just uninstall | 12:20 |
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chris___ | and then just use the instructions on the site | 12:21 |
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Tm_T | chris___: Should be relatively safe. | 12:21 |
chris___ | ok thanks. | 12:21 |
Skuller | !webcam | 12:21 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 12:21 |
Tm_T | chris___: IF there is instructions to 6.06 | 12:21 |
firemonkeyballz | umm im installing an x1100 ati | 12:21 |
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firemonkeyballz | and it | 12:22 |
chris___ | there is. thank you. | 12:22 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: whats rong? | 12:22 |
firemonkeyballz | is showing up as 200 | 12:22 |
nosrednaekim | thats fine | 12:22 |
nosrednaekim | mine does too | 12:22 |
firemonkeyballz | wont it underperform | 12:22 |
nosrednaekim | the xpress1100 is just a 200 with support for truion x2s and dualchannel memory | 12:22 |
coreymon77 | DaSkreech: hello? | 12:22 |
coreymon77 | !botsnack | 12:22 |
ubotu | Yum! | 12:22 |
nosrednaekim | that had me wondering for a while too, but no | 12:22 |
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firemonkeyballz | !bottreat | 12:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bottreat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:23 |
firemonkeyballz | !botfetch | 12:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about botfetch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:23 |
nosrednaekim | you can't teach an old dog new tricks | 12:23 |
nosrednaekim | :-P | 12:23 |
chris___ | lol | 12:23 |
firemonkeyballz | where u been anyway | 12:23 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: how's 3d accel working? | 12:24 |
nosrednaekim | hey..I have a life...:-D | 12:24 |
firemonkeyballz | need something to test it with | 12:24 |
nosrednaekim | fgl_glxgears | 12:24 |
chris___ | wine works, thanks a lot. | 12:24 |
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firemonkeyballz | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 12:25 |
firemonkeyballz | Floating point exception | 12:25 |
phisco | about this fglrx-drivers, do you know if there is a possiblity to get a v4l app to work? | 12:26 |
Xanith | does anyone know how to mount my storage hard drive without root-only permissions? | 12:26 |
firemonkeyballz | nos | 12:26 |
firemonkeyballz | ... | 12:26 |
firemonkeyballz | food | 12:26 |
firemonkeyballz | brb | 12:26 |
Sanne | Xanith: what kind of drive is it, what file system, and how do you mount it? | 12:27 |
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Xanith | it's a sata 250gb hd, ext3 filesystem, and i want it to mount automatically if possible | 12:28 |
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Sanne | Xanith: does it have an entry in /etc/fstab? | 12:28 |
Xanith | yea but im not sure if i did it correctly | 12:29 |
Sanne | Xanith: can you paste it to the pastebin? | 12:29 |
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Xanith | sure | 12:29 |
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greff | Is there a way to create standard looking init scripts? | 12:29 |
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greff | It seems as thought everything in /etc/init.d/ is somewhat standard. I want to be able to create something that looks about the same. Catch my drift? | 12:30 |
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nosrednaekim | greff: that is possible | 12:30 |
Xanith | Sanne: Well, I might be able to, I hit send and it's not doing anything lol | 12:30 |
Sanne | Xanith: do you try at paste.ubuntu-nl.org? | 12:31 |
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nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 12:31 |
ubotu | Yum! | 12:31 |
greff | nosrednaekim: So, how would i do that then? | 12:31 |
Xanith | Sanne: nope i'll do that now | 12:31 |
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nosrednaekim | greff: I did it along time ago,I don't really remember. I'm sorry. | 12:32 |
Xanith | Sanne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9533/ | 12:32 |
nosrednaekim | !init.d | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about init.d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
Hasrat_In_Office | time to go home people....take care you all :) | 12:34 |
Skuller | how can i edit my repositories using command line? | 12:34 |
nosrednaekim | skuller: "sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.lst" | 12:34 |
Skuller | thanx | 12:34 |
nosrednaekim | or rtaher "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst" | 12:35 |
Sanne | Xanith: you have defaults as third option, that means, among others "nouser", according to "man mount". I have "user" as third option, so my normal user can mount the drives. | 12:35 |
nosrednaekim | nano is a bit easier than vim | 12:35 |
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Skuller | sources.lst or sources.list? | 12:35 |
nosrednaekim | sources.list....yes... sorry | 12:36 |
Xanith | ok so change that to user? and how can i get it to mount automatically on startup? | 12:36 |
firemonkeyballz | nos error | 12:36 |
firemonkeyballz | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 12:36 |
firemonkeyballz | Floating point exception | 12:36 |
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@c-041be655.223-8-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
xtavaresx | hello. I have a problem, installing linux-restricted-modules-generic caused my X to break. i have an nvidia card. | 12:36 |
Sanne | Xanith: also, according to "man fstab", you should have either "2" or "0" for the sixth field. Only the root file system should have the "1" opton. | 12:37 |
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Sanne | Xanith: yes, tr with "user". The I'm still reading for automount. You can also check out "man mount", maybe you'll find it first ;) | 12:38 |
Skuller | how do i install softs with .deb or .rpm extensions? | 12:39 |
Skuller | which i downloaded from the net | 12:39 |
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Sanne | Xanith: and please type my name, so I get notified by my chat client when you say something. | 12:40 |
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Xanith | Sanne: i think it's just auto under fstab | 12:40 |
nosrednaekim | Skuller: only use .debs..if you must use .rpms, convert them with alien | 12:41 |
Xanith | Sanne: i'm gonna try that real quick | 12:41 |
nosrednaekim | to install a deb, right click on it and say "install" | 12:41 |
Sanne | Xanith: yes, I also suspect it may be "auto" | 12:41 |
firemonkeyballz | nos error | 12:41 |
DrX | hello, using Linux I am trying to access files on an XP PC with Norton Firewall and when the firewall is ON I can't access files on it over the network, I opened TCP & UDP ports 137-139 and 445 already, but still no luck. If I shut off the firewall, I get access. Nothing is being blocked except SSL. Any ideas? | 12:41 |
Xanith | Sanne: ok i made those changes i'm going to restart and see what happens... | 12:41 |
Xanith | Sanne: I'll brb. | 12:41 |
Sanne | Xanith: wait | 12:41 |
firemonkeyballz | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 12:41 |
firemonkeyballz | Floating point exceptio | 12:41 |
firemonkeyballz | I have an error | 12:41 |
Xanith | Sanne: Yea? | 12:41 |
Sanne | Xanith: what di you put at the end? | 12:41 |
nosrednaekim | ssl, corrcet me if i'm wrong, is port 22 | 12:42 |
firemonkeyballz | thought it was 23 | 12:42 |
firemonkeyballz | 22 is part of ftp | 12:42 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: is that what fglrx says? | 12:42 |
Sanne | Xanith: 0, 1 or 2? | 12:42 |
firemonkeyballz | that tester | 12:42 |
firemonkeyballz | yea | 12:42 |
nosrednaekim | or rather fgl_glxgears | 12:42 |
firemonkeyballz | fgl | 12:42 |
Xanith | 0 1 | 12:43 |
nosrednaekim | 23? | 12:43 |
Xanith | Sanne: 0 1 | 12:43 |
nosrednaekim | does it work though? | 12:44 |
Sanne | Xanith: the very last number should be either "2" = do regular fs checks at boot = do never fs checks. It should not be "1", that is only for the / file system. | 12:44 |
firemonkeyballz | telnet is a shell | 12:44 |
Xanith | ok | 12:44 |
Xanith | Sanne: ok i'll make that change real quick and then i'll brb | 12:44 |
nosrednaekim | oh right... sftp is 22,I appologize | 12:44 |
Sanne | Xanith: sorry, "0" = no checks | 12:44 |
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Sanne | Xanith: ok | 12:44 |
firemonkeyballz | didnt run | 12:44 |
firemonkeyballz | stopped | 12:45 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 12:45 |
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nosrednaekim | did you turn off composite in your xorg? | 12:45 |
firemonkeyballz | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_8.28.8_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Dapper_Manually | 12:46 |
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xanith | Sanne: ok it seems to be mounting automatically but i still can't write to it | 12:47 |
xanith | Sanne: would it have to do with me making the mount point /mnt/storage? | 12:47 |
nosrednaekim | going there firemonkeybalz | 12:47 |
=== DigitalOktay [n=digitalo@dslb-084-056-252-015.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Sanne | xanith: that's because we#re not done ;) | 12:47 |
firemonkeyballz | xanith ntfs? | 12:47 |
DigitalOktay | HEllo | 12:48 |
Sanne | xanith: firstly, I guess you can just set the necessary permissions to (mnt/storage | 12:48 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: | 12:48 |
nosrednaekim | paste your xorg.conf into pastebin | 12:49 |
firemonkeyballz | oui | 12:49 |
xanith | Sanne: how would i do that chroot 755? | 12:49 |
firemonkeyballz | umm where is it? | 12:49 |
Sanne | xanith: sudo chmod 755 | 12:49 |
firemonkeyballz | I looked where they said | 12:49 |
firemonkeyballz | started in root | 12:49 |
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firemonkeyballz | and went etc and up | 12:49 |
nosrednaekim | "/etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:49 |
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firemonkeyballz | buh nothing ws in it | 12:50 |
lipe | how can i mount a ntfs partition with power to write on it ? please ?! | 12:50 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.. there is...there has to be something | 12:50 |
nosrednaekim | check again | 12:50 |
Sanne | xanith: if you already have files on there, you might have to give those these permissions also. If you need recursive changes, you can use: sudo chmod -R 755 | 12:51 |
DigitalOktay | i have a question | 12:51 |
firemonkeyballz | doh | 12:51 |
firemonkeyballz | forgot | 12:51 |
lipe | how can i mount a ntfs partition with power to write on it ? please ?! | 12:51 |
firemonkeyballz | case sensitive | 12:51 |
firemonkeyballz | been up for 24 hours | 12:51 |
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nosrednaekim | Digital: ask away | 12:52 |
Morbo | !ntfs | lipe | 12:52 |
ubotu | lipe: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 12:52 |
nagyv | !mysql | 12:52 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:52 |
xanith | neither of those gave me permission to write to it | 12:53 |
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xanith | Sanne: neither of those gave me permission to write to it | 12:53 |
DigitalOktay | when ist the new relase about kubuntu here | 12:53 |
lipe | !ntfs-3g | 12:53 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 12:53 |
nosrednaekim | fiesty? april 19 | 12:53 |
fyrmedic | I installed kubuntu off the livecd. Is there any difference installing from .iso, better/worse? | 12:53 |
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DigitalOktay | hmm realy | 12:53 |
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Sanne | xanith: I think we also need to change the owner. What is the outout of"ls -l /mnt/storage"? (you can paste one line here) | 12:54 |
firemonkeyballz | load extmod not found | 12:54 |
xanith | Sanne: total 0 | 12:54 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: say again? | 12:54 |
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fyrmedic | Is it better to install from ISO or LiveCD? | 12:54 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: thanx | 12:55 |
nosrednaekim | fyrmedic: same thing I think | 12:55 |
DigitalOktay | ok thanks | 12:55 |
nosrednaekim | skuller: wait what did I do? | 12:55 |
Sanne | xanith: sorry, "ls -l /mnt" | 12:55 |
firemonkeyballz | nm | 12:55 |
firemonkeyballz | sleep after this | 12:55 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah..lol | 12:55 |
nosrednaekim | good idea | 12:55 |
fyrmedic | nosrednaekim; I thought I had heard that there are some slight differences that could make a difference. Thanks | 12:55 |
xanith | total 8 but everything says root root | 12:56 |
nosrednaekim | the live cd is just a .iso on a cd | 12:56 |
fyrmedic | ok thanks | 12:57 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: did you pastebin it? | 12:58 |
Sanne | xanith: thought so. You don't have any files on /mnt/storage yet, do you? | 12:58 |
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firemonkeyballz | firemonkeyballz@fmballz-inc:/etc/X11$ fgl_glxgears | 12:59 |
firemonkeyballz | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 12:59 |
firemonkeyballz | Floating point exception | 12:59 |
Sanne | xanith: please try (change "username" to the name of your user you want to be able to write to it": sudo chown username:unsername | 12:59 |
Minataku | Heads up, if you live near South Carolina, there's an amber alert | 12:59 |
nosrednaekim | no..I mean your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:59 |
Minataku | http://www.weather.gov/wwamap-prd/wwatxtget.php?cwa=usa&wwa=child%20abduction%20emergency | 12:59 |
=== Sanne doesn't know what's up today with this typo madness of hers... | ||
firemonkeyballz | ok | 01:00 |
firemonkeyballz | done | 01:00 |
nosrednaekim | whats the link? | 01:01 |
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Sanne | xanith: tell me when done, I still need to tell you some things about the "user" option in fstab. | 01:04 |
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firemonkeyballz | geocities.com/douglasmck/xorg.htm | 01:05 |
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Morbo | Using a pastebin would probably be easer, firemonkeyballz | 01:06 |
Morbo | !pastebin | firemonkeyballz | 01:07 |
ubotu | firemonkeyballz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:07 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah..I can'tmake heds or tails of that in geocities... use pastebin | 01:07 |
jake_ | guys please, anybody knows the command for adept crash? | 01:07 |
nosrednaekim | adpt crash? | 01:08 |
Sanne | !adeptfix | jake_ | 01:08 |
ubotu | jake_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:08 |
jake_ | thanx | 01:08 |
Sanne | jake_: yw :) | 01:09 |
jake_ | guys im ubuntu user and ive installed kubuntu desktop, how do i delete the other apps from a gnome package? | 01:10 |
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nosrednaekim | jake__ do have a limit of HD space? | 01:10 |
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jake_ | yes im coming out of space | 01:11 |
nosrednaekim | ok... | 01:11 |
nosrednaekim | I'm not sure..... try uninstalling "ubuntu-desktop" | 01:12 |
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nosrednaekim | nless it says its going to uninstall the kernel | 01:12 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: but it only unstall the gnome, im not sure... | 01:13 |
firemonkeyballz | pastebin has an error | 01:13 |
jack111 | can someone help me how to configure guarddog that it doesnt block certain ports, like 404 for hotmail and msn messaging, which works fine without guarddog.i dont really know how i can configure this with wireshark | 01:13 |
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nosrednaekim | jake_: say again? | 01:14 |
jack111 | nosrednaekim: you mean me? | 01:14 |
nosrednaekim | no.... | 01:14 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: its uncheck on my adept, its uninstalled. but the apps are still there | 01:15 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok... | 01:15 |
nosrednaekim | uninstall, metacity, rythmbox, anything gtk... | 01:15 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: so you think, whats the best otion? | 01:16 |
Fornax | How do I prevent the chatwindow to open (kopete) when someone type a message to me? I just want it to highlight on my toolbar. I am not sure if this is the right channel to ask this question tho. :P | 01:16 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: lol that sound, tiring | 01:16 |
nosrednaekim | jake__ I think there is a manifest for all packages on the ubuntu live cd, | 01:16 |
nosrednaekim | !manifest | 01:16 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: oh u helped me in the .deb and ,rpm software thingy.....thanx fer dat i mean | 01:17 |
firemonkeyballz | http://rafb.net/p/WAfVSg13.html | 01:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about manifest - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:17 |
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nosrednaekim | skuller you're welcome | 01:17 |
firemonkeyballz | nos see above | 01:17 |
nosrednaekim | yes..I see your problem | 01:18 |
nosrednaekim | add these lines to that file : | 01:18 |
nosrednaekim | Section "Extensions" | 01:19 |
nosrednaekim | Option "Composite" "Disable" | 01:19 |
nosrednaekim | EndSection | 01:19 |
=== firemonkeyballz is now known as firemonkeyballz_ | ||
nosrednaekim | each message is a separate line | 01:19 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: is it possible? because my first os was xubuntu and then i install ubuntu-desktop no | 01:20 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: is it possible? because my first os was xubuntu and then i install ubuntu-desktop on synaptic | 01:20 |
nosrednaekim | jake_: its possible, but i'm not sure how | 01:20 |
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firemonkeyballz_ | firemonkeyballz@fmballz-inc:/etc/X11$ fgl_glxgears | 01:22 |
firemonkeyballz_ | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 01:22 |
firemonkeyballz_ | Floating point exception | 01:22 |
firemonkeyballz_ | stl | 01:22 |
Jucato | jake_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde or http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome or http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce (not sure what you're trying to do actually) | 01:22 |
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nosrednaekim | did you add those lines? | 01:22 |
firemonkeyballz_ | yes | 01:22 |
firemonkeyballz_ | may need to reboot? | 01:22 |
Minataku | Amber alert is cancelled, details at http://www.wyff4.com/news/11214499/detail.html | 01:23 |
carutsu | !kdevelop | 01:23 |
jake_ | Jucato: im trying to delete the apps coming with ubuntu-desktop | 01:23 |
ubotu | kdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB | 01:23 |
carutsu | scuse me for asking this here | 01:23 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: thanx a lot man | 01:23 |
carutsu | but where can i ask for help in Kdevelop | 01:23 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz_: did you restart x? | 01:23 |
carutsu | #kdevelop | 01:23 |
Jucato | jake_: what do you want to leave on your system? | 01:24 |
firemonkeyballz_ | umm whats the command to restart x | 01:24 |
firemonkeyballz_ | hate to reboot entirely | 01:24 |
nosrednaekim | log out and then "ctrl+alt+bkspce | 01:24 |
Kyral | nosrednaekim: you don't have to log out | 01:24 |
nosrednaekim | well its better to | 01:24 |
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Jucato | Kyral: it's best if he logs out first | 01:24 |
Jucato | pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del without logging out is almost as bad as pressing the reset button | 01:25 |
Skuller | ImportError: No module named gnome.ui...help please | 01:25 |
Morbo | If you're talking about what's "better", you probably should do sudo invoke-rc.d kdm | 01:25 |
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Jucato | heh :) | 01:26 |
firemonkeyballz | back | 01:26 |
nosrednaekim | better? | 01:26 |
Jucato | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart too :) | 01:26 |
firemonkeyballz | flc ? | 01:26 |
Morbo | er, yeah | 01:26 |
Morbo | forgot the restart | 01:26 |
firemonkeyballz | or was it flx | 01:26 |
nosrednaekim | fgl_glxgears | 01:26 |
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firemonkeyballz | same | 01:27 |
Skuller | can sum1 please tell me how to fix this?...ImportError: No module named gnome.ui | 01:27 |
nosrednaekim | try glxgears | 01:27 |
jake_ | Jucato: just kde apps, is it possible? | 01:27 |
derek_ | Sanne: you still here? | 01:27 |
firemonkeyballz | yey! | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | blue red green | 01:28 |
nosrednaekim | but are they fast? | 01:28 |
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Skuller | derek_: no he left | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | looks like normal speed | 01:28 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: are you running beryl at the moment? | 01:28 |
Xanith | Skuller: ok thanks.. | 01:28 |
Jucato | jake_: would be best if you have kubuntu-desktop installed first. but take a look at those pages I gave you :) | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | yes | 01:28 |
Xanith | does anyone know why my NTFS flash drive can't be mounted? lol | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | xanth | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | can | 01:28 |
firemonkeyballz | just cant write | 01:28 |
nosrednaekim | ahh... problem solved... you can't do both 3d apps and XGL/beryl.. | 01:29 |
Xanith | isn't fat32 supported in linux? | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 01:29 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: yea...i figured that..i cant play UT while running beryl | 01:29 |
firemonkeyballz | no ntfs isnt entirely supported | 01:29 |
firemonkeyballz | you said ntfs | 01:29 |
Xanith | well if i reformat it in fat32 wouldn't it work? | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 01:29 |
Xanith | ok so how do u format the flashdrive in fat32 in linux? | 01:30 |
firemonkeyballz | qtparted | 01:30 |
firemonkeyballz | can | 01:30 |
Xanith | ok i'll try that, and i have one more question and i'm done | 01:30 |
jake_ | Jucato: i think the site's what im looking for. ;-) thanx | 01:31 |
Skuller | please i am desperate...i installed Easycam2 to use my webcam...but it gives this error when i launch it "ImportError: No module named gnome.ui" | 01:31 |
nosrednaekim | are you running kubuntu? | 01:31 |
Skuller | yes | 01:31 |
firemonkeyballz | heh... I hate easycam | 01:31 |
nosrednaekim | you probably have a broken dependency | 01:31 |
carutsu | scuse me | 01:31 |
Skuller | how do i get the dependency then? | 01:31 |
firemonkeyballz | hard to find drivers if you lost em | 01:31 |
nosrednaekim | start up adept | 01:32 |
carutsu | i'm using kbuntu in spanish no documentation was downloaded | 01:32 |
firemonkeyballz | in windows | 01:32 |
carutsu | how do i get it? | 01:32 |
carutsu | kubuntu-doc or something? | 01:32 |
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firemonkeyballz | ummm how do i fix a drive diff | 01:32 |
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Skuller | nosrednaekim: umm...what do i do in adept? | 01:33 |
Xanith | why is it when i try to install anything in adept it says "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages"? | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | skuller where did you install easycam from? | 01:33 |
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rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: what is a drive diff? | 01:33 |
Xanith | however after i click ok, the program is installed and works fine | 01:33 |
jake_ | Jucato: hey thats it! thanx again.... | 01:33 |
firemonkeyballz | the checker at boot | 01:33 |
Jucato | jake_: sure | 01:33 |
firemonkeyballz | said there was a problem | 01:33 |
Skuller | sudo apt-get install easycam2 | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok... | 01:33 |
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rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: what filesystem type? | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | hmmm... | 01:33 |
carutsu | anyone knows about the documentation | 01:34 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: sudo apt-get install easycam2....and added the following repo deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main | 01:34 |
Jucato | Xanith: please try installing it using apt-get to see error messages. | 01:34 |
firemonkeyballz | have fat32 and ext3 | 01:34 |
nosrednaekim | oh... thats a debian mirror... not a good idea to use debian mirrors | 01:35 |
firemonkeyballz | ext3 is at the end of the drive | 01:35 |
nosrednaekim | you can't find a ubuntu repository? | 01:35 |
Skuller | i followed the instructions on !webcam | 01:35 |
Xanith | Jucato: it didn't give any errors in apt-get | 01:35 |
nosrednaekim | !webcam | 01:35 |
Jucato | hm.. weird.. | 01:35 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 01:35 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: have you tried to just reboot a second time? | 01:35 |
firemonkeyballz | yes | 01:36 |
Xanith | does apt-get have a search function as well? | 01:36 |
firemonkeyballz | wasnt fixed | 01:36 |
nosrednaekim | can you still boot kubuntu? | 01:36 |
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firemonkeyballz | yes | 01:36 |
Jucato | Xanith: apt-cache search | 01:36 |
firemonkeyballz | havent tried windows yet | 01:36 |
nosrednaekim | was the problem on your windows partition or your linux partition? | 01:37 |
Xanith | pssh i think i'll start using apt-get then, adept manager sometimes i have to open it like 3 times to get it to open.. im a gentoo native user, so i'm used to terminal emerge anyway | 01:37 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: so it's not your root partition that has the probelme? | 01:37 |
Xanith | so this is a little more home-style for me lol | 01:37 |
firemonkeyballz | I could tell if the boot.log was enabled | 01:37 |
firemonkeyballz | I could show you | 01:37 |
carutsu | i'm using kbuntu in spanish no documentation was downloaded, ho do i get it? | 01:38 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: ohh...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasCreative.....easycam n easycam2 dont support my cam | 01:38 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: do you know which disk? e.g. /dev/hda1 ? | 01:38 |
nosrednaekim | Skuller: easycam requires gnome...which you don't have | 01:38 |
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firemonkeyballz | not at the moment | 01:39 |
Skuller | no k substitue for it? | 01:39 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: no k substitue for it? | 01:39 |
firemonkeyballz | could I run it in the konsole? | 01:39 |
Xanith | is there a way to update the depositories through apt-get as well im assuming? | 01:39 |
nosrednaekim | well.. you can install the driver maually(if there is one) | 01:39 |
Skuller | tsk tsk | 01:39 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: thnx fer the help | 01:40 |
Jucato | Xanith: sudo apt-get update | 01:40 |
nosrednaekim | whats your webcam model? | 01:40 |
Jucato | Xanith: what Adept can do, apt-get can do. because Adept uses apt | 01:40 |
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Xanith | yea that's what i thought from the man entry, but i was sorta thinking it would do a world update | 01:40 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: what do you want to run in console? | 01:40 |
Xanith | is there a command to do a world update as well? | 01:40 |
firemonkeyballz | file system cheker | 01:40 |
Jucato | Xanith: what's a world update? | 01:41 |
Xanith | apt-get upgrade? | 01:41 |
nosrednaekim | Xanith: you are too much of a gentoo user:-P | 01:41 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: it shows 2 types of drivers for webcams on manual installation section...which one do i choose? | 01:41 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: please add my name to your posts that i know when you are talking to me. | 01:41 |
Xanith | lol appearently so | 01:41 |
Jucato | Xanith: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:41 |
Jucato | aaah gentoo... | 01:41 |
Xanith | by world i mean everything installed lol | 01:41 |
Xanith | in gentoo, it's emerge -u world | 01:41 |
nosrednaekim | and pray it doesn't crash | 01:41 |
nosrednaekim | ;) | 01:41 |
Xanith | yea lol | 01:41 |
Xanith | that's why i switched | 01:41 |
firemonkeyballz | nos sorry | 01:42 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: yes you can try to run it. But i my complain, that your hdd is mounted read write | 01:42 |
Xanith | i got tired of all the compiling errors and stuff constantly breaking and crashing | 01:42 |
nosrednaekim | !webcam | 01:42 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 01:42 |
nosrednaekim | is your web cam on that supported list? | 01:42 |
Skuller | no | 01:42 |
Skuller | i mean | 01:42 |
Skuller | yea | 01:42 |
Skuller | but it says not supported | 01:42 |
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rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: try for example fsck /dev/hda5 | 01:43 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: k man thnx fer da help...i'll catchya l8r after lunch.... | 01:43 |
nosrednaekim | well then... its not supported | 01:43 |
nosrednaekim | luch wehre are you? | 01:43 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: you should try to run it only on non-mounted disks | 01:44 |
Xanith | whats a good way to get a transparent terminal on the desktop? | 01:44 |
firemonkeyballz | rbrunhuber k so that would only be on boot | 01:45 |
neptunepink | Xanith: How really transparent do you want it? | 01:45 |
Hasrat_USA | Xanith: run compwiz or beryl | 01:45 |
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Skuller | nosrednaekim: i am in fiji....time is 12:46pm | 01:46 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: you should reboot then and try to write down all the devices (e.g. /dev/hda7) where fsck complains. | 01:46 |
comosicus | i'm in roumania time is 3 am | 01:46 |
firemonkeyballz | I just touched boot.ini | 01:46 |
Xanith | neptunepink: i want it just to where it has a little bit of a darkness to it, but with white text i think.. i'd have to play around with the text to see what works on my background | 01:46 |
firemonkeyballz | if its configured for boot.ini | 01:46 |
firemonkeyballz | er | 01:46 |
firemonkeyballz | log | 01:47 |
firemonkeyballz | it should show up | 01:47 |
firemonkeyballz | buh I will get pen and paper | 01:47 |
neptunepink | Xanith: you can use a schema for konsole... | 01:47 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: you can also try to read "dmesg" | 01:47 |
firemonkeyballz | rbrunhuber | 01:47 |
Xanith | yea but it still has the toolbar around it and stuff | 01:48 |
BluesKaj | heh, even visually oriented types can enjoy kubuntu | 01:48 |
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Xanith | i just want the terminal itself with just the dark grey background terminal window | 01:48 |
neptunepink | then there's transluecency (sp?) | 01:48 |
nosrednaekim | ok...later skuller | 01:49 |
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neptunepink | airc, it's under the system settings, and you have to add some lines to xorg.conf | 01:49 |
firemonkeyballz | 45.662447] hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x9 | 01:49 |
firemonkeyballz | 44.938208] hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff | 01:49 |
nosrednaekim | Xanith, konsole has a transparency mode | 01:49 |
firemonkeyballz | thats all I see | 01:49 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeybalz | 01:49 |
nosrednaekim | I know your problem | 01:49 |
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nosrednaekim | with your sound that is | 01:50 |
neptunepink | nosrednaekim: he wants sexier transparency then that, I think :b | 01:50 |
nosrednaekim | I assume you can't hear sound out of your speakers | 01:50 |
nosrednaekim | neptunepink: get beryl | 01:50 |
nosrednaekim | :-P | 01:50 |
firemonkeyballz | nos I can | 01:50 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok.. whever I got those errors, I never could | 01:50 |
nosrednaekim | I have a fix though | 01:51 |
nosrednaekim | *whenever | 01:51 |
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pete_ | i am trying to install a theme and when I type 'make' i get an error, i checked to make sure gcc is installed and it is... what should I do??? | 01:51 |
pete_ | the error is related to a compliler ** | 01:51 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: read an post the output? | 01:52 |
pete_ | post in here?? | 01:52 |
Hasrat_USA | funny thing is: i have been beryling for the past 2 weeks without any major problems of any kind but i still don't know or haven't been able to figure out exactly what to do to enable transparency lol | 01:52 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: but use pastebin | 01:52 |
firemonkeyballz | hrm | 01:52 |
pete_ | k | 01:52 |
firemonkeyballz | I dont have a floppy drive | 01:52 |
rbrunhuber | !pastebin| pete_ | 01:52 |
ubotu | pete_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:52 |
firemonkeyballz | how do I go about removing a floppy drive I dont have? | 01:52 |
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nosrednaekim | Hasrat_USA: there is a section for wondows transparency | 01:53 |
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nosrednaekim | (windows | 01:53 |
nosrednaekim | which version are you using? | 01:53 |
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firemonkeyballz | nos sais I have a hdb aka floppy | 01:53 |
firemonkeyballz | wich I dont | 01:53 |
Hasrat_USA | nosrednaekim: how can i find out the version number? | 01:53 |
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rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: hdb is no floppy. fd0 would be a floppy | 01:54 |
firemonkeyballz | ummk | 01:54 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: hdb is a second harddisk | 01:54 |
pete_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9546/ | 01:54 |
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pete_ | i did sudo because i thought that may have something to do with it | 01:54 |
firemonkeyballz | well I was playing around in the drive table | 01:54 |
firemonkeyballz | earlier | 01:54 |
jake_ | guys can iuse beryl on s3 savage graohics? | 01:55 |
firemonkeyballz | and made the mistake of putting hdb | 01:55 |
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nosrednaekim | jake_ are there 3d drivers for them? | 01:55 |
firemonkeyballz | nos,rbrun | 01:55 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: say again? | 01:55 |
firemonkeyballz | well I was playing around in the drive table | 01:55 |
firemonkeyballz | and made the mistake of putting hdb | 01:55 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: add the config.log please to pastebin | 01:55 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: i dont know, how can i know? | 01:55 |
pete_ | ok | 01:56 |
nosrednaekim | jake_: glxinfo | 01:56 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: ok ill try later, thanx | 01:56 |
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nosrednaekim | the fist three lines should tell you if you have direct rendering (3d) or not | 01:56 |
nosrednaekim | *first | 01:56 |
rbrunhuber | firemonkeyballz: where did you write hdb to? /etc/fstab? | 01:57 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9550/ | 01:57 |
firemonkeyballz | yes | 01:57 |
firemonkeyballz | so I should remove it from mstab? | 01:57 |
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nosrednaekim | mstab? | 01:58 |
=== Trickser [n=sergio@p57B3DFBD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
firemonkeyballz | oh nm | 01:59 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: you have to install libc6-devel package. If you read the config log. it complains about a missing crt1.o | 01:59 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: "3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42" does it mean that my driver can't? | 01:59 |
firemonkeyballz | found it found the problem | 01:59 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - thank you | 02:00 |
nosrednaekim | jake_: is that what the command returned? | 02:00 |
Trickser | hello, i am using right now adept but i get an error downloading the packages information from http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security Release.gpg | 02:00 |
firemonkeyballz | nos, rbrunhuber dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 02:00 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: if you then look packages.ubuntu.com and do the search in the package for crt1.o then you find some results. the most common is libc6-devel | 02:00 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: | 02:01 |
jake_ | name of display: :0.0 | 02:01 |
jake_ | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42 | 02:01 |
jake_ | display: :0 screen: 0 | 02:01 |
jake_ | direct rendering: Yes | 02:01 |
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nosrednaekim | ok yes... you ahve 3d acceleration.... congrats | 02:01 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - i just tried apt-get, and it wasn't found | 02:01 |
nosrednaekim | what does the next line say? | 02:01 |
pete_ | ah nm i will search for tha | 02:01 |
pete_ | that | 02:01 |
firemonkeyballz | nos, rbrunhuber dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 02:01 |
jake_ | visual x bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer ms cav | 02:01 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: sorry libc6-dev is the right name | 02:02 |
jake_ | id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro r g b a bf th cl r g b a ns b eat | 02:02 |
=== Gizmo48 [n=kvirc@ip68-98-21-145.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jake_ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x22 16 tc 0 16 0 r y . 5 6 5 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | ok... jake.. thats enough | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x23 16 tc 0 16 0 r . . 5 6 5 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None | 02:02 |
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jake_ | 0x24 16 tc 0 16 0 r y . 5 6 5 0 0 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
Jucato | !pastebin | jake_ | 02:02 |
ubotu | jake_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x25 16 tc 0 16 0 r . . 5 6 5 0 0 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x26 16 tc 0 16 0 r y . 5 6 5 0 0 16 0 16 16 16 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x27 16 tc 0 16 0 r . . 5 6 5 0 0 16 0 16 16 16 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x28 16 tc 0 16 0 r y . 5 6 5 0 0 16 8 16 16 16 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x29 16 tc 0 16 0 r . . 5 6 5 0 0 16 8 16 16 16 0 0 0 Slow | 02:02 |
jake_ | 0x42 32 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ncon | 02:02 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - ok its working thanks again man | 02:02 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@] by Jucato | ||
nosrednaekim | whats that mode thingy? | 02:02 |
firemonkeyballz | nos, rbrunhuber dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 02:03 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@] by Jucato | ||
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: whats that for? | 02:03 |
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firemonkeyballz | its that hard drive error | 02:03 |
firemonkeyballz | well the drive it has a problem on | 02:03 |
nosrednaekim | no....I don't think thats an error | 02:03 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - configure got another error, how do I find what I need to install? | 02:04 |
firemonkeyballz | sais errors remount -ro | 02:04 |
nosrednaekim | I know...but I don't think that means it HAS errors | 02:04 |
firemonkeyballz | k | 02:04 |
=== vontux [n=vontux@pool-72-87-174-60.plspca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
firemonkeyballz | well guess I'll reboot | 02:04 |
firemonkeyballz | hold on | 02:05 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: try to read config.log yourself or post it on pastebin. I'll try to help you then | 02:05 |
vontux | what apt-get repository is required for kubuntu 6.10 to install kismet? | 02:05 |
nosrednaekim | !kismet | 02:05 |
ubotu | kismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2006.04.R1-1.1 (edgy), package size 964 kB, installed size 2448 kB | 02:05 |
nosrednaekim | universe | 02:05 |
pete_ | kk | 02:05 |
vontux | nosrednaekim: thankyou greatly sir | 02:06 |
nosrednaekim | YW | 02:06 |
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: Found anything? | 02:08 |
dyrne | this might sound silly but.. what gui tool do you guys use to add themes similar to using gdmsetup? | 02:08 |
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dyrne | login themes | 02:09 |
nosrednaekim | dyrne: kcontrol->appearnace and themes->theme manager | 02:09 |
dyrne | nosrednaekim: for kdm too? | 02:09 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - i found that i needed g++, so i installed it, but another error popped up... | 02:09 |
dyrne | nosrednaekim: thanks | 02:09 |
=== firemonkeyballz [n=firemonk@adsl-69-107-119-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: compiling can be really tedious. Thats why I avoid this as much as possible. | 02:10 |
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pete_ | heh | 02:10 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: hey man...m back....you got time to help with the webcam? | 02:10 |
nosrednaekim | dyrne: no..I'm not sure where you change kdm themes.. | 02:10 |
nosrednaekim | not if the webcam isn't officially supported | 02:10 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: http://pcburn.com/article.php?sid=493...it is supported in that list | 02:11 |
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-176-154-118.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: try to install build-essential. | 02:11 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - isn't there a single package I can get that will make sure I have everything i need? | 02:11 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - aha! i remember that one ty man | 02:11 |
nosrednaekim | that link was bad skuller | 02:12 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: this will not(!) help you on all dependencies though. As it's name says it has just the essential things for building. | 02:12 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: link was bad? | 02:13 |
Skuller | as in? | 02:13 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - yeah i got the same error as last time even though build-essential got me some extra stuff | 02:13 |
Skuller | http://pcburn.com/article.php?sid=493 | 02:13 |
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nosrednaekim | I fixed it... NM | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | you had an "it" at the end;) | 02:14 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: could you please post the errors (the output of make and config.log) to pastebin? | 02:14 |
pete_ | what is X Libraries ?? | 02:14 |
pete_ | okok | 02:14 |
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nosrednaekim | whats your webcam model? | 02:14 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_ should be xorg-dev. You opened the jackpot if you need these though. | 02:15 |
rbrunhuber | !xorg-dev | 02:15 |
Skuller | Creative Webcam Vista Pro | 02:15 |
pete_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9552/ is the terminal output | 02:15 |
ubotu | xorg-dev: the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | vista? AKKK!!!not that workd!1! | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | :-P | 02:15 |
pete_ | the pastebin says I'm spamming :( | 02:16 |
pete_ | lol | 02:16 |
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pete_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9554/ is the logfile | 02:17 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: if think you need to install xorg-dev package | 02:17 |
pete_ | ok | 02:17 |
=== william_ [n=william@p57A6B22B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Skuller | lol | 02:17 |
Skuller | its not made for vista tho....only 98, 2000 n xp | 02:17 |
nosrednaekim | there is no vista pro...on that list | 02:17 |
=== holger [n=holger@e176113220.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | I know | 02:18 |
Skuller | but Creative Webcam is there....mos prolly this one will work | 02:18 |
Hasrat_USA | lol pastebin says you're spamming rofl now that's FUNNY | 02:18 |
Skuller | rofl? | 02:18 |
Hasrat_USA | rolling on the floor laughing | 02:18 |
Hasrat_USA | loll | 02:18 |
Skuller | lol | 02:18 |
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@ppp-69-214-8-183.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jjesse | quick question: what is the easeist way to migrate from one kubuntu machine to another w/o loosing any information? | 02:19 |
jjesse | specially tasks/mail/contacts/etc from kontact and bookmarks and stuff from konqi? | 02:19 |
jjesse | along w/ podcasts | 02:19 |
nosrednaekim | skuller ok.... | 02:20 |
jake_ | guys what do i need to download, to play my mp3s? | 02:20 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: i think its better i leave the webcam for xp then....thanx for ur help...i'll leave out the webcam on kubun | 02:20 |
ricardo | any one play americas army on kubunto (+wine) ? | 02:20 |
Skuller | !format | 02:20 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 02:20 |
nosrednaekim | skuller don't give up!! | 02:20 |
Skuller | !restricted | 02:20 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:20 |
=== sidnelson [n=sidnelso@c9514b17.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | its possible it works!! | 02:20 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: what theme do you want to compile? | 02:20 |
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pete_ | rbrunhuber - ok, that install failed.... pastebin wont let me put anything else up | 02:21 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: yea it is man...but i have another reason...i will use the webcam to voice chat + cam....and kopete doesnt support voice chat...so i need to go to windows to use skype anywaiz... | 02:21 |
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pete_ | rbrunhuber - domino is the name i'm pretty sure | 02:21 |
pete_ | yea | 02:21 |
Skuller | pete_: try another pastebin service...one is !pastebin...another is www.pastebin.com | 02:22 |
Skuller | !restricted | jake | 02:22 |
ubotu | jake: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | skuller... there is skype for linux | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | !skype | 02:22 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 02:22 |
Skuller | damn i dint know that | 02:22 |
=== derek [n=derek@74-128-137-147.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== derek is now known as Xanith | ||
Skuller | supports voice right? | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 02:23 |
Skuller | ofcourse it does..lol | 02:23 |
Xanith | isn't there a file in kde to make it auto-execute stuff on startup without it showing up in the taskbar? | 02:23 |
rbrunhuber | Skuller: I can't believe pastebin tells one that he is spamming. This is real ridiciulous. | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | skype wouldn't be skype without it | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | rbrunhuber: did that to me earlier | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | you just have to put in a new user name every time... | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | :-P | 02:23 |
=== Shadowtester [n=shadowte@adsl-75-23-92-102.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Bi||aBong | why when i write the command rpm -i the console say me this command not found? | 02:24 |
Jucato | Bi||aBong: Kubuntu is a Debian-based distro. it doesn't use RPM's | 02:24 |
Skuller | rbrunhuber: i know...sounds...dumb | 02:25 |
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pete_ | rbrunhuber - the xorg package keeps fucking up, I just keep getting 404s | 02:25 |
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Bi||aBong | ok | 02:25 |
nosrednaekim | !language | pete_ | 02:25 |
ubotu | pete_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:25 |
pete_ | whatever.. | 02:26 |
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sidnelson | i cant create a custom disk particion using iso kubuntu 6.10 ? i get segment fault ... | 02:27 |
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Xanith | how do i upgrade to kde 3.5.6 | 02:28 |
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=== BenPA [n=abritesu@pool-151-201-238-104.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Xanith | im running 3.4 right now | 02:28 |
nosrednaekim | Xanith, are you using dapper? | 02:28 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: Yes? | 02:28 |
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nosrednaekim | Skuller: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Spca5xx | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | follow that | 02:29 |
scotty | Alright, I have a bit of a problem. I was trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy, and I was following the steps. I edited the sources.list, I did sudo apt-get update, sudo apt get dist-upgrade, and that seemed to go fine | 02:29 |
Xanith | umm, i think so, i installed version 6.0.6 | 02:29 |
scotty | but when I did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal, I get the following error message | 02:29 |
scotty | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | I think 3.4.6 is only supported by edgy | 02:29 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: you could try to change the language of the mirror for a moment. Do you know how to edit /etc/apt.sources.list? | 02:29 |
scotty | err, whoops | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | scotty pastebin it | 02:29 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - heh i feel dumb - I just had to apt-get update | 02:29 |
scotty | Package kubuntu-desktop is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:29 |
scotty | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:29 |
scotty | is only available from another source | 02:29 |
scotty | E: Package kubuntu-desktop has no installation candidate | 02:29 |
scotty | oh, sorry nosrednaekim | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | no problem | 02:29 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim, i installed 6.0.6 which i think i determind was dapper | 02:30 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - ok let me try the configure one more time | 02:30 |
Skuller | nosrednaekim: it says for edgy it should work out of the box...bt it doesnt | 02:30 |
nosrednaekim | it says that? | 02:30 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 02:31 |
=== firemonkeyballz [n=firemonk@adsl-69-107-119-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | great!! | 02:31 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: i have round about 2 hours battery power left. so this is the maximum timebox :-) | 02:31 |
nosrednaekim | nothing like a ticking time bomb... | 02:31 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - im lucky to get that on a full charge | 02:31 |
nosrednaekim | :-P | 02:31 |
scotty | nosrednaekim: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9558/ | 02:31 |
firemonkeyballz | nos fskfix isnt enabled atboot... so this meants its not fixing it? | 02:31 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - ok the config errored again cuz of Qt | 02:31 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_: make a sharp guess what do you think you need now? | 02:32 |
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Xanith | so no one ever told me how to get kde 3.5.6 to install? | 02:32 |
pete_ | lol | 02:32 |
=== lengau_ [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Skuller | installing skype is another headache...my adept just hung up after adding the repo | 02:32 |
Skuller | !adeptfix | 02:32 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 02:32 |
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@complex1-372-179.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | Xanith: Add some extra repositories on edgy . and the old apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade thing. | 02:33 |
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nosrednaekim | scotty: I have to go, somebody else will handle your prblem | 02:33 |
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scotty | alright | 02:33 |
nosrednaekim | sorry | 02:33 |
firemonkeyballz | l8r nos | 02:34 |
scotty | no problem | 02:34 |
nosrednaekim | yep | 02:34 |
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Xanith | i added a shit load of repositories already but maybe i missed one i needed | 02:34 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_: sorry this was not so easy. I think you need libqt3-mt-dev | 02:36 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - thanks i was searching the trolltech website with no luck | 02:37 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: you should really try to stick to the repositories as close as possible. or you will really mess up your machine. | 02:38 |
qex | anyone from sweden that are good of c coding??? | 02:38 |
jjesse | espcially wehn you upgrade | 02:39 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - i only download off the repos, but i didnt know the name of the package... i thought that was where it might be | 02:39 |
=== SouthernMaleinST [n=brian@24-107-43-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: i'm sorry i thought there was a package called qt-dev. and then this would be really easy. | 02:40 |
qex | any one knows what the problem is? with this...... | 02:40 |
qex | line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 02:40 |
qex | line 7: `char *randstr(int); | 02:40 |
pete_ | its all good | 02:40 |
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c0nv1ct | qex, what are you running when you get that error? | 02:41 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: Any progress? | 02:43 |
Xanith | is kde 3.5.6 not compatible with dapper? | 02:43 |
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eLyOkKoo | saludos | 02:43 |
eLyOkKoo | alguien me puede ayudar | 02:43 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - nah, the package downloaded without problems but the configure thing is still stopping because of something wrong with qt | 02:44 |
pete_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9560/ | 02:44 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - you want to see the logfile? | 02:44 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_: kde-devel | 02:45 |
pete_ | ok | 02:45 |
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rbrunhuber | !kde-devel | 02:45 |
ubotu | kde-devel: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules. In component universe, is extra. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB | 02:45 |
pete_ | hmm | 02:46 |
=== edulix__ [n=edulix@42.Red-83-38-78.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: i just wanted to see how big this is but it's just a metapackage which pulls in other packages. | 02:47 |
pete_ | yeah, its pretty big, only at 50% right now | 02:47 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: what link do you have? | 02:47 |
pete_ | what do you mean by link? | 02:48 |
pete_ | i just did apt-get install if thats what youre asking | 02:48 |
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skupo | espaol? | 02:49 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_: your bandwidth | 02:50 |
xenalise | Anyone here had problems with squirrelmail + courier/postfix? | 02:50 |
pete_ | oh, cable at my buddie's cafe | 02:50 |
=== edulix_ [n=edulix@42.Red-83-38-78.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pete_ | usualy i can get 700kb/sec, but that depends on how many people are her | 02:50 |
pete_ | e | 02:50 |
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pete_ | rbrunhuber - configure just finished without error! | 02:52 |
=== greg_ [n=greg@c-68-49-199-173.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rbrunhuber | pete_: try to install checkinstall | 02:52 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - ok, should i just run that when im done with make? | 02:53 |
=== justMatt [n=matt@ppp8-111.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | !compile | 02:53 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:53 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: run it instead of make install. this will give you a deb package you can install. so you can get rid of the domino thing if you do not like it | 02:54 |
Compleja | canal | 02:54 |
Compleja | en espaniol? | 02:54 |
Compleja | :/ | 02:54 |
=== kastjan [n=kastjan@p54952FEB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pete_ | no se | 02:54 |
Compleja | :( | 02:54 |
Compleja | canal en espaniol ? :( | 02:54 |
Jucato | !es | Compleja | 02:55 |
ubotu | Compleja: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:55 |
skupo | ;) | 02:55 |
Compleja | jucato | 02:55 |
Compleja | thnks u :D | 02:55 |
Compleja | =* | 02:55 |
=== greg__ [n=greg@c-68-49-199-173.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hasrat_USA | if i buy a TV in the USA, how can i watch free channels using an antenna without subscribing to a cable company? | 02:56 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall | 02:56 |
Gh0st75 | anyone know what chan to find help for gtkpod? | 02:57 |
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Daniwan | Anyone in here familiar with linuxPAM? If so can you guide me twords some complete documentation that explains what would cause the error "Authentication information cannot be recovered" to be returned from pam_authenticate()? | 02:57 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - its working man :) | 02:57 |
Daniwan | Hasrat you cant | 02:57 |
Daniwan | There is no more free tv in america | 02:58 |
Daniwan | Well, very little remains. You normally can not pick it up with the rabit ears | 02:58 |
pete_ | the readme for installing the theme says i can run makeclean, is there an equivilent for what you had me do? | 02:58 |
=== Compleja post mee :(( http://www.fotolog.com/melancolie_ | ||
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rbrunhuber | pete_: you still can run make clean. it just cleans up all those compiling leftovers. make clean does not conflict with checkinstall. | 02:59 |
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firemonkeyballz | !realtek | 02:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about realtek - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:59 |
pete_ | rbrunhuber - cool man i'm all set and the theme works - i really do appreciate your help | 03:00 |
asdf0 | hi, (k)ubuntu 6.10 wont start the x-server with a geforce 8800, will feisty herd 5 start x with it or do i need the alternative cd and go text mode ? | 03:00 |
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rbrunhuber | pete_: What was the theme for? beryl? | 03:01 |
rbrunhuber | pete_: you are welcome. | 03:01 |
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pete_ | rbrunhuber - its just a kde theme | 03:02 |
Gh0st75 | is there any way to convert an ipod with hfs+ formatting to fat WITHOUT using a windows machine with itunes? | 03:03 |
Gh0st75 | i scrapped my windows installs prior to getting the ipod | 03:04 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | doesn't it read as a standard usb drive? | 03:06 |
asdf0 | Gh0st75: copy stuff to pc, format ipod, copy stuff back = | 03:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | or is that something ipods don't do... | 03:06 |
Minataku | Heya, Dai | 03:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | evenin' Mina | 03:06 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: nope ipods can't do that | 03:06 |
Minataku | Check out this uname output from one of my machines | 03:06 |
=== rbrunhuber_ [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-036-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | A/UX Sasuke 3.0.1 SVR2 mc68040 | 03:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ouch | 03:06 |
Minataku | :D | 03:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | heh | 03:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | get the new hardware? | 03:06 |
Minataku | This thing is from 1997 | 03:07 |
Minataku | Or thereabouts | 03:07 |
rbrunhuber_ | pete_: sorry this battery aplet cheated me. | 03:07 |
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nosrednaekim | haha | 03:07 |
nosrednaekim | you out? | 03:07 |
Minataku | It's a Macintosh Quadra 650 | 03:07 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ah | 03:07 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | i'm really tempted to try beryl again... | 03:07 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | but every time i do it looks like... bleh | 03:07 |
Gh0st75 | i tried to format the ipod under kubuntu before and wasn't able to resore it, had to get a friend with a mac to restore it using itunes | 03:08 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: 1.999999 is out now | 03:08 |
Gh0st75 | but of course it was restored to mac format, hfs+ | 03:08 |
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nosrednaekim | Gh0st75: better use a freinds pc with itunes | 03:08 |
asdf0 | Gh0st75: i think amarok can do some ipod interaction, dont really know for sure coz i dont have an ipod ;) | 03:08 |
Gh0st75 | the only people i know with ipods are mac users | 03:08 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 03:08 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: does it fix text issues? because even with the dpi flag, it wasn't looking right :( | 03:09 |
Gh0st75 | to use something in linux i'm dependant on windows, love the irony, lol | 03:09 |
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nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: I don't know..never had problems with text | 03:09 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | Gh0st75: check out GTKpod, there are a few other ipod utilities | 03:09 |
Gh0st75 | gtkpod is what i already have installed | 03:09 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ah | 03:09 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i don't own one, so i'm only of limited if any help | 03:10 |
Gh0st75 | it can't write to the ipod because of the read-only format | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | but 1.999999 looks pretty sweet.. | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | Gh0st75: don't you now anybody that uses windows? | 03:10 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | however, i would like to take this opportunity to promote sandisk's sansa e200 line of mp3 players >_> | 03:10 |
qex | what is the problem with this c code? it does not work! :/ | 03:10 |
qex | line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 03:10 |
qex | line 7: `char *randstr(int); | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: I would promote that too | 03:10 |
Minataku | _Daisuke_Ido_: Hear here | 03:10 |
Minataku | I have an m240 myself | 03:10 |
qex | char *randstr(int); | 03:11 |
qex | void exit_proc(void); | 03:11 |
Minataku | Bought it on impulse with Xmas cash | 03:11 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: thanks for letting me know about the new beryl, might have to give it a go. is it up in the repos? | 03:11 |
asdf0 | (k)ubuntu 6.10 wont start the x-server with a geforce 8800, will feisty herd 5 start x or do i need the alternative cd and go text mode ? | 03:11 |
nosrednaekim | qex: wrong channel | 03:11 |
Minataku | Best Buy had a bin full of them | 03:11 |
Gh0st75 | of my circle of friends, they mostly have converted from pc to mac in the past few months....vista driving them all away, lol | 03:11 |
qex | must be invited to C channel.. so where to go?? | 03:11 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | that's what i like to hear! i'd rather see them switch to a linux distro eprsonally, but mac's better than windows. | 03:12 |
Gh0st75 | i'll have to download a copy of xp....should take about 2 days on my conx, and will be installed for about 5 mins, lol | 03:12 |
Aiwuu | i want to stop gaim and konversation when i log in... but i cant, anybody knows? | 03:12 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | Gh0st75: would you be able to do it in vmware? | 03:12 |
Gh0st75 | i've tried to promote the buntu's to my friends but most don't want to have to tinker with their comps much | 03:12 |
nosrednaekim | Aiwuu: what do you mean by stop? | 03:12 |
rbrunhuber | qex: there must be billions of c channels on irc. why just not try to google? | 03:13 |
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Aiwuu | amm... well, when i start KDE those apps start :s | 03:13 |
Gh0st75 | um, i dunno....probably....would still need the tho wouldn't i? | 03:13 |
Aiwuu | but i dont whant >< | 03:13 |
Gh0st75 | er the cd | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | uh i think kopete has a nice bug | 03:13 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i got to a point where i don't really *need* to tinker, i just like to :) | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | it claims i'm online | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | but no contacts show... | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | this is on a (minty) fresh install | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | aiwuu, close them and when you log back in they shouldn't be there | 03:13 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: Tried to stop them log out and relogin in? | 03:13 |
Bi||aBong | when i run the ati driver the graphic windows i can't see this in the real size beacause my resolution is 640 x 480 and i can't change to higher resolution, how i can solve this? | 03:14 |
Gh0st75 | aye, that's why when i get my macbook in a few weeks i'll be putting ubuntu on a partition for when i do want to tinker | 03:14 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | hyperactivecrond: it defaults to "don't show offline contacts" | 03:14 |
Aiwuu | no no!, when i log in KDE those programs autostarts :S | 03:14 |
hyperactivecrond | _Daisuke_Ido_: yeah but contacts ARE online | 03:14 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: I know what you're saying about tinkring | 03:14 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ouch | 03:14 |
hyperactivecrond | _Daisuke_Ido_: gaim works fine | 03:14 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | actually played with enlightenment dr17 | 03:15 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: thats the epitomeof tinkering | 03:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | it's very pretty. but not quite ready for prime-time | 03:15 |
Aiwuu | i dont want to autostart those apps :)!... | 03:15 |
jake_ | guys please help, when i try to select beryl as windows manager, it wont, i mean it doesnt | 03:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | incredibly responsive too, for the amount of eye candy | 03:15 |
qex | http://rafb.net/p/I11eTI60.html | 03:15 |
hyperactivecrond | Aiwuu: is there anything in ~/.kde/Autostart? | 03:15 |
Aiwuu | nope | 03:15 |
Mena | !icewm | 03:15 |
ubotu | icewm: wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.28-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 666 kB, installed size 1696 kB | 03:15 |
Jucato | Aiwuu: completely close them before you logout | 03:15 |
Aiwuu | ok ok | 03:16 |
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nosrednaekim | jake: where do you select it? | 03:16 |
Jucato | Aiwuu: make sure they're not running even in the system tray | 03:16 |
Aiwuu | ok i will try | 03:16 |
Minataku | jwm is nice, IMO | 03:16 |
Aiwuu | brb | 03:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | !jwm | 03:16 |
ubotu | jwm: Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (edgy), package size 82 kB, installed size 268 kB | 03:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ooh | 03:16 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: you could also try to rename ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc | 03:16 |
Minataku | Motif look, Win95 operation | 03:16 |
nosrednaekim | 82 KB? | 03:16 |
Mena | What is the diffrence bettwen the icewm , beryl | 03:16 |
Gh0st75 | before i try to get a windows install working again.....can i fix grub without reinstalling the whole kubuntu os? | 03:16 |
nosrednaekim | WOW! | 03:16 |
Gh0st75 | i just know windows will mess up my bootloader again | 03:16 |
Bi||aBong | how i can install ati driver in console mode (no graphic)? | 03:17 |
nosrednaekim | why don't you install windows in vmware? | 03:17 |
Minataku | Gh0st75: Yes | 03:17 |
nosrednaekim | Billabong | 03:17 |
Gh0st75 | never used vmware | 03:17 |
Gh0st75 | i'm all for tryin it tho | 03:17 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | Mena: the difference between icewm and beryl is the difference between a nilla wafer and a box of chocolate coated ginormous double-chocolate chocolate chip cookies | 03:17 |
Minataku | And Windows only overwrites the MBR when installed | 03:17 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah... its probably better for your use | 03:17 |
rbrunhuber | Bi||aBong: which one? | 03:17 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: in the panel, i rightclicked it and there's kde and beryl to select but when i try to click on beryl it wont | 03:17 |
Minataku | After that it only will if asked to | 03:17 |
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nosrednaekim | what does it do when you sleect beryl... anything at all? | 03:18 |
Minataku | Then again Vista might actively try to destroy GRUB, so who knows | 03:18 |
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Gh0st75 | ok, so i'll have to learn how to use vmware, tho it's gonna take me a couple days to get xp downloaded before i can try | 03:18 |
Minataku | MS is feeling the heat with their newest failure | 03:18 |
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Mena | _Daisuke_ido, heheh ok :) | 03:18 |
Aiwuu | thanks XD | 03:18 |
FaLc[ON] 2 | hi all | 03:18 |
Aiwuu | sorry but im newbie at linux XD | 03:18 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | Mena: non-chocoholic terms: icewm is light and fast, but simple, beryl surpasses vista as far as eye candy. | 03:19 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | !beryl | 03:19 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:19 |
BluesKaj | Bi||aBong,s ystem settings / monitor &display/ hardware /admin mode / configure graphics card , choose fglrx in the drop down list , then config monitor mfg model and back to rtesolution slider , set to what res you want and then apply...you may have to reboot for settings to kick in. | 03:19 |
Mena | _Daisuke_ido, ok :) | 03:19 |
hyperactivecrond | it's the curse of ATI.. | 03:19 |
Gh0st75 | beryl looks awesome, it's definately gonna be my next major nix project to learn | 03:19 |
FaLc[ON] 2 | sorry guys ... there is way to disable kwallet password when i login into messenger with kopete? | 03:20 |
Gh0st75 | the curse of ati? you mean ati and beryl don't play well together? | 03:20 |
FaLc[ON] 2 | it's very boring | 03:20 |
angasule | ati doesn't play well with anything | 03:20 |
nosrednaekim | no, they work, but its the curse of having to install ati | 03:20 |
Bi||aBong | i want install the ati driver all in the console, i don't want graphic aplication to install this? | 03:20 |
BluesKaj | Gh0st75, it can but getting it set up is a chore | 03:21 |
Gh0st75 | i think i still have an older geforce card i might be able to replace my ati 9600 pro with | 03:21 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: nothing | 03:21 |
rbrunhuber | Bi||aBong: again: Which one? The proprietary or the free one? | 03:21 |
nosrednaekim | hmm... thats odd... are you using XGL, or AIGLX? | 03:22 |
Aiwuu | nVidia is better for linux? | 03:22 |
rbrunhuber | Bi||aBong: what card do you have? | 03:22 |
Bi||aBong | i want the ati driver the proprietary | 03:22 |
nosrednaekim | AIwuu yes... | 03:22 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: Far better | 03:22 |
Aiwuu | >< | 03:22 |
Aiwuu | i have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200 >< | 03:22 |
rbrunhuber | Bi||aBong: aptitude install fglrx | 03:22 |
nosrednaekim | AIwuu don't worry.. it'll work | 03:22 |
nosrednaekim | thats what I have | 03:22 |
Aiwuu | i know | 03:22 |
firemonkeyballz | aiwuu | 03:22 |
firemonkeyballz | have solution | 03:22 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: do i have to restart my system? to run beryl? | 03:22 |
Aiwuu | yes? | 03:22 |
FaLc[ON] 2 | you are very engaging this night | 03:22 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: If you have a choice use nvidia. | 03:23 |
FaLc[ON] 2 | good night ... see u :D | 03:23 |
firemonkeyballz | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_8.28.8_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Dapper_Manually | 03:23 |
nosrednaekim | jake_: are you running XGL or BEryl? | 03:23 |
jake_ | beryl | 03:23 |
nosrednaekim | I mean XGL or AIGLX sorry | 03:23 |
jake_ | xgl | 03:23 |
firemonkeyballz | nos how do you fix that audio bug? | 03:24 |
rbrunhuber | nosrednaekim: is there a way to use aiglx with an ati card? | 03:24 |
nosrednaekim | rbrunhuber: only older ones | 03:25 |
Aiwuu | aff, i cant change my keyboard layout in my xglsession :S (KDE) and in #ubuntu-effects nobody answers!XD, maybe here somebody know why?:P? | 03:25 |
rbrunhuber | nosrednaekim: thats ok have 9600 mobile here. | 03:25 |
jake_ | do i have to install AIXGL? | 03:25 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: depends on your start method. | 03:25 |
firemonkeyballz | nos cuz it seems that alsa and esd is installed already and configured | 03:25 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: http://www.nosredna.net/TikiWiki/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=11 | 03:26 |
nosrednaekim | my blog | 03:26 |
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nosrednaekim | jake_: no | 03:26 |
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Aiwuu | rbrunhuber, i start xgl with KDM :S | 03:27 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: so what do i have to do? do i have to reboot my system? | 03:27 |
nosrednaekim | are you logged into an xgl session? | 03:27 |
jake_ | no, do i have to? | 03:28 |
nosrednaekim | yes... | 03:28 |
firemonkeyballz | nos so you want me to make etc/modprobe.d ? | 03:28 |
nosrednaekim | yes.. thats what it says | 03:28 |
jake_ | ok ill try | 03:28 |
nosrednaekim | do you have an entry for that in KDM? | 03:28 |
firemonkeyballz | k kuz theres no space between sound | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | and d/ | 03:29 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: what? | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | the argument looks weird | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | to me | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | atleast | 03:29 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: add this line with your country identifier to the start script. Here the identifier is "dk". setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout dk -variant basic | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | file /etc/modprobe.d/sound containing: | 03:29 |
firemonkeyballz | thats what I see | 03:30 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: there are some more hints here: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_XGL/Troubleshooting#Wrong_keyboard_layout | 03:30 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: you already had a /etc/modpobe.d/sound? | 03:31 |
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firemonkeyballz | ooo... you should move containing down a line | 03:31 |
posingaspopular | is there a way to get gnometrics on kubuntu without breaking kde completly? | 03:31 |
voidmage | can knetworkmanager be setup to run a script upon connecting to wireless network X? | 03:31 |
posingaspopular | voidmage: yes it can | 03:32 |
posingaspopular | my brother wrote a script to do so, duno where he is today though | 03:32 |
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voidmage | hmm | 03:32 |
Aiwuu | so i will use: setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout latam -variant basic (latam? or is es?) | 03:32 |
voidmage | can't really test much until i get my laptop | 03:32 |
voidmage | though | 03:32 |
voidmage | :P | 03:32 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: oh I read you | 03:32 |
Aiwuu | rbrunhuber, mmm the start script in /usr/bin/startkdexgl.sh ? or the .desktop one? | 03:33 |
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rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: can't remember you'll have to try but i think it was the startkdexgl.sh | 03:34 |
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Aiwuu | ok thank you;) | 03:35 |
Bi||aBong | i want install first the free ati driver, how i can do this? | 03:35 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | wish me luck | 03:35 |
Bi||aBong | where i can found the free version? | 03:35 |
nosrednaekim | Bi||bong its automatically installed | 03:35 |
posingaspopular | i love how i help people on this chan whenever i have the answer to their questions but no one answers mine... | 03:36 |
rbrunhuber | Bi||aBong: did you install fglrx? | 03:36 |
Aiwuu | i will log in my KDE-XGL session and i will check ;) | 03:36 |
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secleinteer | hi, is there any way to increase the max volume in kmix? i already have everything turned up all the way | 03:36 |
voidmage | secleinteer: turn up your speakers? | 03:36 |
secleinteer | as i said, i have already turned up everything as much as possible | 03:36 |
Bi||aBong | i don't install fglrx | 03:37 |
hyperactivecrond | secleinteer: try alsamixer | 03:37 |
hyperactivecrond | (from commandline) | 03:37 |
firemonkeyballz | nos about that fsck at boot.. its saying my etc3 file system doesnt match the backup | 03:37 |
nosrednaekim | ok..so you can't start X Bi||aBong? | 03:37 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: thats interesting... | 03:37 |
secleinteer | hyperactivecrond: both are at 100, master and pcm | 03:37 |
firemonkeyballz | dosfsck is ok | 03:37 |
voidmage | Bi||aBong: then if you don't have fglrx installed, just change your driver in the "Device" section to 'radeon' | 03:37 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: any succss with myaudio patch? | 03:38 |
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firemonkeyballz | yea just did it | 03:38 |
firemonkeyballz | just need to reboot | 03:38 |
nosrednaekim | ok. | 03:38 |
firemonkeyballz | im sure it should work with a realtek hd | 03:38 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: worked for me same chipset | 03:39 |
firemonkeyballz | acer is so predictable | 03:39 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 03:39 |
Bi||aBong | yes i do this, but my higher resolution is 640 x 480 | 03:39 |
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firemonkeyballz | umm i installed the radeon controlls | 03:39 |
voidmage | Bi||aBong: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:39 |
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firemonkeyballz | going to see if they work | 03:39 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: so unpredictable predictable | 03:40 |
voidmage | check any resolutions your monitor can handle | 03:40 |
=== jose__ is now known as Aiwuu | ||
voidmage | and then try it | 03:40 |
Aiwuu | aff :S the same problem :S | 03:40 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | well... beryl is running. microscopic text, and there are no window borders. | 03:40 |
nosrednaekim | no window borders? XGL or AIGLX? | 03:41 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | XGL | 03:41 |
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-72.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
voidmage | _Daisuke_Ido_: Do you have emerald installed? | 03:41 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | yes | 03:41 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | installing the emerald-themes package though | 03:41 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | since emerald only includes one by default | 03:41 |
voidmage | Yeah, you need themes for emerald to do stuff | 03:41 |
BluesKaj | Bi||aBong, try this for fglrx binary driver installation : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-d8c6fd05bce340dfc3ad483abf0e18997868540b-2 | 03:42 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: are you sure you are actually in XGL though? | 03:42 |
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intelikey | i'm wanting to run this really badly; apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep 'language-pack-' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 ` somebody help me leave language support installed..... | 03:42 |
Aiwuu | how i change the model of my keyboard with "setxkbmap"? | 03:42 |
firemonkeyballz | umm where did the radeontool install geee | 03:42 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | would everything be all wobbly if i weren't? | 03:42 |
nosrednaekim | is everything all wobly? | 03:42 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | other than the no titlebar and mini text, it looks like beryl's supposed to | 03:42 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok.. | 03:43 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | windows wobble when i move them | 03:43 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: although its slighty unstab;e, I recomend aquamarine | 03:43 |
nosrednaekim | !aquamarine | 03:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aquamarine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:43 |
Aiwuu | how i change the model of my keyboard with "setxkbmap"? | 03:43 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i actually installed that | 03:43 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | how would i switch to that instead of emerald? | 03:44 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i got it | 03:44 |
voidmage | in beyrl-manager, if beryl is running | 03:44 |
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voidmage | under the "select window decorator" menu | 03:44 |
voidmage | pick aquamarine | 03:44 |
nosrednaekim | yes...thanx | 03:44 |
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intelikey | what color is an emerald ? | 03:44 |
voidmage | green, i think | 03:44 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.. its green | 03:45 |
intelikey | that was a trick question. they come in ever color from clear to black | 03:45 |
BluesKaj | light green with a slight bieish tinge | 03:45 |
BluesKaj | bluish | 03:45 |
Compleja | Bye all... nos vemos.... | 03:45 |
firemonkeyballz | ook im stumped all how do you run the radeon tool | 03:46 |
nosrednaekim | Compleja: adios | 03:46 |
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BluesKaj | did you download it fro ati , firemonkeyballz? | 03:46 |
intelikey | opaque yellow is highly common. as well as blue green and red. | 03:46 |
firemonkeyballz | no adept | 03:46 |
=== _Daisuke_Ido_ [n=kvirc@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | radeon tool? why do you need that? | 03:47 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | note to self, don't do that. | 03:47 |
BluesKaj | it should be installed | 03:47 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | now to fix beryl :( | 03:47 |
Aiwuu | how i change the model of my keyboard with "setxkbmap"? :S | 03:47 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i changed my window manager in beryl-manager from compiz to beryl. now i realize that wasn't such a good idea. | 03:47 |
nosrednaekim | why not? | 03:48 |
BluesKaj | ati control right, firemonkeyballz ? | 03:48 |
firemonkeyballz | I belive thats what it is | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | aticontrol is a command line utility | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | oh yes... NM | 03:48 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: went to an all-white screen | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | yikes!! | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | never had that happen | 03:48 |
BluesKaj | it resides in the Kmenu when installed , nosrednaekim | 03:49 |
intelikey | Generating locales... | 03:49 |
nosrednaekim | yes..I just releized that BluesKaj | 03:49 |
intelikey | for the next four hours. | 03:49 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim,it's buggy tho | 03:49 |
nosrednaekim | I've know THAT for a while...;) | 03:49 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | should i try with AIGLX? | 03:50 |
nosrednaekim | not if you have an ATI... | 03:50 |
firemonkeyballz | nos radeon tool is for the backlight | 03:50 |
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firemonkeyballz | of your monitor | 03:50 |
intelikey | eeek is ubiquity supposed to be installed ? | 03:51 |
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firemonkeyballz | just looked it up again | 03:51 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: nvidia gf 7600 | 03:51 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: you can change the brightness in software tool? | 03:52 |
qex | anyone knows why i cant play avi files? | 03:52 |
firemonkeyballz | wont run | 03:52 |
nosrednaekim | !avi | 03:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:52 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: I'd use AIGLX yes | 03:52 |
Aiwuu | forget it... setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout latam -variant basic this is the command XD | 03:53 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: do you not have a increase/ decrease brightness keys on your laptop? | 03:53 |
firemonkeyballz | nos Im trying to set up the controll pannel like windows had | 03:54 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 03:54 |
firemonkeyballz | suppose theres an easier way | 03:54 |
=== ecetahmaz [n=ecetahma@r125-63-151-72.cpe.unwired.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | fire* ? why like windholes ? | 03:55 |
firemonkeyballz | no im just a control freak | 03:56 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: there is the command line version "aticonfig" | 03:56 |
ecetahmaz | Hi how can i see my ip address by shell? and how can i see/control my open/close port? | 03:57 |
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nosrednaekim | ecetahmaz: ifconfig | 03:57 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: ifconfig shows your IP | 03:57 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: iptables is your firewall | 03:57 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: configuring iptables without experience wont be easy, find a GUI tool | 03:57 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: sorry but where can i find the login for xgl? | 03:58 |
ecetahmaz | c0nv1ct thanx | 03:58 |
firemonkeyballz | nos doesnt controll the brightness and contrast | 03:58 |
c0nv1ct | jake_: what do you mean by 'the login', GDM? | 03:58 |
Mena | !3D | 03:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:58 |
intelikey | ecetahmaz unless you specifically open ports there are probably none open. | 03:58 |
c0nv1ct | intelikey: or they are ALL open :) | 03:58 |
Mena | Is there a program for makeing 3D on linux | 03:58 |
intelikey | no | 03:58 |
Mena | making* | 03:59 |
Mena | ok | 03:59 |
jake_ | because i want to use beryl, but do i have to login using xgl? | 03:59 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ in KDM (login manager) there should be a separate entry under "sessions" | 03:59 |
nosrednaekim | Mena: what do you meanby making 3d? | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | !3D | 03:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:59 |
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c0nv1ct | jake_: if you have nvidia, you dont need xgl | 03:59 |
intelikey | c0nv1ct open port implies that something is listening on that port. nothing in linux defaults to do that. kdm or gdm may open a port for remote desktop if you tell it too | 04:00 |
Mena | Do Animations | 04:00 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ has an ati | 04:00 |
nosrednaekim | mena: blender | 04:00 |
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jake_ | nosrednaekim: but xgl doesnt appear, only kde and failsafe | 04:00 |
Mena | nosrednaek, ok | 04:00 |
jake_ | i have savage s3 | 04:00 |
Mena | nosrednaekim,* ok | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | jake_. sorry... forgot, yes.. youdon't need XGL | 04:01 |
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nosrednaekim | i'm not sure why beryl isn't working, try running "beryl-manager" from the command line | 04:01 |
Aiwuu | its normal if i have some "black screens" in xgl?XD | 04:02 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: so how can i fix this? beryl doesnt select as window manager | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | Aiwuu: before starting beryl, yes.. that happns to me | 04:03 |
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nosrednaekim | jake_ just start up a normal session, kill any beryl managers running (little red diamond) | 04:03 |
qex | how does i get a avi player in ubuntu?? pleas help me!!!! | 04:03 |
nosrednaekim | then pull up a konsole and type "beryl-manager" | 04:03 |
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nosrednaekim | !avi | qex | 04:04 |
ubotu | qex: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:04 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: that's it? | 04:04 |
qex | thx ubotu | 04:04 |
ecetahmaz | intelikely/c0nv1ct I want to control my ports. i ve gotta use ftp and remote desktop next week | 04:04 |
Aiwuu | okok nosrednaekim, i get somes too but im talking when a nother app makes a highlight or something like that :;P | 04:04 |
kawa | Hi, has Anybody got this WLAN-card to work with WPA ? Intersil Corporation ISL3890 [Prism GT/Prism Duette] /ISL3886 | 04:04 |
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nosrednaekim | prisms are good at linux support I've heard | 04:04 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: by default, ubuntu doesnt block anything | 04:04 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ yes | 04:05 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: if you run a ftp server, and tell gdm to allow remote connections, it should be open | 04:05 |
mjunx | by default, linux doesn't block anything period | 04:05 |
nosrednaekim | see if that konsole puts out any error messages | 04:05 |
mjunx | port-wise | 04:05 |
c0nv1ct | mjunx: some distros have a default firewall, usually stateful packet filtering | 04:05 |
mjunx | its firewall (iptables) along with any others (e.g. pf) don't filter anything by default that is | 04:05 |
mjunx | o rly? that's not default linux though, is it? ;p | 04:05 |
c0nv1ct | default linux is just a kernel | 04:05 |
Aiwuu | and a console? | 04:06 |
c0nv1ct | default iptables does not block anything, that is correct | 04:06 |
mjunx | yeah, and the kernel comes with a firewall | 04:06 |
mjunx | righto | 04:06 |
ecetahmaz | C0nv1ct i need to close all my port and after i will open some of them manually | 04:06 |
firemonkeyballz | nos kde support nomad such as the zen vision w? | 04:06 |
c0nv1ct | it doesnt have to mjunx | 04:06 |
mjunx | right | 04:06 |
nosrednaekim | zen vision w?haha yes...its work though | 04:06 |
Aiwuu | wel... someone know how to take "photos" in XGL? | 04:06 |
firemonkeyballz | not afraid of work | 04:07 |
firemonkeyballz | :D | 04:07 |
mjunx | Aiwuu, recordmydesktop works well | 04:07 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: you can enable and disable the services if you want | 04:07 |
Aiwuu | where i can download/get that:P? | 04:07 |
voidmage | anyone know a way in knetworkmanager to get it to run a script after connecting to network X? | 04:07 |
Aiwuu | google?Xd | 04:07 |
c0nv1ct | ecetahmaz: or make scripts to block and open the ports | 04:07 |
Aiwuu | or apt? | 04:07 |
voidmage | or any way to do that in general for a specific network? | 04:07 |
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nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: you need to comile the newest version of Amarok with the newest version of lib MTP | 04:08 |
rbrunhuber | Aiwuu: want to talk big now ? :-) | 04:08 |
Mena | nosrednaekim, Thanks :) | 04:08 |
mjunx | Aiwuu, via apt | 04:08 |
firemonkeyballz | not too bad | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | Mena: YM | 04:08 |
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mjunx | in universe as usual | 04:08 |
mjunx | !recordmydesktop | 04:08 |
firemonkeyballz | so long I dont need to make changes | 04:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:08 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | now things are looking pretty friggin nice, if i do say so myself. | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | firemonkeyballz: I have a tutorial somewhere... | 04:08 |
mjunx | ubotu, yes you do | 04:08 |
ecetahmaz | c0nv1ct thanx i`ll search how can i do that | 04:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yes you do - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:08 |
mjunx | !package feisty recordmydesktop | 04:09 |
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voidmage | !info recordmydesktop | 04:09 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 04:09 |
ubotu | Package recordmydesktop does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 04:09 |
ecetahmaz | do u know any helpfull link for find easyly | 04:09 |
mjunx | damn, he ain't intelligent he says | 04:09 |
ubotu | Yum! | 04:09 |
firemonkeyballz | I think I should remove remote desktop sharing | 04:09 |
mjunx | he don't deserve a botsnack! :( | 04:09 |
firemonkeyballz | .... | 04:09 |
jake__ | nosrednaekim: sir i restart new session, but nothing happens | 04:09 |
=== _Daisuke_Ido_ prostrates himself before nosrednaekim | ||
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: shaddup;) | 04:10 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | your help is appreciated, it looks awesome. thank you | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ start a konsole... | 04:10 |
firemonkeyballz | grrrr nos its intergrated | 04:10 |
firemonkeyballz | hell | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | and type this in "beryl-manager" | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | !language | firemonkeyballz | 04:11 |
ubotu | firemonkeyballz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:11 |
firemonkeyballz | desktop sharing is intergrated | 04:11 |
firemonkeyballz | he double honke stix | 04:11 |
rbrunhuber | !ubotu doku | 04:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about doku - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:11 |
mjunx | is family-friendly considered TV-Y7 or TV-Y? | 04:11 |
Aiwuu | mjunx, via apt?, ok... recordmydesktop? | 04:11 |
rbrunhuber | !ubotu docs | 04:11 |
ubotu | documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 04:11 |
mjunx | Aiwuu, yeah, that's what it's called, but it's in universe | 04:11 |
mjunx | Aiwuu, and if the bot's ignorance of the package is any sign, it might be in feisty only at the moment sadly | 04:11 |
Aiwuu | >< | 04:12 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i'm drooling | 04:12 |
mjunx | oh yeah, it is, sorry | 04:12 |
Aiwuu | but i can use it on Edgy? | 04:12 |
mjunx | I know there's another one | 04:12 |
mjunx | probably | 04:12 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: awesome eh? | 04:12 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | quite | 04:12 |
mjunx | byzanz records to GIF | 04:12 |
mjunx | istanbul is another one | 04:12 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | wonder how resource-intensive this is | 04:12 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: not as bad as you may think... | 04:12 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | seems to be running about as well | 04:13 |
mjunx | I can run it on a crappy integrated graphics card, so, yeah | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | runs on a 2 year old intel integrated chi[ | 04:13 |
mjunx | yes^ that's what I'm talking about :D | 04:13 |
=== _Daisuke_Ido_ blinks | ||
mjunx | it's like the opposite of vista | 04:13 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i just tried to drag a window across the border between virtual desktops ^_^ | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | HAHA!! | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | try alt+tab | 04:13 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ooh, pretty | 04:14 |
Tm_T | Actually you can drag them. | 04:14 |
mjunx | try ctrl+alt+arrows, or ctrl+alt+click-n-drag-mouse | 04:14 |
nonuda | !compiz | 04:14 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:14 |
nosrednaekim | ahh yes that too | 04:14 |
mjunx | !beryl | 04:14 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:14 |
mjunx | compiz is too gnome-biased IMO | 04:14 |
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nosrednaekim | beryl is the most amazing program... | 04:15 |
mjunx | at least you can get aquamarine for beryl which makes it more kde-centric | 04:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | pardon me while i cry | 04:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | actually, i'm using emerald | 04:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | the problem was xgl | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | aquamarine is great | 04:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | aiglx is working great | 04:15 |
Aiwuu | emerald sux in KDE ... | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | but not real stable | 04:15 |
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mjunx | I use whatever comes with xorg 7.1 and 7.2 | 04:15 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ah, i can't quite figure out how to access aquamarines themes... | 04:15 |
mjunx | yeah, I've had it randomly crash a few times | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | there aren't any... its your present KDE theme | 04:15 |
mjunx | _Daisuke_Ido_, it uses your kde kwin theme | 04:15 |
=== _Daisuke_Ido_ feels stupid now :D | ||
mjunx | are there any good emerald themes that aren't a ripoff of vista or os x? | 04:16 |
firemonkeyballz | anyone know where I can get tor and validia and privoxy for kde? | 04:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | mjunx: yes. there's an OSX ripoff. | 04:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | wait, you said that | 04:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | no. | 04:16 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | :) | 04:16 |
mjunx | hrmm... | 04:16 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx: oh yeah!! | 04:16 |
mjunx | what's with the vista fascination? | 04:16 |
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nosrednaekim | it looks kool I guess:-D | 04:17 |
mjunx | it's easier to make kde (or gnome) look like vista than it is to make vista look like vista | 04:17 |
mjunx | considering all the apps on vista that weren't updated interface-wise | 04:17 |
firemonkeyballz | nm | 04:17 |
qex | i have downloaded vlc and have unpackage it.. how does i install it? | 04:18 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | mjunx: and the resources necessary (not to mention monetary output) | 04:18 |
mjunx | indeed | 04:18 |
qex | becouse with sudo apt-get install vlc .. does not work :/ | 04:18 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | qex: why not just install it from the repository? | 04:18 |
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mjunx | qex, is it a .deb file? | 04:18 |
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qex | mjunx : no :( | 04:19 |
mjunx | source? | 04:19 |
qex | yepp | 04:19 |
qex | source what? | 04:19 |
mjunx | inside the directory, ./configure && make && sudo make install | 04:19 |
eilker | i have microphone, i wanna record my voice, which software do i need to use for it ? | 04:19 |
qex | my source list cant find it i think | 04:19 |
mjunx | !vlc | 04:20 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 04:20 |
nosrednaekim | !krec | 04:20 |
ubotu | krec: sound recorder utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 345 kB, installed size 1044 kB | 04:20 |
mjunx | hmm | 04:20 |
mjunx | !info vlc | 04:20 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB | 04:20 |
mjunx | you need universe, you got that? | 04:20 |
qex | what did you worte? | 04:20 |
nosrednaekim | !krec | eilker | 04:20 |
ubotu | eilker: please see above | 04:20 |
qex | universe? no! | 04:20 |
mjunx | yes! | 04:20 |
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qex | where download? | 04:20 |
mjunx | !universe | qex | 04:21 |
ubotu | qex: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 04:21 |
eilker | nosrednaekim: thanx | 04:21 |
nosrednaekim | thank the bot... with a treat | 04:22 |
ecetahmaz | thanx | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 04:22 |
ubotu | Yum! | 04:22 |
mjunx | !botsnack >me | 04:22 |
mjunx | hmm, that wasn't what I wanted... | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx...hey!! thats not fair | 04:22 |
mjunx | all it did was say "yum" to me privately :( | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | I know.... | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | no thank yous... | 04:22 |
=== andrew___ [n=andrew@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mjunx | !gimme food >me | 04:23 |
mjunx | for what? | 04:23 |
nosrednaekim | !throw up > mjunx | 04:23 |
thev | my GIMP has no print option. It makes me sad. Running Kubuntu Edgy - anyone know what's up? | 04:23 |
mjunx | !lart > nosrednaekim | 04:23 |
mjunx | hehe | 04:23 |
nosrednaekim | haha | 04:23 |
qex | i have set multivserse now | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | bot's fun | 04:24 |
mjunx | maybe you need gimp-print, thev? | 04:24 |
qex | universe and multiverse is enabled! | 04:24 |
mjunx | not sure if that's what you're looking for though | 04:24 |
andrew___ | Hi I have a question, is there anyone who can help? | 04:24 |
mjunx | qex, apt-get update | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | andrew: ask away | 04:24 |
thev | mjunx - I'll take a look | 04:24 |
qex | yepp | 04:24 |
qex | and now? | 04:24 |
mjunx | apt-get install vlc | 04:24 |
qex | ok il try! | 04:24 |
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andrew___ | ok i'll explain as my best..... | 04:24 |
qex | it works! | 04:24 |
qex | thanks alot! ^^ | 04:25 |
mjunx | yay | 04:25 |
mjunx | no prob | 04:25 |
rbrunhuber | !throw up >me | 04:25 |
mjunx | I can't wait for vlc 0.9 | 04:25 |
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qex | you know how to fix sound to? ^^ | 04:25 |
mjunx | it's using qt4 instead of wxcrap | 04:25 |
qex | my soundcard is in my motherboard | 04:25 |
jake_ | guys are xgl and beryl are different window manager? | 04:25 |
qex | how to fix sound? | 04:25 |
mjunx | qex, what's wrong with it? does alsa give an error? | 04:25 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ no, xgl is an xserver | 04:25 |
qex | my sound just dont work at all | 04:25 |
nosrednaekim | did you try what I told you to? | 04:25 |
nonuda | i have a pcmcia modem, how do install it drivers, coz scanModem can't detect it | 04:26 |
qex | i hear ubuntu bips but no sound in music and videos | 04:26 |
mjunx | qex, I have a similar issue on my other computer, so I don't have any advice :/ | 04:26 |
qex | hmm.. okey.. thx anyway! .) | 04:26 |
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qex | yeah a question.. i have updated and installed vlc now | 04:26 |
qex | where does i found vlc? | 04:26 |
qex | not in multimedia ? :/ | 04:26 |
=== Bi||aBong [n=Symbolic@tdev207-106.codetel.net.do] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | run "vlc" | 04:26 |
andrew___ | ok well i am a complete newbie to linux and kubuntu, i am having an issue installing VLC player and WINE, i get an error in ADEPT that says " Break install" so i downloaded synaptic and i get the same issue. do you know howe i can fix this? | 04:27 |
jake_ | so how is it connected with beryl? | 04:27 |
eilker | nosrednaekim: cant i save as mp3 ? | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | no. only wav | 04:27 |
mjunx | qex, that's where it should be | 04:27 |
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carutsu | hello | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | but you can convert to mp3 somehow... | 04:27 |
qex | and where should it be mjunx? | 04:27 |
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mjunx | qex, in multimedia | 04:27 |
andrew___ | anyone? | 04:27 |
qex | yeah | 04:27 |
qex | but its not there | 04:27 |
ForgeAus | hey | 04:28 |
qex | need a reboot? | 04:28 |
mjunx | as "VLC media player" | 04:28 |
mjunx | nah, just log out and back in | 04:28 |
andrew___ | Yes "VLC Media player" | 04:28 |
qex | nope :( | 04:28 |
Bi||aBong | why when i install the ati driver and i go to console an type fglrxconfig this say bash: fglrxconfig: command not found? | 04:28 |
mjunx | log out of kde that is | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | andrew: which package is it thats breaking it? | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | try each one individually | 04:28 |
andrew___ | ok just a sec i'll give that try.... | 04:29 |
mjunx | because it's not installed apparently, Bi||aBong | 04:29 |
carutsu | this is my problem: i need accents so someon pointed me to the modifier key under Xkb options... i assigned the right ctrl to it, but now not even the right control works! what can i do? | 04:29 |
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jake_ | i mean do i need xgl to run beryl properly? | 04:29 |
carutsu | how do i restore te left control | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | billabong: its aticonfig | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ no you do not | 04:29 |
Bi||aBong | ok | 04:29 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: | 04:29 |
thev | lsusb sees my printers - why doesn't the printer setup dialogue? | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | yes? | 04:30 |
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carutsu | hello, this is my problem: i need accents so someon pointed me to the modifier key under Xkb options... i assigned the right ctrl to it, but now not even the right control works! what can i do? | 04:30 |
qex | now it is there | 04:30 |
qex | thanks!! ^^ | 04:30 |
reldruh | whenever I create a new user, they can't use sudo, even if I add them to the sudo group. How can I fix this? | 04:30 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: ive read the xgl website and txgl can also do a cube style desktop | 04:30 |
carutsu | hello, this is my problem: i need accents so someone pointed me to the modifier key under Xkb options... i assigned the right ctrl to it, but now not even the left control works! what can i do? | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ xgl can't do it alone, you need either beryl or compiz on top of it | 04:31 |
qex | wtf.. now my sound works to! how great ! :d | 04:31 |
qex | hehe | 04:31 |
nosrednaekim | good!! | 04:31 |
firemonkeyballz | ok... | 04:31 |
eilker | nosrednaekim: how will i listen th recorded file ? | 04:31 |
eilker | *the | 04:32 |
firemonkeyballz | anyone know how to install .deb files | 04:32 |
nosrednaekim | use any player | 04:32 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: so what do you think, if install compiz instead of beryl? | 04:32 |
eilker | firemonkeyballz: right click | 04:32 |
Bardology | what's the best fs to use for your / partition? | 04:32 |
nosrednaekim | no.. beryl will work.. | 04:32 |
firemonkeyballz | lol geez | 04:32 |
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mjunx | Bardology, ext3 | 04:32 |
eilker | firemonkeyballz: and u gonna see kubuntu package manager | 04:32 |
Bardology | mjunx: same with swap? | 04:32 |
mjunx | swap uses swap | 04:33 |
nosrednaekim | do this pls jake start a konsole type this into it "beryl-manager" hit enter and tell me what it says... | 04:33 |
jake_ | nosrednaekim: but it didnt in my machine, im using laptop, | 04:33 |
mjunx | different type of filesystem concept | 04:33 |
rbrunhuber | reldruh: you have to add them to the admin group | 04:33 |
nosrednaekim | jake_ what do ou mean it didn't? | 04:33 |
Bardology | oh, there it is :) | 04:34 |
Bardology | thanks | 04:34 |
mjunx | np | 04:34 |
jake_ | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42 | 04:34 |
jake_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 04:34 |
jake_ | Major opcode: 145 | 04:34 |
rbrunhuber | jake_: the baddevice is ok. | 04:34 |
jake_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 04:34 |
nosrednaekim | is that all? | 04:34 |
jake_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 04:34 |
reldruh | rbrunhuber: thanks. I just googled it and found that. Not much makes you feel like more of a newbie than the first google result being your exact answer _after_ you've already asked in an irc room. Thanks though :-) | 04:34 |
jake_ | Failed to open device | 04:34 |
jake_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 04:34 |
jake_ | Major opcode: 145 | 04:34 |
jake_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 04:34 |
jake_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 04:34 |
jake_ | Failed to open device | 04:34 |
carutsu | hello, this is my problem: i need accents so someone pointed me to the modifier key under Xkb options... i assigned the right ctrl to it, but now not even the left control works! what can i do? | 04:34 |
jake_ | yup thats it | 04:35 |
nosrednaekim | I don't know...I've never used a sis chip... looks like it doesn't like your chipset.. | 04:35 |
jake_ | rbrunhuber: sorry but i dont know what it means | 04:35 |
voidmage | jake_: That x error is normal | 04:35 |
rbrunhuber | reldruh: you are welcome | 04:36 |
voidmage | jake_: ubuntu includes support for wacom tablets by default and that error just means you don't have one | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | oh right.. forgot anout that.. | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | do it puts a little diamond i the panel right? | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | *so | 04:36 |
jake_ | everything is normal, then why cant i run this program properly. | 04:36 |
=== archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-50-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
voidmage | which one? | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | jake..does it put a red diamon in the panel? | 04:36 |
jake_ | yes the red diamond | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | right click on it... | 04:37 |
archangel_ | why cant I play dvd's anymore? | 04:37 |
jake_ | i did | 04:37 |
archangel_ | they used to play fine | 04:37 |
firemonkeyballz | ok how does one install tor? | 04:37 |
voidmage | Then select the window manager as beryl instead of kwin | 04:37 |
rbrunhuber | voidmage: althogh it is quite annoying they are in the xorg.conf. although nearly nobody has the "lovely wacom things" | 04:37 |
jake_ | then.. | 04:37 |
archangel_ | now, they just might as well be frizbee's | 04:37 |
firemonkeyballz | seems im missing a package | 04:37 |
voidmage | rbrunhuber: i don't have it either | 04:37 |
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nosrednaekim | doesn't it do something? | 04:37 |
eilker | nosrednaekim>: it has only *rc file, no file to play sth wrong ? | 04:37 |
archangel_ | they play up to the rating screen | 04:38 |
firemonkeyballz | eh... break | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | eiker, you have to save it.. | 04:38 |
firemonkeyballz | be back | 04:38 |
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nosrednaekim | jake: doens't it do ANYTHING? | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | when you select beryl? | 04:38 |
eilker | nosrednaekim>: i save as test.krec | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | hmm... just a second.. | 04:38 |
jake_ | yes. it only refreshes the screen and evrything's back to normal,,, and when rightclick on beryl. the window manager is still in kwin | 04:38 |
Bi||aBong | why when i write in aticonfig this: aticonfig --resolution=1,1600x1200,1280x1024,1024x768 the console say: Segmentation fault? | 04:38 |
eilker | nosrednaekim>: than what to do ? is it zipped ? | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | eilker...I appologize.. wrong package, get krecord | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | !krecord | 04:39 |
ubotu | krecord: KDE sound recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16-3 (edgy), package size 66 kB, installed size 308 kB | 04:39 |
eilker | nosrednaekim: ok,tahnx | 04:39 |
archangel_ | anyone use the 3d desktop or xgl? | 04:39 |
voidmage | jake_: Can you run beryl-manager from a terminal and get the output in there when you switch to beryl? | 04:39 |
eilker | i use it | 04:39 |
eilker | aiglx+ beryl | 04:39 |
archangel_ | they both rock | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | archangel_: absolutely... | 04:40 |
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jake_ | yes | 04:40 |
jake_ | i mean no, how? | 04:40 |
voidmage | first, quit beryl-manager | 04:40 |
voidmage | then open konsole and run beryl-manager from there | 04:41 |
jake_ | i did, then? | 04:41 |
voidmage | If nothing happens | 04:41 |
voidmage | Then switch to beryl as your window manager | 04:41 |
voidmage | paste your output in konsole to a pastebin | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | I have to go all... goodnight (morning)... and God Bless | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | :-D | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | and good luck with your problems.. | 04:41 |
Bi||aBong | somebody can help me? | 04:41 |
jake_ | how do i switch, in the konsole? | 04:42 |
voidmage | You switch like you would normally | 04:42 |
voidmage | But beryl-manager will print messages to konsole | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | no..switch on the beryl icon, and see what the terminal says | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | bye all... | 04:42 |
archangel_ | can anyone help me with selecting a better print manager or driver | 04:42 |
archangel_ | my print is really weird | 04:43 |
jake_ | Beryl system compatiblity check * | 04:43 |
jake_ | ************************************************************** | 04:43 |
jake_ | Detected xserver : AIGLX | 04:43 |
eilker | nosrednaekim>: byes | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking Display :0.0 ... | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for XComposite extension : passed (v0.3) | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for XDamage extension : passed | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for RandR extension : passed | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for XSync extension : passed | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking Screen 0 ... | 04:43 |
jake_ | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42 | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for GLX_SGIX_fbconfig : passed | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap : passed | 04:43 |
voidmage | jake_: next time can you paste it to a pastebin? | 04:43 |
jake_ | Checking for non power of two texture support : failed | 04:44 |
voidmage | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:44 |
jake_ | Support for non power of two textures missing | 04:44 |
jake_ | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42 | 04:44 |
jake_ | beryl: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing | 04:44 |
jake_ | beryl: Using non-tfp mode | 04:44 |
jake_ | beryl: Support for non power of two textures missing | 04:44 |
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi | ||
jake_ | beryl: Failed to manage screen: 0 | 04:44 |
jake_ | beryl: No manageable screens found on display :0.0 | 04:44 |
jake_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 04:44 |
jake_ | Major opcode: 145 | 04:44 |
jake_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 04:44 |
jake_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 04:44 |
archangel_ | dude your flooding | 04:44 |
nosrednaekim | ok stop please!!! | 04:44 |
slyfox | Does anyone know how can I make it so that when I click in Firefox File - Send Link it will launch Kmail ? | 04:44 |
voidmage | jake_: xgl or aiglx? | 04:44 |
jake_ | Failed to open device | 04:44 |
archangel_ | the basement | 04:45 |
jake_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 04:45 |
jake_ | Major opcode: 145 | 04:45 |
jake_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 04:45 |
jake_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 04:45 |
jake_ | Failed to open device | 04:45 |
nosrednaekim | its AIGLX | 04:45 |
jake_ | sorry. | 04:45 |
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voidmage | also did you get my message about pasting it to a site next time? | 04:45 |
nosrednaekim | seems to be this line : "Support for non power of two textures missing" | 04:45 |
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voidmage | what card? | 04:45 |
jake_ | yes i get sorry.. | 04:45 |
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jake_ | im using s3 savage | 04:46 |
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Mena | :( | 04:46 |
Mena | i had a problem with encoding | 04:46 |
jake_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9582/ | 04:46 |
Mena | and i did that to enable some encodings | 04:47 |
Mena | i add this utf8 to the line of vfat on fstab | 04:47 |
Mena | bec i had two Xp and linux | 04:47 |
archangel_ | is using CUPS the best route for my printer even if it's not printing right? | 04:47 |
Mena | SO nothing happened | 04:47 |
jake_ | voidmage: so what do you think? | 04:48 |
voidmage | one second | 04:48 |
firemonkeyballz | ok ok... for all of you that havent installed tor | 04:48 |
firemonkeyballz | http://othello.alma.edu/~07tmhopk/ubuntuhowto.html | 04:48 |
Mena | i still got problems with encoding for the arabic chrarcter encoding any idea | 04:48 |
firemonkeyballz | you realy should | 04:48 |
ecetahmaz | hi, how can i reset root pswrd? sudo passwd -l root is that right? | 04:49 |
voidmage | jake_: try | 04:49 |
voidmage | jake_: right click on beryl, advanced options->rendering path->copy | 04:49 |
voidmage | then try launching beryl | 04:49 |
archangel_ | Mena: what do you think of Dianna Kazan? (my spelling might be off) | 04:50 |
voidmage | jake_: Again, check the konsole window for messages | 04:50 |
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Mena | archangel_, songer ? | 04:51 |
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Mena | archangel_, singer* | 04:52 |
archangel_ | Mena: yeah | 04:52 |
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jake_ | just a moment | 04:52 |
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Mena | archangel_, i heard a name like that befor as i guess but dnt know :) | 04:53 |
archangel_ | love her voice | 04:53 |
Mena | archangel_, ok | 04:53 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | not acceptable | 04:55 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | beryl keeps locking up on me :\ | 04:55 |
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Hasrat_USA | _Daisuke_Ido_: ATI? | 04:55 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | nvidia | 04:55 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | aiglx | 04:55 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | still have mouse control, but can't do anything | 04:56 |
Hasrat_USA | heh | 04:56 |
ecetahmaz | n | 04:56 |
Hasrat_USA | right click on the beryl icon right now | 04:56 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | it's not running. | 04:56 |
Hasrat_USA | go to rendering platform and select Force nVIDIA | 04:56 |
Hasrat_USA | if it's not running, make it run | 04:56 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | then it locks up. | 04:57 |
=== genii_ is now known as genii | ||
_Daisuke_Ido_ | is this something editable through a config file | 04:57 |
Innosense | I just tried to run two monitors with my kunbuntu and it crashed hard when I restarted and now I can't startx | 04:57 |
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Hasrat_USA | lol | 04:58 |
Innosense | Can anyone walk me through reseting my monitor settings in the comand line so I can boot up to the gui again? | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | !fixres | 04:58 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:58 |
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Innosense | sweet | 04:58 |
Innosense | whats that " "? | 04:58 |
Innosense | the command line? | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | :) amazing the # of wquestions allready anwsered on the wiki/forums and sites. | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | just makign the command 'stand out' | 04:59 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | problem seemed to start when i enabled the 3d thing | 04:59 |
Innosense | sorry about asking questions here...I just really like to talk to people... | 04:59 |
jake_ | voidmage: nothing appears on konsole | 04:59 |
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genii | fizzmahon You here? I ghosted | 05:00 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | now beryl-manager won't launch :( | 05:00 |
voidmage | you switched rendering path to copy then started beyrl? | 05:00 |
voidmage | _Daisuke_Ido_: make sure there aren't any other beryl-managers running | 05:00 |
voidmage | 'killall beryl-manager' | 05:00 |
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Dr_willis | Innosense, no problem. :) | 05:00 |
Dr_willis | i hang here all the time just to chitchat and help | 05:00 |
genii | fizzmahon You here? I had a disconnect and ghosted but am actually here now | 05:02 |
jake_ | voidmage: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9585/ | 05:03 |
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voidmage | jake_: was that from when you started beryl-manager? | 05:03 |
Innosense | Hey... | 05:03 |
voidmage | because that's normal | 05:03 |
jake_ | yes it was | 05:03 |
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Innosense | I did that sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart thing | 05:04 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | yeah, that wasn't happy | 05:04 |
jake_ | but why cant i select beryl as window manger | 05:04 |
voidmage | why not? | 05:04 |
Innosense | and now all I have is nothing | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, you did use 'gdm, or kdm' instead of ?dm :) | 05:04 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | voidmage: as soon as beryl started, the system hard-locked | 05:04 |
Innosense | not even a command line, just...a place to type that doesn't execute any code. | 05:04 |
voidmage | oh | 05:04 |
voidmage | that's not good then | 05:04 |
ForgeAus | jake you probably still need to make sure your drivers are working /glx/aiglx, etc is functioning rather than just installed | 05:04 |
voidmage | i have no idea, ask in #beryl | 05:04 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | no | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, huh? that shuld of gotten you to the 'console' login screen | 05:05 |
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jake_ | when i rightclick on :select window manger> beryl" it didnt select | 05:05 |
Innosense | no | 05:05 |
voidmage | jake_: ask in #beryl | 05:05 |
Innosense | I think I have kdm, but I didn't know what ?dm stood for... | 05:05 |
Innosense | I acutally don't know what any of that is... | 05:05 |
voidmage | ?dm meant either gdm or kdm | 05:05 |
voidmage | whether you had gnome or kde | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | its a wildcard for one of xdm, kdm, gdm, (heck even wdm) | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:05 |
voidmage | or whatever it is | 05:05 |
Innosense | I have kde | 05:06 |
voidmage | well anyways | 05:06 |
c0nv1ct | try #ubuntu-effects too | 05:06 |
voidmage | you did sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 05:06 |
voidmage | and nothing now? | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | ls -l /etc/init.d/?dm | 05:06 |
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Dr_willis | "_ | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:06 |
Innosense | I just restarted the machine all togeather, becuase I couldn't do anything | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | restart should 'stop and start' the kdm service, and thus stop and restarty X. | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, try 'alt-ctrl-f1' next time | 05:07 |
jake_ | voidmage: thank you very much | 05:07 |
thev | Anyone know when Feisty final is due to release? | 05:07 |
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voidmage | Innosense: or if you need to restart X, you can also ctrl+alt+backspace | 05:07 |
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voidmage | thev: late april | 05:07 |
Innosense | in the command line? | 05:07 |
voidmage | thev: right now shooting for april 19 | 05:07 |
thev | is printer support better in it? | 05:08 |
voidmage | Innosense: ctrl+alt+backspace is anywhere in X | 05:08 |
voidmage | thev: lots of stuff is nice about feisty | 05:08 |
Dr_willis | alt-ctrl-backspace is a "KICK X in the head and force it to die" key sequence. | 05:08 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:08 |
thev | I have a couple of HPs and they just don't seem to be working properly | 05:08 |
voidmage | xorg 7.2 is in there, has better support for composite stuff (beryl) | 05:08 |
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Aiwuu | its normal if my dvdrom dont read cds or dvds :S (the system stops ><) | 05:08 |
Innosense | okay | 05:08 |
voidmage | knetworkmanager is nice for wireless stuff | 05:08 |
Innosense | I did that restart thing again | 05:08 |
Innosense | and all i get | 05:08 |
thev | dammit... I'm downloading herd 5 :p | 05:08 |
Dr_willis | if your X server is not confiured right.. it does no good to 'restart' X | 05:09 |
Innosense | is...its like a command line without a command line | 05:09 |
Innosense | yeah I think thats the case | 05:09 |
voidmage | herd 5 is pretty stable right now, but of course i can't officially support it | 05:09 |
voidmage | :P | 05:09 |
thev | well damn the torpedos | 05:09 |
thev | that's my motto | 05:09 |
voidmage | i've been using it since herd 3 | 05:09 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, Did you know this program from here http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html | 05:09 |
thev | herd 3 wouldn't install on my test box | 05:09 |
voidmage | hmm | 05:09 |
thev | but herd 5 did | 05:09 |
Innosense | well I will be back | 05:09 |
Innosense | my friends are here to welcome me home | 05:09 |
voidmage | if you use konqueror apparently it works with google/gmail now | 05:09 |
thev | that's at work tho | 05:09 |
Mena | or any one else | 05:09 |
Innosense | but hopefully I'll be able to figure this out later | 05:10 |
thev | doesn't help me much here at home :/ | 05:10 |
carutsu | i managed to erase my control key | 05:10 |
voidmage | thev: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyFawn/Herd4/Kubuntu | 05:10 |
voidmage | replace herd4 with any other herd # | 05:10 |
voidmage | to see other changes | 05:10 |
carutsu | can anybody send me a fresh install of /etc/xkb | 05:11 |
carutsu | can anybody send me a fresh install of /etc/xkb11 | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | Mena, been using that for proberly over a year or more. | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | !ext2 | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | !ext3 | 05:11 |
ubotu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 05:11 |
thev | no comprehensive list? | 05:11 |
voidmage | thev: not really | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | ls -l /etc/xkb11 | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | ls: /etc/xkb11: No such file or directory | 05:11 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, okay but i get a problem with the encoding | 05:12 |
Dr_willis | Mena, encoding of what? | 05:12 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, of arabic characters | 05:12 |
thev | now, fo course... the eternal question... i386 or 64bit version... : / | 05:12 |
voidmage | thev: i'd still stick with i386 | 05:12 |
voidmage | also, beta comes out in about 1.5 weeks | 05:12 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, there is a solution for vfat by adding the utf8 to vfat line on fstab | 05:12 |
thev | yeah I don't think iscan plays nice in 64bit | 05:12 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, but with ext3 i dont know | 05:13 |
voidmage | so herd 5 should be plenty stable now, but of course still not for production machines, etc, don't hurt me please | 05:13 |
voidmage | :P | 05:13 |
Dr_willis | no idea on arabic stuff.. perhaps that programs web site has some faq/forums for info. | 05:13 |
thev | well this is a production machine... but my printers don't work, so I can't produce... :p | 05:13 |
=== orange_ [n=orange@pool-72-68-206-119.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | thats when network printers are handy. :) | 05:13 |
orange_ | what should i research to be able to network this kubuntu laptop to my 2 other pc's with winxp | 05:14 |
orange_ | is it samba? | 05:14 |
thev | Dr Willis - I would still need driver installed, wouldn't I? | 05:14 |
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thev | I have a windoze lappy I could use as a network printer server | 05:14 |
thev | seems kinda dumb tho | 05:14 |
Dr_willis | thev, if you are lucky the printer can handle Postscript. | 05:15 |
thev | the whole idea is to not use windows | 05:15 |
Dr_willis | I got a 'network' gizmo for my old old old laser printer | 05:15 |
Dr_willis | what kind of printer ya got? | 05:15 |
thev | According to CUPS test page its postscript level 3 | 05:15 |
thev | I have a HP laserjet 1000 and a Photosmart D7160 | 05:15 |
Dr_willis | I got a Laserjet6L :) like 10+ yrs old. heh | 05:16 |
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thev | hey whatever works | 05:16 |
thev | the old lasers were tanks | 05:16 |
carutsu | sorry i was mistaken this is what i need /etc/X11/xkb/ | 05:17 |
carutsu | please! i'm control-less xD | 05:18 |
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carutsu | i need accents so someone pointed me to the modifier key under Xkb options on Kcontrol... i assigned the right ctrl to it, but now not even the left control works! it seems that all got changed | 05:19 |
carutsu | i tried to change it back | 05:19 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, you need the whole dir? | 05:19 |
carutsu | i dont know what was changed | 05:19 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, you changed the settings as a USER? | 05:20 |
carutsu | no | 05:22 |
carutsu | DR_willis no in Kcontrol | 05:22 |
firemonkeyballz | gee myspace is infected | 05:22 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, err... you ran Kcontrol as a user logged into X? | 05:22 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, i found out that they didnt enable th option for utf8 yet | 05:22 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, or did you 'sudo Kcontrol' ? | 05:22 |
carutsu | Dr_willis xD yes | 05:22 |
carutsu | now | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | yes to what part... | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:23 |
carutsu | Dr_willis no as user | 05:23 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, but if i add it to ext3 lines it will not make any thing | 05:23 |
firemonkeyballz | http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/category/security/ | 05:23 |
intelikey | hmmm uninstalling 221MB of language-pack-'s why were they installed is the question ? | 05:23 |
firemonkeyballz | look | 05:23 |
Mena | Dr_Willis, or no idea :D | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, if its a 'user' setting - i doubt if it affected anything in the /etc/ANYTHING dir.. try making a new user and see if it works for them properly | 05:23 |
carutsu | got it | 05:23 |
intelikey | or why doesn't localepurge remove language-pack-'s ? | 05:24 |
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Dr_willis | carutsu, linux likes to keep users from trashing the system. :) | 05:24 |
carutsu | Dr_willis the point is i've managed to do it 3 times already.. | 05:25 |
carutsu | Dr_willis i admited, 1 was because i played with permisions | 05:25 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:27 |
Dr_willis | trashing the users account is not the same as trashing the syste, | 05:27 |
=== Daisuke_Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | psuydo | 05:28 |
intelikey | when you trash root jr. you have for the windows user trashed the system | 05:28 |
intelikey | that rebooting to a root console thing that's like rewriting the whole os to some. | 05:29 |
Dr_willis | gee.. even windows has a pathic rescue mode. :) | 05:30 |
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firemonkeyballz | dr_willis wont matter | 05:30 |
firemonkeyballz | things are changing | 05:31 |
firemonkeyballz | vista will install updates reguardless | 05:31 |
Dr_willis | I got a windows XP live cd. :) from.. errr.. somewere. | 05:31 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:31 |
Dr_willis | vista can kiss my... err... never mind. | 05:31 |
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Daisuke_Ido | quite a talkative bunch in the beryl channel | 05:32 |
firemonkeyballz | anyone tried shorwall? | 05:33 |
intelikey | i still want to know if i can put killall5 in an init script without it killing the script it's in. | 05:34 |
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ecetahmaz | hi, my all port is open, how i can mnage??? | 05:35 |
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intelikey | where is the configuration for the logout button hidden ? | 05:36 |
jake_ | anybody here using compiz? | 05:36 |
firemonkeyballz | kde button | 05:37 |
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firemonkeyballz | just above it | 05:37 |
firemonkeyballz | ecetahmaz | 05:37 |
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firemonkeyballz | should be in the system settings | 05:38 |
ecetahmaz | im here | 05:39 |
Hasrat_USA | what a surprise! | 05:39 |
firemonkeyballz | login manager? | 05:39 |
carutsu | Dr_willis it woeked rebooting | 05:39 |
carutsu | xD | 05:39 |
carutsu | it was just fixed | 05:40 |
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Dr_willis | carutsu, great.. err.. what was fixed.. i forgot..;) | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | watching tv. heh heh | 05:40 |
carutsu | Dr_willis xDDDDDD my control key | 05:41 |
firemonkeyballz | heh should set remote shutdown for nooobody | 05:41 |
firemonkeyballz | buh not sure what would happen | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | chmod +s /bin/shutdown | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:41 |
ecetahmaz | u mean is user manag | 05:41 |
ecetahmaz | er | 05:42 |
ecetahmaz | not init | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | then everyone can shutdown. | 05:42 |
carutsu | is there a way to use zombie keys without remaping? | 05:42 |
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firemonkeyballz | set nobody on remote shudown? | 05:42 |
ecetahmaz | mer | 05:45 |
Forge | hmm | 05:46 |
Forge | grrr | 05:46 |
Forge | this is stupid | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | moo | 05:46 |
firemonkeyballz | cluck | 05:46 |
ecetahmaz | aranizd portlari nasil kontrol eebilecegimi soyleyebilecek biri vrmi? linux da tecrubeli biri vrmi | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | Chortle | 05:46 |
firemonkeyballz | mow | 05:47 |
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Forge | ARGH! | 05:48 |
Forge | I can't change nicks :( | 05:48 |
Dr_willis | egads! | 05:48 |
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bogus | umk | 05:49 |
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bogus | wow | 05:49 |
bogus | stole someone elses name | 05:49 |
bogus | lol | 05:49 |
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firemonkeyballz | ok better | 05:50 |
firemonkeyballz | dont wanna piss them off | 05:50 |
=== LL_Hakaisou [n=hakaisou@cpe-65-25-56-113.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ben325e | So I tried ubuntu (and linux for that matter) for the first time four days ago... I tried Kubuntu today.... I'm digging KDE so much more! | 05:50 |
Dr_willis | i tend to have both gnome and kde installed. | 05:51 |
Hasrat_USA | Just found this! credits go to a great Beryl enthusiast and analyst in Ubuntu-effects: Press ALT and rotate the mouse's scroll wheel to turn on/off + increase/decrease transparency of a particular window. | 05:51 |
voidmage | Hasrat_USA: great find | 05:51 |
Dr_willis | Hasrat_USA, now if only transparent windoiws actually helped make you more productive. | 05:51 |
Dr_willis | I belive that "Metiss" desktop had a similer combo that 'zoomed' a window larger. | 05:51 |
Hasrat_USA | but i still don't understand how the f he guessed that my mouse had a scroll wheel | 05:51 |
compilerwriter | ben325e I like kde better than gnome as well. Although, I am seeing a sort of beatiful simplicity in fluxbox. | 05:52 |
compilerwriter | s/beatiful/beautiful | 05:52 |
ben325e | dunno what fluxbox is (yet), and I will say that gnome was way easy to get into (Sorry Mr. Torvalds... it just is...) | 05:52 |
Hasrat_USA | well dr, when three firefox browser windows are overlapping each other, i would like to make at least two of them transparent to help me stay on track and not get confused. | 05:53 |
firemonkeyballz | dann no transparency | 05:53 |
Dr_willis | fluxbox a minimal window manager, part of the 'blackbox' faimly. | 05:53 |
LL_Hakaisou | !div3 | 05:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about div3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:53 |
firemonkeyballz | looking for codecs? | 05:53 |
Hasrat_USA | firemonkeyballz: you have to be running either compiz or beryl to do that | 05:53 |
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ben325e | Is there anything I just need to know about KDE/Kubuntu, or "must have" programs? Or do ya think I'm prettty much good to go? | 05:54 |
LL_Hakaisou | !divx | 05:54 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:54 |
Dr_willis | ben325e, depends on what you are doing. | 05:54 |
compilerwriter | ben325e: Fluxbox is just another gui like kde. It is not nearly as resource intensive as kde. Handy when you are logging in for an xterm session via the net. | 05:54 |
Dr_willis | ben325e, i find that learning about 'mc' is good.. but its neither a kde or gnome app. :) | 05:55 |
firemonkeyballz | anyone try shorewall | 05:55 |
firemonkeyballz | ? | 05:55 |
Hasrat_USA | firemonkeyballz: also, did you know that if i press the 'super' (and in winblows' language, the windows key) key and move the mouse wheel up, the whole screen will magnify dramatically and vice versa. | 05:55 |
intelikey | ben325e ahh yes. | 05:55 |
Hasrat_USA | it's amazing that beryl doesn't require expensive hardware | 05:55 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz it's just a configurator for iptables no? but no i haven't used that one. don't even use iptables not a server. | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | try out the Mandriva-2007.0-One-Metisse.i586.iso live cd.. for an alternatve to Beryl. Its gettting overlooked sadly. :( | 05:56 |
SagaciousKJB | I'm having a problem with input actions. They just plain won't work. PrintSceen won't even bring up KSnapShot anymore, and I'm getting no errors anywhere. | 05:56 |
SagaciousKJB | Is there something obvious I've over looked? The "disabled" check box is unchecked, of course | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | Metisse is nifty in ways.. | 05:56 |
ben325e | I read that KDE is somewhat harder to install things like themes, etc, and that it is supposed to run slower than gnome (ok well not supposed to, but generally does...), but I've found that KDE seems 3x as responsive as Gnome! | 05:57 |
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firemonkeyballz | well torrents are a server client | 05:57 |
intelikey | point ? | 05:57 |
Morbo | Huh? | 05:57 |
Hasrat_USA | OH my lord! after applying some hardcore transparency to almost all my open windows, Beryl's performance increased dramatically | 05:57 |
compilerwriter | ben325e I have found kde to be more responsive. | 05:57 |
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Morbo | I haven't noticed any difference | 05:57 |
ben325e | looking up mc.... | 05:57 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah KDE rocks I'm using Beryl on it | 05:57 |
=== AxlRose [n=axl@65-23-184-13-host.drtel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AxlRose | ok...I recently reinstalled kubuntu and I CANNOT get DRI to work | 05:58 |
ben325e | I have beryl and compiz installed on gnome, so I guess for kde too, but it didn't work well in gnome for me... stupid ati radeon xpress 200g integrated video... | 05:58 |
carutsu | is there a way to use dead keys without remaping? | 05:59 |
AxlRose | not with ATI, radeon, or fglrx | 05:59 |
firemonkeyballz | ben | 05:59 |
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firemonkeyballz | I have ati xpress | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | ben325e, im supprised its working at all for you | 05:59 |
firemonkeyballz | i have noooo problems | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | i got a x200m in my laptop - :) its way low end. :( | 05:59 |
ben325e | I bet you have the 200 M.... | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | but heck it was a cheap laptop | 05:59 |
intelikey | !worksforme | 05:59 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 05:59 |
Hasrat_USA | i have a very bad feeling about GNOME. I think it's going to be extinct in a couple of years (who knows?) but i will keep it in my computer just because it's an ancient product and even if it dies i will keep it in my collection just to show off | 06:00 |
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firemonkeyballz | no have an acer aspire 5100 | 06:00 |
ben325e | I have 200 G... .Hp pavillion AMD 64 3200+, 1.5gig ram... | 06:00 |
firemonkeyballz | its the 1100 | 06:00 |
firemonkeyballz | graphics card | 06:00 |
intelikey | Hasrat_USA have a look in #ubuntu tell me gnome is dying.... | 06:00 |
intelikey | kde may be dying.... | 06:01 |
NDPowerBook | Yeah Ubuntu may have been the best thing to ever happen to GNOME | 06:01 |
NDPowerBook | Neither is dying. | 06:01 |
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Jucato | !offtopic | 06:01 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:01 |
ben325e | aahhh.... yeah.... it seems that most of the non integrated cards from ati are good once you get fglrx in, but the radeon xpress 200 sux... .and even then the 200 M works 20x better than 200g | 06:01 |
intelikey | is there a topic ? | 06:01 |
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ben325e | but if anyone wants to UPS me a new card, I'd be most appreciative! :) | 06:02 |
SagaciousKJB | Okay | 06:02 |
SagaciousKJB | So, I can't find anything relatable to my problem on Kubuntu forums, Ubuntu forums, documentation, or google. | 06:02 |
orange_ | when i install programs - where are they stored? I want to find the readme's and stuff | 06:02 |
=== intelikey sends a trident pci vga card cod | ||
ben325e | sweet.... 2 or 4 meg? | 06:03 |
firemonkeyballz | orange depends if you downloaded them | 06:03 |
ben325e | :) | 06:03 |
firemonkeyballz | sometimes they are seporate | 06:03 |
compilerwriter | SagaciousKJB then ask away | 06:03 |
SagaciousKJB | Well, I already did | 06:03 |
carutsu | !deadkeys | 06:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deadkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:03 |
SagaciousKJB | I didn't know if anyone noticed. | 06:04 |
intelikey | ben325e not svga vga. like supports 256 color at 800x600 :) | 06:04 |
firemonkeyballz | buh in the konsole you can use info | 06:04 |
Dr_willis | orange_, depends on the program. use the package managers and see what files are in the package. | 06:04 |
SagaciousKJB | My input keys are non functioning. PrintScreen will not even bring up KSnapShot in KDE 3.5 | 06:04 |
Jucato | orange_: most often than not, they will be in /usr/share/doc/appname | 06:04 |
SagaciousKJB | I can't find anything about it anywhere obvious, and there's no errors in any log files. It's very confusing | 06:04 |
intelikey | no actually i think it does support either 15 or 16 bit colour. but it came in a box with win3.1 on it. | 06:05 |
carutsu | anyone!? | 06:05 |
carutsu | !accents | 06:05 |
SagaciousKJB | And odd, aswell, because I'm using yakuake, and F12 will still bring it open. | 06:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about accents - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:05 |
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compilerwriter | SagaciousKJB I am confounded also. | 06:05 |
Hasrat_USA | intellikey well the reasons behind why there are LOADS of people living their lives happily ever after in #ubuntu are: 1. people, specially newbies install ubuntu for the first time and the next thing they are directed to is #ubuntu, not #kubuntu. 2. people usually get directed to #ubuntu automatically because kubuntu has never gotten as much popularity as ubuntu has got, although there is not much difference between the two. 3. | 06:05 |
Hasrat_USA | After installing ubuntu, as i have observeed, it takes many newbies more than 4 weeks to install kde-desktop, after they are done with numerous problems with their wi-fi, graphics card, blah blah blah etc etc | 06:05 |
SagaciousKJB | Various key shortcuts for other aps work, just not KDE. :/ | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | SagaciousKJB, as a test.. make a new user.. see if theproblem affects them | 06:05 |
ben325e | I guess we know who is a packrat.... keeping video cards from '92.... | 06:05 |
makuseru | how can i change the Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) | 06:05 |
SagaciousKJB | All right, I'll try that. | 06:05 |
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carutsu | nah moustly of who i know just instaled kubuntu | 06:06 |
unholyskorn | where is there a list of supported video cards for beryl? | 06:06 |
intelikey | Hasrat_USA same can be said for most of those things about kubuntu also. | 06:06 |
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ben325e | anyone know why the fonts for Open Office in gnome suck, but when I use kde session they look great? | 06:06 |
intelikey | i said MOST | 06:07 |
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carutsu | Dr_willis please can you help me i NEED dead keys | 06:07 |
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Dr_willis | carutsu, i dont even have a clue what you mean by 'dead' keys. | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | INotice that my Old amiga has a 'blank' key. :) i think its used on the german keyboard/amigas. heh | 06:08 |
ben325e | you could remap your keyboard so that some don't work.....:) | 06:08 |
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makuseru | how can i change the Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN)? | 06:08 |
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AxlRose | can anyone help me figure out why DRI isn't working with fglrx | 06:09 |
carutsu | Dr_willis dead keys n~ those like HTML á | 06:09 |
thev | is shutdown time in minutes or seconds? | 06:09 |
carutsu | Dr_willis accents, so on | 06:09 |
Dr_willis | carutsu, never used them.. :) | 06:09 |
ben325e | btw... when I try to configure my clock I don't have an option to get 12 hr format as opposed to 24.... I lived in germany for a couple of years, so I'm kinda used to it and it's not that big a deal, but I just can't believe that I'm such an idiot that I cant figure out something so basic... | 06:10 |
thev | if I do shutdown -P 15 - 15 minutes to shutdown? | 06:10 |
Dr_willis | you tryont to make things liek an e with a ^ over it? | 06:10 |
carutsu | Dr_willis i know... but i speak spanish, i use them | 06:10 |
carutsu | Dr_willis i'll have to keep looking | 06:10 |
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Dr_willis | I thought kde had some setting for that.. but ive never used them. so no idea. | 06:10 |
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Dr_willis | given the work kde has in language support.. i imagine you just need tolearn how to use the feature | 06:10 |
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intelikey | thev -P is seconds isn't it ? | 06:11 |
thev | well it's been more than 15 seconds, so I think it must be minutes... ;) | 06:11 |
ben325e | xorg-config and edit keyboard layout? | 06:11 |
thev | I did the command and it's still up | 06:11 |
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thev | I assume it'll shut down shortly | 06:12 |
intelikey | -P Halt action is to turn off the power. | 06:12 |
intelikey | -t seconds. | 06:12 |
thev | intelikey - so do I need to use -t for defining a time value? | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | yep | 06:13 |
thev | or without -t does it assume minutes? | 06:13 |
carutsu | ben325e it screwed list time | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | i think it dont assume much. :) | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | i thought -t was needed or it just exited | 06:13 |
ben325e | ? | 06:13 |
ben325e | it screwed up last time? | 06:13 |
carutsu | ben325e the edit of keyboard layout | 06:13 |
ben325e | gotcha | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | and theres' -t now 'i think also | 06:13 |
Orange_1 | README.build.gz -- how do i read this file? | 06:14 |
thev | well I want it to do it when my download is done :) | 06:14 |
carutsu | well i tried again | 06:15 |
carutsu | now it worked | 06:15 |
carutsu | dont ask me what went wrong | 06:15 |
carutsu | xD | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | zmore whatever.gz | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | or gunzip it first... | 06:15 |
intelikey | thev no you define a time with no options but that's a time not a time-laps | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | or try zless whatever.gz | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | .gz = guzipped file. | 06:15 |
intelikey | thev if you want a time-laps until shutdown use -t | 06:15 |
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ben325e | congrats carutsu! | 06:16 |
intelikey | thev best way to have one task start when another ends is to string them. wget <blah> ;shutdown | 06:16 |
Orange_1 | Dr_willis: thanks | 06:17 |
thev | ooo... ok, so how do I know what task to tell it? | 06:17 |
thev | I have a firefox download window up | 06:17 |
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ForgeAus | did I ever tell you how much I love krusader! | 06:18 |
ForgeAus | its awesome! | 06:18 |
intelikey | thev you can also test the exit status with the && and || string connectors. this && that that runs only if this was successful || is the opisite. man bash for all the info you want on the supject. | 06:18 |
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ForgeAus | a bit like midnight commander for KDE... | 06:18 |
SagaciousKJB | Well, the keys worked on the new accounht, although not perfectly. They opened whatever app they corresponded with on the second xserver I have running | 06:19 |
SagaciousKJB | They still don't work at al on this account. | 06:19 |
ForgeAus | you can even cd to an ftp url! | 06:19 |
ForgeAus | quickly at that | 06:20 |
makuseru | how can i change the Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN)? | 06:20 |
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intelikey | thev hard to add a string to an already running process but one could test the process tabel. while pidof 'firefoxwhatever' ;do sleep 3 ;done && shutdown | 06:20 |
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SagaciousKJB | It seems like it's got something to do with the dual xservers running. I'm not sure what I would look for in the xorg.conf for that, though | 06:21 |
intelikey | aside from the name 'firefoxwhatever' that string would work asis | 06:21 |
SagaciousKJB | Dr_willis: Are you still there? | 06:23 |
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BenPA | !emac21 | 06:26 |
intelikey | going to test killall5 in an init script. | 06:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emac21 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:26 |
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Jucato | !info emacs21 | BenPA | 06:27 |
ubotu | benpa: emacs21: The GNU Emacs editor. In component main, is optional. Version 21.4a-6ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1969 kB, installed size 5904 kB | 06:27 |
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Bi||aBong | why the ati control don't run? | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | SagaciousKJB, huh? | 06:28 |
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SagaciousKJB | I'm not even sure who was helping me before now. | 06:28 |
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Dr_willis | SagaciousKJB, i cant say that ive messed with 2 x servers going at the same time -- except the KDE-> SwitchUser-> new session stuff | 06:29 |
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SagaciousKJB | Well, no, not graphic terminals | 06:29 |
SagaciousKJB | I'm using an Nvidia card with s-video out | 06:29 |
SagaciousKJB | On the s-vdieo display is a separate xserver. | 06:29 |
SagaciousKJB | I never could get TwinView to work for some reason. | 06:30 |
=== jusama15 [n=jusama14@cpe-70-116-125-71.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jusama15 | can someone help me install a wirless card??? | 06:30 |
SagaciousKJB | But, when I tested with the new user account, the input actions worked, they just opened on the wrong screen. | 06:30 |
Bi||aBong | the ati control don't run, i need help | 06:30 |
SagaciousKJB | However, on this account, they don't run at all. | 06:30 |
jusama15 | CAN anyone help me with ndiswrapper | 06:30 |
genii | jusama15: There is a very good tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 06:33 |
nonuda | !modem | 06:33 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 06:33 |
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jusama14 | CAN anyone help me with ndiswrapper | 06:33 |
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jusama14 | how do i open file browser as root | 06:34 |
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Jucato | jusama14: Alt+F2, kdesu konqueror | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | be carefull with kdesu konqueror :) | 06:37 |
jusama14 | my bad, running ubuntu, i was wondering if anyone here knew how to do it | 06:38 |
jusama14 | was asking around in ubuntu | 06:38 |
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Jucato | jusama14: gksudo nautilus | 06:40 |
Jucato | jusama14: but people in #ubuntu will know better | 06:40 |
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jusama14 | no one is able to solve it, that's why i came here | 06:41 |
Aiwuu | well maybe someone here can help me... when im in XGL Session and i use glxinfo i get "direct rendering NO" this is normal? | 06:42 |
Aiwuu | and when im in normal sessions i have a "yes" :S | 06:42 |
firemonkeyballz | solve what? | 06:42 |
firemonkeyballz | aiwuu sounds like its backwardsly set up | 06:43 |
firemonkeyballz | bye all | 06:44 |
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firemonkeyballz | i tired | 06:44 |
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Aiwuu | ? | 06:47 |
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aliveuser | hi, is there a way to modify the character print after a key pressed?? | 06:49 |
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intelikey | nope you can't have killall5 in an init script after the gui starts.... krap. | 06:50 |
Skuller | !webcam | 06:50 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 06:50 |
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aliveuser | intelikey, did u answer me?? or it is to another person?? | 06:51 |
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intelikey | aliveuser did you ask me something ? | 06:52 |
allen84us | any1 know how to use poptop | 06:52 |
allen84us | pptp server | 06:52 |
allen84us | i need some guide | 06:52 |
intelikey | hmmm !i | 06:52 |
intelikey | that's not i | 06:52 |
allen84us | wat? | 06:52 |
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intelikey | i answered you. not i | 06:53 |
allen84us | not wat? | 06:53 |
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AxlRose | how do u get amarok to play mp3s | 06:54 |
intelikey | yeah that's right, just keep hitin' it you'll keep feelin' fine. | 06:54 |
allen84us | For playing MP3s you need the libxine-extracodecs package (from the Universe repository). | 06:54 |
intelikey | AxlRose you install codecs ? or an engine like xine with the extra codecs | 06:54 |
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intelikey | !mp3 | AxlRose | 06:55 |
ubotu | AxlRose: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:55 |
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Skuller | hey guys...can anyone help me with getting my 'Creative Webcam Vista Pro' webcam to work kubun? | 06:55 |
intelikey | !webcam | 06:57 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 06:57 |
me2win | !aiglx | 06:57 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support. | 06:57 |
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allen84us | how to upgrade KE .3.5.6 | 06:58 |
allen84us | i'm using 3.5.2 | 06:58 |
Skuller | intelikey: i followed mos of the things there....i cant egt it to work | 06:58 |
Skuller | get* | 06:58 |
Jucato | aliveuser: you can only upgrade up to KDE 3.5.5 on Dapper | 06:59 |
allen84us | can show me how? | 06:59 |
Mena | intelikey, do you know a program enable windows to read ext3 under it and with utf8 support but not for fs-driver.org plz | 06:59 |
allen84us | how to upgrade? | 06:59 |
Mena | from* | 06:59 |
Jucato | aliveuser: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-355.php | 07:00 |
Mena | jucato, do you know ?? | 07:00 |
aliveuser | my question was this one, hi, is there a way to modify the character print after a key pressed?? | 07:00 |
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Jucato | Mena: sorry no.. | 07:00 |
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Mena | :( ok | 07:00 |
Jucato | ?? | 07:00 |
Jucato | hm... that was strange... | 07:01 |
intelikey | Mena e2fsexplorer.exe iirc. | 07:01 |
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Mena | ok | 07:01 |
intelikey | mena search the web for ext2 + explorer | 07:02 |
intelikey | btw ext3 = ext2 + journal | 07:03 |
Jucato | hm... | 07:03 |
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intelikey | Jucato you doing all the op'ting or is that a script or what ? | 07:04 |
Jucato | the first 2 were... | 07:04 |
Mena | ok | 07:04 |
Jucato | bah nvm | 07:04 |
nixternal | hahahaha | 07:04 |
nixternal | Jucato: you and ChanServ have a thing I see ;p | 07:05 |
Skuller | !webcam >skuller | 07:05 |
Jucato | heh | 07:05 |
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intelikey | yeah they been sleeping around for a long time now. | 07:05 |
nixternal | hahahahahaha | 07:05 |
Jucato | sshhh | 07:06 |
intelikey | ooops ;/ | 07:06 |
Skuller | lol whas happ here? | 07:06 |
ForgeAus | um I need some help with PATH and MANPATH | 07:07 |
ForgeAus | how do I Append a new path to them? | 07:07 |
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intelikey | chanserv flirted with me, i told er she wasn't my type... | 07:07 |
ForgeAus | currently manpath is /usr/local/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man I need to add :/usr/pkg/man | 07:08 |
intelikey | ForgeAus export PATH="$PATH:/new/path" | 07:08 |
ForgeAus | thanx | 07:08 |
Rauk | sup all | 07:08 |
intelikey | same process for man | 07:08 |
Mena | Could the file ssystem make Games wouldnt work | 07:08 |
Mena | system* | 07:08 |
Mena | on Xp | 07:08 |
Mena | ext3 | 07:08 |
Mena | :) | 07:08 |
Dr_willis | Ive ran XP programs from ext3 drives using that ifs driver thang | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | !ext3 | 07:09 |
ubotu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 07:09 |
intelikey | mena you have a game on an ext# fs and you are accessing it from windows trying to play it.... ? | 07:09 |
Mena | yes | 07:09 |
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Dr_willis | Ive played several games that way.. and my mame roms.. and so forth. :) | 07:10 |
Mena | ok | 07:10 |
=== intelikey shakes head and wonders away mumblinge.... "some people try anything" | ||
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Dr_willis | only issue ive had is that the 'links' to files can mess things up | 07:10 |
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Dr_willis | I got a spare ext3 partition i use as a 'data swapping area' :) that way i dont have to worry about linux accessing the ntfs drives | 07:11 |
Dr_willis | keep my mp3 and other stuff there. | 07:11 |
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Aiwuu | so nobody knows why i have direct rendering "no" in XGL session and Yes in normal ? | 07:11 |
=== intelikey thinks of Dr_willis ' ' ' "fat bald headed man with wrinkled face and joystick in hand shooting astroids".... | ||
Dr_willis | Aiwuu, i bet the forums/wiki may.. | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | intelikey, nope.. slim. hair, i perfer Mr.Do. | 07:13 |
intelikey | lol | 07:13 |
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Aiwuu | :S | 07:13 |
intelikey | ok. | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | Mr.DO is one of the more enterainign arcade games out... | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | a bit more to it then most of the old classics. | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | the NeoGeo Port is great also. | 07:14 |
compilerwriter | Anyone know how to make certain I did this denyhosts thing correctly. I got a few error messages and I would like to be certain I actually have things up and running. | 07:14 |
Mena | intelikey, if this tool work Explore2fs i dont know what to say then but thanksvery much :) | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | Explore2fs isent quite as trasparent as that fs-driver.org thang. | 07:15 |
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Mena | but fs-driver doesnt support utf8 | 07:16 |
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Mena | not yet | 07:16 |
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Dr_willis | heh.. you sure explore2fs does? :) | 07:16 |
intelikey | Mena yes there is one with the e2 at the first and one with the e2 at the end of the name i prefered the prepended e2 over the appended e2 but they both work. | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | you wont be able to play games from the drive with explore2fs I think. | 07:16 |
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Dr_willis | night all.. | 07:16 |
Mena | GT | 07:17 |
intelikey | and no i'm not sure that either can play games... i never tried that. | 07:17 |
jusama14 | whats better kubuntu or ubuntu? | 07:17 |
Mena | i get error | 07:18 |
jusama14 | support wise | 07:18 |
Mena | now with two games i tried | 07:18 |
jusama14 | many of the people on kubuntu seem to be assholes | 07:18 |
dewey | jusama14, thet are the same | 07:18 |
dewey | they | 07:18 |
Morbo | jusama14: :( | 07:18 |
dewey | just diff desktop wm | 07:18 |
intelikey | jusama14 thanks... | 07:18 |
Morbo | dewey: Different DE, you mean | 07:18 |
compilerwriter | jucato are you able to help me out with denyhosts? | 07:18 |
Mena | :'( | 07:18 |
jusama14 | support wise, not the actual linux | 07:18 |
intelikey | actually both tho diff wm and de | 07:19 |
intelikey | jusama14 use ubuntu. we don't really want you in here anyway... :) | 07:20 |
Morbo | Well, different DE generally imples different WM | 07:20 |
jusama14 | haha | 07:20 |
intelikey | is that answer enough for you ? | 07:20 |
jusama14 | fag.. | 07:20 |
Morbo | :/ | 07:20 |
=== jusama14 [n=jusama14@cpe-70-116-125-71.houston.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
Mena | : ' ( | 07:20 |
intelikey | some people... | 07:20 |
compilerwriter | intelikey: I need a little help verifying that I got denyhosts up and working correctly. | 07:21 |
intelikey | compilerwriter iptables -L ? | 07:21 |
intelikey | compilerwriter i know extreemely little about networking. | 07:21 |
=== Number2 [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
compilerwriter | intelikey Ok. | 07:22 |
compilerwriter | Who can help with denyhosts? | 07:22 |
c0nv1ct | that a firewall script or something? | 07:22 |
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compilerwriter | c0nv1ct it is used to help shore up security in sshd. | 07:23 |
c0nv1ct | ahh i see, reading up on it now | 07:23 |
intelikey | compilerwriter if no one in here can answer you, sometimes you catch the guys in ##linux willing to tackle such. | 07:23 |
compilerwriter | Stops dictionary attacks and such | 07:24 |
c0nv1ct | true, if its not specifcally *ubuntu related, try the general linux channels | 07:24 |
=== hagabaka [n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/hagabaka] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | i find that i do get more "networking" support from there. | 07:24 |
hagabaka | i wish there was a game on the install disk | 07:24 |
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-74.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
compilerwriter | will you be able to help c0nv1ct after some reading or shall I just head over to ##linux | 07:25 |
c0nv1ct | compilerwriter: well, maybe, but i'd check the other chans anyway :P | 07:25 |
me2win | !paste | 07:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:25 |
=== Elvis_Presley [n=inAll@121-65-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
compilerwriter | ok. Query me if you think you have it. | 07:25 |
c0nv1ct | i'm reading up on it anyway, cuz i'd like to lock down my ssh as well | 07:26 |
c0nv1ct | i was just gonna limit it to the only IP i'd log into it with though | 07:26 |
compilerwriter | Here is a link to an article I found and tried to follow. I am just uncertain if I got it all correctly. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254149&highlight=denyhosts | 07:26 |
intelikey | c0nv1ct ssh itself can do that. the configs are in /etc/ssh/ | 07:27 |
c0nv1ct | ah cool, thanks | 07:27 |
c0nv1ct | intelikey: i was just gonna do it with iptables | 07:27 |
me2win | anybody knowsome about beryl? when i type in beryl-manager i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9592/ | 07:27 |
c0nv1ct | but i'm lazy and havent bothered to do it yet | 07:27 |
compilerwriter | My issue is that I occaisionally need to ssh from an IP that becomes known to me only after I connect with it. Can just limit to ones that I know for certain. | 07:28 |
intelikey | i'm lazy that's why i just configure ssh and don't worry about a firewall.... but quicktables is a script that makes setting up iptables simple enough that i can do it. | 07:28 |
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c0nv1ct | yeah, i got a firewall script i've had for a long time, to make things easy | 07:29 |
=== intelikey thinks that firewalls tend to get in the way... | ||
=== c0nv1ct thinks thats the point of firewalls | ||
=== intelikey thinks c0nv1ct needs to update his sense of humour... | ||
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c0nv1ct | using stateful filtering makes things easier on the outbound side.. doesnt get in the way | 07:31 |
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fuel | does ipod work properly with kubuntu ? | 07:33 |
fuel | i connected my ipod and it is showing the used space wrongly | 07:33 |
fuel | any ideas / | 07:33 |
fuel | ? | 07:33 |
intelikey | fuel i don't have one. but i have some say it worked ootb and some say not at all. so maybe the wiki ? | 07:34 |
intelikey | !ipod | 07:34 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 07:34 |
intelikey | !rockbox | 07:35 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 07:35 |
=== pawel [n=pawel@staticline581.toya.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuel | well i dont even want to use it as a media player right now. i just want to use it as an external hard disc | 07:35 |
Skuller | !sonicstage | 07:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sonicstage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:35 |
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fuel | but it mounts in read only mode and even after editing out fstab i am getting the same problem | 07:35 |
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intelikey | fuel hmmm what fs is it ? | 07:36 |
Skuller | i am having problems with my flash drive...it is read only when mounted and i cant change the permissions | 07:36 |
=== colby_ [n=colby@c-71-192-190-21.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuel | ipod is fat | 07:36 |
compilerwriter | c0nv1ct I am getting no joy on ##linux what do you think. | 07:37 |
intelikey | is it mounting ro or just umask set to keep you from accessing ? | 07:37 |
c0nv1ct | compilerwriter: have u looked into fail2ban as an alternative? | 07:37 |
fuel | it mounts in ro mode only.... | 07:37 |
Linux_Galore | colby_: sudo konqueror then goto the /media folder rgith click on the usb drive icons and edit the permissios | 07:37 |
c0nv1ct | apparently its available in the repos, and might be easier to setup for ya | 07:37 |
fuel | now i tweaked and it mounts in rw | 07:37 |
Linux_Galore | permissions* | 07:37 |
fuel | however the used size shown is wrong for some reason | 07:37 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: thanx a bunch | 07:37 |
compilerwriter | c0nv1ct: no never heard of it. Was only told about denyhosts recently. | 07:38 |
c0nv1ct | compilerwriter: i saw it referenced in the thread you pasted | 07:38 |
me2win | can anyone help with a beryl problem (ubuntu-effects is dead)? | 07:38 |
compilerwriter | I must have missed that part of the thread. | 07:38 |
c0nv1ct | it was in the 3rd reply :) | 07:39 |
c0nv1ct | it looks easier to configure | 07:39 |
c0nv1ct | basically just blocks IPs in iptables after 5 failed attempts | 07:39 |
Number2 | hello i need help | 07:39 |
Number2 | make[2] : *** [/tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o] Error 1 | 07:40 |
Number2 | make[1] : *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only] Error 2 | 07:40 |
Number2 | make[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-11-generic' | 07:40 |
Number2 | make: *** [vmmon.ko] Error 2 | 07:40 |
c0nv1ct | !pastebin | 07:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:40 |
=== fuel glares at Number2 | ||
Mena | intelikey, if you are free plz see this http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/projects/projects.htm | 07:40 |
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intelikey | fuel i didn't see anything on that wiki about just mounting an ipod... | 07:40 |
Number2 | omg you guys | 07:40 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: looks like your vmware install is borked | 07:40 |
Number2 | i do not know what to do | 07:40 |
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Skuller | Linux_Galore: i tried the sudo konqueror...it still says i cant change the permission | 07:40 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: try reinstalling vmware? | 07:41 |
fuel | yeah... god knows .... the mounting process is a farce | 07:41 |
intelikey | fuel gtkpod is mentioned a lot... | 07:41 |
Number2 | im trying to install for the first time | 07:41 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: and disable that module in the mean time | 07:41 |
fuel | they enable me to synchronize my music files with ipod.... however i just want to copy files | 07:41 |
fuel | thats it..... just drag and drop | 07:41 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: tells me you have formated the drive as ntfs or hfs | 07:41 |
fuel | and kde/linux shows me wrong size | 07:41 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: strange, it installed without problems in my Kubuntu edgy | 07:41 |
fuel | i suppose some problem with the driver or something | 07:41 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: what version u got? | 07:41 |
Skuller | Could not change permissions for /media/Skuller's Flash/System Volume Information/_restore{59C6BC0C-E1E1-42D6-9440-5CF1C21C2C09}/RP58/change.log. | 07:42 |
Number2 | 2.6.17-11 | 07:42 |
Number2 | generic | 07:42 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: version of vmware | 07:42 |
intelikey | Mena ok... | 07:42 |
Number2 | 5.5 | 07:42 |
intelikey | what about it ? | 07:42 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: 5.5.2? | 07:42 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: yes it is in ntfs...but i was able to use it n rite to it n everything b4....only today i saw the problem | 07:42 |
fuel | even df shows me wrong statistics | 07:42 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: ntfs by default is read only in Linux, ntfs isnt documented | 07:43 |
Number2 | VMware-workstation-5.5.0-18463.tar.gz | 07:43 |
fuel | how do i check the file system ??? | 07:43 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: try getting a newer version, it might help | 07:43 |
Mena | intelikey, ok | 07:43 |
Number2 | ok | 07:43 |
Number2 | thanks | 07:43 |
fuel | not checking literally.....for example what fs is hdb2 or something like that | 07:43 |
intelikey | Mena is all you wanted, for me to see it ? | 07:43 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: then how was i able to write things to it just a while back?...i have not enabled fuse or anything like that either | 07:43 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: it looks like 5.5.3 is latest, but 5.5.2 installed on my machine fine | 07:43 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: could be a corruption god knows, you can get ntfs to work to some degree but its very buggy | 07:44 |
Number2 | okay thanks | 07:44 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: just format it as fat32 | 07:44 |
Number2 | i grabbed 5.5 its the only key i have | 07:44 |
c0nv1ct | Number2: http://www.vmware.com/download/ws/ | 07:44 |
intelikey | fuel you can check the partitions type (which may or may not reflect actual fs type) by fdisk -l | 07:44 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: hmm...i need to give somethings to one of my teachers...and obviously hes runnin xp....now what? | 07:44 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: fat32 is well documented ntfs isnt and it varies depending on what version of windows you have and what service pack is used | 07:45 |
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Linux_Galore | Skuller: xp works with fat32 just fine | 07:45 |
Skuller | ohh....so i can rite in fat32 from kubun? | 07:45 |
fuel | !pastebin | 07:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:45 |
Mena | intelikey, yes but never mind i tried it its like fs-driver but also utf8 problem | 07:45 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: burn it to a CD? | 07:45 |
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Linux_Galore | Skuller: yes fat32 is fully documented | 07:45 |
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Skuller | oh cool | 07:45 |
intelikey | mena ah i see. sorry. | 07:46 |
Skuller | c0nv1ct: that would be a waste wouldnt it? | 07:46 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: thanx | 07:46 |
c0nv1ct | c0nv1ct: i guess it depends on how you are giving it to your teacher | 07:46 |
fuel | intelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9595/ | 07:46 |
intelikey | Skuller writing to vfat is supported in linux yes. | 07:46 |
Mena | intelikey, i realy searched again bec i need a program to enable me to explor my parts form windows explorer not from the program like explore2fs-1.08beta9.exe | 07:46 |
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=== Forge is now known as Forgeaus | ||
Skuller | c0nv1ct: yes thats true....i think it would be appropriate to burn it for a teacher rather than a flash drive most cases.... | 07:47 |
Linux_Galore | Skuller: vfat/fat32 works on all platforms so its best to use that as a default, using ntfs for a thumb drive is over kill | 07:47 |
Mena | intelikey, Never mind :) and Thanks if i need help i will ask :) | 07:47 |
intelikey | fuel lol | 07:47 |
intelikey | don't know how to follow dirrections too well do we... | 07:48 |
intelikey | sudo fdisk -l | 07:48 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: yea...that would be nice...thanx fer da info | 07:48 |
intelikey | do not add the partition to the command | 07:48 |
Skuller | c0nv1ct: thnx fer da info | 07:48 |
intelikey | you can add the disk if you want to limit it to that disk | 07:48 |
intelikey | but not the partition. | 07:48 |
=== firemonkeyballz [n=firemonk@adsl-69-107-119-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuel | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9596/ | 07:49 |
intelikey | i.e. fdisk -l /dev/sdb would work. fdisk -l /dev/sdb1 wont. | 07:49 |
fuel | here is the biggest joke | 07:49 |
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firemonkeyballz | uhh the rtc package seems to be missing | 07:49 |
fuel | du shows me only 1gb is used, | 07:49 |
firemonkeyballz | at boot | 07:49 |
firemonkeyballz | help | 07:49 |
fuel | dh tells me 17GB is used | 07:49 |
fuel | ! | 07:50 |
fuel | wtf x( | 07:50 |
Skuller | Linux_Galore: i am using qtparted...it doesnt have the option of formatting to fat32...only 16... | 07:50 |
Mena | intelikey, i just found the way to enable utf8 from the program :0 | 07:50 |
Mena | :) | 07:50 |
c0nv1ct | fuel: what about df -H? | 07:50 |
firemonkeyballz | anyone? | 07:50 |
fuel | c0nv1ct: that also has been posted..... at the beginning | 07:51 |
fuel | c0nv1ct: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9597/ | 07:51 |
fuel | du = 1.6 and df=18GB ? something definitely wrong | 07:52 |
firemonkeyballz | uhh the rtc package seems to be missing...helllp!!! | 07:52 |
Skuller | is it safe and right to format a thumb drive to fat 16 if it is to be used in both linux n windows? | 07:53 |
c0nv1ct | fuel: how are you executing du? | 07:53 |
intelikey | fuel du -Lchx --max-depth=1 /media/iPod 2> /dev/null | 07:53 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: my thumbdrive says its fat16 | 07:53 |
Skuller | c0nv1ct: oh...so not fat32.... | 07:53 |
intelikey | fuel that might show the actual usage ? | 07:53 |
Skuller | cool then..i'll do just that | 07:53 |
fuel | intelikey: whats the use of that ? you are putting all the stuff into null | 07:53 |
=== mate_ [n=mate@mtg91-1-82-227-24-45.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
c0nv1ct | Skuller: i guess you dont need fat32, depending on how big it is | 07:53 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: mine was fat16 ootb | 07:54 |
Skuller | 128mb | 07:54 |
intelikey | fuel shows the limitation of your knowladge doesn't it. | 07:54 |
c0nv1ct | i'd say fat16 would be fine, but i dont think it'll matter much | 07:54 |
fuel | ? | 07:54 |
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Skuller | why cant i format a thumb drive in fat32 using qtparted? | 07:55 |
=== mate_ [n=mate@mtg91-1-82-227-24-45.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Skuller | i mean a problem? or a limitation? | 07:55 |
fuel | intelikey: same result | 07:55 |
intelikey | Skuller why are youusing a partitioning tool to make a file system ? | 07:55 |
c0nv1ct | mkfs? | 07:55 |
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=== genii ponders mkfs.vfat | ||
Skuller | intelikey: i have a situation. i need to get my flash drive to work on linux n windows thas all...what do i do to the flash drive?..it is curently in ntfs | 07:56 |
firemonkeyballz | !rtc | 07:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rtc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:56 |
intelikey | fuel then i'd have to have "hands on" to figure out what is going on... | 07:56 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: intelikey is right, u dont need to partition it, just format it | 07:56 |
firemonkeyballz | !real time clock | 07:56 |
Skuller | yes...under format i do it with fat16 right? | 07:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about real time clock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:56 |
PF-Away | i thought the x11-common package was fixed | 07:56 |
PF-Away | !rtc | 07:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rtc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:57 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: sure, that'll work | 07:57 |
intelikey | Skuller use windows to make it fat32 | 07:57 |
PF-Away | mkfs.vfat? | 07:57 |
Skuller | ohh...ok..cool...thanx | 07:57 |
intelikey | that's the simplest way to ensure that both can access it. | 07:57 |
firemonkeyballz | pf sais its missing at boot | 07:57 |
genii | skuller from linux: mkfs.vfat -F 32 | 07:57 |
=== gverig [n=mikle@cpe-76-172-163-128.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Skuller | ohh | 07:57 |
Skuller | how do i use that command? | 07:58 |
genii | skuller But that may do you no good anyhow if the partition type still thinks it is NTFS. | 07:58 |
intelikey | vfat should default to fat32 anyway. but still you may end up with something that windows can't see if you use windows to format it then windows can and linux can too | 07:58 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: just like he typed, but add the device to the end | 07:58 |
PF-Away | !feisty | 07:58 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 07:58 |
=== gverig [n=mikle@cpe-76-172-163-128.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Skuller | c0nv1ct: what is to be added for the devie? | 07:59 |
intelikey | Skuller something like sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 assuming sda1 | 07:59 |
c0nv1ct | yeah, whatever device it is labeled, and dont pick the wrong one :P | 07:59 |
firemonkeyballz | hellllpppp | 07:59 |
Skuller | ohh..ok..lol... | 07:59 |
intelikey | Skuller use sudo fdisk -l to list the partitions/disks | 07:59 |
firemonkeyballz | uhh the rtc package seems to be missing...helllp!!! | 08:00 |
intelikey | then use the correct device. | 08:00 |
fuel | intelikey: i did not look at "2" in your suggestion :D | 08:00 |
intelikey | fuel obviously. | 08:00 |
genii | skuller Best way actually is to boot into windoze, partition and format it there, as intelikey suggested. Linux will see it after that certainly. If you have for instance ntfs partition and fat32 filesystem, linux wuill not have issues mounting it (it cares not much about partition types if you specify filesystem explicitly) but windoze will not be able to reconcile different partition vs... | 08:00 |
genii | ...filesystem on it | 08:00 |
Skuller | ohh....ok then i'll def use windows | 08:01 |
Skuller | thanx all u | 08:01 |
intelikey | no body ever listens to me... | 08:01 |
c0nv1ct | Skuller: yeah, to be safe, its a good idea | 08:01 |
intelikey | maybe i speek congeption or some strange language.... | 08:02 |
Skuller | lol sorry man | 08:02 |
genii | intelikey LOL | 08:02 |
c0nv1ct | intelikey: its all clicks and whistles to me | 08:02 |
intelikey | :) | 08:02 |
intelikey | prezavtly. | 08:02 |
Skuller | no offence...i was panicking | 08:02 |
intelikey | prezactly. | 08:03 |
genii | intelikey Well, we could walk him thru fdisk certainly but easier for a newbie to just do it all from in windoze for simplicity | 08:03 |
Skuller | yea | 08:03 |
=== miltos [n=miltos@fdsl5.ionio.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | genii and also the blanking of the first sector so windows doesnt' panic anyway... but why not do it the easy way... | 08:03 |
firemonkeyballz | am I dead? | 08:03 |
miltos | hi ppl:-] | 08:03 |
Skuller | intelikey: what is the easy way? | 08:04 |
intelikey | !rtc | 08:04 |
c0nv1ct | firemonkeyballz: maybe, punch yourself in the balls to see | 08:04 |
miltos | Where on hell is the KDM theme manager on my Kubuntu? | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rtc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:04 |
intelikey | Skuller do it from the windows side. | 08:04 |
Skuller | yea...lol..i got that now.. | 08:04 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz there is an rtc module in the kernel | 08:05 |
=== mate_ [n=mate@mtg91-1-82-227-24-45.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
intelikey | what rtc are you talking about ? | 08:06 |
firemonkeyballz | how did it go missing? | 08:06 |
firemonkeyballz | at boot | 08:06 |
miltos | <intelikey>, any ideas where can I find kdm theme manager? | 08:06 |
intelikey | show me the error | 08:06 |
c0nv1ct | miltos: its in the repos | 08:06 |
genii | rtc= real time clock yes? | 08:06 |
=== errhec [n=errhec@user154.c4.postojna.kabelnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
firemonkeyballz | cant unless I setup loging of boot | 08:06 |
c0nv1ct | miltos: apt-get install kdmtheme | 08:06 |
intelikey | !theeme | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about theeme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:06 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz it's not in dmesg or /var/log/* ? | 08:07 |
miltos | <cOnvlct>, i've installed it already, how can i start it? | 08:07 |
intelikey | !theme | 08:07 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 08:07 |
fuel | intelikey: any idea how to find the fs of a drive ? | 08:07 |
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c0nv1ct | miltos: kcontrol, go to System Administration | 08:07 |
fuel | i seriously doubt that this ipod(my friends) is vfat | 08:07 |
intelikey | fuel if sudo fdisk -l doesn't tell you try mounting it... | 08:08 |
fuel | mtab tells me its vfat | 08:08 |
miltos | i can't find kcontrol... | 08:08 |
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intelikey | fuel without actually looking into the device node that's the simple way. | 08:08 |
c0nv1ct | miltos: just right click on desktop and click "Run" | 08:08 |
c0nv1ct | miltos: then type kcontrol | 08:09 |
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intelikey | miltos alt+f2 kcontrol | 08:09 |
c0nv1ct | miltos: yeah, or run it from a console | 08:09 |
miltos | thanks... | 08:09 |
firemonkeyballz | looking | 08:09 |
c0nv1ct | kcontrol doesnt seem to be in the menus, probably replaced by the System Settings app | 08:09 |
intelikey | console != [konsole,terminal] | 08:09 |
intelikey | genii eyh | 08:10 |
Aiwuu | i will back tomorrow :), because... i need to solve my beryl problem XD:) | 08:10 |
intelikey | take over for me. | 08:11 |
=== genii sips a coffee and hides | ||
miltos | is there any way to put kcontrol on my system menus? | 08:11 |
intelikey | kmenu-editor | 08:11 |
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intelikey | kmenuedit | 08:12 |
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compilerwriter | my auth.log file is getting rather large. Can I remove it and then the system will create a new one or what should I do? | 08:12 |
intelikey | compilerwriter yes it will | 08:12 |
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Skuller | !voip | 08:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:13 |
genii | compilerwriter: Yes it will just auto-remake it | 08:13 |
Skuller | !voicechat | 08:13 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voicechat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:13 |
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intelikey | compilerwriter auth.log is where login information is stored so servers rotate the auth.log on a schedual and keep compressed backups. | 08:13 |
genii | !ekiga | Skuller | 08:13 |
ubotu | skuller: ekiga: H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu3.1 (edgy), package size 3582 kB, installed size 12568 kB | 08:13 |
Skuller | genii: ohh...i have another problem...we use credit card to use yahoo messenger's voip capabilities...any way to use that? | 08:14 |
miltos | thanks...leaving | 08:14 |
Skuller | genii: thnx btw | 08:14 |
compilerwriter | intelikey Does Kubuntu rotate it automatically for me or should I manage it with a cron job? | 08:14 |
intelikey | failed login info maybe i should say | 08:14 |
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genii | Skuller There are others such as Skype and GizmoProject but they are not in the main repositories since not open-source, which ekiga is | 08:14 |
intelikey | compilerwriter yes | 08:14 |
intelikey | compilerwriter it's a cron job "logrotate" | 08:15 |
Skuller | genii: yes i have skype..but i dont use it because it is expensive to use for calling india...i use yahoo messenger..any way to use that protocol for calling normal fones? | 08:15 |
compilerwriter | Intelikey so I should just let it be as it is already handling itself | 08:15 |
intelikey | ls /etc/cron.daily/ | 08:16 |
genii | Skuller: I am not aware of any Yahoo to VOIP bridge as of yet. | 08:16 |
Skuller | genii: ok...i have to make frequent visits to windows for this reason anywaiz....thnx fer the info | 08:16 |
intelikey | can be tweeked from there | 08:16 |
intelikey | if you wish. | 08:16 |
compilerwriter | I have a logrotate entry. I should just stop worrying then. | 08:16 |
genii | Skuller: np | 08:16 |
intelikey | compilerwriter edit /etc/logrotate.conf | 08:18 |
intelikey | as seems you well. | 08:18 |
genii | Skuller Incidentally GizmoProject has same computer-to-phone capability as Skype, but you need to register the remote phone number to their network first to connect for free (where physically possible) | 08:18 |
intelikey | mine is set to keep 4 weeks of backups. i think that's still default. | 08:19 |
firemonkeyballz | umm not even my acpi is running | 08:19 |
firemonkeyballz | because of it | 08:19 |
Skuller | genii: i dint get you | 08:19 |
Skuller | genii: are you telling me i can call a pstn for free? | 08:20 |
genii | Skuller There is a program called GizmoProject. It is basically a clobe of Skype. If you have a phone number which is added to their network by registering a user name to it, you can use the computer to make a telephone call to that telephone number for no cost. | 08:20 |
compilerwriter | intelikey That is the default still. | 08:21 |
genii | Skuller Yes | 08:21 |
firemonkeyballz | bootlogd: cannot find console device 136:5 in /dev | 08:21 |
firemonkeyballz | ...fail! | 08:21 |
Skuller | genii: and i presume it would cost to register the number | 08:21 |
genii | Skuller: I call from here in Toronto to my friend in Hawaii often for free by using GizmoProject client in fact. | 08:21 |
genii | Skuller No, there is no cost involved in registering anything. | 08:22 |
Skuller | genii: i dont understand..then how am i allowed to call a pstn number for free? | 08:22 |
Skuller | genii: ok..i'll researhh on it more on the net | 08:22 |
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genii | Skuller:More info here: http://www.gizmoproject.com/ | 08:23 |
intelikey | what is that a wacom tablet ? | 08:23 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz the major 136 nimor 5 device ? | 08:23 |
intelikey | sounds like wacom | 08:23 |
genii | Skuller The rates they list on the site are only if you are calling an unregistered phone number btw | 08:24 |
firemonkeyballz | have a acer 5100 tho | 08:24 |
firemonkeyballz | not sur if its my modem | 08:24 |
Skuller | genii: ohh... | 08:25 |
Skuller | genii: yea i m looking more on the site...thnx | 08:25 |
genii | Skuller: np | 08:25 |
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Skuller | genii: damn...india is not one of those countries to be called for free | 08:26 |
genii | Skuller :( | 08:26 |
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intelikey | !skype | 08:28 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 08:28 |
intelikey | what's that other... | 08:28 |
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intelikey | !frostwire | 08:29 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 08:29 |
intelikey | that's what i was thinking of.. nm. | 08:29 |
Skuller | i presume that ekiga doesnt allow to call msn users | 08:30 |
Elvis_Presley | !es | 08:32 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:32 |
Elvis_Presley | :( | 08:32 |
Elvis_Presley | :D | 08:32 |
genii | Skuller: Generally for anything not voip I use GAIM which does most types of instant messaging | 08:34 |
Skuller | genii: oh thas good...i am using kopete for non-voip services | 08:34 |
Skuller | genii: altho i still cudnt get my webcam to work on kubun...frustrating | 08:34 |
=== Skuller wonders....why and why dont the hardware manufacturers make drivers for linux systems...*starts crying* | ||
genii | Skuller: kopete is also well recommended. I use GAIM mostly because I have different platforms and it is available for may operating systems, so it is a consistent interface no matter what machine I am on | 08:35 |
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Skuller | genii: yes...the interface part is a good thing about it..... | 08:36 |
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intelikey | hmmm wengophone - SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features | 08:37 |
intelikey | in the repos.. | 08:38 |
intelikey | anyone ever used it ? | 08:38 |
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userund | intelikey, nope, I don't know anyone who has it I can call with it. But it intrigues me... | 08:40 |
genii | yes I just found that one as well but never heard of or seen it before now | 08:41 |
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intelikey | yeah that does seem to be a trend. there are a quentillion apps that may or may not be "most excellent" but we don't know cause they are never used by anyone... | 08:41 |
=== Bearcat [n=bearcat@12-32-44-12.static.blackfoot.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== intelikey doesn't exagerate just a little. | ||
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intelikey | i figure if you are going to streach it then S-------------------------------------T------------------------------------R---------------------------------E-------------------------------A---------------------------C-------------------------------H------------------------ IT. | 08:43 |
stuart_ | !can someone please advise general principles of port forwarding using a firewall such as firestarter | 08:43 |
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userund | !firewall | 08:43 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:43 |
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genii | !info gnophone | 08:43 |
ubotu | Package gnophone does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 08:43 |
stuart_ | !firewall | 08:44 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:44 |
genii | Darn too bad. Digium makes it | 08:44 |
intelikey | firestarter is the configuration tool iptables is the firewall. | 08:44 |
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stuart_ | when enabling an inbound connection on a port or range of ports.... eg. to allow bittorrent to work. What are the implications? | 08:44 |
userund | well I for one am going to break the mold and try wengo. I'd really like a cross-platform VoIP with video. I was looking at possibly buying Skype credit and liked new features like sending SMS for versions > 2.2, but then saw Linux version was still on 1.3... | 08:45 |
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stuart_ | waylandbill: r u here? | 08:46 |
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stuart_ | intelikey: when enabling an inbound connection on a port or range of ports.... eg. to allow bittorrent to work. What are the implications? | 08:46 |
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intelikey | stuart_ sorry you want the network guy. | 08:47 |
intelikey | i'm the fs guy | 08:47 |
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stuart_ | intelikey: fs? | 08:48 |
intelikey | if i knew i'd tell ya. if genii would stop hiding he might know. | 08:48 |
firemonkeyballz | now would I log boot? | 08:48 |
intelikey | fs = file system | 08:48 |
stuart_ | ah ok | 08:49 |
stuart_ | so who might be able to help do u think | 08:49 |
genii | stuart_ You can port-forward the bittorrent ports from your router to a box on your network without any worries | 08:49 |
intelikey | stuart_ genii might. | 08:49 |
genii | intelikey I had too many channels open to find the right one immediately :) | 08:49 |
intelikey | :) | 08:49 |
stuart_ | genii: i;m confused in general - to the point my router has firewall disabled :) | 08:50 |
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stuart_ | genii: but firestarter is at least running | 08:50 |
genii | stuart_ Does your computer or your router login to your ISP? | 08:50 |
stuart_ | genii: having a hardware and software firewall -- do they conflict or can they happily coexist | 08:51 |
stuart_ | genii: yes - permanent ADSL connection | 08:51 |
genii | stuart_ In most cases they can coexist without issues | 08:51 |
stuart_ | genii: so you would have to open the same ports on both | 08:51 |
genii | stuart_ So your router is doing the ADSL login part? | 08:51 |
stuart_ | genii: i have a username and password that the modem/router has been configured for yes | 08:52 |
stuart_ | genii: maybe i should just ask you about firestarter... | 08:52 |
intelikey | some times the wiki's show a great deal of ignorance. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftPhone <<< example one. the commands # sudo su - "should be" sudo -i "but is entirely useless, not needed for an apt-cache search..." and even if it was needed... sudo apt-cache search would be prefered rather than remaining in a root shell... | 08:53 |
genii | Stuart_ OK that is what I needed to know :) So the router itself is getting the IP number from your provider in this case. Your computer gets an internal IP from the router. So you need to port-forward the ports from outside (internet) on your router to the IP of your computer. On the computer side you do not need to do anything after this as far as port twiddling etc | 08:53 |
userund | no time like the present to correct it, intelikey ;) | 08:54 |
intelikey | userund go ahead. i'm not regestered with ubuntu | 08:54 |
userund | nor am I. | 08:54 |
stuart_ | genii: to get a service to work by ocnfiguring firestarter... i have option of enabling a port or a range of ports. Also there is the "allow connections" and "allow services" options | 08:54 |
stuart_ | genii: is the concept of opening a port under firestarter the same as port forwarding for a router? | 08:55 |
genii | stuart_ For firestarter in conjunction with the port-forwarding of the router then, enable the bittorrent range (I forget the exact numbers) | 08:55 |
firemonkeyballz | eh im just going to redo my bootscripts via adept | 08:55 |
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genii | stuart_ Bittorrent ports: 6881-6999 | 08:56 |
jean-b | hi everybody | 08:56 |
userund | err don't you mean 6889? that's a hell of a lot of ports to open for BT. | 08:57 |
jean-b | i've read here http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.5.php that the last version of amarok was available | 08:57 |
jean-b | so according to the above mentioned web site | 08:57 |
Bearcat | I had a "How the heck does kubuntu do that?" moment tonight. I saw incremental searching with totals in konqueror with totals in the search plug in. Try as i might i can't get my machine to do that and my machine is compiled from source. How does kubuntu do that?? | 08:57 |
stuart_ | genii: so which of the firestarter options to use? The allow service "knows" what ports to open for bittorrent and opens a big range. Am i better (safer?) to enable a single port via the "allow connection from host" option (which then asks me for an IP host or network and I'm not sure what to enter). | 08:57 |
jean-b | i put to commands in konsole | 08:57 |
jean-b | wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg | 08:57 |
jean-b | and sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg | 08:58 |
genii | userund 6889 Is top end of old range. Newest range ends now at 6999 as of bittorrent 3.2 onwards | 08:58 |
jean-b | i added this source deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-145 edgy main | 08:58 |
jean-b | and then what? | 08:58 |
Jucato | jean-b: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 08:58 |
stuart_ | genii: also. when not using bittorrent should i disable those ports. If the portsd are open for bittorrent versus open for host what r the security implications? | 08:59 |
genii | stuart_ Your router will only allow that range thru to your internal IP. Then firestarter will pass those ports onto bittorrent client. There is little chance of an exploit | 08:59 |
jean-b | i'll try that jucato | 08:59 |
=== orange__ [n=orange@pool-72-68-194-157.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | as for VoIP https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga ekiga still seems to be the "prefered" app. | 08:59 |
stuart_ | genii: that's if i allow the bittorent service rather than generally open the ports via that "host" option??? | 08:59 |
jean-b | i already did update and upgrade | 09:00 |
genii | stuart_ Yes | 09:00 |
jean-b | but not dist-upgrade | 09:00 |
Bearcat | intelikey: i like twinkle | 09:00 |
stuart_ | genii: so opening a port other than via the "allow bittorrent service" option is more risky? | 09:00 |
intelikey | Bearcat you use it much ? | 09:00 |
Bearcat | intelikey: nope. I can;t get my bluetooth headset working. I lost the charger :( | 09:01 |
genii | stuart_ Precisely. Firestarter will do a simple examination of the packets to see they are really for bittorrent clients and not some attempt to hack in. On the router it is just a range with UDP to pass to the internal IP | 09:01 |
intelikey | nobody uses wired headsets anymore... | 09:02 |
Bearcat | intelikey: do you know what i'm talking about with the search plug in and how to enable that? I'm flummoxed. | 09:02 |
jean-b | Jucato: i've got 4 upgrade, but none of them is amarok | 09:02 |
stuart_ | genii: ok, so on the router I port forward those ports that firestarter chooses to open when I select the enable bittorrent service option? | 09:02 |
intelikey | search plug in blue tooth ? | 09:03 |
Bearcat | intelikey: no in konqueror | 09:03 |
intelikey | or maybe i should just say no. | 09:03 |
userund | intelikey, I'd love to find a wireless 'phone' like a few available for skype and just keep all my normal calls over a wengo or ekiga. I don't think any work in Linux though. | 09:03 |
=== anger [n=anger@181.9.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
anger | salut a tous | 09:03 |
intelikey | Bearcat call jucato. konqueror is his specality | 09:03 |
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userund | anger, bonsoir | 09:03 |
jean-b | salut anger | 09:03 |
userund | !fr | anger | 09:03 |
ubotu | anger: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:03 |
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Bearcat | intelikey: if you type cat in the search plugin the drop down gives you cat (2000), catalog(500), catsup( 900) or something. My distro does not do that. :( | 09:04 |
genii | stuart_ Yes. The bittorrent client afterwards may choose to open some other port but initially the standard range in from the router only will be used to initiate the service. | 09:04 |
jean-b | Jucato: it did not upgrade amarok | 09:04 |
intelikey | Jucato see Bearcat ? | 09:05 |
stuart_ | genii: thanks. Do you recommend enabling the router firewall? Is it the 2 layers (hardware and software) that is better than 1 or is the router firewall "better" than something like firestarter? | 09:05 |
Bearcat | See Bearcat run? Run Bearcat Run? | 09:05 |
intelikey | patients........... | 09:05 |
Bearcat | it was a joke on the old learning to read books | 09:06 |
Bearcat | something in your phrasing reminded me of htem | 09:06 |
Bearcat | them | 09:06 |
intelikey | spot | 09:06 |
Bearcat | yup | 09:07 |
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jean-b | need help to install last amarok from http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.5.php | 09:07 |
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intelikey | spot was the dog in our first readers see spot run | 09:07 |
genii | stuart_ Just being behind a router (with or without it's own firewall) will drop all incoming traffic that was not initiated from a machine on your internal network(unless you have specified a DMZ machine for instance).So the firewall on the router is not so neccesary. | 09:07 |
Bearcat | intelikey: that;s right. adn Dick and jane. | 09:07 |
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stuart_ | genii: thanks very much :) | 09:08 |
intelikey | stop you're making me feel old | 09:08 |
genii | stuart_ You are welcome :) | 09:08 |
intelikey | that was half a century ago | 09:08 |
intelikey | well almost | 09:08 |
=== genii hands intelikey his old-man walker | ||
intelikey | dont make me run over you with my wheel chare and hit you on the head with my cain..... | 09:09 |
intelikey | chait | 09:09 |
intelikey | chair | 09:10 |
=== Bearcat pesters Jucato | ||
intelikey | seat damn it | 09:10 |
genii | They say typing is one of the first things to go... | 09:10 |
Bearcat | lol | 09:10 |
Bearcat | well i'm only 34 | 09:10 |
intelikey | it is ont | 09:10 |
intelikey | nto | 09:10 |
intelikey | not | 09:10 |
intelikey | actually there are three sure signs of old age | 09:11 |
genii | intelikey From what I can glean you are slightly (but only slightly) older than me | 09:11 |
intelikey | 1. the memory starts to fail. | 09:11 |
cptnspoon | a/s/l | 09:11 |
simon__ | Hey Jean what's your problem with amorock ? | 09:11 |
intelikey | 2. | 09:11 |
genii | cptnspoon LOL This is not a dating channel | 09:12 |
intelikey | genii i think we have been over this. and yeah. i'm not 50 yet, but it's approaching much to quickly for my taste | 09:12 |
userund | 50 is the new 40 | 09:13 |
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akrus | hey | 09:13 |
intelikey | which was the new 30 | 09:13 |
akrus | could someone recommend webcam software? :D | 09:13 |
genii | intelikey Well I'm hitting 40 this year and just thinking about it seems to make me feel old | 09:13 |
intelikey | !webcam | 09:13 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 09:13 |
akrus | wow | 09:13 |
genii | So if life expectancy is like 80 should I get a midlife crisis at 40? | 09:14 |
genii | LOL | 09:14 |
intelikey | yeah and if i remember number 2. i'll tell you. | 09:14 |
intelikey | 1. the memory starts to fail. | 09:15 |
intelikey | 2. | 09:15 |
intelikey | ...... | 09:15 |
genii | intelikey Yes, I caught the irony of not remembering # 2 already | 09:15 |
genii | 3) Repeating things | 09:15 |
intelikey | oh did i say that already ? | 09:15 |
Skuller | lol | 09:15 |
intelikey | :) | 09:15 |
genii | :) | 09:16 |
intelikey | ty for falling in and finishing the joke for me. | 09:16 |
Skuller | :) | 09:16 |
genii | intelikey np | 09:16 |
Skuller | 2) remembering things in the middle of other things | 09:16 |
intelikey | no that's not it. | 09:17 |
Skuller | damn..i knew this point was for some other thing | 09:17 |
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Skuller | :) | 09:17 |
genii | intelikey You and I are likely the only ones here that ever saw a computer that didn't use a monitor or keyboard actually | 09:17 |
eos | whoa | 09:18 |
intelikey | when you start to the rest room and don't remember if you were going or done been. then you know age has sliped up on you. | 09:18 |
Skuller | hey...don fly too high...i've seen a PDA ok..so chillax it | 09:18 |
eos | that shti is olschool yo | 09:18 |
Skuller | lol | 09:18 |
eos | REAL oldschool | 09:18 |
intelikey | genii could be. | 09:18 |
userund | genii, I've seen 'em... in black and white photos | 09:18 |
eos | i mean, like ENIAC or the Mark V | 09:18 |
=== genii kicks his old VAX machine old-school! | ||
genii | LOL | 09:18 |
eos | wow | 09:18 |
eos | have not remembered those in a long time | 09:18 |
eos | i did a school research paper on them once | 09:19 |
Skuller | yea...ENIAC...usin shit many vaccum tubes wich went bad faster than ur dogs flea collar | 09:19 |
=== eos <3s the old school, jsut as long as he can have his nice modern stuff too | ||
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genii | eos The first machines I ever laid my hands on were PDP9 and PDP11 as well as an old IBM 3930 and a VAX | 09:19 |
Skuller | hehe true | 09:19 |
eos | i'd have to wiki that to know what they were | 09:20 |
intelikey | well i remember when the "pocket calculator" made it's de'beau ... | 09:20 |
eos | my first compy was an apple II | 09:20 |
genii | eos Yeah they were cool :) | 09:20 |
eos | yeps | 09:20 |
eos | i lsot mine fast, but wanting it back and trying to fix it set me one the path i'm on today | 09:20 |
eos | little kids breaks computer easily, yo | 09:21 |
eos | especially something as easily messed up as an older computer like an apple II was | 09:21 |
genii | eos I understand. I used to terrify my parents by disassembling anything I ever got for gifts | 09:21 |
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Bearcat | night all | 09:22 |
Bearcat | thanks again | 09:22 |
genii | Bearcat Sleep well :) | 09:22 |
Bearcat | *scampers off* | 09:22 |
Bearcat | thank you | 09:23 |
=== intelikey got a ratchet+socket set at age 7. nothing was safe after that. | ||
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genii | eos I remember the AppleII, the Atari 400 and the Commodore Vic20 all had 6502 CPU | 09:23 |
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=== intelikey still has a "new" C-64 | ||
genii | It was common to get a 5 1/4 disk with AppleII game on one side and VIC20 game on the other side | 09:24 |
eos | i want to get a commodore 64 | 09:24 |
eos | for old timey ness sake | 09:24 |
eos | :O a new word or two! | 09:25 |
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genii | eos Damn I just gave my ancient c64 away not a month ago actually.That and a 128 | 09:25 |
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eos | damn | 09:25 |
eos | i think there are likely emulators about for them | 09:25 |
intelikey | yes there are | 09:25 |
genii | POKE 53280,0:POKE53281,0:POKE646,1 | 09:25 |
genii | ROFL | 09:25 |
eos | right now getting this kubuntu install stable (as far as runnign smoothly it is stable, has been out of the box os to speak) and set up for convenience | 09:26 |
eos | basically all the comforts of windows without the windows | 09:26 |
eos | iv'e tried linux again and again | 09:26 |
eos | debian, breifly, and then a lot of suse | 09:26 |
=== comp03 [n=comp03@host-86-106-249-172.moldtelecom.md] has joined #kubuntu | ||
genii | The C64 emulators are pretty good.They ran my old games right off the disks perfect | 09:27 |
eos | an ubuntu install that would have went better if i had internet access at the time | 09:27 |
intelikey | !find xmame | 09:27 |
ubotu | Found: kxmame, xmame-common, xmame-gl, xmame-sdl, xmame-svga (and 2 others) | 09:27 |
genii | !basilisk2 | 09:27 |
ubotu | basilisk2: 68k Macintosh emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.20050730-1 (edgy), package size 268 kB, installed size 784 kB | 09:27 |
genii | :) | 09:27 |
=== comp03 is now known as vapupmereu | ||
eos | someday i imagine i'll get around to looking up a C-64 emulator | 09:27 |
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intelikey | i thought i just did | 09:28 |
genii | eos I played "Impossible Mission" for days | 09:28 |
intelikey | !info kxmame | 09:28 |
ubotu | kxmame: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.91-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 348 kB, installed size 1444 kB | 09:29 |
genii | I think it may have been the first ever game with voice synthesis on a home computer actually | 09:29 |
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=== DivA is now known as Compleja | ||
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genii | !info vice | 09:30 |
ubotu | vice: The Versatile Commodore Emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.19-1 (edgy), package size 3231 kB, installed size 8832 kB | 09:30 |
intelikey | doesn't mame do commodore ? | 09:31 |
intelikey | i'm sure it does. | 09:31 |
genii | intelikey I think it's more for strictly old-school games whereas vice does the whole computer | 09:32 |
waylandbill | versatile and commodore in the same sentence ?!? | 09:32 |
eos | from what i see in wiki Impossible Mission is somewhat like Crystal Caves, whihc was my first video game | 09:32 |
eos | it looks cool | 09:32 |
=== flo [n=flo@dslb-084-060-004-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
genii | waylandbill Actually they were way ahead of their times. You should have seen the technical reference book that came with them | 09:32 |
eos | also, from wiki: "The Commodore 64 version of Impossible Mission will be one of the games available on the Wii's Virtual Console." | 09:33 |
waylandbill | I owned one of the first lines of Vic20, then the c64 and the c128 actually. | 09:33 |
intelikey | waylandbill c64's were a big thing when they came out.... now one of them and a buck two ninty five will get you a soda pop | 09:33 |
=== jkjk [n=flo@dslb-084-060-004-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
eos | rofl commodor 64 for a pop | 09:33 |
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waylandbill | you were something in your neighborhood if you had a c64. | 09:34 |
=== saw2434 [n=f@cpe-74-67-103-171.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
saw2434 | Is there a way to tell what video you card you have once you're running kubuntu? | 09:34 |
genii | Interestingly Some swedish guys oveclocked some 6510 chips (C64 core) to 8Mhz when the original speed was something like just under 1 Mhz | 09:34 |
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intelikey | waylandbill yeah. we called it "rich" | 09:34 |
waylandbill | :) | 09:34 |
=== alfd [n=alfd@p5B0546C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | I'm sure I paid the same for that as this laptop. :-D | 09:35 |
intelikey | saw2434 lshw | less | 09:35 |
genii | saw2434: lspci result should show some lines with ATI or NVidia or other videocard maker in the result someplace | 09:35 |
genii | intelikey even better :) | 09:35 |
saw2434 | thanks, i know i have nvidia i just forgot how old it was | 09:35 |
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eos | hmm and here i came up with k menu >> system settings >> display >> hardware tab | 09:35 |
intelikey | waylandbill but wages were less than a third what they are now... so you paid 3X as much for it. | 09:36 |
genii | eos More than 1 way to skin a cat (not that I have anything against cats of course) | 09:36 |
akrus | !webcam | 09:36 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 09:36 |
eos | commandline is sexy | 09:36 |
genii | akrus As well most webcams work well with Kopete | 09:36 |
intelikey | peal the bark off of a felion ? | 09:37 |
akrus | genii: they do, but no sound :o | 09:37 |
=== edulix__ [n=edulix@226.Red-83-39-106.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
genii | akrus I'm more of a networking guy so not much help there | 09:38 |
saw2434 | does anyone happen to know off hand if a nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400 video card with run with beryl? | 09:38 |
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c0nv1ct | saw2434: it probably will, but not all that fast | 09:38 |
intelikey | !beryl | 09:39 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:39 |
intelikey | might ask ^ in there | 09:39 |
Compleja | :( | 09:40 |
intelikey | (: | 09:40 |
saw2434 | thanks | 09:40 |
waylandbill | mmm. over the falls in a beryl. | 09:41 |
waylandbill | I must say. The family likes closing windows that burst into flame. | 09:41 |
intelikey | beryl over fails ??? what | 09:41 |
waylandbill | over fails. hehe :-O | 09:42 |
genii | I haven't even tried bothering with beryl yet. All my stuff works great as-is | 09:42 |
waylandbill | was referencing niagara falls. noone survives them in a barrel... or a beryl I guess. | 09:42 |
intelikey | i have a gui running. but i haven't been in it for hours.... | 09:42 |
genii | I hope AMD opens up some old ATI source code for drivers. We'll all be better off | 09:43 |
intelikey | of course not. waylandbill | 09:43 |
genii | intelikey For irc in commandline whats your preference? I like ircii | 09:43 |
intelikey | genii i really can't see how that will help me. but if you say so. | 09:44 |
intelikey | bx | 09:44 |
intelikey | epic | 09:44 |
Compleja | :( | 09:44 |
waylandbill | bitchx is the last irc I've used in cli. It's been a long time though | 09:45 |
genii | intelikey Well, most beryl/GL issues currently seem to deal with itinerant ATI drivers or cards and there are only binary drivers etc etc | 09:45 |
intelikey | but it's more about the defaults than anything else. irssi and epic/bx can both do the same things in the same basic ways.... | 09:45 |
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waylandbill | genii: now that I can agree with. | 09:45 |
waylandbill | I'm thinking about trying beryl out on my nvidia desktop.. on a /real/ video card. | 09:46 |
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intelikey | oh my a real one.... where did you get that ? | 09:47 |
genii | LOL | 09:47 |
waylandbill | :) | 09:47 |
intelikey | this nvidia riva 128 works just fine for all i don in the console.... | 09:48 |
intelikey | s/don/do/ | 09:48 |
waylandbill | it does make this ati card look like someone is hand drawing the pixels. | 09:48 |
=== firemonkeyballz [n=firemonk@adsl-69-107-119-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | that would be different. | 09:49 |
Compleja | :( | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | ummm had to re install | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | and umm damn clock | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | its like saying its 8am in the morning | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | when its near one am | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | so yea it was the rtc | 09:49 |
intelikey | Compleja are you just frowning for the camera, or do you have something borked up ? | 09:49 |
firemonkeyballz | intelikey is this a perm bios error? | 09:50 |
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genii | When most of my computers were Windoze based I was a great proponent of ATI. A bit because they were a Canadian company too, but they did make great stuff. But somehwere they went astray andwere slow to support linux. Any newer boxes now that I would have to put a video card in I would use an NVidia | 09:50 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz more like a ztconfig error. run "sudo txconfig" | 09:50 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz the time is correct for utc so set your tz correctly | 09:51 |
Compleja | intelikey, for the camera | 09:51 |
Compleja | xD | 09:51 |
Compleja | :( | 09:51 |
intelikey | ok. just checking | 09:51 |
Compleja | ^^ | 09:52 |
waylandbill | if you set it to utc, you won't have to worry about setting it for daylight silly time. :) | 09:52 |
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firemonkeyballz | 6.06 kubuntu no have txconfig | 09:52 |
firemonkeyballz | have to use nano | 09:52 |
intelikey | tzconfig | 09:53 |
intelikey | z not x | 09:53 |
firemonkeyballz | oops | 09:53 |
firemonkeyballz | well it sais its la usa | 09:53 |
firemonkeyballz | and i live in sf | 09:53 |
firemonkeyballz | soo | 09:53 |
firemonkeyballz | umm | 09:54 |
firemonkeyballz | k | 09:54 |
genii | waylandbill: Yeah my hw clock is always set to UTC | 09:54 |
genii | PST I believe is San Fran timezone | 09:54 |
intelikey | mine too. but i do remember kde pitchin' a hissy fit about it. | 09:54 |
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genii | perhaps greenwich -8 or so | 09:55 |
intelikey | firemonkeyballz in a konsole do date | 09:55 |
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firemonkeyballz | uhh date is fine | 09:55 |
intelikey | do date and hwclock match ? | 09:56 |
firemonkeyballz | now it sais 6:54:47 hst | 09:56 |
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intelikey | did you run date ? | 09:56 |
genii | Isn't that Hawain timezone? | 09:56 |
intelikey | did you run hwclock ? | 09:56 |
intelikey | no you are still fighting with kde. | 09:57 |
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firemonkeyballz | sais 10:56:56 pm hst | 09:57 |
firemonkeyballz | on hw clock | 09:58 |
miltos | I've got an *.iso file on my external hd, how do I mount the image? I typed 'sudo mount /media/usbdisk/alt.binaries.cbt/Suse_01.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop | 09:58 |
miltos | " and nothing happens... | 09:58 |
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genii | hst = utc-10 pst=utc-8 <-- you want PST | 09:58 |
intelikey | k the clock needs set. do this sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org && sudo hwclock --systohc | 09:59 |
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firemonkeyballz | couldnt I do a systohc | 09:59 |
intelikey | the screen saver will probably come on | 09:59 |
genii | miltos put -t and -o switches between mount command and first path. Then remove trailing slash from destination | 09:59 |
firemonkeyballz | or use adjust? | 10:00 |
genii | miltos If it still won't mount you may have a UDF iso so use udf instead of iso9660 as filesystem type | 10:00 |
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uros | hi all what is the kde path in kubuntu? | 10:01 |
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firemonkeyballz | --hctosys that will work | 10:02 |
firemonkeyballz | :D | 10:02 |
firemonkeyballz | yey | 10:04 |
firemonkeyballz | fixed | 10:04 |
firemonkeyballz | er not | 10:04 |
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genii | firemonkeyballz: Your mileage may vary : http://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Timezone-in-Linux | 10:06 |
firemonkeyballz | genii you know this is worse than y2k | 10:07 |
intelikey | nobody listens to me... | 10:07 |
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firemonkeyballz | sorry | 10:07 |
firemonkeyballz | I appoligize | 10:08 |
genii | It is worse this year since they are screwing around with all this stupid daylight savings time shifting crap | 10:08 |
firemonkeyballz | week early ? | 10:08 |
genii | 3 weeks of this time then shift back to this other time setting etc etc etc | 10:08 |
firemonkeyballz | isnt there some sort of utilty to fix this | 10:09 |
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genii | Anyhow more info on the stupid DST shifting thing can be found here: http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/us-daylight-saving-extended.html | 10:09 |
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miltos | <genii> I've just typed "udo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/usbdisk/alt.binaries.cbt/Suse_01.iso /media/iso/ | 10:10 |
miltos | "...correct? | 10:10 |
waylandbill | if you want more daylight, work later. that's what it comes down to. | 10:10 |
firemonkeyballz | hrm is rdate aval? | 10:11 |
firemonkeyballz | to download? | 10:11 |
genii | miltos You are missing an "s" from the sudo command and you need to remove the "/" at the end of /media/iso/" to make it only "/media/iso" | 10:12 |
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genii | firemonkeyballz: I think I'm just gonna use a timeserver until after 3 weeks from now | 10:13 |
firemonkeyballz | genii I thnk thats why xp has one | 10:14 |
genii | firemonkeyballz: At any rate, | 10:14 |
genii | !ntp | firemonkeyballz | 10:14 |
ubotu | firemonkeyballz: ntp: Network Time Protocol: network utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.0a+stable-9ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 464 kB | 10:14 |
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@CBL217-132-70-6.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | waylandbill actually it "start your day ah hour eariler to save daylight" dst | 10:15 |
Ayabara_ | I just started to use kubuntu instead of ubuntu, and used adept for the first time now. It asks if I want to upgrade to Feisty. Is Feisty stable enough that I should answer yes to that? | 10:15 |
firemonkeyballz | no have edgy | 10:15 |
genii | firemonkeyballz: Well, ntp is across all dists :) | 10:16 |
firemonkeyballz | intelikey im sure they will rewrite their programs to reflect the date | 10:16 |
miltos | <genii>, nothing...and i've got an iso 9660 fs.... | 10:16 |
waylandbill | intelikey: forward, back, makes no difference. :) | 10:16 |
firemonkeyballz | some Ive noticed only read from the server | 10:16 |
genii | miltos ! minute and I will look into it | 10:16 |
genii | 1 minute, even | 10:16 |
firemonkeyballz | rebooting | 10:16 |
firemonkeyballz | brb | 10:16 |
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=== intelikey just goes by the big clock in the sky | ||
waylandbill | intelikey: now that I agree with | 10:18 |
intelikey | it's more acurate than an atomic clock. | 10:18 |
genii | miltos When you do: sudo ls -l /media/usbdisk/alt.binaries.cbt/Suse_01.iso what size does it report for the file? | 10:19 |
intelikey | why are you using sudo ? | 10:19 |
intelikey | pfft ! | 10:19 |
genii | intelikey Because I forgot if ls needed it or no so put it in for good measure | 10:19 |
genii | LOL | 10:20 |
intelikey | a likely story. | 10:20 |
genii | <-- Not enough caffeine | 10:20 |
miltos | <genii>-r-x------ 1 miltos miltos 586981376 2007-03-10 10:29 /media/usbdisk/alt.binaries.cbt/Suse_01.iso | 10:20 |
genii | miltos OK wait a minute | 10:20 |
=== waylandbill hands genii some coffee | ||
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intelikey | looks like an iso to me. sudo mount -o loop /media/usbdisk/alt.binaries.cbt/Suse_01.iso /media/cdrom | 10:21 |
genii | miltos The file is incomplete. According to the suse site it should be more like 670Mb not 580 | 10:22 |
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intelikey | ah partial... wget -c | 10:22 |
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genii | waylandbill Thanks btw :) | 10:22 |
=== firemonkeyballz [n=firemonk@adsl-69-107-119-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miltos | ok...i will try another one | 10:22 |
firemonkeyballz | ok.. now stable enough to change stuff | 10:23 |
genii | miltos First you should make sure the download did not fail due to lack of room on hd | 10:23 |
waylandbill | genii: no prob. you got the second cup, cause I took the first for myself :P | 10:23 |
genii | (or same thing will just keep happening) | 10:23 |
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waylandbill | and not a bad idea to check the md5 checksum when the download is complete. | 10:24 |
miltos | <genii>thanks...I'll check this...even there is plenty of room on HD | 10:24 |
=== intelikey expects "time stamp too far in the future" errors | ||
firemonkeyballz | gahhh time changed again | 10:24 |
firemonkeyballz | date too | 10:24 |
genii | miltos Yes, since you are already using a linux box for the download you should run the md5 checker on it against the md5sum Suse provides | 10:24 |
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genii | intelikey I remember downloading packages *just* put up which timestamps were in the future (from my own time locally) and it would complain of martians LOL | 10:25 |
miltos | thanks...I will be back... | 10:26 |
intelikey | 10:26 | |
firemonkeyballz | yey !!! convieniently named | 10:26 |
firemonkeyballz | ntp | 10:26 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 10:26 |
firemonkeyballz | found in adept | 10:27 |
intelikey | ntp = network time protical | 10:27 |
genii | firemonkeyballz: So just pick a tick server (ntpd server) in your timezone and you are off to the races | 10:27 |
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intelikey | server doesn't need to be local | 10:28 |
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intelikey | can be but they all post utc time | 10:28 |
genii | intelikey Well, better if closer | 10:29 |
genii | latency etc | 10:29 |
intelikey | better if fast and reliably, reguardless of where | 10:29 |
genii | intelikey True | 10:29 |
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intelikey | i get good response out of the usn navy time server | 10:30 |
genii | Yeah any .mil tld is good | 10:31 |
intelikey | but i don't recomend it for general every day use | 10:31 |
intelikey | pool.ntp.org | 10:31 |
intelikey | well enough for what we do maybe a little weller | 10:31 |
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genii | Since I am thinking of it atm, for those who hate having to run firefox under wine to see shockwave: http://www.petitiononline.com/linuxswp/petition.html | 10:36 |
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=== intelikey hates seeing shockwave | ||
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genii | intelikey Well, regardless, I think it is a good way to pressure them etc | 10:37 |
intelikey | :) | 10:37 |
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ict | hello | 10:38 |
intelikey | File: aliases Col 0 46 bytes 100%# Added by installer for initial user | 10:38 |
intelikey | root: x | 10:38 |
ict | im beginer in kubuntu | 10:38 |
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intelikey | ict and you are proud of that ? or do you have a problem you'd like help with ? | 10:39 |
genii | LOL | 10:39 |
genii | ict If you have some question you would like help with, just ask your question :) | 10:39 |
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firemonkeyballz | wheee | 10:40 |
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intelikey | sorry his grasp of english may not translate that very will | 10:40 |
firemonkeyballz | just found two linsys routers with no protection | 10:40 |
ict | help | 10:40 |
ict | im indonesian | 10:40 |
ict | ada yang indo | 10:41 |
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genii | firemonkeyballz: I used to change all their router default paswords.Then I'd put the essid something like "SECUREYOURROUTER" | 10:41 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 10:41 |
firemonkeyballz | changed a neghbors password few years bck | 10:42 |
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intelikey | you guys really don't need to talk to me about this. | 10:43 |
genii | Hmm isn't indonesian language malay? I cannot atm remeber the countrycode for it | 10:43 |
firemonkeyballz | grr... zeroconf closed | 10:43 |
genii | intelikey Were you once a hapless victim of a hacked router? LOL | 10:43 |
firemonkeyballz | need zeroconf running | 10:44 |
intelikey | no but i don't want to have to do paper work on you . | 10:44 |
genii | heh | 10:44 |
genii | <-- wears a white hat | 10:44 |
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intelikey | so that's why i said. | 10:46 |
intelikey | what i said | 10:46 |
intelikey | when i said it. ya know. | 10:47 |
naught101 | has anyone recently cd-installed feisty and noticed that a lot of packages are crashing really frequently? ie. firefox, and wesnoth? | 10:48 |
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intelikey | naught101 two is not a lot. #ubuntu+1 is the channel for alpha software and related chatter | 10:50 |
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intelikey | i.e. feisty | 10:51 |
e1mer | hi all, is there a kernel smp package for 386? | 10:51 |
intelikey | e1mer ther 386-generic is smp | 10:51 |
e1mer | thanks intelikey | 10:52 |
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Jucato | !generic | 10:52 |
ubotu | Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 10:52 |
intelikey | smp support is ready in all "generic" marked kernel packages | 10:52 |
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iz0awg | ciao | 10:54 |
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=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about data flow diagrams and bellybutton lint | ||
intelikey | :) | 11:01 |
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Jucato | O.o | 11:02 |
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intelikey | Jucato we're off topic again ? | 11:02 |
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Jucato | -_- | 11:02 |
intelikey | i was afraid of that | 11:02 |
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firecrotch | Okay, I'm trying to recover a previous version of a file that I had worked on in Kate | 11:05 |
intelikey | ls the path look for filename~ | 11:05 |
firecrotch | I opened the file from my webserver via FTP from Kate's Open dialog, then saved it directly back to the server | 11:06 |
intelikey | filename filename~ filename~ would be the backup | 11:06 |
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Jucato | I don't think Kate saves backups of remote files | 11:06 |
firecrotch | Problem is, the only place it was ever stored was a temp folder somewhere | 11:06 |
genii | The backup file would likely be then in the home directory of the user on the webserver which Kate was ran as | 11:07 |
firemonkeyballz | oohoooh | 11:07 |
firemonkeyballz | think I fixed my clock | 11:07 |
intelikey | that would be ~/.kate~filename maybe | 11:07 |
firecrotch | genii: Kate was ran on my computer, opening a file from my webserver | 11:08 |
firemonkeyballz | sudo hwclock --hctosys --hctosys dunno why this worked | 11:08 |
intelikey | but i don't think you'll find that unless kate crashed. if you closed it it cleaned up after itself | 11:08 |
firemonkeyballz | but it did | 11:08 |
firemonkeyballz | the time matches | 11:08 |
genii | firecrotch so if a backup was made then it would be on the local computer inn the format intelikey described eg: ~/.kate or similar | 11:08 |
firemonkeyballz | :D | 11:09 |
intelikey | possably /var/tmp/* could be. | 11:09 |
firecrotch | Thanks, everyone, I'll start looking, hopefully there is something somewhere | 11:09 |
intelikey | firecrotch not likely. | 11:10 |
intelikey | but tre bon chance | 11:10 |
genii | yes /var/tmp may hold some files like that as well eg: beginning or ending with tilde) | 11:10 |
firemonkeyballz | hey | 11:10 |
firemonkeyballz | guys | 11:10 |
firemonkeyballz | I fixed it | 11:10 |
intelikey | hay | 11:11 |
genii | firemonkeyballz: Congrats LOL | 11:11 |
firemonkeyballz | did you see how | 11:11 |
intelikey | wont hold through a reboot but yay ! | 11:11 |
firemonkeyballz | damn | 11:11 |
genii | firemonkeyballz: Yes, you told it to use the hardware clock as the system clock | 11:11 |
firemonkeyballz | well screen went blank | 11:12 |
intelikey | actually to set the system clock by the hwclock | 11:12 |
firemonkeyballz | but i pressed space | 11:12 |
firemonkeyballz | everything went back to normal | 11:12 |
intelikey | yep that's normal when the sysclock changes | 11:12 |
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firemonkeyballz | u sure this wont hold? | 11:13 |
intelikey | no | 11:13 |
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intelikey | but i'll be ya half of nothing it wont. | 11:13 |
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intelikey | if you loose we'll go dubble or nothing on the nextone | 11:13 |
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firemonkeyballz | dare I reboot? | 11:14 |
intelikey | s/be/bet/ | 11:14 |
intelikey | s/nextone/next one/ | 11:14 |
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bentob0x | it seems that my login screen is in 1024x768, that once I enter my password, it brieffly goes onto 800x600 to finally get my resolution at 1280x1024, is this possible? | 11:15 |
intelikey | i must be getting tired again | 11:15 |
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intelikey | bentob0x yep | 11:15 |
bentob0x | or s/xt/x t/ intelikey | 11:15 |
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intelikey | bentob0x both do the same thing. | 11:15 |
bentob0x | sorry s/to/t o/ | 11:16 |
bentob0x | yes but there is less to type with mine ^^ | 11:16 |
intelikey | on that line ^ and yeah. i knew what you were driving at. | 11:16 |
bentob0x | hehe | 11:16 |
intelikey | not if you typo it like you did :) | 11:17 |
bentob0x | ok back to the resolution, you told me that it is possible, how can I get it to stick with 1280x1024 all the time? | 11:17 |
bentob0x | haha 'touch' | 11:17 |
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firecrotch | Well, I can't find anything at all as far as a backup, but thanks for the help everyone | 11:18 |
intelikey | bentob0x set it in the kmenu to the desired setting that wont affect a momentary click when kde starts but the end result should be good. | 11:18 |
firecrotch | Moral of story: don | 11:18 |
intelikey | yeah don | 11:18 |
intelikey | :) | 11:18 |
firecrotch | don't trust anyone else to make backups | 11:19 |
firecrotch | Stupid apostrophe being next to the Enter key | 11:19 |
intelikey | so it's don's fault ? | 11:19 |
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intelikey | it's all don's fault. | 11:19 |
firecrotch | yep! | 11:19 |
kraut | moin | 11:20 |
intelikey | kraut | 11:20 |
firecrotch | Oddly, I work with a guy named Don, who we always blame when stuff is messed up | 11:20 |
kraut | moin intelikey | 11:20 |
firecrotch | So I do blame Don! | 11:20 |
intelikey | so it is all don's fault. | 11:20 |
Forge | yay I helped someone! ... lol | 11:20 |
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intelikey | Forge good on ya mate | 11:21 |
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intelikey | way to be | 11:21 |
Forge | from ##Linux channel... about oh well evince (I'd have preferred kpdf of course) | 11:21 |
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Forge | they needed to make a .doc out of a pdf that wasn't opening in openoffice | 11:21 |
firemonkeyballz | someone owes me fake money | 11:21 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 11:22 |
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intelikey | firemonkeyballz do you pay when you bet ? | 11:22 |
firemonkeyballz | still has the same time | 11:22 |
Forge | is firemonkeyballz anything like chocolatesaltyballz? | 11:22 |
firemonkeyballz | har | 11:23 |
JohnFlux | Forge: less salty | 11:23 |
Forge | lol | 11:23 |
Forge | its ok I'm not black... but I believe your supposed to stick em in your mouth and suck 'em... at least according to South Park | 11:23 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 11:23 |
bentob0x | is the login resolution written anywhere in a file? | 11:24 |
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intelikey | bentob0x /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:25 |
Forge | bentob0x, I'm not entirely certain but its related to your xorg.conf | 11:25 |
=== bentob0x is checking | ||
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firemonkeyballz | umm they should disable the close button on the zeroconf service | 11:25 |
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firemonkeyballz | daymn have 499,000kb free | 11:27 |
firemonkeyballz | no way im going to go over on my swp | 11:27 |
Forge | I'm enjoying interix lately, and I've added pkgsrc to my kubuntu :) opens up its potential some, also probably potential for problems too | 11:28 |
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firemonkeyballz | daymn have 499,000kb free | 11:30 |
firemonkeyballz | no way im going to go over on my swp | 11:30 |
intelikey | what's that supposed to mean ? | 11:31 |
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firemonkeyballz | only using about 300mb of ram | 11:31 |
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intelikey | i doubt that you are using that much. you could be but prolly not. | 11:33 |
bobbyd | hi | 11:33 |
genii | Wasn't there some plan to separate out out the kdm with something like kdmenu or something? I have some vague recollection | 11:33 |
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bobbyd | how can I configure the multimedia keys on my keyboard to trigger specific commands? The keys are working, I want to do something like "xmms --fwd" when I press the "next" key. | 11:34 |
intelikey | http://pastebin.ca/388868 firemonkeyballz | 11:35 |
intelikey | bobbyd in kde khotkeys | 11:35 |
genii | intelikey Useful script btw | 11:36 |
intelikey | bobbyd at the console level it's a little more indepth | 11:36 |
intelikey | ty | 11:36 |
Forge | intelikey do you know if theres a way to allow kde to work like say MacOS with one mouse button? | 11:37 |
bobbyd | intelikey: I tried to run khotkeys, but it didn't seem to work | 11:37 |
Forge | (and possibly a control click or something for rightclick?) | 11:37 |
bobbyd | intelikey: where will it be in the KDE menu? | 11:37 |
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=== Forgacius is now known as Forge | ||
intelikey | Forge i think you could set that up in kcontrol but i have never tried | 11:37 |
Forge | kewl just wondering thats all... someone asked in #KDE a while back | 11:38 |
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intelikey | bobbyd system setting i think ask genii i think he is running kde | 11:38 |
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intelikey | genii i called it "mem" mem | 11:39 |
intelikey | Mem usage: 21/249 MB (8%) | 11:39 |
ForgeAus | that was an old DOS command | 11:39 |
ForgeAus | mem | 11:39 |
ForgeAus | doesn't work for me | 11:39 |
bobbyd | ok, I'm in "system settings->keyboard & mouse" but I can't see how to do it in there... | 11:39 |
genii | bobbyd Right now on a Windoze box so unfortunately cannot quickly look it up for you :( | 11:39 |
ForgeAus | (in konsole anyway) | 11:39 |
bobbyd | genii: ok, it's no problem, I'm probably just being stupid, it's not obvious to me :) | 11:40 |
intelikey | ForgeAus the script i posted ? | 11:40 |
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ForgeAus | script? | 11:40 |
ForgeAus | oh | 11:40 |
ForgeAus | thats something else then | 11:40 |
intelikey | yep | 11:40 |
=== bobbyd does the "I'm so happy I use kubuntu/linux and not Vista dance..." | ||
intelikey | ForgeAus http://pastebin.ca/388868 | 11:40 |
genii | intelikey Well, my laptop has KDE and xfce on it but it is at work right now LOL so only 1 Dapepr server no gui and other cli boxes here accessible | 11:40 |
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intelikey | genii ah. i'll point him at Jucato :) | 11:41 |
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genii | Good plan :) | 11:41 |
naught102 | anyone know of a good (pref. gui) way of merging two folders so that the most up-to-date files from each folder ar kept? | 11:43 |
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krabbypants | hehe feisty is special | 11:44 |
bobbyd | intelikey: basically,I think KHotkeys does what I want, the problem is that I can't find it in the menu, and when I run it from a console I get this:"ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed." | 11:44 |
intelikey | naught102 mc would be my choice. | 11:45 |
intelikey | bobbyd just press alt+f2 and type in khotkeys | 11:45 |
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bobbyd | intelikey: nope, must be broken. | 11:45 |
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genii | naught102 Well, in non-gui the way would be to use the --update switch of cp command. conceivably you could make a launcher for this on the desktop to start in konsole or such. | 11:46 |
intelikey | hmmm maybe. | 11:46 |
bobbyd | intelikey: I'm running feisty, maybe it's not working at the moment | 11:46 |
Ayabara_ | what is a good app for capturing stills from a webcam? | 11:46 |
intelikey | oh | 11:46 |
naught102 | genii: cool, might try that | 11:46 |
intelikey | bobbyd you should be in #ubuntu+1 where all the alpha/beta stuff is discussed | 11:46 |
bobbyd | intelikey: oops :) | 11:46 |
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naught102 | does it only copy files that need to be updated, or copy all files and overwrite only those that have a newer modification date/ | 11:47 |
genii | naught102: A small script which would take the 2 paths in the argument would work well I think | 11:47 |
naught102 | sorry, I should just read the manual :) | 11:47 |
intelikey | mc would still be my choice. | 11:48 |
genii | naught102: Well if you usedeg: cp --update /path1/* /path2/ then all in path1 that did not exist in path2 would be copied. and then all newer files from path1 would overwrite older files with same name in path2 | 11:48 |
naught102 | ok, great, that's just what I need. | 11:48 |
firemonkeyballz | brb | 11:49 |
naught102 | intelikey: I haven't tried midnight commander before, but I'll give it a go | 11:49 |
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naught102 | there's not an x version is there? | 11:49 |
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bobbyd | naught102: konqueror has an mc mode... | 11:50 |
naught102 | cool | 11:50 |
feety | hi there, i need to know how to set up a wireless access point, but info on this is few and far between. is there a nice way to do this in kde? (that is to say, as command line free as possible. not in the mood for konsole as it stands) | 11:51 |
feety | thanks in advance | 11:51 |
lipe | when i type ./configure --enable-kernel-module | 11:51 |
lipe | Please specify the location of the kernel source with | 11:51 |
lipe | *** the '--with-kernel=SRCDIR' option | 11:51 |
bobbyd | naught102: but I can't see it when i just looke, so i might have made that up :) | 11:51 |
naught102 | bobbyd: I seem to remember seeing it too... | 11:52 |
bobbyd | lipe: /usr/src/linux | 11:52 |
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bobbyd | lipe: you'll need to get the kernel source first thought :) | 11:52 |
lipe | bobbyd: so, i just type ./configure --enable-kernel-module /usr/src/linux ?? | 11:52 |
lipe | bobbyd: how can i make it ?? | 11:52 |
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firemonkeyballz | k well got my ati back | 11:53 |
firemonkeyballz | ATI Mobility Beryl/XGL FGLRX in Edgy | 11:53 |
firemonkeyballz | using that guide | 11:53 |
firemonkeyballz | seems to work for 6.06 | 11:53 |
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bobbyd | lipe: I have no idea what you're doing, but I'd expect it would be something like: ./configure --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux --enable-kernel-module | 11:54 |
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Malix | Hi, having a bit of a problem: my adept told me that I could update to kubuntu 7.04 with kubuntu distribution update tool which should launch automatically and close down adept. nothing is happening tho... any ideas? | 11:54 |
genii | lipe at commandline: sudo apt-get install kernel-source-`uname -r` && sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r` | 11:54 |
Malix | or should I just wait until the cd comes out? | 11:54 |
lipe | bobbyd: thx u very muhc | 11:55 |
bobbyd | genii: thanks :) | 11:55 |
bobbyd | lipe: thank genii too :) | 11:55 |
firemonkeyballz | wee | 11:55 |
lipe | genii: thx u very much | 11:55 |
firemonkeyballz | workd | 11:55 |
bobbyd | firemonkeyballz: beryl with fglrx? | 11:55 |
firemonkeyballz | yes | 11:55 |
genii | lipe then after: ./configure --enable-kernel-module --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux | 11:55 |
bobbyd | firemonkeyballz: i might need to do that if I can't get the graphics card in this laptop changed to nvidia | 11:55 |
bobbyd | firemonkeyballz: is it a total pita? | 11:56 |
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firemonkeyballz | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 11:56 |
firemonkeyballz | OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. | 11:56 |
firemonkeyballz | OpenGL renderer string: RADEON XPRESS 200M Series Generic | 11:56 |
firemonkeyballz | OpenGL version string: 2.0.5814 (8.25.18) | 11:56 |
=== bobbyd grabs a lifebelt | ||
bobbyd | there's a flood coming! | 11:56 |
genii | LOL | 11:56 |
Alarm | hello. i just got a notice from adept updater that kubuntu 7.04 is available and if i wish to update. i joined the website but there is nothing written about that release, what is that all about ? | 11:57 |
lipe | bobbyd: but, when i go to /usr/src i can't see the "linux" dir ... | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | Radeon 9600 AIO here :) | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | TVIn TVOut | 11:57 |
lipe | bobbyd: nvm :p | 11:57 |
bobbyd | lipe: did you do genii's command? | 11:57 |
lipe | genii: thx u very much, i'll try to do it ... | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | its only an AGP card tho no PCIE yet | 11:57 |
firemonkeyballz | whats that command to run the gears? | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | um I forgot | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | flgears or something I guess | 11:57 |
xBill | glxgears | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | thats it glxgears | 11:57 |
ForgeAus | wow it works! nicely too | 11:58 |
firemonkeyballz | crap works faster than last config | 11:58 |
genii | lipe Well you may need to put the result of uname -r instead of "linux" for the exact linux kernel version you have. | 11:58 |
bobbyd | Alarm: That's feisty, and as far as I know it's still in testing... | 11:58 |
ForgeAus | tho thmooooooth :) | 11:58 |
Alarm | then why is it allready available for download ? | 11:58 |
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Alarm | as an update if its not a stable release | 11:58 |
firemonkeyballz | to make us victems | 11:58 |
firemonkeyballz | lol | 11:58 |
firemonkeyballz | so they can gain | 11:59 |
krabbypants | yep | 11:59 |
bobbyd | Alarm: I have no idea | 11:59 |
bobbyd | Alarm: seems like a bug :) | 11:59 |
firemonkeyballz | dude | 11:59 |
firemonkeyballz | if you see nos | 11:59 |
firemonkeyballz | tel him to do this one | 11:59 |
xBill | i allready use feisty, tho it's testing still ;-) | 11:59 |
genii | Has feisty even reached RC1 status yet?? | 11:59 |
firemonkeyballz | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291464&highlight=ati | 11:59 |
Alarm | ok | 12:00 |
Jucato | genii: no. not even beta yet, iirc | 12:00 |
Malix | so whats with the update thingy in adept then? it downloads some update tool but nothing happens after that? | 12:00 |
genii | I'm leery of installing something thats not quite yet even a release candidate (on a machine not for testing) | 12:00 |
Jucato | Alarm: have you checked your sources.list for any feisty repositories? are you sure it's telling you that it will upgrade to Feisty? | 12:00 |
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lipe | genii: ok, thx u very much ! :) GOD BLESS U | 12:01 |
Alarm | yes | 12:01 |
genii | lipe LOL You're welcome | 12:01 |
Jucato | Alarm: can you pastebin your sources.list please? | 12:01 |
Alarm | i did a normal upgrade. and then a window showed up telling me that there is a new kubuntu version available feisty 7.04 | 12:01 |
Alarm | hold on ot find a paste site | 12:02 |
Jucato | !pastebin | Alarm | 12:02 |
ubotu | Alarm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 12:02 |
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ForgeAus | if Only I could integrate pkgtool and pkgsrc into Adept lol :) | 12:02 |
ForgeAus | then I'd have a nearon omnilinux :) many package formats... well rpmless tho | 12:02 |
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Alarm | Jucato, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9613/ | 12:03 |
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Malix | Jucato: I also got the adept notice about updating to feisty, and surely I don't have any feisty repos in my sources.list | 12:03 |
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teufel | could some one tell me how to iinstall windows xp after kubuntu | 12:03 |
Jucato | ok hold on | 12:03 |
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ForgeAus | tuefel AFTER? | 12:04 |
teufel | yeah | 12:04 |
ForgeAus | best to do it the other way around but if you HAVE to | 12:04 |
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teufel | the grub messed my mbr up or something | 12:04 |
teufel | i know | 12:04 |
ForgeAus | you need to partition space and then reinstall grub once XP's installed | 12:04 |
teufel | i had xp installed | 12:04 |
Jucato | !grub | teufel | 12:04 |
ubotu | teufel: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:04 |
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Jucato | Malix: could you also pastebin your sources.list? so I could compare with Alarm's? | 12:05 |
Malix | sure | 12:05 |
teufel | ok check it out i have the grub working i can get into kubuntu just fine | 12:05 |
teufel | but it messed my xp load up | 12:05 |
Alarm | someone else has the same problem ? :) | 12:05 |
ForgeAus | it shouldn't ahve | 12:05 |
Alarm | i dont have either any feisty repos | 12:05 |
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Jucato | Alarm: Malix seems to have the same problem | 12:05 |
teufel | now i cant reinstall | 12:05 |
ForgeAus | grub detects XP if you set it up right | 12:05 |
teufel | it detects it | 12:05 |
Alarm | i havent changed anything the last 1 month actually | 12:05 |
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Jucato | teufel: what do you mean it messed XP up? | 12:05 |
ForgeAus | you might need to fixmbr and resetup grub the RIGHT way | 12:05 |
Jucato | Alarm: let's just wait for Malix's sources.list | 12:05 |
Alarm | okie | 12:06 |
teufel | i tried fixmbr | 12:06 |
Jucato | I'm just waiting for his... | 12:06 |
Malix | Jucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9614/ | 12:06 |
firemonkeyballz | nearly done with the whole config | 12:06 |
ForgeAus | fixboot? | 12:06 |
teufel | yup | 12:06 |
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teufel | fixboot too | 12:06 |
ForgeAus | did that fix your XP? | 12:06 |
Jucato | Alarm, Malix: ah I see... :D | 12:06 |
teufel | windows is on the master kubuntu is on the slave | 12:06 |
haffi | Hi, can anyone help me with setting DXS support in ALSA for my VT8233 sound card? My sound works, but it is scratchy | 12:06 |
Jucato | Alarm, Malix: this is the source of all your problems: deb http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse | 12:07 |
Alarm | what is it ? :) | 12:07 |
ForgeAus | IDE drives.. so its hda and hdb | 12:07 |
teufel | yea | 12:07 |
Skuller | haffi: scratchy? | 12:07 |
Alarm | what about it ? | 12:07 |
Jucato | did you guys get your sources.list from source-o-matic? | 12:07 |
ForgeAus | according to linux | 12:07 |
ForgeAus | (if its sata its sda and sdb | 12:07 |
Alarm | some of the entries yes | 12:07 |
firemonkeyballz | umm how do I fix the sensitivity on my touch pad? | 12:07 |
Malix | Jucato: nope, collected those urls from net and added by hand, why? | 12:07 |
Alarm | i cant remember about this one | 12:07 |
teufel | xp is on hda | 12:07 |
haffi | Skuller: Yes, there is some disturbance in the sound | 12:07 |
teufel | hda1 | 12:07 |
Jucato | Alarm, Malix: edgy-proposed contains stuff you shouldn't really be installing in the first place. think "very beta" | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | does XP boot? | 12:08 |
firemonkeyballz | like you would in synaptics tools? | 12:08 |
teufel | nope | 12:08 |
Skuller | haffi: is it more noticeable on loud volume? | 12:08 |
teufel | i need to reinstall it | 12:08 |
Malix | Jucato: whoopsie =D | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | then you need to fix your XP boot with XP recovery console | 12:08 |
Jucato | Alarm, Malix: currently, edgy-proposed contains the new Upgrade Tool that's being tested | 12:08 |
Alarm | so, better to remove that one ? | 12:08 |
teufel | i tried | 12:08 |
Malix | k, so removing it now =) | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | or even a recovery install into the XP you have | 12:08 |
Jucato | Alarm, Malix: yes please remove/disable edgy-proposed | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | then you have to install grub without messing up your ntldr/mbr | 12:08 |
Jucato | then sudo apt-get update again | 12:08 |
teufel | it hangs at dmi | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | using the site jucato sent you to earlier | 12:08 |
teufel | whatever it says | 12:08 |
ForgeAus | whats dmi? | 12:09 |
haffi | Skuller: no, the disturbance is always on when there's a sound playing, and setting the volume in kubuntu doesn't change it | 12:09 |
Skuller | haffi: type in alsamixer and reduce the level of PCM....thas all i know and can help | 12:09 |
genii | lipe Just to clarify the command after all the sources install would be: ./configure --enable-kernel-module --with-kernel=/usr/src/kernel-source-`uname -r` if just /usr/src/linux fails | 12:09 |
teufel | i for get what it says but after the cdrom boot and then when it gets to the harddrive boot it hangs | 12:09 |
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Alarm | ok, thank you a lot Jucato | 12:09 |
haffi | Ok, I'll try that | 12:09 |
teufel | forget | 12:09 |
Skuller | haffi: reduce the PCM level to midway....in the green region..... | 12:10 |
teufel | i just need to know if there is a way to reinstall xp | 12:10 |
teufel | after kubuntu | 12:10 |
genii | bah /usr/src/linux-source-`uname -r` (I need coffee) | 12:10 |
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Alarm | damn and i got happy that the new release is out:) | 12:11 |
ForgeAus | there is but it will mess up grub | 12:11 |
teufel | thats cool | 12:11 |
teufel | i can fix | 12:11 |
ForgeAus | intsalling XP always messed up grub | 12:11 |
krabbypants | teufel:if you install xp after kubuntu, you can use the xp boot loader | 12:11 |
ForgeAus | yeah just do an XP install like you normally would | 12:11 |
teufel | how do i go about this | 12:11 |
firemonkeyballz | brb | 12:12 |
teufel | i did that | 12:12 |
Malix | Jucato: I disabled edgy-proposed repos, but it is still offering me the update tool | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | just put your xp disk in and run through the setup procedure | 12:12 |
teufel | i did but it didnt fix the mbr | 12:12 |
Jucato | Malix: did you run update after changing your sources.list like I said? | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | (I suggest if recovery console's fixmbr and fixboot didn't help to use the REPAIR install...) | 12:12 |
Malix | not from commandline, but from adept, does that make a difference? | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | repair install happens AFTER recovery console (its the second R not the first one) | 12:12 |
Jucato | Malix: not really. Fetch Updates = sudo apt-get update | 12:12 |
teufel | yea i go that | 12:12 |
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teufel | i ran fixmbr | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | either that or you loose data and reformat the NTFS partition | 12:13 |
Jucato | Malix: hm.. make sure the edgy-proposed lines are really gone | 12:13 |
teufel | then fixboot | 12:13 |
teufel | then bootcfg | 12:13 |
firemonkeyballz | wheee | 12:13 |
firemonkeyballz | worked | 12:13 |
Malix | Jucato: just a sec | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | yeah you USED recovery console tried fixmbr | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | did you try fixboot too? | 12:13 |
firemonkeyballz | dont have to modify anything | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | ahh ok so they didn't help | 12:13 |
teufel | yeah | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | xp still broken? | 12:13 |
teufel | right | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | so then do REPAIR install thats next option | 12:13 |
firemonkeyballz | done with ati baryl | 12:13 |
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Malix | Jucato: BUH, my bad, had several lines with edgy proposed... >_< | 12:13 |
ForgeAus | thats not in recovery console | 12:13 |
teufel | i have like 100 gig of movies i dont want to lose | 12:13 |
Jucato | Malix: heh :) | 12:13 |
=== _4strO [n=astrofor@AStrasbourg-253-1-45-207.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ForgeAus | then you need to get a tool to read your ntfs drive if its formatted as ntfs (if its fat just mount it in Linux, heck even if its NTFS just mount it in linux and copy)) | 12:14 |
teufel | alot of edited moves | 12:14 |
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ForgeAus | you don't need to write to ti to do that | 12:14 |
_4strO | yop yop | 12:14 |
ForgeAus | or burn them to CD from there? | 12:14 |
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teufel | damn 100 gig would take forever | 12:14 |
ForgeAus | if they're important to you and you want to keep them thats about the only way... | 12:14 |
ForgeAus | yeah 100gig would talke a few erm DVD's? | 12:15 |
krabbypants | teufel: linux in a nutshell has a good chaper on the windows dual boot | 12:15 |
teufel | if i could just manually edit the grub out of the master drive | 12:15 |
firemonkeyballz | that fixed a slow bottle neck | 12:15 |
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firemonkeyballz | heh | 12:15 |
teufel | i accidentally put it there | 12:15 |
teufel | and now i cant get it out | 12:15 |
ForgeAus | teufel that shouldn't be a problem | 12:15 |
Malix | Jucato: uh.. nope, they're all disabled now, but the update thingy still pop's up | 12:15 |
ForgeAus | grub shouldn't mess up WindowsXP | 12:16 |
Jucato | Malix: pastebin sources.list again please? :) | 12:16 |
teufel | well i tried to reinstall it and it says starting up but goes no further | 12:16 |
ForgeAus | at least they CAN coexist | 12:16 |
Malix | willdo | 12:16 |
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ForgeAus | teufel try repair install | 12:17 |
teufel | ok | 12:17 |
teufel | im out for now thanks for the help | 12:17 |
ForgeAus | that way you at least keep the Filesystem | 12:17 |
teufel | true | 12:17 |
ForgeAus | (you may or may not be able to access stuff in mydocuments) | 12:17 |
teufel | but ill shall return | 12:17 |
teufel | cya | 12:17 |
ForgeAus | (if you have the username/password it might be ok) | 12:17 |
blue|palm | I tried to install a package (dcraw) but it hit an error where it couldnt overwrite a directory from another package... now i cant install anything because each time i try to use apt-get it tries to install dcraw which fails... | 12:18 |
blue|palm | how can i remove dcraw from installing all the time | 12:18 |
Malix | Jucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9616/ | 12:18 |
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ForgeAus | I hope teu he didn't partition over anything | 12:18 |
ForgeAus | that way he's never going to get anything back | 12:19 |
Jucato | Malix: still notifying you after clicking on Fetch Updates or doing sudo apt-get update? | 12:19 |
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Malix | yup | 12:19 |
Jucato | really strange... | 12:20 |
Malix | well, not after apt-get update, but after fetching updates in adept | 12:20 |
Skuller | haffi_: any luck? | 12:20 |
Malix | could it affect that I actually once accepted the 'update'? | 12:20 |
Alarm | i want to spit my linux into 2 partition for more performance (2 partitions , 1 on a different disk) , so that some things run from the 1 disk , and the other 1 from the second. a system works much faster while doing that once it uses the whole bus. which directory should i put on the second disk ? | 12:20 |
ForgeAus | kpackage didn't pick up on my pkgsrc install :( | 12:20 |
Jucato | Malix: er... how did you accept it? | 12:20 |
Jucato | Malix: you have soooo many repos. some of the duplicates, btw | 12:21 |
Malix | Jucato: 'click next to whatever'... a small download window flashed on the corner and ... well, it did nothing visible after that atleast | 12:21 |
Jucato | Malix: ah.. hm... | 12:21 |
Malix | Jucato: yea, I'm a aware, I _should_ check for those... | 12:22 |
Jucato | Malix: I don't know how much that would have affected it... but yeah, your "accepting" the update might have something to do with it... but not really sure | 12:22 |
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haffi_ | Skuller: no luck, I'm afraid | 12:22 |
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haffi_ | I had this same problem on Gentoo | 12:22 |
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Skuller | haffi_: oh....thas sad...sorry i cant help u anymore.... | 12:23 |
Skuller | haffi_: u did reduce the PCM level dint u? | 12:23 |
haffi_ | yes | 12:23 |
haffi_ | this is just a crappy soundcard | 12:23 |
firemonkeyballz | http://pastebin.ca/388905 | 12:23 |
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haffi_ | and the workaround on gentoo doesn't work on kubuntu | 12:24 |
Malix | Jucato: well, I think I can live with it, after all, feisty should come out next month, so actually REALLY updating should get rid of it? | 12:24 |
haffi_ | seems like alsa is a bit different | 12:24 |
ForgeAus | omg I just started Trillian under Linux! | 12:24 |
ForgeAus | ahh the wonders of wine | 12:24 |
naught102 | does anyone know a way of exporting a list of packages installed via apt-get (or a frontend), and the re-importing them? | 12:24 |
Jucato | Malix: yes it should. it's just like the Adept Updater | 12:24 |
ForgeAus | well almost anyway | 12:24 |
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ForgeAus | it started up then died lol | 12:24 |
naught102 | for example to re-install all the programs you had installed after a cd-upgrade? | 12:24 |
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Jucato | naught102: dpkg --get-selections | 12:24 |
Jucato | naught102: er.. upgrade? that might not work | 12:25 |
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krabbypants | anyone get mysql server actually working with mythtv in kubuntu? | 12:25 |
Jucato | the package list will be version-dependent afaik | 12:25 |
krabbypants | i tried alot of things never got it working, anyone run a myth box here? | 12:26 |
naught102 | Jucato: ofcourse, but just a reference list would be good, that's a good start | 12:26 |
blue|palm | krabbypants: i did | 12:26 |
Jucato | naught102: then dpkg --get-selections will most probably do | 12:26 |
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krabbypants | what vertion of kubuntu you running blue|palm | 12:26 |
blue|palm | Can someone please tell me how to fix my apt.... it broke because each time i install anything using apt-get it tries to install dcraw which tries to overwrite another package and fails... thus apt-get fails all the time. | 12:27 |
genii | yes get-selections then set-selections I think | 12:27 |
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naught102 | Jucato: there wouldn't be a way of doing dpkg --get-selections only for "top of the dependency chain" packages, would there? | 12:27 |
firemonkeyballz | http://pastebin.ca/388905 | 12:27 |
blue|palm | krabbypants: edgy | 12:27 |
Jucato | naught102: hm.. not that I know of | 12:28 |
naught102 | that would be cool. | 12:28 |
krabbypants | blue|palm: wow i could not get mine working because i have no idea how mysql works | 12:28 |
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blue|palm | krabbypants: look for a guide its really easy | 12:28 |
blue|palm | krabbypants: i mean really really easy | 12:28 |
blue|palm | the mythtv guide should work | 12:28 |
firemonkeyballz | how do I configure backup system | 12:29 |
blue|palm | go to the forums | 12:29 |
naught102 | imagine. windows: re-install, find all those CDs, download spots, re-install each package. linux: re-install, re-load packages list, upgrade. sweet | 12:29 |
firemonkeyballz | specifically what to backup | 12:29 |
blue|palm | Can someone tell me how to manually deselect a package? | 12:29 |
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krabbypants | blue|palm: i tryed all sorts of guides but i always could not log in to mysql and always got the same sock error when trying to connect | 12:29 |
naught102 | man dpkg/ | 12:29 |
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Skuller | !ubotu >ubotu | 12:30 |
Skuller | lol | 12:30 |
bumzo | hi ple | 12:30 |
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firemonkeyballz | uhh no try this | 12:30 |
bumzo | who knows how to make a sda1 usb drive accessible ... not read only? | 12:30 |
firemonkeyballz | !ubotu|ubotu | 12:31 |
ubotu | ubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:31 |
krabbypants | blue|palm: im baffled on how it could be so hard for me to set up mysql | 12:31 |
Skuller | lol yea | 12:31 |
bumzo | lol skuller | 12:31 |
Skuller | wish it could loop somehow | 12:31 |
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firemonkeyballz | what directories should I backup | 12:31 |
bumzo | I need help making my ntfs drive READBLE | 12:31 |
Skuller | bumzo: is ur drive partitioned in ntfs? | 12:31 |
lipe | genii: i just installed linux-source and in /usr/src/ there is a file linux-source-2... .tar.bz2 is it right ? | 12:31 |
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bumzo | its an extrernal 80 gb usb hard drive | 12:32 |
Skuller | is it ntfs formatted? | 12:32 |
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genii | lipe That sounds about right, yes | 12:32 |
bumzo | yes ...and has loads of music | 12:32 |
lipe | genii: so i just type ./configure ... to this file !? | 12:32 |
Skuller | well its better to format them in FAT32 | 12:33 |
lipe | genii: i need to extract this file !? | 12:33 |
Skuller | bumzo: well its better to format them in FAT32 | 12:33 |
genii | lipe 1 minute, I think you may need to uncompress it but I forget if that is so right now | 12:33 |
bumzo | but i stand the cahnce of loosing ALL my music | 12:33 |
genii | lipe Is free space on the hard drive an issue? | 12:33 |
Skuller | bumzo: copy it somewhere | 12:33 |
lipe | genii: yes | 12:34 |
bumzo | i dont have ''somewhere'' to copy 80GB worth of 6 yrs collection of music | 12:34 |
Skuller | i dont know if there is a way to convert a partition type into another without losing the data | 12:34 |
genii | lipe How much space is free? | 12:34 |
lipe | genii: i got 17 GB i think, so i got too much free space .. | 12:35 |
krabbypants | bumzo: open 40 gmail accounts 2 gb+ of storage each :) | 12:35 |
genii | lipe Ah, that is fine. I was considering if uncompressing the file would cause the drive to be full. But it will not. | 12:35 |
Skuller | bumzo: well u can risk enabling ntfs write features in kubuntu....like FUSE | 12:35 |
Skuller | lol | 12:35 |
lipe | genii: hehehe ok :) | 12:35 |
lipe | genii: i just uncompressed the file and created a dir ... | 12:36 |
Skuller | !fuse | 12:36 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 12:36 |
bumzo | lol | 12:36 |
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lipe | genii: what should i do now ?! | 12:36 |
bumzo | ok .. how do i use fuse to enable it? | 12:36 |
Skuller | !fuse | bumzo | 12:36 |
ubotu | bumzo: please see above | 12:36 |
genii | lipe so: sudo tar -xjvf /usr/src/<exact filename here> -C /usr/src/ <-- this will uncompress the file to the same directory | 12:36 |
Malix | Jucato: just a thought, any ideas of the package name or such for the update wiz? if it could be removed some way? | 12:36 |
lipe | genii: ok lemme do it | 12:37 |
Jucato | Malix: not really sure. have you tried quiting Adept Manager after you've finished Fetch Updates? | 12:37 |
Skuller | !ntfs | 12:37 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 12:37 |
Skuller | !ntfs-3g | bumzo | 12:37 |
ubotu | bumzo: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 12:37 |
Skuller | !fuse | bumzo | 12:38 |
ubotu | bumzo: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 12:38 |
Malix | Jucato: several times now | 12:38 |
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bumzo | how abt ntfs-3g | 12:38 |
Jucato | Malix: really sorry, a bit clueless | 12:38 |
bumzo | !ntfs-3g | 12:38 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 12:38 |
genii | lipe Then after (in the directory which contains the source code you originally were trying to compile) the command: ./configure --enable-kernel-module --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-source-`uname -r` and then after most like you can do the make command or make install or so on | 12:38 |
Malix | Jucato: bummer, well, my bad -> have to live with it x) | 12:39 |
genii | lipe Sorry /usr/src/kernel-source-`uname -r` (I am always getting the two confused in these switches) | 12:40 |
Skuller | bumzo: if ur need for ntsf riting is strong...then go for it | 12:40 |
Skuller | ntfs* | 12:40 |
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bumzo | oh it is | 12:40 |
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lipe | genii: done ... and now ? | 12:41 |
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lipe | genii: hehehe ok | 12:41 |
genii | lipe Are there other files in /usr/src/ directory? | 12:41 |
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lipe | genii: lemme try it | 12:41 |
lipe | genii: yes | 12:41 |
bumzo | is kubuntu drapper or edgy??? | 12:42 |
lipe | genii: rpm and fuse one | 12:42 |
genii | eg: some file beginning with "kernel" something | 12:42 |
dystopianray | is it possible to get a list of packages that I have installed, that weren't installed by default or automatically? | 12:42 |
Skuller | bumzo: dapper and edgy are versions of kubuntu | 12:42 |
Skuller | 6.06 and 6.10 respectively | 12:42 |
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genii | lipe Please report result of: ls -l /usr/src/linux*/kernel | 12:43 |
Skuller | bumzo: you shud noe wich one u ave installed urself | 12:43 |
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francesco | Hi | 12:43 |
sanityx | hi | 12:43 |
lipe | genii: it is veeery big ... | 12:44 |
genii | lipe OK don't put it here then LOL | 12:44 |
lipe | genii: there are a lot of .c files | 12:44 |
lipe | genii: hehehehe | 12:44 |
genii | lipe Good. | 12:44 |
genii | this is the path to put for the switch --with-kernel= | 12:44 |
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francesco | I'm a new Linux User! There is someone that can help me in MB driver installation? | 12:45 |
lipe | genii: so i just type ./configure --enable-kernel-module -with-kernel=/usr/src/linux[tab] /kernel ?? or i don't put kernel in this command ? | 12:45 |
francesco | I need it to use audio | 12:45 |
genii | something like /usr/src/linux-source-2.xx.x-x/kernel where exact numbers are for your box | 12:45 |
lipe | genii: ok !! lemme try it ... 1 min please :) thx u veeery much !! :) | 12:46 |
genii | lipe I'll be here | 12:46 |
Skuller | bumzo: cat /etc/issue to find out which version | 12:46 |
francesco | ...and sorry for my bad english | 12:46 |
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Skuller | francesco: what do you mean by u want to use audio? | 12:48 |
genii | francesco At bottom right of screen do you have speaker icon? | 12:49 |
lipe | genii: it says that cannot determine the kernel version .... and to prepare the kernel before running that script ... | 12:49 |
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francesco | Skuller: Now the audio is off...even tough there is the icon in the corner | 12:49 |
genii | lipe That is very odd. What program are you trying to compile? | 12:50 |
francesco | My MB is Gygabyte LGA 775 | 12:50 |
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Skuller | francesco: sorry no idea...refer to genii please... | 12:50 |
francesco | I had download the linux driver... | 12:50 |
lipe | genii: i need to write on a ntfs partition, so i need to fix a problem with the fuse ... so i'm trying to compile the fuse one to fix the problem ... | 12:50 |
genii | francesco Right-click on the speaker icon. Open the mixer. Unmute any PCM devices and also maybe to put up the volume for the PCM devices | 12:50 |
sanityx | lipe you could just install ntfs-3g | 12:50 |
Skuller | francesco: that is your CPU socket.... | 12:51 |
lipe | sanityx: but it says that fuse isn't write, i got an old fuse version ... and need to install a newer | 12:51 |
sanityx | oo | 12:51 |
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francesco | genii: I've do it...but anything change | 12:51 |
bill___ | im trying to install themes, but i dont have permission to write to the kthememanager folder, anyway to set it up so i dont have to log in as root to change the permission? | 12:51 |
genii | lipe Which ubuntu version do you have? eg: dapper edgy feisty | 12:52 |
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lipe | genii: kubuntu 6.06 dapper | 12:52 |
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francesco | Skuller you're right! Gigabyte 945GZ | 12:52 |
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shishira | hi | 12:53 |
Skuller | francesco: 945 is ur chipset btw....well...i dont know about audio...sorry... | 12:53 |
Skuller | hi | 12:53 |
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Skuller | bumzo: any luck? | 12:53 |
genii | lipe I have found a site which may help you http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 | 12:53 |
lipe | genii: thx u very much, i'll read it ! GOD bless u very much ! | 12:54 |
genii | lipe Best luck. If no success please report back, I will be here still. | 12:54 |
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bill___ | possible to change dir permissions without logging in as root? | 12:54 |
francesco | genii....can you help me? | 12:54 |
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lipe | genii: ok, thx u | 12:55 |
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rambo | hello | 12:56 |
genii | francesco Well, the common issue with no sound is the muted PCM device in the mixer. If the icon for the speaker has no red line through it, the system considers the soundcard is working properly. In this case it is usually some device in the mixer which needs attention. eg: PCM devices, line-in or so on | 12:56 |
genii | francesco Often the default sources for sound in may be muted | 12:57 |
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francesco | genii: at this link (http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ClassValue=Motherboard&ProductID=2304&ProductName=GA-8I945GZME-RH) there are Linux driver...maybe there is a common bug! | 12:57 |
genii | francesco reading, away briefly | 12:58 |
francesco | genii: thanks | 12:58 |
ForgeAus | um kubuntu's telling me theres a new version of kubuntu available is this a dist-upgrade? | 12:58 |
rambo | um, i'm really new to linux and i have a problem | 12:58 |
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Skuller | rambo: ask away the problem and not that u have a problem | 12:59 |
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rambo | i have a SB live and it plays stereo stuff good, but when it comes to movies with more chanels, it says that device is busy. this only appears when more channels are needed | 01:00 |
panathos | pls... wich driver best match Nvidia FX 5200? nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy? | 01:00 |
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Skuller | panathos: nvidia-glx | 01:00 |
Skuller | look in the lagacy list to confirm that ur card isnt mentioned there | 01:00 |
bumzo | skuller: i put that command in terminal? | 01:00 |
panathos | but it's instable, on my amd64 :-( | 01:01 |
Skuller | bumzo: cat /etc/issue | 01:01 |
Skuller | yes | 01:01 |
bumzo | Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l ... is that dapper or edgy? | 01:01 |
Skuller | dapper | 01:01 |
rambo | and another thing; when i start "adept manager" it says that some other process is using it and that i can't change anything | 01:02 |
Skuller | !ntfs-3g | bumzo | 01:02 |
ubotu | bumzo: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 01:02 |
Skuller | !adeptfix | rambo | 01:02 |
ubotu | rambo: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:02 |
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genii | francesco I am finding many complaints on this souncard now but not yet some solution | 01:03 |
Skuller | rambo: make sure your not running any other package software | 01:03 |
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francesco | genii!! I'm I stupid! | 01:04 |
Skuller | lol | 01:04 |
francesco | I used an USB sound card....and it' doesn't work! | 01:04 |
genii | francesco Your main volume was at minumum? | 01:05 |
rambo | ubotu: i did that and it wrote at the beggining " | 01:05 |
rambo | dpkg: error processing libdvdread3 (--configure): | 01:05 |
rambo | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 01:05 |
rambo | reinstall it before attempting configuration. | 01:05 |
francesco | Now I've set the MB AUDIO | 01:05 |
genii | Ahhh | 01:05 |
francesco | and it' seems goos | 01:05 |
francesco | good | 01:05 |
genii | francesco Good to know you have solved it then :) | 01:05 |
francesco | Thanks | 01:05 |
Skuller | !ubotu | ubotu | 01:05 |
ubotu | ubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:06 |
Skuller | !ubotu | rambo | 01:06 |
ubotu | rambo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:06 |
francesco | I'll go to have a lunch.... | 01:06 |
francesco | I'll back later...with other problems!! | 01:06 |
francesco | bye bye | 01:06 |
=== genii sips a coffee and considers bellybutton lint | ||
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Skuller | rambo: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:06 |
Skuller | francesco: laterz | 01:07 |
rambo | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 01:07 |
rambo | reinstall it before attempting configuration. | 01:07 |
rambo | and now adept doesn't even start | 01:07 |
Skuller | try synaptic | 01:07 |
genii | ouch | 01:07 |
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Skuller | no idea whas happ | 01:08 |
rambo | hmm, brb | 01:08 |
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ForgeAus | where do I find the kubuntu upgrade tool? | 01:11 |
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ForgeAus | !upgrade | 01:12 |
ubotu | See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 01:12 |
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stamen_ | l | 01:13 |
miltos | it's impossible to mount an iso image...it drives me grazy....the original *.bin image was converted under windowsxp with magiciso....any ideas? | 01:14 |
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ForgeAus | doesn't matter what the original image was created in | 01:16 |
ForgeAus | .iso's mount | 01:16 |
genii | miltos Hm. does: lsmod |grep loop produce some result? | 01:16 |
miltos | <genii>just a minute... | 01:16 |
genii | miltos if NOT then do: sudo modprobe loop then try to mount the image as you were doing before | 01:17 |
ForgeAus | get kiso if your haveing too much trouble | 01:17 |
ForgeAus | but iso's should mount | 01:17 |
ForgeAus | use iso:/ in konqueror if you need to! | 01:17 |
miltos | <genii>loop 17672 12: that's the result | 01:18 |
genii | miltos OK, then it is not the problem | 01:18 |
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ForgeAus | genii do you know what kubuntu upgrade tool is? and if so how to run it? | 01:20 |
miltos | that's the command I use: "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/miltos/Suse01.iso o /media/iso"...and I can't see the CD on the desktop... | 01:20 |
rambo | hi, i'm back | 01:20 |
genii | miltos I think there may be some conflicting options in fstab. I am not sure that all the options you have in there for that drive can coexist happily | 01:20 |
rambo | adept now works, but surrond still doesn't | 01:20 |
ForgeAus | surround? as in surround sound? | 01:21 |
rambo | yep | 01:21 |
miltos | <genii> how to check? | 01:21 |
ForgeAus | does kmix handle that ? | 01:21 |
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rambo | i'm on alsa | 01:21 |
genii | miltos What is the line for that drive again? (sdb1 I think it was) in the fstab | 01:21 |
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miltos | <genii>tell me how to check... | 01:22 |
rambo | what's that command for speaker check? | 01:22 |
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ForgeAus | wheres jucato when I need him! lol | 01:23 |
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nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: whats your problem? | 01:23 |
ForgeAus | nos wheres the kubuntu upgrade tool install into / how do I run it? | 01:24 |
ForgeAus | i can't find it in the k menu anyhwere | 01:24 |
nosrednaekim | adept? | 01:24 |
ForgeAus | adept installed it and told me to quit adept and run the kubuntu upgrade tool to update to feisty | 01:24 |
genii | miltos Please pastebin the contents of your file /etc/fstab then please add to the bottom of the paste which directory holds your iso file, which directory it should be mounted under | 01:24 |
ForgeAus | but I don't know where/what's the kubuntu upgrade tool | 01:24 |
nosrednaekim | !update-manager | 01:25 |
ubotu | update-manager: GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45 (edgy), package size 775 kB, installed size 3652 kB | 01:25 |
nosrednaekim | !upgrade-manager | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about upgrade-manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:25 |
zevs | test | 01:25 |
ForgeAus | !kubuntu upgrade tool | 01:25 |
c0nv1ct | ForgeAus: i've never 'upgraded' to fiesty, i've only used the actual ISO, so i dunno | 01:26 |
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miltos | <genii> here it is... | 01:26 |
miltos | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 01:26 |
miltos | # | 01:26 |
miltos | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 01:26 |
miltos | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 01:26 |
miltos | # /dev/sda6 | 01:26 |
miltos | UUID=90effdd6-c42a-4ac9-a4ef-8ad2b76969f1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 01:26 |
miltos | # /dev/hda1 | 01:26 |
genii | AAAAAHHh | 01:26 |
miltos | UUID=3C9C57F49C57A6E4 /media/hda1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 01:26 |
miltos | # /dev/hda2 | 01:26 |
miltos | UUID=7A54F82954F7E5B3 /media/hda2 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 01:26 |
genii | !pastebin | miltos | 01:26 |
ubotu | miltos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:26 |
miltos | # /dev/sda1 | 01:26 |
miltos | UUID=1EDC7D0BDC7CDF09 /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 01:26 |
miltos | # /dev/sda5 | 01:26 |
miltos | UUID=7c7cf815-2376-400f-adec-e32ea15ca344 none swap sw 0 0 | 01:26 |
miltos | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 01:26 |
genii | Damn | 01:26 |
doomnx | hello guys again | 01:26 |
c0nv1ct | no ops with flood protection in here? damn | 01:27 |
doomnx | miltos ellhnas ki esu e? :P | 01:27 |
miltos | <doomnx> exo plextei asxima... | 01:27 |
genii | I keep forgetting knowing about the pastebin website is not a given LOL | 01:27 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus what do you want fiesty for | 01:27 |
c0nv1ct | yeah, feisty isnt exactly stable | 01:28 |
ForgeAus | because adept says its time to updaate | 01:28 |
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ForgeAus | not stable? really? | 01:28 |
ForgeAus | whats wrong with it? | 01:28 |
genii | miltos There is a website for pasting(not into the channel)http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ then after you paste it there, give only the URL it gives you after so ppl from here can go read | 01:28 |
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c0nv1ct | its not done yet ForgeAus | 01:28 |
c0nv1ct | its still in testing | 01:28 |
miltos | <genii>ok | 01:28 |
doomnx | guys i was trying to install nvidia drivers for kubuntu and it said it needed the following dependencies: libgtk2.0-bin, libgtk2.0-common and linux-image-2.6.17-11-386. I just downloaded these files, do u think they will need some depencies too? | 01:29 |
miltos | <genii> the URL is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9620/ | 01:30 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus:there is a difference between security updates and upgrading to fiesty | 01:30 |
ForgeAus | I know that | 01:30 |
ForgeAus | its a distro upgrade | 01:30 |
c0nv1ct | doomnx: i'd update the kernel using your package manager | 01:30 |
doomnx | i have no internet connection at home :( | 01:30 |
doomnx | so i download the files manually from this net cafe | 01:30 |
c0nv1ct | doomnx: ouch, then i'm not sure, upgrading the kernel probably will need more packages | 01:31 |
genii | miltos OK, reading. Back shortly | 01:31 |
doomnx | i only installed kubuntu 6.10, nothing else | 01:31 |
nosrednaekim | doomx manually? do you know aout the download scripts? | 01:31 |
miltos | <genii> what did you discover? | 01:31 |
c0nv1ct | nosrednaekim: he doesnt have internet | 01:31 |
doomnx | no, i am a newbie here... i am willing to learn though | 01:32 |
nosrednaekim | I know... but a scriptis useful for when you do have interenet | 01:32 |
genii | miltos Please, what is the full directory and name of the iso file, and what directory you wish to mount it to | 01:32 |
bumzo | i need help here | 01:32 |
doomnx | i've been trying for a week to install those drivers | 01:32 |
doomnx | and i'm really close now! | 01:32 |
nosrednaekim | doomx, how are you on the internet ow? are you on your ubntu computer? | 01:33 |
bumzo | i cant get right access to my external hard drive | 01:33 |
bumzo | when i try i get the error message ''Could not change permissions for /media/sda1.'' | 01:33 |
bumzo | anyone? | 01:33 |
doomnx | oh, i have a problem with kubuntu though... a problem that doesn't appear on ubuntu: when i shutdown the PC it freezes or it appears an out of range message | 01:33 |
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doomnx | i am at a netcafe using windows atm | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: was it automounted? | 01:34 |
miltos | <genii>that's the command i sudo: "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/miltos/Suse01.iso o /media/iso" | 01:34 |
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nosrednaekim | doomnx: oh ok..then NM | 01:34 |
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doomnx | ok... | 01:34 |
genii | miltos OK that should be enough info. 1 minute and I will make an entry for your fstab | 01:34 |
doomnx | if anyone knew why it doesn't shutdown properly... | 01:34 |
bumzo | yes nosrednaekim | 01:35 |
doomnx | i like KDE, i don't want to go to GNOME... | 01:35 |
bumzo | whn i plug it in ... picks automatically | 01:35 |
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nosrednaekim | doomnx: I have seen that problem b4 I dpon't know what it is... something about ACPI I think | 01:35 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: so you select "open in new window" and it doesn't let you write to it? | 01:36 |
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oem | salve | 01:36 |
vyoman | What's the story with the adept prompting to upgrade to 7.04 - does it work? | 01:36 |
bumzo | yes ...i cant write to in nosrednaekim: | 01:36 |
doomnx | do u know any workaround nosrednaekim? | 01:37 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: then whats the problem? | 01:37 |
nosrednaekim | doomnx: unfortunetly, no | 01:37 |
bumzo | tahts what am asking ... i cant write to the external HDD | 01:37 |
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doomnx | well, anyway | 01:38 |
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bumzo | i want to add files to it ... but tells me i have to write permission | 01:38 |
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doomnx | thanks a lot for ur time guys | 01:38 |
doomnx | see u later on | 01:38 |
miltos | bye doomnx | 01:38 |
genii | miltos: Please at commandline: sudo echo "/home/miltos/Suse01.iso /media/iso udf,iso9660 ro,loop,user,auto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab | 01:39 |
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genii | miltos Then after, attempt to mount the iso by: mount /media/iso | 01:39 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: are you running kubuntu? | 01:39 |
genii | please note, not sudo mount /media/iso | 01:40 |
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bumzo | yes kubuntu (drapper) | 01:40 |
nosrednaekim | ok...then run this "kdesu konquror" | 01:41 |
nosrednaekim | sorry.. | 01:41 |
nosrednaekim | "kdesu konqueror" | 01:41 |
bumzo | thats the browser | 01:42 |
nosrednaekim | that'll run it with root permissions, and fix the write problems | 01:42 |
bumzo | yes.. | 01:42 |
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miltos | <genii> the command returned 'permission denied' | 01:42 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: its also the file browser | 01:42 |
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genii | miltos which command... the command to echo the line to fstab or the mount command ? | 01:43 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes it is ... so waht command do i run | 01:43 |
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nosrednaekim | "kdesu konqueror" | 01:43 |
rockz | is there a way to change kde menu without change gnome menu ? | 01:43 |
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miltos | this command: "sudo echo "/home/miltos/Suse01.iso /media/iso udf,iso9660 ro,loop,user,auto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab" | 01:43 |
bumzo | on terminal? | 01:43 |
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nosrednaekim | bumzo,yes | 01:43 |
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nosrednaekim | rockz, yes,kmenuedit | 01:44 |
nosrednaekim | !kmenuedit | 01:44 |
ubotu | kmenuedit: menu editor for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 375 kB, installed size 996 kB | 01:44 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 01:44 |
ubotu | Yum! | 01:44 |
vyoman | what is the: distribution upgrade tool, nothing happens when following the adept upgrade wizard | 01:44 |
bumzo | its opened the konquorer | 01:44 |
rockz | nosrednaekim: if I edit with kmenuedit, the gnome menu wont be modiffied? | 01:44 |
nosrednaekim | ok...not navigate to /media/sda1 | 01:44 |
genii | miltos That is very odd. Are you able to run other commands with sudo? | 01:45 |
nosrednaekim | rockz, I don't think so | 01:45 |
miltos | yes... | 01:45 |
rockz | nosrednaekim: i want modify my kde without modify my gnome | 01:45 |
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nosrednaekim | rockz: I don't think kmenuedit will change the gnome menu | 01:46 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: did you go to /media/sda1 | 01:46 |
genii | miltos OK, in this case, put: kdesu Kate then open the file /etc/fstab and add the line given above without the quotation marks | 01:46 |
miltos | ok | 01:47 |
genii | miltos eg: /home/miltos/Suse01.iso /media/iso udf,iso9660 ro,loop,user,auto 0 0 <--EXACTLY | 01:47 |
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genii | You could even cut/paste from here to make sure it is proper | 01:47 |
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miltos | <genii> i think you 've got right ...even kdesu doensn't permit to save the file!!!! | 01:50 |
miltos | shall i reboot...and come back? | 01:51 |
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lipe | how can i unzip a .cab file from linux ??? please ... | 01:51 |
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genii | miltos There seems to be some other underlying issue then in your system, which is that the default user (miltos I think) is not in /etc/sudoers file or something similar | 01:51 |
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genii | miltos A reboot will not help in this case | 01:52 |
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miltos | <genii> how to fix? help! | 01:52 |
genii | miltos Bleh perhaps try gksudo Kate instead of kdesu | 01:53 |
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genii | no wait | 01:53 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: what do u mean go to /media/sda1? | 01:53 |
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genii | miltos kdesudo i think instead of kdesu .... I am getting tired, very sorry | 01:53 |
genii | miltos so: kdesudo Kate and then the line as described added to the file. | 01:54 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: when i click on storage media ... it shows a blank page | 01:54 |
nosrednaekim | do you have your HD plugged in? | 01:54 |
nosrednaekim | ad can you see it in your own user? | 01:55 |
nosrednaekim | *and | 01:55 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: media:/ on the adress bar | 01:55 |
genii | miltos Getting a coffee. Back shortly | 01:55 |
malik_ | can any1 help with webcam prob?........i cant get my creative pd0400 webcam to work..............wiki pages are of no use as i hav tried for the last 3 wks or so.......if here is some1 from turkey i will gladly pay for them to come n fix | 01:55 |
miltos | <genii>ok | 01:55 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: I know..... is your hard drive plugged in,and can you see the contents without running that kdesu command I gave you? | 01:56 |
genii | miltos I am back and hopefully a bit more awake | 01:57 |
genii | :) | 01:57 |
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miltos | genii...i am all at sea... | 01:58 |
genii | miltos OK, at konsole: kdesudo Kate | 01:58 |
miltos | what can I do now? | 01:58 |
miltos | genii, command not found! | 01:59 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: the drive is plugged in ,.... i can see it on the desktop. when i click it .. .it open on konqorer ...and can view the contents | 01:59 |
genii | miltos Does Kate open when you run it this way? If not, please report the message konsole gives | 01:59 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | well, it happened. for the first time i'm actually going to require a reinstall of kubuntu... | 01:59 |
genii | miltos OK | 01:59 |
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nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: what'd you do? | 01:59 |
genii | miltos But you were able before to open Kate with kdesu but just not to save the file? | 01:59 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | beryl went nuts. even starting kde crashes now (without beryl) | 02:00 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: but you can't see it mounted when you navigate to /media? | 02:00 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i'm in xfce as a fallback while i download and burn an iso | 02:00 |
miltos | kdesu works...kdesudo doen't work | 02:00 |
nosrednaekim | go to "/media" bumzo | 02:00 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: no its not there | 02:00 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: thats interesting.... | 02:01 |
genii | miltos OK. It is extremely odd that it will open the editor in superuser mode but then complain of not being able to save the file. | 02:01 |
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bumzo | nosrednaekim: bit i can see it on media:/sda1 | 02:01 |
nosrednaekim | not "media:/" "/media" | 02:01 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | makes me wonder if it's an issue with the version of the nvidia driver i'm using, or aiglx itself... | 02:01 |
genii | miltos Have you used the editor "nano" before? | 02:01 |
provolik | is there anyone which uses VICE (c64 emulator) ? | 02:01 |
miltos | genii...yes | 02:01 |
eilker | !mske | 02:01 |
eilker | !mske | 02:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mske - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:01 |
eilker | !make | 02:02 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:02 |
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genii | miltos OK. So then try to open it with sudo, eg: sudo nano /etc/fstab | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: you can see it there in that browser I told you to open? | 02:02 |
genii | miltos This should run it with superuser privelege and open the fstab file | 02:02 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | plus i'd like to switch mt root and home partitions. 10gb isn't enough for /home and 30gb is too much for / | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | if not, please navigate to /media" | 02:02 |
miltos | ok...opened | 02:02 |
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nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: well thats a good reason then... | 02:02 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes i can, when i go to /media ... its there under sda1 | 02:03 |
nosrednaekim | well... go into it | 02:03 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: not particularly, but it's better than nothing :D | 02:03 |
nosrednaekim | now you have write permissions | 02:03 |
genii | miltos good. So now to add to the file the line. 1 moment and I will retrieve it again so you can cut and paste it from here | 02:03 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | but i have half an hour until this download's done | 02:03 |
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nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: haha for a whole Iso? lucky you... | 02:04 |
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genii | miltos: /home/miltos/Suse01.iso /media/iso udf,iso9660 ro,loop,user,auto 0 0 | 02:04 |
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bumzo | nosrednaekim: stil lcant write | 02:04 |
nosrednaekim | dial up here... | 02:04 |
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genii | miltos Did it paste in all right so far? | 02:05 |
miltos | done... | 02:05 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: ouch. then it would probably be tactless to say that 3mbit is a painful drop from the 6mbit i'm used to :( | 02:05 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: even in that browser I told you to open? | 02:05 |
genii | miltos OK. Now, importantly, will nano let you save the change, or does it complain as Kate did before? | 02:05 |
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miltos | nano saved succesfully!!!! | 02:05 |
genii | miltos Whew! | 02:06 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: I'd say that you were being a little too picky...;) | 02:06 |
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miltos | <genii>now what? | 02:06 |
miltos | should i will try to mount? | 02:06 |
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genii | miltos OK, so after all this, now try from command line to mount it...eg: mount /media/iso | 02:06 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | nosrednaekim: maybe just a tiny bit :) | 02:06 |
genii | miltos If no complaint from the mount command, see if files show in /media/iso directory | 02:07 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | little mad that verizon dsl (not fios) is my only option here... comcast can't run service because the apartment complex has their own cable service (via sat), and verizon can't run fiber to the buildings :( | 02:08 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes ... i typed in ''kdesu konqurer'' asked for a password ... it opened the konqurer file browser ... put /media it showed .. but i still can write anything to it | 02:08 |
miltos | yes...all files are there!!!!!! | 02:08 |
guiden | how do I know which fonts I can use? | 02:09 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | guiden: as far as what types? | 02:09 |
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nosrednaekim | bumzo you mean you can't write anything to /media/sda1 right? you didn't try writing directly to /media did you? | 02:09 |
genii | miltos good, success after all then. If you wish the image not to be auto mounted each boot, change the word auto in the line wqe added to noauto instead | 02:09 |
miltos | <genii>in which directory should images should be placed...in order to work? | 02:11 |
guiden | I want a edgy font | 02:11 |
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bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes i cant write anything to /media/sda1 ... but i can write to /media | 02:11 |
HomeRoey | *an Edgy font | 02:11 |
rambo | hi | 02:11 |
rambo | again one problem | 02:11 |
rambo | what can i do if i get this "Audio output unavailable. Device is busy. ()" when i try to view movies with more than stereo sound | 02:12 |
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nosrednaekim | bumzo: Very odd. | 02:12 |
rambo | and i have a pppoe connection which resets every 24hours; will connect back automaticly? | 02:12 |
genii | miltos Are you planning to have many images always mounted? If so then separate directories for each would be preferred. If you will only be mounting 1 image at a time, then you can use the /media/iso directory you have already, then add to the fstab an entry exactly as we have now, with "noauto" instead of "auto". Then you can manually mount whatever image you like to a common directory... | 02:13 |
genii | ...(eg, /media/iso). But not more than 1 at a time in this case | 02:13 |
fuel | !xorg | 02:13 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:13 |
fuel | ok how do i do a total re install of x window system ? | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | Bumzo: is you external HD by any change formatted NTFS? | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | fuel: why would you want to do that? | 02:14 |
fuel | my friend messed up his x org and deleted some shared libraries | 02:14 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: what does that mean? i intalled ntfs-3g and i can read and write to ntfs partitions on my hdd partitins (eg hda1) | 02:14 |
genii | fuel sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:14 |
eilker | how to convert *wav to *mp3 ? | 02:14 |
fuel | genii: it just reconfigures xserver | 02:14 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes its a ntfs extarnal HDD | 02:14 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: but is that hard drive NTFS? ie. did you format it in windows? | 02:14 |
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fuel | he is not even able to login and startx results in shared libraries missing errors | 02:15 |
genii | fuel Yes, this is before you stated some files were wiped out | 02:15 |
fuel | ok | 02:15 |
fuel | so its sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg and then sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg right ? | 02:15 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: yes ... on windows .. i had formatted it on ntfs then put my music files in it | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | bumzo: I don't have any experience with ntfs-3g.....sorry, go over to #ubuntu there are alot more people there. | 02:16 |
genii | fuel You could try just sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg | 02:16 |
fuel | ok | 02:16 |
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nosrednaekim | make sure you tell them its formatted as NTFS | 02:16 |
bumzo | how do i get to #ubuntu? | 02:16 |
fuel | bumzo: "/join #ubuntu" | 02:17 |
miltos | <genii> and what if the *.iso files are on external hard drive? the command should be...sth like that ? ' sudo mount path...*iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop' | 02:17 |
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bumzo | thanks fuel: nosrednaekim: | 02:18 |
bumzo | let me try in ubuntu | 02:18 |
genii | miltos Because the fstab entries have the option "user" you do not need to do mount command with sudo. If you add additional entries to fstab with common mount dir eg: /media/iso then you need "noauto" instead of "auto" as proper option on all these entries. | 02:18 |
nosrednaekim | ok... cya | 02:18 |
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kaktuskatta | Hi! Can someone here please explain to me what the differences between KDE and Gnome are? | 02:19 |
fuel | !kde > kaktuskatta | 02:19 |
fuel | !gnome > kaktuskatta | 02:19 |
fuel | !windowmanager | 02:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about windowmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:19 |
genii | miltos And when fstab contains an entry, you can put simply to mount just the originating path of the iso file | 02:19 |
miltos | ok...so do I have to change fstab every time i want to load another iso file? | 02:20 |
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genii | miltos eg: mount /someisoplace/image.iso will mount that image into /media/iso | 02:20 |
miltos | ok... | 02:20 |
rambo | can i set a upload limit in ktorrent? | 02:20 |
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rambo | not for a whole program, just for one torrent | 02:21 |
stamen_ | hi | 02:21 |
stamen_ | how to fix the los&found directory | 02:21 |
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stamen_ | I don't want to see it | 02:21 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | rambo: a max ratio or speed limit? | 02:21 |
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stamen_ | so how to fix this | 02:21 |
stamen_ | what should I do | 02:21 |
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amayera | hi | 02:21 |
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nosrednaekim | stamen:whats wrong with it? | 02:21 |
stamen_ | !lost&found | 02:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lost&found - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:21 |
genii | miltos To just do a simple temporary mount when you do not plan to keep using it a lot, then it is better just to do it manually with ther old way: eg: sudo mount -t is09660 -o loop,user /isopath/image.iso /media/iso | 02:22 |
fuel | !adsl | 02:22 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 02:22 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: I want to remove the directory | 02:22 |
`Z` | poy | 02:22 |
genii | miltos you use -t iso9660 for CD images and -t udf for DVD images | 02:22 |
rambo | yeah _Daisuke_Ido_, like that, but not global; only for one torrent at a time | 02:22 |
miltos | <genii>ok...now I've got it | 02:22 |
amayera | I installed feisty on my laptop and suspend to ram nearly worked out of the box, only one problem: I need to run ifdown and ifup after wakeup, can I put this into a script? | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: you can't | 02:22 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: all is ok, there but how to place the documents where they were | 02:22 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: for what is this ? | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: there are documents in it? | 02:23 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: yes | 02:23 |
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stamen_ | but I dont need them | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: is something that comes with the ext3 filesystem | 02:23 |
genii | miltos :) | 02:23 |
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stamen_ | nosrednaekim: aa ok:) | 02:23 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | rambo: in the status tab for each torrent there's a "sharing" section, you can set ratio limits for individual torrents there | 02:23 |
genii | miltos The -o user is so that regular users can browse the mount not just root | 02:23 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | if you're looking to speed limit individual torrents, i'm not sure | 02:23 |
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stamen_ | nosrednaekim: so then how to fix the non contigeus message after fschk | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: just in case you write to"/your drive" instead of "/yourdrive/a folder" | 02:24 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: is that on boot? | 02:24 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: yes | 02:24 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: when a shedule starts | 02:24 |
nosrednaekim | take things out of lost&found | 02:24 |
miltos | ok...now i see the picture... | 02:24 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: how to take them out | 02:24 |
rambo | _Daisuke_Ido_: i can only set ratio limit, not upload speed limit | 02:24 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: with mv ? | 02:24 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | right | 02:24 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i'm not sure on the speed limit | 02:25 |
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amayera | I installed feisty on my laptop and suspend to ram nearly worked out of the box, only one problem: I need to run ifdown and ifup after wakeup, can I put this into a script? | 02:25 |
nosrednaekim | "kdesu konqueror" navigate to your lost and found, and drag them out and pt the somehwere | 02:25 |
genii | miltos :) I hope it has been educational <laughing> | 02:25 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | don't know if you can do that. i know azureus can, but it's such a resource hog :\ | 02:25 |
miltos | <genii> do you suspect any problems with my sudo rights...???? | 02:25 |
bumzo | nosrednaekim: now i have another prob. I cant mount a fat32 drive gives me this error .. | 02:25 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: ok | 02:25 |
bumzo | Could not mount device. | 02:25 |
bumzo | The reported error was: | 02:25 |
bumzo | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, | 02:25 |
bumzo | missing codepage or other error | 02:25 |
bumzo | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 02:25 |
bumzo | dmesg | tail or so | 02:25 |
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nosrednaekim | bumzo use pastebin | 02:25 |
miltos | <genii>thanks...very much genii | 02:25 |
rambo | _Daisuke_Ido_: yeah, i agree. is there any other torrent client? | 02:25 |
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stamen_ | nosrednaekim: and after that I will not see this non contigeus things ? | 02:26 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | bittornado, and the official client | 02:26 |
rambo | i used uTorrent in windows | 02:26 |
bumzo | es .. .sorry ..so what does that mean? | 02:26 |
genii | miltos Well, it *IS* very odd that certain things did not seem to respect sudo. But if nano runs this way, then that user is definitely in the /etc/sudoer file | 02:26 |
bumzo | !pastebin | 02:26 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: I'm not sure, does it happen every boot? | 02:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:26 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | theoretically, there should be a linux version of utorrent coming out | 02:26 |
nosrednaekim | !pastebin | bumzo | 02:26 |
ubotu | bumzo: please see above | 02:26 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: not every | 02:26 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | but i'm not holding my breath | 02:26 |
rambo | which one is the official? | 02:26 |
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nosrednaekim | stamen_: ussually that happens whenever you hard reboot | 02:27 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | just the vanilla bittorrent client | 02:27 |
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stamen_ | nosrednaekim: yes I saw this thing after restart | 02:27 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: with reset | 02:27 |
stamen_ | button | 02:27 |
xBill | 02:27 | |
xBill | ^^ | 02:28 |
miltos | should i change anything? | 02:28 |
xBill | 02:28 | |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: yes, thats what does it...not good for your data, try not to do it if you don't have to | 02:28 |
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genii | miltos Well, just to check, please use the pastebin website to post the contents of your file /etc/sudoers and I will look at it for anything funny | 02:28 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | oh, and there's ABC, which might not be bad | 02:28 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: ok :) | 02:29 |
miltos | wait... | 02:29 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: but I needed to do this, but that was after very long time | 02:29 |
stamen_ | ago | 02:29 |
malik_ | can some one install my webcam for me, i think its installed but i cant get it to appear in the amsn or kpete prefernces..........i will pay for the help? | 02:29 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | !webcam | 02:29 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 02:29 |
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malik_ | i have seen those pages but they are no help................. | 02:30 |
genii | _Daisuke_Ido_: I think he's already been that route, he stated earlier it's been 3 weeks of trying to get it work | 02:30 |
nosrednaekim | stamen_: ok | 02:30 |
rambo | _Daisuke_Ido_: thanks for your help! | 02:30 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | ah, ouch | 02:30 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i'm lost then :( i don't use a webcam personally, so... | 02:30 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | rambo: you're welcome | 02:31 |
malik_ | or can any1 tell where to buy linux compatible webcam? | 02:31 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: when I go to this lost7found dirs, there is nothing now, but in the kmenu the files are there | 02:31 |
malik_ | the one which actually work with pnp | 02:31 |
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stamen_ | nosrednaekim: how to reach them ? | 02:31 |
stamen_ | nosrednaekim: Do you know | 02:31 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | whee! iso burning time | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | in the kmenu? | 02:32 |
genii | malik_ I have always had good luck with Logitech Quickcam Express (usb model) under linux. But where in Turkey to buy one, I do not know | 02:32 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | i shall return shortly with a clean system. then i get to reinstall everything :( | 02:32 |
miltos | <genii> i forgot pastebin adress... | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | _Daisuke_Ido_: have fun!! | 02:33 |
_Daisuke_Ido_ | yeah right :P | 02:33 |
genii | !pastebin | miltos | 02:33 |
ubotu | miltos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:33 |
nosrednaekim | !pastebin > miltos | 02:33 |
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_Daisuke_Ido_ | it's less painful than a windows install, that's all i'm sayin' | 02:33 |
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miltos | !pastebin | miltos | 02:33 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 02:34 |
ubotu | Yum! | 02:34 |
miltos | !pastebin | 02:34 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:34 |
genii | miltos LOL For some simple things, the ! asks the bot in the channel to say what he knows about the word after the ! | 02:34 |
nosrednaekim | haha the BOT is not the pastebin | 02:35 |
genii | miltos Did you manage to get the URL from what the bot said? | 02:35 |
miltos | yes ...and now you want me to do what? | 02:36 |
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genii | miltos So that we may check the sudo permissions, please copy/paste the contents of /etc/sudoers to the website | 02:37 |
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miltos | <genii>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9633/ | 02:39 |
genii | miltos OK, reading. Back shortly | 02:39 |
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ubuntu | i just ran an update on my kubuntu and when i rebooted i got kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on uknown-block(0,0), any idea what i can do about it? atm running on live cd | 02:41 |
genii | miltos Ah, OK. the user miltos must be a member of the group admin then which is allowed to run commands as root. All looks normal in there. | 02:42 |
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miltos | <genii>so i don't have to change anything... | 02:43 |
nosrednaekim | ubuntu: do you know anything of what was upgraded? | 02:43 |
genii | miltos Correct, no changes needed. The times that sudo appeared not to work properly from before must have been from something else like a typo or something like that. No worries, anyhow | 02:43 |
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Mayer | nosrednaekim: yeah it seems it upgraded from edgy to feisty | 02:44 |
miltos | ok...cause security matters...and that's the main reason i turned to kubuntu from windows | 02:44 |
_HigHLanDER | ow cheet | 02:44 |
nosrednaekim | Mayer: ouch... | 02:44 |
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adry90 | kubuntu italian? | 02:45 |
genii | !it | 02:45 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:45 |
Mayer | nosrednaekim: dont say that, makes me nervous :P | 02:45 |
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miltos | <genii> thanks a lot for your help...i am leaving and i will be back after a while...staying tunned | 02:45 |
nosrednaekim | Mayer, did you have any important information on your linux partition? | 02:46 |
genii | miltos Likely I'll still be here LOL | 02:46 |
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BenPA | !emacs21 | 02:46 |
ubotu | emacs21: The GNU Emacs editor. In component main, is optional. Version 21.4a-6ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1969 kB, installed size 5904 kB | 02:46 |
mementomori | hi all | 02:46 |
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Mayer | nosrednaekim: well yeah some stuff i wanna keep | 02:46 |
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guiden | does kubunut have a ftp client? | 02:47 |
BenPA | !eieio | 02:47 |
ubotu | eieio: Enhanced Implementation of Emacs Interpreted Objects. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0pre3-1 (edgy), package size 119 kB, installed size 408 kB | 02:47 |
guiden | a gui ftp client | 02:47 |
nosrednaekim | guden: konqueror?, kget? | 02:47 |
guiden | ok | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | !kget | 02:48 |
ubotu | kget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 432 kB, installed size 1176 kB | 02:48 |
guiden | I think they should split up konqueror into two separate programs | 02:48 |
fuel | i wonder why kget does not come installed by default in kubuntu | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | Mayer, might want to take it off with the live cd... | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | fuel: me too | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | its very useful | 02:48 |
guiden | one web and one filemanager | 02:48 |
fuel | yeah . | 02:48 |
Mayer | nosrednaekim: so reinstall is needed? | 02:48 |
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fuel | guiden: that is the philosophy of konqueror! its an all purpose thing | 02:49 |
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fuel | a browser,file manager and many many more..... the list never ends! :) | 02:49 |
genii | The swiss army knife so to speak | 02:49 |
bentob0x | when I try to add panels to my desktop, it works but once I'm right-clicking on the new panel and configure it, the settings apply to the main panel, not the new one | 02:49 |
guiden | but I like it when you have one program for one narrow taks | 02:49 |
guiden | task | 02:49 |
nosrednaekim | fuel: ssh browser, text previeweer, pdf reader | 02:49 |
guiden | more straigth forward | 02:49 |
fuel | nosrednaekim: :) | 02:49 |
fuel | bentob0x: you are applying the settings to the wrong panel | 02:50 |
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fuel | or must be | 02:50 |
BenPA | hi all has anyone else been having trouble with emacs21 install? I've submitted 2 bug reports | 02:50 |
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eilker | !make | 02:50 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | bentob0x: youmust select from the drop-down list on the top of the "configure" widnows what panel you want to configure | 02:50 |
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Mayer | well then time to dust of the old windows cd then, been fun while it lasted. u all have fun now y'hear | 02:50 |
genii | bentob0x: What the nosred dude said | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | Mayer, why? | 02:50 |
bentob0x | yes but I don't see the drop-down | 02:51 |
BenPA | sad Mayer ... you should give it some more time | 02:51 |
bentob0x | I'm right-clicking on the new panel and I get a configure dialog box with all settings possible and no dropdown on it | 02:51 |
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nosrednaekim | on the top of that window is a drop down list that says " main panel" at the moment | 02:52 |
bentob0x | the configure says 'Configure KDE Panel' | 02:52 |
nosrednaekim | click on it | 02:52 |
bentob0x | there isn't any dropdown list | 02:52 |
nosrednaekim | under arangement? | 02:52 |
bentob0x | nope | 02:52 |
nosrednaekim | nopr what? | 02:52 |
bentob0x | position, length, size, screen but no dropdown | 02:52 |
fuel | bentob0x: post a screen shot | 02:53 |
nosrednaekim | there should be something called "settings for: "main panel"" | 02:53 |
bentob0x | k got the screenshot, where can I post it? | 02:53 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... where do you post scree shots? | 02:54 |
nosrednaekim | :-/\ | 02:54 |
BenPA | hi all has anyone else been having trouble with emacs21 install? I've submitted 2 bug reports | 02:54 |
mementomori | I'd like to test latest kubuntu herd but I've some questions.. I've already kubuntu edgy installed on my laptop with lvm2 but I left some gb of lvm disk space unused. Can I install herd5 in this space without damaging edgy installation? | 02:54 |
stdin | bentob0x: http://imageshack.us/ | 02:54 |
fuel | nosrednaekim: image shack ? | 02:54 |
fuel | http://imageshack.us/ | 02:55 |
nosrednaekim | oh...ok..I thought there was like a pastebin for that sort of thing or omething | 02:55 |
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bentob0x | there we go | 02:56 |
bentob0x | http://img124.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1hs3.png | 02:56 |
bentob0x | thx for help guys btw | 02:56 |
bentob0x | ok on that screen, the panel at the bottom is the one I did a right-click onto | 02:57 |
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fuel | oh my god! look at the kicker's size! :D | 02:57 |
bentob0x | I know it's big, thx :) | 02:58 |
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bentob0x | basically, it doens't seem to be possible to setup settings for individuals panels | 02:59 |
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fuel | bentob0x: i wonder where the combo box went | 02:59 |
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bentob0x | yea me too | 02:59 |
nosrednaekim | very odd... | 03:00 |
allen84us | my amarok cant display chinese font | 03:00 |
bentob0x | :( | 03:00 |
allen84us | who know how to fix? | 03:00 |
nosrednaekim | bentob0x: are you sure you have extra panels? | 03:00 |
bentob0x | on the screenshot, look at the bottom | 03:00 |
nosrednaekim | that menu isn't there if you don't have extra onales | 03:00 |
bentob0x | it's the new panel | 03:00 |
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nosrednaekim | ok | 03:00 |
bentob0x | :) | 03:00 |
nosrednaekim | sorry... | 03:00 |
allen84us | how to display chinese font in amarok / | 03:00 |
nosrednaekim | screen shot was too big to load that mush | 03:00 |
allen84us | i cant see some chinese mp3 title | 03:01 |
nosrednaekim | ;) | 03:01 |
bentob0x | hehe np, thx to help tho | 03:01 |
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stdin | allen84us: don't know for sure, but maybe you need xfonts-intl-chinese | 03:01 |
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allen84us | where to install that ? | 03:01 |
bentob0x | maybe there is another way to hit the configuration for the different panels? | 03:01 |
stdin | !info xfonts-intl-chinese | 03:01 |
ubotu | xfonts-intl-chinese: International fonts for X -- Chinese. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 5628 kB, installed size 6572 kB | 03:01 |
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stdin | allen84us: it's in the universe repository | 03:02 |
genii | allen84us: Is it all chinese fonts, or are some characters shown and others appear as blank squares? | 03:02 |
allen84us | wat comman need to typ? | 03:02 |
allen84us | no | 03:02 |
guiden | COME VISIT MY FIRST WEBPAGE!!!!!!!! http://spaceninja.freehostia.com/ | 03:02 |
allen84us | my amarok tottallt cant see any chinese font | 03:02 |
stdin | allen84us: open Adept, and install it, or use "sudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-chinese-big" from Konsole | 03:02 |
allen84us | but in filesystem i can see | 03:02 |
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fuel | guiden: nothing is there :P | 03:03 |
Lynoure | guiden: is it about Kubuntu? | 03:03 |
ForgeAus | hmmm | 03:03 |
stdin | guiden: take adverts to #kubuntu-offtopic | 03:03 |
ForgeAus | hey stdin | 03:03 |
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stdin | hay ForgeAus :) | 03:03 |
guiden | what it's not working? | 03:03 |
ForgeAus | anyone know how to run the kubuntu upgrade tool? | 03:03 |
allen84us | yea | 03:03 |
genii | !info kde-i18n-zhcn | 03:03 |
ForgeAus | adept installed it | 03:03 |
ubotu | kde-i18n-zhcn: Chinese Simplified internationalized (i18n) files for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 27 kB, installed size 7728 kB | 03:03 |
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allen84us | i'm installing | 03:03 |
ForgeAus | but I can't find it on the kmenu nor do I know the commandline to run it | 03:03 |
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1177677550.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | ForgeAus: you know the package name? | 03:04 |
ForgeAus | no | 03:04 |
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ForgeAus | hangon I"ll see if it is a package | 03:04 |
genii | allen84us: You may also find this page helpful for other things relating to KDE and Chinese things: http://www.nixser.com/2006/10/23/debian-chinese-how-to/ | 03:05 |
john | hello | 03:05 |
allen84us | 10s 10s | 03:05 |
allen84us | hehe | 03:05 |
ForgeAus | nope | 03:05 |
BluesKaj | Howdy All :) | 03:05 |
ForgeAus | doesn't show up as a package | 03:05 |
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nosrednaekim | well then how did you install it? | 03:05 |
nosrednaekim | Blues: hello | 03:05 |
BluesKaj | hi nosrednaekim | 03:06 |
ForgeAus | adept did, it come up a separate window saying there is an update for kubuntu | 03:06 |
Daisuke_Ido | so far so good | 03:06 |
ForgeAus | in an upgrade wizard | 03:06 |
nosrednaekim | ok.... | 03:06 |
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nosrednaekim | and that installed an upgrade tool? | 03:06 |
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ForgeAus | when you run it it tells you to quit adept and run the kubuntu upgrade tool | 03:06 |
bentob0x | ok if the settings for my panels aren't working, should I reinstall Kicker? | 03:06 |
ForgeAus | yes | 03:06 |
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nosrednaekim | I think its called adept_upgrader | 03:07 |
ForgeAus | it mentions its a development snapshot of ubuntu 7.04 'Feisty Fawn' | 03:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | does the kde version matter at all when running beryl? | 03:07 |
nosrednaekim | no...I don't think so | 03:07 |
ForgeAus | so kdesu adept_upgrader? | 03:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | i didn't either. just trying to rule out reasons that beryl might have been a cruel cruel mistress | 03:08 |
nosrednaekim | except maybe for auquamarine | 03:08 |
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Daisuke_Ido | hmm, that could be an issue | 03:08 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... | 03:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | was running 3.5.6 | 03:08 |
nosrednaekim | thats the newest | 03:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | yep | 03:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | how about the nvidia driver version? | 03:08 |
BluesKaj | some advice about adept updates , if you have an ATI card and have it setup with the binary fglrx driver , then beryl or DRI will be reset back to the original default fglrx driver rendering beryl and DRI useless | 03:09 |
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Daisuke_Ido | was at 1.8776, i think. don't know how stable the 9xxx drivers are | 03:09 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: you were running beryl with the 8776? | 03:09 |
ForgeAus | actually I messed up slightly its kubuntu distribution upgrade tool | 03:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | ...yes? | 03:09 |
BluesKaj | updates read; upgrade | 03:09 |
=== Daisuke_Ido cringes | ||
nosrednaekim | you MUST have been usiing XGL? | 03:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | i started with xgl, and had font issues | 03:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | went to aiglx, and it worked... for a bit | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | you can't rung AIGLX with the 8776 drivers | 03:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | tell my computer that! | 03:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | guess i go to the 9xxx series | 03:11 |
nosrednaekim | well it stopped working right?:-P | 03:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | ha ha :P | 03:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes | 03:11 |
nosrednaekim | I didnt need to tell it | 03:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | are the latest drivers available through the repositories, or is this going to be one of those fun "kill x and pray" things? | 03:12 |
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nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: you got the procedure down... | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | if you run upgrades in adept, you may lose your XGL, beryl,DRI setups | 03:12 |
bentob0x | k my panel issue is a known bug, it's updatable via kcontrol | 03:12 |
nosrednaekim | bentob0x: good | 03:12 |
ForgeAus | adept_updater didn't work | 03:12 |
Daisuke_Ido | what, kill x and pray? i'm used to that at this point :D | 03:12 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: good... | 03:12 |
Daisuke_Ido | !nvidia | 03:13 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:13 |
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ForgeAus | I'm goina ask jucato, he'll prolly know | 03:13 |
ForgeAus | just gotta wait till I can catch him around | 03:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | and apparently the 7600gs isn't a recognized card... | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: why do you want to upgrade to fiest anyway? | 03:13 |
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ForgeAus | why not? | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: by the 9776's? | 03:14 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: cuase fiest is VERY unstable ATM | 03:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | the 8's | 03:14 |
nosrednaekim | *fiesty | 03:14 |
nosrednaekim | get the 9's a new one was just released a couple days ago | 03:14 |
ForgeAus | VERY? can't be much more unstable than my edgy (with slack + BSD extensions) | 03:14 |
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Daisuke_Ido | ooh | 03:14 |
ForgeAus | partially debianized | 03:14 |
zerozero | when I upgraded to edgy my display resolution went down. in dapper I could run at 1280x1024 but now I can only run at 1024x768. How can I make it so I can set my resolution hhigher? | 03:14 |
ForgeAus | zero add it to your xorg.conf | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | officail Fiesty release is scheduled for Apr 19 , not long | 03:15 |
ForgeAus | in /etc/X11 I think | 03:15 |
ForgeAus | besides Adept detected it, so when adept says its time I'm willing to go with it | 03:15 |
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||arifaX | zerozero: you could try your old xorg.conf ( :) i know you have a backup ) | 03:15 |
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ForgeAus | plus Jucato suggested I do it earlier | 03:16 |
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zerozero | yeah right :) | 03:16 |
zerozero | let me see about editing my xorg file | 03:16 |
ForgeAus | (because I added some unstable debian packages I apparently shouldn't have) | 03:16 |
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ForgeAus | and theres a chance it could reinstate my gui login | 03:17 |
ForgeAus | (currently I log into tty) | 03:17 |
ForgeAus | then startx from there to get into kde | 03:17 |
KingCert | is there a better video player than kaffine | 03:17 |
ForgeAus | better? | 03:17 |
ForgeAus | um there are many others | 03:17 |
ForgeAus | vlc, helix, xine, mplayer | 03:18 |
zerozero | amarok | 03:18 |
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fuel | !vlc > KingCert | 03:18 |
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ForgeAus | amarok does vid? interesting I didn't know that | 03:18 |
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KingCert | I do not get any sound when I play movies that are in kvcd format | 03:18 |
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BluesKaj | zerozero, system settings/monitor&display/hardware /admin mode/graphics card configure , then monitor configure, apply . Then you should be able to reset you resolution. | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | just have to wait for updates to finish downloading | 03:19 |
KingCert | i'll try vlc | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | vlc is king | 03:19 |
ForgeAus | yeah I like vlc alot | 03:20 |
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Daisuke_Ido | there's almost nothing it won't play, and play properly | 03:21 |
eXistenZ | BluesKaj: When you subscribe to a mailinglist, how do you keep up with the great number of emails? | 03:21 |
ForgeAus | I used to use it alot then Kaffeine seems to have been all I need since then | 03:21 |
eXistenZ | BluesKaj: doesn't your email get crammed up? | 03:21 |
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BluesKaj | eXistenZ, Xen yeah I did join one but i dropped it due to all unnecesary emails ,. I figured i could live without it , and I can :) | 03:24 |
julle_ | !ftp | 03:24 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 03:24 |
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BluesKaj | FF-FTP | 03:24 |
silensius | does anyone help my to upgrade just rhytnbox 0.96 to 0.98 for have jamendo and magnatune plugins on kubuntu 6.10 | 03:24 |
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Daisuke_Ido | why not use amarok? | 03:25 |
Ritz | Amarok is the best! | 03:25 |
nosrednaekim | Amarok roks | 03:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | silensius: what does jamendo do? | 03:25 |
Ritz | Year i love it. | 03:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | because amarok 1.4.4 has magnatune's store built-in | 03:26 |
silensius | i will just listen audio streaming from www.jamendo.com | 03:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | ah, amarok's got radio built in as well | 03:26 |
silensius | ah !!! | 03:26 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i think they're shoutcast stations | 03:26 |
Ritz | Wht is magnatune store sume shop? | 03:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | not absolutely sure on that though | 03:26 |
julle_ | !KFTPGrabber | 03:27 |
ubotu | kftpgrabber: KDE FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0beta1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 989 kB, installed size 2792 kB | 03:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | Ritz: it's like itunes music store... but for indies | 03:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | sorta | 03:27 |
eXistenZ | I wonder whether there is on-click dictionary (just like babylon) for linux | 03:27 |
nosrednaekim | !dictionary | 03:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dictionary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:27 |
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Ritz | I must visite that i like Ravi shankar and east indian muzik | 03:28 |
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fuel | !offtopic > Ritz | 03:28 |
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yeti | hi - when trying to compile my own kernel with make-kpkg, i get rivafb sanity check errors, but rivafb is disabled in my kernel config.... | 03:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | magnatune's probably not the store for you then | 03:28 |
bomber | im trying to boot to cli instead of kdm in edgy but it dont have inittab file | 03:29 |
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nosrednaekim | bomber, can you get to kdm? | 03:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | well, time to reboot into 2.6.17-11 | 03:30 |
Ritz | Well i see it is better to skip anny topic. | 03:30 |
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zerozero | changing those video settings didn't work so well | 03:30 |
zerozero | i snow crashed my display | 03:30 |
bomber | nosrednaekim, i am in kde now if thats what you mean | 03:30 |
ForgeAus | wow next-step on qemu thats interesting | 03:30 |
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zerozero | anyone have another suggestion for me | 03:30 |
carsten | Moin. Can I already dare an update from Dapper to Feisty? | 03:31 |
nosrednaekim | bomber: you want to go to the CLI? ctrl+alt+f1 | 03:31 |
carsten | already as in "is the upgrade path already possible) | 03:31 |
bomber | well i want to boot into it instead of that kdm crap | 03:31 |
chavo | carsten, the upgrade path is always there, whether it leaves you with a usable system or not is the problem | 03:32 |
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carsten | chavo: indeed :) | 03:32 |
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carsten | Or is dapper->edgy->feisty better? | 03:32 |
nosrednaekim | bomber: I think "nox" is a boot option | 03:32 |
ForgeAus | carsten you can dare it if you want but I don't know if its a good idea | 03:33 |
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bomber | ahhh ok | 03:33 |
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carsten | ForgeAus: so you'd got the ->edgy->feistry way | 03:33 |
bomber | thanks .. i'll look | 03:33 |
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=== Ritz [n=Geert@ipd50a0bd9.speed.planet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
ForgeAus | um I'd consult Jucato, he knows better than I | 03:33 |
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ForgeAus | if its a non-critical system its ok.. I mean in vmware I'd probaly go right ahead and try anything | 03:34 |
ForgeAus | but for your base OS I don't think Feisty is that ready yet.... | 03:34 |
carsten | ok | 03:34 |
ForgeAus | thatbeing said I'm considering upgrading to it myself! | 03:34 |
carsten | and yes, it is the primary PC of my sister | 03:34 |
ForgeAus | (asap) | 03:34 |
nosrednaekim | casten: I wouldn't try it | 03:34 |
carsten | ForgeAus: she's using dapper but has some isses which are solved in newer software-versions | 03:35 |
carsten | and she's only here for 3 days so I need to decide today | 03:35 |
ForgeAus | yeah pydance for example is solved in feisty | 03:35 |
ForgeAus | (edgy requires a patch) | 03:35 |
carsten | I found edgy really not stable enough | 03:35 |
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carsten | that is why she's on dapper right now | 03:35 |
ForgeAus | well if I update to feisty I'll let you know :) | 03:35 |
zerozero | i wish I was back on dapper :) | 03:36 |
nosrednaekim | carsten: dapper should be fine | 03:36 |
ForgeAus | I'm on edgy too | 03:36 |
nosrednaekim | isthere some problem with it? | 03:36 |
=== binks_ [n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | edgy works better for me... | 03:36 |
binks_ | hi anyone on fiesty | 03:36 |
ForgeAus | binks why is it unstable? lol (kidding) | 03:36 |
carsten | nosrednaekim: not as in bugs, but as in some issues. For example YouTube doesn't really work even though the flash-crap is installed | 03:36 |
binks_ | how can i get mp3 files to play this was never a prob b4 but now no | 03:36 |
ForgeAus | we were just discussing the upgrade to feisty | 03:37 |
yeti | binks_: check "RestrictedFormats" in the ubuntu wiki :) | 03:37 |
binks_ | no its fine just an mp3 issue in k3b and it crashes amorak | 03:37 |
binks_ | !mp3 | 03:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:37 |
nosrednaekim | binks_ fiesty is marked unstab;e for a reason ya know | 03:37 |
ForgeAus | or you could just install vlc or get it from medibuntu repo or something | 03:37 |
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nosrednaekim | carsten: did you install firefox? | 03:38 |
ForgeAus | nos, I think your overdoing it claiming feisty's instability... | 03:38 |
carsten | yes | 03:38 |
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ForgeAus | I don't think its all THAT unstable.... sure its not complete yet... | 03:38 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: well... maybe, but better safe than sory... | 03:38 |
nosrednaekim | you don't want users upgrading en masse yet | 03:39 |
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ForgeAus | well considering jucato recommended I upgrade (and this was before the current release...) perhaps its stable enough | 03:39 |
binks_ | i no but it dont hurt to tyr :) | 03:39 |
chavo | I don't think he's overdoing it at all. It is marked as unstable and will break. Some people are better prepared to handle this, as you can see. | 03:39 |
ForgeAus | unless somethings happened since then | 03:39 |
ForgeAus | yeah I guess I always got Jucato to ask to help fix something if it breaks | 03:39 |
binks_ | just dont use it as main os dual boot | 03:39 |
nosrednaekim | hey..I'm going to install it on *another* partiton when the beta comes out... but I;m experienced | 03:40 |
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ForgeAus | or get a virtualizer like virtualbox or vmware | 03:40 |
ForgeAus | and run it in there | 03:40 |
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chavo | well libxine-ffmpeg had an update last night so that could be the mp3 problem | 03:40 |
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genii | I'm always suspicious of errors when running in some vm ...eg: is the error in the vm or in the thing running in it? etc | 03:40 |
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Dr_willis | ive had a few distros and live cd's that did NOT like vmware.. oddly enough | 03:41 |
binks_ | looks like it may be causes xine xmms and amorak to freeze if i open an mp3 | 03:42 |
ForgeAus | its annoying to install the server version the kinds of questions it asks | 03:42 |
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ForgeAus | but I found it useable at least... | 03:42 |
ForgeAus | but then I was used to it in windows first... | 03:42 |
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bomber | does anyone know what file replaced inittab in edgy release? | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | They created a new 'init' system. | 03:42 |
binks_ | righty reboot into 6.10 cya | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | theres some inittab converter script.. but ive not looked into it much. Not bothered with inittab in ages. | 03:43 |
chavo | binks_, amarok working here | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | !inittab | 03:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | Hmm | 03:43 |
ForgeAus | what is inittab? | 03:43 |
ForgeAus | initialization table? | 03:43 |
bomber | im not sure... i need to edit to to get my system to boot to a different runlevel than stock | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | a file that init looks at (i think) and runs the initial services | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | !upstart | 03:44 |
ubotu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | There we go | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | http://www.netsplit.com/blog/articles/2006/08/26/upstart-in-universe has some info also | 03:44 |
bomber | thanks | 03:45 |
=== fran [n=fran@p508588AA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ForgeAus | so nobody knows anything about the kubuntu distribution upgrade tool? | 03:45 |
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fran | hi | 03:45 |
Dr_willis | ForgeAus, what tool is that? | 03:46 |
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nosrednaekim | fran: i | 03:46 |
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ForgeAus | I don't know | 03:46 |
ForgeAus | adept installs it in a wizard after it detects a new distro ready | 03:46 |
ForgeAus | and asks you to close adept to run the kubuntu distribution upgrade tool | 03:47 |
ForgeAus | but I can't find it on the kmenu and I don't know the command line to run it | 03:47 |
fran | is someone here who could help me with the irc program konsersation plz ? | 03:47 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: wow...they are giving that to anyone who when updating edgy? | 03:47 |
nosrednaekim | fran: whats your trouble | 03:47 |
ForgeAus | possibly? | 03:48 |
ForgeAus | I don't know | 03:48 |
ForgeAus | might just be the repos I use? | 03:48 |
sare | hi! can anyone tell me why 915resolution isn't in my apt-get and how I can get it there? | 03:48 |
fran | how is the comand to connect on an other server without using F2 ? | 03:48 |
Dr_willis | ForgeAus, i cant recall ever seeing it. | 03:48 |
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nosrednaekim | type "/join #<channelyou want> | 03:49 |
Dr_willis | fran, try /server ? | 03:49 |
fran | but is dont works | 03:49 |
fran | i try /server but is doesnt work | 03:49 |
Dr_willis | hit f1 read the docs for the program yet >:) | 03:49 |
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fran | i try /server irc.ubuntu.com and /server irc://irc.ubuntu.com | 03:50 |
slyfox | What is going on? Why is Adept tellng me this ? http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/3510/kubuntune2.jpg Did Feisty got to the point wehre it is stable? | 03:50 |
compilerwriter | Lynoure are you around? | 03:51 |
Dr_willis | feisty proberly wont be stable for a month or more after its released. :) | 03:51 |
nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: see what I mean? | 03:51 |
Dr_willis | *kidding* | 03:51 |
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Dr_willis | nosrednaekim, hes wanting to join a SERVER not a channel on a server. :) | 03:51 |
nosrednaekim | slyfox: unless you are very experienced, don't upgrade... its not stable yet | 03:51 |
ForgeAus | slyfox thats the one | 03:52 |
nosrednaekim | Dr_willis: yesh... sorry | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | I ran it too | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | it installed a feisty upgrade tool | 03:52 |
slyfox | ForgeAus: thats the one? How do you mean ? | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | but I can't find it (calls it the kubuntu distribution upgrade tool) | 03:52 |
slyfox | ForgeAus: so you are on Geisty now ? | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | tells you to quit adept and run it | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | no | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | I don't know how to run the upgrade tool | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | it doesn't show up in the kmenu that I can find | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | nor do I know the commandline to run it | 03:52 |
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ForgeAus | but thats the wizard that installs it | 03:53 |
slyfox | ForgeAus: it was not a commadn line, adept jsut did a few updates for digicam and this poped up | 03:53 |
sare_ | stupid isp | 03:53 |
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ForgeAus | slyfox... sure its not an anything | 03:53 |
ForgeAus | its because you ran adept | 03:53 |
sare_ | umm did anyone get my question on apt-get and 915resolution? | 03:53 |
compilerwriter | Anyone able to help me verify that I have denyhosts installed correctly? | 03:53 |
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ForgeAus | it found that theres a new fiesty | 03:53 |
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lipe | i need help to install jdk1.6.0 ... please ... | 03:53 |
nosrednaekim | !915resolution | 03:53 |
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ubotu | 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 03:54 |
ForgeAus | it just adds a program that's the upgrade tool but doesn't tell you how to run it | 03:54 |
slyfox | ForgeAus: why now ? Why not before when I did all other updates. it jsut happened today | 03:54 |
ForgeAus | also it doesn't show up as a package | 03:54 |
nosrednaekim | do you have universe enabled sare? | 03:54 |
ForgeAus | good quesiton why now? | 03:54 |
ForgeAus | I don't have the answer | 03:54 |
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ForgeAus | its only new I think | 03:54 |
ForgeAus | I didn't get it yesterday... | 03:54 |
sare_ | nosrednaekim: any idea why it wouldn't be in apt-get's repository? | 03:55 |
nosrednaekim | sare_: do you have the universe repoitory enabled? | 03:55 |
ForgeAus | it does give a warning that feisty is a devel OS tho | 03:55 |
nosrednaekim | !universe | 03:55 |
sare_ | all the FAQs say it should be there and it was definately in the ubuntu install I was playing with yesterday | 03:55 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 03:55 |
sare_ | but not kubuntu | 03:55 |
ForgeAus | and the wizard itself doesn't update it... | 03:55 |
lipe | i need help to install jdk1.6.0 ... please ... | 03:55 |
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sare_ | righteo | 03:55 |
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ForgeAus | I think I"m almost ready to put feisty in my repos! | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | !java | 03:56 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 03:56 |
=== BacwardsD is now known as BacwardsDown | ||
slyfox | ForgeAus: so i should not press update to feisty ? | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | !find sun-java-jdk | 03:57 |
sare_ | nosrednaekim: I'll look up info on the universe repository | 03:57 |
ubotu | Package/file sun-java-jdk does not exist in edgy | 03:57 |
sare_ | unless there's a simple fix you can tell me now | 03:57 |
ForgeAus | sly can if you want | 03:57 |
ForgeAus | did it open another proggy for you? | 03:57 |
Dr_willis | !find java | 03:57 |
ubotu | Found: gcj, gcj-4.1, gij, gij-4.1, java-common (and 248 others) | 03:57 |
sare_ | if it's something that will involve a lot of effort I'll just google it | 03:57 |
nosrednaekim | sare: go into manage repositories and enable the one that says universe | 03:57 |
ForgeAus | it just told me to quit adept and run the tool | 03:57 |
slyfox | ForgeAus: I wonder if I will scre up my system with that update ? :) | 03:57 |
sare_ | manage repositories where? | 03:57 |
sare_ | is this still in the terminal? | 03:58 |
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ForgeAus | I doubt it will do anything that drastic | 03:58 |
ForgeAus | but there is a big potential unknown | 03:58 |
KingCert | vlc | 03:58 |
BluesKaj | sare in adept | 03:58 |
sare_ | oh read the guide. | 03:59 |
sare_ | thanks guys :) | 03:59 |
nosrednaekim | YW | 03:59 |
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KingCert | what is the best wat to install vlc | 04:02 |
KingCert | way* | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | !vlc | 04:02 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | !find vlc | 04:03 |
ubotu | Found: libvlc0, libvlc0-dev, mozilla-plugin-vlc, vlc, vlc-nox (and 8 others) | 04:03 |
nosrednaekim | it should your repositories somewhere | 04:03 |
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1177677550.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
KingCert | seems there is more documentation on ubuntu than kubuntu | 04:04 |
ForgeAus | I just can't believe nobody know the kubuntu distribution upgrade tool | 04:04 |
ForgeAus | KingCert for the most part kubuntu IS ubuntu | 04:04 |
genii | KingCert Much of the info is relevant to all the dists of course | 04:04 |
ForgeAus | just a few difference and the window manager is different | 04:04 |
nosrednaekim | Kingcert: you can ussually use any ubuntu tutorial for kubuntu | 04:05 |
ForgeAus | much of the Kubuntu documentation could just as easily double as ubuntu documentation as well anyway! | 04:05 |
KingCert | seems gnome is moe popular | 04:05 |
ForgeAus | I can't figure why that is | 04:05 |
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ForgeAus | I guess people just don't know what they're missing! | 04:05 |
KingCert | me either | 04:05 |
nosrednaekim | unfortunately so .. yes | 04:05 |
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nosrednaekim | ForgeAus: yep! | 04:06 |
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BacwardsDown | I thought kde was used more than gnome? | 04:06 |
nosrednaekim | I tried using gnome for a week... oh how annoying... | 04:06 |
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ForgeAus | hehe | 04:06 |
ForgeAus | I tried using gnome I could still use it I just prefer KDE | 04:07 |
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ForgeAus | I still think Amiga's workbench could make a great desktop for linux | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | BacwardsDown: I think gnome beat it in a Poll on Linux Questions | 04:07 |
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ForgeAus | (there is an amiwm but its way less than configurable) | 04:07 |
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BluesKaj | well check #ubuntu , see how many in the nicklist vs here. | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | its about the same | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | actually no | 04:08 |
BacwardsDown | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=514945 | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | way more in ubuntu | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | more than double | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | 361 here | 04:08 |
BacwardsDown | kde had almost 2x more vote's than gnome | 04:08 |
ForgeAus | according to konversation | 04:09 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: precisely why I prefer this channel | 04:09 |
ForgeAus | and there has 1046 | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | 1046 in ubuntu | 04:09 |
ForgeAus | 324 in #kde | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | now 1044 :) | 04:09 |
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keldonja | ciao a tutti | 04:10 |
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BluesKaj | I run installed Kubuntu right off the top after my excursions into mandriva and fedora , KDE was the way for me | 04:10 |
BacwardsDown | I tried linux first with the live cd from knoppix, and it has kde as default | 04:11 |
nosrednaekim | yeah..KDE has always been my choice | 04:11 |
BluesKaj | !it | keldonja | 04:11 |
ubotu | keldonja: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 04:11 |
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BluesKaj | knoppix is a cool little OS ...works right at the get go | 04:13 |
BluesKaj | hardware - wise etc | 04:13 |
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cntb | \o | 04:16 |
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nosrednaekim | wow... yeah look at this for KDE usage | 04:17 |
nosrednaekim | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=409028 | 04:17 |
nosrednaekim | KDE won big time | 04:17 |
SSJ_GZ | nosrednaekim: It won again this year, but not by such a big margin. | 04:18 |
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SSJ_GZ | nosrednaekim: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=514945 | 04:18 |
Bi||aBong | why when i run ati control this don't run? | 04:19 |
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nosrednaekim | oh was that a past year? haha sorry | 04:19 |
SSJ_GZ | nosrednaekim: np :) | 04:20 |
BacwardsDown | not a big margin? 1135 vs 613 | 04:20 |
nosrednaekim | well I think ubuntu really raised Gnome's scores | 04:20 |
nosrednaekim | go look at disto of choice... | 04:20 |
BacwardsDown | it has to be:P, as you see how populair ubuntu is now | 04:21 |
BacwardsDown | compared to last year | 04:21 |
nosrednaekim | yeah...I know.. its crazy | 04:21 |
mjunx | man, if kubuntu had more people working on it like ubuntu does, I think kde would still be dominating like there's no tomorrow | 04:21 |
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nosrednaekim | mjunx... I know its sad, Kubuntu isn't a very important KDE distro | 04:21 |
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BacwardsDown | well, most of the things the developpers do for ubuntu, is going straight to kubuntu too? | 04:22 |
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mjunx | I like it though | 04:22 |
mjunx | I mean, where else can you get the power of debian with kde? | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | BacwardsDown: alot of the underlying stuff yes | 04:22 |
ben325e | what are the "popular" kde distros? | 04:22 |
mjunx | suse is one of them | 04:22 |
mjunx | although I think they make it too much like windows | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx, sabayon too | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | and linspire | 04:22 |
mjunx | they've got a "My Computer" for god's sake | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | and pclinux os | 04:22 |
mjunx | linspire's gonna be based on ubuntu anyhow | 04:22 |
BacwardsDown | peope just like "good old windoze" | 04:22 |
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mjunx | well, I say "meh" to that | 04:23 |
nosrednaekim | BacwardsDown: really? then why is ubuntu so poular? | 04:23 |
BacwardsDown | yeah, and the installer from linspire goes to ubuntu | 04:23 |
nosrednaekim | kubuntu is more like windows | 04:23 |
nosrednaekim | I think thats probably a good thing | 04:23 |
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mjunx | windows gets a lot of things wrong | 04:23 |
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mjunx | yet everyone wants to copy that | 04:23 |
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nosrednaekim | I was talking about BacwardsDown post | 04:23 |
BacwardsDown | why it is so popular? I am wondering how many people switched from windows->ubuntu and linux->ubuntu | 04:24 |
mjunx | os x gets a lot of things right, but it still gets a good amount of things wrong | 04:24 |
mjunx | oh well, I guess things like blackbox are still original | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.... | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | and enlightenment | 04:24 |
mjunx | I mean, I used to use a blackbox derivative (bbLean IIRC) on windows | 04:24 |
mjunx | oh yeah, but e17 hasn't been released yet, has it? | 04:24 |
BacwardsDown | well, and gnome isnt that far apart from windows I think (compared to other window managers) | 04:24 |
mjunx | and gnome ain't the only problem | 04:25 |
mjunx | gtk sucks ass | 04:25 |
mjunx | from a programmer and usability standpoint | 04:25 |
mjunx | I'd much rather use object-oriented GUI code | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | BacwardsDown, most noobs say that KDE is more like "windoze" then gnome | 04:25 |
mjunx | since everything is an object | 04:25 |
nosrednaekim | I use Tk...so I really aving nothing to say about that:-P | 04:25 |
oni | kde looks more like windows if your looking at Vista | 04:25 |
nosrednaekim | *have | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | including me :) | 04:26 |
mjunx | gnome is like a helpless hodge-podge of windows and macs | 04:26 |
=== mjunx says that while using a tiger beryl skin lol | ||
Dr_willis | I wish more disrtos would just use the 'vanilla' gnome and kde settings... | 04:26 |
mjunx | but I'm using the polyester theme! :] | 04:26 |
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mjunx | Dr_willis, how about slackware? | 04:26 |
mjunx | or gentoo? | 04:26 |
mjunx | or any of the source-based distros like sourcemage? | 04:27 |
mjunx | any of the _other_ that is | 04:27 |
BluesKaj | Gnome doesn't appeal to me visually at all , and I'm not real particular about how things look, just ask my wife :) | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | Dr willis, kubuntu is pretty default.... | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | except for the control center | 04:27 |
mjunx | I don't think gentoo patches many things without you needing to download their patches | 04:27 |
BacwardsDown | gentoo is dominating the source-based-distro's right? | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | yep... | 04:27 |
mjunx | indeed | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | I find gentoo anoying though | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | I tried it once | 04:27 |
mjunx | I've heard of people using it in server settings even... | 04:27 |
Dr_willis | I installed the "LinuxMint" (ubuntu variant) and their gnome is so tweaked - it dont even look like gnome.. Heh heh | 04:27 |
oni | its very hard to install (gentoo) | 04:28 |
BacwardsDown | I have tried it (gentoo), got stuck with a kernel panic XD | 04:28 |
mjunx | gentoo is too gnome-biased, so I say nay | 04:28 |
BacwardsDown | but got to go, see you later! | 04:28 |
mjunx | I found it easier to install gentoo back when you had to do it from bash | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | gentoo is not biased oward anything | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | bye | 04:28 |
mjunx | I tried doing it via their gui installer, and that's even more confusing | 04:28 |
oni | I just gave up after an hour of confusion | 04:28 |
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mjunx | bye bye BacwardsDown | 04:28 |
Dr_willis | after an hr.. heh heh... | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | an easier way is to go get sabayon or kororaa | 04:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | oookay then | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | take 3 hrs and read the install docs first. :) then begin.. | 04:29 |
mjunx | real life is gnome-biased (just like it's liberally-biased hehe) | 04:29 |
TheGateKeeper | mjunx, give sabayon a try :-) | 04:29 |
mjunx | sabayon? | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | I tried sabayon.. it had... issues.. | 04:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | happy 9xxx series driver | 04:29 |
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nosrednaekim | sabayon is beautiful... | 04:29 |
mjunx | at this rate, it's easier to just go with LFS | 04:29 |
oni | im pretty happy with Kubuntu though | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | I just like binaryies better though | 04:29 |
TheGateKeeper | sabayon is gentoo, made easy (at least installing it is easy) | 04:29 |
mjunx | there are new distros based on LFS all the time, and many of them have good ideas | 04:29 |
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Dr_willis | SLAX :) | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | haha... | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | SLAX is interesting | 04:30 |
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mjunx | y'know, gentoo looks good, but I don't like the developer attitude anymore | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | why? | 04:30 |
mjunx | their original maintainers were much more community-oriented | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | (my brother is a big gentoo fanatic) | 04:30 |
mjunx | but the current ones are like "my way or the highway, bitch" | 04:31 |
nosrednaekim | I thought gentoo was allabout having it YOUr way? | 04:31 |
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mjunx | me too | 04:31 |
mjunx | some of the current maintainers don't seem to think so | 04:31 |
Dr_willis | Yea - slax's module repository is a bit... err.. chaotic also. | 04:31 |
KingCert | i forgot how to get into kde's theme manager. Can any one help? | 04:32 |
TheGateKeeper | never had any problems with gentoo dev's they have always been very helpfull | 04:32 |
mjunx | KingCert, you can do it in kcontrol I know | 04:32 |
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mjunx | oh damn, this is annoying | 04:32 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, have you ever visited the gentoo chat ? | 04:32 |
mjunx | kcontrol is completely and utterly broken in feisty | 04:32 |
KingCert | thank you | 04:32 |
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mjunx | I'm in #gentoo hehe | 04:32 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: nope.. ehy? | 04:33 |
mjunx | they're almost as active as #ubuntu is | 04:33 |
KingCert | gentoo is too pro for me I tried it | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | go there and ask some noob type Qs and wait for the response | 04:33 |
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nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: why? | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | it's like a pirhana swarm or a total yawn ignore | 04:34 |
Dr_willis | Gentoo's wikis and docs are very very very.... well done. :) | 04:34 |
mjunx | indeed | 04:34 |
nosrednaekim | ahh..... I assume thats not a good thing? | 04:34 |
nosrednaekim | I use the gentoo docs all the time... | 04:34 |
Dr_willis | people dont want to put forth any effort to actually 'read' any more. | 04:34 |
BluesKaj | yeah , that's the first advice ..read the man pages | 04:34 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah..I guess if you are using gentoo, ou can't be babied | 04:35 |
mjunx | every time I find a program that doesn't have a manpage, I cringe | 04:35 |
mjunx | because some of them don't even have a --help, -h, or -help option | 04:35 |
mjunx | *coughglxgearscough* | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | I just get so sick of people whining ''im noobie, i should have to put forth any effort!" | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | :) | 04:35 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx, its "glxgears -info" | 04:35 |
nosrednaekim | to get framerate | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | glxgears is a bit of a disaster in ways. :) | 04:35 |
mjunx | that doesn't give you its parameters | 04:35 |
nosrednaekim | for such a commonly used program. yes | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | it worked this way for ages... NOW lets change it! | 04:36 |
Dr_willis | and it snot like its a System Critical program.. | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx: parameters? | 04:36 |
mjunx | I checked the paramaters in the source code (in mesa), and I even ran strings against it (different paramaters than the source), but neither worked really | 04:36 |
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mjunx | also, check undocumented(7) | 04:36 |
Dr_willis | I like it when ya run Programname --help and it spits out "use -help" for help.... | 04:36 |
Dr_willis | gee.. couldent use both? :) | 04:36 |
mjunx | if a program doesn't have a man page, that's a bug | 04:37 |
Dr_willis | or -version and --version | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | haha yeah.. thats helpfull | 04:37 |
mjunx | oh, here's something a little more significant | 04:37 |
mjunx | faac and faad don't have man pages | 04:37 |
Dr_willis | programname --help > programname.man | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx: no... its a FEATURE!! | 04:37 |
mjunx | my favourite example of a manpage overly done is the mplayer one | 04:37 |
mjunx | it's like a freakin info page compressed into a single man page | 04:38 |
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mjunx | and by a single man page, I mean it could probably print out to a few dozen pages | 04:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | wish me luck | 04:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | and by luck i mean "pray it doesn't crash" | 04:38 |
mjunx | and it's not even complete (environment variables aren't done yet) | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | haha try "man transcode" | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | :-D | 04:38 |
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Dr_willis | i think 'man mc' was several dozen pages | 04:39 |
mjunx | you think that's something? | 04:39 |
mjunx | transcode: 4417 lines (including nroff formatting I guess) | 04:39 |
BluesKaj | I must admit using -tovid manpages in cli was very helpful | 04:39 |
mjunx | mplayer; 10437 lines | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | holy.... | 04:40 |
nosrednaekim | wow | 04:40 |
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nosrednaekim | its probably bigger than mplayer itself..;) | 04:40 |
BluesKaj | that's a bit much | 04:40 |
mjunx | since it both documents mplayer and mencoder | 04:40 |
mjunx | okay, according to man (less) on my resolution | 04:41 |
Dr_willis | man mc --> 1970/2011 (END) | 04:41 |
Dr_willis | heh | 04:41 |
mjunx | mplayer is 5959 lines | 04:41 |
mjunx | transcode is 2412 lines | 04:41 |
Dr_willis | ls --> 216 | 04:41 |
mjunx | still only half | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | yah.. | 04:41 |
mjunx | man is 373 hehe | 04:41 |
BluesKaj | ridiculous | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | noby needs help? whats happened here? | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | Im mean I haven't gotten a request in like 10 minutes.. | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | :-D | 04:42 |
mjunx | it's morning time :) | 04:42 |
mjunx | I've gotta eat some breakfast still | 04:42 |
Dr_willis | they are all asking how to read ntfs, and install video drivers in #ubuntu | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | Dr willis..I like #kubuntu better :-P | 04:43 |
nosrednaekim | tell one of them to come over here | 04:43 |
BluesKaj | ok does anyones browser play this ? http://www.fastcompany.com/video/player.html | 04:43 |
Dr_willis | nosrednaekim, nah.. they can stay there | 04:44 |
mjunx | oh damn, I found the biggest man page I have installed | 04:44 |
mjunx | gcc | 04:44 |
mjunx | 7549 lines | 04:44 |
nosrednaekim | haha yeah | 04:44 |
BluesKaj | I watched the out put in the terminal but there was none | 04:44 |
mjunx | the next biggest looks like perltoc | 04:44 |
mjunx | then gcc again | 04:44 |
mjunx | (different version) | 04:44 |
mjunx | then perlfunc | 04:44 |
Dr_willis | BluesKaj, it 'tries' to play.. but dosent play | 04:44 |
BluesKaj | Dr_willis, it plays in windows ...direct X ? | 04:45 |
Bi||aBong | who i can see the others partition? | 04:45 |
Bi||aBong | linux partition | 04:45 |
Dr_willis | try http://vidconverter.com/ | 04:45 |
mjunx | then mplayer, bash, perldiag, zshcompsys, perl561delta, screen, perl58delta, nmap, perl56delta (notice a pattern?), xterm, perlglossary, and rsync | 04:45 |
Dr_willis | if ya can figure otu the url | 04:45 |
mjunx | so, it seems like perl actually has the most manpages | 04:46 |
mjunx | er, biggest | 04:46 |
nosrednaekim | Bi||aBong: wht d you want to do? | 04:46 |
mjunx | probably followed by all the manpages for libc | 04:46 |
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mjunx | now to see how much power beryl wastes! | 04:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | bleh | 04:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | mjunx: not that much | 04:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | using it right now, but not happily | 04:46 |
nosrednaekim | a million monekeys typing on a million keyboards will occasionally turn out a java program, but most of the time they just put out perl | 04:47 |
mjunx | I mean like laptop battery | 04:47 |
nosrednaekim | Mjunx, what kind of lappy do you have? | 04:47 |
mjunx | a vaio fs550 | 04:47 |
mjunx | from 2005 :) | 04:47 |
Bi||aBong | i make 2 partition for programs and files, who i can see that? | 04:47 |
mjunx | they haven't made many (if any) new laptops since then | 04:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | back to the old problem of no window decorations, with either aquamarine or emerald | 04:47 |
mjunx | and amazingly, sony didn't screw up their batteries for their notebooks >_> | 04:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | but at least it's not locking up now | 04:48 |
Bi||aBong | in konqueror i can't see the others partitions | 04:48 |
nosrednaekim | could that be an alterior motive? | 04:48 |
mjunx | and I just got a new battery yesterday (or two days ago), so it's time to see how long it lasts | 04:48 |
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mjunx | well, vaio notebooks are high-end and cost more than your typical dell PoS | 04:48 |
nosrednaekim | Bi||bong yu have to add them to you /etc/fstab | 04:48 |
mjunx | so, they might have a vetted interest in maintaining that perception | 04:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | i didn't thin they made the battteries for their own laptops | 04:48 |
BluesKaj | naw, Dr_willis, that site doesn't convert it either | 04:48 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx, yes...and quite a bit mre than this acer | 04:49 |
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mjunx | the battery is supposed to last 5+ hours (yeah right) | 04:49 |
mjunx | but it's still at 100%, so who knows | 04:50 |
nosrednaekim | mjunx, core duo? | 04:50 |
mjunx | no, pentium m | 04:50 |
mjunx | this is from 2005 lol | 04:50 |
nosrednaekim | oh ok.. they are pretty good at abttery life i'ver heard | 04:50 |
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BluesKaj | daughter bought a new laptop. Not knowing anything about them i assumed they come with a wallwart power convertor for use in the home | 04:51 |
mjunx | you live outside the states? | 04:52 |
mjunx | where the power is double the frequency mwahaha | 04:52 |
BluesKaj | canada | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | Huh,, id hope a new laptop came with a power adaptor to charge it.. | 04:52 |
BluesKaj | we're 120V AC 60HZ | 04:52 |
mjunx | so it didn't come with a brick? | 04:53 |
BluesKaj | no Dr_willis, can she run the laptop with an adapter ? | 04:53 |
=== Dr_willis is confused here... | ||
Dr_willis | She bought a NEw laptop. and it did not come with a powersupply for her to plug into the laptop then to the wall? | 04:54 |
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Daisuke_Ido | okay, still nada in the beryl channel... i want my window decoration :\ | 04:54 |
mjunx | hmm, maybe I have to reboot since I hotswapped this new battery | 04:54 |
Bi||aBong | <nosrednaekim> Bi||bong yu have to add them to you /etc/fstab --> what i need to make that? | 04:54 |
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Dr_willis | or are we refering to a 'univisal power adaptor' to use from one country to another? | 04:54 |
mjunx | y'know what, brb, I'm gonna reboot to make sure | 04:54 |
mjunx | on battery no less :) | 04:55 |
nosrednaekim | you have to edit your /etc/fstab | 04:55 |
nosrednaekim | and add your two new partitions | 04:55 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: what kind of error messages is it printing out? | 04:55 |
nosrednaekim | !fstab | 04:56 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 04:56 |
Bi||aBong | who i can edit /etc/fstab? | 04:56 |
BluesKaj | sorry for the confusion, i used the wrong terminology ...can she run the laptop with the charger plugged into the battery or does she need a seperate adapter that plugs in ? | 04:56 |
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Bi||aBong | ok | 04:56 |
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Dr_willis | I plug the wall adaptor into the laptop and use mine all the time.. it charges while i work | 04:56 |
Dr_willis | she has a plug on the battery and on the laptop itself? | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | ive seen batteries that could be charged outside the laptop.. | 04:57 |
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julle_ | What is the easiest way to share you internet connection with two network cards in one computer? | 04:58 |
BluesKaj | Dr_willis, i think she has the same setup as you do | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | I mean its not rocket Surgery. :) plug the thing into the wall, plug the other end into the laptop.. power up. | 04:58 |
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peterman | !dsc | 04:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dsc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:59 |
peterman | !.dsc | 04:59 |
BluesKaj | ok, NP I'll tell her , cuz she was afraid to use it while plugged in. | 04:59 |
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Dr_willis | Given the idiot-proofing trend in the industry - they proberly got the thing color coded and other things so ya cant do wrong. | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | Heh | 04:59 |
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peterman | !*.dsc | 04:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dsc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | when plugged in it will proberly be running FASTER then on batteries alone. | 04:59 |
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peterman | !.dsc | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | due to the powersabing-profiles | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | Heh -- hay! adept updater just sput out 'a new version of kubuntu is aviliable' :) | 05:00 |
Dr_willis | do i want to upgrade now.. :) | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | dare i do it! | 05:01 |
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Dr_willis | id just updated about 2 hrs ago even.. | 05:01 |
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trombine_ | hi everybody | 05:01 |
Jucato | you probably have the edgy-proposed repository | 05:02 |
trombine_ | is someone speaks french here please ? | 05:02 |
nosrednaekim | Dr_willis: thats going to fiesty isn't it? | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | yes it is | 05:02 |
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Dr_willis | some upgrade tool. :) must of been what was mentioned earlier | 05:02 |
nosrednaekim | !french | 05:02 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 05:02 |
trombine_ | !french | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code | 05:02 |
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Jucato | Dr_willis: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | 05:02 |
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Dr_willis | thats a new feaure now to ask you to upgrade to the newest relase. :) | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | i dont rember that in the dapper-edgy stuff | 05:03 |
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=== Cobra_Bubbles [n=wes@adsl-6-22-218.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Cobra_Bubbles | hiya | 05:03 |
Jucato | Dr_willis: yes it's a new app | 05:03 |
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Dr_willis | spiffy. | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | Now we can point all the noobs to it. :) | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | now if there was only one that would ask/verify/walk themn through the NTFS/ntfs-3g stuff | 05:04 |
Jucato | er.. not yet though | 05:04 |
nosrednaekim | why is everything on kubuntu.org encrypted? | 05:04 |
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Dr_willis | that would eliminate 1/2 the questions on #ubuntu | 05:04 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | I don't know which build is better for me. Ubuntu or Kubuntu... I'm sick and frakking tired of Spyware | 05:05 |
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nosrednaekim | everybody here is going to reccomend kubuntu:-D | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | Cobra_Bubbles, install one, then you can eaially nstall the other on top of it. | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | i use them both on same machine.. at KDM i pick if i want to use gnome or kde. | 05:05 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | what could be easier. :) | 05:05 |
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Bi||aBong | who i can enable write access to save file? | 05:06 |
ben325e_ | cobra......... install ubuntu, then you can install kubuntu... .there is a great walkthrough at ubuntuforums.org.... then whenever you log in you can pick your session. | 05:06 |
jermain | !backup | 05:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Cool | 05:06 |
ben325e_ | that's what I'm doing right now, and I'm strongly favoring kubuntu | 05:06 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 05:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I downloaded the x64 build of 6.10 Ubuntu | 05:06 |
nosrednaekim | Bi||aBong: when you open itmake sure you so so as "sudo" | 05:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | It boots the kernel and everything but then jsut sits on a dark blue screen afterwards | 05:06 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra, do you have a 64but computer | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | Cobra_Bubbles, you dont NEEX to use the x64 stuff on 64bit processors | 05:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | yes | 05:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Arima W730-K8x | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | dont NEED to ..:) the 32bit may work beter for you | 05:06 |
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jermain | how's everyone doing today :) | 05:07 |
nosrednaekim | good | 05:07 |
Cobra_Bubbles | may even get into an X system huh? | 05:07 |
jermain | nice to hear | 05:07 |
ben325e_ | the x64 has difficulties with things like getting flash to work. I have an athlon 3200 64 bit and I use the 32 bit... it flies! | 05:07 |
trombine_ | is someone can help a french to restore a lost piece of taskbar please ? | 05:07 |
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jermain[learning | trombine | 05:07 |
jermain[learning | im no pro | 05:07 |
jermain[learning | but im willing to help | 05:08 |
=== Cobra_Bubbles goes to grab the x86 build | ||
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nosrednaekim | !french > trombine_ | 05:08 |
jermain[learning | trombine_: what happened to your taskbar? | 05:08 |
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Bi||aBong | i have a file in Kate and i want save this but i don't have write access | 05:09 |
julle_ | !router | 05:09 |
trombine_ | jermain[learning: no french guy has answered yet so i ask in english here | 05:09 |
trombine_ | i'll try to explain : the taskbar down on the screen | 05:09 |
trombine_ | where appeared programms running | 05:09 |
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nosrednaekim | Bi||aBong: copy the whole file,do "kdesu kate" and paste it in the new kate | 05:09 |
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jermain[learning | i know which one you mean | 05:10 |
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trombine_ | I've closed this by error i can't find it again | 05:10 |
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jermain[learning | did you do it in the settings somewhere? | 05:10 |
tarnold | morning all | 05:10 |
trombine_ | and same for icons whitch shows progrmms running back like sound or wifi | 05:10 |
jermain[learning | hi tarnold | 05:10 |
nosrednaekim | trombine: oh... your panel crashed? | 05:10 |
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trombine_ | no | 05:10 |
Cobra_Bubbles | edubuntu-6.06.1-live-i386.iso <--- This one? | 05:10 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: umm... don't get that unless you are below 15 years old | 05:11 |
trombine_ | i've just clic close but in the bad part of this bar. I wanted to close another part | 05:11 |
fernando | grub | 05:11 |
Cobra_Bubbles | EWWW... .edu ubuntu? | 05:11 |
fernando | !grub | 05:11 |
fernando | !# grub | 05:11 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Yeah, I shall find a different build | 05:11 |
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orient2000 | Morning All! What is the diference between Edgy 6.10 and Ultimate 1.2 ? | 05:11 |
nosrednaekim | try kubuntu 6.10 i386 | 05:11 |
orient2000 | http://ubuntusoftware.info/ | 05:11 |
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jermain[learning | trombine_: ic, wait let me see if i can look in my settings for a way to put it back | 05:12 |
fernando | how can I reinstall my grub?? since is lose it after I have install windows vista | 05:12 |
fernando | any help??? | 05:12 |
Cobra_Bubbles | kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso | 05:12 |
Cobra_Bubbles | ? | 05:12 |
tarnold | how do i get headphones to work? i'm listening to music with amarok and when I plug the headphones in i still get sound from the speakers | 05:12 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: are you in a live cd? | 05:12 |
stdin | !grub | 05:12 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: yeah.. thats fine | 05:13 |
fernando | yes | 05:13 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Awesome | 05:13 |
fernando | I am | 05:13 |
jermain[learning | trombine_ try right click on your desktop | 05:13 |
Cobra_Bubbles | The idea is to get a LIVE CD and if I can get all my devices working with it, remove Windows and install Kubuntu | 05:13 |
nosrednaekim | ok, what partiton is your ubuntu unstall on? | 05:13 |
jermain[learning | then hit configure desktop | 05:13 |
jermain[learning | and hit default bottom left | 05:14 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I used to use Hoary Hedgehog LIVE on an old laptop that had a toasted IDE controller | 05:14 |
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jermain[learning | does that help in anyway? | 05:14 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: you can put them side by side | 05:14 |
trombine_ | yes jermain[learning . next step ? | 05:14 |
stdin | fernando: this is the help page on reinstalling grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 05:14 |
jermain[learning | after default, does it come back? | 05:14 |
fernando | I am not sure.. I have several partition on my hardisk.. so far C,D,E is windows, and the rest is linux, so.. F shoud be swap and I the linux data | 05:14 |
=== jermain[learning is now known as jermain | ||
trombine_ | no. i've ever been there but I didn't find | 05:14 |
jermain | :( | 05:14 |
trombine_ | sorry :( | 05:15 |
trombine_ | sorry I've to go | 05:15 |
trombine_ | i'll find it | 05:15 |
jermain | sorry, i coudnt be of more help | 05:15 |
trombine_ | thanks all of us | 05:15 |
jermain | perhaps the forum? | 05:15 |
trombine_ | see ya | 05:15 |
jermain | usually someone replies within 30 min | 05:15 |
jermain | bye | 05:15 |
Cobra_Bubbles | nosrednaekim: That's nice, but if Ubuntu works, and has packages to play MP3's and downlaod thigns via Bittorrent and Usenet, then I don't need Windows. I do have a desktop I am keeping Windows-based but only because it's basically just a network card and a hard drive | 05:15 |
trombine_ | ok jermain don't worry ! | 05:15 |
nosrednaekim | oh...ok | 05:15 |
Bi||aBong | how i can enable permition to write in file? | 05:16 |
nosrednaekim | "sudo kate" | 05:16 |
nosrednaekim | sorry..."kdesu kate" | 05:16 |
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jermain | Bi||abong: chmod | 05:16 |
stdin | Bi||aBong: depends what you want to wright to it, if it's just text, you can do: Alt-F2, kdesu kate /path/to/filename | 05:17 |
jermain | but i forgot with number is which right | 05:17 |
ala | does anyone know what happened to libdvdcss in feisty? | 05:17 |
jermain | !chmod | 05:17 |
Cobra_Bubbles | And Kubuntu itself, hell Linux itself, doesn't lend itself nicely to running spyware? | 05:17 |
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nosrednaekim | fernando: you need to find out what partiton ie hda 1,2,3,or four linux is on | 05:17 |
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BluesKaj | doesn't spyware try to write to fat32 or ntfs registry? | 05:18 |
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stdin | ala: what do you mean? | 05:19 |
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orient2000 | Is any body using Ultimate 1.2 ? | 05:19 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Wow... I had almsot forgotten how slow CAT5 cables are | 05:19 |
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ala | stdin: i mean libdvdcss is not in multiverse.... shouldn't it be? | 05:19 |
nosrednaekim | ala: no... its illegal in the US, so they don't put it in there | 05:20 |
stdin | ala: no, it's never been in the ubuntu repos | 05:20 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: I have only one hardisk, and the 3 first partition is windows.. so shoud be hda0,3 ?? | 05:20 |
BluesKaj | CAT5 is fast enuff on my network | 05:20 |
mjunx | cat5 can't do gigabit | 05:20 |
mjunx | it can hardly get to 100 Mbps as it is | 05:21 |
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BluesKaj | !libdvdcss | 05:21 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 05:21 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: is swap after / in your partiton tree? | 05:21 |
nosrednaekim | or don't you have swap? | 05:21 |
ala | sigh* | 05:21 |
ala | i just got bsg season 2... i guess it time to hunt down to libraries... | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | so mjunx , what's the prob? | 05:23 |
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fernando | I found out..the command is "find /boot/grun/stage1" | 05:23 |
fernando | is hd0,2 | 05:23 |
fernando | :-) | 05:23 |
nosrednaekim | what? | 05:23 |
mjunx | BluesKaj, ever try transferring a DVD ISO over the network? | 05:23 |
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jeff_ | bonjour | 05:24 |
nosrednaekim | jeff_ hello | 05:25 |
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Daisuke_Ido | ahhh | 05:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | finally :D | 05:25 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: fixed it? | 05:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | seems like it | 05:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | got a suggestion to change the render path to copy | 05:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | that gaev me my window decorations | 05:26 |
nosrednaekim | cool | 05:26 |
nosrednaekim | fernando, so is your ubuntu's / on hda4? | 05:26 |
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Daisuke_Ido | all that's left now is to reinstall *all* of my software | 05:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | i figured there was no point doing that until i had things working, eh? | 05:27 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: I dont know..I can I know that? | 05:27 |
ala | install-css.sh script is not on my system...even though i have libdvdread installed | 05:27 |
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fernando | nosrednaekim: how can I know that?? | 05:27 |
nosrednaekim | fdisk | 05:28 |
fernando | only fdisk?? | 05:28 |
nosrednaekim | do "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" | 05:28 |
fernando | ok..wait.. | 05:28 |
nosrednaekim | then once in there, type "p enter" to print your partiton table | 05:28 |
fernando | ok | 05:28 |
nosrednaekim | pastebin your partion table (or look for which one is ext3) | 05:29 |
fernando | kubunto live is started again..1 second please :-) | 05:29 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: what? | 05:29 |
=== bobesponja [n=pat@bas75-1-82-235-231-205.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fernando | nosrednaekim: the livecd is starting, wait a moment please | 05:30 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 05:30 |
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stdin | ala: just do "wget http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/edgy-seveas/extras/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4_i386.deb && dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4_i386.deb" | 05:31 |
=== eagles0513875 [n=jonathan@rrcs-71-41-194-65.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ala | stdin: i hope that comes in 64bit flavour... | 05:32 |
jermain | !divx | 05:32 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:32 |
bobesponja | hey | 05:32 |
panathos | pls, guys... there is a repository for cinelerra amd64? | 05:32 |
bobesponja | how can I make smbmnt suid root? | 05:32 |
panathos | i'm using kubuntu | 05:32 |
nosrednaekim | ala: you have 64bit? | 05:32 |
ala | yeah | 05:32 |
eagles0513875 | i changed a setting in the system etting now it says there is an orphaned module how do i fix it | 05:32 |
nosrednaekim | !cinelerra | panathos | 05:32 |
ubotu | panathos: cinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu | 05:32 |
panathos | nosrednaekim: great! :-D thanks | 05:33 |
panathos | !rar | panathos | 05:33 |
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eagles0513875 | i changed a setting in the system etting now it says there is an orphaned module how do i fix it | 05:34 |
panathos | this repo give me error | 05:34 |
panathos | deb http://giss.tv/~vale/ubuntu64 ./ | 05:34 |
panathos | when i add to adept | 05:34 |
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nosrednaekim | whats the ./ at the end? | 05:34 |
nosrednaekim | I think you have to have edgy or something else there | 05:34 |
panathos | i don't know :-( it's write | 05:34 |
panathos | i have edgy | 05:35 |
panathos | 6.10 | 05:35 |
Bi||aBong | i have two partition i want add this to fstab, what i need to make this? | 05:35 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: are you still there???? I did it | 05:35 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 05:35 |
panathos | with kernel compiled today morning | 05:35 |
stdin | ala: ok, try "wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/feisty/free/amd64/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu2+build1_amd64.deb && dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu2+build1_amd64.deb" | 05:35 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: I can see the table.. what is the information I need?? | 05:35 |
nosrednaekim | which one says the partition type is ext3? | 05:36 |
eagles0513875 | how do i get rid of an orphaned video module | 05:36 |
nosrednaekim | or "linux" | 05:36 |
nosrednaekim | panathos: I'm not sure about that mirror problem... | 05:36 |
ala | stdin: thanks | 05:36 |
fernando | ok..linux is hda3 | 05:36 |
jeff_ | y a t'il quelqu'un qui parle francais ? | 05:36 |
ForgeAus | why isn't there a yellowbox for Linux? | 05:36 |
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Jucato | !fr | jeff_ | 05:36 |
ubotu | jeff_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 05:36 |
nosrednaekim | ok... now exit fdisk with "q" | 05:37 |
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fernando | done | 05:37 |
jeff_ | merci | 05:37 |
Aiwuu | aff hello,how i can remove something with apt? | 05:37 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: done | 05:37 |
nosrednaekim | do "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /mnt" | 05:38 |
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fernando | nosrednaekim: done | 05:38 |
nosrednaekim | then "sudo chroot /mnt" | 05:38 |
nosrednaekim | and don't close that terminal... | 05:38 |
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Aiwuu | ... | 05:39 |
fernando | done | 05:39 |
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nosrednaekim | ok | 05:39 |
nosrednaekim | now, this will disable access to vista for the time being...is that ok? | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | heh - aparently the upgrade manager tool.. still needs some work. | 05:39 |
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nosrednaekim | fernando: now, this will disable access to vista for the time being...is that ok? | 05:40 |
fernando | so far later I can select any OS I want start is ok | 05:40 |
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nosrednaekim | ok... | 05:40 |
=== MementoMori [n=filippo@d83-190-174-116.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MementoMori | hi | 05:41 |
MementoMori | !compiz | 05:41 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:41 |
eagles0513875 | i found out that u have to install ubuntu first and vista 2nd other wise vista wont work | 05:41 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: now what??? | 05:41 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: run this command "grub-install /dev/hda" | 05:41 |
fernando | at the same terminal?? | 05:42 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 05:42 |
eagles0513875 | how do i get rid of an orphaned video module | 05:42 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: done, no error reporeted :-) | 05:42 |
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nosrednaekim | ok reboot | 05:42 |
fernando | ok | 05:43 |
nosrednaekim | you chould be able to get into linux now | 05:43 |
nosrednaekim | but probably not vista | 05:43 |
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fernando | is ok. | 05:43 |
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nosrednaekim | ok.. then reboot | 05:43 |
eagles0513875 | i changed a setting in the system etting now it says there is an orphaned module how do i fix it | 05:43 |
nosrednaekim | !vista | 05:43 |
ubotu | vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org | 05:43 |
fernando | is rebooting... now...Is any way to get vista back in grub right??? | 05:44 |
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nosrednaekim | oh yeah....I'm pretty sure | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | eventually :) | 05:44 |
eagles0513875 | reinstall it and it will automatically appear | 05:44 |
eagles0513875 | how do i get rid of an orphaned video module | 05:44 |
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Dr_willis | or edit the grub menu.lst file for a proper entry | 05:44 |
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eagles0513875 | or load the original x.org config | 05:44 |
nosrednaekim | x.org? that has nothing to do with this | 05:44 |
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fernando | nosrednaekim: my grub list is back..:-) | 05:44 |
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eagles0513875 | why do i have an orphaned video module | 05:45 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: now I can see windows xp 64 bits.. | 05:45 |
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nosrednaekim | can you boot that? it might be visat | 05:45 |
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guiden | how do I switch between desktops? | 05:45 |
nosrednaekim | guiden: what do you mean? | 05:45 |
fernando | I will try..wait.. :-) | 05:45 |
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eagles0513875 | i changed some video setting in the settings area but it some how messed things up | 05:45 |
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guiden | I mean | 05:45 |
guiden | What is the keyboard command to switch between desktops | 05:46 |
voicu | whoa, they changed the ktorrent ui? | 05:46 |
fernando | yes :-) did't work..only the name is wrong... | 05:46 |
nosrednaekim | vitrula desktops in x? | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | guiden, i use the mouse wheel. :) | 05:46 |
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guiden | I don't like using the mouse :) | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | Blasphmy! | 05:46 |
guiden | it slows me down | 05:46 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 05:46 |
voicu | can't i change it back? | 05:46 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: so you can't boot vista? | 05:47 |
scotty | When I try to apt-get something, I get this error: | 05:47 |
scotty | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 05:47 |
kamesh | guiden@ you can configure the keyboard shortcuts from the control panel and use whatever you want | 05:47 |
scotty | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 05:47 |
scotty | How do I fix it? | 05:47 |
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Dr_willis | scotty, close any other processes.... | 05:47 |
nosrednaekim | !adeptfix | scotty | 05:47 |
stdin | scotty: do you have adept/synaptic open? | 05:47 |
ubotu | scotty: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:47 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: yes..did it work..:-) I need only update the name, because at the moment I have "xp" and shoud be vista | 05:47 |
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nosrednaekim | eh.. don't worry about that.. but if you must... edit the menu.lst | 05:47 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: thnks a lot!!! :-), do you know how to update the name list?? | 05:47 |
eagles0513875 | can anybody help me | 05:47 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 05:48 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: where is that file?? | 05:48 |
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nosrednaekim | "kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 05:48 |
nosrednaekim | be careful!! | 05:48 |
scotty | Thanks nosrednaekim | 05:48 |
eagles0513875 | i went into the settings and changed some video settings and then changed them back but for some reason it keeps sayint there is an orphaned video module how do i get rid of it so i can get higher resolution | 05:48 |
nosrednaekim | eagles0513875: I don't think anyone here can hep you... try #ubuntu | 05:49 |
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eagles0513875 | nos even if this is kubuntu that im running | 05:49 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... go over to ubuntu, its the same thing | 05:50 |
stdin | eagles0513875: you can also ask in #xorg if no one in #ubuntu knows | 05:50 |
panathos | pls... if i download a .deb package, how install it with apt? | 05:50 |
stdin | !deb | panathos | 05:50 |
ubotu | panathos: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 05:50 |
eagles0513875 | ok thanks st | 05:50 |
panathos | no problems with dependance?? | 05:50 |
nosrednaekim | there can be.... | 05:51 |
eagles0513875 | can anybody tell me y im banned on the ubuntu channel | 05:51 |
stdin | panathos: if there is, just run "sudo apt-get -f install | 05:51 |
nosrednaekim | ummmm were you ever on it? | 05:51 |
fernando | nosrednaekim: thanks a lot!!! | 05:51 |
stdin | panathos: opps, "sudo apt-get -f install" | 05:51 |
nosrednaekim | fernando: you are welcome | 05:51 |
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nosrednaekim | have fun.... kubuntu is better than Vista though...;) | 05:52 |
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eagles0513875 | i had ubuntu on here until i put kubuntu on here | 05:52 |
eagles0513875 | i havent been on that channel for a really long time | 05:52 |
nosrednaekim | well then I don't kow why you are banned... | 05:53 |
eagles0513875 | that just makes me mad | 05:53 |
Dr_willis | overly broad ban mask is my guess | 05:53 |
nosrednaekim | change you username or something | 05:53 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 05:53 |
eagles0513875 | what do u mean dr | 05:53 |
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Dr_willis | they baned someone with a similer ip/host or somthing | 05:53 |
Jucato | eagles0513875: please ask in #ubuntu-ops | 05:54 |
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eagles0513875 | ok ty jucato | 05:54 |
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nosrednaekim | dr_willis..how did the upgrade to fiest go? | 05:54 |
Saille | hi | 05:54 |
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=== xigo_ is now known as xigo | ||
nosrednaekim | hi | 05:55 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: looks like your host was banned by gnomefreak on 25/02/07 18:38:12 (server time) | 05:55 |
Saille | kennst sich jmd mit dem irc programm konversation aus? ich bekomm xdcc nicht zum laufen :( | 05:56 |
stdin | !de | 05:56 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:56 |
eagles0513875 | what u mean by host | 05:57 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-117-87.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Saille | sry | 05:57 |
linuxbomb | I have a intel 64bit dual processor and was wondering if I should compile a 64 bit kernel? I installed kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686-smp, but it fails at boot | 05:57 |
stdin | eagles0513875: your hostname, rrcs-71-41-194-65.sw.biz.rr.com | 05:57 |
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eagles0513875 | was banned | 05:57 |
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stdin | linuxbomb: why 2.4.27 ??? | 05:57 |
stdin | eagles0513875: yeah | 05:58 |
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TheGateKeeper | dvd+rw-tools is a package that has appeared for upgrade, but is dependent on genisoimage, but that is not in the repos, what is going on? | 05:58 |
eagles0513875 | OK | 05:58 |
linuxbomb | stdin: that is what the latest was in my apt-cache | 05:58 |
stdin | linuxbomb: no chance | 05:59 |
stdin | linuxbomb: search for, linux-image | 05:59 |
stdin | linuxbomb: search for, not kernel-image | 05:59 |
stdin | !info genisoimage | 05:59 |
ubotu | Package genisoimage does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 05:59 |
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TheGateKeeper | doesn't exist in dapper either | 06:00 |
stdin | TheGateKeeper: what does "apt-cache policy dvd+rw-tools" show ? | 06:00 |
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nosrednaekim | fernando, you still around? | 06:01 |
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panathos | why libguicast is not installable on kubuntu amd64? | 06:02 |
TheGateKeeper | 7.0-6~dapper1 0 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/main Packages *** 0 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 06:02 |
TheGateKeeper | stdin: ^^^^ | 06:02 |
orient2000 | Is any body using Ultimate 1.2 ? | 06:03 |
orient2000 | What is the diference between Edgy 6.10 and Ultimate 1.2 ? | 06:04 |
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linuxbomb | stdin: so I should be using linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic for a dual core 64bit system? | 06:04 |
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stdin | linuxbomb: yeah, the -generic ones automatically configure themselves for your cpu | 06:05 |
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linuxbomb | thanks | 06:05 |
xanith | Is there any way to make everything in KDE not so huge? i swear i open a folder and it almost takes up the whole screen. I feel like i'm in 800x600 but i'm running in 1680x1050. | 06:05 |
stdin | TheGateKeeper: report that as a bug, the package "genisoimage" is available in feisty, but not edgy/dapper (as far as I can see) | 06:05 |
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Xanith | lol sorry about that accidentally closed konversation | 06:06 |
TheGateKeeper | ohh ok thanx stdin | 06:07 |
eagles0513875 | how do i load the origianl xorg cfg | 06:07 |
Xanith | is there any way though? | 06:07 |
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Dr_willis | sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 06:08 |
julle | I have a Creative Audigy 2 Platinum ex soundcard. And using the snd_usb_audio, emu10k1 driver. Is there any better way to increase the "bass" other than use the KMixer and alsamixer? | 06:08 |
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jermain_ | hmm hey guys, kftpgrabber, when i quick connect | 06:08 |
jermain_ | what do i put in URL? | 06:08 |
nosrednaekim | xanith: what exacly do you want it to do? | 06:08 |
jermain_ | oops nvm i think its working | 06:09 |
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orient2000 | !ultimate | 06:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ultimate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:10 |
eagles0513875 | !resolution | 06:11 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:11 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: i just want windows and icons and text and stuff to not be huge lol | 06:11 |
stdin | orient2000: whatever "Ultimate 1.2" is, it's not an official ubuntu distribution | 06:11 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: in windows (ugh), i had a LOT more workspace room | 06:11 |
nosrednaekim | are you sure you are running at the right res? | 06:11 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: yes, my monitor even identifys that it is operating at 1680x1050 @ 75hz | 06:12 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 06:12 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php | 06:12 |
orient2000 | Thanks. | 06:12 |
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nosrednaekim | xanith,mess around with icon sizes and all, there is no one way to configure all that | 06:13 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: hmm, ok i guess i'll try to play around with it. | 06:13 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... | 06:13 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: by the way, i was wondering, i was looking last night is it worth my time to upgrade to kubuntu 6.1.0? | 06:13 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: i'm running 6.0.6 right now | 06:13 |
nosrednaekim | Xanith.. probably is... | 06:14 |
nosrednaekim | its much beter | 06:14 |
nosrednaekim | there can be problems upgrading though | 06:14 |
stdin | Xanith: well, 6.10 has newer packages, and some more features, like aiglx, but dapper (6.06) has long term support | 06:15 |
nosrednaekim | if you have everything working good, don't | 06:15 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: Do you know a on-click dictionary for linux? (babylon-like)? | 06:15 |
Xanith | hmm, it's all working fine so far as i know | 06:15 |
Xanith | except i would like to get kde 3.5.6 | 06:15 |
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Xanith | i'm running kde 3.4 | 06:15 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: kdict? not really sure | 06:16 |
nosrednaekim | thats kinda....old | 06:16 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: Does it have on-click feature? | 06:16 |
Xanith | yea and i couldn't figure out how to get it to update kde | 06:16 |
nosrednaekim | yeah...you can upgrade.. | 06:16 |
Xanith | how? | 06:16 |
nosrednaekim | there isn;t an update for dapper | 06:16 |
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Jucato | eXistenZ: not really sure what you mean by on-click | 06:16 |
Xanith | so if i stay with dapper im stuck with kde 3.4? | 06:17 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 06:17 |
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Xanith | that's one thing i kinda don't like about kubuntu, it seems like it's kinda tied down a lot more than gentoo was | 06:17 |
Xanith | like i can only download what they approve | 06:17 |
Xanith | gentoo was like i could download whatever i wanted | 06:17 |
nosrednaekim | Xanith: very true | 06:17 |
nosrednaekim | but you can also be garunteed it won't break anything | 06:18 |
Xanith | lol | 06:18 |
Malix | yo. any ideas? we just got a new soundcard, and it just speaks digital to us (hissing, loud hissing when ever a sound is played). how do I make it ouput analog signal? | 06:18 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: For example, you click on a word, and it gets translated. | 06:18 |
Xanith | is there another distro of linux that isn't so tied down but like kubuntu? | 06:18 |
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nosrednaekim | Xanith, you just have to upgrade to edgy... | 06:19 |
Xanith | because i'm starting to notice it seems like a lot of settings and stuff are kinda hidden by kubuntu, and i don't like that | 06:19 |
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nosrednaekim | Xanith why did you leave gentoo? | 06:19 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: ah.. hm...sorry, no idea | 06:19 |
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Jucato | eXistenZ: try looking into kbabel | 06:19 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: well, i actually left gentoo to go back to windows because i had a recent game addiction | 06:19 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok | 06:19 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: i just recently decided to go back to linux | 06:20 |
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Xanith | nosrednaekim: when i tried to install gentoo, the new livecd wasn't working, after trying it 3 times, i got fed up with it | 06:20 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: so therefore i pulled out my old kubuntu 6.0.6 cd | 06:20 |
nosrednaekim | ahhh ok... | 06:20 |
nosrednaekim | you could try out sabayon | 06:20 |
nosrednaekim | which is an easy to install gentoo | 06:20 |
nosrednaekim | and pretty cutting edge too | 06:21 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: whats the difference between the two? | 06:21 |
nosrednaekim | sabayon and gentoo? | 06:21 |
Xanith | yea | 06:21 |
nosrednaekim | well sabayon is built on gentoo unstable | 06:22 |
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nosrednaekim | it has beryl XGL AIGLX all built in | 06:22 |
nosrednaekim | and it has a nice, easy to use installer | 06:22 |
nosrednaekim | but its gentoo underneath | 06:22 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: when will it be updated in the official ubuntu repos? | 06:23 |
ubuntu_ | I've seen it running. Looks very nice. | 06:23 |
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Xanith | nosrednaekim: hmm sounds interesting, i may give it a try then | 06:23 |
Xanith | i know im not too happy with kubuntu though | 06:24 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah..I'd use it except it has some problems on thsi computer | 06:24 |
Xanith | wow 3.4gb dvd huh? lol | 06:24 |
Gh0st75 | i'm happy with kubuntu, will definately be using it as my main os, but will still experiment with other live cds, abayon one i'd really like to try | 06:24 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: what do you mean? | 06:24 |
Gh0st75 | er sabayon i mean | 06:24 |
nosrednaekim | I'm using it on a desktop | 06:24 |
trombine | jermain_: i'm back !! | 06:24 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: well i'm running an AMD Athlon 64 system, it wouldn't have a problem with it would it/ | 06:24 |
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nosrednaekim | Xanith, Nope... | 06:25 |
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Xanith | nosrednaekim: back when i built this computer in 2001, linux had a lot of problems with it | 06:25 |
trombine | and I still don't know how to make back this *** of bar ! | 06:25 |
nosrednaekim | their 64 bit support is the best i;ve ever seen | 06:25 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: seems like they've all been worked out now though | 06:25 |
Gh0st75 | still some issues with 64 bit flash i think, but most other 64 bit issues appear resolved | 06:25 |
nosrednaekim | what? | 06:25 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: I mean when will kde 3.5.6 be updated in the official kubuntu repos? | 06:25 |
akrus_ | !webcam | 06:25 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 06:25 |
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Jucato | eXistenZ: it is in the official **kubuntu** respos already. didn't you read the link I gave? | 06:26 |
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Gh0st75 | my webcam isn't supported, gave up on tryin to get it workin in either vista or kubuntu | 06:26 |
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Xanith | nosrednaekim: when i built this system years ago linux had some major issues with it, seems like all the bugs have been worked out | 06:26 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: i had a lot of driver issues and stuff back then | 06:26 |
LaNCeloT_RW | hi ppl, how do I install JAVA via apt-get? | 06:26 |
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Dr_willis | !java | 06:26 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 06:26 |
Xanith | nosrednaekim: the only driver issue i've noticed so far was that my temperature sensors don't seem to be working | 06:26 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 06:27 |
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nosrednaekim | Xanith: ok.. thats good | 06:27 |
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Jucato | (Dr_willis, sun-java6-jre is out already too :) | 06:27 |
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Dr_willis | im waiting for java9 :) | 06:27 |
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Gh0st75 | i installed java 6 yesterday, works fine | 06:28 |
stdin | eXistenZ: it's default for feisty now, and it may go in to edgy-backports after feisty is released | 06:28 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | Dr_willis, i typed that, but it returns an error: Package sun-java5-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 06:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 06:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | is only available from another source | 06:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | E: Package sun-java5-jre has no installation candidate | 06:28 |
Jucato | stdin: er no... | 06:28 |
roberto | hi - i'm old to linux, new to kubuntu. I'd like to add restricted/community respositories. All docs on the web say that synaptic will have an ADD button that gives me these options, but it doesn't | 06:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | sorry!!! i forgot about paste bin | 06:28 |
roberto | how can i add restricted/community? | 06:28 |
guiden | Can I use the mouse as one of the key shortcuts? | 06:28 |
Gh0st75 | try jdk, instead of jre, that's what i used | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | from the !Multiverse repository. | 06:28 |
stdin | !repos | LaNCeloT_RW, roberto | 06:28 |
ubotu | LaNCeloT_RW, roberto: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:28 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: I had to add deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356 edgy main to my sources list to get it updated. It is not in the ubuntu repos list | 06:28 |
guiden | I mean, I want to switch windows by pressing ctrl and scrolling | 06:28 |
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nosrednaekim | are you running beryl guiden? | 06:29 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: it's an official ***KUBUNTU*** repository | 06:29 |
jermain_ | trombine: sorry for the late reply | 06:29 |
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jermain_ | did you solve it? | 06:29 |
guiden | nosrednaekim:I don't know | 06:29 |
trombine | jermain_: don't mind | 06:29 |
=== Cobra_Bubbles [n=ubuntu@adsl-6-22-218.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trombine | so jermain_ have you na any idea how to fix it ? | 06:29 |
nosrednaekim | guiden: oh..NM. | 06:29 |
Cobra_Bubbles | a?? | 06:30 |
stdin | Jucato: thought he meant official as in archive.ubutnu.com, not kubuntu.org | 06:30 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Oh, good | 06:30 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: for some technical reasons, KDE, KOffice, and Amarok updates are not put into the archive.ubuntu.com repositories | 06:30 |
jermain_ | none what so ever :/ | 06:30 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I am in Kubuntu now | 06:30 |
jermain_ | do you remember in which screen you were | 06:30 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: 6.10? | 06:30 |
Jucato | stdin: kubuntu.org is an official Kubuntu repository. as far as it is concerned, it is official | 06:30 |
jermain_ | or which button you accidently hit? | 06:30 |
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nosrednaekim | guiden, you can configure that in kcontrol-> keyboard-> shortcuts | 06:30 |
Jucato | stdin: and KDE updates are not backported at all. it may change in the future however, but not likely soon | 06:30 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Now I just need to figure out how to set up my Wifi | 06:31 |
stdin | Jucato: then kubuntu.org should be in the sources.list on a kubuntu install | 06:31 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: this is 6.10? | 06:31 |
roberto | ubotu: thanks. are there other mirrors that might be faster? i'm not getting good speeds from them and i have fiber | 06:31 |
eagles0513875 | how do i load default xorg cfg | 06:31 |
stdin | roberto: ubotu is a bot, he can't respond | 06:31 |
Jucato | stdin: probably. but for some reason, it doesn't. | 06:32 |
roberto | stdin: i just found that out :) | 06:32 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Yeah | 06:32 |
Cobra_Bubbles | 6.10...currently LIVE | 06:32 |
nosrednaekim | ok, well what wifi chipset are you using? | 06:32 |
Cobra_Bubbles | If I can sucessfully get my Wifi enabled (I know it's wifi0) then I will make the switch | 06:32 |
Cobra_Bubbles | It's a Broadcom wifi | 06:32 |
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nosrednaekim | iwconfig shows it? | 06:33 |
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trombine | yes i know what i've done | 06:33 |
nosrednaekim | !xorg reconfigure | 06:33 |
ubotu | xorg: X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB | 06:33 |
nosrednaekim | !xorgproblems | 06:33 |
stdin | !xconfig | 06:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xorgproblems - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:33 |
ubotu | To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 06:33 |
sidnelson | i want install the gnome envoriment to try, i only need execute sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment ? | 06:34 |
nosrednaekim | thatnk you stdin | 06:34 |
stdin | nosrednaekim: :-) | 06:34 |
trombine | on the little "stuff" appear a list where i can remove, close or add services on this bar | 06:34 |
Cobra_Bubbles | The system is a laptop... Arima W730-k8x | 06:34 |
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ForgeAus | hey Jucato you there? | 06:34 |
trombine | i've close one i wouln'd remove | 06:34 |
nosrednaekim | no, run " sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop" | 06:34 |
stdin | sidnelson: take off the "-environment" part | 06:34 |
ForgeAus | whats the Kubuntu distribution upgrade tool? and how do I run it? | 06:34 |
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Jucato | ForgeAus:the new one? | 06:34 |
sidnelson | stdin: thanks | 06:34 |
Jucato | I'm having problems w/ it myself.. but mostly repo/package problems... | 06:35 |
ForgeAus | (Adept is suddenly telling me feisty's availble and to install it via the distro upgrade tool but it doesn't seem to be on the kmenu and I don't know the commandline to run it) | 06:35 |
ForgeAus | yes the new one | 06:35 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: try "iwconfig" and see what it says bout your wireless | 06:35 |
ForgeAus | I think its installed it ok the wizard just tells me to quit adept and run the kubuntu distribution upgrade tool | 06:36 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: you probably have edgy-proposed repo... | 06:36 |
ForgeAus | (but like I just said I have no idea about how to run that) | 06:36 |
Cobra_Bubbles | It's eth0... Broadcom 4318 | 06:36 |
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ForgeAus | I did but I think I turned that off | 06:36 |
ForgeAus | you told me to remember? | 06:36 |
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ForgeAus | it did download something and I assume it installed it | 06:37 |
Cobra_Bubbles | eth0 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:off/any Nickname:"Broadcom 4318" | 06:37 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: yeah... I'm having troubles here too.... | 06:37 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Right now I just have a LAN cable running into it | 06:37 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: I'm gonna wait for monday though... | 06:37 |
ForgeAus | well I wouldn't call it a trouble, more that its just something I'm not aware of... | 06:37 |
ForgeAus | (what the kubuntu distribution update tool IS other than the name of a program .... | 06:38 |
Cobra_Bubbles | wow this KDE encironment is sexy | 06:38 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: looks good.... | 06:38 |
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ForgeAus | hehe Cobra, yeah its nice uh? | 06:38 |
Cobra_Bubbles | nosrednaekim: How can I get it to connect to wifi then, just unplug the LAN? | 06:38 |
nosrednaekim | no.... | 06:38 |
nosrednaekim | try this first.... | 06:38 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | cause as it is, it sees NO SSID | 06:38 |
nosrednaekim | "ifconfig" | 06:38 |
eagles0513875 | cobra is it built in cuz i have a log i can send for a broadcom internal wifi | 06:39 |
nosrednaekim | if eth0 is on the list, tell me | 06:39 |
Vincent_k | I had to enable ssid boarcast to get my wifi card to connect | 06:39 |
Cobra_Bubbles | eth1 and lo | 06:39 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | no eth0 | 06:39 |
nosrednaekim | ok.. say "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" | 06:39 |
Cobra_Bubbles | eagles0513875: The sounds about right | 06:39 |
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eagles0513875 | ok then ill send u the log | 06:40 |
eagles0513875 | it was a real pain in the *** to get it configed and working | 06:40 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | Konsole returns: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory | 06:40 |
eagles0513875 | cobra register ur sn so we can chat and send the file | 06:40 |
Cobra_Bubbles | right | 06:41 |
Cobra_Bubbles | regged | 06:41 |
nosrednaekim | well... Cobra_Bubbles good luck.. I have to go... | 06:41 |
Cobra_Bubbles | thanks for everything nosrednaekim | 06:41 |
nosrednaekim | you are welcome... | 06:41 |
Cobra_Bubbles | eagles0513875: I am ready | 06:41 |
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eagles0513875 | i ran this command to reconfig x sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but i still cang get a better res | 06:42 |
eagles0513875 | !register |cobra | 06:42 |
ubotu | cobra: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 06:42 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I already registered it | 06:42 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 06:42 |
eagles0513875 | interesting | 06:43 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | ? | 06:43 |
eagles0513875 | i think pms r down | 06:43 |
eagles0513875 | can u accept the transfer | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | eagles0513875, you installed the proper video card drivers for your card? | 06:44 |
TheGateKeeper | stdin: I created a file called /etc/apt/preferences with this in it http://pastebin.ca/389331 & that fixed the problem | 06:44 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I just heard a sound! | 06:44 |
eagles0513875 | i went in and changed settings from the display section of the system settings | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | *bloop* | 06:44 |
LaNCeloT_RW | I've already uncomment the multiverse and back-ports line of the sources list... but I still get erros on the installation of javaRE | 06:44 |
LaNCeloT_RW | any idea? | 06:44 |
eagles0513875 | it was fine before i went in and started play with stuff | 06:44 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Oh wow, multiple desktops | 06:45 |
Dr_willis | eagles0513875, thers a way each user can have their own videosetting. try making a new user. see if theur settings are fine. | 06:45 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | eagles0513875: what model is your system, or is it a scratchbuild?/ | 06:45 |
eagles0513875 | wait i think i got it | 06:45 |
stdin | TheGateKeeper: yeah, that's one way :P, did you still report the bug tho? | 06:45 |
eagles0513875 | its a compaq persario r 4012us | 06:45 |
eagles0513875 | i think i fixed it give me a min | 06:45 |
Cobra_Bubbles | hrm | 06:45 |
Cobra_Bubbles | No Compaq isn't the same OEM...okay | 06:46 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | I know Arima sold this model to every OEM distributor under the sun | 06:46 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | Bought mine as a eMachines computer, it came with a Gateway screen built in and a Gateway BIOS | 06:46 |
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eagles0513875 | nm still cant change tes | 06:46 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | Eagle try sending again?// | 06:47 |
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eagles0513875 | i still cant change it and i have a -13785 hz refresh rate and i cant change that either | 06:47 |
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eagles0513875 | let me restart the x and see if that does anything ill brb | 06:48 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | I'll just... Try something here... BRB | 06:49 |
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stamen | hi | 06:50 |
whippy | yo | 06:50 |
stamen | why when I compile this kernel 2.6.20 | 06:51 |
stamen | it can;t load the modules | 06:51 |
eagles0513875 | resolution is back to normal now i just had to restart the x | 06:51 |
AxlRose | stamen: did you do make && make modules_install | 06:51 |
stamen | the kernel can;t load the modules | 06:51 |
stamen | no | 06:51 |
stamen | when should I do this | 06:51 |
TheGateKeeper | stdin: nope, problem is fixed | 06:51 |
AxlRose | stamen: because thats how you do it on every other Distro but not debian/ubuntu | 06:52 |
stamen | I am with Kubuntu | 06:52 |
AxlRose | stamen: did u follow a guide? | 06:52 |
TheGateKeeper | stdin: off to eat catch you again & thanx | 06:52 |
stdin | TheGateKeeper: cya | 06:52 |
stamen | AxlRose: no, I have just downloaded the new kernel from kernel.org | 06:52 |
stamen | AxlRose: could you give me the link | 06:53 |
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AxlRose | stamen: sure thing | 06:54 |
AxlRose | stamen: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu | 06:54 |
alan__ | Espaol, por favor. | 06:54 |
stdin | !es | 06:54 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:54 |
alan__ | ty | 06:54 |
eXistenZ | Jucato: What does one have to add a new repos address for every program upgrade in kubuntu? Why a separate one for amarok? | 06:54 |
stamen | AxlRose: 10x a lot | 06:54 |
AxlRose | stamen: not a problem | 06:55 |
TheInfinity | eXistenZ: because amarok is a very special installation, its also out of the usual KDE release order | 06:55 |
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TheInfinity | you dont need this, but if you want to have the really latest version you have to add new repos | 06:55 |
Jucato | eXistenZ: you only need those separate repos for KDE, KOffice, and Amarok upgrades. that's all | 06:55 |
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casa | hola | 06:56 |
TheInfinity | Jucato: you dont even need them, you just need them if you want to have really the latest version | 06:56 |
Jucato | TheInfinity: I know that | 06:57 |
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TheInfinity | was mainly for eXistenZ ;) | 06:57 |
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linuxbomb | anyone have troubles with blender crashing? | 07:01 |
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Innosense | My os has been crashing, whats blender? | 07:02 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | hrm | 07:02 |
Cobra_Bubbles | If I could get my Wireless Assistant to look at eth0 instead of eth1 | 07:02 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I'd be able to conenct via wifi | 07:03 |
Innosense | Can anyone walk me through -in the command line- how to reset my display properties back to their original state (I tried to run another monitor off of my laptop), so that x won't crash every time it tries to start up? | 07:03 |
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linuxbomb | Innosense: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:04 |
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Innosense | 1st) could you explain a little bit what that does? (I'm trying to learn as much as I can about how the command line works) 2nd) it says it needs to be run as root | 07:05 |
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nosrednaekim | prefix a :sudo" to that command to run as root | 07:05 |
Innosense | okay - I got it to work with sudo | 07:05 |
nosrednaekim | "sudo" | 07:05 |
linuxbomb | Innosense: dpkg-reconfigure reconfigures software packages xserver-xorg is your X server | 07:05 |
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Innosense | okay I'm at the configuation of xserver and its giving me some options for differnt x server drivers... | 07:06 |
Innosense | how do I know which is hte correct one? | 07:06 |
nosrednaekim | Innosense: good to see someone trying to learn something...most poepl just ant help | 07:06 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Okay, how does one go about getting Wifi Assistant to look at eth0 instead of eth1? | 07:06 |
stdin | Innosense: check if there is a backup, like /etc/X11/xorg.conf.200703101400 (in form of xorg.conf.YearMonthDayHourMins) | 07:06 |
Innosense | I don't know how to do that, or what to do with those things you wrote... | 07:07 |
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linuxbomb | Innosense: what video card do you have? | 07:08 |
Innosense | I don't know on this computer, kunbuntu configured all of that automatically the first time through...there must be a way to check it | 07:08 |
nosrednaekim | lspci | 07:09 |
nosrednaekim | ^^run that | 07:09 |
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linuxbomb | yeah run lspci | 07:09 |
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Innosense | whats lspci? | 07:09 |
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nosrednaekim | its a program to list all devices in your computer | 07:09 |
Innosense | okay, one sec, I need to get out of this configuation | 07:10 |
Skuller | Innosense: the running of that command as root is done by adding the word 'sudo' in the beginning of the command.... | 07:10 |
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nosrednaekim | Innosense: you can open another konsole | 07:11 |
duane_ | hello | 07:11 |
BacwardsDown | hello | 07:11 |
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duane_ | How is everyone today | 07:11 |
nosrednaekim | duane_: good..fine | 07:11 |
BacwardsDown | very good :-) | 07:11 |
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stdin | nosrednaekim: "list all devices in your computer" ?? | 07:12 |
LaNCeloT_RW | which is the command to test my nvidia driver? installed via apt-get nvidia-glx ?? something like "nvgears " | 07:12 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: glxgears | 07:12 |
nosrednaekim | stdin: was there something wrong with that? | 07:12 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Okay I am losing it | 07:12 |
stdin | nosrednaekim: yeah, it doesn't list all the devices on your computer, just pci devices | 07:13 |
nosrednaekim | right... sorry | 07:13 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: whats the mater? | 07:13 |
stdin | nosrednaekim: it won't list your CPU, or your disks etc.. | 07:13 |
Innosense | Is there any way to exit this configuration screen...I really don't know a lot of the answers to these questions... | 07:13 |
nosrednaekim | Innosene, did you try lspci yet? | 07:14 |
stdin | Innosense: most things you can leave the default | 07:14 |
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Innosense | I'm still in the configuration part, I need to get back tot he command before I do lspci | 07:15 |
nosrednaekim | oh..ok.. sorry | 07:15 |
Cobra_Bubbles | l | 07:15 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Hello? | 07:15 |
duane_ | Anyone know where I can get a VPN client for kubuntu | 07:15 |
stdin | !vpn | 07:15 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 07:15 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: whats the trouble? | 07:15 |
duane_ | thanks u | 07:15 |
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BacwardsDown | is ubotu a bot or what? | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | !bot | 07:16 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 07:16 |
nosrednaekim | yeah | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | yes, L( | 07:16 |
BacwardsDown | ah i see | 07:16 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 07:16 |
ubotu | Yum! | 07:16 |
Innosense | okay I just ran lspci - and I have a huge list of things...what should I be looking for? | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | !botsnuggle | 07:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about botsnuggle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:16 |
Cobra_Bubbles | I can't get eth0 to enable | 07:16 |
Cobra_Bubbles | it enables for maybe half a second then disables again | 07:17 |
ben325e | can Konversation automatically show more than one server in the server list? | 07:17 |
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ben325e | all I get is ubuntu irc... what about freenode etc | 07:17 |
Dr_willis | ben325e, i had it showing several over on the sidebar. | 07:17 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: that means it can't find a hotspot,, | 07:17 |
Dr_willis | freenode IS the same as ubuntu.irc | 07:17 |
stdin | ben325e: you have to add the servers, there isn't a default list | 07:17 |
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nosrednaekim | innosense run "lspci | grep VGA" | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis_konver | Wee! | 07:18 |
ben325e | so I need to know ip of efnet servers for examples? | 07:18 |
nosrednaekim | that searches the output of lspci for VGA | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis_konver | ben325e: no - you need to knwo their names. | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis_konver | not the ip | 07:18 |
stdin | ben325e: no, just the hostname | 07:18 |
ben325e | gotcha... thx | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis_konver | ie: irc.efnet.com or similer | 07:18 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Okay so... What the hell... I give it the SSID to look for | 07:18 |
Innosense | what does the | grep vga mean? | 07:19 |
BacwardsDown | the bot ubotu gives an error when I try to register | 07:19 |
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stdin | BacwardsDown: you don't register with ubotu | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | BacwardsDown, register for what? | 07:19 |
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nosrednaekim | Innosense: that searches the output of lspci for VGA | 07:19 |
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Dr_willis | - /msg nickserv help | 07:19 |
nosrednaekim | which is the line for your video cars | 07:19 |
Innosense | ummm | 07:19 |
mortifera | hi everybody | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | bye all | 07:19 |
BacwardsDown | -> /msg ubotu register <nickname> <password> | 07:19 |
BacwardsDown | says the guide | 07:19 |
Innosense | it just lost me the command line | 07:19 |
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Dr_willis | BacwardsDown, what guide says to use ubotu? | 07:19 |
BacwardsDown | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 07:19 |
Innosense | now its just a blank line which won't execute code... | 07:19 |
eagles0513875 | i got a ? for some reason soundkonverter wont let me convert wma's after i copy them from my ntfs partition to this linux one | 07:20 |
mortifera | how can i get w32 codecs for a amd64? | 07:20 |
aj_ | anyone know what this error means when i try to mount in konqueror | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | heh - never seen a need to do that with ubntu | 07:20 |
Innosense | how do I get my :~$ back? | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | !win32codecs | 07:20 |
temo | aq ra xdebbba? | 07:20 |
aj_ | hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, the command hasent returned yet then. | 07:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:20 |
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Innosense | so I can't do anything? | 07:20 |
stdin | mortifera: you can't get it for amd64 | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, could hit control C :) | 07:20 |
Innosense | yay! | 07:20 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Okay...I am pissed at this | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Innosense, cluld also read a few bash/shell tutorials... that may be a good idea | 07:21 |
Innosense | that totally works, and its good to know | 07:21 |
nosrednaekim | Cobra_Bubbles: take it easy | 07:21 |
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mortifera | tks ubotu | 07:21 |
nosrednaekim | go look up a tutorial on wireless networking | 07:21 |
Innosense | yeah I was looking for some, but then I realized that first I just wanted to get my computer working again. | 07:21 |
Innosense | ...which I still don't know how | 07:21 |
stdin | BacwardsDown: if you want to register with ubotu, ask in #ubuntu-bots | 07:21 |
albert | are there any signs of better linux support by amd-ati? | 07:21 |
aj_ | so noboby has seen this error before ? : hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 | 07:21 |
BacwardsDown | stdin: k, thanks | 07:21 |
Innosense | okay, I just ran slpci grep vga | 07:22 |
nosrednaekim | albert: nope | 07:22 |
eagles0513875 | i got a ? for some reason soundkonverter wont let me convert wma's after i copy them from my ntfs partition to this linux one | 07:22 |
Innosense | and it gave me a whole bunch of options...which I don't know what to do with... | 07:22 |
nosrednaekim | output Innosense? | 07:22 |
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nosrednaekim | no Innosense "lspci | grep vga" | 07:23 |
nosrednaekim | veritical pipe, not "i" | 07:23 |
Innosense | oh | 07:23 |
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Innosense | when I type that in with the vertical pipe it doesn't do anything | 07:24 |
Innosense | it just gives me a new command line. | 07:24 |
Innosense | like if I had just pressed enter. | 07:24 |
nosrednaekim | ok... | 07:24 |
nosrednaekim | right... | 07:24 |
nosrednaekim | oh... osrry make it a capital "VGA" | 07:24 |
stdin | eagles0513875: are they DRM? and have you got ffmpeg or mplayer installed? | 07:24 |
eagles0513875 | no most of them rnt drm | 07:25 |
Innosense | ah! nvidia corporation nv11 | 07:25 |
nosrednaekim | ok.... good | 07:25 |
eagles0513875 | ok ill install those now | 07:25 |
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Skaman | hi guys there's anybody that uses the USR5422 wireless usb key? | 07:25 |
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Innosense | back into the configuration menu? | 07:25 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... adn select the "nv" driver | 07:26 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: sountKonverter can use either mplayer or ffmpeg to decode wma (as long as they aren't "protected") | 07:26 |
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eagles0513875 | oh ok im installing them now | 07:26 |
Pupeno3 | Can anyone try https://secure.cacert.org and/or http://wiki.cacert.org ? | 07:26 |
Pupeno3 | I can't reach them. | 07:26 |
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eagles0513875 | ty for the help st | 07:27 |
BacwardsDown | yup they load | 07:27 |
marton | I can reach the 1st. | 07:27 |
eagles0513875 | stdin is there any pkg that can crack the drm | 07:27 |
BacwardsDown | though I needed to accept something for the second page | 07:27 |
Innosense | how do I know my video card's bus identifier... or should I just leave that at the default that its already set? | 07:27 |
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nosrednaekim | leave it at default | 07:28 |
stdin | eagles0513875: not that I know of | 07:28 |
tarnold | ok hi all im back, i still can't play sound through my headphones- it only comes through the speakers | 07:28 |
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eagles0513875 | ok ill let u know if that works stdin | 07:28 |
mortifera | what do i have to include in my source.list to acced to w32 codecs? i'm trying to get peertv on my amd64.. | 07:29 |
stdin | eagles0513875: the only way (I know) to get rid of the drm, is to burn the files to a disk (as an audio disk), then re-rip the sound | 07:29 |
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nosrednaekim | !w32 | 07:29 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:29 |
nosrednaekim | !w32codecs | 07:29 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 07:29 |
eagles0513875 | i could do that cuz i need to back up everythign anyway | 07:29 |
martin_ | hi | 07:29 |
Innosense | no WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 07:29 |
stdin | mortifera: w32codecs isn't available for amd64, hence the '32' part | 07:29 |
eagles0513875 | could i burn audio discs on dvd's | 07:29 |
Innosense | You guys are the BEST | 07:29 |
nosrednaekim | worked? | 07:30 |
Innosense | I have my pretty little Gui back! | 07:30 |
Innosense | =) | 07:30 |
mortifera | i've tried that ubotu but i didn't know exactly what Dl...:( | 07:30 |
nosrednaekim | good!! | 07:30 |
eagles0513875 | morti ubotu is a bot dude | 07:30 |
mortifera | sorry i'm completely noephite in kubuntu.. | 07:30 |
mortifera | neophyte | 07:30 |
stdin | eagles0513875: not sure, it has to be an audio disk, I don't think you can burn an audio dvd | 07:30 |
eagles0513875 | ill keep u posted on that cuz i have at least 8gb of audio | 07:31 |
Innosense | oh...maybe I don't...its not loading my login window...its just a blue screen with a mouse... | 07:32 |
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nosrednaekim | Innosense: how did you start x back up again? | 07:33 |
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Innosense | sudo startx | 07:33 |
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Innosense | and then my password | 07:33 |
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nosrednaekim | no... no need for the sudo | 07:33 |
nosrednaekim | just startx | 07:33 |
stdin | not the best way to start X | 07:33 |
Innosense | so should I try and restart and startx just normally? | 07:34 |
stdin | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 07:34 |
eagles0513875 | its still not working stdin | 07:34 |
stdin | (or 'restart') | 07:34 |
nosrednaekim | ctrl+alt+bkspcs | 07:34 |
nosrednaekim | and then that stdin said | 07:34 |
stdin | eagles0513875: go in to soundkonverters settings, then go to Backends | 07:35 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 07:35 |
eagles0513875 | i there | 07:35 |
eagles0513875 | it found ffmpeg | 07:35 |
Innosense | oooh | 07:35 |
Innosense | yay! | 07:35 |
Innosense | It works! | 07:35 |
Innosense | !!! | 07:35 |
eagles0513875 | in the supported programs wma isnt showing up | 07:35 |
Innosense | I have my old compy back! | 07:36 |
stdin | eagles0513875: what does it have under wma for decoder ? | 07:36 |
nosrednaekim | good!! | 07:36 |
nosrednaekim | sudo is only needed when you need to run something as root... | 07:36 |
eagles0513875 | it doesnt have an encoder | 07:36 |
nosrednaekim | Innosense: ^^ | 07:36 |
Innosense | okay | 07:36 |
BacwardsDown | oh btw, I had this little speakerbox in my system-tray, so I could set the sound-volume, but now its gone, does anyone know the name of that little app? | 07:36 |
eagles0513875 | mplayer is the decoder | 07:37 |
Innosense | it just started me with a window that says "starting without administrative privileges" how do I get them | 07:37 |
nosrednaekim | was it for adept.? | 07:37 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: have you restarted soundkonverter yet? | 07:37 |
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stdin | BacwardsDown: kmix | 07:38 |
eagles0513875 | i will now stdin | 07:38 |
BacwardsDown | stdin: thanks ;-) | 07:38 |
stdin | :) | 07:38 |
eagles0513875 | there is still no encoder | 07:39 |
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eagles0513875 | there isnt 1 for wma and flac | 07:39 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: is ffmpeg or mplater in the dropdown list? | 07:39 |
eagles0513875 | not mplater | 07:39 |
eagles0513875 | neither for encoders | 07:39 |
eagles0513875 | let me download mplater | 07:39 |
stdin | eagles0513875: it's mplayer, sorry :P | 07:40 |
eagles0513875 | i have mplayer and nothign is showing up for encoding | 07:40 |
eagles0513875 | mplayer is set for decoding | 07:40 |
stdin | eagles0513875: you have mplayer installed now? | 07:40 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 07:40 |
Innosense | Okay, last thing. The reason my x was crashing was becuase I tried to set it up so that my laptop ran out to a second monitor-extended desktop kinda thing. Can anyone direct me to a walkthrough for that online? or know how to do it themselfs (without crashing x)? | 07:41 |
eagles0513875 | its being used as decoder for flac and wma | 07:41 |
nosrednaekim | Innosense: ooohhh...that.... | 07:41 |
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nosrednaekim | No....It crashed X for me too... | 07:41 |
stdin | eagles0513875: ok, open up Konsole, and try and play one of your wma files with it (mplayer /path/to/file.wma) | 07:41 |
nosrednaekim | I think you have to insatll the binary nvidia drivers | 07:41 |
Innosense | is that just like tough-stuff/ just don't try | 07:41 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 07:41 |
nosrednaekim | Innosense: hey... now that you know how to recover your X... go ahead... | 07:42 |
stdin | !Xinerama | 07:42 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 07:42 |
stdin | Innosense: look at that page ^^ | 07:42 |
nosrednaekim | stdin THANK YOU!!! | 07:42 |
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stdin | heh :) | 07:42 |
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eagles0513875 | it sounds horrible | 07:43 |
eagles0513875 | song doesnt play at all i get like clicks | 07:43 |
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Rajura | Whats the fastest way to install wine? | 07:43 |
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Innosense | !DualHead | 07:43 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 07:43 |
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eagles0513875 | rajura sudo apt-get install wine | 07:43 |
stdin | eagles0513875: it may be some kind of drm, depends where/how toy got the files | 07:43 |
Innosense | !Xinerama | 07:44 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 07:44 |
stdin | !info wine | 07:44 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB | 07:44 |
eagles0513875 | all i wanna do is convert them from wma to high qualit mpe | 07:44 |
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eagles0513875 | what is a good encoder to get for wma and flac | 07:44 |
stdin | eagles0513875: have you installed w32codecs ? | 07:44 |
eagles0513875 | dont think so where do i get them form | 07:45 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs | 07:45 |
eagles0513875 | ty stdin | 07:46 |
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stdin | yw | 07:46 |
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eagles0513875 | ill let ya know if it worked or i haveing trouble | 07:46 |
stdin | ok | 07:47 |
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eagles0513875 | i get an error 404 when i run first cmd | 07:48 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: make sure you put it all on one line | 07:49 |
eagles0513875 | so no space | 07:49 |
eagles0513875 | s | 07:49 |
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eagles0513875 | still with it on one line it says erro 404 | 07:50 |
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eagles0513875 | nm i think i got it | 07:50 |
eagles0513875 | its downloading | 07:50 |
eagles0513875 | where is it going to save what i have downloaded at | 07:51 |
stdin | eagles0513875: in the directory you run the command from (your home directory by default) | 07:52 |
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eagles0513875 | ok | 07:53 |
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eagles0513875 | its dpkging as we speak stdin | 07:57 |
stdin | after it's installed, try playing the file again | 07:57 |
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eagles0513875 | there r still no encoders for flac and wma | 07:58 |
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pfein | what's the recommended program for basic photo tweaking? I'm thinking like whole-image contrast/brightness, that sort of thing... | 07:59 |
carutsu | scuse me, how can i run a program with root permisions BUT keepig same user | 07:59 |
carutsu | pfein may be Grimp | 07:59 |
eagles0513875 | sud | 07:59 |
stdin | !sudo | 08:00 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:00 |
eagles0513875 | sudo | 08:00 |
stdin | eagles0513875: just try playing the file in mplayer again | 08:00 |
carutsu | stdin i know about sudo, but sudo runs as root, i only want root privileges, but kkeping my account name and so on | 08:00 |
pfein | carutsu: I want some thing simple, not a paint program (krita's too much) | 08:00 |
stdin | carutsu: what do you mean, what are you trying to do? | 08:01 |
eagles0513875 | they work | 08:01 |
eagles0513875 | now what encoders do i need to get for flac and wma | 08:01 |
stdin | eagles0513875: set them to mplayer | 08:02 |
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eagles0513875 | ok | 08:02 |
eagles0513875 | there r no options coming up for encoding for flac and wma | 08:03 |
eagles0513875 | wait | 08:03 |
carutsu | stdin: i want to instal webmail in thunderbird however, if i install it as normal user it cant change the dialog so i can choose to make a webmail account, if i run it as sudo i can, but the account is saved as root's and checking mail with root acces is the worst idea | 08:03 |
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eagles0513875 | since im converting them to mp3's do i need flac and wma encoders | 08:03 |
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eagles0513875 | since im encoding them as mp3's | 08:03 |
stdin | eagles0513875: no, just encoders | 08:03 |
pfein | carutsu: digikam's is ok, thx anyway | 08:03 |
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carutsu | stdin i mean if i run it as sudo the dialog changes and i can create the account, so i want root privileges but keeping my user name and overall | 08:04 |
Berto | hi - got an ubuntu newbie question - i installed 6.10 64-bit, but my repository sources look just like normal ones. Shouldn't they be pointing to specific 64-bit repositories? | 08:04 |
stdin | Berto: no | 08:05 |
Berto | stdin, cool, that makes me feel better that i don't have to re-do this :) | 08:05 |
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carutsu | stdin any clues? | 08:06 |
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eagles0513875 | sry bout that stdin keyboard was acting up | 08:07 |
rambo | hello | 08:07 |
rambo | i have a problem with "user managment" | 08:07 |
eagles0513875 | stdin so i only need the mp3 encoder since that is what im encoding the music to | 08:07 |
stdin | carutsu: not sure | 08:07 |
rambo | it says "The module User Managment could not be loaded" | 08:07 |
rambo | what can i do? | 08:07 |
carutsu | i think there was a flag or something | 08:07 |
stdin | eagles0513875: yeah, and ffmpeg should be able to do that for you | 08:08 |
eagles0513875 | so i dont have to have the encoders for flac or wma | 08:08 |
eagles0513875 | and the encoder im using is lame for mp3 | 08:08 |
kaqq | im looking 4 an ftp client that supports ssl auth tsl and ident plz highlight me | 08:08 |
kaqq | 4 kde | 08:08 |
guiden | why is the logo of katapult a slingshot? | 08:09 |
stdin | eagles0513875: you can install flac if you want, but you said you wanted mp3, so you don't need it | 08:09 |
eagles0513875 | ya i like flac but it takes up too much space | 08:09 |
eagles0513875 | is mp3 good format since im encoding them with max bitrate and sampling rate | 08:10 |
stdin | eagles0513875: if you like mp3, all my music is in ogg/vorbis, you get a higher quality at a lower bitrate than mp3 | 08:10 |
carutsu | stdin... i think this will do itThe -u (user) option causes sudo to run the specified command as a user other than root. To specify a uid instead of a username, use #uid. Note that if the targetpw Defaults option is set (see sudoers(5)) it is not possible to run commands with a uid not listed in the password database. | 08:11 |
eagles0513875 | im encoding them in 320 bitrate | 08:12 |
eagles0513875 | does that make the audio sound good | 08:12 |
Berto | is flashplugin-nonfree in the Multiverse repository? I have multiverse setup but still not seeing flashplugin-nonfree ( 6.10 ) | 08:12 |
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Berto | ahhhh, no flashplugin for 64-bit linux from adobe...... | 08:13 |
eagles0513875 | its hard to find 64bit stuff not only for linux also windows | 08:13 |
stdin | carutsu: so what would be the difference between a user (user1) running the command and running it with sudo -u user1 command, you'll still have the same access | 08:13 |
Berto | eagles0513875, yeah i just put this machine together. i'm not picky but would like flash | 08:13 |
eagles0513875 | i know its a must for alot of things | 08:14 |
eagles0513875 | im relatively new to linux | 08:14 |
stdin | eagles0513875: IMO, an ogg at 92Kbps sounds as good as an mp3 at 192Kbps | 08:14 |
eagles0513875 | didnt know that | 08:14 |
Berto | eagles0513875, welcome aboard. i've been using for 9 years, but VERY new to ubuntu | 08:14 |
stdin | Berto: there is gnash | 08:14 |
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Berto | stdin, that's what i'm seeing in the wiki | 08:14 |
eagles0513875 | thanks berto ive learned so much bout linux using ubuntu and kubuntu | 08:15 |
Berto | before this, i had a 7 year old PC running old mandriva... now i'm dual core | 08:15 |
stdin | Berto: or you can get flash (from adobe) in a 32bit firefox install | 08:15 |
Berto | stdin, hmm which would you recommend? | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | berto i got a question have u played around much with clustering | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | i started with suse 9.0 | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | i have a copy of 10 | 08:15 |
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Berto | eagles0513875, no, sorry | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | and then i found out bout this and im hooked on this | 08:15 |
stdin | Berto: the one from adobe in a 32bit firefix, gnash is still alpha, and won't play flash 8 or 9 | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | what i love bout ubuntu is that its not that ram intensive | 08:16 |
Berto | ubuntu is really the only way to go for desktop if you ask me | 08:16 |
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eagles0513875 | im using under 256mb of ram out of my 1.2gb | 08:16 |
Berto | stdin, so i'd need to uninstall firefox and re-install 32-bit firefox? | 08:16 |
stdin | Berto: no, just follow the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 08:16 |
Berto | stdin, yep just clicked on that. thanks iwll play | 08:16 |
carutsu | stdin as far as i'm concerned using sudo logs you AS root, with the flag you run it as your_user_count WITJ root permissions | 08:16 |
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eagles0513875 | berto u play round with wine much | 08:17 |
stdin | carutsu: nope, that's not how sudo works | 08:17 |
carutsu | stdin, that's what i need | 08:17 |
stdin | sudo -u stdin cat /etc/shadow | 08:17 |
stdin | cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied | 08:17 |
eagles0513875 | and also do u know how i can get my open gl working with my ati gpu | 08:17 |
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stdin | eagles0513875: you'd need to install xgl, and the ati binary drivers | 08:18 |
stamen | hi | 08:18 |
stamen | I have compiled now the kernel 2.6.20 | 08:18 |
eagles0513875 | i tried that and yet the mesa3d still says that its indirect | 08:19 |
stamen | but I don't know why my usb mouse don;t work | 08:19 |
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edugonch | Hi, that's also my quiestion, I have problem with beryl and XGl in AMD 64 | 08:19 |
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stamen | does USB HID enables the usb mouse | 08:19 |
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stamen | because I have desabled this option | 08:19 |
stdin | eagles0513875: you get dri with the ati driver, but xgl disables it | 08:19 |
Berto | is there a list of US repository mirrors? I'm getting horrible speed from us.archive.ubuntu.com (35.5kb/s on fiber? no way) | 08:20 |
eagles0513875 | so i need to install the binary fglrx driver | 08:20 |
stdin | stamen: should, HID=Human Interface Device | 08:20 |
edugonch | Oh no, sorry, my problem is that I can't make XGL and Beryl work, My Ati drivers are ok | 08:20 |
stdin | stamen: and you need the module usbmouse | 08:21 |
stamen | stdin: yes I know the abriviation, but must it be enabled ? | 08:21 |
stdin | stamen: yeah, I think usbmouse needs it | 08:21 |
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stamen | aaa, ok | 08:21 |
stamen | there is my mistake | 08:21 |
stamen | :) | 08:21 |
edugonch | :) | 08:21 |
stdin | stamen: just copy the config from /boot and use that to configure the kernel | 08:21 |
stamen | yes I will do this | 08:22 |
stamen | :) | 08:22 |
stamen | 10x bye | 08:22 |
stdin | stamen: what guide are you following? | 08:22 |
stamen | http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu | 08:22 |
stdin | stamen: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 08:23 |
stdin | stamen: it tells you how to copy the config | 08:23 |
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stamen | ok | 08:23 |
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Daisuke_Ido | so far so good. been running for a while with no lockups and no crashes :D | 08:24 |
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dylan_ | y hallo thar | 08:24 |
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eagles0513875 | stdin its still indirect | 08:25 |
eagles0513875 | stdin may i pm | 08:25 |
stdin | eagles0513875: sure | 08:25 |
dylan_ | I have a question about having Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu all on the same install | 08:26 |
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stdin | ask away | 08:26 |
dylan_ | I know when I installed Kubuntu on Ubuntu, there was some clutter in the menus, but I was wondering if Xubuntu adds much clutter | 08:27 |
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theshadow | whats a good reccomendation for desktop widgets? | 08:28 |
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stdin | not much I think, most of the apps in Xubuntu are the same as Ubuntu, so there won't be much more | 08:28 |
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dylan_ | and is there anything like this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31031 | 08:28 |
dylan_ | ? | 08:28 |
dylan_ | for Xubuntu | 08:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | guys, where do I get FrostWire ? I downloaded a package from the website but after install it didnt start! | 08:28 |
stdin | !frostwore | LaNCeloT_RW | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about frostwore - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
stdin | !frostwire | LaNCeloT_RW | 08:28 |
ubotu | LaNCeloT_RW: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 08:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /opt/ hierarchy | 08:28 |
LaNCeloT_RW | You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com | 08:28 |
=== flake [n=rmcdanie@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LaNCeloT_RW | but i have java... what should I do ? | 08:29 |
flake | can I make the desklets auto start up? | 08:29 |
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eagles0513875 | stdin i just sent ya pm | 08:29 |
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stdin | dylan_: not sure, ask in #xubuntu | 08:29 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: make sure you do "sudo update-alternatives --config java" | 08:30 |
dylan_ | stdin: ok, thaks for the help | 08:30 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, sudo update-alternatives --config-java | 08:31 |
LaNCeloT_RW | update-alternatives: unknown option `--config-java' | 08:31 |
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dylan_ | um, what's the equivalent of "update-manager" for Kubuntu? | 08:32 |
LaNCeloT_RW | I use Ubuntu | 08:32 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: not "--config-java" "--config java" with a space | 08:32 |
LaNCeloT_RW | 6.10 ADM64 | 08:32 |
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stdin | dylan_: not at the moment, it's being worked in tho | 08:33 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, great man! now it works | 08:33 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: great :) | 08:33 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, man, how do I enable java for using java with firefox | 08:34 |
LaNCeloT_RW | java plugin | 08:34 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: which version of java did you install, 5? | 08:34 |
LaNCeloT_RW | yes | 08:35 |
Berto | stdin, yeah, using 32-bit firefox and 64-bit processor and flash is very painless... thanks for the recommendation! | 08:35 |
LaNCeloT_RW | 5 | 08:35 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: install "sun-java5-plugin" and restart firefox | 08:35 |
stdin | Berto: no problem :) | 08:35 |
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Schuenemann | hey, how can I play FLV files with mplayer or kaffeine? | 08:35 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, Package sun-java5-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:35 |
LaNCeloT_RW | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:35 |
LaNCeloT_RW | is only available from another source | 08:35 |
LaNCeloT_RW | E: Package sun-java5-plugin has no installation candidate | 08:35 |
AxlRose | i think mplayer can play FLV by defauly | 08:36 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: how did you install java? | 08:36 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, I get an error | 08:36 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, apt-get install sun-java5-plugin | 08:36 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: no, the jre | 08:37 |
rbrunhuber | !botsnack > me | 08:37 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device. | 08:37 |
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=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix | ||
AxlRose | hmm let me check mine | 08:37 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, via apt-get | 08:37 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, cannot remember the command I used | 08:37 |
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dg10050 | is it dangerous at all to run update-manager from Ubuntu? | 08:37 |
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dg10050 | Kubuntu* | 08:38 |
stdin | dg10050: not really, I do it | 08:38 |
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dg10050 | stdin: kthx | 08:38 |
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AxlRose | Schuenemann: it works for me...what video output are u useing | 08:39 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, actually I get that with any video format, appearently | 08:39 |
Schuenemann | I don't know | 08:39 |
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Schuenemann | where do I check? | 08:39 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: are u using the graphical mplayer or command line? | 08:39 |
Schuenemann | graphical | 08:39 |
Schuenemann | I opened a video and chose mplayer | 08:40 |
=== boomsang [n=boomsang@ASte-Genev-Bois-154-1-69-191.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AxlRose | when mplayer has the default image showing...right click on it and click preferences | 08:40 |
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Schuenemann | k | 08:40 |
Schuenemann | and then? | 08:40 |
AxlRose | make sure no video is playing | 08:40 |
AxlRose | click video | 08:40 |
boomsang | lu all | 08:40 |
Schuenemann | I can't play any videos :p | 08:40 |
boomsang | no french here , | 08:40 |
boomsang | , | 08:40 |
maelcum_ | hi! what's the currently best command-line tool for dvd writing? still growisofs? | 08:41 |
AxlRose | haha | 08:41 |
Schuenemann | !fr | 08:41 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:41 |
boomsang | !fr | 08:41 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: I | 08:41 |
Schuenemann | boomsang, go to those channes | 08:41 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: I'm using the gl video out | 08:41 |
Schuenemann | xgma is checked here | 08:41 |
Schuenemann | xmga | 08:41 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: change it | 08:41 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: to either GL or x11 | 08:42 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: what does "apt-cache policy sun-java5-jre" show? | 08:42 |
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Schuenemann | now it's playing... but very slow | 08:42 |
Schuenemann | and I got an error message again | 08:42 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: which one did u use? | 08:42 |
Schuenemann | gl | 08:42 |
Schuenemann | wait, let me copy the message | 08:42 |
AxlRose | try X11 | 08:42 |
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AxlRose | what kind of video card to u have | 08:43 |
Schuenemann | Requested audio codec family [mp3] (afm=mp3lib) not available. Enable it at compilation | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | sun-java5-jre: | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Installed: 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Candidate: 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Version table: | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | *** 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 0 | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | 500 http://br.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Packages | 08:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 08:43 |
Schuenemann | seems the problem is the audio now? | 08:43 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: to get rid of that go to the preference again and click on codecs | 08:44 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: change Audio to FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders | 08:44 |
Schuenemann | I don't think I have ffmpeg | 08:44 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: and "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin" says it can't find the package? | 08:45 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: either do I but it works :P | 08:45 |
Schuenemann | there is gl2 too, whatever that is | 08:45 |
Stalk3r | anyone know why K3b complains mp3 is an unsupported format when my system supports mp3? | 08:45 |
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stdin | Stalk3r: you need libk3b2-mp3 | 08:45 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, yes | 08:45 |
LaNCeloT_RW | no release candidate | 08:45 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: are u looking in the codec section | 08:46 |
Stalk3r | stdin: thanks | 08:46 |
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Schuenemann | yes | 08:46 |
Schuenemann | no error message, but very slow this time | 08:46 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: what kind of video card do u have | 08:46 |
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Schuenemann | what do you have on the video codec? | 08:46 |
Schuenemann | a crappy 64 MB SiS | 08:46 |
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AxlRose | Schuenemann: nothing | 08:46 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: thats probably why gl is slow | 08:46 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: switch it to x11 | 08:47 |
Schuenemann | no... I used to play them good, with dapper | 08:47 |
Schuenemann | well, I don't know what that setting was | 08:47 |
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Schuenemann | let me try | 08:47 |
Bi||aBong | who i can know if the 3d aceleration of my video card is enable? | 08:47 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, remember that I use an AMD64 Ubuntu 6.10 | 08:47 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: ahh, that's the problem then :P | 08:48 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: you can get it to work, but you have to get a 32bit firefox, the steps are here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 08:49 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, anything I can do? i have a earlier version of ubuntu (6.06) working well with firefox and java.. but i canot remember what I did | 08:49 |
LaNCeloT_RW | i'll try it man | 08:49 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, it's a bit slow... and I can't make the video larger | 08:49 |
Schuenemann | I used to be able to do that | 08:50 |
Bi||aBong | somebody can help me? | 08:50 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: ya thats one of the problems with x11 | 08:50 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: do you have direct rendering working on your video card | 08:50 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, this is the version of my installed firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060601 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-edgy) | 08:50 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, I don't know | 08:50 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, this is the 32-bit version, right? | 08:50 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: go to a console and fo a glxinfo | grep direct | 08:51 |
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Schuenemann | in mplayer it's not checked | 08:51 |
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Bi||aBong | who i can enable direct rendering? | 08:52 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: looks like the 64bit one, but I can't really tell from theat | 08:52 |
stdin | *that | 08:52 |
LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, because i had 64-bit firefox and the icon is different from these one i have now | 08:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | does firefox's bookmark manager always suck this bad? | 08:52 |
LaNCeloT_RW | but, anyway I' ll test | 08:53 |
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Daisuke_Ido | move one bookmark to where i want it on the toolbar, and all of a sudden, a dozen other links are in completely different positions | 08:53 |
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Schuenemann | AxlRose, I typed glxinfo and was logged out | 08:53 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: you were totally logged out of KDE? | 08:54 |
Schuenemann | yes | 08:54 |
stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: if you installed it with apt, or adept, it's the 64bit one | 08:54 |
Schuenemann | I typed glxinfo only | 08:54 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: i've never heard of that one | 08:54 |
Daisuke_Ido | and i'm a retard. | 08:54 |
Schuenemann | :-/ | 08:54 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: u did it in konsole? | 08:54 |
Schuenemann | yes | 08:54 |
Bi||aBong | i need enable de direct rendering, how i can do this? | 08:54 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: want to try it again haha | 08:55 |
Schuenemann | just a sec | 08:55 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, it was already installed after ubuntu installation | 08:55 |
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stdin | LaNCeloT_RW: ahh, then it's not the 32bit one, just follow the guide on the link i sent | 08:55 |
AxlRose | Bi||aBong: it all depends on what kinda of video card you have | 08:56 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | stdin, ok, i will follow that.. i have already downloaded firefox 32-bit | 08:56 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: thatis fucked up | 08:56 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, yeah, it really logs me off | 08:56 |
Schuenemann | =( | 08:56 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: can u do glxgears? | 08:56 |
Schuenemann | yes | 08:57 |
Schuenemann | I see some things | 08:57 |
Schuenemann | spining | 08:57 |
LaNCeloT_RW | I Wish You Could - Martijn Ten Velden (Good Music) hehehe | 08:57 |
AxlRose | are they slow? | 08:57 |
Schuenemann | yes | 08:57 |
Bi||aBong | i have ati radeon 9200 SE | 08:57 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: like jerky slow? | 08:57 |
LaNCeloT_RW | oh, glxgears here are slow too | 08:57 |
Schuenemann | lol... I don't know | 08:57 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: well what I mean is are they stuttering | 08:58 |
Schuenemann | they seem rusty or something | 08:58 |
Schuenemann | stuttering? | 08:58 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: jumpy | 08:58 |
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AxlRose | Schuenemann: not smoothly turning | 08:58 |
Schuenemann | no... I guess I can see they moving | 08:58 |
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AxlRose | Bi||aBong: follow this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 08:59 |
Schuenemann | sometimes they move the opposite direction | 08:59 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: it would really help if glxinfo wouldn't log you out :S | 09:00 |
Schuenemann | I guess so | 09:00 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | guys, glxgears here are slow too... | 09:03 |
LaNCeloT_RW | what should it be? | 09:03 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: just because it's slow doesn't mean anythings wrong | 09:03 |
nosrednaekim | LaNCeloT_RW: try "glxinfo" | 09:03 |
Schuenemann | that you log you off :p | 09:03 |
nosrednaekim | an see if you have direct rendering | 09:03 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: jerky...or stuttering is a differnt story | 09:03 |
=== ubuntu_ [i=huh@177.155-211-66.nh.dialup.FreeDialup.org] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | hrm. | 09:04 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9695/ | 09:04 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, can u check my glxinfo, just to know if it is ok ? | 09:05 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: well you don't have direct rendering | 09:05 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, how can i able this? | 09:05 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: and thats a problem lol | 09:05 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: what kinda video card do u have | 09:05 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, Gforce MX 440 - 64MB | 09:06 |
|Jason8|| | Hey guys, I just installed kubuntu 6.06, and now grub gives me an error 15 when I try to boot. Should I try to reinstall it? Currently using the LiveCD | 09:06 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: have u installed the nvidia drivers? | 09:06 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, yes, using apt-get | 09:06 |
AxlRose | post your xorg.conf so I can look at it | 09:06 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, what is the command to install nvidia drivers, just to check the installation | 09:06 |
nosrednaekim | Jason: you can just reinstall grub | 09:07 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: how would I go about doing that? | 09:07 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: justto be sure, you can't even get to the grub menu? | 09:07 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: not sure...I'm an ATI user | 09:07 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: i think they are in apt though | 09:08 |
|Jason8|| | Nope, can't get to the grub menu | 09:08 |
|Jason8|| | It says "Grub 1.5 Loading" or something like that | 09:08 |
|Jason8|| | then it says Error 15 | 09:08 |
nosrednaekim | ok... what drive hda1, 2, 3, etc did you install linux on? | 09:08 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: post ur xorg.conf though so I can see that | 09:08 |
JernejL | where do i change environment paths in kubuntu? | 09:08 |
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AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: | 09:09 |
AxlRose | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common | 09:09 |
AxlRose | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 09:09 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, weird... when I run mplayer from konsole it enables me to resize | 09:09 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, i dont think i did it on this fresh installataion of Ubuntu | 09:09 |
LaNCeloT_RW | let me do it | 09:09 |
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AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29 | 09:10 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, it is installed | 09:10 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: thats because it's using a differnt video out | 09:10 |
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AxlRose | Schuenemann: i'm not sure what it uses as a defualt | 09:10 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, XV seems ok | 09:10 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: are you with me? | 09:10 |
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|Jason8|| | oh, missed that line. | 09:11 |
|Jason8|| | sorry. | 09:11 |
corey | hoe do i install a tar.gz file??? | 09:11 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: I've had problems with XV on some things...but if it works for u great | 09:11 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, x11/xv | 09:11 |
|Jason8|| | It was on hdb1 | 09:11 |
nosrednaekim | ok. | 09:11 |
LaNCeloT_RW | shit! java plugin is not working on firefox | 09:11 |
Schuenemann | corey, tar -xvf filename | 09:11 |
Schuenemann | corey, you can open it with ark | 09:11 |
Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, what is the problem | 09:11 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: does it play smoothly | 09:11 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: i'm still waiting on ur xorg.conf | 09:12 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, appearently yes | 09:12 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: I suppose hda is always the master ide drive? | 09:12 |
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nosrednaekim | I'm not exactly sure | 09:12 |
|Jason8|| | hda is the master drive, yes. | 09:12 |
nosrednaekim | ok... good | 09:12 |
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AxlRose | Schuenemann: problem solved :D | 09:12 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, i did what was on the page wiki ubuntu to install java plugin using AMD 64 Ubuntu Edgy | 09:12 |
LaNCeloT_RW | but it is not working | 09:12 |
Schuenemann | AxlRose, thanks man | 09:12 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, i will paste it right now | 09:12 |
=== lugia is now known as lugia_ | ||
sorush21 | hi how do I prevent the upgrade of some of my packages | 09:12 |
AxlRose | Schuenemann: no problem | 09:12 |
Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, do you have java installed? JRE | 09:12 |
nosrednaekim | ok |Jason8||: do this command "mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /mnt" | 09:14 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9698/ | 09:14 |
nosrednaekim | thats will mount your ubuntu drive | 09:14 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, yes, I have JRE 1.5 | 09:14 |
Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, if you type "java -version" do you get 1.5 output? | 09:14 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, java version "1.5.0_08" | 09:15 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_08-b03) | 09:15 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_08-b03, mixed mode | 09:15 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: you need to go into ur xorg.conf and go to the section "Device" | 09:15 |
Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, you just can't see applets? | 09:15 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: change nv to nvidia | 09:15 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: then reboot | 09:15 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: I have to be under root. How do I do that? | 09:16 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, already changed, i'll restart later | 09:16 |
nosrednaekim | sorry, put a sudo before that command | 09:16 |
LaNCeloT_RW | AxlRose, thanks | 09:16 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: alright | 09:16 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: i'm out | 09:16 |
AxlRose | LaNCeloT_RW: goodluck | 09:16 |
LaNCeloT_RW | thanks | 09:16 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, yes, i need to use firefox java plugin | 09:16 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: okay, did that. no output. Just makes a new line. | 09:16 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | to access bank account (for example) | 09:16 |
nosrednaekim | ok... good | 09:16 |
Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, check this: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=2457750 | 09:17 |
Schuenemann | I had that problem once | 09:17 |
corey | how do i make firefox work with this?? | 09:17 |
nosrednaekim | now do "sudo chroot /dev/hdb1" | 09:17 |
Schuenemann | about:plugins | 09:17 |
Schuenemann | plugin.expose_full_path | 09:17 |
Schuenemann | sorry, about:config | 09:17 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, now the plugin is working | 09:18 |
LaNCeloT_RW | thanks man | 09:18 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: chroot: cannot change root directory to /dev/hdb1: Not a directory | 09:18 |
Schuenemann | :D | 09:18 |
sorush20 | what is the package for kubuntu glx called? | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | sorry, i'm kinda tired... change /dev/hdb1 to /mnt | 09:18 |
|Jason8|| | oh | 09:18 |
|Jason8|| | so "sudo chroot /mnt"? | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | yeah | 09:18 |
|Jason8|| | Okay. | 09:19 |
corey | Anyone know ??? | 09:20 |
nosrednaekim | now do "sudo grub-install /dev/hda" | 09:20 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: Okay, i'm set. logged in under root now. | 09:20 |
edward_ | looking for some help | 09:20 |
edward_ | anyone know if i386 will work on AMD64? | 09:20 |
nosrednaekim | edward_: you mean install a 32 bit OS on a 64 bit machine | 09:21 |
nosrednaekim | ? | 09:21 |
edward_ | yes | 09:21 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... that will work | 09:21 |
edward_ | will it work | 09:21 |
edward_ | amd64 kubuntu doesn't have macromedia support | 09:21 |
nosrednaekim | edward_: yes it will | 09:22 |
nosrednaekim | !nspluginwrapper | 09:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:22 |
edward_ | will everything else work as well? | 09:22 |
guiden | you can also have a amd64 os and still use 32 bit program, you just have to have 32 libraries | 09:22 |
nosrednaekim | edward_: everthing will work exactly the same (somtimes better) | 09:22 |
edward_ | sounds great | 09:22 |
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nosrednaekim | edward_: to install macromedia flash google "nspluginwrapper" | 09:22 |
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Schuenemann | corey, what is your problem? | 09:23 |
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guiden | edward, why do you want a 32 bit os when there is 64 bit versions? | 09:23 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: did you do the command? | 09:23 |
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nosrednaekim | 64 bit can be a pain... | 09:23 |
guiden | well a bit | 09:23 |
guiden | with flash | 09:23 |
guiden | but it's only that | 09:23 |
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|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: just did | 09:23 |
nosrednaekim | ok... | 09:23 |
Schuenemann | adobe sucks | 09:24 |
nosrednaekim | try and reboot now |Jason8|| | 09:24 |
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|Jason8|| | sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname() | 09:24 |
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nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: NM, don't reboot yet | 09:24 |
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|Jason8|| | yeah, it didn't connect to the server. | 09:24 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: did you try "su" within that terminal? | 09:24 |
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|Jason8|| | su? no | 09:25 |
edward_ | I like 64 bit but in Kubuntu there seems to be lack of support at this time | 09:25 |
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guiden | oh | 09:25 |
guiden | but | 09:25 |
guiden | I'm using it | 09:25 |
guiden | :) | 09:25 |
nosrednaekim | what did you do to login as root in the chroot? | 09:25 |
edward_ | need java and macromedia support | 09:25 |
comosicus | what shoud i do to be invited on a channel | 09:25 |
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edward_ | really like kubuntu and much better than windows | 09:25 |
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Schuenemann | comosicus, someone has to invite you | 09:26 |
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nosrednaekim | edward_: proabbaly better to go 32 bit then | 09:26 |
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|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: that one command, "sudo chroot <stuff>" put me under root | 09:26 |
comosicus | how do i find that someoane? | 09:26 |
nosrednaekim | oh...ok | 09:26 |
Schuenemann | I don't think there is a command to see who is in a channel | 09:26 |
nosrednaekim | so you didn't enter any commands into that terminal until my grub installer one? | 09:27 |
Schuenemann | you could try the network help channel | 09:27 |
guiden | it's a waste of potentional power... | 09:27 |
bigpig | sorry to interrupt, guys, but my 6.10 system initiated a 7.04 upgrade this morning... should I be suspicious or greatful? | 09:27 |
comosicus | thank's | 09:27 |
nosrednaekim | bigpig: is it all working? | 09:27 |
bigpig | it's not complete, yet. | 09:27 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: I'm using the same terminal I started when you first told me to run the commands. | 09:27 |
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nosrednaekim | ok | 09:27 |
bigpig | nosrednaekim: let it run, or kill the upgrade and wait? | 09:28 |
bigpig | nosrednaekim: this is my primary desktop. | 09:28 |
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nosrednaekim | bigpig: you might want to cancel | 09:28 |
nosrednaekim | whether or not it will work is really wuite arbitrary | 09:28 |
nosrednaekim | I'd personally kill it | 09:29 |
bigpig | nosrednaekim: okay. should it have autoinitiated? (I did not initiate it. I was prompted) | 09:29 |
maniek1990 | #ubuntu.pl | 09:29 |
nosrednaekim | bigpig: yes... it can do that | 09:29 |
nosrednaekim | just cancell it... | 09:29 |
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maniek1990 | Where I' m ?? | 09:29 |
maniek1990 | what is?? | 09:29 |
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bigpig | it seems odd to me that it would have initated on a standard installation. | 09:29 |
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bigpig | looks like my source.list has been updated to all feisty repositories. | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: could you exit and redo the chroot step? | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | big pig: uhh oh... too late | 09:30 |
|Jason8|| | sure. | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | I'm sorry | 09:30 |
fdoving | bigpig: is it finished downloading yet? | 09:31 |
bigpig | nosrednaekim: did you do that? ;) | 09:31 |
nosrednaekim | big pig,... better continue with the upgrade then... | 09:31 |
nosrednaekim | bigpig: nah... | 09:31 |
bigpig | fdoving: no. it was ~half way through the downloads. | 09:31 |
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fdoving | bigpig: ok, then you can still kill it. | 09:31 |
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nosrednaekim | I was saying sorry to jason | 09:31 |
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bigpig | nosrednaekim: you just seemed like a good victim to blame. (grins!) | 09:31 |
fdoving | bigpig: cancel it and change all instances of 'feisty' back to 'edgy' in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:31 |
LaNCeloT_RW | brb guys! | 09:31 |
dawn | why would I be getting this?? sh: Can't open NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 09:32 |
bigpig | fdoving: okay. thanks. | 09:32 |
bigpig | any ideas why it initiated this morning? | 09:32 |
dawn | i logout of session and stop kdm | 09:32 |
fdoving | bigpig: then run 'sudo aptitude update' in a terminal to get the right package-index. | 09:32 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: this is what I get when I use "sudo chroot /mnt" like you said | 09:32 |
|Jason8|| | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt | 09:32 |
|Jason8|| | root@ubuntu:/# | 09:32 |
fdoving | bigpig: no, i have a hard time beliving it started by itself. you had to accept it somehow. | 09:32 |
edward_ | why doesnt there come support for macromedia with AMD64 like with i386? | 09:32 |
bigpig | fdoving: I accepted it, but it doesn't make sense that it was even offered this early in the release cycle. | 09:33 |
fdoving | bigpig: true. i'll ask around. | 09:33 |
edward_ | have one system that it works beautiful on i386 and my new amd64 needs plugins | 09:33 |
nosrednaekim | Jason ok.. thats fine | 09:33 |
|Jason8|| | okay. | 09:34 |
bigpig | fdoving: okay. shoot me an email at havoc@harrisdev.com if you need any diagnostic or ferensic info from me. | 09:34 |
nosrednaekim | then run " grub-install /dev/hda" | 09:34 |
edward_ | how can I update from 6.06 LTS to 6.10 in Kubuntu? | 09:34 |
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fdoving | bigpig: do you have edgy-proposed repositories enabled? | 09:34 |
fdoving | !upgrade | edward_ | 09:34 |
ubotu | edward_: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 09:34 |
bigpig | thanks for entertaining my questions. I appreciate the work you folks do to give me such a fantastic system! | 09:34 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: I get the same error. sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname() | 09:35 |
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bigpig | fdoving: well, feisty-proposed is currently enabled, so I assume that edgy-proposed was before it got updated. | 09:35 |
nosrednaekim | did you do sudo? | 09:35 |
nosrednaekim | don't use sudo on that command | 09:35 |
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|Jason8|| | okay. | 09:36 |
fdoving | bigpig: that might explain alot. | 09:36 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. Do I have to mount hda? | 09:36 |
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|Jason8|| | and wouldn't it be hda1? | 09:36 |
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bigpig | fdoving: other than automatic upgrades, what's in X-proposed? | 09:37 |
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fdoving | bigpig: -proposed contains packages that are proposed for -updates, they are in -proposed to be tested. that's why you got the new adept with the fancy upgrade tool. | 09:37 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: thats odd... | 09:38 |
LaNCeloT_RW | omg! neither flash or java plugin works with firefox | 09:38 |
bigpig | fdoving: okay... thanks. | 09:38 |
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fdoving | bigpig: every package has to sit in -proposed for a certain amount of time (or till enought developers have confirmed it to be ok), before making it into -updates. adept needs to make it into -updates in time for the next release which happens in ~1 month. | 09:39 |
LaNCeloT_RW | i tried to access my bank account and the java loads.. but when i typed the pass it says: "Password Empty" | 09:39 |
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|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: should I mount that drive and try to install grub onto it as "/media/hda"? | 09:39 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: I forgot to mention, that drive is NTFS | 09:40 |
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Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, do you see applets from other pages? | 09:40 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, can u tell me a page to test it? | 09:40 |
nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: you should not need to mount the drive | 09:40 |
|Jason8|| | hrm. | 09:40 |
Schuenemann | let me see | 09:40 |
nosrednaekim | if you have an hdb, you would need an hda I would think. yet its saying hda isn't a device... | 09:41 |
|Jason8|| | There's a hda in there! | 09:41 |
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|Jason8|| | I can see it in /dev/ | 09:41 |
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nosrednaekim | hmm... very odd... | 09:42 |
nosrednaekim | VERY odd... | 09:42 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, flash is not working out too | 09:42 |
fdoving | nosrednaekim: hda is the master on the first ide channel. you don't have to connect anything to it. | 09:42 |
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nosrednaekim | fdoving: I know | 09:42 |
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Schuenemann | LaNCeloT_RW, nowhere? | 09:42 |
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|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: I just looked, there is no /dev/ directory.. There is a /media/ directory, and it's in there | 09:43 |
nosrednaekim | there is /dev/? | 09:43 |
bigpig | thanks, all! | 09:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | Schuenemann, neither flash or java works ok | 09:43 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: can i ask what is the initial problem? | 09:43 |
LaNCeloT_RW | using firefox | 09:43 |
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nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: I think you had better reinstall | 09:43 |
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nosrednaekim | fdoving: error 15 on grub boot | 09:43 |
|Jason8|| | Okay, I can handle a reinstallation | 09:43 |
edward_ | can anyone tell me an easy way to get macromedia support for amd64 in kubuntu | 09:44 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: hang on a few minutes, i'll just find out what grub error 15 is. | 09:44 |
nosrednaekim | edward_: google "nspluginwrapper" | 09:44 |
|Jason8|| | fdoving: I looked it up, it's a missing kernel or something | 09:44 |
edward_ | i did google it and comes in rpm format | 09:44 |
nosrednaekim | |your installation is meesed up if you don't have a /dev | 09:44 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: just read that. ok. do you have more than one entry in your grub menu? | 09:45 |
nosrednaekim | !find nspluginwrapper | 09:45 |
slow-motion | hallo | 09:45 |
ubotu | Package/file nspluginwrapper does not exist in edgy | 09:45 |
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|Jason8|| | fdoving, I just formatted and installed kubuntu on my second hard drive, originally had Ubuntu on that drive. | 09:45 |
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|Jason8|| | It had Windows XP and Ubuntu as the entries on the GRUB boot menu | 09:46 |
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fdoving | |Jason8||: so when you boot you get a list of ubuntu kernels, or just 'Windows XP' and 'Ubuntu' ? | 09:46 |
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|Jason8|| | fdoving right now I don't get a list, I just get the error. but before I formatted, I got a list with Windows XP, and three or four Ubuntu options. | 09:47 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: ok, you can hit 'esc' to get the list, can't you? | 09:47 |
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nosrednaekim | |Jason8||: can you boot windows? | 09:48 |
|Jason8|| | Nope, can't boot windows and I don't think esc works | 09:48 |
nosrednaekim | heis grub and his whole insatll is messed up, fdoving | 09:48 |
|Jason8|| | It says "GRUB 1.5 Loading..." then instantly it says "Error 15" | 09:48 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: are you chrooted into the linux root partition now? | 09:48 |
|Jason8|| | and just starts that. | 09:48 |
|Jason8|| | fdoving, yes. | 09:48 |
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fdoving | |Jason8||: do 'mount -t proc none /proc' | 09:49 |
sbalzano | HI ALL HELP ME FOR AMULE | 09:49 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: then 'update-grub' | 09:49 |
fdoving | !p2p | sbalzano | 09:49 |
ubotu | sbalzano: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 09:49 |
|Jason8|| | Cool. | 09:50 |
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fdoving | |Jason8||: does it fail somehow? | 09:50 |
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|Jason8|| | menu.lst was missing or something like that | 09:50 |
|Jason8|| | just made one | 09:50 |
|Jason8|| | and now it's done, finished. No errors. | 09:50 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: ok. verify that the info in /boot/grub/menu.lst looks ok. | 09:51 |
nosrednaekim | fdoving: I didnt know there was that command | 09:51 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: with emphasis on the root partition. | 09:51 |
|Jason8|| | how do I view it? | 09:51 |
fdoving | nosrednaekim: it's a handy command to re-generate menu.lst from the available kernels. | 09:51 |
|Jason8|| | I cd'd to the directory | 09:51 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... thats cool | 09:51 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: less /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:52 |
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timster | !mounting | 09:52 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:52 |
nosrednaekim | !shouting | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shouting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:53 |
fdoving | sbalzano: not here. please don't use uppercase for everything. we can read lowercase too. | 09:53 |
nosrednaekim | sbalzano: please do not shout | 09:53 |
sbalzano | ok excuse me | 09:53 |
|Jason8|| | fdoving: looks good, thanks for the help :) | 09:53 |
|Jason8|| | nosrednaekim: thanks for the help :) | 09:54 |
fdoving | |Jason8||: let's see if it works first :) | 09:54 |
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|Jason8|| | okay | 09:54 |
|Jason8|| | be right back | 09:54 |
|Jason8|| | rebooting | 09:54 |
dell190 | how can i install Firefox.. with the tar.gz package?? | 09:55 |
fdoving | dell190: no, you want to use the packages. | 09:55 |
fdoving | dell190: find Adept Manager in the menus, search for and install firefox. | 09:55 |
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dell190 | ok | 09:56 |
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midtiby | I'm trying to get Beryl to work on my laptop (Dell D420) which is running kubuntu | 09:59 |
dell190 | is it at all possible to install with the tar.gz file... it would take forever to download on dial up | 09:59 |
midtiby | but when I try to start beryl or beryl-manager kde crashes and I get back to the login screen | 09:59 |
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rambo | hello | 10:00 |
fdoving | dell190: it is, but i strongly advise you to use the package. | 10:00 |
fdoving | !beryl | midtiby | 10:00 |
ubotu | midtiby: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:00 |
rambo | i have an mx510 mouse and i can't get to work "back" and "forward" buttons" | 10:00 |
midtiby | ubotu thx | 10:00 |
dell190 | whats the difference ??... im new to linux lol | 10:00 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:00 |
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=== Bi||aBong [n=Symbolic@tdev207-191.codetel.net.do] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fdoving | dell190: the package is prepared and optimized for ubuntu systems and you automatically get the security updates like all other packages. it also makes uninstalling much easier if that should ever be neccesary. | 10:02 |
dell190 | hmmm... i'll just stick to opera...since i already have it installed | 10:02 |
=== william_ [n=william@p57A6AF54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Bi||aBong | why when i write url the navigator it takes much in opening? | 10:03 |
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nosrednaekim | !konqueror ipv4 | 10:04 |
ubotu | konqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5280 kB | 10:04 |
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nosrednaekim | !konquerorfix | 10:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about konquerorfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:04 |
dell190 | one more question;..... anyone know where i can get a driver for my Conexant modem that can use the full ability and not just 14.4kbps | 10:05 |
nosrednaekim | Bi||aBong: there is a problem with ipv6 and konquror | 10:05 |
=== kaqq [n=kaqq@sign-4db669c0.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
guiden | are all servers connected in freenode? I mean, if you have a network several irc servers around the globe, will I acces every channel that is in every server? | 10:05 |
guiden | i can't type.. | 10:06 |
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Bi||aBong | but i install firefox and the problem continue | 10:06 |
fdoving | guiden: if you connect to servers connected to freenode, sure you will access the freenode channels. | 10:06 |
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guiden | aha ok, so everyone is connected to a main server? | 10:08 |
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guiden | I mean every server | 10:08 |
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fdoving | guiden: everyone connects to servers, then the servers connect to each other. | 10:08 |
william_ | Hi all | 10:10 |
william_ | PLEASE could someone help and explain to me how to create a new partition on a new serial ATA HD and formate it (ext3) and mount it that everyone using this computer is able to store data on it. | 10:10 |
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guiden | ok cool | 10:11 |
william_ | the partition part and the formating wasn't the problem but I just can't get write access for ordanry user | 10:11 |
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Lrrr | hello, the Kubuntu Dist-upgrade tool refuses to run here: "can't find DistUpgradeViewKDE" | 10:14 |
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embrik | help me to install the latest java someone.. | 10:15 |
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fdoving | !java | embrik | 10:15 |
ubotu | embrik: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 10:16 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | Yay! | 10:16 |
Bi||aBong | i need help, when i type url in the firefox it takes much in opening and with konqueror is the same problem? | 10:16 |
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temba | testing | 10:16 |
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tanubis | anyone know how I would start setting up a webcam with Kubuntu? | 10:19 |
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fdoving | !ipv6 | bi||abong | 10:20 |
ubotu | bi||abong: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 10:20 |
qbe | !webcam | embrik | 10:20 |
ubotu | embrik: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 10:20 |
william_ | could someone help and explain to me how to mount a new serial ATA HD that everyone using this computer is able to store data on it. | 10:21 |
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dell190 | anyone know a good place for Linux modem drivers ????? | 10:22 |
fdoving | !modem | dell190 | 10:22 |
ubotu | dell190: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 10:22 |
fdoving | :) | 10:22 |
fdoving | ubotu knows it all. | 10:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about knows it all. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:22 |
fdoving | yeah, right. | 10:23 |
c0nv1ct | william_: use the mount command | 10:23 |
fdoving | william_: you got it formatted as ext3, and mounted, right? - the problem is to allow users to use it? | 10:23 |
dell190 | fdoving: thankx for the help | 10:23 |
william_ | fdoving: right I've tried at least 100 different mount optins but it just doesent work | 10:24 |
guiden | people are saying they can't understand me when I use swedish letters | 10:24 |
guiden | does this get's wierd | 10:24 |
william_ | not even me with primary group root can write on it | 10:24 |
guiden | 10:24 | |
guiden | ? | 10:25 |
spitwise | looks fine for me | 10:25 |
fdoving | william_: that's because you want to have a look at the commands 'chown' and 'chmod'. | 10:25 |
spitwise | a with 2 dots and a with halo | 10:25 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Hrm... I hope the ndiswrapper method works... | 10:25 |
fdoving | william_: ouch.. root can't write to it? | 10:25 |
qbe | guiden: i can read that letters | 10:25 |
guiden | is this an "A" with two dots on top of it, | 10:25 |
spitwise | ja | 10:25 |
guiden | 10:25 | |
guiden | ok | 10:25 |
fdoving | guiden: yes, you use the wrong charset, you use some type of iso, change to utf8. | 10:26 |
qbe | it's about utf-8 setup, i guess | 10:26 |
william_ | fdoving: yes as root I cam write on it | 10:26 |
guiden | where do I change it? | 10:26 |
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fdoving | william_: then make a directory. as root. chown to your user, and write as your user. | 10:26 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | How do I shot web? | 10:27 |
fdoving | guiden: in the identities settings. look for 'encoding' | 10:27 |
william_ | fdoving: sorry for asking that stupid question but how - I really have problems when it comes to userrights | 10:27 |
fdoving | guiden: it's under the advanced tab. | 10:27 |
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william_ | fdoving: I'm working with linux since las week wednesday | 10:28 |
fdoving | william_: ok, in a terminal first go to the new disk. 'cd /where/you/mounted/it' | 10:28 |
william_ | fdoving: nvidia card is running sound is ok now and as soon as the hd is accessible WINDOOF is historie | 10:28 |
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embrik | fdoving: thanks, what about java framework. I need it to get video and audio working in oo | 10:29 |
fdoving | william_: ok, tell me when you've navigated to the directory you munted the disk to. | 10:29 |
fdoving | !java | embrik | 10:29 |
ubotu | embrik: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 10:29 |
=== KonquerHer [n=lovloss@c-68-53-85-130.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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fdoving | embrik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java got info on the SDK too. | 10:30 |
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william_ | fdoving: done | 10:31 |
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fdoving | william_: 'sudo mkdir william' to make a directory named william. | 10:31 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Growl | 10:31 |
Cobra_Bubbles | okies | 10:31 |
guiden | how about now. an "A" with two dots on top of it? | 10:31 |
qbe | yup | 10:31 |
william_ | fdoving: ok done I've created files as sudo | 10:32 |
guiden | ok good | 10:32 |
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Cobra_Bubbles | I'm on a LIVE CD and needing to access my hard drive to save some files | 10:32 |
Cobra_Bubbles | Not good | 10:32 |
fdoving | william_: then you want to change the ownership to william. 'sudo chown william.william william' | 10:32 |
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lovloss | I need to install kubuntu on a new computer with a SATA drive, do i need a different edition? | 10:33 |
fdoving | william_: that command changes the ownership to william(user).william(group) on william(folder) | 10:33 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: no | 10:33 |
fdoving | william_: now your user william can save files to that directory. | 10:34 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: Well it doesnt seem to recognize the existance of it | 10:34 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: kubuntu edgy installed on my system using only SATA drives just fine | 10:34 |
william_ | fdoving: ok so far so good - done | 10:34 |
=== timster [n=tim@cpc5-sout6-0-0-cust58.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tanubis | anyone know how I'd go about installing a nexxtech USB VGA webcam? | 10:34 |
william_ | fdoving: how can i check wether it worked? | 10:34 |
qbe | tanubis | 10:34 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: i guess its possible your controller isnt supported, have you searched the forums? | 10:35 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: my controller? | 10:35 |
qbe | tanubis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam | 10:35 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: the SATA controller | 10:35 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: wassat | 10:35 |
fdoving | william_: try to save something to that disk as your user? a textfile or something. | 10:35 |
duane_ | tan have u plugged it in | 10:35 |
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fdoving | william_: open konqueror and copy something. | 10:35 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: i dont even know wher eto find it in my bios :< | 10:35 |
william_ | fdoving: great it worked | 10:36 |
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william_ | fdoving: and now to the mounting part | 10:36 |
fdoving | william_: it is mounted, isn't it? | 10:36 |
william_ | fdoving: not so far | 10:36 |
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fdoving | william_: it must be, because unless it is, all this has been done on your first disk. | 10:37 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: is your motherboard fairly new? | 10:37 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: yes, it has dual channel memory | 10:37 |
fdoving | william_: brb. kid -> bed. | 10:37 |
william_ | fdoving: stupid me | 10:37 |
austrojedi | how can i watch quicktime-ads in firefox? (i.e. the get-a-mac-ads on www.apple.com) | 10:38 |
william_ | fdoving: give me a min sorry :-)) | 10:38 |
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c0nv1ct | lovloss: mine is over a year old and uses dual channel, but still it is known that some new SATA chipsets arent supported in the Dapper/Edgy kernels | 10:38 |
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c0nv1ct | lovloss: you could try installing Feisty, but its in testing still | 10:38 |
lovloss | seriously!? | 10:38 |
rambo | hey | 10:39 |
lovloss | i know... i intend to get it in april | 10:39 |
=== mobkey [n=mobkey@71-17-168-88.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rambo | why doesn't "alsaconf" work? | 10:39 |
embrik | fdoving: thanks again. Last question from me tonigh ( I think) what do I write to install mplayerplug-in for firefox 1.5 | 10:39 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: Though its suspicious to me that i cant find it in the bios | 10:39 |
rambo | it worked in suse, now in kubuntu doesn't | 10:39 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: it should be in there, what motherboard do you have? | 10:40 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: its not with me, let me look it up | 10:40 |
embrik | embrik: sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 10:40 |
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c0nv1ct | lovloss: here is some technical info for SATA in linux, it may help http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html | 10:42 |
duane_ | sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer didnt work | 10:42 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: almost there... tigerdirect is being slow | 10:42 |
c0nv1ct | i guess i got lucky with my SATA chipset, i didnt have any problems | 10:43 |
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william_ | fdoving: fantastic it worked | 10:44 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: yeesh im comcast too | 10:44 |
william_ | fdoving: it's going to be a long nioght but by noon windoof is history | 10:45 |
AxlRose | I feel like an idiot asking this....but how do you get a recycle bin on the desktop instead of the tray | 10:45 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: Mach Speed MSNV-939 Socket 939 Motherboard | 10:45 |
william_ | fdoving: Thank you ver much for your help | 10:45 |
lovloss | http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?Sku=M450-2402 | 10:45 |
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lovloss | 'twas bittorent which slowed the internets | 10:46 |
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AxlRose | anyone know how to get a recycle bin on the desktop instead of the tray | 10:47 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: did you see the mobo? any ideas? | 10:49 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: i'm reading the info on it, but i dont see that chipset in the list of SATA info | 10:49 |
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jose__ | alguien que me pase el enlace espaol | 10:49 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: it says its the nForce 4 NF4-A9 A chipset, i dont see it on that SATA page :\ | 10:50 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: I dont know about chipset, it just has slots for SATA drives | 10:50 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: See them down at the righthand corner? | 10:50 |
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embrik | need help to install flashplayer too | 10:51 |
jose__ | me too | 10:51 |
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embrik | hm.. earlier I just installed it from within fireox when asked. Didn't work now | 10:52 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: yeah, its not in the list of supported chipsets :( | 10:52 |
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embrik | !flashplayer | 10:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:52 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: Oh great.... | 10:52 |
voidmage | Anyone know how I can have knetworkmanager run a certain script upon connecting to a specific network? | 10:53 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: well can i install on an IDE drive thenm | 10:53 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: it looks like a SATA 1.5 chipset, and the only nForce 4 chipsets i see are for SATA 2 | 10:53 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: or SATA 3 i mean | 10:53 |
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rein | hello | 10:54 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: any suggestions? | 10:54 |
embrik | exit | 10:54 |
rein | i just formatted my harddrive and im on live CD | 10:54 |
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rein | what's the size of a swap? | 10:54 |
lovloss | rein : 1.5 x your memory | 10:54 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: contacting MSP for support might be your only hope | 10:54 |
rambo | how can i tell alsamixer that i have also analog rear right and left? it has the correct card | 10:54 |
rein | lovloss: ok | 10:55 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: alrighjt, thank you | 10:55 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: either that or replacing the motherboard, lol | 10:55 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: i just bought it | 10:55 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: it appears to be a limitation in the kernel, so its not kubuntu related, its linux related | 10:55 |
fdoving | AxlRose: do you have a ~/Desktop/trash.desktop file? | 10:55 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: Will feisty's kernel handle it you think? | 10:56 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: its possible, it uses a much newer kernel, its worth a try | 10:56 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: Ok. | 10:56 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: i run feisty on my laptop, and its stable so far, being a testing release | 10:56 |
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AxlRose | fdoving: no | 10:56 |
TheStef | Installed Feisty today, runs out of the box | 10:56 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: So ive heard. i wish it would come out soon, im eager to use it | 10:57 |
duane_ | thanks for the info in regards to the browsers ubotu | 10:57 |
rambo | d0h, it says here analog front, rear and side | 10:57 |
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TheStef | The MP3, divx even works | 10:57 |
c0nv1ct | TheStef: does it support any newer SATA1.5 chipsets? | 10:57 |
rambo | :/ | 10:57 |
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lovloss | c0nv1ct: but if you run a test version dont you have to completely reinstall later? | 10:57 |
c0nv1ct | lovloss: not necessarily, you can always make your /home a separate partition and make reinstalling really easy | 10:58 |
fdoving | AxlRose: you can follow http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/09/24/how-to-add-the-trash-can-to-your-kubuntu-desktop/ | 10:58 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: I have a 250 gig external hd anyway | 10:58 |
=== teufel [n=teufel@adsl-6-29-156.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AxlRose | fdoving: thank you | 10:58 |
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teufel | i need some help | 10:59 |
lovloss | c0nv1ct: i need to check and make sure the install disk wasnt the problem. It wouldnt load up the gui to begin with | 10:59 |
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teufel | is there anybody here who knows their way around kubuntu enough to help me mount a drive so that i can edit my mbr or copy files from that drive | 11:00 |
jose__ | alguien que me pase ppor favor un enlace del chat en espaol | 11:00 |
lovloss | isnt mbr on its own secret partition? | 11:00 |
teufel | is it | 11:00 |
teufel | i dont know that much about it | 11:00 |
lovloss | i think so | 11:00 |
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teufel | but i know it isnt working | 11:01 |
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lovloss | im not sure beyond that | 11:01 |
morvok | mbr is written on the first little bit of hda1 | 11:01 |
teufel | xp-master hd0 kubuntu-slave hd1 | 11:01 |
teufel | yeah xp hda1 | 11:02 |
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teufel | how to manually change or delete the part the grub messed up | 11:02 |
joha | Hi, I wondered if I can use an ADBLOCK plus like extension in konqueror. Has anybody an idea if theres a way? | 11:02 |
teufel | xp disc repair is not working | 11:02 |
morvok | teufel: hold on a sec | 11:02 |
teufel | ok | 11:02 |
TheGateKeeper | !grub | 11:02 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:02 |
c0nv1ct | joha: there is an adblock type thing already in konqueror | 11:02 |
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c0nv1ct | joha: in konqueror, go to Settings - Configure Konqueror | 11:03 |
jose__ | grub error | 11:03 |
rein | need help in qtparted. I created ext3 but how do i label it as /boot ??? | 11:03 |
c0nv1ct | rein: you have to mount it there | 11:04 |
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rein | ok | 11:04 |
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joha | c0nv1ct: hehe thanks ;) | 11:04 |
rein | guess i have to restart thanks btw | 11:04 |
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jose__ | somebody that speaks Spanish | 11:05 |
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c0nv1ct | joha: np, i didnt know it was there either untill i was messn around in the settings :P | 11:05 |
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fdoving | !es | jose__ | 11:06 |
ubotu | jose__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:06 |
guiden | do you see an a with two dots over it? | 11:06 |
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austrojedi | guiden: yes | 11:06 |
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aj_ | is the alpha still really buggy? | 11:10 |
Roey | hi | 11:10 |
Roey | is Feisty Fawn as fast-moving a target as Debian SID? | 11:10 |
coreymon77 | victory!!! | 11:11 |
coreymon77 | after lots of searching | 11:11 |
coreymon77 | and countless errors | 11:11 |
coreymon77 | and almost screwing up my cd drive so much that i couldnt even use it anymore | 11:11 |
coreymon77 | i have finally found a way to get it to read dvd+r media | 11:11 |
silveira | Hi people | 11:11 |
coreymon77 | is kubuntu too! | 11:11 |
teufel | i need some help with a boot and mounting issue | 11:12 |
teufel | anyone care to help me with that | 11:12 |
coreymon77 | teufel: whats the matter? | 11:12 |
teufel | im new to kubuntu and i dont know how to mount my master harddrive which has xp loaded on it | 11:13 |
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voidmage | teufel: It might be already mounted | 11:13 |
voidmage | teufel: check in /media | 11:13 |
coreymon77 | teufel: ntfs | 11:13 |
coreymon77 | ? | 11:13 |
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teufel | i tried to reinstall windows after i had installed kubuntu before i knew it would mess things up | 11:14 |
teufel | yea | 11:14 |
teufel | its not there | 11:14 |
voidmage | hmm | 11:14 |
coreymon77 | teufel: dont bother | 11:14 |
coreymon77 | teufel: ntfs is too much of a pain | 11:14 |
voidmage | !ntfs | 11:14 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 11:14 |
voidmage | !ntfs-3g | 11:14 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 11:14 |
coreymon77 | teufel: my suggestion | 11:14 |
teufel | ntfs | 11:14 |
voidmage | If you're interested, look at those links | 11:14 |
voidmage | But again, your cal | 11:14 |
voidmage | l | 11:14 |
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coreymon77 | teufel: how many hard drives do you have? | 11:15 |
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teufel | 2 internal 1 external | 11:15 |
teufel | xp-master kubuntu-slave | 11:15 |
teufel | yeah ill check those links out | 11:15 |
coreymon77 | teufel: my suggestion is to cut off a bit of space from one of the hard drives, format that space as fat32 and use it as a shared storage drive | 11:16 |
fairman_ | Hi, i need help with KMail. When i am writing messages it break lines in 78 columns, when i unset the "break lines after ..." KMail will never break ... i need to break lines when i reach end of window | 11:16 |
coreymon77 | teufel: and anything you want to share between the 2 oses would be put there | 11:16 |
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teufel | well my master is 200 gig and my slave is only 20 | 11:17 |
coreymon77 | teufel: because ntfs in linux is in myopinion too much of a pain and too dangerous to the data on the ntfs drive | 11:17 |
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coreymon77 | teufel: well then partition a few gigs off of the 200 drive | 11:17 |
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teufel | what i need to do is find a way to fix the boot record of the master | 11:18 |
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teufel | is there anyway to do that | 11:18 |
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teufel | i have tried fixmbr bootcfg and fixboot on the xp cd | 11:18 |
coreymon77 | teufel: oh, you mean you reinstalled windows and now you cant boot into linux right? | 11:19 |
teufel | im in kubuntu | 11:19 |
coreymon77 | teufel: so whats the matter? | 11:19 |
teufel | but i cannot reinstall windows | 11:19 |
nagyv | hello! I wanted to try out Gnome, but now would like to delete the packages installed with it. I have a list of the installed packages (~300), how can I easily remove them? | 11:19 |
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coreymon77 | teufel: why would you want to? :P | 11:19 |
teufel | gams | 11:19 |
teufel | games | 11:19 |
coreymon77 | i guess | 11:20 |
teufel | reason cubase | 11:20 |
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coreymon77 | and what do you mean you cant reinstall | 11:20 |
teufel | just stuff i use windows for | 11:20 |
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coreymon77 | just put the install cd in and reinstall | 11:20 |
coreymon77 | but after reinstall, you will have to do some stuff before bneing able to access kubuntu again | 11:20 |
teufel | i can delete the windows folder for a new install but after it copies the files and reboots it hangs | 11:20 |
Sanne | nagyv: there might be a way to automate it with a script, but what I would do is, look for the libs and remove those, because lots of apps will get removed with them because they depend on them. | 11:21 |
teufel | yeah this is a fresh load of kubuntu i can reinstall noprob | 11:21 |
kristian | Could somebody help me out a bit with a bootloader/formatting problem? | 11:21 |
coreymon77 | teufel: well this is the wrong cahnnel to be asking about that, windoze problems are for the ##windows channel | 11:21 |
coreymon77 | kristian: what?? | 11:21 |
teufel | well i am in kubuntu | 11:21 |
nagyv | Sanne: I tried it, but I use a couple of gtk based apps, and do not want to remove those. | 11:21 |
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teufel | and i cant find my harddrives | 11:21 |
kristian | It's my brother - he gets a grub error 21... | 11:21 |
coreymon77 | !ask | kristian | 11:21 |
ubotu | kristian: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:21 |
kristian | ok :) | 11:22 |
SSJ_GZ | nagyv: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 11:22 |
teufel | it mounts my external on the desktop | 11:22 |
voidmage | coreymon77: can i ask you if i can ask a question? | 11:22 |
voidmage | ;P | 11:22 |
coreymon77 | voidmage: whats the matter | 11:22 |
teufel | but i cannot find my d:\ in kubuntu | 11:22 |
kristian | The solutions I've found online all use a liveCD as rescue cd, but he hasn't got one... | 11:22 |
voidmage | teufel: i'd also check in /etc/fstab | 11:22 |
coreymon77 | kristian: download one | 11:22 |
coreymon77 | kristian: download and burn one | 11:23 |
voidmage | teufel: see if there's an entry there | 11:23 |
Gh0st75 | still can't get my ipod working, took it work and got it formatted to vfat instead of hfs+ by loading itunes on a workstation with XP, still can't use it to play songs tho | 11:23 |
kristian | Eh... that wouldn't solve anything... we live some 250km apart... | 11:23 |
teufel | ok hold up | 11:23 |
Gh0st75 | looks like songs were loaded with gtkpod, but i can't find anything from the ipod menu | 11:23 |
Sanne | nagyv: outch! Ok, then you either need to make a command like: apt-get remove package_1 packge_2 ... package_n, or look into bash scripting a bit how to pull those package names out of your list and do it automatically. | 11:23 |
kristian | He has a rather slow connection, so downloading one would take im some 7-8 hours - is there any alternative to this? | 11:23 |
teufel | just open a terminal and type in /ect/fstab | 11:24 |
coreymon77 | kristian: you can order one for free | 11:24 |
coreymon77 | kristian: but that will take a few weeks | 11:24 |
teufel | is that what your saying hahaha im new to kubuntu | 11:24 |
nagyv | Sanne: did you checked what SSJ_GZ sent? very, khmm, impressive :) | 11:24 |
kristian | Yes, I know | 11:24 |
TheGateKeeper | teufel, cat /etc/fstab | 11:24 |
teufel | thanks | 11:25 |
Sanne | nagyv: oh, nice, all done for you :). But beware of removing the libs you need. | 11:25 |
coreymon77 | kristian: i dont know | 11:25 |
coreymon77 | kristian: seems to me that you need a livecd | 11:25 |
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kristian | Hm... I'll tell him that then... | 11:26 |
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teufel | i dont see it | 11:26 |
coreymon77 | kristian: sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do | 11:26 |
kristian | OK - thanks for your time guys! | 11:26 |
Sanne | nagyv: in any case, you can sikulate the remove command so you can check nothing gets removed that you want to keep. | 11:26 |
xbesnard | Hello. Need for help. I bought a DVD card LEADTEK DTV2000H to run under KUBUNTU With Modeprob, all the modules look to be present. But the card is not recognized. Question: is it necessary to rebuild the kernel 2-6-15-26.386? Thanks. | 11:26 |
Sanne | nagyv: simulate, even | 11:26 |
teufel | there well yeah its hdb1 | 11:26 |
voidmage | xbesnard: Is it possible for you to upgrade to edgy? | 11:26 |
Sanne | nagyv: you di it like: apt-get -s remove... | 11:27 |
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voidmage | xbesnard: perhaps the new kernel would support it better? | 11:27 |
nagyv | Sanne: thx | 11:27 |
Sanne | nagyv: you're welcome | 11:27 |
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xbesnard | With an upgrade to Edgy, my dialup modem will be no more supported by the open source conexant driver with 2-6-17 kernel. It tried. | 11:28 |
voidmage | xbesnard: know anything about your modem in 2.6.20? | 11:28 |
voidmage | xbesnard: because if it would work in there i might recommend trying feisty | 11:28 |
teufel | can somebody pm me to help with kubuntu | 11:28 |
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xbesnard | Feisty, why not but later. | 11:29 |
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voidmage | xbesnard: if anything you can find about 2.6.20 points to all your hardware working correctly i'd probably try feisty, it goes into beta next week | 11:30 |
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tuna_ | hello | 11:30 |
TheGateKeeper | teufel, you are better off staying in the main channel, that way other people can chip into helping | 11:30 |
tuna_ | I was just using the apt-get command to install Overkill, and suddenly, it told me this: | 11:31 |
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tuna_ | http://rafb.net/p/wrAPNj64.html | 11:32 |
tuna_ | i guess it wants to uninstall gnome | 11:32 |
nagyv | could someone give me a script that puts in a line break at every space (actually changes the space to a line break)? I can not find out how to put a regular expression \n in the replace. | 11:32 |
tuna_ | you see, I run Xfce, Gnome, and KDE on this comp | 11:32 |
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userund | tuna_, did you uninstall ubuntu-desktop metapackage? | 11:32 |
tuna_ | no | 11:32 |
mcscruff | i need to compile something for a diff arch and need to use a diff gcc, how do i set that as my path for make? | 11:32 |
teufel | i am new | 11:33 |
teufel | i cant view my harddrive with kubuntu loaded on it | 11:33 |
teufel | its nowhere to be found | 11:33 |
nagyv | teufel: did you tried konqueror? | 11:33 |
teufel | yeah | 11:33 |
voidmage | teufel: can you paste the output of 'mount' to a pastebin? | 11:34 |
maurice | bjr | 11:34 |
teufel | just finds the floppy | 11:34 |
tuna_ | userund no, i didn't uninstall anything :/ | 11:34 |
teufel | and cdrom | 11:34 |
nagyv | teufel: what you mean harddrive? an external usb stick, pendrive or a CD? | 11:34 |
nagyv | teufel: and what would you like to find? | 11:34 |
teufel | it finds my external when i turn it on | 11:34 |
userund | tuna_, well, I don't know what's wrong, but it isn't forcing you to remove them right now so you should be fine to install that program | 11:34 |
voidmage | nagyv: his windows drives weren't detected and mounted by the installer | 11:34 |
teufel | kubuntu is loaded on d:\ or hdb1 how do i explore it with konqeror | 11:35 |
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voidmage | teufel: first i'd check in /media/hdb1 | 11:35 |
voidmage | see if anything comes up there | 11:35 |
teufel | not there | 11:35 |
voidmage | alright | 11:35 |
fernando | exist any equivalent to movie maker for linux??? | 11:35 |
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voidmage | teufel: add this line to your /etc/fstab | 11:36 |
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tuna_ | userund but can i stop it from saying that? because it's kind of annoying... | 11:36 |
tuna_ | i don't wanna see it every time I use apt-get | 11:36 |
voidmage | teufel: actually i'm not sure what to add | 11:36 |
joha | i am sorry to bother you if this question. What name has the KDE-tool with which you can sort your Desktop Windows. You type on your Keyboard and every Desk is shown ? | 11:36 |
teufel | haha i hear ya | 11:36 |
tuna_ | and if i use adept, then won't it automatically uninstall all those packages? | 11:36 |
nagyv | voidmage: he can use also the gui with the system preferences, I think | 11:36 |
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teufel | what | 11:36 |
voidmage | nagyv: i'll see if i can find anything there | 11:37 |
fernando | movie maker for linux???? | 11:37 |
nagyv | voidmage: under the Special page, Disk&Partitions. I have never used them, but it would be logical. | 11:37 |
voidmage | nagyv: i've never used that either | 11:37 |
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voidmage | nagyv: but it isn't looking right | 11:37 |
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Sanne | fernando: please keep in mind that not everybody knows what movie maker does. | 11:39 |
userund | tuna_, no, it shouldn't, but I don't know how to fix it. | 11:39 |
tuna_ | oh. | 11:39 |
tuna_ | you think it'll go away with time? | 11:40 |
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voidmage | fernando: tried kino? | 11:40 |
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Naverone | hey? | 11:41 |
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Naverone | hello? | 11:41 |
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CrypTom | hi, I've just installed edgy on my laptop, started digikam, added my canon 300D with the "add camera" dialog, but I get a "Failed to connect to the camera. [...] " when I try to connect to the camera. | 11:41 |
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CrypTom | is there anything that needs to be done before being able to access the digital camera? (user, groups, permissions?) | 11:42 |
rein | hi, i can't reformat my drive i recieve mkfs problem? | 11:42 |
Naverone | right, is there anyone here who knows this stuff, cos im stuck too... | 11:42 |
fernando | Sanne: movie maker let you create videos, form you videocamera... | 11:43 |
tuna_ | userund are you there? | 11:43 |
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fernando | Sanne: using fireware connections.. | 11:43 |
userund | tuna_, no, it probably won't go away in time. look on the forums for similar problems. | 11:43 |
fernando | Sanne: is a default program on windows... | 11:43 |
tuna_ | userund ok, thank you | 11:43 |
Sanne | fernando: thanks for clarification :). Personally I don't know which program would do that, but voidmage suggested the program kino. | 11:44 |
TheGateKeeper | rein, have you tried something like the gparted live cd | 11:44 |
Naverone | i cant get acces to my windows side from kubuntu, im a noob. please help? | 11:45 |
TheGateKeeper | !ntfs | 11:45 |
rein | no, i am using the kubuntu live cd | 11:45 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 11:45 |
Naverone | thanks | 11:45 |
Naverone | ill take a look now | 11:45 |
Sanne | CrypTom: I just found this link yesterday for my husband, might help you also: http://www.teaser.fr/~hfiguiere/linux/digicam.html | 11:45 |
rein | ok i'll be back later | 11:46 |
CrypTom | Sanne: thanks, I'll have a look | 11:47 |
TheGateKeeper | dapper repo for ntfs-3g --> deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ dapper main | 11:48 |
Sanne | CrypTom: you're welcome | 11:48 |
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crimsun | nice, a pharmacy computer | 11:52 |
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space_ninja | Why hasn't kubunut inlncluded any direct connect client? | 11:54 |
space_ninja | included | 11:54 |
tere454 | Hi, i am asking my question from before again. Maybe someone has an idea how the program is named which displays all open windows in kde on your desk and you can simply click on these pictures to get the program up and use it ? | 11:55 |
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space_ninja | tere454, do you mean a program in the menu? | 11:56 |
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duane | hello | 11:56 |
tere454 | yes in the taskbar. and there is a keyboard shortcut too | 11:57 |
tere454 | space_ninja: you tap a keay and everything is sorted and shown like " playing cards" | 11:57 |
space_ninja | klick on the left mouse button on the panel, click unlock, then click again on the menu, and click on add applet to panel | 11:58 |
space_ninja | then | 11:58 |
=== kfoltman [n=kfoltman@krzysztof19.net.autocom.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
space_ninja | then add windows list button | 11:58 |
space_ninja | right | 11:58 |
space_ninja | I mean right button | 11:58 |
space_ninja | then when you are finished, you can lock the panel again | 11:59 |
fernando | someone has problem with the volume keys of the keyboard??? kubuntu 6.10 | 11:59 |
space_ninja | oh I forgot | 11:59 |
=== matiasb [n=matias@host254.201-252-138.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
space_ninja | or maybe not | 11:59 |
space_ninja | tera454, was it that program you where seeking? | 12:00 |
thomax | tere454: shortkey = alt + tab | 12:00 |
tere454 | space_ninja: ;) no the program i meant had to be installed besides the standard kde installation | 12:01 |
tere454 | space_ninja: it was an "open-programs-organizer" . sadly i do not remember its name | 12:01 |
=== neptunafish [n=neptune@adsl-75-62-4-217.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tere454 | started with k... :) | 12:01 |
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space_ninja | hehe ok :) | 12:01 |
space_ninja | I don't know then | 12:01 |
space_ninja | they always do :D | 12:02 |
thomax | tere454: check kde-apps.org | 12:02 |
tere454 | i am checking since half an hour. i will find this damn little program and report back ;) | 12:02 |
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=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool91-106.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fernando | someone here with kubuntu 6.10??? | 12:06 |
crimsun | win 28 | 12:06 |
crimsun | err | 12:06 |
intelikey | educate me. for a non-networking box why would i want ssh-agent to run ? | 12:06 |
duane | I was wondering if there is any way to have the Kubuntu system boot up and automaticly load the Wireless assistant software as well as were do I need to put the modprobe ndiswrapper command to load on startup | 12:06 |
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intelikey | nobody ? | 12:09 |
nosrednaekim | intelikey... could you repeat your problem? | 12:09 |
duane | intelkey are u going to have that on the network | 12:09 |
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intelikey | duane the box won't do or allow any "remote" logins | 12:09 |
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coreymon77 | duane: for one thing, you are certain you need to use ndis? | 12:10 |
intelikey | so is ssh-agent useful locally ? | 12:10 |
nosrednaekim | intelikey: please repeat your problem for me? | 12:10 |
intelikey | nosrednaekim educate me. for a non-networking box why would i want ssh-agent to run ? | 12:10 |
duane | yea i need to turn on the caard after the PC boots | 12:10 |
intelikey | if you want to call it a problem nosrednaekim | 12:11 |
coreymon77 | duane: what is the card? | 12:11 |
duane | linksys somthing | 12:11 |
coreymon77 | duane: linksys what | 12:11 |
coreymon77 | duane: specifics | 12:11 |
duane | hang on | 12:11 |
coreymon77 | duane: and is it a wireless card? | 12:11 |
duane | wpc54gx | 12:12 |
duane | it is | 12:12 |
coreymon77 | duane: okay, wait a sec | 12:12 |
duane | thanks man | 12:12 |
nosrednaekim | intelikey: don't worry about ssh agent, no body can get in with sshagent, you can only get out.. | 12:12 |
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