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skjrjrib - thanks for assisting me, its greatly appreciated03:26
jribskjr: k, so restricted is failing03:28
jribjust comment out the restricted parts.  So for example in line 3:03:28
jribdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main multiverse restricted03:29
jribyou would make:03:29
jribdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main multiverse #restricted03:29
=== jrib thinks that works... if not just put it on a new line
jribdo the same for the other 3 lines that contain "restricted"03:29
skjrso i just want to comment out the word restricted?03:30
jribskjr: yeah, that should work03:30
naliothrestricted is failing?03:30
jribnalioth: yes, not really sure why03:30
naliothchange the us.archive to just plain archive and try again03:30
naliothdon't go shutting off repos03:31
jribwe were going to put them back :)03:31
skjrok, i did that, still get an error when updating03:31
jribwhat error?03:31
jribskjr: you didn't comment all the restricted stuff03:34
skjrok, let me check again03:34
jribyou can try nalioth's suggestion too, we should have tried that first in retrospect03:34
skjryou're right, i missed two03:35
skjrit updated without error this time03:35
jribskjr: now uncomment and update again03:35
skjrok, that appeared to work03:36
skjrshould i go after the driver now?03:36
jribskjr: yeah03:36
skjri forget which one I was after, I'll have to look back through03:37
skjri think it was this - sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx03:37
skjrdoes that sound right?03:38
skjrit told me it was already the newest version03:38
jribok, back to this then:03:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:39
skjrawesome, i'm going to restart X, thanks for your assistance03:42
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jriblet's start over02:00
naliothjrib: don't you ever sleep?02:00
jribadrian_: open a terminal, type "mount", hit enter, copy the output and paste it into the form at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , then give me the url02:00
adrian_Problem: I want a shortcut on the top panel of my desktop to my hdd02:00
jribnalioth: I knew i forgot something!02:01
adrian_jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9628/02:02
jribadrian_: ok so you have hdd1 mounted at /share.  This is the one you want to have the panel shortcut for right?02:03
adrian_I wnat to access my hdd1 drive through the shortcut on the panel02:03
jribok right click and go to add to panel02:03
jribwhat version of ubuntu btw?02:03
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adrian_ops yeah sorry02:04
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jribadrian_: do you see the button for "custom application launcher"?02:05
adrian_in add panel now02:05
jribok click that, then select "File" as the type, give it a name, and input "/share" without quotes for location02:06
jriband pick an icon02:06
adrian_but its not a file i want to acces but a dir02:07
jribthat's ok, directories are files too, everything on linux is a file02:07
adrian_so it's should be just /hare then?02:09
jrib/share, right02:09
adrian_yeah /share02:10
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adrian_i couldn't do that02:10
jribadrian_: why?02:10
jribthat shouldn't happen :/  In a terminal, does this command work:  nautilus /share02:11
adrian_yes, i go diectly to the dir02:12
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jribok, you created the launcher though and when you click on it it says "access denied"?  Or does it say "access denied" while you create it?02:12
adrian_it works the first time I click on it but the other time, it doesn't02:14
adrian_it's says "couldn't start application - no execuable objekt"02:15
jribadrian_: strange... what if you edit the launcher and change it to  Type "Application"  and then change the command to  "nautilus /share"  (no quotes)02:16
adrian_hm...i can use the shortcut to /share but I want to go to /share/media/ but i wont02:17
jribok, what does this command return:  ls -ld /share/media02:17
adrian_also i can go to /share as long as I don't move the shortcut to a different loc on the panel?02:17
adrian_then it doesn't recognize nautilus  :(02:19
adrian_when I move the icon the command dir vanish :(02:20
jribhmm I think I remember some bug on 6.10 about moving launchers02:20
jribmove it to where you want, then edit the properties, then don't move them anymore, does that work?02:21
adrian_I'll check02:21
adrian_no then i get the access denied message (It could run the program)02:22
adrian_this is my command at the mom: /share/media02:23
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jribadrian_: what is the output of this command:  ls -ld /share/media02:23
adrian_jrib: this from the terminal - dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 2006-09-17 01:11 /share/media02:24
jribadrian_: weird... what if you use something like  /usr/share  instead just to test?02:25
adrian_ok, paste it in under command in the shortcut on the panel but the same message :(02:26
naliothjrib: you mean /usr/local/share?02:27
naliothjrib: stay out of system space02:27
jribnalioth: he's just creating a launher to view files and I have no idea why his mounted /share/media isn't working.  Permissions are 555, root owned02:28
jribadrian_: wait, why does it say command?02:28
naliothjrib: just saying . . .02:28
jribnalioth: ok :)02:28
jribadrian_: is "File" chosen as the type?02:28
naliothjrib: practice safe computing02:28
adrian_jrib: it might say path, got a swedish version so02:29
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adrian_no program, and for some reason I can't choose file now when it is created, just Programs or Programs in terminal?02:30
jribheh... did you try  "nautilus /share/media"  without quotes for that?02:31
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adrian_i did another with file and dir /share/media but only comes to /share but it's working as long as I don't move it02:32
jribyeah, it seems like you are being bitten by that bug02:33
adrian_yeah, i guess so. The nautilus /share/media loc didn't work02:34
jribadrian_: even before you move it?02:34
adrian_i got it to work now, by typing in /share/Media02:35
jriberm ok02:36
adrian_but i guess if I move it i wont work02:36
adrian_no, if I move it it stops working02:36
jribthe stuff is stored in ~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers .  See what it looks like before and after moving02:37
adrian_how do I look at that, trough the terminal?02:38
jribyou could, you could also just use nautilus02:38
adrian_where do I find this nautilus then? Under Programs?02:39
jribnautilus is the file manager02:39
jribyou can go to Places > whatever02:40
adrian_ok, so it shiould be in the filesystem then?02:40
jrib~ means  /home/your_username02:41
adrian_i see02:41
adrian_just have desktop, examples and a file called wget - log there?02:42
jribadrian_: anything that starts with a '.' is hidden.  Show hidden files02:43
adrian_now i see it02:44
adrian_can you give me the loc again?02:44
jribthe stuff is stored in ~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers .  See what it looks like before and after moving02:45
adrian_no differnce in the icons as far as I can see02:47
jribidk then, try searching bugs.ubuntu.com for the bug, I'm pretty sure I saw it there once02:47
adrian_what is the name of the bug?02:48
jribno idea02:48
jribmake sure to search for fixed bugs, because it has been fixed in the next version of ubuntu02:48
adrian_what do you mean?02:50
adrian_i should look for the fixedword in the status list?02:50
jribin advanced search, it lets you choose to search "needs info", "unconfirmed", "fix released", etc.... by default it doesn't search "fix released"02:52
adrian_i see i'll try doing that some other time. Thanks soo much for all your help02:54
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adrian_Jrib: thanks a bunch for helping me out03:00
jribadrian_: np, hope you get it sorted out03:01
adrian_i did it partly, just have to make it stay in the same place :)03:02
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Botamisjrib: alright07:36
Botamisjrib: i appreciate the help man I really do07:36
jribnp, can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list please?07:36
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:36
Botamisok but how do i see sources.list?07:37
jribuse this command: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:37
jribBotamis: ok, since I can't see the gui window you have, we'll edit the file by hand07:39
jribBotamis: close the text editor you now have open and type this command:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
jriba couple of questions:07:40
jribyou have the cd-rom repository enabled, do you want to turn it off or leave it?07:40
Botamisi have no idea07:41
Botamisthat means that i have to put in the cd to add a repo?07:41
jribwell it will usually prompt you to insert the cd-rom when you want to install things, which I find annoying07:41
Botamisyea that's really annoying07:42
jribok, second question:  do you want to enable multiverse in addition to universe?07:42
Botamiswhat is the difference?07:42
jribBotamis: multiverse includes non-free things, in the sense that they aren't open source07:42
jribor have some weird license07:43
Botamiswell chances are most websites are going to have non-free formats right? then I would want multi please07:43
jribfirst lets disable the cd-rom:  do you see line 5 that begins "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.10 _..."?07:43
jribdelete it07:44
Botamisdeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025.1)] / edgy main restricted07:44
Botamisthat right?07:44
jribok now lets enable universe and multiverse07:45
jribsee lines 22 and 23?07:45
jribremove the "#" at the beginning07:45
Botamiseb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy07:46
Botamisthat line?07:46
jribthey both should say "universe" at the end07:46
jribok, now add " multiverse" to the end of both of those lines07:46
Botamisdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:46
Botamisdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:46
jribdo the same for 38 and 3907:47
Botamisthey both had it at the end to begin with07:47
Botamishow can i see the line numbers07:47
jribBotamis: those aren't lines 22 and 2307:47
Botamisok how can i see the line numbers?07:47
jribedit > preferences07:47
Botamis## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'07:48
Botamis## repository.07:48
Botamisthat's 22-2307:48
Botamisoo i think i deleted some spaces07:48
jribuse http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9685/ as a reference then, it changed when you deleted line 5 I guess :)07:48
Botamis# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe07:49
Botamis# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe07:49
Botamisdo i change universe or do i literally just add "multiverse"07:49
jribjuse add it to the end07:50
jribremember to remove the "#"07:50
Botamisalright done07:50
jribok do the same for 38 and 3907:50
Botamisdoes that line have security in it?07:50
Botamisremoved the comment and added multiverse07:51
jribok, now save and close07:51
jribthen run this command:  sudo apt-get update07:51
Botamisuhh it couldn't save07:51
jribis it still open?07:52
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Botamisarg this is frustrating07:52
Botamisi have to redo it all, gimme a second07:53
Botamisi opened a read only07:53
Botamisshouldn't i do a sudo gedit instead?07:53
jribBotamis: you need to open the editor by using this command:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:53
jribk, delete line 5, and edit 22,23,38, and 3907:54
Botamisok done07:54
jribsudo apt-get update07:54
Botamisdoes this usually take a long time?07:56
Botamisthere we go07:57
jribok now you have universe and multiverse07:57
Botamisso I now have the codec or not really07:58
jribno, now you need to install the codec packages that that wiki page lists07:58
Botamisok but i was following the steps again07:59
Botamisand I got stuck at the add part again, it just has room for a command line07:59
Botamis"Enter the complete APT line of the repository that you want to add as source"07:59
jribyou've done that, skip to the installing part08:00
Botamiscan you use that command in #ubuntu to show me that link again please?08:00
Botamisnever mind got it08:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:01
jribBotamis: you can always /msg ubotu codecs    and he will respond08:01
BotamisI pasted the code and it failed.08:02
jribpaste the ouptut08:02
BotamisE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:02
BotamisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:02
jribBotamis: close synaptic or update-manager if they are running08:03
Botamisthere we go08:03
Botamisso once this finishes, i'm good to go?08:05
jribshould be08:05
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sebrockwell I killed it by kill -9 now11:37
sebrockstill get: Loading /etc/devilspie11:38
sebrock/etc/devilspie doesn't exist11:38
sebrockLoading /home/sebastian/.devilspie11:38
sebrockLoading /home/sebastian/.devilspie/centered.ds11:38
sebrockSegmentation fault (core dumped)11:38
jribpaste centered.ds11:38
sebrock(if (not (is (window_class) "Gnome-panel")) (center))11:39
sebrockthats all11:39
sebrocksupposed to work, took it from the forums11:39
jribok, and if you  'mv ~/.devilspie/centered.ds{,backup}'  does it still seg fault?11:40
sebrockyeah well then there is no .ds file is there?11:41
jribyeah, it's just to make sure that that file is causing the seg fault11:41
sebrock(it quits becuase no s-expressions are loaded)11:41
sebrockah ok11:41
jribok,  echo "(debug)" > ~/.devilspie/debug.ds11:42
sebrocksame as before11:43
sebrockI get a lot of debug info11:43
jribhmm ok11:44
sebrockbut commands doesnt seem to do any actual work :/11:44
jribwell we didn't put any command11:44
jrib(if (is (application_name) "Firefox") (center)11:44
sebrockit's missing a ) right?11:47
jribif it messes up again, we'll try something other than center11:47
sebrockthats strange as hell, I tried this before and it didnt work, now it works11:48
sebrockok so now to the next task: getting ALL windows centered upon create11:48
sebrockall except gnome-panel I guess11:49
sebrockcheck this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98071&page=411:49
jribcan you paste the rule you were trying before again?11:49
sebrockit's in the second post11:49
jribinteresting, that's my post11:50
sebrockok haha11:50
sebrockI took the last code there11:51
sebrockbut u are also stating that it need X restart (as gnome already is loaded)11:51
jribhmm so do you have devilspie in your startup?11:52
sebrockwell I try it again11:52
jribI think logging out and back in should be enough11:52
sebrockbut with the other code11:52
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sebrockjrib, hey again11:58
sebrocknot working :(11:59
jribhmm still seg faulting?11:59
sebrockno I mean, still it does not cnter stuff11:59
jribbut is a devilspie instance running?12:00
jribps -ef | grep devilspie12:00
sebrock1000      5870  5309  0 00:00 pts/0    00:00:00 grep devilspie12:01
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jribthat's just grep12:02
sebrockI put devilspie in starter apps12:02
jribyeah it may have seg faulted12:02
sebrockanyway, running it manually gives seg12:02

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