cliebow_ | i posted answer in #ltsp | 12:38 |
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groov1 | hi LaserJock | 04:14 |
groov1 | hi nixternal | 04:14 |
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sesja | hi all :-) | 04:20 |
LaserJock | hi | 04:21 |
sesja | LaserJock: do u sleep sometimes? | 04:21 |
LaserJock | I think so | 04:28 |
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sesja | which version is Edubuntu? | 04:42 |
sesja | Hoary Hedgehog | 04:42 |
sesja | Breezy Badger | 04:43 |
sesja | Dapper Drake | 04:43 |
sesja | or | 04:43 |
sesja | Edgy Eft | 04:43 |
sesja | ok the last one | 04:44 |
LaserJock | you can get several versions | 04:44 |
sesja | my edubuntu hangs when i open cd tray | 05:01 |
sesja | is that normal? | 05:02 |
LaserJock | heh, no | 05:02 |
LaserJock | an OS hanging is not normal | 05:03 |
nixternal | OGRA! :) | 05:04 |
nixternal | that should get his attention ;p | 05:04 |
nixternal | wait, he is sleeping | 05:04 |
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crazy_bus | I was wondering if there were any open-source alternatives to the software used to help autistic children | 06:42 |
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crazy_bus | I was wondering if there were any open-source alternatives to the software used to help autistic children | 08:40 |
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rockprincess | moin Juliux! ;) | 10:24 |
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gerro | omg there are people that use that OS? | 11:19 |
RichEd | hi all | 11:21 |
RichEd | hi ogra | 11:21 |
ogra | hey RichEd | 11:21 |
gerro | hi | 11:21 |
RichEd | finally back at my desk after leaving home for italy 18 days ago | 11:21 |
ogra | phew | 11:22 |
RichEd | got stuck in Amsterdam due to a KLM strike & flight cancellation | 11:22 |
ogra | oh no ! | 11:22 |
RichEd | and rode 110 km yesterday in a bike race ... so am feeling quite whacked out | 11:22 |
juliux | hi RichEd | 11:26 |
RichEd | hi juliux ... doing okay ? | 11:26 |
juliux | RichEd, sure | 11:26 |
juliux | RichEd, we have no 4 schools in germany who says offical "yes we are using *ubuntu" | 11:27 |
RichEd | excellent ... can you mail me school names and any contact people ? | 11:30 |
juliux | RichEd, | 11:30 |
RichEd | 100% thanks | 11:31 |
juliux | you are welcome | 11:32 |
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juliux | hi Yagisan | 11:44 |
Yagisan | G'day juliux | 11:44 |
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kalle_ | How do I get a Sandisk Pc card 6in1 to work in edubuntu? I can see the adapter but I can't mount the drives when I load a memory card in the pc card. | 11:51 |
juliux | kalle_, did you check the output form dmesg and /var/log/syslog ? | 11:52 |
kalle_ | No, problem is that I'm new to edubuntu and I don't know how to. | 11:52 |
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RichEd | ping ogra | 01:00 |
jsgotangco | hey RichEd | 01:07 |
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RichEd | hi jsgotangco | 01:27 |
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cbx33 | ping ogra | 01:52 |
juliux | hi cbx33 | 01:54 |
juliux | cbx33, did you have some edubuntu flyer left? | 01:54 |
cbx33 | yes | 01:55 |
cbx33 | I don;t know who has them though | 01:55 |
juliux | RichEd, ping | 01:55 |
cbx33 | w00t RichEd | 01:55 |
RichEd | ja juliux | 01:55 |
cbx33 | hey dude | 01:55 |
RichEd | cbx33: hey right back at ya | 01:56 |
juliux | RichEd, did you now who has the edubuntu flyer from BETT? | 01:56 |
RichEd | I heard them chatting 'bout them in the office the other day when I was in london ... let me ask on #canonical | 01:57 |
RichEd | damn .. christina not there ... I will mail her and get back to you juliux | 01:57 |
juliux | RichEd, only ask here if there are some left if she can bring them to CeBIT | 01:58 |
RichEd | juliux: she mentioned there were some left, and she said who had them, but I can't remember who ... so I will follow up | 01:59 |
cbx33 | I can't remember who either | 02:00 |
cbx33 | I had to leave them there when i left | 02:00 |
cliebow | ogra: you tried ltsp5 on an emac?lookslike autodetect wont work fine on g3 and g4 ibook | 02:03 |
=== RichEd -> collection 30mins | ||
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cliebow | anyone using ltsp5 on ppc? | 02:20 |
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bddebian | Heya | 02:54 |
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Laser_away | ogra: you've probably already seen but edubuntu-docs MIR got approved | 05:45 |
cbx33 | hey Laser_away | 05:51 |
nixternal | boo | 05:52 |
nixternal | Laser_away: that is one heck of a wireless keyboard you have there. away, yet still IRC'n | 05:52 |
cbx33 | heeh | 05:53 |
nixternal | cbx33: cut your hair already :) | 05:53 |
cbx33 | it's his brain implant | 05:53 |
cbx33 | haha | 05:53 |
cbx33 | nixternal, you havn't seen it yet | 05:53 |
=== cbx33 is gonna post a pic soon ;) | ||
nixternal | psychokenesis? ;p | 05:53 |
nixternal | I keep my hair like I did when I was in the military | 05:53 |
nixternal | I grew out of the hippy stage I think my senior year in high school | 05:53 |
cbx33 | haha | 05:53 |
=== cbx33 always had short-ish hair | ||
cbx33 | no more | 05:54 |
cbx33 | no more | 05:54 |
nixternal | I thought about growing it out, but it gets to the point to where it annoys me | 05:55 |
=== cbx33 is at that stage now | ||
nixternal | so I seen in the post | 05:56 |
nixternal | I want to make the photo frame now with an old laptop, but the display is kind of garbage | 05:56 |
cbx33 | :( | 05:57 |
cbx33 | you mean the real display | 05:57 |
nixternal | ya | 05:57 |
cbx33 | or using phimage? | 05:57 |
nixternal | the display itself | 05:57 |
cbx33 | :( | 05:57 |
cbx33 | what's up with it | 05:57 |
nixternal | I need to pull it out, and set it up with phimage | 05:57 |
cbx33 | awesome | 05:57 |
nixternal | it is old 8yrs maybe? | 05:57 |
cbx33 | wow | 05:57 |
nixternal | it is grainy and has spots | 05:57 |
cbx33 | maybe phimage will be too much for it | 05:57 |
nixternal | at least when I run *buntu on it | 05:57 |
cbx33 | run with --tilesize 64 :p | 05:58 |
nixternal | I will do that next week during spring break | 05:58 |
cbx33 | ;) | 05:58 |
cbx33 | you actually run phimage yet? | 05:58 |
nixternal | that laptop is still a champ though, it runs any *buntu perfectly, at 800x600, but it works | 05:58 |
nixternal | not yet I haven't | 05:58 |
nixternal | I have been following it though | 05:58 |
cbx33 | awesome | 05:59 |
cbx33 | well now it's c++ it's much nicer | 05:59 |
cbx33 | infact think I'll download compile and put up a video on google video ;) | 05:59 |
nixternal | hrmm, I wonder if I can get a small embedded linux thing. I have a sweet 6" LCD that I totally forgot about | 05:59 |
nixternal | there you go | 06:00 |
cbx33 | cool | 06:00 |
cbx33 | we'd need an x server | 06:00 |
nixternal | well there are embedded linux devices with x-server | 06:04 |
cbx33 | ;) | 06:04 |
nixternal | I know a guy who runs a 4.5" touchscreen LCD with one in his car | 06:04 |
nixternal | talk about a geek car, he has it | 06:04 |
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cbx33 | heheh cool | 06:11 |
cbx33 | it runs linux? | 06:11 |
cbx33 | wow cool | 06:11 |
cbx33 | looks like Laser_away ran away | 06:11 |
cbx33 | he probably heard me coming with my automake autoconf problems ;) | 06:12 |
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cbx33 | heheh another phimage post ;) | 06:27 |
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LaserJock | nixternal: away is a very relative term ;-) | 06:41 |
nixternal | so I have noticed :) | 06:42 |
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rockprincess | ping RichEd | 06:58 |
juliux | hi rockprincess | 07:07 |
rockprincess | hey Juliux :) | 07:09 |
rockprincess | hast du RichEd gesehen? ist er grad away?! | 07:12 |
juliux | rockprincess, yes he was here this morning | 07:15 |
juliux | rockprincess, last message at 14:00 | 07:15 |
rockprincess | thank you juliux :) | 07:18 |
juliux | rockprincess, pls don't feed me, i am a stupid bot;) | 07:18 |
nixternal | huh? | 07:20 |
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juliux | hi nixternal | 07:29 |
nixternal | hi juliux | 07:33 |
cbx33 | hey juliux | 07:33 |
cliebow | hi juliux | 07:48 |
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rockprincess | RichEd-1, are you in? | 09:13 |
LaserJock | hmm, that was interesting | 09:38 |
LaserJock | ogra: did you seed edubuntu-docs yet? | 09:38 |
ogra | last week | 09:38 |
LaserJock | hmm | 09:39 |
LaserJock | excellent | 09:39 |
LaserJock | and we got some good news from mdke | 09:39 |
LaserJock | the yelp upstream found a way to customize the front page for Edubuntu while not messing with Ubuntu | 09:39 |
ogra | yay | 09:40 |
LaserJock | so he asked me what we wanted | 09:41 |
LaserJock | did we decide if we wanted the Release Note shipped or not? | 09:41 |
LaserJock | I don't think Ubuntu or Kubuntu ships them | 09:41 |
ogra | no, we never shipped them ... | 09:42 |
ogra | they belong to the wiki | 09:42 |
ogra | all we have is the FF startpage | 09:42 |
ogra | (wich isnt updated yet btw) | 09:42 |
LaserJock | do you want us to drop the release notes altogether? it's currently in the svn repo | 09:43 |
ogra | well, keep them in the wiki as usual | 09:46 |
LaserJock | ok, so then we'd have About Edubuntu, Edubuntu Handbook, and Edubuntu School Advocacy | 09:47 |
zch | hi | 09:52 |
LaserJock | ogra: I don't really like the "Edubuntu School Advocacy" name | 09:53 |
LaserJock | ogra: what do you think? | 09:53 |
ogra | suggest something new :) | 09:55 |
LaserJock | well, do you like the name? | 09:56 |
LaserJock | it could be just me | 09:56 |
ogra | i dont really have an optinion about it ... ask a teacher ... thats the target audience | 09:56 |
LaserJock | "a teacher, a teacher, my kingdom for a teacher!" :-) | 09:57 |
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cbx33 | ogra, DUUUUDE | 10:11 |
cbx33 | ogra, did kwwii speak to you? | 10:12 |
cbx33 | Edubuntu Essentials LaserJock ? | 10:16 |
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LaserJock | cbx33: well, how about "Edubuntu Propaganda"? ;-) | 10:25 |
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cbx33 | nn all | 11:36 |
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