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UbugtuNew bug: #91529 in launchpad "mistmatch between sftp server naming constraints and UI constraints" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9152901:21
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Kmosat https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+source/gqview/+pots/gqview/pt/+translate?start=13002:01
Kmosand https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kaffeine/+pots/kaffeine/pt/+translate02:01
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UbugtuNew bug: #91550 in launchpad "https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/ is the overview page, not the bugs page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9155005:15
lifelessreview meeting uhm now07:02
lifelessjamesh: ping07:02
lifelessspiv: ping07:02
lifelessBjornT: ping07:02
spivI'm here07:02
lifelessBjornT: ?07:09
lifelessok, proceeding without07:11
lifelessnext meeting, same time, same place07:11
lifeless * queue status 07:11
lifelessjamesh: have you rolled out my patch yet ?07:12
jameshno.  I'll get it rolled out today (will ping you when it is ready)07:12
lifelessit makes rolling out -so- much easier.07:13
lifelessok, queue wise07:14
lifelessjamesh: you have one at 18 days07:14
lifelessspiv, you have three at 9 days07:14
lifelesswhats up?07:15
jameshyeah.  Need to get Mark's one done07:15
spivYeah, I realised today that I fell out of the habit of checking my review queue daily :(07:15
spivToo many old tabs open in my browser or something kept it from being something I saw regularly.07:15
lifelessspiv: well, 9 days - thats a lot of failing to look07:15
spivI'm just catching up now, none of mine are very large.07:15
spivYes :(07:15
lifelessjamesh: eta on marks ?07:16
jameshlifeless: I'll work on it tomorrow.07:17
jameshIt's a big one07:17
lifelesswhich means you dont get others at the moment07:18
lifelessso maybe breaking it into 800 line chunks, and doing that much a day will help07:18
lifelesswould you like me to check in with you midweek on it, see how its going ?07:19
jameshlifeless: yeah.07:20
lifelessok, I will do that07:20
lifeless * new business 07:20
lifelessnone from me07:20
spivNor me.07:21
spivJust a promise to stop being so forgetful!07:21
lifelessThanks for coming!07:22
jameshlifeless: I've got a few branches I'd like pulled into /code/rocketfuel and set up for use with PQM.  Is emailing you still the way you want to handle this?07:22
lifelessjamesh: sure it07:25
lifeless*sure is*07:25
lifelessthey need a make check target, I need to know their dependencies to get the chroots setup correctly, I need to know who can commit to them.07:26
jameshokay.  They'll probably both want to run the full LP test suite07:26
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jameshlike we do for sqlobject07:26
lifelessthats easier then07:27
lifelessbut basically you get the idea, let me know all about em07:28
lifelessand if its urgent - this week is crunch for bzr 0.1507:28
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lifelessgnight all07:30
lifeless(well, not to sleep, but stopping work now)07:30
UbugtuNew bug: #91562 in launchpad "Bug number is sometimes rendered partially over the "This report is a duplicate of "" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9156207:45
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carlosdneary: ping09:22
mdkecarlos: got a few moments to go through ubuntu-docs?09:27
carlosmdke: sure09:27
mdkecarlos: ok, what do you need to know?09:27
carlosmdke: the templates that I should deactivate that were copied from Edgy09:28
carlosor whether I should rename it instead of deactivate it09:28
mdkeis it possible to deactivate all of them and then activate the new ones?09:28
carlosdon't you want to reuse comments?09:28
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mdkecarlos: we'll want to reuse comments from the old template "desktopguide" in about another 10 templates09:30
mdkethe strings have been split in that way09:30
carlosI see, well, anyway, they will get it from the translation database09:31
carlosmdke: did you reuse any name from Edgy templates?09:31
carlosI need to know that because we do autoapprovals  based on the filename09:32
carlosand I don't want to deactivate something new from Feisty09:32
mdkecarlos: yes, if you move "aboutubuntu" to about-ubuntu and "serverguide" still exists09:32
mdkethe others are like this in the source package:09:32
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carlosmdke: ok09:35
=== carlos goes and prepares everything
mdkethanks :)09:35
carlosmdke: thanks09:35
dnearyhi carlos09:36
carlosdneary: hi09:36
dnearyI saw that our .pot files got rejected09:36
carlosdneary: Did you get the error emails?09:36
dnearyand .po files09:36
dnearyThey depressed me :(09:36
carlosdneary: I checked it and I found that there are a lot of duplicated messages09:36
carloshow did you generate them?09:37
dnearyWhat it is is image widgets that also have a label element, and the labels were all left blank (so no msgid)09:37
dnearyAnd msgid "" is reserved09:37
dnearyThey're generated with ts2po09:37
carlosoh, I didn't took a look to the file, just validated it and got a bunch of errors and decided to wait for you09:38
carlosdneary: yeah msgid "" is to reference the header09:38
carlosof the .po or .pot file09:38
dnearyI know09:38
carlosdneary: how do you generate it? maybe I could help you fixing that09:38
dnearyThere are two ways to handle it - fix the source strings, or remove all but the first blank msgids09:38
dnearyLike I said - ts2po09:39
dnearyThe ts files are generated with lupdate09:39
carlosOh, sorry, I misunderstood the problem09:39
carlosso it's not a problem with the generation itself09:39
dnearyand the ui files are generated with designer-qt409:39
carlosbut with the way it works in your application...09:39
carloslet me check something...09:39
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mr_russmpt: Thanks for your answer the other day.  It is starting to get towards unusable.10:02
UbugtuNew bug: #91579 in launchpad-bazaar "associate branch with source package" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9157910:05
seb128"500 Internal Server Error"10:10
UbugtuNew bug: #91580 in malone "no confirmation after subscribing someone else" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9158010:10
carlosdneary: hmm I don't know why, but 'msguniq' is not working at all, that command is supposed to help removing duplicates10:16
carlosdneary: but it fails with the duplicates found10:17
carlosso for now, the only way I see to get this fixed is to remove them by hand10:17
carlosdanilos: are you around?10:17
carlosdanilos: maybe you could help here...10:17
dnearycarlos: OK - thanks for the help10:22
dnearyI'll work on this from my end10:22
carlosdneary: hmm, checking the .po files10:23
carlosyou have there other duplicates10:23
dnearyreal duplicates?10:23
carlosat least with de.po10:23
dnearyWell, duplicate msgstrs isn't a problem - so the dups must be everywhere10:24
dnearyI guess ts2po doesn't check for that and group the contexts10:24
carloswell, it's still an error in the .po file format10:24
carlosso we are not able to import the .po file with duplicates10:24
dnearyI guess I have a lot of work to do then :)10:25
carlosI think that10:25
carlosif you fix the problem with msgid ""10:25
carlosyou will be able to use msguniq10:26
carlosto fix the others10:26
carlosseems like msgid "" duplicates confuse msguniq becasue finds several .po headers10:26
carlosonce that's fixed, msguniq can be used to groups those other duplicates10:26
dnearygrep '^msgid' qtwengophone.pot | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn10:27
dneary     30 msgid ""10:27
dneary     14 msgid "Cancel"10:27
dneary      7 msgid "Password:"10:27
dnearyThere are 3 pages of msgids that have at least one duplicate10:28
carlosdneary: take a look to poconflicts and porestructure from translate-toolkit, maybe you can do the fixes automatically with those commands, but I'm not sure as I never used them before...10:29
carlosalso, I think you should open a bug on translate-toolkit about this so they add a way to handle duplicates with ts2po10:30
dnearycarlos: Yes - I think so10:30
dnearyBut it's hard to see how they could resolve this problem well10:31
carlosit should be easy for them to fix it as oo2po command supports that option10:31
carloswell, the usual way is to merge two msgid with the same translation and if there is a conflict, set it as fuzzy10:31
carloswith both translations there so a translator can fix it and choose the best one10:32
carlosthat's what msguniq does10:32
carlosdneary: you could try to use --duplicates=merge as an argument to ts2po10:32
carlosmaybe they forgot to add it to the help10:32
carlosis how it works in oo2po10:32
dnearyLooking at ts2po.py, it doesn't seem to be taken into account10:36
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YannigHello everybody :)11:14
YannigAnything new about templates import?11:14
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cprovgood morning folks !12:19
Hobbseehey cprov!12:23
cprovHobbsee: hi there.12:24
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ddaaokay folks, I'm starting the backup-and-feisty-while-lunch routine, so I'm off email until it's done12:37
YannigHello everybody :)12:38
YannigAaaa, should I understand Feisty templates import is about to be finished? :)12:38
SteveAddaa: ...12:41
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flint-dudegood moring for here out for breakfast01:05
stublunch might not do it - my eta for the downloads is cycling between 5 hours and a day01:05
ddaathat will be a very long lunch break then01:08
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YannigSorry, I may not be the first one to ask...01:13
YannigAny idea when we will be able to begin translating Feisty?01:14
daniloshow do I reassign a ticket to another product/distro?01:15
danilosYannig: you can already start on everything except OpenOffice.org, we are preparing an announcement :)01:19
YannigThanks danilos :)01:21
YannigSo it's normal if all in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+lang/oc is still purple, that's it?01:22
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YannigI thought resyncing the templates would make all green01:26
danilosYannig: no, if you've contributed through Rosetta, it will stay like that; green is for translations coming from packages01:26
YannigBad luck01:27
YannigI prefer green :D01:27
danilosYannig: hehe01:28
carlosYannig: you need to send your files to upstream (GNOME, KDE, etc... so we are able to set them to green) 01:29
statikgood morning01:29
Fujitsudanilos: Ah, I'd wondered what the difference between the colours was.01:30
danilosFujitsu: and I think mpt just filed a bug to describe them better :)01:31
FujitsuI think that was a couple of days back, but yep.01:31
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YannigAs GNOME admin does not answer when I ask them a SVN account, there will never be green for Occitan :(01:40
oojahSo green is after they have been *reimported* from upstream?01:41
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ddaaYannig: you could also just submit a patch on the devel mailing list01:59
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Yannigddaa: Which one?02:00
ddaaIn my, admittedly biased and limited, understanding of the free software world02:00
ddaarepo commit access is just a shortcut when you're trusted so that maintainers do not have to manually commit all the stuff02:00
ddaaYannig: dunno, I'm not a gnome folk, but there's certainly at least one l10n-centered mailing list02:01
YannigI already did that... :(02:01
ddaaand it was ignored?02:01
YannigAnswered for more information, I sent all two months ago and no news from then02:02
ddaathen rinse, repeat02:02
ddaathings fall through the cracks all the time02:02
ddaathat's part of the system02:02
Yannig... :(02:02
ddaaif something do not interest the main devels directly, and the submitter is not motivated enough to harass them into doing it, things get filtered out02:03
ddaait's actually healthy02:03
ddaait helps ensure that there's someone caring about the stuff that gets merged02:04
YannigI don't find very healthy to have to ask 10 times an account but well...02:06
ddaathe trick is keep asking for information periodically, say ever two weeks, until you get an answer02:06
ddaathey'll quickly feel bad about not taking a decision02:06
ddaait's not like you are harassing them with silly questions, or asking them to do your work02:06
ddaayou're actually submitting work02:07
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ddaaYannig: I do not find it very healthy that hundreds of people have commit access to a single branch :)02:07
ddaabut I'm biased02:07
YannigFair enough :)02:07
ddaathat's why you just ask for somebody to commit your work02:07
ddaathey'll give you commit access if/when they get tired of it02:07
LarstiQoh, is _that_ why I got commit access? ;)02:08
YannigThat time, it's for a whole language and one single account :)02:08
radixhooray distributed vcs02:08
ddaaradix: there's still the problem to get stuff committed on mainline with dvcs02:08
ddaathat's why we have team-owned branches on launchpad :)02:09
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=== ddaa goes to reshuffle its /boot for upgrade to work
carlosoojah: yeah, which means when those changes in Rosetta are applied in upstream02:11
ddaadarn... deadlocked on backup...02:11
carlosYannig:  did you tried talking with menthos or danilo about the account?02:12
carlosddaa: in GNOME, being a language coordinator should be enough to get SVN account02:12
carloskiko: morning02:12
Yannigdanilo just updated http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/oc02:13
YannigI didn't know he could help me with SVN02:13
carloshe and menthos are the coordinators of GTP02:13
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danilo_Yannig: I can't, but one should list me as the supporting your request when asking for account; do you have a ticket number?02:13
carlosso they should be able to push your request02:14
danilo_carlos, Yannig: fwiw, menthos can actually create accounts (he has sysadmin privs)02:14
Yannigdanilo_ : gnome.org #227802:14
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carlosdanilo_: well, I was thinking more on pinging the admins not in actually create it you directly02:15
danilo_Yannig: see http://www.gnome.org/rt3-stats/accounts.html for the state of the queue02:16
danilo_carlos: I know, but I am saying that menthos can actually create it himself, which is why it's better pinging him instead :)02:16
YannigState of queue is great but it does not tell me the state of my ticket :)02:17
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YannigI tried to rererererereask to sysadmin, with gnome-l10n in cc02:19
danilosYannig: you mean gnome-i18n? :) also, don't use public list as a CC for request, but follow the procedure correctly (i.e. include the details NewAccounts page asks for, like who is supporting your request, and what have you submitted so far to GNOME SVN through 3rd parties: that will quicken up your request)02:20
YannigYep, i18n02:20
YannigI did follow the procedure on... January 13th...02:21
YannigI'm not hurry but two months seems reasonably long to be exasperated and to begin losing motivation :(02:22
carlosYannig: indeed02:22
danilosYannig: well, you have not submitted any translations to GNOME SVN as far as I can see02:22
danilosYannig: http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/oc02:23
carlosdanilos: how to do that without an account?02:23
danilosYannig: in general, you should ask other people on #i18n channel on GimpNet to do commits for you02:23
daniloscarlos: read the welcome email when starting a team, and you'll see that you got recommended to ask others to submit first few translations since we don't give out accounts blindly02:24
daniloscarlos: after one has contributed a reasonable amount of translations and in a consistent manner, you're suggested to ask for account02:24
carlosOh, you changed it, ok...02:24
carlosmakes sense02:24
daniloscarlos: that was the procedure back in early 2003 when I joined as Serbian translator as well :)02:25
YannigIf I knew it, I would have do that for ages :(02:25
danilosYannig: sorry if it wasn't clear, menthos and I haven't been very good with keeping up with everything on gnome-i18n in the last couple of months02:25
carlosdanilos: it was long time ago when I joined.. and I got mine because I know Miguel de Icaza O:-)02:25
YannigWhat a loss of time...02:26
danilosYannig: so, that's what you should do :)02:26
YannigIt just means Occitan won't be in Feisty :(02:26
danilosYannig: right, really sorry about it02:26
danilosYannig: why wouldn't it be in Feisty?02:26
carlosYannig: we copy Edgy translations into Feisty automatically02:27
danilosYannig: you also have enough time to fix this for GNOME 2.18.1 which is due in a month02:27
Yannig'cause I have a job and I just cannot work so hard so as to be ready for Feisty release :(02:27
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danilosYannig: ok, but that has nothing to do with this: whatever you have done so far is going to be in Feisty since Ubuntu picks up translations from Launchpad as well, not just from GNOME02:27
YannigI began with Dapper, then went on with Edgy and I have to add a repository to have Occitan02:28
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danilosYannig: are you talking about language-packs? that sounds like something for pitti to discuss with02:29
YannigI've never add the option to choose Occitan from the beginning nor without addind pitti's repository02:30
danilosYannig: well, I can see language-pack-oc in Feisty repositories already02:30
danilosYannig: so you shouldn't have to do that for Feisty as well02:30
YannigGreat, thanks02:31
danilosYannig: and it's also present in the System -> Administration -> Language Support, so everything should be fine for Feisty02:31
YannigJust have to wait for somebody to commit my translations now :)02:38
danilosYannig: yeah, but also try to prepare the PO files for them so it's easy for them to do it; after at most 10 files, you'll be entitled to a SVN account, so be sure to re-raise your request then02:47
YannigMy copy-paste is ready ;)02:47
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UbugtuNew bug: #91653 in launchpad "Having trouble locating help" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9165302:55
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=== carlos -> lunch
UbugtuNew bug: #91655 in malone "Alsa Audiocontrols do not function" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9165503:06
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crimsunerr, I can't triage 91655?03:08
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UbugtuNew bug: #91656 in malone "Printing Options do not function" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9165603:11
matsubaracrimsun: why? I just rejected and re-assigned to ubuntu. care to find the appropriate package?03:12
crimsunI apparently couldn't reassign03:12
sabdfl crimsun, matsubara: interesting, i still see it as only open on malone which is wrong03:13
matsubaracrimsun: any error message?03:18
crimsunmatsubara: I got an "unknown vocabulary" message (sorry, already closed that tab)03:19
matsubaracrimsun: notice that you can't re-assign from a product to a distro. usually what I do is reject the bug in the malone product and open a new task for ubuntu (using the also affects distribution link)03:19
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crimsunmatsubara: right03:19
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crimsunmatsubara: thanks for freeing that one03:21
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Kmosgnomefreak: any new about thunderbird certificate bug ?03:44
gnomefreakKmos: no ive been sick this weekend i will see if i cant find something today about it03:44
Kmosok :( i hop you'll be better soon03:45
gnomefreakme too thank you03:45
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pochustub: do u know when will be the next time LP is offline?04:12
stubNo plans at this stage, and no reasons on the immediate horizon for downtime.04:12
Kmosstub: change year at footer04:14
KmosCopyright 2004-200704:14
stubAlready fixed on the beta site04:14
pochustub: ok, ty04:15
mthaddonyou there, elmo? Tom Haddon here04:16
radixI wonder, will it ever be possible to assign a bug to multiple people04:18
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slacker_nlany admin of launchpad available?04:19
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Kmosradix: make a bug report for launchpad about that04:20
=== slacker_nl does not remember his e-mailaddress for launchpad
radixslacker_nl: launchpad.net/~user should show it04:22
slacker_nlradix: ok, will have a look 04:22
slacker_nlradix: does not work..04:23
LarstiQwhat is your username in this case?04:23
salgadoslacker_nl, what's the user name?04:23
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slacker_nlsalgado: that I don't know - I know the email address is something@opperschaap.net04:24
slacker_nlwhere something is something I don't remember04:24
pochuslacker_nl: try to search yourself in launchpad.net/people04:25
salgadoif he doesn't know the user part of the email, it won't help04:26
LarstiQslacker_nl: is your first name Thom?04:26
pochusalgado: he can search his real name, can't he?04:27
slacker_nlLarstiQ: no, Wesley is the name04:27
salgadoslacker_nl, when did you register?04:28
slacker_nlhehe, found my dad :)04:28
slacker_nlow.. a while ago > 6months04:29
slacker_nlI know the IP I registered from04:30
salgadoslacker_nl, could it be something@nomad.opperschaap.net ?04:30
pochumrevell: ping?04:31
mrevellpochu: hi04:31
pochuheya mrevell04:31
salgadoslacker_nl, the only email we have under that domain is ubuntu @ nomad.o.n04:31
pochumrevell: can I PM you a moment?04:31
mrevellpochu: sure!04:31
pochuty :)04:31
slacker_nlsalgado: yes, thats the one04:32
slacker_nlwith this username:   ubuntu-nomad04:32
slacker_nl(i think I found myself)04:32
LarstiQslacker_nl: congratulations on getting unlost :)04:33
=== slacker_nl is going to write this stuff down somewhere
slacker_nlpretty funny I actually saw my dad has registered on launchpad as well04:34
pochuslacker_nl: hehe :)04:34
slacker_nldon't know why tbh, he never uses open source software04:35
slacker_nlahh well04:35
slacker_nlhe will learn it someday ;)04:35
slacker_nlthnx guys04:35
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slacker_nlthe password I could remember04:39
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RinchenMorning. I must admit, there is nothing like the sound of a smoke alarm at 3am.04:48
slacker_nlthnx, found the thing i was looking for: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cacti/+bug/7845304:50
UbugtuMalone bug 78453 in cacti "cacti remote injection exploit" [High,Confirmed]  04:51
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UbugtuNew bug: #91686 in launchpad ""500 Internal error" on codebrowse when viewing a revision" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9168605:01
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popeyis launchpad broken at the moment? I am having issues logging in05:42
gnomefreakpopey: doesnt seem to be05:42
popeyok, thanks05:42
popeyevery time I attempt to logon to launchpad I get dropped back to launchpad.net with "Not logged in", yet I just logged into the wiki with the same user/pass05:44
=== popey larts himself
popey /ignore popey05:45
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nixternalon that page there, should I be able to click the tabs (i.e., code, bugs, features...)06:50
pochunixternal: already reported06:51
pochunixternal: you shouldn't be able to look them, but they should appear different (to not confuse you)06:51
LaserJockwhere would those even send you to?06:51
nixternalpochu: rock on, thanks!06:51
nixternalLaserJock: where they wanted to send you :)06:52
LaserJocknixternal: but won't that clog up my intertubes06:54
LaserJocknixternal: I want to be able to get my internets06:54
nixternalI just accidentally rm -rf'd them, here let me confirm this and press Y06:56
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nixternaloops :)06:56
LaserJockremind me never to let you touch my computer06:57
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OgMacielcprov: ping07:18
cprovOgMaciel: pong07:18
OgMacielcprov: pvt?07:18
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OgMacieldanilos: ping07:27
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UbugtuNew bug: #91712 in launchpad "Support Query emails have Beta hyperlinks" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9171207:30
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thumpermorning people09:52
thumpersure is quiet in here09:52
LaserJockmaybe nothing is broken today09:53
ajmitchmorning thumper 09:53
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sabdflnothing broken? SHIPIT!10:07
kikoI have some code which should break things shortly10:08
LaserJockthat's better10:08
=== pochu doesn't want to be negative, but he saw a link broken link in the ML
pochukiko: commit it! :)10:08
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UbugtuNew bug: #4593 in malone "Can't delete a bug tracker" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/459310:11
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AlinuxOShttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule  here is feisty schedule... can you tell me gently ...the debian-installer translation deadline?10:45
AlinuxOSmaybe you can help me10:45
pochuAlinuxOS: NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline10:46
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AlinuxOSpochu, thanks!11:12
UbugtuNew bug: #91768 in malone "It's not possible to remove a bugwatch from a product that started using Launchpad as its bugtracker." [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9176811:16
pochuAlinuxOS: np ;)11:18
UbugtuNew bug: #88367 in rosetta "Digikam is not translatable in Rosetta" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8836711:21
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