
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54957947.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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nysosymhi there :)09:45
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=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p5495653D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiok, all...here it goes: http://sinecera.de/kdm_idea[0-6] .png01:24
elkbuntuooh.. i need to wake up01:33
elkbuntukwwii, i vote 5 but slightly less dark at the bottom of the letters01:34
kwwiielkbuntu: yeah, that seems to be what most people like01:41
=== elkbuntu also notes that some people should be forbidden from mailing lists
elkbuntuie: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-March/109114.html01:43
=== lapo [n=lapo@host102-254-static.189-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiI knew someone would say something like that01:45
elkbuntukwwii, isnt it going to change before release anyway?01:46
kwwiielkbuntu: yes, probably01:47
elkbuntugood... because one thing that irks me slightly with the current wallpaper is that the gradients are visible right to the edge of the image, i suppose it's less illusionary than it could be01:48
elkbuntubut then, personal preference01:48
kwwiiin any case, it will still get some work :-)01:49
kwwiibut I am working on something else as well01:49
elkbuntuyeah.. that stupid kde stuff :01:49
=== elkbuntu ducks
=== elkbuntu runs
elkbuntudid anyone end up gnomifying your lilacy kde theme?01:50
=== elkbuntu sniffles
=== yharrow [n=sysadmin@h-68-164-34-22.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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lapokwwii: is the wallpaper going to change?03:59
lapokwwii: I mean will it change much?04:00
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiilapo: not sure exactly yet04:23
kwwiieveryone: I just updated the session splash, might want to check it out and give your opinions04:24
nysosymkwwii: damn, yesterday i have installed kubuntu...04:25
nysosymcan anyone made a scrennshot please?04:26
kwwiimaking a screenshot of the session splash is quite hard :-)04:26
kwwiinysosym: good, then you can check out the stuff I updated today for kubuntu :-)04:26
nysosymor can i have the source file? :D04:26
nysosymkwwii: sure, i will check it out :)04:27
nysosymwhats new?04:28
lapokwwii: I'm asking 'cause I'm using something similar in the tangerine icons, so I'd like it to not change a lot in colors04:28
kwwiilapo: basically, I was thinking of trying to make the light parts a bit less pink04:28
lapokwwii: not a problem, I only have a slighty bright orage wallpaper in the monitor icons04:29
lapokwwii: it's ok if it remains something bright as it is04:30
=== bersace_ [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiilapo: cool, it won't be that radically different :-)04:31
kwwiiin fact, every time I click on the gradient tool inkscape dies...it might not change much at all :p04:32
nysosymkwwii: what do u have changed in kubuntu?04:33
kwwiinysosym: the kdm, ksplash and wallpaper04:34
kwwiibut only minor changes04:34
kwwiithe logo is a bit more serious now04:34
nysosymwow, here is no update for that packages04:34
kwwiinysosym: yeah, it might take a bit04:34
kwwiinysosym: it will be in kubuntu-default-settings04:35
nysosymok, i can wait :)04:35
nysosymdamn i hate vmware player, is it impossible to install them completely and is it impossible to remove them... because they can't install the network bridge corectly... :-(04:37
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_smulti stop grads were broken in inkscape a week ago06:33
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kwwiibest of all, the latest svn won't even build06:53
troy_sjust build it from a prior revision07:02
troy_suntil it gets sorted.07:02
kwwiiyeah, probably right07:03
kwwiireconnecting, brb07:03
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p5495653D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== fschoep [n=fschoep@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoeptroy_s: you still around?07:40
troy_ssorry frank... missed the blipping07:41
fschoepI've been here only for a minute so it's no problem07:42
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lapomy tangerine-icon-theme branch should be in buildable state08:39
lapoif someone feels like trying...08:39
laposome icons are missing still but minor stuff mostly08:39
=== nysosym [n=nysosym@p54B7B859.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nysosymre :)08:45
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacekwwii: hi08:49
bersacekwwii: is usplash 0.9 a joke ?08:49
fschoephi bersace long time no see08:50
bersacefschoep: hi !!!08:50
fschoephow's everything in France?08:50
troy_sbersace -- sorry my brother...08:50
bersacefschoep: presidention election are soon :)08:50
kwwiibersace: well, it doesn't have a nasty line around it :-)08:50
troy_si was shooting up a mountain for a week... missed your page08:50
bersacekwwii: the colors are really bad08:50
bersacefar from consistent08:50
bersacethe line are not consistent with the background08:50
kwwiito be honest, sabdfl didn't like the last one at all08:50
kwwiibersace: I know, but it appears that we cannot get around that :-(08:51
bersacei really think you should provide a simplify version for the background with heavy statureted color08:51
bersacesplash are like that imho08:51
bersacebecause they must detach from background08:51
bersacefschoep, troy_s did you saw HumanFeistyList ?08:51
troy_sbersace: No sorry.08:52
bersacefschoep, troy_s and ubuntulooks with colors scheme support08:52
fschoepI think so yes08:52
bersaceaarg !08:52
bersaceyou must08:52
kwwiibersace: I am working on the wallpaper as we speak08:52
kwwiibersace: should I put that in the package or can you do that?08:53
bersacekwwii: i can'08:53
bersacei do not have the priviledges08:53
kwwiibersace: okidoki, I'll do it08:53
bersacethx :)08:53
bersaceAnd what about gtkrc ?08:53
kwwiibersace: you mean the fixed ubuntulooks rc?08:54
bersaceUbuntu must take advantage of that feature of gnome 2.18, especially because we use brown08:54
troy_show is brown related to 2.18?08:54
kwwiibersace: I will be updating that as well soon08:54
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kwwiibersace: I need to update my system first though, so I can test it :-)08:54
bersacetroy_s: we use brown so that some people are willing to switch the brown to their blue08:55
troy_sbloody blue08:55
bersaceallowing people to that easily by picking a colour is very good for that08:55
bersacei agree i prefer the ubuntu brown08:55
bersacebut our purpose is to provide a theme for ubuntu, not ubuntu-art ;)08:55
bersacekwwii: i'll intend to maintain HumanFeistyList as you update Human theme08:58
bersaceI'm kind of GDM ListEnableTheme maintainer ;)08:59
kwwiibersace: cool, if I update anything I'll send you an email as well08:59
bersacekwwii: do you have a 4:3 screen ?08:59
kwwiiI'll be going through everything this week, so get ready ;-)08:59
bersacelol :D08:59
kwwiibersace: yes, I do, why?08:59
bersacebecause for theme preview, the screenshot needs to be 4:309:00
bersaceand i have only 16:1009:00
kwwiiI can make a screen for it then09:00
bersaceSo the workflow is now : base artwork (kwwii) -> bersace (list) -> screenshot (kwwii) -> publish (kwwii) :)09:01
kwwiihehe, yeah :-)09:01
bersaceSo troy_s do you still agree with #ubuntu-artwork title ? ;)09:02
troy_si could care less :)09:02
kwwiibersace: the current screen is http://sinecera.de/ubuntu_feistyList.png09:03
bersacekwwii: yeah !09:04
bersacereally rocking :)09:04
bersaceyour artwork is really smooth09:04
bersaceand the list fit well09:04
kwwiithe list looks nice :-)09:04
bersacekwwii: thanks09:05
bersacekwwii: you can shrink the screenshot to 96 pixel wide09:05
kwwiiI just need to get this darn sesssion splash down well, and I would be happy09:05
bersacein order to enlightweight the package09:05
kwwiibersace: ok, next time I'll do that09:05
bersaceok, good night every one and thank you all09:10
=== brads [n=brads@dsl-241-42-97.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bradshow many designers here?09:34
fschoepprobably two09:35
bradsme 209:38
bradskeen to find out if they do their professional work using linux ?09:39
troy_si think it ultimately depends on the knowledge and dedication09:39
bradsstill just keen to know if people freelance using just linux tools09:41
fschoepI did for a while09:41
fschoepbut I'm no designer09:41
troy_syes you can.09:41
troy_si have done a boatload of previs type things for music videos etc solely using foss.09:42
bradsi did one logo, just as a favour using just gimp and inkscape09:43
bradsi think its possible, but would have to be in that shoes to say for sure09:44
troy_sit is easily workable assuming you have the knowledge and technique to back it up09:45
bradsthanks guys will sleep on it09:47
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lapokwwii: ping11:53
kwwiilapo: pong11:53
lapokwwii: I have a buidable version of tangerine-icon-theme, can you merge?11:55
kwwiilapo: sure, if you tell me which branch to do it to11:56
kwwiiI assume bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/tangerine-icon-theme/ubuntu11:57
laponope, mine11:57
kwwiican't you update that?11:57
kwwiiahhhh, merge you're branch into the other11:58
kwwiinow I get it11:58
kwwiisorry, was watching a film11:58
lapoI think I can, but I'm not a big bazaar expert so I wouldn't want to fsck things up :-)11:58
kwwiihrm, never done that before :-)11:58
kwwiiif you wait until tomorrow, I'll ping dholbach and make him do it :p11:59
lapook, we're on the same boat then, let's wait for daniel to show up :-)11:59
lapook, cool, no problems, I'll write him a line11:59
kwwiisorry I couldn't help more12:00
kwwiiI'll figure this out with time :-)12:00
lapono problems12:00

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