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jribDM|: it's kind of at a standstill atm12:32
DM|=( darn, i was excited when seveas told me about it12:33
jribDM|: what class would you be interested in?12:35
DM|umm anything12:35
DM|i've been using Ubuntu since october '05 so im not a beginner, but i would like to take part in learning all i can12:36
jribDM|: Is there a topic you are interested in that isn't on the list of past classes?12:36
DM|let me look over it again12:36
jribthere are basically two issues, right now, there is no one really taking leadership of the classroom and we haven't really agreed on what to do for the future (new topics or repeat the old ones)12:37
DM|networking with ubuntu, wireless, etc. for 112:37
DM|VNC/Terminal server client/external IP VNC/term client12:38
DM|Kernel compiling12:39
DM|Debian package- and how they work12:39
DM|and how to make them12:40
DM|gosh i have about a million things12:40
jribthe debian packaging classes during open week were very good12:40
jribDM|: you might want to contribute to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Ideas12:41
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp16-198.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
DM|jrib i just edit the wiki page?12:48
jribDM|: yep12:49
DM|jrib check it out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Ideas#preview12:56
jribDM|: I won't be able to see that12:56
jribDM|: but I do see your edits12:57
jribso you must have submitted already12:57
DM|so i have...12:57
DM|i thought it had to be approved12:57
DM|wow isnt that kind of unsecure.12:57
DM|not a big wiki person :)12:57
jribthat's what makes a wiki so great, everyone can contribute12:58
DM|well are those good? those are things ive wanted to learn about for a while, specially battery saving mods12:59
jribDM|: yep, those are good.  I might take up the compiling one.  For your battery issues, a post to the mailing list or forum might get you faster results, or does no one seem to know there either?01:00
DM|no one i ask01:01
DM|its more of a "Is there ANYTHING out there that can help us laptop users get more batt life"01:01
DM|cus frankly linux battery life sux01:01
DM|and dont get me wrong, i am a linux only user01:01
jribI recall something about a "laptop-mode"?01:02
DM|done some mods with that, nothing really helps01:02
DM|i think its more to do with the hardware/kernel01:03
DM|i got 1 more hour out of windows when i ran it with this laptop01:03
jribyeah that's kiind of bad01:03
jribhttp://www.williambrownstreet.net/wordpress/?p=23 has some tips01:04
DM|i get 2:30 atm, but with a 9cell battery , i should be getting more01:04
jribmy laptop battery lasts about half and hour now, it's a bit old01:04
DM|maybe you can help me with this01:06
DM|echo powersave > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor01:06
DM|bash: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor: Permission denied01:06
DM|sudo does not work either01:06
jribDM|: how are you using sudo?01:08
DM|sudo echo01:08
DM|should i be using sudo su01:08
jribah but the redirection is done by the shell which only has user privs01:08
jribtry:  echo powersave | sudo tee /whatever01:08
DM|says caling_governor  powersave01:09
DM|just powersave01:09
jribcat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor    to see what it is now01:09
DM|powersave :)01:12
DM|anyway to shut of xpress card slot, and PCMCIA slot? i dont use them and they are sitting there doing nothing01:12
DM|or are they automatically shut down01:12
jribno idea01:13
DM|most of ACPI-support is suspend and hibernation, neither of which work correctly, but i dont think anyone should use them anyway01:14
DM|what would really be a nice feature in ubuntu is to be able to down-volt CPUs01:18
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