=== daschl [n=michi@chello213047101094.4.12.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Robbie_Crash | I am unable to log in, because I cannot create /home/robbie/.gnome2/ because permission denied, if I chmod 777 my homedir it works fine, but I can't save any session changes because ~/.dmrc is too accessible | 12:01 |
n-iCe | Halitech, how can i know ? | 12:01 |
lmveloso|afk | matkix0s, $ nvidia-settings | 12:01 |
=== pr3vi0uz [n=kvirc@ip68-225-136-4.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hollywoodb | I've noticed that firefox's fonts (the interface, not the webpage rendering) don't match Gnome or any other gtk2 app, anyone know what would cause or how to fix this? | 12:01 |
lmveloso|afk | take a look. | 12:01 |
Halitech | n-ice - did you open the terminal and un sudo lsusb ? | 12:01 |
n-iCe | Halitech, yes | 12:01 |
n-iCe | !copy | 12:01 |
n-iCe | !paste | 12:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about copy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:01 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:01 |
Cyco | Have you ever noteced a slight delay in all your apps, as in not as responsive as opposed to other distros/xp | 12:01 |
=== priich [i=peter@h209n2fls32o965.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsrh | Once again - please! How do I disable the logon when returning from standby??? Anyone? | 12:02 |
bipolar | waseem: I'm not sure what command removes the driver, but I'm pretty sure it starts with 'nvidia'. so at a console, type 'nvidia' and hit tab a couple of times until it tells you what commands start with nvidia | 12:02 |
=== kapilord [n=kapilord@bpo19.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapilord | asd | 12:02 |
kapilord | asd | 12:02 |
kapilord | sa | 12:02 |
kapilord | d | 12:02 |
kapilord | asd | 12:02 |
kapilord | ??? | 12:02 |
Halitech | n-ice - does it list the cam? | 12:02 |
pr3vi0uz | ok synaptic package manager i did a search on NVIDIA drivers and found some if i install them this way will it work ? | 12:02 |
=== Hammer [n=lee189@ip68-226-82-153.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waseem | nvidia-bug-report.sh nvidia-glx-config nvidia-settings | 12:02 |
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bipolar | kapilord: something wrong with your keyboard? | 12:02 |
kapilord | no, no | 12:03 |
bipolar | waseem: ok... maybe not. what does nvidia-settings do? | 12:03 |
kapilord | i hate this OS | 12:03 |
pr3vi0uz | ? | 12:03 |
Halitech | kapilord - then why are you using it and why are you here? | 12:03 |
waseem | bipolar: returned like a million errors | 12:03 |
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kapilord | polacy? :) | 12:03 |
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bipolar | waseem: heh... | 12:03 |
kapilord | tak? | 12:04 |
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kapilord | mam drobne problemy z instalacja Kadu. | 12:04 |
JordiGH | Wow, people are being forced to use Ubuntu? It's a brave GNU world. | 12:04 |
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tmpvar | is there a way to do dual monitors in 'terminal mode'? | 12:04 |
matkix0s | How do you enable twinview with Nvidia, for dual monitors?........ | 12:04 |
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pr3vi0uz | kapilord: how do you know me ? | 12:04 |
bipolar | kapilord: quit spaming. if you have a question, ask it. | 12:04 |
Jetfighter | If I show you guys a link to do something on Unix, could you tell me how to do it? | 12:04 |
n-iCe | Halitech, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9926/ | 12:04 |
n-iCe | what do you think | 12:04 |
=== tanlaan [n=tanlaan@c-67-168-212-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | tmpvar: you mean set them up from terminal? | 12:04 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 | 12:04 |
=== Andrew111 [n=andrew@CPE00112fa57696-CM0016923fffa8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bipolar | waseem: do you have an nvidia install file in your home directory? | 12:05 |
tmpvar | nah, have 2 monitors functional while in the terminal | 12:05 |
tmpvar | no X11 | 12:05 |
Flyn__ | Hey everyone. How would you go about removing a module that is causing kernel panic manually from windows provided you have r/w access to the root partition? | 12:05 |
tanlaan | how do you change the resolution of the login window? | 12:05 |
IndyGunFreak | !twinview | matkix0s | 12:05 |
ubotu | matkix0s: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 12:05 |
priich | when i do : sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/drivers/char/i8k.ko \n i get insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/drivers/char/i8k.ko': -1 No such device. \n All hints appreciated. | 12:05 |
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Andrew111 | I know this isn't exaclty ubuntu related, but... How do I register my nickname? | 12:05 |
waseem | bipolar: no nothing | 12:05 |
PriceChild | !register | Andrew111 | 12:05 |
ubotu | Andrew111: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 12:05 |
SportChick | Andrew111: pm | 12:05 |
twister | bipolar: any chance i could see your xorg.conf? | 12:06 |
PriceChild | aww isn't SportChick nice :) | 12:06 |
tmpvar | !DualHead | 12:06 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 12:06 |
Andrew111 | Thank you | 12:06 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 - How can I do that on this OS? | 12:06 |
=== lisapc [n=lisa@d58-106-10-79.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SportChick | PriceChild: hehe | 12:06 |
Halitech | n-ice - looks like it's being seen, and from what I found, looks like you need module spca5xx.c | 12:06 |
lmveloso|afk | DualHead : Take a look also at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX | 12:06 |
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Andrew111 | !register | Andrew111 | 12:06 |
bipolar | twister: it's the default. I never touched it. | 12:06 |
n-iCe | Halitech, then what i should do | 12:06 |
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Andrew111 | oh I get it :) | 12:07 |
dromer | hi all, I just followed these exact guidelines for dual-screen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98456&highlight=geforce2+twinview except I was wondering hpw I can really extend my desktop? atm I have to run settings and programs on the screens sepperatly, which is not very comfortable since the tv-screen doesn't have the best resolution | 12:07 |
=== JordiGH tries asking again, hoping nobody gets pissed off. | ||
JordiGH | Where can I begin reading about how to get my XBox gamepad working in Ubuntu? The cabling is already ready and it works under another popular OS. | 12:07 |
bipolar | twister: I just ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then selected my resolution. :\ | 12:07 |
Halitech | then you should be able to use it | 12:07 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 How can I do that on this Operating System????? | 12:07 |
pr3vi0uz | which Nvidia source do i use ? | 12:07 |
tanlaan | do i need to go into my xorg.conf and get rid of everything higher than 1024x728? | 12:07 |
=== rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-248-229.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bipolar | waseem: join #nvidia, I'm already there. | 12:08 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 | 12:08 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 | 12:08 |
Jetfighter | http://www.reyreythemonkey.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0 How can I do that on this OS? | 12:08 |
binarydigit | dude stop scrolling | 12:08 |
bimberi | !repeat | Jetfighter | 12:08 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 12:08 |
LadyNikon | Jetfighter: first stop spamming the channel | 12:08 |
LadyNikon | 2nd be patient | 12:08 |
kitche | !offtopic | Jetfighter | 12:08 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:08 |
Jetfighter | It's a uestion about this OS, it belongs here | 12:09 |
kitche | Jetfighter: anywyas htose are commands you just enter them in | 12:09 |
Jetfighter | How? | 12:09 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: repeating it three times in a row, and 5 times in one minute, does not | 12:09 |
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kitche | !cli | Jetfighter | 12:09 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 12:09 |
Jetfighter | Was that so hard? | 12:09 |
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henrygl | hi, i used to have a 15 gig linux partition, 14 used. when i resized to 30, it told me 29 are used. any hints? | 12:10 |
n-iCe | Halitech, ? | 12:10 |
kitche | Jetfighter: yes since that has nothing to do with ubuntu and it's sorta offtopic | 12:10 |
priich | never mind. Found out i had to do a force=1 in my insmod. Heh you learn something new every day. :) | 12:10 |
bimberi | Jetfighter: no, and it might have happened without needing to repleat | 12:10 |
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henrygl | ps, i'm on a live cd if needed | 12:10 |
bimberi | *repeat | 12:10 |
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LadyNikon | its very offtopic | 12:10 |
OuZo | how can i play mp3 files? thanks | 12:10 |
Jetfighter | I didn't repeat 2 or 3 times, no answer. | 12:10 |
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IndyGunFreak | Jetfighter: i think i'm dumber for reading that | 12:10 |
binarydigit | haha | 12:10 |
IndyGunFreak | !mp3 | 12:10 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:10 |
LadyNikon | Jetfighter: you posted the link 3 times.. thats called repeating | 12:10 |
bimberi | IndyGunFreak++ | 12:10 |
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Jetfighter | How can I make it say Unmatched'. when I type like % How's my lovemaking? | 12:11 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighter, I "think" it requires the cshell | 12:11 |
orangefly | will ubuntu server utilize all the cores in a quad core....???.... | 12:11 |
kitche | Jetfighter: % is the shell | 12:11 |
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henrygl | and fsck doesn't do anything for that matter | 12:11 |
adam_ | How do I change the default permissions of files in a directory? | 12:11 |
Jetfighter | So % make love? | 12:11 |
Aiwuu | i need to download lampp to install it? or i can install it with apt-get? | 12:11 |
kitche | think it's zsh | 12:12 |
Flannel | !lamp | Aiwuu | 12:12 |
ubotu | Aiwuu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:12 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
bruenig | could you alias how's my love making to echo "Unmatched" | 12:12 |
Flyn__ | I'll give it another try if you don't mind: How should I manually remove a module that is causing kernel panic on boot? | 12:12 |
Flannel | Aiwuu: That URL has instructions | 12:12 |
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IndyGunFreak | LjL: should be op of the year for that kick. :) | 12:12 |
crimsun | lisapc: I fixed your sound issue for the next kernel (not in feisty yet) | 12:12 |
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crimsun | lisapc: it required a separate definition | 12:12 |
=== bimberi would alias it to 'Why are you following such a lame webpage' | ||
bimberi | ^? | 12:12 |
Jetfighter | I was not off topic >.< | 12:13 |
henrygl | !lamp | 12:13 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:13 |
PriceChild | Jetfighter, please don't fight this :) | 12:13 |
=== adam_ [n=adam@c-24-4-100-197.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
priich | bruenig, if you escaped the whitespaces. | 12:13 |
IndyGunFreak | Jetfighter: lol, let it go. | 12:13 |
=== lableupunn [n=lableupu@adsl-074-166-177-246.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | It's a valid point, it's about this OS...Don't tell me I made a mistake getting this OS... | 12:13 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 12:13 |
IndyGunFreak | bye bye | 12:13 |
shatrat | Jetfighter, you made a mistake getting a computer | 12:13 |
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IndyGunFreak | shatrat: lol | 12:13 |
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PriceChild | shatrat, steady... lets everyone move on now! | 12:13 |
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lisapc | crimsun, somewhing interesting happened. i rebooted into older kernel and it still didnt work, and trhen i rebooted into new kernel what was just upgraded today and all of a sudden my sound works again | 12:13 |
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lisapc | crimsun, is that weird? | 12:14 |
binarydigit | Jetfighter: you are humoring yourslef by typing in commands to make them output funny responses, i mean come on now | 12:14 |
kitche | Jetfighter: it deals with the shell not the OS and that shell that person uses is either zsh or c shell | 12:14 |
kalve | for some reason, my Ubuntu uses german keyboard layout when I'm logging in in GDM, but norwegian layout everywhere else.. how can I fix this? ;-) | 12:14 |
crimsun | lisapc: no, not weird at all. | 12:14 |
Jetfighter | What is zsh and c shell> | 12:14 |
Jetfighter | ? | 12:14 |
LadyNikon | Jetfighter: google it | 12:14 |
crimsun | lisapc: it'll be hit and miss until the fixed kernel, however. | 12:14 |
lisapc | i tried to play a wmv file and it says unable to play encrypted video . Whats that all about? | 12:14 |
PriceChild | Jetfighter, ubuntu by default uses bash (or dash) | 12:14 |
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LadyNikon | it will help you out emmensely | 12:14 |
LadyNikon | trust me | 12:14 |
Jetfighter | Wtf is bash and dash? | 12:14 |
lisapc | crimsun, so you mean it will work one day and not the other? | 12:14 |
LjL | Jetfighter: shells. | 12:14 |
PriceChild | Jetfighter, the cshell is just another way of using a terminal... I'll find you a link | 12:14 |
crimsun | lisapc: yes, due to a race in the codec initialisation | 12:15 |
finalbeta | !language | Jetfighter | 12:15 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:15 |
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=== DKakfa [n=sim@CPE0018f8347995-CM0012253de026.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | Jetfighter, http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/shell-differences/ | 12:15 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 12:15 |
DKakfa | hey how do i install flash so i can view flash in firefox/konquerer | 12:15 |
=== Andrew111 [n=andrew@CPE00112fa57696-CM0016923fffa8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
IndyGunFreak | !flash | 12:15 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:15 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 12:15 |
kitche | DKakfa: you using x86? | 12:15 |
Robbie_Crash | I am unable to log in, because I cannot create /home/robbie/.gnome2/ because permission denied, if I chmod 777 my homedir it works fine, but I can't save any session changes because ~/.dmrc is too accessible | 12:15 |
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=== AJ_Z0 [n=AJZ0@ip70-174-169-115.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lba | How can I troubleshoot this error when nfs mounting Edgy on Badger: mount: sal:/ failed, reason given by server: Permission denied | 12:16 |
bruenig | DKakfa, well fore firefox you can just sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 12:16 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-77-243-42.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DKakfa | kitche: yes, i did apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree but it still doesnt work | 12:16 |
bruenig | s/fore/for/ | 12:16 |
DKakfa | i did that | 12:16 |
DKakfa | it still doesnt work | 12:16 |
jrib | Robbie_Crash: ls -l ~/.dmrc | 12:16 |
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bruenig | DKakfa, did it install or did it say it couldn't find the package? | 12:16 |
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DKakfa | it installed. | 12:16 |
lisapc | crimsun, so if i load ubuntu and have no sound, you recommend I keep rebooting until I get it? | 12:16 |
matkix0s | !twinview | 12:16 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 12:16 |
=== zylche [n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | I can't make sense of that, can someone jsut tell me what I should try typing in front of it? | 12:16 |
Jetfighter | lamp link pleasE? | 12:16 |
zafod77 | Having problems with a PCI USB card StarTech PCI425USB anybody know why it's not seeing any devices attached to it? trying to attach a USB HD on an older server | 12:16 |
lisapc | crimsun, any other solution for me? | 12:16 |
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PriceChild | !lamp | Jetfighter | 12:16 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:16 |
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Jetfighter | K | 12:17 |
crimsun | lisapc: not yet. | 12:17 |
Robbie_Crash | -rw-r--r-- 1 robbie robbie 26 2007-02-01 21:16 /home/robbie/.dmrc | 12:17 |
lisapc | crimsun, so I just keep reooobting till sound works? | 12:17 |
jrib | Robbie_Crash: chmod 600 ~/.dmrc | 12:17 |
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Halitech | n-ice - no idea, I don't have a webcam and I'm not finding much on google | 12:17 |
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Jetfighter | How can I install lamp on I think Edgy? | 12:18 |
=== tanlaan [n=tanlaan@c-67-168-212-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | lisapc: shouldn't need to be that drastic. Unloading and reloading snd-hda-intel will suffice. | 12:18 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighter, ubotu gave you a link | 12:18 |
=== nico__ [n=nico@qrm29-1-82-245-200-245.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | Jetfighter, haven't you just been given a link about that? | 12:18 |
lisapc | crimsun, how do I do that? | 12:19 |
nico__ | bonsoir | 12:19 |
Jetfighter | It makes no sense to me | 12:19 |
nico__ | i'm french | 12:19 |
Jetfighter | All I saw was Drake | 12:19 |
nico__ | help me | 12:19 |
LjL | !helpme | 12:19 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:19 |
PriceChild | Jetfighter, same procedure | 12:19 |
PriceChild | Jetfighter, same packages | 12:19 |
Jetfighter | Ok | 12:19 |
nico__ | ok | 12:19 |
crimsun | lisapc: modprobe -r snd-hda-intel ; sleep 10 && modprobe snd-hda-intel | 12:19 |
bimberi | nico_: then move | 12:19 |
=== fdr [n=fdr@host155-103-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | LjL: i think you offended him...lol | 12:19 |
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lisapc | crimsun, so if I have no sound, I jut type: modprobe -r snd-hda-intel ; sleep 10 && modprobe snd-hda-intel ? | 12:20 |
LjL | *shrug* | 12:20 |
IndyGunFreak | i can see you're broken up about it. | 12:20 |
Jetfighter | Whats a terminal command thingy for all of them? sudo something? | 12:20 |
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n-iCe | Halitech, ok thank you | 12:20 |
LjL | Jetfighter: sudo apt-get install packagenames | 12:20 |
Halitech | Jetfighter, not to sound rude but maybe instead of just posting question after question after question, you should wait for someone to answer it, read and then follow the instuctions | 12:20 |
kutu | ALGUIEN KE ME AYUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 12:20 |
crimsun | lisapc: yes. Do it from a command line (ctrl+alt+F1) while not logged into GNOME/KDE | 12:20 |
LjL | !es > kutu (kutu, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:20 |
LjL | !caps > kutu (kutu, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:20 |
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lisapc | crimsun, ok! and the type exit from that command line? | 12:21 |
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crimsun | lisapc: sure, and alt+F7 to switch back to gdm/kdm | 12:21 |
Halitech | !cli | jetfighter | 12:21 |
ubotu | jetfighter: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 12:21 |
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lisapc | crimsun, does alt+F7 close that command line? | 12:21 |
khaije | which kernel will fiesty ship? | 12:21 |
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fdr | hello.... I need to make several bar charts to be included in a latex article, and gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I need (even if I must say I am not expert at it)... what else do you suggest? thank you! | 12:22 |
bimberi | khaije: 2.6.20 | 12:22 |
IndyGunFreak | i guess im just curious why this is such a big deal to Jetfighter | 12:22 |
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Jetfighter | Once I install these, what do I need to do to like...upload like...phpBB, and test out themes and stuf? | 12:22 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighter, yup | 12:23 |
Halitech | jetfighter - http://www/phpbb.com | 12:23 |
LjL | !info phpbb2 | Jetfighter | 12:23 |
ubotu | jetfighter: phpbb2: A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.21-3 (edgy), package size 533 kB, installed size 2692 kB | 12:23 |
khaije | sweet, thanks bimberi, do you know if there will be much emphasis on the kernel virtual machine? | 12:23 |
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Checkka | Is anyone using Gdesklets? | 12:23 |
Checkka | in Ubuntu Edgy | 12:23 |
LadyNikon | not me | 12:23 |
PriceChild | !anyone | Checkka | 12:23 |
khaije | bimberi: as far as mgmt tools & stuff like that | 12:23 |
ubotu | Checkka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:23 |
bruenig | Checkka, I have used them, what is your question | 12:23 |
LadyNikon | wow | 12:23 |
LadyNikon | you guys are funny | 12:23 |
LadyNikon | scripts for everything | 12:23 |
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Checkka | The starterbar, how does it work? | 12:23 |
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Checkka | im tryingto get it to be transparent | 12:23 |
bruenig | !botsnack | 12:23 |
ubotu | Yum! | 12:23 |
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bimberi | khaije: i don't know sorry. I haven't heard as such, but wouldn't necessarily | 12:24 |
dmb062082 | is there a good app for managing large, masive text files? | 12:24 |
bruenig | dmb062082, less | 12:24 |
dmb062082 | gedit does not cut it | 12:24 |
dmb062082 | less? thanks | 12:24 |
LjL | !editors | 12:24 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 12:24 |
Robbie_Crash | When I chmod it to 600 it tells me it needs to be 644 so I do $chmod 644 /home/robbie/.dmrc and log out then log back in, and it says the same | 12:24 |
LjL | i'd say vi and/or emacs just out of hearsay :) | 12:24 |
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Jetfighter | I know where to get phpBB, how can I test and install it on my computer> | 12:25 |
fdr | !code | 12:25 |
ubotu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida | 12:25 |
Checkka | the gDesklets starterbar dock, it seems to have a small rectagular box in the back | 12:25 |
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes ?? | 12:25 |
Checkka | its not really that annoying but, i think it detracs from the style | 12:25 |
LjL | Jetfighter: by typing "sudo apt-get install phpbb2", like all other programs that are packages for Ubuntu. for this one, you need to have the Universe component enabled, since it resides there and not in the Main component. | 12:25 |
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Jetfighter | Universe component? | 12:25 |
LjL | !universe > Jetfighter (Jetfighter, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:26 |
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Checkka | !programming > Checkka | 12:26 |
bimberi | nearly pre-empted ;) | 12:26 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install phpbb2 | 12:26 |
Checkka | !IDE > Checkka | 12:26 |
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Jetfighter | Then how do I access it? | 12:26 |
LjL | !msg the bot | 12:26 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 12:26 |
LjL | Jetfighter: i suppose you'd have to configure it, it'll come with documentation... | 12:27 |
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Checkka | !code > Checkka | 12:27 |
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Checkka | finally ;) | 12:27 |
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Jetfighter | Ok | 12:27 |
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adjioev_ | !code > adjioev | 12:27 |
LjL | !msg the bot | adjioev_ | 12:27 |
ubotu | adjioev_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 12:27 |
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Jetfighter | Once I install it using that command, how do I get to it? | 12:28 |
LjL | Jetfighter: i haven't used that particular package but in general you can type dpkg -L packagename to see all files that belong to a package, including documentation etc | 12:28 |
Ares | Anyone know of the "Best" guide to get Warcraft 3 and the expansion running on Windows Edgy Eft? [Most of the things I see use some package that I'm unable to find?] (WineX, winetools) | 12:28 |
Jetfighter | Ugh, I'm gonna install the apache and other shit first | 12:28 |
Jetfighter | Stuff* | 12:28 |
PriceChild | !ohmy > Jetfighter | 12:29 |
Jetfighter | I need to be able to use that button :( | 12:29 |
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Jetfighter | I installed apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server | 12:30 |
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Jetfighter | Can I install a MyBB package? | 12:30 |
LjL | Jetfighter: then you should already have a working Apache, congratulations. but keep in mind that, without a firewall, it'll be publicly accessible | 12:30 |
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Robbie_Crash | What are _proper_ permissions for the homedir? | 12:31 |
LjL | Jetfighter: i don't see one | 12:31 |
Jetfighter | LjL, what can I do to point my web domain to my comp? | 12:31 |
LjL | Jetfighter: phpbb2, yes, mybb, don't see anything like that | 12:31 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: that would depend on your domain dame provider, i suppose | 12:31 |
Jetfighter | Gimme an outline? | 12:31 |
bruenig | Robbie_Crash, 755 with user ownership | 12:31 |
LjL | Robbie_Crash: depends, some have it set so that everyone can read, and some don't... | 12:31 |
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bruenig | by default 755 with user ownership I should say | 12:32 |
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Robbie_Crash | so chmod 755 /home/robbie and then chown robbie /home/robbie should set everything up so I don't get odd log on errors? | 12:32 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: i don't know, i've never been able to afford a domain name. but i know that some (most?) providers that give you subdomains just have a web interface to let you assign them to your own IP address. don't know about more "serious" domain name servers. | 12:33 |
jrib | Robbie_Crash: 600 are the permissions I have here for .dmrc | 12:33 |
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Kooka | cya and good night :) | 12:33 |
bruenig | Robbie_Crash, different permissions are necessary for some of the config files in that directory | 12:33 |
Robbie_Crash | jrib it tells me at logon I need to have it set as 644 | 12:33 |
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struct | how to fix dst? | 12:33 |
jrib | Robbie_Crash: you are on edgy? | 12:34 |
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Robbie_Crash | jrib: yeah | 12:34 |
Robbie_Crash | wait | 12:34 |
bruenig | like .gnome2 and .gnome2_private is 700 | 12:34 |
Robbie_Crash | edgy is 6.10 right/. | 12:34 |
Robbie_Crash | ? | 12:34 |
Jetfighter | How do I find my IP to point it to? | 12:34 |
jrib | can someone on edgy check the permissions of there ~/.dmrc? | 12:34 |
Robbie_Crash | bruenig: yeah, .gnome2 is what's giving me guff I think | 12:34 |
LjL | Jetfighter: type "ifconfig" | 12:34 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: of course, you must *not* be behind a router, or that IP will be meaningless. | 12:35 |
Jetfighter | if? | 12:35 |
Jetfighter | Like wireless internet? | 12:35 |
bruenig | Robbie_Crash, well mine is set at 700 | 12:35 |
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes ?? | 12:35 |
Robbie_Crash | jetfighter unless you're behind a router in which case you need to go to something like www.whatismyip.com | 12:35 |
LjL | Jetfighter: anyway your IP is but it might be dynamic anyway. | 12:35 |
bruenig | attack | 12:35 |
Jetfighter | By behind a router, would that mean wireless internet? | 12:36 |
palbuddy | (please help a newbie!) I burned a cd in winxp and then I want to load it in ubuntu ultimate and it says it's a blank dvd...though with regular ubuntu it was able to read it, anyone have an idea? | 12:36 |
LadyNikon | how do i activate the other metaverses? | 12:36 |
LjL | Jetfighter: not necessarly | 12:36 |
Jetfighter | So try that IP? | 12:36 |
bruenig | LadyNikon, do you mean repos? | 12:36 |
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Robbie_Crash | Jetfighter: in order to serve webpages from your home you'll need to get a static ip from your isp, and then get your domain name pointed to that ip instead of wherever you're currently getting your page hosted from | 12:36 |
LadyNikon | bruenig: yeah i guess | 12:36 |
LjL | Jetfighter: yeah but i can't access your Apache on that IP. do you have it running? if yes, then you probably are behind a router. | 12:36 |
matkix0s | What is a good itunes replacement for ubuntu? | 12:36 |
bruenig | LadyNikon, have you ever messed with adding repos? | 12:36 |
Robbie_Crash | bruenig: thanks, i'll try that | 12:36 |
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struct | anyone know how to fix the daylight savings time in edgy? | 12:36 |
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kristoffer_ | hello guys | 12:36 |
LadyNikon | Robbie_Crash: you can have a dynamic Ip and get something like dyndns or something | 12:36 |
matkix0s | !itunes | 12:37 |
ubotu | itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 12:37 |
LjL | !players > matkix0s (matkix0s, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:37 |
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struct | apparently I need a new tzdata package I think | 12:37 |
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struct | however it does not seem to be in the normal repositories for edgy | 12:37 |
LadyNikon | bruenig: i remember if you clicked on something that wasnt in that repos.. it would automateically add if for you.. did they take that ability out? | 12:37 |
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matkix0s | LjL: Will that also allow me to put music on the ipod? | 12:37 |
LjL | matkix0s: Amarok will, don't know about the others. | 12:38 |
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cafuego_ | matkix0s: gtkpod will | 12:38 |
bruenig | LadyNikon, I only ask because I have a command to add all the repos to a default list, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and I can take a look to see if you are missing something | 12:38 |
bruenig | !paste | LadyNikon | 12:38 |
Jetfighter | Going to takes me to my modem login =\ | 12:38 |
ubotu | LadyNikon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:38 |
LjL | Jetfighter: you're behind a router | 12:38 |
Robbie_Crash | LadyNikon: Yeah, but that's an extra layer of hassle | 12:38 |
LjL | Jetfighter: you need to forward port 80 | 12:38 |
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Jetfighter | in my router? | 12:39 |
LjL | Jetfighter: yes | 12:39 |
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Jetfighter | ok | 12:39 |
cheeseboy | antone got a link to flash player 9 | 12:39 |
cheeseboy | ? | 12:39 |
LadyNikon | bruenig: whats with the ubotu thing? | 12:39 |
cheeseboy | adobe's is goin 42bs | 12:39 |
bruenig | LadyNikon, that was to show you how to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:40 |
tuskernini | !ubotu | 12:40 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:40 |
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LjL | !flash9 > cheeseboy (cheeseboy, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:40 |
=== LadyNikon sighs | ||
palbuddy | anyone know anything about ubuntu not reading a disc made in winxp? | 12:40 |
LadyNikon | tuskernini: i didnt ask what is ubotu.. i was wondering why it was talkign to me. | 12:40 |
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LadyNikon | bruenig: oh | 12:40 |
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tuskernini | LadyNikon, :-) o ok... someone had it talk to you | 12:40 |
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LadyNikon | tuskernini: yes.. the person i was asking... :P | 12:41 |
Robbie_Crash | does chmod *** /dir/ change the permissions on all files within that dir or do I have to -R it? | 12:41 |
bruenig | Robbie_Crash, -R | 12:41 |
Robbie_Crash | thanks | 12:41 |
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Robbie_Crash | same with chown I guess? | 12:41 |
bruenig | Robbie_Crash, yes | 12:41 |
Jetfighter | What protocol? | 12:41 |
cheeseboy | LjL, thats hat im doing but its goin 42kbs | 12:41 |
Robbie_Crash | thanks again | 12:41 |
cheeseboy | what | 12:42 |
cheeseboy | ** | 12:42 |
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LadyNikon | Robbie_Crash: its not that much of a hassle.. i run my website off of my mac | 12:42 |
LadyNikon | Robbie_Crash: took not even 2mins | 12:42 |
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Robbie_Crash | LadyNikon: well then you're better at it than I am :P | 12:42 |
matkix0s | Anyone here run Vmware on Ubuntu? Just wondering if it works | 12:42 |
matkix0s | !vmware | 12:42 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 12:42 |
LjL | cheeseboy: that's 42 kilobytes per second? doesn't sound so terrible | 12:42 |
bruenig | matkix0s, I have done it and it does work | 12:42 |
cheeseboy | ljl no bytes | 12:43 |
yomm | /exit | 12:43 |
Jetfighter | LjL, I forwarded port 80...Now? | 12:43 |
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LjL | cheeseboy: have you tried ctrl+c'ing it and trying again? it might just have lost connection | 12:43 |
khaije | anyone know if NX can be configured to connect to connect to connect to an existing X session rather than creating a new one? | 12:43 |
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cheeseboy | LjL yes | 12:43 |
Robbie_Crash | ahhh yay! finallt a log on without errors! | 12:43 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: now try again, because your Apache still isn't reachable. can you reach it by typing http://localhost in a browser? | 12:44 |
Robbie_Crash | *finally | 12:44 |
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Jetfighter | Yes | 12:44 |
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vladuz976 | trying to get hp color laser 1600 to work with cups. can't find ppd file. can anybody help? | 12:44 |
LjL | cheeseboy, the Backports repository uses the same servers as the other standard repositories... which mirrors are you using? are they those for your own country? | 12:44 |
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arrenlex | vladuz976: apt-get install hpijs | 12:44 |
khaije | !nx | 12:45 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 12:45 |
vladuz976 | what that? | 12:45 |
Jetfighter | http://localhost worked for me | 12:45 |
arrenlex | !hpijs | vladuz976 | 12:45 |
ubotu | vladuz976: hpijs: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.9+1.6.9-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 337 kB, installed size 712 kB | 12:45 |
cheeseboy | LjL, synaptic actually downloads it from adobe | 12:45 |
LjL | Jetfighter: got that. as i said, try again forwarding port 80, because you didn't succeed in forwarding it. | 12:45 |
cheeseboy | which adobe is being slow | 12:45 |
arrenlex | vladuz976: Allows you to use hp printers. | 12:45 |
matkix0s | How do I install a c compiler | 12:45 |
vladuz976 | thanks | 12:45 |
LjL | !compile > matkix0s (matkix0s, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:45 |
LjL | cheeseboy: oh... well i don't know | 12:45 |
cheeseboy | LJL, nvm after 3 hrs its no goin 6kbs | 12:46 |
plyskin | anyone using a silicone image 3124 sata card with port multiplier? | 12:46 |
Jetfighter | I need like...help...it says from port80 to port 80, then the ip shows as 192.168.1.__ and lets me fill in the last digit..what do I put in there? | 12:46 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: the address that shows up when you type "ifconfig" | 12:47 |
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Jetfighter | THERE IS A WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF | 12:47 |
LjL | !caps | 12:47 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:47 |
Jetfighter | Sorry about caps lock | 12:47 |
Jetfighter | I musta bumped it.. | 12:47 |
LjL | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: <-- like this | 12:47 |
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LjL | second line of your main interface output. | 12:47 |
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Jetfighter | ath0 says .101 | 12:48 |
LjL | then put .101 | 12:48 |
Jetfighter | I did | 12:48 |
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Jetfighter | =\ | 12:48 |
LadyNikon | Robbie_Crash: aww | 12:48 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: you don't have *two* routers behind you have you? like, one ADSL router and one wifi router chained to it? | 12:48 |
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TheVault | I need help real bad | 12:49 |
Jetfighter | I have modem plugged into net, modem connects to router, router connects to dads PC, im on wireless | 12:49 |
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LadyNikon | who said they ran beryl? | 12:49 |
TheVault | I accidently did this command by copy and paste and I was about to just get my wireless to work. How do I undo this command | 12:49 |
TheVault | modprobe bcm43xx | 12:49 |
LadyNikon | its not in synaptic .. was it hard to install? | 12:49 |
LjL | Jetfighter: then if the "modem" is also a router, which it quite likely is, you'll need to forward 80 on that too | 12:49 |
colbert | LadyNikon: I run Beryl on XGL | 12:49 |
craigbass1976 | My wife is not impressed with Ubuntu's asking for a password twice when switching users. Nor am I, and I want to stop it. Whoever logs in first gets the x display at ctrl+alt+f7, and whoever does it second gets f8? Is that how it works? | 12:50 |
Jetfighter | idk what login for that it though... | 12:50 |
Robbie_Crash | LadyNikon: I'm also running beryl on cgl | 12:50 |
LjL | how should i know | 12:50 |
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Robbie_Crash | why? | 12:50 |
PriceChild | TheVault, "modprobe -r bcm43xx" although i doubt you need to bother... | 12:50 |
bimberi | TheVault: modprobe -r bcm43xx | 12:50 |
Jetfighter | What was IP again? | 12:50 |
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TheVault | Alright cause I accidently pasted that and pressed enter when I copied something else | 12:50 |
LjL | Jetfighter: which IP? | 12:50 |
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LadyNikon | colbert: xserver-xgl from the synatic? | 12:50 |
Jetfighter | The one you first gave me...65... | 12:50 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: it's, and you can get it on IRC by just typing /whois jetfighter | 12:51 |
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TheVault | PriceChild: I got this error when I did that FATAL: Error removing bcm43xx (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx.ko): Operation not permitted | 12:51 |
colbert | LadyNikon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy I would use this and follow the process | 12:51 |
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Jetfighter | How can I find out the pass? | 12:52 |
PriceChild | TheVault, use sudo sorry | 12:52 |
LadyNikon | colbert: k | 12:52 |
colbert | in order to get XGL working, then Beryl.. and if you should run into problems with Beryl, use this: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=4046 | 12:52 |
n-iCe | where can i download the GLX? | 12:52 |
PriceChild | TheVault, sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx | 12:52 |
TheVault | oh | 12:52 |
LjL | Jetfighter: err, either you know it or you don't | 12:52 |
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PriceChild | colbert, LadyNikon #ubuntu-effects please | 12:52 |
dick | hello all | 12:52 |
Jetfighter | If I don't know it then...? | 12:52 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: try "admin" or things like that. or phone your ISP | 12:52 |
lisapc | sometimes my mouse pointer goes wild and flies in all directions. Anyone know why? | 12:52 |
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cycro | has ne1 used gdesklets?? | 12:53 |
Robbie_Crash | LadyNikon: Do you have an nvidia or an ati card? | 12:53 |
twister | i am having trouble changing the screen resolution on an external monitor for my laptop | 12:53 |
LjL | Jetfighter: if the modem is leased from your ISP, that is. | 12:53 |
LjL | !anyone | cycro | 12:53 |
ubotu | cycro: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:53 |
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cycro | rofl | 12:53 |
cycro | good point | 12:53 |
cycro | ok well i have a few probs with gdesklets | 12:53 |
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cycro | 1) i have this window around it? | 12:53 |
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes ?? | 12:54 |
cycro | like a normal window with the minimize, maximize, close, etc | 12:54 |
cycro | 2) now theres this weird black box around it | 12:54 |
Marsmensch | i'm using feisty and beryl ... but still i'm bored from the standard themes ... so please mtv, pimp my linux | 12:54 |
Jetfighter | I got an Embark modem, leased from MapleNet | 12:54 |
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cycro | and 3) it doesnt appear in my system tray | 12:55 |
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matkix0s | "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 12:55 |
matkix0s | kernel?" anyone got an answer? I installed a compiler | 12:55 |
cycro | ill try restarting | 12:55 |
Jetfighter | I don't know it, and I can't call ISP, not open on Sun. | 12:55 |
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kitche | matkix0s: you have to install the linux headers | 12:55 |
prevone | matkix0s, are you talking about the linux source? | 12:55 |
prevone | probably /usr/src/linux | 12:56 |
matkix0s | I'm installing vmware and thats what it asked | 12:56 |
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lisapc | when installing Azureus, what port should I chose? do ISPS listen to certain ports? | 12:56 |
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N3rg4r | lisapc, what ever u want | 12:56 |
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lisapc | N3rg4r, do ISP listen to some ports? | 12:56 |
N3rg4r | just forward it | 12:56 |
PriceChild | lisapc, it should tell you the range it suggests | 12:56 |
lisapc | N3rg4r, forward it? | 12:56 |
cycro | wats the default port that azureus uses? | 12:56 |
Arko | how can i upgrade to alsa 1.0.13? | 12:56 |
lisapc | cycro, its 31523 | 12:57 |
PriceChild | lisapc, if you're that worried... don't torrent. This is the internet, your isp can find out everything | 12:57 |
OuZo | how do i go about installing qt? thanks | 12:57 |
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cycro | lisapc, thx | 12:57 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, no worried, just trying to set it best i can | 12:57 |
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N3rg4r | lisapc, open the port in ur firewall | 12:57 |
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tmpvar | anyone know how to make a second framebuffer device? | 12:57 |
Robbie_Crash | Is it possible to install a remote desktop client that will connect to an xp box? | 12:57 |
Robbie_Crash | !rdp | 12:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rdp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:57 |
N3rg4r | lisapc, and in the router | 12:57 |
lisapc | im setting it up with default 31523 port. do I now have to tell firestarter to use that port? | 12:57 |
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dick | can anyone here walk me though installing a rpm file? | 12:58 |
Jetfighter | LjL, when I install like phpBB, can I get to it from like localhost? | 12:58 |
kitche | Robbie_Crash: yes depends what you want to connect to really | 12:58 |
dick | ? | 12:58 |
dick | I am a bit of a newb | 12:58 |
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bimberi | matkix0s: in another terminal 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'. Once complete the answer to that question will be found by typing 'echo /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)' in a terminal | 12:58 |
dick | can anyone see what i am typing? | 12:58 |
LjL | !rpm > dick (dick, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:58 |
lisapc | N3rg4r, what happens if I dont forward it in firewall and router? | 12:58 |
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LjL | dick: don't install RPMs | 12:58 |
LjL | !software > dick (dick, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:58 |
kitche | Robbie_Crash: if it's RDP look up freenx it can connect to TS service | 12:58 |
N3rg4r | no incoming connections lisapc | 12:58 |
LjL | Jetfighter: yeah, but it might need some configuration first, possibly | 12:58 |
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priich | matkix0s, the "current" one should be /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` | 12:58 |
Robbie_Crash | kitche: I just want to be able to connect to my laptop in the same room so I can play alpha centauri and use rosetta stone without getting off of my desktop | 12:58 |
Jetfighter | Whats command to install it, and is there SMF? | 12:58 |
LjL | Jetfighter: you really need to ask the ISP for the pass... unless your have the user manual, and it lists a default pass, and the ISP didn't change it | 12:59 |
Jetfighter | ISP is closed today | 12:59 |
Jetfighter | Can I install SMF? | 12:59 |
Jetfighter | Or phpBB 3? | 12:59 |
N3rg4r | lisapc, if ur using ubuntu, all ports are opened by default i think, but you DO have to forward it if r using broadband | 12:59 |
dick | so are rpm's really that dangerous? | 12:59 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: there's only phpbb2 available in the repos. i don't know what smf is | 12:59 |
Robbie_Crash | !freenx | 12:59 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 12:59 |
lisapc | N3rg4r, i didnt forward anything, yet its still download things. why? | 12:59 |
LjL | dick: quite. what did you intend to install as an RPM? | 01:00 |
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PatrickBic | how do i find out which ubuntu versionn i am using.. | 01:00 |
PatrickBic | ? | 01:00 |
LjL | PatrickBic: lsb_release -a | 01:00 |
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dick | limewire | 01:00 |
Jetfighter | SMF is another forum software...www.simplemachines.org | 01:00 |
N3rg4r | because you are connected to the other computers | 01:00 |
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LjL | !limewire > dick (dick, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:00 |
PatrickBic | LjL: thanks | 01:00 |
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N3rg4r | lisapc, you have broadband? | 01:00 |
dick | yeah i saw it | 01:00 |
lisapc | N3rg4r, yes broadband | 01:00 |
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dick | thanks | 01:01 |
N3rg4r | lisapc, you should have a router don't you | 01:01 |
LadyNikon | So .. i got my card working in ubuntu.. now i need to fix the speed for it.. its a pantech PX-500 | 01:01 |
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lisapc | N3rg4r, yeah why? | 01:01 |
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adjioev_ | how do i use Ubotu bot? | 01:01 |
LjL | !bot > adjioev_ (adjioev_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:01 |
Jetfighter | LjL, command for phpBB 2 install pls | 01:02 |
Jetfighter | ? | 01:02 |
Nergar | you need to forward it so the other computers can connect to yours, and you can d/l faster and share the files | 01:02 |
LadyNikon | heh | 01:02 |
LjL | Jetfighter: i told you, sudo apt-get install phpbb2 . *after* enabling Universe. | 01:02 |
aos | hey | 01:02 |
Nergar | lisapc, you need to forward it so the other computers can connect to yours, and you can d/l faster and share the files | 01:02 |
Jetfighter | I missed it...I am so stupid, enable Universe? | 01:02 |
LjL | Jetfighter: you've even been given an awful command that enables universe *and* installs phpbb2 in a row. | 01:02 |
LjL | !universe > Jetfighter (Jetfighter, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:03 |
aos | i have error when i try to instal cedega http://wklej.org/id/9cd91ea755 - what im makening wrong?? | 01:03 |
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LadyNikon | I asked this question yesterday .. what are good aps that are visio replacements | 01:03 |
denis_on_ubuntu | hey guys - has anyone got the nvidia 1.0-9755 driver installed on their machine yet? | 01:03 |
PriceChild | !anyone | denis_on_ubuntu | 01:03 |
ubotu | denis_on_ubuntu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:03 |
lisapc | Nergar, so I need to enter my modems config menu and add that port Azaerus uses? | 01:03 |
Jetfighter | So I can't use that command yet? | 01:03 |
kitche | aos: you have to install build-essential | 01:03 |
Nergar | yes lisapc | 01:03 |
LjL | Jetfighter: smf doesn't seem to be available. mind you, you can still install it manually, and so can you with phpbb 3... but it's not nearly as easy as installing from a package i assume | 01:03 |
LjL | Jetfighter: no | 01:03 |
lisapc | Nergar, is that risky? can I make modem stop working? | 01:03 |
aos | kitche: how??:) | 01:04 |
=== Vince_ [n=chatzill@kgldgaambas07-pool14-a188.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kitche | aos: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:04 |
aos | kk | 01:04 |
Vince_ | I need help installing. Both Edgy and Dapper report that they cannot mount the CD-ROM drive during intallation. I have tried downloading different copies of the ISO's from different mirrors. The MD5 Sums check out so I doubt the downloads are being corrupted. I have tried different CD Rom Drives. I have tried checking the CD-ROM however this results in the same error. I have tried... | 01:04 |
Vince_ | ...switching the CD-ROMS physicly and logicly from Master to Slave and back. Can somebody please help. I am at my wits end. | 01:04 |
Nergar | lisapc, if you only forward the port nothing will happen | 01:04 |
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aos | kitche: i have it in newest version | 01:04 |
LjL | Jetfighter: according to the poster, this command sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install phpbb2 should enabled Universe and then install phpbb2. however i still advice you to read the info about repositories and components. | 01:04 |
kitche | aos: hmm seems odd that it will say that then | 01:04 |
lisapc | Nergar, what do I look for? | 01:04 |
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prevone | Vince_, what motherboard are you using | 01:05 |
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vox754 | Vince_: what do you mean "mounting the cdrom during installation"? If it is installing it is mounted, no? | 01:05 |
Nergar | firewall or port forwarding, but you may want to google your router and port forward | 01:05 |
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zafod77 | anybody know of any good packages for streaming video? I wish to set up my ubuntu box to serve out streaming video(readable by windows machines) | 01:05 |
movi | i need to delete and recreate a partition with parted | 01:05 |
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Jetfighter | parted? | 01:06 |
kitche | aos: try reconfiguring it and if it says that again check your path with echo $PATH in cli | 01:06 |
Vince_ | vox754: I mean just that it loads the CD boots from it, I select Text Mode, it asks a few question then tells me it cannot mount the CD-ROM | 01:06 |
PriceChild | movi, Gparted? | 01:06 |
movi | PriceChild, not realy, because i need to excactly recreate it | 01:06 |
LjL | !vlc > zafod77 (zafod77, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:06 |
movi | so that i dont kill the fs | 01:06 |
aos | k | 01:06 |
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khaije | !tsocks | 01:06 |
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arooni | can i run yahoo widgets | 01:06 |
ubotu | tsocks: transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-2 (edgy), package size 209 kB, installed size 548 kB | 01:06 |
movi | im doing this because my first partition is behind my second one | 01:06 |
arooni | for linux? | 01:07 |
denis_on_ubuntu | ok - i have nvidia geforce go 6150 and I am running Edgy which i upgraded from dapper. I want to install the Nvidia 1.0-9755 driver that came out a few days ago, but i get an error saying: unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured. etc | 01:07 |
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Vince_ | prevone: Checking now, I belive its an AZURS or MSI board with a NVidia Nforce2 chipset | 01:07 |
Nergar | lisapc, firewall or port forwarding, but you may want to google your router and port forward | 01:07 |
Jetfighter | LjL, i did command, then I go to localhost, it's not there | 01:07 |
zafod77 | LjL: VLC quality is garbage. any settings I have tried with it are REALLY choppy | 01:07 |
prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, are you using the official nvidia installer? | 01:07 |
vox754 | Vince_: and the graphical installation is the same? | 01:07 |
Jetfighter | :( | 01:08 |
denis_on_ubuntu | prevone - yes I am using the one i got from the Nvidia web site | 01:08 |
LjL | Jetfighter, type "dpkg -L phpbb2" and *read the documentation that comes with it*! | 01:08 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubuntu, one second... | 01:08 |
Vince_ | Graphical Installation tells me it /bin/sh cant access TTY; Job Control Turned off, and then drops me to busy box | 01:08 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | ok | 01:08 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubuntu, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc xserver-xorg-dev pkg-config | 01:08 |
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prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, whats wrong with the nvidia driver in the repos? | 01:08 |
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prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, if you still want to install the latest your going to have to install the headers for your kernel | 01:09 |
zafod77 | Is there anything other than VLC that might work for streaming video services? | 01:09 |
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crdlb | zafod77, mplayer | 01:09 |
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Jetfighter | ALL that did was list files | 01:09 |
vox754 | Vince_: wow! bad motherboard, hardware, BIOS, architecture, all, everything? | 01:09 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: right, and among those there will be documentation ones. | 01:10 |
tuskernini | zafod77, xine | 01:10 |
priich | LjL, a bit risky doing a blind sed replace on sources.list unless you know exactly what's in there, yes ? ( i mean if there's some old #commented away repo lingering in there, you just enabled it.) | 01:10 |
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zafod77 | crdlb: mplayer will output a streem to the net(or local network)? | 01:10 |
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Jetfighter | how do I get to those to read them? | 01:10 |
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Vince_ | Ok its a BIOSTAR M7NCG 400 | 01:10 |
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crdlb | zafod77, I though you meant play a stream | 01:10 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | ok thank you - but the thing is i did that last time, and once it installed the nvidia driver, X wouldnt start as it said something along the lines of that the nvidia kernel module ahs a different version than 1.0 9755 or something | 01:10 |
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LjL | priich: if he doesn't know what repos are, he'll hardly have added any. at any rate, i did specify that wasn't my command, and that my advice was to read the documentation that i've given him twice or thrice already. | 01:10 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | and i had to reinstall everything from scratch :( | 01:10 |
priich | LjL, cool. | 01:11 |
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zafod77 | tuskernini: will xine output a stream to the network? | 01:11 |
LjL | Jetfighter: either less filename or, if you see the word "man" in the name, man keyword (the name of the file, but without path or extension) | 01:11 |
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priich | LjL, yeah the helpfile even has nice pictures. :) | 01:11 |
Jetfighter | so less readme? | 01:11 |
LjL | Jetfighter: no, you need the path too. less /blah/blah/readme | 01:12 |
tuskernini | zafod77, not a clue... sorry is there no xine channel? | 01:12 |
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Vince_ | VOX754: It works for everything else | 01:12 |
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tuskernini | zafod77, join #xine | 01:12 |
cycro | why does a black box appear around every desklet i have from gdesklet? | 01:12 |
Vince_ | Anyone? | 01:13 |
=== sur2rien [n=hxc@modemcable042.80-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prevone | Vince_, are you using the integrated video? | 01:13 |
vox754 | Vince_: Is it old? Anyways I would recommend you to try Knoppix Live CD. You can try if that runs. | 01:13 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | PREVONE are you there bud? | 01:14 |
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Vince_ | prevone: IT has onboard but I have an AGP card installed. | 01:14 |
Vince_ | And it works fine | 01:14 |
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Vince_ | vox754: I don't want knoppix I want ubuntu | 01:14 |
prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, does the new driver do something for you that the previous versions didnt? | 01:15 |
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wolferine | easiest way to go from an ATI card to an Nvidia? | 01:15 |
Vince_ | BTW I can install breazy up to a point. However then It won't let me out of the area where I need to setup my User Account | 01:15 |
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Vince_ | SO I know it can load it | 01:15 |
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vox754 | Vince_: Knoppix is based on Debian just like Ubuntu; so if Knoppix runs, you may gather information that you may use on Ubuntu, you can even tell developers about it. | 01:15 |
denis_on_ubuntu | well apeprantly this driver is the first to support my system - the previous drivers INSTALL but do not do anything - like everything still looks choppy and unrendered | 01:16 |
=== shmeelAway [n=nnliu@whn018.wlan.wharton.UPENN.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
denis_on_ubuntu | as if i didt even install a driver | 01:16 |
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Ademan | is there any way to get a list of packages installed on an ubuntu computer and then install that list on another computer? | 01:16 |
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Vince_ | vox754: Im not smart enough to even know what i'm looking for. I know this board works with Ubuntu because i've had it running on this machine before. | 01:16 |
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 01:16 |
wolferine | do I need to remove the ATI driver first, or just swap the hardware and Ubuntu will recognize? | 01:16 |
Vince_ | If I get knoppix running thats well and good but I don't know how it tells me anything on how to get Ubuntu Running | 01:17 |
arrenlex | Ademan: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}' > biglist | 01:17 |
Jetfighter | LjL, I can't find out how to get to it, it's all so confusing | 01:17 |
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prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, and you enabled the driver in xorg.conf? | 01:17 |
arrenlex | Ademan: Take biglist to another computer. "cat biglist | xargs sudo apt-get install" | 01:17 |
Ademan | arrenlex: wow haha | 01:17 |
denis_on_ubuntu | i think so yes | 01:17 |
Ademan | awesome though, thanks | 01:17 |
tmpvar | is there a way to generate more /dev/fb*'s? | 01:17 |
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=== soweto76 nice pipe | ||
vox754 | Vince_: ah, okay. Mmm.. Breezy is old, and you tried the newer versions... You didn't answered how old your motherboard was. | 01:18 |
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Ademan | arrenlex: would i have to use fakeroot or something in order to do that from a liveCD? | 01:18 |
denis_on_ubuntu | i actually read somewhere on a forum that the 1.0-9755 driver is the first one that normally works with my card. and i managed ONCE on dapper to install it and it worked splendidly, but now i'm on edgy and i dont know what id id the last time lol | 01:18 |
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Vince_ | Vox754: I have no idea how old it is.. a few years. But as I said i've HAD Ubuntu running on this before | 01:18 |
prevone | Vince_, did you try fiesty? | 01:18 |
arrenlex | Ademan: You're on a liveCD and you want to see what packages are installed on the system's hard drive? | 01:18 |
denis_on_ubuntu | i just dont want to install it, get that message about different versions of kernel modules and then have to reinstall evreything which takes hours | 01:19 |
=== tyro [n=tyro@e177145245.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 01:19 |
tyro | hi! | 01:19 |
Vince_ | Prevone: No. And i'm not going too untill its a stable release with some documentation behind it. Otherwise I can't use it. | 01:19 |
=== csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mp3elv | hi anyone could give me help? | 01:19 |
Ademan | arrenlex: yeah, my computer is dead | 01:19 |
arrenlex | Ademan: You'd have to mount the partition and chroot into it. | 01:19 |
Ademan | (envy killed it) | 01:19 |
arrenlex | Ademan: "dead"? | 01:19 |
spudthepo | . | 01:19 |
mp3elv | im using feisty and cant access my network, i have internet but no network | 01:19 |
prevone | denis_on_ubuntu, you might want to check out http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 01:19 |
arrenlex | Ademan: What did it do? | 01:19 |
Ademan | i can't even log in to a tty | 01:20 |
PriceChild | mp3elv, > #ubuntu+1 | 01:20 |
arrenlex | Ademan: What happens? | 01:20 |
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LjL | Jetfighter: look not to sound too harsh, but if a webserver and friends confuse you so much, perhaps you shouldn't use them? i mean, from a security point of view. anyway after installing the package and skimming through the file list, i'm tempted to say that the file you want to read is /usr/share/doc/phpbb2/README.Debian | 01:20 |
Vince_ | Look.. Let me ask this... If I started Knoppix from one drive and then load the Ubuntu CD and mounted it from knoppix couild I run the install from there? | 01:20 |
Ademan | i get about 20 errors that talk about /dev/null | 01:20 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | prevone i read through that quite a few times hehe | 01:20 |
tyro | Ahm, i don't want to bother you... i wouldt like to participate... | 01:20 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, that may be a bit hard. | 01:20 |
arrenlex | Ademan: ...right... | 01:20 |
Ademan | gimme a second i posted it on launchpad | 01:20 |
PriceChild | mp3elv, please remember feisty is unreleased. and is buggy. Support in #ubuntu+1 | 01:20 |
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vox754 | Vince_: I guess you are out of luck then... sorry. Yeah. As long as you have time try everything that comes to your mind! | 01:20 |
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mp3elv | thank u very much | 01:21 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | and it didnt really help :( i guess the question is, how do i make sure that the kernel module has the same vresion 1.0-9755 as the driver, which is also 1.0-9755? | 01:21 |
Vince_ | Dr_willis: If you have another idea i'm all ears. No one else seems to have a clue why it won't just install from the CD | 01:21 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, theres a lot of very odd/hardcore/weird/freaky ways to install ubuntu. if you got a 2nd pc. you could try a net boot. | 01:21 |
=== rada [n=uzivatel@60-242-162-167.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tyro | (does any1 have a few secounds for me?) | 01:21 |
Vince_ | I don't so I can't | 01:21 |
Ademan | arrenlex: https://launchpad.net/bugs/91335 pretty bad title, a little on the rant-ish side, but i did my best to describe everything i did up till the problem, and what happened during the problem | 01:21 |
Ademan | and a couple things i tried to fix the problem | 01:21 |
Vince_ | I have one PC with 2 CD Roms. | 01:22 |
prevone | Vince_, I understand that you may be uncomfortable with using testing software but the truth is that the major differences between the different versions is simply versions of software | 01:22 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, of course ya could always try swapping around cdrom drives... or just run it in vmware for a while to learn the system.. or try feisty see if it has the same problem. | 01:22 |
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prevone | you should be able to follow guides almost the same way | 01:22 |
Dr_willis | its possible theres some oddball kernel issue/bug causing the problem | 01:22 |
matkix0s | What is the command to tell what kernal your running? | 01:22 |
matkix0s | !kernal | 01:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:22 |
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shatrat | matkix0s, uname -r | 01:22 |
Jetfighter | Ugh | 01:22 |
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Jetfighter | At least I can run a .sh file | 01:23 |
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priich | matkix0s, uname -r | 01:23 |
cycro | mm | 01:23 |
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priich | heh late as usual :) | 01:23 |
rada | Dr_willis: hi | 01:23 |
cycro | why does ubuntu automatically lunch sessions and file manager when i log in? | 01:23 |
cycro | launch* | 01:23 |
Vince_ | Dr Willis: I already swapped drives I don't want to run it in VM Ware (I used breazy exclusively a few years ago and want to use it agian with a dual booted windows system so if i'm using VM Ware I might as well stick with WIndows) and I don't want to use Feistey till it's got some documentation behind it because the last time I tried the devel version I was just told it wasn't stable so no... | 01:23 |
Vince_ | ...one would help me with it | 01:23 |
tyro | Hopefully not only for the logs: I would like to translate some pages from ubuntu.com into german... Just in case anybody cares... | 01:23 |
priich | Vince_, do you get any error messages at all ? | 01:24 |
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tyro | DOES anyone care??? | 01:24 |
yeb | hi | 01:24 |
tyro | Hi yeb! | 01:24 |
arrenlex | Ademan: Have you fscked this partition? | 01:24 |
yeb | having problems after having installed feisty5 | 01:24 |
yeb | using irssi dumb terminal mode hehe | 01:24 |
yeb | ohh the joy | 01:24 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, in like a month it will be consiodered supported.. so.. do whatever you feel comfortable with. You could use vmware to INSTALL it to a real hard drive. :) then try booting the hd. | 01:24 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | the question i have is, how do i make sure that the kernel module has the same version 1.0-9755 as the driver, which is also 1.0-9755 to make that the nvidia drivers work once i install them? | 01:24 |
Ademan | arrenlex: no, that would be a good place to start though huh? i mounted it from the liveCD successfully though | 01:24 |
kitche | !feisty | yeb | 01:24 |
ubotu | yeb: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 01:24 |
yeb | cheers | 01:25 |
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arrenlex | Ademan: Unmount it and run fsck <device> | 01:25 |
tyro | ahm... | 01:25 |
Vince_ | priich: Yes... It says on the Desktop CD that /bin/sh can't access tty; then drops me to busy box, If I try the alternate or Dapper CD's it tells me it can't mount the CD | 01:25 |
tyro | huhu | 01:25 |
Jetfighter | Can we upgrade from current one to that one easy? | 01:25 |
tyro | who lends me an ear? | 01:25 |
tyro | :) | 01:25 |
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matkix0s | !vmware | 01:25 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 01:25 |
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wick2o | hello | 01:26 |
Vince_ | Dr Willis: Now that is also an idea. But I don't have VM Ware, Just Microsoft Virtual PC. How woulld I access the physical hard drive from instide the virtual machine? | 01:26 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, may want to try a can of compressed air and cleaning out the drive.. and perhaps test the disk on another machine. | 01:26 |
PriceChild | Hi wick2o | 01:26 |
ubuntu | hi | 01:26 |
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 01:26 |
Jetfighter | Guys' | 01:26 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, or 'virtualbox' its free.. and vmware has a free version. | 01:26 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: I did that already and I swapped drives, and I tried different drives | 01:26 |
Jetfighter | How much extra space do you recommend after installing Ubuntu? | 01:26 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, sounds almost like the ide controller, or cable issue. | 01:26 |
wick2o | preseeding? Ive been over the docs and have a very nice preseeding file, however when it gets to partitioning it still asks if i want to use freespace or the whole drive | 01:27 |
tyro | AHM... | 01:27 |
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tyro | ??? | 01:27 |
wick2o | is there an undocumented preseed option for this? | 01:27 |
tyro | is anybody listening? | 01:27 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: Yes but I don't have any problums with these drives anyware else. I would think a faulty cable would start making the drives act funny anywhere | 01:27 |
=== koko is now known as po | ||
shatrat | shmeelAway, try right clicking on the volume tray icon and going to preferences and changing it so it is working on a different mixer slider. Not sur which one it will be for your external speakers | 01:27 |
=== Hoffmann [n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Vince_, ive seen weirder things happen. | 01:27 |
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rada | any irc client where I can easily highlight my nick if in a message? | 01:28 |
tyro | HELP!!! | 01:28 |
Jetfighter | mIRC | 01:28 |
Jetfighter | GAIM | 01:28 |
arrenlex | rada: Don't all clients in existence do that? | 01:28 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: Ehhhh I dunno this just dosen't smell like a cable issue. | 01:28 |
PriceChild | tyro, ask your question | 01:28 |
tyro | thx | 01:28 |
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Jetfighter | GAIM and mIRC *SHOULD* do it. | 01:28 |
denis_on_ubuntu | the question i have is, how do i make sure that the kernel module has the same version 1.0-9755 as the driver, which is also 1.0-9755 to make that the nvidia drivers work once i install them? | 01:28 |
prevone | Vince_, i agree | 01:28 |
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Ademan | arrenlex: yeah it's in progress | 01:28 |
wick2o | rada irssi | 01:28 |
shmeelAway | shatrat, i can control the volume itself, but i can't set up hotkeys | 01:28 |
tyro | No question: i would like to participate: translate some sites into german | 01:29 |
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Dr_willis | Vince_, ive also heard that a lot of the motherboards made in the last few years have capaciator issues.. but heck - for all we know its a odd hardware/bios/kernel bug. | 01:29 |
prevone | if you have been able to run other OSs and booted into the live session i would rule out hardware problems | 01:29 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: How would I install Ubuntu to a physical hard drive from inside a virual machine though? | 01:29 |
shatrat | shmeelAway, dont know muhc about 'hotkeys' sorry ;( | 01:29 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, ive also seen examples of installing ubuntu with the debootstrap stuff | 01:29 |
shmeelAway | np | 01:29 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, have the virtual machine 'access' the real drive.. its a vmware setting rather trivial | 01:29 |
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arrenlex | Vince_: I take it you've not looked at install.exe? | 01:29 |
shatrat | Jetfighter, mIRC is a crappy nagware windows xchat clone, why mention it? | 01:29 |
PriceChild | tyro, You may like to join #ubuntu-de :) | 01:29 |
tyro | THX! | 01:30 |
PriceChild | !participate | tyro | 01:30 |
ubotu | tyro: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate | 01:30 |
Vince_ | arrenlex: No I haven't. I don't want to install it inside windows. I want to dual boot and have seperate paritions. As a matter of fact I have the partitions already setup and formatted. | 01:30 |
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priich | Vince_, and you've tried with apci=off; noapic; nolapic (or whatever the options are when you're having interrupt problems.) ? | 01:30 |
tyro | perhaps i can also help in other ways: i work on optimal control (maths)... | 01:30 |
PriceChild | tyro, btw translation of ubuntu feisty will start in a few days on launchpad.net | 01:30 |
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Vince_ | priich: No I have not tried that either. Thanks :-D | 01:30 |
tyro | thank you very much PriceChild! | 01:31 |
rwxr-xr-- | how can i change my Desktop to GNOME To KDE? | 01:31 |
Vince_ | This is great at least now I have some leads I can try | 01:31 |
arrenlex | !kde | rwxr-xr-- | 01:31 |
ubotu | rwxr-xr--: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information. | 01:31 |
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tyro | Maybe one can even optimize something here :) | 01:31 |
prevone | shatrat, mirc is a great program | 01:31 |
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arrenlex | Vince_: I don't think you understand how it works. Install.exe still installs ubuntu to a separate partition which you dual-boot to. It just does so from inside windows. | 01:32 |
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aos | kitche: still same error;/ | 01:32 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: Another issue though. If I install from a Virtual PC won't it set it up for the emulated hardware? | 01:32 |
shatrat | prevone, my brother uses it, im not a fan. Its nagware for one,a nd it seems inferior to xchat or bitchx for another. | 01:32 |
rwxr-xr-- | arrenlex, : i ihave Ubuntu | 01:32 |
sur2rien | someone can help me with noob questions? new to ubuntu, and grub says : cant mount the selected partition or smth like that | 01:32 |
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Dr_willis | Vince_, yep. thats an issue. | 01:32 |
arrenlex | rwxr-xr--: I think almost everyone on this channel has ubuntu. And? | 01:32 |
rwxr-xr-- | umm nothing then Sorry :< | 01:32 |
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Vince_ | arrenlex: Ok but how does it do that if Windows can't read the EXT3 File system? | 01:33 |
Giupeppe | hi guys do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:33 |
Vince_ | Dr_Willis: Can I just copy the install files and then run the install from the HD instead of the CDROM? | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | Vince_, perhaps.. or use a .iso file of the installer cd. | 01:34 |
Giupeppe | guys do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:34 |
arrenlex | Vince_: There are no problems making windows read ext3. | 01:34 |
arrenlex | Vince_: There are tons of drivers everywhere. I assume they've been integrated. | 01:34 |
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Vince_ | arrenlex: I'll try that out then | 01:35 |
Giupeppe | guys do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:35 |
Ademan_kitchen | arrenlex: this is the computer in question, fsck should have been very clear about any errors right? | 01:35 |
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adjioev_ | is there a good flv player for ubuntu? | 01:35 |
Ademan_kitchen | i'll paste the output, but it looks fine to me | 01:35 |
garrettkajmowicz | How do I tell an Ubuntu system to use a different version of gcc when compiling Ubuntu packages? | 01:35 |
Vince_ | Ok.. I got some ideas to try. I'll be back in a bit and let you guys know how it goes. THANK YOU for your help | 01:35 |
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Giupeppe | guys do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:35 |
netcrash | Hello , what's the best tool to fix screen resolution ? | 01:35 |
Dr_willis | netcrash, depends on the exact problem | 01:36 |
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Giupeppe | guys do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:36 |
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Ademan_kitchen | garrettkajmowicz: i believe /bin/gcc is a symbolic link to a specific version of gcc, though you SHOULD be building packages with pbuilder, in which case the debian directory tells what versions of utilities you'll be using | 01:36 |
bruenig | Giupeppe, doubt it and stop repeating | 01:36 |
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aos | how can i uninstall wine and cedega? | 01:37 |
Giupeppe | bruenig but if I write it only one times only few peoples read it no? :) | 01:37 |
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bruenig | idiot | 01:37 |
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bulmer | how come when NXclient is installed via synaptics it does not show up under Applications menu? | 01:37 |
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PriceChild | bruenig, That comment was not needed! | 01:37 |
bruenig | aos, for wine at least, assuming you installed it via repos, sudo apt-get install wine | 01:38 |
Ademan_kitchen | aos: did you install wine through the repositories? | 01:38 |
=== mark_ [n=mark@ool-44c0a897.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
netcrash | Dr_willis: philips monitor 107e , Samsung syncmaster 1100p , the last one I have placed the freq at 75h using nvidia-settings or I wasn't being able to do it. In the philips I just can't place it at 75 using the "same" string in xorg.conf | 01:38 |
=== timetrap [n=timetrap@pool-141-152-244-44.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | flooders who know they are flooding and don't care and then laugh about it, that comment was mild believe me | 01:38 |
Ademan_kitchen | aos: you should be able to, in synaptic click on it and hit remove and then apply, or on the command line sudo apt-get remove wine | 01:38 |
bruenig | aos, I meant sudo apt-get remove wine | 01:38 |
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PriceChild | !coc > bruenig | 01:38 |
mark_ | apt-get suddenlyt not working. I get E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly after it DL's but it doesn't install | 01:38 |
timetrap | Does anyone know anything about the Gnome "shared folders" admin tool? | 01:38 |
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Giupeppe | do you know if is there a support channel for avant-window-navigator? | 01:39 |
aos | ty | 01:39 |
Ademan_kitchen | mark_: what was the last package you tried to install? | 01:39 |
timetrap | I keep tyring to delete shares but they will not go away | 01:39 |
denis_on_ubuntu | the question i have is, how do i make sure that the kernel module has the same version 1.0-9755 as the driver, which is also 1.0-9755 to make that the nvidia drivers work once i install them? | 01:39 |
mark_ | first to fail was mpd | 01:39 |
Ademan_kitchen | Giupeppe: no, there isn't one that i know of, what is your question? | 01:39 |
garrettkajmowicz | Ademan_kitchen: The problem I have is that though I've installed g++3.3 and g++ 3.4, there is no "g++" executible, and the version of gcc being used is 4.0.3. I don't know how the system could be allowed to get into such a state, but it's a fresh install. | 01:39 |
=== bruenig did not breach coc because as with all contracts, when one end is not upheld, it ceases to bind | ||
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Ademan_kitchen | mark_: have you tried apt-get install mpd -f ? | 01:39 |
mark_ | Ademan_kitchen, I've been installing a bunch of stuff for mythtv and have almost all. | 01:39 |
bruenig | !repeat | Giupeppe | 01:39 |
ubotu | Giupeppe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:39 |
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intelikey | i see in /var/log/ a subdir named 'unattended-upgrades' please tell me that ubuntu doesn't default to upgrade anything without user clearance first ? | 01:39 |
aos | ok - how can i unsinstal cedega? | 01:39 |
aos | :) | 01:39 |
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timetrap | Does anyone know anything about the Gnome "shared folders" admin tool? I keep tyring to delete shares but they will not go away | 01:40 |
PriceChild | aos, how did you install it? | 01:40 |
mark_ | Ademan_kitchen, yes tried -f. also tried --purge remove but it said it wasn't installed | 01:40 |
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netcrash | Hello again I have two monitors what is a good software to handle the frequency values on them ? philips monitor 107e , Samsung syncmaster 1100p , the last one I have placed the freq at 75h using nvidia-settings or I wasn't being able to do it. In the philips I just can't place it at 75 using the "same" string in xorg.conf | 01:40 |
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Ademan_kitchen | mark_: hrm, i've had similar problems, iirc last time i had it was with the k3d modeling application, it ended up being a problem with python, lemme see if i can dig up the bug report | 01:40 |
PriceChild | !pm | aos | 01:40 |
ubotu | aos: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 01:40 |
garrettkajmowicz | Ademan_kitchen: n/m - I seem to have found the problem. | 01:40 |
Giupeppe | I have ubuntu 64 bit but it doesn't work I've compiled but...someone can help me please? sorry for repeat :( | 01:40 |
mark_ | thanks Ademan_kitchen | 01:41 |
aos | heh | 01:41 |
aos | kk | 01:41 |
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timetrap | Does anyone know anything about the Gnome "shared folders" admin tool? | 01:41 |
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bulmer | how come when NXclient is installed via synaptics it does not show up under Applications menu ? any additional steps? | 01:41 |
bruenig | !repeat | timetrap | 01:41 |
ubotu | timetrap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:41 |
=== Xanthomryr [n=User@xdsl-195-14-205-185.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | synaptics is for touchscreen | 01:41 |
aos | first i added reposiory than use sudo rm sudo ln -s sudo wget sudo chmod | 01:41 |
bruenig | !synaptics | 01:41 |
ubotu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 01:41 |
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kitche | bulmer: it's not in networking? | 01:41 |
aos | and in last sudo ./winecvs.sh | 01:42 |
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bulmer | kitche nope..i looked at all the sub menus there | 01:42 |
Ademan_kitchen | arrenlex: http://rafb.net/p/KWqnPt74.html fsck output | 01:42 |
lisapc | in firefox. it says: Windows Media Player cannot play video file. | 01:42 |
lisapc | Click here to download missing Video ActiveX Object! Any fix for this? | 01:42 |
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bruenig | lisapc, no | 01:42 |
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lisapc | bruenig, so i cant play those videos? | 01:42 |
bruenig | lisapc, not the activex stuff | 01:42 |
denis_on_ubuntu | guys i'm trying to install the NVIDIA driver 1.0-9755 but i want to make sure that the kernel module has the same version as the driver, being 1.0-9755 - how would i do this? | 01:42 |
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Ademan_kitchen | denis_on_ubuntu: there should be a file /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and in it there's a line DISABLE_MODULES="" or something like that, add nv in between the quotes | 01:43 |
ajax_ | Hello everyone, I am very new to linux in general, my current problem is that I re-installed Ubuntu on top of itself, and the GRUB that my computer boots to currently, cannot find my Ubuntu or Windows partition, but if I boot to the Ubuntu Live CD and choose "boot to first hard disk" the GRUB menu there allows me access to everything, how can I go about modifying the GRUB that my computer boots to? | 01:43 |
timetrap | Does anyone know anything about the Gnome "shared folders" admin tool? I keep tyring to delete shares but they will not go away | 01:43 |
bulmer | also when clicking Add/Remove the NXclient menu is blank nothing to add nor remove | 01:44 |
bruenig | !repeat | timetrap | 01:44 |
ubotu | timetrap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:44 |
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bruenig | !patience | timetrap | 01:44 |
shmeelAway | np | 01:44 |
ubotu | timetrap: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:44 |
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 01:44 |
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denis_on_ubuntu | thank you ademan_kitchen i will try that :) | 01:44 |
Ademan_kitchen | mark_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/k3d/+bug/64848 probably unrelated, but might be an ok starting point | 01:44 |
adjioev_ | is there a good flv player for ubuntu? | 01:45 |
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LadyNikon | does ubuntu have a version option? | 01:45 |
intelikey | !grub > ajax_ | 01:45 |
lisapc | bruenig, ok | 01:45 |
guidex | does anyone know how to read windows vista "live file system" cd/dvd's in ubuntu edgy? bah my backups cannot be read! workarounds? | 01:45 |
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ajax_ | !grub | 01:46 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:46 |
conic | yes guidex | 01:46 |
ajax_ | thank you | 01:46 |
guidex | how do you do it | 01:46 |
conic | unmount the volume and remount it with -t udf | 01:46 |
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guidex | let me try brb | 01:46 |
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conic | it will work | 01:46 |
intelikey | ajax_ the first of those links is the page you want. | 01:46 |
bulmer | conic: is that the file system type of vista? | 01:46 |
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con-man | any beryl developers in here? | 01:47 |
con-man | etrrr | 01:47 |
con-man | err | 01:47 |
conic | the default mount in fstab is different or something | 01:47 |
con-man | wrong channel | 01:47 |
conic | but to read vista dvd ya have to do that | 01:47 |
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conic | worked it out yesterday or day before | 01:47 |
guidex | blumer: vista/xp only from microsofts standpoint | 01:47 |
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priich | aos, i guess it depends on how you installed it. From cvs or from some 3d party repo or just copy the files "manually" ? | 01:47 |
mark_ | Ademan_kitchen, similar error message but not the same. different cause. It appears I can't use apt-get at all right now on anything | 01:47 |
guidex | it's just like ms to do something like that too bah | 01:47 |
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Almondega | wheni install, a popup error boot i/o show, whats wrong? | 01:47 |
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aos | first i added reposiory than use sudo rm sudo ln -s sudo wget sudo chmod | 01:48 |
crwl_ | i need to try something | 01:48 |
crwl_ | DCC SEND C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 01:48 |
aos | so dunno how to call it;) | 01:48 |
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bulmer | guidex my question was what type is the file system? | 01:48 |
Ademan_kitchen | mark_: i had that problem one other time, lemme see if i can find that bug report | 01:48 |
guidex | vista pushed 3 users and 3 pc's out of the windows world into the ubuntu world in this house :D | 01:48 |
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kitche | vexati0n: might want to fix your router | 01:48 |
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conic | oh was iso something something | 01:48 |
ncaller | anyone got a oneliner to show you the top 10 memory using processes on your box and how much in MB they are using? | 01:48 |
conic | wait ill put the dvd in | 01:48 |
guidex | well 4 pc's including the laptop | 01:48 |
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kitche | gasbag//l might want to fix your router | 01:48 |
bruenig | aos, that remark you are making about added a repository ... is extremely confusing | 01:49 |
PriceChild | vexati0n, please join #pricechild | 01:49 |
aos | let me paste u all comands i used | 01:49 |
aos | w8:) | 01:49 |
conic | 1 sec bulmer | 01:49 |
bruenig | !paste | aos | 01:49 |
ubotu | aos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:49 |
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aos | i know | 01:49 |
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conic | its only 1 line | 01:49 |
conic | This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system | 01:49 |
conic | that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification. | 01:49 |
shaolinint | hi guys | 01:49 |
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mark_ | thanks Ademan_kitchen I've seen somethign about using dpkg -l || grep ^ii to find bad pkgs, but that doesn't give me anything | 01:50 |
conic | thats what happens if ya put vista dvd in | 01:50 |
shaolinint | I have a lil problem with my splash | 01:50 |
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octoberdan | I'm trying to dist-upgrade, but fail when "trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/xset' which is also in package xbase-clients." What should I do? I've been playing around with it for awhile, but haven't gotten anywhere | 01:50 |
conic | ubuntu does support ISO-13346 but ya just have to specify | 01:50 |
theBishop | Has anyone connected their Motorola DVR to an Ubuntu box? | 01:50 |
octoberdan | I try to remove xbase-clients, but am not allowed to because of dependencies | 01:51 |
shaolinint | I've tried 2 tutorial: | 01:51 |
kitche | PriceChild: don't forget gasbag also he's affected by it also | 01:51 |
bulmer | conic: okay gracias for the info | 01:51 |
shaolinint | http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash | 01:51 |
shaolinint | http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash | 01:51 |
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bruenig | shaolinint, oh those two? | 01:51 |
shaolinint | and this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto | 01:51 |
Ademan_kitchen | mark_: it seems the bug i remember reporting... i didnt... | 01:51 |
shaolinint | but I still can't get my splash working | 01:51 |
=== unsolaris [n=unsolari@modemcable145.220-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shaolinint | any idea? | 01:51 |
octoberdan | I would really appreciate the help, I'm new to this | 01:52 |
priich | aos, hmm you added a repo+ used wget, ehh ? Well does dpkg -l | grep -i cedega show anything ? If not does sudo apt-cache search cedega give any results ? | 01:52 |
wick2o | anyone know how to preseed the "Disk space to parition:" to always use erase entire disk ? | 01:52 |
octoberdan | googling with links just isn't cuting it | 01:52 |
aos | w8 - i will show u all things i done:) | 01:52 |
Joost | test | 01:52 |
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Jetfighte1 | Help | 01:52 |
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bruenig | priich, cedega is not repository, it is a third party proprietary thing | 01:52 |
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Jetfighte1 | I downloaded Hamachi for linux, I don't knowhow to start install | 01:53 |
mark_ | ooh lookie there! dpkg -l gives me: Bus error (core dumped) that's weird | 01:53 |
octoberdan | Is there any more information I should give? | 01:53 |
Almondega | when i install, a popup error buffer i/o show, whats wrong? | 01:53 |
shaolinint | uhm | 01:53 |
mark_ | anyone know what could cause that? | 01:53 |
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Ademan_kitchen | mark_: hrm, unfortunately it seems i'm not nearly as useful as i had hoped to be, the best i can come up with now is just googling the error code.. | 01:53 |
aos | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9957/ | 01:53 |
Eleaf | hello | 01:53 |
aos | here u have all | 01:53 |
intelikey | i see in /var/log/ a subdir named 'unattended-upgrades' please tell me that ubuntu doesn't do that by default ? does anyone know ? | 01:53 |
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Eleaf | Is it possible to have a script run every time a file is added to a directory? | 01:53 |
Jetfighte1 | How do I run hamachi install, I don't knw how :( | 01:54 |
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mark_ | Ademan_kitchen, thanks. done that. that's a weird error tho. never seen that | 01:54 |
Eleaf | ;p | 01:54 |
ncaller | this will give me top 10 processes using memory via percentage used, but not in MB used: ps auxOv | awk -F ' ' '{print $4,$11}' | sort -r | head | 01:54 |
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doctorshim | I have a dumb IRC question... | 01:54 |
octoberdan | Is there an apt-get command to remove a package and everything that depends on it? | 01:54 |
Ademan_kitchen | mark_: i know you | 01:54 |
intelikey | mark_ bus error would imply that the kernel and the interface to the hd (or what ever media you are installed on) are not communicating correctly for what ever cause. | 01:55 |
Ademan_kitchen | 're not supposed to do this | 01:55 |
doctorshim | Do admins have a '@' infront of their nick? | 01:55 |
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kitche | doctorshim: they are ops and they are admins of the channel | 01:55 |
Ademan_kitchen | but you might consider trying the #ubuntu+1 channel as well if we're all being useless | 01:55 |
PriceChild | doctorshim, ops hide themselves in #ubuntu channels | 01:55 |
priich | bruenig, well he said he added a repo. If they allow cvs access then i figuredit was worth checking out. | 01:55 |
sleepy723 | I am an nice easy going guy age 26. Do you like eating out in fine restaurants and taking exciting trips to different countries, or perhaps you just like taking a stroll and eating a hotdog and having a laugh. | 01:55 |
sleepy723 | I am looking for a nice attractive girl. I don't care if you have certain vices such as smoking or whatever else. Don't care if you don't work either. Well, see you soon, I hope, wherever you are! | 01:55 |
doctorshim | I see. | 01:55 |
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jrib | octoberdan: apt-get does that automatically | 01:55 |
doctorshim | But most of the time, do they have a '@' infront of their nick on most other chans? | 01:55 |
Jetfighte1 | Yes | 01:55 |
Ademan_kitchen | wtf? | 01:55 |
PriceChild | doctorshim, yes | 01:55 |
doctorshim | k | 01:55 |
doctorshim | kthx | 01:55 |
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Tachoh | wtf is going here: | 01:56 |
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Tachoh | "sorry test user is not allowed to execute blah blah as root on blah" | 01:56 |
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Tachoh | sudoers file looks like: %group ALL=(ALL) /commands/blah | 01:56 |
Tachoh | i can sudo if i just do a ALL=(ALL) ALL | 01:56 |
octoberdan | jrib: For some reason it's not doing it for me when I try to remove xbase-clients | 01:56 |
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Tachoh | but i don't need that | 01:56 |
Jetfighte1 | Help | 01:56 |
Tachoh | hints? suggestions? flames? | 01:56 |
Wolvenhaven | im trying to get bt downloads working on my server, do i do "lynx torrenturl" or is there some command for the bt client? | 01:56 |
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shaolinint | ok uhm, any idea why my splash is not working? hehe | 01:56 |
mark_ | anyone know how to reinstall dpkg if mine is broken? | 01:56 |
PriceChild | mark_, you can't just reinstall dpkg... you should fix it | 01:57 |
Jetfighte1 | How can I install Hamachi, I don't know how to install it. | 01:57 |
ncaller | well I found that artsd was consuming 90% of system RAM on a 1GB RAM box, so I did pkill -HUP artsd and freed over 800MB of RAM, I'm guessing artsd ran into some kind of problem | 01:57 |
kitche | !hamachi | Jetfighte1 | 01:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hamachi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:57 |
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shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 01:57 |
kitche | hmm ubotu doesn't know about it hang on Jetfighte1 | 01:57 |
intelikey | Tachoh you used visudo to edit that ? you might add a colen. %group ALL=(ALL) : /commands/blah | 01:57 |
jrib | Wolvenhaven: btdownloadheadless or btdownloadcurses depending on what you want | 01:57 |
mark_ | PriceChild, what do I use to install dpkg if I don't have dpkg? | 01:57 |
priich | ncaller, maybe you were just playing a really, really long celine dion song. ;) | 01:57 |
guidex | anyone here have experience running visual studio 6 setup and sp5 setup under wine/ubuntu | 01:57 |
PriceChild | mark_, I don't understand. | 01:57 |
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guidex | ? | 01:57 |
=== Vince_ [n=chatzill@kgldgaambas07-pool14-a188.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Wolvenhaven | jrib when i went to those they were python scripts not programs, am i supposed to run them? | 01:58 |
Tachoh | intelikey: yep, visudo checks out | 01:58 |
ncaller | priich heh possible that if I was doing that artsd got bored, fell asleep and forgot to free() anything it asked for | 01:58 |
Tachoh | i'll try | 01:58 |
mark_ | PriceChild, dpkg is the installer behind apt-get, so I just dunno how to reinstall. normally I'd apt-get install dpkg or something similar | 01:58 |
kitche | Jetfighte1: do you have the .tar.gz from their site | 01:58 |
Vince_ | Well... Loading ubuntu with the NOACPI option did not work | 01:58 |
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PriceChild | mark_, why are you trying to install it? | 01:58 |
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jrib | Wolvenhaven: what do you mean by "went to those"? Yes, you just run them, python scripts are programs too :) | 01:58 |
PriceChild | mark_, its already there? | 01:58 |
Vince_ | And I loaded Knoppix but I can't seem to run the Ubuntu Installer from within it | 01:58 |
Jetfighte1 | Yeah | 01:59 |
PriceChild | mark_, you are on ubuntu right? | 01:59 |
jrib | Wolvenhaven: btdownloadcurses foo.torrent | 01:59 |
mark_ | PriceChild, my dpkg appears to be broken. yes ubuntu, heh | 01:59 |
octoberdan | jrib: Actually it's acting this way for all packages that have other packages dependent on it | 01:59 |
Wolvenhaven | thanks | 01:59 |
octoberdan | *them | 01:59 |
PriceChild | mark_, how is it broken? | 01:59 |
intelikey | Tachoh also %group is an odd name for a group... was that just an example ? | 01:59 |
jrib | octoberdan: what command are you using? | 01:59 |
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Vince_ | I'm looking at the Install.exe but I have no idea what version of Ubuntu it installs and it will not let me partion the drives the way I wish | 01:59 |
Jetfighte1 | kitchi, yes I do, | 01:59 |
Wolvenhaven | jrib i feel stupid, its the same screen i got when i did "lynx foo.torrent" :P | 01:59 |
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mark_ | PriceChild, I am getting a Bus error. Reading Google entries suggest dpkg is broken | 01:59 |
PriceChild | Vince_, that is beta and not really good... Best you install from a cd | 02:00 |
jrib | Wolvenhaven: oh, I didn't know that would happen | 02:00 |
PriceChild | Vince_, it installs edgy btw | 02:00 |
PriceChild | mark_, what error? | 02:00 |
octoberdan | jrib: apt-get remove xbase-clients | 02:00 |
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jrib | octoberdan: does aptitude do the same thing? | 02:00 |
Vince_ | Price: I've been trying. Ubuntu "REFUSES" to install from a CD | 02:00 |
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mark_ | PriceChild, dpkg -l gives me: Bus error (core dumped) | 02:00 |
=== Wolvenhaven just needs to figure out how to do multiple torrents now :P | ||
octoberdan | jrib: Haven't tried aptitude | 02:00 |
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes or must I manually set them ??? | 02:00 |
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kitche | Jetfighte1: tar -xvf filename.tar.gz && cd hamachi make && sudo make install should install it | 02:00 |
intelikey | PriceChild mark_ said "bus error" and it core dumps. | 02:00 |
vox754 | Vince_: I was away doing other stuff, so what did I miss? Did you tried Knoppix? | 02:00 |
shaolinint | no help for boot splash? | 02:00 |
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PriceChild | Vince_, maybe ubuntu isn't for you... tried any other linux distros? Sometimes one distro just doesn't want to work :) | 02:01 |
kitche | !usplash | shaolinint | 02:01 |
ubotu | shaolinint: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 02:01 |
=== tenshiKur [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince_ | vox754: Yes, Knoppix loads fine except that it dosen't see my wireless card but I need drivers for it and I knew that already | 02:01 |
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Vince_ | PriceChild: Ubuntu IS for me. I've used it loads before | 02:01 |
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arrow__ | d | 02:01 |
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Wolvenhaven | fsk, i cant cd to the folder because its named "PC -..." | 02:02 |
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kitche | Wolvenhaven: cd PC\ -.... use a slash to escape the space | 02:02 |
jrib | Wolvenhaven: why not? | 02:02 |
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octoberdan | jrib: I get a "some packages are broken and have been fixed" message when remove it. Not sure if it stuck around afterword... finding out now | 02:02 |
kitche | Wolvenhaven: or put it in quotes | 02:02 |
zach89 | when i compile software, I get a can't find X error. How do i solve this? | 02:02 |
=== FearOfThePointer [n=FearOfTh@client-82-199-198-254.speedy.sellinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wolvenhaven | thanks kitche i had forgotten :P | 02:02 |
Teekrul | eh... irc... its been so long ...>.< | 02:02 |
shaolinint | kitche: thats the tutorial tried, but not work for me. uhm | 02:02 |
jrib | !compiling | zach89 | 02:02 |
ubotu | zach89: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:02 |
Vince_ | vox754: Unfortunatly the Ubuntu Install did not want to run from within Knoppix | 02:02 |
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Jetfighte1 | kitche | 02:02 |
intelikey | Wolvenhaven quotes work in the command line | 02:02 |
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jrib | Wolvenhaven: also, just using tab complete would probably be easiest | 02:03 |
Wolvenhaven | i havent used commandline in years so i had forgotten pretty much everything :P | 02:03 |
Jetfighte1 | kitche, why CD hamachi? | 02:03 |
whtvrrob | is there a way to reduce my windows partition and extend my linux partition without having to format either disk? windows is ntfs, linux ext3 | 02:03 |
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vox754 | Vince_: You never mentioned which Ubuntu you used before on that machine. | 02:03 |
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kitche | Jetfighte1: umm that's the name of the folder cd means change directory | 02:03 |
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Jetfighte1 | It's not the name of the folder | 02:03 |
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Jetfighte1 | Want me to upload a screenie somewhere for you to see? | 02:04 |
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intelikey | Wolvenhaven may i sujest remembering to use the [tab] key it knows all about excaping special chars | 02:04 |
Vince_ | Breezy... and I've tried installing it but for some reason it gets to the point where It wants me to entery my USER ID and Password. I enter these but then it just keeps asking me over and over agian. | 02:04 |
shaolinint | okay guys.. thank you, anyway | 02:04 |
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shaolinint | later | 02:04 |
whtvrrob | is there a way to reduce my windows partition and extend my linux partition without having to format either disk? windows is ntfs, linux ext3 | 02:04 |
PriceChild | Vince_, so one versino of ubuntu worked? | 02:04 |
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cimenta | bitchx doesn't have GUI? | 02:05 |
Ninjai | hello....to install gtk in ubuntu what i need to do ? | 02:05 |
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jrib | Ninjai: it's installed by default | 02:05 |
Wolvenhaven | yea | 02:05 |
Vince_ | Price_Child: I used breazy a while back and then accidently trashed the hard drive and went back to windows (a job I was doing at the time required I use it). | 02:05 |
guidex | cimenta: i've been using xchat | 02:05 |
intelikey | cimenta no | 02:05 |
whtvrrob | anybody know the answer to my question? | 02:05 |
guidex | i used to use mirc/acidmax | 02:05 |
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guidex | but haven't tried that under wine | 02:05 |
jrib | whtvrrob: no need to ask that, if someone knows, they will answer | 02:05 |
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PriceChild | whtvrrob, gparted will do that fine | 02:06 |
Jetfighte1 | kitche: http://www.kxuk.net/bucket/show_comp.php?id=29afa1910&name=hamachihelp.png | 02:06 |
arooni | is there a way i can easily remember the server addresses + usernames + passwords i use to log in via ssh? | 02:06 |
PriceChild | whtvrrob, on ubuntu or the livecd | 02:06 |
mark_ | argh, anyone got any ideas how to fix dpkg giving me bus error/core dump? | 02:06 |
cimenta | guidex: how do you highlight whole line that contain your nick in xchat? | 02:06 |
conic | gparted will, but will most likely kill your boot loader aswell | 02:06 |
wick2o | is there a generate way to preseed the Disk Partition setup? I've tried partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Erase entire disk:* and Erase entire disk | 02:06 |
rogue780 | I need to temporarily remount my / mount as read only....is there a way to do this? | 02:06 |
PriceChild | arooni, you could generate a ssh key and place it on the remote servers so that you don't need to use a login+pass | 02:06 |
PriceChild | rogue780, reboot into the live cd | 02:06 |
guidex | hrm | 02:06 |
arooni | PriceChild: how do i do that | 02:06 |
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whtvrrob | pricechild: i'm actually running mint 2.02, based off of edgy, and have gparted open as root, but don't see the option of resizing | 02:06 |
guidex | double click on the text' | 02:07 |
Wolvenhaven | jrib how would i go about doing multiple torrents, because when i exit im pretty sure it cancils the dl | 02:07 |
guidex | or in some cases tripple click | 02:07 |
PriceChild | whtvrrob you can't resize a drive you're using | 02:07 |
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rogue780 | PriceChild, I was wanting to do it without the livecd if possible | 02:07 |
PriceChild | arooni, http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mbonati/WIRC/manual/DATARED/setting_up_no-password_ssh.html | 02:07 |
conic | gparted have a live cd | 02:07 |
intelikey | so nobody can answer my Q ? | 02:07 |
PriceChild | rogue780, sorry :) | 02:07 |
tanubis | Hi all... is it possible to upgrade your distro without needing to start from scratch? | 02:07 |
jrib | Wolvenhaven: start multiple instances of btdownloadwhatever | 02:07 |
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PriceChild | !upgrade | tanubis | 02:07 |
ubotu | tanubis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:07 |
Nergar | sudo apt-get distro-update | 02:07 |
guidex | irc clients in linux aren't very good. i'm going to have to write my own :D | 02:07 |
intelikey | or nobody noticed my Q ? | 02:07 |
PriceChild | guidex, pardon? | 02:07 |
cimenta | guidex: I want it happen automatically | 02:07 |
whtvrrob | pricechild, thanks, that makes since, so i just need to unmount windows, reduce, then reboot into a live cd to do the rest, thanks again pricechild , off to test it | 02:08 |
priich | mark_, well then it may become tricky. Have you tried apt-get --fix-broken ? Otherwise i guess you could try and manually download the dpkg package from ftp and compare checksums. | 02:08 |
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Wolvenhaven | thanks | 02:08 |
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Vince_ | vox754: Did I loose you? | 02:08 |
mark_ | priich, I'm about to try dpkg-reconfigure -a and some variations | 02:08 |
guidex | pricechild: I used to use windows, nothing in linux seems to compare to mirc | 02:08 |
guidex | imo | 02:08 |
vox754 | Vince_: what? | 02:08 |
PriceChild | guidex, what is mirc based off? | 02:08 |
Ninjai | ooh ok thanks | 02:08 |
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guidex | it's a windows app | 02:08 |
guidex | windows xp etc | 02:08 |
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Vince_ | vox754: YOu asked me what version of Ubuntu I had used previously | 02:09 |
priich | rogue780, use sys_rq | 02:09 |
guidex | i don't know what it's written in | 02:09 |
vox754 | Vince_: ah yes. | 02:09 |
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guidex | it's closed source | 02:09 |
intelikey | magic SysRQ key | 02:09 |
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PriceChild | guidex, xchat doesn't do it for you? | 02:09 |
PriceChild | intelikey, what's your question? | 02:09 |
intelikey | i see in /var/log/ a subdir named 'unattended-upgrades' please tell me that ubuntu doesn't do that by default ? | 02:09 |
Nergar | !audio | 02:09 |
guidex | xchat is pretty good, but no.. | 02:09 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:09 |
intelikey | repost ^ | 02:09 |
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Vince_ | vox754: Did you see my answer? | 02:09 |
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tanubis | what shell command can I use to see my current distro version? | 02:10 |
PriceChild | intelikey, not by default... you can change behaviour in system>admin>software sources | 02:10 |
guidex | i prefer the parent/child window irc client | 02:10 |
PriceChild | tanubis, lsb_release -r | 02:10 |
cimenta | so is there any GUI irc client for ubuntu that would automatically highlight whole message that contain my nick? | 02:10 |
vox754 | Vince_: NO. What? private message? | 02:10 |
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PriceChild | guidex, xchat can do that no? | 02:10 |
octoberdan | jrib: Not working. Wont install any of the x stuff that I need it to because of dependency problems | 02:10 |
tanubis | pricechild thankyou | 02:10 |
guidex | so i'll be porting over my irc client, nexirc | 02:10 |
doctorshim | k well, I love the lot of you. | 02:10 |
=== atomiku [n=atomiku@cpc5-ipsw1-0-0-cust260.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighte1 | Can someone help me to extract and install something, if I provide a screenshot? | 02:10 |
facugaich | cimenta, XChat | 02:10 |
guidex | hrm... | 02:10 |
atomiku | how can I choose where something make installs to? | 02:10 |
octoberdan | jrib: This is getting frustrating | 02:10 |
intelikey | PriceChild k thanks. so it's just there in case you set it to do unattened | 02:10 |
jrib | octoberdan: you mean uninstall right? | 02:10 |
intelikey | ? | 02:10 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, what is it? | 02:10 |
Jetfighte1 | http://www.kxuk.net/bucket/show_comp.php?id=29afa1910&name=hamachihelp.png | 02:10 |
=== tenshiKur [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
octoberdan | jrib: Yes | 02:11 |
jrib | octoberdan: pastebin the errors | 02:11 |
PriceChild | intelikey, yup :) | 02:11 |
Jetfighte1 | I need to extract and install hamachi | 02:11 |
PriceChild | !hamachi | 02:11 |
Vince_ | vox754: I said I had previously used Breazy, but it was giving me different installation issues. It just wants to loop when I get to the part about inserting my User ID and Password. | 02:11 |
cimenta | facugaich: could you please tell me how I could select/change the colour? | 02:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hamachi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:11 |
octoberdan | jrib: X isn't working. | 02:11 |
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facugaich | cimenta, in the preferences | 02:11 |
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facugaich | cimenta, or Settings, don't know how it is called in English | 02:11 |
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intelikey | PriceChild while i have your ear. what log would a slouth pot full of error messages from the boot process be in ? | 02:11 |
guidex | Princechild i don't know if xchat does that, however i'd prefer to just write one, i mean all this great free software from linux developers i should give something back | 02:11 |
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octoberdan | jrib: I could probably post them somewhere public though via ftp. Are there dpkg logs? | 02:11 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, you realise there's no gui ;) | 02:11 |
Jetfighte1 | ? | 02:12 |
francisco | hello | 02:12 |
vox754 | Vince_: ah, yes, I recall. And I told you it was old. So I have no clue. Anyways. I must leave now. | 02:12 |
PriceChild | intelikey, somewhere in /var/log | 02:12 |
intelikey | :) | 02:12 |
intelikey | thanks. | 02:12 |
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jrib | octoberdan: pipe to netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234, like so: echo "foo" | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234 | 02:12 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, install instructions are given for it in the archive | 02:12 |
DJ_Danni | Hello | 02:12 |
DJ_Danni | I need help | 02:12 |
DJ_Danni | Serios | 02:12 |
Jetfighte1 | >.< | 02:12 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, as in... the gui that you see on the website... you don't get that in linux... its a command line only | 02:12 |
guidex | ok so this is a real dumb question I guess, can mono compile my dependency free vb source code without a lot of modifications? | 02:13 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, ask :) | 02:13 |
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kitche | guidex: don't know try it | 02:13 |
octoberdan | jrib: When I try to pipe the output of apt-get, it pipes everything up untill there's user input then forgets about piping | 02:13 |
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Jetfighte1 | Quick Start | 02:13 |
Jetfighte1 | Run 'make install' and then 'tuncfg' from under the root account ---- How do I do that? | 02:13 |
jrib | octoberdan: try apt-get whatever | tee some_file then cat the file to me | 02:13 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, sudo make install | 02:14 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, sudo tuncfg | 02:14 |
cimenta | facugaich: I just want to change the colour. it's red now. no idea how to do it | 02:14 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, pretty simple? | 02:14 |
crazy_bus | how come when I used devede it said it used all the space avaible in the program but when I burnt it to a 4.7gb disc it only used around half the space? | 02:14 |
Jetfighte1 | Not to me | 02:14 |
DJ_Danni | Can somone help here? | 02:14 |
DJ_Danni | Right now | 02:14 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, what do you need help with? | 02:14 |
Teekrul | eh.... can someone help me with installing wine for ubuntu? | 02:14 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, no-one can help if you don't ask | 02:14 |
PriceChild | !wine | Teekrul | 02:14 |
ubotu | Teekrul: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 02:14 |
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gouki | DJ_Danni: Tell us what do you need help with | 02:14 |
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mark_ | guidex, if you're inclined, take a look at at icechat - an excellent win app that can run with wine | 02:15 |
facugaich | cimenta, I have an spanish version, so maybe the names of the menus/options are different, but it should be: Configuration -> Preferences -> Colors | 02:15 |
Teekrul | lemme check again | 02:15 |
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cimenta | facugaich: I was there before but .. | 02:15 |
rogue780 | does anyone see a problem with running dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/somedironadifferentpartition/file.img while /dev/hda1 is mounted a /? | 02:15 |
octoberdan | jrib: Alright, the first thing I sent was the result of apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:15 |
priich | atomiku, add --help when you configure. Ie ./configure --help This should give you the commands available. (--prefix= is a hot tip.) | 02:15 |
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild | 02:15 |
facugaich | cimenta, but? | 02:15 |
jrib | octoberdan: what does this do: sudo apt-get install -f | 02:15 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, ? | 02:16 |
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jrib | octoberdan: is this a dapper->edgy upgrade? | 02:16 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:16 |
Jetfighte1 | If i send you a link to download, can you help me? Or uplaoded the readme file to a place you can read it? | 02:16 |
PriceChild | rogue780, If the rest of it is right... there's no harm dd'ing from an active partition afaik... best do it onto a different partition though ;) | 02:16 |
cimenta | facugaich: if I write something it's in grey. if you write something and there is my nick it's in red. I just want to change the colours | 02:16 |
octoberdan | jrib: and I accidentally showed you the output for dselect-upgrade not dist-upgrade | 02:16 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:17 |
cimenta | facugaich: your nick in bold but not the message. I want event the message to be in bold | 02:17 |
octoberdan | jrib: It wont pipe the error, only untill the y/n prompt | 02:17 |
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Jetfighte1 | PriceChild | 02:17 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, ? | 02:17 |
SurfnKid | anyone know why the sensors-applet does not load the hddtemp module? | 02:17 |
Jetfighte1 | Here is what it says... http://www.kxuk.net/imghosting/README | 02:17 |
octoberdan | jrib: Oh wait, only to right before the error | 02:17 |
priich | jrib, -f is the same as --fix-broken | 02:18 |
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palbuddy | anyone here help a newbie? | 02:18 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, I know | 02:18 |
facugaich | cimenta, you can change the colours, but I don't think you can make the whole message bold | 02:18 |
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PriceChild | !ask | palbuddy | 02:18 |
ubotu | palbuddy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:18 |
palbuddy | er can anyone help a newbie? | 02:18 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, I downloaded it and read it just to check the instructions for you | 02:18 |
Jetfighte1 | Ooh | 02:18 |
gouki | palbuddy: Sure. What do you need help with? | 02:18 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, I have told you _exactly_ what you need to put in the terminal | 02:18 |
jrib | octoberdan: try apt-get whatever &| tee some_file | 02:18 |
Jetfighte1 | I did | 02:18 |
SurfnKid | anyone use sensors-applet ? | 02:18 |
DJ_Danni | USe the PM to help the User's thats wuy you can newer help pebole arounde here | 02:18 |
Jetfighte1 | Did I need to CD? | 02:18 |
palbuddy | ubuntu won't recognize my dvd made in winxp I've checked forums and everything | 02:18 |
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cimenta | facugaich: so what's the colour name for highlighted message? | 02:19 |
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PriceChild | DJ_Danni, It seems no-one knew the answer, maybe you could give more informatino? | 02:19 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:19 |
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DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:19 |
Comrade-Sergei | i need help with this error ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory | 02:19 |
octoberdan | jrib: Unexpected token | 02:19 |
SurfnKid | !hddtemp | 02:19 |
zach89 | when i compile software, it can't find x. | 02:19 |
ubotu | hddtemp: Utility to monitor the temperature of your hard drive. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-29 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 260 kB | 02:19 |
spasticteapot | Anyone know when Fiesty Xubuntu will be released? | 02:19 |
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild, tell me what to do one more time? | 02:19 |
rogue780 | PriceChild, thanks. I was thinking the drive needed to be ro if I were to copy from it, it'll save a lot of time if I don't have to constantly boot from the live cd to make an image | 02:19 |
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DJ_Danni | SOMONE PM ME NOW | 02:19 |
Jetfighte1 | NO | 02:19 |
PriceChild | !pm > DJ_Danni | 02:19 |
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PriceChild | ! caps | DJ_Danni | 02:20 |
ubotu | DJ_Danni: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:20 |
priich | SurfnKid, can be a number of reasons. You may not have the processor or motherboard support for it. You may not have the correct kernel modules installed. Your motherboard or bios might just have a rotten acpi. Or the drivers might just not be up to par. Or it could be sensors-applet that is borked. Really hard to tell. | 02:20 |
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cimenta | facugaich: text colours got some numbers do you know what they mean? | 02:20 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, the two commands, prefixed with "sudo" | 02:20 |
Jetfighte1 | !caps > Dj_Danni | 02:20 |
PriceChild | !botabuse > Jetfighte1 | 02:20 |
Jetfighte1 | Show em to me one more time please? | 02:20 |
DJ_Danni | I know aboat manny pebole who hate you here n ubuntu IRC ower 20 but not me | 02:20 |
jrib | octoberdan: try apt-get whatever 2>&1 | tee some_file | 02:20 |
SurfnKid | priich: was working before | 02:20 |
Jetfighte1 | I didn't abuse | 02:20 |
facugaich | cimenta, below that there should be more colours without number | 02:20 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, Please read the readme... it has two commands you must run. do both with "sudo" infront of them | 02:20 |
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Comrade-Sergei | is it possible to reinstall ALSA? | 02:21 |
PriceChild | Comrade-Sergei, better to fix it | 02:21 |
priich | SurfnKid, heh well then. That narrows it down. Have you installed a new kernel or updated lmsensors ? | 02:21 |
Jetfighte1 | Please tell me the commands, I'm a total linux noob | 02:21 |
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SurfnKid | i recently did an ubuntu update, but i have no clue what was all installed, I have to go back and check, hddtemp used to show up on sensors-applet and monitor the hdd, but for a strange reason it doesnt | 02:21 |
jrib | octoberdan: oh I messed up the syntax originally, it was supposed ot be |& not &| | 02:21 |
cimenta | facugaich: only for marking text and interface colours | 02:21 |
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octoberdan | jrib: Awesome! Worked. Sent | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | v | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | v | 02:21 |
Comrade-Sergei | PriceChild ok walk me through it | 02:21 |
SurfnKid | (I mean now it doesnt, it was last week) | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:21 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:21 |
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Jetfighte1 | !repeat | Dj_Danni | 02:21 |
ubotu | Dj_Danni: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:21 |
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade-Sergei | Pricechild did you see my error | 02:22 |
PriceChild | Comrade-Sergei, I didn't no | 02:22 |
octoberdan | jrib: Thank you for the help, by the way, I really appreciate it. | 02:22 |
SurfnKid | priich: not using lmsensors, i learned i just had to install hddtemp and sensors-applet and its been reading the temp ever since | 02:22 |
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Comrade-Sergei | PriceChild ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory | 02:22 |
jrib | octoberdan: is this is an upgrade between ubuntu versions? | 02:22 |
facugaich | cimenta, below interface colours, the first one of the right column | 02:22 |
SurfnKid | brb | 02:22 |
PriceChild | Comrade-Sergei, I'm sorry, that's way above me... | 02:22 |
Comrade-Sergei | PriceChild i think im missing the seq file | 02:22 |
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DJ_Danni | Noone i go with this to Police i Europe and they Colsed you i know that bechuse you haver the lamest IRC Support on all the IRC Network in the whole World | 02:23 |
Comrade-Sergei | I need help with ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory | 02:23 |
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes or must I manually set them ??? | 02:23 |
=== SurfnKid [n=klormexo@unaffiliated/surfnkid] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | I do not do it if i get help here | 02:23 |
octoberdan | jrib: Actually, from Debian. Some one told me that I could upgrade to ubuntu from debian if I changed my sources.list and dist-upgraded. I imagine that's why this is so messy. | 02:23 |
Comrade-Sergei | DJ_Danni what do you want? | 02:23 |
DJ_Danni | Always when i am trying to install then i get the error dpkg was interrupted and se give's me the command and when i use that command she is fixing but at one part always at the same part she is frosen. | 02:23 |
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DJ_Danni | This | 02:23 |
octoberdan | jrib: I asked in here if it was dangerous to do that, but no one said anything so I figured it was fine | 02:23 |
cimenta | facugaich: let's try | 02:23 |
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PriceChild | DJ_Danni, could you pastebin an example please? | 02:23 |
facugaich | cimenta, it's not that one :( | 02:23 |
DJ_Danni | ok | 02:23 |
Teekrul | ok i opened up synaptic package manager and it said wine 0.9.32 is installed so i chose to reinstall it since i may have screwed it up when i previously installed it.... but now that its "applied changes" i cannt find wine to use it... is there something else i need to do? | 02:23 |
Comrade-Sergei | lol | 02:24 |
PriceChild | !pastebin > DJ_Danni | 02:24 |
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colbert | Please, anyone tell me how to get these icons going | 02:24 |
SurfnKid | priich: back. let me check what was updated perhaps I can find information on what modules were dowloaded | 02:24 |
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild, I run sudo hamachi start and I get error | 02:24 |
jrib | octoberdan: ha yes :) One way to get around this is to use dpkg on the deb that fails and pass --force-overwrite. You might be better off with a fresh install though | 02:24 |
facugaich | cimenta, I found it! | 02:24 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, did you install it as instructed first? | 02:24 |
cimenta | facugaich: looking forward .... ;-) | 02:24 |
octoberdan | jrib: Worth a try, hehe | 02:24 |
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Jetfighte1 | Yes, it said it could be run | 02:24 |
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octoberdan | jrib: I'll try the --force-overwrite | 02:24 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, so you did the two other commands first? | 02:25 |
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denis_on_ubunt1 | hey guys - i just installed the nvidia display driver on edgy, but even though it shows the splash screen, everything is still choppy and looks just the same as before I installed the driver - anyone have a clue why this may be? | 02:25 |
mark_ | it appears I have the same problem as DJ_Danni. well at least I can feel comfortable that it couldn't be something obvious | 02:25 |
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facugaich | cimenta, text colors, second row, sixth one | 02:25 |
CyberCod | whats the difference between "tar -cpsf" and "tar -cvzf" ? | 02:25 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, pastebin your xorg.conf for me to take a quick look at :) | 02:25 |
Jetfighte1 | sudo make install | 02:25 |
octoberdan | jrib: Where can I find that deb? | 02:25 |
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denis_on_ubunt1 | thanks price - one second | 02:25 |
Jetfighte1 | sudo hamachi-init | 02:25 |
jrib | octoberdan: says in the error: /var/cache/apt/archives/xset_1%3a1.0.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 02:25 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | i'm a total noob to linux - so how do i do that price? lol | 02:25 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, those aren't the two commands you were told to wriet | 02:25 |
octoberdan | jrib: Oh! Right. Thanks | 02:25 |
Comrade-Sergei | crimsun dont you know alot about alsa? | 02:25 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, cat /etc/apt/sources.list then put in a pastebin: | 02:25 |
PriceChild | !paste | denis_on_ubunt1 | 02:26 |
ubotu | denis_on_ubunt1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:26 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, argh no | 02:26 |
cimenta | facugaich: you're RIGHT!!! but there is no description :-( | 02:26 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" - sorry I'm tired :) | 02:26 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | lol its ok 1 sec | 02:26 |
Jetfighte1 | Should I start again then PriceChild | 02:26 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild I mean its dossin't metter what i try to install i always get the same error. And when i try to fix thay with the command the Terminal say she try to fix but on one part dose not remember what part she is with that part in 15 min and after this 15 min she just is Frosen. | 02:26 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, no | 02:26 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, jsut do the second command | 02:26 |
CyberCod | anyone know? | 02:26 |
Jetfighte1 | Tell me what it is then!!!!!! | 02:26 |
Teekrul | ok i opened up synaptic package manager and it said wine 0.9.32 is installed so i chose to reinstall it since i may have screwed it up when i previously installed it.... but now that its "applied changes" i cannt find wine to use it... is there something else i need to do? | 02:26 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, Could I please see an example of the error in a pastebin? | 02:26 |
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PriceChild | Jetfighte1, it tells you in the readme the two commands you need to do | 02:26 |
octoberdan | jrib: Seems to be working! | 02:27 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | ok price child i'm looking at it - what do i look for in there? | 02:27 |
DJ_Danni | UUHH What do you mean? | 02:27 |
PriceChild | !wine | Teekrul | 02:27 |
Jetfighte1 | What directory should I be in? Desktop? | 02:27 |
walterk | http://www.digg.com/environment/Top_15_Global_Warming_Effects | 02:27 |
ubotu | Teekrul: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 02:27 |
=== christel is now known as dominatrix | ||
=== Comrade-Sergei would like to commend PriceChild for spending all day on IRC helping noobs | ||
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, it tells you the two commands to use... the first is sudo make install, the second i can't remember | 02:27 |
=== PriceChild huggles Comrade-Sergei | ||
PriceChild | Comrade-Sergei, and I'm really not on all day :) | 02:27 |
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shatrat | yeah he is | 02:27 |
=== eMaX [n=emax@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
octoberdan | jrib: A few more problems. Do you mind taking a look? | 02:27 |
Comrade-Sergei | PriceChild i saw you at like 11 am est | 02:28 |
jrib | octoberdan: sure | 02:28 |
preVail | walterk, i buried your story | 02:28 |
=== joh1 [n=john@c-68-83-177-218.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Beta-guy [n=Owner@d205-206-185-133.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Wewt [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | PriceChild what do you mean? | 02:28 |
PriceChild | Comrade-Sergei, doesn't mean i've been on non-stop ;) Anyway, conco over | 02:28 |
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild, I don't see the program anywhere | 02:28 |
octoberdan | jrib: Wait, I think I can figure this one out on my own... one moment | 02:28 |
Jetfighte1 | oh | 02:28 |
Beta-guy | does ubuntu have KDE or gnome? | 02:28 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, paste an example of the error you are receiving into the pastebin | 02:28 |
Comrade-Sergei | Beta-guy gnome | 02:28 |
PriceChild | Beta-guy, ubuntu has gnome, kubuntu uses kde | 02:28 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | price | 02:28 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated | 02:29 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | # again, run the following command: | 02:29 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:29 |
joh1 | can i use teh package manager to get firefox with mplayer and flash to work ? | 02:29 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild mean i shut Copy and Paste? | 02:29 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | this is the only sudo command it gives | 02:29 |
ardchoille | Beta-guy: Ubuntu ships with ngome, but you can install a number of desktops and window managers. | 02:29 |
=== pinchmesh [n=tom@texas-adsl-623.camtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild, I get it now | 02:29 |
PriceChild | !paste | DJ_Danni | 02:29 |
ubotu | DJ_Danni: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:29 |
=== grc is now known as HellDragon | ||
Jetfighte1 | I hate running from command line | 02:29 |
Beta-guy | I found a distro of ubuntu I can't wait to get but I'm a KDE guy I haven't use gnome much | 02:29 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, there's nothing else that it gives you? And please put it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org so you don't flood the channel | 02:29 |
crazy_bus | does anyone know how to get devede to use a whole dvd? | 02:29 |
DJ_Danni | I am not in the Ubuntu Server now i am at Windows but i try my Best | 02:29 |
PriceChild | Beta-guy, try kubuntu :) | 02:29 |
ardchoille | Beta-guy: You might be interested in kubuntu | 02:29 |
IndyGunFreak | !kubuntu | 02:30 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 02:30 |
cimenta | !skype | 02:30 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 02:30 |
PriceChild | Jetfighte1, linux uses the command line a lot if you want to do above average activities like you are atm | 02:30 |
joh1 | help ? | 02:30 |
PriceChild | joh1, ask :) | 02:30 |
Beta-guy | might try it but I want to give this one a shot first it's pretty cool | 02:30 |
jrib | joh1: yes, you can | 02:30 |
Beta-guy | what is gnome like? | 02:30 |
joh1 | PriceChild: firefox is not playing flash | 02:30 |
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preVail | Jetfighte1, you will learn to love it | 02:30 |
joh1 | does the apackage manager thing do it for me or do i have to konw how to do it ? | 02:30 |
Jetfighte1 | I do live it :P | 02:30 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | ok - well i put my entire xorg file on pastebin - under denis_on_ubuntu | 02:30 |
Jetfighte1 | love* | 02:31 |
jrib | !flash | joh1 | 02:31 |
ubotu | joh1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:31 |
=== Comrade-Sergei [n=Sergei@74-37-21-112.br1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [""Some] | ||
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 02:31 |
preVail | Beta-guy, simple | 02:31 |
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priich | !wanda | 02:31 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | can you see it pricechild? | 02:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wanda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:31 |
preVail | and not much more | 02:31 |
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, can you give me the link to it please? the url? | 02:31 |
=== Cyco [n=dillzz@c-67-172-49-18.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Had] | ||
octoberdan | How would I configure an unpacked but unconfigured package? dpkg's man says "configure-any" but I tried "dpkg --configure-any" with zero luck... as well "dpkg -configure-any" and "dpkg configure-any" | 02:31 |
=== tenshiKur is now known as tenshiKur0 | ||
denis_on_ubunt1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9966/ | 02:31 |
Jetfighte1 | PriceChild, I already use it to run MoparScape :) | 02:32 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild i get this error when i installE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 02:32 |
joh1 | is the upgrader safe right now i know you guys had issues with upgrading before ? | 02:32 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, please run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to fix _everything_ | 02:32 |
DJ_Danni | I know | 02:32 |
PriceChild | joh1, use it :) | 02:32 |
=== walterk [n=ichweiss@CPE-70-94-44-231.wi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kronoman | hi, I have a problem with my /dev/hda1 ; when I boot from the hard disk, fsck reports a error | 02:32 |
PriceChild | hmm that looks fine denis_on_ubunt1... | 02:32 |
PriceChild | kronoman, what error? | 02:32 |
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kronoman | and says that I need to run fsck manually | 02:32 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | yeah? | 02:33 |
Jetfighte1 | Ok, I can't use this thing again >., | 02:33 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | hm | 02:33 |
kronoman | PriceChild: it says that / has a read error and I need to run fsck manually | 02:33 |
=== PWill is now known as PWill_is_not_her | ||
PriceChild | sorry denis_on_ubunt1 | 02:33 |
cimenta | if I record sound using internal mic the sound is TOO silent :-( | 02:33 |
=== Hoffmann [n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
denis_on_ubunt1 | i dunno, like the background picture on ubuntu still looks choppy - the drivers are not functioning the way they are supposed to :( | 02:33 |
kronoman | I tried using the live CD | 02:33 |
=== PWill_is_not_her is now known as PWill_away | ||
PriceChild | kronoman, reboot into the live cd... | 02:33 |
kronoman | and fsck says that all is fine | 02:33 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild But when she is dooing that she fix but at one part she just frosen. | 02:33 |
PriceChild | kronoman, ah | 02:33 |
kronoman | thats the weird thing | 02:33 |
kronoman | fsck says all fine | 02:33 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, are you sure it freezes? | 02:33 |
kronoman | even with -f | 02:33 |
=== cabldevil [n=cabldevi@ool-4573d8bb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | kronoman, odd... | 02:33 |
kronoman | but in the hard disk boot, the error comes again | 02:33 |
denis_on_ubunt1 | is there something maybe to "activate" some feature of drivers? like opengl or something - i dunno what the heck i'm talking about, but some kind of graphical feature that renders stuff maybe? | 02:33 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild yeas bechuse i canot move the mouse | 02:34 |
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=== fruitbag [n=navid@host86-149-166-250.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fruitbag | Ubuntu is rather good... | 02:34 |
fruitbag | I've recently been tinkering around with it. | 02:34 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, could next time this happens could you use a live cd to inspect /var/log to see what went on? | 02:34 |
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=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | denis_on_ubunt1, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Nvidia_Driver_AGP_FastWrite_and_Side_Band_Addressing | 02:34 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild what do you mean? | 02:35 |
DJ_Danni | I am littelbit confused in linux | 02:35 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, Well if things mess up... linux doesn't just die... it writes it down somewhere normally... in the /var/www directory which you could look at using a live cd. | 02:35 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, /var/log sorry | 02:35 |
=== cerealkiller219 [n=freak@client-216-176-84-168.consolidated.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kronoman | so, what can I do to repair my /dev/hda1 ? | 02:35 |
=== arooni [n=chatzill@70-58-72-114.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kronoman | I'm already on the boot CD | 02:35 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild but one more | 02:35 |
kronoman | and fsck says everything fine | 02:36 |
arooni | hey folks ; what software is the equivalent of visio | 02:36 |
kronoman | but the fsck in the disk (when I boot from hard disk) says that there is a error and I need to run fsck manually | 02:36 |
PriceChild | arooni, what does visio do? | 02:36 |
=== b_52Centos [n=skimo@adsl196-165-44-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kronoman | arooni: try Dia | 02:36 |
kronoman | PriceChild: Visio does diagrams | 02:36 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild when i try to start her she say Loading hardware Divice i get noathang noat ewen OK. | 02:36 |
=== Lam_ [n=Lam@129-216.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | But before this error came i goat that | 02:36 |
arooni | PriceChild: it makes docs i use when i do software design | 02:37 |
PriceChild | arooni, try kronoman's suggestion :) | 02:37 |
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=== enderxim [n=ender@75-130-108-224.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, well nothing is better than it saying fail | 02:37 |
suse_snake | hi all | 02:37 |
suse_snake | i have a problem with beryl. when i try to activate the viewports option for having different desktop backgrounds i get the other desktops black and everything i do there lets a sign | 02:37 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@bas7-montrealak-1167896519.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kronoman | arooni: you need to do UML ? there are many tools | 02:37 |
arooni | kronoman: ok with dia... whenever i have the window i want to create stuff on... and i click on it... the toolbar loses focus | 02:37 |
kronoman | like ArgoUML, Dia, etc | 02:37 |
PriceChild | suse_snake, > #ubuntu-effects please | 02:37 |
suse_snake | anyone can help me | 02:37 |
arooni | kronoman: do you know how to fi xthis? | 02:37 |
suse_snake | thanx | 02:37 |
ubuntu | Hi, is there a way to go on the hard drive on the Live CD | 02:37 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild what do you mean fail? | 02:37 |
suse_snake | and sorry | 02:37 |
allyer | i downloaded ubuntu's iso for desktop x64(processor AMD 64), made the right cd checked with md5 file... boot cd initialize ok too. Start the instalation... but when it starts to load the SO's archives, the instalation stops. What it can be? | 02:37 |
kronoman | arooni: sorry, I think you can't, that is normal behaviour | 02:37 |
=== ircleuser [n=yjonz@195-30.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kronoman | the page and the toolbar are separated windows | 02:38 |
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ircleuser | hi | 02:38 |
arooni | kronoman: um but how do i click the toolbar again? | 02:38 |
PriceChild | allyer, on the boot menu for the cd, choose the option to check the cd | 02:38 |
arooni | i have to switch back? | 02:38 |
=== ircleuser is now known as arrozconevan | ||
arooni | isnt that some really bad software design? | 02:38 |
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Hellevator | my camera no longer auto mounts. Is there a way I can manually mount it? | 02:38 |
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PriceChild | Hellevator, "no longer"? | 02:38 |
DJ_Danni | PriceChild what do you mean fail? | 02:38 |
n-iCe | How can i uninstall amsn ? | 02:38 |
kronoman | arooni: yes, you have to change to the window that has the toolbar, | 02:38 |
arrozconevan | does anyone know anything about ubuntu lite/ | 02:38 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, as in it not saying "ok" is better than it saying "fail", i wouldn't worrk | 02:38 |
PriceChild | *worry | 02:38 |
kronoman | arooni: and yes, I think that is weird too, The Gimp does the same, separate windows for toolbar, etc | 02:38 |
=== Lotus [n=Lotus@pool-71-116-21-139.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | ok | 02:39 |
cimenta | n-iCe: add/remove ? | 02:39 |
kronoman | arooni: but well, some people like it that way | 02:39 |
kronoman | arooni: I don't see a easy way to fix it | 02:39 |
arooni | well | 02:39 |
arooni | at least give us an option you know | 02:39 |
arooni | instead of forcing us to use it one way | 02:39 |
cimenta | if I record sound using internal mic the sound is TOO silent :-( | 02:39 |
arooni | snap to window | 02:39 |
=== jman_ [n=justin@c-71-60-68-165.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n-iCe | ok thank you | 02:39 |
kronoman | arooni: but, if you click on the icon of the top left of the window title, you can make the window "On Top" | 02:39 |
kronoman | arooni: try to do that with the toolbar that has the window | 02:39 |
kronoman | arooni: so it keeps on top of the page that you are editing | 02:40 |
Lotus | I have a couple questions and hope one of you guys could give me a hand. | 02:40 |
jman_ | help I moved my application bar to the side in GNOME and i can;t move it back up, it;s driving me crazy I want it on top | 02:40 |
=== patbam [n=pat@c-68-33-71-106.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | PriceChild is there anny whay to fixthis now? bechuse if you look at http://www.spacestream.net you can see that i am running a manny radio server's and i do noat want to set this thang's up agen. | 02:40 |
Hellevator | pricechild, before I would plug my camera in, the icon would come up on the desktop and everything just worked. Now when I plug my camera in I get an import error and no icon on the desktop. | 02:40 |
PriceChild | DJ_Danni, I don't know sorry | 02:40 |
arooni | kronoman: i dont see that option | 02:40 |
=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@c-24-19-27-125.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Danni | ok | 02:40 |
=== humpinH [n=chatzill@bas2-montreal02-1096564249.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palbuddy | looks like my ubuntu not reading my DVDs is a bug, anyone know of a work around? | 02:40 |
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=== ThAK [n=thak@adsl-074-237-131-210.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
colbert | I have downloaded some icon .zip files (.PNG icons inside), where do I extract them so I can choose them in Themes or must I manually set them ??? | 02:40 |
patbam | hi, is it possible to upgrade to firefox 2.0 with synaptic under dapper? | 02:40 |
=== priich [i=peter@h209n2fls32o965.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | !dvd | palbuddy | 02:40 |
ubotu | palbuddy: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:40 |
PriceChild | patbam, no | 02:40 |
=== Simonft [n=Simonft@cpe-66-108-191-196.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== m1r [n=chatzill@83-131-207-139.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | patbam, that is not supported by ubuntu | 02:41 |
cimenta | patbam: I don't think so :-( | 02:41 |
Simonft | HELP | 02:41 |
=== alex__ [n=alex@c-71-195-222-165.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | Simonft, what's wrong? | 02:41 |
=== TheClown [n=theclown@206-90-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Simonft | i installed windows after unbuntu | 02:41 |
bryan986 | Before I go installing random stuff, does anyone know if it is possible to install VMWare Server on a server edition of Ubuntu and then use the client VMWare on windows to access the virtual machine? | 02:41 |
kronoman | arooni: mmm, I'm using Gnome | 02:41 |
m1r | evening all | 02:41 |
=== popori [i=popori@nat/yahoo/x-722bc0b40ef43739] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n-iCe | cimenta, isn't there like install it | 02:41 |
alex__ | ok i got a question | 02:41 |
Simonft | on a diffrent partition | 02:41 |
patbam | PriceChild, cimenta: so is installing it manually probably a bad call? | 02:41 |
PriceChild | patbam, it is "possible", but breaks things :) | 02:41 |
arooni | kronoman: i'm using beryl as window manager | 02:41 |
Lotus | My main problem is that my wireless card does not work, I have followed a multitude of guides and not had it work, permanently. Once it worked, but when I restarted my PC it stopped. | 02:41 |
PriceChild | Simonft, and you lost grub? | 02:41 |
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=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl476.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | patbam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | 02:41 |
humpinH | hi, my Ubuntu live cd is booting, but the gdm login never shows up. I have duals and an nvidia 7300. I tried in safe too. Any options for a text install? | 02:41 |
Simonft | no | 02:42 |
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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palbuddy | pricechild this is about data dvds | 02:42 |
cimenta | patbam: you can do it manually. It didn't work for me | 02:42 |
patbam | bimberi: thanks | 02:42 |
=== ToddEDM [n=todd@S0106001310a006c0.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex__ | ===I need some simple help installing TomBoy 0.6.0 | 02:42 |
palbuddy | I burned them with winxp | 02:42 |
Simonft | will that work? | 02:42 |
=== tenshiKur is now known as tenshiKur0 | ||
PriceChild | !grub | Simonft | 02:42 |
patbam | how about in edgy? | 02:42 |
ubotu | Simonft: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:42 |
bimberi | patbam: yw :) | 02:42 |
PriceChild | Simonft, oh...? | 02:42 |
Pelo | evening folks, I just installed gnome-main-menu , does anyone know where I start it from ? | 02:42 |
alex__ | ===I need some simple help installing TomBoy 0.6.0 | 02:42 |
cimenta | n-iCe: what do you mean? | 02:42 |
Simonft | k | 02:42 |
bimberi | patbam: Edgy has FF2 | 02:42 |
Simonft | thanks | 02:42 |
n-iCe | is unchecked | 02:42 |
patbam | PriceChild: thanks too :) | 02:42 |
n-iCe | if i checked it's going to install it | 02:42 |
arrozconevan | /nick arrozconevan | 02:42 |
n-iCe | but i have it in the men | 02:42 |
humpinH | is there a specific boot option? | 02:42 |
=== TheClown [n=theclown@206-90-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ToddEDM | lol DJ danni | 02:42 |
alex__ | someone wanna help me ?:-D? | 02:43 |
PriceChild | alex__, ask and see :) | 02:43 |
Lotus | Anyone? | 02:43 |
patbam | i seem to have seriously borked my firefox, none of my js extensions are working any more | 02:43 |
IndyGunFreak | !anyone | 02:43 |
PriceChild | ToddEDM, grr :) | 02:43 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:43 |
alex__ | ===I need some simple help installing TomBoy 0.6.0 | 02:43 |
=== youser [n=owner@CPE00095b263fff-CM00195ed781f0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | alex__, what distro? | 02:43 |
Pelo | alex__, just get a deb file and it will install itself | 02:43 |
cimenta | patbam: because of FF version?! | 02:43 |
clouder`grr | Why does $ uptime show 3 users and $ users show two clouders? Why are there two of me and where is this 3rd user? | 02:43 |
=== cyres [n=cyres@85-127-223-195.dynamic.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cimenta | n-iCe: try synaptic | 02:44 |
alex__ | where can i get the deb file? i was looking for one, but im a loser and cant find it (its Edgy) | 02:44 |
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PriceChild | clouder`grr, each terminal appears as a user. | 02:44 |
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voidmage | clouder`grr: Are you logged in on another terminal? | 02:44 |
PriceChild | clouder`grr, even using a gnome-terminal | 02:44 |
Pelo | alex__, look in menu > application > add/remove | 02:44 |
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alex__ | omg is it in there? | 02:44 |
voidmage | I'm logged into one tty and 3 tabs in yakuake | 02:44 |
clouder`grr | Ahh ok, yeah I gotcha. What about the 3rd user? | 02:44 |
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voidmage | and I have 2 users | 02:44 |
=== humpinH [n=chatzill@bas2-montreal02-1096564249.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | anyone use beryl here | 02:45 |
humpinH | ugh, this sucks | 02:45 |
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arooni | the on top optoin is greyed out | 02:45 |
PriceChild | arrow__, > #ubuntu-effects | 02:45 |
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PriceChild | humpinH, ? | 02:45 |
jessie^^ | I can't seem to playback dvds. I have libdvdcss and libdvdread installed but totem and xine still whine about not being able to read the DVD. Any ideas? | 02:45 |
fizzle | hey i need help setting up my wireless card. ive already installed the drivers but i cant get it to work | 02:45 |
PriceChild | argh | 02:45 |
eexpress | hi, if anyone know how to display a swf on gnome' desktop, without window' decor. just like fvwm' swallow. | 02:45 |
Pelo | alex__, it might already be installed on your system, it's a pannel applet, just click on the pannel and add to panel, might already be in the choices | 02:45 |
PriceChild | arooni, > #ubuntu-effects | 02:45 |
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alex__ | nah, its not there i dont think, let me double check | 02:45 |
PriceChild | jessie^^, try puttnig the dvd in the drive and letting auto-play work, instead of manually starting up totem... normally fixes things for me :) | 02:45 |
alex__ | HAHA its there. thanks. | 02:46 |
fizzle | anyone? | 02:46 |
alex__ | just one more question | 02:46 |
jessie^^ | PriceChild: tried that, fials | 02:46 |
humpinH | gdm login and gnome doesn't start on my live cd, i'm wondering if there's some option to force start it, or do a text install.... | 02:46 |
jessie^^ | PriceChild: err fails | 02:46 |
=== absolutroot [n=2@adsl-68-254-42-85.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | jessie^^, are you using gstreamer or xine? | 02:46 |
=== TheVault [n=kylewitt@cpe-24-209-11-142.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jessie^^ | i think totem-gstreamer | 02:46 |
jessie^^ | PriceChild: lemme check | 02:46 |
priich | jessie^^, i assume you installed the codecs ? Did you try mplayer. It usually works for me even when xine and totem fails. | 02:46 |
colbert | What's the terminal command to move all the folders ina folder to another folder? I wanna move every folder in /Desktop/newicons to /usr/share/icons | 02:47 |
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cimenta | fizzle: installation installed the wireless for me | 02:47 |
colbert | I mean at once | 02:47 |
humpinH | PriceChild: any idea? | 02:47 |
PriceChild | jessie^^, personally I always "sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine-extracodecs" as i find it works a lot better for me. | 02:47 |
cimenta | colbert: man mv | 02:47 |
PriceChild | humpinH, tried using safe graphics mode? | 02:47 |
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TheVault | Whats a good Wifi Manager? I just followed this tutorial and it worked until I restarted my computer and the Gnome Network Manager does not pickup my wireless but did before I restarted. So I'm thinking its just being a prick or something | 02:47 |
humpinH | yes. btw, i have duals on an nvidia 7300 | 02:47 |
PriceChild | TheVault, network-manager-gnome | 02:47 |
clouder`grr | voidmage: I now understand that I have a "clouder" for each open terminal but where is the extra user that doesn't show up in $ users | 02:48 |
absolutroot | does anyone know if the ndiswrapper bug in ubuntu edgy carried over to the kubuntu release? | 02:48 |
priich | TheVault, what does the logs say ? | 02:48 |
TheVault | prrich: Logs? | 02:48 |
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humpinH | PriceChild: it works with my 6.06 cd though.... | 02:48 |
alex__ | i wanted to know how i install a tar.gz file because im a bit confused whether or not it gets installed i just "Extract Here" on my desktop and open the folder and find the install.run and run it in the term....is this how im supposed to do it? | 02:48 |
cimenta | PriceChild: but it doesn't search for available wireless network, does it | 02:48 |
eexpress | hi, if anyone know how to display a swf on gnome' desktop, without window' decor. just like fvwm' swallow. xwinwrap??? | 02:48 |
TheVault | priich: Logs? | 02:48 |
voidmage | clouder`grr: So you have how many terminals open? | 02:48 |
Pelo | alex__, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 02:48 |
cefx | alex__: normally with tar.gz files you do tar zxvf file.tar.gz | 02:48 |
PriceChild | cimenta, yes | 02:49 |
cefx | oh | 02:49 |
cefx | nm | 02:49 |
priich | TheVault, there are a plethora of logs inside the directory : /var/log/ | 02:49 |
CaptainMorgan | !wiki | 02:49 |
ubotu | wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation | 02:49 |
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=== jamal75 [i=XP[USA] 0@cpe-66-74-192-10.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jamal75 | hello | 02:49 |
voidmage | clouder`grr: Maybe one user for your gnome session? | 02:49 |
jamal75 | anyone her | 02:49 |
patbam | when i launch audacity i get "there was an error initializing the audio i/o layer, you will not be able ot play or record audio. error: host error." any idea what that's abou? | 02:49 |
jamal75 | e | 02:49 |
clouder`grr | voidmage: Right now I have my X session and 2 gnome-terminals open $ uptime shows 4 users and $ users shows only 3 clouders and nothing else | 02:49 |
TheVault | priich: Oh. Well I followed the tutorial and it worked. Gnome Manager was picking it up and everything and then I had to restart the computer, and now its not picking up my wireless like it did before the restart | 02:50 |
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Pelo | clouder`grr, check the forum | 02:50 |
eexpress | hi, if anyone know how to display a swf on gnome' desktop, without window' decor. just like fvwm' swallow. | 02:50 |
voidmage | clouder`grr: i'm not sure | 02:50 |
CaptainMorgan | which wiki is official? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper or the one given by ubotu ? | 02:50 |
fizzle | i need help getting my wireless adapter to work... ive installed the drivers and it detects when the hardware is present but it wont let me get a connection.. | 02:50 |
jamal75 | can someone help me out in a private chat? | 02:50 |
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jamal75 | please | 02:50 |
Pelo | jamal75, no, ask your question here | 02:50 |
jamal75 | ok | 02:50 |
PriceChild | !pm | jamal75 | 02:50 |
ubotu | jamal75: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 02:50 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@i156-205.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
napsy | Hello. I have a link to a folder on my desktop and I wnat to know if it's possible to remove the link emplem on the icon? | 02:51 |
=== pirate-king [n=pirate-k@daphmb01dc1-219-177.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
napsy | Hello. I have a link to a folder on my desktop and I wnat to know if it's possible to remove the link emblem on the icon? | 02:51 |
jamal75 | I installed Ubuntu, then Automatix2 to install different programs i needed | 02:51 |
PriceChild | !automatix | jamal75 | 02:51 |
ubotu | jamal75: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:51 |
Pelo | napsy, right click porperties | 02:51 |
pirate-king | hello everybody | 02:51 |
napsy | ok | 02:51 |
PriceChild | ahoy there pirate-king | 02:51 |
Pelo | jamal75, what is the problem | 02:51 |
TheVault | So besides the Gnome Network Manager, what other good Wifi managers are there? | 02:51 |
pirate-king | Im getting this error Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:51 |
pirate-king | msttcorefonts | 02:51 |
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PriceChild | TheVault, wifiradar? | 02:51 |
jamal75 | then when I installed the nvidia driver, my resolution messed up and i cant choose anything above 800x600 | 02:52 |
PriceChild | pirate-king, pastebin the entire install text please | 02:52 |
TheVault | PriceChild: Does that support WPA2? | 02:52 |
PriceChild | jamal75, please see the message about automatix above | 02:52 |
pirate-king | ok | 02:52 |
napsy | Pelo: where do I remove then that emblem | 02:52 |
Pelo | jamal75, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the resolutions you need manualy | 02:52 |
PriceChild | jamal75, head to #automatix if you need help with it... just don't tell them we sent you or they'll tell you to go away. | 02:52 |
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Pelo | napsy, there should be an emblem tab in the properties | 02:52 |
jamal75 | yes i know, but i reinstalled Ubuntu then installed the Nvidia driver manually and the same problem occurred | 02:53 |
napsy | Pelo: yes but there's no "Link" emblem selected | 02:53 |
absolutroot | resolution is set in your xconf file | 02:53 |
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TheVault | Does Wifiradar support WPA2? | 02:53 |
cimenta | PriceChild: I installed the network-manage-gnome but I can't find it anywhere in the menu .. | 02:53 |
Pelo | napsy, you are screwed then | 02:53 |
PriceChild | cimenta, start nm-applet (it adds itself next time you log into gnome) | 02:53 |
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PriceChild | cimenta, appears in the notification area | 02:53 |
Pelo | jamal75, try this method of installing the nvidaia drivers | 02:54 |
Pelo | !nvidia | jamal75 | 02:54 |
ubotu | jamal75: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:54 |
jamal75 | i need the graphics driver because everything renders sooo slow. is there any other solution to my problem | 02:54 |
=== Blankhorizons [n=mark@68-186-249-223.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jamal75 | thanks | 02:54 |
cimenta | PriceChild: wha's nm-applet? | 02:54 |
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absolutroot | jamal please refer to this post on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81157 | 02:54 |
PriceChild | cimenta, NetworkManager-applet | 02:54 |
Blankhorizons | hey guys, im fairly new to Linux and just installed 2 new HDDs formatted so ext3 and have them mounted, but they dont show up on my places folder or my desktop as mounted drives like they did before i formatted and reinstalled | 02:55 |
cimenta | PriceChild: yes, but how can start it? where is it? | 02:55 |
Blankhorizons | any suggestions? | 02:55 |
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PriceChild | cimenta, it will start the next time you log in | 02:55 |
markedwards | Can someone give me a link or a quick guide to partitioning a Bondi iMac for Edgy? I don't want to dual-boot, only Ubuntu. | 02:55 |
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pirate-king | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9967/ | 02:55 |
Blankhorizons | i can acess them through /mnt/ though | 02:55 |
cimenta | PriceChild: let's try | 02:55 |
Pelo | Blankhorizons, you need to create a mount point and then mount the drives, possibly using fstab to make it automatic when you boot | 02:55 |
jamal75 | wow, thanks guys | 02:55 |
PriceChild | markedwards, is it ppc or i386? | 02:55 |
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jamal75 | i feel like a noob | 02:55 |
Blankhorizons | yeah | 02:55 |
Blankhorizons | already did that | 02:55 |
markedwards | ppc | 02:56 |
Pelo | Blankhorizons, then open them in nautilus and add a bookmark | 02:56 |
PriceChild | markedwards, Im' scared to help sorry, i have not ppc experience | 02:56 |
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markedwards | PriceChild: sorry, thought I was on #ubuntu-ppc | 02:56 |
PriceChild | pirate-king, seems like sourceforge is being annoying again... try it again | 02:56 |
Blankhorizons | shouldnt it do that automatically though? because it automatically put icons on my desktop and in my places folder before | 02:56 |
PriceChild | markedwards, hehe :) | 02:56 |
pirate-king | ok | 02:57 |
PriceChild | markedwards, that channel forwards here ;) | 02:57 |
Pelo | Blankhorizons, only when mounted to /media/ | 02:57 |
markedwards | ah | 02:57 |
Blankhorizons | oooohhhh | 02:57 |
Blankhorizons | thanks man | 02:57 |
pirate-king | nope | 02:57 |
pirate-king | same shit | 02:57 |
TheVault | Inside WifiRadar when I click on my SSID, I use WPA but in the thing, its asking for a WPA driver...here is a screenshot showing what I mean http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/kylewitt/WifiRadar.png | 02:57 |
TheVault | I actually use WPA2 | 02:57 |
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romar | Good evening everyone, I'm in the market for a new game pad and was wondering what models are recommended for use with Ubuntu. | 02:58 |
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markedwards | huh, anyone know the method to get only Ubuntu installed on an old ppc machine? | 02:58 |
Pelo | romar, you can try searching the forum for various model numbers and see what other users have reported | 02:58 |
m1r | TheVault: how did u install wifiradar ? | 02:58 |
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TheVault | m1r: Using the Add/Remove Programs under Applications | 02:59 |
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m1r | rgr ty | 02:59 |
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TheVault | m1r: Did I do something wrong by doing it that way? | 02:59 |
m1r | no m8 :) | 03:00 |
m1r | i am asking cause i have wlan problem also | 03:00 |
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TheVault | m1r: Yeah, one min the gnome manager thing is showing all the networks around me, I restart and it stops | 03:00 |
m1r | usb card detected , wlan light is on, but i cant see conection | 03:00 |
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TheVault | Same, the WLAN light is on, and the WIFIRADAR is picking up the signals, so it must be working | 03:01 |
cimenta | PriceChild: I can't the program in my menu. I thought I could search for available wireless networks near to me | 03:01 |
PriceChild | cimenta, what menu? | 03:02 |
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cimenta | PriceChild: applications or system | 03:02 |
PriceChild | cimenta, no... top left, near the clock | 03:02 |
PriceChild | cimenta, left of your volume | 03:03 |
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TheVault | PriceChild: What does it mean WPA Driver in WIFI Radar | 03:03 |
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james296 | is there anything that has voice chat and video chat support for Yahoo IM other than GyachE? | 03:03 |
PriceChild | TheVault, don't know | 03:04 |
james296 | that has a better looking interface? | 03:04 |
cimenta | PriceChild: I had it before :-) but it doesn't search | 03:04 |
=== Lotus [n=Lotus@pool-71-116-21-139.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
PriceChild | cimenta, left click will show availiable wireless networks | 03:04 |
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=== new3u [n=ubuntu@bas7-montrealak-1177636792.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new3u | Hi, i need help | 03:04 |
PriceChild | new3u, ask :) | 03:05 |
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new3u | Well, my HD has problems and i'd like to access it trough the Live CD | 03:05 |
=== ray__ [n=ray@user-1087q8m.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new3u | how can i access it | 03:05 |
ray__ | hey there | 03:05 |
ray__ | noob here | 03:05 |
ray__ | stupid question | 03:05 |
cimenta | PriceChild: how should it look like? like 2 screens? the icon next to volume control? | 03:05 |
Pelo | new3u, create a mount point and mount it | 03:05 |
ray__ | I just plugged a monitor into the VGA port of my laptop | 03:05 |
ray__ | how do I check if it's present? | 03:06 |
bulmer | new3u: you mount it once your boot up in liveCD | 03:06 |
new3u | Pelo: i<m a newb | 03:06 |
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new3u | tell me plz | 03:06 |
ttuttle | Hey. I just installed Ubuntu under a Qemu VM, and I've gotta say, it's !@#$ing AMAZING! | 03:06 |
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ttuttle | I'm used to Gentoo, where I have to do all the work to integrate things. Ubuntu is so polished in comparison. | 03:06 |
cimenta | PriceChild: I am using my wireless card but I had to set it up manually. | 03:06 |
shatrat | ttuttle, its better on hardware | 03:06 |
Pelo | new3u, menu > system > admin > gparted, find the identification of your hdd /dev/had1 or something | 03:06 |
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ttuttle | shatrat: Oh, I know. | 03:06 |
=== amaan [n=amaanr@mc-109-159.IPReg.McMaster.CA] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | cimenta, it should just show you networks when you left click it, if it doesn't work i'm not sure how to fix it. | 03:07 |
new3u | oh ok | 03:07 |
ttuttle | shatrat: My Dad decided he doesn't want Windows *or* Mac OS for his next box, so I'm planning on setting him up with Ubuntu unless I find another better distro. | 03:07 |
=== ray__ [n=ray@user-1087q8m.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new3u | <3 | 03:07 |
amaan | is it possible to have mac os x installed under ubuntu? | 03:07 |
ray__ | new3u: sorry | 03:07 |
Pelo | new3u, that 's just the first step | 03:07 |
ttuttle | amaan: No, AFAIK. | 03:07 |
h1st0 | ttuttle: Yeah its nice. Do you know when he's going to do this. Because fiesty is going to rock. | 03:07 |
=== Lr5 [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | ttuttle: i setup ubuntu for my parents and theyre really terrible with computers. theyre finding it pretty easy now :) | 03:07 |
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shatrat | ttuttle, ubuntu is a pretty good choice all around. maybe mint if you want to have a lot of the common codecs and stuff installed for you. | 03:08 |
ray__ | amaan: maybe with virtual desktop | 03:08 |
ttuttle | h1st0: Oh, it's definitely at least a few months ago. | 03:08 |
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ttuttle | shatrat: mint? | 03:08 |
=== adnam [n=adnam@dslb-088-064-026-240.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amaan | ttutle: what's AFAIK? | 03:08 |
h1st0 | amaan: yes | 03:08 |
ttuttle | amaan: As Far As I Know. | 03:08 |
cimenta | PriceChild: I see now. I got two icons in there. The old one is ath0 - working the other new icon says - no network connections :-))) | 03:08 |
ray__ | every OS is normally standalone | 03:08 |
new3u | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount /dev/hda2 | 03:08 |
new3u | mount: can't find /dev/hda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 03:08 |
new3u | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ | 03:08 |
h1st0 | markedwards: er..... depends if you can do mac os under qemu or vmware | 03:08 |
shatrat | ttuttle, its an ubuntu derivitive that comes with codecs and stuff, kind of like ubuntu with the universe and multiverse stuff by default | 03:08 |
amaan | h1st0: do you know where i can find sufficient info to do it? | 03:08 |
h1st0 | ray__: Not with vmware or qemu | 03:08 |
h1st0 | amaan: sure hold up. | 03:08 |
ray__ | so pretty much when you boot into an OS | 03:08 |
ray__ | you're stuck with that one | 03:08 |
ttuttle | Well, you can run Linux itself on top of any decent OS, using User-Mode Linux. | 03:08 |
amaan | h1st0, thanks | 03:08 |
TheVault | I'm about to bitch slap my wireless lol | 03:08 |
ray__ | unless you run virtual machine | 03:08 |
Pelo | new3u, in the terminal sudo mkdir /media/hda2 | 03:09 |
shatrat | ttuttle, and if hes going for a new PC, system76 sells pcs and laptops and even sff pcs with ubuntu on em already | 03:09 |
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Pelo | new3u, then sudo mount /dev/had2 /media/hda2 | 03:09 |
ttuttle | ray__: /me points to his Qemu window with Ubuntu happily updating software. | 03:09 |
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ttuttle | shatrat: cool | 03:09 |
new3u | still | 03:09 |
new3u | same error | 03:09 |
=== FallenHi1okiri [n=blitz@p54ACE7A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ttuttle | shatrat: Are they reputable? Will they tolerate jerks like my dad ;-) calling and yelling at them because things don't work perfectly? | 03:09 |
TheVault | Where do you locate the wpa driver for wifiradar? | 03:09 |
Toma- | ttuttle: you have to agree, theres no real benefit in doing that tho | 03:09 |
new3u | got it | 03:10 |
Pelo | new3u, are you sure it is /dev/hda2 ? | 03:10 |
new3u | sorry | 03:10 |
new3u | yes | 03:10 |
ttuttle | Toma-: Do you mean running Ubuntu under Qemu? Oh, I'm just testing it out. | 03:10 |
ray__ | can anyone help me out? | 03:10 |
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Pelo | new3u, well done then | 03:10 |
Toma- | ttuttle: ahh ok :) | 03:10 |
ray__ | I just plugged a monitor into my laptop | 03:10 |
Dr_willis | I have uses for os's in virtual machines. :) | 03:10 |
ray__ | I have no idea to see if it's present | 03:10 |
jmworx | crimsun: Just saw the Speex update made it to my (i386) machine. Just curious, it wasn't possible to update only 64-bit archs? | 03:10 |
shatrat | ttuttle, isnt he supposed to call and yell at you? Yeah theyve got their own support sub-forum under ubuntuforums.org even. I consider them more reputable than dell or gateway et al | 03:10 |
Dr_willis | im trying to think of the last time that 'any' support calls actually fixed anything. | 03:11 |
new3u | damn it | 03:11 |
=== jessie^^ [n=jessica@adsl-225-121-124.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new3u | it says unsufficient permissions | 03:11 |
jessie^^ | I still can't play DVD's. :( | 03:11 |
jryer | Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but... I am installing ubuntu on a machine that has no internet and need to install many additional packages from a CD or USB. Is there an easy way to do this? That is, without installing one at a time, as in a batch? | 03:12 |
Pelo | new3u, sudo chmod /media/hda2 755 | 03:12 |
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Pelo | new3u, or chmod 755 /media... | 03:12 |
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bulmer | anyone able to get the NXclient to work with FreeNX? can you give pointers as to which key goes where and how do you verify and test such? | 03:12 |
h1st0 | amaan: looks like qemu supports powerPC arch | 03:12 |
jessie^^ | can anyone help with a dvd playback issue? I've installed libdvdread and libdvdcss and I still can't play anything. | 03:13 |
m1r | jessie, easyubuntu | 03:13 |
amaan | h1st0: where would i get the image for the mac os x? | 03:13 |
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new3u | thanks | 03:13 |
Dr_willis | jryer, the apt-get system has some tools to download/mirror/ some features like that.. ive never used those features however | 03:13 |
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amaan | h1st0, i mean how can i install it...i would need the image file right? | 03:13 |
jessie^^ | m1r? | 03:13 |
h1st0 | amaan: There is this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto | 03:13 |
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h1st0 | amaan: yeah | 03:14 |
h1st0 | amaan: which I don't believe is free | 03:14 |
m1r | jessie: apt-get install easyubuntu | 03:14 |
bruenig | !easyubuntu | 03:14 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 03:14 |
amaan | h1st0, lol yea any ideas of where i would be able to score a copy? | 03:14 |
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jessie^^ | m1r -- i'm intelligent enough to do it without easyubuntu. | 03:14 |
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bruenig | m1r, why don't you just tell him how to install dvd ability instead of telling him to install something else which then installs it | 03:14 |
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jessie^^ | bruenig: her | 03:15 |
h1st0 | Amallya: like I say I don't believe its a free os. You would have to purchase it. | 03:15 |
m1r | sry | 03:15 |
mon^rch | can someone help me get my ftp users to files and directoies I would like to share? | 03:15 |
=== amaa1 [n=amaanr@mc-109-159.IPReg.McMaster.CA] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !dvd | 03:15 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 03:15 |
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jessie^^ | bruenig: I did that | 03:15 |
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PanzerMKZ | what ftp server? | 03:15 |
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bruenig | jessie^^, try vlc | 03:15 |
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jessie^^ | bruenig: vlc segfaults. | 03:15 |
mon^rch | proftpd | 03:15 |
amaa1 | h1st0, sorry got dc did you say anything? | 03:15 |
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mon^rch | and gproftpd | 03:15 |
bruenig | jessie^^, well if you installed that, then it should work | 03:15 |
jessica^^ | bruenig: i installed libdvdcss and libdvdread | 03:16 |
PanzerMKZ | I run vsftpd | 03:16 |
jessica^^ | bruenig: and it still dies. I can pastebin my error if you like.] | 03:16 |
WannabeNewbie | Can anyone tell me how to see if a specific driver is loading? | 03:16 |
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cimenta | Dr_willis: hi, what irc client do you use? | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | cimenta, xchat mainly | 03:16 |
bulmer | WannabeNewbie: only after it failed or succeed can you tell | 03:16 |
bruenig | jessica^^, I can't imagine why vlc would segfault | 03:16 |
h1st0 | amaa1: There are a lot of articles on it on the forums. | 03:16 |
h1st0 | WannabeNewbie: lsmod | grep nameofmodule | 03:17 |
cimenta | Dr_willis: I wanted to customize the colours in xchat ... so difficult | 03:17 |
WannabeNewbie | h1st0: thanks | 03:17 |
jessica^^ | bruenig: i'm putting together the errors in pastebin. | 03:17 |
Dr_willis | cimenta, i tend to use the original xchat4 color theme.. and thats it. | 03:17 |
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h1st0 | amaa1: www.ubuntuforums.org | 03:18 |
amaa1 | thanks h1st0! | 03:18 |
h1st0 | np | 03:18 |
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jessica^^ | bruenig: http://pastebin.ca/391346 | 03:18 |
cimenta | Dr_willis: how can I apply it? | 03:18 |
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Dr_willis | cimenta, go to the xcaht homepage.. search the forums for the link to the old color theme/scheme.. copy it to your .xchat* dir | 03:19 |
bruenig | jessica^^, looks like you need libdvdcss2 | 03:19 |
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jessica^^ | bruenig: one sec | 03:19 |
h1st0 | !codecs > jessica^^ | 03:19 |
cimenta | Dr_willis: thank you | 03:19 |
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cimenta | could somebody help me set up internal microphone? | 03:19 |
jessica^^ | bruenig, h1st0: libdvdcss2 is already the newest version. | 03:19 |
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Dr_willis | cimenta, some days i even go all out and actually compile the OLD xchat 2.4 -- when they went to 2.6 and up - they removed a lot of stuff | 03:20 |
Vince_ | Hey Dr_Willis: The Knoppix Install didn't work. Mostly because I hate KDE and can't run it for crap ;-) I'm trying the windows install deal right now | 03:20 |
rogue780 | does anyone here have a mail server with virtual hosts? | 03:20 |
Dr_willis | cant run kde? gee. thats sort of like saying you cant run an bank ATM | 03:20 |
bruenig | jessica^^, no idea then, it _should_ work, but vlc also _should_ not segfault. Maybe your install is hosed in some way. | 03:20 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:20 |
cimenta | Dr_willis: so nothing like mIRC in linux? | 03:20 |
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jessica^^ | bruenig: the install's brand new. | 03:20 |
markedwards | h1st0: I just want to install Ubuntu on the iMac | 03:21 |
shatrat | cimenta, you mean bad and nagware? | 03:21 |
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Dr_willis | cimenta, i hate mirc.. i use xchat under windows and linux. mIRC is a very very big 'plague' :) in many ways | 03:21 |
runtime | Xchat ftw! | 03:21 |
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Dr_willis | cimenta, you do NOT want to get people started on the ways that mIRC stinks. | 03:21 |
h1st0 | !mac > markedwards | 03:21 |
shatrat | xchat is godzilla and mirc is japan | 03:21 |
Dr_willis | heh heh. | 03:21 |
Eleaf | This is ridiculous, but how do you change the amount of virtual desktops without the desktop switcher applet? | 03:21 |
cimenta | Dr_willis: what do you mean? | 03:21 |
Eleaf | There is no gnome preferences? If so, that's very horrible. | 03:21 |
gionnyboss_ | I installed Ubuntu Edgy on a computer with a VIA integrated graphic card. Refresh is very slow and it's almost unusable. How can I do to install the correct graphic drivers, please? | 03:22 |
Dr_willis | mIRC is the annoying reporter yelling about godzilla trashing japan. | 03:22 |
crdlb | Eleaf, gconf-editor :D | 03:22 |
shatrat | Eleaf, go play around in gconf-editor but you could have switched it easily by now | 03:22 |
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cimenta | shatrat: what's nagware? | 03:22 |
samalex | anyone using Fluxbox 1.0rc2 ? Just curious... i'm compiling it now, and anxious to check it out since I've not used Flux in a few years. | 03:22 |
Dr_willis | 'shareware' = 'nag ware' | 03:22 |
shatrat | cimenta, "omg you havent bought this software buy it now or Ill nag you again in X days" | 03:22 |
mon^rch | can anyone help me give access to files and folders for proftpd? | 03:22 |
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amaa1 | can i install mac os x on my NON power-pc? | 03:22 |
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arooni | how do i get open office draw | 03:23 |
Vince_ | I want to hear about why Mirc Sucks, so I can tell my mIRC loving friend ;-) | 03:23 |
shatrat | Does anyone know how to burn large files > 2gb to data dvd in gnomebaker? It wont let me add it to the list of files. | 03:23 |
h1st0 | amaa1: yeah with the us of a qemu or vmware. They both should be able to emulate the powerpc arch. | 03:23 |
Dr_willis | amaa1, thers a vmware-image of os-x - but its 100% NOT legal... | 03:23 |
h1st0 | amaa1: I would search around on the forums first | 03:23 |
=== Shelagh [n=Shelagh@ppp251-183.lns3.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
samalex | amaa1, I think you can via vmware, but hit #macosx and they might be able to help. | 03:23 |
PanzerMKZ | you can install osx on alot of stuff | 03:23 |
PanzerMKZ | not mac hardware | 03:23 |
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amaa1 | Dr_willis, do you know where i can get this image? | 03:23 |
matkix0s | So whats a good app to update / play music on my ipod? | 03:23 |
Dr_willis | amaa1, not really.. but you may want to look on some of the known 'places' where you find such things.. :) | 03:24 |
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amaa1 | lol ok thanks | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | amaa1, the services that riaa and mpaa want to shut down. | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:24 |
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Dr_willis | but you dident hear it from me. | 03:24 |
PanzerMKZ | laugh | 03:24 |
amaa1 | haha got it thanks | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | and i cant vouch for how well it even works.. | 03:24 |
PanzerMKZ | no one heard nothing | 03:24 |
jessica^^ | heard what? | 03:24 |
fu-k-t | hi | 03:25 |
=== elpargo [n=elpargo@226samana81.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fu-k-t | the gnome menu crashed, how can i restart it? | 03:25 |
matkix0s | So whats a good app to update / play music on my ipod? | 03:25 |
Eleaf | shatrat, there should be global preferences | 03:25 |
cimenta | is anybody using Skype here? | 03:25 |
h1st0 | fu-k-t: ctrl+alt+backspace will restart gnome | 03:25 |
shatrat | Eleaf, there are, gconf-editor | 03:25 |
fu-k-t | matkix0s: amarok is great | 03:25 |
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Shelagh | cimenta: yes, I do. | 03:25 |
h1st0 | matkix0s: gktpod | 03:25 |
matkix0s | crashes for me! | 03:25 |
Eleaf | shatrat, that's not user friendly | 03:25 |
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fu-k-t | shatrat: is there a way i can do it without restarting the x server? | 03:26 |
h1st0 | !ipod > matkix0s | 03:26 |
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cimenta | Shelagh: my mic records very silent :-( | 03:26 |
shatrat | Eleaf, youre not the first person to notice that | 03:26 |
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comadreja | hello, I could I check the checksums of every .deb installed on a system ? | 03:26 |
octoberdan | How would I check what version of ubuntu I'm running? | 03:26 |
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jessica^^ | damn it! i can't get anything to play these | 03:27 |
jessica^^ | lol | 03:27 |
comadreja | sorry I meant "how could I" | 03:27 |
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=== shwag [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Darius08x | Is there a network install for any version of ubuntu? | 03:27 |
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Shelagh | cimenta: Ok, I don't know that much about it. What's your mic like in other recording sits. I had a mic that was plain awful no matter what prog, used it. | 03:27 |
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bryan986 | Darius08x: yes, for all of them | 03:27 |
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Darius08x | lulz, Where? I couldn't find it. | 03:28 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: i installed my ubuntu server completely from the network, though it was from a windows host | 03:28 |
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cimenta | Shelagh: I am new to linux. the mic in windows works better. if I call to echo123 I can hear myself kind of bad | 03:29 |
bryan986 | lemme find it | 03:29 |
Darius08x | I'm currently dual-booting windows xp and debian. | 03:29 |
Darius08x | Ok | 03:29 |
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fruitbag | Hey | 03:29 |
develsq | hi i have dual montors and now when i launch full screen applications they center and half goes on each screen.. help plz!! | 03:30 |
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Shelagh | cimenta: I find using skype with anything else internet open makes sound (both loudness and delay) very bad. | 03:30 |
fruitbag | ...does there exist an introductory Ubuntu GNU/Linux tutorial? | 03:30 |
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=== tom47 [n=tom@203-217-94-134.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fruitbag | ;p | 03:30 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: boot from cd or completely networked? | 03:30 |
tom47 | !alsa | 03:30 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:30 |
bruenig | !cli | 03:30 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 03:30 |
jessica^^ | grr! | 03:30 |
jessica^^ | I can't get this to work.. | 03:30 |
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Eleaf | shatrat, a lot of things are just like "what were the gnome developers thinking?!". | 03:30 |
bruenig | jessica^^, you aren't on 64 bit are you | 03:30 |
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Eleaf | shatrat, they really need to get their global image together of what they are aiming for. | 03:31 |
cimenta | Shelagh: I experience that even with sound recorder | 03:31 |
shatrat | Eleaf, linus flamed them hard about it a while back, its not a new theme | 03:31 |
bruenig | linus has been flaming them for a long time, that he submitted patches is hilarious | 03:31 |
Eleaf | well they are leaving out important things, and breaking uniformity everywhere to make things more dumbed down. | 03:31 |
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hagebake | is there a way to automatically setup x11vnc to run in inetd? | 03:32 |
jessica^^ | bruenig: no | 03:32 |
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jessica^^ | bruenig: this IS a dual core laptop but i'm not running the 64 bit OS | 03:33 |
m1r | is there any good torent client ?? | 03:33 |
crdlb | m1r, deluge for gui, rtorrent for cli | 03:33 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: This is where I got my network installation stuff: ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/ I did a pxe install using a 2nd computer that acted as the host, don't know if thats an option for you, but the tutorial I used for that is here: http://hugi.to/blog/archive/2006/12/23/ubuntu-pxe-install-via-windows | 03:33 |
=== chris_ [n=chris@cpe-76-184-127-12.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m1r | ty crdlb | 03:33 |
bruenig | m1r, utorrent through wine, deluge is bad I think right now at least | 03:33 |
m1r | hmm | 03:33 |
crdlb | I use rtorrent | 03:33 |
m1r | rtorent ? | 03:33 |
m1r | which one lol :) | 03:34 |
Shelagh | fruitbag: I think if you open the lifesaver on gnome it will give rundown on ubuntu. | 03:34 |
bruenig | not rtorrent, it is cli | 03:34 |
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m1r | waht is cli | 03:34 |
Darius08x | pxe install? | 03:34 |
bruenig | It just depends on what you need, I needed rss broadcatching ability | 03:34 |
crdlb | m1r, command line interface | 03:34 |
m1r | ah ty | 03:34 |
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Jetfighter | Someone type an exclamation point please? | 03:34 |
bruenig | so it was azureus or utorrent through wine | 03:34 |
=== Alpha-Recuiting [i=Raoul-Du@70-35-179-99.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Darius08x | I'm very bad at computers, lol, so if this is too complicated. I'm screwed lol | 03:34 |
m1r | rgr | 03:35 |
m1r | i go check tny | 03:35 |
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cafuego_ | You want an app that is both gui and good? | 03:35 |
Alpha-Recuiting | anyone have infor about compatability with amd duron processors | 03:35 |
Jetfighter | Someone please type an exclamation mark please? | 03:36 |
bruenig | ! | 03:36 |
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Jetfighter | Thanks | 03:36 |
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Shelagh | cimenta: Hopefully someone who knows more about hardware is around and can help. | 03:36 |
frtmonste | hi, are there tools to check temprature of the comp in linux? | 03:36 |
Darius08x | bryan, I don't have the option of the second computer to run the ftfp or whatever it was. | 03:36 |
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Darius08x | Is it possible, for someone else to do that, then I download it from there or whatever/ | 03:36 |
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cimenta | any one could help me with setting up my mic? | 03:36 |
Shelagh | cimenta: I can't see any settings in skype to allow changes in mic. | 03:36 |
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hendaus_ | hi everyone, can anyone help me thanx | 03:37 |
h1st0 | cimenta: you can adjust levels in alsamixer or the little speaker by the clock. | 03:37 |
Jetfighter | !ask | hendaus_ | 03:37 |
ubotu | hendaus_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:37 |
=== comadreja [i=jorge@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.comadreja] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
bruenig | !es | hendaus_ | 03:37 |
ubotu | hendaus_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:37 |
h1st0 | !sound > cimenta | 03:37 |
hendaus_ | Jetfighter, thanx | 03:38 |
bruenig | !anyone | Jetfighter | 03:38 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:38 |
hendaus_ | bruenig, :) | 03:38 |
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=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-41-170.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | Why did you anyone me? | 03:38 |
=== mhemu [n=Hive@ip70-162-133-229.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Darius08x | Hmm, well it seems bryans way won't work for me. | 03:38 |
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 03:38 |
Darius08x | Does anyone else know of a way to have a network install of linux? | 03:38 |
Jetfighter | !botabuse > bruenig | 03:38 |
Alpha-Recuiting | will ubuntu work with amd duron processors | 03:39 |
=== gbellmann [n=guille@host80.190-30-98.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !1337 | Jetfighter I was just telling you a better factoid | 03:39 |
ubotu | Jetfighter I was just telling you a better factoid: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357. | 03:39 |
=== chin1 [n=john@c-68-83-177-218.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
hendaus_ | bruenig, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9970/ | 03:39 |
gbellmann | hi, i can't mount my windows partiton, need help!! | 03:39 |
h1st0 | lol 1336 | 03:39 |
Ltar | I'm trying to set up my computer to boot linux with NTLoader, according to this guide: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=last but when I select "ubuntu Linux" at the OS boot select screen, the system restarts immediately. selecting Ubuntu linux a second time always hangs the computer with "GRUB" displaying on an otherwise blank screen. Did I copy the linux boot sector incorrectly? | 03:39 |
Ltar | 03:40 | |
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hendaus_ | bruenig, this shows when i type: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:40 |
jessica^^ | >< | 03:40 |
m1r | ubuntu kiosk mode ? | 03:40 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: booting from cd is not an option? | 03:40 |
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bruenig | gbellmann, what is the name of this partition /dev/what, is it ntfs or fat32? do you want to have it mount automatically at boot or just mount it this once? a little specificity please | 03:40 |
mhemu | does anyone know of a way to make an edgy 6.10 live cd/dvd work with an nvidia gfx card? Every time it loads up all I get is a tiny garbled screen with the default background and a movable mouse.... | 03:40 |
Shelagh | gbellmann: do you know the name of your windows partition? | 03:40 |
cimenta | h1st0: I adjusted it to max but it's still not enough | 03:40 |
cimenta | !sound | 03:40 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:40 |
Darius08x | I can boot from a cd. If the cd has the network install stuff on it. lol. | 03:40 |
h1st0 | cimenta: isn' there a boost in alsamixer | 03:41 |
Darius08x | I've tried multiple times to get diffrent versions of linux to work, and they don't. | 03:41 |
Shelagh | gbellmann: eg /dev/hda5 ? | 03:41 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: booting from a full cd is not an option, it has to be the network install version? | 03:41 |
Darius08x | I can never get far enough in any ububntu versions live cd's to get to install it | 03:41 |
gbellmann | bruenig: /dev/sda1, i want to mount it automatically at boot, so i was trying to mount it now, but can't access it | 03:41 |
h1st0 | cimenta: yeah there is a micboost in alsamixer | 03:42 |
Darius08x | Yeah, apparently my laptop doesn't like live cd's | 03:42 |
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=== GFree [n=nickt@ppp80-61.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Darius08x | I did try one of ubuntu's server cd's | 03:42 |
=== aSt3raL [n=eric@71-217-30-131.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | gbellmann, ntfs or fat32? | 03:42 |
Darius08x | which lets install it directly | 03:42 |
gbellmann | bruenig: ntfs | 03:42 |
Darius08x | I got it installed | 03:42 |
h1st0 | cimenta: or if you double click on the speaker by the clock. | 03:42 |
Darius08x | but I never got to boot it do to errors | 03:42 |
mhemu | Darius08x, what issue are you having when trying to run a live cd? | 03:42 |
cimenta | h1st0: and then? | 03:43 |
h1st0 | cimenta: then you can click edit > preferences and check box the mic boost 20 DB box to have it show in the normal properties | 03:43 |
bruenig | gbellmann, ok first make the mount point, sudo mkdir /media/sda1 | 03:43 |
Ltar | I'm trying to set up my computer to boot linux with NTLoader, according to this guide: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=last but when I select "ubuntu Linux" at the OS boot select screen, the system restarts immediately. selecting Ubuntu linux a second time always hangs the computer with "GRUB" displaying on an otherwise blank screen. Did I copy the linux boot sector incorrectly? | 03:43 |
m1r | ubuntu kiosk mode ??? | 03:43 |
Darius08x | Mhemu, it always freezes. I can never get it to the point for the desktop to even load. | 03:43 |
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bryan986 | Darius08x: somehow I doubt network installation will help that | 03:43 |
Darius08x | I know the cd's are fine because they work on other computers perfectly. | 03:43 |
Darius08x | I networked installed SUSE and DEBIAN | 03:43 |
mhemu | Darius08x, laptop or desktop? | 03:44 |
gbellmann | bruenig: done | 03:44 |
Darius08x | laptop | 03:44 |
jessica^^ | This is what I get: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB (0x0000024a) | 03:44 |
=== Chesney [n=chatzill@ip68-110-229-174.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | !codecs | jessica^^ | 03:44 |
ubotu | jessica^^: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:44 |
cimenta | h1st0: I can't find anything like "check box the mic boost 20 DB box" | 03:44 |
jessica^^ | h1st0: it's not a codecs issue. the right packages are installed. | 03:44 |
h1st0 | jessica^^: check out the first link from ubotu | 03:44 |
mhemu | Darius08x, i read somewhere that some live cds have issues with certain ide controllers that result in a system not being able to do anything...don't think it applies to you though | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | m1r, kde has a koiisk feature. and theres several firefox koisk extensions | 03:45 |
bruenig | gbellmann, do gksu gedit /etc/fstab and add this line to it "/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0" | 03:45 |
h1st0 | cimenta: well it says Mic Boost 20db and there is a little box next to it? Click the little box to check it | 03:45 |
Darius08x | I think its just my computer being dumb. But network install cd's seem to work | 03:45 |
bruenig | gbellmann, no quote though obviously | 03:45 |
m1r | any help on that Dr_willis ? | 03:45 |
hendaus_ | Jetfighter, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9970/ | 03:45 |
Dr_willis | m1r, other then 'go google for the info' - not really :) | 03:45 |
hendaus_ | Jetfighter, this shows when i type: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:45 |
h1st0 | cimenta: that is under preference for the volume-manager | 03:45 |
m1r | tty m8 | 03:45 |
mhemu | Darius08x, does anything show up once ubuntu is loaded into system memory? | 03:45 |
Dr_willis | m1r, the firefox extensions are easy to find. IF they do what you need. is another question | 03:46 |
m1r | :) | 03:46 |
Dr_willis | !find koisk | 03:46 |
m1r | only KDE | 03:46 |
ubotu | Package/file koisk does not exist in edgy | 03:46 |
jessica^^ | h1st0: I have all these packages installed... | 03:46 |
bryan986 | Darius08x: I thought there was a cd iso that would do a network installation, but I can't seem to find it now lol | 03:46 |
Darius08x | I've gotten as far as it saying its loading the desktop or something liek that, then it plays some music, then it freezes. | 03:46 |
m1r | ubotu ? | 03:46 |
Dr_willis | m1r, gnome may have a similer feature.. but it depends on what you are doing i guess | 03:46 |
m1r | i explain simple | 03:46 |
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Jrabbit | Who woudl I ask if I wanted ot make a GNOME applet displayign parsed data from a website? | 03:47 |
m1r | internet terminal for my organization | 03:47 |
gbellmann | bruenig: it's ready | 03:47 |
=== fyrmedic [n=brad@65-100-178-195.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m1r | restricred accses only to members | 03:47 |
Darius08x | I'd assume there would be bryan, but I couldn't find it either. | 03:47 |
h1st0 | cimenta: http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/8428/seear6.png | 03:47 |
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | gbellmann, ok it should now automatically mount at boot, if you want to mount it now "sudo mount -a" | 03:47 |
chris_ | can anybody help me fix my libsdl1.2debian package? | 03:47 |
cimenta | h1st0: double click on speak icon opens Volume Control window. I just can't find any boost box in thre | 03:47 |
mhemu | Darius08x, well, you're farther than my computer can go. It accesses the cd and starts to load ubuntu but when it's finished I get a garbled image with a working mouse... | 03:47 |
fyrmedic | Anyone know what command will return my MAC address from my onboard wireless lan card? | 03:47 |
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jessica^^ | fyrmedic: /sbin/iwconfig | 03:48 |
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h1st0 | cimenta: then click on edit and preferences in the volume control window | 03:48 |
Chesney | Got a question for you guys. I've been in and out of here today with this problem. I've been making some headway. Anyway my question is this time. I've got a Linksys WMP54G PCI wireless card with an Ralink chipset. I don't have a problem using sudo iwlist wlan0 scan, getting it to show me available networks. Its when I configure it sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ch.home.net key 0000-0000-00 mode... | 03:48 |
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chesney | ...Master. It seems to work fine. but then when I preform a sudo iwconfig wlan0. It is still telling me that excryption is off. | 03:48 |
=== adrigen [n=adrigen@218-215-33-117.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chris_ | fyrmedic, iwconfig | 03:48 |
Ltar | I'm trying to set up my computer to boot linux with NTLoader, according to this guide: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=last but when I select "ubuntu Linux" at the OS boot select screen, the system restarts immediately. selecting Ubuntu linux a second time always hangs the computer with "GRUB" displaying on an otherwise blank screen. I didn't know for certain which partition of the linu | 03:48 |
m1r | tnx for tips on torent , who ever reported b4 :) | 03:48 |
Shelagh | fyrmedic: ifconfig will give your that. | 03:48 |
Darius08x | Well, that still doesn't help much. :p I have a lot of friends who run ubuntu and they can help me run mysql, apache, php, perl, etc. | 03:48 |
fyrmedic | ok thanks | 03:48 |
chris_ | can anybody help me fix my libsdl1.2debian package? | 03:48 |
Darius08x | Thats all I really want to do. | 03:48 |
hendaus_ | bruenig, i dont know what happen | 03:49 |
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Darius08x | But since I'm on debian, and am too inept to understand I guide, I can't do anything. | 03:49 |
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bruenig | hendaus_, don't direct things to me, do it to the channel | 03:49 |
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gbellmann | bruenig: thanks!! | 03:49 |
R3MiX | h1st0, whered you get that system info app? | 03:49 |
cimenta | h1st0: how can I send you my screenshot? | 03:49 |
=== Wewt [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | gbellmann, np | 03:50 |
h1st0 | R3MiX: its just conky | 03:50 |
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=== AndrewB_ [n=andy@88-109-46-122.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hendaus_ | oK | 03:50 |
Jetfighter | cimenta, www.kxuk.net/bucket | 03:50 |
Jetfighter | Upload it there, use the direct link | 03:50 |
h1st0 | cimenta: did you click on edit then preferences? | 03:50 |
hendaus_ | anyone help me what happen here --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9970/ | 03:50 |
=== Berto [n=roberto@pool-72-67-192-142.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cimenta | h1st0: yes | 03:50 |
bruenig | my conky is the best http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m290/bruenig/12182006.png | 03:50 |
chris_ | can anybody tell me where to download a patched version of libsdl1.2debian package? | 03:51 |
gbellmann | now, my back speakers do not make any sound | 03:51 |
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Darius08x | :\ | 03:51 |
Berto | hi - XMMS from the 6.10 ubuntu sources crashes very consistently -- is there a source repository where i can rebuild my own deb from source? | 03:51 |
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gbellmann | i have a realtek 850 | 03:51 |
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caju | hi all! | 03:52 |
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cimenta | h1st0: http://www.kxuk.net/bucket/show_comp.php?id=c24302041&name=Screenshot.png | 03:52 |
chris_ | can anybody tell me where to download a patched version of libsdl1.2debian package? | 03:52 |
tom47 | !sound | 03:52 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:52 |
chasmarang | Hi People - Can anyone help with a problem that my computer goes to sleep and I can get it to come out | 03:52 |
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caju | I have ltsp server configured | 03:52 |
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Chesney | Got a question for you guys. I've been in and out of here today with this problem. I've been making some headway. Anyway my question is this time. I've got a Linksys WMP54G PCI wireless card with an Ralink chipset. I don't have a problem using sudo iwlist wlan0 scan, getting it to show me available networks. Its when I configure it sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ch.home.net key 0000-0000-00 mode... | 03:52 |
Chesney | ...Master. It seems to work fine. but then when I preform a sudo iwconfig wlan0. It is still telling me that encryption is off. as far as I can tell its not connecting either. | 03:52 |
caju | and need help with remote printers? | 03:52 |
=== RedRose [n=RedRose@cpe-76-183-30-81.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caju | who can help? | 03:53 |
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h1st0 | cimenta: hrm... close that and open run alsamixer in a terminal. You can move the right or left with the arrows and adjust the levels with up or down. To exit hit esc. Go to the right in there and look for mic boost. | 03:53 |
mhemu | Chesney, what kind of encryption you trying to run? | 03:53 |
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RedRose | I have 6.10, when I try to goto tty1, its just a messed up screen, anyone know what will fix that? | 03:53 |
chris_ | can anybody tell me where to download a patched version of libsdl1.2debian package? | 03:53 |
Chesney | mhemu: 64bit WEP | 03:54 |
bruenig | chris_, no nobody can tell you that | 03:54 |
chris_ | bruenig, why not? | 03:54 |
Ltar | I'm trying to set up my computer to boot linux with NTLoader, according to this guide: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=last but when I select "ubuntu Linux" at the OS boot select screen, the system restarts immediately. selecting Ubuntu linux a second time always hangs the computer with "GRUB" displaying on an otherwise blank screen. I didn't know for certain which partition of the linu | 03:54 |
bruenig | chris_, because they don't know which is why the didn't respond to the first twenty times you asked it | 03:54 |
RedRose | !tty | 03:54 |
ubotu | To get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). | 03:54 |
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chris_ | bruenig, then how the hell am i supposed to get help fixing it if your just going to bitch at me for asking about it | 03:55 |
bruenig | !repeat | chris_ | 03:55 |
ubotu | chris_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:55 |
m1r | how to ... ntfs read/write setup ? | 03:55 |
Ltar | so angry... | 03:55 |
=== ecker [n=ecker@69-174-104-218.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Darius08x | Anyone else have any further help with my installation problem? Since a network cd seems to be the only thing that my computer likes. ): | 03:55 |
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caju | ltsp usb printer | 03:55 |
Ltar | lol | 03:56 |
guspad | is someone using hdaps on a thinpad ? | 03:56 |
chasmarang | Hi People - Can anyone help with a problem that my computer goes to sleep and I can get it to come out | 03:56 |
caju | help | 03:56 |
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tom47 | !ntfs > m1r | 03:56 |
Superdave132 | should I run the no script plug-in on ubuntu firefox? | 03:56 |
Ltar | Superdave132why not? | 03:56 |
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Chesney | mhemu: the encryption key shows up in /etc/network/interfaces as well in the form of 00:00:00:00:00 (leaving out the actual numbers of course) but sudo iwconfig wlan0 returns "Encryption: off" | 03:56 |
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erisco | what is the command to reinstall a package? | 03:57 |
m1r | tnx tom :) | 03:57 |
gbellmann | i will need to reinstall windows one of this days and i know it will erase the mbr, how can i reinstall grub? | 03:57 |
bruenig | erisco, sudo apt-get --reinstall package | 03:57 |
Ltar | Superdave132: you should only run the noscript plugin in Ubuntu firefox if you want the functionality that it affords. | 03:57 |
erisco | bruenig, thanks | 03:57 |
vox754 | I can't take this off my mind, what is the keyboard shortcut to open the menu of the titlebar of a gnome window? I'm sure it is some Ctrl+Alt+ something. | 03:57 |
Superdave132 | just wondering if scripts are just a s dangerous in linux? | 03:57 |
bruenig | Superdave132, no they aren't | 03:58 |
mhemu | Chesney, i never had any issues with wep, my problems were with WPA. lo siento | 03:58 |
Ltar | Superdave132: oh, that I don't know, I only know that a lot of scripts are annoying, and noscript saves me that annoyance. | 03:58 |
ecker | i just got me a 15" and a 19" lcd and with both ubuntu/kununtu, when i reboot as soon as i pass grub the monitors go out of range until i get to gdm. anyone why? i change the horiz/vert sync and everything in xorg. i not really sure what the deal is | 03:58 |
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Superdave132 | ok thanks everyone | 03:58 |
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gbellmann | i will need to reinstall windows one of this days and i know it will erase the mbr, how can i reinstall grub? | 03:58 |
Chesney | gbellmann: just went trhough the same problem. boot with a live cd, mount the linux partition run /sbin/grub grub > root (hd0,0) grub > setup (hd0) putting your linux boot partition in the root sector | 03:59 |
Jetfighter | What is the freenode support channel | 03:59 |
=== oni-dracula [n=oni@68-189-162-172.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | ecker: that happened to me also, but I don't remember... wait, I changed the driver from "vesa" to my "via"... I can't really recall. | 03:59 |
Chesney | gbellmann: ie if boot is the second partition (hd0,1) | 03:59 |
Jetfighter | What is the Freenode support channel? | 03:59 |
bruenig | !repeat | Jetfighter | 03:59 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:59 |
cimenta | h1st0: nothing like mic boost in there. I tried external mic and it | 03:59 |
h1st0 | Jetfighter: /j #help | 03:59 |
=== Where [n=Where@adsl-212-184-180.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cimenta | h1st0: and it's better but still not great | 04:00 |
Jetfighter | !botabuse > bruenig | 04:00 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, how is that bot abuse, explain that to me | 04:00 |
Where | !botabuse > Where | 04:00 |
Chesney | !grub > gbellmann | 04:00 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, how is that bot abuse, explain that to me | 04:00 |
=== ShakaGoldSaint [n=eleazar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | look I can be as annoying and arrogant as the people who repeat | 04:01 |
bruenig | look I can be as annoying and arrogant as the people who repeat | 04:01 |
gbellmann | chesney: thanks | 04:01 |
=== RogerW [n=rogerw@209-248-123-173.falconbroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Whiz2 [n=Whiz_2@69-175-89-30.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chesney | gbellmann: sure thing. | 04:01 |
tom47 | ((((((((( bruenig ))))))))) | 04:01 |
vox754 | bruenig: good one. Don't worry, I appreciate your job here. | 04:01 |
erisco | if I want to use allegro with C, what package should I download? I cannot seem to find the right one. | 04:01 |
ecker | vox754 hmm. well not really sure that would help because then my graphics aren't going to be all that great. because i have the nvidia driver installed =( | 04:01 |
Whiz2 | I need assistance configuring php5, and lighttpd so that they work together | 04:01 |
h1st0 | cimenta: hrm... maybe a post on the forums http://www.ubuntuforums.org with your problem and your sound card model would help? Did you try following the instructions from ubotu for sound problems? | 04:02 |
vox754 | ecker: yeah, I tell you. It happened to me, but suddenly it does not anymore... | 04:02 |
=== MethodOne [n=methodon@h69-131-36-76.69-131.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Berto | my KDE settings are set to 12-hour time, but the applet still says the time in 24-hour time. Does anyone else have that issue? | 04:02 |
Chesney | Guys anyone really good with wireless on ubuntu =P I'm in need of some simple help =) | 04:02 |
h1st0 | Berto: did you try right clicking on the applet and setting it in there? | 04:03 |
h1st0 | Berto: also you may want to try asking in #kubuntu | 04:03 |
kronoman | I have a little problem : when I boot my system, fsck says a error in my root /dev/hda1 and that I have to run fsck manually ; | 04:03 |
Berto | h1st0, the applet itself doesn't show display properties, but you can right-click and go to the date/time format | 04:03 |
Berto | h1st0, true... | 04:03 |
vox754 | Chesney: you were having that WPA issue and fixed your boot something? | 04:03 |
kronoman | but, when I reboot in a Live CD and run fsck, it says that everything is fine | 04:03 |
kronoman | but, if I reboot in hard disk, same thing happens | 04:03 |
Chesney | vox754: I got the grub problem fixed. But i'm still having a problem with the wireless | 04:04 |
=== fu-k-t [n=fukt@66-48-222-209.mycybernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | kronoman: it just needs to do a fsck check on boot. Let me try to find the command hold up | 04:04 |
=== s|k [n=bjorn@ip70-171-205-244.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s|k | hi | 04:04 |
s|k | is fluxbox available on ubuntu? | 04:04 |
chasmarang | Hi People - Can anyone help with a problem that my computer goes to sleep and I can get it to come out | 04:04 |
bruenig | s|k, sudo apt-get install fluxbox | 04:05 |
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Chesney | vox754: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan scans just fine. I just cant get the stupid thing to connect. Through the system administrator Netowrk interface, or through the terminal. | 04:05 |
s|k | bruenig: does it show up as a session option and is it compatible with xubuntu? | 04:05 |
s|k | hrm | 04:05 |
fu-k-t | i made a configuration change to gnome-panel and now it crashes every time i try to start it. where can i find the configuration file, so i can manually change it back? i did a locate gnome-panel and didn't find anything useful | 04:05 |
vox754 | s|k: type "aptitude search fluxbox" and "aptitude show fluxbox" | 04:05 |
bruenig | s|k, it shows up as a session option, not sure what you mean by compatible with xubuntu. | 04:05 |
h1st0 | kronoman: someone else on here may know . Can you boot the system in recovery mode or anything? | 04:06 |
boredandblogging | anyone have a webpage that has a non-technical description of ubuntu and linux? Like what I would want to tell a non-technical person if I was trying to sell them on Ubuntu? | 04:06 |
bruenig | s|k, I used it with xubuntu for 20 min before I vomited and removed it and I didn't notice any functionality problems | 04:06 |
tom47 | my sound volume has stopped responding to the slider on the task bar | 04:06 |
s|k | bruenig: well installing ubuntu-desktop if you have xubuntu-desktop uninstalls some xubuntu things | 04:06 |
kronoman | h1st0: I'm on the system right now, I booted using a Live CD | 04:06 |
Berto | h1st0, turns out i have to restart kde... pretty weak... ;-/ | 04:06 |
s|k | bruenig: oh it's bad then :( | 04:06 |
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s|k | ok I'll try it | 04:06 |
s|k | thanks | 04:06 |
vox754 | Chesney: I'd be worried if it didn't work from the terminal. Bad luck. | 04:07 |
bruenig | s|k, I just am not a fluxbox person, it wasn't bad, it was just not my preference | 04:07 |
h1st0 | kronoman: can you boot to the hd though and not use the live disk? Or does it halt at that error? | 04:07 |
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=== barnball [n=dave@74-32-141-80.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s|k | it's not finding fluxbox | 04:07 |
bruenig | !info fluxbox | 04:07 |
ubotu | fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB | 04:07 |
kronoman | h1st0: I can boot , the thing goes like this : fsck error -> root command prompt -> "exit" -> boot | 04:07 |
bruenig | s|k, you need to have the universe repo enabled | 04:07 |
barnball | hello all | 04:07 |
s|k | oh I see | 04:07 |
bruenig | !hi | barnball | 04:08 |
ubotu | barnball: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:08 |
=== Moonshine [n=david@CPE-124-191-248-109.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chesney | vox754: iwconifg wlan0 essid ch.home.net key 0000000000 (or 0000-0000-00) mode master, it doesnt return an error, unless I disable the dvice through the interface. Then it works, but if I bring it back up, and iwconfig wlan0 returns it exists, it says essid : ch.home.net but says the encryption is off. Even though /etc/network/interfaces shows wlan0 as having a key and setup for essid ch.home.net | 04:08 |
h1st0 | kronoman: well when you get to the root command prompt type in | 04:08 |
h1st0 | kronoman: shutdown -F -r now | 04:08 |
vox754 | bruenig: can you please modify the bot !hi message so that is says something like !ask and !anyone beside, of course, "hi". | 04:08 |
Whiz2 | anyone here know how to configure lighttpd, and php5 so they work together? | 04:08 |
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | kronoman: that will force a reboot and run fsck on the next boot to fix the problem. | 04:09 |
barnball | currently running xandros 4....and its driving me insane lol, heard alot of good things about ubuntu and considering switching over...just pokin around right now | 04:09 |
h1st0 | kronoman: hopefully. | 04:09 |
bruenig | vox754, I am powerless | 04:09 |
bruenig | !ubuntu | barnball | 04:09 |
ubotu | barnball: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 04:09 |
kronoman | h1st0: great, thanks!! | 04:09 |
h1st0 | Whiz2: google is your friend i'm sure there are plenty of tuts on the net. | 04:09 |
barnball | if i switch can i keep my /home folder intact? or will i have to do a clean install? | 04:10 |
=== R3MiX [i=r00t@66-190-231-127.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RedRose | I have 6.10, when I try to goto tty1, its just a messed up screen, anyone know what will fix that? | 04:10 |
h1st0 | kronoman: make sure you use a capital F linux is case sensitive | 04:10 |
Eleaf | abiword is so buggy, it shows white splotches everywhere.. | 04:10 |
vox754 | Chesney: "mode master" ? what does that do? I have "mode managed". Also, set the key from the terminal "key open 1234567890" I think. | 04:10 |
=== oklien [n=oklien@ti100710a081-7084.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | barnball, you could keep it in tact so long as it is on a different partition | 04:10 |
h1st0 | barnball: if you have your /home on a seperate partition and you tell the installer to use that as your home. You shouldn't have a problem. | 04:10 |
vox754 | bruenig: I thought you were a registered user that could modify bot messages... | 04:11 |
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h1st0 | vox754: anyone can modify bot messages | 04:11 |
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bruenig | vox754, there is something you can do to suggest a change something like, !no hi is hello welcome to ubuntu blah blah blah. I forget the exact syntax | 04:11 |
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=== SaveFerris [n=jordan@12-215-220-180.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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vox754 | h1st0: without being registered? | 04:11 |
Chesney | vox754: the way I understood the man pages ( i could have verywell misunderstood them) but I thought master telling it to use the ap | 04:11 |
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viper | hi guys | 04:12 |
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bruenig | !hi | viper | 04:12 |
ubotu | viper: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:12 |
h1st0 | vox754: just register your user with nickserv I think is all you need. | 04:12 |
SaveFerris | Hey all, whats the best way to setup a keyboard shortcut to terminal in Edgy? | 04:12 |
=== Wingz [n=chatzill@124-168-129-14.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dts [n=dennis@adsl-71-141-111-181.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gateway | hi | 04:12 |
viper | New to UBUNTU and linux in general.. gettig rid of windows (except for a few games i like) | 04:12 |
vox754 | h1st0: that is what I tell you. I am not registered. | 04:12 |
Wingz | woaw | 04:12 |
Wingz | There's alotta people | 04:12 |
=== netrat [n=agood@tlm-adsl77.konnect.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | nah | 04:12 |
gateway | i new in ubuntu | 04:12 |
Artemis3 | less than 1000 | 04:13 |
h1st0 | vox754: well its easy to register you can /msg nickserv help for more information | 04:13 |
Wingz | less than 1000 and that's bad? | 04:13 |
Wingz | dang | 04:13 |
h1st0 | vox754: then you can receive pms etc... | 04:13 |
Wingz | You must have alotta people | 04:13 |
Artemis3 | yeah, its a slow sunday i guess | 04:13 |
bruenig | viper, question... | 04:13 |
rnd_null | XDM is there is way to login to my other machine via xdm without logging out of my current session first? | 04:13 |
vox754 | SaveFerris: Atl+F2, "gnome-terminal", I set a terminal upon start up. | 04:13 |
h1st0 | Wingz: this room moves fast. | 04:13 |
=== ohnonoagain [n=phill@c220-237-48-146.sunsh7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wingz | lol | 04:13 |
viper | In windows I am a neat freak and sort my start menu into catagories ( ie my games menu is sorted into War/Tycoon/Sim/Sports etc | 04:13 |
Wingz | Sign, i'm still downloading ubuntu | 04:13 |
Wingz | 700 Mb man | 04:13 |
Wingz | big | 04:13 |
viper | how do I do the same with Gnome? | 04:13 |
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h1st0 | viper: edit the menu | 04:14 |
viper | Or is KDE a better option? | 04:14 |
Artemis3 | 700MiB? nah 30mins or something | 04:14 |
bruenig | viper, in gnome, good luck if you can figure that out | 04:14 |
barnball | ok, what if my disk is all one partition....any way to do it without throwing another harddrive in? | 04:14 |
h1st0 | viper: right click on applications and go to edit menus | 04:14 |
Chesney | vox754: I'm going to give this yet another go. Thanks for the advice | 04:14 |
vox754 | Chesney: well I recommend you "man iwconfig", "man ifconfig", and definitely "mode managed", I assume you are trying this right now... | 04:14 |
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netrat | viper: right click the menu, the click Edit Menus. LOL | 04:14 |
viper | i did that | 04:14 |
viper | and none of my changes stick | 04:14 |
barnball | im guessing not lol... | 04:14 |
bruenig | viper, I can't imagine being able to do that | 04:14 |
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Artemis3 | barnball, assuming you have done your backup, just in case, you can resize your partition and leave free space | 04:14 |
viper | gnome needs drag and drop menus | 04:14 |
=== Chesney [n=chatzill@ip68-110-229-174.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wingz | @ Artimis | 04:15 |
Wingz | I'm capped | 04:15 |
vox754 | h1st0: yeah I tried the registration once but I haven't tried since, these automatic messages from nickserv aren't very clear sometimes... I'll try it another day. | 04:15 |
Chesney | vox754: sorry I missed your last message, mind sending it again? | 04:15 |
Wingz | so like dial-up speeds | 04:15 |
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barnball | true...alrighty i think im gonna give it a shot :-D thanx all | 04:15 |
vox754 | Chesney: well I recommend you "man iwconfig", "man ifconfig", and definitely "mode managed", I assume you are trying this right now... | 04:15 |
=== barnball [n=dave@74-32-141-80.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
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h1st0 | vox754: yeah just message it with help and it gives you all the instructions | 04:15 |
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Artemis3 | Wingz, so you have like 4KB/sec= | 04:16 |
Chesney | vox754: yup, gonna give it a shot. Thanks again. | 04:16 |
Wingz | Guy, how do you chance IRC setting so that only IP is shown? | 04:16 |
tom47 | viper try the Menu Layout under System > Preferences | 04:16 |
Wingz | @ artmis lol yeah | 04:16 |
Wingz | guys* | 04:16 |
=== Dial_tone [i=Dial_ton@ip72-211-242-6.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dial_tone | join #asp | 04:16 |
=== jimd3299 [n=jim@adsl-71-143-24-119.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bruenig | viper, your setup that you want is not very common, you are the only one in fact that I have ever seen wanting something like that. It is not a priority then to add that functionality. Usually if someone wants more functionality, they go to the command line, not to the gui. | 04:16 |
viper | ok my changes are there now? like 5 minutes later.. whats with that??? | 04:16 |
=== rwxr-xr-- [n=freaky@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | Wingz, sad to hear, maybe you can find a friend nearby with a better link | 04:16 |
Wingz | yeah | 04:16 |
arrow__ | does anyone know of a good tax program (american) for ubuntu? | 04:17 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, is this thing even allowed as a nick? | 04:17 |
dustin | arrow i use complete tax it is online | 04:17 |
bruenig | arrow__, just efile | 04:17 |
=== widoooo [n=ubuntu@dslb-088-065-030-160.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | h1st0: well, anyway... can you change the !hi message with something like "!hi welcome to ubuntu support channel, don't say hi just ask your question" | 04:17 |
rwxr-xr-- | i m trying to access in yahoo,Msn,irc,icq Through GAIM.. but dont know nothing works with GAIM | 04:17 |
arrow__ | bruenig: I haven't filed in three years, so they won't let me | 04:17 |
StoneNote | arrow__, http://taxgeek.sourceforge.net/ | 04:17 |
viper | GNOME or KDE with UBUNTU which is the better choice? | 04:18 |
rwxr-xr-- | Artemis3, : its its my Registered nIck | 04:18 |
icicled | everything works with gaim | 04:18 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, gaim works with all... | 04:18 |
arrow__ | StoneNote: thx | 04:18 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, that it might crash is another issue ;) | 04:18 |
bruenig | arrow__, hmmm seems like you would have a problem regardless of how you do it | 04:18 |
icicled | viper, do you intend to start a flame war? =P | 04:18 |
Wingz | Guys, who do you chang it so that your ISP isn't show then someone does WHOIS on you? | 04:18 |
rwxr-xr-- | Artemis3, : Not Working Here Thats why i m using Xchat | 04:18 |
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=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
matthew__ | how do you apply a patch? | 04:18 |
rwxr-xr-- | and Amsn for Messenger | 04:18 |
icicled | patch -p1 < patch | 04:18 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, at least i have aim, icq, msn y! accounts opened right now | 04:19 |
rwxr-xr-- | for yahoo is any seprate Version for Ubuntu-Desktop | 04:19 |
icicled | in working directory: patch -p1 < the_patch | 04:19 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, and tried irc but like xchat better | 04:19 |
icicled | aka source directory | 04:19 |
=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | viper: I think GNOME with Ubuntu is more stable since it was developed first, but others will disagree saying that only the desktop changes and the underlying is the same. | 04:19 |
viper | what'sa flame war? | 04:19 |
icicled | i use xfce | 04:19 |
icicled | xubuntu | 04:19 |
bruenig | xfce is pretty stable | 04:19 |
icicled | its all the same | 04:19 |
Artemis3 | hmm sort of | 04:19 |
bruenig | so long as you aren't incompetent, stability is pretty consistent across the buntus | 04:19 |
icicled | but yes, i agree that the gnome default is easier out of the box | 04:19 |
Where|here | viper: a flame war is when a bunch of Internet users have a big fight using hostile language | 04:20 |
viper | I am a windows master.. but what to expand my horizons | 04:20 |
icicled | then experiment with all the desktops | 04:20 |
matthew__ | when I run patch -p1 < patch it says "File to patch:" what do I put there? | 04:20 |
bruenig | that new feisty bit with auto install of codecs is so tedious | 04:20 |
=== bhasker [n=bhasker@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tom47 | viper gnome vs kde is a suck it and see preference matter | 04:21 |
viper | in the last 3 days i have installed ubuntu, got my nvidia 6800 working with multiple desktops and tv out, got myth working with my tv card i think that is pretty good for a beginner | 04:21 |
Artemis3 | matthew__, well of course, you are supposed to patch something dont you? | 04:21 |
EADG | Anybody know a # where I can get help with cli Festival? (#festival don't exist) | 04:21 |
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rwxr-xr-- | is any seprate yahoo messenger for Ubuntu-Desktop | 04:21 |
tom47 | viper yes seems fair | 04:21 |
Where|here | viper: Good job :) | 04:21 |
viper | And i Can't believe organizing my gnome menu is that hard | 04:21 |
matthew__ | Yes, what i want to patch is Pysol. I type that in and it says "no such file or directory" | 04:21 |
=== kronoman [n=kronoman@88-73-16-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | viper, getting MythTV working.. is impressive. :) | 04:22 |
Artemis3 | matthew__, iirc it was something like patch -p1 whatyouwantpatched < thepatchitself | 04:22 |
kronoman | h1st0: well, the check failed :( | 04:22 |
viper | myth tv is working GOOD | 04:22 |
bruenig | viper, gnome is awful for that, it is not meant for that kind of configuration. If you want that go to kde. | 04:22 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-41-170.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mojo__ [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | matthew__, but check the man page as i can be wrong ;) | 04:22 |
vox754 | viper: somebody told me here that GNOME wasn't supposed to be that configurable... mmm... you could donate to the cause with money... | 04:22 |
viper | and even better i have it working on my tv out.. so it can run while I am still using my desktop on another monitor | 04:22 |
=== colbert [n=Bill@CPE000802b64568-CM014320000572.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matthew__ | I don't know what file i'm supposed to patch is the problem. | 04:22 |
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=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@c-24-19-27-125.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viper | already donated over $100 | 04:23 |
Dr_willis | the gnome devs dont want it to be that configurable.. that makes it 'harder to use' | 04:23 |
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@h-67-102-70-2.snfccasy.covad.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | matthew__, i think you can patch folders too | 04:23 |
Dr_willis | but we dont watn to start this flame-fest here. :) | 04:23 |
h1st0 | kronoman: did you get an error or what it failed on? | 04:23 |
viper | ok last lame question.. how do i install KDE on UBUNTU? | 04:23 |
hendaus_ | can anyone help me | 04:24 |
kronoman | h1st0: well, the check in /dev/hda1 went fine, then checked all the other partitions fine, but after that, it puts " inconsistency on / with inodes " or something around that | 04:24 |
=== elpargo_ [n=elpargo@232samana81.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kronoman | h1st0: seems that the problem is when it mounts, not when it runs the fsck | 04:24 |
=== Lr5 [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viper | Oh yea.. i even for my windows NTFS SATA partitions mounted | 04:24 |
viper | read/write | 04:24 |
kronoman | h1st0: it says "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY" | 04:24 |
bruenig | viper, you can fresh install kubuntu, or you can do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and then just pick which one you want to boot into at login | 04:25 |
kronoman | h1st0: with uppercase and all | 04:25 |
bruenig | not really boot into but whatever I am tired | 04:25 |
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h1st0 | kronoman: and it passes on a fsck from livecd? | 04:25 |
StoneNote | viper, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde | 04:25 |
kronoman | h1st0: totally, even with -f parameter | 04:26 |
=== SiliconViper [i=colstrom@S01060013107698ba.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waldo | is this the place to ask why an apt-get upgrade that didn't update the kernel broke lirc? | 04:26 |
kronoman | h1st0: I did a check with fsck.ext3fs, with fsck alone, with and without -f and -v and everything is fine, says clean filesystem | 04:26 |
hendaus_ | so noone is free now to help ? | 04:26 |
viper | ok installing kde right now | 04:26 |
viper | thank you | 04:26 |
R3MiX | hendaus_, what do you need help with? | 04:26 |
viper | I even backed up a dvd | 04:26 |
qwewqe | im trying to play avi files on totem i installed totem-xine but i get a unsupported format error not sure what im doing wrong | 04:26 |
=== magical [i=magical@dasher.sh3lls.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magical | HI | 04:26 |
magical | @ ALL | 04:26 |
=== Plamo [n=Plamo@S01060004e2d9dca9.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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viper | the dvd i backed up looks even better then the ones i did with CLONEDVD and ANYDVD in windows i am impressed | 04:27 |
vox754 | waldo: so, does lirc really work? what card? | 04:27 |
hendaus_ | R3MiX, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9970/ | 04:27 |
bruenig | qwewqe, avi is simply a container, what it contains is giving you problems which we don't know. But try sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs and check out the restricted formats page | 04:27 |
viper | i also have lirc almost working | 04:27 |
viper | works half the time | 04:27 |
bruenig | !restricted | qwewqe | 04:27 |
ubotu | qwewqe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:27 |
kronoman | talking about DVDs, what is a good medium to save digital photos for the future (now that seems that my disk is fsck) | 04:27 |
waldo | vox754: lirc used to work. | 04:27 |
hendaus_ | R3MiX, this happen when i am installing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
Plamo | I need a hand... | 04:28 |
waldo | vox754: hauppauge pvr-150 | 04:28 |
Plamo | I'm completely new to linux, and ubuntu. | 04:28 |
Plamo | I tried installing it. | 04:28 |
Plamo | but it kinda just stopped at about 95% | 04:28 |
bruenig | !enter | Plamo | 04:28 |
ubotu | Plamo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:28 |
Plamo | Sorry :X | 04:28 |
Plamo | should I type that out again in one line? | 04:28 |
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waldo | Plamo: it's a bot | 04:28 |
=== BigMac [n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BigMac | Seveas: You here | 04:29 |
crdlb | Plamo, no, but in the future yes | 04:29 |
Plamo | I have a tendancy to talk to bots.. | 04:29 |
R3MiX | hendaus_, broken route maybe? try pinging the ip address. | 04:29 |
=== Ra2 [i=quasar@c-69-254-187-229.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viper | I just wish UBUNTU would run my fav windows games like RAILROADS! and AGE OF EMPIRES 2 | 04:29 |
rwxr-xr-- | is There are seprate yahoo messenger Version for Ubuntu | 04:29 |
ToddEDM | hey, is there a flash plugin package for amd64? | 04:29 |
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ToddEDM | !flash | 04:29 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | viper, install dosbox and play the old dos games. :) | 04:29 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 04:29 |
tag | apt is segfaulting on my box | 04:29 |
Toma- | viper: it does... you must ask the correct question first. | 04:29 |
tag | stat64("/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i3 | 04:30 |
tag | 86_Packages", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3913703, ...}) = 0 | 04:30 |
tag | --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) --- | 04:30 |
vox754 | Plamo: for installation questions you tell about your hardware, motherboards, video cards, everything... | 04:30 |
lkthomas | LOL opppsss | 04:30 |
hendaus_ | R3MiX, yes my adsl disconnect many times,so what can i do now repeat the code or what? | 04:30 |
kronoman | dear people, my file system reports "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY", when I boot, but it pass the fsck tests of the live CD... what can I do ? | 04:30 |
lkthomas | tag, you are screw :) | 04:30 |
rwxr-xr-- | is There any seprate yahoo messenger Version for Ubuntu | 04:30 |
viper | how do i run age of empires 2 in linux? | 04:30 |
Plamo | uh oh | 04:30 |
tag | lkthomas: ? | 04:30 |
R3MiX | hendaus_, yes, try to run it again | 04:30 |
viper | with support for gamespy? | 04:30 |
tag | wonder why the fuck it would segfault on a stat64() | 04:30 |
Ltar | hey, will the mouse touchpad on my IBM thinkpad work with ubuntu? | 04:30 |
Dr_willis | rwxr-xr--, gaim, and some others can do yahoomessenger chat and a few other features | 04:30 |
bruenig | rwxr-xr--, there is a separate yahoo messenger for linux and it is awful | 04:30 |
waldo | Ltar: yes | 04:30 |
Dr_willis | rwxr-xr--, the official Yahoo client - is old and nasty | 04:30 |
hendaus_ | R3MiX, ok | 04:30 |
BigMac | hey what is the command that I would use to update to feisty? | 04:30 |
bruenig | !upgrading | BigMac | 04:31 |
ubotu | BigMac: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:31 |
Toma- | viper: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=147 | 04:31 |
=== enkidu [n=enkidu@c-24-10-0-53.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | !wine | viper | 04:31 |
ubotu | viper: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:31 |
Plamo | Well, I'm on an HP machine, ATI graphics card, 256mb, my motherboad I dont know about, I'm afraid. | 04:31 |
Dr_willis | rwxr-xr--, the official WIndows Yahoo Messenger client is new and EVEN nastier. :) | 04:31 |
CaptainMorgan | are there any default editors that can perform a search-and-replace ? gedit can only peform a search | 04:31 |
shadowpool1 | Hello everyone! | 04:31 |
waldo | CaptainMorgan: vim | 04:31 |
bruenig | CaptainMorgan, vim | 04:31 |
crdlb | CaptainMorgan, gedit can replace | 04:32 |
Dr_willis | CaptainMorgan, im suprised gedit cant replace.. you sure you dident just miss it. | 04:32 |
bruenig | CaptainMorgan, you can use sed too if you want, not really an editor | 04:32 |
=== tm24fan [n=tony@def-main-72-11-3-2.wls.metalink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | crdlb, how? | 04:32 |
ToddEDM | does anyone know where i could find a flash 9 package for AMD64 | 04:32 |
waldo | gedit is also crap. | 04:32 |
viper | but age of empires need DIRECT X | 04:32 |
kronoman | Caplain: try CTRL+H in gedit | 04:32 |
bruenig | ToddEDM, none exists | 04:32 |
=== Wingz [n=chatzill@124-168-129-14.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rwxr-xr-- | Dr_willis, how can i install it on Ubuntu :S | 04:32 |
Dr_willis | viper, wine/cedega/ect... | 04:32 |
vox754 | Ltar: wassap | 04:32 |
crdlb | CaptainMorgan, search -> Replace | 04:32 |
Ltar | viper: try WINE? | 04:32 |
Toma- | viper: yes. theres some directx code built into wine | 04:32 |
Dr_willis | rwxr-xr--, i say install gaim and use that. | 04:32 |
CaptainMorgan | crdlb, after ctrl-f the only options I have are find, among others | 04:32 |
ToddEDM | really.............. | 04:32 |
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Wingz | wow | 04:32 |
Wingz | that was odd | 04:32 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, im logged in yahoo right now, with the buggy gaim 2.0.0bera3.1 in edgy | 04:32 |
ToddEDM | well how shitty is that | 04:32 |
viper | Really? | 04:32 |
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crdlb | CaptainMorgan, the shortcut is Ctrl+H | 04:32 |
bruenig | ToddEDM, set up a !chroot and install a 32 bit firefox and the plugins | 04:32 |
Wingz | Hey guys can you use IRC with proxies | 04:32 |
bruenig | !chroot | 04:32 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 04:32 |
CaptainMorgan | dang... ok, thanks crdlb - wrong shortcut ;) | 04:33 |
Toma- | viper: youre going to have to do some reading. mainly of that site i showed you but also just on wine | 04:33 |
Dr_willis | Wingz, yes.. with the right proxies. | 04:33 |
rwxr-xr-- | Dr_willis, : my yahoo are not working through gaim. | 04:33 |
arrow__ | does anyone know where my Lynx program is? | 04:33 |
viper | ok putting age of kings cd in drive | 04:33 |
viper | here goes | 04:33 |
Dr_willis | rwxr-xr--, and thats my fault? :) | 04:33 |
rwxr-xr-- | Artemis3, : i said to you that not working for me :< | 04:33 |
ToddEDM | maybe i should reinstall the 32 bit | 04:33 |
Ltar | vox754: hey, I tried installing grub to the windows MBR, but.. it failed. I decided to get NTLOADER to try and launch linux, seemed straightforward enough, but.... issues. I think the NTLOADER option is the choice I want, but when I load ubuntu from the NTLOADER menu, the computer restarts immediately. trying again makes the computer hang with "GRUB" displayed on a blank screen. | 04:33 |
BigMac | does xchat log private messages? | 04:33 |
=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@c-24-19-27-125.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wingz | @ Dr | 04:33 |
Artemis3 | rwxr-xr--, try kopete or something | 04:33 |
=== llama32 [n=zak@075.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wingz | _wills | 04:33 |
rwxr-xr-- | !wine | 04:34 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:34 |
Wingz | Does Chatzilla support proxies? | 04:34 |
Artemis3 | no, not wine.... | 04:34 |
=== wildgoosed [n=wildgoos@S0106001195771e35.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Wingz, no idea.. check its docs.settings | 04:34 |
vox754 | Ltar: ssssss... wordless. | 04:34 |
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cyris| | clear | 04:34 |
=== crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-60-228-59-32.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wingz | docs.settings | 04:34 |
rwxr-xr-- | Dr_willis, : i aint said that its Urs :< i want to ask is there any Seprate Version of yAhoo messenger | 04:34 |
Wingz | ... | 04:34 |
cyris| | oops :P | 04:34 |
Ltar | vox754: this is the guide i used, I think I may have messed up copying the bootsector- i wasn't sure which partition held it, so I used hdb1 | 04:34 |
Ltar | http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=last | 04:34 |
Dr_willis | Gaim Seems to be working for me on Yahoo Messenger at the moment. | 04:34 |
stiv2k | how do i add myself to the `wheel` group??? | 04:34 |
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, same here no problems | 04:34 |
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cyris| | usermod -G wheel ? | 04:34 |
Dr_willis | stiv2k, im not sure the wheel group is even used by ubuntu any more.. | 04:35 |
llama32 | automount stopped working - i think due to some users/groups issues... how do i fix it? | 04:35 |
=== crifat [n=drufat@dynamic-oit-vapornet-c-456.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, sudoers? | 04:35 |
stiv2k | Dr_willis: hmm then how do i make myself able to su - to other users | 04:35 |
cyris| | stiv2k: man usermod | 04:35 |
viper | umn how do i get wine | 04:35 |
crazy_bus | I installed edubuntu on a friends computer. However the resolution will only go up to 800x600 when its meant to be 1280x... How do I fix this? | 04:35 |
Artemis3 | viper, with synaptic | 04:35 |
Wingz | ...damn | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | stiv2k, other disrtos may use wheel . but aparently ubuntu dont any more. | 04:35 |
adjioev_ | Guys, I've installed ntfs3 with read/write support, turned on write mode and now my windows is crashing when i try to start it up? Anyone had this problem? | 04:35 |
vox754 | viper: "aptitude search <whateva>" is very useful | 04:35 |
Dr_willis | stiv2k, theres an admin group i belive thats the proper grop now | 04:35 |
bruenig | !ntfs-3g | adjioev_ | 04:36 |
ubotu | adjioev_: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 04:36 |
=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego@caffeine.mel.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Wingz is now known as Purple | ||
stiv2k | Dr_willis: oh | 04:36 |
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, im so used to *bsd and users in wheel are the only ones permitted to do su | 04:36 |
=== orangey [n=orangey@bas5-london14-1177696079.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrow__ | crazy_bus: I had the same problem with xubuntu, but never found a fix :( | 04:36 |
=== Purple is now known as Wingz | ||
Dr_willis | Artemis3, heh heh :) i never understood where the name 'wheel' came from | 04:36 |
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, slj | 04:36 |
Dr_willis | admin:x:115: <--------- thats the group. from what i read in /etc/groups | 04:36 |
Plamo | Wait, remind me what AMD is again. | 04:36 |
=== Jrabbit [n=jack@64-151-3-10.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Wingz is now known as Guardian | ||
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, sounded like the wheel in a car or ship? | 04:36 |
stiv2k | wtf | 04:36 |
stiv2k | steve@galatea:~$ sudo - ircd | 04:36 |
stiv2k | sudo: '-' requires an argument | 04:36 |
Artemis3 | Dr_willis, the driving wheel? | 04:37 |
bhasker | crazy_bus: you can give this a rough try by editing the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 and change the modelines manually | 04:37 |
arrow__ | does anyone know what the directory for lynx is? | 04:37 |
waldo | stiv2k: skip the - | 04:37 |
=== crifat [n=drufat@dynamic-oit-vapornet-c-456.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Artemis3, im suprised they dident use the 'root' group. :) we need the word root used more often! | 04:37 |
bruenig | arrow__, what do you mean? do you mean where it is installed? | 04:37 |
waldo | arrow__: you have to install it | 04:37 |
bhasker | crazy_bus: mostly just changing the mode from 800x600 to 1280x1024 should do and should work | 04:37 |
=== Ricesteam [n=pete@bas6-kitchener06-1177621534.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrow__ | bruenig, waldo: thx, is it in synaptic do you know? | 04:37 |
vox754 | Ltar: I don't like you going into random web pages... the info is gathered on the Ubuntu wiki, but well... You just make sure to write how you do it so you can tell other people. | 04:37 |
bruenig | arrow__, sudo apt-get install lynx | 04:38 |
crazy_bus | thanks bhasker I'll try that when i get go over there again | 04:38 |
=== FirstStrike [i=First@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Guardian is now known as Paramount | ||
arrow__ | bruenig: thx | 04:38 |
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@geek-113.209-193-103.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["a/s/l] | ||
=== First|Bleh [i=First@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waldo | arrow__: i'd guess it's in the multiverse | 04:38 |
bruenig | it is in main | 04:38 |
bruenig | why would it be in multiverse | 04:38 |
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=== Paramount is now known as Windrider | ||
waldo | because it's not shiny and GUI like everything else in ubuntu | 04:38 |
Plamo | Goodnight all. | 04:38 |
=== genii [n=chatzill@H232.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Plamo [n=Plamo@S01060004e2d9dca9.lb.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bruenig | !repositories | waldo | 04:38 |
ubotu | waldo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 04:38 |
=== Windrider is now known as Spellsword | ||
=== gumpish_ [n=gumpish@r74-192-164-240.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waldo | yes, bruenig, i know what the repositories are. | 04:39 |
=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@c-24-19-27-125.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrow__ | waldo: I'm just using apt-get, nice and easy, soon I won't even use a gui | 04:39 |
=== orange_ [n=orange@pool-72-68-197-114.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | waldo, multiverse is for software that is "not free" | 04:39 |
Spellsword | Geez | 04:39 |
Spellsword | finally registered | 04:39 |
=== OsirisX11 [n=james@adsl-068-209-012-077.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spellsword | what a pain | 04:39 |
gumpish_ | Anyone here running edgy and fglrx on an ATI X800? | 04:39 |
=== Wewt [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OsirisX11 | hi everyone, when i run winecfg and go to the audio tab it crashes with "can't create mcop directory", and when i try to run my directaudio-using application it crashes as well complaining it cannot initialize directsound..i think this is related to arts | 04:40 |
bruenig | main is completely free supported stuff, restricted is supported but not completely free, universe is community maintained not official, and multiverse is for non free stuff | 04:40 |
vox754 | arrow__: try "aptitude" instead of "apt-get"... don't ask me why | 04:40 |
shadowpool1 | In frustration while installing a printer, I recently decided to type "sudo apt-get --reinstall --purge install udev" in terminal. Now lots of things are broken. : ) Is there a quick way to reverse this or should I just do a fresh install. All my stuff is backed up and ready to go. :P The printer works. | 04:40 |
bruenig | apt-get > aptitude | 04:40 |
arrow__ | vox754: apt-get worked, thx though | 04:41 |
Artemis3 | bruenig, why >? isnt aptitude better= | 04:41 |
Artemis3 | ? | 04:41 |
bruenig | how is aptitude better | 04:41 |
Artemis3 | im asking | 04:42 |
=== Kazz [n=kazz@ip68-231-27-66.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | aptitude tries to be smarter.. and some times it succedes | 04:42 |
bruenig | aptitude doesn't give you as much freedom in terms of options | 04:42 |
Artemis3 | bruenig, for instance, aptitude seems to erase orphans | 04:42 |
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Spellsword | Hey guys do the registed thing with freenode | 04:42 |
bruenig | Artemis3, see apt-get autoremove | 04:42 |
Spellsword | You can keep the username you use | 04:42 |
bruenig | !register | Spellsword | 04:42 |
ubotu | Spellsword: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:42 |
vox754 | bruenig: apt-get has Super Cow powers... come one... | 04:42 |
Spellsword | http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-general | 04:42 |
=== Ricesteam [n=pete@bas6-kitchener06-1177621534.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spellsword | cool | 04:42 |
Spellsword | Thanks | 04:42 |
h1st0 | bruenig: aptitude handles removal of package dependencies. apt-get doens't | 04:42 |
Spellsword | I just registed | 04:42 |
=== Chesney [n=chatzill@ip68-110-229-174.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrow__ | I thougth apt stood for aptitude, just shorter way of saying same thign | 04:42 |
=== Tw [n=twright@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | h1st0, see apt-get autoremove | 04:43 |
waldo | nobody wants to take a stab at lirc? | 04:43 |
Artemis3 | bruenig, so seem to behave almost the same | 04:43 |
Kazz | Any Linux software RAID users here? | 04:43 |
Artemis3 | aptitude install, or remove or search, whatver | 04:43 |
=== draky [n=draky@74-134-148-3.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Artemis3, except aptitude forces you to remove dependencies | 04:43 |
bruenig | and suggested packages if I am not mistaking | 04:43 |
lkthomas | hmmm | 04:43 |
bruenig | mistaken* | 04:43 |
Chesney | vox754: this thing is going to drive me mad. I know its just a configuration error =( | 04:43 |
crdlb | arrow__, I believe apt = Advanced Package managemenT | 04:43 |
lkthomas | debian structure getting worse and worse, but ubuntu getting better and better | 04:43 |
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Spellsword | Hey guys, are linux distros easier to hack than windows | 04:44 |
shadowpool1 | I'm on software raid. | 04:44 |
lkthomas | Spellsword, sure | 04:44 |
arrow__ | crdlb: I'm getting smarter just being around here | 04:44 |
Dr_willis | Spellsword, define 'hack' | 04:44 |
Artemis3 | Spellsword, of course, if you know the correct term | 04:44 |
bruenig | Spellsword, do you mean hack from or hack into | 04:44 |
=== Dr_willis hacks and slashes in nethack | ||
Artemis3 | tehehe | 04:44 |
Spellsword | hmm | 04:44 |
=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lkthomas | aren't we all hacker ? | 04:44 |
Artemis3 | omg its @! | 04:44 |
h1st0 | bruenig: thats not what i'm talking about. | 04:44 |
genii | Spellsword: If you mean is linux more secure than Windows, yes it is | 04:44 |
Spellsword | er yeah | 04:44 |
Spellsword | I guess | 04:45 |
bruenig | h1st0, yes it is | 04:45 |
Artemis3 | hack as in changing it to do what you really want | 04:45 |
Spellsword | Is it easier to get acess to via "unconventional means" than windows? | 04:45 |
=== preVail [n=preVail@71-210-130-212.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | See above previous answer | 04:45 |
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | bruenig: okay well believe what you want. | 04:45 |
lkthomas | Spellsword, did you have any experience on linux before ? | 04:45 |
Dr_willis | Spellsword, you mean is linux less 'secure' then windows? | 04:45 |
vox754 | Chesney: follow my steps if you like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324967&highlight=WPC54G you are smart enough to understand which steps don't apply to you | 04:45 |
ax7 | hi | 04:45 |
Artemis3 | Spellsword, i guess you need to learn about true hackers ;) | 04:46 |
bruenig | h1st0, autoremove removes all orphaned dependencies, what is it that you mean then if not that | 04:46 |
Chesney | vox754: willdo. | 04:46 |
Spellsword | nope | 04:46 |
Spellsword | no expiernece | 04:46 |
Spellsword | true hackerS? | 04:46 |
Spellsword | There are fake hackers? | 04:46 |
Spellsword | woawe | 04:46 |
Spellsword | wierd | 04:46 |
waldo | oh, my. | 04:46 |
h1st0 | bruenig: apt-get will not remove all of a packages depends that are no longer needed vs. aptitude | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | Lions and Tigers and Bears oh My! | 04:46 |
lkthomas | Spellsword, you should try linux on your own first | 04:46 |
bruenig | h1st0, see apt-get autoremove | 04:46 |
Spellsword | yeah | 04:46 |
EADG | Has anybody managed to pipe irc # text into festival or KDE TTS Manager? | 04:46 |
Artemis3 | Spellsword, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker | 04:46 |
Spellsword | I'm downliaduing ubuntu | 04:46 |
waldo | the internet, it will explain all, Spellsword | 04:46 |
=== kevin [n=kevin@blk-222-145-227.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | True Hackers - Vs the "media's portrayal' of hackers. vs the 'kids that are just pirate-haxors' :) | 04:46 |
Spellsword | thanks for the link | 04:46 |
EADG | ... can it be done? | 04:47 |
Artemis3 | "In computer programming, a hacker is a software designer and programmer who builds elegant, beautiful programs and systems" | 04:47 |
h1st0 | bruenig: This is obviously going no where. You asked a question I gave you the answer but you won't accept it. | 04:47 |
kevin | I am wondering how to setup xorg to use an lcd and a tv | 04:47 |
Artemis3 | See? ;) | 04:47 |
bruenig | h1st0, I mean there is nothing else more to say then you are just factually wrong, apt-get autoremove removes the dependencies | 04:47 |
Dr_willis | kevin, nvidia card? | 04:47 |
Spellsword | hmm | 04:47 |
rwxr-xr-- | !kopete | 04:47 |
ubotu | kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2.2 (edgy), package size 6824 kB, installed size 18932 kB | 04:47 |
Spellsword | A hacker can also be a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by employing a series of modifications to exploit or extend existing code or resources. | 04:47 |
h1st0 | bruenig: it doesn't do it as well as aptitude. Do a google search i'm done responding now. | 04:47 |
=== elpargo_ [n=elpargo@89samana81.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | Spellsword, yes, that too | 04:47 |
lkthomas | kevin, for nvidia card, goto #nvidia, for ati, goto #ati | 04:47 |
Spellsword | hey guys, does bold mean private message? | 04:47 |
kevin | Dr_willis: no, unfortunately, it's a via epia | 04:47 |
Artemis3 | no | 04:48 |
arrow__ | I'm a pirate hacker | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | kevin, ick! :) well.. actually ive no idea... :) | 04:48 |
bruenig | h1st0, what are you talking about, doesn't do it as well, give me an example | 04:48 |
arrow__ | or a script kiddie | 04:48 |
ax7 | I'll soon find out | 04:48 |
viper | man only getting 38.8 kb/s this kde upgrade could take a while | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | kevin, i looked at one of those MB's today thinking how handy it could be | 04:48 |
lkthomas | kevin, you should google then | 04:48 |
Spellsword | Then how come sometimes your messages are on bold and sometimes thet're not? | 04:48 |
lkthomas | viper, get use to it man | 04:48 |
viper | what a waste of my fast dsl | 04:48 |
Artemis3 | Spellsword, xchat? | 04:48 |
=== Dr_willis wonders what Spellsword is talking about | ||
bruenig | h1st0, you started using aptitude a long time ago, didn't realize that there were more features added in apt-get and just assumed that aptitude remained superior | 04:48 |
=== Gnug615 [n=brock@mdsnwikwbas08-pool12-a193.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rwxr-xr-- | is edgy package support on dapper ? | 04:48 |
=== Spellsword what | ||
kevin | Dr_willis: yeah, I see a desktop on both, but neither align well, haha | 04:48 |
=== Spellsword jumped up and down | ||
=== manslipkorn [n=manslipk@host86-134-147-4.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | bruenig: I'm sorry for starting the "apt war" | 04:48 |
bruenig | someone think of a harmless packages with dependencies | 04:49 |
lkthomas | hmm | 04:49 |
=== Spellsword says "this is cool" | ||
Dr_willis | kevin, bummer. There may be some info on the epia-linux web sites | 04:49 |
Artemis3 | some irc clients autohighlight certain words, xchat does if your own nick is mentioned | 04:49 |
bruenig | just a little thing that can be installed then removed | 04:49 |
arrow__ | dsl, fast? | 04:49 |
waldo | lirc? no? | 04:49 |
preaction | bruenig: xubuntu-desktop | 04:49 |
=== Spellsword is using chatzilla | ||
PriceChild | !offtopic | 04:49 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:49 |
=== Hansin321 [n=eric@c-67-165-212-26.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | preaction, :) | 04:49 |
=== Dr_willis thinks Spellsword needs to get a better irc client | ||
preaction | bruenig: 915resolution is probably rather small, but i don't know what it Does really | 04:49 |
=== Spellsword like using a firefox extension | ||
rwxr-xr-- | is edgy package support on dapper ? | 04:50 |
h1st0 | bruenig: try install kword with aptitude then removing it. Then try installing with apt-get and use autoremove option. Look at the difference. | 04:50 |
=== robb1 [n=robby@pool-71-102-242-201.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | vox754, dont worry, everyone knows its dpkg the one making the work ;) | 04:50 |
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preaction | rwxr-xr--: binary compatibility between releases is not guaranteed | 04:50 |
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bruenig | h1st0, well I already have a bunch of kde stuff installed so it won't be the same I assume | 04:50 |
h1st0 | bruenig: test for yourself then you can make an educated descission. | 04:50 |
=== robb1 [n=robby@pool-71-102-242-201.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
preaction | rwxr-xr--: in fact, i think they changed the GCC between Dapper and Edgy, so no | 04:50 |
vox754 | Artemis3: okay... I think rpm is... gotcha... I'm not starting again. Gotta go. | 04:51 |
joemauch | hd 212's are good | 04:51 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | vox754, aww, i tho you were going to mention yum | 04:51 |
Cryoniq | Anyone got a clue where in Edgy-Gnome one can change color of the text in the menus? | 04:51 |
preaction | yum? that piece of cobbled together crap? | 04:51 |
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Spellsword | !woo | 04:51 |
Artemis3 | tehehehehe lol | 04:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about woo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:51 |
vox754 | Artemis3: yum sounds like food while aptitude sounds ... well, like aptitude. | 04:51 |
robb1 | hello all i have a very newbish question how do you change the theme | 04:52 |
rwxr-xr-- | preaction, ok.. | 04:52 |
robb1 | i have the package already | 04:52 |
preaction | rwxr-xr--: by all means go ahead and try, or perhaps find your software in dapper backports | 04:52 |
Cryoniq | Was thinking setting my bars to black but unfortunate the text in menus etc is black and that... kinda present a certain visual.. uhm.. problem ^^ | 04:52 |
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Artemis3 | hmm dapper comes with gaim 1.5... that could be a problem | 04:52 |
bruenig | h1st0, koffice-data koffice-libs kspread kword-data libruby1.8 libwv2-1c2 were the extra packages | 04:53 |
cancell | slm | 04:53 |
cancell | abant ile ilgili bilgiyi | 04:53 |
bruenig | h1st0, this was the output of the apt-get autoremove kword | 04:53 |
bruenig | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 04:53 |
bruenig | koffice-data koffice-libs kspread kword kword-data libruby1.8 libwv2-1c2 | 04:53 |
cancell | kimden alabilirim | 04:53 |
bruenig | hmmm | 04:53 |
rwxr-xr-- | preaction, looking fore kopete | 04:53 |
preaction | rwxr-xr--: otherwise compile from source, it's not bad | 04:53 |
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cancell | yokmu yetkili | 04:54 |
cancell | ? | 04:54 |
=== bruenig thinks the uninformed are funny | ||
=== Ricesteam [n=pete@bas6-kitchener06-1177621534.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | cancell: very funny | 04:54 |
Artemis3 | preaction, of course not, he only needs build-essential, gtk-dev, glib-dev and maybe some other libraries i forgot ;) | 04:54 |
h1st0 | bruenig: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 04:54 |
shadowpool1 | Anyone feel like explaining what the --purge option for apt-get does? | 04:54 |
bruenig | edgy | 04:54 |
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cancell | byes | 04:54 |
h1st0 | shadowpool1: purges configs | 04:54 |
=== Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robb1 | how can i install or change a theme in gnome 2.x | 04:54 |
vox754 | "aptitude purge <package>" | 04:54 |
robb1 | please help | 04:55 |
genii | shadowpool1: Yes, it wipes out program-specific settings in conf riles and so on | 04:55 |
rwxr-xr-- | Artemis3, : i already install this library | 04:55 |
robb1 | i have no clue | 04:55 |
robb1 | i jsut dont like orange | 04:55 |
=== marko [n=marco@adsl-75-36-221-250.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | *files* not riles | 04:55 |
shadowpool1 | I got frustrated and did a "apt-get --reinstall --purge install udev" Is there a quick way to reverse the havoc or should I do a fresh install? Everything is backed up. | 04:55 |
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=== MST2 [n=MSTK@ip70-187-130-65.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | bruenig: You are correct in some respect. Feature was recently added in edgy. Dapper however, may not have this ability. | 04:56 |
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=== bruenig celebrates | ||
vox754 | h1st0: ha ha ha, ... "man apt-get" | 04:56 |
h1st0 | bruenig: the other issue with apt-get NO LOG | 04:56 |
=== bruenig realizes the level of nerdom that I have reached | ||
=== tupa [n=tupa@200-56-212-202-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waldo | lirc? | 04:57 |
MST2 | Hi. I'm sorry if this question has been asked a lot today, but my Ubuntu clock hasn't been updated with Daylight Savings Time. | 04:57 |
vox754 | MST2: it is not time already... it is next week. | 04:57 |
h1st0 | bruenig: So one isn't really better than the other but I prefer the log. | 04:57 |
waldo | vox754: in the US, the switch was today at 0200 | 04:57 |
genii | shadowpool1: Thats not good. Had you rebooted since then? | 04:57 |
shadowpool1 | lol! Yes | 04:58 |
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bruenig | h1st0, well I have never looked for a log so I don't know about that. I don't see a log as necessary. | 04:58 |
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vox754 | waldo: dam! that means I'm gonna be late! | 04:58 |
bruenig | maybe if you are an admin of a group of users or something and need to check if something went wrong with them. If something goes wrong in apt, you should know it immediately | 04:58 |
nero | I have an old partion that is ext2. Is there any way to convert it to ext3 without having to clear the drive? | 04:58 |
MST2 | I heard that there was a system update fixing the DST schedules, but either I never received it or it didn't effect my computer. | 04:58 |
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bruenig | h1st0, where is the aptitude log | 04:58 |
nero | (er, clear the partition that is) | 04:58 |
=== MasterRa [i=quasar@c-69-254-187-229.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== arfy [n=BluFudge@125-238-52-157.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tupa | what's better distro, debian or ubuntu?, what are the pros and cons? | 04:59 |
h1st0 | bruenig: /var/log/aptitude | 04:59 |
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shadowpool1 | I'm on a live disk. I piece together my fakeraid setup to back my stuff up. I guess I've added to my list of "What not to do on linux." | 04:59 |
waldo | MST2: you may or may not have to reboot | 04:59 |
bulmer | anyone able to get the NXclient to work with FreeNX? can you give pointers as to which key goes where and how do you verify and test such? | 04:59 |
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h1st0 | tupa: maybe ask in #off-topic? | 05:00 |
vox754 | tupa: that is offtopic actually | 05:00 |
Cryoniq | Anyone know if it is possible to change color of menu and menu bar fonts from black to something else? (asked in gnome channel also but they seem to be sleeping ^^ ) | 05:00 |
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=== carson [n=carson@cpe-68-203-156-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carson | egrep -s -r randompattern * <-- this works, this doesn't --> egrep -s -r randompattern *.c | 05:00 |
carson | how do i do the latter correctly? | 05:00 |
newbie | is there any place to order several cd linux source? | 05:00 |
arfy | Hi all. Under windows I have oggcast to stream in ogg format to an icecast server, and a friend of mine streams in mp3pro to a shoutcast server. Are there tools under linux to do these? | 05:00 |
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vox754 | carson: there is a new #ubuntu-programming if you care to discuss more advanced questions later. | 05:01 |
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bruenig | h1st0, ok so what must be weighed is, less options vs. no log | 05:01 |
carson | vox754, thanks. | 05:01 |
linux_user400354 | arfy, xmms has a plugin | 05:02 |
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arfy | does it steam to both ice and shoutcast? | 05:02 |
arfy | stream | 05:02 |
h1st0 | bruenig: what less options? | 05:02 |
bruenig | well it forces you to do things without asking | 05:02 |
linux_user400354 | arfy, icecaste i know, but you should read about it to see | 05:02 |
bruenig | if I don't want to remove my dependencies, or install the suggested packages | 05:02 |
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h1st0 | ? | 05:02 |
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bruenig | I've heard it auto installs suggested packages, | 05:03 |
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h1st0 | bruenig: it asks you just like apt-get does. | 05:03 |
genii | shadowpool1: You could mount your old root partition someplace then chroot to it. then issue an sudo apt-get install udev | 05:03 |
=== ranian [n=kranian@net136-138.paichai.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | I try to keep it lean, I want dependencies and nothing more, if I want suggested, I can look at the suggested packages since they are printed and then choose if I want them or not | 05:03 |
=== JaeSharpWork is now known as JaeSharp | ||
marko | Is feisty fawn ready for me to upgrade what do you guys think? | 05:04 |
arfy | linux_user400354: thanks, have you got the name of the plugin so I can do some research? | 05:04 |
=== diaf [n=diaf@ppp-70-242-231-44.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== diaf [n=diaf@ppp-70-242-231-44.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
cables | marko, I'd have to say no. | 05:04 |
marko | why? | 05:04 |
bruenig | h1st0, it gives you a yes or no on all of them together, package dependency and suggestion. apt-get gives you a yes or no on packages dependency and tells you suggested so you can decide if you want them | 05:04 |
cables | marko, if you do, back everything up. | 05:04 |
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
marko | ok | 05:04 |
deepsa | marko wait till final | 05:04 |
marko | I think I should do that... | 05:04 |
marko | has anyone tried it? | 05:04 |
marko | is it good? | 05:04 |
deepsa | yeah i have herd 5 | 05:05 |
cables | marko, I've tried the herd 5 livecd | 05:05 |
deepsa | not stable yet | 05:05 |
linux_user400354 | arfy: apt-cache search xmms plugin icecaste | 05:05 |
marko | I havent read about 5, but 4 got a lot of complaints | 05:05 |
deepsa | wireless had alot of problem in herd5 | 05:05 |
linux_user400354 | arfy just search xmms in synaptic | 05:06 |
arfy | linux_user400354, thanks | 05:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b vexati0n!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild | ||
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vox754 | h1st0: I "aptitude install inkscape" and it installed also "tk" and another drawing package based on tk. | 05:06 |
=== vexati0n [n=vex@host-69-145-49-173.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | vox754, that's a weird dependency | 05:06 |
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=== Jeff-- [n=jeff@cpe-76-169-63-115.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
vox754 | cables: it is not a dependency, I removed Tk and that other program later... dunno why they where installed | 05:07 |
=== Pajolatra [n=pajolatr@200-232-183-111.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadowpool1 | genii: I put udev back but my ethernet card isn't recognized anymore and x doesn't start due to a strange permissions error on /home/user/.gnome2_private/ which I can seem to fix with chown or chmod. lol That was a ridiculously stupid thing to do to udev wasn't it? | 05:07 |
=== linux_user400354 is upgrading to a development snapshot of fiesty with gksu 'update-manager -d' | ||
=== Indolent [n=indolent@ip24-136-32-201.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arfy | also, my friend has just installed ubuntu and has two sound cards, one an internal laptop card and two a PCMCIA creative audigy 2zs notebook. At the moment, sound is coming out of the internal card, but we want to switch it to the audigy. How do we do this? | 05:08 |
bruenig | linux_user400354, hope you have a disk laying around | 05:08 |
genii | shadowpool1: Well, yes LOL | 05:08 |
vox754 | cables: what was that other package...? remember, something about SVG... | 05:08 |
=== MojoMagic [n=radams@eth467.act.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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cables | vox754, not sure | 05:08 |
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biglibigli | who is employed in ubuntu? | 05:09 |
vox754 | cables: I remember, "skencil"; now I can rest in piece. | 05:09 |
Artemis3 | no one | 05:09 |
cables | vox754, I have that... so that's where I got it. | 05:09 |
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linux_user400354 | bruenig: have you done it? | 05:10 |
Artemis3 | biglibigli, maybe you mean canonical | 05:10 |
genii | shadowpool1: You may want to reinstall hotplug as well. | 05:10 |
bruenig | linux_user400354, I was using the live cd of xubuntu herd 5 and it was really iffy | 05:10 |
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shadowpool1 | hmmmm | 05:10 |
shadowpool1 | Thanks | 05:10 |
linux_user400354 | bruenig: im getting this error when trying to upgrade to a fiesty development snapshot. Authentication failed Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server. | 05:10 |
biglibigli | no, i want to ask some one that employed in ubuntu , how much is the salary. | 05:11 |
crimsun | jmworx: no, we do source-only uploads, and the buildds handle the rest. | 05:11 |
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bruenig | biglibigli, ubuntu is a linux distribution | 05:11 |
genii | shadowpool1: Incidentally, is the ethernet controller not being found... a pccard modem on a laptop or pci/usb nic on a desktop? | 05:11 |
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bruenig | biglibigli, canonical is a corporation | 05:12 |
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genii | pccard *nic* rather, not modem | 05:12 |
unperson | Anyone here use Lyx? I'm trying to use it for the first time on my install of Edgy and things don't seem to be working right. | 05:12 |
shadowpool1 | genii: It's a pci card on a desktop | 05:12 |
bruenig | biglibigli, your question would be like if I said "I want to ask someone that employed in xp, how much is the salary. | 05:12 |
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biglibigli | something like that | 05:13 |
linux_user400354 | it makes no sense | 05:13 |
panjhy | does someone have the time (nyc) ? | 05:13 |
genii | shadowpool1: OK, if you know the mac address for it, make sure the file /etc/iftab has an eth0 entry with proper mac address | 05:13 |
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leafw | what command/script is the System / Quit... / Suspend issuing? I would like to call it from the command line. | 05:13 |
biglibigli | how much is? | 05:13 |
unperson | It says the revtex4 teX class is missing when I try to use the RevTeX 4 template, and some math symbols won't appear properly. | 05:13 |
Nergar | how can i clone a gnome session? | 05:13 |
=== xiaojian [n=xiaojian@user-0cev4pc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | biglibigli, operating systems don't employ people | 05:13 |
linux_user400354 | panjhy search google | 05:13 |
PriceChild | genii, /msg ubugtu now nyc | 05:13 |
leafw | is there a channel of ubuntu developers? | 05:13 |
PriceChild | leafw, why? | 05:13 |
bruenig | leafw, #ubuntu+1 is your best shot | 05:13 |
leafw | ok thanks | 05:14 |
PriceChild | leafw, what're you looking for? | 05:14 |
=== genii thinks PriceChild is an adbot and should be booted | ||
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biglibigli | look at this page : http://www.ubuntu.com/employment | 05:14 |
PriceChild | genii, ? | 05:14 |
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leafw | PriceChild : sudo /etc/acpi/suspend.sh fails, but the System/Quit/Suspend menu works | 05:14 |
Nergar | anyone has an idea? | 05:14 |
crimsun | you adbot you! | 05:14 |
PriceChild | crimsun, I'm sorry :'( | 05:14 |
PriceChild | crimsun, you'd better remove my access in here and ban me... | 05:15 |
genii | Ah, not a bot then LOL | 05:15 |
CaptainMorgan | anyone familar with how subdomains are stored on the server? ie: which file? Im using linux and I expect that when the provider switches it on, it should be within /var/www no? or maybe just /var ? | 05:15 |
viper | wow aoe 2 runs with wine wine has come a LONG way since i last tried is in 2000 | 05:15 |
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zoiks | could anyone give me some help with completely removing mysql and all associated configs? I stuffed up the password part and im now buggered installing mythtv | 05:15 |
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genii | PriceChild: Did you have some question for me ot the ubotu? It was an odd msg from you earlier | 05:15 |
viper | too bad multiplayer does not work | 05:15 |
CaptainMorgan | or is it matter of forwarding to a specific folder in /var/www ? | 05:15 |
Merlin_ | hey - can anyone help me change my WM? I'm in the gnome default and I'd like to move to Ion3. | 05:15 |
=== Jrabbit [n=jack@64-151-3-10.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viper | wonder if it would work multiplayer with vmware? | 05:16 |
=== cyris| [n=wildgoos@S0106001195771e35.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leafw | Merlin_ : if you don't know how to use Ion, then Ion is not for you. | 05:16 |
Xaxafrad | if i say grub loading error 22, would anybody else know off the top of their heads to tell me to use a windows or dos boot disk with fdisk /mbr? my problem is that i installed xubuntu on my roommates laptop, but now they're moving out, and I made her laptop unbootable (well, livecds will boot, but she uses windows). | 05:16 |
PriceChild | genii, ah sorry misread... that was directed at the user above you sorry :) | 05:16 |
cables | viper, everything works with vmware except 3d acceleration | 05:16 |
Merlin_ | leafw: I've used it for six months on my gentoo box. | 05:16 |
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Merlin_ | leafw: I've also tried editing and modifying my ~/.xinitrc | 05:16 |
EADG | K, figured it out... so if anybody else wants to listen to this channel, enable logging ans use this command; tail -f #ubuntu.log | festival --tts :) | 05:16 |
leafw | Merlin_ : then what problem do you have? Just create a startup entry for it | 05:17 |
Merlin_ | leafw: which did *not* work. | 05:17 |
biglibigli | bruenig , http://www.ubuntu.com/employment so what is this page for? | 05:17 |
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leafw | Merlin_ : gdm doesn't read .xinitrc | 05:17 |
Merlin_ | leafw: the problem is I do not know ubuntu. and the gdm config program doesn't run. | 05:17 |
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viper | here we go gonna try kde | 05:18 |
Merlin_ | leafw: so how do I configure gdm by hand? | 05:18 |
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LadyNikon | nooonooo | 05:18 |
bill57785 | does Dapper Drake have cabextract already? how can I check? | 05:18 |
LadyNikon | ndont do it! | 05:18 |
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leafw | Merlin_ : you have to look under /usr/whatever/folder where the desktop entries are stored for gdm to list | 05:18 |
shadowpool1 | genii: Where would I download the hotplug package? | 05:18 |
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fokuslee | man getting tvant to run on 64bit machine is soo much work | 05:18 |
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genii | shadowpool1 If you chroot to the old root drive then do an sudo apt-cache search hotplug it should give you a list of possibles. With chroot there, you can also install it ok | 05:19 |
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bill57785 | does Dapper Drake have cabextract already? how can I check? | 05:19 |
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shadowpool1 | Wow! I've never used cache search! :p That makes things much easier. | 05:20 |
genii | shadowpool1: Yes, it's extremely useful :) | 05:20 |
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Eleaf | hmm, most of KDE's image editors have better professional color management and control than the gimp... | 05:22 |
leafw | Merlin_ : its /etc/xsessions/ | 05:22 |
=== h1st0 [n=h1st0@adsl-75-33-35-109.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | and they are more in the basic image editor/manager category. | 05:22 |
=== GFree [n=nickt@ppp80-61.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leafw | Merlin_ : just model a new entry after the exisiting ones, and make it launch your xterms and what not, and finally the Ion wm | 05:23 |
leafw | Merlin_ : works like a .xinitrc | 05:23 |
=== swallow [n=swallow@cpe-72-229-96-223.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vexati0n | that portal is mine, and it's got to be sealed, forever. for the love of god. | 05:23 |
biglibigli | who is Canonical Employed in ubuntu? i want to know the range of the salary for a ,user interface developer and a Ubuntu X Maintainer, | 05:23 |
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-72-85-162-170.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leafw | Merlin_ : the Exec= entry is your ".xinitrc" script, which can be anything. | 05:23 |
zoiks | could anyone give me some help with completely removing mysql and all associated configs? I stuffed up the password part and im now buggered installing mythtv | 05:23 |
leafw | zoiks : see man apt-get at remove and --purge | 05:24 |
NewGuy000 | Hey can i get some help? | 05:24 |
cables | !ask | NewGuy000 | 05:24 |
ubotu | NewGuy000: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:24 |
=== peanutb [n=peanutb@c-71-197-218-63.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | Ubotu, do you still pm people when they think you're not a bot? | 05:24 |
cables | OK it does :) | 05:24 |
leafw | ubotu is a smart pet :) | 05:24 |
leafw | JUAJUA | 05:25 |
Eleaf | ubotu, don't pm me | 05:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about don't pm me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:25 |
leafw | he gave me an intelligent answer, all along claiming not to be | 05:25 |
Eleaf | lol | 05:25 |
Merlin_ | huh... there's one there already. | 05:25 |
Merlin_ | wtf? | 05:25 |
peanutb | is the software that runs ubotu open source? | 05:25 |
Eleaf | lol | 05:25 |
=== swallow [n=swallow@cpe-72-229-96-223.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NewGuy000 | How do i get Ubuntu to set to a higher resolution? the only resolutions i see are 600x800 and another lower one | 05:25 |
shadowpool1 | genii: Another question: Is there a way to test this other Linux install from chroot? Can I somehow boot it from within chroot? | 05:25 |
leafw | peanutb : what do you think? | 05:25 |
cables | !resolution | NewGuy000 | 05:25 |
ubotu | NewGuy000: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:25 |
Merlin_ | leafw: seems an ion3.desktopo entry is already there. | 05:25 |
Merlin_ | *desktop | 05:26 |
bimberi | peanutb: I'm fairly sure it's a supybot (or based on it) | 05:26 |
leafw | Merlin_ : then the entry is in some way incorrect, if it's not listed on the gdm session chooser menu | 05:26 |
peanutb | bimberi, thanks | 05:26 |
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PriceChild | !away > din_away | 05:26 |
genii | shadowpool1: Well, you could try to restart the udev system to see if it can now see your adapter for instance. the command would be: sudo /etc/init.d/udev start | 05:26 |
=== Teekrul [n=teekrul@fl-71-55-168-21.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Merlin_ | no, gdm is not set up to be a chooser... | 05:26 |
PriceChild | !supyboy > peanutb | 05:26 |
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shadowpool1 | Oh! Thanks again! | 05:27 |
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max__ | how do i change the grub boot order? | 05:27 |
leafw | Merlin_ : in any case, you can always use a different tty and run startx manually. And sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to get rid of it (I do, for dwm) | 05:27 |
genii | shadowpool1: But it would actually be better to do areboot, since udev has other subsystem stuff like hotplug and some others whicch run at a low level during init and kernel loading etc | 05:27 |
leafw | max__ : man grub | 05:27 |
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shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 05:27 |
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widoooo | do the nv-driver not support 16:9 resolutions?? | 05:28 |
cables | shmeelAway, in the advanced volume settings, do you see a "headphones" slider or something like that? | 05:28 |
widoooo | nv not nvidia | 05:28 |
shatrat | widoooo, I wouldnt be surprised if it didnt. You should probably install nvidia-glx | 05:28 |
shmeelAway | cables i can adjust volume, but my keyboard | 05:28 |
shmeelAway | my keyboard hotkeys don't work | 05:28 |
biglibigli | max__ : goto /boot/grub/ and edit the menu.lst file | 05:29 |
widoooo | shatrat: i am doing it right now ;-) | 05:29 |
Merlin_ | leafw: trying something. | 05:29 |
widoooo | i am in the livecd | 05:29 |
cables | shmeelAway, I had that problem, and someone told me how to fix it... but I don't remember it now. | 05:29 |
shmeelAway | hehe | 05:29 |
shmeelAway | shoot | 05:29 |
shatrat | widoooo, great, good luck :D | 05:29 |
cables | widoooo, I've had problems restarting X in the LiveCD | 05:29 |
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cables | Can anyone explain why restarting X doesn't seem to work in the LiveCD? | 05:29 |
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widoooo | cables: it work here | 05:29 |
Chesney | Having a problem with a linksys WMP54G Wlan PCI card. Anyone have any experience configuring the little buggers? | 05:29 |
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leafw | cables : it does work, here | 05:29 |
cables | widoooo, lucky :) I wanted to try Feisty desktop effects but I couldn't restart X to install the nvidia drivers on the LiveCD | 05:30 |
linux_user400354 | why doenst the flashplugin-nonfree package include gflashplayer? | 05:30 |
cables | leafw, you too | 05:30 |
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stratusfear | chesney i got one and work properly | 05:30 |
widoooo | cables: how do you try?? | 05:30 |
cables | widoooo, ctrl-alt-backspace AND /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:31 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl755.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shatrat | linux_user400354, because its a plugin? | 05:31 |
cables | widoooo, it just seems to hang somewhere | 05:31 |
peanutb | linux_user400354, its a separate package | 05:31 |
linux_user400354 | what's the package called in synaptic? | 05:31 |
widoooo | why restart?? stop it load the new modul | 05:31 |
widoooo | and start it then | 05:31 |
widoooo | ?? | 05:31 |
leafw | cables: control+alt_backspace should return to gdm, if it worked. If it does not work, have a look at the /var/log/xorg.0.log | 05:31 |
Chesney | stratusfear: I've been trying everything I can. The Wireless router i'm trying to connect to is the WRT54G. I'm just using basic 64bit WEP. | 05:31 |
cables | widoooo, how? | 05:31 |
cables | leafw, I'll try that | 05:31 |
widoooo | .../etc/init.d/gdm stop | 05:32 |
cables | Chesney, what's going on? I have that exact configuration. | 05:32 |
cables | widoooo, I've tried that, and my GUI was still running just fine. | 05:32 |
biglibigli | --- who is Canonical Employed in ubuntu? i want to know the range of the salary for a ,user interface developer and a Ubuntu X Maintainer. | 05:32 |
cables | biglibigli, this is probably the wrong place to ask that question | 05:32 |
widoooo | cables: lol... hh yes if i think it was here also so... i have to use strg + alt + backspace to stop the xserver | 05:33 |
Chesney | cables: not sure really. I'm pretty sure its an id10t error. but sudo iwlist wlan0 scan shows me my wireless router. I just can't get the dang thing to connect. | 05:33 |
widoooo | init.d script did not work | 05:33 |
linux_user400354 | peanutb: what package? | 05:33 |
cables | Chesney, I've heard that from a lot of people, with the finding but not connecting. | 05:33 |
widoooo | nvidia-kernel-common | 05:34 |
biglibigli | cables: ok where do i must to ask? | 05:34 |
widoooo | thats what i need?? | 05:34 |
=== titofer [n=titofer@203.Red-83-38-27.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | biglibigli, no idea, just not here. | 05:34 |
Chesney | cables: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid chesney key 0000000000 mode managed just isnt cutting it | 05:34 |
peanutb | linux_user400354, it was in a 3rd party repository, just a sec | 05:34 |
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cables | Chesney, I'm too much of an ID10T to understand that :) | 05:34 |
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Chesney | cables: if I enable the device trhough gnome if I try to do any editing through terminal using iwconfig I get a device busy | 05:34 |
Chesney | cables: lol | 05:35 |
widoooo | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-9-generic is already the newest version. | 05:35 |
widoooo | nvidia-kernel-common is already the newest version. | 05:35 |
widoooo | why do i dont have an nvidia modul | 05:35 |
=== erstazi [n=erstazi@pool-71-116-23-217.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
widoooo | FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-9-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory | 05:35 |
widoooo | is that on the live-cd not posible?? | 05:35 |
Chesney | Come on #ubuntu =P I know someone in here can fix this danged thing =P | 05:36 |
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LadyNikon | whats a good way to unrar a file in ubuntu | 05:36 |
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cables | !rar | LadyNikon | 05:36 |
ubotu | LadyNikon: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:36 |
widoooo | LadyNikon: use the archivmanager | 05:36 |
widoooo | the gui | 05:37 |
peanutb | linux_user400354, Its in this repository, http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/edgy/3v1n0/ | 05:37 |
LadyNikon | widoooo: i tried no dice | 05:37 |
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widoooo | LadyNikon: you have to install unrar first | 05:37 |
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shmeelAway | cables do you remember where u got help from? | 05:37 |
widoooo | the archivemanager need that... | 05:37 |
shmeelAway | in here or on a site? | 05:37 |
=== lauchazombie [n=lauchazo@pc-212-225-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
widoooo | apt-get install unrar | 05:37 |
cables | shmeelAway, here | 05:37 |
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hk-ref | widoooo, you talking about opening a .rar archive? | 05:37 |
shmeelAway | k, i'll keep trying then, thx | 05:37 |
Chesney | Can anyone give me a hand with this problem i'm having, using a WMP54G Wlan PCI card, I can scan the cells just fine, I just cant get it to connect? | 05:38 |
CaptainMorgan | this one simple line found here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Apache_HTTP_Server_for_HTTP_.28Web.29_Server_service cannot be the answer to setting up Apache... my httpd is not running... | 05:38 |
widoooo | hk-ref: yes | 05:38 |
hk-ref | widoooo, i was going to ask the same question on how to do it lol | 05:38 |
widoooo | lol install unrar | 05:38 |
widoooo | than you can use unrar x blub.rar | 05:38 |
widoooo | in console | 05:39 |
CaptainMorgan | so... how do I then get my httpd to run? | 05:39 |
widoooo | or use the archivmanager gui | 05:39 |
Hobbsee | !ops > PriceChild | 05:39 |
Flannel | !lamp | CaptainMorgan, use this one instead | 05:39 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan, use this one instead: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:39 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, doesn't hat require the installation cd? I viewed those screenshots.. and it involved partitioning.. | 05:39 |
CaptainMorgan | which I do not wish to do | 05:40 |
shmeelAway | !external speaker | 05:40 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: No. Follow the instructions on the wiki page. Not the server CD | 05:40 |
shmeelAway | !speaker | 05:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about speaker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:40 |
cables | !fishing | shmeelAway | 05:40 |
ubotu | shmeelAway: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:40 |
Robbie_Crash | ext3 journaling means I can roll back to a previous version of a file right? | 05:40 |
=== sohranit [i=root@71-223-119-80.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | Robbie_Crash, nope | 05:40 |
Chesney | CaptainMorgan: What exactly is your problem? | 05:40 |
Robbie_Crash | what does journaling do? | 05:40 |
genii | Robbie_Crash: No. | 05:40 |
Flannel | Robbie_Crash: no, journaling effectively means changes are atomic. | 05:40 |
cables | Robbie_Crash, it just means that an operation on a file is either done or not, never half done. | 05:40 |
sohranit | excuse me, do any of you 957 people in here, know of a way to migrate from openbsd to ubuntu, without a cd burner, ? | 05:40 |
Robbie_Crash | ok | 05:41 |
cables | Robbie_Crash, that means if your computer crashes in the middle of a write, it won't corrupt the file system | 05:41 |
Robbie_Crash | ahh, ok | 05:41 |
Robbie_Crash | thanks | 05:41 |
cables | !shipit | sohranit | 05:41 |
ubotu | sohranit: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will not send Edgy (6.10) CDs, but only Dapper (6.06) CDs, as Dapper is a !LTS release. | 05:41 |
Flannel | !install | sohranit, this page may help | 05:41 |
ubotu | sohranit, this page may help: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 05:41 |
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CaptainMorgan | Chesney, Im not sure.. all I know is Im trying to install the web server and im following the wiki's instructions which led me to one and only one line... so I will take Flannel's advice | 05:41 |
widoooo | hmm no german users here?? hihi the german side ubuntuusesrs.de would answer all your questions ^^ | 05:41 |
CapaH | I have a laptop with a firewire presently attached to a digital camcorder, what do I need to do in order to get Ubuntu to see the digital camcorder/be able to play from the camcorder to the screen? | 05:41 |
widoooo | the wiki there | 05:41 |
sohranit | uboutu so i'd have to wipe the disk ? | 05:42 |
Chesney | CaptainMorga: Well whats the problem? is it not working? I mean....there has to be something that isn't "working" | 05:42 |
Flannel | sohranit: Not necessarily. No | 05:42 |
erstazi | !de | widoooo | 05:42 |
ubotu | widoooo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:42 |
sohranit | Flannel expound,? | 05:42 |
Lam_ | is there a recommended processing speed for ubuntu/kubuntu? | 05:42 |
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Chesney | CaptainMorgan: Ahh I misread that. Yeah I would suggest a lamp server. Makes everything nice and easy. Though I would really only suggest a LAMP for development. Production you might wanna take the time fo configure one yoursefl | 05:43 |
widoooo | i dont need help | 05:43 |
=== Checkka [n=brass@user-0cevefs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | !de | 05:43 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:43 |
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erstazi | widoooo: sorry | 05:43 |
sohranit | Flannel: , ? | 05:43 |
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Chesney | Looking for some help with a Linksys WMP54G wlan PCI card. Comeon someone knows what I need to dp =) | 05:44 |
Flannel | sohranit: Well, If you followed the FromKnoppix or Netboot (or a few others) instrctions, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/ You wouldn't need a CD, and you'd install like normal, being able to choose which partitions to use, etc | 05:44 |
genii | Lam_ You should have a minimum cpu of pentium2 233 | 05:44 |
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bulmer | CaptainMorgan: since you're doing java..why not install Tomcat? it can do as well as Apache can | 05:44 |
Flannel | sohranit: if you mean wiping your /bin and stuff, yeah. Unless you want to dualboot. | 05:44 |
sohranit | Flannel but you're saying i'd have to erase what's already on the disk ? | 05:44 |
CapaH | ... Anyone? Does anyone know what I need to do to read from the firewire in Ubuntu? | 05:44 |
CaptainMorgan | Chesney, what do you mean dev vs. prod? I will be running a webserver and multipurpose site... | 05:44 |
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widoooo | i thought i can help because and so i dont closed the standard-window here in gnome-xchat | 05:44 |
widoooo | -because | 05:45 |
Checkka | hmm | 05:45 |
sohranit | Flannel so ubuntu supports bsd disklabels, ? | 05:45 |
Flannel | sohranit: You wouldn't have to erase everything. You could keep /home and stuff, just like norml. | 05:45 |
Checkka | Does pida only work for python? | 05:45 |
Checkka | or was it meant for other languages as well | 05:45 |
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genii | Lam_ Anything over pentium3 class around 500 does fine otherwise | 05:45 |
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CaptainMorgan | Chesney, if by dev you mean, webdev, well sure.. but there will also be webprod as well | 05:45 |
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Flannel | sohranit: Can't remember. You might check google. | 05:45 |
CaptainMorgan | so I am confused by your statemnt | 05:45 |
sohranit | Flannel .. | 05:45 |
Chesney | CaptainMorgan: From my experience, and its been a while LAMP servers that are preconfigured, just...I've had strange things happen. The systems I configured myself just seemed to do better. | 05:46 |
Chesney | CaptainMorgan: I am very unfamiliar with Ubuntus server distro though. | 05:46 |
b0b | plz help me i can't remember for the love of god how to enable direct 3d rendering what is the command | 05:46 |
Flannel | Chesney, CaptainMorgan, the LAMP ubuntu installs is still fully configurable. It's not a package in and of itself, just an easy way to install Apache/PHP/SQL/etc | 05:46 |
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Lam_ | genii: ok thanks. my uncle has a really old laptop with a 433 MHz. | 05:47 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: you'll be fine following the ubuntu wiki. Stay away from ubuntuguide | 05:47 |
CaptainMorgan | Chesney, can you elaborate 'strange things happen' ? My previous statement shut down abruptly and upon restart httpd or webserver of any kind would not function.. hence my reinstallation | 05:47 |
=== EnsignRedshirt [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
widoooo | bye | 05:47 |
CaptainMorgan | Chesney, oh..ok | 05:47 |
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CaptainMorgan | err.. statement = system | 05:47 |
youser | hey is there an easy wao to install a splash theme in feisty? | 05:48 |
genii | Lam_ If it has less than about 192Mb ram you should use the alternate install cd to put on the OS. Otherwise should run OK | 05:48 |
Flannel | youser: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support | 05:48 |
youser | ah i see | 05:48 |
Chesney | Flannel, CaptainMorgan, Yeah. Like I said, Flannel probably knows better then I do. I've never used Ubuntus LAMP. and have you checked the Apache error logs to see why it refuses to start again? | 05:48 |
youser | #ubuntu+1 | 05:48 |
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bulmer | CaptainMorgan: since you're doing java..why not install Tomcat? it can do as well as Apache can.. | 05:48 |
EnsignRedshirt | I was experimenting with 'sudo date' (in order to experiment with the DST change), and I set the date back one day. I want to change it again, but sudo complains that the timestamp is too far in the future! How can I fix this? | 05:48 |
=== btaylor [n=btaylor@adsl-68-94-4-96.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lam_ | genii: yeah. it has a 433 MHz with 330 MB RAM. an odd ratio for such an old laptop in my opinion | 05:49 |
CaptainMorgan | Chesney, no real problem exists.. this is a fresh install.. I am looking for ubuntu information on webserver as I am new to ubuntu's server features.. .my last system was running fedora | 05:49 |
CaptainMorgan | decided to switch | 05:49 |
genii | Lam_ Yes, that is an odd amount of ram | 05:49 |
Chesney | CaptainMorga: *shudder* Better luck with the Ubuntu install. | 05:49 |
CaptainMorgan | bulmer, ... familarity with apache?? | 05:49 |
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Flannel | bulmer, CaptainMorgan, you realise tomcat is apache, right? | 05:49 |
bulmer | yep | 05:50 |
CaptainMorgan | lol | 05:50 |
Pelo | Lam_, consider xubuntu, uses xcfe instead of gnome, suppose to be lighter | 05:50 |
bulmer | its a branch off apache | 05:50 |
genii | must be a 256 plus 64 sticks in it | 05:50 |
bulmer | and its natural to have java since tomcat is java based | 05:50 |
Chesney | Come on guys, I'm getting REALLY desperate to figure this WMP54G wlan card problem out. If you know anything... Please. | 05:50 |
=== Pir8 [n=pir8@CPE0013d4ad6736-CM000a7365c56f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pir8 | Is there a way in 6.10 to just do a basic LAMP server install ? | 05:51 |
Lam_ | Pelo: yeah. i may end up using xfce instead. i much prefer KDE though | 05:51 |
Flannel | !lamp | Pir8 | 05:51 |
ubotu | Pir8: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:51 |
Teekrul | ok i have installed Wine however i can not fine where i can use the program.... any idea where i can find it? i have looked under Applications, places, and System... any ideas pls would help | 05:51 |
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Pir8 | Flannel thanks | 05:51 |
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Dr_willis | Teekrul, read some wine docs.. in short.. wine /path/to/windows/binary/command.exe | 05:51 |
Flannel | Pir8: If you don't want to download the server CD, and have the alternate CD, you can install the "server" option (a CLI only box), then install LAMP on that easy enough | 05:51 |
EnsignRedshirt | Teekrul: wine is basically a command line program. | 05:51 |
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Pelo | Teekrul, you use wine by stayint wine before the path to your window app | 05:51 |
bulmer | Chesney: does it get an ip addr? | 05:51 |
Pelo | stating | 05:52 |
Teekrul | thanks | 05:52 |
b0b | what is the command for enabling direct 3d rendering for my nvidia card i have the drivers installed | 05:52 |
Robbie_Crash | I just got told that my root dir is full and I have no idea what is safely deletable | 05:52 |
Chesney | bulmer: The furthest I am getting is a successful sudo iwlist wlan0 scan. | 05:52 |
Flannel | Robbie_Crash: What's your partition scheme like? Is everything on one partition? | 05:52 |
shatrat | b0b, "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and restart X, if youre sure youve installed the nvidia drivers. | 05:52 |
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bulmer | Chesney: and it tells you which AP are seeable? | 05:52 |
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shatrat | b0b, if there is a problem though you need to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" to recover. | 05:53 |
Robbie_Crash | nope, root is /dev/hda1 home is /dev/hda2 all media files are stored on different physical drives | 05:53 |
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Chesney | bulmer: I can see my cell, but as soon as I "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid {mysite} key {10digithex} mode Managed" also various forms of key open, key restricted (xxxxxxxxxx, xxxx-xxxx-xx) | 05:54 |
Robbie_Crash | how big does the root partition really need to be? | 05:54 |
Pelo | Robbie_Crash, open up synaptic, hit the "state" or "status" button at the bottom left of the windows and see if you have any packages listed as unsued and stuff | 05:54 |
Flannel | Robbie_Crash: /home is the only thing not on / (and not media stuff) | 05:54 |
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genii | Chesney: Are you on Edgy? | 05:54 |
Chesney | bulmer: if the device is enabled throguh gnome if I try to make any changes in terminal, i get a resource busy | 05:54 |
Chesney | genii: yeah | 05:54 |
floresc77 | hey guys | 05:54 |
denis_on_ubuntu | hey guys i just installed nvidia driver, but the thing is that when i go into nvidia x server settings - it doesnt give me the option to set depth to 24, it just gives me 32, which prevents beryl from running correctly - would anyone be able to help ? | 05:54 |
genii | Chesney: I found a howto for Edgy if tyou want the link | 05:54 |
Chesney | genii, please | 05:55 |
Flannel | Robbie_Crash: How much space do you have on the HD for ubuntu? | 05:55 |
Chesney | bulmer: got any ideas? | 05:55 |
Pelo | Robbie_Crash, you can also try installing gtkorphan to list orphaned pakcages you can delete | 05:55 |
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Robbie_Crash | the root partition is 14gb | 05:56 |
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genii | Chesney: Here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822 referenced from this page: http://www.midnightcheese.com/index.php?p=439 | 05:56 |
bulmer | Chesney: I always find it difficult anything related to key management, umm i use an open one..and just makes the security in the server/client sides and not at the AP | 05:56 |
Robbie_Crash | there's nothing installed that's showing up as unused | 05:56 |
=== wt8008 [n=doubleyo@71-93-44-46.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Robbie_Crash: best way to free up some stuff is check /var/log for runaway log files (probably not any) and do "apt-cache clean" to remove cached debs, | 05:56 |
=== bigstart [n=fede@OL234-47.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chesney | bulmer: what would be the appropriate way of connecting to that open ap? | 05:57 |
Pelo | Robbie_Crash, gksu nautilus /root and delete what you don'T need from there | 05:57 |
EADG | Must restart irssi | 05:57 |
Robbie_Crash | Flannel: clean is an invalid operation | 05:58 |
bulmer | Chesney: i use dhclient to get it connected..DHCP allocated ip addr | 05:58 |
Pelo | Robbie_Crash, were you using your computer as root for everything ? | 05:58 |
=== Gnug615 [n=brock@mdsnwikwbas08-pool12-a193.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavs | anyone tried htop? its really cool, much better than top IMO | 05:58 |
Robbie_Crash | I don't use root for anything | 05:58 |
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Chesney | bulmer: i've only got what comes on the system. I don't really have a way of connecting to the wireless router to get anything done | 05:58 |
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Joshooa | If I am the only one on my computer, ever, is there really a need to make a Root and Home Partition, or should I just leave it all on one partition? | 05:59 |
bulmer | Chesney: whose router is it? yours or the ISP? | 05:59 |
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floresc77 | I have a quick question for someone. I am currently using the live cd and I am trying to install 6.10. I have having issues with installing because the resolution is too low, 640x480. I have tried to reconfigure the xorg.conf and force at least 1024x768 but everytime i restart the xserver it is still at 640x480. What else should i try? | 05:59 |
adonis827 | how do you add another admin user? | 05:59 |
Robbie_Crash | /var/lib is the only really really big thing at 8+GB | 05:59 |
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Chesney | bulmer: its mine. and I can lug the pc up the stairs take all the other crap with me as well. but...thats quite a bit of work. | 05:59 |
Chesney | bulmer: i've got this pc running windows/Ubuntu duel boot | 06:00 |
Pelo | floresc77, when you run the live cd your changes don'T get saved | 06:00 |
Pelo | floresc77, try using the alternate installed cd , it is txt based | 06:00 |
bulmer | Chesney: am surpised you dont have access to the webpage of your AP..which model is the router/AP ? | 06:00 |
floresc77 | yeah, i know that. I am just restarting the xserver by ctrl-alt-backspace | 06:01 |
denis_on_ubuntu | hey guys i just installed nvidia driver, but the thing is that when i go into nvidia x server settings - it doesnt give me the option to set depth to 24, it just gives me 32, which prevents beryl from running correctly - would anyone be able to help ? | 06:01 |
floresc77 | it saves it in ram right? | 06:01 |
Chesney | bulmer: I do have access to the AP's configuration I was just saying, getting the PC to the AP to plug it in via ethernet, would take a long time. | 06:01 |
Pelo | floresc77, might be a refresh rate issue | 06:01 |
=== megafauna [n=megafaun@CPE00179a4844cc-CM000e5c6fda9e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chesney | bulmer: I just, this card and chipset is supported right out of the box, so I know I'M the problem. | 06:02 |
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Evan_ | bomb | 06:02 |
bulmer | Chesney: but thats the easiest way to configure it | 06:02 |
shmeelAway | denis_on_ubuntu i think you have to go edit xconf itself and change default setting to 24 | 06:02 |
adonis827 | hello :) | 06:02 |
adonis827 | how do you add a new admin user? | 06:02 |
=== Selaiah [n=Selaiah@p57A1CDFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | Chesney you have a fear of neighbors using your bandwidth? | 06:02 |
Evan_ | is there anyway to get 1440x900 using the Ubuntu "Live" CD? | 06:02 |
Evan_ | without installing it | 06:03 |
Evan_ | I only get 1024x768 | 06:03 |
=== widoooo [n=ubuntu@dslb-088-065-030-160.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Robbie_Crash | yeah, /var/lib is 8.1GB the rest of the stuff on root is all under 100MB aside from /lib which is 185mb | 06:03 |
widoooo | whh shiti nv-modul | 06:03 |
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widoooo | nv-driver | 06:03 |
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Chesney | bulmer: no, i've got Mac Filtering on. | 06:03 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 06:03 |
widoooo | no 16:9 | 06:03 |
Chesney | bulmer: and if they can figure out one of the 2 macs on the list to spoof. Then more power to them. | 06:03 |
widoooo | is the guy who want stop x there?? | 06:03 |
floresc77 | if its an issue with the refresh rate, will i have the same issues with 6.10 fully installed? | 06:03 |
bulmer | Chesney: there you go, so configure your router to be more open, to make it easier for your wifi to connect | 06:03 |
FlavourFlav | i have a grub issue, i need to add another drive to my pc, but when i connect it i get an error 17, any thoughts? i have an ide drive (hda , drive 0 on grub's device map), and a sata drive (sda , drive 1 in devices.map). thanks | 06:04 |
Evan_ | no 16:10 resolutions? | 06:04 |
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widoooo | 16:9 | 06:04 |
widoooo | 1280x720 | 06:04 |
Evan_ | whatev | 06:04 |
Evan_ | i only get 1024x768 | 06:04 |
widoooo | tryed with Xorg -configure | 06:04 |
widoooo | dpkg-reconfigure | 06:04 |
Evan_ | my monitor wants 1440x900 | 06:04 |
widoooo | and deleting xorg.conf and set it | 06:04 |
Chesney | bulmer: I'll do that. But getting the dang thing to connect. Should just be as simple as sudo iwconfig essid {sitename} key open mode managed? | 06:04 |
genii | adonis827: sudo useradd -G admin <username> | 06:04 |
nalpha | guys... why i can't ping to my own network ( my > switch > wireless > switch > client2 ) while the others can.. ( client1 > switch > wireless > switch > client2) my & client1 in the same switch?? anyone can help... | 06:04 |
bulmer | Chesney yeah..its about that easy | 06:05 |
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widoooo | Evan_: i think i saw such resolutions | 06:05 |
widoooo | with the nv driver | 06:05 |
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Chesney | bulmer: alright man. Thanks for the help. | 06:05 |
Chesney | nalpha: what? | 06:05 |
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Evan_ | ok, so it needs drivers then | 06:05 |
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Evan_ | i was just booting from the cd | 06:06 |
nalpha | Chesney yup? | 06:06 |
bulmer | Chesney: np | 06:06 |
nalpha | Chesney: the situation is like that | 06:06 |
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cuteseal | hello eveyrone | 06:07 |
widoooo | the feisty installer is not very stable?? | 06:07 |
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widoooo | the install app i mean?? | 06:07 |
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FunnyLookinHat | widoooo, worked pretty well for me. no problems at all actually. | 06:07 |
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cuteseal | i'm running feisty - is there a problem with aac (m4a) support with gstreamer? | 06:08 |
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widoooo | the amd64 version?? | 06:08 |
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widoooo | yes i agee i did load some sw-raid and lvm stuff but should that broke it?? | 06:08 |
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cuteseal | i try to play a file and then the automatic codec installer installs gstreamer-bad or something or rather, but after that just gives errors when i try to play the file | 06:09 |
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tritium | cuteseal: feisty questions in #ubuntu+1 | 06:09 |
megafauna | hi, how do I install amarok 1.4.5 (not in synaptic which is only up to 1.4.3) | 06:09 |
cuteseal | oh really? | 06:09 |
cuteseal | cool thx... | 06:09 |
=== Moonshine__ [n=david@CPE-124-191-248-109.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peepsalot | when is the official Feisty release date? | 06:09 |
cuteseal | 19 apr i think | 06:09 |
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peepsalot | ok, thanks | 06:10 |
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llama32 | megafauna: if synaptic/apt only has an old version, or you might have to download amarok yourself from it's website and follow the instructions there | 06:13 |
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sirgib | Hi, I am trying to install some packages using apt-get, but the jp.archive.ubuntu.com appears to be down. Even after editing sources.list for aptitude, apt-get still trys reading from the jp mirror. How do I solve this? Thanks | 06:13 |
=== profXavier [n=pdeighan@S01060016b6197cf9.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gumby | sirgib: after ediiting the file did you run sudo apt-get update? | 06:14 |
llama32 | sirgib, apt-get update? | 06:14 |
llama32 | heh too slow :) | 06:14 |
profXavier | anyone have luck with RealPlayer? | 06:14 |
sirgib | Gumby, yes i did that | 06:14 |
sirgib | but even the update trys connecting to the jp mirror | 06:14 |
Gumby | sirgib: are they commented out in the sources.list file? | 06:14 |
=== introubleneedhe1 [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-4-146-124.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TooR4u | hi | 06:15 |
sirgib | yes, I replaced the file with the one on the ubuntu wiki | 06:15 |
introubleneedhe1 | hey | 06:15 |
profXavier | or is there an ubuntu media channel? | 06:15 |
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introubleneedhe1 | I need help | 06:15 |
sicutdeux | OMG so many people | 06:15 |
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sicutdeux | some can help me over here | 06:15 |
profXavier | always is | 06:15 |
sirgib | Err http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates Release.gpg | 06:15 |
sirgib | Could not connect to jp.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out | 06:15 |
Gumby | sirgib: cat /etc/apt/sources.list and then paste it to http://rafb.net/paste and then paste the URL back here | 06:15 |
profXavier | cannot help if you dont ask | 06:15 |
introubleneedhe1 | ok | 06:16 |
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introubleneedhe1 | I crashed X | 06:16 |
sirgib | ok gumby, 2 secs | 06:16 |
megafauna | llama32: Hi, I have downloaded it but can't install it yet. | 06:16 |
sicutdeux | i have a problem with gtk, it doesnt show any text on applications like dillo and sylpheed | 06:16 |
Gumby | sirgib: actually, just do this. grep efgy-updates /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:16 |
sicutdeux | gtk1.2 | 06:16 |
sicutdeux | gtk2 works perfect (tested in firefox2) | 06:16 |
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introubleneedhe1 | after installling the Nvidia driver and restarting I get error "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module" | 06:17 |
sicutdeux | it was working well, but now, it doesnt shoy any text labels | 06:17 |
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sicutdeux | any idea? | 06:17 |
sirgib | Gumby, http://rafb.net/p/itL2IN43.html | 06:17 |
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introubleneedhe1 | I tired modprobe nvidia and this does not work, the window after stopping then starting gdm is still present | 06:18 |
wolferine | anyone have RealPlayer working, or something I can use as a substitute? | 06:18 |
Chesney | bulmer: i'm still getting an access point: not-associated when I do iwconfig wlan0 | 06:18 |
sirgib | Gumby, I'm still running the update, it is downloading some files, but it still keeps reporting errors with the jp mirror | 06:18 |
Gumby | sirgib: what command are you using | 06:18 |
sirgib | Gumby, sudo aptitude update | 06:18 |
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Gumby | sirgib: do sudo apt-get update | 06:19 |
sirgib | should i cancel the existing update? | 06:19 |
Gumby | up to you. | 06:19 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | is there a way I can switch the shell environment to hard drive ubuntu, from Live CD Ubuntu? | 06:19 |
bulmer | Chesney: you have opened it? ie no wep or wpa? | 06:19 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: yes, use chroot | 06:19 |
sicutdeux | anyone? | 06:20 |
sirgib | Gumby, 98%, i'll wait ;) | 06:20 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: could you please show me an example? | 06:20 |
Gumby | !chroot | 06:20 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 06:20 |
wolferine | anyone have RealPlayer working, or something I can use as a substitute? | 06:20 |
Chesney | bulmer: no encryption of any kind, just mac filtering. and i use sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid {mysiteid} key open mode managed | 06:20 |
Chesney | and | 06:20 |
=== robby [n=chatzill@pool-71-102-242-201.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
floresc77 | anyone ever use Super Grub Disk? | 06:20 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: disregard that | 06:21 |
robby | hey anyone know how to get a satalite m105 wireless card to work in ubuntu? | 06:21 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | ok | 06:21 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | closed | 06:21 |
bulmer | Chesney: you have configured your router to be opened right? not via those command line? | 06:21 |
Chesney | it doesnt say anything, but when I do sudo iwconfig wlan0 to see what they settings are it sees the AP, it recognizes the signal strength but does not associate with the access point | 06:21 |
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[Tuxedo] | !beryl | 06:22 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:22 |
Chesney | bulmer: yes I logged into the AP prior to booting Ubuntu and turned WEP off | 06:22 |
bulmer | Chesney: what is the signal strength like? | 06:22 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: ..... | 06:22 |
Gumby | 1) mount /dev/hdXx /mount/point 2) mount -t proc none /mount/point/proc 3) mount -t none /dev /mount/point/dev -o bind 4) chroot /mount/point | 06:22 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: ? | 06:22 |
Chesney | bulmer 91% | 06:22 |
bulmer | Chesney: and you are sure you jot down the mac address of your wifi nic and entered it on your mac filter? | 06:23 |
Gumby | before you reboot dont forget to type exit (to get out of the chrooted shell) and then do umount /mount/point/dev and umount /mount/point | 06:23 |
bulmer | Chesney maybe you can turn off any filtering just for kicks to get it connected | 06:23 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I assume you can follow what /mount/point means and /dev/hdxX | 06:23 |
Chesney | bulmer: positive, i'm using the same machine, same card, same AP, just booted into windows right now. | 06:23 |
[Tuxedo] | Anyone good with getting ubuntu to recognize ATi cards? | 06:24 |
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sirgib | Gumby, running sudo apt-get update now | 06:24 |
bulmer | Chesney: am out of ideas for now..let me ponder a lil bit | 06:24 |
robby | can i get a walkthru of how to get my wireless card to work? i have a satalite m105 | 06:24 |
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sirgib | Gumby, its trying to connect to the jp mirrora gain | 06:25 |
Gumby | sirgib: great. if you still have issues check to see that you dont have files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 06:25 |
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Chesney | bulmer: alrighty i'm gonna try one thing I got off the forums and if that doesnt work....I got 150 feet of un-terminated cat-5 around here somewhere, I can do that if i absolutley need to. | 06:25 |
bulmer | Chesney: can you try this... /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:25 |
sirgib | ok, ill check that directory | 06:25 |
robby | can i get a walkthru of how to get my wireless card to work? i have a satalite m105 | 06:26 |
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[Tuxedo] | Anyone good with getting ubuntu to recognize ATi cards? | 06:26 |
robby | i need the very basics of it | 06:26 |
sirgib | Gumby, found the problem ;) | 06:26 |
robby | i have no clue where to even start | 06:26 |
robby | i just installed linux for the first time today | 06:26 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: stop 4) chroot /mount/point is a general location, I haven't a clue why I would do this but I thank you for your advice and will try it right now | 06:27 |
robby | and i got rid of windows completly | 06:27 |
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CientificoLoco | how do I install MSN Messenger Audio Codec? | 06:27 |
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robby | anyone? | 06:27 |
bulmer | Chesney if that does not get it connected, you can also manually try dhclient and see if it can acquire the ip addr from your AP | 06:27 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | [Tuxedo] : I had a ATI card uptill today, just bought Nvidia | 06:27 |
sirgib | Gumby, it's working. Many thanks for your help | 06:27 |
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Chesney | bulmer: mm alright | 06:28 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: you said you wanted a shell environment with your ubuntu drive. thats how you'd do it. if you just want to edit a few files then all you need to do is mount the hard drive | 06:28 |
ax7 | hi | 06:28 |
cypher1 | robby, please see the message from ubotu | 06:28 |
Gumby | sirgib: good to hear | 06:28 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: Precisely, to test the X environment will require doing both | 06:28 |
Xeper | Hey everyone, I have a question... I'm downloading the Ubuntu AMD64 disc now, and the problem I had with the Gentoo install is that it wouldn't support my SATA devices during install. Will I also run into this problem with the Ubuntu install? Bot my HDD and my DVD RAM drive are SATA. | 06:28 |
Xeper | s/Bot/Both | 06:28 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: you done more than any of my google searches could pertain | 06:28 |
Chesney | bulmer: alrighty, gonna give this yet....another go. | 06:29 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: glad to be of help | 06:29 |
shatrat | Xeper, it should, unless you rmotherboard has a funny chipset | 06:29 |
Chesney | bulmer: I appreciate the help. | 06:29 |
Xeper | shatrat: Nah, MSI K9AGM | 06:29 |
wolferine | anyone have RealPlayer working, or something I can use as a substitute? | 06:29 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I'm not quite sure how well it will work with testing X though. especially if X is already running from a livecd | 06:29 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: good point | 06:30 |
Xeper | shatrat: I'm familiar with Gentoo -- will any of the changes be difficult for me to get used to, do you think? | 06:30 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | X is broken | 06:30 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | lol | 06:30 |
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shatrat | Xeper, probably not, just !sudo | 06:30 |
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Xeper | I haven't used Linux for over 2 years (been in Iraq) but... | 06:30 |
Xeper | I still remember | 06:30 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: how'd you install the nvidia driver? | 06:30 |
shatrat | Xeper, there is no root account, minor difference | 06:30 |
ax7 | dunno | 06:30 |
Xeper | No root account? Why not? | 06:30 |
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Xeper | !sudo replaces that? | 06:31 |
ubotu | sudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 396 kB | 06:31 |
mhemu | robby, what exactly isn't working | 06:31 |
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robby | i cant get wireless | 06:31 |
robby | or i dont know how | 06:31 |
shatrat | Xeper, security. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:31 |
bulmer | robby: you have tried any tutorials yet? | 06:32 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: I wanted to try replacing the xorg.conf entry with "vesa" or "nv" from "nvidia" to see if it will do anything. I installed the nvidia driver by retrieving it from the official site, then running sudo sh nvidiafile.run. There were no precompiled kernels and it manually created one | 06:32 |
robby | yeah i have no clue wha to do with them tho | 06:32 |
robby | they confuse me | 06:32 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | I can give you my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log if you like to see if there is anything more to check | 06:32 |
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iratsu__ | what command tells you what process is using a device? | 06:32 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: ah. I'm pretty sure ubuntu has packages for ATI and Nvidia drivers in its universe repos.... | 06:32 |
Gumby | !nvidia | 06:33 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:33 |
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bulmer | robby well cant help you if you dont attempt to try | 06:33 |
Xeper | shatrat: That's a great idea... never thought of it like that | 06:33 |
robby | i am trying but i dont know where to input any of the commands | 06:33 |
Xeper | shatrat: Seems a whole lot more user friendly. | 06:33 |
robby | im a complete newb | 06:34 |
shatrat | Xeper, that's the idea behind most ubuntu features. | 06:34 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: it might be easier for you to just follow the ubuntu wiki howto. you could post yor xorg if you like though. I could have a quick look | 06:34 |
bulmer | robby: then perhaps you need to try with a wired connection first before the wireless stuff | 06:34 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: is there anyway to revert the X gdm configuration and run the hard drive Ubuntu even half-assed so I can retry the inta;;ation with this newly found howto? | 06:34 |
Xeper | shatrat: I apologize for the ignorance, but I am totally new to this. Ubuntu is based upon Debian, right? So it uses apt-get? | 06:34 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | even the BACKUP does not work | 06:35 |
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Xeper | shatrat: And, my favorite feature about Gentoo was Emerge, because it got all the dependencies for me. Will Ubuntu be able to do that too? | 06:35 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | will posting the file to the room boot me out? | 06:35 |
cypher1 | Xeper, yep | 06:35 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I'd just edit the xorg.conf back to its original settings (just change the driver back to nv most likely) and then reboot | 06:35 |
cypher1 | !pastebin > Ubuntu_NVidia | 06:35 |
Gumby | Ubugtu: probably yes. paste to a pastebin. http://rafb.net/paste | 06:35 |
Gumby | sorry, Ubuntu_NVidia | 06:35 |
shatrat | Xeper, yes, apt manages dependencies very well, and you can find most software you could want in repositories. | 06:35 |
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shatrat | Xeper, youll just have to try it. There's really not much explaining needed if youve used linux before. I switched from SuSE and had no problems figuring anything out. | 06:36 |
Gumby | Xeper: imho, apt is much better than emerge. | 06:37 |
Gumby | Xeper: emerge will allow you to break your system quite easily, apt doesnt. | 06:37 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: see PM | 06:37 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I dont see pm's from not registered users :) | 06:37 |
Artemis3 | Gumby, try dist upgrades ;) | 06:38 |
Chesney | bulmer: hey another quick question. I'm new to the debian based systems. is a .deb file a apt-get type of package? | 06:38 |
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Gumby | Artemis3: I do them all the time :) | 06:38 |
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cypher1 | Chesney, yep | 06:38 |
Gumby | Artemis3: emerge lets you unintstall things no matter if its a dependancy or not. | 06:38 |
Artemis3 | apt-get is simply a program to install, remove those .deb packages | 06:38 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: the crash log: http://rafb.net/p/zT8Chi50.html and the xorg.conf http://rafb.net/p/2DKMRY83.html | 06:39 |
Xeper | Great... I'm pretty excited to get this up and running :) | 06:39 |
Xeper | Heard nothing but positive things about this distro | 06:39 |
Artemis3 | ok its a little more intelligent as it solves dependencies and such | 06:39 |
False_Courage | Anybody running UnrealIRCD on ubuntu? | 06:40 |
bulmer | Chesney yes | 06:40 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: did your filter prevent the links from appearing in the room for you? | 06:40 |
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[Tuxedo] | Can anyone help with getting Ubuntu to recognize an ATi Radeon 9000 Pro? | 06:40 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: nope, the links work fine. and its not really "my" filter. Its a freenode thing :) Ive just never bothered to change it from its default | 06:41 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: your xorg.conf looks fine to me. | 06:43 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: I know, the thing is, even using the backup conf which was basically the original version, generates the same error | 06:43 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | see: error log | 06:43 |
Gumby | says it cant find a usuable screen... it might need a BusID in the device section for the card | 06:44 |
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Gumby | "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure(EE) NVIDIA(0): that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and(EE) NVIDIA(0): that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly. (EE) NVIDIA(0): Please consult the NVIDIA README for details." | 06:45 |
Gumby | Ubugtu: is the log from when you tried with the nvidia driver or with the old xorg.conf? | 06:45 |
Gumby | sorry, Ubuntu_NVidia | 06:45 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: the log is from when I tried with the nvidia driver | 06:46 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: the two links I showed you are in conjunction with each other | 06:46 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I am betting that the nvidia driver wasnt loaded... | 06:46 |
CientificoLoco | how do I install MSN Messenger Audio Codec? | 06:46 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: is the partition with ubuntu on it mounted right now? | 06:47 |
Gumby | (and if so where?) | 06:47 |
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CientificoLoco | how do I install MSN Messenger Audio Codec? | 06:47 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: yes | 06:47 |
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xander | hey, ive got a question for someone who has a bit of time, whats the deal with Gnome/GTK apps? Can I run them under KDE? | 06:47 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: where is it mounted? | 06:48 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: mounted at /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Ubuntu/ | 06:48 |
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Xeper | xander: Of course | 06:48 |
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Xeper | xander: Just fire them up, they'll run. | 06:48 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: runnung on a liveCD and I mounted the partition sda2 to that directory | 06:48 |
xander | alright, so then whats the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu? | 06:48 |
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drcode | hi all | 06:48 |
xander | different GUIs, anything else? | 06:48 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: ok. edit /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Ubuntu/etc/modules in that file add nvidia to the end of the file | 06:49 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | xander: one is KDE and one is GNOME | 06:49 |
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Xeper | xander: Ubuntu uses GNOME by default, Kubuntu uses KDE. | 06:49 |
xander | will all graphical apps run the same under either one? | 06:49 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: I am taking a wild guess and guessing its not there :) | 06:49 |
xander | I hear something about how GTK runs only under gnome, is that true? | 06:49 |
nekoz | eh | 06:49 |
Xeper | xander: In my experience K apps are slower when not run in K, because they depend on a bunch of other crap running as well | 06:49 |
Gumby | xander: nonsense | 06:49 |
crazy_bus | how come when I make a iso in devede for a 4.7gb its only 2.3gb? | 06:49 |
nekoz | so is ubuntu packages ready for that double early daylight savings thing? | 06:49 |
nekoz | date: invalid date `PST' | 06:50 |
nekoz | sh: PST: command not found | 06:50 |
nekoz | Sun Mar 11 22:50:14 PDT 2007 | 06:50 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: it was not there, I added it, then rebooted, and had the same error. Then I ran out of ideas and tried coming here :) | 06:50 |
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drcode | I am looking p2p tv . any idea? | 06:50 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: hrm... | 06:50 |
kyle__ | ntoo | 06:50 |
xander | so is there any problems at all running K/GTK apps under their opposite GUI? | 06:50 |
xander | I'm not sure why, but I thought you coulden't mix/match em | 06:51 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_NVidia: what did you change the xorg.conf to once you tried to fix it? | 06:51 |
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Gumby | xander: works fine :) I'm in gnome right now running ktorrent and knetworkmanager | 06:51 |
EnsignRedshirt | xander: I regularly run kile and k3b in under gnome. They work fine. If you run them from the command line, they tend to print error messages about missing this and that (sorry, I don't recall exactly what), but the errors seem harmless. | 06:52 |
Gumby | xander: and when in kde I use xchat and gaim without issue (both gtk apps) | 06:52 |
EnsignRedshirt | s/in under/under/ | 06:52 |
Rooy | xander: nand i have xfce's thunar running on gnome as well | 06:52 |
xander | okay,cool | 06:52 |
xander | so then is there no real difference between KDE/Gnome except personal prefrence? | 06:52 |
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Ubuntu_NVidia | Gumby: I tried the default backup, did not work, put it back to nvidia installed xorg.conf, did not work, wanted to change the driver entry to "vesa" or "nv" to see if it would do anything using a shell without restarting but did not do it yet | 06:53 |
Gumby | xander: there are lots of differences. But yes, they are all mostly personal preference | 06:53 |
xander | any major differences I should maybe be aware of? | 06:53 |
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Gumby | xander: nothing crazy I can think of. I first used gnome, then KDE, now I am back to gnome. hehe. KDE has more eye candy be default | 06:54 |
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xander | alright, cool | 06:54 |
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xander | so could i switch back and forth from KDE to Gnome without any issues? | 06:55 |
xander | or do the GUIs keep certain settings/information to themselves? | 06:55 |
[Tuxedo] | Can anyone help getting an ATI card recognized? | 06:55 |
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spider_ | where can I get directions to install flash9? | 06:55 |
eck | xander: switching back and forth would not present a big problem | 06:56 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | hello? | 06:56 |
Madpilot | ubotu, flash | spider_ | 06:56 |
ubotu | spider_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:56 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 06:56 |
Ubuntu_NVidia | is anyone here? | 06:56 |
Gumby | xander: nope, no issues | 06:56 |
Gumby | nope, we all left | 06:56 |
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Whiz2 | anyone here know how to configure lighttpd, and php5-cgi? I followed intructions found on google, but now my web server won't work at all. This was after someone in here suggested I google it | 06:56 |
xander | cool | 06:56 |
=== introubleneedhel [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-4-146-124.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xander | and one last question, what should I know before buying a laptop I plan to put linux on? | 06:57 |
xander | wireless chipsets, graphic cards, etc | 06:57 |
eck | xander: if you can, try to get intel graphics and wireless | 06:57 |
Gumby | xander: seems that most issues crop up with wifi and graphics | 06:57 |
introubleneedhel | Gumby: did you say anything? my conection slowed to nothing | 06:57 |
JHSands | !ntfs | 06:57 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:57 |
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reyezzo | hello | 06:57 |
JHSands | !ntfs-3g | 06:57 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 06:57 |
EnsignRedshirt | xander: Take a look at System76. They sell laptops with Ubuntu installed, and everything configured and working. | 06:58 |
reyezzo | how do i merge two partitions? | 06:58 |
xander | ah, i just googled and found http://www.linux-laptop.net/ | 06:58 |
xander | alright, i'll check that out too | 06:58 |
eck | intel graphics and wireless both have open source linux drives | 06:58 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_Nvidia: I suggested reverting the file back to its original state and rebooting. I sorta dont have enoug time to delve deeper into the problem | 06:58 |
xander | thanks a bunch guys, i'm out | 06:58 |
spider_ | thanks for flash9 info | 06:58 |
xander | have a good night! | 06:58 |
EnsignRedshirt | xander: Check the forum for System76. | 06:58 |
xander | alright, will do | 06:58 |
Ubuntu_Nvidia | Gumby: its ok, I will re-install, just an F.Y.I. though, I already did that too :) | 06:58 |
xander | thanks again! | 06:58 |
JHSands | has anyone installed ntfs-3g on fiesty ? | 06:58 |
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Whiz2 | I need help | 06:58 |
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Pie-rate | there're 2 instances of netstat with "zombie" status in gnome-system-monitor. Why? | 06:59 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_Nvidia: I didnt mean a full reinstall. Just replace the old xorg.conf and dont forget to also remove nvidia from /etc/modules | 06:59 |
genbvo | anyone know how do i find modules that are running | 06:59 |
genbvo | modprobe -l? | 06:59 |
Gumby | genbvo: lsmod | 06:59 |
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genbvo | i think that shows all | 06:59 |
genbvo | ah | 06:59 |
JHSands | I am very very happy with Ubuntu! I purchased an Acer AST-180 from best buy a week ago and the live cd loads all of the drivers... even the sound and video! IMPRESSIVE!!! | 06:59 |
JHSands | thank you everyone! | 07:00 |
genbvo | Gumby: i remmber now thanks | 07:00 |
Ubuntu_Nvidia | Gumby: this is what I have tried, it is not successful, as we previously troubleshooted :) | 07:00 |
eck | Whiz2: if you really want to use lighttpd that is fine, but a lot more people know apache, and apache + mod_php will be much faster | 07:00 |
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Gumby | Ubuntu_Nvidia: hrm.... seems strange | 07:00 |
Whiz2 | eck: ok how do i replace lighttpd with that? I have no idea what I'm doing | 07:00 |
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eck | just a thought -- setting up apache + php is like two steps in ubuntu | 07:00 |
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Ubuntu_Nvidia | Gumby: next time I will use the resource you pointed me too | 07:01 |
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Whiz2 | also i will need to change apache so that my website directory is the same as the one used in lighttpd | 07:01 |
eck | Whiz2: just install apache2 and libapache2-mod-php5 | 07:01 |
[Tuxedo] | Can anyone help getting an ATI card recognized? | 07:01 |
eck | when you start up apache it will have mod_php loaded | 07:01 |
Whiz2 | i assume I need to uninstall lighttpd, and php5-cgi? | 07:01 |
eck | Whiz2: you can keep them if you like | 07:01 |
ndowens | how does ubuntu's "development" release compare to debian unstable release? | 07:01 |
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eck | Whiz2: i think you can only have one of apache and lighttpd running at once though | 07:02 |
Ubuntu_Nvidia | Gumby: I mean, err, after re-install. I once reinstalled Fedora 5 times in a day. At least with Ubuntu its more like once a day | 07:02 |
Whiz2 | won't lighttpd, and apache interfere with each other? | 07:02 |
eck | because they will both want to bind on port 80 | 07:02 |
Whiz2 | ok | 07:02 |
Gumby | Ubuntu_Nvidia: good luck. if we had more time I'm sure we could get it but I just dont | 07:02 |
Whiz2 | I'm binding to a different port | 07:02 |
Whiz2 | 81 | 07:02 |
eck | ok, well the only conflict would be if they wanted to use the same port | 07:02 |
Whiz2 | so i will need to change that in apache as well | 07:02 |
=== Gumby has to go bind to his gf's "port" | ||
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bones | anyone have Repositories | 07:03 |
ndowens | how does ubuntu's development release compare to debian unstable, i am curious | 07:03 |
Whiz2 | eck: gimme a few to uninstall theold, and install the new... | 07:04 |
eck | Whiz2: are you trying to do virtual hosts? | 07:04 |
Xeper | Is 6.10 "stable", for all intents and purposes? | 07:04 |
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Whiz2 | what is a virtual host? | 07:04 |
Whiz2 | <-- total newbie to this | 07:04 |
Xeper | I know it's not exactly recommended, but it's not entirely broken like E17 was a few years ago, is it? | 07:04 |
eck | Whiz2: it is if you want subdomains, like example.com, mail.example.com, wiki.example.com and so forth | 07:04 |
eck | virtual hosts let you run them all on one machine | 07:04 |
eck | (traditionally each would run on a separate server) | 07:05 |
Gumby | Xeper: 6.10 (edgy) is the latest stable release | 07:05 |
Whiz2 | I'm using a redirect from an off network site which goes straight to my IP address forwarded to my server | 07:05 |
nalpha | guys anyone can explain me about this ( | 07:05 |
nalpha | admin@lserver:~$ route | 07:05 |
nalpha | Kernel IP routing table | 07:05 |
nalpha | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 07:05 |
nalpha | * U 0 0 0 eth0 | 07:05 |
nalpha | localnet * U 0 0 0 eth1 | 07:05 |
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nalpha | default UG 0 0 0 eth0 | 07:05 |
=== Xeper [n=Xeper@CPE-72-131-46-114.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeper | Sorry about that | 07:06 |
Xeper | Did someone answer that question? | 07:06 |
Whiz2 | technically, my web server's address is my internet IP address with port 81 | 07:06 |
eck | Whiz2: ok, then you can't do it | 07:06 |
Whiz2 | Why not? my site worked fine before | 07:06 |
eck | Whiz2: you just need a line in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf that reads "Listen 81" | 07:06 |
Gumby | ndowens: I am not 100% sure about this, but Ive been told that the testing in ubuntu is less rigorous than debian | 07:06 |
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Gumby | Xeper: 6.10 (edgy) is the latest stable release | 07:06 |
eck | Whiz2: err, you can't have vitual hosts | 07:06 |
Whiz2 | ok | 07:06 |
Whiz2 | lighttpd failed to uninjstall, because it couldn't stop the server | 07:07 |
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ndowens | i know on some site, it said that debian unstable is more stable than ubuntu's development version | 07:07 |
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kaushal | Hi | 07:07 |
eck | and a line that says "DocumentRoot /path/to/your/website" | 07:07 |
kaushal | 530 This FTP server is anonymous only. | 07:07 |
eck | Whiz2: check if it is running with ps | 07:07 |
kaushal | I have installed vsftpd | 07:07 |
eck | e.g. ps -ef | grep httpd | 07:07 |
CientificoLoco | how do I install MSN Messenger Audio Codec? | 07:08 |
marko | anyone wanna play atlantik? | 07:08 |
kaushal | I am not able to login to vsftpd server | 07:08 |
eck | kaushal: you need to edit /etc/vsftpd.conf and restart vsftpd | 07:08 |
Gumby | ndowens: Ive been using ubuntu for about a year now and it seems fairly stable to me. Its a tradeoff, the faster you get new package releases the more you risk getting instability or security issues. I think ubuntu does a fairly decent job of balancing the btwo | 07:08 |
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kaushal | Thanks eck | 07:08 |
Xeper | Gumby: Sweet, thanks. I was confused with the mention of 6.06 | 07:08 |
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Gumby | Xeper: 6.06 is dapper, the previous stable release | 07:08 |
Gumby | Xeper: just stay away from feisty for now and you will be ok :) | 07:09 |
Xeper | Gumby: Ahh. New to Ubuntu, so sorry for the stupid questions :P | 07:09 |
ndowens | Gumby: yea right now i am on debian unstable, and just curious | 07:09 |
Whiz2 | eck: i get the following as an answer: root 4849 4756 0 02:08 pts/0 00:00:00 greg lighttpd | 07:09 |
Xeper | Gumby: How long has 6.10 been out? | 07:09 |
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Gumby | Xeper: there are no stupid questions. only stupid answers :) (and people that dont google) | 07:09 |
eck | Whiz2: the command is 'grep' :- ) | 07:09 |
meborc | 6.10 - 2006/10 | 07:09 |
Rooy | how do i know what does make accept as target in a particular source directory? | 07:09 |
EnsignRedshirt | Xeper: "6.10" == "2006, October" | 07:10 |
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Whiz2 | so something like gregp lighttpd? | 07:10 |
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Whiz2 | grep* | 07:10 |
Rooy | like for python there's make test, but not for eg gaim | 07:10 |
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Gumby | ndowens: debian unstable has worked well for me in the past. | 07:10 |
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eck | yeah, you typed in 'greg' | 07:10 |
ndowens | Gumby: yep so far i haven't hit a snag b/c of debian's fault, i had to fix something but it was my fault in a way | 07:10 |
Whiz2 | lol ok, but I typed it correctly on the command line | 07:11 |
Gumby | CientificoLoco: not even sure what a MSN Messenge audio codec is | 07:11 |
Xeper | EnsignRedshirt: Ah, is that how it works? Interesting and simple way of keeping up with versions | 07:11 |
Gumby | CientificoLoco: what is it and why do you feel you need it | 07:11 |
=== ct1945 [n=ct1945@CPE0013460b115f-CM000a739ba2ec.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EnsignRedshirt | Xeper: Yup. The next release will be 7.04. | 07:11 |
Whiz2 | eck: did that tell you whether it's running ps? | 07:11 |
ndowens | Gumby: which most likely i will stay with debian, but i am just being curious and not bashing ubuntu if anyone thinks that | 07:11 |
=== odix [n=odix@ip70-180-211-154.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | if you only get the grep line then it is not running | 07:11 |
odix | anyone know where the config file for powershell is? I enabled shadowing and now it crashes | 07:12 |
odix | uninstalled and reinstalled and still crashes | 07:12 |
CientificoLoco | Gumby, I have installed MErcury as MSN server, so when a contac send me a voice message it comes to my laptop like .mov and it need to be played MSN codec... | 07:12 |
kaushal | eck | 07:12 |
eck | i guess you can restart your machine, i'm not sure how to manually stop lighttpd | 07:12 |
kaushal | I did comment | 07:12 |
Whiz2 | ok I'll uninstall php5-cgi then reboot to see what happens | 07:12 |
Gumby | ndowens: the package repos in ubuntu are still better IMHO. Lots of packages available in multiverse and universe that arent available in debian repos. | 07:12 |
Xeper | EnsignRedshirt: So should I wait to do my install? Is there an easy way to upgrade? | 07:12 |
cdistler | hi, im pretty new to ubuntu and ive been reading forums and researching but still cant do what i know is a very basic thing: to change permissions on an external usb hdd so that i can write to it. all the info ive found is too confusing and assumes that i already know quite a bit more than i do...your help is much appreciated! | 07:13 |
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kaushal | #anonymous_enable=YES | 07:13 |
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ndowens | Gumby: like what? wish debian and ubuntu could use each others repos flawlessly, it would be good | 07:13 |
kaushal | still I am not able to login | 07:13 |
eck | kaushal: you need to turn on local_enable | 07:13 |
eck | and set anonymous_enable to NO | 07:13 |
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kaushal | ok | 07:13 |
=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-189-64.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EnsignRedshirt | xeper: Should you wait? I can't answer that... maybe other folks here have an opinion. Generally, updating to a new version should be easy. I upgraded from breezy to dapper, and had only very minor glitches that were easily corrected. | 07:14 |
Gumby | ndowens: the multiverse and universe repos include stuff like jvm's, binary drivers, flash, etc that are non-free and/or non GPL. I dont think debian has an "official" repo for these | 07:14 |
Gumby | ndowens: but maybe I am wrong. | 07:14 |
=== arooni [n=chatzill@dsl081-163-148.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rooy | Gumby: universe is free software all the way | 07:15 |
arooni | hey folks......... my microsoft wireless keyboard + mouse works...... but all the f1-f8 keys dont work | 07:15 |
arooni | help! | 07:15 |
ndowens | Gumby: i have sun-java from the repo in deb | 07:15 |
Xeper | EnsignRedshirt: Gotcha... thank you. Seems the people running this distro like to make things easy for their end users. That's very welcoming. | 07:15 |
ndowens | arooni: don't get MS stuff, they hate linux lol | 07:15 |
Gumby | ndowens: java yes, but jvm for things like firefox etc? | 07:15 |
Whiz2 | ok rebooting the server now... | 07:15 |
=== Android [n=Android_@85-210-151-103.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | ndowens: ok but any suggetions? | 07:15 |
ndowens | Gumby: yep i have it | 07:15 |
Whiz2 | eck: will take about 1-2 mins to reboot the server, so i'll be back with you in a moment... | 07:15 |
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eck | ok | 07:15 |
ndowens | arooni: i have just a 10.00 keyboard from walmart it works perfectly except sleep buttons on it | 07:16 |
Whiz2 | thank the gods for multiple computers lol | 07:16 |
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Gumby | ndowens: java may be a poor example. not sure about the others. for a dirty example /msg dpkg nvidia and then /msg ubotu nvidia and compare the ease of installation in ubuntu compared to debian | 07:16 |
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ndowens | Gumby: most likely i will stick with unstable, u still use it? | 07:17 |
linuxor | HI, Please , Which software let me know what wireless are around me??? | 07:17 |
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Gumby | ndowens: not really no. | 07:18 |
ndowens | Gumby: o | 07:18 |
Gumby | I think maybe on my gateway. I think its still stable though | 07:18 |
Rooy | linuxor: you mean wireless network? | 07:18 |
lkthomas | guys, for old machine, it can't support large HDD such as 120GB one, how could I fix that ? | 07:18 |
linuxor | Rooy: yes friend | 07:18 |
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Rooy | linuxor: there's iwlist, command "iwlist <interface name> scan | 07:19 |
eck | lkthomas: get a new machine :-) | 07:19 |
lkthomas | eck, other than that ? | 07:19 |
Gumby | lkthomas: you can try a bios update | 07:19 |
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Whiz2 | eck: i'm back up... what's the best way to proceed? Command line, or gui? | 07:19 |
lkthomas | Gumby, that machine already out of production, so no bios update available | 07:19 |
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cdistler | how do i change permissions on an external hdd so that i can write to it?? | 07:20 |
eck | lkthomas: you might be out of luck if the machine is just too old | 07:20 |
lkthomas | eck, I don't think that is the answer, I have heard something about emulation | 07:20 |
eck | Whiz2: is apache running? | 07:20 |
linuxor | Rooy : i don't want by command-lines | 07:21 |
Whiz2 | eck: not sure. how do I find out? | 07:21 |
JHSands | whiz2: ps -ax | grep httpd | 07:21 |
Rooy | linuxor: i don't know anything else, may well be other do | 07:22 |
eck | Whiz2, JHSands: on ubuntu the binary is called apache2, not httpd | 07:22 |
linuxor | Rooy : thx man, too kind , ^_^ | 07:22 |
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JHSands | sorry ecgw | 07:22 |
JHSands | eck* | 07:22 |
Rooy | linuxor: you're welcome, and you really should welcom the commandline :) | 07:23 |
Whiz2 | eck: looks like lighttpd didn't even uninstall at all... hang on while I see if apache is running... | 07:23 |
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linuxor | Rooy : I'll do it | 07:24 |
jenda_ | My desktop is connected to my router with a static IP... my lappy with DHCP... each is able to reach the internet and ping the router... but neither can reach the other (or ping it). | 07:24 |
jenda_ | Any ideas? | 07:25 |
Whiz2 | eck: i got an error when using the syntax you provided above. "bad ps syntax" | 07:25 |
eck | Whiz2: what was the command you entered? | 07:25 |
Whiz2 | ps -ax | grep httpd | 07:25 |
=== marx2k_ [n=marx2k@24-158-13-251.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rooy | jenda: both of them use ubuntu and have no firewall? | 07:25 |
Xeper | Thanks for your help guys. I'm about to boot up the install CD and get this thing going. | 07:26 |
jenda_ | Rooy: check | 07:26 |
Whiz2 | eck: ps -ax | grep httpd | 07:26 |
jenda_ | Rooy: and it's worked till this morning. | 07:26 |
eck | Whiz2: i think you can just ignore it (or use -ef), but you want to be grepping for 'apache2' not 'httpd' | 07:26 |
eck | the syntax of ps options is really a mess :-( | 07:26 |
jenda_ | Rooy: Desktop-Dapper, Lappy-Edgy... | 07:26 |
Whiz2 | eck: oh ok | 07:26 |
eck | i think the correct syntax is ax without the - | 07:27 |
Rooy | jenda_: i guessed the router has filtered ping inside the net, but you said it worked before | 07:27 |
Whiz2 | eck: it's running. i got several lines of response | 07:27 |
jenda_ | Rooy: yep... | 07:27 |
eck | Whiz2: ok, see if you can connect to your site | 07:28 |
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kaushal | eck : 500 OOPS: cap_set_proc | 07:29 |
robby | i have a wired connection going right now | 07:29 |
robby | thats what im talking to you on | 07:29 |
eck | if you didn't edit any config files, it will be on port 80 | 07:29 |
kaushal | Login failed | 07:29 |
kaushal | Remote system type is Login | 07:29 |
Whiz2 | eck: didn't go where I expected | 07:29 |
Whiz2 | eck: but it did something. :-p | 07:30 |
eck | kaushal: i am not familiar with that failure, maybe you can google it | 07:30 |
atrus | http://syndicated.livejournal.com/xkcd_rss/53874.html?thread=2336882#t2336882 | 07:30 |
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kaushal | ok | 07:30 |
atrus | oops, wrong window | 07:30 |
[Tuxedo] | Can anyone help getting an ATI card recognized? | 07:30 |
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eck | Whiz2: did you get the default apache page? | 07:30 |
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d0lph1n | hi all | 07:31 |
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Rooy | hi! | d0lph1n | 07:31 |
d0lph1n | i had Beryl working a couple min ago, n now it doesn't! | 07:32 |
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d0lph1n | what a bummer, i was so happy to finally see beryl | 07:32 |
Rooy | d0lph1n: how did it stop? everything falls back to normal? or the window border disappeared? | 07:33 |
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ | ||
d0lph1n | been awhile since been on IRC | is this PM? | 07:34 |
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imbecile | undernet | 07:34 |
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genii | d0lph1n: private msg syntax is /msg <nick> message here | 07:35 |
Rooy | d0lph1n: that was a typo on my part, hi! should be !hi, like so | 07:35 |
Rooy | !hi | d0lph1n | 07:35 |
ubotu | d0lph1n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:35 |
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Whiz2 | eck: I got a page that says "Index of /" | 07:35 |
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eck | Whiz2: ok, add a "DocumentRoot" directive in your httpd.conf | 07:35 |
genii | d0lph1n: For private msg to work here you niied to register your current nick on the system | 07:35 |
eck | that should be set to the path of your website | 07:36 |
eck | e.g. "DocumentRoot /var/www" | 07:36 |
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Whiz2 | eck: just added "DocumentRoot /media/hdc1" | 07:36 |
Whiz2 | do I need to reboot for it to take effact? | 07:36 |
d0lph1n | genii: how to register? | 07:36 |
eck | Whiz2: no, run "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" | 07:36 |
genii | !register | d0lph1n | 07:36 |
ubotu | d0lph1n: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 07:36 |
=== lukas_ [n=lukas@p57A8C31E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | i think it will take effect afte that | 07:36 |
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d0lph1n | !register | 07:37 |
robby | anybody know where to get the drivers for a ntel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g) card? | 07:37 |
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Whiz2 | eck: i get the same page... i'll reboot instead. | 07:37 |
eck | robby: they are installed by default | 07:37 |
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eck | Whiz2: you can also replace reload with restart | 07:38 |
eck | that would be esentially the same as rebooting | 07:38 |
robby | its not working tho so would you mind walking me thru it please? | 07:38 |
eck | but a lot faster | 07:38 |
workbee | hi, anyone know how to use a .p7b security certificate to connect to a PEAP wireless network? | 07:38 |
eck | robby: i have the intel 2200bg which from my understanding is basically the same, and i did not have to configure anything | 07:39 |
robby | edk: so should i reboot or what with the ether net cable taken out? | 07:39 |
eck | robby: do you see your card in the output of 'iwconfig' | 07:39 |
Whiz2 | eck: get the folowing as a message: "Could not determin the servers's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" | 07:39 |
robby | nope | 07:39 |
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robby | eck: nope | 07:40 |
Whiz2 | and still get the same page from the internet | 07:40 |
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aum | !backup | 07:40 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:40 |
robby | lo, eth0 and sit0 say no wireless extensions | 07:40 |
Whiz2 | eck: rebooting... is a bit of an old system... | 07:40 |
robby | eck:lo, eth0 and sit0 say no wireless extensions | 07:40 |
JHSands | !failed to create filesystem | 07:41 |
robby | eck: lo, eth0 and sit0 say no wireless extensions | 07:41 |
poningru | JHSands: whats wrong? | 07:41 |
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robby | and eth 1 says unassociated essid:off/any | 07:41 |
Whiz2 | eck: i'll let you know the results in 1-2 mins | 07:41 |
robby | blah blah blah | 07:41 |
eck | Whiz2: oh, you need to tell it to listen on all IPs, i'll pastebin something | 07:42 |
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Whiz2 | ok | 07:42 |
JHSands | poningru: I am running the "install" and after selecting my partition it tells me "the ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI1(0,0,0) (sda) failed." | 07:42 |
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Whiz2 | eck: i'm using static IP address on the server connected to a router with forwarding enabled for the needed port(s). does that make any difference? | 07:43 |
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=== MeisterZopf [n=w00t@84-72-23-59.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | Whiz2: I think if you just set "ServerName" (with the correct IP) in httpd.conf it will work | 07:43 |
Whiz2 | the IP of the server on the network, or the IP of my Internet? | 07:43 |
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eck | i'm not sure | 07:44 |
eck | probably the network | 07:44 |
Whiz2 | e.g. My server's IP is | 07:44 |
Whiz2 | ok | 07:44 |
eck | normally you would have the hostname there, but i think an IP will work as well | 07:44 |
Whiz2 | ok | 07:44 |
d0lph1n | !beryl | 07:45 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:45 |
robby | eck: its not mentioning my card do you know how to get it to register my card? | 07:45 |
eck | Whiz2: in any event, if you proxy you internet connection to that machine you should be able to see the page | 07:45 |
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | robby: was there a device that it showed wireless extensions on? | 07:45 |
billy | greetings fellow earth_creatures. | 07:45 |
robby | eck: eth1 unassociated | 07:45 |
Whiz2 | eck: I'll let you know what happens when I change the line in the conf file | 07:46 |
eck | robby: then your wireless card works :-) | 07:46 |
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infidel | !beryl | 07:46 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:46 |
robby | eck: how can i connect then? | 07:46 |
=== italyanker [n=anker@adsl-ull-126-81.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | robby: you can use network manager, or use iwconfig/dhclient from the command line | 07:46 |
marko | anyone wants to play atlantik or knows where there is a channel that I can ask someone? | 07:47 |
robby | eck: permission denied | 07:47 |
bullgard1 | I believe that every executable Linux file contains a structure which includes three dates and times. What are the names of them in English? 'created', 'changed' and 'accessed'? | 07:47 |
eck | robby: you need to use sudo in front of whatever command you were executing | 07:47 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | bullgard1: i think every file has a creation date (that you see in ls) and an acces time (called an 'atime') | 07:48 |
robby | eck: then what? | 07:48 |
eck | robby: i don't know what command you were executing, i couldn't tell you | 07:48 |
robby | eck: dhclient | 07:48 |
huckster | i know i have bittorrent but I can't find it... | 07:48 |
aozaki | anyone here use scim? | 07:48 |
robby | eck: i enter my password then it shows all kinds of info that i dont understand | 07:49 |
kaushal | eck : I am able to login | 07:49 |
kaushal | now | 07:49 |
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kaushal | but not able to upload | 07:49 |
kaushal | it gives me 550 error | 07:49 |
eck | robby: you need to associate the wireless card and then run 'sudo dhclient' | 07:49 |
robby | eck: how do i do that? | 07:49 |
eck | kaushal: you need to turn on upload, it is near the top of vsftpd.conf | 07:49 |
=== Asmo-d [n=Deckman@mry91-3-82-241-45-175.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | ok | 07:49 |
arooni | hey folks......... my microsoft wireless keyboard + mouse works...... but all the f1-f8 keys dont work | 07:50 |
aum | !backup | 07:50 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:50 |
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@mopo.frinorge.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Asmo-d [n=Deckman@mry91-3-82-241-45-175.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
eck | robby: install network-manager in gnome, or read the man page for iwconfig | 07:50 |
bullgard1 | eck: I believe that there are three times. Maybe 'atime', 'ctime' and what else? | 07:50 |
eck | bullgard1: i guess you are right, in the man page for 'ls' it says that there are atime, access, use, ctime or status | 07:51 |
Whiz2 | eck: i get the same place, and in that place is another directory called "apache2-default" | 07:51 |
bullgard1 | eck: I will read 'man ls'. | 07:52 |
eck | i think atime is access time and ctime is creation time, i am not sure what the others mean | 07:52 |
eck | bullgard1: read the description of the '--time' option | 07:52 |
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kaushal | eck : anon_upload_enable=YES | 07:52 |
kaushal | I have added this line | 07:53 |
eck | Whiz2: did you change the DocumentRoot? | 07:53 |
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kaushal | still it does not work | 07:53 |
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eck | kaushal: that allows anonymous users to upload | 07:53 |
RYUTAZ1 | "EasyUbuntu" not support Feisty Fawn ... | 07:53 |
RYUTAZ1 | "EasyUbuntu" not support Feisty Fawn ... | 07:53 |
robby | eck: the man age isnt helping | 07:53 |
eck | i think you just want upload_enable=YES | 07:53 |
RYUTAZ1 | "EasyUbuntu" not support Feisty Fawn ... | 07:53 |
RYUTAZ1 | T T | 07:53 |
kaushal | ok | 07:53 |
eck | robby: wep or no? | 07:53 |
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cafuego_ | RYUTAZ1: Please stop spamming | 07:53 |
robby | eck: what do you mean? | 07:53 |
RYUTAZ1 | omm.... | 07:53 |
genii | geez enough with the easybuntu please | 07:53 |
yvone | hola | 07:53 |
eck | robby: are you using wep? | 07:53 |
robby | eck: idk | 07:54 |
yvone | hola no hablan espaol? | 07:54 |
robby | eck: if you mean do i have a password then yeah | 07:54 |
robby | eck: i believe so nm | 07:54 |
eck | robby: you need something like: iwconfig eth1 essid wireless_network_name_here key s:your_password_here | 07:54 |
RYUTAZ1 | ~~~~T _ ^ _ T~~~~ | 07:54 |
robby | eck: didnt get waht you were saying | 07:54 |
eck | robby: you can omit the s: and use the hex key also | 07:55 |
robby | eck: the what? | 07:55 |
robby | eck: im trying to find the access point | 07:55 |
eck | if your password doesn't work you can try using the hexadecimal equivalent, sometimes that works better | 07:55 |
robby | oh | 07:55 |
eck | robby: iwlist eth1 scanning | 07:55 |
eck | that will show the networks | 07:55 |
mneptok | robby: what are you trying to do? | 07:56 |
robby | eck: then how do i connect to it | 07:56 |
kaushal | eck : I did added upload_enable=YES | 07:56 |
kaushal | still it didnot worked | 07:56 |
robby | mneptok: trying to get wireless internet | 07:56 |
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d0lph1n | !mp3 | 07:57 |
mneptok | robby: what wireless card/chipset do you have? | 07:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:57 |
eck | kaushal: sorry, it should actually be write_enable | 07:57 |
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robby | mneptok: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g) | 07:57 |
erikgz | what public repo is libc6-amd64 in? | 07:57 |
mneptok | robby: Edgy? | 07:57 |
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robby | mneptok: idk | 07:58 |
erikgz | i can't access it from one machine, but on another i can. they have the same sources.list | 07:58 |
robby | how can i tell | 07:58 |
mneptok | robby: uname -a | 07:58 |
erikgz | they have both been updated | 07:58 |
Flannel | erikgz: main | 07:58 |
mneptok | robby: lsb_release -a | 07:58 |
robby | mneptok: where would it say | 07:58 |
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kaushal | eck :( | 07:58 |
robby | mneptok: yeah edgy | 07:59 |
kaushal | it didnot worked | 07:59 |
mneptok | robby: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-generic | 07:59 |
eck | kaushal: i will pastebin you my vsftpd.conf that has user logins and uploads | 07:59 |
=== tmitchell [n=councilo@66-214-31-89.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robby | mneptok: k its going | 08:00 |
kaushal | ok | 08:00 |
eck | kaushal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9983/ | 08:00 |
=== arfy [n=arfy@125-238-52-157.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robby | mneptok: can you pm me the rest of what to do my girlfriend is here | 08:00 |
robby | mneptok: or is there anything else? | 08:01 |
eck | kaushal: you might want to comment out the last two lines, i put them there so that only certain users can log in | 08:01 |
=== blijblijblij [n=rogier@57-154.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | robby: not unless you can tell us if you're using WEP or WPA. | 08:01 |
robby | wpa | 08:01 |
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | ok | 08:01 |
mneptok | robby: sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome | 08:01 |
=== tec [n=tommy@c-69-248-93-153.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | robby: then reboot | 08:01 |
erikgz | where is libc6-amd64 | 08:01 |
erikgz | ? | 08:01 |
Flannel | erikgz: main | 08:01 |
Flannel | still ;) | 08:02 |
tec | is this room for ubuntu discussion or questions only? | 08:02 |
robby | mneptok: is that it? | 08:02 |
Whiz2 | eck: yes I changed DocumentRoot to /media/hdc1 and still got the same results | 08:02 |
Flannel | tec: This is support related only, #ubuntu-offtopic for other stuf | 08:02 |
arfy | Hi all. I've just tried the suggestion on the ubuntu forums to change /etc/modprobe.d/sound, so that the audigy 2 zs is the default soundcard in alsa. "options snd_emu10k1 index=0". However it doesn't seem to be changing, even after doing upate-modules and alsa restart. any suggestions? | 08:02 |
tec | thank you very much flannel, helpful as always | 08:02 |
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erikgz | Flannel: for some reason i can't see it. i've got main. | 08:03 |
mneptok | robby: when you reboot look for the network manager icon in the top panel | 08:03 |
robby | k | 08:03 |
robby | then connect to the wireless? | 08:03 |
Flannel | erikgz: It's only for i386, is one machine PPC/AMD64? | 08:03 |
erikgz | oh. | 08:03 |
kaushal | eck : Its not starting at al | 08:03 |
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | vsftpd | 08:03 |
Flannel | erikgz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libs/libc6-amd64 | 08:03 |
erikgz | Flannel: i'm there | 08:03 |
workbee | can someone help me use a .p7b security certificate to connect to a PEAP wireless network? | 08:03 |
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Flannel | erikgz: The little table at the bottom tells you what it's for, (386, but no ppc/64bit) like, say... http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/libc6 | 08:04 |
robby | mneptok: then connect thru that? | 08:04 |
erikgz | Flannel: how do you specify amd64 so that i have the right libc6? | 08:04 |
Whiz2 | eck: you still there? | 08:04 |
Flannel | erikgz: eh? What platform are you on? | 08:04 |
erikgz | Flannel: so that aptitude will grab it | 08:04 |
mneptok | robby: when you reboot look for the network manager icon in the top panel. (patience, grasshopper) :) | 08:04 |
erikgz | amd64 | 08:04 |
erikgz | xen based | 08:04 |
eck | Whiz2: yeah | 08:04 |
robby | its already there | 08:04 |
eck | pastebin your httpd.conf | 08:04 |
Flannel | erikgz: then when you download stock libc6, it'll download the 64bit flavor | 08:04 |
robby | mneptok: its already there | 08:04 |
erikgz | Flannel: ah, it looks like i'm "i686" | 08:05 |
erikgz | interesting | 08:05 |
erikgz | oh, wring | 08:05 |
Flannel | erikgz: hmm. Maybe I'm wrong. | 08:05 |
mneptok | robby: no it's not. don't cofuse GNOME's netwark applet with Network Manager | 08:05 |
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hk-ref | GO WINDOWS WOOO | 08:05 |
erikgz | wrong on my part | 08:05 |
robby | mneptok: oh ok | 08:05 |
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Whiz2 | eck: ok hang on | 08:05 |
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robby | mneptok: will you be on later co we can coninue from here? | 08:06 |
mneptok | robby: i live here :/ | 08:06 |
robby | oh | 08:06 |
erikgz | Flannel: thanks | 08:06 |
kaushal | eck : it worked now | 08:06 |
kaushal | Thanks eck | 08:06 |
=== lisapc [n=lisa@d58-106-11-115.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | no problem | 08:06 |
workbee | can someone help me use a .p7b security certificate to connect to a PEAP wireless network? | 08:06 |
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Flannel | erikgz: was I right? or what package is it or what? | 08:07 |
kaushal | it didnot accepted upload_enable=YES | 08:07 |
kaushal | so i commented it | 08:07 |
lisapc | I installed nvidia-glx and ran xserver config, but ubuntu always refuses to load. What can I do? | 08:07 |
kaushal | and enabled write_enable | 08:07 |
kaushal | and it worked | 08:07 |
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zaya | how i can see movies .WMV ??????? | 08:08 |
reyezzo | herro. | 08:08 |
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lisapc | zaya impossible | 08:08 |
zaya | why ? | 08:09 |
lisapc | zaya jk :) | 08:09 |
zaya | jk ? | 08:09 |
lisapc | zaya try easyubuntu | 08:09 |
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mneptok | do NOT try EasyUbuntu | 08:09 |
mneptok | please | 08:09 |
lisapc | mneptok i did | 08:09 |
lisapc | mneptok no need to beg ;) | 08:09 |
xushi | hi all | 08:09 |
mneptok | lisapc: please do not recommend it to others. | 08:09 |
lisapc | xushi hi sweetheart | 08:09 |
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zaya | totem cant see ... WMV | 08:10 |
zaya | how i can see ??? | 08:10 |
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lisapc | mneptok easyubuntu is relative. I can recommend it as I wish! you are not my boss | 08:10 |
xushi | I have a Toshiba Portege laptop which i want to install linux on. The only problem is that there is no cd-rom or floppy devices on the laptop. | 08:10 |
mneptok | !wmv > zaya | 08:10 |
xushi | It does support booting with Intel PXE .. thing, but the wiki i read required that i have a second windows machine with TFTP installed. Is that seriously needed? | 08:10 |
Flannel | !install | xushi | 08:10 |
ubotu | xushi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 08:10 |
lisapc | zaya try easubuntu and see if you like it | 08:10 |
lkthomas | xushi, googole linux-laptop | 08:10 |
xushi | thanks! | 08:10 |
tapoxi | hello channel | 08:11 |
mneptok | lisapc: please, stop recommending EasyUbuntu. i am asking nicely. EasyUbuntu causes many problems, and we do not recommend it here. | 08:11 |
lisapc | mneptok i can recommend something as much as I want. you are in no position to tell me what to do | 08:11 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ | ||
lkthomas | LOL | 08:11 |
workbee | Hi, how do I add a security certificate to the network manager? | 08:11 |
zaya | in sinaptyc ... ?.. i can aply the codecs ? in a seccion video ? | 08:11 |
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lkthomas | WTF is easyubuntu ? | 08:11 |
zaya | in sinaptyc ... ?.. i can aply the codecs ? in a seccion video ? | 08:11 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok | ||
eck | workbee: for what? a vpn? | 08:12 |
shatrat | lkthomas, automatix' daddy | 08:12 |
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tapoxi | Automatix broke my setup :-/ | 08:12 |
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lisapc | hello again :) | 08:12 |
workbee | eck: Its a wireless network that uses PEAP | 08:12 |
lkthomas | and what is automatix then ?! | 08:12 |
tapoxi | welcome back :D | 08:12 |
tapoxi | lkthomas: Son of EasyUbuntu. | 08:13 |
mneptok | lkthomas: "Hell on Earth." | 08:13 |
=== Onyx [n=Onyx@CPE-72-131-46-114.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Onyx is now known as Xeper | ||
shatrat | lkthomas, easy way out that breaks apt and some other fun stuff. /msg ubotu automatix | 08:13 |
eck | workbee: um, i don't think that the network manager in ubuntu supports anything besides wep/wpa/wpa2 | 08:13 |
lisapc | has anyone been able to set up a nvidia 7300 card on edgy? | 08:13 |
crimsun | aww, but they're fuzzy! | 08:13 |
eck | workbee: i know that you can build it with support for a lot more things though, probably including that | 08:13 |
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Xeper | Hey, I'm doing an install now and the install couldn't detect my HDD. It's a 500GB Samsung SATA drive. What driver does it need? | 08:14 |
Gurpartap | do we need windows installed to run windows applications using "wine"? | 08:14 |
tapoxi | On a non mission-critical laptop, is Edgy stable enough to upgrade and toy around with? | 08:14 |
tapoxi | Gurpartap: No. | 08:14 |
chavo | Gurpartapno | 08:14 |
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-62-144.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gurpartap | okay coool | 08:14 |
workbee | eck: PEAP is WPA2 enterprise I think. I can see the option when I use the Connect to other wireless network option, there is a place to select the certificate but then it just drops the connection without on a visible error | 08:15 |
=== JaeSharp is now known as JaeSharpZZZ | ||
lkthomas | hmm | 08:15 |
tapoxi | Gurpartap: You can point it towards a Windows directory if you'd like, so it can use native fonts and Windows' own DLL files, but it works well enough without Windows. | 08:15 |
Whiz2 | eck: I can't pastebin it, because I'm accessing the server remotely, and whenever I try to do it from the server itself, i get a SPAM warning from pastebin | 08:15 |
lkthomas | guys, how big is it to mirror the whole ubuntu edgy release tree ? | 08:15 |
Gurpartap | thanks, don't want to install windows now :) | 08:15 |
Xeper | Someone's got to know the answer to that...? | 08:16 |
Whiz2 | There are only 2 userlines anyway | 08:16 |
eck | Whiz2: aren't you connected via ssh? | 08:16 |
lkthomas | Xeper, does dmesg shows anything ? | 08:16 |
Whiz2 | eck: remotely? | 08:16 |
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workbee | eck: is there a log or something I can look at to see what is going on? | 08:16 |
lkthomas | Xeper, do you have any experience to install linux before ? | 08:16 |
eck | workbee: you might be able to start nm-applet from the command line and see what it outputs when you try to put that in | 08:16 |
Whiz2 | eck remotely i'm connected to the server via vncserver | 08:17 |
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eck | Whiz2: if you are using linux you should definitely be using ssh | 08:17 |
Xeper | lkthomas: Yes, but I haven't used it in over 2 years because I was in Iraq. | 08:17 |
eck | and then you can just copy and paste whatever is in your terminal | 08:17 |
Xeper | lkthomas: So I'm rusty | 08:18 |
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eck | no gui for a server | 08:18 |
eck | that is a big security vulnerability | 08:18 |
whiteberyl | help, i got a white screen on beryl, what should i do | 08:18 |
Whiz2 | I'm connected to the tty service using putty. | 08:18 |
h1st0 | eck: what is? | 08:18 |
Whiz2 | how do I open the conf file from the command line? | 08:18 |
Gurpartap | any tiny windows app to run using wine? notepad.exe? | 08:18 |
eck | hmm... well just make sure it has encryption | 08:18 |
eck | h1st0: running x11 | 08:18 |
Squee | What kind of methods are there for having an encrypted filesystem? (I'm trying to get luks running under feisty and failing miserably, looking for alternatives) | 08:18 |
h1st0 | eck: no its not. | 08:18 |
h1st0 | lol | 08:18 |
lkthomas | Xeper, IRAQ ? firing M4A1 ? :) | 08:19 |
eck | that's a pretty big root owned process | 08:19 |
eck | that i would _not_ want running on any of my production machines | 08:19 |
Xeper | lkthomas: Yeah, but I don't like to talk about it. | 08:19 |
Whiz2 | eck: what are you talking about? | 08:19 |
lkthomas | Xeper, I understand that | 08:19 |
lkthomas | Xeper, make sure dmesg shows that HDD have been detected | 08:19 |
Xeper | How can I do that? | 08:20 |
Xeper | I've just got some install menu... | 08:20 |
Gurpartap | can anyone pass on a copy of their notepad.exe (win xp) or a link? :-) | 08:20 |
=== El_Burro [n=El@82-69-26-123.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalcedony | Gurpartap: in #ubuntu ? | 08:20 |
lkthomas | Xeper, press Alt+F2 | 08:20 |
Xeper | lkthomas: I know the drive *works* (it's got XP installed on it now), so is there a way to know what driver it needs to run? | 08:20 |
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guidex | i'm having a problem with the package gtk-engines-eazel | 08:21 |
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guidex | it returns an error when i install in synaptic | 08:21 |
lkthomas | Xeper, I think if you got latest version of ubuntu, it should detect right away | 08:21 |
Gurpartap | chalcedony, for wine :D | 08:21 |
guidex | E: gtk-engines-eazel: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 08:21 |
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guidex | any ideas? | 08:21 |
Xeper | lkthomas: 6.10... | 08:21 |
lkthomas | Xeper, then press enter and dmesg it | 08:22 |
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eck | Whiz2: what diectory is it serving files from? | 08:23 |
=== Tmob [n=total@c-24-6-119-95.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
guidex | nevermind | 08:23 |
Tmob | anyone know how to setup sudo so that it lets wifi-radar run without a password? | 08:23 |
guidex | i found an alternate download package | 08:23 |
Xeper | lkthomas: How do I use dmesg? I've got the other console open now | 08:23 |
lkthomas | dmesg | 08:23 |
lkthomas | just type it in console | 08:23 |
mojo | Is anyone here really versed on filesystems or just ext3? my gnome system monitor shows i have 17.x gig free but only 5.x available.. What Gives?? Do you have to De-Frag under Linux after all, do I wait for the system to "garbage clean" or something? Or am I stuck with the loss? The part. is pretty active and sees lots of big files come and go, or get moved around. I also unzip/unrar and make iso's on that part. too (for an idea of so | 08:23 |
mojo | me useage) | 08:23 |
Xeper | lkthomas: scrolls a ton of stuff back at me | 08:23 |
Whiz2 | eck: don't know, but it's supposed to be serving them from /media/hdc1 | 08:23 |
lkthomas | Xeper, dmesg | grep hd | 08:24 |
reyezzo | is it possible to merge two partitions that are of the same filesystem ? | 08:24 |
reyezzo | which are both emptu | 08:24 |
reyezzo | empty | 08:24 |
reyezzo | i don't see the option in Gparted | 08:24 |
eck | Whiz2: hmm.. well i need to get some sleep, but i suggest you try to continue your help on #apache, you might have to set up a single virtual host or something like that | 08:25 |
shatrat | mojo, maybe you need to empty the trash. | 08:25 |
Whiz2 | eck: managed to pastebin it using a work-around... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9985/ | 08:25 |
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mojo | shatrat: nope, not that i can find... checked for .Trash-username dirs as root, too... though it is worth looking again :) | 08:26 |
reyezzo | yes? no? :( | 08:26 |
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Whiz2 | eck: there is also an apache2.conf file in the same directory where httpd.conf is located. should I pastebin that too? | 08:26 |
mojo | shatrat: do those get placed anywhere other than volume root folders? | 08:26 |
lkthomas | Xeper, hmm, I have a question about army, I saw youtube that some of you got scope on M4, some of them just use M16 without scope, why is it ? | 08:26 |
shatrat | mojo, well in your home, .Trash | 08:27 |
mojo | shatrat: thx for the idea, i am looking to see... | 08:28 |
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Xeper | lkthomas: Identifies the range of the target. | 08:29 |
lkthomas | Xeper, so only special ops got aimpoint ? | 08:30 |
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Xeper | lkthomas: Yes. | 08:30 |
Xeper | lkthomas: I see the HDD in dmesg now, so how do I load up its driver? | 08:30 |
lkthomas | Xeper, I don't understand how you guys could shoot that long range with just iron sight | 08:30 |
lkthomas | Xeper, it means that HDD haven't been partition | 08:31 |
=== brady [n=brady@cpe-76-184-4-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lkthomas | Xeper, press Alt+F1 and continue the setup | 08:31 |
lkthomas | it should be able to shows your HDD | 08:31 |
Whiz2 | eck: did you get my pastebin? | 08:31 |
brady | what is the mysql jdbc package? | 08:31 |
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Xeper | lkthomas: During install, it says "No disk drive was detected. If you know the name of the driver needed by your disk drive, you can select it from the list." | 08:32 |
brady | apparently it used to be libmysql-java, but this package does not seem to be present. | 08:32 |
Xeper | lkthomas: So if it can't see a drive to install on, I cannot continue. | 08:32 |
lkthomas | Xeper, can you see SATA driver from the list | 08:32 |
Xeper | lkthomas: I don't know... there's a million SATA options. How can I be sure which one is mine? | 08:32 |
=== Rondal [n=rondal@pD9E16A33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lkthomas | Xeper, you should know what SATA chip are you using | 08:33 |
lkthomas | Xeper, google for your motherboard | 08:33 |
bullgard1 | You can configure Midnight commander so that it displays in the right-hand half detailed information about the highlighted file in the left-hand half. This includes 3 date and times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these three times in English? | 08:33 |
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Gurpartap | wow wine is wow :-D | 08:34 |
Vince_ | Good morning folks. I was wondering if someone could help me. I've been trying to install Ubuntu for 3 days and have not had any luck. I've had it and i've decided that I just want windows back. Is there anyway I can take the partion I made for Ubuntu and merge it back into my NTFS partition that windows is installed on? | 08:35 |
Whiz2 | looks like eck vanished on me | 08:35 |
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mojo | shatrat: i only found one tiny file >1Mb in one of my spare /home/userid/.Trash folders... what about /tmp or /var/tmp, just curious but could that be in the equation? Or even if not, is it all fair game to axe? how/when does the system clean up temp files? does it require logoff/shutdown to clear them? | 08:35 |
=== cypher1 [i=cypher1@nat/hp/x-91675f96a138399c] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeper | lkthomas: http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16813130066 Is any of that useful? | 08:35 |
shinobi2 | i am using wifi to connect to internet, how can i pipe this connection to my eth0 so another computer can connect online via this eth0? | 08:36 |
Frogzoo | Gurpartap: it's got pretty good lately | 08:36 |
kraut | moin | 08:36 |
shatrat | mojo, i'm really not sure. it was just an idea. | 08:36 |
mojo | sharms: you know, though, the partition in question is only /home and below... above that is a different physical disk so i guess /tmp and /var/tmp couldn't be a factor | 08:36 |
Gurpartap | Frogzoo, going to try aoeII :D | 08:36 |
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-71-170.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | sharms: well i appreciate it none the less | 08:36 |
Vince_ | Anybody? | 08:37 |
lkthomas | Xeper, ATI SB600 Chipset | 08:37 |
lkthomas | - Supports SATAII controllers for four drives | 08:37 |
lkthomas | Xeper, start from this, google around :) | 08:37 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: What's your question? | 08:37 |
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=== Usul [n=tgrego@gw-lasige.di.fc.ul.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LadyNikon | !wine | 08:37 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 08:37 |
mojo | sharms: one thing i learned quickly is that i need to study up on bash... i have been proficient in dos cli and even amiga cli for ages but can't even do recursive dir listings to save my life in bash, lol | 08:38 |
=== sayyadina [n=tgrego@gw-lasige.di.fc.ul.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince_ | Whiz2: Ubuntu will not install. And i'm tired of wasting time on it. I need to take the partion i set asside for Ubuntu and merge it back into the main partition that has Windows XP loaded on it. Preferably without having to reformat and reinstall | 08:38 |
Gurpartap | wine is healthy milk :p | 08:38 |
=== null_ [n=null@cpe-24-208-189-7.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | anyone know what would make a cgi-bin directory invisible from the browser.. yet folders such as phpmyadmin and apache are found... if I try to access to cgi-bin, it simply says folder /cgi-bin/ not found | 08:39 |
jenda_ | My desktop is connected to my router with a static IP... my lappy with DHCP... each is able to reach the internet and ping the router... but neither can reach the other (or ping it). | 08:39 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: How did you create the partition? | 08:39 |
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jenda_ | It seems the lappy is considered to be out of the network by the router | 08:39 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: Did you have to reformat in order to do it? | 08:39 |
jenda_ | jenda!!! you're alive... | 08:39 |
jenda_ | jenda: but I can't connect to you :/ | 08:39 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: I created it from free space using the Ubuntu Installer. | 08:39 |
jenda_ | :) | 08:39 |
=== cypher1 [i=cypher1@nat/hp/x-f04c086db0654a99] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince_ | I split my 80GB HD and set asside roughly 40 for windows and 40 for ubuntu | 08:40 |
infidel | bt this the error WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! ibxcomposite1 | 08:40 |
Vince_ | Installed Windows on the main partition. Had Intended on putting Ubuntu on the other. | 08:40 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: and you want do what? Remove the ubuntu partition, and enlarge the NTFS partition? | 08:40 |
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Xeper | lkthomas: That's not an option on the list... | 08:40 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Exactly | 08:40 |
lkthomas | Xeper, grr | 08:40 |
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Whiz2 | Vince_: you need an external partition manager that is compatible with Windows XP (Partition Commander 9 is a good one) That's how I do it | 08:41 |
lisapc | will "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-generic" change the xorg.conf file? | 08:41 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Is there a good program that won't cost me anything? | 08:41 |
=== amorphous_ [n=amorphou@77-99-45-207.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lkthomas | Xeper, search ATI SB600 and linux | 08:41 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: When I got Partition Commander 9, I got it free right from the website | 08:42 |
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Vince_ | Whiz2: Alrighty then. I appreciate your help. Im just sorry that the only solution i'm getting is how to wipe Ubuntu out rather than get it working. | 08:42 |
shatrat | lisapc, no it wont. | 08:42 |
amorphous_ | if i need five machines, all different specs, to be setup the same, can I ghost and then just recompile the kernel for the specific machines? and is that failsafe? | 08:43 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: Perhaps I can help install it? | 08:43 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: I've been fighting with this thing for 3 days *heh* | 08:43 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince_ | Whiz2: Well give me a moment, and i'l type out what i've done so far | 08:43 |
Vince_ | If you have a thought i'd be more than willing to hear it | 08:43 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: I had a lot of trouble with mine too at first. i'd like to know what your attempted instalation resulted in | 08:43 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Its a long story, give me a moment to type it ;-) | 08:44 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: ok | 08:44 |
Whiz2 | While I'm waiting for Vince_, i need help configuring apache2 so that it works on my system using /media/hdc1 as the web server, and uses port 80 with php5 support. | 08:45 |
lkthomas | guys | 08:45 |
lkthomas | is there have any fast mirror for ubuntu ? | 08:45 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: you could use the torrent | 08:45 |
lkthomas | h1st0, I am using online install | 08:45 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: scroll down on the download page there should be torrents at the bottom. | 08:45 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: how are you doing that? | 08:45 |
lkthomas | h1st0, WHAT ? it is normal way to install it | 08:46 |
Whiz2 | no configuration I've used works, and all i get is the default apache2 directory "index of /" with another directory inside called "apache2-default" | 08:46 |
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h1st0 | lkthomas: No download the iso and install of of there. | 08:46 |
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lkthomas | h1st0, nope | 08:46 |
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lkthomas | h1st0, ubuntu is based on debian. | 08:46 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: Ubuntu does not have an official netinstall iso as of yet. | 08:47 |
lkthomas | h1st0, nope, you are wrong | 08:47 |
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foutrelis | hey ^.^ | 08:47 |
h1st0 | lol sure | 08:47 |
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Whiz2 | Vince_: If it's really long/large amount of information, just pastebin it, and give me the URL to the paste | 08:48 |
Frogzoo | lkthomas: you want class of service for a free install? | 08:48 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Will do | 08:48 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: well then you can't be helped because obviously you know your answer | 08:48 |
lkthomas | h1st0, I could use debian install CD to install ubuntu as well :) | 08:48 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: nto recomended. | 08:48 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: also not the proper way to do it. | 08:48 |
Xeper | Hm, no look here. | 08:49 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: the proper way would be with PXE | 08:49 |
Xeper | luck, rather | 08:49 |
Whiz2 | i need a little help. | 08:49 |
h1st0 | but I won't get in to that. | 08:49 |
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PriceChild | h1st0, lkthomas maybe best the discussion in this channel ends... move it somewhere else by all means but this is a support channel :) | 08:49 |
foutrelis | !ask | Whiz2 | 08:49 |
ubotu | Whiz2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:49 |
Whiz2 | I did ask my question | 08:49 |
foutrelis | sorry I didn't see it :( | 08:49 |
h1st0 | !paste > Whiz2 | 08:50 |
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Whiz2 | While I'm waiting for Vince_, i need help configuring apache2 so that it works on my system using /media/hdc1 as the web server, and uses port 80 with php5 support. | 08:50 |
Whiz2 | h1st0: I know. :-) | 08:50 |
Whiz2 | there is my question | 08:50 |
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h1st0 | Whiz2: edit your apache conf its pretty self explanitory changing the document root.l | 08:51 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: hmm apt-get install apache2 php5 phpmyadmin :) | 08:51 |
Caleb1 | Hey d00ds | 08:51 |
h1st0 | Whiz2: /etc/apache/apache2.conf | 08:51 |
Caleb1 | here to tell you that ubuntu is TEH SUCK | 08:51 |
Caleb1 | and im a l33t hax0r | 08:51 |
Caleb1 | so i know | 08:51 |
h1st0 | c001 | 08:51 |
foutrelis | Caleb1: ok kid | 08:51 |
lkthomas | wh0t ? | 08:51 |
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h1st0 | 1337 | Caleb1 | 08:51 |
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lkthomas | LOL | 08:52 |
Gurpartap | would directx 9 install with wine? | 08:52 |
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Gurpartap | or is there a procedure? | 08:52 |
h1st0 | Gurpartap: no | 08:52 |
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lkthomas | LOL PriceChild | 08:52 |
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lkthomas | hidden op | 08:53 |
Gurpartap | http://directxwine.sourceforge.net/ seems to have old version directx8.1 | 08:53 |
h1st0 | Gurpartap: what application are you trying to get workign? | 08:53 |
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PriceChild | Gurpartap, wine runs a compatability layer to translate direct9 calls. | 08:53 |
Gurpartap | h1st0, a game | 08:53 |
Whiz2 | h1st0: I'm already editing that file, but do not see an entry for document rot | 08:53 |
Gurpartap | ageofempires | 08:53 |
Whiz2 | root* | 08:53 |
Gurpartap | PriceChild, u from w!n? | 08:53 |
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h1st0 | Gurpartap: go to http://appdb.winehq.com and search for age of empires on the left. There will be a howto for getting it to work. | 08:54 |
PriceChild | Gurpartap, ? | 08:54 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: Which file are you editing? document root must be in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 08:54 |
Gurpartap | okay | 08:54 |
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Whiz2 | what is phpmyadmin? | 08:54 |
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Lembur | halo | 08:54 |
Gurpartap | whitynz, php - mysql - administration | 08:54 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: MySql frontend | 08:54 |
h1st0 | Whiz2: a web based mysql admin | 08:54 |
jonno | i need help with Dual montor support | 08:54 |
Lembur | halo everyone | 08:54 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: i'm editing /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 08:54 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: hmmm | 08:55 |
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jonno | one monitor works and the other one flashes | 08:55 |
Whiz2 | what is MySql and do I need to install it? | 08:55 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Phpmyadmin is a great set of PHP scripts that allow you to manage and administer MySQL Databases | 08:55 |
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Vince_ | Whis2: Here, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9988/ | 08:55 |
jonno | anyone? | 08:55 |
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h1st0 | !dual-head > jonno | 08:55 |
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ReK_ | phpmyadmin is the best thing for mysql | 08:55 |
ReK_ | beats every query browser ive tried | 08:55 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: On second thought check /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ | 08:55 |
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h1st0 | foutrelis: yeah thats right they changed all the configs up | 08:56 |
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Whiz2 | Vince_: one moment while I review the information/chat with these guys... may take a few moments | 08:56 |
Vince_ | No prob, I gotta go get the program anyway | 08:56 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: ok checking... | 08:56 |
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foutrelis | h1st0: Took me one day to find how to make .htaccess files work :( :\ | 08:56 |
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Lembur | need help to use bluetooth in ubuntu pls | 08:57 |
h1st0 | !bluetooth > Lembur | 08:57 |
Lembur | yes | 08:57 |
h1st0 | !bluetooth Lembur | 08:57 |
ubotu | bluetooth: Bluetooth stack utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 60 kB | 08:57 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: there is a file in there called "ooo-default" | 08:58 |
h1st0 | !bluetooth | Lembur | 08:58 |
ubotu | Lembur: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 08:58 |
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h1st0 | jesus I can't type tonight. | 08:58 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: I think that's where the document root is specified :) | 08:58 |
jonno | i need help | 08:58 |
jonno | can anyone help me? | 08:58 |
h1st0 | !dual-head | jonno | 08:59 |
ubotu | jonno: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:59 |
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jonno | that iddnt help me | 08:59 |
h1st0 | !Xinerama | jonno | 08:59 |
ubotu | jonno: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 08:59 |
Xeper | lkthomas: Grrr... looks like I have to wait till a version is released with 2.6.20 or > | 08:59 |
PhibreOptix | Hi guys, can anybody tell me how to setup my user account so it has the same permissions as root? I'm aware of the security issues etc. | 08:59 |
PriceChild | PhibreOptix, just use the root account? | 09:00 |
h1st0 | Xeper: fiesty has 2.6.20 | 09:00 |
z9999 | Anyone familiar with the output of the 'set' command in unix? And if so can you get similar output from ubuntu using what command? 'set' gives something different in ubuntu. | 09:00 |
Xeper | h1st0, What version number is fiesty? | 09:00 |
PriceChild | h1st0, feisty isn't released. Please don't recommend it to people. | 09:00 |
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Whiz2 | foutrelis: I think I changed a setting in apache2.conf that I shouldn't have. know what the default value for "ServerRoot" is? | 09:00 |
h1st0 | z9999: just set a password for root. sudo passwd | 09:00 |
PhibreOptix | PriceChild: Because I want my account to have the permissions, not just use the root account | 09:00 |
PhibreOptix | Is it possible or not? | 09:00 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: It should be /var/www | 09:01 |
Whiz2 | ok | 09:01 |
h1st0 | Xeper: 2.6.20-9-generic | 09:01 |
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jblake | jonno, what sort of video card do you have? | 09:01 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: Partition Commander is commercial software, They don't have a free version | 09:01 |
h1st0 | PriceChild: I was telling him it will have it not telling him to install it. | 09:01 |
PriceChild | PhibreOptix, if you want to be extremely foolish and bypass all the security, then just use the root account. | 09:01 |
h1st0 | Xeper: it is still in development not yet released. | 09:01 |
Xeper | h1st0: Where can I obtain it? | 09:01 |
shatrat | PhibreOptix, if you have to ask if its possible, im not so sure you really know what the possible problems are. | 09:01 |
lkthomas | Xeper, make your own install cd then | 09:01 |
Xeper | h1st0: That's fine... not my first go at Linux. | 09:01 |
PhibreOptix | And this is the reason the linux community fails | 09:01 |
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PriceChild | !feisty | Xeper | 09:01 |
ubotu | Xeper: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 09:01 |
PhibreOptix | Somebody asks a direct question, and they get thrown around with other stuff | 09:02 |
PhibreOptix | Whatever | 09:02 |
jonno | jblake - PM me | 09:02 |
PriceChild | Xeper, all releases are found at cdimages.ubuntu.com | 09:02 |
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h1st0 | PhilKC: ? | 09:02 |
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merc | whaoh, seems like i stumbled in just as someone stormed off about poor question handling! | 09:02 |
jonno | dilch - NVidia | 09:02 |
jonno | but the help pages dont exist yet.. | 09:02 |
dilch | jonno, i'll pm you | 09:03 |
jonno | k | 09:03 |
h1st0 | jonno: there is plenty of documentation in the wiki bout it. | 09:03 |
dilch | jonno, are you registered on freenode? So that you can pm? | 09:03 |
z9999 | h1st0: Don't understanf your answer, just would like to see things like PROMPT=, UMASK=, HOME=, etc. | 09:03 |
h1st0 | z9999: You said you wanted to enable root account correct? | 09:04 |
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jonno | no | 09:04 |
jonno | sorry | 09:04 |
h1st0 | z9999: and that you understood the issues with it? | 09:04 |
jonno | lemme register real quick | 09:04 |
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jonno | how? | 09:04 |
dilch | jonno, ok | 09:04 |
h1st0 | jonno: /msg nickserv register <password> I think | 09:04 |
z9999 | h1st0: No, I want to see a list of all the variables set at login, plus any we have set. | 09:04 |
jonno | i need email too i beleive | 09:05 |
amorphous_ | anyone know the epiphany config file's name? | 09:05 |
PriceChild | !register > jonno | 09:05 |
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h1st0 | z9999: ahh that I don't know how to do. | 09:05 |
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Whiz2 | foutrelis: My website is nor up, and running in perfect condition on port 80... Thank you. i could never get lighttpd to work this way. you're a lifesaver lol | 09:05 |
Whiz2 | now* | 09:05 |
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dilch | jonno, no, just type "/msg nickserv register password" | 09:05 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: You are welcome. Glad I could help. :) | 09:05 |
ankur | Hi, I upgraded my kernel version to 2.6.17-11 from 2.6.17-10, since then there is no sound output from my system, could someone help? | 09:06 |
z9999 | Any unix users around ? | 09:06 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: What version of ubuntu did you install? (e.g. edubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, etc) | 09:06 |
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h1st0 | z9999: ahh I had you confused with phibre Thats why he left. lol | 09:06 |
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FireTalon | z9999: sudo nano (or vim, gedit) /etc/profile | 09:06 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: all regular Ubuntu | 09:06 |
dilch | z9999, lots of unix-like users around ;) | 09:06 |
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Whiz2 | Vince_: try kubuntu (which you can get from kubuntu.org) i used that on an XP system with not one problem | 09:06 |
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Vince_ | Whiz2: I hate KDE, and the problum isn't the software packages. I can't even get that far and the installer is the same before that | 09:07 |
h1st0 | Vince_: What is the problem now? | 09:07 |
z9999 | dilch: Trying to find the equivalent command of one used in unix on ubuntu, the 'set' command. The 'set' in ububtu gives something different. | 09:07 |
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Vince_ | h1st0: Same problum I was h aving last night | 09:07 |
h1st0 | Vince_: Okay well I don't remember so what is the problem? | 09:08 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: Can you even get to the desktop in Live CD mode? | 09:08 |
pavs | what does control + z does? switch application/program or closes it? | 09:08 |
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foutrelis | pavs: Puts it in the bckground | 09:08 |
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pavs | foutrelis tnx | 09:08 |
h1st0 | pavs: ctrl + Z puts it in the background well sort of pauses it. then you type bg to background it. Then fg to foreground it. | 09:08 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: No Live CD Produces a "/bin/sh cannot access tty;" error | 09:08 |
foutrelis | pavs: It pauses it to be exact :) | 09:08 |
h1st0 | Vince_: Did you check the CD for defects? | 09:09 |
Tmob | anyone know how to setup sudo so that it lets wifi-radar run without a password? | 09:09 |
Vince_ | yes | 09:09 |
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Vince_ | multiple times and I downloaded from multiple sources | 09:09 |
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h1st0 | Vince_: Yes but have you run the check CD for defects on the boot menu? | 09:09 |
h1st0 | Vince_: And what part of the install is hanging? | 09:09 |
pavs | top/htop shows me 119 tasks running, it normal? because i always press control z when I wanted to close a program. | 09:09 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: that's a good point. It does have the option to check the CD at Live-CD boot time | 09:10 |
h1st0 | pavs: ctrl z doesn't close the program. | 09:10 |
foutrelis | pavs: Try using ctrl + c :) | 09:10 |
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Vince_ | h1ST0: Please read this post it pretty much explains everyting. Suffice it to say YES i've done all that. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9988/ | 09:10 |
Whiz2 | ctrl+c is the same function as with Windows | 09:10 |
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PriceChild | pavs, I have 119 also :) | 09:10 |
pavs | hlst0 now i know, but it seems like i have a lot of programm "paused" in the background taking up resources. | 09:11 |
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Vince_ | Whiz2: I've checked the CD, and i've downloaded and burned the ISO from different sources. | 09:11 |
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pavs | priceshild i guess than that many tasks are normal | 09:11 |
mneptok | pavs: let me guess. you usually use Windows? | 09:11 |
shinobi2 | that's the release schedule for ubuntu 7? | 09:11 |
CaptainMorgan | omg the wiki is unfreakenbelieveable | 09:12 |
=== bpaterni [n=bpaterni@grnl-06-0920.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whiz2 | Vince_: Your hard disk may have a physical defect | 09:12 |
PriceChild | shinobi2, april 29thish for 7.04 | 09:12 |
pavs | mneptok : used to recently switched to linux | 09:12 |
CaptainMorgan | I can't make sense of lamp stuff... and apache installs | 09:12 |
h1st0 | Vince_: First boot to any cd then select Check CD for defects on teh menu | 09:12 |
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CaptainMorgan | wth | 09:12 |
h1st0 | Vince_: then if all the checksums come back okay You know the CD is good. | 09:12 |
Vince_ | Whiz2: I don't belive so. This happens before I ever touch the Hard Drive | 09:12 |
h1st0 | Vince_: What sort of hardware do you have i.e. motherboard? | 09:12 |
foutrelis | CaptainMorgan: Do you want to install apache php and mysql? | 09:12 |
mneptok | pavs: Linux is *much* better about dynamically allocating resources. you'll see insane memroy usage with very little running. this is Linux giving things lots of headroom. when resources are needed they'll be reallocated. just enjoy the ride. :) | 09:13 |
Vince_ | All this hardware ran breezy before with no issues | 09:13 |
CaptainMorgan | foutrelis, yes, and please do not link the wiki.. it's incomplete and doesn't make sense in some areas | 09:13 |
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foutrelis | CaptainMorgan: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server-5.0 phpmyadmin | 09:13 |
unimatrix9 | hello everybody | 09:13 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: you might have to wipe out the ubuntu partition, and use windows to create a new partition, then run chkdsk from a command prompt with the /r /f switches. this allows for surface scans | 09:13 |
Vince_ | Except for my wireless, I have to get a driver and manualy install it but i've doen that before | 09:13 |
h1st0 | Vince_: Please check the CD for defects at the menu. You may need to burn the iso at like 4x or it could be an issue with those cdr's and your drive etc... | 09:13 |
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pavs | mneptok: thanks for the explanation. | 09:13 |
unimatrix9 | is there an list somewhere of all ubuntu derivates? | 09:13 |
Vince_ | Look | 09:13 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: Eh? The ubuntu wiki? It's not incomplete. | 09:13 |
Vince_ | I've DONE THAT ALREADY | 09:13 |
Whiz2 | Vince_: perhaps ubuntu doesn't recognize your CD drive | 09:14 |
mneptok | pavs: np. | 09:14 |
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Vince_ | How many times do I need to say it? | 09:14 |
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markybob | one more time! | 09:14 |
h1st0 | Vince_: Okay well try booting with the nopcmcia option ssee if your cdrom is detected. | 09:14 |
unimatrix9 | is there an list somewhere of all ubuntu derivates? | 09:14 |
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CaptainMorgan | Flannel, it's sometimes difficult to navigaet | 09:14 |
h1st0 | Vince_: You never said you ahve checked hte CD for defects only that you used multiple cds. | 09:14 |
PriceChild | unimatrix9, distrowatch perhaps? | 09:14 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: the LAMP page? Its a single page, what navigation? Or, am I missing something | 09:14 |
unimatrix9 | ah good tip thanx | 09:14 |
unimatrix9 | :) | 09:14 |
PriceChild | unimatrix9, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/derivatives | 09:14 |
bullgard1 | One can configure Midnight commander so that it displays in the right-hand half detailed information about a highlighted file in the left-hand half. This includes 3 date & times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these 3 dates & times in English? | 09:15 |
foutrelis | CaptainMorgan: Make sure to change MySql's root password after installation. You can use phpmyadmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin) to do that. | 09:15 |
mneptok | Vince_: what is the PATA controller on your machine? | 09:15 |
PriceChild | unimatrix9, that was top result for "ubuntu derivatives" ;) | 09:15 |
Whiz2 | how do I install MySql? | 09:15 |
unimatrix9 | yeah thats great thnx | 09:15 |
unimatrix9 | very nice | 09:15 |
=== Hmmmm [n=Hmmmm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foutrelis | Whiz2: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 | 09:15 |
h1st0 | mneptok: I experience the same behavior with my hardware and disablign pcmcia at boot somehow lets it find the cdrom. | 09:15 |
Vince_ | mneptok: I have no idea. I don't even know what a PATA controller is | 09:15 |
Flannel | Vince_: what are you trying to do? | 09:15 |
Vince_ | Look | 09:15 |
mneptok | Vince_: Parallel ATA. | 09:15 |
h1st0 | Vince_: boot to the alternate cd. hit f6 and append nopcmcia to the end of the line | 09:16 |
Flannel | Vince_: expand your NTFS? | 09:16 |
=== Xanthomryr_ [n=User@xdsl-213-168-111-92.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | foutrelis, Flannel, what I couldn't figure out was why it installed apache-default in /var/www making /var/www invalid to place cgi-bin.. and could only be placed within /var/www/apache-default | 09:16 |
lkthomas | guys | 09:16 |
h1st0 | Vince_: press enter and continue to install. | 09:16 |
CaptainMorgan | so I erased and trying once more | 09:16 |
Whiz2 | foutris: Will I need to configure that as well for my web directory? | 09:16 |
h1st0 | Flannel: he's trying to install ubuntu. | 09:16 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: What? | 09:16 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, yes | 09:16 |
lkthomas | I just finished fresh install on a HDD, but it turns out to be grub error 21 when it's bootup, why is it ? | 09:16 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, confused the shit out of me | 09:16 |
h1st0 | lkthomas: because you are netinstalling. | 09:16 |
foutrelis | CaptainMorgan: The conf file you need to edit is in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled | 09:16 |
h1st0 | lol | 09:16 |
mneptok | Vince_: what is the PATA controller on your machine? what is the CD plugged into? what chipset controls that PATA bus? | 09:16 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: What on earth are you talking about? | 09:16 |
Vince_ | i've given up on Ubuntu. I've wasted 3 days on this and all people do is keep telling me the same things over and over agian. I want to delete the partition that was going to be used for Ubuntu and merge it back into the windows NTFS partition with having to reformat the HD | 09:16 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | CaptainMorgan | 09:16 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:17 |
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Whiz2 | Vince_: long shot, and not a desired thing for your situation, but have you tried installing on a hard drive which has no other partitions at all? | 09:17 |
lkthomas | h1st0, shutup, it have nothing to do with how you install it | 09:17 |
CaptainMorgan | foutrelis, ok, but why is that set to default when the wiki clearly says it will default /var/www ??, | 09:17 |
h1st0 | Vince_: well if you don't want to listen to the solution nopcmcia then i guess nothign you can do. | 09:17 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: What are you trying to say is default? | 09:17 |
mneptok | Vince_: i'm trying to help you. and there's a really, REALLY good chance i know what the problem is. | 09:17 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: apache-default isn't default. | 09:17 |
CaptainMorgan | apache installation | 09:17 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, well I certainly didn't hand type that folder in | 09:18 |
CaptainMorgan | it was created during installation | 09:18 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: right, that folder exists. What's the question? | 09:18 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: Will i need to configure msql to work with my web directory like I did with apache2? | 09:18 |
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Vince_ | mneptok: I have no idea what any of that is or how to find out. I know its an IDE CDROM it's worked fine in brezey before. Its connected to the Mainboard like anything else | 09:18 |
mneptok | Vince_: do you know what mobo it is? | 09:18 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: apt-get install phpmyadmin should connect php and mysql | 09:18 |
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PriceChild | CaptainMorgan, you can't place cgi-bin inside /var/www | 09:18 |
CaptainMorgan | it's not supposed to, according to the wiki | 09:18 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: What is not supposed to? | 09:19 |
PriceChild | CaptainMorgan, and the behaviour you have described so far seems fine. | 09:19 |
CaptainMorgan | PriceChild, that's the way I"ve always done it, why not?? | 09:19 |
=== shriphani stumbled across another top class file manager | ||
markybob | PriceChild, of course you can | 09:19 |
PriceChild | ok | 09:19 |
=== barnball [n=barnball@74-32-141-80.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
z9999 | dilch & h1st0: OK we finally figured it out, the 'env' command gives similar output to the 'set' command in unix. Thanks | 09:19 |
foutrelis | CaptainMorgan: The document root is in /var/www. This directory has very strict permissions which you can edit in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default | 09:19 |
PriceChild | maybe not "can't" | 09:19 |
Vince_ | mnepotk: I did earlier I can't find the paper now | 09:19 |
markybob | CaptainMorgan, dont listen to him. just as long as your apache conf has cgi configured for that dir you can do it | 09:19 |
mojo | sharms: in ##linux I learned my answer... the missing data was taken by blocks reserved for root (in case of critical low space, root can still have space to finish essential writes).. that being non-essential on /home partition I used tune2fs to set the reserved % to zero and got back my 12 gigs (on 230Gb partition). df -h before and after showed the results. | 09:19 |
Whiz2 | I wish there was a step-by-step manual for learning linux... would make things lots easier lol | 09:20 |
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markybob | Whiz2, there are many. google or go to barnes and noble. they have books online and offline | 09:20 |
mneptok | z9999: "set" or "export" sytax is determined by the shell | 09:20 |
mojo | Whiz2: linux is like life, you learn by experiencing lol | 09:20 |
foutrelis | mojo: yeah :) | 09:20 |
PriceChild | markybob, CaptainMorgan, sorry my mistake :) I'm just tired and confused :) | 09:20 |
Vince_ | mnepotk: Its a Biostar M7NCG 400 | 09:20 |
Vince_ | It has a NForce2 Chipset | 09:20 |
mneptok | z9999: (t)csh uses set. bash and co. use export. | 09:20 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: /var/www is the default document root, the default cgi-bin dir is /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ If you want to re-enable apache2-default being the default page, you can do it by uncommenting a single line. I don't really understand what your asking/what your issue is, however. | 09:20 |
mneptok | Vince_: stand by | 09:20 |
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PriceChild | Flannel, wait yeah that's what I thought was the case!!! | 09:21 |
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PriceChild | markybob, "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/" - that's what I was thinking of, as the default isn't inside /var/www | 09:21 |
valehru | Is there any applications out there that could optimize a video for uploading to youtube ...i.e. from AVI -> FLA format? Right now the video is 128MB....I don't want to upload all of that/.... | 09:21 |
mojo | Whiz2: honestly, the best things you can learn up front are how to be resourseful about finding answers.. find good communities like this irc forum (and a few others), as well as good web forums and some good doc sites. there is alwasy the linux documentation project, and good books can be recommended dependin on where you want to go with linux (admin books, for instance, or security books, or programming books, yadda yadda) | 09:22 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, which line would that be? | 09:22 |
foutrelis | valehru: ffmpeg maybe | 09:22 |
markybob | PriceChild, default. that's far different than saying you cant run cgi from within /var/www | 09:22 |
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Whiz2 | someone remind me what the command is to check available disk space on hda1? | 09:22 |
PriceChild | markybob, Yeah "can't" was a bad choice of wording :) "in ubuntu the default/recommended" would have been better | 09:22 |
markybob | Whiz2, df -h | 09:22 |
valehru | foutrelis, thx | 09:22 |
Whiz2 | ty | 09:22 |
cypher1 | Whiz2: df | 09:22 |
mneptok | Vince_: looks like that machine does not have Serial ATA. | 09:22 |
mojo | Whiz2: df -h /dev/hda1 | 09:23 |
foutrelis | !df > foutrelis | 09:23 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: if you edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default, the second "directory" directive, the last line there, `#RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/` but Why are you doing that? What are you hoping to accomplish? | 09:23 |
Vince_ | mneptok: Alrighty. How does that matter to my situation though? | 09:23 |
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mneptok | Vince_: it may be that the correct driver for your IDE bus is not being injected into the initramfs of Edgy. could you try a Dapper CD? | 09:23 |
mojo | Whiz2: or du can be used to hone in on the large directories under some branch of your file tree | 09:23 |
Vince_ | mneptok: already did and it does the same thign | 09:24 |
Whiz2 | What does a serial ATA matter for installing, or using the Live-CD? | 09:24 |
h1st0 | Vince_: I have the exact same problem with my hardware. the solution was to disable pcmcia on the install cd boot and it was able to detect the cdrom. | 09:24 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, I am simply not used to placing cgi-bin anywhere else but /var/www | 09:24 |
CaptainMorgan | and would like it there | 09:24 |
CaptainMorgan | functional | 09:24 |
Whiz2 | mneptok: Vince- has already tried a Dapper release with similar results | 09:24 |
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markybob | CaptainMorgan, and you have every right to do so. just have cgi configured for that dir. no big deal | 09:24 |
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Vince_ | h1st0: Somebody had me doing that earlier it didn't work. | 09:24 |
mneptok | Vince_: hom big is the drive is your machine, and where do your ext3 partitions reside on the disk? | 09:25 |
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mneptok | *how | 09:25 |
CaptainMorgan | markybob, ok.. how is that to be configured? | 09:25 |
odix | where can i find a good live poker environment for ubuntu or even linux ? | 09:25 |
CaptainMorgan | within /usr/lib/cgi-bin ? | 09:25 |
markybob | CaptainMorgan, just add Options +ExecCGI to that dir config | 09:25 |
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mneptok | odix: Las Vegas? | 09:25 |
CaptainMorgan | markybob, in httpd.conf or .htaccess ? | 09:25 |
CaptainMorgan | or elsewhere... | 09:25 |
markybob | CaptainMorgan, httpd.conf | 09:25 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: and what's stopping you from placing it there? You don't need to uncomment that line, what you want is to remove the "ScriptAlias" line, (comment it out) and change the line under that, so the directory is /var/www/cgi-bin/ | 09:25 |
merc | wow, seems new ubuntu kernel has all kinds of laptop extras :D | 09:25 |
odix | i just tried to wine a windows one and now im scared to boot to windows cause i think it wrote the drive | 09:25 |
Whiz2 | never seen a room quite this active | 09:26 |
Vince_ | mnepotk: I have 2 Hard Drives, 1 80Gig and 1 40. The 80 Gig is basicly split in half with WIndows XP in one 40Meg Partition and an Ubuntu Swap and Root partition in the other | 09:26 |
Flannel | markybob: please stop giving poor information. | 09:26 |
odix | mneptok ? are you saying go to las vegas ? or you recognize my host ? | 09:26 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, as it stands now, when cgi-bin is placed in /var/www it cannot be found from the internet | 09:26 |
h1st0 | Vince_: When its trying to detect the cdrom you can hit ctrl+alt+F4 and see the output of what is going on. | 09:26 |
Vince_ | The second drive is formated FAT32 so both OS's can access it | 09:26 |
odix | no one plays poker free online huh ? | 09:26 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: Right, you need to comment that ScriptAlias, and change the line under it | 09:26 |
madsen | Hey, can anyone help me get that Compiz cube-thing going on Feisty? It doesn't seem to react to Ctrl-Alt-Button1 | 09:26 |
mojo | odix: so you are in vegas, lol? | 09:26 |
markybob | CaptainMorgan, remove the alias setting. then add it to the default dir | 09:26 |
mneptok | odix: a liitle of column A, a little of .... ;) | 09:26 |
genii | CaptainMorgan Just put a link in /var/www to the actual spot | 09:26 |
odix | ya i live in vegas ;] | 09:27 |
PriceChild | madsen, > #ubuntu+1 | 09:27 |
Whiz2 | Didn't realize it took forever to install phpmyadmin | 09:27 |
Vince_ | h1st0: I'll try it agian and hit that to see whats up. | 09:27 |
markybob | Flannel, all i have to say is fuck off unless you can tell me where i gave 'poor information' | 09:27 |
odix | mneptok? huh? | 09:27 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | markybob | 09:27 |
ubotu | markybob: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:27 |
foutrelis | :( | 09:27 |
=== nurdyx [n=rudy@ABordeaux-256-1-41-39.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | PriceChild: Ok, thanks! :) | 09:27 |
h1st0 | Vince_: also when you try it append nopcmcia even if you don't have pcmcia. See what the output is. | 09:27 |
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markybob | oh heaven forbid....! we're all gonna die because i cursed! | 09:27 |
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Flannel | !coc | markybob | 09:27 |
ubotu | markybob: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 09:27 |
mneptok | markybob: stop that | 09:28 |
CaptainMorgan | now Im severely confused.. Flannel and markybob both giving me info and they're slightly different | 09:28 |
markybob | Flannel, i stick to 'fuck off' unless you can tell me where i'm wrong | 09:28 |
CaptainMorgan | similar but different enough to be confusing | 09:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ | ||
Whiz2 | foutrelis: do i need to reboot after instaling all these files you suggested I install? | 09:28 |
PriceChild | markybob, please leave language outside the channel | 09:28 |
odix | see ya | 09:28 |
=== mojo sees a short future for markybob regardles... | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*=markybob@*.hsd1.il.comcast.net] by mneptok | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok | ||
foutrelis | Whiz2: just sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart :) | 09:28 |
mneptok | *sigh* | 09:28 |
odix | soo... back to poker ? | 09:28 |
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mojo | odix: that is funny (well, botht he markybob thing and you living in vegas... lol) | 09:29 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: was i supposed to run something after the installs completed, or just restart the server, and try the pages again? | 09:29 |
h1st0 | Vince_: if you hit F7 or F8 at the main menu it will give you the exact option for disabling it. | 09:29 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: Just restart the server. | 09:29 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: thank you. problem fixed | 09:30 |
Vince_ | mneptok: anything else? I'm going to go give some of these idea's a shot | 09:30 |
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mojo | odix: not to sound like an upright mammalian's gluteus maximus, but(t), did you have any luck with google linux poker or java poker perhaps? | 09:30 |
mneptok | Vince_: not off the top of my head. try unplugging the 80GB and see if the install gets further with just the other drive? | 09:30 |
genii | CaptainMorgan Anyhow, if you do something like: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin /var/ww/cgi-bin then you don't need to mess with the stock apache/httpd conf files for scriptaliases and so on. | 09:31 |
mojo | odix: or search freshmeat or sourceforge? | 09:31 |
Vince_ | Will do... If i'm not back soon you can assume i'm having so me luck ;-) | 09:31 |
odix | yup | 09:31 |
odix | not lucky at all | 09:31 |
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CaptainMorgan | I don't mind httpd.conf genii, but I understand what you're saying | 09:31 |
odix | im looking for a free live poker | 09:31 |
odix | good luck | 09:31 |
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Whiz2 | Now if it were only that easy to find the pack of cigs I lost 20 mins ago, I'd be set lol | 09:31 |
CaptainMorgan | that file, Flannel /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default is completely empty | 09:31 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: You should add a password for mysql's root account now. Do you know how to do that? | 09:31 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: Eh? What version of ubuntu are you on? And, did you install apache or apache2? | 09:32 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: no. i've never done this before | 09:32 |
mojo | odix: yeah, i hear few are truly lucky in vegas ;p but seriously i only had those ideas for you, i am not familiar with gambling software. most cards i play in life, even, are spades and hearts | 09:32 |
mneptok | odix: aren't there like 6747236572651 Java clients/applets? | 09:32 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, LTS, and apache2.. was that a bad idea? should I have gone with only apace ? | 09:32 |
CaptainMorgan | apache | 09:32 |
mojo | odix: yeah, java is a good bet (i love puns too much) | 09:33 |
odix | mneptok, i only found 4566345434 ;[ | 09:33 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: no. But the filenames have changed a bit on different versions | 09:33 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: You can do that with phpmyadmin. Go to http://your-server-address/phpmyadmin and login with user:root pass:(blank) | 09:33 |
mneptok | odix: slacker. | 09:33 |
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odix | haha | 09:33 |
mojo | lol | 09:33 |
odix | ill check it otu | 09:33 |
odix | i want some 3d opengl x11 stuff though | 09:33 |
mojo | !botsnack | 09:33 |
ubotu | Yum! | 09:33 |
odix | guess i can't have everything | 09:33 |
=== mojo scratches ubotu's ear | ||
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: you should have that file. I'm looking at it right now. What files do you have in /etc/apache2/sites-available/? Oh sorry. It's just "default" in -available, 000-default in -enabled | 09:34 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default | 09:34 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: going to that address resulted in a 404 page not found error | 09:34 |
genii | CaptainMorgan: With apache2 the main conf files in /etc/aapache2 pull in sub conf files from places like /etc/apache2/sites-available and so on | 09:34 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: did you apt-get install phpmyadmin? | 09:35 |
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Whiz2 | foutrelis: yes | 09:35 |
foutrelis | :S | 09:35 |
CaptainMorgan | /etc/apache2/sites-available/default is also blank Flannel | 09:35 |
yeniklasor | I have compiled and installed alsa. Everything's great but my microphone don't work. Do you know any code for active it or maybe get it in kernel ^^ | 09:35 |
Whiz2 | foutrelis: can I /msg you with the address I went to exactly? | 09:35 |
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foutrelis | Whiz2: That would be nice :) | 09:35 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: Eh? no it's not. Or, if it is, your apache won't be working too well. What files do you have in that dir? | 09:35 |
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CaptainMorgan | Flannel, there is nothing within site-availabel | 09:36 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: eh? sites-available | 09:37 |
genii | Flannel Likely apache2 can't start or starts for localhost because no default IP to latch | 09:37 |
odix | bah | 09:37 |
odix | i quit | 09:37 |
CaptainMorgan | and httpd.conf is about 3 lines long | 09:37 |
odix | its all spammy | 09:37 |
=== SubMOA [n=face2the@048M43.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whiz2 | foutrelis: i'm not registered. how else can I privately give you the URL? | 09:37 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: right, httpd.conf isn't used by ubuntu | 09:37 |
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odix | there all downloadable clients | 09:37 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: What do you have in /etc/apache2? pastebin it | 09:37 |
foutrelis | Whiz2: Join me in #foutrelis.com. | 09:37 |
SubMOA | what is the gnome configuration command? | 09:38 |
SubMOA | gconf, right? | 09:38 |
Flannel | SubMOA: gconf2-editor, or something like that | 09:38 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, http://pastebin.ca/391671 | 09:38 |
odix | gnome-conf ? | 09:38 |
SubMOA | grg | 09:38 |
SubMOA | thank oyu | 09:38 |
SubMOA | i meant rgr, btw | 09:38 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: you have sites-available, you don't have apache2.conf, is that a paste error? | 09:39 |
CaptainMorgan | Flannel, no | 09:39 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: you have no apache2.conf file? | 09:39 |
=== ct1945 [n=CT@CPE0013460b115f-CM000a739ba2ec.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | if it's supposed to be in that folder, I don't have it | 09:40 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: reinstall apache2-common | 09:40 |
SubMOA | AHH how do you change a Command??! | 09:40 |
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CaptainMorgan | Flannel, just did that and nothing changed | 09:40 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: without apache2.conf... nothing should be working | 09:40 |
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genii | CaptainMorgan: Yes, if this is a paste of /etc/apache2 and not /etc/apache then missing the apache2.conf file is not good | 09:40 |
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CaptainMorgan | Flannel, as it isn't | 09:41 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: remove apache2-common, with a purge, then reinstall it | 09:41 |
CaptainMorgan | genii, I didn't touch it... I simply followed the commands given by the wiki or from there | 09:41 |
CaptainMorgan | here | 09:41 |
CaptainMorgan | purge? | 09:41 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: apt-get remove --purge apache2-common | 09:41 |
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SubMOA | how would you change the bindings on a Command from gconf-edit, or form command line? | 09:41 |
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Flannel | CaptainMorgan: and yes, it'll drag some packages with it. | 09:42 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: then reinstall apache2 | 09:42 |
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odix | is linux compatible with posix ? | 09:43 |
CaptainMorgan | jeepers, now that just looks better.. | 09:43 |
CaptainMorgan | ok, apach2.conf is there now | 09:43 |
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CaptainMorgan | and site-available has default :) | 09:43 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: now, in sites-available/default, comment out that line, and stuff | 09:43 |
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allyer | it's second image that i downloaded and doesn't works | 09:44 |
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CaptainMorgan | Srciptalias? or change it to the dir I want.. for exampleit says now /usr/lib/cgi-bin.. and I want /var/www/cgi-bin | 09:44 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: comment out the script alias, and change. | 09:45 |
allyer | i downloaded alternative iso x64 version of ubuntu | 09:45 |
Flannel | allyer: Did you check the md5 of your iso? | 09:45 |
genii | CaptainMorgan: You should leave the default entry unless you are moving everything and altering your PATH as well | 09:45 |
allyer | yeah, Flannel | 09:45 |
allyer | it's right | 09:45 |
Flannel | allyer: right, so you know the iso is good. Did you burn at 4x? | 09:45 |
allyer | no, i cant burn in 4x | 09:46 |
CaptainMorgan | I followed that wiki exactly as it said... that thing is corrupt I tell you | 09:46 |
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allyer | the cd was burned in 10x | 09:46 |
genii | CaptainMorgan: Just use the default as a guide and make an entire new entry for the dir /var/www/cgi-bin | 09:46 |
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genii | You can have multiple scriptaliases | 09:46 |
Flannel | CaptainMorgan: I've seen a few issues with it, it's changed a bit from when I last read it, I'll be changing a few things soon. | 09:47 |
allyer | Flannel, when i pressed some keys to see in probabily erros | 09:47 |
=== Vince_ [n=chatzill@kgldgaambas07-pool14-a188.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Vince_ | No Joy | 09:47 |
allyer | when i press Ctrl+C, it was showed | 09:47 |
allyer | "cannot to build to database " | 09:47 |
allyer | and showed directory | 09:47 |
Vince_ | I tried nopcmica, hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false, and PCI=noacpi | 09:48 |
allyer | error in line 135 | 09:48 |
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allyer | my hd is sata, ubuntu support hd sata? | 09:48 |
Vince_ | I also hit CTRL ALT F4 and it says CDRom-Detect: cdrom mount failed agian error = 255 Device /dev/hdd | 09:49 |
odix | so..i found a game..when a click a link it gives me a .out with text...it has the option sarge,etc,unstable,hoary,breezy,dapper,edgy | 09:49 |
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genii | Vince_ try changing nopcmica to nopcmcia | 09:49 |
odix | im tihkning edgy..i save the .out as a .deb and it does nothing | 09:49 |
odix | http://mekensleep.org/ under poker 3d | 09:49 |
Vince_ | grnii: thats what I hit. Sorry I typoed just now | 09:49 |
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allyer | who fix ubuntu's bugs? | 09:50 |
LadyNikon | ubuntus developers? | 09:50 |
allyer | the ubuntu instalation doesn't load here | 09:50 |
genii | allyer How much RAM does the box have? | 09:50 |
allyer | i have 512MB | 09:50 |
allyer | DDR2 | 09:50 |
allyer | frequency 667mhz | 09:51 |
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Vince_ | Look, can someone help me just fix my partitions | 09:51 |
genii | allyer Is it an Intel or AMD and single core or not? | 09:51 |
Vince_ | I don't want Ubuntu at this point | 09:51 |
allyer | amd and dual core | 09:51 |
allyer | CPU Info: (2 CPU's - AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, 2.00 GHz, L1: 64KB L2: 512KB (0% Load)) | 09:51 |
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allyer | Memory Usage: (Usage: 300/447MB (67.11%)) (||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||----------------) | 09:51 |
allyer | Hard Disks: (Total/Free: 227.82/73.26GB Total/Free space on: C: 20.41/13.53GB D: 14.62/8.55GB E: 44.91/0.06GB F: 49.8/21.61GB G: 98.09/29.5GB) | 09:51 |
genii | allyer Put as a kernel option before booting: notsc | 09:51 |
allyer | how can I do this? | 09:52 |
allyer | do have I press F6 and change the boot options? | 09:52 |
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Vince_ | Is there anyway to merge the two 40 Gigabyte Partitions without loosing all the data on the drive? | 09:53 |
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genii | allyer Use the alternate install cdrom. It will give you a page which lets you do things like text install or so on not on regular install cdrom. From the main menu there you can modify the parameters it is using to boot | 09:53 |
bahr | is it normal that an upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 by following the documentation, fu*** up your entire system? | 09:53 |
merc | Vince_: partition magic, for windows, iirc.. | 09:53 |
genii | allyer Yes, if that works on your cd | 09:53 |
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Vince_ | merc: Is they're anything that dosen't cost me 50 bucks for something i'll use one time? | 09:54 |
allyer | yeah, genii, they told me this! I download the version alternative too | 09:54 |
merc | not that i know of offhand, but, i'd imagine there are. | 09:54 |
bahr | I got a message, that said, that I could not install more packages until I had run a 'sudo apt-get install -f', but when I do that, I get some kind of samba error | 09:54 |
PriceChild | Vince_, use the live cd to delete the ubuntu partition and enlarge the windows one | 09:54 |
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bahr | I did just like, the documentation said I should... | 09:54 |
Vince_ | PriceChild: I cannot boot the live CD. | 09:54 |
genii | allyer Anyhow, for dual-core amd the notsc option works often to get the installer working. | 09:54 |
Vince_ | It throws errors | 09:55 |
allyer | what is mean "notsc"? is it mean not scsi? | 09:55 |
PriceChild | Vince_, try the knoppix or gparted live cds then | 09:55 |
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genii | allyer No, it is a parameter to the kernel regarding cpu clock cycles | 09:55 |
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Vince_ | Ok, I can enlarging the Windows Partition "WONT HARM THE DATA" correct? | 09:55 |
allyer | ok | 09:55 |
h1st0 | Vince_: not if its been defragged | 09:55 |
Vince_ | h1st0: Its a friesh install so it should be an issue. | 09:56 |
allyer | but when i press F6 have a lot parameters, genii, what do i do? | 09:56 |
merc | Vince_: partitionlogic.org.uk seems to do what you want. | 09:56 |
h1st0 | Stil lhave to dfrag it first | 09:56 |
Chousuke | hm | 09:56 |
Chousuke | defragging shouldn't matter when enlarging | 09:56 |
genii | allyer Go to the end of the line it gives you and add notsc | 09:56 |
Chousuke | there are free tools for that, too. | 09:56 |
marshcast | how can I set up a new user with a preconfigured setup? I need to copy accross the panel, but can't seen to find the right config file... doesn't seem to be the .gconf/panels one as I've copied this... any offers? | 09:56 |
allyer | ok | 09:56 |
allyer | thx, i will try, genii | 09:57 |
Chousuke | but if you want to be sure you won't lose data, back it up. | 09:57 |
h1st0 | Well yeah i guess thats true enlarging shoudln't matter but gparted might throw up an error. | 09:57 |
allyer | thx everything | 09:57 |
genii | allyer OK. If still issues report back | 09:57 |
Chousuke | well, it'll tell you if it's not going to work | 09:57 |
Vince_ | Ok thanks guys. | 09:57 |
Gurpartap | what parameter to change/put to allow non-root users to mount drives? in fstab | 09:57 |
joh | Does anyone know wether xserver-xorg in Edgy includes the R300 drivers? | 09:57 |
Chousuke | Gurpartap: user | 09:57 |
Gurpartap | ok | 09:57 |
Chousuke | or maybe users. the cdrom entry should have it I think | 09:58 |
marshcast | I've also tried to add a new user but have ad no joy trying to use a current user as SKEL (the SKEL bit confuses me (although it appears to be quite straightforward :() | 09:58 |
allyer | ok | 09:58 |
marshcast | can anyone offer any ideas? | 09:58 |
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Gurpartap | Chousuke, its user, but still unable to | 09:59 |
Gurpartap | it mounts with sudo command well though | 09:59 |
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Lynoure | marshcast: you can copy the configuration files into skel instead. | 09:59 |
Chousuke | Gurpartap: what kind of error do you get? permission denied? :/ | 09:59 |
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niru | what does ubuntu provide for cd burning | 10:00 |
Lynoure | marshcast: that is, to the directory /etc/skel | 10:00 |
Gurpartap | Chousuke, mount: only root can mount this on that | 10:00 |
Chousuke | Lynoure: hm | 10:00 |
Chousuke | oops | 10:00 |
Chousuke | Gurpartap: even | 10:00 |
Chousuke | :P | 10:00 |
genii | Gurpartap: Add to the file /etc/fstab the option user where it has other options like rw,auto | 10:00 |
CaptainMorgan | omg.. this is the most fudged up web server installation I've ever had the pleasure of working with... Im trying to install phpmyadmin: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin, just like the wiki says. It places a link to the folder in /var/www.. and when tried with the browser is not found | 10:00 |
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Lynoure | Chousuke: you are welcome to hmm at me any time =) | 10:01 |
marshcast | from my source users .gconf, Lynoure? | 10:01 |
Chousuke | hah | 10:01 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: yourpage.com/phpmyadmin/ | 10:01 |
genii | Gurpartap: You will need to edit the file in root mode with an editor. After this any user can mount it. | 10:01 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, please | 10:01 |
Gurpartap | genii, already aware of both those things | 10:01 |
Gurpartap | getting the point now | 10:01 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: Did you install the php mysql mod for apache. | 10:01 |
Lynoure | marshcast: yes, you'll need to copy the whole path. But, I'm not 100% sure this will not make gnome skip creating the rest of the configuration | 10:02 |
marshcast | Lynoure, and then setup the user??? - i feel a bit silly if i haven't tried that.... :( | 10:02 |
niru | what does ubuntu provide for cd burning | 10:02 |
CaptainMorgan | I followed what the wiki said, so I suppose I did | 10:02 |
Lynoure | marshcast: yes, then set up the new user normally. | 10:02 |
marshcast | Lynoure, what rest of the config? | 10:02 |
reyezzo | is it possible to merge two partitions together that were created from 2 other separate partitions on the same drive? recap -> 4 partitions 1 drive. | 10:02 |
Chousuke | niru: gnomebaker | 10:02 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: libapache2-mod-php5 or php4 depending on what you installed. | 10:02 |
niru | is it better than bonfire | 10:02 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: you can check just dpkg -l | grep php | 10:02 |
Lynoure | marshcast: all the other gnome setting that you did not copy. | 10:02 |
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CaptainMorgan | that's really scary if that wiki is termed 'official' | 10:03 |
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Chousuke | niru: I haven't used bonfire | 10:03 |
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marshcast | Lynoure, they're not all in .gconf? | 10:03 |
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Lynoure | marshcast: I'm no longer use gnome, so I'm not sure. Try it out? | 10:03 |
yomm | !mplayer | 10:03 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 10:03 |
CaptainMorgan | ii php5-mysqli 5.1.2-1ubuntu3.6 MySQL Improved module for php5 | 10:03 |
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marshcast | Lynoure, apologies if i sound a bit stupid - my heads been spinning with this for a while (along with 101 other things that dont work lol!!! | 10:04 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: yeah install libapache2-mod-php5 | 10:04 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: your using apache2 right? | 10:04 |
marshcast | Lynoure, am giving it go now... | 10:04 |
CaptainMorgan | yes | 10:04 |
niru | Chousuke:can it burn an iso image | 10:04 |
arooni | what is the equivalent of ipconfig | 10:04 |
arooni | for linux? | 10:04 |
arooni | i need to get my routers address | 10:04 |
niru | Chousuke:I find only data cd ,dvd and audio cd | 10:04 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: does the webserver work? | 10:04 |
Lynoure | marshcast: you did not sound stupid at all :) | 10:04 |
Chousuke | niru: sure it can. | 10:05 |
merc | arooni: ifconfig | 10:05 |
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Chousuke | niru: try the data cd option | 10:05 |
CaptainMorgan | so far, I only have /var/www/cgi-bin and /var/www/phpinfo.php working | 10:05 |
CaptainMorgan | I can't get /var/www/phpmyadmin | 10:05 |
Chousuke | niru: you should be able to select an image or something | 10:05 |
CaptainMorgan | to work | 10:05 |
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marshcast | Lynoure, thanks ;) - feel a bit brain-fried. grinning again now though - think i only needed a bit of a pointer and a 'try it' kick up the ... :) thanks. | 10:06 |
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rohinton | niru: also mouse button three on the file and it will give you options to burn it.... | 10:07 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: are you trying from the localhost? | 10:07 |
CaptainMorgan | yes | 10:07 |
Lynoure | marshcast: You are welcome. :) | 10:07 |
yomm | Is it possible that Mplayer does not in the Edgy repos anymore ? All repos are enabled in my sources.list ... | 10:07 |
OD_Jonno | who was just helping me?.. | 10:07 |
yomm | *reside | 10:07 |
OD_Jonno | my machine just reset | 10:07 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: do you get an error when navigating to the phpmyadmin index? | 10:07 |
CaptainMorgan | and from a separate system on the same network | 10:07 |
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CaptainMorgan | h1st0, it's simply not found | 10:07 |
CaptainMorgan | yet, I manually placed it there | 10:07 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: why? | 10:07 |
CaptainMorgan | after trying to apt-get install it | 10:08 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: should have been placed there by installing phpmyadmin | 10:08 |
CaptainMorgan | which obviously didnt' work | 10:08 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: well how'd you install it then? | 10:08 |
niru | rohinton:you mean I have to drag and drop the iso image in the below space and | 10:08 |
CaptainMorgan | I placed it there to see if ti would work... 'after' I tried the regular installation, which placed no phpmyadmin folder within /var/www | 10:08 |
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Gurpartap | lol now, umount: only root can unmount | 10:09 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: just sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin That will install all the dependencies as well. | 10:09 |
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Gurpartap | how can non-root unmount it now? | 10:09 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, I have already done that | 10:09 |
CaptainMorgan | with no luck | 10:09 |
rohinton | niru: when I select the file object on the desktop, I get another menu by using the right mouse button... | 10:09 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: what does no luck mean? Did you get an error? | 10:09 |
CaptainMorgan | it's /simply not found/ | 10:09 |
rohinton | niru: i that menu there should be an option to write the iso image | 10:09 |
CaptainMorgan | when attempted via a browser | 10:10 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: because you need to enable the repo its in if its not in the standard one. | 10:10 |
h1st0 | ? | 10:10 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: I'm confused so YOu can install it via apt-get? | 10:10 |
CaptainMorgan | repo? | 10:10 |
CrummyGummy | What was the point of putting the UUID of the swap partition in the fstab? | 10:10 |
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CaptainMorgan | h1 yes, I can install it via apt-get, but I don't know where it places it.. it's certainly not foudn within /var/www | 10:10 |
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Gurpartap | what parameter to put for access to umount? | 10:11 |
Gurpartap | in fstab | 10:11 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: well if you installed via apt-get you should have libmod apahce php installed because its a dependency | 10:11 |
VigoFuse_ | I will attempt to get a download of 6.10 again, Thank you. | 10:11 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: also you can try locate phpmyadmin | 10:11 |
CaptainMorgan | and after trying whereis, locate, and find phpmyadmin, the only one I get is found in /etc/phpadmin with contains little if any files and apache1 files | 10:11 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: hold on let me check my server | 10:12 |
Plutonium | i can t shutdown my pc can anyone help | 10:12 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: okay installing puts a link in /var/www to /usr/share/phpmyadmin | 10:13 |
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h1st0 | Plutonium: what happens when you try to shutdown? | 10:14 |
arooni | how can i get my MAC address? | 10:14 |
h1st0 | arooni: ifconfig | 10:14 |
h1st0 | arooni: it will be HWaddr | 10:14 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, right... that's what I have... but from a browser I can't access it | 10:14 |
arooni | OK | 10:14 |
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Plutonium | hlst0: i don t have the shutdown button only i can hibernat | 10:15 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: try yoursite.com/phpmyadmin/index.php | 10:15 |
CaptainMorgan | I did | 10:15 |
CaptainMorgan | no luck | 10:15 |
h1st0 | Plutonium: are you using compiz? | 10:15 |
h1st0 | Plutonium: or some sort of 3d desktop? | 10:15 |
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_raphael_ | my fn works the other way, I have to push the fn button to get the regular letters and signs. how do I fix it? | 10:15 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: something has to be messed up with your configs. | 10:15 |
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Plutonium | hlst0: like what? | 10:16 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: I wouldnt' even know where to begin. | 10:16 |
h1st0 | Plutonium: open a text terminal and sudo shutdown -h now will shutdown your pc | 10:16 |
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Plutonium | hstl0: it says it nee time | 10:16 |
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h1st0 | Plutonium: 'sudo shutdown -h now' | 10:17 |
h1st0 | no quotes | 10:17 |
voltagex | is feisty stable enough to run on my test machine? Completely non-critical, I'm a part time student so I have plenty of time on my hands | 10:17 |
h1st0 | voltagex: /j #ubuntu+1 | 10:17 |
Plutonium | hstl0: can i recover the shutdown button or i have to do this evrey time | 10:17 |
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voltagex | h1st0: ah, makes sense | 10:18 |
lkthomas | guys | 10:18 |
h1st0 | Plutonium: You should be able to get he button back | 10:18 |
lkthomas | can I use ubuntu iso to install xbuntu ? | 10:18 |
rohinton | voltagex: yes, but depends on machine :-) | 10:18 |
Plutonium | hstl0: thx | 10:18 |
mike1o | i'm writing a paper about opensource... can somebody suggest a link where I can find a graph of computer users in the last 20 years? | 10:18 |
h1st0 | Plutonium: just have to figure out whats causing it not to be there. | 10:18 |
h1st0 | mike1o: google | 10:19 |
rohinton | lkthomas: maybe you can pull the packages via apt? - you want xfce? | 10:19 |
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CaptainMorgan | h1st0, how can I remove everything that I have attempted concerning the web server? I'd like to wipe it clean, get some rest and try to start from scratch again | 10:20 |
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h1st0 | mike1o: or maybe fire off an email to www.opensource.org | 10:20 |
Plutonium | hlst0 : my browser also can t open sites like yahoo | 10:20 |
CaptainMorgan | specifically, php, mysql, apace, and phpmyadmin stuff | 10:20 |
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CaptainMorgan | just want to wipe it clean | 10:21 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: sudo apt-get autoremove apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin --purge | 10:21 |
mike1o | h1st0, there's not a lot of stuff out there | 10:21 |
h1st0 | mike1o: yeah thats why i'd email the open source initiative they'd probably help ya out. But a ubuntu support channel is probably the wrong place to look. | 10:22 |
nomego | hrmm.. I tried to install the f-spot-0.3.4 deb on my edgy machine.. and it failed.. and now apt-get wants to autoremove and install lots of packages.. how do I fix this? | 10:22 |
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mike1o | h1st0, true tnx | 10:22 |
h1st0 | nomego: dpkg -r <nameofpackage> will remove | 10:23 |
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nomego | yeah, well I don't want to lose the f-spot that comes with edgy? | 10:23 |
Plutonium | my browser can t open pages like yahoo can anone help | 10:23 |
nomego | and dpkg -r f-spot says it needs to remove "ubuntu-desktop" as well | 10:23 |
PriceChild | nomego, ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage and can be safely removed. | 10:24 |
h1st0 | nomego: do you have two f-spots installed then? | 10:24 |
h1st0 | nomego: dpkg -l | grep f-spot | 10:24 |
nomego | I haven't even installed f-spot-0.3.4 since it failed.. isn't there a way to tell apt to ignore my try? | 10:24 |
PriceChild | nomego, its just useful for upgrades from one ubuntu to the next as it make sure you have an entire ubuntu system installed | 10:24 |
h1st0 | nomego: well if you didn't install it apt-get shouldn't know about it. | 10:24 |
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CaptainMorgan | h1st0, autoremove appears to be an invalid operation | 10:24 |
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nomego | I have one f-spot listed (0.3.4) as "rU" | 10:25 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 10:25 |
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nomego | how safe is it to disk-upgrade to feisty at this point? | 10:25 |
CaptainMorgan | lTS | 10:25 |
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h1st0 | ahh thats why | 10:25 |
nomego | err.. dist-upgrade | 10:25 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: sudo aptitude purge apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin | 10:26 |
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voltagex | how big is the entire Ubuntu stable tree? I need to install a fully up to date system on a machine with no net access | 10:26 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers. | 10:26 |
h1st0 | voltagex: just the cd would work. Or you could download the DVD repos | 10:27 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: holdup | 10:27 |
PriceChild | nomego, feisty is not released yet, and will not be for another month. Its not recommended to use for production machines. | 10:27 |
voltagex | h1st0: but they still need an apt-get update for security don't they? | 10:27 |
lisapc | im setting up my NVidia Geoforce Go 7300 on Edgy. Shall I answer YES to Use kernel framebuffer device interface? | 10:27 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: are you using apache 1 or apache 2? | 10:27 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, 2 | 10:28 |
h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: sudo aptitude purge apache2 php5 phpmyadmin | 10:28 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: try that. | 10:28 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: the only other thing to remove would be mysql-server | 10:28 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, can u tell me pls? | 10:28 |
Tmob | anyone know how to setup sudo so that it lets wifi-radar run without a password? | 10:29 |
PriceChild | lisapc, what does it suggest? | 10:29 |
CaptainMorgan | h1st0, great, thansk | 10:29 |
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nomego | PriceChild: oh well.. it's worth a shot. | 10:29 |
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h1st0 | CaptainMorgan: it doesn't appear that mysql-server is installed is why you were getting that error | 10:29 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, doesnt suggest anything | 10:29 |
voltagex | is there a way to apt-get update an iso? | 10:30 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, Rather than communicating directly with the video hardware, the X server may be configured to perform some operations, such as video mode switching, | 10:30 |
lisapc | via the kernel's framebuffer driver. | 10:30 |
HymnToLife | Tmob, add something like this : %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: wifi-radar | 10:30 |
h1st0 | voltagex: What exactly do you need? | 10:30 |
PriceChild | lisapc, nothing else? | 10:30 |
h1st0 | voltagex: or are you trying to accomplish? | 10:30 |
HymnToLife | change %wheel to something appropriate for you of course | 10:30 |
voltagex | h1st0: an absolutely up to date iso | 10:30 |
h1st0 | voltagex: download the daily snapshot. | 10:30 |
voltagex | h1st0: a machine that once installed, does not need apt-get update for a while | 10:30 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, it says use it or not | 10:31 |
voltagex | h1st0: stable? | 10:31 |
lisapc | PriceChild, In theory, either approach should work, but in practice, sometimes one does and the other does not. Enabling this option is the safe bet, but feel | 10:31 |
lisapc | free to turn it off if it appears to cause problems | 10:31 |
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HymnToLife | h1st0, whyt don't you want to update ? | 10:31 |
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h1st0 | HymnToLife: ? | 10:31 |
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PriceChild | lisapc, I think we've found our answer :) | 10:31 |
mixandgo | any idea why exaile freezes when I try to load a radio station ? | 10:31 |
HymnToLife | voltagex* sorry :p | 10:31 |
h1st0 | HymnToLife: he doesn't have net on the pc he's installing to. | 10:32 |
lisapc | PriceChild, what is it? :) | 10:32 |
h1st0 | HymnToLife: so he needs an install cd that is current. | 10:32 |
lisapc | PriceChild, Use kernel framebuffer device interface? Yes or No? :) | 10:32 |
HymnToLife | then I guess he doesn't _need_ the updates | 10:32 |
PriceChild | lisapc, oh come on.... read it and tell me which you think you should do :) | 10:32 |
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HymnToLife | since they are mainly security fixes | 10:32 |
lisapc | PriceChild, YES | 10:32 |
PriceChild | lisapc, why? :) | 10:32 |
lisapc | PriceChild, it says in theory safest | 10:32 |
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PriceChild | lisapc, sounds good | 10:33 |
voltagex | HymnToLife: but it *will* be on the net at some stage... I'll be downloading this on a machine that doesn't have a restrictive download limit :) | 10:33 |
Firemonkeyballz | got a responce from the bug | 10:33 |
Firemonkeyballz | ... siad it was going to be in fisty | 10:33 |
lisapc | PriceChild, X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default. Shall chose them all? | 10:34 |
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PriceChild | lisapc, leave it as it is... | 10:34 |
h1st0 | voltagex: once its on the net update-manager will just install any applicable updates | 10:34 |
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h1st0 | voltagex: ahh bandwidth limit hold up | 10:34 |
lisapc | PriceChild, its chosing them all, but not dbe : enables the double-buffering extension in the server. | 10:34 |
lisapc | Useful for animation and video operations; | 10:34 |
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voltagex | h1st0: sorry for not making myself clear, yes, download quotas here in backwards australia | 10:34 |
lisapc | PriceChild, should I chose dbe? | 10:34 |
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CaptainMorgan | of one is looking for stability, why upgrade to 6.10 when LTS available? | 10:35 |
Firemonkeyballz | har har voltagex | 10:35 |
HymnToLife | because 6.10 _is_ stable | 10:35 |
PriceChild | lisapc, enable it | 10:35 |
HymnToLife | and LTS, useless - on the desktop | 10:35 |
lisapc | PriceChild, done | 10:35 |
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mneptok | HymnToLife: not to everyone | 10:35 |
genii | CaptainMorgan: Some more recent devices work better on it | 10:35 |
voltagex | Firemonkeyballz: watch it, I'll start downloading torrents on your machine | 10:35 |
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Chousuke | There's no reason to upgrade f you don't see one | 10:36 |
Chousuke | if* | 10:36 |
lisapc | PriceChild, Attempt monitor autodetection? | 10:36 |
PriceChild | lisapc, yup | 10:36 |
h1st0 | voltagex: yeah I don't see anything like that. Maybe post something on the forums. | 10:36 |
dilch | OD_Jonno|Sleep, yo | 10:36 |
PriceChild | lisapc, I'm wondering why you're getting all these questions? | 10:36 |
OD_Jonno|Sleep | yeah | 10:36 |
OD_Jonno|Sleep | lemme register | 10:36 |
HymnToLife | Edgy has load of improvements over Dapper | 10:36 |
HymnToLife | loads* | 10:36 |
Firemonkeyballz | yes | 10:36 |
voltagex | h1st0: nah, posted before, lukewarm response | 10:36 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, no idea. but its asking me | 10:36 |
Chousuke | HymnToLife: Yeah, but also new bugs. :) | 10:36 |
mneptok | HymnToLife: and has some problems Dapper does not | 10:36 |
Firemonkeyballz | even said that they would fix the sound bug | 10:36 |
Firemonkeyballz | :D | 10:36 |
Firemonkeyballz | I so happy | 10:36 |
h1st0 | voltagex: yeah the only thing they do daily builds with i development releases. | 10:36 |
voltagex | h1st0: nowhere else has download limits | 10:36 |
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tristan_ | bonjour tout le monde | 10:37 |
h1st0 | voltagex: wouldn't be a bad idea for them to do that. Maybe drop a suggestion on the foru.s | 10:37 |
HymnToLife | I haven't tried Edgy much but I didn't experience any bugs with it | 10:37 |
tristan_ | hell all, anyone using VMware? | 10:37 |
Firemonkeyballz | think Im going to update to edgy | 10:37 |
HymnToLife | I've switched to other systems on my desktop when DApper came out | 10:37 |
tristan_ | I have a problem with it | 10:37 |
HymnToLife | !anyone | tristan_ | 10:37 |
ubotu | tristan_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:37 |
Firemonkeyballz | !edgy | 10:37 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes | 10:37 |
Firemonkeyballz | hey | 10:38 |
Firemonkeyballz | its out | 10:38 |
Firemonkeyballz | yey | 10:38 |
h1st0 | lol | 10:38 |
h1st0 | been out for 5 months now | 10:38 |
voltagex | h1st0: just how big is the ubuntu stable tree? | 10:38 |
Firemonkeyballz | yea | 10:38 |
genii | Chousuke: Yes, some annoying bugs. I had to downgrade back to 6.06 for some HCF Conexant modem drivers to compile properly for example | 10:38 |
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HymnToLife | I haven't switched my webserver though, because I'm just too lazy, and it's not like it would make much difference anyway | 10:38 |
tristan_ | When I try to launch VMware as root to configure it, I get this error : Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 10:38 |
tristan_ | Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key | 10:38 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, im about to reboot. if X doesnt start, can I just restore the backup xorg.conf that I copied? | 10:38 |
Firemonkeyballz | but ubot now said its not alpha | 10:38 |
tristan_ | What can I do? | 10:38 |
PriceChild | lisapc, yes | 10:38 |
h1st0 | voltagex: the size of the ISO | 10:38 |
HymnToLife | tristan_, why do you want to run it as root ? | 10:38 |
Chousuke | genii: That's the drivers' fault though ;P | 10:38 |
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lisapc | PriceChild, brb i hope | 10:38 |
HymnToLife | anyway, gui apps as root : gksudo | 10:38 |
tristan_ | HymnToLife, to configure it | 10:38 |
HymnToLife | not sudo | 10:38 |
h1st0 | voltagex: if you want to install stuff outside of the main repo you would need net access or download the DVDs | 10:38 |
genii | Chousuke: No, it was the change to dash actually | 10:39 |
kaptengu | anyone has a tutorial for getting greasemonkey to work in Ubuntu? | 10:39 |
Chousuke | still the drivers' fault | 10:39 |
HymnToLife | tristan_, I was under the impression that all the cofiguring was done with Perl scripts | 10:39 |
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HymnToLife | not in vmware itself | 10:39 |
voltagex | h1st0: should I just grab the whole of updates and security then? | 10:39 |
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tristan_ | HymnToLife, well to add a new Virtual machine I need to be root it seems | 10:39 |
Chousuke | genii: USB modems are evil | 10:39 |
CaptainMorgan | !Fiesty | 10:39 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 10:39 |
h1st0 | voltagex: I would just update at a later point. | 10:39 |
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genii | Chousuke: Well, about that I agree LOL | 10:39 |
HymnToLife | tristan_, weird, I can add new ones without being root here | 10:39 |
h1st0 | voltagex: since its not on the net now. | 10:40 |
h1st0 | voltagex: size will be the same weither you do it now or later. | 10:40 |
HymnToLife | tristan_, anyway, to run vmware as root : gksudo vmware | 10:40 |
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voltagex | h1st0: is there a script they use to create the snapshots? (just going through my remaining options) | 10:40 |
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HymnToLife | not sudo, nor from a root shell, nor anything else | 10:40 |
Chousuke | genii: but the drivers are still buggy for assuming that sh == bash. :) | 10:40 |
h1st0 | voltagex: Not quite sure how thats done. There is a development forums on ubuntuforumsorg | 10:40 |
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h1st0 | .org | 10:40 |
tristan_ | HymnToLife, i get this error when I do this : Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 10:40 |
tristan_ | Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key | 10:40 |
HymnToLife | tristan_, are you logged in as root ? | 10:41 |
=== genii wonders if there will ever be a Gargantua Tarantula release | ||
HymnToLife | no way | 10:41 |
h1st0 | lol | 10:41 |
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HymnToLife | a G. T. release would just spoil the fun | 10:41 |
h1st0 | grumpy groundhog | 10:41 |
tristan_ | HymnToLife, ok, I've just understood that I needed to connect to local host first ;) | 10:41 |
lisapc | PriceChild, it worked :) but resolution is only 1024x768. How can I make it 1280x800? | 10:42 |
SubMOA | prease help: (either directly or please point me in the right direction) How do I edit or create Emerald Themes? | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | I like my lappy, the 1280x800 res was detected automagically :) | 10:42 |
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Gurpartap | would gdesklets work alright on a slow pc? | 10:42 |
PriceChild | lisapc, I'm not sure sorry | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | no need to even set it in xorg.conf | 10:42 |
Gurpartap | slow = PIII :P | 10:42 |
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HymnToLife | PII isn't slow | 10:42 |
voltagex | h1st0: complete ubuntu mirror size is 232008254568 bytes, a little big, even for 2mbit | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | PIII* | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | 8080 is :p | 10:42 |
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Gurpartap | :p any reference where gdesklet's min hardware requirements r written | 10:43 |
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Gurpartap | wiki is off :S | 10:43 |
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mneptok | SubMOA: /join #ubuntu-effects | 10:43 |
cypher1 | Gurpartap: why ? | 10:43 |
genii | voltagex: Just to apt-mirror 1 dist is about 31Gb I'm finding | 10:44 |
SubMOA | mneptok, thank you very much :O) | 10:44 |
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=== mneptok bows | ||
Gurpartap | cyphase, to look at before installing on a pentium III machine with 256mb ram | 10:44 |
voltagex | genii: school admin would not be very happy with that :D | 10:44 |
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voltagex | ah I know. I'll load ubuntu on a machine, update it, then image it | 10:45 |
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mneptok | Gurpartap: that's minimal for GNOME. thought about XFCE? | 10:45 |
genii | voltagex: I would imagine not LOL ... are you trying to install on a system with no cd or so from a local mirror or some other method? | 10:45 |
Gurpartap | ok then it should work :p | 10:45 |
Gurpartap | thanks mneptok | 10:45 |
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voltagex | h1st0: I'd appreciate if you'd suggest the stable snapshot idea, I will be doing this for friends (internet access is not so good around here.) | 10:45 |
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voltagex | genii: up to date-ish machine with no net access | 10:46 |
mneptok | voltagex: you want apt cacher, not a mirror | 10:46 |
snotch | Gurpartap, i would recommend xubuntu for that machine as well | 10:46 |
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h1st0 | mneptok: basically he wants a daily snapshot of edgy iso so he doens't have to pull a huge ammount of data. He's in aus | 10:47 |
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genii | voltagex: Yes, if you have 1 machine with access you can hook to them, apt-proxy is a not-too-bad solution | 10:47 |
Gurpartap | snotch, gnome works good so far though :) | 10:47 |
mneptok | you'll still pull huge amounts of data | 10:47 |
h1st0 | mneptok: just the iso | 10:47 |
voltagex | mneptok: I've already explained, I have a download limit | 10:47 |
mneptok | much of it valueless | 10:47 |
lisapc | PriceChild, ty :) it works now! wow, screen looks amazing | 10:47 |
robby | mneptok: was italking to you earlier about getting my wifi to work? | 10:47 |
weedar_ | My printer, a canon 850i, is able to print documents from OpenOffice and Firefox, but unable to print from pdfs (AcroRead) | 10:47 |
snotch | Gurpartap, haha yeah, xubuntu will work better though ;) | 10:47 |
weedar_ | Any suggestions as to why this is? | 10:47 |
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lkthomas_ | hey guys | 10:47 |
PriceChild | gd gd lisapc, how did you fix it? | 10:47 |
lkthomas_ | I got gpg error when I am doing apt-get update | 10:48 |
mneptok | voltagex: trust me. you want an apt cache. | 10:48 |
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lkthomas_ | anyone could help me a bit please ? | 10:48 |
genii | voltagex: Ah, OK, bandwidth limit :( | 10:48 |
mneptok | robby: prolly | 10:48 |
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voltagex | mneptok: the issue is, I have a download limit, no download limit at school, the admin is happy for me to download 5 or so GB | 10:48 |
robby | mneptok: ok you told me to run a few commands and then reboot now what? | 10:48 |
lisapc | PriceChild, i followed your instructions :) | 10:48 |
lisapc | PriceChild, And I had to sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic | 10:48 |
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lisapc | mneptok, u here? | 10:49 |
robby | mneptok: those commands downloaded all kinds of things and now im trying to figure out my wifi and i dont know how | 10:49 |
Ayabara | when I log in my gnome panel flashes a couple of times before it disappears forever. it seems that something is terribly wrong with my window manager. can someone please help me get out of this mess. can I delete some subfolders in .gnome or something to get a fresh start? | 10:49 |
voltagex | you | 10:49 |
mneptok | voltagex: apt cacher cahes any package you download. so if 34428854779836 machines need a new Firefox, it gets downloaded once (the first time) to the cacher machine. everyone else gets the package from the local cacher. | 10:49 |
voltagex | you're in high demand, mneptok | 10:49 |
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mneptok | robby: did you look at the Network Manager applet in the panel? | 10:50 |
voltagex | mneptok: virtual machine + apt cacher, then image or just run it off apt-cacher then | 10:50 |
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robby | mneptok: where is it? | 10:50 |
mneptok | robby: top panel | 10:50 |
robby | right? | 10:50 |
h1st0 | mneptok: voltagex is ony trying to install on one machine he just wants a daily iso of edgy. | 10:50 |
mneptok | voltagex: why daily ISOs? | 10:51 |
niru | I want to add some applications to panel by default.like how time is being diaplayed in the panel | 10:51 |
niru | I want to make that as default | 10:51 |
h1st0 | mneptok: something that is current so he doesn't have to update. that will use less bandwidth then downloading the release and then updating. | 10:51 |
voltagex | mneptok: for the up to date-ness | 10:51 |
genii | mneptok: You could also use the netboot method with pxe and then on the server loop-mount a stock install cd which becomes the repo for all the other boxes | 10:51 |
niru | which source I need to edit or do I need to use gconf for that | 10:51 |
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biglibigli | does anyone know the range of the salary for a ,user interface developer and a Ubuntu X Maintainer, for who is Canonical Employed in ubuntu | 10:51 |
robby | mneptok: on the right? | 10:51 |
mneptok | voltagex: uhhh .... that's what repos are for. | 10:51 |
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mneptok | robby: yes | 10:51 |
_raphael_ | is there any hope if easycam and easycam2 can`t find my webcam? | 10:52 |
gerro | hiya! | 10:52 |
yonkie | hello. does anybody knows how to *turn*off* font smoothing in GNOME? | 10:52 |
robby | mneptok: k then what | 10:52 |
kontingenz | how to set IEEE 802.11b instead of IEEE 802.11g? (ath# | 10:52 |
voltagex | genii: I'll pxe boot it if you can walk me through it! | 10:52 |
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Ayabara | anyone got an idea? how can i repair my gnome window manager that keeps booting? | 10:52 |
gordonjcp | yonkie: System->Prefs->Font | 10:52 |
robby | mneptok: conneect to the network? | 10:52 |
ojk007 | heyaz, anyone know if it possible to have a terminal that displays everything that happens? | 10:52 |
genii | voltagex: There is a very good howto, let me find it :) | 10:52 |
PriceChild | biglibigli, contact canonical using the informatino provided on that page if you're interested in applying | 10:52 |
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mneptok | robby: click it. see the list of access points? | 10:52 |
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yonkie | gordonjcp: is there any button which can turn it off? | 10:52 |
h1st0 | ojk007: everything that happens with what? | 10:52 |
voltagex | mneptok: bandwidth limit! | 10:53 |
gerro | _raphael_: easycam and easycam2? what are you talking about, can you link me there? | 10:53 |
ojk007 | like say opening a program | 10:53 |
gordonjcp | yonkie: yes | 10:53 |
gordonjcp | yonkie: go and look where I told you | 10:53 |
mneptok | voltagex: a daily ISO is going to be bigger than the updates! | 10:53 |
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_raphael_ | gerro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam I just bought a laptop, and it has a webcam in the lid | 10:53 |
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_raphael_ | gerro: I am trying to get my laptop webcam to work | 10:54 |
voltagex | mneptok: that's not a problem, no bandwith limit at school and I'm friends with the admin | 10:54 |
h1st0 | mneptok: but he doesn't even have an iso right now. | 10:54 |
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gerro | _raphael_: kool me too! my laptop is hp dv9000t | 10:54 |
ojk007 | h1sto: like at http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/51194-1.png | 10:54 |
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mneptok | voltagex: ah, i see. different connection. | 10:55 |
mneptok | voltagex: got a USB thumb drive? | 10:55 |
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_raphael_ | gerro: my laptop is a tundra, but I hear it is an intel EL80 system, or something | 10:55 |
mneptok | voltagex: or an external drive | 10:55 |
voltagex | mneptok: will a laptop do? 40gb mp3 player too | 10:55 |
NevroPus | does anyone have a good link for installing the ATI drivers in ubuntu edgy? I have tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and envy, but noen of them will give me direct rendering. I had direct rendering enabled before I changed hard drive and reinstalled ubuntu | 10:56 |
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NevroPus | or some tips on what I can try to make it work | 10:56 |
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genii | voltagex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot and http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_pxe_install_server are very good starting points. You can make an iso file of the install cd, then loop-mount it someplace like /var/www/ubuntuinstall then use that url on the clients as the repo | 10:56 |
ojk007 | !terminal | 10:56 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 10:56 |
mneptok | voltagex: sure. set up the laptop as an apt cacher for both school and home. at school, update the laptop telling it to use itself as the apt cacher. then, bring it home and update the home machines from the package cache on the laptop ;) | 10:57 |
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voltagex | genii: I think mneptok has another solution | 10:57 |
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mneptok | voltagex: that way you save bandwidth at the school, and use none at home | 10:57 |
voltagex | mneptok: can only install Ubuntu in A VM | 10:57 |
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h1st0 | voltagex: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ heres another solution 7MB netinstall.iso It would then download allt he updated packages. | 10:57 |
mneptok | doesn't matter | 10:58 |
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mneptok | voltagex: as long as that VW can get on the network with an IP you're set | 10:58 |
robby | mneptok: conneect to the network? | 10:58 |
robby | mneptok: then do i connect to the network? | 10:58 |
robby | mneptok: then do i connect to the network? | 10:58 |
mneptok | robby: click it. see the list of access points? connect to one. | 10:58 |
voltagex | mneptok: Never installed Ubuntu on a Volkswagen :D | 10:59 |
chalmer | damn this UBUNTU OS is way diff than Windows | 10:59 |
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gerro | _raphael_: it says kopete has webcam support, does that work with aim? | 10:59 |
gerro | NevroPus: someone mentioned on google that you need to edit xorg.conf but even that didn't work for my ati radeon 9100 mobile | 10:59 |
ojk007 | heyaz, anyone know if it possible to have a terminal that displays everything that happens? like at http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/51194-1.png | 10:59 |
voltagex | mneptok: I think that'll work | 10:59 |
erstazi | chalmer: but better! | 10:59 |
mneptok | voltagex: Ubuntu is air-cooled. mostly due to my flatulence. | 10:59 |
Lynoure | chalmer: yes, it is. Do you need help with something? | 10:59 |
ojk007 | ah | 10:59 |
ojk007 | nvr mnd | 10:59 |
mneptok | voltagex: lemme dig up some cacher docs | 10:59 |
voltagex | mneptok: my machine likes to run at 60-75 degrees celsius :( | 10:59 |
_raphael_ | gerro: don`t know | 11:00 |
NevroPus | gerro, I have tried to edit that, but won't work:s I have a ATI X1600 mobility | 11:00 |
voltagex | mneptok: laptop hits 80, damn core 2 duos | 11:00 |
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erstazi | does anyone know a GNOME version of Kooka (OCR program)? | 11:00 |
voltagex | mneptok: here's the next obstacle, connection is through proxy with authentication at school | 11:00 |
robby | mneptok: k how do i know if its wpa or wpa2? | 11:00 |
chalmer | well im trying to figure out how to setup mt internet. i got DSL and its like Dial-up | 11:00 |
HymnToLife | erstazi, xsane is a Gtk SANE frontend, if that's what you want | 11:00 |
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mneptok | robby: look at the router config? | 11:01 |
erstazi | HymnToLife: thank you! | 11:01 |
chalmer | is there something that i need to config | 11:01 |
[Nige] | hey all | 11:01 |
mneptok | robby: sorry, my crystal ball is in the shop ;) | 11:01 |
robby | mneptok: k ill take a glance | 11:01 |
mneptok | voltagex: http://www.nick-andrew.net/projects/apt-cacher/ | 11:01 |
voltagex | chalmer: make sure nothing else is downloading | 11:01 |
[Nige] | is there anyway to get ssh to store a private key or do I have to keep using ssh-add /path/key ? | 11:01 |
mneptok | chalmer: PPPoE? | 11:01 |
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voltagex | mneptok: is it gonna cope with proxy authentication? | 11:01 |
chalmer | ? | 11:01 |
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mneptok | [Nige] : ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | 11:01 |
chalmer | on a network yes | 11:02 |
robby | mneptok: for lynksis router where do i look? | 11:02 |
mneptok | voltagex: as long as it can see the Big I, you're good. | 11:02 |
erstazi | HymnToLife: man I already got xsane heh I am not awake yet | 11:02 |
robby | mneptok: nm | 11:02 |
[Nige] | mneptok, so if I had my private key in, i dont hve to use ssh add? | 11:02 |
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mneptok | [Nige] : correct | 11:02 |
chalmer | static IP or DHCP ? | 11:03 |
robby | brb | 11:03 |
mneptok | [Nige] : ssh key authentication is well documented. | 11:03 |
NET||abuse | hmm, how do i get proftpd to allow a user to follow a symlink to an external location eg user peter logs in to his home dir /home/peter with a symlink to /var/www/workshop/ , when he goes cd workshop it says not a directory :( what do i do? | 11:03 |
voltagex | mneptok: err, they make it as difficult as possible to see the big I, but I can do it ;) | 11:03 |
[Nige] | ahh okay | 11:03 |
[Nige] | just looking it up now | 11:03 |
mneptok | chalmer: you use PPPoE for authentication? | 11:03 |
[Nige] | i have a splitting headache n cant think straight :) | 11:03 |
gerro | chalmer: do you have a router or plug directly into the dsl modem? | 11:03 |
lisapc | !beryl | 11:03 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:03 |
chalmer | y | 11:03 |
mneptok | lisapc: don't do it. | 11:03 |
h1st0 | lol | 11:04 |
lisapc | mneptok, how come? | 11:04 |
gerro | chalmer: most likely dhcp not static ip | 11:04 |
chalmer | linksys 54 G | 11:04 |
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chalmer | k | 11:04 |
mneptok | chalmer: man pppoeconf | 11:04 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, do it but only when you have the luxury of rebooting every now and then, i reboot about once a day with it | 11:04 |
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mneptok | lisapc: the X11 compositors are a PITA | 11:04 |
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lisapc | mneptok, when I tried to lessen the brightness of my screen using notebook kb, X rebooted. What causes that? | 11:04 |
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mneptok | lisapc: not to mention anything but stable | 11:04 |
NET||abuse | mneptok, i know it's a wast of resources but,, :) it's pretty and just makes me feel nice and fuzzy in side while i work | 11:04 |
chrismhampson | Hi | 11:05 |
lisapc | mneptok, i trust your words and wont use beryl | 11:05 |
lisapc | NET||abuse, LOL | 11:05 |
Ng | mneptok speaks wisely :) | 11:05 |
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Fujitsu | Ng: Very much so. | 11:05 |
lisapc | can installing beryl damage my hardware in any way? | 11:05 |
PriceChild | no | 11:05 |
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NET||abuse | lisapc, doubtfull | 11:05 |
chalmer | pppoeconfig " is that something that i need to config in UBUNTU or router? | 11:05 |
lisapc | Fujitsu, im paranoid about my hardware :P hehe | 11:05 |
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chalmer | thanks 4 help | 11:05 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, it will damage your mental hardware first | 11:06 |
mneptok | Ng: welcome to my nightmare :) | 11:06 |
lisapc | mneptok, whats the X11 compositors are a PITA mean? | 11:06 |
gerro | chalmer: pppoeconfig is command for terminal and "man" displays its manual | 11:06 |
lisapc | NET||abuse, lol | 11:06 |
Fujitsu | mneptok: You don't even deal with the bugs, do you? | 11:06 |
voltagex | definately putting a request in for daily stable ISOs | 11:06 |
mneptok | lisapc: it means "instead of installing Beryl or Compiz, go make some cocoa or read a book." ;) | 11:06 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, beryl runs on X11 composite extension, it's the manager that makes the nice opengl composite stuff work :) | 11:06 |
lisapc | mneptok, so you advice me not to install beryl due to it being unstable? | 11:06 |
lisapc | mneptok, hehe ok :-) | 11:06 |
Fujitsu | lisapc: Maybe next year, maybe later this year. Not now, ideally. | 11:07 |
lisapc | Fujitsu, ok makes sense | 11:07 |
HymnToLife | Beryl is not unstable | 11:07 |
lisapc | ty | 11:07 |
HymnToLife | just a bit buggy :p | 11:07 |
Fujitsu | HymnToLife: *cough* | 11:07 |
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lisapc | HymnToLife, heheh | 11:07 |
Fujitsu | This channel is somewhat slower than I'm used to! | 11:07 |
HymnToLife | What I consider unstable is something that makes the system crash | 11:07 |
voltagex | chalmer: It's Ubuntu, not UBUNTU. Like it's Mac not MAC | 11:07 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, if you don't need the machine you're installing on to be rock solid for days on end, it's actually quite nice to have running ;) but.. mneptok is right, it's a PITA to get running at times, depending on wether or not you have nvidia or ati graphics card mostly. | 11:08 |
Fujitsu | HymnToLife: It often does. | 11:08 |
HymnToLife | which Beryl doesn't, for me at least :p | 11:08 |
chalmer | so i open tha "terminal" and type "pppoeconfig" then enter. and it will show me tha manual how to confg? | 11:08 |
Fujitsu | chalmer: Type `man pppoeconfig' | 11:08 |
gerro | chalmer: "man pppoeconfig" is the command | 11:08 |
Fujitsu | The command `man' | 11:08 |
Fujitsu | *`man' shows the manual. | 11:08 |
chalmer | k | 11:08 |
chalmer | lol | 11:08 |
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lisapc | do I need to run any virus checkers on Edgy? | 11:09 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, for linux nvidia is the shizzle these days.. so much more support from their propriatory(or however it's spelled) drivers | 11:09 |
chalmer | this is going to take some time to learn this new o.s. | 11:09 |
lisapc | NET||abuse, ok | 11:09 |
Fujitsu | lisapc: There are no virus checkers for Linux, other than those that are designed to protect Windows machines. So, no. | 11:09 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, av on linux?? me no understand | 11:09 |
mneptok | voltagex: and yet it's GNOME, and MAC if you mean media access channel address. ;) | 11:09 |
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chalmer | not use 2 useing command lines/ lol lol | 11:10 |
lisapc | Fujitsu, wow, ubuntu is sounding better and better :) | 11:10 |
lisapc | NET||abuse, lol | 11:10 |
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Fujitsu | lisapc: The lack of viruses is a rather nice feature :) | 11:10 |
lisapc | i found rkhunter, will that suffice? | 11:10 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, you will need to spend money on drugs and alchihol to deal with the mental torment that linux can sometimes dish out :) | 11:10 |
Fujitsu | lisapc: There's no reason to have it. | 11:10 |
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voltagex | mneptok: I just set i/ on my regexes and it's all ok | 11:11 |
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juice` | is there any fs out there that supports compression-on-the-fly ? and is in kernel tree... | 11:11 |
voltagex | mneptok: where are the netboot images on the mirrors | 11:11 |
Bobegnops | Hi. Just wondering if anyone knows how to fix a "Xlib: extension 'XFree86-DRI' missing on display ':1.0'" error message :) I'm trying to run Xgl + Beryl on an ATI card using FGLRX. Disabled composite in xorg.conf, but still no luck :( | 11:11 |
lisapc | Fujitsu, so I never have to worry about virus, spyware, rootkits etc? | 11:11 |
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SubMOA | Does anybody know how to change the direction of Autohide in Edgy? | 11:11 |
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mneptok | voltagex: same as alt | 11:11 |
NET||abuse | lisapc, wellllll, spyware maybe,, rootkits,, very rare | 11:12 |
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lisapc | NET||abuse, so how I check for spyware? | 11:12 |
voltagex | lisapc: this is no excuse to be careless on the internet, linux is just safer | 11:12 |
Fujitsu | lisapc: Rootkits perhaps. But they're very rare. I've never had those issues. | 11:12 |
=== Skuller [n=skullers@Broadband-Dynamic-Central1882.connect.com.fj] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gerro | chalmer: if things are a bit confusing might want to try kubuntu | 11:12 |
lisapc | voltagex, ok | 11:12 |
Fujitsu | lisapc: Spyware? What spyware? | 11:12 |
merc | i'd say you're pretty much cool as long as you dont go downloading unofficial packages. | 11:12 |
Fujitsu | gerro: What!? | 11:12 |
lisapc | Fujitsu, NET||abuse said so :P | 11:12 |
NET||abuse | wel you don't really,, i've never had any.. but i think i've heard firefox has vulnerabilities everynow and then | 11:12 |
=== chalcedony [i=llhull@c-71-56-76-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalmer | chalmer@ubuntu:~$ man pppoeconfig | 11:13 |
chalmer | No manual entry for pppoeconfig | 11:13 |
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erstazi | every browser has vulnerabilities sadly | 11:13 |
merc | spyware? are there even any proven cases of spyware on linux? | 11:13 |
gerro | lisapc: use chkroot and root kit hunter | 11:13 |
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chalmer | this is what its saying | 11:13 |
Fujitsu | chalmer: You'll need to install the pppoeconfig package. | 11:13 |
chalmer | lol | 11:13 |
lisapc | gerro, ok | 11:13 |
=== Mixx [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalmer | how do i get this package? | 11:13 |
gerro | chalmer: open synaptic and search for "pppoe" | 11:13 |
chalmer | thanks | 11:13 |
SubMOA | merc, wouldn't that depend on how you define it? isn't cookie tracking considered "spyware" by some... I know it's not really downloadable, but still... and i really have no idea what I'm talking about, btw | 11:13 |
Skuller | chalmer: are you trying to connect to the internet using a UN n PW to be entered in the OS? | 11:14 |
voltagex | mneptok: seems my mirror doesn't carry it. Can you see it on http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/ ? | 11:14 |
gerro | Skuller: he is trying to setup dsl internet connection | 11:14 |
lisapc | gerro, the X11 compositors are a PITA | 11:14 |
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NET||abuse | hmm, 2 issues to solve here,, how do i run a vpn server for ourselves so we can work at home :) and how to get proftpd to allow ftp users to follow symlinks to dirs outside rootjail | 11:14 |
gerro | lisapc: wtf is that all about? | 11:14 |
lisapc | gerro, cound find chkroot | 11:14 |
merc | SubMOA: hah, i guess spyware would have to be defined in this case..i usually think of it as the tons of crap that somehow gets randomly installed on windows machines. | 11:14 |
Skuller | gerro: ohh....i m a newb 2 ubun/kubun and use 'sudo pppoeconf' to get connected | 11:14 |
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lisapc | !chkroot | 11:15 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chkroot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:15 |
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SubMOA | merc, rgr that, I agree, but some don't... | 11:15 |
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chalmer | lol not sure | 11:15 |
Fujitsu | NET||abuse: I believe that's the point of a jail, but don't quote me on that. | 11:15 |
gerro | chkrootkit I meant sorry | 11:15 |
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Fujitsu | !openvpn | 11:16 |
ubotu | openvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB | 11:16 |
mneptok | voltagex: stand by. packets are crossing an ocean and continent | 11:16 |
SubMOA | so anyway... can you change the direction on the autohide? I want it to go in the direction it goes when you click on the left or right side | 11:16 |
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Fujitsu | NET||abuse: You may want to look at openvpn. | 11:16 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, :) hehe, well how do i allow users to edit shared docs in places like /var/www/devsites | 11:16 |
voltagex | mneptok: :/ I think this mirror speed limits non-aussies | 11:16 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, i'll check that out :) | 11:16 |
SubMOA | i read TightVPN is betterr than openvpn | 11:16 |
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@cm-83-97-140-197.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | voltagex: http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/ubuntu-cd/feisty/herd-5/ | 11:17 |
erstazi | SubMOA: what makes it better? | 11:17 |
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | voltagex: I use that mirror, it's normally very good. | 11:17 |
eck | i think openvpn is the only FOSS vpn that does ipsec | 11:17 |
voltagex | mneptok: only wanted stable | 11:17 |
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voltagex | Fujitsu: one of the best :D | 11:17 |
eck | which is a pretty big feature | 11:17 |
mneptok | voltagex: there is no Feisty stable | 11:17 |
voltagex | mneptok: edgy | 11:17 |
mneptok | voltagex: so, Edgy or Dapper? | 11:17 |
NET||abuse | oh i had one other issue, when i pluged out our router from the switch, the 2 internal test servers i configured decided to change back from the statically assigned ip and join the dhcp pool again.. how can i stop that? | 11:17 |
Fujitsu | SubMOA: You mean TightVNC? There's no TightVPN that I know of. | 11:17 |
Ayabara | help!! my window manager just reboots when I log in. kde sessions work, but gnome is fubar. | 11:17 |
=== Industrial [n=tom@a80-100-243-86.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | Ayabara: What version of Ubuntu? | 11:17 |
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mneptok | voltagex: http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/ubuntu-cd/6.10/ | 11:18 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@67-22-97-187.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | i just set the /etc/networking/interfaces file up for them to assign their reserved ip's | 11:18 |
SubMOA | erstazi... this (along with pretty much everything else except dental stuff) is not my area of expertise, so I just know what I read, but apparently it started as openvpn, but it has a more motivated developer, I think, or it is updated more frequently | 11:18 |
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@6.143-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Industrial | I've got a problem with pydance | 11:18 |
SubMOA | Fujitsu, perhaps... let me check | 11:18 |
Industrial | it wont start, saying it cant load SDL_ttf | 11:18 |
gerro | SubMOA: tightvnc over openssh is fun :) | 11:18 |
=== Skuller wonders why there are approx thrice more people in the #ubuntu channel than #kubuntu | ||
=== BackwardsDown [n=a@213-84-115-193.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erstazi | SubMOA: ok | 11:18 |
Ayabara | Fujitsu: edgy | 11:18 |
voltagex | mneptok: thank you, I shouldn't try to navigate directories under the influence of alcohol XD | 11:18 |
Industrial | http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/8626/screenshotwv9.png | 11:18 |
Industrial | :( | 11:19 |
Fujitsu | Skuller: Because Ubuntu > Kubuntu? | 11:19 |
=== mneptok is under the affluence of inkohol | ||
voltagex | Fujitsu: Because Ubuntu is default? | 11:19 |
Fujitsu | Skuller: Did you install it from Ubuntu repositories? | 11:19 |
Fujitsu | voltagex: It's not default... | 11:19 |
gerro | xubuntu > ubuntu | 11:19 |
Skuller | Fujitsu: install what from repos? | 11:19 |
=== Public_Enemy [n=marcello@85-18-14-27.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
voltagex | err, where's this netboot disc? maybe I haven't been completely coherent | 11:19 |
Ayabara | Fujitsu: worked when I started testing kde, but when I wanted to go back it started misbehaving. | 11:20 |
Fujitsu | Skuller: sorry, wrong person. | 11:20 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | Industrial: See what I directed to Skuller. | 11:20 |
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eck | Skuller: because gnome is better :-) | 11:20 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@b-176-78.dsl.ipy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Industrial | Fujitsu: yes | 11:20 |
Industrial | Fujitsu: from synaptic | 11:20 |
Skuller | eck: wait till the KDE lovers hear that... | 11:20 |
eck | it's ok, they already know it | 11:20 |
SubMOA | Fujitsu, the link here is from google... the link seems kind of dead, but...http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=I11&q=tightvpn&btnG=Google+%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2&lr= | 11:20 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: that screenshot is a little small. | 11:20 |
Industrial | eck: well linus doesnt say so! | 11:20 |
gerro | Skuller: it is better, but choice of configs make it suck | 11:20 |
Industrial | eck: sorry i just had to say that :p | 11:20 |
SubMOA | opps, sorry, that was alot more text than I thought | 11:20 |
Industrial | Fujitsu: errr | 11:21 |
eck | haha, i know | 11:21 |
Industrial | oops i didnt look :x | 11:21 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: I can sort of read it, but not really. | 11:21 |
BackwardsDown | Industrial: Offtopic: can I get that background clean? :-) | 11:21 |
voltagex | ok, got it | 11:21 |
voltagex | thanks for your help | 11:21 |
SubMOA | what is VCN vs VPN? | 11:21 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-187-234.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | SubMOA: VNC, you mean? | 11:22 |
SubMOA | haha, yes, sorry | 11:22 |
Skuller | gerro: in terms of eye candy K has the upper hand isnt it?...which ways does the Gnome have the advantagE? | 11:22 |
Fujitsu | VNC just gives you access to a graphical session on one computer. VPN gives you access to a network. | 11:22 |
Industrial | BackwardsDown: it was shipped with ubuntu | 11:22 |
=== marshcast [n=marshcas@77-99-45-207.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | Skuller: GNOME is a whole lot easier to use, it's cleaner... | 11:22 |
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Industrial | Fujitsu: working on it, darn imagehosts | 11:22 |
=== phant0m [n=root@80-219-233-224.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skuller | Fujitsu: hmm...i think that comes down slightly to personal preference | 11:23 |
gerro | Skuller: gnome has upper hand in eye candy not kde, most the beryl peeps DL ubuntu | 11:24 |
phant0m | hello, i get this error when i wanted to install fluxbox: AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable. how can i disable it? | 11:24 |
eck | Skuller: to be honest, i think the gnome devs just 'get it' in a way that the kde devs don't. DBUS is a good example of that | 11:24 |
marshcast | anyone know the name for the user-switcher applet so I can install it? | 11:24 |
Marc | I think KDS is a little more like windows for linux | 11:24 |
Marc | *KDE | 11:24 |
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Industrial | Fujitsu: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/959/screenshot1uo7.png | 11:24 |
HymnToLife | phant0m, install drivers for your graphics card | 11:24 |
voltagex | marshall: I thought there was a switcher in ubuntu by default | 11:24 |
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Fujitsu | fast-user-switch-applet - Applet for the GNOME panel providing a menu to switch between users | 11:24 |
Skuller | eck: i dont understand anything you said...am still a newb in the linux world | 11:24 |
eck | gnome has just demonstrated a lot of good vision lately | 11:24 |
Fujitsu | marshcast: ^^ | 11:24 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: Looking. | 11:25 |
Skuller | gerro: if we leave beryl out i meant...hehe | 11:25 |
chavo | lol | 11:25 |
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marshcast | Fujitsu: thanks | 11:25 |
marshcast | ;) | 11:25 |
HymnToLife | I wish people would stop the "KDE is Windows" rubbish... | 11:25 |
Industrial | Fujitsu: I cant remember having done anything strange with fonts | 11:25 |
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Marc | HymnToLife: Sorry :( | 11:25 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: A VImmer, I see. Very good. | 11:25 |
chavo | simple is as simple does | 11:25 |
gerro | Skuller: I dislike both, xfce is nice | 11:25 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: Which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 11:25 |
eck | Skuller: they are also developed a lot diffeently. gnome has a lot more unity and tight integration than kde generally has, kde has a _lot_ of different projects that step on each other's toes and are largely unified by the fact that they also use kdelibs and qt | 11:25 |
SubMOA | so, not to be annoying, butttt... anyway to change the direction of autohide on the task bar? :O) | 11:26 |
Industrial | Linux tom-laptop 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:26 |
Industrial | er | 11:26 |
=== nelly [n=nelly@80-193-199-9.cable.ubr01.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | So, 6.10. | 11:26 |
chavo | eck you really ahve no clue what you're talking about do you? | 11:26 |
Industrial | ya | 11:26 |
gerro | chavo: course I don't! who here does? | 11:26 |
SubMOA | how's blackbox? | 11:27 |
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=== mneptok does :P | ||
Skuller | eck: i have no clue what you are talking about....cmon i mean i just learnt how to install using command line... | 11:27 |
eck | chavo: i have just seen a lot more duplication in efforts in the kde camp, and a lot of better APIs to do things in a unified way coming out of gnome | 11:27 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | hi, can anybody help why my installer is so dumb | 11:27 |
Skuller | k lol never mind....the debate for KDE and GNOME comparision will always be on | 11:27 |
ubuntu | it keeps on on on on asking for swap and saying 'no root' | 11:28 |
=== TWD is now known as WorldDomination | ||
Skuller | laterz all | 11:28 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: That's bug #67427 | 11:28 |
chavo | lol | 11:28 |
ubuntu | am I really made to be that dumb? | 11:28 |
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Fujitsu | http://launchpad.net/bugs/67427 | 11:28 |
SubMOA | ok, well, I I'll ask my question later... :O) Off to the grubbery grub up my grub-port | 11:28 |
Fujitsu | I'll give you a quick fix in a sec, Industrial. | 11:28 |
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Industrial | Fujitsu: woot thanks :D | 11:28 |
gerro | Skuller: kde- error prone, gnome- remove configs from within stupid users reach = xfce pwnz both them | 11:28 |
Fujitsu | Industrial: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/pydance/+bug/67427/comments/5 | 11:29 |
=== Industrial flexes his fingers in preparation for pwnerizing pydance | ||
Fujitsu | That gives instructions for fixing it. | 11:29 |
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=== gesus [n=s2572502@CPE-121-50-203-159.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Industrial | (no really, I suck at these games but they are fun :D) | 11:29 |
Fujitsu | (I'll get a proper fix into Edgy in the next week or so, hopefully) | 11:29 |
=== Steil [n=hedch@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skuller | gerro: hehe..thats much more like it... | 11:29 |
Industrial | thanks man :D | 11:29 |
=== Fujitsu used to play StepMania a couple of years back. | ||
ubuntu | should I curse the Computing God who created me? | 11:29 |
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Fujitsu | ubuntu: Which version of Ubuntu is it? | 11:29 |
ubuntu | all version is the same | 11:30 |
ubuntu | how to outsmart this dumb installer? | 11:30 |
=== nulix [n=dmoyne@dyn-88-121-45-51.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skuller | lol | 11:30 |
ubuntu | all ubuntu installer == shitty | 11:30 |
Skuller | ubuntu: become dumber than it | 11:30 |
gerro | Anyone know how to remove the lame restore session feature for when firefox crashes? | 11:30 |
Fujitsu | gerro: How is it lame? | 11:30 |
gerro | because if I don't click restore or not it lags the fuck out of my load google timer benchmarks | 11:31 |
gerro | =) | 11:31 |
ubuntu | this stupid installer so f*&*& up | 11:31 |
ubuntu | keep on asking for the stupid swap .... is it really made for those in Africa? | 11:31 |
=== datachild` [n=datachil@217-208-144-87-no75.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skuller | ubuntu: use command line...clean n slick | 11:31 |
ubuntu | those poor who run x86? | 11:31 |
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juice` | is there any graphical tool to resize partition under linux? ext3 | 11:31 |
Skuller | lol | 11:31 |
gesus | hey there how do you add links to applications in the //Applications//Internet dropdown thingo. Cheers. | 11:31 |
ubuntu | my RAM is 4GB .. how much swap shall I give? | 11:31 |
Fujitsu | juice`: Try gparted. | 11:31 |
ubuntu | 6GB? | 11:32 |
gerro | juice`: mkfs command | 11:32 |
Skuller | lol...a separate hdd wud b nice | 11:32 |
eck | ubuntu: tbh, you probably don't really need any | 11:32 |
juice` | gerro: mkfs is graphical? | 11:32 |
eck | if you have the space though then go for it | 11:32 |
Fujitsu | gerro: Er, no. | 11:32 |
gdb | gerro: Applications -> Accessorits -> Alacarte Menu Editor and go from there. | 11:32 |
Fujitsu | juice`: mkfs is destructive. Use gparted. | 11:32 |
ubuntu | I know I have an african name, but I really do not expect that the installer is so dumb | 11:32 |
gerro | juice`: google graphical mkfs sure there are dozens | 11:32 |
Skuller | ubuntu: go get some lemonade....ur panicking....chillax and come after a while....enjoi :) | 11:33 |
gerro | gdb: go from there for what? | 11:33 |
eck | mkfs is not for resizing partitions, it is for creating filesystems | 11:33 |
ubuntu | keep on asking me for a swap is like asking me who has been sterilized to use condom | 11:33 |
frtmonster | is there a linux program to have video chats in the msn protocol | 11:33 |
juice` | thanks Fujitsi, trying gparted | 11:33 |
gdb | gerro: As it it's self-explanitory once you start the menu editor. | 11:33 |
ubuntu | I'm more pissed off than "panicking" | 11:33 |
juice` | Fujitsu i mean | 11:33 |
gdb | er as in it's | 11:33 |
eck | ubuntu: create the swap and resize another partition into that space afterwards | 11:33 |
Fujitsu | juice`: It's a really great piece of software. | 11:33 |
ubuntu | eck ... my partition is NOT a virgin | 11:34 |
Skuller | frtmonster: kopete....but without voice | 11:34 |
eck | haha | 11:34 |
gerro | Fujitsu: erm, yes definately yes. If you have infinite bandwidth the only thing slowing your firefox browser is that damned restore session option. And if you had infinite bandwidth the higher chance of crashing any browser are raised | 11:34 |
ubuntu | I'm not gonna move around or resize some stuffs simply because some African distro want me too | 11:34 |
Skuller | lol | 11:34 |
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ubuntu | and I do NOT need too | 11:35 |
gesus | hey there how do you add links to applications in the //Applications//Internet dropdown thingo. Cheers. | 11:35 |
Skuller | no offence...but you make it sound like 'screwing a virgin to test a condom' | 11:35 |
ubuntu | this stupid installer keeps on saying "No root file system" | 11:35 |
Fujitsu | Skuller: Please refrain from such language. | 11:35 |
ubuntu | what the heck is that!? | 11:35 |
=== Merch^ [n=merchant@aworklan025162.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skuller | Fujitsu: sorry about that...will keep that in mind | 11:35 |
Fujitsu | Skuller: We need to keep this channel family-friendly. | 11:35 |
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Skuller | Fujitsu: roger that | 11:36 |
mneptok | ubuntu: it means you have to create a partition and designate it as / | 11:36 |
ubuntu | I have the partition already | 11:36 |
juice` | Fujitsu: it doesnt support online resizing though, i guess i should run some Live-cd and try to resize it from there? | 11:36 |
mneptok | designate it as / | 11:36 |
=== kalle_ [n=kalle@keymaster.ludvika.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sexcopter | gesus: system -> prefs -> menu layout | 11:36 |
juice` | i'm trying to resize / | 11:37 |
=== just22 [n=utente@81-208-74-184.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | juice`: There's a gparted Live CD that you can download. | 11:37 |
Fujitsu | And it's installed on Ubuntu Live CDs. | 11:37 |
gesus | sexcopter, nice one, thanks mate | 11:37 |
=== tiagoboldt [n=tiagobol@87-196-88-225.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juice` | Fujitsu: it is? intresting. i will look for it, thanks | 11:37 |
sexcopter | gesus: no probs | 11:37 |
Fujitsu | juice`: The installer uses it, so it has to be there :) | 11:37 |
=== gdb watches Skuller get slapped for not being "family friendly" while sexcopter gets ignored. How amusing. | ||
ubuntu | this is really so dumb | 11:38 |
kalle_ | How do i get a sandisk 6-in-1 PC card to work in ubuntu? | 11:38 |
rem | Hey, a umask or fmask of 115 would give wrx to ug and r to o ... ? ... I need to mount a drive with write acces to the group .. | 11:38 |
ubuntu | is it because my name is African??? | 11:38 |
Fujitsu | kalle_: Does it not work if you just plug it in? | 11:38 |
mneptok | ubuntu: stop that | 11:38 |
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juice` | Fujitsu: and it even has liveUSB which i will use :) great. thanks | 11:38 |
kalle_ | I can see it but it doesn't mount the drives | 11:38 |
ubuntu | <mneptok> ubuntu: stop that --> is Ubuntu not African? | 11:39 |
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bimberi | ubuntu: it's a bug and here is the workaround - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1700787&postcount=29 | 11:39 |
ubuntu | and doesnt Ubuntu have the worst installer? | 11:39 |
gerro | about:config then change browser.startup.page to 1 for no session restore in firefox 2!!! | 11:39 |
rem | another q, this is an external drive and vfat...why is it not possible to chmod ? ... cze of vfat ? or drive ? | 11:39 |
mneptok | ubuntu: if you insist on playing games, i'll happily join in. just understand, you'll lose. think it over. | 11:39 |
gdb | ubuntu: Because it's annoying. | 11:39 |
gerro | finally now I can rest in peace | 11:39 |
ubuntu | thanks bimberi .... let me try that penicilin | 11:39 |
StoneNote_ | ubuntu, it's because you didn't pay attention to the minimal instructions during install. try installing again and actually read them. it's only 6 pages. | 11:40 |
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ubuntu | I'm trying ubiquity as root now | 11:40 |
StoneNote_ | ubuntu, how's the weather in San Jose, California? | 11:41 |
ubuntu | not bad ... I'm in San Francisco anyway | 11:41 |
=== drbabu2607 [n=drbabu26@cpe-70-122-224-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | rem: FAT32 has no concept of ownership or permissions | 11:41 |
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Skuller | gdb: thanx for the concern...hehe:) | 11:41 |
ubuntu | your whois is not always right | 11:42 |
bimberi | ubuntu: take particular note of that last line | 11:42 |
drbabu2607 | hey folks...houston TX here | 11:42 |
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gdb | Skuller: No worries, I find hypersensitivity in conjuction with hypocracy, well, annoying. | 11:42 |
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gdb | Skuller: ,-) | 11:42 |
gerro | omfg that doesn't work, how do I stop firefox restore malware function! it won't die, it keeps restoring | 11:42 |
murrayc | Is this channel always this unpleasant? | 11:43 |
gdb | Oopsie, gerro said a naughty. | 11:43 |
=== TheQuartex [n=Guest142@host86-140-68-164.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | murrayc: it's usually worse. | 11:43 |
TheQuartex | hi | 11:43 |
murrayc | mneptok: That doesn't sound like any fun. | 11:43 |
ubuntu | even with ubiquity as root ... still the same damned sh!t | 11:43 |
Jassossovinik | I was going to say that usually it's nowhere near as bad... | 11:43 |
gdb | murrayc: Actually, no, it's when the trolls come out. | 11:43 |
TheQuartex | oi | 11:43 |
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ubuntu | and what is "gksudo gedit /usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/validation.py" | 11:43 |
murrayc | It's best to be nice to trolls too. Don't make them make you nasty. | 11:44 |
Skuller | gdb: :D | 11:44 |
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Fujitsu | mneptok: I remember the good old days when it was vaguely pleasant... Back pre-Dapper. | 11:44 |
ubuntu | why dont just "vi /usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/validation.py" | 11:44 |
ubuntu | phew! | 11:44 |
rem | mneptok ... yea..just thought about that thx .. the only way to give permission to write under vfat to the user is to uid=user in fstab ... | 11:44 |
Jassossovinik | Ubugtu, well, for one thing, your command won't edit as root. | 11:44 |
mneptok | rem: that changes ownership of the mount point, which then cascades to the underlying filesystem | 11:44 |
rem | yep ... thats the only way I found to give write access to the user under vfat on that drive .. | 11:45 |
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bimberi | ubuntu: because it doesn't have sudo ;p | 11:45 |
Ayabara | anyone know how I can reset my window manager to default settings? | 11:45 |
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gdb | Ayabara: $ rm ~/.metacity (for the window manager). If you're looking to reset the entire UI, then remove things like .gnome, .gnome2, .gtk*, .gconf, .gconfd, and so on. Anything that stores GNOME or Metacity settings. | 11:47 |
gdb | er rm -rf ~/.metacity that is | 11:47 |
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monsoon_king | hi | 11:48 |
gdb | Ayabara: You can see these in a terminal with the command ls -a or la -la | 11:48 |
Fujitsu | Ayabara: Note that what gdb said may remove some stuff you may want to keep. | 11:48 |
gdb | ls -la | 11:48 |
Fujitsu | Ayabara: You might want to move them out of the way instead. | 11:48 |
monsoon_king | in a dual boot with XP where should i be installing the grub to? | 11:48 |
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Fujitsu | monsoon_king: The default location, most probably. | 11:49 |
gdb | Yes, that's true, but if you're looking for a default setup, then you're looking to remove customizations. Anyway, it's good practice to move things into a temp folder and see what happens, then move them back as you need, yes. | 11:49 |
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monsoon_king | is it MBR or the ubuntu partition | 11:49 |
[Tuxedo] | Can anyone help me disable the motherboard VGA so that ubuntu can't see it? | 11:49 |
Jassossovinik | monsoon_king, you can install to the MBR (master boot record) which is default I think easily enough, if you want reo revert to a single boot XP install you will need an XP CD to re-write the MBR though :- | 11:50 |
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-088-077-082-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gdb | monsoon_king: The MBR or the boot sector of Ubuntu. If you put it in the boot sector of Ubuntu, mark that partition as "active" using fdisk. | 11:50 |
Ayabara | gdb, Fujitsu, ok. I tried moving all .gnome-stuff and restart x, but that did not do the trick | 11:50 |
pax | where to install grub depend on what you want to accomplish and use. mbr to have it handle both, partition to be used as secondary loader. | 11:50 |
monsoon_king | Jassossovinik: but will i be able to use both xp and ubuntu | 11:51 |
gdb | Ayabara: Then you'll need to provide a bit more context. You are wanting to reset the GNOME UI to a default state, yes? For the currently logged in user? | 11:51 |
Jassossovinik | monsoon_king, yes you will :-) | 11:51 |
StoneNote_ | [Tuxedo] , usually boards with onboard graphic adapters have an option in the bios to disable them. I'd check there | 11:51 |
monsoon_king | last time i did it xp din boot | 11:51 |
monsoon_king | so i just formatted the disk and starting from begining | 11:51 |
[Tuxedo] | StoneNote_ I already checked there, I can only turn off dual screen suppourt and turn it down. | 11:51 |
Ayabara | gdb: I'm trying to move away the rest of the stuff now. I'll ask back if that doesn't do the trick either. :-) | 11:51 |
Jassossovinik | Hmm, well, if that happens you may need to edit the grub entry - which isn't too difficult. | 11:51 |
monsoon_king | how? | 11:52 |
[Tuxedo] | I can't get fglrx to see my ATi past the onboard :/ | 11:52 |
Jassossovinik | monsoon_king, you can just google for dualboot linux xp and get many guides. | 11:52 |
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gdb | Ayabara: You'll need to do this moving of files while the user you are trying to "fix" isn't logged in. | 11:52 |
StoneNote_ | [Tuxedo] , you need a fglrx exerpt, which isn't me. sorry | 11:52 |
Jassossovinik | Basically you need to edit a file that's located at /boot/grub/menu.conf | 11:52 |
gdb | Ayabara: Otherwise, the UI will dump current configuration when you log out (at least this has been my experience). | 11:53 |
gdb | (ie; nothing will change) | 11:53 |
ubuntu | StoneNote_ ... you ROCK! now mijn Affrikaaneer ubuntu installs | 11:53 |
Ayabara | gdb, I'm in kde now, since gnome doesn't work anymore.. | 11:53 |
gdb | ah | 11:53 |
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[Tuxedo] | Weee, XGL bouncing me :p | 11:54 |
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Joost | test | 11:54 |
Ayabara | gdb, yep. the problem is that in gnome my top panel restarts 4-5 times before it disappears for good. | 11:55 |
PecisDarbs | helllo, is there VNC client aviable on Ubuntu which would support scaling of remote desktop? | 11:55 |
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Ayabara | gdb, Fujitsu , moving away all those folders did the trick. thanks :-) | 11:59 |
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ubuntu | the best thing from Africa since the exodus of homo-sapinus ... Ubuntu!! | 12:02 |
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genii | PecisDarbs: Are you currently using some vnc client? | 12:03 |
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thedonut | Mornind ladies, gents, | 12:03 |
thedonut | *g | 12:03 |
PecisDarbs | genii: yes, of course, xvnc4viewer | 12:03 |
rpc | is there a way to force umounting a partition when it says its busy? or check what process is using it? imho there is none and i still can't umount | 12:03 |
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PecisDarbs | genii: I just investigated and found strange that for RealVNC even in Enterprise version of Linux it doesn't scaling, altough Mac/Windows clients does. Is it some kind of Linux limitation? | 12:04 |
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[Tuxedo] | Anyone know how to disable a motherboard display (Not in the bios)? | 12:04 |
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ubuntu | what is a "motherboard display"? | 12:05 |
ubuntu | like a mother suckling the baby? | 12:05 |
gdb | [Tuxedo] : You can't. | 12:05 |
ubuntu | 'exposed'? | 12:05 |
genii | PecisDarbs: There is usually a command;ine switch . In this case I think you need to remove the switch -FullScreen from where vncviewer command is run | 12:05 |
thedonut | I have a question, i'm relatively new to Linux - wanting to learn and such. I got Ubuntu installed and setup for the most part, however with my XGL login i'm getting white screened :( | 12:05 |
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ubuntu | what do you login to thedonut? icewm? | 12:06 |
Plutonium | can anyone help | 12:06 |
Marsmensch | help | 12:06 |
ubuntu | spit it out | 12:06 |
mneptok | ubuntu: you are testing my patience | 12:07 |
thedonut | I followed the wiki guide on Beryl Project on setting up an XGL session and I login to that? | 12:07 |
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[Tuxedo] | gdb: In that case, can I manipulate xorg.conf in some way that it recognizes my video card instead of the motherboards? | 12:07 |
IdleOne | Plutonium, help with what? | 12:07 |
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ubuntu | Kurt von Finck --> hmmm ... did you come from Germany to Canada via Argentina actually? | 12:07 |
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Ashi | hi | 12:08 |
Plutonium | IdleOne: i can t open pages like yahoo on the firefox | 12:08 |
ubuntu | sometimes in the late 40? | 12:08 |
=== mneptok invokes Godwin's Law | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ | ||
Ashi | am bloody new here | 12:08 |
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gdb | [Tuxedo] : No, you can't. | 12:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*n=ubuntu@69.111.131.*] by mneptok | ||
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zumbi77 | sound juicer problem: when I try to rip cd's I occasionally get an error message stating that cd cannot be extracted due, cause: invalid parameters. Any advice? | 12:08 |
gdb | mneptok: Thank you. | 12:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok | ||
IdleOne | mneptok, ty | 12:08 |
=== mneptok bows | ||
Ashi | Welcome me | 12:09 |
Ashi | Please | 12:09 |
mneptok | @lart 37 Ashi | 12:09 |
=== Ubugtu shows Ashi a photo of mneptok | ||
mneptok | now take a chair. | 12:09 |
Ashi | hehe | 12:09 |
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Ashi | thanku | 12:09 |
mneptok | yes, dear. | 12:09 |
=== mneptok pats Ashi onna head | ||
Ashi | i have done this thing before | 12:10 |
Ashi | never* | 12:10 |
mneptok | "this thing" being IRC? | 12:10 |
Ashi | ofcourse | 12:10 |
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mneptok | Ashi: /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:10 |
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Ashi | whats tht? | 12:10 |
IdleOne | it's the idle chat channel | 12:10 |
mneptok | Ashi: this is a support channel. -offtopic is for general chatter. | 12:11 |
Ashi | whtchu talkin about? | 12:11 |
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-146-96.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thedonut | Anyone that helps me (the noob) would be rewarded! lol :( | 12:11 |
IdleOne | Ashi, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:11 |
Ashi | ok | 12:11 |
Ashi | Basically u want me to leave this room | 12:11 |
Ashi | ? | 12:11 |
IdleOne | no | 12:12 |
IdleOne | you can stay here also | 12:12 |
Ashi | ooooooooooooo | 12:12 |
Ashi | thanku | 12:12 |
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IdleOne | but if you just want to chat about general stuff like the weather or something -offtopic is where you do it | 12:12 |
YtKTT | My eth1 (wireless) is said to be active, but, it just doesn't give me any access to the internet... can someone help me? | 12:13 |
Ashi | oh | 12:13 |
Ashi | thanku | 12:13 |
genii | PecisDarbs: If you do: vncviewer -h It will list all possible switches. Research shows me some versions have a switch like: -scale #1/#2 where #1 is incoming size and #2 is size to rescale it to. If -h reports this switch available you could use it | 12:13 |
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mneptok | YOUNGER: please lose the <capslock> | 12:14 |
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YOUNGER | 0k | 12:14 |
YOUNGER | how r u | 12:15 |
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YOUNGER | mnepotk | 12:15 |
mneptok | yes? | 12:15 |
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YOUNGER | how r u | 12:15 |
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=== mneptok gestures at #ubuntu-offtopic | ||
=== simpla [n=wayne@ppp47-56.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
simpla | Hi! | 12:16 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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simpla | Has anyone had any sound problems after the last apt update? | 12:16 |
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=== Danny| [i=danny@89-172-185-79.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YtKTT | can someone help here to make ubuntu get into the web throug wireless? | 12:18 |
YOUNGER | hi simpla | 12:19 |
YOUNGER | how r u | 12:19 |
simpla | hi, good | 12:19 |
simpla | and u? | 12:19 |
YOUNGER | fine | 12:19 |
YOUNGER | where from u | 12:19 |
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simpla | Australia | 12:19 |
Fujitsu | YOUNGER, simpla: That's not really on-topic, you should head over to #ubuntu-offtopic. | 12:20 |
rowland | # ubuntu+1 | 12:20 |
stix | hi - I am a complete beginner to Ubuntu (and linux), and in trying to boot the live version 6.10, I get either a corrupted desktop (looks like sync issue) or either an error message on LCD monitor (unable to display video mode) --> can someone please point me in the right direction for some troubleshooting guides, or perhaps suggest what to do? | 12:20 |
Fujitsu | stix: What kind of video card is it? | 12:20 |
simpla | yep sorry | 12:20 |
stix | 6600 | 12:20 |
=== Jed [n=ubuntu@103.Red-83-45-123.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YtKTT | 12:20 | |
YOUNGER | simpla | 12:20 |
simpla | anyone have their sound go softer after the last apt update? | 12:20 |
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YOUNGER | no | 12:21 |
YtKTT | err | 12:21 |
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HymnToLife | !fixres | stix | 12:21 |
ubotu | stix: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:21 |
genii | PecisDarbs: You may want to check out freenx | 12:21 |
genii | !freenx | 12:21 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 12:21 |
sikor_sxe | i have a strange problem with ubuntu edgy. i started my machine without a monitor plugged in, and somehow the resolution was set to 640x480. however the gdm resolution is correct at 1280x1024! i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but no effekt. "change resolution" in the system->settings menu only gives me very strange modes, of whiche none works | 12:22 |
stix | thanks ubotu | 12:22 |
HymnToLife | !thanks | stix | 12:22 |
ubotu | stix: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 12:22 |
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YOUNGER | hi stix | 12:22 |
stix | hi | 12:22 |
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=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stix | sorry im a complete beginner here | 12:23 |
xushi | i got a few ubuntu machines in the house. Whenever i update the packages, it downloads them all everyt ime from every machine. Is there a way to make one of the machines act like a package cache for the rest ? | 12:23 |
simpla | !fixsound simpla | 12:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixsound simpla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:23 |
Fujitsu | !apt-proxy | 12:23 |
ubotu | apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy | 12:23 |
HymnToLife | !apt-proxy | xushi | 12:23 |
ubotu | xushi: please see above | 12:23 |
xushi | thanks | 12:23 |
HymnToLife | ow, pwn3d :( | 12:23 |
genii | PecisDarbs: The freenx client can be set to handle vnc btw | 12:24 |
bullgard1 | Was kann man bitte mit einem 'USB-DVB-T-Stick' anfangen? | 12:24 |
PecisDarbs | does it support scaling? :) | 12:24 |
PecisDarbs | ok, I will take a look at it | 12:24 |
PecisDarbs | genii, thanks for tips and help | 12:25 |
PecisDarbs | :) | 12:25 |
YtKTT | By the last try, could someone help me and my friend to setup a god damn wireless? | 12:25 |
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genii | PecisDarbs: np | 12:25 |
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HymnToLife | !de | bullgard1 | 12:25 |
ubotu | bullgard1: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:25 |
aethreyes | hey guys, i need some help getting the more advanced gd functions working in PHP. i'm running a 6.06 LAMP server, so i guess i'm wondering how i configure PHP5 with --with-gd | 12:25 |
=== playpen is now known as TeChAnOiA | ||
Fujitsu | aethreyes: Try installing php5-gd | 12:25 |
HymnToLife | bullgard1, hier bitte sprechen Sie nur Englisch :) | 12:26 |
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HymnToLife | heh, my German is not that bad :p | 12:26 |
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YOUNGER | plz helf for chat | 12:26 |
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YtKTT | I really preffer freeBSD | 12:26 |
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bullgard1 | HymnToLife: Slow down. | 12:27 |
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YOUNGER | hello all | 12:27 |
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TeChAnOiA | hello | 12:27 |
Ashi | back | 12:27 |
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IdleOne | YOUNGER, do you need any help with Ubuntu? | 12:27 |
YOUNGER | keya hoo raha hay | 12:27 |
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YOUNGER | yes | 12:28 |
TeChAnOiA | whats up??? | 12:28 |
IdleOne | what help do you need? | 12:28 |
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YOUNGER | for opera chat | 12:28 |
TeChAnOiA | whats opera chat? | 12:28 |
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YOUNGER | i mean chating | 12:29 |
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TeChAnOiA | what client | 12:29 |
TeChAnOiA | ?? | 12:29 |
YOUNGER | same to yahoo | 12:29 |
stix | Q. How to i get a console display if my graphical display is corrupted? | 12:29 |
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HymnToLife | I guess thats some IRC function builtin Operan | 12:29 |
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Bole | Hay | 12:29 |
Ashi | i love Opera | 12:29 |
aethreyes | Is there any way to configure PHP5 without re-compiling it? Everything on my box has been installed with apt-get. | 12:29 |
HymnToLife | stix, Ctrl+Alt+F2 | 12:29 |
IdleOne | stix, ctrl+alt+f1 | 12:29 |
stix | ta | 12:29 |
HymnToLife | F2 ftw | 12:29 |
Pici | F3 is more fun | 12:30 |
IdleOne | ok F2 | 12:30 |
TeChAnOiA | What is opera | 12:30 |
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Pici | TeChAnOiA: Its a web browser | 12:30 |
PedroS | techanoia: opera is a webbrowser | 12:30 |
HymnToLife | a Web browser - supposedly :p | 12:30 |
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TeChAnOiA | better than firefox? | 12:30 |
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Pici | TeChAnOiA: | 12:30 |
IdleOne | YOUNGER, you want to use Opera for yahoo chat? just go to yahoo.com and sign in | 12:30 |
HymnToLife | some would say yes | 12:30 |
HymnToLife | some would say no | 12:30 |
HymnToLife | I say no :p | 12:30 |
N3WB | Help, Ubuntu wont boot, Error 21 :| | 12:30 |
PedroS | I prefer firefox... :) | 12:31 |
=== oohboontoo [n=nbn@citoprim.rb.a.2-1.245.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashi | hmmm | 12:31 |
Ashi | yeah | 12:31 |
=== IdleOne prefers Mozilla | ||
IdleOne | no firefox | 12:31 |
=== caravena [n=caravena@225-34-50.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oohboontoo | hi there! | 12:31 |
Pici | IdleOne just wants to be different. | 12:31 |
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IdleOne | Pici, I am different :P | 12:31 |
Ashi | i prefer Opera | 12:31 |
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=== cbx33 is having truble with openoffice and the mysql odbc | ||
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Fujitsu | cbx33: I believe JDBC is more likely to work. | 12:32 |
IdleOne | Pici, Firefox seems to use alot of resources on my machine and mozilla doesnt so i use mozilla... worksforme(tm) | 12:32 |
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cbx33 | Fujitsu: can that open mysql? | 12:32 |
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oohboontoo | i wanna try something. well, i like ubuntu very much, but would like it to install a bare minimum like debian does. so, only the basic tools and console, and after that i'd like to apt-get fluxbox and lightweight aps myself. any idea how to do that? | 12:32 |
HymnToLife | I have 2 GiB of RAM so I couldn't care less about how much resources FF takes | 12:33 |
HymnToLife | on lower end machines, I usually run Epiphan | 12:33 |
IdleOne | !alternate | oohboontoo | 12:33 |
ubotu | oohboontoo: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 12:33 |
HymnToLife | y* | 12:33 |
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Pici | !minimal | oohboontoo | 12:33 |
ubotu | oohboontoo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 12:33 |
=== peppe84 [n=peppe84@host14-44-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aethreyes | Does anyone know anything about configuring PHP? | 12:33 |
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oohboontoo | great! tnx... didn't know that | 12:34 |
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Fujitsu | cbx33: Indeed it can. | 12:35 |
aethreyes | Well, thx anyway. Good luck to all in fixing their problems. | 12:35 |
HymnToLife | aethreyes, what to do you want to reconfigute php for ? | 12:35 |
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aethreyes | theres a library called gd that allows PHP to create / manipulate images | 12:35 |
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HymnToLife | no need to reconfigure php for that | 12:35 |
aethreyes | there are two versions of gd tho | 12:35 |
Fujitsu | aethreyes: As I said earlier, install php5-gd | 12:35 |
HymnToLife | apt-get install pxpX-gd | 12:35 |
PedroS | aethreyes: all the main configurations are in php.ini... | 12:35 |
aethreyes | one that comes built in to php | 12:35 |
aethreyes | and one thats independant of php | 12:35 |
HymnToLife | they're the same | 12:36 |
aethreyes | to access the advanced functions, you need to compile php --with-gd or something | 12:36 |
aethreyes | no, they're not. | 12:36 |
HymnToLife | you can either build it into php or have it apart | 12:36 |
aethreyes | the one thats bundled with php has been developed independantly of the original | 12:36 |
Fujitsu | Installing phpX-gd will yield the same effect as compiling with --with-gd. | 12:36 |
aethreyes | and has more functions | 12:36 |
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aethreyes | ok, because i used apt-get install php5-gd | 12:36 |
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aethreyes | and it still says "Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageconvolution()" | 12:37 |
[Tuxedo] | Anyone good with getting an ATi card to recognize? | 12:37 |
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aethreyes | i've restarted apache a few times, i've un-commented the gd.so line in php.ini | 12:37 |
Fujitsu | You may need to enable it in the PHP config file, aethreyes. | 12:37 |
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Fujitsu | Ah. | 12:37 |
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aethreyes | still no lucl | 12:37 |
aethreyes | luck even | 12:37 |
Fujitsu | php5-gd is what you want, however. | 12:37 |
aethreyes | hmm | 12:37 |
aethreyes | interesting | 12:37 |
Fujitsu | If you put `<? phpinfo(); ?> in a script, does it show anything about GD? | 12:38 |
aethreyes | i've just done "apt-get install php5-gd" and gotten "php5-gd is already the newest version." | 12:38 |
aethreyes | yeah, phpInfo says gd version is 2.0 or greater | 12:38 |
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aethreyes | and php is 5.12 | 12:38 |
HymnToLife | aethreyes, if you're sure you want to build PHP from source : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PHP5FromSource | 12:38 |
aethreyes | well, i was trying to avoid that, which is why i came here. wondering if there was another way. :) thx for your help, pplz. | 12:39 |
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HymnToLife | aethreyes, there is none, such otpitions are set at compilation, so obviously you can't alter them when the build is done | 12:42 |
AntiLaVista | Hi guy's. I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux. I've got it running on my desktop fine and I'm now installing it on my laptop. Most things work well except the wireless card. Broadcom BCM4306. Anyone know of a good guide for this card ? | 12:42 |
bezibaerchen | how does one change the orientation of http://selar.scimita.de/~bez/kram/desktop-bar.png back to horizontal? | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | Ubuntu and Linux. I've got it running on my desktop fine and I'm now installing it on my laptop. Most things work well except the wireless card. Broadcom BCM4306. Anyone know of a good guide for this card ? | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | 04:43bezibaerchenhow does one change the orientation of http://selar.scimita.de/~bez/kram/desktop-bar.png back to horizontal? | 12:43 |
IdleOne | !wifi | AntiLaVista | 12:43 |
ubotu | AntiLaVista: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | hello | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | can i see u plz | 12:43 |
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YOUNGER | hallo | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | hallo | 12:43 |
=== Rooy [n=dhhoa1@C-59-101-141-175.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AntiLaVista | Thanks I'll look there now. | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | y | 12:43 |
YOUNGER | pls | 12:43 |
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YOUNGER | lk | 12:44 |
YOUNGER | lk | 12:44 |
IdleOne | YOUNGER, please stop that. if you want help ask a question | 12:44 |
YOUNGER | lk | 12:44 |
YOUNGER | jh | 12:44 |
YOUNGER | jh | 12:44 |
IdleOne | !op | 12:44 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso or PriceChild | 12:44 |
Fujitsu | mneptok! | 12:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
=== YOUNGER was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
Fujitsu | Or Hobbsee. | 12:44 |
IdleOne | ty | 12:44 |
Fujitsu | Thanks Hobbsee. | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | got him. | 12:44 |
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AntiLaVista | Befor I go off and sort this out. A quick thanks to | 12:45 |
hendaus | hi | 12:45 |
hendaus | can anyone help me | 12:45 |
Fujitsu | Hi hendaus. | 12:45 |
Fujitsu | !ask | 12:45 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:45 |
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AntiLaVista | all for help here | 12:45 |
IdleOne | AntiLaVista, no problem anytime | 12:45 |
hendaus | Fujitsu, thanx, i have upgrade to edgy and i want to install the devede | 12:45 |
hendaus | Fujitsu, how can i setup this program | 12:45 |
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Toma- | any idea about converting realmedia video to vorbis or something free? | 12:46 |
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Fujitsu | hendaus: You will need to enable the universe and multiverse repositories, then use Synaptic to install it. | 12:46 |
Fujitsu | !repositories | hendaus | 12:46 |
ubotu | hendaus: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:46 |
=== flake [n=rmcdanie@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hendaus | Fujitsu, i am newbie on kubuntu,can u please help me with enabling those things | 12:47 |
IdleOne | Toma-, soundconverter should do that | 12:47 |
IdleOne | oh | 12:47 |
IdleOne | nm | 12:47 |
=== hermit_ [n=hermit@74-34-156-81.br1.blu.wv.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | video... :P | 12:47 |
IdleOne | :P | 12:48 |
gays | How can i check webserver status? =P | 12:48 |
Fujitsu | hendaus: See the first link ubotu gave. | 12:48 |
Fujitsu | gays: What do you mean? | 12:48 |
hermit_ | hello does anyone know where the gyach clinet is located? Is it in the dapper or edgy repos? | 12:48 |
Toma- | i really dont want to recompile ffmpeg... again :/ | 12:48 |
gays | Fujitsu: I have a feeling it has stopped working =\ Can you load this site? www.lasseleeten.com | 12:48 |
Fujitsu | gays: It seems to be inoperable. | 12:49 |
Fujitsu | hermit_: What is it? | 12:49 |
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=== F00BaR [n=F00BaR@host86-138-79-141.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
F00BaR | hey | 12:49 |
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F00BaR | how do io install mysql | 12:49 |
Thiesen | I wonder if a ATI Radeon X1600XT will work with the fglrx driver in the soon to be Ubuntu 7.04? | 12:49 |
IdleOne | !lamp | F00BaR | 12:49 |
ubotu | F00BaR: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:49 |
gays | Fujitsu: It was working perfectly till today, its on a server on my lan. lan works perfectly. but not internet =\ | 12:49 |
Fujitsu | F00BaR: Find mysql in Synaptic and install it. | 12:49 |
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gays | Fujitsu: ah nevermind. Seems to be something with the dns since www.lasseleeten.no-ip.org works | 12:50 |
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F00BaR | Fujitsu, what do i type | 12:51 |
F00BaR | i dont know what Synaptic is | 12:51 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | F00BaR: Have you got a normal desktop installation, or a server one? | 12:51 |
F00BaR | i can use both | 12:52 |
F00BaR | but i prefer desktop | 12:52 |
flake | what would be a good web-based front-end for ftp? xhtml, javascript, .. ? | 12:52 |
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hendaus | Fujitsu, i read it, and i have the adept,but i dont know where to type multiverse | 12:52 |
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F00BaR | Fujitsu, can you help? | 12:53 |
barata | ubuntu is really not bad! | 12:53 |
Fujitsu | hendaus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 12:53 |
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Fujitsu | barata: You don't say :) | 12:53 |
F00BaR | barata, its great | 12:53 |
bahr | Hi I'm looking for a IM app that supports msn and icq, and runs in a terminal. I can't remember the name of it. I think it starts with M, someone who knows this application? | 12:53 |
Fujitsu | F00BaR: In System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager | 12:53 |
Fujitsu | bahr: there's centericq, for one. | 12:53 |
CheshireViking | bahr, how about Gaim or aMSN both available from the repo's | 12:54 |
hendaus | Fujitsu, yes i am there,i open adept then manager | 12:54 |
flake | front-end webbased client-side for ftp? | 12:54 |
erstazi | flake: client-side? unobtrusive javascript | 12:54 |
Fujitsu | hendaus: Follow those instructions. | 12:54 |
flake | javascript from what I've learned doesn't handle the file system | 12:54 |
bahr | CheshireViking: I'm more for the terminal :) | 12:55 |
Thiesen | I wonder if a ATI Radeon X1600XT will work with the fglrx driver in the soon to be Ubuntu 7.04? | 12:55 |
F00BaR | Fujitsu, whats the best mysql controller | 12:55 |
[Tuxedo] | Can anyone point me to ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version 8.24.8? | 12:55 |
Fujitsu | F00BaR: `controller'? | 12:55 |
bahr | Fujitsu: thank you, I think that was, what I searched for | 12:55 |
Fujitsu | Thiesen: You may want to ask in #ubuntu+1 | 12:55 |
erstazi | flake: join #ubuntu-offtopic and we can discuss this futher | 12:55 |
F00BaR | Fujitsu, well, program | 12:55 |
gays | Anyone familiar with zoneedit.com? I got this in Webforward: lasseleeten.com redirects to http://lasseleeten.no-ip.org. But it doesnt work. However, it worked perfectly yesterday =\ | 12:55 |
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F00BaR | whatever its called | 12:55 |
CheshireViking | bahr, rite, ok, i've not used any terminal IM clients | 12:55 |
Fujitsu | F00BaR: Still very ambiguous... | 12:55 |
Fujitsu | gays: #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:55 |
Thiesen | Fujitsu: Thank you... I'll check it... | 12:55 |
zaft | where can i download more ubunto themes? | 12:55 |
F00BaR | Fujitsu, best mysql server ? | 12:55 |
=== gays is now known as teeL | ||
F00BaR | easiest to install | 12:56 |
Fujitsu | F00BaR: There's only one available... | 12:56 |
F00BaR | well | 12:56 |
F00BaR | io searched for mysql aND got loads :/ | 12:56 |
Fujitsu | mysql-server-5.0 | 12:56 |
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PedroS | zaft: http://www.gnome-look.org/ or http://art.ubuntu.com/ | 12:56 |
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hendaus | Fujitsu, they are on enable both | 12:57 |
romeomajk | howto restart X server in ubuntu | 12:57 |
grout | ctrl alt backspace | 12:57 |
Toma- | romeomajk: Clt-Alt-Backspace | 12:57 |
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romeomajk | thanks | 12:57 |
PedroS | zaft: not art.ubuntu.com but art.gnome.org :) | 12:58 |
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Fujitsu | hendaus: Good... Then find the `devede' package in the package list, and install it. | 12:59 |
hendaus | ok | 12:59 |
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NET||abuse | hmm, my login to my sshd is wellll slow | 01:00 |
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NET||abuse | is there a settings somewhere that might be doing something superfluous? dns checks and things? | 01:00 |
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Fujitsu | NET||abuse: Which versions/distros are the client and server? | 01:01 |
zaft | PedroS : thank you <3 ;) | 01:01 |
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NET||abuse | umm, default with ubuntu on my laptop | 01:02 |
zaft | btw, i want a widget thing to show cpy/mem load and so on on desktop, any suggestions? | 01:02 |
Fujitsu | zaft: If you add the `System Monitor' applet to your panel, that'll likely do it. | 01:02 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, both ubuntu, openssh-server and just your normal openssh-client | 01:02 |
Fujitsu | NET||abuse: which version, though? | 01:02 |
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NET||abuse | ohh, sorry, 4.3 | 01:02 |
HymnToLife | zaft, gnome = gdesklets, KDE = superkaramba | 01:02 |
PedroS | use gdesklets applets | 01:02 |
Fujitsu | NET||abuse: Of Ubuntu. | 01:03 |
Fujitsu | Not OpenSSH. | 01:03 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, hah, ok, 6.10 Edgy | 01:03 |
Fujitsu | OK. | 01:03 |
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Fujitsu | You might want to check if GSSAPIsomethingorother is enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server. Turning it off may speed things up. | 01:03 |
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mojo | i have a couple unrelated questions... 1) when selecting an iso in nautilus and choosing write to disc, how come i can't edit the name?? It is a DVD image but the "title" is set to "CDROM". ?!? | 01:04 |
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Fujitsu | mojo: The name is set in the ISO, and cannot be easily changed. | 01:04 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, nah,, GSSAPI optoins are all commented out | 01:04 |
mojo | Fujitsu: so i should look into mkisofs options then... right? (that is how i made the image) | 01:04 |
Fujitsu | mojo: Correct. | 01:05 |
mojo | Fujitsu: thanks | 01:05 |
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Fujitsu | mojo: Probably -V, but I couldn't be sure. | 01:05 |
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mojo | Fujitsu: thank you. I will wade thru the manpage for it. | 01:06 |
Fujitsu | No problem. | 01:06 |
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JuJuBee | I just put together a core 2 duo computer with 2GB Ram and a160GB SATA HD. When I boot the 6.10 cd I select INSTALL and then get a prompt that says something about buzybox and (initramfs) prompt. What does this mean? | 01:07 |
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Fujitsu | JuJuBee: It means it has some nasty issues with booting. Did it say anything else, and does the Live CD boot? | 01:08 |
NET||abuse | Fujitsu, yeh, just dns for slow ssh logins, added UseDNS no to the sshd_config and it's all quick now | 01:08 |
JuJuBee | I am trying to boot the live cd. | 01:08 |
Fujitsu | Oh, OK. | 01:09 |
Fujitsu | Does it give any errors? | 01:09 |
NET||abuse | me or JuJuBee | 01:09 |
Fujitsu | And does a CD check run from the menu work? | 01:09 |
Fujitsu | NET||abuse: JuJuBee. | 01:09 |
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NET||abuse | JuJuBee, ok ;) | 01:09 |
SubMOA | does anybody know how to change the direction of the autohide function on the task bar? | 01:09 |
Fujitsu | SubMOA: What do you mean? Where else would it go but down? | 01:10 |
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SubMOA | Fujitsu, left or right | 01:10 |
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SubMOA | Fujitsu, do you know how you can set it so you can click on the left-most side or the right-most side and it will slide across the screen... can you make that automated? | 01:11 |
JuJuBee | Fujitsu: BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-2Ubuntu3) Build in shell (ash) | 01:11 |
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Fujitsu | SubMOA: I don't believe so. | 01:11 |
JuJuBee | Enter 'help' for a list of commands | 01:11 |
Fujitsu | JuJuBee: No other errors before that? | 01:11 |
Ash-Fox | Something bad happened. | 01:11 |
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Fujitsu | JuJuBee: Can you run a CD check from the boot menu>? | 01:11 |
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JuJuBee | Let me go re-boot and check | 01:11 |
SubMOA | well, do you know where I can find the down and dirty code that does the left to right thing, so maybe I can automate it myself? | 01:11 |
JuJuBee | I will try the cd check as well | 01:11 |
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Fujitsu | SubMOA: No idea. `apt-get source gnome-panel' would be a start. | 01:12 |
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SubMOA | hmm... ok, thanks! | 01:13 |
Fujitsu | Good luck! | 01:13 |
Fujitsu | (you'll need it!) | 01:13 |
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JuJuBee | Fujitsu : When I try to run the Check CD for errors, I get the same thing. | 01:15 |
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Fujitsu | JuJuBee: Sorry, I have no idea. | 01:17 |
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effie_jayx | does anyone here know how to get kiba-dock to work.. I'm currently getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10009/ | 01:19 |
JuJuBee | I tried a 6.06 CD and got an error about "Failed to load mem resource..." | 01:19 |
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Slart | effie_jayx: have you asked in #ubuntu-effects , they are usually better in the "eye candy" department =) | 01:20 |
lanfeust21 | hi i have a loopback problem with a fresh install of unbuntu 6.06 , interface seems correctly defined but the localhost is not asociated to | 01:21 |
effie_jayx | Slart, will try | 01:21 |
effie_jayx | D | 01:21 |
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VgY | hello | 01:21 |
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lanfeust21 | ifup lo seems to work any idea ? | 01:21 |
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VgY | nobody's ??? | 01:22 |
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DaSaint | Hello | 01:23 |
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Slike | hello, db2 is certified on ubuntu server, but which version? 9.1? 8.2? | 01:23 |
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mojo | 2nd question, scenario... I have a project device i need to net-boot, so i want to set up a tftp server on my box and connet the device to my 2nd ether port. I would just think to bridge eth1 to eth0 as the most natrual way to extend the lan, but the d-link router won't let me tell it's dhcpserver to point to my tftp server. SO: should i set up a 10.something subnet off eth1 and route with my box using iptables and masquerading (nat), a | 01:23 |
mojo | nd use my own dhcp3 server off eth1??? Or is there a way i can just simply bridge and yet server up the pointer to my tftp? i am not familiar with bootpd vs dhcp3 | 01:23 |
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Crazytom | my edgy install takes like 10 minutes to startup and i can't figure out how to see what it's hanging on. it just says starting up. can someone give me a hand? | 01:24 |
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[Tuxedo] | Okay, I need some seriously noob help. | 01:25 |
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Fujitsu | [Tuxedo] : Go ahead. | 01:25 |
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[Tuxedo] | I need to run a file sitting on the desktop called ati-driver-installer-8.24.8-x86.run | 01:26 |
[Tuxedo] | :P | 01:26 |
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Fujitsu | [Tuxedo] : Right-click->Properties->Permissions, and make sure that the checkbox mentioning `execute this as a program' is checked. | 01:27 |
Fujitsu | But why, may I ask, are you installing that? | 01:27 |
Fujitsu | There are easier ways | 01:27 |
[Tuxedo] | Well, I have a Radeon 9000, and this is the latest driver I've found that suppourts it. | 01:27 |
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Fujitsu | Ah. | 01:27 |
bullgard1 | One can configure Midnight commander so that it displays in the right-hand half detailed information about a highlighted file in the left-hand half. This includes 3 date & times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these 3 dates & times in English? | 01:27 |
[Tuxedo] | So I'm hoping that this will solve my issues of it not being able to manage my screen. :) | 01:27 |
EkToBoT | can anyone help me on an installation problem??? | 01:28 |
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Fujitsu | !ask | EkToBoT | 01:28 |
ubotu | EkToBoT: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:28 |
[Tuxedo] | Fujitsu: After it is done, would the terminal just close? | 01:28 |
Crazytom | my edgy install takes like 10 minutes to startup and i can't figure out how to see what it's hanging on. it just says starting up. can someone give me a hand? | 01:29 |
Fujitsu | [Tuxedo] : It might... | 01:29 |
[Tuxedo] | Hmm, I still get the mesa error. :/ | 01:29 |
Fujitsu | [Tuxedo] : Ah, you'll need to run it as root. Open up a terminal. | 01:29 |
Fujitsu | cd Desktop | 01:29 |
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Fujitsu | sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.24.8-x86.run | 01:29 |
EkToBoT | ubotu: ok thanks, when i install ubuntu from the live cd it crashes halfway through formating the drive so i have to reboot and start again then it flies through the installation and gets passed the bit it got stuck on...but it creates 2 versions on boot up??? | 01:30 |
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EkToBoT | ubotu: have you heard of this problem b4 | 01:30 |
Fujitsu | EkToBoT: Does one say `(recovery mode)' ? | 01:30 |
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Fujitsu | !ubotu | EkToBoT | 01:31 |
ubotu | EkToBoT: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:31 |
mofomikes | wow fc6 blows | 01:31 |
Fujitsu | EkToBoT: ubotu isn't a human. | 01:31 |
mofomikes | cant even get a decent update | 01:31 |
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EkToBoT | ubotu: there are 2 normal ubuntu otions and 2 recorvery options and my options for xp | 01:31 |
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EkToBoT | Fujitsu: who's bot is it? | 01:32 |
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Fujitsu | EkToBoT: Does it matter? | 01:32 |
EkToBoT | no can anyone help me? | 01:32 |
Fujitsu | EkToBoT: Do any of the options work? | 01:32 |
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Crazytom | my edgy install takes like 10 minutes to startup and i can't figure out how to see what it's hanging on. it just says starting up. can someone give me a hand? | 01:32 |
SubMOA | how do you make something start up on start up | 01:33 |
Crazytom | please? | 01:33 |
EkToBoT | well the first ubuntu option works havent tried the recovery and windows options work | 01:33 |
EkToBoT | ubuntu is intalled on a seperate smaller drive | 01:33 |
Fujitsu | Crazytom: When you see the booting menu, select the Ubuntu option and press e. Find the line that has `splash', press e, and remove the splash bit. | 01:33 |
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Fujitsu | Crazytom: Then boot, and it'll tell you what it's doing. | 01:34 |
Crazytom | thank you | 01:34 |
Fujitsu | EkToBoT: So the only issue is that there are two entries? | 01:34 |
EkToBoT | yeah | 01:34 |
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Fujitsu | EkToBoT: If you run `gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst' and remove the second Ubuntu and Ubuntu recovery mode entries, they should vanish. Make sure you delete the right ones, though. | 01:35 |
EkToBoT | hmm sopunds hard | 01:35 |
ardchoille | Fujitsu: They should, yes.. I removed memtest and recovery modes from mine. | 01:35 |
EkToBoT | how will i diffrenciate between the 2 | 01:36 |
cbx33 | thanks Fujitsu | 01:36 |
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Fujitsu | EkToBoT: They appear in the file in the order they appear on the menu. Don't delete the one which works :) | 01:36 |
ardchoille | EkToBoT: The line at the top that says "default 0" tells you which kernel boots by default, numbering starts at 0, not 1. So if default says 0 then the first kernel will boot default. | 01:36 |
EkToBoT | can i navigate to that directory by just copying the cmd you sent across? | 01:37 |
Fujitsu | cbx33: I really can't remember what I helped you with, but no problem. | 01:37 |
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Fujitsu | EkToBoT: That command will open up a text editor with the right file. | 01:37 |
EkToBoT | thanks for your helpp brb | 01:37 |
nelly | EkToBoT: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup | 01:38 |
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nelly | just in case.... | 01:38 |
ardchoille | nelly: Good idea | 01:38 |
CheshireViking | EkToBoT, just a suggestion, rather than deleting the entries you don't need, just put a "#" sign in front of the sections, at least then if you do find you need them, you can just edit the file & take them out | 01:39 |
CheshireViking | too late, gone | 01:39 |
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cbx33 | hehe | 01:40 |
cbx33 | Fujitsu....JDBC :p | 01:40 |
Fujitsu | cbx33: Oh yes, of course. | 01:41 |
Fujitsu | It worked? | 01:41 |
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cbx33 | it worked a treat | 01:41 |
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idefix | Before beginning the driver installation, you should exit the X server... what is the X server exactly? | 01:42 |
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Rooy | idefix: X server and client are the stuffs that controls your video card, mouse, keyboard | 01:43 |
Rooy | idefix: to restart X, press ctrl-alt-backspace | 01:43 |
Fujitsu | Rooy: You probably could have explained that a little better... Such that it would kill his session off. | 01:43 |
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Rooy | Fujitsu: just realized that... | 01:44 |
cbx33 | heh | 01:44 |
idefix | but I need to install the drivers | 01:44 |
Fujitsu | Rooy: Good to see another Aussie here. | 01:44 |
cbx33 | idefix, what are you trying to do? | 01:44 |
Fujitsu | idefix: Which drivers? | 01:44 |
idefix | for my geforce 6600 | 01:44 |
cbx33 | ahh ok | 01:44 |
Fujitsu | !nvidia | idefix | 01:45 |
ubotu | idefix: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:45 |
Rooy | idefix: there's the package nvidia-glx in synaptic | 01:45 |
idefix | firefox whines about PSM | 01:45 |
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eckhart | hi | 01:46 |
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eckhart | short question: if one has unpartitioned disk space and runs the ubuntu live installer, does the installer propose to use the unpartitioned space? | 01:47 |
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idefix | Prerequisites | 01:48 |
idefix | * | 01:48 |
idefix | The command lspci | grep -i nvidia prints out a line of text | 01:48 |
idefix | , it doesn't but my graphic card isn't inserted because I get no video when inserting it | 01:48 |
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zaft | i got a gdesklet application that is kinda offscreen and i see half of it, but i cant close it, is there a shortcut or a command to close it? ;( | 01:48 |
mojo | nobody feels up to my tftpd/pxe boot/bridge vs route question? | 01:48 |
Crazytom | ok I turned off the splash screen and it hung at "pci ignoring b ret 3 | 01:48 |
idefix | Rooy? cbx33? Fujitsu? | 01:48 |
EkToBoT | me thanks you for all your help, i tried the method you suggested and everything is sorted now | 01:48 |
Fujitsu | idefix: Well, that's OK... Just follow it, and insert the card and reboot when it's done. | 01:48 |
EkToBoT | thanks again | 01:49 |
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nelly | zaft: Can you not right click on it and select 'remove desklet'? | 01:51 |
zaft | i cannot | 01:51 |
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zaft | the part where i can select it and go remove desklet is about 10cm offscreen:S | 01:52 |
Fujitsu | zaft: Can you hold down Alt and drag it back on? | 01:52 |
idefix | Fujitsu, is it better to use the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pjg1.run script or to use the synaptic packet manager? | 01:52 |
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Fujitsu | idefix: The latter. | 01:52 |
zaft | no | 01:52 |
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nelly | zaft: Try dragging it with the middle mouse button? | 01:52 |
zaft | its a laptop :S | 01:53 |
nelly | :[ | 01:53 |
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Fujitsu | idefix: The BinaryDriverHowto page should tell you everything. | 01:53 |
zaft | and what do you mean? scroll? | 01:53 |
Fujitsu | zaft: Use both mouse buttons at once. | 01:53 |
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zaft | ah, that worked | 01:53 |
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zaft | i have tried for like 14 min :P | 01:53 |
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DaSaint | A little poll: What IRC client does everybody use? I use Gaim | 01:55 |
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idefix | Fujitsu, how do you know if you're going to compile 3D applications? | 01:55 |
Pici | DaSaint: irssi | 01:55 |
predaeus | DaSaint: xchat | 01:55 |
ardchoille | DaSaint: irssi here | 01:56 |
zaft | and this computer, mirc with alot of custom scripts, on ubuntu : xchat | 01:56 |
idefix | why isn't nvidia-xconfig in the synaptic packet manager list? | 01:56 |
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ardchoille | idefix: You mean nvidia-settings? | 01:57 |
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Rooy | idefix: nvidia-xconfig goes in the nvidia-glx packgae | 01:58 |
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HymnToLife | ifind nvidia-settings | 01:58 |
HymnToLife | !find nvidia-settings | 01:58 |
ubotu | Found: nvidia-settings | 01:58 |
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ardchoille | nvidia-settings is part of the nvidia-glx package | 01:58 |
idefix | ok, thx | 01:58 |
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HymnToLife | and so is nvidia-xconfig | 01:58 |
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HymnToLife | In Edgy+ at least | 01:59 |
idefix | Rooy, it goes in the nvidia-glx package do you mean it is in the package or that you need to install it after the package? | 01:59 |
ardchoille | HymnToLife: Seems to hold true for Dapper too | 01:59 |
nelly | idefix: Envy (a script to automate nvidia driver installation) can be found here ' http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html '. Dunno if it helps.... | 01:59 |
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idefix | I can't find it in the synaptic list, so I hope and think the first | 01:59 |
ph8 | hey all - is there a way to make sun-java-6 the default java install on my system? atm 1.4.2 is in /usr/bin | 01:59 |
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Rooy | idefix: i mean you install nvidia-glx and you have nvidia-xconfig | 02:00 |
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HymnToLife | !info nvidia-xconfig dapper | 02:00 |
Rooy | right away | 02:00 |
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ubotu | nvidia-xconfig: The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20051122-2 (dapper), package size 54 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 02:00 |
idefix | good | 02:00 |
ardchoille | idefix: If you installed nvidia-glx, then you have nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig as they are part of the nvidia-glx package | 02:00 |
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krinns | hi all | 02:00 |
krinns | i have ubuntu with ltsp | 02:01 |
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krinns | when i login to thinclient it worn create home dir | 02:01 |
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krinns | i know i need to do some them in /etc/pam.d/login and gdm | 02:01 |
krinns | but what i am missing some things | 02:01 |
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krinns | any idea | 02:01 |
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HymnToLife | [14:02] <krinns> when i login to thinclient it worn create home dir <= ? | 02:02 |
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krinns | i edit login and gdm file | 02:02 |
krinns | session required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022 | 02:02 |
krinns | but it wont work | 02:02 |
Fujitsu | krinns: Add that to common-session | 02:02 |
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Fujitsu | gdm isn't used by LTSP. | 02:03 |
krinns | ok | 02:03 |
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krinns | osame line | 02:03 |
Fujitsu | Yep. | 02:03 |
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krinns | only in common-session | 02:03 |
Fujitsu | And now, I really must head to bed. | 02:03 |
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Fujitsu | Correct. | 02:03 |
crimsun | 'night william | 02:03 |
krinns | thanks man | 02:03 |
krinns | let me check that | 02:03 |
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Rooy | night Fujitsu | 02:03 |
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Fujitsu | Night crimsun. | 02:03 |
nelly | ph8: ' sudo update-alternatives --config java ' to set system default | 02:03 |
Fujitsu | (didn't know you were still around!) | 02:03 |
Fujitsu | Night Rooy. | 02:04 |
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Rooy | nelly: i would suggest update-java-alternatives, not sure about switches though | 02:05 |
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zaft | hmm, suddenly the wlan disconnected, tried reboot, not working, could anyone help? :( | 02:06 |
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Rooy | zaft: is it a ralink rt61 chip? | 02:06 |
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zaft | its a intel wireless something on my laptop | 02:06 |
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Rooy | I have only fought with rt61 tough | 02:07 |
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Rooy | Trevinho: you're the one on 3v1 repo? | 02:08 |
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krinns | Fujitsu | 02:08 |
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gordonjcp | 'lo all | 02:08 |
gordonjcp | is there a nice webby GUI for Samba in Ubuntu Server? | 02:09 |
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Slart | gordonjcp: I think there's a gui called "swat" | 02:09 |
=== [Tuxedo1 twiddles his thumbs, waits for Ubuntu to finish installing. | ||
Slart | gordonjcp: I have no idea if it's installed by default in ubuntu.. it's basically a webserver | 02:09 |
[Tuxedo1 | I almost wish there was a way I could run the installer without the desktop, so that it might load faster. | 02:10 |
gordonjcp | Slart: I'll have a look | 02:10 |
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Slart | [Tuxedo1: there is always the alternate install.. that's console based | 02:10 |
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gordonjcp | [Tuxedo1: doesn't make a lot of a difference | 02:11 |
[Tuxedo1 | Heh, figuring out which partition to install it to would have been a real joy at that point. | 02:11 |
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[Tuxedo1 | Well, this computer is 'dated' in the cd-rom aspect, to say the least. | 02:11 |
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Slart | hehe.. a net install might be quicker then? | 02:11 |
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[Tuxedo1 | just hitting 50%, will be another 20-30 minutes before it finishes. | 02:12 |
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[Tuxedo1 | Then I get to play with fglrx and getting it to recognize my ATi and all the goodness that comes with. :( | 02:12 |
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koala | do you know any good tutorial for iptables, please? | 02:14 |
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Pici | koala: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo) possibly | 02:15 |
Pici | koala: get rid of the ) off the end of that url | 02:15 |
koala | Pici: thanks a lot | 02:15 |
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mofomikes | ls | 02:19 |
Pici | mofomikes: directory listing to follow, please wait | 02:19 |
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zaft | hmm, suddenly the wlan disconnected, tried reboot, not working, could anyone help? :( | 02:21 |
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[Tuxedo1 | Jesus doesn't love you anymore! | 02:22 |
SuRoot | zaft: do you see your wireless network? | 02:22 |
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zaft | no i dont see it | 02:24 |
zaft | it says no network connection | 02:24 |
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vds | hi all | 02:25 |
Munksgaard | Should i use XGL or AXGL if i want a beryl environment? | 02:25 |
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mofomikes | axgl | 02:25 |
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Rooy | zaft: try "iwlist <interface> scan" | 02:25 |
[Tuxedo1 | AIGLX ? | 02:25 |
mofomikes | if ur using nvidia drivers ther is a annoying blackscreen bug | 02:25 |
mofomikes | with the newsest drivs | 02:25 |
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vds | where can I find the vserver kernel packages for edgy ? | 02:25 |
Munksgaard | ATI then? | 02:25 |
lightseed | hi my refresh rate is 51 hz...why might this be | 02:26 |
vds | uniklu seems to have removed the edgy packages... | 02:26 |
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idefix | you may need to activate the "kernel framebuffer device interface" in X server... does that mean I have to do it? | 02:28 |
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zaft | no scan results Rooy | 02:28 |
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genii | vds Specifically kernel package? | 02:28 |
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vds | genii: what you mean ? | 02:29 |
idefix | Fujitsu? | 02:29 |
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genii | vds You just want to install vserver on edgy? | 02:29 |
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vds | genii: yes | 02:29 |
genii | vds http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/12/19/0456207 | 02:30 |
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vds | genii: unfortunately that's for dapper | 02:31 |
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genii | vds No, it's specifically for how to install vserver on an Edgy box, he is making a dapper vserver there to show as an example | 02:31 |
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vds | genii: the kernel pakage downloaded in the article is for dapper | 02:32 |
rpc | anyone got a list of Turk ISPs? | 02:32 |
vds | genii: uniklu doesn't have a repository for edgy anymore | 02:32 |
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rpc | if you care about security then please block this ip class on your firewalls immediately: - | 02:33 |
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genii | vds for a detailed explanation of why it's for Edgy see: http://www.paul.sladen.org/vserver/archives/200611/0140.html | 02:34 |
genii | (the kernel download) | 02:34 |
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vds | genii: that's what I thought I have to recompile the packages :( | 02:37 |
Joost | test | 02:38 |
vds | genii: thanks | 02:38 |
genii | vds np | 02:38 |
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bullgard1 | One can configure Midnight commander so that it displays in the right-hand half detailed information about a highlighted file in the left-hand half. This includes3 date & times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these 3 dates × in English? | 02:39 |
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DetX | Hello all! | 02:40 |
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koabara | hey, what is the /etc/init.d script responsible for dhcpc start up? | 02:41 |
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genii | koabara: dhcp server or client? | 02:41 |
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fyrmedic | How do I mount my SD card reader? | 02:41 |
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Zewey | anyone familiar with academic writing with bibtex with lyx or latex here? | 02:42 |
sipior | Zewey: yep | 02:42 |
Zewey | fyrmedic: just plug it in, does it work? | 02:42 |
koabara | dhcp client | 02:42 |
zaft | when i try to connect to my wlan it just twirls and wont connect, it worked yesterday and earlier today, why wont it work? | 02:42 |
fyrmedic | Zewey; Nope, it's an onboard card reader and it has a formatted card in the drive | 02:42 |
koabara | genii, client | 02:43 |
genii | koabara: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 02:43 |
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Zewey | sipior: hi, do you know if it's possible to print out a reference, like in a Bibtex bibliography, but without the [] numbers so i can write text before/after them? | 02:43 |
koabara | let me see | 02:43 |
zaft | its just trying to join the wireless netwkrk | 02:44 |
koabara | ops | 02:44 |
sipior | Zewey: what bib style you using? | 02:44 |
sipior | Zewey: maybe have a look at natbib? | 02:44 |
koabara | thx genni | 02:44 |
Zewey | sipior: ieeetrans, i think. pretty new to this so just poking around :P | 02:44 |
koabara | thx genii | 02:44 |
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genii | koabara: np | 02:45 |
sipior | Zewey: maybe i misunderstand your question. you want your text reference to look like Example (1996), instead of just [5] in the text? | 02:46 |
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Zewey | sipior: sorry, i should've elaborate. actually, what i have to do atm, is a literature review, so i have a .bib prepared | 02:47 |
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Robinsjostrom | will the next version of ubuntu have better graphic card support? cause i cant run the live cd on my ati x700se. and i dont want to do an alternative install. | 02:48 |
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Zewey | sipior: now i'd like to display 1 line of references, e.g "Tom. D, Journal X, 2005', and then the next line have 2 paragraphs of summary and review, then repeat for a few more times | 02:48 |
=== quiet <3's alt. install... livecd installs make him feel dirty. | ||
_Roman | I am running Dapper, I have a very high load average (between 4 and 8) most of the time. But I can not see anything in top that is consuming resources. Can anyone help? | 02:49 |
Zewey | sipior: but i couldn't find any option to just insert a reference like that. is there a latex code i'd need to use? | 02:49 |
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Tomcat_ | quiet: You should still at least try out the LiveCD installer... I've been an alt install addict for years, but now the LiveCD installer can just do everything I want. :) | 02:50 |
barata | hallo beryl user ... how to use beryl? | 02:50 |
sipior | Zewey: hmm...certainly possible, but you may need to use the natbib bibstyle. hang on a sec, i'll go check some old papers... | 02:50 |
quiet | Tomcat_, I have tried the livecd install... i know it 'works'... it's just slower, and there's really no benefit to it... other than ease of use for newbies. | 02:51 |
Zewey | sipior: awesome :) i'll experiment with it meanwhile and see if i can get something going... | 02:52 |
Tomcat_ | quiet: No, no benefit... I'm just saying it's not much worse these days. It has improved quite much. :) | 02:52 |
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quiet | agreed. :) | 02:52 |
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arschficker | hi | 02:54 |
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arschficker | hallo | 02:54 |
arschficker | ist da jemand | 02:54 |
arschficker | hallo | 02:54 |
Tomcat_ | !de | 02:54 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:54 |
arschficker | was willost du du fettes stck scheie | 02:55 |
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Tomcat_ | !feds | 02:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about feds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:55 |
arschficker | wwwwwwwwwwwaaasss | 02:55 |
Tomcat_ | Eh. | 02:55 |
Tomcat_ | !ops | 02:55 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso or PriceChild | 02:55 |
arschficker | halts maul | 02:55 |
arschficker | how are you | 02:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
Tomcat_ | Offensive nick, offensive language, German. :o | 02:55 |
=== arschficker was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (apokryphos) | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@p54BF6A7B.dip.t-dialin.net] by apokryphos | ||
Tomcat_ | Thanks apokryphos. | 02:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo apokryphos Seveas] by apokryphos | ||
c0nv1ct | anyone use Cedega? | 02:56 |
KenSentMe | Anyone here using Democracy Player in Edgy? The program sometimes reacts very slowly, then i have to wait for minutes before playing a video starts for example, or a tab switches | 02:56 |
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KenSentMe | c0nv1ct, i used it, why? | 02:57 |
mojo | KenSentMe: I have used it but rarely, sry | 02:57 |
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c0nv1ct | KenSentMe: i'm wondering if its possible to limit a game to only 1 cpu, i'm having a problem with madden 06 | 02:58 |
c0nv1ct | madden runs in double speed, kinda tough to play, i had the same problem in XP and had to limit it to one CPU | 02:58 |
KenSentMe | c0nv1ct, i wouldn't know that.Sorry | 02:58 |
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jessie^^ | if I tell synaptic to just download package files, where does it put them? | 03:02 |
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KenSentMe | jessie^^, i think it goes to /var/cache/apt/archives. But want do you want to do with the package file? | 03:05 |
jessie^^ | copy it to a cd for offline installation | 03:05 |
KenSentMe | jessie^^, ah, ok | 03:05 |
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jessie^^ | KenSentMe: reinstalling ubuntu and I'd rather have network-manager-gnome downloaded already so I don't have to find a wired linkup. :) | 03:05 |
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KenSentMe | jessie^^, be sure to have all the dependencies too | 03:06 |
jessie^^ | already have :) | 03:06 |
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linuxnoob | hello | 03:07 |
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kbrooks | how do i fix my time? here it is 9:05 but dst is in effect, so it should be 10:06 | 03:07 |
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linuxnoob | right click clock | 03:08 |
linuxnoob | properties | 03:08 |
linuxnoob | keep current with internet servers | 03:08 |
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jessie^^ | wait | 03:08 |
jessie^^ | wait | 03:08 |
jessie^^ | wait | 03:08 |
linuxnoob | adjust date and time | 03:08 |
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linuxnoob | when u right click | 03:08 |
jessie^^ | kbrooks: when was the last time you ran the software editor? | 03:08 |
linuxnoob | on the clock | 03:08 |
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kbrooks | <jessie^^> kbrooks: when was the last time you ran the software editor? never? | 03:10 |
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nad | anyone knows wine?\ | 03:11 |
krinns | yup | 03:11 |
krinns | whast up | 03:11 |
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krinns | nad | 03:11 |
ucordes | anyone knows NaviLock NL-202U ? | 03:11 |
nad | fl studio in wine | 03:11 |
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jessie^^ | kbrooks: run the software editor | 03:11 |
nad | ogg codec doesnt work... | 03:12 |
rajesh | I have ubuntu dapper on intel 810. I am unable to change my screen resolution from 640x480 to 800x600. Need help. | 03:12 |
nad | the wav files cant play | 03:12 |
ucordes | nad: what's fl studio? | 03:12 |
nad | music creation software | 03:12 |
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kbrooks | jessie^^, what??????????????? | 03:12 |
jessie^^ | kbrooks: they released a patched version of the timezone datafile... you shouldn't have to fix anything, just update. | 03:12 |
ucordes | nad:i heard fruity loop is not running too good there | 03:12 |
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nad | i followed the instructions for the ogg codec... but its still not working | 03:12 |
ucordes | nad: in the ubuntu repositories is a similar program! | 03:12 |
jessie^^ | kbrooks: the software updator | 03:12 |
ucordes | nad: did you look it up in the winehq appdb?? | 03:12 |
nad | yeah | 03:13 |
=== Math^ [n=math@ip5457c516.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ucordes | nad: you should first ask about it in #winehq | 03:13 |
nad | there were specific directions to install fl studio and OGG... i followed them | 03:13 |
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nad | ok thanks | 03:13 |
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Math^ | hello, ive just installed samba on this pc, but how to connect to an other pc in the local network in the terminal? | 03:13 |
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ucordes | Math^: there are several instructions in the wiki | 03:14 |
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Math^ | ucordes: can you give me one? | 03:14 |
ucordes | !smb | Math^ | 03:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:14 |
ucordes | !samba | Math^ | 03:14 |
ubotu | Math^: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 03:14 |
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Math^ | thnx | 03:14 |
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Sergo | Math^ press ALT+F2 and then type in console smb://computerip | 03:16 |
Sergo | =] | 03:16 |
Sergo | should work | 03:16 |
Math^ | Sergo: ok thnx | 03:16 |
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ucordes | Sergo: this does not work for me | 03:17 |
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Sergo | ucordes> what is says:) | 03:17 |
Math^ | Sergo: no such file or directory :P | 03:17 |
ucordes | same here | 03:17 |
JuJuBee | I know I asked this question earlier, but now that it is later in the day...I am trying to install 6.10 onto a new computer (Core 2 Duo 2.13, 2GB Ram (PC 4200), 16GB HD, INTEL MB) and get an error : "BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-2Ubuntu3) Bult-in shell (ash)... /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off... (initramfs) prompt" I get the same error when trying to check the CD. I have been running the RAM test for 2+ hrs and there are no | 03:18 |
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Sergo | Math^ do you use gnome ubuntu/ | 03:18 |
Sergo | ? | 03:18 |
Math^ | JuJuBee: try to install with: install acpi=off | 03:18 |
Ash-Fox | JuJuBee, I think your cd is corrupt. | 03:18 |
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Sergo | oh | 03:18 |
Sergo | sorry) | 03:18 |
Xif | What's a good PDF viewer for Ubuntu? | 03:18 |
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Sergo | smb:computerip | 03:19 |
Ash-Fox | JuJuBee, if you can get the cd working in another computer (just boot the desktop or something, it's a hardware issue) | 03:19 |
ucordes | JuJuBee: yea you could try the cd integrity test | 03:19 |
Sergo | smb:\\computerip | 03:19 |
Math^ | Sergo: i use just terminal only | 03:19 |
JuJuBee | I tried the 6.06 CD and it would not load either "Failed to allocate mem resource #6" | 03:19 |
Sergo | try so | 03:19 |
Math^ | Sergo: ok ^ ^ | 03:19 |
Math^ | JuJuBee: try to install with: install acpi=off | 03:19 |
JuJuBee | ucordes : CD Integrity test won't load either | 03:19 |
leeyee | Hello guys, I'm not sure if here is the proper place to ask my question. I've seen an pdf document on HP, and like the font it uses in the abstract, and I want to get it...... | 03:19 |
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Math^ | I had that same problem, but I turned the acpi in my bios off and installed it with the command: install acpi=off | 03:20 |
leeyee | here is the link: http://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/downloads/0107_LinuxInsideHP_Feature.pdf | 03:20 |
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JuJuBee | Math^ : pardon my newbieness, but how do I do t hat? | 03:20 |
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ucordes | JuJuBee: this is a good sign for the possible corruption of your disc. download the iso again and burn it on a different one | 03:20 |
Math^ | JuJuBee: im not sure it will work, but at least u can try | 03:20 |
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Math^ | just reboot you machine, open your bios and find the acpi settings | 03:20 |
bezibaerchen | is there a feisty livecd avaiblabe for download? | 03:20 |
Sergo | !samba | 03:21 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 03:21 |
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JuJuBee | OK, | 03:21 |
Math^ | turn acpi off and then when inserting the CD you give the command: install acpi=off | 03:21 |
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Math^ | it worked for me | 03:21 |
JuJuBee | So I need to boot from a command line? | 03:21 |
Math^ | i had the same messages | 03:21 |
Math^ | JuJuBee: you want to try to install? | 03:21 |
Math^ | or you have already installed it? | 03:22 |
JuJuBee | Yes. | 03:22 |
JuJuBee | Try | 03:22 |
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Math^ | ok | 03:22 |
JuJuBee | Blank HD | 03:22 |
Math^ | well | 03:22 |
Math^ | ok | 03:22 |
Math^ | then when the CD starts | 03:22 |
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Math^ | you can give a command with F6 if im right | 03:22 |
jarrad | hello all! Its been a while since i was here. Who knows there way around ndiswrapper? I have a Problem! any help would be great | 03:22 |
sipior | Zewey: i think natbib can almost do what you want: try adding \usepackage{natbib}, and then you can try things like \citeauthor and \citeyear. It doesn't seem to have a \citejournal, though, which is annoying. | 03:22 |
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Math^ | then type after all commands: acpi=off | 03:22 |
Math^ | but first you have to disable acpi in your bios also | 03:23 |
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Math^ | if that doesnt work, then turn it back, and try to find some other solution | 03:23 |
Zewey | sipior: thanks, let me try it out | 03:23 |
JuJuBee | OK, thanks Math^, I will go try. | 03:23 |
sipior | Zewey: someone must have done this before, but i can't seem to turn anything else up. bibentry is another package which almost works | 03:23 |
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finalbeta | !ask | jarrad | 03:23 |
ubotu | jarrad: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:23 |
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jarrad | lol | 03:23 |
finalbeta | or was this more an | 03:23 |
finalbeta | !anyone | 03:24 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:24 |
finalbeta | :p | 03:24 |
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Math^ | lol | 03:24 |
Math^ | !someone | 03:24 |
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freezey | how do i kill a running process? | 03:24 |
Math^ | freezey: killall program | 03:24 |
nad | how do u ppl know all this | 03:25 |
nad | are you robots | 03:25 |
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Math^ | lol nad | 03:25 |
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nad | im serious | 03:25 |
Math^ | the more you try, the more you become a robot ;) | 03:25 |
jarrad | Anywho, I followed this Tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092&highlight=Wireless+Dell+1501+Install to install wireless on my laptop, I have used it before and it has worked fantastical (on the same laptop), This time around, everything seems to go fine, but at the end, there part where is says my Wifi light should be on, it is not | 03:25 |
nad | everytime i install linux i feel confident and smart but the moment i encounter a source file and have to install it... i get mad and install windows | 03:26 |
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HymnToLife | nad, why son't you just stick with Windows, then ? | 03:27 |
nad | linux would be so much more popular if the graphical part was more user friendly | 03:27 |
finalbeta | jarrad: You are still using Edgy? | 03:27 |
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HymnToLife | won't* | 03:27 |
jarrad | finalbeta: yep | 03:27 |
nad | i just got a laptop with vista and it crashed so many times on me that i had to install ubuntu | 03:27 |
ucordes | finalbeta: what do you mean by still? | 03:27 |
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finalbeta | ucordes: like in, are you using edgy. Feel free to lose the still, but Fesity comes with a new wireless stack that should autosetup bcm43xx for end users. | 03:28 |
ucordes | nad: What do you mean by graphical part? Did you get rid of Vista or just installed Ubuntu over it? | 03:28 |
finalbeta | Feisty* | 03:28 |
finalbeta | !bcm43xx | 03:28 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:28 |
[BTF] Chm0d | when I play quake2 using twinview the game is in the middle of my monitor what option in my xorg.conf can i put in to tell quake2 to display in a certain monitor? Or is that possible? | 03:29 |
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finalbeta | jarrad: personally I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Edgy?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 to set up my WPA54G card. That also has a BCM43xx chip. | 03:29 |
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ucordes | finalbeta: You mean the current release of Feisty does already carry the new wireless stack? I heard of it but I didn't know it was ready yet. | 03:29 |
finalbeta | I believe it does. | 03:30 |
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jarrad | Heard 5 Does yes, my brother installed it yesterday on the same laptop | 03:30 |
jarrad | herd* | 03:30 |
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finalbeta | Feisty will even ask to auto download/fwcut the bcm43xx drivers. | 03:30 |
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ice_cream | hi, i hadnt really cared about this prob, but was recently curious: on bootup i get a lot of "dm-linear....device-lookup failed" messages, but otherwise system boots fine.. | 03:30 |
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eck | i read that the it won't be until 2.6.21 that all the fixes for broadcom wireless are merged into the kernel | 03:30 |
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ice_cream | custom | 03:31 |
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savvas | do you know if it makes any problems if i burn cd image on dvd+rw media? | 03:31 |
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KidNabre | Hello! I have problem installing ubuntu. It can't detect any drives. Read that it might be because of SATA, but I couldn't get it to work. Is there like a universal fix an ehm bot param or something? thank you. | 03:31 |
ice_cream | i remember getting sata issues in a debian attempt long ago, but ubuntu was auto-detect... | 03:32 |
savvas | KidNabre: i have sata and it works ok, you might have to find some more info about it, such as, your motherboard, the sata drivers it requires etc | 03:32 |
ucordes | When I started up with Ubuntu (I think about a year agou) my only worry was my broadcom interface. Funny that they finally make it easier for new people to install. | 03:32 |
finalbeta | ice_cream: dm-linear is some kind of kernel patch in Ubuntu's default kernel -- has something to do with RAID... I know nothing more about it. | 03:32 |
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KidNabre | ok, thanks | 03:33 |
ice_cream | finalbeta, yea, i get that message perhaps 8 times, but it seems harmless | 03:33 |
ice_cream | just seemed different from my previous kernel (2.6.15 ?!) ...i'll have to check | 03:33 |
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savvas | KidNabre: be sure to try edgy 6.10, or wait for a month to try feisty fawn 7.04 version :) | 03:34 |
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jarrad | finalbeta: Perhaps I should try the method you just linked me to with a Clean install? Or should it work fine? | 03:34 |
=== PirateHead [n=chatzill@ti500710a080-11601.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
finalbeta | You might have soem mdadm config. Feisty ask to set that up (when I upgraded). | 03:34 |
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=== m4n [i=jemshi@nat/yahoo/x-a6271a8e91786554] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PirateHead | How do I change the default photo folder for F-Spot? Properties does not do it, and there is no relevant key in gconf. | 03:34 |
ice_cream | no, sry, my previous one was, also custom, without the dm-linear issue | 03:35 |
m4n | question: How do I make my X work properly when the laptop is in docking station and otherwise ? | 03:35 |
m4n | obviously, they are on different resolution | 03:35 |
finalbeta | jarrad: I'm not sure. Try to undo special things you did in the other tutorial, it should be fine if you take care with the config file edits if there where any. | 03:35 |
ice_cream | should work | 03:35 |
=== superbear [n=matthias@p50912594.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m4n | how does linux/unbuntu handle the docking station and display | 03:35 |
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KidNabre | ok cheers, I'll try the edgy version | 03:36 |
ice_cream | oh, you have a different monitor hooked up to docking station? | 03:36 |
m4n | ice_cream: yes. that is a 24" lcd monitor | 03:36 |
m4n | 1920x1200 is its recommended resolution | 03:36 |
ice_cream | perhaps find a res-change prog | 03:37 |
m4n | and normal laptop resolution i have been running is 1400x900 | 03:37 |
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m4n | but, I thought that is something the OS should do automatically ? | 03:37 |
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m4n | if I boot into windows, it handles this situation very well. | 03:37 |
PirateHead | m4n: I think there is some sort of mechanism that it supposed to handle it, and I have overheard people discussing it, but I don't know enough about it to be of any help. | 03:37 |
m4n | as soon as I remove laptop from docking station, it will change resolution back | 03:38 |
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ice_cream | maybe it doesnt autodetect a certain res | 03:38 |
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=== PhilK [n=PhilK@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ice_cream | gvidm can change res | 03:38 |
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m4n | at first I was not even able to get a decent resolution with this docking station | 03:38 |
Gold_Man | 00 | 03:38 |
hotdog | test | 03:38 |
m4n | then I ran dpkg-reconfigure on X with docking station | 03:38 |
PirateHead | Hey there, hotdog. What's up? | 03:38 |
Gold_Man | -) | 03:39 |
m4n | and that is fine now. but when I open laptop monitor, nothing there | 03:39 |
apokryphos | Gold_Man: utf-8 only, please. | 03:39 |
ice_cream | Gold_Man, lol what encoding | 03:39 |
m4n | i think I have to use two xorg conf and switch between them, huh ? | 03:39 |
m4n | i searched on net, lot of people asked the same question, but no good answers yet | 03:40 |
PirateHead | How do I change the default photo folder for F-Spot? Properties does not do it, and there is no relevant key in gconf. | 03:40 |
m4n | is there any place you people can recommend where I would get more info on these | 03:40 |
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ice_cream | gvidm shows available resolutions, allowing you to choose a new one or just click anywhere and it will close | 03:41 |
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ice_cream | i bet it will not show 1900x1200 as available | 03:41 |
=== mindstate [n=debianch@pool-71-164-114-89.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[Tuxedo] | Can someone point me in the direction of the latest 'Radeon' driver? | 03:41 |
=== crusoe [n=crusoe@CPE0016b6ee2e69-CM0014f8cbe2ea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | is there anyway to watch a quicktime video inside firefox? | 03:42 |
m4n | ice_cream: i see | 03:42 |
crusoe | anyone know how to format an external hdd? | 03:42 |
dyrne | m4n: look into twinview setup maybe but normally there is a button on laptop to switch between external monitor and lappy | 03:42 |
m4n | ice_cream: i will install that an dcheck | 03:42 |
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ice_cream | but idk, ubuntu forums.. | 03:42 |
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[Tuxedo] | !radeon | 03:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:42 |
m4n | dyrne: the button is there, but it is not doing the job :) | 03:42 |
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dyrne | m4n: yeah sounds like res issue then | 03:42 |
mindstate | !Ati | [Tuxedo] | 03:43 |
ubotu | [Tuxedo] : To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:43 |
m4n | dyrne: yes | 03:43 |
Jassossovinik | !formats | mindstate | 03:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:43 |
Jassossovinik | !media | mindstate | 03:43 |
ubotu | mindstate: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 03:43 |
Jassossovinik | Sorry mindstate can#t remember the keyword, heh. | 03:43 |
Jassossovinik | !quicktime | mindstate | 03:43 |
ubotu | mindstate: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:43 |
mindstate | Jassossovinik, is there a quicktime plugin? | 03:43 |
mindstate | thanks | 03:43 |
ice_cream | spam/flood nice =P | 03:44 |
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crusoe | Anyone know how to format external hdd? | 03:44 |
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ice_cream | m4n so how did gvidm work out | 03:45 |
m4n | ice_cream: installing | 03:45 |
ice_cream | so long? | 03:45 |
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vcrobe | I'm trying to compile a program with gcc and I get the following error "asm/processor.h" file not found | 03:45 |
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m4n | ice_cream: nope, i was searching to see if there are any apps for this | 03:46 |
PirateHead | how do I run chown on a symlink? | 03:46 |
daedalus_ | What is the ubuntu marillat equivalent (sorry, migrating to ubuntu from deb) | 03:46 |
vcrobe | somebody know how to get the file? | 03:46 |
m4n | ice_cream: and that is a gnome app ? am running kubuntu | 03:46 |
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PirateHead | m4n: gnome apps will work on kubuntu. | 03:46 |
daedalus_ | vcrobe: sounds like you need your kernel headers. Should(?) be a package in synaptic for that | 03:46 |
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crusoe | Anyone know how to format external hdd? | 03:46 |
m4n | PirateHead: i know it will. but I dont want to start the gnome core for just one app. | 03:47 |
ice_cream | m4n, as long as you arent forced to install tons of gnome core.. | 03:47 |
ice_cream | ah nod | 03:47 |
vcrobe | daedalus_ I was looking inside the kernel headers but I didn't see that file | 03:47 |
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=== ice_cream shivers at the mention of kde | ||
PirateHead | anybody help me chown a symlink? I don't want to follow it and chown what it links to, I want to chown IT. | 03:47 |
daedalus_ | crusoe: plug it in, figure out which dev it binds to, and then mke2fs /dev/<whatever device> | 03:47 |
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daedalus_ | PirateHead: You can't chown a symlink | 03:48 |
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m4n | PirateHead: it doesnt make sense | 03:48 |
daedalus_ | PirateHead: symlinks take on whatever properties the parent file has | 03:48 |
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m4n | PirateHead: chowning the symlink | 03:48 |
PirateHead | daedalus_: how come it says that root owns the symlink then? | 03:48 |
m4n | and it wont make any difference also | 03:48 |
m4n | that is the default configuration | 03:49 |
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daedalus_ | PirateHead: doesn't matter. Root made the symlink, but if you look at it's perms, you will see they look a little strange. | 03:49 |
vcrobe | daedalus_: How I can install the kernel headers? | 03:49 |
ice_cream | m4n, actually i dont see how you'd be forced to install gnome core from that app | 03:49 |
PirateHead | yeah, it's rwxrwxrwx, which is also not good. | 03:49 |
ice_cream | m4n, you should not | 03:50 |
daedalus_ | vcrobe: There should be a linux-headers package (or similar) for your kernel in synaptic. | 03:50 |
m4n | ice_cream: am checking that | 03:50 |
=== raven_ [n=raven@meduza.ds2.agh.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | what packages (and versions) does edgy backports have? | 03:50 |
ice_cream | m4n, slowpoke! =P | 03:50 |
PhilK | vcrobe: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 03:50 |
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m4n | PirateHead: you can change that to 644 then, if you are concerned about the link | 03:50 |
daedalus_ | PirateHead: like I said, it doesn't matter. The permissions of the parent file are passed through. Anyone can take the route to the parent file through the link, but file permissions are evaluated on the parent | 03:50 |
daedalus_ | m4n: see above | 03:51 |
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ice_cream | m4n, only running fluxbox atm.. a few *shiver* gnome apps, maybe 2 kde.. | 03:51 |
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crusoe | daedalus: how to i figure out which dev it binds to? | 03:51 |
m4n | deadcandance: you *can* change the permissions and ownership of the symlink alone | 03:51 |
jrib | m4n, daedalus_: you /can/ chown symlinks, or at lesat I just did: sudo chown -h someuser: /path/to/symlink | 03:51 |
m4n | but it doesnt make any difference on file | 03:51 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: Do I have to replace 'uname -r' for something or I have to write the command in the way you tell me? | 03:51 |
m4n | jrib: that is what I have been saying also | 03:51 |
PirateHead | who is deadcadance? | 03:51 |
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PhilK | vcrobe: just like that, but they aren't those quotes, theyre backticks over on the tilde key | 03:52 |
daedalus_ | crusoe: unplug the device, then tail -f /var/log/syslog and see what pops up. Hopefully it will say "binding to /dev/sda" or somesuch. Otherwise you'll have to use some usb scannning utility, which is outside the scope of my experiences. | 03:52 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: Thanx, I'll try right now | 03:52 |
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mojo | if i'm running amd64 in 32bit mode, should i be running linux-image-386 or linux-image-generic package? | 03:52 |
ice_cream | `` != '' | 03:53 |
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=== ice_cream nods | ||
daedalus_ | jrib: does it actually modify functionality though? | 03:53 |
jrib | daedalus_: no | 03:53 |
jrib | or at least not that I can see | 03:53 |
daedalus_ | jrib: ok, so.... ;) | 03:53 |
daedalus_ | Fair point though | 03:53 |
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jrib | just trying to be accurate :) | 03:53 |
JuJuBee | Math^ : I tried to use acpi=off and still same problem. I noticed that after it loads the kernel and the splash screen comes up, the light on DVD drive stays off. Seems like it stopped being able to read the CD. I am using an Intel 965 Mobo. Kow of any issues with INTEL 965? | 03:53 |
PhilK | heh, i banged my head against that a few times when i was first poking around, till i realized the backticks actually run a command within a command | 03:53 |
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ice_cream | haha | 03:54 |
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m4n | PhilK: backticks run command. be it inside or not | 03:54 |
m4n | ice_cream: not much helpful :) | 03:54 |
ice_cream | yea they probably run a search-and-replace type thihng | 03:54 |
ice_cream | thing* | 03:54 |
vjacob | hi. i'm wondering where after installing ubuntu live 6.06 LTS (dapper drake), I can change the boot setup | 03:54 |
Lynx- | mojo: generic is better, although both will run | 03:54 |
m4n | ice_cream: it can change the resolution, but then it is virtual mode | 03:54 |
vjacob | i haven't found it after looking in the menus or in /etc | 03:55 |
ice_cream | m4n, ah, the desired res doesn't come up eh | 03:55 |
m4n | ice_cream: a big screen which will scroll | 03:55 |
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vjacob | i simply want to change the default boot from linux to windows, since this is a school machine. | 03:55 |
m4n | anyway, I have to play with this stuff some more | 03:55 |
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=== ice_cream is confused | ||
PhilK | well yeah, that's true, but why would you run a command with backticks unless you were doing it inside another one? | 03:55 |
m4n | vjacob: default= option | 03:55 |
ice_cream | yea, play some more! =) | 03:55 |
m4n | vjacob: in grub or lilo | 03:55 |
mojo | Lynx-: okay... i was not sure... linux-image-686 was deprecated in favor of -generic so that is what i thought. i will change it over later, though.. am busy working right now and noticed that in synaptic | 03:55 |
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ice_cream | play w/ xorg, and gvidm should present updated choices of resolutions, if any | 03:56 |
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crusoe | daedalus: http://www.pastebin.ca/391902 here is the output of the cmd...it looks like sdb1, but i'm not 100% | 03:56 |
vjacob | m4n: i don't think i have lilo, i've been looking for the grub boot config file, but not finding it | 03:56 |
=== doomster [n=uli@c213124.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doomster | hi! | 03:56 |
m4n | vjacob: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:56 |
magical_bacon | im running ubntu 5.1 and want to upgrade distros to the newest kubuntu,whats the shell commands? | 03:57 |
mcman | kubuntu is ubuntu? | 03:57 |
rb007 | Is there a way to run KDE configuration tool from GNOME? I want to set Konqueror to use double-click to open files, not single click. | 03:57 |
=== ice_cream laughsh | ||
kbrooks | mcman, kubuntu is kubuntu is kubuntu | 03:57 |
m4n | PhilK: it can be at the end of a command also. something like... cmd_expecting_args `cat file` | 03:57 |
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doomster | mcman, you might consider reading the FAQ ;) | 03:58 |
dyrne | magical_bacon: basically sudo -i 's/hoary/breezy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:58 |
Lynoure | mcman: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome | 03:58 |
mcman | kbrooks, oh, Is is ubuntu alike? | 03:58 |
m4n | mcman: kubuntu is unbuntu with kde as default window manager | 03:58 |
daedalus_ | Is there a marillat(debian) equivalent for ubuntu? Repo for packages like mplayer and the like? | 03:58 |
ice_cream | imo, overall poisoning of linux is very apparent with KDE | 03:58 |
PhilK | ok, i see what you're going for | 03:58 |
mcman | oh | 03:58 |
kbrooks | m4n, *desktop environment* | 03:58 |
mcman | i see :) thanks guys! | 03:58 |
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m4n | kbrooks: yeah whatever you call it :P | 03:58 |
vjacob | m4n: thank you! | 03:58 |
m4n | vjacob: np | 03:58 |
dyrne | magical_bacon: of course your version hoary changing to breezy will be diff that just an example | 03:58 |
ice_cream | somehow i managed to grab independent k3b and konsole | 03:58 |
kbrooks | m4n, a window manager is an app that provides the decorations etc and the alt+tab stuff etc | 03:59 |
ice_cream | but on daily basis, urxvt ftw! | 03:59 |
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m4n | kbrooks: i know all that, dude :) | 03:59 |
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dyrne | !upgrade > magical_bacon | 03:59 |
kbrooks | m4n: kde is not a WM. kwin is. | 03:59 |
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ice_cream | kbrooks, yea, scroll up... he knows his stuff... duh =P | 03:59 |
m4n | kbrooks: i just told you something. i know all that! | 04:00 |
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m4n | phew | 04:00 |
kbrooks | m4n: ok | 04:00 |
=== ice_cream laughs | ||
kbrooks | sorry then | 04:00 |
m4n | np | 04:00 |
=== m4n is new with ubuntu | ||
m4n | thats all | 04:00 |
=== jessie^^ [n=jessica@adsl-225-121-124.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ice_cream | i like gvidm; how did you find it, m4n | 04:00 |
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doomster | just wondering, are there any live-CDs for PPC available? | 04:01 |
Tonren | What does the term "upstream" refer to? | 04:01 |
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m4n | ice_cream: its okay, but doesnt serve my purpose | 04:01 |
m4n | ice_cream: in fact , just for changing resolution, you dont need an app. | 04:01 |
=== Cc2iscooL [n=Cc2iscoo@st-216-125-152-2.wcc.cc.il.us] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daedalus_ | Tonren: the original, or higher order code maintainers | 04:01 |
ice_cream | k, not familiar w/ the virtual screen error you received | 04:01 |
m4n | ice_cream: ctrl+alt+ plus/minus would do | 04:01 |
ice_cream | i dont change my resolution, reallly | 04:01 |
Tonren | daedalus_: I don't follow. | 04:01 |
m4n | ice_cream: okay | 04:01 |
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daedalus_ | Tonren: basically, the people who wrote the application, or who are tasked with maintaining/updating it | 04:01 |
ice_cream | m4n, that doesnt do anything for me | 04:01 |
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Dr_willis | alt-ctrl NUMPAD + and - to change X res | 04:02 |
m4n | ice_cream: on laptop ? | 04:02 |
crusoe | daedalus_: http://www.pastebin.ca/391902 here is the output of the cmd...it looks like sdb1, but i'm not 100% | 04:02 |
m4n | ice_cream: yes ^^^ | 04:02 |
daedalus_ | Tonren: as opposed to the folks who package it up for uubuntu/debian/etc. | 04:02 |
ice_cream | m4n, yes... !kde, !gnome (in short, no crap) | 04:02 |
=== ice_cream laughs | ||
vcrobe | PhilK: I've installed the Kernel headers in the way you tell me but I get the same error compiling my program. Do you have another idea? | 04:02 |
m4n | ice_cream: it is not any kde/gnome key combination also | 04:02 |
PhilK | vcrobe: what's the error? | 04:02 |
vcrobe | asm/processor.h file not found | 04:02 |
m4n | m4n: it will be handled by X server, afaik | 04:03 |
=== ice_cream shrugs | ||
vcrobe | and asm/system.h | 04:03 |
m4n | oops, for ice_cream it was | 04:03 |
genii | Dr_willis: That reminds me of another day someone asking desperatelu how to remap X ctrl++ and ctrl+- to just ctrl+ and ctrl- ROFL | 04:03 |
ice_cream | hahahh | 04:03 |
daedalus_ | Tonren: the package maintainers typically have a different role than the upstream folks. pkg maint folks do things like make sure the package will integrate well into the ubuntu environment etc. | 04:03 |
m4n | :) | 04:03 |
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Tonren | daedalus_: Is Compiz "upstream" of Beryl? | 04:03 |
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ice_cream | k, i'm out.. no more of this foolishness =) | 04:03 |
ice_cream | m4n, try #debian for more input | 04:04 |
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PhilK | vcrobe: did it create the right symlink in /usr/src? I've had it fail to do that (ls -l /usr/src) | 04:04 |
vcrobe | PhilK: what I'm doing is a code generator for my compiler so I've to use the include "/usr/include/linux/elf.h" | 04:04 |
sortadi | I need help installing Automatix on my ubuntu hoary | 04:04 |
daedalus_ | crusoe: yup. sounds about right | 04:04 |
crusoe | perfect, thanks! | 04:04 |
jrib | sortadi: you should upgrade your ubuntu version, hoary is no longer supported | 04:04 |
Dr_willis | genii, give people the most flexiable OS in the world.. and they want it to bend over backwards and THEN do a backflip.. while singing the theme song to Flipper... | 04:04 |
vcrobe | PhilK: and that include, include those files | 04:04 |
ice_cream | what's next ubuntu? fluffy fox or something? | 04:04 |
Tonren | Dr_willis: But it has to be unobtrusive. | 04:04 |
Tonren | Dr_willis: And easy to configure. | 04:04 |
sortadi | jrib, I don't want to. I want automatix only | 04:05 |
rausb0 | ice_cream: feisty fawn | 04:05 |
daedalus_ | Tonren: now there, I have no idea, basically because I have no idea what Beryl, etc are. | 04:05 |
PirateHead | ice_cream: feisty fawn | 04:05 |
vcrobe | PhilK: fedora core 5 comes with all those files. I don't know why Ubuntu doesn't | 04:05 |
jrib | !automatix | sortadi | 04:05 |
ubotu | sortadi: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:05 |
ice_cream | rausb0, ah, wouldve preferred 'fluffy fox' =P | 04:05 |
jrib | sortadi: if you still really want it, try #automatix | 04:05 |
Dr_willis | Tonren, right. No 'learning' allowed! | 04:05 |
=== genii hums the catchy Flipper song and sips some coffee | ||
jessie^^ | hey guys? | 04:06 |
ice_cream | rm -r *learning* | 04:06 |
=== fruitbag [n=navid@host86-149-166-250.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fruitbag | Hey all. | 04:06 |
ice_cream | rm -r ice_cream | 04:06 |
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PirateHead | Hey fruitbag. | 04:06 |
jessie^^ | I've got (what I think is) a SATA DVD-RAM drive. | 04:06 |
jessie^^ | I can't burn CD's in ubuntu. | 04:06 |
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jessie^^ | Anyone sussed out a workaround yet? | 04:06 |
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sortadi | ubotu, what's a fresh copy of ubuntu? | 04:06 |
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vjacob | sortadi: are you a user, a developer or a system administrator? | 04:07 |
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PirateHead | jessie^^: it's a shame that you can't burn CDs, but we need more information in order to help you. What version of Ubuntu? Any error messages? What program are you trying to use? Anything else that stands out? | 04:07 |
sortadi | vjacob, a user | 04:07 |
aldin | sortadi: that means that u get let's say 6.10 and instal it on formated partition | 04:07 |
XiXaQ | sortadi, Ubotu is a bot. A fresh install is what you have immediately after installing the system. | 04:07 |
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-97-162.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mm2000 | Anyone here that use apache+ssl ? | 04:07 |
vjacob | sortadi: i just got 6.06 LTS on a cd | 04:07 |
PhilK | vcrobe: what kernel are you running? | 04:08 |
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jessie^^ | PirateHead: of course. It's Edgy Eft, I've tried both the burner inside GNOME and k3b (for grits and shiggles), and k3b tells me that the OPC fails. | 04:08 |
mm2000 | http://pastebin.ca/391898 <-- can someone see what the problem may be? | 04:08 |
vcrobe | PhilK: I'm using the version 6.10 of ubuntu | 04:08 |
jessie^^ | PirateHead: I'm also doing a fresh install in case I nerfed something by accident. | 04:08 |
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PhilK | what's the output of uname -r? | 04:08 |
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daedalus_ | jessie^^, have you figured out which device the burner is attached to? | 04:09 |
JuJuBee | I have a stupid newbie ? I have intel core 2 duo 2.13, should I be trying to install the 64-bit version of ubuntu? | 04:09 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: I haven't change anything because I'm a newbie in Linux | 04:09 |
daedalus_ | JuJuBee, Yes | 04:09 |
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[BTF] Chm0d | im using twinview but everytime i reboot i have to reconfigure it because the other monitor is disabled. any suggestions? http://pastebin.ca/391921 | 04:09 |
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XiXaQ | mm2000, what is the problem? | 04:09 |
vcrobe | PhilK: "generic" | 04:09 |
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jessie^^ | daedalus_: | 04:09 |
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eck | JuJuBee: i would start with the 32 bit version -- a lot of people seem to have trouble with the 64 bit version (especially things like flash) | 04:09 |
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jessie^^ | oops | 04:10 |
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JuJuBee | eck : ok, I am trying the 32 bit version, but cannot get it to install. | 04:10 |
genii | mm2000 what sort of error you get from the webbrowser when it fails to connect? | 04:10 |
eck | JuJuBee: whate exactly is the problem? | 04:10 |
daedalus_ | eck: ooh, good point. JuJuBee: diregard what I said | 04:10 |
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aesiamun | Hello | 04:10 |
GionnyBoss | I have problems with a VIA S3G Unichrome video card. Im on Ubuntu Edgy and its unusable... graphics is awful and very very slow. Can anybody help me, please? | 04:10 |
vcrobe | PhilK: linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic | 04:10 |
PirateHead | jessie^^: I'm not familiar with the term OPC, but it seems that perhaps k3b was trying to determine the best write conditions and was unable to do so? | 04:10 |
dxdemetriou | I think to buy an epson perfection 4990, it says to work complete but I don't know if it needs extra configuration the sane with ubuntu. how can I find what scanner to take if not works? | 04:11 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: that was the package | 04:11 |
PhilK | vcrobe: and what does your symlink in /usr/src point to (ls -l /usr/src) | 04:11 |
JuJuBee | Seems to crash after loading the kernel while splash screen is up. Get error about BusyBox v1.1.3.... | 04:11 |
jessie^^ | PirateHead: yes, the optimum power calibration. | 04:11 |
JuJuBee | I tried acpi=off in boot params. | 04:11 |
jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: may I recommend an HP :) | 04:11 |
vcrobe | PhilK: I don't know what you're talking about | 04:11 |
JuJuBee | Brings me to a prompt (initramfs) | 04:11 |
vcrobe | PhilK: I'm new in linuc | 04:11 |
vcrobe | linux | 04:12 |
jessie^^ | I <3 my HP. works right out of the box in ubuntu. even the fax capability. | 04:12 |
daedalus_ | jessie^^: what happens if you use cdrecord on the commandline? | 04:12 |
vcrobe | PhilK: I come from Windows | 04:12 |
PhilK | vcrobe: at the term type ls -l /usr/src/ | 04:12 |
dxdemetriou | jessie^^, Is there hp scanner? I found only multifunction | 04:12 |
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jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: I have a multifunction... but yes, HP makes scanners | 04:12 |
PhilK | vcrobe: it's ok, you'll catch the hang of it eventually, it's quite a bit different :) | 04:12 |
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[BTF] Chm0d | can someone give me a hand using twinview? | 04:12 |
vcrobe | PhilK: OK | 04:12 |
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eck | JuJuBee: weird, did you leave the CD in to see if it would continue loading? | 04:12 |
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daedalus_ | [BTF] Chm0d, Woould if I could. Dunno anything about it. | 04:12 |
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grout | can someone look at this and help me out? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2285858#post2285858 | 04:12 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hehe | 04:12 |
dxdemetriou | jessie^^, what model do you have? :) | 04:13 |
[BTF] Chm0d | thx for at least acknowledging me | 04:13 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: Thanx for your patient | 04:13 |
JuJuBee | eck : does not continue | 04:13 |
[BTF] Chm0d | dont even get that half the time | 04:13 |
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PhilK | vcrobe: does linux point to linux-headers-2.6.17-10? or to linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic? | 04:13 |
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jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: I have an HP OfficeJet 4315v All-In-One (fax/copy/print/scan) and I can report that all of these features work beautifully in edgy... right out of the box. even the system using the fax printer. | 04:14 |
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eck | JuJuBee: I would try the alternate installer | 04:14 |
jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: the scanner also works with the gnome scan application should you wish to use that as well | 04:14 |
eck | I think you need to have the disks already partitioned for that, though | 04:14 |
genii | jessie^^: Yes, HP has always been very linux-friendly :) | 04:14 |
JuJuBee | That poses a problem... | 04:15 |
[BTF] Chm0d | is there an nvidia channel on freenode? | 04:15 |
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JuJuBee | 6.06 wont boot either. | 04:15 |
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apokryphos | [BTF] Chm0d: guess where it would be ;-) | 04:15 |
jessie^^ | genii: I really love this all in one. best purchase I've ever made | 04:15 |
eck | JuJuBee: there is a gparted live cd | 04:16 |
[BTF] Chm0d | :) | 04:16 |
PirateHead | [BTW] Chm0d: seriously, try the first thing that comes to mind. | 04:16 |
genii | jessie^^: Cool :) | 04:16 |
[BTF] Chm0d | i did :P | 04:16 |
JuJuBee | Ieck : I will try it then. | 04:16 |
JuJuBee | *eck, sorry | 04:16 |
JuJuBee | bad fingers... | 04:16 |
CVirus | isn't there a sketch board plugin for linux's skype ? | 04:16 |
CVirus | or even an equivelant | 04:17 |
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Lynoure | CVirus: it's skype's skype, even though it is for Linux. If it is missing something you want, ask Skype to add that feature | 04:17 |
genii | Like, a whiteboard idea? | 04:17 |
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CVirus | Lynoure: the feature is not available in linux's skype | 04:18 |
Lynoure | CVirus: it's not open source, unfortunately, so we cannot add that feature if we wanted to. | 04:18 |
CVirus | Lynoure: you've never answered my question so far by the way | 04:18 |
CVirus | i need an equivelant | 04:19 |
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PirateHead | CVirus: what sort of answer are you looking for? There is no sketch board plugin, and Lynoure can't write one because it's not open source. | 04:19 |
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CVirus | isn't there a freakin' equivelant ? | 04:19 |
[BTF] Chm0d | LOL 81 users in #nvidia and its dead as a door nail | 04:20 |
CVirus | that's what I'm asking about | 04:20 |
Narag | Hello, i need help getting write rights on a NTFS partition on LiveCD | 04:20 |
Lynoure | CVirus: An equivelant will not work with skype because the skype protocol is closed. | 04:20 |
jessie^^ | Does anyone know if Feisty will have the latest alsa? | 04:20 |
PirateHead | Sorry about that, [BTF] Chm0d | 04:21 |
daedalus_ | CVirus: google is your friend. At the very least, thousands of Comp Sci seniors around the country have programmed one for one class or another. | 04:21 |
=== jessie^^ looks hopeful, it'd be nice to have her sound working fully again | ||
[BTF] Chm0d | hey not your problem :) | 04:21 |
dxdemetriou | the hp scanners works with hplibs toolbox and not with sane, or works with sane too? | 04:21 |
[BTF] Chm0d | was to be expected anywho | 04:21 |
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jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: it works with sane | 04:21 |
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daedalus_ | CVirus: and by 'one' I mean a dist whiteboard application. Not a skype whiteboard plugin :) | 04:21 |
foobar3000 | is there an ftp program where you can filter by the only files you want? | 04:21 |
foobar3000 | like say .html files | 04:21 |
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jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: when I say out of the box I mean "I didn't have to install anything." :) | 04:22 |
tarzeau | foobar3000: lftp | 04:22 |
PirateHead | !ntfs-3g | Narag | 04:22 |
ubotu | Narag: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 04:22 |
CVirus | daedalus_: of course I understand | 04:22 |
tarzeau | foobar3000: you can then say, mget *.html | 04:22 |
Narag | Hello, i need help getting write rights on a NTFS partition on LiveCD, what are the commands | 04:22 |
foobar3000 | tarzeau: can you do that recursivel over an ftp session? | 04:22 |
foobar3000 | *recursively | 04:22 |
tarzeau | foobar3000: i think so, yes | 04:22 |
PirateHead | !ntfs-3g | Narag | 04:23 |
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ubotu | Narag: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 04:23 |
PirateHead | In case you missed it. | 04:23 |
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PirateHead | It will allow you to get write-access to your NTFS partition. Install and set it up and you should be good to go. | 04:23 |
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daviey | Anybody have any recommendation on a webcal / webdav / caldav server settings? | 04:23 |
kronoman_ | what I do to fix this error of fsck : Attempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short write | 04:24 |
mojo | how do i "setuid root" on an executable file (it is /usr/bin/smbmnt, fyi) | 04:24 |
[BTF] Chm0d | sie even out of 80 users in #nvidia i have a wise arse telling me to fix my distro | 04:24 |
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Galga | hi | 04:24 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hi Galga | 04:24 |
Lynoure | daviey: sorry, do you need recommendation for a server or for settings of some existing server? | 04:24 |
Galga | what is the ram requirement for ubuntu server ? | 04:24 |
foobar3000 | tarzeau: which program would i use to do that? | 04:24 |
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derek_ | Hi | 04:25 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hmm Galga 256 maybe? Not sure | 04:25 |
derek_ | How can I find out the version of the software that I am going to install by apt-get? | 04:25 |
PirateHead | Narag: if you need additional tutorial information, Google suggests this HOWTO: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 04:25 |
tarzeau | foobar3000: lftp | 04:25 |
daviey | Lynoure, either a way to config apache or an application. Google aint turning up much | 04:25 |
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Galga | [BTF] Chm0d ok, 256 is available. thanks | 04:26 |
Lynoure | daviey: Cosmo is a bit annoying in some ways, and does not exist packaged, I think. But it's easy to install and works. | 04:26 |
[BTF] Chm0d | np | 04:26 |
daviey | der0b, apt-get show appname | 04:26 |
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daviey | der0b, thats aptitude actually | 04:26 |
daviey | Lynoure, cosmo it is then. Thanks | 04:27 |
derek_ | ok | 04:27 |
vcrobe | PhilK: How I can talk to you in private? | 04:27 |
PirateHead | daviey: you should be directing comments at derek_, I think. =D | 04:27 |
dxdemetriou | jessie^^, thanks for help. I asked because I saw some products supported by hplibs but not with sane. anyway, I'll search more with the google friend :) | 04:27 |
daviey | PirateHead, grr tab key | 04:28 |
dyrne | derek_: apt-cache show packagename will give some info. | 04:28 |
PhilK | vcrobe: you should see a new chat opened up on the side with my name | 04:28 |
jessie^^ | dxdemetriou: glad I could help, sweetheart :) | 04:28 |
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PhilK | vcrobe: kind of depends on the irc client :\ | 04:28 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: but I get an error that say "private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked" | 04:29 |
PirateHead | vcrobe: what IRC client are you using? | 04:29 |
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vcrobe | mIRC from Windows | 04:29 |
kaktuskatta | Hi folks! I'm finally through with the installation of Ubuntu on my system ! Weee! | 04:29 |
jessie^^ | vcrobe: you need to register | 04:29 |
derek_ | dyrne, ok | 04:29 |
Huffalump | kaktuskatta! | 04:29 |
PirateHead | vcrobe: in mIRC it's really easy. Just double click on their name. | 04:29 |
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Huffalump | you survived! | 04:29 |
kaktuskatta | Huffalump: :D:D | 04:29 |
jessie^^ | PirateHead: he's not registered with NickServ. | 04:30 |
Huffalump | kaktuskatta - now you need to install Beryl! | 04:30 |
jessie^^ | PirateHead: he needs to be registered before he can /msg you. | 04:30 |
derek_ | dyrne, it shows the info on the package but not the version | 04:30 |
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vcrobe | PirateHead: OK, thanx. I'll try right now | 04:30 |
derek_ | I want to find out which version is going to be installed | 04:30 |
kaktuskatta | Huffalump: I finished late last night. Lot's of work, but all in all quite smooth :( | 04:30 |
kaktuskatta | sorry, :) | 04:30 |
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vcrobe | jessie^^: And How I can be registered? | 04:30 |
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mneptok | derek_: aptitude show $packagename | 04:30 |
genii | !register | vcrobe | 04:31 |
ubotu | vcrobe: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:31 |
Huffalump | kaktuskatta - Have you seen Beryl? I just installed it like 24 hours ago. Come to #ubuntu-effects | 04:31 |
kronoman_ | any help with fsck errors ? | 04:31 |
dyrne | derek_: hmm not on ubuntu right now.. you can simulate the install like sudo apt-get isntall package -s might tell you or check packages.ubuntu.com | 04:31 |
kaktuskatta | Anyhow: I need help with my ext. HDD. I want to write to it logged in as the default user, but I'm not allowed to, because I'm not the owner.... | 04:31 |
vcrobe | ubotu: Thanx. My problem is that I'm new in all this. Thanx | 04:31 |
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derek_ | I found it | 04:32 |
kaktuskatta | How can I fix this? | 04:32 |
derek_ | apt-cache showpkg packagename | 04:32 |
derek_ | thanks | 04:32 |
mneptok | derek_: oh, if you haven't used aptitude before, "sudo aptitude update && aptitude show $packagename" | 04:32 |
kaktuskatta | How do I give such permission to the default user? | 04:32 |
derek_ | ok | 04:32 |
derek_ | thanks | 04:32 |
c0nv1ct | kaktuskatta: is the external HDD formatted as NTFS? | 04:32 |
mneptok | kaktuskatta: how is the external drive formatted? | 04:33 |
mneptok | heh. | 04:33 |
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hume | is there a way for me in ubuntu to have a nested x-server within or "on top of" the current session? | 04:33 |
derek_ | exit | 04:33 |
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doomster | hume, tried xnest? | 04:33 |
hume | doomster, nope. | 04:33 |
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doomster | hume, also, you can start another X login manager on a different virtual terminal, in case that does what you need. | 04:34 |
mneptok | ^^ far easier ^^ | 04:34 |
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kaktuskatta | mneptok: ext2 | 04:34 |
hume | doomster, that's what I normally do, but would prefer nested....you know if xnest gives me option of rotating the window 90 degrees? | 04:35 |
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mneptok | kaktuskatta: nice. /msg me the output of "df -h" (no quotes) with that drive plugged in. | 04:35 |
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dazjorz | Hi | 04:35 |
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doomster | hume: no idea, I never used it myself. ;) | 04:35 |
dazjorz | A while ago, I modified my taskbars to be transparant and stuff, but now I'd like the original Ubuntu colors back | 04:35 |
dazjorz | how do I do thaT? | 04:35 |
dazjorz | that* | 04:35 |
dazjorz | I'm not sure what the hex was anymore. | 04:36 |
hume | doomster, you happen to know how to run xnest....? | 04:36 |
doomster | nope, sorry, hume. | 04:36 |
hume | ok, thx | 04:36 |
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dazjorz | could anybody give me the default hex code for the color of the taskbar? | 04:37 |
Rooy | dazjorz: you can change it to use System theme, it will look consistent with other things | 04:37 |
dazjorz | Rooy: oh, okay, I'll search for that :) | 04:38 |
=== frtmonster [n=frtmonst@89-138-6-157.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fbc | I'l trying to create the ubuntu equivalent of a natch file. Will this work? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10022/ | 04:39 |
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fbc | (opps typos) I'm trying to create the ubuntu equivalent of a batch file. Will this work? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10022/ | 04:40 |
kronoman_ | hey, I get in boot this error | 04:40 |
c0nv1ct | fbc: sure it should | 04:40 |
kronoman_ | Error writing block 24583 (Attempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short write) while doing inode scan. Ignore error? yes | 04:40 |
dazjorz | Rooy: It doesn't change my taskbar ... :/ | 04:40 |
kronoman_ | what I do? | 04:40 |
doomster | fbc, if you 'chmod +x' it it should work. | 04:40 |
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frtmonster | how can i know what is my ext3 linux partition? (hda-what) | 04:40 |
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fbc | doomster, thanx, I think that is what I was missing.. | 04:41 |
c0nv1ct | frtmonster: 'fdisk -l | 04:41 |
doomster | frtmonster, 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' | 04:41 |
frtmonster | linux has fdisk? | 04:41 |
dyrne | frtmonster: sudo fdisk -l | 04:41 |
c0nv1ct | of course | 04:41 |
frtmonster | ok | 04:41 |
PirateHead | fartmonster, that's an awesome nick. </offtopic> | 04:41 |
frtmonster | i thought it's windows heritage:p | 04:41 |
gesus | hey where is a good place to find linux drivers? i have a motherboard which is not giving me onboard sound, a graphics card which is not giving me tvout and a printer which isn't printing very well. also my mouse back/forward buttons aren't working. these things make ubuntu less attractive to the windows convertee.. | 04:41 |
doomster | don't worry, it isn't as bad as the one from DOS times | 04:41 |
frtmonster | PirateHead, thanks, it wasn't meant to be fart, but people do have imagination:) | 04:41 |
Rooy | dazjorz: i'm out of idea then; btw, its name is gnome-panel | 04:41 |
dazjorz | Rooy: I know :) | 04:42 |
foobar3000 | is there a way to tell wget to download to the current directory? | 04:42 |
Huffalump | Every time Ubuntu updates some software, I keep getting vmware probing for networks... repeatedly. How can I change this behavior to either auto-approve the prob requests or (if its my only choice) disable the auto-probe)? | 04:42 |
thestriker | the videos i watch are restricted to a size..they dont become FULLSCREEN | 04:42 |
foobar3000 | instead of creating a new directory when your doing it recursively? | 04:42 |
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dazjorz | Rooy: do you still have the original taskbar? | 04:42 |
Rooy | dazjorz: yeah, i left it as default, no color tweaking | 04:43 |
dyrne | gesus: those are individual problems. the mouse thing isnt a driver issue just config | 04:43 |
dyrne | !nvidia| gesus | 04:43 |
ubotu | gesus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:43 |
dazjorz | Rooy: could you give me the hex code? | 04:43 |
frtmonster | great, now how can i know what is mount to hda3? | 04:43 |
frtmonster | mounted* | 04:43 |
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dazjorz | frtmonster: `mount` | 04:44 |
Rooy | dazjorz: i select the None ( use System color) radio button | 04:44 |
frtmonster | thanks | 04:44 |
jaycie | can someone tell me the name of the solitaire thats in ubunutu? i cant find it.. lost the os | 04:44 |
fbc | doomster, it said sorry the program bogofilter closed unexpectedly.. Is that related un unrealted to the batch file? And I supposed to run the command with sudo? | 04:44 |
thestriker | any help? | 04:44 |
Rooy | dazjorz: and my color (if i know it that is) won't look native on your theme | 04:44 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: I get your private messages but you can't receive my messages :-( | 04:44 |
Huffalump | jaycie, you lost the operating system? | 04:44 |
doomster | fbc, what is 'it'? | 04:44 |
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jaycie | Huffalump i could not get ubunutu on a diff system but still working on it | 04:45 |
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thestriker | how to watch fullscreen videos? | 04:45 |
PhilK | vcrobe: did you register? i'm not much help on this side of it since i'm actually new to irc :\ | 04:45 |
gesus | dyme: ok i will address these one by one thanks mate | 04:45 |
kronoman_ | thestriker: in Xine, just press F | 04:45 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: me 2 | 04:45 |
wizo | hey, what tools do i have to install to be able to use "make" and stuff? | 04:45 |
fbc | doomster, I run that file to teach "bogofilter" what spam in evolution is. | 04:45 |
jaycie | ops i have to go bbl | 04:46 |
preaction | wizo: build-essential | 04:46 |
wizo | ah thanks | 04:46 |
vcrobe | PhilK: No, I'll see how to register myself | 04:46 |
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thestriker | kronoman_, the video size remains the same with the background darker | 04:46 |
thestriker | *not darker..BLACK | 04:46 |
PhilK | !register | vcrobe | 04:46 |
ubotu | vcrobe: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:46 |
kronoman_ | thestriker: you got me then, I don't know | 04:46 |
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thestriker | kronoman_, i get everybody..ur not the 1st | 04:47 |
vcrobe | PhilK: where I have to write that? | 04:47 |
vcrobe | PhilK: right here? | 04:47 |
vcrobe | PhilK: I mean, in this window? | 04:47 |
PhilK | vcrobe: yeah, that works fine | 04:47 |
vcrobe | !register | vcrobe | 04:47 |
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doomster | fbc, I'b using 'bogofilter -p -e -u' with kmail here, check the manpages if it makes a difference | 04:47 |
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PhilK | heeheh, no follow the link and the instructions | 04:47 |
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vcrobe | PhilK: ah ok | 04:48 |
fbc | doomster, ok.. thanx will do.. | 04:48 |
NET||abuse | hey guys,, my test box in my office keeps jumping onto the dhcp range despite me having set /etc/network/interfaces to iface eth0 inet static | 04:49 |
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NET||abuse | how can i stop it jumping onto the dhcp ip range? | 04:49 |
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Rooy | NET||abuse: can you try "sudo ifconfig eth0 down" then "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"? | 04:50 |
NET||abuse | ok, one sec | 04:50 |
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kronoman_ | there is a GUI tool for fsck ? | 04:51 |
kronoman_ | or is just a stupid idea ? | 04:51 |
kronoman_ | maybe would be cool to code one | 04:51 |
Pici | kronoman_: Not that I'm aware of | 04:51 |
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adminx | test | 04:51 |
kronoman_ | because when ubuntu crashes , it lets you hang down in a text mode only thing | 04:51 |
rly | hey | 04:51 |
kronoman_ | not very user friendly | 04:51 |
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ardchoille | kronoman_: There are things that a gui would be simply a waste. I wouldn't install a gui for fsck since it's so easy to use it in a term. | 04:51 |
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rly | is there anything like soulseek for linux? | 04:51 |
Peggerr | does anyone know of a program that I can have clients install as a wrapper that will check say weekely to see if there are updates to a installed software program, I am looking for mulitipule os's linux, win, mac | 04:52 |
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NET||abuse | ok, ifconfig reports the ip still is, whereas before it was jumping to another ip | 04:52 |
kronoman_ | ardchoille: I was thinking about grandma user, ie; if she finds a error at boot, I'm not sure that she will use fsck to fix it | 04:52 |
pibarnas | Hi folks, I just upgraded my kernel to the latest one, but network stop working... my config is herehttp://pastebin.com/897691. Any ideas??: | 04:52 |
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ardchoille | kronoman_: If there's an error at boot.. how is she gonna run X to use a gui app? | 04:53 |
wizo | how do i set the kernel path? | 04:53 |
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ailean | what can i do about the "another synaptic is running" message? | 04:53 |
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kronoman_ | ardchoille: got me | 04:53 |
kronoman_ | ardchoille: maybe a ncurses menu | 04:54 |
bullgard1 | One can configure Midnight commander so that it displays in the right-hand halfdetailed information about a highlighted file in the left-hand half. Thisincludes3 date & times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these 3 dates × in English? | 04:54 |
ardchoille | kronoman_: That might not be a bad idea | 04:54 |
kronoman_ | ardchoille: something like Norton Utilities | 04:54 |
ardchoille | Yeah | 04:54 |
kronoman_ | remember, from the DOS days? | 04:54 |
shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 04:54 |
kronoman_ | maybe with recover functions and such | 04:54 |
mojo | tlepes@alembic:/usr/bin $ sudo chmod +X --verbose ./smbmnt | 04:54 |
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mojo | mode of `./smbmnt' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) | 04:54 |
mojo | ?!?! What gives guys? Ideas? | 04:54 |
Rooy | ailean: check if apt-get, aptitude or update-manager is running if you're sure there's no other synaptic | 04:55 |
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Rooy | mojo: chmod +x with small x | 04:55 |
=== MrBaia [n=perduro@host17-211-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gurpartap | how do u set an icon to a custom "starter" in gdesklets starter bar? | 04:55 |
Gurpartap | :-) | 04:55 |
MrBaia | hi | 04:55 |
mojo | Rooy: I am trying to let it run setuid root | 04:55 |
kronoman_ | ardchoille: I have my lunch break, I will be back... I will about this "Nort*** err Ubuntu Utilities" | 04:55 |
kronoman_ | maybe I can code something | 04:55 |
MrBaia | hi | 04:56 |
Rooy | mojo: sorry, didn't know what was the question | 04:56 |
preaction | mojo: iirc, setuid is +s | 04:56 |
MrBaia | somebody knows somethings aboout fast os switching? | 04:56 |
ailean | Rooy, none of those are running | 04:56 |
mojo | Rooy: oh, okay. I was reading man chmod and thought it was big X... i'll try that +s then | 04:56 |
preaction | MrBaia: fast os switching? or virtualization? | 04:56 |
Rooy | ailean: try lsof /var/cache/apt/archives/lock | 04:57 |
MrBaia | virtualization:| | 04:57 |
MrBaia | :D | 04:57 |
MrBaia | i have seen on youtube | 04:57 |
preaction | !anyone | MrBaia | 04:57 |
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ubotu | MrBaia: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:57 |
wizo | how do i know what's my kernel path so i can set it? | 04:57 |
assasukasse | how can i put an usb disk on ubuntu | 04:57 |
mojo | Rooy: it took, but i think i set the 'sticky" bit, not the setuid bit. i suppose i can test it, though. | 04:57 |
MrBaia | ok ubotu | 04:57 |
Gurpartap | anyone using gDesktlets ?? | 04:57 |
MrBaia | my question is | 04:57 |
aimee | i need adobe flash downloaded it but cant get it to install | 04:57 |
preaction | wizo: what do you mean by kernel path? you want the initrd? you want the kernel headers? | 04:58 |
Gurpartap | s/gDestklets/gDesklets | 04:58 |
Gurpartap | oops :P | 04:58 |
MrBaia | wich program i need for make a os switch like a video on youtube?!(bad english:() | 04:58 |
ailean | thanks Rooy, but no :( | 04:58 |
Rooy | ailean: sorry, that should be sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 04:59 |
ailean | Rooy, think I'll have to reboot | 04:59 |
ailean | ahh | 04:59 |
preaction | MrBaia: the current defacto standard for virtual machines is vmware. you're going to need a whole lot of reading before you understand how VMs work and how to use vmware server | 04:59 |
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aimee | what command do i type in to install adobe flash | 04:59 |
ailean | Rooy, still no. I'll reboot | 05:00 |
aimee | because the one on adobes site didnt work | 05:00 |
ailean | cheers | 05:00 |
Gurpartap | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 05:00 |
Gurpartap | aimee, ^^ | 05:00 |
Rooy | ailean: ok then :( | 05:00 |
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chris2077 | nonfree? | 05:00 |
wizo | preaction, the kernel headers, i did a apt-cache search but it only has kernel headsers for 2.4.* | 05:00 |
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preaction | mojo: read man chmod. "s" sets the setuid bit, but you need to specify "user" or "group", so it'd be chmod u+s | 05:00 |
Gurpartap | chris2077, that's it. | 05:00 |
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aimee | tyvm gurpartap | 05:01 |
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Gurpartap | npaa aimee | 05:01 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | hi how can i configure Ambient soft modem on ubuntu edby | 05:01 |
frtmonster | how can i check how much cpu power memory apps take on linux | 05:02 |
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wizo | frtmonster, try top | 05:02 |
GionnyBoss | I have problems with a VIA S3G Unichrome Pro integrated graphic card on Ubuntu Edgy. It only recognise it as VESA and video is very slow, it is almost unusable. Can anybody help me installing the correct drivers, please? | 05:02 |
doomster | 'top' or 'htop', frtmonster | 05:02 |
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frtmonster | doomster, what's the diff | 05:02 |
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Rooy | frtmonster htop can scroll, top can't | 05:03 |
adminx | Have you tried dpkg-reconfigure | 05:03 |
CapriCoRN^80 | hi how can i configure Ambient soft modem on ubuntu edby | 05:03 |
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doomster | frtmonster, 'htop' is better, but also consider 'ps' which is typically available | 05:03 |
CapriCoRN^80 | hi how can i configure Ambient soft modem on ubuntu edgy ? | 05:03 |
Rooy | that's in htop description, haven't used it though | 05:03 |
frtmonster | thanks | 05:03 |
preaction | !repeat | CapriCoRN^80 | 05:03 |
ubotu | CapriCoRN^80: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:03 |
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devilsreject | whats up yallz | 05:04 |
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exspecto | howdy | 05:04 |
dyrne | CapriCoRN^80: best bet might be to do a google search like: 'site:ubuntuforums.org modelofmodem' | 05:04 |
Stormx2 | Hey everyone! Could someone please recommend to me a nice audio recording/editing suite, like Apple's "garage band"? | 05:05 |
Gurpartap | any gDesklets users around? | 05:05 |
CapriCoRN^80 | may be some one here has configure softmodem | 05:05 |
CapriCoRN^80 | thats y i asked here | 05:05 |
devilsreject | tyin to figure out some software for linux that does music production | 05:05 |
Stormx2 | Gurpartap, what do you need? | 05:05 |
devilsreject | well that werks with ubuntu | 05:05 |
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shmeelAway | hi, i have external speakers and i want to have hotkeys to turn up/down the volume for that, but idk how, right now the hotkeys just change the volume for my built in speakers can anyone help? | 05:05 |
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dyrne | CapriCoRN^80: yeah you might get a response here. im not familiar with them though | 05:05 |
Gurpartap | Stormx2, if you use starter desklet, how do you apply an icon to a custom created starter? | 05:06 |
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frtmonster | u guys use anything different than firefox to surf? maybe something faster? | 05:06 |
exspecto | try the pipelining feature | 05:06 |
floris84 | you could try swiftfox, it's optimised for your processor | 05:06 |
Rooy | frtmonster: i use opera browser (not free software) | 05:06 |
Gurpartap | Stormx2, any idea? | 05:07 |
exspecto | anyone else using feisty right now? | 05:07 |
floris84 | nope | 05:07 |
exspecto | doesn't seem much different | 05:07 |
floris84 | sorry, that was a lame response | 05:07 |
frtmonster | swiftfox floris84 ? | 05:07 |
Rooy | exspecto: there's #ubuntu+1 for development version | 05:07 |
doomster | konqueror is also a decent browser, the smallest I know is dillo | 05:07 |
floris84 | it's firefox but optimised for your processor | 05:07 |
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floris84 | it's a little faster | 05:07 |
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Stormx2 | shmeelAway: Sounds like you need to set your default alsa device... | 05:08 |
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Gurpartap | lynx :P | 05:08 |
floris84 | http://getswiftfox.com/releases.htm | 05:08 |
Stormx2 | Gurpartap: No, sorry. | 05:08 |
Gurpartap | ok np | 05:08 |
shmeelAway | stormx2 how? just in system-preferences-sound? | 05:08 |
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Stormx2 | shmeelAway: Possibly, not sure. Ask in #alsa ? | 05:09 |
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shmeelAway | k will do | 05:10 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | i m using command sudo apt-get install xchat on ubuntu edgy but its not working | 05:10 |
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Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, whats the error? | 05:10 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | xchat Depends tcl 8.4 | 05:11 |
CapriCoRN^80 | but it is not installable | 05:11 |
CapriCoRN^80 | broken packages | 05:11 |
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exspecto | rooy: just making conversation | 05:12 |
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exspecto | but i'll check that out too | 05:12 |
blue|palm | Hi, can anyone tell me if OO 2.1 is in the ubuntu repos yet? Or must i download it from the OO website? | 05:12 |
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Voyagerg | Hi, using sudo, what is the way to get root with the passwd of a normal user? | 05:13 |
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foutrelis | Voyagerg: sudo su | 05:13 |
Stormx2 | Could someone please recommend to me a nice audio recording/editing suite, like Apple's "garage band"? | 05:13 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | wat should i do ? | 05:14 |
craigbass1976 | Stormx2, aurdor? | 05:14 |
foutrelis | Voyagerg: Althought you should not use root often. Only for administrative tasks | 05:14 |
Slart | Stormx2: I don't know what apples product is like but you could try audacity | 05:14 |
Stormx2 | ill check it out | 05:14 |
craigbass1976 | Stormx2, reminds me of Cool edit, but I'm still messing with it. | 05:14 |
profXavier | morning | 05:14 |
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Stormx2 | <3 cool edit | 05:14 |
Stormx2 | xD | 05:14 |
Voyagerg | foutrelis: yes, but using sudo su I need to know the root passwd, I want that a normal user, can be root using her passwd | 05:14 |
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craigbass1976 | Stormx2, what? | 05:15 |
exspecto | audacity not what you're looking for? | 05:15 |
vcrobe | PhilK: Do you have some messenger like yahoo? | 05:15 |
Stormx2 | craigbass1976: I love cool edit. Is aurdor in the repos? | 05:15 |
Stormx2 | !info aurdor | 05:15 |
foutrelis | Voyagerg: You can issue sudo su and use your user password | 05:15 |
ubotu | Package aurdor does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 05:15 |
Peggerr | Voyagerg, doing sudo su does not make you know the root password | 05:15 |
CapriCoRN^80 | i m using command sudo apt-get install xchat on ubuntu edgy but its not working | 05:15 |
CapriCoRN^80 | wat should i do ? | 05:15 |
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funpop | which one of these values is the size of the icons in the tray ? --> gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-large-toolbar=16,16:panel-menu=16,16:gtk-button=16,16:gtk-dialog=16,16:gtk-menu=16,16" | 05:16 |
Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, what does apt-cache search xchat give you | 05:16 |
craigbass1976 | Stormx2, oh, ok. Yes, but I dont' remember which one. The rub is that you have to also install jack. In Fedora, I installed both and was god to go, but in Ubuntu I find that I have to start jack manually, then start ardour. | 05:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
CapriCoRN^80 | xchat Depends tcl 8.4 | 05:16 |
CapriCoRN^80 | but it is not installable | 05:16 |
craigbass1976 | good to go, not god to go (ever heard of drive through god?) | 05:16 |
CapriCoRN^80 | broken packages | 05:16 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | Peggerr: the above msgs i got | 05:17 |
Stormx2 | CapriCoRN^80: First, try sudo apt-get update | 05:17 |
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Flosoft | hey | 05:17 |
CapriCoRN^80 | how much will it take ? | 05:17 |
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blue|palm | Hi, can anyone tell me if OO 2.1 is in the ubuntu repos yet? Or must i download it from the OO website? | 05:17 |
Stormx2 | CapriCoRN^80: What? | 05:17 |
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Flosoft | I have a problem ... my laptop doesn't seem to recognise my SD Cardreader | 05:17 |
Stormx2 | CapriCoRN^80: Was that directed at me? | 05:17 |
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craigbass1976 | Stormx2, and there's some permission issue too that I haven't looked into much. I can only run it as the first user account I set up (the one you set up during install) | 05:17 |
Stormx2 | !oo | 05:17 |
Flosoft | it's an internal in my laptop | 05:17 |
Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, yaha sounds pretty broken | 05:17 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about oo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:17 |
CapriCoRN^80 | yes | 05:17 |
Flosoft | lspci says: | 05:17 |
Flosoft | 02:04.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev ac) | 05:17 |
Flosoft | 02:04.1 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev ac) | 05:17 |
dyrne | CapriCoRN^80: it will only update the cached information for the sources.list wont install anything | 05:18 |
Stormx2 | CapriCoRN^80: Run it. It won't install anything. "sudo apt-get update" (without the quotes) | 05:18 |
CapriCoRN^80 | how much time sudo apt-get update will take ? | 05:18 |
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Stormx2 | Not long, okay? | 05:18 |
Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, oha you have not run apt-get update | 05:18 |
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Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, apt-get update does not take long | 05:18 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | ok after it will finish then ic an install the packages i want ? | 05:19 |
NET||abuse | hmm, this is really not straight forward,, i need a way to configure a vpn into our office that is simple enough to get windows clients hooked into, i'm finding it very un straight forward to use openvpn with a windows desktop, requiring some kind of extra vpn command line junk that my end users wont want to even see | 05:19 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | like xchat etc | 05:19 |
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gnomefreak | mode -bbbb @iestorreroja.xtec.net @c-67-165-228-166.hsd1.co.comcast.net @ @adsl-69-221-132-131.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net | 05:19 |
Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, the install working now? | 05:19 |
Stormx2 | CapriCoRN^80: You can try. | 05:19 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | yea its working | 05:20 |
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wcarey | why can i not register on the forums for www.ubuntuforums.com? | 05:20 |
Peggerr | CapriCoRN^80, oha good | 05:20 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | sudo apt-get update is in process | 05:20 |
Stormx2 | Ewww what the heck? Audacity is gtk1? | 05:21 |
CheshireViking | blue|palm, looks like the openoffice in the repo's is version 2.0.4 - http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/editors/openoffice.org | 05:21 |
CapriCoRN^80 | so after that i can use apt-get install xchat to install xchat ? | 05:21 |
blue|palm | CheshireViking: thanks | 05:21 |
Joost | test | 05:21 |
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blue|palm | CheshireViking: I was just hoping that there would be a 2.1 in the repos) | 05:21 |
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craigbass1976 | blue|palm, what's 2.1 got that you need? | 05:22 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, what part of openvpn is it that you dont like, the install should be pretty stright foward | 05:22 |
dyrne | CapriCoRN^80: yeah. bear in mind all of this can be done from gui as well. im not familiar with synaptic though | 05:22 |
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CheshireViking | blue|palm, I can't check mine, i'm in work running on windows at the minute | 05:22 |
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Flosoft | !sd | 05:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:22 |
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bullgard1 | My Midnight commander displays in the right-hand half detailed information about a highlighted file in the left-hand half. This includes 3 times (below 'size'). What are the names/identifiers of these 3 times in English? | 05:22 |
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Flosoft | !cardreader | 05:22 |
CapriCoRN^80 | actually i use suse ..just installed ubuntu | 05:22 |
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blue|palm | craigbass1976: well i always like to be in the newest version possible, and ive read a few of the bug fixes actually impact what i use OO for... | 05:22 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cardreader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:22 |
kaktuskatta | !cardreader | 05:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@c-67-165-228-166.hsd1.co.comcast.net] by gnomefreak | ||
NET||abuse | Peggerr, they seem to go on about this ease of distribution to clients, but i'm not seeing it, they discuss writing config files and connecting over command line in windows,, now how un gui is that lark, | 05:23 |
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Flosoft | anyone able to help me? | 05:23 |
kaktuskatta | Flosoft: I think we share that problem :) | 05:23 |
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craigbass1976 | blue|palm, such as? I've not been following the updates and am curious. | 05:23 |
Permand | anyone from Denmark able to give some help about partiotion in Ubuntu? | 05:23 |
Peggerr | NET | 05:23 |
CapriCoRN^80 | Permand : u from denmark ? | 05:23 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, there is a gui for windows http://openvpn.se/ | 05:24 |
blue|palm | craigbass1976: well font fixes, and a couple of other things | 05:24 |
Flosoft | kaktuskatta: have you also got an cardreader in your laptop which doesn't work? | 05:24 |
Permand | yes | 05:24 |
craigbass1976 | Denmark Maine? That's not even an our from here, does that count? | 05:24 |
Cc2iscooL | What's a good program for managing multiple wireless connections (such as one at home and one at work) under KDE? (Edgy, I'm kind of searching through Synaptic but there are a lot of choices, can anyone recommend one?) | 05:24 |
kaktuskatta | yup ;) | 05:24 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | Permand : is education still free there ? | 05:24 |
blue|palm | craigbass1976: there was one main fix i was impressed with, but i read the review a while back so i cant remember too clearly | 05:24 |
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Flosoft | kaktuskatta: have you got any clues? | 05:24 |
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NET||abuse | Peggerr, all it has is http proxy or socks proxy,, i'm not looking to root all web traffic over this link, i just want a tunnel into the testbed /file server box in the office | 05:24 |
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systemd0wn_ | any time i run synaptic no matter what package i install or uninstall or dpkg upgrade its "setting up exim4-config" and hans forever. | 05:24 |
Permand | CapriCoRN^80: yes, i'm from Denmark | 05:25 |
CapriCoRN^80 | Permand : is education still free there ? | 05:25 |
bigdad1e | can i get help from someone? im new to ubuntu and have a few questions | 05:25 |
craigbass1976 | blue|palm, the bigest thing I was worried about was dbase, and as long as I don't use CentOS I seem to be all set (unless I want to install manually, which actually wasn't much of a chore at all, but a chore nontheless) | 05:25 |
kaktuskatta | Flosoft:the only thing I could come up with is NDISWRAPPER, but I'm a newbie so I don't know how to use it. I've just heard that it's possible | 05:25 |
Flosoft | hmm | 05:25 |
craigbass1976 | bigdad1e, what's up? | 05:25 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, you are kidn of hard to follow, are you saiing that you just want to use a routed and not bridged connection? | 05:25 |
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blue|palm | craigbass1976: I see :) | 05:26 |
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bigdad1e | my mozilla wont let me scroll smoothly.. agravating.. and my computer keeps kicking me off my remote desktop | 05:26 |
dyrne | bigdad1e: just address the question to the room somone will answer | 05:26 |
dyrne | bigdad1e: nm :) | 05:26 |
Permand | CapriCoRN^80: Yes, i'm studying at Technical University of Denmark and it's still free like all the others | 05:26 |
craigbass1976 | bigdad1e, Where are you connecting from/to | 05:27 |
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CapriCoRN^80 | Permand : nice | 05:27 |
bigdad1e | what do u mean? | 05:27 |
CapriCoRN^80 | can u paste me its link in pvt | 05:27 |
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craigbass1976 | bigdad1e, I don't understand the kicking off remote server part of your quesiton | 05:28 |
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maaks | hi | 05:28 |
dyrne | Permand: well not free :) dont you guys average 68% income tax? | 05:28 |
maaks | is there someone coding for ubuntu there ? | 05:28 |
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dyrne | Permand: cool place though | 05:28 |
bigdad1e | not server i have 3 people on my desktop and when i try to do curtain things it makes me log in again | 05:28 |
systemd0wn_ | anyone know what this could be? problems with exim4 | 05:29 |
jonsebolt | is anyone aware of the xorg.conf option "zaxismapping" and its appropriate syntax? | 05:29 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, well, a routed connection would be fine(it only allows access to the vpn host machine by the instructions I've read) and that's all i need for now, tough bridged would be nice in the future as there are 2 db servers i'd like access to later | 05:29 |
=== Lam_ [n=Lam@129-216.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | Peggerr, but the idea i see from openvpngui is that it wants to set a browser proxy? that's not what i'm after, | 05:29 |
craigbass1976 | bigdad1e, things like what? Are they consistently the same things? | 05:29 |
Witwolf | Hi, I've got a very weird problem when changing my network configuration from dhcp to static. Can anyone help. I think it could be a routing problem. Our Cisco router is in the following range 196.*.24.200/29. The router is on 201 my ubuntu server on 205 and the broadcast is 207. In dhcp it work fine but when I change to static I can only talk to the server, but the server can reach anything, not even the router. | 05:29 |
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Permand | dyrne: yes, very cool place.. | 05:30 |
bigdad1e | yes like try to turn off the screen saver things like that | 05:30 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, why would it need a proxy? | 05:30 |
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doomster | Witwolf, 196.*.24.200/29 already looks very weird! | 05:31 |
Witwolf | I have followed the ubuntu guide and redone my setup with not luck. | 05:31 |
Craeo | Screen resolution problem and of course it was the horizonal and vertical hertz that was the issue but now I manage to get my monitor to display 1024x768 but it seems somewhat distorded, small squiggly lines. Is there a fix? | 05:31 |
craigbass1976 | bigdad1e, every time you move the mouse to stop the screen saver, you have to re login? is there anything else? I don't necessarily know the answer, but hoping that getting more info will prompt someone else to pipe up when they think tey know | 05:31 |
Witwolf | Ok it | 05:31 |
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NET||abuse | Peggerr, that's what i'm saying, i don't want a proxy, but the gui that openvpngui provides just seems to be a proxy setup,,, so i need a way to configure just vpn functionality for windows desktops | 05:31 |
NET||abuse | but I'm having a hard time getting there with openvpn | 05:31 |
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Witwolf | I guess theres no reason in hiding the ip | 05:32 |
Lynoure | jonsebolt: Which section? | 05:32 |
doomster | Witwolf, that's a registered range, not something to use for a LAN. | 05:32 |
Lynoure | jonsebolt: mouse? | 05:32 |
bigdad1e | no when i go to the system tab-scrrensaver and turn if off that way it lags then kicks me out | 05:32 |
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GionnyBoss | can anybody help me letting a VIA S3G Unichrome PRO integrated graphic card work with Ubuntu, please? | 05:32 |
Witwolf | The server is on the cisco router which has a public range. | 05:32 |
craigbass1976 | Witwolf, no sense. Everybody is going to hack you now, I heard them all running toward your ip... mwahaha | 05:32 |
Lynoure | jonsebolt: And if you want more than general help, which mouse in specific? | 05:32 |
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doomster | Witwolf, reread the manual, I'm pretty sure it says 192.168 and not 196.212 | 05:32 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, you mean becuase it is a gui on top of the command line openvpn | 05:32 |
jonsebolt | Lynoure: yes. I am troubleshooting a scrolling issue, and I seem to recall that might be the option I am missing? | 05:32 |
zzaappp | is there anyone here? | 05:33 |
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Witwolf | no it does not | 05:33 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, is that what you mean by proxy | 05:33 |
craigbass1976 | zzaappp, no, we're all bots | 05:33 |
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doomster | Witwolf, gimme the URL and I might be able to interpret some sense into it. | 05:33 |
Craeo | GionnyBoss, what exactly is the problem? | 05:33 |
Witwolf | url? | 05:33 |
jonsebolt | Lynoure: Logitech laser (6000 I believe) | 05:33 |
Lynoure | jonsebolt: I cannot tell as I am not sure what you recall and what not. But maybe this will help: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R6.9.0/doc/html/mouse5.html | 05:34 |
Witwolf | url of what? | 05:34 |
zzaappp | how do you use tar so that it picks up hidden files in the current directory, but doesn't recurse toward the root directory? | 05:34 |
zzaappp | I want to tarball my home directory and all the hidden files (like .xinitrc, etc) | 05:34 |
GionnyBoss | Craeo, scroll down and moving windows is too slow, unusable. Ubuntu doesnt recognise the card and put "vesa" driver, but its so slow | 05:34 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, i mean a http or socks proxy, maybe i need socks proxy, i don't know, but i only want a routed option here, i don't want all packets to go through the vpn, i want to maintain normal web traffic for the user otherwise, | 05:34 |
doomster | Witwolf, URL of whatever you are using as istruction for setting up the notwork | 05:34 |
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jonsebolt | Lynoure: thanks. I'll check that out. | 05:34 |
systemd0wn_ | any time i run synaptic no matter what package i install or uninstall or dpkg upgrade its "setting up exim4-config" and hangs forever. | 05:34 |
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zzaappp | if I do a %tar cvf /tmp/tarball.tar * .* | 05:34 |
Witwolf | Well I can walk you thru it. | 05:34 |
craigbass1976 | zzaappp, to move to another box or something? | 05:34 |
GionnyBoss | Craeo, I tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org and select the via driver, but this way the x server doesnt start | 05:34 |
Huffalump | How does one remove VMware player? It's driving me insane in Edgy. sudo apt-get remove vmware-player --purge ....does not work. | 05:34 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, it just seems weird, that it would be so convoluted to setup the client side of the vpn | 05:34 |
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Stormx2 | zzaappp: Why not just *? | 05:35 |
zzaappp | no, its not to move to another box; just want a backup that includes | 05:35 |
Witwolf | Ubuntuguide.org | 05:35 |
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Stormx2 | zzaappp: Have you rtfm? | 05:35 |
zzaappp | using "*" doesn't get the hidden files | 05:35 |
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Witwolf | I think, and varoius other sources | 05:35 |
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felix | Hi all! I'm looking for a way to print out 64 documents at once. | 05:35 |
zzaappp | storm: yes, long ago | 05:35 |
Witwolf | my routing tables is as such | 05:35 |
bigdad1e | also how do i get steam to work on ubuntu? | 05:35 |
Stormx2 | felix: 64 printers? | 05:35 |
zzaappp | even if I do a fancy copy, like % tar cvf - * | (cd /tmp;tar xvf -) | 05:35 |
zzaappp | I still can't get the hidden files | 05:35 |
craigbass1976 | zzaappp, I just tarred the whole directory (/home/craig) and on the new box untarred it into the new /home/craig/ then mv craig/* ../ | 05:35 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, I really dont see how it is convluted to set up the client, it is possible to make it very easy for the clients, click, install and run, user/pass and you are in | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | bigdad1e, you use wine or cedega to run windows apps. | 05:36 |
Craeo | Interesting, has VIA released any additional drivers? | 05:36 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, that is how I have mine set up | 05:36 |
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felix | Stormx2: Had a clown for breakfast? | 05:36 |
bigdad1e | wine wont work says theres no system32 files or something of that sort | 05:36 |
Huffalump | felix, you have 64 printers? | 05:36 |
felix | OMG | 05:36 |
felix | ^^ | 05:36 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, hmm,ok, so i installed the gui,, what now? my server is running i've output the 4 files needed for the client | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | bigdad1e, i suggest checking out the wine forums and stuff for how to run steam properly on it then. or go try cedega. | 05:37 |
Stormx2 | ;) | 05:37 |
Witwolf | well, ive setup the static with the ip, netmask, broadcast, network and gateway | 05:37 |
felix | "I'm looking for a way to print out 64 documents at once." | 05:37 |
zzaappp | craig: did you look for hidden files? you sure they copied over? | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | bigdad1e, theres several web sites with wine/game info/tips/guides | 05:37 |
felix | But I found one already. Thanks! ;) | 05:37 |
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Huffalump | ;) | 05:37 |
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Stormx2 | Heffalump? By god that's a good nick... | 05:37 |
bigdad1e | thank you willis | 05:37 |
Huffalump | Anyone know how to uninstall vmware player? | 05:37 |
Craeo | GionnyBoss, For some reason when you use XServer to configure the xconf file, it changes your hori and vert hertz and I believe that's properly why your system won't boot back into X.... | 05:37 |
craigbass1976 | zzaappp, yes, because my firefox, thunderbird, and xchat stuff all came. | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | Huffalump, sudo apt-get remove whatever | 05:37 |
Witwolf | then the routing table gives me this : | 05:37 |
bigdad1e | 1 more... how do i get my mozilla to scroll smoothly? | 05:37 |
Witwolf | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 05:38 |
Witwolf | * U 0 0 0 eth0 | 05:38 |
Witwolf | default UG 0 0 0 eth0 | 05:38 |
chris2077 | what is xubuntu? | 05:38 |
zzaappp | strange. its not getting the hidden files for me. | 05:38 |
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Huffalump | Anyone know how to uninstall vmware player when sudo apt-get remove vmware-player --purge does not work? | 05:38 |
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Dr_willis | bigdad1e, never noticed it not doing that... | 05:38 |
craigbass1976 | zzaappp, I might have zipped instead of tarred, but I think I tarred first. | 05:38 |
Witwolf | That should be correct? | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | Huffalump, whats it not 'working' about? | 05:38 |
Huffalump | dr_willis : it | 05:38 |
Huffalump | 's not uninstalling | 05:38 |
bigdad1e | so it does that for everyone? | 05:38 |
GionnyBoss | Craeo, but I guess that the problem is the via driver, because if I do another dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select "vesa" driver it works ... | 05:38 |
=== BigFishy [i=vircuser@S010600e04cd50163.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
colbert | What email clients does anyone here use or is Evolution the best??? | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | Huffalump, so we gather.. any error messages? or somthing more detiled? | 05:38 |
foobar3000 | colbert: kmail | 05:38 |
BigFishy | LOL Rob Levin is dead | 05:38 |
GionnyBoss | Craeo, I tryed to change it manually too with the via driver. The point is that via driver doesnt work! | 05:38 |
BigFishy | LAWL | 05:38 |
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BigFishy | LAWL Rob Levin is dead | 05:39 |
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BigFishy | and burning up in hell | 05:39 |
Stormx2 | BigFishy: Not here | 05:39 |
BigFishy | Rob Levin went to hell, lol | 05:39 |
fbc | colbert, I use evolution... however getting it to work right with bogofilter is a pain, but once you do.. your pretty much set. | 05:39 |
colbert | foobar3000: Is that for GNOME or KDE? I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 with GNOME | 05:39 |
BigFishy | Where then? | 05:39 |
Craeo | Hmm, what chipset do you have and I will try and google it real quick | 05:39 |
BigFishy | Where can I make fun of lilo? | 05:39 |
BigFishy | Where can I make fun of lilo??? | 05:39 |
colbert | fbc: What's bogofilter? | 05:39 |
Craeo | GionnyBoss, Hmm, what chipset do you have and I will try and google it real quick | 05:39 |
bigdad1e | i want to get it to where mozilla scrolls like it does on windows | 05:39 |
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Cc2iscooL | bigdad1e: Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Smooth Scrolling? | 05:39 |
bigdad1e | didnt work | 05:39 |
fbc | colbert, evolution has no integrated spamfilter.. you have to use a thrid party app. | 05:39 |
colbert | ohh | 05:40 |
Huffalump | Dr_willis, here's a copy of the terminal -> http://pastebin.ca/392034 | 05:40 |
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GionnyBoss | VIA S3G Unichrome Pro IGP ... I dont know how to find other information for the graphic card... whats the command to use? | 05:40 |
fbc | colbert, bogofilter is that app. | 05:40 |
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colbert | fbc: Where do I get bogofilter? | 05:40 |
Stormx2 | BigFishy: Join #BigFishy | 05:40 |
gesus | hi i downloaded drivers for my canon ip4200 from canon.com but it was just four .rpm files... what do i do with these?? | 05:40 |
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Cc2iscooL | bigdad1e: Just tested here, and it works for me, though I don't like smooth scrolling either. ;) | 05:40 |
fbc | colbert, it's better that spamassasin IMHO. | 05:40 |
systemd0wn_ | any time i run synaptic no matter what package i install or uninstall or dpkg upgrade its "setting up exim4-config" and hangs forever. | 05:40 |
vcrobe | PhilK: How I can know where my Linux point? | 05:40 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, well I set mine up so that not everyone has a unique cert, only unique user/pass some consider it now secure enough but I the it is more then enough security | 05:40 |
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chris2077 | in evolution, what server type should i choose, am on a single user laptop with hotmail account atm | 05:40 |
systemd0wn_ | anyone have ideas? | 05:40 |
BigFishy | LOL Rob Levin is dead | 05:40 |
fbc | colbert, synaptics pakage manager.. | 05:40 |
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GionnyBoss | Craeo, I tryed googling with this information with no succes... and I cant understand on VIA website how the hell works to download the driver for linux | 05:41 |
colbert | fbc: You said it's a pain to get it to go with Evolution? What do you mean? (I'm installing now) | 05:41 |
BigFishy | LAWL @ Rob Levin | 05:41 |
bigdad1e | Cc2iscool, tried that and it didnt make a difference.. i just want it to where it doesnt scroll 1 section at a time | 05:41 |
BigFishy | Rob Levin is dead, LAWL | 05:41 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, heh, ok, i generated certs for each user in my case | 05:41 |
BigFishy | LAWL Rob Levin | 05:41 |
wanda_ | i need help, is anyone willing | 05:41 |
Stormx2 | systemd0wn_: Sounds like it was never configured. Try "sudo apt-get remove exim4-config" and reinstall it? | 05:41 |
BigFishy | LAWL Rob Levin is dead | 05:41 |
Lynoure | BigFishy: what a joyless life you must have. | 05:41 |
systemd0wn_ | stormx2, i can try | 05:41 |
NET||abuse | but that's not a big deal.. i think there's a way to roll an installer from openvpn for each client,, just gotta figure out how that's done neatly | 05:41 |
Peggerr | NET||abuse, yes, that can make it a lot more complicated, something I am not willing to do with my users | 05:41 |
NET||abuse | then maybe it'll just feckin work | 05:41 |
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fbc | colbert, yes but it won't acctually do anything right until you setup the rules and scripts.. | 05:41 |
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BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | Huffalump, try sudo aptitude remove vmware-player (or whatever the package is called) | 05:41 |
BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software. | 05:41 |
BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software.. | 05:41 |
wanda_ | do you know anything of torrent files | 05:41 |
BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software... | 05:41 |
Lynoure | !ops | 05:42 |
BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software.... | 05:42 |
BigFishy | Hey, I'm not the one who wastes my life writting communist software.... | 05:42 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso or PriceChild | 05:42 |
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BigFishy | LAWL | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | Wow we knew this would turn into a troll fest | 05:42 |
Stormx2 | BigFishy: But you certainly use it.. | 05:42 |
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NET||abuse | Peggerr, well i have ssh access remotely untill our dsl ip pool decides to rotate, so i gotta run out for the minute | 05:42 |
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c0nv1ct | thanks apokryphos | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | LAWL? that some short cut for "i am an idiot" ? | 05:42 |
Stormx2 | Seems so ^.^ | 05:42 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, thanks for putting up with my frustration :) hehe | 05:42 |
Lynoure | Dr_willis: one troll does not a fest make ;) | 05:42 |
fbc | colbert, installing them both is a sinch, getting the to work together, that is a whole other story my friend. | 05:42 |
colbert | fbc, lol well I'm about to find out.. just installed it | 05:42 |
yomm | I wonder what those spammers come here for ... | 05:43 |
schwofler | does anyone know whether there is a general problem with setting up xorg.conf for tvout with nvidia cards? (twinview seems to "work", but it really slows down the system...) | 05:43 |
bigdad1e | well thanks take care | 05:43 |
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Huffalump | Dr_willis, thank you. However, there is still a similiar error which does not uninstall -> http://pastebin.ca/392040 | 05:43 |
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schwofler | i already read quite many pages at ubuntuforums about it but i still can't get any output on my tv | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | schwofler, ive never noticed any slowdowns.. but i just use the tv out for a desktop extension, or play videos over there. | 05:43 |
IVBela1 | !ftp | 05:43 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 05:43 |
dilch | schwofler, i don't get slowdown | 05:43 |
IVBela1 | !ftp-server | 05:43 |
yomm | schwofler : acceleration & everything is enabled ? | 05:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ftp-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:43 |
IVBela1 | !ftp server | 05:43 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 05:43 |
mike1o | !torrent | 05:44 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 05:44 |
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systemd0wn_ | stormx2, so far so good. thank you. | 05:44 |
schwofler | yomm, yeah. the point is: x-server takes twice the time to start | 05:44 |
IVBela1 | !gproftpd | 05:44 |
ubotu | gproftpd: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.2.6-1 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 576 kB | 05:44 |
dilch | schwofler, do you get the nvidia splash screen? | 05:44 |
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fbc | colbert, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99603 | 05:44 |
schwofler | dilch, yes | 05:44 |
gesus | hi i downloaded drivers for my canon ip4200 from canon.com but it was just four .rpm files... what do i do with these?? | 05:44 |
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IVBela | !pure-ftpd | 05:45 |
ubotu | pure-ftpd: Pure-FTPd FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.21-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 460 kB | 05:45 |
schwofler | dilch, on both the tv and my monitor | 05:45 |
fbc | colbert, that should give you an idea of some of the rules your going to need to create to get them to work together.. | 05:45 |
Dr_willis | Huffalump, thats looking more like a problem with the vmware player package. I always use the vmware-server stuff so cant help ya much more. | 05:45 |
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IVBela | !dd | 05:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:45 |
dilch | schwofler, but you said you couldn't get any output on your tv | 05:45 |
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colbert | fbc, thanks so much! I am going to try it now | 05:45 |
Huffalump | Dr_willis, thanks for trying. I'm trying to get to vmware-server instead of player. | 05:45 |
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GionnyBoss | Craeo, have you got any ideas? Im desperate... Im at my girlfriends father house on his computer, I installed Ubuntu telling him that it will work better, but now if I dont let the video work its a big problem ... | 05:45 |
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MitchM | I'm getting a "white cube" when I launch beryl on an Intel card | 05:45 |
schwofler | dlich, not with setting up two x-servers in xorg.conf, only with twin view | 05:45 |
MitchM | anyone have any ideas? | 05:46 |
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Huffalump | MitchM, go to #ubuntu-effects | 05:46 |
MitchM | affirm - th | 05:46 |
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schwofler | dilch, sorry, misspelled your name | 05:46 |
MitchM | thx | 05:46 |
yomm | GionnyBoss : If you don't fix it , youre not allowed to see you girlfriend anymore ?? :) | 05:46 |
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dilch | schwofler, ah ok, i thought twin view wasn't working | 05:46 |
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schwofler | dilch, do you use extended desktop or cloning? | 05:46 |
schwofler | dilch, cause maybe the slowdown is only with cloning | 05:47 |
dilch | schwofler, well, twinview does both, so both :) | 05:47 |
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dilch | schwofler, i only use it to one side, so maybe that's it | 05:47 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, ahahah! Well, theres windows too on this computer, so he can continue using windows as before but... Id really like to let him use Ubuntu | 05:47 |
yomm | schwofler : card , cpu , memory ? | 05:47 |
=== quaal_ [n=dephtu@238-199.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yomm | Gionny : i See :) What seems to be the problem ? | 05:47 |
lorderunion | hi i've got a weird problem. im using KDE/kubuntu, but everytime my computer starts up it starts up with the Ubuntu login screen. how do i get it to present the kubuntu login screen? | 05:47 |
schwofler | dilch, nvidia gforce5600, athlon xp3000+, 1,5gb ram | 05:47 |
vcrobe | Hi people, I need some C programmer that help me !!!!! | 05:48 |
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yomm | schwofler : hmm uts not your specs either :) | 05:48 |
eck | vcrobe: try ##c | 05:48 |
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Craeo | GionnyBoss, I'm not for sure, I want to say try the VIA driver like you were doing and when you're editing the xorg.conf make sure you set the hori and vert hertz correctly so you can boot back intoo X when you restart. But you need to find out what your monitor's hori and vert are first. It worked for me just now. Might want to try the manfacturer's site to get the information about your monitor/ | 05:48 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, its a VIA S3G UniChrome Pro IGP integrated graphic card... Ubuntu doesnt recognise it and use the "vesa" driver, but it is so slow... unusable when you move a window or do a scrolling | 05:48 |
dilch | schwofler, maybe try with the TwinViewOrientation "RightOf" instead of "Clone" | 05:48 |
vcrobe | but the question is about an error I get in ubuntu | 05:48 |
rbil | gesus: maybe this page will help ... read it all ... possibly last post will also help? http://www.ubuntux.org/cant-install-canon-printer-drivers | 05:48 |
schwofler | dilch, ok, i'll give it a shot. i'll be back in a few | 05:49 |
=== kenws [n=ken@dslb-088-064-153-036.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
schwofler | dilch, yomm thanks for now | 05:49 |
eck | vcrobe: your solution to such a problem should not involve C (or if it does, maybe you should try contacting the ubuntu developers) | 05:49 |
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yomm | Gionny : I see , I'm have no experience with that card , but try tweaking some of xorg.conf settings , like : Option "Accel" "True" | 05:50 |
colbert | fbc: I'm stuck already lol with the HowTo.. when he says create 2 filters.. i'm going to edit>Msg Filters, I click Add, but then "Set Status is Junk ThenPipe to program /usr/bin/bogofilter -s + Stop Processing" where do I put that? | 05:50 |
eck | yomm: i don't think you can use acceleration with the vesa driver | 05:50 |
GionnyBoss | Craeo, ok thanks I can try it. But Im not sure it will work just setting the via driver like that. Ive already tryed it a lot of times with different configuration (enabling/disabling kernel framebuffer and other things like that) | 05:50 |
yomm | Eck : I see | 05:50 |
yomm | Gionny/Eck : Isn't there an S3 driver for Ubuntu ? | 05:51 |
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yomm | I thought so ... | 05:51 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, I can try it. The problem is that I cant find a driver | 05:51 |
vcrobe | eck: Can you tell me how to contact them? | 05:51 |
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eck | i am pretty sure i have seen such a driver in the kernel config, it must exist | 05:51 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, I afraid that this card is not supported | 05:51 |
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craigbass1976 | I've mounted up a floppy. Now, when I change disks do I have to unmount/remount it? | 05:52 |
yomm | GionnyBoss : have you tried : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" & then selecting S3 driver ? | 05:52 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, but I wanted to ask here so I can get some advices from the people here. What would zou do? | 05:52 |
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GionnyBoss | yomm, is there an S3 driver too? | 05:52 |
eck | vcrobe: i would try launchpad.net, there is an ubuntu-dev mailing list but i think you now need to be registered as a dev to write to it | 05:52 |
yomm | GionnyBoss : I thought so , yes | 05:52 |
yomm | tGionnyBoss : not 100% sure | 05:52 |
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GionnyBoss | yomm, I tryed the VIA one... now I check :) | 05:52 |
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vcrobe | eck: So what can I do? | 05:52 |
vcrobe | eck: Any suggestion? | 05:53 |
eck | vcrobe: what is the problem exactly? | 05:53 |
yomm | GionnyBoss : yes there is on Edgy | 05:53 |
=== ucordes [n=ucordes@dslb-084-062-035-136.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fbc | colbert, in the filters setup | 05:53 |
yomm | GionnyBoss ;: I just saw it :) | 05:53 |
yomm | Gionnyboss : issue the comand I gave you ! | 05:53 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, yeah!!! THANKS! Now I try to reboot! come back in 2 mins | 05:53 |
yomm | good luck Gionny :) | 05:54 |
vcrobe | eck:I'm doing the code generator for my compiler. Because of that I need to use the include "/usr/include/linux/elf.h" | 05:54 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, Ive already done it, thanks a lot :) see you in a while | 05:54 |
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vcrobe | eck:But the compiler issue an error | 05:54 |
colbert | fbc: Edit>Search Folders or Edit>Msg Filters ? | 05:54 |
vcrobe | eck: file not found "asm/processor.h" | 05:54 |
ucordes | How can I install software from an SVN source? | 05:55 |
=== kurumin [n=kurumin@201-68-58-43.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fbc | colbert, EDIT > MESSAGE FILTERS | 05:55 |
vcrobe | eck: I just need to know what's the package that contain that file | 05:55 |
eck | vcrobe: you can use apt-file | 05:55 |
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fbc | can anyone recommend something for creating an ORGANIZATIONAL CHART? | 05:55 |
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eck | vcrobe: download the apt-file package, then do 'apt-file update' (i think), and then you can see the packages providing such a file with something like 'apt-file search processor.h' | 05:56 |
vcrobe | eck: i've tried that but nothing :-( | 05:56 |
kelsin | fbc: Dia | 05:56 |
colbert | fbc: I've got it, thanks | 05:56 |
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fbc | kelsin, do you use it? | 05:56 |
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fbc | colbert, NO problem.. hopes that helps you out. | 05:57 |
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lorderunion | hi i've got a weird problem. im using KDE/kubuntu, but everytime my computer starts up it starts up with the Ubuntu login screen. how do i get it to present the kubuntu login screen? | 05:57 |
vcrobe | i've tried apt-file search asm/processor.h but the location of the file inside the packages that appear is not the location where the file must be | 05:57 |
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kelsin | fbc: I did when I was doing flowcharts for school, I havn't used it recently | 05:57 |
Huffalump | Dr_willis, I found the answer here (top post) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=315493&page=3&highlight=vmware | 05:57 |
fbc | kelsin, would you compare it to VISIO? | 05:57 |
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kelsin | fbc: Yes it does the same thing, it makes flow charts, has premade things for electrical diagrams, flowcharts, UML charts etc, just goto the webapge it will answer questions | 05:58 |
doppelganger_ | hi.. has anyone here physically repaired a harddrive before? I've got one torn apart right now looking at it | 05:58 |
kharloss | sudo rename htaccess.txt .htaccess | 05:58 |
kharloss | " | 05:58 |
kharloss | Password: | 05:58 |
doppelganger_ | it's making this "clack clack clack" sound | 05:58 |
kharloss | Bareword "htaccess" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1. | 05:58 |
kharloss | Bareword "txt" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1. | 05:58 |
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kharloss | hi there . i use a PHP script for my website. for some reason i want to remove my htaccess.txt inside the main folder to .htaccess . but doesn`t allow me to do this. it`s encounter the following | 05:58 |
kharloss | any help / | 05:58 |
kharloss | ? | 05:58 |
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ucordes | !svn | 05:59 |
ubotu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 05:59 |
fbc | kelsin, cool, I'll look into it! Thanx! | 05:59 |
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kelsin | fbc: np | 05:59 |
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MFen | anyone know how i can get programmatic access (from python) to the gnome clipnboard? | 05:59 |
pavs | | Client Uptime: 2d 9h 58m 2s | 05:59 |
pavs | | Current UserName: pavs | 05:59 |
eck | vcrobe: there is also an #ubuntu-devel channel, it might be the case that the ubuntu developers renamed the file or something | 05:59 |
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pavs | shoot sorry wrong window | 05:59 |
MFen | i have a command line script which (on windows) works like this: stdin.. | clip (which pipes it directly into the clipboard) | 06:00 |
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MFen | i want the same thing to work in gnome | 06:00 |
vcrobe | eck: thanx, I'll try there | 06:00 |
MFen | so does anyone know how i can write to the gnome clipboard from a python program? | 06:00 |
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wan | Has anyone used some automated method (ie: preseeding) to partition >1 disk during installation? | 06:00 |
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goomie | Im trying to install a program and its asking for the java home directory is that /usr/bin/java ???? | 06:00 |
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d0lph1n | hey all. anyone good with Beryl setup using Xgl? | 06:01 |
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eck | MFen: i would try one of the channels on irc.gnome.org, i'm sure someone there is familiar with the python bindings | 06:01 |
apokryphos | d00d_: /msg ubotu beryl | 06:01 |
apokryphos | * d0lph1n | 06:01 |
wolferine | goomie: which java | 06:01 |
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[Tuxedo] | Is anyone good with ATi drivers and xorg? | 06:01 |
wolferine | d0lph1n: type of video card? | 06:01 |
MFen | eck: thanks, i could do that | 06:01 |
wolferine | [Tuxedo] : what specifically? | 06:02 |
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goomie | wolferine: its looking for a valid JRE | 06:02 |
d0lph1n | wolferine: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro AIW | 06:02 |
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goomie | wolferine: as far as which version the program needs im unsure | 06:02 |
wolferine | d0lph1n: good luck, I was fighting with an ATI allday yesterday | 06:02 |
gesus | rbil: thanks that worked great.. | 06:02 |
wolferine | goomie, which java will tell you the location of java | 06:03 |
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d0lph1n | wolferine: but u eventually got it? | 06:03 |
wolferine | d0lph1n: i ended up buying an Nvidia card | 06:03 |
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d0lph1n | lol | 06:03 |
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jurdaneta | HOLA ALI | 06:03 |
wolferine | i wanted to dual/beryl too | 06:03 |
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jurdaneta | HELP ME UP | 06:03 |
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wolferine | there was no way it was gonna happen in ATI-land | 06:03 |
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jurdaneta | PLIS A HELPIN HAND | 06:04 |
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apokryphos | !caps | jurdaneta | 06:04 |
ubotu | jurdaneta: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:04 |
jurdaneta | COMO CONFIGURA EL GAIM | 06:04 |
d0lph1n | bummer | 06:04 |
apokryphos | jurdaneta: no more caps please. | 06:04 |
Ricesteam | my login screen refresh rate or resolution is not working correctly. As soon as I login though, everything is fine. Anyone know a fix? | 06:04 |
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wolferine | jurdaneta: do you have an MSN or AIM account? | 06:05 |
dougie | whats a good torrent manager for ubuntu? | 06:05 |
apokryphos | !torrent | 06:05 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 06:05 |
jurdaneta | YES I DO | 06:05 |
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wolferine | dougie: I dind utorrent to be good | 06:05 |
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=== GionnyBoss [n=mauro@p57A090FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GionnyBoss | yomm, it didnt work :( | 06:05 |
eck | dougie: i am partial to rtorrent, if you are into the cli thing | 06:05 |
wolferine | thanks apokryphos | 06:05 |
yomm | GionnyBoss : still slow ? | 06:06 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, doesnt load that driver | 06:06 |
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dougie | i was useing utorrent on windows | 06:06 |
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-97-162.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KevlarSoul | Can you play games on Ubuntu? | 06:06 |
wolferine | same | 06:06 |
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yomm | the s3 one | 06:06 |
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doomster | KevlarSoul, yes. | 06:06 |
GionnyBoss | yomm, yeah the s3 one | 06:06 |
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wolferine | KevlarSoul: there are games included with Ubuntu | 06:06 |
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KevlarSoul | doomster like GRAW 2 and Crysis? | 06:06 |
KevlarSoul | those are the ones I want to play | 06:06 |
craigbass1976 | I've mounted up a floppy. Now, when I change disks do I have to unmount/remount it? Since asking this the first time, I've written a script that unmounts it (if it's mounted at all) the remounts it and made a desktop icon that launches the script. Is there a better way? | 06:07 |
=== ify_ [n=ify@c-24-125-63-240.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yomm | Gionny : there are two , S3 and S3Virge , did you try them both ? | 06:07 |
=== gumpish [n=gumpish@natsci-mac32.ns.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Ah for pete's sake! Can someone tell me why firefox just overrides all sound on my system? MPD won't play while firefox with a flash video in it is still about. Even if I close the tab, alsa won't play anything. I have to close firefox entirely... | 06:07 |
gumpish | Uhm, is PPC being dropped as a supported arch? | 06:07 |
habeeb | Anyone with experience on loki installers? | 06:07 |
goomie | Where is the java home folder? | 06:07 |
eck | craigbass1976: i would imagine that it is unmounted when you eject the floppy | 06:07 |
doomster | KevlarSoul, ask the manufacturer, but don't forget to mention the processor architecture and that Ubuntu is Linux-based. | 06:07 |
Stormx2 | gumpish: Yeah, think so. | 06:07 |
craigbass1976 | eck, no | 06:07 |
yomm | gumpish : i heard so , from feisty | 06:07 |
gumpish | wow... | 06:07 |
antiPosix | Stormx2: delicate balance of audio power, oss, alsa, esd | 06:07 |
eck | if not, you should be unmounting it | 06:07 |
wolferine | goomie: what java are you looking for? | 06:08 |
gumpish | That's a pretty dumbass move. | 06:08 |
ify_ | Could someone with an ATI card help me get direct rendering working? | 06:08 |
arowanaj | Hi! Do anyone know a howto of ltsp with pxe ? =) | 06:08 |
Stormx2 | antiPosix: Any suggestions? | 06:08 |
antiPosix | Stormx2: If I could answer your firefox/flash audio problem, I could solve the world peace crisis | 06:08 |
[Tuxedo] | wolferine: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=4819 | 06:08 |
eck | preferably beforehand, the kernel will sync writes to disk before unmounting | 06:08 |
craigbass1976 | eck, ok, I've done it the right way I guess, just wondered if there were a "righter" way | 06:08 |
goomie | wolferine: well i installed sun java 6 | 06:08 |
arowanaj | Dont find any good =/ | 06:08 |
=== KevlarSoul I installed linux about 8 years ago, i found it to be an endless upgrade, bugfix and driver search project, has things changed much? | ||
doomster | craigbass1976, consider using an 'automounter'. | 06:08 |
wolferine | goomie: sudo apt-get install sun-java | 06:08 |
eck | if you just eject, there could be pending writes that never make it to disk (and if you just put in a new floppy, they could be made to the new disk!) | 06:08 |
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wolferine | I beleive | 06:08 |
antiPosix | KevlarSoul: that pretty much sums it up | 06:08 |
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wolferine | [Tuxedo] : really, I did spend an entire day working on it | 06:09 |
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[Tuxedo] | I wasn't getting any answers on the Ubuntu forums, so I moved it to the Beryl since that was one of the problems. | 06:09 |
KevlarSoul | Antiposix, thanks | 06:09 |
dougie | wolferine: is utorrent in universe or multiverse? | 06:09 |
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craigbass1976 | doomster, does it work with floppies? There's no hardware that says "He ejected the disk" or "he put in a disk" so I assumed automounting wouldn't work | 06:09 |
wolferine | dougie: not sure, havent had the time to install it atm | 06:09 |
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[Tuxedo] | wolferine: I've spent 2-3 weeks up to this point just trying to get my Radeon 9000 to identify, today is the first time it has. | 06:09 |
darkcommon | can anything recommend me an good theme (light-clear best (NO DARK COLOURS, I hate its) | 06:09 |
=== KevlarSoul Why use Linux when MS already does all the same things plus all the devlopers expect you to have it? | ||
KevlarSoul | seriously? | 06:10 |
wolferine | [Tuxedo] : sorry, but i have not found alot to get it working with Beryl | 06:10 |
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doomster | craigbass1976, no, some just mount it when you access the directory and unmount it after some second of inactivity... | 06:10 |
goomie | wolferine: why do i want to install it when it is installed, im looking for the home directory of it. | 06:10 |
[Tuxedo] | KevlarSoul: Go to Youtube and look up Beryl on XGL :P | 06:10 |
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antiPosix | [Tuxedo] : you got the ATI Radeon to work properly? wow, my Radeon 7500 Mobile only gives me 1024x764 max | 06:10 |
Stormx2 | darkcommon: I'm always concerned about usability in skins. The best one I've found is called murrina-gilouche | 06:10 |
wolferine | [Tuxedo] : even if you do, I have had issues with it running, even with my Nvidia card | 06:10 |
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jvolkman | KevlarSoul, because MS doesn't do all of the same things. | 06:10 |
antiPosix | [Tuxedo] : so I gave up the ATI on linux problem | 06:10 |
lnx^_ | hoi | 06:10 |
darkcommon | Stormx2 can u take me a link? and a HOWTO for install? | 06:10 |
eck | KevlarSoul: honestly, linux is not a good platform if you want to play games -- if that is the case, just use windows | 06:10 |
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KevlarSoul | jvolkman like what whats the big feature or benefit that Linux has over MS? | 06:11 |
Stormx2 | darkcommon: One moment. | 06:11 |
nikin | i ame searching a webserver other than apache to use it with static pages and some compiled CGI scripts.... i browsed in Synaptic and found some... does anyone have any experiencewith one of them, or can point me out some massive tutorial on using them for the above mentioned porpuose | 06:11 |
[Tuxedo] | antiPosix: I just started from a clean install and used the ATi Binaries page. | 06:11 |
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darkcommon | no problemo | 06:11 |
KevlarSoul | eck okay | 06:11 |
wolferine | goomie: if you did install it already, then you can always do a search for java* | 06:11 |
eck | linux is not a replacement for windows for everyone or in all scenarios | 06:11 |
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craigbass1976 | doomster, I shall look into that then, although I'd still have to type a mount command initially, right? And then every time I put in a different disk? | 06:11 |
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jvolkman | KevlarSoul, there is no one big feature or benefit. | 06:11 |
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doomster | KevlarSoul, I'm using 'autofs' here, though it's a Debian system and not Ubuntu | 06:11 |
KevlarSoul | then I dont understand | 06:11 |
darkcommon | [Tuxedo] : you want 3D accel? | 06:11 |
KevlarSoul | oay | 06:11 |
lnx^_ | i have a usb disk which i would like to use for backups | 06:11 |
yomm | Its just such a shame one has to cough up a couple of hundred buckaroos just for a gaming os :/ | 06:11 |
KevlarSoul | okay is it true US GOvt has a backdoor into MSFT? | 06:11 |
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lnx^_ | however, i also want to use it for normals files | 06:12 |
jvolkman | KevlarSoul, there are pros and cons, just like with any comparsion between any two entities | 06:12 |
yomm | when the games are already so expensive | 06:12 |
darkcommon | KevlarSoul Linux is free (and with XGL is WVista) but M$ is pay | 06:12 |
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doomster | KevlarSoul, no, MSFT have a backdoor into US gvt | 06:12 |
KevlarSoul | yomm, rofl, ive not paid for an O/S in a decade. | 06:12 |
ify_ | I am trying to get 3D accel with my ATI card, could someone help me? | 06:12 |
lnx^_ | what would be the best way to make daily encrypted backups to it? | 06:12 |
KevlarSoul | MS is pay for who? rofl | 06:12 |
lnx^_ | i'm looking for something like rsync with encryption | 06:12 |
=== lnx^_ is now known as lnx^ | ||
darkcommon | ify_ Install Automatix Bleeder (http://getautomatix.com) | 06:12 |
KevlarSoul | doomster oh yeah? | 06:12 |
doomster | lnx^, rsync via SSH? | 06:12 |
ify_ | Okay thank you | 06:12 |
yomm | Kevlar : well that's a completely different thing | 06:13 |
preaction | !automatix | ify_ | 06:13 |
ubotu | ify_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:13 |
preaction | !ati | ify_ | 06:13 |
lnx^ | doomster: no i mean rsync that encrypts the files | 06:13 |
ubotu | ify_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:13 |
=== habeeb [n=habeeb@athedsl-95347.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
lnx^ | doomster: on the hard disk | 06:13 |
eck | KevlarSoul: also, this would be a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic, this is the support channel | 06:13 |
genii | lnx^: Use rsync over ssh | 06:13 |
doomster | KevlarSoul, yeah, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you ;^) | 06:13 |
Stormx2 | darkcommon: First, install the murrine engine: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=45442 - THEN install the theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=44510 | 06:13 |
wolferine | [Tuxedo] : if you want to seek more assistance, maybe try #ubuntu-effects | 06:13 |
darkcommon | preaction... I installed Autoamtix | 06:13 |
gesus | hello can anyone help me i am having problems trying to find a driver for my onboard audio -- motherboard is ASUS P5GD1-VM. I have had big dramas. Thankyou! | 06:13 |
Stormx2 | darkcommon: Uh oh... | 06:13 |
preaction | darkcommon: automatix is not recommended here | 06:13 |
doomster | lnx^, there are tools for that which you can combine with rsync, just rsync it to an encrypted partition | 06:14 |
darkcommon | well | 06:14 |
yomm | darkcommon : next action : remove automatix :) | 06:14 |
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lnx^ | genii: i mean encryption of the backed-up files on the hard disk | 06:14 |
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danshtr | hi all | 06:14 |
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darkcommon | Automatix is preinstalled on Ubuntu Ultimate, I have it on "OEM Mode" | 06:14 |
lnx^ | doomster: yes that is something i'm looking for, but i need to use that partition on windows as well so i can't install only encfs on it i suppose? | 06:14 |
ify_ | !ati | 06:14 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:14 |
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Pici | darkcommon: Ultimate edition is not an 'official' distro | 06:15 |
Chousuke | Ubuntu Ultimate? ;P | 06:15 |
preaction | darkcommon: whatever ubuntu Ultimate is, it is not official canonical ubuntu | 06:15 |
lnx^ | doomster: or can you create a normal directory with encfs on it (or does it require an own partition)? | 06:15 |
darkcommon | it's true, but I doent need to install programs on it | 06:15 |
Stormx2 | the apocalypse is here!! | 06:15 |
wolferine | hehe | 06:15 |
darkcommon | all are preinstalled | 06:15 |
gesus | hello can anyone help me i am having problems trying to find a driver for my onboard audio -- motherboard is ASUS P5GD1-VM. I have had big dramas. Thankyou! | 06:15 |
=== TelVGG-Ariel [n=ariel@blackeye.coopvgg.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | gesus: what audio card is it? | 06:16 |
danshtr | hi all | 06:16 |
tier` | stormx2: haha, im about to start the apocalypse if i dont get my wireless card working =P | 06:16 |
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gesus | wolferine, it's onboard mobo is ASUS P5GD1-VM | 06:16 |
danshtr | is there somthing like .bashrc when i start gnome? | 06:16 |
=== tier` stabs the broadcom 43xx chipset | ||
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Stormx2 | Okay, where did my menubar go? | 06:16 |
TelVGG-Ariel | Hi! | 06:16 |
Stormx2 | X chat has no menu bar... | 06:16 |
darkcommon | Stormx2 can you do for me a HOWTO for install the theme?? | 06:16 |
TelVGG-Ariel | do you know any system monitor tool (live) for the ubuntu desktop? | 06:16 |
eck | tier`: wait until the 2.6.21 kernel comes out and all your wildest broadcom dreams will come true | 06:17 |
Stormx2 | darkcommon: Download it, drag and drop it into the theme manager (System > Preferences > Themes) | 06:17 |
doomster | lnx^, you might be able to create a filesystem on a file using the loopback device, which somehow sucks considering the behaviour on resizes etc. However, I never really used that. | 06:17 |
darkcommon | o | 06:17 |
[Tuxedo] | How do you configure the radeon driver? | 06:17 |
darkcommon | Ok | 06:17 |
wolferine | gesus, the audio is Realtek ALC861 | 06:17 |
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genii | lnx^: Why not pipe the rsync file retreivals thru encrypt? | 06:17 |
yomm | TELVVG : there's one built-in , or "gkrellm" maybe ? | 06:17 |
=== Rooy [n=dhhoa1@C-59-101-141-175.mel.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
wolferine | maybe check the ubuntu forums for support for that card? | 06:17 |
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genii | or gpg | 06:17 |
TelVGG-Ariel | thank you | 06:17 |
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tier` | eck: i can only hope, i just installed ubuntu last nite and i mean in 2.6.17-10 there's native support for the 43xx chipset and infact my wireless card shows up as eth0 ... but that does me no good because it doesn't want to operate wirelessly .. i've tried forcing the settings using iwconfig but it still refuses to find an access point | 06:18 |
Joost | test | 06:18 |
=== cyofee [n=cyofee@77-105-62-137.adsl-1.sezampro.yu] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
yomm | TelVVG : System Tools > System Monitor | 06:18 |
Joost | I've the same problem tier.. | 06:18 |
tier` | so for now, here i am on my win box... pulling my hair out | 06:18 |
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skunkworks | tier: look up fwcutter. | 06:19 |
TelVGG-Ariel | I was thinking on a fancy one, just like the programs used in the screenshots of desktop themes | 06:19 |
gesus | wolferine, where can i find a driver for that? | 06:19 |
=== sbn [n=sbn@d54C23561.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | Hi | 06:19 |
TelVGG-Ariel | with transparent graphics, etc | 06:19 |
lnx^ | genii: would that work so that i only need to sync the files that have changed, or would it sync all files each time? and could i easily get for example only one file out of a 30gb backup? | 06:19 |
mcquaid | not sure if anyone is too familiar with freenx (nomachine), but I wanted to clarify if it can do rdp so I can use the built in client on remote xp machines or is it always required to install the client | 06:19 |
sbn | Does the livecd download stuff from the internet? | 06:19 |
Stormx2 | sbn: No. | 06:19 |
=== nero_ [n=_nero_@pool-70-18-191-92.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | gesus: as I said, maybe try the ubuntu forums | 06:19 |
eck | tier`: apparently a lot of the patches that went in for broadcom up until the last few weeks were problematic, and most of the issues are sorted out for 2.6.21 (the next stable release), although I would imagine that at least some of the fixes have been backported by the ubuntu developers | 06:19 |
=== apero [n=apero@dslb-084-058-043-038.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | Well, What does it to then when it's configurating apt? | 06:19 |
gesus | wolferine, ok thanks | 06:20 |
wolferine | np | 06:20 |
tier` | skunkworks: eh, i tried using the latest ndiswrapper 1.38 and the actually wmp11v27.inf and .sys from linksys and that didnt get anywhere so i figured fwcutter prolly wont get me anywhere either | 06:20 |
wolferine | good lucj | 06:20 |
wolferine | luck* | 06:20 |
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apero | hallo | 06:20 |
apero | kann jemand deutsch? | 06:20 |
mcquaid | if the client must be installed, I'm thinking on trying xrdp, but not sure about compression. I've read xrdp uses your installed xvnc. Has xvnc reached comparable freenx compression yet? | 06:20 |
Pici | !de | apero | 06:20 |
ubotu | apero: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 06:20 |
=== neib [n=neil@c-68-48-121-74.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skunkworks | tier: I could not get ndiswrapper to work - why I switch to fwcutter. | 06:20 |
yomm | TelVVG : There"s a bunch of system monitors in Gdesklets , I think they do transparancy , mind you TelVVG , if you have Beryl/Compiz you can make any window or setup transparent | 06:20 |
genii | lnx^: I think it would always overwrite since encrypted version could not easily be compared | 06:20 |
skunkworks | tier: I have a buffalo card with that chipset. | 06:20 |
tier` | intriguing.. what was your issue with ndiswrapper? | 06:20 |
darkcommon | a Beryl theme for Murrina-Gilouche | 06:20 |
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darkcommon | ?? | 06:21 |
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yomm | TelVVG , or any compositing manager | 06:21 |
skunkworks | tier: (linux newbie) it would not power up the card. | 06:21 |
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tier` | fair enough | 06:21 |
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tier` | im pretty much a newbie as well haha. i used to run slackware when i was like 15 but it's been awhile.. i dont remember much beyond some basic commands heheh. | 06:22 |
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twilight_ | hello and good evning | 06:22 |
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twilight_ | hello and good evening | 06:22 |
TelVGG-Ariel | I do not have a graphic accelerator in my office, so maybe beryl will not work :-( | 06:22 |
nintendoduffin | hey | 06:22 |
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twilight_ | sorry anout the mistype | 06:22 |
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lnx^ | genii: okay, i think i will be looking for something else then, thanks though! | 06:22 |
skunkworks | tier`: same here - I spent a good day trying to ge ndiswrapper to work - switch to fwcutter and poof - it was working. | 06:22 |
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genii | lnx^: np | 06:22 |
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twilight_ | I have a question about bluetooth mouse | 06:23 |
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MKR | Just ask :P | 06:23 |
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twilight_ | ok | 06:23 |
lnx^ | has anyone here used encfs? looks promising but i have a couple of questions about the behaviour | 06:23 |
jimcooncat | Please help, trying to delete | 06:23 |
=== Seiya [n=Seiya@dsl092-066-166.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimcooncat | sudo rm -rf .maildir/.Trash/new | 06:23 |
jimcooncat | rm: cannot remove `.maildir/.Trash/new': Permission denied | 06:23 |
darkcommon | a Emerald theme for Gilouche Metacity (and an wallpaper!!( | 06:23 |
twilight_ | has anyone sony erricsson phones work as bluetooth mouse? | 06:23 |
dougie | ok i installed torrentflux but how do i run it? | 06:23 |
dezmodium | hello, im new to linux and ubuntu and I am having a lot of trouble getting my ati card to work correctly. would anyone mind assisting me? | 06:24 |
twilight_ | i can assist you | 06:24 |
MKR | !ati | 06:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:24 |
[Tuxedo] | What kind of card? | 06:24 |
jimcooncat | why would a file or dir be denied permission from root? | 06:24 |
jani1701 | hungary ????? | 06:24 |
dezmodium | 9800Pro | 06:24 |
darkcommon | I have a Bryl thm, no problm | 06:24 |
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preaction | jimcooncat: probably because root doesn't have write access to it | 06:25 |
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twilight_ | the free drivers are fine for 9800 | 06:25 |
twilight_ | I think... | 06:25 |
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sbn | Is SiS191 totaly supported? | 06:25 |
jimcooncat | preaction, so I can chmod it? | 06:25 |
dezmodium | i have tried a number of tuts on installing drivers but i always get to a wall i cannot cross | 06:25 |
wolferine | dougie: u could dl a torrent file to your desktop, right click, select the program you want to open .torrents by default | 06:25 |
preaction | jimcooncat: tias (Try It And See) | 06:25 |
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MKR | preaction, root doesn't _need_ write permission | 06:25 |
pierce | does anybody jk | 06:25 |
MKR | root is god | 06:25 |
wolferine | dougie: that usually works for me | 06:25 |
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jimcooncat | nope on :sudo chmod 666 .maildir/.Trash/new | 06:25 |
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twilight_ | i suggest you to stick with the free drivers | 06:26 |
dezmodium | twi: well beryl wont work and i cant get anything that uses nifty graphics to work | 06:26 |
=== smopoim86 [n=smopoim8@c-71-236-41-126.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twilight_ | I see | 06:26 |
pierce | does anybody know how to enable digital output on soundcards with alsa? | 06:26 |
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yettenet | Hi there! I've got a .patch file but I don't know how to use it | 06:26 |
yettenet | Could anyone help? | 06:26 |
twilight_ | just a minute | 06:26 |
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549ADC57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | lnx^: rsyncrypto looks promising But it may have to be setup on both sides | 06:26 |
dezmodium | twi: i realize beryl isnt officially supported but whats the point of getting linux if you cant have a little fun you know what i mean | 06:27 |
sbn | Is SiS191 (network card) totaly supported? | 06:27 |
smopoim86 | i'm interested in installing beryl | 06:27 |
twilight_ | let me see your xorg.conf | 06:27 |
amorphous_ | why would i have about 30 instances of ssh-scan running? should there not just be one? the machine is on all day, is streaming, but is having problems. | 06:27 |
dougie | wolferine: its not in the list...its supposed to be web based or something.... | 06:27 |
dezmodium | twi: ok how do i go about that | 06:27 |
wolferine | dezmodium: I spent the entire day on it yesterday, i didnt find it fun | 06:28 |
=== shwag [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[Tuxedo] | www.pastebin.org | 06:28 |
twilight_ | smopoim86: /join #beryl | 06:28 |
wolferine | dougie: no idea | 06:28 |
=== Nitro[0] [n=Nitro@ti541110a080-10690.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | use #ubuntu-effects instead of #beryl please | 06:28 |
apokryphos | smopoim86: /msg ubotu beryl | 06:28 |
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Kronuz | hello | 06:28 |
twilight_ | ok just a suggestion | 06:28 |
twilight_ | i ve made | 06:28 |
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amorphous_ | also... am having ongoing problems with flash player 9 - machine claims something in the script is causing it to slow down & that the system may come to a halt. The systems do. | 06:29 |
sbn | How come that the live cd can open goolge fast but other sites not? | 06:29 |
Kronuz | hey, I installed ubuntu, then I installed the kubuntu-desktop (just to see how it was) 'cause I didn't like it that much, I uninstalled it, but now every time I boot it says kubuntu instead of ubuntu (I already tried installing the ubuntu-desktop package) how can I change that splash screen back to ubuntu? | 06:29 |
amorphous_ | I'm trying to convert a group of cafe's to ubuntu and have learnt loads, but this is defeating me. can anyone help??? | 06:29 |
genii | sbn Likely it will open other sites fast the 2nd time you go there. caching | 06:30 |
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twilight_ | has anyone made sony ericsson phones work as a mouse? | 06:30 |
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Dr_willis | gee - i tend to install kubuntu and ubuntu desktops.. theres just too many good apps in both to just have one. | 06:30 |
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sbn | genii but for first time is 10mins not too long? | 06:30 |
jrib | !usplash | Kronuz | 06:31 |
ubotu | Kronuz: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 06:31 |
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genii | sbn I would say so, yes.If it is the same page you keep trying to open it may be the website | 06:31 |
dromer | hi all, atm I'm trying to have dual-screen on my htpc with the composite-out of my Geforce2/MX. I used this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98456&highlight= and it works quite well, but is there another way to have the 2nd screen as an actual extension of the desktop? so I can move programs and maximise them etc? this would be quit helpfull since I can hardly read any text and stuff on my tv | 06:31 |
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=== Yukio [n=silvia@lib59-1-82-229-138-141.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | genii its for all sites except google | 06:32 |
smopoim86 | I'm a n00b to linux, and want to install beryl, but i couldn't boot after installing the last 3 times i installed it | 06:32 |
frtmonster | how can i watch dvd on xubuntu? | 06:32 |
=== xerophyte [n=xerophyt@CPE00400559e956-CM014310117547.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doomster | dromer, merging two monitors into a single virtual one is called 'xinerama', just google for it | 06:32 |
wolferine | smopoim86: what type of card? | 06:32 |
wolferine | video card* | 06:32 |
smopoim86 | it's an older mobile ati | 06:33 |
genii | sbn If you hit refrsh on google does it take along time too or load again or show results from a search right away? | 06:33 |
doomster | frtmonster, 'apt-cache search dvd', then pick one of the dvdplayers | 06:33 |
Wanderer | don't suppose anyone is running Linux on an IBM x3250 or similar system with a "sys mgt" port on the back? | 06:33 |
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dromer | doomster: wow thnx :) | 06:33 |
dromer | !xinerama | 06:33 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 06:33 |
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=== ReaperFromHell [n=reaper@core.tagus.ist.utl.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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smopoim86 | Radeon Mobility M6 LY | 06:34 |
ReaperFromHell | Good Morning every1 | 06:34 |
wolferine | morning | 06:34 |
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sbn | wauw | 06:34 |
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sbn | found a website that is working fast | 06:34 |
frtmonster | doomster: ok | 06:34 |
frtmonster | doomster: can you recommend one that works fast | 06:34 |
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Parmalatta | Hello, i need help, i am running a LiveCD and i need to write on my NTFS hard drive a 600 MB ISO | 06:34 |
Parmalatta | Is there a command^ | 06:34 |
genii | sbn Just seems like your connection then | 06:35 |
sbn | genii that would suprise me | 06:35 |
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smopoim86 | so, how di i install beryl on a Radeon Mobility M6 LY? | 06:35 |
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Parmalatta | Hello, i need help, i am running a LiveCD and i need to write on my NTFS hard drive a 600 MB ISO | 06:35 |
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wolferine | smopoim86: its not straight-forward with an ATI card | 06:36 |
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frtmonster | doomster: i have VLC and it didn't work | 06:36 |
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genii | sbn eg: websites near to your location physically will load relatively quick but distant sites timeout or fail due to long paths over the internet | 06:36 |
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wolferine | smopoim86: try the forums, its your best bet | 06:36 |
Parmalatta | !help | 06:36 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:36 |
doomster | frtmonster, I'm using xine here, with some add-ons from Christian Marillat (see google) for circumventing some replay-prevention mechanisms | 06:36 |
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smopoim86 | thanks | 06:36 |
Pici | !ntfs | Parmalatta | 06:36 |
ubotu | Parmalatta: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:36 |
dod1450 | what is the command line to do a patch upgrade | 06:36 |
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grout | can someone recomend a good pc card wifi adapter for a laptop that works out of the box with ubuntu? | 06:37 |
genii | sbn from a terminal/console you can use ping <website host url> to see what kind of times they take to respond | 06:37 |
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ReaperFromHell | hum... can any1 help me out here? i'm using firefox and for no good reason and out of the blue when i press Ctrl+F a terminal window pops up... but not a regular one. this one is smaller and not transparent (like my usual one) | 06:37 |
jrib | dod1450: what do you mean by "patch upgrade"? | 06:38 |
dod1450 | I am unable to find yum. | 06:38 |
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wolferine | ReaperFromHell: probably a hotkey setup in your system | 06:38 |
ReaperFromHell | where can i set these? | 06:38 |
Pici | dod1450: Ubuntu uses apt, not yum as its package manager. | 06:38 |
jrib | dod1450: ubuntu uses dpkg and apt-get for package managerment, not yum | 06:38 |
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dod1450 | thanks | 06:38 |
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jrib | !apt | dod1450 | 06:39 |
ubotu | dod1450: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 06:39 |
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grout | can someone recomend a good pc card wifi adapter for a laptop that works out of the box with ubuntu? | 06:39 |
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Pici | !hardware | grout take a look at this link, theres alot of stuff there about supported devices: | 06:40 |
ubotu | grout take a look at this link, theres alot of stuff there about supported devices:: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 06:40 |
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wvdschel | hi | 06:41 |
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MoJo | Hello all | 06:41 |
wvdschel | I have installed the sun jdk | 06:41 |
wvdschel | but the runtime seems to still use gij | 06:41 |
jrib | !multijava | wvdschel | 06:41 |
ubotu | wvdschel: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives | 06:41 |
Cc2iscooL | Is there a way to reduce the timeout on network connections a bit? I'm used to the old Windows ;) kicking me off of my connections after about a half a minute of losing connection to a wireless network or the internet, but with Ubuntu I'd never know that I've actually lost connection for like...I think after 10-20 minutes it finally realizes that it's lost connection. Is there a way to reduce the timeout values to a bit mo | 06:41 |
Cc2iscooL | re sensible value? | 06:42 |
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wvdschel | thanks ubotu ! | 06:42 |
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zAo^ | grout, I got a cheap Sweex LW052 | 06:42 |
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MoJo | I'm just trying to get Edgy (6.10) to install on an AMD x64 box. I can install the i386 distro fine...but the x64 install just hangs...any help? | 06:42 |
frtmonster | thanks | 06:43 |
wvdschel | will this make eclipse use this vm as well? | 06:43 |
Pici | MoJo: Have you tried the Alternate CD? | 06:43 |
wolferine | Mojo: it hangs when? | 06:43 |
zAo^ | MoJo, boot without "quiet" | 06:43 |
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wolferine | wvdschel: what are you trying to do? | 06:43 |
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MoJo | I did try both the Alternate ISO image and the AMD x64 iso...how do you boot without 'quiet'? | 06:43 |
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wvdschel | use the sun jvm as my default runtime for eclipse projects | 06:44 |
wvdschel | and the rest of my system, of course | 06:44 |
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wolferine | wvdschel: ah, not sure, sorry | 06:44 |
Pici | wvdschel: If it doesnt, I believe theres an option in Eclipse to change your default version. I could be wrong about that though. | 06:44 |
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wvdschel | yes, there is, but the sun version wasn't even listed before | 06:45 |
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grndslm | /join #picard | 06:45 |
grndslm | oops | 06:45 |
wvdschel | lets just try and see :) | 06:45 |
Pici | Good idea | 06:45 |
twilight_ | i ve made it! | 06:45 |
twilight_ | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87919 | 06:45 |
wolferine | wvdschel: so you want java, so you can write java? | 06:45 |
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wolferine | not just the JVM? | 06:45 |
NevroPus | does anyone have a good link for installing the ATI drivers in ubuntu edgy? I have tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and envy, but noen of them will give me direct rendering. I had direct rendering enabled before I changed hard drive and reinstalled ubuntu | 06:45 |
erphan | 06:45 | |
Pici | wolferine: I think jrib already answred his question | 06:46 |
wolferine | k | 06:46 |
wolferine | thanks | 06:46 |
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grndslm | anybody know how to map the brightness keys on my laptop?? that's the only thing that doesn't work...other than the occasional suspend to ram issues which i hear aren't all too uncommon | 06:47 |
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wvdschel | wolferine, yes, but the compiler works fine | 06:47 |
guspad | does someone here uses freemind ? | 06:47 |
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wolferine | wvdschel: and Eclipse does not? | 06:47 |
wvdschel | no | 06:47 |
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wolferine | hmm | 06:47 |
wvdschel | it doesn't use the right vm | 06:48 |
oopsy_ | can someone redirect me to a ndiswrapper howto guide, complete, with no ethernet connection required (optional) | 06:48 |
NevroPus | wvdschel, tried netbeans? | 06:48 |
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magical_bacon | how do i check which relese of ubuntu im running? | 06:48 |
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wolferine | im sure he doesnt want Netbeans | 06:48 |
wvdschel | I want eclipse :) | 06:48 |
Yaseax | is there any way to control amarok instead of using the main/playerwindow or superkaramba? eg a plugin for xfce or gnome | 06:48 |
wolferine | see :) | 06:48 |
zAo^ | magical_bacon, just look in /etc/apt/souces.list ;) | 06:48 |
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wvdschel | I need a specific plugin to work :) | 06:48 |
Hatty | magical_bacon: help->about ubuntu | 06:48 |
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oopsy_ | can someone redirect me to a ndiswrapper howto guide, complete, with no ethernet connection required (optional) | 06:49 |
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wolferine | magical_bacon: System->About ubuntu | 06:49 |
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Pici | !version | magical_bacon | 06:49 |
ubotu | magical_bacon: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 06:49 |
fbc | colbert, still here? | 06:49 |
colbert | fbc: Yes | 06:50 |
fbc | colbert, http://johnleach.co.uk/words/archives/2005/09/15/180/ | 06:50 |
oopsy_ | can someone redirect me to a ndiswrapper howto guide, complete, with no ethernet connection required (optional) | 06:50 |
fbc | colbert, this is the information that helped me the most..it shows you step by step. | 06:50 |
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colbert | oh wow thanks man | 06:50 |
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Pici | !ndiswrapper | oopsy, perhaps this | 06:50 |
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ubotu | oopsy, perhaps this: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 06:50 |
colbert | Gonna do it now | 06:50 |
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Craeo | Has anyone install Bittorrent on their PC? | 06:51 |
felixhummel | hi! | 06:51 |
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Craeo | Having some trouble getting the package installed | 06:51 |
FJ_Sanchez | Hello | 06:51 |
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wvdschel | i manually installed the vm | 06:51 |
wvdschel | it works now | 06:51 |
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sbn | If I click on Install, it doesn't do anything | 06:51 |
bigdad1e | does someone know how to fix my wine? it says it cant load the system32 file | 06:51 |
felixhummel | I'm looking for a simple backup solution, i.e. something between cron jobs and bacula. | 06:51 |
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pedro | ola | 06:52 |
FJ_Sanchez | How can I setup kdm to use nis as auth method? | 06:52 |
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felixhummel | Something with a curses front-end would be great.. | 06:52 |
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Badm4n | i use dapper console mode i have client -, the problem is i want to limit ip and . how i can do that | 06:52 |
pedro | como te llamas | 06:52 |
wvdschel | oh no :( | 06:52 |
Pici | !es | pedro | 06:52 |
ubotu | pedro: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:52 |
wvdschel | now eclipse still uses gij :( | 06:52 |
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lonran | hi | 06:53 |
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pedro | puta | 06:53 |
Andy_Alpha | what is noapis? | 06:53 |
lonran | where can i download screenlets for beryl? | 06:53 |
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Andy_Alpha | what is noapic? | 06:53 |
wolferine | what is the command that gives me info about my LAN, similar to ipconfig in winblows? | 06:53 |
wvdschel | ifconfig | 06:53 |
james296 | hey I need help getting my Lexmark 4300 printer to work wirelessly with Ubuntu | 06:53 |
wolferine | thanks | 06:53 |
magical_bacon | whats the current stable relese? | 06:53 |
wvdschel | ifconfig -a for all interfaces | 06:53 |
magical_bacon | 6.1? | 06:53 |
dromer | hi all, I'm trying Xinerama now for my dual-screen setup, though I;m not sure how to handle the composite-out and the tv connected in xorg.conf since the guide on ubuntuforums only explains a setup with two generic monitors | 06:53 |
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Pici | magical_bacon: 6.10 | 06:53 |
wvdschel | wolferine, you switched recently? | 06:54 |
wolferine | to? | 06:54 |
wolferine | linux? | 06:54 |
ReaperFromHell | ok i've located my problem | 06:54 |
wolferine | yes | 06:54 |
wvdschel | good | 06:54 |
wolferine | on both systems | 06:54 |
wvdschel | the more the merrier :) | 06:54 |
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ReaperFromHell | for some reason Ctrl F opens up xterm | 06:54 |
wolferine | had a mandriva box for a few months | 06:54 |
Andy_Alpha | what is NOAPIC? | 06:54 |
ReaperFromHell | i've tried uninstalling xterm | 06:54 |
james296 | well? | 06:54 |
wolferine | Andy_Alpha: google? | 06:54 |
wvdschel | meh, no distro beats ubuntu | 06:54 |
wvdschel | I tried them all :) | 06:54 |
AndrewLife | I'm trying to install updates with apt-get, and it's trying to connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, which is timing out. I'm guessing the "ca" in front means it's the canadian version of the server, is there a way to get it to connect to another server that wont time out? | 06:55 |
wolferine | hehe | 06:55 |
bigdad1e | how do i uninstall wine? | 06:55 |
ReaperFromHell | but if i do Ctrl on firefox | 06:55 |
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wvdschel | sudo apt-get remove wine? | 06:55 |
wolferine | ill agree, its pretty decent | 06:55 |
ReaperFromHell | the search option does not open | 06:55 |
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dyrne | AndrewLife: sudo sed -i 's/ca.//g' /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:55 |
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dyrne | AndrewLife: then sudo apt-get udpate | 06:55 |
AndrewLife | thank you | 06:55 |
dromer | !xinerama | 06:55 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 06:55 |
lonran | hi | 06:56 |
lonran | where can i download screenlets for beryl? | 06:56 |
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dyrne | AndrewLife: maybe best to leave off the g and just do 's/ca.//' | 06:57 |
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Pici | lonran: Try asking in #ubuntu-effects | 06:58 |
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lonran | Pici, thks | 06:59 |
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gordonjcp | is there an ubuntu package of a newer version of subversion? | 06:59 |
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grndslm | anybody know how to map the brightness keys on my laptop?? that's the only thing that doesn't work...other than the occasional suspend to ram issues which i hear aren't all too uncommon | 06:59 |
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MoJo | Using the 6.10-alternate-amd64.iso after selecting text or OEM install it gets to "Booting the kernel" and hangs. Using the 6.10 - dvd - amd64.iso and selecting Install it gets to the progress bar graphic @ 0% and hangs | 07:00 |
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genii | MoJo Try using as boot option notsc | 07:01 |
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MoJo | ok...trying that now | 07:01 |
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wo0lverine | hello | 07:02 |
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[abhishek] | /etc/inittab file not found in edgy 6.10 | 07:02 |
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[abhishek] | where does ``init'' look for? | 07:03 |
[abhishek] | in edgy? | 07:03 |
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[abhishek] | wo0lverine: /etc/inittab file not found in edgy 6.10 | 07:04 |
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Super_Pollos | Help!? , I am having some trouble with the time on my computer, it has a ubuntu 6.10 install with all curent updates, tyeh problem is that its losing time (About 6hours) every time i turn off the system(energy conservation is an issue so it has to remain off when ever im not actively using it) Why is this occuring? The BIOS clock is fine.... | 07:04 |
r00t_ | why cant i edit my sources.list im on my admin acount,but it claims i dont have privs? | 07:04 |
dazjorz | Hey, nash :) | 07:04 |
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YamiTenshi | hoi :P | 07:04 |
CharlieSu | how can i have my computer automatically update time?? When in gnome and i to edit prefs the icon for synchronizing time doesn't work | 07:04 |
dazjorz | oh | 07:04 |
dazjorz | join #codeyard ook ff | 07:04 |
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frtmonster | hi, i have a 3 yr old celeron laptop with 256 ram, i want to tweak it using the ram swap here : http://tvease.net/wiki/index.php?title=Tweak_ubuntu_for_speed - how much value should i set it to? | 07:04 |
YamiTenshi | sgoed | 07:04 |
wo0lverine | sorry i don't know [abhishek] | 07:04 |
Aproxima | Super_Pollos: your battery is still ok? | 07:04 |
Super_Pollos | yah | 07:05 |
barata | hi, why run command (Alt-F2) can be dead together in Gnome & xfce? | 07:05 |
[abhishek] | wo0lverine: ok.. thanks | 07:05 |
genii | might want to install ntp to sync time from internet | 07:05 |
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Super_Pollos | its fine the BIOS doenst have a problem it is teh latest version too (f4c on a Gigabyte GA-6BXC) | 07:05 |
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Super_Pollos | and the machine is a standalone thats has no internet access | 07:06 |
Aproxima | hm | 07:06 |
zAo^ | does anyone know where to download the Foresight Linux theme?? | 07:06 |
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YamiTenshi | hey, I have a problem with ubuntu: when I try to boot it from GRUB it tells me it can't mount the root fs... | 07:06 |
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Aproxima | then, I dunno :I | 07:06 |
MoJo | No joy with the notsc switch...but that reminded me that I had problems with FC6x64 on this smae proc/mobo combo...something with the implementation of APIC...used the noapic switch and I'm good..... | 07:06 |
MoJo | Thanks for the help! | 07:07 |
Aproxima | soz | 07:07 |
gioacchino | I have aproblem | 07:07 |
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Super_Pollos | thnx anyway Aproxima ill just have to keep setting teh time back to the current everytime i start it up | 07:07 |
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dazjorz | YamiTenshi: That's probably not a problem with Ubuntu, my guess is that GRUB doesn't know what your root fs is. | 07:07 |
CharlieSu | can anyone help me with NTP? i want to have my comp autosync time | 07:07 |
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dazjorz | YamiTenshi: did you ever got to editing grubs menu.lst? | 07:07 |
genii | YamiTenshi: Please use the website http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ to paste the exact error. then report back the pastebin url | 07:08 |
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dazjorz | genii: He can't. He can't boot grub and he's in windows atm, afaik. | 07:08 |
YamiTenshi | exactly | 07:08 |
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YamiTenshi | well, GRUB boots | 07:08 |
dazjorz | genii: Or he'll have to write it over to a paper and then to the pastebin, but afaik, grub doesn't do a lot more than "Cannot mount root FS" | 07:08 |
gioacchino | I create a bridge with bridge-utils | 07:08 |
gioacchino | the bridge work | 07:08 |
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Super_Pollos | CharlieSu did you even try looking at teh help files in that section? | 07:08 |
predaeus | YamiTenshi: did you change the kernel or is it an out-of-the-box Ubuntu install? | 07:08 |
YamiTenshi | but when I try to boot ubuntu it gives a lot of text and then "cannot mount root fs" | 07:08 |
gioacchino | and the other computer go in itnernet | 07:08 |
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YamiTenshi | new install | 07:09 |
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LC | what is name of packet, like ttf-ms-fonts ? | 07:09 |
genii | YamiTenshi: Well, depending on the error it could either be an issue with the initrd file or the actual root. If it's the initrd then can be relatively easily fixed from a livecd | 07:09 |
gioacchino | but my computer ( with the bridge ) wonrk only in the lan not wirk internet | 07:09 |
CharlieSu | Super_Pollos: where are they plz? | 07:09 |
dazjorz | predaeus: he used the ubuntu 6.10 desktop CD | 07:09 |
rylan | is there any way to scan for open ports on my computer? | 07:09 |
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nixnoob | anyone know what the default kernel interrupt timer frequency is on ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft? | 07:09 |
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genii | rylan nmap | 07:10 |
rylan | genii, in terminal? | 07:10 |
YamiTenshi | I tried a reinstall, still didn't work... does that mean the issue is i the initrd file? (by the way, a previous version gave the same error, does that help?) | 07:11 |
genii | rylan Yes, it works from terminal. You may need to install it first. | 07:11 |
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LC | what is name of packet, like ttf-ms-fonts ? | 07:11 |
nixnoob | msttconrefonts | 07:11 |
rylan | hmm. nothing. | 07:11 |
dazjorz | YamiTenshi: I don't think the problem is in the initrd file, unless you require some drivers for your hardware | 07:11 |
god | hello | 07:11 |
genii | !info nmap | 07:11 |
ubotu | nmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.10-1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2436 kB | 07:12 |
god | someone the other day told me to reset my password through recovery mode | 07:12 |
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god | now when I click the update button | 07:12 |
rylan | genii, aha | 07:12 |
frtmonster | I tried playinng dvd using mplayer and it says 'FATAL: Could not initialize video filters (-vf) or video output (-vo)' | 07:12 |
god | and type in my username in the box that pops up, it says it's invalid. | 07:12 |
genii | rylan First, in console do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nmap | 07:12 |
dazjorz | YamiTenshi: I gotta go for .. 5 min, bbl | 07:12 |
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nixnoob | frtmonster did you get the codecs? | 07:12 |
predaeus | rylan: if you want to test your router, you can also use https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 that page can test ports. I do not know if this is also possible with nmap. | 07:12 |
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frtmonster | nixnoob: the dvd lib something? yea | 07:13 |
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rylan | genii, oh, i forgot the update part. i hope its not totally important | 07:13 |
nixnoob | frtmonster, then i dont know.... | 07:13 |
YamiTenshi | the only drivers I need are for my USB modem and probably for the 3d support on my graphics card | 07:13 |
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jasiu | czesc | 07:13 |
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jasiu | hello | 07:13 |
genii | rylan The update part is just in case previously you had not installed anything. | 07:13 |
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YamiTenshi | and maybe it helps if I tell you that it works fine on my laptop, and that SuSE works fine on this PC? | 07:13 |
gioacchino | anybody want help me ? | 07:13 |
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rylan | genii, ah, well everything seems to be going swimmingly | 07:14 |
nixnoob | does anyone kno the default kernel timer interrupt frequency on ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft? | 07:14 |
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rbil | rylan: just do System ... Administration ... Network Tools ... select Port Scan tab and scan localhost | 07:14 |
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rylan | rbil, that sounds easier. | 07:14 |
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nixnoob | no one has recompiled a ubuntu kernel? | 07:15 |
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predaeus | gioacchino: does route show an entry to the default gateway (router, internet modem)? | 07:15 |
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genii | rbil I wasn't aware gnome had a bultin function for that :) | 07:15 |
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dromer | ok, I'm really having some problems getting Xinerama/twinview w/e to work. I want to extend my desktop to a tv using the composite-out of my Geforce2, can anybody help me? :$ | 07:16 |
nixnoob | gnome rocks | 07:16 |
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rylan | rbil, round two, since all my open ports are being used. how do i open one? | 07:16 |
Boll | I am unable to launch the users-admin tool, I consistently get the error at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10060/ . /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.SystemToolsBackends.service exits, and look ok. | 07:16 |
Boll | Any suggestions? | 07:16 |
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AMSmith42 | From the LTSP wiki: | 07:17 |
AMSmith42 | Ltsp-5 on Ubuntu | 07:17 |
AMSmith42 | If you just want an easy installation of LTSP Ubuntu, you should use the Ubuntu supplied packages. | 07:17 |
rbil | rylan: ports are opened depending on the services you're running. you can define a particular service to use a particular port other than the default one for that service. so what are u trying to accomplish? | 07:17 |
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AMSmith42 | Where's that? | 07:17 |
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rylan | rbil, trying to open a port so that i can run a bittorrent client. so far snails pace downloads | 07:17 |
gioacchino | predaeus: I can ping the router and other pc in my lan but i can't go in internet | 07:18 |
rbil | rylan: u using a NAT router? if so, that's where u open the port | 07:18 |
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willskills | gioacchino - DNS !!! | 07:18 |
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nixnoob | rylan, do u have a router? | 07:18 |
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frojnd | hello there | 07:18 |
rylan | rbil, i am using an unknown chinese router. | 07:18 |
willskills | you must also add your DNS server IP's in Networking | 07:18 |
frojnd | if I wanna install java for firefox, than: udo apt-get install sun-java5-jre and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin , but what if I wanna install java for opera?? | 07:18 |
gioacchino | willskills: no because I had try with the ip of google and it can't ping... | 07:18 |
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nixnoob | rylan you need to forward the ports on your router the port should be opened on your machine by he torent client | 07:19 |
rbil | rylan: well that is where u do the port forwarding. how? read the manual for your router | 07:19 |
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javb | hi guys.. im using Beryl / AIGLX ... it runs fantastic. The only issue is that every 5 to 7 minutes it freezes for about 15 seconds.. somebody with the problem ? | 07:19 |
rylan | rbil, chinese router. chinese manual | 07:19 |
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gioacchino | willskills: when unable bridege internet work when I able it nternet not work only for my pc | 07:19 |
predaeus | gioacchino: Please post the output of "route" to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste the link here. | 07:19 |
=== Xanthomryr [n=User@xdsl-195-14-207-190.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | rylan: can you login to the router with a web browser and find a menu to do this? | 07:20 |
gioacchino | how to make route ?? | 07:20 |
firepol | hi, i have a dual boot: winxp on /dev/hda1, ubuntu on hda2. i resoter the MBR with winxp. now i can't restore grub. | 07:20 |
firepol | I booted with sysresccd, chroot /dev/hda2 /mnt/ubuntu then run grub-install /dev/hda and i get his error: the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. can you help? | 07:20 |
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rylan | rbil, chinese router, chinese information from the web browser | 07:20 |
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AlexLatchford | Howdy guys, anyone know how to change Song Info on .ogg files in Rhythmbox? | 07:20 |
rylan | rbil, i dont read chinese | 07:20 |
rbil | rylan: well I certainly can't help you :-) | 07:20 |
gioacchino | predaeus: this is too hard because when I active bridge internet not work and I must restart my pc... | 07:21 |
nixnoob | rylan translate online | 07:21 |
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gioacchino | predaeus: can you tell me about make a "route" ? | 07:21 |
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rylan | nixnoob, thats a whole bucket of holy crap engrish | 07:21 |
predaeus | gioacchino: Sry, I am not familiar with bridging but you can try to "route add default gw ROUTERIP" next time. Maybe it helps. | 07:21 |
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nixnoob | Does anyone know the default kernel timer interrupt frequency for Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft? | 07:22 |
predaeus | gioacchino: route is a program. | 07:22 |
AlexLatchford | Howdy guys, anyone know how to change Song Info on .ogg files in Rhythmbox? | 07:22 |
gioacchino | predaeus: I had try it but not work.. | 07:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
genii | rylan On the underside of the router does it have some english model number? | 07:22 |
genii | (on a sticker etc) | 07:22 |
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dazjorz | YamiTenshi: ben je er nog? | 07:23 |
YamiTenshi | jah | 07:23 |
rylan | genii, also the actual router is somewhere i cannot get to. | 07:23 |
gioacchino | predaeus: haaaaaaaaaaaa now I understand I try it when the bridge is up.. | 07:23 |
dazjorz | YamiTenshi: Type lspci in SuSE and give me the output | 07:23 |
genii | rylan Ah, OK | 07:23 |
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rylan | genii, i live in an annexed appartment. router is locked away | 07:23 |
gioacchino | predaeus: this is my route http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10061/ | 07:24 |
YamiTenshi | I will somewime, but right now I can't (if I boot SuSE it'll run the installation again, and that takes an hour or so) | 07:24 |
gioacchino | when the bridge is down | 07:24 |
nixnoob | game over for you rylan. | 07:24 |
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rylan | nixnoob, damn | 07:24 |
dazjorz | YamiTenshi: that'll tell you what hardware your PC requires, and I'm pretty sure ubuntu'll support it | 07:24 |
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nixnoob | Does anyone know the default kernel timer interrupt frequency for Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft? | 07:24 |
rylan | nixnoob, if china didnt have easy jobs lots of money and beautiful girls it would really suck to live here | 07:24 |
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Megaqwerty | Is there a DVD ISO I can download to get the main repository on a DVD? (So I don't have to be connected to the internet to install packages) | 07:25 |
YamiTenshi | if SuSE supports it, I think ubuntu will support it too :P | 07:25 |
dazjorz | Yes, indeed | 07:25 |
rbil | rylan: get the administrator of that router to open the port(s) you require | 07:25 |
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dazjorz | YamiTenshi: I don't think it's the hardware | 07:25 |
nixnoob | thats your only option rbil is right | 07:25 |
YamiTenshi | but since SuSE runs fine, I don't think it's the hardware | 07:25 |
rylan | rbil, admin is a moron | 07:25 |
=== dazjorz will brb | ||
=== hjmills [n=HJMills@88-110-250-6.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YamiTenshi | maybe I can use the GRUB installed by SuSE? | 07:25 |
rbil | rylan: send him over here, I'll straighten him out. I have a couple 2x4's around | 07:26 |
KrisWood | Hello everyone, I installed php5 via apt-get install and suddenly my MySQL install stopped working. I'm looking it up now but if anyone's got an easy answer I'd appreciate it. | 07:26 |
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gioacchino | predaeus: the other problem is: when I restart my computer the bridge is deleted automatic... | 07:26 |
Megaqwerty | anyone? ^^ | 07:26 |
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N3WB | I don't like GRUB nether GRUB Likes me (Error 21 :| ) | 07:26 |
predaeus | gioacchino: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10062/ mine is below. You can see that the ip of the router is at the gateway here. Maybe that is the difference. Did "route add default gw IPADDYOFROUTER" not work? | 07:26 |
rylan | rbil, if i wanted to straighten him out all i would have to do is talk really loudly. | 07:26 |
rylan | rbil, chinese admin = complete wuss | 07:27 |
KrisWood | oh and I was upgrading from php4 not sure which version | 07:27 |
predaeus | gioacchino: sry, I am not too familiar with these things myself. But I think this could be the problem. The Linux Kernel does not know where the connection to the internet is. | 07:27 |
dromer | anybody here with experience in xinerama and composite-output? | 07:27 |
wolferine | dromer, what video card? | 07:27 |
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Retardedpope | is there anyone that can help me get java and glade to work together? | 07:27 |
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ICQnumber | a quetion for profi; how to start a screen saver without turning the screen black, (looks like the screen saver is transparent) | 07:28 |
YamiTenshi | hey N3WB, have you tried reinstalling GRUB? | 07:28 |
gioacchino | predaeus: thanks 1000! | 07:28 |
dromer | wolferine: geforce2 mx | 07:28 |
wolferine | thats not a dual card, so you have two cards? | 07:28 |
predaeus | gioacchino: ???? did it work? | 07:28 |
gioacchino | anybody know linux bridging ?? | 07:28 |
N3WB | Yep, but i was stupid and downloaded the alternative Image :p | 07:28 |
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gioacchino | predaeus: now I try | 07:28 |
N3WB | So i'm downloading desktop now to try to get into Ubuntu and fix the files | 07:29 |
YamiTenshi | N3WB: where did you install GRUB? | 07:29 |
N3WB | Or just reinstall it, whatever that works bests | 07:29 |
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N3WB | *best | 07:29 |
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sacater | when using apt-get to install applications, we get regular updates from synaptic, telling us when to upgrade, when compiling from source we have to do it manually right? | 07:30 |
Retardedpope | used the code from this page: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8111 but I get compile errors when I try to compile it | 07:30 |
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N3WB | Well i have 1 drive, partioned into 3 small ones | 07:30 |
N3WB | 1 for media, 1 for windows and 1 for ubuntu | 07:30 |
N3WB | i installed it on ubuntu one | 07:30 |
N3WB | Could it be because i have connected the SATA on the motherboard to ATA_RAID? Thought i dont use RAID | 07:30 |
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gioacchino | predaeus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10063/ | 07:31 |
YamiTenshi | if GRUB recognizes your other OS (if you have one) you should install it to (hd0) or into your primary harddisk (/dev/hda?) | 07:31 |
yettenet | !restricted formats | 07:31 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:31 |
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firepol | if i run "grub-install /dev/hda" from a chroot system (booted from sysresccd) i get his error: "the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly". can you help? | 07:32 |
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gioacchino | predaeus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10063/ | 07:32 |
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dromer | wolferine: no I have just that card, I want to attach a tv on the composite and extend my desktop, I had twinview (two separate desktops with the same keyboard/mouse) before that worked, but I really want to extend the desktop, not make 2 seperate desktops, I heard Xinerama was the way to go | 07:32 |
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N3WB | I have Windows Vista Installed | 07:32 |
predaeus | giocchino: maybe you will have to remove those other 2 gateways (default) first. Not sure. Let's see what "man route" tells us how to remove them. | 07:32 |
N3WB | And GRUB reconized it when i installed Ubuntu | 07:33 |
gioacchino | ok thanks | 07:33 |
variant | how can I completely remove the gnome-panel config for my user account? I have deleted everything .gnome or .gconf or .metacity but it's still starting up with the same config | 07:33 |
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wolferine | dromer: with an ATI, its always a shot in the dark | 07:33 |
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dromer | wolferine: I don't have an ATI :P | 07:34 |
industria1 | root@industrial:/home/chi# cp /media/alt/mp3/Neuer\ Ordner /mnt/hda3 | 07:34 |
industria1 | Neuer Ordner/ Neuer Ordner (3)/ | 07:34 |
industria1 | root@industrial:/home/chi# cp /media/alt/mp3/Neuer\ Ordnerr (3)/ /mnt/hda3 | 07:34 |
industria1 | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 07:34 |
industria1 | root@industrial:/home/chi# | 07:34 |
industria1 | ? -.- | 07:34 |
predaeus | gioacchino: try something like "route del default gw eth0" and then add it again | 07:34 |
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Badm4n | "find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it). Please specify options before other arguments" <-- whats wrong with that ? ( ubuntu dapper ) | 07:34 |
TeTeT | does anyone have either a PCMCIA or external USB ISDN card running on Edgy? If yes, which one do you use? | 07:34 |
YamiTenshi | then try installing it to your primary harddisk (shoudl be (hd0), otherwise it probably is /dev/hda) | 07:34 |
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Pici | industria1: try escaping your parenthesis with backslashes | 07:35 |
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wolferine | dromer oh yeah, right | 07:35 |
wolferine | sorry, my bad | 07:35 |
industria1 | Pici can you show an example ? | 07:35 |
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rylan | so, there are apperantly NO open ports on my computer that are not being used. and a program wants an open port. | 07:35 |
industria1 | please | 07:35 |
amanuel | hola hay alguien hablando espaol | 07:35 |
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frtmonst1r | hey, my X crashed, how can i restart it from here? | 07:35 |
pavs | E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-pitfdll | 07:35 |
wolferine | rylan, whats the issue? | 07:35 |
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sbn | Hi, I just installed Ubuntu from live cd | 07:35 |
Pici | industria1: /path/to/file\(01\)/ | 07:35 |
pavs | why this eror in amd64 | 07:35 |
sbn | I'm at the splash screen but it hung it self | 07:35 |
industria1 | ah kay like regular expression | 07:35 |
industria1 | too obvious ;D | 07:36 |
industria1 | thank you | 07:36 |
sbn | It doesn't respond of CTRL+ALT+F1 or ALT+F1 (or any alternative F button) | 07:36 |
Pici | industria1: if that doesnt work surround everything with quotes | 07:36 |
variant | how can I completely remove the gnome-panel config for my user account? I have deleted everything .gnome or .gconf or .metacity but it's still starting up with the same config | 07:36 |
KrisWood | ok I got it figured, I just had to restart apache >.< | 07:36 |
industria1 | jou | 07:36 |
KrisWood | have a good day everyone! | 07:36 |
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rylan | wolferine, just trying to get a new bittorrent program working and up to speed. looks like my computer = router is not playing along. i cant mess with the router unfortunatly though | 07:36 |
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=== Caramba [n=zupidupi@a88-113-19-61.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | well, you can set a port in your torrent client | 07:37 |
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wolferine | and you want to do the same port on your router | 07:37 |
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amanuel | hola hay alguien hablando espaol? | 07:37 |
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wolferine | + firewall, if you have one | 07:37 |
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kathy | hello | 07:37 |
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dyrne | !es| amanuel :) | 07:37 |
ubotu | amanuel :): Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:37 |
arrozconevan | hey is there anyone in here with acess to nickserv? | 07:38 |
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arrozconevan | like a server op | 07:38 |
amanuel | ok thanks | 07:38 |
arrozconevan | hola amanuel | 07:38 |
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Pici | arrozconevan: Why? | 07:38 |
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arrozconevan | someone registered my nick just to spite me | 07:39 |
hole | hello, i'm having a little trouble with wine | 07:39 |
arrozconevan | the other day | 07:39 |
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Caramba | Hi folks. I want to disable a login promptl to tty1 when Ubuntu starts up in console mode. I've commented out the following line "#1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1" but my computer still starts up with a prompt to tty1. Anything else I should do? | 07:39 |
Badm4n | "find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it). Please specify options before other arguments" <-- whats wrong with that ? ( ubuntu dapper ) - based on http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=16744 but i cant understand what file should i edit | 07:39 |
hole | it wont run | 07:39 |
=== Narb [n=El@gprs-ggsn6-nat.mobil.telenor.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrozconevan | :\ | 07:39 |
variant | arrozconevan: thats tough luck, noone will do anything about that | 07:39 |
arrozconevan | he even admitted it | 07:39 |
=== funkycat90210 [n=brett@ip68-108-245-209.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrozconevan | he admitted it in here heh | 07:39 |
arrozconevan | you could check the logs | 07:39 |
arrozconevan | heh it sucks | 07:40 |
hole | i type 'winecfg' in the console and i get a bunch of stuff that i cant paste without getting kicked | 07:40 |
arrozconevan | anyways | 07:40 |
Pici | arrozconevan: You could check on freenode's website if they have something in pace for that, but I doubt it. | 07:40 |
hole | then nothing happens | 07:40 |
wolferine | hole: use pastebin.us | 07:40 |
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arrozconevan | anyways | 07:40 |
hole | whats that | 07:40 |
variant | arrozconevan: it doesn't matter, it won't be changed. and please ask in #help or #freenode if you want to discuss it | 07:40 |
wolferine | place to place mutliple lines of code | 07:40 |
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arrozconevan | is anyone here willing to help me get windows media to work on ubuntu so i can watch videos on cnn.com | 07:40 |
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hole | that a room> | 07:40 |
hole | ? | 07:40 |
Pici | !paste | hole | 07:41 |
ubotu | hole: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:41 |
wolferine | its a website | 07:41 |
Narb | Reinstalling atm | 07:41 |
hole | ok | 07:41 |
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hole | thx | 07:41 |
NET||abuse | Peggerr, hey man, ok, i'm done being impatient with this system :) i'm willing to see sense, i'm avoiding a bridged solution and will be satisfied with routing, any chance you could offer advice :) | 07:41 |
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arrozconevan | windows media? cnn.com videos? anyone? | 07:42 |
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arrozconevan | hehe | 07:42 |
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variant | arrozconevan: apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc | 07:42 |
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variant | arrozconevan: if the videos have been infected with drm then they wont play | 07:42 |
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fbc | colbert, how'd it work out for you? | 07:42 |
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hole | its posted under the name 'hole' | 07:43 |
fghj | how do I get the latest kernel in ubuntu? uname -r is 2.6.17, but I would like newer | 07:43 |
Caramba | Hi folks. I want to disable a login promptl to tty1 when Ubuntu starts up in console mode. I've commented out the following line "#1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1" but my computer still starts up with a prompt to tty1. Anything else I should do? | 07:43 |
hole | shoot hold on | 07:44 |
Caramba | And the answer is: Fiddle with the file /etc/init.d/tty1 | 07:44 |
variant | does anyone know how can I completely remove the gnome-panel config for my user account? I have deleted everything .gnome or .gconf or .metacity but it's still starting up with the same config | 07:44 |
arrozconevan | variant: i tried that and it says i need to be root | 07:44 |
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Pici | fghj: That is the most current kernel that has been released for Edgy/6.10 | 07:44 |
hole | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10067/ | 07:44 |
variant | arrozconevan: put sudo at the start | 07:44 |
hole | after this nothing happens | 07:44 |
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arrozconevan | ok | 07:45 |
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dyrne | Caramba: what version dapper or edgy? i would think that would work but with new init system in >=edgy not sure | 07:45 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | how do I make my windows minimize when I double-click their title bar? | 07:46 |
dyrne | Caramba: hah nm | 07:46 |
=== Russel [n=engelzz@p54875711.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yaseax | is there any way to control amarok instead of using the main/playerwindow or superkaramba? eg a plugin for xfce or gnome | 07:46 |
Russel | hiho | 07:46 |
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Russel | how can i disable xrandr things in kde? | 07:46 |
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variant | arrozconevan: try this acutaly: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=346601&highlight=mplayer+cnn | 07:46 |
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variant | does anyone know how can I completely remove the gnome-panel config for my user account? I have deleted everything .gnome or .gconf or .metacity but it's still starting up with the same config | 07:47 |
=== frtmonster [n=frtmonst@89-138-6-157.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frtmonster | hi, i installed the dvd library, xine, vlc, and mplayer, i have a laptop with a cdrom+dvd in one drive and i still can't get to see a fluent picture\sound this is the error i get in mplayer: FATAL: Could not initialize video filters (-vf) or video output (-vo) | 07:47 |
predaeus | FlyingSquirrel32: open Applications/System TOols/Configuration Editor. the undr apps/metacity/general/ set action_double_click_titlebar to minimize. | 07:47 |
variant | Yaseax: yeah, there is a panel applet | 07:47 |
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Yaseax | variant, where can i find this? o. | 07:47 |
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variant | Yaseax: I don't rememnber the name of it sorry, it is not amarok specific but works with a few players | 07:48 |
variant | Yaseax: including amarok | 07:48 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | predaeus: I'm on feisty and don't see that | 07:48 |
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predaeus | FlyingSquirrel32: the option or what? | 07:48 |
Yaseax | variant: okay.. any idea where it can be? | 07:48 |
AlexLatchford | Howdy guys, anyone know how to change Song Info on .ogg files in Rhythmbox? | 07:48 |
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variant | Yaseax: it is available via apt-get | 07:48 |
Asc__ | frtmonster: Is video acceleration working? Check with 'glxinfo | grep rendering' | 07:48 |
predaeus | Flyingsquirrel32: or the Configuration Editor? | 07:48 |
Yaseax | variant okay.. thanks :) | 07:48 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | predaeus: either way, I see it's a metacity change. but since i have beryl, it will be different | 07:48 |
variant | frtmonster: if you open the videos with vlc what happens? | 07:48 |
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arrozconevan | www.yahoo.com main story is funny :) | 07:49 |
frtmonster | Asc__: finally a good suggestion :p | 07:49 |
frtmonster | variant: slow picture and sound | 07:49 |
frtmonster | lagged | 07:49 |
dyrne | frtmonster: what kind of file divx or xvid? some problems with mp3 in mplayer if the video is poorly made mplayer -afm mp3lib file.avi sorts it for me | 07:49 |
Yaseax | variant: uhm.. is it for gnome or xfce? | 07:49 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | predaeus: the conf editor | 07:49 |
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variant | Asc__: that won't make any difference | 07:49 |
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variant | Yaseax: gnome, but should owrk in xfce too | 07:49 |
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frtmonster | dyrne: it's dvd | 07:49 |
Yaseax | yeah.. thank you ;) | 07:49 |
sbn | Hi, my fresh installed ubuntu doesn't wan't load | 07:49 |
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predaeus | FlyingSquirrel32: ah, hm sry. No idea. maybe ask in #ubuntu+1 for feisty issues. The conf editor you can also open with "gconf-editor" | 07:49 |
variant | frtmonster: open a terminal and type mplayer /path/to/video | 07:50 |
Craeo | Where are applications files stored? | 07:50 |
con-man | whats a mainstream program for cd/dvd burning in linux? | 07:50 |
variant | frtmonster: the "mplayer" that is run from the menu is actualy gmplayer, this always has this problem | 07:50 |
=== Asc__ is now known as asc | ||
dazjorz | con-man: cdrecord | 07:50 |
predaeus | FlyingSquirrel32: I think gconf-editor is not visible by default in Edgy either. | 07:50 |
jcaceres | hello is it posible to limit the number of proceses a user can run of an especific application?, this because i want to limit the number of windows (not tabs) of firefox a user can run per session | 07:50 |
slick | hey guys, I want to repartition my primary drive, I was going to do it through loading up a live CD then running gparted, but will grub still be able to identify the OS's after the repartitioning or do I need to alter it? | 07:50 |
variant | Craeo: depends on the applications, what program specificly? | 07:50 |
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frtmonster | asc: | 07:50 |
frtmonster | glxinfo | grep rendering | 07:50 |
frtmonster | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 07:50 |
frtmonster | direct rendering: Yes | 07:50 |
magical_bacon | having a problem with upgrading from 5.10 to 6.7(?) :Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/breezy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found [IP: 80] | 07:50 |
=== xixor [n=dork@S01060013463f11a9.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frtmonster | variant: same error | 07:51 |
asc | variant: failure to initialize video sounds like a video problem to me. I've not had that problem that I can remember; it's just the first thing I'd check. | 07:51 |
variant | jcaceres: yes, there is a program you can install that will perform that function, it's name escapes me right now | 07:51 |
jcaceres | variant, firefox | 07:51 |
Craeo | Variant, Bittorrent | 07:51 |
magical_bacon | and: Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/breezy/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found [IP: 80] | 07:51 |
jcaceres | humm thnks for givionme hope | 07:51 |
variant | asc: it is due to the fact that mplayer is trying to open it with the wrong video ouput plugin | 07:51 |
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frtmonster | variant: i mean, i get the same error | 07:51 |
fbc | How does someone ask for the new evolution v2.8.2.x to be posted on synaptics? | 07:51 |
variant | Craeo: what files you want to look at? the downloads? it probably stores them in ~/.bittorent somewhere | 07:51 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | predaeus: gconf-editor works from the terminal, but it's not going to change what I need, right, since I'm using beryl, I need to figure out how to do it in beryl | 07:52 |
variant | frtmonster: does the mplayer gui start? | 07:52 |
variant | frtmonster: what kind of file is it? | 07:52 |
NET||abuse | hmm, this openvpn system is not simple.. ok, i got it running on my server (server ip and have it on "server" so that would bind the vpn to, but that conflicts with the dhcp ip pool.... how do i bind it to another ip,, i tried setting "local" but then all my other services were unavailable on the local network(apache, ssh etc..) | 07:52 |
predaeus | FlyingSquirrel32: ok. | 07:52 |
frtmonster | variant: yes | 07:52 |
frtmonster | variant: it's a dvd. | 07:52 |
variant | frtmonster: so if you run mplayer dvd://1 what happens? | 07:52 |
variant | frtmonster: from a console | 07:52 |
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frtmonster | variant: you saw the output i pasted? | 07:52 |
variant | frtmonster: nope | 07:53 |
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arrozconevan | ok i am following the instructions here, http://www.debianadmin.com/install-mplayer-ubuntu.html, to install mplayer but I do the gedit thing but the text editor won't let me save the changes | 07:53 |
Craeo | Variant, I was more so trying to get the program to work, but I just figured out how. I went into the add/remove under the applications tab, marked all bittorent files for remove and the remarked them for install, seemed to fix the problem | 07:53 |
con-man | dazjorz: how do I burn an iso, what flags do I pass | 07:53 |
frtmonster | variant: i pasted it to asc. | 07:53 |
arrozconevan | it is read only | 07:53 |
variant | Craeo: cool | 07:53 |
hole | what is beryl | 07:53 |
frtmonster | asc: you saw the output? | 07:53 |
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Pici | !beryl | hole | 07:53 |
ubotu | hole: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:53 |
dazjorz | con-man: man cdrecord | 07:53 |
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frtmonster | variant: sec | 07:53 |
variant | arrozconevan: you probbaly need to be root, run the text editor with sudo | 07:53 |
hole | oh ok no i dont have beryl | 07:53 |
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arrozconevan | jpw | 07:54 |
arrozconevan | how | 07:54 |
abo | did you hear that the French MPs are going to have ubuntu on their PCs ? (more precisely Kubuntu) | 07:54 |
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asc | frtmonster: From glxinfo? | 07:54 |
variant | abo: yes, good news | 07:54 |
NET||abuse | abo, yeh read that in linux format last month i think | 07:54 |
slick | hey guys, I want to repartition my primary drive, I was going to do it through loading up a live CD then running gparted, but will grub still be able to identify the OS's after the repartitioning or do I need to alter grub? | 07:54 |
magical_bacon | abo, mps?like military personel? | 07:54 |
variant | slick: as long as the partition numbers are not changed (by you) then no, it will be fine | 07:54 |
=== sbn [n=sbn@d54C23561.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | Hi | 07:55 |
frtmonster | asc ye | 07:55 |
variant | slick: also, providing you don't change the master boot record | 07:55 |
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arrozconevan | variant: may i pm you? | 07:55 |
abo | magical_bacon, could be, but I meant Members of Parliament :) | 07:55 |
asc | frtmonster: Yes, but he's asking what happens when you try to play the DVD from the console. | 07:55 |
variant | arrozconevan: rather not | 07:55 |
rbil | abo: got a link to that news item? | 07:55 |
frtmonster | variant: sec i think i'm on to something | 07:55 |
arrozconevan | k | 07:55 |
sbn | My ubuntu wount load, It's stuck at: [17179588.432000] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven). | 07:55 |
=== dougie [n=dougie@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrozconevan | variant: how do i get into root | 07:55 |
sbn | My keyboard doesn't even respond | 07:55 |
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slick | variant, what is a partition numbers? I just want to format my windows partition and enlarge my linux one | 07:55 |
NET||abuse | magical_bacon, nooooooo, members of parliament | 07:55 |
abo | rbil, in French, interested? | 07:55 |
rbil | no, sorry | 07:55 |
arrozconevan | in terminal i did this: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:55 |
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abo | rbil, I sure if you google it you'll find something | 07:55 |
magical_bacon | having a problem with upgrading from 5.10 to 6.7(?) :Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/breezy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found [IP: 80] | 07:56 |
arrozconevan | nevermind got it | 07:56 |
variant | arrozconevan: in a terminal type sudo -i and enter your user password, be aware that you are now the master/admin/superuser and as such can make damaging changes to the system | 07:56 |
magical_bacon | and: Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/breezy/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found [IP: 80] | 07:56 |
=== bettyboop1975 [n=bettyboo@85-18-136-73.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | slick: that will not affect grub | 07:56 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-31-7-98.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magical_bacon | variant, whats the dif inbetween sudo -i and -su? | 07:56 |
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NET||abuse | Anyone able to help me with this openvpn setup? | 07:56 |
slick | variant: cheers, the thing that I want to do after that is install windows vista on my windows partition, might that effect the master boot record and overwrite grub? if so how do I get around that so I can still access ubuntu? | 07:57 |
Dasnipa` | magical_bacon, sudo is logged | 07:57 |
variant | magical_bacon: sudo -i correctly loads the users environmet variables, sudo su - will also do that but it's not the "reccomended way" | 07:57 |
arrozconevan | ive used the command numerous times now in the past few days, and i still don't know exactly what sudo is | 07:57 |
hole | #wine sucks noone is chatting | 07:57 |
sbn | My ubuntu wount load, It's stuck at: [17179588.432000] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven). + My keyboard isn't responding | 07:57 |
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hole | 'Keyboard error press F1 to continue | 07:57 |
Hatty | arrozconevan: sudo = SuperUser DO | 07:57 |
arrozconevan | Hatty: word :) | 07:58 |
variant | slick: yes, that will wipe grub and you will only be able to boot windows (unless vista supports booting other os's ((which i doubt due to its low tech nature))) | 07:58 |
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slick | variant: how do I reinstall grub then? | 07:58 |
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variant | slick: from the ubuntu live cd, it's quite simple | 07:58 |
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variant | !grub | slick | 07:58 |
ubotu | slick: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:58 |
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A3EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | slick: read that link, although it over complicates things a bit | 07:59 |
slick | cheers variant, that's a great help | 07:59 |
variant | slick: np | 07:59 |
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variant | frtmonster: does it work now? sudo apt-get install ogle (ogle is a nice dvd specific player) | 07:59 |
arrozconevan | i'm installing mplayer, how do i disable/unintsall totem so it doesnt mess up? | 07:59 |
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frtmonster | variant: it says i should read something docsin | 08:00 |
frtmonster | where is that docs located | 08:00 |
hole | wine seems to think i'm running icewm | 08:00 |
=== [GuS] [n=Gustavo@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
variant | arrozconevan: if you want to make mplayer the default you can symlink it to /usr/bin/totem (this is the only way to make it the default in one fell swoop) but it will get put back after an update meaning you will have to reinstate the symlink | 08:00 |
variant | frtmonster: what says so? | 08:00 |
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frtmonster | the terminal | 08:01 |
sbn | How long does it normaly takes to boot ubuntu? | 08:01 |
arrozconevan | i've only been a linux user for 2 days, but i still feel guilty saying i use linux when i use it the same way i used windows (just clicking on things) :( | 08:01 |
hole | is there a way to manually edit the config file for wine? | 08:01 |
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variant | sbn: slightly longer than xp in my experience but you can optimise it quite a lot and remove some of hte services you dont need (raid, bluetooth, maybe ssh | 08:01 |
=== alef0 [n=alef0@M2399P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | arrozconevan: you use ubuntu, to be specific. | 08:02 |
sbn | vabalas welll, i just installed it | 08:02 |
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sbn | and it seems to hang everytime | 08:02 |
vabalas | :O | 08:02 |
arrozconevan | i know | 08:02 |
Permand | What is the game where you are driving around on a motorcycle called?? Like the game Elasto Mania | 08:02 |
shane634 | hello all | 08:02 |
grndslm | anybody know how to map the brightness keys on my laptop?? | 08:02 |
frtmonster | ogle keeps saying "warning found a scramble pes packet" | 08:02 |
arrozconevan | great now when I open a video on cnn, it says no video | 08:02 |
variant | frtmonster: what is the dvd you are trying to play? | 08:02 |
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frtmonster | variant: seinfeld? | 08:03 |
variant | frtmonster: sounds like it has some copyright disruption built in | 08:03 |
frtmonster | aha | 08:03 |
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variant | frtmonster: try a different dvd | 08:03 |
frtmonster | well i bought it | 08:03 |
variant | frtmonster: either that or it's scratched | 08:03 |
frtmonster | i can't play dvd's i bought? | 08:03 |
Permand | What is the game where you are driving around on a motorcycle called?? Like the game Elasto Mania | 08:03 |
frtmonster | i need some hack against this protection | 08:03 |
frtmonster | perhaps? | 08:03 |
sbn | Damn, it seems to have diffrent parts where it hangs | 08:04 |
variant | frtmonster: yeah, some dvd's/cd's are damaged on purpose by the factory to make it harder to copy, this has the side effect of making them unplayable in most pc drives | 08:04 |
frtmonster | cd won't eject, how can eject it from terminal | 08:04 |
dromer | hi all, I'm trying to config xinerama, but I had some problems, I got twinview to work, so I tried "combining" the device-settings, this is what I have now, but it still doesn't work: http://sneeuw.zapto.org/~dreamer/xorg.conf.xinerama | 08:04 |
schwofler | hi, i tried a new nvidia driver from their website today but on reboot it totally crashed my x-server saying something like "display driver" version and kernel module version don't match | 08:04 |
variant | frtmonster: try ripping it instead | 08:04 |
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schwofler | then i tried to install the nvidia-glx from the repos, but that didn't help either | 08:04 |
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variant | frtmonster: try a different dvd first, make sure it's working | 08:04 |
frtmonster | variant: there must be some hack instead of ripping it every time, this is a celeron midn you | 08:04 |
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shane634 | schwofler use the envy script | 08:04 |
schwofler | even tried to install nvidia-drivers via automatix | 08:04 |
frtmonster | variant: i have tried a differnet dvd, i'll try again tho | 08:04 |
variant | frtmonster: try a different dvd to test please | 08:04 |
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variant | frtmonster: with ogle | 08:05 |
schwofler | shane634 whats that? | 08:05 |
frtmonster | variant: i can't, it won't ejec | 08:05 |
frtmonster | eject | 08:05 |
frtmonster | how can i eject it? | 08:05 |
frtmonster | through terminal | 08:05 |
nofeardjb | !8800 | 08:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 8800 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:05 |
asc | jrtmonster: 'eject' usually works. | 08:05 |
frtmonster | heh | 08:05 |
fbc | What's the command to delete a file from the command line? | 08:05 |
asc | *frt | 08:05 |
shane634 | it is a script to install vid drivers | 08:05 |
frtmonster | great | 08:05 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hatty | fbc: rm | 08:05 |
frtmonster | it works | 08:05 |
frtmonster | ok i'll try another dvd | 08:05 |
sbn | Whats this ro at the boot propetries? | 08:05 |
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fernando | fbc: kill -9 1 | 08:05 |
nofeardjb | anyone have a guide to install drivers for 8800 on newest ubuntu? | 08:05 |
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fbc | Hatty, that's what I thougt, but it asked me to remove the write protection from a file..weird.. | 08:05 |
Hatty | fbc rm -f | 08:06 |
=== cute_bettong [n=cute_bet@about/apple/IIe/B0FH] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | frtmonster: is this the 64bit version of ubuntu? | 08:06 |
shane634 | schwofler google up envy script | 08:06 |
cute_bettong | !edgy | 08:06 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes | 08:06 |
frtmonster | variant: it works | 08:06 |
frtmonster | variant: no, it's xubuntu | 08:06 |
schwofler | shane634 k | 08:06 |
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shane634 | or search the forums | 08:07 |
`nicola | A friend of mine can run beryl properly. but adding beryl-manager to autostarted applications (in the sessions window) does not produce any effect. even if the task is enabled | 08:07 |
Pici | !envy | 08:07 |
fbc | Hatty, thanx | 08:07 |
ubotu | envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia | 08:07 |
`nicola | there can I read a log about it ? | 08:07 |
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`nicola | thanks | 08:07 |
sbn | Fuck this man | 08:07 |
magical_bacon | ok im in aptitude i unselected the ubuntu-desktop package,an then selected the ubuntu-desptop will this work to switch from ubntu to kubuntu? | 08:07 |
cute_bettong | can someone tell me where i can download an edgy iso for dvd? | 08:07 |
sbn | ubuntu won't start | 08:07 |
sbn | Fuck that man | 08:07 |
cute_bettong | i want to try it on my new computer ^_^ | 08:07 |
nofeardjb | I've used the envy script on my box and it didn't work with the 8800 gts | 08:07 |
Huffalump | sbn, crying to your mother will not help. act like an adult. | 08:08 |
=== ulrich [n=ulrich@p54A55946.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | frtmonster: from what people say in google it looks like a dvd production issue with that particular dvd, try taking it back to the shop for a replacement | 08:08 |
arrozconevan | can anyone help me to figure out why videos wont play in firefox, its just all black and says no video | 08:08 |
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Pici | !download | cute_bettong | 08:08 |
ubotu | cute_bettong: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 08:08 |
=== fbc hopes evolution 2.8.2 will make to synaptics soon. | ||
shane634 | worked great on my 5200 | 08:08 |
finalbeta | magical_bacon: no, unless you mistyped your question, read it again. And you can just install kubuntu-desktop without removing ubuntu-desktop | 08:08 |
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variant | arrozconevan: what program are you using? | 08:08 |
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Huffalump | cute_bettong, you can get it from http://ubuntu.com/desktop/ | 08:08 |
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arrozconevan | well i just installed mplayer and the mplayer plugin for firefox | 08:08 |
variant | arrozconevan: you probably need to isntall a bunch of codecs (feisty has that automated :)) | 08:08 |
variant | arrozconevan: ah, this is for cnn.com? | 08:08 |
arrozconevan | ive been installing all this crap for the past 30 minutes | 08:08 |
shane634 | how stable is fiesty at the moment? | 08:09 |
arrozconevan | i think i did a bunch of codecs | 08:09 |
variant | shane634: not very | 08:09 |
arrozconevan | including windows media | 08:09 |
=== chasta123 [n=ubuntu@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shane634 | haha thanks | 08:09 |
chasta123 | hello | 08:09 |
variant | shane634: i installed it last night to test.. was not the best of ideas.. lots of breakages | 08:09 |
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cute_bettong | now all i have are dvd-rw's will the iso for edgy work on such a thing or do i need to scrounge up a cd? | 08:09 |
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shane634 | variant thanks i will stick with edgy for now | 08:09 |
variant | shane634: some nice features visible though.. like the automatic fetch/install of codecs if you try to play a vid you dont have support for already | 08:09 |
variant | shane634: or music file.. | 08:10 |
shane634 | variant that is nice | 08:10 |
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variant | shane634: indeed | 08:10 |
=== d_a_z_j_o_r_z is now known as dazjorz | ||
Huffalump | cute_bettong, perhaps you want to consider http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 08:10 |
sinbox | hi | 08:10 |
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arrozconevan | for cnn.com or any site with embedded wmv | 08:10 |
=== nolo_ [n=chatzill@kntpin04-nas-03-s11.cinergycom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | shane634: will put an end to 10% of the support requests in here :) | 08:10 |
rbil | cute_bettong: someone the other day burned a cd iso onto a dvd-r and said it worked. so maybe will work with a dvd-rw? | 08:10 |
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shane634 | most likely | 08:10 |
nofeardjb | anyone have a suggestion for how to install drivers for nvidia 8800 if envy script doesn't work? | 08:10 |
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rowland | Hey folks, can anyone help a noob allow other users to access music files on my NTFS partition? | 08:10 |
Huffalump | arrozconeven, you'll need VLC (or mplayer) and the win32codecs | 08:10 |
frtmonster | variant: but it happened with a few dvd's | 08:10 |
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arrozconevan | i tried it but look att his forum | 08:10 |
frtmonster | variant: i mean, it worked well in windows | 08:11 |
variant | arrozconevan: did you try right clicking the embedded mplayer window on cnn.com and selecting a different output plugin | 08:11 |
arrozconevan | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301892 | 08:11 |
variant | arrozconevan: select x11 | 08:11 |
fbc | how can I see what video driver I'm using? | 08:11 |
arrozconevan | everyone responds saying it doesnt work | 08:11 |
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Huffalump | arrozconevan -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 08:11 |
variant | frtmonster: hmm, in that case it is probably a setup issue with your ubuntu | 08:11 |
frtmonster | variant: thanks tho | 08:11 |
cute_bettong | ooooh this looks neat ^_^ | 08:11 |
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frtmonster | variant: setup issue? | 08:11 |
frtmonster | but this dvd works :P i'm confused | 08:11 |
arrozconevan | i cant right click | 08:11 |
cute_bettong | hehe and a cute name ^_^ i love it ^_^ | 08:11 |
frtmonster | it did tell me to look in some doc file | 08:11 |
arrozconevan | variant: ts just a black box with "no video" in teh middle of it | 08:12 |
Huffalump | cute_bettong, give it a try | 08:12 |
variant | frtmonster: please open a terminal and run mplayer dvd://1 and pastebin the entire output at http://rafb.net/paste | 08:12 |
=== colbert [n=Bill@CPE000802b64568-CM014320000572.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | arrozconevan: please do as i ask, right click and select preferences or whatever | 08:12 |
shane634 | wow i know nothing about irc | 08:12 |
cyris | can anyone recommend a gui app for backups ? | 08:12 |
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variant | shane634: why? | 08:12 |
exspecto | shane: there's a lot of acronyms. that's pretty much irc in a nutshell | 08:12 |
=== NiarkY [n=jeromeb@bdv75-3-82-225-88-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shane634 | this is my first day using it | 08:12 |
arrozconevan | variant: i can't right click though | 08:13 |
CarlFK | what is the apt- command to figure out what package will install foo? | 08:13 |
KenSentMe | Anyone here using Democracy Player in Edgy? The program sometimes reacts very slowly, then i have to wait for minutes before playing a video starts for example, or a tab switches | 08:13 |
variant | arrozconevan: hmmf | 08:13 |
frtmonster | variant: how can i set ogle to be full screen? and maybe louder? | 08:13 |
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colbert | How do I copy a directory with subfolders into another directory? I am using sudo cp ~/Desktop/newicons /usr/share/icons but it keeps saying "cp: omitting directory `/home/bobby/Desktop/newicons" | 08:13 |
CarlFK | er, some file foo | 08:13 |
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variant | frtmonster: f | 08:13 |
variant | frtmonster: the f key iirc | 08:13 |
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quiet | cp -Rfv | 08:13 |
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frtmonster | variant: ok thanks | 08:13 |
`nicola | guys where can I read a log about autostarted applications ? thanks | 08:13 |
arrozconevan | why hasn't ubuntu made it easier for all these things if they want people to switch | 08:13 |
arrozconevan | heheehe | 08:13 |
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chinny | Hi. Am a bit of a newbie and having trouble trying to mount an ntfs drive from using edgy live. Have created /media/hda folder - and added "/dev/hda /media/hda ntfs@ to fstab but get the following error when i try "sudo mount /media/hda" - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error" Can anyone help please. | 08:13 |
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CarlFK | colbert: cp -a (similar to the -Rfv, only easier to remember) | 08:14 |
frtmonster | variant: what about volume | 08:14 |
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cute_bettong | oooh this thingy looks so neat wubi rocks XD | 08:14 |
variant | arrozconevan: thats a stupid observation to be honest.. there is constant work to improve it | 08:14 |
variant | frtmonster: just a sek | 08:14 |
nofeardjb | is there a channel for nvidia support with ubuntu? | 08:14 |
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cute_bettong | i want to get edgy on dvd though as that is all i have | 08:14 |
arrozconevan | variant: it sounded very arrogant i agree | 08:14 |
frtmonster | variant: thanks | 08:14 |
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colbert | CarlFK: Thanks! What does that command mean for my own knowledge ? | 08:14 |
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CarlFK | chinny: you mount partitions, not drives. so probably hda1 | 08:14 |
arrozconevan | im just flooded with information | 08:14 |
arrozconevan | but thats just because im stupid | 08:15 |
CarlFK | colbert: man cp :) | 08:15 |
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colbert | lol true :) :D | 08:15 |
chinny | thanks carlFK - will try to change all to hda1 and see if that works. | 08:15 |
CarlFK | colbert: what you should do before using about anything you here here here :) | 08:15 |
Huffalump | cyris - possibly kdar -> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disk-archive-backup-and-restore-using-dar-and-kdardar-frontend.html | 08:15 |
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nofeardjb | is there an IRC channel for ubuntu nvidia support? | 08:15 |
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sinbox | question: can I copy a full firefox profile from a winXP machine onto a ubuntu one and if so is the correct folder to put that profile: /etc/firefox/profile? | 08:15 |
variant | frtmonster: start ogle with -u gui | 08:15 |
finalbeta | arrozconevan: Because ubuntu simply uses software developed by others and tries to make it one whole. Very little actual things are coded by ubuntu. They don't have the resources. Every new release a couple of nice things happen, like the easy install codecs for Feisty. but most of the improvements simply come from gnome or whatever new software version you get. | 08:16 |
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variant | frtmonster: that will open a gui | 08:16 |
CarlFK | nofeardjb: try #invidia | 08:16 |
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CarlFK | nofeardjb: try #nvidia | 08:16 |
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nofeardjb | righto | 08:16 |
Advant | How do I start ubuntu in console mode ? | 08:16 |
variant | sinbox: afaik, it should work. you will have to select the old profile with firefox profile manager | 08:16 |
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Huffalump | arrozconevan - Actually, there is *no* technical problem with getting those wmv and other items to work. The problem is a legal one, because linux distributions are legally prevented from giving you those codecs in the United States (and some other countries). | 08:16 |
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chinny | CarlFK - magic. Worked a treat - knew it was going to be something stupid like that. Thank-you | 08:17 |
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CarlFK | chinny: yay! | 08:17 |
metalhedd | can anyone here help me with e-uae the amiga emulator? I found an old game I'd love to play, i installed e-uae but I have no idea how to get the game to run, its not an adf file. | 08:17 |
=== LittleCCCC [n=ahmed@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rwxr-xr-- | i download n installed all kde packages in my system.. now how can i move to gnome to kde | 08:17 |
chasta123 | I am running live cd, and I wanna mount /dev/hda2 but when I sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /media it says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, ...how can I mount partition__ | 08:18 |
arrozconevan | meh i cant uninstall the vlc now | 08:18 |
frtmonster | variant: http://rafb.net/p/7AIPwI38.html | 08:18 |
fbc | colbert, How everything turn out? | 08:18 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan - uninstalling vlc is easy. | 08:18 |
sinbox | thanks variant | 08:18 |
LittleCCCC | Any One Here Has Setup Oracle on Ubuntu? | 08:18 |
shane634 | rwxr-xr-- log out then select sessioins and log into kde | 08:18 |
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colbert | fbc: It has worked like a charm! I have you to thank for the HowTos :) | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | Huffalump: i tried: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-vlc | 08:19 |
fbc | LittleCCCC, not since NEO. | 08:19 |
rwxr-xr-- | shane634, : i want to know what version i m using its kde or gnome how can i chk? | 08:19 |
lepotan | ima neko ko je srbin?? | 08:19 |
fbc | colbert, cool.. | 08:19 |
exspecto | arroz: what are you using instead? | 08:19 |
variant | frtmonster: type sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 | 08:19 |
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variant | frtmonster: that should fix the problem | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | kathy@kathy-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-v | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | Reading package lists... Done | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | Building dependency tree | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | Reading state information... Done | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | E: Couldn't find package mozilla-plugin-v | 08:19 |
lepotan | rrrrrrrrrr | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | is it supposed to say couldnt find | 08:19 |
exspecto | apt-get remove mozilla-vlc-plugin | 08:19 |
arrozconevan | to mean its uninstalled? | 08:19 |
variant | arrozconevan: lc at the end | 08:19 |
fbc | arrow, damn... use the pastebin | 08:19 |
variant | arrozconevan: and don't paste that amount of info, use pastebin | 08:20 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Hi. I need the help of Python programmers, or probably just anyone used to programming within Linux, especially if they use ERIC, to read this for me : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10074/ | 08:20 |
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arrozconevan | sorry | 08:20 |
arrozconevan | whats pastbin | 08:20 |
fbc | arrozconevan, damn... use the pastebin | 08:20 |
exspecto | no, nevermind, vlc is at the end | 08:20 |
frtmonster | variant: how do you know | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan - http://pastebin.ca/ | 08:20 |
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variant | arrozconevan: http://rafp.net/paste | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
variant | frtmonster: experience | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
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lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
exspecto | guh? | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
=== sinbox-ubuntu [n=test@host-87-74-2-88.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | lepotan: cya mate | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
arrozconevan | did i just paste secret info or something? | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
frtmonster | variant: i think it will fix it, thanks | 08:20 |
fbc | arrozconevan, it's a website to post your long stuff in and give you an url you can pass alot easier.. | 08:20 |
arrozconevan | or did i jus spam | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
rwxr-xr-- | how can i check which version i am using its gnome or kde .. can i chk? | 08:20 |
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lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:20 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan, do you want to remove vlc entirely? just do that. | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
exspecto | what language is that? | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
Lynoure | argh | 08:21 |
Pici | !ops | lepotan - spamming | 08:21 |
ubotu | lepotan - spamming: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso or PriceChild | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
arrozconevan | no just the vlc plugin for firefox video | 08:21 |
lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
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lepotan | pusi te kurac | 08:21 |
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fbc | Will someone kick ban lepotan? | 08:21 |
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shane634 | rwxr they are way different you will know | 08:21 |
Pici | Thanks apokryphos | 08:21 |
fbc | apokryphos, thank you! | 08:21 |
frtmonster | variant: nop, i get the same thing | 08:21 |
rwxr-xr-- | shane634, for example any 1? | 08:21 |
LittleCCCC | <fbc> how did u passed the Oracle Check for release? | 08:21 |
nofeardjb | thankyou apokryphos! | 08:21 |
Seveas | variant, no need to jump in #ubuntu-ops, we read here as well... | 08:21 |
variant | frtmonster: it installed correctly? did you retry with mplayer? | 08:21 |
arrozconevan | Huffalump: i am trying to do what is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301892 | 08:22 |
arrozconevan | the 2nd or 3rd poster posts a command | 08:22 |
frtmonster | yes variant | 08:22 |
fbc | LittleCCCC, It was a joke..get it ? Neo and the Oracle.. you know the matrix movie.. ,-p | 08:22 |
variant | Seveas: i'm sure you do :) | 08:22 |
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shane634 | rwxr log out then select under options then sessions | 08:22 |
LittleCCCC | hhhhhhh | 08:22 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan - use Synaptic to uninstall then | 08:22 |
edmondt | I was just reading this thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=361528 | 08:22 |
edmondt | looks amazing :) | 08:22 |
arrozconevan | i donno what synaptic is | 08:22 |
frtmonster | LittleCCCC: where are you from | 08:22 |
variant | frtmonster: and it still says Encrypted VOB file! Read DOCS/HTML/ etc? | 08:22 |
LittleCCCC | :D | 08:22 |
frtmonster | variant: yes | 08:22 |
LittleCCCC | Egypt | 08:23 |
grndslm | anybody know how to map the brightness keys on my laptop?? | 08:23 |
chinny | chasta123 - that's what i was just trying to do (and just did with a little help from CarlFK). "sudo mkdir /media/hda2" then "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" add "/dev/hda2 /media/hda2 ntfs" on a line in there - then "sudo mount /media/hda2" | 08:23 |
rwxr-xr-- | okie.. shane634 ! | 08:23 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan - on your menu: System > Administration > Synaptic | 08:23 |
frtmonster | variant: sec let me be sure | 08:23 |
LittleCCCC | & U | 08:23 |
=== brandon_ [n=brandon@ppp-69-214-55-97.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Huffalump | arrozconevan - in Synaptic, you can install and uninstall software for Ubuntu | 08:23 |
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frtmonster | variant: yes still | 08:23 |
sinbox-ubuntu | question: ubuntu won't let me paste the profile into /etc/firefox/profile, how can I do that (new to the whole linux thing, not sure how to get "admin" rights) | 08:23 |
=== thatGuy [n=joey@c-69-138-218-106.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | frtmonster: how strange.. | 08:24 |
brandon_ | Anyone have trouble with Beryl and ATI cards? | 08:24 |
frtmonster | variant: :\ | 08:24 |
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frtmonster | variant: this is the third dvd, kill bill | 08:24 |
variant | frtmonster: without having physical access i find it hard to diagnose.. what does it look like if you play it in vlc? does it play at all? | 08:24 |
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dumbalien | hi all | 08:24 |
arrozconevan | oh cool, i dont have to use terminal all the time :D | 08:24 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan, yep it's quite handy often time | 08:25 |
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arrozconevan | one day ubuntu will be so easy that it till put windows out of business | 08:25 |
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shane634 | frtmonster what is it you are having issues with? | 08:26 |
Huffalump | arrozconevan - you can make life easy in Synaptic. if you open it up, click on any item in the list... and start typing "mozilla-p..." it will automagically take you there | 08:26 |
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=== Muiske [n=muiske01@ip565efeb2.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brandon_ | Beryl switches back to KDE | 08:26 |
dumbalien | got ubuntu 6.10, if i install, how much room does it take up? only got 7gb | 08:26 |
brandon_ | it crashes | 08:26 |
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Huffalump | arrozconevan - it is easy enough to put windows out of business. Remember how hard it is to install/uninstall thousands of software on Windows without screwing things up or getting viruses. | 08:26 |
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finalbeta | arrozconevan: sure :p. Windows wont keep slacking, they only innovate under pressure, they will do it again. But that's more #ubuntu-offtopic stuff. | 08:26 |
Huffalump | brandon_ try #ubuntu-effects | 08:26 |
frtmonster | shane634: http://rafb.net/p/7AIPwI38.html | 08:27 |
frtmonster | trying to play dvd's | 08:27 |
frtmonster | under xubuntu | 08:27 |
=== burnover [n=burnover@reverse-82-141-49-172.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brandon_ | thanks | 08:27 |
frtmonster | variant: very lagged | 08:27 |
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arrozconevan | i know but all this sudo apt-get stuff might scare people :P | 08:27 |
rly | hey | 08:27 |
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dpryo | Anyone heard about when ATI will ship drivers supporting Composite-X-extension? (aiglx requirement) | 08:27 |
wolferine | im scared | 08:27 |
variant | frtmonster: and ogle? | 08:28 |
apokryphos | no need to use apt-get; use synaptic | 08:28 |
dumbalien | got ubuntu 6.10, if i install, how much room does it take up? only got 7gb | 08:28 |
wolferine | and I have only used it for 2 days | 08:28 |
apokryphos | dumbalien: default install is around 1.8 gigs | 08:28 |
rly | does anyone can tell me how to install the repositories for mounting NTFS drives? | 08:28 |
finalbeta | Huffalump: I like .exe's, much better then repositories where it takes months to get a bug fixed, where you only have one version of the same program/library on your system, etc etc, but #ubuntu-offtopic please | 08:28 |
apokryphos | dumbalien: obviously you need a bit more than that; 7 GB is ok | 08:28 |
variant | rly: you already can mount them, read/write is slightly more involved | 08:28 |
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rly | thank you variant | 08:29 |
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variant | frtmonster: please enable the debug console in vlc | 08:29 |
wolferine | try the forums though rly | 08:29 |
variant | frtmonster: start vlc from the terminal too | 08:29 |
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shane634 | yeah we need some log info | 08:29 |
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variant | frtmonster: then in vlc go to settings > add interface > debug logging | 08:29 |
chasta123 | how can I set the access rigts to just mounted partition: sudo chmod +777 /media/hda1 ?? | 08:30 |
rly | variant... I'm afraid I don't know how to mount them... n00by here | 08:30 |
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variant | rly: there are few options, you could try adding the disk mounter applet to the gnome panel | 08:30 |
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variant | rly: right click the gnome panel and select add applet | 08:30 |
frtmonster | variant: ogle is bad as well | 08:31 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Hi. I am trying to find a file called '.profile' as stated in the INSTALL instructions of an app which are as follows : "In .profile (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh), add the following lines:..." - however, I cannot find any trace of a file called .profile either by showing hidden files or by using 'find'. Any clues? | 08:31 |
rly | where's the gnome panel, variant? | 08:31 |
variant | frtmonster: please see my comment about starting debug loggin in vlc | 08:31 |
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dumbalien | have hd 2 partitions, can i partition part of the first partition to install linux. Or... should i just reformat the first partition and dual boot (newbie if you did not guess) | 08:31 |
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variant | rly: it's the bar accross the top/bottom of the screen if your using plain ubuntu | 08:31 |
shane634 | rly the bar at the top is it | 08:31 |
chasta123 | anyone.. | 08:31 |
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arrozconevan | i'm scared one of these days i'm going to get bad information off of ubuntu forums and end up effing up my whole computer rendering it unusable :( | 08:31 |
shane634 | rly simply right click on it | 08:31 |
shane634 | arroz it will never happen | 08:32 |
arrozconevan | why not | 08:32 |
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arrozconevan | shane634: it cant all be good info | 08:32 |
brandon_ | Has anyone had any luck with Beryl and fgrlx drivers with an ATI card? | 08:32 |
shane634 | arroz it may break but these great folks will fix it | 08:32 |
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dumbalien | have hd 2 partitions, can i partition part of the first partition to install linux. Or... should i just reformat the first partition and dual boot (newbie if you did not guess) | 08:32 |
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variant | arrozconevan: it should always be possible to reinstall, it's qute hard to damage the hardware with software (certainly not impossible though) it pays to be wary of advice taken from here/forums | 08:33 |
variant | dumbalien: you can do either | 08:33 |
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dyrne | arrozconevan: hang on ill post a rm -fr / guide on forums for you :) | 08:33 |
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variant | shane634: tye arr and press the TAB key | 08:33 |
dumbalien | variant: is it diff. | 08:33 |
freamer | Hi there, ive installed the last version of wine and winetools,but when i run wt,it says: winetools cannot run with a wine version older than... what can be wrong? ive the latest versions | 08:33 |
bewst | After recent update, AIGLX is broken: (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727) -- anyone know the fix? | 08:33 |
rowland | Anyone able to advise me about a dissappearing windows Nvidia Compiz problem??? | 08:33 |
arrozconevan | ok i just did this whole thing to install w32 codecs for windows media, and still, i try to open a wmv file on a website and it comes up with an error | 08:33 |
shane634 | variant what? | 08:33 |
frtmonster | i tried to install the cess2 variant, here is what it says: | 08:34 |
Chesney | Quick question for the channel. If you download a .deb package. How do you go about using it? | 08:34 |
frtmonster | Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:34 |
frtmonster | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:34 |
frtmonster | is only available from another source | 08:34 |
frtmonster | E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate | 08:34 |
variant | dumbalien: assuming you mean difficult, no, depending on your liking for computers.. if you are a techno phobe, it can be hard | 08:34 |
variant | shane634: to auto complete a nick in irc, type the first part of the nick and press tab | 08:34 |
nofeardjb | does anyone know anything about libwfb.so for the 8800 nvidia driver support? | 08:34 |
shane634 | variant, thanks | 08:35 |
freamer | did someone meet a problem that i have? | 08:35 |
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variant | frtmonster: I asked you to install libdvdread3 not libdvdcss | 08:35 |
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dumbalien | variant: does the ubuntu cd have the partition prog, or do i sort out partitions another way | 08:35 |
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frtmonster | variant: i know but someone else asked me to install 2 | 08:35 |
variant | dumbalien: it is on hte u buntu cd | 08:35 |
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dumbalien | variant: thanks, going to give it a try. | 08:35 |
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variant | frtmonster: that package has been replaced by libdvdread3 | 08:36 |
frtmonster | oh i see | 08:36 |
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frtmonster | ok i'll try with vlc | 08:36 |
variant | thanks | 08:36 |
rly | variant: the disk mounter I added to the gnome panel only allows me to mount a floppy drive... I was interested in mounting two NTFS HD drives | 08:36 |
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shane634 | wow variant is a guru | 08:37 |
variant | rly: ok, there may be a correct ubuntu way to achieve this but I will sugest that you edit the fstab file in /etc (on the terminal type sudo nano -w /etc/fstab | 08:37 |
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frtmonster | variant: the first thing it says is : " Encrypted DVD support unavailable." | 08:37 |
variant | shane634: no i'm not :) | 08:37 |
shane634 | variant, well working on it lol | 08:37 |
variant | frtmonster: that sucks.. something has certainly gone wrong | 08:37 |
nofeardjb | who's got a suggestion for installing nvidia drivers for an 8800 gts card when envy doesn't work? | 08:37 |
frtmonster | variant: eh :P | 08:37 |
asc | Does libdvdread3 actually replace libdvdcss2? The package description says it 'probes for libdvdcss at runtime'. | 08:37 |
frtmonster | :( | 08:38 |
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colbert | how do I find out which version of GTK I have ? | 08:38 |
variant | frtmonster: libdvdread3 should provide support to play encrypted dvd's.. | 08:38 |
variant | !dvd | 08:38 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 08:38 |
=== ADZ [n=ADZ@pool-72-80-240-55.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | nofeardjb: do a google search for ubuntu nvidia driver latest . in short use the nvidia.sh installer from nvidia site | 08:38 |
shane634 | nofeardjb, you can always use the method on nvidias site | 08:38 |
fbarcenas | how do I find what video driver I'm using? | 08:38 |
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variant | or not | 08:38 |
frtmonster | :P | 08:38 |
craigbass1976 | How does one get thunderbird to be the default mail app instead of evolution? | 08:38 |
frtmonster | ok so we found my problem | 08:38 |
variant | frtmonster: indeed | 08:38 |
ADZ | guys, I have a problem. I think my xorg.conf is messed up | 08:38 |
dyrne | nofeardjb: its a pain when you upgrade kernel though because youll have to reinstall | 08:38 |
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frtmonster | so how can i make it install variant? | 08:38 |
frtmonster | because it won't install properly | 08:38 |
fbarcenas | craigbass1976, under preferences. | 08:38 |
ADZ | the resolution can go only up to 600x400 | 08:38 |
binho_info | gostaria de saber como que envio mensagem sem remetente ? | 08:38 |
rly | ok, variant, done that.. what's next? | 08:38 |
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Federico90 | hi all | 08:39 |
nofeardjb | dyrne and shane: I have attempted that as well, but i still get fatal errors | 08:39 |
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nofeardjb | when i do a startx if fail miserably | 08:39 |
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variant | frtmonster: 2 seks | 08:39 |
fbarcenas | craigbass1976, SYSTEM > PREFERENCES > Preferred APPS | 08:39 |
frtmonster | hehe | 08:39 |
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fbarcenas | how do I find what video driver I'm using? | 08:40 |
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craigbass1976 | That was retarded. Sorry I even asked guys... I didn't see the preferred app choice. | 08:40 |
dyrne | nofeardjb: dapper or edgy? | 08:40 |
nofeardjb | edgy | 08:40 |
shane634 | nofeardjb, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376987&highlight=nvidia+8800 | 08:40 |
shane634 | nofeardjb, have a look there | 08:40 |
nofeardjb | shane: will do | 08:40 |
chasta123 | how can I set the rights to my new mounted partition (/media/hda1) | 08:40 |
variant | frtmonster: type sudo echo "deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/ edgy-seveas list_of_sections" >> /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:41 |
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variant | frtmonster: type exactly as i typed it | 08:41 |
frtmonster | ok | 08:41 |
variant | frtmonster: the two >> are essential | 08:41 |
frtmonster | you sure i have edgy? | 08:41 |
variant | frtmonster: not one | 08:41 |
variant | frtmonster: no actualy, do you? :) | 08:41 |
dyrne | nofeardjb: i believe in ubuntu all i did was 'sudo apt-get install build-essention linux-headers-$(uname -r)' then download installer then alt-ctrl-f2 then cd to installer directory then sudo su - then bash installer.sh. | 08:41 |
frtmonster | permission denied | 08:41 |
dyrne | nofeardjb: build-esssential i mean | 08:41 |
nofeardjb | ya | 08:41 |
variant | frtmonster: you included sudo? | 08:41 |
nofeardjb | i'm going to attempt that again right now | 08:41 |
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variant | rly: sorry, got distracted. you still need help? | 08:42 |
frtmonster | variant: yes | 08:42 |
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shane634 | nofeardjb, cross your fingers first | 08:42 |
rly | variant, may I talk with you in private? | 08:42 |
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fbarcenas | how do I find what video driver I'm using? | 08:42 |
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variant | rly: not rly | 08:42 |
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dyrne | nofeardjb: thats what i like about slackware. it can be a pain but when you need to compile everything is already where it should be | 08:42 |
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frtmonster | bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied | 08:42 |
arrozconevan | does anyone know how i can get firefox to interpret mms:// | 08:42 |
asc | fbarcenas: cat /etc/X11/corg.conf | grep driver | 08:43 |
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Advant | S19cupsys -> ../init.d/cupsys What kind of file is S19cupsys, it isn't a symbolic link is it ? | 08:43 |
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uncle|merlyn | can somebody help me with a MA111 network adapter? | 08:43 |
variant | frtmonster: you included sudo? | 08:43 |
asc | fbarcenas: correction: "cat /etc/X11/corg.conf | grep Driver" - capitalization. It should be the second line from the bottom. | 08:43 |
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fbarcenas | asc, still didn't work.. | 08:44 |
amimusa | hello, I have experienced the next issue with Ubuntu 6.10. If I enable the WIFI Card, I don't get sound. Can somebody explain me why or at least ho to fix that if it is possible, please? Thanks in advance. | 08:44 |
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variant | frtmonster: alternativly just manually edit that file and add the "deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/ edgy-seveas list_of_sections " line at the end | 08:44 |
asc | fbarcenas: You can also try 'sudo lsof | grep "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/" ' | 08:44 |
uncle|merlyn | can someone help with a wireless network, please? | 08:44 |
=== tibs [n=tibs@ARennes-357-1-129-83.w90-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | variant, don't give crap advice please | 08:44 |
frtmonster | variant: ok | 08:44 |
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amimusa | uncle|merlyn: now I am with this issue what happends to you ? | 08:44 |
variant | Seveas: whats up with that advice? | 08:44 |
WannabeNewbie | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 08:44 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, what card is it? | 08:45 |
Seveas | variant, it's broken and if someone follows it, errors will occur | 08:45 |
asc | Although, that might not work if you haven't got a graphical session running | 08:45 |
uncle|merlyn | amimusa, it's a netgear ma111 | 08:45 |
Craeo | Anyone familiar with partitioning in Ubuntu? I have four partitions. First one is my NTFS for WIndows and the other three were meant for Ubuntu, but one of the partitions I made I don't need and wanted to delete the partition and add the storage space back to my NTFS partition is this possible from within Ubuntu? | 08:45 |
uncle|merlyn | shane634, it's netgear ma111 | 08:45 |
amimusa | first open a console and type lspci and lok for if your wifi card is recognized | 08:45 |
arrozconevan | Does anyone know why I now can get .wmv files to work (like on filecabi.net) but not streams (like cnn.com) | 08:45 |
arrozconevan | ? | 08:45 |
variant | Seveas: well, thats what it says to do https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages here | 08:45 |
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Seveas | variant, no it does not | 08:45 |
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amimusa | what netgear means and ma111 ? don' understant, sorry | 08:45 |
KidNabre | Hello I've just booted ubuntu 6.10 (edgy thingie) from the dvd, but when I try to install n partition it (QTParted) says: "no device found, maybe you're not using root" any ideas? thx | 08:45 |
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colbert | how do I find out which version of GTK I have ??? | 08:45 |
variant | Seveas: please enlighten me | 08:46 |
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Seveas | variant, please read instructions completely | 08:46 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, look here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=367852&highlight=ma111 | 08:46 |
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Seveas | variant, especially BIG BOLD NOTICES that are made to STAND OUT | 08:46 |
variant | Seveas: ah, yeah i missed the line at the top | 08:46 |
uncle|merlyn | i've tried that , shane634 | 08:46 |
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MortChill | hey hoi | 08:46 |
variant | Seveas: there is no need to be rude, i am trying to help. Everyone makes mistakes, even YOU if you can beleive it | 08:46 |
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nofeardjb | i'm downloading alternative iso right now shane, and dyrne | 08:46 |
amimusa | shane634: what netgear ma111 means, please ? | 08:46 |
Seveas | variant, giving people errors is not helping... | 08:47 |
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bayziders | I am having trouble finding the name of a piece of software that lets you switch thru your four desktops in a 3d cube andh as some other eye candy. Does any one know the name of this software? | 08:47 |
MortChill | i've got a problem, everytime i try to install xchat i get this error: configure: error: "Cannot find glib" | 08:47 |
uncle|merlyn | amimusa, netgear ma111 is the wireless network card | 08:47 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, have you looked here as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/NetgearMA111 | 08:47 |
MortChill | and normally it should be installed :/ | 08:47 |
frtmonster | variant: i should type the "" as well? | 08:47 |
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amimusa | no, my card it is an Intel Pro ... give one sec | 08:47 |
variant | frtmonster: please see the comment from Seveas about the error i failed to spot | 08:47 |
uncle|merlyn | shane634: yes | 08:47 |
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amimusa | Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG | 08:48 |
shane634 | amimusa, that is a wireless card | 08:48 |
robinlinth | Does anybody know a lighter version of Deskbar and Beagle? | 08:48 |
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variant | frtmonster: replace list_of_sections with a list of sections you want to use, separated with a single space | 08:48 |
amimusa | my card is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG | 08:48 |
WannabeNewbie | May I ask where to find p2p info for ubuntu? I am looking for a good client | 08:48 |
variant | frtmonster: taken from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 08:48 |
uncle|merlyn | shane634, can you just talk on pm? | 08:48 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, you have restricted modules installed? | 08:48 |
uncle|merlyn | what's that mean? | 08:48 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, sure just tell me how to lol | 08:48 |
uncle|merlyn | you using xchat? | 08:49 |
amimusa | so, if I don't have this card ... can somebody tell me how to fix ? | 08:49 |
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shane634 | uncle|merlyn, yeah | 08:49 |
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uncle|merlyn | right clikc my name and hit dialog box | 08:49 |
nhy | hello all | 08:49 |
uncle|merlyn | or open dialog window | 08:49 |
nhy | i'm having some problems with the bcm4xx driver | 08:49 |
=== Checkka [n=brass@user-0cevefs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amimusa | WannabeNewbie: a good p2p client is nicotine, that works with the soulseek network... wonderfull !!! try it | 08:49 |
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freamer | ive installed the last version of wine and winetools,but when i run wt,it says: winetools cannot run with a wine version older than... what can be wrong? downgrading winetools didnt help | 08:49 |
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frtmonster | variant: where is list_of_sections | 08:50 |
variant | Seveas: so you never said the wrong thing or failed to spot something when you were trying to help somone out? wish I were you! and if you suggest that we shouldn't discuss this in this channel please note that you started the conversation, not me. but thanks for pointing out my mistake | 08:50 |
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uncle|merlyn | shane634, see it? | 08:50 |
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shane634 | uncle|merlyn, yeah i opened a window | 08:50 |
pavs | !samba | 08:50 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:50 |
colbert | Can someone tell me plz how do I find out which version of GTK I have ??? | 08:50 |
=== WannabeNewbie [n=WannabeN@68-170-166-73.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uncle|merlyn | just talk in there | 08:50 |
bayziders | Does any one know what i am talking about? | 08:50 |
grndslm | anybody know how to map the brightness keys on my laptop?? | 08:50 |
variant | bayziders: yes, you are looking for beryl/compiz | 08:51 |
nhy | when I run sudo iwlist eth1 scan | 08:51 |
WannabeNewbie | Ok thanks for the nicotine idea | 08:51 |
variant | !beryl | bayziders | 08:51 |
ubotu | bayziders: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:51 |
bayziders | Thank you =D | 08:51 |
nhy | I get a "Segmentation Fault core dumped) | 08:51 |
nhy | is this normal? | 08:51 |
shane634 | uncle|merlyn, i am typing in there you see it? | 08:51 |
=== tibs [n=tibs@ARennes-357-1-129-83.w90-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amimusa | any help about my wifi and sound issue, please ? | 08:51 |
dyrne | grndslm: xgamma is a handy command to adjust birghtness xgamma number | 08:51 |
uncle|merlyn | nope | 08:51 |
arrozconevan | does anyone know anything about mplayer playing streams? | 08:52 |
arrozconevan | :\ | 08:52 |
uncle|merlyn | shane634: join #fadshorty | 08:52 |
amimusa | it seems as there is a conflict ... | 08:52 |
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uncle|merlyn | know how to? | 08:52 |
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grndslm | bayziders: do this...edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add this: ## Beryl | 08:52 |
grndslm | deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn | 08:52 |
=== sbn [n=sbn@d54C23561.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | grndslm, that repo is not a good one to use | 08:53 |
=== PirateHead [n=chatzill@ti500710a080-11601.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | Hey, how come that most of the sites I visit with firefox aren't loading? | 08:53 |
amimusa | why you ask for if it was a netgear m111 ? there is a known problem with that ? | 08:53 |
PirateHead | What is the default keyring password? | 08:53 |
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Seveas | grndslm, better use official beryl repos | 08:53 |
amimusa | maybe it is the same for my wifi card ... | 08:53 |
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PirateHead | animusa: what wifi card do you have? | 08:53 |
variant | sbn: are any of the sites loading? | 08:53 |
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amimusa | PirateHead: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG | 08:54 |
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grndslm | Seveas: seems to me that the svn repos is usually a good deal more functional than the official one... | 08:54 |
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PirateHead | animusa: sorry, don't know about that one. | 08:54 |
craigbass1976 | anyone care to give me a hand getting a modem working? If I echo stuff and > to /dev/ttyS0 I get a light to blink. If I cat a big file, I get the light to blink a while. However, the "modem detector" doesn't find it, and I can't dial out. | 08:54 |
=== willskills [n=willskil@62-30-149-134.cable.ubr10.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PirateHead | I need to access the default keyring -- what is the password? | 08:54 |
variant | grndslm: i fyou don't mind the possibility of it being extremely unstable then you can use them i suppose | 08:54 |
PirateHead | I have never set a password in my memory, but it asks for one. | 08:54 |
Seveas | PirateHead, then you have set one | 08:54 |
amimusa | but it is strange, it works if i active it, but then I don't have sound. If I desactive it, then I have sound (restarting) | 08:54 |
PirateHead | Seveas: in that case, how do I re-set it? | 08:54 |
variant | craigbass1976: do you have wvdial installed? it is a very handy modem dialler | 08:55 |
grndslm | variant: even a stable version of beryl prolly isn't all that stable... | 08:55 |
GaiaX11 | How do I config arts sounds? Where is it in ubuntu? | 08:55 |
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AndrewLife | When trying to update azureus I get a message saying /opt/azureus isn't writable and I should check permissions. How can I do that? | 08:55 |
variant | grndslm: very true :) | 08:55 |
AJIEXA | HELLO | 08:55 |
AJIEXA | I have some problem: when i use fastswitching for two users or more... my screen locked, and i must write the pass again.... how i can disable this ??? | 08:55 |
AJIEXA | thanks. | 08:55 |
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colbert | !gtk | 08:55 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 08:55 |
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colbert | !gimp | 08:55 |
ubotu | gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 08:55 |
chasta123 | I am reallz desperated, I mounted hda1 (NTFS) and now dont know how to set permission to acces I am running live cd | 08:55 |
GaiaX11 | I am getting a distorted sound and the system said that it has to do with arts | 08:56 |
Checkka | Is anyone using the T-ish theme for Gnome? | 08:56 |
Jetfighter | Is Red Hat free? | 08:56 |
arrozconevan | !mplayer | 08:56 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 08:56 |
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arrozconevan | !codecs | 08:56 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:56 |
sbn1 | Did I just disconnect? | 08:56 |
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=== Russel [n=engelzz@p54877A53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Checkka | I'm trying to have the Gnome T-ish theme to have stronger window alerts | 08:56 |
Russel | hiho | 08:56 |
Russel | i have a problem: | 08:56 |
sbn1 | ok I just hanged | 08:56 |
variant | Jetfighter: it is mostly free software, they charge for supply though afaik | 08:56 |
arrozconevan | is anyone familiar with mplayer... for some reason i can hear the video but cant see the video | 08:56 |
arrozconevan | ? | 08:56 |
sbn1 | variant: all of google is working | 08:56 |
Russel | everytime i start a windowmanager other than twm the whole xserver crashes | 08:56 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-187-234.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Checkka | Everything looks nice, but I cant tell the difference between a flashing window and a regular one | 08:56 |
Russel | i use a voodoo banshee graphics card | 08:56 |
variant | sbn1: what error messages do you get on other websites? | 08:56 |
ericz | bleh, why does netstat -n show a bunch of 'tcp6' connections.. can i disable ipv6? | 08:57 |
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Jetfighter | Is Red Hat better than Ubuntu? | 08:57 |
sbn1 | Wait | 08:57 |
AJIEXA | can i disable lock screen - i want it turn OFF | 08:57 |
amimusa | Jetfighter: I think Red Hat does no exist anymore since few time ago, it change to fedora and it is mostly comercial, i think. try debian based. in my opinion are the best and easiest to maintain | 08:57 |
sbn1 | I'll test again | 08:57 |
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=== dougie [n=dougie@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | dyrne: could you give me an example usage of xgamma for brightness? | 08:57 |
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Jetfighter | I'm on Ubuntu now, I was wondering if I could get Red Hat free though :( | 08:57 |
bayziders | grndslm: so it looks like this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10081/ | 08:57 |
variant | amimusa: redhat still exists, fedora is the "community edition" | 08:57 |
=== geir_ [n=geir@80-89-56-49.network.itconnect.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | Jetfighter: ask in #redhat | 08:57 |
Jetfighter | Ok | 08:58 |
craigbass1976 | variant, does it need to be a fax modem to accept faxes? How would I know, other than it saying fax modem. Whats the software app for acepting faxes? | 08:58 |
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=== beta-guy [n=beta-guy@d205-206-185-133.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinbox-ubuntu | what do I do to paste some files in a directory owned by root? | 08:58 |
=== StarQuake [n=StarQuak@ip51cfbfaa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | craigbass1976: sorry, never set up fax reception on a pc before.. is that what you want it for or do you need it to dial your isp? | 08:58 |
holycow | hey guys | 08:58 |
variant | sinbox-ubuntu: use sudo | 08:59 |
Checkka | Do GUI's cause alot of localhost connections? | 08:59 |
AndrewLife | How do I change permissions? | 08:59 |
nhy | I'm having some problems with a broadcom card | 08:59 |
Checkka | becuase my netstat is huge right now with netstat stuff | 08:59 |
=== c0nf [n=mmmmm@cpe-24-58-126-170.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
beta-guy | I need help I installed ubuntu and my wireless doesn't work it's an IPW2200 | 08:59 |
variant | AndrewLife: in the file manager right click the file/dir and select properties | 08:59 |
holycow | just out of curiosity, how are we doing these days with hp multifunction units? did they release fully supported driver sets to the community or have full support for mfcs like brother? | 08:59 |
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beta-guy | also my sound isn't working | 08:59 |
=== bobbyd [n=rob@80-192-61-220.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whtvrrob | my sound isn't working either :( | 08:59 |
bobbyd | hi | 08:59 |
variant | holycow: dont konw, you can find excellent info on linuxprinting.org though | 08:59 |
AndrewLife | variant: It wont let me, the permissions area is all greyed out. | 08:59 |
Prez_ | hello | 08:59 |
=== theherbalizer [n=dissonan@69-12-177-161.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | variant, i know, i want personal experience with recent mfcs input tho | 09:00 |
variant | AndrewLife: then you don't have permission to alter the permission of those files :) | 09:00 |
nhy | i'm using the bcm43xx driver and when I use "udo iwlist eth1 scan" I get a segmentation fault | 09:00 |
Prez_ | do i need to compile i2c support for laptops? | 09:00 |
craigbass1976 | variant, both | 09:00 |
Prez_ | into the kernel? | 09:00 |
beta-guy | I'm using a laptop with the intel 855 chipset | 09:00 |
bobbyd | does anyone have an Intel wireless-n wireless card working under ubuntu? | 09:00 |
AndrewLife | Hahahaha | 09:00 |
holycow | anyone else run recent hp mfc on lets say dapepr? | 09:00 |
nhy | does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? | 09:00 |
Prez_ | bobbyd: I use intel 8945 | 09:00 |
theherbalizer | checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to gtk-config. configure: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path? i have gtk2, dev and all, so how do i pass it's location to ./configure ? | 09:00 |
variant | craigbass1976: well, wvdial will allow you to dialout (if it's a winmodem you might have issues, serial modems work fine though) | 09:00 |
=== mylesbraithwaite [n=mylesbra@bas10-toronto12-1177644676.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
geir_ | holycow, HPLIP work like charm on my mfc HP 3210. | 09:00 |
beta-guy | intel has Wireless N M-PCI cards? | 09:01 |
craigbass1976 | variant, this is a serial. I had it working in Fedora last summer, then got dsl, but now I want to hook it up again and see if I can't fax with it. | 09:01 |
sbn1 | variant: it's weird thought, because google and irc are working | 09:01 |
holycow | geir_, yeah? neat let me look it up | 09:01 |
=== nicolas_ [n=nicolas@mol92-7-88-161-118-106.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbyd | Prez_: is that wireless-n in a laptop? Is it a Dell by any chance? | 09:01 |
variant | craigbass1976: you can use "wvidalconf /etc/wvidal.conf" to make an initial set up of the modem, then edit /etc/wvidal.conf to add in the phone number etc | 09:01 |
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=== kenws [n=ken@dslb-088-064-153-036.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | geir_, danke | 09:02 |
variant | sbn: yes, very odd. sorry but i don't know exactly whats causing it | 09:02 |
Prez_ | bobbyd: don't know if it is wireless-n, no, thinkpad x60z | 09:02 |
Prez_ | x60s | 09:02 |
beta-guy | if anyone here has expieience with wireless or sound issues under linux please PM me | 09:02 |
grndslm | bayziders: that will work, definitely | 09:02 |
sbn | variant: could it be firewall inside ubuntu? | 09:02 |
grndslm | but here's mine: http://pastebin.ca/392295 | 09:02 |
geir_ | Full support for print, scan and copy. Running on Dapper Kubuntu/ubuntu Shared on IP-network to :-) | 09:02 |
bobbyd | Prez_: ok thanks :) | 09:02 |
=== Keneo [n=jens@86-39-1-63.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theherbalizer | !configure | 09:02 |
grndslm | bayziders: it's slightly cleaner at the beginning | 09:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about configure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:02 |
variant | sbn: possibly, if you set one up? | 09:02 |
sbn | nope | 09:02 |
theherbalizer | !./configure | 09:02 |
=== brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@c-69-248-19-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbn | Just fresh isntall | 09:02 |
variant | sbn: or a problem with your dns servers? I don't know | 09:03 |
theherbalizer | anyone, how do i pass things to ./configure? | 09:03 |
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sbn | dns server? | 09:03 |
=== ShiftyPowers [n=Shifty@mail.franciscopartners.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | theherbalizer: pass what? | 09:03 |
variant | sbn: are you on a corporate network or at home? you have hardware firewall or somthing? | 09:03 |
dyrne | theherbalizer: install path or something? | 09:03 |
theherbalizer | checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to gtk-config. configure: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path? i have gtk2, dev and all, so how do i pass it's location to ./configure ? | 09:03 |
sbn | yeah root is in between | 09:03 |
sbn | but for windows there are no problems | 09:03 |
=== Juhized [n=root@82-128-230-182-KempPaituri-TR1.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | theherbalizer: --like-this | 09:03 |
dyrne | theherbalizer: ./configure --prefix=/path | 09:03 |
grndslm | bayziders: after you save that, use "sudo -i" to become root...then type aptitude update && aptitude install beryl | 09:03 |
theherbalizer | --prefix ? | 09:03 |
=== charlesg3 [n=charles@72-19-151-99.static.mesanetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | and it should work | 09:04 |
sbn | btw I do have Reception errors (under network tools) | 09:04 |
pavs | i m following a manual and I am sked to open the "configuration editor" in application --> system tools. but there is not "configuration editor" there. What am I missing? | 09:04 |
grndslm | bayziders: to start it after it's dl'ed, type beryl-manager in a terminal or after pressing ALT+F2 | 09:04 |
Jetfighter | Does mIRC work on Linux, or is there a Linux e(kwe)uivelent of it? | 09:04 |
dyrne | Jetfighter: xchat is way better but there are many options | 09:04 |
sbn | Jetfighter, Giam does the job already | 09:04 |
grndslm | Jetfighter: mIRC migh work with wine...not sure | 09:04 |
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grndslm | but xchat works fine for me | 09:04 |
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bayziders | okay | 09:04 |
variant | Jetfighter: you can use x-chat or many other irc clients. micr works 100% under wine i beleive | 09:04 |
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bayziders | let me download this baby | 09:05 |
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pavs | bitchx is th ebest | 09:05 |
theherbalizer | dyrne: better yet, have any idea where gtk-configure is by defautl? | 09:05 |
pavs | :) | 09:05 |
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dyrne | pavs: bah | 09:05 |
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dyrne | theherbalizer: sorry not on ubuntu box right now | 09:05 |
theherbalizer | kk | 09:05 |
=== cyberbaze [n=UnUsual@unaffiliated/cyberbaze] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magical_bacon | i used aptitude to switch from ubuntu to kubntu and now want to remove the ubunt desktop but its didsapeerred from aptuitude?wold apt-get -i ubuntu-desktop work? | 09:05 |
Craeo | Opinions on a firewall? | 09:05 |
cyberbaze | what is the default root password ? | 09:05 |
jvolkman | Jetfighter, I used to be a mIRC user, but I far prefer X-Chat now | 09:06 |
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jvolkman | Jetfighter, even on windows | 09:06 |
dyrne | !root | cyberbaze | 09:06 |
ubotu | cyberbaze: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:06 |
Jetfighter | Can you like script it like you can mIRC? | 09:06 |
sbn | variant: Could it maybe be my network card? | 09:06 |
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@209-33-229-216.dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | Craeo: an easy one is firestarter.. if thats what your talking about by opinion | 09:06 |
jvolkman | Jetfighter, you can script X-Chat in a number of different languages | 09:06 |
theherbalizer | ugh, over it | 09:06 |
variant | sbn: I would doubt it, but I am no expert | 09:06 |
theherbalizer | ty though | 09:06 |
cyberbaze | ubotu: but why cant i open pppoeconf wityh sudo ? | 09:06 |
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jvolkman | Jetfighter, I don't know if X-Chat provides as much control to scripts as mIRC or not | 09:06 |
Jetfighter | Can you script it in mIRC language? Like on *:JOIN:#: { msg $nick Welcome to $chan $+ . } ?? | 09:06 |
=== MM2 [n=moversti@edu.haapavesi.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavs | cyberbaze the default root password is randomly created upon installation , i believe. its not "meant" for you to know. | 09:07 |
Craeo | Variant, I did some research and that is the name I keep getting, I've already downloaded the debian base version which I will test when I get off work, I also retrieved Shoreline FIrewall (Shorewall) | 09:07 |
cyberbaze | pavs like i cant change it ? :D | 09:07 |
=== followmath [n=chatzill@host-84-223-78-70.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | Craeo: keep in mind its not like windows where it needs to be running. it is just a front end to iptables so once you run it iptables rules are set only need to rerun if reboot or you want to make a change | 09:07 |
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=== agejan [n=john@24-226-192-121.tr.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavs | cyberbaze you can change and as a matter of fact its preety no-brainer, but ubuntu doesnt want you to do so by default. | 09:08 |
followmath | dlink usb dsl 200 modem could someone help me? | 09:08 |
=== andrew_ [n=andrew@213-238-119-33.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | Craeo: gauarddog is also good but a little more complicated. it is actualy not that hard to set up iptables manually (fairly easy if you want something basic, can be really complicated and confusing if you want to do more advanced stuff though so better to use a gui like gaurddog) | 09:08 |
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Craeo | Dyrne, I remember reading that in the brief introduction page of the site, IPTables is the built in firewall for linux kernal 2.0.4 or something other right? | 09:08 |
bayziders | I get this error when i try and download it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10082/ | 09:08 |
variant | Craeo: for 2.4 and 2.6 | 09:08 |
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=== Gurpartap [n=Gurparta@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyberbaze | why so ? like whenever i need something to be executed as root i have to do sudo :S , i'll need some time to get used to ubuntu and ugly gnome :S | 09:09 |
colbert | I am trying to install Gnome Iconset Builder and I extracted the .tar to desktop, now I cd there and run "make" and I get this: "/bin/sh: mcs: not found" "make: *** [gib.exe] Error 127" | 09:09 |
jvolkman | Jetfighter, no | 09:09 |
=== aybkamen [n=aybkamen@62-43-18-82.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
colbert | What does that mean? | 09:09 |
variant | Craeo: before that was ipchains iirc | 09:09 |
pavs | i m following a manual and I am sked to open the "configuration editor" in application --> system tools. but there is not "configuration editor" there. What am I missing? | 09:09 |
Gurpartap | "mount: must be superuser to use mount" why would this error be coming up while mounting CD Rom | 09:09 |
=== chinny [n=sethadmi@static-87-243-192-214.adsl.hotchilli.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gurpartap | although cdrom mounted well earlier | 09:09 |
=== TheVault [n=kylewitt@cpe-24-209-11-142.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gurpartap | fstab is : /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 09:09 |
sbn | variant: there's no other build in web browser in ubuntu? | 09:10 |
Gurpartap | anyone? | 09:10 |
pavs | cyberbaze you always have the choice to switching to another "nice" KDE (bah) interface with default root previlize if you want. there are a gazillion distros out there | 09:10 |
Craeo | Variant: I will lookinto the Gauarddog, I'm not too worried about the difficulty, that's how you learn, just looking for the right program to use. Thanks for the insite | 09:10 |
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Jetfighter | jvolk, what about HTML? | 09:10 |
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dyrne | Gurpartap: if you manually mount you need to be super user. but if youre relying on automount im not sure | 09:10 |
amimusa | Gurpartap: edit your fstab and add user to options on the line where the cdrom is specfied | 09:10 |
jvolkman | Jetfighter, HTML isn't a scripting language | 09:11 |
amimusa | maybe that works... | 09:11 |
Jetfighter | What kinds can you script it in? | 09:11 |
bayziders | grndslm: any idea why? | 09:11 |
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cyberbaze | CPU[Intel Celeron clocked at 2459.590 Mhz] Kernel[Linux i686] Up[-8min-] Mem[-243.441/248.562MB-] HDD[-40GB(39%used)-] Procs[-90-] Client[X-Chat 2.6.1] | 09:11 |
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Gurpartap | amimusa, fstab is : /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 09:11 |
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grndslm | bayziders: oops...i didn't realize you were running dapper | 09:12 |
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joe4444 | how do i unmount my iPod? | 09:12 |
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cypherdelic_ | hey i instaled many cursor themes, can i cant aply them | 09:12 |
mal | hye | 09:12 |
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cyberbaze | time to go back on ubuntu | 09:12 |
grndslm | bayziders: i'm not sure about beryl on dapper...edgy has aiglx support builtin | 09:12 |
jvolkman | Jetfighter, http://www.xchat.org/docs/ | 09:12 |
cypherdelic_ | i can see them for certain windows only, please help me | 09:12 |
skeletonix | Hi, how can I in compiz clear line which was created by Compiz: annotate ? thanx | 09:13 |
colbert | Can someone help me to install GIB please, I can't get past the "make" command | 09:13 |
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bayziders | When i tryed to update to edgy every time a screensaver would come up my system would lock and after the update only 50% of my apps worked | 09:13 |
TheVault | I got a problem. I installed ubuntu 6.10(edgy) on my desktop and there is no orange when loading http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/kylewitt/NoOrange.png | 09:13 |
ikonia | colbert: if thats your debugging - you shouldn't be building software | 09:13 |
chinny | bayziders - http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_AIGLX | 09:13 |
=== Checkka [n=brass@user-0cevefs.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
grndslm | bayziders: did you put your /home dir on a separate partition?? | 09:13 |
Jetfighter | What one do I download jvolkman? And does it highlight when $me is spoken? | 09:13 |
TheVault | When its loading, it shows a grey color and I can't read the words its loading | 09:14 |
tomas_ | Does anyone know where i can find a ubuntu package for kaffeine-sc plugin? | 09:14 |
colbert | ikonia: I have used make to install some other programs successfully | 09:14 |
amimusa | Gurpartap: so i don't know then .. sorry | 09:14 |
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cypherdelic_ | How to Apply MouseCursor-Themes systemwide | 09:14 |
tomas_ | affeine-sc-plugin* | 09:14 |
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ikonia | colbert: the fact that you've "used make" suggests you shouldn't be doing it | 09:14 |
tomas_ | +k | 09:14 |
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con-man | I love how linux cant burn cds | 09:14 |
bayziders | no | 09:14 |
colbert | ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10084/ there is the output | 09:14 |
bayziders | why? | 09:14 |
con-man | !burn | 09:14 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:14 |
colbert | ikonia: Then how could I install this program? I really need it | 09:14 |
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con-man | wow | 09:15 |
ikonia | colbert: the output shows the problem | 09:15 |
TheVault | Does anyone know how to fix this problem:http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/kylewitt/NoOrange.png -- It does not show the orange when loading | 09:15 |
ikonia | and what are you building thats an "exe" | 09:15 |
con-man | now the cd burning app wont close | 09:15 |
con-man | weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 09:15 |
shatrat | con-man, my linux can burn CDs. Maybe it's you who cant burn CDs | 09:15 |
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colbert | ikonia: Sorry I'm new, I don't understand, what can I do ? | 09:15 |
con-man | shatrat: I cant burn cds | 09:15 |
grndslm | bayziders: best thing to do with *nix environments is make sure your /home directory is on a separate partition so that you can reinstall over the root directory (root dir = /) at any time, but your /home directory will still be intact even after reinstalling... | 09:15 |
ikonia | colbert: exactly why you shouldn't be doing it | 09:15 |
con-man | shatrat: well I Can in windows, just not in linux | 09:15 |
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=== kathy [n=kathy@195-30.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shatrat | con-man, what are you using, serpentine? | 09:16 |
colbert | ikonia: So I cannot use this program? :( | 09:16 |
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grndslm | bayziders: i recommend partitioning at least 10gigs to /, 1gb to swap, and rest to /home.... | 09:16 |
charlesg3 | anyone know how to force an optical drive to spin up without reading from it? | 09:16 |
ikonia | colbert: I would advise against it | 09:16 |
con-man | the default one with gnome | 09:16 |
kathy | strange request, could anyone help me get scrabble onto my ubuntu? | 09:16 |
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con-man | the nautilus one | 09:16 |
nomin | con-man: burning discs is pretty simple on linux. | 09:16 |
=== betatux [i=friday@212.1-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
colbert | :( ok | 09:16 |
TheVault | Can someone please help me? | 09:16 |
Jetfighter | That IS strange, kathy. LO | 09:16 |
cypherdelic_ | How to Apply MouseCursor-Themes systemwide | 09:16 |
Jetfighter | :P* | 09:16 |
ikonia | charlesg3: try ejecting it and putting nothing in, it trys to spin up to see if there is data there | 09:16 |
bayziders | seems complicated >> | 09:16 |
kathy | :) | 09:16 |
kathy | could you help? | 09:16 |
ikonia | cypherdelic_: use the theme manager tool | 09:16 |
=== Perkabalo [n=per@c-3d0be253.138-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | is there a letter2asciiart converter? | 09:17 |
grndslm | bayziders: and keep a copy of the programs that you aptitude install ... ... ... so you can string them together in one command and have them all install at once after reinstallation | 09:17 |
beta-guy | amphi: how do I config eth1 with iwconfig | 09:17 |
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betatux | Anyone I can compare my dpkg -l list with ? I'm curious what's out there ;) | 09:17 |
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grndslm | bayziders: it's not...as long as you haven't got too much stuff to backup | 09:17 |
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halfrabbit | anybody have experience with xdmcp? | 09:17 |
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ikonia | betatux: why ? | 09:17 |
cypherdelic_ | ikonia: that doesnt work, if my mouse is over my dekstop i still see a standard white mouse cursor | 09:17 |
grndslm | bayziders: partitioning is super easy | 09:17 |
bayziders | only like 10 gigs worth | 09:17 |
ikonia | halfrabbit: a little | 09:17 |
charlesg3 | ikonia, I mean through software when there is already a cd in the drive | 09:17 |
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ikonia | charlesg3: no idea, don't think there is "drive control" like that | 09:17 |
trev_ | can anyone tell me how to fix the clock now that its daylight savings time? | 09:17 |
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Perkabalo | Hi i'm just wondering, how i merge all the menus together in gnome, put system and places in the application menu? | 09:17 |
bayziders | and every time i partition any thing my windows stops working | 09:17 |
con-man | every time I try to burn a cd, it stalls, cdrecord, nautlis or whatever | 09:18 |
bayziders | witch is a pain | 09:18 |
betatux | ikonia, there might be some great packages around that I've never heard of . | 09:18 |
bayziders | becasue i cant find that damn windows disk | 09:18 |
ikonia | betatux: just search synaptic | 09:18 |
grndslm | bayziders: do you have a means to easily backup?? dvd or another hard drive?? | 09:18 |
cypherdelic_ | ikonia: any idea? | 09:18 |
TheVault | Can someone please help me with a problem that I am having | 09:18 |
nomin | TheVault: does it still load things even though the color doesn't show up? | 09:18 |
betatux | ikonia, there's alot of other .debs around that are not in synaptic | 09:18 |
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ikonia | cypherdelic_: no | 09:18 |
TheVault | nomin: Yeah it does | 09:18 |
ikonia | betatux: so google around | 09:18 |
kathy | brb | 09:18 |
magical_bacon | im trying to get rid of ubuntu and switch to kubuntu ive installed the kubuntu-desktop package,but still have the gnome lok and feel,so i uninstaled the ubuntu-desktop package and my compter still acts like ubntu? | 09:18 |
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bayziders | grndslm: nope | 09:18 |
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TheVault | nomin: but it looks weird and funky and I'm not liking it | 09:19 |
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TheVault | nomin: Anyway to fix that problem? | 09:19 |
grndslm | bayziders: well, all i can do is recommend you think about my partitioning scheme upon next reinstall | 09:19 |
Caramba | Hi folks. How can I enable aotomount in Ubuntu running in console mode? | 09:19 |
con-man | and kill -xxxx does not work | 09:19 |
halfrabbit | ikonia: i can make a connection and authenticate, but i don't seem to be able to get past the colored background screen on both 6.10 and 6.06. connecting from windows with 2 different clients too - xming and xwin32. ever seen anything like that? | 09:19 |
GaiaX11 | It is happening something funny whit my mouse and my keyboard. When I move my optical mouse the green keyboard light blinks. What could it be? | 09:19 |
ikonia | Caramba: the automount is part of gnome | 09:19 |
bayziders | Okay i just want to get this instaled | 09:19 |
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nomin | TheVault: maybe changing the theme could help. | 09:20 |
Caramba | ikonia: So it's not possible to run in console mode at all? | 09:20 |
Dougie | how would i install windows on another partition without installing the windows bootloader? | 09:20 |
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TheVault | nomin: Well it did not do this when I installed it on my laptop | 09:20 |
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Advant | I still can't get ubuntu to boot to console, I uninstalled X, but once progress bar gets abtu 40% done, it just stays like that, I can ssh in to the box so its running, but doesn't show console in vmplayer | 09:20 |
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ikonia | halfrabbit: yes, seen it with windows clients as they don't all conform to X11 standards, and not all query the xdmcp service properly | 09:20 |
TheVault | nomin: I'll give that a try | 09:20 |
con-man | omg | 09:20 |
ikonia | Caramba: there is an automount demon, but you'll have to read up on it | 09:20 |
con-man | they way linux handles cds is retarded | 09:20 |
ikonia | Caramba: I've ont used it in ubuntu | 09:21 |
halfrabbit | ikonia: know of any that do or a way around? | 09:21 |
beta-guy | whatwhat is the default SU PW? | 09:21 |
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con-man | !kill | 09:21 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 09:21 |
=== derFlo [n=florian@dslb-088-064-145-112.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frtmonster | how can i check how much room i have left on my hd | 09:21 |
GaiaX11 | And sometimes the light fades away or the keyboard stops working. Has it to do with my battery? | 09:21 |
Caramba | ikonia: I've never been a stranger to homework ;) - remember its name? | 09:21 |
ikonia | halfrabbit: from memory you have to change the login manager to allow xdmcp query | 09:21 |
ikonia | Caramba: automountd | 09:21 |
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nomin | con-man: you must be new to linux. You a little patience at first buy you'll eventually get the hang of it. I'm now at the point where I can do anything on linux that I can do on windows except games. | 09:21 |
nomin | *you need a little | 09:21 |
Dougie | Advant try switching your video driver in the xorg config to vesa | 09:22 |
Caramba | ikonia: Cheerio, I'm off to do some studying | 09:22 |
TheVault | nomin: Alright changing the theme fixed the problem | 09:22 |
Jetfighter | I'm new to Linux | 09:22 |
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TheVault | nomin: Thank you for your help :) | 09:22 |
ikonia | Caramba: I can help you use it, I've just not used it on ubuntu | 09:22 |
nomin | TheVault: I'm guessing it's some kind of minor bug | 09:22 |
Advant | Dougie: how do I do that? | 09:22 |
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cypherdelic_ | How to Apply MouseCursor-Themes systemwide? | 09:22 |
tkooda | anyone know if fiesty will be LTS like dapper is? | 09:22 |
con-man | nomin: Ive been using linux for only a few months, yes. Its just odd that it wont burn cds. Sometimes when I press the eject button on the drive the tray wont even open | 09:22 |
TheVault | nomin: Yeah maybe, i'm installing the 915resolution thing to make my resolution 1280x800 | 09:22 |
Caramba | ikonia: Nice. Just a sec, I'll have a quick look at som README:s | 09:23 |
ikonia | cypherdelic_: you may get better support in #ubuntu-efects | 09:23 |
ikonia | cypherdelic_: there are some good guys on themes/eyecandy in there | 09:23 |
Dougie | Advant: reboot into single user recovery mode hit escape when grub pops up | 09:23 |
rebecca_ | boa tarde @all ... got a problem with my internet connection under ubuntu 6.10 , i allways have to open "Networking " and >disable>enable my eth0 after every start, | 09:23 |
nomin | con-man: yeah, on ubuntu I have to right click the cd icon and tell it to eject. It won't eject when I press the button on the cdrom drive for me, either, but it's not a problem. | 09:23 |
kbrooks | is there a letter2asciiart converter? | 09:23 |
ikonia | nomin: thats common on cd locking | 09:24 |
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TheVault | what command do I enter to find out information about my Graphics Card? | 09:24 |
Dougie | the edit your xorg.conf file and in there is a section with your video card info...or you can run umm....the configuration wizard...i forget how to run that but instead of selecting nvidia or ati select vesa | 09:24 |
con-man | nomin: that wont work either | 09:24 |
tkooda | fiesty? | 09:24 |
AndrewLife | !beryl | 09:24 |
nomin | con-man: I use k3b to burn discs. I think it's the best burning app because it does a lot of stuff. I've never used nautilus to burn. | 09:24 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:24 |
ikonia | what about fesity | 09:24 |
Eudy | por que ubuntu si y debian no? | 09:24 |
kbrooks | tkooda, it wont be LTS | 09:24 |
tkooda | ikonia, was looking to see if a bot had info/urls on "fiesty" | 09:24 |
Advant | Dougie: I am in VMware..., with "VMWare Inc [VMware SVGA II] PCI Display Adapter" | 09:24 |
tkooda | kbrooks, aah, thanks | 09:25 |
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kbrooks | tkooda, maybe fiesty+1 will be lts, dunno | 09:25 |
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kbrooks | and btw | 09:25 |
nomin | con-man: is your disc mounted? | 09:25 |
kbrooks | !ubuntu+1 | 09:25 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 09:25 |
=== danny [n=danny@a80-127-60-126.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Weggaan] | ||
Dougie | oh | 09:25 |
con-man | nomin: it was | 09:25 |
Dougie | Advant: well idk then | 09:25 |
bayziders | chinny it says linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-28-386 IS not up, and needs to be fixed. does this mean i cna not instal beryl | 09:26 |
mhemu | anyone know how to make a live cd/dvd run with an nvidia 7x series card? I get it to boot and load into a screen with the default background color and tiny garbled mess which I assume is supposed to be the desktop | 09:26 |
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tkooda | ubotu, thanks! | 09:26 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 09:26 |
tkooda | heh | 09:26 |
nomin | con-man: is there a cd icon on your desktop that showed up when you inserted the disc? | 09:26 |
tkooda | thanks to kbrooks, I mean. ;P | 09:26 |
tomas_ | Does no one know where i can find kaffeine-sc-plugin for ubuntu? | 09:26 |
con-man | nomin: k3b is installed, but now wont open | 09:27 |
con-man | nomin: I use gnome, not kde, does that matter | 09:27 |
nomin | con-man: what version of ubuntu do you have installed? | 09:27 |
con-man | edgy | 09:27 |
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TheVault | Whats the specs of running beryl? | 09:27 |
amimusa | so then, anybody knows nothing about the conflict between a wifi card and the sound system ? | 09:27 |
TheVault | Gotta have a high end GFX card? | 09:28 |
nomin | con-man: I have dapper installed and when I insert a cd, an icon shows up on the desktop. | 09:28 |
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con-man | nomin: so does mine | 09:28 |
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shatrat | TheVault, not really, you just gotta not have a recent ATI card. ATI is bad at what they do. | 09:28 |
metalhedd | after some updates ubuntu wont mount my SD card. | 09:28 |
rebecca_ | boa tarde @all ... got a problem with my internet connection under ubuntu 6.10 , i allways have to open "Networking " and >disable>enable my eth0 after every start, to be able to connect. my rc.local has has some lines to change eth0s MAC, eth0 has fixed IP and is correctly shown after boot (with ifconfig) | 09:28 |
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bayziders | hey im pretty sure there is a program like beryl but it has a x in its name does any one know what im talking about | 09:28 |
TheVault | shatrat: Well I don't got any of those. I got a intel integrated | 09:28 |
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AndrewLife | xgl | 09:28 |
shatrat | TheVault, then you should have no problems | 09:28 |
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AndrewLife | bayziders: xgl | 09:29 |
shatrat | XGL is not a program like beryl | 09:29 |
nomin | con-man: you can run kde apps on gnome and gnome apps on kde. | 09:29 |
TheVault | not sure how much memory it has though since im running on a pentium 3 pc | 09:29 |
AndrewLife | oh... welll it does have an X in it! | 09:29 |
TheVault | GFX memory I mean | 09:29 |
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bayziders | X's are good =O | 09:29 |
rebecca_ | help anyone? ideas? | 09:29 |
TheVault | how do I check to see how much memory my GFX card has | 09:29 |
AndrewLife | Xactly | 09:30 |
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bayziders | if xgl can do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz_2vKq5cZk i am very happy but my video card is below average so idk if it can handle it | 09:30 |
shatrat | TheVault, you can try looking in bios or lspci | grep VGA | 09:30 |
metalhedd | is there some kind of ubuntu-advanced channel? seems theres always a million noobs answering noob questions and nobody knows the answers to the real problems. :( | 09:30 |
Jetfighter | Can I FTP connect to a site through terminal window? | 09:31 |
mhemu | no one knows of a work around to get a livecd/dvd to be functional on a 7800 serious nvidia card?? | 09:31 |
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Gurpartap | does wine provide directx9 layer already? or need to install or what? | 09:31 |
halfrabbit | ikonia: is this ind gdm.conf regarding indirect session? or something else? | 09:31 |
TheVault | shatrat: Alright, when I typed the command you said, this is what I got "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 02)" | 09:31 |
nomin | con-man: I don't know why k3b won't open up for you. I have it installed and I've never had a problem with it. | 09:32 |
TheVault | Did not tell me how much memory was in my GFX Card | 09:32 |
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metalhedd | TheVault: add -v | 09:32 |
shatrat | TheVault, I dont know how to find out. Try googling that chipset or your PC model | 09:32 |
metalhedd | TheVault: lspci -vvv | 09:32 |
bayziders | How do I find out if my videocard can handle xgl? | 09:32 |
metalhedd | bayziders: if it doesn't suck then it can. | 09:33 |
TheVault | Thanks metalhedd & shatrat | 09:33 |
metalhedd | nvidia and ATI almost all work | 09:33 |
nomin | Gurpartap: here is the best wine how to that I've seen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585&highlight=wine | 09:33 |
bayziders | metalhedd how do i know if it sucks or not | 09:33 |
Jetfighter | Can I connect to a FTP site through a TERMINAL? | 09:33 |
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medic30420 | ok, having external HD issues. just bought a new 320GB USB HD and can't get it to mount, fdisk, or anything other than display a builtin 113M ISO9660 partition. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10085/ | 09:34 |
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Gurpartap | nomin, thanks but don't need that, wine is already installed | 09:34 |
Gurpartap | was just curious about getting directx 9 insatlled | 09:34 |
Gurpartap | installed | 09:34 |
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ikonia | no need caps | 09:34 |
Jetfighter | !caps | Jetfighter | 09:34 |
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Jetfighter | !caps | 09:35 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 09:35 |
maverick | Jetfighter there is a termial program for ftp just type ftp | 09:35 |
=== dumbalien [n=ubuntu@host86-145-23-105.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maverick | then ? to get command list | 09:35 |
MortChill | i've got a problem, everytime i try to install xchat i get this error: configure: error: "Cannot find glib" - anyone know how i can fix this? (normally glib is installed but i think i need to set some variable and i dont know which one or how) | 09:35 |
Jetfighter | It says invalid command when I type site it | 09:35 |
bayziders | metalhedd: I'm pretty sure it is a intergraded intel video card thing | 09:35 |
ikonia | ope $site | 09:35 |
xorl | any of you know how to define custom resolution options in the Screen Resolution options of gnome's resolution switcher? | 09:35 |
=== doughboy [n=pchilds2@171-161.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalhedd | bayziders: might work, try it. | 09:35 |
ikonia | type "open $site" | 09:36 |
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dumbalien | newbie help: Running the live cd, tried to resize my hda1 partition, did not let me?? | 09:36 |
Jetfighter | How do I upload to my site through it? | 09:36 |
metalhedd | Ubuntu stopped mounting my SD CArd.. dmesg detects the card but it doen't mount automatically and I have no idea what the /dev node is for it. | 09:36 |
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predaeus | dumbalien: I think you might have to defragmentate it first. | 09:36 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: man ftp | 09:36 |
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TheVault | I got another question. Recently a few times after I installed Ubuntu on a few computers of mine, I had installed 6.10(edgy) and when I installed the upgrades, in the grub boot menu, it shows more versions of linux than before. Like it re-installed it or something. So i got the main thing, recovery menu and then the other thing, and then it repeats it self with a lower kernal below it | 09:36 |
Jetfighter | ? | 09:36 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: man ftp | 09:36 |
Jetfighter | ? | 09:36 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: google ftp | 09:37 |
bayziders | hold teh phone where do i get xgl >.> | 09:37 |
Jetfighter | I KNOW WTF FTP IS | 09:37 |
nomin | dumbalien: what format does that partition have? | 09:37 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: poor attitude | 09:37 |
xorl | YES | 09:37 |
dumbalien | ntfs partition | 09:37 |
nomin | dumbalien: what filesystem? | 09:37 |
xorl | stop the caps dude | 09:37 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: no need to use caps | 09:37 |
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doughboy | I just upgraded to edgy from dapper. Everything went well until reboot then gnome refuses to load. I get as far as the username password screens. After that just a light brown display. Nothing else loads from that point. Help | 09:37 |
nomin | ok | 09:37 |
xorl | apt-get install ncftp | 09:37 |
TheVault | jetfighter: No need to get all mad or upset...this channel will help you for sure | 09:37 |
xorl | man ncftp, and calm down dude. | 09:37 |
Jetfighter | ikonia is being stupid, I'll get mad. | 09:37 |
ikonia | just man ftp | 09:37 |
xorl | Or you will probably get tanked by one of the opers. | 09:37 |
xorl | Jetfighter: Don't get mad in here. | 09:37 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: how am I being stupid | 09:37 |
rebecca_ | haha @thevault | 09:37 |
ikonia | I told you to "man ftp" | 09:38 |
xorl | Read, listen, learn. | 09:38 |
xorl | Calm down mainly. | 09:38 |
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jamey-uk | How can I set a script to start up with my Ubuntu server? | 09:38 |
TheVault | rebecca: Why ya laugh? | 09:38 |
cyphase | wow, i just installed herd 5 in a VM, and there are 427 updates | 09:38 |
rebecca_ | did u show ur girlfriends naked pics? | 09:38 |
dumbalien | can i resize a ntfs partition ?? | 09:38 |
rebecca_ | i didnt get one reply yet | 09:38 |
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xorl | dumbalien: not recommended. | 09:38 |
Jetfighter | Telling me man ftp when that's like DaVinci Code to someone who started using Ubuntu yesterday.. | 09:38 |
dumbalien | oh... | 09:38 |
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nomin | dumbalien: yes, ntfs is designed to be resized. Are you getting an error message? | 09:38 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: no its not | 09:38 |
ikonia | it explains the command and the options | 09:38 |
Jetfighter | IT IS TO ME | 09:38 |
xorl | Jetfighter: it's the same on windows as it is on here. | 09:38 |
TheVault | jetfighter: That explains alot then | 09:38 |
xorl | Command line FTP is all the same. | 09:38 |
ScoobySnacks | where can I read about setting up a persistant home dir on a flash drive using the live CD? | 09:38 |
xorl | So, don't get angry with us for you not knowing what the hell to do. | 09:38 |
xorl | Allright? | 09:39 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: quit with the caps | 09:39 |
dumbalien | yes , tried to partition in gparted | 09:39 |
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jamey-uk | Jetfighter: what do you want to know about the FTP client? | 09:39 |
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TheVault | jetfighter: All new ubuntu comers are going to experience difficulties | 09:39 |
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dumbalien | as i am using live cd do i need super user | 09:39 |
Caramba | ikonia: Didn't find automountd, but autofs (http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/utils/autofs). Seems to be what I'm looking for. | 09:39 |
amimusa | Jetfighter: of course... use ftp site and will work, also you can use filezilla | 09:39 |
metalhedd | Jetfighter: you're not ready for linux, go home. | 09:39 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: if you type man ftp and have questions I'd be happy to explain | 09:39 |
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ikonia | Caramba: another good option, well spotted | 09:39 |
acoward | is there a linux equivelent to the windows command "start whatever.exe" | 09:39 |
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nomin | dumbalien: I have resized ntfs a few times. I haven't had success doing it with gparted. I used mandriva to resize ntfs successfully. | 09:39 |
ikonia | acoward just type the command | 09:39 |
LittleCCCC | JOIN <#oracle> | 09:39 |
nomin | dumbalien: mandriva is a separate distro, btw. | 09:39 |
ScoobySnacks | acoward: ./whatever.exe | 09:39 |
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jamey-uk | How can I set a script to start up with my Ubuntu server? | 09:40 |
metalhedd | windows uses "start command.exe" ? | 09:40 |
metalhedd | wtf is start? | 09:40 |
metalhedd | seems unnecessary | 09:40 |
dumbalien | nomin: thanks for the help | 09:40 |
ikonia | jamey-uk: but it in an init script | 09:40 |
amimusa | Jetfighter: try to install: first apt-cache search ftp, then write the right package and apt-get install package | 09:40 |
Jetfighter | How can I uplaod something to my /pictures directory? | 09:40 |
jamey-uk | ikonia: okay, any man pages or guidance? | 09:40 |
bayziders | any one know? | 09:40 |
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acoward | typing start means that i can use the console after starting the program | 09:40 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: man ftp - this is ubuntu help | 09:40 |
maverick | you might have to do a apt-get install ftp first | 09:40 |
maverick | jetfighter, i am not sure of the details on how to use it but man with cover that | 09:40 |
ikonia | jamey-uk: no - but check out /etc/init.d | 09:40 |
dumbalien | nomin: I would be better off formatting as ext3 then ! | 09:40 |
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Jetfighter | I typed man ftp... | 09:40 |
ikonia | jamey-uk: thats your init scripts, use one as an example | 09:41 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: any specific questions | 09:41 |
predaeus | dumbalien: has the ntfs partition been full once? | 09:41 |
metalhedd | acoward: try attind a & after the command at the prompt that returns you to a command prompt | 09:41 |
jamey-uk | ikonia: okay thanks | 09:41 |
Jetfighter | YES. How do I create a /pics directory and then upload to it? | 09:41 |
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ikonia | jamey-uk: if you get stuck, come back and ask | 09:41 |
dumbalien | predaeus: got 7gb unused | 09:41 |
rebecca_ | boa tarde @all ... got a problem with my internet connection under ubuntu 6.10 , i allways have to open "Networking " and >disable>enable my eth0 after every start, to be able to connect. my rc.local has has some lines to change eth0s MAC, eth0 has fixed IP and is correctly shown after boot (with ifconfig) | 09:41 |
rebecca_ | sorry to bumb | 09:41 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: the man page explains that | 09:41 |
nomin | dumbalien: if you don't mind wiping out your windows installation. | 09:41 |
Caramba | While I'm in question mode: I'm trying to open a *graphical* VNC-connection to my ubuntu box in *console* mode. I've understood that it isn't necessary to have a VNC-server running X to achieve this, it's enough that the client does. Now, I've had no problem opening a vnc to the server when it's running gnome. As soon as I switch to console mode, though, I just get a flat brownish screen.... | 09:41 |
Caramba | ...Has anybody here achieved what I'm trying to do? | 09:41 |
workbee | acoward: put a ampersand after the command | 09:41 |
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acoward | typing & works... thanks | 09:41 |
Jetfighter | Not to me | 09:41 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: it gives you all the commands for once you're connected | 09:41 |
doughboy | Does everyone who upgrades to edgy eft find that it will not load after reboot? | 09:41 |
metalhedd | acoward: no probs. | 09:42 |
dumbalien | nomin: was hoping to salvage my win install | 09:42 |
metalhedd | doughboy: everybody.... | 09:42 |
jamey-uk | Jetfighter: PM | 09:42 |
nomin | dumbalien: you can use the mandriva one live cd to resize it | 09:42 |
rly | newserver irc.ptnet.org | 09:42 |
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Jetfighter | Send it then | 09:42 |
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predaeus | dumbalien: well, if it never was full, then I have no idea. But I think you can not resize if there is data in the area that will be moved. Maybe try partition magic or something to move the data aswell. Or defrag before resizing. | 09:42 |
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ScoobySnacks | anyone know where I can find info on how to put my home dir on a flash drive for use with liveCD? | 09:42 |
doughboy | How do you fix it doughboy wonders. | 09:43 |
Jetfighter | Help me - What part do I download for x-chat? | 09:43 |
medic30420 | ok, having external HD issues. just bought a new 320GB USB HD and can't get it to mount, fdisk, or anything other than display a builtin 113M ISO9660 partition. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10085/ | 09:43 |
TheVault | Think someone can help me out before the same mistake happens. When I apply the updates that are available, after they finish and it requires a reboot, it adds an update version or something to the grub boot menu. So it shows the newer kernal, and below it a lower kernal, and its confusing. Hope someone knows what I am talking about? | 09:43 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: just x-chat or gnome-xchat | 09:43 |
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Jetfighter | Where? | 09:43 |
dumbalien | ok thanks for the help, It will be faster to re-install than DL new distro | 09:43 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: if you search in synaptic you'll see the package names | 09:43 |
metalhedd | doughboy: i was joking. obviously many people have successfully installed edgy. :) i've never had a problem with it not starting up. | 09:43 |
Jetfighter | I just went to www.xchat.org/download/ | 09:43 |
nomin | TheVault: that means you have a new kernel installed. | 09:43 |
=== Checkka [n=brass@user-0cevefs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomin | TheVault: on linux, you have the option to use older kernels in case the newest kernel has problems. | 09:44 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: you'll need to read the basic ubuntu docs on http://www.ubuntu.com - as thats not how you install packages | 09:44 |
metalhedd | Where in the name of god is the device node for my tifm sd card reader? it wont automount but dmesg see's the card go in and out. | 09:44 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: you're approaching this in the wrong way | 09:44 |
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Jetfighter | I didn't know x-chat was a package >.< | 09:44 |
doughboy | Thanks metalhedd. Dapper never broke like this. Might as well forget about edgy and go back to dapper | 09:44 |
metalhedd | Jetfighter: Everything is a package. | 09:44 |
Checkka | Is there a way for me to reinstall Windows Vista without it wiping my bootloader? | 09:44 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: it is - pre-packaged for ubuntu | 09:44 |
nomin | TheVault: but I've never had any problems with the updated kernels on ubuntu so I just pick the option on top in grub. | 09:44 |
ikonia | Checkka: no | 09:44 |
Checkka | ! | 09:44 |
metalhedd | doughboy: edgy is overrated. Lol. | 09:44 |
TheVault | nomin: Oh that explains it | 09:44 |
ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: click on system in the upper left corner, then go to Administration, then synaptic package manager | 09:44 |
TheVault | nomin: Thanks, your quite the helper today :) along with everyone else of course | 09:45 |
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nomin | TheVault: you can remove those older kernels from grup by adding # before those lines in grub.conf | 09:45 |
medic30420 | Checkka, try googling for SuperGrub, might be able to use that method | 09:45 |
nomin | *from grub | 09:45 |
Enselic` | I'd like to find out what "Jazakallah khairan bro." means, where should I turn? | 09:45 |
TheVault | nomin: I think I will do that | 09:45 |
dimeotane | I need help doing batch rename. I have 40 files spread all over a hard drive, & named the same: database.cvs I can do a find in ubuntu, but then when I try to copy all the files in nautilus it only copies one. If I drag over another, it will overright. Do I have to rename each by hand, or can I do a batch find and rename somehow? | 09:45 |
age6racer | hi all, I have network monitor installed but every time I log in, I have two instances running. How do I stop that from happening? | 09:45 |
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Checkka | yeah I would absolutely hate to lose my Ubuntu install | 09:45 |
cybane | With a fresh install of Ubuntu what do I need to do to make not start when the system boots? | 09:45 |
Checkka | just becuase M$ likes to wipe bootloaders | 09:45 |
Enselic` | dimeotane: you want them all to be of the same name? | 09:46 |
doughboy | I am sure it is over rated however edgy did have the capability allowing my sound card to play all channels instead of just one. | 09:46 |
dimeotane | Enselic`: no, they're all the same name already and I need them to be renamed each differently | 09:47 |
doughboy | Oh well back to the drawing board. | 09:47 |
TheVault | I am achieving a personal goal. To go a whole month without using Windows and so far, its been 2 weeks now. | 09:47 |
Jetfighter | >.< | 09:47 |
Enselic` | dimeotane: what name do you want them to have? | 09:47 |
dimeotane | ie. database1.cvs database2.csv etc | 09:47 |
Jetfighter | So I can install pretty much everything from there? | 09:47 |
ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: yep | 09:47 |
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Jetfighter | Wow | 09:47 |
dimeotane | I need a locate/find/search and batch rename program or script I guess | 09:48 |
Jetfighter | Hmmm | 09:48 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: anything thats listed, and if you search the doc's you'll learn how to open up more ubuntu repositories giving you access to more apps | 09:48 |
Jetfighter | Ok | 09:48 |
luk3 | hi does anyone know how its possible to play msn games on ubuntu? im running amsn atm | 09:48 |
ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: Once you get comfortable with the system, you can add additional repositories too for even more fun | 09:48 |
Chousuke | dimeotane: hmm | 09:48 |
=== CoOlGhOsT [n=coolghos@port534.ds1-ba.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomin | TheVault: you can do anything on linux that you can on windows except games, although I have gotten some games to work using cedega. | 09:48 |
maverick | dimeotane: have you used perl before? it would be an easy perl script to write | 09:48 |
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Jetfighter | Can you install .exe files on Linux? There is something I want badly, but it's for Windows ;( | 09:49 |
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nomin | Jetfighter: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585&highlight=wine | 09:49 |
Jetfighter | Ooh, wine? | 09:49 |
dimeotane | too bad I can't just wildcard a rename command | 09:49 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: thats quite advanced - you use an application called wine | 09:49 |
Enselic` | dimeotane: do you want _all_ files that are named database.cvs to be renamed? | 09:49 |
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dimeotane | yes | 09:49 |
dimeotane | then I can move them after | 09:49 |
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Enselic` | dimeotane: give me a min, I'll hack together a ruby script | 09:49 |
nomin | Jetfighter: just follow those instructions step-by-step. It took me about 45 minutes and it works. | 09:49 |
ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: Unless it's a game, there's probably a much more suitable replacement | 09:49 |
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halfrabbit | ikonia: setting login manager to allow xdmcp query - is that gdm.conf allow indirect session setting? or something else? | 09:50 |
ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: what does your .exe do? | 09:50 |
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wildfire_ | Okkk | 09:50 |
ikonia | halfrabbit: yes, gdm should have an option | 09:50 |
nomin | Jetfighter: but not all programs will run on wine and the programs that do run might be missing some features. | 09:50 |
=== doctapeppa [n=Frank@c-66-176-242-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | Anyone ever play the UBT thing on her? | 09:50 |
Jetfighter | here* | 09:50 |
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halfrabbit | ikonia: hmmm already tried that and restarted gdm with no luck | 09:50 |
ScoobySnacks | UBT? | 09:50 |
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ikonia | ubt ? | 09:50 |
Jetfighter | www.playubt.com >.< | 09:51 |
ScoobySnacks | ikonia: jynx | 09:51 |
ikonia | halfrabbit: I've not got an ubuntu box with x to check | 09:51 |
wildfire_ | Thats funny | 09:51 |
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ikonia | ScoobySnacks: pardon ? | 09:51 |
luk3 | is it possible to run msn games in linux? | 09:51 |
zzaza | ' | 09:51 |
dimeotane | I thought that the OS would automatically put a (1) or a (2) behind file duplicates of the same name that are copied into the same directory | 09:51 |
ScoobySnacks | ikonia: the simultaneous "ubt" | 09:51 |
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ikonia | ahh | 09:51 |
Jetfighter | Ok, I'm alive on XCHAT now | 09:51 |
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dimeotane | doesn't ubuntu automatically rename file duplicates of the same name copied to the same directory? | 09:52 |
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Xenguy | heh | 09:52 |
age6racer | So anyone know why nm-applet it starting up twice when I log in then? What do I edit to stop one of them? | 09:52 |
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dumbalien | difference between ext3 & ext2 | 09:52 |
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ScoobySnacks | dumbalien: journaling | 09:52 |
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dumbalien | ScoobySnacks: come again | 09:53 |
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craigbass1976 | variant, any idea on why wvdial flunks on sending atz? | 09:53 |
Jetfighter | I'm installing wine | 09:53 |
Jetfighter | !wine | 09:53 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 09:53 |
halfrabbit | ikonia: you are checking your box to see if it works? or that i can try connect? | 09:53 |
Jetfighter | ok | 09:53 |
ScoobySnacks | dumbalien: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system | 09:53 |
nomin | Jetfighter: check out the wine apps database to see if anyone else tried the program you want use. | 09:54 |
dumbalien | thanks | 09:54 |
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Jetfighter | Where is that at? | 09:54 |
ikonia | halfrabbit: I don't have an ubuntu box with x to check | 09:54 |
jamey-uk | Jetfighter: google | 09:54 |
Jetfighter | nomin, | 09:54 |
halfrabbit | ikonia: oh sorry - misread | 09:54 |
Jetfighter | Ok | 09:54 |
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Jetfighter | Sorry, tesing, please provide a link | 09:54 |
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ikonia | provide a link ? | 09:55 |
Jetfighter | 09:55 | |
ubotu | Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux | 09:55 |
Jetfighter | >.< | 09:55 |
jetsaredim | is there a mirror for cdimage.ubuntu? | 09:55 |
Jetfighter | Wtf was that for? lmao | 09:55 |
nomin | Jetfighter: http://appdb.winehq.org/ | 09:55 |
Jetfighter | K | 09:55 |
Jetfighter | Ty | 09:55 |
rwxr-xr-- | When i Shifted my Gnome to Kde all things going download and installed fine.. now i do logout and try to get kde session on start getting error " The process for the system protocol died unexpectedly" | 09:55 |
halfrabbit | iknoia: i think i give up on this problem - thanks for help | 09:55 |
mcquaid | there probably is one, but can't seem to find a good howto on the forums. I've never mucked with setting up ssh. I just have two boxes behind my router that I want to be able to have terminal access on either or. | 09:55 |
mcquaid | Any recommendations/links? | 09:55 |
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nomin | dumbalien: :I think it's a shame that gparted can't resize ntfs properly. I have 2 distros installed and I used mandriva to resize ntfs just fine several times. | 09:56 |
Jetfighter | Is there a way to search? | 09:56 |
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ScoobySnacks | Jetfighter: for what? | 09:56 |
Jetfighter | In the AppDB | 09:56 |
rwxr-xr-- | how can i fix this error? | 09:57 |
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Checkka | I just have to say, Ubuntu is what linux really needed to tear M$ a new one.... | 09:57 |
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Jetfighter | Yeah | 09:57 |
Jetfighter | Checkka, you are correct. | 09:57 |
nomin | Jetfighter: the search box on the left | 09:57 |
Coffeegrindah | anyone know of any sort of tweak i can use to get a PC that can't boot from USB properly to boot grub from /dev/hda1 and have it load a bootloader on a USB stick? | 09:57 |
Jetfighter | DOH >.< | 09:57 |
Jetfighter | !retard > Jetfighter | 09:57 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: you need to start looking/reading or you'll get no-where | 09:57 |
Jetfighter | I looked, I missed it | 09:57 |
Checkka | Coffeegrindah: check your bios | 09:58 |
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Luke | hey all | 09:58 |
nomin | Jetfighter: doesn't look like that program is listed. It may or may not work. | 09:58 |
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Jetfighter | Ok | 09:58 |
rwxr-xr-- | When i Shifted my Gnome to Kde all things going download and installed fine.. now i do logout and try to get kde session on start getting error " The process for the system protocol died unexpectedly" how can i fix this error? | 09:58 |
dyrne | Coffeegrindah: there is a mod. it involves a new motherboard :) | 09:58 |
Coffeegrindah | checkka: I have, my machine WIll ONLY boot from a USB Zip or USB HDD | 09:58 |
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Luke | i'm trying to replace lilo on my computer with grub. the partition that my linux install is on shows up as /dev/sda3, how do I reference that in grub? | 09:58 |
Jetfighter | Says it's a bin file, is that right? | 09:58 |
Coffeegrindah | dyrne :: but taht defeats the purpose of my Free PC (garbage day goodies) | 09:58 |
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Checkka | Coffeegrindah, are you trying to boot from an IDE drive? | 09:59 |
Checkka | (Or SATA)? | 09:59 |
dyrne | Coffeegrindah: ah grub and usb i misunderstood question | 09:59 |
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Jetfighter | If it says it's a BIN file, is that ok? | 09:59 |
ikonia | the docs explain | 09:59 |
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Jetfighter | nomin? | 10:00 |
variant | craigbass1976: what you mean? | 10:00 |
ikonia | stop asking to be spoon fed | 10:00 |
ikonia | read a little | 10:00 |
ikonia | then people can help with specifics | 10:00 |
nomin | Jetfighter: what says what is a bin file? | 10:00 |
variant | craigbass1976: this is at the dialup point? you have to put username and password in /etc/chap-secrets or /etc/pap-secrets | 10:00 |
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Jetfighter | The program I downloaded | 10:00 |
Jetfighter | It says it's a bin file | 10:00 |
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ikonia | the docs explain it | 10:01 |
Jetfighter | Cannot open /home/wildfire/Desktop/ubtsetup.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file. | 10:01 |
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ikonia | thats a windows exe | 10:01 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I don't know. I thought you have a .exe file that you want to install. | 10:01 |
Jetfighter | I do | 10:02 |
Jetfighter | ubtsetup.exe | 10:02 |
Caramba | Experts: I'm trying to open a *graphical* VNC-connection to my ubuntu box in *console* mode. I've understood that it isn't necessary to have a VNC-server running X to achieve this, it's enough that the client does. Now, I've had no problem opening a vnc to the server when it's running gnome. As soon as I switch to console mode, though, I just get a flat brownish screen. Has anybody here... | 10:02 |
Coffeegrindah | checkka: well it's kinda confusing, I'm usbing a USBLIVE installon a 4gb stick, I need it for work and there it works fine.. but at home I can't play with my live install, my machine at home, doesn't boot from USB flash drives though. I have ubuntu installed and use it just fine, but when i want to tweak my Live install i can't unless I'm at work.. | 10:02 |
Caramba | ...achieved what I'm trying to do? | 10:02 |
ikonia | have you installed and configured wine | 10:02 |
Jetfighter | I double click it, it says: Cannot open /home/wildfire/Desktop/ubtsetup.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file. | 10:02 |
craigbass1976 | variant, I'm jsut editing wvdial.conf. I got another light to come on with atdt, but sitll no love. | 10:02 |
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Vlet | How do I create an alias for a path so I could: cd $someplace | 10:02 |
dyrne | Jetfighter: what app is that? | 10:02 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: you've not read the wine focs | 10:02 |
ikonia | docs | 10:02 |
nomin | Jetfighter: You need to have wine installed to be able to open it. | 10:02 |
Jetfighter | PlayUBT | 10:02 |
ikonia | Jetfighter: you where sent a link on how to install and configure wine | 10:02 |
Jetfighter | I did install Wine... | 10:02 |
ikonia | read it | 10:02 |
variant | craigbass1976: have you put the phone number in /etc/wvdial.conf/ | 10:02 |
ikonia | read hte docs | 10:02 |
variant | craigbass1976: have you put the phone number in /etc/wvdial.conf | 10:02 |
ikonia | you don't just install it | 10:02 |
Jetfighter | Thats what Synaptics sais | 10:02 |
dyrne | Jetfighter: its not like a module. you have to run it like wine file.exe | 10:02 |
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ikonia | Jetfighter: read the docs you where sent | 10:02 |
nomin | Jetfighter: uninstall that version of wine. | 10:03 |
Jetfighter | Ok... | 10:03 |
craigbass1976 | variant, yep. Gotta go though, time to make supper. I'll try later tonight. Better yet, I may just go get a real modem... | 10:03 |
nomin | Jetfighter: just follow the step by step instructions on this page. Don't use synaptic. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585&highlight=wine | 10:03 |
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variant | craigbass1976: heheh | 10:04 |
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Tangee | what does a triangle with an exclamation mark in it mean beside a partition name in gparted? | 10:05 |
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fruitbag | Hey | 10:05 |
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fruitbag | How do I determine by root pswd? | 10:05 |
variant | Tangee: off the top of my head, i would say no support installed for that filesystem or that it's mounted, could be other things though | 10:06 |
ikonia | !root >fruitbag | 10:06 |
variant | fruitbag: you don't | 10:06 |
Checkka | fruitbag: its set randomly by ubuntu | 10:06 |
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ikonia | another one who installs an OS with out reading anything | 10:06 |
variant | fruitbag: afaik, there isn't one (i don't think it's just random) | 10:06 |
Jetfighter | I had that version from Synaptics, it opened wise install thing, then gave an error about some file... | 10:06 |
Luke | i'm trying to replace lilo with grub (because grub has been patched to support my macbook) but my linux install is seen as /dev/sda3 parition and I don't know how to refer to that in grub. anyone know how? | 10:06 |
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dyrne | fruitbag: echo $root as normal user | 10:06 |
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rwxr-xr-- | When i Shifted my Gnome to Kde all things going download and installed fine.. now i do logout and try to get kde session on start getting error " The process for the system protocol died unexpectedly" how can i fix this error? | 10:06 |
fruitbag | Man... I don't know what to do ;\ | 10:06 |
Chousuke | fruitbag: use sudo | 10:06 |
Tangee | i umounted it which got rid of the lock icon, its ntfs...i thought that was ok...i know my system rescue disk version of gparted does | 10:06 |
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fruitbag | !root >fruitbag? | 10:07 |
fruitbag | That doesn't work ;\ | 10:07 |
Checkka | yes, ideally sudo should be used | 10:07 |
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Checkka | instead of su | 10:07 |
Chousuke | you didn't get a message? | 10:07 |
ikonia | !root | fruitbag | 10:07 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:07 |
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dyrne | fruitbag: there is no password for root. use sudo like 'sudo fdisk -l' to run fdisk or sudo whatever | 10:07 |
cheeseboy16958 | why wont my wireless work? | 10:07 |
con-man | !webcam | 10:07 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 10:07 |
fruitbag | ikonia, what is 'fruitbag' the placeholder for. | 10:07 |
ikonia | cheeseboy16958: I don't know | 10:07 |
dimeotane | isn't it possible to use $find in the term to execute a batch rename? | 10:07 |
Jetfighter | !wireless | 10:07 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:07 |
ikonia | fruitbag: your nick name | 10:07 |
fruitbag | Ah... | 10:07 |
fruitbag | Case-senstive ;p | 10:07 |
cheeseboy16958 | jetfighter i read all that | 10:08 |
Jetfighter | Ok | 10:08 |
fruitbag | I keep foretting. | 10:08 |
rwxr-xr-- | can anyone helop me to fix that error? | 10:08 |
con-man | is there any IM client in linux that has webcam support for msn/yahoo? | 10:08 |
Jetfighter | Bbl, ok...Dnner | 10:08 |
Checkka | if you absoultly have to use su, you can set it in System > Administration > User and Groups | 10:08 |
ikonia | rwxr-xr--: what error | 10:08 |
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fruitbag | Heh... still not working ;\ | 10:08 |
Tangee | amsn afaik con-man | 10:08 |
AndrewB | con-man: yes mercury and amsn | 10:08 |
fruitbag | Very well. | 10:08 |
rwxr-xr-- | ikonia,: When i Shifted my Gnome to Kde all things going download and installed fine.. now i do logout and try to get kde session on start getting error " The process for the system protocol died unexpectedly" how can i fix this error? | 10:08 |
dyrne | con-man: i think thats in the pipe for gaim but you can just use vlc to stream and use an im client or something | 10:08 |
con-man | so amsn>gaim? | 10:08 |
ikonia | rwxr-xr--: check the log files | 10:08 |
AndrewB | con-man: no amsn sucks IMO | 10:09 |
Enselic` | dimeotane: still wokring on it, hang on | 10:09 |
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con-man | does gaim have webcam support? | 10:09 |
calamari | hi | 10:09 |
rwxr-xr-- | ikonia whchi log? | 10:09 |
rwxr-xr-- | *which | 10:09 |
AndrewB | con-man: nope. | 10:09 |
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ikonia | rwxr-xr--: the xorg log and the gdm log | 10:09 |
AndrewB | con-man: they are working on it. | 10:09 |
con-man | AndrewB: eta? | 10:09 |
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calamari | which I am using Xinerama mode, I cannot open gnome-terminal's I have to use xterm. This is with the nvidia driver, nv driver is ok. Know of a fix? | 10:10 |
AndrewB | con-man: none ;) then people don't complain about dates ;) | 10:10 |
calamari | which->when | 10:10 |
^Albe^ | hi to all, is it possible to start an installed ubuntu like in a sandbox environment? | 10:10 |
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quiet | anyone know where to get 'aquafont' for Ubuntu? :\ | 10:11 |
Checkka | quiet: gnome-looks.org | 10:11 |
quiet | gnome-look.org * | 10:11 |
Checkka | sorry :P | 10:11 |
quiet | you sure about that? | 10:12 |
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Checkka | not completly, but they do have several font packages | 10:12 |
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Stormx2 | Is there an easy way to check what is blocking alsa? | 10:13 |
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crimsun | lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 10:13 |
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Checkka | there's a package called 6760 fonts | 10:13 |
Checkka | if its not there, i dont know what to say... | 10:13 |
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rwxr-xr-- | ikonia : tell me the locations where i found those log files | 10:13 |
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frtmonster | i have a celeron laptop with 185 ram, how much swap should i set, i want to tweak it according to here - http://tvease.net/wiki/index.php?title=Tweak_ubuntu_for_speed | 10:14 |
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ikonia | rwxr-xr--: /var | 10:14 |
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rwxr-xr-- | ikonia, : there is 5 files in /var/gdm | 10:15 |
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ikonia | /var/log | 10:15 |
rwxr-xr-- | umm | 10:15 |
rwxr-xr-- | ok | 10:15 |
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rwxr-xr-- | there is two file name Xorg.log.o and Xorg.log.old | 10:16 |
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Stormx2 | crimsun: Azureus apparently... o.o | 10:16 |
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dyrne | frtmonster: go crazy allocate 512 | 10:16 |
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ikonia | I've had enough for tonight | 10:17 |
ikonia | I'm out | 10:17 |
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frtmonster | dyrne: i'm talking about /etc/sysctl.conf how much shoud i set vm.swappiness | 10:17 |
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rwxr-xr-- | ikonia, : just fix my problem :< | 10:17 |
rwxr-xr-- | i open the file Xorg | 10:17 |
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DM| | Is there anyway to have a picture on your desktop as a desklet or something ? i want to display a pic of my GF | 10:18 |
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CarlFK | can jpilot use a vcal file? | 10:18 |
DavidW2 | hi. my cups configuration (in KDE) has almost all options greyed out (I want to set up an IPP printer) | 10:18 |
anders_home | Is anyone using the gigabit ethernet port on a ASUS P5B-MX Wifi motherboard ? What kind of driver do you use ? Is there something released for ubuntu ? | 10:18 |
=== sm5aku [n=sm5aku@217-211-241-36-no29.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michuk | tuxido: here is some more info on linux console: http://digg.com/linux_unix/The_Power_of_Linux_Console | 10:18 |
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Enselic` | dimeotane: still there? I got a solution | 10:18 |
oopsy | so lets see if I got ndiswrapper ok | 10:19 |
oopsy | I install ndiswrapper utils | 10:19 |
danny | Is this an right channel to ask some questions? | 10:19 |
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oopsy | then ndiswrapper gtk | 10:19 |
oopsy | then I star it up in system -> windows wireless drivers | 10:19 |
nomin | dandy_: ask away | 10:19 |
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nomin | danny: ask away | 10:19 |
oopsy | then I direct it to the windows driver sys and inf files | 10:20 |
oopsy | and I'm good to go? | 10:20 |
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Enselic` | dimeotane: first, sudo updatedb, then sudo apt-get install ruby, then tell me when you're done | 10:20 |
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jlward4th | hi all, I'm kinda new to ubuntu. trying to switch from gentoo. Have a question... Is there a concept of use flags? I'd like to remove everything related to palm pilots, since I don't have a palm pilot. When I tried to remove gnome-pilot it wants to also remove ubuntu-desktop. | 10:20 |
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danny | i try to install ubuntu on my main computer, but i seems that it doesnt recognize my sata drive | 10:20 |
MasseR | !feisty | 10:20 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 10:20 |
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Galga | ubotu Say i Love Ubuntu | 10:21 |
cyris | can anyone recommend a backup utility that supports extended acls ? | 10:21 |
Andy_Alpha | can someone help me; instalation hangs during hardware detection | 10:21 |
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nomin | !sata | 10:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:22 |
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oopsy | !ndiswrapper | 10:22 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:22 |
oopsy | !gtk | 10:22 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 10:22 |
oopsy | !sudo | 10:22 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:22 |
tsoler | hello | 10:22 |
oopsy | hey | 10:22 |
=== Xenonist [n=xenonist@ti541110a080-4217.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tsoler | nedd to chmod directories . What is the command | 10:23 |
tsoler | ? | 10:23 |
danny | but is it a know problem that install doesnt see sata drives?? | 10:23 |
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Andy_Alpha | can someone help me; instalation hangs during hardware detection? | 10:23 |
tsoler | !chmod | 10:23 |
fruitbag | Guys... | 10:23 |
=== metalhedd [n=andre@bas6-london14-1088896095.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 10:23 |
fruitbag | I'm still having problems with root. | 10:23 |
=== dager [n=user@c-69-251-68-26.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c0nv1ct | has anyone here compiled a custom kernel for ubuntu? | 10:23 |
fruitbag | How would I determine by root pswd? | 10:24 |
Moltov | Excuse me anyone around here compitent with Gparted? I need to sawp 2 partitions so that windows will, well, boot ^.^' | 10:24 |
EADG | This works: tail -f #ubuntu.log > ubuntu.txt and this works: cut -c30- #ubuntu.log > ubuntu.txt But why doesn't this work: tail -f #ubuntu.log | cut -c30- > ubuntu.txt?? What am I missing here? | 10:24 |
c0nv1ct | fruitbag: there isnt one by default, you would have to set one, but you really dont need to | 10:24 |
nomin | danny: this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/tags/index.php/sata/ | 10:24 |
Checkka | !sudo | fruitbag | 10:24 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:24 |
fruitbag | c0nv1ct, what could I do, then? | 10:24 |
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danny | nomin: i will check | 10:24 |
ikonia | fruitbag: you;ve been told about root ! | 10:25 |
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c0nv1ct | fruitbag: like the bot says, use sudo, theres only very few cases where you actually need a root password set | 10:25 |
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Andy_Alpha | can someone help me; instalation hangs during hardware detection? | 10:25 |
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nomin | Andy_Alpha: someone should be able to help you eventually. Sometimes you need to sit tight and be patient. Or you can post on http://ubuntuforums.org | 10:25 |
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AndrewB | Andy_Alpha: try differnt boot options scsi off etc | 10:26 |
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JT__ | Can someone help me. I need a photo editing program. And i have an oldish gateway solo. I wanna run Linux. But im new to it. Wats the Photoediting program of it. Like Photoshop etc. | 10:27 |
fruitbag | c0nv1ct, but I'm not sure what to do with it... | 10:27 |
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Andy_Alpha | gimp!!! | 10:27 |
nomin | Andy_Alpha: this might help: Stuck at hardware detection http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1940186 | 10:27 |
JT__ | KK thanks | 10:27 |
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fruitbag | What do I do with 'sudo', then? | 10:27 |
ikonia | fruitbag: you've been told | 10:28 |
oopsy | !sudo | fruitbag | 10:28 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:28 |
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ikonia | fruitbag: you've had links sent to you 5 times | 10:28 |
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ikonia | fruitbag: people have told you 5 times | 10:28 |
oopsy | ups, one more tim then ^^' | 10:28 |
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oopsy | time* | 10:28 |
nomin | Andy_Alpha: Install hangs after hardware detect http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4031.html | 10:28 |
ikonia | fruitbag: stop wasting peoples times and read the links | 10:28 |
Moltov | Excuse me anyone around here compitent with Gparted? I need to sawp 2 partitions so that w2k will, well, boot ^.^' | 10:28 |
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fruitbag | ikonia, but I don't know where tot start, man. | 10:29 |
ikonia | fruitbag: try reading hte links | 10:29 |
ikonia | the links explain it pretty cleear | 10:29 |
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ikonia | as did people telling you the answer | 10:29 |
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c0nv1ct | fruitbag: with what? sudo? put it infront of any command that requires root privileges | 10:29 |
ikonia | as did the ubotu link | 10:29 |
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=== ikonia smells trolling | ||
c0nv1ct | fruitbag: and i swear i've helped you with this before | 10:29 |
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ikonia | c0nv1ct: 5 people have in the last hour | 10:30 |
GaiaX11 | fruitbag: for example: $ sudo synaptic | 10:30 |
fruitbag | Ah... | 10:30 |
nomin | fruitbag: when you want to run something as root, you need to type 'sudo' first. It will then ask you for your root password than it will run the program. | 10:30 |
Darius08x | Hi, I have JUST installed ubuntu fiesty fawn herd 4 (or 5, one of those two) from the mini.iso. The setup went smooth and everything seemed to install just fine. Then I got asked about installing somthing. DNS server, lamp server, and some desktops, etc. I chose "UBUNTU DESKTOP" Now whenever I boot | 10:30 |
fruitbag | It works!! | 10:30 |
fruitbag | I used 'sudo -i' | 10:30 |
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c0nv1ct | ikonia: lol | 10:30 |
Darius08x | I can't get a GUI. | 10:30 |
ikonia | c0nv1ct: I wasn't kiding | 10:30 |
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Darius08x | Its just all text, etc. How do I get a desktop and all that stuff working? lol | 10:30 |
jrib | nomin: remember, it's not the root password, it's the suer one | 10:30 |
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fruitbag | But I typed in the user pswd. | 10:30 |
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fruitbag | It wasn't the root pswd. | 10:31 |
Anohaakten | hi can I get some help real quick with vlc media player? | 10:31 |
=== vegiVamp [n=demeersm@30.190-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | fruitbag: the links tell you that | 10:31 |
Andy_Alpha | can someone help me; instalation hangs during hardware detection? I tried 'noapic nolapic'; it didn't work. Is it important to write 'linux noapic nolapic'? | 10:31 |
ikonia | the ones you where meant to have read | 10:31 |
jrib | !ask | Anohaakten | 10:31 |
ubotu | Anohaakten: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:31 |
ikonia | and people explained to you | 10:31 |
fruitbag | ikonia, so is 'sudo -i' fine? | 10:31 |
GaiaX11 | !sudo| fruitbag | 10:31 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:31 |
tuskernini | wen i record my webcam with vlc, it only records mono? any ideas how i can let it be played back on both channels | 10:31 |
ikonia | fruitbag: for what ? | 10:31 |
c0nv1ct | fruitbag: why are you trying to get a root prompt? | 10:31 |
ikonia | GaiaX11: he's had that link 7 times now | 10:31 |
U-Anon | This is uncool, I compiled and now Ubuntu doesnt recognize my wireless card, but with 2.6.17-11-generic it does, any ideas what I can do? | 10:31 |
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Darius08x | The computer eventually boots up to "running loval boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" | 10:32 |
Darius08x | And thats it. | 10:32 |
ikonia | U-Anon: you missed out the right options | 10:32 |
Steffen | Steffen: !wine | 10:32 |
Steffen | !wine | 10:32 |
=== s [n=s@r190-64-199-164.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:32 |
=== Nooobuntu [n=at69@ACD77088.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Anohaakten | Ok uhm, So I downloaded vlc media player and I play a movie and when I go to try and maximize or even move the window, it turns black | 10:32 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, what wireless card do you have? | 10:32 |
Darius08x | I can log in by typing my username and password, but I can't really do anything else. | 10:32 |
U-Anon | ikonia: But I copied the config from 2.6.17-11-generic into | 10:32 |
ikonia | U-Anon: thats not great | 10:32 |
variant | Anohaakten: using beryl? | 10:32 |
=== iratsu__ [n=iratsu@modemcable204.153-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Steffen | Steffen !wine | 10:32 |
fruitbag | c0nv1ct, I'm was isntalling the q2 Linux binaries. | 10:32 |
Anohaakten | yes | 10:32 |
ikonia | U-Anon: the config may have changed | 10:32 |
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Anohaakten | variant: yes | 10:32 |
ikonia | U-Anon: check the correct module | 10:32 |
GaiaX11 | ikonia: Ubuntu is not for lazy people it is for intelligent people who likes reading, learning and solving problems. Say it to fruitbag | 10:32 |
c0nv1ct | fruitbag: you dont need a root prompt for that | 10:33 |
nomin | fruitbag: when you use sudo, you have root privledges but you need to use the password for the user that you are logged in with | 10:33 |
ikonia | GaiaX11: I know this | 10:33 |
Nooobuntu | quick question, is there a shortcut combination to bring up 'system monitor'? | 10:33 |
variant | Anohaakten: thats why, try using x11 output with vlc otherwise revert to metacity to play videos. afaik it's a bug in your video drivers | 10:33 |
Steffen | what is the syntax for querying the bot, and sending them to a specifik user? | 10:33 |
ikonia | I'm putting him on ignore - he's not listening and wasting peoples time | 10:33 |
sur2rien | i installed ubuntu and GRUB...and when i select something it says...cannot mount the partition...any ideas? btw its on three scsi drives... | 10:33 |
=== theAdib [n=adib@dslb-088-074-131-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
U-Anon | ikonia: Which config is the one that runs the system at the moment then? | 10:33 |
Steffen | specific | 10:33 |
variant | Anohaakten: onboard graphics or ati with free driver? | 10:33 |
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fruitbag | cd /usr/local/games/quake | 10:33 |
fruitbag | su root | 10:33 |
fruitbag | tar -xzf qwcl2.21-i386-unknown-linux2.0. | 10:33 |
jrib | Nooobuntu: no, but you can create one using gconf-editor | 10:33 |
nomin | Nooobuntu: you can set up keyboard shorcuts for anything. | 10:33 |
Anohaakten | onboard variant | 10:33 |
ikonia | U-Anon: the one from the running kernel | 10:33 |
U-Anon | ikonia: How can I access it? | 10:33 |
Anohaakten | variant: how do I enable xll output? | 10:33 |
Nooobuntu | kool, cheers | 10:34 |
fruitbag | So, what must be done there? | 10:34 |
ikonia | U-Anon: /proc/config.zip | 10:34 |
variant | Anohaakten: just have to wait till fixed drivers unfortunatly. xgl might not have this issue but i'm not sure | 10:34 |
GaiaX11 | ikonia: it is not for Win IT illiterate people :-) | 10:34 |
Steffen | !wine | 10:34 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:34 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Looks like its something 'Atheros' AR5005G ? | 10:34 |
ikonia | GaiaX11: it is - its just not for people who won't listen | 10:34 |
=== un [n=ds@lns-bzn-47f-81-56-189-20.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GaiaX11 | ikonia: :-) | 10:34 |
variant | Anohaakten: in vlc preferences, ouptut plugins. also tweak the x11 ouput plugin options by clicking the "advanced options" checkbox | 10:34 |
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mylesbraithwaite | is anyone having trouble with the new dst in postgresql? | 10:34 |
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U-Anon | ikonia: So if I'll use that with recompiling of it should keep all the settings of the current kernel? | 10:34 |
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kevin | heya, I just updated from 5.10 to 6.06 to 6.10, I think in the update to 6.06 eth0 got changed to eth1, my problem is everytime I reboot, eth1 disappears, I then have to run "sudo ifup eth1" which means that a regular user cannot use the Internet. How can I get my eth to stay activated all the time? | 10:35 |
ikonia | U-Anon: not nessasary | 10:35 |
oopsy | can I run Windows Live Messenger in ubuntu with wine? | 10:35 |
ikonia | U-Anon: kernel settings / drivers can change from version to version | 10:35 |
rebecca_ | does anyone have an idea??? i have to go to "main menu>administration>networking" and >disable>enable my internet interface to get a connection, i have to do that with every system start!!...sudo ifconfig eth0 down and sudo ifconfig eth0 up in the console dont have the same effect | 10:35 |
kevin | oopsy, run gaim instead | 10:35 |
=== Chamuco [n=Chamuco@D-128-208-221-182.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
U-Anon | ikonia: Alright, thank you for your help I'll Google around | 10:35 |
fruitbag | Man... | 10:35 |
fruitbag | I'm stuck here. | 10:35 |
oopsy | I really wanted WLM, and I saw a screenshot if it runing, is it possible? | 10:35 |
oopsy | x) | 10:36 |
GaiaX11 | oopsy: Why to run msn live? Run gaim or kopete, much better! | 10:36 |
ikonia | fruitbag: you wouldn't be if you read the links | 10:36 |
U-Anon | kevin & rebecca_ have the same problems | 10:36 |
Chamuco | hi | 10:36 |
fruitbag | In the tutorial, it tells me to untar with 'su' | 10:36 |
ikonia | not that one | 10:36 |
ikonia | the docs on su | 10:36 |
ikonia | oops | 10:36 |
ikonia | the docs on sudo | 10:36 |
=== pox1234 [n=pox@host144-126.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
U-Anon | kevin & rebecca: Did you try looking into /etc/network/interfaces ? | 10:36 |
fruitbag | ikonia, I highly doubt that those links are relevant to what I'm doign. | 10:36 |
fruitbag | Doing * | 10:36 |
ikonia | fruitbag: yes they are | 10:36 |
ikonia | know it all | 10:36 |
oopsy | GaiaX11: doesn gaim or kopete support display images, etc, can my contact see mine and vice versa? | 10:36 |
ikonia | then you'd know how to use sudo | 10:37 |
oopsy | can I send files? | 10:37 |
fruitbag | But what must I do, man! | 10:37 |
Chamuco | howcan i find out which of my partitions is the one that is booting? I mean from MBR | 10:37 |
ikonia | and you wouldn't be in here looking silly | 10:37 |
variant | ikonia: why bother? | 10:37 |
=== bwallum_ [n=bwallum@host86-148-249-194.range86-148.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fruitbag | I can't just read the whole thing... | 10:37 |
rebecca_ | @Anton there my eth0 doesnt even exist | 10:37 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, do you have the madwifi installed? | 10:37 |
ikonia | fruitbag: then you won't get any help | 10:37 |
ikonia | variant: you're right | 10:37 |
fruitbag | I want to know about what I am currently doing. | 10:37 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: No sir, I dont even know what that is | 10:37 |
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GaiaX11 | oopsy: Have you ever used them? | 10:37 |
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ikonia | fruitbag: no chance - you've lost your support credits with your "can't be bothered reading" attitude | 10:37 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: But the thing is that under current kernel my wireless works perfect, under the newest one, it does not | 10:37 |
dyrne | fruitbag: what is the tar command they are telling you to do? | 10:37 |
fruitbag | Not all the document is relevant... | 10:37 |
tuskernini | do a apt-cache search madwifi* | 10:37 |
ikonia | fruitbag: yes it is | 10:37 |
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ikonia | read the docs | 10:37 |
fruitbag | ikonia, well, how would I know where to start? | 10:37 |
Checkka | i <3 gdb | 10:38 |
GaiaX11 | oopsy: How can you say that them cannot do these things? | 10:38 |
ikonia | fruitbag: read the docs | 10:38 |
ikonia | and you'll knw | 10:38 |
ikonia | you're going on ignore now | 10:38 |
fruitbag | I don't even know what I'm doing exactly. | 10:38 |
U-Anon | What was fruitbag's question? | 10:38 |
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oopsy | GaiaX11: I didn't said they can't | 10:38 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, i had the same problem with linux mint.. which is based on ubuntu | 10:38 |
oopsy | I asked if they can | 10:38 |
bwallum_ | first time, treat me gently....how do I start? | 10:38 |
variant | fruitbag: you should probably get your mum to improve your reading skills with you | 10:38 |
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oopsy | typo, I typed cant instead can, sorry xD | 10:38 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Were you able to solve it? | 10:38 |
fruitbag | ikonia, how can I read documents when I don't know what I'm looking for? | 10:38 |
nomin | fruitbag: this is why installing from tarballs isn't recommended. You have to learn how to install from a tarball. There's a bit of a learning curve for that. | 10:38 |
U-Anon | !ohmy variant | 10:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ohmy variant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:38 |
=== NEaBPlayerGarth_ [n=chatzill@pool-71-123-61-212.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fruitbag | variant, that really wasn't necessary... | 10:38 |
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variant | fruitbag: read not scan | 10:38 |
fruitbag | READ FOR WHAT? | 10:38 |
GaiaX11 | oopsy: use them first. After a time you decide if it is worth installing msn or whatever. | 10:38 |
ICQnumber | a question for profi; how to start a screen saver without turning the screen black, (looks like the screen saver is transparent) | 10:39 |
BioNik | while doing apt-get update: Failed to fetch http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 MD5Sum mismatch | 10:39 |
nomin | !tarball | 10:39 |
ubotu | Files with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run. | 10:39 |
U-Anon | fruitbag: What are you trying to do? | 10:39 |
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dyrne | fruitbag: post the howto link for installing youre looking at. | 10:39 |
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oopsy | GaiaX11: I was asking if they can do that | 10:39 |
fruitbag | I don't know what I need to read for... | 10:39 |
Chamuco | As I understand things on a HD ther is a boot partition right? | 10:39 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, yes... but remember to install the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.??? what you have ok | 10:39 |
ikonia | !sudo | fruitbag | 10:39 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:39 |
oopsy | GaiaX11: display images, send files, the whole thingy | 10:39 |
ikonia | read that ! | 10:39 |
GaiaX11 | oopsy: yes | 10:39 |
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tuskernini | U-Anon, the new kernel | 10:39 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Wait, while Im compiling? | 10:39 |
fruitbag | Wow... that's helpful. | 10:39 |
fruitbag | Very helpful. | 10:39 |
fruitbag | Thanks. | 10:39 |
variant | well noticed | 10:39 |
Checkka | Ok fruitbag | 10:39 |
U-Anon | fruitbag: Ask again, I dont know your question | 10:39 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, no after | 10:39 |
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Checkka | before this gets out of hand | 10:39 |
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Checkka | whats your problem? | 10:39 |
konoko | is there a package of Kopete for ubuntu/kubuntu? | 10:39 |
fruitbag | </sarcasm> | 10:40 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Through apt-get am I right? | 10:40 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, i thought i had to recompile. but i did not have to... | 10:40 |
ikonia | fruitbag: that link is helpful | 10:40 |
oopsy | GaiaX11: thanks :) | 10:40 |
ikonia | it explains how to do things as root | 10:40 |
kira | Hi all! I have ubuntu with KDE 6.06 should i upgrade on 6.10 or could i have problems with a distupgrade? | 10:40 |
fruitbag | U-Anon, well, I'm installing the Linux Quake2 libraries. | 10:40 |
ikonia | then you can follow your turorial | 10:40 |
Thiesen | What is the most logical mountpoint to mount 16 NTFS.partitions? | 10:40 |
GaiaX11 | konoko: apt-get install kopete | 10:40 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, first do the apt-cache search madwifi* line | 10:40 |
fruitbag | In the installation introduction, it tells me to access 'su'. | 10:40 |
Checkka | fruitbag, | 10:40 |
fruitbag | But I'm not sure how to set the pswd. | 10:40 |
Checkka | instead of doing that | 10:40 |
ikonia | !sudo | fruitbag | 10:40 |
ubotu | fruitbag: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:40 |
dyrne | Thiesen: 16 partitions? | 10:40 |
ikonia | !root fruitbag | 10:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about root fruitbag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:40 |
ikonia | !root f|ruitbag | 10:40 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about root f - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:40 |
Eminem | Do you guys know a way to run windows in a window in Ubuntu? I can't seem to find a free way to do it. | 10:40 |
konoko | GaiaX11: it did not work :/ | 10:40 |
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ikonia | !root | fruitbag | 10:40 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:40 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: got any idea what to do about this network thing? | 10:40 |
GaiaX11 | konoko: apt-get install kopete. It works in both | 10:41 |
Checkka | just replace all commands after it tells you to do su | 10:41 |
bwallum_ | can you play Counter Strike on Ubuntu please? | 10:41 |
Checkka | with sudo | 10:41 |
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Thiesen | dyrne: yeah... 16 ntfs-partitions... | 10:41 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Google for "VirtuaBox" enjoy | 10:41 |
variant | Thiesen: /media/ is for mounting partitions that are not what is normally there | 10:41 |
GaiaX11 | I use it in gnome | 10:41 |
blurpie | hi all | 10:41 |
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fruitbag | bwallu1, use Wine | 10:41 |
U-Anon | rebecca_: try checking you /etc/networking/interfaces | 10:41 |
GaiaX11 | konoko: I use it in gnome | 10:41 |
variant | Thiesen: you can use /mnt too | 10:41 |
beig1 | hi, i'm using kubuntu 6.10, how can i change the symbol of a link ? | 10:41 |
ikonia | Checkka: he's know if he read the docs people are trying to help him with | 10:41 |
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konoko | GaiaX11: thanks ^^ | 10:41 |
bwallum_ | wine..ok | 10:41 |
Checkka | yeah, this problem is way too simple | 10:41 |
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Checkka | just read the docs fruitbag | 10:41 |
Thiesen | variant: ok... that's what I thought too where the most logical place... | 10:41 |
I_Eat_Plastic | I have two questions. Does anyone know the package for screen? and how is it possible to setup FTP access to specific folders, if so, how? :] | 10:41 |
ShiftyPowers | is there a tool in ubuntu that can tell me name/make/model of several components of my system? ie: mobo name, model memory modules hard drives etc? | 10:41 |
bwallum_ | this is manic! | 10:41 |
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ikonia | bwallub_ before follwing advice - keep in mind fruitbat can't figure out sudo | 10:42 |
GaiaX11 | fruitbag: stop being lazy!!!! | 10:42 |
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tuskernini | U-Anon, i had to install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-386 and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic for the 2.6.17-11 kernel to work | 10:42 |
ikonia | can someone kick him please | 10:42 |
dyrne | ShiftyPowers: lspci -v or lshw i believe | 10:42 |
variant | ikonia: screen is pre installed iirc, otherwise apt-get install screen | 10:42 |
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ShiftyPowers | dyrne, thanks man | 10:42 |
U-Anon | bwallum_: Be smart and dont waste time with Wine, get "Cedega" and a proprietary version of drivers for your card | 10:42 |
Thiesen | variant: thanks for the answer | 10:42 |
ikonia | variant: ....wrong person, I hope | 10:42 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:42 |
bwallum_ | Cedega noted thanks | 10:42 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: i did...but there is no eth0 and never was one, when i tried to change the settings in it and added the eth0 my whole networking fucked up | 10:42 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Thats funny because in that Kernel my WiFi works great, but in it does not | 10:42 |
fruitbag | I did 'su root' | 10:42 |
ikonia | !ops | 10:42 |
fruitbag | But I've tried my user psswd. | 10:42 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth | 10:42 |
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fruitbag | It doesn't work... | 10:42 |
Seveas | ikonia, ? | 10:43 |
Amaranth | ikonia: ? | 10:43 |
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apokryphos | ikonia: yes? | 10:43 |
fruitbag | How do I determine the root psswd? | 10:43 |
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U-Anon | rebecca_: Perhaps you can momentarily add the eth0 up command to start-up ? :) | 10:43 |
variant | ikonia: oops | 10:43 |
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ompaul | olds, ? | 10:43 |
variant | I_Eat_Plastic: screen is pre installed | 10:43 |
I_Eat_Plastic | variant: Thank you. :] | 10:43 |
variant | I_Eat_Plastic: iirc, otherwise do apt-get isntall screen | 10:43 |
ikonia | any chance you can review the fruitbag conversation, I suspect troll - shouldn't have called ops but lost rag | 10:43 |
fruitbag | I'm not a troll, ikonia . | 10:43 |
kira | Somebody use ubuntu 6.10 successful after dist-upgrade??? | 10:43 |
blurpie | hey, ubuntu 6.10 auto clears thumbnail files, right? because i'm trying to make it not clear the thumbnails in a specific folder.. anyone have any thoughts on that? | 10:43 |
U-Anon | fruitbag: You have to activate root first to use it "sudo passwd root" I believe | 10:43 |
I_Eat_Plastic | variant: Thanks. :] | 10:43 |
tuskernini | U-Anon, mine too.. but in linux mint it did not... so you have to install the versions... | 10:43 |
U-Anon | kira: Yes me | 10:43 |
Seveas | fruitbag, then why would ikonia believe you are trolling? | 10:43 |
bwallum_ | whats a troll? | 10:43 |
ikonia | he has been tol 12 times how to use sudo and sent links and just refuses to listen or read them | 10:43 |
U-Anon | tuskernini: Got you, will tr thanks | 10:44 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: thats already done via ifconfig...i also had to change my MAC because my Provider needs a registred MAC and i dont have a router but 2 pcs | 10:44 |
variant | U-Anon: just sudo passwd | 10:44 |
U-Anon | bwallum_: An annoying person | 10:44 |
apokryphos | ikonia: I've told you before, _please_ only use !ops in emergencies! | 10:44 |
ikonia | apokryphos: as I said, apologies | 10:44 |
bwallum_ | oh, thanks | 10:44 |
Amaranth | fruitbag: What is the problem? | 10:44 |
Checkka | wow, i cant believe i ever programmed without GDB!!!! | 10:44 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: rc.local | 10:44 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:44 |
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Checkka | silly me..... | 10:44 |
Amaranth | fruitbag: If you want to set a root password run `sudo passwd root`, put in your user password, then put in a new password for root twice | 10:44 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: detection of what? | 10:44 |
fruitbag | How do I get out of root? | 10:44 |
Checkka | exit | 10:45 |
variant | fruitbag: ctrl d | 10:45 |
fruitbag | Amaranth, yes, I've done that? | 10:45 |
Amaranth | exit | 10:45 |
U-Anon | Yeah thats what I told him | 10:45 |
fruitbag | Ah... | 10:45 |
kira | Hi U-Anon! With the first version of 6.10 i had little problems wit ubuntu on my machine but i hope that they are enought security updates | 10:45 |
fruitbag | Ok | 10:45 |
fruitbag | It works now! | 10:45 |
blurpie | no one? | 10:45 |
shane634 | edgy is stable folks | 10:45 |
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GaiaX11 | shane634: no | 10:45 |
U-Anon | kira, Fantastic :) I hope you enjoy it | 10:45 |
bwallum_ | quit | 10:45 |
dyrne | fruitbag: its alot to take in but very rewarding once you learn | 10:45 |
GaiaX11 | shane634: it is not good | 10:45 |
kitchen | anyone know the command that tells the name of the app running an open window when you point at it? | 10:45 |
bwallum_ | sorry how do i get out of here | 10:45 |
ikonia | dyrne: he just learn nothing | 10:46 |
kitchen | if that makes any sense... | 10:46 |
dromer | shane634: any ideas on upgrading from dapper? :P | 10:46 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: any idea why the ifconfig down/up doesnt have the same effect like activating via gui? what makes the difference? | 10:46 |
shane634 | dromer, i had no problems | 10:46 |
GaiaX11 | bwallum_: /part | 10:46 |
fruitbag | I'm fone now... | 10:46 |
fruitbag | It works. | 10:46 |
Checkka | yeah i agree with ikonia, if you're not going to do the reading or cant understand it, linux might not be fore you | 10:46 |
fruitbag | Fine * | 10:46 |
bwallum_ | thanks | 10:46 |
kitchen | not at all sure about the english in that there sentence, but hopefully it got the point accross... :/ | 10:46 |
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Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:46 |
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ikonia | he just pestered the channel into spoon feeding him the wrong technique | 10:47 |
shane634 | linux is rough on the new folks | 10:47 |
U-Anon | fruitbag: Are you just trying to play Quake 2 on Ubuntu? | 10:47 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | I tried to install PureFTP on Ubuntu Edgy (For use on a local network), but every time I try to connect using an FTP upload tool it tells me that it either cannot connect or that the server's software refused my connection. Any suggestions? | 10:47 |
U-Anon | shane634: So is Windows for complete newbies | 10:47 |
ikonia | shane634: I disagree | 10:47 |
shane634 | all i agree | 10:47 |
=== EdBoy [n=EdBoy@c-24-13-37-16.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EdBoy | Oho :) | 10:47 |
dyrne | ikonia: well yeah but thats an art in itself :) | 10:47 |
Checkka | yeah, fruitbag, you should REALLY learn sudo, there was a reason why it was added to ubuntu | 10:47 |
EdBoy | I knew there'd be an ubuntu channel | 10:47 |
ikonia | dyrne: I just find it VERY rude with his attitude | 10:48 |
Checkka | Windows is not for newbies, windows is for users that need to use it | 10:48 |
shane634 | linux is just different perhaps not harder just different | 10:48 |
apokryphos | Checkka: more a case of being made default; every distro I know has sudo. | 10:48 |
mhemu | for someone completely new to computers, both are scary | 10:48 |
Checkka | linux is for users that need to use it | 10:48 |
U-Anon | rebecca_: Im not sure but possibly because the GUI is not started with proper rights or that the config is written to a file/dir that does not have the proper permissions, best to Google on that :) | 10:48 |
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mhemu | for someone coming from one to another, it's just frustrating | 10:48 |
EdBoy | Checkka: I use both comfortably. | 10:48 |
Eminem | <U-Anon>, I'm having a problem with the package (.deb). It's not installing: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc-dev | 10:48 |
Checkka | exactly | 10:48 |
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EdBoy | It's just a matter of function. | 10:48 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:48 |
Checkka | to each his own | 10:48 |
EdBoy | Linux is better for downloading, Windows is programming | 10:48 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Try "sudo apt-get libc-dev" first :) | 10:48 |
EdBoy | But I could run Apache on my linux | 10:48 |
EdBoy | brb | 10:48 |
=== Yo [n=Grace@host-200-58-81-62.supernet.com.bo] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shane634 | i am here and quite happy now | 10:48 |
blurpie | hey, ubuntu 6.10 auto clears thumbnail files, right? because i'm trying to make it not clear the thumbnails in a specific folder.. anyone have any thoughts on that? | 10:49 |
Checkka | Like for me, I need to get some unix programming done, the obvious choice is linux | 10:49 |
Checkka | if i needed to just do some java stuff, i would probably be finished faster with windows | 10:49 |
shane634 | for me i just like clean and fast this works | 10:49 |
Checkka | i like the contril in linux | 10:49 |
Checkka | nothings hidden from me | 10:49 |
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Eminem | <U-Anon>: "E: Invalid operation libc-dev | 10:49 |
kitchen | anyone know the command that tells the name of the app running an open window when you point at it? | 10:49 |
U-Anon | Like for me, I need to get some Mac programming done, the obvious choice is .. oh wait... Mac users think CSS is programming... nm | 10:49 |
jrib | blurpie: I didn't know it did, how are you testing? | 10:50 |
Checkka | i can see if i have any zombies running around | 10:50 |
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GaiaX11 | Eminem: which is the package? | 10:50 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Sorry its "sudo apt-get install libc-dev" | 10:50 |
variant | perhaps most of this conversation would be better in #ubuntu-offtopic or whatever it's called | 10:50 |
shane634 | haha | 10:50 |
Checkka | agreed... | 10:50 |
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shane634 | variant, sorry | 10:50 |
LiENUS | where does the firebird2 package put isql? | 10:50 |
rebecca_ | U-Anon: not the proper rights??^but its working with the adminisratin>network eth0 disable>enable ,,...and its not working if i do the sudo ifconfig eth0 up (btw the eth0 is already up , has the proper gateway and subnet when i start the pc | 10:50 |
Eminem | <U-Anon>: "E: Package libc-dev has no installation candidate" | 10:50 |
variant | shane634: u don't need to aploogise | 10:50 |
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variant | er | 10:50 |
shane634 | on to fixing things or breaking em or whatever lol | 10:51 |
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GaiaX11 | Eminem: Doesn't synaptic/apt-get solve the dependencies? | 10:51 |
blurpie | jrib, well.. my google searches suggest otherwise, but every so often it has to reload the thumbnails here.. my guess was that it had a file size limit, after which it would clear the thumbnails? | 10:51 |
Checkka | Can the keyring manager in gnome be disbled? | 10:51 |
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Checkka | Or do i still have to use pam keyring | 10:51 |
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blurpie | jrib, so i'm observing this by it reloading the thumbnails every so often in specific folders i'm 100% sure already loaded thumbnails before | 10:51 |
Eminem | <GaiaX11>: I'm not sure. I was told by <U-Anon> to do it. | 10:51 |
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U-Anon | Eminem: Menu>System>Administration>Synaptic, see if you can install you original package you are looking for through there | 10:52 |
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blurpie | gnome by the way | 10:52 |
U-Anon | Yeah I did tell him that, dont mind me trying to help out | 10:52 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: Which is the .deb pack? | 10:52 |
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Eminem | <GaiaX11>: VirtualBox | 10:52 |
grte | So, I'm switching an agp video card out and putting a pci video card in, but after doing so, I cannot start x. | 10:52 |
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grte | I've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, to no effect. | 10:53 |
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Eminem | <U-Anon>: I should search for VirtualBox, right? | 10:53 |
shane634 | grte, which card? | 10:53 |
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U-Anon | Eminem: If you want Virtualization in Ubuntu, then yes | 10:53 |
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grte | shane634: GeForce2 MX 100 | 10:53 |
nomin | grte: did you uninstall the old driver and install the new one? | 10:53 |
jrib | blurpie: hmm, maybe the freedesktop.org thumbnail spec mentions something? All I know about thumbnails is that they go to ~/.thumbnails/ | 10:53 |
grte | No, I didn't/ | 10:53 |
U-Anon | Eminem: You want the full blown Windows in Ubuntu, righ? Or just a Windows program? | 10:53 |
grte | I switched from using the nvidia driver to the nv driver. | 10:53 |
Checkka | i think you might need to blacklist the old video card | 10:53 |
Yo | bueno ! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 10:53 |
shane634 | grte, do that and then get the envy script | 10:53 |
grte | Okay, how do I do that? | 10:54 |
Eminem | I would like The "Full Blown Windows". | 10:54 |
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blurpie | jrib, yea i did check ~/.thumbnails/, seems to be filling fine :/ | 10:54 |
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grte | And where do I find the envy script? | 10:54 |
Eminem | <U-Anon>:I would like The "Full Blown Windows". | 10:54 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Ok so VirtualBox will allow you to run Virtualization for full Windows Xp or whatever it is | 10:54 |
shane634 | grte, can you get to command prompt? | 10:54 |
grte | Yeah, that's what I'm using now. | 10:54 |
jrib | blurpie: you check timestamps? | 10:54 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Its free | 10:54 |
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grte | Good ol' screen and irssi. | 10:54 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | I tried to install PureFTP on Ubuntu Edgy (For use on a local network), but every time I try to connect using an FTP upload tool it tells me that it either cannot connect or that the server's software refused my connection. Any suggestions? | 10:54 |
blurpie | jrib, by the way.. it's a bad idea to open your ~/.thumbnails/normal/ ;P | 10:55 |
Eminem | <U-Anon>: I get no results in the Synaptic Package Manager. :( | 10:55 |
=== jrib tries | ||
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U-Anon | NEaBPlayerGarth_: Tried a diffeent FTP server? | 10:55 |
nomin | grte: it depends on how you installed the driver in the first place. If you installed the package with synaptic, just unistall it in the command line. If you installed using the installer from nvidias site, just run the installer again and tell it to uninstall. | 10:55 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Oh you'd have to Google for that one :) | 10:55 |
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Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:55 |
grte | Okay. | 10:55 |
blurpie | jrib, just had to force close my folder :P | 10:55 |
jrib | blurpie: what's the size of yours? | 10:55 |
blurpie | lemme check | 10:55 |
dyrne | NEaBPlayerGarth_: pure-admin is a front end, a gui to configure pure-ftpd you can install. youre talking about the server right? | 10:55 |
U-Anon | Eminem: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/create-and-manage-virtual-machines-using-virtualbox.html | 10:55 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Try That and good luck | 10:56 |
shane634 | grte, edit your xorg with sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver to nv | 10:56 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | Yes | 10:56 |
dyrne | NEaBPlayerGarth_: cant endorse it ive never used | 10:56 |
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grte | Aaaah...Looks like I may need the legacy drivers... | 10:56 |
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blurpie | hm... 83.3MB.. there goes my theory | 10:56 |
MADMODMIKE | i am develop desktop file! console please do not delete me | 10:56 |
nomin | !envy | 10:56 |
ubotu | envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia | 10:56 |
blurpie | I'm quite confused as to why it sometimes has to reload thumbnails, now | 10:56 |
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U-Anon | MADMODMIKE: Dont delete it then :P | 10:56 |
shane634 | grte, that should get ya back to graphical anyhow | 10:56 |
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U-Anon | I dont like "automated scripts" that "ease" things | 10:56 |
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PatrickBic | hi | 10:57 |
U-Anon | Automatix, EasyUbuntu and Envy can all "break" things | 10:57 |
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rebecca_ | envy is great | 10:57 |
MADMODMIKE | U-Anon what is command code sequence?? | 10:57 |
shane634 | U-Anon, it works | 10:57 |
grte | shane634: I changed the driver to nv with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. | 10:57 |
rebecca_ | saved me hours...if not days | 10:57 |
grte | To no effect. | 10:57 |
U-Anon | Only because it works for some, doesn't necessarily mean it should work for all | 10:57 |
shane634 | grte, and no go? | 10:57 |
rebecca_ | i love such scripts....as long as they work | 10:57 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: Why do u want virtual box in ubuntu? | 10:57 |
rebecca_ | ;) | 10:57 |
PatrickBic | why cant i connect to a wireless lan network if i even see it when using iwlist? | 10:57 |
grte | shane634: Yeah. | 10:57 |
chrisbudden14 | how can I get networking to work using KVM and qemu, i want to be able to use the eth0 interface | 10:57 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | I've tried everything I can think of to fix it, including re installing Bith PureFTP and pure-ftpd | 10:57 |
MADMODMIKE | my computer is breaking as we speak | 10:57 |
U-Anon | It has negative consequences as well, while doing it properly (manually) should not | 10:57 |
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MADMODMIKE | the hardware may be fries | 10:57 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | *both | 10:57 |
pavs | is there any 64 bit picasa available? | 10:57 |
shane634 | grte, try changing it to vesa | 10:57 |
U-Anon | GaiaX11: To install WindowsXP | 10:57 |
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blurpie | jrib, i might have renamed the folder without my remembering.. that'd mean i would've wasted not only my own time but also yours | 10:57 |
nomin | grte: I haven't used envy yet and haven't needed to. the package in synaptic and the installer from nvidias site have been just fine for me. | 10:57 |
IVBela | !ftp | 10:58 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 10:58 |
IVBela | !ftp server | 10:58 |
blurpie | jrib, although I do doubt I renamed the folder, I can't seem to recreate this at the moment | 10:58 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 10:58 |
MADMODMIKE | !hardware | 10:58 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 10:58 |
dyrne | the problem is those scripts are made usually by people like me with just enough knowledge to be dangerouse :) | 10:58 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 10:58 |
MADMODMIKE | does anyone here know MIPS | 10:58 |
blurpie | I guess i'll just keep an eye out for it and come back later if it happens again | 10:58 |
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grte | No go. | 10:58 |
U-Anon | blurpie, I'd rather you do that than Automatix screwing up your system and you not able to upgrade to Feisty later on, wasting 5 of my hours later on and then switching back to Windows :) | 10:58 |
dyrne | note the typo that would propably find its way into such a script | 10:58 |
jrib | blurpie: from a quick glance at the spec, I see a mention that it will detect modifications (uses mtime) and regerate | 10:58 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=532697 | 10:58 |
grte | I'm getting the following error: (EE) No devices detected. | 10:58 |
blurpie | ah | 10:59 |
blurpie | that's interesting | 10:59 |
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grte | Which is weird, becaus lspci works fine. | 10:59 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tag/virtualbox/ | 10:59 |
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shane634 | kernel upgrades kill drivers | 10:59 |
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U-Anon | GaiaX11: He wishes to install it | 10:59 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: But it is much better to set yourself free from Win. | 10:59 |
grte | Aiya, good thing I set up the home partition seperately. | 11:00 |
grte | I think I'll just reinstall. | 11:00 |
FP | Hi all | 11:00 |
shane634 | grte, what can you do ? | 11:00 |
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grte | Yeah, I know. | 11:00 |
GaiaX11 | U-Anon: I cannot understand these people who comes to ubuntu still thinking in a win way! | 11:00 |
Eminem | <GaiaX11>: After having Ubuntu, I'm in love with it. I just need Windows for little things that only Windows can do. | 11:00 |
NEaBPlayerGarth_ | It's still not working | 11:00 |
nomin | Andy_Alpha: this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4031.html | 11:00 |
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shane634 | grte does it work at all? | 11:00 |
shane634 | later lol | 11:00 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: for example: | 11:00 |
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GaiaX11 | Eminem: which things? | 11:01 |
nomin | Andy_Alpha: some of those people said it was their cdrom drive failing. Do you have a second drive? | 11:01 |
blurpie | jrib, kind of odd there's no auto-clear of thumbnails actually.. i'd imagine that folder to be very big soon | 11:01 |
U-Anon | GaiaX11: Better that than them trying out Ubuntu, not seeing any Windows and going back | 11:01 |
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U-Anon | GaiaX11, gradual transition is better than no transition at all | 11:01 |
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Eminem | <GaiaX11>: I have a new phone and I want to get files onto there but I need the installation CD for it. | 11:01 |
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Eminem | <GaiaX11>:Which only works in Windows | 11:01 |
shane634 | Eminem, what does it do when you plug the phone up? | 11:02 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: explains better please | 11:02 |
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U-Anon | Hey Eminem, make sure while you are following the guide I sent you to above, to use the "http://www.virtualbox.org/download/1.3.6/VirtualBox_1.3.6_Ubuntu_edgy_i386.deb"link with the "wget" command as its the updated version | 11:03 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: perhaps people here can help you without the need of installing XP | 11:03 |
DaneM | Hi, all. I'm having a problem browsing smb (windows) shares using Nautilus, as a normal user. I can do it as root (using sudo nautilus --browser) just fine, and I can see everything using smbtree as a normal user. When I browse as a normal user, however, it will show me that there's a windows network, and show me the workgroup names, but not let me browse them. Any suggestions? | 11:03 |
blurpie | oh one more thing.. is there a way to disable the ubuntu folder history? not the recently opened documents (already disabled those), but the thing in Go and the side pane | 11:03 |
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U-Anon | WB fruitbag | 11:04 |
Eminem | GaiaX11>: What exactly does VirtualBox do? Can it boot another partition? | 11:04 |
fruitbag | Hey, U-Anon. | 11:04 |
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fruitbag | I switched to Windows for a while. | 11:04 |
Eminem | <GaiaX11>: What exactly does VirtualBox do? Can it boot another partition? | 11:04 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 11:04 |
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shane634 | Andy_Alpha, what wasnt | 11:05 |
U-Anon | Eminem: It emulates VM, meaning you can install pretty much any OS and run through it | 11:05 |
shane634 | detected | 11:05 |
GaiaX11 | Eminem: Explains the phone issue better. That's what i've asked you | 11:05 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Run Ubuntu on XP, or XP on Ubuntu, etc | 11:05 |
mon^rch | can someone help me setup shares for ftp users please? | 11:06 |
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GaiaX11 | DaneM: Have you looked the permissions? Probably in /etc/groups? | 11:06 |
DaneM | I'll take a look | 11:06 |
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pavs | is there virtualbox for 64bit? | 11:07 |
Xs142 | Anyone care to explain if there's any way to update from 5.04 to the latest without burning it onto a CD...? | 11:07 |
Zach | sudo apt-get distro upgrade... i think | 11:07 |
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Zach | or update | 11:07 |
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GaiaX11 | !update| Xs142 | 11:07 |
ubotu | Xs142: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 11:07 |
Omiyahcis | yes, but you have to go in steps, you can't just dist upgrade and hop several releases | 11:08 |
Andy_Alpha | how can I find out what went wrong during hardware detection: is there some log or something? | 11:08 |
mon^rch | can someone help me setup shares for ftp users please? | 11:08 |
shane634 | Xs142, click check and then update like normal | 11:08 |
Livefan | I get this | 11:08 |
Livefan | Server Authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/lib/gdm but this does not exit. please correct gdm configuration and restart gdm | 11:08 |
Jetfighter | nomin, are you here? | 11:08 |
Livefan | How do I resolve it? | 11:08 |
Xs142 | Umm, lemme see what I could get out of all these answers... | 11:08 |
fruitbag | tommorow, I intend on wasting alot of time burning CDs. | 11:08 |
Jetfighter | Sign | 11:08 |
Livefan | I have foloowd this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=368168&page=2&highlight=Server+authorization+directory | 11:08 |
Jetfighter | Sigh* | 11:08 |
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Livefan | still nada | 11:08 |
Chamuco | how can i change the swap partition that my linux install is using while I am using that install | 11:09 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: I already asked you. What are you missing? Sound card? Video Card? What? | 11:09 |
nomin | Jetfighter: yes. | 11:09 |
DaneM | as it stands, I'm in the following groups: dane adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin. Are there any others I need to be in? | 11:09 |
CaptainMorgan | I just upgraded to 6.10, my browser's scrolling is messed up... | 11:09 |
xorl | ahh fixed my resolution \m/ | 11:09 |
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xorl | oh, hey, anyone know any faster mirrors? lol | 11:09 |
shane634 | GaiaX11, i asked as well lol | 11:09 |
CaptainMorgan | firefox | 11:09 |
Jetfighter | Ok, I did the download part, now for the sudo dpkg -i wine*.deb | 11:09 |
Andy_Alpha | I'm not missing anything.... what do you mean? | 11:09 |
DaneM | ^GaiaX11 | 11:09 |
Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 I'm not missing anything.... what do you mean? | 11:09 |
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Jetfighter | Ok, that's done.. | 11:09 |
nomin | Jetfighter: the whole process took me about 45minutes. | 11:10 |
shane634 | Andy_Alpha, why would you need a log if nothing is missing? | 11:10 |
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Jetfighter | ok | 11:10 |
Jetfighter | I went to eat :P | 11:10 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: Pay attention to your own question. Please | 11:10 |
nomin | Jetfighter: just follow the instructions carefull and don't mess anything up. | 11:10 |
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Eminem | <U-Anon>, <GaiaX11>: Can I boot a Windows partition in Ubuntu using VM? | 11:10 |
n-iCe | Hi how can i set autologin in ubuntu? | 11:10 |
Jetfighter | I'm not planning on it. :P | 11:10 |
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Jetfighter | Do you think since you have it set up, you could see if UBT installs right? | 11:10 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Are you looking to Boot your EXISTING Windows installation in Ubuntu? I doubt thats possible | 11:11 |
Jetfighter | better yet, don't, I wanna see :) | 11:11 |
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mon^rch | can someone help me to use symlinks to setup shares for ftp users? | 11:11 |
U-Anon | Eminem: But you can create a "container" in VirtualBox, and install a new windows XP in it, and then you can use Windows within Ubuntu | 11:11 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I'm running the different distro right now anyway. | 11:11 |
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GaiaX11 | Eminem: I do not know. I have been set free from win a long time ago :-) | 11:11 |
Andy_Alpha | OK.... I'm instaling Ubuntu. Instalation is going well until 'detecting hardware'. It hangs. How can I know why it stoped? Is there a log? | 11:11 |
delight | how to change the login picture for gdm on edgy ? | 11:11 |
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Jetfighter | Ok | 11:11 |
delight | n-iCe: just look into the gdmsetup | 11:11 |
Xs142 | Ok, I think I'm onto something here. However, I've used Ubuntu for... Let's see... a total of 2,30 minutes now... Where's the Synaptic Package Manager...? | 11:11 |
delight | n-iCe: ist on the third tab or so ... pretty self-explaining | 11:11 |
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Jetfighter | wget http://ds80-237-203-29.dedicated.hosteurope.de/wt/winetools-0.9jo-III.tar.gz | 11:11 |
Jetfighter | t | 11:11 |
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Jetfighter | It's staring at me, saying connecting... | 11:12 |
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shane634 | Andy_Alpha, you need to use the alternate cd man | 11:12 |
antotos | salve a tutti | 11:12 |
frtmonster | mm, i try to open a midi file with 'kmid' and it says some other program uses the /dev/sequencer/ - what's the prob here? | 11:12 |
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delight | how can i change the mini-picture for account on the login - screen (gdm) ? | 11:12 |
bruenig | Xs142, system>administration>synaptic package manager. Or you can just use apt-get from the command line which is easier I think. | 11:12 |
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GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: How are u installing? Using a cd or via net? | 11:12 |
Xs142 | bruenig, thanks alot :) | 11:12 |
StoneNote | Eminem, there is a way to copy a running version of Windoze to a VMware virtual machine, but I don't recall the process. you might check #vmware or google it | 11:12 |
Jetfighter | nomin, Connecting to ds80-237-203-29.dedicated.hosteurope.de||:80... | 11:12 |
Jetfighter | Been there for like...ever.. | 11:12 |
Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 CD | 11:13 |
cheeseboy | can someone help me get wireless to work? | 11:13 |
Jetfighter | !wireless | cheeseboy | 11:13 |
ubotu | cheeseboy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:13 |
Andy_Alpha | Shane634 why alternate? | 11:13 |
shane634 | cheeseboy, which card? | 11:13 |
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cheeseboy | jetfighter ive triedthat | 11:13 |
shane634 | Andy_Alpha, less chance of hanging | 11:13 |
Jetfighter | Oh, IDK then..I live by the bot :( | 11:13 |
blurpie | oh one more thing.. is there a way to disable the ubuntu folder history? not the recently opened documents (already disabled that), but the thing in Go and the side pane | 11:13 |
antotos | hi all from Italy | 11:13 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: have you checked cd integrity? | 11:13 |
Andy_Alpha | shane634 I see.... thx | 11:13 |
bruenig | Eminem, but what StoneNote is talking about is not the same as booting a partition. It will just copy the partition as it exists to the disk and then you can do stuff with that copy, but that won't affect your partition so the changes if any that you make will only apply to that copy you made. | 11:14 |
=== kachiiingo [n=kachingo@202-89-158-153.dyn-dsl.ubs.qsi.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
cheeseboy | shane634, WLI2-PCI-G54S | 11:14 |
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Jetfighter | Who help me...It's been << Connecting to ds80-237-203-29.dedicated.hosteurope.de||:80... | 11:14 |
Jetfighter | >> for like...5 minutes... | 11:14 |
Eminem | I probably sound dumb, but how do I uninstall a program? :P | 11:14 |
StoneNote | bruenig, true it's not. one doesn't "Boor a partition" in VMware | 11:14 |
Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 Yes I have... no errors.. | 11:14 |
StoneNote | boot^ | 11:14 |
Jetfighter | !uninstall Eminem | 11:14 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: clean up with water the cd | 11:14 |
Jetfighter | !uninstall | Eminem | 11:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:14 |
Jetfighter | Hmmm | 11:14 |
Jetfighter | Well.... | 11:14 |
bruenig | Eminem, depends on how you installed it, sudo apt-get remove package if from the repos | 11:15 |
cafuego_ | freedownload that virtualises an existing windows install. | 11:15 |
=== bruenig thinks it is funny when people guess | ||
DaneM | has anybody else ever run into the problem of being able to browse Windows shares using Nautilus as root, but not as a regular user? I can access shares by IP address as a normal user, but not by name or by workgroup. | 11:15 |
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cafuego_ | grr | 11:15 |
U-Anon | Eminem: Try looking for VirtualBox in Synaptic Manager and uninstall it there | 11:15 |
=== reggaemanu` [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-4-183.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: It already happened with me and it was only a matter of cleaning | 11:15 |
cafuego_ | "VMwre converter" is a | 11:15 |
kevin | U-Anon, sorry for the long reply, had a slight problem, anyhow, I checked /etc/network/interface, on all the other computers there's only a setting for eth0, on the one that wasn't working it had both eth0 and eth1 with same ip address. I was able to ifup eth1 but not eth0, I decided to remove the eth1 settings, but eth0 still does not work, if I run ifup eth0 I get "Error while getting interface flags: No such device"...and "SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device". A | 11:15 |
StoneNote | bruenig & Eminem well I'll be. I was wrong. I googled and found this http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware | 11:15 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I can't access that site, either. Maybe try again later or post a message on the forum saying the file can't be accessed. | 11:15 |
Jetfighter | I guess I can use the zip thingy? | 11:15 |
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cheeseboy | caan someone help me get wireless to work? | 11:16 |
Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 There's nothing wrong with the CD. I'm obsessed when it comes to keeping CDs and DVDs clean. | 11:16 |
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U-Anon | kevin, sorry bud then it a bit over my head right there, I've only used Ubuntu for 2 weeks, but Im here to offer assistance after hours of reading through Ubuntu Forums/Guides and fixing most of my problems using Google. Perhaps you can ask other experienced people | 11:16 |
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DaneM | cheeseboy: which wireless card do you have? (do you know the chipset?) | 11:16 |
shane634 | cheeseboy, we need the chipset on that card | 11:16 |
kevin | U-Anon, thanks :) | 11:16 |
nomin | Jetfighter: try to find the exact same file on another site. | 11:17 |
U-Anon | kevin: No problem :) | 11:17 |
Jetfighter | nomin, is there a faster way I can do this? | 11:17 |
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Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 Percise if there is something blocking ROM from reading the CD, integrity scan would detect it. | 11:17 |
cheeseboy | DaneM, shane634, how do i vheck chipset? | 11:17 |
oopsy | is ndiswrapperGTK (gui) really easier? | 11:17 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: have you tested it in another machine? | 11:17 |
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spike | hi there | 11:17 |
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bruenig | !hi | spiff | 11:17 |
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shane634 | cheeseboy, lspci or lsusb | 11:17 |
ubotu | spiff: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:17 |
spike | are currently any problem with the mirrors? | 11:17 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I'm only a novice. I liked that post because it worked and all the instructions were there. | 11:17 |
DaneM | try typing (in a command prompt) "lspci" | 11:18 |
bruenig | spike, which mirror | 11:18 |
DaneM | (cheeseboy) | 11:18 |
Jetfighter | Lol | 11:18 |
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spike | bruenig: I've tried several, nl, gb, they will all time out | 11:18 |
mchang | looks like cheeseboy gots this http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Technology-WLI2PCIG54S-Wireless-Desktop/dp/B00028B57C | 11:18 |
bruenig | spike, sounds like your end then, did you try opening them in the browser | 11:18 |
spike | but net is fine, I can d/l stuff at full speed from say kernel.org | 11:18 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I'm not aware of a faster way. Many people have had problems with wine so I'm guessing that's the easiest way to do it. | 11:18 |
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Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 Well, I tested it on this one few months ago; it went well then (same CD). I added a TV card since then. | 11:18 |
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mchang | cheeseboy: might be the bcm43xx chipset | 11:18 |
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Jetfighter | Why can't I use one in Synaptics? | 11:19 |
cheeseboy | 05:04.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 11:19 |
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spike | bruenig: bah, hardly my end, as I said everything else works fine | 11:19 |
shane634 | if it is he needs some ndiswrapper or mad wifi goodness | 11:19 |
Cryoniq | Maybe wrong place to ask but since so many people with different experience: I am running utorrent in wine. Since yesterday I just have the wine utorrent icon up in my taskbar. No matter how I click on it, uttorrent window pops up. I restarted whole system and it still does that. When I start it doesnt show. but icon in taskbar pops in there.. anyone else had this silly problem? | 11:19 |
Jetfighter | And can I run an IRC bot from Terminal window? | 11:19 |
bruenig | spike, did you try them in the browser, if they work in the browser, then it is your end, bah | 11:19 |
matkix0s | So how come everytime I try to configure the included softphone it hangs and never finishes when detecting nat | 11:19 |
kachiiingo | howdy, I have started learning c programming, but I've only used windows for it. I was wondering on ubuntu, where are the standard libraries kept, and what are they called? | 11:19 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: do you have the installation cd, if in case you were using win? | 11:19 |
cheeseboy | GaiaX11, yes | 11:20 |
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shane634 | cheeseboy, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=16131245 | 11:20 |
Jetfighter | Ok, sorry about that, did you reply? | 11:20 |
HymnToLife | kachiiingo, build-essential, as the name says, has everything you need for compiling | 11:20 |
shane634 | look here first | 11:20 |
Xs142 | Now, while I'm having the happy time of watching an upgrade iin binary (Just had to) another question... How do I run Windows-only applications in ubuntu? | 11:20 |
Jetfighter | And can I run an IRC bot from Terminal window? | 11:20 |
Jetfighter | !wine Xs142 | 11:20 |
Jetfighter | !wine | Xs142 | 11:20 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB | 11:20 |
nomin | Jetfighter: the wine package in synaptic sucks. It's missing a few things. | 11:20 |
ubotu | Xs142: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 11:20 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: so, you will need: ndiswrapper; wirelles-tools; and the your_card.inf file | 11:20 |
Monkey_Puzzle | Amarok says it cant support mp3s and cant install the codecs, but the other player can, any ideas? | 11:21 |
HymnToLife | Jetfighter, yes, there are a few | 11:21 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: right? | 11:21 |
Jetfighter | But it's faster...and without that site working.... | 11:21 |
Xs142 | @all: Thank you very much :D | 11:21 |
HymnToLife | I use supybot cause Python rocks :p | 11:21 |
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bruenig | !mp3 | Monkey_Puzzle | 11:21 |
ubotu | Monkey_Puzzle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:21 |
oopsy | is ndiswrapperGTK (gui) really easier? | 11:21 |
HymnToLife | oopsy, no | 11:21 |
Jetfighter | HymnToLife, can you teach me a simple way to connect to this network and channel? | 11:21 |
U-Anon | Alright take care folks its been fun chatting | 11:21 |
matkix0s | What softphone would people here point me towards using? The one included hangs, and will never setup. | 11:21 |
shane634 | GaiaX11, i linked him a bunch of sites | 11:21 |
spike | bruenig: did you learn that on some 24hrs course for customer support? | 11:21 |
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matkix0s | !softphone | 11:21 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I've even tried wine on another distro and it doesn't work. | 11:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about softphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:21 |
HymnToLife | Jetfighter, with which client ? | 11:21 |
spike | bruenig: if a connection times out wth is "load in a browser" about | 11:21 |
spike | ?! | 11:21 |
Jetfighter | ? | 11:21 |
spike | anyway | 11:21 |
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Jetfighter | A terminal window :( | 11:21 |
bruenig | spike, then it is a problem with your apt, not a problem with the mirror, bah | 11:21 |
matkix0s | !voip | 11:22 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: after detecting your .inf file do: | 11:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:22 |
HymnToLife | Jetfighter, you meant an IRC client or an IRC bot ? | 11:22 |
Xs142 | Ubuntu is strangely fun to install things in... Got to be the retro DOS feeling over the terminal... | 11:22 |
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kane77 | ubuntu wont read some of my dvd's... they work under windows.. the dmesg says something like: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. | 11:22 |
Jetfighter | I want to know if I can connect to IRC through a terminal | 11:22 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: sudo ndiswrapper -i my_card.inf | 11:22 |
matkix0s | So anyone have a good softphone? | 11:22 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, irssi or bitchx are terminal irc clients | 11:22 |
HymnToLife | Jetfighter, sure, lots of people do | 11:22 |
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HymnToLife | irssi + screen ftw :p | 11:22 |
nomin | kane77: are they video dvd's? | 11:22 |
Jetfighter | HymnToLife, tell me how please? | 11:23 |
bruenig | hmmm | 11:23 |
HymnToLife | !find irssi | 11:23 |
kane77 | nomin, no just some of my backup documents and stuff | 11:23 |
ubotu | Found: irssi, irssi-dev, irssi-plugin-icq, irssi-scripts, irssi-text | 11:23 |
poningru | !wine > mark007 | 11:23 |
Jetfighter | What is irssi? | 11:23 |
bruenig | !info irssi | 11:23 |
poningru | !irssi | Jetfighter | 11:23 |
ubotu | irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB | 11:23 |
blurpie | is there a way to disable the ubuntu folder history? not the recently opened documents (already disabled that), but the thing in Go and the side pane | 11:23 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: irssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help | 11:23 |
GaiaX11 | Andy_Alpha: sorry. But there must be something wrong with the cd. Try the alternate | 11:23 |
HymnToLife | Jetfighter, sudo apt-get install irssi-text && irssi | 11:23 |
DaneM | kane77: are they UDF, maybe? | 11:23 |
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oopsy | edgy's packages aren't backwards compatible? (working with dapper) | 11:24 |
shane634 | Andy_Alpha, alt cd is better for you | 11:24 |
bruenig | oopsy, no of course not | 11:24 |
kane77 | DaneM, hmmm.. actualy that might be it.. any way to mount them? (and make them mount automaticaly?) | 11:24 |
oopsy | Oh :\ shame | 11:24 |
oopsy | thanks bruenig | 11:24 |
bruenig | oopsy, if they were compatible, the would be in dapper-backports | 11:24 |
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oopsy | oh, ok, thanks | 11:24 |
DaneM | kane77: *thinking* I think there's a udf module. Try modprobing it. | 11:24 |
DaneM | kane77 ("sudo modprobe udf") | 11:25 |
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Jetfighter | How can I see how much disk space I have left, and how much is recommended? | 11:25 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, df -h | 11:25 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, not sure I know what you mean by recommended | 11:25 |
DaneM | kane77: if that works, you can put "udf" in /etc/modules | 11:25 |
cheeseboy | bvn | 11:25 |
shane634 | Jetfighter, as much as you can | 11:25 |
nomin | Jetfighter: system monitor | 11:25 |
Andy_Alpha | shane634 yes I understand.... thx | 11:25 |
madsrh | can save "Sources.list" from GNU because it's writeprotectet. How do I edit it? | 11:25 |
shane634 | Andy_Alpha, no problem | 11:26 |
Andy_Alpha | GaiaX11 I'm downloading alternate... :) thx | 11:26 |
frtmonster | ugh, how can i stop the touchpad in the laptop from working? | 11:26 |
bruenig | madsrh, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:26 |
kane77 | DaneM, how do I know it works? :) | 11:26 |
madsrh | bruenig-> thanks | 11:26 |
Jetfighter | What is like....the minimum you should have left? | 11:26 |
DaneM | kane77: can you open it in Nautilus? If not, you can try mounting it manually. | 11:26 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, you want enough to hold your files | 11:26 |
=== cheeseboy [n=ubuntu@66-189-11-22.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DaneM | kane77 try going to Computer | 11:27 |
Jetfighter | How much is that?! | 11:27 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, how much space does your files take up | 11:27 |
shane634 | Jetfighter, you want as much as possible | 11:27 |
cheeseboy | what? | 11:27 |
Jetfighter | Am I running out if I only have 51.4 GB left? | 11:27 |
cheeseboy | GaiaX11 ? | 11:27 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, I have about 30 gigs of stuff, I used to only have about 5 gigs, those different amounts would affect the space I need you see | 11:27 |
shane634 | cheeseboy, did you look at the links i sent? | 11:27 |
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bruenig | Jetfighter, 51 gigs is a lot | 11:27 |
Monkey_Puzzle | Amarok says it cant support mp3s and cant install the codecs, but the other player can, any ideas? | 11:27 |
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StoneNote | Jetfighter, you are if you have 50.9 GB of files to load | 11:28 |
bruenig | !mp3 | Monkey_Puzzle | 11:28 |
ubotu | Monkey_Puzzle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:28 |
shane634 | Jetfighter, that is plenty my man | 11:28 |
Jetfighter | Plenty of space? | 11:28 |
=== Andy_Alpha [i=icechat5@20-179.dsl.iskon.hr] has left #ubuntu ["all"] | ||
Jetfighter | Ok | 11:28 |
kane77 | DaneM, no I cannot mount it manually | 11:28 |
wildfire_ | Hi | 11:28 |
bruenig | kane77, what are you trying to mount? | 11:28 |
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bruenig | !hi | wildfire_ | 11:28 |
ubotu | wildfire_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:28 |
wildfire_ | Thanks | 11:28 |
bruenig | !thanks | wildfire_ | 11:28 |
ubotu | wildfire_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 11:28 |
kane77 | bruenig, a udf dvd | 11:28 |
Monkey_Puzzle | bruenig I've dont this, other players can read mp3's and flac, its just amarok that cant play anything apart from ogg | 11:28 |
wildfire_ | ubotu, how old are you? | 11:28 |
nomin | Jetfighter: I have a lot of stuff installed and the root files take up about 5 GB. | 11:28 |
bruenig | udf hmmm | 11:28 |
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Jetfighter | Lol... | 11:29 |
cheeseboy | shane634, my cards being dected | 11:29 |
Jetfighter | Mine take up like 2.3 | 11:29 |
bruenig | Monkey_Puzzle, on the restricted page, they talk specifically of amarok at least the last time I looked at it | 11:29 |
Monkey_Puzzle | k, ta | 11:29 |
GaiaX11 | cheeseboy: What? | 11:29 |
shane634 | cheeseboy, does it show up in networking? | 11:29 |
wildfire_ | nomin | 11:29 |
cheeseboy | shane634, yes | 11:29 |
DaneM | kane77: try doing this: make a mount point directory. Then type, "sudo mount /dev/<device> -t udf <mountdir>" | 11:29 |
shane634 | msn shane47143 | 11:29 |
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wildfire_ | Who told Jetfighter about IRSSI? | 11:30 |
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kane77 | DaneM, yep that mounts it right | 11:30 |
cheeseboy | shane634, me? | 11:30 |
DaneM | sweet | 11:30 |
bruenig | who told jetfighter about this channel is the real question | 11:30 |
=== Jrabbit [n=jack@64-151-3-10.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | Wtf is going on? | 11:30 |
shane634 | cheeseboy, yeah add me on msn | 11:30 |
jimd | Is there a package or script available for setting up a local x86/AMD64 "kickstart" server? (mirror of *just* the x86/AMD64 files and binaries and setting up the necessary tftpboot (kernel and initrd) and preseed files)? | 11:31 |
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DaneM | kane77: that means that it's UDF. The simple solution is to just mount it like that (see "man mount" for more options, including user permissions), and open it in nautilus if you need to see the files. | 11:31 |
wildfire_ | Ok, I got on IRSSI, can I like just open a terminal and like sudo irc server irc.freenode.net or something? | 11:31 |
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kane77 | DaneM, thanx | 11:31 |
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DaneM | kane77: also, put "udf" on its own line in /etc/modules. | 11:31 |
DaneM | no prob | 11:32 |
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bruenig | wildfire_, no... you just do irssi | 11:32 |
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Jetfighter | How do I run IRSSI once terminal is closed? | 11:32 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, open the terminal, and then do irssi | 11:32 |
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TSWoodV | Howdy, all! | 11:33 |
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bruenig | !howdy | TSWoodV | 11:33 |
ubotu | TSWoodV: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:33 |
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kane77 | DaneM, does this require reboot to start working (/etc/modules? | 11:33 |
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fr500 | hello | 11:33 |
fr500 | how do i use nicotine? | 11:33 |
Jetfighter | !hi | fre500 | 11:33 |
ubotu | fre500: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:33 |
bruenig | cigarettes | 11:33 |
fr500 | i mean how do i get an account! | 11:33 |
Jetfighter | OOps | 11:33 |
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TSWoodV | Got a question concerning where best to add a static route. Got a separate route to my DNS servers than my default route. There are standardized locations for this in FC, but I can't seem to find their equivalents in Ubuntu? | 11:34 |
deadchip | crimsun: btw what is kernel-package? | 11:34 |
DaneM | kane77: yes, but you just modprobed it manually, so you won't have to reboot right now. | 11:34 |
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deadchip | crimsun: when you said i should install it manually, you meant using dpkg? | 11:34 |
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fr500 | hi ubotu | 11:34 |
Jetfighter | I installed phpBB package, how do I access it? | 11:34 |
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Jetfighter | !bot | 11:34 |
hendaus | hi all | 11:34 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:35 |
hendaus | can anyone help please | 11:35 |
Jetfighter | THATS where it is? | 11:35 |
DaneM | kane77: you might also want to take a look at /etc/pmount.allow and see if you can add a line for it. I'm kind-of fuzzy about that, though. Google is your friend :-) | 11:35 |
TSWoodV | !static | 11:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about static - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:35 |
bruenig | fr500, does man nicotine not tell you anything | 11:35 |
crimsun | deadchip: aptitude install linux-image-2.6.20-10-generic linux-headers-2.6.20-10-generic | 11:35 |
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deadchip | ah | 11:35 |
fr500 | bruenig: doesnt tell me how to get an account | 11:35 |
deadchip | thanks | 11:35 |
DaneM | afk | 11:35 |
Sigurdtheone | I have a question: | 11:35 |
Sigurdtheone | I am trying to install a Skype suitable for Ubuntu, yet i see a lot of diffrent choices, they are as follow: SuSE 9, Mandrake 9, Fedora Core 3,4 and 5. Yet i don't see anything specific for Ubuntu, any help | 11:35 |
fr500 | deadchip: from bmpx? | 11:35 |
zacky | hello guys | 11:35 |
deadchip | wow fr500 is here too | 11:35 |
hendaus | i have install devede but i want anyone of the helpers to tell how to make a dvd movie | 11:36 |
deadchip | fr500: lol yeah | 11:36 |
fr500 | haha | 11:36 |
deadchip | i ditched fedora for ubuntu | 11:36 |
Jetfighter | !dvd | 11:36 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 11:36 |
deadchip | it was getting kind of.. well | 11:36 |
blurpie | is there a way to disable the ubuntu folder history? not the recently opened documents (already disabled that), but the thing in Go and the side pane | 11:36 |
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fr500 | deadchip: hehe, i see | 11:36 |
deadchip | let's just say nothing beats dpkg and apt :P | 11:36 |
Jetfighter | !makedvd > wildfire_ | 11:36 |
AlexLatchford | Howdy guys, anyone know how to change Song Info on .ogg files in Rhythmbox? | 11:36 |
fr500 | deadchip: true | 11:36 |
AlexLatchford | Right Click->Properties isnt working for me | 11:36 |
Jetfighter | Is there just a plain "Linux" OS? | 11:37 |
zacky | does anybody know how to get perl work with apache? | 11:37 |
deadchip | and it's generally nicer, Fedora has good development as well but i don't like their approach of being the testbed for RHEL | 11:37 |
hendaus | Jetfighter, i have a dvd player and nero on windows burn for me make a dvd video and vcd,but i dont know how to make it by devede | 11:37 |
mjr | Jetfighter, no | 11:37 |
jimd | blurpie: might it be a setting somewhere in GConf? Perhaps gconf-editor can help find it? | 11:37 |
Jassossovinik | Jetfighter, linux refers to the bare kernel, without things on top of the kernel it wouldn't do anything. | 11:37 |
GaiaX11 | Sigurdtheone: Skype is in the repos | 11:37 |
fr500 | deadchip: so how do you like ubuntu | 11:37 |
Jetfighter | Hmmm | 11:37 |
GaiaX11 | Sigurdtheone: apt-get | 11:37 |
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Jetfighter | !devede | hendaus | 11:37 |
ubotu | hendaus: devede: Video DVD creator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 243 kB, installed size 664 kB | 11:37 |
deadchip | fr500: well i really _really_ like it :) | 11:37 |
GaiaX11 | Sigurdtheone: sudo apt-get install skype-static | 11:38 |
fr500 | neat | 11:38 |
deadchip | i just never used dpkg based distros much in my life so i have to get used to the tools | 11:38 |
deadchip | for most tasks, you don't need it anyway | 11:38 |
bruenig | fr500, maybe this http://thegraveyard.org/daelstorm/nicotine-guide.php | 11:38 |
Jetfighter | I installed phpBB from the packages, but how can I access it? | 11:38 |
fr500 | thanks bruenig | 11:38 |
fr500 | deadchip: yes, you can double click on debs to install | 11:38 |
deadchip | fr500: i've installed Edgy on a friend's notebook (a centrino duo lenovo one), and he's not missing win xp for a second lol | 11:38 |
pavs | how to install ubuntu on ipod? | 11:38 |
fr500 | pavs: ????? | 11:38 |
bruenig | !repeat | Jetfighter | 11:38 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:39 |
deadchip | lol on an ipod? | 11:39 |
hendaus | Jetfighter, ok i have install devede,but i want to tell me where is the option to make it dvd video burn | 11:39 |
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pavs | why not? | 11:39 |
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bruenig | hendaus, it doesn't, it creates an iso | 11:39 |
deadchip | well _theoretically_ | 11:39 |
deadchip | but you wouldn't use ubuntu for that | 11:39 |
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wildfire_ | Does Ubuntu have a program you can record your screen activity with? | 11:39 |
Sigurdtheone | GaiaX11: What is "Apt-get" (guessing some application adding program) and where do i find / enter it? | 11:39 |
deadchip | wildfire_: try istanbul | 11:39 |
Jetfighter | !botabuse | bruenig | 11:39 |
oz__ | because you just need to adapt an ubuntu for it ;) | 11:39 |
ubotu | bruenig: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:39 |
bruenig | hendaus, if you want to burn the iso just do this: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/whatever=nameofiso.iso | 11:39 |
nomin | !keno | 11:39 |
pavs | its possible to install linux on ipod but i lost the website | 11:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about keno - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:39 |
hendaus | bruenig, so how can i burn the iso to dvd player | 11:39 |
bruenig | ubotu, tell Jetfighter about repeat | 11:39 |
nomin | !kino | 11:39 |
ubotu | kino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.90-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1093 kB, installed size 3860 kB | 11:40 |
bruenig | !repeat > Jetfighter | 11:40 |
GaiaX11 | !apt-get | Sigurdtheone | 11:40 |
ubotu | Sigurdtheone: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 11:40 |
Jetfighter | You fool, you are abusing, I can't wait to see you banned. | 11:40 |
=== Helmi [n=chatzill@pD95ECD6C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | !istanbul | 11:40 |
nomin | !mandvd | 11:40 |
ubotu | istanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB | 11:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mandvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:40 |
hendaus | bruenig, is this works with kubuntu? | 11:40 |
GaiaX11 | Sigurdtheone: you enter it in the terminal | 11:40 |
fr500 | pavs: yes you can | 11:40 |
Jetfighter | Command for istanbul install? | 11:40 |
bruenig | hendaus, yes, it is command line, why wouldn't it | 11:40 |
fr500 | pavs googl for ipod linux, but its not ubuntu | 11:40 |
deadchip | apt-get install istanbul or search for it in synaptic | 11:40 |
nomin | !video editing | 11:40 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, sudo apt-get install istanbul just like everything else | 11:40 |
deadchip | lo | 11:41 |
deadchip | +l | 11:41 |
pavs | fr500 i am doing that right now thanks | 11:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about video editing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:41 |
bruenig | hendaus, make sure you change nameofiso.iso and the /dev/whatever to what they really are | 11:41 |
Sigurdtheone | GaiaX11: Ahh, Okies thanks mate, really helpfull, ill try | 11:41 |
bohsain | hi | 11:41 |
hendaus | bruenig, :-( "/dev/whatever=nameofiso.iso": unexpected errno:No such file or directory | 11:41 |
bruenig | hendaus, see above comment | 11:41 |
bohsain | i have problem with desktop effects | 11:41 |
hendaus | bruenig, no | 11:42 |
Jetfighter | Thanks bruenig. | 11:42 |
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bruenig | bohsain, #ubuntu-effects | 11:42 |
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pavs | got it http://www.ipodlinux.org/Main_Page | 11:42 |
Helmi | hi - can anyone recommend a good mouse for a laptop with ubuntu? shouljd be wired and not too big but with a good optical sensor for difficult surfaces | 11:42 |
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wildfire_ | Uhhh? | 11:43 |
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frojnd | is there any similar program like saminisde and lc5 for linux ?? | 11:43 |
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Jetfighter | Help with istanbul: SaveWindow with file: /tmp/tmpxj-n1o | 11:43 |
Jetfighter | The program 'istanbul' received an X Window System error. | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | (Details: serial 45 error_code 11 request_code 141 minor_code 19) | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 11:44 |
redDEAD | Helmi, anything that logitec makes should be good. they have a nice 15 dollar mouse that works on anythign | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 11:44 |
Jetfighter | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 11:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
=== Jetfighter was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (flood) | ||
bruenig | hooray | 11:44 |
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intangible | Helmi: I like the "Marble Mouse" by logitech, which is really a trackball :) | 11:44 |
Helmi | redDEAD: thanks, do you know the name? | 11:44 |
wildfire_ | Can you spell abuse? I posted an error message I'm getting, and need help with | 11:44 |
Helmi | intangible: thanks but no trackball ;) | 11:44 |
frojnd | is there any similar program like saminisde and lc5 for linux ?? | 11:44 |
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavs | frojnd: try john the ripper | 11:44 |
blurpie | jimd, nope it's not in there | 11:45 |
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hendaus | bruenig, u see the sentence that i type? | 11:45 |
=== Jetfighter [n=wildfire@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intangible | Helmi, at least it's an "index-finger" trackball instead of a thumb one, I hate those | 11:45 |
wildfire_ | !pastebin | Jetfighter | 11:45 |
ubotu | Jetfighter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:45 |
bruenig | hendaus, read the comment above that, I told you to replace /dev/whatever and nameofiso.iso to what they really are | 11:45 |
=== khatahn [n=khatahn@CCCXXV.voas.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimd | blurpie: sorry it was just a quick guess. Did you look under Nautilus? Is it even a Nautilus thing? | 11:45 |
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Jetfighter | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10101/ | 11:46 |
hendaus | bruenig, i dont know what is /dev/whatever | 11:46 |
bruenig | hendaus, that is the name of your dvd drive | 11:46 |
=== kirke [n=chatzill@r190-64-29-65.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blurpie | jimd, i'd imagine it's a nautilus thing, i did look under it (I used ctrl+f and looked for 'history' as well) | 11:46 |
hendaus | bruenig, i open now devede | 11:46 |
khatahn | is there a way to quickly prevent some application to communicate to the internet, and then allow it again? the way firewall applications on windows do it | 11:46 |
bruenig | !es | hendaus | 11:46 |
ubotu | hendaus: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:46 |
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blurpie | jimd, the recently opened documents uses a .hidden file inside ~, but i wasnt as lucky to find a .document for the folder history | 11:47 |
wildfire_ | !en | 11:47 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 11:47 |
redDEAD | Helmi, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16826104164 | 11:47 |
hendaus | bruenig, i make a .iso call movie.iso | 11:47 |
Xenguy | khatahn: do you have a firewall setup? | 11:47 |
bruenig | hendaus, ok, then that is the nameofiso.iso in that command I gave you | 11:47 |
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Helmi | thanks redDEAD | 11:47 |
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StoneNote | sparklehistory, you make the past so bright I gotta wear shades | 11:48 |
hendaus | bruenig, ok now how can i burn it to dvd player | 11:48 |
bruenig | hendaus, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/whatever=movie.iso | 11:48 |
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Jetfighter | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10101/ | 11:48 |
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hendaus | ok | 11:48 |
Jetfighter | Oops | 11:48 |
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khatahn | Xenguy: yes, but closing specific ports is not what i'm looking for, if that's what you're going to suggest ;) | 11:48 |
bruenig | hendaus, change /dev/whatever to what it really is in your case | 11:48 |
kirke | somebody knows how to run Mldkonkey? | 11:49 |
redDEAD | Helmi, its only 13 bucks enjoy | 11:49 |
archangelpetro | ubotu, JOGL | 11:49 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jogl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:49 |
Xenguy | khatahn: obviously a firewall is one way to control traffic; do you have something else in mind? | 11:49 |
archangelpetro | pft | 11:49 |
hendaus | bruenig, ok | 11:49 |
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archangelpetro | anyone here installed the JOGL libraries? | 11:50 |
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Jetfighter | No one? | 11:50 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo apokryphos Seveas] by apokryphos | ||
archangelpetro | Jetfighter, ? | 11:50 |
bohsain | my intel realtek sound card doesn't work , how can i fix it? | 11:50 |
Kooka | cya all | 11:50 |
Jetfighter | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10101/ | 11:50 |
khatahn | Xenguy: well, all i know that it's easy to just allow or disallow a program to communicate with for example zonealarm. i was just wondering if there's some equally easy way on linux | 11:51 |
bruenig | Jetfighter, this line appears to tell it all "This probably reflects a bug in the program." | 11:51 |
hendaus | bruenig, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /home/hendaus/vcdmov/movie.iso <-- it shows growisofs: no mkisofs options specified, aborting | 11:51 |
=== hyperborea [n=rbreton@66-233-244-22.boi.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jetfighter | Anyone? | 11:51 |
bruenig | hendaus, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/whatever=/home/hendaus/vcdmov/movie.iso | 11:51 |
StoneNote | Jetfighter, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/istanbul/+bug/69825 | 11:51 |
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hyperborea | holas how can i tell if my kernel is using both of my cpus? | 11:52 |
hyperborea | or i mean,, that im using an smp kernel | 11:52 |
Jetfighter | Does it have a fix? | 11:52 |
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preaction | hyperborea: uname -a might tell you | 11:52 |
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Xenguy | khatahn: it's an interesting question. You could give the 'poff' command ;-) It might be useful also to hear what you actually want to do that for - maybe there is another approach/solution to whatever it is you're trying to do | 11:52 |
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Jetfighter | StoneNote, how can I fix? | 11:52 |
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StoneNote | Jetfighter, click the link. read. breath in. breath out. breath. always breath. | 11:53 |
=== Xeper [n=Xeper@CPE-72-131-46-114.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blurpie | jimd, I found where it stores the history at least | 11:53 |
Jetfighter | I did, would the 3rd post fix? | 11:53 |
hyperborea | ack its a preempt kernel | 11:53 |
bruenig | StoneNote, he would rather ask every question that enters his mind instead of reading something that would answer his next five | 11:53 |
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hyperborea | 2.6.15-28-386 #1 PREEMPT, i dont see sp anywhere in there.. does that mean its not an smp kernel/ | 11:53 |
StoneNote | bruenig, you are most wise | 11:54 |
Xenguy | bruenig: sounds like my old boss; she would think *by* talking, instead of think *before* talking ;-) | 11:54 |
ryan_r | hey all, I'm having trouble installing one of the plugins from goodies.xfce.org. Is this channel a good place to ask for help? | 11:54 |
preaction | hyperborea: probably. my uname -a says SMP | 11:54 |
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Jetfighter | It appears I made a mistake in getting this OS... | 11:54 |
hyperborea | preaction: thanks a bunch :) | 11:54 |
preaction | Jetfighter: yes. Linux is a DIY community. | 11:54 |
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Sigurdtheone | !.tar.bz2 | 11:55 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 11:55 |
StoneNote | Jetfighter, yes. spending $450 for vista is a much better option | 11:55 |
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dromer | I am using twinviewwith a crt and svideo output right now, how can I move programs between these screens? | 11:55 |
Eleaf | hey | 11:55 |
StoneNote | NOT | 11:55 |
bruenig | it is not that it is DIY, it is that the documentation is there, perhaps when someone goes to the trouble of linking it to you, you could read it | 11:55 |
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hendaus | bruenig, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/whatever=/home/hendaus/vcdmov/movie.iso <-- it gives :-( "/dev/whatever=/home/hendaus/vcdmov/movie.iso": unexpected errno:No such file or directory | 11:55 |
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preaction | bruenig: exactly, you have to read it yourself :(. we lead you to knowledge. you have to think. | 11:55 |
Jetfighter | When you have mean idiots like bruenig I am surprised you have this many users. Vista is shit, it came preloaded in my laptop | 11:55 |
hendaus | bruenig, i try without whatever also | 11:55 |
bruenig | or when someone says to install a program you do "sudo apt-get install package" that means that every package is sudo apt-get install package instead of asking us each time on each package | 11:56 |
Eleaf | Is it possible to hibernate a linux computer and then boot off another drive, and then be able to come back to the suspended linux later? | 11:56 |
dimeotane | preaction: hacker hobbiests of the world unite! | 11:56 |
blurpie | jimd, in case you're interested.. nautilus stores the information in the nautilus process memory, so it's not too likely i'll be easily disabling it with no option given to me | 11:56 |
Eleaf | Like suspend to disk, then boot into another os, then come back. | 11:56 |
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bruenig | hendaus, ok you don't seem to be getting the concept do this for me and paste the output: cat /etc/fstab | grep cdrom | 11:56 |
Sigurdtheone | I have downloaded a Skype file that is compressed as a .tar.bz2 file, yet i cannot seem to see how i can use this to install Skype.. | 11:56 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | Jetfighter | 11:56 |
=== wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-195-251.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Jetfighter: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:56 |
Jetfighter | Well, phpBB was way different | 11:56 |
wolfwalker | !VBox | 11:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:56 |
wolfwalker | :/ | 11:56 |
preaction | Sigurdtheone: there is a debian package that works for ubuntu, iirc | 11:56 |
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Xenguy | !virtualbox | 11:57 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 11:57 |
Xs142 | Now, I followed instructions to update Ubuntu from 5.04 to 5.10, but whenever I go to System -> About it claims it's still 5.04, what am I doing wrong here :S | 11:57 |
dimeotane | Xenguy: virtualbox rox | 11:57 |
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bruenig | Xs142, what does lsb_release -a tell you | 11:57 |
visik7 | dehihiho http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=382816 | 11:57 |
Xenguy | dimeotane: I need to try a more updated version, but yeah :-) | 11:57 |
Cryoniq | Hmm.. this is so odd.. I am running Ubundu 6.10 and Wine apps suddenly stopped appear when I start them. Removed and installed latest Wine now and reinstalled apps and they still does it.. I am totaly clueless.. | 11:57 |
preaction | Sigurdtheone: you want this: http://skype.com/download/skype/linux/ <- there are either (a) a debian package that will work for ubuntu, or (b) instructions to install the tar.bz2 (at the bottom) | 11:58 |
Xs142 | bruenig; A whole other thing, and I guess it's right so :) | 11:58 |
Sigurdtheone | Preaction: Debian package? | 11:58 |
preaction | Cryoniq: try running the app from a terminal | 11:58 |
Xs142 | I'll get back to updating and come bitch as per usual when I get confused, brb ;( | 11:58 |
Xs142 | ;)* | 11:58 |
hyperborea | jetfighter: what obligates anyone to fixing your problems? or even being nice about it. these are volunteers and hobbyists.. search, (google site:ubuntu.com what i need help with) check the forums, or as, if you ask, by all means write it down so you dont have to ask again | 11:58 |
Cryoniq | preaction you mean like wine <path to exe> ? | 11:58 |
dromer | preaction: can you lead me to usefull knowledge with my twinview-problem? :# | 11:59 |
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hendaus | bruenig, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10102/ | 11:59 |
preaction | Sigurdtheone: look at the link. it says "debian package" and then says "ubuntu" underneath. download that. then double-clicking on it (in edgy) runs the dpkg installer | 11:59 |
preaction | Cryoniq: yes. it might spit out some debug info | 11:59 |
bruenig | hendaus, ok do you know which of those /dev/whatevers is your dvd drive? | 11:59 |
preaction | dromer: no, apologies | 11:59 |
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dromer | :( | 11:59 |
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khatahn | Xenguy: hehe, yeah, but i'd only like one program to be left out in the cold for a while, not all of them. as to what i'm doing, just testing a bug with a program when it suddenly loses connection and gets it back. but i guess i have to put walls on the specific ports for a while then. | 11:59 |
hendaus | bruenig, yes | 12:00 |
bruenig | hendaus, or just nevermind, do this, if it doesn't work, we will know that it isn't your dvd drive: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdd=/home/hendaus/vcdmov/movie.iso | 12:00 |
xorl | never seen an X1300 lag so hard :( | 12:00 |
arrozconevan | i think i am going to have to switch back to windows. i can't get my lexmark z25 to print :( | 12:00 |
arrozconevan | anyone? | 12:00 |
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Sigurdtheone | Preaction: Ahh, thanks mate | 12:00 |
bruenig | !printing | 12:00 |
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ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 12:00 |
Cryoniq | preaction: This is what the debug said: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 12:00 |
Cryoniq | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 12:00 |
Cryoniq | fixme:listview:LISTVIEW_SetColumnOrderArray iCount 16 lpiArray 0x33ee18 | 12:00 |
Xs142 | Can I change OS language back to english in some way ? | 12:00 |
Cryoniq | fixme:keyboard:UnregisterHotKey (0x20026,1): stub | 12:00 |
hendaus | bruenig, the cd writer dvd is /dev/hdc /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 12:00 |
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Xenguy | khatahn: there might be a better solution, I was hoping someone else might speak up | 12:01 |
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