
frtmonsterthe ubuntu community is so friendly, what's up with that, why do you have so much patience :)12:12
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agraceyis there a trick to installing on a sata 3.0 drive, the installer can't find my hdd12:13
frtmonsteroh middle click12:13
frtmonsteromg great12:13
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FoggeCasue we are hippies thats why12:13
stdinumm, we're just nice people12:13
=== delphine cries
delphinehello :)12:13
delphinewow, cool hippies :)12:13
agraceysweet lets go smoke12:13
FoggeI remeber configging my first slackware server when i was 13 back in 98 or so12:13
agraceynvrmind that comment12:14
=== delphine would be a hippy just for the clothes
Foggethey were nice to me, but only cause i was so young ;D12:14
delphineomg, I was old in 9812:14
agraceyi was still working in dos12:14
luparei was 10 -_-12:14
luparewindows 95 :S12:14
=== stdin was 12 in '98
FoggeAnyone who was old enough to have internet ENTER their lives and not just be there all the time are internet "old". :)12:14
agracey10 also12:14
luparebsod everywhere12:14
frtmonsteri was 1012:15
delphineI'm giving up, my kubuntu is letting me down.12:15
delphineFogge: can I quote you on that one?12:15
delphineplease please :)12:15
agraceydont give up just go find a friend who came come set it up for you12:15
Foggedelphine: Sure you can :D I've used that definition for ages12:15
lupare*me likes recursive chmod's12:15
FoggeKids today dont know how good they have it!12:15
SolidSourcealright anyone seen this when trying to access disc management? http://pastebin.sk/en/1060/12:16
frtmonstersay, they put ubuntu on OLPC?12:16
frtmonsteri know ubuntu is an african word, so maybe there's a correlation :p12:16
FoggeI mean, sure, im just 4-5 years older than the average internet user nowadays, but those are IMPORTANT 4-5 years in the middle of the nineties when internet hit home12:16
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delphineagracey: I set it up myself12:16
delphinebut now it's letting me down12:16
delphineafter three months12:16
delphineand i'v gotten used to it and all12:17
delphineand I even was starting to use the GIMP12:17
MinatakuI'm 21, almost 2212:17
MinatakuI experienced Pre-WWW12:17
frtmonsteragracey: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients) - this one?12:17
MinatakuI had Prodigy for a spell, the old DOS client version12:17
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Fogge85 was a good year ;)12:17
pyrotixstdin: ty, was reading the man page of ln, what is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic?12:17
delphineFogge: darn it, i was like... 27 in 98 ;)12:17
FoggeWow, that IS old ;)12:17
delphinesee ;)12:17
lupareindeed -_-12:18
pyrotixI wasn'y born in 85 :(12:18
=== sean [n=sean@c-24-125-18-53.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
FoggeYou had COMPUTERS enter your life, not just internet12:18
lupare1988 ftw12:18
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khirrsomebbody knows one msn client similar as WML?12:18
delphinenot only did internet ENTER my life, but i was COMPLETELY aware when it did :P12:18
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delphineFogge: yep12:18
delphineand mobile phones12:18
delphineand CDs12:18
FoggeThere were computers when i was six or seven, but like 486 was bleeding edge12:18
Minatakuhttp://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/auximages/ << Check it out, I made some screencaps XD12:18
stdinpyrotix: heh, now you're asking a tough question, tough to explain anyway12:18
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pyrotixstdin: if you don't want to answer do you know where I can look it up?12:19
stdinpyrotix: I was just geting you the links :P12:19
luparestdin is too nice12:19
delphinesooo. If I say kdm_greet[4559]  Can't open default user face12:19
stdinpyrotix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Link and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link12:20
Krisheanalright, im getting this error while trying to launch amaya: Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_colormap: assertion12:20
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Krishean`!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed12:20
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delphinedoes anyone know what I can do against that?12:20
delphinesince I am an old woman and all12:20
lontraanyone know if you need the kde4base-dev packages to start up kde4?12:20
luparegtk on kde, shame yourself :p12:20
delphineI'm sure you youngsters can help me :)12:20
lupareoh shit, you use xubuntu right?12:20
stdinlontra: I doubt you'll need the -dev package12:21
bonbonthejondelphine: does kdm not work?12:21
lontrastdin: yeah i can't run it as a session...surprise surprise :D12:21
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Silveira_NetoIs someone having problem with kdelibs4c2a package? Just me?12:21
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agraceyfrtmonster: sry i walked away, yes it is12:22
delphinebonbonthejon: how would I know? (and then she realizes her computer is busy doing something else just right now)12:22
luparewhat version of ubuntu are you running?12:22
agraceythere are also alot of tools that can be used with it12:22
bonbonthejondelphine: can you log in with kdm, or does it not get that far?12:22
delphineI log in. No problem.12:23
stdindelphine: check your ~/.xsession-errors for clues12:23
GeorgeMoneyEarlier, i uninstalled python thinking i would not need it, but then it completely broke KDE. I then reinstalled kubuntu-desktop and everything's back to normal, except: it only detects one resolution 640x480. I am using an "ATI Technologies, Inc. Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF". Is there some driver that the original kubuntu installer had that the kubuntu-desktop package doesn't?12:24
delphinestdin: will do (i'm running a memtest too, cos I have this internal error:memory corruption detected too)12:24
frtmonsteragracey: it's already installed, and as i just checked, it's working12:24
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frtmonsterit kills me why linux isn't more popular considering how user friendly it has become12:25
bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg"12:25
lupareanyone running a lamp server here?12:25
bonbonthejonlupare: yeah12:25
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stdinGeorgeMoney: try reconfigureing your x server with, "sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"12:25
agraceyfrtmonster: sweet, does the midi work now12:26
luparethat can mess up your config real bad ;)12:26
frtmonsteryea i'm trying to get it work on something else tho12:26
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frtmonsteragracey:  you use a midi keyboard too?12:26
bonbonthejonlupare: did you have a question about lamp?12:26
GeorgeMoneystdin: ok i'm there, i'll work with that for a while and say something if i screw it up :D12:26
agraceyno but i have before and am hoping to buy one soon12:27
frtmonsterwhat sofware for linux do you use then?12:27
luparebonbonthejon: no, I was just wondering12:27
frtmonsterwhich one are you considering buying12:27
stdinGeorgeMoney: the "-phigh" limit's the questions you're asked to the driver you want (stick with the default one, "ati" i think) and the resolutions you want to use12:27
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agraceyi am looking at the m-audio oxygen12:27
GeorgeMoneystdin: all i see is tga, trident, tseng, and vesa12:28
GeorgeMoneyit had vesa default highlighted12:28
bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: vesa is the default12:29
GeorgeMoneyhmm but i dont see ati anywhere12:29
GeorgeMoneyam i missing a driver?12:29
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frtmonsteragracey: i had an m audio i exchanged it12:30
frtmonsteri had evolution12:30
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frtmonsteroxygen is a better choice i reckon12:30
tarnoldhow do i install skype?12:30
frtmonstertarnold get easy ubuntu12:30
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:30
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agraceyi dont actually have a midi input so I need the usb12:30
tarnoldive downloaded the debian package from the skype website12:30
frtmonsteri am using a usb as well12:30
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: ist not suggested to use easy ubunutu or automatix12:30
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frtmonsteragracey what programs do you use12:31
bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: try "sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-driver-ati"12:31
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compilerwriterTarnold try ekiga instead of skype.  My experience with skype is that it does not play well with Linux.12:31
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frtmonsterbonbonthejon: why, can they screw things up?12:31
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: yes, they have created a lot a headaches in the past, especially when people went from dapper to edgy12:32
tarnoldwell my grandparents have skype already12:32
frtmonsteri i see12:32
tarnoldi did it once not sure12:32
agraceya mix I dont remember the names right now as they are on my desktop, it is my studio computer12:32
jack_hi, when i watch a film within a website the embedded player in firefox works fine, but there is just too much white, picture too bright,how12:32
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jack_can i fix thta?12:33
frtmonsterbonbonthejon: what's the one that is coming out in april?12:33
agraceyI tryed to install java using synaptics and it is frozen how can I fix this12:33
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: feistyt12:33
agraceyit wants an input12:33
frtmonsterwhat would be the main improvements of it? you kno?12:33
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: ok i have installed that, now should i restart or simply go back to the configure option?12:34
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bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: try reconfiguring, hopefully ati will show up12:34
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frtmonsteragracey: what program are you planning to use with your keyboard on linux?12:34
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: some changes, it has KDE 3.5.6, some art updates12:34
jack_it is the Movie Player plugin, using xine-lib version 1.1.212:35
agraceyok well it is dinner time so peace12:35
stdinooh, I hate X12:35
frtmonsterbonbonthejon: then i won't need to update right? i have xubuntu, using XFCE12:35
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: I dont know what will change in xubuntu, this is the room for kubuntu12:35
frtmonsteryeah bonbonthejon but isn't feisty shared by xubuntu and kubuntu?12:36
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: err.... it still only has the default ones :(12:37
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bonbonthejonfrtmonster: yeah, they share a lot, if you have dapper, there are some speed improvements in edgy+, but I dont know what changes there are in xfce12:38
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fatman2 hello i am fatman and i weigh 400 pounds.  you can see videos of my supreme fatness at www.fatman.tk12:38
bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: i dont know, try restarting12:38
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frtmonsterbonbonthejon: i have the latest one12:40
GeorgeMoneyok brb12:40
stdinGeorgeMoney: make sure you have ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal installed12:40
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stdinooh, too late :P12:40
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: edgy? I dont know how much will change for you12:40
tarnoldhey can ekiga or what not interface with skype?12:41
ubotuekiga: H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 3582 kB, installed size 12568 kB12:41
frtmonsterbonbonthejon: then it's not too bad i used easyubuntu :p12:41
bonbonthejonfrtmonster: don't use that anymore, it could cause problems, ask here how to install stuff12:41
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tarnoldi can't even get my microphone htats bult into the laptop lid to skype12:42
archangel_hey how do I become root in terminal?12:42
Silveira_NetoI want to install the package kdebase-dev, but it needs the package kdelibs4-dev, but it needs the package kdelibs4c2a. I have this package in version 3.5.6, but the apt wants/and don't want to install the 3.5.5. What can I do?12:42
bonbonthejon!root | archangel_12:42
ubotuarchangel_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:42
stdinarchangel_: sudo -s or sudo -i12:42
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GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: I rebooted, but it is still on the bad resolution. What was that config command again?12:44
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bashirwhat package do i need to play mp312:44
bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg"12:44
bonbonthejon!mp3 | bashir12:44
ubotubashir: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:44
=== Grim76_Work is now known as Grim76
frtmonsterbonbonthejon: ok12:45
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: odd, now it just runs for 2 seconds and exits12:45
stdinGeorgeMoney: make sure you have ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal installed and xserver-xorg-driver-all (dapper) or xserver-xorg-video-all (edgy) installed12:45
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GeorgeMoneyubuntu-standard are kernels or what?12:46
archangel_I'm not allowed to copy a file to /etc/apt12:46
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stdinit's the standard set of packages (mostly command line stuff)12:46
bonbonthejonarchangel_: "sudo cp /source/file /destination/file"12:46
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stdinarchangel_: are you using sudo?12:47
jack_hi my xine plugin in firefox is way too bright, how can i fix that?12:47
bashiramarok was supposed to download and install  libxine-extracodecs automatically i guess, that didnt happen, oh well if this is what i need i should be all set12:47
Silveira_NetoKDE 3.5.6 are already in the official tree of Kubuntu?12:48
bashircan i decrease brightness of all of kde?12:48
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stdinSilveira_Neto: in feisty, yeah12:49
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: so, i had everything of that except the ubuntu-minimal, so i installed that but it still doesn't work. What i'm wondering is why it stopped working after i rebooted..12:49
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iameduhi i need some help to install a wireless card12:50
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iameduon kubuntu12:50
bashirwaht kind of wireless card?12:50
bonbonthejon!wireless | iamedu12:50
ubotuiamedu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:50
iameduthanks, i have read some docummentation i have a broadcom 4318 card12:50
iamedui have followed a tutorial in ubuntuforums12:51
iamedubut it doesn't work12:51
iameduthat's the one12:51
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bashiris that an external card?12:51
Silveira_Netostdin: feisty is beta isn't?12:51
iameduit's internal12:51
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|Jason8|How do I turn on rejoin after kick in konversation?12:52
stdinSilveira_Neto: actually, it's still alpha :P the beta is out on 22 Mar12:52
stdin|Jason8|: you can't12:52
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|Jason8|aw.  that's a bummer.12:53
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tesuki_hello, how does linux manage Fullscreen applications? games and such?12:53
stdin|Jason8|: you would have been kicked for a reason :P12:53
bashirtry xchat12:53
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iameduso, no one has idea how to set it up?12:54
iameduit works flawlessly on windows12:54
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stdinso do viruses12:54
ChaniI can't seem to find gpg-agent12:54
iameduhaha yes12:54
bashiri need to reboot12:54
iameduI really need it to work on my kubuntu12:54
stdinChani: you mean gnupg-agent ?12:55
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Chanistdin: that might explain it :)01:00
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: i found the problem, it had a secret scroll :D01:01
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bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: good, you figured it out01:01
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ubotuekiga: H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 3582 kB, installed size 12568 kB01:02
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|Jason8|If I want to install the right repository to listen to MP3's in kubuntu, how do I do that in the Adept manager?01:06
tecie1980is there a good hotkeys program out there for edgy? I'd like certain text to be inserted if I press something like ctrl-alt-R01:06
|Jason8|oh hey, I figured it out01:07
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|Jason8|the universe lines are already uncommented...01:07
GeorgeMoneybonbonthejon: thank you! i can actually fit something completely on my screen now! :D01:07
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bonbonthejonGeorgeMoney: glad to help01:08
bonbonthejontecie1980: in kcontrol, under keyboard I think, you can assign macros to keystrokes01:08
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AxlRoseis anyon here very familiar with amarok01:10
bonbonthejonAxlRose: whats the problem01:10
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bonbonthejonhi krawek01:11
AxlRosebonbonthejon:  I have like 6 albums with corrupted cover art and I can't fix it01:11
krawekI have a problem loading shared libraries on dapper, I get: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v001:11
firemonkeyballzarg... need to fix my hw clock again01:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hwclock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:11
krawekI'm compiling a ruby extension, any idea?01:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:11
bonbonthejonfiremonkeyballz: you using ntp?01:11
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firemonkeyballzthought I was01:12
AxlRosebonbonthejon:  I've deleted all the conguration files and cover art caache and even tried reinstalling it01:12
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firemonkeyballzI installed it01:12
AxlRosebonbonthejon:  but those few albums stay the same01:12
bonbonthejonAxlRose: the art is probably stored in the mp3 or folder01:12
AxlRosenope I looked there01:12
firemonkeyballzjust need to upgrade then I'll be rid of this problem01:12
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AxlRosebonbonthejon:  it's like it's storing these images somewhere but I can't find where01:13
bonbonthejonAxlRose: in the mp3?01:14
AxlRosebonbonthejon:  like embedded in?01:14
bonbonthejonAxlRose: yeah01:14
AxlRosebonbonthejon:  how would I know if it's doing that01:14
bonbonthejonAxlRose: have you tried resaving the cover art01:14
AxlRosebonbonthejon: yep, and it still shows the corrupted stuff01:15
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AxlRosebonbonthejon: even if I save it as a totally differnt picture than it should be01:15
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bonbonthejonAxlRose: I dont know, I would suggest asking in #amarok, but I doubt you will get an answer01:15
AxlRosebonbonthejon: thanks01:16
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p1shi all01:21
firemonkeyballzcompletely locked out01:21
p1sdoes anyone know a adress on the web where graphics.h are discribes01:22
p1sis someone?01:24
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jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: So, what is it you need to fix about your clock?01:27
firemonkeyballzwell I cant acces su01:28
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jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: That's ok, ubuntu is designed not to use su.01:32
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jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: Again, what do you need to fix about your clock?01:32
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lipewhich is the best way to install the newer version of kde ??? please ...01:32
stdinlipe: are you on edgy or dapper?01:33
firemonkeyballzumm I kant use any version of su01:33
firemonkeyballzaka sudo01:33
lipestdin: dapper01:33
stdinlipe: kde 3.5.6 is only available on edgy, if you want it, you'll have to upgrade to edgy01:34
lipestdin: is it safe ?01:34
stdinlipe: edgy? yeah, it's stable01:34
firemonkeyballzstdin Im trying to upgrade to edgy01:34
lipestdin: so, what should i do to upgrade it ?01:34
firemonkeyballzand this is in the way01:34
lipestdin: please :)01:34
stdinfollow the guide01:35
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)01:35
lipestdin: thx u very much01:35
lipestdin: and... after it .. how can i install kde ?01:35
firemonkeyballzI realy cant do that at the moment01:35
firemonkeyballzI cant use su01:35
stdinlipe: you just add the repo from kubuntu.org01:35
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lipeoh, ok !01:36
firemonkeyballzor even kde's version01:36
lipestdin: thx u very much !01:36
lipestdin: is it a good idea ?01:36
c0nv1ctfiremonkeyballz: what errors?01:36
firemonkeyballzsu returned with errors01:36
stdinlipe: edgy? or kde 3.5.6?01:36
firemonkeyballzin konsole01:36
firemonkeyballzand in kde01:36
lipestdin: both ...01:36
jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: Turn it left twice, then three times to the right.01:36
c0nv1ctfiremonkeyballz: it doesnt specify what errors?01:36
stdinlipe: they are both good :)01:36
firemonkeyballzhar har01:36
jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: If you want us to guess, that's as good an answer as you'll get.01:37
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firemonkeyballzits a time stamp error01:37
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firemonkeyballzverry bad time stamp error01:37
chavofiremonkeyballz, paste it in pastebin01:37
lipestdin: thxu very much ! :)01:37
jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: In that case, turn it off and on again three times, real fast.01:37
lipestdin: GOD bless u !! cya ! thx u01:38
c0nv1ctjhutchins: shouldnt he use windex on something too?01:38
chavowhile tapping your heals together of course01:38
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jhutchinsYeah, he should spray windex liberally into the power supply fan while it's running.01:38
jhutchinsSometimes it helps if you jerk the plug in and out of the wall socket as quick as you can.01:39
firemonkeyballzchavo... I dont think I can print the screen to paste bin01:39
jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: Can you type?01:39
firemonkeyballzdude you guys need sleep01:39
firemonkeyballzIm saying in the GUI01:39
firemonkeyballzi get errors01:40
firemonkeyballzand in konsole I get timestamp errors01:40
jhutchinsfiremonkeyballz: Point is, if you don't tell us WHAT SPECIFIC ERRORS you're getting, you're just wasting screen space.01:40
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jhutchinsAlthough we're psychic, we're not going to waste our powers trying to figure out which error it is.01:40
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firemonkeyballzumm dude im spelling it out clearly01:42
=== Jucato thinks it's "timestamp to far into the future" erro
firemonkeyballzim sure you know what a time stamp error does01:42
firemonkeyballzhrm someone is catching on01:42
firemonkeyballzuse your noodle or get some sleep01:43
firemonkeyballzoh yea thats right you dont like helping me01:43
Jucatofiremonkeyballz: have you tried rebooting? sometimes it works... there's a sudo command to fix that but I forgot what01:43
jhutchinsRight, I'm outa here.01:43
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stdinfiremonkeyballz: sudo -k or sudo -K ?01:44
tom_need help getting my media player to work01:44
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Jucatoah there! what stdin said01:44
firemonkeyballznothing dude01:44
Jucatotom_: which media player? and what's the problem?01:44
firemonkeyballzno temp login to root period01:44
tom_i dont have one i quess i cant play any vidieos01:45
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Jucatotom_: Kaffeine is used to play videos. what kind of videos?01:45
tom_i just installed kubuntu on my comp01:45
khirrwhats the diferent between edgy and dapper?01:45
ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".01:46
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes01:46
tom_like flash01:46
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Jucatotom_: ah. that's different :)01:46
Jucato!flash | tom_01:46
ubotutom_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:46
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:46
tom_its used on windows side alot i quess just not on linux01:47
Jucatotom_: of course it's used here. but you have to install the codec01:47
Jucatoerr sorry plugin01:47
tom_i was told there was something i had to install but cant rember what01:47
Jucatotom_: read the first link above (RestricteFormats)01:48
tom_ok  can u guide me where to get it01:48
KrAmMeRhow do i get amarok to use another sound card that I have?  and not the default one that it picks...01:48
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n8k99tom_ you download the flash player/plugin from adobe01:50
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tom_kk thank u01:50
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KrAmMeRits set in kmix as the one I want....01:51
jjessewhat's the easiest way to resize an ntfs partition?01:51
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stdinjjesse: derangement, check the disk, then use gparted from a live cd01:53
jjessestdin: i tried from a feisty boot disk and couldnt01:53
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stdinjjesse: I'd try edgy, or dapper. fiesty isn't exactly stable01:54
jjessestdin: can i repartition under edgy and then use a live fiesty disk to install, and yes i know feisty isn't too stable01:54
stdinjjesse: yeah, you can do that01:55
Ash-FoxGreat... blacklist the  ipv6 module to stop kde from having issues and now firefox doesn't want to work because ipv6 is blacklisted01:55
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tarnoldmy laptop mic thats built in isn't working and Ive tried running skype, and would try to record something but not sure if any defualt recording features is included by default would some one know?01:58
jjessestdin: from the command line jsut type gparted?01:58
firemonkeyballzman... why does a software clock have to be standard?01:58
firemonkeyballzwell im upgrading now so01:59
stdinjjesse: yeah, that or qtparted (from the kubuntu disk)01:59
firemonkeyballzdoesnt matter01:59
firemonkeyballzfinally upgrading01:59
jjessecurrently using a dapper install01:59
firemonkeyballzget easyubuntu01:59
firemonkeyballztrust me02:00
firemonkeyballzand upgrade02:00
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firemonkeyballzthis clock problem is crippling02:00
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:03
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tarnoldwhats the clock problem?02:05
jhutchins_lttarnold: You're supposed to guess.02:06
jhutchins_ltYou know, the clock problem!02:06
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Jucatoit's not a clock problem though... he can't change the clock time/date because of a sudo timestamp problem..02:08
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tarnoldhow do i delete something i made in contact02:08
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tarnoldiv hit delete 6 times now02:08
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tarnoldso much for permenant deleation02:09
newtoubuntuI am back after a couple of frustrating days02:09
newtoubuntuI was able to upgrade my ubuntu from dapper to edgy02:09
newtoubuntubut I have some issues02:09
khirris there some problem with kopte 0.12.302:09
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newtoubuntuwhen I go to the tty# I only see some green lines going across (as if my video wouldn't work(02:10
khirri cant see all my contact list02:10
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newtoubuntuanybody willing to help?02:10
newtoubuntuand by the way my whole kubuntu side of the machine totally doesn't work02:11
newtoubuntuit is as if it wouldn't exist02:11
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jhutchins_ltnewtoubuntu: Sorry to say it, but it might be easier to do a "clean install" of Edgy rather than try to fix everything.  Did you try the vide fix?02:14
jhutchins_lt!video fix02:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:15
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:15
newtoubuntuI will try that02:15
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:15
firemonkeyballzthe results02:15
newtoubuntujhutchins_lt: thank you very much02:16
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newtoubuntujhutchins_lt: I will be trying that02:16
firemonkeyballzthink im safe02:16
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pyrotixwhat kernel does 6.10 use?02:17
PollyOIs the next version of Kubuntu due out April?02:18
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stdinyep, Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn02:18
bonbonthejon!feisty | PollyO02:18
ubotuPollyO: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:18
archangel_is this command right.....   sudo apt-get install easyubuntu02:19
PollyOI can boot with the new version that is being tested but not the older version (6.10)02:19
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Jucato!easyubuntu | archangel_02:20
ubotuarchangel_: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu02:20
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firemonkeyballzwell im back02:22
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firemonkeyballzthat can only mean one thing02:22
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KrAmMeRcan anyone help me with my sound cards?02:29
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compilerwriterdromer Have you gotten anywhere with your ssh stuff?02:30
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firemonkeyballzusing orginal ati drivers02:34
firemonkeyballzsmoother gears02:34
ubuntuyou it colombia02:34
compilerwriterdromer this will get you up and running XDMCP:  http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Xming02:34
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ubuntuhello   colombia ?02:35
ubuntualguien de colombia02:36
ubuntuquien habla espaol ?02:36
Jucato!es | ubuntu02:36
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:36
firemonkeyballz:P on edgy02:36
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K-RyanHey guys02:37
=== K-Ryan watches a tumbleweed blow by...
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archangel_tom_:  #easyubuntu02:39
tom_cool thanks02:39
archangel_click on it02:39
tom_got it thanks02:39
K-RyanHey guys, neat package I found while drifting around the universe. Run "sudo apt-get install cmatrix" then type cmatrix02:41
K-RyanRuns the console from the matrix, I love it =)02:41
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marcneed help02:42
marcwhit putty02:42
firemonkeyballzhehe got my ati controll02:42
marcmy english is not good02:43
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:43
marci new in ubumtum02:43
K-RyanWhat language do you speak?02:43
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:43
firemonkeyballz<<--- has official ati drivers :PP02:44
K-RyanThey make a linux driver don't they?02:44
K-RyanI had 'em, but then I swapped out my Ati 9800 for a GeForce 660002:44
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firemonkeyballzcant imagine installing edgy with out easyubuntu02:45
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sstchuris it common that super karamba crashes / causes systems to be unstable?  I seem to have a lot of problems with it02:46
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Jucatodepends on the superkaramba theme02:47
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khirrsome knows the kmerlin repository?02:48
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sstchurJucato: I'm not that familiar w/ the program... what themes are known to have issues?02:50
Jucatonot really sure. some themes just don't work as well as others02:51
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K-RyanHi there02:53
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gekko_Nifty, actually somebody awake :)02:53
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K-RyanYeah, just changing the color of my clock...02:53
K-RyanBelieve me, people are awake, it's just they aren't glued to the chat.02:53
gekko_augh, okay, I just right now started out witha new install of Kubuntu, trying to figure out stuff... and when but right now the Kubuntu help forums are offline due to maintenance?! XD02:54
K-RyanWhacha trying to do?02:54
gekko_lucky lucky :)02:54
gekko_trying to find a way to make ati x600 graphics work on my laptop02:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:54
gekko_oh neat02:55
K-RyanI used the walkthroughs and I got my 9800 working.02:55
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gekko_I'm really new to this whole thing, so sorry if I come up with stupid questions :)02:55
K-RyanIt's okay, we were all new at one point.02:55
K-RyanI distinctly remember it for one, not that I'm an expert or anything I still have my share of questions.02:56
gekko_Right now I'm trying my luck with a dual boot system... and I'd just tinker about myself, but I'm scared to destroy my windows02:57
ubuntuhablo espaol02:57
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:57
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K-Ryande nada ;)02:57
K-Ryangekko_ I myself run Kubuntu and XP02:57
K-RyanNo problems, conflicts, etc.02:57
K-RyanYou can't really do too much to your Windows unless you mean to.02:58
K-RyanAt worst you would format it when installing Kubuntu...02:58
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K-RyanBut you're past that stage.02:58
gekko_That's what I thought... but a good while ago I ran a dualboot with win xp and open SuSE... and one day to the next the bootloader was kinda gone, nothing worked anymore02:58
K-RyanA missing boot loader doesn't mean your stuff is gone02:59
K-RyanJust means you need a new boot loader02:59
RadiantFireits fun and exciting02:59
K-RyanI had trouble like that myself once, and I ended up reinstalling Windows due to lack of knowledge.02:59
RadiantFiredd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mbr count=1 bs=51202:59
RadiantFireand then you reinstall grub02:59
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K-RyanYou have a live cd?03:00
RadiantFireactually wouldn't you write it to the start of your partition03:00
RadiantFireer, disk03:00
K-RyanI beg your pardon?03:00
RadiantFireI've had cases were grub refused to install03:01
RadiantFiresometimes you have to zero out the mbr03:01
RadiantFireif you dd the first 512 bytes of your master disk, it will usually work after03:01
K-RyanNever had that issue, I just had to put Grub on my primary03:01
gekko_ah that was a decent while ago, had less clue than today ;)03:01
RadiantFirei had a friend, grub got stuck in some kind of loop03:01
RadiantFireit would reboot his computer over and over again instead of booting03:02
RadiantFireI think in the end we used the xp disk mbrfix command or something, and then reinstalled grub overtop03:02
morvokdd of the mbr should be abit less than 512b if I remember correctly.03:02
K-RyanWell good luck with everything gekko_ and don't be afraid to ask around in here. I've got to go now =)03:02
RadiantFiremorvok: is it? I thought the mbr was 512 bytes03:02
K-RyanCatch you guys on the flip side.03:02
RadiantFirethats something you'd want to get right though, losing your partition table from writting to many bytes is never good03:03
morvokRadianFire: I believe is somewhere around like 468 because of other things to do around the mbr, I found the best way is a dos floppy and running 'fdisk mbr'03:03
archangel_does suse have a channel?03:03
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Jucatoarchangel_: #suse03:05
Jucatoor #opensuse not sure which is correct03:05
archangel_suse didnt work for me03:05
archangel_thanks man03:05
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gekko_hum, can anybody help me with my ati graphics problem please?03:10
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morvokgekko: whats up?03:12
firemonkeyballzgekko whvat version of ubuntu03:12
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KrAmMeRyea im trying to grahics card workin right too03:13
KrAmMeRa higher resolution03:13
alx__somebody knows if can I install photoshop in my computer, i have installed kubuntu?!!03:14
KrAmMeRi know my video card has higher resolutions, but its not available to go to them03:14
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morvokKrammer: I know the difficult way (for newbs) to do it.. just add modes "resolution" about 6 times in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:16
hayden_can anyone recommend a good s/ftp client for kde?03:16
morvokin the screens section.03:16
KrAmMeRlol k03:17
chavohayden_, konqueror works nicely03:17
KrAmMeRlemme look at it03:17
alx__somebody knows if can I install photoshop in my computer, i have installed kubuntu?!!03:18
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morvokkrammer: look for SubSection "display" below depth #, for each instants add modes "rosolution".03:18
morvoksuch that: modes "800x600"03:19
KrAmMeRyea i see it now03:19
KrAmMeRwhats after 1024x76803:19
KrAmMeRlol i cant remember03:19
morvoksuch that: modes "1600x1200 1024x 768 800x600 "03:19
morvoksuch that: modes "1600x1200 1024x768 800x600 "03:19
jpgomezanyone can help me to configura a Genius VideoCAM NB03:19
skarfaceKrAmMeR: probably 1280x102403:20
morvokkrammer: make sure to make a backup.. becuase it will fail if you don't have auxilary modes.03:20
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morvokif all else fails you can boot into safe mode and move the backup back to running config.  than log back on and gimme sh**03:22
pete__does anybody here know much about wine?03:22
skarfaceit lowers cholesterol03:22
morvokbad hangover..03:23
pete__ok heres what i need to know...03:23
scottyOkay, I've got a bit of a problem. Sometimes the touchpad on my laptop just seems to quit working. Like the pointer won't respond to my movements, and when I try to click it won't work. Has anyone experienced anything like this? How can I remedy it? It's really annoying. Sometimes I have to boot my computer 5-6 times because my touchpad isn't responsive.03:23
pete__i applied the emulated desktop, but it is to small to fit the configuration program, so i can't apply any changes.  which conf file should i look at to remedy the problem??03:23
KrAmMeRdo i have to log off and back on to see it?03:24
pete__i already looked at the one in /usr/bin/wineconf (i am pretty sure)03:24
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morvokkrammer: after changes save everything and reset the X server using ctrl+alt+backspace.  if the screen doesn't come back, reboot into safe mode and copy the original file back to its place.03:25
morvokkrammer: after that we can go through the logs...03:26
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orange__how do i recursively delete a directory?03:32
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Chaniorange__: rm -r? but, uh, dopn't blame me if you delete something important :)03:33
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morvokdon't you have to -rf for directorys?03:33
orange__i wantg to delete home/orange/.wine03:34
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Jucatoorange__: you can delete that from Konqueror03:34
orange__and do a fresh install03:34
firemonkeyballzorange you mean like deltree?03:36
orange__i get access denied when tryin to empty recycle bin03:36
firemonkeyballzumm dont delete the recycle bin folder03:36
orange__for a flash.cfg file (i was installing flash professional 8 (not the player))03:36
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orange__jus leave it in bin for ever?03:37
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firemonkeyballzdelete its conntents03:37
firemonkeyballznot the folder03:38
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orange__when u say contents u mean?03:38
firemonkeyballzwhat is in side03:38
firemonkeyballzthe folder03:39
orange__the method i used to install flash was very 'branchy'03:39
firemonkeyballzwell i gotta go take care of my health03:39
orange__k cya03:39
orange__i got java hw to finish- handle this flash thing later03:39
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pete__is there a comprable03:41
pete__program to wine that does mac instead03:41
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NightBirdpete__: yes03:43
morvokpete_: thats takes alot of power when running on a i86..03:43
pete__well i guess its worth a shot... maybe : /03:44
NightBirder... wait... you want a program to run a windows program on mac?03:44
morvokpete_: what do you want to run?03:44
NightBirdor a program to run mac programs?03:44
pete__mac program on linux03:44
pete__i couldnt get itunes going thru wine so i want to try the mac version03:44
morvokon a mac or x86?03:44
NightBirdpete__, I don't know of any attempts to get mac programs to run on linux03:45
pete__well, its probably hopeless, but ill give it a shot03:45
morvokpete_: don't they make an itunes for windows? you would be better off to stay with something built on an x86 arch.03:45
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NightBirdbesides, wine has been under development for many years... and x86 mac has been around not very far...03:45
pete__yeah of course, but i turned desktop emulation on and now i cant reconfigure wine....03:46
cubehelp: i have two HD one with XP primary and the other one is brand new, when im trying to install kubuntu, it crashes before it opens the partioner, any idea why this is happening?03:46
morvokcube: did you run the memtest?03:47
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cubeno i didnt03:48
Number7Hi room03:48
cubedo i need to..03:48
morvokcube: I have had that failure.. (with a different linux) windows runs fine, linux hates the memory. :)03:49
morvokcube: no harm in checking anyways.03:49
cubeok ill do that then,03:49
Number7I'm abit new here can you folks introduce yourselfs?03:49
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morvokhi, I am Morvok.03:50
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mjunxI am who am03:50
NightBirdNumber7: there are 330 of us, and not all are present...03:50
Number7Nice to meet you :-)03:50
NightBirdNumber7: I'm the goddamn batman03:51
mjunxnah, you're the car from mcgyver (sp)03:51
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bournenameless330 saying hello03:51
mjunxat least you are now, change your nick ;p03:51
NightBirdmjunx. ssh... don't let him know that03:51
mjunxa flood of massive proportions!03:51
NightBirdwait... is that the name of the car?03:51
mjunxnightrider I think it is03:52
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mjunxhmm, I don't remember03:52
NightBirdI got my nickname from somewhere else03:52
NightBirdand even now I'm starting to use a new nickname03:52
mjunxyour first name must be mozilla03:52
NightBirdsomething more appropriate for my personality03:52
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Number7Anyone here into coding in python?03:54
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carutsuscuse me how do i install Qt 4.2?03:54
CaptainApathyNumber7: I loath python03:55
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KrAmMeRyea i think i did something wrong haha03:55
KrAmMeRit just went blank03:56
Number7CaptainApathy: Do you? What do you like then?03:56
Jucatocarutsu: install the libqt4 stuff03:56
CaptainApathyNumber7: practically every other language I've used... except Java...03:56
Jucatolet's not get into a this language vs. that language thing in here03:56
KrAmMeRi had to go to the backup file03:56
morvokkrammer: that usually means the settings were out of range of the monitor.03:56
CaptainApathyC, C++, D, Lisp, asm, php...03:56
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KrAmMeRwhen i made the backup, the file turned to xorg.conf~03:56
Number7Jucato: I'm a beginner programmer so I was looking for a python master to lend me their ear03:56
JucatoNumber7: btw, there's a new channel called #ubuntu-programming you might want to look at03:57
KrAmMeRand there was no xorg.conf03:57
morvokkrammer: take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old.. should give some insight on what happened.03:57
JucatoNumber7: then probably #python too03:57
CaptainApathyat least in comparison.... but the real question you need to ask is what do you want is it you are wanting to do?03:57
CaptainApathyyeah, #python will have people that will help you03:57
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carutsuJucato: isnt there a metapakage?03:57
Number7yeah, good idea03:58
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Jucatocarutsu: not that I'm aware of. Qt4 is very modular (split up) in Kubuntu03:58
morvokbed time for me.. night all03:58
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unix_infidelwb Dr_willis04:00
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KrAmMeRhmm cant really see anything in there04:01
KrAmMeRi think i made the backup file wrong04:01
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lahcenhi guys04:06
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lahceni got a little problem here with kxdocker04:06
Number7speak away04:07
matrixhi, i need some backup advice. i want to have my pictures on an external hard disk and mirrored on another one. my laptop hard disk is too small to store all of them and i want the secound copy for backup04:07
lahceni installed it v1.1.4 and the resources and all i need04:07
matrixdo you think that sounds reasonable and what tools do i use? unison??04:07
lahcenbut when i run it and run the mouse over it, there is a black background04:08
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hattamatrix, I'd just use rsync04:08
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matrixhatta: does it store log files of sync sessions? so just in case i would reinstall linux or attach the usb disks to another machine would it still be able to sync or have to recreate those diff/log/files?04:10
hattano, it doesn't keep versions04:11
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Number7*groans* I just tried joing python IRC channel and I have to be idenified before they let me on04:12
hattarsync is really good at copying a tree from one host to another04:12
hattawith checksums for verification04:12
lahceni read on a post that i should turn on composite, so ii installed it and configured xorg.conf04:12
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lahcenAny Ideas????04:12
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Songwindsorry, wrong window04:12
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Number7*shakes head* sorry lahcen04:13
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kouranhello. when i click 'adminstrator mode', for example on monitor settings, all i get is a blank box with the red border around it. how do i get the settngs back..?04:13
arihi. i'm having some trouble with installing beryl. could someone help me please !?!04:14
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Number7ari: what's your problem? maybe someone can help04:15
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kouranhello. when i click 'adminstrator mode', for example on monitor settings, all i get is a blank box with the red border around it. how do i display the settngs again..?04:16
lahcenari: did you check this post :http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu04:16
Hirvinen!ask | ari04:16
ubotuari: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:16
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:16
arii read a tutorial and i installed it like the tutorial said but when i type beryl in konsole, it gives me some error message and the computer doesn't work anymore04:17
Number7there ya go :-)04:17
CaptainApathyari, what kind of error?04:17
CaptainApathyer.... yeah... that or ask in #beryl :P04:17
lahcenari, paste is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:17
ariFailed to open device, checking for nvidia04:17
arinvidia present04:17
kourancan anyone help me? :|04:17
CaptainApathyanother good resource for beryl related questions..04:17
CaptainApathykouran, is there an administrator button?04:18
lahcenKouran: did it work fine before?04:18
kouranthere is. but like i said, when i click it, no settings come up. yes it worked fine before04:18
kourani recently installed beryl. i thought that might be it, but i switched back to kdesktop, and the [roblem persisted04:19
arilahcen: i havent read this beryl installation wiki. i actually read one in french04:19
CaptainApathyis there a popup asking for the super user password?04:19
CaptainApathyhm.... have you exited and then brought it back up?04:19
lahcenari: I found that wiki pretty extensive on installing beryl04:19
kouranthats odd.... it works now :|04:20
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kouransorry for wasting your time heh04:20
lahcenkouran: ohhhh, I have the same problem on sabayon when running beryl,04:20
lahcenkouran: it happens once in a while04:21
ariwell the reason why i read one in french that might not be as complete as one in english is because french is my first language and i dont want to make any stupid mistake becaude i misunderstood something...04:21
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KrAmMeRok  im going to give it another try04:21
dosproexcuse me, is there anyone who can help me please?04:21
lahcenari, your english looks fine from what i see04:21
lahcenari, mais je te comprends04:22
kourananyone use swat to configure samba? i can get into swat. anyone help?04:22
Number7dospro: ask away04:22
dosproi have a problem trying to install kubuntu amd6404:22
dosproi put the DVD in04:22
dosproa menu appears04:22
ariit's because i'm making some effort to express myself properly...and i'm not sure i'll understand as well in english most of the computer-related-complicated words04:23
dosprothere i choose start/install kubuntu04:23
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dosprothen the kubuntu logo appears04:23
KrAmMeRit looks like that worked04:23
dosproand a bar goes and returns04:23
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lahcenvery understandable, ari04:23
dosproit stays like that a big time04:23
dosprountil some error messages appear04:24
dosproafter that04:24
dospromoving there and that i got into the languaje selection screen04:24
dosproi mean, i overpassed the errors04:24
Number7what's the message?04:24
dosproi dont rememeber04:24
dosproi only rememebr this message04:25
KrAmMeRit still doesn't like the resolution i putin the xorg.conf file04:25
KrAmMeRi mean "list"04:25
dosprothat happens with must distros in my pc04:25
KrAmMeRthe x session came back...but nothing in the option to make it a higher resolution04:25
dosproi cant overpass that error04:25
matrixwhich program writes comments directly into my jps instead of storing hidden info files in the same directory?04:25
Number7ehhh.... what kind of computer do you have?04:25
Number7like the motherboard, the chipset04:25
dosprowhat do you want to know?04:25
dosproaahh ok04:26
arianother thing that is quite strange to me. i have a graphic card nvidia geforce4 and some places say (says ?!?) that beryl won't work on my computer bot some other places say that it will...04:26
dosproits an ASUS motherboard K8N4--E Deluxe04:26
dosprowith an AMD64 cpu 3000+04:26
dosproSATA HDD04:26
dosproATI Radeon x300 PCI express04:26
dosprowaht else do you need? 1024 MB RAM04:27
KrAmMeRgah now that the x session is reset all those sounds are back04:27
Number7hmmm... who's the manufactor?04:27
Number7dell, hp, gateway?04:27
dospromanufactor? me04:27
KrAmMeRshould it look like this?04:28
KrAmMeRModes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:28
lahcenari: I am not sure whether it will work or not, but i suggest reserching a little more and give it a try!!04:28
KrAmMeRtheres more of a space after modes04:28
dosprowhat does this dma_timer_expiry=0xFF really means?04:29
dosproand well, why do i have to move a lot of things to make kubuntu get into this error instead of the first ones04:29
Number7dospro: I'ma fraid that goes outside of my knowedge, and since you said this bug happens on alot of distros, I have to assume it's a general problem with GNU Linux04:29
ariwell thanks a lot lahcen. i'll search and if i have some other questions i'll probably come back04:30
Number7It would help if you can write down the those other error messages04:30
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Number7I would recommened that you file a bug report with...04:30
dx11101how do you install XGL and Compiz in Kubuntu edgy eft?04:30
Number7oh... who do we send hardware related bug reports to in ubuntu?04:31
dosproform my point of view it seems to be, as you said, a general GNU Linux problem but with some SATA hdd04:31
lahcenon va etre ici mon ami04:31
dosprobecause i havent had this problem using other hard drive disks04:31
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ari:) youppi, j'ai un alli !!!04:32
dosprojajaja i dont know04:32
intelikeySorry, user $USER may not run sudo on $LOCALHOST04:33
dosprowell, anyway i will see what i can do04:33
lahcend'acord ari, je dois y aller maintenent04:33
dosproif you ever want to report a bug, try this one04:33
lahcenau revoir, ari04:33
Number7dospro: yeah, I would write down the error messages, make a list of your hardware,a nd file a bug report with ubuntu team04:33
dosprobeacuse searching over google i have seen some others have the same problem04:34
aria bientot j'espere !!!04:34
dosproyep, thanks04:34
lahcena bientot04:34
Number7glad I could be of some help04:34
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Number7try this04:35
intelikeyjust out of curiosity what was the error ?04:35
Number7they have an IRC channel #ubuntu-bugs04:35
dosprothat may help04:36
arii'm gonna have to leave, thanks a lot to you !!!04:36
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intelikeydospro just out of curiosity what was the error ?04:37
dosprothats the only thing i remember of the messege04:38
dosproand well04:38
dosproits not just a normal error message04:38
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dosprothis message repeats and repeats04:38
dosproyou turn the PC off04:38
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intelikeyit's trying to force dma on some deivce that is not accepting it...04:39
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intelikey0xff would be.....   maybe audio chip ?04:39
ExpositionOfEvilanyone here programs in c++?? If so I wondering how do I use "#include ..."04:39
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dospro#include is just that... tu include something04:40
dosproaudio chip?04:40
dosprowaht relation could it be04:40
intelikey# is not a comment in c++ ?     i'm not a coder04:41
dosprofor me it has more relation to the hard drive disk04:41
Number7include what?04:41
JucatoExpositionOfEvil: ##c++ please or #ubuntu-programming04:41
ExpositionOfEvil#include <blah.h>04:41
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ExpositionOfEvilawesome thanks04:41
dospromaybe beacuase just before the message it says somethink like sda104:41
Number7yeah I answer your question in ubuntu-programming jucato04:41
intelikeydospro i'm only guessing about the audio device.   maybe something else, i was trying to recall the hardware nomination04:42
Jucatointelikey: no. # as a single-line comment indicator is sh only :)04:42
dosproExpositionOfEvil if you want to know about C++ you can ask me04:42
intelikeyJucato and perl and python and...04:42
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Jucatointelikey: ok... don't know python or perl :)04:43
dosprofor comments in C++ we use // od /*...*/04:43
intelikeyyes i remember seeing /* comments no that you mention it */04:44
JucatoC++ uses both // and /* */. C can only use /* */04:45
dosproyep thats it04:46
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dosprowell, im going to try to install kubuntu amd64 in another hdd which doenst have this problem... at least meanwhile04:47
intelikeydospro 0xff should be pcmcia hardware04:48
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dosprobut at the beggining i desactivate pcmcia hardware04:49
dosproat least i think i do04:49
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intelikeywell the search i ran on the addressing came back to pcmcia04:49
intelikeyfeel free to dubble check me on that04:50
kouranhow do i make the adept notifier start...? i accidently clicked 'dont start'...04:50
dosproby the way04:51
jack_hi whats the easiest way to install a java plugin and all its dependencies for firefox?04:51
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dospromaybe this has no solution but im going to ask anyway04:51
dosprojack_ try using the repositories for firefox plugins04:52
dosproto install java just go to sun web and follow the instructions04:52
seven11what file browser are you gays using. i just got dolphin and i like it better than konqueror04:52
dosprofor me the best is Firefox04:52
dosproany way i was with the question04:52
kouranhow do i make the adept notifier start...? i accidently clicked 'dont start'...04:52
seven11intelikey: :)04:52
intelikeyyou asked04:53
dosproin a kubuntu distro i had in another hdd an accident happened04:53
jack_dospro do you mean search for it in e.g. synaptic? i did download the rpm, but there is a lot of missing dependencies, thats why i ask04:53
dosproi dont know why but itried to uninstall gcc-4.0 to isntall gcc-2.404:53
intelikey3.4 ?04:54
dosprojack_: no, i mean the kubuntu package administrator04:54
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dosproyep, you know programmers crazyness04:54
dosproi dont know why MOST if not all of the packages uninstalled04:54
dosproi mean, firefox, konqueror, everything04:55
dosprokate, nano, vi, etc etc04:55
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dosproi dont know why everything uninstalled04:55
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dosproit was kindo FRUSTRATING04:55
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jack_dospro: sorry i really dont know, so like sourceforge?where can i find which i need etc?04:56
Skulleryay..guys i figured out why the Ktorrent was crashin every 2 hours....the 'infowidget' plugin was the crook...disabling it makes everything run sweet04:56
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dosprojack_: the only helpfull thing i can tell you is to go to Sun's web page and follow the instructions....wait, let me put the link04:57
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guest__plz put it here04:58
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jack_ok, do you know how i could get such an x button that clears the address bar like in konqueror?04:58
dosprowell, talking about my frustatin problem, is there any way to go back with my other kubuntu sistem?04:59
intelikey   http://pastebin.ca/392872  dospro04:59
jack_thx dospro05:00
dosprowhats that for?05:00
=== Skuller wonders where this channel's server is located
dosproyour welcom05:00
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intelikeydospro if it will boot just run   sudo apt-get isntall *ubuntu-desktop   < where * can be x e or k  if you don't want venella ubuntu-destkop05:00
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intelikeydospro that was a test to see what might depend on gcc   nothing does by default really.05:01
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jack_dospro: thanks i have been there, so i really need to install all the dependencies manually05:01
dosprowell, guees what, even apt-get got uninstalled05:01
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dosprothat may be an option05:01
dosprojack_: sorry i couldn't help you more05:02
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intelikeydospro you must have selected something besides gcc*   libc6 maybe  :)05:02
jack_dospro: no thats cool thanks05:02
dospromaybe by trying to uninstall gcc 4-0 some other packages were also put to uninstall05:03
intelikeyzlib1g maybe.   both of those will pretty much take the whole system with them.05:03
dosproi remember seeing lot of packages with the "Remove" thing05:04
intelikeyshould have only been three05:04
dosproand i thought it was the entire gcc package so i could install the new one05:04
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intelikeyhehhe you'll not soon repete that mistake   (:05:04
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intelikeythat's one reason i never use a gui package manager...05:05
kourangah i hate the nvidia settings applet..05:05
intelikeyof course another reason is because i'm never in a gui...05:05
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dosproyou always use a console?05:06
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bill57785ok, I'm having some trouble05:07
intelikeywell.  loosely defined "alwasys" i do,   as long as that doesn't include the very infrequent game now and then.05:07
bill57785my linux partition ran out of space while I was using it, and when I tried to delete something off of the hard drive, Kubuntu froze up05:07
dosproi try to get use to the console, but sometimes i do really like guis05:08
bill57785I restarted, and then everytime I tried to log in, it would reload the log in screen05:08
intelikeycause you were trying to move it to trash not actual delete05:08
kouransounds like you have totally zero space left for the os to do anything05:08
bill57785well anyways, I tried everything, and for some reason even recovery mode wouldn't work05:08
intelikeydrop to a console and rm your trash can05:08
dosproand when i started with linux  i remember always using apt-get, apt-file, etc but when i discover the package administrator...05:09
bill57785so I went into Windows, and added some space to the partition05:09
dosproi will never trust itagain05:09
jack_dospro: should i install it to /usr/local/bin?05:09
bill57785now I get an error 17 with grub (which means it can't load the partition)....I've read that if you repartition with linux, it will fix it05:09
jack_dospro: the java05:09
Skullerkouran: how to access the nvidia settings applet?05:09
bill57785so I'm running off of a DSL LiveCD because my Ubuntu LiveCd is at school05:10
intelikeybill57785 looks to me like you are in for a reload.05:10
dosprojack: yep, thats a good option05:10
dosprono wait05:10
dosprojack: i think that you shopuld install it on /usr/bin05:10
dosprowell, at least that is more global05:11
kouranhow do you check out much space is left on your disks? kde..05:11
bill57785well I know once I get my Ubuntu LiveCD I can fix it....but I've been sick, and I might not be going to school tomorrow05:11
kouranlike in wondows, my computer... whats the comparable thing in kde?05:11
intelikeykouran konsole df05:11
kouranthanks. is there a gui version it? :P05:12
intelikeythere is some gui pointy clicky thingy   but i don't know whet it is05:12
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intelikeyyou may want   df -h05:12
intelikey-h == human readable05:12
kourani figured as much hehe05:12
kourananyone else? is there a gui way of checking diskspace?05:13
intelikeyhey   -h means help on some things..05:13
dosprois kubuntu amd64 as buggy as it is said?05:13
dosproor is it just a bad rumor?05:13
kourantrue, but when i saw the sizes in MB then i realised :P05:13
Skullerkouran: can you please tell me how to access the nvidia settings applet?05:14
intelikeyit's like the old tobacco.    half and half05:14
jack_dospro: thanks05:14
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dx11101can someone please help me get compiz working05:14
dosprojack: hope it was usefull05:14
kouranskuller, you've got the drivers installed right?05:14
dosproreally half and half?05:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:15
dosprohope i can "survive"05:15
kouranand its not in system > nvidia settings?05:15
intelikeynot supported here really.   use  #ubuntu-effects05:15
Skullerkouran: no05:15
kouranin the console, type nvidia-settings05:15
dosproi see there are a lot of channels05:15
Skullerkouran: nice..got it thanx05:16
dosprowell, thanks for the help05:16
kourancheers man05:16
dosprodont leave jack alone05:16
dosproi must go05:16
intelikeyconsole != konsole/terminal/xterm/aterm/eterm/mterm05:16
dosprosee ya05:16
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intelikeyooops  or rcvt05:17
Skullerwhy is my AGP running at 4X according to nvidia settings when it should be 8X05:17
kourananyone?! is there a gui way to check disk space? :P05:17
Skullerand how can i change that?05:17
kouranskuller, in your bios05:17
kouranyou can change it05:17
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kouranwhen you turn on your comp, press delete, or whatever it is to enter the bios05:17
Skullerkouran: no in my bios is AUTO....windows detects at full 8x05:17
kouranthats strange then05:17
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Skulleryea it sure is05:18
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intelikeybesides the fact that linux doesn't relie very heavily on BIOS anyway05:18
kouranwhat card you got?05:18
Skullerkouran: FX 5700 VE05:19
kouranyou might do well to check out nvidia's support forum05:19
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kouranhey um, i dont use irc much, when text comes up in red, im assuming, its going to just me, how do i do that..?05:19
Skullerkouran: i guess i'll leave it for now until i need to use that extra 4X of graphics horsepower05:20
Skullerno wait...will this improve my beryl performance in kubuntu?....05:20
kouranyep im guessing it would05:20
Skullerk m on it05:20
MoltovScuse, Ive got a computer that already has kubuntu on it im trying to set up with windows also on it, and from what ive herd(and so far seen...) windows needs to be on hd1, but i cant seem to figure out how to do this, anyone have a clue?05:20
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kouranwindows doesnt need to be on the primary hard disk. minje isnt.05:21
intelikeyoh hd1 ?   where is hd1 ?05:21
kourani think he means hda1 :P05:21
MoltovKouran: how did you get it to boot?... I just get an error >.>05:21
kouranare you using a linux bootloader?05:22
PaloDeQuesoanyone having trouble debugging with kdevelop3.4?05:22
MoltovKouran: and thats AFTER manualy entering its data into the list... before it didnt even see it05:22
intelikeyyou tell the boot loader to make it 0x80 and boot it05:22
MoltovKouran: Grub. ^.^05:22
kouranah me too... hmm...05:22
MoltovKouran: Hm, what windows do you have alongside?05:22
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MoltovKouran: Hm. Mines 2k pro... But should essentialy require the identical config...05:23
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kouranyeah basically. umm05:24
kourangrub is on the MBR of hda1 right?05:24
MoltovKouran: Definately.05:24
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intelikeyat one time i had windows 3.1 95 98 ME XP Linux redhat9.0 mandrake 9.0 & 10.0 and ubuntu hoary all on this box....    hehhe now it has two nix and win 9505:25
kourani have no idea what the problem is :|05:25
kouranhave you mapped win2k properly?05:25
MoltovKouran: *blinks questioningly*05:25
kourani know that sometimes you need to tell grub where the partition it05:25
MoltovKouran: How would i do this? >.<05:25
kouranim trying to think lol. i havent done it since i had suse.05:26
kourankubuntu detected windows perfectly for me...05:26
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MoltovKouran: Well. I ran sudo update-grub, and it didnt detect it.05:26
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Skullerkouran: no luck with the 4x agp bus setting in kubun...:(05:27
imokruokhello can someone help me05:27
intelikeysudo fdisk -l ;cat /boot/grub/devices*     and compare.  then add the aproperate listing in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:27
intelikeyor in /etc/lilo.conf is you use lilo05:27
imokruokI tried installing the latest nvidia drivers and x will not startanymore05:28
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imokruoki am getting an error05:28
intelikeywell i'm went.05:28
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imokruokanyone feel like helping me?05:29
Thehound666I need some myself. Hopefully same issue05:29
kouranwhats your problem man?05:30
Thehound666I get prompted to update to Feisty but it keeps failing out05:30
Thehound666301 error05:30
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imokruokx fails to start and throws an error05:30
kouranfeisty isnt even in beta yet :|05:30
imokruokx fails to start and throws an error05:30
imokruokthe nvidiathe nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-9755 please make sure that the kernel module and all nvidia driver components have the same version05:30
Thehound666so why does adept want to update me?05:30
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kouranso you've got edgy? and its asking to update to feisty?05:31
Dr_willisThehound666,  its a work in progress05:31
Dr_willisi say dont update yet. :) keep saying no05:31
Thehound666every time the updater runs05:31
Dr_willisthey are working on a custome updateer tool05:31
kourani dont get that.. do you have unstable repos?05:31
Dr_willisand No it dont work for me either.05:31
Thehound666only the moblock ones05:31
Thehound666from sourceforge05:31
Dr_willisits not getting the some security updates and the updater- is supossed to comment out the 'unofficial' repos also.05:32
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strange_ghostHow do I manage themes (and is  this possible) under KDE?05:32
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:32
kourancan anyone get dual displays working properly?05:32
Dr_willistheres a lot of different kinds of 'themes'05:32
kouranthats a lot of links :P05:32
Dr_williskouran,  i have in the past.05:32
Thehound666so you get this mysterious non-working updater05:32
Thehound666guess just ride it out05:32
Dr_willisThehound666,  its under going testing. :) and so far its failed the test05:33
strange_ghostDr_willis: erm... Desktop themes? Window manager themes? Combinations  of widget sets and window decoration coloring/styles?05:33
jack_dospro: it tells me to get this, but there is a lot of choice and not exactly the glibs: glibc >= 2.1.2-11 is needed by jre-1.5.0_11-fcs05:33
Dr_willisstrange_ghost,  yep. each one is managed a littel differently05:33
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Dr_willisi guess one could say a kde theme ' is a group of settinngs that is composed of what 'widgets, window decor, icon set, and colors' to use.05:34
strange_ghostDr_willis: right. So my question I guess is whether there is any theme manager, something that would assign a configuration of such presets05:34
Dr_willisTheres the KDE theme manager tool :)05:34
Dr_willisit should be in the menus somewhere05:34
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jack_dospro: it also says:/bin/sh is needed by jre-1.5.0_11-fcs.i586, should i create that directory then?05:35
Thehound666only reason I accepted the update at all is I thought Edgy would quit being supported after this anyways05:35
Thehound666thanks for the info05:35
kourani use emerald :D05:35
Dr_willisThehound666,  i doubt if it will 'quit' being supported for some time.05:35
strange_ghostDr_willis: erm... do you remember what it's called by any chance? I found each component separately but I am not a UI guy, I like complete sets05:35
Dr_willisstrange_ghost,  its under appearance -> somthing i belive. Not in kde at the moment.05:35
Dr_willisi always add the settings  kicker applet to make settings easier to get to05:36
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strange_ghostDr_willis: Well, I found every individual component under appearance, but not themes05:37
jake__how do you install themes on kde? i mean do i need another app? sorry im new to linux05:37
strange_ghostDr_willis: I wonder if it can be installed05:37
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strange_ghostjake__: I am actually asking the same question right now :)05:37
alakhiaCan I remove the lvm2 package? Or is it actually used by anything?05:37
jake__oh ;-), i hope someone answers05:38
strange_ghostjake__: And so far we got as far as "there seems to maybe have been something approximately like what you may be want"05:38
Dr_willisstrange_ghost,  a 'theme' is  just a settings file that tells what individual compontants to use.. I rarely mess with the actual 'theme' files.05:38
Dr_willisI set up the compnentants that i perfer.05:38
strange_ghostDr_willis: I hear you and I respect that but I prefer using something somebody elso composed, probably with better ui sence than mine ;)05:39
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Dr_willisstrange_ghost,  i actually rarely see any real 'theme' files.. normally say  for the bubba theme. the guy just makes a bubbawidget set and bubbawindowdecoration thats ment to work together05:40
Dr_willischeck out kde-look.org I guess for examples.05:40
Dr_willisand those bot urls earlier05:40
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strange_ghostDr_willis: thanks, will do05:42
jake__Dr_willis: how do i install the themes that ive downloaded from kde-look.org05:42
Dr_williskde is just a little confusing i guess in how it handles themes05:43
Dr_willisjake__,  it depends on exactly WHAT it was you downloaded.05:43
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Dr_willisand the different 'packages' from that site can have widely varing install  methods05:43
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:43
strange_ghostjake__: I think kde-look usually has instructions...05:43
jake__Dr_willis: for exampl tar.gzip files?05:43
Dr_williskde-look.org is such a badly done site in many ways05:43
Dr_willisjake__,  uncompress it and read/see whts in there.. it COULD have any of a dozen different things to do.05:44
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MinatakuHey, Dr_willis05:44
Dr_willisrember that a lot of kde theme 'parts' have to be compiled.05:44
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Minatakuhttp://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/auximages/ << Check it out, I made some screencaps of something cool05:44
teufel_anybody know anything about installing quak3 on kubuntu or rather running the file ioquake.i38605:45
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teufel_yeah quak305:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ioquake.i386 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
Hasrat_USAteufel_: is that free?05:45
teufel_it says so05:46
Skulleris it a FPS?05:46
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Hasrat_USAdid you find it in Quake's official site?05:46
Dr_willislast i looked quake3 code was 'gpl' but the data files were NOT.05:46
Skulleru tried unreal tournament?05:46
teufel_installer for open arena05:46
=== Minataku pokes Dr_willis
=== Dr_willis pinches Minataku 's cheek
teufel_i didnt read into it05:46
teufel_is unreal free05:46
neptunepinkAh! RSIBreak is vicious! :O05:46
=== Skuller shouts "Cut it out you two!"
Dr_willisUnreal is not free05:46
Skullerteufel_: no05:47
Dr_willisRTCW:ET is free download. :) as is "savage"05:47
teufel_well how would i run the file ioquake3.i38605:47
MinatakuDr_willis: Cool screencaps or what? :D05:47
Dr_willisboth worth getting05:47
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Skullerbut if you run it on Mzoft then just copy the installation folder to linux n   run with tine05:47
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Dr_willisMinataku,  you sicko. :)05:48
teufel_your saying i need wine05:48
MinatakuDr_willis: rofl05:48
Dr_willisMinataku,  i found some IBM OS/2 floppies the other day05:48
Skullerteufel_: if you want to play UT05:48
MinatakuDr_willis: Ooooh, cool05:48
MinatakuDr_willis: Those screenshots came direct from my Quadra 65005:49
teufel_well i just need to know how to run ioquake3.i386 file05:49
MinatakuPretzel+Shift+3 takes a screenshot in A/UX05:49
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jake__Dr_willis: for example ive downloaded the file and extracted it, how can i install it? do i need commands?05:49
teufel_i tried that05:49
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Dr_willisjake__,  yep  - ypou proberly need to do several commands..  what commands.. depends on exactly WHAT it is you downloaded.. and how the guy managed/packaged it...05:50
Minatakuchmod it05:50
Dr_willisjake__,  there is no ONE way to do it.05:50
teufel_chmod +x yeah05:50
teufel_i did that05:50
Minatakuchmod u+x ioquake3.i38605:50
Dr_willisjake__,  it all depends on the packageer and what you got.05:50
teufel_not that05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stuffit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
teufel_what does u+x do05:50
MinatakuUser + eXecute05:51
Hasrat_USAi can't login to my library's account using either mozilla or opera. after putting in login ID and password, it says "there is a problem with the server. please try again later." but i have been trying to get in for the past 20 minutes. what's going on?05:51
jake__Dr_willis: lol, it took a lot of time just to install a theme? sounds complicated05:51
MinatakuThe three are ugo, User Group Otherss05:51
Dr_willisjake__,  you asked... a 'THEME' is not a set of just pictures/images.. theres a lot of things that go into a 'theme'05:51
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Dr_willisjake__,  the window decorations for example are normally compiled code. that can do a lot of different things.. and allow ultimate flexability.05:52
Dr_willisjake__,  window dedoration is just one 'part' of a theme.05:52
Dr_willisive even seen icon sets that have 'installer scripts' for them included in the packages.05:52
ubotu[Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu05:53
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jake__Dr_willis: for example a sh. file?05:54
Dr_willisjake__,  could be.. you see all sorts of wacky things with some of the files at kde-look.org05:54
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Moltov Excuse me... anyone here any good at kicking grub so itll boot a w2k install?... I have kubuntu(with stuf i dont want to lose...) On hda1, and w2k on hda3... And so far every random guide ive found hasnt worked, though ive gotten an interesting miscillany of errors >.> *sighs*06:00
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Dr_willisw2k may need the drives 'swapped' in order for it to 'think' its booting from the C drive..06:01
MoltovHow would i go about doing that?06:01
MoltovI'd be quite glad to do so...06:01
Dr_willistheres some grub options.. i aint used them in ages...06:01
Dr_willissomthing to do with 0x82 and 0x8306:02
MoltovBut i cant find any directions to do such... Anywhere.06:02
Dr_willisBUT wait a sec...06:02
Dr_willishow did ya get w2k on  hda3 ?06:02
MinatakuYou might need to set it's partition bootable06:02
Dr_willisthat would be like windows E: drive or similer.06:02
MinatakuWindows might be choking because of thaat06:02
MoltovMinataku: its marked...06:02
MinatakuI think my keyboard is going06:02
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MoltovDr_Willis: I have NO idea...06:03
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MoltovDr_Willis: I found something that abriviated what the meaning of the different hdaX are, and hda3 and hda4 arnt on it...06:03
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Minatakuhda3 is third partition, first device on first IDE channel06:03
MoltovDr?Willis: According to it... extended partitions are supposed to be 5+... and primary is hda1...06:04
Minatakus/\,/\ of/06:04
MoltovBut anyway.06:04
Minatakuhd << IDE device06:04
Minatakua << Channel 0 Device 006:04
Moltovyes yes...06:04
Minataku3 << Third partition table entry06:04
MinatakuI know there's some kind of chainloading thing GRUB has to do06:05
Moltov*shrugs* but stareing at that weirdly isnt the point. the point is getting w2k to boot without wiping my shiny working kubuntu install.06:05
MinatakuIIUC it basically does nothing and just passes control to NTLDR06:05
Dr_willisMoltov,  thats the kicker.. if it was on hdb then the 0x82 stuff swapping is what ya need. Ive got no idea bout it being on hda3/406:05
Dr_willisI dont even see how ya could get it installed that way. windows used to hate to not be on the first partition.06:06
Dr_willisyou could 'cheat' and try to boot the partition with vmware inside linux06:06
MoltovDr_Willis: Oh, it still hates not being on the first partition... It just installs fine, just doesnt boot... >.>06:06
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Dr_willisMoltov,  heh heh :)06:06
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MoltovDr_Willis: Sorry, my systems too old and slow for vmware to be usefull06:06
MinatakuMoltov: Are you using the correct GRUB mapping?06:07
Dr_willisive had to fight with windows being on a different drive.. but not partition.06:07
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Dr_willisgrub may be able to handle it.. i just aint messed with it much lately06:07
MinatakuI believe that your Windows partiton in hda3 would be hd0,2 in GRUB06:07
Dr_willisMinataku,  yep. that should be correct06:07
MinatakuSince GRUB counts from 0 while Linux counts from 106:07
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Dr_williswell its bed time for me. night all06:07
MoltovMinataku: As in? Ive gone through so many things ive been told to do or read.... yeah, its hd0,206:07
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MoltovMinataku: Ive had that right since my FIRST attempt.06:08
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MinatakuMoltov: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html06:09
MinatakuTry that, add EVERY LINE in the relevant section, there are 306:10
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MinatakuAfter those three is just "boot"06:10
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neptunepinknet| |split06:11
MinatakuHey, Jucato06:11
Jucatohi Minataku06:11
Minatakuhttp://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/auximages/ << LQQK :D06:11
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thianpaHow do i mount ntfs in Kubuntu ?06:14
Jucato!ntfs | thianpa06:14
ubotuthianpa: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:14
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=== genii sips a coffee
Minatakugenii!!! :D:D:DD:D:D06:16
MinatakuLook, genii, look >> http://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/auximages/ :D:D:D06:16
iamsam9895How can I get SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer libraries installed?06:16
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geniiMinataku Let me get some coffe first ROFL I just got in06:16
Minatakulol, k ^^06:16
=== Minataku bobs up and down, excited
MoltovMinataku: Gets stuck on "Starting up ..." with just the basics... but theres some stuf in the os-spesific issues section... which ill give a try now heh06:17
SolidSourcethere has to be a way around having to reinstall video drivers when yoiu get a new kernel06:17
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MinatakuMoltov: Coo, tell me how it works out for you06:17
geniiMinataku This is the newest stuff you got the other day?06:18
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Minatakugenii: Nah, I just took these screenshots06:18
MinatakuCool, eh?06:18
geniiMinataku :)06:18
MinatakuStraight from my Quadra 65006:18
iamsam9895Anybody help me install SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer libraries?06:18
geniiMinataku Have you tried putting another OS on it yet?06:19
MinatakuIf you press Pretzel+Shift+3 A/UX will take a screenshot for you06:19
stdiniamsam9895: libsdl1.2, libsdl-ttf2.0-0 and ibsdl-mixer1.2 (your version numbers may vary)06:19
iamsam9895In apt-get?06:19
MinatakuThey're in PICT/QuickDraw format with a 512 byte AppleSingle header, I converted them to PNG on Piyoko06:20
Minatakugenii: Why would I when I have A/UX on it? :D06:20
stdinapt-get, aptitude, synaptic, adept, whatever you want to use06:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:20
geniiMinataku LOL the tinkering gene at work of course06:20
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Minatakugenii: I'm a Unix fanatic06:20
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:20
cjsteltzcan someone tell me how  I can print 3 slider per page in Open Office Impress06:21
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MoltovMinataku: Infortunately... It still gets stuck on "Starting up ..."06:22
MinatakuMoltov: Weird06:23
MinatakuMaybe you Windows install is hosed06:23
MoltovThat would be odd, considering its complealty freash.06:24
SolidSourcewindows is screwed from the time you pick up the disc06:24
iamsam9895You're screwed from the time you pick up the disk.06:24
MoltovGranted, but this IS w2k pro, the closest to stable thing theyve ever made.06:24
SolidSourcethat was a given06:24
iamsam9895I haven't tried pro, but yeah, 2K was OK06:25
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cjsteltzcan someone tell me how  I can print 3 slider per page in Open Office Impress06:25
MoltovWell, damnit, seems ill have to wipe my kubuntu for now >.< and reinstall it after...06:26
geniiMoltov I'm on my w2kpro box right now :) (My linux laptop is at work)06:26
iamsam9895I can't see what is being written06:27
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iamsam9895Screen size went wacko06:27
MoltovWell, i know how to presurve some files... *fires up gparted*06:27
iamsam9895I can't see answers until they reach the top of the page.06:27
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iamsam9895I can only see the top half of the irc window.06:27
neptunepinkiamsam9895: what client are you using?06:28
iamsam9895This sucks.06:28
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MoltovNot that he can hear me... but i used to have that problem with a chat box in openrpg before i updated wxpython every now and then....06:28
neptunepinkhe he.... let's talk behind his back!06:29
MoltovHe will hear us eventualy yknow.06:29
neptunepinkiamsam9895 is so fat!06:29
iamsam9895neptunepink Gaim06:29
iamsam9895I can here you now.06:29
Moltov^.^ hehe06:29
neptunepinkO: )06:29
iamsam9895I SEE YOU06:29
iamsam9895Moltov is right06:29
=== neptunepink hides
iamsam9895I HEARD THAT NEPTUNE!06:30
morlacan somebody give me a hand at kernel configuring, concerning framebuffer?06:30
iamsam9895Well, control alt backspace time06:30
=== neptunepink laughs evilly as iamsam9895 self destructs.....just as neptune intended him to!
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=== Moltov points out that only one cell self destructed
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calcmandananyone good at using gimp?06:32
Minatakuiamsam9895: Next time use xrandr06:32
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iamsam9895What is that?06:33
Minataku!xrandr | iamsam989506:33
ubotuiamsam9895: xrandr: X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB06:33
iamsam9895I couldn't see anything.06:33
iamsam9895My mouse quit working on me.06:33
MinatakuMemorize the command you need exactly06:33
MinatakuSo if it happens again you can run it blind06:34
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iamsam9895But what happened was my program "half" started.06:34
iamsam9895It resized for resolution, then died on me.06:34
MinatakuStarted running then hung?06:34
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MoltovMinataku: Basicaly, Windows 2k and xp, HATE to be the non-primary partition on hda... More than anything elce...06:34
MinatakuYeah, if it crashes out completely then you can use xrandr to recover if you can exec it somehow06:35
khirrhow can i write on my nfs disk?06:35
MinatakuIf it was an SDL app that went tits up then you're pretty well screwed, SDL is a... er... female dog06:35
iamsam9895Moltov: Really?06:35
iamsam9895That would explain a lot.06:35
MoltovIamsam9895: Yeah... Its possible to work around, but very hard to do from what ive read...06:36
khirrhow can i save my information on my ntfs partition?06:36
iamsam9895/exec google frets on fire06:36
iamsam9895Fucking Gaim.06:36
MoltovIamsam9895: Its even happier on hdb non-primary partitions... -.-06:36
iamsam9895Konqueror is better06:36
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iamsam9895_I meant konversation.06:37
iamsam9895_WTF is that underscore?06:37
MoltovIamsam9895: your original nickname didnt clear from the server, thats your secondary06:38
nixternaliamsam9895_: could you please watch the language. Thanks!06:38
iamsam9895_How do I  ghost it?06:38
teufel_ioquake worked 75 meg06:38
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor?06:38
iamsam9895_How do I boot my name off the other client?06:38
MoltovYknow, watching a p3-800, on an ancient 7200rpm hdd, move almost its entire contense around, is kinda like watching paint dry... that is, paint that does dry.06:39
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MoltovThough i think ive seen paint dry faster.06:40
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iamsam9895I win.06:40
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor?06:40
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor?06:41
geniiMoltov Try doing doing a dd on a 250 Gb drive sometime06:41
ExpositionOfEvildestroy disk06:42
geniiMoltov Yes, a bit for bit copy06:42
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ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor? process editor?06:42
MoltovGenii: If i had a 250gb hdd, it would be a 3gb/s sata drive... so...06:42
jay_how do i change the color of the text that appears on a title in the pager?06:43
iamsam9895Why does kubuntu hate my ATi card?06:43
MoltovCus ati nix drivers are not the best around.06:43
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor? process editor?06:43
yknotthm iamsam9895 what seems to be the prob06:43
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor? process editor?06:44
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got a memory editor? process editor?06:44
=== Moltov pets his nix-box's ancient TNT2...
geniiiamsam9895: It's ATI's fault. They don't let us know how their stuff works and only hand out binary drivers for linux not all of which are great.06:44
iamsam9895The open source driver that has "supposed" full compatibility with my card, works great. Except that I don't get any Direct Rendering.06:44
MoltovGenii: They actualy make drivers for nix at all now?... lol06:44
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iamsam9895It's a 256 MB ATi Radeon 920006:45
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geniiMoltov They have some binaries yeah.06:45
MoltovWell, thats... something...06:45
Moltov9200 eh... Hm.06:45
iamsam9895But what good is 256 MB without DRI?06:45
ExpositionOfEvilNVIDIA QUADRO!06:45
iamsam9895I could just use onboard and get the same results.06:45
ExpositionOfEvilpoons u06:45
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iamsam9895I know, NVidea kicks ATi ass.06:46
MoltovIamsam9895: Well... a 9200 desktop inst much better than onboard... but...06:46
nixternaliamsam9895: tell ATI to open up their drivers so we can use them, then that issue will go away06:46
geniiiamsam9895: Yes, write a polit but firm email to them LOL06:46
MoltovEh? Now now. Ati has some of the best laptop gpus around until this last gen, where they still manage energy efficancy by a step.06:46
iamsam9895Moltov: It is MUCH better than onboard.06:47
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MoltovAnd their intergrated video cards have had full T&L supported for ages.06:47
MoltovUnlike... EVERYONE elce.06:47
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MoltovNv finaly copied that with the 6100...06:47
iamsam9895Listen, ubuntu likes my video card.06:47
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Moltov^.^' Heh.06:47
iamsam9895But I don't understand why kubuntu is any different.06:48
geniiI used to be an ATI purist when I used mainly windoze stuff. But I have lost the faith :) I lean towards nvidia these days06:48
MoltovIamsam9895: Prehaps a different driver included? I'D try ripping it out and replacing it with latest06:48
yknottiamsam9895: ihave the 9600 with 3d accel06:48
Chanidoes anyone know why kmail will encrypt but not decrypt email?06:48
MoltovI have a 9200 mobile... with only 32mb of vram for some stupid reason, Not nearly as closely related to the 9200 desktop unit as youd think...06:49
MoltovOn the computer im on irc with.06:49
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MoltovIts... cute...06:49
=== Jucato waves at Chani
geniiChani You need to have the gpg  public key of the person sending the encrypted email06:49
ExpositionOfEvilim gonna buy this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1688310223106:49
Chanigenii: I do, he was replying to the encrypted mail I sent him.06:49
Chanikmail just tells me 'bad passphrase' without ever *asking* for a passphrase06:50
Jucatooh? that's weird...06:50
iamsam9895Right, my 9200 has 256, a big step from my onboard 16.06:50
bonbonthejoniamsam9895: can you tell me what you think: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8216441&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat103700050028&id=116623607202406:51
MoltovThough it actualy only uses up to around 64+/- in effect.06:51
geniiChani see if gpg-agent is running06:51
ExpositionOfEvilthats a good deal06:51
iamsam9895bonbonthejon: You should be able to find that cheaper.06:51
MoltovBonbonthejon: Not bad, not to interupt, but you can probobly do better.06:51
ExpositionOfEvilkinda slow thow06:52
iamsam9895Try overstock.com06:52
Chanigenii: I installed it and started it with no luck, but it seems like I don't have a pinentry program installed...06:52
geniichani Not by ps in this case. Use sudo set | grep GPG_AGENT_INFO06:52
MoltovBonbonthejon: Leme do my quick referance to help you a lil :P06:52
iamsam9895They have some kickin' computers for pretty cheap.06:52
bonbonthejonMoltov: I need to get it from BestBuy, gift certificates06:52
=== Chani installs pinentry-qt
geniichani Do you get some result like GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-e6JFKt/S.gpg-agent:20501:106:52
Chanigenii: yeah, although I started gpg-agent from a konsole and ran kontact from that konsole - hoping the var would carry over but not 100% certain06:53
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crazy_buson the kletters page of kde it says that it has "british english" an well as just english.  How do I access both?06:53
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MoltovMoltov: Ugh, hmm, realy. Well then, ill take a look... you might have missed something :P06:54
Chanioh oh06:54
Chaninow that I have pinentry-qt installed, a dialog appeared for a fraction of a second as I clicked the email - then vanished06:54
ExpositionOfEvilIf I were you I wouldnt get a labtop but a handheld with a wireless foldable keyboard06:54
Chanifound this in konsole:06:54
Chanigpgme_op_decrypt_verify() returned this error code:  11744052306:54
bonbonthejonok, heres a question, intel core 2 duo or amd turion 64-bit X2?06:55
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ExpositionOfEvilscrew 6406:55
MinatakuThat's 3 for Intel, -1 for AMD06:55
MoltovBonbon: Theyre about even.06:55
ExpositionOfEvilnot much compatibility06:55
bonbonthejonintel 950 or NVIDIA GeForce Go 615006:56
MoltovBonbon: Quite frankly, the intel cpu will have a tiny bit more preformance and battery life... But nothing significant06:56
MoltovNC, period.06:56
ExpositionOfEvilthat ones hilarious06:56
MoltovGo 615006:56
MoltovNO argument.06:56
ExpositionOfEvilId go with nvidia quadro06:56
MoltovMILES apart.06:56
ExpositionOfEvilget liquid cooling system06:56
bonbonthejonwhat is the benefit of 64-bit, not much now, or will there be more later06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about off-topic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
nixternalsmart bot06:57
ExpositionOfEvil!good boy06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about good boy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
bonbonthejonI'm asking this stuff now so when I but the laptop I will have fewer questions06:57
MoltovBonbon: Mostly future.06:57
=== bodhizazen [n=bodhizaz@host-69-144-246-69.hln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #kubuntu
MoltovBonbon: Hanfull of current, but both the core duo 2 and turon x2, are 64bit compat06:58
bonbonthejonMoltov: if i install 32-bit now, do I need to reinstall 64-bit or is there a way to upgrade06:58
bodhizazenHello kubuntu ;)06:58
ubotucmake: A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4980 kB, installed size 12028 kB06:58
ExpositionOfEvilanyone here have a connection faster than t4?06:58
geniichani Not finding much about that error in web searches06:58
MoltovBonbon: Good question.06:58
bumzowho knows how i can get most if not all plugins for firefox??06:58
MoltovBonbon: Sadly, im a hardware wiz, not nix pro.06:58
bonbonthejonMoltov: so core 2 duo is 64-bit?06:59
carutsubumzo dont even try06:59
bodhizazenanyone here involved with the kubuntu forums ?06:59
ExpositionOfEvil64 bit is completely dif06:59
bumzocarutsu: excuse me?06:59
MoltovBonBon: Yes. Though many people seem to be ignorant of it.06:59
MoltovBonbon: Core Duo(without the 2) is NOT 64bit compat.06:59
bonbonthejonExpositionOfEvil: so dual core 64-bit would be better than dual core 32-bit06:59
bumzocarutsu: why....what will happen06:59
MoltovBonbon: Marginaly, latter.06:59
carutsubunzo dont try to have all axtensions there are like 1300 or so, some guys had 250 installed and everything was so crappy and slow07:00
bonbonthejonMoltov: I'm planning long term07:00
carutsubunzo, and they overlap on funcitons07:00
bumzocarutsu: ah ok. then i need the one that enables u to stram clips and flash player07:00
MoltovBonbon: Reltively speaking then, itll save you a few cureses to go core duo 2, or turion x2 rather than core duo plain, even if the latter would cost quite a bit less.07:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashnon-free - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:00
bonbonthejonso with the GeForce 6150 I should be able to have accelerated 3d07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash-nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
ExpositionOfEvilyes bonbon07:01
carutsubumzu is something like that flash-nonfree, look for it in07:01
geniichani Is there an entry in /etc/X11/Xsession.options    for use-gpg-agent ?07:01
MoltovBonbon: The geforce6150, is prehaps the best igp set ever made. Full support for everything, and a littl speed even... Though it IS still low end.07:01
carutsubumzo, look for it in Adept07:01
kouranum, ive got frostwire, and when i launch it i just get a blank screen. i think this is a java thing...07:01
ExpositionOfEvilno my 6600 OC is the best ever made07:01
kouranand i cant kill it either07:01
carutsuis there a way to configure CMake?07:01
MoltovBonbon: If you could find something prehaps with the geforce 7400 or higher in it, it would be better.07:02
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MoltovExpo: The 6600, isnt an igp.07:02
kourancan someone help me with my java issues?07:02
ExpositionOfEvilthen that is the best07:02
nixternalhey guys, can you please keep this channel open for support issues, and take the GPU chatter to #kubuntu-offtopic or somewhere else besides in here. Very much appreciated, thanks!07:02
MoltovExpo: Nivdia pulled off a neigh-merical. Making shared system ram resemble something efficent.07:02
=== Chani has found a bugreport on some ubuntu thing.. dating back from *breezy* and still going... haven't reached the end of the discussion yet...
MoltovNixternal: Fine fine... were done anyway.07:03
Silveira_NetoNokia 6600 rox07:03
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nixternalMoltov: thanks.07:04
geniiChani: Still here?07:04
ExpositionOfEvilwhen does the blender 2.43 get out on ubuntu07:04
bonbonthejonMoltov: join me in offtopic, I have one more question07:04
MoltovBonbon: Fine fine, ill join as RogueThunder... Its my alt07:05
kouranum, ive got frostwire, and when i launch it i just get a blank screen. i think this is a java thing...07:05
kourani got the same problem with netbeans, which is also written in java..07:05
MoltovBonbon: Or we could just private chat.07:05
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jay_how do i change the color of the text that appears on a title in the pager?07:06
jack_hi, i lost the maximize button by accident in kontact, how can i get it back? thank you07:06
stdinkouran: have you run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" yet?07:06
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Cobra_BubblesY HLO THAR!07:06
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bonbonthejonone last question, in NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 (UMA), what does the UMA stand for07:08
Chanigenii: sorta here07:08
Moltov((Wrong window)07:09
Chaninow I'm back to not even having the dialog show at all07:09
geniiChani http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2005/03/msg00226.html has some info on this07:09
geniiChani May or may not be useful for you, but something maybe to try anyhow07:09
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Chanigenii: I think I'm going to try restarting kde next07:10
Cobra_BubblesI love it07:11
geniiChani The guy on this link had exact sam error code as you. Looks like the gpg needs to be started in a certain way and also in the Xsessions file07:11
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unix_lappyhowdy genii07:17
geniiunix_lappy: Hello07:18
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Skullerhey guys...can anyone help me to build a mousetrap racer?...i have a competetion in skool for it...:D07:19
Skuller!topic | Skuller07:19
Skuller!offtopic | Skuller07:19
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unix_lappymaybe you should consider improving your english skillz before you engage in science.07:19
Skullerunix_lappy: perhaps you can help me get a head start by specifying exactly which field of english i need to improve upon07:20
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MoltovThough im sure we could make some abomination of science using a small microprocessor with linux installed on it controlling a mousetrap with motors and a chainsaw attached programmed to attack mice... But that might be a bit rediculous.07:20
SkullerMoltov: now thats what i am talking about. I'll get my local comp guy to start dating this lady carpenter i know07:21
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=== Chani got one good thing out of this: a little script to kill ssh-agent on logout
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Chanik, kde is slowly logging out...07:22
jaxDoes anyone here know what codec/plugin I'd need to listen to Monkey's Audio(APE)??...Thanks07:23
yknottmonkey's audio07:23
Chanioh, tht reminds me, I have weird powersaving issues. every time I reboot, the option to turn off my laptop's monitor after 10 minutes is set to "5 hours" and really is never.07:23
geniiSkuller I know a good way to build one07:23
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Chanialso, if I save the powersaving options in admin mode, it fucks up my xorg.conf07:24
iamsam9895Can I apt-get beryl?07:24
Chanipoor widdle laptop... can't deal with opening so many tabs on login... so slow07:24
Chanioh darn, I hope I remembered to save my stuff in kate.07:25
MoltovChani: *chuckles* mine has simular problems when i tell it to run three digits in firefox tabs... >.> oh...07:25
Chaniuhoh. "laptop lid is closed, hibernating now" - but the lid wasn't touched07:25
MoltovChani: Do you know where the actual pysical switch thats triggered by the lid closing is?07:26
oemhello all07:26
MoltovChani: Some of them can be bumped, in some poorly crafted designs...07:26
Chanialso, coming out of hibernation will re-enable my wireless card and automagically connect to the nearest network, which will probably be on the samme subnet as my wired connection.. boom goes the internet07:27
ChaniMoltov: it tends to be triggered when the lid is 2/3 closed07:27
MoltovChani: Hm, can you toss me your laptop model?07:27
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MoltovChani: Sounds like you have a dimple-switch, which, are one of the bumpible kind.07:28
Chanisame behaviour: i see a dialog start to open then it vanishes07:28
geniiSkuller I opened a private msg to you to help with your mousetrap racer but you seem not responding07:28
hhhey ...how do i update my firefox to get latest plugins n all ?07:28
hhwhat command do i use?07:29
ChaniMoltov: asus m5n07:29
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oemso today i went and bought the must have ubuntu hacks book and Keir Thomas book called beginning ubuntu linux from novice to professional07:29
oemboth are good sells i actualy got my nvidia working the first try!!!07:29
jay_Can superkaramba restore my widgets if I don't use session restore?07:29
oemnot that nay one cares lol07:30
Skullergenii: hey man...sorry i was away for a while....please if you can help me out07:30
Chanioh, even fscking better. now somehow when I try to *send* kmail gives me a lecture about how I should be using gpg-agent.07:31
akshjay_: Yes, you'll have to make an .desktop file in ~/.kde/Autostart07:31
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Chani"gpg agent was found but does not appp[ear to be running"07:31
r00t_i want to uprade to 6.1 but theres nothing in the update manager abooute it?07:31
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jay_aksh, a .desktop that calls superkaramba?07:31
Chanibut it IS running and in konsole I can see $GPG_AGENT_INFO07:31
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oemthe only thing it deosnt help me with is installing a webcam07:32
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akshjay_: yes07:32
r00t_oem: why is your name oem?07:32
jay_is that the same as just symlinkin to it?07:32
MoltovChani: Well, i cant find anything good enough to tell me where it is, but you might want to turn off on-screen-close functions, other than monitor off.07:32
oembecause i have not Sudo saved my configuration yet...i figure i will do that once i install everything without breaking my system07:33
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r00t_oem: did yoou get **buntu of the box or install in oem mode07:33
oeminstalled in oem mode07:34
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ChaniI'm thinking maybe pinentry has a bug07:34
oemKubuntu 2.6.17-11-generic07:34
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Chanibecause when i try to send a message, again I see it flicker and then get the lecture on gpg-agent not being running07:35
r00t_i want to uprade to 6.1 but theres nothing in the update manager abooute it?07:35
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akshno, not a symlink, the help file has details on how to make it07:35
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oemi ordered myine online through ebay  1.00 free shipping07:35
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r00t_could anyone in here help me its not busy07:36
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akshjay_: have a look at the format here: http://pastebin.ca/392984 I think you'll have to make one for each and every theme, rather painful, but a symlink might work, I've never tried07:37
r00t_or whats the 6.1 room?07:37
Jucato!upgrade | r00t_07:37
ubotur00t_: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)07:37
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AshexI do believe that smb4k just fubar'd my sudoers fie07:40
Ashexwhen I try to use sudo, I get a syntax error07:40
Ashexand, I appear to be in a fix, I can't edit the file because I'm not root07:40
Ashexbut I can't sudo to root because the sudoers file is messed up07:40
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oemanyone recommend a proggy to use my webcam with>?07:41
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ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:42
Ashexso, anyone have an idea?07:43
AshexOr am I effectively screwed?07:43
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stdinAshex: do you have a live cd, like the CD you installed with07:43
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Ashexstdin, Yeah, I've got about 50 of those :P07:44
Ashexmodify it as root from live cd?07:44
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jay_how can I change the color of the text in the taskbar/pager... it's difficult to read the title of the windows listed there07:44
stdinAshex: yep07:44
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Ashexaww shucks, now I have to reboot :(07:44
stdinAshex: better than reinstall :P07:44
AshexOr create a vmware image and mount the drives...07:45
deathnotehow do u set to higher resolution?i set a something higher than 1024x800 in my xorg.conf but it just don't take effect07:45
deathnotein system settings i can't set to higher too07:45
stdinAshex: it'll be easier (and safer) to just use a live cd07:46
Ashexstdin, true07:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:46
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helenahi guys!!07:47
seven11i know this sounds strange but i have to say thank you to all of you i started with kubuntu 6.10 a couple of month ago and i got a lot of help from #kununtu. i am now on feisty and it's more stable than xp ever was. LINUX IS COOL !!07:47
AshexI'm tempted to hold out for fiesty though...07:47
iarwain_hi helena!07:47
iarwain_ashex, i'm using Feisty atm, and it is very solid :)07:47
helenaI cannot select my printer in kmail, its set up on the CUPS printing07:47
helenaIt prints documents in office07:48
iarwain_helena, i know nothing about printers (don't have one myself) sorry07:48
helenalol no prob thnx anyeay07:48
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jack_HI, IS there anything like the kwalletmanager that actually works, storing passwords etc?07:49
jack_in the kmenu icannot find the security and privacy icon where is that?07:50
jack_cannot find it in the system settings07:50
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Jucatojack_: Alt+F2, kcontrol07:52
jack_Jucato: thanks, i thought it was kmenu07:52
Jucatojack_: or in System Settings, but I'm not sure if it's there07:52
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oemhow do i get to /etc/apt/07:54
jack_Jucato: its not there, kwallet doesnt store the kmail passwords and is pretty annoying, is there anything else? i couldnt find a solution for that problem07:55
Jucatojack_: KControl -> Security and Privacy -> KDE Wallet ?07:56
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jack_Jucato: i know, but thats kind of a bug many people have reported about, that kwallet doesnt store passwords07:57
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bumzohi people07:57
Jucatojack_: not really sure... kwallet stores mine just fine... :(07:57
bumzoi need some plugins for my firefox ...any ideas how to do it?07:57
fuelbumzo: hi! we meet again!07:57
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fuelbumzo: what question is this ?07:58
fuelclick on the tools and get plugins07:58
Jucatobumzo: what kind of plugin?07:58
oemhey fuel07:58
oemi got the nvidia fixed07:58
jack_it doesnt work with autostart kontact and kopete jucato07:58
oemafter it crashed my system07:58
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bumzohi jucato .. adobe flash palyer07:58
Jucatobumzo: install flashplugin-nonfree?07:58
bumzoFUEL: hi my man .. i see u, i think of mounting lol07:59
oemactualy i went and bought the book07:59
Jucatobumzo: if you manually installed Firefox using the .tar.gz from mozilla, I think there are extra steps to be done07:59
bumzojuacto: is that a command?07:59
=== fuel runs and hides
Jucatojack_: ah I haven't tried autostarting them....07:59
jack_Jucato: do you know how i can enable the the many messages during the start up on the boot screen..like loading the wm etc.etc07:59
bumzoyes jucato ... i manyally installed firefox.07:59
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bumzoso what extra steps are these?07:59
Jucato!firefox | bumzo07:59
ubotubumzo: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:59
Jucatothat FirefoxNewVersion has the steps I think08:00
Jucatojack_: in you /boot/grub/menu.lst, remove the"quiet" option in the kernel lines, the one beside "ro" and "splash"08:00
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bumzofuel: otherwise how are u today?08:01
bumzofuel: i really appre3ciate for ur help jana08:01
arunkaleHey, people. My CD drive was reading one of my CDs earlier today, but now it's not reading it any more. The light flashes green, but the computer doesnt recognise it. How can I fix this?08:01
fuelbumzo: great :) and f*** up , trying to complete my university project :(08:01
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bumzojana= yesterday (its swahili) fuel:08:02
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fuelswahili ? is it not an african language ?08:02
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Chaniok, so, my gpg-agent is broken08:03
Chaniit shows the pinentry dialog for a split second and dies08:03
fuelbumzo: correct me if im wrong :D08:03
Chaniand since kde started gpg-agent, I'm not sure where the error messages are going08:04
bumzofuel: it is ..am from east africa08:05
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bumzoFuel: where are u @?08:05
fuelbumzo: oh! great . i am sorry i could not help you fully ,these mounting problems cause a lot of head ache08:05
fuelbumzo: India :)08:06
bumzoFuel: ahh, thats cool, but you did a great deal...atlease i just type a command everytime i need to mount08:06
fuelbumzo: no probls :)08:07
bumzoFuel: but let me ask ... i have a partitioned HDD .. 3 partitions, one on linux (that am running) and the other two are ntfs. they mounted well with no dificulty when i installed ntfrs-3g08:07
=== fuel runs and hides again
fuelbumzo: its not a good idea to have ntfs drives08:08
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jack_Jucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10146/ it is the first one, right, just uncomment the quiet? i dont want to mess that up with bad consequences, cos i dont see a ro and splash there.08:08
bumzoi know08:08
fuelunless you want vista to run :) xp runs fine on fat3208:08
bumzoFuel: ho cn i format using kubuntu to FAT32?08:08
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Jucatojack_: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-generic root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet splash <----08:08
fuel"ho cn" ?08:08
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Jucatojack_: this one too if you want: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet splash <----08:09
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Chanigpg-agent[29419] : handler 0x808d958 for fd 0 started08:09
Chanigpg-agent[29419] : starting a new PIN Entry08:09
Chanigpg-agent[29419] : command get_passphrase failed: Unknown system error08:09
fuel!pastebin > Chani08:10
jack_thanks jucaot,sorry i thought you was just pointing at the beginning, so i would finf the right line08:10
deathnotei've got beryl running../what's compiz?08:10
Jucato!compiz | deathnote08:10
ubotudeathnote: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:10
userundcompiz is the codebase beryl forked from08:10
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deathnotecompiz compositemanager?08:12
deathnotei'm running on XGL08:12
Cobra_BubblesNaked people kicks ass...IN AMERICA!08:12
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Jucatodeathnote: compiz and beryl are both compositing window managers. beryl is a fork of compiz. simple as that08:13
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deathnoteoic..if i'm using beryl i can't use compiz at the same time, vice versa?08:14
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:15
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Chaniturns out pinentry-qt and gpg-agent hate each other, but pinentry-gtk works08:24
geniiChani Glad you got it resolved. where did you find the answer eventually?08:26
Chanigenii: saw some vaguely related bsd gpg issue mentioning htat the curses version seemed to have issues, so tried it08:26
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ChaniI had installed the gtk version already and *thought* I had tested it08:27
Chanibut it turned out I wasn't setting hte pinentry program corectly back then08:27
geniiChani Ahhhh08:28
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fuelis there some nice game i could waste my time with ( no 3d requirement )08:29
fuel3d card i meant08:29
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[StingRay] Hi stdin :)08:31
stdinhi [StingRay] 08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
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[StingRay] stdin, where do I ask something specific about feisty. I see feisty is supporting something like hardware recognition used by windows OEM software. Are you aware of this?08:34
[StingRay] stdin, a lot of programs use this to identify different pc-s.08:35
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stdin[StingRay] : I have read something about it, but haven't looked too deep. A good place to ask is #ubuntu+1 the official feisty channel08:35
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[StingRay] stdin, can you paste a link please. I will ask about this in the channel you mentioned. Thanks!08:36
[StingRay] stdin, you can mention a word for me to google for.08:36
stdin[StingRay] : it was in a blog somewhere...08:36
Chaniwow, pinentry-qt has been having issues since 200308:36
[StingRay] ok, stdin. Have a nice day! :)08:37
stdin[StingRay] : it's way past my bed time :P I'm going to sleep08:38
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[StingRay] stdin, well then...have a nice sleep ;)08:38
stdin[StingRay] : see you later :)08:39
[StingRay] I had same white nights before two Sathurdays because of f.... KM 1400W08:39
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=== stdin hangs up a "do not disturb" sign
=== Skuller ignores it since he cant read english
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lahcenhi guys,08:42
firecrotchHi, lahcen08:42
lahcendoes anyone know how to get rid of the black background of kxdocker when you run the cursor over it?08:43
lahcendo i need to elaborate?08:44
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Alarmgoodmorning. this morning i tried to update my kubuntu 6.10 and it appeared that a new kubuntu version is a available. but nothing listed on the website of kubuntu. should i update or what is that about08:46
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lahcenAlarm, it is kubuntu 7.04 RC4 i believe, so it is not stable yet, but if you want to give it a try you can, i updated mine this morning08:50
Alarmin case of some bugs, will they be fixed later on with updates ?08:50
oemi updated and found it was why my agp wasnt working and kept crashing i am going to wait a while08:50
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Alarmohh nice :)08:51
lahcenbut if you actually decide to upgrade, make sure you close "adept_manager" right after finishing the download of the upgrader08:51
JucatoAlarm: it seems you have the edgy-proposed repository in your sources.list (which you shouldn't)08:51
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AlarmJucato,  we talked about this last time. goodmorning by the way08:51
Jucato(unless you want to help test the distupgrade tool by upgrading to feisty using it)08:51
Alarmi removed that line08:51
JucatoAlarm: do you have KDE 3.5.6?08:52
Alarmand checked again this morning for updates when i saw again the update dialog box08:52
oemi am getting it to i chose to ignore it08:52
Alarmsaw again the sources.list file and the line with edgy-proposed wasnt included08:52
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Alarmyes. 3.5.608:52
Jucatoah... there's a different repository required for edgy users who have KDE 3.5.6..08:53
lahcenso far, there is a bug in "kdeinit", but don't find it annoying YET!!08:53
oemi have edgy    Kubuntu08:54
Jucatooem: if you have edgy-proposed in your sources.list, you will be getting this update notification08:54
Alarmnot a big deal08:54
Alarmi can press on cancel anyway everytime. doesnt bother that much08:55
oemi sa getting it but chose to ignore it for a while stystem is almost the way i want it08:55
Alarmthank you and goodmorning again :)08:55
oemgood morning to you08:55
lahcenhey guys, how do you apply this patch for kxdocker??? http://www.xiaprojects.com/www/prodo...4a-compiz.diff08:56
lahcennobody??? :(08:58
Slynderdalelahcen: You have to build the program from the source08:59
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lahcenI did08:59
lahcenbut there is always a black background when i run the mouse over it09:00
lahcenSlynerdale: I mean over kxdocker09:00
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chavolahcen, did you download the patch?09:01
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lahcenchavo: and i changed the *.cpp files manually09:01
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Jucatopatch < -p0 file.diff09:02
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lahcenI'll try that, jucato09:04
Jucatoif you changed the .cpp files manually already, I doubt that will do any good09:04
lahcenbut i have to cd to the directory where kxdocker is09:04
lahceni will uninstall it and install it again09:05
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lahcenJucato, excuse my ignorance, but how do I uninstall a source package?09:06
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Jucatomake uninstall09:07
oemhey Fuel: i went and bought beginning Ubuntu Linux by Keir Thomas today.. it is a good read09:07
Jucatoin the directory where you ran make install09:07
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lahcenok, great, i'll do that09:07
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oemit cost an arm and leg but well worth it09:08
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ubuntu_whats better ubuntu or kubuntu?? i need to know lol09:09
oemKubuntu is an upgrade to ubuntu  i started out on Kubuntu09:09
smurphyU guys know how to get rid of this message ? when I upgrade my system ?09:09
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oemI like it personally09:10
SlynderdaleAnyone here familiar with running programs under WIne?09:10
smurphyErrors were encountered while processing:09:10
smurphy ulogd09:10
smurphy ulogd-mysql09:10
oemI am now09:10
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oemwith wine09:10
aricis there a way, i can ghost a hard drive that has NTFS partition ?09:11
oemFuel might know09:11
smurphyaric: dd if=/dev/hda of=outfile.raw ?09:11
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arichow would i ghost it to a new hard drive? after using the dd command ?09:12
smurphyaric: dd if=outfile.raw of=/dev/hda09:12
smurphyturn it around. It's not really ghost - but it's a bit-to-bit copy of the original drive.09:13
smurphyIt has to have the exact same size.09:13
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aricokay.. i was wondering if there is a software to use09:13
aricexact same size hard drive ?09:13
smurphyThere is... Guess partimage ? or similar.09:13
smurphythat can do it.09:13
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ubotupartimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-15ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB09:14
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smurphyCan also do NTFS - but is marked as experimental.09:14
arichmm... i will try that out09:14
aricthank you smurphy09:16
smurphyNo problem :)09:16
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smurphySo - anyon here knows how I can get the system to fix my dpkg errors ?09:17
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smurphyErrors were encountered while processing:09:17
smurphy ulogd09:17
elijahhi everyone09:17
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geniismurphy: what does: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ulog*  show?09:26
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=== genii has a coffee during the lull
smurphygenii: no such file or directory :)09:32
smurphygenii - just came back from getting fresh coffee ...09:33
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smurphyProblem is -this is a Firewall I've set up using Busybox and some own scripts on a CF Card ... It copies all to Ram-FS and boots from that.09:33
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geniismurphy:looks like ulogd is the issue. try:   sudo apt-get install ulogd09:34
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geniiSeems like some other prog assumes it is installed already09:35
smurphyI am using ulogd and ulogd-mysql ... :)09:35
smurphyIt is installed ... I am using the ulog-extension to write to a remote mysql-db to generate dynamic blacklists on port-scanners ;)09:35
geniismurphy: Does ps ax|grep ulogd    show it running?09:35
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smurphyIt runs :) Check: http://www.solsys.org/mod.php?mod=systat&op=gnrstatus09:37
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smurphyulogd-mysql depends on ulogd (= 1.23-5); however:09:37
smurphy  Package ulogd is not configured yet.09:37
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bentob0xhi, I'm having problems sharing files using samba on my machine.  First off, my machine is setup on MSHOME and the second machine sees me in WORKGROUP.  Why is that?09:37
smurphyHmmm...Strange... Can be a result - as I built the Firewall first with Debian Sarge - then cross-upgraded to Ubuntu-LTS 6.06.1 .....09:37
geniismurphy  due to your setup my guess would be that since it runs from a ram fs that there is some tidy-up issue of not copying the dpkg details such as the state of what packages are in back to the CF card09:38
smurphyIf it's in the Cache directory - then yes. I ski[ the cache directories - as it's variable Data and not required for operation ...09:39
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smurphyBut - I am comming from the RedHat/Mandrake World (Was just fed-up with all their Marketing/Enterprise stuff - so looked for an alternative - and have to say - Kubuntu/Ubuntu Rulez).09:39
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geniismurphy You should copy at least the file /var/cache/debconf/config.dat back09:40
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smurphyWere do I get it from ??? *lol* It's not there... After a software upgrade etc. - I usually clean the caches ...09:41
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geniismurphy or elso do a sync before umounting the ramfs or mount it with sync as option so no unfinished wrotes09:41
geniiuninished *writes*09:42
geniibleh typos09:42
smurphyI do ... Wrote an application for that. Before a reboot etc. it flushes the buffers, syncs the Ram-FS with the CF-Card and reboots.09:42
smurphyShort shellscript - only about 1500 lines :)09:42
smurphycan I force the configured-flag somehow ???09:42
geniismurphy: OK, so sync is not the issue :) The dat file dor dpkg then seems to be the crux09:42
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smurphyyep ...09:43
geniidat file for dpkg09:43
geniiDoes dir /var/cache/debconf exist on the ramdisk?09:43
smurphyJust tried  dpkg --configure ulogd09:43
smurphyyep - exists.09:44
geniismurphy You want dpkg-reconfigure ulogd09:44
smurphyOk. Thx :)09:44
smurphy-> /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: ulogd is broken or not fully installed *lol*09:45
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ZadenHey room09:46
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miltoshi ppl:-] 09:46
Zadenis anyone here that can answer 2 questions i have09:46
smurphygenii: dpkg-reconfigure --force  ulogd :)09:46
smurphyseems to do the trick ...09:47
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geniismurphy Ok, was just looking up man dpkg for correct switches :)09:47
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firecrotch!ask | Zaden09:47
ubotuZaden: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:47
smurphyHehe... Sometimes I'm faster ;) Used to read Manapages since 1992 ;) so I usually know where to look for :)09:47
Zadenis Download Kubuntu 6.10 the full os or do i have to download something else?09:48
firecrotchZaden: It's the full OS09:48
smurphyZaden You can wodnload the full Internet if you want to - but the one disk usually is enough :)09:48
Zadenand how is the wifi support in kubuntu09:48
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geniismurphy Anyhow, you should make sure to copy the /var/cache/debconf/config.dat     back so it has correct package states09:49
smurphyZaden: Actually - I'm wifiing on a Mac-Mini - and utilization is very easy :)09:49
Zadenwell it detect my notebooks built-in wireless ?09:49
firecrotchZaden: It really depends on your wireless card.  Mine worked right out of the box, but others have problems09:49
smurphyThis Directory is synced by dfault ...09:49
smurphyZaden - what Notebook you have ?09:49
KuwangerHmm..  What's the least amount of RAM that's necessary to install, using the alternative ISO?09:50
ZadenWell i just ordered a new dell with amd duel core 2 TL-5609:50
firecrotchZaden: If it works when you're just running it as a Live CD, it should work fine when you install.09:50
smurphyIf I remember correctly - 20MB09:50
geniiKuwanger: 64Mb09:50
genii(in my experience)09:50
Zadenok and if im having issues with it while running the live cd. What shale i do?09:50
smurphyAh ? IO managed on 20 - but had to  -  after the bootup to create manually a swap of 60MB and use it ;)09:50
acemoanyone here has any experience with bluetooth headsets on kubuntu?09:51
ZadenReason why i ask the wifi questions is gentoo has shitty support for wireless09:51
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Zadenanyone want a legit non used vista serial?09:52
firecrotchZaden: I tried Gentoo once, and I had no clue what I was doing, but somehow my wireless card worked :)09:52
smurphyZaden: no... Thx ... Not using the stuff ... UT2k4 is running under Linux - so I don't need any windows stuff *lol809:52
KuwangerI assume it's possible to use loadlin instead of lilo or grub?09:52
smurphyKuwanger: yes. Shouldn't be an issue.09:52
Zadenya i never got it and they did not help me in the irc09:52
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Zadenso im hoping this works better09:53
firecrotchZaden: Can you give us the model of your laptop?09:53
Zadenif i an having a issue with my wireless and live cd does not work. What should i do to solve the problem09:53
ZadenDell Inspiron 150109:54
Zadenamd duel core 2 TL5609:54
Zaden1 gig of ram09:54
smurphyZaden: what chipset is it using ? ICH8/ICH7 ?09:55
Zadennot sure09:55
Zadenlet me search09:55
Zadeni get ti tomarrow or so fedex says so09:55
smurphyZaden: Issue the following command - and paste the result pls.: lspci | grep Ethernet09:55
smurphyI'll be offline for some minutes - have to reconfigure my Wlan-repeater - and it's on a nother Subnet with no Internet access ...09:56
Zadenone sec09:57
acemodell inspirion 1501 has Dell 1390 802.11g Mini Wireless Card09:57
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firecrotchZaden: You'll need to use ndiswrapper to get it to work, but that shouldn't be too much of a hassle09:57
Zadensmur im in xp right now09:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:58
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KuwangerWhat is "../main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/boot.img.gz"?09:59
firecrotchZaden: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092  This thread should help you out10:00
Zadenwhat doc am i looking for fire10:00
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acemoanyone here has any experience with bluetooth headsets on kubuntu?10:01
Zadenis that correct for me10:01
KuwangerAh..something for a 256MB USB stick.. :/10:01
KuwangerIf I plan to mount the .iso on loopback on a fat32 filesystem, should I use the cdrom/... files?10:02
firecrotchZaden: The thread that I linked to on ubuntuforums is specific to your laptop :)10:02
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Zadenyes it looks great10:02
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Zadeni guess i will just direct connect my top to install all the stuff i need then test wireless out10:03
CrypTomHi, is it possible to get pmount working with UUID? Meaning, I would like pmount to automatically mount my USB-devices on specific mount points based on the UUID.10:04
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Zadenhas anyone here heard of or used bluebug?10:04
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KuwangerCrypTom: Sounds like something udev could do.10:05
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fdovingCrypTom: sounds like something the kde media manager can do.10:06
fdovingCrypTom: put the device in and have it mount itself, then rightclick on it (on the desktop or media:/) -> properties -> mounting -> select mountpoint.10:07
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seven11i have a nvidia fx5200 how do i set up the drive at the moment i use nv10:09
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seven11nvidia driver help please10:10
CrypTomfdoving: ah, great, I will try. I tried fstab, but that did not work10:10
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CrypTomfdoving: I changed the mount point to my needs, unplugged and replugged it, but it still got mounted to the old mountpoint10:12
fdovingCrypTom: you can use fstab but it requires you to use /dev/disk/by-uuid/41BC-15D8 instead of for example /dev/sda110:13
seven11in system settings the graphics card is nvidia geforce fx (generic) and the driver is nv... how do i get the right driver10:13
fdovingCrypTom: hum. strange, hang on. i'll try.10:13
CrypTomfdoving: fstab: I tried UUID=hexcode  /mntpoint ... (and I tried auto and noauto)10:14
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fdovingCrypTom: /dev/disk/by-uuid/hexcode /mntpoint ....10:15
Zadendoes wine run on kubuntu10:15
bentob0xhow can my computer be seen on the network via Workgroup when I did set it up as mshome?10:15
acemoZaden, yes10:15
bentob0xdo I need to reload samba or something?10:15
fdovingbentob0x: yes, 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart' from a konsole.10:16
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bentob0xoh lord :(10:16
ZadenSorry for all the questions, What is the est install time it takes for kubuntu to fully install10:16
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seven11anybody nvidia driver help10:16
fdovingZaden: that all depends on your computer.10:16
acemoZaden, took me bout 30 min10:17
malik_is it a good idea to use compiz with kde?10:17
acemoincluding adjusting the configuration to my likes10:17
fdovingCrypTom: works for me, to change the mountpoint in the mediamanager-way.10:17
malik_n whats better eyecandy for kde compiz/beryl/metacity/kwin?10:17
Zadenso 20 to 30 mins on a 2ghz duel amd x2 core?10:17
fdovingmalik_: if you want those effects it's probably not that bad.10:17
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acemoZaden, about that should be yes10:18
jack_Jucato: hi, if i use a gnome application like gnucashhow can i manage that it looks just like the other kde apps?10:18
fdovingmalik_: kwin and metacity does barely have effects, compiz and beryl does have effects, beryl is overloaded with effects.10:18
fdovingmalik_: #ubuntu-effects got more info on that topic.10:18
CrypTomfdoving: in the properties dialog (you pointed out) I have no mount options set (exept mountpoint), is that correct? Or do I have to set "automount", which is done even without this option set10:18
seven11in system settings the graphics card is nvidia geforce fx (generic) and the driver is nv... how do i get the right driver10:19
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fdovingCrypTom: no, you don't have to set anything else. i know it's kinda weird that it automounts even without automount option enabled. but if you enable automounting it will automount before the popup askin you what to do appears.10:19
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smurphy_Anyone knows how to setup WPA on the CLI ? *lol*10:20
fdovingCrypTom: with automounting disabled, it doesn't mount until you close the popup. but i'm in the process of making it not mount when you select to 'do nothing'.10:20
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fdovingsmurphy_: get wpasupplicant.10:21
smurphy_fwdowing - it's in already ...10:21
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oemis there a grapgics manager or screen resolution manager for kubuntu?10:21
fdovingsmurphy_: then read /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/README.wpa_supplicant.conf.gz10:21
fdovingoem, krandrtray is nice.10:21
smurphy_But I have  Firewall I want it to run on - and no KDE/Gnome on it :)10:21
fdovingsmurphy_: you can read it with 'zless /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/README.wpa_supplicant.conf.gz'10:22
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CrypTomfdoving: well, it still mounts to the old mountpoint...10:23
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smurphy_fdoving - thx. I'll check it out :)10:23
fdovingCrypTom: weird.10:23
oemwhere do i get krandrtray?10:24
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fdovingoem, should already be installed. kmenu -> run -> 'krandrtray'10:24
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oemah yes much better lol ty10:26
smurphy_fdoving - where exactly has the wpasupplicant file has to reside ? I find 3 different locations - as described in /var/lib/dpkg/info/wpasupplicant.conffiles10:29
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intelikeysmurphy_ dpkg -L wpasupplicant10:30
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bentob0xis it me or the whole samba interface is very flakey?10:31
smurphy_bentobox: Nope - Windows is very flaky ...10:31
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bentob0xI'm on kubuntu10:31
smurphy_intelikey: Problem is rather - that I have no GUI for setting it up - and I just try to figure out how all that stuff fits together ...10:32
bentob0xI'm trying for the last week or so to share a folder on the network to a specified user so he can modify files and it's not working10:32
smurphy_bentobox: So why to you need samba then ?10:32
bentob0xcoz nfs didn't work10:32
bentob0x<- big linux noob10:32
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smurphy_nfs fifn't work ? under Linux ?10:32
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intelikeysounds more like a permissions issue to me.10:33
bentob0xyea, I decided to migrate my two office computers onto linux and its been fantastic for everything except networking10:33
bentob0xsamba, firestarter, user rights etc10:33
bentob0xheadaches and productivity drops10:33
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|GaiJin|ehm... finnes det en mte  slippe  restarte maskinen nr jeg setter inn en SATA disk. Det er tilsynelatende lett i windows, men jeg vil ha det her p denne maskinen...10:34
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smurphy_bentobox: I have 6 Computers over here... I use NFS only for installation DVD's - all the other stuff use  sshfs. more secure ;)10:34
bentob0xok so can anybody help me going back on the productivity tracks please10:34
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bentob0xI want to share my /var/www/ folder to one user only10:34
bentob0xfor full access10:34
smurphy_bentob0x: nfs is easyer.10:34
bentob0xI don't mind the method, I just want it to work on the network without compromising security10:35
smurphy_bentob0x: MAke sure you have the users with the same Id's on both sides. E.g.: id <username> shoudl show the same user=ID on all computers;10:35
|GaiJin|Doh... wrong channel10:35
bentob0xah and what if it isn't the same id?10:35
smurphy_Then - configure NFS. Make sure nfs-server is installed on the nfs-server.10:35
smurphy_bentob0x - then you have to adapt the ID's ...10:35
|GaiJin|Is there a way to get linux to discover a Sata disk as I plug it in, without reboot??10:36
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smurphy_NFS/Samba etc. works with user ID's. The Username is not important.10:36
smurphy_GaiJin: Depends on your Hardware. Might work.10:36
|GaiJin|got any reading material?10:36
bentob0xok smurphy_, I'm going to have a look at it then and come back to you in a minute10:36
bentob0xthx for help10:37
smurphy_GaiJin: not at hand. no. I have it running on an Epia-Board. I just force the system to rescan the S-ATA bus. That's all.10:37
smurphy_bentob0x: p.10:37
smurphy_sorry folks - I'll be offline for some minutes ... Have to reconfigure another Network-Box.10:37
perrinhi,  can anyone help me with a display / font issue? you can see it at http://tinyurl.com/38q7ko.  the text in the box is add and pixelated, and i cant seem to work out how to change it.  Its in other programs as well, not just the displayed one.  Thanks!10:37
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intelikeynumeric user/group id's will work   although if they very from one box to another you may give two or more users full access to the files.10:38
alainil y a des franais ? :/10:39
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:39
=== genii hands intelikey a large black coffee
intelikeyno jave here dude  and i don't do windows either10:40
intelikeyjava even10:40
=== Skuller envies intelikey for getting a coffee
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=== intelikey passes it on to skuller,,, better than pouring it out i guess.
bentob0xok I've disabled my samba deamon all together and shared the folder /var/www/ via NFS with NFS Options Public (checked) and Writeable (checked)10:41
bentob0xbut I don't linke the idea of having that folder publicly shared10:42
=== Skuller thanx intelikey....but suddenly remembers that his mum told caffeine is bad for health..so returns it to intelikey
bentob0xnow, what do I need to use on the other computer to see the network share?10:43
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=== intelikey </shakes head> no no keep it.
bentob0xas we won't use samba from now so no samba client right?10:43
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=== Skuller wonders what he will do with a cup of coffee he cant drink...<as if his sister wasnt enough to give him a hard time>
=== Ash-Fox would use samba over nfs in most cases.
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intelikeyi don't know anything about networking.   i'd be forced to just use ssh     that's all i know.10:45
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perrinhi,  can anyone help me with a display / font issue? you can see it at http://tinyurl.com/38q7ko - the text in the box is odd and pixelated, and i cant seem to work out how to change it.  Its in other programs as well, not just the displayed one.  Thanks!hi,  can anyone help me with a display / font issue? you can see it at http://tinyurl.com/38q7ko.  the text in the box is add and pixelated, and i cant seem to work out how to change10:46
perrinit.  Its in other programs as well, not just the displayed one.  Thanks!10:46
perrinwoah sorry10:47
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=== Skuller Skuller wants a coffee :( :P
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perrinill make you a great coffee if u can help me :P10:50
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bcochofelHi, I'm from Portugal and I've installed Kubuntu 6.10. I'm having troubles with my keyboard10:51
bcochofelWhere can I set the correct key layout?10:51
Smurphy_System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse10:52
Smurphy_Sorry - in regional & Language ;)10:52
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Smurphy_DEfine there the Keyboard layout.10:52
bcochofelSmurphy_: I've done that but still I can't use my accents10:53
bentob0xI have enabled  NFS now so how can I see this machine from the other machine?10:53
bcochofelI don't have the LANG vars set and I don't know why?10:54
Smurphy_on the other machine - issue the command: showmount -e <server-ip>10:54
Ash-Foxbcochofel, you probably didn't install the needed locales10:54
Smurphy_bcochofel: yep... Click on install Language.10:55
bcochofelSmurphy_: Something like kde-18ln-pt?! I have.10:56
bentob0xeither it's not doing anything or it's taking a very long time to do something10:56
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Smurphy_bentob0x: This should show you if the NFS Server is providing you mount-point/share :)10:56
bcochofelI don't have accents even on the login screen10:56
Smurphy_bentob0x: What command exactly did you enter ?10:56
bentob0xshowmount -e
Smurphy_bentob0x: is the NFS-Server ? or is the router ?10:57
bentob0xit's still blinking10:57
teacherhey. How can I sort by size in konsole ????????? and print by name??????????10:57
bentob0xit's this  machine,10:57
bentob0xthe NFS-Server10:57
Smurphy_bcohifel: in that case - add a language for the keyboard...10:57
intelikeyhowto find what HorizSync & VertRefresh    i cau use ?    looked in xorg.conf figuring to find a range  but it never mentions them ?10:57
Smurphy_the local machine ?10:57
Smurphy_bentob0x: the local machine ?10:57
Smurphy_then issue: showmoune -e localhost10:58
teacherhey. How can I sort by size in konsole ????????? and print by name??????????10:58
bentob0xok got you10:58
bentob0xExport list for localhost:10:58
bentob0x/var/www (everyone)10:58
intelikeyteacher man sort10:58
Smurphy_bantob0x: Argh... No security at all ! *lol* if I have access to your Lan - I can do all with your files :)10:59
bentob0xaherm ...10:59
Smurphy_bentob0x: Ok - so you have access to it: No try to mount that directory locally - using nfs.10:59
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Smurphy_betnob0x: mount -t nfs localhost:/var/www /mnt/nfs10:59
Smurphy_bentob0x: make sure you create /mnt/nfs first10:59
Smurphy_bentob0x: then issue: mount11:00
intelikeyman sort   man ls   paying attention to -s    teacher11:00
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Smurphy_bentobox: should show you a new mount point under: /mnt/nfs11:00
bentob0xok this works11:00
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Smurphy_bentobox: OK. I would opt to set a little bit more security: You /etc/exports file - adapt it and make sure you have:11:01
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bcochofelSmurphy_: I have done that also. I have accents under ttyN, the problem is only under X1111:01
Smurphy_bentobox: /var/www (rw,sync,root_squash) - this would restrict super-user access a little - also - I'd put your Lan in front: to restrict access to the local LAN only.11:01
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bentob0xso basically : /var/www,sync,root_squash)?11:02
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intelikeyseems there is always more than one way to debark a felion11:03
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Smurphy_bcochofel: Then under system settings -> regional Language -> Keyboard Layout - Enable the Button : Enable KLeyboard Layouts. This will put you a button in Kicker bar - and there - select which keyboard you want to use.11:03
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Smurphy_bcohoftel: You need to have this options configure though - to have the portugues keyboard layout enabled ;)11:03
Smurphy_betnob0x: Yep. Correct. restart the exportfs-directove with: exportfs -ra - and the system should reread the conf-file.11:04
|GaiJin|Smurphy_: About the rescanning of the S-ATA bus, mind giving me a hand??11:04
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Smurphy_GaiJin: Did that 6 months ago. don't remember. I took the hints from a SCSI list at that time...11:05
bentob0xexportfs: could not open /var/lib/nfs/etab for locking11:05
bentob0xexportfs: can't lock /var/lib/nfs/etab for writing11:05
bentob0xis this normal?11:05
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Smurphy_bentob0x: prepend a sudo in front. e.g. sudo exportfs -ar :)11:05
|GaiJin|Smurphy_: okies...11:06
bentob0xoh lord11:06
bentob0xk done11:06
bentob0xand working11:06
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:06
Smurphy_bentob0x: Under ubuntu- you are a standard user. You always need remmber that system stuff requires sometimes Admin-access ;)11:06
Smurphy_alain: OUaips - mauvais channel ici... C'est anglais :)11:06
bentob0xhehe yes I know, just that when pressure is on you forget those basic things11:06
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Smurphy_bentob0x: Yeah :) Happens to me under Windows :) *rotflbtc*11:07
bcochofelSmurphy_: isn't there a system config option?11:07
bcochofelSmurphy_: for kdm?11:07
Smurphy_bcochtel: Hmmm. Dunnoi - never troied. I work with 6 languages over here - so I require that ...11:07
bentob0xok now my mount is all strange11:09
bentob0xthe /mnt/nfs thing11:09
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bentob0x--------- ? ?    ?       ?                ? nfs11:09
bentob0xthat's what I have11:09
Smurphy_bentob0x: before you modify the system setting s- you should of course unmount that ;)11:09
Smurphy_bentob0x: umount /mnt/nfs11:09
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Smurphy_and then remount :)11:09
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bcochofelSmurphy_: even with the PT flag under toolbar I'm not able to use accents in the kconsole11:09
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bcochofelSmurphy_: is there any other package needed?11:10
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Smurphy_Ah 0 this might be the Leyboard type in X configuration.11:10
intelikeyoh KRAP!  ulimit not working for root11:10
bentob0xk I'm getting permission denied now11:10
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bentob0xno it works with IP11:11
bentob0xnot with localhost11:11
Smurphy_bentob0x: yes - you can't mount using the localhost :) As localhost ( is not allowed. only the local IP ... can mount it :)11:11
bentob0xI suppose it's due to the changes in the exports file11:12
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bentob0xk got it11:12
bentob0xit starts to make sense now11:12
Smurphy_bcochofel: Edit your X-Confioguration file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf and adapt the correct keyboard. Should do the trick.11:12
Smurphy_bentob0x: Had ablut 120 Systems using NFS - I had to understand how it works *lol*11:12
bentob0xyea I'd like to get a good book to learn the guts of it11:12
Smurphy_bcochofel: Then restart X-windows - e.g. logout, and in KDM tell it to restart the x-Server.11:13
Smurphy_bentob0x: 15Year Linux experience ... No book pays off there ;)11:13
bcochofelSmurphy_: that's why I think there's something wrong. I have. My xorg.conf is equal to one that I have on ubuntu (even the keyboard is the same) and under ubuntu works11:13
intelikeyor ctrl+alt+backspace11:13
Smurphy_bcochofel: hat does the line XkbLayout and XkbVariant in /etc/X11/xorg.conf look like ?11:14
Smurphy_bentob0x: Now - all you ave to do is to mount that nfs-server from the reote boxes. Try it out.11:14
bcochofelthe GDM conf has something for setxkbmap and xmodmap and I don't see that in KDM11:14
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bentob0xyep, I just did but it seems to take a while11:15
Smurphy_bentob0x: if it works - add an entry in /etc;/fstab for these to be ounted at boot-up and you;re doine.11:15
intelikeywhy will ulimit not work for root on this box?11:15
Smurphy_bcochofel: Cause under KDE - the user can decide what to use...11:15
intelikeyoh wait. i think i know.    it's not a login shell it's su -    ...11:15
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bentob0xthat command is still running11:16
bcochofelXkbLayout pt11:17
Smurphy_bentob0x: whic command ? remote box ?11:17
bentob0xsudo mount -t nfs /mnt/www_laurent11:18
Smurphy_bcochofel: Do you see the "Flag" button in kicker ???11:18
bentob0xthat's  on the remote machine11:18
Smurphy_bentob0x: on which host you do that ?11:18
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intelikeywell ulimit works for logins  so i guess that will do.    odd that ulimit wont work on   su -11:18
bcochofelSmurphy_: yes, portuguese flag11:18
Smurphy_bentob0x: ok - you have a firewall running on your Server ? Packet-Filter ?11:18
Maskfind . -size +0c -printf '%s\n' | sort -n11:18
Smurphy_bcochofel: Then open a konsole - and type what you want ... to check.11:19
Maskfind . -size +0c -printf '%s\n' | sort -n this is printing size. I want name??    ?????11:19
Smurphy_bentobox: Then disable the firewall - just for testing ... :)11:19
Maskintelikey find . -size +0c -printf '%s\n' | sort -n this is printing size. I want name??    ?????11:19
bentob0xSmurphy_: by having this in exports : /var/www/,sync,root_squash), does it not restrict it only to 0.0?11:19
Smurphy_bentobox: is the netmask. it restricts it to up to - all in between can access it.11:20
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Smurphy_bentob0x: BTW - you have access it with didn't you ? ;)11:21
intelikeyMask what's wrong with   ls -S   ?11:21
bentob0xwhat you mean? locally?11:21
bentob0xon the same machine?11:21
Smurphy_bentob0x: In a console on your NFS-Server (Where te firewall is active) checik the firewall logs - eventually even a dmesg should gove you informations which ports are locking it all.11:21
Smurphy_yes - but we used the IP of the machine :)11:22
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bcochofelSmurphy_: still no good11:22
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bcochofelmy menus have both portuguese and english strings11:23
bentob0xlooks like port 11111:23
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Smurphy_bcochofel: in that case - don't know what is wrong ...11:23
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Smurphy_bcochofel: Ah - that's because not all menus have been translated :) *lol*11:23
Smurphy_bentob0x: ok - Enable access to port 111 for the Lan - and it should work.11:24
Smurphy_bentob0x: eventually - the portmapper also wants to access ... But check with that one first. it's been 9 years I used NFS through a firewall :) *lol*11:24
bcochofelok, thanks11:24
Smurphy_bcochofel: You can join the translation team ... it's a hell of a work - and nobody thansk you for it. I know by experience. I translated KDE 1.0 from englisch to French *lol*11:25
bentob0xwhat's port 973?11:25
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Smurphy_don't know: grep 973 /etc/services11:26
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Smurphy_doesn't exist...11:26
bcochofelSmurphy_: I believe that isn't the problem, I have another kubuntu that has all the menus in portuguese but the keys has the same problem11:26
bentob0xnothing on grep 97311:27
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Smurphy_bcochofel: I don't know what's wrong then... Sorry.11:27
bcochofelSmurphy_: all pcs with ubuntu have the right kbd, I'm only getting problems w kubuntu11:27
Smurphy_betnob0x: I know. tried it here ...11:27
Smurphy_bcochofel: Eventually the wrong keyboard-type configure in kubuntu.11:28
ubotupt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.11:28
bentob0xbcochofel: try #kde maybe?11:28
bentob0xthey are aware of some issues that is kde-specific on ubuntu11:28
intelikeyMask or did you mean     find . -size +0c -print       find . -size +0c -exec echo '{}' \;      or some other veriant ?     but if i had a clue what and why i could probably give better addvice.11:31
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geniibentob0x: Look up any standard port number assignment at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers  It may also be some remapped port for a common service in your case.11:41
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geniibentob0x: sudo netstat -a|grep 973 may give you some clue11:41
bentob0xnow I just got some 614 port blocked by my firewall11:42
bentob0xagain, the mount command doens't work11:42
bentob0xit hangs11:42
bentob0xjuts got a timed out reply11:42
bentob0xwhat's npmp-gui?11:44
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bentob0xshould I create a rule in my firewall to open 614?11:51
Smurphy_yes ...11:52
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Smurphy_but check the logs first ...11:52
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bentob0xwhich logs?11:53
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bentob0xok it's mounted now but on read-only11:54
Smurphy_bentobox: why read only ?11:54
bentob0xI mean the other machine doesn't have write access11:55
intelikeyi just couldn't stand it anymore  i deleted 20 links from rcS.d and 28 from rc<default_runlevel>.d     sorry guys i simply can not tolerate the default setup.    i really tried hard to keep it default.11:56
miltosfor your info ...vlc doen't work well with kubuntu...I reinstalled kubuntu cause i thought there was a problem with the sound...but the problem was with VLC media player...11:56
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bentob0xvlc works fine here miltos11:57
miltosmovie player works pretty well11:57
miltosI've no sound with VLC11:57
intelikeythose 48 scripts not running at boot time should help  maybe i can leave the rest as is for now.11:57
intelikeymiltos so tell vlc to use alsa output11:58
intelikeyit's confiturable11:58
miltos<intelikey> how do i tell it?11:58
intelikeyconfigurable maybe.11:58
intelikeyin it's menu11:58
intelikeytime to go later folks.11:58
miltos<intelikey>there is no such a thing in VLC11:59
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bentob0xSmurphy_: I have this line in exports as we did earlier on : /var/www/,sync,root_squash)12:02
bentob0xbut still, the second machine doesn't have write access12:02
oemi cannot get my game to use more ram off of my agp card can anyone help me12:02
oemthe card isnt rendeeeeering the graphics quickly enough12:03
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Smurphy_bentob0x: Root will not have write access. only a user with the same uid as on the server itself :)12:03
oemanyone help me?12:03
bentob0xok and how can I set that up?12:04
bentob0xoem: what's your video card?  did you install the right drivers?12:04
oemsec let me install a different set12:05
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Smurphy_check the user id's .. Or root write access ???12:05
bentob0xeeh no :)12:05
bentob0xso what would be the best policy for this?12:06
bentob0xshould I create a userid on the server with a specific ID and create the same ID on the client machine and then mount using that user?12:06
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bentob0xwhere could I get a good tutorial/howto/article on user management etc?12:07
Smurphy_dunno :) /etc/passwd ??? :)12:07
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carolaich hab ein problem ... :( ich hab mit adept ein paar pakete aus gnome installiert, neugestartet, und nun startet gnome statt kde. was muss ich denn tun damit kde wieder startet?12:10
geniibentob0x: http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/managing-users.html is a very good start. Some paths on debian/ubuntu linux are a bit different but not much.12:10
carolauhm, i installed some packaged with adept, and now gnome starts up as default. what can i do to change back to kde?12:10
genii!de | carola12:10
ubotucarola: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:10
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geniicarola mit console installiert gnome: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:12
geniicarola KDE: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:13
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carolagenii: thats already installed12:14
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geniicarola In the display manager you can select the session type12:15
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genii(where you login)12:15
carolagenii: ok, so i'll try again :)12:15
carolathx so far :)12:15
geniicarola :)12:15
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geniiWow, quiet in here now12:19
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=== Jucato pours hot tea over genii
Jucatoscream boy. scream12:20
=== genii runs around screaming, knocking crap over left right and centre !
geniiN o wonder I hate tea12:21
oemi need the rrepository page please12:22
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oemany one help me?12:29
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geniioem http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/12:33
geniioem for whatever country prepend archive with country code12:33
geniieg us.archive.ubuntu.com12:33
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bonbonthejon!source-o-matic | oem12:38
ubotuoem: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:38
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SolidSourceanyone else feel like taking an axe to their computer besides me?12:40
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waylandbillSolidSource: everyday!!12:42
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oemok i am installing or trying to install a newer driver for my nvidia card from this addy    http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_1.0-7184.html12:43
oemcan some one tell me how i am supposed to install it?12:44
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SolidSourceoem: tried nvidia-glx from the repos already?12:44
oemyes it isnt rendering right i need a tool kit so i can adjust it12:45
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bazhow do you get adept to install packages such as g++? ive tried all sorts and t doesnt pick up any additional packages12:45
oemit wont give me the settings tool kit without taking the glx away12:45
SolidSourceoem: it does12:45
SolidSourceoem: just doesn't do it like you think12:46
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SolidSourceoem: use run command and type "nvidia-settings"12:46
oemso how does it do it then?12:46
oemit did12:46
oemi did *12:46
SolidSourcethen it should bring up a window for ya12:47
oemlink for pastebin please12:47
oema generic one yes but not the window i neeed12:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:47
SolidSourceoem: hmm ok, well it should work anyway if you changed your xorg.conf file right12:48
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oemyou looking at the link?12:49
jake__hi everybody, anybody using here the CREOX?12:50
miltosvery strange as movie player and kaffeine plays well all media video files, but VLC plays them with no sound...12:50
oemi do not know how to change xorg.conf file12:50
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SolidSourceoem: and nvidia-glx installed correctly with linux-restricted-modules?12:50
oemyes i installed the nvidia glx correctly got my game to play in three d however it isnt rerndering fast enough isnt using any ram.....and i have plenty12:51
gemidjyI delete ~/.mozilla and yet firefox gets the old settings...strange12:51
bazhow do you get adept to install aditional packages? i need to install g++ and other development tools but it cant find them12:52
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gemidjybaz: build-essentians12:52
SolidSourceoem: lol well using the driver from nvidia's site won't help12:52
gemidjybaz: *build-essentials12:52
bazsorry i dont understand?12:53
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SolidSourceoem: well check your xorg.conf file (commnad to access = kdesu kate "/etc/X11/xorg.conf")12:53
SolidSourceoem: ensure that "nv" is changed to "nvidia"12:53
jake__help guys ive installed the creox guitar fx, but it seems that its not functioning12:55
blindsidehey guys  im using syslinux and its failing because it cant recognize "mcopy"12:56
blindsideit says command no found12:56
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oemis that sudo kdesu  ?12:59
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oemis that sudo kdesu12:59
SolidSourceoem: no, just kdesu12:59
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oemin terminal or run12:59
SolidSourceoem: sudo is for command line and kdesu is for graphical01:00
SolidSourceeither or command is the same01:00
SolidSourcekdesu = to run graphical app as SU01:00
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oemwould that be the same as going to monitor and system settings then clicking on admin then click on hardware ?01:04
oembecasue kdesu doesnt bring anything up01:04
SolidSourceoem: actually no01:04
oemok then let me reboot and see if the kdesu works then01:06
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SolidSourceoem: dont' reboot01:06
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SolidSourceoem: just crtl+alt+backspace01:07
nosrednaekimreboot == windows01:08
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oemi need to run for about 30 min i will be back01:11
SolidSourcethat was all one command01:12
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oemone command01:12
SolidSourceno that was only a piece of the command01:12
oemwhat do you mean01:12
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SolidSourcecopy whats in quotes and paste into konsole "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:13
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BruceLeedsHallo alle: Wenn ich eine Kubuntu-CD brenne aus einem Iso, muss ich die CD dann als bootable brennen?01:15
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nosrednaekim!de | BruceLeeds01:15
ubotuBruceLeeds: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:15
BruceLeedssorry - wrong channel ;-) mixed it up01:15
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pinguin_hallo allerseits01:16
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pinguin_jemand hier, der mir mit einer Frage zu sylog weiterhelfen kann01:19
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nosrednaekim!de | pinguin_01:20
ubotupinguin_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:20
rickvanniekerkHow do I get widescreen support in Kubuntu_01:20
nosrednaekimrickvanniekerk: do you mean HD or 1280X800?01:21
SolidSourcerickvanniekerk: I just went into kcontrol and selected the right resolution....thats all its based off anyway01:21
rickvanniekerknosrednaekim: 1280x80001:21
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:21
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nosrednaekimrickvanniekerk: whats your video card?01:23
rickvanniekerkSolidSource: i915 I think01:23
miltoshow do i put the trash bin on my desktop?01:23
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:24
nosrednaekimrickvanniekerk: ^^^^01:24
rickvanniekerknosrednaekim: thx01:24
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frtmonsterhi, how can i disable my laptop's touchpad?01:26
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miltoshow do i put the trash bin on my desktop?01:28
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fdovingmiltos: you can follow http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/09/24/how-to-add-the-trash-can-to-your-kubuntu-desktop/01:29
miltosfdoving, thanks01:30
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bentob0xI have a DNS-323 on the network and I'm on Kubuntu, when I use accents ( etc.), it works fine on my machine but once a file with accents is copied onto the DNS, it gets stange characters onto it01:33
bentob0xthe DNS-323 has samba on it01:33
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bentob0xit seems to work fine when accessing a file via a windows machine01:33
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smilehello linux world01:35
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miltosfdonving, yes now i have a trash on my desktop...thank you again very helpful indeed!!!!01:35
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frojndI have problem with mms protocol01:36
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smilei've a problem with Beryl inkubuntu dapper, i installed it but it freeze all widow & i cant see decoration of windows ... any help plz ?????01:36
frojndmy path is set to /usr/bin/vlc01:36
frojndbut vlc can't play vmw..01:36
frojndhow can I set for vmw formats for mplayer..01:36
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smilefrojnd: wmv not vmw !!01:37
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smilefrojnd: it's a format specified to windows .. u can just hear voice .. no video .. right ?01:38
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frojndanyway it doesn't play when I click on a link..01:38
rickvanniekerknosrednaekim: I can't find the 915resolution pack01:38
frojndyes,,, just voice01:38
frojndand for that  I wanna set mms protocol to mplayer..01:38
xenaliseI hate silly little bugs01:38
frojndjust don't know where is mplayer P01:38
SolidSourcesmile: beryl doesn't work with dapper, XGL works in edgy and beryl and xgl both work in feisty....one reason is xserver and the other is kernel01:38
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xenaliseberyl works in edgy01:39
nosrednaekimrickvanniekerk: do you have universe repositories enabled?01:39
xenaliseI've had it running before01:39
xenaliseQuite nicely too :P01:39
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smileSolidSource: but AIXGL workded fine .. but just beryl freeze my windows01:39
smilefrojnd: u want play mms radio internet ?01:40
rickvanniekerknosrednaekim: I don't know. How do I check it?01:40
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frojndsmile: mms videos...01:40
SolidSourcesmile: yes, xgl does work, but beryl is different and very unstable01:40
frojndsmile: mms://wmedia.siol.net/glasbeni_video_spoti/moby_and_mylene_farmer-sliping_away.wmv01:40
nosrednaekim!universe | rickvanniekerk01:41
smilefrojnd: u can play it via Firefox ?01:41
uboturickvanniekerk: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:41
frojndsmile: how ?01:41
smileSolidSource: but Compiz too dont work to me :-(01:41
smileSolidSource: it works with Edgy !01:41
smilefrojnd: follow me ...01:42
SolidSourcesmile: beryl and compiz are essencially the same...01:42
frojndsmile: be my guide01:42
SolidSourcesmile: again dapper doesn't have the kernel nor xserver versions that edgy gets01:42
smilefrojnd: (1.) Open Firefox, type "about:config" (no quotes) in the address window, and click enter.01:43
frojndsmile: done01:43
smileSolidSource: so ? no solution to run Compiz or Beryl ? :-(01:43
smilefrojnd: (2.) Right click on the window and choose <New>, then <String> from the pop-up menu that appears.01:43
frojndsmile: done01:44
SolidSourcesmile: none for dapper that I know of, edgy has work arounds01:44
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smilefrojnd: (3.) In the first pop-up box, enter: "network.protocol-handler.app.mms" (no quotes,01:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:44
frojndsmile: done01:44
smilefrojnd:  and it might just be easier to cut 'n paste this into the box).01:45
smileSolidSource: ok .. i should forget so ?!01:45
frojnd"this" ?01:45
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frojndah.. u mean networt.protocol01:45
SolidSourcesmile: that or upgrade01:46
frojndI copy paste it, smile01:46
smilefrojnd: (4.) In the next pop-up box enter the path to Kaffeine (e.g. "/usr/bin/kaffaine").01:46
SolidSourcesmile with feisty coming, upgrade is good01:46
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frojndsmile: done01:46
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smileSolidSource: if i upgrade Dapper .. it becomes Edgy ?01:46
frojndwhat e.g. means01:47
smilefrojnd: (5.) Now, click in the main window again but choose <New> <Boolean>01:47
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:47
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SolidSourcesmile: yes, feisty isn't released yet01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:47
frojndsmile: done01:47
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)01:47
smileSolidSource: but i will get a problem .. my ADSL modem is not supported to Edgy .. just Dapper :-(01:48
smilefrojnd: (6.) In the first pop-up box, enter: "network.protocol-handler.external.mms"01:48
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frojndsmile: done01:48
smilefrojnd: (7.) In the second pop-up select <True>.01:48
SolidSourcesmile: well if you must have it, you might get lucky with searching01:48
frojndsmile: done01:49
smilefrojnd: 8 .. that's all ;-) ..  try to play01:49
smileSolidSource: i searched for 1 month .. it'sn't supported to the kernel of Edgy01:49
frojndsmile: I click on a link but no kaffeine starts nor new window or anything..01:50
SolidSourcesmile: was meaning searching for beryl work arounds01:50
smilefrojnd: u have kaffein in ur computer ?01:50
frojndofocures, smile01:51
smileSolidSource: i found a howto that says that Beryl isn't stable with Dapper01:51
frtmonsterhow can i disable my laptop's touchpad?01:51
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SolidSourcesmile: yeah, its not all that stable in edgy either, though it works for the most part in it01:51
smilefrojnd: really i dont know what happen ... i had the same problem but i solved it like that !!!01:52
smilefrojnd: now i can play mms protocole fine01:52
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frojndthat's strange, I thought it was the path, but kaffeine is in /usr/binkaffeine :s01:52
frojndhm hm01:52
smileSolidSource: what u have in ur computer ?01:52
smileSolidSource: Compiz or beryl ?01:53
SolidSourcesmile: beryl01:53
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smileSolidSource: Dapper or Edgy or feizy ?01:53
SolidSourcesmile: edgy01:53
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smilefrojnd: try to replace /usr/bin/kaffeine by /usr/bin/vlc01:54
smileSolidSource: lucky one ;-p01:54
smileSolidSource: thank u anyway :-)01:54
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smilefrojnd: so ??01:56
rickvanniekerkWhy can't I chose 1200x800 in kcontrol, when It's listed in xorg.conf?01:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:56
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miltosi don't have sound on VLC player...any ideas?01:57
frojndsmile: vlc opens but no video01:57
frojndeven no music so far :)01:57
miltosvlc opens video:yes, sound:no01:58
rickvanniekerkWhy can't I chose 1200x800 in kcontrol, when It's listed in xorg.conf?02:00
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smilefrojnd: try this (mms://stream.mosaiquefm.net/mosaique64k) and tell me if u hear music .. it's the tunisian radio02:00
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frojndsmile: it's no music02:01
smilefrojnd: u hear radio ?02:01
frojndsmile: mo..02:02
frojndno, nothing smile02:02
ecetahmazhas got any virtual machine program at linux02:02
smilefrojnd: try this (mms://vip6.yacast.fr/encodercheriefm )02:03
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frojndsmile, tha same as other02:04
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smilefrojnd: r u sure that u followed instructions correctly ?02:04
frojndyes :)02:04
frojndI am sure02:04
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smilefrojnd: be sure too that ur internet connection is working fine !02:04
smilefrojnd: i will stop here ... this should work !!!02:05
frojndsmile: I'll try to reinstall kaffeine, couse lately I have some problems with it02:05
ecetahmazi need acrobat writer or similar program for linux..... is any body know?02:05
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frojndand set path to /usr/bin/kaffeine02:06
smilefrojnd: u have amarok ?02:06
bxnpscribus ecetahmaz02:06
SolidSourceecetahmaz: sudo apt-get install acroread02:06
bentob0xhow can I make my konsole prompt: user@localhost:~$  in a different color?02:06
frojndsmile: yes02:06
SolidSourceecetahmaz: oh writer......openoffice can write PDFs02:06
ecetahmazsoidsource: cheers02:06
smilefrojnd: try to replace kaffaine by amarok and try to play the  last radio02:06
smilefrojnd: /usr/bin/amarok02:07
SolidSourceoem: change "nv" to "nvidia" where present and then save and then ctrl+alt+backspace02:07
smilefrojnd: & play the radio in firefox02:07
ecetahmazsolidsource; i`m trying now02:07
frojndsmile: nothing happens02:08
frojndsmile: something is happeninc..02:08
smilefrojnd: what ?  buffering ?02:09
frojndsomething like that02:09
smilefrojnd: u should wait buffering some seconds !!02:09
miltoswhat's the default path for x11 cursor?02:10
frojndI have to go, lunch02:10
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rickvanniekerkWhat program does Kubuntu use to connect to Wirless networks?02:12
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SolidSourcerickvanniekerk: knetworkmanager or wassistant02:12
oemthis one to?    Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] "02:12
SolidSourceoem: anywhere that "nv" apears alone change to "nvidia"02:13
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ecetahmaz<SolidSource> I couldnt openoffice with the PDF. It is ascii code02:17
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SolidSourceecetahmaz: hmm try what bxnp said then ...scribus...or try searching in adept/synaptic for pdf writer02:19
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ecetahmazsolidsource: thanx i will go 4 it02:20
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SolidSourcewho says you can't have your way....blackdown and nspluginwrapper is my new friend02:21
senweihi all02:23
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bxnpecetahmaz: http://www.scribus.net/02:24
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bxnpecetahmaz: did you visit the link02:26
ZadenIs it worth download the 4 gig amd iso from torrent02:26
Zadenor just the basic live cd02:27
SolidSourceZaden: for the most part...the CD is fine02:27
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jefftoHi everybody02:27
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bxnpZaden: what kind of iso you are want to download02:28
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jefftoI've a question related to setup kubuntu edgy local hour, I have another operative sistem installed but kubuntu's hour never is the right hour of my country, how I can reconfigure that, I think that when I installed I don't use the right option for hour02:29
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ecetahmazbxnp not yet i`m going to o now02:30
bxnpoke and join #scribus on this server02:30
bxnpjeffto: right click on the clocl and reconfigure it02:31
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Zadenthe i386.iso  will install on a amd correct02:32
faidillingerhi there02:32
fdovingZaden: correct.02:32
faidillingercan somebody tell me how do i recompile my kernel ( i need some audio with low latency ) with kubuntu edgy 6.10 ??02:32
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bxnpand ecetahmaz was that what you whre looking for02:33
jefftobxnp, yes but alway that I restart the hour changes02:34
SolidSourceoem: working now?02:34
yamaljeffto: see the UTC option in /etc/default/rcS02:35
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jefftoI'm ther, I active UTC=yes or not?02:35
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yamaljeffto: if you have windows on your pc as well as linux, it should be "no" (because time is kept in localtime)02:36
ecetahmazsolid source & bxnp: scribus release is ok?02:36
jefftoactually I found that this option is no....02:37
fuel how do i move read messages automatically to some other folder in kmail ?02:37
jefftodid I have to change some option on BIOS system?02:38
SolidSourceecetahmaz: looks to be the latest02:38
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SolidSourceecetahmaz: go here and add the repo and install that way02:39
SolidSourceecetahmaz: http://www.scribus.net/index.php?name=Sections&req=viewarticle&artid=4&page=102:39
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faidillingeranyone knows how i can associate firefox with ktorrent so that when i click on a torrent file it launches ktorrent ??02:41
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miltosis out there any good RSS reader?02:45
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ubotuakregator: RSS feed aggregator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 669 kB, installed size 2260 kB02:46
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SolidSourceakregator is built in02:46
ubotuprevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details02:46
miltosSolidSource, akregator doen't show messages on the desktop...02:47
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SolidSourcemiltos: I don't use RSS, so wouldn't know anything else02:48
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delphineok, do threats work here? ;)02:49
delphineie. if I don't solve my problem, i am back to the dark side of the force...02:49
delphinehello all02:49
delphineI am at a loss as to what is wrong with my brand new install of kubuntu02:49
delphineusb does not work02:50
delphineand network works once out of twice02:50
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delphineplease save me :)02:51
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cccfaidillinger: i don't use firefox, but it's probably somewhere in prefs > mime types -- something02:56
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faidillingerccc: tanks a lot, i already found out how to do this02:56
faidillingergoogle is our friend02:56
delphineI've been googling for three days02:56
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delphineto no avail :(02:57
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ecetahmazsolidsource cheers02:59
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alanhaggaiI need to run a script when the router gets an IP. How to do it?03:02
jhutchinsdelphine: more helpful to know what does happen than what doesn't.03:04
jhutchinsalanhaggai: I think you might find what you need in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ipup or something like that.03:05
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: Have a look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Diald-HOWTO.html for possible examples.03:06
alanhaggaijhutchins:  Let me try that :)03:06
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alanhaggaiBut I am using broadband with a router. And so is it PPP?03:06
alanhaggaiI have no idea regarding this.03:07
BluesKaj'Morning All :)03:07
alanhaggaiBluesKaj: Good morning :)03:07
SolidSourceblueskaj: run run away!!03:07
BluesKajwhat's the prob SS ? :)03:07
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: It may not be PPP, usually not with broadband unless it's DSL.03:08
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alanhaggaijhutchins: Mine is ADSL. Likewise, I have no /etc/sysconfig/03:08
SolidSourceblueskaj: lol you'll see03:09
BluesKajgeez , gimme a break , on my first coffee here :)03:09
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geniiBluesKaj :)03:11
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BluesKajho genii :)03:12
BluesKajerr hi genii03:12
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geniiBluesKaj LOL thas alrite... I haven't left since I saw you here last... coffee is keeping me going right now too03:12
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simo__i am using feisty, and have problems updating hotkey-setup03:14
simo__does anyone else have the same problem?03:14
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Jucatosimo__: try #ubuntu+103:15
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simo__i'm sorry jucato, didn't understand03:16
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simo__ah, ok03:17
Jucatosimo__: try asking in #ubuntu+1 it's the channel for feisty03:17
simo__slow today :)03:17
Prollchow can i setup firefox on kubuntu ?03:17
bentob0xwhen changing the UID and GID of a user, there is only two places where to do that yes?03:18
bentob0xI mean using vigr and vipw03:18
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ecetahmazi will download http://www.scribus.net/index.php?name=Sections&req=viewarticle&artid=4&page=103:19
BluesKajwow, genii ...a dedicated person you are :)03:19
bentob0xProllc: have a look at your repositories03:19
ecetahmazis tht right one?03:19
geniiBluesKaj: Nah just up all night working and so why not have the computer on here as well03:19
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alanhaggaiI need to run a script when the router gets an IP. How to do it? I am on ADSL connection.03:20
acemoProllc: open konsole, then type  "sudo apt-get install firefox"03:21
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: Sorry, that's where the systems I run keep the network info.  Ubuntu appears to have abandoned that convention and I don't know where to tell you.  That diald howto probably won't work for you either, given that the normal, text-based network configuration doesn't seem to exist.  Maybe it's in the registry.03:22
alanhaggaijhutchins: Sorry to ask more questions. But where can I access the Kubuntu registry?03:23
jhutchinsalanhaggai: Sorry, that's a joke.03:23
alanhaggaiI see :))03:23
jhutchinsalanhaggai: I'm hoping to prod someone who knows where the configuration is hidden.03:23
BluesKajright on genii, ya work shifts eh ?03:24
alanhaggaijhutchins: Thank you. Do PM or announce with my name here. I will search for it also.03:24
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geniiBluesKaj Well from home but yeah03:24
mjunxregistry? look in /etc03:24
BluesKajcool genii03:24
mjunxor if using gnome, gconf is the registry-wannabe lol03:25
alanhaggaiI am using KDE.03:25
jhutchinsmjunx: Where are the scripts that run when network interfaces come up?03:25
BluesKajgenii, yer in toronto right ?03:25
mjunxalthough, all kde settings are in ~/.kde/share/config/03:25
geniiBluesKaj Yup :)03:25
mjunxusing the normal ifupdown stuff?03:25
jhutchinsmjunx: Yeah, ifup, ifdown.03:25
mjunxin /etc/network/*.d/03:26
alanhaggaiLet me try that.03:26
mjunxplus anything you defined in /etc/network/interfaces03:26
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: Looks like you can link a script to the /etc/network/*.d directories and they'll be triggered.03:28
alanhaggaiBe right back. Just going to reconnect and see if the script is executing or not.03:29
alanhaggaijhutchins: Yes I think. I have put a script there. I will be back to tell you if it worked or not.03:29
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: You should put the script in /usr/etc and link it to the appropriate location.03:29
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alanhaggaijhutchins: Why is it so?03:30
alanhaggaijhutchins: Won't it be possible if I copy the script to /etc/network/if-up.d/   ?03:31
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: Either one I guess, *.d files are only supposed to contain links, but ubuntu seems to ignore that too.03:32
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: Just a matter of keeping things properly organized.03:32
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alanhaggaijhutchins: I see. I am new to Linux. So no idea of the conventions used.03:32
Zapthi there, i am looking for somebody who can register me a gmail account since i am from germany03:32
alanhaggaiZapt: Not a channel for that. Anyway, PM me if you want one.03:33
Dr_willisgmail is blocked in germany?03:33
alanhaggaiIs it?03:33
Dr_willishow do they know you are in germany. :) use that TOR thing to get around that if they are doing it that way03:33
alanhaggaiDr_willis: I read somewhere that there is a trademark issue with Gmail.03:33
jhutchinsFor instance, /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate should actually be in /etc/init.d, and symlinked to /etc/network/if-up.d/03:33
Zapthmm have to register for private talk.. :(03:34
Dr_willisyet more Patent Trolling. :) heh.03:34
mjunxI thought the trademark issue was only in the UK03:34
alanhaggaiDr_willis: There is a company named Gmail in Europe. So they are using Googlemail.03:34
Dr_willisiMail  :)03:34
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alanhaggaijhutchins: It seems that I have a lot to learn. :)03:34
mjunxthey should've just given everyone an @google.com email like yahoo does lol03:34
jhutchinsalanhaggai: So do I.03:34
Dr_willisi use Linuxmail.org :)03:35
alanhaggaijhutchins: By the way, I am the chairman of the FLOSS cell at college. So need to study more of this interesting OS.03:35
jhutchinsalanhaggai: Great!03:35
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jhutchinsalanhaggai: I would make it a future goal to also study one of the RPM based distros as well.  They do some more SysV Unix compliant things.03:36
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alanhaggaiI see.03:36
alanhaggaiDr_willis: Thanks for noting Linuxmail. I am registering one.03:36
BluesKaj does VLC use xine?03:36
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  its not a 'big' company. :) so a lot of the sites that dont allow gmail or hotmail, for their email registerations - let linuxmail through03:37
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  NO.03:37
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alanhaggaiDr_willis: I see. But it's nice to show that you are a Linux supporter. I need it. :)03:38
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  yea. the site is useable.. i set the wife and so forth up on it..03:38
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alanhaggaiDr_willis: Wife? I didn't get that.03:39
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Dr_willisalanhaggai,  the wife and kids are all ysing linuxmail instead of hotmail now03:40
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mjunxBluesKaj, VLC, xine, and MPlayer all have common underlying libraries (ffmpeg's libavcodec, libavutil, libavformat, libpostproc, and others)03:40
smileBluesKaj: i think VNC use his own libs .. xine is used by amarok Mplayer, kaffeine03:40
alanhaggaiDr_willis: Very nice. Hope they have POP support.03:41
mjunxand FFmpeg is developed by MPlayer03:41
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  never noticed.  check out        http://www.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com also - to freak people out03:41
Dr_willisgotta love LONG email addresses03:41
smileBluesKaj: try to uninstall libxine and u will see the depencenscies !!03:41
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Dr_willisbah - site seems down03:41
mjunxor just run ldd on the executable ;)03:41
alanhaggaiDr_willis:  That is a link! ;)03:42
ant1matterim running beryl on kubuntu 64bit - runs great. anyone know the kde screenshot command? its using gnome's03:42
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Dr_willisalanhaggai,  yea - it seems tobe down at the moment however.03:43
mjunxksnapshot is the program03:43
Aragamihello guys. i just installed kubuntu on my laptop but somehow internet doesnt work (its connected to the router)03:43
smileant1matter: wich kubuntu do u use ?03:43
ant1mattermjunx: thanks03:43
ant1mattersmile: edgy03:43
BluesKajnot a real fan of the VLC plugin for FF , it blocks the mplayer from running windows media on a lotta sites . I dumped the VLC plugin03:43
alanhaggaiDr_willis: Yes. Down now.03:43
ZaptAragami: How do you connect?03:44
Aragamii think eth0 is inactive, but i dunno where i could change that03:44
Zaptwireless or ethernet?03:44
smileant1matter: wich video card u have ?03:44
ZaptAragami: go to the console and type: sudo ifconfig eth0 up03:44
ZaptAragami: is the driver installed?03:45
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  and for somthing competly differnt ------>  http://chumby.com03:45
ant1matteronboard nvidia - nforce 6100 256mb03:45
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alanhaggaiDr_willis: Cool :)03:46
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Dr_willisalanhaggai,  neat gizmo. but not for sale yet. :(03:46
=== xcidar is back.
KnightlustAragami: could you try issuing this command: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start03:46
alanhaggaiDr_willis: I see. Got to get one ;)03:46
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ant1mattersmile: onboard nvidia - nforce 6100 256mb03:46
Knightlusteth0 may be disabled because you haven't started your network03:47
AragamiZapt: "sudo..." got no error msg so i guess that worked03:47
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  yep. the latest Popular Science had a little artical on them... reminded me of them.. i was all set to order one.03:47
Dr_willisalanhaggai,  to set by the wifes bed. :)03:47
Zaptjust type ifconfig03:47
alanhaggaiDr_willis: Nice of you. :)03:47
Aragamithe sysconfig tool lists my laptops wlan and ethernet chip, but both are inactive03:47
Dr_willisthen i can Page her and wake her **!&!! up in the morning!03:47
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ZaptAragami: Strange, then activate them!03:48
Aragamior how03:49
KnightlustAragami: try enabling here: K > System Settings > Network Settings03:49
Knightlustthen just click on the Administrator Mode button then enter your login password03:49
Knightlustthen click eth0 then click on Enable Interface03:49
Knightlustgood luck03:49
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Aragamieth0 is active now, but still no internet03:49
KomiaPoikahi, cups says my printer is not ready, and when i try to start it, it asks for login and password. i put in login and password from root, but it refuses it. whats wrong?03:50
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KnightlustAragami: restart your network by sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:51
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Aragamii cannot access the values under "System Settings > Network Settings" btw. - seems weird03:51
ecetahmaz: http://software.opensuse.org/download/home:/mrdocs/ is for suse....... i am using kubuntu... and i dont know whick link i need to download. has got a lot03:51
Knightlustyeah, you have to click on the Adminstrator mode button03:51
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Aragamidont see it03:52
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Knightlustscroll down03:52
Knightlustit's at the bottom right corner of the window03:52
Aragamiwhy can't it resize properly03:52
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Aragamik, thx man03:52
Knightlustyeah, happens to me too03:52
Knightlustgive us updates ayt...03:53
ecetahmazhttp://software.opensuse.org/download/home:/ is that right link. because it is writing for suse ..... not for kubuntu03:53
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Dr_willisAragami,  ive noticed that issue also - depending on hwo the program gets launched.03:54
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Aragamieth0 is now active and has an ip via dhcp, but still, no internet03:56
KnightlustAragami: could you try surfing to the GUI of your router03:57
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Knightlustif you can surf through the router GUI, then the problem is with the router03:57
Aragamiyes, no prob connecting to the router03:58
Knightlustas long as you can open the home page03:58
Knightlustthen it should be the router03:58
Knightlustwait, could you try surfing via IP address?03:58
Aragamidon't think so03:58
geniiinteresting, in offtopic, this jus popped up a minute ago but sees like not here or #ubuntu   <ubotu>New on planetubuntu: Mark Van den Borre: Dell asks us which distro to support <http://blog.markvdb.be/2007/03/dell-asks-us-which-distro-to-support.html>03:58
Knightlustit might be the DNS server listed on your laptop03:58
Knightlustalso try pingin out03:59
genii^For those interested in convincing Dell to go Ubuntu ^03:59
mjunxmake them interested in kubuntu04:00
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geniimjunx :)04:00
mjunxI've got a good reason also, hold on04:01
ecetahmazi`m lost, if the conversation about acrobat writer please s.body let me know........... :)04:01
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mjunxmost of the problems people whined about were exclusive to gnome04:02
mjunxso, I think it's safe to say that gnome just ain't ready for the desktop ;p04:02
mjunxbut kde is04:02
Knightlustmjunx: flame bait04:03
geniimjunx: I took the survey But they don't differentiate there between Ubuntu/Kubuntu.04:03
mjunxoh, hmm04:03
genii(on the Dell site)04:03
mjunxmake a new suggestion then04:04
mjunx"Preinstall Kubuntu Linux on Dell Computers"04:04
smilehello all the world ... i have bewan adsl modem .. i cant run it on Edgy ... any help or HOWTO plz ????????????????????????????04:06
BluesKajanyone using FF2.0.0.2 ?04:06
geniimjunx: Take the survey yourself and do it04:07
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genii"Evil prospers when good men do nothing"04:08
mjunxI wouldn't buy from dell anyways04:08
Knightlustmjunx: me too. price is pretty steep04:09
mjunxand quality is low04:09
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Knightlustbut my former company buys from them.. they trust dell with their life04:09
mjunxthey're almost like the walmart of computers04:09
Knightlusttell me about it04:09
mjunxexcept they do offer higher quality machines, they're overpriced04:09
Knightlustthey've overlooked quality on consumer desktops04:10
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mjunxand that word, "consumer", is offensive04:11
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bentob0xwhen using an NFS network share, how to mount it and use a specific user to work on it?04:11
mjunxit's a marketdroid word invented to replace more sufficient words like "customer", or "potential customer", or "user", or "client", or other words that don't melt everyone into some faceless sheep of sorts04:11
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BluesKajI'll ask once more ...anyone running Firefox and having problems ?04:12
mjunxno problems heres, blue04:12
bentob0xeverything's fine BluesKaj04:12
KnightlustBluesKaj: none here04:12
mjunxer, BluesKaj04:12
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Knightlusteven extensions04:12
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BluesKajok , just downloaded and about to install so i thought I'd ask first04:12
bentob0xyep all fine here on
bentob0xoh wait04:13
BluesKajthx gents :)04:13
bentob0x(only joking)04:13
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Knightlustbentob0x: you're scaring him04:13
bentob0xanybody good on NFS here?04:13
bentob0xpapa smurf seems away04:13
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bentob0xsmurphy_: can I annoy you a bit more about NFS?04:14
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easytigerhow come konsole in beryl (and only konsole) will not resize, and when you do it bounces back to screen height?04:16
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JuJuBeeNeed some help with a new install.  I bought components to build a new computer.  (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13, 2GB PC4200, 160GB HD, GeForece 6200 video).  Tried to install Ubuntu and it will not. The computer will boot with thelive CD, but when I try to install it fails figt after it loads the kernel.  Others on #ubuntu & here agree that it looks like after the kernel loads, it forgets how to read the CD drive.  I tried to remove the HD and install to 04:17
JuJuBeen, but it could not find a boot device on boot (even thought it booted the other computer).  I just installed windows on teh new computer to see if all hardware is working and it is working fine.  Please help if you can...04:17
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easytigerJuJuBee: have you tried knoppix/ windows boot cds?04:17
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easytigerahh sorry i just read that04:18
JuJuBeeNot knoppix (dont have it)04:18
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KnightlustJuJuBee: could you try using an Alternate CD.04:18
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Knightlustat least it wont eat up a lot of resources while installing ubuntu04:19
JuJuBeeTried feisty 3/12/07, but that did not work either.04:19
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JuJuBeeSimilar problem.04:19
JuJuBeeSeems to not find the CD after the kernel loads.04:19
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JuJuBeeMoBo is INTEL DG965wh04:19
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san_holas a todos04:20
KnightlustJuJuBee: have could you also try disabling some hardware you think might interfere04:21
Knightlustlike parallel and serial: we dont need that04:21
mjunxhey, does knetworkmanager support wpa and wpa2?04:22
JuJuBeeHaven't tried that.04:22
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jayI have kiba-dock, 1-01... when I click on any launcher, kiba-dock refuses to hide04:22
JuJuBeeDid disable floppy though, dont have one of those.04:22
JuJuBeeI guess I will go try again...04:22
Knightlusthmmm... <think Knightlust! think!04:22
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KnightlustJuJuBee: sorry, but right now, that's the only thing I can think off. disabling some features you dont need04:26
kristjan_what is the correct name of that thing I get then I press Ctrl-Alt-F1?04:26
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Knightlustalso if you have two 1GB PC4200, try to install just one04:27
kristjan_Jucato: full name is?04:27
bumzohi guys ...is there like an updated version of openoffice for kubuntu04:27
Knightlustif your mobo supports integrated video, also try using that, at least for troubleshooting purposes04:27
JucatoTeleTYpe? it's also called the (true/real) terminal or console04:27
bumzothis one loks like office 97 lol04:27
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KnightlustJuJuBee: again, sorry, but that's all I could think off right now04:28
JuJuBeeKightlust: Ram is dual channel, dont I need 2?  Also, disabled floppy, serial, parallel and booted 6.10 nosplash  Got errors.04:28
Knightlustaaarrrggghhhh! why oh why! hmmm, let me think.04:29
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Knightlustwhat's the error?04:30
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JuJuBee[17179571.04000]  ACPI:getting cpuindex for acpiid 0x3 and 0x4.  Also diabled ata2-ata4 (only 1 sata drive) then messages about unable to open '/root/var/log' no such file or dir ... Target Filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init... BusyBox v1.1.3 stuff and then a prompt ...(initramfs)04:30
JuJuBeeLooks like as soon as the kernel loads, it forgets about the dvd drive04:31
Knightlustaha! could you try disabling ACPI (or something like that) in the bios04:31
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JuJuBeeI cannot find a setting to disable it altogether.04:31
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Knightlustlooks like edgy's acpi is inompatible with your mobos acpi04:32
JuJuBeeOnly settings for stuff like wake on lan, what to do when power outage...04:32
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Knightlustok, lets see04:32
JuJuBeeI tried to add acpi=off to boot param, but no luck.04:33
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Ashex|Workwell, I've effectively made my computer hacker proof04:33
Knightlustcould you try damn small, its good at this kind of stuff. its only 50M04:33
Knightlustif you have the ime04:33
Ashex|Worknobody can run as root now!04:33
Ashex|Worknot even me!04:33
Knightlustwhile I try to think about it04:34
JucatoAshex|Work: what happened?04:34
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JuJuBeeguess can download it04:34
Ashex|WorkJucato, I was playing with smb4k last night, and it decided to change my sudoers file04:34
Ashex|WorkI get a syntax error when trying to use sudo04:34
Knightlusthee hee, Ashex|Work might've deleted your user login in sudoers04:34
Knightlusttry fixing that using a live cd04:35
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Jucatoare  you still part of the "admin" group?04:35
Ashex|WorkYeah, that's the plan04:35
Ashex|WorkI should be04:35
Knightlustjust try adding your name on the sudoers file04:35
acemowhen i click on the icon for the bluetooth headset, it asks me if i want to save or open with..04:35
acemothis tutorial says "A popup should request the PIN for the Headset from you (mostly "0000" or "1234")."04:35
acemowhat could be wrong?04:35
Ashex|WorkI was also thinking that just rebooting into recovery mode would work04:35
=== Knightlust consults the big black PC Hardware and Troubleshooting book
JucatoAshex|Work: try it. check if you're not in the admin group. if you aren't, boot into recovery and add your user back04:36
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Ashex|WorkJucato, I'll give that a shot04:37
Ashex|WorkI was planning on waiting for Fiesty to reinstall, I don't really want to do it early :/04:38
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Ashex|WorkJucato, what's the command to check from command-line?04:39
JucatoAshex|Work: groups04:39
Ashex|Workyeah, I'm in the admin group04:39
Jucatohm... Knightlust your turn :)04:39
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jayed, once I typed it in myself cairo compiles successfully04:40
kristjan_what's the vga= for 1280x800 framebuffer, or does usplash only support standard 4:3 aspect ratio?04:40
jaythere was a problem with the characters on the page that I copied from...04:40
Ashex|WorkI'm pretty sure the sudoers file is just fubard04:41
jayonce I typed it in myself cairo compiles successfully04:41
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bigdad1ei need help.. how do i change the codecs of a video and audio so i can play it on kubuntu?04:41
K-RyanYou don't change them, you get the codecs.04:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:41
K-RyanThanks Ashex ;)04:41
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Ashex|Workheh, no problem04:42
Ashex|WorkI'm usually in here helping people, so I've got that bot figured out :p04:42
K-RyanYeah I help out too, just not lately.04:42
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K-RyanBeen on Windows gaming...04:42
K-RyanI should really just get Wine04:42
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Ashex|WorkI just hope nobody notices that I support unix users better then the people I work with :P04:43
K-RyanWell I don't know what kind of people you work with, but from what I've seen on here it's a friendly environment.04:44
acemolol ashex04:44
KnightlustJuJuBee: accdg to the great wizard, I gave you a wrong information.. ACPI isn't interfering with the install or bootup process04:44
jayok.... cairo dock works now I guess..... only ONE of the icons show though04:45
Ashex|Workheh, I'm the helpdesk guy who does the basic support. Lately the tickets I get are just depressing04:45
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Knightlustit seems that you have a pretty nice expensive hardware in your hands, and that I don't think the we have drivers for it04:45
K-RyanBasic support for what?04:45
acemointernal helpdesk?04:45
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K-RyanJust curious04:45
Knightlusti just hope that kernel 2.6.20 has the drivers for that04:45
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Ashex|WorkPretty much everything04:45
JuJuBeeThat will bite really hard...04:45
Ashex|WorkI'm the internal helpdesk guy04:45
K-RyanFor what kind of company is what I meant =P04:46
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Ashex|WorkSoftware dev company04:46
Knightlustnow, if damnsmall also spits out errors, then you have to wait for a hack.04:46
JuJuBeeI treid to isntall feisty-alternate and it failed as well.  I think it uses 2.6.20?04:46
acemointernal helpdesk is alot better as the customers helpdesk =p04:46
Ashex|Workheh, yeah04:46
Knightlustyeah, it does use 2.6.2004:46
Ashex|WorkTech Support is near me, so I occasionally hear things from their end04:47
JuJuBeeSo now what can I do?04:47
easytigerwhats the command line name for the kde screenshot utility?04:47
Knightlustdamnsmall would be our judge... for now04:47
easytigerAshex|Work: sweet. thanks04:47
JuJuBeeK, downloading as we speak.04:47
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Ashex|Workeasytiger, no problem :)04:48
easytigeri was too lazy to work it out04:48
Knightlusti'll do a few research on this if damnsmall doesnt work.. i'll just post it on the wiki site04:48
acemobest thing i learned today: understanding how :(){ :|:& };: exactly works :)04:48
K-RyanI love my Kubuntu setup, but I find myself getting bored...04:48
JuJuBeeI appreciate the assistance.04:48
K-RyanAnyone have tips?04:49
Knightlustim currently downloading DG965wh's manuals04:49
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foxxHaving a problem with booting the Kubuntu LiveCD.  I remember having this issue before but cannot remember exactly what I had to do to fix it.04:49
Ashex|WorkK-Ryan, superkaramba and beryl?04:49
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Knightlustsorry, but at least you have a pretty fast and shiny hardware04:49
Knightlustlets just wait for damnsmall04:49
K-RyanDon't know what superkaramba does but beryl lags my system.04:49
foxxthe LiveCD boots to the menu and will start up Xorg, but as soon as the cursor's on the screen it just stops04:49
K-RyanMy processor is outdated, 1.8Ghz04:49
foxxIt also does not alow keyboard input so I can't switch to a terminal04:50
JuJuBeeYea, all rev'd up with no place to go... ;-)04:50
acemoK-Ryan, thanks.. mine is 1.66ghz :(04:50
Ashex|WorkSuperkaramba is basically desktop widgets04:50
foxxI seem to remember there were a few boot options I had to put on to get it to get to the login screen but I don't remember what it was04:50
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K-Ryanacemo well I never said it was bad, just outdated.04:50
K-RyanI mean hearing about dual processors and stuff, kicking out a total of over 4Ghz04:51
K-RyanKind of puts things into perspective.04:51
acemowith dual core, u dont add up the ghz of both core04:51
acemocuz most programs dont handle dual core that well04:51
K-RyanOkay but not all of them use just one proccessor.04:52
bomberoshe algun en espaol04:52
K-RyanSo both are used, no?04:52
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:52
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foxxSo, no ideas?04:52
acemosome programs can use both cores yes, but i dont know any program that can spread out the processes perfectly yet04:53
K-RyanNo, like each program is dedicated to one core.04:53
K-RyanSo each core get's its own share of work.04:53
K-Ryandedicated was a bad word, assigned works better04:53
Ashex|Workpretty much04:53
K-RyanSo why wouldn't you add the Ghz?04:53
Ashex|Workeven if a program isn't designed to use both cores. When you launch a program, it will use one or the other04:53
foxxBecause you aren't combining processing power on one problem04:53
foxxIt's still moving at the same speed04:54
foxxGhz != power04:54
Ashex|Workas opposed to a single-core when all programs will use up a portion of available processing power04:54
foxxOnly the speed of the clock.  You just have two of them, they are not added.04:54
bomberoshe eh algien me puede ayudar04:54
foxxThe best use of multiple-core systems is for multi-threaded applications04:55
K-Ryan!espanol | bomberos04:55
ubotubomberos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:55
JuJuBeeKnightlust : ok, tried to bood dsl 3.2.  Failed...Can't find knoppix filessystem.  dropping you to very limited shell, press reset to quit.04:55
acemothere are things that can work out good on dual core, but other thing (a program that requires ALOT of the cpu but is not multi-threaded) a fast single core is better for04:55
K-RyanSo let me get this straight. If I had two 1.8Ghz processors, there would be no difference?04:55
KnightlustJuJuBee, again, I'm sorry you have to go through all this.. but you have the most modern hardware i've ever come across04:55
foxxA perfect example of multiple-core processing is the Xbox 360.  Three PowerPC cores, all of them pumping out a few Ghz, but the way you use it is in spreading out multiple threads for a single program across them04:56
Knightlustjust wait for a hack, if damnsmall wont boot, then no other distros would boot04:56
foxxK-Ryan: Depends04:56
JuJuBeeSo, can you suggest a different mobo?  I can probably get it swapped out.04:56
K-RyanYeah I didn't really clarify there...04:56
acemoK-Ryan, if you had 2 processors on 1 mainboard, it works slower as a dual core cpu04:56
foxxK-Ryan: Most often you will not.  Instead you will see a much more balanced performance,04:56
Knightlustsorry, im not really good at hardware04:56
JuJuBeeI just want it to work.04:56
Knightlustanyone here who can help out JuJuBee?04:57
Knightlustdual-core supported mobo that has been tested out with ubuntu04:57
foxxK-Ryan: The ONLY way to see a performance increase is if the program you are trying to run supports SMP or multi-threading04:57
K-RyanSo if I were to get a new processor for gaming, would you reccomend a dual core, or just a high Ghz single?04:57
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foxxK-Ryan: At the moment a multiple-core is a good thing due to low (relative) cost.04:57
bigdad1ecan i get vlc on kubuntu?04:58
Knightlustbetter research on that JuJuBee04:58
K-RyanBut if the program doesn't support two at a time, it defeats the purpose of having two, no?04:58
foxxK-Ryan: The Core2Duo does a great job with Single pass instructions, the AMD64 X2 line still does better performance overall04:58
Jucatobigdad1e: yes04:58
Ashex|Workbigdadle, sudo apt-get install vlc04:58
foxxK-Ryan: Again, that depends.04:58
Jucato!info vlc | bigdad1e04:58
JuJuBeeThanks gagin.04:58
ubotubigdad1e: vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB04:58
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foxxK-Ryan: Like I said, you'll see more BALANCED performance otherwise.04:58
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Knightlustnp, wish you luck JujuBee.04:59
acemoK-Ryan, if you would get a new cpu for gaming, atm still single core is better for most games, but alot of games are switching over to use dual core04:59
bigdad1ehow do i get it? its not showing up on my add programs04:59
foxxK-Ryan: If your OS isn't chewing up one core then the game will chew it up04:59
Ashex|Workpersonally, if you want to see a performance boost04:59
Ashex|Workmount /home to a seperate disk04:59
Jucatoguys, could you take the processor discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic please?04:59
foxxK-Ryan: Not to mention that most popular titles in teh future will be supporting SMP04:59
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smurphy_yep- Best CPU so far right now is E6600 from intel. best Price/Power ration ...04:59
K-RyanSorry Jucato04:59
Jucatobigdad1e: you have to enable the multiverse repository04:59
K-RyanMy questions have been answered anyways, thanks.04:59
Jucato!universe | bigdad1e04:59
ubotubigdad1e: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:59
foxxI'm supposing nobody had any ideas about grub boot options for me?04:59
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bigdad1eim sry im new04:59
Jucatono problem, that's why we're here05:00
foxxIt'd be really nice to be able to boot Kubuntu's LiveCD again05:00
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acemoanyone here has experience with bluetooth headsets?05:01
ubotugnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org05:01
eilkercan we use dock in kde ?05:01
eilkercan we use *cairo-dock in kde ?05:01
Ashex|Workyou could, but it wouldn't look to pretty in kde05:01
Jucatoeilker: probably, although I'm not sure how much it will work.05:02
foxxSince it was up higher, my Kubuntu 6.10 LiveCD refuses to go to the login screen and stops cold at the X server.05:02
alleehi, anyone used cupssmbadd successfully?  I always get NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote file \W32X86/pe-ttt.ppd.   samba log tells me that I'm connct as root and  [print$]  has 'write list = root'05:02
Ashex|WorkThat is a gnome app, so it uses gnome resources05:02
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4a-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 327 kB, installed size 1064 kB05:02
Jucatoeilker: ^^^05:02
eilkerjucato: thanx, is kxdocker like kiba-dock  ?05:02
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Jucatoeilker: in some ways. but not entirely05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksmoothdock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
foxxCould anyone at least point me to a list of LiveCD boot options so I can get into the system?05:03
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Ashex|Workfoxx, what are you trying to do?05:03
eilkerjucato: thanx, let me try  kxdocker05:03
foxxAhsex|Work Just trying to boot the LiveCD05:04
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acemofoxx, i think when booting, u can press f1-f5 to see the options *not sure.. works on gentoo*05:04
maki_where can i report bugs in 7.0405:04
foxxDoh, damn typos05:04
foxxacemo: It would, but it's not responding to the keyboard05:04
Ashex|Workfoxx, if you're using the edgy live cd, it should present the boot menu before loading05:04
foxxAshex|Work: It gets to the X server, the mouse and background come up, and it stops cold05:04
foxxAshex|Work: I've had this problem before but I can't remember the grub option I was told to enable/disable to get past it05:05
Ashex|WorkThat's usually the output for the boot process05:05
foxxAshex|Work: Doesn't work.05:05
Ashex|Workah, i see05:05
foxxAshex|Work: It fails to respond to keyboard input.  I can move the mouse, though05:05
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foxxAshex|Work: I've tried vga=vesa but the graphics seem to work fine.  I've tried acpi=disable but to no effect.05:05
foxxAshex|Work: I've also been trying to search for the past hour about LiveCD issues with Ubuntu/Kubuntu to no avail of any kind05:06
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Ashex|WorkYeah, I know the issue you're having, I'm just trying to remember the option :/05:06
foxxAshex|Work: Is there a list of boot options for grub that the LiveCD will recognize?  I'm kind of troubled that such a list isn't easier to find05:06
Ashex|Work*sigh* of all days to night have a live disc with me05:07
Ashex|WorkI've got 20 dapper discs, but none are edgy :/05:07
foxxAshex|Work: I seem to remember having the same problem with Dapper as well as Ubuntu discs05:07
Ashex|Worklemme try a dapper disk05:08
foxxAshex|Work: Never had this problem with Gentoo but for obvious reasons05:08
Ashex|WorkI just happen to have vmware workstation on here05:08
foxxAshex|Work: Awww, lucky.  =)05:08
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foxxAshex|Work: I had to build my cluster the old fashioned way; pissing off my wife with a big ol' store of systems05:08
eilkersudo apt-get reinstall kxdocker05:08
eilkeris it wrong ?05:08
foxxeilker: Should just say "sudo apt-get install kxdocker" I would imagine05:09
Jucatoeilker: sudo apt-get install05:09
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eilkerbut i installed it already05:09
Jucatoeilker: why are you reinstalling then?05:09
K-Ryanthen sudo apt-get remove kxdocker05:09
K-Ryanthen sudo apt-get install kxdocker05:10
eilkerjucato : kxdocker: WARNING: Cannot find updated resources: you may need to update or reinstall KXDocker resources, checkout http://www.xiaprojects.com/www/prodotti/kxdoc05:10
Jucatoer.. sudo apt-get install --reinstall kxdocker05:10
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Ashex|Workfoxx, gimme a second05:10
K-Ryandidnt know about that one =)05:10
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foxxAshex|Work: Sure thing05:11
eilkerjucato: kxdocker works under beryl ?05:11
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Jucatothat I don't know05:11
eilkerjucato: answer coming soon :)05:12
JucatoI won't be here to see your answer.but good luck anyway05:12
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eilkerjucato: thanx05:13
Ashex|Workbah, that's annoying05:13
Ashex|Worklive disc refuses to boot05:13
foxxHuh, strange.05:13
jhutchinsAshex|Work: Where does it fail?05:13
Ashex|WorkWell, vmware bios just doesn't boot off it05:14
=== Ashex|Work tweaks a couple settings
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jhutchinsWell, VMWare.05:15
luanwhats the command for downloading in the Terminal ?05:15
Ashex|Workluan, wget05:15
jhutchinsluan: What do you want to download?05:15
luanI need to download aMSN05:15
Jucatoluan: sudo apt-get install <package>05:15
=== Jucato goes to bed...
luanand I think I need to reinstall Openoffice05:15
fdovingnite jucato.05:15
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Jucatonite fdoving! :)05:15
Ashex|Workfoxx, sorry, I can't get it to boot so I'm not much help atm05:16
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foxxAshex|Work: That's alright.  Don't suppose you know of any way to get it to go to a command line instead of the graphical login, would you?05:16
jhutchinsluan: Check out koffice insetad of oo.05:16
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bonbonthejonfoxx: isn't there an option for console login05:16
luanand how do I get the list of files to download in apt-get ?05:16
foxxbonbonthejon: Not from what I'm seeing.05:17
ubotuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions05:17
bonbonthejonluan: "sudo aptitude update"05:17
jhutchinsA little obtuse...05:17
Knightlustluan: you have to update your repository so you could download koffice05:17
luanhow do you do that05:17
luansorry, i've never used linux05:17
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jhutchinsluan: apt-get update updates the list of available packages.05:17
bonbonthejonfoxx: I just looked, its under menu in kdm05:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about docks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
Knightlustbut openoffice should suffice05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
foxxbonbonthejon: That'd be helpful if KDM worked but we're not that far yet05:18
foxxbonbonthejon: We're talking about the LiveCD05:18
Knightlustbeen using oo ever since and I've never had problems with it05:18
jhutchinsKnightlust: Me too, and now I can't open any of my documents, it just crashes and opens a blank.05:18
foxxjhutchins: THANK YOU for the boot options, me and Ashex|Work have been looking for those05:18
bonbonthejonfoxx: try ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console05:19
foxxbonbonthejon: As explained earlier it doesn't recognize keyboard input05:19
jhutchinsbonbonthejon: There should be a boot option to go to console mode.05:19
JucatoKnightlust: take care of them for me :D05:19
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Knightlusthehehe, ganun, hindi ko kaya ito05:19
foxxbonbonthejon: We remember the solution is in the boot options, just neither of us could remember which one it was05:19
Ashex|Workgrr, damn vmware and it's like of global copy+paste05:19
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JucatoKnightlust: English only please :D05:19
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bonbonthejonfoxx: never used the live cd, sorry05:19
jhutchinsbonbonthejon: It's one of the reasons RH derived systems have useful runlevels, you can specify "linux 3" at the bootprompt and get console-only.05:19
Knightlustjhutchins, i think there is an option for safe mode05:19
Knightlustwell, kinda05:20
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jhutchinsKnightlust: Yeah, that's it, safe mode!05:20
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Knightlustwait, checking on that05:20
jhutchinsfoxx: safe mode or rescue mode.05:20
JucatoRecovery Mode in GRUB05:21
foxxjhutchins: Doesn't help, tried both.  Both of those attempt safe "graphics" modes, there is no option for a console05:21
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foxxjhutchins: I've been through this problem before, there was something that was pretty common that a lot of people had to turn off to get past the same point in the boot options, I just can't for the life of me find it or remember it05:22
jhutchinsacpi or apic05:22
foxxjhutchins: Trying it now05:22
Knightlustjhutchins, there doesn't seem to be an option to start OO in safe-mode, i think you need to reinstall OO05:22
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bigdad1ewhat can i get to play avi codec?05:23
jack__hi how can i mark minimized windows and choose in the context menu how to arrange them?05:23
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blue|palmDoes anybody know what causes your CTRL+ALT+F1-6 terminals to appear extremely messy? (graphically) Im using an ati X1900XTX with the prop fglrx drivers05:23
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foxxbigdad1e: AVI is a "container," it doesn't actually have a codec.  Rather codecs are used in AVIs.05:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:23
bigdad1ehow do i play it then?05:23
bigdad1ethose didnt help me05:24
jhutchinsKnightlust: Completely removed all traces except documents, reinstalled, still crashes.05:24
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Knightlustaha! a service may be doing that05:24
foxxbigdad1e: You have to install the codec you require (DivX, XviD, whatever it needs), then simply fire up your favorite movie player05:24
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bigdad1ewhere do i get the codec? sry i kno im a pain in the a--05:25
Knightlustits not OO then, its something else. K>System Settings>Advanced>System Services ..you may need to check on that05:25
Knightlustor the services running05:25
foxxbigdad1e: Some can be obtained through the package manager of your choice (I use Adept).05:25
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jack__hi how can i mark minimized windows and choose in the context menu how to arrange them?05:25
Knightlusti cant tell you what services may be causing crashes in OO, but you may need to google it out05:25
foxxjhutchins: Alright, noacpi didn't fix it, going to try it with noacpi noapic05:26
bigdad1ecan you give me the name of something that will work?05:26
Knightlustjack_: right-click?05:26
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foxxbigdad1e: Well like I said, that depends on how teh AVI file was encoded.05:26
Knightlustarrange them? i dont think you can05:26
jhutchins!mpe | bigdad1e05:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:26
jhutchins!mp3 | bigdad1e05:26
ubotubigdad1e: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:26
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bigdad1ethose sites dont tell me what i need to kno but thanks05:27
jack__Knightlust: i know you can, like tileetc, it was like mark and then right click, but doesnt seem to work anymore05:27
Knightlustyeah, been looking for that too.. but i havent seen that since dapper05:27
Knightlustsorry, i meant hoary05:28
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jack__Knightlust: exactly, so how can i get that back?05:28
bigdad1efoxx, how do i find out what it really needs?05:28
jhutchinsbigdad1e: Actually, they do.05:28
Knightlustjack_: you may want to check out System Settings>Window Behaviour and try to experiment on some settings05:29
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foxxbigdad1e: Well, depends on what you've downloaded.  Such as if I download a movie and the author says it was encoded with DivX then it needs DivX05:29
Knightlustim pretty sure it's there05:29
bigdad1eive read them things up and down and nothing i can use or understand05:29
bigdad1eis what it needs05:29
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foxxAlright, then go to your package manager of choice (in my case Adept) and search for xvid05:32
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foxxYou should come up with smoething called "libxvidcore4" or similar05:32
BluesKajsimple question , for some reason the partialpage to fullpage open in Firefox isn't working for me , anyone know the trick getting full page to open on launch to work ?05:32
bigdad1efoxx, i need something for xvid and mp305:32
=== foxx smacks his head on the floor to beat the typo demons out
foxxbigdad1e: Worry about one at a time.  After you've got the libxvidcore look into downloading LAME, probably liblame05:33
jhutchinsbigdad1e: Re-read the RestrictedFormats page, it's pretty explicit.05:33
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jhutchinsIt tells you specificly how to get w32codecs05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio-codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:33
bigdad1ewill do thanks sry for the hassel05:33
foxxjhutchins: Damn, still no dice.  I kinda wish there was a comprehensive list of Grub boot options, I think that'd probably make this much easier05:34
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BluesKajfoxx , have you considered "SuperGrub Live CD" , it claims to solve a whole host of bootloader problems05:35
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foxxBluesKaj: I can honestly say I've never heard of such a thing05:38
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jhutchinsfoxx: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html05:39
=== jhutchins notes that there is no SuperLILO Live CD, because there is no need for one.
foxxWaaaaaaaaaait a minute...anyone know what the boot option is for single user mode?05:40
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jhutchinsfoxx: linux single?05:41
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foxxjhutchins: Trying it now05:42
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foxxAh HAH!05:42
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foxxboot prompt is MINE!05:43
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=== foxx proceeds to pound on the keyboard. Be right back
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foxxOkay, confirmed it's definitely a problem with X.  Single user mode works just fine, as soon as you hit "startx" it hangs just like before05:45
san_Alguien habla espaol???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????''05:45
bonbonthejon!es | san_05:45
ubotusan_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:45
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san_ubotu gracias, bonbon hola05:45
foxxI must admit I hope this gets fixed in Fiesty.05:46
blue|palmDoes anybody know what causes your CTRL+ALT+F1-6 terminals to appear extremely messy? (graphically) Im using an ati X1900XTX with the prop fglrx drivers05:47
jhutchinsfoxx: Which?05:47
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jhutchinsblue|palm: You can try eliminating framebuffer in the consoles, that may help.05:48
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jhutchinsblue|palm: does "reset" help?05:48
foxxjhutchins: The issue of X hanging from the LiveCd.  I remember last time I had this problem it seems there's actually quite a few people with the same problem, I just can't for the life of me find it on the support forums now05:48
firephotoJuJuBee: that board will work with feisty, only issue might be if you have a sata cdrom that you're installing off of.05:48
blue|palmjhutchins: how would i do that>05:48
blue|palmjhutchins: I cant see what im typing...05:48
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jhutchinsblue|palm: Wing it.05:48
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blue|palmjhutchins: lol ok05:48
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blue|palmjhutchins: will reset do anything to my current X session?05:48
jhutchinsfoxx: I think that's addressed with the alternative CD, it does text-based setup.05:49
jhutchinsblue|palm: No, it resets the current "terminal".05:49
firephotoJuJuBee: it'll work with edgy too but you need to install edgy on different hardware first and move the drive after it's updated.05:49
D_Centmy computer crashes if i stick on my usb-stick... who can help me?05:49
bigdad1eone last question how do i install programs from the terminal?05:49
jhutchinsD_Cent: What release?05:49
foxxjhutchins: Interesting.05:49
D_Centjhutchins: edgy05:50
blue|palmjhutchins: thanks05:50
bonbonthejonbigdad1e: sudo apt-get install PROG05:50
jhutchinsbigdad1e: apt-get install <program>05:50
foxxD_Cent: Sounds like it doesn't like being touched in that way.  Give it a bottle of wine first.05:50
jhutchinsdang, always forget that sudo.05:50
foxxjhutchins: Alright, fixed it.05:50
bigdad1ethank you05:50
D_Centfoxx: nothing with wine...05:50
foxxD_Cent: Sorry, it was a terrible joke05:50
jhutchinsbigdad1e: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto05:50
blue|palmjhutchins: reset made no diff, how would i change the framebuffer. turn it on/off? Where do i do this?05:50
foxxjhutchins: Apparently the problem was the Xserver was trying to set up the server with my graphics card driver set to "nv"05:51
jhutchinsblue|palm: I think it needs to happen in grub...05:51
blue|palmjhutchins: Or do i have to go to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:51
blue|palmjhutchins: oh05:51
foxxjhutchins: From single user mode I edited the xorg.conf and changed the driver to "vesa" and it worked perfect.05:51
foxxjhutchins: REALLY odd though, I tried "vga=vesa" from grub and that didn't do squat.05:51
D_Centi could not find a way to get that to work....05:52
blue|palmdoes anyone else here who uses ati have problems with the F1 - 6 terminals?05:52
jhutchinsfoxx: Right, boot is all about console, doesn't affect X at all, X is a seperate system.05:53
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jhutchinsblue|palm: I think you can try booting with the "VGA=normal" or "nofb" option.05:54
foxxjhutchins: I was positive there was a way to overide the X autoconfiguration though from GRUB on the LiveCD.05:54
jhutchinsblue|palm: I have seen that, but not recently.  It's not surprizing with the newer video drivers that require kernel support.05:54
jhutchinsfoxx: Nope.05:54
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jhutchinsfoxx: You can only affect the console video mode.05:55
jhutchinsblue|palm: I don't believe there's any way to fix it once X is running.05:55
foxxjhutchins: Well nuts.  Well, lesson learned, at least it was easy to fix.05:55
foxxjhutchins: I think I'll make a thread about it in the support forum for Ubuntu in case anyone else experiences the same issue since I was unable to find anything on it after much scouring05:56
jhutchinsfoxx: Great idea.05:56
blue|palmjhutchins: thanks for the help05:56
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blue|palmjhutchins: these drivers are pathetic, honestly05:56
jhutchinsblue|palm: Sure, good luck.05:56
jhutchinsblue|palm: Works in progress, as always.05:56
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Patrialtim using kubuntu live cd 6.10, and i cant seem to locate files on my hard drive, can someone point me in the right direction?06:00
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firemonkeyballzPatrialt what files?06:01
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Patrialtwell i cant seem to locate any of my 4 partitions on my HDD06:01
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firemonkeyballzgo here system:/media06:02
Patrialtim used to the Gnome setup, so KDE kinda caught me off guard06:02
besonen_mobilei've just installed 7.04 and noticed that when i browse a fat32 partition with many files konqueror gets busy doing something and my whole system lags?  when konqueror first accesses a partition does it auto-index and/or recurse the whole directory structure creating thumbnails?  if this isn't it what else could konqueror be doing?  whatever it's doing i would like to stop it.06:02
firemonkeyballzbeson that version is totally alpha06:03
besonen_mobilei know06:03
Patrialtfiremonkeyballz when i go to system:/media all it displays for me is a file that's labelled '.hidden'06:03
firemonkeyballzare  you running from the CD?06:03
besonen_mobileit doesn't seem like a bug firemonkeyballz06:04
besonen_mobileinstalled to my hd06:04
firemonkeyballzment patrialt06:04
firemonkeyballzumm you may get away with it by pressing ctrl c besonen06:04
firemonkeyballzor clicking the x06:05
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Ashex|WorkPatrialt, open up terminal and type df06:05
Ashex|Workthat will show if they are mounted06:05
Ashex|Workotherwise, type sudo fdisk -l06:05
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firemonkeyballzashex I dont thnk they are mounted06:05
Ashex|Workthat will show all volumes in the system06:05
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firemonkeyballzhe's running of the cd06:06
matthiascan somebody help me06:06
Ashex|Workyeah, fdisk -l will show them06:06
besonen_mobilefiremonkeyballz: ctrl c to close the konqueror window?  obviously i'm just not familiar with konqueror :-)06:06
Ashex|Workthen he can type pmount /dev/hda#06:06
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matthiashow do i install new dictionnaries in openoffice06:06
matthiasor wait06:06
Ashex|Workwell, pmount may not work since it's not a removably06:06
firemonkeyballzbensoneon Im not too familure with it my self06:07
firemonkeyballzbuh I do kno that you can click the x06:07
firemonkeyballzfor shure06:07
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bigdad1ehow do i get the gdebi package if its not letting me click on it?06:07
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Ashex|WorkI just alt+f4 to close06:07
foxxjhutchins: There we go, as promised:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2292104#post229210406:08
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Patrialtashex|work that is correct, didn't work cuz it's not removable06:08
foxxWith that I'm going to leave.  Thank you all for your assistance, I'm glad we were able to get it running together.06:08
Patrialtany alternative?06:08
besonen_mobilefiremonkeyballz:  i guess that's why we're all in the kubuntu channel - because we need help with kde.  the blind leading the blind :-)06:08
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firemonkeyballzyes buh most people in here treat others like complete computer noobs06:09
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firemonkeyballzI know a few06:10
Patrialtwe all need our hand held, and taken by baby steps sometimes :P06:10
nosrednaekimwell one does have to assume that the user knows nothing06:10
Patrialtnoobs means newbies06:10
besonen_mobilethat's for sure.06:10
besonen_mobilewe're always learning06:10
bigdad1ecan i ask how do i download a package if it wont let me click on it?   noobs=ppl like me06:10
fdovingParkotron: or new users :)06:10
besonen_mobileand text is so frikk'in limiting06:10
firemonkeyballzyea fdoving06:10
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Ashex|WorkPatrialt, are they ntfs partitions?06:10
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firemonkeyballzumm that should explain a few things06:11
firemonkeyballzif so06:11
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: as in that they are on the website?06:11
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firemonkeyballznos they said they06:11
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bigdad1ei dont get what u mean06:11
firemonkeyballzwould have it fixed in edgy06:11
besonen_mobilei know noob mean newbie firemonkeyballz.  i was simply confirming what you were referring to noobs.  see what i mean about the joy's of text-based communication.06:11
firemonkeyballzopertive word may06:11
Patrialtashex|work only one of them, there are 4 partitions, sda1-sda4 and they are in this order NTFS, ext3, ext3, swap06:11
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nosrednaekimbigdad1e: where are you trying to click on the package?06:12
Patrialtim trying to mount the 2nd partition (sda2) it's my storage partition06:12
Ashex|WorkPatrialt, okay, ext3 shouldn't be a problem06:12
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firemonkeyballzwheee have original ati drivers06:12
bigdad1eadd+remove programs06:12
Ashex|WorkPatrialt, basically, all you are doing is creating a directory in /media/ and then mounting the partition to it06:12
Ashex|Workso, sudo mkdir /media/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda206:13
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: its on the list in ad/remove, but you can't install it?06:13
Patrialtkk, i'll give it a shot06:13
firemonkeyballzwell im out06:13
firemonkeyballzgot to get to class06:13
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nosrednaekimbigdad1e: they don't have a check mark by them?06:14
Patrialtlol, thanks that worked, i gotta remember these simple lifesavers :P06:14
bigdad1ethey do but it wont let me click on it06:14
Patrialti just didn't suspect that it didn't automount, my Ubuntu live cd had no trouble mounting my HDD partitions06:14
Ashex|WorkPatrialt, not a problem06:15
Ashex|Workwith the live cd's occasionally it'll be a hit and miss06:15
nosrednaekimdo you have the "show unsupported and show proprietary" clicked on the top of the window?06:15
Ashex|Workthe ntfs partition will be tricky though06:15
Ashex|Worksince linux can't detect the permissions, it automatically makes it root access only06:15
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Ashex|Workso, if you want to mount it, you'll need to set the uid for it06:16
Patrialtahh, i see, well, i was testing kubuntu to see if i liked it enough to install as a 3rd OS on my HDD06:16
Ashex|Workcheck the man page for how to set that06:16
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: "check" them and you chould be able to install those packages06:16
Patrialthave you by chance tried a triple boot system? windows xp, ubuntu, kubuntu06:16
Ashex|Workkubuntu is a nice os to play with :)06:16
Patrialthoping that it wont give me any problems06:16
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Ashex|WorkPatrialt, I was doing that for awhile06:17
bigdad1eit still didnt work06:17
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: which program is it?06:17
Ashex|Workback when edgy was in beta06:17
Ashex|WorkI was triple-booting windows, dapper, and edgy06:17
holgerhi everyone06:17
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Patrialtso...if i install this to HD, will it replace the old grub boot manager with an updated one that supports 3 os's06:17
holgerdoes anyone know how to disable the mouse acceleration in Kubuntu?06:17
Dr_williswowsers.. that GreaseMonkey extension for firefox + Plataypus is saving me such a headache.. :)06:18
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Patrialti read somewhere that grub automatically detects non linux OS's, but it didn't say anything about auto detecting 2nd linux OSs06:18
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: I don't even have that listed as a package...06:18
Dr_willisholger,  its tehre in the controlcenter thingie somewhere Perphrials->mouse->oneof the tabs/sliders06:18
holgeris anyone playing et?06:18
Dr_willisPatrialt,  'grub' dosent auto detect. the ubuntu/kubuntu installers can scan and add the proper grub entrys for the other od's06:19
bigdad1eits under system gdebi package installer06:19
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Dr_willisPatrialt,  and yes - they did see my other linux installs on this machine.06:19
Dr_willisPatrialt,  which suprised the heck out of me.06:19
Patrialtdr_willis awesome, thanks a bunch06:19
Ashex|WorkAnd I'm going to get coffee06:19
Ashex|Workbe back in a bit06:19
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: hmm.. ok..no clue06:19
Dr_willisnow if i knew how they did it . so i could get them to add other os's after ive installed Ubuntu :)06:19
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: can you instll other packages?06:20
Patrialti was directed to the file recently dr_willis06:20
Patrialtlet me see if i can find the file for you06:20
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Dr_willisPatrialt,  you mean the grub config file?06:20
nosrednaekimDr_willis: wouldn't that be "update-grub"?06:20
bigdad1enosrednaekim, ya im really trying to get to play my xvid videos but i cant seem to get it to play06:20
Patrialtlol yea06:20
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  from whati can tell that just 'rescans' the grub menu.lst file's comments and does some changes06:20
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mhbhi all06:20
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: use adept06:20
Dr_willisit dosent rescan the whold system/all the drives for new linux installs - which is what the installer seems to do.06:21
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:21
mhbI've set up multiple panels, and I want to resize the second one06:21
bigdad1ei am but i cant get it to work06:21
nosrednaekimDr_willis: oh..ok.. nice06:21
Dr_willisPatrialt,  grub is one of those tools thats well worth going to its homepage and printing/reading all their docs.     :)06:21
mhbbut every time I right click on it - Configure panel it always pops-up the first panel configuration06:21
Dr_willisgrub is sort of amazing in ways06:21
Patrialtshould be at like /boot/grub/config.ini or something, but you can manually insert new OS details i'd say06:21
bigdad1ei need to install libdvdcss06:21
Patrialtlike...just copy previous OS directions, and replace the necessary parts :)06:21
Dr_willisPatrialt,  of course you can MANUALLY insert the entrys. thats trivial.  This is linux of course..06:22
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nosrednaekim!dvd | bigdad1e06:22
ubotubigdad1e: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:22
Patrialthaha yea, good call06:22
Dr_willisgetting the system to see ALL the os's you got installed and making the right entrioes is a little harder.06:22
Dr_willisive hacked and slashed and fought with grub many a day. :)06:22
Patrialti'd say just give it time lol, sooner or later everything will be PnP :P06:22
bigdad1e| norednaekim all i wanna do is watch my movies lol but its not letting me lol06:22
Dr_willisPatrialt,  in some ways thats a bad thing.06:23
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Patrialtwell yea, it allows user idiotness :P06:23
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Dr_williswhen everything does everything automaticially.. then somthing 'breaks' you have to then  dig down UNDER the idiot-proofing to find the real problem.06:23
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Dr_willisone of the reasons i hate this useless eye candy.06:23
nosrednaekimDr_willis: ever seen the suse grub which,when rebooting, lets you select which OS to boot?06:23
Patrialthaha good call, but it's pretty much the only way for newby windows users to convert :P06:23
Dr_willisdid X crash due to this or that.. or  was it Beryls fault. :)06:24
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  err... thats pretty much how grub works. :)06:24
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: are they in divx or dvd format?06:24
nosrednaekimDr_willis:  but I never could figure out how to make Kubuntu do it06:24
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Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  same as in all the otehr disrtos.. see we are back to this idot-proofing. :)06:25
Dr_willisthey both use GRUB.. they both use grubs configs.. its just differnt options and config files.06:25
nosrednaekimat least it isn't default06:25
Dr_willislearn grub and you learn the fundamentals.06:25
holgeri need help with mouse acceleration..... how may i disable mouseaccel ?06:25
nosrednaekimNo,I mean in kdm, when you say "reboot" you can tell it what os to reboot into,06:25
Patrialtit's okay tho, without idiots and broken simplicities there are no troubleshooting workdesk positions to talk to people for a couple $ a minute :P06:25
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  thats a KDM/GDM option06:25
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: what do you mean adept doesn't work?06:25
nosrednaekimyeah..I guess so...06:26
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  ive seen that befor also.  nice in ways.06:26
nosrednaekimI guess I'll just have to get dirty digging..;)06:26
bigdad1eit wont install the package i have for the libdvd06:26
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  not sure how kdm/gdm do it. I think they edit the grub config file wihch is a bit scary in ways06:26
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bigdad1eand how do i get wine on kubuntu?06:26
Dr_willisholger,  kcontrol --> perhprials -> mouse06:27
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:27
Dr_willissudo apt-get install wine06:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:27
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bigdad1eim new i dont understand whats on those sites.. ive been getting them all day and not 1 of them helped me06:28
Patrialtbigdad1e you can also go to add/remove programs, select "any suite" and search for wine06:28
holgerwillis, i need to disable mouse accelleration for Enemy Territory06:28
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Daisuke_IdoDr_willis: isn't the version of wine in the default repositories *several* releases outdated?06:28
Daisuke_Ido.9.22, i think06:28
Dr_willisDaisuke_Ido,  proberly.. but wine gets updates like every week... so06:28
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Dr_willisI dont even use it much.. I dont use cedega any more either06:29
Daisuke_Idoi try to avoid cedega06:29
bigdad1ethe terminal wouldnt let me install wine06:29
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nosrednaekimwhy not?06:29
nosrednaekimdoes it give you an error?06:29
Daisuke_Idoand there are very few programs i need wine for06:29
bigdad1eeading package lists... Done06:29
bigdad1eBuilding dependency tree... Done06:29
bigdad1ePackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:29
bigdad1eThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:29
bigdad1eis only available from another source06:29
bigdad1eE: Package wine has no installation candidate06:29
alanhaggaiWhere are the KDE headers installed in Kubuntu?06:30
bigdad1eneither will adept06:30
Daisuke_Idois there a linux equivalent to dvdshrink in windows?06:30
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file06:30
bigdad1ehow and what is that?06:30
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:31
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nosrednaekimopen it with " kate /etc/apt/sources.list"06:31
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alanhaggaiWhere are the KDE headers installed in Kubuntu?06:35
bigdad1enosrednaekim, is that what u need?06:35
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: yeah thanks...06:36
nosrednaekimnow, run this command " kdesu kate /etc/apt/source.list "06:36
nosrednaekimand I have a modified version of that file for you to replace it with06:37
nosrednaekimerase what was in that file, and replace it with that06:37
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nosrednaekimnow run this " sudo apt-update "06:38
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bigdad1ecommand not found06:39
nosrednaekimwhat you just did was enable several repositories of programs06:39
nosrednaekimerr... just a sec06:39
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nosrednaekimyeah here sorry... " sudo apt-get update"06:40
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bigdad1ethere was alot of err and failed06:41
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nosrednaekimbigdad1e: ok...06:42
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nosrednaekimthats PROBABLY ok..06:43
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soulriderdoes anyone know of a program i can use to plot in 3d ?06:43
gioacchinoanybody now how to use sudo command in a sh script ?06:43
nosrednaekimopen up adept again and search for "divx4linux"06:43
soulriderw32codecs already includes a DivX codec06:43
nosrednaekim!search divx4linux06:44
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bigdad1ei need xvid06:44
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bigdad1enot dvix06:44
soulriderxvid is already included i think06:44
gioacchinoanyone know how to use sudo command in a sh script ?06:44
bigdad1eand it didnt show in adept06:45
nosrednaekimgioacchino: just put a sudo in?06:45
soulriderbigdad1e: i think xvid is already included, you can also try installing libxvidcore06:45
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nosrednaekimbigdad1e:  OH!06:45
nosrednaekimdid you search for xvid?06:45
soulridersudo aptitude install libxvidcore406:46
bigdad1enow what do i do?06:46
gioacchinoI want  a put in a sh scritp sudo command with password06:47
nosrednaekimgioacchino: that doesn't work?06:47
soulriderbigdad1e: if you installed it thats it06:47
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gioacchinoesample :  sudo mkdir06:47
soulriderstuff should just play if it didnt before06:47
gioacchinoI not know the sintax for put in the password of root06:47
soulriderbigdad1e: you could also install vlc, its a player that brings its own folters i think06:47
nilesctrl z wont put irssi in the background06:47
nosrednaekimgioacchino: I don't think you can do that, the best way is yo run the .sh with sudo priveleges06:47
bigdad1ehow do i get vlc?06:47
soulridergioacchino: if you do "sudo mkdir <dirname>"06:48
gioacchinoI have try with this sintax : sudo command passw but not work06:48
soulriderit should prompt for the password06:48
soulriderbigdad1e: sudo aptitude install vlc06:48
soulriderbut let me re-check the package name06:48
nosrednaekimbigdad1e: did soulrider's command work?06:48
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soulrideryes, vlc is ok06:48
bigdad1ei dont think so06:48
soulridernosrednaekim: im almost sure that xvid is already included06:48
gioacchinonosrednaekim: the problem is only a part of sh script must be executed with sudo privileges06:48
nosrednaekimsoulrider: it wasn't for me...06:49
bigdad1eUnable to lock the administration directory   what does that mean?06:49
nosrednaekimgioacchino: ahh... and you don't want to be prompted for the password?06:49
soulrider!adeptfix | bigdad1e06:49
ubotubigdad1e: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:49
gioacchinoyes you understand ;)06:49
soulridertype that06:49
soulrideralso, bigdad1e make sure thata dept is not open when you type one of my commands :P06:50
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, it means that a process is using the dpkg directory, possibly adept_manager or apt itself06:50
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Ashex|Workit's locked whenever apt is installing or upgrading a pacakge06:51
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nosrednaekimgioacchino: I don't think you can do that...its probably better to just sudo the whole command06:51
bigdad1eCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "vlc"06:51
soulrideruhm, hold on06:51
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nosrednaekimcommand > script06:51
Ashex|Workbigdadle, you need to enable the universe repository06:51
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Ashex|Work!universe | bigdad1e06:51
ubotubigdad1e: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:51
JuJuBeeI need to find a motherboard for core 2 duo socket 775 cpu that is supported by ubuntu.  Can anybody help?06:51
soulriderbigdad1e: this may all seem very complicated at first, but dont get discouraged, linux is so much easier than it seems!06:51
nosrednaekimAshex|Work: I just had hom do that06:52
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bigdad1ei thought it was i did that already and so did noraesraekim06:52
Ashex|Worknosrednaekim, ah, my mistake06:52
Ashex|Workdo an apt-cache search vlc06:52
bigdad1edidnt do anything06:53
nosrednaekimJuJuBee: any nvidia...06:53
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, which repository did you enable universe in?06:53
soulriderJuJuBee: i dont know for sure, but ubuntu will probably work no matter which mobo youre using06:53
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bigdad1eum..the first 2 i think06:53
JuJuBeeNot true. I have not been able to get it to install on INTEL DG965wh06:54
matthiasi hear i can install kde406:54
matthiasif i do this06:54
bigdad1eashex|work, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10213/   this will tell u06:54
firephotoJuJuBee: is your cd/dvd drive an ide one?06:55
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nosrednaekimJuJuBee: thts not an Nvidia06:55
soulriderJuJuBee: i got an intel mobo and it works like charm =.06:55
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matthiascan i then also choose to go back to kde306:55
matthiasor let it put me that way06:55
soulridermatthias: i dont suggets going to kde406:55
firephotoJuJuBee: you've used the desktop cd? latest daily, or herd? (feisty)06:55
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, I'm taking a look at it06:55
matthiascan i choose in kdm the kde3 AND the kde4?06:55
JuJuBeeMany people on this and #ubuntu have tried to help me and no luck.06:55
besonen_mobilewhat's the root password for kubuntu?06:55
soulridermatthias: i dont think so06:56
JuJuBeeI tired 6.06, 6.10, feisty06:56
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soulriderbesonen_mobile: you dont need to know :P use sudo06:56
matthiasoh thx06:56
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firephotoJuJuBee: right, but the feisty desktop cd, not the alternative...?06:56
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nosrednaekimfirephoto: ahh... that would be a problem wouldn't it ....06:56
soulridermatthias: if i were you i would stay in kde306:56
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, you only enable multiverse06:56
Ashex|Workadd universe to lines 3 and 406:56
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:56
JuJuBeeNot yet, only alt.06:56
besonen_mobileamarok is asking for one to "install mp3 support".06:56
nosrednaekimmatthias: yes06:56
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bigdad1ehow did i get that up in the terminal?06:57
soulriderbesonen_mobile: the password it prompts for is your own pass06:57
firephotoJuJuBee: alt is probably still broken on feisty for a g965. i thought they had fixed it though.06:57
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:57
nosrednaekimsoulrider: you can choose between the two...06:57
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firephotopata_marvell module is probably missing.06:57
besonen_mobilesoulrider: i try that again06:57
soulriderbigdad1e: if you want to edit a file using the terminal you can use the "nano" editor06:57
chronic1someone in a class told me that the new ubuntu is goign to be kde by default.....is this misinformation?06:57
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soulriderbesonen_mobile: did you enable universe and multiverse yet ?06:57
nosrednaekimchronic1: yes....kubuntu will always be KDE though06:58
firephotoJuJuBee: you can also install edgy on different hardware and move the drive to the new system after it's updated. edgy + updates has the right modules. but the network might not work.06:58
nosrednaekimchronic1: that yes.. it is misinformation06:58
besonen_mobilesoulrider: no.  how do i do that?06:58
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Ashex|Workbigdad1e, if you want to save yourself the trouble, uncomment 28&29 for future use06:58
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besonen_mobilesoulrider: btw, my password worked, i typed it wrong the first time.  thanks.06:59
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JuJuBeefirephoto : that didn't work06:59
ubuntuhi, I have bootet a kubuntu06:59
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bigdad1ehow do i uncomment?07:00
firephotoJuJuBee: anyway, feisty will work best on that board. has the updated video and kernel drivers. i have a dg965ss running almost perfect (xinerama via add2 card doesn't work)07:00
ubuntuhi,  i have bootet a  kubuntu live cd, and I need to mount my hd, so that I can fix a problem. How do I mount my HD?07:00
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JuJuBeeThe feisty image is 703.5 MB but my Cd only holds 702.807:00
JuJuBeeWhat can I do?07:00
ubuntuMy HD is a Kubuntu installation, so I guess it is ext307:00
Morvok_zZzwrite to a dvd07:00
firephotoJuJuBee: you can probably over burn that little bit.07:00
firephotoJuJuBee: or use a dvd. works the same.07:01
Ashex|Workubuntu, type df -h to see if it is already mounted07:01
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Ashex|Workif not, type sudo fdisk -l to see where it is07:01
besonen_mobilesoulrider: are you suggesting that i need to enable universe and multiverse to get amarok to install m3 support?07:01
bigdad1eok i did it how do i get out of it now?07:01
Ashex|Workto mount it, sudo mkdir /media/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda207:02
Ashex|Workif the partition is sda207:02
soulriderbesonen_mobile: im not sure, maybe, but you will have to eventually enable them anyways07:02
soulriderbesonen_mobile:  so you might as well just do it now07:02
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, ctrl+O to save07:02
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Ashex|Workbigdad1e, ctrl+x to exit07:02
besonen_mobilesoulrider: how do i do that?07:02
bigdad1eo sh--07:02
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, what is it?07:02
ubuntuAshex|Work: hmm, it does not seem to be mounted, but whn I add up all the space it exceeds a cd in size (app 2.5GB, but my HD is 20GB)! so i am not really sure07:02
bigdad1ei got to do it over07:03
Ashex|Workubuntu, df -h shows mounted paritions, when you run a live disc, it expands files and creates a ram disk07:03
Ashex|Workso it will total to be more then the disc size07:03
soulriderbesonen_mobile: i would like to guide you through it, but i have a midterm in like 4 hours :P but ill mkae the bot give you the tutorial07:04
soulrider!repos | besonen_mobile07:04
ubotubesonen_mobile: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:04
besonen_mobilethanks soulrider.07:04
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Ashex|Workubuntu, use sudo fdisk -l to locate the partition you want to mount07:04
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ubuntuAshex|Work: ok, so then it is not mounted07:04
bigdad1eashex|work, what do u do to put no comment?07:05
ubuntuAshex|Work: ok07:05
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, delete the #07:05
Ashex|Workanything with a # at the beginning is ignored by apt07:05
aboewhen will the kubuntu forums available07:06
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ubuntuAshex|Work: Ok, I have a list of the partitions on my hd now, is it the start and end that I need? Or ID?07:06
bigdad1ei think i did it now what do i do?07:07
Ashex|Workubuntu, you only need the device name07:07
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, sudo apt-get update07:07
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ubuntuAshex|Work: That would be /dev/hda1?07:08
bigdad1eok now what?07:08
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Ashex|Workbigdad1e, install vlc now07:08
bigdad1esudo apt-vlc?07:08
Ashex|Worksudo apt-get install vlc07:09
Ashex|Workapt-get is the command, install is the flag, vlc is the option07:09
bigdad1ecouldnt find package07:09
Ashex|Workyou added universe to lines 3&4?07:09
Ashex|Workand you saved changes?07:10
ubuntuAshex|Work: As far as I can see the disk name is /dev/hda, and the three partitions are /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda5. And /dev/hda1 is the one I need to mount07:10
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Ashex|Workubuntu, okay, now run this command to mount it: sudo mkdir /media/hda1 && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda107:11
Ashex|Workif it's ext3, that'll do it07:11
ubuntuAshex|Work: Thanks a lot, this was first class help :)07:13
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Ashex|Workubuntu, no problem :)07:15
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, that is rather strange07:15
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:16
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Ashex|Work!codecs > me07:16
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Ashex|Workbigdad1e, one moment, I'll update your repository list07:17
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dromerhi, how can I copy the theme&settings etc. of one user to another?07:18
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Ashex|Workbigdad1e, http://pastebin.ca/39359507:20
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Ashex|WorkI had to use pastebin because of the retarded spam checker07:21
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Ashex|Workdromer, copy .kde for a shortcut07:21
netwalkerhallo ihr Linuxer ;-)07:21
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bigdad1eits ok no problem07:21
Ashex|Workdromer, remove kwallet though07:21
metodo_tested!, thx! chao!.07:22
bigdad1eok now what do i do?07:22
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, easiest way is to use kate07:22
Ashex|Workso, kdesu kate07:22
Ashex|Workkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:22
dromerAshex|Work: hmm, when I tried this (sudo cp -R .kde) it didn't work, got some error and I had to remove .kde completely, and the .kde-backup doesn't work anymore07:22
Ashex|Workwhat was the error?07:23
bigdad1eok now what?07:23
chavodromer, that's because when you sue suod the copied files are owned by root. You need to change the owner of the files after you copy07:23
Ashex|Workreplace the sources.list you have with the one I gave you07:23
dromersorry, don't remember, some weir (non KDE-like) screen in the upper left corner07:23
chavodromer, sudo chown usernae.username.kde -R07:24
dromerchavo: ok, thnx, I'll try!07:24
bigdad1eok how do i save?07:24
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, ctrl+s?07:24
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Ashex|Workit's a gui editor, so just file>save07:24
dromerchavo: first cp -R and then the chown?07:24
bigdad1ethats it?07:24
chavodromer, yes07:24
Ashex|Workbigdad1e, pretty much07:25
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Ashex|Workthen do sudo apt-get update07:25
Ashex|Workand then try installing vlc again07:25
Ashex|Workthat should work for you07:25
dromerchavo: I'm guessing a space between user.user .kde ? ;)07:26
Ashex|Workheh, I'll be back07:26
frojndis there any linux program that crakcs SAM and system (I forgot windows 2000 pass and I don't wanna reinstall windows...) programs like saminside or LC5 ??07:26
chavodromer, yes sorry07:26
Ashex|Workfrojnd, yes, give  aminute to find it07:26
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frojndAshex|Work: tnx07:26
dromerok, other problem I still have is with nvidia twinview on my Geforce2 MX - CRT,TV - setup: I get two separate desktops instead of just one extended over the two07:31
Ashex|Workfrojnd, http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/bootdisk.html07:31
JuJuBeefirephoto : just burned feisty and trie it.  I checked integ and ok. Rebooted and tried install.  Got a few pages of errors some like [0.135812]  PCI:Bios Bug MCFG area at f0000000 is not E820 - reserved, then bunch more some about acpi and a kernel panic not synching exception at interrupt07:31
Ashex|Workit's a bootable disk though, so you'll have to boot off of it07:31
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firephotoJuJuBee: have you updated the bios on that to the latest?07:31
frojndAshex|Work: boot maschine with wind?07:31
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Ashex|Workanywho, I'll be back in a bit. I gotta do my job07:31
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Tm_T!away | Ashex|Work07:31
Ashex|Workfrojnd, no, download the .iso from there, burn it to a cd, and boot off the cd07:31
ubotuAshex|Work: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines07:31
Ashex|WorkTm_T, letting the people I'm helping know :P07:31
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Tm_TAshex|Work: letting what?07:31
Ashex|Workthat I'll be dissapearing for a bit, so not to get pissy and bitch about crappy help07:31
Ashex|WorkIt's happened in the best, so I try to keep them in the know07:31
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Tm_TAshex|Work: Yes, you can say you're going away if you're in the middle of something, but I assume that endpart of your nick is "awaynick".07:31
Ashex|Workheh, not really07:31
frojndis possible to burn .iso on the usb stick?07:31
Tm_TOk then, carry on and thanks for being active. :)07:31
Ashex|WorkI'm connected from my work desktop, and I leave my home machine idling in here07:31
Ashex|Workhehe, no problem :p07:31
frojndcouse I have a delling with 3mb07:31
Ashex|Workfrojnd, it's possible07:31
Ashex|Workyou can use isolinux to boot off usb07:31
Ashex|WorkI have a guide for running a live cd off a usb stick07:31
Ashex|Worklemme link you07:32
khirrhow can i configure 3d aceleration for my linux?07:32
Ashex|Workfrojnd, http://www.chipnick.com/thumbdrive-linux/07:32
frojndtnx again Ashex|Work07:32
Ashex|Workno problem07:32
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dromerthis is my current xorg.conf: http://sneeuw.zapto.org/~dreamer/xorg.conf  but what can I change so the desktop on my main screen is actually extended?07:33
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Ashex|Workfrojnd, fyi, i just noticed that my last wp upgrade butchered the formatting, so pardon the lack of paragraphs07:34
soulrider!nvidia | khirr07:34
ubotukhirr: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:34
frojndAshex|Work: np I have time07:34
chavodromer, have you tried running nvidia-settings?07:35
Pensa`MIAkmail keeps deleting messages in my inbox of an imap server, and when I get a new message notificiation and look in the kmail inbox folder there aren't any new ones :s07:35
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Pensa`MIAgod knows how much mail I lost07:35
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dromerchavo: how do I run this?07:39
chavodromer, from the command line07:39
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dromerah, got it :)07:39
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dromerhmm, the problem is there are two separate desktops, I can't join them in nvidia-settings07:40
chavoyou want your desktop mirrored on both displays?07:40
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dromerno I want the main desktop extended over the two, so I could drag a program to the tv and full-screen it there07:41
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khirrin windows i saw mi vidoe card is s307:43
khirrmy mainboard is msi07:43
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dromerchavo: atm I have two separate desktops that I can control with the keyboard and mouse of the pc, other settigns I tried it just made X think the CRT is a widescreen :S07:45
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dromerI want both at the same time :P07:45
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chavodromer, try this cd /etc/X11, sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview07:46
chavoit will make a backup of xorg.conf it it doesn't work07:46
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dromerok, thnx, letme try :)07:49
dromerah shit, it overwrited my old backup :S ah well, this one works07:49
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dromerok brb07:49
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chavoI keep several backups of xorg.conf since I'm always tweaking it07:50
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riccardo_hello world07:52
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BayRootis it possible to get FlashPlayer working with AMD64?07:55
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Ashex|WorkBayRoot, yes07:56
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ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:56
SkullerBayRoot: np07:58
BayRootPackage ia32-libs-gtk has no installation candidate   -> my result from the 1st step.07:59
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SkullerBayRoot: sorry i have no knowledge more than the factoid....please refer 2 someone else08:00
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BayRootSkuller: thanks for the help. Hopefully i'll get it going.08:01
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AyabaraI'm trying to compile krusader from source. Do I miss packages if KDEDIR and QTDIR is not set?08:03
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LycanNyc-workso im trying to remove gdm and now openoffice wants to go too how do i stoppopen from going08:05
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SkullerBayRoot: you there?08:06
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SkullerBayRoot: you need to enable the universe and multiverse repositories08:06
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:06
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hakroHi, I've a problem lmms on a kubuntu edgy eft 6.10. Since i've changed the sound config, on every lmms start, he say "segmentation fault". The last config i've changed is OSS.08:20
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huibhakro : have no clue. Remove - reinstall sound perhaps?08:23
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=== genii ponders aquiring Super Cow Powers
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geniihakro Try using alsa then08:29
=== Skuller wants a chinese super cows powers....chopsticks on the chest....shoot noodles out of the paws....catch bad cows with stale fortune cookies
geniiSkuller Actually Super Cow Powers is an easter egg in ap-get :)08:29
Skullerk laterz genii..thnx fer da mousetrap help yest08:30
geniiSkuller: Try sudo apt-get moo    to see it08:30
geniiSkuller np :)08:30
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geniispitwise Don't spill the beans ;)08:31
fdovinggenii: tried 'aptitude moo -v' add more v's till it doesn't change :)08:31
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trycytWhat package is ipp in?08:31
JulleTo be able to boot up kubuntu or DSL for example on an old laptop (166mhz pentium) is a bootdisc required, not the actual LiveCD itself?08:31
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trycytapt-file search ipp does not turn up anything.08:32
geniifdoving :)08:32
geniiWhen i'm getting frusta=rated at commandline I sometimes do it to lighten up08:33
Mo-ZOk... so my KAudio Creator wont rip my cd. Not in any code. (using edgy)... when its done copying the track and is about to encode, it cant make a folder....08:33
Mo-Zanyone knows?08:33
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geniiJulle Does this old box have a CD drive?08:34
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fdovinggenii: apropos frustrated at the commandline, tried the 'sl' package?08:34
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LycanNyc-workso im trying to remove gdm and now openoffice wants to go too how do i stoppopen from going08:35
geniifdoving Not lately ... I'd do it right now but am on W2K and not patched in somewhere ubuntu by putty08:35
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fdovinggenii: try it when you get back to some sane system :)08:35
geniifdoving Will do08:36
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esaymwhats the command to see what a symbolic links points to?08:37
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Mo-ZOk... so my KAudio Creator wont rip my cd. Not in any code. (using edgy)... when its done copying the track and is about to encode, it cant make a folder....08:38
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BluesKajinstalled FF but now it defaults to 90% of the full page and I've forgotten the trick to default it to full page ... not serious but still annoying , Does anyone remember the procedure to make the default page 100% .Page setup doesn't solve it08:41
jhutchinsesaym: ls -l08:42
jhutchins http://www.linuxcommand.org/08:42
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:42
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geniiJulle Still here?08:43
esaymjhutchins: thank you,  I was thinking it was ls08:43
esaymI mean ln08:43
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Jullegenii yes08:43
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Jullegenii the old laptop got a cd-drive yes and i can browse the content of the cd inside win98 which is the primary OS atm. But when i try to boot up DSL or any other LiveCD dist it only boots up to win98, and yes i have changed the settings inside BIOS to boot from cd first08:45
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dromerchavo: didn't work :(08:46
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geniiJulle For a laptop you could use one of 2 methods booting from floppy. Tho Ubuntu does not have native bootdisks. The first, if the laptop has a cd, is to use BootManager disk from http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/about.html then select CD  to continue from. If no CD, then make a netboot floppy from http://www.rom-o-matic.net/ and then setup a PXE/netboot server with some desktop.08:48
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jhutchinsesaym: ln is link.08:49
jhutchinsAh, I see why you'd think that.08:50
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Louckhow can i erase terminal histroy ?08:50
geniiJulle Network install instructions for second method can be found at http://mywheel.net/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/08:50
esaymls reads and ln links.  I don't know I just thought it would use the same command08:50
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jhutchinsls = list.08:51
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Louckhow can i erase terminal histroy ?08:51
trycytrm .bash_history if you're using bash. .history if you're using a csh variant.08:51
InnosenseSo guys...if system sounds are working but for some reason no video or audio sound is comming out...how would I fix that?08:51
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Jullegentii Thank you Very much for you easy and informative answer!08:52
geniiInnosense rightclick on speaker icon. open mixer. unmute all PCM devices08:53
geniiJulle You are very welcome08:53
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InnosenseIn Kmix if the button is green, are they muted or unmuted?08:54
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Innosensebecuase all of them are gree except for one called "3d control sigmatel -de" and that doesn't have a switch08:55
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AMSmith42How can I get a network activity icon in the panel?08:57
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fdovingAMSmith42: have a look at the knemo package.08:57
AMSmith42thank you08:57
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Innosensewow it does work now, thanks genii08:59
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geniiInnosense np :)08:59
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dobermann_how can i09:01
dobermann_clear terminal history09:01
principohallo, kann mir jemand helfen???09:02
fdoving!de | principo09:02
ubotuprincipo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:02
fdovingdobermann_: delete ~/.bash_history  and run 'history -c'09:02
AMSmith42fdoving: I installed knemo with apt-get...where did it put it?09:03
Ash-FoxI absolutely give up on OpenOffice. http://sphinx.quickfox.org/~ash-fox/temp/OOo.png09:03
fdovingAMSmith42: you need to restart kded, it's easiest to login again.09:03
AMSmith42Ah, OK09:04
AMSmith42Thank you.09:04
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fdovingdobermann_: 'rm ~/.bash_history' then 'history -c' if you want the commands.09:06
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dobermann_ok done09:08
dobermann_how can ' setup firefox09:08
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Kr[4] t05I'm using wminput to setup my wii remote to work with my computer and I'm told by the wiili.org guide to edit a file in /etc/udev/rules.d to allow all users to access uinput. Which file should I edit?09:08
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dobermann_how can ' setup firefox09:10
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fuel!firefox | dobermann_09:11
ubotudobermann_: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins09:11
geniidobermann_: Use aptitude or Synaptic to install it from the list09:11
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fueldobermann_: sudo apt-get install firefox09:11
dobermann_im usin kubuntu09:11
geniidobermann_: Or from konsole with command fuel just gave09:11
fueldobermann_: right alt+f2 -> konsole -> sudo apt-get install firefox09:11
dobermann_Reading package lists... Done09:12
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dobermann_Building dependency tree09:12
dobermann_Reading state information... Done09:12
dobermann_Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:12
dobermann_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:12
dobermann_is only available from another source09:12
dobermann_E: Package firefox has no installation candidat09:12
fuel!pastebin | dobermann_09:13
ubotudobermann_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:13
fueldobermann_ : did you edit your sources.list ?09:13
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frojndhow do I check if apache on my server is running ?09:13
frojndon my edgy ;)09:13
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fueldobermann_: http://ubuntuguide.org . you have all the installation procedures here09:14
fueldobermann_: though its unofficial09:14
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ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro09:14
geniidobermann_: do:  sudo apt-get update                     then, the install command for firefox again09:15
frojndhow do I check if apache is running ?09:16
=== Kr[4] t05 is now known as Kr4t05
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org09:16
dobermann_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:16
dobermann_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:16
fuelfrojnd: ping your 80 port09:17
fueldobermann_: dont dont paste your stuff here!09:17
fueldobermann_: use pastebin!!!09:17
frojndfuel: ping like ping port:80 ?09:17
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fuelfrojnd: open your browser and http://localhost09:18
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fuelfrojnd: or ask in #apache09:18
dobermann_fuel im newbie09:18
Daskreechcan I move tabs in konqueror?09:18
dobermann_wht are u talkin about09:18
Daskreechhi dobermann_09:18
fueldobermann_: so am i . Just dont paste stuff here09:18
DaskreechWelcome to kubuntu09:18
Daskreech!paste | dobermann_. Please read this09:18
ubotudobermann_. Please read this: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:18
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geniidobermann_: Some other process is updating programs or installing something. If you have more than 1 konsole open make sure only one is trying to use a program like apt-get . If this looks OK, then your system is likely running a scheduled update. On top right of screen should be a little icon which says something like this if you hover the mouse over it.09:19
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geniidobermann_: If this is the case, just let it finish.09:20
Daskreechcan I move tabs in konqueror?09:21
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fuelDaskreech: i dont think so09:22
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fuelDaskreech: #kde09:22
DaskreechI don't think they have a different answer :)09:22
fuelDaskreech: :D09:22
fuel!google move tabs konqueror09:22
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fuelDaskreech: http://www.google.com/search?q=move+tabs+konqueror09:24
=== Daskreech tries to move that tab beside his other google tabs
=== Daskreech thorws a fit
dobermann_genii help dudee09:24
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geniidobermann_: No probs09:25
DaskreechWheeeeee :)09:25
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Daskreech Ctrl+shift and direction09:25
geniidobermann_: Did you find out if your system is updating itself?09:25
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dobermann_done genii09:25
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dobermann_thanks you are my man09:25
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geniidobermann_: OK, so now you could install firefox by the package manager... Synaptic or Aptitude :)09:26
dobermann_yeah u are my man ehe09:26
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jorge__i need install a wireless09:27
jorge__in my kubuntu09:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:27
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Daskreechjorge__: read the link. It should help :)09:31
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lucahi everyone09:35
geniiluca Hi. You have some question regarding Kubuntu to ask?09:36
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lucaI have recently cloned my hard disk with kubuntu into a new drive09:37
lucait starts ok, cnfiguration is fine, BUT it appears as if I have no swap partition - still the partition exists :(09:38
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DaskreechFormat!! :)09:39
Daskreechhow do you know you have no swap partition?09:39
geniiluca Please use the pastebin website to paste the contents of the file /etc/fstab and the results of the command   ls /dev/hd?? /dev/sd??09:40
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Daisuke_Idoa format actually helped me for a change09:40
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lucagenii: sure thing09:41
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lucano sd btw09:43
geniiluca if the partition exists in /dev and in fstab as a swap mount you may need to do the command mkswap. But I will know after reading your paste09:43
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lucaok pasting right now - I have 6 hda by the way, hda1 hda2 etc.09:43
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RadiantFireif you mkswap you also have to swapon09:44
RadiantFireor bad things happen09:44
RadiantFireand then you have to mount it09:44
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geniiRadiantFire: Yes :)09:44
filthpigI'm going to insert a new hard drive into my computer, and the one that has to go out is the one I have my linux partitions on09:44
filthpigIs there a way for me to backup or reinstall my current settings and installations etc onto the new drive without having to do everything all over again?09:45
lucait's a bit slow09:45
Daskreechfilthpig: keep your ~ folder09:45
szaloonyhi, where are the info about screen resolution stored? (I mean the file)09:46
lucagenii http://pastebin.com/89842709:46
makalliusc' qualcuno che parla italiano?09:46
geniiluca OK, reading09:46
Cugel!it | makallius09:46
ubotumakallius: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:46
lucama non so nulla di linux, va su #kubuntu-it09:46
filthpigDaskreech: and then just copy it back into place after installing?09:46
Daskreechfilthpig: that's the idea09:46
lucade nada ;)09:47
geniiwow pastebin is almost at a standstill09:47
Daskreechrm -rf ?09:47
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szaloonyanyone know where is resolution info stored?09:48
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filthpigif I use the backup system-function in kubuntu/kde to make a backup of my system and unpack it after I have changed drives, it will keep all my settings, right?09:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg.info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:49
Cugelszaloony: xorg.info09:49
=== nailz [n=nailz@cpc5-cani1-0-0-cust187.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
geniiluca There is no swap entries in your fstab. What partition is it supposed to be on?09:49
Daskreechall of your settings are kept in ~09:49
Daskreechand /etc09:49
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Daskreechkeeping a complete copy of those should be ok unless one of the applications has a major upgrade09:50
Daskreechit will normally migrate things for you then09:50
lucagenii it was supposed to be the fourth09:50
geniiluca sorry, see it now as UUID=327bbe8a-ac08-43c2-98b6-c78298bdc6e5 (comment above states hda6)09:51
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lucasorry the third09:51
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frojndI have one q09:51
geniiluca The new UUID thing threw me off :)09:51
frojndI've installed xampp via wine09:51
frojndbut howw can I unistall it??09:51
filthpigif I install fiesty herd 5 now, can I upgrade it when it's officially released in may?09:51
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:51
DaskreechShort answer is yetr09:52
jack_hi, i want kword to automatically start on desktop 2 eg, but it stubbornly starts all the time at desktop 4.is there a reason or fix for that?09:52
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lucagenii no problem - still I do not understand very well what I have to do though :)09:52
frojndhello guys09:53
Cugelhello forjnd09:53
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nailzhey all, anyone know of a current issue with kubuntu-docs_7.04-2_all.deb on fiesty?09:53
aloneaok, I had kubuntu and I tried another distro, hated it, and went back to this. Now, adept at some point updated my kernel, but its not doing it now. How do I get it to?09:53
frojndhow can I remove all that is related with apache, couse I have installed 2 apaches, one with wine (xampp) and one with apt so 2 apaches are running..09:54
geniiluca RadiantFire may give you the correct procedures in order to rebuild it with mkswap if you ask him nicely :)09:54
Daskreechalonea: did you install a custom kernel?09:54
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lucagenii ok thanks ;-)09:55
aloneaDaskreech: umm, no, I just installed from the DVD last night, but I need a later kernel version to get ndiswrapper to work with my wificard. Before, one day it just randomly updated to the next kernel, and I want it to do that again.09:55
Daskreechalonea: maybe a newer kernel isn't available?09:56
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dobermann_oo yea09:56
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geniiluca Ah, he is currently "away"09:56
RadiantFireoh yeah, about that09:57
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aloneaDaskreech: no, I have seen later kernels. I have 2.6.17-11 . On Slack I have
RadiantFireI may have to see if Konversation supports plugin writting, I'd love to write an autoaway plugin09:57
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besonen_mobilei've decided to give kubuntu another try.  just installed 7.04.  very nice.  thanks to all the folks who contributed.09:57
Daskreechalonea: That ships with feisty09:58
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aloneaDaskreech: er, I have Kubuntu Edgy Eft.09:58
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Daisuke_Idojust biding my time for the final release of feisty.  hopefully it will be a painless upgrade from 6.1009:58
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Daskreechalonea: so do I09:59
geniiluca So first we should absolutely ensure that we have the correct partition before continuing. If command   sudo fdisk /dev/hda6    shows a partition type of swap then we are reasonably good to proceed.09:59
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aloneaDaskreech: All I know is that ndiswrapper says in the install file it wants 2.6.609:59
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DaskreechAh you easily meet that10:00
aloneaDaskreech: then why wont my wifi card come on?10:00
geniiRadiantFire :)10:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:01
geniiRadiantFire: Are you already assisting luca or should I just continue?10:01
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RadiantFireoh, no, I haven't10:01
Daskreechalonea: ^^^10:01
RadiantFirehe stoped talking10:01
DaskreechSee if that URL will help10:01
RadiantFireif you want me to thats fine10:01
RadiantFireits only like 3 commands10:01
jack_hi, i want kword to automatically start on desktop 2 eg, but it stubbornly starts all the time at desktop 4.is there a reason or fix for that?10:02
Daskreechjack_: Sessions?10:02
RadiantFiregenii: do you need to use volume_id though, since dapper now uses the new libata or soemthing10:02
aloneaDaskreech: well, i have put on my wifi card so many times the same way and now its suddenly not working. I have a broadcom card and I did remove the bcm43xx module. also using the same driver files I used the last few times that worked fine.10:02
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geniiRadiantFire: Yeah I know... was just wanting to make sure we had the correct partiton with type swap first before proceeding due to the UUID vs commented-out /dev/hda6 in his fstab10:02
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aloneaI am gonna try another uninstall reinstall and see if it helps after I updated everything10:03
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Daskreechalonea: has this happened since the kernel update?10:03
aloneaDaskreech: nope. I never had any problems before once I figured out what I was doing wrong.10:03
Daskreechalonea: When did it start happening?10:04
geniiRadiantFire: just the device should work. I've done it in 6.06 before10:04
jack_Daskreech: in changed that in special window behAVIOUR OR application behaviour, what do you mean by settings?10:04
jhutchinsuuid's are just SO wrong.10:04
geniiluca Are you still here?10:04
RadiantFiregenii: then it should just be mkswap /dev/hda6; swapon /dev/hda6; mount -t swap /dev/hda6 sw10:04
jhutchinsHuman readable, low-level, common text names that make sense.10:04
geniijhutchins: I tend to agree10:04
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jhutchinsuuid's are heading into MS Registry thinking.10:05
aloneaDaskreech: I just installed this last night. Kubuntu messed up and i had to take it off. So I thought I would try gentoo, which would not install, and slackware hates most of my hardware and it was getting to be too much trouble to get stuff working.10:05
Daskreechjack_: Not sure waht you are talking about :(10:05
aloneaDaskreech: So I downloaded the dvd last night and put kubuntu back on10:05
lucagenii yep - was distracted here at home10:05
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Daskreechalonea: Ah wifi isn't working now10:05
Daskreechyou did updates?10:06
jack_Daskreech: i want that there is an open kword document when i start the session, so far so good; kde does the job, but when i choose desktop 1, it always opens the kword in the autostart on desktop 410:06
geniiluca OK :) So if the command I gave earlier reports /dev/hda6 as type swap then proceed to do the commands RadiantFire gave to re-enable the swap10:06
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lucano no10:06
aloneaDaskreech: nope. Though I am gonna see if it works now after I did the 261 mbs of updates with adept. Maybe it will work now. Almost done reinstalling10:06
lucahda6 must not be touched :)10:06
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lucait is the IBM recovery partition10:06
Daskreechjack_: Ah!10:06
lucait should be hda310:06
Daskreechjack_: ask in #kde :)10:06
sbaushhi all! i've a problem with screensaver in kubuntu edgy10:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
lucagenii I'm an idiot - you were right10:07
geniiluca That is why I gave the:  sudo fdisk /dev/sda6     command. It will tell if it is type swap or not10:07
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lucaok the command returns..10:07
makuseruis there any way to make an avi or mpeg into just an mp3, to have just audio?10:07
lucait is nothing it recognizes :(10:07
geniisorry, /dev/hda6 not sda6 ...bleh10:08
aloneaDaskreech: Nope. Still not turning on.10:08
sbaushi configure the screensaver with kconfig or with systemsetting10:08
geniiluca My booboo hda6 not sda610:08
DaskreechWhat is it doing?10:08
lucagenii i did it right nevertheless, it says it is nothing it recognizes10:08
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sbaushbut now that doesn't run10:08
aloneaDaskreech: Have not gotten any errors at all. I get device and hardware present10:08
aloneaDaskreech: and the alternate driver isn't loaded.10:09
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Daskreechdid you do a modprobe?10:09
aloneaDaskreech: yes dear...and rmmod bcm43xx (done this many many times...*big sigh*)10:09
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Daskreechthe wifi docs don't help?10:10
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geniiluca OK. Please then: sudo fdisk /dev/hda           then, type "p" to print the partition table. cut and paste this to a pastebin to examine for swap partition location.10:10
aloneaWell, the last time I had to follow that troubleshoot page ndiswrapper has to get it up, but I have done the same instructions I did before. Gimmie a sec to look at that page you gave me.10:10
geniiluca To exit fdisk without changing anything, use "q"10:11
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lucaok pasting10:11
geniiluca :)10:11
xanithCan someone help me with this. I'm getting GPG errors from wine, opera and beryl repositories using Edgy 6.1.0. I know there has to be something to fix this?10:12
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aloneaDaskreech: ok, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD64, the "install necessary packages" does not work for me.10:13
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activehi trying to install kkwlan and i get a error i get a dependency is not satisfiable kdelibs4c2a error any one helppleae10:13
DaskreechThis is on AMD64?10:13
aloneaDaskreech: yes.10:13
aloneaDaskreech: this is error I get.10:13
aloneaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:13
aloneaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:13
Daskreechthat's way out of my league10:13
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geniixanith use switch --allow-unauthenticated with apt-get or better, install the gpg keys for the repos you are using in /etc/apt/sources.list10:14
lucacompletely jammed I fear :(10:14
Daskreechwhat's the command you are running ?10:14
aloneaDaskreech: I just copy pasted what that page says.10:14
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lucagenii pastebin is quite jammed10:15
geniiluca OK. I have to leave for work anyhow. i will return in about 20 minutes however if you can wait.10:15
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jullewhere can i find Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) live cd?10:15
julledaily build10:15
geniiluca Or perhaps RadiantFire may feel like assisting10:15
frojndhow can I remove all that is related with apache, couse I have installed 2 apaches, one with wine (xampp) and one with apt so 2 apaches are running..10:15
xanithgenji, i have been using apt-get, but how do i install the GPG keys?10:15
lucagenii thanks anyhow10:15
RadiantFiresorry, luca what was your problem?10:16
lucaRadiantFire I have no swap :)10:16
RadiantFireyeah, but you were trying to pastebin something, I assume an error10:16
geniixanith The websites for the different repos should have them. Search google with something like "<url pasted from sources.l;ist here>"n gpg key10:16
lucanope the partition table10:16
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xanithgenji, I have the GPG keys but how do i install them?10:16
lucaand pastebin is quite jammed10:16
BluesKajDaskreech, alonea,....  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a  ?10:16
geniixanith I would assist more right now but late for work. You can find the answer easily enough yourself by searching10:17
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xanithok thanks10:17
Daskreechalonea: on the page it does say that's a hoary methodolgy10:17
BluesKajluca, try www.pastebin.ca ..not as crowded10:17
aloneaDaskreech: ah, just saw that now. Well, none of those pages are really gonna help me. I can see if maybe ndiswrapper has a new version10:18
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lucaBluesKaj thanks :)10:18
lucaRadiantFire http://www.pastebin.ca/39380210:18
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alonea...sourceforge is down.10:19
RadiantFireluca: so your in luck, you have 2 swap partitions10:20
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RadiantFireluca: so basically, make sure that /dev/hda4 and /dev/hda6 are unmounted10:20
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lucaRadiantFire none of them working though :) t was the result of a messy format of a previous ubuntu installation..when I reinstalled kubuntu it created a new swap partition instead of taking the existing one. Talking about lng time ago10:21
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walterciao qualche italiano10:21
RadiantFireluca: ok, so does that mean they are unmounted?10:21
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:21
lucajust a sec10:21
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walterpla italiano aiuto10:22
DaskreechI just to be cool :(10:22
smurphyio lo parla gli italiano - ma non il technico :)10:22
walterasd ok tnx10:22
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lucaRadiantFire http://www.pastebin.ca/39380410:22
walterio parlo italiano ma non sono tecnico :D10:22
lucamy fstab10:22
walterhis correct write :D10:22
smurphyYeah :)10:22
RadiantFireluca: can you paste the output of just "mount"10:23
RadiantFireluca: because theoretically /dev/hda6 should be mounted as a swap for you10:23
plhardyio parlo italiano ma under torture only10:23
rolandocan i set a different language for each user_10:23
rolandonot only in kde but for everything else10:24
walterce un server italiano ?10:24
walteritalian server? pls ^^10:24
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:24
Daskreech!it | walter10:25
ubotuwalter: please see above10:25
lucaRadiantFire surely it is not, however just a second10:25
lucaRadiantFire http://www.pastebin.ca/39381110:25
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aloneaDaskreech: *sigh* nope. ndiswrapper 1.38 isn't doing it either10:26
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RadiantFireluca: ok, so it isn't10:26
Daskreechok describe your situation10:26
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RadiantFireluca: so, step one mkswap /dev/hda610:26
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RadiantFireluca: then swapon /dev/hda610:27
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RadiantFireluca: now try mount -t swap /dev/hda6 sw10:28
lucawell it is ALREADY seen10:28
lucaI have my swap right now :)10:29
lucashould I try your command nevertheless?10:29
RadiantFireyou should have to mount it to be seen10:29
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lucamount point sw does not exist10:30
RadiantFirewell thats bad10:30
cpk1anyone have any idea where I can start with what I think is an X session problem? wine wont run inside my X session but if I log in another user in a new X session wine works fine even working out of my normal users wine dir10:30
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bbeck_Does anyone know how to set up spell checking in Kopete?10:31
RadiantFireluca:  all I can say is, perhaps kernels have changed since I was familiar10:31
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RadiantFireluca: apparently they have... I'm sorry10:31
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nosrednaekimbbeck_: you need to install all the spell checker packages(mostly dictionarys.. I think the main one is Kspell10:31
lucaRadiantFire: still i have my swap now :-S10:32
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bbeck_nosrednaekim: It's working fine in Kontact.10:32
RadiantFirethere is a button bbeck_10:32
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RadiantFireand you can't be using the richtext formatting10:32
nosrednaekimbbeck_: oh..ok.. in that case, you have to run off formatting10:33
lucalet me see a thing...10:33
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tommyNgon som vet varfr OpenOffice 2.2 krachar s fort man frsker  kolla vilka synliga knappar man har aktiverade ( nedre raden)10:33
ariis that normal that my upgrades notifier tells me that ubuntu feisty is ready to be installed !?!10:34
nosrednaekimari: yes.... but you don't have to do it10:35
nosrednaekimin fact, I reccomend against it10:35
nosrednaekimespeccialy if its your main computer10:35
arithanks. i was wondering if it was because i just tried to install beryl or something like that.10:35
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acemoquite funny to see there being about 75-100 mb on updates for feisty each day10:37
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nosrednaekimacemo: yikes!!10:38
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acemonosrednaekim, its no problem.. high speed internet at school (10 megabyte per seconds updating is sweet)10:39
nysosymi have a problem, i wanne open a password protected 7zip file, with p7zip i can open the file, but how can i define the password?10:39
nosrednaekimwell here on dial up I think I'd have  BIT of a problem10:40
Daskreechacemo: 64k not so great10:40
acemodaskreech, yea.. u better wait till final version then ;P10:40
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acemorunning feisty for a week now.. only 2 crashes so far :)10:41
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DaskreechI'll start running it when it hits freeze10:42
DaskreechI'm running from Live Cd :)10:42
nosrednaekimI was think about getting it when it goes bet10:43
Daisuke_Idooi.  i really didn't expect it to be *this* difficult to find a decent gba emulator (mednafen hates me, and vba has insane issues with sound)10:43
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sampani have a swap question.  top and htop show that I'm using swap memory (and the swap partition is in my fstab), but in the system settings --> disks and filesystems it shows the swap as "disabled" -- which do i believe?10:43
acemodaisuke_ido: sorry, i forgot how the gba emulator i used is named.. but let me search a bit, maybe i can find it ;)10:43
Daisuke_Idothere's no$gba, boycott advance (sort of, i guess), mednafen, and vba.  loved vba in windows, but it's gone evil10:44
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nosrednaekimsampon, do " free -m "10:45
iamsam9895nickserv identify athlon10:45
nosrednaekimnice passwd...;)10:45
Daisuke_Idoand this is why we always identify in status10:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:45
iamsam9895Somebody take it, I dare you.10:46
sampannosrednaekim  that shows that i'm using swap (same info as top/htop show) -- that mean the kde disk-filesystems module thingy is borked somehow?10:46
Daskreechiamsam9895: Jsut change the password :)10:46
Daisuke_Idonah, that would be mean10:46
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varusso7j # ubuntu-es10:46
Daisuke_Idoand completely against the spirit of the channel10:46
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Daisuke_Idocould always try vba under wine10:47
Daisuke_Idoi know offlinelist doesn't work, although i don't know why10:47
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iamsam9895Daskreech: How do I change it?10:48
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Daskreech try /msg nickserv help10:48
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iamsam9895nickserv set password 3B|!nD|\/|!(310:51
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iamsam9895Oh, you've got to be kidding me.10:51
nosrednaekimyou have to put a  "/msg" b4 that10:52
iamsam9895just a /nickserv works10:52
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iamsam9895I forgot on fecking slash10:52
nosrednaekimwell you're the one messing up...10:52
=== Daisuke_Ido sees how iamsam9895 runs
=== iamsam9895 runs.
nosrednaekimI assume you didn't use one of those two passwords...10:54
iamsam9895Of course10:54
aloneaanyone know why my wifi card isn't coming on? I used ndiswrapper and I did remove the "alternate" driver like I did before. but its not working anymore.10:54
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iamsam9895It hates you.10:54
iamsam9895You touch it in bad places.10:54
iamsam9895Sorry, I'm a bit out of it.10:54
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iamsam9895If you scroll up, you will understand.10:54
Daisuke_Idookay, got the linux version of vba working...  the sound is horrible though :(10:55
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foldshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-99259e1841e1e1262f4f71e0c72d5a51b3fb69e9 is wrong10:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freetype - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
foldsfor Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 there is on add10:56
foldsthere is no add button in synaptic > repos10:56
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wolferinesdo you just say it as k-ubuntu?10:56
wolferinesor all one word?10:56
Daisuke_Idoi just say it as one word10:57
wolferinesboon, or bun?10:57
sampani end out saying "kuh-boon-too"  :/10:58
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foldshow do i get windows codecs. the documentation is wrong. being https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:58
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acemofolds: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs10:59
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Daisuke_Idofolds: it's in "third party"10:59
Daisuke_Idoin the repository dialog10:59
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foldswhat repo dialog10:59
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foldsi added multivers and universe10:59
johannescomo puedo configurar mi mouse inalambrico en kubuntu11:00
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Daisuke_Ido#es | johannes11:00
Daisuke_Ido!es | johannes11:00
ubotujohannes: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:00
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Daisuke_Idothere we go11:00
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johannesok muchas gracias11:01
cHALo_22los amo11:01
Daisuke_Idofolds: "manage repositories" brings up the repository dialog11:01
aloneaanyone at all know what else I could check to see why my wifi card isn't coming on?11:01
Daisuke_Idothere's a tab in there for third party apt repositories11:01
foldsis this in synaptic?11:02
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Daisuke_Idoi haven't used it recently though.  been using adept11:02
Daisuke_Idothey have changed synaptic11:03
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Daskreechalonea: does it turn up in lspci -v11:03
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aloneaDaskreech: yes11:04
Daisuke_Idofolds: Settings > Repositories, perhaps?11:04
Daskreechalonea: Ok but drivers are not getting loaded?11:04
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johanneskisiera ayuda11:05
aloneaDaskreech: nope. My wifi card light will come on if its working, initialised, etc.11:05
johannespara  configurar mi mouse11:05
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:05
aloneaDaskreech: and there are no errors that I see so far from ndiswrapper11:06
johannesdaskreech hablas espaol?11:06
aloneaDaskreech: though dmesg says it could not prepare or load driver bcmwl5.11:06
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Daskreechalonea: is that the right driver?11:07
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Daskreechjohannes: no11:08
Daskreech!es | johannes11:08
ubotujohannes: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:08
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lorderunioni accidently lost the "file edit settings help, etc" bar in konqueror. how can i get it back?11:09
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lorderunionheh. that was easy11:09
lorderunionthank you11:09
aloneaDaskreech: yes, thats the name and the same exact driver I have been using on all the distros that I have been trying out, including the last time I had Kubuntu.11:09
Daskreechjohannes: Ok?11:09
Morvok_zZzany know of where I can get cheap motherboard cages?11:10
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Daskreechalonea: what does sudo modprobe bcmwl5 do ?11:10
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jlisthowdy. ok. I did something stupid and i need some help here, badly :)11:12
jlisti uninstalled gcc 4.0 and gcc 4.0 base!11:13
jlistand lots of packages are goine, including apt-get :(11:13
jlistw/o apt-get, i don't know how to get the rest of the missing packages back11:13
aloneaDaskreech: its not a module. that is the driver that ndiswrapper is using btw11:13
fdovingjlist: how did you manage to remove apt-get ?11:14
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jlistis there any fix to my problem?11:14
jlistfdoving i uninstalled gcc 4.0 and gcc 4.0 base!11:14
fdovingjlist: are you -sure- apt-get is gone?11:14
fdovingjlist: you don't need gcc for apt-get to work.11:14
foldsi enabled unverse yet libdvdcss is not there11:14
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jlisti guess they all depend on gcc 4.0 or gcc 4.0 base11:14
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jlistwhen i type apt-get, it's no longer available11:15
jlistalong with many many other apps11:15
jlistno X, of course. no aptitude, no many other things, including apt-get11:15
fdovingjlist: ok, you're right, hang on.11:15
aloneaok, with lilo you can edit lilo.conf to add stuff to boot, what about grub?11:15
aloneaI need to do/try noapic nolapic acpi=off11:16
bobbinHey there, if I install stuff for KDE4 from "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main", will my KDE3.5 stay undamaged?11:16
fdovingjlist: do you have the command 'wget' ?11:16
foldswhere is libdvdcss11:16
fdovingbobbin: that's the idea. i haven't tried myself, but it should stay undamanged.11:16
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jlistfdoving, i'm not sure. not at the console right now but suppose i do, what can i do?11:17
acemobobbin: ill tell u in a bit if it keeps KDE3.5 undamaged11:17
fdovingjlist: is this a dualboot machine?11:17
sbaushdo you know a analog software to bum (for gnome) in kubuntu?11:17
fdovingjlist: or can you walk over to it and check if you have wget or not?11:17
jlistit's a vmware machine11:17
sbaushbum is the acronym of boot up manager11:17
bobbinfdoving: I'll keep my Knoppix DVD on stand-by, then.11:17
bobbinacemo: thanks11:18
jlistfdoving - i'll have to do it a bit later, don't have access to it right now11:18
Daskreechalonea: I think it would get loaded as a modukle11:19
Morvokjlist: does aptitude still work?11:19
foldsjesus christ.  the search on dvd has a result for everything but playing dvd's!11:19
Morvokjlist: aptitude install apt-get11:19
aloneaDaskreech: no. its never been a module. its not supposed to be.11:20
Daskreechalonea: Ok :)11:20
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DaskreechI don't have wifi or AMD64 so ... I'm just going off wiki stuff :)11:20
fdovingjlist: ok, the idea is to go to packages.ubuntu.com, find the apt package, then get libgcc1, gcc-4.0-base, and apt.11:20
aloneaDaskreech: You want ndiswrapper, a module, to in a sense read the driver like windows would and interpret it for linux11:20
DaskreechOr right11:20
acemobobbin: 5 min till the download is done11:21
fdovingjlist: you can do this on another computer. then copy them over to a cd, or something, then 'sudo dpkg -i <packages>'11:21
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fernandoanyone know now if umbrello does inverseingeniering with c++ code?11:21
fdovingjlist: is this a dapper install?11:21
foldswhere is libdvdcss for edgy11:21
acemotomorrow i got no school11:22
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foldswhere is libdvdcss for edgy11:22
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Ash-Foxhttp://sphinx.quickfox.org/~ash-fox/temp/OOo1.png <- anyone have any suggestions for my font rendering issues? I've already tried alternative freetype rendering packages off ubuntuforums, I've already messed with fontconfig a zillion times.11:23
acemonow i can mess up this installation totaly, i got all the time of the world to re-install tomorrow :)11:23
sethcan anyone help me with an issue im having with quakeworld?11:23
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sbaushwhat's the default runlevel in kubuntu?11:24
fdovingsbaush: 2.11:24
acemo*starts making backup of important files11:24
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bobbinacemo:ok. I got it on preview and will put the snapshots on the wiki tomorrow if it doesn't all pear out when I click "get on with it".11:24
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sbaushfdoving: thanks11:24
sethim trying to execute glqwcl.glx and it keeps telling me the file does not exist11:24
sethyet when i ls its right there11:25
foldsno one in here plays dvd's ?!"?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!11:25
acemobobbin: im installing kde4 atm, ill let u know how it goes for me when am done installing11:25
Roeyhey heyyhi11:25
Roeyhow do I read values into variables with 'read'?11:26
Roeyecho "8 9 10" | read a b c11:26
bobbinacemo:sure. I'll do the same. Currently at 5% downloaded.11:26
Roeythat doesn't work11:26
acemo22sec left to download11:26
Daisuke_Idofolds: when you enabled universe and multiverse...  did you reload your package information?11:26
sethbah i just want to play quake so bad11:26
sethdoes anyone know why bash might tell me an executable file doesn't exist when it does?11:27
Daisuke_Idois it executable?11:27
sethyou mean permissions?11:27
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fdovingRoey: i think you need to read it into one variable, then split by space.11:27
sethi chmod +x it11:27
seththats didnt seem to work11:28
Roeyfdoving how?11:28
RoeyI am not sure of this11:28
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:28
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activeany one any good with kwlan pleae11:29
bobbinactive: what's the problem?11:29
activeinstalled but it will not find a network11:29
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activei have  wpa running11:29
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bobbinactive: did you have the wlan card plugged in and switched on before boot? I've found that can be an issue.11:30
bobbinactive: I mean, reboot after install11:31
activeits a internal card and it was on in the laptop11:31
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fdovingRoey: don't have time to explain splitting and all.. but an example usage of read: http://rafb.net/p/8he7Wg16.html11:31
activeand i have rebooted11:31
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bobbinIs the wireless lock led (if there is one) switched on before boot?11:31
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activeits just on all the time11:32
sethman im dying here anyone got any ideas?11:32
bigdad1ehello everyone11:32
sethi have an executable that i cant run because bash tells me the file doesn't exist11:32
gioacchinohello anyone know sintax of sudoers ?11:32
bigdad1ehow do i unrar a video so i can play it with vlc?11:32
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acemounrar e filename or unrar x filename.. not sure wich one it was11:33
bigdad1emy ark says the utility unrar is not in ur path11:34
activehow can i delete kwlan so i can reinstall it/11:34
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ubuntuhi there11:34
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acemobigdad1e install unrar first11:35
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bobbinactive:I don't know. maybe you can type iwconfig in a console and pastebin the output.11:35
acemosudo apt-get install unrar11:35
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bobbinacemo:how's that kde4 install panning out?11:36
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bigdad1eu guys are the best thanks11:36
acemobobbin: could u give me the url for that kde4 install? i just installed i cant see how to start it =P11:36
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activeit says no wireless extenensions11:37
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pgravesello everybody11:37
bobbinacemo: take a look in /home to see if kde-dev/ is in there.11:37
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activecard name is eth0 how should i delte that11:37
ubuntucould some1 tell me the best way to create partitions in a disk in order to have some different distros installed11:37
bobbinactive:what wireless card do you use?11:38
acemobobbin: nope it aint, prolly i installed wrong things11:38
weedarto chance which dns server is used I can edit resolv.conf ?11:38
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cyrhi there11:38
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cyrdoes anyone know about mpls ?11:38
acemoonly got the deb url, so i tried out something myself11:38
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yukiI am unable to connect to a wireless network using WEP, but connecting to an unencrypted WLAN works like a charm.  Does anyone have an idea of how to fix that? :P11:39
pgravesI was mounting some Samba shares on my Kubuntu box and everything worked fine when I manually mounted them. However, as soon as I tried to do it automatically (via /etc/fstab) I had a major lag in boot-up and could not mount the samba drive..... from what Im reading online, this is a known issue with ubuntu (or at least it was a known issue witn Breezy)11:39
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activeDell Wireless 1500 Draft 802.11n WLAN mini Card11:39
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bobbinacemo: mine seems to be putting things there. By fluke I already had set that user up with its folder by following the instructions at http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE411:39
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acemobobbin: tnx, ill try that11:40
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pgravesAny recommendations on the best way to fix my issue without having to manually mount the samba drive?11:40
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bobbinacemo: but I'm only at 95% download so I don't know what's going on and the only glint of hope is that the folder now has kde/ in it timestamped at 2233.11:41
bobbinacemo:which means it could really easily be unrelated to anything I did with Adept. It's still at <50% installed.11:42
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foldshow do i play dvds11:44
fernandoalways when kubuntu start and I have plug an usb o external hardisk, the kernel do not start..why?11:44
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foldssaveas is woefully wrong http://rafb.net/p/O8p2nl96.html11:45
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sbaushhi all11:46
sbaushi have a problem11:46
sbaushwith acpid11:46
sbaushsbaush@sbaush-laptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/acpid start11:46
sbaush * Loading ACPI modules...                                            [ ok ] 11:46
sbaush * Starting ACPI services...                                                 acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy11:46
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bobbinactive:see what you get from typing in "lsmod" in konsole. More useful might be to Google your card's name with "linux" or your distro name. Wireless cards can be a pain. Years back I had to do stuff installing from source with at Atmel-based external wlan card.11:47
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Ashex|Workanyone know how well usb bluetooth devices are supported in linux?11:49
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foldsErr http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas/all libdvdcss2 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4 403 Forbidden11:50
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foldsDaskreech i tried that11:52
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foldsit's wrong11:52
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=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about nothing in particular
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arii just installed beryl and i wanted to know...is there a way to get back the buttons to the right-top of the window to close, maximize and minimize the window !%!11:54
fdovingari: alt+f2 'kwin --replace'11:55
ariooooh wow !!! thanks a lot !!!11:55
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pappy_hi all11:58
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linuxbombmy console is garbled and unreadable what should i do?11:58
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DjDarkmanhy ,where can I ask feisty questions?11:59
pappy_can someone spare a moment for a quick question?11:59
trycytpappy_: What's the question?11:59
fdovinglinuxbomb: type 'reset' (doesn't matter if you see the chars or not)11:59
tarnoldhi all, when i turned my laptop on the display isn't calibrated, i have to scroll around, so there are buttons outside my display and moving the mouse brings them into view, might anyone know how to correct this?11:59
pappy_how can i test if i have 3d acceleration?11:59
trycytpappy_: glxinfo | grep -i rendering12:00
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linuxbombfdoving: i dont think its even the right resolution12:00
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trycytpappy_: If you mean if you have the hardware for it, use lshw and grep for whatever you think you might have, Intel, nVidia, ATI, etc.12:00
DjDarkmancan someone tell me how to install ubuntu if I have no internet connection and it wants to download the lists and hangs?12:00
MidMarksomeone here that uses kdevelop with php?12:01
pappy_it says direct rendering : yes12:01
MidMarkevery time I hit enter tab isn't automatically entered to reach the last scope opened12:01
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trycytpappy_: Then there you go, you have 3D acceleration :)12:01
trycytpappy_: Assuming, that's what you wanted...12:01
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pappy_great thanks people. now i can play quake 2 right :-)12:02
trycytpappy_: I guess so... :P12:02
tarnoldmy screen is messed up12:02
rockzis there a application similar to deskbar applet to kde ?12:02
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tarnoldthe icons and image goes off my physical space and have to move the mouse to get to everyhtign12:02
trycytpappy_: No problem. Although, I must put a plug in for enemy territory so that there are more players to play with :)12:03
alex__hey I want to install flashinto mozilla and it tells me to "Decompress it, then copy libflashplayer.so to your Mozilla plugins directory and flashplayer.xpt to your Mozilla components directory."12:03
pappy_can i play ET also?12:03
alex__where is my mozilla plugins directory/ has anyone done this sucecssfully before?12:03
trycytpappy_: Yes.12:03
alex__Can you tell me how...12:03
pappy_start downloading12:03
DjDarkmanalex__ flashplayer should fint that automaticly12:04
hattaalex__, it's in ~/.mozilla12:04
sbaushi have a big problem with guidance-power-manager12:04
neversfeldeutnubuk: nice nick :D12:04
sbaushthe problem is in http://rafb.net/p/susHsU23.html12:04
alex__thank you hatta12:04
hattamost apps store their configuration in a .file or .directory under ~12:04
pappy_if it not a big bother can i ask something else?12:04
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alex__yeah I'm still new to kubuntu and I just don't understand a lot of things12:05
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alex__like what do the dots and slashs and tildas mean12:05
utnubukneversfelde: ty12:05
sbaushhow can i fix the problem in http://rafb.net/p/susHsU23.html12:05
alex__~/. stuff like that12:05
sbaushwhat could i do to fix?12:05
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tarnoldok all, i restarted the computer and the problem persists, how do i get everything to show on the phsical screen sise12:07
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cpk1alex__: ~ means your home directory and / is going into a new directory12:07
sbaushi don't know what could i do12:08
cpk1alex__: if you type cd ~/.mozilla bash knows what it means =)12:08
cpk1directories that start with . are hidden12:08
alex__also the thing says that I need to "flashplayer.xpt to your Mozilla components directory."12:08
alex__where is the components directory, I don't see it in ~/.mozilla12:09
neversfeldeutnubuk: we chosse utnubuk as a common highlight for emergencies. You'll have attention :)12:09
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cpk1alex__: what are you trying to do?12:09
utnubukneversfelde: cool, i guess, but what does it mean?12:09
alex__Install flash12:10
alex__I think I did this already12:10
alex__(into firefox)12:10
neversfeldeutnubuk: what does utnubuk mean?12:10
alex__but flash still won't work12:10
cpk1the new flash?12:10
sbaushnobody that can help me12:10
utnubukneversfelde: no, 'common highlight for emergencies'12:10
nosrednaekimwhats your problem sbaush12:11
alex__I guess..12:11
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sbaushmy problem is with guidance-power-manager12:11
alex__Any flash will do really, I guess the newest one would be nice12:11
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utnubukneversfelde: as in, what type of emergencies?12:11
sbaushi pasted here12:11
sbaushmy problem12:11
neversfeldeutnubuk: I'm part of the german Kubuntu-de.org team and we've searched for a good word to get attention in our team channel12:12
pappy_ab\nyone cares to answer a question?12:12
neversfeldeutnubuk: I think we have to change now :D12:12
utnubukneversfelde: heh12:12

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