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mpt_ | Gooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 01:30 |
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thumper | hey mpt_ | 01:31 |
LaserJock | hi mpt_ | 01:31 |
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ajmitch | hello mpt | 01:36 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91829 in malone "Pie chart doesn't draw at all (MochiKit error)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91829 | 05:30 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #91830 in blueprint "Whiteboard access should be restricted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91830 | 05:50 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91832 in malone "bugs.launchpad.net/<pillar>?search-parameters returns Bugs summary, not results" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91832 | 06:11 |
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carlos | morning | 09:08 |
Hobbsee | hey carlos | 09:13 |
mdke | carlos: morning. seems all the ubuntu-docs templates are empty | 09:14 |
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mdke | any ideas? | 09:14 |
mdke | also, there seem to be some templates missing from the list | 09:15 |
carlos | mdke: when I approved them, other .po files were approved too so it's taking some more time until the importer touches ubuntu-doc templates | 09:16 |
carlos | they should appear today | 09:16 |
mdke | ah, that's what I figured. Thanks | 09:16 |
mdke | I'll check back this evening | 09:16 |
mdke | I'll reply on-list | 09:17 |
carlos | about the missing ones, I didn't find the others around, I will take a closer bug as the navigation between pending entries is a bit... broken | 09:17 |
dneary | carlos: Hi there | 09:17 |
carlos | dneary: hi, how's going? | 09:17 |
mdke | carlos: ah, thanks. There are quite a few missing | 09:17 |
dneary | msguniq is supposed to merge the messages, right? | 09:17 |
dneary | Not well ;) | 09:17 |
carlos | mdke: I have the list, don't worry | 09:17 |
carlos | dneary: either that or pick the first one, depending on the arguments you give to the command | 09:17 |
dneary | I get the same warnings with msguniq as I do with msgfmt | 09:18 |
mdke | cool. There is an alphabetical one here: http://home.danielnylander.se/ubuntu/translations/ | 09:18 |
carlos | but seems like it's not able to handle msgid "" ones | 09:18 |
dneary | Yeah | 09:18 |
dneary | Which seems sane, given that it's reserved in gettext | 09:18 |
dneary | But there's no problem with blank strings in qtlinguist | 09:18 |
carlos | my advice there would be to remove the empty ones | 09:19 |
carlos | and use it for the others | 09:19 |
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mdke | carlos: can we do something similar for the package kubuntu-docs too? I'll get a list for that | 09:21 |
carlos | mdke: sure | 09:22 |
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mdke | carlos: ok, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10151/ | 09:23 |
carlos | mdke: ok, thanks | 09:23 |
mdke | same again, about-kubuntu is the only template that remains | 09:24 |
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jaalto | I've registered a project to launchpad. How do I activate Rosetta and Malone for it? | 09:54 |
mpt | jaalto, <https://launchpad.net/yourproject/+launchpad> I think | 10:01 |
mpt | (where "yourproject" is the ID you chose for your project) | 10:02 |
jaalto | mput, ok found it under "Define launchpad usage" | 10:08 |
jaalto | mpt, I'd like to also define "Bug contact: Not yet assigned", where is this set? | 10:08 |
mwh | click bugs on the left hand side, look for "change bug contact" | 10:14 |
mpt | jaalto, what mwh said :-) | 10:15 |
jaalto | mwh, ok - thank you | 10:17 |
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jaalto | mwh, where is launchpad related bugs reported? I think the message below "Bug contact: [ ] " Could be made more clear | 10:21 |
jaalto | It reads "The person or team who will receive all bugmail for this product" | 10:21 |
jaalto | I'd suggest: "The launchapd person login name or launchapd team who will receive all bugmail for this product" | 10:22 |
mpt | jaalto, https://launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs | 10:23 |
mpt | Or if you want to report a bug, https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug | 10:23 |
mpt | jaalto, you can enter either a Launchpad ID or an e-mail address, so that change wouldn't really be accurate | 10:24 |
jaalto | mpt, That's why the message needs an improvement. The field input was not obvious | 10:24 |
mpt | fair enough :-) | 10:24 |
kiko-zzz | maybe just mark the field with a person icon everywhere? | 10:26 |
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mpt | kiko-zzz, add an auto-complete menu with people's names and IDs, I think | 10:27 |
mpt | (i.e. matching either) | 10:27 |
kiko-zzz | that would work weird with email address, wouldn't it? | 10:27 |
mpt | Yes, if it completed e-mail addresses too, it would have to complete address from only those people who had said they were ok with Launchpad publishing their addresses | 10:30 |
mpt | which might be confusingly inconsistent | 10:30 |
mwh | separate boxes ? | 10:33 |
Prognatus | Hello everybody, what about making Launchpad accept "digg points" from the users, so we all can see which bugs and features are most popular? | 10:33 |
mwh | [person] or [email] | 10:33 |
kiko-zzz | Prognatus, yeah, we have thought for a long while about having a me too thing | 10:35 |
Prognatus | Ok, it does sounds natural to me. How's the discussion about this going? | 10:36 |
mpt | Prognatus, no discussion at the moment, though there is a bug report iirc | 10:37 |
Prognatus | Ok. Link? | 10:37 |
mpt | finding it now | 10:37 |
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mpt | The main drawback IMO is that the noise caused by people discussing, in a bug report, how many votes that bug report has, outweighs any benefit the number of votes confers in prioritizing the fix | 10:38 |
mpt | but that's just my observation from watching votes be thoroughly ignored by developers in bugzilla.mozilla.org :-) | 10:39 |
Prognatus | Yeah... but maybe people wouldn't file so many duplicates if the bugs and featues were more visible. | 10:40 |
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Prognatus | It's probably a connection between amount of duplocates and "popularity" - or how often people encounter a certain thing and wish for changes. | 10:42 |
mpt | Prognatus, the number of subscribers would work just as well for that, wouldn't it? | 10:42 |
mpt | Anyway, here's the blueprint: https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/bug-voting | 10:42 |
mpt | whoops, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/bug-voting | 10:42 |
mpt | sorry | 10:42 |
Prognatus | Yes, maybe. But can you sort the list on subscribers? Thanks for the link! | 10:43 |
mpt | Not yet, but implementing that would be easier than implementing voting :-) | 10:44 |
Prognatus | You maybe right. I hadn't though if that. :) | 10:44 |
Prognatus | thought of | 10:45 |
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quadrispro | hi | 11:05 |
quadrispro | can i remove an account? | 11:06 |
mrevell | quadrispro: Hi | 11:08 |
mrevell | quadrispro: Do you mind me asking why you want to remove it an account? | 11:09 |
quadrispro | because i have just another account | 11:09 |
quadrispro | :) | 11:09 |
mrevell | quadrispro: Aha! :) | 11:09 |
quadrispro | quadrispro-gmail | 11:09 |
mrevell | quadrispro: You can merge them | 11:09 |
mrevell | quadrispro: Just a moment, I'll tell you how | 11:09 |
quadrispro | ok thank u | 11:10 |
mrevell | quadrispro: visit https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge | 11:12 |
quadrispro | ok | 11:12 |
mrevell | quadrispro: And follow the on-screen instructions :) | 11:12 |
quadrispro | ok, now i'm loggin in | 11:13 |
mrevell | cool | 11:14 |
mrevell | let me know if you need further help | 11:14 |
quadrispro | "The accounts have been merged successfully. Everything that belonged to the duplicated account should now belong to your own account." | 11:17 |
quadrispro | thank u very much | 11:17 |
quadrispro | but i'm registered of international forum with the old launchpad account... | 11:19 |
mrevell | quadrispro: International forum? You mean the main Ubuntu forum? | 11:22 |
mrevell | quadrispro: It will work with your newly merged account's details. | 11:25 |
quadrispro | yes | 11:26 |
quadrispro | ok | 11:26 |
quadrispro | thank u again | 11:26 |
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dneary | mrevell: Hi there | 11:39 |
dneary | mrevell: We never got round to finishing that conversation :) | 11:40 |
mrevell | dneary: hey :) | 11:40 |
mrevell | dneary: Nah, work and life got in the way. It'd be good to catch up though. | 11:40 |
dneary | carlos: I wrote a wee xslt script to strip those empty source entries: http://pastebin.ca/393127 | 11:40 |
carlos | wow | 11:41 |
carlos | is the first time I see that kind of solution | 11:41 |
carlos | dneary: do you have into account, that you should only remove msgid "" that have a msgstr in next line? | 11:41 |
carlos | dneary: there are some msgid that are: msgid ""\n"foo" | 11:42 |
dneary | mrevell: I did a presentation on "Developing GNOME through marketing and outreach" | 11:42 |
dneary | which got shortened to "Marketing GNOME" on the day (unfortunately, because 90% of what I said was about outreach) | 11:42 |
mrevell | dneary: Was that the one at FOSDEN? | 11:43 |
dneary | Yeah | 11:43 |
dneary | I sent the slides on to the marketing list | 11:43 |
dneary | You can tell they were done in the train :) | 11:43 |
mrevell | GNOME marketing list? | 11:43 |
dneary | carlos: That gets run on the .ts, so it's before I run the ts2po and solves the problem nicely | 11:43 |
dneary | mrevell: Of course ;) | 11:43 |
carlos | oh, I see | 11:43 |
carlos | dneary: nice! | 11:43 |
mrevell | dneary: :) I'm subscribed to that, so I'll hunt for it. | 11:44 |
mrevell | dneary: Thanks :) | 11:44 |
dneary | If you look for Quim's "7 actions to help GNOME marketing" thread | 11:44 |
dneary | mrevell: Here: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/marketing-list/2007-March/msg00119.html | 11:46 |
mrevell | dneary: Thanks, I was just looking for it in Gmail :) | 11:47 |
dneary | Glad to be of service | 11:47 |
dneary | I still think we should rail against the proliferation of planets thoughh | 11:47 |
dneary | Fewer and more read is better | 11:47 |
dneary | And in fact, I think fewer subscriptions is better | 11:47 |
dneary | Too much of any good thing is not good | 11:48 |
dneary | There's a website that talks about shows that "jumped the hump" or something like that | 11:48 |
mrevell | dneary: Jump the shark :) | 11:49 |
mrevell | dneary: Yeah, you make a good point | 11:49 |
mrevell | beb | 11:49 |
mrevell | err, br | 11:49 |
mrevell | brb | 11:49 |
dneary | http://www.jumptheshark.com/index.jspa | 11:49 |
dneary | Yeah | 11:49 |
dneary | Once you go past N subscriptions to a planet, you don't have time to read it any more (pgo is at this stage now - I tend to scan for favourite heads) | 11:50 |
dneary | And once you go past N planets in your blog roll, you just end up reading the same posts over & over again | 11:50 |
dneary | We're an incestuous bunch | 11:50 |
mrevell | :) | 11:53 |
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schwuk | dneary: what we need is an inverse planet - something that removes the duplicates from all the planets you're subscribed to | 12:19 |
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cprov | morning folks ! | 12:40 |
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cj | can I use markup in product descriptions? | 12:57 |
cj | how do I tell launchpad where the bugzilla for the project is? | 12:58 |
cj | er, product | 12:58 |
cj | how do I create a project to attach this product to? There's nothing for the mono-project yet... | 12:59 |
Fujitsu | Projects have to be requested, you can't just create them yourself. | 12:59 |
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cj | Fujitsu: okay, to whom do I send the request? | 01:05 |
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Fujitsu | cj: That I'm not quite sure of. | 01:07 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91905 in launchpad "Better text for: Product>Bugs>Change Bug Contact" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91905 | 01:25 |
jaalto | When I file a bug report there is possibility to attach tags to the bug. Where are the valid tags defined? | 01:33 |
matsubara | jaalto: this is defined per project. For launchpad tags look in help.launchpad.net/TaggingLaunchpadBugs | 01:35 |
jaalto | marsubara, Thanks. That should really be linked next to the "edit" bug's TAG field | 01:37 |
matsubara | jaalto: to attach a tag while reporting a bug you can use +filebug?field.tags=foo where foo is the tag you want to add | 01:37 |
jaalto | matsubara, I meant that when ou press "EDIT" to fix grammar in the bug (own bug), there is TAG field to fill in. But there is no link to the page which defines valid tags. Your link woudl be best pu there for user's to click | 01:39 |
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lizardking | jenda: hi | 01:40 |
lizardking | jenda: I find you as a FreeNode admin | 01:40 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #91911 in launchpad "Better text for: Product>Bugs>Change Security Contact" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91911 | 01:41 |
lizardking | jenda: I have problemi with my nick. I wanto to register "lizardking", but the server tells me that It is been already registred | 01:41 |
matsubara | jaalto: right. I think what you want would be covered by bug 43893 | 01:42 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 43893 in malone "Allow product-/package-specific bug-reporting guidelines" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43893 - Assigned to Bjrn Tillenius (bjornt) | 01:42 |
cj | there *is* a mono project, but it doesn't come up in the project list | 01:47 |
cj | how annoying | 01:47 |
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matsubara | cj: let me guess, you're searching in launchpad.net/projects?text=mono? | 01:52 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91916 in launchpad "Editing bug: add URL link to see existing tags" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91916 | 01:55 |
cj | matsubara: I'm clicking the "choose" button next to the "Project" form field in the product details page | 01:55 |
cj | https://launchpad.net/tao.opengl/+edit | 01:56 |
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matsubara | cj: well, I can't access that page, but I do know what form field you're talking about. What you want is a project group 'mono' but there's none registered. We only have 'mono' as a single project. | 02:00 |
cj | this is the one I want :) | 02:03 |
cj | https://launchpad.net/mono | 02:03 |
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cj | but I guess there's not project, just aproduct, yes? | 02:04 |
matsubara | cj: yes, that's the old term, but you're right. | 02:04 |
cj | anyway, I need to get on the road. I'll be in traffic all day if I don't start soon :) | 02:04 |
cj | thanks for the support! | 02:04 |
matsubara | cj: an admin need to register a mono-project or something like that to group all mono related projects | 02:04 |
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matsubara | cj: you're welcome. When you have some time, please file a ticket in launchpad.net/launchpad/+addticket requesting it and LP admins will tend to it. | 02:06 |
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cypherbios | Someone here can tell me how do I proceed to import an translation template of an existent product to an new package in Ubuntu? I've already linked the product with the package, but the templates wasn't imported to Feisty yet | 02:09 |
matsubara | cypherbios: which package? | 02:10 |
cypherbios | matsubara: https://beta.launchpad.net/aptoncd and https://translations.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/aptoncd/+translations | 02:11 |
cypherbios | matsubara: sorry for the beta links, but I think you don't care ;) | 02:11 |
matsubara | cypherbios: no problem. is that a universe package? | 02:12 |
cypherbios | matsubara: yes | 02:12 |
matsubara | AFAIK, we don't automatically import universe packages yet. carlos or danilos can tell you for sure. | 02:13 |
matsubara | cypherbios: ^ | 02:13 |
cypherbios | matsubara: humm, obrigado Diogo ;) | 02:13 |
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cypherbios | carlos, danilos: someone can help me with that? | 02:14 |
danilos | cypherbios: no, we don't import universe packages (because ubuntu doesn't have language packs for them; we did import them at one point, so it will happen in the future) | 02:14 |
=== carlos reads | ||
matsubara | cypherbios: brazuca ou portuga? | 02:14 |
matsubara | cypherbios: s ordens. :) | 02:14 |
cypherbios | matsubara: brazuca, de Curitiba ;) | 02:14 |
carlos | cypherbios: what danilos said | 02:15 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #91920 in malone "Latest bugs in Malone box has CSS problem..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91920 | 02:15 |
cypherbios | danilos: I think that rosetta-builder taken the _translations.tar.gz from my package when it did build | 02:16 |
danilos | cypherbios: it's not a problem for us to import them (as I said, we already did do that), but they won't be used at all, so there's no sense in having them there | 02:16 |
carlos | cypherbios: we get it, but it's 'rejected' once we check it's for universe | 02:16 |
carlos | cypherbios: though, I have a pending meeting with motu people to add a policy to handle exceptions for some universe translations | 02:17 |
carlos | a brief explanation is, find a MOTU developer that will care of sync those translations manually with the .deb package and we will be happy to import it | 02:18 |
cypherbios | danilos, carlos: OK, I got it. But in the package uploaded I has the translations pack came from upstream, but the launchpad-builders removed them, see the buildlog: http://librarian.launchpad.net/6515013/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-i386.aptoncd_0.0.99%2Bsvn20070202-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz | 02:19 |
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carlos | cypherbios: yeah, that's what I told you | 02:20 |
cypherbios | danilos, carlos: so, launchpad doesn't allowed the .mo files from upstream package, either imported the template from the product... so we have an untranslatable product | 02:20 |
carlos | we generate the translations tarball | 02:20 |
carlos | but | 02:20 |
carlos | as we see it as a universe package, we reject it | 02:20 |
carlos | and it's not even available in translation import queue | 02:20 |
carlos | cypherbios: and also, we leave the upstream .mo files untouched | 02:20 |
carlos | so the .deb package should have translations | 02:21 |
carlos | we only remove them from packages in main | 02:21 |
carlos | we do it that way so we don't need to change the way .deb packages are built once universe language packs are a reality | 02:21 |
carlos | cypherbios: are you sure the .mo files were removed from the .deb package? | 02:22 |
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cypherbios | carlos: yes, I'm sure | 02:23 |
cypherbios | carlos: I think that the package was uploaded to main (by a mistake) and after removed from main | 02:23 |
cypherbios | carlos: the source was uploaded to main, and binaries to universe (I think a mistake from pitti) | 02:23 |
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carlos | cypherbios: yeah, that's the problem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptoncd/0.0.99+svn20070202-0ubuntu1 | 02:24 |
carlos | cypherbios: that package needs a new upload to universe to get back the translation files | 02:24 |
cypherbios | carlos: hum, right! I'll do that tomorrow so | 02:24 |
cypherbios | carlos: thank you! | 02:25 |
carlos | np | 02:25 |
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OgMaciel | hey carlos | 02:34 |
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carlos | OgMaciel: hey dude, how's going? | 02:34 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #91924 in launchpad "bugs.launchpad.net/~user should contain an overview of the bugs related to that person" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91924 | 02:35 |
OgMaciel | carlos: busy... hehehe how are you? long time don't talk | 02:35 |
carlos | busy too (nothing new ;-) | 02:35 |
OgMaciel | carlos: and how do you like the new place? | 02:36 |
OgMaciel | carlos: you mentioned about the new apt | 02:36 |
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carlos | OgMaciel: a new place? | 02:37 |
carlos | hmmm, I moved to my current flat last August | 02:37 |
OgMaciel | carlos: did you mention to me you had just recently moved to a new place | 02:38 |
OgMaciel | carlos: ahhh... August | 02:38 |
OgMaciel | ;) | 02:38 |
carlos | ;-) | 02:38 |
carlos | I moved to other city at that time, not sure whether is what you mean | 02:38 |
carlos | but well, it's quite good :-P | 02:38 |
OgMaciel | carlos: yup | 02:38 |
OgMaciel | hehe | 02:38 |
OgMaciel | carlos: glad to hear | 02:38 |
carlos | and how's your new family member? :-) | 02:39 |
OgMaciel | carlos: she's huge!!! ;) | 02:40 |
OgMaciel | carlos: my older daughter loves her new sister | 02:40 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #91925 in malone "Organize better all packages bugs in Launchpad." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91925 | 02:40 |
carlos | OgMaciel: :-D | 02:40 |
OgMaciel | carlos: she's been nive to us... I'm getting enough sleep hehe | 02:40 |
OgMaciel | nice | 02:40 |
dneary | carlos: I just uploaded a new round of .pot and .po files which run clean through msgfmt | 02:40 |
carlos | OgMaciel: that's the calm before the storm! | 02:40 |
carlos | :-P | 02:40 |
dneary | carlos: There was a .pot uploaded by the bot yesterday too, but I just checked it, it doesn't run clean, has duplicate ""s | 02:41 |
carlos | dneary: cool, they should be autoaproved, but I will take care of them to get them imported ASAP | 02:41 |
carlos | dneary: should I delete it? | 02:41 |
dneary | carlos: How long will it take for the queue to get to them, do you think? Days or weeks? | 02:41 |
carlos | dneary: it should happen today | 02:41 |
dneary | carlos: Great! | 02:42 |
dneary | For the one from the bot, I'd prefer the import to be rejected and have a mail sent out | 02:42 |
dneary | It will underline the fact that the problems I have been seeing are real :) | 02:42 |
jordi | heya dave | 02:42 |
carlos | dneary: ok | 02:43 |
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dneary | Hi jordi | 02:54 |
dneary | jordi: Can you give me tips on marathon training? | 02:54 |
jordi | I haven't prepared one yet, but maybe | 02:56 |
jordi | oh, and kiko can help too | 02:56 |
jordi | dneary: when is it, and what's your current condition? | 02:56 |
dneary | jordi: It's the 29th of April, I've been running 25k a couple of times on the weekend | 02:56 |
dneary | I've not been getting enough mid-week runs in though | 02:57 |
dneary | I've been running about 10k during the week, and building up the mileage on the weekend | 02:57 |
jordi | and do you have a target for total race time or so? | 02:57 |
dneary | I don't have a huge amount of upper-body muscle though - haven't really done any strength training at all | 02:57 |
dneary | Ah, if I make it under 4 hours I'll be happy :) | 02:58 |
dneary | I'm doing a semi in training in around 1:50 these days | 02:58 |
dneary | (taking it easy) | 02:58 |
dneary | I fancy that'll be my marathon pace | 02:58 |
jordi | nod | 02:58 |
dneary | And I'll be adding some time for water & walking breaks | 02:58 |
dneary | (although I take those in training anyway) | 02:59 |
jordi | are those weekend trainings easy? ie, are they hard to complete right now? | 02:59 |
dneary | (this is probably a bit off-topic for here, mind) | 02:59 |
jordi | quite a bit :P | 02:59 |
jordi | maybe we can take over #-hackers | 02:59 |
dneary | I'll tell you Saturday - I'm planning to go 2.5 hours - around 28km | 02:59 |
jordi | ok | 02:59 |
dneary | launchpad-hackers.? | 03:00 |
kiko | dneary, so it's fine to do a few 10ks during the week | 03:01 |
kiko | and then do a longer run on sunday | 03:02 |
kiko | remember to get enough rest as the mileage tends to wear you out | 03:02 |
kiko | both bones and muscle | 03:02 |
dneary | kiko: Yeah - I plan to start winding down the mileage about 3 weeks before the marathon | 03:06 |
dneary | I have a 20 mile training run planned for the 31st | 03:06 |
dneary | Roughly | 03:07 |
kiko | dneary, do you have a half-marathon or similar to run around that time? | 03:07 |
kiko | (3 weeks prior to race) | 03:07 |
dneary | No | 03:08 |
dneary | Not planned, anyway | 03:08 |
dneary | But I'm not really training for speed | 03:08 |
kiko | that would be nice to have | 03:08 |
dneary | kiko: Want to join #running? :) | 03:08 |
kiko | we all train for speed when you get down to it | 03:08 |
kiko | I'm pretty sure you can walk 50ks :) | 03:09 |
dneary | kiko: I mean, I'm not aiming for 3:15 or 3:30 | 03:09 |
dneary | If I get over the line under 4 hours, I will be a happy man | 03:09 |
kiko | a 3:15 is a decent run | 03:10 |
dneary | kiko: /join #running - jordi is there too and we'll leave these launchpadders alone ;) | 03:10 |
kiko | I am all for traffic on #launchpad, off-topic or not :) | 03:10 |
jordi | these people are lunchpadders, mostly | 03:10 |
dneary | Ah, let's stay here then | 03:11 |
kiko | I am in too many channels anyway | 03:11 |
jordi | LET'S DO IT then :) | 03:11 |
jordi | ok so kiko I was telling dave I think hhis plan is good | 03:11 |
dneary | kiko: 3:15 would be a monster time for me | 03:11 |
dneary | I don't think I can do 5k at a 3:15 pace | 03:11 |
kiko | I think his plan is pretty good indeed | 03:11 |
jordi | he'll be well under 4h I guess | 03:11 |
kiko | a 3:15 pace is about 4:30 a k isn't it? | 03:11 |
dneary | jordi: You flatter me :) | 03:11 |
kiko | dneary, what's your 10k PR? | 03:12 |
jordi | he needs to get 3 sessions from now to the end of the training plan though, he has been getting 2 only some weeks | 03:12 |
dneary | kiko: Yeah - 4:30/4:40 | 03:12 |
dneary | I don't know what my 10k PB is | 03:12 |
dneary | I would need to do a 10k race to find out ;) | 03:12 |
jordi | 44? :) | 03:12 |
dneary | I ran just over 7km fast today in 33 mins | 03:13 |
kiko | dneary, you haven't done any tests? you should anyway | 03:13 |
kiko | because otherwise you might mispace your marathon from the beginning | 03:13 |
dneary | What tests? VO Max? | 03:13 |
kiko | a 10k pr | 03:13 |
jordi | no, time tests | 03:13 |
jordi | do you know if there'll be time groups | 03:14 |
dneary | Yes | 03:14 |
dneary | There's runners for 3.30, 3.45, 4.00 and 4.30 | 03:14 |
jordi | ie, if there'll be people marking a "3:45" group which you can try to follow | 03:14 |
jordi | that's good | 03:14 |
dneary | http://www.marathon-annecy.com/ | 03:14 |
kiko | 3:15 is not a very hard pace but the last 15k are surprisingly hard | 03:14 |
dneary | Actually, no 4.30 just a 4.15 | 03:14 |
kiko | you can run the first 20 trivially | 03:15 |
jordi | ok, so you want to do a 10km test, as kiko says | 03:15 |
jordi | so you know more or less what to expect | 03:15 |
kiko | I would do a 10k test myself | 03:15 |
dneary | I did a semi in October, my first long race, I finished it pretty easy, but only in 2:01 | 03:15 |
dneary | I was disappointed - I beat the 2:00 pace runner pretty well | 03:15 |
jordi | kiko: dude my friend Graham just made it to Hawaii, in the NZ Ironman | 03:16 |
dneary | On my own, or with a club? | 03:16 |
kiko | on your own | 03:16 |
jordi | his writeup about the race was fantastic | 03:16 |
kiko | warm up very lightly for about 20 minutes | 03:16 |
kiko | then do a 10k run on a flat fast course | 03:16 |
kiko | do it as hard as you can | 03:16 |
kiko | (though of course you should pace yourself somewhat as it will take you circa 40 minutes) | 03:17 |
kiko | cool down some 10 minutes | 03:17 |
kiko | and use that number to guide yourself in terms of pace | 03:17 |
kiko | I don't think you will do any speed training at this point; you're better of just keeping on building your endurance base as you have not yet run the 40ks before | 03:17 |
dneary | kiko: What's your best marathon time? | 03:18 |
kiko | I did a 3:05 a few years ago | 03:18 |
kiko | but I only ran 4 | 03:18 |
kiko | my first was 3:20 something | 03:18 |
jordi | hey kids! this kiko is my friend! | 03:20 |
=== jordi <-- proud! | ||
dneary | Phew | 03:20 |
dneary | That's 4 39 minute 10ks | 03:20 |
dneary | back to back :) | 03:20 |
jordi | heh | 03:22 |
dneary | kiko: I would guess (but it's a guess) that I'd be on a 47/48 minute 10k | 03:23 |
=== carlos -> lunch | ||
dneary | This thing says I am on pace for a 3:45 marathon (but I'll believe that when I see it) | 03:24 |
dneary | http://runningtimes.com/rt/articles/?id=6765 | 03:24 |
jordi | dneary: how strong are you mentally when the lows come? | 03:25 |
dneary | I'm a stubbord git | 03:26 |
dneary | stubborn | 03:26 |
jordi | kiko: I thought your webpage had rss now | 03:26 |
jordi | dneary: heh, what do you keep thinking to keep going? | 03:26 |
dneary | I don't like giving up :) | 03:26 |
jordi | I love talking about these thoughts with others | 03:26 |
dneary | "Only anout hour left" | 03:26 |
jordi | I find I have two techniques | 03:26 |
dneary | Or realising that I'm stronger than the guy I passed who was lying on the side of the road | 03:27 |
dneary | Or finding a talking mate | 03:27 |
jordi | when morale is ok, I keep reminding me of what's left | 03:27 |
dneary | "only another hour left" even | 03:27 |
jordi | "okay, you've swam 400m, that's more than 1/4" | 03:27 |
jordi | "come on, you're well over 1/3 now" | 03:28 |
jordi | "it's just that buoy and then head to the beach" | 03:28 |
dneary | Yeah - that too | 03:28 |
jordi | and keep dividing | 03:28 |
dneary | "get to the next mile marker" | 03:28 |
dneary | Just one more lap | 03:28 |
dneary | There's a water break just up ahead | 03:28 |
dneary | etc | 03:28 |
jordi | I've found myself doing "it's 13/15 done" :P | 03:29 |
jordi | when I'm low, I try to think of what hurts more, and think it that'll be a good excuse | 03:29 |
jordi | or maybe how lucky it'd be to get a flat tyre | 03:30 |
jordi | and when I settle on an excuse I think "ok, I'll stop by boxes when I finish this lap", but then I get there, and say "so, you' finished one more lap. Let's postpone until the next" | 03:30 |
jordi | and after a while I'm crossing the finish line | 03:31 |
dneary | I'll remember that :) | 03:31 |
jordi | good :) | 03:31 |
dneary | Although I didn't really put myself through enoughh pain for the Marseille Cassis | 03:31 |
jordi | the excuse thoughts are shared by many of my team mates, I found out once :) | 03:31 |
jordi | aha | 03:31 |
jordi | during tris, I normally went at what my legs could give, always | 03:32 |
dneary | It's a nice course - you go from sea level to +320m altitude in 10km (and most of that between km 6 and km 10), and then back down to sea level between kms 16 and kms 19 | 03:32 |
jordi | so it was pretty tough | 03:32 |
jordi | gee, I need to retake the trainings | 03:32 |
dneary | And then there's a little hill before you get to the finish in the last kilometer | 03:32 |
jordi | ugh, sounds not so easy | 03:32 |
dneary | You see a lot of people walking (or stopping) on that little hill | 03:33 |
dneary | It's only about 200m long | 03:33 |
dneary | But it was great fun - over 12,000 runners | 03:36 |
jordi | cool | 03:36 |
jordi | I'm off for lunch now | 03:36 |
jordi | it's 15:37 :P | 03:37 |
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dneary | carlos: Ping? | 04:04 |
carlos | dneary: pong | 04:05 |
dneary | carlos: Now I'm confused... | 04:05 |
carlos | the .pot file is not yet imported | 04:05 |
carlos | that's why you see it as 0 strings | 04:05 |
dneary | I just got email saying that files I uploaded 10 days ago have been successfully imported | 04:05 |
dneary | Successfully | 04:06 |
carlos | dneary: well | 04:06 |
carlos | because those failed | 04:06 |
carlos | and took the new version as the import timestamp | 04:06 |
carlos | I guess we should change it | 04:06 |
carlos | so we actually show the time when it was really imported | 04:06 |
carlos | dneary: it's the way the system works, but yeah, it's confusing | 04:07 |
carlos | dneary: I will change it | 04:07 |
dneary | ok :) | 04:08 |
carlos | dneary: I implemented it that way to give priority to import retrying | 04:08 |
dneary | thanks | 04:08 |
dneary | That's a good idea | 04:08 |
carlos | but as we are going to implement other ways to prevent import blocking like the you had, it doesn't make sense anymore | 04:08 |
dneary | So what's happened then? The .pos are successfully imported, and the .pot is still waiting? | 04:08 |
carlos | dneary: yeah, that's why it shows 0 strings | 04:08 |
carlos | but it will be imported soon | 04:09 |
dneary | OK | 04:10 |
dneary | And then it'll show 628 strings or whatever? | 04:10 |
dneary | (I didn't really understand why I never saw the .po files in the import queue, though) | 04:11 |
carlos | dneary: if it has 628, yes | 04:12 |
carlos | dneary: well, the files were there | 04:12 |
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carlos | I can assure you it, but with the huge amount of entries we have there, is normal that you don't see them easily. I'm working on a page per project that will show you only the entries for that project | 04:13 |
carlos | to prevent this kind of problems | 04:13 |
dneary | :) | 04:16 |
dneary | Thanks for everything - I assume we weren't the only ones complaining about this recently? | 04:16 |
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carlos | dneary: for Feisty, you were the only ones, yes. But that's already a know issue and something we already decided to fix | 04:35 |
carlos | so don't worry | 04:35 |
dneary | We were? Well, thank you even more then | 04:43 |
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carlos | dneary: at least, yours is the only complain I saw | 05:19 |
carlos | dneary: but as said, it doesn't mean it's less valid | 05:19 |
carlos | it's a real problem | 05:20 |
dneary | Yeah, I agree | 05:20 |
dneary | At least I now have more faith in launchpad than I did a few days ago :) | 05:20 |
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carlos | dneary: I'm glad you think that way :-) | 05:29 |
dneary | hi sabdfl | 05:29 |
sabdfl | hey dave | 05:29 |
cj | any way to put markup into product descriptions? | 05:31 |
cj | https://launchpad.net/dnpb | 05:31 |
dneary | sabdfl: Why did you get a heart-rate monitor? Was it as a gadget, or are you in training for something? | 05:33 |
sabdfl | dneary: curiousity... am on the slopes a lot by myself since i'm here for an extended period | 05:34 |
dneary | I envy you - lucky bugger :) | 05:34 |
sabdfl | thought it would be fun to load up on gadgets | 05:34 |
sabdfl | well, it's nice not feeling like I need to get out there 10 hrs a day :-) | 05:35 |
dneary | I'm only about an hour's drive from the alps here, and I haven't been skiing once this year | 05:35 |
dneary | There wasn't much snow until the end of January anyway... | 05:35 |
sabdfl | yes it's been a seriously dry season | 05:37 |
dneary | We're hoping there's still a bit left the weekend of the 24th (but with the weathjer we've had for the past two weeks, it'll probably all be melted) | 05:39 |
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sabdfl | supposed to snow next week | 05:53 |
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Kmos | https://beta.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug | 06:00 |
Kmos | it appears "1.0, main" after the form for report a bug | 06:00 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91965 in launchpad "Length can be improved at translation language" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91965 | 06:10 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91988 in launchpad "Make suggestions from should use prefered user settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91988 | 07:51 |
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erdalronahi | Hi mrevell, hi all | 07:52 |
erdalronahi | does anybody whether there will be daily langpacks again for feisty? | 07:53 |
erdalronahi | i mean does anybody know | 07:53 |
kiko-fud | there most certainly will | 07:58 |
erdalronahi | but there aren't yet, right? | 07:58 |
kiko-fud | right, we haven't enabled them yet. | 07:59 |
ddaa | How are we supposed to mark private bugs as such with the current bug filing form? | 08:13 |
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kiko-fud | ddaa, use the advanced form | 08:15 |
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ddaa | I see no advanced form... just "Report a bug"... | 08:15 |
kiko | look for "complicated" | 08:15 |
ddaa | I do not find "complicated" the +filebug or bug listing page. | 08:16 |
kiko | did they remove that text? | 08:16 |
ddaa | you tell me | 08:16 |
ddaa | kiko: found it! | 08:21 |
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ddaa | it's on the FIRST page of the guided bug filing (and not on the second) and it's in an unreadably small font. | 08:21 |
ddaa | like 6 points | 08:22 |
kiko | thank the bradder | 08:22 |
ddaa | actually, I think this all came after brad | 08:22 |
ddaa | the guided filebug thing was done after brad, right? | 08:22 |
kiko | he implemented it. | 08:23 |
ddaa | also, it comes _after_ the [Continue] button | 08:23 |
ddaa | so it's as good as invisible | 08:23 |
ddaa | now we understand that the actually visible part of this page is the small bit included between the Summary control and teh Continue button. | 08:24 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #91997 in launchpad-bazaar "product cloud should ignore inactive branches" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91997 | 08:26 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92006 in launchpad-bazaar "product cloud should ignore import branches" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92006 | 08:50 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92013 in rosetta "kmplayer's translation not imported" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92013 | 09:06 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92019 in rosetta "a2ps has a pot file but not in Rosetta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92019 | 09:20 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #92020 in rosetta "gnunet has a pot file but not in Rosetta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92020 | 09:25 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #92022 in rosetta "aegis has a pot file but not in Rosetta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92022 | 09:25 |
beuno | translations didn't seem to go too smootly :/ | 09:26 |
matsubara | all universe packages. | 09:28 |
beuno | it's pin pointed to universe packages? | 09:29 |
matsubara | what do you mean beuno ? | 09:31 |
beuno | there where problems importing all universe packages? | 09:31 |
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matsubara | beuno: not really. templates for universe packages are not supported yet. they're rejected in the import queue when the package it belongs to is identified as a Universe package. | 09:38 |
beuno | aaah, ok ok, got it, thanks | 09:40 |
Fujitsu | matsubara: Is there any timeline for fixing that? | 09:41 |
beuno | maybe an email to the translators list could be sent to avoid all the bug filing and confusion? | 09:42 |
matsubara | Fujitsu: carlos or danilos can answer that | 09:45 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #92025 in launchpad "Beta isn't rendering the correct template for UnexpectedFormData exceptions" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92025 | 09:46 |
matsubara | Fujitsu: it seems that it's possible to have exceptions to the "we don't import universe packages templates". carlos knows the details about it, though. He explained it to someone today here on #launchpad. | 09:49 |
beuno | ddaa, :p | 09:50 |
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mpt | Goooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 10:32 |
ajmitch | hello mpt | 10:32 |
kiko | hi | 10:32 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92050 in hello "package 'hello' has pot file but not in rosetta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92050 | 10:56 |
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erdalronahi | Hi, I found a problem with the feisty translations imports | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | It concerns debian-installer and ubiquity. If the translations differ, something like this gets imported: | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | #-#-#-#-# ku.po (debian-installer) #-#-#-#-# | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | Sazkirin | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | #-#-#-#-# ku.po (ubiquity) #-#-#-#-# | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | Saz bike | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | the #-#-#-#-#-#- stuff is in the POfile! | 11:03 |
erdalronahi | Will file a bug for this now | 11:04 |
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sabdfl | hey mpt | 11:09 |
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sabdfl | how are those project/distro/meeting/people pages coming? | 11:10 |
mpt | sabdfl, ok, I should be able to finish them by the end of today | 11:12 |
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sabdfl | super | 11:13 |
sabdfl | zuuuupa | 11:13 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92063 in launchpad "Scripts uses system version of python, this is a problem on Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92063 | 11:31 |
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