Ubugtu | New bug: #92076 in kubuntu-docs (main) "kubuntu-docs will not upgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92076 | 12:20 |
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mpt | mdke, https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-based-help may need updating the status | 12:32 |
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poningru | when is the freeze for feisty gonna happen? | 02:14 |
poningru | I wanna add bunch of stuff for serverguide | 02:14 |
nixternal | poningru: the freeze happend 5 days ago | 03:09 |
nixternal | :) | 03:09 |
poningru | D*MN | 03:10 |
nixternal | yup | 03:10 |
nixternal | we had a couple of extra days only because LP didn't open for translations | 03:10 |
poningru | there goes my dream of hardened portion to the guide :( | 03:10 |
poningru | adding* | 03:10 |
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poningru | nixternal: you think I can convince md*e to give me exception? | 03:15 |
poningru | if I write it up till end of this week | 03:15 |
nixternal | I highly doubt it, but it is always worth a try | 03:16 |
poningru | crap :( | 03:20 |
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mpt | "insert a keyword"? oy | 04:25 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r3976 /kubuntu/ (11 files in 5 dirs): fixed errors to close 2 bugs - 91749 and 91927 - no strings changed at all | 06:05 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3977 kubuntu/ (11 files in 5 dirs): merging feisty changes for packaging | 06:07 |
LaserJock | go nixternal go | 06:09 |
Admiral_Chicago | even better, we will see if it actually works.. | 06:09 |
Admiral_Chicago | nixternal: /var/cache/apt/archives/kubuntu-docs_7.04-2_all.deb | 06:10 |
Admiral_Chicago | err, actualy erroe E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 06:10 |
Admiral_Chicago | I know that -3 fixes the error with -2 but i did an update before I updated and still tries to do -2 | 06:11 |
nixternal | LaserJock: man, that was a pita, but it works like a super champ | 06:11 |
nixternal | that is the most beautiful package ever :) | 06:11 |
nixternal | it detects other doc packages, and when uninstalled will revert back to other installed firefox-homepages | 06:12 |
nixternal | it doesn't conflict | 06:12 |
nixternal | I love it! | 06:12 |
nixternal | dude, I am now the update-alternatives master! | 06:12 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r3978 /kubuntu/debian/dirs: we don't need that | 06:12 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3979 kubuntu/debian/dirs: and we don't need that either | 06:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | have any ideas about my error richard? | 06:13 |
nixternal | what error? | 06:13 |
nixternal | I just fixed that | 06:13 |
nixternal | that is the same as bug 91749 | 06:13 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 91749 in kubuntu-docs "file confict with ubuntu-docs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91749 | 06:13 |
nixternal | and bug 91927 | 06:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 91927 in kubuntu-docs "Old doc directories not empty/deleted on upgrade" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91927 | 06:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | wth, candidate is still -2 | 06:14 |
nixternal | yes | 06:14 |
nixternal | I just now finished -3 and will create a debdiff here shortly | 06:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | uploaded, not commited | 06:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | dammit, i thought it was in the repos already | 06:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | grrrr. | 06:14 |
=== Admiral_Chicago stops playing with APT, returns to graphic work | ||
nixternal | wo0t | 06:16 |
nixternal | 14k debdiff, nice and small | 06:16 |
LaserJock | 14k?!? | 06:17 |
nixternal | very small ;p | 06:27 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92157 in kubuntu-docs (main) "kubuntu-docs fails to install (dup-of: 91749)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92157 | 10:35 |
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avno | How do I participate in a System Documentation translation team...? What is the appropriate link in the Rosetta website? | 12:35 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #92227 in ubuntu-doc "Wrong url for Scribus in ubuntu-docs/office for Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92227 | 02:40 |
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nixternal | mdke: I get the kubuntu-docs package fixed up so it doesn't conflict with any other docs right, it is a sweet package now :) Well, it gets uploaded, and breaks the build server! | 04:37 |
nixternal | haha | 04:37 |
nixternal | damn the luck | 04:37 |
nixternal | btw, what needs to get done manually? how do I get the firefox index for kubuntu translated as well? and I need a .desktop file translated as well | 04:38 |
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etchian_ | How many people are part of your documentation team, overall? | 11:23 |
nixternal | etchian_: quite a few, only a handful really active right now though | 11:25 |
etchian_ | is that 10, 100 or 1000? | 11:28 |
dsas | etchian_: there's probably less than 10 active. | 11:29 |
nixternal | 20 at the most, less than.......what dsas just said | 11:29 |
etchian_ | So who writes the doc then? Canonical? | 11:30 |
nixternal | etchian_: nope, hopeless people like us | 11:30 |
nixternal | well at least I am hopeless, I would rather not speak on everyone's behalf | 11:30 |
etchian_ | So you mean you have a team of about 10 people to write the whole stuff. Wow. | 11:31 |
etchian_ | Ever thought of changing your documentation team approach in the wiki? | 11:31 |
LaserJock | heh | 11:32 |
LaserJock | we do what we can | 11:32 |
LaserJock | if you have a better idea we're all ears :-) | 11:33 |
etchian_ | just a sec | 11:33 |
=== nixternal is listening while trying to study | ||
LaserJock | nixternal: did you catch the doc stuff from the Edubuntu meeting | 11:34 |
nixternal | kind of. I can't figure out what LTSP docs he is talking about | 11:35 |
nixternal | that would be bad if people are writing docs and not sharing here | 11:35 |
LaserJock | nixternal: that stuff sbalneav wrote | 11:35 |
LaserJock | nixternal: ogra said it's not there | 11:35 |
nixternal | it is there, everything that he wrote and put on HedgeMage's server is in our docs | 11:36 |
nixternal | unless he has been writing behind the scenes | 11:36 |
etchian_ | What I am trying to understand, nixternal, is how can one help without having to deal with all these "ja buts" on the wiki about the documentation. | 11:36 |
nixternal | ja buts? that is a new one to me | 11:37 |
nixternal | hehe | 11:37 |
etchian_ | It leaves the impression that unless you really are wiz-guru crack and a very good writer you better abstain. | 11:37 |
nixternal | etchian_: that would be the furthest from the truth, take me for example | 11:37 |
LaserJock | etchian_: where do you get that impression? | 11:38 |
nixternal | there is no doubt our wiki docs need to be updated (2yr+ in age) | 11:38 |
etchian_ | I read the wiki documentation - learn the style, learn to communicate, learn to be concise, know the other pages so you don't repeat. | 11:38 |
etchian_ | Join a team (and how is somewhat evasive), fill those in progress, done, flag, "in approbation" (that was another term, but I forgot). | 11:39 |
etchian_ | In the end, I just figured it would be simpler to make my own blog. | 11:39 |
etchian_ | How many people react like me. Looks like a lot, from the doc member numbers you are giving me here. | 11:40 |
LaserJock | hmm | 11:41 |
LaserJock | I just got an account and started editing | 11:41 |
LaserJock | not much to it | 11:41 |
dsas | maybe we should just have "it'd be nice if you read this stuff, but if you can't be bothered just start writing" | 11:41 |
etchian_ | That's what I usually do. Then I get noticed because I tend to be consistent, then... and the whole process develops. | 11:41 |
LaserJock | well, I personally don't want people to working on the wiki if they aren't going to write anything decent | 11:42 |
LaserJock | because then we have to go fix it | 11:42 |
etchian_ | And I acknowledge that it is a very difficult job you are doing. | 11:42 |
LaserJock | it's mostly just time consuming | 11:42 |
LaserJock | because, as you said, we don't have a lot of people | 11:42 |
etchian_ | We're back to : better be sure you make a good job before doing anything. It's a circular thing. | 11:43 |
etchian_ | OK. Fair enough. I was just curious. | 11:43 |
LaserJock | well, I'm just saying we need to "try" to have some sort of quality threshold | 11:43 |
LaserJock | but maybe the docs aren't very clear that it's a pretty low bar | 11:44 |
LaserJock | we certainly don't want to scare people off | 11:44 |
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etchian_ | Well, if you are difficult to approach you will continue seeing good documentation being developed outside the Ubuntu mother-ship. | 11:46 |
LaserJock | are we difficult to approach? | 11:47 |
etchian_ | Yes. | 11:47 |
LaserJock | I think of the doc team as being very approachable | 11:47 |
LaserJock | the wiki is open to all | 11:47 |
LaserJock | we have open communications | 11:47 |
LaserJock | we encourage contributions | 11:47 |
LaserJock | I'm not quite sure why we'd be unapproachable :( | 11:48 |
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etchian_ | bodhi_zazen, hi. | 11:51 |
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etchian_ | How is your team coming along, bodhi_zazen? | 11:53 |
bodhi_zazen | etchian_, I am quite happy with the team | 11:53 |
etchian_ | How many did you get so far? | 11:54 |
bodhi_zazen | I am starting to get them to work on FAQ and learn their way arrount the wiki | 11:54 |
etchian_ | From the forum material, or from something else? | 11:54 |
bodhi_zazen | Strting with the forums ... | 11:55 |
bodhi_zazen | *starting | 11:55 |
etchian_ | I see. Just curious, what about the other bunch of people working on forum. Are they wiki-ing the same material? | 11:55 |
bodhi_zazen | UDSF ? | 11:56 |
etchian_ | Yes. | 11:56 |
bodhi_zazen | UDSF seems to concentrate on the how-to 's | 11:56 |
bodhi_zazen | user submitted how-to's that is :) | 11:56 |
etchian_ | I see. | 11:56 |
etchian_ | I visited the forum, last night. At least your section, and the doc section. | 11:58 |
bodhi_zazen | :) | 11:58 |
bodhi_zazen | Thank you for visiting | 11:59 |
etchian_ | Well, I could not visit #ubuntu-beginners, so I visited the forum. | 11:59 |
bodhi_zazen | LOL | 11:59 |
bodhi_zazen | #ubuntuforums-beginners | 11:59 |
bodhi_zazen | #ubuntu-beginners has been re-directed to #ubuntu | 12:00 |
etchian_ | Yes, I have seen that. The first time, I thought I was missing a bolt in my brain. | 12:00 |
etchian_ | The second time, I realized it was not to be. | 12:00 |
bodhi_zazen | Sorry for the confusion ... | 12:02 |
etchian_ | If you invite somebody to contact you today, where would that be? | 12:02 |
bodhi_zazen | you are welcome to #ubuntuforums-beginners any time :) | 12:02 |
bodhi_zazen | I usually invite follks to the irc ... | 12:03 |
bodhi_zazen | is that what you are asking ? | 12:03 |
etchian_ | You beginner pages clearly says that to reach bodhi_zazen, join #irc-beginners. | 12:03 |
bodhi_zazen | Oh nooooooooo . | 12:04 |
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bodhi_zazen | Which page ? | 12:04 |
etchian_ | Oh yesss, lol. | 12:04 |
etchian_ | I am looking for it. I have to many Ubuntu wiki pages open, lol | 12:05 |
bodhi_zazen | wiki page or forums ? | 12:05 |
bodhi_zazen | I got it, thanks :) | 12:06 |
etchian_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Team?highlight=%28Beginners%2F%29 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Team?highlight=%28Beginners%2F%29 | 12:07 |
bodhi_zazen | refresh your page, should be fixed :) | 12:08 |
bodhi_zazen | thanks for that | 12:09 |
bodhi_zazen | #ubuntuforums-beginners | 12:09 |
etchian_ | NP. | 12:10 |
etchian_ | Anyway, thank you for the information, people. | 12:11 |
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