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beuno | Admiral_Chicago: ping | 02:13 |
rjian | hello beuno | 02:15 |
beuno | hey rjian | 02:15 |
rjian | beuno: wats the next UWN hehe i think i can write an article | 02:17 |
beuno | what or where? | 02:17 |
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rjian | beuno: how can i write an article on UWN? | 02:19 |
beuno | rjian: absolutely, what do you have in mind? | 02:19 |
rjian | beuno: hehe writing article of FOSS Fiesta the Ubuntu-ph join the event | 02:19 |
rjian | beuno: Conference on FOSS and E-Governance, FOSS Fiesta and Parallel Workshops on Joomla and Ubuntu | 02:20 |
beuno | sure, write it and add it on the wiki | 02:21 |
rjian | okie :) | 02:22 |
rjian | beuno: i get the article from a blogs wer can i put it? i mean what sections? | 02:35 |
beuno | "General Community News" is probably best | 02:35 |
rjian | ok | 02:48 |
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bordy240 | evenin', urrbody. | 03:41 |
tonyyarusso | hey | 03:45 |
rjian_ | bueno: can i save 1st my work and back it again later? | 03:58 |
beuno | rjian_: yeap, np | 04:02 |
rjian_ | beuno: hehe i have to think wat will i write hehe i just put and introduction.. | 04:02 |
beuno | rjian_: sure, think it over, if you want, you can email it to me and I'll give it a look before it goes in | 04:04 |
rjian_ | ive already save it but not yet complete hehe i have to think how to write it again | 04:05 |
beuno | sure, it's going to be released on sunday, so you've got time | 04:05 |
rjian_ | :) ok | 04:05 |
bordy240 | how would one get involved with UWN by the way? | 04:06 |
beuno | bordy240: are you familiar with it? | 04:06 |
beuno | I mean, have you read a couple of them? | 04:07 |
beuno | it doesn't really take much more then just finding out what needs to be done, and just add it in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32 | 04:08 |
bordy240 | sweet | 04:11 |
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rjian_ | beuno: take a look on my article hehe | 04:14 |
rjian_ | beuno: did u put the link on the community news? | 04:17 |
beuno | bordy240: I'm here if you have any questions | 04:21 |
beuno | rjian_: what link? | 04:21 |
rjian_ | beuno: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/817 | 04:22 |
rjian_ | can i copy paste it on our UWN? | 04:22 |
beuno | rjian_: yes, I added those to be summed up | 04:23 |
beuno | I'm not sure that we should paste the whole text "as-is" | 04:23 |
rjian_ | beuno: yup i know.. i try to summed it up.. | 04:23 |
beuno | rjian_: great then | 04:23 |
beuno | just don't remove the link :D | 04:24 |
rjian_ | beuno: ok.. also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+translations is just on one link hehe | 04:25 |
beuno | yes, it's the link where users can go and translate | 04:25 |
rjian_ | beuno: ok ill try to sum it up and u edit it later.. | 04:32 |
beuno | rjian_: great, greatly appreciated | 04:33 |
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bordy240 | I am about to smash my computer, so UWN might be out of the question! | 04:39 |
beuno | bordy240: np, it's a weekly release, you'll get plenty of chances | 04:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: pong. MT write up? ill do it | 05:15 |
Admiral_Chicago | bbiab | 05:15 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: great! just wanted to give you the thumbs up on the community spotlight | 05:18 |
beuno | I'm off to bed | 05:18 |
nixternal | don't forget to add my massive attack on the KTorrent security patch for every architecture on every release from breezy to feisty either! :) | 05:22 |
nixternal | and while you are at it, don't forget about the big updating bug I introduced to the kubuntu-docs package ;p | 05:23 |
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Admiral_Chicago | nixternal: willdo | 05:57 |
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PirateHead | Room live? | 04:11 |
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ssam | hi. would it be possible to add a link to he powerpc iso to the herd5 announcement page? | 04:15 |
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ssam | it has move to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/herd-5/ (note the ports) and a lot of powerpc people can't find it | 04:16 |
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adamant1988 | anyone here conscious? | 08:00 |
adamant1988 | ... | 08:00 |
jenda | nope... | 08:10 |
MitchM | nay | 08:12 |
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Lord_Maynoth | hello | 10:30 |
Lord_Maynoth | I had what I thought was a great idea... and was told to bring it here to this channel | 10:30 |
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Lord_Maynoth | Why not create an Ubuntu Idea Storm... so that average users can help with feedback and improve ubuntu | 10:31 |
Lord_Maynoth | the best suggestions would float to the top... and help prioritize things | 10:31 |
Lord_Maynoth | something like ideastorm.ubuntu.com | 10:32 |
jenda | hmm | 10:32 |
jenda | Lord_Maynoth: the best thing to do with marketing ideas is to elaborate them in an email to ubuntu-marketing@lists.ubuntu.com | 10:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | well I wasn't sure this was a marketing idea so much | 10:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | but I was told to come here | 10:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | do I need a subscription to send email to that address? | 10:34 |
beuno | I think this is probably the best (maybe not ideal) place | 10:34 |
beuno | but I did mention the mailing list is the best way to go ;) | 10:34 |
Lord_Maynoth | I signed up for the launchpad mailing address | 10:34 |
Lord_Maynoth | where do I signup for the marketing | 10:34 |
beuno | jenda: can I grab your attention for a few minutes? | 10:35 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing | 10:35 |
jenda | beuno: awww | 10:35 |
jenda | beuno: I was about to go to bed! | 10:35 |
jenda | :) | 10:35 |
jenda | beuno: take that as a 'yes' | 10:35 |
Lord_Maynoth | and you think marketing is the best place to send this idea? | 10:35 |
beuno | I'm really good at catching you in those "about to" moments :D | 10:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: i did the write up, did you see it? | 10:35 |
Lord_Maynoth | or is their some other dept. that would be better? | 10:35 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: yes, it's great! UWN #32 is really shaping up! | 10:35 |
jenda | Lord_Maynoth: I'm not sure... it seems... well, as if we already had mechanisms for ideas and feedback... | 10:36 |
beuno | jenda: it's about the mail on forums -> launchpad integration | 10:36 |
jenda | ah | 10:36 |
beuno | you seemeed pretty connected with ubuntuforums admins | 10:36 |
beuno | and I just found a way to go ahead with this without launchpad devs help | 10:37 |
jenda | as any staffer could be ;) | 10:37 |
jenda | hmm | 10:37 |
beuno | I will still bug them, but at least I can go forward with it | 10:37 |
beuno | I've even installed vbulletin and done tests | 10:37 |
beuno | :D | 10:37 |
beuno | the main idea is to be able to asociate bugs with threads | 10:38 |
beuno | so, to start off, users can add the bug ID as a tag | 10:38 |
beuno | and a small but handy PHP script can get the info for the "numeric" tags and show the related bugs status and link | 10:38 |
beuno | I really don't think it would be hard to implement | 10:39 |
jenda | hmm | 10:39 |
jenda | beuno: that's some good stuff... | 10:39 |
beuno | (I said PHP, it can be python too) | 10:39 |
beuno | and I've found out how to get that info and parse it from launchpad | 10:40 |
beuno | so basically it's up to the forum people | 10:40 |
Lord_Maynoth | I was just wondering jenda, what mechanisms for user feedback are there besides the forums? | 10:40 |
beuno | I do want the "related forum threads" on launchpad, but it's harder to get those peoples attention, so it will take a bit longer | 10:41 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: what kind of feedback? | 10:41 |
jenda | Lord_Maynoth: umm... forums ;) | 10:41 |
Lord_Maynoth | well say for things users think could be improved upon, annoyances, bugs, etc | 10:42 |
jenda | beuno: could you write that up in a single post in the forum feedback part? | 10:42 |
Lord_Maynoth | I just think something like dell's idea storm could help make ubuntu even better | 10:42 |
jenda | I'll link to it from the staff forum. | 10:42 |
beuno | jenda: absolutely, on it | 10:43 |
jenda | beuno: and then, I'll prod them about it till they do it... ;) | 10:43 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: have you seen launchpad? | 10:43 |
jenda | and now, I'm just about to collapse... | 10:43 |
beuno | jenda: I've also got some responses from launchpad devs like: <flacoste> beuno: if that's of some confort to you, I've flagged your email as TODO as I intend to reply to it, just not got the time yet | 10:43 |
Lord_Maynoth | yes but it seems to complex for the adverage joe... | 10:43 |
jenda | beuno: if you want to be sure I don't forget, drop me a tiny short reminder email ;) | 10:44 |
beuno | jenda: go sleep, thanks | 10:44 |
beuno | I will send you an email with the link | 10:44 |
beuno | g'night | 10:44 |
jenda | 10:44 | |
jenda | night | 10:44 |
Lord_Maynoth | night | 10:44 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: I agree, but forums aren't | 10:44 |
beuno | and there is a specific team being built to take the forum information to launchpad | 10:45 |
Lord_Maynoth | well thats true... but forums aren't very conducive for suggestions | 10:45 |
beuno | so that might solve it | 10:45 |
beuno | heh, well, it's going to be a hard battle to get some attention, but I think it's worth a try | 10:45 |
beuno | write up a clear and easy to read email | 10:45 |
beuno | send it to the mailing list | 10:45 |
beuno | that way some people with decision power can read about it | 10:46 |
Burgwork | Lord_Maynoth: the problem with ideastorms is that they have a habit of being lemming indicators | 10:49 |
Burgwork | plus they give false hope | 10:49 |
Burgwork | because some requests are not as simple as they look, etc. | 10:49 |
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adamant1988 | hello all | 10:51 |
Lord_Maynoth | lemming? | 10:52 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: hrmm? | 10:53 |
Lord_Maynoth | does anyone know of anyway one can create an ideastorm style website | 10:55 |
Lord_Maynoth | are there any premade hosting options for such a thing? | 10:55 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: are you the one suggesting that one the forums | 10:56 |
Lord_Maynoth | yes | 10:57 |
Lord_Maynoth | I was advised to come here | 10:57 |
Lord_Maynoth | I am writing up an email to the marketing list and launchpad list | 10:57 |
adamant1988 | Ok, well, I tell you what | 10:58 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: the Ubuntu wiki is probably what you're looking for | 10:58 |
adamant1988 | I've been working privately on something similiar, so I'll give you my personal email and we can collaborate. | 10:58 |
adamant1988 | to get a good proposal together, if you like. | 10:58 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: I'm not sure launchpad is the place to go | 10:58 |
=== beuno steps aside | ||
Lord_Maynoth | cool adamant | 10:59 |
adamant1988 | beuno: launchpad like functions actually WOULD help this along | 10:59 |
beuno | adamant1988: I agree, but it's going to be *very* hard to get the devs to add whole new section to launchpad | 11:00 |
adamant1988 | beuno: I was hoping shuttleworth could be convinced to open up another launchpad all together, with a more community oriented focus. | 11:00 |
adamant1988 | beuno: launchpad right now is for Devs and such, a community launchpad would be for things just like this. | 11:01 |
beuno | adamant1988: AFAIK, he's already convinced, it's just that the code isn't at a stage where it can be opened | 11:01 |
Lord_Maynoth | yes... I think the users could provide invaluable feedback and suggestions | 11:01 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: There are LOTS of ways for users to provide feedback and suggestions. | 11:01 |
adamant1988 | The problem is (as I see it) that the marketing team has not done the work collectively to harnass those. | 11:02 |
Lord_Maynoth | a simple idea storm for suggestions, annoyances, and bugs, would be much more conducive because the best would float tot he top | 11:02 |
adamant1988 | Eh... | 11:02 |
adamant1988 | You're asking too much of it already | 11:02 |
adamant1988 | Launchpad is for handling bugs and such, and it does very well at it. | 11:02 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: comments and bug duplicates are a good indication of bugs that need attention already | 11:02 |
Lord_Maynoth | but average users don't know how to do use launchpad | 11:03 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: That isn't a problem come April. | 11:03 |
adamant1988 | I'm using Feisty right now, and I've yet to go to launchpad to submit a bug, but I've submitted about 5 of them | 11:03 |
adamant1988 | It's automated in feisty | 11:03 |
Lord_Maynoth | well perhaps just a idea-storm for just suggestions and annoyances.. | 11:03 |
adamant1988 | Well, first off, calling it an ideastorm isn't proper. ideastorm implies brainstorming, which is just not what that is. | 11:04 |
adamant1988 | No, if you're talking about a suggestions site with a dig-esque interface, that can be done. | 11:04 |
adamant1988 | although I think that there are better ways to do it, personally. | 11:05 |
adamant1988 | going all "web 2.0" will just complicate an procedure that doesn't need to be nearly that complicated. | 11:05 |
Lord_Maynoth | your right... | 11:06 |
adamant1988 | as I said, I'll give you my personal email and we can talk about it: myname@gmail.com | 11:06 |
Lord_Maynoth | cool | 11:06 |
Lord_Maynoth | thanks | 11:06 |
adamant1988 | and by myname, you know what I mean | 11:06 |
Lord_Maynoth | haha I am a n00b but not that n00bish :B | 11:07 |
adamant1988 | I've seen a lot of smart people make that mistake. | 11:07 |
Lord_Maynoth | k I sent an email to u | 11:08 |
adamant1988 | Anyway Lord_Maynoth I'm more in favor of collecting information with a higher number of people involved. | 11:08 |
Lord_Maynoth | yes me 2 | 11:08 |
Lord_Maynoth | I believe in the collective power sites like digg have | 11:09 |
adamant1988 | Well, the only way to do that really is to try to include them directly in Ubuntu, in some fashion. | 11:09 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: Digg has the power of group manipulation at it's side. It is VERY poor for representing people's true opinions (past comments) in my opinion. | 11:09 |
adamant1988 | Digg is good for news because it gets good news out there fast, it is a bad idea for opinions. | 11:10 |
adamant1988 | Opinions, suggestions, etc. should be collected individually and then checked for similarities. | 11:10 |
Lord_Maynoth | seems like a lot of work | 11:10 |
Lord_Maynoth | any way to automate that process? | 11:10 |
adamant1988 | When you put a group of people together, they typically will come to some kind of an agreement about what they think, I've seen case studies that prove this. | 11:10 |
adamant1988 | Ubuntu would benefit more from the invidivual suggestion | 11:11 |
adamant1988 | I've been meaning to talk to the marketing team about collecting this information. | 11:12 |
adamant1988 | Although I'm more in favor of putting links to Surveys directly inside of Ubuntu. | 11:13 |
beuno | adamant1988: polls are available in launchpad already! | 11:15 |
adamant1988 | beuno: In launchpad?! | 11:16 |
adamant1988 | You don't say | 11:16 |
adamant1988 | You mean that high traffic site that no user ever visits? | 11:16 |
beuno | https://beta.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-marketing | 11:16 |
adamant1988 | Gah! why didn't I think of that. | 11:16 |
beuno | see "Polls" option on the left | 11:16 |
=== beuno smells the irony | ||
beuno | I understand | 11:17 |
adamant1988 | It's hard to get good feedback when no one sees the polls. | 11:17 |
beuno | you want to reach out to new users | 11:17 |
adamant1988 | particularly not the no-ones that we WANT to be seeing the polls. | 11:17 |
Lord_Maynoth | anyone know any sites that allow digg style voting in a premade format? | 11:22 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: get off the digg thing | 11:22 |
Lord_Maynoth | haha | 11:22 |
Lord_Maynoth | ok | 11:22 |
Lord_Maynoth | I was just thinking about setting up my own site | 11:22 |
adamant1988 | If you really want someone's opinion, you don't ask the group. | 11:22 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: it might benefit more users if you try to get it done through the Ubuntu Community, it might be harder, but I think eventually it can have a bigger effect | 11:23 |
Lord_Maynoth | well so far everyone I have talked to said it would be too much work to implement and maintain | 11:24 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: yes, but don't be discourged by that, you just have to keep on pushing and seing how your idea can integrate with the existing platform | 11:27 |
beuno | just try to be understanding | 11:27 |
Lord_Maynoth | I am working on getting something going on my site using pligg | 11:28 |
beuno | Lord_Maynoth: working together with adamant1988 might be a good idea | 11:32 |
adamant1988 | Lord_Maynoth: It's not about maintaining it. If you turn these ideas into #'s that can be watched for similarities then it's not a big deal to keep track of it. | 11:32 |
Lord_Maynoth | thats a little of of my league.. | 11:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | but pligg seems very versatile | 11:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | you might wanna check it out | 11:33 |
Lord_Maynoth | http://www.pligg.com/ | 11:33 |
adamant1988 | hrmm. | 11:34 |
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adamant1988 | I still disagree with going with the digg-idea. | 11:35 |
Lord_Maynoth | anywho guys I gotta run | 11:38 |
Lord_Maynoth | ttyl | 11:38 |
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