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aedes | what is considered development discussion? | 06:54 |
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kakkoi | how do i install LAMP on ubuntu 6.10 desktop edition? | 08:24 |
kakkoi | thank you in advance | 08:24 |
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AMSmith42 | It seems that becuase Ubuntu Server specifies apt-gets from port 80, my SonicWALL thinks it is trying to access a proxy and disconnects it. | 07:35 |
AMSmith42 | Kind of a hassle. | 07:35 |
mralphabet | oO | 07:58 |
AMSmith42 | hehehe | 07:58 |
mralphabet | I think that's a poor logic design on the sonicwall heh | 07:58 |
AMSmith42 | Perhaps, but it is there, non-the-less. | 07:58 |
mralphabet | I mean, it's port 80 traffic . . . the firewall either needs to pass it or use the built in / network proxy server which should get the file anyway | 07:59 |
mralphabet | still, interesting | 07:59 |
AMSmith42 | I can switch the proxy-filter on and off, but I don't want to leave it off because I use it for a reason. | 07:59 |
mralphabet | sure | 07:59 |
AMSmith42 | I use Ubuntu desktops and apt-get doesn't have any trouble. | 08:01 |
AMSmith42 | It is only when Ubuntu server specifies x.x.x.x 80 that I get disconnected. | 08:01 |
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AMSmith42 | Well, the apt-get in server, anyway. | 08:02 |
mralphabet | oh, that's interesting | 08:02 |
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AMSmith42 | I had other words for it until I figured out what was going on. | 08:02 |
AMSmith42 | :P | 08:02 |
mralphabet | because it specifies the port it may make a difference | 08:03 |
AMSmith42 | Right. | 08:03 |
AMSmith42 | It triggers the SonicWALL's filter. | 08:03 |
mralphabet | as opposed to it just being normal traffic | 08:03 |
mralphabet | right | 08:03 |
mralphabet | that's certainly an odd one to track down | 08:03 |
AMSmith42 | Yes, I couldn't think of where I could change that either. | 08:04 |
mralphabet | nor can i | 08:04 |
=== mralphabet does a grep -r 80 * | ||
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Linuturk | I'm thinking of upgrading my Dapper server to Edgy. I am currently running a LAMP install, and a cacti install. what are the caveates of dist upgrading a server? | 08:28 |
Linuturk | i know this isn't a support channel, but Ubuntu is waaay to busy for a server question. | 08:28 |
AMSmith42 | I'm pretty lost too, or I'd help you out. | 08:29 |
Linuturk | what is your issue AMSmith42? maybe I can help | 08:29 |
AMSmith42 | I was just discussing earlier how Ubuntu server sometimes specifies port 80 when it does an apt-get (that is, some packages come from x.x.x.x 80) and that triggers my SonicWALL's proxy filter so I get disconnected after 90% installation. | 08:31 |
AMSmith42 | I can turn the proxy filter off, but that isn't ideal. | 08:31 |
Linuturk | isn't there a way to make an exception on your proxy | 08:31 |
Linuturk | some sort of rule table | 08:32 |
Linuturk | ? | 08:32 |
AMSmith42 | I don't think that I can specify an IP and a *port* for the firewall to disregard. | 08:32 |
AMSmith42 | Only an IP. I have to check into it further. | 08:32 |
Linuturk | I don't think I've heard of a firewall WITHOUT port forwarding by ip | 08:33 |
AMSmith42 | Port forwarding does that? I thought I'd have to set up a rule in the filter. | 08:34 |
Linuturk | well, I'm slightly confused | 08:34 |
Linuturk | are we talking a firewall | 08:34 |
Linuturk | or a proxy server | 08:35 |
Linuturk | or, a combo of the two? | 08:35 |
Linuturk | if it is a combo, see the device's manual before believing anything I say | 08:35 |
Linuturk | that is specialized stuff | 08:35 |
AMSmith42 | The SonicWALL is a firewall and filter. It has a setting to disallow access to proxy servers. | 08:35 |
AMSmith42 | When apt-get tries to get a package and specifies port 80 the SonicWALL thinks that the server is trying to access a proxy. | 08:36 |
Linuturk | what does the proxy server do with normal port 80 traffic? | 08:37 |
Linuturk | web browsing? | 08:37 |
Linuturk | etc? | 08:37 |
Linuturk | my experience with a Squid is the proxy server downloads the packages first, then serves them up to the client | 08:37 |
Linuturk | it is a long delay | 08:37 |
Linuturk | but once it is down | 08:37 |
Linuturk | it is almost instantly available to any other machine on the network | 08:38 |
AMSmith42 | Web traffic from a browser is allowed. | 08:38 |
AMSmith42 | The sonicwall doesn't bother apt-get if it doesn't put 80 in the url. | 08:38 |
AMSmith42 | Only when apt-get uses <remote server> 80 does the sonicwall get triggered. | 08:39 |
AMSmith42 | I'm not using a local proxy server. | 08:39 |
AMSmith42 | The SonicWALL is set up to block access to internet proxies so that students can't get around the sonicwall filter. | 08:40 |
AMSmith42 | content filter, that is. | 08:40 |
=== xenalise is away: Shopping! :D | ||
AMSmith42 | Sweet...shopping | 08:42 |
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