
r00t__are the source-o-matic sources the same for gnome as kde?12:13
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bonbonthejonr00t__: yes12:18
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jan__bin mir nicht sicher ob ich eben schon mal hier war12:27
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BluesKaj!de | jan__12:29
ubotujan__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:29
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=== Archdragonmage [n=mark@d141-168-230.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Aloneaanyone have any experience with installing fglrx drivers for ATI cards on AMD64 machines? Driver wont install http://pastebin.ca/39431512:30
Aloneaalso this is what flgrxinfo outputs http://pastebin.ca/39530312:30
Archdragonmagehow do I install a deb program in Kubuntu12:31
hattadpkg -i package.deb12:31
ArchdragonmageI have cedega to install but do not know how to12:31
firephotoArchdragonmage: you can right click it in konqueror.12:32
=== satiani [n=satiani@cpe-69-203-135-221.si.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Archdragonmageok will try12:32
firephotoArchdragonmage: under the Kubuntu package menu12:32
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Archdragonmagewhere is that12:33
kdehlI have trouble with the sound, I don't even know where to start. I have a quite new budget laptop, Toshiba Satelite L30-101, and the program 'alsamixer' only shows two channels, or whatever you cal them: Master and PCM. And nothing sounds from the speakers. It worked in Windows, so no hardware failure. Any idea where to begin?12:33
r00t__x-server randomly restarts and kicks me back to my login screen12:33
firephotoArchdragonmage: when you right click on the deb file, there's a sub menu called that. Kubuntu Package Menu.12:34
r00t__kdehl: cntrl f2=>kmix12:34
Archdragonmageah ok thanks12:34
kdehlr00t__: Yeah. Same thing there.12:34
r00t__kdehl: then click on kmix refs12:35
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firephotokdehl: what sound chip is in that?12:35
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r00t__then just click all the little boxes12:35
n8k99kdehl: System Settings > Sound: Set Auto- Suspend to 1 sec. Apply. Test Sound.12:36
kdehlfirephoto: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 437b (rev 01)12:36
kdehl Says lspci.12:36
r00t__kdehl: after go back to the main window click on sthere wicthes and eternal amp,if that dosent work just keep foling with anything in12:36
r00t__thats what i had to do12:36
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firephotokdehl: oh. ATI sound. no idea there. could be it needs some extra options when the module loads. or even a newer module/kernel for support.12:37
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kdehln8k99: No difference.12:37
kdehlfirephoto: Okay, ouch.12:37
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kdehlWhat about it?12:38
firephotokdehl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1965037 that might be similar12:39
n8k99start it up and adjust levels12:39
r00t__kdehl: did you try what i said?12:39
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r00t__kdehl: for some reason ubun/kubntu mutes my laptop speakers and turns off the ecternal amp12:40
kdehlI don12:42
kdehl't think they are muted, no. Doesn't seem like it.12:42
kdehlI had the same problem on my old laptop.12:42
ArchdragonmageI get an error when tring to install packages  The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.12:43
firephotoArchdragonmage: do you have adept open?12:43
firephotoArchdragonmage: you could run those commands from a konsole with sudo12:44
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Archdragonmagetried with terminal but I do not know the right commands12:45
Archdragonmagehow do I reset it12:46
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Archdragonmagehow do I rest the apt data base12:47
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ArchdragonmageHow do I reset the APT database12:50
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firephotoArchdragonmage: try running "sudo apt-get update"12:50
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Archdragonmagefrom terminal?12:50
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aflachow do i get into the black list to remove the driver for my internal wifi card cuz the driver that came with kernel is broken12:52
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aflaccan anyone help me12:53
troxor_aflac: find /etc | grep blacklist   is one way12:54
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aflacok but i need to edit it to remove the built in bcm45xx driver that is part of the kernel12:54
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aflaci have a windows based driver which works but the built in kernel one is preventing my wifi from working correctly12:55
BluesKajis this the correct command to install  a *.deb pkg   -  sudo dpkg -i mt-daapd_0.2.4-1_i386.deb ?12:55
Gh0st75anyone know why azureus would start to open then crash with no error or anything?12:55
aflaci believe12:55
aflaclol i had that happened to me u using kubuntu or ubuntu12:56
bonbonthejonBluesKaj: yes12:56
BluesKajaflac, i don't see a folder12:56
aflacghost try rm -rf .azureus12:56
aflacthen open it and reconfig it12:56
Gh0st75good idea12:56
aflaccheck ur home folder blues12:56
troxor_Gh0st75: instead of removing it, you can also just move it out of the way, say mv .azureus azureus-maybe-broken12:57
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aflachow do i edit the black list so that i can take out the bcm 45xx driver cuz it is somehow broken12:58
Gh0st75my config file wasn't too detailed, only taking a second to reset it.....good point tho, will remember that for when i have a corrupted config that's more detailed12:58
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troxor_aflac: sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:58
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Archdragonmagehow do I edit the etc/apt/sources.list file as it has a bad line in it but will not let me save the fixed file12:59
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troxor_Archdragonmage: did you edit it with sudo?12:59
aflacthe bcm45xx isnt in there tro12:59
aflaci used that last command12:59
ArchdragonmageI opened it but it said there was an error in it12:59
troxor_aflac: isn't it bcm43xx ?01:00
Archdragonmage first line bad01:00
troxor_aflac: just add a line that says "blacklist bcm43xx" (but no quotes)01:00
aflacok tro will do01:00
troxor_aflac: then, update-modules01:00
aflacok hold on01:00
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aflacwhat do i put before update-modules01:01
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aflaci just checked iwconfig and its still not workin01:02
troxor_aflac: did you remove the module with modprobe -vr ?01:03
troxor_aflac: as in, "unload the driver"01:03
aflacjust did01:03
aflacnow how do i update it01:03
aflacit says accesspt is invalid01:04
chrismhampsoni'm having trouble getting monitor powersave to work. What lines (and where) need to be added to xorg.conf? I recently installed kpowersave...01:04
Archdragonmagetroxor . I used sudo apt-get update and got line 1 in source list not known /etc/apt/sources.list01:04
troxor_Archdragonmage: what's line 1 in that file say?01:05
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Oreyhi is anyone there by any chance ....01:06
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troxor_Archdragonmage: then remove that line, it doesn't quite look like a valid source line ;)01:06
Oreyi kinda need some help plz01:06
aflac? what u mean orey01:06
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aflacjust ask ur ? orey01:06
Archdragonmagehow do I edit it out?01:06
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Archdragonmagetried but would not save01:07
aflacsudo to allow rw access01:07
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troxor_aflac: to remove the module from the running kernel, modprobe -vr <module name> ... to make sure it doesn't get loaded again, add the blacklist <module name> in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:07
aflacok oty tro01:07
Oreykk ive just downloaded kubuntu 6.10 burnt it on disk and tried to install but... it says the linux swap is not functioning and then boots into command prompt01:08
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Archdragonmagehow do I use sudo for this.....sorry but am new to this01:08
Oreyon the live cd01:08
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KaiHanariwhen using ps aux | grep blah, how do i supress the return of the line showing the grep i just did?01:08
troxor_chrismhampson: you probably want a line such as   "Option "DPMS" in your xorg.conf's Monitor section01:08
chrismhampsontroxor_: I've got that01:09
troxor_chrismhampson: also, xset dpms  is a tool that controls that.. there's probably a setting in "System Settings" under screen saver too01:09
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troxor_KaiHanari: grep -v grep01:09
chrismhampsontroxor_: does xset dpms make a permanent chance?01:10
KaiHanarithanks tro01:10
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KaiHanarithanks troxor_01:10
troxor_KaiHanari: np01:11
troxor_chrismhampson: not sure, I usually let {kx}screensaver mess with it for me01:12
Oreycan anyone help at all im in abit of a kupuffle01:12
troxor_Orey: did you verify the md5sum of the iso image?01:12
BluesKajhow do I know what folder name for a pkg is ...it seems the *.deb is installed but I don'rt see a folder with anything resembling the original filename ?01:12
troxor_Orey: just to rule out the possibility of a corrupt transfer01:12
chrismhampsontroxor_: kxscreensaver?01:12
Archdragonmagetroxor...how do I edit source.list in sudo01:13
Oreyno but ill do that brb01:13
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troxor_chrismhampson: kscreensaver / xscreensaver/ gnome-screensaver etc01:13
chrismhampsontroxor_: in kubuntu how can i access dpms settings from the screensaver?01:14
KaiHanariOrey, take a look at the extra options at boot of the CD. try disabling swap there. possibly by adding "noswap" to the boot options01:14
troxor_chrismhampson: check out the "Monitor and Display" section in "system settings"01:15
troxor_Archdragonmage: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:15
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Archdragonmagetroxor_ great thanks01:17
troxor_Archdragonmage: np01:17
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Oreymd5sum ok01:18
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Orey_rm how add noswap to the boot option?01:22
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anonymous_cowardhey guys! my video card is an old radeon 8500 can anyone tell me which driver I should use?01:23
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ChetwinOkay, I'm aggrivated.  How do I get the ms core fonts01:25
ChetwinI enabled all my sources in apt01:25
ChetwinI noticed in a tutorial (which I can no longer find) there was a wget command to get the package01:25
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:27
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ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB01:28
troxorChetwin: it should be as easy as apt-get install msttcorefonts01:28
ChetwinIt's not.  I get the "referred to by another package, but is no longer available"01:29
troxorChetwin: did you run an apt-get update?01:29
aullomI'm having some trouble with w32codecs. I'm getting sound but no picture. Can anyone help me out?01:29
ChetwinYes, but I don't seem to have multiverse01:29
Silveira_Netoaullom: How do you got the w32codecs?01:30
ChetwinWait, yes I do have multiverse01:30
ChetwinWhat the crap man01:30
ChetwinNo, automatix is too unreliable01:30
ChetwinBetter than easyubuntu, but still shotty01:30
Archdragonmagetroxor_   ah I installed cedega like you said ...but...where is it...??01:31
troxorArchdragonmage: ?01:31
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troxoraullom: what media player are you using the w32codecs with?01:31
aullomI have also tried apt-get using http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all01:32
ArchdragonmageI right clicked it and did the install but I do not see it on desktop or in menu01:32
aullomkaffeine, vlc, mplayer, etc. Same result on all01:32
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troxoraullom: did you try running mplayer with the switch -vo xv ?01:33
aullomno, what does that do?01:33
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Silveira_Netoaullom: Are u using a 64 bits machine?01:34
troxorChetwin: make sure you have a line deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted multiverse universe  in your sources.list , then do apt-get update.. then try apt-get install msttcorefonts01:34
aullomno, 3201:34
Archdragonmagetroxor_ I used konqueror and right clicked cogeco deb file said install and it did but how do I find it now01:34
troxorArchdragonmage: try just "cedega" from the terminal01:35
ChetwinI fixed the issue by referring to the ubuntu wiki01:35
ChetwinThank you though01:35
troxorChetwin: np01:35
ChetwinAlright all, I'm off to reinstall WoW01:35
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troxoraullom: uses the xv video out driver01:36
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aullomso i just enter "mplayer -xv"? That gives me "Error parsing option on the command line: -xv"01:39
troxoraullom: mplayer -vo xv01:39
troxorthen filename01:39
=== T3hWiz0rd [n=wizard@ip72-200-103-253.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
T3hWiz0rddoes anyone in here have ktorrent and use it often?01:39
troxorT3hWiz0rd: no, you stink01:40
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T3hWiz0rdtroxor: i'll cut your your hair off and hide it under your gf's pillow01:40
troxorT3hWiz0rd: haha01:40
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: i am having trouble opening torrents for seeding... teh nubbed01:40
T3hWiz0rdit constantly wants to redownload them01:40
troxorT3hWiz0rd: check the folders options in prefs01:43
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aullomtroxor: same result01:43
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: the what?01:43
troxoraullom: try running with -v as well, and check for any video-type error or warning messages01:44
troxorT3hWiz0rd: in the folders section in preferences, there's a place for temp files and then automatically save to01:44
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johny!search compile01:45
ubotuFound: kernel, java-#kubuntu, java, qt, kernelcompile, checkinstall, build-dep, compile, tarball, compilekernel01:45
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: its all disabled there01:45
johny!compile| johny01:45
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T3hWiz0rdtroxor: i don't see how this'll help it open torrents for seeding tho01:46
aullomtroxor: hmmm... Can't find the codecs.conf file. Can't find fonts.conf either.01:47
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troxorT3hWiz0rd: what about starting a download as a client, letting it create some empty files, then stopping the torrent, replacing the empty files with your complete ones, then restarting the torrent01:48
reldruhwho's in charge of which packages are in the repositories? Digikam, specifically?01:48
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: would that work?01:48
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troxorT3hWiz0rd: it worked in azureus a long time ago ;)01:48
eigentardwhy can I not extract this file to my /usr/lib/XMMS/Effect folder?01:48
aullomtroxor: later on it says it found the audio and video streams, but the next line says "MPEG Stream reached EOF"01:49
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: hmm01:49
T3hWiz0rdall im worried about is does ktorrent que files if you don't tell it to?01:50
T3hWiz0rdlike i want my seeds to stay up 24/701:50
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troxoraullom: what file are you trying to play? is it available somewhere online?01:50
aullomtroxor: no, it's an old episode of The Tick I downloaded long ago01:51
troxoraullom: what repo's packages are you using?01:52
eigentardwhy am I getting an error when trying to copy a file somewhere?01:52
eigentardit's not letting me copy it over01:52
troxoreigentard: permissions? probably copying as root01:52
troxorer, probably need to copy as root, but be sure that won't break anything01:52
eigentardhow do I copy as root?01:53
aullomtroxor: it looks like it did find libmpeg201:53
troxoreigentard: sudo01:53
eigentardhow do I sudo in the gui? :X01:53
troxoreigentard: kdesu01:53
eigentardI don't really know the copy commands enough to not use the gui... haha01:53
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bonbonthejoneigentard: hit alt-f2, then run "kdesu konqueror"01:56
mjunxone day the keyboards are going to revolt for being hit so often and will demand voting rights y'know01:56
aullomtroxor: I'm using the restricted, universe, and multiverse repos, plus the repos for automatix01:57
bonbonthejonewww, dont use automatix01:57
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:57
mjunxwhat does automatix even provide?01:58
eigentardah hah!01:58
eigentardthanks :)01:58
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:58
jjesseis beryl the best 3d managerr for kubuntu?01:58
troxoraullom: hrm, try the ones from medibuntu.. not too sure abount automatix01:58
mjunxer, what does automatix install?01:58
troxoraullom: what ubotu and bonbonthejon said ;)01:58
bonbonthejonjjesse: its supposed to be more stable than compiz01:59
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mjunxhey dan_, you shouldn't be using automatix apparently! :)01:59
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aullomI'll try those suggestions. Thanks for help02:01
jjessebonbonthejon: thanks02:01
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:01
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johannesalguien me puede ayudar con el sonido de ubuntu02:05
johannesperdon kubuntu02:05
johannesya que no tengo ningun sonido02:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:08
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mjunxrandom note: ruby is more popular than kubuntu! this is not good :/02:16
mjunxaccording to an informal survey of /list02:17
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chrismhampsonam i right in thinking that kmail can't automatically add a contact to the address book on clicking reply?02:18
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jawee_(This is asked on behalf of someone else) How can you configure what devices mount onto the desktop?02:18
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ghetekthis is kind of intermitent but sometimes i need to open applications twice before they show up. if i open them in a terminal window it always works right away. its just the desktop, bottom taskbar (quicklaunch type thing), and the Kmenu items that show this behavior02:20
mjunxjawee_, it's in the system settings somewhere...02:20
eigentardwhere can I get glibc?02:20
eigentardit's not on APT02:20
mjunxeigentard, it's just called libc in apt02:20
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dx11101i have a major problem02:25
dx11101i have no kmenu or taskbar icons02:26
dx11101no clock02:26
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mjunxdo you have a kicker bar?02:27
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dx11101i have bar with nothing on it02:28
mjunxthe entire bar thing that everything goes in02:28
eigentardi'm doing apt-get install libc but it's not working02:28
eigentardsaying there's no installation candidate02:28
mjunxwell, you can try killing kicker (Ctrl+Esc to bring up the system guard to kill processes), then run it again via Alt+F2 and type "kicker"02:28
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edwardwas wondering if anyone could help me with on how to remove realplayer directory02:31
edwardwhen installing it loaded in my desktop directory02:31
skogenis there any package for wpa/wp2 for wireless connection in kubuntu?02:31
dx11101i was wonder if anyone could help me fix KDE its messed up i cant fix it02:31
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mjunxeigentard, it's libc602:32
edwardtried deletiing realplaer directory but says I don't have privileges02:32
stdinskogen: look at02:32
mjunxdx11101, did you try doing what I said?02:32
stdinskogen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo/Kubuntu02:32
mjunxedward, hit Alt+F2, then type "kdesu konqueror", and then you can try deleting the file from there02:33
dx11101i think im missing a module02:33
edwardusing kdesu worked. How do I remove RealPlayer application media list?02:36
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Yeasonwhen I activate beryl in herd 5 my desktops on the KDE panel get extended to take up half the panel, does anyone know how to fix this?02:37
mjunxedward, look for the .desktop file for it, might be in ~/.kde/share/applnk/02:37
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mjunxYeason, dunno, I've had a similar problem with the system tray02:37
billytwowillywhat's the best utility for creating partitions in kubuntu? system setting -> hard disks doesn't seem to be able to do it very intuitively02:38
Yeasonprobably something that will be fixed in final release?02:38
mjunxbillytwowilly, qtparted02:38
billytwowillyis that graphical?02:38
mjunxYeason, doubtful since beryl isn't in kubuntu at all02:38
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mjunxbillytwowilly, yeah02:38
billytwowillyok, I'll try it. thanks.02:38
Yeasonyea, I didn't mean kubuntu, I was just musing that the beryl devs might fix it... pls...? =P02:38
dx11101i will regreit forever ever trying to install compiz02:39
dx11101becuase when i tried to remove it kde got jacked02:39
dx11101no k startmenu02:39
dx11101no clock02:39
dx11101no icons02:39
billytwowillyberyl worked ok for me, but now it just dies when I try and run it. I hear compiz is the better solution technically.02:39
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Yeasonok, I have one other issue I hope someone can help with: I'm trying to compile a docker for KDE and when I run ./configure it says "C compiler cannot create executables"02:40
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mjunxYeason, go to #beryl ?02:41
billytwowillymjunx: there is no option to use reiserfs in qtparted...02:41
dx11101so how do you go by saving kde from a major problem02:41
mjunxbillytwowilly, then just create a whatever partition, then use mkfs.reiserfs on that partition afterwards02:42
billytwowillymjunx: ok, thanks.02:42
Yeasonmjunx: I thought the compiler issue would be a distro issue, not a wm issue02:42
mjunxI was talking about beryl :/02:42
mjunxbut you might be running gcc on a partition mounted as noexec02:43
Yeasonoh, lol, I've tried there a few times, either no one saw it, or they don't know either02:43
billytwowillymjunx: thanks, it appears to have worked02:43
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mjunxok good02:44
billytwowillyor is working I should say.02:44
billytwowillypico /etc/fstab02:44
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mjunxpico? you sound old-school, you should be using parted!02:44
Yeasonmjunx: this fstab is setup differently than I'm used to, but it looks like there's nothing saying "noexec" on any of the drives02:44
mjunxwell, we use UUID's of drives instead of their /dev/ names to keep it consistent02:45
mjunxI dunno then; you got binutils and gcc installed?02:45
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Yeasonyes I do02:47
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mjunxand g++?02:47
mjunxhmm, check config.log to see the actual error I guess02:47
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Yeasonah, that I do not have, is there a version taht would be better?02:47
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YeasonI did check the log, I couldn't find anything, which was why I resorted to asking you guys02:48
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:48
mjunx4.1 or the same version as gcc02:48
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edwardanyone tell me how I can upgrade from 6.06LTS to 6.10 online02:48
eigentardhow can I why can't I get this oss/3D plugin to work with XMMS?02:48
Yeasonok, thank you, I'll give taht a shot and see what happens02:48
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edwardhow can I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 online02:50
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)02:52
stdin!upgrade | edward02:52
ubotuedward: please see above02:52
Kyralhahah I win :P02:52
stdindarn :P02:52
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TheSpunkyLobsterhoping somone might be able to help me out :)02:55
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:55
pollyoDo they have a specific place to discuss feisty?02:55
mjunxhmm, that's not the right one02:55
TheSpunkyLobsteri've just got a new mobo+processor and i'm trying to install kubuntu edgy but i can't even get the live cd to load, comes up with a kernel panic error02:56
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edwardis there anyway to upgrade to 6.10 using adept??02:56
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)02:57
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TheSpunkyLobsteranyone got any suggestions?02:58
edwarddoes the KubuntuUgrade documentation work or does it have bugs02:59
mjunxthis might not help, but my guess is a BIOS setting is screwing it up02:59
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TheSpunkyLobsterheh fair enough, any idea what it might be or where i should start looking?03:00
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mjunxdoes the kernel panic specify any root cause?03:00
TheSpunkyLobsterlet me check :)03:01
TheSpunkyLobstertrying to install on desktop, on the laptop here :)03:01
TheSpunkyLobsterit says: kernel panic - not synching: attempted to kill init!03:02
mjunxany other messages before it?03:03
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TheSpunkyLobsterlots of numbers :) other than that the previous line includes: acpi_hw_low_level_read03:03
=== TheSpunkyLobster is a relative linux newbie as you might have guessed :)
mjunxI'm still bad at debugging kernel panics03:04
mjunxi.e. I just screw around with the BIOS settings until it fixes itself03:04
TheSpunkyLobstereverything installed perfectly before i upgraded mobo+processor hehe03:04
TheSpunkyLobsterwould a hyperthreading processor make any difference?03:05
mjunxnot really03:05
mjunxht enables SMP in the kernel, but that isn't an issue (IME)03:05
acdspit00can anyone help me install beryl?03:06
mjunxacdspit00, !beryl03:06
acdspit00i just installed my ati video drivers03:06
mjunx!beryl | acdspit0003:06
ubotuacdspit00: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:06
mjunxand wiki.beryl-project.org03:06
acdspit00i couldnt find directions for kubuntu before just ubuntu03:06
mjunxit's the same03:07
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TheSpunkyLobsternot even sure where to start when it comes to messing with the bios heh03:07
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mjunxhmm, not a good idea to mess around in there then I guess :)03:07
acdspit00how do i run root@lupine.me.uk.gpg03:07
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acdspit00gpg's with kebuntu03:08
mjunxsudo apt-key add root@yada.gpg03:08
TheSpunkyLobsterthat's pretty much what i thought too heh03:08
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mjunxdo any other livecds work on it? try knoppix 5.1.103:09
TheSpunkyLobsterok will have to download it first though :)03:10
mjunxok, let me know what happens :)03:10
acdspit00sudoapt-key add root@lupine.me.uk.gpg "cant open bla.gpg no such file or directory03:10
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khirrany download acelerator ofr mi kubuntu?03:10
acdspit00i know i should just end my life now if i cant even install the gpg i am linux newb03:11
mjunxkhirr, KGet03:11
pollyoAny idea where I might find information on getting kubuntu to run on a dell dimension e510?  I keep getting an error when booting off the live disk.  The graphics system doesn't start.03:11
khirrbut...not acelerate my download03:11
mjunxhey no spamming03:11
easytigerkill him03:11
mjunxI can't03:11
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, or DBO03:12
mjunxthere we go03:12
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mjunxI think he got scared and stopped03:12
easytigerwhy would one spam an email address?03:12
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mjunxhe wants it spammed maybe03:13
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TheSpunkyLobsterdownloading knopix now03:14
TheSpunkyLobsteras it's 2am, i think i'll leave it going and try in the morning03:14
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TheSpunkyLobsterthanks for the help so far though :)03:15
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acdspit00i installed my ati drivers and when i drag boxes or move down on the scroll in staggers whats a good way to ensure they beeninstalled correctly?03:24
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intelikeyanyone know enough about tzconfiguration to help me setup utc-5 ?03:26
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acdspit00this apt database could not be opened...03:29
felix_does anyone know where i could find the configuration file for k9copy or any way of turning off the openGL preview option?03:31
mjunxlook in ~/.kde/share/config/03:32
mjunxfor k9copyrc or similar03:32
felix_allright thanks03:32
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acdspit00mjunx ill pay you 10 dollars to help me get my kebuntu straight..03:33
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Yeasonok, I'm back, now i'm getting the issue: 'Your Installation isn't able to compile simpe C++ programs'. It suggests to check for the package libstdc++-dev but I already have that. any ideas?03:33
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mjunxlol, what's the problem?03:33
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intelikeyYeason install build-essential03:34
acdspit00my adept manager wont start03:34
acdspit00so i cant even attempt to put beryl on03:34
felix_k9copyrc doesnt seem to have any mention of the openGL option...03:34
acdspit00not sure if my ati graphics card install is working still a little choppy03:34
intelikey!beryl | acdspit00 and count your blessings03:35
ubotuacdspit00 and count your blessings: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:35
acdspit00trying to follow http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html03:35
acdspit00for install03:35
intelikey!adeptcrashfix | acdspit0003:35
ubotuacdspit00: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:35
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mjunxacdspit00, er, efb03:35
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acdspit00cannot stat /var/dkpkg/lock: no such file or directory03:36
mjunxspell it right ;p03:37
acdspit00thats what i meant03:37
acdspit00acdspit00@acdspit00-laptop:~$ sudo fuser -vki /var/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a03:37
acdspit00Cannot stat /var/dpkg/lock: No such file or directory03:38
mjunxcheck /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:38
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acdspit00type this?03:39
acdspit00sudo fuser check /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:39
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mjunxtry sudo dpkg --configure -a03:40
mjunxif that doesn't err about a dpkg lock, then no worries there03:40
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acdspit00no error03:40
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mjunxso what's wrong with adept then?03:41
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computerexHey guys. Can someone who has a good collection of screen resolutions get me the xorg.conf as an example?03:41
ubotuA Modeline is a configuration line in the X server configuration file that provides information about a connected computer monitor or television and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here is 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl03:41
mjunxthere's some info03:41
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computerexFor some reason, I am not getting 1152 x 86403:42
acdspit00could not open cache- the apt database could not be opened!  This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem.  Try running a-t=setup and apt-get upate in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem03:42
computerexEven thought I am getting higher resolutions then 1152 x 864. Thanks03:42
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computerexthought = though03:42
sherifffffI need some help with my network ...03:43
mjunxacdspit00, try running "sudo aptitude update"03:43
acdspit00E: Type 'http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
acdspit00E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:44
acdspit00E: Type 'http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
acdspit00E: The list of sources could not be read03:44
mjunxoh, that could be an issue03:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:45
mjunxpaste your /etc/apt/sources.list file in there03:45
sherifffffcan anyone help me with a network problemmmm ???03:45
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mjunxask away03:45
fignewsherifffff: you need to ask the question before anyone can help you....03:45
sherifffffwell ..03:46
sherifffffyes ..03:46
sherifffffI have adsl ...03:46
sherifffffand two pcs03:46
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sherifffffin the machine that is connected adsl (over ethernet) there are two network cards03:47
sherifffffone for adsl (for the modem) and one to connect to the network cable03:47
sherifffffthat is connected to the other pc03:47
sherifffffI couldn't configure it to bring internet to the other pc03:48
fignewjust making sure: is it a crossover cable? or is it connected through a hub/switch?03:48
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sherifffffit is crossover-ed03:48
sherifffffbut ..03:48
fignew2 steps required03:48
sherifffffthe pcs don't regonize between03:49
acdspit00mjunx http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10427/plain/03:49
fignewsherifffff: do they have the right IP address?03:49
sherifffffI found in internet but my problem is so specific...03:49
sherifffffthats the problem03:49
mjunxacdspit00, that line should have a "deb" in front of it like all the others do03:50
fignewthey do have the right ip addresses right?03:50
sherifffffwhen I restart the primary computer, and the otherr is off, the "eth" name changes ...03:50
sheriffffffrom eth1 to eth203:50
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sherifffffor from eth2 to eth103:51
_4strOacdspit00: deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main03:51
fignewsherifffff: 1 sec03:51
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sherifffffthe only one that doesn't change is eth003:51
_4strOyou need a / at the end of url03:51
mjunxhe needed a "deb" in the line03:51
sherifffffyes I have asigned the ips03:51
_4strOlol and a deb a the beginning03:52
acdspit00a deb where03:52
_4strOdeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main03:52
sherifffffbut the interfaces change ...03:52
acdspit00oh thanks03:53
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_4strOor deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn for the svn version03:53
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fignewsherifffff: what does /etc/iftab say?03:53
acdspit00i tried to edit with kate but it says i dont have write permission03:54
sherifffffyees ...03:54
mjunxedit it as root03:54
acdspit00is there someway i have to sudo it b403:54
mjunxright click -> actions -> edit as root03:54
mjunxor just kdesu kate file03:54
sherifffffit gives me the ifaces as you know03:54
sherifffffsometimes eth2, sometimes eth103:55
sherifffffand eth0 always03:55
Gh0st75how much space does the average edgy install take up, and is feisty likely to require much more?03:55
sherifffffwhen I'm connected it gives me ppp003:55
fignewsherifffff: great!, what does /etc/iftab say?03:55
mjunxfeisty will be somewhere around the same03:55
sherifffffis iftab a file ????03:56
sherifffffI don't know it. ..03:56
sherifffffand now I'm not in linux ...I'm in a ciber ..03:56
Gh0st75not even sure how to check for what my current install of edgy is using03:56
sherifffffdoes that file exist ???03:56
fignewit should...03:56
sherifffffI didnt know ...03:56
_4strOsherifffff: cat /etc/iftab03:56
sheriffffffignew ...03:57
mjunxhmm, exists for me, didn't know about it either03:57
fignew_4strO: he's not at his PC :P03:57
Gh0st75konqueror shows HD icons for my other drives, but not the main OS drive03:57
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sherifffffI give you my msn ...03:57
fignewsherifffff: I just have aim03:57
fignew1 sec03:57
sherifffffwhen I'm at home I talk to you03:57
_4strOshould be better ...03:57
fignewsherifffff: it should say: eth0 mac 00:0e:0c:bc:8a:a3 arp 103:58
fignewwith the correct mac address03:58
sherifffffarp 1 ?03:58
figneweth1 too03:58
sherifffffthe mac03:58
fignewarp 1, not sure what that does, but it's default on my feisty install03:58
sherifffffand if it doesn't say ?03:58
sherifffffhow I obtain the mac03:58
fignewhas it03:59
sherifffffi can connect to inet03:59
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)03:59
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fignewyou don't need to be connected to have a mac address03:59
sherifffffi can't establish the connection between the tho computers ...03:59
fignewmacaddress is hardware... it never changes03:59
fignewsherifffff: you can install guidedog04:00
ubotuguidedog: NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 122 kB, installed size 440 kB04:00
sherifffffdo you understand the topology I described ??04:00
sherifffffguidelog ...04:00
sheriffffflet's see what is04:00
fignewsherifffff: yes, I have the same setup04:00
sherifffffso ...04:01
fignewexcept, no ADSL04:01
sherifffffthats a difference ...04:01
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sherifffffwhen I was without adsl, the network was working vey well04:02
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fignewis it broken because of the eth2?04:02
sherifffffsomething like that04:02
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sherifffffi can't make they connect04:03
sherifffffa best choice is a switch but now I haven't money04:03
cpk1sherifffff: so your problem is that the computer connected to the main computer cant access the internet?04:03
fignewsherifffff: then assigning it the right name with /etc/iftab should help04:03
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fignewno who?04:04
sherifffffthe machine connected to the main machine cant ping to that machine ..04:04
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cpk1sherifffff: did you assign them both an ip that is on the same network?04:04
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sherifffffthe router ip is04:04
sherifffffthe subnet is
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lahcenhi guys,04:05
cpk1eth1 on the main computer is connected to the router right? so make eth2 have an ip of
cpk1then make the second computer have an ip of
sherifffffyes ..04:06
sherifffff.7.x ???04:06
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cpk1or anything but 1 really04:07
lahcenI am trying to install GnuCash, but if i install it from Adept it has a broken dependency, so i am trying compiling it from source and it is asking for Slib, But Slib is installed,,,, Any Ideas???04:07
sherifffffthe modem subnet is
sherifffffi tried04:07
sherifffffbut they doesn't see04:07
sherifffffno ...04:07
cpk1yeah so put eth2 on a different subnet04:07
sherifffffthe main pc could ping to the other04:07
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sherifffffbut the other no ..04:07
sherifffffon a different subnet?04:07
mjunxlahcen, you need slib-dev04:07
sherifffffeth2 ... you refer to ...04:07
mjunxor whatever it is04:07
sherifffffwhat is eth2 for you ..04:08
cpk1sherifffff: the modem is connected to eth1 on right?04:08
sherifffffthats the modem ip04:08
sherifffffi can configure it to route, but only can access from windows04:09
sherifffffto that configuration04:09
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sherifffffbut I explained to fignew...04:09
cpk1ok so eth1 is connected to the modem. make eth2 have an ip 192.168.X.yyy and dont make X=104:09
lahcenMjunx: i did install that too04:09
shiv_jmy firefox fonts suck desktop fonts look great :(04:09
sherifffffand the local machine -...04:10
sherifffffso, the local network address for the main machine ??04:10
=== ConcernedWithSec [n=Larry@adsl-69-108-85-51.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
sheriffffffor example : and for the second ..04:10
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sherifffffis that correct ?04:11
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cpk1sherifffff: the main machine has 2 NIC's keep the NIC that is connected to the modem the same (this is probably eth1) the other NIC change to 192.168.somethingbesideswhattheotherNIChas.xxx04:11
sherifffffi'll do it04:12
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sherifffffand I foun information on inet04:12
sherifffffthat I have to use masquerade04:12
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sherifffffto share the inet conection04:13
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cpk1sherifffff: yes it is very easy you just use MASQUERADE in iptables and change the 0 in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to a one04:13
cpk1sherifffff: but first you need to be able to ping the boxes04:14
sherifffffyes.. that right04:14
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sherifffffit doesn't mind samba, and the resources sharing... but I need the connection to adsl in the other pc!!!04:15
intelikeywhy am i concerned with this ?   Universal Time is now:  Thu Mar 15 03:14:06 UTC 2007.04:15
sherifffffok thanks04:15
sherifffffwould you like to give me your mail ?? so I send a mail if I'm success ??04:16
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cpk1?? you should be able to find out right now if it works04:16
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sherifffffI'm not at home04:18
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sherifffffnow I go ...in a minute04:18
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cpk1sherifffff: well if you have problems at hom you can always come back in here04:19
sherifffffok ok04:19
sherifffffthank you04:19
sherifffffgood luck04:19
sherifffffhow I was writing ?? because I speak spanish ...04:20
sherifffffOT: if I wrote well ...04:21
sherifffffbecause my english is "flaky"04:21
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cpk1your english is good enough to understand easily04:22
sherifffffhaha ok!04:22
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intelikeyok i think i got the tzconfig streight now.04:23
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mohdBack again...after recovering from a "system failiure" because something was wrong with xorg.conf04:24
intelikeyxorg != system04:24
mjunx!es | sheriffffffffff04:24
ubotusheriffffffffff: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:24
mohdCouldn't boot into the desktop enviroment, so I had to recover xorg through the recovery option in my GRUB04:25
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lahcenmjunx: I looked for slib-dev but there is only pslib-dev, are they in anyway the same?04:26
computerexCan someone PLEASE give me an example of their xorg.conf? I am desperately trying to get 1152 x 864 res working...04:26
intelikeyinteresting.   alt+f2 > kicker   wont start a panel in kde  but it will in gnome04:26
mjunxwell, you can check their descriptions04:26
Kevinanyone know how to install a game controller??04:26
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:26
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mjunxthere ya go computerex04:26
shiv_jmy firefox fonts suck desktop fonts look great :( any suggestions?04:26
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:29
intelikeyoh wait.  kicker is running it just looks like a cursor box/square04:29
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ubuntuHi all04:29
computerexThanks. My video drivers are set up correctly. The resoulutions I am getting are: 640 x 400  640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 and 1400 x 105004:29
computerexI would like to get 1152 x 864 as well04:30
frutaxWhat would my problem be if .deb files are only opening in ark and not in a package installer?04:30
computerexBut no matter what I try, it just doesn't appear as one of the choices04:30
mjunxfrutax, the default application setting for it probably; just right click to get the package install menu thinger04:30
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frutaxoh yep, there it is. heh i feel stupid, thank you mjunx04:31
frutaxalso: this may not be the right channel for this, but i've already tried #beryl and #kde, Beryl is having trouble decorating my windows and Aquamarine isn't working, what could be the soruce of this?04:33
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jaweehow do i start a completely new session and wipe the old session in kde?04:33
Daisuke_Idocomputerex: tried reconfiguring xorg?04:33
mjunxfrutax, you got composite enabled?04:34
Daisuke_Idowait, that's probably one of the options at that link...04:34
Dr_willisjawee,  depends on what you mean by session.04:34
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jaweeEvery time it has the same applications open04:34
jaweeI want to keep that, but just once I want it to do a complete new session04:35
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frutaxmjunx, i have it set to automatic, should i set it to COW or is there another way to see if its configured right?04:35
mjunxI don't know much about that04:35
Dr_willisjawee,  you want to select what session to use when you log in?04:35
jaweeNo, just to start KDE from scratch just once04:36
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jaweeEvery time you restart you get some applications open04:36
jaweeI want it to be from scratch, but only this one time04:36
frutaxmjunx, ok, well thank you with the help with the .deb files04:36
jaweethere is also a start new session option, but that keeps the old one in memory04:36
acdspit00i tried to kill dpkg so i could try and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but it says operation not permitted04:36
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mjunxok no prob04:36
Dr_willisjawee,  then you want to change 'back' ?  you could move the .kde dir for a little bit04:36
mjunxacdspit00, sudo kill it04:37
dromerhi, I was just upgrading to edgy from dapper using this guide: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade04:37
acdspit00i just tried it b4 you said it to i gotta get a hang of this stuff04:37
jaweeDr_willis: No, just a fresh KDE without anything open, but with the customiztions and such04:37
jaweea new fresh session04:37
dromerand I now have this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10432/04:37
Dr_willisjawee,  i thouhg there was a 'session' manager tool in the perferances some where.. but i rarely mess with them04:38
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Dr_willis"kde-componenta->session manager"04:38
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dromeranybody knowm what I have to do with this dpkg error?04:39
acdspit00http://img474.imageshack.us/img474/8217/snapshot1wo9.png could you check this04:39
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acdspit00i am going through the fglrx install and for some reason at this step hitting enter to continue doesnt work04:40
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Dr_willishit tab a few times.. or hit Q or q perhaps  then tab and enter.04:41
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Dr_willisHmm.. i dont rember having to do that to get my ati card working.. but its been a while.04:43
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acdspit00ill try04:43
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intelikeyhmmm the clock in kde shows UTC time and i don't find any way to change it.  in gnome it shows local time...04:45
Dr_willisadd a timezone for it to show.04:45
Dr_willisMine has a 'local timezone' setting04:46
intelikeyDr_willis did  added all 25 central time zones no option to "apply"04:46
intelikeyi tell it "ok"  and it changes nothing04:46
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Dr_willisRight click  on clock -> show timezone -> they should appear there04:47
Dr_willismine do at least.04:47
intelikeylike duh04:47
=== N6REJ [n=Treeturn@knvl-03-0377.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu
dromerkan someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10432/04:48
intelikeydid you not see what i just said?   been there done that.  no change.04:48
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Dr_willisthats interesting04:48
intelikeyyeah.  it doesn't give an option to "apply" the changes.04:48
Dr_willisyou upgraded to the latest kde?04:48
N6REJguys I'm having a weird problem... I installed ubuntu server and want to install the kde-desktop for the few times I want the gui, but for some reason its not starting when I say "startx04:48
N6REJhiya intelikey04:49
intelikeythis is a default dapper install of kde04:49
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Dr_willisthere is no 'apply'  button, ya just click ok. and the checked ones show up in the menus.  wonder what version of kde i am using.. lets see.04:49
dromerok my upgrade just failed :S04:49
intelikeythere is an apply button but not active04:49
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=== N6REJ changing the entire lan system around so having to redo alot of stuff, wife had the server loaded with games :(
dromercan somebody please help? :(04:49
Dr_willisusign kde 3.5.6 here04:49
Dr_willisthere is? where..04:49
nick_can anyone help me restore my audio drivers back to default setup04:50
ricky_anyone know what's the library's name that has the command play04:50
Dr_willisguess there is. :) i just check and hit ok.. sort of an odd place for ok/apply/cancle.04:50
=== Black5un [i=mr@cpe-71-79-229-244.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyeah but if the apply never goes active then the ok doesn't change anything either.04:51
intelikeyricky_ sox04:51
intelikeythe package name sox contains the command play04:51
ricky_thx intelikey04:51
=== dromer is afraid this upgrade F-ed his system
dromermaybe because I'm not in a console session but in KDE?04:52
N6REJintelikey: i've got a weird kde problem.. I told ubuntu "apt-get install kdenetwork" then tried "startx" nothing, so they I said "apt-get install kde" it did its thing and still "startx" does nothing... what am I doing wrong?04:52
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Dr_willisN6REJ,  install kubuntu-desktop perhaps?04:53
N6REJDr_willis: apparently that was it cause its off to dl a gig of data04:53
intelikeyN6REJ  x-window-system-core - X Window System core components04:53
N6REJwould have thought it did that originally.04:53
intelikeyN6REJ install that.  then it should work.04:54
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=== N6REJ puts dunce cap on
Skullerhey guys..i just came back from school and saw that my konversation icon was blinking red indicating someone had referred to me in the chat....but i cant find a single person in here04:54
Dr_willisSkuller,  it may of scrolled off the top04:54
Dr_willisand be out of the history buffer. :)04:55
SkullerDr_willis: ohh...ok i'll check my logs...thanks04:55
intelikeyN6REJ you can let it install all the krap that goes with kubuntu-desktop or just install the  x-window-system-core  package either will get x going.04:55
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Dr_willisSkuller,  or it was a spam bot.. :)04:55
N6REJnext q, going to have a VERY mixed os environment now.  One laptop that will either be kde or xp/kde dual, mac G3 machine, xp machine, 98SE machine ( kids ). the server is going to be the central repository for all the shared files.  I don't know wether to use nfs or samba or????04:56
N6REJintelikey: gotcha04:56
SkullerDr_willis: hmm...i saw a spammer on top who was posting a lot of email id's...and someone calling for !op...but ubotu dint call my name04:56
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intelikeyN6REJ samba over nfs   you'll need samba for the windows boxes to interact respectably with linux i think.04:57
=== VR_ [i=NULL@cpe-72-184-154-44.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
N6REJintelikey: anything special for the mac?04:57
N6REJos 10.3.904:57
intelikeyhave no clue.04:57
N6REJintelikey: heehhe that makes two of us.. I jsut barely learned how to access the cli on it.04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
=== intelikey is yet to lay hands on an apple
=== KiPSeRoN [n=kvirc@bzq-84-108-37-19.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
N6REJintelikey: I hate to admit it but the UI is so simple its hard!04:58
Dr_willisI found the os-x ui lacking in ways.. but it did have some neat ideas.. but then again OS-9 had neat ideas- that they just tossed out after years of use...04:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:59
N6REJDr_willis: what really impressed me with the mac is everything just "worked"  the dock made life simple and all the networked hardware was found without me even asking it to go look.05:00
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisN6REJ,  you dont want to hear about the DISASTERS ive had with apple hardware then.      :)05:01
Dr_willisheh heh.. but it was a time of 'changes' for the appple hardware line at the time. so they got a few excuses.. but not many.05:01
N6REJDr_willis: lol, I Figure like any hardware theres bound to be horror storys... at least they have never had the rap that packard bell has had, but one thing they have always had over ANY other HW is the high graphics quality.05:02
=== N6REJ sounds like a mac nut LOL
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu
intelikeyand all the networked hardware was found without me even asking it to go look. <<< that alone would cause me to shoot it.05:02
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Dr_williswe had a discussion of apple and their hardware the other day in here.. :)05:03
N6REJintelikey: lol, remember its on DESKTOP os, so it should be very USER intuitive.05:03
Dr_willisand wether or not it was worth the cost premium05:03
Dr_willisapple also toutes their os as a server os. :)05:03
N6REJDr_willis: that I'm not sure about... My gut says no, but the graphics sure are top notch05:03
Dr_willisor so i gater from some of the ads ive seen05:03
Dr_willisN6REJ,  you mean the quality of their monitors?05:04
VR_there's a separate osx server version05:04
N6REJDr_willis: actually its two seperate distros05:04
intelikeyUSER intuitive. ?   you mean windows like ?      yes i hate it and haven't even seen it.05:04
Dr_willisVR_,  ok that makes a little more sence.05:04
Dr_willisVR_,  i was wondering how they were doing that.05:04
=== Skuller_ [n=skullers@Broadband-Dynamic-Central294.connect.com.fj] has joined #kubuntu
N6REJDr_willis: no, not JUST the monitor, the whole graphics package.  You take adobe on a pc  and adobe on a mac, same hw class on each and the mac will blow it away every time.05:04
Dr_willisblow what away? :) benchmarks? load times?05:05
Orange1wats the program most similar to notepad on linux?05:05
=== Skuller_ is now known as Skuller
Dr_willisOrange1,  theres a dozen+ text editors out for linux.05:05
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Orange1outside the terminal05:05
N6REJDr_willis: quality of product.  how the image looks, how it correlates with reality, etc.05:05
VR_Orange1, kate05:05
Orange1i want to read my java files05:05
intelikeyOrange1 make that 3 dozen05:05
Dr_williskate, kedit,  and proberly 20+ more05:05
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=== N6REJ don't forget nano & pico LOL
Dr_willisi like fte. but im hardkore05:06
Dr_willisvi, vim, and its clones...05:06
=== N6REJ shudder
Dr_willismcedit gets used a lot by me also05:06
Orange1kate etc - have issues reading java .class files05:06
VR_nano is awesome05:06
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N6REJ<---- uses nano exclusively05:06
Dr_willisi will stick with vim05:06
Dr_willisand some otheres depending on what i am doing.05:07
VR_if i could run firefox in CLI, now THAT would be awesome05:07
N6REJVR_: hhahahah that would be funny05:07
Dr_willisthere those framebuffer based browsers05:07
Orange1what can i use to open docx files?05:07
intelikeykate kwrite kword kedit gedit nano vi vim jed joe emacs elvis "openoffice writer" abiword ted    just to name a few.05:07
Orange1they are 2007 office files05:07
Orange1I tried openoffice but i get errors05:07
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Skulleri guess openoffice doesnt support .docx uptil now05:08
N6REJOrange1: 2007 is so new I doubt anything will convert yet.05:08
N6REJits only been a few weeks05:08
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Skulleru will have to use office 2007 to convert it...:)05:09
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intelikeywhy would anyone want to support a "new document format" ???    that's so....   uhh!05:09
N6REJOrange1: xport as pdf05:09
Orange1i dont have windows anymore - lets keep it that way05:09
acdspit00anyone know ho to turn on direct rendering05:09
acdspit00i just installed fglrx and restarted05:09
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Orange1i was gonna try 'recode'05:09
acdspit00but i type in the command and it still says no05:09
intelikey!ati | acdspit0005:09
ubotuacdspit00: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:09
ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).05:10
Skulleryes i agree...the introduction of new n new formats is just ridiculuous....just so they can save more detailed formatting and other things...05:10
N6REJI wonder if there's a *nix reader for 2007 so that you could export it out?05:10
N6REJfrom M$05:10
Skullerwhy would M$ bother?05:10
N6REJdidn't they make a reader for 2000?05:11
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N6REJwhy do they make those lousy cost analysis brags LOL, they're crazy05:11
Skullerwell lets just say billy is on a tight competetion and greed to make sure his OS is runnin on as much as pc's possible...considering linux is snatching the share away slowly on desktops too05:12
acdspit00W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA05:12
intelikeyi would assume that M$ 2007 can still save as .rtf   which has been around for ever and is usable on all systems05:12
Nacht__hi can someone help flash is lagging05:12
dsmithok has anyone used canonical support for ubuntu?05:12
Skullerintelikey: yes it can save it most word formats....including .rtf, .doc, .docx, and others which i dont know05:12
N6REJwow, surprise there already are converters.... google "docx converter linux"05:13
Orange1ok last but not least - i need some good tunes to play while i program05:13
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dsmithOrange1: rip directly from streams05:13
intelikeyuse a radio05:14
Skullerdsmith: how to rip from streams?...05:14
dsmithamarok & streamripper05:14
Skullersoo true05:14
Orange1lol streamers05:14
dsmithdi.fm and shoutcast.com05:14
Orange1128kbs audio?05:14
dsmith96 mostly, but good enough05:14
N6REJwell, gotta run guys, more os's to fix..... hows 6.10 doing with OLD hardware?  Like a p3?05:14
Nacht__flash is lagging pretty bad in in konquerer can someone help05:15
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dsmithever since Iupdated my nvidia driver it is consuming alot of resources..05:15
Orange1dsmith: how can you tell05:15
intelikeyis p3 old ?05:15
dsmithI am watching my cpu usage..05:15
Orange1dsmith: where you take pc usage05:15
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Orange1dsmith: check*05:15
dsmithI have a desktop widget05:16
dsmithshows me graphically05:16
Skulleri dont know....i remember using it a couple of years back....so not old i guess05:16
Orange1dsmith: whats it called?05:16
dsmithp3's are stll *very* viable05:16
Skullerdsmith: how to get funky widgets?05:16
Skullerwell athlon xp's arent bad either then05:17
dsmithsuperkaramba, using the glass monitor theme05:17
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Orange1sigh 12:17 -- my 30 min break is over -- time to sleep05:17
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Skullerlaterz man05:17
intelikeydsmith i would hope so... "<dsmith> p3's are stll *very* viable"   i still use a p1  :)05:17
Skullerk thats it...i need a 486 right away05:18
intelikey-:- CTCP PING reply from intelikey: 64.548 seconds05:18
dsmithI could use xubuntu on a P2 I bet05:18
intelikeyi think i'm lagging...05:18
dsmithproblem is finding a P205:18
dsmithi tossed my 300mhz P205:18
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dsmith..and only source for P3 via cpu's are from china05:19
intelikeySkuller i installed mandrake 9.0 on a 486 lappy last year05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fool - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
dsmithShush, I could not find a suitable power supply05:19
Skullerintelikey: cool05:19
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SkullerReceived CTCP-PING reply from intelikey: 35 seconds.05:20
=== _redondos is now known as sheriffff
intelikeywhat was the return time on the ping ?05:20
Skullerthat was the return time05:20
sherifffffignew ...05:20
intelikeyyeah it's up and down like a roller-coster05:21
Skullerwhos riddell?05:21
intelikeywill be for about 15 more minutes.05:21
sanderhi! is it only me or is there no way to resize the kde "external taskbar"? if i go to right-click->configure->arrangement i can only change the size if the default kde-panel.05:21
intelikeySkuller no it's   /whois Riddell05:22
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Skullerlol..intelikey i was asking who he is....not the command...hehe...05:23
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intelikeySkuller i know that.05:23
Skullerwhat does an operator do?05:23
Skullerhehe...sorry about that then05:23
sheriffffI have adsl connected to a pc with two ethernet cards, eth0 connected to another machine of the network, and eth1 connected to internet .I configured the ips and I can't ping between machines, and it says:"host unreachable". Nmap says: "all ports firewalled" .. anyone know why ???05:23
intelikeySkuller that does tell "who he is"    but you wanted to know if he's a chanop or ircop ?05:24
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Skullerintelikey: i have no idea whats the diff between the two....i just ,bluntly, wanted to know why his icon is green and since he is an 'operator' what all can he do in here05:25
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intelikeySkuller chanops moderate and regulate the channel  ircops do the same with the servers themselves05:25
voidmageSkuller: a chanop is an op in the channel05:25
voidmageircops manage servers05:25
Skullerso is he always the chanop here?05:25
voidmageanyways, he's just a chanop05:25
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sheriffffI have adsl connected to a pc with two ethernet cards, eth0: connected to another machine of the network, and eth1 connected to internet .I configured the ips and I can't ping between machines, and it says:"host unreachable". Nmap says: "all ports firewalled" .. anyone know why ???05:26
Skullerand is a chanop always present in a channel?05:26
acdspit00how do you install all the right gpg keys05:26
Skulleracdspit00: you find them in sources.list05:26
intelikeySkuller hehe  and according to what i see (with all the lag)  i answered before you asked   lol05:26
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Skullerintelikey: lol yea...i wondered how the answer came so fast....05:27
sheriffffI have adsl connected to a pc with two ethernet cards, eth0: connected to another machine of the network, and eth1 connected to internet .I configured the ips and I can't ping between machines, and it says:"host unreachable". Nmap says: "all ports firewalled" .. anyone know why ???05:27
deathnoteanyone knows what tools to use to convert fla to avi format in kubuntu?05:28
intelikeySkuller yeah   he and several others    although any of them can "deop" themselves and use chanserv to "op" themselves at will.05:28
SolidSourcedeathnote: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Multimedia+Converter++?content=5361005:28
sheriffffI have adsl connected to a pc with two ethernet cards, eth0: connected to another machine of the network, and eth1 connected to internet .I configured the ips and I can't ping between machines, and it says:"host unreachable". Nmap says: "all ports firewalled" .. anyone know why ???05:28
sheriffffneeeedd heelllpp!!05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
Skullerchillax man...05:29
deathnotesheriffff: type route and paste what u see?05:29
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sheriffff200.51.241.25x  *      UH    0      0        0 ppp005:30
Skullerwhat does !op do?05:30
intelikeySkuller when a netsplit happens and chanserv is not on the server that the op is on and they are not op'd they are as weak as anyone else  :)    but if op'd they can show you to the door before you can say ^C05:30
sheriffff192.168.2.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth005:30
sheriffff169.254.0.0     *          U     0      0        0 eth105:30
=== todd_ is now known as Tido
sheriffffdefault         *              U     0      0        0 ppp005:30
SolidSource!pastebin > sheriff05:30
SolidSource!pastebin > sheriffff05:30
deathnotesheriffff: one thing is that, both eth sould have different netmask..ok..05:30
=== RadiantFire__ [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
deathnotesheriffff: eth 0 is your another machine right?05:31
Skullerintelikey: cool...i am beginning to love the things work around here05:31
Skullerthe way*05:31
sheriffffeth0 is the interface05:31
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sheriffffthat is connected to the other machine05:31
Skullerwhat is ^05:31
sheriffffi can ping me05:31
sheriffffbut no:
bill57785ok, what can I use to partition my HDD?05:32
deathnotesheriffff: what's your machine's ip now? ifconfig05:32
Skuller!qtparted | bill5778505:32
ubotubill57785: qtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu11 (edgy), package size 202 kB, installed size 716 kB05:32
deathnotesheriffff: use the other machine to ping your ip to see if its connected in the internal network.. after that then we resolve internet05:32
intelikeySkuller the boot command !ops <don't test it> is used to notify all ops that there is a situation in the channel and that one of them is needed...   how ever playing with that command will find a ban for self super pronto.05:32
Skullerdont you just love it when you know where the 'dont push' button is05:33
sheriffffI can't ping from the other machine05:33
sheriffff"tiempo de espera agotado"05:33
deathnotesheriffff: your eth0 is connected to a router or what?05:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:34
intelikeybetter to know than to stumble upon it by mistake05:34
=== Dr_Willi1 [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #kubuntu []
Skulleryea...thanks fer the info05:34
intelikeylike i did05:34
deathnotesheriffff: what do u see in ifconfig in eth0 ? what's your ip addressS?05:34
intelikeyyeah got a short term ban for it.05:34
bill57785Skuller: ok, but how do I use it? I screwed up GRUB when I changed my partition size, so now I'm using the LiveCD to fix it05:34
sheriffffeth0 is connected to the other machine05:34
sheriffffand eth1 to the modem that gives me adsl05:35
sheriffffI have two cards in a machine05:35
sheriffffone to the modem, and another for the local network05:35
intelikeyok later folks.05:35
Skullerk laterz man...enjoi05:35
=== bill57785 [n=ubuntu@70-41-67-216.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu
sheriffffeth0: inet addr:
Skullerbill57785: no idea..please refer to someone else05:36
bill57785sorry, GAIM crashed05:36
bill57785ok then05:36
deathnotesheriffff: eth0 is connected to what machine? which is acting as the server? current machine or the other one?05:36
sherifffflook the messages from samba ...05:37
sheriffff"  process_local_master_announce: Server VIEJA at IP is announcing itself as a local master browser for workgroup CASA and we think we are master. Forcing election."05:37
=== mdaddy [n=matt@adsl-68-91-121-29.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
deathnotesheriffff: i suppose your current machine is acting as a server so it must act as a dhcp server to give out ip address to your other machine?05:37
sheriffffsomeone told me that05:38
mdaddyQuick question -- due to my SATA RAID0 I had to install kubuntu edgy piece by piece from the command-line, and thus none of the user groups/permissions were created that I guess would normally have been created by the installer.  How do I get them created?05:38
sheriffffhow do I do ...05:38
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deathnotesheriffff: i think u better solve the internet first05:40
sheriffffthere I pasted "route"05:40
sheriffffmm ?05:40
sheriffffyes ..05:40
sheriffffI MUST ping between, before anything05:40
deathnotesheriffff: eth1 .. is a adsl modem right? what's the ip of the adsl modem? does it have dhcp on?05:40
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sheriffffis a zyxel prestige 600, it's routeable but I think it hasn't dhcp on05:41
sheriffffwhat is the process I must run ??05:41
deathnoteohh i had that before..hm05:41
deathnoteu know how to access the router using firefox right? type in the ip address of the router05:42
deathnoteand log in05:42
sheriffffthat is the problem05:42
sheriffffit doesn't respond05:42
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sheriffff"connecting to ..."05:43
sheriffffand anything05:43
deathnotecan u pm?05:43
sherifffffrom windows I can access ...05:43
deathnoteifdown eth0 first05:43
deathnoteconfigure eth105:44
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cpk1no it doesnt need to act as a dhcp server if he sets the ip on the other machine05:44
deathnotedo u know the login, and ipaddress of the router??05:44
sheriffffyes ...05:44
sheriffffbut it keeps there ...05:44
deathnotethen edit your /etc/network/interface05:44
sherifffffrom win I can access ..05:45
deathnoteedit the eth105:45
cpk1sheriffff: you dont need to change the interface that is connected to the modem05:45
sheriffffI don't change it05:45
sheriffffit automatically asignns an ip05:45
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mdaddyI had to install kubuntu edgy piece by piece from the command-line, and thus none of the user groups/permissions were created that I guess would normally have been created by the installer.  How do I get them created?05:46
cpk1you do however need to change the ip for the interface connecting to the other computer05:46
sheriffffyes ...05:46
sheriffffthat's right05:46
sheriffffdid you read all ??05:46
sheriffffI assigned
sheriffffto the other machine05:46
sheriffffknown as VIEJA in the workgroup05:46
sheriffffand now I have these messages05:46
sheriffff  process_local_master_announce: Server VIEJA at IP is announcing itself as a local master browser for workgroup CASA and we think we are master. Forcing election.05:47
sheriffffall firewalled..05:47
sheriffffsomething is wrong in the comunication05:47
deathnoteip address of eth1 is ? can u ping to outside world?05:47
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cpk1did you install some iptables frontend like kguardog or anything?05:47
sheriffffI installed05:48
cpk1i think normally that might create a lot of rules that will firewall stuff05:48
sheriffffdeathnote: yes...05:48
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sheriffffI opened guidedog05:49
cpk1and dont set eth0 to i dont know if that is valid, use
sheriffffin the other machine, on windows 9805:49
sheriffffthe "gateway" field, must be ...05:50
SolidSourcesheriffff: do you mean guarddog?05:50
sheriffffguarddog ??05:50
sheriffffI have enabled routing05:50
cpk1sheriffff: is there a reason you got guidedog? if you just want to let the other computer to access the net you dont really need it05:51
sheriffffand "enable ip masquerade"05:51
Dr_willis!info guidedog05:51
ubotuguidedog: NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 122 kB, installed size 440 kB05:51
Dr_willisHmm.. never used that tool befro05:51
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sheriffffthat is05:52
sheriffffso ..05:52
sheriffffI turn off "routing"05:52
cpk1I have no clue how to use guidedog05:52
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sheriffffdo you want my "route" table ?05:53
deathnotedoesn't your machine need to act as a dhcp server to let another machine to connect on?05:53
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sheriffffhow do I do that05:53
sheriffffdhcpcd ?05:53
cpk1no you dont need to05:53
sheriffffdo you want my "route" table cpk ?05:54
cpk1first we need to establish a connection and make sure it works then we can worry about dhcp if he even wants that05:54
deathnotejust make sure your gateway of the other machine to be your current machine05:54
sherifffffirst I must ping between05:54
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sheriffffyes, it is05:54
deathnoteur current machine is ?05:54
deathnotethe other one is ?05:55
sheriffffbut remember cpk that the ping requests are "filtered"05:55
sheriffffso... there is a connection05:55
sheriffffa half-connection05:55
cpk1why are you filtering them?05:55
sheriffffelse it says "unknow host" see ?05:55
cpk1you should set it up so eth0 is completely unfirewalled05:56
sheriffffdeathnote : yes05:56
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sheriffffmm ?05:56
sheriffffhow do I unfirewall it ?05:56
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hendaushi friends05:57
cpk1well I imagine guidedog has some way of doing since it did it in the first place, by default an interface has no firewall rules05:57
hendausi  need a help please05:57
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sherifffflets see05:58
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deathnoteyup uninstall guidedog?05:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:58
cletushi all05:58
hendaushow can i burn a vcd from DAT05:58
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cpk1sheriffff: do you only want to set up MASQUERADE and thats all you want to do with iptables?05:58
sheriffffyes ..05:59
sheriffffI only want to share connection05:59
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sheriffffhave I got to restart the networking after reconfigure ?05:59
deathnote.2 and .1 is still not talking?06:00
cpk1sheriffff: it would probably save you a lot less headache to purge guidedog06:00
deathnoteyup..uninstall it ;p06:00
hendausHelpers, can anyone help me please!!06:00
deathnotejust kill the guidedog first06:00
sheriffffis not filtering06:00
sheriffffit only has06:00
sheriffff"enable routing"06:00
sheriffffand "enable masquerade"06:01
cpk1then why are pings being filtered?06:01
sheriffffit's inoffensive06:01
sheriffffI don't know06:01
sheriffffshows me only eth006:01
sheriffffit doesn't show me eth1 and his mac..06:01
sheriffffcan be dthat ???06:01
sheriffffa mac problem?06:01
cpk1eth1 is the one going to the internet right?06:02
deathnotesince u don have dhcp..don't think its a mac prob?06:02
deathnotecan u ps aux | grep dhcp ?06:02
deathnotewhat's running06:02
sheriffffroot      7180  0.0  0.1   2812   760 pts/4    R+   02:02   0:00 grep dhcp06:03
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deathnotejus checking if anything running06:04
mrebolahello i need help , somebody speak spanish?? halguien habla espaol?06:04
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hendausanyhelper free!!06:05
firecrotchI have a laptop with a touch pad.  How do I disable tapping the touchpad to click?06:05
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sherifffftake that!!!06:05
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sheriffffcpk, deathnote ..06:05
hendauswhy noone answering me if i need from any helper to help me06:06
cpk1sheriffff: I dont think is a valid class C address... change it to
deathnotecould u paste your ifconfig ?06:06
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firecrotch!ask | hendaus06:06
ubotuhendaus: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:06
hendausfirecrotch,  how can i burn a vcd from .DAT06:07
sheriffffeth0 is06:07
sheriffff192.168.2.1 !06:07
sheriffff192.168.2.0 is the "network" address06:07
deathnotecould u paste your ifconfig and /etc/network/interface ?06:08
firecrotchhendaus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37773606:08
cpk1sheriffff: I still think purging guidedog would be the easiest thing to do since you just need it to MASQUERADE. unless there is some special reason you want to keep guidedog06:08
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sheriffffbecause is an easy way to activate and deactivate masquerade ...06:09
sheriffffit isn't doing filter06:10
hendausfirecrotch,  used vcdgear to convert the DAT to MPEG-1 , ok how can i find this program06:10
deathnotelooks gd.. maybe its ur other machine06:11
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cpk1iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE is all you need to do to turn on MASQUERADE06:11
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sheriffffif I restart network ????06:11
sheriffffafter all I touched ...06:11
Prosilencehi cpk106:11
Prosilencehi cpk106:11
Prosilenceare u hearing me06:12
Prosilencehi sheriffff06:12
Prosilenceare u hearing me06:12
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firecrotchhendaus: Google?06:12
Prosilenceare u all linux users06:12
firecrotchProsilence: Yep :)06:13
hendausfirecrotch,  i am newbie friend,can u please give me the installing site06:13
Prosilenceoh firecrotch06:13
Prosilencefirecrotch: which os do you prefer in linux06:14
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firecrotchhendaus: http://www.vcdgear.com/download.html appears to be the program that you're looking for.  I don't think it's in the APT repositories.06:14
firecrotchProsilence: I think you'll find that everyone here prefers Kubuntu :)06:14
Prosilencefirecrotch: yep06:15
Prosilencefirecrotch: where r u from06:15
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firecrotchProsilence: Milwaukee, WI06:15
firecrotch!offtopic | Prosilence06:15
ubotuProsilence: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:15
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hendausfirecrotch,  there are manys pick me which one is for kubuntu linuxplease06:16
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hendausfirecrotch,  i need it coz i am at my friends house and need to help her06:17
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cpk1and we cant let him look the fool in front of a girl06:17
firecrotchhendaus: Do you know how to compile programs from their source code?06:17
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hendausnot really coz i am new,and i am helping her,can u help me pleae06:18
_redondosI m sherifffff06:18
firecrotchhendaus: http://www.vcdgear.com/files/vcdgear176-040415_linux.tar.gz is the one you'll need to download.06:19
PhiloNinjawhat is he trying to do?06:20
firecrotchPhiloNinja:  Burn a VCD from a .DAT file06:20
hendausfirecrotch,  ok it opens with Ark,now what can i do06:20
firecrotch!compile | hendaus06:20
ubotuhendaus: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:20
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hendausfirecrotch,  please tell me what can i do,coz i am too late at my friends house,06:22
PhiloNinjahah, I'm reading this help file for getting started with Linux (because I am)06:22
PhiloNinjaBut it gets specific enough to mention that it's pronounced06:22
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firecrotchhendaus: I'm not familiar with doing what you're trying to do, I'm just relaying information I've found on the topic, really06:24
hendaustar -zvxf file.tar.gz i type this on konsole but i want to tell me if its right or not06:25
firecrotchhendaus: you have to change file.tar.gz to the name of the file06:26
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firecrotchPhiloNinja: That's how Linus pronounces it, but I'm American, and pretty much everyone I know here pronounces it "Lin-ucks"06:28
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firecrotchhello, rohanrhu06:29
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pirothezerowhats the feisty channel??06:29
firecrotchpirothezero:  #ubuntu+106:29
james_firecrotch: Yeah I pronounce it that way too. I was just laughing that they'd get specific enough to tell you how to pronounce it at all06:29
hendausfirecrotch,  where is the directory where the file .tarz download?06:30
firecrotchhendaus: Wherever you downloaded it to :)   "locate filename" will tell you where it is (replace filename with the name of the file!)06:31
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hendausfirecrotch,  i type this "locate vcdgear176-040415_linux.tar.gz" and it says cannot find06:35
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nonuda_how to install pcmcia modem? scanModem can't detect it..windows said its a fax modem pcmcia card06:37
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SolidSourcehendaus: did you download it yet?06:37
hendaussolid i only open the site that firecrotch  gave me and it opens with Ark06:38
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SolidSourcehendaus: right click >> "save link as"06:38
hendausSolidSource, http://www.vcdgear.com/files/vcdgear176-040415_linux.tar.gz click here and see if it open with Ark?06:40
orient2000Hi! I just wanted to evrybody to know that Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum 4 for windows is working very good in Kubuntu. serial 11861196121612261006461C-35C3-8CDB-4B7E06:40
SolidSourcehendaus: lol ok....thats why06:40
SolidSourcehendaus: go here http://vcdgear.com/download.html06:40
hendausSolidSource,  ok06:41
hendausyes thank you06:41
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hendausnow how can i install it06:41
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SolidSourcehendaus: it doesn't install06:43
hendausSolidSource,  after i click save link as,what can i do06:43
T3hWiz0rdtroxor: go to sleep...06:43
SolidSourcehendaus: its stand alone that you run in konsole....06:43
SolidSourcehendaus: you save it where ever you want06:43
hendausi type this on konsole -> tar -zvxf vcdgear176-040415_linux.tar.gz06:44
hendausthen what can i do06:44
SolidSourcehendaus: type "cd vcdgear"06:44
hendausok then06:45
SolidSourcehendaus: then type "./vcdgear" and theres the program06:45
hendausok thanx06:45
hendausSolidSource,  how can i open this vcdgear06:46
hendausSolidSource,  coz i need to convert file.DAT to file.MPEG106:46
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SolidSourcehendaus: there is no GUI.... "./vcdgear" runs the program then it gives you what you need to do06:47
SolidSourcehendaus: I never used vcdgear06:47
hendausSolidSource,  can u please help me tell me how to convert from .dat to mpeg1?06:48
hendausSolidSource,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10443/06:49
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SolidSourcehendaus: ok, thats correct and it tells you how to use it....pay attention to what the USAGE line says06:50
SolidSourcehendaus: example of a command to convert ABC.dat to EFG.vcd.....06:51
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hendausSolidSource,  yes06:51
SolidSourcehendaus: "vcdgear -dat2mpg ABC.dat EFG.mpg"06:52
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hendausSolidSource,  i type this -> cdgear -dat2mpg /home/hendaus/AVSEQ01.dat mell.mpg06:54
hendausand it gives -> bash: vcdgear: command not found06:54
SolidSourcehendaus: the DAT file needs to be in the vcd folder I guess...I don't know...don't have any files I can convert06:56
firecrotchhendaus: try ./vcdgear -dat2mpg ABC.dat EFG.mpg06:57
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hendausSolidSource,  no wait my root in -> hendaus@ubuntu:~/vcdgear$06:57
hendausthe .dat file is on /home/hendaus06:57
om3gai have a question06:58
firecrotch!ask | om3ga06:58
ubotuom3ga: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:58
om3gai cant connect to wpa2 what packages do i need06:58
hendausSolidSource,  it is working now :) thanx06:58
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firecrotchom3ga: I think you need wpasupplicant06:59
miltoshi ppl:-] 06:59
om3gai think i have it but still wont let me connect06:59
james_how do I set myself up so I have root priveldges (administrator) so I can install programs and etc.06:59
firecrotchom3ga:  try using knetworkmanager instead of the default program, I find that it works a lot better07:00
firecrotch!sudo | james_07:00
ubotujames_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:00
om3gaok i know the default one i have never been able to use it to connect just to veiw connections07:00
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james_when I try to run Add/Remove Programs it prompts me for a password and my userpass doesn't work07:01
miltosi missed the speaker icon on the taskbar,,,,how do i restore it?07:01
om3gacan i make a live copy of my kubuntu07:02
firecrotchjames_: did you enable the root account, by chance?07:02
miltosjames_the password is the one you set during installation07:02
james_probably not, yeah that password doesn't work07:02
om3gathe reason i ask is b/c im in iraq and wont have internet and if somthing happens and i need to reinstall i wont have the packages i have now07:04
SolidSourceom3ga: you could download the live CD (but in your case I would say do the live DVD)07:06
james_I literally just installed Kubuntu, and its my first attempt at linux07:06
firecrotchjames_:  try resetting your password07:06
miltosjames_the password is the one you set during installation07:06
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miltosi missed the speaker icon on the taskbar,,,,how do i restore it?07:06
firecrotchjames_: in Konsole, type passwd07:06
firecrotchit will prompt for your current password, and then the new one07:06
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james_Yeah, did that changed password, I'm still getting the error that Conversion with the su failed07:06
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Jucatojames_: try this command: sudo echo hello07:08
ContrastWhat's up, everyone?07:08
Jucatojames_: that should give you hello at the end if there's nothing wrong07:08
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firecrotchjames_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11651407:08
james_yeah it echoed07:08
ContrastI'm hoping someone here can help me with a problem I'm having with the nVidia prop. driver...07:09
Jucatojames_: no error messages at all?07:09
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firecrotchjames_: I'm guessing you installed Dapper?07:09
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james_I installed v6.10 (Edgy Eft?) off of a live cd07:10
james_got it from my boss07:11
firecrotchjames_: in Konsole -  cat /etc/sudoers07:11
firecrotchyou should see your username in there somewhere07:12
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Jucatofirecrotch: strange that "sudo echo hello" worked for him07:12
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Jucatojames_: when you did "sudo echo hello", did it ask for your password?07:12
firecrotchJucato: If it's the issue is what I think it is (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116514) then sudo will still work07:12
james_yeah, and it worked (this was after I changed my password07:12
firecrotchJucato:  Just kdesu won't07:13
ContrastOn a fresh install, I updated my system, rebooted, then installed nvidia-glx, logged out and into a TTY session, ran "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable," logged back in and selected the prop. driver in System Settings, rebooted again, and now KDE won't start.07:13
Jucatohm.... strange07:13
JucatoContrast: did you install linux-restricted-modules for your kernel?07:13
Jucatoif you're on edgy, that would be linux-restricted-modules-generic07:14
ContrastYeah, it automatically installed with nvidia-glx.07:14
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Jucatono, not the linux-restricted-modules-common07:14
james_cat /etc/sudoers didn't work. Permission denied07:14
james_on the bright side, AddRemove Programs no longer gives me an error...it just processes and does nothing07:15
ContrastOh... I'm booting up now. I'll try that.07:15
firecrotchjames_:  sudo cat /etc/sudoers07:15
ContrastJust "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic"?07:15
firecrotchforgot that it's only readable by root07:15
james_yeah that worked, and I got Add/Remove to work too.07:16
james_After I switched my pass I went into System Settings and Users then switched into Administration mode and added Root priviledges to my account. Then stuff started to work07:17
ContrastJucato: It's installing now. I'm guessing I need to reboot once it's done?07:17
firecrotchjames_: good job :)07:18
JucatoContrast: hmm yes07:18
james_thanks for the help07:18
james_I can tell this is going to take some getting used to07:18
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ContrastJust starting with Linux, james?07:19
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ContrastJucato: You're the man. That got it. :-D07:19
ContrastThanks a lot.07:19
james_I've done some reading on how it works in theory...but actuality is different from theory07:19
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ContrastIt's frustrating at first, but after a while, you'll never look back [at Windows] .07:20
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james_I bought a laptop for college which has to run XP, so I figured it'd take the chance to install Linux on my  home desktop07:20
james_its fun and exciting07:20
ContrastHave you tried Beryl yet?07:20
james_I work in IT at my college and my boss gave me a Kubuntu live CD so I was like, what the heck, I've been meaning to try linux for a while...07:21
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Contrastjames_: Have you tried Beryl yet?07:22
Tidowhat are some noticeable differences between edgy and upcoming fiesty?07:22
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james_Contrast: No, whats that, sounds familiar07:23
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nonuda__how to install nvidia driver correctly..so i can install beryl?07:24
ContrastIn a nutshell, it provides a 3D desktop environment, eye-candy galore, and tons of window management and accessibility features.07:24
james_sounds like fun07:25
Contrastnonuda_, are you already running the nVidia prop. driver?07:25
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nonuda__nvida prop?07:25
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:25
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ContrastGo to System Settings -> Display -> Administrator Mode -> Hardware -> Video Card07:26
nonuda__i dunno know..how to check it?07:26
nonuda__oh ok..07:26
Contrastnonuda, have you already installed nvidia-glx?07:27
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nonuda__graphic card = NVIDIA Geforce 4 (generic)07:27
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Contrastnonuda: Go to your package manager and install nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules-generic...07:28
Contrastnonuda: Then open a terminal and run nvidia-glx-config enable07:29
Jucato"lspci | grep -i vga" might give a more accurate description of your video card07:29
nonuda__for nvidia-glx status is installed..07:30
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nonuda__ok..i have enable it..then?07:31
Jucatononuda__: try this command: glxinfo | grep render07:32
Jucatoif you see "direct rendering: yes" then you're ok07:32
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nonuda__it said : xlib extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"07:34
nonuda__error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual07:35
Jucatononuda__: that was the output of the command "glxinfo | grep render"?07:35
Jucato!nvidia | nonuda__07:35
ubotunonuda__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:35
Contrastnonuda: did you already run nvidia-glx-config enable from Konsole?07:36
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nonuda__sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:37
Contrastand it says it couldn't find RGB GLX visual?07:38
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nonuda__in nvidia-glx details i saw some conflict file07:39
james_if I want to try setting up this Beryl thing what do I do?07:39
Jucato!beryl | james_07:40
Contrastnonuda:, one sec.07:40
ubotujames_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:40
Contrastjames_: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu07:40
nonuda__conflict : nvidiaglx-src, conflict nvidia-setting, conflict nvidia-xconfig07:40
Contrastnonuda: Try running sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals07:41
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nonuda__and....replaces: nvidia-glx-src07:41
Jucatononuda__: did you install nvidia-glx already?07:41
nonuda__but i saw some conflict in the details of nvidia-glx packages07:42
Jucatodon't mind those07:43
Jucatoit just means that nvidia-glx and those packages under Conflicts: can't be installed at the same time07:43
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james_How do I know which of these installs to go with07:43
Contrastjames_:, what kind of graphics card do you have?07:43
james_honestly I forget07:44
nonuda__oh i see..then how to solve my problem?07:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:44
Jucatononuda__: have you installed the linux-restricted-modules version that matches your kernel version?07:45
Contrastjames_:, run lspci | grep -i vga from a terminal.07:45
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Jucatononuda__: then, after running nvidiag-glx-config enable, did you restart the X server?07:46
james_nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420]  (rev a3)07:46
nonuda__should I ?07:47
Contrastnonuda_:, yes.07:47
nonuda__ok try it now..07:47
ContrastAnytime you make any changes to the way your video card works, you have to restart the X server for them to take effect.07:47
nonuda__can i do it with the console?07:48
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Jucatononuda__: you have to logout, then choose Restart X Server from the login menu07:48
Contrastjames_:, I'd try going with the nVidia install.07:48
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james_ok thats what I thought07:48
nonuda__oh ok..i told theres another way..ok i'm out..07:48
Jucatononuda__: there is07:48
Jucatobut... it's very much like hitting the reset button07:49
ContrastIf that works out alright, you can try installing the SVN snapshots if you're willing to sacrifice a little bit of stability for a lot of extra features.07:49
Jucatoand you might not want to do that07:49
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ContrastJucato, are you referring to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?07:49
james_I think I'm gonna sign out for the night, let stuff update overnight. I've got substantial updates to run, so . Night all.07:49
ContrastI take it that's bad for your system?07:49
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james_Thanks for your help07:50
ContrastGood luck, james_.07:50
Jucatoonly if you don't have any docs/files opened that you don't want to possibly lose07:50
ContrastAside from that, no harm whatsoever?07:50
Jucatoit's ok actually, it's just that Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't start the proper end session processes07:50
Jucatoyeah no hardware harm or filesystem harm07:51
ContrastI see.07:51
ContrastDo you know how to ssh into a remote system on a network to restart its X server (e.g., when Ctrl+Alt+F1/Backspace has no effect)?07:51
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Jucato"sudo /etc/init.d/kmd restart" I guess07:52
ContrastRight, but I mean how would I send that command to my desktop from my laptop?07:53
ContrastIf my desktop is completely unresponsive.07:53
Jucatoer... dunno.. don't know SSH stuff07:53
ContrastK. Thanks anyway.07:54
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ContrastWell, I'm out. Thanks again for the help, Jucato. I was getting really frustrated... I always see you in here helping people out-- You should be getting paid for this. :-P07:55
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Jucatolol :)07:55
Jucatoyeah I wish :D07:55
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kristjan_how do I mount iso on the harddrive so that I can boot into it (in other words install feisty fawn from disk rather than burn cd)07:55
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nonuda_still the same..07:56
nonuda_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10444/ this the result when i run glxinfo07:56
SolidSourcekristjan_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning07:57
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_spazgah O_o07:57
_spazi have horrible problems with apt-get07:58
Skullerfor a change try sudo apt-get moo07:58
_spazh/o, i'll show you what i mean07:58
_spazbeen there, done that >_>07:58
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:58
Skulleroh..lol...cool...i recently found it out07:58
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_spazi knew already -_-07:59
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kristjan_SolidSource: this is not unmounted then I boot08:00
kristjan_SolidSource: forgot "?" mark08:00
Jucato_spaz: "sudo dpkg --configure -a" or "sudo apt-get -f install" don't work?08:00
_spazlemme try08:01
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_spazlast one didn't work08:01
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Jucatoso.. neither worked?08:02
Jucatothat question was for _spaz08:03
_spazthe first one i haven't tried08:03
Skulleri want to try !ops08:03
_spaztried it now08:03
_spazsome installed08:03
_spazer, uninstalled08:03
nonuda_yup..how to solve my problem?08:03
_spazbut others threw errors08:03
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Jucato_spaz: sudo apt-get -f install (not upgrade)08:09
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Jucatobut you san also try what the error message is suggsting: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgnomevfs2-common08:09
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nacht__any info on opengl and a ati radeon 9200 card08:11
SolidSource!ati > nacht__08:12
nacht__i have read page after page08:12
nacht__nothing seems to work08:12
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cpk1buy an nvidia card =P08:12
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nacht__but the weird thing is is that it worked yesterday08:12
nacht__it worked yesterday08:13
nacht__something happened and changed my monitor and the driver i was using08:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:14
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_spazgah O_o08:14
_spaznot working...08:15
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Skullerif nothing works out there are always low end cheap nvidia cards around......6200, 7300?08:16
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nonudajucato, i still can't install nvidia driver correcly08:17
Jucatononuda: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:18
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Jucato_spaz: how about the reinstall command that I gave?08:18
_spaztried that too08:18
_spazdon't remember...08:18
miltosi've got 2 audio devices on my computer how do i disable one of them in kubuntu?08:19
_spazthere was something...08:19
Jucato_spaz: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgnomevfs2-common08:19
_spazty :D08:19
nonudajucato, (uname -r) ??08:19
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_spazi'm getting stuck in a loop it seems...08:20
_spazfirst i do the reinstall command08:20
_spazsays do dpkg --conf....08:20
_spazthen i try again08:20
_spazsays to do apt-get -f install08:20
_spazdo that08:20
_spazand try again08:20
_spazback to dpkg08:21
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seven11how can it be that i can choose in monitor and display manager nvidia geforce card but only nv as a driver08:21
miltosi've got 2 audio devices on my computer how do i disable one of them in kubuntu?08:21
_spazdo you have enough exclamation marks?08:21
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seven11can someone help me with nvidia driver please08:22
_spazi'm gonna sleep on this08:23
MenaHWy Sometmes when i leave my computer working on something for long time and when i move my mouse its openeing my monitor normal but after few seconds i found that my system has been freez ..any idea08:23
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Menai can move my mouse but i cant use it and the keyboard also wasnt working !!!08:24
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mahuyarMena, could it be hardware problems?  like if they're running too hot, those kinda issues happened to me before08:27
miltosi've got 2 audio devices on my computer how do i disable one of them in kubuntu?08:27
Menamahuyar, ohhhh ok08:28
Menamahuyar, Thanks :)08:28
mahuyarmiltos, u mean like 1 onboard and a card?08:29
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surajhi guys, my wireless card shows "radio off" how do I make it "on" and get wireless working ? its a compaq nx6320 laptop with Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless card08:34
miltosmahuyar, i've got one on board and one on the capture card.08:35
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mahuyarmiltos, not sure how to do that on the desktop, but you can turn off the one onboard in the bios.08:36
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funpopcan someone explain me what is needed to disable GDM and use KDM instead ?08:37
Jucato"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xdm" I think...08:39
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mahuyarfunpop, sudo aptitude reinstall kdm08:39
funpopwill this mess up my gnome system ?08:39
mahuyarjucato's way is better08:39
mahuyarfunpop, no it won't mess up your gnome08:39
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funpopallright, thanks08:39
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seven11someone please help me with nvidia driver for fx 520008:40
naught101what's the best way to search for duplicate files in a directory with subdirectories?08:40
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Aloneahey, is there any way I can actually install from the iso? like, put it on my other hd and install from that? my dvd burner is really screwed up and wont burn any faster than .40x (its supposed to burn at 8x)08:43
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AloneaI could do it when I installed vista with daemon tools. even worked fine when it had to restart all through the install.08:44
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nonuda_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10444/ ,anybody know how to solve this problem rather then reinstall the nvidia-glx, coz i seen that the nvidia-glx status is installed09:08
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Jucatononuda_: what happens when you do "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"?09:09
Jucatoin Konsole09:09
nonuda_i still don't do it coz, currently i'm using adept manager to install another linux restricted modules..09:11
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nonuda_but i will try it soon as the download finish..just curious of finding another way to fix my problem..09:12
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nonuda_jucato, ok now linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic is installed, should i reboot or try sudo apt-get?09:15
amaanri just installed kubuntu, i have a nvidia geforce go 7400...how do i install the driver?09:15
Jucatois that the current kernel version you are using? in Konsole, type "uname -r" to check09:15
Jucatononuda_: and "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" in Konsole just to double check that you have it installed09:16
Skuller!nvidia | amaanr09:16
ubotuamaanr: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:16
nonuda_ok now i try the sudo apt-get09:16
nonuda_jucato, nvidia-glx is already the newest version09:18
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Jucatononuda_: ok. now "sudo nvidia-xconfig enable"09:19
nonuda_here is the print out.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10449/09:19
Jucatononuda_: ok don't mind those for now. how about the "sudo nvidia-xconfig enable" command?09:21
nonuda_it said : nvidia-xconfig: invalid option: "enable", Invalid commandline, please run "nvidia-xconfig -- help.......09:21
Jucatowait lol sorry09:21
Jucatononuda_: just plain "sudo nvidia-xconfig"09:22
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nonuda_ok ..done its write new x configuration09:23
Jucatook now, logout then once logged out, press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace09:24
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xtavaresxwhy does the proprietry nvidia driver break linux-restricted-mdules-generic and is there a work around?09:24
nonuda_ok..back to you soon09:24
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smilehello linux world09:32
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nonuda__jucato, when i press ctrl+alt+backspace, it hang, so i reboot it by pressing ctrl+alt+del, but x wont start, when i start it manually it said : Fatal error running install command for nvidia, (EE) nvidia(0) : failed to load the nvidia kernel module09:36
nonuda__the i reconfigure the x server to get the x run09:36
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smileMetissa is a new desktop Like Beryl & Compiz ... anyone can tell me how install it on ubuntu .. (it's for Mandriva now) ?????????????09:37
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funpopoh yes we need a third unstable compositor09:38
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smiledid anyone installed Metissa on ubuntu ?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:40
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smilehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/phisite/369833033/  ....... and see what is metissa .. but how to get it on ubuntu ??!!09:44
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nonuda_jucato, r u still there?09:53
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sandro__hi all i just installed kubuntu 6.1 and i need firefox2 ..i googled and tbh .. i found 5 different howots .. some dealing with a .sh script i need, some want me do add repos, some want me to use "swift"fox or whatever .. is there a "(k)ubuntu 6.1 resource" i could consult ?!09:58
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chuenHi. Can anyone give me any pointers / links regarding installing and managing fonts please?10:00
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pollyoWhat is the method one uses to install a deb package on kubuntu?10:08
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sandro__try apt-get, synaptic or even sth like adept in kde10:09
pollyoI have the file in /tmp10:10
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pollyocan you use dpkg or something like that?10:10
funpop123 kopete test10:16
c0nv1ctpollyo: use dpkg -i10:17
c0nv1ctif you already have the deb10:17
pollyoc0nv1ct: Do I need to do any type of test to determine if the package will run on my system?10:17
pollyoor any type of configuration or does -i cover all that?10:18
c0nv1ctit will tell you if it fails10:18
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BluzmanIDENTIFY fragile5510:19
BluzmanIDENTIFY fragile10:19
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c0nv1ctthanks for lettn us know your password :P10:19
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VSpikeI'm trying to connect to a pptp vpn with KVpnc... having trouble, in that it just times out and won't connect.10:22
VSpikeI get a message in the debug log from pppd 'debug: No IP for default interface found, using "".'10:23
VSpikeThat looks significant :)10:23
VSpikeGoogle doesn't really help ... can anyone help out?10:23
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pollyoI just started to use Linux and got Kubuntu working on my system.  I'm happy with it so far.  I was just reading something about how ubuntu is designed around gnome.10:26
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c0nv1ctUbuntu is, but Kubuntu is the KDE version10:26
pollyoThe article seems to believe this has a negative impact on the system.10:26
pollyoc0nv1ct: Yes.10:26
mlankhorstI'm trying to figure out why usb disks in kubuntu are mnounted sync, but i can't find out how it's even being mounted by kde10:26
Skullerwhat has a negative impact?10:27
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pollyoSkuller: They were discussing how some of the base packages are not the best to match with a kde system.  Again, I do not know much about it and I am happy so far with kubuntu.10:27
pollyoI was just a little curious about it.10:27
Skullerbase packages like which ones?10:28
pollyoSkiller: Let me see if I can find the article again.10:28
mlankhorstsigh, i suppose no1 knows how kde performs its hal magic10:29
VSpikemlankhorst: I've asked a few times around the place and never got an answer10:29
c0nv1cti know how gnome does it, but not kndeo mlankhorst10:30
c0nv1ctkndeo = kde, how the hell10:30
mlankhorstgetting annoying, sync option is destroying my flash10:30
pollyoKDE to Become Better Supported on the Ubuntu Platform10:30
pollyoSkuller: Let me get the link for you.10:31
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pollyoSkuller: http://dot.kde.org/1147097810/10:31
Skullerpollyo: thanks...i will go through it10:31
VSpikemlankhorst: that's pretty odd because I'm sure on mine they are not mounted sync10:32
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c0nv1ctthats a pretty old article pollyo10:32
pollyoAre they coming out with a new version of KDE soon?  I was reading something that said feisty may come out with kde 410:33
c0nv1ctkde4 wont be ready by the time feisty comes it, i dont believe10:33
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c0nv1ctfeisty is being released in like a month or so10:33
rahabhi there10:33
c0nv1ctafaik, kde4 is looking more like 3rd quarter 0710:33
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pollyoI have to say I am impressed with Linux overall..10:34
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c0nv1ctLinux has come a long way, i'm amazed of how user friendly it has become10:35
VSpikec0nv1ct: definitely10:35
c0nv1cti remember trying to install redhat back in 96/9710:35
pollyoI was worried that I would not be able to everything that I do on windows.10:35
mlankhorsteither way, it seems to be impossible to find out how its mounted10:35
VSpikec0nv1ct: when i first tried it, it was almost deliberately unfriendly as a philosophy10:36
pollyoNow I'm doing more and running windows programs in wine.10:36
rahabdoes anyone know how to import the pgp/gpg key belonging to a signature which is unknown wo my kmail10:36
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pollyoVSpike: That is what I remember from the late 90's.10:36
c0nv1ctrahab: do you have the name of the key? or the email address its registered to?10:37
VSpikeI think it was 96 when i first tried.  Installed Debian on a spare 486 machine. Took me about a month to get X running :)10:37
c0nv1ctrahab: you can search for the public key on the key servers10:37
Skullerpollyo: i read the article...quite vague to me though since i dont understand much of it.....something about Koffice not being the best option for KDE? in comparision to GNOME's Openoffice.org10:37
c0nv1ctyeah, Koffice isnt nearly as nice as OOo10:38
SkullerVSpike: lol....now thats what i call a pain in the 'X'10:38
rahab<c0nv1ct>: i have the key id, yes. and of course the mail from adress.10:38
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VSpikeSkuller: heh yeah.  Damn I was proud of myself when it finally came up though :)10:39
c0nv1ctrahab: if that is the email address its registered to, search the key servers for the public key10:39
c0nv1ctrahab: try search.keyserver.net10:39
SkullerVSpike: i am sure you had every reason to...i mean getting something to work after a month of constant hard work on it is something...10:39
rahab<c0nv1ct>: isnt there some kind of convenient integration for kmail to import keys directly from there?10:40
c0nv1ctrahab: not that i know of, usually the sender attaches his public key10:40
VSpikeThe other problem was it ran worse than Win95 on that machine, whereas now KDE runs better than XP on my hardware10:40
Skullerwhy dont they all just integrate KDE n GNOME and get it settled with10:40
c0nv1ctrahab: thats the proper way to initiate encrypted communication10:40
rahab<c0nv1ct>: yeah, but with signatures usually not10:41
c0nv1ctrahab: ah, its just a sig eh?10:41
SkullerVSpike: ohh...i wudnt know about that but yea i can vouch for KDE runnin sweeter than xp for sure10:41
rahab<c0nv1ct>: yep10:41
c0nv1ctrahab: i'm not sure then, youd think signatures would be automatically authenticated10:42
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rahab<c0nv1ct>: id like to see some feature like: rightklick on the mail and say "trust this key id" or something :-)10:43
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c0nv1ctrahab: do you have Kgpg installed?10:44
mlankhorstargh lol\10:44
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mlankhorstlast place I'd look for it10:44
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c0nv1ctrahab: also, there are some other things needed to get gpg working right in kmail, i'll find the link10:44
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VSpikemlankhorst: where was it?10:44
mlankhorstright mouse clicking on the usb stick, and removing 'synchronous' option in mount10:44
mlankhorstat properties10:45
VSpikeDoes that persist or do you have to do it every time10:45
mlankhorstafter going through most of the kdebase source code10:45
praetor_speaking about kmail, has anyone recently compiled it out of svn ?10:45
VSpikeAnd does it only apply to that volume id or to any usb sticK?10:45
c0nv1ctrahab: http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/61-Get-GPG-Decryption-working-within-Kmail.html10:45
c0nv1ctrahab: see if that helps10:45
mlankhorstit seems to be saved after i took it out10:46
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c0nv1ctrahab: i had every encrypted email fail untill i installed that stuff10:46
VSpikemlankhorst: sweet10:46
rahab<c0nv1ct>: yeah, i have kpgp installed and encryption working. thats fine. im just not sure how to deal with untrusted sigs, i want to trust :)10:46
mlankhorstdownloaded all source code for nothing then lol10:46
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rahab<c0nv1ct>: ok thanks! Ill have a look...10:47
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VSpikeEvery time I run adept updater, it tries to tempt me with an upgrade to 7.04 snapshot10:48
c0nv1ctrahab: the agent was my problem, it may help with encrypted sigs too10:48
VSpikeget thee behind me, satan10:48
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LynoureHow can I get Amarok lyric scripts that do not regularly exit with an error?10:48
VSpikeshiny new stuff vs. stable system10:48
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VSpikemy name's john, and i'm a compulsive updater10:49
rahab<c0nv1ct>: thats all fine. encrypting, signing and decrypting works smoothly10:50
Skulleris there any way to auto get lyrics for songs playing in amarok?...or is there any software out there which can get lyrcis for me rather than me searchin the sites?10:51
c0nv1ctrahab: then its possible that senders need to include their public key in their first email, even with sigs10:51
LynoureVSpike: feisty is mostly already quite fine (IMO only, not a recommendation)10:51
pollyoAnyone know what a .bin file is for?10:51
c0nv1ctrahab: you basically just need a way to quickly import their key10:51
LynoureSkuller: there are scripts but they all error on me.10:51
Skullerpollyo: bin n cue files are cd/dvd image files10:51
SkullerLynoure: :-(10:52
LynoureSkuller: you could give them a try, though10:52
SkullerLynoure: would love to10:52
pollyoSkuller: I downloaded Google earth and it was a bin file.10:52
LynoureSkuller: Tools->ScriptManager->Lyrics10:52
c0nv1ctrahab: KGpg has a search feature, that may be the quickest way10:52
VSpikeLynoure: I'm sure you're right.. this is a work machine though, so I can't really risk it.  I guess I could install it on my spare bits n pieces box though, which is running dapper atm10:52
Skullerpollyo: no idea then...sorry10:52
VSpikepollyo: it's a binary installation10:53
rahab<c0nv1ct>: yepp, thats it. would be nice if kmail could interface kgpg to search for a key with just one klick10:53
pollyoSkuller: Thanks for the attempt.10:53
LynoureSkuller: if they error on you too, please tell me, so I can look into whether a bug should be reported.10:53
pollyoVSpike: Any idea what I do with the file to install it on Kubuntu?10:53
VSpikepollyo: you do "sudo sh GoogleEarthInstaller.bin" or whatever10:53
c0nv1ctrahab: there may be a way, we just havent found it :)10:53
pollyoVSpike: Thanks.10:53
VSpikepollyo: I think.. if that doesn't work..10:53
rahab<c0nv1ct>: thats what im thinking right now :)10:54
LynoureVSpike: This is my only workstation computer. :) But you could ease your itch by playing with the livecd :)10:54
VSpikepollyo: try "chmod 755 GoogleEarthInstaller.bin && sudo ./GoogleEarthInstaller.bin"10:54
VSpikeLynoure: True :)10:54
rahab<c0nv1ct>: damn. kgpg always starts as tray-icon :( not so nice when u use enlightenment. no tray ... :)10:55
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c0nv1ctrahab: have you looked into the contact options for the sender?10:55
Phoenix1701So I just did a dist-upgrade to Edgy and I'm getting unmet dependencies trying to install kubuntu-desktop...  help?!10:55
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SkullerLynoure: woot...it works....*dances around in excitement but suddenly remembers he has to finish his school HW so settles down*....sorry to know it doesnt work on yours10:55
mlankhorsterr, install kubuntu-desktop first, then upgrade to edgy10:56
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)10:56
rahab<c0nv1ct>: dont know what exactly you mean...?10:56
LynoureSkuller: do not dance yet... mine worked at first, occasionally. What version of kubuntu are you on?10:56
Phoenix1701mlankhorst: I was reading this:10:56
Phoenix1701Where it says "Upgrading from 6.06 LTS"10:56
Phoenix1701I followed those instructions precisely.10:56
SkullerLynoure: ohh...damn..hope it doesnt fail later on...am on edgy10:56
mlankhorstwiki page works better lol10:56
c0nv1ctrahab: you can edit your contacts, and set default encryption keys, but i dont see anything about accepting keys10:56
Phoenix1701mlankhorst: Fair to say, but here I am...  I don't think there's a dist-downgrade, so...10:57
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pollyoAny idea what the /opt directory is generally used for?10:57
mlankhorstjust do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then..10:57
Phoenix1701mlankhorst: That's exactly what's failing.10:57
Phoenix1701"kubuntu-desktop: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed"10:57
mlankhorstwhat about installing ubuntu-minimal first?10:57
rahab<c0nv1ct>: that wouldnt make much sense to me, since i dont want to add a contact for every sender using a sig10:57
Phoenix1701mlankhorst: I'll give that a shot.10:58
VSpikepollyo: see if this helps: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html10:58
Phoenix1701Incidentally, why doesn't Kubuntu have an upgrade manager? :)10:58
rahab<c0nv1ct>: but importing the key worked. now i just have to mark it trustworthy10:58
Phoenix1701mlankhorst: No joy.10:59
LynoureSkuller: I hope so too. I'm trying getting rid of all scripts&their data, in hopes of that helping10:59
Phoenix1701It's saying that it depends on hwdb-client-kde, language-selector-qt, and xorg, but none of them are going to be installed.10:59
c0nv1ctrahab: i figure, if they are worth being set as 'trusted' they are worth being set as a 'contact' :)10:59
mlankhorstyou can use gnome's10:59
waylandbillupgrade manager? i would think that if everything was ideal, dist-upgrade would be the only thing needed.10:59
SkullerLynoure: hmm...which other scripts did you try that dint work?10:59
Phoenix1701waylandbill: Judging from the current state of my dist-upgrade, everything is far from ideal. :/11:00
Phoenix1701I don't dare reboot; I'm pretty sure my system will be completely hosed if I do.11:00
mlankhorstwell, upgrade manager does it for you lol11:00
waylandbillyeah. well, that's called ideal situations only exist in theory.11:00
Phoenix1701The only place where this wiki page differs from what I did, by the way, is that I didn't pass a -u flag in  the dist-upgrade.11:01
Phoenix1701Everything else describes exactly what I did.11:01
LynoureSkuller: pretty much all the lyric script, all others work fine11:02
Phoenix1701If there's any information I can provide that would help you figure out what's going on, just let me know...  but I really would hate to have to wipe the drive or something because of this!11:02
pollyoOk now that I unstalled google earth I need a new video card.11:02
VSpikepollyo: hehe11:02
VSpikepollyo: what card do you have?11:03
pollyoSomething about opengl in emulation and I can watch it draw the earth.11:03
SkullerLynoure: oh well...i hope it works on yours and also hope mine doesnt get screwed anytime soon...thanks for the help...11:03
pollyoWell this machine is an old Dell Optiplex and I'm not even sure of the card.11:03
Phoenix1701Anyone?  What would you say my best option is from here?11:03
LynoureSkuller: ah, this seemed to help, at least for now :)11:03
VSpikepollyo: probably ati rage or something11:04
LynoureSkuller: Thank you for asking that question, otherwise I would have given up on mine11:04
rahab<c0nv1ct>: i dont know. adding a contact just because the bill for my rootserver is sent to my signed...? than that would be only some kind of dummy, cause you dont work/answer with those kind of adresses11:04
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pollyoI wish I could get Kubutunu to run on my Dell Dimension E510 but I can not even get the graphics system to work on that one.11:04
SkullerLynoure: hehe...am glad things stirred up then...thanks once again...was dying to get something to get lyrics for me in amarok11:04
VSpikepollyo: would it install at all?11:05
c0nv1ctrahab: do you really need to trust the signature from a bill?11:05
pollyoVspike: Can I look somewhere in KDE to find out what card is ni here?11:05
rahab<c0nv1ct>: but basically youre right. if there was an option in the contacts i would use it if it was more convenient than importing the keys manually via kgpg ;)11:05
LynoureSkuller: I'm even happy that someone else than me cares about the lyrics11:05
rahab<c0nv1ct>: mhh yea, thats a good question :)11:05
waylandbillPhoenix1701: you did backup your user data first, right?11:05
pollyoVspike: It loads quite a bit then it bombs can't find window or something...11:06
SkullerLynoure: wanted to same thing11:06
Phoenix1701waylandbill: Yeah, but it's still no fun to restore. :)11:06
Skullerto say*11:06
pollyoVspike: Can;t find display.11:06
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waylandbillI didn't catch the beginning, Phoenix1701, what is the problem you're having, btw?11:06
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Phoenix1701waylandbill: I followed the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php under "Upgrading from 6.06 LTS", got through the dist-upgrade just fine, but now trying to install kubuntu-desktop, python-qt3, python-kde3, and ubuntu-minimal I'm getting "kubuntu-desktop: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed"11:07
pollyoWill Beryl work on Kubuntu?11:08
c0nv1ctpollyo: yes11:08
waylandbillpollyo: yes, but expect bugs11:08
pollyoAny suggestions for a video card  that will work best with Linux?11:08
c0nv1ctpollyo: something not ATI :)11:08
pollyoAnything but ATI...11:08
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waylandbillNvidia is nice and their newest cards are lightning fast.11:09
c0nv1ctyeah, nvidia plays nice with linux11:09
Phoenix1701waylandbill: I feel like this must be a fairly common problem, but I haven't been able to find any information on how to fix it.11:09
mlankhorstbut intel cards don't need setting up :P11:09
Phoenix1701And my apt-foo is not nearly good enough.11:09
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waylandbillI'd take performance over ease of setup, but that's only my opinion11:10
c0nv1ctyeah, i dont think intel cards stack up against nvidia performance-wise11:10
mlankhorstat least they have open drivers.. ;p11:10
waylandbillPhoenix1701: if you search for xorg, does it find it in the repo?11:10
pollyoAnyone know of a TVtuner card that supports cablecards that works with Linux.  I am getting a little of topic now...11:10
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pollyoMabye I need to check with Myth (I think that is what it is called)11:11
Skulleryes MythTV11:11
mlankhorstcable cards?11:11
Phoenix1701Yes; if I try to install it, it claims it needs libgl1-mesa-glx.11:11
Skullerisnt it the MCE replacement?11:11
waylandbilland does that exist?11:12
pollyomiankhorstL Yes.  In my area cable tv is scrambled.  You either need a cablebox or a tv/set top box that supports a cable card that the cable co. gives you.11:12
Phoenix1701Yes.  Last time I tried to install that it said it needed something ELSE, but trying it again now it's actually offering to do it...  though it wants to remove all kinds of things including kdebase-dev to do it.11:12
Phoenix1701Should I go through with it, do you think?11:12
Phoenix1701Here's the full text it gives me: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10459/11:13
VSpikepollyo: On your Dell desktop, you could try installing choosing safe graphics mode on live CD startup, which should install with the VESA drivers (which are pretty basic but will work on almost anything).11:13
VSpikepollyo: There are some cards that the open drivers just won't work with.  I had to do that, and then install a binary ATI driver to get X working smoothly11:14
Phoenix1701(I suddenly bet this has all sorts to do with the fact that I installed glx under Dapper.  Hmm.)11:14
waylandbillPhoenix1701: those are auto installed. That should be ok.11:14
VSpikepollyo: Luckily I've chucked that card for an nVidia one now11:14
Phoenix1701Okay, let's give it a shot.11:14
pollyoVSpike: I'll have to give it another attempt.  I am going to get a new hard drive so I can have windows xp on one and Linux on the other.11:14
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Phoenix1701heh.  Oh, man, this makes me nervous.  "dpkg: libgl1-mesa: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you request"11:15
pollyoOh... That brings up a question.  I have two drive on this system.  How can I mount a NTFS read only?  I do not want to write to it.  I heard that can be trouble.11:15
VSpikepollyo: btw I think "grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf" will give some clue what card you have11:15
VSpikepollyo: you could also try "lspci | grep -i vga"11:16
pollyoVspike: Let me note those.11:16
VSpikepollyo: Normally KDE would mount additional volumes for you automatically, under /media"11:16
Phoenix1701pollyo: One answer, though not necessarily the best or only one, would be to edit the /etc/fstab file and mark that volume read-only.11:17
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VSpikepollyo: try going to run on the KDE menu and entering media:/11:17
pollyoVSpike: Yes!11:18
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:18
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:18
VSpikentfs-3g works really well if you need r/w access11:18
Phoenix1701Out of curiosity, folks, a bunch of things complained at me when I removed libgl1, including amarok and kdesktop.  Is there any way I can check to see whether those packages are correctly installed once all this is over, and if not, fix the broken dependencies?11:18
pollyoVSpike: What do I do to access it... I get hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100011:19
VSpikeumm.. heh11:19
pollyoVSpike: oh... One thing I should mention... I am running feisty on this machine.11:19
waylandbillPhoenix1701: if it is a problem you can try putting libgl1 back in afterwards. You could try it with aptitude which will recommend solutions to the problem as well.11:20
pollyoVSpike: Strange thing it installed without a hitch and has been running smooth.11:20
Skulleri am to make a Mousetrap Racer for a competetion...i was suggested an idea...can anyone help me put a microprocessor on the  mousetrap and install linux on it for its programming and help me assemble some chainsaw blades that can be programmed from it to attack mice automatically and not to mention put a set of thermal fusion jets also controlled by the microprocessor?...any help aprreciated :D11:20
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Phoenix1701waylandbill: Aptitude, hm?  I've only got adept installed as far as I'm aware...  do you think I'd be better off installing and using aptitude?11:20
VSpiketry doing "kdesu konqueror media:/"11:20
VSpikemaybe its a permissions problem11:21
pollyoVSpike: Where do I type that in?  The Konqueror?11:21
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Phoenix1701The same thing just happened with python2.4-kde3...  I'm guessing there's no way to say "apt-get, look at my packages and tell me if any of the ones I have installed are missing dependencies"?11:21
VSpikepollyo: terminalk11:21
Skullerpollyo: terminal....or alt+F211:21
VSpiketerminal even11:21
waylandbillPhoenix1701: aptitude is very nice. It's what debian used in their installer for a long time.11:22
pollyoVSpike: Worked like a charm.11:22
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Phoenix1701waylandbill: And the fact that it's a GTK-based application running KDE doesn't cause any weird problems or anything?11:22
Phoenix1701Because adept is serviceable, but I wouldn't say it's great.11:23
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waylandbillPhoenix1701: aptitiude is console based.11:23
Phoenix1701s/running/running in/11:23
VSpikepollyo: interesting. not sure why that should be11:23
waylandbilland you should have no trouble running a Gtk app in Kde.11:23
Phoenix1701Er, wait, it is?  Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong thing then.11:23
pollyoVSpike: I'm able to access the drive now.11:24
waylandbilla vice versa11:24
Phoenix1701What's the default package manager in Ubuntu?11:24
VSpikepollyo: but you have to run as root do it :/11:24
pollyoAt least in that instance.11:24
waylandbillyou're thinking synaptic11:24
Phoenix1701Ahh, yes, yes I am.11:24
Phoenix1701Okay, I might try that then.11:24
pollyoVSpike: Yes.  It appears so.11:24
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Phoenix1701Let's find out if it boots first though.  So far so good.11:24
VSpikepollyo: can you paste the output of "grep ntfs /etc/fstab"11:24
pollyoVSpike: Sure11:24
waylandbillit's gui is cryptic, but it can accept command lines just like apt-get. once you get used to the gui, it's not bad though.11:25
Phoenix1701Well, that's bad.11:25
Phoenix1701I can't start X.11:25
VSpikewaylandbill: I'm coming to like aptitude more and more11:25
Phoenix1701If I manually do a "startx" at the prompt, it complains "no screens found"11:25
pollyoVSpike: Do I have to sudo grep ....?11:25
VSpikepollyo: no, shouldn't need to11:25
Phoenix1701Oh...  wait a moment.  I think this might be due to the nvidia kernel module.  This happened to me once before in Dapper.11:26
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ionuthello, i need some help on my new kubuntu workstation11:26
pollyoVSpike: I opened a terminal window and type pated that in and it reutned nothing.11:26
ionutit's about fonts11:26
ionuthow can i make them look "good"11:26
VSpikepollyo: I guess that's possible - maybe they being automatically mounted by some kde wizardry11:26
ionutnow it's a total chaos11:27
pollyoI have to get going.....11:27
pollyoThanks for the Help!11:27
VSpikepollyo: no prob11:27
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waylandbillPhoenix1701: if you built the kernel module manually, you'll have to again. If you used the premade one from the repo, it should've gave a compatible one11:28
Phoenix1701waylandbill: I used the premade one... but this is coming back to me slowly...  I think it might have something to do with 386 vs 686 problems11:29
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VSpikeits quite nice when you think you know nothing about linux but then realize you can help other people out with things.  Makes you realise you know more than you think you did.11:29
waylandbillPhoenix1701: now the kernel is just -generic. no more 386 vs 686.11:29
Phoenix1701Hmm...  that's definitely an improvement, though I'm flooded with Google results when I search for the error message about the nvidia module.11:30
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|TheSpun|hey all, i'm having problems trying to get the live cd to load so i can install. Keep getting the error kernel panic -  not synching: attempted to kill init!11:33
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|TheSpun|it was suggested to me kast night to try running knoppix and see if that worked, and just done that and no problems11:35
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waylandbillPhoenix1701: I was going to say you can look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log before I lost my connection11:35
Phoenix1701Ah, indeed.11:35
Phoenix1701Just says the same thing...  "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"11:36
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VSpike|TheSpun|: what version of live cd out of interest?11:37
|TheSpun|edgy :)11:37
|TheSpun|i changed my mobo and processor yesterday, prior to that i'd had no problems at all getting the live cd to work either on desktop or on my laptop11:38
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smurphyHmm. Any mac-mini users here ? Just upgraded my mac-mini to feisty - howeve can't boot the kernel 2.6.20-10-generic. Seems it stalls when recognising the S-ATA disk... Boots until there fine though.11:40
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Phoenix1701So, if I'm reading these pages correctly, the problem might be that my proprietary nvidia driver isn't for the same version of the kernel I'm running...11:44
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waylandbillPhoenix1701: right11:45
Phoenix1701And apparently the fix for this might be to install linux-restricted-packages-someversionhere?11:45
VSpikePhoenix1701: did you download the nvidia driver from nvidia, or did you install from repos?11:45
Phoenix1701Orr, apparently, make sure to select the "generic" kernel at grub instead of the "386" kernel11:45
smurphyHmm. Any mac-mini users here ? Just upgraded my mac-mini to feisty - howeve can't boot the kernel 2.6.20-10-generic. Seems it stalls when recognising the S-ATA disk... Boots until there fine though.11:46
waylandbillI would think that it would be default for generic (you can uname -r to tell)11:46
|TheSpun|anyone have any ideas what to do to get round this kernel panic error?11:46
Phoenix1701Well, both were available from the boot menu, and apparently the default is 386...  though I'm certainly going to change that.11:46
c0nv1ctsmurphy: what is the last thing it shows during boot?11:47
Phoenix1701Now, I have X running (yay!).  But GLX isn't working now, which means I have no window decorations.  lol11:47
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smurphyC0nv1ct: Can't tell you ... as I booted into 2.6.17-generic-10 which seems to still work.11:47
smurphyJust says - Invalid mode for ATA something ... SCSI disabled ...11:47
waylandbillPhoenix1701: who needs those anyway. ;-P11:47
smurphyvery strange message ...11:48
c0nv1ctsmurphy: you should make note of the exact error, or troubleshooting it will be difficult11:48
smurphyMaybe I'll reboot and chack it ...11:48
Phoenix1701waylandbill: hehe, I somehow figured someone might say that.  ;)11:48
smurphyYes - know ... I'll be back :)11:48
VSpike##linux sucks sometimes :)11:48
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|TheSpun|VSpike: i'm starting to find that out hehe11:50
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|TheSpun|it's great being mostly new to linux cause i have no idea where to even start heh11:51
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miltoshow do i make modprobe during boot permanent???11:51
Phoenix1701Does anyone here have any experience with compiz/glx?11:51
Phoenix1701I think I may need a little bit of help getting my eye candy back.11:51
deviantonewow going crazy =D11:51
VSpikePhoenix1701: try #ubuntu-xgl11:52
waylandbillmiltos: look at the files in /etc/modprobe.d/11:52
Phoenix1701Whoa, a whole channel for that?11:52
VSpikePhoenix1701: you betcha11:52
VSpikethe name has changed, but there's a redirect and i can't remember the exact name now11:52
deviantoneanyone give me a link or guide me to changing my desktop resolution?11:52
|TheSpun|VSpike: any ideas where i could start trying to find out what's causing the error?11:52
deviantoneonly can get it to 1280x102411:52
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sebrhow do i stop katapult starting up automatically?11:53
waylandbilldeviantone: you need to put the modes you want to acheive in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:53
deviantoneyes which I have11:53
miltoswaylandbill, thanks...11:53
VSpike|TheSpun|: I'm not sure.. I tried a quick google and some suggestions were to make sure that BIOS is up to date11:53
VSpike|TheSpun|: could be worth a try?11:53
|TheSpun|could be indeed11:53
waylandbilldeviantone: then, in system settings it should allow you to change to them.11:54
deviantoneive followed this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397311:54
deviantonewhich it hasnt waylandbill11:54
Skullermy hands are getting itchy to type in !op11:54
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waylandbilldeviantone: keep in mind that the resolutions /and/ the color depth for a mode must be supported by the card.11:54
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deviantonemy monitor goes up to 1724 x 1280 or whateva that resolution is11:55
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deviantonewant it to go to 1600x120011:55
waylandbilldeviantone: then you have to find out the color depth it supports, and the refresh rate. and the card has to support it, not just the monitor11:56
deviantoneok, and yes the card supports it have been running it for years in xp11:56
deviantonedeath to xp =)11:56
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waylandbillyou could get 32 bit color for one resolution, but maybe only 24 or 16 for another11:57
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spark_hello somebody there who could help me with a amarok problem?12:05
manolowhat problem?12:06
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c0nv1ctwhats the problem, then i'll know if i can help :)12:06
spark_i got no settings :D perhaps i'm to stupid but if i start amarok there is no "settings" option as told in e.g. ubuntuuseres.de12:06
c0nv1ctspark_: its in the playlist window12:07
|TheSpun|hmmmmm i _think_ i've got the latest bios installed12:07
c0nv1ctspark_: if the menus arent there, hit ctrl-m12:07
spark_TY c0nv1ct :D12:07
c0nv1ctnp man12:08
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ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)12:11
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spark_hmm. well again a little question. i managed to use alsa in amarok (ty c0nv1ct). but i got a aureon 5.1 fun(alsa driver is cmipci) i installed all with a good tutorial but 5.1 sound isn't working yet. is there any option to configure alsa with a gui?12:12
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spark_<< (sry bloody newbie )12:13
|TheSpun|anyone have any other ideas where i can start to try and get the live cd to boto12:13
root____hello is anybody here ??12:14
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smurphyOk - to my mac-mini boot problem with feisty - seems the system does not recognise anything correct about the S-ATA drives.12:14
root____nobody here ???12:14
waylandbill|TheSpun|: your bios doesn't support CD booting?12:14
c0nv1ctroot____: no, nobody12:14
waylandbill!ask | root____12:15
uboturoot____: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:15
smurphyata1: failed to recover some devices, retrying in 5 secs12:15
|TheSpun|waylandbill: i get a kernel panic error and it stops12:15
c0nv1ctsmurphy: it does detect their existance though?12:15
smurphyyes ...12:15
smurphyata_piix 0000:00:1f.2: MAP [ P0 P2 XX XX ] 12:15
smurphyata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x20D8 ctl 0x20FE bmdma 0x2020 irq 1912:15
manchickenroot____: Don't IRC as root.12:15
smurphyscsi0: ata_piix12:15
smurphyATA: abnormal status 0xF7 on port 0x20DF12:15
smurphyata1.01: ATA-7, max UDMA/100, 117210240 sectors: LBA48 NCQ (depth 0/32)12:15
waylandbill|TheSpun|: try disabling things like acpi and apic and apm12:15
smurphyata1: ata1: dev 1 multi count 1612:15
smurphyata1.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x40)12:15
smurphyata1.01: limiting speed to UDMA/6612:15
smurphyata1: failed to recover some devices, retrying in 5 secs12:16
smurphyATA: abnormal status 0xF7 on port 0x20DF12:16
c0nv1ct!pastebin | smurphy12:16
ubotusmurphy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:16
root____I looking for a help to fix my problem with LTSP on kubuntu12:16
root____how can I can my nickname ???12:16
c0nv1ctroot____: log back into IRC using a non-root user12:16
root____okay how can I change my nickname ???12:17
manchickenroot____: It's not your nick, it's your user.  **NEVER** IRC or IM as the root user.12:17
smurphyHmmm... How does that work ? OK12:17
smurphyHaning in: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10462/12:17
manchickenroot____: You are logged into IRC as the root user.  DO NOT DO THAT.  It poses very serious security risks to you.12:17
root____I am realy new here12:18
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Phoenix1701Hm.  So, um, KDE isn't drawing any window borders for me...  any idea how to get it to do so?12:18
waylandbillroot____: you shouldn't be root for running the system anyway. You should be using a normal user.12:18
smurphyHad to type it off by hand ... As it did not recognise my usb-stick ... :) nSo I limited to ata-messages only.12:18
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|TheSpun|waylandbill: being dumb like i am :) i can't find out how to disable any of those things :)12:19
smurphyanyone could have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10462/ ? Thx ...12:19
SkullerPhoenix1701: do you have beryl?12:20
waylandbillPhoenix1701: you have composite extentions enabled? you could try disabling.12:20
spark_Phoenix1701:  your are using beryl?12:20
waylandbillguess we were all heading in the same direction. :-)12:20
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spark_yipp. i tried a whole day to get window extensions with beryl...12:21
Skullerhehe....beryl old beryl....b for beryl n b for bugs....hope feisty has a present in store12:21
waylandbill|TheSpun|: one of the F keys will list help that shows how to disable them.12:21
Phoenix1701spark_ and Skuller, nope, I'm using Compiz.12:21
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smurphyHmmm... I think I'll reboot with disablig ACPI ...12:21
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Phoenix1701But I think you're onto something all the same. :)12:21
hakanhello everybody12:22
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Phoenix1701And waylandbill, I do have composite extensions enabled, yes, because I'm trying to use Compiz.  :)  I had it all working on Dapper, so I'd rather not disable it here.12:22
Skulleroh....well its the graphic rendering integration of the kernel that bugs up i guess....expected to be improved in feisty12:22
_JPI'd like to create a .deb package with certain dependencies. I'm able12:22
_JPto add required packages  with "--requires=blaa", but how do I specify12:22
_JPthe required version?12:22
_JParg, sorry12:23
|TheSpun|found acpi :) disabling it and got the same error12:23
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spark_hmhm i found wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Beryl. look at "trouble shooting " Phoenix1701. it works with beryl so: why shouldn't it work with compiz12:23
Phoenix1701I'll give that a shot, thank you12:23
SkullerPhoenix1701: i have that problem at times...but goes away if i enable beryl12:23
waylandbillexpect problems with compiz and beryl, that's my advice. :-)12:23
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Phoenix1701Though unfortunately I don't speak German.12:24
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:24
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waylandbillI got beryl running on this laptop before, but VNC makes it act real, real crazy12:24
spark_oh doens't matter i can translate it. you just have to take the code after"Fensterrahmen fehlen" and put it into the xorg.conf Phoenix170112:25
Phoenix1701I don't suppose "Fensterrahmen fehlen" would be "no window decorations"?12:25
waylandbillneeding to run vnc was more important than beryl even though flaming windows are wickedly awesome. :-D12:25
Phoenix1701Ah, guess so. :)12:25
Skullerbut i am gladf that beryl smokes vista's a**12:25
Phoenix1701On the plus side, Compiz seems much snappier under Edgy...12:25
IznougoudI'm trying to make Ubuntu 6.06 accept incoming connections via the serial port (nullmodem) and forward them to a router i.e. internet connection sharing. Any ideas on how to go about that?12:25
spark_ubuntu in general smokes vistas a**12:25
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Skullerhehe...sorry not to have mentioned that12:26
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_JPHi, I'm playing around with checkinstall and I'd like to create a .deb package with certain dependencies. I'm able to add required packages  with "--requires=blaa", but how do I specify the required version?12:27
spark_hmhm anyone has a clue how to get a aureon fun 5.1(alsa driver is cmipci) fully working with ubuntu(i just don't get 5.1 support :(12:27
_JPSomething like "--requires=blaa>=1.2.3" doesn't work; the version is not taken into account by checkinstall but an empty file called "=1.2.3" is created in the current working directory.12:27
hakancan anybody help me regarding to LTSP with dapper drake12:27
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Phoenix1701spark_: No luck, I'm afraid.12:28
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Phoenix1701It's weird...  on login, it seems like it actually does have drop shadows and whatnot for a second or two, but then they go away.12:28
hakanI have installed LTSP on my dapper drake12:28
hakanan when client logout the server go down kdm and freeze12:29
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naamuishow i can change m4a files to mp3? in ubuntu12:30
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smurphyre ... Nope - ACPI=off didn't solve the issue. Sames to be a bug with IHC7 bridge and Libata ...12:31
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smurphyanyone can give me a hint if we have newer kernels for feisty somewhere ???12:32
c0nv1ctnaamuis: you can try soundkonverter, not sure if it supports m4a12:32
Phoenix1701Hmm...  interesting...12:32
Skullerc0nv1ct: any idea about amr?12:32
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Skullerc0nv1ct: sound format it is...mostly used by mobile phones for playing/recording12:33
|TheSpun|Still having same problems when trying to load the Live CD, Kernel Panic Error. Anyone have any other suggestions i can try?12:33
c0nv1ctSkuller: sorry, i'm not familiar with it, my phone uses mp3s12:33
smileSkuller: try Realplayer12:34
Skullerc0nv1ct: yes mp3 is common...but a friend sent me a recorded call and its in amr12:34
Skullersmile: ok i will...is it in the repos?12:34
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Phoenix1701So it definitely loads the right thing at first, and looks great...  but then around the same time it launches xscreensaver the screen flashes black, and the window decorations go away.12:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:34
smilerun "sudo apt-get install realplayer " but u must enable non free repos !!12:35
Skullersmile: roger that..thanks12:35
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Skullersmile: ok so which repo exactly do i need to enable?12:36
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mayhem_hi there12:36
Skullersmile: i have used source o matic but i guess its not there12:36
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mayhem_any one able to help me with packet news12:37
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smileSkuller: enable (deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main)12:37
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Skullersmile: thanks12:38
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smurphyanyone can give me a hint if we have newer kernels for feisty somewhere ???12:40
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c0nv1ctsmurphy: www.kernel.org ? :P12:41
smurphyc0nv1ct: yes - but I'd like a ubuntu kernel... Mine heangs at boot on my mac-mini. Seems the ICH7 and Libata do not cooperate ...12:42
smurphyBut - I can recompile a kernel ...12:42
c0nv1ctyou may need to compile your own to make it work right12:43
smurphyyep. Looks like ...12:43
smurphyrecompiling isn't the issue though. Time is the issue :)12:43
|TheSpun|Still having same problems when trying to load the Live CD, Kernel Panic Error. Anyone have any other suggestions i can try?12:43
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waylandbill|TheSpun|: disabling those extentions didn't help? try the alternate CD or a different version.12:45
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|TheSpun|waylandbill: i've also tried another live cd and the alt cd and i get the same error12:45
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|TheSpun|knoppix works ok (was asked to try that on here last night)12:46
demiurge|TheSpun|: This will sound way wrong but try again.  I had the same problems on my iBook install, After the 6th boot it just took.  No logic...12:46
waylandbill|TheSpun|: all I can suggest is to disable some of your hardware until you find who's causing the panic.12:46
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saeciao qualcuno mi puo' aiutare12:47
eeoshi there.12:47
demiurgeI should add, I got 5 other random errors on each of the other boots.12:47
|TheSpun|demiurge: thanks :) been getting exactly the same error since last night though heh12:47
eeosdo you know if it possible to successfuly install the kernel from feisty under 6.10? has this kernel been backported?12:47
demiurge|TheSpun|: Worth a try, I still don't know what made it stick on my iBook.  -lol-12:48
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Skullersmile: after enaling the repo u gave me, adept manager shows about 13 updates...all relating to beryl...should i go ahead with them? (it says 'not authenticated')12:48
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waylandbilldemiurge: that just means it has the possibility to come back when you least need it to. :-)12:48
demiurgeAll painful, yet funny stories aside...  Could anyone answer a question about mime-types in kfm for me?12:49
waylandbillSkuller: the ubuntu beryl project repo has authenticated packages. You just have to add the key for it.12:49
|TheSpun|newbesque question, but why would knoppix work fine but kubuntu not?12:49
waylandbill|TheSpun|: different options in the kerenl12:50
Phoenix1701Anyone have any idea why I might be getting the following error?  "gtk-window-decorator: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0""12:50
Skullersmile: ok thans12:51
demiurgewaylandbill: Oh trust me I know.  I'm running the rc3 if you will.  It has more problems then I will go into, it's what I get for not being willing to wait for the final.  :D12:51
Skullerwaylandbill: sure thing...thanks12:51
|TheSpun|stupid question #2 then :) if i managed to get it working with stuff disabled, would that mean it had to stay disabled?12:51
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demiurgeI had hopes for better bcm support, no such luck though, I still have to modprobe -r my bcm43xx mod and reload after every ssid switch.12:52
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waylandbill|TheSpun|: most likely12:52
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demiurge</random tangent>12:53
_4strOyop yop12:53
|TheSpun|and because i'm on a roll now :) is it worth trying an ubuntu live cd, or an i going to have exactly the same problem?12:53
waylandbilldemiurge: I blacklisted bcm43xx. I get much better results from ndiswrapper (and a driver not supplied by this laptop manufacturer)12:53
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waylandbill|TheSpun|: you'll have the same trouble as they likely have the same kernel12:54
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|TheSpun|again thats what i thought heh12:54
waylandbill|TheSpun|: if you can get the system up, you can roll your own kernel to remove the offending option.12:54
demiurgewaylandbill: Agreed, still would be nice for good native support if you will.12:54
eeosdo you know if it possible to successfuly install the kernel from feisty under 6.10? has this kernel been backported?12:55
|TheSpun|guess i'm kinda screwed right now then heh, that's mostly way over my head just now :)12:55
waylandbilleeos: is there something in that kernel that you can't live without? It's only a month or so from final.12:55
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demiurgeAgain, the real reason I showed up is I just did a clean install of 6.10 on my main system.  The installer had a big problem with one of my drives to the point it (the install) would crash, I installed w/o that drive.  While the UUID system for fstab but me into a loop for a bit, I added the UUID file to /dev/disk/by-uuid.12:57
waylandbill|TheSpun|: did you say you tried a different live CD version of kubuntu?12:58
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|TheSpun|yup i burnt off another copy last night12:58
waylandbilldapper probably.12:58
demiurgeMy problem came when trying to make a "folder" of the correct mime-type for kfm to give all the same property information as the mount points created by the installer.12:59
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waylandbill|TheSpun|: you could always try mepis. They have a different kernel compiled. :-)12:59
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demiurgeI can't seem to find a way to edit a folders mime-type to match and while it might be more easy to add a "create new" media/mounted_hd... I don't know where I would add that to the kfm menu.01:00
|TheSpun|waylandbill: thanks for the suggestion :) kinda sucks cause i'm a newb to linux and really liked kubuntu01:01
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waylandbill|TheSpun|: mepis is very close to kubuntu. it's another kde dapper derivative.01:01
eeoswaylandbill actually, I wanted to test compilation of some modules on it before it was released.01:01
demiurge|TheSpun|: This is an ugly way to go about it but have to given any thought to installing Ubuntu and then just installing the kde dummy package?  It does make for an ugly menu but sometimes the Ubuntu install goes a little more smoth.01:02
eeoswaylandbill because htey appear not to compile anymore.01:03
waylandbilleeos: you could always get the kernel from kernel.org although it'd be vanilla and not ubuntu patched.01:03
eeoswaylandbill I need the ubuntu patched. If I had a list of pacthes, I could patch it myself, but cannot find the ist of patches01:03
waylandbilldemiurge: my guess is the kernel panic would still happen if it uses the same kernel.01:04
|TheSpun|guess that's my next attempt then :) try ubuntu01:04
Phoenix1701Oh well, I give up.01:05
Phoenix1701Looks like I'm going to be nuking and reinstalling my entire system because I can't get window decorations.  That's pretty lame.01:05
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demiurgewaylandbill: Have you never seen an installer caused kernel panic?  The config of the installing from Ubuntu to Kubuntu at the kernel level should be little to nothing but if he really wants to give it one list try, stranger things have happened in the Linux world.  :)01:05
demiurgelast even.01:06
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waylandbilldemiurge: yes. I've seen the installer kernel panic before on certain motherboards.01:07
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demiurgeAnyway, any idea on my mime-type problem?  I'm sure I'm not the first person to add a new hdd to an running system.01:07
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demiurge|TheSpun|: If it works, let me know just so I can know I'm not alone on the random installer problems :)01:08
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|TheSpun|will do, just burning ubuntu disk now01:08
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Phoenix1701I even know what the problem is now...  I have two versions of libGL.so, one from nvidia and one from the system, and something somewhere is picking the wrong one.01:09
demiurgeOh I miss my real high speed connection, I just moved and am now at oh 32th of the speed I was at, it hurts :)01:09
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Phoenix1701But I have no idea what, and at this point there are like seven things all loading together and I have no idea how to turn any of them off.01:09
|TheSpun|heh wish mine was fast, but luckily i had an iso already downloaded :P01:09
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barroshi guys.. I've just updated from dapper to edgy and have a problem with my X. When I use splash in boot param, my X does not start. After the splash finishes, I get a blank screen and I cant do anuything, even change TTYs. Anyone know something about it?01:10
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demiurgehehe I went from a place I was getting 1.2Mbsp downloads to a max 27Kbps -lol-01:11
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|TheSpun|i only hit about 400 download on a good day01:11
karlos_tem alguem do brasil ai01:11
|TheSpun|1,2meg is a pipedream :P01:11
barroskarlos_, eu01:11
karlos_de onde vc e barros01:11
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|TheSpun|exactly same error on ubuntu live cd01:12
demiurgeMine was stable at 1m down.  Highest cable connection and where I lived I was the only one on the line, it was sweet.01:12
Skullersmile: i am afraid realplayer didnt help me play .amr files....thanks for your help though01:12
demiurge|TheSpun|: What version are you installing bty, I came in after you said I'm sure.01:13
|TheSpun|edgy :)01:13
Skuller|TheSpun|: hehe...i am on 128kbps....1.2 meg is a pipedream fer me too01:13
|TheSpun|was running it fine till this upgrade :) almost makes me want to go back to the crappy celeron lol01:13
barrosif I remove the splash option, I get a functional X.. probably is something about the framebuffer01:13
demiurgeSkuller: That's what I'm on now :)01:14
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Skullerdemiurge: 128k?01:14
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demiurge|TheSpun|: I would say wait a few more days for for feisty to go final and give it a try, I've not had much luck with distupgrades being so "clean"01:15
demiurgeSkuller: I was on a 12mbps connection before I move here, I am now on a 128kbps connection.01:16
Skullerdemiurge: hehe...thas a big demotion...sad...well atleast it beats dialup01:16
demiurgeSkuller: Can't fight that point :D01:17
|TheSpun|somoeone just suggested to me to make sure the onboard graphics are disabled as ihave another graphics card in the box01:17
|TheSpun|anyone able to explain how i do that?01:17
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demiurgeStill only took 6 hours to download Kubuntu not a day and a half.01:17
Skuller|TheSpun|: in the bios?01:17
|TheSpun|Skuller: yup01:17
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Skullerdemiurge: wowo that was fast...to download the live cd it wud've taken me a day n half01:18
smileSkuller: I can play AMR in Windows with LGmediaplayer01:18
smileSkuller: try to google that under linux01:18
demiurge|TheSpun|: Look under peripherals and disable the onboard gfx chip.01:19
Skullersmile: yes i can play amr in windows with my nokia suite's multimedia player too..01:19
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Skullersmile: ok...thanks i will01:19
|TheSpun|hmmm can't seem to find any mention of graphics under intergrated peripherals... always knew i should have paid more attention to bios lol01:20
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demiurge|TheSpun|: What bois do you have?01:21
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Skuller|TheSpun|: there should be an option to use AGP/PCI-E as the default graphics...you dont have to disable integrated graphics...just enale the gpu as ur default one01:22
|TheSpun|phoenix AwardBios01:22
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demiurge|TheSpun|: w/o a reboot I'm trying to remember what menu it is under but Skuller was correct, it's just a setting for the default...  No way to fully disable..  (without removing the chip -rofl-)01:24
|TheSpun|okies, having a poke around right now01:25
|TheSpun|ironically of course windows installed fine as the first part of my dual bootingness lol01:25
Skullerchip....here i come...muhahaha01:26
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Skuller|TheSpun|: did you install windows b4 kubun on a machine that u intend to dual boot?01:27
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kiwiihi I can run xterm when Im logged as normal user, but when I do su root I cant run anything in X01:29
eMaXanyone here knows a bit about knetworkmanager?01:29
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eMaXSince I enabled also my non wireless interface, what was previously eth2 and wireless now became eth3. knetworkmanager still sees both, yet only when Iook at "Static connection..."01:30
eMaXby the icon I can see it understands it as a wireless device01:30
eMaXwlassistant has no problem bringing the interface jup01:30
hacked_kernelkiwii: $: kdesu <cmd>01:31
demiurgeRun far away and use a command line?  The kde network tools being me nightmares  -lol-01:31
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barrosanyone here usin beryl?01:33
kiwiihacked_kernel:  yes it works, does it mean that i cant login as root ( for exampel ssh -X root, or VNC ) ?01:33
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demiurgebarros: I am, what's up?01:34
barrosdemiurge, is it stating up correctly, with kde?01:34
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demiurgebarros: Depending on the Kubuntu version yes, what are you running?01:35
barrosdemiurge, i'm using edgy..01:35
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barrosdemiurge, I put beryl-manager link in Autostart and it loads, but uses kwin as the window manager, even though its showing up beryl in the popup menu01:36
hacked_kernelkiwii: I think you always can login as root01:36
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Daisuke_Idobarros: same problem here.  Beryl starts at startup, i just have to manually change over the WM01:37
demiurgebarros: On edgy I had no problems, on feisty, that's another story.  How did you install it?  From a repo or custom compile?01:37
barrosdemiurge, from a repo at ubuntu.beryl-something.....01:37
|TheSpun|oh well, i'm gonna have to give up for now...01:37
barrosDaisuke_Ido, yeah, that is it01:37
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demiurge|TheSpun|: Good luck to you, don't give up.  Like I said, maybe wait a few days for Feisty, it's do soon :)01:38
|TheSpun|yeah i know mate01:38
|TheSpun|just frustrating that i can't get it reinstalled ya know01:38
Daisuke_Ido0.2.0 is out01:39
demiurgeI can't say I've had the same problems but have you finished the steps listed http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_AIGLX ?01:40
demiurgeThe steps under Configuring Beryl.01:40
barrosdemiurge, no.. I have a nvidia card, so I used the other link, about nvidia01:41
demiurgeThe Configuring Beryl steps are the same, it just has to do with kde.01:41
barrosdemiurge, I'll take a look to see if there's somthing I didnt do01:43
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demiurgebarros:  On my iBook I am running Feisty and could not get a deb, I had to build them myself.  Point is, I've been jumping around a lot and don't remmember where I had to do what so I hope I can help but my word may not be gold.01:45
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barrosdemiurge, ok.. I'll try the session trick later when I get home.. thank for you help.01:46
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shadowhywindhi all, just curious when is the next release due roughly out? I know 6 months.. but roughly speaking...01:47
demiurgebarros: Best of luck, I know it can work, I'm using it now and don't have that problem any more.  I just can't recall for sure if that was the fix or if I did something else on this system -blush-01:47
Jucato!feisty | shadowhywind01:48
ubotushadowhywind: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)01:48
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shadowhywindthat is what i thought, hehe thanks jucato01:48
barrosdemiurge, ok, thanks again01:49
BluesKajI did some math about my resolution options ...the "native" resolution of my monitor is 120x960 (4x3) and it's listed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. However that choice isn't available in system settings. How can I change the X11 settings to make the 1280x960 show up as an option in system settings ?01:49
Skullerthe only reason i am really anticipating the release of feisty is due to the hope that my webcam and APC ups's driver might work with it01:49
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BluesKajer 1280x96001:50
waylandbillis there a hex editor that will do side-by-side comparisons?01:52
dromerok, this is weird, I just found this out and I have no idea if it's related, but I just upgraded my dapper to edgy and installed beryl, now when I press wy capslock the light on the keyboard doesn't work (very anoying!) could this have anything to do with linux?01:53
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Skullerdromer: dont think so...but then i could be wrong01:54
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Skullerdromer: best thing would be to try another keyboard for testing01:55
dromerhmm, and when I apt-get update I still see some dapper resources, all from medibuntu.sos-sts.com but they aren't in my /etc/apt/sources.list01:55
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waylandbilldromer: /etc/apt/sources.d maybe?01:57
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/01:58
dromerwaylandbill: ah yes, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list01:58
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waylandbillhey BluesKaj. how goes it02:00
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BluesKajhi waylandbill02:02
BluesKajpretty good , and how's things for you02:03
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miltosi want this command "modprobe saa7134 card=23" to be permanent every time i start kubuntu...02:04
naamuiswhere can i find working snes emulator02:04
BluesKajtrying to figure out how to get my monitors' native1280x960 resolution option in system settings ...it's listed in X1102:05
Daisuke_Idoin the repositories - both snes and snes9x work well02:05
waylandbillnot bad. I'm reverse engineering a protocol to determine differences with equipment in use and not.02:05
waylandbillsounds like a barrel of fun I'm sure. :)02:06
BluesKajsounds heavy :)02:06
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naamuisi just unpack the package found @ zsnes homepage?02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
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Daisuke_Idonaamuis: use adept02:07
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)02:08
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BluesKajwhere in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf do i find the resolution setting that's in use ?02:08
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Skullerps2 emulator?02:10
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b0rthey there02:10
b0rtany1 could tell me a repo for: linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-28-38602:11
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kdehlSorry for the newbie question, but I can02:12
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kdehl't seem to find a guide on how to update the kernel on ubuntu02:13
kdehl's webpages.02:13
kdehlDamn, enter is too close to the apostrophy.02:13
soulriderkdehl: you cant finda  guy ?02:13
soulrider(its early int he morning for me :P)02:13
kdehlIs that it?02:13
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kdehlI need the 2.4.20, but it seems default (I installed kubuntu for the first time yesterday) is
soulriderno idea02:14
soulriderbut why not use a 2.6 kernel? =/02:14
kdehlOuch. I mean 2.6.20. ;)02:15
waylandbillBluesKaj: I don't know that you can find it in the xorg.conf, but the /var/log/Xorg.0.log will say02:15
soulrideri dont really know the differences between 2.4 and 2.6 :P02:15
b0rtsoulrider: 2.6.15-28-386, is that discontinued?02:15
soulriderwell, you could compile your own.. =/02:15
kdehlToo many numbers. ;)02:15
soulriderhold on, let me see which kernel im using02:15
Skullertoo many 1's n 0's02:15
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Jucatokdehl: or you can install feisty if you absolutely need 2.6.2002:15
BluesKajwaylandbill, I'm thinking i should do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make sure that it's check off as an option02:16
kdehlJucato: feisty?02:16
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Jucato!feisty | kdehl02:16
ubotukdehl: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:16
soulriderits comming out in like a month02:16
Skulleri think in the future children will be taught base 2 as the main mathematics....so they can code directly for the computers...:D...what a wild thought02:16
dromerso, can anybody tel me why the vieuwports of beryl don't correspond to the 4 desktops I have on kde? and why, under beryl the 4 kde-desktops don't work?02:16
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kdehlubotu: Aha.02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aha. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
kdehlI see.02:17
kdehlubotu: You stupid bot.02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you stupid bot. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
soulriderdromer: they never did02:17
Skuller!ubotu | ubotu02:17
ubotuubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:17
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kdehlJucato: Can I upgrade, or do I need to reinstall?02:17
dromersoulrider: hmm, I need a better way to integrate beryl into my current kde-desktop I think :P02:18
kdehlI'm so lazy. I could just install a kernel manually.02:18
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soulriderkdehl: feisty is still a developement version02:18
Jucatokdehl: if it's just a new install, you probably just want to reinstall. but you can upgade.. you can also just compile your kernel02:18
Jucato!kernel | kdehl02:18
ubotukdehl: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:18
name7esson ubuntu you can change the langauge in gdm02:18
name7esson kubuntu u can't02:18
soulriderkdehl: if you know how to install a kernel manually, i think its better that you do that instead of installing feisty02:18
|lostbyte|any one here too getting a md5sum mismatch for ubuntu.beryl-project.org ded repo ?02:18
name7esshow can i change the lang of the whole sys?02:19
dromersoulrider: are there window specific settings like in kde that I can force certain programs to a specific viewport?02:19
kdehlsoulrider: Yeah okay.02:19
soulrider|lostbyte|: mine installed just fine last night02:19
kdehlI'll do it manually.02:19
Skuller"i want to test the sharpness of my new knife...whom should i murder?"02:19
soulrider|lostbyte|: wants the deb packages ?02:19
soulriderSkuller: got any pets? :P02:19
kdehlI just thought there was a way of doing it in the package management system. Don't want to screw that up.02:19
|lostbyte|soulrider, i am doing a apt-get update and i got that, well. been using that repo for a month now.02:19
Skullersoulrider: no...this isnt my first new knife :D02:20
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soulriderLOL Skuller02:20
name7essany ideas02:20
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name7essor do i have to set it up again?02:20
soulrider|lostbyte|: I HAVE BEEN USING THE REPO FOR A WHILE TOO...02:20
soulridersorry caps!02:20
soulrider|lostbyte|: what i would do is "sudo aptitude clean" "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"02:21
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soulridermaybe if you clear the cache02:21
soulrideror at least delete the beryl-updates deb files02:21
|lostbyte|soulrider, Well, i added the key, and now its working, I fear its not a compromised key.02:21
soulrideri thought the problem was with the package itself not the repo02:21
|lostbyte|oh.. k, was just wondering if any one had the same issue.02:22
|lostbyte|soulrider, http://blog.beryl-project.org/?p=2902:23
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cam_Does anyone have any ideas why i can see wireless networks in the Wireless assistant, but i cannot see any in KNetworkManager02:32
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cam_my connection uses WPA so i need to use KNetworkManager to connect02:33
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ubotutranslate: translates words from English into German or viceversa. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-9 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 76 kB02:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translations - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
soulrideroh damn!02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:37
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Jucatosoulrider: you know the drilll when you don't know what factoid you really want02:37
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soulriderJucato: you got any idea of how translations work with rosseta_ who aproves them etc etc _02:40
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uboturosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language.  See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about02:40
soulriderchange all _ for ?02:40
Jucatonot really...02:41
soulriderah, ok02:41
eilkerError loading keymap /var/tmp/server-0.xkm    any solution for this ?02:41
soulriderim getting a 404 from that link :P it should be fixed02:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metissa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
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Jucatometisse isn't available in the repos.02:46
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fernandohow can I disable on beryl the "windows-management->scale" activation with the mouse on the right/up corner of the screnn?02:49
c0nv1ctits in the settings, but i forget where, try #beryl02:51
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smurphyHmmm... Rebuilding makes feisty boot again ... ICH7 Bug seem to be fixed there.02:52
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c0nv1ctfernando: open Beryl Settings manager, under General Options, go to Shortcuts, click Screen Edges tab02:53
fernandoyes.. I found it..thanks :-)02:53
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VSpikeI have some really basic questions about sending encrypted mail with Kmail... I've never really used public key encryption much and I think I'm missing some basic concepts...02:53
c0nv1ctsmurphy: you the one with the mac mini sata problem?02:53
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c0nv1ctVSpike: ask away02:54
smurphyC0nv1tL yep - I was ;)02:54
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VSpikeFirstly, can I get kmail to automatically find and install keys for recipients, or do I need to use Kgpg as well?02:54
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Greenerydo i need to format the whole disk to install kubuntu? or can i use the available free space?02:54
smurphyGreenery: No - u need a new computer ... :)02:54
Greeneryoh really....sigh02:55
smurphyGreenery: No - you can install it on available space on your HD.02:55
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c0nv1ctVSpike: AFAIK, you have to download them with KGpg or other means manually02:55
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VSpikeGreenery: the installer may be able to shrink the partition for you, depending on what file system is used... although I have to say, it has never worked for me :)02:55
smurphyC0nv1ct: Linux deimos.solsys.org #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 13:02:38 CET 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:55
c0nv1ctGreenery: as long as there is enough free space02:55
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Greeneryfile system u referring to ntfs or fat32 right?02:56
VSpikec0nv1ct: OK... I couldn't see anything but just wondered if I was missing something obvious.02:56
VSpikeGreenery: yep02:56
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c0nv1ctsmurphy: nice job, i updated my kernel the day before became stable :(02:56
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VSpikeGreenery: ntfs you have no hope, FAT you have a chance02:56
Greeneryi have ntfs but kubuntu can still work?02:56
c0nv1ctit can read that partition yeah02:57
c0nv1ctwriting to it, is possible, but not safe02:57
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smurphyc0nv1ct: Lol ... Had no choice. 2.6.17-generic 11 would not boot, generic-10 did work, but beheaved kind of flaky under Feisty. So went to single-mode and recompiled the kernel; ...02:57
smurphyLet's see how stable it is ...02:57
BluesKajwaylandbill: Ive forgotten the cmnd to list the previous settings of X11 so i can get X back up and running ...need to go back to a date where the sttings were working ...I'm at the prompt ATM02:58
VSpikec0nv1ct: I don't think he'll be able to shrink an ntfs parition to create a new parition for installation though, will he?02:58
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c0nv1ctVSpike: he might, but i wouldnt02:58
c0nv1ctlinux can easily break ntfs :)02:58
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c0nv1cti know qparted can resize ntfs, and i've heard people doing it with good results02:59
VSpikeGreenery: when you say "free space". is you disk completely used by partitions, but you have free space in those partitions, do you mean there is unpartitioned space on the disk?02:59
smurphyconvict: Yeah - well - when NTFS is broken - make it a LInux partition :)02:59
VSpikec0nv1ct: really? I didn't realise that02:59
Greeneryyeah there is unpartitioned space on the disk02:59
c0nv1ctGreenery: how much unpartitioned space?02:59
VSpikeGreenery: Ohhh... well, that's easy then02:59
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smurphyNow - I need to get my atmel-wlan card to talk to my access-point again - after I upgraded the firmware...02:59
Greenerywell 100gb02:59
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c0nv1ctah, thats plenty03:00
smurphyanyone knows how to downgrade firmware in here ??? :)03:00
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BluesKajanyone know the command to list the previous versions of xorg-xserver?03:00
VSpikeMy second gpg/kmail question: I've installed a key for the recipient in Kgpg but kmail won't use it to send.  It says "No valid and trusted key for recipient@xyzdomain.com".  It lists all my keys in the dialog with yellow ? on them.  When I select the key for the recipient, it turns into a red X on that key and disables the OK button03:01
VSpikeVSpike: why is that and how do i fix it?03:01
c0nv1ctVSpike: make that recipient a contact, and set the default key for that contact03:01
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smurphyHmmm... atheros drivers do not work anymore ...03:03
waylandbillBluesKaj: usually xorg.conf is overwritten. if you have a backup, it'd be useful to you.03:04
Greeneryso i'll just use the kubuntu installer with no problems?03:04
c0nv1ctsmurphy: did you forget to add some modules?03:04
smurphyconvict: I compiled it - using the config-file of 2.6.20 feisty as template. With all modules :)03:04
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c0nv1ctsmurphy: did you run makeconfig or xconfig to make sure all the necessary modules you need are in there?03:06
BluesKajwaylandbill: what's the command to get the xorg backup list?03:06
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conrad_how can i find what my graphics card is?03:06
smurphyc0nvict: Copied /etc/config-blabla to /usr/src/linux/.config - and ran make oldconfig - enabled all, and ran make-kpgk blabla03:06
VSpikec0nv1ct: it won't let me select the key there either - same behaviour.  Out of the keys in my list, the only one it would let me select would be my own.  It must be something to do with trust, I think, but I only have a nebulous understanding of how that works03:07
c0nv1ctsmurphy: hmm, i had trouble using an old config, and had to manually enable a few things03:07
VSpikec0nv1ct: in kgpg the only key with a green "trust" box is mine03:07
c0nv1ctsmurphy: but my config was from a 2.6.17 kernel03:07
smurphyyes - but the make-kpkg asked for missing stuff ...03:08
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waylandbillBluesKaj: couldn't say. never used it.03:08
c0nv1ctVSpike: in kgpg, right click and edit, and select trusted in the dropdown box03:08
BluesKajsudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf03:08
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VSpikec0nv1ct: it won't let me change "Trust", but it will let me change "Owner Trust".  I currently have it set at "Fully", but it makes no difference to the trust status of the key03:09
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VSpikec0nv1ct: ah ok, if I change it to "ultimate" then trust goes green.  So what does it all mean?03:09
c0nv1ctVSpike: try "Ultimately"03:09
c0nv1ctVSpike: i'm not sure on the exact meanings of each of those03:10
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VSpikeI've just never managed to get my head around it.  All the info I've found is either too fine detail or not detailed enough.03:11
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james_anyone here03:11
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smurphyah - it's a known issue ... So I leave it there...03:13
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BluesKajwaylandbill:  the command is cd /etc/X11 for the back up list03:13
james_how do I stop my X server. I'm trying to install Beryl and the command they give me to stop it doesn't work03:14
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c0nv1ctjames_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop or kdm stop03:14
soulriderjames_: when i installed beryl, i didnt have to stop it =/03:14
c0nv1ctsoulrider: if he is installing new drivers, he will need to :)03:14
james_I was using sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and it didn't work03:14
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c0nv1ctjames_: if you installed kubuntu, its kdm03:15
james_I did03:15
james_I'll go try that now03:15
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waylandbillBluesKaj: oh. I didn't know you wanted to just know the directory they were stored in. :)03:16
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waylandbillBluesKaj: but yes, they'll be stored in the same dir as the xorg.conf.03:17
omeil_hi how do i make java work on Konqueror?03:17
VSpikeThe other odd thing is that it won't show me the message content in "sent mail".  It says "Encrypted data not shown". Then "Decryption not possible" "Crypto plug-in "openpgp" could not decrpyt the data" "Error: bad passphrase"03:17
VSpikeStrange as it has never asked me for a passphrase03:18
c0nv1ctVSpike: you need to enable the gpg agent, it will then prompt you for your passcode, 1 sec for link03:18
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c0nv1ctVSpike: http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/61-Get-GPG-Decryption-working-within-Kmail.html03:18
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VSpikeThanks c0nv1ct03:22
pixelationThere is a very simple command line command lol... it forces a one time fsck, does anyone know it.03:22
c0nv1ctpixelation: tune2fs?03:23
pixelationit's the same as the 30 day... but you can force it on reboot.03:23
pixelationwhat is tune3fs?03:23
c0nv1ctit manages the 30 mounts per check at boot03:23
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pixelationoh great, I'll check it out.03:23
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frectomexwho know how to install a LEADTEK DTV 2000 H03:24
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smurphy_*lol* My different nicks mismatch :)03:25
pixelationI don't understand it :(... it's hilarious how I get around pretty savy on Kubuntu... but I'm really new to bash :-P03:25
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pixelationoh is it -interval d/w/m03:26
BluesKajok, i have the X11 file date that i want to go back to ..what's the command to make it work ?03:26
VSpikepixelation: there's always more to know :)03:26
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pixelationyes, I would be so screwed if I messed up this system.03:26
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pixelationtune2fs -[d]             <--------------03:27
c0nv1ctpixelation: you read the man pages?03:27
pixelationI don't read, cause I have really bad ADD, so I listen to audio books and stuff. :-/03:28
pixelationor I just learn by messing around.03:28
pixelationbut this system CANNOT be damaged lol03:28
c0nv1ctlearning by messing around is good, if you dont mind learning how to fix the stuff you break too :P03:28
pixelationhaha, true, I mean, people that are good with computers, most of the time just mess around with them... for 8 hours a day, like me LOL03:30
demiurgeI'm still at a loss on my earlier question but I think I have made the question more simple.  How in kde can I create a new file of a given type be it I want to create a folder, a block device or in my case a media folder of mime-type media/hdd_mounter?03:30
BluesKajc'mon you experts, how do i enable a backup xorg.conf file ?03:30
c0nv1ctpixelation: thats how i am too, but since I've started using VMware, i dont get so mad when i break stuff :)03:30
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demiurgeBluesKaj: Enable or create?03:30
pixelationmv xorg.conf xorg.conf_backup03:30
pixelationin the same dir.03:30
pixelationor ...03:31
pixelationsomething lol... that wouldn't work03:31
BluesKajenable, i have the file in my list /etc/X11 list, demiurge03:31
pixelationcp (copy maybe) to your desktop rename it.03:31
pixelationthen stick the back up file back in the dir.03:31
c0nv1ctBluesKaj: yeah, just make a copy of it, and change the name03:31
smurphy_Hmmm. Anyone knows how I get access to the sources of the linux restricted modules ???03:31
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c0nv1ctBluesKaj: whenever you edit a system conf file, copy it to whatever.conf.bak or something03:32
BluesKajI'm not in X , I'm a the tty prompt03:32
BluesKajI'm trying to get X to work03:32
c0nv1ctBluesKaj: use the 'cp' command then03:32
demiurgeBluesKaj: If you want to create a back up I would sudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf.bak, if you want to restore a backup, it's about the same sudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/x11/xorg.conf03:32
wouterhhi, I am having troubles with http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=124684 at directnet.dexia.be, is the patch removed from the kubuntu packages again?03:33
demiurgeBluesKaj: After you have the file you want to test in place, just type kdm and see what happens.03:33
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demiurgeWhy is it my questions always get reactions like I'm taking crazy pills...  :%03:36
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c0nv1ctyou question answers itself :P03:36
pixelationwhat is the command to make a file03:36
c0nv1ctpixelation: touch03:36
pixelationlol nooobalicious.03:36
pixelationok thx03:36
demiurgepixelation: What kind of file?03:37
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pixelationcan I just paste this very short tutorial, like no longer than a paragraph?03:37
c0nv1ctuse a pastebin03:37
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pixelationI think I figured it out, I'll be back if I'm wrong. :),... I have like a half backup of my system... I'm goin' for it! wish me luck :-P03:43
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jarleAdept tells me: "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem." But I can't seem to find apt-setup on my kubuntu system?03:47
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Jucato!adeptfix | jarle03:47
ubotujarle: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:48
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c0nv1ctjarle: when it says to run it in a terminal, you arent supposed to look in the menus :)03:48
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jarlec0nv1ct: :) apt-setup is not installed on my system...03:49
c0nv1ctthey may mean apt-config03:50
jarlec0nv1ct: THAT I have installed...03:50
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dromerok wtf, I just installed kiba-dock from this .deb and it's awefully buggie :S http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Edgy/kiba-dock_1.0-1_i386.deb03:50
jarleThe tip from ubotu did not solve it...03:51
c0nv1ctjarle: do you get errors when doing apt-get update ?03:51
Jucatojarle: you have Adept closed when you ran those commands right?03:51
jarlec0nv1ct: E: Malformed line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)03:52
jarlebetter have a look there...03:52
jarleguess Adept has corrupted it...03:52
c0nv1ctjarle: ah, your sources.list is broken, check what line 3 says03:52
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jarleJucato: jepp...03:52
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coreymon77jarle: are you using edgy?03:53
coreymon77jarle: because if you are, i can give you my sources.list, which is fully working03:53
jarlecoreymon77: yes, was just trying to update to the proposed kubuntu03:54
coreymon77jarle: oh, yo are trying to update to edgy03:54
coreymon77jarle: okay then03:54
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coreymon77jarle: here you go, this is my sources.list http://pastebin.ca/38981603:55
coreymon77replace yours with that03:55
coreymon77jarle: and then run sudo apt-get update03:55
omeilCan anyone here run runescape with konqueror?03:55
jarleseems to be working now after fixing a error in the sources.list03:55
coreymon77jarle: what was the error?03:55
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coreymon77jarle: does yours have the kde 3.5.6 repos on it too?03:56
jarlecoreymon77: deb http://www.albertomilone.com/drivers/dapper/legacy/32bit binary/03:56
jarlejust commented that out...03:56
coreymon77jarle: umm, if you want to upgrade to edgy, all of your repos have to be edgy ones03:56
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coreymon77jarle: that is a dapper repo03:57
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jarlecoreymon77: only edgy left now...03:58
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coreymon77jarle: can you put your sources.list on pastebin, just to make sure you have everything you should have03:58
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PoSHihi people03:58
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coreymon77PoSHi: hi03:59
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PoSHihi coreymon04:00
gnomefreakdromer: its a known upstream issue i will rebuild as soon as i hear back about the bugs04:00
PoSHii'm from the live cd, amazing, one cd, and after 4 minutes, i'm chatting here04:00
jarlecoreymon77: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10487/04:00
coreymon77PoSHi: i know, incredible aint it?04:01
Daisuke_Idocertainly something that OTHER os doesn't have - a nice little try before you commit to something :)04:02
coreymon77jarle: okay, i have a few things to update for your sources.list04:02
PoSHianyone knows how can i try xgl, not... aiglx? whit kubuntu?04:02
jarlecoreymon77: I'm good to go to do the https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade?04:02
coreymon77jarle: wait a sec04:02
coreymon77jarle: first, you need to change a few things04:03
jarleconsole: oki...04:03
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jarlecoreymon77: oki :)04:03
dromergnomefreak: ok, letme give you a screenshot of what I have atm04:03
coreymon77jarle: for one thing, the kde repo at the top of your list04:03
coreymon77jarle: change it from 355 to 35604:03
gnomefreakdromer: k04:03
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php-freakany one know of palces where I can support open source software, and they show my link on there site showing my company supported them?04:03
jarlecoreymon77: done..04:04
Daisuke_Idousing the live cd, i don't know exactly how you'd go about trying beryl/compiz, or even if you can, since it requires direct rendering, something that i believe only the binary drivers provide.  i could be wrong04:04
manchickenphp-freak: http://fsf.org has some sponsorship stuff.04:04
coreymon77jarle: next, enable the security universe repos at the bottom04:04
PoSHiyes... but i ve understand that... whit aigl you can emulate that04:05
coreymon77jarle: not really sure why they would be disabled04:05
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jarlecoreymon77: me neither (thnx for your help BTW...04:05
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coreymon77jarle: now a question, do you want the backports repos enabled?04:05
Daisuke_Idoi hadn't heard that04:06
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dromergnomefreak, this is what it looks like now http://alic.zapto.org/~dreamer/kiba-dock.png04:06
coreymon77jarle: because if you do, enable them, but if you dont want to you dont have to04:06
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jarlecoreymon77: which applications would that include?04:07
coreymon77jarle: and for the sercurity universe, did you enable both the deb and deb-src repos04:07
jarlecoreymon77: I did..04:07
gnomefreakdromer: does it do that everytime you use it?04:07
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dromerI followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268645&page=104:07
gnomefreakdromer: ok will look into it when i get home mondayish04:07
coreymon77jarle: its more like newer but possibly a little buggy versions of programs04:07
coreymon77jarle: its safe though04:08
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coreymon77jarle: what every you want04:08
gnomefreakdromer: you built it from cvs?04:08
dromeroh wait, no04:08
dromerI did do the remove and install from the guide though04:08
gnomefreakor from my site?04:08
coreymon77jarle: now, after enabling any repos you want to, save your sources.list file and run sudo apt-get update04:08
coreymon77jarle: then you are good to go04:08
dromerbut then I had tu use the .deb on your site04:08
dromerI tried the .deb before the updates first and it didn't work either then04:09
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gnomefreakdromer: edgy?04:09
dromerjust upgraded last night :)04:09
dromertrying beryl and now kiba04:09
gnomefreakdromer: did you try it before the beryl updates?04:10
gnomefreakit was working fine here i havent checked in a week or so04:10
dromerjust thought of it now04:10
dromerhm ok04:10
jarlecoreymon77: Thnx for your help, seems to be working fine, gotta finish the update later tonight..04:10
coreymon77jarle: great04:10
gnomefreaki have a feeling that the updates from beryl did something and maybe a quick rebuild will help but i will find out04:10
coreymon77jarle: so everythings good now?04:11
dromergnomefreak: hope it works out, I'd like something nice to go with my kde beryl ;)04:11
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coreymon77jarle: well, i have to go04:11
coreymon77jarle: hope you like edgy :D04:11
gnomefreakdromer: i will have pricechild update the sticky when im done with it04:11
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acetoxyHow long does it usually take for packages to be updated to new versions of software?04:14
acetoxyRuby 1.8.6 was released this monday. :)04:14
c0nv1ctacetoxy: compile it from source :)04:15
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acetoxyI feel more comfortable installing it as an Ubuntu-package. :)04:15
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smurphy_OK - had to compile the svn-version of the madwifi drives for kernel ... *grumbl*04:19
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wouterhacetoxy: since the version freeze for feisty is already passed, i guess the new ruby version will not be available before the ubuntu release after feisty04:20
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acetoxywouterh: Hm, :/04:21
BluesKajI wonder why X won't accept my monitor's native resolution 1280x960...it's permanently commented out in /etc/X11/xorg.conf...yet the option is there in xorg.conf xserver-xorg ...any ideas?04:21
wouterhacetoxy: maybe it will be available in feisty-backports earlier ...04:22
acetoxyI hope so. :)04:23
omeilcan any kubuntu people here run runescape on konqueror?04:23
Knightlustomeil: im running runescape on Firefox04:24
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=== Jucato runs+escapes from firefox....
Knightlusthaven't tried it out on Konqueror though04:25
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Knightlustcoz i really love firefox04:25
omeilits just that i noticed there is only a Java runescape client for linux so i though i should write one in VB for Unix systems but...konqueror is my only usable web browser and im having a hard time running java in it04:27
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omeilKnightlust: can u try runescape in konqueror?04:29
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iarwainhi there, does anyone know where i can learn some C ?04:30
iarwainor what programs i need?04:30
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Knightlustomeil: i'll try it out later. im on my herd5 partition and will take me about 20mins to install java04:30
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waylandbillJucato: if (runs&&escapes) { firefox(); }04:30
omeilah ok :D04:31
Knightlustill try it out right after i boot back to my main partition with java04:31
Knightlustwait, i'll try it out now.. but let me first download Java ok?04:31
Jucatowaylandbill: actually: if (firefox()) runs_and_escapes();04:31
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iarwainhi there, does anyone know where i can learn some C ? Or what programs i need?04:32
Jucatoiarwain: #ubuntu-programming or ##c04:32
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iarwainjucato, thanks!04:32
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waylandbillomeil: i've used runescape on konq in the past, but I think one java I used worked and the other didn't.04:32
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waylandbillthere's an #ubuntu-programming? hmm.04:33
omeilwaylandbill: seems like konq is fussy04:33
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Jucatowaylandbill: new one04:33
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esaymin amarok, what is the difference between "sync to media device" and "transfer to media device"04:34
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c0nv1ctwell, sync would syncronize, and transfer would transfer only04:36
Daisuke_Idokiba looks nice, but seems such a hassle, especially with kde04:37
esaymc0nv1ct:  errm I still don't get it04:37
c0nv1cti found kiba to be annoying04:37
omeilcan't seem to get runescape working on my client :(04:37
=== Jucato only likes the Kiba from Naruto...
Daisuke_IdoJucato: funny, because the physics engine underlying kiba is akamaru :D04:37
JucatoI know :)04:38
c0nv1ctesaym: to syncronize would only transfer what is missing on the device, compared to what is currently selected04:38
JucatoI mean, pretty obvious where he got the name from :D04:38
c0nv1ctesaym: to transfer, would just transfer everything04:38
Jucatobut as I'm not a fan of docks...04:38
Daisuke_Idoa little obvious, yeah04:38
Daisuke_Idoi *like* docks.  i just don't like that one04:38
esaymwell actually, I made a playlist in amarok, the files in the playlist already on the media device.  I just want to add the playlist to the media device (ipod)04:38
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Daisuke_Idoeven with beryl, it's TOO much.04:38
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esaymOh so it looks like sync would do the trick?04:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:39
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funpopcan k3b burn with several recorders at the same time ?04:40
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esaymah sync got it.  Thank you c0nv1ct04:41
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Jucatoomeil: have you installed sun-java6-bin? (that's the one Konqueror uses, not the -plugin)04:42
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omeilthat i haven't04:43
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omeilJucato: u have konq with java6?04:43
Knightlustayt, probably thats the reason why runscape wont work in konq04:43
Jucatoso how do you know that konq isn't liking java at all? :D04:43
Jucatoyes I have. want me to test a page or something?04:44
=== Jucato doesn't know runescape
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omeilna i need to send u a client over :) and see if it works through it04:44
LL_Hakaisoudoes anyone what progress has been made (if any) for an open source driver for the X1800?04:44
LL_Hakaisouvideo card i mean04:45
Knightlustwhat the! i cant install java on my herd504:45
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=== Knightlust checks on his sources.list
LL_Hakaisouwtf... i got no sound!04:46
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:46
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Vajkhi all04:56
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Vajkis there any shortcut for changing the keyboard layout (languages) ?04:58
JucatoVajk: you can set it up yourself in System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts04:59
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dromermm, I just got a message from firefox to update the dutch dictionary, but it says it's not compatible with and it will only take 2.0.0.* to 3.0a105:01
dromeris it the added . in Z05:01
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compilerwriterI am running my kubuntu box via XDCMP from my windows box.  I think I should be able to do that from more than one computer at a time, but I am not sure.  Can I get away with it provided I have the memory and cpu power?05:05
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VajkI had a small icon on my bar, somehow I made it dissappear, I may have delete the keyboard languages too, can you pls tell me how to add a new language fo the keyboard05:05
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JucatoVajk: what was that small icon for? and to add a new language: System Settings -> Regional and Language -> Keyboard Layouts05:06
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omeilhttp://files-upload.com/131473/UnixScape.tar.bz2.html can someone test if tha tworks only 5 kb :D05:07
Vajkfor the keyboard layout change (country flag)05:07
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JucatoVajk: that disappears if you only have one keyboard layout setup05:07
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james__question: I'm trying to install Beryl. When I ran the command to shut down the X server it shut down I think, but I was left with nothing...not even a functioning command prompt05:08
james__I could shoot commands at it, but it didn't do anything05:08
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chinodoes the live cd have x11vnc installed ?05:09
Jucatojames__: did you try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 again to return you to the command prompt?05:09
compilerwriterjames__ I am told that beryl is not yet ready for the inexperienced.  Have you tried rebooting?05:09
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compilerwriterWe have a Harry Potter fan in the house.05:10
omeili usually Ctrl+Alt+F1 then sudo reboot if that hapens05:10
james__I didn't try rebooting or hitting ctr+alt F1...and yeah I'm pretty inexperienced..so I might just leave it alone05:10
james__whats something to try out to help me get used to/learn linux05:11
|TheSpun|hey all, hoping someone might be able to shed some light on my problems :) finally managed to get the live cd to boot by adding pnpbios=off acpi=force to the bootcommand, installed, and now back to getting a kernel panic error05:11
Jucato!beryl | james__05:11
ubotujames__: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:11
jose__alguien que me pase a un enlace del chat en espaol05:11
omeiljames__: hows your gaming?05:11
compilerwriterJucato thanks for further explaining my suggestion.05:11
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Jucato!es | jose__05:11
ubotujose__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:11
jhutchinsjames__: http://tldp.org05:11
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omeiljames__: hmm you must be a different james :) i talked to the james that liked the GG client? is that you?05:12
Tigermanthis might be a silly question, but here goes.. I have been running RedHat with Kerio Mailserver.. Is there anything similar to kerio that run on kubuntu? (Preferrably free, of course)05:12
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test_dose any one eles have probls with wine on ubuntu 64?05:12
jhutchinsTigerman: Never heard of kerio, I'm familiar with postfix and sendmail.05:12
omeiljames__: some gaming client :)05:12
c0nv1cttest_: i was able to get some things to work in wine with 64bit05:13
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compilerwriterHey Jucato I should be able to xdcmp more than one xsession at a time should I not?05:13
test_i tryed to install it but i haveing probs. but im a newbe to linux so i dont know if it's me05:13
Jucatocompilerwriter: no clue :)05:13
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Tigermanjhutchins: lets just say that installing the kerio rpm removed all the manual labour of postfix/sendmail :p05:13
c0nv1cttest_: if you are new to linux, i wouldnt suggest using the 64bit version, it requires a bit more work05:13
jhutchinsTigerman: There are some groupware projects as well, but I'm not too familiar with them.05:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:14
jhutchinsTigerman: If there's an rpm available there should be a deb, or at the very least you could use alien to install it.05:14
compilerwriterok.  Guess I will just give it a shotl.05:14
test_well i was able to install it fine. just cant get wine to work.05:14
c0nv1cttest_: installing isnt hard, its getting some things to work is that hard part05:14
|TheSpun|i'm pretty sure my problem is with my new msi mobo05:14
test_is suse better05:14
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test_or gentoo?05:15
Tigermanjhutchins: mkay.. But I think kerio got greedy and want money for it as well now.. (or did I even buy a license??)05:15
c0nv1cttest_: 64bit is 64bit, i dont think a different distro will make things any different05:15
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jhutchinsInteresting, the only versions of RedHat they support are obsolete and unsupported.05:16
c0nv1cttest_: unless you really need to run a 64bit OS, i sugguest you use 32bit to make your experience much less frustrating05:16
jhutchins... for Fedora anyway.05:16
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jhutchinsTigerman: If they've licensed an Outlook/Exchange connector they'll have to charge money for it.05:16
MarcC_how do I suppress the splash screen on boot so I can see console messages? is there a key to press that does this?05:17
|TheSpun|anybody able to offer any suggestions?05:17
jhutchinsTigerman: Novell was supposedly working on an Open Groupware product - if you can put up with Novell.05:17
VajkI can't see any keyboard layouts in Configure and the keyboard model is blank05:18
jhutchinsTigerman:  Zimbra, Kolab, Hula, Open Xchange and OpenGroupware,05:18
jhutchinsTigerman: google open source groupware05:19
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czesterHello, maybe here...05:19
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Tigermanthanks, i will05:19
czesterI need ubuntu not to lock screen on resume. I'm using KDE05:19
czesterIs this possible?05:20
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jhutchinsTigerman: If you just need mail though, postfix is pretty easy, although sendmail's easy for me, add squirrelmail for web access, set up an ical server.05:20
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c0nv1ctczester: right click desktop, click configure desktop, select screensaver, uncheck "require password to stop"05:20
Tigermanjhutchins: basically i need a working pop3/smtp mail server with as many accounts as i wish to set up :p05:20
czesterc0nv1ct: In KDE?05:20
james__question: i'm going through the Kubuntu Guide thing and its talking about games from the Universe Repository. I enabled the repository, but it doesn't give instructions on how to install the games after that05:20
|TheSpun|i've now decided i hate upgrading my hardware heh05:21
c0nv1ctczester: if you are talking about locking after the screensaver, yes05:21
czesterc0nv1ct: After suspend05:21
test_c0nv1ct: wich is the best to use 32bit to use where you can change the shell (like kde i think) eazy. im used to microsoft. and a new be in linux so i get lost eazy05:21
jhutchinsTigerman: Postfix is easier to do virtual mail with, dovecot is becoming the standard pop server (it's a bitch to set up though).05:21
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czesterc0nv1ct: I don't use screensaver.05:21
jhutchinsTigerman: You should be aware of #ubuntu-server, although it's low traffic.05:21
c0nv1cttest_: i dont understand what you are asking05:21
czesterc0nv1ct: I turn my machine to sleep. Then after resume screen is locked with password05:22
Tigermanhmm.. ill try that chan too :)05:22
c0nv1ctczester: i'm not sure where to set that05:22
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test_what type of liunx is eazys to change the shell (kde skins)  like in windows  it would be windows blinds05:22
czesterc0nv1ct: I've tried /etc/default/acpi-support but it doesn't give any results05:23
czester# LOCK_SCREEN=true05:23
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czesterI got this commented out but it still locks the screen05:23
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c0nv1ctczester: have you tried setting it to false instead of commenting it out?05:24
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czesterc0nv1ct: Yep, still nothing05:24
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c0nv1ctczester: i'm not sure, i dont use the sleep/hibernate feature, and if i did, i'd want it to lock anyway :)05:26
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czesterc0nv1ct: It's like noone else uses my computer and it's faster than boot05:26
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grotheskWhere is the alsa config file located in kubuntu?05:27
grotheskI need the equivalent to suses /etc/modprobe.d/sound05:27
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c0nv1ctczester: i dont even turn mine off :)05:28
czesterc0nv1ct: I have to make it look not running ;-)05:29
austrojediis it possible to change the alignment of the close/maximize/minimize-buttons?05:29
space_ninjahow do I get the menu back in konversation irc client05:29
Jucatoaustrojedi: System Settings -> Appearance -> Window Decorations -> Buttons tab (the tab at the top)05:29
Jucatospace_ninja: Ctrl+M05:29
austrojedijucato: thanks05:30
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spark_hi everyone05:32
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heyulist *ubuntu*05:37
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allen84ushow to set default email client at kubuntu ?05:42
allen84usanyone exp this b4 ?05:43
allen84usi prefer my thunderbird as my default client05:43
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allen84usbut the kmail keep on appearing05:43
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allen84ushow to set default email client at kubuntu ?05:44
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_al_someone using 64-bit kubuntu and skype?05:46
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_eMaX_why is it that a printer that I configure with kdeprint is not visible via lpq; or else if I have a printer that I create using kdeprint, how can I print to it from the command line equivalent to lpr -p queuename?05:47
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dromerhow can I make beryl-manager autostart?05:51
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fdoving!autostart | dromer05:52
ubotudromer: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.05:52
dromerah, yes I found how to do it already, didn't work before (dragging from the kmune into ~/.kde/Autostart )05:53
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steveireI think my kde locale may be set to en_US how do I check/set it to en.GB?05:54
spark_hi evryone05:55
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spark_hmhm anyone has a clue about how to configure alsa to send a 5.1 signal?05:57
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bxnpguys i have a kubuntu live cd, i want to use it and put my home dir on a usb stick is that possible06:06
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bxnpso that i have all my documents and settings when i boot from the kubuntu live cd06:06
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spark_i know (form knoppix) that it IS possible. but please don't me ask how. sry06:07
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stdinbxnp: do you just want a copy of your home dir, or do you want to move it?06:08
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bxnpstdin: i am now on a live cd, but when i reboot its forgets my settings06:09
bxnpso i was wondering if i can put the home dir on my usb stick06:09
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bxnpthis leaves allso some space in my ram06:09
stdinbxnp: ahh, I think you can, let me just digg up the page for that06:09
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bxnpi need this sollution becuase my hd broke down, and it will be a week orso before i buy a new one06:10
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TheGateKeeperbxnp,  I would have though all you need to do is modify your fstab & make sure your usb stick is connected on boot up06:10
BluesKajbxnp, how much ram will you save06:10
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:11
bxnpwell everything that it loads in into ram for the settings06:11
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bxnpyes but in the fstab of the live cd home is not a different partition06:12
stdinbxnp: how big is the usb drive?06:12
bxnpmy drive is 51206:12
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bxnpbut i will dedicate something like 128 mb to the home dir, just enough to have my most important docs and settings06:12
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stdinbxnp: here you go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence06:14
bxnpcool let me dive into it06:15
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stdinbxnp: the page talks about 6.06, but it may work on 6.10 (and newer) too06:16
bxnpyes i figured that06:17
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VajkI must have screwed really bad my keyboard language settings, when I try to add a new language on the Configuration Panel everything's blank06:23
VajkI can't see any languages as I see in the help file06:23
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Vajkany of you knows a solution for it ?06:24
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LeeJunFanVajk: I think you can run console-setup from inside a shell to setup your languages. Otherwize maybe it's a locales issue.06:27
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf06:28
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Vajkthanks, I'll try that06:28
ScribbleJNot sure this is the right place to ask; I installed xubuntu via debootstrap, then installed konqueror using apt, and my "tools" menu is blank.  Any idea how to fix that?06:28
ScribbleJI figure #kubuntu because it's konqueror...06:29
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BluesKajkubuntu is kde desktop06:30
BluesKajScribbleJ,  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:31
ScribbleJI bet that would fix it, Blues, but I was hoping for something a little more specific.06:31
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BluesKajwhich 'tools" are you referring to ScribbleJ ?06:32
ScribbleJIn Konqueror, when surfing the web, there's a "tools" menu, and under it, an option to change the browser identification.06:32
LeeJunFanScribbleJ: maybe they are part of konq-plugins ?06:32
soulriderhi everyone06:33
ScribbleJLeeJunFan - I will try that package, thanks.06:33
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LeeJunFanScribbleJ: yeah, that looks like the one.06:34
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ScribbleJLeeJunFan, you were correct.  Thank you.06:36
BluesKajwhynot just use the browser you want konq to ID as ?06:36
LeeJunFanScribbleJ: don't forget to install your language pack when installing from debootstrap so you don't get those annoying locale messages from dpkg/apt too :)06:37
ScribbleJOh boy, tell me about it.06:37
ScribbleJI could have used that advice a month ago when I did it.06:37
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ScribbleJI've been missing my tools for a while. :)06:37
ScribbleJI figured out the language one on my own though.06:37
=== BluesKaj doesn't "get it" ??
LeeJunFanhaha! Yeah, I do debootstrap installs a lot for our library. It's all thick client / NFS, lots of "fun" stuff to learn when doing it that way.06:38
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ScribbleJYeah... I like debootstrap -- very helpful in certain situations.  I also use it for setting up Xen VMs and creating ISO or USB installs.06:39
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ScribbleJIn this case though I just wanted to update to edgy without losing my dapper install.06:39
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amaanrhow do i do a sudo command in kubuntu06:45
c0nv1ctkdesu for the GUI06:45
ScribbleJOpen a terminal?06:45
abattoiramaanr: 'sudo command' :)06:45
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c0nv1ctor sudo works in a terminal06:45
abattoiramaanr: same as in ubuntu(i'm presuming) for kde apps of course, 'kdesu app'06:45
amaanri tried it said invalid command06:45
c0nv1cti'm having trouble with the 'sensors' command, all i get is "General parse error" and i followed the howto to get it working :\06:46
abattoiramaanr: which command are you trying to use sudo with?06:46
ScribbleJamaanr, what exactly are you trying to do?  Maybe you mistyped something?06:46
amaanrsudo kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/options06:46
amaanrim trying to edit that file06:46
abattoiramaanr: aah, remove sudo there06:46
amaanroh ok let me try06:47
abattoiramaanr: kdesu is pretty much sudo for kde apps06:47
c0nv1ctyeah, kdesu does the same as sudo, you dont need to use them both06:47
ScribbleJEither kdesu or sudo, not both.06:47
abattoiramaanr: just like gksudo is for gnome(i think)06:47
amaanroh i see06:47
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amaanrthank you it worked :)06:47
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:50
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo06:50
jhutchinsWe need an op to add the gui warning to !sudo06:50
stdinjhutchins: you can add it, then it will be sent to #ubutnu-ops for review06:51
stdinjhutchins: or just ask in #ubuntu-ops06:51
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jhutchinsstdin: Thank you.06:51
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amaanrhow do i set startup apps (beryl) on kubuntu?07:08
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.07:08
amaanrhow do i get to that?07:09
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stdinamaanr: get to what?07:09
stdinamaanr: just type "~/.kde/Autostart" in konqueror (~/ means your home directory, so the directory is .kde/Autostart in your home dir)07:10
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amaanrstdin, so i just copy and paste the app in that dir?07:12
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stdinamaanr: just make a link, right click, choose create new... -> Link to application...07:13
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amaanrstdin, thanks07:14
stdinyou're welcome07:14
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arAnyone knows the entry  @ sources to install xorg-dev ?07:18
stdinar: it's in main07:18
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arstdin, hmm strange i cant get it with apt.07:21
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stdinar: check your sources, it's definitely in main07:22
arok, i will do. did you know the source entry for xorg-dev - so that i can add it, if its not in the sources.list ?07:23
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stdinar: it'll be something like "deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main" (replace xx with your country code, and replace edgy for your version if not using edgy)07:26
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arok many thanx for the help, now i got some things to search.07:29
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frojndhello guys... I have problem! I have running 2 apaches, how can I only to have running one? can someone help me07:35
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stdinfrojnd: is it apache and apache2 by any chance?07:36
frojndstdin: yes07:36
|waylandbill|I've found that the init script for apache doesn't get removed.07:37
frojndcouse I have installed 2 apaches, 1)xampp with wine 2)apache with apt-get install apache...07:37
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stdinfrojnd: just remove one of them to stop that, you can just do "sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop" in the meantime (to stop apache and leave apache2)07:37
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|TheSpun|hey all, hoping someone might be able to shed some light on my problems :) finally managed to get the live cd to boot by adding pnpbios=off acpi=force to the bootcommand, installed, and now back to getting a kernel panic error07:41
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stdin|TheSpun|: are the same options in your installed /boot/grub/menu.lst ?07:42
stdinwhois |TheSpun|07:42
soulrider|TheSpun|: no idea, i never had any problems witht he live CD, i have a couple of suggestions though07:43
|TheSpun|stdin: i have no clue, pretty new to linux07:43
soulrider|TheSpun|: maybe you could ty installing from the alternate CD07:43
soulrider|TheSpun|: youre installing right?07:43
soulriderir did you compile your own kernel ?07:43
|TheSpun|tried that as well soulrider, same errror :)07:43
|TheSpun|and yes i am installing07:43
soulriderwell what i would try07:43
soulrideras horrible as it may sound07:44
|TheSpun|from what i can gather it relates to the mobo07:44
soulriderwould be installing from windows :P07:44
soulrideri see07:44
soulriderbut did you managed to get it installed?07:44
|TheSpun|i did yeah with those options in the bootcommand line, but it won't boot now, so guessing the answer to the earlier question is they're not in the boot list07:45
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soulrideri see, so kubuntu is in your HD you just cant boot07:45
soulriderits kinda easy to repair it actually i think07:45
|TheSpun|yup that's where i'm at07:45
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|TheSpun|knoppix worked fine from the live cd, someone told me to try it last night as a test07:46
soulriderahh ok, youre using the live CD now ?07:46
|TheSpun|nope this is my laptop07:46
soulriderwhat you need to do is this07:46
soulriderboot on that computer07:46
soulriderand edit the grub menu to add the option that helped you boot07:46
soulriderdo you get to see grub?07:46
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soulriderpress e to edit07:47
soulriderand add the option that allowed you to boot07:47
soulriderand then press b to boot07:47
|TheSpun|ok one sec let me reboot the desktop07:47
|TheSpun|ok hit e07:48
soulridercan you edit the first line ?07:48
|TheSpun|add those options to the kernel line?07:48
soulrideradd it at the end07:48
soulriderand cross your fingers :P07:48
soulriderafter youre done editing07:48
soulriderpress enter and then b to boot07:48
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|TheSpun|hit boot07:49
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|TheSpun|woot i have splash screen :)07:49
soulriderif it boots, were gonna make the changes permanent07:49
|TheSpun|cool. might be a stupid question, but is it worth getting updates as there's an updated kernel in the ones i'll need to download07:50
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soulriderlets do this though07:51
stdinyeah, the updates are worth it, most are security updates07:51
zeekstarrcan anyone explain how I can setup WPA-PSK on my kubuntu 6.10 laptop?07:51
|TheSpun|this is a reinstall as i got a new mobo+processor last night heh07:51
soulrideradd that option and then update07:51
soulriderbecause once it updates, its gonna break again07:51
soulrider|TheSpun|: open a console07:51
soulridernow type07:52
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soulridersudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst07:52
stdinzeekstarr: never done it myself, but look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo/Kubuntu07:52
|TheSpun|k got that07:52
zeekstarrthanks stdin, looking now07:52
soulriderok, now scroll down until you find the lines07:53
soulriderthat allow you to boot07:53
soulrider|TheSpun|: ill be back in 30 seconds, hold on07:53
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|TheSpun|all good07:53
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hellcattravhey all07:54
hellcattravWhen I logged on i found the grub worked but the login, the screen didn't fit my display, I had to scroll to the edges to see all of my desktop. I have tried restarted X, that didn't work, after that I ran the X config in the command line, and then restarted, that also didn't work. At some point I also went into kmenu--> system settings--> monitor and display---> monitor 1, configure, but that again doesn't help.07:54
hellcattravEverytime i logged out to restart X or typed in thecommand line, a black screen came up with an underscore blinking in theupper left hand corner. I then turned the laptop off my holding downthe power button, this occurred each time i tried to restart X, beforeit booted into the text based format.07:54
hellcattravAfter doing the above, on boot once instead of the GUI, its a text based format, and I don't know:07:54
hellcattravA)what I did,07:54
hellcattravB)how I did it(holding the power button to turn it off perhaps?) and07:54
hellcattravC) what do to now.07:54
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soulrider|TheSpun|: did you find the lines you have to edit?07:55
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stdindon't forget to edit the "# kopt=..." line too07:55
|TheSpun|yup i added them as well07:56
soulridersave and then update07:56
soulridernow, when you isntall a new kernel, it will not boot07:56
soulrideryou will have to use an older kernel that will boot (since you justa dded the boot options)07:56
|TheSpun|so i have to boot in old one and do taht again right07:56
soulriderand then edit the grub list again to add the options to the new kernel07:56
|TheSpun|cool :)07:57
soulrideryou got the whole process?07:57
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soulridertheres allways someone here that can help you anyways07:57
soulridergood luck with your linux system :P07:57
|TheSpun|i'm getting my head round the whole kubuntu thing now... had been using it for about a month07:57
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|TheSpun|but this whole issue with the new mobo completely lost me heh07:57
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soulrideryeah, it would make me go nuts too!07:58
soulriderkubuntu is wonderful! =D07:59
waylandbillnot booting will make  anyone loopy07:59
hellcattravnot when its text based07:59
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soulriderquestion for everyone: dont you get all excited when there are updates? :P08:01
soulrideri allways do, dunno why08:01
|TheSpun|yeah i really like kubuntu08:01
|TheSpun|and yeah i get all excited about updates still too lol08:01
|TheSpun|i love my little icons :P08:02
kristjan_excited? no, only new features get me excited08:02
soulriderim gonna try the edgy -> feisty upgrade08:02
soulriderwish me luck ! :P08:02
kristjan_but it's only alpha08:02
|TheSpun|stupid question from me time, when am i likely to see kubuntu supporting my new mobo?08:03
soulrider|TheSpun|: no idea, its more of a linux kernel issue i guess rather than a kubuntu issue08:03
soulriderbut im just guessing08:03
kristjan_e.g. I like "New Icon Launch Effect" in feisty fawn, cute08:03
|TheSpun|so in theory always possible that with the kernel update i'm downloading it might be fixed?08:03
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soulrideri got disconnected08:04
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stdin|TheSpun|: it's not kubuntu that doesn't support your mobo, it's your mobo that doesn't suppoet linux, that is, it used non-standard interfaces and you have to add options to the kernel for it to ignore those quirks08:04
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|TheSpun|stdin: fair nuff, any idea why knoppix would boot ok though?08:05
stdindiffernet kernel versions probably08:05
=== |TheSpun| nods
|TheSpun|ok cool :)08:05
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c0nv1ctdoes anyone know if i need a kernel module to get HDD S.M.A.R.T. working?08:10
c0nv1ctit tells me my HDD is not capable of it, but i know for a fact it is08:11
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stdinc0nv1ct: maybe you need smartmontools08:13
ubotusmartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.36-6ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 620 kB08:13
crubeI need a little help. I need to rescale a big amount of pictures, and I need a way to do it fast and easy. Can gimp do this, or do I need another program for it?08:13
c0nv1ctyeah, i installed it, didnt help any :)08:13
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c0nv1ctmaybe i didnt setup smartmontools right08:14
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stdincrube: I'd use convert08:14
RealisticDragonevening @:)08:14
stdincrube: part of the imagemagick package08:15
RealisticDragoni filled a bug against convert... i tried convert Water Wine and it didnt work :( most dissapointing08:15
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crubestdin:  Yeah, I've used it, but I have no idea how to use it to rescale08:15
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SagaciousKJBQuick queston here: Is there a GUI front-end for mkfs, or just some way in Kubuntu to format a drive?  The syntax for mkfs is driving me mad08:16
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PupenoRSagaciousKJB: mkfs.ext3 /dev/devicename or mkfs.reiserfs /dev/devicename (I don't know about a gui, qtparted maybe).08:17
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SagaciousKJBSorry, I forgot to specify I'm trying to format something to fat3208:17
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SagaciousKJBmkfs -v -t fat32 /dev/sda1  (with or without blocks specified) gives me this error :mkfs.ext2: invalid blocks count - /dev/sda108:18
stdincrube: have a look at "convert --help" and especially at the -scale part08:18
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crubeYyeah I'm on it. Thanks.08:19
Satandawghey any women want ta chat08:19
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PupenoRSagaciousKJB: that seems like the partition is no made or something like that. I also don't like the fact that it is invoking mkfs.ext2.08:20
PupenoRSagaciousKJB: try qtparted.08:20
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SagaciousKJBYeah, that's what I'm doing.08:20
_spazhuge problems with apt-get08:20
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BluesKajhmm, just installed the vers of FF , but now links in T-bird won't launch FF .... any ideas?08:21
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wouterhSagaciousKJB: try apt-get install mtools and then use mformat to format in fat3208:21
Satandawghey wats goin' on?08:21
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wouterhSagaciousKJB: hmm, that seems to be for floppies only08:22
_spazi did sudo dpkg --configure -a08:22
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_spazand sudo apt-get -f install08:22
frojndwhat packages do I have to isntall for php working on my apache08:22
stdinfrojnd: libapache2-mod-php5 maybe?08:23
hellcattravhey all is opensuse any good?08:23
_spazwrong place to ask hellcattrav08:23
_spazimo no08:24
stdin_spaz: have you tried "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libapache2-mod-php5" ?08:24
_spazi'm not installing apache08:24
RealisticDragonopensuse is pretty competent - depends what you would like to do08:24
stdin_spaz: past error, libgnomevfs2-common instead of apache :P08:24
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_spazyes, i tried that stdin08:25
hellcattravyeah but if i ask in an opensuse channel about kubuntu id get the same answer08:25
stdin_spaz: same error?08:25
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hellcattravoh well08:25
_spaz  libgnomevfs2-common: Depends: gnome-mime-data but it is not going to be installed08:26
_spazE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:26
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_spazand i tried to install gnome-mime0data08:26
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:26
_spazmy adept is fine08:26
_spazbut i have two libs to uninstall/reinstall that depend on each other08:26
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PhilosophyNinjaso I'm reading through the Kubuntu Guide and its talking about games like Frozen Bubbles and PEnguin Racer08:27
PhilosophyNinjahow do I get those installed08:27
stdin_spaz: what about "sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo dpkg -i $(ls /var/cache/apt/archives/|grep libgnomevfs2-commo)" ?08:27
PhilosophyNinjaI've activated the Universe repositories08:28
PhilosophyNinjabut can't figure out how to install them from there08:28
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stdinit's in the repos08:28
stdinjust install with adept08:28
_spaztriyng aptitude08:28
stdin!info frozen-bubble08:28
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 356 kB08:28
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)08:29
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stdinPhilosophyNinja: planetpenguin-racer is the name of the other game08:29
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_spazstdin: trying things you suggested08:29
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mark__How do I change the desktop fonts in KDE? Their currently black and not very visible with a wallpaper08:30
_spazgah O_o08:30
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_spazdidn't work08:30
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stdinmark__: System Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts08:31
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stdin_spaz: what was the error that time?08:31
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_spazsame thing >_>08:31
_spazdpkg: error processing libgnomevfs2-common_2.16.1-0ubuntu7_all.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory08:32
_spazErrors were encountered while processing: libgnomevfs2-common_2.16.1-0ubuntu7_all.deb08:32
_spazwhen i did that autoclean one08:32
stdin_spaz: ahh, that's probably mu fault then :P08:32
stdin_spaz: what about "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/$(ls /var/cache/apt/archives/|grep libgnomevfs2-commo)" ?08:33
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stdin_spaz: it may work better that the one before08:33
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_spazstdin: didn't work08:38
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zorglu_q. i run edgy and amarok keeps complaining about not be able to play mp3, any hint on a possible fix ?08:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:39
_spazmethinks i may have fixed it08:39
_spazi uncommented a repository i removed before08:39
stdin_spaz: ahh, which one?08:39
_spazdon't remember08:40
_spazdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted08:40
_spazi added that to get the new kernel08:40
stdin_spaz: feisty?08:40
_spazno, edgy08:40
_spazbut i accidentally did apt-get upgrade08:40
zorglu_stdin: i already got libxine-extracodec installed08:40
_spazit worked fine for a while08:41
stdinbad idea to add a feisty repo, on an edgy install08:41
_spazprobably was08:41
_spazit was fine before though08:41
waylandbillyeah. very bad idea.08:41
=== _spaz should have just waited for the new kernel
waylandbillwould cause dependency issues up the wazoo!08:41
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_spazshould i just convert all my repos into feisy ones?08:42
waylandbillI'd of rolled my own kernel before that. :-O08:42
_spazwell it was a while ago08:42
_spazi had just started >_>08:42
_spazi realize now that that was dumb; that's why i commented it out08:43
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zorglu_q. anybody suceed to get mp3 reading from amarok on edgy ?08:43
zorglu_ok so it is just me :)08:44
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RealisticDragonsec, trying to think back08:44
RealisticDragonand this is on PPC too so it must have been easy or it wouldnt have worked ;08:44
stdindid you restart amarok after installing libxine-extracodecs ?08:44
zorglu_stdin: well i got it installed already08:44
RealisticDragonit was a few months ago, just checking what i actually installed08:44
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RealisticDragonyeah, i have libxine-extracodecs installed08:45
zorglu_stdin: i mean i didnt install it today, it was install long ago, and doing apt-get install just say 'already newest'08:45
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linxehis there any way to change the spacing of widgets in KDE ? eg the menus ? they look so cluttered :o08:45
stdinzorglu_: have mp3s ever worked in amarok for you?08:45
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zorglu_stdin: yes, but last time i remember was before i updated from dapper08:46
stamenwho can recomend me a plug-in or program which is a clock, and I can embed it when I watch movies08:46
stdinlinxeh: middle click & drag08:46
mrbrdois there ANY decent audio file editor for Linux? i tried just about everything and no program supports mixing two .wav files together? what the..08:46
stamenI want to see what is the time when I am watching08:46
stdinmrbrdo: audacity ?08:46
_spazhow good is feisty?08:46
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stamenlets say that I use mplayer to watch movies08:47
mrbrdostdin: isn't that a player only?08:47
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Leecherhi. does anyone use ktorrent via ktshell ?08:47
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stdinmrbrdo: heh, no it's not08:47
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_spazwould it be a better idea just to reinstall?08:47
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linxehstdin: over a menu item? and the spacing of all menus will then change ?08:47
mrbrdoah nvm that was audacious08:47
stamenLeecher: I use ktorrent08:47
mrbrdookay i'll try it, will see soon08:47
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pollyoAnyone familiar with Guarddog?  Do you need to run a firewall on Linux?08:48
stdinmrbrdo: as long as you move other applets out of the way08:48
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stdinlinxeh:  as long as you move other applets out of the way08:48
stdinsorry mrbrdo, wasn't for you :P08:48
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linxehstdin: err, applets? I mean the application menus - eg File, Edit etc - the items on them are far too close together, and it looks tiring08:49
stdinpollyo: you don'y need one with a default install, only when you are running services, like ssh, samba, etc08:49
stdinlinxeh: ahh, didn't get that08:49
=== _spaz updates to feisty and takes a massive gamble
pollyostdin: Ok.  Thank you.08:50
stdinlinxeh: not sure, maybe ask in #kde08:50
linxehstdin: I guess it is likely to be a big job to change it :o08:50
linxehyeah, ok :)08:50
zorglu_q. is there any kde audio player except amarok ?08:50
RealisticDragonill be installing feisty when i get my new shiney macbook pro next month :)08:50
RealisticDragonzorglu_: have you tried mp3s in mplayer to check it works at all?08:50
stdin!players | zorglu_08:50
ubotuzorglu_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:50
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pollyoI was looking at Kopete and noticed that it supports many different systems is it as comlete as gaim?  I didn't see Yahoo Chat rooms in Kopete.08:51
zorglu_RealisticDragon: you mean the files in themself ?08:51
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RealisticDragonmp3 playback08:51
zorglu_hmm maybe juk08:51
mrbrdostdin: audacity doesn't detect any sound devices, how can i set it to alsa or oss or something?08:51
zorglu_RealisticDragon: mplayer is able to read the mp3 i try to give to amarok, unsucessfully :)08:52
zorglu_~info juk08:52
zorglu_!info juk08:52
ubotujuk: music organizer and player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 764 kB, installed size 1936 kB08:52
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stdinmrbrdo: Ctrl-P (to open preferences)08:52
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mrbrdoyeah i already did that, but i couldn't find any such setting08:53
mrbrdothe device dropdowns are empty and that's about it08:53
zorglu_q. should i reinstall from scractch to get mp3 reading ?08:53
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mrbrdostdin: and how can you mix two files together here? :S08:54
zorglu_thinking about it, install from scratch doesnt provide mp3 at all :)08:54
zorglu_maybe with the linspire deal...08:54
RealisticDragonim sorry zorglu_, im no expert on mp3 libraries :/ but rather than doing that id suggest essentially a do-over of the mp3 installation guide (remove then reinstall everything it asks for )08:54
PupenoRHow do I make the md5sum of a (real) CD?08:54
zorglu_RealisticDragon: the issue is more into amarok not reporting the error in my view08:55
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stdinmrbrdo: try "sudo modprobe snd-seq-oss snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss" then restart audacity, to mix files, just go to Project -> Import audio08:56
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mrbrdoFATAL: Error inserting snd_seq_oss (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/seq/oss/snd-seq-oss.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter08:56
mrbrdosame for snd_seq08:56
mrbrdoi'm running a 64bit kernel08:57
stdinmrbrdo: do you have /dev/dsp ?08:57
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mrbrdosound is working otherwise :)08:58
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stdinmrbrdo: it should work with oss then.08:59
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stdinmrbrdo: if you do "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" do you hear "noise" ?08:59
mrbrdobut it doesn't :) and snd_oss doesn't load because of that error08:59
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stdinmrbrdo: Ctrl-C to stop it09:00
mrbrdostdin: no, since the device is busy09:00
stdinmaybe artsd is blocking it09:00
mrbrdoyes, and why not?09:00
mrbrdoare you suggesting i should stop all other sound when using audacity?09:00
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stdinmrbrdo: with oss, yes, you have to09:01
zorglu_hue juk is even worst, it doesnt not say anything when it fails. not even a 'can  play file but wont give the reason' stuff like amarok :)09:01
mrbrdowhat about alsa-oss09:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:01
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:01
compilerwriter2Jucato you in?09:01
zorglu_what are the non-buggy one ?09:01
zorglu_is there a list ?09:01
stdinmrbrdo: never tried it, as it doesn't work with my sound card09:01
mrbrdooh ok09:02
mrbrdowe'll i'm just going to reboot brb09:02
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zorglu_maybe it is somewhere in xine, kaffeine is bugged too :)09:02
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RealisticDragonsounds like a codec problem indeed09:03
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compilerwriter2Ok guys I need some info here.  I do the XDCP thing on one windows box via xming.  I am on another windows box and trying to use xming but the catch is that it is as 64 bit chipset.  Could that be causing a wrinkle in things?  What do I need to do to get it to work, if that is my problem?09:04
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zorglu_RealisticDragon: the kaffeine issue is like 'when you first launch it after a boot, it will freeze for ever, but if you kill it and relaunch it, it works'09:05
zorglu_RealisticDragon: i know other people got this one too, any clue on how to fix this one ?09:05
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ubuntu_i just wanted to install from desktop cd and did a cd check first....it seemed to give an ok for everzthing aside froma casper file szstem thingz or something alike...that gave me a mismatch09:06
ubuntu_is this normal  behaviour for some reason or should i be worried?09:06
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RealisticDragonthe cdcheck should end up with no errors at all09:06
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ubuntu_oh just great09:06
RealisticDragonitll probably still work but if you have a spare cheap CDR around id burn another copy, sorry09:07
ubuntu_so what do i do now....there shouldnt be any big issues with burning a cd09:07
ubuntu_i dont know what i could do differently this time09:07
RealisticDragondid you check that the download was ok?09:08
ubuntu_i got another cd but its of the same type09:08
ubuntu_RealisticDragon: by a hashcheck you mean?09:08
RealisticDragonyeah, the download should have a md5sum on the page... you can get a md5 utility for windows http://www.irnis.net/gloss/md5sum-windows.shtml here09:09
compilerwriter2act 109:09
ubuntu_i never did hashchecks for anythuing to be true09:09
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ubuntu_jeebus...no whater which part of a pc i touch it goes wrong...even burning an install cd09:09
RealisticDragonme either i have been taking chances on linux installed for 9 years and never had one fail yet even with dirt cheap CDs :) must be lucky09:09
ubuntu_RealisticDragon:  there you go im just cursed09:10
ubuntu_computers hate me09:10
RealisticDragonif you will still have a spare machine (with a CD burner!) after you install ubuntu on one then give it a go error or not i guess... if its your main machine do nothing until you have checked on the bugs :)09:10
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ubuntu_ok....im gonna do a hashcheck then burn at a slower speed if that doesnt fix it i cant helpi it and just have to install it and live with my curse09:11
RealisticDragongood luck :) come back and tell us how it went09:11
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ubuntu_RealisticDragon: what do you mean with giving it a go error...sorry english is not my native language09:12
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RealisticDragontry it anyway, even with the problem09:13
RealisticDragonunless its your only pc09:13
RealisticDragonill cross my fingers for you :)09:13
ubuntu_oh got it now09:13
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ubuntu_thx for your help man09:14
RealisticDragoncya :)09:14
kgxdoes anyone know how i can prevent this message: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!. everytime it appears, i need to manually remove it from the knowns hosts file. this is for connecting to my home computer and it changes when i switch between linux and windows09:14
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:14
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:14
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kdehlHow come I can't compile a kernel with 'make menuconfig'? It misses curses.h, it says. ncurses seems to be installed, is there something else that I need?09:16
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RealisticDragonsounds like you need the ncurses dev package09:17
RealisticDragon.h is a header file09:17
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compilerwriter2How does one switch channels back and forth on irssi?09:19
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RealisticDragonand ctrl-p09:19
f4LUCEciao fabiana, italiana?09:19
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kdehlYup, that was it.09:19
RealisticDragonwoo, i feel like a fount of all knowledge now :P thank you for asking questions i know the answer to ;)09:19
kdehlThanks, RealisticDragon.09:19
pabstHas anyone had any issues installing Kubuntu on a laptop using an ATI Mobility Fire GL Video Card?09:20
zorglu_no only issue with mp3 reading :)09:21
RealisticDragoni think the ATI driver supports it09:21
zorglu_!ati | pabst09:21
ubotupabst: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:21
zorglu_pabst: tried this one ?09:22
compilerwriter2Anyone know if xming can be made to work with 64 bit processors.09:22
pabstI havent ordered the laptop yet... I just wanted to make sure prior to ordering it09:22
RealisticDragonas far as i know the drivers work with sleep and so on09:22
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zorglu_pabst: ati support got very  bad reputation09:22
zorglu_pabst: you need to know that if the 'harm isnt yet done' :)09:22
pabstI thought I had heard some issues09:23
RealisticDragonits generally not much fun to get it working09:23
pabstcool... so no reason to avoid the ATI card, or would i be "one the safe side" by doing so? (Its a Lenovo laptop that im ordering, ThinkPad T60)09:24
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RealisticDragonif you dont need *fast* 3d (ie games) id take a look at intel based machine09:24
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RealisticDragonthe GMA 950 has full support09:24
RealisticDragonotherwise try http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page which is the ATI/Linux wiki09:24
zorglu_i run http://tremulous.net in intel 95009:24
pabstits a network admin machine... so, no reason for crazy graphics09:25
RealisticDragon    *  MOBILITY FireGL T2/T2e (4E54)09:25
RealisticDragon    * MOBILITY FireGL V3100 (5464)09:25
RealisticDragon    * MOBILITY FireGL V3200 (3154)09:25
RealisticDragon    * MOBILITY FireGL V5000 (564A, 564B)09:25
RealisticDragon    * MOBILITY FireGL V5100 (5D49)09:25
RealisticDragon    * MOBILITY FireGL V5200 (M56 71C4)09:25
RealisticDragonthose all work with the proprietary driver09:25
jon_how can I make irc disconnect my nickname, it says bonbonthejon is online09:25
RealisticDragonwell its easier not to cause yourself problems then i guess pabst :)09:25
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pabstso use the intel card eh? :)09:26
RealisticDragonjust wait and itll cut off jon_09:26
pabsti believe thats what comes standard on the Lenovo T6009:26
RealisticDragonwell since intel have open source drivers (and good ones) its nice to support them if theres no reason not to :)09:26
zorglu_pabst: i would say it is way 'safer' to use intel :)09:26
pabstappreciate the help09:26
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RealisticDragonoh, i believe intel wireless nics have safe drivers too, depending on the model09:27
payamdoes anybody know how i can install Gnome on KDE?09:27
RealisticDragonon kubuntu payam? install ubuntu-desktop09:27
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pabstyeah... my broadcomm installed fine on this laptop though09:27
RealisticDragonwith the package manager, adept09:27
jon_i'm installing a command line interface, dont i just need kubuntu-desktop09:27
payamwhats the name of the package?09:28
RealisticDragonubuntu-desktop (or if you prefer just gnome)09:28
AMSmith42Is there a defacto webmail server?09:28
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RealisticDragonubuntu-desktop includes more files09:28
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payamwhat shoul i write in terminal  ?09:28
payamto install it automatcly09:28
RealisticDragonpayam: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:28
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AMSmith42RealisticDragon: sudo first?09:29
RealisticDragonbeware its quite big09:29
RealisticDragonoh, indeed, sorry09:29
zorglu_AHA "xine blabal.mp3" do provide info!!!09:29
RealisticDragonsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:29
zorglu_in your face, amarok!09:29
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zorglu_maouaoaua :)09:31
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zorglu_RealisticDragon: you know what was the fix to my problem ?09:31
=== zorglu_ lets a silence to bump the suspens :)
zorglu_RealisticDragon: it was "rm -rf .xine" :)))))))))))09:32
jason_hi everyone09:32
bonbonthejonhow can i shrink a ntfs partition09:32
jason_is it possible that I am running X in X ?09:32
zorglu_bonbonthejon: there are many page for that09:32
mrbrdowhy am i getting this09:32
mrbrdoFATAL: Error inserting snd_seq (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/seq/snd-seq.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter09:32
jhutchinsbonbonthejon: blah blah blah warnings about ntfs, probably qparted09:32
jason_I tried to set up xgl a long time ago and finally gave up09:32
zorglu_bonbonthejon: i dont remember how so, look at the install window3209:32
jason_but there is badness in my machine now09:33
jhutchinsmrbrdo: Where'd you get the module?  Did you compile it yourself?09:33
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jason_and i am wondering how to tell if i did something like that?09:33
zorglu_jason_: people developping kde4 know that well09:33
ceckoHi all, how can I mount partition when it's not written in fstab? I am in a livecd with need to backup preinstalled windows09:33
zorglu_jason_: xnest or close09:33
mrbrdojhutchins: no09:33
mrbrdojhutchins: i tried apt-get --reinstall everything i can think of, linux-restricted-modules and alsa-oss and alsa.. but all to no avail09:33
jason_zorglu_: I dont understand... xnest == command not found09:34
zorglu_http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development#Nested_KDE_4_session <- jason_09:34
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jason_zorglu_: ok reading thx :)09:34
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jhutchinsmrbrdo: do a uname -r and locate snd-seq.ko, make sure you have matching version numbers.09:34
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mrbrdowell, it-s 2.6.17-11-generic, /lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/seq/snd-seq.ko09:35
mrbrdoso it matches09:35
mrbrdoi am on 64bit09:35
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brad_how do I reset apt?09:35
jason_ok i am fairly sure that I have done that.   and for the life of me i cant remember how so i can undo it09:36
jhutchinsmrbrdo: Ok, just a min here...09:36
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mrbrdook thanks09:36
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jason_fyrmedic: grab the stock sources.lst09:36
jason_and then apt-get update09:36
jhutchinsmrbrdo: That comes with the linux-image package (which I presume is the kernel).09:36
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fyrmedicjason_; isn't there a reconfigure option? like -a or something09:37
mrbrdook i reinstalled it09:37
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mrbrdosame error still09:37
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jhutchinsmrbrdo: Ok, let's see if we can get the "unknown parameter".09:38
jhutchinssudo modprobe -v snd-seq09:38
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bonbonthejonwell, shoot, in vista they make it easy to shrink their partition09:39
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mrbrdojhutchins: from dmesg: [  970.164353]  snd_seq: Unknown parameter `snd-pcm-oss'09:39
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easytigerberyl + kde: how do you show only the application windows from the current desktop in the tasklist09:40
mrbrdoafter the line you gave me09:40
mrbrdoit loads the modules09:40
mrbrdohow come? :O09:40
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ceckoHi all, how do I mount partition? Qtparted says it there are hda1, hda2 and hda3 but "mount hda1" does not work09:40
jhutchinsmrbrdo: Something in your alsa.conf isn't kosher.09:40
mrbrdoone more thing, how can i make audacity work with arts? it can't find my sound devices09:41
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besonen_mobileanyone around who's installed kubuntu on a laptop with a physical switch that turns the wireless signal off?  i'm wondering if during the installation of kubuntu if the wireless switch is 'off' is there a chance that the installer might not have detected the wireless hardware?  i'm installing onto a lenovo thinkpad t60.09:43
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easytigerwell can the os see the card?09:44
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ubuntu_does kubuntu install flawless onto the new macbooks macbooks pro?09:44
fernando__hi, How can I change the initial login windows???09:44
fernando__it is possible on kubuntu??09:44
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zorglu_fernando__:  google for "kdm themes"09:45
zorglu_for=around :)09:45
besonen_mobileeasytiger:  immediately after reboot, before turing the switch on, i checked kinfocenter and there was no entry for the card.  is there somewhere else i can check?09:45
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fernando__zorglu: thanks09:46
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Two things, lspci, and tail -f /var/log/messages while you turn it off then back on again.09:46
besonen_mobileubuntu_:  get a lenovo thinkpad t60 if you haven't already purchased a macbook.09:46
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zorglu_http://aaron.instantspot.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/2/15/Easily-manage-KDM-themes-in-Kubuntu <- fernando__ even better :)09:47
besonen_mobilethanks jhutchins09:47
bxnpwhat about the thinkpad t60 besonen_mobile09:47
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: It _should_ be detected when you turn it on, but it may not have a native driver.  Figure out what chipset it is and see !wireless to track down the drivers.09:47
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besonen_mobilebxnp:  t60s are the best laptops currently available imho09:48
jarnWhat's the graphical package manger called?09:49
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:49
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  there's nothing that happens during the installation that is dependent on what hardware is detected since all of the drivers are in the kernel, correct?09:49
jarnWhen I try to run adept it says that that's not a command.09:50
fernando__zorglu_: jaja I found the same after you tip :-) thanks again :-)09:50
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zorglu_cool :)09:50
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-71-56-237-100.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinjarn: try adept_manager09:50
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  thus whenever you boot kubuntu it auto-dectects the hardware and if the kernel supports it it works, correct?09:50
bur[n] eranyone familiar with how to limit a certain users ssh access to be a certain jailed folder?  such as locking them to /var/www/ so they can admin a website, but do nothign else09:51
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Some stuff is extra, and if it's an unsupported chipset I don't think it will even install during installation.09:51
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: More and more stuff is detected if it's hotplugged.09:51
jhutchinsAs opposed to during boot.09:51
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jhutchinsbur[n] er: chroot.09:51
jarnstdin: Thanks. How do symlinks work? I'd like to set up one so I can just use adept.09:51
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  so it's not likely that i would need to do a reinstallation.  if it's supported the support will already be present?09:52
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bur[n] erjhutchins, how do i do it?  I tried using scponlyc but I can't login with winscp from the client09:52
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Correct, you may need to adjust somethings, but reinstalltion isn't needed.09:52
stdinjarn: you don't have to, you can just make an alias in your ~/.bashrc file, or just use the Kmenu to open adept09:52
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bur[n] erjhutchins, do I keep bash as the users shell?  how do I configure ssh for chroot?09:52
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jarnstdin: But don't aliases only work through the command line?09:53
bxnpaz-new castle united 2-0 :)09:53
jhutchinsbur[n] er: I'm not completely sure about that, you'd want to read some of the ssh howto's somewhere like http://tldp.org.09:53
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  does "adjust somethings" mean that these adjustments may have taken place automatically during the installation if the hardware was detected at that point?09:53
bur[n] erI think this should be on the wiki :)09:53
stdinjarn: why do you need to make a link, the entry in the kmenu works09:53
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Possibly, but possibly not.09:54
jarnstdin: But I don't like the kmenu. I like to run things with alt+F2 when I need them, it's much quicker.09:54
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Many wireless cards are not natively supported and need manual configuration.09:54
DankerOn witch day is going Kubuntu to be released?09:54
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  thanks, i'll wipe the partitions and re-install just to be sure.  it only took about 20 minutes.09:55
jhutchinsbur[n] er: You also might be able to do it with either standard unix permissions (make user part of group apache), or set up an ACL system.09:55
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Really, that would be a waste of time.09:55
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bur[n] erjhutchins, if i make them www-data, is that good?09:55
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=== bur[n] er just plays around ;) thanks for the tips
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  understood.  except that i don't want to have to figure out what might be "missing".09:56
stdinjarn: you can set a shortcit to launch it too, or put a script in ~/bin/, but If you want to make a symlink "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/adept_manager /usr/bin/adept"09:56
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Determine the chipset, find out what driver it needs, follow the wiki.09:56
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jarnstdin: Thanks.09:56
fernando__zorglu_: I installed but I can found this "Control Center menu" the website point.. do you know where is that?09:57
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: If it doesn't work when you turn it on, chances are that re-installing isn't going to do any good, and you're still going to have to determine the chipset and set up the card.09:57
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fernando__zorglu_: I can't..09:57
zorglu_fernando__: it is likely 'kcontrol'. try "kcontrol" in a terminal09:57
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fernando__zorglu_: thanks again :-)09:58
jhutchins!de > fernando__09:58
fyrmedicanyone know a good link with instructions for installing and configuring fglrx09:59
jhutchinsfernando__: You'll probably want to do kdesu kcontrol, which you can do from Alt-F2.09:59
jhutchins!beryl | fyrmedic09:59
ubotufyrmedic: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:59
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jhutchins!compiz | fyrmedic10:00
ubotufyrmedic: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:00
fyrmedicjhutchins: thanks but none of them are going to work until I get fglrx installed and running right.10:01
zorglu_there is a page for that10:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:01
zorglu_bla :)10:01
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jhutchinsfyrmedic: I think it's in the compiz stuff, and probably the beryl stuff too.10:01
Smorganyone around here have experience with the linuxant modem drivers, or knows of any equivilant?10:01
jhutchinsSince they both rely on it, and are about the only things that use it.10:02
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ubuntuhi guys, i cant access my linux on laptiop, i boot from a live cd and cant mount, help apeciated10:03
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Smorggot enough ram?10:04
fyrmedicjhutchins; thanks10:05
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  i understand that a re-install is unlikely to improve the situation in terms of the hardware being usable.  btw, i turned the switch on and it appears to be detected.  but even though it's detected i re-install makes sense to me.  why?  because i don't know squat about the kubuntu installation process.  and i really want to have a "pristine" installation.  for all i know kubuntu adds some extra wireless options to the10:05
besonen_mobile K menu if it detects a wireless card *during* the installation.  does it make sense now why i want to re-install?10:05
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Nope.10:06
Smorgnobody uses modems here? ^^10:06
jhutchins99% of the install has nothing to do with the wireless stuff, and you can install all you need by hand.10:06
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  :-)10:06
jhutchinsSmorg: Not softmodems.10:06
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: do apt-cache search wireless and see what you have to choose from.10:07
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Linux is meant to be modified and reconfigured without having to be reinstalled.10:07
jhutchins_especialy_ the networking.10:08
slyfoxhow do I force remove direcotry with a command even if it is not empty ?10:08
jhutchinsslyfox: rm -r10:08
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neoncodeDoes anyone remember that GLScube program that was in devlopment a while back?10:08
darkserver3konban wa!!!10:08
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  by writing that "99% of the install has nothing to do with the wireless stuff" you demonstrate that you know way more about the kubuntu installation process than me.  thus reason for *me* to reinstall.  because i don't know what i'm doing.  enough of this ramble.  thank you for you help.  really.10:09
slyfoxjhutchins: sudo rmdir -r /home/slyfox/.beryl/   ?10:09
darkserver3do you remember the repository of the new beryl if this really exists???10:09
jhutchinsslyfox: rm -r .beryl10:10
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  i understand linux is meant to be re-configurable and modified on-the-fly.10:10
jhutchinsslyfox: or rm -rf .beryl - be very careful with f.10:10
besonen_mobilei'm not a dummy.10:10
darkserver3stay calm10:10
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: You will learn a lot more about the installation process by installing stuff yourself than by just letting the installation run again.10:10
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: It's easy, it works well, if something's missing you just add it.10:11
slyfoxjhutchins: what does r and f mean ?10:11
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: The main installer is not meant to be a reconfiguration tool.10:11
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jhutchinsslyfox: r means recursive, f means force.10:12
jhutchinsrm -rf / will fubar your system.10:12
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slyfoxjhutchins: recursive means anything inside the folder ?10:12
jhutchinsYes, and is required for folders.10:12
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  if you could tell me definitively how the kubuntu installation differs depending on whether or not a wireless device is detected then i would have no problem making those changes and skipping the re-install.10:13
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: I'm checking some things because ubuntu is not my primary system...10:15
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: It probably didn't install kwifimanager10:16
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: or wlassistant.10:16
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Other than that it's just a matter of finding which set of drivers you need, and like I said the installer might not haev done that anyway.10:17
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: So, shall we determine what card you have?10:17
jhutchinsturn it off; open a console.10:18
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  what is your primary os?10:19
besonen_mobilebooting almost complete10:19
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besonen_mobilehow long have you used Mandriva?10:19
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jhutchinsRedHat and SuSE too, so I'm from the SysV/RPM universe.10:19
besonen_mobile3, 4, 5 years?10:20
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jhutchinsbeen running servers since RH2.1, ~1996.  Switched to a Linux desktop about four years ago.10:20
besonen_mobileok, i have a console10:20
jhutchinsHas the HD light stopped flashing?10:21
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jhutchinsturn the card on, see if the HD does anything.10:21
besonen_mobilehave you ever touch solaris?10:21
jhutchinswhen it's through, type dmesg<enter>10:21
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Nope.10:22
besonen_mobilei booted with the card turned on.10:22
darkserver3where i can find info about how to conect via wireless my two laptops...10:22
jhutchinsA little HP/IBM unix.10:22
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jhutchins!wireless | darkserver310:22
ubotudarkserver3: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:22
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  wireless options show up in the knetworkmanager.10:22
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darkserver3it's because i have solaris 10 in on of then...  and in this is the other man...10:23
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Great!  That means your card is enabled!  Do you need further help?10:24
darkserver3thanks... now i gonna take my time to read...10:24
darkserver3do you know about arris touchestone cablemodem10:25
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  how do we determine the chipset?10:25
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jhutchinslspci (in console)10:26
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  what brings you over to kubuntu if you're happy with Mandriva?10:26
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  chipset is by Atheros, an AR521210:27
jhutchinsI want to learn about how debian-based distros do things; I'm not happy with any of the current rpm-based offerings for servers, and debian seems to be the preferred flavor for servers.10:27
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jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Ok, you should have all the drivers you need.10:28
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  have you ever heard of ZFS?10:28
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d_edor "Time Machine" if you want to give ZFS a fancy animation too :-D10:28
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  does Atheros have good linux support?10:29
jhutchinssudo apt-get install kwifimanager10:29
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Yes.10:29
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ZmAYhello, need some help10:29
d_edbesonen_mobile: it depends on the chip10:29
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d_edsome work perfectly with mad-wifi10:29
jhutchinsd_ed: True, there aer a few that claim to be atheros and aren't too.10:29
d_ed(included in ubuntu) others don't at all. and you're left with ndiswrapper10:29
besonen_mobileZmAY:  just say what you need.10:29
jhutchinsd_ed: Have you done atheros in kubuntu?10:30
ZmAYi cant access to the net, error is: No DHCPOFFERS recived10:30
ian6I'm trying to setup knetworkmanager to work with a vpn on Feisty, but it can't find nm-vpn-properties. I'm not sure which package that's in, does anyone have any advice?10:30
d_edjhutchins:  I know mine doesn't10:30
d_edbut the previous model of my laptop works out the box10:30
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ZmAYi did not change anything10:30
besonen_mobilejhutchins:  did you seem my ZFS question?10:30
d_edjhutchins: I'm left with ndiswrapper, but ndiswrapper is causing me a kernel freeze10:31
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: I'm not really familiar with it.10:31
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bxnpd_ed: dont load the module during boot10:31
bxnpor dont you experience the problem during boot d_ed10:32
d_edanyway, reason I'm here is I'm being a 'tard. GCC isn't defaulting to include "/usr/include" when runnign standalone10:32
d_edit's off in boot10:32
ZmAYany suggestions what to do?10:32
d_edit asplodes on Modprobe..I'll sort that one out myself, I'll just boot up a shiny compiled version with ndis built in . I logged in to talk about my GCC issue10:33
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jhutchinsZmAY: What's your DHCP server?10:33
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ZmAYu mean that 2 servers from my ISP?10:33
fernandoI have lost on my kde sesion many icon for all my programs, for example after I select a program, normally close to the mouse cursor a small icon of the program selected move, but now I always get the same small cube10:33
d_edI currently have to run GCC -I /usr/include   and I'm sure that's not normal behaviour.10:34
d_edfernando: do you have the icons in your "start menu"?10:34
ZmAYit worked fine til today, and i didnt change anything10:34
jhutchinsZmAY: Restart your networking.10:34
fernandobut for example konqueror has lost its icon on the bar10:35
d_edfernando: and you've tried logging out and coming back in again?10:35
fernandoalso kopete10:35
fernandoyes, I did it10:35
jhutchinsZmAY: /etc/init.d/networking restart10:35
d_edok, seems to have lost the tiny icons...10:35
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besonen_mobilejhutchins:  check out ZFS, it looks very promising.  i'd like to see something similar be available for lunix in the near future but that seems unlikely.  thanks again for your help.  gotta run.10:35
fernandod_ed: sec = shoud I wait??10:36
jhutchinsbesonen_mobile: Good luck!10:36
d_edfernando: have you changed icon sets recently?10:36
ZmAYjhutchins: doesent work10:37
d_edforeach app you get two icons a 32x32 and 16x16 you seem to have lost the smaller ones10:37
jhutchinsZmAY: How are you connected?10:37
ZmAYjhutchins: send_packet: network is unreachable10:37
fernandobut how??? i did anythink to lose them10:38
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ZmAYwhat do u mean, with cable:)10:38
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d_edfernando: okies. try going to settings:/LookNFeel in konqueror10:38
jhutchinscable modem?10:38
d_edthen click icons. then click "Defaults"10:38
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d_edsetting things to defaults fixes most things10:38
jhutchinsZmAY: pppoe or direct ethernet?  Do you have to log in?10:38
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ZmAY direct10:39
jhutchinsReset the cable modem.10:39
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ZmAYok, let me try.. brb10:39
fernandod_ed: I can see settings on konqueror but that is that of LookNFeel10:39
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fernandobut what is that of LookNfeel10:39
d_edok...open up control panel10:40
d_edand select appearance10:40
d_edit's the same thing10:40
fernandoyes.. I dont have icons10:40
darkserver3hey gente... sayonara...10:41
d_edare you sure...do a search in control panel10:41
darkserver3be happy!!!10:41
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darkserver3bye bye!!!10:41
fernandowhat should I search??? or it doest matter?10:42
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fernandoif I search  "font", then I can see the small icon "font"10:42
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ZmAYsame shit10:43
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ZmAYjhutchins: didnt help10:43
fernandothe small icons are there, because if a search now for "slash" then I can see the small icon10:44
jhutchinsZmAY: How are you on IRC?10:44
slyfoxIs there a program or a way to see which mouse button is mapped how? I need to know which mouse buttons are my mouse buttons, if you knwo what I mean.10:44
ZmAYhave laptop with win on it10:44
fernandod_ed: the small icons are there, because if a search now for "slash" then I can see the small icon10:44
ZmAYbeside pc10:45
ZmAY"no working leases in persistent database - sleeping"10:46
ZmAYno DHCPOFFERS recived10:46
jhutchinsZmAY: have you had both on at the same time before?10:46
jhutchinsHow may IP's does your ISP allow?10:47
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jhutchinsYou understand what the error messages are telling you?10:48
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compilerwriter!floppy disk10:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about floppy disk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:49
seckshooalProblem: I have mp3 codecs installed, but when I go to burn an audio cd using k3b I get this message. "Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format:"10:49
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ZmAYtell me, i understand it in this way that there is no dhcp that can be reached10:49
fernandod_ed: I fix the problem.. so don't worry about it10:49
zadenHey room10:49
compilerwriterHow does one go about mounting a floppy disk?10:49
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jhutchins!floppy | compilerwriter10:49
ubotucompilerwriter: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone10:49
fernandod_ed: thanks :-)10:49
zadenQuestion, When i try to install  kubuntu cd it says i can not create partions because im not root10:50
d_edI'll take that as me fixing it 'coz I'm a genius10:50
jhutchinsZmAY: Yeah, so there's a good chance it's a problem with your ISP.10:50
zadenhow do i become root and whats the password for root10:50
zadeni tryed su root10:50
zadenbut i need a password10:50
jhutchinsZmAY: Have you reset the network since restarting the modem?10:50
ZmAYso i should call them and ask what10:50
ZmAYnot yet, wait10:50
jhutchins!sudo | zaden10:50
ubotuzaden: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:50
jhutchins!kdesu | zaden10:51
ubotuzaden: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo10:51
zadenso !kdesu zaden?10:51
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ZmAYits the same10:52
jhutchinszaden: You should read the link above, you do kdesu <application>.10:52
honestlyenoughI've got a really FUBAR'd machine. The CMOS battery, I suspect doesn't function. However, if the CMOS battery doesn't work, is that in any way a cause for this sort of behavior?: http://phpfi.com/21595710:52
honestlyenoughIt runs Kubuntu 6.10.10:52
waylandbillzaden: sudo passwd root  (but you don't normally want to do that)10:52
fernandohow can I change the background of the initial windows on kubuntu??? where is the file with the blue background?10:52
jhutchinsZmAY: Yeah, I'd check with them.  The only other way would be to reset your windows box, and you might totally loose connectivity then.10:52
waylandbillzaden: read the sudo link10:52
jhutchinsZmAY: You may need to avoid mentioning that you're running linux.  Pretent it's a mac or something.10:53
ZmAYi know that10:53
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jhutchinshonestlyenough: That's a wierd one!10:54
ZmAYbut the problem is that net is running smooth here on windows, and the will say it works fine10:54
jhutchinshonestlyenough: Is it possible ntp is getting bad data?10:54
honestlyenoughjhutchins: Indeed.10:54
zadenok thanks10:54
jhutchinsZmAY: Possibly.  Like I said, resetting the windows box might tell you, but you could loose your connection.10:54
zadenlet me se if it works10:54
honestlyenoughjhutchins: No, ntp is not being called intentionally.10:55
ZmAYok, let me try:)10:55
jhutchinshonestlyenough: I've never seen a clock do that, it's possible that the clock's fried.10:55
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honestlyenoughjhutchins: The clock can't be fried... I'm guessing it's a battery (because that actually makes sense) but then that leads me to wonder, how else can I keep the box from doing this?10:56
jhutchinsRun ntp.10:56
jhutchinshonestlyenough: The clock could be fried - anything can fail.  Has this persisted through a reboot?10:57
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ZmAYi restarted, same as before10:58
bomberim running the edgy live cd and want to be able to mount my windows partition read write so i can copy files and im not having any luck10:58
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jhutchinsbomber: vfat or ntfs?10:59
honestlyenoughjhutchins: Yes, forever.10:59
honestlyenoughjhutchins: I'm not running ntp to isolate the problem.11:00
jhutchins!ntfs | bomber11:00
ubotubomber: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:00
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jhutchinshonestlyenough: ntp's the only thing I know of that will adjust the clock skew.  I'd definitely boot to a live CD or some other OS and see if it was a problem there too.11:01
jhutchinshonestlyenough: You may be looking for nosmoke.exe.11:01
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jhutchins(Software solution to a hardware problem.)11:02
honestlyenoughjhutchins: nosmoke.*exe*?11:03
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jhutchinshonestlyenough: Trying to fix something with software that can only be fixed at the hardware level.11:04
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zadencan you link me to sudo and kdesu again please11:04
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honestlyenoughjhutchins: But .exe?11:05
compilerwriterOk I made the change in /etc/fstab now how do I access my floppy drive11:05
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:05
jhutchinshonestlyenough: Old tech support story about a user who was convinced there was a way to stop the smoke.  Tech ended up telling her to take it back to the store because they needed to install nosmoke.exe since it was missing, assumed that the store would deal with the smoke problem once it got there.11:05
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michelangelociao a tutti11:06
michelangeloc' nessuno?11:07
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zadenhow do i use sudo and kdesu11:07
LjL!sudo > zaden    (zaden, see the private message from Ubotu)11:08
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:09
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:09
compilerwriterI have a windows diskette that I need to read how do I mount it?11:10
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Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, floppy?11:11
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Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, if it's a floppy disk, just insert it and a media detected dialoge box should appear11:11
acemoanyone here can help me with my bluetooth headset?11:12
bomberhow can i copy the whole drive with cp ? including hidden files and sub direectorys?11:13
compilerwriterAshex|work no media detected dialogue box.11:14
Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, in that case11:14
Ashex|Worksudo fdisk -l11:14
Ashex|Workthat will list disk volumes by disk11:15
Ashex|Workfloppy will be in there11:15
Ashex|Workthen do a pmount /dev/foo11:15
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compilerwriterAshex|work no floppy there.11:15
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Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, then either the floppy drive isn't connected, or it is not being detected at all11:19
Ashex|Workis this on a desktop or laptop?11:19
compilerwriterIt is a desktop11:19
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compilerwriterThe floppy drive is connected as far as I can tell.  I used it in windows.11:20
compilerwriterI mean I used it when my machine was windows.11:20
Ashex|Workhmm, did you look for a 1.4MB volume in the output from fdisk -l?11:20
gravygoatJust looking at the channel topic - Adept is telling me there is a new version of Kubuntu and asking do I want to upgrade, is this actually Feisty or just another test release?11:20
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SolidSourceI'm still astonished that someone still uses a floppy11:21
Ashex|Workgravygoat, I'm pretty sure it's a test release11:21
compilerwriterWhere di I paste again.11:22
gravygoatAshex|Work: Thank you11:22
Ashex|Workgravygoat, no problem :)11:22
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compilerwriterAshex|Work: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10525/11:24
zadenim having trouble with sudo and making a user to install kubuntu11:24
zadenubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo -i -u zaden11:24
zadensudo: no passwd entry for zaden!11:24
zadenubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo -i -u zaden 111:24
zadensudo: no passwd entry for zaden!11:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:24
compilerwriter!paste | zaden11:24
ubotuzaden: please see above11:24
stdinzaden: you need to assign a password for the user first "sudo passwd zaden"11:25
Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, Iooking11:25
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zadenthen it says im an unknown user11:26
compilerwriterI can't remember what I had to do the last time 3 months ago I had to do this.11:26
compilerwriterI don't use floppys much, but this floppy has my resume on it.11:26
stdinzaden: why do you need to make a new user?11:26
compilerwriter!es | alumno11:26
Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, that is indeed odd, it doesn't detect it at all11:26
ubotualumno: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:26
zadeni just want to install kubutu11:27
zadensince it will not let me use root11:27
zadeni never used this i used to gentoo11:27
stdinzaden: don't you see the "install" icon on the desktop ?11:27
acemoim trying to connect to my bluetooth headset. when i run sudo btsco -v xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, i get the error "Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused"11:27
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:27
zadenit will not creat partions11:27
zadenbecause i do not have root or some bs11:27
compilerwriterAshex|Work do you think I may have accidently disconnected it when I vaccumed it out?11:28
acemoi think this is because i need to fill in the pin code, but i cant seem to figure out how..11:28
stdinzaden: huh, what errors do you get?11:28
Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, it is possibly11:28
Ashex|Workthat would make the most sense to me11:28
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Ashex|WorkI'm fairly confident that linux has figured out floppy disk drivers11:28
compilerwriterI'll shutdown, open it up and look.11:28
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Ashex|Worklet me know what you find11:29
Ashex|Workno problem :)11:29
compilerwriterwill do.11:29
zadenit says11:29
zadendevice not found, YOur many not using root user11:29
Nacht__does kubuntu have anything like a system restore or backup utility11:29
zadenin the deskspace section11:29
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stdin!backup | Nacht__11:30
ubotuNacht__: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:30
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stdinzaden: try partitioning your dis first then, "kdesu qtparted" (GUI) or "sudo parted" (CLI), you can use fdisk too11:31
revolution27Hey.. any ideas why i can't conect to my wireless connection on this new install (never tried wifi before)11:31
revolution27the connection has no password11:31
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:32
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c0nv1ctis it ok that linux uses up almost all of my RAM?11:33
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c0nv1ctit just feels weird having 50mb of free RAM11:33
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stdinc0nv1ct: yeah, it's normal11:34
stdin!ram | c0nv1ct11:34
ubotuc0nv1ct: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html11:34
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c0nv1cti figured it uses some sort of management superior to windows :)11:34
c0nv1ctits always been that way, i just never took the time to understand why :)11:34
stdinc0nv1ct: it's used as a cache for files, so the disk doesn't need to be read as much11:35
AloneaI am trying to get the binary driver thing for my video card. it installed ok, but I am still getting mesa. When I do sudo modprobe fglrx, it says : Not loading fglrx module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:35
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c0nv1ctstdin: explains why it just shot up after i started copying a large amount of files11:36
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stdinAlonea: did you change the driver in xorg.conf to "fglrx" from "ati" ?11:36
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Aloneastdin: probably not, didnt see it in instructions, but the page is a bit disorganized at points. lemme check.11:36
Nacht__one more thing    why does it say that 6.10 edgy is only supported for 18 months11:36
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stdinNacht__: because it's only supported for 18 months11:37
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Nacht__what does that mean11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
Aloneastdin: no, it wasn't. brb. gonna restart and see if it works now11:37
Nacht__like after 18 months they are moving to something else11:37
stdinNacht__: after 18 months (from release) there will be no more updates for it11:38
Nacht__that sucks11:38
Nacht__so i shouldnt get to attached to it11:38
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stdinNacht__: no, because you can just upgrade to feisty11:38
judgenwhere has the compiz-kde package gone?11:38
stdinNacht__: or use dapper (6.06)11:38
Nacht__ok thats good11:38
comandantealguem fala portugues?11:38
Nacht__i was worried there11:39
ubotupt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.11:39
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Ashex|WorkDapper is the exception, it is called Dapper LTS, long-term support11:39
Ashex|WorkI believe it is supported for 5 years11:39
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:39
comandantedesculpe...so preciso de ajuda11:39
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Ashex|Workah, 3, my bad11:39
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Ashex|Workthere was a 5 in there!11:40
Nacht__so i can just download and run dapper and it will update this current load11:40
Aloneayes! thanks for the tip stdin!11:40
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stdinAlonea: the error message was the best clue :P11:40
stdinNacht__: you can't downgrade from edgy to dapper, it will have to be a fresh install, if you want dapper11:41
Aloneastdin: yeah, I figured it had something to do with my xorg, just not completely familar with all the stuff in it.11:41
Nacht__sounds like a downgrade to use edgy11:41
stdinAlonea: I've messed with mine so much, I know it quite well now11:42
Aloneastdin: yeah, I kinda remember the file and I am so dissapointed it wont work with 64bit linux.11:42
Nacht__but yeah thanx for the info catch you all laer11:43
stdinAlonea: won't it?11:43
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Aloneastdin: nope. it would not install the ati driver and if I did it through repo I got black screen. to fix black screen you gotta change bios settings and when I did that my computer was so slow I could not even load an application.11:45
stdinAlonea: ahh, why would you want to use 64bit linux tho?11:45
AloneaI also had some other stuff that didn't really support 64 bit very well so I just went back to 32. it works and thats what matters the most to me at this point.11:45
Aloneastdin: I have AMD64. thought I would try it out.11:46
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judgenanyone got a working /usr/local/bin/start-compiz on kubuntu that they wanna share11:46
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stdinAlonea: yeah, but I don't see the point of it, unless you're running a server with 4GB+ RAM and need some high preseason math11:47
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compilerwriterAshex|Work well everything seems well connected.  But now I can only login via ssh from my PC.  I was doing XDMCP and now I can't get that to work.11:48
judgenstdin: i have 4gb ram, but i dont really care if i cant use it all. I got solaris for that =)11:48
makuseruhow can i check the version of a program?11:49
Aloneastdin: yeah. I only have 1 gig of ram on this machine, though my dads computer has 3gigs of it. he has dual core and all that jazz.11:49
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judgenwhat should kde users replace this line with in the startcompiz.sh script? compiz --replace gconf &11:49
judgenAlonea: i got 16 cores11:50
Aloneajudgen: overkill indeed.11:50
maddmaxhey one question11:51
maddmaxim new here11:51
stdinjudgen: gconf is a gnome app, and compiz sux on kde (installing it anyway). Use beryl instead, works great and you can install aquamarine to keep the current window decorations11:51
maddmaxanyone know how to connect to a server like Hispano?11:51
judgenAlonea: not for my purposes, its not like i "own" it, im just borrowing it, if you know what i mean.11:51
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:51
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:52
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Aloneajudgen: ah, ok. I was starting to wonder why the hell you would spend all that money for it.11:52
judgenstdin: beryl really sucks on my computer FGLRX you know11:52
compilerwriterAshex|Work are you with me?11:52
Aloneathough I look forward to the days where thats norm11:52
judgenstdin: or is it possible to run beryl on XGL11:52
stdinjudgen: sure it is11:53
c0nv1ctbut will XGL really increase performance over FGLRX?11:53
skogenis there any guide for using apache?11:53
acemowhen trying to connect to my bluetooth headset using the command sudo btsco -v xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, im getting this error: Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused11:53
acemowhat could be wrong?11:53
compilerwriterIt appears that for some reason Kubuntu is not seeing my floppy drive.  I just verified that it is connected.  So what could be the deal?11:53
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judgenc0nv1ct: XGL is definitly faster tha AIGLX with the FGLRX drivers11:54
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stdinjudgen: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_XGL11:54
c0nv1ctjudgen: ah, ok, cuz i've noticed AIGLX runs way better with my nvidia card11:54
c0nv1ctnot sure how it works with ATI11:54
stdinc0nv1ct: on nvidia, yeah, but the ati driver sux11:55
acemoc0nv1ct: ATI has some mayor problems with AIGLX11:55
c0nv1ctok, good to know11:55
ubuntuallright....so i burned the desktop install iso and did a cd check which resultet in 1 failed checksum...i did a hashcheck then on the downloaded iso which was ok11:55
stdinbest driver ever = i810 :)11:55
c0nv1ctnot like i plan on buying an ATI card ever again though :)11:55
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ubuntuburned it again at slower speed and it gave me 7 failed sums on the cd check11:55
ubuntuwhat to do_11:56
c0nv1ctubuntu: bad media?11:56
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c0nv1ctubuntu: what did you use to burn it?11:56
skogenjoin # apache11:57
ubuntuc0nv1ct:  i dont know...the cds never gave me any problems i could notice so far11:57
ubuntuand i havent got any other type now11:57
c0nv1ctubuntu: what program did you use to burn it?11:57
ubuntuc0nv1ct:  er used roxio easy cd creator...was the only thing i had around on that machine11:57
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c0nv1ctubuntu: you might want to try the free program 'imgburn'11:58
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c0nv1ctubuntu: roxio/nero has made too many coasters for my liking :P11:58
=== compilerwriter pulls his hair out.
ubuntuc0nv1ct: what did u mean by coasters? sry english isnt my native language11:59
PhilosophyNinjaWhat programs work for IMing on Linux besides Kopete?11:59
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:59
c0nv1ctubuntu: coasters are failed burns, just a friendly term for a useless CD that is only good for a coaster for your drink :P11:59
ubuntuhey thats an useful bot >(11:59
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AloneaOk, I think I need to update the firmware on my dvd burner because its not reading some types of blank media correctly. If I can find said firmware upgrade, how would I put it on on linux?11:59
ubuntuurks...wriong keyboatd layout here sry12:00
PhilosophyNinjais Trillian linux compatable?12:00
acemowhen trying to connect to my bluetooth headset using the command sudo btsco -v xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, im getting this error: Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused12:00
acemowhat could be wrong?12:00
kaiwasup people12:00
ubuntu c0nv1ct: what did u mean by coasters? sry english isnt my native language12:00
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kaiCcan some one answer this genral question  for me please12:00
c0nv1ctubuntu: coasters are failed burns12:00
stdinubuntu: a coaster is a mat that you rest your cup or glass on to stop it from marking the table12:00
c0nv1ctstdin: thanks :P12:01
ubuntustdin> pff...thanks a lot hehe12:01
kaiIf I have one type of VPN and some else has another kind will they still connect12:01
ubuntuallright i give it one last try with imgburn12:01
c0nv1ctubuntu: hes right, a coaster is what a bad burn makes a CD into12:01
Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, I'm assuming it's connected?12:01
ubuntuif that doenst do the job i can help it...this is wonderful...hours go by just to burn the fucking install cd lol12:02
compilerwriterYes Ashex|Work it is connected.12:02
ubuntuthx dudes!12:02
compilerwriterNow I can't seem to get XDCP to work.12:02
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kaican any one help me out?12:03
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ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:03
kainot vnc12:04
PhilosophyNinjaSo how would I go about installing Gaim...12:04
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Ashex|Workcompilerwriter, that is a little strange12:04
kaiwell 2 diff vpn client work 2gether?12:04
TRic2can anyone help me with acidlab12:04
=== Ashex|Work thinks
compilerwriterPerhaps my floppy drive has died?12:05
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c0nv1ctcompilerwriter: floppys are obsolete anyway :P12:05
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TRic2has anyone used acidlab12:06
compilerwriterTrue: but a woman worked very hard to write a nice resume for me and she put it on a floppy.12:06
stdinkai: try looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD12:06
stdinkai: afaik it should work12:06
c0nv1ctcompilerwriter: a real professional would of used a CD :P12:06
Aloneapeople still use floppys when you can get thumbdrives for cheap?12:07
acemowhen trying to connect to my bluetooth headset using the command sudo btsco -v xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, im getting this error: Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused12:07
acemowhat could be wrong?12:07
c0nv1ctAlonea: and when a CD costs less than 50cents12:07
TRic2thumbdrives are the new floppys12:07
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:07
c0nv1cti <3 my thumbdrive12:07
Aloneac0nv1ct: that too. and hell, my employers are like, e-mail me your resume ok?12:07
TRic2how about instrictions on acidlab12:07
c0nv1ctAlonea: yeah, even paper is bordering obsolete12:08
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TRic2no paper will never be obsolete12:08
c0nv1ctmy printer broke like 2 years ago, i havent had a need for it12:08
stdinnever say never12:08
compilerwriterThat is not helping me at the moment c0nv1ct12:08
TRic2i aint going to wipe my but with a cd12:08
Aloneac0nv1ct: its easier to find documents on a computer.12:08
c0nv1ctTRic2: maybe seashells in the future?12:09
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TRic2the three seashells12:09
c0nv1ctif anyone gets my movie reference12:09
c0nv1ctyes! lol12:09
Aloneacompilerwriter: as for getting your floppy to work, not sure. is it just not mounting it right or not mounting at all?12:09
TRic2i dont think so12:09
compilerwriterI would love to know how in the hell I managed to screw up my xdcmp by shutting down my machine and then opening it.12:09
TRic2the fith element12:09
c0nv1ctno, that was... damn i forgot the movie12:10
patrick_i get the Demolition Man reference. :-)12:10
compilerwriterAlonea from what ashex said the OS is not seeing the drive period.12:10
c0nv1ctyes! that one12:10
TRic2o sorry12:10
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TRic2man i was off12:10
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Ashex|WorkAlonea, this is compilerwriter's output for fdisk -l with the floppy inserted: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10525/12:10
TRic2i just got that movie in my head12:10
eilkerwhat is PS/2 ?12:11
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
TRic2the port u connect ur mouse and keyboard 212:11
TRic2or playstation 212:11
eilkerit says my mouse is ExplorerPS/2 ? is it correct ?12:11
patrick_Has anyone tried DosEmu or DosBox on Kubuntu?12:11
Ashex|WorkI used to think that PS/2 was playstation divided by two12:11
c0nv1ctyeah, that works eilker12:11
patrick_I can't get either program working.12:11
TRic2no its ps^212:12
eilkermy mouse is freezing oftenly....12:12
patrick_I just did a fresh install of Feisty Fawn Herd 5 last night.12:12
eilkerand it is not regular12:12
Ashex|Work!google | patrick_12:12
ubotupatrick_: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux12:12
=== milardovich [n=milardov@puente.knett.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
patrick_really? cool12:12

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