
bodhi_zazenetchian_ you are welcome to come on over any time :)12:17
=== mdke [n=matt@212-139-78-17.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkenixternal: not sure about the firefox page. For everything else, you just wait12:29
etchian_Tx, bodhi_zazen12:41
bodhi_zazenLOL, I should be thanking you for bringing that wiki page to my attention :)12:41
LaserJockhi mdke12:43
LaserJockare you really up? it's gotta be really late or really early12:43
etchian_Well, I was reading the wiki...12:44
mdkeLaserJock: going to bed now01:10
LaserJockmdke: do you still need a list of Edubuntu topics for yelp?01:11
mdkeLaserJock: yep please, with scrollkeeper ids if possible01:11
LaserJockmdke: ok, I'll get that cleared up and email you01:12
mdkeI thought there would just be one01:12
mdkehow many are there?01:12
LaserJockwell, About Edubuntu and the Edubuntu Handbook for sure01:14
LaserJockwe also have a short sort of advocacy/marketing type doc in the repo01:14
LaserJockas well as Release Notes which we are going to remove01:15
LaserJockthe advocacy doc would be similar to the About Edubuntu I suppose01:15
mdkewe haven't got about ubuntu in the list for Ubuntu, on the basis that it isn't Help01:15
mdkeyou could maybe think about something similar, just have it in the menu...01:15
mdkeanyhow, shoot me an email01:15
LaserJockin the gnome menu?01:15
LaserJockahh, not sure how hard that'd be01:16
LaserJockI'll ask ogra and get back to you01:16
mdkeI assumed it was there already01:16
LaserJockso far Edubuntu menus and help have been entirely Ubuntu01:16
mdkeI'll wait for your email, no immediate rush anyhow, it's not a string break01:16
mdkegood night01:16
LaserJockthis is the first release that'll have any sort of Edubuntu branding for docs01:16
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jjessewow trying to move from one laptop to another is a pain, especially when you have 5 virtual machines :)01:55
jjesseseriously don't know what i'm going to do :)01:56
jjesse4 hours left on my transfer01:57
jjessebut i love the resolution01:57
jjessedoh wrong one01:57
jjessenixternal: ping01:58
jjessenixternal: you are doing 3d right?01:58
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jjesseok got beryl to work on my laptop, it looks great02:32
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CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r3980 / (19 files in 19 dirs): updating pot templates, some new strings09:24
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r3981 /debian/changelog: changelog entry09:26
mdkecrap, ubuntu/windows/C/windows.xml isn't working very well09:41
mdkempt: about that. At the moment we've simply imported wholesale a few of the chapters from the "Switching from Windows" guide, but it isn't working09:42
mdkempt: for a start, the chapter on migrating cross refers heavily to the chapter on "preparing", which we've omitted09:42
mdkempt: your ideas about how to solve that are appreciated!!! :)09:42
mdkeand anyone else's too09:42
mptmdke, has anyone translated it yet?09:54
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r3982 / (4 files in 4 dirs):09:56
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: * fixing invalidity in administrative.xml - string freeze09:56
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: exception, sorry but it's unavoidable09:56
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: * removing pot template for switching to windows - this is not to be09:56
CIA-10Ubuntu Documentation: translated09:56
mdkempt: no09:56
mptmdke, so are there any administrative problems with breaking string freeze in that case?09:56
mdkempt: no, it's bad enough that if we do it quickly it should be no problem09:57
mdkewhat are you thinking?09:57
mptaltering it to remove the references09:57
mdkeI was thinking that the "preparing" and "migrating" chapters are kinda interdependent09:58
mdkenot sure that one can sit ok without the other09:58
=== mpt updates to read the chapter in question
mdkemaybe we should include the preparing chapter, after all people who've installed a dual boot system can go back to windows and do that stuff10:00
mptoh, "and have followed the instructions in the chapter"10:00
mpt___ chapter10:00
mptI see10:01
mptmdke, I concur10:01
mptIncluding the chapter would be better10:01
mdkeok, we'll do that10:02
mdkei'll raise it on the ML10:04
mdkethanks mpt10:04
mdke--> work10:05
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philbullHi guys12:22
philbullCould someone take a look at bug 92227 for me please?12:23
UbugtuMalone bug 92227 in ubuntu-doc "Wrong url for Scribus in ubuntu-docs/office for Feisty" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9222712:23
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CIA-5Ubuntu Documentation: philbull feisty * r3983 /ubuntu/office/C/office.xml: Correct url for scribus (closes bug #92227)02:13
UbugtuMalone bug 92227 in ubuntu-doc "Wrong url for Scribus in ubuntu-docs/office for Feisty" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9222702:13
CIA-5Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3984 ubuntu/office/C/office.xml: Fix url for Scribus02:16
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nixternalmdke: I was wondering what the manual uploads/fixes we had to do for docs were? Also how do I go about getting the firefox-startpage (kindex.html) translated for Kubuntu?03:01
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Knightlustnixternal: yeah, im here, its pretty minor, its just that i dont think it's only Kubuntu who has it. i think all the other distro has it and accdg. to the copyright, it was last updated 2002 and we just need to add a feature05:04
Knightlustwell, will be documenting this and i'll pm you before i send my draft.05:04
Knightlustor do i file this as bug?05:05
nixternalwhat doc are we talking about?05:18
Knightlustnixternal, the kooka doc05:18
nixternalhave you checked websvn.kde.org to see if the kooka doc is the same there as it is in Kubuntu?05:19
nixternalactually, Knightlust this would 99.9% of the time be a KDE issue05:19
Knightlustthat's what i thought, that's why i asked in #kde-docs. well, im checking on the process05:20
Knightlustand thanks for your help nixternal05:20
nixternalKnightlust: no problem. just to note, this issue hasn't been reported in bugs.kde.org so you would be fine adding that as a bug, and then note in it that you are working on it05:22
LaserJockmdke: got a sec?05:54
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LaserJocknixternal: available?06:31
LaserJockmy contentless pings seem to be usless against their /ignore LaserJock :-)06:32
nixternalLaserJock: in a few. I am leaving class right now06:38
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nixternalLaserJock: what's up?06:58
LaserJocknixternal: well, I was digging around to figure out what to do with About Edubuntu07:02
nixternalthe newest one I created?07:02
LaserJockAbout Ubuntu is done via a .desktop file shipped with gnome-panel-data07:02
LaserJockso it appears in the System menu07:03
nixternalcreate an aboutedubuntu.desktop07:03
LaserJockI think we could ship an About Edubuntu in edubuntu-docs07:03
LaserJockand I think it should add to the menu07:03
LaserJockthen the only think we'll add to the yelp frontpage is the Handbook07:03
LaserJockI'm waiting for my feisty machine at work to dist-upgrade so I can test it out07:04
nixternalwhere at in the repos is the about ubuntu .desktop?07:05
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nixternalmdke: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/820   <- needs editing and posting ASAP - HUGE STORY!07:27
LaserJocknixternal: oh?07:27
nixternalUbuntu is now in a system that helps with the treatment of HIV+07:28
nixternalw/o a doubt the most "Ubuntu" type story I have seen to date. Definitely doing good!07:28
nixternalI can't send email to the list either from school as they jammed all of the ports07:29
LaserJockI could dig up some good chemistry ones ;-)07:29
LaserJocknot sure if our HIV researchers are using Ubuntu here07:29
nixternalbut helping treat such a horrible disease. that is pretty big07:29
LaserJockbut the big nanomaterials group does quite a bit07:29
nixternalI have no clue wth nanomaterials is, beside small materials ;p07:29
nixternalsounds like my wallet07:30
LaserJockthe future, that's what they are ;-)07:30
nixternalOK, that is all you had to say, I know what they are working on then07:30
nixternalmy dad is getting involved with that in the broadcast engineering field right now07:30
LaserJockit's just a buzz word to get funding :-)07:31
LaserJockhardly any of the stuff is really "nano"07:31
nixternalI want to see that OLED screen where they have fit like a 1024x768 resolution in a 1" square07:33
LaserJocknixternal: I've seen a ship where they put 10,000 miniture diving boards in less than 1" sq07:39
LaserJockall hooked up to individual electrical leads07:40
LaserJockscience is fun! ;-)07:41
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nixternalmidterm time, back in a bit07:43
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Knightlustnixternal, do you know where the kubuntu feisty desktop is located? is it still under development?08:03
LaserJockKnightlust: how do you mean?08:03
KnightlustLaserJock, is it online? like the desktop guide found in help.ubuntu.com08:04
Knightlustthe edgy is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html ... so how about the one for feisty?08:05
LaserJockall the in-progress docs are hosed on doc.ubuntu.com08:05
LaserJockwe only put them on help.ubuntu.com once they have been released08:05
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Knightlustohh, thanks for answering my question LaserJock. appreciate it08:05
LaserJockKnightlust: no problem08:06
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mdkenixternal: looking now, presumably too late?09:01
dsashmm, ubuntu-docs is solely licensed under cc-by-sa now?09:02
=== dsas is wondering why vrms doesn't complain about it.
LaserJockmdke: do you know off hand how the About Ubuntu item gets there?09:02
mdkedsas: most of it09:02
LaserJockdsas: well, certain parts are GPL, scripts and stuff09:02
mdkeLaserJock: it's in gnome-panel I guess09:03
dsasLaserJock: the one in the menus comes from gnome-panel-data09:03
LaserJockif it only looks for GPL in the copyright it will find GPL09:03
LaserJockI know *where* it comes from09:03
LaserJockI'm trying to figure out how  it gets in the menu09:03
mdkenixternal: for translations - no need to do any uploads as long as the pot templates are in the package in the archive, I've asked carlos to handle everything else09:03
LaserJockI'm thinking it's got to be hard coded somewhere09:03
mdkenixternal: as for firefox, no idea - we do it manually09:03
mdkeLaserJock: ask seb I guess09:04
LaserJockmdke: that's not my favorite answer, but oh well09:04
mdkeit's the only one I guess09:05
LaserJockmdke: is relation seriesid="ca0556e4-b4db-11db-866f-a1b2f0a0b745" what you are looking for the yelp frontpage?09:05
mdkeLaserJock: that sort of thing yeah09:05
LaserJockmdke: what more do you need? we decided the Edubuntu Handbook would be all we'll put in09:06
LaserJockso that's the seriesid in the .omf09:06
mdkeLaserJock: that's enough then09:06
mdkecan you mail it too, I'm a bit frantic atm09:07
LaserJockmdke: np, do you need a description too or just name and series id?09:07
mdkethat's fine09:07
LaserJockk, it'll be too you shortly09:07
dsasLaserJock: it's hardcoded in gnome-panel indeed09:08
dsasit gets copied in the debian/gnome-panel-data.install file09:08
LaserJockwell, yeah09:09
LaserJockthat's where it is installed09:09
LaserJockI need to figure out how it gets in the menu09:09
LaserJockI copied the about-ubuntu.desktop to about-edubuntu.desktop and changed the names09:09
LaserJockleft the Categories the same, etc.09:09
LaserJockbut it doesn't seem to show up09:09
dsasah, sorry. I completely misunderstood.09:10
dsasLaserJock: ok, i actually found it this time. it's hardcoded in debian/patches/01_layout.patch09:13
LaserJockin gnome-panel?09:13
dsas+   if (g_file_test (DATADIR"/omf/about-ubuntu/about-ubuntu-C.omf",09:13
dsas+            G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))09:13
dsas+     panel_menu_items_append_from_desktop (menu, "ubuntu-about.desktop", NULL);09:13
dsasLaserJock: yeah09:13
LaserJockfreaking heck09:14
dsasI guess you can put a edubuntu one in there looking at that patch...09:14
LaserJockit makes it so hard on any derivative to hard code everything09:14
dsasnot that I know much about C and less about gnome :)09:14
LaserJockdsas: no, thanks a ton09:14
LaserJockI'm pretty sure I grepped that but I guess not09:14
dsasno problem. it gave me an excuse to procastinate.09:15
LaserJockglad I could help09:17
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LaserJocknixternal: pingy pingy10:20
nixternalLaserJock: pongy pongy :)10:21
LaserJocknixternal: you feel like doing some edubuntu-docs packaging?10:23
nixternalI can do that10:23
nixternalgive me a few minutes if possible10:23
LaserJockwell, I just wondered if you wanted to do it10:24
LaserJockI opened a bug against gnome-panel to get us a menu item10:24
nixternalahh, OK10:24
nixternalsure, I can do it here in a bit10:24
LaserJockbut we need to install a .desktop :-)10:24
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mdkeLaserJock: what is the handbook omf file called? I can't find it10:32
mdkeah, I see it now10:35
mdkeLaserJock: the other thing I need to know is where it should go in the list10:35
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure10:37
LaserJockI'd say 1st or right above Advanced Topics10:37
LaserJockit might be good to have all the Ubuntu content first10:37
mdkelemme know :)10:37
LaserJockbefore they launch into the Handbook10:37
mdkeah, the new website is out10:37
LaserJocknixternal: what do you think?10:37
LaserJockit is? finally10:37
nixternalI think I am hungry ;p10:37
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@adsl-69-209-77-18.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
nixternalLaserJock: I would say dead last with the handbook since it is a work in progress. However...I would like people to read it and file bugs against it as well10:38
nixternalso maybe dead last will either keep it out of their view10:38
LaserJocknixternal: so how about right before Advanced Topics10:38
nixternalsounds good to me10:39
LaserJockAdvanced Topics is kinda like a "everything else" thing10:39
LaserJockmdke: right above Advanced Topics it is :-)10:39
nixternalthat was easy :)10:40
LaserJockexecutive decisions10:40
LaserJockmuch easier than KDE4 in Universe debate :-)10:40
LaserJockmdke: is the new website drupal?10:45
LaserJockwhat was it before?10:46
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UbugtuNew bug: #92658 in ubuntu-docs (main) "debian/copyright information is incorrect" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9265810:50
LaserJockdsas: pingy pingy10:52
=== mdke hands that bug to LaserJock
LaserJockwell, it's wrong10:54
LaserJockas far as I can tell10:54
LaserJockI need to figure out what version he's looking at10:54
LaserJockI think everything is consistent and correct unless I overlooked some minor detail :/10:55
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dsasLaser_away: pong!11:15
dsasversion 7.03.2 in the debian/copyright file11:15
dsasLaser_away: actually. it's me being wrong (again!)11:16
dsasi was looking at an old svn checkout, rather than the version I apt-get sourced.11:17
=== dsas blames the lack of chinese food and gets ordering.
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