poningru | hey guys beta is coming out in 22nd we have to do a release notes thing for it | 12:17 |
beuno | poningru: gotcha, I'll setup the wiki and send a the URL to the ML | 12:22 |
poningru | ooh thanks | 12:53 |
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BHSPitMonkey | I live my life open-source-release-date to open-source-release-date | 01:56 |
BHSPitMonkey | today was one, but it's been delayed... so I guess feisty beta's the next one on the radar | 01:56 |
adamant1988 | lol | 01:59 |
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bimberi | !denyhosts | 05:20 |
bimberi | erk, wrong window, sry | 05:20 |
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jenda | juliux: ping | 12:40 |
jenda | hey, mrevell! welcome back :) | 12:41 |
mrevell | jenda: yo :) | 12:42 |
juliux | jenda, pong | 12:47 |
jenda | juliux: livingdaylight complained that you didn't send him his shirt :) | 12:48 |
jenda | his name is 'conrad' | 12:49 |
jenda | I promised to prod you. | 12:49 |
juliux | jenda, i e-mailed him | 12:53 |
juliux | jenda, i think dhl lost is shirt | 12:53 |
jenda | ouch | 12:53 |
juliux | i send him his shirt last week | 12:53 |
jenda | ok | 12:54 |
jenda | don't shoot the messenger ;) | 12:54 |
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adamant1988 | Anyone conscious? mrevell ? | 04:22 |
mrevell | adamant1988: I'm alive :) | 04:22 |
adamant1988 | mrevell: Wanted to discuss something with you (since I know you're an uppity up in the team) | 04:23 |
adamant1988 | Could we put a "community bulletin board" type program into effect? Kind of like a "Karma-bounty" system to get work done for the marketing team, the art team, and what have you? | 04:24 |
mrevell | adamant1988: I'm not sure what an uppity up is, but I don't think I am one :) Hmm, the thing you describe sounds like Launchpad's Blueprint Tracker. | 04:25 |
mrevell | adamant1988: Perhaps I'm missing something. | 04:25 |
adamant1988 | Well, except half of the community never visits launchpad. My logic is that we could offer some kind of points system with a leadership board, but we could put things up on this to get them done quicker by people who just want to help with individual bits. | 04:26 |
adamant1988 | For instance if I need an article written for say a newsletter, but no one seems interested in writing it we could put it up there and offer so many "points" to get it done. Think of it at out-sourcing some stuff to the main community | 04:27 |
adamant1988 | I think in particular the art team would benefit from something like this too. | 04:28 |
mrevell | adamant1988: I'd say that creating a new resource, because people don't use an existing resource, isn't the answer. However, the points system you describe sounds interesting. | 04:29 |
adamant1988 | Well, I'm not talking about creating a whole new one.. just perhaps adding onto the launchpad and modifying it to allow this kind of activity | 04:30 |
mrevell | adamant1988: I do think, though, that Blueprint will provide you with what you need. If people don't go there, well, that's a job of telling people about it, not for creating something new. | 04:30 |
mrevell | Right | 04:30 |
adamant1988 | The only thing is.. no one goes to the launchpad, so I'm hoping it can be linked on the main site or something? | 04:30 |
mrevell | Yeah, sounds like a nice idea. I'd recommend writing a spec for it, again using the blueprint tracker :) | 04:30 |
adamant1988 | Ideally it would create an almost competitive environment for helping out Ubuntu | 04:31 |
mrevell | Well, I don't have any sway over the main site | 04:31 |
mrevell | It's a cool idea | 04:31 |
adamant1988 | Thanks, I'll try to write out a spec for it. | 04:31 |
mrevell | cool :) | 04:31 |
adamant1988 | Another thing I wanted to bring up | 04:31 |
mrevell | Ping me when you've got something and I'll help you tweak it | 04:31 |
adamant1988 | What would be the best way to get some surveys out there to Ubunturoos? | 04:31 |
adamant1988 | In particular I just think we should be collecting more information about and from the community, I'd manage the whole thing myself if I have to. | 04:32 |
mrevell | adamant1988: Hey, I agree that getting more information is a great thing. Have you spoken to Melissa about it? She's done some work on that before. | 04:34 |
adamant1988 | mrevell: I haven't, I was kind of absent for a while. | 04:35 |
adamant1988 | haha. | 04:35 |
adamant1988 | do you have an email I can use to get in touch with her? | 04:35 |
mrevell | adamant1988: Ah, well, ping elkbuntu, she's your lady | 04:35 |
mrevell | erm | 04:35 |
mrevell | just a sec | 04:35 |
adamant1988 | oh man.. how do I do these specs again lol | 04:39 |
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adamant1988 | elkbuntu: hello | 05:19 |
adamant1988 | mrevell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/bulletinboard | 05:36 |
adamant1988 | seem alright to you? | 05:36 |
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mrevell | adamant1988: Busy at the moment, but will look later. Thanks :) | 05:38 |
adamant1988 | sure thing | 05:40 |
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adamant1988 | oh my god | 07:56 |
adamant1988 | *sigh* | 07:56 |
poningru | oh blargh? | 07:57 |
adamant1988 | I keep trying to load the new ubuntu.com | 07:58 |
adamant1988 | but I can't seem to get it to load. | 07:58 |
poningru | the new ubuntu.com? | 07:59 |
poningru | uh thats not supposed to be out till 19th | 07:59 |
adamant1988 | it's up now, supposedly. | 07:59 |
poningru | wth nm | 08:00 |
poningru | what do you mean you cant get it to load? | 08:02 |
adamant1988 | I still see the old site | 08:02 |
adamant1988 | I've cleared my cache and everything, it's STILL the old site. | 08:02 |
poningru | adamant1988: in a terminal go ping ubuntu.com | 08:02 |
poningru | what server does it give you? | 08:02 |
poningru | and instead of ubuntu.com go to signey.ubuntu.com | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | that's what I'm getting | 08:03 |
poningru | in the browser I mean | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=97.8 ms | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=97.8 ms | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=90.4 ms | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=98.9 ms | 08:03 |
poningru | in the browser instead of going to ubuntu.com go to signey.ubuntu.com | 08:03 |
poningru | dont paste damn it | 08:03 |
poningru | err sorry | 08:03 |
adamant1988 | poningru: that's a 404 error on that site. | 08:04 |
poningru | hmm you're right | 08:05 |
=== beuno I can see the new website perfectly | ||
adamant1988 | I'm getting very annoyed :( | 08:06 |
beuno | want a screenshot :D | 08:06 |
adamant1988 | I've seen it. | 08:07 |
adamant1988 | I just want to be able to navigate it to see if there is any real improvement. | 08:07 |
adamant1988 | I can't understand why the old webpage is still loading | 08:08 |
beuno | martin@martin-laptop:~$ ping signey.ubuntu.com | 08:08 |
beuno | PING signey.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 08:08 |
beuno | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=309 ms | 08:08 |
beuno | 64 bytes from signey.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=362 ms | 08:08 |
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beuno | hey jenda | 08:54 |
jenda | oi | 09:21 |
jenda | beuno: the forums people seem not to like the fact that it's them who have to do the work, not LP... | 09:22 |
jenda | ...but they're always like that :/ | 09:22 |
beuno | ah, I think launchpad-independence is a good thing | 09:23 |
jenda | hmm | 09:23 |
beuno | I mean, they *are* going to have to do some sort of work on this side | 09:23 |
jenda | I guess | 09:23 |
jenda | of course | 09:23 |
beuno | *this = their | 09:23 |
beuno | I can easily do the script that will parse the information, and I might even be able to code the forum integration | 09:24 |
beuno | but ultimately it's up to them | 09:24 |
beuno | and I really don't want to invest too much time if neither launchpad folks and forum folks are interested | 09:25 |
beuno | I'm having a hard time getting through to launchpad devs, although I've gotten some very good "off the record" comments | 09:26 |
poningru | what are we talking about? | 09:27 |
jenda | beuno: alrighty | 09:27 |
beuno | hey poningru, I'm trying to get some sort of integration done between forums and launchpad | 09:27 |
jenda | poningru: forum-LP integration | 09:27 |
poningru | oh | 09:28 |
beuno | jenda: sorry to put you in the middle of this, but you're a easy person to talk to :D | 09:28 |
jenda | beuno: hehe :) | 09:28 |
jenda | beuno: no problem | 09:28 |
jenda | I mean... | 09:28 |
jenda | get lost ;) | 09:28 |
=== jenda hides | ||
jenda | 09:29 | |
beuno | hahaha | 09:29 |
=== beuno goes to get the jenda voodoo doll | ||
jenda | hehe | 09:30 |
tsmithe | beuno, that forum-lp integration thing would be very useful for everyone (and i'm particularly keen to see it working well for the audio team); so keep pushing | 09:30 |
tsmithe | and well done :) | 09:30 |
beuno | damn you tsmithe, I was so close to letting it go... ;) | 09:31 |
beuno | and thank you! | 09:31 |
tsmithe | don't do that | 09:31 |
tsmithe | ! | 09:31 |
tsmithe | and, no problem :P | 09:31 |
beuno | jenda: who should I be bugging about this on the forums side? | 09:32 |
jenda | ryan troy :) | 09:35 |
jenda | I'll brb | 09:35 |
Burgwork | beuno: lp is very much marks project | 09:35 |
adamant1988 | hello all | 09:36 |
beuno | Burgwork: well, he might be harder to "get to", but I've got some very good feedback from launchpad devs, and actually found a way around to implement this on the forums without them doing anything | 09:37 |
tsmithe | using email? | 09:37 |
beuno | I think once it's on the forums, it'll be easier to convince them to get on board | 09:37 |
beuno | tsmithe: no, a magic little feature which I wasn't aware of: text mode | 09:37 |
tsmithe | text mode? | 09:37 |
beuno | tsmithe: https://launchpad.net/bugs/90028/+text) | 09:38 |
beuno | see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=384627 and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2007-March/001184.html | 09:38 |
=== tsmithe is on lp-users@ | ||
tsmithe | why didn't i hear of this? :P | 09:39 |
beuno | dunno, I've been pretty annoying about this! | 09:39 |
tsmithe | "Not allowed here | 09:39 |
tsmithe | Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. | 09:39 |
tsmithe | You are logged in as Toby Smithe" | 09:39 |
adamant1988 | wow | 09:40 |
adamant1988 | the ubuntu home page is BACK to normal | 09:40 |
beuno | tsmithe: sorry, https://launchpad.net/bugs/8242/+text | 09:40 |
tsmithe | why couldn't i see the other one? | 09:40 |
beuno | tsmithe: because it's a bug I reported which was marked private | 09:40 |
tsmithe | ah | 09:40 |
beuno | I should changed that in the forum now that I think about it, heh | 09:41 |
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adamant1988 | mrevell: Hello again :) | 10:07 |
mrevell | adamant1988: hey :) | 10:08 |
adamant1988 | had a chance to look at the spec? | 10:08 |
adamant1988 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/bulletinboard << mrevell | 10:17 |
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mrevell | adamant1988: Sorry dude. I'll put it on my list for tomorrow. | 10:41 |
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