=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-56-10.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === omgponiezlol [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-52-209.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@adsl-69-209-70-170.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [04:22] has anyone looked at Bgu #92337 === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === poningru [n=poningru@pool-72-64-213-219.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [10:51] you sob [10:51] I didnt know you were alexander sack === poningru ^5's asac === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [11:21] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 [11:21] Malone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] [11:21] ? [11:30] poningru: why didn't you? [11:30] who? [11:30] /who [01:52] gnomefreak: are you are back :) [01:57] anyone here? [01:58] can you look in about:config and search for 'mstone' [01:58] is that setting user modified for you? === hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [02:11] yep im here for a little while [02:12] asac: what is the full setting "mstone"? [02:14] wait [02:14] my fox is broken :) [02:14] just search for mstone [02:15] should be the only one you can use [02:15] you will find i mean :) [02:15] browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone [02:18] status user set type string value rv: === gnomefreak didnt know about the search function :( [02:19] hmm [02:19] damn [02:20] I will have to write some code in order to reset that then :( [02:20] reset it? whats wrong with it? [02:20] yeah ... it should be ignore [02:20] i use my LP as home page [02:20] ah [02:21] problem is that this will not be properly reset [02:21] and thus you get the "you have upgraded" [02:21] whenever you upgrade your system [02:21] oh [02:21] this is to fix the "i see the upgrade page all the time" bug? [02:22] no ... that only happens if you never shutdown properly [02:22] its about that you see it on at all [02:22] oh [02:22] we don't want that ... which I didn't know when I reverted the ignore setting [02:22] oh k [02:22] so i have to forcefully reset user setting i guess [02:23] dumb [02:23] anyway... thanks! [02:23] anytime [02:23] ever seen a new gtk_style_realize crash report? [02:24] other than that of sitsofe wheeler? [02:25] asac: bug 92289 [02:25] Malone bug 92289 in firefox "[apport] firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall() (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92289 [02:25] Malone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 [02:25] it's from feisty too, [02:26] not me that is new atlest [02:28] not sure if the reporter has the latest totem plugin upgrades [02:30] hmmm hjmf its definitly still there [02:30] ... and maybe bug 91877 which is 64bits [02:30] Malone bug 91877 in firefox "[feisty] Firefox Crashed x86_64 (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91877 [02:30] Malone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 [02:30] but should be more rare [02:31] /usr/lib/firefox/components/libspellchecker.so is this default? or is there a spell checking package? [02:31] no its default [02:31] k [02:32] ffox has spellchecker (same as thunderbird had long ago) [02:32] oh ok makes sense :) [02:33] hjmf: if i sent a patch, can you run firefox for a few days with that and let me know if it becomes unstable? at best use as much plugins as possible: java, flash, totem, mplayer, etc. [02:33] i am looking in a crash log atm to see if any of these paths are addons that i might need to retrace [02:33] or should I present a test package [02:33] hmm [02:33] maybe I should [02:34] yes [02:34] yes - i need to provide a package ... or yes - you can apply and test? [02:34] sorry, provide a package first :) [02:34] k [02:34] will be in mt-feisty tonight ... [02:35] this vfprint is kind of bothering me but ill let you know what i find. [02:35] I can try to build it my self , but I guess that you would prefer me to test it soon, right? [02:35] the prob is [02:35] that i already did thai lib transition [02:35] and packages required are not yet in feisty [02:35] so i would have to hand-craft a build [02:36] asac: OK, tonight I will have it installed [02:36] i will drop a line if package is available [02:36] k [02:36] gnomefreak: you too? [02:37] yes [02:37] probably I guess :) [02:37] hjmf: im working on bug 89267 atm but im not feeling real lucky today [02:37] Malone bug 89267 in firefox "system was running with high cpu usage as I was doing other things, whilst using firefox" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89267 [02:38] that vfprint is bothering me a bit because i have never seen it [02:38] will look [02:38] hjmf: this is the one you tried [02:40] yes, noticed. That was all I could get form it :/ [02:41] i just asked him for reproduce instructions but lets see what i come up with [02:41] ok === gnomefreak should be going home sunday :) [02:42] gnomefreak: wanna try to confirm this crash (bug 92278 ) [02:42] Malone bug 92278 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash by totem? [@NP_GetMIMEDescription] " [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92278 [02:42] did all work out well now in PA ? [02:42] gnomefreak: ^^^ [02:42] asac: for the most part === asac thinks about leaving lp beta team [02:43] its slow as hell [02:43] all the time [02:44] bug 92278 is interesting [02:44] Malone bug 92278 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash by totem? [@NP_GetMIMEDescription] " [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92278 [02:44] if you can reproduce let me know [02:44] i will look at it as soon as im done with this retrace [02:44] I did on edgy. It crashed [02:45] on feisty's ff nothing happened [02:45] really? [02:45] as simple as visiting site? [02:45] hmm maybe totem update? [02:45] yes [02:45] good i will try [02:45] I attached my own crash retrace [02:46] hmm [02:46] even crashes on feisty here [02:47] ... it didn't on my feisty's. I tried twice. [02:48] gonna check again [02:48] hjmf: maybe i have not latest totem [02:48] there have been more uploads [02:48] anyway ... mozilla trunk with my NEW patch does not crash [02:49] but there is still a missing plugin [02:49] hjmf: does the site work for you? [02:49] it does a lot ... but i never see a video or something [02:50] just on/off of stop button in toolbar [02:50] do you see the same in feisty? [02:51] there is no video, its about radio stations and photos as far as im seeing [02:51] but doesn't cash [02:52] hmm [02:52] probably latest totem [02:52] lets see [02:53] Message: NP_Initialize succeeded [02:53] works ok form me [02:53] for [02:54] totem-mozilla 2.18.0-0ubuntu1 [02:55] hmm [02:55] doesn't crash anymore as well [02:55] good [02:55] i swear i had a crash on feisty when started first [02:55] anyway [02:55] does it crash if you switch theme after you visited that site? [02:55] will look [02:56] asac: i assigned bug 89267 to you for review of retrace info. got a decent threadstack not so good stacktrace though. [02:56] Malone bug 89267 in firefox "system was running with high cpu usage as I was doing other things, whilst using firefox" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89267 [02:57] ignore this it is for me.: bug 92278 [02:57] Malone bug 92278 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash by totem? [@NP_GetMIMEDescription] " [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92278 [02:59] gnomefreak: please keep it open for the moment ... though its gone in feisty [02:59] i t just closed for me i dont think crash [03:00] i will retrace the crash. it did crash [03:01] doesn't crash for me [03:01] .. in feisty [03:02] this was edgy [03:03] hmmmmmm [03:04] i cant retrace my own crash :( [03:04] Traceback (most recent call last): [03:04] File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 292, in ? [03:04] assert os.path.exists(report['ExecutablePath'] ) [03:04] AssertionError [03:04] thats odd [03:05] hehe [03:05] you can run [03:05] firefox -g [03:05] :) [03:05] oh yeah [03:05] unless there are totem dbgsym packages [03:06] lol [03:06] but I guess not [03:06] :) [03:06] i haven't seen symbols for totem [03:06] gnomefreak: I retraced my own crash on my edgy's chroot :) [03:06] maybe i should fix totem to be dbgsym capable as well [03:06] cool :) [03:06] retracing is sometimes better [03:07] because you don't need all -dbg packages installed [03:07] at least is faster :) [03:07] right [03:11] brb i have to go downstairs for a bit. ill grab backtrace asap === hjmf is going too to have some lunch. See you later [03:15] l8r [03:20] crazy [03:21] it does not crash against unmodified minefield (trunk) [03:21] *in edgy* [03:21] same totem and all [03:21] so why does it crash on edgy, but not on feisty ... upstream version is the same [03:21] hmm [03:21] will build latest totem from feisty i guess [03:37] there is yet another having problems with ssl ... this time in feisty :) [04:01] 0xb45ee2a2 in VlcPlugin::init () from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libvlcplugin.so [04:02] asac: im gonna see what bt is in a minute [04:02] gnomefreak: can you see if [04:02] http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/ [04:02] crashes if [04:02] you just watch 1 video [04:02] e.g. just visit site [04:02] , then go somewhere else [04:02] directly [04:02] after that [04:02] switch theme [04:03] feisty or edgy? [04:03] feisty [04:03] k [04:03] with fixed totem [04:03] it will crash [04:03] normall [04:03] y [04:03] what version == fixed? [04:03] just want to be sure if always [04:03] doesn't matter [04:03] latest [04:03] which fixes the standard gtk_style_realize [04:03] this page is variant a which still crashes [04:04] but i wonder if it always crash [04:04] i know that it crashes if you watch more than one video [04:04] and then do theme crash [04:05] i must be missing something here [04:05] maybe the backtrace commands or package is missing [04:05] whjat are you doing? [04:06] bug 92278 [04:06] Malone bug 92278 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash by totem? [@NP_GetMIMEDescription] " [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92278 [04:07] don't you crash or what? [04:11] i do [04:11] but backtrace is not very good [04:13] maybe missing the dbgsym package [04:13] firefox-dbgsym: Depends: firefox (= 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3) but is to be installed [04:13] looks like it hasnt been updated [04:14] let me try updating [04:14] thats not very helpful [04:15] dist-upgrade? [04:15] does not move things up [04:15] wrong dbgsym archives? [04:15] nope only libxine and update-manager [04:15] using pittis [04:15] hmm [04:16] use firefox-dbg packages [04:16] as in wiki [04:16] all -dbg packages [04:16] manually [04:16] libns*-dbg [04:16] deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ddebs edgy main universe multiverse restricted [04:16] i did [04:16] i installed them before doing it [04:17] but trace of bug 92278 is already fine [04:17] Malone bug 92278 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash by totem? [@NP_GetMIMEDescription] " [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92278 [04:17] i cant say its reproducible here with the backtrace im getting (it is crashing so most likely yes but cant tell for sure) [04:18] sure ... but feisty? [04:18] its not fixed there i guess? [04:18] ill check [04:18] interesting [04:18] its [04:18] mimetype = 0x923aa68 "video/quicktime" [04:18] but [04:18] flashMimeType = "application/x-shockwave-flash" [04:18] hmm [04:18] works fine in feisty [04:19] yeah ... so lets not care [04:19] :) [04:19] :) [04:19] as i said [04:19] all the blame is totem plugin code [04:19] its not security so close it and explain why :) [04:19] (of course, mozilla plugin code is messed as well) [04:19] totem is backportable iirc [04:19] but totem does not use the one and only best practices [04:19] to implement plugin [04:19] so they call for trouble [04:19] i just tried [04:20] missing libraries [04:20] ah [04:20] need to backport xine as well [04:20] yep and a few others including gstreamer libs im sure [04:20] bug 89267 [04:20] Ubugtu: ping? [04:20] theres music on that site [04:21] hmm [04:21] i dont have speakers but closing it told me [04:21] i crash with xine on edgy too [04:21] i use xine on edgy i think [04:21] Ubugtu: wake up [04:21] bug 89267 [04:21] nope maybe thats why [04:21] hmm [04:21] let me try with -xine [04:21] see if it gets better bt [04:22] can you find out [04:22] http://librarian.launchpad.net/6807256 [04:22] where that comes from? [04:22] i retitled it [04:22] wait [04:22] http://librarian.launchpad.net/ is a file repository used by Launchpad. [04:22] yeah [04:22] is what i get [04:22] from what bug that is linked from [04:23] http://librarian.launchpad.net/6807256/%3Cfdopen%3E [04:24] there isnt a way to backwards search for that [04:24] atleast not that i know of [04:24] Ubugtu: is still alive in ubuntu-bugs [04:24] bug 1 [04:24] Malone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [04:24] hmm [04:24] works here too :) [04:24] bug 89267 [04:24] Malone bug 89267 in firefox "system was running with high cpu usage as I was doing other things, whilst using firefox" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89267 [04:44] still no good [04:45] what bug was the apple link for? [04:47] it was for reproducing crash [04:47] gtk_style_realize [04:47] variant A [04:47] that still exists :) [04:48] however: I wanted to know if you get it to not crash, e.g. by just visiting site for a short while without switching videos [04:48] and doing retheme after leaving that site [04:48] btw, the videos are pretty funny :) [04:48] I am a PC ... and I am a Mac :) [04:49] i crashed it [04:49] i watched them all by now ;) [04:49] sure [04:49] its gtk_style_realize [04:49] the question is [04:49] can you get it not to crash somehow [04:49] ok ill look [04:49] i have a fix in mozilla code ... but i don't know why it actually happens [04:49] while the other crashes are gone [04:50] before understanding that I don't have a good feeling with this patch [04:50] as the fix I have did fix the old crashes too ... I just refrained to apply it and go totem workaround instead, because i did not understand the reasoning [04:53] weird thing is i opened the video from that site in movie player (totem-xine) when it was done i closed it and brough up theme manager once i closed theme manager after changing themes it crashed [04:53] what [04:53] can you reproduce it that way? [04:54] yes [04:54] really? [04:54] you just open firefox [04:54] its gtk_style_relize [04:54] then open totem standalong [04:54] after closin totem firefox crashes? [04:54] (on theme change) [04:54] you have url you opened? [04:55] open firefox go to the site you gave me click on a video right click the black spot and open in movie player close movie player screen when done and change thtem close theme manager and poof crash [04:55] ah [04:55] ok [04:55] that is same [04:55] but you always crash, right? [04:56] http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/ at the bottom the squares pick one and it will show blank black screen right click in it and open in movie player [04:56] yes [04:57] cool video is "Surgery" :) [04:57] its the nsAppStartup::Run [04:57] yeah [04:57] probably [04:57] if you can't find a way to not crash, nevermind [04:57] but you have no sound [04:57] that is not that funny of course:) [04:57] nope i dont [04:57] i didnt think of bringing speakers [04:58] sure ;) [04:58] headphones somewhere around? [04:58] my ipod ones [04:58] hmmmmm i wonder [05:02] those films are getting funnnier the more i watch them :) ... to reproduce ;) [05:02] lol [05:02] maybe I will buy a mac ones I have fixed it :) [05:03] s/ones/once/ === gnomefreak wants a mac [05:03] cant find ipod :( [05:13] na ... don't like macs. too expensive just for good design imo [05:14] of course if choice is PC/Windows || Mac/MacOSX ... i would take mac [05:20] i want one ot play with but its a very high dollar toy [05:39] does sudo make install add a .de bto apt-cache by chance? [05:48] he? [05:48] no it does not [05:48] ad da.d eb [05:48] :) [05:49] 10 minutes [05:49] then gone fo 2 hours [05:49] no other way to builda .deb huh? other than debianizing it [05:51] no [05:51] why you need a deb? [05:52] you can link plugins in .mozilla/plugins/ [05:52] if that is what you are missing [05:52] when starting [05:52] its for kiba-dock so everyone doesnt have to build it [05:52] from dist/bin/ [06:07] ok gone [06:07] l8r [06:10] l8r === poningru [n=poningru@pool-72-64-213-219.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [08:33] bug 88035 [08:33] Malone bug 88035 in firefox "[feisty] Firefox Crashed x86_64" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88035 [08:37] asac: i assigned you to a few bugs. related in some way shape or form to gtk_style [08:38] thx [08:38] the edgy ones we can mark as duplicate of 72018 === asac looking [08:38] right? [08:38] if stacktrace is the same, yes [08:38] new feisty ones with same stacktrace matter [08:38] yeah it was the showmodal one [08:38] thats fine [08:38] just dupe [08:39] i saved you feisty;s that i found i marked an edgy one for you also so just push that to 72018 [08:39] I had a question re: 3.0 in ubuntu [08:39] anyone else notice the really weird background handling? [08:39] poningru: 3.0 isnt in feisty [08:39] yeah I know [08:39] this is mofo's official [08:39] hmm [08:40] did you add sumnmary? [08:40] how am i supposed to find them :) [08:40] in your LP page [08:40] lol [08:40] yes i marked one as confirm rest as summary [08:40] poningru: what kind of background handling [08:40] my trunk build works pretty fine [08:40] gnomefreak: ok [08:40] will look for summary then [08:42] oops the dgy one i never reassigned so i marked it as dupe [08:42] gnomefreak: the point is i have no idea which of those bugs there are new assignments [08:42] so its hard for me to guess which ones might be related in your opinion to gtk_style_realize [08:42] oh hmm weird [08:43] ah. well im going through my mail they should be there [08:43] bug 91011 asac [08:43] Malone bug 91011 in firefox "firefox crash x86_64" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91011 [08:44] poningru: what do you mean by background? [08:44] bug 92519 assigned to you for ppc retrace [08:44] Malone bug 92519 in firefox "Windows Domain Authentication Crashes Firefox PPC" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92519 [08:45] interesting [08:45] bug 91011 [08:45] already has good symbols [08:45] Malone bug 91011 in firefox "firefox crash x86_64" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91011 [08:45] its definitly a dupe [08:46] don't know why retrace is so messed up [08:46] the inital report has the stacktrace symbolized [08:46] so my initial comment is still valid [08:46] dupe [08:46] yeah i noticed after i retraced it [08:46] asac: hold on getting screenshot [08:46] he? [08:46] bdmurray retraced it [08:47] not you :) [08:48] asac: right [08:48] hes been doing that [08:48] not sure why yet but he has one that is giving him a low memory error when retracing [08:49] ok retracing ppc now [08:50] totem-mozilla is built with totem right? [08:52] yes [08:52] damn thing [08:52] no ppc retrace works [08:53] http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/1166/screenshotum4.png [08:54] http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/2230/marobotminefieldlq1.png [08:54] first one website is uf.freeculture.org [08:54] second one is burntelectrons [08:54] .org [08:57] asac: ^^ [08:57] k [08:58] yeah ... probably they ship broken gif code [08:58] :) [09:01] wait do you see it too? [09:01] can you post link [09:01] i can try [09:03] http://burntelectrons.org/ looks fine for me in minefield [09:03] fresh cvs up done yesterday [09:04] both look ok [09:04] electrons has green background [09:04] while the first has fading blue [09:11] yeah thats how it should be [09:12] I am guessing this is something from my vidcard/laptop screen [09:12] weird thing is 2.0.x.x works just fine [09:12] hold on let me open this in thunderbird [09:13] weird tbird 3.0 displays it well [09:13] gaah this is soo weird [09:15] whatever === hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [09:26] asac: dude should we ask lp.net people to have ubugtu display the firefox, thunderbird etc. bugs in here? [09:27] what would that do? how would that help? [09:27] poningru: ? === poningru shrugs [09:28] always had new bug reports scrolling by [09:29] poningru: i had seveas do that we turned it off i dont remember why [09:29] asac: is there a way to run 3.0 and 2.0 fx side by side without changing symlinks? [09:30] hmm [09:30] what do you mean? [09:30] at once ... or stopping one then starting the other? [09:30] the latter I know how to do [09:30] i currently use the same profile for both [09:30] asac: stopping than starting another [09:30] i do that [09:30] moz no remote [09:30] profile appear to be not corrupted : [09:30] :) [09:30] how? [09:30] what how? [09:30] i build ffox3 [09:31] and in start it [09:31] how do you set it up to do that [09:31] from dist/bin/ [09:31] ./firefox [09:31] bang [09:31] oh [09:31] i don't install it like in "make install" [09:31] gnomefreak: just put it in /usr/local/lib and symlink bin/firefox to the executable [09:31] so just build it and install the .deb [09:34] ok lets say i use moxconfig to build it and once its built and installed i want to use command fox3 to start it [09:35] how installed? [09:35] you just need to build it [09:35] afterwards [09:35] start from [09:35] dist/bin [09:35] gnomefreak: put a fox3 soft link in /usr/local/bin to the firefox 3.0 executable [09:35] directory [09:36] do i have a dist/bin dir? i have never seen it :( [09:36] gnomefreak: just ... make -f client.mk build; cd dist/bin/; ./firefox [09:36] you have [09:36] thats the dir upstream packages up for release [09:36] and thats why make install is always broken [09:37] so just use it the way its ment to be used ... like a windows user [09:38] one problem cd /dist/bin and cd /dist and cd dist/bin dont work [09:38] yeah [09:38] won't work if you type it that way [09:38] look [09:38] above [09:38] ah ok [09:39] dist/bin is inside the mozilla/ source tree after build [09:39] run that in the source dir like normal [09:39] go to source and run exactly: [09:39] make -f client.mk build; cd dist/bin/; ./firefox [09:39] :) [09:39] to build and start [09:40] ok cool than from than on just ./firefox (from anywhere will work or only in source dir [09:40] guess :) [09:41] ./firefox will nowhere exist, but in the dist/bin dir of course [09:41] ah ok [09:41] you can add the dist/bin dir to PATH [09:41] if you want to start firefox [09:41] from everywhere [09:41] just put it ahead of /usr/bin [09:43] that command dont work either [09:43] the make command [09:43] make: client.mk: No such file or directory [09:43] make: *** No rule to make target `client.mk'. Stop. [09:43] bash: cd: dist/bin/: No such file or directory [09:44] ah [09:45] http://www.ubuntu.com/ [09:45] yes its new :) [09:45] new look [09:45] look at upstream instructions then [09:45] how to build firefox [09:45] i don't know what you are doing :) [09:47] i cd firefox/ after unpacking it and ran the command you gave me [09:47] if you don't unpack sources [09:47] then it won't work [09:47] i talked about sources [09:47] in upstream binaries [09:47] you have firefox directly in firefox/ directory [09:47] so cd firefx/ [09:47] ./firefox [09:47] should do it [09:47] ./ before firefox is important [09:48] i downloaded tar.bz2 unpacked it than cd firefox (the dir was made after unpacking) than ran the make -f client command [09:49] yeah [09:49] but that didn't work? [09:49] nope [09:49] then you have no sources, but binary [09:49] there is firefox inside it [09:49] so [09:49] cd firefox [09:49] ./firefox [09:49] should start it [09:49] it did [09:50] 21:43 < gnomefreak> that command dont work either [09:50] 21:43 < gnomefreak> the make command [09:50] 21:43 < gnomefreak> make: client.mk: No such file or directory [09:50] it did not :) [09:52] actually there are no sources for latest 3.0 released as tarball afaik ... i always have to use cvs go them [09:53] ok i just found cvs [09:57] ok its building brb [09:58] great :) [09:58] ok meeting [10:07] should i have run that with sudo by chnace? [10:07] chance? [10:07] make[899] : Entering directory `/home/gnomefreak/3.0build_firefox/mozilla' [10:07] make -f /home/gnomefreak/3.0build_firefox/mozilla/client.mk build [10:07] cvs checkout: CVS password file /home/gnomefreak/.cvspass does not exist - creating a new file [10:07] over 900 times now [10:13] bbs need to do a few things === Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@adsl-69-209-77-18.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [10:52] ha i made it work :) === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [11:39] gnomefreak: congrats [11:57] ? [12:04] i didnt build it i wrote a script to cd ~/build_firefox3/mozilla than run ./firefox :) [12:11] asac: iif the stacktrace turns out bad and a decent threadstack is attached is that good enough? i found another one of those vfprint stacks that have almost nothing but that in it [12:15] asac: you will see what i mean on bug 90310 and bug 92188 i think it has alot to do with vlc but cant be sure. there was one i found earlier today and i cant recall bug number but i believe it had print in description [12:15] Malone bug 90310 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90310 [12:15] Malone bug 92188 in firefox "firefox crash : install vlc plugin and try a video" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92188 [12:17] bug 90310 -> colorzilla [12:17] Malone bug 90310 in firefox "[edgy] firefox crash" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90310 [12:17] look at trace [12:18] looking [12:19] that looks like one of the ones i just mentioned but still missing the vfprint in the beginning [12:20] i dont remember seeing #4 ~nsCOMPtr_base (this=0x80004002) at nsCOMPtr.cpp:80 [12:20] #4 can be any number i guess [12:20] PR_AtomicIncrement looks about right [12:21] oh [12:21] mark it dupe of colorzilla bug?