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N6REJ | would someone mind clearing up a tiny confusion I have with NFS vs Samba. Do I need both or is simply NFS enough? | 04:18 |
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rambo3 | wake up | 02:25 |
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Tigerman | Silly question that might be asked in the wrong chan coming up.. Ive used RedHat with kerio mailserver, is there a similar mailserver program for ubuntu? | 06:03 |
mralphabet | kerio is redhat specific? | 06:21 |
mralphabet | as in, it only works on redhat? | 06:21 |
Tigerman | seems so | 06:23 |
mralphabet | I'm not sure I believe that | 06:23 |
mralphabet | it works on suse | 06:24 |
mralphabet | Supported operating systems | 06:24 |
mralphabet | Kerio MailServer runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003, server and desktop editions, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux and Mac OS X. Kerio Outlook Connector for Microsoft Outlook runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003. | 06:24 |
Tigerman | well, some people suggesting alien the kerio rpm, but well | 06:24 |
Tigerman | they want money for kerio now as well :p | 06:24 |
mralphabet | those are the OS's that kerio supports out of the box, it does not say "will not work on anything other then these" | 06:25 |
mralphabet | ahh, so you are looking for a free option | 06:25 |
Tigerman | preferrably | 06:25 |
Tigerman | i think kerio was free when i used it, actually | 06:25 |
mralphabet | so what you really want is a free option to kerio, regardless of what it runs on | 06:26 |
mralphabet | because if it runs on one linux os, it will run on the next | 06:26 |
Tigerman | well, if i can get the source and compile it on ubuntu.. | 06:26 |
mralphabet | binary based distrobutions are fine too, you don't *have* to compile anything | 06:27 |
Tigerman | id preferr binary based, yeah | 06:27 |
Tigerman | i hate starting to edit things and having to install things manually.. im lazy :p | 06:28 |
mralphabet | rpm based distrobutions are slightly more difficult, but still not anything to kill yourself over | 06:28 |
=== mralphabet is spelling distrobutions wrong ;( | ||
=== Tigerman dont care about the spelling as long as they work | ||
mralphabet | anyway, I use sendmail | 06:29 |
mralphabet | ;) | 06:29 |
Tigerman | mm.. lots of people do.. i dont like sendmail | 06:29 |
mralphabet | so i don't have a recommendation for you ;( | 06:29 |
Tigerman | communigate pro someone just recommended me | 06:30 |
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AMSmith42 | Is there a defacto webmail server? | 09:40 |
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