[12:19] jgedeon: where in the US are you? === mrwizard14 [n=homework@ip68-7-49-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu === ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AEDA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu [12:33] Laser_away: you still around? [12:33] Sorry about that. [12:33] In North East Ohio === mrwizard14 [n=homework@ip68-7-49-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #edubuntu [] === mrwizard14 [n=homework@ip68-7-49-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu === mrwizard14 [n=homework@ip68-7-49-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #edubuntu [] [12:41] jgedeon: no need to be sorry, did you hear my question? [12:41] Burgwork: yes I said in North East Ohio. [12:42] ah, didn't catch that [12:42] I apparently dropped for a bit [12:42] there are a bunch of ltsp devs in the midwest region [12:43] A couple of years ago I was helping a teacher in the school and one thing led to another and now we are looking at *nix district wide... [12:44] It's already been officially said that they want to try Edubuntu in the primary and Intermediate buildings. [12:46] cool [12:47] there is also somebody using Edubuntu in Illionios [12:47] as part of their state-wide rollout [12:48] Cool. Then we won't be the only ones. Makes one feel better. LOL Even though I don't think Edubuntu will have a problem it's just nice to know there are others. [12:48] In the area so to say. [12:48] we are as close as your netrwork connection 8`) [12:48] LOL [12:50] I do know that the media will be watching this. So it should be pretty interesting for Ubuntu as a whole! The County Superintendent is keeping a close eye on this to and has an interest in it. [12:50] jgedeon: we switched cave hill to ltsp three years ago..but in libranet..then redhat..soon to e edubuntu [12:50] ah, libranet [12:50] cliebow_: which cave hill? [12:51] jgedeon: ironically I work for a company that sells a competing solution [12:51] at the time we had a tech guy there..teaching first grade..but budget consolidation made him go [12:51] mAINE [12:51] when he left i puit all six schools in rhel3.. [12:51] cliebow_: I think I have read something about your school on the internet while researching. [12:52] probably...i admin six in Ellsworth and sis in surrounding union 92 [12:53] cliebow_: how many clients are you running per server? [12:53] cliebow prob brings up all sorts of fabrications [12:53] i have a hundred in the high school..never more than 40 aT a time on [12:54] i ve been doing ltsp five years or so [12:54] cliebow_: what kind of server spec's are you running if you don't mind me asking? [12:55] eagle2 is 4 gig memory..have to look at the rest for you..dual opteron perhaps.. [12:55] And 40 is at once is about the limit? [12:56] no..with no runaway forefoxes or online games we could do more [12:56] Ok.. KEWL [12:56] we have a trio..ldapserver//ltsp...fileserver [12:57] cliebow_: do you know what software your districts are using for reading comprehension? [12:57] well we are using read180...lexia//carnegie learning === Laser_away is now known as LaserJock [12:58] yeah..dual opteron 1792 mhz 64 bit.. [12:58] trying to find the name of the one they are currently using on doze network. [12:59] 3yo servers? [12:59] Burgwork: I am now [12:59] two hefty servers...one is files gfor all six schools..the other ltsp for high school.. [01:00] and a pos fgor ldap [01:00] authentication [01:00] cliebow_: ok. [01:01] it comes and goes..still have a fifth grade pod of seven run by a totally non-savvy teacher..who loves it [01:02] i look in at every ubuntu release..other than that it just works [01:02] cliebow_: that is what I am seeing. [01:03] GReat..any help i can be just holler..i am in #ltsp most of the time [01:05] cliebow_: Thanks. I have set up a couple of smaller labs just for testing but am looking at doing something a little bigger so that I can show the others more of a hands on and to do some training on so that they aren't blind sideded. [01:06] good...i have mine set up to feed the whole building..single nic..but some prefer the lab type setup [01:06] you are doing ltsp? [01:08] Yes ltsp, don't see a reason not to go ltsp. Hoping to break the grades into like pods. Think there will be 5 to 7 clients in a room. [01:08] cliebow_: is your network a mixxed network with *nix and M$? [01:10] oh yeah....osx nix ms..like 200 laptops just in the high school [01:10] 200 osx laptops.. [01:11] maine laptop initiative... [01:11] Ok. [01:11] prob 400 ibooks in lall [01:11] for this district [01:12] Ok. [01:14] that is why i was so hot getting ltsp to wwork on ppc [01:14] i find the litlle bast..ds a pain..\ === ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AD448.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu [01:17] cliebow_: with the changes in ppc I don't think we will really be worrying about those since everything we have is so outdated and we are basically going to be starting out from scratch. === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #edubuntu [01:23] i started out with nubus mac... [01:24] my terminals are all junk donated..netvistas..boxes from the banks..the airforce.. [01:26] 200 meg boxes retired from the career essentials labs === mrwizard14 [n=homework@ip68-7-49-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu === mrwizard14 is now known as MrWizard13 === MrWizard13 is now known as MrWizard14 === pauljw [n=paul@pool250.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu [01:37] packing it in..til tomorrow [01:37] ok, c ya === adrenalin1983 [n=root@dsl-58-6-87-23.sa.westnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu [01:50] Anyone got some spare time to help me with something? [01:51] I need help with my video card === adrenalin1983 [n=root@dsl-58-6-87-23.sa.westnet.com.au] has left #edubuntu [] === jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #edubuntu === pauljw [n=paul@pool22.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === pitux [n=pitux@180-94-20-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === Burgwork [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu === a_ty [n=a_ty@] has joined #edubuntu [02:35] can help me to enable 3D vga client === a_ty is now known as yo === bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #edubuntu === caravena [n=caravena@145-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu === a_ty [n=a_ty@] has joined #edubuntu === a_ty is now known as yo_ [03:47] please help me [03:48] to enable client 3D VGA card [03:50] yo_: what is the make of your video card [03:50] ? === yo_ is now known as a_ty [04:07] yo [04:08] Burgundavia: you pinged me earlier today, anything special? [04:08] LaserJock: I forgot [04:08] k [04:09] what [04:10] what's the mean of laserjock. may i know [04:12] what does "LaserJock" mean? === freet15__ [n=freet15@] has joined #edubuntu [04:20] yeah [04:32] well, LASER is Light Amplified by Spontaneous Emission of Radiation [04:32] and Jock is kinda like an enthusiast === |speed| [n=kvirc@] has joined #edubuntu [05:07] <|speed|> can help me to configuration 3D vga card client [05:09] |speed|: what kind of video card? nvidia? ati? === Alpha_Cluster [n=chatzill@12-208-202-183.client.mchsi.com] has joined #edubuntu === cliebow__ [n=cliebow@cpe-76-179-82-249.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu === LaserJock is now known as Laser_away === jbrefort [n=jean@mar44-2-82-227-215-241.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu === edubuntunewbie [n=patrick@0-1pool61-30.nas21.chicago4.il.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #edubuntu === edubuntunewbie [n=patrick@0-1pool61-30.nas21.chicago4.il.us.da.qwest.net] has left #edubuntu [] === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu === freet15_ [n=freet15@] has joined #edubuntu === RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd === cbx33 [n=prochat1@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu [07:34] hi alll [07:36] hey burgundavia, howz it looking [07:36] 'lo cbx33 [07:37] hey riched [07:38] cbx33: pm4u [07:38] i'm nagging as usual [07:38] s/lagging/nagging ? [07:38] nope nagging [07:39] wow people do actaully talk in here [07:39] heh === freet15__ [n=freet15@] has joined #edubuntu [07:39] right i gotta go get up [07:42] /me bugs burgundavia one last time book book book..... [07:42] i'm outta here === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu === iandexter [i=iandexte@bam.dreamhost.com] has joined #edubuntu === arualavi [n=Iva@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === arualavi [n=Iva@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=wskr@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu [09:10] i am working on my idea, which i think could be a useful app for Edubuntu [09:10] is this the right place to get feedback on it? [09:18] phoenix24: yep [09:18] phoenix24: welcome to edubuntu [09:18] phoenix24: most people are still sleeping though :) [09:21] i guess so.. [09:22] My Application is called WISIWYS; pronounced "wizz e wizz" [09:25] and i call it What-I-See-Is What-You-See [09:25] catered more towards, situtations like; a classroom; a workshop; or a seminar. Where the lead presenter wants all the attendees to focus on his screen, or rather their own which is a replica of his own( if everyone has one) [09:26] what technologies does it use? [09:26] X11 backend, GTK+ [09:26] would it work with clients that are connected via ssh -X ? [09:27] would primarily be messing around with the X11 protocols [09:27] I suggest you mail about it to edubuntu-devel at http://lists.ubuntu.com [09:27] i am yet to refine the idea, was thinking if it even had a potential ? [09:27] if it could be incorporated into the current edubuntu tools, that would be great [09:28] it has potential, yes, ogra and cbx33 are working on tools to do similar things [09:28] maybe you could contribute your ideas and knowledge? [09:28] if you hang around, they'll be in the channel a bit later. [09:29] a friend told me to comtact orga. but he's not seen here now. [09:29] *contact [09:30] highvoltage: could give me the liks to orga's / cbx33's work on this? [09:34] ugh, I was just about to paste him the links === phoenix24 [i=bjurb@] has joined #edubuntu [09:36] phoenix24: it was originally called the student control panel [09:36] phoenix24: here's the specification: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/student-control-panel-completion [09:36] phoenix24: I think it's now called LTSP manager [09:37] phoenix24: but I suggest you hang arround for cbx33 and ogra for more details [09:37] yeah i will. === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu === rockprincess [n=theresa@chello084112026078.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=uhr@] has joined #edubuntu === cbx33 [i=c2df514b@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=edrgjd@] has joined #edubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === caravena_ [n=caravena@215-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === pauljw [n=paul@pool252.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu === caravena [n=caravena@215-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=fvpi@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === mherweg [n=mherweg@i577AD8A4.versanet.de] has joined #edubuntu [01:15] hi edubuntu-people! I tried to build CipUX on ubuntu and get this error: dh_installinit -pcipux-rpc -o --name=cipux-rpcd [01:15] > Unknown option: o [01:15] > dh_installinit: unknown option; aborting === skirk [n=skirk@ip-103-163.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #edubuntu [01:32] hi ogra === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu === cliebow [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #edubuntu === pauljw [n=paul@pool135.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=qjk@s15209521.onlinehome-server.info] has joined #edubuntu === wima [n=wima@226.136-78-194.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #edubuntu [02:39] does anyone know where I can find a description of the local devices mechanism used in ubuntu ltsp? [02:40] I'm having troubles with cdroms, and I don't really know where to begin debugging [02:40] I fount this: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ltsp-devel/2006-August/000339.html [02:41] but it doesn't say anything about cdrom [02:41] (other local devices work fine) === Rondom [n=Rondom@p57A97021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu [02:56] wima:wiki.ltsp.org [02:57] thqnks cliebow [02:58] but that is about ltsp 4.2 [02:58] I belief there are quite some changes in ubuntu ltsp [02:59] ( in ltsp 4.2 cdroms work, btw) [03:01] ah..then ogra may be your best resource..i know he is wicked busy with beta freeze [03:02] yeah, he was also the author of the mail i referenced [03:02] i believe localdev system is the same..but dont quote me.. [03:02] pop in #ltsp..Gadi is there i know.. [03:02] I believe there are some changes in how things are mounted server side [03:02] heh..was there [03:03] on the client, things seem to work [03:03] cd is mounted [03:03] did you do the 12 step diagnosis? [03:03] no. where can I find this? [03:04] are those the ones at ltsp.org? [03:04] are those applicable for ubuntu ltsp? [03:05] well i thought so..still need ltspfsd and stuff [03:06] what are permissions on /dev/fuse [03:06] rw-rw---- [03:06] everyone is in the fuse group [03:07] usb sticks work fine [03:07] local hard drives as wel [03:08] skimming trough the 12 steps, I see at least one step that goes wrong: [03:08] hmmm [03:08] "Does your workstation know its name?" [03:08] that should bother all else though huh? [03:08] I believe there is something wrong with the hostname script [03:09] its not needed in ltsp5 .... [03:10] no, I thought so [03:10] my dhcp server hqnds out hostnames based on mac [03:10] ltsp5 uses a socked of the ssh tunnel to communicate, you dont need any TCP stuff set up correctly for it ... (less error prone) [03:10] I see the hostname scrolling by during boot [03:11] but then it gets overwritten by the hostname of the server [03:11] in ltsp 4.2 a separate communication bus makes the TCP connection, so it depends on correct TCP setup there [03:11] echo $DISPLAY on a client gives server name? [03:11] seesm irrelevant anyway [03:11] cliebow, should give you :6 on a client [03:12] and at least localhst:11 in the session [03:12] can you think of anything that can cause cdroms to fail while other devices work? [03:12] set a roowpw in the client chroot: sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd [03:13] hit ctrl-alt-f1 on the client and log in as root ... [03:13] check if the cdpinger script is running [03:13] I have an account with sudo rights [03:13] no [03:13] the chroot the client boots from is a completely independent system [03:13] it has no user accounts at all and root is locked [03:14] yes, I know [03:14] so you need a rootpw to log in on the console on a booted client [03:14] but I created one in the chroot [03:14] ah [03:14] ok [03:14] cdpinger is running [03:14] hmm, then there is no reason you shouldnt see the CD [03:14] this is a python script right? [03:14] yep [03:15] it is mounted locally [03:15] but it doesn't appear on the server [03:15] hmm, so cdpinger even works right [03:15] thats a bit weird [03:16] sorry, it _used_ to work [03:16] now not anymore [03:16] and it won't give me back my cd [03:17] for other devices, I saw two mounts on the server [03:17] like: === cliebow cliebow scribbles frantically [03:17] ltspfs on /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/floppy0 type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=wima)/tmp/.wima-ltspfs/floppy0 on /media/wima/floppy0 type none (rw,bind) [03:17] sorry [03:17] ltspfs on /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/floppy0 type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=wima) [03:17] /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/floppy0 on /media/wima/floppy0 type none (rw,bind) [03:18] for cdroms, there was only one [03:20] hmm [03:20] check if /media/wima has a cdrom dir [03:21] no [03:21] maybe it did before I messed things up completely [03:23] unfortunately I cannot reboot the server without having a lot of angry users [03:24] (for the moment they are happy ltsp users, thank you very much :)) [03:25] is this what is supposed to happen?: [03:25] 1. cdpinger sees that there is a cd and mounts the cdrom [03:25] 2 server is notified [03:26] 3. server mounts ltsp filesystem [03:26] right [03:26] 4 ??? [03:26] this is then mounted again? [03:26] the only thing i could have imagined was that the dir wasnt deleted on unmount, it sometimes chokes on that [03:27] but if you say /media/wima is empty that cant be it [03:27] well, floppy is there [03:27] but no cdrom [03:28] what is running on the server to manage these things? [03:28] and can I get it to log something? [03:29] there is the ltspfsmounter script that gets executed through the tunnel [03:29] its respnsible for the payload connection [03:30] but if your floppy woirks all should be fine [03:30] why are there two mounts for every device? [03:31] one is the ltspfs mount, the other is a bind mount, so the device ends up in /media/$USER [03:31] ok [03:31] gnome-volumke manager monitors that dir [03:32] so we didnt need to touch the desktop with any hacks ;) [03:32] strange then that the bind mount happened, but the ltspfs mount didn't [03:32] the bind mount made the icon appear [03:33] right [03:33] and you bsee an empty dir if you open it [03:33] can I run ltspfsmount manually? [03:33] as a test? === rpereira [n=rpereira@ubuntu/member/rpereira] has joined #edubuntu [03:35] hmm, might work [03:38] oh, wait ! [03:39] check if a cdrom dir still is in /tmp/.$USER [03:39] ltspfsmounter wont work if either side exists ... [03:39] (either side of the bind mount) [03:39] no [03:39] well [03:39] not anymore [03:40] it was created when I tried ltfsmounter [03:40] and then I used the remove option and it was gone [03:40] (i have no idea what I am doing :)) [03:41] try putting in a cdrom now [03:41] problem is: [03:41] btw, is that edgy or feisty ? [03:41] there is already a cdrom in, and it wont come out [03:42] oh [03:43] umount -f on client says device is busy [03:43] oh [03:43] eject [03:43] well, indeed, you said you see the mount on the client ... [03:44] ususally there are no mounts as long as no data is transferred, ltspfs works dynamically [03:44] and unmounts the clientside secretly 2secs after the last byte was transferred [03:45] eject: device is busy [03:46] well, thats very likely an HW issue, what kind of CD is that ? [03:46] plain data ? mixed audio/data ? or something differently weird ? [03:46] audio CDs are not yxet supported ... [03:46] plain data [03:46] i havent tried mixed ones [03:47] tried multiple workstations [03:47] I could do an ls on client and see the data [03:47] right [03:48] which release is that ? [03:50] edgy [03:50] k [03:51] run lsof on the client to see what hogs the CD [03:51] or better: lsof|grep cd [03:51] already tried it [03:51] nothing [03:52] maybe best to reboot client [03:52] is there anything I can do server side so everything is clean? [03:53] remove tmp/user-ltsp? [03:53] and /media/user/* [03:54] if you shut down from the clients login manager (with the button on te bottom left) a cleanup script is run [03:54] that will delete all dirs [03:54] ok [03:54] ah, the button doen't work on this machine [03:54] it works on all others [03:55] it just freezes [03:55] I will check if everything is remeved when I log back in [03:55] weird machine ... but even if it freezes it will run the script before the acpi call is done [03:55] ok [03:55] well, I'm going to reboot now [03:56] thanks already for your time! === wima [n=wima@226.136-78-194.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #edubuntu [04:02] and we are back... [04:03] with working CDrom ? [04:04] haven't tried [04:04] was checking if all dirs where gone [04:04] and they were i hope [04:04] on client, there is still a cdrom dir in /var/run/drives [04:04] is this ok? [04:04] yes [04:05] ok [04:05] thats created on boot [04:05] (as the whole /var/run dir) [04:05] inserting disc... [04:05] icon appears [04:05] if you ever need something to vanish on reboot in asn ubuntu system, use /var/run ;) [04:06] hmm [04:06] I see an empty folder [04:06] on server, both mounts are there [04:06] ltspfs and bind [04:07] ls /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/cdrom gives nothing [04:07] no, it shouldnt [04:07] but you see the mount in the output of the mount program ? [04:08] ah, it is not mounted on client [04:08] mount |grep cd gives nothing [04:09] on server, mount |grep cdrom |grep wima gives [04:09] ltspfs on /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/cdrom type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=wima) [04:09] /tmp/.wima-ltspfs/cdrom on /media/wima/cdrom type none (rw,bin [04:10] I forgot to check if these weren't there before I inserted this disk of course [04:11] it should get mounted as soon as you acess it [04:12] removed cd now [04:12] icon is gone [04:12] mounts are also gone on server [04:12] i'll try another cd === phoenix24 [i=yuam@] has joined #edubuntu [04:14] ah, now nautilus gives an error [04:14] 'could not display contents' [04:14] it is mounted on client now [04:14] hmm [04:15] right, thats what should happen [04:15] but i wonder why you dont have read access [04:15] ls /var/drives/cdrom on client works [04:16] are you logged in multiple times with the same user ? [04:16] ls /media/wima/cdrom [04:16] gives: [04:16] /media/wima/cdrom: Transport endpoint is not connected [04:17] no only on this machine [04:17] I think === LaserJock is now known as Laser_away [04:21] sounds like a bug in ltspfs or so ... [04:21] we'll need to wait until sbalneav shows up... [04:21] can there be anything specific to my setup that cases this problem? [04:22] network maybe? [04:22] not really, you client boots from the net and works ... that would exclude network probs [04:22] the scriptsa work fine as well and create all the mountpoints === arualavi [n=Iva@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu [04:23] so the only thing that could be broken is ltspfs [04:23] which is responsible for the payload ... [04:24] we had a lot of problems with nfs [04:25] it was so bad that ubuntu ltsp zas unusable [04:25] then I changed nfsp to use tcp in the init scripts [04:25] now it is fine, and we could finally switch to ltsp ubuntu [04:27] ok. I'll wait for sbalneav :) [04:28] thanks very much for your help [04:28] now I understand a bit better what is going on [04:29] once cdrom is fixed, we're moving the whole office over to ltsp [04:29] ( we have a few test users at the moment) [04:29] nice [04:30] is pulse audio going in in the next release? [04:30] its already in, yes [04:30] great! === gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@c-71-225-172-3.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=fwjy@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia is now known as Burgwork === phoenix24 [i=einvw@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=ihu@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === SonOfAq [n=blodnefr@cpc4-sout6-0-0-cust220.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #edubuntu === Alpha_Cluster [n=chatzill@12-208-202-183.client.mchsi.com] has joined #edubuntu === bdoin [n=coudoin@home.gcompris.net] has joined #edubuntu === cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=froamp@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu === sbalneav [n=sbalneav@S0106000b6a5631f9.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu [07:26] cbx33: Hey dude! How's stands the empire? [07:26] s/'s// === Laser_away is now known as LaserJock [07:36] sbalneav! [07:38] hey LaserJock [07:38] sbalneav: hey! [07:40] hey hey [07:40] is cbx33 around? [07:41] not sure [07:41] Who's controlling the doco these days? ogra said there was some weirdness in the doco, but when it moved off of hedgemage's repo, I never got access to it after that. [07:42] sbalneav: the doc team has it [07:43] http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ [07:44] sbalneav: we just need to make sure all your work got there [07:44] nixternal: thought it was but now we aren't sure [07:45] s/:// [07:46] Some of it wasn't finished yet, but I lost access to the server and COULDN't finish it. [07:47] lost access to HedgeMage's server? [07:48] Well, they moved the doco off of that, right? [07:48] well, we *were* periodically syncing from it [07:48] but we've moved totally to the doc team server [07:49] Any chance I could get access to it? [07:49] sure [07:49] but you can always send us patches too ;-) [07:49] That's fine, what's the address? [07:49] it'll take time to get write access [07:49] bzr or svn? [07:50] svn [07:50] What's the addrss? [07:50] Canonical sysadmins have to create the accounts [07:50] well, you can send it to me [07:50] or ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com [07:50] No, I mean the svn address. [07:51] oh sorry [07:51] I can do a checkout, fix up what needs fixing, then send you the patches. [07:51] svn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk ubuntu-doc [07:52] k got it [07:52] the handbook is in edubuntu/handbook/ [07:53] Grabbing it now. [07:53] hey sbalneav [07:53] I'm here [07:53] gonna be jumping out in just a sec though === LaserJock waves to Pete [07:55] hey LaserJock [07:57] well, I got 6hrs of sleep last night ;-) [07:57] urgh, yeah, hasn't got all the up-to-date stuff. I'll work on it for the rest of the day. [07:57] sbalneav: thanks so much dude. I'm not sure what happened there [07:58] I've just been doing packaging, etc. for it not any content [07:59] 6 hours [07:59] that's tonnes [07:59] try 4 [08:00] i did that for a whole month once [08:00] yucky [08:00] I feel like crap [08:00] it's only noon and I'm wasted [08:00] hmm, drugs [08:01] makes irc a much better place [08:01] no drugs for me :/ [08:01] I shouldn't even be drinking soda, according to the dentist [08:01] Burgwork, chapter? [08:01] I hate coffee [08:01] awww sorry LaserJock [08:01] so I'm stuck with my daily *buntu-drip [08:01] cbx33: I played Wesnoth last night [08:02] BURGWORK!!!! [08:02] I am turning into a coffee fiend [08:02] I really should === cbx33 slaps Burgwork with a large trout [08:02] cbx33: where'd you get the trout? [08:02] I only drink coffee with chocolate [08:02] LaserJock: it came out of the Thames and has legs [08:02] yeah [08:03] warty was ugly: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=664&num=2 === cbx33 gaught it [08:03] what verb is "gaught" [08:03] is that how you over the ponders are spelling got these days? [08:04] hehe [08:04] caught [08:04] I gtg [08:04] see y'all later [08:04] CHAPTER Burgwork :p [08:05] please...even if it's just makos version ;) [08:05] cbx33: wesnotttthhh [08:05] Burgwork: I played it once a little while back on OS X [08:05] pretty cool [08:05] I am gotten rehooked [08:05] I'm not much of a RPG guy [08:05] I like the first person shooters more I guess === pauljw [n=paul@pool128.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=ydkba@rbi0261.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === Alpha_Cluster is now known as Alpha_Cluster[no === Alpha_Cluster[no is now known as Alpha_Cluster[aw === phoenix24 [i=qwiz@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu === phoenix24 [i=qwiz@rbi0332.giga-dns.com] has left #edubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-240-115-122.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu === pauljw [n=paul@pool218.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu === lulemurfan [n=icechat5@cpc4-cosh6-0-0-cust529.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #edubuntu [09:23] I can't connect my network printer to edubuntu, CAN anyone Help [09:25] Can anyone help me please [09:28] please [09:28] I can't connect my network printer to edubuntu, CAN anyone Help [09:29] I can't connect my network printer to edubuntu, CAN anyone Help === phoenix24 [i=yxg@rbi0261.giga-dns.com] has joined #edubuntu [09:35] lulemurfan: hello [09:35] What kind of network printer is it/ [09:35] ? [09:40] sbalneav: in response to what I saw in my away log... we took my repo offline when everything was moved to the doc repo in order to try to avoid confusion. I can put mine back up if needed, though. [09:40] Nah, that's ok. I've checked out the source, I'll finish it off, and send in a patch. [09:41] ahh cool [09:41] Haven't seen you in a long time! How's it going? [09:41] sbalneav: okay, just insanely busy [09:42] :) [09:43] Hopefully, I'll find time to come back in a few more (9+?) months. === SimonAnibal [n=chatzill@adsl-68-251-144-188.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@] has joined #edubuntu [10:30] HedgeMage: how's the family? === phoenix24 [i=quzo@h614287.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia is now known as Burgwork [10:32] LaserJock: okay I guess... just a lot going on :) [10:32] LaserJock: how've you been? [10:35] busy busy [10:36] :) [10:38] just got my car back from the shop [10:38] took over 1 week [10:41] spark plugs? [10:46] cliebow__: accident repair [10:46] 2 accidents to be precise === kri1 [n=kris@nat.trans.net.pl] has joined #edubuntu === kri1 [n=kris@nat.trans.net.pl] has left #edubuntu [] === phoenix24 [i=vstxsp@h614287.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #edubuntu === kri [n=kris@nat.trans.net.pl] has joined #edubuntu === kri [n=kris@nat.trans.net.pl] has left #edubuntu [] [12:00] should have been two weeks then\