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FujitsuMithrandir: I've just realised I forgot something in the pymol I just uploaded. Can you please reject it when you get around to doing that sort of thing?12:16
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FujitsuMithrandir: It seems I was able to overwrite it by uploading with the same version number again, so it's fine. Sorry for the noise.12:21
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keescookMithrandir: I have a security fix for CVE-2007-1420 (DoS) for mysql-dfsg-5.0, okay to upload?12:27
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asachow can i get a launchpad hosted bazaar archive for my mozilla packaging?12:36
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cjwatsonasac: 'bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/NAME-OF-SOME-LAUNCHPAD-PRODUCT/NAME-OF-BRANCH'12:37
cjwatsonasac: or replace ~asac with ~TEAMNAME if you want it to be writeable by other members of a team12:38
cjwatsonjust do that in a bzr branch you have on your disk and it'll magically appea12:38
asaccjwatson: so just push? without registering product?12:38
cjwatsonno, the product needs to exist first12:39
cjwatsonshould be one for firefox already though surely12:39
cjwatsonnamely 'firefox'12:39
asacso bzr archives are bound to product12:39
=== asac still confused about products/teams/projects and whats the difference
cjwatsonit's easy to create a product though if need be12:40
asace.g. from technical perspective12:40
cjwatsonok, so12:40
cjwatsonproducts => single upstream things. Firefox is a product. mplayer is a product. totem is a product. etc.12:41
cjwatsonprojects => collections of upstream things that are closely related. Mozilla, GNOME, d-i, etc. are projects12:41
cjwatsonbzr branches are associated with products because the bulk of bzr branches are expected to be branches from imports of upstream code, which is going to be of a particular product12:42
cjwatsonpeople/teams are a different ... I believe the term in LP-speak is "pillar"12:43
FujitsuBeware, products are currently being renamed to projects, and projects to project groups.12:44
cjwatsondifferent category, anyway. Person => generally a human, though some people in LP are automatic imports that basically just model an e-mail address12:44
FujitsuThere's a lot of ambiguity on beta at the moment.12:44
asachmmm so why is ~asac ~teamname in the bzr url? where do people sync from? not just http://bazaar.launchpad.net/NAME-OF-SOME-LAUNCHPAD-PRODUCT/NAME-OF-BRANCH12:44
cjwatsonteam => collection of people; generally you ought to be able to use people and teams interchangeably in almost any context in LP12:44
cjwatsonasac: just s/sftp/http/ - it's like public_html12:45
asacis it just a permission thing?12:45
asacah ok12:45
cjwatsonyeah, pretty much12:45
asacok ... i think i get it12:45
cjwatsonit's like a g+w directory in public_html with the relevant group12:45
asacmultiple users / teams could have their own branch of a product12:45
cjwatsonnot implemented that way, but never mind12:45
cjwatsonright, exactly12:46
asacbut is there an url for the ULTIMATE master branch ;)12:46
cjwatsonwell, it's distributed VC, so not really :-) you see ~vcs-imports sometimes though, which corresponds to bzr imports of upstream CVS or svn or whatever12:47
cjwatsonI think firefox has been too huge and complicated to import up to now12:47
cjwatsonsee also BzrMaintainedPackages on the wiki for some links you can follow into how people are using this stuff in practice in Ubuntu12:48
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cjwatsonhmm, I should update those URLs12:49
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asaccjwatson: the idea would be to just upload debian directory and maintain patches inside it01:01
Fujitsuasac: That's the `merge' functionality of bzr-builddeb.01:02
asaccjwatson: its not for current package which is a sinking ship, but for a new great future :)01:02
asacFujitsu: he?01:02
asacFujitsu: what can this do?01:02
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cjwatsonasac: yep, should be workable01:05
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popeyI just installed a feisty herd 5 *command line* system, and it finished with multiverse and universe enabled out of the box.. is that not the wrong thing to do?02:31
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poningrupopey: been doing that for all the installs now02:32
poningruinstalled desktop today02:33
popeyah, ok, fair enough02:33
poningruturned out it had everything enabled by default02:33
poningruwell except for source02:33
popeyjust seemed odd, i have never done a command line install02:33
popeythis has source too02:33
popeyonly thing that isn't is backports02:33
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liciowhere is the update-manager logs?02:51
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liciouhm.. synapit/files/history03:02
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bhaleMithrandir: i actually uploaded beagle, very minor increment off the bugfix svn branch (exception for .2). I can make a uvf later if really needed, upstream has been really pushing to get the stable branch updates in04:07
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rourkein default dapper and edgy, freetype's "without_bytecode_interpreter" variable is set to 0 or 1?06:56
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pittiGood morning07:51
FujitsuHi pitti.07:51
pittihey Fujitsu 07:51
ajmitchhi pitti 07:52
rourkein default dapper and edgy, freetype's "without_bytecode_interpreter" variable is set to 0 or 1?07:53
Mithrandirkeescook: sure, feel free to upload.07:58
MithrandirFujitsu: please don't upload multiple items with the same version numbers.  It confuses the archive admins.07:59
MithrandirFujitsu: I've rejected one of them, I'm hoping for the right one07:59
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FujitsuMithrandir: Ah, I presumed it had overwritten. Sorry.08:03
Fujitsu(I would have thought it wouldn't have accepted two of them, but I thought I'd try)08:03
Mithrandirno, both end up in unapproved.  I call it a design bug.08:04
FujitsuThat is a little silly, IMO.08:04
Mithrandiryes, it is.08:04
imbrandonno timestamp?08:04
imbrandonbtw, moins all08:04
=== Hobbsee is back.
Hobbseehopefully i wont get kicked out of here so quickly.08:05
Mithrandirimbrandon: they're timestamped, so that bit is fine.  Still annoying.08:05
MithrandirHobbsee! :-)08:05
imbrandonMithrandir, ahh true08:05
=== LongPointyStick hugs Mithrandir
FujitsuArgh, attack of the clones.08:06
=== Hobbsee hugs Mithrandir :)
FujitsuYou did accept the right one, Mithrandir. Thanks, and sorry.08:07
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Mithrandirbhale: changelog says * Update relibtoolize.dpatch, but it's disabled in 00list.  Is that on purpose?08:24
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MithrandirRiddell: qt4-x11 FTBFS with references to your home directory.08:35
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Mithrandirslomo__: could you do a MIR for libxml-twig-perl?  It seems to be needed for libnet-dbus-perl.08:58
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OpenNosup geeks09:18
OpenNohobbsee my ol mate.09:20
Hobbseeoh...i know who you are...09:20
OpenNowho am I?09:21
OpenNodo we even exist?09:21
OpenNolol sorry dude. How you been keeping?09:21
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Hobbseejust fine, thanks09:22
Hobbseewhy are you back here?09:22
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OpenNoBecause I have the right to be here.09:22
dholbachgood morning09:22
Hobbseehey dholbach!09:23
FujitsuHi dholbach.09:23
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HobbseeOpenNo: okay, just dont troll.  and i remember you from months ago.09:23
dholbachhey Hobbsee, hey Fujitsu09:23
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OpenNohey dholbach dude, what's happenin man? 09:23
OpenNoI brought Vista on DVD and deleted it after first day. It chokes man.09:24
dholbachi'm just waking up and ready for the day :)09:24
mdkemorning dholbach 09:24
dholbachhey mdke09:24
Hobbseeheya mdke 09:24
mdkedholbach: what's the status in terms of freezes and such for an ubuntu-docs upload?09:24
Hobbseemdke: we're in main freeze at least.  ask a member of the release team09:25
dholbachmdke: we're frozen for beta, but if you think it's necessary for the docs to go in, you have to talk to Mithrandir09:25
Mithrandirmdke: I'm fine with docs being uploaded if you'd want them in for beta.09:25
mdkeMithrandir: we have some new strings I'd like to get into the archive asap09:25
dholbachmdke: ok, i'll do an update then09:26
Mithrandirsure, talk to dholbach or whoever usually sponsors you.09:26
mdkethanks dudes09:26
OpenNoI found a bug in my Coffee.09:26
HobbseeOpenNo: hooray.  #ubuntu-offtopic09:27
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OpenNoI know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant09:28
dholbachOpenNo: the topic indicates that this channel is for development discussions of ubuntu - if you have nothing worthwhile to add, please don't disturb the rest of us09:28
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
MithrandirOpenNo: please stay on topic or leave the channel.09:28
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@219-89-21-152.dialup.xtra.co.nz] by Hobbsee
=== OpenNo was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
Mithrandirthanks Hobbsee09:28
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Hobbseebloody trolls09:28
FujitsuMithrandir: You know he's been here before a number of times, right?09:28
Hobbseepity i cant kickban on sight.09:28
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dholbachhey mvo09:29
mvohey dholbach09:29
Hobbseeah, here we go.  predictable, he's gone to #ubuntu-ops09:29
FujitsuIs it publically logged?09:29
dholbachmdke: can you add something like     export DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'09:30
dholbachexport DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'      to your ~/.bashrc ?09:30
dholbachmdke: the changelog says   matt@kalliope    again09:30
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HobbseeFujitsu: somewhere.  just join09:31
mdkedholbach: whoosh09:31
HobbseeMithrandir: and he's gone from the entire network.  nice. :D09:34
dholbachmdke: -> query09:37
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mneptokHobbsee: i can kb on host recognition, but i don't feel like scripting the bits to get a +o to actually do it.09:37
mneptoktorpor FTW!09:38
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dholbachmdke: i sent you a list of files that are not in server guide any more - I suppose you've rushed off to work. I'll upload it now, the docs work for me. If stuff breaks, drop me a mail and I'll update it again09:44
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dholbachmdke: glad to see that was alright09:49
mdkeyep, all good09:49
mdkeMithrandir: if you can poke it through as/when necessary, that'd be great09:50
tepsipakkiwhat is the correct format for an automatic bug-closing entry in the package changelog?09:51
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tepsipakkiI've tried some but they don't work09:51
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cjwatsontepsipakki: correct09:53
cjwatsontepsipakki: the LP side isn't implemented09:53
cjwatsontepsipakki: if you do (LP: #bugnum) you should get a Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: field in your .changes, but it won't do anything else yet (like actually close bugs)09:53
tepsipakkioh, ok09:54
tepsipakkiI thought it was in use already.. that's the format I've used recently09:54
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pittihi asac10:02
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tepsipakkiMithrandir: I have a new xresprobe & xorg waiting for upload. The xresprobe situation should be familiar from the discussion on u-d, and xorg fixes two bugs10:16
tepsipakkiso should I ask for approval first?10:16
pittihmm, no cdimage /ports/edubuntu?10:18
cjwatsonnever built10:18
pittiok, thanks, ignoring for langpack filling then10:19
Mithrandirtepsipakki: ok, please get it uploaded.10:19
seb128Mithrandir: I've uploaded a new GTK+, 2.10.11 is 2.10.10 with a bug fix we already had and I've added an another patch from upstream (which is to SVN now) to try fixing all the gnome-panel crashes happening on upgrade10:21
Mithrandirseb128: wonderful10:23
dholbachrelease team: what about bug 92183? (maybe after beta freeze)10:23
UbugtuMalone bug 92183 in workrave "UVF: workrave 1.8.3 -> 1.8.4" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9218310:23
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Mithrandirdholbach: scarily big is my initial thought10:25
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dholbachMithrandir: i know... we've waited for a release for quite a long time - I think I forwarded some of the bugs that got fixed during breezy10:27
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Mithrandirdholbach: if we can get it well tested, I'm ok with it, but I think it's a bit on the large side.10:30
dholbachMithrandir: well tested like "upload it and if people complain about bugs too much, roll back"?10:30
sladenMithrandir: policy issue, stick with upstream, or remain consistent with Ubuntu?  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9166510:31
UbugtuMalone bug 91665 in mesa "glxgears -iacknowledgethisisnotabenchmark patch dropped" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:31
Mithrandirdholbach: for instance.10:31
dholbachMithrandir: ok, I'll keep looking at those bugs (and upload after beta - or do you want me to do it earlier?)10:32
Mithrandirsladen: *shrug*; I don't really care either way.10:32
Mithrandirdholbach: post-beta, yes.10:32
seb128no need to carry diff for that imho10:32
dholbachI get this "ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0xCC07" with a test machine with 2.6.20-1110:34
dholbachworks with -910:34
sladenMithrandir: seb128: rock. ta10:35
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seb128sladen: BTW if you could look at the list of similar bugs displayed on launchpad when opening one that would be nice, you tend to file a lot of dup10:36
fabbionedholbach: it seems related to the changes kyle did on HPA10:36
fabbionedholbach:  i get something similar too, but my disks keep working10:36
dholbachbug 8435910:36
UbugtuMalone bug 84359 in linux-source-2.6.20 "ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0xD407" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8435910:36
dholbach*subscribing to it*10:37
fabbioneMithrandir: do you think we can upload the new d-i to grab 2.6.20-11 ?10:38
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Mithrandirfabbione: I'd like cjwatson to do the steps, unless he's busy today.10:40
fabbioneMithrandir: sure.. that works for me10:40
pittimvo: I'll need to upload *-meta soon for language input support; we should combine that with your command-not-found upload IMHO10:40
mvopitti: yes, that sounds good10:41
slomo__Mithrandir: is there anything in main using libnet-dbus-perl anyway?10:42
mvopitti: I haven't updated the seeds yet, I will do that after I finished fighting with vte (~5min)10:42
pittimvo: I can add it for you if you want10:42
pittimvo: just adding (command-not-found) to standard?10:42
mvopitti: yeah, cool10:42
mvopitti: thanks!10:42
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sladenseb128: I like dups.  I actual get useful new information from each one and an overview of the scale of the issue, rather than "me too!"s from people who /think/ they have the same bug10:47
seb128sladen: we don't like dups so please don't file them for the fun10:48
Mithrandirthere, NEW and unapproved queue published as ubuntu-archive and not me.10:48
seb128sladen: the dup flood makes almost impossible to get any work done10:48
sladenseb128: preference noted WRT to desktop bugs10:48
mvoMithrandir: should network-manager respect interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces and leave them alone? or this this not done yet?10:48
pittiMithrandir: \o/10:49
Mithrandirmvo: what do you mean by "respect interfaces in /e/n/i"?10:49
pittimvo: if they only have 'dhcp auto' without options, n-m will manage them10:49
sladenmvo: if you go  Network Manager->Static Connection, does NM then respect that interface?10:49
pittimvo: otherwise they should be ignored by n-m10:49
mvoMithrandir: I noticed that after my last big upgrade my eth0 interface that has a static IP is not having a IP anymore when NM is runing10:50
Mithrandirpitti: no, I tweaked the logic slightly.10:50
pochuMithrandir: do you know when the first beta candidates will be available?10:50
pittimvo: ah, right, same here; n-m only has the concept of 'one active interface', it seems10:50
Mithrandirpochu: maybe today, more likely monday.10:50
pittiMithrandir: oh, you manage static interfaces now?10:50
pochuMithrandir: ok, thanks!10:50
pittiMithrandir: I thought the idea was just to check whether they are active, but not mangle them?10:51
Mithrandirpitti: yes, at least some bits of it.  Or at least it considers them and thereby avoids marking the whole system as offline.10:51
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pittimvo: will you take care of writing a MIR for command-not-found?10:52
pittimvo: oh, nevermind, it's already approved10:53
pittimvo: "not ready according to mvo; contact him before promoting"10:53
mvopitti: cool10:53
pittimvo: ok, seeded, I'll promote it now10:55
mvosladen: its very strange, its in roaming mode when I look at the static configuration10:56
mvopitti: aha, right. I have the same problem. I can only choose one active interface, the other is taken offline10:57
Mithrandirmvo: that is how NM works.  Currently, if you don't want that, don't use NM.10:58
pittimvo: I had to purge n-m for that on my desktop10:58
Mithrandiryou can just disable it instead of purging it.10:58
pittiright, but I don't need it anyway10:58
mvoMithrandir: ok, thanks10:59
pittimaybe we should use our fancy laptop-detect scripts to only enable n-m on laptops10:59
sladenand even when you /do/ want to roam, sometimes NM just refuses to configure stuff and you need to do things manually (particulary if it involves keys, which it puts in a keyring and which are protected and you don't enter the passphrase quick enough)10:59
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giftnudelsladen: or if you need to do fancy stuff with wpa_supplicant11:03
Mithrandirpatches accepted for all those special cases.11:03
giftnudelwell, there is a patch for my problem somewhere on the nm-devel list ...11:04
giftnudelbut its for 6.5 ...11:05
giftnudelwell there was the idea of providing a "I'm online!" button in the applet which would serve as a workaround11:06
giftnudelor maybe a option to disable network manager in the applet ... that would help, too11:07
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cjwatsonfabbione: yeah, but I want to see if I can do anything about the keymapper us/jp confusion first11:11
pochuhey heno! Vorian says he can test Kubuntu, do I change his choice, and mail him?11:11
fabbionecjwatson: sure..11:11
pochuheno: we really need kubuntu auto-resize11:11
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henopochu: yes, please do. I think we may still get more ubuntu testers11:12
mvoMithrandir: could you please accept vte? a very small change that fixes a bug in the keep-fd code that is needed for update-manager11:12
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Mithrandirmvo: accepted11:15
mvoMithrandir: thanks \o/11:15
=== ogra cant belive the iso builds from tonight are right .... at least not the edubuntu desktop ones .... no oversizedness at all ...
Mithrandirogra: they don't contain any langpacks.11:18
ograMithrandir, not even the ones i seeded ?11:18
ograwhy is that ?11:18
Mithrandirogra: when did you seed them?11:18
pittiogra: I just filled them again11:18
ograMithrandir, yesterady11:18
pittiogra: I told you yesterday, remember?11:18
pittiogra: I emptied all CDs to have a clean slate, and today I filled them again with the new priority/input support/etc.11:19
ograpitti, i merged your ubuntu change, which enabled them again for me (i only had en enabled since feisty started)11:19
pittiogra: now I'm waiting for this cron.daily cycle, then I can update some -meta pacakges, then I'll ask for respins11:19
=== ogra goes to check the packagelist .... i'm sure i enabled langpacks in the live seed
pittiogra: ok, please; I modified the seeds about an hour ago, and assume that the current seeds reflected the current CD sizes11:20
ograpitti, ok11:20
ograthere is only en ... weird ...11:21
ogra * Languages: zh es bn hi ar xh pt ru ja fr11:21
ogra * language-pack-${Languages} [i386] 11:21
ogra * language-pack-gnome-${Languages} [i386] 11:21
ogra * language-pack-kde-${Languages}  [i386] 11:21
ograthats my seeds11:22
pittiMithrandir: I'd like to upload a new desktop-effects to fix bug 92681; I just modified a label in the .glade file11:22
UbugtuMalone bug 92681 in desktop-effects "Must warn user before attempting to enable" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9268111:22
pittiogra: erm, those are not the ones I modified11:22
Mithrandirpitti: ok.11:22
pittiogra: you need *lots* of input support for zh, ja, and some for bn, hi, ar, and ru11:22
ograpitti, anyway, this change was yesterday and todays build of edubuntu doesnt have them ... smells like the livefs isnt respun properly 11:23
Mithrandirogra: your checkout is old.11:23
pittiogra: hm, did you really push the seed commits?11:23
ograMithrandir, ? i do a bzr update before i modify anything11:23
Mithrandirogra: what revision are you on?11:24
ograpitti, pretty sure, regarding the huge list of changes my -meta had11:24
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Mithrandirthat's old.11:24
Mithrandir577 is the latest.11:24
mvopitti: if -meta is not yet up, I would like to add update-manager-core to -standard as well11:24
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cjwatsonogra: you sure you created your seed checkout using 'bzr checkout', not 'bzr branch'?11:24
cjwatsonogra: you sure you created your seed checkout using 'bzr checkout', not 'bzr branch(or synonyms) 11:24
mvopitti: its required for release-upgrades on the server with the upgrade tool11:25
pittiogra: 574 was my cleanup11:25
cjwatson(sorry, wireless problems and hideous ssh lag to my client)11:25
ogracjwatson, pretty sure ...11:25
pittimvo: sure, go ahead11:25
ograi mean irt worked all the release :)11:25
cjwatsonwell, work it out and fix it. you're in the best position to do so now that you know your checkout is out of date11:25
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pittiMithrandir: d-e uploaded11:27
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Riddellmvo: I was looking at bug 91329 but realised it affected the gtk frontend too, where on earth has xinput gone?11:33
UbugtuMalone bug 91329 in language-selector "[apport]  qt-language-selector crashed with OSError in __input_method_config_changed()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9132911:33
sladenMithrandir: there's a 2-line hotkey-setup patch in the queue to prevent upgrades from failing11:34
sladenMithrandir: 2-line mesa upload in the queue to make GoogleEarth useable on feisty11:35
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tepsipakkisladen: already approved11:37
tepsipakkithe mesa one11:37
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tepsipakkibut it's neither just two lines nor in the queue yet :)11:39
pittitepsipakki: mesa is in accepted already11:40
Mithrandirsladen: hotkey-setup, accepted.11:41
sladenMithrandir: groovy, ta11:41
tepsipakkipitti: ah, darn11:41
=== tepsipakki stops doing duplicate work
pittitepsipakki: 'darn'? we can reject it from approved if it's broken11:42
mvoRiddell: checking11:42
tepsipakkipitti: no not that, it's good. Just that I started doing it already :)11:42
Mithrandirtepsipakki: meh, sorry, I thought it was the upload from you, the diff was at least the same.11:42
tepsipakkiit's cool11:42
Mithrandirpitti: desktop-effects accepted.11:43
sladentepsipakki: ah, did you beat me to it :)11:43
pittiMithrandir: is there anything wrong with this command?  change-override.py -c main -S command-not-found11:43
tepsipakkisladen: no, you did :)11:43
tepsipakkiI was just slow11:44
pittiMithrandir: I did it two times now, cron.daily is over for a long time already, and it's still in universe11:44
sladentepsipakki: would have been quicker, bar the 60 minute wait while it built locally so I could test it.  X got modularised, so they made mesa monolithic just to make up for it11:44
tepsipakkiwell, I didn't reply to the bug so my bad11:45
Mithrandirpitti: no, looks correct.  I re-ran it for good measure11:46
bhaleMithrandir: no, missed readding it11:50
bhaleMithrandir: fixing11:50
pittiMithrandir: oh, it's actually promoted; it's just madison lying11:50
pitti(lieing? argh)11:50
Keybukseb128, dholbach: having a very weird GNOME Terminal/vte bug11:50
seb128Keybuk: refresh not correct sometimes?11:50
Keybukwhen switching desktops, it doesn't repaint at all11:51
pitti^ speaking of that, my terminals still don't redraw correctly11:51
seb128Keybuk: known11:51
Keybukso I'm left with a white window11:51
seb128pitti: known11:51
pittiright, same here11:51
Keybukor, if the workspace switcher window was slightly over it, just that bit <g>11:51
pittiseb128: do you still need a test case or do you have one?11:51
Keybukah, coolies11:51
Mithrandirpitti: (lying)11:51
seb128pitti: would be better with one11:51
pittiseb128: I didn't find an immediate reproducer11:51
UbugtuMalone bug 92405 in vte "[Feisty]  gnome-terminal doesn't always redraw after switching desktops" [High,Confirmed]  11:51
pittiseb128: just letting it sit on another workspace while I work, and switchign to it after, say 15 minutes, reproduces it11:52
seb128looks like upstream got details11:52
UbugtuGnome bug 414716 in VteTerminal "Refresh issue after changing workspaces" [Normal,Assigned]  11:52
=== Keybuk targets it
seb128pitti: no need to bother11:52
pittimvo: ok, -metas are good to refresh now; do you, shall I?11:52
seb128Keybuk: I already did, no?11:52
Keybukseb128: maybe, it wasn't there; but LP has been dropping status edits recently11:53
seb128anyway it's on my list11:53
seb128it'll be fixed for feisty11:53
Keybukthanks seb11:53
seb128do we really need to get it fixed for beta?11:53
Keybukwe don't have a release milestone yet :p11:53
seb128we do11:53
bhaleMithrandir: 00list fixed, uploaded11:53
seb128I'm using 7.04 for weeks now11:53
pittiKeybuk: meh?11:54
seb128I've a good bunch of desktop bugs there11:54
Keybukoh, silly me11:54
KeybukI didn't go that far  down the list11:54
KeybukI'll retarget it to that11:54
ograseb128, do you want the patch from bug 67919 for beta ?11:54
UbugtuMalone bug 67919 in gnome-screensaver "Xinerama problem with log out and unlock dialogues" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6791911:54
pittiKeybuk: right, yay for inconsistent naming :)11:54
seb128ogra: after beta is fine I think11:54
seb128ogra: but if you want to do that now feel free ;)11:55
ograi'm just looking through the screensaver bugs for patches .... if i find something else additionally i'll roll a package11:55
cjwatsonpitti: try 'rm -rf .madison-lite/cache' if that happens11:56
seb128ogra: ok, cool11:56
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ograhmm, an automatic "bugs with patches attached" search feature would be really nice11:56
cjwatsonI think it can sometimes screw up its timestamps if you run madison-lite right while the mirror is updating11:56
cjwatsonpitti: (and "lying" is correct)11:56
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks for the hint; indeed it works now11:56
mvopitti: go ahead, fine with me11:57
seb128ogra: there is a "look only for bugs with patch" case you can use on launchpad search11:57
=== ogra checks
cjwatsonindeed, it searches for bugs with attachments where the attacher checked the patch checkbox11:58
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Keybukhmm, that's a bit poo12:06
KeybukCherry don't seem to make the G80-3000 anymore :-/12:06
pittimvo: u-manager-core isn't for kubuntu/edubuntu?12:08
mvourgh, my bad12:10
pittimvo: oh, nevermind12:10
ograKeybuk, build it yourself then http://steampunkworkshop.com/keyboard.shtml ;)12:10
pittimvo: -standard is shared amongst all derivatives12:10
Keybukogra: that requires a keyboard to start from12:10
mvopitti: ah, good. that is what I expected, but you made me nervous :)12:10
Keybukthe problem is that I've managed to wear this one out12:10
Keybukthe space bar has a tendancy to repeat12:11
Keybukadmittedly this keyboard is anything from 4-8 years old now12:11
Keybukand is the third G80-3000 I've owned12:11
=== ogra has a shitty cheap sun usb keyboard under his fingers
pittiMithrandir: new {,k}ubuntu-meta uploaded (adding input support for shipped translations, command-not-found, and update-manager-core for mvo)12:12
=== pitti pats his Kinesis Ergo -- takes a while to get used to, but it's just *great*
Riddellwhat is update-manager-core?12:12
ograthe one with the hill ?12:12
pittiogra: http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/classic.htm12:13
ograah, thats different from what i thought12:13
pittiI didn't have any wrist/thumb problems any more since I have that12:14
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ograrequires you to stricht 10finger typing ...12:14
pittiand it's comfy12:14
eXistenZI downloaded the source package of Kalcul and tried to rebuild it with pbuilder. Can anyone help me with this error: http://rafb.net/p/qoAWS270.html .12:14
ogranot for smokers :P12:14
mvoRiddell: the code that can fetch the update from the net, its required if you want to do server upgrades12:14
pittiogra: there's a black one, too :-p12:14
ograpitti, i measn the forced 10 finger usage :)12:15
Keybuk(not in stock though :-/)12:16
Riddellmvo: so it's distUpgrade tool core?12:16
mvoRiddell: the fetcher part of it12:17
mvoRiddell: well, fetching + gpg verification12:17
pittiKeybuk: http://www.datahand.com/products/proii.htm :)12:18
Keybukpitti: heh12:18
pittiKeybuk: I'd love to try out this one12:18
pittibut I guess the learning curve is close to a vertical wall12:18
ograits missing belts12:19
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StevenK"Adapter included to hook the DataHand System and flat keyboard to computer system simultaneously" - is that so you can still type after you've given up with the first one? :-)12:20
pittiogra: but you won't need a password with this one any more :)12:21
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StevenKpitti: That's for sure.12:22
Keybuk(and what a domain name, lol)12:22
StevenKpitti: You could leave the root password on a slip of paper and still be safe.12:22
Riddellmvo: if I install chinese that xinput-all_ALL alternative appears, but I'm not sure what creates it or what language-selector should do if it doesn't exist12:23
mvoRiddell: ok, please assign it to me then12:23
pittiseb128: I just got an evolution notification that my call with Keybuk at 1300 is in *one* hour (it should be 30 minutes...)12:29
Keybukno, it should be in one hour 30 minutes12:30
pittiok, that's me mixing up UTC again, but evo should display '30 minutes', not '1 hour'12:30
fabbioneKeybuk: hey dude.. got time now?12:31
Keybukfabbione: sure, what's up?12:31
fabbioneKeybuk: UUID transition handling... i need to know what packages are involved and how they interact with each other...12:31
fabbioneKeybuk: i could find stuff in volumeid.postinst to convert fstab12:31
Keybukthat's all there is12:32
fabbioneKeybuk: but i don't understand where the sparc filter is12:32
Keybuksparc filter?12:32
Keybukthere isn't a sparc filter12:32
fabbioneroot is not converted?12:32
fabbioneor actually...12:32
Keybukoh, because that's in the boot loader <g>12:32
Keybuksee grub postinst12:32
Keybuk(actually, see update-grub)12:32
StevenKOr root will be unconverted to UUID if it's LVM12:32
KeybukLVM is exempt from UUID  conversion12:33
fabbioneKeybuk: what about d-i? is there any package involved there?12:33
Keybukas are any devmapper devices12:33
Keybukfabbione: d-i writes the fstab out as uuids12:33
fabbionesince d-i writes the first fstab12:33
KeybukI suspect you're just missing the silo bit12:33
fabbionecjwatson: what package generate fstab in d-i?12:33
sistpotyMithrandir: any news on removing binary packages for broken packages yet?12:34
seb128pitti: so many bugs :(12:34
fabbioneKeybuk: silo for sure.. silo-installer too, but i think there is one more12:34
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fabbioneKeybuk: the problem is that silo doesn't understand root=UUID= so ideally i would change that to root=/dev/disk/by12:35
fabbioneit would require less testing and much less mangling of silo code12:35
Keybuksilo reads the root=  bit?12:38
Mithrandirsistpoty: cjwatson doesn't like the idea and I'm somewhat in agreement with him.12:38
Keybukroot=UUID=* and root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/* are the same; since that's all initramfs does when it seems the former12:38
fabbioneKeybuk: silo reads root= to check if the config is valid and to do other stuff.. but it doesn't understand UUID=12:39
fabbioneKeybuk: and i know that they are the same12:39
fabbionebut if i pass /dev/disk... silo is ok12:40
fabbioneit resolves the symlink etc.12:40
fabbionebut teaching UUID= is complicated12:40
sistpotyMithrandir: ok. Out of curiosity, what are the reasons for that?12:41
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fabbioneKeybuk: so just to make sure i understood everything... d-i already write fstab with UUID, volumeid does the conversion on upgrades, update-grub takes care of grub..12:44
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fabbioneKeybuk: for sparc i will need to check generated fstab from d-i, volumeid will work, silo-installer to point to /dev/disk/by-uuid and silo to convert silo.conf on updates12:45
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pittiMithrandir: could you please accept the -meta uploads, so that they'll go in quickly and we can verify new CD sizes?12:45
pittiMithrandir: I can accept them as well if you want me to12:45
Mithrandirpitti: looking.12:46
pitti<pitti> Mithrandir: new {,k}ubuntu-meta uploaded (adding input support for shipped translations, command-not-found, and update-manager-core for mvo)12:46
Mithrandirsistpoty: archive admin overhead as well as it being really surprising if new packages showed up in -updates12:46
Mithrandirpitti: no edubuntu-meta?12:48
pittiMithrandir: not necessary, no changes12:48
Keybukfabbione: shouldn't need to check the fstab12:48
Mithrandirpitti: ok12:48
Keybukgrub doesn't, it just converts the uuid of the device12:48
pittiMithrandir: command-not-found and update-manager are standard, which is shared amongst all derivatives12:48
pittiMithrandir: thanks12:48
fabbioneKeybuk: yes i saw update-grub. 12:48
fabbioneKeybuk: ok thanks12:49
cjwatsonfabbione: partman-target with help from the rest of partman depending on the filesystem type12:50
sistpotyMithrandir: k, thanks12:50
fabbionecjwatson: thanks12:50
cjwatsonfabbione: but from the above, you shouldn't need to touch that - just make silo-installer munge it12:51
cjwatsonthere's no reason why the generated fstab should be wrong - it's not architecture-dependent at that level12:51
fabbionecjwatson: ok. i just need to get this right at the first shot so extra paranoia applies.. nothing fancy12:52
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fabbioneand it wasn't really planned.. but things have started blewing up so i need to get it done12:52
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cjwatsonfabbione: I thought sparc64-installer was all done and tested ...12:56
fabbionecjwatson: we never did the UUID conversion for silo.12:56
fabbionecjwatson: because silo doesn't understand root=UUID.. as simple as that12:57
fabbioneup to edgy everything was "working" fine12:57
fabbionein feisty it needs love because devices are not appearing in the same order anymore12:57
sladenfabbione: surely silo just has to ignore root=... and pass it through to the kernel?12:57
fabbionesladen: no it does sanity checks on the config everywhere12:58
_ionseb128: The patch in bug #89524 seems to have fixed the problem at least for me and the bug's original reporter.12:58
UbugtuMalone bug 89524 in vte "[apport]  GNOME Terminal Unicode SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8952412:58
fabbioneanyway it's all fixable.. it's a matter of few changes in 2 scripts12:59
seb128_ion: good12:59
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sladenMithrandir: that mesa upload ftbfs as Xext.h has moved to another -dev package since the last upload.  I don't have more time today to spend another hour rebuilding inside pbuilder to verify it.  Shall I just do a source-upload with that extra build-dep [it may fail again if more headers have been moved] 01:03
Mithrandirsladen: yes, please.01:04
_ionseb128: As a different -ubuntu3 was released, i attached a new debdiff.01:07
seb128_ion: ok01:07
pitti_ion: I had a look on the ati.amd.com site yesterday, I didn't find a comprehensive product ID mapping either :(01:07
_ionpitti: :-(01:08
pitti_ion: however, the fglrx docs have a list of the names of the supported cards01:08
pittimaybe we'll find a different web page which lists the product IDs01:08
pitti_ion: something like http://www.pcidatabase.com/search.php?device_search_str=Radeon&device_search=Search01:09
pitti_ion: this website is quite nice01:09
fabbioneah craptastic.. i can't test the changes without a new d-i01:09
_ionI wonder if the names in that list are accurate enough that it could be compared to /usr/share/misc/pci.ids01:09
pitti_ion: I guess we should add a manual supported list for now01:09
jdongpitti: could also check distros like Sababayon that detect AIGLX vs Xgl at bootup01:09
pittioh, hi jdong01:10
jdonghi :)01:10
pittijdong: I just added another test package to bug 9103601:10
UbugtuMalone bug 91036 in restricted-manager "restricted-manager picks wrong BusID for video cards" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9103601:10
pitti_ion: indeed, that looks sufficient01:10
pitti_ion: would you like to look into that, or can you give me a quick cheatsheet how to write those modinfo lists?01:11
jdongpitti: cool I'll find my buddy this afternoon and see01:11
jdongmmm, jdong's homemade wake up after 2 hours of sleep recipe.... take 3 spoons of powdered coffee and hold under tongue01:15
jdongrepeat as needed.01:15
_ionpitti: For example, a random device in my system: pci:v00001013d00006003sv0000153Bsd0000112Ebc04sc01i00...01:15
sladenMithrandir: done;  I added three -dev packages based on a  grep -r  for likely headers;  the last one maybe more than required01:16
_ionpitti: That means, v: 00001013, d: 00006003, sv: 0000153B, sd: 0000112E, bc: 04, sc: 01, i: 00...01:16
pitti_ion: right, that's clear01:16
pitti_ion: 'v'endor, 'd'evice, 'subVendor', 'subDevice'?01:17
_ionpitti: v = vendor ID, d = device ID, sv = subvendor ID, sd = subdevice ID, bc is device class, sc is device subclass. I don't remember what the i is, but nothing seems to be using it.01:17
_ionpitti: And the patterns are simply fnmatch patterns01:17
_ionThe pattern could be "pci:*" and it would "work", but canonically the equivalent pattern would be written as pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc*sc*i*01:18
pitti_ion: ah, that's easy enough; thank you!01:18
_ionAnd in a real situation, there are IDs in place of some of those *s 01:18
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pitti_ion: when do you use .append and when .override? does that mean that 'ath_hal' and 'ipw3945' do not have any internal modaliases (thus need additions), and nv has too generic ones (thus need overrides)?01:19
_ionpitti: Indeed.01:19
pitti_ion: ok, so for now I'll just make that 'pci:v00001002d*sv*sd*bc03sc00i* fglrx' more fine-grained01:20
_ionpitti: All the additions and overrides *currently* being used could be just overrides with the same result, but i thought that perhaps there's going to be a case in the future where a module that has a list of is own needs to have additional patterns.01:20
_ionpitti: I could take a look at that fglrx list as well, perhaps even write a program that compares the list to pci.ids01:21
jdongor try to start the card with fglrx and if it doesn't work, then it's obviously not supported :D01:22
=== jdong ducks
jdongwonder how Sabayon does it01:22
jdongthey should be our prime authority on 3D detection and bling.01:23
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pitti_ion: !01:49
pitti_ion: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Hardware01:49
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_ionpitti: That doesn't specify the version of the fglrx driver.01:51
_ionIt doesn't list the ID for every card either.01:51
pitti_ion: but it should be good enough for using pci.ids01:52
pitti_ion: http://ati.amd.com/online/rss/atilinuxdriver.rss?OTC-rssfeedlinux01:52
pitti_ion: the links on this are per-version01:52
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_ion_Sigh. It sucks that i have to download 120 megabytes of linux-restricted-modules when i only want the fglrx "source".02:00
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_ionpitti: Whoa! % strings x710/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so | egrep '^0x[0-9A-F] {4}$'02:07
pitti_ion: I don't hvae that installed02:08
pitti_ion: does it have a list of supported product IDs?02:08
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_ionpitti: Seems very much like that's the list.02:09
pitti_ion: rock! that means we could add another script that parses it out of that file and adds it to the modules list?02:09
_ionYeah, i'll do that a bit later.02:10
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Kagoui'm under feisty. and i just bought a DLINK DWL G650. I plug it (wifi) all is fine (wep/wpa2). But restricted manager said that i'm using non-free/restricted drivers for this. Are madwifi drivers non free ? I believe they are GPL...02:11
pittiKagou: some modues are in l-r-m at least02:13
pitti^ from dpkg -L linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-11-generic02:13
mjg59Kagou: madwifi is non-free02:14
fabbioneKeybuk, Mithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/silo.debdiff and http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/silo-installer.debdiff02:18
fabbioneMithrandir: i could test silo easily, but i need to wait new d-i to test silo-installer02:18
fabbioneMithrandir: because of the kernel ABI change..02:18
fabbioneonce it's tested i would like to upload02:18
fabbioneanyway,, i am done for the day02:19
fabbionebrain is melting02:19
fabbionelater everybody02:19
FujitsuBye fabbione.02:19
Kagouoh ! just wlan.ko i understand. Thanks pitti . mjg59 -> http://freshmeat.net/projects/madwifi/  non free ?02:19
Kagoumjg59: sorry you'r right (except for the binary-only HAL)02:21
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Mithrandirfabbione: looks sane to me, so if it's ok with Keybuk then go for it.02:24
fabbioneMithrandir: i want to test silo-installer too... i don't like blind uploads. and silo-installer is not in the d-i initrd and can be uploaded "anytime"02:25
fabbionethanks for the approval. once i know that both work i will upload02:25
fabbione(pending Keybuk of course)02:26
fabbionetime to enjoy we02:26
=== fabbione &
kylemfabbione, have a god one02:26
fabbionethanks dude02:26
fabbioneyou too02:26
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viviersfsoz to ask this in the #02:32
viviersfbut who would be in charge of hibernation etc02:32
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Hobbseeviviersf: mjg59 maybe?02:37
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viviersfthx Hobbsee 02:37
viviersftrying to figure out this alternate userspace hibernation thing02:38
viviersfwonder why its not standard02:38
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Mithrandirviviersf: it was fixed too late in the cycle.  I'm hoping to make it default for Gray Giraffe.02:54
viviersfMithrandir, uswsusp <--- that02:55
Mithrandirviviersf: yes, I know, I use it on my laptop02:55
viviersfcool, but that will be default ?02:55
MithrandirI'm hoping we can have it good enough that it justifies being default, yes.02:56
=== LaserJock hasn't seen that many Gray Giraffes
viviersfMithrandir,  thx 02:56
viviersfim gonna put it default in impi02:56
MithrandirLaserJock: but you've seen plenty of dapper drakes or hoary hedgehogs?02:56
=== Hobbsee wonders why there are so many reports of l-r-m not being installed...
LaserJockMithrandir: of course ;-)02:57
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pittihi adamant1988, how are you?03:12
adamant1988pitti: Just fine, I found out why I didn't have accel03:12
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adamant1988after jdong and I went through my /var/xorg.0.log03:12
adamant1988It turns out that because I haven't updated my Feisty recently (waiting till today to do that) restricted Manager pulled down the latest fglrx but it didn't match my kernel.03:13
pittiadamant1988: ah, that would explain it03:13
adamant1988So downgrading my fglrx fixed it, I'll update it today though03:14
pittiadamant1988: btw, I might know why r-m didn't update the driver in xorg.conf in our session yesterday03:14
adamant1988pitti: OK, shoot.03:14
pittiadamant1988: I attached a new test package to the bug03:14
adamant1988pitti: I assume you want me to test it for you ;)03:14
pittiadamant1988: and also added some logging which should help me03:14
pittiadamant1988: that would be brilliant! (you should have bug mail)03:14
adamant1988yep, I see it03:14
adamant1988I'll download the updated R-m and give it a whirl.03:15
adamant1988Now is this a bug-fix or is the logging the only added feature?03:15
pittiadamant1988: there are also some bug fixes in it03:15
adamant1988ok great03:15
pittiadamant1988: one of them might fix it (the 'I might know why' part)03:15
adamant1988it says the same version is installed on gdebi, did you not change the version #?03:16
adamant1988ok, I removed it and now I'm being asked to restart.. so brb03:17
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tepsipakkipitti: maybe it should check for the kernel version running and then "kindly force" a reboot if the downloaded binary blob is for a newer kernel (which should be installed already or got installed at the same time)03:19
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pittitepsipakki: right, we have the very same problem with the nvidia-glx stuff; it's not built by-kernel-API03:20
pittiadamant1988: wb03:20
adamant1988pitti: Ok, well it's doing better than it did last time03:20
adamant1988I actually saw it download and install the newest fglrx.03:20
tepsipakkipitti: indeed03:20
adamant1988Now, would you like me to check my xorg.conf to make sure it's written properly?03:20
pittiadamant1988: that would be nice; 'grep fgl /etc/X11/xorg.conf' should do03:21
pittiadamant1988: and just check glxinfo whether you have full accell and such03:21
pittiadamant1988: if that works, then I take it that the wrong BusID problem has been fixed as well03:21
adamant1988pitti: I won't have full accell until I update.03:21
pittiah, ok03:21
adamant1988Remember, I'm using an out dated version of feisty03:21
adamant1988I have to use an older fglrx03:21
pittiadamant1988: so, please check busid and the driver then in xorg.conf03:21
adamant1988ok, well fglrx is written in my xorg.conf03:22
pittithat's what didn't happen yesterday, right?03:22
adamant1988Yes, and my bus ID is identified properly.03:22
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pittiadamant1988: rock03:22
adamant1988So, except for the fact that my fglrx is too up to date, there is no issue.03:23
adamant1988Now I need to dpkg -i install fglrx.deb right?03:23
adamant1988I'm awful with dpkg commands.03:23
pittiadamant1988: urgh, why not just run update-manager to update the entire system?03:25
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pittiadamant1988: wb03:28
adamant1988pitti: one thing you might want to do with the R-m03:28
adamant1988it's not a bug, but it would be nice.  Is make sure it tells you to restart X after you install the driver.03:29
pittiadamant1988: 03:29
pitti  * RestrictedManager/{fglrx,nvidia}.py: Trigger reboot notification on03:29
pitti    enabling, too. (LP: #92684)03:29
adamant1988Yeah that didn't happen for me03:29
pittiadamant1988: I thought the version I added to that bug already had this patch03:29
adamant1988It didn't ask me to restart. 03:29
adamant1988Now, when I DISABLED it asked me to restart03:29
pittiadamant1988: can you please check /usr/share/doc/restricted-manager/changelog.Debian.gz?03:30
adamant1988but when I enabled the driver it just did it. 03:30
pittiadamant1988: if it has this changelog entry?03:30
pittiadamant1988: in any case this is bug 9268403:30
UbugtuMalone bug 92684 in restricted-manager "Needs to restart X in order to effect X driver changes" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9268403:30
adamant1988I don't see it in there03:31
adamant1988the changelog is blank03:31
pittiblank? that sounds wrong03:31
pittiadamant1988: try 'zless /usr/share/doc/restricted-manager/changelog.Debian.gz'03:31
pittiadamant1988: zless /usr/share/doc/restricted-manager/changelog.gz03:32
pitti. o O { note to self: always verify file paths before writing them }03:32
LaserJockpitti: guessing doesn't alway work?03:33
adamant1988No I don't see that in the change log03:33
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pittiadamant1988: ok, good; I tested it pretty thoroughly here, and I get the notifications03:34
pittiadamant1988: and I didn't get them before either, so I'm pretty sure it works now03:34
adamant1988sure :) just thought I would point that out03:34
pittiadamant1988: I appreciate feedback, thank you!03:35
adamant1988pitti: No problem, I'm more than happy to help you guys improve Ubuntu for everyone :)03:35
adamant1988By the by, there is nothing in the works like this for setting up BCM4318 and BCM4306 is there?03:35
adamant1988I tell you what if Ubuntu did have something like that, it would cement it's popularity, haha.03:36
pittiadamant1988: integrating firmware downloading would indeed be nice :)03:36
adamant1988So many people have problems with those chipsets, and they are SO common.03:36
adamant1988NDISwrapper is such a fight.03:36
pittiadamant1988: I need to do that firmware install dance on every test reinstall or kernel upgrade as well03:36
adamant1988pitti: I feel for you.03:37
pittiadamant1988: oh, I don't use ndiswrapper, the kernel driver work swell03:37
adamant1988I find that it can't see some networks..03:37
adamant1988I think it's G networks, but it seems to be able to find B and mixed networks03:37
adamant1988so, I have to use Ndiswrapper03:38
=== pitti hugs adamant1988, thanks for enduring all this testing stuff
adamant1988pitti: hopefully in the next year or two I'll be on your end of it.03:41
adamant1988So I can actually help out.03:42
pittioh, you did help already03:42
adamant1988yeah, but I doubt "running restricted manager03:43
adamant1988" is a great thing to put on my Community Member application :P03:43
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LaserJockso how does one know if desktop-effects/restricted-manager are supposed to work?03:48
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jdongLaserJock: what card?03:50
LaserJockwell, I tried with and ATI and an nvidia03:51
LaserJockboth a kinda old I guess03:51
jdonghow old?03:51
jdong(the nvidia in particular)03:51
LaserJockI "enable" them in restricted-manager but that's as far as I get03:51
jdongLaserJock: you need newer r-m too :)03:51
LaserJockI believe it installed the nvidia-legacy driver, so old03:51
jdongyikes, before Geforce4?03:51
LaserJockGeforce 2 maybe03:52
jdongyeah you need Xgl for that03:52
jdongwhat about the ATI03:52
LaserJock7000IGP I think03:52
pittiLaserJock: nice, you're the first one I met who needs the legacy one; feedback appreciated!03:52
LaserJockpitti: feedback on what? it didn't really do much03:53
LaserJockall I've ever gotten is the drivers installed, which is cool03:53
jdongthat's about all you can do03:53
jdongwithout Xgl03:53
jdongyou now need to set up an Xgl session03:53
jdongI shall update the Beryl wiki with appropriate Feisty instructions this weekend03:54
LaserJockI didn't even know I needed the -legacy driver for the nvidia03:54
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jdongLaserJock: <geforce4 is not supported by the normal ones03:54
pittiLaserJock: whether it worked and gave you a working X afterwards, basically03:54
pittiLaserJock: or if it screws up something, could be easier to use, etc.03:54
LaserJockpitti: well, X worked03:54
pittiLaserJock: and so far I didn't even know whether legacy detection worked at all :)03:55
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LaserJockpitti: worked fine for me03:55
jdongLaserJock: was it you or another MOTU ironically commenting at how we don't need Xgl? ;-)03:55
LaserJockjdong: I still don't03:55
=== gnomefreak though nvidia-legacy worked with AIGLX
jdonggnomefreak: kind of.03:55
jdongComposite copy on write works.03:56
LaserJockI'll go without the "bling" rather than use XGL03:56
jdongbut uhm, works is a very general term....03:56
jdongworks as in you'll get 100% CPU usage and like 5fps03:56
gnomefreakoh yuck03:56
jdongyou need Xgl to get smooth speeds on legacy.03:56
LaserJockI just wanted to test to see if restricted-manager/desktop-effects worked03:56
jdongLaserJock: your ATI probably has better chances at desktop-effects....03:56
jdongeven then it's... really old.03:56
LaserJockjdong: so if I  don't install XGL do I get AIGLX?03:57
jdongLaserJock: yeah, no Xgl, it'll try texture_from_pixmap natively03:57
jdongwhich is not provided by legacy nvidia03:57
jdongand I'm not sure if Compiz falls back to composite copy, but Beryl does03:57
LaserJockcause my nvidia-legacy machine seems to work fine03:57
jdongcool, apparently it does then?03:58
LaserJockwell, I can't enable desktop-effects so yeah03:58
jdonghmm the 7000IGP should be with the OSS ati drivers03:58
jdongLaserJock: but on both those cards smoothest rendering performance will come from Xgl03:58
jdongso... yeah... :-/03:59
jdongif That Other Hackjob Framework (tm) is unholy to you, then your options are even fewer ;-)03:59
LaserJockXGL in XGL vs. AIGLX?03:59
jdongno, Xgl vs AIGLX03:59
jdongXgl just requires the parent X server to have working opengl support03:59
jdongwhile Compiz on AIGLX demands a lot more about the driver :)04:00
LaserJockpitti: restricted-manager seems very nice, the "Enabled" vs. "In Use" is a little unclear04:00
LaserJockjdong: well, I can't get compiz on anything right now so ...04:00
LaserJockI think I have once machine that might have Geforce4 or better04:01
jdongLaserJock: based on the performance characteristics of both those cards, I'm gonna say up front that Xgl will be the only stack to deliver adequate performance to even be remotely bearable.04:01
LaserJockI'll maybe give that a go some time04:01
pittiLaserJock: what would you suggest instead? s/Enabled/Allowed/ ?04:01
LaserJockjdong: ok, but you aren't making a ton of sense? for compiz/beryl?04:02
jdongLaserJock: they'll be slow.04:02
LaserJockjdong: what will?04:02
jdongberly/compiz on native rendering stack04:02
jdongi.e. AIGLX04:02
mjg59pitti: Hm. The macbook pro addon doesn't seem to have been built?04:02
LaserJockpitti: if "Allowed" is what you mean by that. I really don't know what is meant by it exactly04:02
mjg59jdong: Eh, compiz performance is acceptable on an i855.04:03
mjg59pitti: In hal, that is04:03
jdongmjg59: yes, but that's not an ATI 7000IGP.04:03
jdongwhich believes quite differently04:03
mjg59jdong: Right, it's probably slower04:03
mjg59(The i855)04:03
jdongmjg59: I've had great experience with Intels across the board actually04:03
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LaserJockjdong: ok, well I can't enable desktop-effects anyway so I guess the point is mute04:03
jdongLaserJock: you would be able to with Xgl :)04:03
LaserJockwell, that defeats my purpose in testing04:04
jdongtrue. get a newer video card :)04:04
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pittimjg59: curious; ubuntu9 actually FTBFSed on sparc and powerpc http://librarian.launchpad.net/6720149/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-powerpc.hal_0.5.8.1-4ubuntu9_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:04
LaserJockI buy $50 graphics cards like every 5 years or something04:05
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pittimjg59: but ubuntu10 built on all arches; I forgot to look after this04:05
jdongLaserJock: that sounds like me. my top performer is my GeForce4 MX440. $35.04:05
pittimjg59: I'll have a look into it later, unless you beat me to it04:05
LaserJockI think I might have my "pricey" Nvidia GF4 5200 laying around04:05
pittimjg59: I had to sort out the utter mess of bug 91264 quickly04:06
jdongLaserJock: ooh, shiny :)04:06
UbugtuMalone bug 91264 in hal "hal-device-manager crashes with an import error (dup-of: 91012)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9126404:06
UbugtuMalone bug 91012 in hal "[apport]  hal-device-manager crashed with ImportError in <module>() App crashed running "Hardware Information"" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9101204:06
pittimjg59: (the one with 30 dups in 2 days)04:06
gnomefreaki got both my 5200's for around 50USD04:06
LaserJockpitti: I'm also a little confused with "In Use" because I expected it to be clickable04:06
jdongI can get a 939 nf4 mobo + 7800GTS for $100. Worth it?04:06
LaserJockpitti: is it just a status indicator?04:07
pittiLaserJock: the 'In use' is what your currently running X server does04:07
jdongpitti: I think that should be something made more clear then....04:07
pittiLaserJock: the enable/disable is the thing you can choose ("Do I want to allow this driver")04:07
jdongpitti: like right now to the user it looks like an option, but disabled04:07
pittijdong: suggestions appreciated04:07
gnomefreakjdong: yes04:07
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jdongpitti: maybe like red light green light04:07
pittijdong: something that can actually expressed in glade maybe? :)04:08
jdonghehe :)04:08
jdongpitti: maybe just the word Yes or No04:09
pittijdong: oh, indeed it doesn't need to be glade'able, the buttons are added on the fly04:09
jdongand In Use be Currently Used04:09
pittijdong: maybe just append '(currently used)' for the used ones and leave it blank otherwise?04:09
jdongpitti: yeah, that'd work too04:10
pittijdong: anyway, please file bugs abouts this, that's useful feedback04:10
pittibut UI issues have to wait until after beta, I think04:10
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LaserJockpitti: it really rocks though04:12
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LaserJockpitti: my wifi card showed up (I didn't even know it needed non-free drivers for a long time)04:12
jdongr-m and the advancement it represents is definitely my favorite part of Feisty04:13
pittiLaserJock: heh, but it worked without them as well?04:13
LaserJockit's like hardware vrms ;-)04:13
jdongpitti: no, lrm is on by default04:13
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LaserJockpitti: no, it's madwifi04:13
jdongso those restricted things work out of the box04:13
LaserJockso I didn't realize my laptop was using non-free stuff04:14
jdongath_hal.ko non-free FCC-regulated radio restrictions.04:14
jdongnot really non-free IMO.04:14
jdongexcept by strict interpretation04:14
pittiMithrandir: all the -meta stuff is in the archive now; do you think we should respin new ISOs for verifying sizes, etc.?04:14
pittiLaserJock: that's the second 'first-time ever' confirmation of a piece of hardware, thanks04:15
pittiLaserJock: mine only shows nvidia04:15
LaserJockpitti: wow, I didn't think I was so special ;-)04:15
LaserJocknividia-legacy, madwifi, and fglrx all worked fine  for me04:16
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mjg59pitti: Sure, no problem :)04:17
mjg59pitti: Any chance you could merge https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9767 as well?04:17
UbugtuFreedesktop bug 9767 in hald "hald-addon-keyboard support for keyrepeat" [Normal,New]  04:17
pittimjg59: sounds featureish, maybe check with Tollef and create/augment a bug for it?04:18
mjg59pitti: Eh, I wrote the original code - I'd actually say that it's a bug 04:19
mjg59I checked for key down, but forgot about key repeat04:19
pittimjg59: ooh, looking at the patch now; of course, looks perfectly sensible04:19
pitti_ion: unless you already started on it, I'd implement the ATI product ID scraping now04:22
dholbachpitti: uploaded your lpBugs changes - thanks a lot04:32
pittidholbach: yay04:32
dholbachmerged into .0.1 and I'll merge into .main04:32
pittidholbach: I probably need yet another addition to handle the duplicate field04:32
dholbachjust let me or bughelper@lists.ubuntu.com know04:33
pittidholbach: I don't need it yet, but once we have an automatic dup finder, it comes in handy :)04:33
dholbachor file a bug04:33
dholbachthanks alot04:33
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rourkewhat's the difference between linux-image-*-386 and linux-image-*-686?04:36
thomrourke: support in #ubuntu04:36
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_ionpitti: I already wrote it, in fact. :-)04:37
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pitti_ion: oh, then you beat me to it; I was just going to verify that these numbers in the _drv.so are actually correct04:37
_ionpitti: It's just two lines of shell script04:37
_ionI verified a couple of them, but not all.04:37
cjwatsonMithrandir: what do you think of the general idea of http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/partman-partitioning.resize2fs.diff for beta?04:39
_ionCurrently i'm pondering whether it would be best for the linux-restricted-modules package to generate the fglrx list and put it to /usr/share/doc/linux-restricted-modules-something/fglrx.modalias04:39
cjwatsonMithrandir: I haven't tested it yet04:39
pochuMithrandir: around? it seems that the xubuntu PPC builts went to a PS3 builts, and they don't boot on PPC. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/ . Would it be possible to fix that? Thanks :)04:39
cjwatsonpochu: huh?04:40
_ionpitti: Thoughts?04:40
cjwatsonpochu: no, that's just that powerpc hasn't been built for xubuntu yet04:40
cjwatsonthere was a reason I built ps3, and it's not a bug that it exists04:40
pitti_ion: that would certainly be cleaner, but requires coordination with BenC; and it should be done more consistently then (for nvidia, ath_hal, etc.)04:41
pitti_ion: I think for now a static build script in r-m is a good enough hack IMHO04:41
pochucjwatson: it wasn't going to built, but as some xubuntu users requested it, I asked Mithrandir to built it, but it seems that he built a Xubuntu PS3, instead a Xubuntu PPC :)04:41
_ionpitti: It indeed should be done consistently, and i've been trying to find the ID list from anything included in the l-r-m source package for a while, with no success.04:42
pochucjwatson: oh, didn't know. Just curiosity, which was that reason? :)04:42
cjwatsonpochu: no, he didn't build a PS3 image, I did.04:43
cjwatsonpochu: because I was working on getting a PS3 to work?04:43
pitti_ion: I don't know enough of this stuff, but maybe it's possible to externally override the modaliases of modules, so that the module itself would DTRT04:43
pochucjwatson: ah, ok :)04:43
pochucjwatson: could you also build a xubuntu PPC image? that would be great :)04:43
BenCpitti: device-driver-manager :)04:44
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cjwatsonpochu: already on it04:44
BenCsome modules just can't be persuaded though, like kyle pointed out, drm modules use a non-alias like table04:44
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pochucjwatson: thanks a lot!04:44
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pittiBenC: d-d-m, is that a GUI app, or some magic backend to improve module handling?04:45
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BenCpitti: the spec calls for both of those features04:46
BenCthe GUI depends on the magic backend04:46
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pittiBenC: if that's a gui, it doesn't sound too far away from restricted-manager in fact04:46
cjwatsonpochu: cronned, should at least try to build later today04:46
pochucjwatson: ok, ty :)04:47
BenCpitti: It's meant to handle setting module params, and choosing specific modules for specific devices (like in the case of multiple modules handling the same device)04:48
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BenCpitti: It can also use things like new_id to force a driver to work with an unknown device04:48
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pittiBenC: ok, that's slightly different04:48
=== tbf wonders if there still is some chance, that feisty ships without network-manager
tbfit's a nice tool, but not ready for prime time yet04:48
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pittitbf: ++ for ... on desktops04:49
pittitbf: I think on laptops the advantages outweight the problems04:49
=== mvo_ thinks the same
_ionWould the nvidia/fglrx licenses permit modifying the .modinfo section of the modules from lrm-manager?04:50
pitti_ion: oh, can you do this with a binary module?04:50
_ionIt should be possible to hack .modinfo, replacing the alias list with a better one. :-)04:51
pitti_ion: I actually thought about sticking a file into /etc/modprobe.d/ or similar which overrides the modules' internal list04:51
_ionThat would be cleaner. :-)04:51
tbfpitti: actually i really wonder how you use it on a laptop04:51
=== pitti just doesn't know whether it's possible, but I think there is some infrastructure in the kernel for this now
pittitbf: I usually don't use multiple interfaces at the same time on the laptop, so it's fine for me04:52
pittitbf: roaming works well, and that's what I do with the laptop04:52
tbfpitti: gnome-settings damon needs naming services to startup, but those are not available until network manager setups my wlan connection04:52
pittion the desktop I never change networks and have two networks at the same time04:52
tbfpitti: which it can't before gnome has started because it stores the wlan key in gnome-key-ring04:53
pittitbf: our libc can handle resolv.conf changes on the fly04:53
tbfpitti: i just gave up right now and moved the umts card into the desktop machine again. after that starting gnome failed, cause nm was to lame to configure the wlan adapter04:53
pittitbf: well, just disable it the, it's two clicks away04:54
tbfpitti: how? disabling it from the applet makes all Epiphany, Evolution and Gaim believe i have not network at all04:55
_ionpitti: Anyway, this is what i call from the extracted ati-driver source tree, strings x710/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so | sed -n 's/^0x\([0-9A-F] \{4\}\)$/alias pci:v00001002d0000\1sv*sd*bc*sc*i* fglrx/p'04:55
pittitbf: I meant removing the applet04:55
mdzMithrandir: how is the release looking today?04:55
cjwatsonhmm, I think that keymapper us/jp bug may not be a keymapper bug after all - the files console-setup is feeding to gen_keymap don't look quite right04:55
pitti_ion: I'll run this in the installed system against /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so04:55
tbfpitti: doubt this works. what i did for now is deactivating the scripts in /etc/dbus-1/event.d04:56
pitti_ion: thus I only need to install xorg-driver-fglrx04:56
_ionpitti: Yeah, that works.04:56
_ionpitti: Oh, i also verified that the ID list in the nvidia README is indeed incomplete, just like the README says. Why they have such a list in README at all is beyond me. :-)04:57
=== pitti wants nouveau
tbfpitti: yeah, go nouveau, go!04:58
sladentbf: would would you think about only shipping NM on laptops?  Then half of our users would be saved from the pain04:58
_ionNetwork-manager? I love it on desktop boxes.04:58
tbfsladen: well, the machine i have feisty on, is a laptop04:58
siretartsladen: I love the idea04:59
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tbffor me network manager has two problems: 1) disabling devices it has no information about - easy fix --- 2) setting up the wlan too late as it stores the wlan key in gnome-key-ring05:00
tbfwhat could be done for problem 2?05:00
tbfwell, but maybe gnome-settings-damon just should be fixed, not to hang, if DNS doesn't work yet05:02
sladentbf: bug #8909605:02
UbugtuMalone bug 89096 in network-manager "NM saves WEP key in GNOME keyring and requires additional password" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8909605:02
tbfsladen: thanks05:03
sladentbf: perhaps you could add the issue you've just noted there05:03
pitti_ion: why bc* and not bc03?05:04
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pitti_ion: just in case one of the numbers isn't actually a product ID05:04
tbfsladen: doing that right now05:04
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_ionpitti: The IDs in the file are consecutive, separated only by by a '\0'. It's quite improbable the ATI vendor ID and a device ID from the list would match something else than an ATI card supported by fglrx.05:07
pitti_ion: still, I think it cannot hurt05:07
=== pitti can revert this change later if necessary
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adamant1988ok, got it working05:11
adamant1988for some reason it defaulted to metacity as the window manager05:11
tbfconsidering all the window placement problems compiz and beryl have, i wonder how people can work with them05:12
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pittitbf: me too05:12
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tbfpitti: considering to subscribe to SoC and port cool compiz plus beryl plugins to metacity :-)05:13
tbf...damn would that be cool: cool effects plus some mature WM05:13
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Keybukoh, thank gods gcc doesn't support long long long05:27
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_ionlong long long long long long long long i;05:30
Keybuk_ion: I think the lisp-affected have that type right :p05:30
_ionIf i care about about an integer's size and signedness, i usually use {,u}int{8,16,32}_t05:30
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Keybukthose are tricky though05:31
Keybukyou can't pass them to varargs functions, like printf05:31
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_ionkeybuk: Uh. I haven't ever had that problem. They are just typedefs, aren't they?05:36
_iontypedef int int32_t; typedef short int int16_t; etc.05:36
Keybuk_ion: they're typedefs to unknown types05:39
Keybuke.g. if you do this05:39
Keybuk  int32_t i = 0;05:39
Keybuk  printf ("%d %s\n", i, "foo");05:39
Keybukyou better hope that sizeof (int) == 4 :p05:39
Keybukand that sizeof (int) isn't 8, like it is on ILP64 architectures05:39
Keybukbecause then you'll be taking part of the following string too05:40
Keybukactually, the entire string05:40
Keybukand wandering into your code to find the string05:40
_ionkeybuk: Ah, alright. I just kind of expected that the compiler and the headers would magically take care of that on interesting architectures.05:40
Keybukno :p05:40
kylemdon't worry, nothing worth talking about is ILP6405:41
Keybukint32_t will be a 32-bit int05:41
cjwatsonAFAIK the best way to deal with them is to cast them all to intmax_t and use %jd et al05:41
Keybukkylem: windows? :p05:41
kylemKeybuk, windows is LLP64...05:41
kylemlong == int == 32-bits.05:41
Keybukah yes05:41
Keybukthat's where you get bitten by using %ld to print int64_t isn't it05:42
Keybukcjwatson: or just not use them at all, and use the ordinary types which turn out to be what you were after anyway05:42
Keybuk(the principal use for the stdint types is bitmasks)05:42
Keybukmy brain also remembers some strange type-changing behaviour of ..., but I can't remember what it is :-/05:43
KeybukI know 'c' turns into an int, for example05:43
kylemthe easiest thing to do is to just wrap vprintf ourself.05:43
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Keybukah yes, that's right; integer promotion is performed on all variable arguments05:50
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yotamWhere can I ask questions about packaging - thatthe packaging guide does not answer?05:52
Adri2000yotam: #ubuntu-motu05:53
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pittimvo_: still here?05:55
pittimvo_, ogra: I need an ATI card owner for a quick test05:55
ograwait a sec05:56
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ograok, r-m updated05:57
ograi'm currently running fglrx, what do you want me to test ? 05:58
pittiogra: oh, not the one from the archive05:58
ograno, the one from the bug05:58
pittiogra: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/restricted-manager_0.10_all.deb05:58
pittiogra: ^ this one, please05:58
pittiogra: (it's not the one from the bug)05:58
ograis that different05:58
pittiogra: does disabling and re-enabling work and is xorg.conf sane in both cases?05:58
ogragdebi is so sexy :)05:58
pittiogra: I just refactored the nvidia and ati classes into one base class; they shared 95% of code05:59
pittiand doing all fixes two times was too error prone05:59
ograwell, if it works ...05:59
pittiogra: gdebi? was reported to work for other people05:59
pittiogra: oh, not for the same version, though; you need to purge before05:59
ograworks here as well ... 05:59
ograi rarely use it though06:00
ograr-m only shows ati now 06:00
ograno isdn or intel drivers06:00
pittiogra: that should be fine, unless you also have an ipw1394 or isdn card06:00
pittiogra: (or a second nvidia graphics card)06:00
ograits disabling and uninstallinf now06:01
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ograhmm, my screen flashed once06:01
pittiit doesn't automatically kill X or anything06:02
ograand a reboot notification popped up06:02
ograno, but it seemed to probe06:02
ograthe screen went black for 2secs ... 06:02
pittiogra: oh, xserver-xorg might probe06:02
pitti(the postinst)06:02
ograi think there is no way to get rid of that iirc06:02
ograi discussed that with daniels in dapper ...06:03
ogramy xorg.conf still has fglrx, should that be updated already ? 06:03
pittiogra: only as the last step, after removing xorg-driver-fglrx06:03
ograah, you need to close r-m06:04
ogranow its ati06:04
pittiogra: hm, actually not06:04
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pittiogra: it should have switched to ati after dpkg-reconfigure finished06:04
ograit was fglrx until i closed the window06:04
pittihm, that's really weird06:04
ograbut now its ati, seems correct ...06:05
ograprobaby my less call was to early ...06:05
ograso i read the file from mem while it was changed06:05
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ograthe gui hangs here and there a bit ...06:06
pittiogra: known06:06
=== ogra enables again ...
pittiogra: it needs to run synaptic in a separate thread06:06
pittibut that's post-beta UI stuff06:06
pittiogra: the critical parts so far are sane xorg.conf and hw detection06:07
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ograhm, now i didnt get fglrx in xorg.conf06:07
pittiogra: after enabling?06:07
pittiogra: can you put /var/log/restricted-manager.log somewhere?06:08
ograthe checkbox isnt marked either 06:08
ogra(i only used the activate/deactivate button at the bottom)06:08
pittiyou got the confirmation question?06:08
pittiand package isntallation?06:09
ograand after i click ok xorg probes once06:09
ograstill ati in there and the checkbox isnt ticked06:09
pittihmm, hmm06:10
pittiogra: let's see what the log says06:10
ograi need to go out to the garden for 20-30min before it gets dark (promised GF to help her bury a guineapig)... can we take a short break ? log is at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/restricted-manager.log06:11
pittiogra: sure, thanks06:12
ograi'll ping if i'm back06:12
pittiogra: aah, I know what could be wrong06:13
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pittiogra: I updated the deb on above URL; I think it should work now06:19
Adri2000Keybuk: is MoM somewhat broken? out of date. some merges uploaded one week ago are still on the page06:20
KeybukAdri2000: no idea06:20
Adri2000Keybuk: you can't check?06:21
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Keybukit's getting 404s for something06:21
pittimvo: *bettelblickaufsetz* ;)06:22
mvopitti: ?06:23
Keybukdebian-related I think06:23
mvopitti: oh, quick test06:23
Keybuklast update was ~10 days ago06:23
pittimvo: if you have a few minutes, could you install http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/restricted-manager_0.10_all.deb ?06:23
mvopitti: sure, what do you need 06:23
pittimvo: above deb (fresh from 5 minutes ago) and check if disabling and enabling again both produces a valid xorg.conf/driver detection/package install06:24
pittimvo: xorg.conf: in particular, driver, BusID, options, disabling of composite06:24
mvopitti: what will it do with customized xorg.confs ?06:24
pittimvo: right now it still clobbers them06:24
=== mvo makes a backup
pittimvo: I write code to not do that as we speak06:24
mvopitti: ok06:24
pittimvo: r-m makes plenty of backups :)06:24
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mvopitti: looks good so far, now I have vesa + it says I should restart06:26
pittimvo: vesa was correct for you, right?06:26
pittimvo: don't bother with restarting06:26
pittimvo: just enable it again06:27
mvopitti: yes06:27
mvopitti: restarting is fine, I get a new kernel as well06:27
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mvopitti: hm, reenabling it back seems to not work ./ still vesa (even though it did download the xorg-driver-flgrlx)06:30
mvopitti: and my screen blanks for 2 seconds06:30
mvopitti: no, can't get flglrx back :/06:31
ogramvo, thats xorg prbing the screen from the postinst06:31
pittimvo: can you give me /var/log/restricted-manager.log?06:31
ograpitti, installing now06:31
pittiogra: I set xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card to false now when enabling a driver06:31
pittiogra: I hoped that that worked, but apparently not for mvo06:32
ograas i sadi, i discussed that with danies ... in order to make it work for the liveCD he hardcoded it06:32
mvopitti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/restricted-manager.log06:32
ograas well as you cant preseed modes or videoram ...06:32
pittiargh, it always autodetects even if this is forcibly set to false?06:32
=== pitti sobs
ograthere are a bunch of debconf values that are completely ignored06:33
mvo*cough* displayconfig-gtk *cough*06:33
pittiogra: I understand this for seen=false, but for seen=true and set?06:33
ograask daniels ... its his change06:33
pittimvo: right, it's on the wishlist, but not really appropriate to do that change now for beta IMHO06:33
ograand nobody was smart enough with X to switch that back and guarantee nothing would break yet06:33
mvopitti: sure06:33
pittiok, this needs fixing in the xserver-xorg postinst, I'm afraid06:34
ograpitti, still ati here06:34
pittiogra: right, if setting xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card doesn't work, it will behave exactly the same06:35
ograif yu are at it, you could fix preseeding for the resolution as well *g*06:35
pittiwell, not today any more unfortunately06:35
tepsipakkiogra: what's wrong with it?06:35
ograi wasnt expecting today :)06:35
pittiI hope that Mithrandir won't kill me if I upload this on Monday instead of today06:35
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ogratepsipakki, you cant preseed it06:35
tepsipakkiogra: sure you can06:35
ogratepsipakki, neither videoram ...06:35
tepsipakkiI do it all the time06:36
ogratepsipakki, its not respected06:36
tepsipakkihmm, seems to work here06:36
ogratepsipakki, if i preseed 800x600 it will still have all modes up to 1024 in xorg.conf06:36
ograits a longstanding problem i have in ltsp06:36
tepsipakkiok, I trust you :)06:36
pittiogra: mvo's log still looks weird06:36
ograand according to daniels that was also required to not break autodetection on the liveCD06:37
pittiogra: xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card is true for him even before dpkg-reconfigure06:37
ograstrange 06:37
ogratepsipakki, being able to preseed videoram and the modelines would make many many ltsp users happy ...06:38
pittimvo: could you please check your xorg_driver.py? does it have 'dc.set("xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card", "false")'?06:38
ograif you have a fix for that i'd owe you a truck of beer06:38
pittiI too, apparently :)06:38
tepsipakkiogra: ok, I'm on it ->06:38
ograeven though i'm always told that videoram shouldnt be pressedable because if you have to preseed it reflects a bug in the driver06:39
ograand then the driver shold rather be fixed :)06:39
tepsipakkiheh, I've seen reports on i810 where setting it works around some bugs06:40
ograsame for via, which is very often used in thin clients06:40
pittiogra: can you please check xorg_driver.py from the package as well? does it have 'dc.set("xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card", "false")'?06:40
ograand soe geode chipsets06:40
pittiogra: the log should at least show the value as false before dpkg-reconfigure06:41
ograchecking it manually its currently set to true06:41
ograthe log agrees06:41
pittiogra: right, that might be xserver-xorg clobbering it06:41
pittiogra: but before?06:41
ograwhere is that python file ? 06:41
pittiogra: if xorg_driver.py doesn't have that line of code, it's an old version06:41
pittiogra: ^06:42
pittimvo: ^06:42
ograah, i was sesarching in /usr/share/r-m06:42
ograogra@edubuntu:~/seeds/edubuntu.feisty$ grep autodetect_video_card /usr/share/pycentral/restricted-manager/site-packages/RestrictedManager/xorg_driver.py06:42
ograogra@edubuntu:~/seeds/edubuntu.feisty$ 06:42
mvopitti: no, it seems not06:44
ograpitti, are you sure you uploaded it ? i just wgetted it from the commandline and installed with dpkg -i to be sure ... still no trace 06:45
=== pitti has hope again
pittiwait, I'll build you a new deb06:45
pitti363b6decc40ad83387d6b8515cde8c58  ../restricted-manager_0.10_all.deb06:46
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ogralooks better06:47
ograstill probing, but i got fglrx now06:47
=== pitti bounces
=== pitti hugs ogra
ograreverted fine to ati06:49
pittimvo: please, pretty please say that it works for you as well, otherwise I can't sleep tonight06:49
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KeybukAdri2000: seems to be a Debian mirror error06:50
KeybukI'll investigate further06:50
Keybuk(next week)06:50
ograpitti, and back to fglrx ... i switched back and forth 4 times, seems all fine06:50
pittiogra: yayyayyay, thanks06:51
mvopitti: sort-of-working. I had a fglrx config and it showed it as "not-enabeld". if I enable it, it overwrites my xorg.conf and enables it (so fglrx is in)06:51
Adri2000Keybuk: ok06:51
mantiena-bughi all06:51
ogramvo, does it revert to ati properly as well ? 06:51
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mvopitti: it put it back now to vesa if I disable it06:52
pittimvo: cool06:52
ograsounds good06:52
pittimvo: and enabling it back works this time?06:52
pittiogra: after all, using dpkg-reconfigure instead of dexdonf works much better06:52
ograyeps ...06:53
adamant1988pitti: What was the ID of that bug I helped debug?06:54
mvopitti: yes, now it flips back and forth06:55
pittiadamant1988: bug 9103606:55
UbugtuMalone bug 91036 in restricted-manager "restricted-manager picks wrong BusID for video cards" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9103606:55
pittimvo: ok, so let's blame the first glitch to some old debconf stuff06:55
mvopitti: yes, seems to be something to do with that, if I run it now, its fine06:55
pittimvo: *phew* *hug* thanks!06:56
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mvopitti: \o/06:57
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guyvdbis there anybody i can talk to about the google summer of code?07:10
jonoanyone know how to make OOo in Feisty use the gtk theme - it doesnt seem to after an upgrade07:12
Mithrandirpitti: spinning07:13
pittiMithrandir: I just fixed all open bugs in r-m (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/restricted-manager/+bugs)07:14
pittiMithrandir: it now works pretty well, it has pretty intrusive changes, though07:14
pittiMithrandir: is that something I should upload right now, Monday, not not at all for beta?07:15
pitti(NB that the feisty version can really screw up your system, see mdz's mail)07:15
Mithrandirpitti: hm, I'd rather have it now than later.  Please upload it.07:16
pittiMithrandir: done07:16
Mithrandirmdz: the usual round of stragglers, we seem to have a new a need for a new kernel at least.07:16
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cjwatsonMithrandir: I think I've found the us/jp keymap misdetection bug. Three-line diff to the keymap reduction code if I'm right ...07:24
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Mithrandirthat'd be very nice since we are going to get 500 zillion dupes of that if it's not fixed.07:25
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cjwatsonbasically the problem is that the keymap reduction stuff is sneaking U+00bf (questiondown) into the us keymap even though it doesn't belong there, and it's because it doesn't properly handle keymaps that aren't supersets of other keymaps (i.e. the us keymap doesn't define keycode 89, but br does; therefore us can't be derived by #include'ing br and fiddling some keycodes)07:29
cjwatsonI think there's another minor issue, having tried that, but that's most of it07:29
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Mithrandirthat is slightly-greek to me, but I'll nod and pretend to understand. :-)07:30
cjwatsonsimplest description I can manage at 1830 on Friday :)07:31
cjwatsonbut this is good - it means keymapper is working fine, it's its input that's buggered07:31
cjwatsonwhich is a lot easier to deal with07:31
firephotoIs anyone aware of the xorg memory leak with xserver 1.2 or does that need a bug filed? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10009#c907:32
UbugtuFreedesktop bug 10009 in Server/general "xorg 7.2 (xorg-server-1.2.0) consumes memory" [Normal,New]  07:32
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mvoMithrandir: thanks for accepting command-not-found :)07:40
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mantiena-bugScottK, Hi, are you upstart developer ?07:53
Burgworkmantiena-bug: no, you need Keybuk] 07:53
=== ScottK is more of a bumbler than a developer in any case.
mantiena-bugBurgwork, I don't see keybuk here :(07:55
LaserJocknope, he's not on right now07:57
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mantiena-bug_maybe here is someone, who can help me to be sure, that I found a bug in upstart (or /etc/event.d/ttyN scripts)08:09
sn0checked https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs to see if its already there mantiena-bug_ ?08:12
mantiena-bug_sn0, of course08:14
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sn0see the 'Report a Bug' ? :)08:17
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mantiena-bug_sn0, it seems no :(08:19
mantiena-bug_that's why I'm here08:19
sn0on the launchpad site at the top left, you can login and report/add a bug info08:20
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mantiena-bug_sn0, I know this08:21
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mantiena-bug_sn0, problem is, that problem is very important and should be visible to all, it's very strange, that this isn't already reported, so, maybe this is some configuration problem, not bug08:23
mantiena-bug_sn0, are you using Feisty ?08:23
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sn0i am yes mantiena-bug_ 08:24
sn0today's kubuntu image at the mo08:24
mantiena-bug_sn0, from live CD ?08:25
mantiena-bug_oh, it's good, could you help me to check if this bug is on your system ? just few minutes08:26
sn0sure, fire away08:26
mantiena-bug_sn0, could you show me output of "initctrl list" ?08:26
sn0oh my install just crashed woo :)08:27
sn0mantiena-bug_ http://paste.debian.et/2383208:29
sn0thats from the live cd08:29
mantiena-bug_sn0, yea , it's better for me if you show me output of initctrl list when runing from live cd :)08:29
sn0arr typo soz08:30
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mantiena-bug_sn0, so, it seems you have the same important bug like me ;)08:36
sn0really? interested to know whats wrong08:37
mantiena-bug_sn0, could you press ctrl+alt+f2 to be sure ?08:37
mantiena-bug_upstart doesn't start consoles on tty1-tty6 :(08:37
sn0oh yea i don't get any consoles08:37
mantiena-bug_it seems this needs to be reported :-P08:38
mantiena-bug_I'm making liveCD without GDM, based on feisty, and currently I can't login...08:39
henomantiena-bug_: I've seen that mentioned before, but I also cannot find the bug08:40
mantiena-bug_sn0, btw, you know upstart a little bit ? I saw the error message, upstart "told" me, that error is in line 15 of /etc/event.d/tty1 - tty16 files08:40
mantiena-bug_heno, :(08:41
henolooking ...08:41
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mantiena-bug_heno, in that lite there is respawn command08:46
henomantiena-bug_: I suggest you file it and ping TheMuso when he is around. I've seen him mention it. (he might be able to tell you which one to dupe it with)08:47
mantiena-bug_I saw some changes, related to respawn in upstart 0.3.8 changelog08:47
sn0im rebooting the install now mantiena-bug_ , maybe its one of the updates i noticed08:47
mantiena-bug_sn0, thanks for help08:47
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mantiena-bug_heno, ok, now I don't have a time to file, I need to find a way how to run command "respawn /bin/su ubuntu /usr/bin/startx" in custom event.d script08:48
mantiena-bug_upstart also tells me, that there is "unknown stanza" in this line08:49
henocan't help much with upstart I'm afraid08:49
Seveasmantiena-bug_, try #upstart08:50
Ngmantiena-bug_: you could configure gdm to automatically log that user in08:50
Ngsystme->preferneces->login window08:50
sn0mantiena-bug_ on the actual installed system it works fine, http://paste.debian.net/2383308:50
cjwatsonit's very likely a casper bug08:51
cjwatsonit munges /etc/event.d/*, and perhaps it uses syntax that's now broken08:51
cjwatsonplease let me know the bug number once you file it (or find an existing one) and I'll ensure it's milestoned for beta08:51
=== cjwatson -> gone
mantiena-bug_sn0, hehe, could you show me contents of the /etc/event.d/tty1 and /etc/event.d/tty2 files ?08:56
sn0sure, http://paste.debian.net/2383408:58
mantiena-bug_cjwatson, btw, you set status of bug #38931 to "Fix Released" 2 weeks ago, but it seems bug still isn't fixed08:58
UbugtuMalone bug 38931 in Baltix "add lt keymap to NONLATINMAPS variable in xserver-xorg.config script" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3893108:58
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mantiena-bug_sn0, OK, now I see where is the bug09:00
sn0cool :] 09:00
TheMusomantiena-bug_: Hen suggested you contact me? Whats up?09:01
TheMusoheno even09:01
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pochuTheMuso: thanks for the upload! :)09:02
TheMusopochu: np09:03
mantiena-bug_TheMuso, important bug, but it seems not in upstart, but in casper...09:03
mantiena-bug_I need to find a way how to run command "respawn /bin/su ubuntu /usr/bin/startx" in custom event.d script09:03
mantiena-bug_TheMuso, previously this command worked fine09:03
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mantiena-bug_TheMuso, but now upstart tells me, that there is "unknown stanza" in this line09:04
TheMusomantiena-bug_: Ok sorry, I can't help there.09:04
mantiena-bug_TheMuso, you don't understand how to write custom upstart script in /etc/event.d/ ?09:04
TheMusoI just saw that heno mentioned my name to you earlier.09:04
TheMusomantiena-bug_: no.09:04
mantiena-bug_TheMuso, ok09:06
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wolfeonI can't remember who I was talking to couple weeks ago :/10:18
wolfeonWho was the person working on a program to auto join and do all the magical config for joining a windows network with Ubuntu?10:18
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_ionHeh, zsh has tetris built-in. :-)10:45
tepsipakki_ion: I just noticed the other day that zsh could complete the hostnames on our domain for ssh/scp10:51
tepsipakkinow that's cool10:51
gesertepsipakki: iirc bash completion can do that too if your known_hosts file isn't hashed10:53
tepsipakkiok, nice10:54
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keescookI need a crash course in adding new tab-completion logic...11:16
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Lord_Illidanhi, don't mind me, I'm just watching11:18
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Burgworkkeescook: which client?11:32
keescookBurgwork: oh, I just want to be able to tell things like dpatch-edit-patch where to look, stuff like that11:33
Burgworkah, thought you were referring to irc11:33
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keescookaah, nah, just bash11:34
keescookrandom question: anyone tried using vmware-player with VLANs?  it won't start the bridge, it seems11:34
Lord_IllidanHi guys, anyone working on sdl>11:35
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Lord_IllidanIn Ubuntu Edgy, there is this bug in sdl which makes all games very dark11:39
FujitsuLord_Illidan: Not last time I checked.11:41
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Lord_IllidanWas it fixed?11:41
FujitsuI've never seen it.11:41
Lord_Illidanhmm, there is even a launchpad page open11:42
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jdongsdl worked fine for me in Edgy...11:44
jdongI lived off supertux for so long.11:44
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Lord_Illidanlet me find the actual launchpad page11:46
Lord_IllidanHere is the forum page : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183677&highlight=dark+games11:46
Lord_IllidanLaunchpad page : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/6138911:47
UbugtuMalone bug 61389 in libsdl1.2 "versions of libsdl prior to 1.2.11 dont work with Composite extensions" [Undecided,Fix released]  11:47
Lord_IllidanNow, it says it is fixed in feisty, haven't tried it, but in edgy the problem still remains..and it is annoying, especially when the fix is out there11:48
_ionmvo: Please see bug #92942, thanks.11:49
UbugtuMalone bug 92942 in command-not-found "No zsh support (debdiff attached)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9294211:49
mvo_ion: woah! you rock!11:49
=== mvo hugs _ion
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_ionmvo: Hm, actually, wait a moment. It doesn't work if there are parameters on the command line. I'll fix that.11:56
mvo_ion: ok. I commited the current patch already to bzr :)11:57
mvo_ion: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/command-not-found/ubuntu <- the bzr branch if you want to work directly against it 11:59
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=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_away
_ionmvo: Thanks. bzr pull http://johan.kiviniemi.name/software/bzr/command-not-found/12:09

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!