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CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r1489 ma/ (10 files in 7 dirs): Merged with trunk.08:49
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r1490 ma/debian/ubiquity.templates: I forgot to update debian/ubiquity.templates.08:55
evandcjwatson: See above.  Sorry.09:10
evandI probably should've attempted the remote administration option as upon inspecting scripts/install.py it looks like it would've taken a matter of minutes to code up.  Feisty+1, I suppose.09:10
cjwatsonevand: ok - hmm, did you push that?09:20
cjwatson$ bzr pull09:20
cjwatsonUsing saved location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~evand/ubiquity/ma/09:20
cjwatsonNo revisions to pull.09:20
evandsorry, it's early09:22
evandone sec, I'll push09:22
cjwatsonwhat timezone are you on? ::)09:24
evandcjwatson: EDT, whatever that is now09:24
cjwatsonah, that sort of early then09:24
evandAre there any areas of Ubiquity that need help?  With everything in freeze I'm looking for something to do.09:25
cjwatsonthere are still a few bits to iron out in the new partitioner09:31
cjwatsonsomebody should sort out the timezone page rework from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/FeistyReview09:31
cjwatsonum, there's probably a bunch of other stuff but 8:30am is not my best time either09:32
evandIf you think of anything else, just let me know.  I'm eager to get involved in more than just m-a where possible.09:33
evandI'll take a look at what you've already listed later today.09:33
cjwatsonthere's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment/ToDo09:34
CIA-5ubiquity: cjwatson * r1954 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog ubiquity.templates): merge from Evan09:34
cjwatsonneed to keep that better updated09:34
cjwatson* recover more gracefully from errors, particularly boot loader installation problems09:35
cjwatsonsorting out that item would be fantastic; maybe some kind of retry option09:35
evandcjwatson: should I start up a new branch or are these things that can still go into Feisty?09:35
cjwatsonI think they're probably feistyable, although you probably want a new branch anyway09:36
CIA-5ubiquity: cjwatson * r1955 ubiquity/debian/po/ (77 files): debconf-updatepo09:37
evandoh, that's something that's confusing me09:38
evandI noticed that the data in ubiquity.templates isn't getting put in the po files.  Was there any reason for this?  I thought maybe it had something to do with a new translation approach.09:39
cjwatsonyou need to run debconf-updatepo when changing .templates09:39
cjwatsonthe d-i project has a cron job that runs over svn and does that, so developers don't need to09:39
cjwatsonwe don't though09:39
evandIs that why things like partman-failed-mount were not in the po files?09:40
cjwatsonpartman-failed-unmount? it's there09:42
cjwatson#. Type: boolean09:42
cjwatson#. Description09:42
cjwatson#: ../ubiquity.templates:9100109:42
cjwatsonmsgid "Failed to unmount partitions"09:42
cjwatsonmsgstr ""09:42
evandyeah whoops09:42
evandI was grepping for the title, which obviously doesn't work09:42
evandok, noted09:42
cjwatsonsome of the templates aren't translatable - the ones with Description rather than _Description09:42
cjwatsonoh, other thing that needs attention, memory use09:43
cjwatsonI found an easy 2MB savings the other day, but I'm sure there's lots more09:43
evandyeah, I noticed you started doing that09:43
cjwatsonand fitting the UI into 640x480, for similar reasons09:44
evandmind if I ask how you're profiling?  Or is it just a combination of the running app and top?09:44
cjwatsonI haven't figured out a great way of doing it yet09:44
cjwatsonI was using python-dbg and PYTHONDUMPREFS=109:44
cjwatsonit's not really quite what I want09:44
cjwatsonor maybe I'm just not good at reading the output yet09:45
cjwatsonthere are some speed/memory tradeoffs in ubiquity09:46
cjwatsonthe most significant is the way I read a bunch of translations into memory because extracting them from debconf is slow09:47
cjwatsonmaybe that should become simple temporary files or something like that, which could be mmaped09:47
cjwatsonor just opened each time09:47
cjwatsonthough of course temporary files use up memory on the live session too, so that doesn't help09:48
=== cjwatson wakes up
evandvia cow, right?09:48
cjwatsonshould probably finish the work I started on making cdebconf mmap its databases, and then switch ubiquity to cdebconf09:48
cjwatsontrying to make debconf lowmem-friendly is a bit of a dead end09:49
evandyou're going to switch to cdebconf for Feisty?09:49
cjwatsonI thought about it, but it doesn't really buy anything without the db mmap work09:50
cjwatsondoesn't seem significantly faster09:50
evanddidn't cdebconf not have some issues that debconf does?  I seem to recall something about metaget not working quite right, though I could be way off.09:51
evandor perhaps I'm thinking of a different problem entirely09:52
cjwatsonthere have been various issues where one is better than the other09:54
cjwatsoncdebconf doesn't have escape capb support yet, which would be a requirement to switch09:54
cjwatsonI started writing that but got bored09:54
CIA-5ubiquity: cjwatson * r1956 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.4.210:12
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saispocjwatsohi all12:22
saispohi all :)12:22
saispocjwatson: if i change my gpg keys for creating a custom cd, i must rebuild ubuntu_keyrings ?12:23
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saispohi cr301:44
cr3saispo: ahoy!01:57
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saispoif no kernel found, it's due to ubuntu-keyring ?04:35
saispoanyone can give me some tips ? i have rebuild ubuntu-keyrings with my two rsa gpg keys include in it, sign the pacakges, put it on the cd05:10
saispobut at the end, the installer say that it's doesn't found any kernels05:11
saispoanyone have an idea ?05:11
saispoi have two idea... it's an rsa key, she have a password...05:15
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saispowhen i test with a dsa key with no password, all work...05:15
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