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sadlederKeybuk: hi, when and how will upstart jobs be integrated in feisty?11:35
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Keybuksadleder: there will be an alternate repository around the time feisty releases11:40
sadlederKeybuk: will the jobs be in a single package, or in their respective packages?11:41
Keybukrespective packages11:41
sadlederKeybuk: ah, ok, thx.11:42
sadlederKeybuk: btw, your work on upstart is just formidable11:43
sadlederKeybuk: so users will see those when feisty releases, but not before?11:44
Keybukyeah, basically we missed the feisty feature freeze for it -- and want to get it right instead11:46
Keybuk"around feisty release time" is just a guess11:46
sadlederKeybuk: and what about testing?11:46
KeybukI don't follow?11:47
Keybukanyone who uses the repository will be testing them :)11:47
sadlederKeybuk: hmm, ok, does that mean, they won't go into feisty, but rather into feisty+1?11:50
sadlederok, now i understand11:52
sadlederso feisty will just have upstart-compat-sysv11:53
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_ionGood ideas from AlexExtreme at the mailing list.12:39
=== Keybuk gives up decoding the cherry data sheets
_ionMatthias Ulrichs' idea of list-style variables would be nice.12:40
KeybukI can find a G80-3000LSCGB-0, which is only one letter out from my current G80-3000LSMGB-012:41
Keybukand appears to have the right  description12:41
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fatzeushi, i'm trying to install upstart on gentoo04:08
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Keybukfatzeus: hi04:10
fatzeusi've some connection trouble...04:10
fatzeusi see that there are some sample scrits04:11
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fatzeusthat you have to modify to fit your distro configuration04:11
fatzeusi've almost done...i think 04:11
fatzeusbut in the inittab file i've also something like this:04:11
fatzeusrc::bootwait:/sbin/rc boot04:12
fatzeusbut with the examples i don't see any like this04:12
fatzeusfor example the si::sysinit:/sbin/rc sysinit in my inittab file04:12
fatzeusi think is rcS04:12
fatzeusmaybe add rc boot into the rcS file after rc sysiniti??04:16
Keybukno idea, I'm not familar with Gentoo I'm afraid04:21
Keybukcertainly each line in the /etc/inittab corresponds to one file in /etc/event.d04:21
Keybukbootwait and sysinit are different I guess04:22
fatzeusis also mentioned in the man04:22
fatzeusman /etc/inittab04:22
fatzeusFurther system initialization, brings up the boot runlevel04:22
Keybukafter rcS, before rc-default I guess04:22
fatzeusit doesn't say a lot...04:22
Keybukso make a new event.d file, exec /sbin/rc bin, start on stopped rcS; and change the rc-default to be start on stopped $new_file04:23
fatzeusok...thank i'll try this way04:23
fatzeusif i see that it's not the correct order04:24
fatzeusi've just to change after/before04:24
mbieblfatzeus: have you replaced /sbin/init or did you install it to another location?04:24
fatzeusi placed it in /opt/upstart04:25
fatzeusas suggested...04:25
mbieblgood ;-)04:25
fatzeuswhat does stop on means?04:29
fatzeusi'll try reboot...04:33
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Keybuk_ion: watch delayed is merged into my branch now, and have also merged it into watch.c directly04:48
Keybukjust doing some tests, etc. before I push04:48
Keybukthanks for your work on that, it should prove very useful04:50
Keybuksorry it took me a while to get to it :p04:50
_ionNo problem at all04:52
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Keybuk_ion: another way of looking at the whole stdint thing06:13
Keybukthe C standard already guarantees type sizes06:13
Keybukchar is "at least 8 bytes"06:13
Keybukint is "at least 16 bytes"06:13
Keybuklong is "at least 32 bytes"06:13
Keybukand long long is "at least 64 bytes"06:13
Keybukso you don't need the stdint types unless you want an "exactly" restriction06:13
Keybukthe other fun with ... applied to int8_t06:20
Keybukit gets promoted to an ordinary int, which might 32 or 64-bytes :p06:20
Keybuk(or even 16-bytes on 286s)06:20
=== concept10 [n=concept1@adsl-70-252-110-178.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #upstart
concept10hello all.  The above link (getting started is wrong)06:27
Keybukoh yeah] 06:29
=== ..[topic/#upstart:Keybuk] : Upstart 0.3.8 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/UpstartOnGentoo
=== Keybuk trims the topic
Keybuksince all those are now linked on the website06:29
concept10Keybuk, what would be the equivalent to /etc/inittab?06:32
Keybukthe /etc/event.d directory06:35
concept10okay, I know that, but Im looking for the first file or script thats run06:36
mbieblAll that have a "start on startup"06:45
mbieblstartup is the first signal that upstart emits.06:46
mbieblKeybuk: question about libnih06:47
mbieblwhy are the m4 macros installed to /usr/share.06:49
Keybuk/usr/share/aclocal ?06:49
mbieblafaik they are only needed for compiling libnih06:49
mbieblNot for applications using libnih06:49
Keybukcompiler.m4, etc.?06:49
Keybukthey're useful for any application06:49
Keybukso they're kind of an autoconf macro library as well06:50
mbieblIt's just, that misc is a very generic name ;-)06:50
Keybukfair point06:50
Keybukthey should be in a subdir or something, dunno if aclocal copes with that06:50
Keybukcertainly there's no reason for a package to distribute them yet06:51
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