
cellofellowI've nothing against gentoo, but why would it not have a problem like that?12:26
graziedifferent distros do things different.12:27
clarklinuxgrazie: thanks, i'll check it out...is it as low-spec friendly as xubuntu?12:27
grazieclarklinux: even lower spec12:28
cellofellowyou can use any DE you like12:28
clarklinuxgrazie: oh wow12:28
cellofellowfrom EvilWM to KDE+Beryl12:28
Jester45cellofellow thats a big diffrence12:28
graziei'd never install knoppix, but if I've got a hardware problem knoppix is my first choice12:29
cellofellowPortage is sort of slower than APT isn't it? It has to compile everything. Makes the apps run faster though.12:29
Jester45no and yes12:29
Jester45you can make it compile or you can get binaries12:29
cellofellowYou can compile with APT too. So, is it just that Gentoo prefers source and Debian binaries?12:30
grazieportage is slower even without compiling, but it is much more powerful..it's gentoos best asset12:30
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graziealso, there are no pre-compiled binaries for any arch other than x86 I believe12:31
Jester45anyone know a website that will let you build a custom computer? like select everything from a BIG list12:32
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grazieclarklinux: but installing a complete gentoo system is quite a lot work and time12:33
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brohanHi, I've got a slight issue with my resolution: that it is like.. giant (it might be font size)12:35
brohanI set sub-pixel smoothing, and relogged in and then everything has since looked bigger12:36
=== cellofellow likes bigger
Jester45brohan try changing the font size or if icons are large change the resoultion12:38
brohanYeah, I've tried that12:39
brohanand it still is gigantic12:39
brohanWell, some of it is gigantic12:39
brohanLike, my conky is big12:39
brohanJester45, I'm also running a laptop and the resolution has been fixed at 1280x80012:40
cellofellowis that what it says it is in Settings -> Display?12:40
brohancellofellow, default12:41
brohanand if I take a screenshot with 'export' its 1280x80012:42
brohanI have a feeling this is an xfce-specific issue12:42
Jester45the laptop might only have that res?12:42
brohanYeah, that's the res I want12:42
brohanIt's an ultraportable, I wub its resolution12:43
brohanIt's a font thing I'm pretty sure12:43
brohanI'm looking in ~/.config/xfce4/Xft.xrdb and picking nothing up12:43
ricithis sounds like the inverse of the issue i just had, where everything suddenly got smaller12:44
=== SamRose [n=chatzill@c-71-206-125-50.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
ricii fixed it by adding a dpi line in Xft.xrdb and a DisplaySize line in xorg.conf, if that's any help12:44
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brohanhttp://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/12/xubuntu-more-on-fixing-fonts-problems.html yeah, I see this12:44
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brohanYay, dpi change in ~/.config/xfce4/Xft.xrdb worked :)12:46
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grazieclarklinux: before burning again you could try booting the live cd with 'live single' at the boot: prompt12:47
ricithat link helped me fix firefox, too. thanks12:55
ricinow i just have to figure out keymapping :(12:56
ricispecifically, i remapped alt-gr to the "windows" key, which is where alt-gr ought to be according to my pinky,12:56
riciand some applications stopped recognizing either key as alt-gr12:57
riciwhich is a pain because on a spanish keyboard, you need it a lot.12:57
Jester45_use xmodmap and xev12:58
ubotuxmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB12:58
ubotuxev: X client - xev. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 68 kB12:58
Jester45_you open  a text editor and put  keycode  ### = whatyouwant12:59
Jester45_use google to get mroe help im a bit busy12:59
ricii did that, and it worked01:00
riciexcept that like i say some apps won't recognize the key afterwards01:00
clarklinuxgrazie: I'm back...what does live single do?01:01
grazieclarklinux: change the runlevel...you'll not start the X windows gui01:01
grazieclarklinux: might not bother looking for the swap01:02
clarklinuxgrazie: is there anyway I can wipe the HD clean? there's a half installed xubuntu on it, i think01:02
clarklinuxfrom the alt install01:02
grazieonce you've booted yes01:02
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clarklinuxgrazie: could yo tell me how to do that? i think I'll be able to install it if I can wipe everything first01:03
grazieclarklinux: we've got to get you booted somehow...did you try 'live single'?01:04
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clarklinuxi'm reburning the live01:05
clarklinuxit'll take a minute01:05
grazieclarklinux: why not do the minimal then? if you're burning anyway01:05
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clarklinuxgrazie: i gotta go, but could you give me an idea of what to look for after live single?01:09
clarklinuxgrazie: there was a problem configuringthe network and I do not want to have to deal with that hahaha01:10
grazieclarklinux: you'll need to delete some partitions...I don't think I can give a single command to sort it01:12
Jester45_clarklinux do you have the ablity of wiping the drive01:12
Jester45_it would be easier to just reinstall with a alt or lice cd01:12
grazieclarklinux: if you've got an OS X install cd wipte the disk with that01:13
clarklinuxjester: nope...andthe alt kept hhanging up01:13
clarklinuxgrazie: no osx disk01:13
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clarklinuxgrazie: there's no live-single option01:28
clarklinuxther's a live-nosplash01:28
clarklinuxand a check01:28
grazieclarklinux: no. just enter  'live single' it's not on the menu01:29
clarklinuxthank you..i'll be back a little later01:29
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clarklinuxgrazie: live single did not go to a no-gui interface01:39
clarklinuxit started loading with the little splash screen thing and did not finish (same error about swap01:39
grazieclarklinux: did you try burning and booting the minimal cd?01:41
clarklinuxgrazie: yes but there was a problem with the network configuration01:41
clarklinuxthat did not allow it to work01:41
grazieclarklinux: ok. but it booted ok?01:41
grazieclarklinux: well that doesn't have the swap problem then01:42
clarklinuxshould I try wiping the disk with that disk?01:42
clarklinux*the hard disk with that boot disk01:43
grazieclarklinux: you can get a primitive shell that you may be able to wipe the disk with...I don't know.01:43
clarklinuxi'll play around with it and see if i can find anything01:44
clarklinuxi'll be back a little later01:44
grazieclarklinux: I'd use gentoo now myself...but that doesn't help you01:44
grazieclarklinux: I probably will not be around later01:44
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graziePuMpErNiCkLe: do you know if it's possible to wipe a disk from the built-in shell (Ash)01:53
grazieno dd, no fdisk, etc01:54
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grazieah, dd is available02:00
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)03:11
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cellofellowwhat's a good graphical utility for complicated ALSA settings?03:20
PuMpErNiCkLeHow complicated?03:21
cellofellowchoose soundcard mostly03:25
PuMpErNiCkLeThat should be available in xfce4-mixer.03:28
cellofellowyeah, but my PCI soundcard I added isn't in the list. Just the onboard03:28
PuMpErNiCkLeIs it otherwise detected?03:29
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cellofellowin lspci03:35
cellofellowbut not anywhere else03:36
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cellofellowok, something weird just happened to my computer. (this isn't my main computer, thank goodness.) GRUB is getting Error 17's, which I looked up and means bad filesystem type. in cfdisk, the type shows as Amoeba. It is really ext3. Can I use cfdisk to fix the partition table? (It got corrupted somehow.)04:51
cellofellowwhile keeping the data, of course04:52
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cellofellowany help here guys?04:54
maxamillioncellofellow: have you booted a livecd to it?04:58
maxamillionerr .. booted it to a livecd04:59
maxamillioncellofellow: preferably knoppix if you have it04:59
cellofellowmaxamillion, yes05:03
cellofellowsorry, was searching for Windows NIC drivers.05:03
cellofellowDSL, so Mini-Knoppix :)05:03
maxamillioncellofellow: are you able to see the data using the live cd?05:03
cellofellowI'm just worried using cfdisk will break even that05:04
maxamillionhmmm... honestly, i would try to backup the data and then change the filesystem type in cfdisk and see what happens05:04
cellofellowthere isn't any real data, just a brand new (yesterday) Xubuntu installation.05:05
cellofellow3.1 GB05:05
maxamillionoh ... uhmmm, it might be a bad hard drive (or failing hard drive)05:05
maxamillionwww.ultimatebootcd.org <--- good utility for hard drive checking05:06
cellofellowit didn't do it all on its own. Something happened when I tried to boot a windows installtion on another hard drive05:06
=== cellofellow wishes he had some CD-R's.
=== cellofellow also doesn't think that ultimatebootcd.org is the right address.
cellofellowit's dot-com05:08
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cellofellowI don't know how to select ext3 in cfdisk. :$05:10
maxamillionits like #42 i think05:11
maxamillionyou have to hit pg-down to see it05:11
maxamillionits been a while since i used cfdisk05:11
cellofellow85 Linux Extended?05:13
maxamillionuhmm.... i dunno05:14
maxamillionlemme check something05:14
cellofellowok, thanks05:14
cellofellowah! on DSL there is no udev, and therefore I can't tell which /dev nodes are real or not.05:15
maxamillioncellofellow: brilliant05:16
cellofellowbrilliant panic or brilliant 85 is ext3?05:16
maxamillionbrilliant that DSL has no udev05:17
maxamillionjust find that interesting05:17
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cclampblue1sup yall05:18
cellofellowyou've been using linux long enough that udev is this cool new toy.05:18
cellofellowpartition table problems05:18
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maxamillioncellofellow: do you have a xubuntu live disk? ... this would be easier with gparted05:20
maxamillioncellofellow: but yes, 83 appears to be ext305:20
cellofellowI have Ubuntu. I can install gparted, I'm not going to reboot now I'm backing up data from a messed-up Windows drive05:20
maxamillioncellofellow: rgr05:21
maxamillionno worries, but yeah ... i actually think 83 is just a "linux filesystem" and then from there you have to make the filesystem either ext2, ext3, reiser, etc... so i think gparted will end up being the easiest way because i think doing something like mkfs -t ext3 /some/drive would end up fragging the data05:22
cclampblueshey i have a question for you gurus: i added a network monitor to my panel and i dont know how to tell it wwhat device i am using. i dont even knoow where to find that informatiton. its a pcmcia wireless (generic-as-hell) card. i hammered it in and it works. other than that i know nothing. any suggenstions?05:23
cellofellowjust type eth0 in the network monitor properties05:23
maxamillioncclampblues: you added the xfce network monitor panel?05:24
cclampbluesyea. thanks. cellofellow i got it now.05:24
cclampbluesyea max05:25
cclampbluesis there some sort of monitor to show all machines connected to the netwrok05:25
cclampbluesor program?05:25
maxamillioncclampblues: uhmmm... yeah, but that would be completely different ... check out nagios.org05:26
cclampbluesi figured so... thanks.05:26
maxamillioncclampblues: its a very powerful program that is generally run on a server but i don't see why you can't run it on a desktop machine ... afterall, its linux :)05:26
cellofellowmaxamillion, so, gparted can set the fs-type WITHOUT running mkfs?05:28
cellofellowI thought gparted always used mkfs.05:29
maxamillioncellofellow: you know what, now that you mention it .... i think it might05:29
cellofellowwould fdisk be more straightforward in its fs-type names?05:29
maxamillionnot quite sure to be honest ... never used it for more than viewing a partition table, i always used cfdisk in the command line and gparted for gui (once it came into existence)05:31
cellofellowok, I'm taking the plunge and calling /dev/hda1 a type 85.05:31
=== maxamillion crosses his fingers
cellofellowCannot change FS Type to extended05:32
cellofellowit stayed Amoeba05:32
cellofellowgoing with 83. Seeing if that works. If it doesn't, setting it to 85 may work this time.05:33
maxamillionwhat's 85?05:34
cellofellowLinux Extended is 85. 83 is plain Linux05:34
cellofellowIt did mount as 83 but to be safe I think I'll try 85.05:34
maxamillioni think extended should be ext3 because ext2 was the "original linux fs"05:35
cclampblueshow do i create this file in this transparency setup:  http://blog.xfce.org/?p=77   ----i just make a text file right?05:36
cellofellowmaxamillion, it still won't let me change to "extended"05:36
cellofellow Cannot change FS Type to extended05:37
cellofellowif grub will still boot... it should be fine05:39
cellofellowit wouldn't work cause it couldn't fine /boot/grub/menu.lst because that was in an FS that the partition table said was Amoeba but acted like ext, so it errored and died.05:41
maxamillionjeebus, that's no good05:42
cellofellowso, enough of my gloominess. anything good happening?05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org05:51
cellofellowI guessed05:52
cclampbluesi wouldntthave guessed that one05:52
maxamillioncclampblues: but you used the bot ... that puts you a step ahead of most users who come through the channel05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
cclampbluesrobots are funny.05:54
maxamillionyeah .... ubotu is "all knowing"05:55
cclampbluesdoes it do tricks?05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
cellofellowMy two favorites.05:56
maxamillionoh yeah .. botsnack is a favorite :P)05:56
cclampbluesno Fing way. thats great05:57
cellofellowthey need a botslap too05:57
cclampbluesi cant even navigate to this 'folder' ... http://blog.xfce.org/?p=7705:58
maxamillioncclampblues: that folder doesn't exist by default on xubuntu (i think it will in feisty because of the inclusion of 4.4-stable) so you have to make it05:59
maxamillioncclampblues: wait sorry06:00
maxamillioncclampblues: i read ti wrong ... the folder is there, but not the config files06:00
=== maxamillion hates this laptop
maxamillionand the keyboard06:00
cellofellowcclampblues, you trying to use compositing (transparency) ??06:00
cellofellowedit ~/.config/xfce4/mcs(something).xml and find the line with Compositing in it and change te value from 0 to 1.06:01
cclampbluesyes thats for the windows. the one on the website affects the panel06:03
cclampbluesand i cant figure out how to edit it at all. it opens in firefox but i cant change anything. does it need to be opend in something else?06:03
cellofellowyou can't edit files in firefox06:04
cellofellowtry vim or mousepad or scite.06:04
cclampblueswhat does ~/ mean?06:05
cellofellowyou're home directory06:05
cellofellow /home/yourname06:05
cellofellowsome scripts use the $HOME shell variable.06:06
cclampbluesok. gimmie a min. thanks. im a novice (obviously) . i appriciate your / this rooms help06:06
cclampbluesi dont see a /.config folder at all06:08
cellofellowi got to go guys. thanks for the help06:09
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notMaxamillionlol ... python fragged that laptop06:28
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maxamillionnote to self ... when using older hardware issued to you from work: don't push its limits, it will lock up06:29
maxamillionwhat'd i miss?06:30
ricithis maxamillion guy left and returned06:33
maxamillionyeah, i kicked him off and took his identity :)06:33
riciwell, that's about it06:34
maxamillionthanks for the update06:35
riciyou wouldn't know of a vim syntax file for re2c, by any chance? I know it's seriously OT but we've established nothing is going on.06:36
maxamillionyeah, i wouldn't happen to know .... sorry :(06:38
ricino worries, i was just getting irritated for the millionth time about the lack.06:40
ricii should just write one, but vim syntax files are such a pita and c.vim is one of the worst.06:40
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krossHi guys, is this a good place to ask a question about xubuntu?07:01
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ghetekhow do i make a gui inputbox popup for my "sh" script?07:41
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kupohallo, I'm getting bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy when i run 'cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp' and restarting alsa-utils doesn't seem to fix it07:58
kupocan anyone tell me how to troubleshoot it ?07:59
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fxrhi just a quickie, can someone recommend an application that i can edit an iso image with.. i.e add a folder to the disk image.. dont seem to be able to do it with K08:40
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kupoegads I just needed to add xfce4-mixer to the panel and adjust the pcm output09:21
kupothat 'tarded09:21
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padrigalAnyone know why apt-get segfaults and coredumps on a new install of xubuntu?11:04
=== ^^CatTuX^^ [n=Shoaibi@mbl-65-129-173.dsl.net.pk] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chess - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
grazie_padrigal: no, but does the machine work with another OS?11:24
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padrigalNo, not tried it with anything else yet.11:26
padrigalI can't think what apt would be doing that should cause a coredump...11:26
padrigalstrace shows it failing just after a stat64 call, although the call completes OK.11:27
grazie_padrigal: have you run the memtest?11:27
padrigalYou mean at the BIOS?11:27
grazie_the install cd has a memtest option11:28
padrigalAh right, no, will try that now.11:28
grazie_its runs continously, but the first complete pass shouldn't take too long11:29
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padrigalgrazie_: Test seems OK so far. Might try kubuntu seeing as I have it to hand.11:49
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fenrigcan i use xubuntu as firewall between the intenet and a server01:01
fenrigi think i know what the answer is01:02
TheSheep_fenrig: yes01:02
fenrigah okay01:02
fenriga crap i have to go01:02
fenrigil catch u guys later01:02
fenrigover 4 hours okay01:02
fenrigi have to ask a lot so01:02
fenrigsee u guys soon01:03
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graziehi hyper_ch01:21
hyper_chgotta program a bit.. I still want to get this project done :)01:22
grazieTheSheep_: I believe the live cd uses a swap partition if it finds one on booting. Do you know of any way to stop it from doing this?01:25
TheSheep_grazie: you can disable swap...01:27
grazieTheSheep_: with a boot parameter?01:28
fxrhi i have a bad problem.. i want to install xp then ubuntu on my new lappy.. tho.. i have floppy or working cd rom drive, and no usb drive... it boots xp atm, but i wanna reinstall... & repartion.. where should i go for help.. any suggesstions..?01:28
fxr*no floppy or cd drive01:28
fxri have access to a network... how hard would it be to set up a PXE boot server?01:29
grazieTheSheep_: the problem was the live cd was attempting to use a bad swap partition and the boot was failing because of it01:29
fxror am i would repartioning the drive & putting extracting iso images to a new partion work?01:30
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TheSheep_grazie: I'm not sure, maybe there is a boot option for that :/01:31
graziefxr: I set up netboot yesterday on x86 server for ppc machine...wasn't too hard01:31
grazie!install | fxr01:31
ubotufxr: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:31
hyper_chfxr: you have no working floppy or cd-drive?01:32
fxrnope.. damned ebay bargins.. : s\ hyper_ch01:32
fxrgrazie: how does the PXE server serve installations.. can you serve an entire iso.. or what?01:33
fxror netboot.. even01:33
TheSheep_fxr: you just serve something like a bootdisk01:33
TheSheep_actually a bootdisk image01:34
hyper_chfxr: or do you have a 1gb usb-stick?01:34
fxrnope.. hyper_ch but i might just run out and get one if needed.. id rather not tho tbh01:35
hyper_chfxr: you have a second computer?01:35
fxryeah 2 hyper_ch all on a wireless network01:36
hyper_choh well, have a look at the Installation from windows link above01:36
fxrok.. thanks guys i have a wee wonder round these links and see if i can come up with some kind of plan.. : )01:37
graziefxr: before getting a usb stick, make sure the bios can boot from it.01:37
hyper_chwell, a usb-stick is not really necessary01:37
hyper_chit should be working from within windows01:38
fxryeah.. id rather do it as cheaply as possible tbh.. plus the shop is a 1hr walk away.. : )01:38
hyper_chfxr: however there is one problem... if you mess up the installation from windows then you probably can't boot into windows either anymore01:39
graziefxr: i think you'd be able to hook two machines together with a null modem cable so long as they both have nics01:42
hyper_chactually the manual approach from installation from windows shouldn't mess up windows01:43
hyper_chhowever the install can if it fails for some reason01:43
graziefxr: BTW null modem cable is not what I meant...I meant a cat5 cable without the twist, although newer nics autodetect anyway me thinks01:47
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Kasplatt... the applications tab in the top left corner dissapeared...01:52
grazieKasplatt: you can add it back to the panel....Xfce menu01:53
Kasplatthow ?01:54
grazieKasplatt: right click on panel...add new item01:55
Kasplattokay, thanks01:55
Kasplattis there like a command to play a beep ?01:56
Kasplattplay (beep) or something ?01:56
Kasplattwhat is the device for Wireless LAN ?02:00
Kasplattoh... nevermind... I found it eth1... right ?02:00
KasplattYeah, it all works :) thanks grazie.02:04
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vrkhansi have a question, I am using Xubuntu 2.6 if I upgrade do i lost all the setting i have in 2.6 or not05:22
vrkhansto 2.1005:22
vrkhanswhat is the difference05:22
vrkhansor does it worth05:22
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grazievrkhans: Where did you get that number from? More likely you have version 6.10.05:24
grazieor 6.0605:25
vrkhanssorry i have 6.0605:30
vrkhansthinking something else05:30
grazievrkhans: if you upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 most of your setting will be fine, although I wouldn't guarantee everything will be the same05:30
vrkhansfrom 6.06 to 6.10 what the difference05:31
grazievrkhans: are there any settings you are particularly worried about?05:31
grazievrkhans: I don't really know 6.0605:31
vrkhansbecaue i have a 6.10 cd but when i try to install it it doest install because may be of my video card setting or something else05:32
grazievrkhans: desktop cd (live cd)?05:32
vrkhansgrazie: i tried both desktop and the alternate05:33
vrkhansit start installation but then for some reason "no signal found" msg appear on my monitor05:34
grazievrkhans: you can upgrade to 6.10 using the alternate cd, but not the desktop05:34
grazievrkhans: re-installation is very different to upgrading. you are describing re-installation05:34
vrkhansdoes there a big difference in 6.1005:35
vrkhansbut i am little shaky, of losing what i have05:35
vrkhansgrazie: which one you are using05:35
grazievrkhans: you will lose your setting with a  re-installation or new installation unless you have a separate /home partition05:36
grazievrkhans: I'm using 6.1005:36
vrkhansso i can not upgrade my system by doing apt-get upgrade05:36
grazievrkhans: I have been testing 7.04 as well, but never used 6.0605:37
grazievrkhans: yes you can upgrade, but not quite like that05:38
grazie!upgrade | vrkhans05:38
ubotuvrkhans: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:38
grazievrkhans: it would be quite a big download05:39
vrkhansok another issue is i wont able to play any realplayer file in firefox . it give me a msg plugin install, i just install realplayer but firefox, how i can set that05:39
grazievrkhans: as you already have the 6.10 alternate cd, you can do a big part of the upgrade using that05:40
grazievrkhans: I don't understand your last message05:40
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vrkhansI am trying to play realplayer format files on the web, in different site, but got a msg in firefox that i dont have the plugin . But i just install the realplayer and it is running seperately but not in the browser, what do you think i should do, to fix that.05:43
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vrkhansgrazie: did you got my msg05:46
grazievrkhans: yes ok05:46
grazievrkhans: when you installed realplayer the plugin should work too. Have you looked at this >> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2905:47
vrkhansit is running seperately, outside the browser but some how give that msg in firefox05:47
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vrkhansi am checking your link05:49
vrkhansgrazie: I have to man , I will try the 6.10 and let you know, but does there any why i did mess up my current setting i can go back to my old version and delete the changes05:53
grazievrkhans: no you cannot go back05:55
graziegrazie: the best thing to do is make a backup of everything first05:56
grazievrkhans: if you mess up you can restore the complete backup05:56
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oopsycan anyone help me out?06:10
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oopsyI can't type commands like "Make" or "make install" in xubuntu?06:12
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grazie!build-essential | oopsy06:16
ubotuoopsy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:16
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oopsyso I need tha build essential package for "make" commands to work?06:17
BFTDoopsy yes06:19
oopsythanks :)06:19
sponixoopsy: most software is installed through packages, "apt-get install xchat" for example06:19
sponixor apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:20
oopsyyea but I don't have an ethernet connection and I'm trying to get my wireless to work06:22
oopsyso I really need all the needed packages first06:22
oopsybuild essential has some dependencies, are those fulfilled?06:23
oopsyand one more thing : breezy > dapper > egdy06:27
oopsy(breezy is the oldest, then dapper..)06:27
malnilionSurprised that dude's ethernet didn't work out of the box...06:40
malnilionEr, wireless, rather.06:40
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bogorwhere can i find info on using xbuntu as LTSP server, requirements, etc06:54
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oopsycan someone tell me what are the dependencies needed for build essential?07:57
oopsycan someone tell me what are the dependencies needed for build essential?08:05
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oopsycan someone tell me what are the dependencies needed for build essential?08:14
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riciapt-cache depends build-essential08:17
oopsyI don't have an ethernet connection :(08:17
maxamillionhello all08:17
oopsycould you please tell me?08:17
maxamillionoopsy: tell you what?08:18
oopsywhat are the dependencies of build essential08:18
maxamillionoopsy: the command rici gave you will tell you, it has nothing to do with a network connection08:18
maxamillionoopsy: it consults the apt-cache :)08:18
oopsyah ok thanks08:18
riciassuming your cache is apt to date08:19
oopsyI thought apt- always had something to do with GETTING something08:19
maxamillionoopsy: no no08:19
oopsyonline that is08:19
oopsybut thanks :)08:19
maxamillionoopsy: apt-get is a utility that uses the apt system ... aptitude is another example of such a utility (and aptitude is a little more intelligent)08:19
maxamillionoopsy: anytime :)(08:20
oopsyone more thing08:20
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oopsydpkg-dev (which is a dependency), does it have it's own dependencies, and so on? o.o08:20
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oopsyor the dependencies for dpkg-dev and the other build-essentials dependencies are already included in xubuntu08:21
oopsyI don't know if im making myself clear o.o'08:21
MaximusBroodIf I wanted a ubuntu variant for a computer to be a server, installing xubuntu would be the right choice, correct?08:21
maxamillionoopsy: dependencies do ripple down, which is what apt-get or aptitude checks for so we don't have to be bothered with such things08:22
maxamillionMaximusBrood: well ... yes and no ... i run xubuntu on both desktops and servers (and the work laptop i am currently on right now)08:22
maxamillionMaximusBrood: but yes, it will function well as a server08:23
oopsyand I don't need an network connection for that?08:23
maxamillionoopsy: not to check the dependencies with apt-cache, no .. but to install from a repository listed in your sources.list using apt-get or aptitude, yes ... for that you would require an internet connection08:24
cellofellowunless you've got a CD/DVD for offline use.08:24
maxamillioncellofellow: right, but i don't know that the cd would satisfy build-essential's dependencies08:24
MaximusBroodAlso, does the graphic installer give an opertunity to partitionate, or do I have to do that myself first?08:25
oopsyI'll explain the whole situation so that you can give me a direct opinion08:25
maxamillionMaximusBrood: the graphicall installer gives you the opportunity to partition08:25
maxamillionoopsy: ok08:25
oopsyI need to install the RT2500 drivers for ralink on xubuntu, but I don't have an ethernet connection08:25
oopsyso I need to change back to windows when I need to download a package08:26
MaximusBroodmaxamillion: Okay, thanks :)08:26
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oopsybut X package to work, I need Z and Y package08:26
oopsyand so on08:26
cheeseboyhow do i setup multiple x servers?08:26
oopsyso it's difficult for me to get my wireless network to work08:26
maxamillionMaximusBrood: anytime :)08:26
maxamillionoopsy: ah ... yes, that would be difficult ... do you by any chance have a way to download and burn a dvd image?08:27
cellofellowI need to set up my Diamond DMD-I0928-1 "Monster sound" PCI card. It doesn't show up in the xfce alsa stuff.08:27
maxamillionoopsy: because if i remember correctly, there is a ubuntu dvd image that will give you all the dependencies you would need and you can just add it as a source to your apt-cache08:28
maxamillioncellofellow: "lspci | grep Diamond" ... make sure the system sees it first :)08:28
oopsyaww god.. nop I don't have a DVD recorder.. :'(08:28
maxamillioncellofellow: hey, didn't you say that the machine you were working on the other day said something was an Adeos filesystem?08:28
cellofellowjosh@scamper:~$ lspci | grep Diamond08:28
cellofellow00:0e.0 Multimedia controller: Diamond Multimedia Systems DMD-I0928-1 "Monster sound" sound chip (rev 01)08:28
cellofellowyeah, It worked to use cfdisk :)08:29
maxamillioncellofellow: well ... that's step 1 ... i guess the next thing would be to find the module that controls it and make sure its probed08:29
cellofellowhow do I find that?08:29
cellofellowIt autoloaded and used the onboard Yamaha YMF704C08:29
maxamillioncellofellow: awesome! ... i recently looked into it and i think it had something to do with HAL confusing it .... or something of that sort08:30
cellofellow(I need the Diamond for MIDI.)08:30
maxamillioncellofellow: uhmm... hmmm, the audio thing ...08:30
maxamillion(midis are such a pain08:30
cellofellowdoesn't work very well in Windows either. Mac rules MIDI08:30
maxamillionyeah ... Mac rules media period08:31
cellofellowwell, we can't afford one. :(08:31
cellofellowthat's why I use Linux ;)08:31
maxamillioni owned one (it was a high school grad gift) but then i had to sell it for text books now that i am in college and broke ... Mac is nice, its the lesser of two evils but i have my complaints and they are complaints that are solved by using linux :)08:32
oopsyno other way huh? I really needed that dvd?08:32
cellofellowyou either need internet or an offline repo like a local server or a DVD.08:33
maxamillionoopsy: uhmm... you don't _need_ it, but it would probably be easiest without a net connection .... otherwise you might have to chase dependencies and use an usb flash drive08:33
maxamillionor host a local repo server .... as cellofellow just said08:34
unikumdoes automatrix2 works as well in xubuntu as it does in ubuntu?08:34
cellofellowIf I had a huge network I'd set up a local mirror of the repos.08:35
cheeseboy how do i run multiple x servers?08:35
oopsyI'll guess I'll go chasing.. o.o08:35
maxamillionunikum: yes, but its not officially suppported08:36
maxamillionoopsy: i sorry08:36
unikumbetter to install all packages with apt-get?08:37
maxamillionunikum: no ... better to install with aptitude :)08:38
unikumi installed swiftfox. when i tried to uninstall firefox it wanted to uninstall the xfce4-desktop too08:39
unikumi typed no of course08:39
maxamillionyeah ....08:39
maxamillionunikum: did it try to uninstall "xfce-desktop" or "xubuntu-desktop"?08:40
unikum firefox gnome-app-install gxine sun-java6-plugin xubuntu-desktop08:41
maxamillionunikum: uhmmm... well i'm not sure why it want's to get rid of sun-java plugin or gxine, but xubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage so it cane be safely removed without consequence08:42
cellofellowbbl need to use *gasp* windows.08:42
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maxamillionsad times08:42
unikumhow long time after ubuntu 7.04 will xubuntu 7.04 be out?08:43
maxamillionunikum: should be within the same week if not the same day08:43
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needcoffeehi...i have a little problem with the "hidden options" for xfwm4...the option "easy_click=false" does not work08:45
maxamillionneedcoffee: i haven't the slightest idea08:46
needcoffeecan someone give me a workaround or a hint?08:46
needcoffeeMaximusBrood, hum08:46
maxamillioni sorry08:47
MaximusBroodneedcoffee: What?08:47
needcoffeethe problem is, i need the alt key for inkscape :/08:47
maxamillionneedcoffee: oooo ... inkscape, good program :)08:47
needcoffeeMaximusBrood, jep :)08:48
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cellofellowIs there a way to auto-configure grub so that it detects and adds a windows installation on hdb1 to menu.list?09:12
maxamillioncellofellow: update-grub ?09:14
=== Jester45 *wave*
cellofellowtried that09:15
maxamillioncellofellow: yeah, then i dunno09:15
maxamillioncellofellow: did you install windows first or linux first?09:16
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cellofellowWindows was installed on this drive on a different box. Just moved it over. Still having driver issues.09:16
maxamillionoh ... wow, uhmmm .. no clue09:17
cellofellowso, what's chainloader? does that mean that grub opens a different bootloader, in this case windows?09:17
maxamillionheh ... its been a while since i read up on chainloader, i remember reading about it but i have never had a solid knowledge of what it is or what it does09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chainloader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
cellofellowgrub options09:21
cellofellow!grub chainloader09:21
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB09:21
cellofellowgee, how do I set grub splash inagmes09:28
cellofellowimages* ?09:28
maxamillion!grub splash09:28
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB09:28
maxamillioncellofellow: no clue, i always used it how ever it was shiped09:29
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kupomy minipci on the T30 is showing up as a wired interface09:31
kupohow can i fix this?09:31
graziecellofellow: the splash image is embedded within initrd.img...google to get more info09:32
cellofellownot that splash image09:33
cellofellowgrub menu09:33
cellofellowI got it though09:33
cellofellowok, have to reboot AGAIN09:34
cellofellowI hate rebooting09:34
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cheeseboycan some help me setupmultiple x-servers?09:39
maxamillioncheeseboy: why on earth would you need multuple x servers?09:40
cheeseboyone for my tv one for my monitor09:40
maxamillioncheeseboy: interesting09:41
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maxamillionbut one x server should be able to handle requests from more than one source09:41
cheeseboywhat do you mean?09:41
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cheeseboylike have another computer be able to send somtin to my tv?09:43
cheeseboyor my otherx?09:43
maxamillioncheeseboy: ok ... think about x server like a web server for a moment .... can that one web server not allow more than one person to view content hosted on the server? .. same concept with X, you can configure it to offer requests for more than one interface09:44
cheeseboyoh so can i have 2 sesions running at once on one x server?09:45
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maxamillioncheeseboy: sure09:48
maxamillioncheeseboy: lemme try to find you a link09:48
cheeseboyi need the seesions to be ruuning at same time u kno wat i mean?09:49
kupocheeseboy: what I think you want is more than one virtual X session09:49
kupobut X server is just the godfather of the xsessions09:49
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cheeseboyim still not good with linux09:50
cheeseboyjust tryn to figure this out09:50
maxamillioncheeseboy: that link might help09:50
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cheeseboyis that an app?09:51
maxamillioncheeseboy: oh ... woops, yeah .. that's an app for windows users09:52
maxamillionjust a min.09:52
cheeseboyewww windows09:53
cellofellowxnest is cool09:53
maxamillioncellofellow: you familiar with what cheeseboy is trying to accomplish? ... because i have no clue how to do it, just know it can be done09:54
cellofellowno idea. I missed that part.09:56
cellofellowsomething to do with X.09:57
maxamillionoh ... hmm, just that xnest sounded relevant :)09:57
cellofellowcheeseboy: can you say what it is you want?09:57
maxamillioncellofellow: he wants to run 2 displays from the same computer, one running the desktop, the other is his tv tuner and i said he can do both from the same xserver, and i know he can ... just don't know how to config it like that09:58
cheeseboyya what he said09:58
cheeseboyim bad at explaining things :(09:59
cheeseboyknow how?10:00
cellofellowif you google for something to do with multi-seat systems you might find something. It is possible to make multiuser systems without thin clients, you just plug in a bunch of monitors, keyboards, mice, and other devices and map them together.10:00
cellofellowin xorg.conf10:00
cellofellowdon't know exactly the options or even and inkling of it really. I ran into it once.10:01
maxamillioncellofellow: right, same concept ... just a different input device10:01
cellofellowabout a year ago.10:01
maxamillionerr... output10:01
cellofellowwell, he should be able to figure that out.10:01
cellofellowhe could even use a different input device like an IR remote or a Wii controller.10:01
cheeseboywould that ork?10:03
cheeseboyor is there a free way?10:03
maxamillioncheeseboy: there is a free way to do what they do ... its just harder10:04
cheeseboyi need to switch to XFree86 server ?10:05
cheeseboyinstead of xorg10:06
hyper_chcheeseboy: you want to run dual monitors?10:08
cellofellowno. xorg does everything that xfree86 and more.10:08
cellofellowhe wants a normal desktop and a tv tuner.10:09
maxamillionhyper_ch: no, wants to run his monitor and a tv tuner card off the same box at the same time10:09
maxamillionhyper_ch: but doing different things10:09
kupoI've done that once10:09
kupobut I'm not sure how10:09
hyper_chand where's the problem?10:09
kupoI started up a window manager on f6 and another on f710:09
cheeseboyit says xorg has problems ith multi seat..10:10
kupobut cheeseboy what window manager are you using ? xfce, gnome or kde?10:11
cellofellowwhich version of Xorg was it talking about? Xorg 7.1 is the latest, I think. Maybe th bugs are fixed.10:11
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 165 kB, installed size 584 kB10:11
cheeseboyhow do i update xorg ?10:15
cellofellowsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade10:16
cellofellowshould get you up to speed.10:16
cheeseboyok did that yesterday so i think im fine10:16
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cheeseboyhow do i detect all my keyboards and mice?10:23
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TheSheep_cheeseboy: if they are usb, then they should be autodetected10:25
TheSheep_cheeseboy: ps/2 should work too10:25
TheSheep_cheeseboy: com mouse requires some configuring10:26
maxamillionhey TheSheep_, long time no see10:26
cheeseboyi need to get what number or somtin they are for multiseat10:26
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cheeseboyis anyone  willing to set this up for me?10:27
cellofellowok, bbl. Windows problems call.10:27
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MaximusBroodI'm trying to get a USB modem to work (Speedtouch 330) with the tutorial on linux-usb (http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html). I'm connecting through PPPoE, but I'm getting "Timeout waiting for PADO packets" followed by "Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery". Can anyone give me a solution for this so I can get my internet working?10:29
maxamillioni would love to but i lack any experience with usb modems10:30
MaximusBroodDon't try to get experienced with them, they really suck ;)10:30
cheeseboymy usb modem just worked no problem10:31
cheeseboywireless is where i had trouble :910:31
cheeseboy;( *10:31
MaximusBroodcheeseboy: What did you do to get it to work, the same thing I did?10:32
cheeseboyi just plugged in booted and my usb modem orked10:33
cheeseboyhow you on right now?10:33
MaximusBroodI'm using a bridge, wish it would work out of the box.10:33
cheeseboymaxamillion , can you walk me trough tut?10:34
maxamillioncheeseboy: through what tutorial?10:34
MaximusBroodWhere is pppoe.conf located?10:35
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kupoanyone know how I can tell xubuntu to recognize my built in minipci as wireless and not wired as its showing up now?10:36
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maxamillioncheeseboy: that link times out for me10:37
maxamillionkupo: it knows its wireless, just calls it eth1 (or something similar) ... same thing happens on mine .... don't know why though10:37
cheeseboysame for me10:38
MaximusBrood(going offline now to test new config)10:39
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cheeseboymaximillion , link should work10:40
TheSheep_use 'http' in fornt10:40
TheSheep_instead of just 'ttp'10:40
maxamillioni did10:41
maxamillionstill timed out10:41
cheeseboyhow bout that one10:46
=== MaximusBrood [i=MaximusB@a80-100-103-127.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu
MaximusBroodAnd back again, didn't work :(10:47
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MaximusBroodcheeseboy: You said it worked instantly with you. What did you do, plug it in, then what?10:47
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cheeseboybooted linux10:48
maxamillioncheeseboy: that one worked10:48
cheeseboyclick internet10:48
MaximusBroodThen where did you put in your connection info?10:48
maxamillioncheeseboy: i'm really not all that sure what you want me to tell you that the tutorial doesn't10:49
kupomaxamillion: anyway to fix it ?10:49
maxamillionkupo: fix what?10:49
cheeseboydo i delte hats in my xorconf and put that?10:50
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillioncheeseboy: is that what to tutorial tells you what do to?10:51
kupoi would back up your xorg.conf if i were you cheeseboy10:51
kupodo 'mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak10:52
kupodo 'mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak-03-1610:52
cheeseboyi did10:52
maxamillionkupo: no ... do "cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.back" because mv will just rename the file (or "move" it to a new location under a new name)10:53
cheeseboyi have geforce fx4200 so can i use his conf?10:53
kupomaxamillion: good call10:54
cheeseboy  Identifier  "Card0.1" # CRT-1 (Analog-DVI, DFP-0 : Digital-DVI)10:58
cheeseboydo i need to schange that to s-video?10:59
PuMpErNiCkLeIt doesn't matter.  Everything after the '#' is a comment, and therefore ignored.  The identifier itself is just a logical name.11:01
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=== superkirbyartist [n=superkir@ottawa-hs-209-217-110-183.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #xubuntu
superkirbyartistI am working on an AbiWord document, and I'd like to add a line.  Can someone help please?11:12
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maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: i'm sorry ... i don't follow, what's the issue?11:13
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, you know the lines that go from one end of the page to another?11:14
superkirbyartistWe're talking about split lines.11:14
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: so a single sentence that takes 2 lines?11:14
superkirbyartistNope, just a line that goes from left to right.11:15
maxamillionthen what is "split" about it?11:16
superkirbyartistSorry, never mind the split.11:16
PuMpErNiCkLe___________________________ <--- one of those?11:17
superkirbyartistYes, more or less, pumpernickle.  Without using keyboard.11:18
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PuMpErNiCkLeOOo is what I use, and you can find that in Insert -> Horizontal ruler.  I can't check Abiword for that, since it's not installed.11:21
kupomaxamillion: I can't do 'iwconfig wlan0 essid whatever'11:22
superkirbyartistSorry, pumpernickle, but it doesn't help.  Besides, OOo needs 512MB (swap+RAM combined) of memory.11:22
maxamillionkupo: oh ... yeah, that ... sorry its been a while since we spoke, i've been doing 100 things in 8 different channels11:22
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: uhmmm... no, no it doesn't11:23
superkirbyartistMax, any experience with Abi?11:23
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: i use Abi daily11:23
kupoits fine maxamillion11:23
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, OOo crashes when swap is off.  My computer has 256MB RAM.11:23
superkirbyartistThis laptop only has 172MB.11:23
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: oh, yeah... you have to have swap on ... sorry11:23
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kuposuperkirbyartist: yeah i would recommend abiword also11:23
superkirbyartistAnd laptop has no swap.11:23
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: why not?11:24
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BrendanMhey, how do I make letters with accents on them?11:24
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, i'll make plans for swap, but the hard drive is 2 gigs.  Xubuntu takes up a lot of room, and so I barely have any space left.  I use a USB more often, though, so free space is not a must.11:25
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: ah ... yes11:25
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: a debian base/custom install might be something you would benefit from11:25
maxamillioncheeseboy: yes?11:25
cheeseboydo i need to edit that scipt?11:26
superkirbyartistThe crappy way to make lines in abiword: turn underline on, and press space space space.11:26
superkirbyartistAnd Maxamillion, IIRC, Ubuntu is Debian-based.11:27
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: yes, it is11:28
cheeseboyjust make the underlines white :)11:28
superkirbyartistCheeseBoy, we don't want that :(11:29
superkirbyartistCheeseBoy, I want big black lines.11:29
cheeseboyget open office11:29
cheeseboyits da best11:29
superkirbyartistCheeseBoy, lots of RAM requirements, just like Beryl and Vista.11:30
superkirbyartistBut, at least Beryl lets you use swap, instead of having to buy 512MB RAM.11:30
cheeseboyso maximillion do i have to edit script?11:30
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superkirbyartistCheeseBoy you make me thing of the new movie with the mouse and the cheese.11:31
maxamillioncheeseboy: what?11:31
kupoI wanna try compiz11:31
kupomaxamillion: so how do i start to fix this?11:32
superkirbyartistKupo, Beryl's the latest.  It's release candidate too.11:32
superkirbyartistI heard Xfce has problems with Beryl.  Is that true?11:32
cheeseboylook at the link i sent you11:33
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: no, i ran beryl on xubuntu for a while but found it annoying and got rid of it11:33
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, you can indeed change its plugins.11:33
cellofellowI'm ALL DONE with the Windows problems. I have not only ONE Linux problem: MIDI.11:34
cheeseboydo i need to edit that script?11:34
cellofellowbrb rebooting (using ssh so I won't go offline.)11:34
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: i am aware, i changed it alot, configed it ... installed new themes ... but over all found it annoying11:34
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, I agree about it being a ressource hog.11:35
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, what I don't agree is when Mozilla is called "ressource hog" while its proprietary, Windows-only competitor (IE) takes more RAM.11:35
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: because the people who call it a resource hog are generally linux users and they are used to things that go fast11:36
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, of couse.11:37
superkirbyartistThey can buy more RAM or swap.11:37
superkirbyartistEven though it takes only 30MB or so, depending on plugins/tabs etc.11:37
cheeseboyill take that as a no,,11:38
superkirbyartistIf they think it's slow, then they haven't heard of Internet Explorer.11:39
cheeseboygmail takes 3 minutesto load in ie11:39
=== superkirbyartist lols IE.
superkirbyartistI heard there's "Internet Explorer for Unix".  Will it run on Linux?11:40
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: yeah ... www.ie4linux.org or something11:40
superkirbyartistMaxamillion, I've heard of such projects.11:40
superkirbyartistBut Microsoft has released IE5 for Unix.11:41
superkirbyartistIt's not Wine or the like.11:41
superkirbyartistWill Unix apps run on Linux?11:41
cellofellowsome will, some won't11:41
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page11:42
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maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: oh, uhmmm... not all will but alot will, it might need a little porting11:42
cellofellowSun prides itself that Linux apps run fine in Solaris a lot of the time.11:43
maxamillionyeah, they claim 100% compatibility11:43
superkirbyartistI am downloading it from Wayback Machine.11:44
superkirbyartistSolaris or HP-UX?11:44
cellofellowSun Solaris.11:45
maxamillionerr ... Solaris 10 claims 100%11:45
cellofellowNot HP HP-UX or IBM AIX or *gasp* SCO UNIX.11:45
superkirbyartistJe me demande pourquoi je telecharge Internet Explorer en premier lieu.11:45
maxamillionlol ... SCO still exists?11:45
cellofellowsort of.11:45
maxamillionheh ... interesting11:46
cheeseboyho do i make it start gdm instead of xdm?11:47
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oopsymaxamillion, I don't know if you remember me, but I already tracked down all the packages I needed x)11:48
maxamillionoopsy: awesome!11:48
maxamillionoopsy: glad to hear it11:48
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cheeseboyanyone know?11:49
maxamillioncheeseboy: remove xdm? ... or there is a config file somewhere, i just can't remember where11:50
cellofellowsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, select gdm, and configure init so xdm doesn't start anymore.11:51
maxamillioncellofellow: ah how the debian way dominates :)11:51
maxamillionok ... i really have to go work on writing my compiler11:54
superkirbyartistIE4 Setup for Solaris is 11MB :(11:54
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maxamillionlaters all11:55
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superkirbyartistI have to go to, thanks for your time and see you later.11:56
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cellofellowwhatever happened to alsaconf?11:58
oopsyall the required packages for build essential without enthernet11:58
oopsythey're about 40 xD11:58
oopsynow to find out the specific order to install them in xubuntu xD11:59
graziecellofellow: all handled by udev now12:00
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cellofellowgrazie: so, how can I get my PCI sound card, which only shows in lspci nowhere else, working?12:01
graziecellofellow: fixing sound can be tricky, specially with udev changes....you looked through the guides?12:02
crimsuncellofellow: we don't ship it. It's buggy.12:03
crimsun(we stopped shipping alsaconf as of Hoary.)12:03
cellofellowgrazie: what guides should I look through?12:03
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:03
crimsuncellofellow: it helps if you pastebin the output from DebuggingSoundProblems and tell us the url12:04
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kupocrimsun: can you help with a problem?12:07
crimsunnot presently, I'm troubleshooting an alsa regression in 2.6.20-11.1812:09
kupook gimme a shout when you're done12:13
cellofellowgrazie: crimsun: http://cellofellow.homelinux.net/sound-debug.tar is the sound stuff.12:19
cellofellowcrimsun ^12:19
crimsuncellofellow: separate text files, please12:20
cellofellowit's a tarball of seperate text files12:21
crimsuncellofellow: it's interpreted as binary by my proxy, which prevents downloading12:22
crimsun(and I don't control that proxy, which of course makes things interesting. I'm not trying to be difficult.)12:22
cellofellowwell, ok12:24

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