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greg_ | hello | 03:25 |
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poningru | nixternal: ping | 03:54 |
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nixternal | poningru: pong? | 04:16 |
poningru | nixternal: mailman is broken you cant send back email :( and hence cannot moderate like that | 04:16 |
nixternal | ey? | 04:18 |
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=== jenda sniffs for beuno and meatballhat | ||
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beuno | jenda: moving ping | 06:18 |
=== jenda feels moved | ||
beuno | :D | 06:20 |
beuno | first, everybody seems to point to you when it comes to trivia information | 06:20 |
jenda | haha | 06:20 |
beuno | UWN #32 still is missing that info *wink *wink* | 06:20 |
jenda | why would that be... | 06:20 |
jenda | yeah, remove it. | 06:21 |
jenda | :) | 06:21 |
jenda | There haven't been any quizzes. | 06:21 |
jenda | for about a month... | 06:21 |
jenda | I can't get a hold of theCore | 06:21 |
beuno | ok, gone | 06:21 |
beuno | now, about DIY, I did have a talk with dan a few weeks ago | 06:22 |
beuno | what's basically missing is very little programming on my side to get that up and running | 06:22 |
boredandblogging | beuno, i'm new to the marketing team, trying to find a way to contribute, is there anything you need done for the UWN? | 06:23 |
beuno | two things have prevented me from getting it done, first one is a LOT of work, which has left me with no strenght to keep on programming at home | 06:23 |
beuno | and getting UWN back | 06:23 |
beuno | boredandblogging: welcome, we sure can use some help! | 06:24 |
boredandblogging | awesome, tell me what I can do | 06:24 |
beuno | boredandblogging: something off the top of my head you can help with is the "In The Press" section, look for news articles on Ubuntu, and sum them up | 06:24 |
beuno | I usually use news.google.com | 06:25 |
beuno | but feel free to innovate | 06:25 |
beuno | check out previuos UWNs to see how it has been done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue31 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue30 | 06:25 |
adamant1988 | You guys should really try "google alerts" for keeping up to date with Ubuntu | 06:25 |
adamant1988 | I get a daily condensed version of every new blog and news article with Ubuntu in the title | 06:26 |
boredandblogging | yeah, thats a good idea, I'll set up some alerts for myself | 06:26 |
adamant1988 | or article | 06:26 |
beuno | I'm currently trying to reduce the amount of information been thrown at me, so it's not a good time, but it's a great idea | 06:26 |
adamant1988 | beuno: What kind of info is being thrown at you? | 06:27 |
adamant1988 | I'm fairly good with sorting incoming information into something that I can handle | 06:27 |
beuno | adamant1988: mailing lists, rss, subscriptions, blogs... | 06:28 |
adamant1988 | beuno: You using gmail? | 06:28 |
beuno | adamant1988: yeap | 06:28 |
adamant1988 | Ok, then managing all that info is easy, Gmail is freaking amazing | 06:28 |
beuno | I've got it all organized, that's not the problem, the problem is I actually read through all of it | 06:28 |
beuno | :D | 06:28 |
adamant1988 | Ah, well, I try to find the important bits and read those, haha | 06:29 |
adamant1988 | When it comes to RSS feeds | 06:29 |
adamant1988 | use BlogBridge | 06:29 |
adamant1988 | seriously | 06:29 |
beuno | I use bloglines | 06:29 |
adamant1988 | No, blogbridge is the most full featured RSS-Reader I've ever seen | 06:30 |
beuno | but still, I can't get it under 80 feeds I *want* to read | 06:30 |
adamant1988 | I've got tons of sorting options to get to the feeds I want quickly | 06:30 |
boredandblogging | ok, so we don't edit the wiki directly, but use Gobby? | 06:30 |
beuno | great, I'll give it a look | 06:30 |
adamant1988 | I'm only at 40, wow. | 06:30 |
adamant1988 | I edit the wiki directly... | 06:30 |
beuno | boredandblogging: yes, usually we edit straight in the wiki | 06:30 |
adamant1988 | am I not supposed to? | 06:30 |
boredandblogging | ok | 06:30 |
beuno | just give me a few min, I'm edditing right now | 06:30 |
beuno | dire up gedit meanwhile :D | 06:31 |
boredandblogging | thats fine | 06:31 |
beuno | fire | 06:31 |
boredandblogging | i think everyone guess through that cycle...subscribe to every imaginable feed, then realizes that they can't possible read them all | 06:31 |
adamant1988 | beuno: have you seen the spec I threw up last night? | 06:31 |
adamant1988 | boredandblogging: I manage my feeds very well thank you | 06:31 |
boredandblogging | i think that JobBoard thing is interesting, would help out newbies like me...or just harass people in here | 06:32 |
beuno | adamant1988: no, I have it flagged to look at, but it seems interesting | 06:32 |
adamant1988 | boredandblogging: well, it's not so much about helping you as making it easy for you to help out | 06:32 |
beuno | UWN is suppose to go out tomorrow, so until then my attention is on there | 06:32 |
adamant1988 | beuno: Anything need done that I can handle? | 06:33 |
adamant1988 | although I disagree with the UWN's existence, I'll still help with it. | 06:33 |
beuno | well, have you been following Feisty developments? | 06:34 |
beuno | "Changes in Feisty" can use one or two more paragraphs | 06:34 |
adamant1988 | Admittedly I haven't kept up with it | 06:35 |
adamant1988 | I need to start subscribing to changelogs. | 06:35 |
beuno | how about LoCo news? | 06:36 |
adamant1988 | Man, I'm so out of the loop | 06:36 |
adamant1988 | Ok, give me some feeds to subscribe to so I can keep up on this stuff for future reference. | 06:37 |
beuno | haha | 06:37 |
beuno | well, how about In the press? | 06:37 |
adamant1988 | I *do* have that. | 06:37 |
beuno | help out boredandblogging | 06:37 |
adamant1988 | I get a google alert on that | 06:37 |
adamant1988 | We should add an "In the blogosphere" section :P | 06:38 |
beuno | adamant1988: that's not a bad idea, we should run it by corey or jenda, but I like it | 06:38 |
boredandblogging | I like it | 06:39 |
adamant1988 | beuno: I'll suggest that to the mailing list | 06:39 |
beuno | adamant1988: great! | 06:40 |
adamant1988 | I've grown to like this mailing list thing | 06:41 |
beuno | :p | 06:42 |
adamant1988 | Although I'm starting to wish I had a separate gmail account for all of them | 06:42 |
adamant1988 | But Gmail makes it easy to sort my info out, I'm just getting to a lot of labels | 06:43 |
beuno | yeah, I've got a LOT of labels and filters | 06:43 |
adamant1988 | Shame :( | 06:44 |
beuno | ok, adamant1988, boredandblogging, wiki is all yours | 06:49 |
beuno | I'm going to take a shower | 06:49 |
beuno | jenda: read up on what I said earlier on DIY, and we can talk about it :D | 06:49 |
jenda | oink | 06:50 |
jenda | ok | 06:50 |
jenda | I'm on my way out, though | 06:50 |
beuno | jenda: np, we'll get back to that another time then | 06:50 |
jenda | I see it. I also owe diy some content ;) | 06:51 |
adamant1988 | well, I changed my wiki again, lol. I have a table of contents now lol | 07:13 |
adamant1988 | the mailing list seems dead today | 07:16 |
adamant1988 | something wrong with it? | 07:16 |
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