cellofellow | http://cellofellow.homelinux.net/sound-debug | 12:25 |
cellofellow | no tarball | 12:25 |
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cheeseboy | maxamillion you still there? | 12:41 |
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cheeseboy | can someone help me out? | 12:46 |
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kupo | whats going on cheeseboy ? | 12:52 |
cheeseboy | tryin to setup multi-seat system | 12:53 |
cheeseboy | can you help me out? | 12:53 |
=== SamRose [n=chatzill@c-71-206-125-50.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
kupo | oh nah cheeseboy you prolly should as over in #xorg | 12:57 |
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cheeseboy | no help there either | 01:11 |
ormiret | I'm probably not much help either, but, what is the problem? | 01:14 |
cheeseboy | tryn to setup gdm for multiseat | 01:17 |
cheeseboy | don't get how to change the file | 01:17 |
kupo | no you don't want to mess with gdm | 01:22 |
kupo | thats your display manager | 01:22 |
kupo | it starts and stops xsessions | 01:22 |
cheeseboy | http://netpatia.blogspot.com/2006/09/multiseat-v-gdm-and-xkb.html | 01:22 |
cheeseboy | says to | 01:22 |
kupo | i don't know anything about how Xephyr works | 01:25 |
cheeseboy | X( | 01:25 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | What's the problem you're facing while changing the file? I don't see anythign in particular missing from the instructions. | 01:25 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | s/anythign/anything/ | 01:25 |
cheeseboy | the problem is im dumb and am editing it rong | 01:26 |
cheeseboy | can you pastebin me an example of what it should look like? | 01:26 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | gdm.conf is a bit big to paste entirely - what problems are you facing with the conf snippet on the site? | 01:28 |
cheeseboy | i duuno if i delete everything or what i delete.. | 01:29 |
cheeseboy | can you give me whole [server] section? | 01:30 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | That's what they gave you on the site. Just replace your [servers] section with theirs. | 01:31 |
crimsun | kupo: what did you need? | 01:36 |
cheeseboy | http://pastebin.ca/398174 | 01:37 |
cheeseboy | like that...? | 01:37 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Yeah, though you'll probably want to comment out line 571, too. | 01:40 |
cheeseboy | wait opps | 01:40 |
cheeseboy | editing wrong file.. | 01:40 |
cheeseboy | doh | 01:41 |
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=== cheeseboy [n=g-fundie@66-189-75-130.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cheeseboy | oh my gaws | 01:46 |
cheeseboy | gawd* | 01:46 |
cheeseboy | it works | 01:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | woot | 01:47 |
=== noenoe [n=videoedd@pool-151-202-58-180.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
noenoe | hi | 01:48 |
noenoe | what kinda games kinna i install? | 01:48 |
=== unikum is Away, Reason: ( sova ) | Since: ( Friday, March 16, 2007. 21:08:25 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
cheeseboy | now to set up keyboards.. | 01:49 |
cheeseboy | model = "pc105" | 01:49 |
cheeseboy | keycodes = "evdev" | 01:49 |
cheeseboy | layout = "es" | 01:49 |
cheeseboy | whats us version of that? | 01:50 |
noenoe | doin a brand new Xubuntu installation after 1/2 year of hellish Ubuntu/xubuntu experiencew | 01:50 |
noenoe | for schrist sake!!!! | 01:50 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | cheeseboy: 'us' | 01:51 |
cheeseboy | kno that but keycodes? | 01:51 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | noenoe: I'm mostly into FPS, so I've got Nexuiz, Quake, BZflag, and Sauerbraten installed. | 01:52 |
cheeseboy | nexuiz pwns | 01:52 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | noenoe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_first_person_shooters is a decent resource for more like that. | 01:52 |
noenoe | is there somethign like xfce-games or do I need to use xfce4-games | 01:53 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | No, there're no xfce-specific games. | 01:53 |
cheeseboy | PuMpErNiCkLe, i need to change keycodes? | 01:54 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | cheeseboy: No, that should be fine as-is. | 01:54 |
noenoe | ok this is my FIRST priority question | 01:54 |
noenoe | for Camera load and picture transfer what program do I use? Ubuntu recoginitize it on the spot | 01:54 |
noenoe | now I've plugged the camera in and nothing popped up | 01:55 |
noenoe | :'-( | 01:55 |
noenoe | plzzzzz | 01:56 |
noenoe | yo... I need some help on this | 01:58 |
noenoe | i am going to be held accountable | 01:58 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | I'd probably install F-Spot, since it apparently works, or has worked, for you before. | 02:00 |
noenoe | PuMpErNiCkLe: ohh... excellent idea!! | 02:00 |
noenoe | thanks | 02:00 |
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j1mc | hi maxamillion | 02:08 |
j1mc | somerville32_: are you around? | 02:09 |
maxamillion | hello | 02:09 |
j1mc | maxamillion: do you think you'll make the xubuntu irc chat tomorrow? | 02:09 |
maxamillion | j1mc: uhmm... what time? | 02:10 |
j1mc | maxamillion: 1500 GMT | 02:12 |
j1mc | http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/777 | 02:13 |
maxamillion | oh yeah ... jeebus i am out of the loop | 02:13 |
j1mc | grumpymole: hey! i used a tip off of your blog! :-) | 02:13 |
=== OGDA is now known as BFTD | ||
j1mc | cody somerville has done so much for xubuntu. it's tough having him unavailable. | 02:14 |
maxamillion | j1mc: yes, yes it is | 02:15 |
=== noeneo [n=videoedd@pool-151-202-58-180.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
noeneo | hi | 02:15 |
noeneo | ok | 02:16 |
noeneo | big problem | 02:16 |
j1mc | hi noeneo | 02:16 |
j1mc | what's wrong? | 02:16 |
noeneo | bfore i installed ubuntu and move to xubuntu | 02:16 |
noeneo | this is like a 6 year old hard drive | 02:16 |
BFTD | oh? | 02:16 |
noeneo | that installation began with random crashes that became more and more | 02:17 |
noeneo | now I made a new installation from scratch and the thing still crashes | 02:17 |
noeneo | two so far after a 3 hours old xubuntu installation | 02:17 |
j1mc | hmmm... it sounds like you think it is hardware related, noeneo | 02:17 |
noeneo | I AM AT LOSS | 02:17 |
noeneo | :'-( | 02:18 |
noeneo | ok the first crash was during transfering 1GB DVD data into the hard drive | 02:18 |
j1mc | noeneo: unfortunately, i don't think i'm qualified to help here. | 02:19 |
maxamillion | noeneo: sounds like a bad hdd | 02:19 |
noeneo | the second crash has been during Amarok installation, it stopped right at the middle of setting up the programs | 02:19 |
maxamillion | noeneo: www.ultimatebootcd.com <--- check out their hard drive diagnostic tools | 02:19 |
noeneo | maxamillion: thanks | 02:20 |
maxamillion | noeneo: anytime :) | 02:21 |
noeneo | :-( | 02:22 |
noeneo | this is sad | 02:22 |
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maxamillion | hardware failure normally is | 02:22 |
noeneo | maxamillion: what program off the usb do I need to use? | 02:32 |
noeneo | sorry of the UBCD/ | 02:32 |
noeneo | ? | 02:32 |
maxamillion | noeneo: in hard drive utilities you will probably want to run IBM DFT (Drive Fitness Test) its pretty generic and will run on almost all hard drives and give an accurate reading of the hard drive | 02:33 |
noeneo | thnaks | 02:40 |
BFTD | noeneo yeah sounds like its the HDD | 02:41 |
maxamillion | np | 02:42 |
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vrkhans | hi | 02:50 |
vrkhans | problem wont able to install realplayer | 02:51 |
vrkhans | this is what is got:sudo apt-get install realplay | 02:52 |
vrkhans | Reading package lists... Done | 02:52 |
vrkhans | Building dependency tree... Done | 02:52 |
vrkhans | E: Couldn't find package realplay | 02:52 |
vrkhans | hkhan@hkhan-desktop:~$ | 02:52 |
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noeneo | BFTD: mm... it crashed several times before having xubuntu iso completely loaded. I three times. | 02:52 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | vrkhans: do you have the correct repository in your sources.list to be able to install realplay? | 02:53 |
vrkhans | hi i am having problem installing realplayer: this is what i got :sudo apt-get install realplay | 02:53 |
vrkhans | Reading package lists... Done | 02:53 |
vrkhans | Building dependency tree... Done | 02:53 |
vrkhans | E: Couldn't find package realplay | 02:53 |
vrkhans | hkhan@hkhan-desktop:~$ | 02:53 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: please don't post more than once, especially if it is more than one line | 02:53 |
vrkhans | oh sorry | 02:54 |
maxamillion | its ok | 02:54 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: do you have the right repository in your sources.list? | 02:54 |
vrkhans | so what you are talking about the correct repo... i dont know , and i dont know how to check | 02:54 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: if you don't know, then you don't | 02:54 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: let me get you a link | 02:54 |
vrkhans | ok | 02:55 |
vrkhans | then do i have to edit some file | 02:55 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: yes | 02:55 |
vrkhans | hmm what is the file name | 02:56 |
vrkhans | and what link | 02:56 |
vrkhans | i have to put in | 02:56 |
maxamillion | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.29 <--- on that link there is a pre-cursor to "sudo aptitude install realplay" that says "#How to add extra repositories", read that first and you will be fine | 02:56 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: it will give you a step by step | 02:57 |
vrkhans | hey maxamillion, the alternate install is asking me where to install , | 03:07 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: the alternate install of xubuntu? | 03:08 |
vrkhans | Enter the complete path to the directory where you want | 03:08 |
vrkhans | RealPlayer to be installed. You must specify the full | 03:08 |
vrkhans | pathname of the directory and have write privileges to | 03:08 |
vrkhans | the chosen directory. | 03:08 |
vrkhans | Directory: [/home/hkhan/Desktop/RealPlayer] : | 03:08 |
vrkhans | no realplayer | 03:08 |
vrkhans | sorry alternate source | 03:09 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: yeah, why didn't you just do "sudo aptitude install realplay"? | 03:09 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: i've never done it the way you are describing | 03:09 |
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RedBlade7 | hi | 03:09 |
BFTD | HI!!!! | 03:10 |
RedBlade7 | what package enables the sound in gnome-games and gaim? | 03:10 |
BFTD | un-mute | 03:10 |
RedBlade7 | (my sound works in everything else) | 03:10 |
RedBlade7 | no, it's fine through alsa | 03:10 |
RedBlade7 | and oss | 03:10 |
maxamillion | RedBlade7: add the volume manager to the panel and open it, one of the sound channels is probably just turned off/down | 03:10 |
vrkhans | maxamillion: which dir i have to install | 03:11 |
RedBlade7 | nothing's down, i'm just wondering what package is needed for gnome's sound in xubuntu | 03:11 |
RedBlade7 | it was esd, right? i just don't know what pacakge | 03:11 |
RedBlade7 | there's a bunch of them | 03:12 |
=== Laibsc1 [n=Laibsch@F7383.f.ppp-pool.de] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | vrkhans: i don't know ... never done it that way, and i don't think it matters if you are the only one who uses the computer | 03:14 |
vrkhans | hmm what you suggest | 03:14 |
maxamillion | RedBlade7: gaim sound works off a fresh install for me on every machine i've ever installed | 03:14 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: i suggest using the link i told you to use and install it that way .... that's why i posted the link | 03:14 |
vrkhans | thats what i am using | 03:15 |
vrkhans | i give you another option | 03:15 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: yeah, use the first one that edits the file and installs with aptitude ... its the best way to do it | 03:16 |
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vrkhans | ok any how, I also want to upgrade xubunt | 03:16 |
vrkhans | to 6.10 | 03:16 |
vrkhans | currently i am using 6.06 | 03:17 |
vrkhans | but the problem is i try to install the 6.10 from the desktop and alternate cd but after few min i got a msg on my screen that "signal not found" now i am little shaky to upgrade to 6.10 | 03:18 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: lemme get you a link for that too | 03:19 |
j1mc | vrkhans: there are known difficulties in upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10 | 03:19 |
maxamillion | !upgrade | 03:19 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:19 |
maxamillion | well there is one | 03:20 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades#head-0ee455b2d02f220b043c084f09dffb86c1c6bd79 | 03:20 |
vrkhans | maxamillion: what you mean do not upgrade | 03:21 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: i didn't say do not upgrade | 03:25 |
vrkhans | :-) !upgrade | 03:26 |
vrkhans | wht does that mean | 03:26 |
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=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | sorry i am back | 03:27 |
ormiret | that was an instruction to ubotu to tell you about upgrading. | 03:27 |
vrkhans | hmm | 03:27 |
vrkhans | oey !(not ) upgrade | 03:27 |
vrkhans | fine | 03:27 |
vrkhans | what is ubotu | 03:28 |
ormiret | !help | 03:28 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:28 |
vrkhans | ubotu | 03:29 |
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maxamillion | vrkhans: you are obviously a C/C++ or Java coder ;) | 03:30 |
maxamillion | or you are just going to leave | 03:30 |
BFTD | sorry maxamillion, don't feel bad, he just went for a drink of water....or something | 03:31 |
=== cellofellow [n=josh@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
j1mc | hello cellofellow | 03:35 |
cellofellow | hi | 03:35 |
j1mc | cellofellow: i was going over some of the xubuntu meeting archives today... you were pretty active in some of them. | 03:36 |
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cellofellow | one of them | 03:36 |
j1mc | do you think you'll make the meeting tomorrow? | 03:36 |
j1mc | oh, one of them. :) | 03:36 |
cellofellow | I haven't been able to make any since. | 03:36 |
cellofellow | when exactly is it? | 03:37 |
j1mc | 1500 UTC | 03:37 |
j1mc | errr GMT | 03:37 |
cellofellow | ok. Does UTC adjust for daylight time? | 03:37 |
cellofellow | It's -7 on standard time from here. | 03:37 |
cellofellow | so, would it be -6 now? | 03:38 |
j1mc | the actual listing on the fridge says GMT | 03:38 |
cellofellow | (mountain time.) | 03:38 |
cellofellow | UTC = GMT | 03:38 |
cellofellow | I think | 03:38 |
=== j1mc thinks so, too | ||
cellofellow | maybe one does do daylight and the other doesn't. | 03:38 |
tonyyarusso | cellofellow: UTC does not change. | 03:38 |
j1mc | i'm in u.s. central time, so i was planning on showing up at UTC-6, but now i need to check. :) | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | GMT does | 03:39 |
maxamillion | brb | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | j1mc: US Central Daylight is UTC-5 | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | UCT, rather. | 03:39 |
cellofellow | UTC actually | 03:40 |
j1mc | tonyyarusso: thanks . . . | 03:40 |
tonyyarusso | cellofellow: I suppose we can thank the French for that, eh? | 03:40 |
j1mc | so, cellofellow i guess you would be utc -6 for tomorrow then. | 03:40 |
j1mc | anyway, cellofellow i hope you can make it. | 03:42 |
maxamillion | back | 03:42 |
cellofellow | so 1500 GMT -7? | 03:42 |
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j1mc | cellofellow: i think -6 for you. tonyyarusso was saying -5 for me | 03:42 |
cellofellow | right now it is Mountain Daylight Time. | 03:43 |
j1mc | see tonyyarusso's comment above | 03:43 |
j1mc | j1mc: US Central Daylight is UTC-5 | 03:43 |
cellofellow | I see that. but the time you gave me was in GMT. GMT does use Daylight Savings stuff. So 1500 GMT -7 = 1400 UTC -6 | 03:44 |
cellofellow | I hope | 03:44 |
j1mc | lemme ask around . . . brb | 03:45 |
cellofellow | brb | 03:45 |
j1mc | cellofellow: check it out: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx | 03:49 |
cellofellow | ok | 03:53 |
cellofellow | 11pm | 03:53 |
j1mc | looks like you're UTC-6 for now. :) | 03:53 |
j1mc | 11pm? | 03:54 |
cellofellow | 1 | 03:54 |
cellofellow | 1100 | 03:54 |
cellofellow | 11am | 03:54 |
cellofellow | got it | 03:54 |
cellofellow | :P | 03:54 |
j1mc | :) | 03:55 |
cellofellow | gah, it' 9am | 04:05 |
cellofellow | when did I learn to count? | 04:05 |
tonyyarusso | Next year, apparently | 04:06 |
cellofellow | lol | 04:07 |
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kupo | crimsun: still around/ | 04:25 |
maxamillion | well ... so far lexical analyzer: 1 maxamillion: 0 | 04:26 |
maxamillion | it works ... i get the first token, but from there it dies :( | 04:26 |
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=== VeganChick [n=carolyn@nictel-dsl-65-155.slic.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | hey any of you guys can tell me any replacement for visual studio, I need a good c++ compiler and editor | 04:52 |
VeganChick | I'm trying to install XFCE, and these 2 command lines don't work... | 04:53 |
VeganChick | chmod +x xfce4-4.4RC2-installer.run [[and] ] sudo ./xfce4-4.4RC2-installer.run | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | VeganChick: You'll need to define "don't work" for someone to know | 04:53 |
VeganChick | sorry, Terminal says it can't access the file/directory because it doesn't exist | 04:54 |
VeganChick | I was installing the regular 4.4, so I changed the file name, and it still didn't work. | 04:54 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: you want an IDE or a real compiler and a text editor with syntax highlighting? | 04:55 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: you have xubuntu installed? | 04:56 |
vrkhans | maxamillion: something that can replace visual studio | 04:56 |
VeganChick | maxamillion: no | 04:56 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: you running ubuntu? | 04:56 |
tonyyarusso | VeganChick: You're in the directory that xfce4.4*.run resides in? | 04:56 |
VeganChick | yes | 04:56 |
VeganChick | yes, i'm running ubuntu | 04:56 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: open a terminal and type "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" ... that would be easier :) | 04:56 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: you want the mono project | 04:57 |
maxamillion | !mono | 04:57 |
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@mdm2-66-243-204-8.pivot.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 04:57 |
VeganChick | maxamillion: and xfce is bundled in that, right? | 04:57 |
wheels3572 | can someone help me out with editing a shortcut please | 04:57 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: sure if :) | 04:57 |
maxamillion | is* | 04:57 |
VeganChick | haha, I always find the hard way to do things... | 04:57 |
vrkhans | thats for c++ or .net | 04:57 |
VeganChick | and then I just reboot and I'll be using xubuntu? | 04:58 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: both | 04:58 |
vrkhans | what about g++, does there any good front end for g++ and gdd | 04:59 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: don't even have to reboot, just log out and click on "sessions" at the login screen and select xfce, then login :) | 04:59 |
wheels3572 | does a capital C for the word Control make a difference in shortcuts | 04:59 |
VeganChick | maxamillion: I have to reboot anyway, lol. thanks for the help! | 04:59 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: no problem :) | 04:59 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: yes, its case sensitive | 05:00 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, damn thats why ic ant do it. everytime i goto create a shortcut for terminal | 05:00 |
maxamillion | yup | 05:01 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, I hit control and it does a capital C | 05:01 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: does it do C^ ? | 05:01 |
wheels3572 | yes it does C | 05:02 |
wheels3572 | i hit the control button | 05:02 |
wheels3572 | and it does C | 05:02 |
wheels3572 | exactly this here Control-t | 05:02 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: if you are trying to do ctrl+c in the terminal it's ctrl+shift+c ... same for paste (add shift) | 05:02 |
wheels3572 | nope | 05:02 |
maxamillion | ? | 05:02 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, what im doing is this | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | i open up terminal window | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | goto preferences | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | then where it says open terminal | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | i clear that command out | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | and then hit ctrl | 05:03 |
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wheels3572 | onc ei do that | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | it shows up as Control | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | not control | 05:03 |
maxamillion | ohhhh that ... no, it shouldn't matter | 05:03 |
wheels3572 | well i cant get it to open period | 05:04 |
maxamillion | LOL my dog is chasing her tail ... never seen her do that | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | unless there is a terminal window already open | 05:04 |
maxamillion | .... she caught it :) | 05:04 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: that's a tad strange | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | very | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | if there is a terminal window already open | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | i can hit ctrl t | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | and it opens up a second one | 05:04 |
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wheels3572 | if there is NO windows open | 05:04 |
wheels3572 | it wont work | 05:05 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: ctrl+t might be translated to "open a _new_ window" | 05:05 |
wheels3572 | thats' what i wanna do :) | 05:05 |
wheels3572 | i wanna open a window period | 05:05 |
wheels3572 | lol | 05:05 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: no ... i meant _another_ window ... sorry :/ | 05:05 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: i think you want to add the shortcut in Applications->Settings->Settings Manager->Keyboard->Shortcuts | 05:06 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: because the terminal is only listening to your keyboard for shortcuts when the application is open and in focus, but the desktop environment is always listening to your keyboard :) | 05:07 |
=== VeganChick [n=carolyn@nictel-dsl-65-155.slic.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | wb VeganChick | 05:08 |
VeganChick | I can't seem to get my right-click emulation to work. (I'm on a one-button MacBook) | 05:08 |
VeganChick | ty maxamillion | 05:08 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, ok so waht would be the terminal command | 05:08 |
wheels3572 | gnome-terminal? | 05:08 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: out of my league on the multitouch trackpad :/ | 05:08 |
VeganChick | haha | 05:08 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: Terminal (case sensitive) | 05:08 |
wheels3572 | ok | 05:08 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: xubuntu uses the xfce terminal which is apparently just called "Terminal" :) | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | sweeeeeeeeeeet ty max :) | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | tha's what I wanted :) | 05:09 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: no problem | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | headache gone :) | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | ty lol | 05:09 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: i just didn't understand what you had wanted in the beginngin ... sorry ;) | 05:09 |
maxamillion | np, anytime | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | np | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | im new | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | so didnt' explain it right | 05:09 |
wheels3572 | lol | 05:09 |
VeganChick | hmm, both DVD players seem to be doing something weird... | 05:10 |
wheels3572 | ohhh while im here | 05:10 |
VeganChick | the screen is split in half diagonally | 05:10 |
wheels3572 | does anyone know if FeistyFawn is out for Xubuntu | 05:10 |
VeganChick | and the two halves are moving at slightly different speeds | 05:10 |
wheels3572 | or will it not be out till Official release | 05:10 |
tonyyarusso | !feisty | wheels3572 | 05:11 |
ubotu | wheels3572: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 05:11 |
maxamillion | :) | 05:11 |
maxamillion | !botsnack | 05:11 |
ubotu | Yum! | 05:11 |
maxamillion | good ubotu | 05:11 |
wheels3572 | tonyyarusso, i know about Ubuntu :) just wondering about Xubuntu flavor :) | 05:11 |
tonyyarusso | wheels3572: Xubuntu has the same devel process - we'll hit beta shortly here. | 05:12 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: should be either the same day or within the same week | 05:12 |
wheels3572 | ok | 05:12 |
wheels3572 | ty max | 05:12 |
maxamillion | np | 05:12 |
wheels3572 | just wish they had beta versions for Xubuntu of Feisty :) | 05:12 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: we aim for the same day, but it will depend on final testing and bug fixes | 05:12 |
wheels3572 | right | 05:12 |
wheels3572 | night | 05:13 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: we lack man power so it is subject to how much freetime our community members have | 05:13 |
maxamillion | laters | 05:13 |
wheels3572 | ok | 05:13 |
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vrkhans | maxamillion: does mono is g++ to something different | 05:28 |
maxamillion | wait ... what? | 05:28 |
maxamillion | !mono | 05:29 |
ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 05:29 |
maxamillion | !g++ | 05:29 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 05:29 |
maxamillion | yeah ... that help.ubuntu link, go there | 05:29 |
kalikiana | That remembers me: firefox conflicts with libxul headers :'( | 05:29 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: and then go to http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page to check out the Mono project | 05:30 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: firefox conflicts with life | 05:30 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: i love it but i can't stand how slow it has become | 05:30 |
VeganChick | Anyone online know about right-click emulation? | 05:30 |
kalikiana | maxamillion, There was a reason to install libxul headers (aka gecko library) ;) | 05:31 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: this is why i use aptitude ... it handles all that for me :) | 05:32 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: you know about right click emulation on a macbook? | 05:32 |
kalikiana | maxamillion, on a macbook apple+click should be like right button ,shouldn't it? | 05:33 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: yes, but the new macbooks have a dual touch sensor pad so you can tap with a second finger and it will right click | 05:34 |
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kalikiana | maxamillion, sounds cool, my gf's laptop has an extra button below for that. i wonder how it can distinguish the two fingers... | 05:36 |
maxamillion | i dunno :/ | 05:36 |
VeganChick | But none of the cool MacBook touchpad stuff ports into ubuntu | 05:38 |
VeganChick | and xubuntu won't even take my emulation commands | 05:38 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: i know there is a driver for it, i heard of a friend who got it working but he isn't online right now | 05:39 |
VeganChick | kalikiana: iirc, it's ctrl+mouse for right-click | 05:39 |
kalikiana | VeganChick, ctrl+click is xfce-specific iirc | 05:41 |
VeganChick | kalikiana: sorry, I thought you were wondering about OS X | 05:42 |
kalikiana | no idea. personally i have xubuntu and a mac menubar :P | 05:43 |
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VeganChick | kalikiana: haha, mac menubar in xubuntu? | 05:45 |
VeganChick | I'm dual-booting OS x and xubuntu | 05:45 |
=== grazie same here | ||
grazie | kalikiana: do you mean some kind of dock? | 05:46 |
maxamillion | VeganChick: yeah ... there are alot of linux dock copy cats out there | 05:46 |
VeganChick | oh, I was wondering why a mac menubar would be so great | 05:47 |
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maxamillion | VeganChick: its pretty ;) | 05:48 |
kalikiana | VeganChick, No, I mean that I have a global menubar for Gtk apps, like on OSX | 05:48 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: like Finder? | 05:49 |
VeganChick | kalikiana: like a dock? | 05:49 |
kalikiana | NO DOCK. fullstop. :) | 05:49 |
VeganChick | lol | 05:49 |
VeganChick | probably the finder menu | 05:50 |
VeganChick | i forgot that existed, i never use it | 05:50 |
kalikiana | It's a menubar on top of the screen where every app's menu appears when it's active but there are no menus in windows anymore. | 05:50 |
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grazie | kalikiana: I thought you may have set up a dock like SAM or Dreamlinux....it's not straight forward to do | 05:50 |
kalikiana | grazie, I don't see a real advantage in a dock - xfce's launchers are pretty much the same I think. | 05:51 |
=== grazie was just wondering | ||
kalikiana | In contrast the global menubar saves me screen space when I have several windows open. | 05:52 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: oh ... like the apple menu | 05:52 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: how'd you pull that off? | 05:52 |
kalikiana | maxamillion, that's it, with screenshots: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241868 | 05:54 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: thanks | 05:55 |
maxamillion | kalikiana: that's awesome | 05:55 |
kalikiana | The problems currently are two: 1) There is no 'default' menu. 2) It's not in the official Gtk. :/ | 05:57 |
kalikiana | I really hope it'll get official as soon as possible. | 05:58 |
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=== noeneo [n=videoedd@pool-162-83-213-99.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
noeneo | hi | 06:27 |
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noeneo | how do I install a program that's not in synaptic? | 06:27 |
noeneo | the prog in question is Forswriste | 06:27 |
BFTD | !Forswriste | 06:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about forswriste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:28 |
BFTD | hrm | 06:28 |
BFTD | is it source? | 06:28 |
noeneo | Frostwire | 06:28 |
noeneo | sorry | 06:28 |
BFTD | !frostwire | 06:28 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 06:28 |
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BFTD | noeneo fairly simple | 06:32 |
noeneo | thanks | 06:39 |
noeneo | good | 06:39 |
maxamillion | i've never heard of frostwire | 06:42 |
=== vrkhans [n=vrkhans@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | interesting | 06:42 |
vrkhans | big problem | 06:42 |
=== grazie ducks | ||
vrkhans | maxamillion: i just finish upgrade for 6.10 | 06:42 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: awesome, i assume everything went well? | 06:43 |
vrkhans | but when restart got msg that "signal not found" | 06:43 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: what said "signal not found"? | 06:43 |
vrkhans | just like if you take the vga cable out from cpu , | 06:44 |
maxamillion | oh ... does it eventually come back? | 06:44 |
vrkhans | this problem is only when i boot linux | 06:45 |
vrkhans | ont when xp | 06:45 |
vrkhans | i believe some problem in xserver | 06:45 |
maxamillion | right, but when you boot linux does the login eventually show up? ... i could just be your usplash messed up | 06:45 |
vrkhans | no | 06:46 |
vrkhans | just that msg | 06:46 |
maxamillion | oh ... hmmm | 06:46 |
vrkhans | keep on blinking | 06:46 |
maxamillion | are your hard drive leds blinking? | 06:46 |
grazie | vrkhans: have you tried booting with the old kernel? | 06:47 |
maxamillion | grazie: ooo, good idea :) | 06:47 |
vrkhans | i hard that drum beat, so i believe that it reach that logon screen but dont show that to me | 06:47 |
maxamillion | oh ... huh | 06:49 |
maxamillion | that's different | 06:49 |
maxamillion | i'm gonna run ... bbl | 06:49 |
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grazie | vrkhans: try booting with the old kernel | 06:50 |
vrkhans | grazie: no | 06:50 |
grazie | vrkhans: you can select it in the grub menu | 06:50 |
vrkhans | ok | 06:51 |
vrkhans | then what i have to do | 06:51 |
vrkhans | if it boot | 06:51 |
grazie | hang on...I will try to describe it | 06:52 |
grazie | vrkhans: when you boot you get a menu, yes? | 06:53 |
vrkhans | ok | 06:53 |
grazie | vrkhans: Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17....... | 06:54 |
grazie | vrkhans: Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17.......(recovery mode) | 06:55 |
grazie | vrkhans: do you follow? | 06:55 |
vrkhans | ya | 06:55 |
vrkhans | i know | 06:56 |
vrkhans | and there is another one 2.6.15 | 06:56 |
grazie | select that one | 06:56 |
vrkhans | ok | 06:56 |
vrkhans | but who i can fix this issue | 06:56 |
grazie | when you've booted | 06:56 |
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vrkhans | then | 06:58 |
grazie | do you get the same problem? | 06:58 |
vrkhans | let me try | 06:58 |
vrkhans | ok | 06:58 |
vrkhans | i will come back | 06:58 |
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vrkhans | same problem I tried all option | 07:12 |
vrkhans | any other suggestion | 07:12 |
vrkhans | grazie: r u here | 07:14 |
grazie | vrkhans: not so good | 07:14 |
vrkhans | so that mean I lost everthing | 07:15 |
vrkhans | but where is the problem | 07:15 |
grazie | vrkhans: no....it's just xorg config problem that needs sorting | 07:15 |
vrkhans | I upgrade it in 6.06 | 07:15 |
vrkhans | and when it reboot | 07:15 |
vrkhans | grazie: how i can do that | 07:16 |
grazie | vrkhans: I've seen similar problems to this due to the framebuffer driver | 07:16 |
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vrkhans | hmm | 07:17 |
grazie | vrkhans: when you have no video output it's hard to fix | 07:17 |
vrkhans | i know | 07:17 |
grazie | vrkhans: you'll need to fix it with a live cd | 07:17 |
vrkhans | but can i use alternate cd | 07:17 |
grazie | vrkhans: not really | 07:18 |
vrkhans | hmm | 07:18 |
vrkhans | but does there any why I can stop loding of X | 07:18 |
vrkhans | at the time to booting | 07:19 |
grazie | vrkhans: yes. by selecting "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17.......(recovery mode)" but you said that didn't work | 07:19 |
vrkhans | becaue it show that xbuntu logo and then try to load driver and then start blinking | 07:20 |
vrkhans | ya recovery mode also try to load X or something and cause that problem | 07:20 |
vrkhans | so now, grazie: what option i have | 07:21 |
grazie | vrkhans: when you select "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17.......(recovery mode)" you should not get the xubuntu logo....just lines of text | 07:22 |
vrkhans | ya then blank screen | 07:22 |
vrkhans | let me try again | 07:23 |
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vrkhans | grazie: I can login in recovery mode | 07:37 |
vrkhans | as root | 07:37 |
vrkhans | does that help me | 07:37 |
grazie | that's great | 07:37 |
vrkhans | grazie: so still I have some hope :-) | 07:38 |
grazie | vrkhans: trouble is I don't know what is causing your problem | 07:38 |
grazie | vrkhans: I'm sure it can be fixed quite easily | 07:38 |
vrkhans | grazie: I think its the xserver | 07:39 |
vrkhans | which is causing the problem | 07:39 |
grazie | vrkhans: yes a very strong possibility | 07:39 |
grazie | !xorg | 07:40 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:40 |
vrkhans | i try tha apt-get install - - reinstall xserver-xorg | 07:40 |
grazie | vrkhans: no | 07:40 |
grazie | vrkhans: work through this >> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:41 |
vrkhans | i am regrating now my 6.06 is running fine | 07:41 |
grazie | vrkhans: it's all part of using linux :) | 07:42 |
grazie | try something for me | 07:42 |
grazie | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:43 |
vrkhans | if i login as root do i still have to do sudo | 07:44 |
grazie | yes, but you not need to enter a password | 07:44 |
vrkhans | ok then | 07:45 |
vrkhans | what you want me to do | 07:45 |
grazie | enter ctrl+w | 07:45 |
grazie | enter "Monitor" | 07:45 |
vrkhans | ok | 07:46 |
grazie | scroll down to Section "Device" | 07:46 |
grazie | what does it have next to Driver? | 07:46 |
vrkhans | :- | 07:47 |
vrkhans | :-) | 07:47 |
vrkhans | i am writing what you are telling me | 07:47 |
vrkhans | because to do all that i have to restart | 07:47 |
grazie | oh I see | 07:47 |
vrkhans | i have a dual boot , and curentl y i am in xp | 07:48 |
grazie | of course | 07:48 |
vrkhans | :-) | 07:48 |
vrkhans | so just tell me everything and I will do all that | 07:48 |
vrkhans | when i reboot | 07:49 |
grazie | Change......Driver "???????" to ......Driver "vesa" and reboot. Make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (just in case) | 07:50 |
vrkhans | how i can make the backup in linux | 07:50 |
vrkhans | cp | 07:50 |
grazie | Must be in the section ..... Section "Device" | 07:50 |
vrkhans | or ok | 07:51 |
grazie | yes..... sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup | 07:51 |
vrkhans | ok | 07:51 |
vrkhans | let me restart | 07:52 |
grazie | hang on | 07:52 |
vrkhans | ok | 07:52 |
grazie | you will still get the no signal found problem, but video may return when you get the drum sound | 07:53 |
vrkhans | ok | 07:53 |
grazie | I'd also post your problem on the forum | 07:54 |
grazie | and ask again in here later | 07:54 |
vrkhans | thnaks | 07:54 |
vrkhans | how i can post problem | 07:54 |
vrkhans | sorry | 07:54 |
vrkhans | i am new to this irc thing too | 07:55 |
grazie | vrkhans: the ubuntu forums >> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | 07:55 |
vrkhans | ok thanks | 07:55 |
vrkhans | let me restart | 07:56 |
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=== ^^CatTuX^^ [n=Shoaibi@mbl-65-129-173.dsl.net.pk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | morning | 08:24 |
grazie | morning hyper_ch | 08:26 |
hyper_ch | I like gnump3d :) | 08:27 |
grazie | never used it | 08:28 |
hyper_ch | I use it now all the time | 08:28 |
hyper_ch | I have rented a backup server with 160gb diskspace and 100mbit connection | 08:28 |
hyper_ch | costs me 20 per month | 08:28 |
hyper_ch | a minimal debian is running there with just ssh, gnump3d, squid :) | 08:29 |
hyper_ch | grazie: wanna see it? | 08:29 |
grazie | yeah ok | 08:29 |
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adrian15 | hello | 10:04 |
adrian15 | I am using Xubuntu 6.10 | 10:04 |
adrian15 | I have some problems with xfce having some problem with | 10:04 |
adrian15 | the session... the top menu and the bottom menu is not shown | 10:05 |
adrian15 | what should I do ? | 10:05 |
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hyper_ch | TheSheep_: somerville32_ you're online? | 10:07 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: no | 10:13 |
hyper_ch | oh :( | 10:13 |
hyper_ch | my wifi card stopped working in the last update in feisty :( | 10:13 |
TheSheep_ | !bugs | 10:14 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 10:14 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: first I want to see is it can be made running again somehow :) | 10:16 |
hyper_ch | I don't like to use the 20m cable through the appartement :) | 10:16 |
grazie | hyper_ch: did you get a kernel update? | 10:16 |
hyper_ch | grazie: yes I did | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | 2.6.20-11 | 10:17 |
grazie | but no driver update? | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | grazie: not that I remember | 10:18 |
hyper_ch | grazie: but there have been a few updates | 10:18 |
grazie | check /var/log/dpkg.log | 10:18 |
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hyper_ch | grazie: what would be the driver to look for in that log? | 10:22 |
BFTD | hey all | 10:23 |
grazie | hyper_ch: dunno...my wifi knowledge is zero | 10:23 |
hyper_ch | grazie: no wifi? | 10:23 |
grazie | no | 10:23 |
hyper_ch | lucky you :) | 10:24 |
grazie | :) | 10:24 |
hyper_ch | oh well, new install then :) | 10:25 |
grazie | :( | 10:26 |
hyper_ch | easy :) | 10:26 |
hyper_ch | btw, if I chose not to formate the current root partition | 10:26 |
hyper_ch | will the configs in /etc remain the same? | 10:26 |
BFTD | I got a new computer | 10:27 |
BFTD | ooh yeah | 10:27 |
BFTD | oh yeah | 10:27 |
grazie | hyper_ch: you can install without formatting / ?...seems very risky to me | 10:29 |
hyper_ch | grazie: yes, but I've never done it so far... except for the /home paritition :) | 10:29 |
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grazie | "/home" -no problem... "/" - I wouldn't even if it was an option | 10:32 |
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adrian15 | !update | 10:56 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:56 |
adrian15 | Should I upgrade xfce somehow to fix the problem or should I use Xubuntu 6.06 ? | 10:57 |
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adrian15 | how do I update xfce version from the command line | 10:59 |
adrian15 | sudo apt-get update | 10:59 |
adrian15 | sudo apt-get upgrade xfce ? | 11:00 |
adrian15 | !install | 11:01 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 11:01 |
=== MaximusBrood [n=maximusb@a80-100-103-127.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
adrian15 | hi MaximusBrood how the hell do you update an application from the command line ? | 11:02 |
MaximusBrood | Err, why was I highlighted? I didn't say anything yet. | 11:04 |
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hyper_ch | TheSheep_: well, I did now boot with the old kernel and the card works with it... can you assist me on how to file the bug report? | 11:15 |
hyper_ch | !bug | 11:17 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 11:17 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: this should be easy | 11:21 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: put the make and model of your card, the exact versions of both kernels, maybe the relevant lines from dmesg... | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: I just don't know what is required to include and I just trying to find out if the bug was reported before | 11:22 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: ah, search for the bug before you file your own | 11:22 |
TheSheep_ | right | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | :) | 11:22 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: if any additional information is needed, you'll get an e-mail | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | bug no. 1 on launchpad is cool :) | 11:23 |
TheSheep_ | yeah | 11:23 |
TheSheep_ | that's the reason for creating ubuntu | 11:23 |
hyper_ch | seems the bug has been filed already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/92742 | 11:24 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 92742 in linux-source-2.6.20 "RT2500-based wireless G network card cannot be set or reset on 2.6.20-11" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:24 |
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TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: put a 'mee too' on it :) | 11:30 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: I mean, put your make and model of the card, of course | 11:30 |
hyper_ch | just added the me too :) | 11:31 |
hyper_ch | I put in the model of the card, the lspci output, then the iwconfig output and the modinfo output :) I hope that's enough | 11:32 |
TheSheep_ | :) | 11:33 |
hyper_ch | wohoo, my first time :) | 11:33 |
TheSheep_ | confirmations of bugs are important | 11:33 |
hyper_ch | some people already did confirm it | 11:33 |
TheSheep_ | and the more people do, the faster they'll fix it ;) | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | hehehe | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | I guess I have to alter grub meanwhile | 11:34 |
TheSheep_ | or just remove the new kernel | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: hmmm.... but then it keeps telling me everyday that there are updates :) | 11:35 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: linux is great :) | 11:36 |
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MaximusBrood | part | 11:48 |
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teh_pox | hmmmm | 12:57 |
teh_pox | looking for murrine gtk engine package | 12:57 |
teh_pox | the site says it's "in universe" | 12:57 |
teh_pox | but synaptic turns nothing up... | 12:57 |
teh_pox | am I doing something wrong? | 12:57 |
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grazie | teh_pox: it's in feisty | 01:01 |
teh_pox | sorry, what does that mean? | 01:01 |
teh_pox | i'm new to *buntu | 01:01 |
grazie | xubuntu 7.04 | 01:02 |
teh_pox | wait | 01:02 |
teh_pox | that's a beta, right? | 01:02 |
grazie | alpha I think...but not stable | 01:03 |
teh_pox | ah right | 01:03 |
teh_pox | so for edgy i'll need an rpm? | 01:03 |
grazie | dunno | 01:03 |
grazie | teh_pox: there's .deb on the website | 01:05 |
grazie | teh_pox: >> http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine/download.php | 01:05 |
teh_pox | ah | 01:05 |
teh_pox | there is too | 01:05 |
teh_pox | why'd i say rpm | 01:05 |
teh_pox | meant deb | 01:06 |
grazie | :) | 01:06 |
teh_pox | i should stop switching distros XD | 01:06 |
teh_pox | gentoo was good.. but portage is soo dying | 01:06 |
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Laibsch | I am trying to get my computer to support squashfs. squashfs-tools is installed, but "cat /proc/filesystems|grep squash" still does not show anything. Anybody got this working? | 02:25 |
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vrkhans | grazie: hi | 02:31 |
reaVer | hi | 02:31 |
reaVer | is there any 32bit support on Xubuntu? | 02:31 |
vrkhans | I tried but my video card driver is not "vesa" its mga | 02:31 |
vrkhans | i dont know what to do | 02:32 |
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vrkhans | grazie: r u there | 02:35 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: yes | 02:38 |
reaVer | is there a way in debian to make flash work with firefox?:P | 02:39 |
reaVer | err | 02:39 |
reaVer | Xubuntu | 02:39 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: in 32 bit? just install the flash plugin | 02:39 |
reaVer | in 64bit | 02:40 |
TheSheep_ | no | 02:40 |
TheSheep_ | since flash plugin is closed source... | 02:40 |
TheSheep_ | you can try one of the open source plugins, but they won't play everything | 02:40 |
reaVer | other distros have an pluginwrapper | 02:40 |
TheSheep_ | ah, then I don't know | 02:41 |
TheSheep_ | !flash | 02:41 |
reaVer | that makes 32bit plugins work on 64bit firefox | 02:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:41 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 02:41 |
vrkhans | hi i have a problem: I just upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 but when the system reboot it a msg appear on my screen that " signal not found" I dont know what to do. another fellow over here told me that login as root and in /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the device section change the driver to "vesa" but doent help me either | 02:41 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: what graphics card do you have? | 02:42 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#head-38245bd46a3334b4cc11601e161ddaa63439d2db | 02:44 |
vrkhans | TheShee I have an onborg mga200 card | 02:46 |
vrkhans | and it is the right one in that xorg.conf file | 02:46 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: no other cards? | 02:47 |
vrkhans | i dont where is the problem because 6.06 is running fine | 02:47 |
vrkhans | no | 02:47 |
vrkhans | on bord mga200 | 02:47 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: does the computer react to keaystrokes when you have "no signal"? | 02:47 |
vrkhans | its the chip it is using | 02:47 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: for example, does alt+ctrl+del reboot it? | 02:48 |
reaVer | TheSheep_: http://freshmeat.net/projects/nspluginwrapper/ | 02:48 |
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vrkhans | no | 02:48 |
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vrkhans | hmm | 02:48 |
vrkhans | i think no | 02:48 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: well, you can compile it an use or try searching the forums for a ready deb | 02:48 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: so it seems that the graphics driver makes the system crash for some reason | 02:49 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: and it's the same with vesa? | 02:49 |
vrkhans | ya | 02:50 |
vrkhans | with vesa it doesnt give me that on signal msg but stuck on that postinstall configuration screeen | 02:51 |
reaVer | TheSheep_: sorry, but where's the forum? | 02:51 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: forum.ubuntu.com | 02:51 |
vrkhans | does there any way i can restore my previous version | 02:51 |
reaVer | tnx | 02:51 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: "postinstall configuration screen"? | 02:51 |
vrkhans | because its is working fine | 02:51 |
vrkhans | something like that | 02:52 |
reaVer | Warthogs Bugzilla | 02:52 |
reaVer | Bugzilla has gone away. Please use Launchpad instead. | 02:52 |
reaVer | If you came here looking for a particular Bugzilla bug, please enter the bug ID number in the form below: | 02:52 |
reaVer | Bug # TheSheep? | 02:52 |
=== TheSheep_ scratches his head... | ||
TheSheep_ | reaVer: ??? | 02:52 |
reaVer | go to forum.ubuntu.com | 02:52 |
reaVer | and you'll see that | 02:52 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: sorry, use http://forums.ubuntu.com | 02:52 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: they must be breaking something at the moment ;) | 02:53 |
reaVer | :D | 02:53 |
reaVer | tnx | 02:53 |
vrkhans | any suggestion | 03:07 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: outo f ideas | 03:08 |
TheSheep_ | of | 03:08 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: you can install the dapper back, it shoudn't overwrite your home if you don't tell it to do it | 03:08 |
TheSheep_ | vrkhans: you may want to report a bug | 03:09 |
TheSheep_ | !bugs | vrkhans | 03:09 |
ubotu | vrkhans: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 03:09 |
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reaVer | TheSheep_: is there any way I can get an more up to date Xubuntu kernel? | 03:20 |
reaVer | 2.6.17 is giving me problems with sound drivers | 03:20 |
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TheSheep_ | reaVer: you can try and compile your own | 03:24 |
TheSheep_ | reaVer: or upgrade to feisty | 03:24 |
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cellofellow | meeting today? | 03:33 |
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j1mc | xubuntu meeting getting started in #ubuntu-meeting. please join if you're interested. topics include documentation and artwork. | 03:59 |
reaVer | TheSheep_: where are the kernels located? | 04:01 |
reaVer | the normal branch or the security branch? | 04:01 |
TheSheep_ | !kernel | reaVer | 04:02 |
ubotu | reaVer: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:02 |
reaVer | TheSheep_: that doesn't really help me | 04:04 |
j1mc | TheSheep_: you interested in joining the xubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting? | 04:04 |
reaVer | I want to know which reposity I have to upgrade | 04:04 |
cellofellow | main and restricted | 04:04 |
reaVer | k | 04:04 |
cellofellow | normal, security, and updates too I think. | 04:05 |
reaVer | why do I need to upgrade security?:P | 04:05 |
reaVer | in which one is the kernel? | 04:05 |
cellofellow | there are different versions of different kernels in the different repos. Plain is the way it was when it was released. Security and Updates (maybe) have newer ones. | 04:06 |
reaVer | k | 04:07 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | The kernel is in main. | 04:15 |
cellofellow | restricted modules are restricted. | 04:16 |
reaVer | okidoki | 04:16 |
cellofellow | duh | 04:16 |
=== cellofellow bonks his head | ||
reaVer | is there a way to install the -dev version of already installed packages? | 04:16 |
cellofellow | yeah, just do it. | 04:17 |
=== cudgel [n=cudgel@static-71-249-246-145.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
reaVer | cellofellow: I mean the dev version of all packages in an easy way | 04:17 |
cudgel | hello.. i just switched from fedora core to xubuntu. how do i do the equivalent of "yum -y update" to pull in the latest updates? | 04:18 |
cellofellow | don't think so. Not all packages have -dev versions. Lots of libs do. | 04:18 |
cellofellow | cudgel: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade | 04:18 |
cudgel | cellofellow: thanks | 04:18 |
cellofellow | works much better than yum junk. :) | 04:18 |
cudgel | ok, so, thats doing it's thing. can i apt-get stuff while that's running? for instance, next for me is OpenVPN. I tried "apt-get install openvpn" but that didn't do a damn thing. How do I search for packages using apt? | 04:20 |
Grey_Loki | cudgel, I tend to open up Synaptic and use its search function | 04:20 |
cellofellow | no, only one apt-based program can run at a time. Synaptic, aptitude, apt-get, dpkg, gdebi. | 04:20 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You won't be able to run two apt sessions at a time - it uses a lock feature to make sure install procedures stay sane. | 04:21 |
cudgel | ok, thats sane | 04:21 |
cudgel | so... synaptic? this is installed by default? | 04:21 |
cellofellow | yes | 04:21 |
cellofellow | all those I listed are installed by default actually. | 04:21 |
cudgel | ah, ok, thats good to know | 04:22 |
cudgel | gah. what's the location of the default right-click menu? I need a terminal on there... | 04:24 |
cellofellow | Menu -> Settings -> Edit Menu. | 04:24 |
cellofellow | You can add stuff to the root of the menu with that. | 04:25 |
reaVer | cudgel: to add, while installing you're still able to search using apt-cache search | 04:25 |
cudgel | that most definitely doesn't match the menu i have when i right-click... | 04:25 |
reaVer | cudgel: the default menu is gay:P | 04:25 |
reaVer | go to proprties | 04:26 |
reaVer | and then tell it to draw a menu on right click | 04:26 |
cellofellow | oh, yeah | 04:26 |
cellofellow | open Desktop Settings, and in Behavior check Desktop Menu on Right Click. | 04:26 |
cudgel | oh, that is MUCH better | 04:27 |
cudgel | tyvm | 04:27 |
cudgel | gah. how do i list package names? and the contents of packages? i'm sooo used to 'rpm -qif `which foo`' for instance | 04:34 |
TheSheep_ | dpkg -l | 04:35 |
cellofellow | try using aptitude too. | 04:35 |
cudgel | no openvpn package, eh? | 04:41 |
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Grey_Loki | Anyone here use SuperKaramba? | 04:46 |
bur[n] er | cudgel, there's an openvpn package.. you have universe? | 04:46 |
cudgel | i have no idea? | 04:46 |
bur[n] er | !universe | cudgel | 04:46 |
ubotu | cudgel: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 04:46 |
cellofellow | Grey_Loki: I use adesklets instead. SuperKaramba is great, in KDE> | 04:46 |
cudgel | ah, universe is a repository? | 04:46 |
Grey_Loki | cellofellow, aha, i've just realised that since i'm on my desktop machine, i'm running Ubuntu, and KDE, not Xubuntu and XFCE :S | 04:47 |
cellofellow | try #kubuntu then :) | 04:47 |
Grey_Loki | Heh | 04:48 |
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cellofellow | cudgel: yeah. Main has the Canonical-supported stuff, and Universe is community supported on just non-supported stuff pulled from Debian Sid. | 04:51 |
rvega | hello to all channel! | 04:51 |
rvega | i have a problem with my xubuntu installation | 04:52 |
rvega | my disk have partitions win and ext2 | 04:52 |
rvega | but when i try tu install xubuntu i can see this partitions | 04:53 |
cellofellow | win NTFS or win FAT32? | 04:53 |
rvega | NFTS | 04:53 |
rvega | i have slackware installed | 04:53 |
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rvega | and i want to overwrite it | 04:53 |
cellofellow | just Slack? | 04:53 |
rvega | slack+XP with lilo | 04:54 |
cellofellow | overwrite all of it, just Slack, just XP? | 04:54 |
rvega | just slack | 04:54 |
rvega | but when i try to make manual partitions | 04:54 |
rvega | i can't see any partitions in my disk | 04:54 |
rvega | GNOME partition editor | 04:55 |
rvega | say that all disk is clean | 04:55 |
cudgel | woo, this is pretty straightforward. besides universe, any other components I should add? | 04:55 |
cellofellow | multiverse if you want stuff like mp3 support. | 04:55 |
cudgel | nah, thats why there's a mac attached to the home theater. :) | 04:55 |
cudgel | this is for work! | 04:56 |
cudgel | :) | 04:56 |
cellofellow | ok | 04:56 |
cudgel | oh, i suppose sound might be nice. | 04:56 |
cellofellow | rvega: open a terminal and run sudo cfdisk and see what's in there. | 04:56 |
rvega | ok | 04:56 |
rvega | y can see all my partitions | 04:57 |
rvega | sorry | 04:57 |
rvega | my mistake | 04:57 |
cellofellow | huh. | 04:57 |
rvega | win have FAT32 partitions | 04:57 |
cellofellow | close cfdisk and run sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hd(the slack partition) | 04:58 |
rvega | but... how can install xubuntu...? | 04:58 |
rvega | ok | 04:58 |
rvega | ready | 04:59 |
cellofellow | now open Ubiquity, the installer app. | 04:59 |
rvega | nothing... i can see my partitions | 05:00 |
rvega | i can't | 05:01 |
rvega | i can't see any partition... i only can see my disk with all space not asigned | 05:02 |
cellofellow | in the Manual Partitioner? | 05:03 |
rvega | yes | 05:03 |
cellofellow | close ubiquity and open gparted. | 05:04 |
rvega | ready... the same thing | 05:05 |
cellofellow | which Device is it reading? | 05:05 |
rvega | /dev/hda | 05:05 |
cellofellow | it should see what cfdisk sees. | 05:05 |
rvega | yes... fot this reason i'm here... i don't understand what append | 05:06 |
cellofellow | see if Windows or Slack will still boot maybe. | 05:07 |
cellofellow | oh, wait | 05:07 |
rvega | ?! | 05:07 |
cellofellow | maybe gparted is having a hard time reading a strange partition table. Open cfdisk, don't actually change anything, and write it. It may fix that. | 05:08 |
rvega | yes i think that | 05:08 |
rvega | ok | 05:08 |
rvega | ready | 05:09 |
cellofellow | (Ubiquity loads and embedded Gparted, just so you know why we are using gparted.) | 05:09 |
rvega | i image that | 05:09 |
rvega | yes... i make the same test before | 05:09 |
cudgel | so... i'm used to chkconfig & service from fedora. what do i use in ubuntu? | 05:10 |
cellofellow | gparted see stuff? | 05:10 |
cellofellow | what's chkconfig do? | 05:10 |
rvega | nothing | 05:10 |
cudgel | chkconfig controls what service start in which runlevels, from the command line | 05:10 |
cudgel | for instance "chkconfig --level 3 openvpn on" would start openvpn when transitioning to runlevel 3 | 05:11 |
cellofellow | cudgel: install sysv-rc-conf | 05:11 |
rvega | system->services | 05:11 |
cellofellow | I think that's it. I always mispell and use tab-completion | 05:11 |
cellofellow | !sysv-rc-conf | 05:11 |
ubotu | sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB | 05:11 |
cudgel | ah, i don't need it per se; ubuntu is bsd based? | 05:11 |
cellofellow | yuo | 05:11 |
cellofellow | cudgel: its Debian GNU/Linux based. | 05:12 |
rvega | debian based | 05:12 |
cudgel | :) ok, i deserve that. i'm not a debian person. i've been using red hat since... the beginning i guess | 05:12 |
cellofellow | welcome to the... other half of linux. | 05:12 |
cudgel | hehe, thanks! | 05:13 |
rvega | jeje | 05:13 |
cudgel | so, without adding anything, how would i start/stop services? simply /etc/init.d/service start|stop ? | 05:13 |
cellofellow | yeah | 05:13 |
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cudgel | ok, cool, i can live with that | 05:13 |
cellofellow | I thought you wanted to configure the runlevels. For that use sysv-rc-conf (curses, in terminal.) | 05:14 |
reaVer | k, how do I install an older version of gcc?:P | 05:15 |
cellofellow | :/ dunno | 05:15 |
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reaVer | gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4) | 05:15 |
reaVer | this one is broken | 05:15 |
vrkhans | grazie: back | 05:16 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: Broken in what way? | 05:16 |
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rvega | cellofellow: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda3 format my partition? | 05:16 |
cellofellow | yes | 05:16 |
reaVer | /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/collect2 --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 --hash-style=both -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 crt1.o crti.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib64 -L/lib/../lib64 -L/usr/lib/../lib64 /tmp/cc6HLRMj.o -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed -lc -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no | 05:16 |
reaVer | /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/collect2 --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 --hash-style=both -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 crt1.o crti.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib64 -L/lib/../lib64 -L/usr/lib/../lib64 /tmp/cc6HLRMj.o -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed -lc -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no | 05:16 |
cellofellow | rvega: that formatted it ext3 | 05:16 |
reaVer | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status | 05:16 |
reaVer | that way | 05:16 |
rvega | thanks god i make a backup | 05:16 |
rvega | jeje | 05:16 |
rvega | i think... maybe... lilo instalation move partition table to ohter place... where gparted car read it | 05:17 |
rvega | can read it | 05:17 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe | 05:17 |
cellofellow | ubuntu will install GRUB. | 05:17 |
reaVer | both crt1 and crti are no present on my system | 05:18 |
rvega | yes but in this moment i have lilo installed from slackware installation | 05:18 |
cellofellow | just a warning | 05:18 |
rvega | for me? | 05:18 |
rvega | ok | 05:18 |
reaVer | cellofellow: grub ain't that bad:P | 05:18 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: Is there more before that? If you pastebin it, I might be able to help. | 05:19 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !paste | 05:19 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:19 |
rvega | i was searching in google but i can't found anything with this problem | 05:20 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10775/ | 05:21 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | k | 05:21 |
cudgel | well. this was pretty damn easy to get setup and useful. woo! | 05:22 |
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cudgel | thankgs folks! | 05:23 |
cudgel | s/g// | 05:23 |
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rvega | im frustrated.... | 05:27 |
reaVer | happens to me all the time | 05:27 |
rvega | jeje | 05:27 |
cellofellow | rvega: how about you image your windows and slack installations and do a full repartition? Leave some space for windows. | 05:28 |
cellofellow | or you can make space later. | 05:28 |
=== reaVer pokes PuMpErNiCkLe | ||
rvega | is valid.... | 05:28 |
rvega | but i have 20GB of win files | 05:28 |
rvega | i can do something | 05:29 |
rvega | y have | 05:29 |
rvega | two win partitions | 05:29 |
rvega | y can try make a backups in mi second win partition | 05:29 |
rvega | but | 05:29 |
cellofellow | do you have another hard drive somewhere? | 05:30 |
rvega | i think that no solve my problem | 05:30 |
rvega | no | 05:30 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: Looking into it, still. | 05:30 |
rvega | really yes | 05:30 |
rvega | but i have a notebook | 05:30 |
rvega | y can't connect both disks | 05:30 |
cellofellow | :/ | 05:31 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: pm me the result once you have it:P | 05:31 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: libc6-dev is installed on your system? | 05:34 |
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vrkhans | which directory is for the repository | 05:36 |
vrkhans | lixting | 05:36 |
mindchild | Ok, so I have installed (so it seems) the linux-686 kernel... only, looking at the properties in synaptic, it only installed crap into /usr/share/doc, and there is no other kernel in /boot | 05:36 |
vrkhans | listing | 05:36 |
mindchild | am I missing something | 05:36 |
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vrkhans | i am looking to install eclipse but it is not found in synap | 05:38 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: no | 05:39 |
reaVer | :P | 05:39 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: do you know an automatic way to install dev versions of packages? | 05:40 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: you hit the bullseye | 05:40 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: Not for all of them, no. | 05:40 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | 'build-essential' depends on the normal requirements for building from source. | 05:40 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You can, if there's a version of the program in repos already, do `apt-get build-dep packagename` to get the development files required for that specific program. | 05:41 |
vrkhans | does any one know the directory where all the links for download are available | 05:42 |
vrkhans | repositories | 05:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | vrkhans: What do you mean by 'links for download', exactly? | 05:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Are you looking for the packages.ubuntu.com site? | 05:42 |
vrkhans | PuMpErNiCkLe: i am looking to download eclipse through synap but it is not found | 05:43 |
vrkhans | some one told me before a directory which need to edit to download universal packages | 05:43 |
vrkhans | or file | 05:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !info eclipse edgy | 05:43 |
ubotu | eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 121 kB, installed size 412 kB | 05:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | In Synaptic, go to Settings -> repositories, enable universe, reload the package cache, and then search for it agian. | 05:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | s/agian/again/ | 05:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | mindchild: Which version of Xubuntu are you using? | 05:45 |
vrkhans | in setting i dont see any link for repositories | 05:45 |
grazie | vrkhans: hi...did you sort yout problem? | 05:45 |
vrkhans | :-) just install 6.06 again | 05:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | vrkhans: The settings menu in synaptic should have 'repositories' listed as the second option. | 05:45 |
vrkhans | ok | 05:46 |
vrkhans | grazie: that shows i wont able to install the 6.10 | 05:46 |
grazie | vrkhans: it was a very strange problem! | 05:47 |
reaVer | CC [M] /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/memalloc.o | 05:48 |
reaVer | In file included from /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/memalloc.c:1: | 05:48 |
reaVer | /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/memalloc.inc:1:26: error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory | 05:48 |
reaVer | PuMpErNiCkLe: what's that about?:P | 05:48 |
vrkhans | grazie: I know | 05:48 |
vrkhans | grazie: what do you think that happen | 05:48 |
vrkhans | i tryied both ways destop and alternat | 05:49 |
grazie | vrkhans: don't know....I've seen a similar loss of video signal with framebuffer driver problems | 05:50 |
vrkhans | hmm | 05:51 |
grazie | vrkhans: did you use the ext3 file system? | 05:51 |
vrkhans | ya | 05:51 |
grazie | I was going to suggest installing a driver on XP so you can read your linux partitions | 05:52 |
grazie | vrkhans: >> http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 05:52 |
vrkhans | why is that | 05:52 |
vrkhans | so i can read my ext3 partition | 05:53 |
grazie | yes | 05:53 |
vrkhans | how does that help | 05:53 |
grazie | it would have helped with debugging you config files....so you could have pastebinned details from XP | 05:54 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | reaVer: Looks like this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=506363 | 05:54 |
vrkhans | grazie: can you help me in synaptics | 05:55 |
grazie | yes of course | 05:55 |
vrkhans | i am looking to install eclipse | 05:56 |
grazie | ok | 05:56 |
vrkhans | but synaptics is not showing me that | 05:56 |
grazie | !eclipse | 05:57 |
ubotu | eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 121 kB, installed size 412 kB | 05:57 |
vrkhans | which file i have to edit because i think its the universal package | 05:57 |
grazie | vrkhans: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:57 |
grazie | vrkhans: remove # from the universe repos lines | 05:58 |
vrkhans | ok | 05:58 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | grazie: what do you think i download that 7.04 that also give me the same problem | 06:01 |
grazie | vrkhans: dunno....most probably yes | 06:01 |
grazie | vrkhans: have you searched launchpad for your video card? | 06:02 |
vrkhans | grazie : which launchpad | 06:02 |
vrkhans | can i check now about my setting | 06:03 |
vrkhans | and make the same setting after installing 6.103 | 06:03 |
vrkhans | 6.10 | 06:03 |
vrkhans | like my video card and frame buffer | 06:03 |
grazie | vrkhans: >> https://launchpad.net/ | 06:03 |
unikum | !adesklets | 06:05 |
ubotu | adesklets: interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2 (edgy), package size 197 kB, installed size 544 kB | 06:05 |
grazie | vrkhans: do you mean upgrading to 6.10 with the same settings as you have now on 6.06? | 06:05 |
vrkhans | some reason firefox is not opening, giving error that it is already open. but it is not | 06:05 |
vrkhans | ya | 06:05 |
grazie | do you have enough disk space for another installation? | 06:06 |
vrkhans | may be that will solve the problem like which hardware driver, because 6.04 everything runs fine | 06:06 |
vrkhans | i men over write this current one but copy all the config files on a floopy and replace them after installing 6.10 | 06:07 |
grazie | i understand what you mean, but I don't think it would work | 06:08 |
vrkhans | hmm | 06:08 |
grazie | i woul,d make a separate installtion...just in case something goes wrong | 06:08 |
grazie | also you could download the 7.04 live cd and see if that has the same the same problem without installing | 06:09 |
vrkhans | grazie: can i ask where are you from | 06:09 |
vrkhans | :-) | 06:09 |
grazie | uk | 06:09 |
vrkhans | oh other wise i will bring my desktop to your place | 06:10 |
grazie | where abouts are you? | 06:10 |
vrkhans | I am in USA | 06:10 |
vrkhans | so too far | 06:10 |
vrkhans | :-) | 06:10 |
grazie | pop round :) | 06:10 |
vrkhans | i know | 06:10 |
vrkhans | notting i can do | 06:11 |
grazie | what was your video card? | 06:12 |
vrkhans | ya i check that in the xorg.conf file but that the right one, mga200 | 06:12 |
vrkhans | thats the chip i have , its an onbord card | 06:13 |
vrkhans | you told me to chage it to vesa , but that doest help either | 06:13 |
grazie | what does 'lspci | grep -i vga' output? | 06:14 |
vrkhans | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200 AGP (rev 03) | 06:16 |
vrkhans | it wont let me edit that file because its a read only (for eclipse)/etc/apt/sources.list | 06:18 |
grazie | vrkhans: you need sudo | 06:18 |
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grazie | vrkhans: there's a bug for that card on edgy, but the details are slightly different >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/edgy-backports/+bug/58721 | 06:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58721 in edgy-backports "Edgy upgrade breaks multiple Matrox cards" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 06:20 |
vrkhans | i did edit that file but still got this: sudo apt-get install eclipse | 06:22 |
vrkhans | Reading package lists... Done | 06:22 |
vrkhans | Building dependency tree... Done | 06:22 |
vrkhans | E: Couldn't find package eclipse | 06:22 |
grazie | vrkhans: did you 'sudo apt-get update' first? | 06:22 |
grazie | vrkhans: there's a workaround that I think may have solved your problem | 06:23 |
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vrkhans | no | 06:24 |
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vrkhans | ok | 06:24 |
vrkhans | i am doing that | 06:24 |
vrkhans | but i dont have this video card as pci its is onboard | 06:25 |
vrkhans | on the mother board | 06:25 |
grazie | your system thinks you have this device | 06:26 |
grazie | it doesn't need to be a pci card | 06:26 |
vrkhans | ok | 06:27 |
Jasperk | hey hi....someone...know some repository of driver's...??? | 06:27 |
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vrkhans | grazie: it seems like many people have problem with with card | 06:30 |
vrkhans | so how do we know that wether ubuntu fix this bug or not | 06:31 |
grazie | yes...it's a shame you went back to 6.06 so quickly | 06:31 |
vrkhans | :-) | 06:33 |
vrkhans | what option I have | 06:33 |
vrkhans | i am new | 06:33 |
grazie | do you really need 6.10? | 06:33 |
vrkhans | so guys cant able to help me | 06:33 |
vrkhans | I think It feel good that you are up to date | 06:34 |
vrkhans | but what we can do | 06:34 |
vrkhans | if you are not the only poor fellow | 06:34 |
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grazie | no not really....many people still prefer 6.06 over 6.10 | 06:35 |
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vrkhans | why | 06:36 |
=== maximusbrood [n=chatzill@a80-100-103-127.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maximusbrood | How would I disable the standard window manager (xfce) and just have a console window? | 06:36 |
reaVer | ctrl+alt+f1 | 06:37 |
reaVer | remove gdm from runlevel 2 | 06:37 |
grazie | vrkhans: because of problems like this....dapper has been tested more thoroughly than edgy | 06:37 |
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cellofellow | so, what's new? | 06:39 |
cellofellow | I have a little problem. I'd like my IDE ZIP disk to show on the XFCE desktop when a disk is inserted. I think I can configure HAL to do that. How though? | 06:40 |
maximusbrood | reaVer: And how would I remove gdm from runlevel 2 then? | 06:41 |
cellofellow | use sysv-rc-conf | 06:41 |
reaVer | rm /etc/rc2.d/gdm | 06:41 |
reaVer | or cellofellow's method | 06:41 |
cellofellow | simpler | 06:41 |
cellofellow | unless you need it quick | 06:41 |
vrkhans | gra | 06:42 |
cellofellow | anybody know how to configure HAL? | 06:42 |
maximusbrood | gdm isn't in /etc/rc2.d | 06:42 |
cellofellow | then use sysv-rc-conf | 06:42 |
cellofellow | !sysv-rc-conf | 06:42 |
ubotu | sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB | 06:42 |
maximusbrood | Okay, will do :) | 06:42 |
vrkhans | grazie: : how i can get the curent firefox because the one which is in 6.06 is 1.5 now fire fox have 2.0.02 is available for windows | 06:44 |
grazie | !mozilla-firefox | 06:45 |
ubotu | mozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 55 kB, installed size 116 kB | 06:45 |
cellofellow | use !firefox | 06:46 |
vrkhans | so i just need to go in synap and search for mozilla-firefox | 06:46 |
cellofellow | just run sudo apt-get install firefox | 06:46 |
grazie | !firefox | vrkhans | 06:46 |
ubotu | vrkhans: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 06:46 |
vrkhans | i know but its the old version | 06:46 |
vrkhans | not the most current one | 06:47 |
vrkhans | and some extension need the 2.0 | 06:47 |
cellofellow | !firefox edgy | 06:47 |
ubotu | firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 9009 kB, installed size 28608 kB | 06:47 |
grazie | cellofellow: can you get FF 2.0 on dapper from the repos? | 06:47 |
cellofellow | | 06:47 |
cellofellow | nope | 06:47 |
cellofellow | try swiftfox. I ran 2.0 on Dapper no problemo. | 06:48 |
vrkhans | ya but the one which is install by 6.06 is 1.5 | 06:48 |
cellofellow | getswiftfox.com | 06:48 |
cellofellow | ok | 06:48 |
cellofellow | I didn't realize you were using Dapper. | 06:48 |
grazie | vrkhans: do you follow? | 06:48 |
vrkhans | sorry: | 06:48 |
vrkhans | i dont get ? | 06:49 |
grazie | vrkhans: swiftfox is an optimised version of firefox | 06:49 |
cellofellow | works with extensions great | 06:49 |
grazie | vrkhans: you could also jsut install firefox .deb from the firefox website | 06:50 |
cellofellow | or manually download firefox 2 from packages.ubuntu.com | 06:50 |
grazie | firefire 1.5 is actually quicker than 2.0 | 06:51 |
grazie | firefox :) | 06:51 |
vrkhans | grazie which one you use | 06:51 |
vrkhans | swift or | 06:52 |
=== grazie uses opera :) | ||
vrkhans | why opera | 06:52 |
grazie | cos I like it | 06:52 |
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vrkhans | i use it long time ago | 06:52 |
vrkhans | grazie so i can not install firefox 2.0 in syanp | 06:53 |
vrkhans | i have to download it | 06:53 |
=== odat [n=house@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
grazie | for dapper yes | 06:54 |
odat | hi everyone | 06:54 |
grazie | when i use firefox or swiftfox the first thing I have to do is add plugins to make it llke opera! | 06:54 |
odat | my java firefox plugin was not installed | 06:54 |
odat | how do i create a symlink from my java to firefox? | 06:54 |
odat | how do i create a symlink? | 06:55 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ln -s /source/file /target/file | 06:56 |
odat | fuc*** | 07:00 |
odat | i can not get the java firefox plugin working | 07:00 |
odat | can anyone help? | 07:00 |
odat | dflkjadslfhadsjhfkjashdfkja | 07:03 |
odat | dshfasdjfhk;shadf | 07:03 |
odat | 'asdljfpkojasdhfka | 07:03 |
odat | asdfhkajsghdf;dsa | 07:03 |
odat | '[dasfhasLDfhdsa; | 07:03 |
odat | fklakl;bdf['kadf | 07:03 |
Grey_Loki | odat, shut up :) | 07:03 |
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frojnd | hello ! | 07:04 |
odat | sorry got really pissed for a second | 07:04 |
frojnd | how can I convince file browser to show hidden files? | 07:04 |
odat | i have absolutely no idea why firefox is not picking up java | 07:04 |
Grey_Loki | odat, put it into a notepad document, next time. | 07:04 |
Grey_Loki | frojnd, if you're using thunar, just press ctrl+H | 07:04 |
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MaximusBrood | Hello | 07:05 |
frojnd | Grey_Loki: the truth is I don't know what I am using :) | 07:05 |
frojnd | I just clicked file browser | 07:05 |
frojnd | in applications | 07:05 |
Grey_Loki | frojnd, well, if you're using XFCE, it's prolly thunar | 07:05 |
looping_ | odat: j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin | 07:06 |
odat | looping uhm no | 07:06 |
looping_ | why not? | 07:06 |
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MaximusBrood | I'm in need of a text-based task manager that is able to show processor usage. Is there one availible? | 07:06 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MaximusBrood: htop | 07:07 |
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MaximusBrood | Thank you | 07:07 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | np | 07:07 |
looping_ | odat: why not? | 07:07 |
odat | looping_, that is very very old | 07:08 |
looping_ | oops, yes. | 07:08 |
looping_ | 1.4 | 07:08 |
looping_ | sorry | 07:08 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | !info sun-java5-plugin | 07:10 |
ubotu | sun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB | 07:10 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | !info sun-java6-plugin feisty | 07:10 |
ubotu | sun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 72 kB | 07:10 |
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@adsl-215-238-227.kymp.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
frojnd | where is located firefox | 07:11 |
frojnd | if I installed it via apt | 07:11 |
frojnd | usually | 07:11 |
Grey_Loki | /usr/bin/firefox, I think | 07:12 |
Grey_Loki | Run slocate -vu, then slocate firefox | 07:12 |
Grey_Loki | Uhm | 07:12 |
Grey_Loki | sudo slocate -vu | 07:12 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | `which firefox` will show where the executable is. | 07:12 |
grazie | 'which firefox' is more efficient I think | 07:12 |
odat | it worked on every other machine i installed it in except this one | 07:13 |
odat | then what | 07:13 |
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frojnd | ok I will ask something similar: where are located bookmarks of firefox | 07:15 |
=== Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-225-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
frojnd | couse I wanna import bookmarks that I used on kubuntu | 07:16 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: ~/.mozilla/firefox/[your profile number] / | 07:17 |
TheSheep_ | it's usually a file called bookmarks.html | 07:18 |
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house_ | hello everyone | 07:23 |
house_ | i have the java firefox plugins installed but firefox isn't seeing them | 07:23 |
=== Maximilian1st [n=maximili@212-41-68-142.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
house_ | anyone? | 07:26 |
TheSheep_ | house_: which plugins exactly? | 07:27 |
TheSheep_ | house_: and do you have firefox installed from the ubuntu or from some other source? | 07:27 |
house_ | all my plugins show up and work except for java | 07:27 |
house_ | the java plugin/symlink are in there though | 07:28 |
house_ | firefox from ubuntu | 07:28 |
TheSheep_ | house_: is it the sun-java-plugin or any other? | 07:28 |
house_ | i'm more than sure everything is where it is supposed to be | 07:29 |
TheSheep_ | house_: is it a 64 bit system? | 07:30 |
house_ | no | 07:30 |
frojnd | how can I rename xorg.conf.backup files into xorg.conf | 07:31 |
frojnd | rn xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 07:31 |
TheSheep_ | frojnd: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:31 |
TheSheep_ | frojnd: or just run 'gksu Thunar' | 07:32 |
frojnd | oh my | 07:35 |
frojnd | I' ve done terrible mistake | 07:35 |
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frojnd | instead to copy xorg.conf.backup in to /media/sda2/etc/X11/ where is my other disto I copyed it into /etc/X11 :S | 07:36 |
TheSheep_ | frojnd: just run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and it will autodetect the settings... | 07:36 |
=== Danila [n=Danila@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Sultanovich [n=sultan@host10.201-253-181.telecom.net.ar] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Danila | Hi, it's my first time I use IRC and log in to xubuntu channel. I am a new ubuntu user and would be glad if and of you can tell where can I get online help regarding the installation of wireless connection. | 07:42 |
TheSheep_ | !wifi | Danila | 07:43 |
ubotu | Danila: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:43 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: here you go :) | 07:43 |
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TheSheep_ | Danila: ask if you have any problems | 07:43 |
Danila | :) Thanks, I already have been there, but couldn't solve problem | 07:43 |
TheSheep_ | I'm generally very weak with wifi, but maybe others will be able to help | 07:44 |
Danila | Is there any IRC channel specially dedicated to wireless problems, or is this channel the only one? | 07:44 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: you can also ask on #ubuntu, it's much more busy, more people -- and xubutu is very similar to ubuntu under the hood | 07:45 |
Danila | Thanks TheSheep : ) | 07:45 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: you can also try searching http://forums.ubuntu.com for your specific problem -- chances are someone had a similar one] | 07:45 |
=== pzler [n=wouter@cp106655-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Danila | I did so : ) Will try to get help on ubuntu channel | 07:46 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: there shouls be more people here soon too, you can try describing your problem | 07:47 |
TheSheep_ | should | 07:47 |
Danila | Thanks again | 07:47 |
=== odat [n=house@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
odat | hi everyone | 07:48 |
odat | what do the red x's mean | 07:48 |
odat | i have plugins and or symlinks that have red x's on them | 07:48 |
BFTD | GOLD!!! | 07:48 |
BFTD | "dig here" | 07:48 |
Grey_Loki | They can also mean that you don't have the permissions to access whatever plugin or symlink the file points to. | 07:49 |
TheSheep_ | BFTD: behave | 07:49 |
TheSheep_ | odat: where do you have them? | 07:49 |
Grey_Loki | So the file was created by root, but you're browsing as an unpriviledged user | 07:49 |
TheSheep_ | odat: in what application? in Thunar? | 07:49 |
odat | TheSheep_, in thunar | 07:49 |
odat | ? | 07:51 |
=== NkuMike [n=Mike@nr3-66-42-230-157.fuse.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
TheSheep_ | odat: Grey_Loki is probably right :) | 07:51 |
TheSheep_ | odat: it can also mean a symlink to a non-existing file | 07:51 |
Grey_Loki | Probably!? | 07:51 |
=== Grey_Loki is ALWAYS right! | ||
Grey_Loki | :P | 07:51 |
TheSheep_ | Grey_Loki: sure, just not always in *this* universe ;) | 07:52 |
NkuMike | hey can someone tell me what i should set up if I want to be able to access my files from school? SSH VNC FTP!? I am behind a router and don't have a static ip from my isp if this helps | 07:52 |
odat | Grey_Loki, ok how do i make them accesible by everyone | 07:52 |
Grey_Loki | TheSheep_, just because I think outside the box :( | 07:52 |
Grey_Loki | odat, you can use chmod | 07:52 |
TheSheep_ | NkuMike: no static ip makes it pretty hard | 07:52 |
Grey_Loki | But be careful with it | 07:52 |
odat | Grey_Loki, ok how do i do it' | 07:52 |
TheSheep_ | odat: wait, wait, what kind of plugins? | 07:53 |
Grey_Loki | odat, I think it's something like sudo chmod (octal permission) (file) | 07:53 |
NkuMike | What about those free dns services that say they like track your ip and you just put in a url? | 07:53 |
Grey_Loki | But pay more attention to TheSheep_ | 07:53 |
odat | TheSheep_, java plugins | 07:53 |
TheSheep_ | NkuMike: no experience with them | 07:53 |
TheSheep_ | odat: for firefox? | 07:53 |
=== aoupi [n=aoupi@c-b764e253.357-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu | ||
NkuMike | oh ok | 07:53 |
odat | TheSheep_, yea | 07:53 |
Grey_Loki | NkuMike, those need a router that can tell the DNS service that the router's WAN IP has changed. | 07:53 |
TheSheep_ | odat: so it's probably a symlink to a non-existing file | 07:54 |
odat | TheSheep_, that is not it the file exist | 07:54 |
aoupi | in the OSX terminal I can scroll in a ssh screen session, but I can't in the xfce terminal, is there some terminal that'll let me scroll? | 07:54 |
TheSheep_ | odat: at exactly the same path? | 07:54 |
NkuMike | well some of them install a program on the computer, I thought that was what would update the dns service | 07:55 |
odat | TheSheep_, yes | 07:55 |
aoupi | NkuMike: I just joined, are you talking about services like no-ip.com? | 07:55 |
NkuMike | hold on let me see | 07:56 |
aoupi | if soo, you can install no-ip | 07:57 |
NkuMike | its like this place http://freedns.afraid.org/ which offers it for free | 07:57 |
NkuMike | all I want to do is be able to get my files from school or work, there is no easy way to do that? | 07:58 |
aoupi | NkuMike: no-ip is also free unless you want their other services | 07:58 |
aoupi | I use it and it has been working really good for over 3 years | 07:58 |
NkuMike | oh ok so can you explain what u do? what service do you set up on your computer? | 07:59 |
aoupi | I just apt-get install no-ip | 07:59 |
aoupi | then run no-ip -C | 07:59 |
aoupi | but you must register on no-ip.com first | 07:59 |
NkuMike | alright | 08:00 |
NkuMike | aoupi: So once you have that set up how do you connect to the computer? | 08:03 |
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aoupi | ssh and http | 08:03 |
aoupi | do you have a webserver running? | 08:03 |
NkuMike | no | 08:03 |
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aoupi | how do you want to get the files? | 08:04 |
cellofellow | try lighttpd first, and then apache if lighttpd doesn't cut it. | 08:04 |
aoupi | ^ yes | 08:04 |
cellofellow | gftp is a good little FTP client that works with sftp (ssh_ | 08:05 |
cellofellow | ) | 08:05 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
NkuMike | if I install the lighttpd and run it then do I just enter the url that I got from no-ip ? | 08:05 |
cellofellow | yeah | 08:05 |
TheSheep_ | WInScp if you have windows on the other box... | 08:05 |
vrkhans | i am using Tvtime | 08:05 |
Grey_Loki | WinSCP3++ | 08:05 |
aoupi | transmit is good on OSX | 08:06 |
cellofellow | you may need to set up an update client for no-ip. I use ddclient with dyndns.com | 08:06 |
cellofellow | WinSCP rocks. uses MC's keys. | 08:06 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: you're using feisty? | 08:06 |
cellofellow | edgy. | 08:06 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: you are using feisty right? | 08:06 |
vrkhans | but the problem is on the left side there are many horizontal lines , not on the whole screen just on the left side . | 08:06 |
cellofellow | maybe it's a refresh rate setting | 08:07 |
vrkhans | does any one know how to get a clear picture without those lines | 08:07 |
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=== odat [n=house@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cellofellow | vrkhans: what's the refresh rate? | 08:07 |
odat | ok java firefox plugin just doesn't work | 08:07 |
odat | period | 08:07 |
cellofellow | one sec odat | 08:08 |
odat | works on every other system i've put it on just not this one | 08:08 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: yes | 08:08 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: it just erased my config files two days ago :E | 08:08 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: do you have the newest updates installed? | 08:08 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: yes | 08:09 |
vrkhans | cellofellow: are you telling me to set the refresh rate | 08:09 |
cellofellow | yeah | 08:09 |
hyper_ch | does the xfce start menu also disappear for you? | 08:09 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: no 'start', but the desktop menu survived :) | 08:09 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: well, I keep adding now the Xfce Menu but it keeps disappearing | 08:10 |
hyper_ch | just wanted to check if that's another bug | 08:10 |
=== TheSheep_ tries | ||
cellofellow | odat: run `file /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin.so` | 08:10 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: when it disappears? | 08:10 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: I don't know... it just keeps disappearing after a while | 08:11 |
hyper_ch | I've added it at least 5x today already | 08:11 |
cellofellow | odat: (java 6 or java 5?) | 08:11 |
=== TheSheep_ tries to relog | ||
cellofellow | hyper_ch: TheSheep_: can we do that in #xubuntu-devel ? | 08:11 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: sure | 08:12 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: hm... didn't disappear | 08:12 |
cellofellow | odat: you there? | 08:12 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: it started for me to do so today | 08:12 |
hyper_ch | xfburn - can it only burn cds? | 08:13 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: do you have a weird colored strip at the left side of the menu when you open it? | 08:13 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: no | 08:13 |
TheSheep_ | funny | 08:13 |
hyper_ch | I added not through right-clikc --> add items --> Xfce Menu | 08:13 |
hyper_ch | and that also keeps disappearing | 08:14 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: maybe it crashes on your menu for some reason :/ | 08:14 |
aoupi | how stupid would it be to put my home on a usb stick? | 08:14 |
Grey_Loki | aoupi, not that stupid - a few people do it | 08:14 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: but shouldn't the whole taskbar then crash? | 08:14 |
aoupi | Grey_Loki: that means it'll work, good | 08:15 |
TheSheep_ | hyper_ch: no, it was changed from 4.2 -- not all panel plugins work in the panel process, some (the less stable ones) work as separate ones | 08:15 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: ok... | 08:15 |
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cellofellow | !mp3 | 08:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:19 |
cellofellow | sorry, needed the link. | 08:19 |
TheSheep_ | cellofellow: you can also /msg the bot :) | 08:19 |
cellofellow | oh, yeah. forgot | 08:20 |
Grey_Loki | TheSheep_, mind if I PM you about something? | 08:21 |
TheSheep_ | Grey_Loki: you don;t need to ask | 08:22 |
Grey_Loki | TheSheep_, 's good manners, I think :P | 08:23 |
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Grey_Loki | TheSheep_, aha. Just realised that PMs are being blocked at the moment | 08:25 |
Grey_Loki | Gotta register :S | 08:25 |
TheSheep_ | Grey_Loki: or come to a new channel | 08:26 |
Grey_Loki | Alright - #sheepmessage :P | 08:26 |
=== aorith [n=manu@217.Red-88-21-86.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
aorith | can i configure multimedia keys in xfce like in gnome? | 08:28 |
aoupi | aorith: I use xbindkeys, it works pretty good, use xbindkeys-config to set it up | 08:29 |
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=== MikeC2 [n=mikec@cpe-76-186-148-47.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
BFTD | how do i get a new login? | 08:36 |
BFTD | or how do i login as another user without logging out of this one? | 08:36 |
TheSheep_ | BFTD: there was a menu entry for that, let me look | 08:36 |
TheSheep_ | BFTD: you can also use xnest to do it in a window :) | 08:36 |
MikeC2 | Heya, how do I reditect hardware? I cloned a pc to another (same hardware config) it seems to need a refresh however | 08:37 |
BlueEagle | mikec2: redetect it? What's not working? | 08:37 |
MikeC2 | sound and network | 08:37 |
MikeC2 | they are identical PCs however :| | 08:37 |
BlueEagle | mikec2: do they show up on lspci? | 08:38 |
BlueEagle | mikec2: or lsusb if they are usb devices? | 08:38 |
MikeC2 | let me check | 08:38 |
BlueEagle | mikec2: When cloning systems borking on the /dev directory is very very easy to do. | 08:38 |
TheSheep_ | MikeC2: remove /etc/iftab | 08:39 |
MikeC2 | and it will redetect the hardware? | 08:41 |
MikeC2 | It shows the ethernet controller, not sure about the sound | 08:41 |
MikeC2 | unless its on the chipset or something of that nature... | 08:41 |
TheSheep_ | MikeC2: are the boxes identical? | 08:43 |
MikeC2 | indeed | 08:44 |
TheSheep_ | hmm... then the sound *should* work | 08:44 |
TheSheep_ | maybe clearing the /tmp directory and restart would help :/ | 08:44 |
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-213-168-121-159.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu | ||
TheSheep_ | or the /var/lock/ ... | 08:45 |
TheSheep_ | hi kalikiana | 08:45 |
TheSheep_ | kalikiana: thank you for all the fish | 08:45 |
aorith | aoupi thx, finally i use keytouch works better for me | 08:46 |
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kalikiana | TheSheep_, all the fish? | 08:47 |
TheSheep_ | especially the cat ones | 08:47 |
kalikiana | I'm glad you like it. *g | 08:48 |
kalikiana | You don't by chance have an example of drag'n drop implementation? | 08:48 |
TheSheep_ | kalikiana: I think there is one in the pygtk faq | 08:48 |
kalikiana | Hm... let me have a second look. | 08:49 |
TheSheep_ | kalikiana: I played with it a little when I tried to make thunar-like gestures for my web browser :) | 08:49 |
=== lypsis [n=lypsis@pD9E1E96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Sultanovich | who can reinstall virtualbox in xubuntu 6.10? | 08:51 |
Sultanovich | this file is corrupted | 08:51 |
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TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: sudo apt-get --reinstall install virtualbox | 08:52 |
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Sultanovich | y proved in this moment | 08:53 |
TheSheep_ | kalikiana: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq23.031.htp | 08:53 |
BlueEagle | thesheep_: I assume by "remove" you actually mean "move /etc/iftab to /etc/iftab.bak", right? | 08:54 |
kalikiana | TheSheep_, I found it already, but thank you. :) | 08:54 |
TheSheep_ | BlueEagle: yes, good idea, although that particular file is not really needed if you only have one network card | 08:54 |
Sultanovich | i can't reinstall | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | this is te prompt | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | root@aco-linux:/home/sevor/instalables# sudo apt-get --reinstall install virtualbox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_edgy_i386.deb | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | Creando rbol de dependencias | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | Leyendo informacin de estado... Hecho | 08:55 |
Sultanovich | E: El paquete virtualbox necesita ser reinstalado, pero no se encuentra un archivo para ste. | 08:55 |
TheSheep_ | !pastebin | Sultanovich | 08:56 |
ubotu | Sultanovich: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:56 |
=== j1mc [n=jimbabwe@adsl-75-22-225-51.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Grey_Loki | !sp | Sultanovich ? | 08:57 |
ubotu | sultanovich ?: sp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB | 08:57 |
Sultanovich | sorry y don't now this is bad | 08:57 |
=== Grey_Loki blinks | ||
TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: do 'sudo apt-get update' first | 08:58 |
Sultanovich | ubotu: i don undertand | 08:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i don undertand - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:58 |
TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: that's a bot, ingonre it ;) | 08:58 |
Sultanovich | sudo apt-get update finish | 08:58 |
TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: I just wanted to give you an url to the pastebin, so that you don;t have to paste text into the channel | 08:59 |
Sultanovich | sorry, not repite any more | 08:59 |
TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: that's ok, it's just more comfortable that way | 09:01 |
MikeC2 | ok, one rig cloned perfect, network and sound work, this other, I got the network working via rming the iftab, now how to redetect sound? | 09:02 |
Sultanovich | somebody speak spanish? | 09:02 |
TheSheep_ | !sp | 09:03 |
ubotu | sp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB | 09:03 |
TheSheep_ | ah | 09:04 |
grazie | !es | 09:04 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:04 |
TheSheep_ | Sultanovich: that explains why Grey_Loki did that :) | 09:04 |
TheSheep_ | grazie: thanks :) | 09:04 |
=== TheSheep_ <-- retard | ||
=== Grey_Loki grins | ||
Grey_Loki | There there, TheSheep_ - don't feel bad :) | 09:04 |
Grey_Loki | Hrmz | 09:04 |
Grey_Loki | Seems that KDE has crashed | 09:04 |
=== TheSheep_ goes to stand in a corner | ||
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=== grazie doesn't think so | ||
cellofellow | TheSheep_: Do you know how to set the GTK iconset the old-fashioned way? | 09:05 |
TheSheep_ | cellofellow: elaborate? | 09:05 |
cellofellow | I have Fluxbox, instead of XFCE, and the icon theme I picked in XFCE doesn't load in Fluxbox, cause XFCE sets its own settings instead of the system settings. (does the same thing for GTK themes too.) So, what's the non-XFCE way? | 09:06 |
=== arnor [i=Arnor@ltc56-1-82-246-54-125.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
arnor | hello World! | 09:07 |
TheSheep_ | cellofellow: no idea | 09:07 |
Sultanovich | I can't uninstall virtualbox. Can i delete folder of virtualbox with my hands? | 09:08 |
cellofellow | did GTK not have icon themes before XFCE? | 09:08 |
cellofellow | and GNOME | 09:08 |
toulouse | hey, im looking for an OS X like dock for xfce, is there such thing? | 09:08 |
cellofellow | none I know of. You can put the bottom panel to be big and centered and it looks like. | 09:08 |
cellofellow | adesklets YAB (Yet Another Bar) looks good too. | 09:09 |
toulouse | kiba dock looks sweet, but its kde i believe | 09:09 |
toulouse | ok, i'll check that out | 09:09 |
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cellofellow | kxdocker rocks on kde. | 09:09 |
=== arnor [i=Arnor@ltc56-1-82-246-54-125.fbx.proxad.net] has left #xubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
TheSheep_ | there was that cairo demo porgram, but it wasn't relly function -- still pretty :) | 09:10 |
MikeC2 | Trying to redetect a sound card in xubuntu, whats the xubuntu equal of alsa config? | 09:10 |
=== cellofellow wants to know too. | ||
grazie | I think SAM linux has extended cairo and called it wbar...not certain about that though | 09:11 |
cellofellow | toulouse left anyway | 09:11 |
grazie | must be really keen | 09:12 |
TheSheep_ | MikeC2: I think that ubuntu uses alsa too | 09:14 |
TheSheep_ | ah, there was that physics engine demo too :) | 09:15 |
TheSheep_ | with jumping icons and stuff ;) | 09:15 |
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Danila | Hi everybody. Sorry for stupid question, I am new ubuntu user. Triying to set up wireless internet connection. Are "domain name" and "search domains" fields that are found in "network manager" program necessary? | 09:29 |
Danila | Anybody? | 09:32 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: no, I think they are used to 'complete' the domain names if you only specify the first part of the name | 09:33 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: for example, we have a server called atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl, but I can type just 'atos' because I have 'wmid.amu.edu.pl' in the serach domains | 09:33 |
cellofellow | yeah, that's cool | 09:34 |
TheSheep_ | otherwise typing the IP would be faster ;) | 09:34 |
cellofellow | my LAN is .local and it's in the search domains and | 09:34 |
TheSheep_ | unless it's ipv6 ;) | 09:34 |
cellofellow | IPv6 is weird. I never see it except lying around the config stuff, doing nothing. | 09:34 |
TheSheep_ | cellofellow: it's obligatory in Japan | 09:35 |
TheSheep_ | cellofellow: no ipv4 there | 09:35 |
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=== ed62 [n=Gest@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-142-100.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ed62 | hey all | 09:41 |
TheSheep_ | hi ed62 | 09:41 |
=== Blaaskaas [n=blaaskaa@a80-126-41-9.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Blaaskaas | Hi | 09:44 |
=== looping2 [n=cybertoo@ARennes-352-1-64-223.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Blaaskaas | I have a question | 09:44 |
Blaaskaas | One day when I was using my computer, the panels on the top of my screen and at the bottom of my screen were gone | 09:44 |
Blaaskaas | They were just gone | 09:44 |
Blaaskaas | I can't find them anywhere | 09:44 |
Blaaskaas | What do I need to do to get my panels back? | 09:45 |
Danila | TheSheep_, sorry, didn't get the answer. Have too little knowledge. I use wireless modem (US Robotix) and Wireless USB stick. When I enter in my browser I see configuration window of my modem. There I can see the information about my ISP ( such as -myusername-@ttnet.net ). Is "ttnet.net" the "domain name" which I should enter in "network manager" program? I guess not, because as I know firstly my linux should connect to wireless modem and th | 09:45 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: your text got cut off at " my linux should connect to wireless modem and th" | 09:46 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: afaik the domain name and search domains fields are optional | 09:47 |
Danila | I guess not, because as I know firstly my linux should connect to wireless modem and then my modem will do other things for me (such as using the saved -myusername-@ttnet.net record). So can "domain name" and "search domains" fields be empty? Will I be able to make wireless internet connection witthout them? | 09:47 |
Danila | ok | 09:47 |
Danila | thank you | 09:47 |
ed62 | Is there a french channel ? | 09:47 |
TheSheep_ | !fr | 09:48 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:48 |
ed62 | thks ! :d | 09:48 |
Danila | One more question: when I write "lshw" command I see that my wireless network (eth1) is disabled. I try to enable it via "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" but get the "connection timed out" | 09:49 |
Danila | Is there any way I can enable wireless network? | 09:49 |
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kupo | Danila: what is your networks essid? | 09:53 |
kupo | you probably want to go 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' | 09:54 |
Danila | my essid is USR9110 | 09:54 |
kupo | then 'iwconfig eth1 essid USR9110' | 09:54 |
kupo | then 'dhclient3 eth1 | 09:54 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: are you sure it's not your wired card? | 09:54 |
kupo | sorry Danila put sudo in front of those last two commands also | 09:55 |
Danila | TheSheep_ Wired card? No. It is USB Adapter | 09:56 |
TheSheep_ | ah, ok | 09:56 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: as I said, not much experience :) | 09:56 |
TheSheep_ | Danila: you're probably better off with kupo | 09:57 |
Danila | :) Thank you TheSheep_ | 09:58 |
=== JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-222.cbn.net.id] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Danila | kupo Thank you. At the moment talking with you on windows, will try your suggestions on linux and come back. And do you know how can I make my essid permanent? I set it, and see that it is set via iwconfig But after some time it dissapears | 10:03 |
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kupo | Danila: when do you notice it dissapears | 10:06 |
kupo | oh i'm lagging bad | 10:08 |
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kupo | oh she left | 10:14 |
TheSheep_ | she'll be back soon | 10:15 |
TheSheep_ | (why "she" btw?) | 10:15 |
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kupo | oh seemed like a girl speaking | 10:17 |
kupo | now that you mention it not sure | 10:17 |
TheSheep_ | :) | 10:17 |
TheSheep_ | the first feeling is usually right though | 10:17 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | how i can install realplayer | 10:18 |
kupo | when it comes back tell it that you can set essid on boot in | 10:18 |
kupo | when it comes back tell it that you can set essid on boot in [#xubuntu] when it comes back tell it that you can set essid on boot in | 10:18 |
kupo | /etc/network/interfaces | 10:18 |
TheSheep_ | ok, thanks | 10:19 |
TheSheep_ | you can also make iwconfig connect to the first essid it sees | 10:19 |
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TheSheep_ | maxamillion: \o/ | 10:20 |
maxamillion | hi hi | 10:21 |
maxamillion | TheSheep_: how have things been around here lately? | 10:21 |
vrkhans | hi maxamillion | 10:21 |
maxamillion | hello vrkhans, how are you today? | 10:21 |
TheSheep_ | no idea, I had poor connectivity for the last few days | 10:21 |
vrkhans | fine | 10:21 |
vrkhans | fail to install 6.10 | 10:21 |
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cellofellow | vrkhans: whatever was wrong? | 10:22 |
=== vleon [n=vleo@bzq-88-152-193-69.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vleon | ihave two questions, one is xubntuu and the other relates to all *ubuntu versions | 10:23 |
Danila | kupo I tried your commands. sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "USR9110" was ok. | 10:23 |
vrkhans | hey maxamillion: which site you showed me for how to realplayer install | 10:23 |
Danila | When I tiped iwconfig I saw that my essid was set correctly | 10:24 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: oh that's right ... when you boot linux do you see the GRUB menu before it does the "signal not found" thing? | 10:24 |
vleon | 1) how do i configure the keybord languages and their chnaging sequence in xfce? | 10:24 |
maxamillion | Danila: so "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" to see if you're is even in range | 10:24 |
Danila | But "sudo dhclient3 eth1" was problematic | 10:24 |
vleon | 2) how do i make a sound blaster 16 card to run on *ubuntu | 10:24 |
vrkhans | maxa | 10:24 |
vrkhans | maxamillion: ya | 10:25 |
vrkhans | i can login in as root too in the other mode | 10:25 |
Danila | I got SIOCSIFFLAGS: "Connection Timed Out" and "network is down" messages | 10:25 |
vrkhans | but after that dont know how to fix it | 10:25 |
vrkhans | so i just came back to my 6.06 | 10:26 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: ok, does it list more than one kernel? (it normally keeps the old one as a backup to boot) | 10:26 |
vrkhans | yaa | 10:26 |
vrkhans | I tried all of them | 10:26 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: oh, you just went back to 6.06? .... well, i guess atleast its working | 10:26 |
Danila | maxamillion my network is disabled, I am trying to enable it. | 10:26 |
vrkhans | none of them work, may be becase the configuration file are overwriten | 10:26 |
Danila | I am in range, because I can connect to network in Windows, bt I can not in ubuntu | 10:27 |
maxamillion | Danila: oh ... "sudo ifup eth1" | 10:27 |
vrkhans | ya no choice | 10:27 |
vrkhans | what i can do | 10:27 |
vrkhans | i dont know where is the problem | 10:27 |
vrkhans | and dont know what to fix | 10:27 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: you can backup the data and then download the 6.10 installation iso image .... more people have success with that, there were alot of issues with the upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 on all the ubuntu flavors | 10:28 |
Danila | maxamillion I tried ifconfig eth1 up and got "SIOCSFFLAGS: Connection Timed Out " message | 10:28 |
maxamillion | Danila: that's different | 10:28 |
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Danila | maxamillion I will try it, thanks | 10:29 |
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maxamillion | np | 10:29 |
vrkhans | I know i tried it before like a fresh install but after that loading sign of xubuntu first appear pretty dim and then no signal found appear | 10:29 |
grazie | vrkhans: did your read that bug report? >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/edgy-backports/+bug/58721 | 10:30 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58721 in edgy-backports "Edgy upgrade breaks multiple Matrox cards" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 10:30 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: strange... it might be you xorg config putting syncs out of range .. | 10:30 |
vleon | i have two questions, one is xubntuu and the other relates to all *ubuntu versions 1) how do i configure the keybord languages and their chnaging sequence in xfce? 2) how do i make a sound blaster 16 card to run on *ubuntu | 10:30 |
vrkhans | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200 AGP (rev 03) | 10:30 |
grazie | vrkhans: you problem looks fixed in feisty and there's a backport for edgy | 10:30 |
vrkhans | this is my vga card | 10:30 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: oh ... huh | 10:30 |
vrkhans | and i heard lot of problem about it | 10:31 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: yeah, you might just wait for feisty, its out in about a month | 10:31 |
vrkhans | hmm, i wish | 10:31 |
vrkhans | they work on my card | 10:31 |
vrkhans | and clear those bugs | 10:31 |
vrkhans | grazie: thats what i am telling maxamillion | 10:32 |
vrkhans | hey guys i lost all my links too which you guys told me about how to install the realplayer , can you guys tell me one more time | 10:33 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: yeah, just a moment | 10:34 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.29 | 10:34 |
vrkhans | thanks | 10:35 |
=== huntingowl [n=waldo@cpe-76-184-104-248.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | np | 10:36 |
huntingowl | Yo | 10:36 |
vrkhans | hey do you guys know any good replacement for wintv | 10:36 |
huntingowl | How's everyone tonight? | 10:36 |
huntingowl | I have run into a bit of a problem | 10:36 |
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cellofellow | I have SWAT installed on my server, but I forgot how to access it. | 10:37 |
hyper_ch | !swat | 10:37 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 10:37 |
huntingowl | I'd like to install Firefox 2 on Dapper Drake | 10:38 |
Danila | maxamillion I typed "sudo ifup eth1" and got the following message: "interface eth1 already configured". Bu my wireless network is still disabled . Any idea? | 10:38 |
huntingowl | Synaptics only lists 1.5.x | 10:38 |
maxamillion | Danila: huh ... uhmmm, just a moment | 10:38 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: could it be port 8001? | 10:38 |
huntingowl | what's the best way to do this? | 10:39 |
cellofellow | it's port 9** something like that. | 10:39 |
hyper_ch | 933? | 10:39 |
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hyper_ch | 9001? | 10:39 |
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cellofellow | I thought it was 939 but that no worky | 10:40 |
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vrkhans | does gaim support voice and video | 10:41 |
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huntingowl | Hello? | 10:41 |
cellofellow | vrkhans: no | 10:41 |
vrkhans | cellofellow: any other option then | 10:41 |
cellofellow | PhoneGaim is a VoIP program, as is Ekiga. | 10:41 |
maxamillion | Danila: have you checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ? | 10:41 |
maxamillion | Danila: alot of really good information there | 10:42 |
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huntingowl | Cananyone recieve this? I just installed XChat and I'm not sure if its working correctly | 10:43 |
vleon | i have two questions, one is xubntuu and the other relates to all *ubuntu versions 1) how do i configure the keybord languages and their chnaging sequence in xfce? 2) how do i make a sound blaster 16 card to run on *ubuntu | 10:43 |
maxamillion | huntingowl: yes, it is | 10:43 |
huntingowl | Groovy. :D | 10:43 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | any good multi messenger client, which support voice and video | 10:44 |
huntingowl | Does anyone know how I might best install Firefox 2? | 10:44 |
maxamillion | vleon: 1) i'm not really sure .... 2) check this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth | 10:44 |
vleon | thanks | 10:45 |
huntingowl | I downloaded the tarball from Mozilla.org...but I'm thinking theremust be a better way | 10:45 |
maxamillion | huntingowl: if you are running 6.10 then it is installed, otherwise check to see if there is a backport of it | 10:45 |
maxamillion | vleon: anytime | 10:45 |
huntingowl | Where do I look for that? | 10:45 |
maxamillion | !backports | huntingowl | 10:45 |
ubotu | huntingowl: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 10:45 |
huntingowl | thanks | 10:46 |
vleon | umm maxamillion it doesnt help me :/ im talking about the old sound blaster 16 card | 10:46 |
maxamillion | vleon: ohhhh .... uhmmm | 10:46 |
maxamillion | !sound | vleon | 10:46 |
ubotu | vleon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:46 |
vleon | thanks | 10:47 |
maxamillion | np | 10:47 |
maxamillion | !botsnack | 10:47 |
ubotu | Yum! | 10:47 |
maxamillion | good ubotu | 10:47 |
j1mc | !botsnack | maxamillion | 10:48 |
ubotu | maxamillion: Yum! | 10:48 |
j1mc | um, that's kind of weird. | 10:48 |
j1mc | it sounds like ubotu just ate maxamillion | 10:48 |
j1mc | but now i know how to have ubutu say something to someone else. | 10:49 |
Danila | maxamillion I did. I know these is a solution for my problem somewhere on internet/forums. From what I read on forums and wifi troubleshooting I couldn't find the solution, and it is more difficult for me because i have just installed ubuntu/linux three days ago, it first time in my life : ) | 10:49 |
maxamillion | j1mc: lol | 10:49 |
j1mc | :) | 10:49 |
maxamillion | Danila: ah ... yes, that can make things a little more difficult | 10:49 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
j1mc | Danila, i'm glad to see you giving things a try, though. :) you will get it! | 10:50 |
vleon | thanks maxamillion you solved my problem! :) | 10:50 |
Danila | j1mc thanks, hope so | 10:50 |
Stormx2 | What are the recommended specs for CPU/RAM for running xubuntu 6.10? | 10:50 |
huntingowl | thanks | 10:51 |
huntingowl | I don't think this computer has the horsepower for 6.10 | 10:51 |
maxamillion | vleon: np, anytime :) | 10:51 |
huntingowl | so this is good. :D | 10:51 |
j1mc | Stormx2, To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM to run or 192 MB RAM to install. The Alternate Install CD only required you to have 64 MB RAM. | 10:51 |
j1mc | To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk. | 10:51 |
j1mc | Once installed, Xubuntu can run with 64 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to use at least 128 MB RAM. | 10:51 |
hyper_ch | so, another bug report filed | 10:51 |
maxamillion | Stormx2: www.xubuntu.org/get | 10:51 |
maxamillion | Stormx2: that site lists the minimal, but i recommend 256mb of ram and roughly 350MHz (thats just a personal recommendation for good performance) | 10:52 |
Danila | maxamillion, do you know if I should set up wireless address such as 00:14:xx:xx:etc manually to set up the network, or if it will be determined automaticly by ubuntu when it connects with wireless modem via ip/gateway | 10:54 |
huntingowl | I'm looking at the backports list | 10:54 |
huntingowl | I don't see Firefox 2. :( | 10:54 |
Danila | maxamillion Or can it be the raeason why the network is disabled? Should I firstly look for commands that will help to enable it? | 10:55 |
Danila | huntingowl I didn't use firefox, but I use opera and it is fine : ) Maybe you should try it | 10:55 |
j1mc | Danila, have you checked out the ubuntu wireless troubleshooting guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide | 10:56 |
maxamillion | Danila: that looks like the MAC address, which is burnt into the hardware and can't be altered without some spoof hacking | 10:56 |
maxamillion | !mac | 10:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:56 |
maxamillion | bah | 10:56 |
j1mc | Danila, in my experience, i haven't needed the mac address if i have the AP name. maxamillion has that been your experience, too? | 10:57 |
huntingowl | gotta bail | 10:57 |
huntingowl | Later. :D | 10:57 |
Danila | j1mc is AP name = essid? | 10:58 |
j1mc | Danila, yes. :) | 10:58 |
maxamillion | j1mc: yes | 10:58 |
Danila | j1mc :) thanks, you will find much opportunity to laugh with me | 10:59 |
j1mc | :) | 10:59 |
maxamillion | no no ... no laughing, everyone starts somewhere | 10:59 |
Danila | I love people laughing :) | 11:00 |
maxamillion | well ok | 11:00 |
j1mc | and he said, "laughing with me," not "laughing at me." :) it's ok to laugh with someone. :) | 11:01 |
maxamillion | ohhhh | 11:02 |
maxamillion | rgr | 11:02 |
=== maxamillion can't read apparently | ||
vrkhans | hey maxamillion: how can i get rid of Mozilla browser because i have tow browser, I just need firefox to be my default browser | 11:02 |
hyper_ch | vrkhans: remove the packages mozilla-browser | 11:03 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: what hyper_ch said :) | 11:03 |
vrkhans | actually i tried that but i just install openoffice and it says if i remove mozilla openoffice will be removed too | 11:04 |
vrkhans | in syanp | 11:04 |
hyper_ch | vrkhans: hmm, you could try it in a terminal | 11:04 |
=== Web [n=Web@ip1-197-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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vrkhans | hyper_ch: what is the terminal command to remove | 11:06 |
vrkhans | purge or ... | 11:06 |
Web | Hi, can i install nl@euro from the locales or is it all utf-8 ? | 11:06 |
hyper_ch | vrkhans: sudo apt-get remove --purge mozilla-browser | 11:06 |
hyper_ch | (I think) | 11:06 |
vrkhans | thnaks | 11:07 |
hyper_ch | does it still want to remove OOo? | 11:07 |
vrkhans | let me check | 11:07 |
Danila | Well, I can get essid name (although it is not permament and dissapears somewhere sometimes : ), after when I type "iwconfig" I see that there is no MAC address recognized. With "lshw" I see that my network (eth1) is still disabled. I can not enable it with "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" (connection timed out) nor with "sudo ifup eth1" (interface already configured). Any other suggestions? Or I will have to return to these complicated texts of troubleshooting : | 11:08 |
Web | lspci | 11:08 |
Danila | t is usb | 11:08 |
=== brokenbin [n=ionics@bas3-toronto06-1177889957.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Web: you should be able to install nl@euro | 11:09 |
brokenbin | hello | 11:09 |
vrkhans | sorry its not open office it the other program "eclipse" | 11:09 |
brokenbin | can someone tell me how to install xubuntu from harddrive? | 11:09 |
brokenbin | i don't have a cd burner | 11:09 |
hyper_ch | vrkhans: hmm, remove mozilla-browser and then install eclipse again... maybe that helps | 11:09 |
vrkhans | and on terminal too it is saying that it will remove :The following packages will be REMOVED: | 11:09 |
vrkhans | eclipse* eclipse-jdt* eclipse-jdt-common* eclipse-pde* eclipse-platform* | 11:09 |
vrkhans | eclipse-rcp* eclipse-source* libswt3.1-gtk-java* libswt3.1-gtk-jni* | 11:09 |
vrkhans | mozilla-browser* | 11:09 |
hyper_ch | !install | brokenbin | 11:09 |
ubotu | brokenbin: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 11:09 |
Web | It was there till release 5.04 without an update, ican't find it anymore, only on debian dists | 11:10 |
brokenbin | i have tried to read over them | 11:10 |
brokenbin | but i still couldn't boot the installation image | 11:10 |
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vrkhans | i think that way it will install mozilla again | 11:10 |
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hyper_ch | vrkhans: I don't know for sure... it's worth a try | 11:10 |
hyper_ch | brokenbin: you can also install it from floppy, from netboot, usb-pen stick, ... | 11:10 |
brokenbin | floppy? | 11:11 |
brokenbin | can you link me to an instruction? | 11:11 |
hyper_ch | brokenbin: it's all on that help.ubuntu installtion webiste | 11:11 |
Danila | maxamillion, j1mc, TheSheep_, thanks for your time, will share the solution if find one, or will have to use winxp for surfing. brrrr : ( | 11:11 |
Web | Use Debian etch have a nice evening. bye | 11:12 |
maxamillion | Danila: sorry to hear that, i'm sure there is some solution out there .... good luck | 11:12 |
vrkhans | ya i am trying to install eclipse and it is installing mozilla again | 11:12 |
Danila | Bye | 11:12 |
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vrkhans | any suggestion | 11:13 |
brokenbin | yea... i have read the whole thing | 11:13 |
brokenbin | when i boot from grub, it sais file not found | 11:13 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: thats strange | 11:13 |
maxamillion | vrkhans: .... its things like this why ubuntu fails ... too many meta packages randomly grabbing extra apps | 11:14 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: ubuntu isn't perfect... but neither is any other OS :) | 11:15 |
hyper_ch | besides, if ubuntu was perfect I wouldn't be here anymore :) | 11:15 |
vrkhans | ya that is strange | 11:15 |
hyper_ch | vrkhans: so try uninstalling mozilla and reinstall eclipse | 11:16 |
vrkhans | hyper_ch: then what do you think you will be :-) | 11:16 |
kupo | sup maxamillion | 11:16 |
maxamillion | nodda | 11:16 |
vrkhans | thats what i did its ecliplse which is installing mozilla | 11:17 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: define "perfect"? | 11:17 |
maxamillion | :) | 11:17 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: perfect: anything works the way I want it to without me being required to do something | 11:17 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: you should own a Mac | 11:17 |
vrkhans | i wish | 11:17 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: macs aren't perfect either | 11:18 |
vrkhans | I think too | 11:18 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: they fit your description | 11:18 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: they don't | 11:18 |
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brokenbin | hyper_ch: i can't find anything... | 11:18 |
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hyper_ch | brokenbin: it's there how to do... I've never tried it but it seems to work for others | 11:19 |
brokenbin | well, can someone point me to some light? | 11:19 |
=== kupo points to sun | ||
maxamillion | hyper_ch: i think debian stable is as perfect as you can get by the definition of "without flaw" but ... well, there are so many more factors its pointless to make such a statement | 11:20 |
brokenbin | lol | 11:20 |
kupo | whats up brokenbin ? | 11:21 |
vrkhans | hey guys which one is the program files dir over here where i can install my custom apps like realplayer | 11:21 |
brokenbin | just wondering how to install xubuntu | 11:21 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: even debian has flaws :) | 11:21 |
brokenbin | here's what i have done so far... i have downloaded the iso file, | 11:21 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: that's subject to opinion ;) | 11:21 |
vrkhans | brokenbin : which one | 11:21 |
vrkhans | desktop or the alternate one | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: can debian be run on any hardware? | 11:22 |
brokenbin | vrkhans: xubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso | 11:22 |
brokenbin | and also vmlinuz and intrd.gz | 11:22 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: almost | 11:22 |
brokenbin | i have also edited the grub configuration file | 11:23 |
hyper_ch | see, almost | 11:23 |
hyper_ch | there's a limitation hence not perfect | 11:23 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: debian can run on more hardware than any other OS on the planet | 11:23 |
brokenbin | but when i try to book | 11:23 |
brokenbin | *boot | 11:23 |
vrkhans | its a self boot just boot from this CD and then it will explain it self what to do | 11:23 |
brokenbin | it says error 15, can't find the file or soemthing like that | 11:23 |
vrkhans | hmm | 11:23 |
vrkhans | did you burn the iso image properly | 11:24 |
kupo | vrkhans: I believe he's tring to boot off the iso image not a cd | 11:24 |
vrkhans | thats what i think | 11:24 |
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-140-131.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
kbrooks | wheeeeeeeee! | 11:24 |
brokenbin | i didn't burn it | 11:24 |
maxamillion | kbrooks: hi | 11:24 |
vrkhans | oh | 11:24 |
brokenbin | because i don't have a burner | 11:24 |
maxamillion | :) | 11:24 |
=== kbrooks xubuntus into #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | :-) | 11:25 |
maxamillion | lol | 11:25 |
brokenbin | that's why i am trying to install it from a hd | 11:25 |
kupo | brokenbin: what do you have? | 11:25 |
vrkhans | then you have too burn a cd from this iso image | 11:25 |
brokenbin | it says on the site that you can boot from this image | 11:25 |
kupo | brokenbin: floppy, network boot? | 11:25 |
brokenbin | from a harddrive | 11:25 |
kupo | you need someway to mount the image first though | 11:25 |
kupo | something to boot the image | 11:25 |
brokenbin | Booting the installation system directly from a hard disk is another option for many architectures. This will require some other operating system to load the installer onto the hard disk. | 11:26 |
=== Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-225-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
brokenbin | i would try floppy, but i don't know how | 11:26 |
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kupo | I've done floppy with debian its not fun | 11:26 |
brokenbin | how so? | 11:26 |
kupo | you could remove the hd an put it in a computer with a burner | 11:27 |
kupo | floppies tend to die | 11:27 |
kupo | oh write incorrectly | 11:27 |
brokenbin | ok... | 11:28 |
brokenbin | anyway to point grub to boot from the install system? | 11:28 |
brokenbin | im on fedora right now | 11:28 |
maxamillion | brokenbin: i'm sorry | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | brokenbin: how did you get fedora installed? | 11:30 |
hyper_ch | brokenbin: and can't you burn the cd anywhere? It's the simplest thing to do... | 11:30 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
brokenbin | cd | 11:30 |
brokenbin | i bought it | 11:30 |
brokenbin | even if i didn't | 11:31 |
hyper_ch | brokenbin: what about having the cd burnt at some friends place? | 11:31 |
brokenbin | i can use a floppy | 11:31 |
brokenbin | well, right now im on a vacation | 11:31 |
brokenbin | brb, let me try something | 11:32 |
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grazie | hey I see partman is being used on feisty desktop instead of gparted | 11:45 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vrkhans | i just install realplayer in a wrong place, how can i remove it: this is how i install it:chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin | 11:49 |
vrkhans | not trying to remove it | 11:50 |
vrkhans | dont know how | 11:50 |
kupo | why would anyone install Realplayer? | 11:50 |
maxamillion | kupo: i dunno | 11:51 |
kupo | you're prolly gonna have to fish around on realplayer's site vrkhans for how to uninstall it | 11:51 |
reaVer | is there a source package for madwifi? | 11:51 |
=== grazie the realplayer guys don't like people uninstalling :( | ||
kupo | i don't believe so reaVer | 11:52 |
kupo | grazie: which brings me back to the first question | 11:52 |
kupo | "why would anyone install Realplayer?" | 11:52 |
=== grazie quite so | ||
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
reaVer | kupo: then how am I supposed to use the ubuntu sources to build my own kernel?:'( | 11:53 |
reaVer | (alsa drivers in that kernel are fubarred) | 11:53 |
vrkhans | kupo to play those file format | 11:53 |
kupo | you've got to compile the madwifi source against the kernel sources to create a module reaVer | 11:53 |
reaVer | vrkhans: get mplayer | 11:53 |
kupo | or vlc | 11:53 |
reaVer | kupo: I'm not a newb:/ | 11:54 |
kupo | ok so then you're good to go? | 11:54 |
reaVer | -_- | 11:54 |
grazie | !kernel | reaVer | 11:54 |
ubotu | reaVer: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 11:54 |
reaVer | sigh | 11:55 |
grazie | but I think there is a better guide...let me check | 11:55 |
reaVer | I know how to build a custom kernel | 11:55 |
kupo | yeah he only needs to compile a module not the whole kernel | 11:55 |
reaVer | I'm just saying it's rather hard if you can't get your wireless card to work afterwards | 11:55 |
reaVer | kupo: no | 11:55 |
reaVer | alsa sound in the kernel is broken | 11:55 |
reaVer | and I can't compile alsa source at all | 11:55 |
reaVer | I compiled a new kernel to see if I could fix that | 11:56 |
kupo | oh I though you were asking about madwifi | 11:56 |
=== aorith [n=manu@217.Red-88-21-86.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
reaVer | I didn't fix it, but at the same time there was no way for me to reactivate my wireless | 11:56 |
reaVer | what I wondering is, is where did that package go? | 11:56 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
kupo | which package ? alsa or madwifi? | 11:57 |
reaVer | madwifi-source | 11:57 |
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kupo | oh old ones were depreciated and removed | 11:58 |
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=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
reaVer | oh, and how am I supposed to get a driver for my atheros card if it's been deprecated? | 11:59 |
kupo | madwifi.org | 11:59 |
cellofellow | Is there any software for processing Pentax RAW images? of perhaps Nikon would work, same sensor chip. | 12:02 |
cellofellow | !raw | 12:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about raw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
cellofellow | :( | 12:03 |
reaVer | how do I compile modules for a binary kernel? | 12:04 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !info dcraw | 12:04 |
ubotu | dcraw: decode raw digital camera images. In component main, is extra. Version 8.38-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 123 kB, installed size 344 kB | 12:05 |
cellofellow | ok | 12:05 |
cellofellow | can try it. | 12:05 |
cellofellow | reaVer: get the headers | 12:05 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | There's even a GIMP plugin for dcraw. | 12:05 |
cellofellow | cool | 12:05 |
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reaVer | cellofellow: doesn't work that way | 12:06 |
reaVer | I already tried that | 12:06 |
cellofellow | build a kernel then. download linux-source-`uname -r` I think that's it. | 12:07 |
reaVer | cellofellow: yeah, if that would work-_- | 12:07 |
kupo | reaVer: you'll need the headers and the source of your running kernel | 12:08 |
reaVer | yes | 12:08 |
reaVer | remember I said BINARY kernel | 12:08 |
kupo | yeah you'll need to get the SOURCE of your kernel | 12:09 |
kupo | use apt-get | 12:09 |
reaVer | if I do that it will still get build for a different kernel then the binary kernel | 12:10 |
kupo | why what kernel are you using? | 12:10 |
reaVer | 2.6.20-11 is the binary kernel | 12:11 |
reaVer | will by my own compiled version of it | 12:11 |
kupo | you've lost me | 12:12 |
kupo | whats the output of uname -r | 12:12 |
reaVer | root@NeoSkystalker:/usr/src/modules/madwifi- uname -r | 12:12 |
reaVer | 2.6.20-11-lowlatency | 12:12 |
reaVer | this is the binary kernel | 12:12 |
kupo | i think we're having a communication issue here | 12:13 |
kupo | when you say binary kernel you mean the kernel you have compiled yourself that is now loaded and runnig | 12:14 |
reaVer | when I say binary I'm talking about a kernel I recieved in binary form | 12:14 |
reaVer | thus the one I got from Xubuntu | 12:14 |
kupo | but that kernel has to come from somewhere, true you can download a kernel image and run in that way but the source is still available | 12:14 |
kupo | yes thats called a kernel image | 12:14 |
kupo | since someone already compiled it for you | 12:14 |
kupo | so what you want is the source for that image | 12:15 |
kupo | which would be 2.6.20-11 | 12:15 |
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