=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
bersace | kwwii: hi | 02:04 |
bersace | kwwii: you should use the same logo for splash too | 02:05 |
kwwii | bersace: sabdfl wants me to use the official logo | 02:05 |
bersace | ? | 02:05 |
bersace | what is the official logo ? | 02:05 |
bersace | why only on the session splash ? | 02:05 |
kwwii | no idea why, but that is what he wants | 02:06 |
bersace | the one on the stickers ? | 02:06 |
kwwii | yepp, the one with the lozenge behind it | 02:06 |
kwwii | (since it is shown on a darker background) | 02:06 |
bersace | well, i don't see a lozenge behind the stickers i have | 02:19 |
kwwii | lol | 02:19 |
kwwii | well, it could also be the simple logo, but the white thing behind it is imprtant if it is shown on a darker bg | 02:19 |
kwwii | perhaps I could include the normal logo without the white part | 02:20 |
kwwii | haven't tried that yet | 02:20 |
kwwii | when I showed mark the first version (with the 3d logo from gdm) he said definitely not | 02:20 |
bersace | the truth is that the gdm logo does not fit well on that tiny size | 02:31 |
troy_s | more of the same | 02:51 |
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nzk | Hey everyone | 04:45 |
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troy_s | nzk greets | 05:37 |
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vdepizzol | hello | 06:05 |
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cla | hello | 01:23 |
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troy_s | greets all | 03:17 |
cla | hey troy_s | 03:21 |
cla | you are leader, yes? | 03:21 |
troy_s | uh no | 03:22 |
troy_s | cla what is your question howevr | 03:22 |
troy_s | cla i can probably help you. | 03:22 |
cla | i would like to get involved in artwork for other distro, so i would like to know from more experienced how to start such project | 03:24 |
troy_s | I am pretty certain that you ask a question that _everyone_ would have an 'answer' to. | 03:27 |
troy_s | My personal feeling is that you should probably model your workflow on techniques that are tried and true in the 'other' world :) | 03:27 |
troy_s | Grab a good book and start with that. Deal with the critical elements out of the gate (concept/audience) etc. | 03:28 |
troy_s | cla: Does that help? | 03:29 |
cla | i would rahter want to get some ideas | 03:30 |
cla | becouse my artwork is generally wallpapers and/or icons | 03:31 |
troy_s | Ideas pertaining to what? Concept? Etc? | 03:31 |
cla | so i would like to know what more can be done | 03:32 |
troy_s | Well again, everyone has their opinions on it. Personally I would start with the critical two points: | 03:33 |
troy_s | 1) Who are you speaking to communicate with? Who is your audience? | 03:33 |
troy_s | 2) What do you seek to communicate? | 03:33 |
troy_s | 2 is tricky -- as when you say something like 'cool' or 'blah', you often need to ask further questions as to 'how' to communicate such a loose term. | 03:34 |
troy_s | Pull in some examples from other disciplines that you believe 'speak' close to what you want to communicate and see what techniques / tricks they are using and consider them for your project. | 03:34 |
cla | mhm | 03:35 |
troy_s | cla: I would strongly recommend a good introductory art and design book if you want to take this sort of thing seriously. | 03:35 |
cla | that's why i came here | 03:35 |
troy_s | cla: Bear in mind that Ubuntu does not do this ;) | 03:35 |
cla | troy_s: well, graphic is my hobby | 03:35 |
troy_s | cla: So read everything I type with caution. | 03:36 |
troy_s | cla: If you want to see what some would consider a decent attempt at such a process, have a look at the newer Fedora work. | 03:36 |
troy_s | It uses the motifs of night and balloons with Diana offering a bit of her communication goals by basing the theme on those two motifs. | 03:37 |
cla | ok | 03:37 |
troy_s | Motifs, to many, are a critical element of design. | 03:37 |
troy_s | They are used in traditional design, film making, sound design, etc. | 03:37 |
cla | brb | 03:39 |
bersace | hi all | 03:55 |
bersace | I would like to have your comments on the response i got for bug 93379 | 03:56 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 93379 in Ubuntu "Luminosity popup is at wrong place" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93379 | 03:56 |
=== bersace had right used Ubugtu for the first time :D | ||
=== yharrow [n=sysadmin@h-68-164-34-22.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork. Fedora gets it right -- http://www.isity.net/blog/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by troy_s at Thu Feb 15 17:34:01 2007 | ||
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alefteris | hi everyone, how can i stroke the page in inkscape? for example make a 1px border inside the page area.. | 11:36 |
alefteris | troy_s, hi | 11:40 |
TheSheep_ | alefteris: is it a trick question? rectangles generally work fine for that... | 11:42 |
alefteris | thought it could be an easy way to do it :) how can i make a rectancle fit exacly the page area and then stroke the inside by 1px? | 11:43 |
TheSheep_ | alefteris: well, I'd use large zoom when adjusting, maybe enable snapping to grid too | 11:44 |
alefteris | thanks TheSheep_ | 11:51 |
=== |Element| [n=Element@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork |
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