=== Mike_F [n=mike@user-0c6s66t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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jenda | Vorian_: aloha | 11:22 |
jenda | Vorian_: did you happen to see Dan, lately? | 11:22 |
=== juliux [n=Julius@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
juliux | elkbuntu, ping | 11:27 |
jenda | aloha juliux | 12:11 |
Vorian_ | <jenda> Vorian_: did you happen to see Dan, lately? | 12:15 |
Vorian_ | no jenda, its been a couple of weeks | 12:15 |
jenda | hmm | 12:16 |
Vorian_ | I know he was about irc on wednesday night. | 12:17 |
Vorian_ | But alas, I was working. | 12:17 |
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jenda | Vorian_: alrighty, I'll keep an eye out :) | 12:39 |
juliux | hi jenda | 12:39 |
Vorian_ | lol | 12:39 |
elkbuntu | juliux, http://meldra.no-ip.info/world.tar.gz but it's out of date | 12:51 |
=== MenZa jumps on elkbuntu | ||
juliux | elkbuntu, i only need it for my talk today | 12:52 |
juliux | elkbuntu, jono said i should use it | 12:53 |
elkbuntu | cool, no prob | 01:01 |
=== MenZa jumps on elkbuntu again. | ||
elkbuntu | hi MenZa :) | 01:01 |
MenZa | hihi :D | 01:01 |
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jenda | hey MenZa :) | 01:56 |
jenda | How's your life treating you? | 01:56 |
MenZa | Well :) | 02:01 |
MenZa | You, jenda? | 02:01 |
jenda | Not too bad :) | 02:02 |
jenda | a little tired as usual, but otherwise ok :) | 02:03 |
MenZa | :D | 02:03 |
jenda | also - can't get a hold of Dan Buch :/ | 02:03 |
MenZa | :( | 02:03 |
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=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN, as Cody is on leave. UWN #31 is out, UWN #32 is in progress to be released Sunday March 18th | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by beuno at Sun Mar 11 22:27:05 2007 | ||
=== #ubuntu-marketing [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | ||
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: ping | 09:47 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: just-woke-up png | 09:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: status of UWN? | 09:50 |
beuno | I have 1 more article to add to it | 09:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay, anything else that needs work? | 09:51 |
beuno | I have to look it over, but the idea is to get it released in a few hours | 09:51 |
mindspin | beuno: and I have news for the next issue in stock ;-) | 09:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | cool | 09:53 |
mindspin | we(kubuntu germany) did an interview with riddell about the release of kde4 | 09:53 |
beuno | mindspin: thats great! I'll get the next one up for edditing as soon as 32 is released | 09:53 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: in the press seems a bit empty, want to give that a crack? | 09:54 |
mindspin | we'll have the article ready at wednesday | 09:54 |
mindspin | beuno released in a few hours means that we can star to translate ? | 09:55 |
mindspin | start | 09:55 |
beuno | mindspin: absolutely! | 09:55 |
mindspin | good to hear ;-) | 09:56 |
beuno | suscrube to the wiki, and as soon as I add the comment "released", it's off | 09:56 |
mindspin | I#m still working with the draft | 09:56 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Burgundavia | beuno: you around? | 10:01 |
beuno | Burgundavia: yeap, finishing UWN to send you the email :D | 10:01 |
Burgundavia | rock | 10:01 |
beuno | Burgundavia: did you see the proposol on the mailing list about adding a "In the Blogosphere" section? | 10:03 |
Burgundavia | not yet | 10:03 |
beuno | I liked it, but I wanted some feedback from other members | 10:03 |
beuno | well, it's basically that, highlighting specific blog posts | 10:03 |
Burgundavia | let me look at it right now | 10:03 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: I've put stuff like that under In the Press before, depending. Would take some work to track, and would make UWN longer, but it could be cool. | 10:04 |
tonyyarusso | Don't include any random Ubuntu post though, only the few of exceptional quality. | 10:04 |
Burgundavia | if we link, we might get some fo those bloggers to help us out | 10:04 |
Burgundavia | so +1 from me | 10:04 |
Burgundavia | given tonyyarusso's comment about quality | 10:04 |
beuno | tonyyarusso: I agree it would take a little bit more quality control, but I see many advantages | 10:04 |
beuno | :D | 10:04 |
beuno | great | 10:05 |
tonyyarusso | Oooh, added benefit to my point given Burgundavia's - we'd get _quality_ bloggers. :) | 10:05 |
beuno | I'll add it to the template strssing "quality posts" in the comments | 10:06 |
Burgundavia | I just replied to the email | 10:06 |
tonyyarusso | coolio | 10:06 |
beuno | and the other change I'm planning is changing "Changes in Feisty" to "New in Feisty Fawn" | 10:07 |
beuno | and add summaries instead of a dump of added/changed packages | 10:07 |
beuno | it takes les time and makes it much more interesting in my opinion | 10:07 |
boredandblogging | i added a blog post in the in the press section about a guy putting ubuntu on 16 computers in a school in Germany, is that too random to be included? | 10:08 |
=== Cnl_Delta [i=Cnl_Delt@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | boredandblogging: it's ok to add stuff, the worst that can happen is it gets deleted, so I encourage you to add stuff you find relevant | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | boredandblogging: I like the sound - link? | 10:09 |
boredandblogging | tonyyarusso, its on the UWN, http://www.gadgetguy.de/2007/03/12/primary-school-goes-ubuntu/ | 10:09 |
boredandblogging | beuno, ok, sounds good | 10:09 |
tonyyarusso | Those sorts of things are good if they talk about issues they had, why Ubuntu was chosen, how it's helped since deployment, etc. The ones that are just "Such and such switched to Ubuntu. Yay." are less worthwhile. | 10:10 |
boredandblogging | tonyyarusso, yeah, I thought it was worthwhile because of the budget issues and use of the German images | 10:11 |
boredandblogging | CD images | 10:11 |
tonyyarusso | boredandblogging: Yeah, looks decent | 10:11 |
Burgundavia | too bad that person doesn't know about LTSP and Edubuntu | 10:11 |
boredandblogging | haha, yeah, someone should a comment about it | 10:12 |
mindspin | I#m kinda sceptic about the blogosphere thing, but that could be caused by my general sceptizism about bloging | 10:12 |
beuno | mindspin: we can always remove it if it turns out to be a problem | 10:15 |
mindspin | sure | 10:15 |
mindspin | I think it's difficult to deceide which blog is important or worth to be quoted and which not | 10:16 |
boredandblogging | maybe include interesting developments that show up on the planet? | 10:17 |
boredandblogging | for the blogosphere section | 10:17 |
mindspin | a reviwe of the planet ? | 10:18 |
mindspin | review | 10:18 |
beuno | it should include posts outside the planet to, to encourage other bloggers to spread the word | 10:18 |
mindspin | for translating reasons, uwn should not to grow too much/quick ;-) | 10:20 |
beuno | mindspin: I hear you, we translate it into spanish every week too | 10:21 |
mindspin | ;-) | 10:21 |
beuno | Burgundavia: just a quick "FYI", I'm up for membership on tuesday :D | 10:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: what time UTC? | 10:24 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: 18:00 | 10:24 |
beuno | any support in the meeting will be appreciated :D | 10:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'll be there, got class at 1900 but I'll throw you support | 10:25 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: that would be great! thanks | 10:25 |
mindspin | Im there too hopefully | 10:26 |
mindspin | but now it's time for some sleep | 10:26 |
mindspin | night folks | 10:26 |
beuno | I'm going to add the summaries for the UWN, and then I think it's ready | 10:39 |
beuno | can someone proof-read it? | 10:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: sure | 10:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | the whole thing? | 10:40 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: yeap, if possible | 10:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay i did most of it | 10:41 |
beuno | I'm finishing the "in this issue we cover..." | 10:41 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: yes you did :D | 10:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | found some dead links... | 10:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | not dead, but looked like interwiki linking that wasn't correct | 10:43 |
beuno | oh, gimmi a sec and I'll let you edit them out | 10:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | let me know when you stop using it | 10:43 |
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: all yours | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: CC meeting is when? | 10:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | its not on here, i'll add it | 10:50 |
beuno | tuesday 18 UTC | 10:50 |
beuno | yes it is :D | 10:50 |
beuno | Tuesday, March 20, 2007 | 10:51 |
beuno | Community Council Meeting | 10:51 |
beuno | * | 10:51 |
beuno | Start: 18:00 | 10:51 |
beuno | * | 10:51 |
beuno | End: 20:00 | 10:51 |
beuno | * | 10:51 |
beuno | Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting | 10:51 |
beuno | * | 10:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | ...right.... | 10:51 |
beuno | Agenda: [WWW] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda | 10:51 |
=== Admiral_Chicago needs stronger glasses | ||
beuno | it's sunday, it happens! | 10:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | haha, yea. I need dinner soon, after this I'm out | 10:52 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: after this, even UWN is out! | 10:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: xine-lib 1.1.1+ubuntu2-7.7 - [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2007-March/0123776.html | 10:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | 404 | 10:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | let me see if i can track it down | 10:54 |
beuno | that's odd, I added that, I was sure I checked them | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | got it | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: UWN #32 is done. | 10:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | saving it now | 10:59 |
beuno | great | 10:59 |
beuno | releasing, Burgundavia, still around? | 11:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | should I change the UWN page to link to 31? | 11:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | gah, why is this save taking so long. me thinks it is the DL on another desktop | 11:00 |
beuno | we have to go through the post and pre release checking list | 11:01 |
beuno | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies | 11:01 |
beuno | I'll fix redirect | 11:01 |
beuno | you can # | 11:02 |
beuno | Change UbuntuWeeklyNews to reflect new current | 11:02 |
beuno | # | 11:02 |
beuno | Update the Archive | 11:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | might want to ping #ubuntu-fridge | 11:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | as well | 11:03 |
=== Admiral_Chicago goes to dinner | ||
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: will do, great work! | 11:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: you too | 11:05 |
Burgundavia | beuno: yep, now I am | 11:08 |
beuno | Burgundavia: UWN is sent, just needs your magic fingers | 11:09 |
Burgundavia | yep | 11:09 |
beuno | changing the template, and setting up UWN #33 | 11:09 |
Burgundavia | beuno: do you have an ubuntu.com addy? | 11:09 |
beuno | seems we're releasing on time | 11:10 |
beuno | Burgundavia: nope, I'm going after membership on tuesday's CC meeting | 11:10 |
Burgundavia | ah, ok | 11:10 |
Burgundavia | sent | 11:10 |
beuno | great, thanks! | 11:11 |
beuno | do yuo have op access here to change the topic | 11:11 |
beuno | ? | 11:11 |
beuno | don't think jenda is around | 11:11 |
Burgundavia | yep | 11:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o Burgundavia] by ChanServ | ||
beuno | #33 should be out Sunday 25th | 11:13 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #32 is out, UWN #33 is in progress to be released Sunday March 25th | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o Burgundavia] by Burgundavia | ||
=== ashfaith__ [n=steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
jenda | beuno: for you, anytime | 11:20 |
beuno | hahaha, be careful what you say, I might just take it seriously :D | 11:20 |
beuno | I asked Seveas to change the topic in here again, but he just basically said "stop bugging me and get Jend to give you access in there" | 11:22 |
beuno | but Burgundavia took care of it | 11:22 |
beuno | UWN #32 is out on time, yay! | 11:22 |
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
jenda | ah, of course | 11:31 |
jenda | you're set | 11:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ | ||
beuno | :D | 11:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno | ||
Admiral_Chicago | nice | 11:34 |
beuno | thanks jenda, one less thing to bother you over though :( | 11:34 |
jenda | hehe | 11:36 |
beuno | ok, I'm off for a while then | 11:42 |
beuno | bbl | 11:43 |
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