
=== administrator [i=administ@nat/cisco/x-a4cfccb527852c5b] has joined #upstart
=== sanityx [n=sanityx@pool-71-249-101-16.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #upstart
sanityxAnybody here?03:08
sanityxHow do I control what services run at boot with upstart?03:08
sanityxThis channel is ALIVE with activity.03:37
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=== Keybuk [n=scott@wing-commander.netsplit.com] has joined #upstart
AlexExtremehmm... if i have a job with, for example, both 'stop on foobar 0' and 'stop on foobar 1', i know I can get the actual event name, foobar, in the scripts with the UPSTART_EVENT variable, but how can I get the arguments to the foobar event, in this case 0 or 1?12:57
=== AlexExtreme hopes that made sense
Keybuk$1, $2, $312:59
Keybukthis works for exec too, through an evil trick01:00
KeybukI have yet to work out the pattern by which the scrap van comes around our street01:06
KeybukSETI could analyse the periods between visits and discover new and unhidden depths in the complexity of the universe01:06
_ionThey're sending you secret messages through the periods between visits.01:07
_ionYou're not schizophrenic if they're really sending messages to you.01:08
Keybukthat's paranoid01:09
Keybukschizophrenic is when you send messages to yourself01:10
_ionI was finally able to order a decent monitor to replace these blussy CRTs. 01:24
AlexExtreme_ion, LCD? or another CRT?01:28
_ionSamsung 226BW, a 22" widescreen flat monitor.01:31
AlexExtremethis LCD has managed to get the outline of my top gnome panel etched into the screen...01:31
AlexExtremeshows how much I use it :p01:32
AlexExtremeif I do this in my job for system-tools-backends:01:42
AlexExtremeexec STB_NO_DAEMON="y" /usr/bin/system-tools-backends01:42
AlexExtremewill upstart interpret that correctly by passing it to a shell and behave as you'd expect it to?01:43
_ionexec env STB_NO_DAEMON="y" /usr/bin/system-tools-backends01:45
_ionEven better:01:46
_ionenv STB_NO_DAEMON=y01:47
_ionexec /usr/bin/system-tools-backends01:47
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180076086.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #upstart
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180076086.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #upstart
mbieblKeybuk: I think upstarts sysv compat utils are not compatible enough ;-) 03:13
mbieblI noticed that while adopting upstart for Gentoo.03:13
mbieblWhen in runlevel 0 or 6, reboot/halt/poweroff when called without -f, should *not* call shutdown.03:15
mbieblOther distros I checked do not have a "-f" in the final halt/reboot call.03:16
=== AlexExtreme noticed that about 5 minutes ago ;)
mbieblI think it would also be nice, if the links would be the same as with sysvinit03:17
mbieblpoweroff -> halt, reboot -> halt03:18
mbiebland not halt->reboot, poweroff -> reboot03:18
mbieblBut that's just nitpicking.03:18
mbieblBesides that it was astonishingly painless to get upstart running on Gentoo ;-)03:19
AlexExtremeYeah, but then it'll be astonishingly painful to actually write upstart-native jobs for it ;)03:20
mbieblyeah, that is a different kettle of fish03:22
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AlexExtremebtw, i've got some new upstart-native jobs for frugalware here: http://ftp.frugalware.org/pub/other/upstart-jobs/upstart-jobs/etc/event.d/03:22
AlexExtremei haven't actually tested them yet though, i'm setting up a virtual machine because i don't want to kill my main machine :)03:23
AlexExtremethey're kinda ugly atm, i'm sure some stuff could be done better, and there's no event based networking or mounting yet03:23
mbieblwhen do you expect the first frugalware release with a fully upstart-native boot?03:25
AlexExtreme0.7 stable will definitely have it, it won't get into 0.6 because that's gonna be released in 4 days03:26
AlexExtremei'll try to get it into the development repo quite early in 0.7's development03:26
mbieblcool. what is your strategy for frugalware: will you dump sysvinit completely and go upstart only?03:27
mbieblOr will you ship both?03:27
AlexExtremejust upstart03:27
mbieblYeah, that makes it easier...03:27
AlexExtremebut we'll leave the sysv compat stuff there for proprietry apps which provide their own init script like vmware03:27
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mbieblKeybuk: about the "-f" behaviour of the compat tools03:32
mbieblShould I file a bug report?03:32
AlexExtremeprobably a good idea, then there's no reason for him to forget it ;)03:32
mbieblI just wanted to get his opinion first, but then it seems he is not around atm.03:33
mbieblAlexExtreme: Have you also written the udev rules already?03:36
AlexExtremethat's a base set of rules, maybe more could be added later03:36
AlexExtremeYep, he's not around ;)03:36
=== Md [i=md@freenode/staff/md] has joined #upstart
=== AlexExtreme prays and types reboot into the VM
AlexExtremeit seems my prayers have been answered. it works :)03:56
mbieblway cool!03:56
=== AlexUpstart [n=alex@88-105-163-121.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #upstart
AlexUpstartnothing seems to have gone wrong so far, although hald is being a little more verbose than I would like ;)03:59
=== AlexExtreme hopes shutting down will work now
AlexExtremeawesome... it worked :)04:05
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