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pzler | does anybody know a good program to hotsync a palm device in xubuntu that lets you edit and watch the data on a pc? | 12:43 |
kupo | what sort of data pzler ? | 12:45 |
pzler | calender, memo's adresbook etc | 12:45 |
pzler | i allready tried a few but none of them seem to work | 12:46 |
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pzler | my palm is currently the only reason i still use a windows partition. i would like to free up the space | 12:55 |
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cellofellow | maxamillion: how much do you know about Samba? | 01:13 |
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Taxman | hmm, borked my xubuntu install and I'm trying to boot from a usb cd-rom since the installed one is broken. Do dell's have a key to press to get it to boot from USB? | 02:15 |
maxamillion | Taxman: yeah ... i think f12 is the boot menu and usb cd-rom should be an option | 02:16 |
Taxman | I saw that somewhere but F12 doesn't seem to do anything. Inspiron 2500 is what I have | 02:17 |
maxamillion | yeah ... the model number doesn't tell me much, i know very little about dells | 02:17 |
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chris13 | hey I have a problem | 02:18 |
Taxman | problem kyaa hai? | 02:18 |
chris13 | I just tried to install eclipse and now graphical mode seems to be broken | 02:18 |
chris13 | I'm fairly new to Linux in general | 02:18 |
Taxman | what do you mean by "Graphical mode is broken" | 02:19 |
maxamillion | chris13: yeah ... eclipse is a bugger | 02:19 |
chris13 | like I can no longer see any graphics | 02:19 |
maxamillion | Taxman: i assume his X server won't start | 02:19 |
chris13 | let me see what error message it gave me | 02:19 |
chris13 | "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly." | 02:20 |
chris13 | you got it max | 02:21 |
maxamillion | chris13: not sure why installing eclipse would do that, but oh well | 02:21 |
chris13 | well I did do some other things too | 02:21 |
chris13 | I used the package manager | 02:21 |
chris13 | there were some things that had updates available | 02:22 |
chris13 | maybe doing too many things at once was a bad idea | 02:22 |
maxamillion | chris13: log into the command line just like you would graphically and run the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and go through the tool to set the configuration the way you want/need it and then try running gdm | 02:22 |
chris13 | what is the command to run GDM? | 02:23 |
chris13 | I already did the first part | 02:23 |
chris13 | is it just gdm? | 02:23 |
maxamillion | yup | 02:24 |
chris13 | alright | 02:24 |
chris13 | let me try it | 02:24 |
chris13 | brb | 02:24 |
maxamillion | or you might need to do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 02:24 |
maxamillion | well ... nvm | 02:24 |
Taxman | heh | 02:26 |
Taxman | am I wasting my time trying to make a boot floppy or might that have a chance of seeing the USB CD-rom? | 02:27 |
maxamillion | Taxman: its possible, can't promise much though | 02:27 |
Taxman | my other option is the machine does come up to grub | 02:28 |
Taxman | I just don't grok the grub command line :) | 02:28 |
maxamillion | yeah ... me and grub aren't the best of friends, i would still run lilo if grub didn't come with everything and works often enough to not justify the effort of replacing it | 02:28 |
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Taxman | actually perhaps I should try to fix the real problem. I can get the kernel to start booting, but then it fails to mount the / filesystem after making it through some of the hardware checks | 02:31 |
maxamillion | Taxman: oh ... huh, interesting | 02:31 |
Taxman | yeah I thought so. It sees it enough to start booting then loses it | 02:33 |
Taxman | booting from an older kernel I can even get the splash screen and then it hangs on Waiting for the root file system... | 02:34 |
Taxman | waiting long enough I get dropped to /bin/sh | 02:36 |
maxamillion | ohhh yeah, i've had that happen to me with an external cd-rom drive | 02:37 |
maxamillion | the bios can see it so it boots, but the kernel can't see it so it can't mount the drive | 02:38 |
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Taxman | no, I'm actully booting off the installed hard drive to get to this sheel | 02:40 |
Taxman | I can't get the USB to go at all so far | 02:40 |
maxamillion | ohhhh ok | 02:40 |
maxamillion | yeah, i dunno | 02:40 |
Taxman | but yeah, I've heard of what you're talking about too | 02:40 |
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chris13 | ok I'm back | 02:41 |
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chris13 | I looked through the log file some | 02:41 |
chris13 | "Open ACPI failed" | 02:42 |
maxamillion | ah | 02:42 |
chris13 | no such file or directory | 02:42 |
maxamillion | yeah, just pass the -noacpi boot parameter, life should be good | 02:42 |
chris13 | No APM support in BIOS or kernel | 02:42 |
chris13 | Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module | 02:42 |
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chris13 | also fonts_dir not found | 02:43 |
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chris13 | it is telling me to run mkfontdir | 02:43 |
maxamillion | whoa ... i have no clue | 02:44 |
chris13 | I think I need to reinstall my nvidia drivers | 02:44 |
chris13 | any idea of how I would do that? | 02:44 |
chris13 | also how do I pass a boot param? | 02:44 |
chris13 | also I'm on 64 bit xubuntu is it makes any difference | 02:46 |
maxamillion | chris13: oh, just the nvidia drivers ... just do "sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx" and once thats done re-run the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select "nvidia" when it asks | 02:46 |
maxamillion | chris13: no, 64bit shouldn't matter for this issue .... though it can in some other cases | 02:47 |
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chris13 | I already did the selecting nvidia thing in the xorg config | 02:48 |
chris13 | that didn't fix the problem | 02:48 |
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chris13 | but how do I actually do the -noacpi thing? | 02:48 |
chris13 | I typed in that exact command and I picked all the correct options | 02:49 |
chris13 | reconfiguring xserver doesn't seem like it is going to fix it | 02:49 |
chris13 | I think I need to reinstall the nvidia kernel module | 02:49 |
chris13 | but I don't know how | 02:49 |
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maxamillion | !noacpi | 02:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about noacpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:51 |
maxamillion | !acpi | 02:51 |
ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 02:51 |
maxamillion | bah!!!! | 02:51 |
maxamillion | @lart ubotu | 02:51 |
chris13 | ? | 02:52 |
maxamillion | the bot isn't doing what i want it to | 02:53 |
chris13 | oh | 02:53 |
chris13 | right there are bots | 02:53 |
maxamillion | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingIRQProblems | 02:54 |
maxamillion | i think thats the link i was looking for | 02:54 |
ormiret | !bootoptions | 02:54 |
ubotu | For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 02:54 |
chris13 | I don't suppose there is a way to browse the internet in what I refer to as text mode | 02:54 |
chris13 | from the command line? | 02:55 |
tonyyarusso | chris13: w3m, links2, elinks, lynx | 02:55 |
maxamillion | chris13: yeah, there are a few ways ... my favorite is links2 | 02:55 |
maxamillion | !links2 | 02:55 |
ubotu | Browsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary) - HTTP servers: apache2 | 02:55 |
maxamillion | ubotu: you fail at life | 02:56 |
maxamillion | chris13: sudo aptitude install links2 | 02:56 |
chris13 | so I guess I need to do apt-get links2 or something? | 02:56 |
maxamillion | chris13: then "links2" in the command line, and 'g' to open a dialog to "go" somewhere (enter a url) | 02:57 |
chris13 | ok | 02:57 |
chris13 | is there anyway to reinstall the nvidia kernel module? | 02:59 |
chris13 | also what is the command to reboot or shutdown? | 03:00 |
MikeC2 | Hi, I need help with my sound card, Xubuntu isnt detecting it | 03:02 |
tonyyarusso | !sound | MikeC2 | 03:03 |
ubotu | MikeC2: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:03 |
tonyyarusso | might get you started | 03:03 |
maxamillion | chris13: i told you how to reinstall it 20 minutes ago | 03:03 |
chris13 | well that doesn't work | 03:04 |
chris13 | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't fix it | 03:04 |
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chris13 | and I did pick nvidia | 03:04 |
maxamillion | chris13: no | 03:05 |
maxamillion | chris13: the other command "sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx" | 03:05 |
chris13 | oh | 03:05 |
chris13 | sorry I must of missed that | 03:05 |
maxamillion | look back like 50 lines in the chat log and check the time stamp ... 20 minutes | 03:05 |
chris13 | I beleive you | 03:06 |
chris13 | *believe | 03:06 |
maxamillion | ;) | 03:06 |
chris13 | I'm haven't gotten much sleep lately | 03:06 |
chris13 | :) | 03:06 |
maxamillion | no worries | 03:06 |
chris13 | brb | 03:06 |
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chris13 | "E: I wasn't able to locate file for the nvidia-glx package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package." | 03:23 |
chris13 | "E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?" | 03:23 |
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chris13 | ok I'm back | 03:38 |
chris13 | max> you still around? | 03:39 |
maxamillion | yup | 03:39 |
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maxamillion | chris13: the reason you got that error is because you didn't run the command with "sudo" infront of it | 03:39 |
chris13 | "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration." | 03:39 |
chris13 | actually I did put sudo in front of it | 03:40 |
nraic | How is the right click mouse shortcuts editied | 03:40 |
chris13 | At least I'm almost certain I did | 03:40 |
chris13 | I suppose I could try it once more | 03:41 |
chris13 | I don't think xubuntu likes my monitor | 03:41 |
maxamillion | chris13: no the 20:23 < chris13> "E: I wasn't able to locate file for the nvidia-glx package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package." | 03:41 |
maxamillion | 20:23 < chris13> "E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?" | 03:41 |
maxamillion | chris13: that error is generally because the command need sudo privs | 03:41 |
chris13 | alright | 03:42 |
chris13 | I'll try it once more | 03:42 |
chris13 | brb | 03:42 |
maxamillion | k | 03:42 |
=== Prisoner_ [n=redstick@ip24-254-33-54.br.br.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Prisoner_ | hi | 03:43 |
maxamillion | hello | 03:43 |
Prisoner_ | know of a good way to send faxes from Linux? | 03:43 |
maxamillion | nope, never tried | 03:43 |
Prisoner_ | just thought I'd ask | 03:45 |
nraic | Hi, I added the Azureas bit torrent client from the package manager, The program doesnt load when run | 03:45 |
nraic | What can i do? | 03:45 |
Prisoner_ | did you uninstall and reinstall it? | 03:45 |
maxamillion | nraic: you running 64-bit? | 03:45 |
nraic | yes | 03:46 |
nraic | I haven't tried a reinstall | 03:46 |
maxamillion | nraic: yeah, the package is broke ... there is already a bug report about it | 03:46 |
nraic | Can I install packages with out the pack manager, like going to the site? | 03:46 |
maxamillion | nraic: of course | 03:47 |
nraic | ktorrent is not downloading right, | 03:47 |
maxamillion | try bittornado | 03:47 |
nraic | sorry noob question, but im noob | 03:47 |
maxamillion | no worries | 03:47 |
nraic | Im very impressed with ubuntu, its the bomb | 03:48 |
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chris13 | still not working | 03:48 |
chris13 | I made sure I did sudo this time | 03:48 |
chris13 | didn't get those errors | 03:49 |
chris13 | but it still gives me the no screens with a usable config error | 03:49 |
=== adcurtin [n=Andy@adsl-75-46-179-160.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | glorious | 03:50 |
adcurtin | I am having some trouble with a usb key: it has two partitions, a cdfs one (read only) and a normal one. I don't care about the size, the cdfs partition is only 2MB, but it is read only and has autosvr (which is flagged as a virus) and autoruns that (I don't know why it's there, that is how it came, it was a freebie from Cisco). I would like to wipe out the whole key and just have it be one partition. how would I do this? | 03:50 |
nraic | I downloaded the 64bit Azureas client, and extracted into tmp, who do i added the package? | 03:52 |
chris13 | I couldn't get Azureus working | 03:53 |
grazie | nraic: you've just been told by maxamillion that it isn't working on 64 bit | 03:54 |
chris13 | I'm not max | 03:54 |
nraic | grazie, I thought it was only from the package manager | 03:54 |
chris13 | but deluge or something like that works well | 03:54 |
grazie | chris13: I didn't say you were :) | 03:55 |
chris13 | ok | 03:55 |
grazie | nraic: I'd also recommended deluge as a good client | 03:55 |
Prisoner_ | trying to figure out how to get a faxmodem working, not having much luck | 03:55 |
chris13 | I wish I could fix my screen problem | 03:55 |
tonyyarusso | !modem | Prisoner_ | 03:56 |
ubotu | Prisoner_: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 03:56 |
grazie | !deluge-torrent | nraic | 03:56 |
ubotu | nraic: deluge-torrent: A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-2~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 1466 kB, installed size 3888 kB | 03:56 |
adcurtin | How can I repartition a usb stick from the terminal? | 03:57 |
chris13 | "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration." | 03:57 |
grazie | adcurtin: use cfdisk or fdisk | 03:58 |
grazie | chris13: does the desktop cd (live cd) work? | 03:58 |
j1mc | adcurtin, some of those hidden partitions on usb disks can be difficult to remove. what grazie said should do the trick, though. | 03:58 |
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chris13 | haven't tried the CDs I made | 03:59 |
j1mc | !fdisk | adcurtin | 03:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:59 |
chris13 | before I had a real hard time installing xubuntu | 03:59 |
chris13 | I couldn't get graphics working | 03:59 |
chris13 | and now it seems like the same problem | 03:59 |
j1mc | chris13, what kind of monitor and video card do you have? | 03:59 |
chris13 | last time one of the devs remotely logged onto my machine and fixed it | 03:59 |
chris13 | but he wouldn't tell me exactly what he did | 04:00 |
j1mc | chris13, woah . . . nice dev. | 04:00 |
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grazie | chris13: what's changed since then? | 04:00 |
chris13 | I have an nVidia 7800GT | 04:00 |
chris13 | made by evga | 04:00 |
NkuMike | hey I just did a fresh install and now all i get is a grub loading please wait, error 18 | 04:00 |
chris13 | the monitor is some kind of 17 inch CRT | 04:00 |
chris13 | not sure exactly what it is | 04:00 |
j1mc | chris13, does it have any sticker or anything on the back or sides that give it's specs? | 04:01 |
chris13 | it is a gateway monitor I used from an old machine | 04:01 |
j1mc | chris13, can you look up the model number anywhere? | 04:01 |
chris13 | I can tell you the model number | 04:02 |
chris13 | give me 1 sec | 04:02 |
j1mc | NkuMike, tell me about your setup. is it just one hard drive? | 04:02 |
chris13 | model num: ev700aa | 04:02 |
NkuMike | yeah its a 400 gb ide hd | 04:02 |
j1mc | chris13, i take it that you're typing this from a different computer right now? | 04:02 |
chris13 | manufactured may 2002 | 04:02 |
chris13 | nope | 04:03 |
chris13 | only have 1 computer | 04:03 |
j1mc | NkuMike, do you have just one OS installed on that hard drive? | 04:03 |
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NkuMike | yes | 04:03 |
chris13 | using irssi | 04:03 |
j1mc | oh, ok. | 04:03 |
j1mc | chris13, let me see if i can look up your monitor's specs. | 04:04 |
chris13 | ok | 04:04 |
chris13 | thanks | 04:04 |
chris13 | I know the horizontal and vertical rates | 04:04 |
chris13 | HF: 30-69KHz | 04:05 |
chris13 | VF: 50-120Hz | 04:05 |
Prisoner_ | trying to get a modem working too, not much luck there either | 04:05 |
Prisoner_ | it's a lucent winmodem | 04:05 |
j1mc | heh .. . chris13 i just went to look those up. :) | 04:05 |
j1mc | chris13, have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? | 04:05 |
j1mc | when you get to select a video driver, select "nv" | 04:06 |
chris13 | oh nv instead of nvidia? | 04:06 |
chris13 | both are options | 04:06 |
j1mc | yes | 04:07 |
chris13 | ok | 04:07 |
j1mc | nv is the free version. | 04:07 |
chris13 | let me try that | 04:07 |
j1mc | hold on . l. . | 04:07 |
j1mc | hold on... :) | 04:07 |
j1mc | when you get towards the end, it will ask you if you want to do easy/simple (?), medium, or advanced configuration of your monitor. | 04:07 |
chris13 | I did advanced last time | 04:07 |
j1mc | choose advanced, and plug in those horizontal and vertical refresh specs | 04:08 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
chris13 | I did that | 04:08 |
chris13 | would picking nvidia mess it up? | 04:08 |
chris13 | or is it just that they are proprietary? | 04:08 |
j1mc | you can try nvidia once you get the regular nv driver working. | 04:08 |
chris13 | ok | 04:09 |
j1mc | there are tutorials that will walk you through it. | 04:09 |
chris13 | I'll try it with nv then | 04:09 |
vrkhans | if i am installing some software , and it ask for a path where to install, what is the good place to install it | 04:09 |
chris13 | I need to quit to try it | 04:09 |
chris13 | so I'll brb | 04:09 |
j1mc | ok, chris13 good luck. | 04:09 |
j1mc | hhhmmm vrkhans good question. i should know this. :) | 04:09 |
vrkhans | j1mc: i mean like in xp we have program files to install | 04:10 |
vrkhans | everything | 04:10 |
vrkhans | in linux | 04:10 |
nraic | Does any thing extra have to be done to enable port forwarding in linux, Mine are not work. | 04:10 |
j1mc | right . . . i understand, vrkhans | 04:11 |
vrkhans | does there any specific place to install like that | 04:11 |
vrkhans | thansk | 04:11 |
j1mc | hold on . . . brb | 04:11 |
=== Darkkish [i=idont@c-67-171-16-255.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
nraic | Any reason why port forwarding may not work under linux, nothings changed in the router and my ip is the same | 04:12 |
j1mc | nraic, sorry, i can't help you with that one. | 04:13 |
j1mc | :( | 04:13 |
nraic | np | 04:13 |
Darkkish | (20:03:06)_(mattyv) Darkkish: Try booting with noapic nolapic at boot prompt. F6, go along to the end of the line and add those, then press enter | 04:13 |
Darkkish | oops | 04:13 |
Darkkish | sorry, wrong thing | 04:13 |
Darkkish | XD | 04:13 |
vrkhans | j1mc: what about me :-) | 04:13 |
Darkkish | http://talkback.zdnet.com/5208-12355-0.html?forumID=1&threadID=31199&messageID=579806&start=43 <-- thats what i meant to paste | 04:13 |
ormiret | vrkhans: you should install in a subdirectory of something in the PATH environment variable, /usr/local/bin is a good option to keep it out of the way of the package manager. | 04:14 |
Darkkish | strangest article ever. | 04:14 |
j1mc | vrkhans, i'm looking ... hold on. :) | 04:14 |
=== j1mc is still checking for vrkhans :) | ||
j1mc | vrkhans, this is third-party, non-package manager-installed software, right? | 04:16 |
j1mc | what are you trying to install? | 04:16 |
j1mc | it would go in /usr/local | 04:17 |
vrkhans | realpalyer | 04:17 |
j1mc | see the lsb filesystem hierarchy at http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/execenvfhs.html | 04:17 |
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j1mc | vrkhans, real player should be available in the repos. | 04:18 |
chris13 | ok it did something interesting | 04:18 |
j1mc | you just need to enable the right repos. | 04:18 |
vrkhans | no it is no | 04:18 |
vrkhans | not | 04:18 |
chris13 | it gave me the logon screen | 04:18 |
j1mc | chris13, what happened? | 04:18 |
vrkhans | i check synap | 04:18 |
chris13 | and I logged in | 04:18 |
j1mc | ok | 04:18 |
j1mc | vrkhans, check this link instead http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html | 04:18 |
chris13 | and then it showed the wallpaper with a lot of line artifacts all over it and no panels and no icons and nothing but the mouse cursor | 04:19 |
Qew | vrkhans: make sure that the multiverse repo is selected, then you'll find it | 04:19 |
chris13 | also ctrl+alt+f1 wouldn't work | 04:19 |
Qew | it's there in Multiverse | 04:19 |
chris13 | I had to push the power button on my computer to reboot | 04:19 |
j1mc | chris13, do you have xfwm and xfce4-panel installed? | 04:19 |
chris13 | well I'm getting to that | 04:19 |
j1mc | try installing xubuntu-desktop | 04:20 |
chris13 | I just tried to install xubuntu-desktop | 04:20 |
j1mc | hmmm... | 04:20 |
chris13 | and it found some errors | 04:20 |
chris13 | errors with acpid-support | 04:20 |
chris13 | and acpi-support | 04:20 |
j1mc | errors you say? hmm | 04:20 |
chris13 | I need to set it for noapic | 04:21 |
chris13 | and nolapic | 04:21 |
chris13 | but I'm not sure how | 04:21 |
ormiret | kernel options like noacpi shouldn't affect package installation, what were the errors? | 04:21 |
=== j1mc steps away to try google. | ||
maxamillion | chris13: i really think you are going to have to re-install ... you said earlier you did some updates and i think there is a conflict that doesn't seem to be resolving itself .... either re-install or do "sudo aptitude update" and then "sudo aptitude -f upgrade" | 04:21 |
maxamillion | and see if that works | 04:22 |
chris13 | well max I tried that too | 04:22 |
maxamillion | this is starting to seem like a bigger issue than just your xorg.conf or the nvidia-glx package | 04:22 |
maxamillion | chris13: did you try it with the -f flag? | 04:22 |
chris13 | but I had errors like this the first time I installed too | 04:22 |
chris13 | so a fresh install won't fix it | 04:22 |
maxamillion | ohhhh | 04:22 |
chris13 | otherwise I would | 04:22 |
maxamillion | yeah, then its an incompatibility with your hardware, and i think the boot: -noacpi would fix it | 04:23 |
chris13 | and I need to put the cd in to do that or something? | 04:23 |
maxamillion | yeah, the livecd | 04:24 |
chris13 | alright | 04:24 |
maxamillion | brb ... need food | 04:25 |
chris13 | I have the regular cd and the alternate | 04:25 |
chris13 | which one should I use? | 04:25 |
chris13 | I used the alternate to get it partially installed the first time | 04:25 |
j1mc | chris13, i prefer the alternate cd if i know i'm going to do a straight install | 04:25 |
chris13 | alright | 04:25 |
chris13 | so boot from the cd or just try to run it now? | 04:26 |
j1mc | but i've installed xubuntu a bunch of times. i would advise going that way if you're comfortable w/o the fancy graphics. | 04:26 |
chris13 | well I'm not planning on reinstalling | 04:26 |
chris13 | just setting a boot option | 04:26 |
j1mc | hmmm... i was just doing some checking on the noapic and nolapic thing (or whatever) that you just mentioend. | 04:26 |
chris13 | oh? | 04:26 |
j1mc | i don't know how ot set boot options myself. that's what i was checking. | 04:26 |
chris13 | well let me know if you find anything potentially useful | 04:27 |
ormiret | chris13: you don't need the cd to set boot options you do that by editing the command in grub, either in the menu.lst or at the prompt when you first book. | 04:27 |
ormiret | *boot | 04:27 |
j1mc | ormiret, you've got it. :) you just add the parameters to the end of the kernel line in your grub menu list. | 04:28 |
chris13 | so I need to edit grub? | 04:28 |
chris13 | how do I do that? | 04:28 |
chris13 | is there an option at that list where I pick my OS | 04:28 |
j1mc | first, make a copy of your current grub menu list . . . | 04:29 |
j1mc | do that by entering . . . | 04:29 |
ormiret | !bootoptions | chris13 | 04:29 |
j1mc | sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup | 04:29 |
ubotu | chris13: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 04:29 |
chris13 | I mean I can look up these urls with links2 but it isn't exactly convienient | 04:30 |
j1mc | ormiret, he's not entering this from a GUI. :) | 04:31 |
j1mc | chris13, did you enter the command above, to back up grub? | 04:31 |
chris13 | I will | 04:31 |
chris13 | I have to quit this each time I want to try commands | 04:31 |
j1mc | ok, np | 04:32 |
chris13 | only ctrl+alt+f1 works | 04:32 |
chris13 | oh wait a minute | 04:32 |
chris13 | the others seem to be working now | 04:32 |
chris13 | before f2-f6 would show monitor out of scan range errors | 04:32 |
j1mc | after you back it up, enter sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:33 |
chris13 | is nano better than pico? | 04:33 |
j1mc | look for a line that starts with boot: /boot/vmlinuz... and add "noapic nolapic" to the end | 04:33 |
chris13 | I'm probably not skilled enough for vi | 04:33 |
j1mc | only enter it without the quotes | 04:33 |
j1mc | nano is pretty easy to use. | 04:34 |
j1mc | Ctrl-O will save your file. | 04:34 |
j1mc | Ctrl-X will exit nano | 04:34 |
chris13 | ok | 04:34 |
chris13 | ok I have backed up the file | 04:36 |
chris13 | going to try editing it now | 04:36 |
j1mc | ok | 04:37 |
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@mdm2-66-243-204-8.pivot.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
wheels3572 | how do I tell what version of Xubuntu im running | 04:39 |
crimsun | lsb_release -r | 04:39 |
crimsun | 6.06{,.1} == dapper; 6.10 == edgy; 7.04 == feisty | 04:39 |
chris13 | ok believe it or not those 2 things were already there in the file | 04:39 |
wheels3572 | ty | 04:39 |
wheels3572 | really dumb question and I know it's very minimal but | 04:40 |
wheels3572 | when I open up firefox | 04:40 |
wheels3572 | it says xubuntu 6.06 | 04:40 |
wheels3572 | why dont it say 6.10 | 04:40 |
wheels3572 | im runnign 6.10 | 04:40 |
crimsun | is your dist-upgrade complete? | 04:41 |
ormiret | chris13: try running the update again and tell us the errors are. | 04:41 |
=== vrkhans [n=hkhan@cpe-65-185-119-90.woh.res.rr.com] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
maxamillion | wheels3572: its because we didn't have the man power to update the documentation ... that's our fault | 04:41 |
maxamillion | crimsun: the 6.10 install iso still have 6.06 docbook on it :( | 04:41 |
crimsun | right. | 04:41 |
chris13 | alright | 04:42 |
chris13 | hold on | 04:42 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, ok np :). Are you part of the xubuntu team? | 04:42 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: i like to think of myself as a contributing community member | 04:42 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, works for me :) | 04:43 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: i don't do anything impressive like core development, but i help where and when i can | 04:43 |
=== maxamillion does devel ... just not for xubuntu ;) | ||
wheels3572 | maxamillion, you do a great job :) | 04:43 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, ok lol gotcha | 04:43 |
chris13 | when I run the upgrade command is there a switch to make it only do 1 page of output at a time? | 04:43 |
chris13 | otherwise I can only see the last errors | 04:44 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, have you heard of the issue where when you save a file to desktop it doesn't show on desktop in xubuntu? | 04:44 |
ormiret | chris13: pipe the output to less with "| less" on the end of the command | 04:44 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: not personally ... it works on all of my machines | 04:44 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: actually ... let me double check | 04:44 |
chris13 | ok | 04:44 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, See I made a txt document today and saved it to desktop and it's not showing there | 04:45 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: yeah, works here | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | hmmmmmm | 04:45 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: strange ... uhmm, you sure xfce is managing the desktop? | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | and this is a fresh install too | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, no | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | lol | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | quite new tot aht | 04:45 |
wheels3572 | quite new on most of this sorry | 04:45 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: Applications->Settings->Desktop Settings ... in there, there is a check box at the top that says "allow xfce to manage my desktop" | 04:46 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: make sure that is checked | 04:46 |
chris13 | ok I did the | less thing and now typing makes my computer beep | 04:46 |
chris13 | how do I exit from it to get back my prompt? | 04:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Hit 'q'. | 04:46 |
wheels3572 | done deal :) | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | maxamillion, omg simple as that GRRRRRRRRRR at myself | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | ty | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | NOW I feel like an idiot | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | cuz i been seeing that option a million times | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | and never checked it | 04:47 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: no worries | 04:47 |
wheels3572 | *thinks I will add max to my buddy list lol | 04:48 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: just make sure when you logout/restart/shut down you check "save session for next login" and it will make sure it holds the setting | 04:48 |
maxamillion | :) | 04:48 |
maxamillion | wait ... buddy list in irc? | 04:48 |
wheels3572 | sweet | 04:48 |
wheels3572 | and I was being funny but yes unless you have Instant Messengers | 04:48 |
wheels3572 | which if you do | 04:48 |
wheels3572 | I have AIM, Yahoo and MSN | 04:49 |
maxamillion | i have aim and gTalk | 04:49 |
wheels3572 | ok can you pm me? | 04:49 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: you should join the mailing lists! | 04:49 |
j1mc | maxamillion, do a lot of the xubuntu devs use gtalk? | 04:49 |
j1mc | yes, wheels. :) | 04:49 |
=== j1mc thinks wheels3572 should join the mailing lists, too.:) | ||
wheels3572 | what jlmc? | 04:49 |
maxamillion | j1mc: not sure, i just started using it because somerville32 and a couple other community members did | 04:49 |
wheels3572 | what mailing lists where | 04:50 |
j1mc | maxamillion: i think i'll give it a try, too. | 04:50 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: http://www.xubuntu.org/help | 04:50 |
j1mc | maxamillion, i got an email from cody today. he's leaving one hospital, being tranferred to another. :( | 04:50 |
j1mc | i haven't asked what's wrong, but i hope he'll be ok. | 04:51 |
maxamillion | j1mc: yeah, he text messaged me about that :( | 04:51 |
maxamillion | j1mc: he said there isn't a net connection at the new one either | 04:51 |
j1mc | ah, suck! | 04:51 |
maxamillion | brb ... dog needs to go out | 04:51 |
chris13 | package acpid is not configured yet | 04:51 |
chris13 | package acpi-support is not configured yet | 04:51 |
chris13 | package powermanagement-interface is not configured yet | 04:52 |
wheels3572 | Joined | 04:52 |
chris13 | errors encountered while processing: | 04:52 |
chris13 | acpid | 04:52 |
chris13 | acpi-support | 04:52 |
chris13 | powermanagement-interface | 04:52 |
chris13 | xubuntu-desktop | 04:52 |
j1mc | chris13, try entering "sudo /etc/init.d/acpid stop" w/o the quotes | 04:52 |
chris13 | ok | 04:53 |
j1mc | then enter sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:53 |
ormiret | chris13: further back than that it should give you some idea what the errors were when it tries to configure them. | 04:53 |
maxamillion | back | 04:54 |
chris13 | I can't see further back than that | 04:54 |
chris13 | unless less is a file | 04:54 |
chris13 | or you can tell me the keyboard shortcuts to see further back | 04:55 |
chris13 | q was quit but I can't seem to do anything else | 04:55 |
ormiret | the arrow keys let you move around | 04:55 |
chris13 | those weren't working | 04:55 |
chris13 | maybe because part of it is to type y for yes and hit enter | 04:55 |
maxamillion | wheels3572: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdamMiller <--- my wiki page if you were by any chance curious :) | 04:55 |
wheels3572 | Still tryign to honestly figure out wiki is lol | 04:56 |
ormiret | chris13: give apt-get a -y to get round that | 04:56 |
chris13 | invalid operation a | 04:59 |
chris13 | this is what I saw | 04:59 |
=== j1mc needs to take a break from the computer. :( | ||
=== j1mc is t.i.red | ||
chris13 | Do you want to continue[Y/n] ? Setting up acpid(1.0.4-5ubuntu4)... | 05:00 |
j1mc | chris13, good luck!!! i hope this gets fixed soon. | 05:00 |
ormiret | sorry that was my fault, 'apt-get -y upgrade' | 05:00 |
chris13 | *Loading ACPI modules... ESC[80G ^MESC[74G[ ok ] | 05:00 |
chris13 | *starting ACPI services... ESC[80G | 05:01 |
chris13 | then a bunch of ~ | 05:01 |
ormiret | chris13: was that a screenfull? | 05:02 |
chris13 | subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned erroe code (1) | 05:03 |
chris13 | nope | 05:03 |
chris13 | smae dependency errors | 05:03 |
chris13 | *same | 05:03 |
ormiret | I think this is trying to restart the userspace acpi stuff after it gets updated and failing since you have acpi switched off in the kernel - I don't think this is the same as your graphics problem. | 05:06 |
chris13 | I have it switched off in the kernel? | 05:07 |
ormiret | you said noacpi was in your menu.lst - that tells the kernel to switch off acpi. | 05:08 |
chris13 | ok | 05:08 |
chris13 | well yes it is set in my menu.lst | 05:08 |
chris13 | noapic nolapic | 05:09 |
chris13 | would these problems go away if I got a new monitor? | 05:09 |
ormiret | possibly - your monitor might be picky about sync rates or your graphics card could be producing awkward rates. | 05:10 |
ormiret | what currently happens when you try to start X? | 05:12 |
chris13 | what is the command for that? | 05:12 |
ormiret | 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' | 05:13 |
ormiret | then ctrl-alt-F7 | 05:14 |
=== ShiFTKey [n=fake@CPE0050f2cf38bd-CM014390042162.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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ShiFTKey | is anyone here? | 05:15 |
tonyyarusso | yep | 05:15 |
ShiFTKey | hi | 05:15 |
icicled | yes/no/maybe | 05:15 |
ShiFTKey | i have a question abuot linux | 05:15 |
chris13 | it said ok | 05:15 |
ShiFTKey | unrelated to ubuntu | 05:15 |
icicled | ok | 05:15 |
chris13 | now I'm going to try the f7 | 05:15 |
ShiFTKey | is it possible to create a linux router | 05:16 |
chris13 | it shows the logon screen | 05:16 |
ShiFTKey | with internet connection sharing | 05:16 |
icicled | yes, why not | 05:16 |
chris13 | but I bet it will freeze once I logon | 05:16 |
ShiFTKey | i have 5 nic cards installed | 05:16 |
ShiFTKey | on an old pc | 05:16 |
ShiFTKey | and i want to turn it into a router | 05:16 |
icicled | ShiFTKey, there's a galore of tutorials that show you how to do that | 05:16 |
tonyyarusso | ShiFTKey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetConnectionSharing, I think | 05:16 |
=== rvega [n=rvega@host224.201-252-19.telecom.net.ar] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ShiFTKey | well | 05:16 |
ShiFTKey | not exactly | 05:16 |
rvega | cellofellow: hi!!! | 05:17 |
rvega | remember me? | 05:17 |
cellofellow | yeah | 05:18 |
rvega | i solve my problem... | 05:18 |
cellofellow | I can't remember what I helped you with. | 05:18 |
=== ShiFTKey [n=fake@CPE0050f2cf38bd-CM014390042162.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
rvega | gparted don't see my existents partitions | 05:18 |
rvega | remember now? | 05:18 |
cellofellow | oh, yes | 05:18 |
rvega | two words! overlapping partitions | 05:19 |
cellofellow | weird | 05:19 |
cellofellow | so, how'd you fix it? | 05:20 |
rvega | only fix is repartition | 05:20 |
=== chris13_ [n=chris@crmp-86.res.umass.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
rvega | :-( | 05:20 |
cellofellow | :( | 05:20 |
rvega | in some install of linux | 05:20 |
cellofellow | so, how did that happen anyway? | 05:21 |
cellofellow | oh | 05:21 |
chris13_ | ok yeah I tried logging in and I couldn't do anything except move the mouse along | 05:21 |
rvega | sorry some install of win | 05:21 |
chris13_ | *around | 05:21 |
chris13_ | I had to reboot my machine | 05:21 |
rvega | you can create extended partitions or something like this | 05:21 |
rvega | is like a virtual partition | 05:21 |
cellofellow | chris13: sounds like X froze or something. | 05:21 |
rvega | used for big disk | 05:21 |
chris13_ | there was no icons or panels or anything | 05:21 |
rvega | disks | 05:22 |
cellofellow | chris13: does alt+f2 work? | 05:22 |
chris13_ | there was only the mouse cursor and the wallpaper | 05:22 |
chris13_ | no | 05:22 |
chris13_ | nothing worked when I logged in | 05:22 |
ormiret | chris13_: create a new user and try logging in as that. | 05:22 |
chris13_ | alright how do I do that? | 05:22 |
cellofellow | rvega: yeah, only four primary partitions can be made per disk, but you can make an extended partition and put more logical partitions inside that. | 05:23 |
rvega | with this schema | 05:23 |
rvega | gparted detect two partitions in the same | 05:23 |
rvega | place | 05:23 |
rvega | and fail; | 05:23 |
ormiret | chris13_: 'sudo adduser new_user_name' | 05:24 |
rvega | if you run sudo gparted /dev/hda... the error is showed in terminal | 05:24 |
chris13_ | oh no | 05:24 |
rvega | "Can't overlapping partitions" | 05:24 |
chris13_ | now ctrl+alt+f2 and all the others except f7 and f1 show monitor out of range errors | 05:25 |
rvega | is reported like a bug in gnome and ubuntu | 05:25 |
rvega | but both say tahat is not a bug | 05:25 |
chris13_ | ok let me try logging on as a new user | 05:25 |
rvega | cellofellow: thanks for your help! | 05:27 |
=== chris13_ [n=chris@crmp-112.res.umass.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
chris13_ | ok logging on as a second user gave almost the same errors except you could see a grey bar where the panel should be with lots of graphical errors on it | 05:30 |
ormiret | looks like graphics problems then - change the driver to 'vesa' in your xorg.conf | 05:32 |
chris13_ | well I have a fairly modern GPU | 05:32 |
chris13_ | is it really the graphics drivers that are the problem? | 05:32 |
chris13_ | there are other options in xorg.conf | 05:33 |
chris13_ | I'm not sure what to set all the options to | 05:33 |
maxamillion | chris13_: i would vote graphics problem and agree with ormiret about switching to vesa | 05:34 |
chris13_ | ok | 05:34 |
chris13_ | be back again soon | 05:34 |
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chris13 | well I somehow fixed it | 05:47 |
chris13 | I ran every command like 6 times | 05:47 |
maxamillion | lol | 05:47 |
chris13 | don't know which ones did it | 05:47 |
chris13 | apt-get autoremove might have helped | 05:48 |
chris13 | or else dpkg --configure -a | 05:48 |
chris13 | wish I knew why ctrl+alt+[f2 - f6] are out of monitor range though | 05:49 |
chris13 | how do I remove a user? | 05:49 |
icicled | userdel | 05:49 |
chris13 | ok | 05:49 |
icicled | my older ati card did that, when X would start, it would render the real TTY (ctr-alt-{f1-f6}) useless, i couldn't see anything in them | 05:50 |
chris13 | did you ever find a fix? | 05:51 |
chris13 | and on mine f1 works | 05:51 |
chris13 | so does anyone know how to fix that? | 05:59 |
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BFTD | !jade | 06:33 |
ubotu | jade: James Clark's DSSSL Engine. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 279 kB, installed size 908 kB | 06:33 |
=== cellofellow [n=josh@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cellofellow | Windows 9x really, really, really sucks. | 06:43 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: not true ... win98se was tollerable ... better than winME anyways | 06:44 |
cellofellow | this is winME. | 06:44 |
maxamillion | yeah... winME is garbage | 06:44 |
cellofellow | I've been trying to talk my parents into buying a used copy of W2K, if they insist on Windows. | 06:45 |
cellofellow | This Samba printing just sucks. I get it all rosy set up and then Windows decides it can't find the server name even though it is right there and it can access it. | 06:45 |
cellofellow | I wish winME could use IPP instead. | 06:45 |
cellofellow | W2K can. What's the deal here anyways? | 06:46 |
maxamillion | win2kpro was the best window OS ever | 06:49 |
maxamillion | windows* | 06:49 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | *cough* | 06:49 |
gunny01 | he said best windows | 06:51 |
=== gunny01 [n=tom@ppp103-228.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
maxamillion | yeah ... ironic statement i know | 06:52 |
=== bur[n] er preferred xp to 2k, but to each their own | ||
=== bur[n] er prefers ubuntu to xp | ||
cellofellow | I never used either. | 06:54 |
cellofellow | which is why I'm having huge problems. | 06:54 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: 2k was posix based ... that's the only thing i liked about it | 06:55 |
=== bur[n] er refuses debate and moves on to how cool ubuntu and beryl are ;) | ||
maxamillion | lol | 06:56 |
malnilion_ | Meh, beryl is still a lil' buggy for my taste. | 06:57 |
malnilion_ | Whole new set of debates here :P | 06:57 |
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion | ||
bur[n] er | i hear that about buggy... it's flawless here on an nvidia fx 6200 | 06:57 |
bur[n] er | as of 0.2.0 it's stellar | 06:57 |
malnilion | Well, it's definitely crashed on me semi-recently | 06:58 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: wanna see beryl put to shame with a non 3d app? | 06:58 |
malnilion | I'm still at the point where I won't use it if I'm doing something important. | 06:58 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT89IOci5FA&mode=related&search= | 06:58 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: as soon as that is in the repos, i will be happy | 06:59 |
=== bur[n] er is happy with beryl... xfce's new compositing is impressive too | ||
maxamillion | bur[n] er: yeah, beryl is cool... i got bored with it though | 06:59 |
bur[n] er | maxamillion, so what is that voodoo? | 06:59 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: no ... metisse :) | 07:00 |
maxamillion | brb, dog needs to go out | 07:00 |
=== bur[n] er understands doggies... have a good night, i'm off | ||
PuMpErNiCkLe | You can get Metisse, if you're willing to migrate to Mandriva linux. | 07:01 |
=== bur[n] er is not | ||
maxamillion | PuMpErNiCkLe: heh ... negative | 07:03 |
maxamillion | mandriva is up there on my list with windows | 07:03 |
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=== rvega is now known as fixo | ||
=== chris13 [n=chris@crmp-112.res.umass.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
chris13 | ok I have a question | 07:23 |
magic_ninja | is there a repo for the latest version of wine | 07:23 |
chris13 | if I installed a .deb package and got a broken dependency can I fix it manually somehow? | 07:24 |
magic_ninja | yea | 07:24 |
magic_ninja | or u can do it automatically | 07:24 |
magic_ninja | apt-get autoremove | 07:24 |
chris13 | libwxbase2.6-0 | 07:24 |
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chris13 | well i want to make it work | 07:24 |
magic_ninja | then find the proper version of the dependency u need and install it | 07:25 |
chris13 | there is no proper version | 07:25 |
chris13 | I thought I had the dependency installed | 07:25 |
chris13 | I installed it with the package manager | 07:25 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | magic_ninja: WineHQ maintains a repository of their own, if that's what you're looking for. | 07:35 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | http://winehq.com/site/download-deb | 07:35 |
cellofellow | does Windows 2000 SP4 have built-in anti-piracy stuff? | 07:36 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ... | 07:36 |
magic_ninja | is it wise to do that? | 07:36 |
magic_ninja | i mean use the repo | 07:36 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | magic_ninja: It should work. It's targetted at Ubuntu, and provides only Wine, anyway. | 07:36 |
maxamillion | magic_ninja: yeah, that works ... i download from there to get wine on my amd64 box | 07:37 |
magic_ninja | PuMpErNiCkLe: and apt-get will select latest version automatically | 07:37 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Yeah. | 07:37 |
maxamillion | aptitude preferably, but yes ... apt is smart like that | 07:38 |
chris13 | "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libwxbase2.6-0" | 07:40 |
chris13 | :( | 07:40 |
magic_ninja | chris13: run sudo apt-get update | 07:40 |
magic_ninja | see if your sources are up to date | 07:40 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !info libwxbase2.6-0 edgy | 07:41 |
ubotu | libwxbase2.6-0: wxBase library (runtime) - non-GUI support classes of wxWidgets toolkit. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 517 kB, installed size 1436 kB | 07:41 |
chris13 | It is a .deb package | 07:42 |
magic_ninja | chris13: run sudo apt-get update | 07:42 |
chris13 | trying to get code::blocks working | 07:42 |
chris13 | I just ran that | 07:42 |
magic_ninja | did you get an error | 07:42 |
chris13 | not when updating | 07:42 |
chris13 | but when running the package | 07:42 |
magic_ninja | then make sure you have all of your sources | 07:42 |
magic_ninja | !paste | 07:43 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:43 |
magic_ninja | use that to paste me the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:43 |
magic_ninja | */etc/apt-get/sources.list | 07:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Wait, this package that's complaining about a missing dependency - did you install it through apt? | 07:43 |
chris13 | no | 07:43 |
chris13 | I didn't | 07:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ah | 07:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Apt will handle dependencies for you. dpkg won't. | 07:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You can install the missing dep through apt, e.g: `sudo apt-get install libwxbase2.6-0`, if you have the universe repository enabled. | 07:44 |
chris13 | so do I need to undo what I did? | 07:45 |
maxamillion | dpkg will check them but not handle them | 07:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | No, just installing the missing dependency will solve your problems. | 07:45 |
chris13 | or will doing it the right way just overwrite it so it will work? | 07:45 |
chris13 | ok | 07:45 |
chris13 | great | 07:45 |
magic_ninja | PuMpErNiCkLe: i think that's his problem, is he doesn't have the all his repos set up right | 07:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | magic_ninja: Could be... we'll find out soon. | 07:46 |
maxamillion | lol | 07:46 |
magic_ninja | what do i know, i'm just a loley newb | 07:47 |
chris13 | Alright so I have this .deb file on my desktop | 07:48 |
=== maxamillion is a noob as well | ||
chris13 | I'm in the terminal and I navigated to the desktop folder | 07:48 |
chris13 | how do I install this thing? | 07:48 |
maxamillion | chris13: right click the .deb file on the desktop | 07:48 |
magic_ninja | maxamillion: wait | 07:48 |
magic_ninja | chris13: havn't you already done this and gotten an error | 07:48 |
maxamillion | chris13: and chose "install with <i forget what its called>" | 07:48 |
chris13 | I just double clicked it the first time | 07:49 |
magic_ninja | chris13: did you get the contents of your /etc/apt-get/sources.list file? | 07:49 |
chris13 | not yet | 07:49 |
chris13 | I'll get that for you | 07:49 |
magic_ninja | chris13: then go ahead and get me that so i can see if u got your repos enabled | 07:49 |
chris13 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10859/ | 07:53 |
chris13 | hope that is the right file | 07:53 |
chris13 | it was in apt not apt-get/ | 07:53 |
chris13 | there was no apt-get folder | 07:54 |
maxamillion | yeah | 07:55 |
maxamillion | apt-get is a frontend to apt | 07:55 |
maxamillion | well, no | 07:55 |
maxamillion | that's false | 07:55 |
magic_ninja | lol | 07:55 |
maxamillion | apt-get is a utility that uses apt | 07:55 |
magic_ninja | try wat nickel said | 07:56 |
magic_ninja | sudo apt-get install libwxbase2.6-0 | 07:56 |
chris13 | it said it was already the newest version | 08:00 |
magic_ninja | shouldn't be getting a dependency error then | 08:01 |
chris13 | well then how do I install the thing? | 08:01 |
chris13 | is there a better way than just double clicking? | 08:02 |
magic_ninja | not sure man | 08:02 |
magic_ninja | you can use the command line of the graphical frontend | 08:02 |
magic_ninja | i can't remember what its called but its the name of the program that you install by doing it graphically | 08:02 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | dpkg? ^_^ | 08:03 |
magic_ninja | PuMpErNiCkLe: thought so but i didn't wanna give the wrong name :-) | 08:05 |
magic_ninja | PuMpErNiCkLe: you always make me look stupid lol | 08:05 |
magic_ninja | sudo dpkg -i <filename> i believe | 08:05 |
maxamillion | PuMpErNiCkLe: there is a GUI that uses dpkg to install packages that aren't in the repo but will install unresolved dependencies with apt-get | 08:05 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | maxamillion: Interesting - what's it called? | 08:06 |
maxamillion | PuMpErNiCkLe: i forget ... lemme find out, just a moment | 08:06 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | k | 08:06 |
chris13 | yeah because that is what I need | 08:07 |
maxamillion | !gdebi | 08:07 |
ubotu | gdebi: Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 680 kB | 08:07 |
magic_ninja | !jack | 08:07 |
maxamillion | :) | 08:07 |
ubotu | jack: Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-11 (edgy), package size 125 kB, installed size 580 kB | 08:07 |
maxamillion | PuMpErNiCkLe: gdebi | 08:07 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Cool. | 08:08 |
maxamillion | yeah, i thought so | 08:08 |
chris13 | very cool | 08:08 |
chris13 | especially if it works | 08:09 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Yeah. Working properly is essential. | 08:09 |
chris13 | now how do I start it? | 08:09 |
chris13 | lol | 08:09 |
maxamillion | brb ... dog needs to go out | 08:09 |
chris13 | oh that is what double clicking does | 08:11 |
chris13 | I was using gdebi the whole time | 08:11 |
chris13 | I guess the package is just busted then | 08:12 |
chris13 | I'm in 64 bit Xubuntu | 08:12 |
chris13 | what do you suppose the chances of getting CDT with Eclipse working will be? | 08:12 |
chris13 | with gcj is possible | 08:13 |
chris13 | so far I haven't had any luck getting a reasonable development environment up | 08:14 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | It shouldn't be a problem - it's been packaged for AMD64. | 08:15 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !info eclipse-cdt edgy | 08:15 |
ubotu | eclipse-cdt: C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-3 (edgy), package size 17049 kB, installed size 21896 kB | 08:15 |
chris13 | I tried it already | 08:16 |
chris13 | no luck | 08:16 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Is that what was just being worked on, or was that earlier? | 08:16 |
chris13 | ? | 08:17 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Is that the .dev you were just trying to install? | 08:18 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | s/dev/deb/ | 08:18 |
maxamillion | chris13: download eclipse from their website, the eclipse package in ubuntu is borked | 08:18 |
chris13 | yup | 08:19 |
chris13 | I was reading about a few people who have gotten it working | 08:19 |
chris13 | I'm going to do it tomorrow | 08:19 |
chris13 | I need to sleep | 08:19 |
chris13 | thanks for the help everyone | 08:19 |
maxamillion | chris13: anytime | 08:19 |
chris13 | I actually learned a lot from messing up my system and fixing it | 08:20 |
maxamillion | chris13: if you get it working from the package, let me know ... i spent many hours and gave up ... the one from eclipse.org works like a charm though | 08:20 |
chris13 | the package I was trying to install just now was for the nightly build of code::blocks | 08:21 |
chris13 | the eclipse one I gave up on much earlier today | 08:21 |
chris13 | that happened right before I lost my graphics | 08:21 |
maxamillion | chris13: if you like a quick hack and go devel environment install geany | 08:22 |
chris13 | eclipse would be nice though because I do program in java occasionally even though I'm mostly a c++ man | 08:22 |
maxamillion | !geany | 08:22 |
ubotu | geany: A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1 (edgy), package size 1076 kB, installed size 3664 kB | 08:23 |
chris13 | yeah I had geany | 08:23 |
maxamillion | chris13: i use geany for almost all of my coding | 08:23 |
maxamillion | oh ... ok | 08:23 |
chris13 | it isn't bad | 08:23 |
chris13 | I'm just going to be having some very large projects soon | 08:23 |
chris13 | I'm going to be coding a game engine | 08:23 |
maxamillion | chris13: oh cool cool | 08:24 |
maxamillion | chris13: yeah, large projects need eclipse in my opinion | 08:24 |
chris13 | unfortunately I grew up on Windows | 08:24 |
chris13 | I'm trying to get comfortable on Linux | 08:24 |
chris13 | I'm going to be using SDL and openGL | 08:25 |
maxamillion | well, welcome and hopefully your transition won't be too painful | 08:25 |
maxamillion | openGL is awesome | 08:25 |
chris13 | honestly Xubuntu is very user friendly | 08:25 |
chris13 | I'm very pleased | 08:25 |
maxamillion | glad to hear it | 08:25 |
magic_ninja | !paste | 08:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:25 |
maxamillion | chris13: i've been a fan of xfce for some time, gnome is nice but it just has too much going on ... xfce is a good balance of features and light weight in my opinion, which makes it good for my use | 08:26 |
chris13 | how do you whisper people in irc? | 08:27 |
chris13 | is it /w or something? | 08:27 |
cellofellow | /msg | 08:27 |
chris13 | ok | 08:27 |
chris13 | thanks | 08:27 |
maxamillion | chris13: you've played warcraft before haven't you ;) | 08:28 |
chris13 | ok goodnight everyone | 08:29 |
magic_ninja | how you spell multiverse right? | 08:42 |
hyper_ch | good morning | 08:43 |
maxamillion | magic_ninja: multiverse | 08:44 |
maxamillion | magic_ninja: just like you spelled it | 08:44 |
maxamillion | !multiverse | 08:44 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 08:44 |
maxamillion | :O | 08:45 |
maxamillion | :) | 08:45 |
magic_ninja | then i'm so dumb i outsmart myself | 08:48 |
maxamillion | lol | 08:49 |
maxamillion | if you want to put it that way | 08:49 |
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cellofellow | !swat | 09:38 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 09:38 |
cellofellow | :( | 09:39 |
cellofellow | read that already | 09:39 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: you need the swat port? | 09:39 |
cellofellow | it's 901 | 09:39 |
cellofellow | how do I start it though? | 09:39 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: you need to enable root | 09:39 |
cellofellow | ok | 09:39 |
cellofellow | did that already | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | did you add the following line to inetd.conf? | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | swat stream tcp nowait.400root /usr/sbin/swat swat | 09:40 |
cellofellow | it's not running though, and it doesn't put a startup script in /etc/init.d | 09:40 |
cellofellow | ok | 09:40 |
cellofellow | that's how then | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | there's a space between 400 and root | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | wait | 09:42 |
hyper_ch | wrong | 09:42 |
cellofellow | it's actually already there. | 09:42 |
cellofellow | what port is it then? | 09:42 |
hyper_ch | inetd is for older setup | 09:42 |
cellofellow | got it. port 400 | 09:42 |
hyper_ch | we wave to use xinetd | 09:43 |
cellofellow | never mind the 400 thing | 09:43 |
hyper_ch | (1) Add to /etc/services: swat 901/tcp#SWAT | 09:43 |
hyper_ch | again with a tab between tcp and # | 09:43 |
hyper_ch | (2) add to /etc/xinted.conf the following line if it's not there: includedir /etc/xinetd.d | 09:44 |
hyper_ch | (3) create the file /etc/xinted.d/swat | 09:45 |
hyper_ch | (4) add the following content to that swat file: http://phpfi.com/216762 | 09:45 |
hyper_ch | (5) restart xinetd: sudo service xinetd restart | 09:46 |
hyper_ch | (6) browse to http://localhost:901 and login as root | 09:46 |
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cellofellow | josh@scamper:~$ sudo service xinetd restart | 09:49 |
cellofellow | sudo: service: command not found | 09:49 |
cellofellow | hyper_ch: ^^ | 09:50 |
maxamillion | #debian is sooooo offtopic right now | 09:51 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: then reboot :) | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: or /etc/init.d/xinted restart | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | resp. sudo /etc .... | 09:54 |
cellofellow | xinetd not even installed | 09:55 |
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cellofellow | ok, I need to add swat to xinetd again. | 10:01 |
cellofellow | hyper_ch: ? | 10:02 |
cellofellow | you there? | 10:02 |
cellofellow | hyper_ch: I lost your instructions on swat and xinetd. can you please repeat? | 10:06 |
maxamillion | 02:43 < hyper_ch> (1) Add to /etc/services: swat I901/tcpIII#SWAT | 10:06 |
maxamillion | 02:43 < hyper_ch> again with a tab between tcp and # | 10:06 |
maxamillion | 02:44 < hyper_ch> (2) add to /etc/xinted.conf the following line if it's not there: includedir /etc/xinetd.d | 10:06 |
maxamillion | 02:44 < hyper_ch> (3) create the file /etc/xinted.d/swat | 10:06 |
maxamillion | 02:45 < hyper_ch> (4) add the following content to that swat file: http://phpfi.com/216762 | 10:07 |
maxamillion | 02:46 < hyper_ch> (5) restart xinetd: sudo service xinetd restart | 10:07 |
maxamillion | 02:46 < hyper_ch> (6) browse to http://localhost:901 and login as root | 10:07 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: is that what you wanted? | 10:07 |
cellofellow | yup | 10:07 |
maxamillion | k | 10:09 |
cellofellow | gah, still not working | 10:10 |
cellofellow | what's a simple graphical samba configurator? | 10:10 |
maxamillion | yast2 | 10:11 |
cellofellow | hehe | 10:11 |
maxamillion | its sad but true ... i haven't found anything that will config samba as easily as yast | 10:11 |
BFTD | HAHA | 10:15 |
maxamillion | ? | 10:15 |
BFTD | they're coming out with a firefox add-on that'll configure samba | 10:16 |
maxamillion | nice | 10:16 |
maxamillion | that's pretty sweet | 10:16 |
BFTD | yea | 10:16 |
maxamillion | firefox: the OS to bridge all other OSs | 10:16 |
BFTD | yeah | 10:16 |
maxamillion | errr "web browser" | 10:16 |
cellofellow | vim worked. :) | 10:17 |
BFTD | maxamillion isn't it like 4 there? | 10:17 |
maxamillion | BFTD: 4:17 ... yes | 10:17 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: should it not have? | 10:17 |
cellofellow | no, just I resorted to vim in the end, instead of gui. | 10:18 |
cellofellow | I wish I could get the Windows 98 samba printing working. | 10:19 |
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robinlinth | How to get the new Xfce 4.4 on Edgy>? | 01:18 |
TheSheep_ | robinlinth: from xfce.org | 01:19 |
robinlinth | packaged? | 01:19 |
TheSheep_ | robinlinth: or upgrade to feisty | 01:19 |
robinlinth | no way . | 01:19 |
TheSheep_ | not packaged, but there is an installer | 01:20 |
robinlinth | so first i should remove the old one, download the installer and install the new one? | 01:20 |
TheSheep_ | robinlinth: you can install the new one in a different directory than the old one -- then you don't need to uninstall | 01:21 |
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robinlinth | TheSheep_, That leaves mess. | 01:22 |
TheSheep_ | robinlinth: well, installing xfce 4.4 on edgy is a mess already -- edgy was tested with the beta version of xfce that comes with it, any other version is on your own risk | 01:23 |
robinlinth | oh... | 01:23 |
robinlinth | but xfce 4.4 is more stable... | 01:24 |
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slayer|uni_ | hi | 01:24 |
slayer|uni_ | somebody here with time for me and my small problem? ;) | 01:25 |
TheSheep_ | !ask | 01:26 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:26 |
slayer|uni_ | ^^ | 01:26 |
slayer|uni_ | i have 2 monitors (exactly the same modell) on an nvidia geforxe 6600, one on the analog output one one the digital. i want to use them in dual view. i wrote both settings for the monitors in the xorg.conf and tried first to use xinerama (only to see if both are working). the analog one works right but the digital gets no signal. i used the values for horizontal and vertival sync from the manufacturers datasheet | 01:28 |
slayer|uni_ | shall i c&p the parts of my xorg.conf here? | 01:30 |
TheSheep_ | !pastebin | 01:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:30 |
slayer|uni_ | ^^ | 01:30 |
TheSheep_ | slayer|uni_: but I don't think I know enough about twinview to help you | 01:30 |
slayer|uni_ | i will do that | 01:30 |
slayer|uni_ | hm | 01:30 |
TheSheep_ | slayer|uni_: best wait for someone else or look at the http://forums.ubuntu.com | 01:30 |
slayer|uni_ | i will try it (i searched till now only in the wiki and the forum of ubuntuusers.de)... | 01:31 |
robinlinth | How to uninstall the Xubuntu version of Xfce completely so i can install the new version with the installer? | 01:37 |
slayer|uni_ | here my xorg.conf (if somebody can help me) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10884/ | 01:39 |
robinlinth | How to uninstall the Xubuntu version of Xfce completely so i can install the new version with the installer? | 01:40 |
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juanjo | hi | 02:01 |
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pzler | i'm now running xubuntu, what files do i need to download to get a full kubuntu aswell? | 02:36 |
grazie | pzler: instal kubuntu-desktop using your package manager of choice | 02:38 |
pzler | hmm i was searching for kde packages. pretty dumb of me | 02:43 |
pzler | got it now thanks | 02:43 |
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grazie | np | 02:43 |
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chris13 | well I'm about to install eclipse | 03:29 |
chris13 | they gave me eclipse as a .tar.gz file | 03:34 |
chris13 | so what do I do with that? | 03:34 |
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frojnd | one w | 03:41 |
frojnd | q* | 03:41 |
frojnd | is xubuntu supported by beryl? | 03:41 |
frojnd | and where is any good tutorial for nvida users and xubuntu to install beryl | 03:41 |
chris13 | yes it is supported | 03:42 |
reaVer | frojnd: disable AIGlx, enable composite from nvidia | 03:42 |
reaVer | (view the nvidia manual for that) | 03:42 |
reaVer | and then just install beryl | 03:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | chris13: Is there an 'install.sh' or similarly named script in the .tar.gz? | 03:43 |
frojnd | reaVer: maybe u have link? | 03:43 |
chris13 | I'm not exactly sure how to install eclipse | 03:43 |
reaVer | frojnd: no I don't:P | 03:43 |
chris13 | maybe | 03:43 |
chris13 | let me check | 03:43 |
reaVer | frojnd: nvidia documentation is usually found in /usr/share/doc/ | 03:43 |
chris13 | doesn't seem to be one | 03:44 |
grazie | chris13: .gz files are associated with gunzip, .tar files are associated with tar, so... | 03:44 |
grazie | chris13: gunzip eclipse.tar.gz | 03:45 |
grazie | chris13: tar -xvf eclipse.tar | 03:45 |
reaVer | err | 03:45 |
chris13 | should I move it where I want it first? | 03:45 |
reaVer | tar zxvf eclipse.tat.gz | 03:45 |
grazie | chris13: it this can easily be done | 03:45 |
reaVer | grazie: tar supports gzip and bzip2 (de)compression | 03:46 |
grazie | chris13: in one step as reaVer shows....but read up and understand | 03:46 |
chris13 | yup | 03:46 |
chris13 | it is doing 2 steps at once | 03:47 |
grazie | yes | 03:47 |
reaVer | z is for gzip compression | 03:47 |
reaVer | j is for bzip2 compression | 03:47 |
grazie | yes | 03:47 |
reaVer | x is extract | 03:47 |
reaVer | v is verbose | 03:47 |
reaVer | f is force(overwrite everything) | 03:47 |
chris13 | it is eclipse | 03:48 |
chris13 | where is the recommended place to put it? | 03:48 |
reaVer | /usr/local/src | 03:49 |
chris13 | ok | 03:49 |
reaVer | eclipse will by default be installed into /usr/local(like every package) | 03:49 |
grazie | chris13: the tar ball will come with configure, make, make install which will handle this for you | 03:49 |
reaVer | not with make and make install:P | 03:50 |
reaVer | and the configure script would be missing some times too | 03:50 |
reaVer | sometimes there is no configure script but an autogen script | 03:50 |
grazie | reaVer: yes...being a little pedantic | 03:51 |
reaVer | after running that you can configure, configure generates makefiles | 03:51 |
reaVer | make uses those makefiles to execute commands(compile) | 03:51 |
reaVer | make without an argument does default, which usually is equalivent to make all | 03:51 |
reaVer | make install everything into prefix dir(which is usually /usr/local unless told otherwise during configure) | 03:52 |
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chris13 | I got a ton of errors | 03:52 |
chris13 | No such file or directory | 03:53 |
reaVer | that's the usual start | 03:53 |
reaVer | :P | 03:53 |
reaVer | put it in a pastebin, grazie prolly knows what's wrong:P | 03:53 |
chris13 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10894/ | 03:55 |
chris13 | that was all the output I could get | 03:56 |
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Taxman | anyone know of a boot floppy that will let me boot from a USB cd-rom if my bios doesn't see it? | 04:04 |
ephemeros | hey \m/ | 04:04 |
Taxman | howdy | 04:06 |
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gerro | anyone know how to remove the transparency and whitespace as well as change the color of xfce desktop icons? | 04:13 |
ephemeros | gerro: what whitespace? | 04:14 |
gerro | well by default it has this light blue color surrounding the text of icons on the desktop | 04:15 |
ephemeros | aha, i don't know how could that be changed | 04:16 |
gerro | well the blue clashes with my background and the transparency isn't too light on resources | 04:17 |
reaVer | chris13: do you have permission in the directory you're trying to untar? | 04:18 |
gerro | ephemeros: do you know of any config files where it might be listed? | 04:19 |
ephemeros | check... | 04:19 |
ephemeros | /home/user/.config | 04:20 |
ephemeros | than ./xfce4 | 04:20 |
ephemeros | never tried to do that, though | 04:20 |
TheSheep_ | gerro: if you can change it, then it'd rather be in the gtk theme | 04:22 |
TheSheep_ | gerro: the xfce wiki has some hints on that, I think | 04:22 |
gerro | is that under .gconf? | 04:22 |
TheSheep_ | gerro: no, xfce doesn't use gconf | 04:22 |
TheSheep_ | gerro: gconf is a gnome thing | 04:22 |
gerro | oh ok | 04:22 |
ephemeros | try /home/user/.config/xfce4 | 04:23 |
gerro | under .config there is a gtk-2.0 | 04:23 |
gerro | ah ephemeros i think I see it | 04:24 |
gerro | under /desktop in there | 04:24 |
chris13 | oh I probably forgot the sudo | 04:24 |
chris13 | oops | 04:24 |
gerro | thx for the help | 04:24 |
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ephemeros | gerro: try there, i didn't find anything | 04:24 |
ephemeros | np | 04:24 |
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chris13 | ok it seems to have worked much better now | 04:25 |
Taxman | chris13: did you get your X windows back yet? | 04:26 |
chris13 | yes I got my X windows back | 04:26 |
Taxman | excellent | 04:26 |
gerro | ephemeros: well it just has icon names and positions in that file nvm | 04:27 |
chris13 | there is an eclipse folder now | 04:27 |
chris13 | it has a startup.jar in it | 04:27 |
ephemeros | gerro: i saw that, too :) | 04:27 |
j1mc_away | chris13, wow. finally. :) i'm glad things are working | 04:28 |
chris13 | I don't have the jvm installed yet though | 04:28 |
ephemeros | don't have time to research now, sorry | 04:28 |
gerro | mousepad /home/user/.config/mcs_settings/desktop.xml | 04:29 |
gerro | found it! | 04:29 |
chris13 | so what do I do now that I have extracted eclipse? | 04:30 |
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gerro | chris13: you mentioned jvm? are you trying to compile something with java? | 04:30 |
chris13 | I'm trying to get eclipse with CDT working | 04:31 |
chris13 | eclipse uses java | 04:32 |
Laibsch | I am trying to get my computer to support squashfs. squashfs-tools is installed, but "cat /proc/filesystems|grep squash" still does not show anything. Anybody got this working? | 04:32 |
chris13 | I mostly just want a stable environment for large c++ projects | 04:33 |
chris13 | I also code in java sometimes too though | 04:34 |
gerro | well I use anjuta ide | 04:36 |
gerro | but kwrite is nice | 04:36 |
chris13 | I'd really like to get eclipse working | 04:37 |
chris13 | I just don't know what the next step in the process is | 04:37 |
chris13 | I just extracted it from the .tar.gz | 04:37 |
gerro | grab it off synaptic? | 04:37 |
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chris13 | no the one off of synaptic is busted | 04:38 |
chris13 | doesn't work for amd64 edgy eft | 04:39 |
chris13 | The latest version from sun is supposed to work though | 04:39 |
chris13 | so that is what I got | 04:40 |
gerro | *cringe* amd64 is such a pain | 04:41 |
frojnd | Are the newest drivers in the default repositorys ? | 04:41 |
frojnd | for nvida.. | 04:41 |
frojnd | nvidia* | 04:41 |
gerro | my nvidia are working great and those are what I use | 04:41 |
frojnd | I have gerorce fx 5500 | 04:42 |
frojnd | what packages do I have to isntall to work this card properly | 04:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: The 9xxx series, you mean? | 04:42 |
frojnd | I mean fx 5500 | 04:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | I meant the driver... | 04:42 |
chris13 | he has an older card | 04:42 |
gerro | frojnd: could grab copy from nvidia site and do ctrl alt f1 then tell gdm to stop and install that driver | 04:43 |
gerro | but keep a copy around since if kernel updates you have to reinstall | 04:43 |
gerro | and if it gives error on x server restart then use the backup it generates, you also need xorg development files | 04:43 |
chris13 | so no one knows what to do after you extract something? | 04:43 |
frojnd | aren't those driveres in this package: nvidia-glx | 04:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | chris13: The newer driver provides updated features even for older cards. | 04:44 |
gerro | chris13: lol do ./configure in that directory | 04:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: On Edgy, that will have the latest 8xxx driver. On Feisty, it has almost the latest 9xxx version. | 04:44 |
gerro | chris13: if it says your missing anything then install that and do ./configure again until your satisfied then compile with make and do sudo su to become root then do make install to install it systemwide | 04:45 |
frojnd | PuMpErNiCkLe: so ur telling me the newest drivers aren't for my card? | 04:45 |
frojnd | that's just dummy.. | 04:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: They'll work with your card. | 04:45 |
gerro | http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html | 04:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | The driver version number and the card number have nothing to do with each other. | 04:46 |
frojnd | PuMpErNiCkLe: ok, so what packages do I have to install | 04:46 |
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chris13 | there is a config.ini file | 04:47 |
chris13 | is that what I need? | 04:47 |
gerro | frojnd: if the default package from repository doesn't work then watch what it installs or uninstalls and grab those as dependencies for the nvidia driver | 04:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: nvidia-glx will do it. | 04:47 |
frojnd | PuMpErNiCkLe: ok | 04:47 |
chris13 | am I supposed to be in the eclipse directory? | 04:48 |
gerro | chris13: just type ./configure exactly | 04:48 |
chris13 | there is a configuration directory in that | 04:48 |
frojnd | PuMpErNiCkLe: do I have to copy xorg,conf before I install drivers? | 04:48 |
chris13 | I did type that | 04:48 |
gerro | then type make | 04:48 |
chris13 | ./configure: No such file or directory | 04:48 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | frojnd: Once the driver's installed, run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`. It'll prompt you for a bunch of information about your system, including which video driver you want to use. | 04:49 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | It'll also make a backup of xorg.conf, just to be safe. | 04:49 |
gerro | frojnd: don't listen to him those configurations will most likely f' you over | 04:49 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | gerro: errr... no. | 04:49 |
frojnd | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg: this command is f000 | 04:49 |
gerro | if you want to change stuff just edit the default xorg.conf | 04:49 |
frojnd | it fucks my keyboard | 04:49 |
frojnd | I tryed to do this before.. | 04:50 |
chris13 | sudo: ./configure: command not found | 04:50 |
frojnd | (sorry for language) | 04:50 |
gerro | chris13: you don't need to be root to do that so no sudo and its not a command | 04:50 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | gerro: It does exactly what you tell it to do, and it lists helpful options. Choosing the wrong one will mess up your system as much as manually writing the wrong option in xorg.conf. | 04:50 |
chris13 | I tried it both ways | 04:50 |
gerro | chris13: if you can't do ./configure then just run make and if you can't do that then get gcc | 04:50 |
chris13 | sudo and no sudo | 04:50 |
gerro | PuMpErNiCkLe: but if you go to xorg.conf from the beginning it has information in remarks there and already set entries | 04:51 |
chris13 | wouldn't there need to be a make file somewhere? | 04:51 |
frojnd | PuMpErNiCkLe: gerro: It does exactly what you tell it to do, and it lists helpful options. Choosing the wrong one will mess up your system as much as manually writing the wrong option in xorg.conf. NOT TRUE | 04:51 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | gerro: Yeah, that works too. But using the reconfigure tool doesn't inherently mess up the configuratino file. | 04:52 |
frojnd | I tryed to set my keyboard dozen times.. | 04:52 |
frojnd | and everytime it was mixed up | 04:52 |
frojnd | I st layout si | 04:52 |
frojnd | but still it was us | 04:52 |
gerro | it does mess it up if he already has backup or can't find it | 04:52 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | s/configuratino/configuration/ | 04:52 |
gerro | use the reconfigure tool if you crash xorg | 04:52 |
frojnd | I will try to install nvidia-glx | 04:53 |
frojnd | gerro: what do u mean with reconfigure tool | 04:53 |
frojnd | if my xorg crasges I can't get into GUI | 04:53 |
gerro | nvm | 04:53 |
frojnd | only non gui | 04:53 |
frojnd | and I have to replace xorg.conf | 04:53 |
gerro | yeah then use that configure tool he spoke of or edit xorg.conf on another computer | 04:53 |
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chris13 | so um..doesn't make require a makefile? | 04:55 |
gerro | chris13: if that is not working then you have a binary file and do ./ on everything until something executes | 04:56 |
frojnd | downloading in progress pray it will work | 04:56 |
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gerro | frojnd: hmm I think there was a script I used to fix everything up by default but can't remember if it worked or not | 04:57 |
gerro | there is this great script for setting up wine on xubuntu though, I always keep a spare of that | 04:58 |
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-60-32.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
chris13 | ok check out this thread https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68053 | 05:00 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 68053 in azureus "Eclipse will not start (Edgy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:00 |
chris13 | down near the bottom looks like exactly what I want to do | 05:01 |
chris13 | just use deluge instead of azureus | 05:03 |
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frojnd | ok I've installed nvidia-glx | 05:04 |
frojnd | how can I check if drivers work? | 05:04 |
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frojnd | I must something to to enable those packages.. | 05:11 |
frojnd | becouse nothing happens when I ctrl + alt + backspace | 05:11 |
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chris13 | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:14 |
chris13 | sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 05:15 |
chris13 | something like that might help | 05:15 |
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Stu_2 | hello. How does one figure out which tty# belongs to the serial port? | 05:15 |
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frojnd | arh: I've installed nvidia-glx and than restart x and than sudo nvidia-xconfig | 05:16 |
frojnd | but still there isn't any nvidia logo | 05:16 |
frojnd | as it should be.. | 05:17 |
TheSheep_ | frojnd: I think the logo can be disabled with 'nologo' option | 05:17 |
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frojnd | anyone please | 05:24 |
frojnd | I've installed nvidia-glx | 05:24 |
frojnd | but there isn't any driveres really installed | 05:25 |
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chris13 | sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 05:27 |
chris13 | you could try that | 05:27 |
chris13 | then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:28 |
frojnd | what is gdm? | 05:28 |
chris13 | IDK | 05:29 |
chris13 | but I had a problem like yours and that is what they told me to do | 05:29 |
chris13 | it tries to start the x server I think | 05:29 |
ephemeros | gdm = the display server installed by default | 05:29 |
ephemeros | ...i think | 05:30 |
chris13 | sounds right | 05:30 |
chris13 | it worked for me | 05:30 |
grazie | gdm = gnome desktop manager ... self explanatory | 05:32 |
chris13 | so will that possibly fix his problem? | 05:34 |
chris13 | ok I just added deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-proposed universe main multiverse restricted to my sources.list | 05:35 |
chris13 | I'm trying to follow the instructions near the end on this page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68053 | 05:35 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 68053 in azureus "Eclipse will not start (Edgy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:36 |
grazie | chris13: is that q for me? what problem? | 05:36 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
frojnd | :( | 05:36 |
chris13 | frojnd was having problems with his graphics | 05:37 |
frojnd | after I did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:37 |
chris13 | I told him to try a few commands | 05:37 |
frojnd | something went wrong | 05:37 |
chris13 | what did it tell you? | 05:37 |
frojnd | that something is wrong with settings | 05:37 |
frojnd | and after I fix i don't know whichh settings I can restart GDM | 05:37 |
frojnd | so I had to backaup my xorg | 05:38 |
chris13 | what driver do you pick when you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 05:38 |
chris13 | nvidia? | 05:39 |
frojnd | yes | 05:39 |
frojnd | no.. | 05:40 |
=== cheeseboy [n=g-fundie@66-189-75-130.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
frojnd | I haven't try this command | 05:40 |
frojnd | cos it doesn't work for me | 05:40 |
cheeseboy | can someone help me make an iso? | 05:40 |
frojnd | it f** my keyboard layout.. | 05:40 |
chris13 | don't use autodetect for the keyboard then | 05:40 |
chris13 | just specify it manually when it asks you | 05:41 |
frojnd | I tryed this way either.. | 05:41 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | cheeseboy: From what? A cd, or a selection of files? | 05:41 |
frojnd | no luck either.. | 05:41 |
chris13 | what keyboard do you have? | 05:41 |
frojnd | logitech | 05:41 |
frojnd | 104 | 05:41 |
frojnd | don't know the model | 05:41 |
chris13 | ps/2 or USB? | 05:42 |
frojnd | aha, model y-sz49 | 05:42 |
frojnd | ot's ps/2 | 05:42 |
frojnd | it's* | 05:42 |
cheeseboy | PuMpErNiCkLe:, a folder | 05:42 |
cheeseboy | i need to make it bootable | 05:42 |
cheeseboy | its win98 install files | 05:43 |
chris13 | I wonder if the mouse selection is messing up your keyboard somehow | 05:43 |
chris13 | maybe it thinks your keyboard is your mouse | 05:44 |
frojnd | hm | 05:45 |
hyper_ch | hiho | 05:45 |
frojnd | it something like this when I try y it writes z | 05:45 |
frojnd | and when I try it writes [ | 05:45 |
chris13 | are you sure it is 104 keys? | 05:45 |
frojnd | yes I count it 3 times | 05:45 |
cheeseboy | PuMpErNiCkLe , can you help me out? | 05:46 |
frojnd | just buttons not buttons for volume up down, favorites... | 05:46 |
chris13 | strange | 05:46 |
frojnd | if u know what I mean? | 05:46 |
frojnd | yes.. | 05:46 |
chris13 | have you ever gotten your keyboard working? | 05:46 |
frojnd | ofcoruse | 05:47 |
frojnd | by default | 05:47 |
chris13 | what did you do that time? | 05:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | cheeseboy: mkisofs/genisoimg can make bootable isos. The 'bootable' part for win98 is the part I'm not sure about. | 05:47 |
chris13 | oh by default | 05:47 |
frojnd | chris: when I install :) | 05:47 |
cheeseboy | ugh.. | 05:47 |
chris13 | there is one part when you run that xorg config command that asks you if you want to write the default section to the config file | 05:47 |
chris13 | what do you choose there? | 05:47 |
frojnd | both ways | 05:48 |
frojnd | yes and no | 05:48 |
chris13 | well what if you save the keyboard section of the file somewhere | 05:48 |
chris13 | use the command to try to fix your graphics and just copy the keyboard stuff over to the new file | 05:49 |
chris13 | might be hard to do with a messed up keyboard though | 05:49 |
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sm7 | hi | 05:49 |
sm7 | enyone try ltsp + xubuntu? | 05:52 |
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dick13 | Is this working? | 06:20 |
dick13 | ool, i peeps | 06:21 |
dick13 | c | 06:21 |
dick13 | Damn keyboard | 06:21 |
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clarklinux | hey -- I'm trying to install edgey eft on a ppc (new world powerbook g3) but during the network configuration step, it fails and does not explain why it does so. Can anyone help? | 06:22 |
dick13 | Hi peeps! I'm an Ubuntu newbie, but can see that Xubuntu is a better choice for my box. How do I get it out of the installation package? | 06:25 |
dick13 | I'm on a P3 @550MegHz & 256Mbts RAM, wih Ubuntu 6.06 installed from the CD distribution. | 06:25 |
=== detrak [n=detrak@pool-71-162-62-206.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
detrak | hi | 06:28 |
dick13 | Please assume no knowledge of command-lines, shell, etc. | 06:29 |
dick13 | detrak I think were on our own in here:-( | 06:36 |
detrak | I just got xubuntu yesterday and I'm trying to set it up. Have an nvidia card and am trying to install the driver but it keeps telling me that x server is running | 06:37 |
clarklinux | hey -- I'm trying to install edgey eft on a ppc (new world powerbook g3) but during the network configuration step, it fails and does not explain why it does so. Can anyone help? | 06:38 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | dick13: Are you trying to install xubuntu from an Xubuntu cd, or from the online repositories? | 06:38 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | detrak: Installing the nvidia.com driver will require you to stop the xserver while it installs. | 06:38 |
slow-motion | hallo | 06:38 |
dick13 | From the CD. I only have a dial-up @ home. | 06:39 |
detrak | lol ok how can i do that? new to *nix a friend told me I needed to get xubuntu | 06:39 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | dick13: Do you have an Xubuntu cd, or just the Ubuntu one? | 06:39 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | (They are separate.) | 06:40 |
dick13 | JUst the Ubuntu distro. | 06:40 |
=== grazie [n=grazie@host86-139-111-219.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
clarklinux | hey grazie | 06:40 |
clarklinux | i went to gentoo | 06:40 |
clarklinux | and installed it | 06:40 |
clarklinux | took me aout 5 hours haha | 06:40 |
clarklinux | and then I decided that I wanted xubuntu instead | 06:41 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | dick13: You'd need to get the Xubuntu cd, then, or take your computer somewhere where you can easily download a few hundred MB of data. | 06:41 |
clarklinux | and I am trying to do the mini iso cd thing, but it keeps failing at the configure the network step. how do I find out what's wrong? | 06:41 |
grazie | clarklinux: dedicated,,,,erm you've got a few choices | 06:42 |
clarklinux | grazie: i did the alt f4 thing or whatever to see the output, and it said something about a missing file | 06:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | detrak: Easier, perhaps, to install nvidia-glx from the repository. If you're sure you want the setup provided by nvidia.com, though, you can switch to a console by pressing ctrl + alt + F1 and stop the xserver by logging in and running `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop`. | 06:43 |
grazie | clarklinux: you could install xubuntu from the the gentoo cd | 06:43 |
clarklinux | how? | 06:43 |
grazie | clarklinux: or we could try to solved xubuntu network problem | 06:43 |
clarklinux | grazie: i'd rather go with the ladder | 06:44 |
clarklinux | *latter | 06:44 |
grazie | clarklinux: not exactly sure how....but it can be done :) | 06:44 |
detrak | Pumpernickle: is the nvidia-glx about the same thing? | 06:44 |
clarklinux | grazie: do you know where I can go for help? | 06:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | detrak: For more information on this, see... | 06:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !nvidia | 06:44 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:44 |
grazie | clarklinux: did you think about wiping the disk clean and starting with alternate or live xubuntu cd again? | 06:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | detrak: Yeah. It won't be the absolute latest version, but it's easier to install, and it will be upgraded at the same time as your kernel. (This is in contrast to the nvidia.com installer, which would require you to run it after each kernel upgrade.) | 06:46 |
dick13 | Accordimg to the Ubuntu site, when I last looked, Xubuntu is not available on CD. I will go to my local NetCafe & download & burn 1 ther. Any hitches I might find doing that? | 06:46 |
clarklinux | grazie: I did wipe it, and I tried both | 06:46 |
clarklinux | grazie: same problems still occurred | 06:46 |
detrak | ok then thanks pumpernickle | 06:46 |
grazie | clarklinux: remind me of problems | 06:47 |
grazie | clarklinux: swap file? | 06:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | dick13: Nothing comes to mind. I'd burn at a reasonably slow speed, just to make sure it's done properly and you only need to go once. | 06:47 |
clarklinux | grazie: alt- hangs up on xserver-sorg in the "install additional software" step | 06:47 |
clarklinux | and the live hangs up during splash loading screen | 06:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | detrak: np | 06:47 |
grazie | clarklinux: i don't lmow what the "install additional software" step is..near the end | 06:48 |
grazie | ^^? | 06:49 |
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grazie | i don't know* | 06:49 |
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dick13 | Thanks very much 4 your assistance pumpernickle. | 06:50 |
clarklinux | grazie: yup, near the end...about three steps from the end | 06:50 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | dick13: np | 06:51 |
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grazie | anyone know what "install additional software" step is towards the end of install on the alternate cd? | 06:52 |
grazie | clarklinux: I'm in the middle of something right now...let me finish off and I'll be back in 10/15 minutes | 06:52 |
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BFTD | weird | 06:55 |
BFTD | none of my networking services started | 06:55 |
clarklinux | grazie: np | 06:57 |
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clarklinux | grazie: had to go, sorry...i'll be back on later | 07:11 |
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