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Phlostenallo all08:12
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=== meatballhat waves to jenda
jendaaloha :)10:45
jendaso... /me tries to get himself organised10:45
jendafirst of all - how much time do you have to spare? ):10:45
meatballhatI've got a whole 45 mins  :P10:46
jendagreat ;)10:46
meatballhatnot a ton .... but .....10:46
jendaSecond... how far is the site from technical completeness?10:46
meatballhatI'd say it's 80% there code-wise10:47
meatballhatI need to follow up code with CSS10:47
jendaOK, and I need to get content ready.10:47
jendaCorrect? :)10:47
meatballhatso we're probably looking at 9 more hours of work10:47
meatballhatyup  :D10:47
jenda(feels good to be back at work!!!)10:48
meatballhatsame here  .... phew ....10:48
jendaWhat's blocking progress on the code side of the project?10:48
meatballhatMartin's workload  :(10:49
jendaAnd before he does that, we can't move on?10:49
meatballhatnot necessarily ... I'll gladly join you in aggregating/organizing10:50
jendaYou kidnap his dog and I demand ransom?10:50
jendaok, great :)10:50
=== jenda checks list
jenda"Document current DIY Material projects on the site..."10:50
meatballhatplus there are some LoCo Team members I can likely recruit for collection of (you name it)10:50
jendaShouldn't be too difficult - there are the things I have, juliux' shirts, and the rest we can add as it appears (there's Nik Butler and his shirts...)10:51
jendathat'd be marvelous!10:51
jendameatballhat: where will the part where we convince the visitor they should create and sell swag be?10:52
meatballhatyes indeed ... and many of them are fairly active on the Forum ... perhaps a new post as a call to arms is in order?10:52
jendathat would be awesome ;)10:53
meatballhatthe sales pitch, eh?  ...hm.....10:53
meatballhatI think that it's appropriate to have a bit more text on the cover page10:54
meatballhatplus *everyone* wants the old "quad" layout back10:54
jendaBesides that, there's gathering/sorting the stuff we now have in the repo and linking to all the stuff on the DIYMarketing wikipage...10:54
jendaactually, I liked the quad too :)10:54
jendaok, more text on the cover page, /me notes10:55
meatballhatyup  :)   quad it is10:55
jendaI said, I'd not...10:55
jendaI took paper and a pen...10:55
meatballhatI'll fiddle with the layout and throw some "lorem ipsum" text in for a preview  ;-)10:56
jendaand a made the the = teh typo!!!10:56
meatballhatha!!!  taht's so funy!!10:56
=== meatballhat dashes for more coffee
=== meatballhat returns ... dash successful
jendaabout the text on the coverpage...10:59
jendabeneath the quad?10:59
jendaStarting with 'what is DIY' or something?10:59
meatballhatthat's what I want to fiddle with .... yeah, that's what I'm thinkin .... and the quad can definitely be smaller11:00
meatballhatlook at the size of the icons on ubuntu.com these days ...11:00
meatballhatI'm folding on the CSS-based tooltips, too ... it's waaaay too heavy on the CPU11:01
meatballhatjavascript it is11:01
jendaok, I'll work on the cover text first thing...11:02
meatballhatwonderful ... that's where I'll devote my energy, too11:03
jendasecond thing, I'll scrounge up what I can about the shippables, and then work a bit on teh downloadables11:03
meatballhatwe still collecting all info on the wiki?11:03
jendait's a good place for it, I think :)11:04
meatballhatme too11:04
=== meatballhat pulls down current copy of site ..... waits ..... waits ..... ;-)
jendahmm? :)11:09
=== jenda is thinking of the text
jendaSo far, I'm revolving around something like...11:09
=== meatballhat runs to wake sleepy wife ....
jenda"Welcome to Ubuntu's one stop DIY marketing hub! We aim to offer you and your LoCo Team everything you need to get out there and spread. In the downloads section, you should find all the printable and digital marketing material the community has to offer..."11:13
jendaalrighty ;)11:13
meatballhatback now  ;-)11:16
meatballhatI'm on board with ye .... but perhaps ,"...to get out there and spread the word about your favorite Linux distribution."  ....?11:17
meatballhat"get out there and spread." has a suggestive twinge to it .... or I just have a dirty mind11:18
jendabah, I had to go troll hunting for a few secs, sorry11:18
meatballhatsuccess?   heads on pikes?11:18
jendasuccess - laid it off on someone else ;)11:19
meatballhatha!!  .... like a true son of a diplomat ..11:19
jendahahahaha :)11:19
jendaAny particular ideas what the front page text should be saying besides a general welcome and description of the content?11:20
jenda...and invitation to join the effort ;)11:20
meatballhatwhat are your thoughts on subtly emulating the new Ubuntu.com feel?11:20
jendait would be great11:20
jendaif it could be done ;)11:20
meatballhatsure ... it can be done ... is it wanted?11:21
jendaI think so :)11:21
meatballhatwill do11:21
jendaBut withotu giving up the DIY look and feel we have :)11:21
jendaoh, about that - I'd like one change in the counter thing at the top11:22
meatballhatI'm thinkin.... almost all the ubuntu.com looks, but keep the stripey background, banner, counter, sidebar ...  :P11:22
meatballhatshoot!  :)11:22
jendaI'd like the number itself to appear to be on a seperate small rectangle of taped 'paper' :)11:22
meatballhatcan do11:22
jendalooks like Leila from futurama, that smiley...11:23
meatballhatoh no!! you're a blind clown!11:23
jenda11:22 < meatballhat> I'm thinkin.... almost all the ubuntu.com looks, but keep the stripey background, banner, counter, sidebar ... 11:26
jendawhat does that leave of the ubuntu.com looks?11:26
jendabah - I trust your decisions in this matter ;)11:26
jenda...and if I don't like it, I'll have you redo it from scratch...11:26
meatballhatheehee ... the layout shapes ... spacing ... font ...   :)11:26
=== jenda runs
meatballhatno worries....   my Ubuntu persona lives to please jenda  ;-)11:27
jendahahah :)11:27
jendaI should get more people like that ;)11:27
meatballhatmy husband persona lives to please my wife, Sarah ....   it's a model that works for me ;-)11:27
meatballhatoh yes.... of emulating ubuntu.com...11:28
jendahey, you think we could have the site creds use a more handwritten font?11:28
meatballhatthe relative scaling of the page width vs. fixed ... your opinion?11:28
meatballhatdone  ;-)11:29
jendaNot sure.11:29
jendaIn fact, clueless would be a better word ;)11:29
meatballhatI feel bad about having the site creds so prominently displayed, to be honest ...11:30
jendawhoa, history breathes at me: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Shipping11:31
jendahide them, then :)11:31
jendaI don't need them there.11:31
meatballhatwell lookie there .... mr. spec-maker  ;-)11:31
meatballhatcreds hidden ... or shrunk ... whatever ... 11:32
jenda"diy marketing is the working version of a much broader marketing project, described here."11:32
jendacapitalise that DIY ;)11:32
meatballhatwhat 'bout the diy in the banner ... as the Ubuntu Title font is lowercase-only11:33
jendaAny particular ideas what the front page text should be saying besides a general welcome and description of the content?11:33
jendathe banner is OK11:33
jendawhat I meant was at the bottom of the page11:33
meatballhatbriefs on each section ... that call to arms for the Spread It section you mentioned...11:34
jendayeap, ok :)11:34
meatballhatfolks will probably want a *little* more info about each section before diving into the site11:34
jendaOK... about the 'get' section11:35
jendawe'll have items there - six to start with...11:35
meatballhatyesh .... gooooood11:35
jenda3 types of stickers, 2 types of shirts and 1 type of posters11:35
meatballhatthose posters, btw ... I'll be giving them away with the first 10 requests for uber-packaged Ubuntu 6.06 CDs for libraries  ;-)11:37
jendaBTW, I just realised today I'm selling them with a loss :-D11:38
meatballhatthe market done you wrong!11:39
jendabecause I haven't changed the price, but the reprint posters cost more and the post office prices went up too :)11:39
jendabut just a teeny bit11:39
jendawell, the prices changed considerably, but the loss is just a teeny bit ;)11:39
jendaSo I'll just keep it at that till the next batch11:40
jendameatballhat: what do I need to get ready for those six items so thta the next step is just entering the data into the database?11:42
=== jenda prods meatballhat
=== jenda sniffs
meatballhathrm ....   just a sec ... sorry  :(11:43
jendaah, still alive )11:43
meatballhatwife is up now   :)11:43
jendasay hello :)11:43
meatballhatI'll do that ;)11:44
jendaBTW, I considered not going to Sevilla... to increase my chances of getting sponsorship to Boston ;)11:44
meatballhatah!  awesome!  (the Boston part)11:44
=== jenda just noticed the /topic
jenda"Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience!11:44
meatballhatwhich UDS is that?  :P11:44
jendathe one after next11:44
jendain 7 months or so11:45
jendaThat thing I just pasted is pretty much what the DIY site is all about, BTW ;)11:45
meatballhatsame here, darnit!  it's what I'm always preaching to my LoCo Team11:46
jendaso... answer to my previous query? :)11:46
jenda(good, good! ;))11:46
meatballhatoi .... for the shippables11:46
jendaand I assume it would be similar for the downloadables in the next step...11:46
meatballhatthe boring stuff first ...11:46
meatballhatTitle, Description, Author, License...11:47
meatballhatthen the sexy stuff...11:47
jendashippables have a licence? ;)11:47
meatballhatix-nay on the icense-lay11:47
meatballhatPics and How to Get11:47
meatballhatlinks to PayPal11:48
=== meatballhat writes laundry list
jendaAuthor, Shipper ;)11:48
meatballhattagged printable or not?11:48
jenda-> link to corresponding printable page if yes11:49
jendaHow about splitting pix into Preview and Pictures, where preview is the one picture that is displayed when viewing the entire list?11:50
meatballhatthat's doable, sure ...11:50
jendaad pictures what's displayed when you click the particular item, or perhaps 'more pics'11:50
jendaand is it reasonable?11:51
meatballhatright on ... yup .... like this?  http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/11:52
meatballhatEEK!  lookie what I just stumbled across!  http://ossgear.org/11:55
jendathat's cafepress material11:56
meatballhatthey're buddies with Amir of the Skeletonz project11:57
meatballhatzoiks, I'm 25 minutes over the line!  I gots to run  :(11:59
jendatalk to you later! :)12:01
jendathanks for your time12:01
meatballhatjenda: why, thank *you*  ;-)    I'll be on IRC later when I'm at work, too ....12:03
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["I'll]
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=== jenda has finally updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Shipping
jendafull of all the info on shippables I have, pretty much.12:44
MenZajenda: you can have the source files, if you so wish01:10
jendaMenZa: ah :)01:10
MenZaI'll zip and e-mail01:10
jendaMenZa: well, they _should_ be on the diy.devubuntu.com/repo01:11
jendayes please :)01:11
MenZarar installed, jenda?01:13
MenZaSent, jenda01:14
jendayep, installed, thx01:14
beunojenda: pong  :D01:19
=== beuno scrolls up and takes his dog to a safe place
beunowas this meeting scheduled?01:20
jendait was a random 'got time?' 'yeah' 'shall we' 'why not'01:21
beunoaah, ok ok, because 6am isn't a time I'm up normally  :D01:21
jendahehehe :)01:21
jendait's the time when Dan's most available, though :)01:21
beunoI see01:22
beunowell, considering I'm blocking the progress of DIY so much, I'll move it up on my priority list01:23
jendawhee :)01:24
jendathat'd be awesome01:24
jendabeuno: however, we aren't completely stalled, I'm working on it right now01:24
=== meatballhat [n=danbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendameatballhat! :)01:25
jendaMenZa: what's the licence on your stuff?01:25
jendaMenZa: can it be GPL?01:26
meatballhatjenda: here I be  :)01:26
MenZajenda: sure01:26
MenZaI might go for LGPL01:27
Admiral_Chicagojenda: may I suggest screenshots01:27
beunojenda: I'll get on it01:27
Admiral_Chicagofor the shipping suction01:28
Admiral_Chicagookay, class..01:28
MenZajenda: yep, LGPL01:28
jendaMenZa: ok01:30
jendaAdmiral_Chicago: screenshots?01:30
jendameatballhat: beuno's on it ;)01:30
meatballhatjenda: very awesome ;-)01:30
jendaYes, I'll hunt for pix from anyone who has them01:31
beunomeatballhat: hey there01:31
meatballhatjenda: although I'll be "off it" until tomorrow morn :(  ... but I can take notes while at work01:31
meatballhatbeuno: howdy!01:31
jendaAdmiral_Chicago: however, that page itself isn't for the masses, rather for those who might think of doing something themselves01:31
jendaAdmiral_Chicago: the one for those interested to buy I'm making right now...01:32
beunoonce I finish the admin, you, jend and me have to agree on hot to handle the whole bzr mirroring thingie01:32
meatballhatbeuno: agreed01:33
beunoI'm in love with bzr, we're using it heavily at work01:34
elkbuntumeatballhat, see jabber01:39
jendaelkbuntu: how come I don't have you in jabber? :)01:40
jendaoh, because I'm always on IRC.01:40
elkbuntuthis nick @jabber.com/.au01:40
jendaelkbuntu: jendavancura at gmail.com01:40
jendameatballhat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/Get01:42
jendabeuno: ^01:42
beunojenda, great, very nice guideline01:44
beunogonno get a quick shower before going to work, brb01:45
jendanow... I wonder if I can still use bzr :)01:45
meatballhatjenda: lookin'01:45
jendaI'll have to bug juliux to update his part there.01:45
meatballhatjenda: very niiiiice  </borat>01:48
meatballhatI likey01:48
elkbuntumeatballhat, http://meldra.no-ip.info/jabberbabble.png01:48
elkbuntuso freaky01:48
meatballhatelkbuntu: waaaaaay freaky  :(    ..../me hopes it's just a Gmail bug01:49
elkbuntusince we've been talking, i've had another subscribe request too01:49
jendameatballhat: hehe01:49
meatballhatelkbuntu: from me???01:50
elkbuntumeatballhat, but... was it you doing the requests to me this morning?01:50
elkbuntumeatballhat, no, the nuno chap01:50
meatballhatelkbuntu: I didn't make *any* requests *ever*   (!!!!)01:50
elkbuntumeatballhat, serious? i've had a request from you for a while that i'd never approved because at the time i didnt know who you were01:51
elkbuntubut that was a singular, and hit the same day as a another01:51
meatballhatelkbuntu: really....   er ... rather, I *did* request of you some months ago01:51
elkbuntuok... the same day i got a request from pierre slammich or risto kurrpa... know either name?01:52
elkbuntuall these phantoms are @gmails too :-/01:52
jendanever heard of either.01:53
elkbuntuthis is crazy weird :-/01:53
jendameatballhat: now I'm thinking we should have a similar page to what I just did for the Shippables for the downloadables, correct?01:53
jendameatballhat: except, that's a crazy amount of work to do :)01:53
meatballhatjenda: it is .... and redundant at that ... hmmmmm01:54
=== spenlex [n=martin@pD9E00AFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
meatballhatelkbuntu: I'm abandoning the Gmail chat thingy for now ... see if that's the cause01:54
elkbuntumeatballhat, are you currently as freaked out as i am?01:55
=== MenZa freaks out elkbuntu.
spenlexmorning all01:55
meatballhatelkbuntu: indeed methinks01:55
jendameatballhat: perhpas, with that, wait till we have a framework to put the entries into directly?01:56
=== elkbuntu and meatballhat huddle trembling in a corner, hissing at random passers-by
=== MenZa joins elkbuntu and meatballhat doing said activity
elkbuntubut nobody is stalking you!01:57
=== meatballhat shields eyes from glare of internet
=== meatballhat say, "hisssssssss"
MenZaelkbuntu: Aren't I still allowed to hiss at random passers-by?01:58
=== jenda shakes head
elkbuntufind a reason to be paranoid, then you can join us01:59
meatballhatjenda: yes yes ... that be a good idea .. but I *do* really like your wiki page approach for /Get01:59
jendaa table might be better...02:00
jendabut the descriptions wouln't fit, I guess.02:01
meatballhatjenda: meh ... stick with tableless for now ;-)02:01
jendaok :)02:02
jendaso... /me checks what's next02:02
jendathe frontpage text02:02
jendameatballhat: it'll be here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/FrontPage02:03
jenda(my suggestion will, that is)02:03
jendaAnd I'll keep putting all other content submissions into pages like that.02:03
meatballhatjenda: excellent .... thanks for attacking this stuff so... how you say ... ferociously?02:04
jendadon't I always ;)02:04
meatballhatit's the Czech way, I'm sure  ;-)02:04
elkbuntujenda is the resident midget marketing machine02:05
=== elkbuntu runs from jenda
=== elkbuntu remembers that jenda is now a staffer and grovels for forgiveness
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o jenda] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o jenda] by ChanServ
jendaelkbuntu: forgiven.02:11
=== elkbuntu huggles jenda
jendaelkbuntu: considering I'm only 167 cm tall... ;)02:11
elkbuntuyou're still taller than me, dear02:11
elkbuntuby 12cm02:11
jendahehe :)02:13
jenda"resident midget marketing machine"02:13
jendaI likey, elkbuntu ;)02:14
elkbuntudare ya to do it, lol02:15
=== beuno is off to work
beunowhich means I'll be offline like...  15 minutes02:19
jendaPlease review02:23
=== meatballhat "reviews" :P
meatballhatjenda: you are one *funny* li'l resident marketing midget  :P02:28
meatballhatI love it02:28
meatballhatappropriately irreverent ... my kinda writing02:28
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=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaAnd more... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/Get02:43
jendaslightly updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite02:47
jendaand that's about it for tady.02:47
meatballhatjenda: :)   awesome!!!!!02:55
meatballhatjenda: is it safe to say that we're shooting for release alongside 7.04  ?  02:56
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendameatballhat: it should be! ;)03:07
jendabeuno: < meatballhat> jenda: is it safe to say that we're shooting for release alongside 7.04  ?03:07
beunojenda: I think so, yes03:07
meatballhatjenda: most excellent ... /me likey milestones03:17
=== jenda has to go to school...
jendawhich does mean I'll be back online in about 30 minutes :)03:19
jendaif I can catch the appropriate WiFi signal that is.03:19
beunoheh  :D03:21
=== beuno doesn't like milestones that much, milestone == deadline
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=== MenZa nods at beuno
MenZa(random input, nevermind me)04:18
=== beuno hides just in case
adamant1988beuno, anyone, have you guys taken the time to check the job board spec out in the mailing list?04:46
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beunoadamant1988: not really, and I think I'm probably not the person you're looking for05:56
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adamant1988beuno: any feed back would be nice :)06:28
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adamant1988mrevell: Hello!10:05
adamant1988long time ;)10:06
adamant1988I've completed the spec and it's on the mailing list for discussion...10:06
mrevelladamant1988: Wonderful! Sorry I've not given feedback yet. I've been working towards a deadline10:06
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=== jenda waves at matthewrevell
matthewrevellhi jenda10:59
jendaDon't you just hate those random beeps with no real meaning? ;)10:59
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Jozo- [i=jozo@viola.uninea.fi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["I'll]

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