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MezVCS import from SVN requires you to be importing Evolution?01:46
MezThe URL (Internet address) of the repository and branch to be imported, in svn:// or http(s):// format. This must be the correct upstream branch for the trunk series of Evolution.01:46
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jameshMez: iirc, it is a screwed up page template02:00
jameshnothing more02:00
Mezjamesh, :P I know - I was just pointing it out02:01
=== Mez yawns
Mezhows bzr-svn coming along?02:01
jameshyou'd have to ask jelmer about that02:01
jamesh(Launchpad is using cscvs for its CVS and Subversion imports)02:02
Mezyah, I know, I remember ddaa talking to me about possibly helping hack on it02:02
jameshif you want to hack on it, grab it here: https://launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs02:02
Mezoh, it's been released now ?02:03
MezIt wasnt back then02:03
jameshddaa quietly released it in December02:03
=== jamesh thinks he should have made more noise
Mezyeah, noone told me :D02:03
=== ajmitch heard about it
ajmitchbut that's probably because I lurk here too much02:04
Mezand matt in his interview abotu LP said the only open source bit was bzr02:04
LarstiQwhich matt is that, and when was the interview?02:05
jameshwe've also made contributions to the various free software projects we depend on02:05
jameshnot all those contributions got accepted though02:05
jameshI did some work to make psycopg 1.x not crash as much02:05
MezLarstiQ, Matt, the Marketing manager for LP (revell)02:06
jameshand we did a bunch of sqlobject changes, although a lot of those changes didn't get accepted02:06
jameshwe've also got a libgettextpo wrapper that would be worth releasing02:07
LarstiQMez: aah, mrevell ;)02:07
MezLarstiQ, and on LUGRadio02:07
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mptGoooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!03:59
ajmitchhello mpt 04:00
LaserJockhi mpt 04:03
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UbugtuNew bug: #93980 in launchpad "Close 'Needs information' support tickets after X time" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9398005:20
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UbugtuNew bug: #93998 in malone ""Report a bug" not in actions menu for projects" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9399808:01
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mdkemorning carlos 09:03
mdkecarlos: the kubuntu-docs people are kicking me a lot about those templates, is there a problem with them?09:03
carlosno, just me being late. I'm doing it right now09:04
carlosmdke: btw, what about xubuntu-docs?09:04
carlosis there any change there too?09:04
mdkecarlos: I need to look at that, there is no package uploaded to my knowledge. But the template names should be the same anyway09:08
mdke(as last release)09:09
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mdkecarlos: about the po files, how does it work? are you able to upload the same po files to a lot of different new templates?09:42
mdkethere are basically two sets of po files we could upload I think.09:42
mdkehttps://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/generic/serverguide/po/ could be uploaded to the serverguide template (if they are not already there)09:43
mdkehttps://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ubuntu/aboutubuntu/po/ to the about-ubuntu template (if they are not already there)09:43
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mdkeand https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ubuntu/desktopguide/po/ to everything else (that's 3 but who's counting...)09:44
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carlosmdke: I need to prepare a tarball per template09:51
carlosmdke: isn't desktopguide now more than three templates?09:51
mdkecarlos: a lot more yes09:51
mdkecan I upload them myself?09:51
carlosI don't think so (it's a bug in Rosetta)09:52
carlosI think you have rights in some templates09:52
carlosbecause you are the owner09:52
carlosbut for the others, I'm the owner09:52
mdkeok, well desktopguide should probably be uploaded to everything except about-ubuntu and serverguide, just in case.09:52
mdkeNot all the templates reuse strings, but most of them reuse at least a few09:52
carlosthat's fine09:53
carlosmdke: what about kubuntu-docs?09:53
mdkethe same principle, except there is no serverguide09:53
mdke(and the urls change)09:53
carlosedgy/kubuntu/... ?09:53
mdkethat's correct :)09:54
mdkeyou can use those urls with "svn co"09:54
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UbugtuNew bug: #94053 in launchpad "Large "Register" button should be "Projects"" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9405311:45
UbugtuNew bug: #94054 in blueprint "Meetings page needs "Register a meeting" button" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9405411:45
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cprovgood morning folks !12:10
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swimmerino88hello!yesterday i registered me in the launchpad's site...now when i open my e-mail,i always find a lot of e-mail!but i didn't ask to help,i only registered me for be an ubuntu tester...i can't answer alla the questions!01:09
matsubaraswimmerino88: what's your launchpad username?01:10
swimmerino88is the same01:13
matsubaradoesn't seem to exit.01:17
matsubaraswimmerino88: you have subscribed as the answer contact for ubuntu. In doing so, you'll receive lots of email from ubuntu users asking for help. You can unsubscribed here: launchpad.net/ubuntu/+support-contact01:21
swimmerino88so i have only to remove the tick?01:22
matsubarayes, and clck continue01:22
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swimmerino88matsubara:ok thank you!!!01:23
matsubaraswimmerino88: you're welcome01:24
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FoolishI just want to do a checkout of  a particular branch from the bazaar thingy, how do I do this?02:00
HobbseeFoolish: wiki.ubuntu.com/Bzr02:00
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kikohey jordi 02:18
kikoare you around?02:18
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seb128kiko: is launchpad b0rked?02:38
seb128it oops when I try to open a bug page02:39
salgadoseb128, the oops is not yet available... what's the page that is oopsing?02:39
seb128any page apparently02:39
seb128A server error occurred."02:39
salgadostu1, ^02:40
matsubaraI just got an oops while filing a bug02:40
jkakarI got one trying to edit a bug (filed about 20 minutes ago).02:41
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piedoggiestill having trouble pushing a bzr repository upstream to launch pad02:41
piedoggieit tells me zero revisions were pushed02:42
jkakarAny page I try to hit is b0rked now.02:42
BenCdid lp totally go bust?02:42
seb128BenC: looks like02:42
BenCcool, not I don't have to make an excuse to stop working on bug triage :)02:43
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seb128works fine again02:54
seb128thanks to whoever fixed it ;)02:54
kikostu1 I believe02:55
UbugtuNew bug: #94094 in launchpad-answers "It's not obvious how to disable the answer contact emails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9409403:00
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zaheedI was hoping that launchpad would mirror some of the apache project that i work on. (The reason is I wan to use bzr and apache uses svn) I have registered them with launchpad. What I wonder is what I need to do next. any help 03:29
salgadozaheed, I guess you want to have apache's svn repository mirrored as a bzr branch on launchpad, right?03:30
zaheedyes.. so I can use bzr branch to pull it localy. so I can by pass svn completely03:31
salgadozaheed, have you created the project already?03:35
zaheedyes. its under rubdabadub :-)03:35
zaheednutch, solr lucene hadoop. All search related software..03:36
salgadoah, right03:36
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salgadookay; the person in charge of setting up these imports is not here right now, so I think the best thing would be to file a new ticket on launchpad03:37
zaheedcool. I will do that now.03:38
salgadoit'd be nice if you could add the svn details on the ticket too. :)03:38
zaheedcool. no problem.. yo mean the svn urls to trunk? correct?03:39
piedoggieI'm having trouble pushing my bzr local branch into launchpad for more public visibility.03:39
salgadopiedoggie, did you get any error messages?03:40
piedoggienot really.  it just told me it uploaded zero branches03:40
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piedoggie$ sudo bzr push -v sftp://esj@bazaar.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk03:42
piedoggieyields: 0 revision(s) pushed.03:42
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salgadopiedoggie, that usually means the remote branch contains all revisions from the local branch03:44
piedoggiebut therer are no branches up there03:45
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salgadopiedoggie, I can see it at https://code.beta.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk03:51
salgadohttps://code.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk, actually03:51
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salgadopiedoggie, note that once you push it to bazaar.launchpad.net it may take some time (a few minutes usually) until it shows up on the web UI03:52
piedoggiehuh, I uploaded last night and gave it a couple of hours but didn't see anything03:53
piedoggieI thought that the zero uploads indicated nothing was there03:54
piedoggieis there any way to view the content?03:54
piedoggieyou can also see I sometimes use root occasionally....03:55
piedoggieone more question.  Who else can see this branch?  Is there an anonymous public access?03:55
kikothere's this codebrowse thingy03:56
piedoggieI'm not seeing it under code and if I click the link on the title, it takes me to my revision history03:56
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piedoggieinteresting.  Going from the normal entry point, 'https://launchpad.net/akasha/trunk' has no revision control details recorded for trunk.  04:07
kikopiedoggie, because you need to relate the branch you pushed to your trunk04:09
kikoto do that04:09
kikovisit https://beta.launchpad.net/akasha/trunk/+source04:09
piedoggieI'm not allowed in04:11
pochuremove the beta :)04:11
piedoggie I'm not a member of the beta team04:11
pochuthe auto-redirection to non-beta should be high-priority (if it's not yet) :)04:11
pochueven critical :D04:11
beunopiedoggie:  https://aunchpad.net/akasha/trunk/+source04:11
pochubeuno: aunchpad? ;)04:12
beunoshould of just not helped at all...04:12
piedoggieexactly.  They don't make it clear how to register for self hosting (and yes, I'm taking notes to file as a bug report)04:13
piedoggiemaybe I should say launchpad hosting04:15
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spivpiedoggie: note that the branch you uploaded is there: https://code.launchpad.net/~esj/+branch/akasha/trunk04:48
piedoggieI'm gathering that.  The problem is that the launch pad pages referring to trunk don't give you any indication that's where you need to look04:48
spivpiedoggie: the bit that's confusing is that there are two different objects called "trunk" you're dealing with.04:49
piedoggiethat page also gives you no reference to how to see the content of the pages or for anonymous access04:49
piedoggieokay, I can believe I'm confused04:49
spivOne is the ~esj/askasha branch you uploaded, and the other is the product series of akasha called "trunk".04:50
spivThat page gives you the bzr url people can use to fetch that branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk04:51
piedoggiehow can I verify I actually uploaded something?  The upload process did not go smoothly04:51
spivhttps://code.launchpad.net/~esj/+branch/akasha/trunk lists some revisions.04:51
spivSo clearly there's something there :)04:51
spivYou could also do "bzr log http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk"04:52
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spiv(or "bzr branch", or "bzr info", etc)04:52
spivThere's a beta service to browse the files and revisions in a branch at http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~esj/akasha/trunk04:53
spiv(and the beta.launchpad.net links to it)04:53
spivUnfortunately it seems to be down at the moment, but that's why we haven't publicised codebrowse more :)04:54
piedoggieit really seems to be their04:54
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piedoggiehow did that happen?04:55
spivpiedoggie: as a result of a "bzr push"04:55
piedoggieobviously I'm but I'm wondering why because it looked like it failed04:56
piedoggiethe first time I tried it it hung, the second time I tried it told me I had zero revisions04:56
spivDo you have a copy of the message that made you think it failed?04:56
spivOh, that sounds like a bug in an older version of bzr.04:56
piedoggieit gave me nothing and sat there for a good long time before I typed ^c04:56
piedoggieI think it's something like 0.1404:56
spivThere was a version of bzr that would inappropriately report something like "0 revisions pushed." in some situations.04:57
spivbzr --version will tell you.04:57
spivI can't recall the specific bug number, but I think the 0.15 release will fix that problem.05:00
spivIf you have any further problems, please feel free to report them as bugs or post to the launchpad-users list about them.05:00
spivWe want to make the process as smooth as possible.05:01
spivOr you can try asking on this channel of course, but I'm not always awake :)05:01
piedoggieI have a whole list of problems with setting up accounts on launch pad.  I'll probably turn into a more coherent form before filing a bug05:01
bdmurrayI noticed something about launchpad beta that may be inconvenient for some people.05:01
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bdmurrayIf a beta user joins a team the url sent to the tean owner / admin has beta in it.05:02
spivbdmurray: there's already bug open about that, I think :/05:03
bdmurrayspiv: okay, cool05:03
spivpiedoggie: that would be wonderful.  Thanks for the feedback you've already given!05:04
popeyWhat's the rationale behind one person not being allowed to be the contact for more than one team on launchpad?05:05
piedoggiethey don't call me Mister cranky pants for nothing05:05
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kikopopey, you mean email address?05:06
kikoemail addresses are unique in launchpad05:06
kikothey are used to identify a single person05:06
kikoit can't be ambiguous or a lot breaks05:07
popeybut a single person may work on many teams surely?05:07
popeyin the real world05:07
popeyi mean, its no biggie, i have created an alias on my mailserver to work around it, but I shouldn't have to really..05:07
LaserJockwell, I don't think it's necessarily usual to have a single person as a team contact05:09
popeyjust seemed odd to me05:09
popeyI will reassign contact of one team to someone else05:09
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LaserJockwhy are you setting that?05:10
LaserJockI either leave it blank and let all team members get the emails05:10
TomaszDhello, how do I make an URL in Rosetta that would display all the strings of the package? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/gnome-applets/+pots/gnome-applets-2.0/pl/+translate05:10
LaserJockor set it to a mailing list05:10
TomaszDI mean, on one page05:10
popeydidnt realise you could leave it blank :)05:10
LaserJockmaybe that is the real bug here ;-)05:11
popeywell, now the team is setup, you cant change it to have no contact address05:11
kikoLaserJock, popey: we should change that form to be a radiobutton05:13
kikothe current text field is confusing05:13
Kmosi think rosetta needs something like: check if translated text is equal of english main version05:14
KmosI put can put same in the translated field and it approve it05:15
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UbugtuNew bug: #94137 in malone "produces invalid HTML in field.title input" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9413706:10
crimsunwin 2506:28
crimsunerr, sorry06:28
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GardBeaTMi web site: www.zonagardbeat.tk Is Great !!!!!06:41
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UbugtuNew bug: #94164 in launchpad "Adding a team with only deactivated members to another team crashes." [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9416407:11
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UbugtuNew bug: #94179 in launchpad "oops tools should truncate too long exception values" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9417907:46
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zygahow can I (as an upstream) fetch translations of my source from rosetta?07:52
beunozyga: afaik, you have to request them and you get a nice zip sent to you07:53
mrevellzyga: Email the launchpad-users mailing list.07:54
zygabeuno: so once I request them I get a zip once in a while or once per such request?07:54
mrevellzyga: Or mail me directly07:54
jordizyga: once per request07:54
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beunozyga: his email would be: matthew.revell_at_canonical_dot_com07:55
beunoshould of pm that wone probably..07:55
zygaI'm just curious right now but getting all that cool translations is great :-)07:56
zygaI'll do that after feisty ships 07:57
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UbugtuNew bug: #94224 in firefox ""Get Help Online" page has poor user experience" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9422409:40
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ddaathumper: actually, hello here :)10:23
thumperddaa: hello here10:24
ddaare:howdy: feeling swamped as usual10:24
ddaahow's it going for you?10:24
thumperI spent a little time yesterday on the dbschema refactoring10:25
thumperas I was waiting for agreement and comments on the branch work10:25
thumperhow's the complete revisions landing stuff?10:25
jmlddaa, thumper: salut10:25
thumperddaa: jamesh really helped yesterday filling in some gaps in my knowledge10:26
thumperjml: hi ho10:26
thumperddaa: with metaclasses and class advisor stuff10:26
thumperso today is likely to be split for me10:26
thumpermorning working on dbschema10:26
thumperafternoon on the proprietary branche10:26
thumperddaa: what are you up to?10:27
thumperjml: how did things go yesterday10:27
ddaathumper: stub has landed a fix that should help landing complete-revisions10:28
ddaabut I did not got around to submitting the merge again yesterday10:28
ddaadoing it right now10:28
jmlthumper: got a branch up for review that sends informative authentication error messages on failed sftp login10:28
thumperddaa: cool10:28
thumperjml: excellent10:28
jmlthumper: and fixed a bug in upstream :)10:29
thumperddaa: I'll be back to the email notification stuff once complete revisions is landed10:29
ddaaHad a long sync chat with SteveA yesterday, and got a couple of important emails from Steve and Mark to reply to, about future developments for the import service.10:29
thumperddaa: yeah, I saw SteveA's email10:30
thumperI agree that it is something that we want to do10:30
thumperjml: upstream meaning twisted?10:30
jmlthumper: right10:30
ddaaIt's doable in simple cases, but most projects of non-trivial size have requirements or idiosyncrasies that do not make this really possible.10:31
ddaathat's nearly a rule when it comes to adoption from large projects10:32
ddaathey always have quirks that break anything brainless.10:33
ddaaanyway, too complicated a problem to talk over IRC10:33
thumperddaa: do you want to start a spec for it, and I'll add some ideas I have10:33
ddaaFirst, I'd like to have a couple of emails and/or phone calls to put the problem in context and define the scope of the task.10:35
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ddaaThen when it starts to converge into something well defined, I could write a spec.10:36
ddaaDunno... maybe I should write a spec up front...10:36
ddaathumper: what do you think, discussion or spec first?10:37
thumperddaa: I'm fine with a call first10:37
ddaaWell, first I'd like to write at least one email just to sort out my ideas.10:37
ddaaMind mind is like a large saucepan full of facts and ideas, and I'm not very articulate at first.10:38
thumperddaa: fine with me10:39
jmlmmm... fried facts10:39
ddaajml: how's your todo list looking?10:39
jmlddaa: this week I'm on a bug squashing mission.10:40
ddaagot some todos in mind about growing yours :)10:40
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ddaajml: tell me about it10:40
jmlddaa: well, so far it's just been picking off high-priority bugs and doing them. And that's been bug 8539210:41
UbugtuMalone bug 85392 in launchpad-bazaar "better sftp server error reporting" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/85392 - Assigned to Jonathan Lange (jml)10:41
=== ddaa pucks
ddaajml: did you notice we have one critical bug at the moment?10:42
thumperddaa: no, which one?10:42
jmlddaa: right. I just added a comment asking some questions about it :)10:42
jmlthumper: we're using a pre-historic version of bzr10:42
ddaathumper: using bzr-0.15 on launchpad10:42
ddaajml: aint broken, no fixy10:42
ddaabroken now, fixy10:42
jmlddaa: :)10:43
ddaatraditionally, I think spiv was the one doing those upgrades10:43
ddaaevery bzrlib upgrade breaks some code and tests10:43
ddaaor at least produces deprecation warnings10:44
ddaajml: I think that's good as a general direction for now. There are plenty of small annoying bugs that would be nice to have fixed before 1.0.10:45
jmlddaa: next week (at the sprint) I'll be working on a bzr plugin for the bug/branch stuff10:46
ddaaha right10:46
jmlddaa: so wrt bug 92484, are we going to wait for bzr 0.15 to be officially released?10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 92484 in launchpad-bazaar "Support for Branch Format 6" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9248410:48
ddaajml: that's a good question10:49
thumperjml: I'd say yes10:49
thumperbut you won't have to wait long10:49
ddaaI'd say no.10:49
ddaacouple of reasons not to wait10:49
ddaafirst, we should have launchpad support new bzr formats as they are released10:49
ddaasecond, it seems very unlikely that any bug that would affect launchpad operation has not been fixed yet10:50
jmlddaa: ok, but only if we upgrade to the released version as soon as possible.10:51
ddaait would be good to add test cases in launchpad to cover operation with the new format, so if there are indeed bugs in the new bzrlib code that affect launchpad, we would uncover them.10:51
ddaajml: why upgrade to a released version if the prerelease version is not broken for us?10:52
jmlddaa: maximum love vibes.10:52
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ddaaI'm afraid this sort of love vibes will not show up in the performance evaluation :)10:53
jmlddaa: fair enough.10:54
thumperddaa: I agree with jml, we shouldn't use 0.15rcX on the supermirror if 0.15 is released10:54
ddaaI sympathize with the idea, but as long as there is more work to do than we can do, we need to pick our tasks carefully.10:54
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ddaathumper: why do you think this?10:55
=== ddaa is trying hard to be open to people's ideas
thumperddaa: it makes you look as if you aren't up with it10:56
thumperddaa: it gives the appearance of being sloppy10:56
thumperof not caring10:56
lifelessthumper: to whom?10:56
thumperappearances are important10:56
ddaathumper: the bzr we run on launchpad is not visible to users.10:56
lifelessddaa: until the hpss lands that is.10:57
thumperok then, maybe it just offends my sense of tidyness10:57
lifelessanyhow, I think any change to the bzr version needs to be done with care10:57
thumperlifeless: will the hpss expose the remote version number?10:57
lifelessjust because we've released a new version is neither necessary nor a sufficient reason to upgrade.10:57
lifelessthumper: no, it will expose a protocol.10:57
ddaalifeless: even then, would a difference between a rc and a release be apparent?10:58
lifelessthat is, when the hpss is being used, there will be stronger coupling between the users bzr and ours.10:58
lifelessddaa: hpss is big, for 0.16 I fully expect it to be apparent.10:58
lifelessfor 0.15, tags will be the killer10:58
lifelesstags and nested tree repositories are likely to give you a chinese life for a short period.10:58
thumperwe have nested tree repositories?10:59
ddaalifeless: for example, if we rollout 0.16rc2 for hpss-on-launchpad, and 0.16 does not fix an hpss-related functionality, would it be worth upgrading to 0.16?10:59
ddaas/not fix an/not fix any/11:00
lifelessddaa: like always, I think it depends on whether the changes from 0.16rc2 to 0.16 matter to us.11:00
lifelessbuts its more likely that they will11:00
ddaaYup. That's my whole point.11:01
jmlok. so how does one actually go about upgrading bzr on Launchpad?11:01
ddaajml: ask lifeless :)11:01
ddaaI think it goes something like "merge the right bzr branch into the rocketfuel bzr, run the launchpad test suite (and the importd an cscvs test suites, too)11:02
ddaafix any bug or deprecation warning that pops up11:02
lifelessmerge the bzr you want to sourcecode/bzr11:02
lifelessrun make check_merge11:02
=== ddaa goes back to feeding pqm
jmllifeless: thanks. it wouldn't surprise me if running make check_merge is the most difficult part of the process.11:07
ddaajml: ./test.py -vv canonical 'bzrsync|supermirror|branch' && make importdcheck && make -C sourcecode/cscvs check" should run all the tests that matter.11:08
jmlddaa: thanks11:09
ddaain case check_merge does not work for reason not related to bzr11:09
ddaalifeless: we do have a problem with the test suite not working on developers systems at the moment.11:10
lifelesshow are their systems different to pqm ?11:10
ddaait needs fixing of course, but I think it's better not to block on this problem11:10
jmllifeless: at the least, feisty vs dapper, postgres-8.2 vs 8.111:11
ddaalifeless: running feisty, running at a different speed11:11
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ddaajml: pqm runs 8.2, and so should you11:11
jmlddaa: I have been for many weeks.11:12
jmlddaa: I didn't realise pqm had been upgraded11:12
ddaathat's good, sorry if it came across harsh11:12
ddaajml: maybe stick "importd" in the regex for test.py as well11:15
jmlok. I'm going to grab a coffee and work on this.11:19
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jmlddaa: it looks like even those tests don't run properly. I'll fix them up.12:06
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