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troy_s | anyone alive>? | 03:59 |
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nzk | I am alive. | 05:37 |
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kwwii | so...... | 01:16 |
kwwii | what does everyone think of this? | 01:16 |
kwwii | https://launchpad.net/bugs/10303 | 01:16 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 10303 in gaim "New Logo for GAIM (Ubuntu Style)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 01:16 |
elkbuntu | i'm confused as to why it needs a new logo... | 01:24 |
kwwii | yepp, that was one of my concerns | 01:27 |
elkbuntu | kwwii, considering gaim is in the 'also available for Windows' category, i'd be very cautious about changing the appearance of it | 01:28 |
kwwii | elkbuntu: not sure I understand you | 01:29 |
kwwii | my main thought was that since we don't really do anything special to it, there is no reason to use a branded splash screen | 01:29 |
elkbuntu | it'd be like changing the open-office logo .. people who had been lured to linux via the transition method (install cross-platform stuff to get them used to linuxy software) would be perplexed | 01:30 |
kwwii | I can see that point, but I do not think that the change in the GAIM part itself is very radical | 01:31 |
elkbuntu | ooh.. it's just the splash | 01:31 |
kwwii | yepp | 01:31 |
elkbuntu | hmm... branding other apps is tacky imho | 01:32 |
kwwii | yeah, that is kinda what I was thinking | 01:33 |
elkbuntu | it's like saying "$distro woz 'ere!" ;) | 01:34 |
kwwii | yepp | 01:36 |
elkbuntu | so anyway, thumbs down from me | 01:38 |
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troy_s | kwwii I think there is something to be said for binding the splashes together -- and it does have an rather powerful 'unifying' message. | 05:09 |
troy_s | Where the hell is he? | 05:09 |
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troy_s | <troy_s> kwwii I think there is something to be said for binding the splashes together -- and it does have an rather powerful 'unifying' message. | 07:33 |
troy_s | although I can appreciate the flipside of the coin too... | 07:34 |
troy_s | again, thinking about end users and the need to attract _new_users who are familiar with that sort of similarity factor, i think it at least should be considered | 07:34 |
troy_s | probably pretty hopeless without a design pattern at this point though. | 07:34 |
kwwii | troy_s: yes, that was my whole point, really | 08:26 |
troy_s | kwwii Ultimately, I was pretty torn on it. My guess is that we need it but are unable to implement it. | 08:27 |
kwwii | troy_s: I think that implementing something now would be too early...first planning, then action :-) | 08:28 |
troy_s | completely agree | 08:28 |
troy_s | until then, it is best left alone | 08:28 |
troy_s | but the kernel of the idea works well. | 08:29 |
kwwii | yepp, definitely | 08:29 |
troy_s | but again, we are critically missing a motif | 08:30 |
troy_s | to help that sort of thing along | 08:30 |
troy_s | to do that sort of thing effectively, we need a non monochromatic nor extremely polychromatic palette | 08:30 |
troy_s | a solid motif | 08:30 |
troy_s | and whatever other minor stylization that is developed. | 08:31 |
kwwii | hopefully, after feisty things will start moving in that area | 08:32 |
troy_s | fingers crossed | 08:32 |
troy_s | although i hope the kneejerk reaction to fedora's lovely work isn't going to take us down the bloody irritating ubuntu path of mimisis | 08:33 |
kwwii | we'll just see what happens | 08:35 |
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chris___ | ello | 11:27 |
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