=== _human_blip_away [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@JBrannlund.MathStat.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-095-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === naee [n=ian@amarok/developer/eean] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === naee [n=ian@amarok/developer/eean] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Konversation] === jml [n=jml@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === m0rg0th [n=manugarg@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _human_blip_away [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === abogani [n=abogani@adsl203-157-083.mclink.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === sky_walkie [n=hrdlo@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@backup.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === m0rg0th [n=manugarg@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure_ [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === luka74 [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FFF1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === stgraber [n=stgraber@ubuntu/member/stgraber] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:02] BenC: ping? [02:02] fabbione: yo [02:03] BenC: hey man.. i think something on i386 kernels is broken badly [02:03] fabbione: Can you describe? [02:03] trace -o /home/fabbione/foo.strace /bin/ls [02:03] umovestr: Input/output error [02:03] bin dev initrd lib64 mirrors proc sbin tmp vmlinuz [02:03] boot etc initrd.img lost+found mnt raid srv usr [02:03] cdrom home lib media opt root sys var [02:04] make that a strace [02:04] i get a lot of errors (also confirmed by different people on #u-devel) like that umovestr [02:04] it seems to happen only i386 [02:04] is this the -12 kernel? [02:05] if you strace something bigger you might see also other errors like ptrace: Input/Output error [02:05] confirmed to be there from at least .20-9 [02:05] but yes. i am specifically running .20-12 [02:05] hmm [02:11] cool, I have -6 and -7 on this box, let me check those [02:12] ok [02:19] fabbione: Same on -7 [02:19] ok [02:29] BenC: random question about the kernel, if you have time to answer it [02:30] Keybuk: Sure [02:30] disk write cache; does that get flushed on shutdown? [02:30] specifically for IDE [02:30] Yes [02:31] can you cite a reference in the source; I couldn't find out for definite where it happened [02:31] Unless you're seeing massive filesystem corruption, in which case the answer is probably no (but shouldb be yes) [02:31] I can see it happens when you reboot, but not halt or poweroff [02:31] hm, maybe that's the reason why I've seen some ext3 corruption in the past. [02:32] Keybuk: Hm. In the poweroff case, I suspect that it's supposed to be done when the drive's powered down [02:32] but I can't see anything that even powers down the drive :p [02:33] Keybuk: Just to clarify - do you mean drivers/ide or libata? [02:33] fabbione: Same as far back as -6 [02:33] drivers/ide [02:34] reason for asking: [02:34] the sysvinit halt binary deliberately standbys IDE disks by iterating /proc/ide [02:34] and the manpage claims this is because the Linux kernel doesn't [02:34] Hm. It's conceivable. [02:34] this seems somewhat silly to me; and causes problems when you try and run halt on things like s which don't have an IDE controller [02:34] (Go go stupid workarounds) [02:35] I could believe that the manpage is way out of date [02:35] or if not, and it's a simple patch, it'd seem sweeter to fix the kernel? [02:35] Yeah === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:50] mjg59: do we have any policy for [02:50] mjg59: doh.. STOP_SERVICES in /etc/default/acpi-support [02:50] Yes. Don't add things to it. [02:51] ok :) [02:51] Keybuk, are you complaining about what? sata/scsi? [02:51] kylem: drivers/ide [02:52] ah. [02:52] well. turn off your write cache. it's a bad idea anyway. [02:52] kylem: is it off by default? :p [02:52] it should be on most disks. [02:53] unless hdd folks have gotten really ballsy in the last couple years. [02:54] SCSI device sda: write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA [02:54] huh. poop. [02:54] The -h flag puts all harddisks in standby mode just before halt or [02:54] poweroff. Right now this is only implemented for IDE drives. A side [02:54] effect of putting the drive in standby mode is that the write cache on [02:54] the disk is flushed. This is important for IDE drives, since the kernel [02:54] doesnt flush the write-cache itself before poweroff. [02:54] (is the sysvinit halt manpage reference) [02:54] anyway, if you're using libata-pata, the scsi layer will send a SYNC CACHES command which should end up in libata and be issues properly to the drive. [02:55] Keybuk, interesting. === Razor44 [n=kathy@ipa22.3.91.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === bleinmono [n=toffel@ppp85-141-151-133.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:22] hi [04:23] I'm trying to rebuild a feisty kernel with the 8390.c from edgy following the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild [04:23] I've apt-get install linux-source, copied the tar.bz2 somewhere, untar-ed it, copied the .c and now I'm running "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs" which doesn't work [04:24] "make: *** No rule to make target `binary-debs'. Stop." [04:24] any idea of what I'm doing wrong? ;) [04:31] seb128: That procedure works only with original git sources.... === Simira [n=simira@tellus.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:32] abogani: the wiki page is not clear then ;) [04:33] seb128: exactly :-) [04:33] ok, using make-kpkg then ;) [04:33] thank you [04:33] seb128: Nothing [04:35] does anyone know the bug number on "fan doesn't work after resume"? It's a kernel bug with hp laptops, that's reappeared. [04:38] Simira: It should be fixed in 2.6.20-12 kernels [04:43] BenC: I just tested on daily [04:43] BenC: and it doesn't work for me [04:43] Does it have -12 kernel? [04:43] yup [04:44] I included all the mentioned patch sets to fix that, so if something else is needed, someone with that hw will have to work out what it is [04:44] You've got about 3 weeks to do it :) [04:45] I'll test again. We're two testing this spesific model, so we should manage to work it out [04:46] Simira: If you need to find the bug, do an advanced search on linux-source-2.6.20 and include "Fix Released" bugs [04:46] BenC: I'll do that. Thanks [04:49] anything else I can try about bug #87078? 2.6.20 doesn't build with the 8390.c from 2.6.17 [04:49] and the "irqpoll" option makes the box freeze during desktop login === _human_blip_away [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fs [i=fs@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === thotz [n=thomas@d86-33-125-22.cust.tele2.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:06] seb128: If you use apt-get source linux-source-2.6.20 you can use "AUTOBUILD.... etc etc" as reported in the wiki page [05:07] abogani: ok, thank you === kkubasik [n=kjk38@kjk38-laptop.student.cwru.edu] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@21-40.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === thotz [n=thomas@d86-33-125-22.cust.tele2.at] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === rotarychainsaw [n=bj@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:05] fabbione: FYI, I get the strace problem all the way back to -6 === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:01] mjg59: ping === FabioNET [n=FabioNET@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:03] BenC: Hi [08:04] mjg59: Hey, I want to enable the tifm_ms+memstick driver you sent me, but it's missing linux/memstick.h [08:04] BenC: Ok. I'll try to sort that. [08:04] mjg59: Thanks [08:05] BenC: ok === m0rg0th [n=manugarg@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:20] Simira: I am currently building kernel with additional patches that may fix fan & resume issues on hp laptops [08:20] Simira: will document in bug what I find [08:21] cd === orangey [n=orangey@dyn129-100-182-51.wireless.uwo.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:21] hey all! === sharms [n=sharms@ubuntu/member/sharms] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:21] Simira: related bugs are 63123, 75398 & 74877 [08:21] Ben Collins has accepted a patch into the kernel that makes ide-acpi.c, however, it is not enabled in the kernel binaries [08:22] Lure: I'm the dude who submitted the unified patch.. [08:22] Lure: I saw your comments. [08:22] orangey: yep, one patch from your diff is missing, I have traced most fixes back in upstream git [08:22] re config for kernel: what config do I play with to patch? I want to enable IDEACPI [08:22] Lure: awesome. [08:23] Lure: you're talking about 37? [08:23] orangey: In feisty, it's enabled [08:23] at least it should be === EtienneG [n=etienne@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:24] BenC: is it possible to build generic without lowlatency (building with flavour=generic)? [08:24] $ rgrep BLK_DEV_IDEACPI debian/config/debian/config/ia64/config:CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEACPI=y [08:24] debian/config/i386/config:CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEACPI=y [08:24] debian/config/amd64/config:CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEACPI=y [08:24] BenC: it is enabled [08:24] in dact, it is enabled [08:24] fact [08:24] Lure: rm -f debian/config/*/lowlatency [08:24] BenC: ah. ok. [08:24] BenC: thanks - will shorten my build by half ;-) [08:25] BenC: it seems I don't have the most recent source, then. one moment. [08:25] orangey: grep IDEACPI /boot/config-`uname -r` [08:26] BenC: yep. there! [08:26] orangey: Then you have nothing to worry about :) [08:26] BenC: my bad. In that case, there is some other reason I can't figure out for why my system will no longer resume with this kernel. [08:27] orangey: Please file a bug report on linux-source-2.6.20 with as much information as possible [08:27] BenC: will do as soon as I have info : ) [08:27] like what kernel version suspend/resume worked with, what type of resume (mem/disk), etc. [08:35] BenC: is there any way to override ABI check or do I need to bump ABI number on my local git clone? [08:35] hmm.. [08:36] It seems my conflicting problems have hit.. [08:36] Lure: debian/rules .... skipabi=true [08:36] Lure: See topic, all this info is under our wiki [08:37] BenC: thanks for help and sorry for bothering you [08:37] Lure: No problem at all, just figured there may be other things in the wiki that could help you [08:38] BenC: it helped a lot (actually I was lurking when you had online session), it is just a lot to digest ;-) [08:39] Lure: The stuff in KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase is probably most interesting for what you're doing [08:39] custom kernel build bits [08:39] alright.. time to reboot and retest. I think I have the issue figured out. [08:39] Thank you Ben. [08:39] Amazing work, btw. [08:40] It's my first interaction at all with kernel stuff or patching, and you have made it pleasant via your patience. [08:40] thank you. [08:40] see y'all : ) [08:40] orangey: Np === sharms [n=sharms@ubuntu/member/sharms] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Leaving"] [08:43] crimsun: ping === Lure reboots to test kernel === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 359 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 126 Unassigned [09:05] nice === orangey [n=orangey@dyn129-100-183-80.wireless.uwo.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:16] hey all. [09:16] back. === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:18] Alright. I think I have a good idea of the problem. For whatever reason, it is ata_piix that stops my NC4200 from booting. It was noted that it had to be disabled for suspend / resume to work, however that leaves me victim of the ALERT! no /dev/by-uuid-whatever problem, where I can't boot.. [09:18] now.. [09:18] any ideas how I could try to track down the problem more than that? [09:19] or must this work be done via bug tracking? === orangey_ [n=orangey@dyn129-100-183-44.wireless.uwo.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:23] bah.. Just got disconnected, so repasting the message: === ivoks [n=ivoks@3-112.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:23] Alright. I think I have a good idea of the problem. For whatever reason, it is ata_piix that stops my NC4200 from booting. It was noted that it had to be disabled for suspend / resume to work, however that leaves me victim of the ALERT! no /dev/by-uuid-whatever problem, where I can't boot.. now.. any ideas how I could try to track down the problem more than that? or must this work be done via bug tracking? [09:23] rather, ata_piix stops the NC4200 from Resuming after suspend. [09:46] BenC: pong [09:47] crimsun: Hey, just FYI, I'm assigning all sound/audio related bug to the ubuntu-audio group [09:47] crimsun: In case you go wondering around for audio bugs filed on linux-source-2.6.20 :) [09:47] BenC: yep, according to the triaging practices [09:48] crimsun: Ah, I forgot that I told you this already [09:48] I'm burned out from bugs today, brain is failing me right now [09:49] heh, I hear ya === ivoks [n=ivoks@1-230.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:11] Lure, BenC: we are two people who have tested the daily(-12) kernel twice, and the fans don't work. :( [10:11] Simira: right, I am testing some more patches from upstream - first try did not help :-( [10:11] Simira: If you can build kernels, then perhaps start looking into the patches geared that the type of laptop [10:12] BenC: not really, but I might be able to get some competent guidance [10:12] BenC: I could try git-bisecting on it. [10:13] (Simira is my wife) === philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:28] Mithrandir: I'm not sure there's a case of it ever working to bisect against, other than edgy...or do you have a known working feisty kernel? [10:29] BenC: -9 apparently worked. [10:29] Ok, then a bisect would be greatly appreciated === FabioNET [i=500@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@1-230.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Razor44 [n=kathy@ipa22.3.91.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Razor44 [n=kathy@ipa22.3.91.tellas.gr] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Ex-Chat"] === Whoopie [n=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:11] I have problems with running latest kernel in a vmware with the virtual cd-rom. As I can't see any obvious messages in dmesg, I disabled the cd-rom and now it works. Seems to be related to ata driver. Did anybody see the same behaviour? [11:12] there are certain known regressions from -10.17 and -11.18 [11:12] without additional information, it's all hand-waving [11:14] crimsun: but it worked with -11 [11:15] crimsun: I know that one need more information. i just thought I give it a try. ;) === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 343 Open, 1 Unconfirmed, 64 Unassigned [11:22] Benbot4000 [11:23] crimsun: if you need any help with muting not working, i'm here :) [11:24] ivoks: I'm working through an alsa issue atm [11:25] that's why i say; i'm here to help as much as i can [11:25] I'm a poor multitasker; patience, please. [11:26] :) === jml [n=jml@220-253-134-154.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _human_blip_away [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Razor44 [n=kathy@ipa22.3.91.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel