=== yama [n=yama@ppp45-1.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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BHSPitMonkey | jenda, love 'em | 02:58 |
BHSPitMonkey | though it hasn't happened to me in a very long time | 02:58 |
BHSPitMonkey | it was related to some kind of problem, I don't remember what it was | 02:58 |
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mindspin | anyone here who is in charge for the fridge? | 09:32 |
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
meatballhat | jenda: boo! :D | 09:41 |
Madpilot | mindspin, if you've got a question or comment, just ask it, someone will notice! | 09:48 |
mindspin | we (kubuntu-de.org) did an interview with riddell about kde4 and its integration in kubunzu | 09:52 |
mindspin | we are gonn release it tomorrow and think it could be published on the fridge | 09:52 |
mindspin | gonna even | 09:52 |
jenda | meatballhat: eek! | 09:59 |
=== meatballhat runs | ||
jenda | hehehe | 10:00 |
meatballhat | jenda: I'm on the job.... got me a to-do list from yesterday | 10:01 |
meatballhat | :) | 10:01 |
jenda | whee :) | 10:01 |
jenda | good news ;) | 10:01 |
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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jenda | meatballhat: how goes? :) | 11:56 |
meatballhat | jenda: blech ... regrouping is the worst .... | 11:56 |
meatballhat | I need a memory upgrade | 11:56 |
jenda | hehe :) | 11:59 |
=== meatballhat needs more memory, that is .... personally .... as in: for my brains ..... | ||
meatballhat | :P | 12:07 |
meatballhat | jenda: I'm teetering on the edge of wanting to wipe the slate clean :D | 12:08 |
meatballhat | jenda: gots to run ... be on IRC at work ;-) | 12:10 |
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["I'll] | ||
jenda | hehe | 12:10 |
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=== yama` is now known as yama | ||
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mindspin | nixternal ping | 04:03 |
jenda | nixternal: don't! It's a trap! | 04:04 |
mindspin | no I#m a good cop | 04:04 |
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
nixternal | haha | 04:04 |
nixternal | what's up | 04:04 |
mindspin | we (kubuntu-de.org) did an interview with riddell about kde4 and its relations to kubuntu | 04:05 |
mindspin | I think it should go to the fridge | 04:05 |
mindspin | wanna have it? | 04:05 |
nixternal | mindspin: send an email to fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com | 04:06 |
nixternal | I am in D.C. on vacation until tomorrow, and I am getting ready to head out | 04:06 |
mindspin | I#ll send it when the translation is done ;-) | 04:06 |
mindspin | no prob | 04:06 |
nixternal | that way there, I will or someone will put it up | 04:06 |
nixternal | cool | 04:06 |
mindspin | we gonna publish it tommorrow | 04:06 |
mindspin | hopefully | 04:06 |
nixternal | good deal | 04:06 |
mindspin | happy holiday btw. | 04:07 |
nixternal | why thank you | 04:09 |
jenda | nixternal: say hello to DC for me :) | 04:10 |
nixternal | oh I am :) | 04:10 |
jenda | Haven't been there for... half my life ;) | 04:10 |
nixternal | I used to live here. I am here visiting my x and my daughter | 04:10 |
jenda | when did you live there? | 04:11 |
=== jenda lived there '94-'97 | ||
nixternal | I did too | 04:15 |
jenda | we shouldda met ;) | 04:15 |
nixternal | 95-98 | 04:15 |
=== jenda was just a little boy back then | ||
nixternal | end of 94 actually | 04:15 |
jenda | Hmm... /me has the feeling we might've even talked about this before ;) | 04:16 |
nixternal | I lived on Wisconsin and S | 04:16 |
nixternal | hehe | 04:16 |
jenda | Willard Ave, Chevy Chase | 04:16 |
nixternal | shoot, about 2 miles | 04:16 |
jenda | The Irene - a gigantic apartment building | 04:16 |
nixternal | I know where that is | 04:16 |
jenda | :) | 04:16 |
nixternal | I could take Wisconson Ave. into Chevy Chase and you cross Willard | 04:16 |
nixternal | I would take Willard either to Bethesda or to the Congressional Golf Course, can't remember which one exactly | 04:17 |
jenda | hehe :) | 04:17 |
jenda | Since I was such a teeny boy, I don't remember much of that. I remember Bethesda because that's where my siblings went to highschool (BCC High) | 04:18 |
nixternal | ahh | 04:18 |
nixternal | I like it here actually. It is a neat area. | 04:18 |
nixternal | Anywho, we are getting ready to go to lunch, so I will chat with you all later :) | 04:18 |
jenda | laters ;) | 04:22 |
=== jenda gets back to work | ||
jenda | (arrgh, the pain) | 04:22 |
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=== beuno points the marketing team to #ubuntu-meeting, I'm up for membership! | ||
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jenda | beuno: you've got little to worry about :) | 06:47 |
beuno | you think? | 06:48 |
crimsun | of course | 06:48 |
=== beuno calms down a bit | ||
jenda | no doubt :) | 06:48 |
beuno | :D | 06:48 |
jenda | But enjoy it :) It only happens once ;) | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | beuno: i'm here to support you | 06:49 |
beuno | Admiral_Chicago: I apreciate it! | 06:49 |
MenZa | if jenda vouches for you, so do I | 06:49 |
MenZa | :d | 06:49 |
beuno | hahah | 06:49 |
=== MenZa nods. | ||
=== beuno goes dig up dirt on jenda | ||
MenZa | I've met jenda, and I would never doubt his judgment. | 06:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | hehe, when i met richard, it made me doubt his judgement more... | 06:50 |
=== Admiral_Chicago hugs nixternal | ||
beuno | lol | 06:50 |
jenda | hehehe | 06:51 |
jenda | :) | 06:51 |
=== beuno wonders if he'll be able to make it all the way to prague on his july trip to europe | ||
=== jenda hugs MenZa | ||
jenda | O_O | 06:51 |
jenda | beuno: you will, I guarantee you that. | 06:51 |
jenda | ....or else... | 06:51 |
beuno | hmmm, maybew I should of kept that to myself for an hour or so... | 06:52 |
beuno | :D | 06:52 |
jenda | hehe | 06:52 |
jenda | an hour if you're optimistic ;) | 06:52 |
beuno | I'd really like to, I haven't been to prague in over 15 years | 06:52 |
beuno | right, I've seen meetings run out of time and postpone membership approvals | 06:53 |
=== yama` [n=yama@ppp15-159.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
jenda | yep, it happens. | 06:55 |
MenZa | jenda: we should meet up again. | 06:55 |
MenZa | Last time wpned. | 06:55 |
MenZa | pwned* | 06:55 |
MenZa | And next time, I'll have a beer myself. | 06:55 |
MenZa | Stupid class trips. | 06:56 |
jenda | whee :) | 06:56 |
jenda | definitely | 06:56 |
jenda | well... | 06:56 |
jenda | actually... | 06:56 |
MenZa | at least it took me to cz :) | 06:56 |
jenda | I' might be passing through Denmark with a few friends this summer... | 06:56 |
MenZa | Seriously? | 06:56 |
MenZa | When? | 06:56 |
jenda | Might be hitchhiking :) | 06:56 |
jenda | no idea yet. | 06:56 |
beuno | hmmmm | 06:56 |
MenZa | July 8th -> About a week onwards, I'll be away | 06:56 |
MenZa | I'll be in London | 06:56 |
jenda | (hitchhiking only if we convince my friend's gf...) | 06:56 |
beuno | I'll be travelling through europe from july 15th to august 15th | 06:57 |
jenda | hehe | 06:57 |
MenZa | I might also get a chick from the US to visit | 06:57 |
MenZa | Her dad's going to Norway | 06:57 |
jenda | I'd hate to go to denmark when beuno is in CZ and MenZa in the UK :) | 06:57 |
beuno | hahah, well, maybe we can meet up somewhere in the middle? | 06:57 |
MenZa | :D | 06:57 |
jenda | :) | 07:02 |
jenda | hopefully :) | 07:02 |
beuno | in fact... the last time I was in prague, it was still checkoslovakia | 07:04 |
jenda | hehe :) | 07:05 |
jenda | and I was a teeny kid :) | 07:05 |
beuno | yeah, so was I | 07:06 |
beuno | I must of been 5 or 6 | 07:06 |
beuno | maybe 7 | 07:06 |
jenda | I was 2 ;) | 07:07 |
jenda | err, actually the republic split '93, so I was 5 | 07:07 |
beuno | I think I went there in '91, but I'm not sure | 07:07 |
MenZa | :o | 07:07 |
beuno | actually, I was 8 then, I'm '83 | 07:08 |
jenda | hehe :) | 07:16 |
jenda | beuno: I'm staarving. I'll do my best to be back in time, but I can't hold any longer :/ | 07:16 |
beuno | jenda: you said I had nothing to worry about, so go | 07:17 |
=== beuno puts presure on jenda :p | ||
beuno | it's being delayed, so I say go | 07:20 |
jenda | hehe | 07:24 |
jenda | I'm back, I stuck to a sandwich | 07:24 |
=== beuno hugs jenda | ||
jenda | 07:25 | |
jenda | ooh, meeting... | 07:30 |
beuno | I'm 5th in line | 07:30 |
beuno | so it depends | 07:30 |
=== bordy [n=bordy@rrcs-71-43-34-96.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
bordy | hey all... quick question. A member of my LoCo wanted to find some sort of kit for tradeshows (ie CDs, pamphlets, shirts, whatever) I realize the shirts are out of the question, but is anyone able to point me in the direction of resources for this guy? | 08:37 |
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bordy | nm, found some good stuff :) | 08:39 |
=== jenda pops a champagne beuno's way | ||
jenda | 4 | 08:44 |
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beuno | weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 08:44 |
Burgwork | welcome aboard beuno | 08:45 |
beuno | thanks for all the support, jenda, Burgwork, tsmithe, Admiral_Chicago | 08:45 |
Burgwork | get that ubuntu.com addy sorted out, so next week it can be used | 08:45 |
tsmithe | :) | 08:45 |
jenda | :) | 08:45 |
jenda | hehe | 08:45 |
tsmithe | jenda, i didn't get champagne | 08:45 |
beuno | Burgwork: will do, although I'm not sure how that works | 08:45 |
tsmithe | :P | 08:45 |
tsmithe | beuno, automanually | 08:45 |
tsmithe | it just kinda happens | 08:46 |
Burgwork | pretty much it is $LP_NAME@ubuntu.com | 08:46 |
tsmithe | (although it happens when you stop checking :P) | 08:46 |
Burgwork | thus I am corey.burger@ubuntu.com | 08:46 |
Burgwork | that gets forwarded to your preferred email addy in LP | 08:46 |
Burgwork | you can setup gmail so it can send as ubuntu.com | 08:46 |
beuno | great, I'll make sure to start using it as soon as it's working | 08:46 |
beuno | :D | 08:47 |
=== beuno is happy | ||
beuno | jenda: I understand you hand out ubuntu cloaks? | 08:47 |
Burgwork | no, Seveas does | 08:48 |
beuno | aah, great, I'll talk to him later then, thanks Burgwork | 08:49 |
beuno | are you going to be helping out with UWN this week? | 08:49 |
Burgwork | yes, I will be | 08:51 |
Burgwork | I have a bunch of stories I will post up for writing later tonight | 08:51 |
beuno | super, I'll start sending emails to all the relevant lists to get them participating too | 08:52 |
Burgwork | cool | 09:00 |
Burgwork | usually I just cull stuff as it comes through | 09:00 |
beuno | that's good, I just like to nag different people to remind them we do this on a weekly basis :D | 09:01 |
=== jenda_ [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Burgwork | all reporters have to hound after their subjects | 09:04 |
Burgwork | it is a given | 09:04 |
jenda_ | someone highlighted me a while ago - so just FIY, I can't read it, as I can't ssh into my shell, sorry | 09:04 |
Burgwork | we shoudl investigate the behind Ubuntu website | 09:04 |
jenda_ | if it's important, please repeat :) | 09:04 |
Burgwork | anybody know who runs it? | 09:04 |
jenda_ | Burgwork: http://behindubuntu.org/about/team/ | 09:05 |
jenda_ | uh oh | 09:05 |
Burgwork | I recognize none of those names | 09:05 |
jenda_ | Can't say I do, either. | 09:06 |
Burgwork | somebody mind emailing them? | 09:09 |
jenda_ | https://launchpad.net/~christophe-sauthier | 09:09 |
jenda_ | that guy's the only one with any LP karma | 09:09 |
jenda_ | Burgwork: sure, but I missed the entire conversation ;) | 09:09 |
Burgwork | I will pm it | 09:09 |
beuno | I followed behind ubuntu when it started, but it got discontinued afaik | 09:10 |
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda | ||
jenda | beuno: so, shall we get that cloak done? :) | 09:19 |
jenda | beuno? | 09:20 |
jenda | hmm? | 09:20 |
=== jenda isn't sure if he's allowed to cloak people against without their consent ;) | ||
jenda | Burgwork: one of those folks does ring a bell afterall, but he's listed as a former team member: https://launchpad.net/~zhengpeng-hou | 09:22 |
Burgwork | ah, right, I remember him | 09:22 |
beuno | :D | 09:25 |
jenda | beuno: I don't hear a 'yes' ;) | 09:26 |
beuno | yes ;) | 09:26 |
jenda | beuno: how does it fit? | 09:29 |
beuno | yaaaaaaaay! | 09:30 |
beuno | very nice :D | 09:30 |
beuno | thanks jenda | 09:30 |
jenda | 09:32 | |
jenda | np | 09:32 |
beuno | it seems several ppl here at the office where at the meeting | 09:34 |
beuno | *watching* | 09:34 |
beuno | so they basically didn't do any work for 2 hours, hehehe | 09:34 |
jenda | hehe | 09:39 |
jenda | beuno: are you the boss? :) | 09:39 |
beuno | jenda: yeap, heheheh | 09:39 |
jenda | and where th do you work that people were at the meeting? :) | 09:40 |
jenda | ah! | 09:40 |
jenda | well, in that case, you should give those who were a raise ;) | 09:40 |
beuno | I'm getting them a round of beer, that's for sure | 09:41 |
jenda | hehe | 09:42 |
jenda | I'm getting you one when you come here. | 09:42 |
beuno | I'm going to have to get you one too, I'm here because of you basically, so... | 09:43 |
beuno | you and Dan got me started, which is the hardest part | 09:43 |
jenda | hehe :) | 09:43 |
jenda | well, once you get me one and I get you one, we should get each other about 4 more, and it'll be ok :) | 09:43 |
beuno | hahahaa | 09:44 |
beuno | it's a plan | 09:44 |
jenda | :) | 09:44 |
jenda | You wouldn't believe how much beer an Ubuntu CZ Meeting needs to go through well :) | 09:45 |
beuno | hahahaaaaaa | 09:45 |
=== meatballhat peeks at jenda and beuno's conversation .... begins to daydream about beer ... stops ... returns to grindstone ... (sigh ....) :P | ||
jenda | hehe | 10:00 |
jenda | hello meatballhat :) | 10:00 |
meatballhat | jenda: yo ;-) | 10:00 |
jenda | meatballhat, beuno - the entire team is now uniformed ;) | 10:00 |
meatballhat | yours? with polo shirts? | 10:00 |
=== beuno likes the idea of polo shirts! | ||
jenda | hehe | 10:01 |
jenda | meatballhat: I meant the three of us being members ;) | 10:01 |
meatballhat | jenda: gack! ... I'm always doing this :P ... I gotta run home ... might be on again later, but for sure tomorrow morn :) | 10:01 |
meatballhat | jenda: yaaay!!! | 10:01 |
beuno | triple yay! | 10:02 |
jenda | meatballhat: don't you have a polo? | 10:02 |
jenda | beuno: you should get one ;) | 10:02 |
meatballhat | jenda: that I do ;-) ... it's waaaay snazzy | 10:02 |
=== jenda is wearing it right now | ||
=== jenda has two because they rock :) | ||
beuno | there are ubuntu polo shirts? | 10:02 |
=== meatballhat runs home ... will worky more on DIY tomorrow morn | ||
=== meatballhat [n=danbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["Ubuntu] | ||
jenda | beuno: oh yeah ; | 10:04 |
jenda | ;) | 10:04 |
jenda | beuno: juliux is the one selling them | 10:04 |
=== beuno wants to be pointed to a link | ||
jenda | beuno: YOU are working on the DIY site, and you DON'T KNOW there are SHIRTS??? | 10:05 |
jenda | :) | 10:05 |
beuno | hahah | 10:05 |
beuno | I just look at code | 10:05 |
beuno | dan looks at what the code *does* | 10:06 |
jenda | hehe :) | 10:06 |
jenda | ok | 10:06 |
jenda | So I'm the only one who actually gets to the good stuff on top ;) | 10:06 |
jenda | I can't find a pic, though... | 10:07 |
beuno | np, I'll talk to juliux when I see him | 10:08 |
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | I'll bbl, again, thanks for everyone's support | 10:27 |
adamant1988 | jenda: ping | 10:37 |
jenda | pong! | 10:39 |
adamant1988 | jenda: wanted to swing something by you on the UWN. I was reading a really interesting article about how gmail can be your e-swissarmy knife, and I was thinking perhaps we could add a weekly section on a unique use for a program people might not have thought of? | 10:41 |
jenda | hmm | 10:41 |
jenda | adamant1988: that might be very interesting... | 10:41 |
jenda | but will we be able to source it, weekly? | 10:41 |
adamant1988 | Well, I'm sure with ALL of the open source programs out there that we can collect info from the forums and such on how people are using their software in unique ways. | 10:42 |
adamant1988 | If the info isn't there, we don't need to do it.. I can handle the polls and such. | 10:42 |
adamant1988 | the JobBoard spec is just sitting in the list too :( | 10:43 |
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-64-200-170.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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=== tsmithe wonders why he doesnt have a polo | ||
adamant1988 | tsmithe: Help with my spec :( | 11:42 |
tsmithe | can't - have spent all evening polishing and ironing (raf inspection tomorrow) | 11:43 |
tsmithe | and now i need a bath :) | 11:43 |
=== Stemp [n=Stemp@d213-103-53-27.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing |
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