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claydoh | BenC: referred to you by hobbsee re: bug 85488 | 04:48 |
claydoh | what are the possible consequences of disabling 'USB selective suspend/resume and wakeup'? | 04:49 |
BenC | claydoh: Breaking suspend/resume and random other USB devices | 04:50 |
BenC | claydoh: It's a no-win situation...I have to break some usb host/dev setups in order to make suspend/resume work for a good portion of other people | 04:50 |
claydoh | as I thought, thanks | 04:50 |
BenC | claydoh: Fixing the drivers it the correct solution (to work with suspend/resume), but I don't have any of that hw, so it's hard for me to do, not to mention having the time | 04:51 |
claydoh | but as some (most) sane scanner backends do work it seems easier to take it to the broken backends' maintainers for fixes | 04:53 |
BenC | claydoh: I've updated the bug report with what I just said to you | 04:53 |
mjg59 | BenC: Isn't USB_SUSPEND about runtime suspend? | 04:54 |
BenC | mjg59: Ah right, not sure what I was thinking | 04:55 |
BenC | but it is still needed, because the signaling was required for some devices to work | 04:55 |
BenC | there's probably some bug references in dapper/edgy changelogs | 04:56 |
BenC | Been enabled since 2.6.15-24.41 | 04:56 |
BenC | no bug reference, shitty | 04:56 |
mjg59 | Strange that it seems to have worked on edgy | 04:57 |
BenC | question is why does it break sane scanning | 04:57 |
BenC | that too | 04:57 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 343 Open, 1 Unconfirmed, 64 Unassigned | ||
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raf | goodmorning. i have compiled and installed on feisty buntu this morning..and im unable to install the nvidia driver. i have all the neccesary programs installed gcc, kern. source. has anyone come across this problem? | 10:59 |
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fabbione | BenC: hey dude | 02:45 |
BenC | fabbione: Hey | 02:45 |
fabbione | BenC: we got a patch to test to fix DLM in the kernel, but i need to be able to build ia64.. anything we can about it? | 02:45 |
fabbione | BenC: it would be really good to have it both in the kernel (the fix) and the workaround in userland) | 02:45 |
BenC | fabbione: Yeah, sorry it's taken so long, my i2k doesn't like to boot very often | 02:46 |
grazieno | hi people, can someone help me? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-March/000553.html | 02:46 |
grazieno | I'm tryng to solve the bug 75935 | 02:47 |
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grazieno | Via VT6410 ide raid | 02:47 |
mjg59 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 02:47 |
grazieno | mjg59: Did you speak to me? | 02:49 |
mjg59 | Yes | 02:50 |
grazieno | ok, I'm looking | 02:50 |
fabbione | BenC: ok.. can you try again today please so that i can test that patch? i don't have another x86 to slam in the cluster and sparc is no go on RHCS | 02:51 |
BenC | fabbione: Will do | 02:51 |
fabbione | thanks | 02:51 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 331 Open, 3 Unconfirmed, 23 Unassigned | ||
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Keybuk | err | 03:16 |
Keybuk | so vmware-config.pl doesn't work on feisty | 03:16 |
Keybuk | I'm certain this is known by now :p so what's the workaround? | 03:16 |
fabbione | Keybuk: i build the modules manually and install them in /lib../misc/ | 03:17 |
fabbione | depmod -a | 03:17 |
fabbione | modprobe them | 03:17 |
fabbione | run vmware-config again | 03:17 |
Keybuk | how do you build the modules? | 03:17 |
Keybuk | that's what's failing | 03:17 |
fabbione | you will need a one liner patch for vmmon | 03:17 |
fabbione | the sources are in /usr/lib/vmware/... | 03:17 |
fabbione | just untar them and run make | 03:17 |
fabbione | one of them will fail | 03:17 |
Keybuk | what's the patch? | 03:18 |
fabbione | just comment out the line where it fails (duplicate definition of something) | 03:18 |
fabbione | it's a .. _syscall1 IIRC | 03:18 |
Keybuk | I don't get a duplicate definition error, I get a expected declaration specifiers error | 03:18 |
fabbione | yeah that one.. | 03:19 |
fabbione | i need to get off this office.. the Niagara is melting my head | 03:19 |
fabbione | -ETOONOISE | 03:19 |
crimsun | (http://icanthack.com/?p=53 , for instance; see the comments) | 03:19 |
Keybuk | commenting out that line seems to solve it, thanks | 03:19 |
Keybuk | then I get | 03:19 |
Keybuk | /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.c:629: error: CHECKSUM_HW undeclared (first use in this function) | 03:19 |
crimsun | http://icanthack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/vmnet.patch | 03:19 |
fabbione | uh? | 03:19 |
fabbione | what version of vmware are you installing? | 03:20 |
fabbione | i didn't get that one with 5.5.x | 03:20 |
fabbione | 5.5.3-34685 | 03:20 |
Keybuk | 5.5.2 | 03:21 |
BenC | Keybuk: check the patches in lrm for the modules there | 03:21 |
BenC | same stuff | 03:21 |
=== fabbione -> off now | ||
Keybuk | BenC: it never seems to want to use those modules though | 03:21 |
BenC | Keybuk: tar xf, patch, tar cf, let vmware-config do it's thing | 03:21 |
BenC | Keybuk: Patch the source, and let vmware-config.pl build from it | 03:21 |
BenC | Keybuk: Or get ws6 beta and it will build without problems | 03:22 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 324 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 0 Unassigned | ||
Mithrandir | \o/ | 03:57 |
BenC | w00t | 03:57 |
BenC | "Assigned to me (64)" | 03:58 |
Nafallo | rock on! | 03:59 |
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Mithrandir | BenC: can you tell me anything about the scope of the bug? Is it as bad as I was afraid of on #-devel? | 04:58 |
BenC | Mithrandir: it's so bad we need it in beta | 04:58 |
Mithrandir | ok | 04:58 |
BenC | Mithrandir: but we already have a fix, and I am in the process of uploading the new tarball, and a test package for sladen to try | 04:58 |
Mithrandir | ok, goodie. | 04:59 |
BenC | I'll hold the tarball on rookery till he confirms the fix | 04:59 |
BenC | Mithrandir: it's non abi bump, I just patches 2.6.20-12.19 | 04:59 |
BenC | my stuff in git is too big and untested right now to upload | 04:59 |
BenC | plus it's an abi bump | 04:59 |
Mithrandir | ok, so it's localised to just the IDE driver? | 04:59 |
BenC | it could affect a lot of things actually | 05:00 |
Mithrandir | ugh. | 05:00 |
BenC | but I think libata is the only thing using devres that we pulled in for last upload | 05:00 |
Mithrandir | do you have the diff somewhere? Not that I know much of the kernel, but more eyes can't hurt. | 05:00 |
BenC | the bug was actually in lib/iomap.c | 05:00 |
BenC | the diff was pulled from an upstream fix for the bug | 05:01 |
BenC | I just cherry picked it, and it mentions the exact trace back we have | 05:01 |
Mithrandir | ok, that sounds good then. | 05:01 |
kylem | iz pretty critical fix | 05:02 |
BenC | <paste, sue me> | 05:02 |
BenC | [PATCH] pci_iomap_regions() error handling fix | 05:02 |
BenC | 05:02 | |
BenC | It appears that the pcim_iomap_regions() function doesn't get the error | 05:02 |
BenC | handling right. It BUGs early at boot with a backtrace along the lines of: | 05:02 |
BenC | 05:02 | |
BenC | ahci_init | 05:02 |
BenC | pci_register_driver | 05:02 |
BenC | driver_register | 05:02 |
BenC | [...] | 05:02 |
BenC | ahci_init_one | 05:02 |
BenC | pcim_iomap_region | 05:02 |
BenC | pcim_iounmap | 05:02 |
BenC | so it's dead on | 05:02 |
mjg59 | Ooooooooooooooooh | 05:02 |
mjg59 | It's the case where ahci tries to load, fails and then ata_piix takes over | 05:02 |
BenC | right | 05:02 |
mjg59 | That makes sense | 05:03 |
mjg59 | And would explain why it only seems to be hitting ICH6 | 05:03 |
kylem | right | 05:04 |
kylem | in hindsight pulling in this devres stuff may not have been such a hot idea... | 05:04 |
Mithrandir | ok, so we get the fix confirmed for a couple of boxes, then upload, then roll isos then test. | 05:05 |
BenC | well, we needed some of the new libata drivers and libata-acpi fixes...was easier to pull 3 commits for devres than backport the stuff | 05:05 |
BenC | Mithrandir: sounds good | 05:05 |
BenC | test deb is almost done | 05:07 |
BenC | tarball is on rookery already | 05:07 |
kylem | BenC, 8-way not fast enough? :P | 05:07 |
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BenC | hehe | 05:07 |
BenC | it's built, but kernel-package is just too stupid to not try to run the build 5 more times during the packaging process | 05:08 |
BenC | deb is heading to rookery | 05:12 |
crimsun | I can try, too (I'm affected) | 05:14 |
crimsun | s/can/would like to/ | 05:14 |
BenC | http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/bug-93648/linux-image-2.6.20-12-generic_2.6.20-12.20_i386.deb | 05:16 |
BenC | 8172368b874be9ed6777c818052e08a4 linux-image-2.6.20-12-generic_2.6.20-12.20_i386.deb | 05:16 |
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crimsun | BenC: -12.20 confirmed working on my hardware. | 05:24 |
crimsun | thanks much | 05:25 |
BenC | crimsun: great, thanks | 05:25 |
\sh | BenC: where can I download your test package? I would like to test it on my t43 | 05:25 |
BenC | BenC http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/bug-93648/linux-image-2.6.20-12-generic_2.6.20-12.20_i386.deb | 05:25 |
BenC | 8172368b874be9ed6777c818052e08a4 linux-image-2.6.20-12-generic_2.6.20-12.20_i386.deb | 05:25 |
\sh | give me a few | 05:26 |
\sh | dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von linux-image-2.6.20-12-generic_2.6.20-12.20_i386.deb (--install): | 05:28 |
\sh | nicht ganz gelesen in buffer_copy (Backend dpkg-deb whrend ./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-12-generic) | 05:28 |
\sh | Running postrm hook script /sbin/update-grub. | 05:28 |
\sh | You shouldn't call /sbin/update-grub. Please call /usr/sbin/update-grub instead! | 05:28 |
\sh | rebooting now | 05:28 |
BenC | ignore that, it's just older kernel-package on my build box | 05:28 |
BenC | or old stuff on your system :) | 05:28 |
\sh | BenC: works like a charme | 05:36 |
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BenC | \sh: Thanks | 05:39 |
Nafallo | 3/3 :-) | 05:40 |
\sh | BenC: np :) | 05:44 |
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Lure | BenC: re bug 63123> so you need the actual commit in acpi-test where the fix was pulled in/merged into linus tree? | 08:33 |
BenC | Lure: No, I need the commit SHA id from linux-2.6.git that I can use with git-cherry-pick | 08:34 |
Lure | BenC: I am still looking into polling issue - not sure if this is required or not | 08:34 |
BenC | Lure: One of them was ok, but it didn't pick cleanly, looks like it depends on other commits not listed | 08:34 |
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dade` | BenC: | 08:34 |
dade` | r u alive | 08:34 |
BenC | dade`: barely | 08:34 |
dade` | I'm using 2.6.20-12-generic | 08:34 |
dade` | and psmouse does not work | 08:35 |
Lure | BenC: ok, I have manually applied them here, will try git-cherry-pick and find you workable set | 08:35 |
BenC | Lure: Ok, please order them as well, so I get the right ones in dependency order | 08:35 |
BenC | Lure: Thanks | 08:35 |
Lure | BenC: ok, thank you | 08:35 |
dade` | cat /dev/input/eventN where N is the right one :P does not give output | 08:35 |
BenC | dade`: Does dmesg show anything interesting? | 08:36 |
dade` | I tried reloading the module and I get | 08:36 |
dade` | [ 586.136000] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /class/input/input9 | 08:36 |
dade` | [ 586.336000] psmouse.c: Failed to enable mouse on isa0060/serio1 | 08:36 |
dade` | BenC: this--^ | 08:36 |
BenC | dade`: Looks like it is failing to send a command to the ps2 device | 08:38 |
BenC | dade`: Does going back to -11 fix it? | 08:39 |
BenC | Nothing related to this changed between -11 and -12, so I'm a bit confused | 08:39 |
dade` | BenC: don't know if -11 worked.. I user edgy before | 08:39 |
dade` | used | 08:39 |
BenC | Does booting edgy kernel fix it? | 08:40 |
dade` | Should I try now ? :P | 08:40 |
BenC | sure :) | 08:40 |
dade` | ok.. wait -.- bbl | 08:41 |
BenC | crimsun: FYI, all your patches from last night/this morning, applied. Thanks | 08:49 |
bdmurray | BenC: Do you have a second? | 08:49 |
BenC | bdmurray: Sure | 08:49 |
bdmurray | it seems suspend and hibernate are confused on my laptop | 08:50 |
bdmurray | hibernate writes to swap and suspend goes into low power | 08:50 |
BenC | Sounds like a gnome-power-manager issue | 08:50 |
BenC | bdmurray: Does it do that when you write mem/disk to /sys/power/state ? | 08:50 |
bdmurray | I tried sudo pmi action and the behavior was the same | 08:50 |
BenC | oh way, no that's right | 08:51 |
BenC | suspend is low power, and hibernate is suspend2disk | 08:51 |
bdmurray | really? that seems backwards to me | 08:51 |
BenC | hibernate requires no power, suspend is low power sleep mode | 08:51 |
BenC | well, the naming is just a userspace convention...the kernel just knows suspen2mem and suspend2disk | 08:52 |
Mithrandir | bdmurray: hibernate is what bears do during winter. Suspend is what you do when you delay something for a bit. Makes lots of sense to me. | 08:52 |
BenC | userspace seems to call s2mem Suspend/Stand-by, and s2disk Hibernate | 08:52 |
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dade` | .. | 08:53 |
bdmurray | Mithrandir: that might help me remember, thanks | 08:53 |
dade` | the edgy kernel does not boot anymore, is that right ? | 08:53 |
dade` | BenC: | 08:54 |
BenC | dade`: Possible that it doesn't agree with feisty userspace | 08:54 |
BenC | dade`: Do you have a edgy livecd you can boot? | 08:54 |
dade` | heh, so I could try the -11, but you just told me that there is no difference in psmouse | 08:54 |
dade` | BenC: I don't but.. I always used the psmouse touchpad on edgy | 08:55 |
dade` | I'm sure it works | 08:55 |
BenC | dade`: I just need to alleviate any possibility that somehow the hw has gone bad...not likely but it has happened before | 08:56 |
BenC | I've chased a bug for 2 days just to have the person tell me the cable they used for a USB device was just too long :/ | 08:56 |
psusi | lol | 08:57 |
dade` | it's a lappie, internal touchpad.. 15 hours ago I was using edgy and my sweet touchpad | 08:57 |
BenC | dade`: Well, it's an isolated problem. I've been through almost the entire bug list yesterday and I didn't see anyone else mentioning anything like this | 08:58 |
BenC | dade`: If you could try to test it under the edgy kernel somehow (just boot edgy kernel to initramfs, and check dmesg for the mouse mesg's) | 08:59 |
dade` | hm | 09:00 |
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dade` | BenC: -11 has the same problem. I'm going to download an edgy live cd :( | 09:20 |
crimsun | BenC: thanks | 09:32 |
BenC | dade`: Ok | 09:39 |
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pepsiman | Hi, I've upgraded to feisty and the cx88-dvb module isn't loaded at boot, it was in edgy. Any idea why it has changed? The other modules for this card are loaded correctly | 11:06 |
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