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=== genii sips an extra-large coffee and ponders | ||
genii | Any good online docs for Freeradius/Postgre/Postfix setup? I am migrating some ancient FreeBSD servers over | 09:26 |
=== nospi [n=nospi@203-206-228-206.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
nospi | hey | 09:30 |
genii | hi | 09:31 |
nospi | i want to make a site in php, i've just moved from windows to linux | 09:31 |
nospi | what are some good graphical editors? | 09:31 |
genii | Well, php is the same no matter the platform | 09:31 |
nospi | yeah | 09:31 |
genii | Are you using KDE? | 09:31 |
nospi | gnome | 09:31 |
nospi | but i have the KDE desktop | 09:31 |
nospi | its annoying me though, since i got it i can't change my login window preferences | 09:32 |
genii | Well, thats another issue :) But if you have KDE lots of ppl use kdevelop for general development | 09:32 |
nospi | genii, yeah, i've got that | 09:33 |
nospi | genii, you don't know how to fix that login thing do you? | 09:33 |
genii | what, you can't choose to use gniome or kde from the login screen? | 09:33 |
nospi | genii, i like gnome better, so i use it | 09:34 |
nospi | genii, once i've logged in though, i go to System, Administration, Login Window Preferences | 09:34 |
nospi | genii, it asks for a password, says in the taskbar that it's Starting admin blah ... | 09:34 |
nospi | then it doesn't open | 09:34 |
nospi | disappears from the task bar | 09:34 |
genii | bleh...no clue | 09:35 |
nospi | damn | 09:35 |
nospi | the gnome splash screen and login thing is really annoying me | 09:35 |
nospi | i found a really cool login theme thingy and i can't use it | 09:35 |
genii | you may want to ask in the general #ubuntu cvhannel, someone will likely know | 09:36 |
nospi | i have, a few times | 09:36 |
nospi | might have been a bad time though | 09:36 |
nospi | how should i phrase it? it's a long question | 09:36 |
genii | something like: my "Login Window Preferences" window fails to open | 09:37 |
nospi | genii, that's a good one, thanks :p | 09:37 |
genii | :) | 09:37 |
nospi | no luck yet ;( | 09:40 |
nospi | can anyone help me install phpmyadmin and mysql? | 09:50 |
nospi | i have apache installed already, and php is working | 09:50 |
genii | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114129 | 09:51 |
nospi | genii, thanks | 09:53 |
genii | np | 09:53 |
nospi | hmm | 09:54 |
nospi | all of that is done | 09:54 |
nospi | but http://localhost/phpMyAdmin gives an error | 09:54 |
nospi | genii, Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration. - Documentation | 09:54 |
genii | you may need a package like phpmysql or so | 09:55 |
nospi | genii, oh right | 09:55 |
nospi | genii, nope. got it | 09:56 |
nospi | php-mysql | 09:56 |
nospi | maybe mysql isn't configured | 09:56 |
genii | Quite possible :) | 09:56 |
nospi | damn | 09:56 |
nospi | better google for a setup guide then... | 09:56 |
genii | You may want to do a restart of apache: eg sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart then try again | 09:57 |
genii | it keeps data from previous setup usually | 09:57 |
nospi | genii, ok | 09:59 |
nospi | how do i do this? | 10:01 |
nospi | Use the --with-mysql[=DIR] | 10:01 |
nospi | sorry, im very new to linux | 10:01 |
genii | Usually that is the dir which the databases go by default. Normally something like /usr/var/mysql or /var/mysql but you may want to see whats in those dirs first | 10:02 |
nospi | but what do i run that configure option with? i don't know where phpmyadmin is installed, so i don't know where to run it from | 10:03 |
nospi | brb | 10:05 |
nospi | gotta go eat dinner | 10:05 |
nospi | hungry :p | 10:05 |
genii | If you put some url like http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ you may get some clue | 10:06 |
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nospi | genii, bah, still not working. i'm following a few guides, i'll keep looking | 11:12 |
genii | OK. I'm to and from keyboard a lot | 11:14 |
nospi | i only just got back myself | 11:14 |
nospi | i asked on the ubuntu chat | 11:14 |
nospi | more people in there might know | 11:14 |
nospi | but i doubt it will help | 11:14 |
genii | Hmm, perhaps try http://www.inorp.com/blog/2007/01/22/ubuntu-php5-mysql-apache2-installation-order/ | 11:19 |
nospi | thanks | 11:22 |
nospi | genii, ahh, that looks like that i needed | 11:23 |
nospi | i'll try that | 11:23 |
genii | keep me posted :) | 11:23 |
nospi | genii, will do | 11:24 |
nospi | genii, yay! | 11:29 |
nospi | genii, i fixed it | 11:29 |
genii | Cool :) | 11:29 |
nospi | genii, i hadn't installed libapache2-mod-php5 because i didnt know i needed it | 11:29 |
nospi | genii, i had php4 installed too | 11:29 |
genii | Well, glad to see all is well then | 11:29 |
nospi | genii, thanks for your help :) | 11:30 |
genii | Glad to assist | 11:31 |
nospi | how do i copy a whole dir? | 11:33 |
nospi | cp ? | 11:33 |
genii | cp -R | 11:33 |
nospi | ahh, thanks :) | 11:33 |
genii | :) | 11:34 |
nospi | goddammit. one more question :p how do i delete a dir that is not empty without having to delete all the files in it? | 11:34 |
nospi | i did man rmdir | 11:34 |
nospi | but the --ignore-fail-on-empty didn't work :( | 11:35 |
nospi | nevermind :p | 11:35 |
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-136-100-171.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
nospi | anyone here know how to configure PHP-Fusion? | 12:41 |
nospi | i get a blank page after i have entered the db details | 12:41 |
genii | Are you running some ISP? | 12:44 |
nospi | genii, ? | 12:44 |
nospi | genii, just a home server | 12:45 |
genii | Ah, Ok | 12:45 |
nospi | genii, it displays the logo | 12:45 |
nospi | but nothing else | 12:45 |
nospi | and it's changing the info in config.php | 12:45 |
nospi | bah | 12:45 |
nospi | this used to be sooo easy | 12:45 |
genii | Did you just straight untar it or so into some dir? | 12:45 |
nospi | it's a zip file, it's in /var/www/php-fusion/php-files | 12:46 |
nospi | unzipped | 12:46 |
nospi | i can get to the setup page | 12:46 |
genii | Check permissions | 12:46 |
nospi | yeah, permissions are fine | 12:46 |
nospi | it says Permissions check passed, complete the following and click next | 12:47 |
genii | Did you have a db premade ? | 12:47 |
nospi | i fill it out, click next and i get a blank page with just a php-fusion logo | 12:47 |
nospi | yeah | 12:47 |
genii | what user did you say to connect as? | 12:48 |
nospi | nospi | 12:49 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@89-172-79-158.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
nospi | has full permissions, both MySQL and phpMyAdmin | 12:49 |
genii | Dis you create that user previously on mysql? | 12:49 |
genii | Ah, OK | 12:49 |
nospi | doesn't work as root either | 12:49 |
genii | well, it shouldn't by default | 12:49 |
genii | try mysql as user for a test | 12:50 |
genii | Also, was there some .sql file you may need to create initial entries? | 12:51 |
nospi | no | 12:51 |
nospi | what do you mean, try mysql as user? | 12:51 |
nospi | i've never had to do this before | 12:51 |
nospi | i always used wamp, which was pre-configured for windows | 12:52 |
genii | I mean instead of root or nospci put the username as mysql the default password should either be nothing or "mysql" (no quotes) | 12:52 |
nospi | oh right | 12:52 |
nospi | i'll try that | 12:52 |
nospi | is doesn't matter what i use, it still gives me that blank page :( | 12:53 |
genii | bleh :( Well, I just got a phonecall so must leave | 12:53 |
genii | good luck | 12:53 |
nospi | thanks :) | 12:53 |
nospi | bye | 12:54 |
genii | bye | 12:54 |
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nospi | hey | 02:38 |
nospi | can one of you guys please test my site? | 02:38 |
nospi | http://www.nospi.co.nr | 02:38 |
mralphabet | I get a file listing | 02:42 |
mralphabet | looks like you don't have php turned on | 02:42 |
nospi | mralphabet, file listing? index.htm, content.php and nav.htm? | 02:43 |
nospi | yeah no, php is working | 02:43 |
nospi | i'll rename it index.html | 02:43 |
nospi | thats fine though, it's really only for private use at the moment | 02:43 |
nospi | web proxy for school :p | 02:43 |
nospi | all the good ones are blocked | 02:44 |
nospi | try again now | 02:44 |
mralphabet | content.php index.htm | 02:44 |
mralphabet | index of shorty | 02:44 |
mralphabet | sorry, saw index.htm and my brain read index.php | 02:45 |
mralphabet | sec | 02:45 |
nospi | oh lol ok | 02:45 |
nospi | it was .htm before, i think it's working now, as .html | 02:45 |
mralphabet | "where do you want to go" blah blah blah | 02:45 |
nospi | yep :) | 02:45 |
nospi | thats the one | 02:45 |
nospi | thanks :) | 02:45 |
mralphabet | np | 02:45 |
nospi | i couldnt test the .co.nr one cos it's hosted on my computer | 02:45 |
mralphabet | ya | 02:45 |
nospi | well, better be off to bed | 02:46 |
nospi | school tomorrow ;( | 02:46 |
mralphabet | later | 02:46 |
nospi | bye | 02:46 |
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lwizardl | Hi | 08:18 |
ivoks | hi | 08:18 |
lwizardl | what can i use to make a complete backup of my linux filesystem that I can also restore it later if needed? | 08:18 |
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ivoks | mondo | 08:19 |
lwizardl | ok, say I messed up my server somehow and wanted to restore it back to where I had everything working would I just boot a linux livecd nd then restore the mondo backup? | 08:22 |
lwizardl | *and | 08:22 |
ivoks | mondo creates bootable CD | 08:22 |
lwizardl | oh perfect | 08:23 |
lwizardl | thank you ivoks | 08:23 |
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shwag | anyone know how to fix fcgi timeouts with an apache virtual host? | 08:38 |
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shawarma | apache does fcgi? | 09:32 |
shawarma | Oh.. multiverse.. :-) | 09:34 |
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