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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | ||
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by somerville32 at Thu Jan 11 04:31:58 2007 | ||
=== mkquist [n=mkquist@h-69-3-119-40.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #Xubuntu | ||
Number2 | hello what do i need so my mouse will drag and select objects? | 05:54 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Gnome. | 05:55 |
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badserii | Hello, I have a question: How can I add a language in the keyboard layout switcher? Thank you in advance. | 07:09 |
badserii | I'm using Xubuntu Dapper. | 07:10 |
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tuxcrafter | hello | 08:55 |
tuxcrafter | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371486&page=3&highlight=xubuntu+testing | 08:56 |
tuxcrafter | is that the correct place to post my test report | 08:56 |
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tuxcrafter | is Jim here? | 09:12 |
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grazie | morning hyper_ch | 09:58 |
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denied | !ntfs | denied | 11:23 |
B|nTaRa | !ntfs-3g | B|nTaRa | 11:24 |
TheSheep_ | B|nTaRa: you can also /msg it | 11:24 |
=== grazie when it wakes up again! | ||
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B|nTaRa | TheSheep_, doing it atm | 11:31 |
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mkquist_ | this is such a great distro runs nice on an old p2 500 | 11:54 |
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totalwormage | :] ] | 11:59 |
s||g | networkmanager icon doest works in feisty + xfce ? | 12:00 |
s||g | only the knetworkmanager ? | 12:00 |
totalwormage | i think it's a common problem | 12:01 |
s||g | pardon? | 12:02 |
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mkquist_ | !nonfree codecs | 12:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nonfree codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:11 |
mkquist_ | !good bad and the ugly | 12:11 |
TheSheep_ | !codecs | mkquist_ | 12:12 |
ubotu | mkquist_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:12 |
mkquist_ | got it thanx | 12:19 |
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blue_ | hey anyone running wine on a 64 bit xubuntu? | 12:41 |
TheSheep_ | I didn't know there was 64 bit wine... | 12:41 |
blue_ | i dont think there is, but i read something about compiling it from source | 12:42 |
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=== grazie compile easy, run eek | ||
blue_ | eh? | 12:43 |
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TheSheep_ | anybody is getting something like this? | 02:17 |
TheSheep_ | when I press the button on my cd drive, to eject the disk, I get this popup: | 02:18 |
TheSheep_ | Failed to eject "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_2005121000029901". | 02:18 |
TheSheep_ | Given device "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_2005121000029901" is not a volume or drive. | 02:18 |
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tanlaan | Rythmbox works under xubuntu right? | 02:19 |
tanlaan | I installed it, but it refuses to play music off of my ipod | 02:20 |
TheSheep_ | tanlaan: install the gstreamer plugins for it | 02:20 |
tanlaan | TheSheep_: installing it from Add/Remove Programs didn't include that in the isntall? lol | 02:20 |
TheSheep_ | tanlaan: of course not, how can the system know which formats you want and which are legal in your country? | 02:21 |
tanlaan | Oh yea! *slaps self in the head* I forgot that I used EasyUbuntu on my two other machines. >.< | 02:21 |
tanlaan | which gtreamer do i install? just "gstreamer0.8-plugins"? | 02:24 |
tanlaan | wait, I already have gstreamer0.10-plugins-base and gstreamer0.10-plugins-good | 02:25 |
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B|nTaRa | !kmess | 04:00 |
ubotu | kmess: Instant messenger to use MSN on KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1067 kB, installed size 2620 kB | 04:00 |
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j1mc | grazie: are you involved with community testing of xubuntu isos at all? | 05:32 |
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B|nTaRa | where can i get help for wine ? | 06:21 |
TheSheep_ | B|nTaRa: try #wine | 06:22 |
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=== OGDA is now known as BFTD | ||
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albert_ | hi | 07:34 |
albert_ | can anybody tell me how to delete the saved session details for a clean bootup? | 07:35 |
cellofellow | ~/.cache | 07:35 |
cellofellow | how would I use mencoder to convert a MS ASF file to Ogg? | 07:36 |
=== Kasplatt [n=n@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
albert_ | cellofellow, you're my hero | 07:37 |
cellofellow | :D | 07:37 |
Kasplatt | http://www.ibiblio.org/gentoo/images/shots/desktop-verwilst.png <-- can I make my xUbuntu look like that ? | 07:37 |
Kasplatt | Especially want the icons to look like the icons... | 07:37 |
=== albert_ [n=albert@e182078238.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | Kasplatt: well .. that's KDE, not xfce but if you just want a button icon set and a theme check out www.xfce-look.org | 07:38 |
=== bur[n] er looks | ||
albert_ | aaah, great, it worked | 07:38 |
Kasplatt | k | 07:39 |
albert_ | bur[n] er, thx for help too | 07:39 |
cellofellow | I have that background | 07:39 |
=== bur[n] er remembers ~/.cache from now on | ||
Kasplatt | so gentoo uses KDE ? | 07:39 |
bur[n] er | cellofellow, everyone does ;) | 07:39 |
cellofellow | it uses whatever you want | 07:39 |
cellofellow | like debian. | 07:39 |
cellofellow | hehe | 07:39 |
maxamillion | ;) | 07:39 |
bur[n] er | KDE can run on gentoo... KDE can run on ubuntu... but why woul you want to? ;) | 07:40 |
maxamillion | amen!!! | 07:40 |
cellofellow | KDE on ubuntu has its own name: Kubuntu. | 07:40 |
cellofellow | I suppose Kasplatt thought all distros were like that. | 07:40 |
albert_ | now i can get some tabaco | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | yeah, but i hate when people think kubuntu and xubuntu and ubuntu are totally different distros | 07:40 |
Kasplatt | cellofellow, I know | 07:40 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: they are | 07:41 |
Kasplatt | lol :D | 07:41 |
Kasplatt | ownt :P | 07:41 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: kubuntu and xubuntu are both derived distros based off ubuntu, the fact that they share repositories with ubuntu doesn't make them the same thing | 07:42 |
bur[n] er | maxamillion, but you don't have to "uninstall" xubuntu to run ubuntu | 07:42 |
cellofellow | they are sort of strange to be different distros if you can have all three at once without multi-booting. | 07:42 |
bur[n] er | they're one large distro with 3 major meta-packages | 07:42 |
bur[n] er | er... 5... flux and edubuntu are big players too :) | 07:43 |
cellofellow | 4 actually, we always forget edubuntu | 07:43 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: there is no fluxbuntu meta package in the repositories | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | no? | 07:43 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: nope | 07:43 |
cellofellow | it's an independant thing. | 07:43 |
Kasplatt | gentoo looks nicest | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | oh... ok 4 :) | 07:43 |
cellofellow | I think they even have their own repos, mirrors really. | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | looks can be the same on every distro if you'd like | 07:44 |
cellofellow | Kasplatt: Gentoo is all about hand configuration. So, someone worked to get it to look nice. | 07:44 |
bur[n] er | important things are apt > emerge in terms of ubuntu and gentoo | 07:44 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: the project lead decided not to have a meta package in the repos because their base install is so much different from any other ubuntu derivative that it would have restricted what they do with their official iso image | 07:44 |
Kasplatt | the one I sent a link to an image to looked nice | 07:44 |
cellofellow | so, they make a fluxbuntu-base | 07:44 |
cellofellow | sides, even if there was a fluxbuntu meta-package, it'd be in Universe not Main. | 07:45 |
=== bur[n] er used to love flux on a celeron 400 | ||
maxamillion | Kasplatt: "looks" are worthless in the linux world, you can make any 1 distro "look" like any other, distros are separated by main focus of project, package management, source based or binary, stability, security, etc. | 07:45 |
cellofellow | Ubuntu takes looks seriously, as do Novell SLED and Linspire. | 07:45 |
cellofellow | And most of what I've seen in the dev mailing lists are artwork-related. | 07:46 |
bur[n] er | Kasplatt, xfce-look.org gnome-look.org kde-look.org art.ubuntu.com | 07:46 |
Kasplatt | yeah. | 07:46 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: looks are important because they are often directly related with functionality and ease of use but we just don't have the staff for something like that | 07:47 |
Kasplatt | I've only used Linux for about a month. | 07:47 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: but with any amount of configuration one distro can look like another | 07:47 |
cellofellow | i've had a desktop installed for almost a year now. | 07:47 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: then you don't want to touch gentoo, you compile the entire system from source code | 07:47 |
cellofellow | maxamillion: yes I understand. | 07:47 |
=== maxamillion has been on linux for a little over 7 years now | ||
Kasplatt | bleh.. | 07:47 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: rgr :) | 07:47 |
Kasplatt | I'm gonna stick with xUbuntu :) | 07:48 |
TheSheep_ | maxamillion: what's in a distro? the default config is one of the major features of a distro | 07:48 |
Kasplatt | I really hate Windows now :P | 07:48 |
maxamillion | TheSheep_: i left "etc" open for translation ;) | 07:48 |
=== bur[n] er just installed windows in virtualbox... i kinda liked XP | ||
cellofellow | most distros go along these lines: what package manager to use, and how to set it up, and what it looks like. | 07:48 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: oooo, how do you like virtualbox? | 07:48 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: true | 07:49 |
TheSheep_ | windows wasn't that bad, espeically 2k, if there was a skilled admin to manage it | 07:49 |
bur[n] er | vpn client from within the xp home host isn't working, and I can't get to my samba shares on the host os, but other than that, it's slick and easy | 07:49 |
bur[n] er | the USB was a bit of an issue, but I fixed it with the help of #vbox and i added info to the ubuntu wiki :) | 07:49 |
cellofellow | I have two computer that NEED (well, sort of) windows, and they have 98/ME, I am upgrading to 2K ASAP. | 07:49 |
maxamillion | TheSheep_: i enjoyed my time while i dual booted win2kpro and debian (back when openoffice was crippled compared to its current state and i needed office for school) | 07:49 |
bur[n] er | cellofellow, xubuntu + virtualbox? | 07:50 |
bur[n] er | :) | 07:50 |
cellofellow | it needs to be able to access some hardware that I can't get to work on linux. | 07:50 |
cellofellow | MIDI. | 07:50 |
Kasplatt | How do I know if my AIGLX is working ? | 07:50 |
cellofellow | really, that is all. Everything my mom does on Windows she can do in Linux, except her MIDI. | 07:50 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: does beryl run? | 07:50 |
Kasplatt | yeah | 07:50 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: then it works | 07:51 |
Kasplatt | okay, thanks. | 07:51 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: i don't think beryl will run without either aiglx or xgl setup and functioning | 07:51 |
cellofellow | AIGLX is part of Xorg now, so if Beryl works without XGL, you got it. | 07:51 |
cellofellow | it errors and dies. | 07:51 |
Kasplatt | I installed AIGLX | 07:51 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: ah ... didn't know aiglx was part of xorg now | 07:51 |
cellofellow | or, at least I think it is. | 07:51 |
cellofellow | !aiglx | 07:52 |
Kasplatt | but does it make anything better ? except making my beryl work ? | 07:52 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: you might have installed drivers that support aiglx direct hardware but i do think cellofellow is right about it being included | 07:52 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support. | 07:52 |
cellofellow | Nvidia proprietary | 07:52 |
Kasplatt | idk.. | 07:52 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: makes 3d functions run faster because it puts the overhead on your graphics card and not on software rendering | 07:52 |
cellofellow | I think only the nvidia proprietary drivers support AIGLX very well. | 07:52 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: yeah | 07:53 |
Kasplatt | and it runs without having beryl running | 07:53 |
Kasplatt | ? | 07:53 |
cellofellow | Apparently XGL with a plain window manager can speed things up by offloading to the GPU instead of using CPU for X. | 07:53 |
bur[n] er | xgl was ungodly slow for me back in the day before nvidia-beta drivers | 07:54 |
cellofellow | Kasplatt: I think it's the Composite extension I always have to dissable on my card to get GL working. | 07:54 |
bur[n] er | compositing breaks GL? that's why my wine warcraft3.exe doesn't work anymore :) | 07:54 |
cellofellow | my Nvidia-legacy card will do 3D OpenGL, or 3D AIGLX. | 07:54 |
cellofellow | both work at the same time on a normal Nvidia card. | 07:55 |
Kasplatt | k | 07:55 |
Kasplatt | wine warcraft 3 works for me.. but not very good for playing with my friends :P | 07:55 |
cellofellow | don't you have to get a more recent version of Wine than is in the repos? | 07:56 |
cellofellow | a third-party repo? | 07:56 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: yeah, www.winehq.com has the info on their wiki | 07:56 |
cellofellow | I don't ever really use it. | 07:57 |
=== maxamillion runs off to download virtualbox | ||
Kasplatt | maxamillion, what is that ? | 08:03 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: its a virtual machine application | 08:03 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: http://www.virtualbox.org/ | 08:03 |
Kasplatt | like VMware ? | 08:03 |
bur[n] er | cellofellow, maxamillion, feisty has the latest :) | 08:04 |
bur[n] er | like vmware, but it works in kernels > .19 unlike vmware | 08:04 |
bur[n] er | aka feisty | 08:04 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: yes, but better :) | 08:04 |
Kasplatt | aah, faster ? | 08:04 |
=== bur[n] er would argue the "better" | ||
maxamillion | bur[n] er: its in the repos now? | 08:05 |
maxamillion | Kasplatt: not sure about faster, its just nicer software | 08:05 |
bur[n] er | maxamillion, it's not in the repos, but the edgy .deb on their site works in feisty | 08:05 |
=== bur[n] er would argue "nicer" | ||
bur[n] er | it was more work to get USB going and I still don't have a bridged network | 08:05 |
bur[n] er | vmware worked out of the box a bit better | 08:05 |
maxamillion | bahhh!!!!! they don't have an AMD64 release | 08:05 |
Kasplatt | maxamillion, speed is everything. | 08:06 |
bur[n] er | for sure, only crazy folks use amd64 ;) | 08:06 |
bur[n] er | virtualbox and vmware are about the same in terms of speed | 08:06 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: i just like the interface of virtualbox, just a pref | 08:06 |
bur[n] er | i do too | 08:06 |
bur[n] er | i don't like the multiple windows factor of VirtualBox though | 08:07 |
maxamillion | well, i gotta go ... boss needs me to do stuff | 08:07 |
maxamillion | bbl | 08:07 |
bur[n] er | hasta luego | 08:07 |
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cellofellow | bur[n] er: kqemu works good | 08:59 |
=== bur[n] er would argue that kqemu is slow | ||
bur[n] er | and the gui leaves much to be desired | 09:00 |
maxamillion | bur[n] er: kqemu has a gui? | 09:06 |
cellofellow | none I know of | 09:07 |
cellofellow | I could make a shell script with zenity for a gui | 09:07 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: would be a cool open source project ... i want in if you plan to do that :) | 09:08 |
cellofellow | Well, Zenity is actually just a user-friendly way of getting input for a shell script. I could probably make it in some spare time on my vacation. | 09:08 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: or even to just qemu since that is more widely used because its open source | 09:09 |
cellofellow | kqemu is too, now. | 09:09 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: oh, didn't know that | 09:09 |
cellofellow | and there's kvm | 09:09 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: or we could do a complete pyGTK interface to configuration and status/etc .... kinda like the Mac-Q thing | 09:09 |
cellofellow | kqemu went GPL when Linux 2.6.20 with KVM was released. | 09:10 |
cellofellow | maybe | 09:10 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: http://www.kju-app.org/kju/ <---like that | 09:10 |
cellofellow | and be able to choose KVM, KQemu or plain QEMU. | 09:10 |
maxamillion | would be pretty sweetr | 09:10 |
maxamillion | -r | 09:10 |
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clarklinux | grazie: you there? | 09:14 |
cellofellow | anyone know if I can force fusesmb to rescan? | 09:16 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: no clue | 09:16 |
cellofellow | I just like it better than smbfs, but it only scans for new boxes every five mins. | 09:17 |
maxamillion | ah | 09:17 |
bur[n] er | bummer | 09:18 |
=== bur[n] er opens nautilus --no-desktop when smb is in order | ||
bur[n] er | granted, that doesn't compare to fuse which is uber cool | 09:19 |
maxamillion | nautilus --no-desktop on amd64 == problems :( | 09:19 |
TheSheep_ | is it just me or is feisty getting unstable as the release time gets closer? | 09:20 |
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maxamillion | TheSheep_: feisty is getting unstable | 09:21 |
bur[n] er | it is? | 09:22 |
=== bur[n] er is having issues with gnome sessions, but using xubuntu is great | ||
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hyper_ch | hiho | 09:26 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: how comes? | 09:26 |
_-_-jonathan_-_- | HELLO WORLD!! | 09:26 |
maxamillion | _-_-jonathan_-_-: hi | 09:26 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: no clue, just seems the bug reports are getting submitted in larger amounts | 09:26 |
=== bib2pouille [n=bib2poui@vol75-4-82-225-32-133.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | maxamillion: I added two... one is already solved :) | 09:26 |
maxamillion | hyper_ch: awesome :) | 09:27 |
bib2pouille | hej everybody | 09:27 |
maxamillion | bib2pouille: hello | 09:27 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: the one resolved was that my wifi card wasn't working anymore with 2.6.20-11... but 2.6.20-12 solved it already | 09:27 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: but the other one is also annoying... the xfce applications menu disappears after a while | 09:28 |
bur[n] er | yeah, that happens to me actually | 09:28 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: then submit also your info here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/92911 | 09:28 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 92911 in xfdesktop4 "[apport] xfce4-menu-plugin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] | 09:28 |
bur[n] er | my .xml file? | 09:30 |
TheSheep_ | oh, the old xfwm4&gimp bug is back :/ | 09:32 |
=== maxamillion finds his desktop wandering back to debian faster and faster as time goes on | ||
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: what was that strace command again? | 09:34 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep_: found it... it was in the devel channel where you posted it | 09:34 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: find the PID of the xfce4-menu-plugin | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: and then do a strace -p PID | 09:36 |
bur[n] er | uhhhhh | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | let it run in a shell window | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: you know how to find out the PID? | 09:36 |
bur[n] er | yes | 09:36 |
bur[n] er | strace not found | 09:37 |
bur[n] er | i put my menu back though | 09:37 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: ps aux | grep xfce4-menu-plugin | 09:37 |
hyper_ch | there you should find the PID | 09:37 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: and then strace -p PID | 09:37 |
bur[n] er | i know | 09:37 |
bur[n] er | i don't have strace | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | sudo apt-get install strace | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | :) | 09:38 |
bur[n] er | i'm sure | 09:38 |
bur[n] er | but don't i have to wait for it to crash? | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | no, just strace it ... meaning leave the cli window open | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | it will crash at some time | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | and then copy'n'paste the last lines on launchpad | 09:38 |
bur[n] er | oh | 09:39 |
=== bur[n] er is tracing... crash damnit | ||
hyper_ch | ? | 09:39 |
bur[n] er | strace is running in my term, but the menu isn't crashing | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: it will after a while :) | 09:40 |
TheSheep_ | gotta love them haisenbugs :) | 09:41 |
=== bur[n] er would go back to gnome is the sessions for gnome wasn't so b0rked that it takes 5 minutes to boot into | ||
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hyper_ch | nice, my project got approved :) | 09:56 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | SoC? | 09:57 |
=== Mordicus [n=chatzill@APuteaux-154-1-96-94.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | soc? | 09:58 |
Mordicus | hello ! | 09:58 |
hyper_ch | hi Mordicus | 09:58 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Google Summer of Code. | 09:58 |
hyper_ch | PuMpErNiCkLe: nope, source forge :) | 09:59 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ah | 09:59 |
hyper_ch | PuMpErNiCkLe: I'm just a hobby programmer :) | 09:59 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Props anyway. :) | 09:59 |
hyper_ch | props? | 09:59 |
Mordicus | I've got a problem with my Xubuntu installation... last time, I edit the Xorg.conf file to replace the VESA default driver by Trident, it was ok, but now, I do not remember what I did, my system cannot boot... :( | 10:00 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Congradulations. ^^ | 10:00 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: can't the whole system boot or can't you just get a graphical login? | 10:00 |
Mordicus | I got an error in the .conf file and Xubuntu desktop does not start... | 10:00 |
grazie | /me rememebers...vaguely | 10:00 |
Mordicus | yes, that's right ! | 10:00 |
Mordicus | Hi Grazie ! :) | 10:01 |
grazie | Mordicus: hi | 10:01 |
hyper_ch | PuMpErNiCkLe: you know PHP? | 10:01 |
Mordicus | when I boot, i can get the Terminal command, but no graphical interface... | 10:01 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | hyper_ch: Nope, 'fraid not. | 10:01 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: did you make a backup of the xorg file? | 10:01 |
hyper_ch | PuMpErNiCkLe: :) too bad... one slave less for me to work on the project *evilgrin* | 10:02 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | o.O | 10:02 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: yes, I think I did (Grazie helped me to do it) | 10:02 |
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hyper_ch | Mordicus: then login at the terminal | 10:02 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: before applying the changes | 10:02 |
Mordicus | yes I can | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: make a copy of the existing xorg.conf now... and then copy the backup to Xorg.conf | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: then you have the graphical environment again and you can start fiddling again with the config :) | 10:04 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: well, I am new to Linux so I don't know how to do it :/ | 10:04 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: I get a X server error when I boot | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: now first login at the terminal | 10:05 |
bur[n] er | what do all you xfce people use for a vnc server? x11vnc? | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | krfb | 10:05 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: done | 10:05 |
bur[n] er | in xfce? | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: sure, why not? | 10:05 |
=== bur[n] er has an icky feeling toward qt | ||
bur[n] er | digikam > f-spot though | 10:06 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: each one his own :) | 10:06 |
bur[n] er | for sure | 10:06 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: well, no go to the X11 folder: cd /etc/X11 | 10:06 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: no --> now | 10:06 |
maxamillion | i like gThumb over either of those | 10:06 |
maxamillion | ;) | 10:06 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: done | 10:07 |
bur[n] er | krfb can't do reverse vnc :\ | 10:07 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: do a ls -al and pastebin the output :) | 10:07 |
=== bur[n] er uses picasa via wine | ||
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: what for? | 10:07 |
Mordicus | I cannot paste all because it is on another Machine, but I see this : | 10:08 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: well, what is the name of the backup xorg.conf that you made? | 10:08 |
Mordicus | xorg.conf, xorg.conf.crap, xorg.conf.save, xorg.conf.save.1 | 10:08 |
bur[n] er | hyper_ch, the reverse vnc? so I can help my friends out... currently we use x11vnc to initiate a reverse vnc to my listening vncviewer | 10:09 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: which one is the "good" backup? you know? | 10:09 |
hyper_ch | bur[n] er: no, picasa :) | 10:09 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: may be "crap" ? (not sure if Grazie remembers...) | 10:09 |
hyper_ch | grazie: you are needed here :) | 10:09 |
bur[n] er | lol | 10:09 |
Mordicus | hyper_ch: I think it's crap | 10:09 |
=== grazie remembers .crap was crap | ||
Mordicus | grazie: yes, I think it's crap ! thanks Grazie ! ;) | 10:10 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: ok, make a backup of the current one: sudo cp Xorg.conf Xorg.conf.backup | 10:10 |
Mordicus | done ! | 10:11 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: then lets restore one of the other backup files: sudo cp -f xorg.conf.save Xorg.conf | 10:11 |
Mordicus | done | 10:12 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: startx | 10:12 |
Mordicus | Fatal error, no screens found, giving up.... | 10:13 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: or reboot the other computer :) | 10:13 |
Mordicus | ok I reboot | 10:13 |
=== arualavi [n=ivan@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Mordicus | there is still a X server error on starting :/ | 10:14 |
Mordicus | "no screens found" | 10:15 |
hyper_ch | Mordicus: ok, then login again :) | 10:15 |
hyper_ch | at the terminal | 10:15 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: log in to the command line and do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and go though that tool | 10:15 |
hyper_ch | and then: sudo cp -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.save /etc/X11/Xorg.conf | 10:16 |
hyper_ch | and then reboot again | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: if that doesn't help, use maxamillion's approach :9 | 10:17 |
Mordicus | huh... I launched this tool and is asking me a lot of question.. can I abord ? | 10:17 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: it launched a tool from the command i gave you? | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | maxamillion: yes, the x-server configuration tool :9 | 10:18 |
Mordicus | maxamillion: yes | 10:19 |
Mordicus | but there are a lot of questions asked :/ | 10:19 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: then answer them | 10:19 |
Mordicus | not sure I can answer them correctly :s | 10:19 |
maxamillion | uhm... hmmm, it should have a default value, take the default when you don't know .... what's the worst that could happen, your xserver still not work? | 10:20 |
Mordicus | maxamillion: what shall I answer for frambuffer ? | 10:20 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: that shouldn't effect X starting or not, just tell it no | 10:20 |
Mordicus | ===> ok rebooting | 10:22 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: ctrl+alt+backspace would have sufficed | 10:22 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: well .. ctrl+alt+f7 first, then +backspace | 10:23 |
Mordicus | I still get a Server X error... after rebooting :s | 10:23 |
maxamillion | meh | 10:23 |
maxamillion | you might need to switch back to vesa | 10:24 |
Mordicus | ok... | 10:24 |
bur[n] er | what kidn of card? | 10:24 |
=== bur[n] er will get in on this :) | ||
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bur[n] er | Mordicus, did you try the magical "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ? | 10:25 |
grazie | Mordicus: did you try restoring the .save and .save.1 ? (no knowlegde of these being made) | 10:25 |
hyper_ch | grazie: the .save yes but not the .save.1 yet | 10:26 |
=== grazie doesn't take long to try | ||
Mordicus | ok, get can the graphic interface now ! :) But a problem : the resolution is wrong... very small :s | 10:29 |
Mordicus | grazie: no I did not try yet... | 10:29 |
sparrw | going for the trifecta of #*ubuntu bans | 10:30 |
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=== mode/#xubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
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Mordicus | I have a small screen square... 600x400 (but my screen is 1074x748) | 10:30 |
Mordicus | my video run faster ! :D (but my screen is too small >.<) | 10:31 |
Mordicus | how to change the screen resolution ? | 10:32 |
maxamillion | Mordicus: in the xorg.conf | 10:32 |
Mordicus | how can I edit it ? | 10:33 |
bur[n] er | mousepad, gedit, nano, vi, emacs | 10:33 |
bur[n] er | :) | 10:34 |
bur[n] er | try the dpkg-reconfigure script | 10:34 |
bur[n] er | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:34 |
bur[n] er | it will be easier than editing a text file | 10:34 |
Mordicus | with the mousepad it's ok ? | 10:34 |
Mordicus | (last time it did not work :s) | 10:35 |
bur[n] er | use sudo | 10:35 |
bur[n] er | gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:35 |
Mordicus | ok | 10:35 |
bur[n] er | if you have scite, it colors it pretty ;) | 10:36 |
bur[n] er | gksudo scite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:36 |
Mordicus | ok, i opend the file, but what I must change in it please ? | 10:36 |
bur[n] er | that's what im' saying | 10:38 |
bur[n] er | just run the script! | 10:38 |
bur[n] er | you don't have to know what you're doing | 10:38 |
bur[n] er | for the most part you pick hte defaults | 10:38 |
bur[n] er | run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from a term | 10:39 |
Mordicus | ok ! relaunching | 10:39 |
Mordicus | Can I use 16 bits colors instead of 24 bits ? (will it help my poor video card to display large video better ?) | 10:42 |
=== ST47|Linux [n=st47@c-24-0-52-44.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== ST47|Linux waves | ||
ST47|Linux | Question - I have xubuntu 6.10 and a normal headset/mic combo from logitech, however I cannot hear anything | 10:43 |
ST47|Linux | I have tried moving the headphones to the other holes, I know the headphones work | 10:44 |
crimsun | pastebin requested info from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems | 10:45 |
crimsun | then tell us the url | 10:45 |
=== Sultanovich [n=sultan@host247.190-31-39.telecom.net.ar] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== bur[n] er1 [n=burner@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ST47|Linux | http://pastebin.ca/405695 | 10:51 |
crimsun | ah, the dreaded HDA | 10:51 |
crimsun | the bane of my existence | 10:51 |
ST47|Linux | uhoh | 10:52 |
crimsun | yes, those things are pieces of junk | 10:52 |
crimsun | in any case, you _might_ be able to get something to work by using model=ref | 10:52 |
crimsun | I don't have my git tree handy... | 10:52 |
=== crimsun navigates to hera | ||
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
crimsun | sorry, slow connection | 10:58 |
ST47|Linux | so, it is my hard drive? | 10:58 |
ST47|Linux | cause | 10:58 |
ST47|Linux | that makes no sense... | 10:58 |
ST47|Linux | oh | 10:59 |
ST47|Linux | I lied | 10:59 |
crimsun | no, it's a combination of the HDA driver (alsa:sigmatel) and your hardware | 10:59 |
crimsun | Dell uses crappy Sigmatel | 10:59 |
crimsun | go shoot Dell in the face, problem resolved | 11:00 |
ST47|Linux | oh | 11:00 |
crimsun | can you pastebin the contents of /proc/asound/card0/codec* , too? | 11:01 |
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-71-56-237-100.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== uranther [n=james@74-128-137-147.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ST47|Linux | http://pastebin.ca/405717 | 11:04 |
crimsun | thanks, looking when I have a free moment | 11:16 |
crimsun | (currently in a phone conf) | 11:16 |
ST47|Linux | ok, np | 11:16 |
crimsun | modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref | 11:17 |
ST47|Linux | FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. | 11:18 |
ST47|Linux | oh wait | 11:18 |
ST47|Linux | nope, error/// | 11:18 |
ST47|Linux | nothing is running... | 11:19 |
ST47|Linux | except ff and irssi | 11:19 |
B|nTaRa | whats the best cd burner ? | 11:19 |
B|nTaRa | !baker | 11:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about baker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:21 |
crimsun | lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* /dev/mixer* /dev/audio* | 11:21 |
ST47|Linux | it's amaror | 11:21 |
ST47|Linux | amarok | 11:21 |
ST47|Linux | 1 sec | 11:21 |
ST47|Linux | FATAL: Error removing snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Operation not permitted | 11:21 |
crimsun | ST47|Linux: you need to use sudo | 11:25 |
ST47|Linux | I did | 11:25 |
ST47|Linux | then I got | 11:25 |
ST47|Linux | FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Operation not permitted | 11:25 |
B|nTaRa | !xfburn | 11:25 |
ubotu | xfburn: CD burning tool for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 81 kB, installed size 528 kB | 11:25 |
ST47|Linux | wait | 11:26 |
ST47|Linux | I liek | 11:26 |
ST47|Linux | lied* | 11:26 |
ST47|Linux | I only used sudo once :( | 11:26 |
=== ST47|Linux notes that amarok works, and thnks crimsun, and donates to him/her several cookies of the chocolate chip variety | ||
crimsun | wait, so it does work? | 11:27 |
ST47|Linux | yeah | 11:27 |
crimsun | where "work" means "sound is audible" | 11:27 |
ST47|Linux | yeah | 11:27 |
crimsun | thanks, I'll apply that to my git branch | 11:27 |
maxamillion | crimsun: git branch? | 11:32 |
crimsun | maxamillion: yes | 11:32 |
maxamillion | crimsun: what's that? | 11:33 |
crimsun | maxamillion: http://www.kernel.org/git/ for info about git. | 11:33 |
maxamillion | crimsun: thanks | 11:33 |
crimsun | my git branches are holding areas for alsa patches (since I maintain it for Ubuntu) | 11:33 |
maxamillion | ah, good to know | 11:34 |
maxamillion | crimsun: so ... git is like svn? | 11:34 |
crimsun | git is an RCS of sorts, yes. | 11:34 |
maxamillion | ok | 11:34 |
crimsun | like cvs, svn, bzr, monotone, tla, and so on | 11:35 |
maxamillion | yeah | 11:35 |
maxamillion | crimsun: what's your opinion of bzr? | 11:35 |
crimsun | it's slow as molasses for my uses | 11:35 |
=== haze76 [n=pbjornse@ANice-152-1-15-249.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | fair enough | 11:36 |
crimsun | I generally avoid bzr for alsa and choose instead to use what upstreams use (git and hg) | 11:36 |
haze76 | Have anyone made rp-pppoe 3.8 work in XUbuntu ? | 11:36 |
crimsun | however, I have several research projects hosted in bzr, and they seem to be fine | 11:36 |
haze76 | It asks my password, then nothing happens, after following the procedure described in the ubuntu Wiki | 11:36 |
haze76 | I am using the Feisty Fawn herd 5 which might not be a good idea, but any help is appreciated | 11:37 |
haze76 | Ubuntu doesn't even install in my laptop | 11:37 |
haze76 | So I went for xubuntu since I don't like KDE particularly | 11:37 |
maxamillion | crimsun: yeah, i had always been curious about its performance since it is written in python | 11:38 |
haze76 | It's a fairly slow laptop too | 11:38 |
maxamillion | haze76: what are the hardware specs? | 11:38 |
haze76 | maxamillion: 192 mb ram, 500 mhz celeron processor | 11:38 |
haze76 | maxamillion: 10 gigabyte harddrive. it's not that slow... | 11:39 |
haze76 | I was a bit disappointed that the Norwegian translation is incomplete. My father would have preferred Norwegian, but if it's incomplete I prefer to have everything in English | 11:39 |
haze76 | I guess that is a question of the standard routines for translation that Ubuntu can't just escape? | 11:40 |
haze76 | You can't just set off translating any app on your own? | 11:40 |
haze76 | Anyway when I change Internet providers it will be an ethernet cable and work automagically, but for the time being I have to use nasty PPPoE | 11:41 |
maxamillion | haze76: yeah, i have very little knowledge of the language systems since i only speak english but as far as the installation i'm not entirely sure why you have issues | 11:41 |
maxamillion | !pppoe | 11:41 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 11:41 |
maxamillion | haze76: ^ that link is what you need | 11:41 |
maxamillion | brb | 11:41 |
=== Sultanovich [n=sultan@host247.190-31-39.telecom.net.ar] has left #xubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
haze76 | maxamillon: With Dapper Drake and 6.10 - and feisty fawn - Ubuntu hangs at various places in the install process, or nothing happens. It is a Toshibe Sattelite S35 DVD laptop. XUbuntu installs just fine | 11:42 |
haze76 | Thanks | 11:42 |
haze76 | I will take a look at that | 11:42 |
haze76 | I tried installing the rp-pppoe client by the waty | 11:43 |
haze76 | How come it's not installed by default, and no firewall is installed by default? Crazy in a user friendly operating system like ubuntu | 11:43 |
haze76 | Yeah it is better to do this commandline I think | 11:45 |
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== cheeseboy [n=g-fundie@66-189-75-130.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cheeseboy | help | 11:51 |
cheeseboy | everythings on my taskbar twice | 11:51 |
cheeseboy | i have 2 ofeach thing | 11:51 |
cheeseboy | how fix? | 11:51 |
=== BFTD [n=thomas@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Xtreem_ [n=Xtreem@rummers.force9.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
B|nTaRa | hohohoho | 12:11 |
B|nTaRa | im starting to love xubuntu now | 12:12 |
maxamillion | B|nTaRa: glad to hear it | 12:14 |
BFTD | !! | 12:15 |
=== aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #xubuntu |
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