
=== phoenix24 [i=wmpxi@ns38373.ovh.net] has joined #edubuntu
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mpocan someone help me with some live cd questions?02:01
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool82.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
mpoI am curious why the live dvd is only 486 mb02:02
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mpois there a time that this channel is more active?02:09
bimberimpo: yes02:10
bimberimpo: where are you seeing that size for the dvd image?02:10
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pygiogra, poke02:11
pygior is it ogra_ ? :P02:12
bimberimpo: the .iso files are "4.4G"02:12
mpofeisty-dvd-i386.iso          21-Mar-2007 13:03  4.4G  Install/live DVD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)02:12
mpoi chose this from the list but when the download prompts it show as 439 mb02:13
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bimberimpo: ah, let me try02:13
bimberihm, shows as 4535.1MB here (in the Firefox download window)02:15
mpoyou are right02:16
mpohad firefox on another pc this only has explorer02:17
=== bimberi tries wget
bimberiyep, looks about the right size.  Too much for my dialup connection :)02:18
mpohmmm firefox does not seem to let me download to a mapped drive though02:19
mpoalways want to save to my desktop02:20
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
bimberiright-click -> save as...   should let you navigate elsewhere02:21
mpobimberi: only lets me save the link02:21
mpoanyway I can figure that out...do you know if the live CD has the manuals included?  ..not the dvd02:22
bimberi*save link as*  ?02:22
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bimberimpo: there is documentation and most packages include manpages02:23
mpohmmm the kTurtle programming program errored out when try to access it from the help ....do I have to just browse to a directory to read them instead?02:24
bimberimpo: unfortunately that I don't know about sorry.  Hopefully someone else...02:25
mpoif I want the live cd or dvd to have flash...java...so that it can browse the web do I have to install to a hdd and then re-image it after I install them02:28
bimberiyou can install packages while running the LiveCD.02:31
bimberi(temporary to the session of course)02:31
mpobut how can I do it permanetly for the cd ... the reason I ask is because java...mp3..and what have you have a max distribution limit ans that is why they are not included in the OS02:32
mpoat least thats why I think02:33
ubotuUCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/02:33
=== calimer [n=calimer@cpe-72-224-40-18.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
calimerI was just wondering, why are the system requirements for edubuntu so high?02:35
calimerI want to install it on a 450 mhz computer with 64 mb of ram02:35
bimbericalimer: that would be OK as a thin-client connected to an Edubuntu LTSP server.  As a standalone it will need more RAM.  128MB at least (and will probably still be quite slow)02:36
calimerI'm not familiar to the concept of a thin-client02:37
calimerthat is interesting that it would need more to be standalone02:38
calimerI don't need to connect it to the net or anything, I just want to have educational stuff on the computers for the kids02:38
calimeri supposed I could just grab the individual programs02:39
calimerubuntu in general seems to have somewhat high system requirements02:39
calimereven for the xfce type02:39
calimerI was running mandrake with xfce on my 350 mhz with no problem02:39
bimberiyou could try Xubuntu then ...02:40
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels02:40
bimberior even ...02:40
ubotufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/02:40
calimereven for that install I think it wanted 256 ram02:41
calimeroh 12802:41
bimberiyes, for the LiveCD installer.  There is a text based "alternate" installer which is much less hungry ...02:41
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.02:42
calimerthank you for your help, I'm excited to help teach the kids about linux02:42
calimerright now the computers are running windows 98 first edition and can't even install a driver for my thumb drive02:43
bimberiyou're welcome :)02:43
bimberiI've found this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client02:43
calimerare you a developer for edubuntu?02:43
bimberiNo. Just someone who likes to help out.02:44
calimerah because I want to suggest some software for it02:44
bimberiI'd suggest posting to the edubuntu-devel mailing list02:46
calimergood idea, sounds great02:47
calimerI think I want to make a sandbox game for kids02:48
calimerwhere they can design their own 3D worlds and interact in them02:48
bimberisomething like Kahootz?02:49
=== jack_wyt_ is now known as jack_wyt
bimberi(which is proprietary software btw)02:49
calimernot sure but I'm going to check it out02:50
calimermine would be free02:50
bimbericalimer: hence that sounds fantastic!02:50
calimerkahootz looks like good inspiration02:50
bimberiI only know about Kahootz through helping classes at my sons' school with it02:51
calimerI want to make something that helps kids make their own stories too02:51
calimerthough that is a bit tougher02:51
calimerfor me I run a before and afterschool at an elementary school for grades k-502:52
calimerand I salvaged those two computers that they were throwing away at my admin building02:52
calimerI have tuxpaint and childsplay on them for the kids and they love it02:52
bimbericool :)02:53
calimeryeah it's awesome02:53
calimerbut I want to show them how to make games and level design02:53
calimerand I can't really show them my past work which is at http://lms.d3files.com a little inappropriate for them02:53
bimberier, yes :)02:54
calimerthanks for the kahootz link02:55
calimerthis software looks very interesting02:55
calimerI'm going to see about ordering the demo02:55
bimberiit's very good.  I'd love to see a Free Software equivalent.02:56
calimerwell the in game level designing part will come quickly02:57
calimerbut these extra features will take longer02:57
calimerI know one thing I have already made with some friends is a huge slide02:57
calimerand then a jump pad that shot us back up to the top02:57
calimerhave you ever heard of alice?02:58
calimernot sure how similar it is to kahootz but seems quite similar03:00
calimermight be the free equivalent03:00
bimberilooks very interesting - thanks!03:02
calimerI made a small movie with it, it seemed pretty cool03:03
calimerI'm interested to know how it compares to kahootz if you check it out03:03
calimerI need to get to bed, up early for the morning program.  Take care and thank you for your help :)03:06
bimberiYou're welcome.  Good luck.03:06
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@S0106000b6a5631f9.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavEvening all03:11
LaserJockhi sbalneav03:23
sbalneavHey LaserJock03:24
sbalneavI sent off an updated manual to ogra to look over03:25
sbalneavGot some time right now?03:25
LaserJocksome yeah03:25
LaserJockwhat's up?03:25
sbalneavHold on, lemme dcc you the updated manual03:26
sbalneavSee it?03:28
LaserJockwell, kinda03:30
LaserJockI can't tell how to get it03:30
LaserJockI'm in irssi03:30
sbalneavah, ok.03:30
LaserJockwahoo, recieving03:31
sbalneavI closed it, try again03:32
LaserJockgot it03:34
LaserJockso these have all your changes?03:37
sbalneavyeah, so far03:37
sbalneavWhen's our deadline?03:37
LaserJockwe're already past the doc team's string freeze03:38
LaserJockand we're at Beta Freeze03:39
sbalneavWell, if it went on the disk now, it's at least accurate.03:39
sbalneavand much more complete than before03:40
sbalneavThe naming's been reoganized03:42
LaserJockwhat we need is to get stuff for the translators to work on03:42
LaserJockif we have some minor changes here and there it's fine03:42
sbalneavWell, it's ltsp5 accrurate now, and the boot process is explained.04:00
sbalneavThe manual's about tripled in size since we started, between my ltsp stuff and cbx33's SCP section04:00
sbalneavbut he needs to pat ch that up quick for the rename to TCM04:00
LaserJocksbalneav: ok, well I need to take a quick shower04:00
LaserJocksbalneav: then I'll get these changes into the svn repo04:00
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sbalneavedubuntugirl: LaserJock++04:00
sbalneavedubuntugirl: LaserJock04:00
edubuntugirlLaserJock is Jordan Mantha04:00
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S010600502c03205f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockat least she knows who I am04:16
Burgundaviahmm, no cbx33 yet04:21
BurgundaviaLaserJock: she?04:21
bimbericalimer: Lots of similarities between Alice and Kahootz.  The latter is not really focussed on teaching programming, just animation/content-creation. Hence it works well for early ages (the class I helped out with was Year 1 (5/6 year olds))04:23
bimberiedubuntugirl: Burgundavia04:24
edubuntugirlbimberi: I'm not following you...04:24
bimberiedubuntugirl: LaserJock04:24
edubuntugirlLaserJock is Jordan Mantha04:24
Burgundaviaedubuntugirl: Burgundavia04:24
edubuntugirlBurgundavia: *blink*04:24
Burgundavianope, rather04:24
Burgundaviaedubuntugirl: Burgwork04:24
edubuntugirlBurgundavia: what?04:24
crimsunAlice really doesn't work all that well04:24
bimberiBurgundavia: so _she_ doesn't know who you are :)04:24
Burgundaviaa frequent problem i have with women :)04:25
crimsunpeople still get caught up in the ideas of dragging and dropping instead of the problem solving aspects that Alice attempts to present04:25
bimbericrimsun: hmmk04:26
bimbericrimsun: At first site I'm reminded of Squeak04:27
crimsunsqueak is nice04:27
crimsunwe use ultimate++04:27
crimsunsome of the first-semester students do 3 weeks of Alice then move on to ultimate++04:28
crimsunwe evaluated Alice for 2 years04:28
=== bimberi googles and notices a .deb :)
LaserJockargg, that reminds me04:31
LaserJockI need to repackage squeak04:32
Burgundaviahave they solved the issue?04:32
LaserJockwhich one?04:33
Burgundaviathe squeak licensing issue04:33
bimberiargh - s/site/sight/04:34
LaserJockBurgundavia: no, I don't think that'll ever resolved04:34
Burgundaviaisn't it just a font issue?04:36
Amaranthedubuntugirl: Amaranth04:39
edubuntugirlAmaranth: *blink*04:39
bimberiedubuntugirl: sabdfl04:41
edubuntugirlsabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth04:41
LaserJockBurgundavia: I'm not exactly sure, but I think it has to do with it's Apple heritage04:45
BurgundaviaI believe so as well, but I am uncertain as to what parts are apsl204:45
LaserJockme neither04:47
LaserJockbut I think it'll always be in Multiverse04:48
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | edgy (6.10) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edgy/ | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 18:00:58 2006
=== Lameiro [n=chatzill@c95374b4.virtua.com.br] has joined #edubuntu
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Lameirohi. I am planning to submit a SoC proposal for Coon, but I don't see any names for mentors in Ubuntu pages. All I see are 2 names in the Ubuntu Feature Specification website. they are "encompass" and "Pete Savage". do you know if they are planning to mentor that?06:23
Lameiroor somebody else06:23
LaserJockwell, I don't think the mentor list is finalized at all06:26
LaserJockLameiro: what do you need?06:26
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LaserJockLameiro: wb06:35
LameiroLaserJock: thank you. well, last msg i got was "well, I don't think the mentor list is finalized at all". did you say anybody else? damned isp, i am sorry06:37
LaserJockI just said:06:37
LaserJockLameiro: what do you need?06:37
Lameiroa mentor name to put in the soc proposal06:37
LaserJockI don't think you need one yet06:38
LaserJockI don't know all the details of the SoC stuff06:38
Lameirowell. ok. i thought i did... thank you06:38
LaserJockbut I'm pretty sure we don't even have a final list of mentors06:38
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ajmitchLaserJock: going to apply?07:17
LaserJockfor what?07:18
LaserJockoh, I did apply for SoC mentorship07:18
LaserJockbut my application is "pending" so I need to poke Keybuk or doko07:19
=== ajmitch didn't think you'd have time to waste as a student
LaserJockwe'll see if we even need it07:21
ajmitchthough it'd just be your usual ubuntu time anyway :)07:21
=== calimer- [n=calimer@cpe-72-224-40-18.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockit actually would have been more fun/profitable to actually do a project07:22
LaserJockbut I really don't have time for that07:22
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LaserJockhi cbx3307:30
cbx33hey Lameiro07:30
cbx33hey LaserJock07:30
LaserJockcbx33: I'm guessing you have some SoC email in you inbox ;-)07:31
cbx33not this morning actually07:32
cbx33but most days yes07:32
LameiroLaserJock: i didnt send it off.07:32
Lameirocbx33: I see. do that is gonna be a hard one... eheh07:32
Lameiroi am sending you one in a few hours...07:33
Lameirocbx33: i am applying for the Coon SoC project.07:33
highvoltagegooooood morning!07:34
Burgundaviacbx33: had somebody by asking about the web front end to tcm07:34
LaserJockhi highvoltage07:34
Burgundaviahey highvoltage07:34
cbx33yes someone mailed me about that too07:34
highvoltagehey LaserJock, Burgundavia and cbx3307:34
cbx33hey highvoltage07:35
cbx33hi Burgundavia07:35
Lameirocbx33: can I assign you as the mentor for the SoC proposal?07:35
cbx33did you get a chance to scan that chapter yet Burgundavia ?07:35
cbx33Lameiro, well i suppose ;)07:36
cbx33I am looking to mentor that project07:36
cbx33if it gets approved07:36
=== cbx33 shakes his fists
cbx33too busy playing Wesnoth eh?07:36
LaserJockcbx33: he does have a life you know ;-)07:36
cbx33sorry Burgundavia I thought you were like LaserJock and Me :p07:36
cbx33ha ha !!07:36
BurgundaviaI even have a gf07:37
cbx33what a 3-dimensional...real girlfriend?07:37
Burgundaviatoday I sorted out the ubuntu sticker offer thingy07:37
Burgundaviawhich has languished for 6 months07:37
Burgundaviaunlike you married bozos, I actually need to work to keep mine07:37
LaserJockyes, marriage is no work at all07:37
cbx33and she's into ubuntu sticker offers?07:38
cbx33LaserJock, careful or I'll tell your good lady you said that ;)07:38
Burgundaviano, she was helping me with them07:38
Burgundaviaand then we cleaned house07:38
cbx33ahh good old house cleaning07:38
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cbx33*bah* i suck at that07:38
Burgundaviaso do I07:38
ajmitchhey cbx3307:38
cbx33I always get told off07:38
cbx33hi ajmitch07:38
Burgundaviahowever, I am very good at cleaning other peoples houses07:38
Burgundaviahey ajmitch07:38
BurgundaviaLameiro_: what did you mean by "coon"?07:38
=== Lameiro_ is now known as Lameiro
cbx33Burgundavia, it's the name Jason gave to his project proposal07:39
Burgundaviawhat is the project07:39
cbx33I was unaware of it's true meaning07:39
cbx33it's the gradebook idea07:39
Burgundaviacoon in North America can mean "racoon"07:39
Burgundavia'coon hunting07:39
cbx33for teachers to record students grades07:39
Burgundaviadoesn't schooltool do that?07:39
Burgundaviaie: we don't need it07:39
cbx33well......school tool are doing some pilot on it07:40
cbx33but it's way off being finished07:40
cbx33but yes you're right07:40
ajmitchhello corey, what's up?07:40
Burgundavianot much07:41
Burgundaviaabout to head to bed07:41
Burgundaviaso this is just a basic program?07:41
=== cbx33 just found a great way to keep his googlemail inbox clean
cbx33Unread -> Delete07:41
cbx33it's genius07:41
ajmitcha pity I can't do that with ubuntu mail07:42
ajmitchpeople wouldn't like it if I deleted motu stuff from my inbox07:43
=== ajmitch could go & delete the 300K bug mails
ajmitch---Mutt: =launchpad [Msgs:292583 New:219736 Flag:1 Post:6 Inc:21 1539M] ---(threads/date)07:43
ajmitch1.5GB of bugs07:43
=== ajmitch is a little behind on reading them
=== cbx33 periodically does that
=== ajmitch finds mutt can search bug mail faster than LP can at times
Lameirocbx33: but, on the proposal it is suggested to use a mysql database. wouldnt it be more adequate to use a sqlite? (avoid deps)07:45
cbx33suggest that then ;)07:45
BurgundaviaI would also build it in such a way that it could become a client to schooltool when that evolves07:47
ajmitchLameiro: proposals are often put up by random community members07:47
=== ajmitch had better run off now, back in a couple of hours
cbx33see ya ajmitch07:48
Burgundavianight all07:49
cbx33nn Burgundavia07:58
=== cbx33 is off to make breakfast
highvoltagenight Burgs08:00
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michpolhi all. i've try to install edubuntu 6.06.1 over network. all seems ok during installation (i've select generic install by pressing <enter> at 'boot:'), but when after all i  restart PC for first time, edubuntu load in console mode only - no gdm installed. why? somebody try do so?11:33
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kiguraiHi again01:09
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Kamping_Kaiserhi rockprincess :)01:44
rockprincessheeey Kamping_Kaiser! Whats up? How are ya doing? :D01:44
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, i'm going busy, yourself? i'm jsut rearanging my work room (got a new desk, have to pull out about 10 old world macs to fit it in)01:46
rockprincesskamping_kaiser: i'm just about to put my book presentation together which is due tomorrow, and in about an hour i'll be leaving for school.....but good news is that i just got a notice from my assistant professor at uni that my dvds and case studies on educational foss have arrived :D01:48
rockprincesswill pick them up tomorrow :D01:50
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, awsome stuff :D01:50
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, i 'quit' doing ubuntu-edu and edubuntu stuff a month ago to go overseas - still havent gone :|01:50
Kamping_Kaiserbeen busy as heck anyway though01:50
rockprincessKamping_Kaiser: overseas as going to the usa? will you pick up your (ed)ubuntu stuff once you've settled down?01:51
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, no, going doing a network deployment in papua new guinea. 3 weeks there, 2 months getting ready :|01:52
rockprincessKamping_Kaiser: wow, that sounds exciting! you01:53
rockprincessKamping_Kaiser: you'll be missed here for sure ;)01:53
Kamping_Kaiserit is exciting/scary. i was meant to be getting back about now, i wont be going for another month!01:53
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, awww :)01:53
rockprincesshas it been put back due to organizational matter?!01:55
Kamping_Kaisertheres 5 organisations involved in getting it going, including a multinational - you imagine for yourself! :)01:55
rockprincesswow, sounds like a big deal, huh?! :D01:56
rockprincesswhat will be your tasks there?01:56
Kamping_Kaiserget as far as i can through the todo list, including deploy 130 desktops, 20 laptops, do desktop training (10-20 hours)  on as many as posible, and server training (sigh hours) for 3 people01:57
Kamping_Kaisertraining desktop from the ground up is bad. training *the server admins* from scratch is going to be, shall we say, insane01:57
rockprincessohhh no ;) sounds like a challenge plus it's for a good cause, isn't it?! ;)02:01
Kamping_Kaiseri consider setting up foss in a hospital a good cause :)02:01
Kamping_Kaiserits a challenge, but its on PNG time (ie 'it happens when it happens') , which wont help the todo list :|02:02
rockprincessspeaking of insane...my computer is insane, my computer clock goes fast-forward....it displays 14:36 whereas my watch says 14:00 ...02:02
=== Kamping_Kaiser hints ntpdate
rockprincesshehe, never heard of PNG time ;)02:02
Kamping_Kaiserntpdate ntp.adelaide.edu.au (ntpdate sets the time according to an ntp server)02:04
rockprincessdoes it have a gui? i once tried "chrony" which is a similar command line tool.....02:04
Kamping_Kaiserno, its cli02:04
Kamping_Kaisernight rockprincess02:08
rockprincessgood night Kamping_Kaiser! Good Luck for your project!02:08
Kamping_Kaiserrockprincess, thanks, i'm sure i'll be in again before i go :)02:09
rockprincesscool :)02:09
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sbalneavMonring all!03:07
sbalneavHey ogra!  How's it going?  Refreshed my ISO last night, and did a re-install, and the chroot build was OK03:07
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highvoltagemorning sbalneav!03:09
bddebianHeya folks03:10
cliebow_ok on ppc as well03:10
highvoltagehey bddebian03:11
bddebianHi highvoltage03:12
sbalneavHey highvoltage!03:14
sbalneavSo, I wonder what linux persona I am03:14
highvoltagesbalneav: I see the site is back up :03:15
highvoltagesbalneav: I think you're the afficionado guy03:15
=== highvoltage just downloaded a copy of the site just in case they take it off-line again
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sbalneavYeah, but the afficiondo guy only has 50% linux usage.03:35
sbalneavI'm 100% :)03:35
ograsbalneav, yeah, beta looks good so far03:35
sbalneavI only have 1 minor problem, and I think I have a clue as to what it may be.03:35
sbalneavIt didn't set up the network interface.03:35
sbalneavNow, on this box I have two interfaces03:35
sbalneaveth0's a GOOD card, intel EE pro 10003:35
sbalneaveth1's the crappy onboard VIA ethernet interface03:35
ograthat shouldnt matter at all03:35
sbalneavI use eth1 as the "primary"03:35
ograas dhcp client ?03:35
ograor static ?03:35
sbalneavShould I statically define eth1?03:35
sbalneavI was wondering if maybe the detection code was assuming eth0 was "primary" and looking for eth1 to be the unused one.03:35
sbalneavWhere, on the install cd, would I find the scripts that do that bit?  Or is that in the initramfs on the cd's kernel?03:36
cbx33hey ogra, sbalneav03:40
ogrado you get a message during install about the interface ?03:40
cbx33seen linuxMCE?03:40
cbx33that looks so cool03:40
cbx33and based on ubuntu too03:40
ograor does it just not work after install ?03:40
ograsbalneav, the script is in the ltsp source. it's the postinst of ltsp-client-builder03:45
highvoltagecbx33: wow, linuxmce looks cool03:47
cbx33i know03:48
cbx33sucks that the bandwidth has gone03:48
cbx33I wanted to install that tonight03:48
cbx33highvoltage: quite a small project by the looks of it too03:49
cbx33just one guy working on it03:49
cliebow_cbx33: i see an import for ltcm..but it doesnt seem available03:50
cliebow_in scp03:50
sbalneavogra: No, didn't get a message about the interface03:52
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ogracan you check if the interface is up and running *before* you log in on the server ?03:53
ograseems we have a little problem with network manager hogging *all* interfaces03:54
cliebow_network mangler..03:54
sbalneavBefore I log in?  That would be after install, right?03:54
sbalneavSo, it doesn't configure that interface on install?03:54
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sbalneavI'm using the server install cd, not the desktop cd, just to be clear03:55
ograit configures that interface on install03:55
ograit adds it to /etc/network/interfaces03:55
sbalneavOn mine, it didn't03:55
sbalneavdoes network manager run on the server install cd? I didn't check03:56
ograand you didnt get any message from the installer about that ?03:56
ograis your dhcp range something with 192.168.0 ?03:56
ografor the outbound interface i mean03:56
sbalneavhehehe no!  I deliberately changed my entire home network to 10.0.0.x to rule that out.03:57
sbalneavI ain't half so dumb as I look :)03:57
ogrado you get both interfaces offered at the beginning ?03:57
ograand have to select one ?03:57
sbalneavYeah, got both at the beginning, and chose eth103:57
sbalneavso eth0's the un-configured one.03:58
sbalneavnow, here's a question:03:58
maccam94hi, i'm on my town's technology comittee, and one of the things we're deciding on is what operating system the school's computers should use for the next few years. we have 700 computers (P4 2Ghz, 256mb ram, hard disks) on an ethernet network, and one of the options I am considering presenting is a thick client ubuntu setup (OS/Apps on the clients, user data and configuration files on a network share). anyone know what sort of tools/settings would be03:58
sbalneavis there a way to do an iftab thingy on install, to switch 'em around?  I'm wondering if it wants the active interface to be eth0 and the empty interface to be eth103:59
ograit doesnt03:59
ograsee the code03:59
sbalneavI'll lookie.04:00
cliebow_maccam94, your machines should run just fine..what tools would you want?04:00
maccam94cliebow, i'm looking for what applications I can propose using to manage deployment, updates, and users, what sort of configuration needs to be done to get a networked /home directory, and how to be able to push changes to .conf files in /etc to all machines easily04:02
sbalneavmaccam94: ubuntu boxes are easy to update with the APT package system.  Users can all be handled through LDAP authentication (it's what we do), and networked home dirs are easy-peasy in any Linux.04:03
=== Pitze [n=Miranda@c-925ee255.1022-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavAs for syncing config files, there's literally dozens to admin tools available, but simple's sometimes the best.  A quick bit of rsync will keep your boxes up to date config file wise.04:04
maccam94sbalneav, are there any good GUI interfaces for setting up and managing LDAP, and do you know of any good howtos on creating a LDAP setup?04:04
sbalneavThere's a web based ldap manger for Linux out there, but I tend to use a gui app called gq.  It's basic, but it allows for full control over the ldap database.04:05
sbalneavThe real power of Linux, however, is in scripting.  Rather than sit and plunk through 1500 ldap updates one-at-a-time in a gui, with a quick bit of python programming, you can automate most tasks from jobs that will take hours, to literally seconds.04:06
PitzeHi! I'm currently installing edubuntu on my laptop.. Is anyone willing to help me with the partitioning? I'm not sure how to do it.04:11
sbalneavPitze: are you getting rid of windows?04:11
maccam94Yeah, the scripting was one of the things that I think will make doing individual user authentication easier on the admin. (instead of manually creating 1500 users, just plunk a script down to translate a class listing).  the question is whether he'll learn the language...04:11
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Pitzesbalneav:  nope, I have gentoo on it, but want to install edubuntu on one of my partitions04:11
Pitzesbalneav: I have 4 partitions, one ext2 boot, one swap and 2 ext3.. where I have gentoo on sda3 and want to have ubuntu on sda404:11
sbalneavAh, multi partition.  Well, you should just be able to select the partition you want on the install.04:11
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Pitzewell how do I tell the installation to do it there.. I have some important stuff on the other partition :P I'll just format that part and not format the rest?04:11
maccam94how much of a load on the network do you think LDAP would create?04:12
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sbalneavPitze: I'd say so, usually it gives you that option.  You have, of course, a BACKUP of your machine, right?04:13
Pitzenope :] 04:14
sbalneavmaccam94: Next to nothing.  LDAP doesn't generate that much04:14
Pitzeit's not worth money, but time :P04:14
sbalneavPitze: So, what you're saying is, you're time's worth nothing, right?04:14
Pitzehaha :P04:14
=== sbalneav things Pitze should stop now and make an rsync backup of his home and data dirs.
Pitzebut I guess if it says "no, keep existing data" it should be saved :P04:15
maccam94ok, are there any downsides of LDAP that anyone can think of? i'm trying to figure out what the other people in the comittee would want to know...04:15
sbalneavmaccam94: As well, you can run a slave ldap server on each machine, which will keep almost all ldap traffic off the network.04:15
sbalneavThe only downside to ldap is that it's sometimes a bit of a bear to set up.  Once you've got it going, though, it works fine.04:16
sbalneavAnd, you can always come here for help.  Several of us, myself included, use LDAP for auth.04:16
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pips1just a quick ping to say that I tried installing the daily 2007-03-20 and failed at the partitioning stage04:18
Pitzesbalneav:  hmm.. I guess the "Install the base system" is where I choose which partition to install it to?04:19
Pitzesbalneav: meaning when I push "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" he (the install program) will only format those partitions I told him to? :P04:20
sbalneavLike I say, stop and do a backup.04:20
sbalneavI NEVER recommend installing to a disk that you don't have a backup for.04:20
Pitzeproblem is that my gentoo kind of crashed when I did something, so I can't start gentoo anymore.. how can I do a backup? you said "rsync backup", meaning?04:22
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PitzeI could boot on a livecd and ssh it to a server..04:23
Pitzescp it I meant04:23
PitzeI can't burn a cd out of it, can I?04:24
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Pitzeor I guess I could if I ran it through the live cd...04:24
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rockprincessthe kids love ktouch :) wow04:57
rockprincesshmm nobody here? :(05:03
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | edgy (6.10) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edgy/ | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 18:00:58 2006
kiguraiI am05:15
rockprincesscool ;)05:18
kiguraiYeah, I guess so :)05:19
rockprincesskigurai, what are you up to?05:20
kiguraiMostly lurking awaiting the return of cbx33. Was talking to him before but I guess he had to run away05:20
rockprincesskigurai: ahh i see, I'm waiting for cbx33 to arrive as well....05:22
kiguraiWhat a coincidence :)05:23
kiguraiSeems like a busy fellow ;)05:23
rockprincesshehe indeed!05:24
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rockprincesshey juliux :)05:26
kigurairockprincess: Are you also a developer?05:26
juliuxhi rockprincess05:26
rockprincesskigurai: hehe no, just a user :)05:26
kigurairockprincess: Ah, I see. A teacher then?05:27
rockprincesskigurai: hehe not really, I'm just a computer science student doing my bachelor thesis based on educational software e.g edubuntu :) and you?05:27
kigurairockprincess: computer engineering student who is interested in the Google Summer of Code :)05:28
rockprincesskigurai: ahhhhh are you dodo?05:28
rockprincesskigurai: ahh sorry messed it up "doko" but apparently not.......he told me about his idea for Google Summer of Code.....05:30
kiguraiAh, ok. But no, I am not him :)05:31
rockprincesskigurai: what do you want to do for GSoC?05:31
kiguraiI am interested in the web frontend to the thin client manager05:31
rockprincesskigurai: i love this idea: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2007/teachers-gradebook05:33
kigurairockprincess: Actually that one was what I was interested in first. But cbx33 advised me to go for the web frontend instead05:34
kiguraiBut yes, it sure sounds like a fun project :)05:34
kiguraiSo, exactly what is your thesis about? And how's it going? :)05:37
rockprincesskigurai: sorry, i was just unloading the dishwasher....05:46
rockprincesskigurai: my bachelor thesis is about the usuage of educational free and open source software....basically about edubuntu in general, how the students are coping with it, what they like better, what they do not like about edubuntu....i've picked 3-4 apps that i'm now user-testing with my test-groups :)05:49
kiguraiSo, it is some sort of usability testing then?05:52
rockprincessyep, indeed!05:55
Laser_awaysbalneav: do a svn up yet?05:59
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kiguraiNow off for some food, and then kendo practice :)06:07
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sbalneavLaser_away: hey, I did, but it's not the same as what I sent you, was it?06:57
sbalneavI had "workstation.xml" and "server.xml", etc.06:57
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
LaserJocksbalneav: it should be there07:07
LaserJocksbalneav: btw, are you getting the trunk or feisty branch07:08
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LaserJockanybody know where RichEd is?07:17
LaserJockogra or ogra_ : would a dynamic menus GUI be worth a SoC project?07:22
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sbalneavMaybe I'm getting trunk07:27
sbalneavhow do I got feisty? :)07:28
LaserJockwell, I added your stuff to trunk as well07:28
LaserJocksvn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk ubuntu-doc07:29
LaserJocksvn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/feisty ubuntu-doc-feisty07:29
LaserJocksbalneav: you don't see your changes when you svn up?07:30
sbalneavI'm checking out the feisty one now.07:30
sbalneavSooooo, who do I slip a $20 to to get write access to the svn server? :)07:31
LaserJockmake it a lunch in Spain and it's a deal07:31
=== sbalneav surrepticiously slips LaserJock a C note
sbalneavYou were gonna get a dinner from me anyway :)07:32
sbalneavExciterated yet?07:32
sbalneavyeah, it's in the feisty one.07:33
LaserJockbut not trunk?07:33
sbalneavAs of thismorning, nyet.07:34
LaserJockoh heck, I know what I did07:35
LaserJockI applied the diff07:35
LaserJockbut forgot to svn add the new files and svn rm the old ones07:35
LaserJocksbalneav: ok, try now07:38
sbalneavokiedokie, trying07:38
sbalneavedubuntugirl: LaserJock++07:39
sbalneavedubuntugirl: karma LaserJock07:39
edubuntugirlsbalneav: LaserJock has karma of 407:39
sbalneavedubuntugirl: karma sbalneav07:39
edubuntugirlsbalneav: sbalneav has karma of 307:39
sbalneavLaserJock > sbalneav07:40
cliebow_his fung-shwei aint so bad either..07:40
sbalneavedubuntugirl: karma ogra07:40
edubuntugirlsbalneav: ogra has karma of 407:40
sbalneavThat seems way too low07:40
sbalneavedubuntugirl: ogra++07:40
LaserJockyeah, there's no way I have more karma than ogra07:41
LaserJocksbalneav: have any SoC ideas for Edubuntu?07:42
LaserJocksomething light and fluffy that the SoC kiddies would enjoy?07:42
Burgworksbalneav: the person you need to talk to is mdke07:44
LaserJockBurgwork: I've already pinged him07:46
cliebow_edubuntugirl: karma cliebow07:46
edubuntugirlcliebow_: cliebow has neutral karma07:46
Burgworksaw that07:46
cliebow_at least it is not negative07:46
LaserJockBurgwork: don't make me lose my free lunch ;-)07:46
Burgworkoh, right07:46
Burgworksbalneav: I will do it for the price of a coffee :)07:47
sbalneavHmmm, an SOC project.....07:55
sbalneavYou know what we need MORE THAN FLIPPING ANYTHING?!?!07:56
sbalneavis to get the graphical gnome user and group manager LDAP aware.07:56
sbalneavSolving the other LDAP problems are fairly easy: we just need to turn the crank07:57
LaserJockI'm interested in that, from the dynamic menus standpoint07:57
sbalneavhowever, once you HAVE ldap, there's no "good" way to manage it simply07:57
LaserJockso could that be done sort of independently of ldap?07:57
sbalneavApart from GQ, which, although workable, is hardly a beginners tool.07:57
sbalneavIt could be, I suspect, here's why07:58
sbalneavIf the app is re-written to use the actual getpwent() and getgrent() libc calls07:58
sbalneavrather than actually LOOKING AT THE /etc/passwd AND /etc/group FILES (Thats SO 1980's)...07:59
sbalneavthen, with a properly functioning LDAP setup, you could manage it right from the simple user-and-group manager.07:59
sbalneavthis == win for new admins.08:00
LaserJockso that'd be more of a Gnome project right? we wouldn't need to make it Edubuntu specific?08:01
sbalneavWell, technically more of a Gnome project, I guess, but it could show up first in Edubuntu as patches to the user manager08:01
sbalneavI've got this fellow Sayan who wants to do a math-test generator for school age kids, that'd be pretty cherry.08:02
LaserJockalthough I don't really see the Gnome user-and-group tool as being very nice for large numbers of users08:03
LaserJocksbalneav: I'm sending in a mentorship application and Keybuk wanted projects I'd be interested in mentoring and if I had any new ideas08:03
sbalneavThat's my next project for SOC for you08:04
sbalneavbulk user addition deletion08:04
sbalneavText file with:08:04
sbalneavADD firstname lastname08:04
LaserJockI was thinking I could put dynamic menus on there08:04
sbalneavDELETE firstname lastname08:04
sbalneavDynmenus would be a good one.08:04
sbalneavso theres 3 idears right there.08:05
LaserJockI was thinking of a graphical theme switcher for Edubuntu08:05
sbalneavHere's another one that would be a huge win:  although it's complicated.08:05
LaserJockwhere you can easily switch betwen young, plain, and old or whatever they're called these days08:06
Burgworksbalneav: making the gnome user thing ldap aware is on the gnome soc list, because I pu ti there08:06
LaserJockah excellent08:06
Burgworkanother cool idea would be to do a basic interface for very young children08:07
sbalneavNow that java's open source, replace the crack-induced sound calls writing to /dev/dsp with proper gstreamer calls, and bundle a fixed up java engine with edubuntu that will run java based kids games over thin client WITH sound, right out of the box.08:07
Burgworkbasically a pygtk interface with big buttons08:07
BurgworkI believe pulse audio is the way to go for that08:07
sbalneavsure, but it's still a shim08:07
sbalneavwe have to emulate a soundcard locally, as opposed to proper gstreamer calls.08:08
Burgworkwell, I don't know there is a better way08:08
LaserJockBurgwork: keybuk asked me what kind of outside projects I'd be interested in. Do you have any idea what he means by that?08:08
sbalneavhere's a good one: port the OLPC sexy desktop to edubuntu.08:08
BurgworkLaserJock: "outside" projects?08:08
BurgworkI have no idea08:08
BurgworkI wonder if they are fishing to hire you08:09
sbalneavis that what it's called?08:09
LaserJockI wondered if he meant outside Ubuntu or what08:09
LaserJockBurgwork: hire me? I'm just volunteering to mentor SoC08:09
Burgworkyes, the interface is called sugar08:09
Burgworkyou are a good MOTU manager, I would hire you08:09
LaserJockwell, I keep saying I'm a chemist not a distro developer08:12
LaserJockbut I seem to be getting further in Ubuntu than I am in Chemistry :/08:12
Burgworkif you love something, do it08:21
Burgworksbalneav: how good is your perl knowledge?08:21
sbalneavBurgwork: Minimal at best.  I'm more fluent in python.08:25
sbalneavBut C's what I do best.08:26
Burgworkbecause,afaik, the backend for the gnome tools is perl08:33
LaserJockit is?08:35
Burgworkthe gnome-system-tools08:35
LaserJockBurgwork: "another cool idea would be to do a basic interface for very young children"08:35
LaserJockwhat do you mean by that?08:35
Burgworksome sort of a complete interface for young children08:35
Burgworkbasically a full screen app that can launch a few other apps08:36
Burgworkreplacing the whoel desktop/panel, etc.08:36
Burgworkhttp://system-tools-backends.freedesktop.org/faq.html <-- LaserJock08:36
LaserJockhmm, squeak is kinda like that08:37
LaserJockor full screen gcompris08:37
LaserJockBurgwork: perhaps that's why ogra wanted to rewrite the user-and-group manager08:38
LaserJockor at least something like that08:38
Burgworkhowever, another set of distro specific tools is not what we need08:39
LaserJockno, but sometimes it's easier to start in the distro and move back upstream08:39
cliebow_we're dying here for programs that do the same work as lexia..read180...plato..im losing "market share" for my terminals every day cause good 6-12 remedial stuff isnt available08:39
LaserJockI really think we need more good-quality educational apps08:40
LaserJockbut it seems nobody wants to work on that much :(08:41
cliebow_like "what he said"08:41
LaserJockwe had a couple of SoC projects last year for edu apps08:41
cliebow_lexia promised me thet were working on a linux versdion..it already works in Macosx08:41
LaserJockbut I don't know if they got much of anywere08:42
cliebow_but nothing has happened08:42
LaserJockGoogle Summer of Code08:45
cliebow_Than you!08:45
LaserJockI think we have a definate lack of reading programs08:47
LaserJockcliebow_: what kinds of apps are most needed for you?09:01
LaserJockseems like reading apps are kinda hard to find09:02
sbalneavcliebow_ needs a typing tutor :)09:02
LaserJockor maybe I'm not looking in the right places09:02
LaserJockI think we have one of those09:02
cliebow_cliebow himself needs one..09:02
sbalneavThat's what I meant.09:03
cliebow_let me get back to you..ill grab the read180 teacher...09:03
cliebow_well..ill ask her kindly for input i mean  ^_^09:03
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Burgworkcrap, missed sbalneav09:58
cbx33hey Burgwork09:58
Burgworkhey cbx3309:58
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mattva01quick question, has anyone here ever used apt-mirror to create a ubuntu mirror?11:47
=== Kamping_Kaiser no
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