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MajostI think the last thing you asked was what is the real problem12:15
Majostperceptive sound volume with the ac97_codec is one12:16
Majostand the other is the hda...12:16
crimsunright, the latter is far more difficult than the former12:16
crimsundo you have the debugging info (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems , particularly the /proc/asound/card0/codec97*/* ) dump?12:17
crimsun(for AC '97-based)12:17
Majostany info would be helpful..12:18
crimsunright, but to help, I need that info12:18
crimsuni.e., cat /proc/asound/card0/codec97*/*12:18
crimsun(using http://pastebin.ca )12:18
MajostI am Ryan btw12:20
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crimsunMajost: are you using the latest available feisty kernel?12:23
crimsun(either 2.6.20-12.19 or 2.6.20-12.20 would suffice)12:23
crimsunerr, you're several revisions behind12:23
MajostI see12:23
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MajostMay have to wait until tonight to test it against the new kernel... we will need to resync most likely.12:26
MajostIn any event, I have a good chunk of hardware I can test against... so I will be at your disposal if you would like.12:29
crimsunI'm normally reachable here on Freenode during non-USA business hours12:31
crimsunI'm based in EDT (-0400 GMT), so reasonable hours are appreciated12:31
Majost-0800 here12:31
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crimsunjust to note, the perceptive loudness issue is likely caused by the TLV feature addition12:39
naught101it would be useful to have a button to get OUT of administrator mode once you're in it in system config12:39
Majostany suggestions for getting more involved with the testing aspect of things?12:41
crimsunMajost: I can give you a patch in ~2.5 hours that will revert the culprit for testing, but I need to know the precise linux-source tree you're using12:42
crimsunMajost: that's ~2.5 hours IF my current work is completed12:43
firephotocrimsun: I have to use 'options snd-hda-intel model=ref' with my SigmaTel STAC9227 for the mic to work and the mixer labels to seem more appropriate. is that something that needs fixed?12:47
crimsunfirephoto: likely. Pastebin your ``lspci -vvn && cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*''12:49
firephotocrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/40585012:53
crimsunfirephoto: ok, so the default of STAC_D965_3ST doesn't work correctly?12:54
crimsunfirephoto: that is, for you, model=3stack12:54
firephotocrimsun: no, the mic won't work and it shows a line in but that doesn't work either. standard stereo sound works.12:54
crimsunok, noted, will push later.12:55
firephotocrimsun: it appears that I can't have line in and mic at the same time? is that the correct behavior?12:56
crimsunfirephoto: more precise, please.12:56
firephotowell, it shows the in the mixer i have to choose either the mic, or line in as the input source. no slide option for both line in and mic.12:57
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crimsun(please rephrase)01:03
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firephotocrimsun: I can't use the rear jack at the same time I use the front jack.01:08
crimsunfirephoto: that's a routing issue. It may be intentional; I haven't read the 965 sheets.01:10
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naught101anyone know how to choose between two media plugins for firefox (mplayer+totem) if you have both installed?01:44
Hobbseenaught101: in firefox?  no.  try #ubuntu01:45
naught101whoops.. wrong channel01:46
Hobbseeheh :)01:46
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jjesseso i just got off the phone w/ the hotel's tech support and apparently i got banned from accessing the internet for no reason02:36
jjessei blame linux :)02:36
jjessei wasn't getting any outside access and i couldn't figure out why02:37
jjesseso i called the hotel's tech support02:37
jjesseand they said there was a port ban on my room02:37
jjessei asked why and they didn't have a reason other then i was using a peer to peer client02:37
jjesseand i wasn't02:37
Hobbseejjesse: dodgy02:37
jjessei wonder wht the real reason02:38
Tm_Tjjesse: they couldn't dig in to your system with their worms ;)02:38
jjesseTm_T: like i said i blame linux :)02:39
Tm_Tblame them instead02:39
jjessei did, i told them that it was no way to treat a gold member of the hotel02:39
jjessethey removed the ban02:40
Jucatomoin Hobbsee!02:40
Hobbseeheya Jucato!02:40
JucatoHobbsee: too bad you missed the part last night were a C++ programmer was offering his services for the good of Kubuntu :)02:40
HobbseeJucato: nice.  who was it?02:41
JucatoRiddell already got him working on adept-related stuff :)02:42
Hobbseenice :)02:43
manchickenI'm in New York City right now.02:43
manchickenAnd BOY am I glad I don't live here.02:43
Hobbseewhy am i not surprised02:45
=== Jucato is glad he isn't living in the US. Period.
JucatoI'll probably die from hypothermia anyway...02:46
Tm_TJucato ?02:46
Tm_Tmanchicken: what's wrong?02:47
=== Jucato is not used to such low temperatures... but would probably last longer in the west coast...
manchickenAbout New York?02:47
manchickenThere's plenty wrong with New York :)02:47
Tm_Tmanchicken: anything particular this time?02:47
Tm_TJucato: hmm, -40'C reached about every winter here02:48
manchickenIt's covered in rubbish.02:48
manchickenThis city smells like a rubbish tip.02:48
Tm_Taah, that's bad02:48
manchickenAnd I'm not exaggerating, and I do know what one smells like :)02:48
JucatoTm_T: dude... the coldest temp here doesn't go below 20C...02:49
Tm_Tmanchicken: I've been working in rubbish tip02:49
Tm_Tso that smell IS familiar :)02:49
manchickenI've studied one for uni once.02:49
=== Tm_T lives happily in countryside
Tm_TJucato: heh, well, winter is time when temp is -20 and summer it's +20 so I think we have good balance here :)02:50
manchickenIt's nice to be in a city like New York to make you really appreciate living in a small town :)02:51
Jucatosummer here reaches 34C+...02:51
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | test the upgrader https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | test KDE 4 "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main"
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Thu Feb 22 16:32:11 2007
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lontrawill k3b 1.0 make it into feisty?06:59
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giangylontra: yep, soon I hope =)07:04
lontragiangy: sweet :D07:05
lontrai look forward to it07:05
nixternalJucato: this is annoying the heck out of me with Konqueror and these silly passwords07:15
ajmitchnixternal: switch to gnome, you know you want to ;)07:17
nixternalJucato: can you get rid of trolls in this channel :)07:18
Jucatounfortunately... no :P07:19
Jucatoyou'd have to bear w/ this one :)07:19
ajmitchI'm sure hobbsee would be more than willing to kick me ;)07:19
nixternalJucato: the bad part is he is a close KDE fan, just like his sidekick crimsun who works directly for Steve Ballmer07:19
Jucatooh that *is* bad :)07:20
crimsunthat's ok, I have incriminating screencasts of nixternal using Vista happily.07:22
=== ajmitch isn't surprised, somehow
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Jucato_StefanS_: hellows :)11:02
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screemoJucato: hey jucatoos11:07
=== screemo is now known as _StefanS1_
Jucatohehe too many Jucatooos :)11:08
_StefanS1_is there a way to kill off your dead nick ?11:08
Jucato /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password>11:08
_StefanS1_or maybe I just have to wait..11:08
_StefanS1_oh nice11:08
Jucatosome say using recover and release is less drastic...11:09
=== _StefanS1_ is now known as _StefanS_
_StefanS_doesn't matter, this works fine11:09
Jucatohehe :)11:09
_StefanS_anything new happening ?11:09
Jucatonothing new :)11:09
_StefanS_uhm ok..11:09
Jucatosame old same old11:09
_StefanS_same ol' :)11:09
Jucato(meaning, same old bug w/ new logout + domino style :D)11:09
mvocould somone familiar with qt i18n help me with bug #91651 please? it probably trivial :)11:10
UbugtuMalone bug 91651 in language-selector "[apport]  qt-language-selector crashed with TypeError in _()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9165111:10
_StefanS_Jucato: hey bug the author of that nasty domino "patch" :)11:10
=== _StefanS_ looks the other way ..
Jucatolol ok :)11:11
JucatoI guess Domino's the only one doing that...11:11
_StefanS_so far it seems..11:11
Jucatono biggie...11:11
_StefanS_looks like he does the classical mistake of not doing e->ignore for his events, thus domino absorbs all keystrokes11:11
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_StefanS_even though they aren't being used.11:12
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Jucatohm. ok..11:12
_StefanS_you should write him a note.11:13
JucatoI'll tell a friend who helped in fixing domino11:14
Jucatoand I'll quote you11:14
=== _StefanS_ will probably look like a complete idiot :D
_StefanS_got the new hamster yet ?11:16
Jucatosadly.. no :(11:16
_StefanS_was it a macbook or something ?11:17
JucatoTwinHead Pentium M 1.6Ghz w/ 512MB of RAM11:17
_StefanS_is that the brand ?11:18
_StefanS_uhm dont know it11:19
Jucatoyes. everybody doesn't seem to know it :D11:19
Jucatoand I don't know **why** my sister agreed to that model11:19
_StefanS_too bad that wont take ddr2 modules.. I have a 512mb lying around11:20
Jucatoit can't?11:21
_StefanS_nope its ddr..11:21
_StefanS_pc4300 or something11:21
Jucatohm.. brb really quick..11:22
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Tonio_hi all02:00
Jucatomoin Tonio_!02:01
Tonio_fine Jucato ?02:01
Jucatoyep :)02:01
Tonio_I'm waiting for the freeze to end to start updloads02:01
Jucatobeta freeze ends on saturday?02:02
Riddellon friday with any luck02:02
Riddellin the mean time, testing of today's images needed02:03
Hobbseecds got pushed to friday.  cds appear to need....gah, Riddell types too fast02:03
Jucatohi Riddell02:03
=== Jucato can't test CD's now though :(
Tonio_Riddell: yes I've seen beta is discarded due to kernel issue02:04
Tonio_Riddell: I'll test today'simage02:04
HobbseeTonio_: postponed, not discarded02:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: that's the good word, yes, but you know my limited english :)02:05
Jucatowhich is good enough (your english) :)02:05
HobbseeTonio_: :)  it's good enough02:05
Tonio_not as good as I'd like to.... vocabulary sometimes limits me02:05
HobbseeTonio_: you dont speak to me in french and expect me to understand you, and look at me like i'm stupid when I dont.  that's still a lot better than some people at work.02:06
kwwiiyour first mistake is letting a frenchman think he can speak english well - it'll go to his head :p02:06
kwwiihi Tonio_ ;-)02:06
Tonio_hey kwwii :)02:06
Hobbseehrm, lots to test02:06
Tonio_kwwii: true that globally french aren't very good in english....02:06
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Tonio_kwwii: but people of english mother tong are globally even worse at practicing any language :)02:07
Jucato(annma's pretty good)02:07
HobbseeTonio_: heh.  yes, there are some shocking native english speakers02:07
Tonio_raphink is good too ;)02:07
Tonio_kwwii is the exception, due to his perfect german ;)02:08
Tonio_the thing french are good at is bad words02:08
Tonio_I can insult people with abot 10 languages :)02:08
Hobbseeyes, of course02:08
=== Hobbsee can still swear at people in german.
kwwiiTonio_: lol, I get reminded almost every day that I have an accent :-)02:09
Tonio_I can in italian, english, french, spanish, polish, swiss german...02:10
Tonio_kwwii: that's the worst part, it is about impossible to be fluent without any accent at any other language but your native one....02:10
Riddellkwwii has a definate accent when speaking english too02:11
Hobbseekwwii: dont worry.  i'll go to UDS, and everyone will tell me that i have an accent.  and i'm a native english speaker.02:11
Tonio_Riddell: haha :)02:11
kwwiiRiddell: worst of all, they keep asking me if I am english02:12
Tonio_Riddell: promiss me you'l demonstrate me your french at next UDS !02:12
kwwiiwhen my accent is plainly american02:12
Tonio_Riddell: you can understand french so well, I'm pretty sure you can speak it too02:12
=== Hobbsee wants to hear Riddell's attempt at french. and Tonio_'s speaking it. as long as she's not expected to understand it
Tonio_Hobbsee: that, I can do, pretty easy ;)02:13
HobbseeTonio_: :D02:13
=== Tonio_ notices the channel didn't do a french day for long, as that sometimes happened in the past
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Tonio_je dclare officiellement la journe francophone du channel #kubuntu-devel02:14
Tonio_raphink: je vais avoir besoin de soutient !02:14
JucatoI think the last time you and someone else spoke french in here entirely was December?02:14
_StefanS_argh.. I dont understand a thing..02:14
HobbseeJucato: hehe, could well be02:14
_StefanS_but thats the usual for me :D02:15
Hobbsee_StefanS_: ahhh, you've given me an idea of what to do with all this spare ram here...02:15
Tonio_Jucato: a visitor coming speaking french ?02:15
JucatoTonio_: no. you were talking w/ raphink I thin02:15
_StefanS_Hobbsee: so you're piling up some stuff too ? ;)02:15
Tonio_Riddell: good point using words that are the same in english and french hehe :)02:15
Tonio_Jucato: yes we sometimes do...02:15
rbrunhuberRiddell : Is the new bluetooth version already uploaded?02:15
Tonio_Jucato: but I'd say last time was in january with fabo02:16
manchickenJ'ai un besoin de Diet Dew :)02:16
JucatoMt. Dew? :D02:16
Hobbsee_StefanS_: dad left his old company, and got a pile of old machines, etc, which some work.  so we picked the ram out of those that didnt, and excesses otu of my old machine02:16
Riddellrbrunhuber: non, nous sont en le freeze pour beta02:16
manchickenHells yeah.02:16
Jucatodon't tempt me :(02:16
Tonio_rbrunhuber: archives are frozen, I'll upload when freeze ends02:16
_StefanS_Hobbsee: maybe you should talk to manchicken, he could probably use some of that for his compilefarm02:16
Hobbsee_StefanS_: indeed.  should do that.02:16
_StefanS_show me the money .... !02:16
Hobbseemoney?  what money?02:17
manchickenJucato: With what?  Diet Mountain Dew?  It's Calorie free my homie.02:17
rbrunhuberI'm sorry i only learned german, english and latin :-)02:17
_StefanS_Hobbsee: ask Tonio_02:17
Jucatomanchicken: any "mt.dew"... and we don't have diet around here :(02:17
manchickenHells yeah I like free hardware.02:17
_StefanS_just jkoing around ..02:17
=== Tonio_ shows the money to racketer _StefanS_
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manchickenRemind me later to mail you a case of diet dew :)02:17
=== Tonio_ remind the channel is is half italian...
Tonio__StefanS_: I should be the mafioso here !02:18
_StefanS_off to corsica..02:19
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Tonio__StefanS_: and I have an uncle from corsica too....02:19
_StefanS_Tonio_: have you shaken down some m$ software salesmen lately ?02:19
Tonio__StefanS_: shame on me I keep beeing an honnest guy despite my origins.....02:19
_StefanS_Tonio_: for protection money i mean ?02:19
Tonio__StefanS_: don't understand the question02:20
Tonio__StefanS_: to shake down ?02:20
_StefanS_could someone elaborate on the issue ? :)02:20
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_StefanS_Tonio_: the mob usually want to be paid protection, so no "accidents" happens02:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: nevermind, it was a joke too hehe02:21
=== Tonio_ reads, doesn't understand, but stays happy :)
_StefanS_Tonio_: thats ok, as long as you're happy :)02:22
_StefanS_Tonio_: did you get that bluetooth thing done ?02:23
rbrunhuber_StefanS_: Comes to my favourate topic now :-)02:25
Tonio__StefanS_: I did02:25
_StefanS_oh nice02:25
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: probably building :)02:26
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : I did not hear this ...02:26
Riddellnixternal: how's the beta release page coming?02:26
rbrunhuberI have another "wish" for the bluez-utils package. We should explain clearer the arguments to hidd02:29
rbrunhuberthe text in /etc/default/bluetooth is rather confusing.02:30
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manchickenWow, travelling isn't that hard afterall.02:36
Riddelldepends on where you want to get to02:37
manchickenThis NYC trip is helping me get over my flying jitters.02:37
manchickenI actually had a pretty good time flying to NYC on Tuesday.02:37
manchickenI'm actually looking forward to the flight home.02:37
RiddellNew York eh?  Seen any mutant turtles yet?02:38
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: bluetooth HIDD should just be enabled by default02:38
manchickenNot yet.02:38
manchickenI do try to steer clear of the sewage system though.02:38
Riddellbig statues of french women?02:38
manchickenEven though the sewage system doesn't return the favor.02:38
manchickenSaw one on the flight in.02:38
manchickenShe looked kinda green and sickly though.02:38
manchickenNYC is a fun place to visit, but I'm glad I don't live here.02:39
manchickenThough I've met a lot of great people.02:39
rbrunhuber_StefanS_: I think so too. It is always a big fun if you are not carfull at update and after the restart neither mouse nor keyboard works.02:39
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: we are the only ones using blutooth HID devices.02:40
rbrunhuber_StefanS_: Not true vprints does too: see bug 9314702:40
=== Jucato is using one too... (I think)
UbugtuMalone bug 93147 in bluez-utils "Bluetooth mouse dosen't reconnect" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9314702:40
JucatoI couldn't pair my phone with my pc since upgrading to feisty. probably the same bug.. but I'm too lazy to investigate :D02:41
rbrunhuberJucato: Look forward to the new bluez-utils package. Your bug is already solved.02:42
Jucatoah kool02:42
rbrunhuberJucato : But the package has not hit the archive yet. As Riddell said: non, nous sont en le freeze pour beta02:43
Jucatoyep. :)02:44
=== jpetso [n=jpetso@wlan-236-021.pns.univie.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
rbrunhuberMaybe _StefanS_ can provide you with the packages. He did for me too02:44
Jucatonah I could wait  :)02:45
rbrunhuber_StefanS_:  Could get it to build the bluez-utils package yesterday too... . I should not "double patch" the pin helper.02:59
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rbrunhuberWhat is the memory footprint of the hidd?03:05
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Hobbseegrrr, i really dont get why some people cant understand information that's laid out before them.03:10
Hobbsee"oh but i cant update directly from dapper to feisty!  it's promised that you can update from a LTS" "Yes, to the next LTS.  feisty is not a LTS"03:11
Hobbsee"feisty will not be a LTS, no matter how many times you bring it up"03:11
=== Hobbsee had a similar guy trying to buy smokes off her tonight.
Hobbsee"i want the big size, in the soft pack"  "which colour?  lights or reds?"  "i want the big size, in the soft pack"  "okay, but that doesnt exist.  i've got big in the hard pack, or litlte in the softpack"  "i want the big size, in the soft pack"...repeat at infinitum.03:13
Hobbseeand off another woman.  no, we no longer have the miligrams on the cigarettes.  we havent for a couple of years.  no, they wont appear, just because you repeat your question.  no, i cant tell you what they are, as i dont know, as the info is no longer on there.03:14
Hobbseethe government decided to put quitting smoking messages on that panel.  not us.  too bad.  yes, we have put the price of smokes up.  i dont care if you said you bought them chepaer yesterday, you're not getting htem cheaper today.  we dont set the price.03:15
Hobbseeand i know for a fact that you *didnt* get them cheaper yesterday, as i'd sold them last week at that price.03:15
=== xerosis [n=kieran@87-194-21-125.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseesilly people.  where's my cluebat.03:15
HobbseeJucato: i should leave you to answer user support, it seems ;)03:17
Jucatowah? :/03:18
=== Jucato is actually preparing a 2-part rant/post about FOSS user support :P
Hobbseestill, some of the customers tonight got a great laugh out of the idiot on sunday.  so that was good :)03:19
=== manchicken [n=mstemle@network-65-167-67-16.doubleclick.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
rbrunhuberHobbsee: Magic wands, cluebats, ... you start to scare me :-)03:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: *grin*03:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: magic wands dont exist.  that's the problem03:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: and you should be scared by the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03:21
Hobbseeargh...this is going to be a very long time on a plane...03:27
crimsunshush. you were sponsored.03:29
Hobbseei know that, otherwise i wouldnt be attempting it :P03:29
Jucatoand yet she's complaining... :P03:29
=== Jucato wonders what it feels like to be on an international flight...
crimsun(I know - the gall! ;-)03:29
HobbseeJucato: no, i'm looking at it, adn going "this looks big....really big..."03:29
crimsunthe plane? Beats traveling in a small plane internationally, I think ;-003:29
Jucatothe gall of that gal from AU with her long pointy stick of doom03:29
Hobbseecrimsun: hehe, oh yeah03:30
=== Hobbsee notes that she may wlel be going thru london, on this basis.
Hobbseeoh, i'm travelling on a friday, which is why i'm getting so few flight choices03:35
crimsunheh, yeah03:35
crimsunI should just remove myself from the running for all sponsorship. This work schedule is ridiculous.03:35
waylandbillis Riddell around?03:35
=== Jucato would be shocked if he were atriangle or asquare...
Jucatook, tonight just isn't my night... now I'm cracking bad jokes... :/03:35
=== mbiebl [n=michael@p54a38d29.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
waylandbillI've written the code change, but don't know what to do next. I imagine a diff or patch has to be sent to him or something.03:35
Riddellhi waylandbill03:40
Riddellwaylandbill: yes, a diff -u is good03:40
waylandbillI should email it?03:40
Riddellor put on a web server somewhere03:40
waylandbilleven better. one minutes.03:40
=== Jucato counts down....
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pd950fc36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__StefanS_: bluez patch works here, thanks03:45
=== Hobbsee concludes that she lives in the wrong continent.
=== Jucato therefore concludes that he lives in the wrong century...
HobbseeJucato: you'd do one step better thanme, i think03:46
waylandbillRiddell: http://silverbaseball.com/kubuntu_updater_Mar_22_2007.diff03:46
crimsunI live in right century on the right continent. Everyone else lives on the wrong continent in the wrong century.03:46
Jucatooh btw... wiki-using people: <annma> when i log in, it brings my page in, how can I go back to the page I was?03:46
sebasback button? :-)03:47
sebasThen reload to make it know that you're logged in.03:47
waylandbillit's a bzr diff. I figured that'd be the easiest to use.03:47
Jucatohm ok ;)03:47
Tm_Tany particular reason why basket depends on kmail?03:50
Jucatoit does?03:51
HobbseeTm_T: yeah.  kontact integration03:52
HobbseeTm_T: i lost that battle03:52
Jucatobasket depends on kontact which in turn depends on kmail03:52
Tm_THobbsee: hmm, evil, have to reinstall my selfcompiled kmail )(03:52
Tm_TI still don't know how to touch recursive03:53
JucatoTm_T: why? shouldn't your compiled version be the "preferred" version if you set the proper env vars?03:53
Tm_TJucato: sure, if apt would know I have compiled it03:54
Tm_T(and installed)03:54
Jucatoapt doesn't matter, as long as you didn't install in /usr (afaik)03:54
Tm_Twell, there I do install it03:54
Jucatobooh :P03:55
=== Tm_T just overwrites all ] ;=
xerosisTm_T: use checkinstall?03:55
Tm_Tminimising duplicates that is :)03:55
JucatoHobbsee: ^^^^^03:55
Tm_Txerosis: I will not, bad experiences03:55
=== Jucato awaits Hobbsee's stick
xerosisTm_T: hehe ok03:56
Tm_Txerosis: I'd rather do proper packages ;)03:56
=== Hobbsee beats xerosis
Jucatome too.. but takes time to learn... :(03:56
xerosisHobbsee: oi!03:56
JucatoI mean longer than just compiling :)03:56
Tm_Tbut can't see much piont to do packages either when I do compile kdepim several times a day usually03:56
=== Jucato wants to learn to build proper packages to 1) share w/ others and 2) eventually pester Hobbsee to have them uploaded :P
Tm_TI sorta learned and then forgot it03:57
Jucatoanyway, heading for bed... earlier than Hobbsee...03:58
Hobbseeugh, yeah03:58
HobbseeJucato: go ahead03:58
Jucatomigraine coming up.. :(03:58
Hobbseein inverse order03:58
apokryphossame thing for me with php. I learn some stuff because I need to do something, then leave it for months, forget everything, then I need it again :/03:58
Jucatoapokryphos: sorry for leaving you in #kubuntu earlier, mate...03:58
Jucatokinda not feeling right...03:59
apokryphosno worries03:59
Jucatook gotta go before migraine strikes and I take it out on some poor sould in #kubuntu...03:59
Tm_TJucato: how you could feel right when I'm left?03:59
=== Tm_T hides
Jucatoyou're lucky I have no access here :P03:59
=== Jucato goes
waylandbillRiddell: if you think of something else, I'd help out. Until then, I'll be fighting with this new feisty install. :-)04:11
Hobbseeheya waylandbill04:11
hungerHmmm... I create a gui with the qt4 designer and when I build that it fails in the generated code. Anyone noticed that yet?04:12
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Riddellwaylandbill: are you testing a daily CD?04:13
waylandbillhunger: in the ui code?04:13
waylandbillRiddell: no. where are those kept?04:14
hungerwaylandbill: In the code generated by uic-qt4 from my ui file.04:14
Riddellwaylandbill: we need testers for today's dailys before we can release them as beta04:14
Riddellwaylandbill: wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFiles04:14
hungerI'll try with KDE's qt-copy... maybe Qt4 is screwed here.04:15
raphinkc'est journe francophone ici?04:16
raphinkpourquoi c'est pas dit dans le sujet?04:16
Riddellnous avons un problem d'encoding04:16
raphinkje suis en utf804:17
Riddellj'aime utilise un mot anglais que j'oublie la francais04:17
raphinkidem dans l'autre sens04:17
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
rbrunhuberDoes Feisty use the debian installer? And can it use encrypted disks now?04:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: no.  they just go into frenchdom from time to time.  nothing new04:21
rbrunhuberHobbsee : What a shame although france is one of our neighbour countries I never learned french04:22
rbrunhuberHobbsee : I voted for LATIN in school. Could I please have a hint from your cluebat (although) it is already to late :-)?04:23
=== rbrunhuber starts to write 100 times: "You must not write to if you mean too."
Tonio_raphink disons que j'ai auto-dcrt a.... ;)04:24
rbrunhuberIs this really french? auto-dcrt a....04:25
Tonio_rbrunhuber: yep, you can put "auto" between almost everything, to mean you did it yourself04:25
Tonio_example : "je me suis auto-appel" means you phoned to yourself04:26
rbrunhuberTonio_ : I think i have an encoding problem. I see a lot of copyright signs and so.04:27
Tonio_hum, strange, works here......... I'm using utf-8....04:27
rbrunhuberTonio_:  I have a lot of people complaining about this. Seems that miranda speaks another dialect of utf-8 :-)04:31
Tonio_rbrunhuber: ready for a test ?04:31
Tonio_that webpage is french with utf-804:31
Tonio_problems with accents ?04:31
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nixternalRiddell: I will be working on the Beta release page shortly, so it should be complete in a couple hours time if we have it04:43
Riddellnixternal: perfect04:50
mhbis there any way to disable the autodetection of USB pen drives and such ?04:50
mhbI've tried to install Kubuntu on a USB pen drive but the installation keeps crashing, I guess the autodetection might be the issue04:51
Riddelldcop kded mediamanager die04:51
Riddellor something like along those lines04:51
mhbRiddell: thanks04:51
mhbat what time is the beta out?04:51
Riddellwe only schedule the day, not the minute04:56
mhbheh, sorry04:56
rbrunhuberTonio_ : planetemu works04:56
rbrunhuberhi mhb04:56
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-159-109.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_rbrunhuber: so the issue is probably with konvi04:57
rbrunhuberTonio_ : No I'm on windows here at work it is miranda-im.org i use04:57
Tonio_rbrunhuber: ah !05:03
=== Tonio_ didn't understood about miranda ;)
Tonio_I thought she was a collegue :)05:03
Tonio_rbrunhuber: well on windows that sounds normal......... I always got trouble with utf-8 and windows irc clients05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: glad to know the patch worked05:03
Tonio__StefanS_: well that's about the kbluepin windows right ?05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep..05:03
Tonio__StefanS_: I built without reading anything so........ but I know this is something that happens everytime since bluez went to dbus, so we have to patch it05:03
Tonio__StefanS_: any news about the suse port of kdebluetooth to dbus ?05:03
Tonio__StefanS_: that was supposed to happen soon when I last look at that05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: dont know about it.. rbrunhuber was the one highlighting the issues with the current kbluebin. Thats all I know, sorry05:03
Tonio_okay, you used the kmobiletools patch ? that's what we did with dholbach for edgy05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: yes05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: RockMan pointed that out last night, and I just did a patch for it05:03
Tonio__StefanS_: well as long as it works :)05:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: donno about the previous kubuntu patches inside the bluez-utils, one of the failed - atleast when I tried it05:03
Tonio_for kbluetooth and dbu, we'll have to wait for kde4 I gesw05:03
_StefanS_yes, I'm off again. back again tonight probably - will try to do some stuff on the kdesu dialog.05:03
DaSkreechMan OPenSuse might be shipping with KDE4 :(05:04
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu-devel.log
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | test the upgrader https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | test KDE 4 "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main"
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Thu Feb 22 16:32:11 2007
(DaSkreech/#kubuntu-devel) they are shipping with the svn version it seems05:07
sebasI doubt that.05:09
DaSkreechsebas: I just asked05:09
rbrunhuberDaSkreech : I like it really bleeding edge, but KDE 4 seems to be a real pain up to now. So OpenSuse will patch it death again ( if they are really shipping it)05:10
DaSkreechThey are planning on shipping late Sept too :-/05:10
DaSkreechYeah I wouldn't even back that05:10
DaSkreechI wouldn't mind having the latest RC as an option to install in feisty+1 (Possibly non g)05:11
rbrunhuberDaSkreech : that might be possible they already ship opensync, althought for most users it is really broken.05:11
DaSkreechSince they should be shipping new RCs every two weeks05:11
DaSkreechBut to ship a possible pre RC SVN as default?05:12
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Tonio__StefanS_: ping ?05:47
RiddellDaSkreech: I can't see it being default05:49
DaSkreechRiddell: Nor can I05:54
DaSkreechHowever thats the plan05:54
waylandbillif the plan comes to fruition.05:55
Riddellreference anywhere?05:55
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=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180127239.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreech OpenSuse is unsupported by Novell?05:59
waylandbillcommunity supported only05:59
DaSkreechI guess thats fine then06:00
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Riddellit is supported, they still sell the boxed edition which includes phone support06:03
waylandbillbut suse != opensuse06:04
apokryphoswaylandbill: yes, with openSUSE you get that.06:04
apokryphoslike every other distro you also get security updates, or more major bugfixes etc06:04
waylandbilloh.. if you buy the support over and above it. I gotcha.06:05
DaSkreechI didn't think that you could byu support for opensuse06:05
apokryphoswaylandbill: no... with the boxed version you get free support.06:05
waylandbillfor the longest time it was two seperate lines.06:06
DaSkreechwaylandbill: Longest time?06:06
waylandbillI thought that there was SLED and OpenSuse.06:06
apokryphosthere still is06:07
waylandbillok. I guess I'm not as crazy as I thought then :-D06:07
apokryphosand DaSkreech, as I've told you in opensuse-kde... no plan for the 10.3 release is set in stone at all06:08
apokryphosopensuse release cycle is generally 10 or so months, so that suggests a release in October/November, and they're gonna be early adopters of kde4, but how exactly that will be executed is just not defined yet06:08
DaSkreechwaylandbill: I hardly think that can be called the longest time :-P06:09
DaSkreechOk great :)06:09
DaSkreechI just want someone to offer it as an option :(06:09
waylandbilllongest time was the amount of time I thought it was like that. :-)06:09
DaSkreechOk well #opensuse-kde has pretty much cleared that up. No current roadmap, No ideas finalized06:11
DaSkreechKDE4 is a strong wish and will be looked at as an option.06:11
waylandbillthey were just throwing ideas around or somethin?06:11
apokryphosDaSkreech: kde4's already built almost every day in the repositories at the moment anyhow06:11
apokryphoswaylandbill: not exactly06:12
DaSkreechapokryphos: That's why I want someone to ship with it06:12
apokryphoswhen? Now?06:12
DaSkreechwaylandbill: No I asked specifically06:13
DaSkreech someone answered and I waited for someone to shoot him down and no one was doing so06:13
DaSkreechapokryphos: Me?06:13
apokryphosno distro's gonna neglect kde 4 when it's possible, don't worry ;)06:13
DaSkreechOh No but nearly all the (big) distros have the same rough timeline and missing this ship means some time next year06:14
DaSkreech so it would feel like Vista +106:15
firephotomaybe a distro race will get distro devs working upstream a bit more in the next 3 months? ;)06:16
Tonio__StefanS_: yo didn't use the good patch for bluez06:17
Tonio__StefanS_: 3.9 requires another patch I'm including06:17
apokryphosDaSkreech: no, missing the ship just means most distros will have easy updates for it, or even make a whole new ISO06:17
DaSkreechWell Yeah. I was hoping that Kubuntu would ship a kubuntu-desktop-kde4.iso unsupported at ship date06:18
DaSkreechreupdated periodically through the release schedule06:18
RiddellDaSkreech: I'd like to do that06:19
DaSkreechWheeeee :)06:19
=== DaSkreech makes plans to reinstall his computer :)
apokryphosDaSkreech: already?06:20
DaSkreechI'm very slow when it comes to change06:21
DaSkreechI have to start planning like a year before hand06:21
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xerosisthat's the second time konqueror hard-locked my system today... :/06:28
fdovingxeros: memleak?06:35
=== yacoob [i=yacoob@hell.pl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
yacoobWho do I poke in order to look at filed bug? :)06:35
yacoob(it even has a solution included :)06:35
DaSkreechjust say the bug name06:36
DaSkreechbug 106:36
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/106:36
DaSkreechnumber sorry06:36
yacoobbug 94615 then :)06:37
UbugtuMalone bug 94615 in kdebase "Firefox launched from alt-f2 doesn't apply all gtk2-qt-engine settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9461506:37
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yacoobworked it all out since yesterday, all I need is some developer look at it :)06:37
Riddellyacoob: we're busy testing beta candidates today, but keep poking us and it'll help06:38
Riddellcan't do much until beta is out06:38
yacoobSure thing.06:38
yacoobI have this one solved for me, but I think it should be good to have permanent fix in distro, because it breaks consistent look of applications.06:39
yacoob(and this is important for casual Joe user :)06:39
=== serzholino [n=serzholi@16x.zp.ua] has joined #kubuntu-devel
rbrunhuberRiddell: Just found another bug in the bluez-utils patch from Rockman.06:54
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@249.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellrbrunhuber: another?06:57
rbrunhuberRiddell : Merged two sentences. There is a bug in the patch from Rockman. Not another the first :-)06:58
rbrunhuberRiddell : Wanted to write found another bug in bluez-utils.06:58
rbrunhuberRiddell:  This line if(buffer[1] !='P' && buffer[1] !='I' && buffer[2] !='N') should be if(buffer[0] !='P' && buffer[1] !='I' && buffer[2] !='N')06:59
Riddell17:58 < RockMan> Riddell: i updated the patchs on kmobiletools.org, rbrunhuber pointed me on a bug06:59
Riddell17:58 < RockMan> Riddell: also, since probably kmobiletools homepage will be down starting by tonight, i'd suggest06:59
Riddell                 grabbing them _now_ :P06:59
Riddellrbrunhuber: can you e-mail the new patch to Tonio_?07:00
Tonio_rbrunhuber: please email that to me07:01
rbrunhuberI have neither a email adress of Tonio_ nor a clue in what format to send?07:01
Tonio_rbrunhuber: tonio@ubuntu.com07:01
rbrunhuberMaybe the best thing would be to "reget" from Rockmans homepage? Rockman?07:01
rbrunhuberBecause I'm not good at building (as I proved yesterday)07:02
rbrunhuberTonio_: Can I point you to the right line in the debdiff of _Stefan_ yesterday?07:03
Tonio_rbrunhuber: sure07:05
Tonio_rbrunhuber: that patch is invalid I have a new one supposed to work with bluez but that currently fails07:06
rbrunhuberTonio_: sent.07:07
rbrunhuberTonio_ : what is the problem with the patch?07:07
Tonio_rbrunhuber: incompatible with bluez-3.907:07
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@cm136.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_read this :)07:08
Tonio_there is a specific patch for 3.907:08
rbrunhuberTonio_: This patch is the patch we already patched again with the debdiff i sent you.07:08
Tonio_rbrunhuber: _StefanS_ patch didn't use that one07:09
Tonio_rbrunhuber: resend me the infos please :)07:09
rbrunhuberTonio_ : Yes it does.07:09
Tonio_not in the debdiff I received :)07:09
rbrunhuberTonio_ : You have to remove the old patch (10-passkey*) from the patch directory to make it work.07:10
Tonio_rbrunhuber: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, lemme test07:12
Tonio_rbrunhuber: patching the sources isn't good07:12
Tonio_should have provided a patch for the debian/patch folder07:12
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Tonio_rbrunhuber: lemme check once again, I'll let you know if that works07:13
rbrunhuberTonio_: I did not do anything on this. I just poked the right people :-)07:13
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rbrunhuber_StefanS_: Are you here?07:17
rbrunhuberTonio_: RockMan already updated the page on his page: http://www.kmobiletools.org/files/bluez-pin-exec-patch-r3.diff.bz207:19
=== stivani [n=stivani@d51531068.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_rbrunhuber: great, testing07:24
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Riddellhmm, imbrandon added seele to planet ubuntu07:38
Riddellshe's not a member I'm sure07:38
kristjan_is it possible to install feisty from harddisk?07:39
\shkristjan_: creating a chroot on another partition, I think it's possible...I did that earlier on with hoary, inside a gentoo system07:41
kristjan_\sh: not that I need to, but I have been trying out of curiosity to get installation working from hd in a way like some other distros do it without success so far.07:44
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: I'm here07:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: I guess you handled it ..07:48
Tonio__StefanS_: yes I have the latest patch07:53
_StefanS_Tonio_: good.07:53
Tonio__StefanS_: looks like the debdiff you sent me was not the good one ;)07:53
Tonio__StefanS_: just build the package let me test07:53
_StefanS_Tonio_: yea, sure07:54
_StefanS_whoo .. kde4 has been built successfully from trunk.. amazing07:54
=== Alpha_Cluster [n=nikkun@bsu195102.bemidjistate.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellimbrandon: I've removed seele from planet for now since she isn't a member, persuade her to apply if you want her on07:58
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Riddellkwwii: would you happen to have a pretty kubuntu themed picture we could use along with the beta announcement?08:05
Tonio_rbrunhuber: s/0/1 for the buffer is okay, this time it works :)08:12
Tonio_thanks for the info08:12
mhbis it me or has the spec template disappeared from the Ubuntu wiki?08:12
Tonio__StefanS_: next time you patch something, please use cdbs, never patch the sources, that's evil ;)08:12
rbrunhuberTonio_ : you should replace 1 with 008:12
Tonio_rbrunhuber: that's what I meant :)08:12
Tonio_rbrunhuber: but that works, thanks ;)08:13
waylandbillwhat is cdbs?08:13
Tonio_passkey-agent --default /usr/lib/kdebluetooth/kbluepin08:13
Tonio_Passkey request for device 00:12:47:B4:86:E308:13
Tonio_Found passkey: "1234"08:13
Tonio_waylandbill: patch system08:13
rbrunhuberTonio_ : 00:12? Do you have a nokia?08:13
Tonio_rbrunhuber: samsung08:13
Tonio__StefanS_: if you patch the sources, changes are kept in diff.gz file, but that's a pain to maintain with upstream new versions, and if someone regenerates the diff.gz for some reason, changes can be lost...08:14
rbrunhuberTonio_ : Packaging is still way to complicated....08:15
Tonio_rbrunhuber: true08:15
Tonio_rbrunhuber: but easy packaging isn't possible with several build systems....08:16
Tonio_rbrunhuber: cdbs simplifies packaging at the maximum level.... hard to do better08:16
rbrunhuberTonio_ : Ill have a look in cdbs.08:16
Tonio_rbrunhuber: hehe08:16
Tonio_rbrunhuber: will upload buez-utils with the good patch tomorrow08:17
Tonio_Riddell: I'll test the patches for http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14066008:18
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't avoid crash, but prevents from loosing mails08:18
UbugtuKDE bug 140660 in general "kmail crash when I make a CTRL + J in inbox" [Grave,Reopened] 08:18
Tonio_we need this08:18
rbrunhuberRiddell:  I'm affected with this, so if you need a tester....08:18
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Tonio_rbrunhuber: are you ?08:19
Riddellrbrunhuber: ?08:19
Tonio_rbrunhuber: then I'll ping you onc e the packages are built08:19
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RiddellTonio_: I was wondering if it might be best just to take a branch pull of kdepim08:19
Tonio_rbrunhuber: second patch proposed can eventually even prevent from the crash...08:19
Tonio_Riddell: hum, why not, I can test this08:19
Tonio_Riddell: I'll test toonight, and give you feedback08:20
Tonio_Riddell: I agree there are lots of commits on that branch, with lots of bugfixes08:20
rbrunhuberTonio_ , Riddell: There is a bug for this in lp too08:20
Tonio_rbrunhuber: id please ?08:20
Tonio_we should link to upstream bug08:20
=== rbrunhuber is processing the search...
=== Tonio_ fires svn on kdepim
rbrunhuberIt is bug 8659808:22
UbugtuMalone bug 86598 in kdepim "Kmail crashing when aplying all filters to all mails" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8659808:22
Tonio_Riddell: want a hudge patch for this ?08:22
Tonio_rbrunhuber: thanks linking to kde then :)08:23
rbrunhuberTonio_ : You do the link? I've never done this08:23
Tonio_rbrunhuber: done08:24
RiddellTonio_: if it fixes more bugs than it creates sure :)08:24
Tonio_just refresh08:24
RiddellTonio_: might be an idea to ask in #kontact for a feeling on it08:24
Tonio_Riddell: good idea lets go ;)08:24
rbrunhuberWill feisty use the debian installer with encrypted partition support?08:25
Riddellrbrunhuber: no idea08:25
Riddellcomments welcome on this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyBetaAnnouncement/Kubuntu08:26
Riddellnixternal: ^^08:26
nixternalI just finished the release page08:26
Tonio_Riddell: digikam back ?08:26
nixternalRiddell: looks good!08:27
Tonio_fine with me too08:27
RiddellTonio_: should be yes :)08:28
RiddellTonio_: just to keep you quiet mind :)08:28
rbrunhubernixternal: Why has it the ubuntu theme?08:28
Tonio_Riddell: thanks for this :)08:28
Tonio_Riddell: I've been arch on that question, sorry :)08:28
rbrunhubernixternal : I thought the page should be more "blueish" as it is kubuntu?08:29
Riddellrbrunhuber: which page?08:29
Tonio_Riddell: is kopete untranslated a known problem ?08:29
RiddellTonio_: yes, it's because it has changed source packages and rosetta doesn't seem to have caught up08:29
nixternalrbrunhuber: use wiki.kubuntu.org if you want blueish08:30
Tonio_Riddell: okay so should be fixed soon I guess08:30
Tonio_Riddell: for kdepim better packaging from svn and make an uvf exception once tested no ?08:30
Tonio_big patch is a bit evil I think :)08:30
RiddellTonio_: naw, just a patch, like debian does08:31
rbrunhubernixternal : this is not a question what i want but what it should be?08:31
Tonio_Riddell: okay.....08:31
nixternalrbrunhuber: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyFawn/Beta/Kubuntu08:32
nixternalthat is blue08:32
rbrunhubernixternal : not a minute ago. But no it looks nice :-)08:32
RiddellTonio_: https://translations.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/kdenetwork/+pots/kopete exists, should come in with whenever the next language pack is done08:35
Tonio_perfect, thanks ;)08:35
Riddellnixternal: no screenshots for docs or digikam though08:36
nixternalI will do a digiKam one here shortly and docs I guess :)08:36
rbrunhubernixternal : I found the difference in wiki._U_buntu.com it is brown in wiki._K_ubuntu.org it is blue...08:37
Riddellnixternal: links to old Herd pages would be good too08:40
Riddellnixternal: and the upgrader!08:40
Riddellnixternal: testers needed for https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade08:40
Riddellnixternal: otherwise, a work of perfection, as usual08:41
nixternalwhy thank you08:42
waylandbillRiddell: I didn't actually run the upgrader in the process of removing the temp files. I bypassed that code, but I like the look of the kubuntu_upgrade wizard.09:07
waylandbillas long as the extracted tool works. ;-)09:08
xerosishm, where are keyboard shortcuts settings stored? no changed are being applied, i think it must be chrooted wrong09:13
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Riddellwaylandbill: did you e-mail me the patch?10:04
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waylandbillRiddell: I did not. I sent a url to this channel10:14
waylandbillRiddell: let me know if you want an email or a url and I'll resend10:15
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_StefanS_Riddell: do you want the dist-upgrade thing to be tested again ?10:18
_StefanS_Riddell: I mean did you fix those few bugs ?10:18
waylandbillemailed and here: http://silverbaseball.com/kubuntu_updater_Mar_22_2007.diff10:20
waylandbillRiddell: emailed and here: http://silverbaseball.com/kubuntu_updater_Mar_22_2007.diff (didn't prefix with nick)10:24
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Tonio_Riddell: [21:26]  <Tm_T> Tonio_: anyway, stable should be stable IIRC and +features branch is pretty muvh slowly moving so might not be stable enough yet, though only crashes I get is because of indexlib (experimental stuff)10:35
Tonio_Riddell: I'll probably just commit patches and not sync svn...10:35
Tm_TTonio_: don't take it as a last word10:35
Tonio_Tm_T: well, I know, but the point syncing with svn is not to had new issues :)10:36
Tm_TI'm just test user ;)10:36
Tonio_Tm_T: I'm jsut concerned by kde bug 14066010:36
UbugtuKDE bug 140660 in general "kmail crash when I make a CTRL + J in inbox" [Grave,Reopened]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14066010:36
Tm_TTonio_: interesting, let's see...10:36
Tonio_Tm_T: there is a commit that doesn't prevent from crashing, but avoids loosing emails, which is the critical part of the bug10:37
Tonio_also a second commit is proposed, but requires testing, nobody gave feedback atm10:37
Tonio_Tm_T: I'll patch in a few minutes, are you ready to test with me ?10:39
Tonio_? :)10:39
Tm_Twhere's cancel?!10:39
Tonio_killall kmail !10:40
Tonio_or xkill10:40
Tm_TI did ctrl+a && ctrl+j in dir with over 8k mails =)10:40
Tm_Tno crash but this will take forever10:40
Tonio_and ?10:40
Tonio_interesting............... should have crashed :)10:40
Tonio_let's test the patches then ;)10:40
Tm_TTonio_: but never been crashing here, or, can't remember, but I use latest svn from kdepim-3.5.5+features branch10:41
Tonio_okay so the 2 patches seem to work.... I'm building with those and we'll see ;)10:41
ryanakca_StefanS_: ping about hardware10:42
_StefanS_ryanakca: yea ? :)10:42
ryanakcalol, how do I figure out if the ram would fit in my comp?10:42
=== ryanakca has an... interest... in it :)
_StefanS_ryanakca: well, what processor do you have ?10:43
ryanakcamanchicken|away: how did you set up your compile farm?10:43
_StefanS_ryanakca: or model of laptop ?10:43
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ryanakca_StefanS_: would it work in a desktop? it's an Atho10:43
_StefanS_ryanakca: it wont .. "SO-DIMM" tells you that10:43
ryanakcaAMD Athlon 64 Processor 3500+10:44
ryanakcaah, nevermind then :)10:44
_StefanS_ryanakca: its 200pin.. not 24010:44
_StefanS_ryanakca: np10:44
ryanakcapin... are those the gold things on the bottom of the sticks?10:44
Tm_Tok, let's see if I can reach load over 1010:44
_StefanS_yes, and they goldplated also :)10:44
_StefanS_they are10:44
claydohTonio_: re kmail bug it will creah if you use the menus to do this, keyboard shortcuts don't seem to cause it10:45
ryanakcaThanks anywais10:45
_StefanS_thats ok..10:45
=== ryanakca goes back on a hunt of bloggable/planetable kubuntu news
claydohor rather using the right-click context menu for filters does with all messages selected10:46
Tonio_claydoh: that's what I want to test indeed10:47
ryanakcais anybody having trouble with google analytics under Fx? I have all the required plugins installed... doesn't work in konqueror either...10:48
ryanakcaand... it just made Fx crash :)10:48
firephotoTm_T: Tonio_, it crashes here if i copy some messages to the default "Inbox" and do a ctrl-a and ctrl-j, other folders aren't affected.10:52
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Tonio_firephoto: yep, that's the issue I try to get fixed....10:57
Tonio_firephoto: currently building with the fix10:57
Tm_Tfirephoto: ready to test then ;)11:01
nixternalRiddell: upgrade tool, is that for edgy->feisty only?11:02
jjessequick question (sorry getting no help in #kubuntu) but i repartitioned my drive and now i can't access the disk and file system module of system settings11:02
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nixternalor can Dapper users use it as well11:02
jjesseedgy -> feisty11:02
nixternalroger dodger11:02
nixternalthank you sir11:03
jjesse"disk and filesystems" could not be loaded11:03
sebasjjesse: run mountconfig in console and tell me if there's an exception shown11:04
jjessesebas: thanks11:04
sebasOr kcmshell mountconfig11:04
jjessesebas: http://pastebin.ca/40712811:07
nixternalRiddell: Release notes ready unless there is more to add -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyFawn/Beta/Kubuntu11:08
nixternalanyone want to proof, please do!11:08
sebasjjesse: Interesting.11:08
jjessesebas: interseting good or interesting bad?11:08
jjessenixternal: i'll read after dinner11:09
sebasjjesse: Interesting dunno =)11:09
sebasCan you run "python"11:09
sebasthen "import os, sys"11:09
sebasthen the following line:11:09
Riddellnixternal: stonkingly good11:09
sebasos.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0] ))11:09
nixternalheh, thanks11:09
Riddellsebas: u'/home/jr'11:10
sebasOw wait, that's an apport exception. Useless.11:10
sebasjjesse: Can you get me your /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab, I might be able to see what's wrong then.11:10
jjesseRiddell: that was directed to me11:10
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sebasWhich version is that, btw?11:11
jjessefor me?11:11
sebasYeah, Feisty?11:11
jjessesebas: correct11:12
sebasjjesse: Ok. sebas@kde.org for the files, btw.11:12
jjessesebas: thanks11:13
nixternalhow do I go about getting Konqueor to open new tabs instead of windows when clicking on an external link?11:13
fdovingnixternal: " the layout and look are new. "  shouldn't that be 'is'?11:13
nixternalfdoving: go ahead and fix it, my english is horrible ;)11:13
fdovingsettings->configure konq -> webbehavior -> tabs section -> advanced -> some checkbox.. iirc.11:14
sebasfdoving was just a bit faster =)11:14
jjessesebas: mail sent, heading out for dinner, be back in an hour or so11:14
jjessenixternal: i'll proof read after dinner11:14
nixternalrock on, thanks11:14
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sebasjjesse: Thanks, bon appetit =)11:15
nixternalfdoving: that tab thing was right in front of my face when I asked the question :)11:18
=== yacoob motions to bug 94615
UbugtuMalone bug 94615 in kdebase "Firefox launched from alt-f2 doesn't apply all gtk2-qt-engine settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9461511:20
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