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zygacjwatson: I don't use gnome anymore and I have no desktop so that I could fix this12:12
zygalet's start by filling a bug :-)12:13
zyganiktaris: could you file a bug on glib in ubuntu (not in upstream) using lanchpad?12:14
zygadescribe the issue, make sure you say that you had no ubiquity.mo installed12:14
zygamake sure you say that the file HAS greek translations12:14
zygamake sure you say that this is related to the patch made in ubuntu to support x-gettext-domain 12:15
zygaand finally make sure you say that if you remove that line (the x-yada-yada) it's working 12:15
zygaIf you could do that I'll look at it in a second12:15
zygaand please attach the desktop file12:15
cjwatsonplease also create a bug task on that bug on the langpack-o-matic upstream product to say that the .mo is in the wrong place in the language packs and should be moved12:17
zyganiktaris: oh and most important - file it on the appropriate VERSION of your system and glib12:19
niktariszyga, I don't like launchpad. but will do12:19
niktariszyga, update12:19
zyganiktaris: update?12:19
niktariswhen using: X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=ubiquity no-go12:19
niktariszyga, status-update :)12:20
niktariswhen using X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gcalctool in the same file OK12:20
niktaristhis is with a fresh .desktop file . let me reboot and check again12:20
zygano wait12:20
zygawhat is the string in question12:20
zygawhat gets translated?12:20
zygainstall is a common word12:21
zygaI bet it's translated in gcalctool somewhere12:21
zyganiktaris: which version of ubuntu are you using?12:21
cjwatsonit's not, AFAICS12:22
cjwatsonat least not with the couple-of-days-out-of-date feisty langpacks I have here12:22
zygacjwatson: it's not translated?12:24
cjwatsonnot in gcalctool12:25
zygahmm, queer!12:25
cjwatsoncould be in edgy though, *shrug*12:25
zygaI'll check the source12:27
zygalooking at it now (in edgy)12:29
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zygahmm, my patch was updated - it's no longer that simple 12:31
niktariszyga, trying to replace X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=ubiquity with X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gcalctool did not work with the original .desktop file12:32
niktarisremoving X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=ubiquity works though12:32
zygathat makes is more sane at least12:33
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niktariszyga, u still want that bugreport ?12:36
zyganiktaris: yes please12:37
zygaso that the details don't slip if I cannot fix this in a moment12:37
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niktariszyga, against glibc stating installed version and ubiquity version  ?12:39
zyganot glibc, just glib12:40
zygaubiquity is not relevant to me, only the desktop file and glib version12:40
niktarissorry tupo12:40
zygathose are the only components (as long as we are talking about a gnome desktop icon on the desktop (not in the panel)12:40
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cjwatsonglib2.0 not glib12:42
niktariszyga, panel is OK12:42
zygacjwatson: right, sorry12:42
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zygaI have an idea12:45
niktariszyga, will file the bug tomorrow . have to go12:49
niktariscu 12:49
zyganiktaris: okay, thanks for your help12:49
zygabah, basically someone broke the code :P12:50
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zygadoes anyone know what is the language code for greek?12:59
cjwatsonzyga: el01:00
jtholmesdoes anyone know if the 20070321  iso  images get created today I dont see them01:03
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Mithrandirhiya Hobbsee 01:04
Hobbseehey Mithrandir!  :)01:06
=== Mithrandir yawns
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=== Hobbsee gives Mithrandir some coffee
mdzMithrandir: how goes it?01:13
Hobbseetiring, it sounds like01:14
Mithrandirmdz: the final publisher run is almost finished, once that's done, I'll start the cd builds, catch a shower and crash.01:14
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=== Hobbsee wonders, based on mako's comments, who's butt to kick repeatedly.
=== bhale hopes to be on Hobbsee's good side
Hobbseeheh, yes.01:15
MithrandirHobbsee: thanks, but I don't do coffee very well.  Especially not when I should be crashing RSN01:15
Mithrandirmdz: I'll mail -devel once I'm done for today.01:16
mdzMithrandir: ok, thanks01:16
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BurgworkHobbsee: mako's comments?01:24
Hobbseeirc stuff01:24
BurgworkHobbsee: private or public?01:26
=== Hobbsee checks. oh, private.
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Hobbseeissue was originally public01:27
=== Hobbsee shuts up
j1mcwere the xubuntu iso's re-rolled today?  i only see isos as of march 20th in the /current folder01:27
Mithrandirj1mc: they are being now.01:27
j1mcMithrandir, thanks01:27
Mithrandiroh well, shower, then bed.  See you all around tomorrow, please test ISOs as soon as they appear.01:30
MithrandirI've also mailed -devel with a short status report.01:31
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jdongmako: can I tap into your wisdom?01:36
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makojdong: whatever i have :)01:40
Hobbseeheya mako 01:41
makoHobbsee: hola01:41
Hobbseemako: see query..01:43
jdongmako: see query.01:44
_ionmako: see query01:46
jdongyeah, I love you all too.01:47
keescookMithrandir (or other archive admin): please shove "file" (breezy, dapper, edgy) and "mysql-dfsg-5.0" (dapper, edgy) through.  (security updates)01:50
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Riddell"No alternate CD for i386!"02:10
RiddellMithrandir: that doesn't sound good02:11
HobbseeRiddell: has it just been not-rerolled yet?02:11
Riddell"cp: cannot stat `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/udeb.list': No such file or directory"02:12
Riddelllogs suggest it's broken02:12
cjwatsonthat bloody thing again. willfix02:12
Riddellcjwatson: what causes it?02:13
cjwatsonsoyuz bug02:13
cjwatsonshould be fixed soon, but ...02:13
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cjwatsonit's failing to unpack bits of d-i into the archive02:13
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cjwatsonfixed, publisher running02:16
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FordCortinado i need to post somewhere or talk to someone to apply for google SoC?02:45
desrtFordCortina; online via the google SoC website02:46
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FordCortinado i use their webapp then?02:46
FordCortinathere's no interview or anything else to do?02:47
desrtno.  you just write up a good application02:47
desrtand try and convice us that you know your stuff and can finish successfully02:47
FordCortinayeah your probably going to get a truck load i bet :)02:47
desrtthis is why you try and distinguish yourself from the crowd02:47
FordCortinaill see what i can do02:48
desrtit's the only fair way -- not good to prefer people who get in touch personally with the developers02:48
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FordCortinayeah, it seems that different sponsor have different ways to do things. I had to check :)02:49
desrtif you wanted to give yourself a leg-up a good approach might me to start investigating the issues on the project you're interested in and provide insights you gain during that process as part of your application02:49
desrthaving some code also helps.. but that might be more work than you're willing to do :)02:50
FordCortinai might be a bit tight for time, but we'll see02:50
FordCortinai have plenty of experience with the issues involved so i'll definately cite those02:52
mdzcjwatson: what's happening with rolling candidates?  I can take over driving it if needed, I'll be up for a while02:52
cjwatsonmdz: I've just this minute set off all the rebuilds needed to cope with the Soyuz bug mentioned above02:53
cjwatsonmdz: everything else is apparently being done automatically from Tollef's terminal02:53
cjwatsonmdz: all running as cdimage@lithium, so you can monitor those processes if you like02:54
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mdzcjwatson: ok, thanks02:54
cjwatsonactually I think some are running as tfheen@lithium, but no matter02:54
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cjwatsonmdz: I'm off back to bed now - I think that's everything I can realistically do02:55
mdzcjwatson: good night02:55
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TheMusoAnybody noticed that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/MD5SUMS only has the alternate i386 cd listed now due to the rebuild?04:00
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TheMusoOr is that because amd64 is still being rebuilt also?04:00
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mdzmdke: the help center is looking good04:20
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mdzTheMuso: it may be a bug, or it may be temporary04:42
mdzamd64 seems to be finished now04:42
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main frozen for beta
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Thu Mar 15 12:21:54 2007
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fabbionemorning guys05:16
jdubhey fabbione 05:17
jdubnice to see you blogging again!05:17
fabbionejdub: ehhe after only 15 months of silence :)05:17
bddebianHas it only been that long?05:19
=== bddebian ducks
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fabbionemd1 : active raid5 hdd2[4]  hda2[0]  hdc2[2]  hdb2[1] 06:26
fabbione      1170632256 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/3]  [UUU_] 06:26
fabbione      [>....................]   recovery =  0.6% (2367744/390210752) finish=6249.2min speed=1032K/sec06:26
fabbionethose are the kind of things you *hate* the day before release06:26
Lathiatyay :(06:27
joejaxxfabbione: :\06:29
racarrmy patched desktop-effects enables universe before installing Beryl from it if the user chooses to install Beryl, what kind of warning do I have to give them about enabling universe?06:54
Burgundaviaracarr: see the gnome-app-install one06:56
LaserJockracarr: so are the users given a choice between compiz and beryl?06:58
LaserJockand do compiz and beryl conflict?06:59
racarrno, they don't06:59
fabbionetoo bad beryl can trigger a memory leak in nVidia and everything goes south06:59
racarrdon't conflict that is LaserJock06:59
racarrand yes a little combo box to choose (combo box makes more sense than enable beryl/compiz buttons because combo box has a default)07:00
racarrand err, I've never heard of that fabbione07:00
fabbioneracarr: beryl forum is full of that report... windows become black07:00
racarrThat's not a memory leak07:00
fabbioneand enabling the workarounds makes everything very slow07:00
fabbioneok.. it did look like a memory leak07:00
LaserJockracarr: ok cool, just wondered how that would work07:01
fabbioneor something running out of GFX mem07:01
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racarrYeah, due to a bug in the drivers when they run out of VRAM their texture_from_pixmap implementation goes haywire07:01
racarrnvidias said they will fix it at some point :p07:01
racarrLaserJock: Probably not the best solution (throwing two names "Compiz" and "Beryl" at a user is kind of strange), but eh07:01
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fabbioneracarr: well something along those line, but at the end it makes beryl unusable07:02
fabbionethe workaround just makes everything too slow07:02
racarrwell, you can use XGL07:02
fabbioneit's not a big deal.. eye candies are optional for what i need07:04
fabbionei will just wait for nvidia to fix the drivers07:04
fabbioneracarr: i assume the 9755 don't have the fix07:05
fabbione(we ship 9631 in Ubuntu)07:05
racarrfabbione: I havent' read the release notes, but if they do I haven't heard about it07:05
=== fabbione checks for the fun
racarrI guess since I rewrote desktop-effects in python  it has to go through NEW again?07:07
fabbioneracarr: not if the package name is the same07:07
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racarr(The C implementation would have been a real pain to work with because it was set up to differentiate between Compiz == enabled and Metacity == disabled and I would have had to have mostly rewritten it anyway, so rewriting it in python seemed like a good choice)07:08
racarrfabbione: ah, ok, good07:08
fabbionenope. it's a new feature release07:09
Burgundaviaracarr: have you been in touch with the desktop-effects devs from Fedora? Fedora uses a fair amount of python as well, so they might accept your new version07:12
racarrBurgundavia: No, I can send them an email though, I'm guessing it's probably Sorren or Kristian Hogsberg and history makes me think neither one of them would be excited about a desktop-effects that installs Beryl :p07:13
racarrand that's the biggest difference07:14
Burgundaviaracarr: it is meeting a user demand07:14
racarrBurgundavia: Maybe, which is why I will send them an email anyway07:14
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pittiGood morning07:46
Mithrandirnot really a good morning, no, sorry07:48
LaserJockhi pitti 07:48
pittiMithrandir: FUBAR? :(07:48
Mithrandirpitti: new i386 ISOs spinning now, at least.07:48
Mithrandirrest should be testable, modulo DVDs.07:49
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=== pitti rsyncs amd64
Mithrandirbut it's more the fact that I've slept for about six hours, which isn't really enough.07:49
Mithrandirkeescook: publisher back on auto07:50
=== pitti hugs Mithrandir
StevenKMithrandir: So you'll release the beta and sleep for 2 days?07:53
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MithrandirStevenK: release postponed to Friday, but yes.07:57
dokoMithrandir: do you have an estimated time for the dvd images (edubuntu)?07:59
Mithrandirit needs the new livefs-es, so a fair bit, say in three-ish hours08:01
Mithrandirubuntu-server ready for testing.08:02
fabbioneMithrandir: roger that08:04
fabbioneMithrandir: can you give me also i386 netboot and sparc netboot for testing?08:05
fabbione(as meta bugs)08:05
fabbionethey don't really fit in iso testing.. but AFAIK we don't have another section.. do we?08:05
Fujitsupitti: Is there a reason that apport would be creating reports without a Package field here?08:06
fabbioneand it's missing i386 DVD afaict08:06
fabbioneUbuntu i386 DVD08:06
Mithrandirall dvds are out of date08:07
fabbioneyes i read before. i will test them as last08:07
pittiFujitsu: --verbose, please08:07
Mithrandirask Henrik about getting more tracker bugs, he's doing that bit.08:07
pittiFujitsu: you mean files in /var/crash?08:07
Fujitsupitti: Yep.08:07
FujitsuI've had three so far generated while testing crash bugs, and I've had to add Package fields manually.08:08
LaserJockfabbione: what do you do to test the server .isos? just basic installation?08:09
pittiFujitsu: that's normal08:10
pittiFujitsu: it's not added until you call the GUI, and it's not written back to disk any more08:10
FujitsuThat is a little irritating when attempting to retrace them.08:10
fabbioneLaserJock: install / install on lvm /install with LAMP / install on LVM with LAMP08:11
fabbioneand other options like DNS server08:11
pittiFujitsu: it was to save some time mainly, but I can put it back if needed08:11
pittiFujitsu: in fact, it should be relatively easy to append the new stuff08:12
pittiFujitsu: I'd appreciate a bug report08:12
Fujitsupitti: I'll file one, thanks.08:12
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=== fabbione reboots
cjwatsonMithrandir: what was wrong with the i386 images I built last night?08:23
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Mithrandircjwatson: nothing apart from me not knowing about them due to not reading scrollback well enough.08:24
Mithrandirdid you build DVDs too?08:25
cjwatsonno, the DVDs should have built after I republished d-i08:26
cjwatsonI rebuilt precisely what needed to be rebuilt08:26
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MithrandirI didn't do DVD builds last night since they would want new livefs-es.08:27
MithrandirI'll do them as soon as the current round of builds is done.08:27
cjwatsonok, I should have said "the DVDs didn't build before I republished d-i"08:28
Mithrandirah, ok.08:29
Mithrandirif you don't mind, I'll ask for testing on this latest round of images, they should be identical to the earlier ones.08:30
cjwatsonno skin off my nose :)08:33
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Mithrandirubuntu alternate and desktop images ready to test.08:44
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pittiRiddell: mh21 did it again -- this time a CLI apport frontend :)08:59
pittiRiddell: what else do we need -- email, apache module, ircbot, ... :-P08:59
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StevenKpitti: An XML-RPC frontend... :-P09:03
pittiStevenK: speaking xmlrpc doesn't sound particularly user friendly to me ?!?09:04
StevenKpitti: Neither does maintaining an crash handler that speaks to SMTP, web and IRC services. :-P09:05
LaserJockpitti: I don't suppose there's documentation for apport around?09:05
pittiStevenK: no, I meant a GUI for crash reports09:05
pittiStevenK: i. e. a web frontend for displaying current crashes on your server, etc.09:06
pittiLaserJock: there are manpages, a doc about package hooks, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport with some links09:06
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mdkemdz: cheers. We could probably do some work on the design, but no one has really had the time so far09:07
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viviersfwhere does /etc/network/interfaces come from ( which program generates it )09:09
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LaserJockpitti: thanks, the wiki page was pretty much what I ws looking for09:11
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pittiMithrandir: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20070322.1/MD5SUMS only shows i386, and the amd64 desktop timestamp shows 2007032209:18
pittiMithrandir: oh, that's because you just regenerated i386?09:18
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pittiMithrandir: 'Install with driver update CD' -- this is not covered by the current testing methods; can we test this at all ATM?09:29
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siretartMithrandir: if you have a spare sec, could you please have a look and comment on bug #91676? 09:36
UbugtuMalone bug 91676 in wpasupplicant "wpa_supplicant crashes in: wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change (wpa_s=)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9167609:36
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hungerI see "No module named "ScanPCI" during bootup (in S36displayconfig-hwprobe.py). Is that a known message?09:43
pittiFujitsu: Kees has a fix for that problem in his branch; apport-retrace now has a -R/--rebuild-package-info option10:00
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poningrujust making sure but beta is prolonged till friday right?10:02
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=== \sh is cursing his new toy
henofabbione: you wanted netboot meta bugs?10:03
fabbioneheno: well yeah but i already added netboot info the corresponding iso install...10:04
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fabbioneheno: netinstall would be more appropriate10:04
henofabbione: ok, that should be fine then. I'll post those next time10:05
fabbioneheno: that's fine with me.. it's not a blocker ;)10:05
\shanyone around who has fingers on an hp dl320s?10:06
fabbionecjwatson: is there any reason why we don't ship scsi-firmware in the installer?10:06
fabbione(d-i to be more precise)10:06
Mithrandirpitti: yes, strange MD5SUMS is fine10:14
pittiMithrandir: thanks10:14
Mithrandirpitti: I'm not sure what the driver update CD is; maybe Colin knows.10:14
cjwatsonfabbione: not particularly10:15
cjwatsonpitti: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/DriverUpdates10:15
cjwatsonI don't think we have a test image prepared for it10:15
pittiok, so we should ignore this for now10:15
fabbionecjwatson: ok. i only noticed because the qla24xx driver was complaining about not being able to load the fw, but it's not fatal10:15
Mithrandirsiretart: how does the diff to new upstream look?10:16
Mithrandiredubuntu and kubuntu dvds building.10:17
Mithrandirheno: all images but edubuntu and kubuntu DVDs should be current.10:17
henoMithrandir: thanks, just updating the status page with this morning's testing10:18
Mithrandirheno: thanks a lot.  You might want to note that for !i386, the 20070322, 20070322.1 and 20070322.2 images are the same.10:19
Mithrandirin case anybody has tested one of the older ones.10:19
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henoMithrandir: ok, only server test results for i386 so far by fabio10:20
siretartMithrandir: will investigate and attach a diff. from my experience, the changes are moderately. no new features, mainly bugfixes, new development starts in the 0.6 branch10:20
cjwatsonfabbione: added for my next d-i upload10:20
cjwatsonunfortunately bumps image sizes by 300K or so, but ...10:20
Mithrandirsiretart: ok, I won't give you ack/nack before I see the diff, but it sounds promising10:21
fabbionecjwatson: ok thanks, but as i said it's not fatal, so up to you if you want to bloat or not. I am ok either way10:21
\sh how do you kill a sles9? do an update and kill passwd/shadow10:23
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henothe new kernel seems to have fixed bug 94301 as well10:27
UbugtuMalone bug 94301 in control-center "Feisty i386 DesktopCD does not boot on slower machine (g-s-t race condition?)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9430110:27
henofabbione: your recent test of Ubuntu desktop, do you remember what install type that was (erase disk, etc.)?10:30
fabbioneit was a clean disk.. so use full disk10:30
fabbionenothing was there.. not even a partition table10:31
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dholbachgood morning10:35
fabbioneheno: i think i have completed Ubuntu sparc server.. mind to check if we need more install tests?10:38
fabbioneheno: otherwise i will keep going on i38610:38
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JonRobcan anyone in here give some advice about the livecd?10:39
henofabbione: you posted under i386 desktop but I guess it should have been under server, because the default test there is not reported10:39
henoIf that's the case I can just adjust it10:39
fabbioneheno: i don't understand what you mean10:40
fabbionei only added one entry to i386 desktop10:40
henoright, I was wondering if that was meant to go under server, nevermind10:41
henofabbione: but my first question was, what install test did you use?10:41
henoerase disk, manual partitioning, etc?10:41
fabbione<fabbione> it was a clean disk.. so use full disk10:42
fabbione<fabbione> nothing was there.. not even a partition table10:42
fabbioneheno: ^^10:42
fabbioneand i did answer immediatly after :)10:42
henook, thanks, by bad10:42
fabbioneno problem :)10:42
fabbioneheno: i can add that.. just gimme a sec10:42
fabbioneheno: i would be glad if you want me to test more cases on sparc.10:43
henoI'm marking the results here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Status (in pretty colours)10:43
fabbioneheno: i think i covered pretty much all10:43
henoI think it's covered, yes10:43
fabbioneok perfect10:44
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Mithrandirheno: that page looks like a great overview.10:44
henoMithrandir: cool. One test failure though, on alternate10:45
doko_hmm, what was the ftp host for security uploads?10:47
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Mithrandirheno: yeah, looks like it.10:49
Mithrandircjwatson: bug 94647; do you have any idea of the cause?10:50
UbugtuMalone bug 94647 in partman "Resize operation failure" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9464710:50
tepsipakkiI just did my first ubiquity-install, and it worked like a charm :)10:51
tepsipakkion a Lenovo TC M5510:51
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cjwatsonMithrandir: not yet10:51
hungerBenC: My kernel oops is fixed with your new version. Just to add another confirmation;-)10:53
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henobug 8496411:26
UbugtuMalone bug 84964 in linux-source-2.6.20 "modprobe abnormal exit - Kernel 2.6.20-8/9/10/11/12 does not boot" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8496411:26
henoA boot failure on ICH8 still being reported on 12-2011:27
Fujitsuheno: Sounds like fun :-/11:27
cjwatsonMithrandir: can't seem to reproduce it here11:27
heno2.6.20-12.20 that is11:28
hungerheno: -9 worked for me all the time, -12 did have that bug here yesterday, but today's update works-for-me(TM)11:28
henohunger: and what chip set do you have?11:29
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hungerheno: ICH6.11:29
henothe ISO report is bug 9312111:29
UbugtuMalone bug 93121 in ubuntu-iso-tests "beta: Ubuntu amd64 desktop" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9312111:29
hungerheno: So it is probably something different:-|11:30
henohunger: right, so it seems ICH6 and ICH7 have been fixed, but not ICH811:30
=== hunger comforts heno. BenC will work his magic.
hungerheno: I am surprised that it ICH8 stayed broken for so long.11:31
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henobut he's not up yet, looking for some other kernel devs11:31
cjwatsonpkl should be around soon11:31
tepsipakkiheno: the Lenovo I just installed has ICH811:34
tepsipakkiand it works11:34
tepsipakkibut that was i38611:34
Mithrandirtepsipakki: was it SATA or PATA?11:35
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cjwatsonfabbione: so can you reproduce 94647 at will?11:38
cjwatsonfabbione: before selecting the auto-resize option in the partitioner, could you edit /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free/do_option and put 'set -x' near the top? then get me /var/log/syslog after it fails and you've gone back to the menu11:39
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tepsipakkicjwatson: /bin/preseed_fetch: 16: protocol_fetch: not found11:41
tepsipakkimaybe an error on my conf11:42
fabbionecjwatson: yes i was able to reproduce it without problems. I will just complete this test install and I will do11:42
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tepsipakkicjwatson: /lib/preseed/fetch-methods/http is empty, file is the only one with content ("protocol_fetch()")11:47
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cjwatsontepsipakki: err, bizarre, it isn't empty in the udeb11:55
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tepsipakkihum, I'll check again11:57
cjwatsontepsipakki: looks fine in the ubuntu17 initrd11:58
cjwatsonhaven't checked 18, don't have that locally yet11:58
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tepsipakkibizarre indeed..12:08
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fabbionecjwatson: gahhhh it doesn't offer me to resize now....12:20
=== fabbione sighs
fabbioneah never mind.. i know why12:20
=== fabbione reinstalls once again
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JonRobhi, i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask so if not could you point me in the right direction: is there a max size for /etc/skel on the livecd?12:22
MithrandirJonRob: no12:23
JonRobMithrandir: thanks, would you have any suggestion what would cause the error initramfs jobcontrol turned off when i boot it after adding apporx 1.4gb to /etc/skel?12:24
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MithrandirJonRob: uh, you have an initramfs which is that big?12:25
JonRobno not an initramfs - i put in /etc/skel to be moved to the home directory12:25
JonRoblike the example media already there12:26
Mithrandirdoes your machine have more than 3GB of memory?12:26
JonRobram!? no12:26
Mithrandirhow are you going to have space to copy 1.4GB around when you add the user, then?12:27
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JonRobsmeg, not something i'd thoguht through!12:27
JonRobso you think that's likely to be the problem12:27
cjwatsonMithrandir: initramfs jobcontrol turned off> that means it couldn't figure out how to mount the root filesystem and dropped you to a prompt12:28
cjwatsonJonRob: ^--12:28
cjwatsonMithrandir knows this already ;-)12:28
Mithrandiryou can look in casper.log in the initramfs, but I would think you would be better off with just a symlink and not an actual copy of the files.12:28
JonRobok...but if i symlink to the files on the root direcotry of the disc, say, would that work on all systems?! what happens if there disc is in a differently labled disc?12:29
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Mithrandirhm, pressing and letting go of ctrl in konqueror is very useful.  Firefox should grow something like that.12:42
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cjwatsonfabbione: any luck?12:43
fabbionecjwatson: i did the test install with LVM.. so i am reinstalling normal to get to the resize option12:43
fabbionevmware isn't particularly fast on this machine..12:44
fabbionecjwatson: i just ordered 4GB of ram for this machine.. from next week it will be a tad bit faster12:45
cjwatsonhmm, I was trying with just one partition there - I'll try install-then-install12:45
HobbseeMithrandir: why, whta's it do?12:46
Hobbseeoh, i see.  press and hold12:47
Mithrandirshows you the accellerator keys for all the links on the page.12:47
Treenakssounds useful12:47
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henook I get the 94647 bug too on alternate i38612:58
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henothat's trying to resize an ext3 that we just created with a previous desktop install though12:59
heno(which I've read elsewhere is known not to work)12:59
henocjwatson: ^01:00
henoany point trying it on a FAT32 disk?01:00
cjwatsonI would like to know whether it affects NTFS01:01
cjwatsonknown not to work> what do you mean? until mdz filed that bug I thought it should work01:01
cjwatsonoh, you're referring to the resize_inode problem; that's meant to be fixed01:01
fabbionecjwatson: ok.. got it to fail.. grabbing the syslog01:02
cjwatsoncool, it'll be about 15 minutes before I get there01:02
henocjwatson: I think I've see you write in a ubiquity bug report or somewhere that autoresizing newly created ext3 partitions doesn't work01:04
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fabbionecjwatson: both partman and syslog attached to the bug01:07
cjwatsonheno: old01:08
cjwatsonheno: that's what I believed I'd fixed earlier this week; the bugs we're currently seeing are likely fallout from that fix01:09
ogramvo, i think i have the cause for my fsck ... my bios clock isnt set to gmt but the fs creation happens before setting the clock, the timestamp on the created filesysstem is in the future01:09
cjwatsonah, resize2fs is complaining that we didn't run e2fsck -f first01:09
cjwatsonwas the partition cleanly unmounted?01:09
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fabbionecjwatson: yes.01:10
fabbionei did a reboot01:10
fabbionenormal reboot01:10
fabbionecjwatson: for my experience i have seen resize2fs fail that way even immediatly after an e2fsck.. i suggest you force e2fsck -f like one or two time before running resizee2fs01:11
henohm, just tried it with an empty ntfs disk and didn't get a resize option01:11
fabbionecjwatson: but that will slow down stuff on big fat disks01:11
fabbioneanyway.. food time01:11
cjwatsontwice is superstition, only once is required01:11
cjwatsonbut yes, looks like that's necessary01:11
cjwatsonheno: I can check why given /var/log/partman01:12
cjwatsonMithrandir: comment in 94647 with workaround for at least Fabio's problem01:13
henocjwatson: it's just a 3gb disk, should that offer me a resize?01:15
cjwatsonheno: I can check why given /var/log/partman01:15
cjwatsonI don't think it's an effective use of time to speculate01:15
henocjwatson: ok, I'll have to complete the install to get that01:16
cjwatson'anna-install openssh-client-udeb' and scp it out01:16
henothe basic shell is very heno-unfriendly01:16
cjwatsonah, point01:16
henocand to things like > or | 01:17
cjwatsonthere's the "save debug logs" option on the main menu - is that any better?01:17
cjwatsonallows it to bring up a web server that you can browse from another machine01:17
henoI can, but I'd still need bash or gnome to get it out01:17
henoit's on virtualbox01:17
cjwatsonoh, no networking from the host box?01:18
henoif I complete the install it will keep the right /var/log/partman01:18
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mvoogra: thanks, that makes sense01:18
cjwatsonok, 3gb is too small01:18
henocjwatson: there is networking, yes01:18
cjwatson(went and checked)01:18
cjwatsonelif longint_le "$(expr 3 \* 1024 \* 1024 \* 1024)" $bestfree; then log "Found resizable partition '$bestpart' ($bestpath) with $bestfree bytes free"01:19
cjwatson    log "Found resizable partition '$bestpart' ($bestpath), but not offering because only $bestfree bytes free"01:19
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henook, fine I'll use an 8gb one with some stuff in it01:19
cjwatsonneed at least 3gb free in the resizable filesystem01:19
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cjwatsonother requirements: fewer than 4 primary partitions; if there's an extended partition, fewer than 3 primary partitions; if there's an extended partition, resizable partition has to be adjacent to it so that we can create logical partitions sufficiently freely; must be <2GB free on the disk already (that number needs to be updated, or that check removed, IMO)01:21
cjwatsonsorry, 2.2GB01:21
henook, I'll just start with a clean 8gb ntfs disk01:22
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=== cjwatson removes the 2.2GB check
ogra_hmm, intresting ... i cant paste to any pastebin from the beta firefox ... it always wants to open the index.php file with gedit after hitting submit ...01:24
ogra_asac ^^01:24
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ogra_no matter if i use paste.ubuntu-nl.org, th eltsp pastebot or pastebin.ca01:24
ogra_does anyone else see that ?01:25
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henocjwatson: on the 8gb ntfs drive is resizes and installs fine01:30
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heno*it resizes01:31
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pitti_livewow, this migration tool actually shows stuff01:36
pitti_livecjwatson: who should I contact about weirdnesses in that migration tool?01:36
=== Fujitsu wonders about the interaction between migration-assistant and the account creation stuff. It's rather confusing at the moment.
ogra_mvo: http://www.grawert.net/tune2fs_right_after_fs_creation.txt and http://www.grawert.net/tune2fs_after_reboot.txt 01:38
pitti_liveFujitsu: I just wondered why it can import gaim from both breezy and feisty, but evolution only from breezy01:38
ogra_mvo: Filesystem created is in the future in the rebooted one01:39
FujitsuIt worked really nicely on a work machine, except for confusion resulting from the duplicate account creation question.01:39
Fujitsuogra_: I had the same on a new Feisty install last week...01:40
ogra_Fujitsu: your hwclock isnt set to gmt ?01:40
Fujitsuogra_: It's not this machine, but it was previously Windows-only, so no.01:41
ogra_right, then thats the reason ... the clock setting should move in front of partitioning then01:41
FujitsuA little bad to have a forced fsck on the first boot.01:42
ogra_looks a bit scary01:42
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ogra_cjwatson: ^^ can we do that ?01:44
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Crescendo_Suggestion for Ubuntu Developers: When there are updates to the system, it needs to be super easy to click and find out more about the updates (changelog)01:45
StevenKCrescendo_: ... It is01:45
Crescendo_Maybe I missed something then. :P01:45
StevenKCrescendo_: I'd suggest you ask in #ubuntu01:45
Crescendo_<censored> Crescendo, #ubuntu-dev for suggestions to devs01:46
FujitsuCrescendo_: Note the Changelog tab in the updater.01:46
cjwatsonpitti_live: evand01:46
cjwatsonheno: great01:46
cjwatsonogra_: no, we can't01:47
StevenKIt's already implemented, and has been since Dapper, so #ubuntu to find out how, surely?01:47
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pitti_livecjwatson: thanks01:47
cjwatsonogra_: clock-setup relies on the output of partitioning to set a suitable default01:47
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pitti_liveevand: hello01:47
Mithrandirheno: are you lagging updating Testing/Status or is testing just taking time?01:47
Crescendo_StevenK, nah - I just completely missed the feature.  I was running updates this morning, and didn't see it.  My bad!01:47
ogra_cjwatson: hmm, can we touch the timestamps of the fs then ? 01:47
cjwatsonogra_: possibly. I'd like to think about it a bit01:48
Fujitsuogra_: That looks to be the best idea... We can't exactly have each install fscking first.01:48
henoMithrandir: I'm just updating it in batches. will do one now01:48
cjwatsonFujitsu: like I say, I'd like to think about it rather than diving in01:48
Fujitsucjwatson: Saw that right after I sent my message. Of course, it's a good idea to not just jump into it.01:48
henoMithrandir: I get all the notices by email and update from here01:48
StevenKFujitsu: It probably won't be every install01:48
StevenKFujitsu: But you have a point.01:48
Crescendo_Something needs to be done about having windows pop up over the keyring password entry - especially when the default button is cancel or close, or the ONLY button is close01:49
ogra_Fujitsu: well, not each install, only the ones where the bios doesnt use gmt :)01:49
Fujitsuogra_: Isn't that everything that runs Windows?01:49
pitti_liveheno: is that wiki page autogenerated from the Malone bugs? cool01:49
Crescendo_Default buttons in general are not nice, and if they pop up while I'm typing...01:49
HobbseeCrescendo_: --> wishlist on the bugtracker.01:49
henopitti_live: that was the original plan, but ATM it's heno-powered01:50
ogra_Fujitsu: most of them, yes01:50
pitti_liveheno: ah; do you know about editmoin? it's an incredibly rocking tool for editing wiki pages01:50
cjwatsonCrescendo_: focus stealing *is* considered a bug01:50
cjwatsonby GNOME as well as us, generally01:50
Crescendo_cjwatson, okay - I'll file it as such in the future, thanks01:51
StevenKI usually just sigh, and deal with it. Maybe I should file bugs.01:51
cjwatsonogra_: and that's exactly why clock-setup needs to go after partman - detecting whether you're planning to make it a Linux-only machine or not01:51
cjwatsonproblem with fiddling it after the fact is that you'd need an implementation of said timestamp-fiddler for every fs01:52
ogra_i understand ... 01:52
=== pitti_live reboots into installed system, brb
cjwatsonactually I don't think it would make any difference where you put it anyway. clock-setup only asks a question and prods files in the target filesystem for later - it doesn't actually touch the clock itself01:53
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cjwatsonso it might as well go later in order to have maximal information01:54
=== siretart feels some "if in doubt, it's always xine-lib's fault for crashing totem..." attitude from seb128 while looking at bug #94154
UbugtuMalone bug 94154 in xine-lib "[apport]  totem-video-thumbnailer crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc()" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9415401:54
seb128siretart: no01:55
seb128==978== Invalid read of size 401:55
seb128==978==    at 0x113AC6AE: (within /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.4/xineplug_decode_ff.so)01:55
seb128==978==    by 0x112B8D07: (within /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.4/xineplug_decode_ff.so)01:55
seb128==978==    by 0x112B9D58: (within /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.4/xineplug_decode_ff.so)01:55
cjwatsonmaybe it would be sufficient to actually adjust the clock in clock-setup01:55
seb128siretart: ^01:55
seb128siretart: that's likely the corruption01:55
siretartseb128: it looks to me like some bug in the included ffmpeg copy01:56
siretartseb128: in fact, I have an updated ffmpeg ready, and could link xine against that01:56
siretartseb128: but mithrandir would kill me if I uploaded that one. ;)01:57
seb128siretart: yeah, likely, still the problem is to xine not totem ;)01:57
siretartseb128: I plan to switch back to external ffmpeg for goofy, as soon as it opens01:57
siretartseb128: I *think* the problem will go away. in any case, the bug is no longer against xine01:58
seb128why not?01:58
seb128/usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.4/xineplug_decode_ff.so is shipped with xine-lib no?01:58
siretartbecause xine will use then the external ffmpeg,01:58
seb128yeah, it'll not be when you stop using the copy01:58
seb128it still is atm01:59
siretartcurrently, feisty's ffmpeg package is dated from august, xine's copy is from november I think01:59
siretartthe new package is the codebase from march01:59
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siretartso I cannot really update the ffmpeg package01:59
siretartand I don't really feel like updating the xine-lib included ffmpeg copy, you know...02:00
henoasac, dholbach, Riddell, kwwii, pkl, ogra, doko: any progress on testing today's images? See status on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Status (still lots of red fields)02:00
pkl_heno: downloaded Tuesdays, didn't manage to test.  Currently downloading today's build...02:01
henopkl_: cool, thanks02:01
Riddellheno: how does that page get filled in?  you do it manually from the bug reports?02:02
henoRiddell: I do yes02:02
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Riddellheno: pass added to bug 93114, desktop CDs just finished downloading02:07
UbugtuMalone bug 93114 in ubuntu-iso-tests "beta: Kubuntu i386 alternate" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9311402:07
henoRiddell: thanks02:08
pittiheno: in case you are still editing, bug 93121 is now complete as well02:09
UbugtuMalone bug 93121 in ubuntu-iso-tests "beta: Ubuntu amd64 desktop" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9312102:09
Mithrandirkylem: I realise you just got in, I assume you haven't had a chance at testing the alternate CD yet?02:12
pittiMithrandir, kylem: I can give a hand with testing amd64/alternate if you want me02:13
Mithrandirpitti: if you're not busy with your two remaining -desktop tests, then please.02:14
pittiMithrandir: I finished those half an hour ago, I am currently looking into the r-m failure on a fresh install (config.dat is 0600); but I can tackle this later02:14
pittikylem: I grab check, erase, auto-resize for now then02:15
Mithrandirpitti: thanks a lot.02:15
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asacheno: will try a minimal run later ... as i am not here today officially :)02:18
henoasac: it's ok pitti has covered those cases now02:18
Mithrandircjwatson: how is your amd64 dvd testing going?  Do you need help with it?02:18
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pittikylem: grabbing check as well, because I need it to prepare auto-resize anyway02:19
henoMithrandir: I'm just burning cjwatson's DVD now02:19
pittikylem: erm, rescue, I mean02:19
Mithrandirheno: as in, you're grabbing the test case?02:19
henoMithrandir: yes02:19
heno(or send it to him in the post, whichever is quicker)02:20
henoMithrandir: I've got the i386 DVD going in a VM now as well02:20
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Mithrandirogra: haven't you managed to test a single image today?02:21
Riddellbdmurray: when you testing i386 alternate did it ask you for the screen resolution for X?02:22
henomvo: what's the status of upgrade testing? can the results from yesterday be carried over? (note that we have a new kernel)02:22
pittiheno: no CLI test on alternates?02:23
mvoheno: I will do a re-test then02:23
henopitti: I didn't add it to the list no. It would probably be good to do some though02:24
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ograMithrandir, i386 server and addon are good, amd64 is running02:24
Mithrandirogra: can you please update the bug statuses, then?02:25
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TomaszDpitti, /usr/share/applications/restricted-manager.desktop code only has German translation in place, I'm using the latest langpack02:26
TomaszDpitti, and /usr/share/app-install/desktop/restricted-manager.desktop doesn't even have a German comment field, only the name.02:27
pittiTomaszD: /usr/share/applications/restricted-manager.desktop is what counts02:28
pittiTomaszD: indeed this has a German translations02:28
TomaszDpitti, alright, so that only has the German translation, nothing else02:28
pittiTomaszD: aaaah02:29
pittiTomaszD: please edit that file and add the line:02:29
pittiTomaszD: X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain: restricted-manager02:29
pittiTomaszD: that should help02:29
siretartpitti: what is this X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain field for?02:29
pittisiretart: it tells the desktop file which .mo file to use for translations02:30
TomaszDpitti, you mean X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=restricted-manager02:30
TomaszDit works wonderfully now02:30
pittiTomaszD: right02:31
pittiTomaszD: splendid; can you please file a bug about this?02:31
TomaszDpitti, shall I file a bug report or will you not forget about this?02:31
TomaszDhah, ok02:31
pittiTomaszD: :)02:31
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TomaszDduh, I always get lost in lp02:33
ograMithrandir, as soon as i'm donw and back on my normal machine 02:34
dholbachwho takes care of vbetool?02:34
Mithrandirdholbach: depends02:34
dholbachit crashes quite often for people02:35
TomaszDpitti, there https://bugs.launchpad.net/restricted-manager/+bug/9475402:35
UbugtuMalone bug 94754 in restricted-manager "restricted-manager.desktop needs X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain property" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:35
pittiTomaszD: thank you02:35
dholbachis there a new upstream version or something?02:35
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AlinuxOSHello developers, on my PC, kernels: vmlinuz-2.6.20-8-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.20-9-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.20-10-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.20-11-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.20-12-generic are not able to boot. The unic kernel that works is: vmlinuz-2.6.20-6-generic. What's wrong? My system hangs up at the begining of boot.02:40
stgraberbug 84964 ?02:42
UbugtuMalone bug 84964 in linux-source-2.6.20 "modprobe abnormal exit - Kernel 2.6.20-8/9/10/11/12 does not boot" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8496402:42
stgraberAlinuxOS: can you do a "lspci" and check if you have something like : ICH8 Family02:43
BenCAnyone here experiencing bug #84964?02:46
UbugtuMalone bug 84964 in linux-source-2.6.20 "modprobe abnormal exit - Kernel 2.6.20-8/9/10/11/12 does not boot" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8496402:46
stgraberBenC: AlinuxOS may have it or at least has the same symptoms02:47
AlinuxOSyes I confirm that bug too.02:47
stgraberBenC: everything >-6 doesn't work02:47
AlinuxOSfor me it's the same.02:47
BenCAlinuxOS: Can you join #ubuntu-kernel to discuss this?02:47
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MithrandirRiddell: how is your testing going?02:51
LutinBenC: hum, yep, experiencing here too02:54
BenCLutin: Could you join #ubuntu-kernel as well then, if you have maybe 15-30 minutes to do some Q&A?02:55
BenCLutin: Are you sure your problem isn't the bug that showed up in -12 and was fixed yesterday?02:55
cjwatsonMithrandir: mail in your inbox with a workaround for that resizing bug. I've tested my patch successfully, and it's your call, but I think it would be best applied after beta rather than before02:56
cjwatsonsince in this case the workarround is fairly straightforward02:56
LutinBenC: I was experiencin the same with -902:56
Mithrandircjwatson: thanks.  Can you add that to the release announcement?02:56
cjwatsonMithrandir: where?02:57
Mithrandircjwatson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyBetaAnnouncement02:58
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henoKeybuk, doko: Any luck we Edubuntu testing? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Status02:59
Keybukheno: I haven't even begun any02:59
henoKeybuk: can you do Edubuntu alternate?03:00
Keybukheno: I'm not going to be able to today, I have a stack of CVs and interviews to do03:00
henothe interns Chris and Mike are not at work today03:01
Keybuk(so I kinda need this machine <g>)03:01
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henoKeybuk: ok, thanks, let me find a different home for it03:01
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RiddellMithrandir: i386 both good, onto amd64 now03:09
henoRiddell: will update, thanks -- is that all tests?03:10
henokylem: around?03:11
Riddellheno: no, only done manual for kubuntu i386 alternate and desktop03:11
Riddellheno: although wipe disk for i386 alternate is half way there03:11
henook, thx03:11
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ograheno, i'm done with edubuntu alternate 03:30
henoogra: can I sign off all the tests? i386 and amd64?03:30
ograjust got a grub prompt on amd64, need to find out why, apart from that it looks ok ...03:30
ograi386 is good, i'll update the bugs as soon as i have a sane machine in my fingers again03:35
henoogra: I can do it directly, if you can just confirm that I should OK all the test types (erase, manual, rescue, etc.)03:35
ograerase manual and rescue as well as selftest were fine for i386 03:35
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ogramanual had a grub prompt for the installation device ... but was fine apart from that. i didnt perform selftest and rescue yet for amd6403:35
ogras/manual/manual amd64/03:35
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amayeraI wanted to ask if it is planned for usplash to support cryptsetup so one can enter his dmcrypt passphrase while still seeing the nice uslpash screen and not the console?03:36
cjwatsonogra: you'll get a grub prompt if another OS is installed that grub-installer can't figure out how to boot03:36
ogracjwatson, well, there is my other ubuntu on hda1  ....03:37
ogranothing else03:37
carlosglatzor: pint03:40
carlosglatzor: ping03:40
glatzorcarlos: pong03:40
carlosglatzor: just saw your email to ubuntu-translators03:40
carlosglatzor: you don't need to do that03:40
carloseither provide me with fixed .pot files and I will do a manual upload03:40
carlosor ask us (Rosetta team) to hide those templates to prevent people working on it03:40
carlosit's safer03:40
glatzorcarlos: ok. that is true.03:40
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glatzorcarlos: the new packages are already in the upload queue.03:40
carlosof course, the announcement should be sent anyway03:40
carlosglatzor: will they be automatically built?03:40
glatzorcarlos: so could you hide python-apt and software-properties until the end of the beta freeze?03:40
carlosglatzor: please, remind me to enable them again once the packages are built03:45
glatzorcarlos: the pot file and the po files get updated during the build process but I updated them locally in the source repository too. 03:45
carlosbut Rosetta doesn't get them until the build is finished03:45
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glatzorcarlos: right.  that is why I wrote this mail :)03:45
carlosglatzor: is update-manager affected by that problem too?03:45
glatzorcarlos: good question. I will check this now. I just finished python-apt and software-properties03:45
carlosglatzor: python-apt and software-properties are hidden now.03:45
glatzorthanks a lot carlos03:45
sladenamayera: I think there maybe a bug open for that;  if there isn't, can you open one please03:47
bdmurrayRiddell: yes, I recall that in one of the tests03:47
henogood morning bdmurray :)03:50
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amayerasladen: this should go to usplash-bugs, right?03:51
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iwjheno: Just to check I'm not missing anything here, there aren't yet any new images to test, right ?03:53
sladenamayera: cryptsetup might be a better place03:53
sladenamayera: if it's non-functional, that's a bug and needs filing03:54
henoiwj: the latest were rolled at 1.00ish GMT last night03:54
amayerasladen: well it works, but usplash stops running as soon as you need to enter the passphrase.03:54
pittikylem: amd64/alternate update: I now did everything except OEM and expert03:55
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henoiwj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Status the community I and fabio have been testing ubuntu desktop 38603:55
amayera_sladen: well it works, but usplash stops running as soon as you need to enter the passphrase.03:55
henobut there is one remaining test, auto-resize03:55
Riddellbdmurray: seems like a bug then03:55
Riddellheno: any reports of ubuntu alternate asking for X screen resolution during install?03:56
henoRiddell: no, just yours03:56
henoRiddell: that would not be speciffic to Kubuntu I guess03:57
henoI've not seen it myself on Ubuntu alternates03:57
iwjI'm sure I looked in Testing/Status.03:57
henopitti: thanks, I'll update03:57
iwjYes, indeed, look there are no version numbers in that page!03:57
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pittiheno: well, cli and manual partitioning are still running03:57
iwjheno: Would you like me to take the dvd instead ?03:58
pittiheno: I can do the last two ones, too, if its urgent03:58
bdmurrayRiddell: which install did you see it in?03:58
pittiheno: but I'd rather prefer someone else do them, to cover different hardware03:58
iwjAt least one of livecd or d-i.03:58
Riddellbdmurray: i386 alternate (but not amd64)03:59
henoiwj: I'm on the Ubuntu DVD myself. Could you look at the Edubuntu DVD?03:59
iwjErr, OK.  Let me see what my download looks like if I ask for it.03:59
bdmurrayRiddell: I don't recall it in every install method of the alternate04:00
iwjheno: What version number ?04:00
Riddellbdmurray: I did manual04:00
henoiwj: 2007032204:00
henofor the dvd04:00
Riddellbdmurray: can't imagine the partioning type would affect it04:00
iwjheno: Please put that in the wiki page.04:00
iwjheno: This getting the version number via irc is absurd.04:00
Riddellheno: a virtual box alternate install gets stuck at ejecting the CD, is that known?04:01
bdmurrayYeah, probably not.04:01
henoiwj: perhaps you can help me with that? That would be useful :)04:01
iwjSure :-).04:01
henothanks, (as you were volunteering your efforts anyway)04:02
iwjTesting/ReportingResults promises the version numbers will be in the tracker bug titles but they're not.04:02
iwjI don't know what all of the version numbers ought to be for all of the other images.04:02
henoiwj: it's whatever is in current 20070322.x04:03
henowhere x is 1 or two for desktop (they are identical)04:04
henoand nothing for DVD04:04
henobdmurray: can you give a hand with Edubuntu or Kubuntu testing? still some blank tests there04:05
bdmurrayheno: I'm getting the edubuntu server image now04:05
bdmurrayAnd I was going to start expert i386 alternate soon04:06
henobdmurray: cool thanks. can you coordinate with ogra? he's doing some as well04:06
bdmurrayheno: are my alternates from yesterday valid?04:06
ograheno, i'm doing the desktop run now ...04:06
Mithrandirbdmurray: no.04:11
iwjheno: Quoted you in the wiki :-).04:11
henoiwj: great, thanks for your help04:11
mdzcjwatson: documenting the resize issue seems appropriate to me04:11
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iwjheno: It looks like my dvd seed is a bit out of date so I'm downloading the jigdo template instead.  This will be some hours at this rate.04:21
iwjIs cdimage.ubuntu.com very overloaded atm ?04:21
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henoiwj: I'm wondering if it's worth it. My Edubuntu DVD sync is just about to complete04:24
mdzMithrandir: 20070322.1 still stands as a candidate for Ubuntu?04:24
henoiwj: anything else on that page you could test, Ubuntu i386 alternate?04:24
pirastkeescook, could you approve the nominations in bug 94792?04:25
UbugtuMalone bug 94792 in asterisk "Asterisk 1.2.17 fixes SIP DoS vulnerability" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9479204:25
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iwjheno: Sure, updating my image now.04:42
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superm1BenC, I noticed that you marked the bug related to saa7127 missing in 2.6.20 as fix-committed.  do you know which kernel release this will be reflected? (I'm going to add a note to the wiki page for ivtv feisty)04:50
iwjjigdo's mkimage should have a --best-effort option for when you're just trying to prime your rsync.04:50
mdzcjwatson: I'm surprised that the resize ever worked if it didn't force a fsck; I always seem to need to do that before resizing ext304:51
pittiogra, slomo: btw, I just tried the bcm43xx-mac80211 driver with the 4.x firmware; it works at least; I didn't try WPA though, I don't have one of those here04:51
BenCsuperm1: -13, which will probably get uploaded Saturday04:51
superm1Ok.  thanks :)04:51
pittiheno: btw, I did test auto-resize, but not OEM for amd64/alternate; this is mixed up on TEsting/Status04:56
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dholbachcjwatson: should we merge in the debconf change of debian bug 413509? it would fix our bug 87641 - which has 34 dups now :-)05:03
UbugtuDebian bug 413509 in x11-common "x11-common: config script hangs or fails" [Serious,Closed]  http://bugs.debian.org/41350905:03
UbugtuMalone bug 87641 in libqt-perl "[apport]  dpkg-preconfigure crashed with SIGSEGV in xcall_QGroupBox()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8764105:03
seb128there is a zillion of dup of that bug05:03
seb128I've already closed a bunch like a week ago05:04
dholbach34 now :)05:04
dholbachi added a clue about both debconf and libqt-perl to bughelper05:04
pittidholbach: a bug pattern as well, perhaps?05:04
seb128is there a way to say to debhelper "run all the known clue"?05:04
henopitti: thanks, will fix05:04
dholbachseb128: i want to let that run on rookery with a cronjob and generate html reports05:05
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dholbachseb128: (and have some config file for that script, so you can easily add bug* jobs to it)05:05
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main frozen for beta
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Thu Mar 15 12:21:54 2007
cjwatsondholbach: ok, I'll look later today, thanks05:07
dholbachseb128: 1) reorganisation of the launchpad specific code (like make it easier, deal with attachments better, make it saner, etc), 2) work on that data center version of it, 3) work on gtk bits for it05:08
dholbachcjwatson: super05:08
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seb128dholbach: cool ;)05:09
dholbachseb128: glad you like it05:09
ograheno, x86 edubuntu live: manual, erase and live_session are good05:10
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evandpitti: sorry, I was out earlier.  Is .gconf/apps/evolution/mail/%gconf.xml present on both systems?05:11
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henoogra: thanks. will update05:12
pittievand: well, in Feisty I only have the monolithic ~/.gconf/%gconf-tree.xml05:12
pittievand: that one does have some evolution keys05:13
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_ionI wonder whether something like SQLite would be a better database for gconf.05:13
_ionIt would have indexing etc.05:14
_ionOf course gconfd caches stuff, but anyway...05:14
evandpitti: interesting, any idea how the monolithic tree gets created?  I'm running Feisty as well and I have the keys broken down by directory.05:15
evandBut that would definitely explain why it isn't finding Evo05:15
pittievand: I think dapper or edgy created them05:15
=== evand investigates
pittievand: we originally had the flat files, then a later distro compressed them into one file, and then this was reverted (seb128 should know more)05:16
evandpitti: ok thanks05:16
pittievand: so you don't actually use the gconf library, but parse the stuff manually?05:16
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evandpitti: yeah, it makes the deps smaller05:16
pittievand: I can send you my gconf tree after some cleanup05:16
evandas this should also work in d-i on the alternate cd, but isn't included05:16
evandpitti: that would be a great help05:16
seb128evand, pitti: waht is the question?05:17
pittievand: anyway, it's just a corner case anyway05:17
pittievand: most people will probably want to import from Windows, not from Linux (sharing /home is so much easier...)05:17
evandseb128: what conditions create %gconf-tree.xml.  That is, was there a specific version of Ubuntu that created this?05:17
pittiseb128: when did we switch to monolithic .gconf/%gconf-tree.xml and when back?05:17
pittiseb128: I still have the monolithic one05:17
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evandGotta run, will follow up later05:18
seb128we merged the the gconf database during the breezy cycle05:18
seb128just during the unstable cycle05:18
pittiseb128: oh, it has never been in a release?05:18
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seb128we undo that change because it's not working fine on NFS due to the locking05:18
seb128pitti: no05:19
seb128pitti: we do merge the system one05:19
pittiseb128: so I better keep it around, if it speeds up my system ;-P05:19
seb128yeah ;)05:19
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_ionpitti: We probably should contact nVidia. Perhaps they would share a complete list of IDs supported by each version of the driver.05:44
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keescookpirast: sure, done.  thanks!05:51
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pitti_ion: and put it online somewhere, right; or just fix that damn module to declare it05:55
pittihi keescook 05:56
keescookhiya pitti05:56
_ionpitti: Yeah05:56
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stdinwhat would be your thoughts on adding something about the root account being disabled and use of sudo on the installer? I see soooo many questions in forums about "why can't I log in as root" and "what's the default root password"05:57
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ogra_liveheno: edubunu amd64 live erase, manual and live session good as well :)06:14
ogra_liveseems i got a complete set :)06:14
henoogra_live: cool! 06:15
ogra_live(apart from the dvd which might still take until tomorrow to finish the rsync)06:15
henoogra_live: what babout DVDs? I have the i386 one downloaded06:15
henoamd64 will take me another 7 hours06:16
ogra_livemy rsync says something about 10h for amd64 :(06:16
ogra_livesilly big media :/06:16
henohave you done i386? If not, I'm on that one06:16
evandpitti: If you could scrape out any sensitive data and send me that monolithic gconf file via email (evand@ubuntu.com) or a m-a bug report whenever you have a chance, it would be much appreciated.06:16
ogra_livei'll do it as well but wont priorize it06:16
ogra_livei.e. do it on friday afternoon or something, just to see how it goes06:17
pittievand: I could do that, but since it seems to be such a corner case, I don't think you should worry about it too much06:17
pittievand: I could only come to this gconf situation because I always keep my /home partition; and in those cases people will certainly continue to do so ;)06:18
pittievand: people who regenerate their /home with every new install won't have the monolithic tree, nor will people who only installed stable releases06:18
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pittievand: thanks for looking into it; I thought it was somehting much more serious06:19
henoogra_live: did you do auto-resize for the desktop CDs? I don't have that marked off06:19
evandme too :)06:19
ogra_livenope, i didnt06:20
ogra_livei usually only do manual and erase ... 06:21
ogra_liveas i usually dont have anything to autoresize :)06:21
pittimy current approach to this is to create a single large vfat partition, put a file onto it (in the live system), and then reboot06:21
henoogra_live: ah, well it seems stgraber has just done it :)06:22
ogra_liveheno: i'm extremly sure there wont be many differences between ubiquity on edubuntu vs ubuntu so i'd be fine if i know all the package stuff thats different in the installs is handled ...06:23
henoright, makes sense06:24
ogra_liveindeed it's nicer to have them all tedsted :)06:24
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aitorim looking for some feedback06:33
aitorI write an application for Summer of Code 2007 about synaptic06:34
aitorthe main idea is to add rating and comments to packages in synaptic06:34
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mvoaitor: hello! you write or you plan to write :) ?06:35
aitoryou can see my application in http://mysummerofcode.blogspot.com/2007/03/ubuntu-possibility-to-comment-and-rate.html06:35
mvoaitor: that sounds very interessting, but it seems to me like a good approach is to make it webbased. is that what you plan to do?06:35
aitortwo ways06:36
TomaszDany bluetooth experts around? what about this little showstopper https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez-utils/+bug/9286606:36
UbugtuMalone bug 92866 in bluez-utils "Inquring for devices from GUI doesn't work due to misconfiguration" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:36
aitorrate and comment in synaptic, sort by rate...06:36
=== mvo reads the blog entry
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aitorsetting up a store system that could be used to make a web based application 06:38
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mvoaitor: I need to lave for the evening in a bit, please mail me or just ping me on irc tomorrow again06:52
Keybuk(random) the rhythmbox album cover plugin is the bong!06:53
KeybukI like it even better when it gets the wrong album cover, because it's usually funny06:54
henodoko: did you get a chance to download the Edubuntu amd64 DVD?06:55
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aitorhi, sorry Im down06:57
=== heno takes a break from testing
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shawarmapitti: How often does the malone retrace magic thing run?07:07
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dokoheno: will do tonight; downloaded today07:08
pittishawarma: permanently ATM, dholbach gave it a huge bulk of stuff to do :)07:08
pittishawarma: if the queue is empty, it sleeps for ten minutes and then checks again07:08
shawarmapitti: ah.. Is it triggered when we set the flag or does it just run every once in a while and checks if there's any bugs tagged with the magic tags?07:09
dholbachheno: were the Testing/ tables wiped clean again?=07:09
pittishawarma: the latter; I don't see how the former is possible, and it wouldn't make much sense either (it needs to be queued anyway)07:09
_ionpitti: Another, somewhat evil idea: a program that dlopens a proprietary driver and bruteforces the IDs it supports by pretending to be X and running the driver's Probe function in a for loop. I haven't studied whether that would work, though.07:10
shawarmapitti: Well, it could be triggered by e-mail and be subscribed to ubuntu bugs.. but this works fine, too.07:10
pittishawarma: I guess after all a Malone search is cheaper than parsing that bug flood07:11
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pitti_ion: h4ck! ;)07:11
shawarmapitti: Probably. :-)07:11
dholbachheno: ah no... sorry - you want me to do server amd64?07:12
shawarmapitti: Well, I just asked because there as a bug that was tagged 4-5 hours ago and I was curious if it had missed it, but if it's just that there's a backlog I'll take it easy.07:13
pittishawarma: if the tag is still there, everything is alright; if the tag was removed without a retrace, ping me to look in the logs07:14
shawarmapitti: Nono, it's still there. I just have a very impatient nature. :-)07:14
pittiunderstandable :)07:16
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hungerWLAN is broken since I upgraded my kernel:-(07:27
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hungerI am using the madwifi drivers.07:27
hungerWorks with the -9 kernel.07:27
hungerWill somebody do something about all the warnings/error messages that appear during bootup?07:28
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Mithrandirmdz: .2 on i386, but yes.07:40
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mdzMithrandir: which i386?  I was testing .1 and got no indication that anything  had changed07:50
\shguys, can someone have a look on bug #38311..is it ok, to recompile it without openssl support?07:50
UbugtuMalone bug 38311 in ekg "Please build libgadu without openssl support" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3831107:50
Mithrandirmdz: all i386; you should have gotten notification via ubuntu-iso-tests bug subscription, surely?07:50
Riddellslomo: your blog is broken?07:51
slomoRiddell: yes... i'll fix it when i find some free time07:51
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mdzMithrandir: I'm not subscribed to ubuntu-iso-tests; only to the bug where I'm testing07:56
_ionpitti: I have to investigate more, but there seems to be something that looks very much like an ID list immediately in the beginning of the .rodata section of the kernel module.07:57
mdzMithrandir: and furthermore, products can only have one bug contact, and I'm not one07:58
mdzhenrik is07:58
mdzMithrandir: have you talked this through with heno?07:58
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pittignomefreak: sorry that those tbird/ffox packages are so resistant against good traces :( do they have some particularly agressive compiler flags or so?08:13
pittignomefreak: did you ever saw a 'good' retrace for ffox/tbird?08:14
gnomefreakpitti: not sure asac would be better to ask08:14
gnomefreakpitti: i got one that i did this morning but it was already done by hjmf it was great. most of the good ones are gtk_style_attach08:15
pittignomefreak: high on apport's TODO list is evaluation of ProcMaps and installing the packages/dbgsyms that belong to them; that should help in some cases08:15
iwjcjwatson: Err, this perfectly ordinary d-i install seems to have failed to install X and gdm and so forth.08:16
iwjThe only weird thing I did was select to mount the /home from another feisty test install on /home again.08:16
cjwatsoniwj: I have no brain right now; happy to inspect logs when brain returns08:16
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iwjcjwatson: *sympathy*  OK, shall I file a bug and keep the install ?08:17
pittiiwj: FWIW, I do that all the time (reusing /home) for installs of my production machine and it never did that for me08:17
gnomefreakthank you. im doing as much as i can to work around them but that isnt going so good.  The bug this monring that the coredump was bad cant find # atm. is that apport or is that LP or the packages she has?08:17
cjwatsonplease - probably on pkgsel08:17
iwjMaybe I hit the `server install' option by mistake but I don't _think_ so./08:18
pittignomefreak: bug 90348?08:18
UbugtuMalone bug 90348 in mozilla-thunderbird "[apport]  mozilla-thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9034808:18
gnomefreakwe will never get a good crash on thunderbird08:18
pittignomefreak: I can't really say; might be missing packages/dbgsyms, might be broken dbgsyms, might be scrambled memory08:18
gnomefreaknot sure why but the dbgsym package doesnt give us anything08:18
pittignomefreak: do you get good traces with the dbgsyms in a 'laborarory' crash? like killall -SEGV thunderbird?08:19
pittilaboratory, even08:19
iwjcli.preseed it says.08:19
iwjHmmm.  Let me just check ...08:19
cjwatsoncli == server install08:20
cjwatson"command-line installation"08:20
pittignomefreak: when I find some time, I shall try this myself and check more thoroughly what the problem is08:20
gnomefreaki havent seen one say killall. if you have a bug# handy i will try it. or give me a day and i will see if i can find a bug with that08:20
iwjThat's what I suspected.08:20
pittignomefreak: I meant, start tbird, killall -SEGV it, and analyze that crash report08:20
iwjRight, err, PEBKAC.08:20
cjwatsonok, could be worse :)08:20
gnomefreakpitti: i built dbg package for tb just erased /home/ by mistake but i thin i uploaded it08:20
pittignomefreak: that's guaranteed to not scramble any memory and such08:20
iwjI wonder how that happened.08:20
gnomefreakah ok08:20
pittignomefreak: rm ~> ouch 08:21
cjwatsonday of testing => scrambled attention span?08:21
gnomefreakyeah i rm -rf /var/chroot/edgy :(08:21
gnomefreakwith sudo of course08:21
iwjMaybe my hindbrain translated `I want "install in text mode"' to `I want a "command-line install"'.08:21
=== gnomefreak will remember to unmount it first
cjwatsonrm needs a --one-file-system switch ...08:21
pittignomefreak: with /home bind-mounted into it, I guess08:21
iwjcjwatson: mkfs :-).08:21
cjwatsonideally --one-file-system by default actually and a --cross-file-system option but they probably wouldn't break compatibility like thatt08:22
cjwatsonchalk another one up for the list to take in the time machine when we go back to redesign Unix08:23
gnomefreakpitti: also on the bug with dpkg --unpack failing it seems to be failing due to libgcc1-dbgsym libnspr4-dbgsym libnss3-dbgsym08:23
pittignomefreak: that sounds like exactly those packages with broken epochs08:23
gnomefreakpitti: i get teh update-manager telling me it failed running apt-get -f install removes those packages08:23
gnomefreakthats the only thing i have found on that 08:24
pittignomefreak: right, I need to fix pkg-create-dbgsym to respect those weird binary-specific version numbers; there's a bug about that already; it doesn't prevent -u from working, though08:24
gnomefreakwith -u is when i get it now08:25
gnomefreaki havent tried without -u yet08:25
Mithrandirmdz: we didn't close the bugs, we just reused the old ones so you should have gotten notifications if you subscribed to the same bug.08:25
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mdzMithrandir: I am subscribed to bug 93122 but there's nothing in the comments to indicate that my testing was invalidated, what the problem was with the ISO i had tested, or that a new ISO was available for testing08:27
UbugtuMalone bug 93122 in ubuntu-iso-tests "beta: Ubuntu i386 alternate" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9312208:27
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Mithrandirmdz: Henrik commented on a lot of other bugs invalidating them, I assumed he had done so on the i386 alternate one too.08:28
Mithrandirmdz: anyway, there shouldn't be any code changes whatsoever between them, so I'm confident that if one boots correctly, the other should too.08:28
mdzMithrandir: what was the bug?08:29
Mithrandirmdz: I didn't see that cjwatson rebuild the ISOs between me going to bed and waking up, so I redid them.08:29
cjwatsonnext time I'll send mail in that event08:31
Mithrandircjwatson: I would have seen it if I had either been more awake or you had highlighted it for me.08:31
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gnomefreakpitti: one more thing while i got you here. the retrace stated cant find libflashplugin.so in path/bleh but its there. is that file in all flash type apps example gnash or libflash-mozilla08:33
cjwatsonMithrandir: Riddell had highlighted the problem for you, but indeed I appear not to have done08:33
gnomefreakit ignores it but i check my path and its there08:33
cjwatsonour processes close to release time ought not to assume that the RM is awake, given the hours usually required :-)08:33
pittignomefreak: is it from an actual package? it might complain about not finding a *package* for it08:33
pittignomefreak: thus it cannot get a dbgsym for it08:33
Mithrandircjwatson: yes, so I saw the problem, but not that you fixed it.  Anyway, I can publish the .1 if mdz would prefer that.08:33
Mithrandircjwatson: not awake> true enough..08:34
Riddellcarlos: bug https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/92518 says it's fixed but there's no translations at https://translations.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/kopete/+translations08:34
UbugtuMalone bug 92518 in rosetta "Kopete translations are not used, because source package has changed" [Undecided,Fix released]  08:34
gnomefreaki will look into it more i havent seen one since i have been rebuilding /home/ and chroots08:34
Riddellcarlos: oh, ignore me, that's the URL that should have nothing at it08:35
mdzMithrandir: I'm not fussed about .1 vs. .2, but we do need to be more rigorous about the process in general08:35
Mithrandirmdz: agreed.08:36
MithrandirI wonder if I could make the CD builds mail the bugs by keeping tracking bugs in malone and a mapping from image name to bug # on lithium.08:37
Mithrandirheno: ^^ would that make your job easier?08:37
henoMithrandir: that would help yes08:38
henothough I think we need to redesign the tracking system anyway, too many manual gaps08:38
Mithrandirand we can have a "daily build between herd 5 and 6" bug so I wouldn't have to keep filing bugs.08:38
henoI'm doing a GSoC project on it now08:39
Mithrandiryes, manual work is error-prone and icky.08:39
gnomefreakpitti: WARNING: library /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so not found in system packages -- ignoring08:39
pittignomefreak: right, what I assumed. -- /var/cache/ ???08:40
pittignomefreak: ah, that's where libflashplugin-nonfree downloads it, I figure08:40
gnomefreaki did have it there i check path against path given. atm i done have flash installed yet08:40
pittignomefreak: but it doesn't matter much anyway in that case08:40
pittignomefreak: there's no way how we can get debug symbols for that one anyway08:41
gnomefreakso flash will always be mininal stacks08:41
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pittiso if it crashes in that lib -> it's nonfree, screw upstream08:41
pittignomefreak: not necessarily; if it's a genuine crash in the browser itself, it shouldn't matter08:42
gnomefreakah ok08:42
pittignomefreak: a stack trace doesn't become useless just because a library without dbgsyms is loaded; it does as soon as the stack goes 'through' this library08:42
pirastkeescook, thanks also :)08:42
cjwatsonor at least if the stack ends in that library08:43
cjwatsonif it goes through and comes back out (possible with some plugin architectures) it might still be salvageable. :-)08:43
mdzpitti: that's where it downloads it, but surely ti isn't run from there, or if it is, that's a bug08:46
pittimdz: right, but even if it moves it to /usr/local or anywhere, it won't be part of a package (dpkg -S wise)08:46
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mdzpitti: right, I'm just saying it sounds like there might be a different bug there08:47
mdzpitti: it copies the .so to /usr/lib/flashplayer-nonfree, and that's the one which should be used by the browser...08:47
=== pitti is so happy that his browser doesn't crash *ever*
pittimdz: ah, makes sense08:47
mdzmine rarely crashes, but occasionally spins08:48
_ionpitti: Please pull the changes from my restricted-manager branch. Now it should contain a complete listing of nVidia IDs.08:49
pittignomefreak: this silly flash plugin seems to cause so much trouble, maybe we should have an apport hook and some magic field DoNotFile: to avoid spamming us with crashes when the flash plugin is loaded08:49
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pitti_ion: yay!08:49
=== pitti hugs _ion
gnomefreakpitti: +108:50
pitti_ion: funny; modalias_override_scripts/nvidia_supported is both deleted and added08:50
_ionpitti: It's intentional. I first removed the old one and then wrote a new one.08:50
pitti_ion: wow, that looks like a crazy hack :)08:51
_ionHehe, yeah08:51
_ionBut it seems to work.08:51
pitti_ion: right, thanks for the bc03, in case of false positive integers08:52
_ionI compared its output to the previous listing. There were no deletions, only some additions, and the additions contained the IDs that were previously manually added to nvidia.manual.08:53
pittiit looks very reasonable, too08:53
desrttepsipakki; ping08:53
mdzpitti: is there enough information in the crash file to determine whether flash is loaded?08:56
pittimdz: yes, you should see it in ProcMaps08:56
=== pitti searches an example crash
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keescookdholbach: re 86974, where did you see it was the autopackage version?08:58
mdzpitti: seems perfectly reasonable to exclude those, then.  probably not even necessary to tell the user anything08:58
keescookdholbach: oh, duh, I can read.  nevermind.08:58
mdzthough it would be nice if we could provide a URL where they could contact adobe08:58
pitti af277000-af474000 r-xp 00000000 03:07 7716868    /home/kirill/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so08:59
pitti^ for example08:59
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pittiasac, gnomefreak: if I make the apport UI recognize a field 'UnsupportableReason: <text>' and display <text> instead of filing the bug, would you two like to work on the firefox apport hook?09:01
pittithis hook should be shipped in firefox itself09:02
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gnomefreaki will get with asac and see what he wants to do. hes building before beta so hes been a bit on the busy side09:03
pitticertainly not for beta09:03
gnomefreakoh god no09:03
rbrunhuberIs there a plan to integrate the debian installer (the new one) with encryption support into feisty?09:05
cjwatsonrbrunhuber: not feisty (cryptsetup wasn't glued into usplash in time), but as soon as all the necessary bits are in place after that then it's easy enough to pull in those partman changes09:06
keescookpitti: apport> what do you think of including md5sums of the Exec/InterpPath file during the "add_package_info" stage?  bugs like 86974 would be more obviously rejectable that way.09:07
cjwatsonI think we already have the code in fact, just didn't put it all in main because it wasn't working right09:07
pittikeescook: we already check the integrity of Package: and all Dependencies:09:07
rbrunhubercjwatson : thank you. Although i had better liked the cryptsetup than usplash. Because  usplash does not work for me since ages09:07
pittikeescook: that bug has a huge [modified: ]  line09:08
keescookoh duh! I forgot about "modified"!09:08
sladenrbrunhuber: do you have a bug number?  What do you mean by "not work" ?09:08
cjwatsonrbrunhuber: I'm afraid usplash is a core part of our system and we're not going to drop it in favour of cryptsetup09:08
pittikeescook: I like retroactively fixed feature requests!09:08
keescookpitti: the best kind.  :)09:09
sladenrbrunhuber: if you notice something stop working, if you file a bug report /immediately/ then it's easier to track down which commit might have broken it on your system09:09
rbrunhubersladen : I have a bugreport: 71004 and 72216 09:10
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sladenbug #71004 bug 7221609:13
UbugtuMalone bug 71004 in usplash "[kubuntu edgy and feisty]  with boot parameter splash (usplash) shutdown is not working (dup-of: 72216)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7100409:13
UbugtuMalone bug 72216 in usplash "Usplash sometimes hangs during shutdown/reboot and displays strange characters" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7221609:13
UbugtuMalone bug 72216 in usplash "Usplash sometimes hangs during shutdown/reboot and displays strange characters" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7221609:13
sladenSeveas: ^^ ubugtu could work out which ones it's going to print in one go, and avoid printing multiples caused by dupes09:14
Seveassladen, ack09:14
sladenrbrunhuber: that bug appears to be about usplash on shutdown, not on bootup09:14
rbrunhubersladen: or the bug number spitting user (me) could be smart enough :-)09:14
rbrunhubersladen : what is the problem if start or shutdown? usplash is usplash?09:15
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sladenrbrunhuber: I don't think it's actually usplash at all;  I think it's one of the machines where we just fail to manage to make the machine power-off/reboot  (BIOS/ACPI brokenness)09:16
poningruquick question09:17
sladenrbrunhuber: cryptsetup would only occur at start-up;  but you said that you'd stopped using usplash because it was broken anyway;  though it sounds like it's only usplashdown that is having issues09:18
poningrubeta is still not recommended on production environments right?09:18
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proppycjwatson: ping09:18
poningruanyone? need to do this for release notes09:18
rbrunhubersladen : i made the most obvious thing. remove splash from the kopt line in menu.lst. 09:18
LaserJockponingru: I would think it would be recommeneded09:19
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Mithrandirponingru: I would not recommend people upgrade production systems to beta, no.  I would recommend it as "please try this out, even if you don't want to spend lots of time debugging it"09:19
poningruok cool thanks09:20
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rbrunhubersladen : but why should the computer shut down reliable if no usplash down is used?09:25
rbrunhubersladen : if this is a bios/acpi problem09:25
Seveassladen, fixed09:25
carlos__Riddell: yeah, the translations are inside kdenetwork09:32
sladenSeveas: result!09:32
sladenrbrunhuber: okay, and that's been tested/confirmed09:33
Seveashmm, reading the topic: I have a machine that never shut down but always rebooted09:33
Seveaswith kernel 2.6.20-909:33
Seveassomewhere between there and th latest, that's solved09:34
rbrunhuberThe bug has a duplicate and i often tested it. but i can't confirm my own bug.09:35
sladenrbrunhuber: I've got an i945GM here, I'll keep my eyes open09:37
mdzcjwatson: alternate install just asked me for a proxy; it's never done that before. does that mean a download failed or something?09:39
rbrunhubersladen : This is not specific to i945GM AFAIK09:40
_ionpitti: Now it should be possible to generate all the needed ID lists from within the linux-restricted-modules build process, btw.09:43
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pitti_ion: or even at restricted-manager runtime09:44
pittibut build process would be better, right09:44
_ionThat would require the existence of the ATI driver.09:44
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sladenrbrunhuber: okay, if you have it confirmed on any other systems, can you make sure those details are included09:47
rbrunhubersladen: I'll do. Is usplashdown writing any logfile?09:50
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janimois the source NEW  queue visible from outside?10:41
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Toadstooljanimo: by "outside", you mean visible to regular people, not only archive gods?10:45
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Toadstoolif that's the case, then you can take a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+queue10:47
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janimoToadstool, that's what I was looking for, thanks!10:52
Toadstoolyou're welcome ;)10:53
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HiddenWolftepsipakki: ping10:53
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tepsipakkiHiddenWolf: pong10:55
HiddenWolftepsipakki: updating bug 40422 now with the info you asked. Anything else I can do?10:56
UbugtuMalone bug 40422 in xresprobe "Dell 2405FPW and resolution 1920x1200" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4042210:56
tepsipakkibe patient? :)10:56
tepsipakkioh, run /usr/share/xresprobe/ddcprobe.sh10:57
HiddenWolfjust added. Identical. :)10:58
svu_is there a chance to get latest swfdec in feisty? youtube is must have:)10:58
tepsipakkiHiddenWolf: oh, indeed10:59
HiddenWolfWasn't trying to rush you btw, just wondering if I could be helpful while at it.10:59
tepsipakkiHiddenWolf: ok then.. you need to run some commands10:59
tepsipakkifirst 'ddcprobe > foo'11:00
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tepsipakkiwe can handle it here11:02
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HiddenWolffirst off, it says analog signal, but it's on dvi11:03
tepsipakkiI don't think it matters11:03
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tepsipakkinext, run 'cat foo| egrep '^[cd] *timing:' | sed -e 's/^[cd] *timing: \([^x] *\)x\([^ @$] *\).*$/\1x\2/;'11:04
tepsipakkithere is a space between 'timing: \(...'11:04
tepsipakkiwhat is the last entry?11:04
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tepsipakkioh god11:07
tepsipakkiyou're right11:07
tepsipakkithe crt-thing does matter11:07
tepsipakkisince it doesn't allow to use the highest resolution on crt's11:07
tepsipakkinow how to work around it..11:09
tepsipakkithere is no clean way to do it11:09
HiddenWolfabout the only thing that pops to mind might be whitelisting monitors somehow, but I know about as much about X as my granny, so I doubt I can help there.11:10
tepsipakkiit should be glued in ddcprobe.sh11:11
tepsipakkior making a list and then parsing it from there11:11
tepsipakki"match these strings"11:11
HiddenWolfseems sensible to me.11:13
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HiddenWolfI will have to tuck in now.11:17
HiddenWolfThanks for the help and the work on X.11:17
tepsipakkiHiddenWolf: thanks for pushing me in the right direction ;)11:18
tepsipakkisheesh it was simple11:18
HiddenWolfGlad to be of assistance in my limited way.11:18
HiddenWolfGood night.11:18
cjwatsonproppy: pong, just leave a message and I'll respond later11:20
cjwatsonmdz: the installer does a test wget from archive.ubuntu.com, and if that fails it asks for a proxy11:21
proppycjwatson: about the mouseemul bug, i searched for duplicate before posting, but by default bug search doesn't include "resolved,release", so sorry :)11:24
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