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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 333 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 0 Unassigned
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.19 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 333 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 0 Unassigned
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Thu Mar 22 05:06:18 2007
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henobug 8496411:32
stgraberubugtu doesn't seem to be here 11:32
henoseems to be a boot failure on ICH8 chipsets11:32
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ivoksstgraber: bug #8496411:40
ivoksoh... it doesn't work :)11:40
stgraberAs I said ubugtu isn't here :)11:41
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dade`BenC: I'm sorry, it was not a kernel fault02:06
BenCdade`: Ah :)02:06
BenCdade`: What was it?02:06
dade`are you sure you want to know ?02:08
BenCyes, I'm eager to know :)02:12
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dade`BenC: this laptop has a fn+f7 key that toggles on and off the touchpad... I'd never seend souch thing before..02:18
dade`the symbol is a SQUARE, I thought it was something to enable external monitor..02:18
dade`feel free to laugh02:19
dade`(at me)02:20
henobug 84964 is another possible boot problem with ICH8 and amd6402:29
henoBenC: should we worry about that? ^02:30
BenCdade`: I would laugh, but I've made such mistakes before :)02:34
BenCheno: Checking02:34
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BenCheno: It's probably too late for beta, but I'll make it my priority for a post-beta-release fix02:41
henoBenC: OK, it seems to affect less people than the previous one02:42
BenCheno: I think this one has a mix of problems too, they just all have the same symptom02:42
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host118-134-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCAlinuxOS: Are you on the machine that is having the problem?02:47
AlinuxOSBenC, nothing to discuss :) I see that bug exists...how can I help you ?02:48
AlinuxOSBenC, yes.02:48
BenCAlinuxOS: the bug doesn't have very useful information at the moment02:48
BenCAlinuxOS: Can you pastebin the output of "lspci -vv"?02:48
AlinuxOSBenC, and I'm simple transaltor...if I can contribute something I'm ready.02:48
AlinuxOSBenC, just a moment.02:48
tritiumBenC: I experienced that bug until the fix you made yesterday for #93648.02:49
BenCtritium: This one is different...the one I fixed yesterday only affects -12, the one I'm working on now has been around since -702:50
tritiumBenC: okay02:50
BenCtritium: But thanks for testing that fix02:50
tritiumBenC: thank _you_ for fixing it.02:51
BenCunfortunately the two bugs appeared the same to most users, so there's some confusion in the bug report and I need more clarification02:51
AlinuxOSBenC, which syntax do you prefer ?02:51
AlinuxOShttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?02:51
BenCAlinuxOS: Doesn't matter, that one is fine02:52
AlinuxOSBenC, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11496/ here you are.02:52
BenCAlinuxOS: How are your disks connected, SATA/IDE?02:54
BenCAlinuxOS: Any hw raid configurations?02:54
AlinuxOSno raid, only SATA02:54
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AlinuxOSBenC, 1 SATA HD only02:55
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BenCAlinuxOS: Ok, do you have a kernel that boots ok?02:56
AlinuxOSyes I use in this moment: Linux brugherio 2.6.20-6-generic #2 SMP Wed Jan 31 20:53:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:56
BenCLutin: Can you pastebin your "lcpci -vv" output?02:56
tritiumBenC: if you need details on my hardware, to isolate the difference in the two bugs, let me know.  I have Thinkpad T43p with ICH6 and an SATA hd.02:57
BenCAlinuxOS: Can you pastebin your dmesg output then please?02:57
AlinuxOSBenC, Lutin has the same problem ?02:57
BenCtritium: Ok, thanks02:57
AlinuxOSBenC, just a moment.02:57
LutinAlinuxOS: yes02:57
BenCAlinuxOS: yes, so this will help me see if there's some commonality02:57
AlinuxOSBenC, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11497/ dmesg output.02:58
LutinBenC: lspci -vv: http://pastebin.ca/40648602:59
BenCLutin: Ok, you're ICH8...what is your HD config, SATA/IDE, any hw raid config?03:01
SimiraLure: what is your status on the hibernate problem? I believe #75398 is still not solved03:01
LutinBenC: 1 HDD sata2, no raid03:01
BenCLutin: Also, are you in ahci mode, or piix?03:01
BenCLutin: Have you tried changing to piix in bios to see if that helps?03:01
Lutinyes, but it was hanging up as weel iirc. can't tell you if this was for the same reason though03:02
BenCAlinuxOS: Is it possible for you to boot into a newer kernel, removing the "quiet splash" options from the kernel command line and get the last disk related output from the kernel?03:02
SimiraBenC: sorry for being extremely late with this, but the fan still doesn't restart with resume from hibernate on hp nw-models03:03
BenCSimira: Yes, someone is looking into patches for that...waiting on them, since they have the hw and can rebuild kernels03:03
AlinuxOSBenC, you mean to boot: Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-12-generic?03:04
SimiraBenC: ok, great. 03:04
BenCAlinuxOS: yes03:04
BenCAlinuxOS: In grub, you can edit the command line to remove those two options03:04
AlinuxOSHow ?: "get the last disk related output from the kernel?"03:04
BenCAlinuxOS: Should be the last thing on the screen when it stops, but be sure to wait the full three minutes for busybox to show up03:05
AlinuxOStitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-12-generic03:05
AlinuxOSroot            (hd0,2)03:05
AlinuxOSkernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.20-12-generic root=UUID=634f3a3a-404c-47cf-aace-c5c8a056f452 ro 03:05
AlinuxOSinitrd          /initrd.img-2.6.20-12-generic03:05
AlinuxOSok in this way ?03:06
BenCAlinuxOS: A digital photo or hand written copy of the output would be good03:06
BenCAlinuxOS: yes, that's good03:06
BenCLutin: Can you do the same, get me dmesg from current good boot, and reboot to the bad kernel to get the output?03:06
AlinuxOSups have no digital photo machine :(03:06
AlinuxOShow many line should I write down ? :)03:07
AlinuxOSBenC, ?03:07
BenCAlinuxOS: Should be no more than 10, don't worry about the time stamps on the left side in braces (the "[0000003434.900] " stuff)03:07
AlinuxOSBenC, ok.03:08
BenCAlinuxOS: If you see an oops/bug, then the main portions are the first line saying why it oopsed/bug'd and the stack trace are important03:08
LutinBenC: ok. (note that bad and good and bad kernel are the same one here because it randomly boots, about once/15)03:08
BenCLutin: Oooh, you definitely have a different bug then, but one I want to help with, so let's continue03:09
BenCLutin: Does -12 work for you?03:10
BenCOk, please use that one for testing if you can03:10
BenCthe actual code for drivers/ata/ changed a lot after -11, so it will keep the info consistent with current source03:10
Lutinsometimes it hangs up while accessin gthe disks, sometimes while modprobing cx88* modules03:11
BenCinteresting...probably an oops occurs earlier than is causing the hang later on03:11
LutinBenC: do you need the dmesg when the boot is ok ?03:12
BenCLutin: yes, please03:13
LutinBenC: http://dunnewind.net/~lutin/dmesg03:14
BenCLutin: Do you actually have two of the same CD/DVD drives attached?03:16
LutinBenC: yes, 2 samsung sata dvd writers03:17
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BenCLutin: Ok, this all looks good, can you get the info from the failed boot now?03:19
LutinBenC: I have some things currently building on that box, I'll reboot asap (~20min)03:20
BenCLutin: Ok, thanks03:20
ivoksBenC: i've downloaded 20070322.2 and it has some ata_piix issues03:21
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host118-134-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCivoks: is that kernel -12.20, or -12.19?03:21
AlinuxOSBenC, http://alinuxos.no-ip.org/debug.jpg03:21
BenCivoks: cat /proc/version_signature should tell you03:21
ivoksi'm testing this in qemu03:22
ivoksit worked before...03:22
ivoksnow it does not detect cdrom03:22
BenCAlinuxOS: Great, there's a crash...but I can't see the important parts :)03:23
AlinuxOSBenC, my termianl letters are so huge03:24
AlinuxOSBenC, I use 1280x1024 resolution03:24
BenCAlinuxOS: Can you add vga=771 to the kernel command line and see if that helps things03:24
ivoksBenC: http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/fail.jpg03:25
BenCivoks: Ah, I've seen that one in another bug03:25
fabbionei see those too, but then it works for me03:25
BenCivoks: Is there a kernel version that works for you?03:26
BenCivoks: Is it just -12 that broke things?03:26
ivoksBenC: i've tested only with -1203:26
ivoksbut... i've tested daily old couple of days03:27
ivoksand it worked03:27
mjg59That's pretty clearly something unrelated to this bug03:27
ivoksi agree03:27
BenCright, definitely not this one, just wondering where it regressed03:29
ivoksi think i have old daily somewhere...03:29
ivoks2.6.20-9.16 works03:35
BenCit's probably a -12 regression03:35
ivoksi've just installed -12 on my laptop (ICH7), so i'll check it IRL soon :)03:35
ivoksfwiw -11 works ok03:36
BenCmake sure it's -12.20 and not -12.1903:36
BenCelse you're sure to hit a bug03:36
ivoksyes, it is03:36
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.20 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 333 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 0 Unassigned
ivoksi'm using  2.6.20-12.19-generic03:37
ivoksand it works03:37
BenCdidn't have time to tell him that id .19 works, then .20 surely will :)03:41
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ivoksboth -12.19 and -12.20 work fine here :/03:45
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ivoksi've seen problems only with -12.20 on qemu03:45
BenCivoks: what about -12.19?03:45
AlinuxOSBenC, refresh my url please.03:45
ivoksi didn't try it in qemu :(03:45
BenCshould be the same03:45
BenCAlinuxOS: Ok03:45
BenCivoks: What IDE controller does qemu emulate?03:45
BenCAlinuxOS: oooh, you have a crash in ohci1394, interesting03:45
AlinuxOSBenC, sorry for using Microsoft Wireless Desktop :)03:45
ivoksIntel 82371SB PIIX303:45
BenCAlinuxOS: hey, we use what we can, no big deal03:45
AlinuxOSBenC, right03:45
BenCivoks: Maybe we should revert that one back to piix instead of ata_piix03:45
ivoksright... old daily used piix, not ata_piix03:45
ivokserr... kernel :)03:46
BenCmaybe best to do that for everything < ICH603:46
BenCAlinuxOS: : echo "blacklist ohci1394" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ohci1394-blacklist03:47
BenCAlinuxOS: sudo update-initramfs -u03:47
BenCAlinuxOS: And reboot to see if works03:47
BenCbrb in 5, coffee+smoke03:47
AlinuxOSBenC, don't smoke! :P03:48
ivokslight one for me :)03:48
AlinuxOSok done now rebooting.03:48
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host118-134-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
AlinuxOSBenC, http://alinuxos.no-ip.org/debug2.jpg04:01
AlinuxOSafter: echo "blacklist ohci1394" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ohci1394-blacklist04:01
AlinuxOSand sudo update-initramfs -u  command.04:02
BenCOk, no more ohci1394 crash, but still no disk...hmm04:02
mjg59So ata still isn't working04:02
AlinuxOSmjg59, hello ;)04:02
AlinuxOSmjg59, how are you ?04:03
BenCAlinuxOS: ok, at this point when you get to busybox shell, can you do "lsmod | grep ata" and see if sata_nv is loaded?04:03
mjg59Busy :)04:03
AlinuxOSmjg59, understand you ! ;)04:03
AlinuxOSBenC, ok.04:03
BenCAlinuxOS: Also, "cat /proc/kmsg | grep ata" afterwards (this will hang the console, since the cat cannot be ^C'd)04:03
BenCwish someone would fix busybox to get tty+job-control :/04:04
AlinuxOSBenC, do you need screenshots ? (it's my mobile phone screens...are they enough?)04:04
BenCAlinuxOS: Of the last command for kmsg, yes...your screen shots are perfect04:05
BenCcool, latest ieee1394 has host suspend/resume support04:11
BenCmight help some people04:11
LutinBenC: sorry, there's no way I can get a log04:11
LutinI can see the errors, but the kernel keep on booting an then freeze at some point, but I can't see the actual error04:11
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BenCLutin: Do you remember any parts of the error?04:12
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BenCLutin: or was it too fast?04:12
LutinBenC: something like modprobe abnormal termination, and then a stacktrace04:12
MithrandirLutin: do you have a digital camera or a cellphone camera?04:12
Mithrandirif so, taking a picture of the error would be useful.04:12
LutinMithrandir: unfortunately no 04:12
BenCLutin: Most likely when it freezes, it's initramfs waiting for the rootfs. If you give it 3 minutes it will probably drop to a shell04:13
LutinBenC: it doesn't seem to freeze at a random point04:14
Lutinit's whether when it loads the usb driver or when loading cx88-alsa. alaways one of those04:14
BenCIs that where it hangs or where it crashes?04:14
Lutinwhere it hangs04:15
Lutincan't see where it crashes :/04:15
mjg59Lutin: Where it hangs is irrelevent. We need the stack trace04:15
BenCLutin: You can also try adding "break" to the kernel command line to stop in initramfs04:15
mjg59Lutin: Try booting with break=top04:15
mjg59Then do modprobe (whatever ata module)04:16
BenCHe's ata_piix04:16
BenCOh wait, no, it's ahci in his config04:16
BenCright, too many bug reports flying around my head right now04:16
Lutinok, so boot with break=top and modprobe what module ?04:17
mjg59Or ata_piix, if ahci doens't bind04:17
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host118-134-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
AlinuxOSBenC, lsmod in busybox mode is not available.04:29
AlinuxOSBenC, http://alinuxos.no-ip.org/debug3.jpg04:31
AlinuxOSthat's my cat /proc/kmsg | grep ata output.04:31
LutinBen, mjg59 : sorry, but my keyboard doesn't work with break=top04:31
Lutinso, I can't provide any log / results04:31
AlinuxOSBenC, you can see from screenshot that there is no lsmod.04:31
ivoksBenC: bad day at work? :)04:32
mjg59AlinuxOS: cat /proc/modules 04:37
AlinuxOSmjg59, should I reboot again in busybox and remake a screenshot ?04:38
AlinuxOSwith that command ?04:39
AlinuxOSBenC, mjg59 ping 04:41
BenCAlinuxOS: Hold a sec, let me check this dmesg04:43
AlinuxOSBenC, yes of course...sorry me :)04:43
BenCAlinuxOS: I don't see any ata messages04:43
BenCAlinuxOS: I suspect sata_nv isn't even loaded...can you "cat /proc/modules" and then try "modprobe sata_nv" ?04:43
AlinuxOSBenC, when ? busybox or in current kernel?04:45
BenCAlinuxOS: busybox04:45
AlinuxOSBenC, ok :) so see you in some minutes :DDD04:45
AlinuxOStoday I have REBOOT day :)04:46
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AlinuxOSBenC, http://alinuxos.no-ip.org/catprocmodules .05:03
AlinuxOSafter modprobe sata_nv :05:03
BenCAlinuxOS: Second one gave "403 Forbidden"05:03
BenCgot it now05:03
BenCI just noticed something05:03
AlinuxOSbut afterwards there boot process dosn't continue.05:03
BenCohci_hcd, ehci_hcd and generic are all in "Loading" state05:03
AlinuxOSlibata version 2.20 loaded.05:03
BenCI'm pretty sure that means they didn't complete module_init()05:04
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-12.20 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 333 Open, 0 Unconfirmed, 0 Unassigned
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Thu Mar 22 15:36:55 2007
(AlinuxOS/#ubuntu-kernel) XXX ?05:09
BenCso do "cat /proc/kmsg | grep ide"05:09
BenCand again with "cat /proc/kmsg | grep usb"05:09
AlinuxOSBenC, oops the problem is that I should go in some minutes. It's my last try :) I can continue tomorrow, cause tonight I'm not at home :(05:10
AlinuxOSBenC, is ti problem for you ?05:10
BenCAlinuxOS: No, I appreciate whatever time you can devote, sorry if this is taking up some of your day05:10
BenCAlinuxOS: Feel free to leave whenever you need to05:11
AlinuxOSBenC, It's not a problem for me to dedicate even some hours for Ubuntu and Community :) I'm Ubuntero man :D05:12
AlinuxOSBenC, so if I can help, I'm happy with it.05:12
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AlinuxOSBenC, ooops I must leave right now. I'll recontact you with wheese command outputs... 05:22
BenCOooh, I bet I know what can fix this05:33
BenCaww yeah05:39
=== BenC finds the bug
mjg59Oh - is it still binding to jmicron?05:42
BenCI've ifdef'd out some stuff in generic_pci_tbl[]  without also doing it in the generic_chipsets[]  table05:42
BenCyeah, but without a generic_chipsets[]  entry05:42
BenCI'll remove the jmicron and sync the two tables05:42
BenCthis explains a shit load of bug reports05:42
BenCOk, so generic_chipsets table doesn't need to change, but the jmicron entries need to go05:47
BenCAlinuxOS had sata_nv, but also a jmicron05:51
fabbioneBenC: i won't be able to test root on qlogic controllers.. sorry they have sent PCI-X only when i did ask for PCI/PCI-X compatible controllers05:52
fabbioneand i don't have x86 with pure PCI-X05:52
fabbioneor PCI-E for the matter05:52
BenCLutin did too05:52
fabbionebut i can tell you that PCI-E and X works great on sparc :)05:52
BenCcool :)05:52
fabbionei could actually force an install with root on sun using them05:52
fabbioneBenC: dm-multipath is the rock05:53
fabbionei can see the SCSI traffic being multiplexed across 4 controllers to the SAN05:53
fabbioneone controller dies? who cares :)05:53
fabbioneit just gets removed from the balacing05:53
fabbionebalancing even05:54
=== fabbione ponders in root on multipath device spec
BenCfabbione: How much of this clustering hw can you provide for pkl, or will you still be needing it?05:59
fabbioneBenC: none. pkl only needs to do basic packaging and basic testing.05:59
fabbionei will still do stress testing on it06:00
pkl_if lack of hw on my behalf does cause problems, I'm sure it can be dealt with if/when it happens...06:01
fabbionepkl_: if it happens that you need hw, i will make sure you can have access to mine as temporary solution06:03
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fabbioneit's enough you don't use my bw to download porn or take it from disks :P06:03
fabbionepkl_: otherwise i am not jalous of the hw itself06:03
fabbioneand the machines are all scratch boxes (module the one you use to jump in the pvt lan)06:03
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fabbioneBenC: in what package do we distribute the qlaxxx firmware in dapper?07:10
fabbione(if we do)07:10
BenCin the linux-image packages07:11
BenCinitramfs is supposed to include them in the initrd too07:12
fabbioneBenC: i have checked linux-image from -security but it doesn't have the qla*_fw.bin07:18
fabbioneon dapper the lack of fw is fatal to the driver07:18
fabbioneon feisty no.. it attempts to use the one from the controller rom07:19
fabbionedpkg -c linux-image-2.6.15-28-386_2.6.15-28.51_i386.deb | grep firmware |grep ql | wc -l07:19
\shwow...the latest feisty kernel is not crashing anymore when you remove an pcmcia card , great work :) thx guys :)07:21
BenCOn dapper we should be using the internal fw07:21
BenCfabbione: On dapper the firmware is built-in to the driver07:22
BenC\sh: Cool07:22
fabbioneBenC: it fails to init without the external one...07:22
fabbionewell i will check again once i have some more time07:22
BenCat least I thought it did, could be wrong07:23
\shbtw...is anyone working still with a modem connection? (analog)07:24
\shwith the nozomi driver and this umts card, I have problems to redial..when the connection is not setup properly, another try to dial out (via wvdial) doesn't work..could be also a bug in wvdial07:26
fabbioneBenC: i will double check on sparc as soon as i can but hppa did fail miserably with dapper07:27
fabbioneBenC: well without the fw.. with the fw is good 07:27
=== fabbione &
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=== help is now known as mrec
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=== roland_d [i=rdreier@nat/cisco/x-7f507a886777e96e] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
roland_dhi, can anyone help me rebuild a kernel package for feisty?10:52
roland_dI got the linux-source package, untarred the source, and tried "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs"10:52
roland_dbut that fails with "make: *** No rule to make target `binary-debs'.  Stop."10:52
roland_dand indeed, "grep -r binary-debs debian/" doesn't find anything in the kernel source10:53
BenCroland_d: those instructions require the source out of the git tree10:56
BenCroland_d: or "apt-get source linux-source-2.6.20"10:56
BenCwhich is different than the linux-source-2.6.20 package itself10:56
BenCfabbione: ia64 should build for you now10:57
fabbioneBenC: cool thanks10:57
fabbioneif it works i will push a few patches for GFS2/DLM and we will declare it "enough" for feisty10:57
fabbioneanyway i am heading to bed10:58
roland_dBenC: OK, thanks.  Should I do the apt-get source, or should I be using the linux-source package?10:58
fabbioneBenC: do you know if .20 can boot on hppa (with dapper build environment)?10:58
roland_dBenC: I'm just trying to follow KernelCustomBuild from the wiki10:58
=== fabbione heads to sleep
=== kylem waves to roland_d.
BenCfabbione: doubtful11:16
BenCroland_d: You need to apt-get source it, or git-clone it11:17
BenCfabbione: So far ia64 is building for me11:32
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