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adamant1988nixternal: ping01:03
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nixternaladamant1988: pong?03:12
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #32 is out, UWN #33 is in progress to be released Sunday March 25th
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by Burgundavia at Sun Mar 18 23:14:02 2007
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Burgundaviameeting is now on the fridge06:37
nixternalBurgundavia: is that what you were pinging me for?06:37
Burgundaviaya, the fridge has a nasty habit of logging you out if you do nothing for about 5 minutes06:38
Burgundaviacan we get that fixed?06:38
beunoBurgundavia: great, scheduled!06:40
beunonow I'm going to get some of that sleep everyone is talking about...06:40
BurgundaviaI figured with both you and nixternal on board, we were good06:40
nixternalBurgundavia: we are planning on fixing the entire fridge, at least I hope06:40
Burgundaviaah, rocking06:41
Burgundaviashould we just merge it into the general ubuntu website?06:41
beunoBurgundavia: absolutely, we'll have more the enough to talk about06:42
beunoI'm out, g'night06:42
nixternalBurgundavia: I believe Matthew has plans for it06:43
nixternalI don't think they are going to merge, they of course want to keep it seperate06:43
Burgundaviabe nice if he shared some of them06:43
nixternalwe aren't "official" enough I guess06:43
Burgundaviathis is exactly why Red Hat got nailed a few years ago06:44
Burgundaviathey learned their lesson06:44
nixternalwell, it is going to take Ubuntu the same thing06:44
BurgundaviaI hope Canonical doesn't have to learn it the hard way06:44
nixternalthey will06:44
nixternalthey seperate and don't support smaller projects such as Marketing, the Fridge, and so on06:44
Burgundaviathey support Marketing06:45
Burgundaviathat is out fault, as we are not holding regular meetings, etc.06:45
Burgundaviaonce we are holding regular meetings and get diy published, we can start working more regularly with them06:46
nixternalwell, Canonical needs to do some marketing themselves06:46
Burgundaviathey do06:47
Burgundaviathey have a fair number of case studies, etcl.;06:47
nixternalthe only support I ever seen from them is someone came to one of our meetings before and said, "oh ya sounds good" to every point brought up06:47
Burgundaviawell, I have seen christina armstrong on lp06:48
Burgundaviashe is doing lots with the new website06:48
Burgundaviait would be nice if they could hang out on irc a bit more, however06:48
nixternalwell, they don't need to hang out on IRC, we do have a mailing list. They could say "hey, this is what we are thinking about, is it possible to get some help, or what do you think?06:48
nixternalall of Ubuntu's marketing doesn't come from this team nor Canonical06:49
nixternalit comes from the users, distro watch, blog posts, and cheesy news sites06:49
Burgundaviawell, to be fair, a lot of the marketing list is useless ideas being thrown around06:49
Burgundaviaaside from the fridge and the uwn, little is currently being done by us06:50
nixternaltis why I have stayed quiet06:50
BurgundaviaI would like to see the case study stuff get pushed a little more06:50
nixternalI just finished working an Executive Marketing contract with the Chicago Cubs, talk about fun06:50
nixternaljesus, their marketing and management suck just as bad as the team does06:51
BurgundaviaI am coming to washington dc in april06:51
Burgundaviacan you make the drive?06:51
nixternalI just came back from there last night06:51
nixternalI took my daughter back home since I have this week off for spring break06:51
MadpilotBurgundavia, what's in DC in April?06:56
Burgundaviacomputers in libraries06:56
Burgundaviawe are going to 9 events in april, hence why I have been pressed into service06:57
Madpilotthat's conference season this year, evidently06:58
nixternalApril is super busy again for me07:01
nixternalMarch has been nice and calm except for midterms07:01
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jendais ubuntu.com down?08:31
jendaBurgwork: I'm not very happy about you scheduling the meeting an entire 3 hours after you asked if everyone is OK with the time :(08:34
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #32 is out, UWN #33 is in progress to be released Sunday March 25th
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by Burgundavia at Sun Mar 18 23:14:02 2007
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Burgworkjenda: sorry, I had gotten a few acks, so I went ahead and did it06:00
jendano problem really - but obviously I would be much happier if we rescheduled it to a day I could come.06:02
=== beuno has no problem in rescheduling
jendabeuno: how would a day later be for you?06:04
beunoas long as it's in the same time frame (or a few hours earlier), it's fine06:05
jendaBurgwork: you?06:05
Burgworkjenda: works for me06:05
jendanixternal: and you? Sunday, April 1 20:00 UTC meeting?06:06
=== mechanusclock [n=admin@c-68-37-239-7.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
juliuxhi jenda 06:06
juliuxjenda, i think we need more stickers from you;)06:06
jendaO_O !!!!06:07
nixternalworks for me06:07
jendaYou germans are Craaaazzyyy!06:07
jendajuliux: how many?06:07
juliuxjenda, i will see it in the next days06:07
jendajuliux: ok, cool.06:08
juliuxjenda, but i think we have only 300 ubuntu stickers left06:08
jendaI have 497 U, 644 K, 438 X and 371 Edu06:09
jendaYou can have them all06:09
jendaAnd you can also have more, but it'll take longer.06:09
juliuxi will e-mail you in the next weeks06:11
juliuxthe next show in german is at the end of may beginig of june06:11
=== jenda looks if he still has the printer's contact
juliuxso we have around 2 month06:12
jendaplenty of time.06:12
jendajuliux: any feedback on the quality and images?06:12
juliuxnot yet06:12
jendaie. should the next batch be the same, or does something have to change?06:12
juliuxbut the people love the 3d effect06:12
jenda...so it should be on the other types as well, correct? (it's just on Ubuntu now, I think)06:13
MitchM<3 Jenda06:13
jenda :)06:13
MitchMHow is diy comming along ? ;)06:13
=== beuno hides
juliuxjenda, it don t have to be but it looks better06:17
jendaMitchM: not bad, just waiting on some cooode...06:17
=== jenda looks under the carpet and in the closet
jendaAh, heeere you are!06:18
beunoaaah... yes, hello, I dropped a penny06:18
beunoso... meeting is changed to sunday?06:18
jendaI suppose so - so far there's only one person who has agreed to saturday and hasn't acked to sunday yet - nixternal06:19
nixternalscroll up, I acked already :)06:19
jendaok, sunday it is, then :)06:19
beunoisn't there a launchpad feature to handle this?06:20
beunoBurgwork: will you change it in the fridge?06:20
Burgworkbeuno: have you sent the new time to the mailing list?06:21
jendaBurgwork: I have06:22
beunoBurgwork: I have now06:22
jendabeuno: don't ;)06:22
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beunoat least they'll notice  :D06:23
jendaMitchM: why don't you have an unaffiliated cloak?06:23
jendabeuno: ;)06:23
jendaMitchM: ie. would you like one?06:23
beunojenda, mitchM__, the DIY website is almost done, I need to dedicate a bit over an hour and then upload06:30
beunoyou should be able to add content to it and see if it needs any final touches06:30
MitchM__jenda, I would love one jenda :)06:30
MitchM__beuno, great work on the DIY site (everyone)06:31
MitchM__I always enjoy going there.06:31
beunoI just got hung up with launchpad folks last night, which ended up by me doing this:  https://help.launchpad.net/BzrHowto06:31
MitchM__ouch :006:31
MitchM__:) *06:31
jendaMitchM__: cloaked06:32
beunoand opening bugs and such06:32
MitchM__jenda, wonderful :) thanks !06:32
jendaMitchM__: however, this nick ain't linked.06:32
MitchM__haha yeah... I just made a couple changes to the Network; killed me pretty good ;)06:32
=== MitchM__ is now known as MitchM
meatballhatjuliux: got the polo shirt, btw  ;-)   Thanks!06:35
juliuxmeatballhat, cool06:35
juliuxmeatballhat, is the size ok?06:35
meatballhatjuliux: it's perfect ;-)06:35
meatballhatjuliux: my dogs were *amazed* by the smell of the packaging ... :P06:36
=== juliux don t want to know what dhl does with the package
meatballhat...all the various foreign scents it had picked up  :)06:36
meatballhatjenda: I see beuno's pushing up his code soon?06:37
jendameatballhat: he better ;)06:38
meatballhatheehee .... ;-)06:38
=== beuno pushes his pc around
jendaBTW, UWN people...06:39
jendaI prodded Matthew Nuzum to add the UWN to the news list at the top of *ubuntu.com06:39
jenda(which includes ubuntuforums.org)06:40
beunojenda:   :D    any news yet?06:40
meatballhatvery cool  B-)06:40
jendawell, it's on his to do list ;)06:40
jendahe said he sees the case for the UWN to be up there, just that there are too many things there already.06:41
jendaalso, I made this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=233572306:41
beunothat's encouraging!06:41
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poningrujuliux, jenda: re: swag should we prod canonical to start making swag instead of marketing people making swag?07:14
poningrujust so that loco teams can get some free swag as well07:14
juliuxponingru, i am not sure if that is a good solution07:16
poningrujuliux: hmm? explain07:16
juliuxponingru, my experiences with canonical and shipping stuff are not the best ones07:16
juliuxponingru, for the german locoteam it was and is easier to make the stuff self07:17
poningruoh hmm07:17
juliuxthen we know when it is finished and we know that it will be there when we need it07:18
juliuxi requested on time a conferenc pack07:19
juliuxit takes 8 weeks07:19
juliuxand around 10 mails to get it07:19
poningruhmm maybe we should get jono to come to the meeting07:20
juliuxthat is a good point07:20
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jendaponingru: what exactly are you asking?07:47
jendaNo. It's a community effort :)07:48
jendaWe don't make Canonical run forums or stuff like that. We just do it ourselves.07:48
poningrubut then poor loco teams dont get swag07:49
jendaIf they like it, they'll support us.07:49
jendaNot entirely true.07:49
poningruhow so?07:49
jendaI'm able to make a profit on the stuff, and I intend to use it for the locoteams most in need.07:49
jendaThe German LoCo makes money too, and it's able to buy stickers from me ;)07:49
jendaI've sent some posters to the French LoCo and the Venezuelan one free of charge - although effie_jayx will probably try to pay for it somehow.07:50
jendaAnd obviously the Czech LoCo, too.07:50
jendaSo if enough people buy or donate to the cause, LoCos can get supplied for free. Even as is, they can get very good stuff cheaply.07:51
poningruI guess -fl should start printing materials then07:52
jendanothing's stopping you ;)07:52
jendaOhio might be doing some stuff too, I hear rumors ;)07:53
=== jenda prods meatballhat with a stick
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meatballhatjenda: owwww07:58
jendaponingru: you know that a good part of DIY is all about convincing people they should make swag, right? :)07:58
poningruheh did not know that07:59
=== meatballhat met with printer today ... thinking about doing a run of the "Highway to Freedom" and "Roughcuts" posters
poningrujenda: see my entire thinking was lets have the lmi country loco's do the printing where it would be greatly cheaper07:59
poningruand then ship to other countries08:00
meatballhatjenda: the Roughcuts - being 1-color - cost about 1/5 what "Highway" will cost  :P08:00
jendaWell, that's what I'm thinking ;)08:00
poningrulower and middle income08:00
jendaIn fact, I think I wrote this down somewhere... /me looks08:00
jendait's definitely the way it should be done.08:00
poningrujenda: so if it costs like 1USD to make a shirt in peru or something08:00
jenda...and since I reside in one such country,... ;)08:01
poningruwell I dont know if I consider eastern europe such a country anymore ;)08:01
poningruyou know what I meant08:02
jendadepends - it's a lot cheaper here than in neigbouring Germany for example.08:03
jendaAlthough there obviously are other countries which are even better.08:03
poningruhmm ic08:03
poningruhow much is it to have a shirt made there?08:03
jendaabout $508:03
poningruhmm see thats really cheap compared to here08:04
poningru50% cheaper infact08:04
jendait would obviously differ a lot depending on type/number/print08:04
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atoponcegreat. now i gotta rearrange my irssi windows... :)09:19
tonyyarussoatoponce: /window move is nice09:21
atoponceyeah. it's just organizing it in a fashion that is easy to recall later09:21
atoponcelike, put all the loco channels next, then the utah channels, etc09:22
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Wickslo all11:53
beunohowdy Wicks11:53
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Wickstake 2... lo all!11:58
beunotake 2, howdy Wicks12:01
Wickshey - mac wanted to reboot. as soon as my wifi card is supported im giving mac os the 2 gig partition it deserves12:03
jendatake 2, aloha? :)12:03
beunoWicks: great, I've seen quite a few users with ubuntu on mac12:05
Wicksit seems to work fantastically on every model of mac... except this one lol12:06
Wickshey jenda12:06

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