
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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HobbseeSportChick: you here?01:50
Hobbseeclearly not01:50
Tm_TI'm here01:51
HobbseeTm_T: yes, but you're not a freenode staffer01:51
Tm_Thmh, true01:51
Tm_Tdiscrimination that is01:51
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ
Hobbseehi Madpilot01:52
HobbseeTm_T: ie, you wont be able to tell me who to poke to get more staffers.01:52
gnomefreaki use !staff when i need one in a hurry01:52
Madpilotevening Hobbsee01:52
=== gnomefreak doesnt like /stats p
=== Hobbsee can wait
Tm_THobbsee: but I can tell you interesting stuff about music etc01:52
=== Tm_T crawls back to his cave
SportChickHobbsee: yes, now I am02:02
HobbseeSportChick: yay.  who's the contact to poke to get more freenode staffers?02:02
SportChickHobbsee: in what way?  in your channel? or?02:02
HobbseeSportChick: in general.  across timezones where europeans and/or americans are asleep02:03
SportChickah, Hobbsee talk to christel02:03
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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goukiHi guys. Bruenig is being quite offensive on #ubuntu - calling everyone who prefers aptitude 'idiots'02:15
=== Hobbsee looks in
=== Pricey groans at an annoying /lastlog not working
=== Madpilot_ [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Tm_Toh noes, monkey on the driver seat!02:20
=== Tm_T hides
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ
naliothHobbsee: did you get your staff request honored?02:32
Hobbseenalioth: yeah02:32
naliothwho wants my phone number?02:33
Tm_Tnalioth: me02:33
Tm_Tnalioth: in what timezone you are and when do you sleep?02:33
naliothNorth America Central Time02:34
Tm_Tok, so I call every 15 minutes to make sure I do disturb02:34
Hobbseenalioth: the people here do, whenever we get the next person who needs a kline, and no staffers who can are aorund02:35
=== Vorian highfives Hobbsee
Hobbseeheya Vorian!02:36
Vorianhello and congrats :)02:36
HobbseeVorian: over?02:37
Voriannever mind :/02:38
=== Hobbsee is not staff.
=== Hobbsee did not request to become staff. only for a staff member's presence
=== Vorian smack himself with a bat
Tm_THobbsee: congrats for being contacted staff02:39
beunoany idea where all the logs from the ubuntu bots are stored?02:39
nalioth!logs | beuno02:40
ubotubeuno: Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs02:40
beunothanks nalioth  :D02:40
beunogouki: to the bat cave  :p02:40
beunothere you have them, by channel and by date02:41
goukiHeheh! The problem is that they can't be organized by data. I can only parse 1 log file for each channel.02:41
beunogouki: you parse one log per day?02:42
beunoI don't understand it then  :/02:42
goukiIRSSISTATS parses 1 log file for each channel. i.e: ~/irclogs/freenode/#ubuntu - IRSSISTATS takes the content of this file and creates the appropriate HTML page with the statistics02:43
goukiI can't have ~/irclogs/freenode/ubuntu/01, .../ubuntu/02, etc, etc.02:44
beunobut it parses it every x amount of time or something, right?02:45
beunobecause then the log files will be enourmos02:46
goukiYes. It's not supposed to, but I created a cron job to launch IRSSISTATS every 60 seconds. So the max delay when someone is visiting the website is ~62 seconds02:46
beunobut can't you parse a "different" log file every 60 seconds?02:48
goukiNop :S I mean, the file itself is different (more information there) but it has to be the same file everytime02:48
beunogouki: that doesn't sound like a problem02:49
beunoif I understand correctly, all you need is the file to have the channels name, right?02:49
goukiI could cat 01 >> ubuntu02:50
beunogouki: some simple scripting can take care of that02:50
beunoto run the cron job so that the file gets renamed first02:50
beunoand you won't need a stat bot  :D02:50
goukiBut don't forget IRSSISTATS requires the 'Day changed' line of IRSSISTATS, so it knows when the day ended. If I used the other log files, it wouldn't be easy to let him (him as in IRSSISTATS) to know that 01 is one day and that 02 is a different day (when cat'ing, that is)02:51
gouki* of IRSSI, sorry02:51
Tm_Tgouki: I use ircstats02:56
=== gouki Googles for ircstats
Tm_Tgouki: example of mine: http://tmtravolta.kapsi.fi/ircstats/02:59
goukiTm_T: It looks pretty much as a page generated by IRSSISTATS. I'll give it a look! Maybe we don't need all the hacking if ircstats accepts several files03:02
Tm_Tgouki: no idea about several files, I give one big usually03:03
beunogouki: this is why I discuss these things in public channels  :p03:03
goukiHeheh. It worked out pretty good! :)03:03
beunoI'm sure this isn't too offtopic03:04
beunonot 100%  :p03:05
gouki#ubuntu :S03:15
goukiLjL was on it :)03:16
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effie_jayxhello :D04:00
beunohey effie_jayx04:00
effie_jayxbeuno,  I got you something... :D04:00
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc...
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by apokryphos at Tue Mar 20 01:20:34 2007
=== #ubuntu-ops [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
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jendaI might have a redeemed troll... maybe not, too...10:56
GazzaKjenda, really?  they grow up?10:57
highvoltagejenda: you didn't kiss it, did you?10:57
=== highvoltage has always wondered about that, but never tried it
jendadunno... but a several month long ban, and us seeing through the duplicate account...10:57
=== jenda thwacks highvoltage
=== highvoltage sees birds and stars go around his head
jenda...it seems to have moved him deeply ;)10:58
jendaGazzaK: in the mind. Mentally. Not elsewhere, you sick, sick person ;)10:59
=== jenda runs
GazzaKeeek, I meant what channel10:59
GazzaKand you say I have a twisted mind10:59
GazzaKsometimes I think half of my rep is based on misinterpretation :-)11:02
mneptokthe other half is based on a 1967 snuff porn magazine11:03
jendaKamping_Kaiser: your channel, actually ;)11:04
jendamneptok: :-D11:05
GazzaKmneptok, I do worry about you11:05
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, o_011:05
Kamping_Kaiseri dont belive we have a reformed troll handy11:05
GazzaKdo you have many normal issue trolls?11:05
jendaKamping_Kaiser: PM11:06
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, sure11:06
Kamping_KaiserGazzaK, no, thank fully11:06
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jendaSeveas: Can I cloak this guy? https://launchpad.net/~paulschulz01:55
Hobbseejenda: i think so02:00
jendaHobbsee: not till Seveas say so ;)02:26
jendaHe has to be added to the database of the cloak'd ones.02:27
Hobbseejenda: i thought the IRC council could do that now02:27
elkbuntuisnt this supapowah going.. yeah.. what she said02:27
jendaHobbsee: already?02:29
jendaWeeell, technically, I'm still only allowed to listed to the GC02:30
jendaand he's the only one who can add to the LP team.02:30
apokryphosjenda: he's not02:32
apokryphosall IRC council members are Admins of the team02:32
jendaapokryphos: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks02:32
apokryphosoh, _that_ group. Didn't even know it existed02:32
elkbuntuit's shiny new02:34
=== apokryphos piles up Seveas' TODO
jendaapokryphos: you should apply for membership ;)02:42
apokryphosrarely at CC meetings, and they're always so long02:43
jenda</lame excuse>02:53
apokryphosthat and I don't see a great reason to03:11
jendaok :)03:12
apokryphosI'm not against it; maybe I'll show up sometime03:12
naliothapokryphos: there is a great reason to03:13
naliothit'll get everyone to shut up about it03:13
elkbuntuit's true03:13
elkbuntuthese bastards pestered me too03:13
apokryphoswhen's the next meeting?03:14
elkbuntuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda might say03:14
apokryphoshm, April 3, late. No idea if I'll be around, but I'll try to make it03:17
apokryphosmoinmoin sucks so bad 8)03:21
apokryphosnalioth: happy now? ;)03:21
naliothhappy with what? that you hete moinmoin, too?03:22
apokryphosnalioth: no, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda03:22
jendahehe :)03:22
GazzaKapokryphos, you are not a member yet?03:35
GazzaKwow, I thought you were03:35
apokryphospfft =)03:37
GazzaKI'll make a little banner to show sabdfl then :p03:40
GazzaKdamn I cannot find a face pic of you03:45
elkbuntuok.. that was odd... just searched for 'vista automatic codec installation' and i didnt think i clicked anything.. then ended up with popups and firefox crashed.. wtf03:45
GazzaKon vista?03:45
elkbuntuthat's why it's wtf03:45
elkbuntuit'd be expected behaviour on vista ;)03:45
gnomefreakelkbuntu: close or crash?03:45
elkbuntu'it disappeared'03:45
apokryphosGazzaK: you couldn't have searched hard ;)03:45
elkbuntuafter grinding the cpu for a bit03:45
gnomefreakedgy and some feisty having a bit of issues with gtl_style03:45
GazzaKapokryphos, yeah, but I'm like impatient03:45
apokryphosfosdem ask for a face pic :O03:45
naliotheven the mention of that filth is hard on a system . . . .03:45
gnomefreakelkbuntu: try it again see what id does03:46
elkbuntugnomefreak, but in a google search, without clicking anything?03:46
gnomefreakelkbuntu: depends what the pop up contained03:46
gnomefreakelkbuntu: if it had flash or video in it it would cause it03:47
elkbuntugnomefreak, since when does a google search page have popups?03:47
elkbuntui was at precisely this url: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=vista+automatic+codec+installation&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a03:47
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gnomefreakelkbuntu: since when does firefox have popups?03:47
effie_jayxcan't reproduce it03:47
gnomefreakme neither atleast not on feisty03:48
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  can you do it again?03:48
elkbuntugnomefreak, sneakily done popups yeah.. like when you click on blank region of a page and it opens a new window full of ads ;)03:48
elkbuntueffie_jayx, no03:48
elkbuntui was middle scrolling. so it's plausible there was a click of sorts03:48
gnomefreakelkbuntu: that link might be what your looking for03:49
=== gnomefreak though apokryphos was member already
elkbuntugnomefreak, i'm just trying to find out if it's like the feisty codec installer thingie, so i know if i can legitimately say 'nyah.. we have this and vista doesnt'03:50
apokryphosmaybe I really am ;)03:50
gnomefreakelkbuntu: no03:50
gnomefreakvista media i think comes with them or whatever the highest version is03:51
gnomefreakbut m$ just paid a crap load of money over a lawsuit about mp3 codecs03:51
gnomefreakone of the founders wasnt getting any money from the use of them M$ was paying the wrong people03:52
PriceChildvista ultimate :P03:52
effie_jayxM$ was paying the wrong people <--------- doh! Xd03:52
gnomefreakthats how i understood it when i was eating lunch lastweek/2 weeks ago03:53
effie_jayxI got them tamed :D http://flickr.com/photos/87048530@N00/410587206/04:17
apokryphosGazzaK has supah cow powahs now in -uk, so be very careful if you ever enter there04:19
GazzaKapokryphos, :p04:19
=== Seeker_ [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc...
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by apokryphos at Tue Mar 20 01:20:34 2007
apokryphosbleh, bot attacks again05:10
naliothapokryphos: where?05:10
apokryphosnalioth: in #ubuntu, for ages. Floods.05:10
apokryphosnalioth: horde of them in -unregged05:10
apokryphoshmm, still joining05:14
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-ops
apokryphosok, I'm -r for now05:22
Tm_Tagh, I really hate this channel limit05:30
apokryphosTm_T: which one?05:31
Tm_T18:31 -!- Cannot join to channel #kde4-devel (You have joined to too many channels)05:31
apokryphosTm_T: nalioth05:31
naliothapokryphos: Tm_T05:31
Tm_Twell thank you sir :)05:32
naliothapokryphos: what did you do now?05:32
apokryphosnalioth: don't question my authowitee05:33
apokryphosmm, food05:33
Tm_Tapokryphos: you and authowitee in same sentence, err05:33
jendaSeveas: now tell me if I can cloak pschulz05:35
apokryphosNotAmaranth: very inconspicuous ;)06:30
NotAmaranthhey, not wearing the cloak ;)06:31
apokryphosit's in the wash?06:33
=== jenda prods Seveas
jendaSeveas: I'm now waiting for your ack with pschulz01 and newz200006:37
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=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@85-211-234-23.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== atoponce [n=aaron@oalug/member/atoponce] has joined #ubuntu-ops
atoponceapparently, i was banned from #ubuntu-locoteams. not sure why. any ideas?08:57
atoponcejust noticed it08:57
Amaranth--- #ubuntu-locoteams Banlist: Sun Mar 18 22:36:55 *!*@oalug/member/atoponce Seveas!n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas08:59
Amaranthyou were banned 4 days ago by Seveas08:59
atoponcehow come?08:59
Amaranthneed to talk to him08:59
Seveaschannelpinging perhaps?09:00
SeveasI have an auto-ban on that09:00
atoponceahh. probably a /ctcp version maybe?09:00
AmaranthUbugtu isn't in there so there is no way to know for sure09:00
Seveascould be09:00
Seveasall CTCPs sent to the channel are highly annoying09:00
Amaranthwait, you autoban for channel ctcp?09:00
Amaranththat's tempting ;)09:00
SeveasI do09:01
Seveasand for channel notices09:01
jendaatoponce: never do it again... unbanned ;)09:01
Amaranthi should try it out ;)09:01
Tm_TAmaranth: IMO it should be warning and ban, but 90 % of time people doesn't listen so ban is ok09:01
Seveasjenda, I was still checking logs...09:01
jendaSeveas: ah09:01
Seveashmm, the actual offense of course isn't logged :/09:02
jendaSeveas: seemed unprobable to be a ban that should stay.09:02
Seveasjust that it was for channelpinging :)09:02
atoponcei was curious what IRC clients people were using09:02
Seveasjenda, yeah09:02
Tm_Tatoponce: ask then09:02
atoponceTm_T: :)09:02
SeveasAmaranth, feel free to try in here :)09:02
jendaatoponce: Curiosity killed the cat ;)09:02
atoponcei wasn't aware /ctcp was offensive, but not a problem. i agree that they are annoying when abused09:03
=== <Amaranth!n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth> requested unknown ctcp ANNOYSEVEAS from #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] by Seveas
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
jendapretty much anything is annoying when done en masse...09:03
atoponcejenda: agreed09:04
jendaSeveas: huh? You _un_banned him after that? ;)09:04
Amaranthman i need that script09:04
Amaranthalthough i guess you're nearly everywhere i am where i could use it09:04
Seveasjenda, that was manually :p09:04
=== jenda visualises 5 ops opping and setting a ban after * requested unknown CTCP ANNOYSEVEAS from #ubuntu-ops:
jendaSeveas: the ban or the unban? :)09:05
LjLjenda: hm, the ban would only be set by the first coming, i believe09:05
Seveasjenda, un09:05
LjLat least, if i set a ban and then set the *same* ban again, i get nothing on my screen the second time09:05
SeveasAmaranth, please try again, some small fixes :)09:05
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
Amaranthrandom: if everything works out ok compiz could have cube enabled by default in ubuntu :)09:05
LjL(though the same doesn't work for *unbans*. not sure if it's a client "feature" or a server one, though)09:05
=== <Amaranth!n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth> requested unknown ctcp ANNOYSEVEAS from #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] by Seveas
LjLbut yeah, they'd all get opped still09:05
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] by Seveas
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
Amaranthalright, gotta go09:06
jendaLjL: yes09:06
jendaThanks for all the fish: http://fotky.cxl.cz/gallery/?india/P1010722.JPG#heading09:07
jendaOne picture from my trip to india :)09:07
ikoniajenda whats that rug thing09:08
jendaa ishing net, I presume09:08
LjLit forwards to ishing?09:08
ikonialooks like a strange rug09:08
jendaLjL: ;)09:08
atoponcejenda: thx for the unban, and Seveas, thx for the heads up on /ctcp09:08
jendaIt's rough loose linen, and you see it's purpose right there ;)09:09
jendaThis is how you take a bus in India: http://fotky.cxl.cz/gallery/?india/P1010567.JPG#heading09:10
jendaAnd this is how you can safely work on a tall building: http://fotky.cxl.cz/gallery/?india/P1010540.JPG#heading09:10
jenda(yes, the scaffolding is wooden)09:10
ubotuIn ubotu, dyrne said: hate is the only thing that keeps me warm at night.09:25
=== PriceChild huggles LjL
LjLPriceChild: thanks, but i'm happy now. i've got a troll to cook :P09:33
LjLaaaah called me by first name09:33
LjLim sure i know who that is09:33
SeveasLjL, bon appetit09:35
LjLnah, he just left09:35
LjLpity i mistyped the kick command, at least that'd have left a trace in the tracker09:35
GazzaKtroll cooking, cool09:35
Seveasjenda, that bus looks like an amsterdam tram09:35
GazzaKthe wiring scares me09:36
LjLdoes it run on rails?09:36
Seveasthose are just as crowded09:36
GazzaKSeveas, not seen you in #ubuntu-uk lately :-)09:36
Amaranthwoo, i got a job09:36
SeveasGazzaK, not going back in there with you as op :p09:36
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
GazzaKwhy not?09:37
Amaranthif they don't let me go to spain i'll lose a job09:37
GazzaKwhy would they not let you go?09:37
SeveasAmaranth, if you're good at sysadmining, I have a job for you :)09:37
AmaranthI can be a very effective BOFH ;)09:37
GazzaKI've been offered a bit of a change to my job09:37
GazzaKSeveas, I'm a sysadmin09:38
SeveasGazzaK, if you ever want a job in NL you're more than welcome09:38
AmaranthNot sure I'd want to work with Seveas though ;)09:38
Seveasthe local gay bar (50 meters from the office) is where we usually hang out after (or during) work ;)09:38
GazzaKI'd like to, that is scarylry tempting09:38
GazzaKeeek, I canna spell09:39
GazzaKSeveas, what OS?  sadly I'm a windows based sysadmin09:39
=== GazzaK pitys himself
SeveasGazzaK, we need those as well (until I migrate all to Ubuntu)09:39
GazzaKif this change around at my current job is not fun, i'd like to look into that a lot more Seveas09:40
GazzaKthey want me to work mid week in Birmingham (the bottom of the UK)09:40
SeveasGazzaK, let me know if you want to know more09:41
=== PriceChild groans at annoying lag
GazzaKMonday as normal in Colchester, then Tue morning drive up to Brum, tue pm work in brum, hotel, wed work in brum, hotel, thur am work, thur pm drive home, fri as normal09:41
GazzaKI am not sure if it'd be a pain or fun yet09:42
GazzaKSeveas, if you have any details, can you email me?09:42
SeveasGazzaK, I can even tell them in public on the odd chance others are listening09:42
GazzaKokay, if you don't mind using this channel, i'm all ears (well eyes)09:43
SeveasGazzaK, the company is booking.com, europes largest hotel reservation website -- 500 employees of which 275 (and more daily) people are based in Amsterdam. Most use windows machines, but there are plans for an Ubuntu pilot. Windows sysadmin would be responsible for (re)installing windows (using Ubuntu!!) and maintaing the systems. There is no windows server admin involved (that's all redhat/centos).09:44
PriceChildGazzaK, birmingham.... bottom of the uk? :)09:44
Seveasyou'd be doing helpdesk a lot as well as cisco ip phone support09:45
GazzaKSeveas, that actually sounds great09:45
GazzaKeeek, helldesk09:45
Seveasand have a good chance to learn linux sysadmin when the ubuntu pilot happens09:45
Seveashelldesk is not that bad actually09:45
GazzaKyeah, thats what I like the sound of09:45
GazzaKthe learning linux sysadmin bit09:46
Seveasdue to big firewalls and server based antivirus, most bad stuff stays out09:46
LjLexcept that which is already in09:46
LjLlike Win32.Seveas09:46
GazzaKSeveas, would I need to know Dutch?09:46
Seveascompany language is english, we have people from lots of countries09:46
GazzaKas I barely know german and I lived there for 11 years09:46
Seveasif you look at booking.com, you see it's translated into many languages09:46
Seveasmost translators work in amsterdam09:47
GazzaKSeveas, I'm in for looking at this a lot more seriously09:47
LjLyou're all supposed to speak english? wow. that would be totally impossible here, even if it was the biggest english-speaking multinational doing it09:47
SeveasGazzaK, bad news is: we don't help you move to holland and finding a place is not easy09:47
SeveasLjL, I speak dutch with the dutchmen and english with the rest09:48
GazzaKyeah, damn, but I do know someone who lives there, almost in the centre of amsterdam09:48
Seveasthis is also in the centr of amsterdam (just in front of the rijksmuseum)09:48
GazzaKbut his place is small, and I'd need to find digs in the end09:48
GazzaKwhats the pay like?09:48
LjLSeveas: certainly, but i assure you it would be quite impossible to have several employees from various countries who do *not* speak italian in any company located in italy09:48
LjLthey'd just all not communicate09:49
GazzaKLjL, thats the same as most countries in the EU as well, NL is different though09:49
SeveasLjL, we (both the company and the dutch) are not that unilingual :)09:49
LjLi envy you09:49
GazzaKI loved my time in NL, it's a lovely place and the people are mostly really nice09:50
LjLwell, well now...09:50
Seveasand you liked the marihuana09:50
GazzaKSeveas, well I think I did09:50
GazzaKit was quite a weekend09:50
GazzaKthe week was a lot more sober, and that was nice09:51
GazzaKSeveas, count me in, I'd seriously consider it, as I've been wanting to escape from the UK for a bit, but keep my UK status, so a EU place of work is required09:52
LjL[tongue in cheek comment removed] 09:55
GazzaKLjL, go on say it :p09:56
LjLit'd be offtopic in -offtopic, but it involves the british and their attitude towards the EU :P09:56
naliothit's the GazzaK!09:56
SeveasGazzaK, my english is failing me: what's the english word for the letter you send to a company to apply for a job?09:56
GazzaKapplication letter09:56
BurgworkSeveas: a resume or a cover letter?09:56
SeveasGazzaK, gah... that simple.. :)09:56
Seveasno, not resume09:56
LjLthat's latin though :P09:56
Burgworkcover letter talks about why you want the job, resume is a list of your experience09:56
Seveasyou send that along with the letter :p09:56
naliotha cover letter is what you send as the 1st page of a faxed document09:56
Burgworkcv is a resume09:57
SeveasCuricculum Vitae09:57
LjLtwo R's, one C09:57
Burgworkthat is a CV or a resume09:57
GazzaKso it'd be a application letter with enclosed CV then09:57
Burgworkno, a cover letter with a resume/cv09:57
naliothsince when do geeks send cover letters, CVs and resumes?09:57
GazzaKnalioth, hehe09:58
GazzaKI've always had to09:58
LjLthey type them in XML09:58
LjLon a mechanical typewriter09:58
GazzaKsaly all my jobs have so far been interviewed with a non geek, so xml etc would not go down too well09:59
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PriceChildShould GazzaK sign it with ink or gpg?10:00
naliothgpg on his mechanical typewriter10:00
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GazzaKPriceChild, don't click the X :p10:01
SeveasGazzaK, pm10:02
LjLhm, the following will take a while and not be in the least impressive, so i'll do it...10:02
SeveasLjL, you're going to shave your legs?10:03
LjLew, no10:03
LjLargh, no # on my typewriter >:10:03
LjLbah, no can do, OCR packages for linux suck10:13
LjL PRIVDSG hbNnCN-ops :his esae ',,ES typed on. a10:13
LjL rnechanical typeriter nd scnned, then, sent ia telne10:13
LjL afRr parsing by gOCR10:13
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LjLi have still to start experimenting with IRC over cordless phones using morse10:22
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tonyyarussoLjL: wait, why are you using a typewriter for IRC?10:29
naliothtonyyarusso: you have missed it.10:30
LjLtonyyarusso: [22:02:44]  <LjL> hm, the following will take a while and not be in the least impressive, so i'll do it...10:30
naliothtonyyarusso: either check your scroll back or crawl back under your rock10:30
LjLpity i couldn't get at least PRIVMSG #ubuntu-ops to OCR correctly10:30
tonyyarussonalioth: I can't find my rock - my room's a disaster10:31
LjLif i could, i could at least actually have sent it from nc or telnet10:31
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thoreauputictip for those who want to go prematurely grey - try setting up 3d with an nvidia card on a sis card with a legacy onboard video  ... much google-fu is required10:38
thoreauputic.... I now have even less hair of any colour, but 2000 + FPS :)10:39
nalioththoreauputic: too late, i was gray at the ripe olde age of 2410:39
thoreauputicnalioth: heh10:39
thoreauputicnalioth: 3d is kind of cool, but I'm not sure that I need it really10:40
naliothi rarely need three of anything, actually10:40
tonyyarussothoreauputic: Should I try putting Beryl on the PIIs I'm putting Dapper on for a charity?10:41
thoreauputicwell, zooming around in virtual space is fun, but the main benefit of my new card is snappier desktop performance10:41
thoreauputictonyyarusso: depends on the video card I guess :) My advice: probably not ;-)10:42
nalioththoreauputic: this was your third what?10:42
tonyyarussothoreauputic: ati rage pro, I think10:43
thoreauputicnalioth: misreading of abbreviation or deliberate obtuseness ? ;-)10:43
thoreauputictonyyarusso: I got an nvidia because I heard othing but horror stories about ATI !10:44
nalioth abbreviated obtusenosity?10:45
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thoreauputicnalioth: extenuating disobtuseity owing to verbose neologism - you get points for that10:57
Kamping_Kaiser<tonyyarusso> thoreauputic: Should I try putting Beryl on the PIIs I'm putting Dapper on for a charity? <- no you shouldnt10:58
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: As if I'm not putting myself through enough to get them the way I want already10:59
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: hey, I now have 2000+ FPS and am $89 poorer ...10:59
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, dapper on p2=ouch. i havent +beryl on any, but i shudder to think what its like11:00
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic, 'good work'? ;)11:00
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tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: I'm starting from Xubuntu, and customizing ubuntu-[server,desktop,minimal]  to what I think is important11:00
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic, is OO.o @ 2000fps any more usable then at <whatever i get>?11:01
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thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: actually it seems a bit snappier, and it starts faster11:01
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Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, oh right. add debfoster to the list :)11:01
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tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: that could be arranged11:02
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: but that may also or mainly be because I now have an extra 32MB RAM ( was shared onboard vid RAM)11:02
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic, cool. with the amount of ram i have the .00001 seconds from video increase isnt really noticeable ;)11:02
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, i'm trying to get it on itshares computers as standard (wont happen until we start doing custom install images though)11:03
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: any tips you've learned about custom install images?11:03
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: I have 512 MB RAM now ( well, minus the kernel stack about 504 )11:03
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic, i have 2532MB RAM11:04
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: woohoo !11:04
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, we used mondo (using a patched version of mondo, dappers version ships nagware)11:04
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, i dont remember any tricks off the top of my head, most of what i remember is 'forgot to include that' thoughts11:05
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: I looked at that, but when I found out it was tailored to experienced users it didn't sound as good, since eventually this won't be my work11:05
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Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, its (imo) easy to use, i can write you instructions in 30 seconds11:06
Kamping_Kaiserhi ompaul11:06
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: Well, it needs to be adaptable to various hard drive sizes11:06
tonyyarussoThat was a sticking poing11:06
Kamping_Kaiseri was under the impression it can handle different drive sizes/busses/raid or not (i havent tried myself though)11:07
tonyyarussoIt can - you have to manually specify their sizes though11:07
tonyyarussoIt doesn't just adapt like "use 30% for this, 55% for this, and the rest for the other part"11:08
Kamping_Kaiserah right.11:09
Kamping_Kaiseri had standard 20 gig drives in all systems i did11:09
tonyyarussoYeah, this involves "any random HD someone donates" - they range from 2 gig to 80.11:10
Kamping_Kaiserwell thanks for warning me - i might not use it, since the other systems i have are 'any random hd somone donats'11:10
Kamping_Kaiseri thought it was more flexible then that11:11
=== jenda mutters about OT ;)
=== Kamping_Kaiser larts jenda
tonyyarussoI'm thinking a customized install CD with detailed preseed instead11:11
Kamping_Kaisernot keen on that idea myself - we use ubuntu to avoid doing just that11:12
tonyyarussoI'm still open to suggestions11:13
Kamping_Kaiserhaving had my plan (mondo) put into a corner, i'm going to have to find some sugestions :)11:14
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xyrVoice in yet another channel!11:30
=== xyr wonders why.
naliothxyr: perhaps it's your exalted position11:30
=== nalioth faces xyr toward a mirror
tonyyarussowikimedia contributor, obviously11:31
Seveasxyr, or chanserv really likes you and wants you to kiss him11:31
GazzaKxyr, it's the freenode staff bit :p11:31
=== xyr kisses CHanServ.
xyrGazzaK, sssh stop spoiling i t:P11:31
=== GazzaK huggles ubotu
naliothwe were almost able to get him to kiss chanserv11:31
SeveasGazzaK, try th other bot11:32
Kamping_KaiserGazzaK, get a room :P11:32
=== tonyyarusso thought ubotu was a she, right Seveas ?
Seveasthey're both boys11:32
=== GazzaK huggles Ubugtu
=== Ubugtu squeezes GazzaK
tonyyarussooh, nvm then11:32
GazzaKthats the one \o/11:32
xyrWell, bedtime.11:32
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tonyyarussoDoes Canonical publish a list of employees by contact area / department?  (ie, shipit, press relations, HR, etc.)11:56
apokryphostonyyarusso: I don't know of a list but that stuff is often scattered over the site12:01
apokryphoslike http://www.ubuntu.com/news/mediacontact12:01
apokryphoswhich also demonstrates how the site's not completely finished just yet =)12:02
tonyyarussoapokryphos: ty12:03
GazzaKit's a right mess12:04
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