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=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server *development* discussion | general support -> #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by fabbione at Wed Jan 10 11:19:15 2007 | ||
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nospi | hey | 09:54 |
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nospi | what's the bext linux smtp server? | 10:23 |
\sh | postfix ;) | 10:25 |
nospi | thanks | 10:26 |
\sh | nospi: but that's only my opinion...some people like sendmail or exim or qmail...depending what experience they have..so you have to decide for yourself :) | 10:28 |
nospi | what's easier? | 10:29 |
nospi | sendmail? | 10:29 |
nospi | im usin php-fusion, just need it for my website | 10:29 |
nospi | ahh no actaully i need smtp for me email spoofer | 10:29 |
nospi | so i don't have to do it manually | 10:29 |
\sh | nospi: as I said, depending on the experience...read the documentation of postfix, and it's easy, learn m4 and sendmail is easy ;) | 10:31 |
ajmitch | learning m4 is the hard part | 10:39 |
ajmitch | & all the various tweaks for sendmail | 10:39 |
=== ajmitch just uses exim | ||
\sh | ajmitch: thinking of the past, when sendmail was the leader of the pack,-) | 10:45 |
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mralphab1t | nospi: postfix or qmail are far easier to pick up then sendmail | 01:44 |
nospi | mralphab1t, postfix is confusing | 01:44 |
nospi | i think i actually have sendmail working out of the box | 01:45 |
nospi | im sending spoof emails to my gmail account with it | 01:45 |
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shawarma | Maybe we should create a channel where server related support questions are actually ontopic.. | 02:23 |
shawarma | Well, actually we should probably move development discussion elsewhere. You know: principle of least surprise. | 02:24 |
ivoks | well... i would suggest moving development to ubuntu-devel | 02:25 |
ivoks | since, there is a low traffic about ubuntu-server development | 02:25 |
shawarma | That's also an option. It's not like there's a lot of development discussion going on here anyway. | 02:25 |
ivoks | right, and #ubuntu is not good place for support for ubuntu-server | 02:26 |
shawarma | Definitely not. | 02:26 |
shawarma | I don't blame people for coming here asking support questions. I totally understand it. | 02:27 |
shawarma | Is there a u-s mailing list? lists.ubuntu.com says no, but "/msg chanserv info #ubuntu-server" suggests otherwise. | 02:27 |
ivoks | even better, support for ubuntu-server should be professional :D | 02:28 |
shawarma | We could start charging an entry fee. | 02:28 |
shawarma | :-) | 02:28 |
mralphabet | ! | 02:28 |
shawarma | that's odd. http://lists.ubuntu.com/ doesn't list it, but https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server exists | 02:29 |
shawarma | fabbione: You're listed as the owner.. Why is it hidden? | 02:29 |
ivoks | to avoid support questions? :) | 02:30 |
shawarma | Possibly. | 02:30 |
shawarma | But how to get the proper people to join, then? | 02:31 |
ivoks | ubuntu-server needs marketing :) | 02:32 |
shawarma | Sure does. | 02:33 |
ivoks | hm... plans for next LTS? | 02:33 |
ivoks | LTS should have Roadmap | 02:33 |
ivoks | imho | 02:33 |
ivoks | i was thinking about disccusing this on mailing list | 02:34 |
ivoks | there is a problem with ubunntu-server :/ | 02:35 |
ivoks | dapper, of course | 02:35 |
shawarma | which is? | 02:35 |
ivoks | latest dapper kernel supports more hardware than installer kernel | 02:35 |
ivoks | and new MBs come with newer Intel gigabit cards | 02:35 |
ivoks | we should update couple of drivers in kernel | 02:36 |
shawarma | Ah, that's one of the purposes of the point releases, isn't it? To fix this? | 02:36 |
ivoks | like e1000, 3w-9xxx, etc... | 02:36 |
ivoks | yes, so we should have a roadmap | 02:36 |
shawarma | There was a spec about this for Edgy, I think. Don't remember what happened to it. | 02:36 |
ivoks | so we could know when is next .2 | 02:36 |
shawarma | ivoks: Oh, I thought you meant a roadmap for the next LTS as in Feisty+2 or whatever it's going to be. | 02:37 |
ivoks | shawarma: next LTS is far away | 02:37 |
ivoks | we should act on 6.06 | 02:37 |
shawarma | Definitely. | 02:37 |
shawarma | That makes much more sense. | 02:37 |
ivoks | i've sent patch for 3w-9xxx | 02:38 |
shawarma | I don't think the next LTS release is *that* far away. It's not going to be 5 years. There's bound to be some overlap. | 02:38 |
ivoks | but we should have some way of updating all modules | 02:38 |
shawarma | ivoks: Yes. I'll see if I can find that spec. | 02:38 |
ivoks | shawarma: imho, it should go out every 2-2,5 years | 02:38 |
shawarma | ivoks: Agreed. | 02:38 |
shawarma | ivoks: Hence, feisty+2. :-) | 02:39 |
ivoks | right | 02:39 |
ivoks | but, i'm installing 2-3 ubuntu servers every month | 02:39 |
shawarma | ivoks: https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/driver-backports | 02:39 |
ivoks | Restricted Launchpad test site | 02:40 |
ivoks | huh? | 02:40 |
shawarma | Ah, remove the beta part. Sorry. | 02:40 |
ivoks | right | 02:40 |
shawarma | I thought they fixed that.. Oh, well. | 02:40 |
ivoks | that's it... almost :/ | 02:41 |
ivoks | this is for desktop | 02:41 |
ivoks | ups... not :) | 02:41 |
shawarma | ..though it does not mention the installer in any way. | 02:42 |
ivoks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/DriverBackports | 02:42 |
ivoks | yes, but we have a situation where installer kernel doesn't support IDE controler, and latest kernel in release supports it | 02:43 |
shawarma | Yes, that's not good enough. | 02:43 |
ivoks | of course, there is hardware unsupported both in installer and latest kernel | 02:43 |
shawarma | Oh! | 02:43 |
shawarma | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubiquity-driver-updates | 02:44 |
ivoks | but that's for ubiquity :) | 02:45 |
ivoks | we need this for d-i | 02:45 |
shawarma | True. I don't know how they implemented it. | 02:45 |
shawarma | Maybe it's easily transferable. | 02:45 |
ivoks | it's already possible to include driver in d-i, from floppy | 02:45 |
fabbione | shawarma: no idea.. i will look at it after lunch | 02:46 |
ivoks | but once you upgrade kernel... | 02:46 |
ivoks | :/ | 02:46 |
shawarma | "Installations using d-i are not handled by this process, so no .udeb packages need to be provided by vendors." | 02:46 |
shawarma | Darn. | 02:46 |
ivoks | what would be great if we could have someting like /lib/modules/isv | 02:47 |
ivoks | and /lib/modules/2.6.15-2x-server/ would somehow include it | 02:47 |
ivoks | and, when one installs ubuntu lts to new hardware | 02:48 |
ivoks | inserts floppy, which containes modules | 02:48 |
ivoks | those modules are saved in /lib/modules/isv | 02:48 |
ivoks | and every time you upgrade to new kernel, you have those modules | 02:48 |
ivoks | that could be done with ln :) | 02:57 |
fabbione | so ok.. | 02:59 |
fabbione | i am logged in the admin interface | 03:00 |
fabbione | does anybody know how to uncloack the list? | 03:00 |
shawarma | Yes. | 03:00 |
shawarma | 2 sec. | 03:00 |
fabbione | should appear now i think | 03:01 |
shawarma | Under "restrictions" | 03:01 |
fabbione | it's already there | 03:01 |
shawarma | Oh. Yes, it's there now. | 03:01 |
fabbione | ok | 03:01 |
fabbione | so i need people that can moderate the list | 03:01 |
fabbione | any volunteer? | 03:01 |
fabbione | there is an endless backlog | 03:02 |
shawarma | Oh, it's moderated? | 03:02 |
fabbione | yes like any other mailing list | 03:02 |
fabbione | or almost | 03:02 |
ivoks | just drop anything that doesn't come from non-member :) | 03:02 |
shawarma | How many posts a day? Roughly. | 03:02 |
ivoks | shawarma: 0 :) | 03:02 |
fabbione | dunno.. | 03:02 |
shawarma | How many in the backlog right now? | 03:02 |
fabbione | ivoks: who is a member can just post freely | 03:02 |
fabbione | no idea? | 03:03 |
ivoks | fabbione: right, i know | 03:03 |
shawarma | if it's no more than 10-15 posts a day, I can do it. | 03:04 |
fabbione | shawarma: i don't even think there are that many | 03:04 |
shawarma | fabbione: Cool. Sign me up. | 03:05 |
fabbione | shawarma: ok.. i need to know with what email are you signed there | 03:05 |
shawarma | sh@linux2go.dk | 03:05 |
fabbione | ok.... | 03:05 |
fabbione | i guess it's enough i tick the mod check box to make you a moderator, right? | 03:06 |
fabbione | hmm no | 03:06 |
shawarma | no? | 03:06 |
fabbione | ah here it is | 03:06 |
shawarma | Heh... I think I've gone through the first 100 messages or so and if I had a nickle for each legitimate mail in that backlog so far... I'd have a nickle. :-) | 03:19 |
ivoks | :) | 03:20 |
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shawarma | 693 e-mails in the backlog. 3 were non-spam, one of those was wildly off-topic. | 03:45 |
shawarma | phew. | 03:45 |
ivoks | :) | 03:45 |
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by fabbione at Wed Jan 10 11:19:15 2007 | ||
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